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南 玻B:2017年年度报告(英文版)2018-04-23  



     Chairman of the Board:
          CHEN LIN

          April 2018
                                                                                   CSG Annual Report 2017

            Section I Important Notice, Content and Paraphrase

Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee of CSG Holding Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred
to as the Company) and its directors, supervisors and senior executives hereby confirm that there
are no any fictitious statements, misleading statements, or important omissions carried in this report,
and shall take all responsibilities, individual and/or joint, for the facticity, accuracy and
completeness of the whole contents.

Ms. Chen Lin, Chairman of the Board, Mr. Pan Yonghong, responsible person in charge of
accounting and Ms.Wang Wenxin, principal of the financial department (accounting officer)
confirm that the Financial Report enclosed in this 2017 Annual Report is true, accurate and

Except for the following director, other directors personally attended the meeting of the Board of
Directors deliberating this Annual Report.

                                 Director’ Title who
 Director’ Name who did not                            Failure to attend the     The name of the
                                  did not attend in
       attend in person                                  meeting in person            trustee
        Zhang Jinshun                 Director          Due to business trip         Chen Lin
This report involves future plans and some other forward-looking statements, which shall not be
considered as virtual promises to investors. Investors are kindly reminded to pay attention to
possible risks.

Details of the risk factors and countermeasures of future development have been well-described in
this report, please find in Section IV Business Discussion and Analysis.

The deliberated and approved plan of profit distribution and capital reserve converted into share
capital in the Board Meeting is distributing cash dividend of RMB 0.5 (tax included) for every 10
shares to all shareholders based on 2,484,147,547 shares of the total share capital while dividends
will be distributed. Meanwhile the Company will transfer capital reserve into capital with 1.5 shares
for every 10 shares to all shareholders based on 2,484,147,547 shares of the total share capital.

This report is prepared both in Chinese and English. Should there be any inconsistency between the
Chinese and English versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

                                                                                                                               CSG Annual Report 2017


Section I. Important Notice, Content and Paraphrase ...................................................................................... 1

Section II. Company Profile & Financial Highlights ......................................................................................... 4

Section III. Overview of the Company’s Business ............................................................................................. 8

Section IV.        Business Discussion and Analysis .................................................................................................. 11

Section V. Important Events .............................................................................................................................. 33

Section VI. Changes in Shares and Particulars about Shareholders ............................................................. 50

Section VII. Particulars about Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives and Employees ................... 62

Section VIII. Corporate Governance ................................................................................................................ 74

Section IX. Corporate Bonds ............................................................................................................................. 84

Section X. Financial Report ............................................................................................................................... 87

Section XI. Documents Available for Reference ............................................................................................ 307

                                                                                                 CSG Annual Report 2017


                      Items              Refers to                                    Contents

Company, the Company, CSG or the Group   Refers to       CSG Holding Co., Ltd.

Foresea Life                             Refers to       Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd.

Ultra-thin electronic glass              Refers to       The electronic glass with thickness between 0.1~1.1mm

Second-generation energy-saving glass    Refers to       Double silver coated glass

Third-generation energy-saving glass     Refers to       Triple silver coated glass

                                                                                                         CSG Annual Report 2017

                   Section II Company Profile & Financial Highlights

I. Company information

Code for A-share                          000012                             Code for B-share         200012
Short form for A-share                    Southern Glass A                   Short form for B-share   Southern Glass B
Listing stock exchange                    Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Legal Chinese name of the Company         中国南玻集团股份有限公司
Abbr. of legal Chinese name of the
Legal English name of the Company         CSG Holding Co., Ltd.
Abbr. of legal English name of the
Legal Representative                      Chen Lin
Registered Add.                           CSG Building, No.1, the 6th Industrial Road, Shekou, Shenzhen, P. R.C.
Post Code                                 518067
Office Add.                               CSG Building, No.1, the 6th Industrial Road, Shekou, Shenzhen, P. R.C.
Post Code                                 518067
Internet website                          www.csgholding.com
E-mail                                    securities@csgholding.com

II. Person/Way to contact

                                                     Secretary of the Board                 Representative of security affairs
Name                                      Yang Xinyu

                                          CSG Building, No.1 of the 6th Industrial
Contacts add.
                                          Road, Shekou, Shenzhen, P. R.C.

Tel.                                      (86)755-26860666
Fax.                                      (86)755-26860685
E-mail                                    securities@csgholding.com

III. Information disclosure and preparation place

                                          Securities Times, China Securities Journal, ShangHai Securities News, Securities
Newspapers for information disclosure
                                          Daily and Hong Kong Comercial Daily

Website assigned by CSRC to release the
annual report

The place for preparation of the annual
                                          Office of the Board of Directors

IV. Registration changes of the Company

Organization code                         Unified social credit code: 914403006188385775

                                                                                                              CSG Annual Report 2017

Changes of main business since listing (if
                                                No changes

Previous changes for controlling
                                                No changes
shareholders (if applicable)

V. Other relevant information

CPA firm engaged by the Company

Name of CPA firm                                Asia Pacific (Group) CPAs (special general partnership)

                                                Room 301, building 1, No. 9, Che Gong Zhuang Street, Xicheng District, Beijing,
Offices add. for CPA firm
Signing Accountants                             Pan Qian, Zhang Yan
Sponsor institute engaged by the Company for performing continuous supervision duties in the report period
□ Applicable    √ Not applicable
Financial consultant engaged by the Company for performing continuous supervision duties in the report period
□ Applicable    √ Not applicable

VI. Main accounting data and financial indexes

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data for accounting policy changed and accounting
error correction or not

√Yes    □ No
Retrospective adjustment or restatement reason: correction of accounting errors

                                                                                          Changes over
                                                                   2016                                            2015
                                         2017                                             last year (%)
                                                       Before adjusted After adjusted After adjusted Before adjusted After adjusted
Operating income (RMB)               10,879,400,746 8,974,083,407 8,974,083,407                 21.23% 7,430,889,111 7,430,889,111
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed             825,388,312        797,721,576       797,721,576           3.47%   532,653,110     532,653,110
company (RMB)
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed
company after deducting                745,373,108        776,950,973       776,950,973          -4.06%   299,683,946     299,683,946
non-recurring gains and losses
Net cash flow arising from
                                      2,463,446,156 2,240,852,120 2,240,852,120                   9.93% 1,092,832,497 1,092,832,497
operating activities (RMB)
Basic earnings per share
                                                0.35             0.38              0.33           6.06%          0.26            0.26
Diluted earnings per share
                                                0.35             0.38              0.33           6.06%          0.26            0.26
Weighted average ROE (%)                   10.15%             10.32%            10.33%           -0.18%        6.72%           6.72%

                                                                                                              CSG Annual Report 2017

                                                                                     Changes over
                                    As at 31 Dec.         As at 31 Dec. 2016         the end of last       As at 31 Dec. 2015
                                        2017                                               year
                                                    Before adjusted After adjusted After adjusted Before adjusted After adjusted
Total assets (RMB)                  19,535,002,368 16,979,235,630 17,146,815,630             13.93% 15,489,600,160 15,657,180,160
Net assets attributable to
shareholders of the listed           8,458,587,873 7,812,335,004 7,808,915,004                8.32% 7,645,810,997 7,642,390,997
company (RMB)

The total share capital of the company as of the previous trading day of
disclosure ( share )

Fully diluted earnings per share calculated with latest equity ( RMB/share )                                                     0.33

Reasons for Changes in Accounting Policies and Correction of Accounting Errors:
For details, please refer to “Section V. Important Events: VI. Comparing Accounting Statements, Accounting Estimates and
Accounting Methods with the Financial Statements of the Previous Year” and “Section X. Financial Statements: the 31st item of the
correction of accounting errors of previous report periods in V. Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Error."

VII. Accounting Data Differences under Chinese Accounting Standards (CAS) and
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Foreign Accounting Standards

1. Net Income and Equity Differences under CAS and IFRS

□ Applicable   √ Not applicable
No such differences for the Report Period.

2. Net Income and Equity Differences under CAS and Foreign Accounting Standards
□ Applicable   √ Not applicable
No such differences for the Report Period.

VIII. Main financial indexes by quarter

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                                                                  Q1                  Q2                 Q3                 Q4

Operating income                                               2,284,820,940       2,659,516,921       2,846,570,536 3,088,492,349

Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed
                                                                 170,130,942        222,861,221         318,019,208       114,376,941

Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed
                                                                 149,271,133        211,674,111         278,181,102       106,246,762
company after deducting non-recurring gains and losses

Net cash flow arising from operating activities                  435,937,189        583,952,265         768,209,238       675,347,464

Whether there are significant differences between the above-mentioned financial index or its total number and the relevant financial
index disclosed in the Company’s quarterly report and semi-annual report or not
□Yes √ No

                                                                                                            CSG Annual Report 2017

IX. Items and amounts of extraordinary gains/losses

√Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                              Item                                    2017                2016              2015            Note
Gains/losses from the disposal of non-current asset (including
                                                                       -1,768,993          -1,759,358        2,441,151 --
the write-off that accrued for impairment of assets)
Governmental subsidy reckoned into current gains/losses (not
including the subsidy enjoyed in quota or ration according to
                                                                       87,875,417         91,627,439        81,013,548 --
national standards, which are closely relevant to enterprise’s
Gains on disposal of available-for-sale financial assets, gains
and losses from change of fair values of held-for-transaction
financial assets and financial liabilities except for the
effective hedge business related to normal business of the                427,636          -9,850,256      103,759,395 --
Company, and investment income from disposal of
transactional financial assets and liabilities and financial
assets available for sale
Other non-operating income and expenditure except for the
                                                                       12,076,848           1,306,284       33,268,175 --
aforementioned items
Other gains/losses satisfied definition of extraordinary profit
                                                                                          -45,909,181      100,146,152 --
Less: Impact on income tax                                             16,209,135         14,327,585        86,288,731 --

     Impact on minority shareholders’ equity (post-tax)                2,386,569            316,740         1,370,526 --

Total                                                                  80,015,204         20,770,603       232,969,164       --

During the reporting period, the Company did not exist in the case of a non recurrent profit and loss item defined as a regular profit
and loss project, which was defined and enumerated according to the lists of extraordinary profit (gain)/loss in Q&A Announcement
No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss.

                                                                                                            CSG Annual Report 2017

                     Section III Overview of the Company’s Business

I. Main business of the Company in the report period

CSG is a leading domestic brand of energy-saving glass and a renowned brand of solar PV products and display devices. Its products
and technologies are very popular at home and abroad. Its main business covers R&D, manufacturing and sales of high quality float
glass and architectural glass, solar glass, silicon material, renewable energy products such as PV battery and modules, and new
materials and information display products such as ultra-thin electronic glass and display devices. It also provides one-stop services
such as project development, construction, operation and maintenance of solar photovoltaic power plants.

Flat glass industry

CSG now has 10 float glass production lines representing the most advanced technology in domestic market and 2 solar glass
production lines. The annual capacity of various high-grade float glass has reached more than 2.32 million tons and the annual
capacity of solar rolled glass has reached over 0.43 million tons. The Company owns quartz sand raw material bases in Jiangyou,
Sichuan Province and Yingde, Guangdong Province. The production bases for flat glass, solar glass of the Company located in
Dongguan, Chengdu, Langfang, Wujiang, and Xianning, which can produce various colors of high-grade float glass and ultra-clear
float glass with thickness from 1.3mm to 25mm. Those products are widely used in high-grade buildings, decoration and furniture,
mirror, automotive windshield, scanner, copier, PDP TV, rear-projection television, display devices and solar energy field, each
performance indicator of which has reached domestic advanced level.
The Company always adheres to innovation, transformation and upgrading, and further enhances the profitability of flat glass
industry by the implementation of differentiated competitive strategy. In 2017, the second-line technological transformation project
of the subsidiary Hebei CSG was successfully completed and entered commercial operations. The original float glass production line
was transformed into a structure with one melter and two production lines, which can simultaneously produce two types of float glass
to satisfy different specifications and requirements and thus significantly improve the flexibility of production line. The first-line
technological transformation project of its subsidiary Chengdu CSG has succeeded which is targeted to produce high quality auto
glass. The technology transformation and operation of such two production lines of float gloss shall further improve the competency
of CSG in the market of flat glass.

Architectural glass industry
As the nation's largest supplier of high-grade engineering and architectural glass, CSG has five architectural and energy-saving glass
processing centers which are located in Tianjin, Dongguan, Xianning, Wujiang and Chengdu. The Company possesses the world's
most advanced glass deep-processing equipment and testing instruments, and its products cover all kinds of architectural glass. R&D
and use of coating technology of the Company keep pace with the world and its technology of high end product is even of the world’s
leading level. Following the second generation of energy-saving glass products, the Company has successively developed the third
generation and multi-function energy-saving glass products with continuous improving energy-saving and heat-preservation effect.Its
high-quality energy-saving LOW-E insulating glass has occupied more than 50% of the domestic high-end market. At present, the
Company’s LOW-E coated insulating glass and LOW-E coated glass have reached annual capacity of more than 16.00 million square
meters and 36.00 million square meters respectively.
The Company’s quality management system for engineering and architectural glass has been respectively approved by organizations
of UK AOQC and Australia QAS. The product quality which meets the national standards of the US, the UK and Australia enables
CSG has an advantage in the international tendering and bidding. Since 1988, CSG's engineers and technicians have been
continuously participating in the formulation and compilation of various national standards and industry standards. Various
high-quality architectural glass of the Company has been used in many landmark buildings at home and abroad, such as Beijing
Capital International Airport, CCTV, Shanghai Oriental Fisherman's Wharf, China Resources Headquarters Building, Shenzhen

                                                                                                               CSG Annual Report 2017

KingKey100 Building, Shenzhen Bay Science and Technology Ecological Park, Ping An International Finance Centre, Anhui
Radio-Television New Center, Hangzhou International Airport, Yaxia Headquarters Building, Chengdu International Finance Centre,
Hangzhou Hampton and other more than ten Hilton Hotel, Hong Kong Four Seasons Hotel, Melbourne Airport, Midtown,
International Centre of Abu Dhabi.

Solar Energy industry
CSG has entered solar photovoltaic industry since 2005 and is one of enterprises which first enter the field in China. After more than
ten years of construction, operation and technological upgrading, CSG has built an industry chain in the world, covering high purity
polycrystalline silicon materials, silicon wafer, silicon solar cell and modules, and design and construction of solar photovoltaic
power plants, by which the Company ensures the stable quality and best cost-efficiency of its PV products to customers.
The Company now produces 9,000 ton/year of polycrystalline silicon, 2.2 GW/year of silicon wafer, 0.85GW/year of solar cell, and
0.4GW/year of modules. The quality and performance indicators of the Company's polysilicon have reached the advanced level in the
industry and it has reserved electronic-grade polysilicon production technology. Meanwhile, the Company is also promoting silicon
wafer project of Yichang CSG and technological innovation and expansion and reconstruction projects of solar cell module in
Dongguan in order to enhance the anti-risk capacity of its PV industry chain and drive the balanced, stable development of its PV
industry chain. When the projects are completed, the quality and performance indicators of the Company's silicon wafers and silicon
solar cells will be greatly increased and the general competitiveness of the chain will be further improved.
To perfect its solar energy chain, the Company established Shenzhen CSG PV Energy Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary, in 2015,
of which the mainline business is to invest and develop solar photovoltaic power plants and extend CSG's solar energy industry to
cover highly value-added terminal applications. At the end of 2016, the Company newly established New Energy Application
Department to generally manage the investment, operation and maintenance of the Company's PV power plants and effectively
integrate internal assets, so as to enlarge and strengthen its solar energy business.

Electronic glass and display industry
The Company has built two complete chains of full-set out-cell touch panel from raw material, processing to touch panel integration
module, one of which is “glass coating → glass yellow light →FILM modules", and the other of which is "PET coating →FILM
yellow light →FILM module”, and one AG glass production line of “glass AG surface physical treatment-chemical Processing” with
its more than ten years of experience since 2000 when it established Shenzhen Nanbo Display Technology Co., Ltd. Its production
capacity covers glass coating, glass pattern processing, glass touch panel module, flexible material filming, flexible material pattern
processing, and full lamination of flexible touch panel display that holds a complete industry chain from ultra-thin sensor processing
and ultra-thin touch panel module assembly to achieve high definition display and ultra-narrow edge touch panel solutions, the main
products of which covers differential products of glass substrate composite coating like Anti-glare glass (AG), Anti-reflection glass
(AR), Anti-fingerprint glass (AF), Semi-translucent glass, Reflective and Semi-transparent Optics Coating Glass (RT), Diamond-like
carbon(DLC). CSG displays have become a supplier of high-quality electronic application materials for the touch industry, and touch
sensor and TP suppliers to provide customers with one-stop TP solutions.
The Company, with its more than 20 years of experience in float glass production and powerful technology and innovation team,
entered the ultra-thin electronic glass market in 2010 and gradually completed the nationwide strategic layout. There are four
production bases, namely Hebei Panel Glass, Yichang Nanbo Photoelectric Glass, Qingyuan CSG and Xianning CSG Photovoltaic
Glass. The production capacity ranks first in China. The quality of CSG’s aluminum and high-aluminum electronic glass between
0.2mm to 1.1mm has reached the domestic leading level, the performance of which is comparable to that of imported products,
breaking the monopoly of foreign technology. Currently, the products are widely used in mobile terminal cover glass, tempered glass
protective film, ITO conductive Glass, extending to the fields of high-speed rail, military industry, smart home and others.

                                                                                                             CSG Annual Report 2017

II. Major changes in main assets

1. Details of major changes in main assets

         Main assets                                                   Note of major changes

Equity assets                 There was no significant change in equity assets in the report period.

Fixed assets                  There was no significant change in fixed assets in the report period.

Intangible assets             There was no significant change in intangible assets in the report period.

Construction in progress      There was no significant change in construction in progress in the report period.

2. Main overseas assets

□ Applicable    √ Not applicable

III. Core Competitiveness Analysis

① The Company currently has built complete industrial chains in the industries it involved, which has complementary advantage. In
glass industry, the Company has set up the industry chain as quartz sand → high quality float glass → architectural energy-saving
glass. In the solar energy industry, the Company has finished the comprehensive construction of industry chain from high purity
polycrystalline silicon materials, silicon wafer processing to cell and its module, photovoltaic rolled glass, etc. and extended to
terminal application of PV power plant. With the improvement of technology in the chains, the industrial advantages emerged.
②The Company possesses a complete industry layout. At present, the Company has established large production bases in East China,
West China, South China, North China and Central China, which enables the Company to be closer to the market and serve the
market better.
③The Company has capability of technology innovation and product innovation. It owns independent intellectual property rights of
high-end float glass production process. The technology level of ultra-thin electronic glass is in the leading position in China. The
Company also keeps its R&D and production of energy-saving glass in line with the world’s advanced level, and its technique and
technology in the field of solar energy keep leading position in domestic market.
④The Company possesses high anti-risk capability. It has established a perfect internal control system. Meanwhile, the management
and control ability of account receivable and inventory stand in a high level within the industry. CSG’s new management team has an
international perspective and a more open management philosophy. It aims to achieve the transfer of capacity and continues to
expand new business fields along with the national policies of the Belt and Road based on the intensive development of CSG's main
business, making the Company be bigger and stronger, so as to be a comprehensive industrial group.

                                                                                                             CSG Annual Report 2017

                          Section IV. Business Discussion and Analysis

Since 2017, the global economic recovery has been gathered momentum by main economies. China’s economy has continued the
development tendency of seeking advancement in stability, constantly deepened the supply-side structural reform, steadily propelled
the tasks of de-capacity, de-leveraging, de-stocking, de-cost and addressing weakness, further promoted replacing old growth drivers
with new ones, and continuously improved the structure of economic development.
For CSG, the Year 2017 was not only a year serving as a connecting link between the preceding and the following, but also an
important year for effectuating its future development. Oriented by market demand, the Company carefully analyzed its competitive
advantages, took the initiative to transform business mode and update technologies, and improved operating quality by fine
management to realize the advancement in stability. In 2017, the operation revenue of the Company was RMB 10,879 million with
year-on-year increase of RMB 1,905 million and growth rate of 21.23%, the net profit was RMB 829 million, with year-on-year
increase of 24 million and growth rate of 3.04%, and the net profit attributable to the parent company was 825 million, with
year-on-year increase of 28 million and growth rate of 3.47%.

(I) Glass industry
Affected by the national environmental protection policies and supply-side reforms, each business segment of the Company faced
various opportunities and challenges. Therefore, the Company tried to exploit the development opportunities for each product in the
process of supply-side structural reform, the details of which were as follows.
Float glass: The overall growth rate of domestic housing starts in 2017 slightly slowed down. However, the total amount of
construction area still increased, as well as the booming production and sales in the auto market, export growth, and the favorable
demand for electrical glass and other industrial glass, float glass products got a rising market. The Company took this opportunity to
further strengthen overall management and control of sales, accurately grasp market conditions, strengthen industry synergy, promote
the differentiation of glass products, and further increase the market share of industrial glass. At the same time, it strengthened the
internal management, refined farming, continuous improvement of process technology, promoted energy conservation and
consumption reduction, tapping potential and increasing efficiency in an orderly manner. The key indicators such as the daily output
of glass and the yield rate of float glass were further improved. The growth of production and sales volume was stable. The revenue
increased by 32% and the profit increased by 99%.
Architectural glass: In 2017, architectural glass was affected by the sharp increase in the prices of bulk raw materials, especially
glass originals, and the growth of downstream fixed asset investment slowed down, its profitability was squeezed. Under this
pressure, the Company responded positively, adjusted its market strategy, strengthened industry synergy, strengthened
communication with customers, launched functional glass such as glass with the function of antireflection, electric heating and heat
preservation, and opened up new product application markets to achieve revenue growth by 5 %, but subject to the skyrocketing
prices of bulk materials, overall profitability of its architectural glass fell by 51%.

(II) Solar Energy industry
In 2017, the price of all types of photovoltaic products had a year-on-year decrease compared with the 2016 average price. In 2017,
the Company made an overall arrangement in advance and responded positively. Through the simultaneous production and project
construction model, the Company completed the technological transformation of polysilicon, silicon wafer, solar cell, and module, as
well as the expansion of production capacity, which enabled the Company's product quality continuously to improve and enter the
industry's advanced level. At the same time, by continuously exploiting internal capacity, the unit consumption of various materials
has decreased significantly, and the total non-silicon cost of each product has dropped significantly year-on-year. The construction of
solar power plants was also progressing as scheduled. The Company's installed capacity of the power plants has reached 128MW as
of the end of December 2017. The Company has actively explored the application fields such as photovoltaic power generation and

                                                                                                                  CSG Annual Report 2017

BIPV (Building Integrated Photovoltaic), and further strengthened the industrial development. It realized annual revenue growth of
35% while net profit decrease of 12%.

(III) Electronic glass and display industry
In 2017, the Company attached great importance to improve the quality of electronic glass so as to keep playing its leading role in the
industry and get closer to international advanced level. At the same time, it strengthened the promotion of high-alumina glass market,
especially the promotion of the terminal market, and gradually tapped into the main mobile terminal manufacturers in China. With
the stability of the process, the entire production chain of the display business was opened up, and the production and sales volume of
each product increased substantially. The annual revenue of the electronic glass and display industry increased by 102%, achieving a
net profit of RMB 59 million, a substantial increase of 487%.

II. Main business analysis

1. Overview

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

              Items                      2017                   2016          Range of Change                     Analysis of reasons

Operating income                     10,879,400,746         8,974,083,407                21.23% Mainly due to the increase of sales

Operating costs                         8,216,358,372       6,562,214,373                25.21% Mainly due to the increase of sales

                                                                                                     Mainly due to the increase in
Sales expenses                           336,131,723            301,815,090              11.37% transportation costs and employee

                                                                                                     Mainly due to the increase in
Administration expenses                  919,329,772            766,589,059              19.92% employee compensation and R&D

                                                                                                     Mainly due to the increase of R&D
Including:R&D expenses                   330,677,375            285,129,442              15.97%

                                                                                                     Mainly due to the increase in interest
Financial expenses                       315,961,080            265,820,569              18.86%

                                                                                                     Mainly due to the increase in cash
Net cash flow arising from
                                        2,463,446,156       2,240,852,120                 9.93% received from sales of goods and
operating activities
                                                                                                     provision of labor services.

Net cash flow arising from                                                                           Mainly due to the reduction of cash
                                      -1,220,130,334        -1,606,225,665              -24.04%
investment activities                                                                                received by subsidiaries

                                                                                                     Mainly due to the decrease in cash
Net cash flow arising from                                                                           paid for repayment of borrowings
                                         634,295,928         -626,361,427                       --
financing activities                                                                                 this year and the implementation of
                                                                                                     equity incentives

                                                                                                     CSG Annual Report 2017

2. Revenue and cost

(1) Constitution of operation revenue

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                                    2017                                      2016
                                         Ratio in operation                        Ratio in operation
                        Amount                                     Amount                                      y-o-y
                                              revenue                                   revenue

total of operating
                        10,879,400,746                  100%       8,974,083,407                  100%                 21.23%

According to industry

Glass industry           7,051,910,295              64.82%         6,302,630,843              70.23%                   11.89%

Solar energy
                         3,125,611,234              28.73%         2,320,237,216              25.85%                   34.71%

Electronic glass &
                          873,868,480                   8.03%       433,457,290                   4.83%             101.60%
Display industry

Others                     58,687,566                   0.54%        22,581,871                   0.25%             159.89%

Amount of
                          -230,676,829               -2.12%         -104,823,813               -1.17%               120.06%

According to product

Glass products           7,051,910,295              64.82%         6,302,630,843              70.23%                   11.89%

Solar energy
                         3,125,611,234              28.73%         2,320,237,216              25.85%                   34.71%

Electronic glass &
                          873,868,480                   8.03%       433,457,290                   4.83%             101.60%
Display products

Others                     58,687,566                   0.54%        22,581,871                   0.25%             159.89%

Amount of
                          -230,676,829               -2.12%         -104,823,813               -1.17%               120.06%

According to region

Mainland China           9,506,249,433              87.38%         7,971,929,246              88.83%                   19.25%

H.K. China                434,551,436                   3.99%       135,128,604                   1.51%             221.58%

Europe                     26,534,686                   0.24%        25,914,385                   0.29%                2.39%

Asia (excluding
Mainland China and        848,958,711                   7.80%       614,806,258                   6.85%                38.09%

Australia                  37,937,222                   0.35%        37,437,349                   0.42%                1.34%

North America                6,030,936                  0.06%       134,941,952                   1.50%             -95.53%

Other regions              19,138,322                   0.18%        53,925,613                   0.60%             -64.51%

                                                                                                                        CSG Annual Report 2017

(2) List of the industries, products or regions exceed 10% of the operating income or operating profits of
the Company

√Applicable       □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                                                                       Increase/decrease Increase/decrease Increase/decrease
                                               Operating cost     Gross profit ratio     of operating      of operating cost    of gross profit
                                                                                         revenue y-o-y          y-o-y             ratio y-o-y

According to industry

Glass products             7,051,910,295        5,218,006,026               26.01%                11.89%             13.78%              -1.22%

Solar energy
                           3,125,611,234        2,513,477,557               19.58%                34.71%             43.70%              -5.03%

According to product

Glass products             7,051,910,295        5,218,006,026               26.01%                11.89%             13.78%              -1.22%

Solar energy
                           3,125,611,234        2,513,477,557               19.58%                34.71%             43.70%              -5.03%

According to region

Mainland China             9,506,249,433        7,145,720,399               24.83%                19.25%             22.05%              -1.73%

Under the circumstances that the statistical standards for the Company’s main business data adjusted in the report period, the
Company's main business data in the recent year is calculated based on adjusted statistical standards at the end of the report period
□ Applicable       √ Not applicable

(3) Whether the Company’s goods selling revenue higher than the service revenue

Whether the Company’s goods selling revenue higher than the service revenue
√Yes      □ No

        Industry                        Item                    Unit                   2017                  2016
                                                                                                                                  y-o-y (%)

                            Sales volume               10,000-ton                               264                     236               11.86%

Flat glass                  Output                     10,000-ton                               270                     234               15.38%

                            Inventory                  10,000-ton                                 9                       3                   200%

                            Sales volume               10,000-M2                               3,027                 2,976                 1.71%

Architectural glass         Output                     10,000-M2                               3,045                 2,999                 1.53%

                            Inventory                  10,000-M2                                 49                      58              -15.52%

                            Sales volume               ton                                    34,315                29,495                16.34%

Electronic glass            Output                     ton                                    32,073                30,532                 5.05%

                            Inventory                  ton                                     2,212                 4,614               -52.06%

Polysilicon                 Sales volume               ton                                     2,434                 2,510                -3.03%

                                                                                                                 CSG Annual Report 2017

                          Output                  ton                                 8,101                   7,074                14.52%

                          Inventory               ton                                   122                      280              -56.43%

                          Sales volume            10,000-piece                       34,779                  24,916                39.59%

Silicon wafer             Output                  10,000-piece                       34,840                  25,403                37.15%

                          Inventory               10,000-piece                          156                      283              -44.88%

                          Sales volume            MW                                    540                      320               68.75%

Solar cell                Output                  MW                                    733                      394               86.04%

                          Inventory               MW                                     15                       13               15.38%

Reasons for y-o-y relevant data with over 30% changes
√Applicable     □ Not applicable
1. The increase in flat glass inventory was mainly due to the increase of output.
2. The decrease in the inventory of electronic glass was mainly due to the increase in sales.
3. The decrease in polysilicon inventory is mainly because the internal use of polysilicon increased, the stock decreased.The
production and sales of silicon wafers and solar cells was mainly due to the Company’s internal technological transformation and
expansion of production capacity which led to an increase in output.

(4) Fulfillment of significant sales contracts signed by the Company up to the report period

□ Applicable      √ Not applicable

(5) Constitution of operation cost

Constitution of operation cost of main business
Industry classification
                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                                                        2017                                    2016
     Industry                Item                          Ratio in operation                       Ratio in operation
                                            Amount                                   Amount                                   y-o-y
                                                                 cost                                     cost

                     Raw material          3,950,753,501             76.28%         3,490,284,457             76.83%               13.19%

                     Labor wages             483,035,118                9.33%        429,777,957                 9.46%             12.39%
Glass industry
                                             745,385,164             14.39%          622,885,161              13.71%               19.67%

                     Raw material            407,632,245             62.46%          164,264,376              54.19%              148.16%
Electronic glass
                     Labor wages              76,167,671             11.67%           41,457,372              13.68%               83.73%
& Display
industry             Manufacturing
                                             168,846,577             25.87%           97,396,154              32.13%               73.36%

Solar energy         Raw material          2,045,079,539             82.00%         1,312,414,211             75.92%               55.83%
industry             Labor wages             193,384,939                7.75%        172,281,138                 9.97%             12.25%

                                                                                                                CSG Annual Report 2017

                                           255,426,988               10.24%      243,978,054                14.11%                4.69%

Product classification

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                                                       2017                                  2016
         Product             Item                          Ratio in operation                      Ratio in operation
                                           Amount                                 Amount                                     y-o-y
                                                                 cost                                    cost

                     Raw material        3,950,753,501                  76.28%   3,490,284,457               76.83%              13.19%

                     Labor wages           483,035,118                  9.33%     429,777,957                   9.46%            12.39%
Glass products
                                           745,385,164                  14.39%    622,885,161                13.71%              19.67%

                     Raw material          407,632,245                  62.46%    164,264,376                54.19%             148.16%
Electronic glass
                     Labor wages              76,167,671                11.67%      41,457,372               13.68%              83.73%
& Display
products             Manufacturing
                                           168,846,577                  25.87%      97,396,154               32.13%              73.36%

                     Raw material        2,045,079,539                  82.00%   1,312,414,211               75.92%              55.83%

Solar energy         Labor wages           193,384,939                  7.75%     172,281,138                   9.97%            12.25%
                                           255,426,988                  10.24%    243,978,054                14.11%                4.69%

(6)Whether the consolidated scope changed during the report period

√ Yes      □No
On October 11, 2017, the Group established a subsidiary company, CHINA CSG (AUSTRALIA)PTY LTD. As of December 31,
2017, the Group who holds 100% of its shares has not invested yet.

(7)Major changes or adjustment in business, product or service of the Company in the report period

□ Applicable      √ Not applicable

(8)Major customers and major suppliers

Major customers of the Company

Total sales to the top five customers (RMB)                                                                               1,500,493,031

Proportion in total annual sales volume for top five customers                                                                  13.79%

Related party sales volume in total annual sales volume for top five customers accounted for the
proportion of total annual sales

Information of the top five customers of the Company

                                                                                                            CSG Annual Report 2017

    Serial                   Name of customer                     Sales volume (RMB)                Proportion in total annual sales

1            Customer A                                                               494,783,375                             4.55%

2            Customer B                                                               377,115,114                             3.47%

3            Customer C                                                               288,125,076                             2.65%

4            Customer D                                                               182,974,269                             1.68%

5            Customer E                                                               157,495,197                             1.45%

Total                                 --                                            1,500,493,031                            13.79%

Other statement of main customers
□ Applicable      √ Not applicable
Major suppliers of the Company

Total purchase amount from the top five suppliers (RMB)                                                               1,239,729,973

Proportion in total annual purchase amount from the top five suppliers                                                       14.75%

Related party purchase amount in total annual purchase amount from the top five suppliers
accounted for the proportion of total annual purchase amount

Information of the top five suppliers of the Company

                                                                                                       Proportion in total annual
    Serial                    Name of supplier                  Purchase amount (RMB)

1               Supplier A                                                            422,959,179                             5.04%

2               Supplier B                                                            332,874,011                             3.96%

3               Supplier C                                                            193,237,278                             2.30%

4               Supplier D                                                            157,616,197                             1.87%

5               Supplier E                                                            133,043,308                             1.58%

Total                                  --                                           1,239,729,973                            14.75%

Other statement of main suppliers
□ Applicable      √ Not applicable

3. Expenses

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                       2017            2016              Increase/decrease y-o-y        Note of major changes

Sales expense                          336,131,723     301,815,090                         11.37% --

Management expense                     919,329,772     766,589,059                        19.92% --

Financial expense                      315,961,080     265,820,569                        18.86% --

 4. R&D expenses

√Applicable      □ Not applicable

                                                                                                               CSG Annual Report 2017

The Company always emphasizes research and development of new products, new technology and new craft, and R & D aims to
close to the market, production and industry.

R&D investment of the Company

                                                                    2017                    2016                  Ratio of change

Number of R & D personnel (person)                                             134                       134                         --

Ratio of number of R&D personnel                                             1.11%                   1.16%                   -0.05%

Amount     of R & D investment (RMB)                                   368,237,629              341,553,966                   7.81%

Ratio of the R&D investment to the operating income                          3.38%                   3.81%                   -0.43%

Amount of the capitalized R&D investment (RMB)                           43,122,431              23,213,785                  85.76%

Ratio of the capitalized R&D investment to the R&D
                                                                            11.71%                   6.80%                    4.91%

Reason of remarkable changes over the last year of the ratio of the total R&D investment amount to the operating income
□ Applicable    √ Not applicable
Reason of substantial change of the ratio of the R&D investment capitalization and its reasonable explanation
□ Applicable    √ Not applicable

5. Cash flow

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                          Item                                    2017                   2016              Increase/decrease y-o-y

Subtotal of cash in-flow from operation activity                  12,256,615,740       10,492,184,098                        16.82%

Subtotal of cash out-flow from operation activity                  9,793,169,584         8,251,331,978                       18.69%

Net cash flow from operation activity                              2,463,446,156         2,240,852,120                        9.93%

Subtotal of cash in-flow from investment activity                   192,127,040            372,941,656                      -48.48%

Subtotal of cash out-flow from investment activity                 1,412,257,374         1,979,167,321                      -28.64%

Net cash flow from investment activity                            -1,220,130,334        -1,606,225,665                      -24.04%

Subtotal of cash in-flow from financing activity                   8,129,917,929         9,762,174,851                      -16.72%

Subtotal of cash out-flow from financing activity                  7,495,622,001       10,388,536,278                       -27.85%

Net cash flow from financing activity                               634,295,928           -626,361,427                               --

Net increased amount of cash and cash equivalent                   1,875,186,175             9,822,113                   18,991.47%

Main reasons for y-o-y major changes in aspect of relevant data
√Applicable     □ Not applicable
The increase of cash in-flow from financing activity was mainly due to the decrease in cash paid for debt service this year and the
implementation of equity incentives.

Net increased amount of cash and cash equivalent increased mainly because the Company increased its cash reserves and strategic
capital reserves to reduce liquidity risk.

                                                                                                                    CSG Annual Report 2017

Notes to the reason of the significant differences between the net cash flow from the operating activities and the net profits of the
year during the report period
√Applicable    □ Not applicable
Adjustment for the difference between net profit and amount of cash flow from operation activity for the year as follows:
                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

Net profit                                                                                                                    828,636,035

Plus: impairment of assets                                                                                                     69,399,755

     Depreciation of fixed assets                                                                                             957,475,579

     Amortization of intangible assets                                                                                         43,884,166

     Net change in safe production costs                                                                                        -2,618,535

     Amortization of long-term deferred expenses                                                                                1,072,529

     Share-based pay for employees                                                                                              8,194,695

     Net loss/ (gains) on disposal of fixed assets and intangible assets                                                        1,768,993

     Financial expenses                                                                                                       314,603,596

     Investment (loss) / income                                                                                                  -427,636

     Deferred income tax assets decrease /( increase)                                                                          15,578,992

     Decrease in deferred income tax liabilities                                                                                -8,833,183

     Decrease /( increase) in inventories                                                                                    -201,257,769

     Increase in operating receivables                                                                                       -206,859,922

     Increase in operating payables                                                                                           642,828,861

Net cash flow from operating activities                                                                                     2,463,446,156

III. Analysis of the non-core business

√Applicable    □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                             Amount             Ratio in total profit                Note for the reason                 Sustainable or not

Investment income                    427,636                  0.04% Mainly investment income                           No

                                                                        Mainly generated by provision for impairment
Asset impairment                69,399,755                    6.97%                                                    No
                                                                        of long-term assets

                                20,763,042                    2.08% Mainly government subsidy income                   No

Non-operating                                                           Mainly due to the disposal of non-current
                                    5,152,591                 0.52%                                                    No
expense                                                                 assets

                                                                        mainly government subsidy income resulted
Other income                    84,341,814                    8.47%                                                    No
                                                                        by non-operating income reclassification

                                                                                                                     CSG Annual Report 2017

IV. Assets and liabilities

1. Major changes of assets and liabilities composition

                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                              As at 31 Dec. 2017                  As at 31 Dec. 2016

                                              Proportion                        Proportion    Change of
                                                                                                                 Notes of major changes
                             Amount             in total          Amount         in total     proportion
                                                 assets                           assets

                                                                                                            Mainly because the Company
                                                                                                            increased its cash reserves and
Monetary fund               2,462,605,764         12.61%          586,803,505        3.42%          9.19%
                                                                                                            strategic capital reserves to
                                                                                                            reduce liquidity risk

                              638,238,290           3.27%         627,985,983        3.66%         -0.39%

Inventory                     685,895,317           3.51%         477,780,925        2.79%          0.72%

Fix assets                 11,540,769,697         59.08% 11,457,972,991              66.82%        -7.74%

Construction in
                            1,417,624,618           7.26%       1,362,096,377        7.94%         -0.68%

Short-term loans            3,704,630,909         18.96%        4,017,869,662        23.43%        -4.47%

Long-term loans             1,554,120,000           7.96%       1,438,660,000        8.39%         -0.43%

2. Assets and liabilities measured at fair value

□ Applicable       √ Not applicable

3. Limited asset rights as of the end of the report period

             Item                 Limited amount                                              Limited reason
                                                           Margin deposit deposited when the Company applies for a letter of credit issued
Money funds                                2,852,599
                                                           by the bank and applies for loans from the bank.

Fix assets                              2,369,789,041      Limited financing lease

Total                                   2,372,641,640

V. Investment

1. Overall situation

√Applicable        □ Not applicable

    Investment in the report period           Investment in the same period of last                            Changes

                                                                  CSG Annual Report 2017

                (RMB)                    year ( RMB)

                        1,412,257,374             1,979,167,321                 -28.64%

2. The major equity investment obtained in the report period

□ Applicable   √ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                                                                            CSG Annual Report 2017

           3. The major ongoing non-equity investment in the report period

           √Applicable     □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB 0,000

                                                                  e amount                                                                             Accumulative                               Date of
                              Fixed                  Amount                                                                                                                 Reasons for not                     Index of
                                                                   actually                                                                              revenue                                 disclosure
                   Way of     asset       Industry invested in                                                                             Expected                      achieving the planned                 disclosure
      Project                                                    invested by Source of funds Progress of project (ongoing projects)                    achieved by                                   (if
                  investment investme involved the report                                                                                   return                          progress and the                      (if
                                                                  the end of                                                                           the end of the                            applicable
                              nt or not              period                                                                                                                 expected return                   applicable)
                                                                  the report                                                                           report period                                  )

                                                                                                 To add a new cold-hydrogenation line
                                                                                                 in Yichang CSG, which can produce
Yichang CSG
                                                                                                 electronic grade polysilicon on basis
upgrading &
                                                                                                 of the solar grade polysilicon device,
                                                                                                 and meanwhile, add correspondent
project of
                                                                               Own funds and systems of reduction, rectification,
electronic                                Manufac                                                                                                                                                             Notice
                                                                               borrowings from recycle and utilities, so as to boost the                                 Revenue could not be March
grade             Self-built Yes          turing        3,445         20,566                                                                  22,481                 0                                        number:
                                                                               financial         actual capacity of polysilicon up to                                    calculated separately. 31, 2015
polysilicon                               industry                                                                                                                                                            2015-009
                                                                               institutions      12,000 tons/year (including 2,500
                                                                                                 tons/year for electronic grade
                                                                                                 polysilicon and 9,500 tons/year for
ation technical
                                                                                                 solar energy grade polysilicon). At
                                                                                                 present, the cold-hydrogenation line
                                                                                                 has been constructed.

Yichang CSG                               Manufac                              Own funds and CSG has added 1GW capacity of                                                                       January      Notice
                                                                                                                                                                         The rest 500MW has
to add a 1GW Self-built Yes               turing       36,173         45,674 borrowings from high-efficient polysilicon wafer to              14,853             671                             06, 2016, number:
                                                                                                                                                                         not started yet.
silicon wafer                             industry                             financial         achieve 2.2GW capacity of                                                                       April 16,    2016-001、

                                                                                                                                                           CSG Annual Report 2017
project                                                       institutions      polysilicon wafer. Construction of the                                          2016       2016-018
                                                                                first 500 MW capacity of polysilicon
                                                                                wafer was completed in September

                                                                                CSG plans to construct a PV power
                                                                                plant within two years from 2016 to
                                                                                2017. Its wholly-owned subsidiary,
                                                                                Shenzhen CSG PV Energy Co., Ltd.
                                                                                will self-build 200MW and the
                                                              Own funds and remaining 140MW will be
PV power                         Manufac                                                                                                                                   Notice
                                                              borrowings from constructed by CSG with Qibin                              Part of the project has January
plant           Self-built Yes   turing      9,529   24,908                                                                4,344   634                                     number:
                                                              financial         Group. During 2016 to 2017,                              been completed.        22, 2016
investment                       industry                                                                                                                                  2016-006
                                                              institutions      Shenzhen CSG PV developed and
                                                                                built a total of 78MW of photovoltaic
                                                                                power stations, including 58MW of
                                                                                distributed photovoltaic power plants
                                                                                and 20MW of centralized
                                                                                photovoltaic power plants.

                                                                                The Company plans to construct a 4
                                                                                million square meters PV glass
4 million                                                                       production line for new type ultra-thin
square meters                                                                   LCD display. The line is also
                                                              Own funds and
light guide                      Manufac                                        provided with a capacity of higher                       No income for the                 Notice
                                                              borrowings from                                                                                   May 21,
plate and PV    Self-built Yes   turing     37,131   51,458                     strength ultra-thin electronic glass      10,543    0 project is in the                    number:
                                                              financial                                                                                         2016
glass                            industry                                       than CSG Qingyuan. The equity of                         construction period.              2016-025
production                                                                      Xianning Feng Wei Technology Co.,
line                                                                            Ltd. has been acquired within the
                                                                                report period and the project is under

                                                                                                                                                                CSG Annual Report 2017

                                                                                   Cold repair upgrading has been
                                                                                   performed for the first line of
Cold repair                                                      Own funds and Chengdu CSG. The line will be
upgrading of                                                     borrowings from upgraded to be a professional, high
                    Self-built Yes   turing     5,784    9,498                                                               2,228   2,461                          --         --
the first line of                                                financial         quality industrial thin glass line,
Chengdu CSG                                                      institutions      featured 2mm series automobile glass
                                                                                   while also covering 1.6mm. The
                                                                                   project was completed in April 2017.

Cold repair                                                                        The former 900T line of float glass of
                                                                 Own funds and
upgrading of                         Manufac                                       Hebei CSG was upgraded to produce
                                                                 borrowings from
the second          Self-built Yes   turing      381    17,721                     2mm~19mm glass wafer. The project         1,510   3,425                          --         --
line (900T) of                       industry                                      was started on August 18, 2016 and
Hebei CSG                                                                          was completed in February 2017.

                                                                                   Plan to establish a production line for
Hebei Panel
                                                                                   medium-alumina ultra-thin electronic
Glass project
                                                                                   glass in Hebei Panel Glass, using
of                                   Manufac                                                                                                 No gains as the                   Notice
                                                                                   clean natural gas as the fuel, and                                               October
medium-alumi Self-built Yes          turing      319     1,266 Own funds                                                        0       0 project is in the                    number:
                                                                                   produce 0.33mm~1.1mm                                                            29, 2014
na   ultra-thin                      industry                                                                                                construction period.              2014-030
                                                                                   medium-alumina ultra-thin glass with
                                                                                   float process. The project was still in

                                                                                   Plan to increase two coating glass
                                                                                   production lines and support                              By now, part of the
Expansion on
                                                                                   insulating glass capacity. When the                       project has been
energy-saving                        Manufac                                                                                                                                   Notice
                                                                                   project is completed, the annual                          completed and the      December
glass capacity Self-built Yes        turing        0    21,239           --                                                     0       0                                      number:
                                                                                   capacities of wide flat coated glass                      revenue was not        25, 2010
of Wujiang                           industry                                                                                                                                  2010-046
                                                                                   and coated insulating glass will rise                     calculated
                                                                                   by 3 million square meters and 1.2                        individually.
                                                                                   million square meters respectively.

                                                                                                                                  CSG Annual Report 2017
                                                            The wide flat coated glass line of 3
                                                            million square meters has been
                                                            completed, and the others will be
                                                            invested according to market

Yichang CSG                                                 Plan to build a crystalline silicon solar
700MW                            Manufac                    cell production line with annual                                                      Notice
                                                                                                                The project was       December
crystalline     Self-built Yes   turing     0   0      --   capacity of 700MW. The project was          0   0                                     number:
                                                                                                                suspended.            25, 2010
silicon solar                    industry                   suspended and further investment will                                                 2010-046
cell project                                                be based on actual industry situations.

Expanding                                                   Plan to expand the solar module
500MW solar                      Manufac                    production line with annual capacity                                                  Notice
                                                                                                                The project was       January
module          Self-built Yes   turing     0   0      --   of 500MW. The project was                   0   0                                     number:
                                                                                                                suspended.            18, 2011
project in                       industry                   suspended and further investment will                                                 2011-003
Dongguan                                                    be based on actual industry situations.

                                                            The Company plans to construct a
                                                            module workshop in Xianning, Hubei
Relocation                                                  Province, of which the final capacity
and equipment                                               will be 500MW. By relocation of
upgrading of                                                some of the module equipment of its
                                 Manufac                                                                                                          Notice
the solar                                                   subsidiary, Dongguan CSG PV                         The project was       April 16,
                Self-built Yes   turing     0   0 --                                                    0   0                                     number:
module                                                      Technology Co., Ltd. and purchase of                suspended.            2016
                                 industry                                                                                                         2016-018
production                                                  some new equipment, the first stage
line in                                                     capacity of the Xianning workshop
Dongguan                                                    will be 300MW and, afterwards, it
                                                            will be expanded to 500MW as
                                                            required by the market conditions.

Solar online                     Manufac                    The Company plans to construct an                   The project was       April 16,   Notice
                Self-built Yes              0   0 --                                                    0   0
self-cleaning                    turing                     online self-cleaning coated glass line              suspended.            2016        number:
                                                                                                                                                       CSG Annual Report 2017
coated glass                          industry                             in Dongguan.                                                                                2016-018
project of

                                                                           The Company plans to construct an
                                                                           architectural glass plant in Negeri
                                      Manufac                              Sembilan, Malaysia. The Phase I                                                             Notice
sted                                                                                                                                 The project was       April 16,
                Self-built Yes        turing         0         0 --        capacity of the newly-built plant will       0       0                                      number:
architectural                                                                                                                        suspended.            2016
                                      industry                             be 1,200,000 square meters insulating                                                       2016-018
glass plant
                                                                           glass and 1,000,000 square meters
                                                                           single coated glass.

Total               --           --      --      92,762   192,330     --                       --                   55,959   7,191            --               --           --

                                                                                                                    CSG Annual Report 2017

    4. Financial assets investment

     (1) Securities investment

    □ Applicable        √ Not applicable
    There was no securities investment during the report period.

    (2) Derivative investment

    □ Applicable        √ Not applicable
    There was no derivative investmen during the report period.

    5. Use of raised fund

    □ Applicable        √ Not applicable
    There was no such case during the report period.

    VI. Sales of major assets and equity

    1. Sales of major assets

    □ Applicable        √ Not applicable

    2. Sales of major equity

    □ Applicable        √ Not applicable

    VII. Analysis of main holding companies and joint -stock company companies

    √Applicable        □ Not applicable

    Particular about main subsidiaries and joint -stock companies which have influence on the Company's net profit by over 10%

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
   Name of                                           Registered                                                    Operating
                       Type        Main business                  Total assets   Net Assets    Operating revenue               Net profit
   company                                            capital                                                        profit


Chengdu CSG                     manufacture and
                  Subsidiary                       260 million    949,189,013    549,644,544       963,867,411 185,820,075 159,097,192
Glass Co., Ltd.                 sales of various

                                special glass

                                Development and

Xianning CSG                    manufacture and
                  Subsidiary                       235 million    785,113,404    357,755,489       751,277,647 116,921,901 108,893,438
Glass Co., Ltd.                 sales of various

                                special glass

                                                                                                                   CSG Annual Report 2017

                                Manufacture and
Hebei CSG                                               USD 48.06
                  Subsidiary    sales of various                       851,819,366    403,636,180    514,294,709 45,984,764      39,667,572
Glass Co., Ltd.                                         million
                                special glass

                                Manufacture and
Wujiang CSG                                             565.04
                  Subsidiary    sales of various                      1,621,247,482   754,661,872   1,572,799,222 187,183,576 168,221,000
Glass Co., Ltd.                                         million
                                special glass


CSG                             Deep       processing
                  Subsidiary                            240 million   1,016,566,291   468,852,301    945,665,074 44,682,681      41,741,286
Architectural                   of glass

Glass Co., Ltd.

Wujiang CSG

East China                      Deep       processing
                  Subsidiary                            320 million    847,522,945    434,693,963    618,437,486 27,594,863      25,231,336
Architectural                   of glass

Glass Co., Ltd.

Tianjin CSG                     Development,

Energy                          producing and sales
                  Subsidiary                            336 million    716,090,383    508,894,065    691,154,038 13,881,247      16,299,105
Conservation                    of energy-saving

Glass Co., Ltd                  special glass

                                Manufacture and
                                sales of
CSG Solar         Subsidiary                            480 million   1,261,708,908   695,384,759   1,025,683,430 112,938,282 114,344,586
                                Solar-Energy Glass
Glass Co., Ltd.

                                Manufacture and
Yichang CSG
                                sales of high purity    1,467.98
Polysilicon       Subsidiary                                          3,957,515,821 1,419,974,626   1,800,167,542 216,991,855 220,704,106
                                silicon material        million
Co., Ltd.

                                Manufacture and
Nanbo Display Joint-stock
                                sales of display        143 million   1,614,937,532   788,622,997    563,191,871 23,175,445      14,127,081
Technology        company
                                device products
Co., Ltd.


(Hongkong)                      Investment and          HKD 1
                  Subsidiary                                            84,410,779     48,099,751    350,102,367 16,970,070      14,186,621
Investment                      trading                 million

Co., Ltd.

    Particular about subsidiaries obtained or disposed in report period
    □ Applicable        √ Not applicable
    Notes of main subsidiaries and joint-stock companies
    Affected by the Country’s macroeconomic policies, the products of the flat glass industry rose in selling price this year, when the
    output increased, the profit increased. The price of raw materials for the architectural glass industry rose, so a certain level of profit
    was maintained by measures such as cost reduction and efficiency increase. Affected by price fluctuations in the industrial chain
    market, the profit of solar energy section were under pressure. The business and process technology of the subsidiary company of
    electronic glass Qingyuan Energy-saving, as well as display business were stable, and the entire production chain production line was

                                                                                                                CSG Annual Report 2017

opened up. The output and sales volume of each product increased significantly, so the profit increased.

VIII. Structured main bodies controlled by the Company

□ Applicable    √ Not applicable

IX. Outlook of the Company’s future development

1. Tendency of development of the industries the Company involved
Flat glass industry
In 2017, under the background of supply-side reform, the efforts to cut overcapacity of flat glass industry further intensified,
especially more stringent environmental protection, energy consumption and other comprehensive standards were imposed in the
second half of the year, which accelerated the elimination of backward production capacity. Downstream market, affected by real
estate regulatory policy, had a slackening demand growth. Overall, the supply and demand in glass industry was basically balanced
with a rise in profitability. In 2018, it is predicated that the real estate policy will not be eased, which means that the demand of glass
will be mostly the same as 2017. As for the supply, production capacity will only fall down under the continuing policy of
overcapacity cut. More stringent emission standards probably implementing and environmental taxes imposing will increase
environmental protection costs of glass industry, resulting in a rise in market prices, which is beneficiary to CSG who always lays
emphasis on environmental protection and possesses related equipment.
Architectural glass industry
As the national economy enters “New Normal”, significant slowdown in fixed asset investment and skyrocket price in upstream float
glass made overall profitability of architectural glass industry decline. The architectural glass industry is facing a more severe market
situation in the short term.
But in the long run, energy-saving glass is the key of building energy conservation whose penetration has been over 80% in
developed countries but less than 15% in China so far. In recent years, Chinese government has expanded more efforts to popularize
green building. According to Action Plan of Promoting Production and Application of Green Building Material jointly issued by
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the ratio of green building
material applied will be significantly increased and its quality will be improved dramatically. The proportion of green building
material will take up 30% in new building, 50% in green building, 70% in pilot project, and 80% in renovating existing building.
High-end energy saving glass as an important part in green building has a huge market demand and the prospects for its development
are worth looking forward to.
Solar energy PV industry
A continuing rebound from 2012 has driven photovoltaic industry to a booming phrase. China’s PV market has ranked NO.1 globally
for five consecutive years while the production of PV components the global number one for eleven consecutive years, both of which
made China worthy of the name “The Strongest Country in Producing and Applying PV Products”. Up to the end of 2017, PV
capacity in China reached 130GW, surpassing the basic objective in “13th Five-Year Plan” of Energy Development that realizing
110GW of solar power generation in 2020. Driven by the national green energy policy and skyrocket in PV market, China’s PV
industry will continue to expand.
According to “13th Five-Year Plan of Solar Energy Development”, it is expected to achieve grid parity through PV by 2020. Thus
the technical revolution will be the main theme and the driving force for the following development of PV industry, which means that
the industry competition will be more intense and the industry shuffle will intensify. The industry resource and advantage will
integrate into the enterprises with innovative technology and strong power, thus “the stronger are getting stronger”.
Electronic glass and display device industry

                                                                                                              CSG Annual Report 2017

In reference to the industry forecast presented by Touch Display Research, the operating revenue of displayer will continue to grow
globally in the following ten years but the growth will slow down gradually. In this process, OLED whose display technology is the
most competitive will gradually hold the dominant position in the whole industry. Looking at the analysis given by research
institution HIS, we can find that the conventional IFT-LCD has been in an oversupply state and the manufacturers are carrying out
the price war. Instead, the conventional and flexible OLED hasn’t been popularized, so the enterprises who master its technology of
mass production will take up the top of blue sea market. With the development and maturity of OLED technology, its market quota
will expand between 2018 and 2020, especially the technology of flexible OLED who has a folding intelligent terminal form will be
the revolutionary technology and give itself an advantage in the future.
Ultrathin electronic glass is one of the key materials of touch display industry, its core technology was mastered by few developed
countries in the past and its high-end market has been monopolized by foreign enterprises such as Corning and Asahi Glass. As the
expansion of capacity in domestic ultrathin electronic glass enterprises represented by CSG, the product’s quality and performance
have been improved and promoted constantly, thus domestic brands have gradually replaced foreign ones in medium and high market.
At present, though display industry has pulled through the period of explosive growth and marched into market stability, the fast
promotion of 5G communication network technique is expected to drive the increasing demands of double-sided glass for mobile
phones in the next few years, which will be the new opportunity and chance for domestic ultrathin glass enterprises to develop.
2. Development Strategy
The future development strategy of the Company is continuing to deepen culture and strengthen advantageous businesses of the
Company such as flat glass, architectural glass, solar energy PV and electronic glass and display devices. Through management
improvement, market integration, acceleration of internationalization, realize leap-forward development of all business sectors of the
Company, it will greatly improve the industrial position of all sectors, and development into a respected international first-class
3. Business Plan of 2018
①Improve functions of headquarters, realize general planning management, promote centralized purchase, lean management, exploit
its potential and increase efficiency, and ensure the completion of operation construction objective of the Company in 2018;
② Improve R&D capacity, build up R&D talent team, and maintain the technical innovation advantage of the Company in the
③ Create open, equal, fair and initiative enterprise culture, and strengthen core cohesion of the Company;
④ Strengthen talent management, establish remuneration incentive system related to the performance, improve company incentive
mechanism, strengthen employee training, and introduce more high-quality talents;
⑤ Rationally plan asset-liability ratio level and ensure controllable financial risk;
⑥ Vigorously conduct potential exploiting and efficiency increase activity, realize energy saving and consumption reduction, and
strengthen competitiveness of the Company;
⑦ Improve information level of the Company, and create the world first-class information management platform.
4. Capital Requirements, Plan and Sources
In 2018, CSG capital expenditure budget is about RMB 2.5 billion, which was mainly used in the project construction of photovoltaic
power plant investment project, increasing electronic glass and display device business capacity to achieve industry and product
extension, flat glass technology transformation architectural glass process technological upgrading and informatization construction
project. The capital is mainly from self-owned capital of CSG, borrowings from financial institutions and the raised funds from
public issuance of corporate bonds.
5. Risks and Countermeasures
In 2018, in the face of “New Normal” of domestic economic development and “New CSG” construction task of the Company, the
Company will face the following risks and challenges:

                                                                                                              CSG Annual Report 2017

① In 2017, under the efforts of the Board of Directors and all employees, daily operation of the Company entered normal and stable
operation. However, the Company still faces the risk of insufficient reserves of senior talents for the long-term development of the
Company. To cope with aforesaid risks, the Company will take the following measures:
A. Construct new corporate culture of CSG as soon as possible, establish an kind of open, equal, fair and enterprising corporate
culture, and reinforce internal core cohesion of employees;
B. Establish remuneration incentive system which related to performance and improve employee incentive mechanism;
C. Strengthen internal employee training, introduce external high-quality talent, and rapidly establish a high-quality talent team;
D. Establish sustainable talent recruitment, cultivation, utilization, retaining, and development management system; create a
future-oriented human resource production, development, supply system that can support the future development of CSG.
②The flat glass and architectural glass industry continue to face the pressure of downward demand and excess capacity, the solar
energy and PV industry will face the risk of industrial integration and price fluctuation, display devices and electronic glass industry
will encounter the risk of accelerated technical upgrading and slow demand on electronic product. To cope with aforesaid risks, the
Company will take the following measures:
A. In the flat glass industry, the Company will accelerate the technical upgrading and reform of existing production line to realize
differential operation, expand industrial scale and strengthen industrial competitiveness through industrial M&A;
B. In architectural glass industry, the Company will strengthen the development of high-end market and overseas market, actively
develop traditional residence market, and at the same time, maintain the industrial advantageous position of the Company through
market-oriented extension of industrial chain;
C. In solar energy PV industry, the Company will increase technology and production capacity of silicon wafer, raise the productive
and technological level of polysilicon, enhance the support for downstream construction of photovoltaic power plants, and reduce the
risk of price fluctuations of upstream silicon materials and other products.
D. In electronic glass and display devices industry, the Company will strengthen research and development of new technology, new
product, maintain its technical leading advantage in the industry, and further improve the product quality of ultra-thin electronic glass,
so as to rapidly develop terminal market and improve industrial profitability.
③ Since 2017, the market price of glass and solar energy PV industrial has had great fluctuation. At the same time, the prices of
upstream raw materials have fluctuated, and the current rising labor costs have brought risks to the Company's operations. To cope
with risk, the Company will take the following measures:
A. Vigorously exploit potential and increase efficiency, and effectively implement energy saving and consumption reduction;
B. Focus on the market change, and lock the price of bulk commodity at proper time;
C. Utilize bulk purchase advantage to reduce purchase cost;
D. Improve automatic production level, raise labor productivity.
④ Risk of fluctuation of foreign exchange rate: At present, nearly 12.73% of the sales revenue of the Company is from overseas, in
the future, the Company will further develop overseas business, and therefore, the fluctuation of exchange rate will bring certain risk
to the operation of the Company. To cope with such risk, the Company will settle exchange in time and use safe and effective risk
evading instrument and product to relatively lock exchange rate and reduce the risk caused by fluctuation of exchange rate.

X. Reception of research, communication and interview

1. Particulars about research, communication and interview in the report period

√Applicable    □ Not applicable

 Reception time          Way             Type                            Basic information index of investigation

                                                                                                           CSG Annual Report 2017

                                                   Details can be found in the Record Chart of the Investor Relation Activity
2017-5-10         Field research   Institute
                                                   disclosed on Juchao website (www.cninfo.com.cn) on 11 May 2017.

Reception times                                                                                                                  1

Number of reception institutions                                                                                                 8

Number of reception person                                                                                                       0

Number of other reception                                                                                                        0

Disclosed, released or let out major undisclosed

                                                                                                             CSG Annual Report 2017

                                         Section V. Important Events

I. Profit distribution plan of common shares and capitalization of capital reserve plan of the

Implementation or adjustment of profit distribution plan in the report period, cash dividend plan and converting capital reserve into
share capital in particular
√ Applicable    □Not applicable
The profit distribution plan for 2016 was approved by Annual General Shareholders’ Meeting of 2016 held on 22 May 2017 which
distributed distributing cash dividend of RMB 1.00 (tax included) for every 10 shares to all shareholders and transferred capital
reserve into capital with 1.5 shares for every 10 shares to all shareholders. Notice of the distribution was published on China
Securities Journal, Securities Times, ShangHai Securities News and Hong Kong Commercial Daily on 11July 2017, and the profit has
been distributed.

                                             Special explanation on cash dividend policy

Satisfy regulations of General Meeting or requirement of Article of Association (Yes/No)                          Yes

Well-defined and clearly dividend standards and proportion (Yes/No)                                               Yes

Completed relevant decision-making process and mechanism (Yes/No)                                                 Yes

Independent directors perform duties completely and play a proper role (Yes/No)                                   Yes

Minority shareholders have ample opportunities and their legitimate rights and interests are effectively
protected (Yes/No)

Condition and procedures are compliance and transparent while the cash bonus policy adjusted or changed

Statement on profit distribution plan and capitalization of capital reserve plan of the Company in nearly three years (including the
report period)
Statement on profit distribution plan and capitalization of capital reserve plan of the Company in 2017: based on 2,484,147,547
shares of the total share capital while dividends will be distributed, distributing cash dividend of RMB 0.5 (tax included) for every 10
shares to all shareholders. Meanwhile the Company will transfer capital reserve into capital with 1.5 shares for every 10 shares to all
shareholders based on 2,484,147,547 shares of the total share capital.
Statement on profit distribution plan and capitalization of capital reserve plan of the Company in 2016: based on 2,075,335,560
shares of the total share capital while dividends will be distributed, distributing cash dividend of RMB 1.00 (tax included) for every
10 shares to all shareholders. Meanwhile the Company will transfer capital reserve into capital with 1.5 shares for every 10 shares to
all shareholders based on 2,075,335,560 shares of the total share capital.
Statement on profit distribution plan and capitalization of capital reserve plan of the Company in 2015: based on 2,075,335,560
shares of the total shares while dividends will be distributed, distributing cash dividend of RMB 3.00 (tax included) for every 10
shares to all shareholders. In 2015, the Company did not transfer capital reserve into capital.

Cash dividend in latest three years (including the report period)
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                                                                                                               CSG Annual Report 2017

                                                    Net profit            Ratio in net profit
                                                  attributable to           attributable to
                          Amount for cash         shareholders of          shareholders of                             Proportion for cash
   Year for bonus                                                                               cash dividend by
                            dividend (tax       listed company in          listed company                              dividend by other
       shares                                                                                     other ways
                              included)            consolidation            contained in                                      ways
                                               statement for bonus          consolidation
                                                        year                statement (%)

2017                             124,207,377            825,388,312                   15.05%                       0                   0%

2016                             207,533,556            797,721,576                   26.02%                       0                   0%

2015                             622,600,668            532,653,110                  116.89%                       0                   0%

The Company gains profits in the report period and the retained profit of parent company is positive but no plan of cash dividend
□ Applicable   √ Not applicable

II. Proposal of profit distribution preplan or share conversion from capital public reserve in
the report period

√Applicable    □ Not applicable

Distributing bonus shares for every 10 shares (share)                                                                                      0

Distributing cash dividend for every 10 shares (tax included) (RMB)                                                                    0.5

Shares added for every 10-share base (Share)                                                                                           1.5

Equity base for distribution preplan (share)                                                                                2,484,147,547

Total amount distribution in cash (RMB) (tax included)                                                                        124,207,377

Profit available for distribution (RMB)                                                                                       529,327,954

Cash distributing accounted for the proportion of the total amount of profit distribution (%)                                        100%

                                               Particular about cash dividend in the period

If the Company's development stage is not easy to distinguish but there are major capital expenditure arrangements, when the profit
is distributed, the proportion of cash dividends in this profit distribution should be at least 20%.

                    Details of proposal of profit distribution preplan or share conversion from capital public reserve

According to the financial report audited by Asia Pacific (Group) CPAs (special general partnership), the net profit attributable to
equity holders of the Company in consolidated statement was RMB 825,388,312 and combined capital reserve was 1,306,381,765
in 2017. Since cash dividend distribution bases on the distributable profit of parent company, the Company took 10% of the net
profit as stationary surplus reserve which was RMB 32,084,102 based on the net profit RMB 320,841,025 of parent company
statement 2017. Profit available for distribution in 2017 was RMB 529,327,954.

The Board of Directors proposed to distribute every shareholder RMB 0.5 (including tax) for each 10 shares based on the amount
2,484,147,547 shares, and the total amount distribution is RMB 124,207,377 (including tax), and transfer capital reserve into
capital with 1.5 shares for every 10 shares to all shareholders based on 2,484,147,547 shares of the total share capital. With total
transferred amount of 372,622,132 shares, the total share capital of the Company will be changed from 2,484,147,547 shares to
2,856,769,679 shares. Board of directors consider that this proposal of profit distribution meet the specification of Corporation

                                                                                                        CSG Annual Report 2017

Law, Accounting Standard for Enterprises and Articles of Association. The above profit distribution preplan must be submitted to
the 2017Annual General Meeting of shareholders.

III. Implementation of commitment

1. Commitments completed by the actual controllers, the shareholders, the related parties, the purchasers,
the Company or the other related parties during the report period and those hadn’t been completed
execution by the end of the report period

√Applicable   □ Not applicable

                                            Type of                                    Commit-ment Commit-         Implement-
 Commitments           Promisee                            Content of commitments
                                         commitments                                      date     ment term         ation

                                                         The Company has
                                                         implemented share merger
                                                         reform in May 2006. Till
                                                         June 2009, the share of the
                                                         original non-tradable
                                                         shareholders which holding
                                                         over 5% total shares of the
                                                         Company had all released.
                                                         Therein, the original
                                                         non-tradable shareholder
                                                         Shenzhen International
                                                                                                                 By the end of
                                                         Holdings (SZ) Limited and
                                                                                                                 the report
                 The original                            Xin Tong Chan Industrial
                                                                                                                 period, the
                 non-tradable                            Development (Shenzhen)
Commitments      shareholder Shenzhen                    Co., Ltd. both are
for              International Holdings Commitment of wholly-funded subsidiaries
                                                                                       2006-5-22     N/A         of the
Share Merger     (SZ) Limited and Xin share reduction to Shenzhen International
                                                                                                                 Company had
Reform           Tong Chan Industrial                    Holdings Limited
                                                                                                                 strictly carried
                 Development                             (hereinafter Shenzhen
                                                                                                                 out their
                 (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                    International for short)
                                                         listed in Hong Kong united
                                                         stock exchange main board.
                                                         Shenzhen International
                                                         made commitment that it
                                                         would strictly carry out
                                                         related regulations of
                                                         Securities Law,
                                                         Administration of the
                                                         Takeover of Listed
                                                         Companies Procedures and
                                                         Guiding Opinions on the
                                                         Listed Companies’ Transfer

                                                                                                          CSG Annual Report 2017

                                                          of Original Shares Released
                                                          from Trading Restrictions
                                                          issued by CSRC during
                                                          implementing share
                                                          decreasingly-held plan and
                                                          take information disclosure
                                                          responsibility timely.

                                                          Foresea Life Insurance Co.,
                                                          Ltd., Shenzhen Jushenghua
                                                          Co., Ltd. and Chengtai
                                                          Group Co., Ltd. issued
                                                                                                                     By the end of
                                                          detailed report of equity
                                                                                                       During the the report
                                                          change on 29 June 2015, in
                                                                                                       period        period, the
                                          Commitment of which, they undertook to
                                                                                                       when          above
                   Foresea Life           horizontal      keep independent from CSG
Commitments in                                                                                         Foresea       shareholders
                   Insurance Co., Ltd,,   competition,    in aspects of personnel,
report of                                                                                              Life          of the
                   Shenzhen Jushenghua affiliate          assets, finance, organization 2015-6-29
acquisition or                                                                                         remains the Company had
                   Co., Ltd. and Chengtai Transaction and set-up and business as long
equity change                                                                                          largest       strictly carried
                   Group Co., Ltd.        capital         as Foresea Life Insurance
                                                                                                       shareholder out their
                                          occupation      remained the largest
                                                                                                       of the        promises.
                                                          shareholder of CSG.
                                                          Meanwhile, they made
                                                          commitment on regularizing
                                                          related transaction and
                                                          avoiding industry

Commitments in
assets                                                             Not applicable

Commitments in
initial public
                                                                   Not applicable
offering or

                                                          CSG has promised not to
                                                                                                       During the
                                                          provide loans and other
                                                                                                       implementa The
                                                          forms of financial assistance
Equity incentive                                                                                       tion of the   commitment
                   The listed company                     for restricted stocks for the   2017-10-10
commitment                                                                                             equity        is in normal
                                                          incentive targets under this
                                                                                                       incentive     performance.
                                                          plan, including providing
                                                          guarantees for their loans.
for medium and                                                     Not applicable

                                                                                                           CSG Annual Report 2017

Completed on

If the
commitments is
not fulfilled on
                                                                   Not applicable
time, explain the
reasons and the
next work plan

2. If there are assets or projects of the Company, which has profit forecast and the report period is still in
forecasting period, the Company should explain reasons why they reach the original profit forecast

□ Applicable      √ Not applicable

IV. Particular about non-operating fund of listed company which is occupied by controlling
shareholder and its affiliated enterprises

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
 There was no non-operating fund of listed company which is occupied by controlling shareholder and its affiliated enterprises in the
report period.

V. Explanation from Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee and Independent Directors
(if applicable) for “Non-standard audit report” of the period that issued by CPA

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VI. Particulars about the changes in aspects of accounting policy, accounting estimate and
calculation method compared with the financial report of last year

√Applicable       □ Not applicable
On August 18, 2017, the 2nd Meeting of the 8th Session of the Board of Directors reviewed and approved the Proposal for changing
Accounting Policy, which was based on the request of the notice issued by the Ministry of Finance on the issuance of the revised
“Enterprise Accounting Standards No. 16—Government Grants” (Finance and Accounting [2017] No. 15), and revised financial
statement presentation. “Other Income” item should be presented separately above “Operating Profit” item in the income statement.
The "Other Income" items are separately presented on the "Operating Profit" item. Since January 1, 2017, government subsidies
related to daily activities of enterprises have been reclassified from "Non-operating Income" item to "Other Income" item. The
comparative financial statements of the year 2016 were not restated.
On April 20, 2018, the 5th Meeting of the 8th Session of the Board of Directors reviewed and approved the Proposal for changing
Accounting Policy, which was based on the request of the Notification of the issuance of No. 42 of Enterprise Accounting Standards:
Non-current Assets Held for Sale, Disposal Group and Termination of Operation(Finance and Accounting [2017] No. 13) and the
Notification on Reversing and Issuing the Formats of Common Enterprise Financial Statements (Finance and Accounting [2017] No.
30), issued by the Ministry of Finance, and revised financial statement presentation. The “Asset Disposal Income” was added to the
profit statement, the “Gain/loss resulting from the disposal of non-current assets” which was originally booked in “Non-business
income” and “Non-business Expenditure” was listed in “Asset disposal gain” and the comparable data during the comparable period

                                                                                                             CSG Annual Report 2017

would be adjusted. Two items, (I) Net profit from continuous operation” and “(II) Net profit from terminated operation”, will
respectively reflect the net profit involved with continuous operation and terminated operation.
The Company has conducted necessary communication with the accounting firm on this matter.

VII. Description of major accounting errors within report period that need retrospective

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
There were no major accounting errors within report period that need retrospective restatement.

VIII. Description of changes in consolidation statement’s scope compared with the financial
report of last year

√Applicable    □ Not applicable
On October 11, 2017, the Group established a subsidiary company, CHINA CSG (AUSTRALIA)PTY LTD. As of December 31,
2017, the Group who holds 100% of its shares has not invested yet.

IX. Engaging and dismissing of CPA firm

CPA firm engaged

Name of domestic CPA firm                                          Asia Pacific (Group) CPAs (special general partnership)

Remuneration for domestic CPA firm (RMB 0,000)                                                                                    300

Continuous life of auditing service for domestic CPA firm                                                                            0

Name of domestic CPA                                                                                          Pan Qian, Zhang Yan

Continuous life of auditing service for domestic CPA                                                                                 0

Whether changed accounting firms in this period or not
√ Yes □ No
Whether changed the accounting firm during the audit period or not
√ Yes □ No
Whether performed the approval process when changed the accounting firm or not
√ Yes □ No
Detailed explanation of changing accounting firm
The interim meeting of the eighth session of the Board of Directors and the first extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2018
reviewed and passed the "Proposal on Changing Accounting Firm." The Company plans to hire Asia Pacific (Group) CPAs (special
general partnership) as the Company's 2017 annual financial audit agency and internal control audit agency. For details, please refer to
the announcements (2018-004 , 2018-011) published in China Securities Journal, Securities Times, Shanghai Securities News,
Securities Daily, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and http://www.cninfo.com.cn on February 28, 2018 and March 15, 2018.
Appointment of internal control auditing accounting firm, financial consultant or sponsor
√Applicable □ Not applicable
Asia Pacific (Group) CPAs (special general partnership) was engaged as audit institute of internal control for the Company in the
report period, and contracted charges was RMB 0.30 million (not including traveling and accommodation expenses).

                                                                                                            CSG Annual Report 2017

X. Particular about the Company suspended from the stock market listing and delisting after
the disclosure of the annual report

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

XI. Issues related to bankruptcy and reorganization

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

XII. Significant lawsuits and arbitrations

□ Applicable    √ Not applicable

XIII. Penalty and rectification

□ Applicable   √ Not applicable

XIV. Integrity of the Company and its controlling shareholders and actual controllers

□ Applicable   √ Not applicable

XV. Implementation of the Company’s stock incentive plan, employee stock ownership plan
or other employee incentives

√Applicable    □ Not applicable

On Oct. 10, 2017, the 3rd Meeting of the 8th Board of Directors of the Company deliberated and approved 2017 Restricted A- shares
Incentive Plan of CSG Holding Co., Ltd (Draft )and its summary, the Management Method of the Implementation and Review of
2017 Restricted A-shares Incentive Plan of CSG Holding Co., Ltd and the Resolution on Applying the General Meeting of
Shareholders to Authorize the Board of Directors to Deal With the Related Matters on the Company’s 2017 Restricted A-shares
Incentive Plan. The above contents are detailed in the Announcement of the Resolution on the Third Meeting of the Eighth Session of
the Board of Directors published inwww.cninfo.com.cn (Announcement No.: 2017-063). The Company’s independent directors
issued independent opinions on the issues involved with restricted A- shares incentive plan.

On Oct. 26, 2017, the Company convened the 5th Extraordinary General Meeting in 2017, which deliberated and approved the above
three proposals. The Resolution on Adjusting the Object and Quantity Granted of 2017 Restricted A-share Incentive Plan and the
Resolution on Firstly Granted Restricted Shares to the Object of 2017 Restricted A-share were deliberated and approved on the
21stprovisional meeting of the eighth session board of directors convened on Dec. 11th, 2017. It determined to grant 97,511,654
restricted shares to 454 objects on Dec. 22, 2017, with price at RMB4.28/share. The reserved restricted shares was 17,046, 869
The granting of shares was completed on Dec. 25, 2017 and the specific content was detailed in the Announcement on Completing
the First Granting of 2017 Restricted Shares disclosed in www.cninfo.com.cn on Dec. 22, 2017 (Announcement No.:2017-079).
According to the relevant provisions of the "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises", the implementation of the Company's
restricted stock will have a certain impact on the Company's financial status and operating results in the next few years. The results
are based on the annual audit report issued by the accounting firm.

                                                                                                               CSG Annual Report 2017

XVI. Major related transaction

1. Related transaction with routine operation concerned

□ Applicable   √ Not applicable
There was no related transaction with routine operation concerned in the report period.

2. Related transaction with acquisition of assets or equity, sales of assets or equity concerned

□ Applicable   √ Not applicable
There was no related transaction with acquisition of assets or equity, sales of assets or equity concerned in the report period.

3. Related transaction with jointly external investment concerned

□ Applicable   √ Not applicable
There was no related transaction with jointly external investment concerned in the report period.

4. Credits and liabilities with related parties

□ Applicable   √ Not applicable
There were no credits and liabilities with related parties in the report period.

5. Other major related transaction

□ Applicable   √ Not applicable
There was no other major related transaction in the report period.

XVII. Significant contracts and their implementation

1. Trusteeship, contracting and leasing

 (1) Trusteeship

□ Applicable    √ Not applicable
No trusteeship for the Company in the report period.

(2) Contract

□ Applicable    √ Not applicable
No contract for the Company in the report period.

(3) Leasing

□ Applicable    √ Not applicable

                                                                                                              CSG Annual Report 2017

No leasing for the Company in the report period.

2. Major guarantees

√Applicable □ Not applicable

(1) Guarantee

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB 0,000

                  Particulars about the external guarantee of the Company (Barring the guarantee for subsidiaries)
                                                Actual date of                                                    Complete e for
                    Announce                                           Actual
Name of the Company                  Guarantee happening (Date                      Guarantee         Guarantee   implemen related
                       ment                                           guarantee
    guaranteed                         limit      of signing                          type              term       tation or   party
                    disclosure                                          limit
                                                 agreement)                                                           not     (Yes or
                                          Guarantee of the Company for the subsidiaries
                                                Actual date of                                                    Complete e for
                    Announce                                           Actual
Name of the Company                  Guarantee happening (Date                      Guarantee         Guarantee   implemen related
                       ment                                           guarantee
    guaranteed                         limit      of signing                          type              term       tation or   party
                    disclosure                                          limit
                                                 agreement)                                                           not     (Yes or
Chengdu CSG Glass                                                                  Joint liability
                       2017-07-31         5,000 2017-08-16                 5,000                     1 year       No         No
Co.,Ltd.                                                                           guarantee

Dongguan CSG
                                                                                   Joint liability
Architectural Glass    2017-07-31        11,200 2017-08-11                10,000                     1 year       No         No
Co., Ltd.

Dongguan CSG
                                                                                   Joint liability
Architectural Glass    2017-01-13        18,000 2017-02-09                13,000                     1 year       No         No
Co., Ltd.

Xianning CSG Glass                                                                 Joint liability
                       2017-07-31         7,000 2017-08-11                 2,000                     1 year       No         No
Co., Ltd.                                                                          guarantee

Xianning CSG Glass                                                                 Joint liability
                       2017-07-31        10,000 2017-09-12                 1,000                     1 year       No         No
Co., Ltd.                                                                          guarantee

Sichuan CSG Energy
                                                                                   Joint liability
Conservation Glass     2017-07-31         7,000 2017-08-11                 2,000                     1 year       No         No
Co., Ltd.

Sichuan CSG Energy
                                                                                   Joint liability
Conservation Glass     2017-01-23         5,000 2017-04-11                 2,000                     1 year       No         No
Co., Ltd.

Wujiang CSG Glass                                                                  Joint liability
                       2016-08-12        10,000 2017-03-07                 5,000                     1 year       No         No
Co., Ltd.                                                                          guarantee

Wujiang CSG Glass                                                                  Joint liability
                       2017-11-27        10,000 2017-11-30                 3,000                     1 year       No         No
Co., Ltd.                                                                          guarantee

                                                                                                   CSG Annual Report 2017

Wujiang CSG East
                                                                       Joint liability
China Architectural     2016-08-12   10,000 2017-04-28         6,000                     1 year      No        No
Glass Co., Ltd.

Wujiang CSG East
                                                                       Joint liability
China Architectural     2017-11-27   10,000 2017-11-30         3,000                     1 year      No        No
Glass Co., Ltd.

Wujiang CSG East
                                                                       Joint liability
China Architectural     2017-07-31   10,000 2017-09-14        10,000                     1 year      No        No
Glass Co., Ltd.

Dongguan CSG Solar                                                     Joint liability
                        2017-07-31   15,000 2017-12-14         3,300                     1 year      No        No
Glass Co., Ltd.                                                        guarantee

Yichang Nanbo                                                          Joint liability
                        2017-05-31    3,648 2017-06-02         3,600                     1 year      No        No
Display Co., Ltd.                                                      guarantee

Tianjin CSG
                                                                       Joint liability
Energy-Saving Glass     2016-08-12   10,000 2017-02-14         2,000                     1 year      No        No
Co., Ltd.

Dongguan CSG                                                           Joint liability
                        2017-05-22   10,000 2017-06-15         4,680                     1 year      No        No
PV-tech Co., Ltd.                                                      guarantee

Yichang CSG                                                            Joint liability
                        2017-08-07    6,600 2017-08-25         4,000                     1 year      No        No
Polysilicon Co., Ltd.                                                  guarantee

Yichang CSG                                                            Joint liability
                        2017-06-23   30,000 2017-07-10         5,000                     1 year      No        No
Polysilicon Co., Ltd.                                                  guarantee

Qingyuan CSG New
                                                                       Joint liability
Energy-Saving           2017-09-15    5,000 2017-09-22         3,410                     1 year      No        No
Materials Co., Ltd.

Zhanjiang CSG New                                                      Joint liability
                        2017-07-31    9,000 2017-09-26         9,000                     3 years     No        No
Energy Co., Ltd.                                                       guarantee

Xianning CSG
                                                                       Joint liability
Photovoltaic Glass      2016-08-12   30,000 2017-01-03        19,000                     3 years     No        No
Co., Ltd.

Xianning CSG
                                                                       Joint liability
Photovoltaic Glass      2017-07-31   20,000 2017-09-07         3,500                     3 years     No        No
Co., Ltd.

Yichang Nanbo
                                                                       Joint liability
Photoelectric Glass     2017-05-22    5,472 2017-05-26         5,400                     3 years     No        No
Co., Ltd.

Yichang Nanbo
                                                                       Joint liability
Photoelectric Glass     2016-12-14    2,432 2017-05-23         2,400                     1 year      No        No
Co., Ltd.

Yichang Nanbo           2017-05-22   10,032 2017-05-31        10,000 Joint liability 3 years         No        No

                                                                                                    CSG Annual Report 2017

Photoelectric Glass                                                     guarantee
Co., Ltd.

Yichang CSG                                                             Joint liability
                        2017-05-22   20,000 2017-06-22         19,000                     3 years     No        No
Polysilicon Co., Ltd.                                                   guarantee

Dongguan CSG                                                            Joint liability
                        2017-11-27   20,000 2017-12-20         20,000                     3 years     No        No
PV-tech Co., Ltd.                                                       guarantee

Wujiang CSG Glass                                                       Joint liability
                        2017-08-28   30,000 2017-09-13         30,000                     3 years     No        No
Co., Ltd.                                                               guarantee

Xianning CSG Glass                                                      Joint liability
                        2017-08-28   25,000 2017-09-18         25,000                     3 years     No        No
Co., Ltd.                                                               guarantee

Dongguan CSG Solar                                                      Joint liability
                        2017-08-07   20,000 2017-09-22         20,000                     3 years     No        No
Glass Co., Ltd.                                                         guarantee

Yichang CSG                                                             Joint liability
                        2017-06-23   20,000 2017-06-28         20,000                     3 years     No        No
Polysilicon Co., Ltd.                                                   guarantee

Sichuan CSG Energy
                                                                        Joint liability
Conservation Glass      2017-09-25   15,000 2017-09-30-        15,000                     3 years     No        No
Co., Ltd.

Hebei CSG Glass Co.,                                                    Joint liability
                        2017-10-10   20,000 2017-10-30         20,000                     3 years     No        No
Ltd.                                                                    guarantee

Chengdu CSG Glass                                                       Joint liability
                        2017-09-25   20,000 2017-09-28         20,000                     3 years     No        No
Co.,Ltd.                                                                guarantee

Qingyuan CSG New
                                                                        Joint liability
Energy-Saving           2016-08-12    5,000 2016-12-14           735                      1 year      Yes       No
Materials Co., Ltd.

Wujiang CSG Glass                                                       Joint liability
                        2016-08-12   10,000 2017-04-01          2,000                     1 year      Yes       No
Co., Ltd.                                                               guarantee

Xianning CSG
                                                                        Joint liability
Energy-saving Glass     2016-01-05   10,000 2016-03-17          1,200                     3 years     Yes       No
Co., Ltd.

Wujiang CSG East
                                                                        Joint liability
China Architectural     2016-12-14   10,000 2017-05-22          1,000                     1 year      Yes       No
Glass Co., Ltd.

Wujiang CSG East
                                                                        Joint liability
China Architectural     2015-06-15   15,000 2016-01-28         10,000                     1 year      Yes       No
Glass Co., Ltd.

Dongguan CSG
                                                                        Joint liability
Architectural Glass     2017-01-13   18,000 2017-02-09          7,000                     1 year      Yes       No
Co., Ltd.

Xianning CSG Glass      2016-08-12   10,000 2016-08-16           800 Joint liability 1 year           Yes       No

                                                                                                                 CSG Annual Report 2017

Co., Ltd.                                                                             guarantee

Xianning CSG
                                                                                      Joint liability
Energy-saving Glass     2016-08-12        10,000 2016-08-16                   2,600                     1 year      Yes      No
Co., Ltd.

Dongguan CSG
                                                                                      Joint liability
Architectural Glass     2016-08-12        11,200 2016-08-19                  10,000                     1 year      Yes      No
Co., Ltd.

Sichuan CSG Energy
                                                                                      Joint liability
Conservation Glass      2016-03-23        13,000 2016-04-16                   2,000                     1 year      Yes      No
Co., Ltd.

Dongguan CSG Solar                                                                    Joint liability
                        2016-03-23        15,000 2016-08-19                   1,400                     1 year      Yes      No
Glass Co., Ltd.                                                                       guarantee

Dongguan CSG Solar                                                                    Joint liability
                        2016-03-23        15,000 2016-08-19                     417                     1 year      Yes      No
Glass Co., Ltd.                                                                       guarantee

Dongguan CSG Solar                                                                    Joint liability
                        2016-03-23        15,000 2016-08-19                   1,483                     1 year      Yes      No
Glass Co., Ltd.                                                                       guarantee

Dongguan CSG
                                                                                      Joint liability
Architectural Glass     2016-08-12        11,200 2016-08-19                  10,000                     1 year      Yes      No
Co., Ltd.
                                                                     Total amount of actual
Total amount of approving
                                                                     occurred guarantee for
guarantee for subsidiaries in report                       397,952                                                             376,925
                                                                     subsidiaries in report period
period (B1)
                                                                     Total balance of actual
Total amount of approved
                                                                     guarantee for subsidiaries at
guarantee for subsidiaries at the                          460,384                                                             326,290
                                                                     the end of reporting period
end of reporting period (B3)

                                             Guarantee of subsidiaries for subsidiaries
                                          Actual date of                                                           Complete e for
                    Announce                                              Actual
Name of the Company            Guarantee happening (Date                               Guarantee         Guarantee implemen related
                       ment                                              guarantee
    guaranteed                   limit      of signing                                   type              term     tation or   party
                    disclosure                                             limit
                                           agreement)                                                                  not     (Yes or
                        Total amount of guarantee of the Company( total of three abovementioned guarantee)
Total amount of approving                                            Total amount of actual
guarantee in report period                                 397,952 occurred guarantee in report                                376,925
(A1+B1+C1)                                                           period (A2+B2+C2)
Total amount of approved                                             Total balance of actual
guarantee at the end of report                             460,384 guarantee at the end of                                     326,290
period (A3+B3+C3)                                                    report period (A4+B4+C4)

The proportion of the total amount of actual guarantee in the net
assets of the Company(that is A4+ B4+C4)

                                                                                                                 CSG Annual Report 2017

Amount of guarantee for shareholders, actual controller and its
related parties(D)
The debts guarantee amount provided for the guaranteed parties
whose assets-liability ratio exceed 70% directly or indirectly(E)
Proportion of total amount of guarantee in net assets of the
Company exceed 50%(F)
Total amount of the aforesaid three guarantees(D+E+F)                                                                                   0

                                                                     The Company shall bear joint and several liabilities in guarantee
Explanations on possibly bearing joint and several liquidating
                                                                     range if the subsidiaries fail to fulfill the obligation of
responsibilities for undue guarantees (if any)

Explanations on external guarantee against regulated procedures      Nil

(2) Illegal external guarantee

□ Applicable       √ Not applicable
No Illegal external guarantee in the report period.

3. Entrust others to manage cash assets

(1) Entrusted Financing

√Applicable □ Not applicable
Overview of Entrusted Financing in the report period
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB 0,000

                                                                                                                  Overdue outstanding
             Type                 Sources of funds      Amount of occurrence           Unexpired balance

 Bank financial products                Own funds                 49,600                        0                            0

   Brokerage financial
                                        Own funds                 5,000                       5,000                          0

Total                                                             54,600                      5,000                          0

The specific circumstances of high-risk entrusted financing with large individual amount or low security, poor liquidity, and no cost
□ Applicable       √ Not applicable
Entrusted financing appears to be unable to recover the principal or there may be other circumstances that may result in impairment
□ Applicable       √ Not applicable

(2) Entrusted loans

□ Applicable       √ Not applicable
The Company had no entrusted loans in the report period.

                                                                                                                   CSG Annual Report 2017

4. Other material contracts

□ Applicable    √ Not applicable
No other material contracts for the Company in the report period.

XVIII. Social responsibilities

1. Performance of social responsibilities

2017Annual Social Responsibilities Report of CSG was the 10th year the Company consecutively released social responsibilities
report. The report emphasized the year of 2017, systemically formulated the Company concrete actions of how to positively perform
the social duties, and the efforts to implement the scientific development perspective, build a harmonious society, and advance the
sustainable development of economic society. See the full report on www.cninfo.com.cn.

2. Circumstances related to environmental protection

Whether the listed company and its subsidiaries belong to the key pollutant discharge units announced by the environmental
protection department

                  Name of
                                                 Numb      Exhaust                  Implementatio
  Name of          major                                              Emission                           Total
                                   Way of         er of     vent                    n of pollutant                  Approved      Excessive
Company ro pollutants and                                            concentratio                      amount of
                                   emission      Exhau distributio                     emission                    total emission emissions
 subsidiary     characteristic                                             n                           emission
                                                 st vent     n                        standards

                                                                                    《Emission st
                                 Discharge a                           /m;                           Dust<17t/ Particulates(D
                                                                                    andard of air
                                 fter the trea                       soot≤40 m                       a;Soot≤33. ust, Soot):96. Reach th
 Xianning       Dust\soot\                                                        pollutants for
                                 tment of de                           g/m;                          92/a;SO2≤ 82t/a;SO2:63 e dischar
CSG Glass SO2\nitroge                             16      Chimney                  flat glass indu
                                 nitrification                       SO2≤200                         144.64t/a;N 6.5t/a Nitroge ge standa
  Co., Ltd.       n oxide                                                               stry》
                                  and dust r                          mg/m;                          Ox≤251.85t n oxides: 111      rd.
                                   emoval                            NOx≤350                            /a。         3.89t/a

Construction and operation of pollution prevention and control facilities

The Company has built flue gas dust removal and denitrification system on production lines. The system runs normally, and the
emission of exhaust gas meets regulations.

The environmental impact assessment of construction projects and other environmental protection license

In 2017, the project for the construction of a photoconductive material production line for light guide plates of Xianning CSG
Photovoltaic Glass Co., Ltd. was newly launched, and environmental impact assessments have been carried out and approved.The
secondary companies have effectively carrying out the “Three Simultaneous” procedures for all other new and old projects, and have
been rewarded with the pollutant discharge license within the validity period. They timely declared the pollutant discharge, carried
out the monitoring and reporting of pollutant discharge and paid the pollutant discharge fee according to the relevant regulations of
the state.

                                                                                                            CSG Annual Report 2017

Emergency response plan system of environment incident

In accordance with the national requirements, all secondary companies prepared emergency environmental response plan for
environment incident, organized and carried out expert evaluation and put on record in the local environmental protection department
as required, conducted the emergency drill against environmental incidents. And there were no major environmental incidents
occurred throughout the year.

Environmental self-monitoring scheme

In accordance with provisions of national laws and regulations and the requirements put forward in the assessment documents of the
environment impact of construction project and reply, the secondary companies built on-line monitoring equipment for waste water
and waste gas which are put into operation normally. They compared and reviewed the effectiveness of the on-line monitoring facilities
on a regular basis. Besides, they also entrusted the third party units to carry out the manual monitoring of the environment and fully
monitor the discharge of the pollutants.

Other environmental information to be disclosed

Those key monitored secondary companies above municipal level disclosed their environment protection status and made regular
updating through websites, display cards, environmental information platform and other ways.

Other information related to environment protection
CSG always attaches great importance to environmental protection work, actively fulfills its social responsibility, adheres to the
development road of energy saving, emission reduction, low carbon and environmental protection. It made remarkable achievements
in daily environmental management and the reduction of pollutant discharge, and was praised by the government department. For
example, Xianning CSG was awarded with the title of “2017 Environmental Protection Outstanding Unit in High-Tech Zone” by the
Work Committee of Xianning New Technology Industry Development Zone and the Management Committee of Xianning High-tech
Industrial Development Zone.

XIX. Statement on other important matters

√Applicable □ Not applicable
1.   The Termination of Non-public offering of A-share
The Company convened the first interim shareholders’ meeting on July 2, 2015, which deliberated and approved the Proposal of
Non-public Offering of A-share to Specific Investors and related Proposals. The resolution on the non-public offering of shares of the
Company was valid within twelve months after it has been approved by the shareholders’ meeting.
As of July 2, 2016, the Company’s proposal of non-public offering of A-share hadn’t obtained a written approval document from the
China Securities Regulatory Commission. As a result, the proposal of non-public offering of A-share was lapsed automatically
according to the related provisions of China Securities Regulatory Commission and Shenzhen Stock Exchange. The Company
publicized the Accouchement of CSG on the Expiration of the Proposal of Non-public Offering of A-share on July 4, 2016
(Announcement No.:2016-030).
Afterwards, the Company and the sponsor institution respectively submitted the application for withdrawing the application for
non-public offering of shares. On Feb. 7, 2017, the Company received the Notification of China Securities Regulatory Commission
on Terminating the Application for Administration Permission (No.[2017]17) ,according to which, China Securities Regulatory
Commission decided to terminate the examination of the Company’s application for non-public offering of shares. The Company
publicized the Announcement on Receiving the Notification of China Securities Regulatory Commission to Terminate the Application

                                                                                                             CSG Annual Report 2017

for Administration Permission On Feb. 8, 2017 (Announcement No.:2017-009).

2. Short-term Financing Bills
On Dec.14, 2016, the second extraordinary shareholders’ general meeting of 2016 of CSG deliberated and approved the proposal of
the offering and registration of short-term financing bills, and agreed the Company’s registration and issuance of short-term financing
bills with a total amount of RMB 2.7 billion, which could be issued by stages within period of validity of the registration according to
the Company’s actual demands for funds and the status of inter-bank funds. However, the term of each issue shall not be longer than
one year and the registered quota shall not exceed 40 percent of the Company’s net assets.

3. Ultra-short-term financing bills
On 10 December 2014, the First Extraordinary Shareholders’ General Meeting 2014 of CSG Holding Co., Ltd deliberated and
approved the proposal of application for registration and issuance of ultra-short-term financing bills with registered capital of RMB 4
billion at most and validity within 2 years. On 21 May 2015, National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors
(NAFMII) held the 32nd registration meeting of 2015, in which NAFMII decided to accept the registration of the Company’s
ultra-short-term financing bills, amounting to RMB 4 billion and valid for two years. China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd., Shanghai
Pudong Development Bank Co., Ltd., Industrial Bank Co., Ltd., China CITIC Bank Co., Ltd. and China Agriculture Bank Co., Ltd.
were joint lead underwriters of these ultra-short-term financing bills, which could be issued by stages within period of validity of the
registration. On 17 May 2016, the Company issued the second batch of ultra-short-term financing bills for the year of 2016 with total
amount of RMB 0.9 billion and valid term of 270 days at the issuance rate of 4.18%, which has been redeemed on 13 February 2017.
On 2 August 2016, the Company issued the third batch of ultra-short-term financing bills for the year of 2016 with total amount of
RMB 0.6 billion and valid term of 270 days at the issuance rate of 3.67%, which has been redeemed on 1 May 2017. On Sep. 1, 2016,
the Company issued the forth batch of ultra-short-term financing bills for the year of 2016 with total amount of RMB 0.5 billion and
valid term of 270 days at the issuance rate of 3.5%, which has been redeemed on 2 June 2017.
For details, please refer to www.chinabond.com.cn and www.chinamoney.com.cn.

4. Perpetual bonds
On April 15, 2016, the Shareholders’ General Meeting 2015 of CSG deliberated and approved the proposal of application for
registration and issuance of perpetual bonds, and agreed the Company to register and issue perpetual bonds with total amount of
RMB 3.1 billion which could be issued by stages within period of validity of the registration according to the Company’s actual
demand for funds and the capital status of inter-bank market.

5. Medium-term notes
On 10 December 2014, the First Extraordinary Shareholders’ General Meeting 2014 of CSG Holding Co., Ltd deliberated and
approved the proposal of application for registeration and issuance of medium term notes with total amount of RMB 1.2 billion at
most. On 21 May 2015, National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors (NAFMII) held the 32nd registration
meeting of 2015, in which NAFMII decided to accept the registration of the Company’s medium term notes, amounting to RMB 1.2
billion and valid for two years. China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co., Ltd. were joint lead
underwriters of these medium term notes which could be issued by stages within period of validity of the registration.On 10 July
2015, the Company issued the first batch of medium term notes with total amount of RMB 1.2 billion and valid term of 5 years at the
issuance rate of 4.94%, which will be redeemed on 14 July 2020.
On April 15, 2016, the Shareholders’ General Meeting of 2015 of CSG deliberated and approved the proposal of application for
registration and issuance of medium term notes with total amount of RMB 0.8 billion, which could be issued by stages within period
of validity of the registration according to the Company’s actual demands for funds and the status of inter-bank funds. On 2 March

                                                                                                             CSG Annual Report 2017

2018, National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors (NAFMII) held the 14th registration meeting of 2018, in which
NAFMII decided to accept the registration of the Company’s medium term notes, amounting to RMB 0.8 billion and valid for two
years. Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co., Ltd. and China CITIC Bank Corporation Limited were joint lead underwriters of
these medium term notes which could be issued by stages within period of validity of the registration.
On May 22, 2017, the Shareholders’ General Meeting of 2016 of CSG deliberated and approved the proposal of application for
registration and issuance of medium term notes with total amount of RMB 1 billion, which could be issued by stages within period of
validity of the registration according to the Company’s actual demands for funds and the status of inter-bank funds.
For details, please refer to www.chinabond.com.cn and www.chinamoney.com.cn.

XX. Significant events of subsidiaries of the Company

□ Applicable   √ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                  CSG Annual Report 2017

    Section VI. Changes in Shares and Particulars about Shareholders

I. Changes in Share Capital

1. Changes in Share Capital

                                                                                                                                               Unit: Share
                                 Before the Change                         Increase/Decrease in the Change (+, -)                      After the Change
                                                Proportion New shares    Bonus                                                                       Proportion
                                 Amount                                              of public        Others        Subtotal          Amount
                                                   (%)       issued      shares                                                                         (%)
I. Restricted shares              12,736,888       0.61%    97,511,654                         0     -12,475,982     85,035,672        97,772,560         3.94%

1. State-owned shares

2. State-owned         legal
person’s shares

3. Other domestic shares          12,736,888       0.61%    97,511,654                         0     -12,475,982     85,035,672        97,772,560         3.94%

Including: Domestic

legal person’s shares

     Domestic natural
                                  12,736,888       0.61%    97,511,654                         0     -12,475,982     85,035,672        97,772,560         3.94%
person’s shares

4. Foreign shares

Including: Foreign legal

person’s shares

     Foreign natural

person’s shares

II. Unrestricted shares         2,062,598,672     99.39%            0               311,300,333       12,475,982    323,776,315      2,386,374,987     96.06%

1. RMB Ordinary shares          1,300,128,680     62.65%            0               196,912,735       12,475,982    209,388,717      1,509,517,397     60.77%

2. Domestically listed
                                 762,469,992      36.74%            0               114,387,598                 0   114,387,598       876,857,590      35.30%
foreign shares
3.    Overseas         listed
foreign shares

4. Others

III.Total shares                2,075,335,560       100%    97,511,654              311,300,333                 0   408,811,987      2,484,147,547        100%

Reason for equity changes

√Applicable        □Not applicable

1. Within the report period, the total shares of the Company rose by 97,511,654 due to the implementation of restricted share
incentive plan.

2. The total share of the Company rose by 311,300,333 due the implementation of the implementation of 2016 profit distribution and
capitalization of capital reserve.

3. Due to changes in the posts of directors, supervisors and other senior management of the Company, the restricted shares held by

                                                                                                             CSG Annual Report 2017

the senior management of the Company were adjusted consequently according to the provisions of the Shenzhen branch of the China
Securities Registration and Shenzhen Branch of China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited and as a result, the
restricted shares and non-restricted shares of the Company changed accordingly.

Approval on equity changes

√Applicable    □Not applicable

1. 2016 profit distribution and the capitalization of capital reserve propose was deliberated and approved on the 19th Meeting of the
7th Session of Board of Directors held on Apr. 27, 2017 and 2016 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on May 22, 2017.

2. The restricted share incentive plan of the Company were deliberated and approved on the 3rd Meeting of the 8th Session of b Board
of Directors and the 3rd Meeting of the 8th Session of Supervisor Committee convened on Oct. 10. 2017, and eventually deliberated
and approved on the 5th Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of 2017 convened on Oct. 26, 2017.

Transfer of ownership of changes in shares

√Applicable    □Not applicable

1. The A-share registration date for 2016 annual profit distribution and the capitalization of capital reserve was on Jul. 19, 2017 and
the ex-dividend date was Jul. 19, 2017. A-shares bonus (or capitalized) were directly recorded in the stockholders’ A-share accounts
on July 19, 2017. The registration date and ex-dividend date of B shares were July 21, 2017 and July 19, 2017 respectively. B-shares
bonus (or capitalized) were directly recorded in shareholders’ B-share accounts on Jul. 21, 2017.

2. The first granting date of the company’s restricted stock incentive plan is Dec. 11, 2017, and the first granted restricted shares
shall not permitted for trading until Dec. 25, 2017.

3. On Jan. 11, 2017, Mr. Zhao Peng was elected as the employee representative supervisor of the 7th Session of the Supervisor
Committee of the Company in the First Staff Congress of the Company and therefore 75% or 1875 shares of the Company held by
him were classified as executive locked stocks. On Apr. 13, 2017, Mr. Zhao Peng was elected as the employee representative
supervisor of 8th of the Supervisor Committee of the Company in the Second Staff Congress of the Company in 2017 and therefore
75% or 1875 shares of the Company held by him were reclassified as executive locked stocks. Due to the profit distribution and
capitalization of capital reserve on Jul. 21, 2017, the shares held by Mr. Zhao Peng rose by 375 shares and 75% or 281 shares added
were classified as executive locked stocks.

4. On Feb. 23, 2017, the interim meeting of the 7th Session of Board of Directors of the Company deliberated and approved the
Proposal for Employing Senior Management in which Mr. Li Weinan was elected as Vice President of the Company. And as a result,
75% or 225,000 shares held by him was classified as executive locked stocks. On May 2, 2017, the 1st Meeting of the 8th Session of
Board of Directors of the Company deliberated and approved the Proposal for Employing the New Session of Senior Management
where Mr. Li Weinan was elected as Vice President of the Company. And as a result, 75% or 225,000 shares held by him were
classified as executive locked stocks. Due to the profit distribution and capitalization of capital reserve on Jul. 19, 2017, the shares
held by Mr. Li Weinan rose by 45,000 shares and 75% or 33, 750 added were classified as executive locked stocks.

Influence on the basic EPS and diluted EPS as well as other financial indexes of net assets per share attributable to common
shareholders of Company in the latest year and period
√Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                     CSG Annual Report 2017

Please refer to the main accounting data and financial indicators in this report for the details of the impact of stock changes.

Other information necessary to be disclosed or need to be disclosed under requirement from security regulators
□Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Changes of restricted shares

√Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                   Unit: Share
                Number of       Number of Number of Number of
Shareholder       shares          shares    new shares       shares
                                                                                       Restriction reasons                Released date
  s’ name     restricted at    released in restricted in restricted at
               Period-begin      the Year     the Year    Period-end
                                                                             On 15 November 2016, Zeng Nan
                                                                             who used to be chairman of the Board
                                                                             of Directors of the Company resigned
Zeng Nan           4,500,388      4,500,388              0               0 from his office. According to relevant 2017-5-16
                                                                             requirements, all the shares held by
                                                                             him had to be locked up for six

                                                                             On 15 November 2016, Wu Guobin
                                                                             who used to be CEO of the Company
                                                                             resigned from his office. According to
Wu Guobin          1,810,000      1,810,000              0               0                                             2017-5-16
                                                                             relevant requirements, all the shares
                                                                             held by him had to be locked up for
                                                                             six months.

                                                                             On 15 November 2016, Luo Youming
                                                                             who used to be CFO of the Company
Luo                                                                          resigned from his office. According to
                   1,790,000      1,790,000              0               0                                             2017-5-16
Youming                                                                      relevant requirements, all the shares
                                                                             held by him had to be locked up for
                                                                             six months.

                                                                             On 15 November 2016, Ke Hanqi
                                                                             who used to be vice president of the
                                                                             Company resigned from his office.
Ke Hanqi           1,730,000      1,730,000              0               0                                             2017-5-16
                                                                             According to relevant requirements,
                                                                             all the shares held by him had to be
                                                                             locked up for six months.

                                                                             On 15 November 2016, Zhang Fan
                                                                             who used to be vice president of the
Zhang Fan          1,530,000      1,530,000              0               0 Company resigned from his office.           2017-5-16
                                                                             According to relevant requirements,
                                                                             all the shares held by him had to be

                                                                                                    CSG Annual Report 2017

                                                             locked up for six months.

                                                             On 15 November 2016, Zhang
                                                             Bozhong who used to be vice
                                                             president of the Company resigned
              114,000     114,000           0             0 from his office. According to relevant 2017-5-16
                                                             requirements, all the shares held by
                                                             him had to be locked up for six

                                                             On 16 November 2016, Ding Jiuru
                                                             who used to be Secretary of the Board
                                                             of Directors of the Company resigned
Ding Jiuru   1,050,000   1,050,000          0             0 from his office. According to relevant 2017-5-17
                                                             requirements, all the shares held by
                                                             him had to be locked up for six

                                                             On 12 August 2016, Zhou Hong who
                                                             used to be Secretary of the Board of
                                                             Directors of the Company resigned
Zhou Hong     212,500     212,500           0             0 from her office. According to relevant 2017-2-13
                                                             requirements, all the shares held by
                                                             her had to be locked up for six

                                                                                                      According to the
                                                                                                      implementation of
                                                                                                      the Company's
                                                                                                      restricted stock
                                                                                                      equity incentive plan
                                                                                                      to implement the
                                                             Awarded equity incentives on
Chen Lin            0           0    3,207,639   3,207,639                                            lifting of the
                                                             December 11, 2017
                                                                                                      restriction period,
                                                                                                      after the ban is lifted,
                                                                                                      the shares held by the
                                                                                                      executives will be
                                                                                                      locked according to
                                                                                                      relevant policies.

                                                                                                      According to the
                                                                                                      implementation of
                                                                                                      the Company's
                                                             Awarded equity incentives on             restricted stock
Lu Wenhui           0           0    2,405,729   2,405,729
                                                             December 11, 2017                        equity incentive plan
                                                                                                      to implement the
                                                                                                      lifting of the
                                                                                                      restriction period,

                                                                                  CSG Annual Report 2017

                                                                                    after the ban is lifted,
                                                                                    the shares held by the
                                                                                    executives will be
                                                                                    locked according to
                                                                                    relevant policies.

                                                                                    Executive locked
                                                                                    stocks of 258,750
                                                                                    will be locked up for
                                                                                    a long time.
                                                                                    According to the
                                                                                    implementation of
                                             Executive locked stocks of 258,750     the Company's
                                             shares and 2,291,170 shares of equity restricted stock
Li Weinan    0   0   2,549,920   2,549,920
                                             incentives awarded on December 11, equity incentive plan
                                             2017                                   to implement the
                                                                                    lifting of the
                                                                                    restriction period,
                                                                                    after the ban is lifted,
                                                                                    the shares added will
                                                                                    be locked according
                                                                                    to relevant policies.

                                                                                    According to the
                                                                                    implementation of
                                                                                    the Company's
                                                                                    restricted stock
                                                                                    equity incentive plan
                                                                                    to implement the
                                             Awarded equity incentives on
He Jin       0   0   1,600,000   1,600,000                                          lifting of the
                                             December 11, 2017
                                                                                    restriction period,
                                                                                    after the ban is lifted,
                                                                                    the shares held by the
                                                                                    executives will be
                                                                                    locked according to
                                                                                    relevant policies.

                                                                                    According to the
                                                                                    implementation of
                                                                                    the Company's
                                                                                    restricted stock
                                             Awarded equity incentives on
Yang Xinyu   0   0   2,291,170   2,291,170                                          equity incentive plan
                                             December 11, 2017
                                                                                    to implement the
                                                                                    lifting of the
                                                                                    restriction period,
                                                                                    after the ban is lifted,

                                                                                                                        CSG Annual Report 2017

                                                                                                                          the shares held by the
                                                                                                                          executives will be
                                                                                                                          locked according to
                                                                                                                          relevant policies.

                                                                                                                          According to the
                                                                                                                          implementation of
Core                                                                                                                      the Company's
Managemen                                                                       Awarded equity incentives on              restricted stock
                            0             0     62,410,653 62,410,653
t Team (108                                                                     December 11, 2017                         equity incentive plan
persons)                                                                                                                  to implement the
                                                                                                                          lifting of the
                                                                                                                          restriction period

                                                                                                                          According to the
Technology                                                                                                                implementation of
and                                                                                                                       the Company's
Business                                                                        Awarded equity incentives on              restricted stock
                            0             0     23,305,293 23,305,293
Backbone                                                                        December 11, 2017                         equity incentive plan
(341                                                                                                                      to implement the
persons)                                                                                                                  lifting of the
                                                                                                                          restriction period

                                                                                Executive locked stocks of of 2156
Zhao Peng                   0             0              2,156         2,156                                              Long-term locked

Total               12,736,888 12,736,888 97,772,560 97,772,560                                     --                               --

Note: In case the unlocking conditions of the restricted stock incentive plan is satisfied, the restricted shares Unlock in three phases
after 12 months from the date of grant: 40% of the restricted stocks will be available for circulation within the period (from the first
trading day following the lock-up period of 12 months to the last trading day of lock-up period of 24 months), 30% of the restricted
stocks will be available for circulation within the period (from the first trading day following the lock-up period of 24 months to the
last trading day of the lock-up period of 36 months), and 30% of the restricted stocks will be available for circulation within the
period (from the first trading day following the lock-up period of 36 months to the last trading day of the lock-up period of 48

II. Issuance and listing of Securities

1. Security issued (excluding preferred stock) in the report period

√Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                         Number of
Name of stock and                             Issue price
                                                                                                          permitted            Transaction
   its derivative         Issue date          (or interest       Issue volume        Listing date
                                                                                                           trading          termination date
       securities                                rate)

Stock class

Southern Glass A December 11, 2017 4.28                             97,511,654 December 25,                 97,511,654

                                                                                                               CSG Annual Report 2017


Explanation of the issuance of securities (excluding preferred shares) during the reporting period

On Oct. 10, 2017, the 3rd Meeting of the 8th Board of Directors of the Company deliberated and approved 2017 Restricted A- shares
Incentive Plan of CSG Holding Co., Ltd (Draft )and its summary, the Management Method of the Implementation and Review of
2017 Restricted A-shares Incentive Plan of CSG Holding Co., Ltd and the Resolution on Applying the General Meeting of
Shareholders to Authorize the Board of Directors to Deal With the Related Matters on the Company’s 2017 Restricted A-shares
Incentive Plan. The above contents are detailed in the Announcement of the Resolution on the Third Meeting of the Eighth Session of
the Board of Directors published inwww.cninfo.com.cn (Announcement No.: 2017-063). The Company’s independent directors
issued independent opinions on the issues involved with restricted A- shares incentive plan.

On Oct. 26, 2017, the Company convened the 5th Extraordinary General Meeting in 2017, which deliberated and approved the above
three proposals. The Resolution on Adjusting the Object and Quantity Granted of 2017 Restricted A-share Incentive Plan and the
Resolution on Firstly Granted Restricted Shares to the Object of 2017 Restricted A-share were deliberated and approved on the
21stprovisional meeting of the eighth session board of directors convened on Dec. 11th, 2017. It determined to grant 97,511,654
restricted shares to 454 objects, with price at RMB 4.28/share. The reserved restricted shares was 17,046, 869 shares.
The granting of shares was completed on Dec. 25, 2017 and the specific content was detailed in the Announcement on Completing
the First Granting of 2017 Restricted Shares disclosed in www.cninfo.com.cn on Dec. 22, 2017 (Announcement No.:2017-079).

2. Particulars about changes of total shares and shareholder structure as well as changes of assets and
liability structure

√Applicable □ Not applicable
1. Statement on profit distribution plan and capitalization of capital reserve plan of the Company in 2016: based on 2,075,335,560
shares of the total share capital while dividends will be distributed, distributing cash dividend of RMB 1.00 (tax included) for every
10 shares to all shareholders. Meanwhile the Company will transfer capital reserve into capital with 1.5 shares for every 10 shares to
all shareholders based on 2,075,335,560 shares of the total share capital. The program was completed on July 21, 2017.
2. During the report period, the Company issued 97,511,654 restricted stocks to 454 incentive targets. The initial grant date for this
restricted stock was December 11, 2017, and the share capital was increased to 2,484,147,547 shares after the grant was completed. The
listing date for the initial grant of shares was December 25, 2017.

3. Existing internal staff shares

□ Applicable   √ Not applicable

III. Particulars about shareholder and actual controller of the Company

1. Amount of shareholders of the Company and particulars about shares holding

                                                                                                                              Unit: Share

                                                                                                         Total preference
                                    Total shareholders at              Total preference
Total shareholders at                                                                                    shareholders with
                                    the end of the month               shareholders with voting
the end of the report    165,330                            157,660                                  N/A voting rights recovered    N/A
                                    before this annual                 rights recovered at end of
period                                                                                                   at end of the month
                                    report disclosed                   report period (if
                                                                                                         before this annual

                                                                                                                     CSG Annual Report 2017

                                                                          applicable)                        report disclosed (if

                                       Shareholder with above 5% shares hold or top 10 shareholders

Full name of Shareholders             Nature         of Proportion Total shares Changes in Amou Amount             of      Number of share
                                      shareholder      of    shares held at the report period nt     of un-restricted      pledged/frozen
                                                       held (%)      end of report            restrict shares held
                                                                                                                        Share    Amount
                                                                     period                   ed

                                      Domestic non
Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd.
                                      state-owned           14.84% 368,685,276 48,089,384               368,685,276
– Haili Niannian
                                      legal person

                                      Domestic non
Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd.
                                      state-owned            3.77% 93,616,606 12,210,862                 93,616,606
– Universal Insurance Products
                                      legal person

                                      Domestic non
Shenzhen Jushenghua Co., Ltd. state-owned                    2.76% 68,484,938 8,932,818                  68,484,938 pledged 68,484,915
                                      legal person

                                      Domestic non
Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd.
                                      state-owned            2.06% 51,197,756 6,677,968                  51,197,756
– Own Fund
                                      legal person

Central        Huijin        Asset State-owned
                                                             1.84% 45,782,995 5,971,695                  45,782,995
Management Ltd.                       legal person

China     Galaxy      International
                                      Foreign legal
Securities (Hong Kong) Co.,                                  1.30% 32,396,045 3,703,833                  32,396,045

China     Merchants     Securities State-owned
                                                             1.05% 26,056,708 -4,060,347                 26,056,708
(HK) Co., Limited                     legal person

                                      Domestic non
Shenzhen International Holdings
                                      state-owned            0.93% 23,000,000 3,000,000                  23,000,000
(SZ) Limited
                                      legal person

                                      Foreign legal
MARKETS STOCK INDEX                                          0.61%    15,272,911 1,992,119               15,272,911

Wang Heng                                                    0.54% 13,505,541 8,552,035                  13,505,541
                                      natural person

Strategic investors or general legal N/A
person becomes top 10 shareholders
due to shares issued (if applicable)

                                                                                                                 CSG Annual Report 2017

Explanation       on       associated Among shareholders as listed above, Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd.-Haili Niannian, Foresea
relationship among the aforesaid Life Insurance Co., Ltd.-Universal Insurance Products, Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd.-Own
shareholders                           Fund are all held by Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Jushenghua Co., Ltd. is a
                                       related legal person of Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd. and Chengtai Group Co., Ltd., another
                                       related legal person of Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd, which held 31,769,094 shares via
                                       China Galaxy International Securities (Hong Kong) Co., Limited.
                                       Except for the above-mentioned shareholders, It is unknown whether other shareholders
                                       belong to related party or have associated relationship regulated by the Management
                                       Regulation of Information Disclosure on Change of Shareholding for Listed Companies.

                                    Particular about top ten shareholders with un-restrict shares held

                                                                    Amount of un-restrict                   Type of shares
                       Shareholders’ name                               shares held at
                                                                                                         Type                Amount

Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd. – Haili Niannian                            368,685,276      RMB ordinary shares           368,685,276

Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd. – Universal Insurance
                                                                                93,616,606     RMB ordinary shares            93,616,606

Shenzhen Jushenghua Co., Ltd.                                                   68,484,938     RMB ordinary shares            68,484,938

Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd. – Own Fund                                    51,197,756     RMB ordinary shares            51,197,756

Central Huijin Asset Management Ltd.                                            45,782,995     RMB ordinary shares            45,782,995

China Galaxy International Securities (Hong Kong) Co.,                                           Domestically listed
                                                                                32,396,045                                    32,396,045
Limited                                                                                                  foreign shares

                                                                                                 Domestically listed
China Merchants Securities (HK) Co., Limited                                    26,056,708                                    26,056,708
                                                                                                         foreign shares

Shenzhen International Holdings (SZ) Limited                                    23,000,000     RMB ordinary shares            23,000,000

VANGUARD EMERGING MARKETS STOCK INDEX                                                            Domestically listed
                                                                                15,272,911                                    15,272,911
FUND                                                                                                     foreign shares

Wang Heng                                                                       13,505,541     RMB ordinary shares            13,505,541

                                      Among shareholders as listed above, Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd.-Haili Niannian, Foresea
                                      Life Insurance Co., Ltd.-Universal Insurance Products, Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd.-Own
                                      Fund are all held by Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Jushenghua Co., Ltd. is a related
Statement on associated               legal person of Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd. and Chengtai Group Co., Ltd., another related
relationship or consistent action     legal person of Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd, which held 31,769,094 shares via China Galaxy
among the above shareholders:         International Securities (Hong Kong) Co., Limited.
                                      Except for the above-mentioned shareholders, It is unknown whether other shareholders belong
                                      to related party or have associated relationship regulated by the Management Regulation of
                                      Information Disclosure on Change of Shareholding for Listed Companies.

Explanation     on     shareholders
involving margin business (if N/A

                                                                                                            CSG Annual Report 2017

Whether the company’s top 10 common shareholders and the top 10 shareholders of ordinary shares subject to unlimited sales have
agreed to buy back transactions during the reporting period
□Yes √ No

2. Controlling shareholder of the Company

The nature of controlling shareholders: No holding body
The type of controlling shareholder: Not exist
Explanation on the Company without controlling shareholder
Currently the Company has no controlling shareholder. Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd. is the Company's largest shareholder that has
totally held 519,824,469 shares of the Company via Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd.–Haili Niannian, Foresea Life Insurance Co.,
Ltd.–universal insurance products, Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd.–own fund, Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd.–a combination of its
own funds together with Huatai till the end of the report period, which accounts for 20.93% of the Company’s total shares; its related
legal person Shenzhen Jushenghua Co., Ltd. held 68,484,938 shares, which accounts for 2.76% of the Company’s total shares; its
related legal person Chengtai Group Co., Ltd. held 40,876,749 shares of B-share via China Galaxy International Securities (Hong
Kong) Co., Ltd and Guosen Securities (Hong Kong) Brokerage Co., Limited, which accounts for 1.65% of the Company’s total shares.
Foresea Life Insurance and its related legal persons totally held 25.33% of the Company’s total shares, which is less than 30%,
meanwhile, the number of directors recommended by Foresea Life Insurance and its related legal persons was no more than half of
total number of the Company’s board of directors.
Other shareholders of the Company hold less than 5% of the shares.
Changes of controlling shareholders in the report period
□ Applicable    √ Not applicable

3. Actual controller of the Company

The nature of actual controller: no actual controller
The type of actual controller: Not exist
Explanation on the Company without actual controller
Currently the Company has no controlling shareholder. Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd. is the Company's largest shareholder that has
totally held 519,824,469 shares of the Company via Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd.–Haili Niannian, Foresea Life Insurance Co.,
Ltd.–universal insurance products, Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd.–own fund, Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd.–a combination of its
own funds together with Huatai till the end of the report period, which accounts for 20.93% of the Company’s total shares; its related
legal person Shenzhen Jushenghua Co., Ltd. held 68,484,938 shares, which accounts for 2.76% of the Company’s total shares; its
related legal person Chengtai Group Co., Ltd. held 40,876,749 shares of B-share via China Galaxy International Securities (Hong
Kong) Co., Ltd and Guosen Securities (Hong Kong) Brokerage Co., Limited, which accounts for 1.65% of the Company’s total shares.
Foresea Life Insurance and its related legal persons totally held 25.33% of the Company’s total shares, which is less than 30%,
meanwhile, the number of directors recommended by Foresea Life Insurance and its related legal persons was no more than half of
total number of the Company’s board of directors.

Shareholders with over 10% shares held in ultimate controlling level
√Yes    □No
Natural person
Shares held in ultimate controlling level

                                                                                                                                 CSG Annual Report 2017

                                                                                          Whether to obtain the right of abode in other countries
                       Shareholders                             Nationality
                                                                                          or regions

                       Yao Zhenhua                                   China                                               No

     Major occupations and duties                       Chairman of Shenzhen Baoneng Investment Group Co., Ltd.

     Situation of holding domestic and abroad
     listed companies over the past 10 years

     Changes of actual controller in the report period
     □ Applicable    √ Not applicable
     Property right and controlling relationship between the largest shareholder and the Company is as follow:

                                          Yao Zhenhua

                             Shenzhen Baoneng Investment Group Co.,

                                                                                                                              Shenzhen Zheshang Baoneng
Shenzhen       Baoneng                                                          Shenzhen Baoyuan Logistics
                                                                                                                              Industry Investment partnership
Chuangying    Investment

Company Limited

                                            67.40%                                                                                         30%

                                   Shenzhen               Shenzhen     Shenyue         Shenzhen                  Kaixinheng Co., Ltd.        Jinfeng Tongyuan Co,.
                                   Jushenghua Co.,        Holding Co., Ltd.            Yueshang                                              Ltd.

                                           51%                         20%                   19.80%                    4.6%                            4.6%


                                                                              Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd.
  Chengtai    Group

  Co., Ltd.

                                 CSG         Holding
                1.65%            Co., Ltd.                               20.93%

                                                                                     CSG Annual Report 2017

Actual controller controlling of the Company by entrust or other assets management
□Applicable √Not applicable

4. Particulars about other legal person shareholders holding over 10% shares

□ Applicable   √ Not applicable

5. Limitation on share reduction of controlling shareholders, actual controllers, Recombination party and
other commitment subjects

□ Applicable   √ Not applicable

                                                                                                          CSG Annual Report 2017

          Section VII. Particulars about Directors, Supervisors, Senior

                                          Executives and Employees

I. Changes of shares held by directors, supervisors and senior executives

                                                                              Shares   Amount of
                                                                                                   of shares
                                                                    End date held at     shares                Other Shares held
                              Working                    Start      of office                      decrease                at
                Title                      Sex    Age                 term    period- increased in           changes
  Name                         status                   dated of                                   d in this          period-end(
                                                         office                begin this period              (share)   Share)
                                                         term                                        period
                                                                              (Share)   (Share)

           Chairman of       Currently                  2016-11- 2020-05-
Chen Lin                                 Female    46                                    3,207,639                     3,207,639
           the Board         in office                  19         02

           Secretary of
           the Party
Wang       Committee,        Currently                  2016-01- 2020-05-
                                         Male      54
Jian       Deputy            in office                  21         02
           Chairman of
           the Board

Jin        Independent       Currently                  2016-12- 2020-05-
                                         Male      61
Qingjun    Director          in office                  14         02

Zhan       Independent       Currently                  2016-12- 2020-05-
                                         Male      54
Weizai     Director          in office                  14         02

Zhu        Independent       Currently                  2017-05- 2020-05-
                                         Male      54
Guilong    Director          in office                  02         02

Zhang                        Currently                  2017-05- 2020-05-
           Director                      Male      53
Jinshun                      in office                  02         02

Ye                           Currently                  2016-01- 2020-05-
           Director                      Female    46
Weiqing                      in office                  21         02

Cheng                        Currently                  2016-01- 2020-05-
           Director                      Female    36
Xibao                        in office                  21         02

Pan        Director &        Currently                  2017-02- 2020-05-
                                         Male      49
Yonghong CEO                 in office                  23         02

           Chairman of
Zhang                        Currently                  2017-01- 2020-05-
           the supervisory               Female    49
Wandong                      in office                  13         02

Li Xinjun Supervisor         Currently Male        50 2017-01- 2020-05-

                                                                                                         CSG Annual Report 2017

                               in office                       13        02

Zhao                           Currently                       2017-01- 2020-04-
            Supervisor                       Male         56
Peng                           in office                       11        13

Lu          Executive Vice Currently                           2017-02- 2020-05-
                                             Male         55                           2,405,729                        2,405,729
Wenhui      President          in office                       23        02

Li                             Currently                       2017-02- 2020-05-
            Vice president                   Male         56                           2,636,170                        2,636,170
Weinan                         in office                       23        02

                               Currently                       2018-04- 2020-05-
Li Cuixu Vice president                      Male         43
                               in office                       08        02

                               Currently                       2018-04- 2020-05-
He Jin      Vice president                   Male         46                           1,600,000                        1,600,000
                               in office                       08        02

Yang        Secretary of       Currently                       2017-05- 2020-05-
                                             Male         38                           2,291,170                        2,291,170
Xinyu       the Board          in office                       02        02

            Independent        Post                            2012-04- 2017-05-
Fu Qilin                                     Male         63
            Director           leaving                         17        02

            Chairman of
Long                           Post                            2011-04- 2017-01-
            the supervisory                  Male         62
Long                           leaving                         15        13

Hong                           Post                            2011-04- 2017-01-
            Supervisor                       Male         63
Guo’an                        leaving                         15        13

Yan                            Post                            2014-03- 2017-01-
            Supervisor                       Male         50
Wendou                         leaving                         15        11

Total               --                --        --       --         --          --    12,140,708                       12,140,708

II. Changes of directors, supervisors and senior executives

√Applicable □ Not applicable

        Name                Title                Type                         Date                     Reason

Wang Jian           Chairman of the Be elected                 2017-09-15            Election of deputy chairman of board

Zhu Guilong                                Be elected          2017-05-02            Election the Board of Directors

Zhang Jinshun       Director               Be elected          2017-05-02            Election the Board of Directors

Pan Yonghong        Director               Be elected          2017-05-02            Election the Board of Directors

Zhao Peng           Supervisor             Be elected          2017-01-11            Election of employee supervisor

                    Executive Vice                                                   Senior management employed by the Board
Lu Wenhui                                  Be employed         2017-02-23
                    President                                                        of Directors

                                                                                                        CSG Annual Report 2017

                                                                                    Senior management employed by the Board
Li Weinan         Vice president     Be employed      2017-02-23
                                                                                    of Directors

                                                                                    Senior management employed by the Board
Li Cuixu          Vice president     Be employed      2018-04-08
                                                                                    of Directors

                                                                                    Senior management employed by the Board
He Jin            Vice president     Be employed      2018-04-08
                                                                                    of Directors

                  Secretary of the                                                  Secretary employed by the Board of
Yang Xinyu                           Be employed      2017-05-02
                  Board                                                             Directors

Fu Qilin                             Post leaving     2017-05-2                     The change of the board of directors

                  Chairman of the
Long Long         supervisory        Post leaving     2017-01-13                    Resigned

Hong Guo’an      Supervisor         Post leaving     2017-01-13                    Resigned

Yan Wendou        Supervisor         Post leaving     2017-01-11                    Resigned

III. Post-holding

Major professional background, working experience of directors, supervisors and senior executive and their major responsibility in
the Company at present
Chen Lin: took posts of General Manager Assistant in Shenzhen Juhua Investment and Development Co., Ltd., Department Manager,
General Manager Assistant, and Deputy General Manager in Shenzhen Shum Yip Logistics Group Co., Ltd. At present, she is
Deputy General Manager in Shenzhen Shum Yip Logistics Group Co., Ltd., Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Foresea Life
Insurance Co., Ltd. and Chairman of Board of Supervisors of Xinjiang Qianhai United Property & Casualty Insurance Co., Ltd.,
Executive Director and General Manager of Shenghua Credit Co., Ltd., Chairman of Board of Shenzhen Baoyuan Logistics Co., Ltd,
Supervisor of Shenzhen Jushenghua Co., Ltd., Director of Guangdong Shaoneng Group Co., Ltd., Chairman of the Board of Baoneng
Automobile Co., Ltd., Chairman of the Board of Qoros Automobile Co., Ltd. and Chairman of the Board of the Company.
Wang Jian: took posts of General Manager and Executive Director of China North Industries Tianjin Corporation, General Manager
and senior consultant of China North Vehicle Co., Ltd., and Deputy Chairman and Chairman of Shanghai Nonferrous Metals
E-Commerce Co., Ltd., General Manager of investment management department of China North Industries Corporation, Chairman of
the Board of Chengdu Yinhe Dynasty Hotel Co., Ltd., Deputy Chairman of the Board of Shenzhen Baoyin Electricity Co., Ltd.,
Chairman of the Board of North Property Development Company Limited. At present he is Secretary of the Party Committee and
Deputy Chairman of the Company.
Jin Qingjun: took posts of the lawyer of Zhongxin Lawyer Firm and the partner of Xinda Lawyer Firm. He currently serves as the
partner of King & Wood Mallesons, the Independent Director of Invesco Great Wall Fund Management Company Limited,
Independent Director of Guo Tai Jun An Securities, Independent Director of Bank of Tianjin Co., Ltd, Independent Director of
Sino-Ocean Land Holdings Limited, Independent Director of Times Property Holding Limited, Director of Konka Group Co., Ltd,
External Supervisor of China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd, and Independent Director of the Company.
Zhan Weizai: took posts of Vice Manager of the financial department of Donghui Industrial Co., Ltd, General Manager Assistant of
Shenzhen Xili Hotel, Director and Chief Financial Officer of Shenzhen Qiaoshe Industry Co.,Ltd.., the Leader of the audit & law
department of Shenzhe Truism (Group) Company and Vice General Manager of Sinosafe General Insurance Company Limited. He
currently holds the post of Supervisor of Shenzhen Dewo Industrial Development Co., Ltd, Supervisor of Shenzhen Dewo

                                                                                                         CSG Annual Report 2017

Investment Development Co., Ltd, Chairman of Board and Manager of Huazhang Investment Holding Co., Ltd, Independent Director
of Shenzhen Neptunus Bioengineering Co., Ltd., Independent Director of Hubei Zhenhua Chemical Co., Ltd, Independent Director
of Shenzhen Longood Intelligent Electric Co., Ltd., Independent Director of Shenzhen Liantronics Co., Ltd and Independent Director
of the Company.
Zhu Guilong: took posts of the researcher of the Institute of Forecasting and Development at Hefei University of Technology.
Currently, he is a professor and doctoral tutor of the School of Business Administration, South China University of Technology, and
holds a concurrent post of the Vice Chairman of Systems Engineering Society of China, Executive Director of Chinese Association
For Science of Science and S&T Policy, the Vice Chairman of Guangdong Institute of Technical Economy and Management
Modernization, and Guangdong Economic Society, the Independent Director of GRG BANKING EQUIPMENT CO., LTD., the
Independent Director of Jiangsu Saifutian Steel Cable Co., Ltd., Independent Director of Guangzhou Kingmed Diagnostics Group
Co., Ltd., and the Independent Director of the Company.
Zhang Jinshun: took posts of member of the Party Committee and Deputy President of the head office of Ping An Bank, as well as
Chairman of Board of Ping An Trust Co., Ltd. and the Secretary of the Party Committee. He currently serves as Deputy Chairman of
the Board of Shenzhen Baoneng Investment Group Co., Ltd., President and CEO of Shenzhen jushenghua Co., Ltd., Chairman of
Board of Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd., and Director of the Company.
Ye Weiqing: took posts of the Financial Administrator, Senior Vice President and Director of Shenzhen Baoneng Investment Group
Co., Ltd. At present, she is the Chairman of Board and General Manager of Shenzhen Jushenghua Co., Ltd., Director of Foresea Life
Insurance Co., Ltd., Chairman of Board and General Manager of Baoneng Real Estate Co., Ltd., Chairman of Board of Baoneng
South China Investment Co., Ltd, Executive Director and General Manager of Shenzhen Shining Asset Management Co., Ltd, the
Executive Director and General Manager of Qianhai E-payment Co., Ltd, Chairman of Board and General Manager of Shenzhen
Laihua Property Development Co., Ltd, Chairman of Board and General Manager of Shenzhen Liujin Plaza Investment Co., Ltd, the
Chairman of Board and General Manager of Shenzhen Shum Yip Logistics Center Investment Development Co., Ltd., Chairman of
Board and the Director of Shenzhen Baoneng Jianye Property Co., Ltd, Chairman of Board and General Manager of Shenzhen
Baoneng Century Property Development Co., Ltd. Chairman of Board and General Manager of All City Co., Ltd, Chairman of Board
and General Manager of Shenzhen Hualitong Investment Co., Ltd, Director of Shenzhen Baoyuan Logistics Co., Ltd, Chairman of
Board of Baoneng Hotel Investment Co., Ltd, Chairman of Board of Qinglan Industry(Shenzhen) Co., Ltd, Chairman of Board and
General Manager of Shenzhen Zhonglin Industry Development Co., Ltd, Director of Shenzhen Baoneng Investment Group Co., Ltd.
Director of Jonjee Hi-tech Industrial & Commercial Holding Co., Ltd., Director of Shenzhen Shum Yip Logistics Group Co., Ltd.
and Director of the Company.
Cheng Xibao: took posts of Deputy Manager and Manager of financial department of Huizhou Olympic Garden Co., Ltd., which is a
subsidiary of China Sports Group Industry, Manager of financial department of Shenzhen Xuansheng Investment Co., Ltd., which is
a subsidiary of Foxconn, and Manager, Vice President, Executive Vice President of financial department, President Assistant and
Vice President of Shenzhen Baoneng Investment Group Co., Ltd. At present, she is Vice President of Shenzhen Baoneng Investment
Group Co., Ltd. and Vice President of Shenzhen Jushenghua Co., Ltd., Vice President of Baoneng City Development and
Construction Group Co., Ltd., the Supervisor of Xinjiang Qianhai United Property & Casualty Insurance Co., Ltd., Director of
Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd. Director of Baoneng Automobile Co., Ltd., Director of Qoros Automobile Co., Ltd., Supervisor of
Guizhou Baoneng Automobile Co., Ltd. and Director of the Company.
Pan Yonghong: took posts of Director, Chief Financial Officer and General Manager of China Resources Cement Investment
Limited, General Manager and President of China Resources Cement Holdings Limited and Senior Vice President of China
Resources Asset Management Limited. He currently serves as Director of the Company and Chief Executive Officer of the
Zhang Wandong: took the post of the certified lawyer of Grandall (Shenzhen) Law Firm. She currently serves as the certified
lawyer of Guangdong Shu Jin Law Firm, Supervisor of Zhejiang Ruizhen Logistics Co., Ltd., Supervisor of Shanghai Jiajin Logistics
Co., Ltd., Supervisor of Zhejiang Ruizhen Supply China Management Co., Ltd., Supervisor of Yancheng Ruizhen Logistics Co., Ltd.,

                                                                                                             CSG Annual Report 2017

Director of Shenzhen Sinotrix Software Co.,Ltd. and Chairman of the supervisory board of the Company.
Li Xinjun: took the post of the Chief Financial Officer of Shenzhen Zhongshanglong Industrial Co., Ltd. He currently serves as the
General Manager of Shenzhen Zhongzhun Certified Tax Agent Co., Ltd., Chairman of Board of Zhongzhun Certified Public
Accountants (Shenzhen) Office and Supervisor of the Company.
Zhao Peng: took posts of General Manager Assistant of Libi Composite Plastics (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., Assistant to the Chairman of
Shenzhen Wanji Group Co., Ltd., Director of Kongfujia Wine Co., Ltd., General Manager of Shenwei Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Vice
General Manager and General Manager of Shenzhen Engineering, a subsidiary of the Company, the Assistant of the General
Manager and Vice General Manager of Wujiang Engineering, a subsidiary of the Company, the Assistant of the General Manager of
Tianjin Engineering, the original subsidiary of the Company and the Manager of the Research, Development and Investment
Management Department, the Operation Management Department and the Strategy Development Department of the Company. He
currently holds the post of the Director of the Strategy Department of the Company and the Employee Supervisor of the Company.

Mr. Lu Wenhui: took posts of Vice General Manager of the Company and General manager of Float Glass Business Department of
the company, the vice president of the company and the general manager of the Engineering and Automotive Glass Business
Department of the company, the chief economy expert of the company, the manager of Enterprise Operation Department, the vice
president of the Solar Business Department, the vice president of the company and the president of the Fine Glass Business
Department, and the president of Shenzhen Monitor Company, a subsidiary company. At present, he is the executive vice president
and the president of the Intelligent Electronic Display Business Department.

Li Weinan: took posts of the manager of the company’s Securities Investment Department and the manager of Operation
Department, the assistant of the company’s president and the general manager of Dongguan Solar Energy Company, the general
manager of Dongguan PV, the general manager of CSG (Yichang), the executive vice president of the company, the president of the
Solar Business Department, and the president of the Electronic Glass and Display Parts Department. He is presently the vice
president of the company.

Li Cuixu: took posts of the director of the Safety Production Department of Hebei Shijiazhuang New Cast Pipe Co., Ltd., the project
manager, assistant general manager and deputy general manager of the Investment and Management Department of China North
Industrial Company. He is present the vice president of the company.

He Jin: took posts of a senior economy expert.He has been the general manager of CSG (Shenzhen) Float Glass Co., Ltd., the vice
president of Float Glass Department, the general manager of CSG (Dongguan) Solar Glass Co., Ltd., the general manager of CSG
(Chengdu) Co., Ltd. and the general manager of CSG (Qingyuan) Energy Saving New Material Co., Ltd. He is currently the assistant
president of the company, the president of the Flat Panel and Electronic Glass Department and the vice president of the company.
Yang Xinyu: took posts of the Securities Department of Beijing Jindu Law Firm, the risk control director of the Law Department of
Honghua International Medical Holding Co., Ltd and the assistant of the chairman of the board. He is currently the secretary of the
board of directors, the assistant president and the director of the Audit and Supervision Department.

Post-holding in shareholder’s unit
√Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                              Received remuneration
                                                     Position in shareholder’s Start dated of End date of
Name               Name of shareholder’s unit                                                                from shareholder’s unit
                                                                unit             office term office term
                                                                                                                      or not

                                                    Chairman of Supervisory
              Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd.                                  Apr. 2012      --            Yes
Chen Lin                                            Committee

              Shenzhen Juhua Investment and         Supervisor                  Jul. 2016      --            No

                                                                                                                CSG Annual Report 2017

                Development Co., Ltd.

                                                     General Manager of
Wang Jian       China North Industrial Corporation Investment and Operation Apr. 2012            Sep.2017        Yes

                                                     Chairman of Board and
                Shenzhen Jushenghua Co., Ltd.                                      Nov. 2009     --              No
Ye Weiqing                                           General Manager

                Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd.     Director                      Feb. 2012     --              No

Chen Xibao Shenzhen Jushenghua Co., Ltd.             Vice President                Mar. 2016     --              No

Zhang           Shenzhen Jushenghua Co., Ltd.        President & CEO               Jan. 2016                     Yes
Jinshun         Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd.     Chairman of Board             Sep. 2017                     No

Note of
in              N/A
s unit

Post-holding in other unit
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                   Start dated of                Received remuneration
                                                                                                  End date of
     Name                   Name of other units         Position in other unit n    office term
                                                                                                  office term     from other unit or not
                Shenzhen Shum Yip Logistics Group       Deputy General
                                                                                   May 2003     --              No
                Co., Ltd.                               Manager

                Xinjiang Qianhai United Property &      Chairman of the Board Jul. 2016
                                                                                                --              No
                Casualty Insurance Co., Ltd.            of Supervisors

                                                        Executive Director &       Sep. 2015
                Shenghua Credit Co., Ltd.                                                       --              No
Chen Lin                                                General Manager

                Shenzhen Baoyuan Logistics Co., Ltd. Chairman of the Board June 2010            --              No

                Guangdong Shaoneng Group Co., Ltd. Director                        Nov. 2015    --              Yes

                Baoneng Automobile Co., Ltd.            Chairman of the Board Dec. 2017         --              No

                Qoros Automobile Co., Ltd.              Chairman of the Board Dec. 2017         --              No

                Chengdu Yinhe Dynasty Hotel Co.,
                                                        Chairman of the Board Apr. 2012         Sep. 2017       No

                                                        Deputy Chairman of the
Wang Jian       Shenzhen Baoyin Electricity Co., Ltd.                              Sep. 2012    Sep. 2017       No

                North Property Development
                                                        Chairman of the Board May, 2014         Sep. 2017       No
                Company Limited

                King & Wood Mallesons                   Partner                    Sep. 2002    --              Yes
Jin Qingjun
                Invesco Great Wall Fund Management Independent director            April 2003   --              Yes

                                                                                               CSG Annual Report 2017

             Company Limited

             Guo Tai Jun An Securities               Independent director     Jan. 2013   --   Yes

             Bank of Tianjin Co., Ltd.               Independent director     Mar. 2017   --   Yes

             Sino-Ocean Land Holdings Limited        Independent director     Mar. 2016   --   Yes

             Times Property Holding Limited          Independent director     Oct. 2015   --   Yes

             Konka Group Co., Ltd.                   Director                 May 2015    --   Yes

             China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd.          External supervisor      Oct. 2014   --   Yes

             Shenzhen Dewo Industrial                                         June 2010
                                                     Supervisor                           --   No
             Development Co., Ltd,

             Shenzhen Dewo Investment                                         Sep. 2011
                                                     Supervisor                           --   No
             Development Co., Ltd.

             Huazhang Investment Holding Co.,        Chairman of Board and May 2011
                                                                                          --   Yes
Zhan         Ltd                                       manager

Weizai       Shenzhen Neptunus Bioengineering                                 Aug. 2013
                                                     Independent director                 --   Yes
             Co., Ltd.

             Hubei Zhenhua Chemical Co., Ltd.        Independent director     Mar. 2015   --   Yes

             Shenzhen Longood Intelligent Electric                            Oct. 2012
                                                     Independent director                 --   Yes
             Co., Ltd.

             Shenzhen Liantronics Co., Ltd.          Independent director     Nov. 2016   --   Yes

                                                     Professor and Doctoral
             South China University of Technology                             Aug. 2000   --   Yes

Zhu                                                  Independent director     Dec. 2017   --   Yes
             Jiangsu Saifutian Steel Cable Co., Ltd. Independent director     Aug. 2017   --   Yes

             Guangzhou Kingmed Diagnostics
                                                     Independent director     Nov. 2015   --   Yes
             Group Co., Ltd.

Zhang        Shenzhen Baoneng Investment Group Deputy Chairman of the
                                                                              Mar. 2017   --   No
Jinshun      Co., Ltd.                               Board

             Baoneng South China Investment Co.,                              Aug. 2017
                                                     Chairman of the Board                --   No

             Shenzhen Shining Asset Management Executive Director and Jun. 2015
                                                                                          --   No
             Co., Ltd.                         General Manager

Ye Weiqing                                           Executive Director and Jun. 2014
             Qianhai E-payment Co., Ltd.                                                  --   No
                                                     General Manager

             Shenzhen          Laihua      Property Chairman of Board and Nov. 2016
                                                                                          --   No
             Development Co., Ltd.                  General Manager

             Shenzhen Liujin Plaza Investment Co., Chairman of Board and Feb. 2014        --   No
                                                   General Manager

                                                                                                     CSG Annual Report 2017


            Shenzhen Shum Yip Logistics Center Chairman of Board and Feb. 2014
                                                                                         --          No
            Investment Development Co., Ltd.   General Manager

            Shenzhen Baoneng Jianye Property                                 Aug. 2013
                                                       Director                          --          No
            Co., Ltd.

            Shenzhen Baoneng Century Property Chairman of Board and Jul. 2013
                                                                                         --          No
            Development Co., Ltd.             General Manager

            All City Co., Ltd.                         Chairman of Board and Apr. 2013
                                                                                         --          No
                                                       General Manager
            Shenzhen Hualitong Investment Co., Chairman of Board and Mar. 2012
                                                                                         --          No
            Ltd.                               General Manager

            Shenzhen Baoyuan Logistics Co., Ltd. Director                    Jun. 2010   --          No

            Baoneng Hotel Investment Co., Ltd.         Chairman of Board     Mar. 2010   --          No

            Qinglan Industry (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Chairman of Board          Jul. 2012   --          No

            Baoning Property Co., Ltd.                 Chairman of Board and May 2012
                                                                                         --          No
                                                       General Manager
            Shenzhen        Zhonglin        Industry Chairman of Board and May 2012
                                                                                         --          No
            Development Co., Ltd.                    General Manager

            Shenzhen Baoneng Investment Group                                Oct. 2013
                                                       Director                          --          No
            Co., Ltd.

            Jonjee      Hi-tech     Industrial     &                         May 2016
                                                       Director                          --          No
            Commercial Holding Co., Ltd.

            Shenzhen Shum Yip Logistics Group                                Oct. 2003
                                                       Director                          --          No
            Co., Ltd.
            Shenzhen Baoneng Investment Group
                                              Vice President                 Dec. 2017   --          Yes
            Co., Ltd.
            Baoneng City Development and
                                                       Vice President        Dec. 2017               No
            Construction Group Co., Ltd.
            Xinjiang Qianhai United Property &
                                                       Supervisor            Sep. 2016   --          No
            Casualty Insurance Co., Ltd.
Chen Xibao Foresea Life Insurance Co., Ltd.            Director              Oct. 2017   --          No

            Baoneng Automobile Co., Ltd.               Director              Mar. 2017   --          No

            Qoros Automobile Co., Ltd.                 Director              Dec. 2017   --          No

            Guizhou Baoneng Automobile Co.,
                                                       Supervisor            Jan. 2018   --          No

Li Weinan   Yichang Hongtai Property Co., Ltd.         Chairman of Board     Nov. 2013   Dec. 2017   No

            Guangdong Shu Jin Law Firm                 Certified lawyer      Jan. 2010   --          Yes

            Zhejiang Ruizhen Logistics Co., Ltd.       Supervisor            Dec. 2014   --          No
Wandong     Shanghai Jiajin Logistics Co., Ltd.        Supervisor            Jun. 2006   --          No
            Zhejiang Ruizhen Supply China              Supervisor            May 2016    --          No
            Management Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                       CSG Annual Report 2017

                Yancheng Ruizhen Logistics Co., Ltd. Supervisor                     Aug. 2017       --                 No

                Shenzhen Sinotrix Software Co.,Ltd.    Director                     Jan. 2001       --                 No
                Shenzhen Renda Certified Tax Agent                                  Dec. 2004
                                                       General Manager                              --                 Yes
                Co., Ltd.
Li Xinjun
                Zhongzhun Certified Public                                          Nov. 2010
                                                       Chairman of Board                            --                 Yes
                Accountants (Shenzhen) Office
Punishment of securities regulatory authority in the last three years to the Company’s current and retired directors, supervisors and
senior management during the report period
□ Applicable    √ Not applicable

IV. Remuneration for directors, supervisors and senior executives

Decision-making procedures, recognition basis and payment for directors, supervisors and senior executives
1. Decision-making procedures: The allowances for independent directors, external directors from non-shareholder’s unit and
external supervisors are planned and proposed by the Remuneration &Assessment Committee of the Board and approved by the
Shareholders’ General Meeting after deliberation of the Board. Remuneration for senior executives is proposed by the Remuneration
&Assessment Committee of the Board and decided by the Board after discussion.
2. Confirmation basis of remuneration: The allowances for independent directors and external supervisors are confirmed based on
industry standards and real situation of the Company. The remuneration for senior executives implements floating reward mechanism
with reference to basic salary and business performance. Bonus for performance rewards is withdrawal by proportion quarterly
according to return on equity and based on the total net profit after taxation.
3. Actual remuneration payment: The allowances for each of the Company’s independent directors, external director from
non-shareholder’s unit and each external supervisor are RMB 0.10 million per year, paid by actual month of service. The total
remuneration for directors, supervisor and senior executives in the report period was RMB 13.3829 million.
Remuneration for directors, supervisors and senior executives of the Company within the report period
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB0,000

                                                                                                               Total            Received
                                                                                                           remuneration       remuneration
      Name                   Title              Sex                Age                                   obtained from the from related party
                                                                                                         Company before      of the Company
                                                                                                             taxation            or not

                     Chairman of the                                              Currently in
Chen Lin                                Female                              46                                   0                Yes
                     Board                                                        office

                     Secretary of the
                     Party Committee,                                             Currently in
Wang Jian                               Male                                54                                109.15              No
                     Deputy Chairman                                              office
                     of the Board

                     Independent                                                  Currently in
Jin Qingjun                             Male                                61                                10.83               No
                     Director                                                     office

                     Independent                                                  Currently in
Zhan Weizai                             Male                                54                                10.83               No
                     Director                                                     office

Zhu Guilong          Independent        Male                                54 Currently in                    6.67               No

                                                                                                                      CSG Annual Report 2017

                    Director                                                      office

                                                                                  Currently in
Zhang Jinshun       Director            Male                                 53                                0                   Yes

                                                                                  Currently in
Ye Weiqing          Director            Female                               46                                0                   Yes

                                                                                  Currently in
Cheng Xibao         Director            Female                               36                                0                   Yes

                                                                                  Currently in
Pan Yonghong        Director & CEO Male                                      49                             354.41                  No

                    Chairman of the                                               Currently in
Zhang Wandong                           Female                               49                               10                    No
                    supervisory board                                             office

                                                                                  Currently in
Li Xinjun           Supervisor          Male                                 50                               10                    No

                                                                                  Currently in
Zhao Peng           Supervisor          Male                                 56                             87.36                   No

                    Executive Vice                                                Currently in
Lu Wenhui                               Male                                 55                             280.56                  No
                    President                                                     office

                                                                                  Currently in
Li Weinan           Vice president      Male                                 56                             237.98                  No

                                                                                  Currently in
Li Cuixu            Vice president      Male                                 43                                0                    No

                                                                                  Currently in
He Jin              Vice president      Male                                 46                             135.47                  No

                    Secretary of the                                              Currently in
Yang Xinyu                              Male                                 38                             85.03                   No
                    Board                                                         office

Fu Qilin                                Male                                 63 Post leaving                   0                    No

                    Chairman of the
Long Long                               Male                                 62 Post leaving                   0                    No
                    supervisory board

Hong Guo’an        Supervisor          Male                                 63 Post leaving                   0                    No

Yan Wendou          Supervisor          Male                                 50 Post leaving                   0                    No

         Total               --                   --                  --                   --              1,338.29                 --

Directors and senior management of the company were granted equity incentives during the reporting period
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                                   Unit: Share

                            Number Number of            The        Market         The      Number of Number of            The            The
  Name           Title      of shares   shares         exercise price at the number of          shares   restricted     granting   number of
                            outstandi   already        price of   end of the restricted     unlocked      shares        price of    restricted

                                                                                                                  CSG Annual Report 2017

                             ng during exercised       the        report   stocks held     in this     newly       restricted stocks held
                             the report during the exercised     period       at the       period     granted        stock    at the end
                              period      report     shares      (RMB /     beginning                during the     (RMB /      of the
                                         period     during the   share)       of the                   report        share)     period
                                                      report                 period                    period
                                                     (RMB /

             Chairman of
Chen Lin                         0          0           --          --          0            0       3,207,639       4.28     3,207,639
             the Board

Lu Wenhui Vice                   0          0           --          --          0            0       2,405,729       4.28     2,405,729

Li Weinan                        0          0           --          --          0            0       2,291,170       4.28     2,291,170

He Jin                           0          0           --          --          0            0       1,600,000       4.28     1,600,000

Yang         Secretary of
                                 0          0           --          --          0            0       2,291,170       4.28     2,291,170
Xinyu        the Board

   Total            --           0          0           --          --          0            0       10,195,708        --     10,195,708

Remarks (if any)             The above restricted stocks held by directors and senior executives have not been unlocked.

V. Particulars of workforce

1. Number, professional composition and educational background of employees

Number of employees in the parent company (person)                                                                                   141

Number of employees in major subsidiaries of the Company (person)                                                                 11,964

Total number of employees (person)                                                                                                12,105

Total number of employees received salaries in the period (person)                                                                12,105

Number of retired employees whose costs beared by the parent company and
its main subsidiaries (person)
                                                        Professional composition

                         Category of professional composition                           Number of professional composition (person)

Production personnel                                                                                                               8,835

Salesman                                                                                                                             582

Technician                                                                                                                         1,500

Financial personnel                                                                                                                  116

Administrative personnel                                                                                                           1,072

                                                                                                               CSG Annual Report 2017

Total                                                                                                                            12,105

                                                        Educational background

                       Category of educational background                                            Number (person)

Doctor                                                                                                                                   8

Master                                                                                                                               184

Undergraduate                                                                                                                      2,202

Junior college                                                                                                                     2,343

Degree below junior college                                                                                                        7,368

Total                                                                                                                            12,105

2. Staff remuneration policy

The Company adopted the salary management of basic pay plus performance pay, encouraged the staff to reach their employment
objectives and obtain high performance payment through their endeavor. Realize the salary system of linking the salary and
assessment results together via effective performance appraisal, and stimulate the positiveness of to strive to realize the enterprise
objectives by adjusting the income of staff with good and bad performance.

3. Staff training plan

The Company attached great importance to the team construction, thought highly of the training, allocated training fee for cultivating
employee’s skill, developing capabilities and promoting quality. The Company overall implemented training program for senior
management so as to offer a strong support for improving levels of education and skills for employees. As for the senior management,
middle management and junior employees, the Company formulated a personalized training plan for the purpose of adapting and
promoting the business development of CSG. Training and development will be the normalized important work of HR in the future,
which will receive more support from the Company.

4. Labor outsourcing

□ Applicable    √ Not applicable

                                                                                                               CSG Annual Report 2017

                                        VIII. Corporate Governance

I. Corporate governance of the Company

In strict compliance with the requirements of the relevant laws and regulation including The Company Law, Securities Law and Rule
of Governance for Listed Company, the Company has been putting efforts in improving the corporate governance, strengthening
management of information disclosure, regulating operation activities and establishing a modern corporate system. At present, the
system for corporate governance of the Company is basically perfect, operation is regulated, corporate governance is consummated,
which accord with the requirements of relevant documents on corporate governance of listed company issued by CSRS.
The Company has established the Information Disclosure Management System and promptly improved it in accordance with newly
issued laws and regulations, clarified the standards of insider information, and established inside information insider registration
system and record management system. In order to further strengthen the Company's internal information disclosure control, enhance
the disclosure consciousness of relevant personnel, and improve the quality of corporate information disclosure, in 2016, the
Company set up information Disclosure Committee, and formulate Rules for the implementation of the information disclosure
Committee. During the report period, the Company disclosed information with facticity, completeness, timeliness and fairness,
strictly fulfilled the responsibilities and obligations of information disclosure of listed companies to ensure that investors are able to
keep abreast of the Company's operation and development strategies. There was no regulatory punishment caused by information
disclosure in the report period. Meanwhile, the Company delivered the Inside Information Insider Table to Shenzhen Stock Exchange
when submitting periodic reports. It didn’t exist that insiders used the inside information to trade the Company’s shares before the
major sensitive information which could affect the Company’s share price was disclosed.
The Company has seriously implemented the requirements of the relevant regulatory to cash dividends. The Company formulated the
Return plan for Shareholders of CSG Holding Co., Ltd. in the Next Three Years (2015- 2017) according to relevant regulations ofthe
Notice of Further Implementation of Cash Dividends of the Listed Companies(ZJF No.: [2012] 37) and the Regulatory Guidelines of
Listed Companies No. 3 - Cash Dividends of Listed Companies(ZGZJHGGNo. [2013] 43) issued by China Securities Regulatory
Commission, further improved the Company’s decision-making and supervision mechanism for distribution of profits, and protected
the interests of investors.
During the report period, it did not exist that the Company provided the undisclosed information to the largest shareholder and actual
controller. And it did not exist that non-operating fund of listed company was occupied by the largest shareholder and its affiliated
Is there any difference between the actual condition of corporate governance and relevant regulations about corporate governance for
listed company from CSRC?
□Yes √ No
There are no differences between the actual condition of corporate governance and relevant regulations about corporate governance
for listed company from CSRC.

II. Independency of the Company relative to the largest shareholder’ in aspect of businesses,
personnel, assets, organization and finance

The Company has been absolutely independent in business, personal, assets, organization and financial from its substantial
shareholders ever since its establishment. The Company had an independent and complete business system and independent
management capability.

                                                                                                                CSG Annual Report 2017

1. In terms of business: The Company owns independent purchase and supply system of the raw resources, complete production
  systems, independent sale system and customers. The Company is completely independent from the substantial shareholders in
  business. The substantial shareholders and their subsidiaries do not engage any identical business or similar business as the
2. In terms of personnel: The Company established integrated management system of labor, personnel, salaries and the social security,
  which were absolutely independent from its holding shareholder’s. Personnel of the managers, person in charge of the financial
  and other executive managers are obtained remuneration from the Company since on duty in the Company, and never received
  remuneration or take part-time jobs in large shareholders’ company and other enterprises controlled by large shareholders. The
  recruitment and dismissal of Directors are conducted through legal procedure since the Company was listed and the manager has
  been appointed or dismissed by Board of Directors. The Board of Directors and the Shareholders’ General Meeting have not
  received any interference of decisions on personnel appointment and removal from the largest shareholders.
3. In terms of asset, the Company is able to operate business independently and enjoys full control over the production system,
  auxiliary production system and facilities, land use right, industry property and non-patent technology owned or used by the
  Company. The investments to the Company from largest shareholder are monetary assets, and the largest shareholder has never
  occupy, damage or intervene to operation on these assets.
4. In terms of organization: The Company possessed sound corporate governance structure, established Shareholders’ General
  Meeting, Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, appointed general manager, and fixed related function departments. The
  Company had been totally independent from its large shareholders in organization structure. The Company has its own office and
  production sites that are different from those of the large shareholders. The largest shareholder and its related parties didn’t deliver
  any operation plan and order to the Company, neither influence the independence on management of the Company by any forms.
5. In terms of finance: The Company has set up independent financial department, established independent accounting calculation
system and financial management system (included management system of its subsidiaries). The financial personnel of the Company
didn’t take part-time jobs in units of large shareholder or its subordinate units. The Company had independent bank accounts,
separated from the large shareholders. The Company is independent taxpayer, paid taxes independently according the laws and didn’t
pay mixed taxes with the large shareholders. The financial decision-making of the Company was independent, and the large
shareholders never interferred the usage of the Company’s capital. The Company never offered guarantee to their large shareholders
and its subordinate units and other related party. The largest shareholder and its related has never occupy or occupy disguised the

III. Horizontal competition

□ Applicable   √ Not applicable

IV. Annual shareholders’ general meeting and extraordinary shareholders’ general meeting
convened in the report period

Annual Shareholders’ General Meeting in the report period

                                                                     Ratio of
                                                                                                   Date of
           Session of meeting                    Type                investor         Date                        Index of disclosure

The First Extraordinary General       Extraordinary General                                                   Announcement No.:
                                                                         29.55% 2017- 01-13 2017-01-14
Shareholders’ Meeting of 2017        Shareholders’ Meeting                                                  2017-003

                                                                                                                      CSG Annual Report 2017


                                                                                                                     Announcement No.:
The Second Extraordinary General Extraordinary General
                                                                              30.26% 2017-03-02 2017-03-03 2017-018
Shareholders’ Meeting of 2017          Shareholders’ Meeting

                                                                                                                     Announcement No.:
TheThird Extraordinary General          Extraordinary General
                                                                                 29% 2017-05-02 2017-05-03 2017-033
Shareholders’ Meeting of 2017          Shareholders’ Meeting

                                                                                                                     Announcement No.:
Annual General Shareholders’           Annual       General
                                                                              29.07% 2017-05-22 2017-05-23 2017-035
Meeting of 2016                         Shareholders’ Meeting

                                                                                                                     Announcement No.:
The Fourth Extraordinary General        Extraordinary General
                                                                              29.44% 2017-08-18 2017-08-19 2017-051
Shareholders’ Meeting of 2017          Shareholders’ Meeting

                                                                                                                     Announcement No.:
The Fifth Extraordinary General         Extraordinary General
                                                                              30.15% 2017-10-26 2017-10-27 2017-070
Shareholders’ Meeting of 2017          Shareholders’ Meeting

V. Responsibility performance of independent directors in the report period

1. The attending of independent directors to Board meetings and general shareholders’ meeting

                    The situation of independent directors attending the board of directors and shareholders' meetings

        Name of       Times of Board meeting                       Times of           Times of                         Whether absent the
                                                    Times of                                          Times of
   independent          supposed to attend in                     attending by        entrusted                       Meeting for the second
                                                    Presence                                          Absence
         director         the report period                    communication way      presence                         time in a row or not

Jin Qingjun                                   20          5                      15               0              0                          No

Zhan Weizai                                   20          6                      14               0              0                          No

Zhu Guilong                                   14          4                      10               0              0                          No

Fu Qilin                                        6         2                       4               0              0                          No

Explanation of absence for the Board Meeting twice in a row
Not applicable

2. Objection for relevant events from independent directors

Whether independent directors came up with objection about the Company’s relevant matters or not
□ Yes      √No
During the report period, the independent directors did not raise objections to the Company's related matters.

3. Other explanation about responsibility performance of independent directors
Whether the opinions from independent directors were adopted or not
√Yes      □ No
Explanation of the opinions from independent directors which were adopted or not adopted

                                                                                                               CSG Annual Report 2017

In the report period, independent directors of the Company attended the board meetings and general shareholders’ meetings,
conscientiously performed their duties, and put forward constructive opinions or suggestions for the development of the Company
strictly according to the requirements of the Guidelines for Operation of the Listed Companies on Main Board of Shenzhen Stock
Exchange, the Listing Rules of Shenzhen Stock Exchange Stock, the Guidelines for Establishment of Independent Director
Mechanism for Listed Companies and the Article of Association. Each independent director seriously deliberated all motions of the
board of directors, gave independent opinions on significant operating management issues, engagement of senior management,
internal control construction and so on, which played a positive role in safeguarding the interests of the company and minority

VI. Duty performance of the special committees under the board during the reporting period

1. Performance of the audit committee of the Board
The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company is constituted with 5 directors, and 3 of them are independent
directors. The convoker is independent director. During the report period, according to demands of CSRC and Shenzhen Stock
Exchange, and regulations of Rules of Procedure of the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors, Procedure for Annual Report
Work of the Audit Committee, the committee paid attention to the construction of corporate internal control system, audited the
internal audit report and financial report periodically, diligently and faithfully. They performed the following duties:
①Deliberate the Company’s finanical statement and issue opinions
During the reporting period, in accordance with the requirements of the Securities Regulatory Commission, the Audit Committee
reviewed the relevant annual work plan for the audit of annual reports submitted by certified public accountants before the annual
audited certified public accountants entered the market, and provided guidance opinions; after the annual audit certified public
accountants issued preliminary audit opinions, the audit The committee reviewed the Company’s financial accounting statements
again and expressed opinions on the company’s adjustment of accounting errors and other related matters of the financial statements.
It is believed that this adjustment of accounting errors is conducive to a more fair and objective reflection of the company’s financial
status, and agrees to handle the correction of accounting errors. . At the same time, the basis, basis, principles, and methods for the
preparation of the Company's 2017 accounting statements are in compliance with the relevant provisions of national laws and
regulations, and in all major respects they fairly reflect the financial status of the Company on December 31, 2017 and its operating
results in 2017.
②Supervise the audit works conducted by the accountant firm
The Audit Committee communicated with the accounting firms and provides guidance and requirements for the annual financial
report audit work and the plans and arrangements for the internal control report audit work. After the CPA came into the audit, the
members of the Audit Committee kept close contact with the Company and the main project responsible personnel to understand the
progress of the audit work and the concerns of the accountants, and timely feedback to the company’s relevant departments to ensure
that the annual audit and information disclosure work was conducted as scheduled.
③ Summarize report on the audit works conducted by the accountant firm in previous year
Asia Pacific (Group) CPAs (special general partnership) strictly follows the China Auditing Standards and practices diligently, paying
attention to the communication with the management and the audit committee, which reflects strong professional knowledge, good
professional ethics and risk awareness. The firm successfully completed the company’s 2017 financial statement audit work and
internal control audit work, and the audit quality is trustworthy.

2. Performance of the remuneration and examination committee of the Board
The remuneration and examination committee of the Board of Directors of the Company is constituted with 5 directors, and 3 of
them are independent directors. The convoker is independent director.
①According to regulations of Rules of Procedure of The Remuneration and Appraisal Committee, the Remuneration and Appraisal

                                                                                                            CSG Annual Report 2017

Committee makes examination on the disclosed remuneration of the directors, supervisors and senior executives and thought it
accorded with the relevant laws and regulations of the remuneration and appraisal system of the Company.
②The remuneration and examination committee deliberated the relevant items of equity incentive, relevant beneficiary avoiding for
vote, and the deliberation results were submitted to the Board.

3. Performance of the nomination committee of the Board
The nomination committee of the Board of Directors of the Company is constituted with 5 directors, and 3 of them are independent
directors. The convoker is independent director.
①In the report period, nomination committee reviewed to determine candidates of by-election directors for 7th session of the Board,
and agreed to submit the deliberation to the Board and general meeting of shareholders.
②Nomination committee of the Board performed evaluation on the work of the Board, and believed that the directors of 7th session
of the Board abided by the State laws, administrative rules and regulation of Article of Association since they took office. They
attended or delegated to attend the Board Meeting and general meeting of shareholders on time, performed voting rights based on
relevant regulations, actively kept eyes on the management situation of the Company, and performed the duty of Directors diligently.

4. Performance of the strategy committee of the Board
The strategy committee of the Board of Directors of the Company is constituted with 5 directors, and 1 of them is independent
As the special institution responsible for the long-term development strategy and significant investment decision-making, the strategy
committee made earnest research on the significant decisions affecting the Company’s development and issued relevant
recommendations according to the procedure rules of the strategy committee. During the reporting period, the committee considered
the profit distribution plan, and held the view that the profit distribution plan conformed to the requirements of the Company Law,
the Enterprise Accounting Principles and the Articles of Association, and agreed to submitted the same to the board and general
meeting for consideration. At the same time, the strategy committee considered issues concerning significant operation management,
guarantee for controlling subsidiaries, related transaction, and investment projects of the Company, which were submitted to the
board for consideration.

VII. Performance of the Supervisory Committee

During the report period, the Supervisory Committee found whether there was risk in the Company in the supervisory activities
□ Yes √ No
The Supervisory Committee had no objection on the supervised events during the report period.

VIII. Performance examination and incentives of senior management

The Board of Directors approved the incentive measure for outstanding achievement of management team as follows: performance
bonus of the Company’s management team will be calculated quarterly, when the quarter cumulative annualized return on equity
reaches 8%, the performance bonus will be calculated by 8% of the cumulative total of net profit (no deduction of minority interests,
the same below) in this quarter, when the quarter cumulative annualized return on equity exceeds 8%, the performance bonus will be
calculated based on 8% with a corresponding increase of 0.2% for every 1% increased, the performance bonus calculated in this
quarter should be the balance between the cumulative total bonus to be calculated in this quarter and the cumulative total bonus
obtained in the previous quarter; when the cumulative annualized return on equity in this quarter does not reach 8% but the single
quarter cumulative annualized return on equity reaches or exceeds 8%, the performance bonuses will be calculated based on the total
net profits in this quarter according to the above-mentioned calculating rules, otherwise, no performance bonus should be calculated
in this quarter.

                                                                                                                CSG Annual Report 2017

IX. Internal Control

1. Particulars about significant defects found in the internal control during the reportperiod

□ Yes √ No

1. Self-appraisal report of internal control

Disclosure date of full text of self-appraisal report of internal control        2018-4-23

                                                                                 More details found in ” Report of Internal Control of
Disclosure index of full text of self-appraisal report of internal control       CSG for year of 2017” published on Juchao Website

The ratio of the total assets of the units included in the scope of evaluation
to the total assets of the Company's consolidated financial statements

The ratio of the operating income of the units included in the scope of
evaluation to the operating income of the Company's consolidated financial                                                          97%

                                                     Standards of Defects Evaluation

         Category                                Financial Reports                                 Non-financial Reports

                             Major defects:                                          Major defects:

                             A. Fraud of directors, supervisors and senior A. Major decision-making mistakes caused by
                             management;                                             decision-making process of key business;

                             B. Ineffective control environment;                     B. Serious violation of state laws and regulations;

                             C. Invalid internal supervision;                        C. Serious brain drain of senior and middle

                             D. Major internal control defects found and management and or personnel at key technological
                             reported to the management but haven’t been posts;
                             corrected after a reasonable time;                      D. Major or significant defects found in the

                             E. Material misstatements are found by the external internal control evaluation have not been rectified
                             audit but haven’t been found in the process of and reformed;
                             internal control;                                       E. The company's major negative news frequently
Qualitative criteria
                             F. Financial reports submitted during the reporting appears on media;
                             period completely cannot meet the needs and are Significant defects:
                             severely punished by regulatory agencies;               A. Big deviation of execution caused by executive
                             G. Other major defects that may affect the report routine of key business;
                             users’ correct judgment.                               B. Regulatory authorities impose large amount of
                             Significant defects:                                    fines because the violation of laws and regulations;

                             A. Defects or invalidation of important financial C.Defects or invalidation of important business’
                             control procedures;                                     internal control procedures;

                             B. Significant misstatements are found by the Common defects: Other control defects except for
                             external audit but haven’t been found in the process major defects and significant defects.
                             of internal control;

                                                                                                                CSG Annual Report 2017

                               C. Financial reports submitted during the reporting
                               period have mistakes frequently;
                               D. Other significant defects that may affect the
                               report users’ correct judgment.
                               Common defects: Other control defects except for
                               major defects and significant defects.

                               Major defects:                                        Major defects:

                               A. Amount of net profit affected by misstatements A. Amount of direct property loss: the direct loss
                               (based on consolidated statements): amount affected amount is equal to or greater than 30 million yuan;
                               by misstatements is equal to or greater than 3% of B.Group's reputation: major negative news spreads
                               net profit and the absolute amount is no less than 30 in numerous business areas or is widely reported
                               million yuan;                                         by national media and causes significant damages
                               B. Amount of assets and liabilities affected by to the corporate reputation which takes more than
                               misstatements (based on consolidated statements): six months to be restored.
                               amount affected by misstatements is equal to or Significant defects:
                               greater than 1% of total assets.                      A. Amount of direct property loss: the direct loss
                               Significant defects:                                  amount is equal to or greater than 20 million yuan
                               A. Amount of net profit affected by misstatements but less than 30 million yuan;
Quantitative standard          (based on consolidated statements): not belong to B. Group's reputation: negative news spreads
                               major     defects      and   amount      affected   by inside the industry or is reported or focused by
                               misstatements is equal to or greater than 2% of net local media and causes certain damages to the
                               profit and the absolute amount is no less than 20 corporate reputation which takes more than three
                               million yuan;                                         months but less than six months to be restored.
                               B. Amount of assets and liabilities affected by Common defects:
                               misstatements (based on consolidated statements): A. Amount of direct property loss: defects except
                               amount affected by misstatements is equal to or for major and significant defects.
                               greater than 0.5% of total assets but less than 1% of B. Group's reputation: negative news spreads
                               total assets.                                         within the group and causes minor damages to the
                               Common defects: Defects except for major and corporate reputation which takes less than three
                               significant defects.                                  months to be restored.

Amount     of    significant
defects in financial reports

Amount     of    significant
defects in non-financial                                                                                                               0

Amount      of   important
defects in financial reports

Amount      of   important
defects in non-financial                                                                                                               0

                                                                                                             CSG Annual Report 2017

Notes to other major issues related to internal control
In the period from 2012 to 2013, in order to attract CSG to further expand industrial investment in Yichang area and locate the
projects related to fine glass and ultra-thin electronic glass in Yichang, the people’s government of Yichang area had signed three
agreements with CSG in succession, according to which, the local government would offer related preferential policies to CSG so as
to support the related development of industries. Thereinto, the administration committee of Yichang Hi-tech Industrial Area
committed to offer a special government subsidy at RMB171.00 million to CSG, which should be used for the talent introduction and
resettlement by CSG in Yichang area. According to provisions of agreements alike, the company commissioned CSG (Yichang)
Silicon Material Co., Ltd., a wholly owned subsidiary of CSG, to receive such funds. The administration committee of Yichang
Hi-tech Industrial Area has appropriated full amount of such funds to CSG (Yichang) Silicon Material Co., Ltd.in the year of 2014.
Now, it is found out that, after receiving the above subsidy funds from the government of Yichang, CSG (Yichang) Silicon Material
Co., Ltd., not subject to the appropriable review and approval of involved authorities including the board of directors at that time,
immediately transferred such funds in full to Yichang Hongtai Properties Co., Ltd, which is jointly held and indirectly controlled by
some former natural top executives of our company and has no ownership relationship with our company. In that year, CSG did not
carry out any accounting treatment and disclosure in financial statements at the level of headquarters or in the consolidated financial
The company attached great importance to this problem. First, organized a special internal verification on the issue, fully understood
the relevant information, and interviewed the relevant government departments to understand the nature and purpose of such
government subsidy and related provisions on the use of such funds; Secondly, strengthened training and publicity of information
disclosure rules, and enhanced training and publicity to top management in the aspect of supervision rules and professional ethics;
Thirdly, integrated the internal control system of the company and strengthened internal supervision.
As of the issuance date of the report, the company did not find other internal control information which might have a significant
impact on the investors’ understanding of the internal control evaluation report or their evaluation of internal control of the company
or on the investment decisions made by investors.

X. Audit report of internal control

√Applicable □ Not applicable

                                            Deliberations in Internal Control Audit Report

According to Guidelines of Enterprise Internal Control Audit and the relevant requirements of CICPA auditing standards, Asia
Pacific (Group) CPAs (special general partnership) (hereinafter referred to as AP) audited the effectiveness of internal control over
financial statements of the Company up to 31 December 2017, issued AP Ya-Kuai- A-He-Zi (2018) No. 0025 Internal Control Audit
Report and made the following opinions: AP thought that CSG Holding Co., Ltd. maintained effective internal control over
financial statements in all major aspects according to the Fundamental Norms of Enterprise Internal Control and relevant rules on
December 31, 2017.

Date of disclosing the internal
                                      23 April 2018
control audit reports

Disclosure index of internal control More details can be found in 2017 Internal Control Audit Report of CSG released on Juchao
audit report                          Website (http://www.cninfo.com.cn)

Type of the auditor’s opinion        Standard unqualified opinion

Whether there are major flaws in
the non-financial report or not

Whether the CPAs firm issued an Audit Report on Internal Control with non-standard opinion or not?

                                                                                                        CSG Annual Report 2017

□Yes √ No
Whether the Audit Report on Internal Control from the CPAs firm is in consistent with the Self-appraisal Report from the Board or
√ Yes □ No

                                           IX. Corporate Bonds

Whether the company has a public offering and is listed on the stock exchange, and the company bonds that have not been
fully paid or matured on the date of approval of the annual report
                    Short     Bond                     Maturity     Bond balance Interest        Way of repayment of principal and
     Name                               Issue date
                    name      code                      date        (RMB 0,000)    rate                      interest
                                                                                            Using simple interest year - on - year, non
                                                                                            - compound interest, the interest is paid
Corporate bond 10 CSG
                      112022 2010-10-20 2017-10-20                               0    5.33% once a year and the principal is paid at a
in 2010 of CSG 02
                                                                                            time once due, and the final interest is
                                                                                            paid together with the principal.
Corporate bond listing or
                          Shenzhen Stock Exchange
transfer trading place
Appropriate arrangements The corporate bond "10 CSG 02" established the sell-back option for investors, which was completed in
for investors            2015.
Interest payment and
                           The corporate bond “10 CSG 02” expired on October 20, 2017. The Company completed the bond
encashment of corporate
                           principal and the payment of interest between October 20, 2016 and October 19, 2017 on October 20,
bonds during the reporting
Implementation of the
special provisions
including option and
exchangeable terms of
issuers or investors
attached to corporate
bonds and the relevant
provisions during the
report period (if

II. Informantion of bond trustee and credit rating institution

Bond trustee:
        China Merchants                   38-45 floor, Ablock, Jiangsu Building, Contact             Nie
Name                         Office adds.                                                                    Tel. 0755-82960984
        Securities Co., Ltd.              Yitian Road, Futian District, Shenzhen person              Dongyun
Credit rating institution which tracks rating corporate bonds in the report period:
Name CCXR                     Office adds. 8 floor, Anji Building, 760 Tibet South Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai
If bond trustee and credit rating institution engaged by the Company changed in the report period, explain
the reason of the change, performance of the procedure, and the impact on the interest of investors etc. (if Not applicable

III. The use of fund raised by corporate bonds

The use of fund raised by corporate bonds and performance of the               The raised fund is in strict accordance with the relevant
procedure                                                                      provisions.
Balance at the end of year                                                                                                               0
                                                                               The operation of the special account for raised fund is
The operation of the special account for raised fund                           strictly accordance with the relevant provisions of
                                                                               prospectus commitment.
Whether the use of raised fund is consistent with the purpose, plan of use
and other agreements of prospectus commitment

IV. Information of the rating of corporation bonds

According to track rating of China Chengxin Securities Rating Co., Ltd. (Abbreviation “CCXR”) in 2017, the Company's
subject credit rating is AA +, rating outlook is stable, and the bonds credit rating of the current period is evaluated as AA +.

V. Trust mechanism, debt repayment plans and other debt repayment safeguards of
corporation bonds

During the report period, the trust mechanism, debt repayment plans and other debt repayment safeguards have not been
changed which are the same as the relevant commitments of raising instruction manual, the relevant implementations are as
I. Debt repayment plan
The Company established the annual and monthly plan for application of funds based on the payment arrangement for
coming due principal and interest of the corporation bonds, reasonably managed and allocated the funds so as to make sure
the due principal and interest be paid in time. The capital sources for paying the corporation bonds in the report period were
mainly the cash flow generated by the Company’s operating activities and the bank loans.
In 2017, the Company paid the principal and interest of corporation bond "10 CSG 02" on time.

II. Repayment safeguards for the Company’s bonds
In order to fully and effectively maintained the interests of the bondholders, the Company has made a series plans for the
timely and sufficient repayment for bonds in the report period, including confirming the specialized departments and
personnel, arranging the funds for repayment, establishing the management measures, achieving the organization
coordination, and strengthening information disclosure so as to form a set of safeguards to ensure the security payment of

(I) Establish the "Bondholders' Meeting Rules"
The Company has established the "Bondholders' Meeting Rules" for the corporation bonds in accordance with the "Pilot
Approach for the Issuance of Corporation Bonds", appointed the range, procedures and other important matters for
bondholders to exercise rights by bondholders' meeting and made reasonable institutional arrangements to ensure the
principal and interest of the corporation bonds be paid timely and sufficiently.

(II) Engage bond trustee
The Company has engaged China Merchants Securities Co., Ltd. as the trustee for the corporation bonds in accordance with
the "Pilot Approach for the Issuance of Corporation Bonds", and signed the "Bond Trusteeship Agreement". In the duration
of the corporation bonds, the bond trustee will maintain the interests of the Company’s bondholders according to the

(III) Establish the specialized reimbursement working group and set up special account for debt repayment
The Company used the funds raised from the bond strictly in accordance with the "Financial Management System" and
"Financial Funds Management Approach". The Company has appointed the financial department to take the lead and take
charge of the repayment of corporation bonds, implement and arrange the repayment funds for principal and interest of
corporation bonds in the annual financial budget so as to ensure the principal and interest be paid on time and guarantee the
interests of bondholders. Within 15 working days before the annual interest pay day and annual principal pay day of
corporation bonds, the Company specially establishes a working group of which the members are composed of personnel
from the company's financial management department to take charge of the repayment of interests and other relevant work.
The Company guarantees the funds for payment of interest will be sent to the special repayment account three days before the
annual interest payment and the funds for cashing principle will be sent to the special repayment account one week before the
due date of corporation bonds, the special repayment account will pay both the principle and interest.

(IV) Improve profitability, strengthen funds management, and optimize debt structure
The Company has a rigorous financial system and a normative management system, account receivable turnover and
inventory turnover are in good status, the Company’s financial policies are steady, and the structure of assets and liabilities is
reasonable. The Company will continue its efforts to enhance the profitability of main business and the market
competitiveness of products so as to improve the Company 's return on assets; the Company also will continue to strengthen
the management of accounts receivable and inventory so as to improve accounts receivable turnover and inventory turnover,
and thereby enhance the Company 's ability to obtain cash.

(V) Strict information disclosure
The Company follows the principle of truly, accurately and completely disclosing information so that the Company’s debt
paying ability and use of proceeds can be under the supervision of the bondholders, bond trustee and shareholders to prevent
debt repayment risk.

(VI) Other safeguards
When the Company cannot pay interest and principal on time or has other breach of contracts, the Company will at least take
following measures:
1. Do not distribute profits to shareholders.
2. Postpone the implementation of capital expenditure projects such as major foreign investment, mergers and acquisitions.

VI. Information about the bond-holder meeting during the reporting period

There was no bond-holder meeting convened in the report period.

VII. Information about the obligations fulfilled by the bond trustee in the report period

The Company disclosed the "2010 Annual Corporate Bonds Trusteeship Transaction Report (2016)" prepared by China
Merchants Securities Co., Ltd. at Juchao website (http//www.cninfo.com.cn) on May 18, 2017.

VIII. The key accounting data and financial indicators of the latest two years to the end of the report

                                                                                                              RMB 0,000
                    Item                           2017                  2016             Rate of change over the same period
Earnings before interest tax depreciation
and amortiation
                                                        231,334              213,158                                          8.48%

Flow rate                                                   66%                  38%                                            28%
Assets liabilities rate                                     55%                  53%                                             2%
Speed ratio                                                 57%                  31%                                            26%
Total debt ratio of EBITDA                                  22%                  24%                                            -2%
Interest coverage ratio                                     3.81                 4.44                                     -14.19%
Cash interest coverage ratio                                9.38                10.36                                         -9.46%
interest coverage ratio of EBITDA                           6.72                 7.79                                     -13.74%
Loan repayment rate                                        100%                 100%                                              --
interest coverage ratio                                    100%                 100%                                              --

IX. Payment of principle and interest for other bonds and debt financing instruments
during the report period

1. On February 13, 2017, the Company completed the repayment of the second batch of ultra-short- term financing bills of
2016 with total amount of RMB 0.9 billion and annual rate of 4.18%, which were issued on May 7, 2016.
2. On May 1, 2017, the Company completed the repayment of the third batch of ultra-short- term financing bills of 2016 with
total amount of RMB 0.6 billion and annual rate of 3.67%, which were issued on August 2, 2016.
3. On June 2, 2017, the Company completed the repayment of the fourth batch of ultra-short- term financing bills of 2016
with total amount of RMB 0.5 billion and annual rate of 3.50%, which were issued on September 1, 2016.

X. Information about of bank credit and use, as well as repayment of bank loans during
the report period

In the report period, the Company gained bank credit of RMB 8,548.21 million and use quota of RMB 4,632.13 million and
repaid loans of RMB 2,154.11 million.

XI. Information about fulfillment of the stipulations or commitments specified in the
Prospectus of the issuance of the bonds during the report period

Not applicable

XII. Major matters occurring during the report period

Other major matters please refer to note nineteen “Explanation on other major matters ” in the fifth section “Important
Events” in this report.

XIII. Whether there is a guarantor of corporate bonds

□ Yes √ No

                                       Section X. Financial Report

I. Report of the Auditors

Type of Auditor’s Opinion                                            Standard and unqualified
Issue date of Report of the Auditors                                  20 April 2018
Name of Auditor’s organization                                       Asia Pacific (Group) CPAs (special general partnership)
Reference number of Report of the Auditors                            Ya-Kuai- A-Shen-Zi (2018) No. 0118
Name of CPA                                                           Pan Qian, Zhang Yan

                                                      Auditor’s Report

To the shareholders of CSG Holding Co., Ltd.,

I.        Opinion

We have audited the accompanying financial statements of CSG Holding Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “the Company”), which
comprise the Separate/Consolidated Statements of Financial Position as at 31 December 2017, and the Separate/Consolidated
Statements of profit or loss, the Separate/Consolidated Statements off changes in equity and the Separate/Consolidated
Statements of cash flows for the year then ended, and the notes to the financial statements.

In our opinion, the financial statements attached were prepared in line with the regulations of Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises in all significant aspects which gave a true and fair view of the consolidated and parent financial
position of the Company as at Dec. 31, 2017 and the consolidated and parent business performance and cash flow of the
Company for 2017.

II.       Basis of Opinion

We conducted our audit in accordance with Standards on Auditing for Certified Public Accountants. Our responsibility is to
express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. Those standards require that we comply with ethical
requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free
from material misstatement. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a
basis for our audit opinion.

III.       Key audit matters

Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgement, were of most significance in our audit of the financial
statements of the current period. These matters were addressed in the context of our audit of the financial statements as a
whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate opinion on these matters. We determine the
followings are key audit matters in need of communication in our report.

I) Impairment of fixed assets and the construction in progress

1. Matter description

As of December 31, 2017, the balance of fixed assets of the CSG Group was RMB 16.670 billion and book value was RMB
11.541 billion, the original value of the construction in progress was RMB 1.51 billion, and book value was RMB 1.42 billion.
Book value of fixed assets and construction in progress was 66.33%. By the end of the period, a total of RMB 375 million
was depreciated for fixed assets and construction in progress. For details, please refer to Note 4(9) and Note 4(10) of the
Financial Statements. The matter involves significant amount, and involves significant judgments and estimates made by the
management. Therefore, we consider the impairment provisions for fixed assets and construction in progress as key audit

2. Countermeasures of Audit

(1) Estimate the rationality and the effectiveness of its execution of the internal control system of the fixed assets and the
construction in progress;

(2) Check the asset impairment list of the construction in progress and the fixed assets, field survey and the fixed asset and
use or storage of projects under construction;

(3) Check the method and calculation basis for checking the recoverable amount;
 communicate with the management layer, understand and estimate whether the accounting estimate of the management
layer about withdrawing the preparation for the impairment of assets is rational;

(4) Check whether the asset impairment perform relevant approval process;

(5) Review the confirmation of book values of the assets at the point of impairment, recalculate the recoverable amount and
the impaired amount, Check whether the asset impairment account of the Company is handled correctly and Estimate
whether the withdrawal of the asset impairment is rational and adequate.

(6) Check the presentation of financial statements and disclosure about the impairment of fixed assets and the constraction in

II) Prior period accounting error correction

1. Matter description

1.    As of December 31, 2017, CSG’s consolidated statements of financial position listed a deferred income of RMB 171
      million, which occurred and was received in 2014 but was not handled correctly the government subsidy special fund
      for the introduction of talents. For details, see Note (32) of Annotation 2 Important Account Policies. This matter is for
      all parties to pay attention to the accounting error correction. Therefore, we regard this matter as a key audit matter.

2. Countermeasures of Audit

(1)To understand the reasons for the formation of the matter, and to correct the situation of the previous accounts and to
obtain relevant audit evidence;

(2) Analyze the nature and use of government subsidy funds according to the supporting documents such as government
documents, receipt and payment vouchers that have been obtained, and understand the use of special funds;

(3) Check whether the accounting treatment and amount of the corrective matters are correct; whether the tax-related matters
comply with the relevant provisions of the relevant tax laws;

(4) Conduct interviews with relevant government agencies to understand the nature and uses of government subsidy funds
and related regulations regarding the use of funds;

(5) To understand the current status and follow-up arrangements of government subsidies for management;

(6) Check whether the government subsidy and the corresponding accounting title have been properly presented and
disclosed in the financial statements as required

IV.       Other information

The management layer of the Company (hereinafter referred to as the management layer) shall be responsible for other
information, including the information covered in the financial report, but excludes financial statements and our audit report.

Our audit opinions on financial statements do not cover other information; we will not make the authentication conclusion on
other information in any form.

Combining our audit of the financial statement, our responsibility is to read other information, during which, we shall
consider that whether other information has any significant difference with the financial statement or the circumstance we
know during the audit or is there any significant misstatement.

Based on the work we already executed, if we confirm that there are significant misstatements in other information, we shall
report such a fact. On such aspect, there is nothing to report.

V.        Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements

Management of the Company is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in
accordance with the requirements of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, and for such internal control as

determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether
due to fraud or error.

In preparing financial statements, the management layer is responsible for assessing the Company's sustained business
capability, disclosing matters related to continue operating,using the going-concern assumption unless management either
intends to liquidate the Company or to cease operations, or has no realistic alternative but to do so.

The governance layer is responsible for supervising the financial reporting process of the company.

VI.       The responsibility of Certified Public Accountants for the financial statement auditing.
Our objective is to obtain reasonable assurance on whether there is no misstatement in overall financial statements caused by
fraud or error, and issue the audit report with audit opinions. Reasonable assurance is the high-level assurance, but it can’t
assure that a certain major misstatement can be always found when auditing according to the audit standard. The
misstatement may be caused by malpractices or

error. If the misstatements within the rational expectations may affect the economic decision of the financial statement user
according to the financial statement, it shall be deemed that the misstatement is significant.

During the process of conducting the audit work according to audit standards, we apply professional judgment and keep
professional skepticism. Meanwhile, we also perform the following tasks:

(1) Identify and Estimate the significant misstatement risks of the financial statement due to the malpractices and error,
design and implement the audit procedures to respond those risks, and obtain adequate and proper audit evidence serving as
the basis of publishing the audit opinions. Since malpractices may involve in collusion, falsification, intentional omission,
misrepresentation or overriding the internal control, the risk of failing to detect a significant misstatement due to malpractices
is higher than the risk of failing to detect a significant misstatement due to the error.

(2) Understand the internal control related to audit, so as to design appropriate audit procedures.

(3) Estimate the appropriateness of the accounting policies selected by the management layer, and the rationality of making
accounting estimate and relevant disclosures.

(4) Draw a conclusion on the appropriateness of the going concern assumption used by the management layer. Meanwhile,
according to the obtained audit evidence, it may cause to come to the conclusion that there are substantial doubtable events or
major uncertainty for the sustainable operation ability of the Company. In case that we come to the conclusion that there is a
significant uncertainty, the audit standards require us to remind the users of the statements to pay attention to relevant
disclosures in the financial statements in the audit report; In case of any insufficient disclosure, we shall give modified
opinions. Our conclusion is based on the available information up to the audit report day. However, the future events or
circumstances may cause the Company cannot continue to operate.

(5) Estimate the overall presentation, structure and content (disclosure included) of the financial statements, and Estimate
whether the financial statements fairly reflect relevant transactions and matters.

(6) Acquire adequate and appropriate audit evidences on the financial information of the entity or business activities of the
Company, and give audit opinions on the consolidated financial statements. We are responsible for guiding, supervising and
executing the audit of the Group, and take all responsibilities for the audit opinions.

We communicate with the governance layer about the audit scope, schedule, significant audit findings and other matters
within the plan, including the noteworthy internal control defects recognized by us during the audit.

We also provide statements to the governance layer on the compliance with the professional ethics requirement related to the
independence, and communicate with
the governance layer on all relationships and other matters that may reasonably be considered to affect our independence, as
well as relevant preventive measures.

From the matters that we have communicated with the governance layer, we confirm the most important matters for the audit
of the current financial statements, and thus constitute the key audit matters. We describe these matters in our audit report,

unless laws and regulations prohibit the public disclosure of these matters, or in rare cases, if it is reasonably expected that
the negative consequences of communicating a matter in the audit report will surpass the benefits in the public interests, we
confirm that the matter shall not be communicated in the audit report.

Asia-Pacific (Group)                                    Certified Public Accountant of China
Certified Public Accountants
(special general partnership)

Beijing, China                                          Certified Public Accountant of China
20April 2018


(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]
                                                    31 December 2017     31 December 2016    31 December 2017   31 December 2016
                 ASSETS                  Note            Consolidated         Consolidated          Company             Company
                                                                                 (Restated                              (Restated
Current assets
  Cash at bank and on hand                4(1)         2,462,605,764          586,803,505       1,681,877,320        302,841,481
  Notes receivable                        4(2)           552,232,420          456,347,237                   -                   -
  Accounts receivable                     4(3)           638,238,290          627,985,983                   -                   -
  Advances to suppliers                   4(4)           143,848,023           95,733,132             146,132             16,880
  Other receivables                    4(5)/16(1)        205,939,019          200,809,149       2,400,334,816      4,030,701,029
  Inventories                             4(6)           685,895,317          477,780,925                   -                   -
  Assets classified as held for sale      4(7)            45,983,520                     -                  -                   -

  Other current assets                    4(8)           200,847,989          199,905,577                   -                   -

Total current assets                                   4,935,590,342        2,645,365,508       4,082,358,268      4,333,559,390

Non-current assets
  Long-term receivables                  16(3)                      -                    -      1,200,000,000      2,003,645,000
  Long-term equity investments           16(2)                      -                    -      4,795,987,652      4,790,440,632
  Fixed assets                            4(9)         11,540,769,697       11,457,972,991         22,182,246         26,073,848
  Construction in progress               4(10)         1,417,624,618        1,362,096,377                   -                   -
  Intangible assets                      4(11)         1,047,222,407        1,032,458,977           1,742,109          1,393,454
  Development expenditure                4(11)            61,365,537           66,927,714                   -                   -
  Goodwill                               4(12)           397,392,156          397,392,156                   -                   -
  Long-term prepaid expenses                               2,223,397              975,660                   -                   -
  Deferred tax assets                    4(13)            80,872,862           96,451,854                   -                   -
  Other non-current assets               4(14)            51,941,352           87,174,393           2,132,041                   -

Total non-current assets                              14,599,412,026       14,501,450,122       6,022,044,048      6,821,552,934

TOTAL ASSETS                                          19,535,002,368       17,146,815,630      10,104,402,316      11,155,112,324


(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]

                                                          31 December 2017    31 December 2016    31 December 2017    31 December 2016

   LIABILITIES AND OWNERS' EQUITY                Note         Consolidated        Consolidated            Company             Company
                                                                                      (Restated                               (Restated

Current liabilities

  Short-term borrowings                          4(16)       3,704,630,909       4,017,869,662       2,600,000,000       3,495,163,044

  Notes payable                                  4(17)         213,401,622          20,000,000                    -                   -

  Accounts payable                               4(18)       1,400,166,042       1,169,869,370             261,024             317,874

  Advances from customers                        4(19)         195,563,465         142,330,979                    -                   -

  Employee benefits payable                      4(20)         272,170,660         193,372,239          40,856,313          18,380,010

  Taxes payable                                  4(21)         111,996,764         115,592,616           1,762,580           1,804,568

  Interest payable                               4(22)          34,032,740          78,225,904           3,090,735           3,794,646
  Other payables                                 /16(4)        619,324,354         188,321,450         909,432,991         240,593,894

  Current portion of non-current liabilities     4(24)         904,261,397       1,029,340,000         180,000,000       1,000,000,000

  Other current liabilities                                        300,000             300,000                    -                   -

Total current liabilities                                    7,455,847,953       6,955,222,220       3,735,403,643       4,760,054,036

Non-current liabilities

  Long-term borrowings                           4(25)       1,554,120,000       1,438,660,000       1,200,000,000       1,380,000,000

  Bonds payable                                  4(26)       1,161,794,247                    -                   -                   -

  Deferred tax liabilities                       4(13)          20,915,954          29,749,137                    -                   -

  Deferred income                                4(27)         562,701,103         593,993,254         186,526,280         183,035,040

Total non-current liabilities                                3,299,531,304       2,062,402,391       1,386,526,280       1,563,035,040

Total liabilities                                           10,755,379,257        9,017,624,611      5,121,929,923       6,323,089,076

Shareholders’ equity

  Share capital                                  4(28)       2,484,147,547       2,075,335,560       2,484,147,547       2,075,335,560

  Capital surplus                                4(29)       1,306,381,765       1,260,702,197       1,451,209,079        1,405,529,511

  Less:Treasury shares                           4(30)        (417,349,879)                   -       (417,349,879)                   -

  Other comprehensive income                     4(31)           1,948,943           4,653,971                    -                   -

  Special reserve                                4(32)           3,224,938           5,843,473                    -                   -

  Surplus reserve                                4(33)         920,592,332         888,508,230         935,137,692         903,053,590

  Undistributed profits                          4(34)       4,159,642,227       3,573,871,573         529,327,954         448,104,587
  Total equity attributable to shareholders
of parent company                                            8,458,587,873       7,808,915,004       4,982,472,393       4,832,023,248

  Minority interests                                           321,035,238         320,276,015                    -                   -

Total shareholders' equity                                    8,779,623,111      8,129,191,019       4,982,472,393       4,832,023,248

TOTAL      LIABILITIES                     AND
SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY                                       19,535,002,368      17,146,815,630      10,104,402,316       11,155,112,324

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Legal representative:                                Principal in charge of accounting:                        Head of accounting


(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]

                                                                         2017              2016            2017              2016
                       Item                          Note        Consolidated      Consolidated       Company            Company

Revenue                                              4(35)     10,879,400,746     8,974,083,407      58,687,566        22,581,872

Less: Cost of sales                                  4(35)     (8,216,358,372)   (6,562,214,373)                 -        (60,337)
        Taxes and surcharges                         4(36)      (124,523,926)     (103,159,546)      (4,942,397)          (92,575)
        Selling and distribution expenses            4(37)      (336,131,723)     (301,815,090)                  -               -

        General and administrative expenses          4(38)      (919,329,772)     (766,589,059)    (117,294,601)     (122,708,284)
        Financial expenses - net                     4(39)      (315,961,080)     (265,820,569)     (42,124,252)      (20,405,532)
        Asset impairment loss                        4(41)       (69,399,755)      (58,862,764)         (80,219)        1,767,753

Add:   Gain or loss from changes in fair value       4(42)                   -      228,500,000                  -    228,500,000
        Investment income/(loss)                    /16(5)            427,636     (279,187,752)     436,068,825       186,072,766
    Income on disposal assets                        4(44)         (1,768,993)       (1,759,358)                 -          3,210
        Other Income                                 4(45)         84,341,814                  -      1,568,240                  -

Operating profit                                                  980,696,575       863,174,896     331,883,162       295,658,873
Add: Non-operating revenue                           4(46)         20,763,042        98,078,639          40,000         1,574,277
Less: Non-operating expenses                         4(47)         (5,152,591)       (5,144,916)     (3,426,562)                 -

Total profit                                                      996,307,026       956,108,619     328,496,600       297,233,150
Less: Income tax (expenses)/revenue                  4(48)      (167,670,991)     (151,882,095)      (7,655,575)           45,854

Net profit                                                        828,636,035       804,226,524     320,841,025       297,279,004

Classified by continuous operation:
Net income from continuing operations (“-” for
net loss)                                                         828,636,035       804,226,524     320,841,025       297,279,004

Net income from discontinued operations (“-”
for net loss)                                                                -                 -             -                   -
Classified by equity ownership:

Attributable to shareholders of parentcompany                     825,388,312       797,721,576              -                   -
Minority interests                                                  3,247,723         6,504,948              -                   -

Other comprehensive income net after tax                           (2,705,028)        1,686,199              -                   -

Other comprehensive income net after tax
attributable to shareholders of parentcompany                      (2,705,028)        1,686,199              -                   -

Other comprehensive income items which will                        (2,705,028)        1,686,199              -                   -
be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
   Differences on translation of foreign currency
                                                                   (2,705,028)        1,686,199              -                   -
financial statements
   Other comprehensive income net after tax
                                                                             -                 -             -                   -
attributable to minority interests
Total comprehensive income                           4(31)        825,931,007       805,912,723     320,841,025       297,279,004

Total comprehensive income attributable to
shareholders of parent company                                    822,683,284       799,407,775
Total comprehensive income attributable to
minority interests                                                  3,247,723         6,504,948

Earnings per share                                   4(49)

Basic earnings per share (RMB Yuan)                  4(49)               0.35              0.33

Diluted earnings per share (RMB Yuan)                4(49)               0.35              0.33

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Legal representative:                       Principal in charge of accounting:           Head of accounting department:


(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]

                                                                                                   2017              2016                  2017             2016

                                Item                                      Note             Consolidated      Consolidated             Company           Company

1. Cash flows from operating activities

    Cash received from sales of goods or rendering of services                           12,159,560,836    10,375,273,438            84,336,551                  -

    Refund of taxes and surcharges                                                           24,706,337        69,632,529                      -                 -

    Cash received relating to other operating activities                 4(50)(a)            72,348,567        47,278,131            16,104,051         3,798,557

      Sub-total of cash inflows                                                          12,256,615,740    10,492,184,098           100,440,602         3,798,557

    Cash paid for goods and services                                                     (7,206,584,779)   (5,719,787,359)              (65,853)                 -

    Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                                              (1,204,981,471)   (1,198,976,110)         (61,388,549)     (125,316,231)

    Payments of taxes and surcharges                                                      (795,627,245)      (780,678,441)         (17,355,536)      (39,189,451)

    Cash paid relating to other operating activities                     4(50)(b)         (585,976,089)      (551,890,068)         (26,421,920)      (13,035,783)

      Sub-total of cash outflows                                                         (9,793,169,584)   (8,251,331,978)        (105,231,858)     (177,541,465)

    Net cash flows from/(used in) operating activities                                    2,463,446,156     2,240,852,120            (4,791,256)    (173,742,908)

2. Cash flows from investing activities

    Cash received from returns on investments                                                          -                 -          436,068,825       395,236,932

    Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible
                                                                                              4,370,785         8,426,349                      -            3,210
      assets and other long-term assets

    Cash received relating to other investing activities                 4(50)(c)           187,756,255       364,515,307             5,966,582       736,648,232

      Sub-total of cash inflows                                                             192,127,040       372,941,656           442,035,407     1,131,888,374

    Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other
      long-term assets                                                                   (1,212,172,338)   (1,289,115,730)           (3,996,610)        (807,521)

    Cash paid to acquire investments                                                                   -       (4,252,960)                     -    (158,896,160)

    Net cash received from acquired subsidiaries                                                       -     (503,593,518)                     -    (502,204,796)

    Cash paid relating to other investing activities                     4(50)(d)         (200,085,036)      (182,205,113)            (284,975)                  -

      Sub-total of cash outflows                                                         (1,412,257,374)   (1,979,167,321)           (4,281,585)    (661,908,477)

    Net cash flows (used in)/from investing activities                                   (1,220,130,334)   (1,606,225,665)          437,753,822       469,979,897

3. Cash flows from financing activities

    Cash received from capital contributions                                                417,349,879        14,500,000           417,349,879                  -

    Including: Cash received from capital contributions by
    minority shareholders of subsidiaries                                                              -       14,500,000                      -                 -

    Cash received from borrowings                                                         4,096,568,050      9,747,674,851        2,750,693,638     9,117,091,808

    Cash received relating to other financing activities                 4(50)(e)         3,616,000,000                      -    2,700,067,157                  -

      Sub-total of cash inflows                                                           8,129,917,929      9,762,174,851        5,868,110,674     9,117,091,808

    Cash repayments of borrowings                                                        (5,154,107,768)    (9,481,131,859)      (4,646,723,365)   (8,580,928,764)

    Cash payments for interest expenses and distribution of
    dividends or profits                                                                  (558,404,559)      (907,404,419)        (275,981,816)     (871,890,165)

    Including:   Cash      payments    for   dividends   to   minority
    shareholders of subsidiaries                                                             (2,488,500)                     -                 -                 -

    Cash payments relating to other financing activities                 4(50)(f)        (1,783,109,674)                     -                 -     (53,686,866)

      Sub-total of cash outflows                                                         (7,495,622,001)   (10,388,536,278)      (4,922,705,181)   (9,506,505,795)

    Net cash flows (used in)/from financing activities                                      634,295,928      (626,361,427)          945,405,493     (389,413,987)

4. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash                            (2,425,575)     1,557,085        666,398        208,178

5. Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents     4(51)(b)        1,875,186,175     9,822,113   1,379,034,457   (92,968,820)

      Add: Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                    584,566,990    574,744,877     301,637,933   394,606,753

6. Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                 4(51)(c)        2,459,753,165   584,566,990   1,680,672,390   301,637,933

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Legal representative:                             Principal in charge of accounting:                      Head of accounting


(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]

                                                                                               Attributable to shareholders of parentcompany

                                                                                                     Other                                                                                                           Total
                                                                                             comprehensive                                             Undistributed                                         shareholders'
                        Item                               Share capital   Capital surplus         income       Special reserve      Surplus reserve          profits       Sub-total   Minority interests          equity

                                                   Note           4(28)             4(29)            4(31)                  4(32)              4(33)          4(34)

Balance at 31 December 2015                                2,075,335,560    1,261,391,272        2,967,772             15,437,498       859,122,330    3,431,556,565    7,645,810,997           3,080,480    7,648,891,477

Prior period accounting error correction                               -                 -               -                      -          (342,000)     (3,078,000)      (3,420,000)                          (3,420,000)

Balance at 1 January 2016(Restated)                        2,075,335,560    1,261,391,272        2,967,772             15,437,498       858,780,330    3,428,478,565    7,642,390,997           3,080,480    7,645,471,477

Movements        for    the    year   ended   31
December 2016 (Restated)

  Total comprehensive income

    Net profit                                                         -                 -               -                      -                  -    797,721,576      797,721,576           6,504,948      804,226,524

    Other comprehensive income                     4(31)               -                 -       1,686,199                      -                  -               -       1,686,199                     -      1,686,199

    Total comprehensive income                                         -                 -       1,686,199                      -                  -    797,721,576      799,407,775           6,504,948      805,912,723

  Capital invest or reduce from shareholders                           -          402,262                -                      -                  -               -         402,262         313,771,067      314,173,329

    Minority shareholders invest capital                               -                 -               -                      -                  -               -               -         313,628,750      313,628,750

    Share-based payments                                               -          402,262                -                      -                  -               -         402,262             142,317          544,579

  Effect of changes in investees’ other equity
                                                                       -           81,143                -                      -                  -               -          81,143                    -          81,143
     applying the equity method

  Profit distribution                                                  -                 -               -                      -        29,727,900    (652,328,568)    (622,600,668)                   -    (622,600,668)

    Appropriation to surplus reserve               4(33)               -                 -               -                      -        29,727,900     (29,727,900)                -                   -                -

    Distribution to the shareholders               4(34)               -                 -               -                      -                  -   (622,600,668)    (622,600,668)                   -    (622,600,668)

  Special reserve                                                      -                 -               -             (9,594,025)                 -               -      (9,594,025)                   -      (9,594,025)

    Special reserve appropriated                   4(32)               -                 -               -             6,930,650                   -               -       6,930,650                     -      6,930,650

    Special reserve used                           4(32)               -                 -               -            (16,524,675)                 -               -     (16,524,675)                    -    (16,524,675)

                                                                                                             - 96 -
  Others                                                 -     (1,172,480)          -                   -             -               -      (1,172,480)   (3,080,480)     (4,252,960)

   Transactions with minority shareholders               -     (1,172,480)          -                   -             -               -      (1,172,480)   (3,080,480)     (4,252,960)

Balance at 31 December 2016                  2,075,335,560   1,260,702,197   4,653,971           5,843,473   888,508,230   3,573,871,573   7,808,915,004   320,276,015   8,129,191,019

                                                                                        - 97 -

(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]

                                                                                                                    Attributable to shareholders of parentcompany
                                                                                                                         Other                                                                                                        Total
                                                                                              Less: Treasury      comprehens              Special        Surplus       Undistributed                             Minority     shareholders'
                 Item                                       Share capital   Capital surplus            share       ive income             reserve        reserve              profits          Sub-total        interests           equity
                                                Note               4(28)             4(29)             4(30)            4(31)               4(32)          4(33)               4(34)
 Balance    at          1         January
 2017(Restated)                                           2,075,335,560     1,260,702,197                     -    4,653,971         5,843,473      888,508,230     3,573,871,573       7,808,915,004       320,276,015     8,129,191,019
 Movements for              the    year      ended   31
 December 2017

 Total comprehensive income

   Net profit                                                          -                 -                -                 -                  -              -       825,388,312          825,388,312        3,247,723       828,636,035

   Other comprehensive income                   4(31)                  -                 -                -       (2,705,028)                  -              -                     -       (2,705,028)                -      (2,705,028)

 Total comprehensive income                                            -                 -                -       (2,705,028)                  -              -       825,388,312          822,683,284        3,247,723       825,931,007
 Capital increase or decrease
 from shareholder                                            97,511,654      356,979,901      (417,349,879)                 -                  -              -                     -       37,141,676                 -       37,141,676

   Share-based payments                                      97,511,654      328,032,920      (417,349,879)                 -                  -              -                     -        8,194,695                 -        8,194,695
    Shareholders’          Interest-free
 borrowing                                                             -      28,946,981                  -                 -                  -              -                     -       28,946,981                 -       28,946,981

 Profit distribution                                                   -                 -                -                 -                  -     32,084,102      (239,617,658)        (207,533,556)      (2,488,500)    (210,022,056)
   Appropriation        to         surplus
                                                4(33)                  -                 -                -                 -                  -     32,084,102       (32,084,102)                      -              -                 -

   Distribution to the shareholders             4(34)                  -                 -                -                 -                  -              -      (207,533,556)        (207,533,556)      (2,488,500)    (210,022,056)

 Special reserve                                                       -                 -                -                 -       (2,618,535)               -                     -       (2,618,535)                -      (2,618,535)

   Special reserve appropriated                 4(32)                  -                 -                -                 -        7,831,127                -                     -        7,831,127                 -        7,831,127

   Special reserve used                         4(32)                  -                 -                -                 -      (10,449,662)               -                     -      (10,449,662)                -     (10,449,662)

 Internal transfer of shareholders'
 equity                                                    311,300,333      (311,300,333)                 -                 -                  -              -                     -                   -              -                 -

   Capital reserve to share capital                        311,300,333      (311,300,333)                 -                 -                  -              -                     -                   -              -                 -

                                                          2,484,147,547     1,306,381,765     (417,349,879)        1,948,943         3,224,938      920,592,332      4,159,642,227       8,458,587,873      321,035,238     8,779,623,111

                                                                                                                                 - 98 -
 Balance at 31 December 2017

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Legal representative:                         Principal in charge of accounting:            Head of accounting department:

                                                                                   - 99 -
        CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

        (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
        [English translation for reference only]

                                                                            Attributable to shareholders of parent company
                                                                                      Less: Treasury          Surplus        Undistributed     shareholders'
                        Item                        Share capital   Capital surplus            share          reserve               profits          equity

  Balance at 31 December 2015                     2,075,335,560     1,404,803,407                  -    873,667,690          806,232,151      5,160,038,808

  Prior period accounting error correction                     -                 -                 -       (342,000)          (3,078,000)       (3,420,000)

  Balance at 1 January 2016(Restated)            2,075,335,560     1,404,803,407                  -    873,325,690          803,154,151      5,156,618,808

  Movements for the year ended 31 December 2016

  Total comprehensive income

    Net profit                                                 -                 -                 -                -        297,279,004       297,279,004

    Other comprehensive income                                 -                 -                 -                -                    -                -

  Total comprehensive income                                   -                 -                 -                -        297,279,004       297,279,004
  Effect of changes in investees’ other
  equity applying the equity method                            -         726,104                   -                -                    -         726,104
  Profit distribution
                                                               -                 -                 -      29,727,900     (652,328,568)        (622,600,668)

    - Appropriation to surplus reserve                         -                 -                 -      29,727,900         (29,727,900)                 -

    - Distribution to the shareholders                         -                 -                 -                -    (622,600,668)        (622,600,668)

  Balance at 31 December 2016 (Restated)          2,075,335,560     1,405,529,511                  -    903,053,590          448,104,587      4,832,023,248

  Balance at 1 January 2017(Restated)             2,075,335,560     1,405,529,511                  -    903,053,590          448,104,587      4,832,023,248

  Movements for the year ended 31 December
  Total comprehensive income

    Net profit                                                 -                 -                 -                -        320,841,025       320,841,025

    Total comprehensive income                                 -                 -                 -                -        320,841,025       320,841,025
  Capital increase       or    decrease   from
  shareholder                                       97,511,654       356,979,901      (417,349,879)                 -                    -      37,141,676

    Share-based payments                            97,511,654       328,032,920      (417,349,879)                 -                    -       8,194,695

     Shareholders’ Interest-free borrowing                    -      28,946,981                   -                -                    -      28,946,981

Profit distribution                                            -                 -                 -      32,084,102     (239,617,658)        (207,533,556)

    Appropriation to surplus reserve                           -                 -                 -      32,084,102         (32,084,102)                 -

    Distribution to the shareholders                           -                 -                 -                -    (207,533,556)        (207,533,556)

  Capital reserve to share capital                 311,300,333      (311,300,333)                  -                -                    -                -

  Balance at 31 December 2017                     2,484,147,547     1,451,209,079     (417,349,879)     935,137,692          529,327,954      4,982,472,393

        The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

        Legal representative:                      Principal in charge of accounting:                                   Head of accounting

                                                                    - 100 -

      (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
      [English translation for reference only]

1        General information

      CSG Holding Co Ltd (the “Company”) was incorporated in September 1984, known as China South Glass
      Company, as a joint venture enterprise by Hong Kong China Merchants Shipping Co., LTD (香港招商局轮船股份有
      限公司), Shenzhen Building Materials Industry Corporation (深圳建筑材料工业集团公司), China North Industries
      Corporation (中国北方工业深圳公司) and Guangdong International Trust and Investment Corporation (广东国际信
      托投资公司). The Company was registered in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province of the People's Republic of China
      and its headquarters is located in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province of the People's Republic of China. The
      Company issued RMB-denominated ordinary shares (“A-share”) and foreign shares (“B-share”) publicly in October
      1991 and January 1992 respectively, and was listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange on February 1992. As at 31
      December 2017, the registered capital was RMB2,484,147,547, with nominal value of RMB1 per share.

      The Company and its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as the “Group”) are mainly engaged in the manufacture
      and sales of flat glass, specialised glass, engineering glass, energy saving glass, silicon related materials,
      polycrystalline silicon and solar components and electronic-grade display device glass and the construction and
      operation of photovoltaic plant etc.

      Details on the majors subsidiaries included in the consolidated scope in current year were stated in Note 6(1).

      The financial statements were authorised for issue by the Board of Directors on 20 April 2018.

2          Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates

      The Group determines its specific accounting policies and estimates according to manufacturing and operation
      feature. It mainly reflected in provision for bad debts of receivables (Note 2(10)), inventory costing method (Note
      2(11)), amortisation of Property,plant and equipmentand intangible assets (Note 2(13) and (16)), criteria for
      determining capitalised development expenditure (Note 2(16)), and timing for revenue recognition (Note 2(24)).

      Please see Note 2(30) for the key judgements adopted by the Group in applying important accounting policies.

(1)   Basis of preparation

      The financial statements are prepared in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises -
      Basic Standard, and the specific accounting standards and other relevant regulations issued by the Ministry of
      Finance on 15 February 2006 and in subsequent periods (hereafter collectively referred to as “the Accounting
      Standard for Business Enterprises” or “CAS”), and Information Disclosure Rule No. 15 for Companies with Public
      Traded Securities - Financial Reporting General Provision issued by China Security Regulatory Commission.

      As at 31 December 2017, the Group current liabilities exceed current assets about RMB2.52 billion and committed
      capital expenditure of about RMB 0.15 billion (Note 11(1)). The directors of the Company has assessed the
      following facts and conditions: a) the Group has been able to generate positive operating cash flows in prior years
      and expect to do so in the next 12 months, and in 2017, the net cash inflow from operation activities is
      approximately RMB2.463 billion; b) the Group has maintained good relationship with banks, so the Group has
      been able to successfully renew the bank facilities upon the expiry. As at 31 December 2017, the Group had
      unutilised banking facilities of approximately RMB4.00 billion, among which long-term banking facilities were about
      RMB0.57billion. In addition, the shareholder of the Group or other appointed related parties are willing to provide
       Group with RMB2.00 billion interest-free loan. As at report date, the shareholder of Group has provided
      RMB1.610 billion interest-free loan. The Group also has other sources of financing, such as issuing short-term
      bonds, ultra-short-term financing bonds and medium-term notes. The directors are of view that the banking
      facilities and shareholder’s support above can meet the funding requirements
2           Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Cont’d)

(1)          Basis of preparation (Cont’d)

                                                            - 101 -
        CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

        (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
        [English translation for reference only]

        of the Group’s debt servicing and capital commitment. Accordingly, the directors of the Company had adopted the
        going concern basis in the preparation of the financial statements of the Company and the Group.

        tatement of compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises

        The financial statements of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2017 are in compliance with the
        Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, and truly and completely present the financial position of the
        consolidated and the Company as at 31 December 2017 and their financial performance, cash flows and other
        information for the year then ended.

        ccounting year

        The Company’s accounting year starts on 1 January and ends on 31 December.

        ecording currency

        The recording currency is Renminbi (RMB).The economic environment of subsidiaries (China Southern
        Glass(Hong Kong) Limited, Hong Kong Southern Glass Trading co., Limited) determines their recording currency
        is Hongkong dollar. This report ‘s recording currency is Renminbi (RMB).

        usiness combinations

(a) Business combinations involving enterprises under common control

        The consideration paid and net assets obtained by the absorbing party in a business combination are measured at
        book value. The difference between book value of the net assets obtained from the combination and book value of
        the consideration paid for the combination is treated as an adjustment to capital surplus (share premium). If the
        capital surplus (share premium) is not sufficient to absorb the difference, the remaining balance is adjusted against
        retained earnings. Costs directly attributable to the combination are included in profit or loss in the period in which
        they are incurred. Transaction costs associated with the issue of equity or debt securities for the business
        combination are included in the initially recognised amounts of the equity or debt securities.

(b)        Business combinations involving enterprises not under common control

        The cost of combination and identifiable net assets obtained by the acquirer in a business combination are
        measured at fair value at the acquisition date. Where the cost of the combination exceeds the acquirer’s interest in
        the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the difference is recognised as goodwill; where the cost of
        combination is lower than the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the
        difference is recognised in profit or loss for the current period. Costs directly attributable to the combination are
        included in profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred. Transaction costs associated with the issue of
        equity or debt securities for the business combination are included in the initially recognised amounts of the equity
        or debt securities.

        reparation of consolidated financial statements

        The consolidated financial statements comprise the financial statements of the Company and all of its subsidiaries.

        Subsidiaries are consolidated from the date on which the Group obtains control and are de-consolidated from the

                                                                - 102 -
        CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

        (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
        [English translation for reference only]

        date that such control ceases. For a subsidiary that is acquired in a business combination involving enterprises
        under common control, it is included in the consolidated financial statements from the date when it, together with
        the Company, comes under common control of the
2            Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Cont’d)

 (6)        Preparation of consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

        ultimate controlling party. The portion of the net profits realised before the combination date is presented
        separately in the consolidated income statement.

        In preparing the consolidated financial statements, where the accounting policies and the accounting periods of the
        Company and subsidiaries are inconsistent, the financial statements of the subsidiaries are adjusted in accordance
        with the accounting policies and the accounting period of the Company. For subsidiaries acquired from business
        combinations involving enterprises not under common control, the individual financial statements of the
        subsidiaries are adjusted based on the fair value of the identifiable net assets at the acquisition date.

        All significant intra-group balances, transactions and unrealised profits are eliminated in the consolidated financial
        statements. The portion of subsidiaries’ equity and the portion of a subsidiaries’ net profits and losses and
        comprehensive incomes for the period not attributable to Company are recognised as minority interests and
        presented separately in the consolidated financial statements under equity, net profits and total comprehensive
        income respectively. Unrealised profits and losses resulting from the sales of assets by the Company to its
        subsidiaries are fully eliminated against net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company. Unrealised
        profits and losses resulting from the sales of assets by a subsidiary to the Company are eliminated and allocated
        between net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company and non-controlling interests in accordance
        with the allocation proportion of the parent company in the subsidiary. Unrealised profits and losses resulting from
        the sales of assets by one subsidiary to another are eliminated and allocated between net profit attributable to
        shareholders of the parent company and non-controlling interests in accordance with the allocation proportion of
        the parent in the subsidiary.

        After the control over the subsidiary has been gained, whole or partial minority equities of the subsidiary owned by
        minority shareholders are acquired from the subsidiary’s minority shareholders. In the consolidated financial
        statements, the subsidiary's assets and liabilities are reflected with amount based on continuous calculation
        starting from the acquisition date or consolidation date. Capital surplus is adjusted according to the difference
        between newly increased long-term equity investment arising from acquisition of minority equity and the share of
        net assets calculated based on current shareholding ratio that the parent company is entitled to. The share is
        subject to continuous calculation starting from the acquisition date or consolidation date. If the capital surplus
        (capital premium or share capital premium) is not sufficient to absorb the difference, the remaining balance is
        adjusted against retained earnings.

        If the accounting treatment of a transaction which considers the Group as an accounting entity is different from that
        considers the Company or its subsidiaries as an accounting entity, it is adjusted from the perspective of the Group.

(7)         Cash and cash equivalents

        Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash on hand, deposits that can be readily drawn on demand, and short-term
        and highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an
        insignificant risk of changes in value.

(8) Foreign currency transaction

(a) Foreign currency transaction

        Foreign currency transactions are translated into RMB using the exchange rates prevailing at the dates of the

2            Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Cont’d)

                                                               - 103 -
         CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

         (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
         [English translation for reference only]

(8)         Foreign currency transaction (Cont’d)

         At the balance sheet date, monetary items denominated in foreign currencies are translated into RMB using the
         spot exchange rates on the balance sheet date. Exchange differences arising from these translations are
         recognised in profit or loss for the current period, except for those attributable to foreign currency borrowings that
         have been taken out specifically for the acquisition or construction of qualifying assets, which are capitalised as
         part of the cost of those assets. Non-monetary items denominated in foreign currencies that are measured at
         historical costs are translated at the balance sheet date using the spot exchange rates at the date of the
         transactions. The effect of exchange rate changes on cash is presented separately in the cash flow statement.

(b) Translation of foreign currency financial statements

         The asset and liability items in the balance sheets for overseas operations are translated at the spot exchange
         rates on the balance sheet date. Among the shareholders’ equity items, the items other than “undistributed profits”
         are translated at the spot exchange rates of the transaction dates. The income and expense items in the income
         statements of overseas operations are translated at the spot exchange rates of the transaction dates. The
         differences arising from the above translation are presented separately in the shareholders’ equity. The cash flows
         of overseas operations are translated at the spot exchange rates on the dates of the cash flows. The effect of
         exchange rate changes on cash is presented separately in the cash flow statement.

(9)         Financial instrument

(a) Financial assets

(i) Classification of financial assets

         Financial assets are classified into the following categories at initial recognition: financial assets at fair value
         through profit or loss, receivables, available-for-sale financial assets and held-to-maturity investments. The
         classification of financial assets depends on the Group’s intention and ability to hold the financial assets. The
         Group had no financial assets at fair value through profit or loss and held-to-maturity investments for 2017.


         Receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an
         active market. Receivables comprise notes receivable, accounts receivable and other receivables. (Note 2(10))

         Available-for-sale financial assets

         Available-for-sale financial assets are non-derivative financial assets that are either designated in this category or
         not classified in any of the other categories at initial recognition. Available-for-sale financial assets are included in
         other current assets on the balance sheet if management intends to dispose of them within 12 months after the
         balance sheet date.

(ii) Recognition and measurement

         Financial assets are recognised at fair value on the balance sheet when the Group becomes a party to the
         contractual provisions of the financial instrument. The related transaction costs that are attributable to the
         acquisition of receivables and available-for-sale financial assets are included in their initial recognition amounts.

2             Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Cont’d)

(9)        Financial instrument (Cont’d)

         Available-for-sale financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value. Investments in equity instruments are

                                                                  - 104 -
         CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

         (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
         [English translation for reference only]

         measured at cost when they do not have a quoted market price in an active market and whose fair value cannot be
         reliably measured. Receivables are measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method.

         Gains or losses arising from change in fair value of available-for-sale financial assets are recognised directly in
         equity, except for impairment losses and foreign exchange gains and losses arising from translation of monetary
         financial assets. When such financial assets are derecognised, the cumulative gains or losses previously
         recognised directly into equity are recycled into profit or loss for the current period. Interests on available-for-sale
         investments in debt instruments calculated using the effective interest method during the period in which such
         investments are held and cash dividends declared by the investee on available-for-sale investments in equity
         instruments are recognised as investment income, which is recognised in profit or loss for the period.

(a)      Financial assets

(iii) Impairment of financial assets

         The Group assesses book values of financial assets at each balance sheet date. If there is objective evidence that
         a financial asset is impaired, an impairment loss is provided for.

         The objective evidence of impairment losses on financial assets refers to events that actually incurred after the
         initial recognition of financial assets, have influence on the expected future cash flow from the financial assets and
         the influence can be reliably measured.

         Objective evidence which indicates the occurrence of impairment for available-for-sale equity instruments includes
         significant or non-temporary decrease of fair value of equity instruments investment. The Group conducts
         individual Checkion on each available-for-sale equity instruments investment at balance sheet date, if the fair value
         of the available-for-sale equity instrument is less than its initial investment cost for more than 50% (inclusive) or
         less than its initial investment cost continually for more than 1 year, that means impairment incurred; if the fair
         value of the available-for-sale equity instrument is less than its initial investment cost for more than 20% (inclusive)
         but has not reached 50%, the Group will comprehensively consider other factors such as price volatility to
         determine whether the equity instrument investment has been impaired. The Group calculates the initial
         investment cost of initial available-for-sale equity instruments investment using the weighted average method.

         When an impairment loss on a financial asset carried at amortised cost has occurred, the amount of loss is
         provided for at the difference between the asset’s carrying amount and the present value of its estimated future
         cash flows (excluding future credit losses that have not been incurred). If there is objective evidence that the value
         of the financial asset is recovered and the recovery is related objectively to an event occurring after the impairment
         was recognised, the previously recognised impairment loss is reversed and the amount of reversal is recognised in
         profit or loss.

         If an impairment loss on available-for-sale financial assets measured at fair value is incurred, the cumulative losses
         arising from the decline in fair value that had been recognised directly in shareholders' equity are transferred out
         from equity and into impairment loss. For an investment in debt instrument classified as available-for-sale on which
         impairment losses have been recognised, if, in a subsequent period, its fair value increases and the increase can
         be objectively related to an event occurring after the impairment loss was recognised in profit or loss, the
         previously recognised impairment loss is reversed into profit or loss for the current period. For an investment in an

2             Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Cont’d)

(9)         Financial instrument (Cont’d)

         instrument classified as available-for-sale on which impairment losses have been recognised, the increase in its
         fair value in a subsequent period is recognised directly in equity.

(iv) Derecognition of financial assets

                                                                 - 105 -
          CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

          (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
          [English translation for reference only]

          Financial assets are derecognised when: i) the contractual rights to receive the cash flows from the financial assets
          have expired; or ii) all substantial risks and rewards of ownership of the financial assets have been transferred; or
          iii) the control over the financial asset has been waived even if the Group does not transfer or retain nearly all of the
          risks and rewards relating to the ownership of a financial asset.

          On derecognition of a financial asset, the difference between book value and the sum of the consideration received
          and the cumulative changes in fair value that had been recognised directly in owner's equity, is recognised in profit
          or loss.

(b) Financial liabilities

          Financial liabilities are classified into two categories at initial recognition: financial liabilities at fair value through
          profit or loss and other financial liabilities. The financial liabilities of the Group mainly comprise other financial
          liabilities, including payables, borrowings and bonds payable.

          The fair value change of financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss is charged to income statement.

          Payables comprise accounts payable, notes payable and other payables, which are recognised initially at fair value
          and measured subsequently at amortised cost using the effective interest method.

          Borrowings and bonds payable are recognised initially at fair value, net of transaction costs incurred, and
          subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method.

          Other financial liabilities within one year (inclusive) is presented as current liabilities, while non-current financial
          liabilities due with one year (inclusive) is reclassified as non-current liabilities due within one year. Others are
          presented as non-current liabilities.

          A financial liability (or a part of a financial liability) is derecognised when all or part of the obligation is extinguished.
          The difference between book value of a financial liability (or a part of financial liability) extinguished and the
          consideration paid is recognised in the income statement.

(c) Determination of fair value of financial instruments

          The fair value of a financial instrument that is traded in an active market is determined at the quoted price in the
          active market. The fair value of a financial instrument that is not traded in an active market is determined by using a
          valuation technique. During valuation, the Group adopts a valuation technique suitable for current situation, which
          is supported by sufficient available data and other information, chooses the inputs consistent with the feature of
          assets or liabilities considered in the transaction thereof with market participants, and uses related observable
          inputs in preference to the greatest extent. Unobservable inputs are used when it is unable to obtain or is infeasible
          for related observable inputs.

                                                                     - 106 -
         CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

         (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
         [English translation for reference only]

2        Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Cont’d)

(10)      Receivables

         Receivables comprise notes receivable, accounts receivable and other receivables. Accounts receivable arising
         from sales of goods or rendering of services are initially recognised at fair value of the contractual payments from
         the buyers or service recipients.

(a)      Receivables with amounts that are individually significant and subject to separate assessment for provision for bad

         Receivables with amounts that are individually significant are subject to separate assessment for impairment. If
         there exists objective evidence that the Group will not be able to collect the amount under the original terms, a
         provision for bad debts of that receivable is made at the difference between its carrying amount and the present
         value of its estimated future cash flows.

         The basis or amount for individually significant receivables is individually greater than RMB20 million.

(b)      Receivables with amounts that are not individually significant but subject to separate assessment for provision for
         bad debts

         If there exists objective evidence that the Group will not be able to collect the amount under the original terms, a
         provision for bad debts of that receivable is made at the difference between its carrying amount and the present
         value of its estimated future cash flows.

(c) Receivables that are subject to provision for bad debts on the grouping basis

         Receivables with amounts that have not been individually provided for impairment are classified into certain
         groupings based on their credit risk characteristics. The provision for bad debts is determined based on the
         historical loss experience for the groupings of receivables with similar credit risk characteristics, taking into
         consideration of the current circumstances.

         Basis for portfolio is as follows:

         Portfolio 1                          Receivables not impaired after separate assessment
         Portfolio 2                          Related party portfolio

         The percentage of provision for the portfolio:

                                                Percentage of provision for          Percentage of provision for other
                                                   accounts receivable                        receivables

         Portfolio 1                                         2%                                      2%
         Portfolio 2                                         2%                                      2%

(d)      The Group transfers receivables which have no recourse right to financial institution, the difference between book
         values which is trade amount cut the write-off receivables and related tax expenses charged into the income

(11)      Inventories

(a)      Classification

                                                                  - 107 -

       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

       Inventories refer to manufacturing sector, including raw materials, work in progress, finished goods and turnover
       materials, and are measured at the lower of cost and net realisable value.

2           Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Cont’d)

(11)      Inventories (Cont’d)

(b)    Inventory costing method

       Cost is determined using the weighted average method. The cost of finished goods and work in progress comprise
       raw materials, direct labour and systematically allocated production overhead based on the normal production

(c)    Amortisation methods of low value consumables and packaging materials

       Turnover materials include low value consumables and packaging materials, which are expensed when issued.

(d)    The determination of net realisable value and the method of provision for decline in the value of inventories

       Provision for decline in the value of inventories is determined at the excess amount of book values of the
       inventories over their net realisable value. Net realisable value is determined based on the estimated selling price
       in the ordinary course of business, less the estimated costs to completion and estimated costs necessary to make
       the sale and related taxes.

(e)    The Group adopts the perpetual inventory system.

(12)   Long-term equity investments

       Long-term equity investments comprise the Company’s long-term equity investments in its subsidiaries, and the
       Group’s long-term equity investments in its associates.

       Subsidiaries are the investees over which the Company is able to exercise control. Associates are the investees
       that the Group has significant influence on their financial and operating policies.

       Investments in subsidiaries are measured using the cost method in the Company’s financial statements, and
       adjusted by using the equity method when preparing the consolidated financial statements. Investments in
       associates are accounted for using the equity method.

(a)    Initial recognition

       For long-term equity investments formed in business combination: when obtained from business combinations
       involving entities under common control, the long-term equity investment is stated at carrying amount of equity for
       the combined parties at the time of merger; when the long-term equity investment obtained from business
       combinations involving entities not under common control, the investment is measured at combination cost.

       For long-term equity investments not formed in business combination: the one paid by cash is initially measured at
       actual purchase price; the long-term investment obtained by issuing equity securities is stated at fair value of equity
       securities as initial investment cost..

(b)    Subsequent measurement and recognition of related profit or loss

       For long-term equity investments accounted for using the cost method, they are measured at the initial investment
       costs, and cash dividends or profit distribution declared by the investees are recognised as investment income in
       profit or loss.

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        (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
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        For long-term equity investments accounted for using the equity method, where the initial investment cost of a
        long-term equity investment exceeds the Group’s share of the fair value of the investee’s
 2           Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Cont’d)

(12)     Long-term equity investments (Cont’d)

        identifiable net assets at the acquisition date, the long-term equity investment is measured at the initial investment
        cost; where the initial investment cost is less than the Group’s share of the fair value of the investee’s identifiable
        net assets at the acquisition date, the difference is included in profit or loss and the cost of the long-term equity
        investment is adjusted upwards accordingly.

        Under the equity method, the Group recognises the investment income according to its share of net profit or loss of
        the investee. The Group discontinues recognising its share of the net losses of an investee after book values of the
        long-term equity investment together with any long-term interests that in substance form part of the investor’s net
        investment in the investee are reduced to zero. However, if the Group has obligations for additional losses and the
        criteria with respect to recognition of provisions under the accounting standards on contingencies are satisfied, the
        Group continues recognising the investment losses and the provisions. For changes in owners’ equity of the
        investee other than those arising from its net profit or loss, its proportionate share is directly recorded into capital
        surplus, provided that the proportion of the shareholding of the Group in the investee remains unchanged. Book
        value of the investment is reduced by the Group’s share of the profit distribution or cash dividends declared by an
        investee. The unrealised profits or losses arising from the intra-group transactions amongst the Group and its
        investees are eliminated in proportion to the Group’s equity interest in the investees, and then based on which the
        investment gains or losses are recognised. Any losses resulting from transactions between the Group and its
        investees attributable to asset impairment losses are not eliminated.

 (c)    Basis for determining existence of control, jointly control or significant influence over investees

        The term "control" refers to the power in the investees, to obtain variable returns by participating in the related
        business activities of the investees, and the ability to affect the returns by exercising its power over the investees.

        The term "significant influence" refers to the power to participate in the formulation of financial and operating
        policies of an enterprise, but not the power to control, or jointly control, the formulation of such policies with other

 (d)    Impairment of long-term equity investments

        Book value of long-term equity investments in subsidiaries and associates is reduced to the recoverable amount
        when the recoverable amount is less than book value (Note 2(18)).

 (13)   Fixed assets

 (a)    Recognition and initial measurement

        Fixed assets comprise buildings, machinery and equipment, motor vehicles and others.

        Fixed assets are recognised when it is probable that the related economic benefits will probably flow to the Group
        and the costs can be reliably measured. Fixed assets purchased or constructed by the Group are initially
        measured at cost at the acquisition date.

        Subsequent expenditures incurred for a fixed asset are included in the cost of the fixed asset when it is probable
        that the associated economic benefits will flow to the Group and the related cost can be reliably measured. Book
        value of the replaced part is derecognised. All the other subsequent expenditures are recognised in profit or loss in
        the period in which they are incurred.

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       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

2           Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Cont’d)

(b)    Depreciation methods

       Fixed assets are depreciated using the straight-line method to allocate the cost of the assets to their estimated
       residual values over their estimated useful lives. For the fixed assets that have been provided for impairment loss,
       the related depreciation charge is prospectively determined based upon the adjusted carrying amounts over their
       remaining useful lives.

       The estimated useful lives, the estimated net residual values expressed as a percentage of cost and the annual
       depreciation rates of fixed assets are as follows:

                                        Estimated useful lives Estimated net residual value       Annual depreciation rate

       Buildings                                 20 to 35 years                          5%               2.71% to 4.75%
       Machinery and equipment                    8 to 20 years                          5%              4.75% to 11.88%
       Motor vehicles and others                   5 to 8 years                          0%             12.50% to 20.00%

       The estimated useful life, the estimated net residual value of a fixed asset and the depreciation method applied to
       the asset are reviewed, and adjusted as appropriate at each year-end.

(c)    Book value of a fixed asset is reduced to the recoverable amount when the recoverable amount is below book
       value (Note 2 (18)).

(d)    Disposal

       A fixed asset is derecognised on disposal or when no future economic benefits are expected from its use or
       disposal. The amount of proceeds from disposals on sale, transfer, retirement or damage of a fixed asset net of its
       carrying amount and related taxes and expenses is recognised in profit or loss for the current period.

(14)   Construction in progress

       Construction in progress is recorded at actual cost. Actual cost comprises construction cost, installation cost,
       borrowing costs eligible for capitalised condition and necessary expenditures incurred for its intended use. Actual
       cost also includes net of trial production cost and trial production income before construction in progress is put into

       Construction in progress is transferred to fixed assets when the assets are ready for their intended use, and
       depreciation begins from the following month.

       Book value of construction in progress is reduced to the recoverable amount when the recoverable amount is
       below book value (Note 2 (18)).

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       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

2      Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Cont’d)

(15)   Borrowing costs

       The borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition and construction of an asset that needs a
       substantially long period of time for its intended use commence to be capitalised and recorded as part of the cost of
       the asset when expenditures for the asset and borrowing costs have been incurred, and the activities relating to the
       acquisition and construction that are necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use have commenced. The
       capitalisation of borrowing costs ceases when the asset under acquisition or construction becomes ready for its
       intended use and the borrowing costs incurred thereafter are recognised in profit or loss for the current period.
       Capitalisation of borrowing costs is suspended during periods in which the acquisition or construction of a fixed
       asset is interrupted abnormally and the interruption lasts for more than 3 months, until the acquisition or
       construction is resumed.

       For the specific borrowings obtained for the acquisition or construction of an asset qualifying for capitalisation, the
       amount of borrowing costs eligible for capitalisation is determined by deducting any interest income earned from
       depositing the unused specific borrowings in the banks or any investment income arising on the temporary
       investment of those borrowings during the capitalisation period.

       For the general borrowings obtained for the acquisition or construction of an asset qualifying for capitalisation, the
       amount of borrowing costs eligible for capitalisation is determined by applying the weighted average effective
       interest rate of general borrowings, to the weighted average of the excess amount of cumulative expenditures on
       the asset over the amount of specific borrowings. The effective interest rate is the rate at which the estimated
       future cash flows during the period of expected duration of the borrowings or applicable shorter period are
       discounted to the initial amount of the borrowings.

(16)   Intangible assets

       Intangible assets, mainly including land use rights, patents and proprietary technologies, exploitation rights and
       others, are measured at cost.

(a)    Land use rights

       Land use rights are amortised on the straight-line basis over their approved use period of 30 to 70 years. If the
       acquisition costs of the land use rights and the buildings located thereon cannot be reasonably allocated between
       the land use rights and the buildings, all of the acquisition costs are recognised as fixed assets.

(b)    Patents and proprietary technologies

       Patents are amortised on a straight-line basis over the estimated use life.

(c)    Exploitation rights

       Exploitation rights are amortised on a straight-line basis over permitted exploitation periods on the exploitation

(d)    Periodical review of useful life and amortisation method

       For an intangible asset with a finite useful life, review of its useful life and amortisation method is performed at each
       year-end, with adjustment made as appropriate.

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       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

2      Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Cont’d)
(16)   Intangible assets (Cont’d)
(e)    Research and development

       The expenditure on an internal research and development project is classified into expenditure on the research
       phase and expenditure on the development phase based on its nature and whether there is material uncertainty
       that the research and development activities can form an intangible asset at end of the project.

       Expenditure on the research phase related to planned survey, evaluation and selection for research on
       manufacturing technique is recognised in profit or loss in the period in which it is incurred. Prior to mass production,
       expenditure on the development phase related to the design and testing phase in regards to the final application of
       manufacturing technique is capitalised only if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

            the development of manufacturing technique has been fully demonstrated by technical team;
            management has approved the budget for the development of manufacturing technique;
            there are research and analysis of pre-market research explaining that products manufactured with such
                technique are capable of marketing;
            There is sufficient technical and capital to support the development of manufacturing technique and
                subsequent mass production; and the expenditure on manufacturing technique development can be
                reliably gathered.

       Other development expenditures that do not meet the conditions above are recognised in profit or loss in the
       period in which they are incurred. Development costs previously recognised as expenses are not recognised as an
       asset in a subsequent period. Capitalised expenditure on the development phase is presented as development
       costs in the balance sheet and transferred to intangible assets at the date that the asset is ready for its intended

(f)    Impairment of intangible assets

       Book value of intangible assets is reduced to the recoverable amount when the recoverable amount is below book
       value (Note 2 (18)).

(17)   Long-term prepaid expenses

       Long-term prepaid expenses include the expenditures that have been incurred but should be recognised as
       expenses over more than one year in the current and subsequent periods. Long-term prepaid expenses are
       amortised on the straight-line basis over the expected beneficial period and are presented at actual expenditure
       net of accumulated amortisation.

(18)   Impairment of long-term assets

       Fixed assets, construction in progress, intangible assets with finite useful lives and long-term equity investments in
       joint ventures and associates are tested for impairment if there is any indication that the assets may be impaired at
       the balance sheet date; intangible assets not ready for their intended use are tested at least annually for
       impairment, irrespective of whether there is any indication that they may be impaired. If the result of the impairment
       test indicates that the recoverable amount of an asset is less than its carrying amount, a provision for impairment
       and an impairment loss are recognised for the amount by which the asset’s carrying amount exceeds its
       recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is the higher of an asset’s fair value less costs to sell and the
       present value of the future cash flows expected to be derived from the asset. Provision for asset impairment is
       determined and recognised on the individual asset basis. If it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of
       an individual asset, the recoverable amount of a group of assets to which the asset belongs is determined. A group
       of assets is the smallest group of assets that is able to generate independent cash inflows.

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        (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
        [English translation for reference only]

2       Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Cont’d)

(18)    Impairment of long-term assets (Cont’d)

        Goodwill that is separately presented in the financial statements is tested at least annually for impairment,
        irrespective of whether there is any indication that it may be impaired. In conducting the test, book value of goodwill
        is allocated to the related asset groups or groups of asset groups which are expected to benefit from the synergies
        of the business combination. If the result of the test indicates that the recoverable amount of an asset group or
        group of asset groups, including the allocated goodwill, is lower than its carrying amount, the corresponding
        impairment loss is recognised. The impairment loss is first deducted from book value of goodwill that is allocated to
        the asset group or group of asset groups, and then deducted from book values of other assets within the asset
        groups or groups of asset groups in proportion to book values of assets other than goodwill.

        Once the above asset impairment loss is recognised, it will not be reversed for the value recovered in the
        subsequent periods.

(19)    Employee benefits

        Employee benefits include short-term employee benefits, post-employment benefits, termination benefits and other
        long-term employee benefits provided in various forms of consideration in exchange for service rendered by
        employees or compensations for the termination of employment relationship.

(a) Short-term employee benefits

        Short-term employee benefits include wages or salaries, bonuses, allowances and subsidies, staff welfare, medical
        care, work injury insurance, maternity insurance, housing funds, labour union funds, employee education funds
        and paid short-term leave, etc. The employee benefit liabilities are recognised in the accounting period in which the
        service is rendered by the employees, with a corresponding charge to the profit or loss for the current period or the
        cost of relevant assets. Employee benefits which are non-monetary benefits shall be measured at fair value.

(b) Post-employment benefits

        The Group classifies post-employment benefit plans as either defined contribution plans or defined benefit plans.
        Defined contribution plans are post-employment benefit plans under which the Group pays fixed contributions into
        a separate fund and will have no obligation to pay further contributions; and defined benefit plans are
        post-employment benefit plans other than defined contribution plans. During the reporting period, the Group's
        post-employment benefits mainly include basic pensions and unemployment insurance, both of which belong to
        the defined contribution plans.

        Basic pensions

        The Group’s employees participate in the basic pension plan set up and administered by local authorities of
        Ministry of Human Resource and Social Security. Monthly payments of premiums on the basic pensions are
        calculated according to prescribed bases and percentage by the relevant local authorities. When employees retire,
        local labour and social security institutions have a duty to pay the basic pension insurance to them. The amounts
        based on the above calculations are recognised as liabilities in the accounting period in which the service has been
        rendered by the employees, with a corresponding charge to the profit or loss for the current period or the cost of
        relevant assets.

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         (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
         [English translation for reference only]

2        Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Cont’d)

(19)     Employee benefits (Cont’d)

(c) Termination benefits

         The Group provides compensation for terminating the employment relationship with employees before the end of
         the employment contracts or as an offer to encourage employees to accept voluntary redundancy before the end of
         the employment contracts. The Group recognises a liability arising from compensation for termination of the
         employment relationship with employees, with a corresponding charge to profit or loss at the earlier of the following
         dates: 1) when the Group cannot unilaterally withdraw the offer of termination benefits because of an employment
         termination plan or a curtailment proposal; 2) when the Group recognises costs or expenses related to the
         restructuring that involves the payment of termination benefits.

         The termination benefits expected to be paid within one year since the balance sheet date are classified as current

(20)     Dividend distribution

         Cash dividend is recognised as a liability for the period in which the dividend is approved by the shareholders’

(21)     Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

         Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are calculated and recognised based on the differences arising
         between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts (temporary differences). Deferred tax
         asset is recognised for the deductible losses that can be carried forward to subsequent years for deduction of the
         taxable profit in accordance with the tax laws. No deferred tax liability is recognised for a temporary difference
         arising from the initial recognition of goodwill. No deferred tax asset or deferred tax liability is recognised for the
         temporary differences resulting from the initial recognition of assets or liabilities due to a transaction other than a
         business combination, which affects neither accounting profit nor taxable profit (or deductible loss). At the balance
         sheet date, deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply
         to the period when the asset is realised or the liability is settled.

         Deferred tax assets are only recognised for deductible temporary differences, deductible losses and tax credits to
         the extent that it is probable that taxable profit will be available in the future against which the deductible temporary
         differences, deductible losses and tax credits can be utilised.

         Deferred tax liabilities are recognised for temporary differences arising from investments in subsidiaries and
         associates, except where the Group is able to control the timing of reversal of the temporary difference, and it is
         probable that the temporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future. When it is probable that the
         temporary differences arising from investments in subsidiaries and associates will be reversed in the foreseeable
         future and that the taxable profit will be available in the future against which the temporary differences can be
         utilised, the corresponding deferred tax assets are recognised.

         Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset when:

              the deferred taxes are related to the same tax payer within the Group and the same taxation authority; and,
              that tax payer within the Group has a legally enforceable right to offset current tax assets against current tax

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        (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
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2       Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Cont’d)

(22)    Provisions

        Business restructuring, provisions for product warranties, loss contracts etc. are recognised when the Group has a
        present obligation, it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation, and
        the amount of the obligation can be measured reliably.

        A provision is initially measured at the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the related present
        obligation. Factors surrounding a contingency, such as the risks, uncertainties and the time value of money, are
        taken into account as a whole in reaching the best estimate of a provision. Where the effect of the time value of
        money is material, the best estimate is determined by discounting the related future cash outflows. The increase in
        the discounted amount of the provision arising from passage of time is recognised as interest expense.

        Book value of provision is reviewed at each balance sheet date and adjusted to reflect the current best estimate.

        The provisions expected to be paid within one year since the balance sheet date are classified as current liabilities.

(23)    Share-based payments

        Share-based payments are divided into equity-settled and cash-settled payments. The term "equity-settled
        share-based payment" refers to a transaction in which an enterprise grants shares or other equity instruments as a
        consideration in return for services.

        Equity-settled share-based payment The Group‘s stock optionstock option plan is the equity-settled share-based
        payment in exchange of employees' services and is measured at the fair value of the equity instruments at grant
        date. The equity instruments are exercisable after services in vesting period are completed or specified
        performance conditions are met. In the vesting period, the services obtained in current period are included in
        relevant cost and expenses at the fair value of the equity instruments at grant date based on the best estimate of
        the number of exercisable equity instruments, and capital surplus is increased accordingly. If the subsequent
        information indicates the number of exercisable equity instruments differs from the previous estimate, an
        adjustment is made and, on the exercise date, the estimate is revised to equal the number of actual vested equity
        instruments. The Group determines the fair value of stock optionstock options using option pricing model, which is
        Black-Scholes option pricing model (B-S model).

        In the period at which performance conditions and term of service are met, the relevant cost and expenses of
        equity-settled payment should be recognized, and capital surplus is increased accordingly. Before the exercise
        date, the accruing amounts of equity-settled payments on balance sheet date reflect the part of expired waiting
        period and optimal estimation for the number of the Company final vested equity instruments.

        If the non-market conditions and term of service are not met so that share-based payment fail to exercise, the costs
        and expenses on this portion should not be recognized. If the share-based payment agreement sets out the market
        conditions and term of non-vesting, as long as performance conditions and term of service are met, it is should be
        regard as exercisable right, no matter the market conditions and non-vesting conditions are meet or not.

        If the terms of equity-settled payment are modified, at least the service is confirmed in accordance with the
        unmodified terms. In addition, the increase of the fair value of the authorized equity instruments, or the beneficial
        changes to the employees on the modification date, the increase of service are confirmed.

 2      Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Cont’d)

 (23)      Share-based payments (Cont’d)

        If the equity-settled payment is cancelled, the cancellation date shall be deemed as an expedited exercise, and the

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         (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
         [English translation for reference only]

         unconfirmed amount shall be confirmed immediately. If the employee or other party is able to choose to meet the
         non-vesting conditions but not satisfied in the waiting period, equity-settled payment should be cancelled. But if a
         new equity instrument is granted, and the new equity instrument is confirm to replace the old equity instrument
         which is canceled in the authorization date of the new equity instrument, the new equity instrument should be
         disposed by using the same conditions and terms of the old equity instrument for modifications

(24)     Revenue recognition

         The amount of revenue is determined in accordance with the fair value of the consideration received or receivable
         for the sales of goods and services in the ordinary course of the Group’s activities. Revenue is shown net of
         discounts, rebates and returns.

         Revenue is recognised when the economic benefits associated with the transaction will probably flow to the Group,
         the related revenue can be reliably measured, and the specific revenue recognition criteria have been met for each
         type of the Group’s activities as described below:

(a)      Sales of goods

         The Group mainly sells flat and engineering glass, products related to solar energy, and electronic glass and
         displays. For domestic sales, the Group delivers the products to a certain place specified in the contract. When the
         buyer takes over the goods, the Group recognises revenue. For export sales, the Group recognises the revenue
         when it finished clearing goods for export and deliver the goods on board the vessel, or when the goods are
         delivered to a certain place specified in the contract. For above sales, when the buyer takes over the goods, the
         buyer has the right to sell the products, and should bear the risk of price fluctuation or goods damage.

(b)      Rendering of services

         Revenue is recognised for the rendering of service by the Group to external parties upon the completion of related

(c) Transfer of asset use rights

         Interest income is recognised on a time-proportion basis using the effective interest method.

(25)     Government grants

         Government grants are transfers of monetary or non-monetary assets from the government to the Group at nil
         consideration, including tax refund and financial subsidies, etc.

         A government grant is recognised when there is a reasonable assurance that the grants will be received and the
         Group will comply with all attached conditions. Monetary government grants are measured at the amounts received
         or receivable. Non-monetary government grant are measured at fair value, if the fair value cannot be reliably
         obtained, it is measured at nominal amount.

         The government grants related to assets refer to government grant obtained by enterprises and used for purchase
         and construction of long-term assets or formation of long-term asset in other ways. The government grants related
         to income refer to grants other than those related to assets.

 2       Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Cont’d)

 (25)       Government grants (Cont’d)

         For government grants related to income, where the grant is a compensation for related expenses or losses to be
         incurred by the Group in the subsequent periods, the grant is recognised as deferred income, and included in profit

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        (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
        [English translation for reference only]

        or loss over the periods in which the related costs are recognised; where the grant is a compensation for related
        expenses or losses already incurred by the Group, the grant is recognised immediately in profit or loss for the
        current period.The company use the same method of presentation for similar government grants.

        The ordinary activitiy government grants should be counted into operating profits; the government grants which not
        belong ordinary activities should be counted inton non-operationg income.

(26)    Leases

        A lease that transfers substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to ownership of an asset is a finance lease.
        An operating lease is a lease other than a finance lease.

        Lease payments under an operating lease are recognised on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease, and
        are either capitalised as part of the cost of related assets, or charged as an expense for the current period.

        Lease income under an operating lease is recognised as revenue on a straight-line basis over the period of the

(27)    Assets classified as held for sale

        A non-current asset or a disposal group is classified as held for sale when all of the following conditions are
        satisfied: (1) the non-current asset or the disposal group is available for immediate sale in its present condition
        subject to terms that are traditionally and customary for sales; (2) the Group has made a resolution and obtained
        appropriate approval for disposal of the non-current asset or the disposal group, and the transfer is to be
        completed within one year.

        Non-current assets (except for financial assets, investment properties at fair value and deferred tax assets) that
        meet the recognition criteria for held for sale are recognised at the amount equal to the lower of the fair value less
        costs to sell and book value. The difference between fair value less costs to sell and carrying amount, should be
        presented as impairment loss.

        Such non-current assets and assets included in disposal groups as classified as held for sale are accounted for as
        current assets; while liabilities included in disposal groups classified as held for sale are accounted for as current
        liabilities, and are presented separately in the balance sheet.

        A discontinued operation is a component of the Group that either has been disposed of or is classified as held for
        sale, and is separately identifiable operationally and for financial reporting purposes, and satisfies one of the
        following conditions: (1) represents a separate major line of business or geographical area of operations; (2) is part
        of a single coordinated plan to dispose of a separate major line of business or geographical area of operations; and
        (3) is a subsidiary acquired exclusively with a view to resale.

        The discontinued operation profits on income statement presentation have included the profits and loss of
        operation and disposal.

(28)    Safety production costs

        According to relevant regulations of the Ministry of Finance and National Administration of Work Safety, a
        subsidiary of the Group which is engaged in producing and selling polysilicon appropriates safety production costs
        on following basis:
 2      Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Cont’d)

 (28)      Safety production costs

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        (a)       4% for revenue below RMB10 million (inclusive) of the year;
        (b)       2% for the revenue between RMB10 million to RMB100 million (inclusive) of the year;
        (c)       0.5% for the revenue between RMB100 million to RMB1 billion (inclusive) of the year;
        (d)       0.2% for the revenue above RMB1 billion of the year.

        The safety production costs is mainly used for the overhaul, renewal and maintenance of safety facilities. The
        safety production costs are charged to costs of related products or profit or loss when appropriated, and safety
        production costs in equity account are credited correspondingly. When using the special reserve, if the
        expenditures are expenses in nature, the expenses incurred are offset against the special reserve directly when
        incurred. If the expenditures are capital expenditures, when projects are completed and transferred to fixed assets,
        the special reserve should be offset against the cost of fixed assets, and a corresponding accumulated
        depreciation are recognised. The fixed assets are no longer be depreciated in future.

(29)    Segment information

        The Group identifies operating segments based on the internal organisation structure, management requirements
        and internal reporting system, and discloses segment information of reportable segments which is determined on
        the basis of operating segments.

        An operating segment is a component of the Group that satisfies all of the following conditions: (1) the component
        is able to earn revenue and incur expenses from its ordinary activities; (2) whose operating results are regularly
        reviewed by the Group’s management to make decisions about resources to be allocated to the segment and to
        assess its performance, and (3) for which the information on financial position, operating results and cash flows is
        available to the Group. If two or more operating segments have similar economic characteristics and satisfy certain
        conditions, they are aggregated into one single operating segment.

(30)    Critical accounting estimates and judgements

        The Group continually Estimates the critical accounting estimates and key assumptions applied based on historical
        experience and other factors, including expectations of future events that are believed to be reasonable.

        The critical accounting estimates and key assumptions that have a significant risk of possibly causing a material
        adjustment to book values of assets and liabilities within the next accounting year are outlined below:

(a) Income tax

        The Group is subject to Income tax in numerous jurisdictions. There are some transactions and events for which
        the ultimate tax determination is uncertain during the ordinary course of business. Significant judgement is required
        from the Group in determining the provision for Income tax in each of these jurisdictions. Where the final identified
        outcome of these tax matters is different from the initially-recorded amount, such difference will impact the income
        tax expenses and deferred income tax in the period in which such determination is finally made.

(b) Deferred income tax

        Estimates on deferred tax assets are based on estimates on amount of taxable income and applicable tax rate for
        every year. Realisation of deferred income tax are subject to sufficient taxable income that are possible to be
        obtained by the Group in the future. Change of the future tax rate as well as the reversed time of temporary
        difference might have effects on tax expense (income) and the balance of
 2      Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Cont’d)

 (30)         Critical accounting estimates and judgements (Cont’d)

 (b)      Deferred income tax (Cont’d)

        deferred tax assets or liabilities. Those estimates may also cause significant adjustment on deferred tax.

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         CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

         (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
         [English translation for reference only]

(c) Impairment of long-term assets (excluding goodwill)

         Long-term assets at the balance sheet date should be subject to impairment testing if there are any indications of
         impairment. Management determines whether the long-term assets impaired or not by evaluating and analysing
         following aspects: (1) whether the event affecting assets impairment occurs; (2) whether the expected obtainable
         present value of future cash flows is lower than the asset’s carrying amount by continually using the assets or
         disposal; and (3) whether the assumptions used in expected obtainable present value of future cash flows are

         Various assumptions, including the discount rate and growth rate applied in the method of present value of future
         cash flow, are required in evaluating the recoverable amount of assets. If these assumptions cannot be conformed,
         the recoverable amount should be modified, and the long-term assets may be impaired accordingly.

(d) The useful life of fixed assets

         Management estimates the useful life of fixed assets, based on historical experiences on using fixed assets that
         have similar properties and functions. When there are differences between actually useful life and previously
         estimation, management will adjust estimation to useful life of fixed assets. The fixed assets would be written off or
         written down when fixed assets been disposed or became redundant. Thus, the estimated result based on existing
         experience may be different from the actual result of the next accounting period, which may cause major
         adjustment to book value of fixed assets on balance sheet.

(e) Goodwill impairment

         Goodwill impairment reviews are undertaken annually or more frequently if events or changes in circumstances
         indicate a potential impairment. For the purpose of impairment testing, goodwill acquired in a business combination
         is allocated to each of the cash-generating units (“CGUs”), or groups of CGUs, and future cash flow from each
         CGU or CGUs is forcasted and discounted with appropriate discount rate.

(31)     Significant changes in accounting policies

         In 2017, the Ministry of Finance released the “Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 42—Non-current
         Assets or Disposal Groups Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations”, revised “Accounting Standard for Business
         Enterprises No. 16—Government Grants” and the “Circular on Amendment to Formats of Financial Statements of
         General Industry” and its interpretation (Cai Kuai [2017] 30). The financial statements are prepared in accordance
         with the above standards and circular, and impacts are as follows:

 2       Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Cont’d)

 (31)       Significant changes in accounting policies (Cont’d)

             The nature and the reasons of the changes in                                           The amounts
                                                                      The line items affected
                         accounting policies                                                          affected
         The Company and its subsidiaries recorded the VAT
         return obtained and other government grants related
           to ordinary activities in 2017 in other income. The                 N/A                       N/A
            comparatives as at 31 December 2016 were not

           The Company and its subsidiaries recorded the
             gains or losses on disposals of fixed assets             Income on disposal
         occurred in 2017, in loss on disposals of assets. The
                                                                            assets                    (1,759,358)
            comparatives as at 31 December 2016 were                                                   1,551,302
                         restated accordingly                        Non-operating income
                                                                     Non-operating expense

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        CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

        (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
        [English translation for reference only]

         The Company’s assets for sale in 2017 is presented
          separately. The comparative financial statement at               N/A                        N/A
                31 December 2016 is not presented

(32)    Prior period accounting error correction

 a. Matter descreption
         During the preparation of the current financial statements, the company discovered that: On December 10, 2012,
         the People's Government of Yichang City and the Company signed the Cooperation Agreement on Fine Glass and
         Ultrathin Electronic Glass Project (hereinafter referred to as the “original agreement”);Two supplemental
         agreements were formed based on the original agreement: On March 20, 2013, the People's Government of
         Yichang and the Company signed a supplementary agreement (I) 《Cooperation Agreement on Fine Glass and
         Ultra-thin Electronic Glass Projects》、 December 30, 2013 Yichang High and new technology development zone
         management committee and the company signed a supplementary agreement (II) 《Cooperative Agreement on
         Fine Glass and Ultrathin Electronic Glass Projects》 The main contents of the supplementary agreement (II) are as
         The management committee of Yichang High-tech Industrial Development Zone agreed to establish a RMB 171
         million talent fund for the company’s mid- to senior-level management、 engineering and technical personnel and
         senior professional mechanics who be introduced to Yichang, as a special fund subsidy for the introduction of
         talents and the placement of talented people. The company is responsible for formulating the housing resettlement
         subsidy program and supervising the use of this special fund.
         According to the agreement, the company entrusted the wholly-owned subsidiary Yichang CSG Silicon Material
         Co., Ltd. to collect the fund, and the management committee of Yichang High-tech Industrial Development Zone
         fully allocated to Yichang CSG Silicon Material Co., Ltd.
         The funds were subsidized by the government to the company, but Yichang CSG Silicon Material Co., Ltd.
         received this amount and transferred it to Yichang Hongtai Real Estate Co., Ltd. in full amount without proper
         approval from the company's board of directors and other relevant authorities. (Yichang Hongtai Real Estate Co.,
         Ltd. is a company jointly indirect controlled by part of the former natural executives of the company. The
         company has no equity relationship with the company. For details of the company, see Note 8(4)).

 2      Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Cont’d)

 (32)      Prior period accounting error correction (Cont’d)

 b.          Accounting treatment
        Yichang CSG Silicon Material Co., Ltd. received the above fund from February 21, 2014 to April 28, 2014, and
        transferred it to Yichang Hongtai Real Estate Co., Ltd. in full and also handled the accounting treatment according
        to the collecting and paying. The Company did not conduct any accounting treatment and report disclosure in
        consolidated Statements.

        According to the relevant provisions of the “Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises - Government
        Subsidies”, the company believes that the special funds in the above agreement constitute a government subsidy,
        and the government subsidy related to income should be confirmed in the financial statements of the
        corresponding accounting period, recognition of expense at the same time carring forward the profits and loss of
        the current.Therefore, the company in the current period Items were corrected for accounting errors.

 c.          Impact on the financial statements
        The Group and the Company made retrospective adjustments to the above accounting errors. In the consolidated
        balance sheet, other receivables were increased by RMB171,000,000 as of December 31, 2016 (January 1, 2016:
        RMB171,000,000). December 2016 On the 31st, other receivables - bad debt provisions were increased by
        3,420,000 yuan (January 1, 2016: RMB3,420,000), and deferred income was increased by 171 million yuan
        (December 1, 2016: RMB171 million) on December 31, 2016. As of December 31, 2016, the surplus reserve was
        reduced by RMB342,000 (January 1, 2016: RMB 342,000). As of December 31, 2016, the undistributed profit was
        reduced by RMB 3,078,000 (January 1, 2016: RMB 3,078,000).

        In the company's balance sheet, other receivables were increased by RMB171,000,000 (December 1, 2016:

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           CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

           FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2017
           (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
           [English translation for reference only]

           RMB171,000,000) as of December 31, 2016, and other receivables – provision for bad debts increased by
           RMB3,420,000 (December 31, 2016) ( January 1, 2016: RMB3,420,000), 20 yuan December 31, 2016 deferred
           income increased by RMB171,000,000 (January 1, 2016: RMB171,000,000), December 31, 2016 surplus reserve
           decreased by RMB342,000 (January 1, 2016: RMB342,000), Undistributed profits decreased by RMB3,078,000
           (December 1, 2016: RMB 3,078,000) as of December 31, 2016.

3     Taxation

(1)        The main categories and rates of taxes applicable to the Group are set out below:

           Category                           Taxable basis                                                  Tax rate

           Enterprise income tax              Taxable income                                                 0% to 25%
           Value-added tax (“VAT”) (a)      Taxable value-added amount (Tax payable is calculated using 6% to 17%
                                                the taxable sales amount multiplied by the applicable tax
                                                rate less deductible VAT input of the current period)
           City     maintenance            and VAT paid                                                      1% to 7%
             construction tax
           Educational surcharge              VAT paid                                                       3% to 5%
           Resource tax                       Silica sold Sales                                              6.5%

           Some subsidiaries of the Group have used the “exempt, credit, refund” method on goods exported and the refund
           rate is 5%-17%.

3     Taxation (Cont’d)

(2) Tax incentives

           The main tax incentives the Group is entitled to are as follows:

           Tianjin Energy Conservation Glass Co., Ltd. (“Tianjin Energy Conservation”) passed review on a high and new tech
           enterprise in 2015 and obtained the Certificate of High and New Tech Enterprise, the period of validity is three
           years. It applies to 15% tax rate for three years since 2015.

           Dongguan CSG Architectural Glass Co., Ltd. (“Dongguan CSG”) passed review on a high and new tech enterprise
           in 2016 and obtained the Certificate of High and New Tech Enterprise, the period of validity is three years. It
           applies to 15% tax rate for three years since 2016.

           Wujiang CSG North-east Architectural Glass Co., Ltd. (“Wujiang CSG”) passed review on a high and new tech
           enterprise in 2017 and obtained the Certificate of High and New Tech Enterprise, the period of validity is three
           years. It applies to 15% tax rate for three years since 2017.

           Dongguan CSG Solar Glass Co., Ltd. (“Dongguan CSG Solar”) passed review on a high and new tech enterprise in
           2017 and obtained the Certificate of High and New Tech Enterprise, the period of validity is three years. It applies
           to 15% tax rate for three years since 2017.

           Yichang CSG Silicon Co., Ltd. (“Yichang CSG Silicon”) passed review on a high and new tech enterprise in 2017
           and obtained the Certificate of High and New Tech Enterprise, the period of validity is three years. It applies to 15%
           tax rate for three years since 2017.

           Dongguan CSG PV-tech Co., Ltd. (“Dongguan CSG PV-tech”) passed review on a high and new tech enterprise in
           2016 and obtained the Certificate of High and New Tech Enterprise, the period of validity is three years. It applies
           to 15% tax rate for three years since 2016.

                                                                  - 121 -

(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]

Hebei Shichuang Glass Co., Ltd. (“Hebei Shichuang”) passed review on a high and new tech enterprise in 2016
and obtained the Certificate of High and New Tech Enterprise, the period of validity is three years. It applies to 15%
tax rate for three years since 2016.

Wujiang CSG Glass Co., Ltd. (“Wujiang CSG”) was recognised as a high and new tech enterprise in 2017, and
obtained the Certificate of High and New Tech Enterprise, and the period of validity was three years. It applies to
15% tax rate for three years since 2017.

Xianning CSG Glass Co Ltd. (“Xianning CSG”) was recognised as a high and new tech enterprise in 2017, and
obtained the Certificate of High and New Tech Enterprise, and the period of validity was three years. It applies to
15% tax rate for three years since 2017.

Xianning CSG Energy-Saving Glass Co., Ltd. (“Xianning CSG Energy-Saving”) was recognised as a high and new
tech enterprise in 2015, and obtained the Certificate of High and New Tech Enterprise, and the period of validity
was three years. It applies to 15% tax rate for three years since 2015.

Yichang CSG Photoelectric Glass Co., Ltd. (“Yichang CSG Photoelectric”) was recognised as a high and new tech
enterprise in 2015, and obtained the Certificate of High and New Tech Enterprise, and the period of validity was
three years. It applies to 15% tax rate for three years since 2015.

Yichang CSG Display Co., Ltd (“Yichang CSG Display”) was recognised as a high and new tech enterprise in 2016,
and obtained the Certificate of High and New Tech Enterprise, and the period of validity was three years. It applies
to 15% tax rate for three years since 2016.

                                                       - 122 -

      (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
      [English translation for reference only]

3     Taxation (Cont'd)

(2)   Tax incentives (Cont’d)

      Qingyuan CSG New Energy-Saving Materials Co., Ltd. (“Qingyuan CSG Energy-Saving”) was recognised as a
      high and new tech enterprise in 2016, and obtained the Certificate of High and New Tech Enterprise, and the
      period of validity was three years. It applies to 15% tax rate for three years since 2016.

      Sichuan CSG Energy Conservation Glass Co., Ltd. (“Sichuan CSG Energy Conservation”) obtains enterprise
      income tax preferential treatment for Western Development, and temporarily calculates enterprise income tax at a
      tax rate of 15% for current year.

      Chengdu CSG Glass Co., Ltd. (“Chengdu CSG”) obtains enterprise income tax preferential treatment for Western
      Development, and temporarily calculates enterprise income tax at a tax rate of 15% for current year.

      Qingyuan CSG New Energy Co., Ltd. (“Qingyuan CSG New Energy”), Suzhou CSG PV Energy Co., Ltd. (“Suzhou
      CSG PV Energy”), Jiangsu Wujiang CSG New Energy Co., Ltd. (“Wujiang CSG New Energy”), and Yichang CSG
      New Energy Co., Ltd. (“Yichang CSG New Energy”), Zhangzhou CSG Kibing PV Energy Co., Ltd. (“Zhangzhou
      CSG”), Heyuan CSG Kibing PV Energy Co., Ltd. (“Heyuan CSG”), Shaoxing CSG Kibing PV Energy Co., Ltd.
      (“Shaoxing CSG”) are public infrastructure project specially supported by the state in accordance with the Article
      87 in Implementing Regulations of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Enterprise Income Tax, and can
      enjoy the tax preferential policy of “three-year exemptions and three-year halves”, that is, starting from the tax year
      when the first revenue from production and operation occurs, the enterprise income tax is exempted from the first
      to the third year, while half of the enterprise income tax is collected for the following three years. Qingyuan CSG
      New Energy, Suzhou CSG PV Energy and Wujiang CSG New Energy started to carry out operations in 2015, while
      Yichang CSG New Energy started operation in 2016, Zhangzhou CSG, Heyuan CSG and Shaoxing CSG started
      operation in 2017. The applicable enterprise income tax rate for them is 0% for the current year.

      In addition, pursuant to the document Fogang Guo Shui Shui Tong [2015] No. 2489, the VAT for photovoltaic power
      generation of Qingyuan CSG New Energy is subject to the refund upon collection policy.

                                                              - 123 -

      (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
      [English translation for reference only]

4     Notes to the consolidated financial statements

(1)   Cash at bank and on hand

                                                                    31 December 2017           31 December 2016

      Cash on hand                                                              36,182                    17,239
      Cash at bank                                                       2,409,716,983               584,549,751
      Other cash balances                                                   52,852,599                 2,236,515
                                                                         2,462,605,764               586,803,505

      Including: Total overseas deposits                                    24,049,075                12,956,226

      Other cash balances include margin deposits for issuing letters of credit and applying loans, amounting to
      RMB2,852,599 (31 December 2016: RMB2,236,515), which is restricted cash.

(2)   Notes receivable

                                                                    31 December 2017           31 December 2016

      Trade acceptance notes                                              329,405,579                317,789,825
      Bank acceptance notes                                               222,826,841                138,557,412
                                                                          552,232,420                456,347,237

(a)   As at 31 December 2017, notes receivable which have been endorsed or discounted by the Group but are not yet
      due are as follows:

                                                                           Derecognised         Not derecognised

      Trade acceptance notes                                                              -         179,023,725
      Bank acceptance notes                                               3,154,733,678                         -
                                                                          3,154,733,678             179,023,725

(3)   Accounts receivable

                                                                    31 December 2017          31 December 2016

      Accounts receivable                                                 660,150,357               644,454,374
      Less: Provision for bad debts                                        (21,912,067)              (16,468,391)
                                                                          638,238,290               627,985,983

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         CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

         (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
         [English translation for reference only]

4        Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(3) Accounts receivable (Cont’d)

(a)      The ageing of accounts receivable is analysed as follows:

                                                                                            31 December 2017                      31 December 2016

         Within 1 year                                                                             639,294,320                           628,822,515
         1 to 2 years                                                                                8,343,672                             15,585,397
         2 to 3 years                                                                               12,512,365                                          -
         Over 3 years                                                                                            -                              46,462
                                                                                                   660,150,357                           644,454,374

          As at 31 December 2017, accounts receivable of RMB93,961,486 (31 December 2016: RMB50,609,529) were
          overdue. But based on analysis on financial positions and credit records of such customers, such receivables
          were considered recoverable and unimpaired by the Company. Therefore no provision for impairment loss had
          been made. The overdue ageing of the accounts receivable is analysed as follows:

                                                                                           31 December 2017                       31 December 2016

          Within 1 year                                                                            86,358,511                             47,568,459
          1 to 2 years                                                                              7,448,217                               3,041,070
          2 to 3 years                                                                                154,758
                                                                                                   93,961,486                             50,609,529

(b)        Accounts receivable are analysed by categories as follows:

                                                            31 December 2017                                         31 December 2016
                                                 Carrying amount         Provision for bad debts      Carrying amount               Provision for bad debts
                                                            % of total     Provision for                             % of total     Provision for
                                                  Amount     balance         bad debts       %         Amount         balance         bad debts         %

        Provision for     bad   debts    by
           Portfolio 1                        636,614,136          96%     (12,233,039)    2%      631,863,585            98%        (12,187,534)     2%
         With amounts that are not
          individually significant but that
          the related provision for bad
          debts is provided on the
          individual basis                     23,536,221          4%       (9,679,028)    41%      12,590,789             2%         (4,280,857)    34%
                                              660,150,357      100%        (21,912,067)    3%      644,454,374          100%        (16,468,391)      3%

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         CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

         (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
         [English translation for reference only]

4        Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(3) Accounts receivable (Cont’d)

(c)      Provision for bad debts provided on grouping basis using the percentage of provision method is analysed as

                                      31 December 2017                                              31 December 2016
                          Carrying amount       Provision for bad debts            Carrying amount              Provision for bad debts
                                    Amount            Amount           %                         Amount                     Amount       %

         Portfolio 1             636,614,136       (12,233,039)        2%                     631,863,585                (12,187,534)    2%
                                 636,614,136       (12,233,039)        2%                     631,863,585                (12,187,534)    2%

(d)      As at 31 December 2017, the Company had no accounts receivable with amounts that were individually significant
         and that the related provision for bad debts was provided on the individual basis (31 December 2016: Nil).

(e)      As at 31 December 2017, accounts receivable of RMB23,536,221 (31 December 2016: RMB12,590,789) were not
         individually significant but provided for bad debts separately. It mainly represented the goods receivable due from
         a client of the subsidiary, Yichang CSG Display. Due to the client’s bankruptcy, Yichang CSG Display made full
         provision against this receivable. It also represented the goods receivable due from a client of the subsidiary,
         Dongguan CSG PV-tech. Due to business dispute, Dongguan CSG PV-tech made partial provision against the

(f) Accounts receivables of RMB117,931 were written off this year, all of which were low amount of accounts receivable and
        none of which arose from related-party transactions. The reasons for the written-off included disputes with
        customers and inability to contact with creditors and etc.

(g)      As at 31 December 2017, the Group’s top five entities with the largest accounts receivable balances are set out as

                                                                              Provision for bad             Percentage in total accounts
                                                             Balance                      debts                     receivable balance

         Total balances for the five largest
           accounts receivable                          104,847,077                 (2,096,942)                                         16%

(4) Advances to suppliers

(a)      The ageing of prepayment is analysed below:

                                                      31 December 2017                                  31 December 2016
                                                                             % of total                                          % of total
                                                        Amount                balance                       Amount                balance

         Within 1 year                              130,813,397                    91%                80,819,387                        84%
         1 to 2 years                                    264,952                          -           14,913,745                        16%
         2 to 3 years                                12,769,674                     9%                               -                        -
                                                    143,848,023                  100%                 95,733,132                        100%

                                                                   - 126 -

(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]

As at 31 December 2017, advances to suppliers over 1 year with a carrying amount of RMB13,034,626 (31
December 2016: RMB14,913,745) were mainly advances paid for materials, which were not fully settled since the
materials had not been received.

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        CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

        (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
        [English translation for reference only]

4       Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(4)     Advances to suppliers (Cont’d)

(b)     As at 31 December 2017, the five largest prepayment are analysed as follows:

                                                                                               Percentage in total
                                                                                             advances to suppliers
                                                                                  Balance                 balance

        Total balances for the five largest advances to suppliers               53,034,242                   37%

(5) Other receivables

                                                                         31 December 2017      31 December 2016

        Receivables from related parties (Note 8(5))                          171,000,000            171,000,000
        Refundable deposits                                                     16,957,562              6,121,403
        Payments made on behalf of other parties                                19,306,658            25,019,422
        Petty cash                                                                 875,714               959,785
        Export tax rebates receivable                                                    -               755,372
        Others                                                                   2,319,489              1,047,235
                                                                               210,459,423           204,903,217
        Less: Provision for bad debts                                          (4,520,404)             (4,094,068)
                                                                               205,939,019           200,809,149

(a) The ageing of other receivables is analysed as follows:

                                                                         31 December 2017      31 December 2016

        Within 1 year                                                          22,924,535              19,918,108
        1 to 2 years                                                            2,813,012              11,275,420
        2 to 3 years                                                            11,211,511           171,903,685
        3 to 4 years                                                          171,855,888                 123,670
        4 to 5 years                                                               86,395               1,156,315
        Over 5 years                                                            1,568,082                 526,019
                                                                              210,459,423            204,903,217

         As at 31 December 2017, other receivables of RMB2,510,365 (31 December 2016: RMB1,806,004) were overdue.
         But based on analysis on financial positions and credit records of such customers, such receivables were
         considered recoverable and unimpaired by the Company. Therefore no provision for impairment loss had been

                                                               - 128 -

       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

 4     Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)
(5)    Other receivables (Cont'd)

(b) Other receivables are analysed by categories as follows:
                                                    31 December 2017                                         31 December 2016
                                                                      Provision for bad                                      Provision for bad
                                         Carrying amount                    debts                 Carrying amount                  debts
                                                    % of total       Provision for                            % of total    Provision for
                                          Amount     balance           bad debts         %        Amount       balance        bad debts        %

       Provision for bad debts by
         Portfolio 1                   39,136,518          19%         (777,499)         2%    33,903,217          17%         (674,068)    2%
         Portfolio 2                  171,000,000          81%       (3,420,000)         2%   171,000,000          83%       (3,420,000)    2%
       Not individually significant
       but provided for bad debts
       separately                        322,905                 -     (322,905) 100%

                                      210,459,423       100%         (4,520,404)         2%   204,903,217        100%        (4,094,068)    2%

(c) The reason why not individually significant but provided for bad debts separately is the payment is not
        recoverable over 5 years.

(d) The other receivables actually written off during the year amounted to RMB199,796, which was due to small
        receivables and non-related transactions. The reasons for write-off include business disputes or failure
        to contact the debtor and result in uncollectible payments.

(e)For other receivables provided for bad debts by portfolio, the percentage of provision for the portfolio is as

                                              31 December 2017                                              31 December 2016
                                  Carrying amount        Provision for bad debts              Carrying amount         Provision for bad debts
                                          Amount             Amount                  %                Amount                  Amount        %

       Portfolio 1                     39,136,518           (777,499)              2%              33,903,217               (674,068)       2%

       Portfolio 2                    171,000,000         (3,420,000)              2%             171,000,000              (3,420,000)      2%

                                      210,136,518         (4,197,499)              2%             204,903,217              (4,094,068)      2%

(f) As at 31 December 2017, the top 5 largest other receivables are analysed as bellow:

                                                                                                    Percentage in total
                                                                                                     other receivables        Provision for
                                Nature of business          Balance                      Ageing               balance           bad debts

       Company A              Independent third party      171,000,000          3 to 4 Years                         81%           3,420,000
       departmentB            Independent third party       11,067,754             2 to3 Years                        5%             221,355
       Company C              Independent third party        5,000,000          Within 1 year                         2%             100,000
       Company D              Independent third party        3,717,415          Within 1 year                         2%              74,348
       Company E              Independent third party        3,350,000          Within 1 year                         2%              67,000
                                                           194,135,169                                               92%           3,882,703

                                                                         - 129 -
         CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

         (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
         [English translation for reference only]

4        Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(6) Inventories

(a)      Inventories are summarised by categories as follows:

                                                      31 December 2017                                           31 December 2016
                                                         Provision for                                                Provision for
                                                        decline in the                                               decline in the
                                                              value of                                                     value of
                                   Carrying amount         inventories      Carrying amount    Carrying amount         inventories    Carrying amount

         Raw materials                 213,348,012        (1,447,590)          211,900,422         166,639,254         (2,025,446)       164,613,808

         Work in progress               45,614,905               -              45,614,905          18,893,651                   -        18,893,651

         Finished goods               387,489,714             (68,974)         387,420,740         274,559,889         (6,347,741)       268,212,148

         Turnover materials             40,959,250               -              40,959,250          26,061,318                   -        26,061,318

                                       687,411,881        (1,516,564)          685,895,317         486,154,112         (8,373,187)       477,780,925

(b)      Provision for decline in the value of inventories are analysed as follows:

                                    31 December                                                                                        31 December
                                           2016             Increase in current year            Reversal in current year                      2017

       Finished goods                  6,347,741                                68,974                       (6,347,741)                      68,974
       Raw materials                   2,025,446                                      -                          (577,856)                 1,447,590
                                       8,373,187                                68,974                       (6,925,597)                   1,516,564

(c)      Provision for decline in the value of inventories is as follows:

                                                                                                                    Reasons of reversal of the
                                                                                                                       decline in the value of
                                     Basis for provision for decline in the value of inventories                                   inventories

                                    The amount of carrying amount less net realisable value
         Finished goods                                  due to decline in price of products                                                  Sold
                                   The amount of book value less net realisable value due to
         Raw materials                                  sluggish or damaged raw materials                                                    Used

 (7)     Assets classified as held for sale
                                                       carrying amounts                                           Estimated               Estimated
                            Item                     at the end of period                  Fair value        disposal costs            disposal time

         Intangible assets                                   15,048,314                   18,390,394                                  June of 2018

         Construction in progress                            30,935,206                   37,805,606                                   June of 2018

                                                             45,983,520                   56,196,000                         -

         The subsidiary of the Group, Dongguan CSG PV-tech signed a grant contract of land use right with third party

                                                                            - 130 -

      (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
      [English translation for reference only]

      Dongguan Chaoyin Textile Co., LTD. (Dongguan Chaoyin Company) on 17 June 2016. Dongguan CSG PV-tech
      sells its land use right along with the buildings on the land to Dongguan Chaoyin Company. Therefore, the
      construction-in-progress and intangible assets of Dongguan CSG PV-tech were transferred to assets held for sale.
      As at 31 December 2017, the transfer of propery rights had not been finalised.

4     Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(8)   Other current assets

                                                                         31 December 2017             31 December 2016

      VAT to be offset                                                           181,667,326               150,317,894
      Assets classified as held for sale                                                   -                40,049,163
      Enterprise income tax prepaid                                                1,132,508                 1,325,723
      VAT input to be recognised                                                  18,048,155                 8,212,797
                                                                                 200,847,989               199,905,577

(9)   Fixed assets
                                                               Machinery and
                                                Buildings         equipment         Motor vehicles                Total
      31 December 2016                     3,911,336,527      11,699,296,248          201,923,067        15,812,555,842
      Increase in current year
        Acquisition                            4,924,460           18,947,748           7,467,964           31,340,172
       Transfers from construction
       in progress (Note 4(10))              94,982,205        1,338,373,278            5,515,375         1,438,870,858
       Adjustment of completion
       settlement                                738,830           19,721,695             238,675           20,699,200
      Decrease in current year
      Disposal or retirement                  (8,917,927)         (52,049,454)          (6,203,870)         (67,171,251)
        Transfer to construction in
        progress                             (3,695,395)        (561,466,255)            (648,454)        (565,810,104)
      31 December 2017                     3,999,368,700      12,462,823,260          208,292,757        16,670,484,717

      Accumulated depreciation
      31 December 2016                      629,946,237        3,287,606,208          172,265,020         4,089,817,465
      Increase in current year
        Provision                           124,679,206          833,507,101           22,395,614          980,581,921
      Decrease in current year
      Disposal or retirement                  (1,211,382)         (13,892,180)          (5,723,521)         (20,827,083)
      Transfer to construction in
      progress                                (1,895,250)        (198,327,057)            (387,830)        (200,610,137)
      31 December 2017                      751,518,811        3,908,894,072          188,549,283         4,848,962,166

      Provision for impairment loss
      31 December 2016                                    -      264,765,386                     -         264,765,386
        Provision                            10,580,861            25,679,443                               36,260,304

                                                              - 131 -

(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]

  Disposal or retirement                                (20,272,836)                               (20,272,836)
31 December 2017                       10,580,861       270,171,993                               280,752,854

Carrying amount
31 December 2017                    3,237,269,028     8,283,757,195           19,743,474       11,540,769,697
31 December 2016                    3,281,390,290     8,146,924,654           29,658,047       11,457,972,991

In 2017, the depreciation amount provided for fixed assets was RMB980,581,921 (2016: RMB891,257,741), and
the amount of depreciation expenses charged to cost of sales, selling and distribution expenses, general and
administrative expenses and construction in progress was RMB890,575,701, RMB 970,739 , RMB 65,929,139
and RMB 23,106,342 (2016 : RMB 819,298,731, RMB 979,874, RMB 59,067,087 and RMB 11,912,049)

In 2017, the cost of fixed assets transferred from construction in progress amounted to RMB 1,438,870,858 (2016:

                                                    - 132 -
        CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

        (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
        [English translation for reference only]

4       Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)
        Fixed assets (Cont’d)

(a) Fixed assets with pending certificates of ownership

                                      Carrying amount                                       Reasons for not yet obtaining certificates of title

                                                                     Have submitted the required documents and are in the process of
        Buildings                           893,119,983                    application, or the related land use right certificate pending

(10)        Construction in progress

                                                            31 December 2017                                      31 December 2016
                                                                Provision for
                                                 Carrying                            Carrying          Carrying      Provision for
                                                                 impairment                                                          Carrying amount
                                                  amount                              amount            amount    impairment loss

          Xianning CSG Photoelectric
                                              400,665,493                   -     400,665,493        41,267,876   -                       41,267,876
          Glass project
          Yichang   display  device
          company flat panel display          298,794,622       (14,160,474)      284,634,148       274,342,571       (14,160,474)       260,182,097
          Yichang      Optoelectronic
                                              242,055,237                   -     242,055,237                 -                  -                 -
          Technology Reform Project
          Hebei        float      600T
                                              113,762,853                   -     113,762,853                 -                  -                 -
          tech-innovation project
          Zhanjiang       Photovoltaic
          20MV            Step-by-step
                                              100,570,104                   -     100,570,104         8,855,560                  -         8,855,560
          Photovoltaic   Power Plant
          Dongguan     Solar   Glass
          Phase I and II improvement           78,970,995       (40,248,018)       38,722,977        78,970,995       (33,075,116)        45,895,879
          Wujiang    energy         glass
                                               72,600,518       (19,876,460)       52,724,058        70,178,986       (19,876,460)        50,302,526
          expansion project
          Yichang 1GW silicon slice
                                               43,617,802                   -      43,617,802        95,011,027                  -        95,011,027
          LED Sapphire        Substrate
                                               30,886,629       (19,303,853)       11,582,776        29,472,040                  -        29,472,040
          Wujiang        Photovoltaic
                                                7,414,854                   -       7,414,854         1,583,553                  -         1,583,553
          Packaging Materials Project
          Yichang                5000T
          electronic-grade   polysilicon         943,396                    -        943,396        171,211,288                  -       171,211,288
          Heyuan Kibing PV tech
          11MV distributed generation           2,267,345                   -       2,267,345        85,126,446                  -        85,126,446
          Dongguan PV Tech 200MW
          PV-tech Battery Expansion             1,179,935                   -       1,179,935         8,224,072                  -         8,224,072
          Hebei        float      900T
                                                        -                   -               -       388,627,081                  -       388,627,081
          tech-innovation project
          Chengdu float      550T    line
                                                        -                   -               -       102,304,740                  -       102,304,740
          Qingyuan high-performance
          ultrathin electronic glass                    -                   -               -         1,034,372                  -         1,034,372

                                                                                - 133 -

(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]

 Sichuan       energy-saving
                                           -              -                -     13,005,928               -     13,005,928
 project Phase III

 Others                         117,889,623      (405,983)      117,483,640      59,991,892               -     59,991,892

                               1,511,619,406   (93,994,788)    1,417,624,618   1,429,208,427   (67,112,050)   1,362,096,377

                                                              - 134 -

(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]

                                                    - 135 -

       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

4      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(10)   Construction in progress (Cont'd)

       (a)         Movement of significant project

                                                                                                                                                          Amount of            Including:
                                                     31                        Transfer to fixed          Other             31                             borrowing          Amount of     Capitalisation
                                                                 Increase in                                                                between                                                          Source
       Project name                 Budget        December                     assets in current   decreases in       December                                   costs   borrowing costs       rate for in
                                                                current year                                                        engineering input                                                        of fund
                                                    2016                                   year     current year          2017                          capitalised in     capitalised in    current year
                                                                                                                                       and budget (i)
                                                                                                                                                                 2017               2017

       Xianning          CSG                                                                                                                                                                                   Internal
       Photoelectric     Glass    510,000,000     41,267,876    371,315,353      (11,692,808)       (224,928)         400,665,493             81%        7,770,613          7,770,613         4.75%           fund and
       project                                                                                                                                                                                               bank loan

       Yichang CSG flat panel                                                                                                                 81%                                                             fund and
                                  1,970,000,000   274,342,571   68,678,108       (44,226,057)           -             298,794,622                        4,144,159          3,146,516         4.20%
       display project                                                                                                                                                                                       bank loan

       Yichang Optoelectronic                                                                                                                                                                                  Internal
       Technology    Reform       258,296,536          -        242,055,237           -                 -             242,055,237             60%            -                  -               -             fund and
       Project                                                                                                                                                                                               bank loan

       Hebei     float     600T                                                                                                                1%                                                              Internal
                                  129,180,000          -        121,809,135       (284,860)        (7,761,422)        113,762,853                            -                  -               -                 fund
       tech-innovation project
       Zhanjiang Photovoltaic
       20MV        Step-by-step                                                                                                               96%                                                             fund and
                                  133,000,000      8,855,560    91,714,544            -                 -             100,570,104                        2,280,097          2,280,097         5.74%
       Photovoltaic      Power                                                                                                                                                                               bank loan
       Plant Project
       Dongguan Solar Glass
                                                                                                                                              80%                                                              Internal
       Phase    I    and   II     396,410,000     78,970,995         -                -                 -             78,970,995                             -                  -               -                  fund
       improvement project
       Wujiang energy glass                                                                                                                   99%                                                              Internal
                                  845,630,000     70,178,986     3,279,395        (676,165)         (181,698)         72,600,518                        20,120,444              -               -                  fund
       expansion project
       Yichang 1GW      silicon                                                                                                                                                                                Internal
                                  1,073,209,600   95,011,027    361,731,413     (413,124,638)           -             43,617,802              36%        8,629,993          8,083,768         4.79%           fund and
       slice project                                                                                                                                                                                         bank loan
       LED Sapphire Substrate                                                                                                                 88%                                                             fund and
                                   35,000,000     29,472,040     2,696,640       (1,282,051)            -             30,886,629                         4,650,543           899,966          4.78%
       Project                                                                                                                                                                                               bank loan

       Wujiang   Photovoltaic                                                                                                                                                                                  Internal
       Packaging   Materials      520,100,000      1,583,553     7,288,394       (1,457,093)            -              7,414,854              87%            -                  -               -             fund and
       Project                                                                                                                                                                                               bank loan

       Yichang          5000T     698,396,700     171,211,288   45,733,419      (216,001,311)           -              943,396                26%        8,453,998          5,244,463         4.44%            Internal
       electronic-grade                                                                                                                                                                                       fund and

                                                                                                            - 136 -

(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]

polysilicon project                                                                                                                                                           bank loan

Heyuan Kibing PV tech
                                                                                                                                      93%                                       Internal
11MV          distributed     91,600,000       85,126,446       3,577,331      (77,641,121)     (8,795,311)         2,267,345                325,704      325,704     5.00%         fund
generation project
Dongguan PV Tech                                                                                                                                                                Internal
200MW PV-tech Battery         697,000,000       8,224,072      49,163,936      (56,208,073)          -              1,179,935      100%     32,417,335    401,535     4.80%    fund and
Expansion project                                                                                                                                                             bank loan

Hebei     float     900T                                                                                                                                                       fund and
                              124,000,000     388,627,081       3,816,268     (392,210,090)      (233,259)               -         100%     4,211,893    1,057,593    4.94%
tech-innovation project                                                                                                                                                       bank loan
Chengdu float 550T line                                                                                                                                                        fund and
                              200,000,000     102,304,740      57,840,038     (160,144,778)          -                   -         100%      306,663      306,663     4.60%
tech-renovation                                                                                                                                                               bank loan

high-performance                                                                                                                                                               fund and
                              471,660,000       1,034,372           -                -          (1,034,372)              -         100%         -            -          -
ultrathin electronic glass                                                                                                                                                    bank loan
Sichuan energy-saving                                                                                                                                                           Internal
                              222,817,517      13,005,928           -          (10,119,658)     (2,886,270)              -         100%         -            -          -           fund
project Phase III
Others                       2,657,421,716     59,991,892      111,879,886     (53,802,155)      (180,000)         117,889,623               339,257      339,257     4.15%    fund and
                                                                                                                                                                              bank loan

                             11,033,722,069   1,429,208,427   1,542,579,097   (1,438,870,858)   (21,297,260)       1,511,619,406            93,650,699   29,856,175

(i)      The proportion of project expenditure incurred to the budget is determined by the accumulative expenditures incurred divided by the total budget. Some of the projects
            are transferred to property, plant, and equipment because the construction is completed.

(ii)         The budget and actual expenditures incurred for these kinds of projects include cost of acquiring land use rights. The balance of construction in progress does not
             include the costs of acquiring land-use right

                                                                                                         - 137 -

       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

4      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(10)   Construction in progress (Cont'd)

       (b)        Provision for impairment of construction in progress

                                         31 December         Increase in     Decrease in    31 December   Reason for
       Project name
                                                2016        current year     current year          2017    provision

       Dongguan Solar Glass Phase I
                                           33,075,116         7,172,902                 -    40,248,018            -
       and II improvement project

       Wujiang float glass project         19,876,460                    -              -    19,876,460            -

       Yichang CSG Display panel
                                           14,160,474                    -              -    14,160,474            -
       display project
       LED     Sapphire     Substrate
                                                     -       19,303,853                 -    19,303,853            -

       Others                                        -         405,983                  -       405,983            -

                                           67,112,050        26,882,738                 -    93,994,788            -

                                                               - 138 -

       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

 4     Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(11)       Intangible assets and development expenditure

                                                            Patents and
                                           Land use                         Exploitation
                                                             proprietary                       Others                 Total
                                              rights                              rights


       31 December 2016                1,026,603,700       199,922,986       4,456,536     23,548,047         1,254,531,269

       Acquisition in current year                 -         2,966,502                 -   12,558,663            15,525,165

       Transfers from development
                                                   -        43,122,431                 -            -            43,122,431
       expenditure in current year

       31 December 2017                1,026,603,700       246,011,919       4,456,536     36,106,710         1,313,178,865

       Accumulated amortisation

       31 December 2016                 128,007,677         57,225,743       3,306,083     20,322,309           208,861,812

       Provision in current year         21,049,588         17,759,493         400,641      4,674,444            43,884,166

       31 December 2017                 149,057,265         74,985,236       3,706,724     24,996,753           252,745,978

       Provision for impairment loss

       31 December 2016                            -        13,201,347                 -        9,133            13,210,480

       31 December 2017                            -        13,201,347                 -        9,133            13,210,480

       Carrying amount

       31 December 2017                 877,546,435        157,825,336         749,812     11,100,824         1,047,222,407

       31 December 2016                 898,596,023        129,495,896       1,150,453      3,216,605         1,032,458,977

       In 2017, the amortisation of intangible assets amounted to RMB43,884,166 (2016: RMB36,907,548).

       As at 31 December 2017, ownership certificates of land use rights (“Land ownership Certificates”) for certain land
       use rights of the Group with carrying amounts of approximately RMB5,473,442 (cost: RMB6,586,712) had not yet
       been obtained by the Group (31 December 2016: carrying amount: RMB5,718,191, cost: RMB 6,586,712). The
       Company’s management are of the view that there is no legal restriction for the Group to apply for and obtain the
       Land Ownership Certificates and has no adverse effect on the Group’s business operation.

                                                                  - 139 -

       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

4      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(11)   Intangible assets and development expenditure (Cont'd)

       Research expenditure is analysed below:

                          31 December           Increase in                                           31 December
                                 2016          current year          Decrease in current year                2017
                                                                 Recognised as      Recognised as
                                                                      expense     intangible assets

       costs                66,927,714         37,560,254                             (43,122,431)    61,365,537

       In 2017, the total amount of research and development expenditures of the Group was RMB 368,237,629 (2016:
       RMB 341,553,966), including RMB 330,677,375 (2016: RMB 285,129,442) recorded in income statement for
       current period and the research and development expenditure with the amount of RMB 43,122,431 recognised as
       intangible assets for the current period (2016: 23,213,785). As at 31 December 2017, the intangible assets arising
       from internal research and development accounted for 12.37 % of total of intangible assets (31 December 2016:
       9.51 %).

(12)   Goodwill

                                                           31 December         Increase in      in current       31 December
                                                                  2016        current year           year               2017

       Tianjin CSG Architectural Glass Co., Ltd.                3,039,946                                            3,039,946
       Xianning CSG Photoelectric                               4,857,406                                            4,857,406
       Shenzhen CSG Display                                   389,494,804                                          389,494,804
                                                              397,392,156                                          397,392,156

       The goodwill allocated to the asset groups and groups of asset groups from Tianjin CSG Architectural was
       summarised by operating segments as Architectural Glass segment. The goodwill allocated to the asset groups and
       groups of asset groups from Shenzhen CSG Display and Xianning CSG Photoelectric are summarised by operating
       segments as Electronic Glass and Display segment.

       Combining with the prediction of the future business and independent third party appraisal institution,the Company's
       management considered that the goodwill was not impaired as at 31 December 2017.

       The recoverable amount of asset groups is determinded by net present value of estimated future cash flows which
       is determined according to the five-year budget approved by management. The cashflow exceed five years is
       forcasted by using growth rates not exceeding similar long-term average growth rates of each asset group’s
       industry. The discount rates used are the pre-tax interest rates that are able to reflect the risks specific to the related
       asset groups.

                                                                  - 140 -

       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

4      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(13)    Deferred tax assets and liabilities

(a)    Deferred tax assets before offsetting

                                                   31 December 2017                             31 December 2016
                                                                   Deferred tax      Deductible temporary        Deferred tax
                                                                        assets                 differences            assets

       Provision       for       asset
                                               361,149,562           55,552,592              410,272,182           61,899,046
       Tax losses                              133,658,792           24,457,319              164,790,392           28,883,903
       Government grants                       128,189,967           20,424,022              129,722,993           20,654,199
       Accrued expenses                          50,193,405              7,529,011            81,018,069           12,352,386
       Depreciation of fixed assets              33,762,174              8,000,331            28,241,461            6,320,146
       Share payment                              5,196,945               867,677                         -                    -
                                               712,150,845          116,830,952              814,045,097         130,109,680

       Expected to be reversed within
                                                                  33,751,219                                     33,957,444
         one year (inclusive)
       Expected to be reversed after
                                                                  83,079,733                                     96,152,236
         one year
                                                                116,830,952                                   130,109,680

(b)         Deferred tax liabilities before offsetting

                                               31 December 2017                               31 December 2016
                                     Taxable temporary           Deferred tax        Taxable temporary        Deferred tax
                                            differences             liabilities             differences          liabilities

       Depreciation    of    fixed
                                          371,115,284             56,874,044              396,118,583            63,406,963

       Expected to be reversed within
                                                                   4,247,230                                       3,342,336
         one year (inclusive)
       Expected to be reversed after
                                                                  52,626,814                                     60,064,627
         one year
                                                                  56,874,044                                     63,406,963

                                                               - 141 -

       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

4      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(13)   Deferred tax assets and liabilities (Cont’d)

(c)    Deductible losses that are not recognised as deferred tax assets of the Group are analysed as follows:

                                                                               31 December 2017              31 December 2016

       Deductible losses                                                             425,759,321                     342,455,782

       The deductible tax losses not recognised as deferred tax assets mainly represented the tax losses of the Company
       and some closed subsidiaries. Management was unable to expect that whether there were taxable profit would be
       available in the future against which these deductible tax losses can be utilised, and accordingly, did not recognise
       the deferred tax assets.

(d)    The tax losses for which no deferred tax assets were recognised will expire in the following years:

                                                                               31 December 2017              31 December 2016

       2018                                                                           54,100,000                       54,100,000
       2019                                                                           82,300,000                       82,300,000
       2020                                                                           94,430,197                       94,430,197
       2021                                                                          111,625,585                      111,625,585
       2022                                                                           83,303,539                                      -
                                                                                     425,759,321                     342,455,782

(e)    The net balances of deferred tax assets and liabilities after offsetting are as follows:

                                                 31 December 2017                                 31 December 2016
                                                              Deductible/taxable                                Deductible/taxable
                                    Net deferred tax       temporary differences       Net deferred tax      temporary differences
                                  assets or liabilities          after offsetting    assets or liabilities         after offsetting

       Deferred tax assets                80,872,862                472,134,707              96,451,854               565,834,538
       Deferred tax liabilities           20,915,954                131,099,146              29,749,137               147,908,024

                                                                  - 142 -
          CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

          (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
          [English translation for reference only]

 4        Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(14) Other non-current assets

                                                                                 31 December 2017             31 December 2016

          Prepayment for equipment and software upgrading expenses                      45,431,352                    69,945,550
          VAT input to be offset                                                                   -                  10,718,843
          Prepayment for lease of land use rights                                        6,510,000                      6,510,000
                                                                                        51,941,352                    87,174,393

(15) Provision for asset impairment

                                                   31 December     Increase in       Reversal in   Written off in     31 December
                                                          2016    current year      current year   current year              2017

          Provision for bad debts                    20,562,459      9,498,129       (3,310,390)         (317,727)     26,432,471
          Including: Provision for bad debts of
                       accounts receivable           16,468,391      8,845,491       (3,283,884)          (117,931)    21,912,067
                    Provision for bad debts of
                      other receivables               4,094,068        652,638          (26,506)         (199,796)      4,520,404
          Provision for decline in the value of
            inventories                               8,373,187         68,974                          (6,925,597)     1,516,564
          Provision for impairment of fixed
            assets                                  264,765,386    36,260,304                          (20,272,836)   280,752,854
          Provision    for     impairment     of
            construction in progress                 67,112,050    26,882,738                                    -     93,994,788
          Provision for impairment of intangible
            assets                                   13,210,480              -                 -                 -     13,210,480
                                                    374,023,562    72,710,145        (3,310,390)       (27,516,160)   415,907,157

                                                                  - 143 -
         CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

         (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
         [English translation for reference only]

4   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(16)     Short-term borrowings

                                                                           31 December 2017            31 December 2016

         Ultra-short-term financial bonds (i)                                                -             2,000,000,000
         Unsecured                                                              2,691,732,609              1,650,251,293
         Guaranteed (ii)                                                        1,012,898,300                367,618,369
                                                                                3,704,630,909              4,017,869,662

         (i)     Approved by file No. [2015] SCP163 of Inter-bank Market Trading Association, the Company is entitled to
                 issue ultra-short-term financial bonds with the limit of RMB4,000,000,000, which expires on 28 May 2017.

                 On 2 Augest 2016, the Company issued the Phase III ultra-short-term financial bonds of RMB600,000,000 for
                 2016, with the maturity data of May 1 2017 and annual rate of 3.67%. As at the reporting date, such
                 Ultra-short-term bonds had been repaid.

                 On 1 September 2016, the Company issued the Phase IV ultra-short-term financial bonds of
                 RMB500,000,000 for 2016, with the maturity data of 2 June 2017 and annual rate of 3.5%. As at the reporting
                 date, such ultra-short-term bonds had been repaid.

         (ii)    As at 31 December 2017, the Company provided its subsidiaries with guarantee for the short-term
                 borrowings of RMB1,012,898,300 (31 December 2016: RMB367,618,369), and the Company had no
                 counter guarantee from minority shareholders of subsidiaries (31 December 2016: Nil).

         (iii)   As at 31 December 2017, the interest of short-term borrowings varied from 2.70% to 5.66% (31 December
                 2016: 2.70% to 4.79%).

(17)     Notes payable

                                                                           31 December 2017            31 December 2016

         Bank acceptance notes                                                    213,401,622                 20,000,000

         All notes payable are due within one year.

                                                                - 144 -

       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

4      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(18)        Accounts payable

                                                                              31 December 2017                 31 December 2016

       Materials payable                                                             798,178,206                    747,769,987
       Equipment payable                                                             329,926,045                    233,779,329
       Construction expenses payable                                                 167,394,038                    100,246,462
       Freight payable                                                                61,671,023                     40,916,380
       Utilities payable                                                              35,973,405                     44,602,055
       Others                                                                             7,023,325                   2,555,157
                                                                                   1,400,166,042                  1,169,869,370

       As at 31 December 2017, the amount of accounts payable over 1 year was approximately RMB160,638,075 (31
       December 2016: RMB140,385,720), which mainly comprised payables for construction and equipment. As the
       construction work had not passed the final acceptance test yet, the balance was not yet settled.

(19)   Advances from customers

                                                                              31 December 2017                 31 December 2016

       Advances for goods from customers                                             195,563,465                    142,330,979

       The ageing of balances was substantively within 1 year.

(20)   Employee benefits payable

                                                                              31 December 2017                 31 December 2016

       Short-term employee benefits payable (a)                                      272,144,440                    193,166,719
       Defined contribution plans payable (b)                                               26,220                      205,520
                                                                                     272,170,660                    193,372,239

 (a)   Short-term employee benefits

                                                       31 December          Increase in         Decrease in      31 December
                                                              2016         current year         current year            2017

         Wages and salaries, bonus, allowances
                                                      159,601,219      1,083,193,468       (1,067,309,072)       175,485,615
       and subsidies
         Social security contributions                       50,331        40,182,933         (40,219,512)            13,752
       Including: Medical insurance                          31,340        33,865,801         (33,884,783)            12,358
             Work injury insurance                           12,677         4,356,310          (4,368,003)              984
             Maternity insurance                              6,314         1,960,822          (1,966,726)              410
         Housing funds                                     2,603,791       49,264,799         (49,110,219)         2,758,371

                                                                 - 145 -

       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

         Labour union funds and employee
                                                       15,571,378             14,607,578       (14,898,254)       15,280,702
       education funds
         Management bonus (i)                          15,340,000             79,735,128       (16,469,128)       78,606,000
       Share-based payments                                          -         8,194,695        (8,194,695)                -

                                                      193,166,719          1,275,178,601    (1,196,200,880)     272,144,440

4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(20)    Employee benefits payable (Cont’d)

       Pursuant to the resolution at the 7th session in the 5th meeting of the board of directors of the Company on 31
       March 2015, the board of directors adopted a management bonus scheme which was based on the quarterly return
       on net assets and the net profit for the quarter. During the year, management bonuses amounting to
       RMB79,735,128 (2016: RMB82,470,000) were accrued and charged to profit or loss.

       Pursuant to the resolution at the 7th session in the temporary conference of the board of directors of the Company
       on 11 December 2017, to implemented equity incentive plans of restricted stock for the Company directors and
       senior management, core management team, backbones of technology and busines. The company first awarded
       97,511,654 restricted shares to 454 incentive objects for the first time at RMB4.28 per share. The total fair value of
       the equity instruments granted to the incentive object by the company for the first time is RMB289,519,900. The
       total value of such fair value as the total cost of the company's equity incentive plan will be confirmed in stages
       according to the ratio of unlocking/exercising in the implementation of the equity incentive plan, and it is included
       in the cost in the term of "management fees" and "capital reserves - other capital reserves". The Company unlock
       the conditions of restricted share in 2017, and the cost associated with equity incentive plan is confirmed at
       RMB8,194,695 in this phase.

(b)     Defined contribution plans

                                                                          Increase in       Decrease in
                                           31 December 2016              current year       current year      31 December 2017

        Basic pensions                                 192,780           109,332,705       (109,500,097)                25,388
        Unemployment insurance                             12,740          3,866,282         (3,878,190)                   832
                                                       205,520           113,198,987       (113,378,287)                26,220

                                                                    - 146 -

       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

4      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(21)    Taxes payable

                                                                     31 December 2017   31 December 2016

       VAT payable                                                         35,100,800         46,726,185
       Enterprise income tax payable                                       48,496,225         41,919,187
       Housing property tax payable                                         8,617,044         10,998,756
       Individual income tax payable                                        5,177,080          3,755,374
       City maintenance and construction tax payable                        4,261,902          3,482,715
       Educational surcharge payable                                        3,348,566          3,351,165
       Others                                                               6,995,147          5,359,234
                                                                          111,996,764        115,592,616

(22)   Interest payable

                                                                     31 December 2017   31 December 2016

       Interest of ultra-short-term financial bonds                                 -         38,040,006
       Interest payable for medium term notes                              27,622,465         27,621,021
       Interest for corporate bonds                                                 -         10,660,000
       Interest of long-term borrowings with periodic payments of
         interest and return of principal at maturity                         938,950            514,750
       Interest payable for short-term borrowings                           5,471,325          1,390,127
                                                                           34,032,740         78,225,904

(23)   Other payables

                                                                     31 December 2017   31 December 2016

       Guarantee deposits received from construction contractors           49,624,256         69,156,801

       Accrued cost of sales (i)                                           58,584,562         47,671,047

       Temporary collection of payment for land transfer                   56,196,000         28,098,000

       Payable for contracted labour costs                                 17,568,695         17,467,346

       Temporary receipts                                                   7,964,070         14,022,924

       Deposit for disabled                                                 5,230,110          3,509,947

       Restricted share repurchase obligation                             417,349,879                  -

       Others                                                               6,806,782          8,395,385

                                                                          619,324,354        188,321,450

                                                           - 147 -

(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]

(i)    It represented the payment made to external third parties arising from undertaking the rights of debtor and
          creditor, comprising water and electricity, professional service fee and travelling expenses etc.
(ii)   In the year ending 31 December 2017, the unlock conditions of first granted restricted stock was not met. The
          Company will confirm the actual amount of restricted stock subscription RMB417,349,879 as the
          corresponding expected liability, and confirm the corresponding amount of stock shares.

The ageing of other payables was substantively within 1 year.

                                                       - 148 -

       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

4      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(24)    Current portion of non-current liabilities

                                                                        31 December 2017          31 December 2016

       Current portion of long-term borrowings
             - Guaranteed                                                      14,880,000                 29,340,000
             - Unsecured                                                      180,000,000                           -
       Current portion of corporate bonds                                                -             1,000,000,000
       Current portion of finance lease                                       709,381,397                           -
                                                                              904,261,397              1,029,340,000

(25)   Long-term borrowings

                                                                        31 December 2017          31 December 2016

       Medium term notes (i)                                                1,200,000,000              1,200,000,000
       Unsecured                                                                         -               180,000,000
       Guaranteed                                                             354,120,000                 58,660,000
                                                                            1,554,120,000              1,438,660,000

       (i)      Approved by file No. [2015] MTN225 of Inter-bank Market Trading Association, the Company is entitled to
                issue medium term notes with the limit of RMB1,200,000,000, which expires on 28 May 2017.

                On 14 July 2015, the Company issued the Phase I medium term notes of RMB1,200,000,000 for 2015, with
                the maturity data of 14 July 2020 and annual rate of 4.94%.

                As at 31 December 2017, the interest of long-term borrowings varied from 4.75% to 5.94% (31 December
                2015: 4.51% to 4.94%).

(26)   Long-term account payable

                                                                       31 December 2017           31 December 2016

       Finance lease                                                        1,161,794,247                           -

       TheSale and leaseback lease of the group in this phase is a mortgage loan with a lease term of 36 months. On
       December 31, 2017, the real interest rate of financing lease loans is 4.49%-7.8%.

                                                            - 149 -

       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

4      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(27)    Deferred income

                                                                                                        31 December 2017                          31 December 2016

       Government grants                                                                                               562,701,103                          593,993,254

       Government grants are analysed as follows:

                                             31 December     Increase in   Other decrease      income in current        31 December
       Government grants                            2016    current year    in current year                year                2017    Assets/Income related

       Tianjin CSG        Golden      Sun
                                               57,092,011              -                  --         (3,374,892)          53,717,119
          Project (i)                                                                                                                          Assets related
       Dongguan CSG Golden Sun
                                              46,079,250               -                  --         (2,751,000)         43,328,250
         Project (ii)                                                                                                                          Assets related
       Hebei CSG Golden Sun Project
                                              46,750,000               -                  --         (2,750,000)         44,000,000
         (iii)                                                                                                                                 Assets related
       Xianning CSG        Golden     Sun
                                              51,013,417               -                  --         (3,030,500)         47,982,917
          Project (iv)                                                                                                                         Assets related
       Infrastructure  compensation
         for Wujiang CSG Glass Co.,           43,670,435               -                  --         (4,041,537)         39,628,898
         Ltd (v)                                                                                                                               Assets related
       Qingyuan Energy-saving project
                                              23,259,167               -                  --         (2,470,000)         20,789,167
       (vi)                                                                                                                                    Assets related
       Yichang Silicon products project
                                              24,609,375               -                  --         (2,812,500)         21,796,875
          (vii)                                                                                                                                Assets related
       Yichang CSG silicon           slice
                                              13,890,609               -                  --         (1,227,733)         12,662,876
          auxiliary project (viii)                                                                                                             Assets related
       Sichuan energy-saving         glass
                                              12,129,480               -                  --         (1,654,020)         10,475,460
          project (ix)                                                                                                                         Assets related
       Group coating film experimental
                                               9,035,040               -                  --         (1,508,760)          7,526,280
         project (x)                                                                                                                           Assets related
       Yichang expert silicon project
                                               3,906,547               -                  --           (306,664)          3,599,883
          (xi)                                                                                                                                 Assets related
       Yichang semiconductor silicon
                                               3,666,667               -                  --           (266,667)          3,400,000
          project (xii)                                                                                                                        Assets related
       Yichang CSG Display project
                                              53,371,082               -                  --         (2,534,478)         50,836,604
          (xiii)                                                                                                                               Assets related
       Xianning Photoelectric project
                                                        -    7,800,000                     -                       -       7,800,000
          (xiv)                                                                                                                                Assets related

                                             171,000,000               -                   -                       -
       Group talent fund project (xv)                                                                                   171,000,000            Assets related
                                                                                                                                       Assets related/Income
                                              34,520,174     8,150,000           (171,976)          (18,341,424)         24,156,774
       Others                                                                                                                                          related

                                             593,993,254                         (171,976)         (47,070,175)         562,701,103

       (i)      The allowance was granted by Tianjin Municipal Government. The allowance was used for
                 establishing PV power station by Tianjin CSG Architectural Glass Co., Ltd. The facilities belonged
                 to Tianjin CSG upon completion. The allowance will be credited to income statement in 20 years,
                 the useful life of the PV power station.

                                                                                        - 150 -

(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]

(ii) The allowance was granted by Dongguan Municipal Government. The allowance was used for
      establishing PV power station by Dongguan CSG Architectural Glass Co., Ltd. The facilities
      belonged to Dongguan CSG upon completion. The allowance will be credited to income
      statement in 20 years, the useful life of the PV power station.

(iii) The allowance was granted by Langfang Municipal Government. The allowance was used for
       establishing PV power station by Hebei CSG Glass Co., Ltd. ("Hebei CSG"). When the facilities
       were set up, they belonged to Hebei CSG. The allowance will be credited to income statement in
       20 years, the useful life of the PV power station.

(iv)   The allowance was granted by Xianning Municipal Government. The allowance was used for
       establishing PV power station by Xianning CSG Glass Co Ltd. The facilities belonged to Xianning
       CSG upon completion. The allowance will be credited to income statement in 20 years, the useful
       life of the PV power station.

                                                    - 151 -

       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

4      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(27)      Deferred income (Cont’d)

       (v)     The allowance was infrastructure compensation granted by Wujiang municipal government, and
               will be credited to income statement in 15 years, the shortest operating period as committed by
               the Group.

       (vi)    The allowance was a pilot project for strategic emerging industry clusters development, which
               was used to establish high performance ultra-thin electronic glass production lines by Qingyuan
               CSG. The allowance will be credited to income statement in 10 years, the useful life of the
               production line.

       (vii)   The balance represented amounts granted to Yi Chang CSG Silicon Materials Co., Ltd. by
               Yichang City Dongshan Development Corporation under the provisions of the investment contract
               signed between the Group and the Municipal Government of Yi Chang. The proceeds were
               designed for the construction of electricity transformer and the pipelines. Yichang Silicon is
               entitled to the ownership of the facilities, which will be amortised by 16 years according to the
               useful life of the converting station.

       (viii) It represented the government supporting fund obtained by Yichang Silicon from the acquiring of
              the assets and liabilities of Crucible project of Yichang Hejing Photoelectric Ceramic Co., Ltd. The
              proceeds would be amortised and credited to income statement by 16 years after related assets
              were put into use.

       (ix)    It represented the funds granted by Chengdu local government for energy glass project. It will be
               amortised and credited to income statement in 15 years, in accordance with the minimum
               operating period committed by the Group.

       (x)     The allowance was granted by Shenzhen City Development and Reform Commission for the
               development of Group Coating Film experimental project. The grant will be amortised and
               credited to income statement by 20 years in the estimated useful life of the relevant fixed assets.

       (xi)    It represented the funds granted by Hubei local government for inport discount complement and
               international corporation special subsidy. The grant will be amortised and credited to income
               statement by 12 to 15 years

       (xii)   It represented the special subsidy of Yichang National Regional Strategic Emerging Industry
               Development Pilot Project II, which is used to complement Yichang CSG Silicon “Hubei
               semiconductor silicon preparative technique project laboratory”. The grant will be amortised and
               credited to income statement by 15 years

       (xiii) It represented the funds granted by Yichang Municipal Government for Yichang CSG Display
              Company's flat project construction support funds and construction of coil coating three-line
              project. The grant will be amortised and credited to income statement by 15 years

       (xiv) It represented the funds granted by Xianning Government of the Project supporting fund for
             photoconductive glass production line,which is used to pay for Xianning CSG Glass Co. Ltd.
             constructing the project of photoelectric photoelectric optical glass production line . After the
             completion of the production line, the ownership belongs to Xianning photoelectric. The
             allowance will be credited to income statement in 8 years, the useful life of the production line.

       (xv) The allowance was granted by Administrative Commission of Yichang High-tech Industrial
             Development Zone. For senior management personnel, engineering technical personnel and

                                                           - 152 -
         CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

         (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
         [English translation for reference only]

                  senior professional technical team which is working at Yichang or plane to introduction, RMB171
                  million fund was set up, as a special fund for talent introduction and housing resettlement.

4   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(28)     Share capital

                                                              Movement for the year ended 31 December 2017
                                                31 December       New issues      Bonus                                     31 December
                                                       2016    during the year     issue Capitalisation    Others                  2017

         RMB-denominated ordinary shares      1,312,751,568                  -         -    196,912,735             -       1,509,664,303
         Limited selling condition shares                 -        97,511,654          -                -           -         97,511,654
         Domestically listed foreign shares     762,583,992                  -         -    114,387,598             -        876,971,590
                                              2,075,335,560        97,511,654          -    311,300,333             -       2,484,147,547

                                                              Movement for the year ended 31
                                                                    December 2016
                                                31 December       New issues      Bonus                                     31 December
                                                       2015    during the year     issue   Capitalisation      Others              2016

         RMB-denominated ordinary shares      1,312,751,568                  -         -                -           -       1,312,751,568
         Domestically listed foreign shares     762,583,992                  -         -                -           -        762,583,992
                                              2,075,335,560                  -         -                -           -       2,075,335,560
         par value of the RMB-denominated ordinary shares is RMB1, and that of domestically listed foreign shares is HKD1.

(29)     Capital surplus

                                                                                      Increase in            Decrease in
                                                         31 December 2016            current year            current year      31 December 2017

                       Share premium (i)                      1,345,264,670         319,838,225             (311,300,333)           1,353,802,562

                      Other capital surplus                      (84,562,473)         37,141,676                        -             (47,420,797)
              Share of changes in equity other than
                comprehensive income and profit
                distribution of investees under the
                           equity method                             757,420                      -                     -                   757,420

                     Share-based payment (ii)                      2,811,683           8,194,695                        -              11,006,378
              Transfer of capital surplus recognised
               under the previous accounting system               (2,250,222)                     -                     -              (2,250,222)
                   Disposal of fractional shares                   1,316,208                      -                     -               1,316,208
                  Purchase of minority interests                 (87,197,562)                     -                     -            (87,197,562)
                                  (iii)                                               28,946,981                                       28,946,981
                                                              1,260,702,197         356,979,901             (311,300,333)           1,306,381,765

                                                                                      Increase in            Decrease in
                                                         31 December 2015            current year            current year      31 December 2016

                         Share premium                        1,345,264,670                       -                     -           1,345,264,670
                      Other capital surplus                      (83,873,398)              483,405            (1,172,480)             (84,562,473)

                                                                        - 153 -

(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]

    Share of changes in equity other than
      comprehensive income and profit
      distribution of investees under the
                 equity method                           676,277       81,143            -         757,420
           Share-based payment                         2,409,421      402,262            -        2,811,683
    Transfer of capital surplus recognised             (2,250,222)
     under the previous accounting system                                   -            -       (2,250,222)
        Disposal of fractional shares                  1,316,208            -            -       1,316,208
       Purchase of minority interests                (86,025,082)           -   (1,172,480)    (87,197,562)

                                                    1,261,391,272     483,405   (1,172,480)   1,260,702,197

                                                            - 154 -
         CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

         (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
         [English translation for reference only]

4   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(29)     Capital surplus(Cont’d)

(a) The reason for the decrease of capital reserve - other in current year was the acquisition of minority interests, with the
         detail as follows:

         (i)The Company passed the 2016 annual general meeting of shareholders held on May 22, 2017 and transferred
         1.5 shares to every 10 shares for all shareholders. The total share capital before the distribution was 2,075,335,560
         shares, and the total share capital after the dividend was increased to 2,386,635,893 shares. Capital reserve
         decreased by RMB311,300,333;

         In this year, the equity incentive plan received RMB 417,349,879 of capital contribution from the incentive object,
         including RMB 97,511,654 of the share capital, which was included in the capital reserve of RMB 319,838,225.

         (ii) This year, due to the equity incentive plan, the share payment fee of RMB8,194,695 was confirmed.

         (iii) The shareholder Ju Shenghua provided interest-free loans of RMB1.61 billion to the company. The interest-free
         loans were charged to other capital reserves of RMB28,946,981 based on the interest expense calculated on the
         bank loan interest for the same period.

(30)     Treasury shares
                                                                            Increase in     Decrease in
                                                     31 December 2016      current year     current year   31 December 2017

          Obligations of restricted share buybacks                  -      417,349,879                 -        417,349,879
                                                                    -      417,349,879                 -        417,349,879

         Explanation on changes in treasury stocks: The company confirms liabilities and treasury shares at the same time,
         based on the number of restricted shares issued and the corresponding repurchase price.

                                                                 - 155 -

       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

4      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(31)   Other comprehensive income

                                                            Other comprehensive income in Balance
                                                                          Sheet                                Other comprehensive income in Income Statement for the year ended 31 December 2017
                                                                                                                            Less: Reclassification
                                                                          Attributable                                           of previous other                                         Attributable to
                                                                             to parent                    Actual amount            comprehensive                      Attributable to             minority
                                                          31 December       company 31 December            before tax for      income to profit or   Less: Income   parent company          shareholders
                                                                 2016         after tax    2017             current year      loss in current year   tax expenses           after tax            after tax

       Other comprehensive income items which
         will be reclassified subsequently to profit or
         Financial rewards        for   energy-saving
           technical retrofits                             2,550,000                    -    2,550,000                  -                        -              -                   -                    -
         Difference on translation of          foreign
           currency financial statements                   2,103,971    (2,705,028)           (601,057)    (2,705,028)                           -              -      (2,705,028)                       -
                                                           4,653,971    (2,705,028)          1,948,943     (2,705,028)                           -              -      (2,705,028)                       -

                                                            Other comprehensive income in Balance
                                                                          Sheet                                Other comprehensive income in Income Statement for the year ended 31 December 2016
                                                                                                                            Less: Reclassification
                                                                         Attributable                                            of previous other                                         Attributable to
                                                                            to parent                     Actual amount            comprehensive                      Attributable to             minority
                                                          31 December      company          31 December    before tax for      income to profit or   Less: Income   parent company          shareholders
                                                                 2015        after tax             2016     current year      loss in current year   tax expenses           after tax            after tax

       Other comprehensive income items which
         will be reclassified subsequently to profit or
         Financial rewards        for   energy-saving                                                                                                          -
           technical retrofits                             2,550,000                -        2,550,000                  -                        -                                 -                    -

                                                                                                          - 156 -

Notes to the financial statements
for the year ended 31 December 2017
(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]
  Differences on translation of            foreign                                                         -
    currency financial statements                     417,772    1,686,199   2,103,971     1,686,199   -           1,686,199   -
                                                     2,967,772   1,686,199   4,653,971     1,686,199   -       -   1,686,199   -

                                                                                         - 157 -

       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

4      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(32)   Special reserve

                                               31 December         Increase in         Decrease in        31 December
                                                      2016        current year         current year              2017

           Safety production costs                 5,843,473        7,831,127          (1,0449,662)          3,224,938

       The subsidiary Yichang CSG Silicon is a high risk chemical production enterprise. Therefore, the Company appropriated
       such reserve in accordance with relevant regulations.

(33)   Surplus reserve

                                               31 December         Increase in         Decrease in        31 December
                                                      2016        current year         current year              2017

       Statutory surplus reserve                760,655,662        32,084,102                     -        792,739,764
       Discretionary surplus reserve            127,852,568                  -                    -        127,852,568
                                                888,508,230        32,084,102                     -        920,592,332

                                               31 December         Increase in         Decrease in        31 December
                                                      2015        current year         current year              2016

       Statutory surplus reserve                730,927,762        29,727,900                     -        760,655,662
       Discretionary surplus reserve            127,852,568                  -                    -        127,852,568
                                                858,780,330        29,727,900                     -        888,508,230

       In accordance with the Company Law of the People’s Republic of China and the Company’s Articles of Association, the
       Company should appropriate 10% of net profit for the year to the statutory surplus reserve, and the Company can cease
       appropriation when the statutory surplus reserve accumulated to more than 50% of the registered capital. The statutory
       surplus reserve can be used to make up for the loss or increase the paid-in capital after approval from the appropriate
       authorities. The Company accrued statutory surplus reserve at the amount of RMB32,084,102 10% of the net profit, in
       2017 (2016: RMB29,727,900, accrued at 10% of the net profit).

       The Company appropriates for the discretionary surplus reserve after the shareholders’ meeting approves the proposal
       from the Board of Directors. The discretionary surplus reserve can be used to make up for the loss or increase the share
       capital after approval from the appropriate authorities. The Company did not appropriate to discretionary surplus reserve
       during the year.

                                                                - 158 -
        CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

        Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2016
        (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)

4       Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(34)    Undistributed profits

                                                                                           2017                     2016

        Undistributed profits at beginning of year                              3,573,871,573               3,428,478,565
        Add:    Net profits attributable to shareholders of parent
                company                                                             825,388,312              797,721,576
        Less: Appropriation for statutory surplus reserve                            (32,084,102)             (29,727,900)
               Ordinary share dividends payable (a)                                 (207,533,556)            (622,600,668)
        Undistributed profits at end of year                                    4,159,642,227               3,573,871,573

(a) Pursuant to the resolution of Board of Directors of the Company on 22 May 2017, the Company paid cash dividends of RMB1
        (tax inclusive) for each 10 shares based on total shares of 2,075,335,560, with the total cash dividends distributed of

(35)    Revenue and cost of sales

                                                                                           2017                     2016

        Revenue from main operations                                           10,786,756,657               8,886,948,218
        Revenue from other operations                                                92,644,089               87,135,189
                                                                               10,879,400,746               8,974,083,407

                                                                                           2017                     2016

        Cost of sales from main operations                                      8,183,862,835               6,510,577,440
        Cost of sales from other operations                                          32,495,537               51,636,933
                                                                                8,216,358,372               6,562,214,373

(a)     Revenue and cost of sales from main operations

        Revenue and cost of sales from main operations analysed by industry and product are set out below:

                                                            2017                                     2016
                                                     Revenue                 Cost             Revenue                Cost

        Glass industry                          6,975,512,082      5,179,173,783         6,244,550,400      4,542,947,575
        Solar panel and parts                   3,091,397,745      2,493,891,466         2,283,441,881      1,728,673,404
        Electronic glass and displays            867,223,335        652,646,493            424,883,660       303,117,902
        Elimination                              (147,376,505)      (141,848,907)          (65,927,723)       (64,161,441)
                                               10,786,756,657      8,183,862,835         8,886,948,218      6,510,577,440

                                                                   - 159 -

Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2016
(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)

                                                    - 160 -

       Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2016
       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)

4      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(35)   Revenue and cost of sales (Cont’d)

(b)    Revenue and cost of sales from other operations

                                                           2017                                    2016
                                                  Revenue                   Cost            Revenue             Cost

       Sales of raw materials                   69,908,277           29,437,767           63,211,682       45,044,785
       Others                                   22,735,812            3,057,770           23,923,507        6,592,148
                                                92,644,089           32,495,537           87,135,189       51,636,933

(36)   Taxes and surtax

                                                                                         2017                   2016

       City maintenance and construction tax                                        33,115,925             33,343,735
       Educational surcharge                                                        26,156,521             26,597,418
       Housing property tax                                                         29,539,408             19,980,233
       Land use rights                                                              21,941,304             14,851,345
       Business tax                                                                  5,395,333              3,486,149
       Others                                                                        8,375,435              4,900,666
                                                                                   124,523,926            103,159,546

(37)   Selling expenses

                                                                                         2017                   2016

       Freight expenses                                                            159,825,411            140,132,227
       Employee benefits                                                           110,068,886            100,367,564
       Entertainment fees                                                           12,690,770             12,607,179
       Business travel expenses                                                     10,931,013             10,738,590
       Vehicle use fee                                                               7,609,882              7,358,948
       Rental expenses                                                               5,937,331              5,376,741
       General office expenses                                                       3,662,269              7,239,581
       Depreciation expenses                                                          970,739                979,874
       Others                                                                       24,435,422             17,014,386
                                                                                   336,131,723            301,815,090

                                                                  - 161 -

       Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2016
       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)

4      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(38)   Administrative expense

                                                                               2017         2016

       Research and development expenses                               330,677,375    285,129,442
       Employee benefits                                               295,657,274    250,150,056
       Depreciation expenses                                            65,929,139     59,067,087
       Amortisation of intangible assets                                43,884,166     36,907,548
       General office expenses                                          25,126,422     24,313,472
       Taxes                                                                      -    16,957,060
       Labour union funds                                               14,696,230     11,325,909
       Entertainment fees                                               12,027,303     10,834,055
       Business travel expenses                                         11,074,568     10,495,397
       Utility fees                                                     10,108,470     10,065,166
       Canteen costs                                                     9,357,983      8,486,926
       Vehicle use fee                                                   6,639,769      6,141,700
       Rental expenses                                                   4,551,968      3,104,038
       Consulting advisers                                              24,935,512      9,453,050
       Others                                                           64,663,593     24,158,153
                                                                       919,329,772    766,589,059

(39)   Financial expenses

                                                                               2017         2016

       Interest on borrowings                                          344,459,771    273,665,849
       Less: Capitalised interest                                      (29,856,175)   (15,346,518)
       Interest expenses                                               314,603,596    258,319,331
       Less: Interest income                                           (12,606,285)    (3,193,680)
       Exchange losses                                                   4,780,451       249,220
       Others                                                            9,183,318     10,445,698
                                                                       315,961,080    265,820,569

                                                             - 162 -

       Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2016
       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)

4      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(40)   Expenses by nature

       The cost of sales, selling and distribution expenses and general and administrative expenses in the income statement are
       listed as follows by nature:

                                                                                        2017                     2016

       Changes in inventories of finished goods and work in progress            (139,651,079)            (111,401,312)
       Consumed raw materials and low value consumables, etc.                   4,941,314,821           3,245,155,140
       Fuel fee                                                                 1,143,379,014           1,059,231,787
       Employee benefits                                                        1,222,510,952           1,196,241,368
       Depreciation and amortisation expenses                                   1,002,432,274             917,152,746
       Utility fees                                                               778,033,060             830,921,457
       Freight expenses                                                           159,825,411             140,132,227
       Taxes                                                                                 -             16,957,060
       General office expenses                                                     43,816,479              45,018,706
       Canteen costs                                                               39,682,701              38,395,686
       Business travel expenses                                                    26,904,472              27,482,191
       Entertainment fees                                                          26,167,761              24,785,451
       Vehicle use fee                                                             15,851,907              15,227,050
       Rental expenses                                                             10,489,299               8,480,779
       Others                                                                     201,062,795             176,838,186
                                                                                9,471,819,867           7,630,618,522

(41)   Asset impairment losses

                                                                                     2017                        2016

       Impaiement of fixed assets                                              36,260,304                  49,894,197
       Bad debts                                                                6,187,739                   2,245,583
       Decline in the value of inventories                                          68,974                  6,722,984
               Impairment loss in construction under
       construction                                                            26,882,738                             -
                                                                               69,399,755                  58,862,764

(42)   Gain or loss from change in fair value

                                                                                     2017                        2016

       Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss

                                                                    - 163 -

Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2016
(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
      Change in fair value during holding period of derivative
  financial instruments                                                 -   (9,850,256)

       Losses from disposal          of   derivative   financial
  instruments(Note 4(43))                                               -   238,350,256
                                                                        -   228,500,000

                                                           - 164 -

       Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2016
       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)

4      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(43)   Investment income

                                                                                        2017                    2016

       Losses from long-term equity investment under equity
         method                                                                             -              5,071,685
       Losses from disposal of financial liabilities at fair value
         through profit or loss                                                      427,636           (238,350,256)
       Losses from disposal of long-term equity investment                                   -          (45,909,181)
                                                                                     427,636           (279,187,752)

       There is no significant restriction on the remittance of investment income to the Group.

(44)   Asset disposal income
                                                                                        2017                    2016
       Gains on disposal of fixed assets                                          (1,768,993)            (1,759,358)
                                                                                  (1,768,993)            (1,759,358)

(45)   Other income
                                                                                        2017                    2016

       Government subsidy amortization                                             47,070,175                           --

       Industry support funds                                                      16,123,793                           --

       Research grants                                                              6,940,140                           --

       Energy conservation and utilization support funds                              228,116                           --

       Government incentive funds                                                  12,457,123                           --

       Technological transformation discount                                          306,000                           --

       Energy conservation and utilization support funds                              100,000                           --

       Others                                                                       1,116,467                           --
                                                                                   84,341,814                           --

(46)   Non-operating income

                                                                                                           Amount of
                                                                                                  non-recurring gains
                                                                                                  and losses included
                                                                 2017                      2016               in 2017

                                                                 - 165 -

       Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2016
       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       Government grants (a)                                3,533,603     91,627,439              3,533,603
       Default income                                        275,000            11,000              275,000
       Compensation income                                 15,557,320      1,016,936             15,557,320
       Amounts unable to pay                                  27,959        875,302                  27,959
       Others                                               1,369,160      4,547,962              1,369,160
                                                           20,763,042     98,078,639             20,763,042

4      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(a) Government grants are analysed below:

                                                                2017             2016               Category

       Government grants amortisation                               -     28,054,929                  related
       Industry support fund                                        -     26,108,198          Income related
       Tax returns                                                  -     25,360,000          Income related
       Energy-saving award                                                     414,309        Income related
       Government awards fund                              2,748,263       2,332,700          Income related
       Subsidies for research and development                       -      4,364,900          Income related
       Interest subsidy        for   technological
         renovation                                                                  -        Income related
       Energy-saving fund                                           -      3,520,000          Income related
       Others                                                185,340       1,472,403          Income related
                                                           3,533,603      91,627,439

(47)   Non-operating expenses

                                                                                                  Amount of
                                                                                         non-recurring gains
                                                                                         and losses included
                                                                2017             2016                in 2017

       Losses on disposal of inventory material                      -     4,096,235                       -
       Compensation                                          492,228        410,326                 492,228
       Donation                                             1,118,999       120,000               1,118,999
       Others                                               3,541,364       518,355               3,541,364
                                                            5,152,591      5,144,916              5,152,591

                                                                - 166 -

       Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2016
       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)

4      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(48)   Income tax expenses

                                                                                    2017                   2016

       Current income tax                                                    160,923,182            140,207,714
       Deferred income tax                                                     6,747,809             11,674,381
                                                                             167,670,991            151,882,095

       The reconciliation from income tax calculated based on the applicable tax rates and total profit presented in the
       consolidated income statement to the income tax expenses is listed below:

                                                                                    2017                   2016

       Total profit                                                          996,307,026            956,108,619

       Income tax expenses calculated at applicable tax rates by
         company                                                                                    145,901,167
       Effect of changes in tax rates                                                   -             4,545,871
       Costs, expenses and losses not deductible for tax purposes              7,893,473              2,227,140
       Income not subject to tax                                                 (33,833)                   (855)
       Deductible losses for which no deferred tax asset was
        recognised in current period                                          20,825,885             25,603,526
       Written-off of deductible losses for which deferred tax asset
        was recognised previously                                                       -             1,469,360
       Effect of tax incentives                                              (13,637,793)           (10,147,358)
       Reconciliation of income tax for prior years in annual filing           3,544,557            (17,716,756)
       Income tax expenses                                                   167,670,991            151,882,095

                                                                   - 167 -

       Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2016
       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)

4      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(49)   Earnings per share
       The basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the company
       by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding.

       The numerator of diluted earnings per share is determined based on the net profit attributable to the common
       shareholders of the company's common stock. The following factors are adjusted to determine: (1) interest on dilutive
       potential ordinary shares that have been recognized as expenses in the current period; (2) dilutive potential ordinary The
       income or expenses that will be generated when the shares are converted; (3) The above-mentioned adjustments related
       to income tax effects.

       The denominator of the diluted earnings per share equals the sum of: (1) the weighted average number of ordinary shares
       of the parent company in the underlying earnings per share; (2) ordinary shares that are increased assuming the dilution
       of potential ordinary shares into common shares The weighted average.

       When calculating the weighted average of the number of ordinary shares increased from diluted common stocks to
       ordinary shares, the diluted potential ordinary shares issued during the previous period are assumed to be converted at
       the beginning of the current period; diluted potential ordinary shares of the current period are issued. , assuming a
       conversion on the issue date.

       The basic calculation of basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share are as follows:
                                                                                       2017                        2016
       Consolidated net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders
                                                                               825,388,312                  797,721,576
       of parent company

       Weighted average number of outstanding ordinary                       2,386,635,893                2,386,635,893

       Dilution Effect - Weighted average number of ordinary shares
       Stock options                                                              4,062,986                             -
       The weighted average number of ordinary shares issued by
                                                                             2,390,698,879                2,386,635,893
       the company after adjustment

       Basic earnings per share                                                         0.35                        0.33

       among them:
       - Continuing basic earnings per share                                            0.35                        0.33
       - Termination of basic earnings per share                                            -                           -

       Diluted earnings per share                                                       0.35                        0.33

       among them:

                                                                - 168 -

       Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2016
       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       - Continuing basic earnings per share                                       0.35          0.33
       - Termination of basic earnings per share                                      -             -

4      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(50)   Notes to the cash flow statement

(a)    Cash generated by other operating activities

                                                                                  2017          2016

       Government grants                                                     40,805,242    38,212,510
       Interest income                                                       12,606,285     3,193,680
       Others                                                                18,937,040     5,871,941
                                                                             72,348,567    47,278,131
(b)    Cash paid relating to other operating activities

                                                                                  2017          2016

       Freight expenses                                                     170,941,469   170,991,413
       Canteen costs                                                         39,682,701    38,395,686
       General office expenses                                               34,267,447    32,516,317
       Research and development expenses                                     31,684,954    25,191,468
       Business travel expenses                                              27,935,416    26,421,204
       Entertainment fees                                                    25,206,039    24,573,593
       Vehicle use fee                                                       15,851,907    15,227,050
       Maintenance fee                                                       25,969,168    15,804,981
       Rental expenses                                                       10,489,299     8,480,779
       Insurance                                                              8,759,738    10,750,838
       Bank fees                                                              9,183,318    10,445,698
       Others                                                               186,004,633   173,091,041
                                                                            585,976,089   551,890,068

(c)    Cash generated by other investing activities

                                                                                  2017          2016

       Income from trial production of construction in progress             124,108,255   155,174,454
       Final payment of Shenzhen CSG Display’s subdiary equity
         transfer                                                                     -   150,000,000

                                                                  - 169 -

      Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2016
      (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
      Government grants related to assets received                        15,950,000        16,351,250
      Land grant funds received                                           28,098,000        28,098,000
      Insurance claims received                                           19,600,000                 -
      Government lands refund received                                                 -    14,891,603
                                                                         187,756,255       364,515,307

4     Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(d)   Cash paid relating to other investing activities
                                                                                2017             2016

      Trial production expenditure in construction                       156,543,177       166,905,113
      The subsidies which Qingyuan energy returns to
       government                                                                      -    15,300,000
      Deposit                                                             43,541,859                 -

                                                                         200,085,036       182,205,113
(e)   Cash generated by other financing activities

                                                                              2017                2016

      Interest-free borrowing                                          1,610,000,000                     -
      Income from financing leases                                     1,986,000,000                     -
      Receiving industrial production dispatch funds                     20,000,000                      -
                                                                       3,616,000,000                     -

(f)   Cash payments relating to other financing activities

                                                                              2017                2016

      Repay financing leases                                            104,821,449                      -
      Pay for industrial production scheduling funds                     31,000,000                      -
      Return interest-free loan                                        1,610,000,000                     -

                                                             - 170 -

       Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2016
       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       Deposit                                                                     5,030,994                        -
       Payment of loan, security and fee for bills                                32,257,231                        -
                                                                                1,783,109,674                       -

4      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(51)     Supplementary information to the cash flow statement

(a)    Reconciliation from net profit to cash flows from operating activities

                                                                                         2017               2016

       Net profit                                                                 828,636,035        804,226,524
       Add: Provision for asset impairment                                         69,399,755         58,862,764
             Depreciation of fixed assets                                         957,475,579        879,345,692
             Amortisation of intangible assets                                     43,884,166         36,907,548
             Net movements of safety production costs                              (2,618,535)        (9,594,025)
             Amortisation of long-term prepaid expenses                              1,072,529           899,506
             Net losses/(gains) on disposal of fixed assets and
                                                                                     8,194,695                  -
               intangible assets
             Employee compensation based on shares                                   1,768,993         1,759,358
             Financial expenses                                                   314,603,596        258,319,331
             Investment income/(loss)                                                (427,636)       279,187,752
             Decrease/(increase) in deferred tax assets                            15,578,992         13,884,362
             Increase/(decrease) in deferred tax liabilities                       (8,833,183)        (2,209,981)
             (Increase)/decrease in inventories                                                 -   (228,500,000)
             Decrease/(increase) in operating receivables                        (201,257,769)       (71,720,745)
             Increase in operating payables                                      (206,859,922)      (259,804,129)

                                                                  - 171 -
        CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

        Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2016
        (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
               Increase in operating receivables                                    642,828,861               479,288,163
        Net cash flows from operating activities                                  2,463,446,156             2,240,852,120

(b)     Net increase/(decrease) in cash

                                                                                          2017                       2016

        Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                                  2,459,753,165               584,566,990
        Less: Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                       (584,566,990)             (574,744,877)
        Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                 1,875,186,175                  9,822,113

(c)     Cash and cash equivalents

                                                                              31 December 2017         31 December 2016

        - Cash on hand                                                                  36,182                      17,239
        - Bank deposits that can be readily drawn on demand                       2,409,716,983               584,549,751
        - Other cash balances that can be readily drawn on demand                   50,000,000                            -
        Cash at end of year                                                       2,459,753,165               584,566,990

4       Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

 (52)     Assets with restricted ownership or use rights

                                                                 2017                  2016                        Reason

        Monetary assets                                     2,852,599              2,236,515        Restricted deposit flow
        Property,plant and equipment                  2,369,789,041                        -         Limited finance lease

                                                      2,372,641,640                2,236,515

 (53)     Monetary items denominated in foreign currencies

                                                                                 31 December 2017
                                                               denominated in         Exchange                  Balances
                                                            foreign currencies            rates       denominated in RMB

                                                                    - 172 -

    Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2016
    (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
    Cash at bank and on hand -
       HKD                                                7,314,730       0.8359                 6,114,383
       USD                                               11,343,508       6.5342               74,120,750
       EUR                                                     675        7.8023                     5,267
       JPY                                                 309,620        0.0579                   17,927
       AUD                                                  17,439        5.0928                   88,813

    Accounts receivable -
       HKD                                               11,549,666       0.8359                 9,654,366
       USD                                               19,490,453       6.5342              127,354,518
       EUR                                                 946,785        7.8023                 7,387,101

    Short-term borrowings -
       HKD                                               75,000,000       0.8359               62,692,500

    Accounts payable -
       HKD                                                     307        0.8359                      257
       USD                                               15,922,406       6.5342              104,040,185
       EUR                                                2,642,275       7.8023               20,615,822
       JPY                                              281,927,203       0.0579               16,323,585
5      The changes of consolidation scope

    The Group established a subsidiary company, China CGS (AUSTRILIA) PTY LTD, on 31 December 2017, and the Group
    has not invested yet. The Company holds 100% of its shares.

                                                          - 173 -
           CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

           Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2016
           (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
6     Interest in other entities

(1) Interest in subsidiaries

(a)        Structure of the enterprise group

           As at 31 December 2017, information of the Company’s major subsidiaries is set out below:

                                                           Major                                                                             (%)
                                                        business        Place of
                                                         location    registration                             Scope of business       Direct   Indirect

                                                       Chengdu,       Chengdu,      Development, production and sales of special
           Chengdu CSG                                     PRC            PRC                                             glass        75%        25%
                                                       Chengdu,       Chengdu,      Development, production and sales of special
           Sichuan CSG Energy Conservation                 PRC            PRC                     glass and processing of glass        75%        25%
                                                          Tianjin,       Tianjin,   Development, production and sales of special
           Tianjin Energy Conservation                      PRC            PRC                                            glass        75%        25%
                                                      Dongguan,      Dongguan,
           Dongguan CSG                                    PRC            PRC                       Intensive processing of glass      75%        25%
                                                      Dongguan,      Dongguan,
           Dongguan CSG Solar                              PRC            PRC                 Production and sales of solar glass      75%        25%
                                                      Dongguan,      Dongguan,      Production and sales of hi-tech green battery
           Dongguan CSG PV-tech                            PRC            PRC                                    and components            -    100%
                                                        Yichang,       Yichang,        Production and sales of high-purity silicon
           Yichang CSG Silicon                              PRC            PRC                                         materials       75%        25%
                                                        Wujiang,       Wujiang,
           Wujiang CSG                                     PRC            PRC                       Intensive processing of glass      75%        25%
                                                       Yongqing,      Yongqing,
           Hebei CSG                                       PRC            PRC              Production and sales of special glass       75%        25%
                                                        Wujiang,       Wujiang,
           Wujiang CSG                                     PRC            PRC              Production and sales of special glass      100%            -
                                                      Hong Kong,     Hong Kong,
           China Southern Glass (Hong Kong) Limited         PRC            PRC                                Investment holding      100%            -
                                                       Yongqing,      Yongqing,      Production and sales of ultra-thin electronic
           Hebei Shichuang                                 PRC            PRC                                                glass    100%            -
                                                        Xianning,      Xianning,
           Xianning CSG                                     PRC            PRC             Production and sales of special glass       75%        25%
                                                        Xianning,      Xianning,
           Xianning CSG Energy-Saving                       PRC            PRC                      Intensive processing of glass      75%        25%
                                                       Qingyuan,      Qingyuan,      Production and sales of ultra-thin electronic
           Qingyuan CSG Energy-Saving                       PRC            PRC                                               glass    100%            -
                                                      Shenzhen,      Shenzhen,
           Shenzhen CSG Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.        PRC            PRC                               Finance leasing, etc.      75%        25%
                                                       Jiangyou,      Jiangyou,             Production and sales of silica and its
           Jiangyou CSG Mining Development Co. Ltd.         PRC            PRC                                       by-products      100%            -
                                                      Shenzhen,      Shenzhen,           Investment management of photovoltaic
           Shenzhen CSG PV Energy Co., Ltd.                PRC            PRC                                           plant         100%            -
                                                       Qingyuan,      Qingyuan,          Clean energy development, photovoltaic
           Qingyuan CSG New Energy Co., Ltd.                PRC            PRC                                power generation             -    100%
                                                        Wujiang,       Wujiang,          Clean energy development, photovoltaic
           Suzhou CSG PV-tech Co., Ltd.                    PRC            PRC                                 power generation             -    100%
                                                        Wujiang,       Wujiang,          Clean energy development, photovoltaic
           Wujiang CSG New Energy Co., Ltd.                PRC            PRC                                 power generation             -    100%
                                                        Yichang,       Yichang,          Clean energy development, photovoltaic
           Yichang CSG New Energy Co., Ltd                  PRC            PRC                                power generation             -    100%
                                                      Shenzhen,      Shenzhen,        Production and sales of display component
           Shenzhen CSG Display:                           PRC            PRC                                           products     60.80%           -
                                                        Xianning,      Xianning,
           Xianning CSG Photoelectric                       PRC            PRC      Photoelectric glass and high aluminium glass     37.50%    62.50%

                                                                               - 174 -
         CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

         Notes to the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2016
         (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)

6   Interest in other entities (Cont'd)

(1) Interest in subsidiaries (Cont'd)

(b) Subsidiaries with significant minority interests

                                                                Profit or loss attributable to          Dividends distributed to
                                          Shareholding of      minority shareholders for the       minority shareholders for the        Minority interests
                                                 minority         year ended 31 December              year ended 31 December          as at 31 December
         Subsidiaries                       shareholders                                2017                               2017                      2017
         Shenzhen CSG Display                    39.20%                            (436,287)                           2,488,500             302,902,364

         The major financial information of the significant non-fully-owned subsidiaries of the Group is listed below:

                                                                                   31 December 2017
                                                            Non-current                                                    Non-current
                                   Current assets               assets        Total assets       Current liabilities         liabilities   Total liabilities
         Shenzhen         CSG
         Display                        230,735,047    1,384,202,485        1,614,937,532            588,962,555        237,351,982          826,314,537

                                                                                                   Total comprehensive         Cash flows from operating
                                                Revenue                      Net profit                        income                           activities
         Shenzhen         CSG
                                             563,191,871                   14,127,082                         14,127,082                      91,246,186

                                                                            - 175 -

    (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
    [English translation for reference only]

7       Segment information

    To meet operating strategies and requirements of business development, the Group adjusted its operating
    structure in current year. The Group’s management allocated resources, Estimated segment performance,
    updated reporting segment, and disclosed segment information according to revised operating segments in current
    year. Segment information of prior year had been restated in accordance with updated reporting segments.

    Before the revision, the Group's business activities are categorised by product or service as follows:

    -    Flat glass segment, engaged in production and sales of float glass and the silica for the production
            thereof, etc.
    -    Engineering glass segment, engaged in manufacturing and sales of engineering glass, etc.
    -    Solar energy segment, engaged in manufacturing and sales of polycrystalline silicon and solar
            battery and applications, etc.

    After the revision, the Group's business activities are categorised by product and service as follows:

    -    Glass segment, engaged in production and sales of float glass and engineering glass and the
            silica for the production thereof, etc.
    -    Solar energy segment, engaged in manufacturing and sales of polycrystalline silicon and solar
            battery and applications, etc.
    -    Electronic glass and display segment is responsible for production and sales of display
            components and special ultra-thin glass products, etc.

    The reportable segments of the Group are the business units that provide different products or service. Different
    businesses require different technologies and marketing strategies. The Group, therefore, separately manages the
    production and operation of each reportable segment and Estimates their operating results respectively, in order to
    make decisions about resources to be allocated to these segments and to assess their performance.

    Inter-segment transfer prices are measured by reference to selling prices to third parties.

    The assets are allocated based on the operations of the segment and the physical location of the asset. The
    liabilities are allocated based on the operations of the segment. Expenses indirectly attributable to each segment
    are allocated to the segments based on the proportion of each segment’s revenue.

                                                           - 176 -
        CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

        (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
        [English translation for reference only]

7   Segment information (Cont’d)

(a) Segment information as at and for the year ended 31 December 2017 is as follows:

                                                                    Electronic glass
                                                       Flat glass      and displays       Solar energy         Others      Unallocated       Elimination           Total

        Revenue from external customers           6,954,683,103      873,166,517       3,050,921,865                -        629,261                   -   10,879,400,746

        Inter-segment revenue                        97,227,192            701,963       74,689,369                 -     58,058,305     (230,676,829)                     -

        Interest income                               1,152,232            146,973           262,942             608      11,043,530                   -       12,606,285

        Interest expenses                         (153,982,540)      (32,003,353)       (79,797,858)                -    (54,488,918)       5,669,073       (314,603,596)

        Asset impairment losses                    (20,109,566)          (352,808)      (48,857,162)                -        (80,219)                  -     (69,399,755)

        Depreciation and amortisation expenses    (601,774,748)     (132,769,853)      (261,527,443)        (107,198)     (6,253,032)                  -   (1,002,432,274)

        Total profit/(loss)                        827,335,674         80,463,836       218,437,923         (110,328)   (124,292,481)      (5,527,598)        996,307,026

        Income tax (expenses)/income              (118,701,953)      (21,223,939)       (23,950,456)                      (3,794,643)                  -    (167,670,991)

        Net profit/(loss)                          708,633,721         59,239,897       194,487,467         (110,328)   (128,087,124)      (5,527,598)        828,636,035

        Total assets                              9,121,982,895     3,032,467,443      4,969,121,408         664,853    2,410,765,769                  -   19,535,002,368

        Total liabilities                         3,453,100,959      856,548,520       1,640,361,900        2,502,814   4,802,865,064                  -   10,755,379,257

        Increase in non-current assets (i)          160,029,169      459,791,787        629,473,708                 -      2,875,254                   -    1,252,169,918

                                                                                                  - 177 -
        CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

        (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
        [English translation for reference only]
7 Segment information (Cont’d)
(b) Segment information as at and for the year ended 31 December 2016 is as follows:
                                                                          Electronic glass
                                                            Flat glass       and displays       Solar energy         Others       Unallocated      Elimination            Total

        Revenue from external customers                6,248,986,019      432,923,679        2,291,096,315                -       1,077,394                  -   8,974,083,407

        Inter-segment revenue                            53,644,824             533,611        29,140,901                 -     21,504,477      (104,823,813)                -

        Interest income                                     709,739             169,281           215,863               69        3,680,920       (1,582,192)        3,193,680

        Interest expenses                              (141,501,800)      (20,216,385)        (80,249,948)                -     (22,179,393)       5,828,195      (258,319,331)

        Investment income from associates                           -                    -                -               -       5,071,685                  -       5,071,685

        Asset impairment losses                          (1,347,361)        (6,474,743)       (52,808,413)                -       1,767,753                  -     (58,862,764)

        Depreciation and amortisation expenses         (579,880,012)      (89,743,215)       (240,386,653)                -      (7,142,866)                 -    (917,152,746)
        Change in fair value of derivative financial
                                                                    -                    -                -               -      (9,850,256)                 -      (9,850,256)

        Total profit/(loss)                             870,911,083         19,861,854        246,515,279         (64,601)     (179,348,714)      (1,766,282)     956,108,619

        Income tax (expenses)/income                   (115,934,739)        (9,777,225)       (26,285,679)                -         115,548                  -    (151,882,095)

        Net profit/(loss)                               754,976,344         10,084,629        220,229,600         (64,601)     (179,233,166)      (1,766,282)     804,226,524

        Total assets                                   9,002,421,342     2,594,860,320       4,476,309,055        135,161     1,073,089,752                      17,146,815,630

        Total liabilities                              1,789,702,282      566,783,261         519,338,730        2,502,814    6,139,297,524                  -   9,017,624,611

        Increase in non-current assets (i)              368,179,542      1,539,319,460        652,019,325                 -       4,578,555                  -   2,564,096,882

                                                                                                       - 178 -
          CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

          (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
          [English translation for reference only]

7     Segment information (Cont’d)

          The Group’s revenue from external customers domestically and in foreign countries or geographical areas, and the
          total non-current assets other than financial assets and deferred tax assets located domestically and in foreign
          countries or geographical areas are as follows:

          Revenue from external customers                                                   2017                         2016

          Mainland                                                                9,506,249,433                  7,971,929,246
          Hong Kong, PRC                                                            434,551,436                   135,128,604

          Europe                                                                     26,534,686                    25,914,385
          Asia (other than Mainland and Hong Kong)                                  848,958,711                   614,806,258

          Australia                                                                  37,937,222                    37,437,349

          North America                                                               6,030,936                   134,941,952

          Other regions                                                              19,138,322                    53,925,613
                                                                                 10,879,400,746                  8,974,083,407

          Total non-current assets                                           31 December 2017            31 December 2016

          Mainland                                                               14,505,740,522                 14,392,447,014

          Hong Kong, PRC                                                             12,798,642                    12,551,254
                                                                                 14,518,539,164                 14,404,998,268

          No revenue from a single customer exceeded 10% or more of the Group’s revenue.

8     Related parties and related party transactions

(1)       Information of the parent company

          The Company regards no entity as the parent company.

(2)       The subsidiaries

          The general information and other related information of the subsidiaries are set out in Note 6(1).

(3)       The associates

          Shenzhen CSG Display company is a joint venture of the Company, and it became a subsidiary of our company on
          June 3, 2016. Prior to June 3, 2016, the related transaction between Shenzhen CSG Display company and the
          Group is noted, as indicated in note 8 (5).

          On December 31, 2017, the Company has no joint venture.

                                                                 - 179 -
           CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

           FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2017
           (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
           [English translation for reference only]

8     Related parties and related party transactions (Cont’d)

(4)        Other related parties information

                                                                                                    Relationship with the Group

          Shenzhen Jushenghua Co., Ltd. (“Jushenghua”)                        Persons acting in concert with the first majority
                                                                                                       shareholder of the Group

          Shenzhen Qianhai Ruinan Investment LLP                        Controlled by the former key management personnel of
                                                                                                                        the Croup

          Yichang Hongtai Real Estate Co. Ltd                                            Other related parties and their affiliates

(5)        Related party transactions

(a) Purchase and sales of goods, provision and receiving of labour

                                                        Related party
           Related parties                               transactions         Pricing policies             2017              2016

           Shenzhen CSG Display                Purchase of materials    Refer to market price                 -          608,722
           Shenzhen CSG Display                       Sales of goods    Refer to market price                 -        1,500,899
           Xianning CSG Photoelectric          Sales of special glass   Refer to market price                 -        2,349,353
                                                                                                              -        4,458,974

(b) Leases

           The Group as the lessor:

                                                                                         Lease income              Lease income
                                                                                          recognised in             recognised in
           Name of the lessee                         Category of the leased asset                2017                      2016

           Shenzhen CSG Display                   Equipment under finance leases                       -              2,359,961
                                                                                                       -              2,359,961

(c) Gains on equity transfer

(d) Acquisition of equity

                                                  Related party
           Related parties                         transactions     Pricing principle             2017                       2016

           Shenzhen          Qianhai           Acquire 37.5% of   Refer to fair value                  -              38,250,000

                                                                   - 180 -

(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]
 Ruinan      Investment             Xianning CSG            of the equity
 LLP                          Photoelectric’s equity

                                                        - 181 -
           CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

           FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2017
           (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
           [English translation for reference only]

8     Related parties and related party transactions (Cont’d)

(5)        Related party transactions

(e) Advances paid on behalf of related parties

                                             Related party
           Related parties                    transactions           Pricing policies                2017                        2016

           Shenzhen           CSG Advances of electric               Refer to market
            Display                           charge                           price                     -                  8,168,076

(f) Remuneration of key management

                                                                                                     2017                       2016

           Remuneration                                                                         12,030,000             10,914,002

(6)        Receivables from related parties

                                                               December 31, 2017                       December 31, 2016

                                                                           Bad           debt                        Bad            debt
                                                       Book balance             preparation       Book balance             preparation

          Other            Yichang Hongtai Real
          receivables      Estate Company             171,000,000            (3,420,000)          171,000,000          (3,420,000)

(7)        Commitments in relation to related parties

           The commitments in relation to related parties contracted for but not yet necessary to be recognised on the
           balance sheet by the Group as at the balance sheet date are as follows:

                                                  Related party       Restrictive terms on
           Related parties                         transactions                 borrowings                   2017                    2016

           Shenzhen Jushenghua           Facility of interest-free
            Co.,             Ltd.        loans provided for the
            (“Jushenghua”)                            Company                         Nil          2,000,000,000          2,000,000,000

           On 22 November 2016, the Company received a letter from its shareholder, Jushenghua, stating that to support the
           Group’s steady operation and development, Jushenghua, as the shareholder of the Company, would like to offer
           interest-free borrowings with the total amount of RMB2 billion to the Company or through related parties
           designated by it. For any borrowing drawn, its repayment date is negotiated by the Company and Jushenghua
           upon withdrawal. When a borrowing is due, if an extension is needed, the Company can apply to the actual lender
           based on the Company’s operation; where the actual lender agrees with the extension application, the term of the
           borrowing is extended accordingly. The shareholder provided RMB 1 billion 610 million interest free loan to the
           group in the current year, which has been returned to all in December 31, 2017.

                                                                      - 182 -

    (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
    [English translation for reference only]

9   Share Payment
    1. Overall situation of share payment
    The total number of equity instruments granted by                                            97,511,654 shares
    the company in the current period Restricted shares
    Total amount of various equity instruments that the                                                             -
    company exercises during the current period

    The total number of various equity instruments that                                                             -
    have failed in the current period

    The scope of the company’s outstanding share                                                                   -
    options and the remaining duration of the contract at
    the end of the period

    The scope of the company's exercise of other equity                                                             -
    instruments at the end of the period and the
    remaining duration of the contract

    Note: On December 11, 2017, reviewed and approved by the Group's eighth session of the Board of Directors, the
    Group implemented the 2017 A Share Restricted Stock Incentive Plan. The incentive targets for the restricted
    shares granted under this plan include company directors and senior management personnel. A total of 454 core
    management teams, company technology members and main employees. The first grant date of this restricted
    stock was December 11, 2017. The company granted 97,511,654 restricted shares for the first time to 454
    incentive targets. The initial grant price was 4.28RMB per share. Reserved restricted stock ending balance
    17,046,869 shares, the grant price has not been determined. The shares granted of the first time has been
    registered and listed.

    This incentive plan is valid for 48 months from the date of grant of the restricted stock to the date of unlocking of all
    restricted stocks or the completion of repurchase and cancellation. During the unlocking/exercise period, if the
    unlocking/exercise condition specified in the incentive plan is reached, the restricted stock granted is unlocked in
    three phases after 12 months from the grant date.

    The unlock period is shown in the following table:
    Unlock Schedule             Unlock Time                                                 Unlock Ratio

    First unlock                from the date of the first transaction 12 months after                   40%
                                the award date to the date of the last transaction within
                                24 months from the grant date.
    Second unlock               from the date of the first trading day 24 months after                   30%
                                the grant date to the date of the last trading day within
                                36 months from the grant date
    Third unlock                from the date of the first trading day 36 months after                   30%
                                the grant date to the day of the last trading day within
                                48 months from the grant date

9   Share Payment (Cont’d)

                                                            - 183 -

      (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
      [English translation for reference only]
      2. Equity-settled share payment
      Method for Determining the Fair Value of Equity       Black-Scholes Model
      Instruments on the Grant Date
      Determination of the best estimate of the number      Based on the latest information on the change in
      of vesting equity instruments                         the number of exercisable rights and the
                                                            completion of performance indicators, the
                                                            number of equity instruments that are expected to
                                                            be exercised is revised.
      Reasons for significant differences between                             Not applicable
      current estimates and previous estimates
      Cumulative amount of equity-settled share-based
      payment in capital reserves                                               8,194,695
      Total equity confirmed by equity-settled                                  8,194,695
      share-based payment in this period

      According to the relevant provisions of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 11 - Share Payment
      and Enterprise Accounting Standard No. 22 - Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments, the Group
      uses the Black-Scholes model (BS model) as a pricing model, deducting incentive objects. The fair value of the
      restricted stock will be used after the lock-in costs that are required to obtain the rational expected return from the
      sales restriction period are lifted in the future. The Group will, on each balance sheet date of the lock-in period,
      revise the number of restricted stocks that are expected to be unlockable based on the newly obtained changes in
      the number of unlockable persons and performance indicators, and follow the fair value of the restricted stock grant
      date. The services obtained during the current period are included in the relevant costs or expenses and capital

      The Group actually granted restricted stocks of 97,511,654 shares in 2017, and the total fair value of the equity
      instruments granted to the incentive target for the first day of grant was RMB 289,519,900, the total fair value as
      the total cost of the company's equity incentive plan will be confirmed in stages according to the unlocking/exercise
      ratio during the implementation of the equity incentive plan, and will be included in the “management fees” and
      “capital” of each period accordingly.

      In 2017, the Group achieved conditions for unlocking restricted stocks. In the current period, the relevant cost
      sharing amount of the incentive plan was recognized as RMB 8,194,695.

10     Contingencies

11     Commitments

(1)   Capital commitments

      Capital expenditures contracted for by the Group at the balance sheet date but are not yet necessary to be
      recognized on the balance sheet are as follows:

                                                                          31 December 2017             31 December 2016

      Buildings, machinery and equipment                                         150,418,893                  280,938,401

11    Commitments (Cont’d)

(2)   Operating lease commitments

      The future minimum lease payments due under the signed irrevocable operating leases contracts are summarized

                                                              - 184 -
         CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

         (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
         [English translation for reference only]
         as follows:

                                                                              31 December 2017              31 December 2016

         Within 1 year                                                                 3,675,748                      1,142,713
         1 to 2 years                                                                  1,914,948                        831,008
         2 to 3 years                                                                  1,472,224                        273,320
         Over 3 years                                                                  3,443,641                        282,534
                                                                                      10,506,561                      2,529,575

12 Events after the balance sheet date

         Statement of profit distribution after balance sheet date


         Proposed distribution of cash dividends                                                                    124,207,377

         Pursuant to the resolution of the board of directors dated April 20, 2018, the board of directors proposed that the
         company distribute cash dividends of RMB 124,207,377 to all shareholders, which has not yet been recognized as a
         liability in the financial statements. In addition, the board of directors proposes to use the capital of 2,484,147,547 as
         the base to transfer 1.5 shares for every 10 shares to all shareholders in a total of 372,622,132 shares, which has
         not yet been reclassified as capital in the financial statements.

13 Financial instrument and risk

         The Group's activities expose it to a variety of financial risks: market risk (primarily foreign exchange risk and interest
         rate risk), credit risk and liquidity risk. The Group's overall risk management program focuses on the unpredictability
         of financial markets and seeks to minimize potential adverse effects on the Group's financial performance.

(1) Market risk

(a) Foreign exchange risk

         The Group’s major operational activities are carried out in Mainland China and a majority of the transactions are
         denominated in RMB. Some export business, however, is denominated in foreign currencies. In addition, the
         Group is exposed to foreign exchange risk arising from the recognized assets and liabilities, and future
         transactions denominated in foreign currencies, primarily with respect to US dollars and Hong Kong dollar. The
         Group monitors the scale of foreign currency transactions, foreign currency assets and liabilities, and adjust
         settlement currency of export business, to furthest reduce the currency risk.
         As at 31 December 2017, book values in RMB equivalent of the Group’s assets and liabilities denominated in
         foreign currencies are summarized below:

13 Financial instrument and risk (Cont’d)

(1) Market risk (Cont'd)

                                                                        31 December 2017
                                                        USD                 HKD               Others                Total

                                                                  - 185 -

(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]
Financial assets denominated
  in foreign currency -
  Cash at bank and on hand              74,120,750          6,114,383          112,007         80,347,140
  Receivables                          127,354,518          9,654,366        7,387,101       144,395,985
                                       201,475,268         15,768,749        7,499,108       224,743,125
Financial liabilities denominated
  in foreign currency -
  Short-term borrowings                             -      62,692,500                 -        62,692,500
  Payables                             104,040,185                257       36,939,407       140,979,849
                                       104,040,185         62,692,757       36,939,407       203,672,349

                                                              31 December 2016
                                               USD                HKD            Others             Total

Financial assets denominated
  in foreign currency -
  Cash at bank and on hand              24,360,614          5,551,402          840,393         30,752,409
  Receivables                          105,742,398                  -        6,917,969       112,660,367
                                       130,103,012          5,551,402        7,758,362       143,412,776
Financial liabilities denominated
  in foreign currency -
  Short-term borrowings                             -      67,087,500                 -        67,087,500
  Payables                              74,140,797                275       24,217,998         98,359,070
                                        74,140,797         67,087,775       24,217,998       165,446,570

As at 31 December 2017, if the currency had strengthened/weakened by 10% against the USD while all other
variables had been held constant, the Group’s net profit for the year would have been approximately
RMB8,281,982 lower/higher (31 December 2016: approximately RMB4,756,788 lower/higher) for various financial
assets and liabilities denominated in USD.

As at 31 December 2017, if the currency had strengthened/weakened by 10% against the HKD while all other
variables had been held constant, the Group’s net profit for the year would have been approximately
RMB3,988,541 higher/lower (31 December 2016: approximately RMB5,230,592higher/lower ) for various financial
assets and liabilities denominated in HKD.

Other changes in exchange rate had no significant influence on the Group's operating activities.

                                                        - 186 -
         CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

         (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
         [English translation for reference only]

13 Financial instrument and risk (Cont’d)

(1) Market risk (Cont'd)

(b)      interest rate risk
         The Group's interest rate risk arises from long-term interest bearing debts including long-term borrowings and
         bonds payable. Financial liabilities issued at floating rates expose the Group to cash flow interest rate risk.
         Financial liabilities issued at fixed rates expose the Group to fair value interest rate risk. The Group determines the
         relative proportions of its fixed rate and floating rate contracts depending on the prevailing market conditions. As at
         31 December 2017, the Group’s long-term interest-bearing debts at and fixed rates and floating rates are illustrated

                                                                              31 December 2017             31 December 2016

         Debt at fixed rates                                                     1,425,000,000                1,380,000,000
         Debt at floating rates                                                    129,120,000                   58,660,000
                                                                                 1,554,120,000                1,438,660,000

         The Group continuously monitors the interest rate position of the Group. Increases in interest rates will increase
         the cost of new borrowing and the interest expenses with respect to the Group’s outstanding floating rate
         borrowings, and therefore could have a material adverse effect on the Group’s financial position. The Group makes
         adjustments timely with reference to the latest market conditions, which includes increasing/decreasing long-term
         fixed rate debts at the anticipation of increasing/decreasing interest rate.

(2)      Credit risk

         Credit risk is managed on the grouping basis. Credit risk mainly arises from cash at bank, notes receivable,
         accounts receivable, other receivables.

         The Group expects that there is no significant credit risk associated with cash at bank since they are mainly
         deposited at state-owned banks and other medium or large size listed banks. Management does not expect that
         there will be any significant losses from non-performance by these counterparties. Furthermore, as the Group’s
         bank acceptance notes receivable are generally accepted by the state-owned banks and other large and medium
         listed banks, management believes the credit risk should be limited.

         In addition, the Group has policies to limit the credit exposure on accounts receivable, other receivables and trade
         acceptance notes receivable. The Group assesses the credit quality of and sets credit limits on its customers by
         taking into account their financial position, the availability of guarantee from third parties, their credit history and
         other factors such as current market conditions. The credit history of the customers is regularly monitored by the
         Group. In respect of customers with a poor credit history, the Group will use written payment reminders, or shorten
         or cancel credit periods, to ensure the overall credit risk of the Group is limited to a controllable extent.

                                                                 - 187 -
        CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

        (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
        [English translation for reference only]

13 Financial instrument and risk (Cont’d)

(3)     Liquidity risk

        Cash flow forecasting is performed by each subsidiary of the Group and aggregated by the Group’s finance
        department in its headquarters. The Group’s finance department at its headquarters monitors rolling forecasts of
        the Group's short-term and long-term liquidity requirements to ensure it has sufficient cash reserve, while
        maintaining sufficient headroom on its undrawn committed borrowing facilities from major financial institutions so
        that the Group does not breach borrowing limits or covenants on any of its borrowing facilities to meet the
        short-term and long-term liquidity requirements.

        As stated in Note 2(1) above, as at 31 December 2017, the Group had net current liabilities of approximately
        RMB2.52 billion and committed capital expenditures of approximately RMB0.15 billion. Management will
        implement the following measures to ensure the liquidation risk limited to a controllable extent:

        (a)       The Group will have steady cash inflows from operating activities;
        (b)       The Group will pay the debts that mature and finance the construction projects through the existing bank
        (c)       The Group will closely monitoring the payment of construction expenditure in terms of payment time and

        The financial liabilities of the Group at the balance sheet date are analyzed by their maturity date below at their
        undiscounted contractual cash flows:
                                                                              31 December 2017

                                         Within 1 year        1 to 2 years        2 to 5years    Over 5 years            Total

        Short-term borrowings            3,810,013,826                   -                  -                -   3,810,013,826

        Notes payable                      213,401,622                   -                  -                -     213,401,622

        Accounts payable                 1,400,166,042                   -                  -                -   1,400,166,042

        Interest payable                    34,032,740                   -                  -                -      34,032,740

        Other payables                     619,324,354                   -                  -                -    619,324,354

        Other current liabilities              300,000                   -                  -                -        300,000

        Current        portion      of
                                           911,348,902                                                             911,348,902
        non-Current liabilities                                          -                  -                -

        Long-term payables                                -    600,436,759        561,357,488                -   1,161,794,247

        Long-term borrowings                80,169,450         117,889,436       1,580,649,809               -   1,778,708,695

                                         7,068,756,936         718,326,195       2,142,007,297               -   9,929,090,428

                                                                              31 December 2016
                                          Within 1 year        1 to 2 years       2 to 5 years    Over 5 years           Total

        Short-term borrowings            4,043,966,809                    -                  -               -   4,043,966,809
        Notes payable                      20,000,000                     -                  -               -     20,000,000
        Accounts payable                 1,169,869,370                    -                  -               -   1,169,869,370
        Interest payable                   78,225,904                     -                  -               -     78,225,904
        Other payables                    188,321,450                     -                  -               -    188,321,450

                                                                    - 188 -

(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]
Other current liabilities             300,000                 -                -   -        300,000
Current portion of non-current
 liabilities                     1,068,336,787                -                -   -   1,068,336,787
Long-term borrowings               73,188,850       290,439,172    1,287,871,345   -   1,651,499,367
                                 6,642,209,170      290,439,172    1,287,871,345   -   8,220,519,687

                                                         - 189 -
         CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

         (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
         [English translation for reference only]

14 Fair value estimates

         Based on the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement in its entirety, the fair value
         hierarchy has the following levels:

         Level 1: Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities.

         Level 2: Inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either
         directly or indirectly.

         Level 3: Unobservable inputs for the asset or liability.

(a) Financial instruments measured at fair value

         As of 31 December 2017, the group has no assets measured at fair value.

(b) Financial instruments not measured but disclosed at fair value

         The group’s financial assets and financial liabilities measured at amortized cost mainly include: accounts
         receivable, short-term borrowings, accounts payable, long term borrowings, bonds payable , long-term payables,

         Except for financial liabilities listed below, book value of the other financial assets and liabilities not measured at
         fair value is a reasonable approximation of their fair value.

                                                             31 December 2017                         31 December 2016
                                             Carrying amount                  Fair value   Carrying amount          Fair value
         Financial liabilities
             Corporate bonds payable                            -                      -    1,000,000,000      1,009,177,000
             Medium term notes                  1,200,000,000          1,171,444,800        1,200,000,000      1,175,308,800
                                                1,200,000,000          1,171,444,800        2,200,000,000      2,184,485,800

         The fair values of payables and medium-term notes are the present value of the contractually determined stream of
         future cash flows at the rate of interest applied at that time by the market to instruments of comparable credit status
         and providing substantially the same cash flows on the same terms, thereinto bonds payable belongs to Level 1
         and medium term notes belong to Level 2.

15 Capital management

         The Group’s capital management policies aim to safeguard the Group’s ability to continue as a going concern in
         order to provide returns for shareholders and benefits for other stakeholders, and to maintain an optimal capital
         structure to reduce the cost of capital.

         In order to maintain or adjust the capital structure, the Group may adjust the amount of dividends paid to
         shareholders, refund capital to shareholders, issue new shares or sell assets to reduce debts.

         The Group is not subject to external mandatory capital requirements, and monitors capital on the basis of gearing

         As at 31 December 2017 and 31 December 2016, the Group's gearing ratio is as follows:

                                                                    - 190 -
        CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

        (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
        [English translation for reference only]

                                                                                       31 December 2017               31 December 2016

        Total liabilities                                                                 10,755,379,257                   9,017,624,611
        Total assets                                                                      19,535,002,368                 17,146,815,630
        Gearing ratio                                                                                55%                               53%

16 Notes to the Company’s financial statements

  (1)     Other receivables

                                                                                       31 December 2017               31 December 2016

        Receivables from related parties                                                   2,399,392,648                  4,033,706,419
        Others                                                                                4,451,192                            423,416

                                                                                          2,403,843,840                   4,034,129,835
        Less: Provision for bad debts                                                        (3,509,024)                      (3,428,806)

                                                                                          2,400,334,816                   4,030,701,029

(a)     The ageing of other receivables is analysed as follows:

                                                                                       31 December 2017               31 December 2016
        Within 1 year                                                                     2,232,668,334                   3,863,129,835
        Over 1year                                                                          171,175,506                     171,000,000
                                                                                          2,403,843,840                   4,034,129,835

        As at 31 December 2017, the Company had no overdue but not impaired other receivables (31
        December 2016: Nil).

(b)     Other receivables are analysed by categories as follows:

                                                 31 December 2017                                        31 December 2016
                                                                  Provision for bad
                                        Carrying amount                debts                 Carrying amount           Provision for bad debts
                                                     % of total   Provision for                          % of total        Provision for
                                          Amount      balance       bad debts     %           Amount      balance            bad debts      %

        Provision for bad debts by

          - Group 1                      4,451,192            -       (89,024)    2%           423,416            -              (8,806)   2%

                                                                     - 191 -
        CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

        (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
        [English translation for reference only]

          - Group 2                  2,399,392,648          100%       (3,420,000)         -      4,033,706,419       100%           (3,420,000)         -

                                     2,403,843,840          100%       (3,509,024)         -      4,034,129,835       100%           (3,428,806)         -

(c) or other receivables provided for bad debts by portfolio, the percentage of provision for the portfolio is as

                                           31 December 2017                                                 31 December 2016
                                Carrying amount        Provision for bad debts                  Carrying amount        Provision for bad debts
                                         Amount           Amount                %                        Amount               Amount                %

        Portfolio 1                     4,451,192           (89,024)           2%                         423,416                (8,806)           2%

        Portfolio 2                  2,399,392,648       (3,420,000)                 -              4,033,706,419            (3,420,000)             -

                                     2,403,843,840       (3,509,024)              -                 4,034,129,835            (3,428,806)             -

16      Notes to the Company’s financial statements (Cont’d)

(1)     Other receivables (Cont'd)
        As at 31 December 2017, the Group’s top five entities with the largest other receivables balances are
        summarised as below:

                                                       Relationship                                                                       % of
                                                     with the Group                             Amount                    Ageing total balance

        Yichang CSG Silicon                             Subsidiary                1,265,446,303                     Within 1 year                  53%
        Qingyuan CSG Energy-Saving                      Subsidiary                       315,175,452                Within 1 year                  13%
        Yichang CSG Display                             Subsidiary                       217,350,199                Within 1 year                  9%
        Yichang       Hongtai         Real related parties and
        Estate Co. Ltd                           their affiliates                        171,000,000                 Over 1 year                   7%
        Xianning      CSG    photoelectric
        glass                                           Subsidiary                       120,520,736                Within 1 year                  5%
                                                                                  2,089,492,690                                                    87%

 (2)         Long-term equity investments

                                                                                               31 December 2017              31 December 2016

        Subsidiaries (a)                                                                          4,810,987,652                     4,805,440,632
        Less: Impairment provision for investments in subsidiaries (a)                               (15,000,000)                     (15,000,000)
                                                                                                  4,795,987,652                     4,790,440,632

                                                                        - 192 -

      (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
      [English translation for reference only]

16    Notes to the Company’s financial statements (Cont’d)

(2)   Long-term equity investments (Cont’d)

(a)   Subsidiaries

                                                                  Movement      in current               year
                                                                                                 Provision for                    Provision for   Cash dividends
                                               31 December        Additional   Decrease in        impairment     31 December       impairment        declared in
                                                      2016       investment     investment               loss           2017              loss      current year
                                                           (i)                                                              (i)
      Chengdu CSG                                 146,679,073       298,274              -                   -    146,977,347                 -       29,098,516
      Sichuan CSG Energy Conservation             115,290,583       256,131              -                   -     115,546,714                -       36,798,924
      Tianjin Energy Conservation                 242,902,974       288,454              -                   -    243,191,428                 -
      Dongguan CSG                                193,618,971       297,078              -                   -    193,916,049                 -
      Dongguan CSG Solar                          349,446,826       354,328              -                   -    349,801,154                 -      109,684,420
      Yichang CSG Silicon                         632,958,044       506,124              -                   -    633,464,168                 -
      Wujiang CSG                                 251,313,658       202,531              -                   -    251,516,189                 -       35,752,200
      Hebei CSG                                   261,998,368       266,973              -                   -    262,265,341                 -
      China Southern Glass (Hong Kong)
       Limited                                     85,742,211        60,391              -                   -     85,802,602                 -
      Wujiang CSG                                 562,179,564       348,190              -                   -    562,527,754                 -      175,598,720
      Hebei Shichuang                             243,062,801       208,669              -                   -    243,271,470                 -
      Jiangyou CSG Mining Development
        Co. Ltd.                                  100,725,041       112,558              -                   -    100,837,599                 -
      Xianning CSG                                177,041,818       253,676              -                   -    177,295,494                 -       47,124,545
      Xianning CSG Energy-Saving                  161,281,576       262,268              -                   -    161,543,844                 -
      Qingyuan CSG Energy-Saving                  300,185,609       191,239              -                   -    300,376,848                 -

                                                                                       - 193 -

(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]
Shenzhen CSG Financial Leasing
 Co., Ltd.                                  133,500,000                 -       -    133,500,000               -
Shenzhen CSG PV Energy Co., Ltd.            100,000,000     52,985      -       -    100,052,985               -
Shenzhen CSG Display                        542,027,830    664,058      -       -    542,691,888               -     2,011,500
Xianning CSG Photoelectric                   38,250,000    220,534      -       -     38,470,534               -

Others (ii)                                 167,235,685    702,559      -       -    167,938,244    (15,000,000)

                                          4,805,440,632   5,547,020     -       -   4,810,987,652   (15,000,000)   436,068,825

                                                                      - 194 -

      (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
      [English translation for reference only]

16    Notes to the Company’s financial statements (Cont’d)

(2)   Long-term equity investments (Cont’d)

(a)   Subsidiaries (Cont'd)

      (i)        As at 31 December 2017, included in the investments in subsidiaries were deemed investment costs of
                 RMB 114,582,341 (31 December 2016: RMB 109,035,321), the fair value of the equity instruments of the
                 Company granted to the employee of the subsidiaries for their serviced provided to the subsidiaries for
                 which the Company did not charge the subsidiaries.

      (ii)       The operations of the subsidiaries against which provision was made were basically ceased. The Company
                 made provision against the long-term investment in these subsidiaries based on their recoverable amounts
                 in previous years.

(3)          Long-term receivables

                                                                          31 December 2017           31 December 2016

      Bonds payable and long-term borrowings allocated to
        subsidiaries                                                          1,200,000,000              1,905,645,000
      Entrusted loans allocated to subsidiaries                                                             98,000,000
                                                                              1,200,000,000              2,003,645,000
      Less: Provisions for impairment                                                                                  -
                                                                              1,200,000,000              2,003,645,000

                                                              - 195 –
         CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

         (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
         [English translation for reference only]

16       Notes to the Company’s financial statements (Cont’d)

(3) Long-term receivables (Cont’d)

                                                                                                                     Reversals of
                                                                                                Provision for         provision for
                                              31 December    Movements in      31 December       impairment     impairment loss in
                                                     2016     current year            2017              loss          current year

         Chengdu CSG                           190,000,000   (140,000,000)       50,000,000                 -                     -
         Sichuan CSG Energy Conservation       114,665,000    (94,665,000)       20,000,000                 -                     -
         Dongguan CSG PV-tech                  160,105,000   (110,105,000)       50,000,000                 -                     -
         Yichang CSG Silicon                   472,480,000   (122,480,000)      350,000,000                 -                     -
         Dongguan CSG                           99,835,000    (24,835,000)       75,000,000                 -                     -
         Wujiang CSG                           310,000,000   (100,000,000)      210,000,000                 -                     -
         Dongguan CSG Solar                    193,780,000    (73,780,000)      120,000,000                 -                     -
         Wujiang CSG                            69,890,000    (19,890,000)       50,000,000                 -                     -
         Qingyuan CSG Energy-Saving            148,000,000    (98,000,000)       50,000,000                 -                     -
         Xianning CSG Energy-Saving             80,000,000                -      80,000,000                 -                     -
         Xianning CSG                           75,000,000                -      75,000,000                 -                     -
         Hebei CSG Class                        69,890,000    (19,890,000)       50,000,000
         Hebei CSG Window                       20,000,000                -      20,000,000                 -                     -
                                             2,003,645,000   (803,645,000)    1,200,000,000                 -                     -

(4)             Other payables

                                                                              31 December 2017              31 December 2016

         Subsidiaries                                                              477,067,694                     233,414,167
         Share repurchase                                                          417,349,879                                   -
         Others                                                                      15,015,418                       7,179,727
                                                                                   909,432,991                     240,593,894

(5)      Investment income

                                                                                              2017                          2016

         Investment income from long-term equity investment under
           cost method                                                             436,068,825                     395,236,932
         Investment income from long-term equity investment under
           equity method                                                                         -                   29,186,090
         Losses from disposal of financial liabilities at fair value
           through profit or loss                                                                -                (238,350,256)
                                                                                   436,068,825                     186,072,766

         There is no significant restriction on the remittance of investment income to the Company.

                                                                - 196 -
          CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

          (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
          [English translation for reference only]

I     Statement of non-recurring gains and losses

                                                                                              2017                        2016

          Gains or losses on disposal of non-current assets                               1,768,993                  1,759,358
          Government grants recognised in profit or loss for current
            period                                                                      (87,875,417)               (91,627,439)
          Gain or loss from change in fair value                                                   -            (228,500,000)
          Investment losses from disposal of financial liabilities at fair
             value through profit or loss                                                 (427,636)                238,350,256
          Losses from revaluation of stock rights under business
            combinations involving enterprises not under common
            control                                                                                -                45,909,181
          Non-operating income and expenses other than aforesaid
            items                                                                       (12,076,848)                (1,306,284)
                                                                                        (98,610,908)               (35,414,928)
          Effect of income tax                                                           16,209,135                14,327,585
          Effect of minority interests (after tax)                                        2,386,569                   316,740
          Total non-recurring gains and losses                                          (80,015,204)               (20,770,603)

(1)       Basis for preparation of statement of non-recurring gains and losses

          Under the requirements in Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure by Companies Offering
          Securities to the Public – Non-recurring Profit or Loss [2008] from CSRC, non-recurring profit or loss refer to those
          arises from transactions and events that are not directly relevant to ordinary activities, or that are relevant to
          ordinary activities, but are extraordinary and not expected to recur frequently that would have an influence on users
          of financial statements making economic decisions on the financial performance and profitability of an enterprise.

II        Return on net assets and earnings per share

                                                                                           Earnings per share
                                                Weighted average return                                Diluted earnings per
                                                  on net assets (%)     Basic earnings per share              share
                                                       2017       2016         2017            2016        2017          2016

          Net profit attributable to ordinary
            shareholders of the Company              10.15%    10.33%            0.35          0.33         0.35          0.33
          Net profit attributable to ordinary
           shareholders of the Company
           after deducting non-recurring
           gains and losses                          9.16%     10.06%            0.31          0.33         0.31          0.33

                                                                 - 197 –

(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]

(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]
                                                    31 December 2017     31 December 2016    31 December 2017   31 December 2016
                 ASSETS                  Note            Consolidated         Consolidated          Company             Company
                                                                                 (Restated                              (Restated
Current assets
  Cash at bank and on hand                4(1)         2,462,605,764          586,803,505       1,681,877,320        302,841,481
  Notes receivable                        4(2)           552,232,420          456,347,237                   -                   -
  Accounts receivable                     4(3)           638,238,290          627,985,983                   -                   -
  Advances to suppliers                   4(4)           143,848,023           95,733,132             146,132             16,880
  Other receivables                    4(5)/16(1)        205,939,019          200,809,149       2,400,334,816      4,030,701,029
  Inventories                             4(6)           685,895,317          477,780,925                   -                   -
  Assets classified as held for sale      4(7)            45,983,520                     -                  -                   -
  Other current assets                    4(8)           200,847,989          199,905,577                   -                   -

Total current assets                                   4,935,590,342        2,645,365,508       4,082,358,268      4,333,559,390

Non-current assets
  Long-term receivables                  16(3)                      -                    -      1,200,000,000      2,003,645,000
  Long-term equity investments           16(2)                      -                    -      4,795,987,652      4,790,440,632
  Fixed assets                            4(9)         11,540,769,697       11,457,972,991         22,182,246         26,073,848
  Construction in progress               4(10)         1,417,624,618        1,362,096,377                   -                   -
  Intangible assets                      4(11)         1,047,222,407        1,032,458,977           1,742,109          1,393,454
  Development expenditure                4(11)            61,365,537           66,927,714                   -                   -
  Goodwill                               4(12)           397,392,156          397,392,156                   -                   -
  Long-term prepaid expenses                               2,223,397              975,660                   -                   -
  Deferred tax assets                    4(13)            80,872,862           96,451,854                   -                   -
  Other non-current assets               4(14)            51,941,352           87,174,393           2,132,041                   -

Total non-current assets                              14,599,412,026       14,501,450,122       6,022,044,048      6,821,552,934

TOTAL ASSETS                                          19,535,002,368       17,146,815,630      10,104,402,316      11,155,112,324


(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]

(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]

                                                          31 December 2017    31 December 2016    31 December 2017    31 December 2016

   LIABILITIES AND OWNERS' EQUITY                Note         Consolidated        Consolidated            Company             Company
                                                                                      (Restated                               (Restated

Current liabilities

  Short-term borrowings                          4(16)       3,704,630,909       4,017,869,662       2,600,000,000       3,495,163,044

  Notes payable                                  4(17)         213,401,622          20,000,000                    -                   -

  Accounts payable                               4(18)       1,400,166,042       1,169,869,370             261,024             317,874

  Advances from customers                        4(19)         195,563,465         142,330,979                    -                   -

  Employee benefits payable                      4(20)         272,170,660         193,372,239          40,856,313          18,380,010

  Taxes payable                                  4(21)         111,996,764         115,592,616           1,762,580           1,804,568

  Interest payable                               4(22)          34,032,740          78,225,904           3,090,735           3,794,646
  Other payables                                 /16(4)        619,324,354         188,321,450         909,432,991         240,593,894

  Current portion of non-current liabilities     4(24)         904,261,397       1,029,340,000         180,000,000       1,000,000,000

  Other current liabilities                                        300,000             300,000                    -                   -

Total current liabilities                                    7,455,847,953       6,955,222,220       3,735,403,643       4,760,054,036

Non-current liabilities

  Long-term borrowings                           4(25)       1,554,120,000       1,438,660,000       1,200,000,000       1,380,000,000

  Bonds payable                                  4(26)       1,161,794,247                    -                   -                   -

  Deferred tax liabilities                       4(13)          20,915,954          29,749,137                    -                   -

  Deferred income                                4(27)         562,701,103         593,993,254         186,526,280         183,035,040

Total non-current liabilities                                3,299,531,304       2,062,402,391       1,386,526,280       1,563,035,040

Total liabilities                                           10,755,379,257        9,017,624,611      5,121,929,923       6,323,089,076

Shareholders’ equity

  Share capital                                  4(28)       2,484,147,547       2,075,335,560       2,484,147,547       2,075,335,560

  Capital surplus                                4(29)       1,306,381,765       1,260,702,197       1,451,209,079        1,405,529,511

  Less:Treasury shares                           4(30)        (417,349,879)                   -       (417,349,879)                   -

  Other comprehensive income                     4(31)           1,948,943           4,653,971                    -                   -

  Special reserve                                4(32)           3,224,938           5,843,473                    -                   -

  Surplus reserve                                4(33)         920,592,332         888,508,230         935,137,692         903,053,590

  Undistributed profits                          4(34)       4,159,642,227       3,573,871,573         529,327,954         448,104,587
  Total equity attributable to shareholders
of parent company                                            8,458,587,873       7,808,915,004       4,982,472,393       4,832,023,248

  Minority interests                                           321,035,238         320,276,015                    -                   -

Total shareholders' equity                                    8,779,623,111      8,129,191,019       4,982,472,393       4,832,023,248

TOTAL      LIABILITIES                     AND
SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY                                       19,535,002,368      17,146,815,630      10,104,402,316       11,155,112,324


(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]
The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Legal representative:                               Principal in charge of accounting:                         Head of accounting

(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]

                                                                       2017              2016            2017              2016
                       Item                         Note       Consolidated      Consolidated       Company            Company

Revenue                                             4(35)    10,879,400,746     8,974,083,407      58,687,566        22,581,872

Less: Cost of sales                                 4(35)    (8,216,358,372)   (6,562,214,373)                 -        (60,337)
        Taxes and surcharges                        4(36)     (124,523,926)     (103,159,546)      (4,942,397)          (92,575)
        Selling and distribution expenses           4(37)     (336,131,723)     (301,815,090)                  -               -

        General and administrative expenses         4(38)     (919,329,772)     (766,589,059)    (117,294,601)     (122,708,284)
        Financial expenses - net                    4(39)     (315,961,080)     (265,820,569)     (42,124,252)      (20,405,532)
        Asset impairment loss                       4(41)      (69,399,755)      (58,862,764)         (80,219)        1,767,753

Add:   Gain or loss from changes in fair value      4(42)                  -      228,500,000                  -    228,500,000
        Investment income/(loss)                    /16(5)          427,636     (279,187,752)     436,068,825       186,072,766
    Income on disposal assets                       4(44)        (1,768,993)       (1,759,358)                 -          3,210
        Other Income                                4(45)        84,341,814                  -      1,568,240                  -

Operating profit                                                980,696,575       863,174,896     331,883,162       295,658,873
Add: Non-operating revenue                          4(46)        20,763,042        98,078,639          40,000         1,574,277
Less: Non-operating expenses                        4(47)        (5,152,591)       (5,144,916)     (3,426,562)                 -

Total profit                                                    996,307,026       956,108,619     328,496,600       297,233,150
Less: Income tax (expenses)/revenue                 4(48)     (167,670,991)     (151,882,095)      (7,655,575)           45,854

Net profit                                                      828,636,035       804,226,524     320,841,025       297,279,004

Classified by continuous operation:
Net income from continuing operations (“-” for
net loss)                                                       828,636,035       804,226,524     320,841,025       297,279,004

Net income from discontinued operations (“-”
for net loss)                                                              -                 -             -                   -
Classified by equity ownership:

Attributable to shareholders of parentcompany                   825,388,312       797,721,576              -                   -

Minority interests                                                3,247,723         6,504,948              -                   -

Other comprehensive income net after tax                         (2,705,028)        1,686,199              -                   -

Other comprehensive income net after tax
attributable to shareholders of parentcompany                    (2,705,028)        1,686,199              -                   -

Other comprehensive income items which will                      (2,705,028)        1,686,199              -                   -
be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
   Differences on translation of foreign currency
                                                                 (2,705,028)        1,686,199              -                   -
financial statements
   Other comprehensive income net after tax
                                                                           -                 -             -                   -
attributable to minority interests
Total comprehensive income                          4(31)       825,931,007       805,912,723     320,841,025       297,279,004

Total comprehensive income attributable to
shareholders of parent company                                  822,683,284       799,407,775
Total comprehensive income attributable to
minority interests                                                3,247,723         6,504,948


(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]
Earnings per share                                         4(49)

Basic earnings per share (RMB Yuan)                        4(49)                 0.35                      0.33

Diluted earnings per share (RMB Yuan)                      4(49)                 0.35                      0.33

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Legal representative:                       Principal in charge of accounting:                            Head of accounting department:

(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]

                                                                                                 2017                     2016            2017            2016

                               Item                                   Note                Consolidated            Consolidated        Company         Company

1. Cash flows from operating activities

    Cash received from sales of goods or rendering of services                          12,159,560,836        10,375,273,438        84,336,551                -

    Refund of taxes and surcharges                                                          24,706,337              69,632,529                -               -

    Cash received relating to other operating activities             4(50)(a)               72,348,567              47,278,131      16,104,051       3,798,557

      Sub-total of cash inflows                                                         12,256,615,740        10,492,184,098       100,440,602       3,798,557

    Cash paid for goods and services                                                    (7,206,584,779)       (5,719,787,359)          (65,853)               -

    Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                                             (1,204,981,471)       (1,198,976,110)      (61,388,549)   (125,316,231)

    Payments of taxes and surcharges                                                     (795,627,245)            (780,678,441)    (17,355,536)    (39,189,451)

    Cash paid relating to other operating activities                 4(50)(b)            (585,976,089)            (551,890,068)    (26,421,920)    (13,035,783)

      Sub-total of cash outflows                                                        (9,793,169,584)       (8,251,331,978)     (105,231,858)   (177,541,465)

    Net cash flows from/(used in) operating activities                                   2,463,446,156            2,240,852,120     (4,791,256)   (173,742,908)

2. Cash flows from investing activities

    Cash received from returns on investments                                                         -                       -    436,068,825     395,236,932

    Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible
                                                                                             4,370,785               8,426,349                -          3,210
      assets and other long-term assets

    Cash received relating to other investing activities             4(50)(c)              187,756,255             364,515,307        5,966,582    736,648,232

      Sub-total of cash inflows                                                            192,127,040             372,941,656     442,035,407    1,131,888,374

    Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other
      long-term assets                                                                  (1,212,172,338)       (1,289,115,730)       (3,996,610)       (807,521)

    Cash paid to acquire investments                                                                  -             (4,252,960)               -   (158,896,160)

    Net cash received from acquired subsidiaries                                                      -           (503,593,518)               -   (502,204,796)

    Cash paid relating to other investing activities                 4(50)(d)            (200,085,036)            (182,205,113)       (284,975)               -

      Sub-total of cash outflows                                                        (1,412,257,374)       (1,979,167,321)       (4,281,585)   (661,908,477)

    Net cash flows (used in)/from investing activities                                  (1,220,130,334)       (1,606,225,665)      437,753,822     469,979,897

3. Cash flows from financing activities

    Cash received from capital contributions                                               417,349,879              14,500,000     417,349,879                -

    Including: Cash received from capital contributions by
    minority shareholders of subsidiaries                                                             -             14,500,000                -               -

    Cash received from borrowings                                                        4,096,568,050            9,747,674,851   2,750,693,638   9,117,091,808


(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]
    Cash received relating to other financing activities                4(50)(e)          3,616,000,000                      -    2,700,067,157                  -

      Sub-total of cash inflows                                                           8,129,917,929      9,762,174,851        5,868,110,674     9,117,091,808

    Cash repayments of borrowings                                                        (5,154,107,768)    (9,481,131,859)      (4,646,723,365)   (8,580,928,764)

    Cash payments for interest expenses and distribution of
    dividends or profits                                                                  (558,404,559)      (907,404,419)        (275,981,816)     (871,890,165)

    Including:   Cash      payments   for   dividends   to   minority
    shareholders of subsidiaries                                                             (2,488,500)                  -                    -                 -

    Cash payments relating to other financing activities                4(50)(f)         (1,783,109,674)                  -                    -     (53,686,866)

      Sub-total of cash outflows                                                         (7,495,622,001)   (10,388,536,278)      (4,922,705,181)   (9,506,505,795)

    Net cash flows (used in)/from financing activities                                      634,295,928      (626,361,427)          945,405,493     (389,413,987)

4. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash                                           (2,425,575)        1,557,085               666,398           208,178

5. Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                 4(51)(b)          1,875,186,175          9,822,113        1,379,034,457      (92,968,820)

      Add: Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                                   584,566,990       574,744,877           301,637,933       394,606,753

6. Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                             4(51)(c)          2,459,753,165       584,566,990         1,680,672,390       301,637,933

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Legal representative:                                   Principal in charge of accounting:                                       Head of accounting


(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]

(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]

                                                                                               Attributable to shareholders of parentcompany

                                                                                                     Other                                                                                                           Total
                                                                                             comprehensive                                             Undistributed                                         shareholders'
                        Item                               Share capital   Capital surplus         income     Special reserve    Surplus reserve              profits       Sub-total   Minority interests          equity

                                                   Note           4(28)             4(29)            4(31)              4(32)                  4(33)          4(34)

Balance at 31 December 2015                                2,075,335,560    1,261,391,272        2,967,772         15,437,498        859,122,330       3,431,556,565    7,645,810,997           3,080,480    7,648,891,477

Prior period accounting error correction                               -                 -               -                  -           (342,000)        (3,078,000)      (3,420,000)                          (3,420,000)

Balance at 1 January 2016(Restated)                        2,075,335,560    1,261,391,272        2,967,772         15,437,498        858,780,330       3,428,478,565    7,642,390,997           3,080,480    7,645,471,477

Movements        for    the    year   ended   31
December 2016 (Restated)

  Total comprehensive income

    Net profit                                                         -                 -               -                  -                      -    797,721,576      797,721,576           6,504,948      804,226,524

    Other comprehensive income                     4(31)               -                 -       1,686,199                  -                      -               -       1,686,199                     -      1,686,199

    Total comprehensive income                                         -                 -       1,686,199                  -                      -    797,721,576      799,407,775           6,504,948      805,912,723

  Capital invest or reduce from shareholders                           -          402,262                -                  -                      -               -         402,262         313,771,067      314,173,329

    Minority shareholders invest capital                               -                 -               -                  -                      -               -               -         313,628,750      313,628,750

    Share-based payments                                               -          402,262                -                  -                      -               -         402,262             142,317          544,579

  Effect of changes in investees’ other equity
                                                                       -           81,143                -                  -                      -               -          81,143                    -          81,143
     applying the equity method

  Profit distribution                                                  -                 -               -                  -         29,727,900       (652,328,568)    (622,600,668)                   -    (622,600,668)

    Appropriation to surplus reserve               4(33)               -                 -               -                  -         29,727,900        (29,727,900)                -                   -                -

    Distribution to the shareholders               4(34)               -                 -               -                  -                      -   (622,600,668)    (622,600,668)                   -    (622,600,668)

                                                                                                         - 203 -

(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]
  Special reserve                                                -               -          -         (9,594,025)            -               -      (9,594,025)            -      (9,594,025)

   Special reserve appropriated              4(32)               -               -          -         6,930,650              -               -       6,930,650              -      6,930,650

   Special reserve used                      4(32)               -               -          -     (16,524,675)               -               -     (16,524,675)             -    (16,524,675)

  Others                                                         -     (1,172,480)          -                  -             -               -      (1,172,480)   (3,080,480)     (4,252,960)

   Transactions with minority shareholders                       -     (1,172,480)          -                  -             -               -      (1,172,480)   (3,080,480)     (4,252,960)

Balance at 31 December 2016                          2,075,335,560   1,260,702,197   4,653,971         5,843,473    888,508,230   3,573,871,573   7,808,915,004   320,276,015   8,129,191,019

                                                                                            - 204 -

(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]

(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]

                                                                                                                    Attributable to shareholders of parentcompany
                                                                                                                         Other                                                                                                        Total
                                                                                              Less: Treasury      comprehens               Special        Surplus      Undistributed                             Minority     shareholders'
                 Item                                       Share capital   Capital surplus            share       ive income              reserve        reserve             profits          Sub-total        interests           equity
                                                Note               4(28)             4(29)             4(30)            4(31)                4(32)          4(33)              4(34)
 Balance    at          1         January
 2017(Restated)                                           2,075,335,560     1,260,702,197                     -    4,653,971         5,843,473       888,508,230    3,573,871,573       7,808,915,004       320,276,015     8,129,191,019
 Movements for              the    year      ended   31
 December 2017

 Total comprehensive income

   Net profit                                                          -                 -                -                 -                   -              -      825,388,312          825,388,312        3,247,723       828,636,035

   Other comprehensive income                   4(31)                  -                 -                -       (2,705,028)                   -              -                    -       (2,705,028)                -      (2,705,028)

 Total comprehensive income                                            -                 -                -       (2,705,028)                   -              -      825,388,312          822,683,284        3,247,723       825,931,007
 Capital increase or decrease
 from shareholder                                            97,511,654      356,979,901      (417,349,879)                 -                   -              -                    -       37,141,676                 -       37,141,676

   Share-based payments                                      97,511,654      328,032,920      (417,349,879)                 -                   -              -                    -        8,194,695                 -        8,194,695
    Shareholders’          Interest-free
 borrowing                                                             -      28,946,981                  -                 -                   -              -                    -       28,946,981                 -       28,946,981

 Profit distribution                                                   -                 -                -                 -                   -     32,084,102     (239,617,658)        (207,533,556)      (2,488,500)    (210,022,056)

   Appropriation        to         surplus
                                                4(33)                  -                 -                -                 -                   -     32,084,102      (32,084,102)                      -              -                 -

   Distribution to the shareholders             4(34)                  -                 -                -                 -                   -              -     (207,533,556)        (207,533,556)      (2,488,500)    (210,022,056)

 Special reserve                                                       -                 -                -                 -       (2,618,535)                -                    -       (2,618,535)                -      (2,618,535)

   Special reserve appropriated                 4(32)                  -                 -                -                 -        7,831,127                 -                    -        7,831,127                 -        7,831,127

   Special reserve used                         4(32)                  -                 -                -                 -      (10,449,662)                -                    -      (10,449,662)                -     (10,449,662)
 Internal transfer of shareholders'
 equity                                                    311,300,333      (311,300,333)                 -                 -                   -              -                    -                   -              -                 -

   Capital reserve to share capital                        311,300,333      (311,300,333)                 -                 -                   -              -                    -                   -              -                 -

                                                                                                                                 - 205 -

(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]

 Balance at 31 December 2017           2,484,147,547    1,306,381,765   (417,349,879)   1,948,943       3,224,938   920,592,332   4,159,642,227   8,458,587,873   321,035,238   8,779,623,111

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Legal representative:                               Principal in charge of accounting:                                 Head of accounting department:

                                                                                                    - 206 -
        CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

        (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
        [English translation for reference only]

        (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
        [English translation for reference only]

                                                                            Attributable to shareholders of parent company
                                                                                      Less: Treasury          Surplus        Undistributed     shareholders'
                        Item                        Share capital   Capital surplus            share          reserve               profits          equity

  Balance at 31 December 2015                     2,075,335,560     1,404,803,407                  -    873,667,690          806,232,151      5,160,038,808

  Prior period accounting error correction                     -                 -                 -       (342,000)          (3,078,000)       (3,420,000)

  Balance at 1 January 2016(Restated)            2,075,335,560     1,404,803,407                  -    873,325,690          803,154,151      5,156,618,808

  Movements for the year ended 31 December 2016

  Total comprehensive income

    Net profit                                                 -                 -                 -                -        297,279,004       297,279,004

    Other comprehensive income                                 -                 -                 -                -                    -                -

  Total comprehensive income                                   -                 -                 -                -        297,279,004       297,279,004
  Effect of changes in investees’ other
  equity applying the equity method                            -         726,104                   -                -                    -         726,104
  Profit distribution
                                                               -                 -                 -      29,727,900     (652,328,568)        (622,600,668)

    - Appropriation to surplus reserve                         -                 -                 -      29,727,900         (29,727,900)                 -

    - Distribution to the shareholders                         -                 -                 -                -    (622,600,668)        (622,600,668)

  Balance at 31 December 2016 (Restated)          2,075,335,560     1,405,529,511                  -    903,053,590          448,104,587      4,832,023,248

  Balance at 1 January 2017(Restated)             2,075,335,560     1,405,529,511                  -    903,053,590          448,104,587      4,832,023,248

  Movements for the year ended 31 December
  Total comprehensive income

    Net profit                                                 -                 -                 -                -        320,841,025       320,841,025

    Total comprehensive income                                 -                 -                 -                -        320,841,025       320,841,025
  Capital increase       or    decrease   from
  shareholder                                       97,511,654       356,979,901      (417,349,879)                 -                    -      37,141,676

    Share-based payments                            97,511,654       328,032,920      (417,349,879)                 -                    -       8,194,695

     Shareholders’ Interest-free borrowing                    -      28,946,981                   -                -                    -      28,946,981

Profit distribution                                            -                 -                 -      32,084,102     (239,617,658)        (207,533,556)

    Appropriation to surplus reserve                           -                 -                 -      32,084,102         (32,084,102)                 -

    Distribution to the shareholders                           -                 -                 -                -    (207,533,556)        (207,533,556)

  Capital reserve to share capital                 311,300,333      (311,300,333)                  -                -                    -                -

  Balance at 31 December 2017                     2,484,147,547     1,451,209,079     (417,349,879)     935,137,692          529,327,954      4,982,472,393

        The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

        Legal representative:                      Principal in charge of accounting:                                   Head of accounting

                                                                    - 207 -

(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]

                                                    - 208 -

      (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
      [English translation for reference only]

1        General information

      CSG Holding Co Ltd (the “Company”) was incorporated in September 1984, known as China South Glass
      Company, as a joint venture enterprise by Hong Kong China Merchants Shipping Co., LTD (香港招商局轮船股份有
      限公司), Shenzhen Building Materials Industry Corporation (深圳建筑材料工业集团公司), China North Industries
      Corporation (中国北方工业深圳公司) and Guangdong International Trust and Investment Corporation (广东国际信
      托投资公司). The Company was registered in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province of the People's Republic of China
      and its headquarters is located in Shenzhen, Guangdong Province of the People's Republic of China. The
      Company issued RMB-denominated ordinary shares (“A-share”) and foreign shares (“B-share”) publicly in October
      1991 and January 1992 respectively, and was listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange on February 1992. As at 31
      December 2017, the registered capital was RMB2,484,147,547, with nominal value of RMB1 per share.

      The Company and its subsidiaries (collectively referred to as the “Group”) are mainly engaged in the manufacture
      and sales of flat glass, specialised glass, engineering glass, energy saving glass, silicon related materials,
      polycrystalline silicon and solar components and electronic-grade display device glass and the construction and
      operation of photovoltaic plant etc.

      Details on the majors subsidiaries included in the consolidated scope in current year were stated in Note 6(1).

      The financial statements were authorised for issue by the Board of Directors on 20 April 2018.

2          Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates

      The Group determines its specific accounting policies and estimates according to manufacturing and operation
      feature. It mainly reflected in provision for bad debts of receivables (Note 2(10)), inventory costing method (Note
      2(11)), amortisation of Property,plant and equipmentand intangible assets (Note 2(13) and (16)), criteria for
      determining capitalised development expenditure (Note 2(16)), and timing for revenue recognition (Note 2(24)).

      Please see Note 2(30) for the key judgements adopted by the Group in applying important accounting policies.

(7)   Basis of preparation

      The financial statements are prepared in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises -
      Basic Standard, and the specific accounting standards and other relevant regulations issued by the Ministry of
      Finance on 15 February 2006 and in subsequent periods (hereafter collectively referred to as “the Accounting
      Standard for Business Enterprises” or “CAS”), and Information Disclosure Rule No. 15 for Companies with Public
      Traded Securities - Financial Reporting General Provision issued by China Security Regulatory Commission.

      As at 31 December 2017, the Group current liabilities exceed current assets about RMB2.52 billion and committed
      capital expenditure of about RMB 0.15 billion (Note 11(1)). The directors of the Company has assessed the
      following facts and conditions: a) the Group has been able to generate positive operating cash flows in prior years
      and expect to do so in the next 12 months, and in 2017, the net cash inflow from operation activities is
      approximately RMB2.463 billion; b) the Group has maintained good relationship with banks, so the Group has
      been able to successfully renew the bank facilities upon the expiry. As at 31 December 2017, the Group had
      unutilised banking facilities of approximately RMB4.00 billion, among which long-term banking facilities were about
      RMB0.57billion. In addition, the shareholder of the Group or other appointed related parties are willing to provide
       Group with RMB2.00 billion interest-free loan. As at report date, the shareholder of Group has provided
      RMB1.610 billion interest-free loan. The Group also has other sources of financing, such as issuing short-term
      bonds, ultra-short-term financing bonds and medium-term notes. The directors are of view that the banking
      facilities and shareholder’s support above can meet the funding requirements
2           Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Cont’d)

(2)          Basis of preparation (Cont’d)

                                                            - 209 -
        CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

        (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
        [English translation for reference only]

        of the Group’s debt servicing and capital commitment. Accordingly, the directors of the Company had adopted the
        going concern basis in the preparation of the financial statements of the Company and the Group.

        tatement of compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises

        The financial statements of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2017 are in compliance with the
        Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, and truly and completely present the financial position of the
        consolidated and the Company as at 31 December 2017 and their financial performance, cash flows and other
        information for the year then ended.

        ccounting year

        The Company’s accounting year starts on 1 January and ends on 31 December.

        ecording currency

        The recording currency is Renminbi (RMB).The economic environment of subsidiaries (China Southern
        Glass(Hong Kong) Limited, Hong Kong Southern Glass Trading co., Limited) determines their recording currency
        is Hongkong dollar. This report ‘s recording currency is Renminbi (RMB).

        usiness combinations

(a) Business combinations involving enterprises under common control

        The consideration paid and net assets obtained by the absorbing party in a business combination are measured at
        book value. The difference between book value of the net assets obtained from the combination and book value of
        the consideration paid for the combination is treated as an adjustment to capital surplus (share premium). If the
        capital surplus (share premium) is not sufficient to absorb the difference, the remaining balance is adjusted against
        retained earnings. Costs directly attributable to the combination are included in profit or loss in the period in which
        they are incurred. Transaction costs associated with the issue of equity or debt securities for the business
        combination are included in the initially recognised amounts of the equity or debt securities.

(b)        Business combinations involving enterprises not under common control

        The cost of combination and identifiable net assets obtained by the acquirer in a business combination are
        measured at fair value at the acquisition date. Where the cost of the combination exceeds the acquirer’s interest in
        the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the difference is recognised as goodwill; where the cost of
        combination is lower than the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the
        difference is recognised in profit or loss for the current period. Costs directly attributable to the combination are
        included in profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred. Transaction costs associated with the issue of
        equity or debt securities for the business combination are included in the initially recognised amounts of the equity
        or debt securities.

        reparation of consolidated financial statements

        The consolidated financial statements comprise the financial statements of the Company and all of its subsidiaries.

        Subsidiaries are consolidated from the date on which the Group obtains control and are de-consolidated from the

                                                                - 210 -
        CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

        (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
        [English translation for reference only]

        date that such control ceases. For a subsidiary that is acquired in a business combination involving enterprises
        under common control, it is included in the consolidated financial statements from the date when it, together with
        the Company, comes under common control of the
2            Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Cont’d)

 (6)        Preparation of consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

        ultimate controlling party. The portion of the net profits realised before the combination date is presented
        separately in the consolidated income statement.

        In preparing the consolidated financial statements, where the accounting policies and the accounting periods of the
        Company and subsidiaries are inconsistent, the financial statements of the subsidiaries are adjusted in accordance
        with the accounting policies and the accounting period of the Company. For subsidiaries acquired from business
        combinations involving enterprises not under common control, the individual financial statements of the
        subsidiaries are adjusted based on the fair value of the identifiable net assets at the acquisition date.

        All significant intra-group balances, transactions and unrealised profits are eliminated in the consolidated financial
        statements. The portion of subsidiaries’ equity and the portion of a subsidiaries’ net profits and losses and
        comprehensive incomes for the period not attributable to Company are recognised as minority interests and
        presented separately in the consolidated financial statements under equity, net profits and total comprehensive
        income respectively. Unrealised profits and losses resulting from the sales of assets by the Company to its
        subsidiaries are fully eliminated against net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company. Unrealised
        profits and losses resulting from the sales of assets by a subsidiary to the Company are eliminated and allocated
        between net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company and non-controlling interests in accordance
        with the allocation proportion of the parent company in the subsidiary. Unrealised profits and losses resulting from
        the sales of assets by one subsidiary to another are eliminated and allocated between net profit attributable to
        shareholders of the parent company and non-controlling interests in accordance with the allocation proportion of
        the parent in the subsidiary.

        After the control over the subsidiary has been gained, whole or partial minority equities of the subsidiary owned by
        minority shareholders are acquired from the subsidiary’s minority shareholders. In the consolidated financial
        statements, the subsidiary's assets and liabilities are reflected with amount based on continuous calculation
        starting from the acquisition date or consolidation date. Capital surplus is adjusted according to the difference
        between newly increased long-term equity investment arising from acquisition of minority equity and the share of
        net assets calculated based on current shareholding ratio that the parent company is entitled to. The share is
        subject to continuous calculation starting from the acquisition date or consolidation date. If the capital surplus
        (capital premium or share capital premium) is not sufficient to absorb the difference, the remaining balance is
        adjusted against retained earnings.

        If the accounting treatment of a transaction which considers the Group as an accounting entity is different from that
        considers the Company or its subsidiaries as an accounting entity, it is adjusted from the perspective of the Group.

(7)         Cash and cash equivalents

        Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash on hand, deposits that can be readily drawn on demand, and short-term
        and highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an
        insignificant risk of changes in value.

(8) Foreign currency transaction

(a) Foreign currency transaction

        Foreign currency transactions are translated into RMB using the exchange rates prevailing at the dates of the

2            Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Cont’d)

                                                               - 211 -
         CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

         (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
         [English translation for reference only]

(8)         Foreign currency transaction (Cont’d)

         At the balance sheet date, monetary items denominated in foreign currencies are translated into RMB using the
         spot exchange rates on the balance sheet date. Exchange differences arising from these translations are
         recognised in profit or loss for the current period, except for those attributable to foreign currency borrowings that
         have been taken out specifically for the acquisition or construction of qualifying assets, which are capitalised as
         part of the cost of those assets. Non-monetary items denominated in foreign currencies that are measured at
         historical costs are translated at the balance sheet date using the spot exchange rates at the date of the
         transactions. The effect of exchange rate changes on cash is presented separately in the cash flow statement.

(b) Translation of foreign currency financial statements

         The asset and liability items in the balance sheets for overseas operations are translated at the spot exchange
         rates on the balance sheet date. Among the shareholders’ equity items, the items other than “undistributed profits”
         are translated at the spot exchange rates of the transaction dates. The income and expense items in the income
         statements of overseas operations are translated at the spot exchange rates of the transaction dates. The
         differences arising from the above translation are presented separately in the shareholders’ equity. The cash flows
         of overseas operations are translated at the spot exchange rates on the dates of the cash flows. The effect of
         exchange rate changes on cash is presented separately in the cash flow statement.

(9)         Financial instrument

(a) Financial assets

(i) Classification of financial assets

         Financial assets are classified into the following categories at initial recognition: financial assets at fair value
         through profit or loss, receivables, available-for-sale financial assets and held-to-maturity investments. The
         classification of financial assets depends on the Group’s intention and ability to hold the financial assets. The
         Group had no financial assets at fair value through profit or loss and held-to-maturity investments for 2017.


         Receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an
         active market. Receivables comprise notes receivable, accounts receivable and other receivables. (Note 2(10))

         Available-for-sale financial assets

         Available-for-sale financial assets are non-derivative financial assets that are either designated in this category or
         not classified in any of the other categories at initial recognition. Available-for-sale financial assets are included in
         other current assets on the balance sheet if management intends to dispose of them within 12 months after the
         balance sheet date.

(ii) Recognition and measurement

         Financial assets are recognised at fair value on the balance sheet when the Group becomes a party to the
         contractual provisions of the financial instrument. The related transaction costs that are attributable to the
         acquisition of receivables and available-for-sale financial assets are included in their initial recognition amounts.

2             Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Cont’d)

(9)        Financial instrument (Cont’d)

         Available-for-sale financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value. Investments in equity instruments are

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         (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
         [English translation for reference only]

         measured at cost when they do not have a quoted market price in an active market and whose fair value cannot be
         reliably measured. Receivables are measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method.

         Gains or losses arising from change in fair value of available-for-sale financial assets are recognised directly in
         equity, except for impairment losses and foreign exchange gains and losses arising from translation of monetary
         financial assets. When such financial assets are derecognised, the cumulative gains or losses previously
         recognised directly into equity are recycled into profit or loss for the current period. Interests on available-for-sale
         investments in debt instruments calculated using the effective interest method during the period in which such
         investments are held and cash dividends declared by the investee on available-for-sale investments in equity
         instruments are recognised as investment income, which is recognised in profit or loss for the period.

(a)      Financial assets

(iii) Impairment of financial assets

         The Group assesses book values of financial assets at each balance sheet date. If there is objective evidence that
         a financial asset is impaired, an impairment loss is provided for.

         The objective evidence of impairment losses on financial assets refers to events that actually incurred after the
         initial recognition of financial assets, have influence on the expected future cash flow from the financial assets and
         the influence can be reliably measured.

         Objective evidence which indicates the occurrence of impairment for available-for-sale equity instruments includes
         significant or non-temporary decrease of fair value of equity instruments investment. The Group conducts
         individual Checkion on each available-for-sale equity instruments investment at balance sheet date, if the fair value
         of the available-for-sale equity instrument is less than its initial investment cost for more than 50% (inclusive) or
         less than its initial investment cost continually for more than 1 year, that means impairment incurred; if the fair
         value of the available-for-sale equity instrument is less than its initial investment cost for more than 20% (inclusive)
         but has not reached 50%, the Group will comprehensively consider other factors such as price volatility to
         determine whether the equity instrument investment has been impaired. The Group calculates the initial
         investment cost of initial available-for-sale equity instruments investment using the weighted average method.

         When an impairment loss on a financial asset carried at amortised cost has occurred, the amount of loss is
         provided for at the difference between the asset’s carrying amount and the present value of its estimated future
         cash flows (excluding future credit losses that have not been incurred). If there is objective evidence that the value
         of the financial asset is recovered and the recovery is related objectively to an event occurring after the impairment
         was recognised, the previously recognised impairment loss is reversed and the amount of reversal is recognised in
         profit or loss.

         If an impairment loss on available-for-sale financial assets measured at fair value is incurred, the cumulative losses
         arising from the decline in fair value that had been recognised directly in shareholders' equity are transferred out
         from equity and into impairment loss. For an investment in debt instrument classified as available-for-sale on which
         impairment losses have been recognised, if, in a subsequent period, its fair value increases and the increase can
         be objectively related to an event occurring after the impairment loss was recognised in profit or loss, the
         previously recognised impairment loss is reversed into profit or loss for the current period. For an investment in an

2             Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Cont’d)

(9)         Financial instrument (Cont’d)

         instrument classified as available-for-sale on which impairment losses have been recognised, the increase in its
         fair value in a subsequent period is recognised directly in equity.

(iv) Derecognition of financial assets

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          (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
          [English translation for reference only]

          Financial assets are derecognised when: i) the contractual rights to receive the cash flows from the financial assets
          have expired; or ii) all substantial risks and rewards of ownership of the financial assets have been transferred; or
          iii) the control over the financial asset has been waived even if the Group does not transfer or retain nearly all of the
          risks and rewards relating to the ownership of a financial asset.

          On derecognition of a financial asset, the difference between book value and the sum of the consideration received
          and the cumulative changes in fair value that had been recognised directly in owner's equity, is recognised in profit
          or loss.

(b) Financial liabilities

          Financial liabilities are classified into two categories at initial recognition: financial liabilities at fair value through
          profit or loss and other financial liabilities. The financial liabilities of the Group mainly comprise other financial
          liabilities, including payables, borrowings and bonds payable.

          The fair value change of financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss is charged to income statement.

          Payables comprise accounts payable, notes payable and other payables, which are recognised initially at fair value
          and measured subsequently at amortised cost using the effective interest method.

          Borrowings and bonds payable are recognised initially at fair value, net of transaction costs incurred, and
          subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method.

          Other financial liabilities within one year (inclusive) is presented as current liabilities, while non-current financial
          liabilities due with one year (inclusive) is reclassified as non-current liabilities due within one year. Others are
          presented as non-current liabilities.

          A financial liability (or a part of a financial liability) is derecognised when all or part of the obligation is extinguished.
          The difference between book value of a financial liability (or a part of financial liability) extinguished and the
          consideration paid is recognised in the income statement.

(c) Determination of fair value of financial instruments

          The fair value of a financial instrument that is traded in an active market is determined at the quoted price in the
          active market. The fair value of a financial instrument that is not traded in an active market is determined by using a
          valuation technique. During valuation, the Group adopts a valuation technique suitable for current situation, which
          is supported by sufficient available data and other information, chooses the inputs consistent with the feature of
          assets or liabilities considered in the transaction thereof with market participants, and uses related observable
          inputs in preference to the greatest extent. Unobservable inputs are used when it is unable to obtain or is infeasible
          for related observable inputs.

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         (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
         [English translation for reference only]

2        Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Cont’d)

(12)      Receivables

         Receivables comprise notes receivable, accounts receivable and other receivables. Accounts receivable arising
         from sales of goods or rendering of services are initially recognised at fair value of the contractual payments from
         the buyers or service recipients.

(a)      Receivables with amounts that are individually significant and subject to separate assessment for provision for bad

         Receivables with amounts that are individually significant are subject to separate assessment for impairment. If
         there exists objective evidence that the Group will not be able to collect the amount under the original terms, a
         provision for bad debts of that receivable is made at the difference between its carrying amount and the present
         value of its estimated future cash flows.

         The basis or amount for individually significant receivables is individually greater than RMB20 million.

(b)      Receivables with amounts that are not individually significant but subject to separate assessment for provision for
         bad debts

         If there exists objective evidence that the Group will not be able to collect the amount under the original terms, a
         provision for bad debts of that receivable is made at the difference between its carrying amount and the present
         value of its estimated future cash flows.

(c) Receivables that are subject to provision for bad debts on the grouping basis

         Receivables with amounts that have not been individually provided for impairment are classified into certain
         groupings based on their credit risk characteristics. The provision for bad debts is determined based on the
         historical loss experience for the groupings of receivables with similar credit risk characteristics, taking into
         consideration of the current circumstances.

         Basis for portfolio is as follows:

         Portfolio 1                          Receivables not impaired after separate assessment
         Portfolio 2                          Related party portfolio

         The percentage of provision for the portfolio:

                                                Percentage of provision for          Percentage of provision for other
                                                   accounts receivable                        receivables

         Portfolio 1                                         2%                                      2%
         Portfolio 2                                         2%                                      2%

(d)      The Group transfers receivables which have no recourse right to financial institution, the difference between book
         values which is trade amount cut the write-off receivables and related tax expenses charged into the income

(13)      Inventories

(f)      Classification

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       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

       Inventories refer to manufacturing sector, including raw materials, work in progress, finished goods and turnover
       materials, and are measured at the lower of cost and net realisable value.

2           Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Cont’d)

(11)      Inventories (Cont’d)

(g)    Inventory costing method

       Cost is determined using the weighted average method. The cost of finished goods and work in progress comprise
       raw materials, direct labour and systematically allocated production overhead based on the normal production

(h)    Amortisation methods of low value consumables and packaging materials

       Turnover materials include low value consumables and packaging materials, which are expensed when issued.

(i)    The determination of net realisable value and the method of provision for decline in the value of inventories

       Provision for decline in the value of inventories is determined at the excess amount of book values of the
       inventories over their net realisable value. Net realisable value is determined based on the estimated selling price
       in the ordinary course of business, less the estimated costs to completion and estimated costs necessary to make
       the sale and related taxes.

(j)    The Group adopts the perpetual inventory system.

(17)   Long-term equity investments

       Long-term equity investments comprise the Company’s long-term equity investments in its subsidiaries, and the
       Group’s long-term equity investments in its associates.

       Subsidiaries are the investees over which the Company is able to exercise control. Associates are the investees
       that the Group has significant influence on their financial and operating policies.

       Investments in subsidiaries are measured using the cost method in the Company’s financial statements, and
       adjusted by using the equity method when preparing the consolidated financial statements. Investments in
       associates are accounted for using the equity method.

(e)    Initial recognition

       For long-term equity investments formed in business combination: when obtained from business combinations
       involving entities under common control, the long-term equity investment is stated at carrying amount of equity for
       the combined parties at the time of merger; when the long-term equity investment obtained from business
       combinations involving entities not under common control, the investment is measured at combination cost.

       For long-term equity investments not formed in business combination: the one paid by cash is initially measured at
       actual purchase price; the long-term investment obtained by issuing equity securities is stated at fair value of equity
       securities as initial investment cost..

(f)    Subsequent measurement and recognition of related profit or loss

       For long-term equity investments accounted for using the cost method, they are measured at the initial investment
       costs, and cash dividends or profit distribution declared by the investees are recognised as investment income in
       profit or loss.

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        (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
        [English translation for reference only]

        For long-term equity investments accounted for using the equity method, where the initial investment cost of a
        long-term equity investment exceeds the Group’s share of the fair value of the investee’s
 2           Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Cont’d)

(12)     Long-term equity investments (Cont’d)

        identifiable net assets at the acquisition date, the long-term equity investment is measured at the initial investment
        cost; where the initial investment cost is less than the Group’s share of the fair value of the investee’s identifiable
        net assets at the acquisition date, the difference is included in profit or loss and the cost of the long-term equity
        investment is adjusted upwards accordingly.

        Under the equity method, the Group recognises the investment income according to its share of net profit or loss of
        the investee. The Group discontinues recognising its share of the net losses of an investee after book values of the
        long-term equity investment together with any long-term interests that in substance form part of the investor’s net
        investment in the investee are reduced to zero. However, if the Group has obligations for additional losses and the
        criteria with respect to recognition of provisions under the accounting standards on contingencies are satisfied, the
        Group continues recognising the investment losses and the provisions. For changes in owners’ equity of the
        investee other than those arising from its net profit or loss, its proportionate share is directly recorded into capital
        surplus, provided that the proportion of the shareholding of the Group in the investee remains unchanged. Book
        value of the investment is reduced by the Group’s share of the profit distribution or cash dividends declared by an
        investee. The unrealised profits or losses arising from the intra-group transactions amongst the Group and its
        investees are eliminated in proportion to the Group’s equity interest in the investees, and then based on which the
        investment gains or losses are recognised. Any losses resulting from transactions between the Group and its
        investees attributable to asset impairment losses are not eliminated.

 (g)    Basis for determining existence of control, jointly control or significant influence over investees

        The term "control" refers to the power in the investees, to obtain variable returns by participating in the related
        business activities of the investees, and the ability to affect the returns by exercising its power over the investees.

        The term "significant influence" refers to the power to participate in the formulation of financial and operating
        policies of an enterprise, but not the power to control, or jointly control, the formulation of such policies with other

 (h)    Impairment of long-term equity investments

        Book value of long-term equity investments in subsidiaries and associates is reduced to the recoverable amount
        when the recoverable amount is less than book value (Note 2(18)).

 (18)   Fixed assets

 (e)    Recognition and initial measurement

        Fixed assets comprise buildings, machinery and equipment, motor vehicles and others.

        Fixed assets are recognised when it is probable that the related economic benefits will probably flow to the Group
        and the costs can be reliably measured. Fixed assets purchased or constructed by the Group are initially
        measured at cost at the acquisition date.

        Subsequent expenditures incurred for a fixed asset are included in the cost of the fixed asset when it is probable
        that the associated economic benefits will flow to the Group and the related cost can be reliably measured. Book
        value of the replaced part is derecognised. All the other subsequent expenditures are recognised in profit or loss in

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       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

       the period in which they are incurred.

2           Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Cont’d)

(f)    Depreciation methods

       Fixed assets are depreciated using the straight-line method to allocate the cost of the assets to their estimated
       residual values over their estimated useful lives. For the fixed assets that have been provided for impairment loss,
       the related depreciation charge is prospectively determined based upon the adjusted carrying amounts over their
       remaining useful lives.

       The estimated useful lives, the estimated net residual values expressed as a percentage of cost and the annual
       depreciation rates of fixed assets are as follows:

                                        Estimated useful lives Estimated net residual value       Annual depreciation rate

       Buildings                                 20 to 35 years                          5%               2.71% to 4.75%
       Machinery and equipment                    8 to 20 years                          5%              4.75% to 11.88%
       Motor vehicles and others                   5 to 8 years                          0%             12.50% to 20.00%

       The estimated useful life, the estimated net residual value of a fixed asset and the depreciation method applied to
       the asset are reviewed, and adjusted as appropriate at each year-end.

(g)    Book value of a fixed asset is reduced to the recoverable amount when the recoverable amount is below book
       value (Note 2 (18)).

(h)    Disposal

       A fixed asset is derecognised on disposal or when no future economic benefits are expected from its use or
       disposal. The amount of proceeds from disposals on sale, transfer, retirement or damage of a fixed asset net of its
       carrying amount and related taxes and expenses is recognised in profit or loss for the current period.

(19)   Construction in progress

       Construction in progress is recorded at actual cost. Actual cost comprises construction cost, installation cost,
       borrowing costs eligible for capitalised condition and necessary expenditures incurred for its intended use. Actual
       cost also includes net of trial production cost and trial production income before construction in progress is put into

       Construction in progress is transferred to fixed assets when the assets are ready for their intended use, and
       depreciation begins from the following month.

       Book value of construction in progress is reduced to the recoverable amount when the recoverable amount is
       below book value (Note 2 (18)).

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       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

2      Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Cont’d)

(20)   Borrowing costs

       The borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition and construction of an asset that needs a
       substantially long period of time for its intended use commence to be capitalised and recorded as part of the cost of
       the asset when expenditures for the asset and borrowing costs have been incurred, and the activities relating to the
       acquisition and construction that are necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use have commenced. The
       capitalisation of borrowing costs ceases when the asset under acquisition or construction becomes ready for its
       intended use and the borrowing costs incurred thereafter are recognised in profit or loss for the current period.
       Capitalisation of borrowing costs is suspended during periods in which the acquisition or construction of a fixed
       asset is interrupted abnormally and the interruption lasts for more than 3 months, until the acquisition or
       construction is resumed.

       For the specific borrowings obtained for the acquisition or construction of an asset qualifying for capitalisation, the
       amount of borrowing costs eligible for capitalisation is determined by deducting any interest income earned from
       depositing the unused specific borrowings in the banks or any investment income arising on the temporary
       investment of those borrowings during the capitalisation period.

       For the general borrowings obtained for the acquisition or construction of an asset qualifying for capitalisation, the
       amount of borrowing costs eligible for capitalisation is determined by applying the weighted average effective
       interest rate of general borrowings, to the weighted average of the excess amount of cumulative expenditures on
       the asset over the amount of specific borrowings. The effective interest rate is the rate at which the estimated
       future cash flows during the period of expected duration of the borrowings or applicable shorter period are
       discounted to the initial amount of the borrowings.

(21)   Intangible assets

       Intangible assets, mainly including land use rights, patents and proprietary technologies, exploitation rights and
       others, are measured at cost.

(a)    Land use rights

       Land use rights are amortised on the straight-line basis over their approved use period of 30 to 70 years. If the
       acquisition costs of the land use rights and the buildings located thereon cannot be reasonably allocated between
       the land use rights and the buildings, all of the acquisition costs are recognised as fixed assets.

(b)    Patents and proprietary technologies

       Patents are amortised on a straight-line basis over the estimated use life.

(c)    Exploitation rights

       Exploitation rights are amortised on a straight-line basis over permitted exploitation periods on the exploitation

(d)    Periodical review of useful life and amortisation method

       For an intangible asset with a finite useful life, review of its useful life and amortisation method is performed at each
       year-end, with adjustment made as appropriate.

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       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

2      Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Cont’d)

(19)   Intangible assets (Cont’d)

(e)    Research and development

       The expenditure on an internal research and development project is classified into expenditure on the research
       phase and expenditure on the development phase based on its nature and whether there is material uncertainty
       that the research and development activities can form an intangible asset at end of the project.

       Expenditure on the research phase related to planned survey, evaluation and selection for research on
       manufacturing technique is recognised in profit or loss in the period in which it is incurred. Prior to mass production,
       expenditure on the development phase related to the design and testing phase in regards to the final application of
       manufacturing technique is capitalised only if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

            the development of manufacturing technique has been fully demonstrated by technical team;
            management has approved the budget for the development of manufacturing technique;
            there are research and analysis of pre-market research explaining that products manufactured with such
                technique are capable of marketing;
            There is sufficient technical and capital to support the development of manufacturing technique and
                subsequent mass production; and the expenditure on manufacturing technique development can be
                reliably gathered.

       Other development expenditures that do not meet the conditions above are recognised in profit or loss in the
       period in which they are incurred. Development costs previously recognised as expenses are not recognised as an
       asset in a subsequent period. Capitalised expenditure on the development phase is presented as development
       costs in the balance sheet and transferred to intangible assets at the date that the asset is ready for its intended

(f)    Impairment of intangible assets

       Book value of intangible assets is reduced to the recoverable amount when the recoverable amount is below book
       value (Note 2 (18)).

(20)   Long-term prepaid expenses

       Long-term prepaid expenses include the expenditures that have been incurred but should be recognised as
       expenses over more than one year in the current and subsequent periods. Long-term prepaid expenses are
       amortised on the straight-line basis over the expected beneficial period and are presented at actual expenditure
       net of accumulated amortisation.

(21)   Impairment of long-term assets

       Fixed assets, construction in progress, intangible assets with finite useful lives and long-term equity investments in
       joint ventures and associates are tested for impairment if there is any indication that the assets may be impaired at
       the balance sheet date; intangible assets not ready for their intended use are tested at least annually for
       impairment, irrespective of whether there is any indication that they may be impaired. If the result of the impairment
       test indicates that the recoverable amount of an asset is less than its carrying amount, a provision for impairment
       and an impairment loss are recognised for the amount by which the asset’s carrying amount exceeds its
       recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is the higher of an asset’s fair value less costs to sell and the
       present value of the future cash flows expected to be derived from the asset. Provision for asset impairment is
       determined and recognised on the individual asset basis. If it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of
       an individual asset, the recoverable amount of a group of assets to which the asset belongs is determined. A group

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(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]

of assets is the smallest group of assets that is able to generate independent cash inflows.

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        (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
        [English translation for reference only]

2       Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Cont’d)

(20)    Impairment of long-term assets (Cont’d)

        Goodwill that is separately presented in the financial statements is tested at least annually for impairment,
        irrespective of whether there is any indication that it may be impaired. In conducting the test, book value of goodwill
        is allocated to the related asset groups or groups of asset groups which are expected to benefit from the synergies
        of the business combination. If the result of the test indicates that the recoverable amount of an asset group or
        group of asset groups, including the allocated goodwill, is lower than its carrying amount, the corresponding
        impairment loss is recognised. The impairment loss is first deducted from book value of goodwill that is allocated to
        the asset group or group of asset groups, and then deducted from book values of other assets within the asset
        groups or groups of asset groups in proportion to book values of assets other than goodwill.

        Once the above asset impairment loss is recognised, it will not be reversed for the value recovered in the
        subsequent periods.

(21)    Employee benefits

        Employee benefits include short-term employee benefits, post-employment benefits, termination benefits and other
        long-term employee benefits provided in various forms of consideration in exchange for service rendered by
        employees or compensations for the termination of employment relationship.

(d) Short-term employee benefits

        Short-term employee benefits include wages or salaries, bonuses, allowances and subsidies, staff welfare, medical
        care, work injury insurance, maternity insurance, housing funds, labour union funds, employee education funds
        and paid short-term leave, etc. The employee benefit liabilities are recognised in the accounting period in which the
        service is rendered by the employees, with a corresponding charge to the profit or loss for the current period or the
        cost of relevant assets. Employee benefits which are non-monetary benefits shall be measured at fair value.

(e) Post-employment benefits

        The Group classifies post-employment benefit plans as either defined contribution plans or defined benefit plans.
        Defined contribution plans are post-employment benefit plans under which the Group pays fixed contributions into
        a separate fund and will have no obligation to pay further contributions; and defined benefit plans are
        post-employment benefit plans other than defined contribution plans. During the reporting period, the Group's
        post-employment benefits mainly include basic pensions and unemployment insurance, both of which belong to
        the defined contribution plans.

        Basic pensions

        The Group’s employees participate in the basic pension plan set up and administered by local authorities of
        Ministry of Human Resource and Social Security. Monthly payments of premiums on the basic pensions are
        calculated according to prescribed bases and percentage by the relevant local authorities. When employees retire,
        local labour and social security institutions have a duty to pay the basic pension insurance to them. The amounts
        based on the above calculations are recognised as liabilities in the accounting period in which the service has been
        rendered by the employees, with a corresponding charge to the profit or loss for the current period or the cost of
        relevant assets.

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         (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
         [English translation for reference only]

2        Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Cont’d)

(33)     Employee benefits (Cont’d)

(f) Termination benefits

         The Group provides compensation for terminating the employment relationship with employees before the end of
         the employment contracts or as an offer to encourage employees to accept voluntary redundancy before the end of
         the employment contracts. The Group recognises a liability arising from compensation for termination of the
         employment relationship with employees, with a corresponding charge to profit or loss at the earlier of the following
         dates: 1) when the Group cannot unilaterally withdraw the offer of termination benefits because of an employment
         termination plan or a curtailment proposal; 2) when the Group recognises costs or expenses related to the
         restructuring that involves the payment of termination benefits.

         The termination benefits expected to be paid within one year since the balance sheet date are classified as current

(34)     Dividend distribution

         Cash dividend is recognised as a liability for the period in which the dividend is approved by the shareholders’

(35)     Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

         Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are calculated and recognised based on the differences arising
         between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts (temporary differences). Deferred tax
         asset is recognised for the deductible losses that can be carried forward to subsequent years for deduction of the
         taxable profit in accordance with the tax laws. No deferred tax liability is recognised for a temporary difference
         arising from the initial recognition of goodwill. No deferred tax asset or deferred tax liability is recognised for the
         temporary differences resulting from the initial recognition of assets or liabilities due to a transaction other than a
         business combination, which affects neither accounting profit nor taxable profit (or deductible loss). At the balance
         sheet date, deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply
         to the period when the asset is realised or the liability is settled.

         Deferred tax assets are only recognised for deductible temporary differences, deductible losses and tax credits to
         the extent that it is probable that taxable profit will be available in the future against which the deductible temporary
         differences, deductible losses and tax credits can be utilised.

         Deferred tax liabilities are recognised for temporary differences arising from investments in subsidiaries and
         associates, except where the Group is able to control the timing of reversal of the temporary difference, and it is
         probable that the temporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future. When it is probable that the
         temporary differences arising from investments in subsidiaries and associates will be reversed in the foreseeable
         future and that the taxable profit will be available in the future against which the temporary differences can be
         utilised, the corresponding deferred tax assets are recognised.

         Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset when:

              the deferred taxes are related to the same tax payer within the Group and the same taxation authority; and,
              that tax payer within the Group has a legally enforceable right to offset current tax assets against current tax

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        (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
        [English translation for reference only]

2       Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Cont’d)

(36)    Provisions

        Business restructuring, provisions for product warranties, loss contracts etc. are recognised when the Group has a
        present obligation, it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation, and
        the amount of the obligation can be measured reliably.

        A provision is initially measured at the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the related present
        obligation. Factors surrounding a contingency, such as the risks, uncertainties and the time value of money, are
        taken into account as a whole in reaching the best estimate of a provision. Where the effect of the time value of
        money is material, the best estimate is determined by discounting the related future cash outflows. The increase in
        the discounted amount of the provision arising from passage of time is recognised as interest expense.

        Book value of provision is reviewed at each balance sheet date and adjusted to reflect the current best estimate.

        The provisions expected to be paid within one year since the balance sheet date are classified as current liabilities.

(37)    Share-based payments

        Share-based payments are divided into equity-settled and cash-settled payments. The term "equity-settled
        share-based payment" refers to a transaction in which an enterprise grants shares or other equity instruments as a
        consideration in return for services.

        Equity-settled share-based payment The Group‘s stock optionstock option plan is the equity-settled share-based
        payment in exchange of employees' services and is measured at the fair value of the equity instruments at grant
        date. The equity instruments are exercisable after services in vesting period are completed or specified
        performance conditions are met. In the vesting period, the services obtained in current period are included in
        relevant cost and expenses at the fair value of the equity instruments at grant date based on the best estimate of
        the number of exercisable equity instruments, and capital surplus is increased accordingly. If the subsequent
        information indicates the number of exercisable equity instruments differs from the previous estimate, an
        adjustment is made and, on the exercise date, the estimate is revised to equal the number of actual vested equity
        instruments. The Group determines the fair value of stock optionstock options using option pricing model, which is
        Black-Scholes option pricing model (B-S model).

        In the period at which performance conditions and term of service are met, the relevant cost and expenses of
        equity-settled payment should be recognized, and capital surplus is increased accordingly. Before the exercise
        date, the accruing amounts of equity-settled payments on balance sheet date reflect the part of expired waiting
        period and optimal estimation for the number of the Company final vested equity instruments.

        If the non-market conditions and term of service are not met so that share-based payment fail to exercise, the costs
        and expenses on this portion should not be recognized. If the share-based payment agreement sets out the market
        conditions and term of non-vesting, as long as performance conditions and term of service are met, it is should be
        regard as exercisable right, no matter the market conditions and non-vesting conditions are meet or not.

        If the terms of equity-settled payment are modified, at least the service is confirmed in accordance with the
        unmodified terms. In addition, the increase of the fair value of the authorized equity instruments, or the beneficial
        changes to the employees on the modification date, the increase of service are confirmed.

 2      Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Cont’d)

 (23)      Share-based payments (Cont’d)

        If the equity-settled payment is cancelled, the cancellation date shall be deemed as an expedited exercise, and the

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         (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
         [English translation for reference only]

         unconfirmed amount shall be confirmed immediately. If the employee or other party is able to choose to meet the
         non-vesting conditions but not satisfied in the waiting period, equity-settled payment should be cancelled. But if a
         new equity instrument is granted, and the new equity instrument is confirm to replace the old equity instrument
         which is canceled in the authorization date of the new equity instrument, the new equity instrument should be
         disposed by using the same conditions and terms of the old equity instrument for modifications

(38)     Revenue recognition

         The amount of revenue is determined in accordance with the fair value of the consideration received or receivable
         for the sales of goods and services in the ordinary course of the Group’s activities. Revenue is shown net of
         discounts, rebates and returns.

         Revenue is recognised when the economic benefits associated with the transaction will probably flow to the Group,
         the related revenue can be reliably measured, and the specific revenue recognition criteria have been met for each
         type of the Group’s activities as described below:

(a)      Sales of goods

         The Group mainly sells flat and engineering glass, products related to solar energy, and electronic glass and
         displays. For domestic sales, the Group delivers the products to a certain place specified in the contract. When the
         buyer takes over the goods, the Group recognises revenue. For export sales, the Group recognises the revenue
         when it finished clearing goods for export and deliver the goods on board the vessel, or when the goods are
         delivered to a certain place specified in the contract. For above sales, when the buyer takes over the goods, the
         buyer has the right to sell the products, and should bear the risk of price fluctuation or goods damage.

(b)      Rendering of services

         Revenue is recognised for the rendering of service by the Group to external parties upon the completion of related

(c) Transfer of asset use rights

         Interest income is recognised on a time-proportion basis using the effective interest method.

(39)     Government grants

         Government grants are transfers of monetary or non-monetary assets from the government to the Group at nil
         consideration, including tax refund and financial subsidies, etc.

         A government grant is recognised when there is a reasonable assurance that the grants will be received and the
         Group will comply with all attached conditions. Monetary government grants are measured at the amounts received
         or receivable. Non-monetary government grant are measured at fair value, if the fair value cannot be reliably
         obtained, it is measured at nominal amount.

         The government grants related to assets refer to government grant obtained by enterprises and used for purchase
         and construction of long-term assets or formation of long-term asset in other ways. The government grants related
         to income refer to grants other than those related to assets.

 2       Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Cont’d)

 (25)       Government grants (Cont’d)

         For government grants related to income, where the grant is a compensation for related expenses or losses to be
         incurred by the Group in the subsequent periods, the grant is recognised as deferred income, and included in profit

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        (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
        [English translation for reference only]

        or loss over the periods in which the related costs are recognised; where the grant is a compensation for related
        expenses or losses already incurred by the Group, the grant is recognised immediately in profit or loss for the
        current period.The company use the same method of presentation for similar government grants.

        The ordinary activitiy government grants should be counted into operating profits; the government grants which not
        belong ordinary activities should be counted inton non-operationg income.

(40)    Leases

        A lease that transfers substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to ownership of an asset is a finance lease.
        An operating lease is a lease other than a finance lease.

        Lease payments under an operating lease are recognised on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease, and
        are either capitalised as part of the cost of related assets, or charged as an expense for the current period.

        Lease income under an operating lease is recognised as revenue on a straight-line basis over the period of the

(41)    Assets classified as held for sale

        A non-current asset or a disposal group is classified as held for sale when all of the following conditions are
        satisfied: (1) the non-current asset or the disposal group is available for immediate sale in its present condition
        subject to terms that are traditionally and customary for sales; (2) the Group has made a resolution and obtained
        appropriate approval for disposal of the non-current asset or the disposal group, and the transfer is to be
        completed within one year.

        Non-current assets (except for financial assets, investment properties at fair value and deferred tax assets) that
        meet the recognition criteria for held for sale are recognised at the amount equal to the lower of the fair value less
        costs to sell and book value. The difference between fair value less costs to sell and carrying amount, should be
        presented as impairment loss.

        Such non-current assets and assets included in disposal groups as classified as held for sale are accounted for as
        current assets; while liabilities included in disposal groups classified as held for sale are accounted for as current
        liabilities, and are presented separately in the balance sheet.

        A discontinued operation is a component of the Group that either has been disposed of or is classified as held for
        sale, and is separately identifiable operationally and for financial reporting purposes, and satisfies one of the
        following conditions: (1) represents a separate major line of business or geographical area of operations; (2) is part
        of a single coordinated plan to dispose of a separate major line of business or geographical area of operations; and
        (3) is a subsidiary acquired exclusively with a view to resale.

        The discontinued operation profits on income statement presentation have included the profits and loss of
        operation and disposal.

(42)    Safety production costs

        According to relevant regulations of the Ministry of Finance and National Administration of Work Safety, a
        subsidiary of the Group which is engaged in producing and selling polysilicon appropriates safety production costs
        on following basis:
 2      Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Cont’d)

 (28)      Safety production costs

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        (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
        [English translation for reference only]

        (a)       4% for revenue below RMB10 million (inclusive) of the year;
        (b)       2% for the revenue between RMB10 million to RMB100 million (inclusive) of the year;
        (c)       0.5% for the revenue between RMB100 million to RMB1 billion (inclusive) of the year;
        (d)       0.2% for the revenue above RMB1 billion of the year.

        The safety production costs is mainly used for the overhaul, renewal and maintenance of safety facilities. The
        safety production costs are charged to costs of related products or profit or loss when appropriated, and safety
        production costs in equity account are credited correspondingly. When using the special reserve, if the
        expenditures are expenses in nature, the expenses incurred are offset against the special reserve directly when
        incurred. If the expenditures are capital expenditures, when projects are completed and transferred to fixed assets,
        the special reserve should be offset against the cost of fixed assets, and a corresponding accumulated
        depreciation are recognised. The fixed assets are no longer be depreciated in future.

(43)    Segment information

        The Group identifies operating segments based on the internal organisation structure, management requirements
        and internal reporting system, and discloses segment information of reportable segments which is determined on
        the basis of operating segments.

        An operating segment is a component of the Group that satisfies all of the following conditions: (1) the component
        is able to earn revenue and incur expenses from its ordinary activities; (2) whose operating results are regularly
        reviewed by the Group’s management to make decisions about resources to be allocated to the segment and to
        assess its performance, and (3) for which the information on financial position, operating results and cash flows is
        available to the Group. If two or more operating segments have similar economic characteristics and satisfy certain
        conditions, they are aggregated into one single operating segment.

(44)    Critical accounting estimates and judgements

        The Group continually Estimates the critical accounting estimates and key assumptions applied based on historical
        experience and other factors, including expectations of future events that are believed to be reasonable.

        The critical accounting estimates and key assumptions that have a significant risk of possibly causing a material
        adjustment to book values of assets and liabilities within the next accounting year are outlined below:

(a) Income tax

        The Group is subject to Income tax in numerous jurisdictions. There are some transactions and events for which
        the ultimate tax determination is uncertain during the ordinary course of business. Significant judgement is required
        from the Group in determining the provision for Income tax in each of these jurisdictions. Where the final identified
        outcome of these tax matters is different from the initially-recorded amount, such difference will impact the income
        tax expenses and deferred income tax in the period in which such determination is finally made.

(b) Deferred income tax

        Estimates on deferred tax assets are based on estimates on amount of taxable income and applicable tax rate for
        every year. Realisation of deferred income tax are subject to sufficient taxable income that are possible to be
        obtained by the Group in the future. Change of the future tax rate as well as the reversed time of temporary
        difference might have effects on tax expense (income) and the balance of
 2      Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Cont’d)

 (30)         Critical accounting estimates and judgements (Cont’d)

 (b)      Deferred income tax (Cont’d)

        deferred tax assets or liabilities. Those estimates may also cause significant adjustment on deferred tax.

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         (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
         [English translation for reference only]

(c) Impairment of long-term assets (excluding goodwill)

         Long-term assets at the balance sheet date should be subject to impairment testing if there are any indications of
         impairment. Management determines whether the long-term assets impaired or not by evaluating and analysing
         following aspects: (1) whether the event affecting assets impairment occurs; (2) whether the expected obtainable
         present value of future cash flows is lower than the asset’s carrying amount by continually using the assets or
         disposal; and (3) whether the assumptions used in expected obtainable present value of future cash flows are

         Various assumptions, including the discount rate and growth rate applied in the method of present value of future
         cash flow, are required in evaluating the recoverable amount of assets. If these assumptions cannot be conformed,
         the recoverable amount should be modified, and the long-term assets may be impaired accordingly.

(d) The useful life of fixed assets

         Management estimates the useful life of fixed assets, based on historical experiences on using fixed assets that
         have similar properties and functions. When there are differences between actually useful life and previously
         estimation, management will adjust estimation to useful life of fixed assets. The fixed assets would be written off or
         written down when fixed assets been disposed or became redundant. Thus, the estimated result based on existing
         experience may be different from the actual result of the next accounting period, which may cause major
         adjustment to book value of fixed assets on balance sheet.

(e) Goodwill impairment

         Goodwill impairment reviews are undertaken annually or more frequently if events or changes in circumstances
         indicate a potential impairment. For the purpose of impairment testing, goodwill acquired in a business combination
         is allocated to each of the cash-generating units (“CGUs”), or groups of CGUs, and future cash flow from each
         CGU or CGUs is forcasted and discounted with appropriate discount rate.

(45)     Significant changes in accounting policies

         In 2017, the Ministry of Finance released the “Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 42—Non-current
         Assets or Disposal Groups Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations”, revised “Accounting Standard for Business
         Enterprises No. 16—Government Grants” and the “Circular on Amendment to Formats of Financial Statements of
         General Industry” and its interpretation (Cai Kuai [2017] 30). The financial statements are prepared in accordance
         with the above standards and circular, and impacts are as follows:

 2       Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Cont’d)

 (31)       Significant changes in accounting policies (Cont’d)

             The nature and the reasons of the changes in                                           The amounts
                                                                      The line items affected
                         accounting policies                                                          affected
         The Company and its subsidiaries recorded the VAT
         return obtained and other government grants related                   N/A                       N/A
           to ordinary activities in 2017 in other income. The
            comparatives as at 31 December 2016 were not

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        (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
        [English translation for reference only]


          The Company and its subsidiaries recorded the
            gains or losses on disposals of fixed assets           Income on disposal
        occurred in 2017, in loss on disposals of assets. The            assets                   (1,759,358)
           comparatives as at 31 December 2016 were                                                1,551,302
                        restated accordingly                      Non-operating income
                                                                  Non-operating expense
         The Company’s assets for sale in 2017 is presented
          separately. The comparative financial statement at               N/A                        N/A
                31 December 2016 is not presented

(46)    Prior period accounting error correction

 b. Matter descreption
         During the preparation of the current financial statements, the company discovered that: On December 10, 2012,
         the People's Government of Yichang City and the Company signed the Cooperation Agreement on Fine Glass and
         Ultrathin Electronic Glass Project (hereinafter referred to as the “original agreement”);Two supplemental
         agreements were formed based on the original agreement: On March 20, 2013, the People's Government of
         Yichang and the Company signed a supplementary agreement (I) 《Cooperation Agreement on Fine Glass and
         Ultra-thin Electronic Glass Projects》、 December 30, 2013 Yichang High and new technology development
         zone management committee and the company signed a supplementary agreement (II) 《 Cooperative
         Agreement on Fine Glass and Ultrathin Electronic Glass Projects》. The main contents of the supplementary
         agreement (II) are as follows:
         The management committee of Yichang High-tech Industrial Development Zone agreed to establish a RMB 171
         million talent fund for the company’s mid- to senior-level management、 engineering and technical personnel and
         senior professional mechanics who be introduced to Yichang, as a special fund subsidy for the introduction of
         talents and the placement of talented people. The company is responsible for formulating the housing resettlement
         subsidy program and supervising the use of this special fund.
         According to the agreement, the company entrusted the wholly-owned subsidiary Yichang CSG Silicon Material
         Co., Ltd. to collect the fund, and the management committee of Yichang High-tech Industrial Development Zone
         fully allocated to Yichang CSG Silicon Material Co., Ltd.
         The funds were subsidized by the government to the company, but Yichang CSG Silicon Material Co., Ltd.
         received this amount and transferred it to Yichang Hongtai Real Estate Co., Ltd. in full amount without proper
         approval from the company's board of directors and other relevant authorities. (Yichang Hongtai Real Estate Co.,
         Ltd. is a company jointly indirect controlled by part of the former natural executives of the company. The
         company has no equity relationship with the company. For details of the company, see Note 8(4)).

 2      Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Cont’d)

 (32)      Prior period accounting error correction (Cont’d)

 b.          Accounting treatment
        Yichang CSG Silicon Material Co., Ltd. received the above fund from February 21, 2014 to April 28, 2014, and
        transferred it to Yichang Hongtai Real Estate Co., Ltd. in full and also handled the accounting treatment according
        to the collecting and paying. The Company did not conduct any accounting treatment and report disclosure in
        consolidated Statements.

        According to the relevant provisions of the “Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises - Government
        Subsidies”, the company believes that the special funds in the above agreement constitute a government subsidy,
        and the government subsidy related to income should be confirmed in the financial statements of the
        corresponding accounting period, recognition of expense at the same time carring forward the profits and loss of

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           CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

           FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2017
           (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
           [English translation for reference only]

           the current.Therefore, the company in the current period Items were corrected for accounting errors.

 c.             Impact on the financial statements
           The Group and the Company made retrospective adjustments to the above accounting errors. In the consolidated
           balance sheet, other receivables were increased by RMB171,000,000 as of December 31, 2016 (January 1, 2016:
           RMB171,000,000). December 2016 On the 31st, other receivables - bad debt provisions were increased by
           3,420,000 yuan (January 1, 2016: RMB3,420,000), and deferred income was increased by 171 million yuan
           (December 1, 2016: RMB171 million) on December 31, 2016. As of December 31, 2016, the surplus reserve was
           reduced by RMB342,000 (January 1, 2016: RMB 342,000). As of December 31, 2016, the undistributed profit was
           reduced by RMB 3,078,000 (January 1, 2016: RMB 3,078,000).

           In the company's balance sheet, other receivables were increased by RMB171,000,000 (December 1, 2016:
           RMB171,000,000) as of December 31, 2016, and other receivables – provision for bad debts increased by
           RMB3,420,000 (December 31, 2016) ( January 1, 2016: RMB3,420,000), 20 yuan December 31, 2016 deferred
           income increased by RMB171,000,000 (January 1, 2016: RMB171,000,000), December 31, 2016 surplus reserve
           decreased by RMB342,000 (January 1, 2016: RMB342,000), Undistributed profits decreased by RMB3,078,000
           (December 1, 2016: RMB 3,078,000) as of December 31, 2016.

4     Taxation

(1)        The main categories and rates of taxes applicable to the Group are set out below:

           Category                           Taxable basis                                               Tax rate

           Enterprise income tax              Taxable income                                              0% to 25%
           Value-added tax (“VAT”) (a)      Taxable value-added amount (Tax payable is calculated using 6% to 17%
                                                the taxable sales amount multiplied by the applicable tax
                                                rate less deductible VAT input of the current period)
           City     maintenance            and VAT paid                                                   1% to 7%
             construction tax
           Educational surcharge              VAT paid                                                    3% to 5%
           Resource tax                       Silica sold Sales                                           6.5%

           Some subsidiaries of the Group have used the “exempt, credit, refund” method on goods exported and the refund
           rate is 5%-17%.

3     Taxation (Cont’d)

(2) Tax incentives

           The main tax incentives the Group is entitled to are as follows:

           Tianjin Energy Conservation Glass Co., Ltd. (“Tianjin Energy Conservation”) passed review on a high and new tech
           enterprise in 2015 and obtained the Certificate of High and New Tech Enterprise, the period of validity is three
           years. It applies to 15% tax rate for three years since 2015.

           Dongguan CSG Architectural Glass Co., Ltd. (“Dongguan CSG”) passed review on a high and new tech enterprise
           in 2016 and obtained the Certificate of High and New Tech Enterprise, the period of validity is three years. It
           applies to 15% tax rate for three years since 2016.

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(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]

Wujiang CSG North-east Architectural Glass Co., Ltd. (“Wujiang CSG”) passed review on a high and new tech
enterprise in 2017 and obtained the Certificate of High and New Tech Enterprise, the period of validity is three
years. It applies to 15% tax rate for three years since 2017.

Dongguan CSG Solar Glass Co., Ltd. (“Dongguan CSG Solar”) passed review on a high and new tech enterprise in
2017 and obtained the Certificate of High and New Tech Enterprise, the period of validity is three years. It applies
to 15% tax rate for three years since 2017.

Yichang CSG Silicon Co., Ltd. (“Yichang CSG Silicon”) passed review on a high and new tech enterprise in 2017
and obtained the Certificate of High and New Tech Enterprise, the period of validity is three years. It applies to 15%
tax rate for three years since 2017.

Dongguan CSG PV-tech Co., Ltd. (“Dongguan CSG PV-tech”) passed review on a high and new tech enterprise in
2016 and obtained the Certificate of High and New Tech Enterprise, the period of validity is three years. It applies
to 15% tax rate for three years since 2016.

Hebei Shichuang Glass Co., Ltd. (“Hebei Shichuang”) passed review on a high and new tech enterprise in 2016
and obtained the Certificate of High and New Tech Enterprise, the period of validity is three years. It applies to 15%
tax rate for three years since 2016.

Wujiang CSG Glass Co., Ltd. (“Wujiang CSG”) was recognised as a high and new tech enterprise in 2017, and
obtained the Certificate of High and New Tech Enterprise, and the period of validity was three years. It applies to
15% tax rate for three years since 2017.

Xianning CSG Glass Co Ltd. (“Xianning CSG”) was recognised as a high and new tech enterprise in 2017, and
obtained the Certificate of High and New Tech Enterprise, and the period of validity was three years. It applies to
15% tax rate for three years since 2017.

Xianning CSG Energy-Saving Glass Co., Ltd. (“Xianning CSG Energy-Saving”) was recognised as a high and new
tech enterprise in 2015, and obtained the Certificate of High and New Tech Enterprise, and the period of validity
was three years. It applies to 15% tax rate for three years since 2015.

Yichang CSG Photoelectric Glass Co., Ltd. (“Yichang CSG Photoelectric”) was recognised as a high and new tech
enterprise in 2015, and obtained the Certificate of High and New Tech Enterprise, and the period of validity was
three years. It applies to 15% tax rate for three years since 2015.

Yichang CSG Display Co., Ltd (“Yichang CSG Display”) was recognised as a high and new tech enterprise in 2016,
and obtained the Certificate of High and New Tech Enterprise, and the period of validity was three years. It applies
to 15% tax rate for three years since 2016.

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      (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
      [English translation for reference only]

3     Taxation (Cont'd)

(2)   Tax incentives (Cont’d)

      Qingyuan CSG New Energy-Saving Materials Co., Ltd. (“Qingyuan CSG Energy-Saving”) was recognised as a
      high and new tech enterprise in 2016, and obtained the Certificate of High and New Tech Enterprise, and the
      period of validity was three years. It applies to 15% tax rate for three years since 2016.

      Sichuan CSG Energy Conservation Glass Co., Ltd. (“Sichuan CSG Energy Conservation”) obtains enterprise
      income tax preferential treatment for Western Development, and temporarily calculates enterprise income tax at a
      tax rate of 15% for current year.

      Chengdu CSG Glass Co., Ltd. (“Chengdu CSG”) obtains enterprise income tax preferential treatment for Western
      Development, and temporarily calculates enterprise income tax at a tax rate of 15% for current year.

      Qingyuan CSG New Energy Co., Ltd. (“Qingyuan CSG New Energy”), Suzhou CSG PV Energy Co., Ltd. (“Suzhou
      CSG PV Energy”), Jiangsu Wujiang CSG New Energy Co., Ltd. (“Wujiang CSG New Energy”), and Yichang CSG
      New Energy Co., Ltd. (“Yichang CSG New Energy”), Zhangzhou CSG Kibing PV Energy Co., Ltd. (“Zhangzhou
      CSG”), Heyuan CSG Kibing PV Energy Co., Ltd. (“Heyuan CSG”), Shaoxing CSG Kibing PV Energy Co., Ltd.
      (“Shaoxing CSG”) are public infrastructure project specially supported by the state in accordance with the Article
      87 in Implementing Regulations of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Enterprise Income Tax, and can
      enjoy the tax preferential policy of “three-year exemptions and three-year halves”, that is, starting from the tax year
      when the first revenue from production and operation occurs, the enterprise income tax is exempted from the first
      to the third year, while half of the enterprise income tax is collected for the following three years. Qingyuan CSG
      New Energy, Suzhou CSG PV Energy and Wujiang CSG New Energy started to carry out operations in 2015, while
      Yichang CSG New Energy started operation in 2016, Zhangzhou CSG, Heyuan CSG and Shaoxing CSG started
      operation in 2017. The applicable enterprise income tax rate for them is 0% for the current year.

      In addition, pursuant to the document Fogang Guo Shui Shui Tong [2015] No. 2489, the VAT for photovoltaic power
      generation of Qingyuan CSG New Energy is subject to the refund upon collection policy.

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      (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
      [English translation for reference only]

4     Notes to the consolidated financial statements

(4)   Cash at bank and on hand

                                                                    31 December 2017           31 December 2016

      Cash on hand                                                              36,182                    17,239
      Cash at bank                                                       2,409,716,983               584,549,751
      Other cash balances                                                   52,852,599                 2,236,515
                                                                         2,462,605,764               586,803,505

      Including: Total overseas deposits                                    24,049,075                12,956,226

      Other cash balances include margin deposits for issuing letters of credit and applying loans, amounting to
      RMB2,852,599 (31 December 2016: RMB2,236,515), which is restricted cash.

(5)   Notes receivable

                                                                    31 December 2017           31 December 2016

      Trade acceptance notes                                              329,405,579                317,789,825
      Bank acceptance notes                                               222,826,841                138,557,412
                                                                          552,232,420                456,347,237

(a)   As at 31 December 2017, notes receivable which have been endorsed or discounted by the Group but are not yet
      due are as follows:

                                                                           Derecognised         Not derecognised

      Trade acceptance notes                                                              -         179,023,725
      Bank acceptance notes                                               3,154,733,678                         -
                                                                          3,154,733,678             179,023,725

(6)   Accounts receivable

                                                                    31 December 2017          31 December 2016

      Accounts receivable                                                 660,150,357               644,454,374
      Less: Provision for bad debts                                        (21,912,067)              (16,468,391)
                                                                          638,238,290               627,985,983

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         (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
         [English translation for reference only]

4        Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(3) Accounts receivable (Cont’d)

(d)      The ageing of accounts receivable is analysed as follows:

                                                                                            31 December 2017                      31 December 2016

         Within 1 year                                                                             639,294,320                           628,822,515
         1 to 2 years                                                                                8,343,672                             15,585,397
         2 to 3 years                                                                               12,512,365                                          -
         Over 3 years                                                                                            -                              46,462
                                                                                                   660,150,357                           644,454,374

          As at 31 December 2017, accounts receivable of RMB93,961,486 (31 December 2016: RMB50,609,529) were
          overdue. But based on analysis on financial positions and credit records of such customers, such receivables
          were considered recoverable and unimpaired by the Company. Therefore no provision for impairment loss had
          been made. The overdue ageing of the accounts receivable is analysed as follows:

                                                                                           31 December 2017                       31 December 2016

          Within 1 year                                                                            86,358,511                             47,568,459
          1 to 2 years                                                                              7,448,217                               3,041,070
          2 to 3 years                                                                                154,758
                                                                                                   93,961,486                             50,609,529

(e)        Accounts receivable are analysed by categories as follows:

                                                            31 December 2017                                         31 December 2016
                                                 Carrying amount         Provision for bad debts      Carrying amount               Provision for bad debts
                                                            % of total     Provision for                             % of total     Provision for
                                                  Amount     balance         bad debts       %         Amount         balance         bad debts         %

        Provision for     bad   debts    by
           Portfolio 1                        636,614,136          96%     (12,233,039)    2%      631,863,585            98%        (12,187,534)     2%
         With amounts that are not
          individually significant but that
          the related provision for bad
          debts is provided on the
          individual basis                     23,536,221          4%       (9,679,028)    41%      12,590,789             2%         (4,280,857)    34%
                                              660,150,357      100%        (21,912,067)    3%      644,454,374          100%        (16,468,391)      3%

                                                                            - 234 -
         CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

         (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
         [English translation for reference only]

4        Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(3) Accounts receivable (Cont’d)

(f)      Provision for bad debts provided on grouping basis using the percentage of provision method is analysed as

                                      31 December 2017                                              31 December 2016
                          Carrying amount       Provision for bad debts            Carrying amount              Provision for bad debts
                                    Amount            Amount           %                         Amount                     Amount       %

         Portfolio 1             636,614,136       (12,233,039)        2%                     631,863,585                (12,187,534)    2%
                                 636,614,136       (12,233,039)        2%                     631,863,585                (12,187,534)    2%

(h)      As at 31 December 2017, the Company had no accounts receivable with amounts that were individually significant
         and that the related provision for bad debts was provided on the individual basis (31 December 2016: Nil).

(i)      As at 31 December 2017, accounts receivable of RMB23,536,221 (31 December 2016: RMB12,590,789) were not
         individually significant but provided for bad debts separately. It mainly represented the goods receivable due from
         a client of the subsidiary, Yichang CSG Display. Due to the client’s bankruptcy, Yichang CSG Display made full
         provision against this receivable. It also represented the goods receivable due from a client of the subsidiary,
         Dongguan CSG PV-tech. Due to business dispute, Dongguan CSG PV-tech made partial provision against the

(j) Accounts receivables of RMB117,931 were written off this year, all of which were low amount of accounts receivable and
        none of which arose from related-party transactions. The reasons for the written-off included disputes with
        customers and inability to contact with creditors and etc.

(k)      As at 31 December 2017, the Group’s top five entities with the largest accounts receivable balances are set out as

                                                                              Provision for bad             Percentage in total accounts
                                                             Balance                      debts                     receivable balance

         Total balances for the five largest
           accounts receivable                          104,847,077                 (2,096,942)                                         16%

(7) Advances to suppliers

(c)      The ageing of prepayment is analysed below:

                                                      31 December 2017                                  31 December 2016
                                                                             % of total                                          % of total
                                                        Amount                balance                       Amount                balance

         Within 1 year                              130,813,397                    91%                80,819,387                        84%
         1 to 2 years                                    264,952                          -           14,913,745                        16%
         2 to 3 years                                12,769,674                     9%                               -                        -
                                                    143,848,023                  100%                 95,733,132                        100%

                                                                   - 235 -

(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]

As at 31 December 2017, advances to suppliers over 1 year with a carrying amount of RMB13,034,626 (31
December 2016: RMB14,913,745) were mainly advances paid for materials, which were not fully settled since the
materials had not been received.

                                                    - 236 -
        CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

        (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
        [English translation for reference only]

4       Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(4)     Advances to suppliers (Cont’d)

(d)     As at 31 December 2017, the five largest prepayment are analysed as follows:

                                                                                               Percentage in total
                                                                                             advances to suppliers
                                                                                  Balance                 balance

        Total balances for the five largest advances to suppliers               53,034,242                   37%

(8) Other receivables

                                                                         31 December 2017      31 December 2016

        Receivables from related parties (Note 8(5))                          171,000,000            171,000,000
        Refundable deposits                                                     16,957,562              6,121,403
        Payments made on behalf of other parties                                19,306,658            25,019,422
        Petty cash                                                                 875,714               959,785
        Export tax rebates receivable                                                    -               755,372
        Others                                                                   2,319,489              1,047,235
                                                                               210,459,423           204,903,217
        Less: Provision for bad debts                                          (4,520,404)             (4,094,068)
                                                                               205,939,019           200,809,149

(g) The ageing of other receivables is analysed as follows:

                                                                         31 December 2017      31 December 2016

        Within 1 year                                                          22,924,535              19,918,108
        1 to 2 years                                                            2,813,012              11,275,420
        2 to 3 years                                                            11,211,511           171,903,685
        3 to 4 years                                                          171,855,888                 123,670
        4 to 5 years                                                               86,395               1,156,315
        Over 5 years                                                            1,568,082                 526,019
                                                                              210,459,423            204,903,217

         As at 31 December 2017, other receivables of RMB2,510,365 (31 December 2016: RMB1,806,004) were overdue.
         But based on analysis on financial positions and credit records of such customers, such receivables were
         considered recoverable and unimpaired by the Company. Therefore no provision for impairment loss had been

                                                               - 237 -

       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

4      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(5)    Other receivables (Cont'd)

(h) Other receivables are analysed by categories as follows:

                                                    31 December 2017                                         31 December 2016
                                                                      Provision for bad                                      Provision for bad
                                         Carrying amount                    debts                 Carrying amount                  debts
                                                    % of total       Provision for                            % of total    Provision for
                                          Amount     balance           bad debts         %        Amount       balance        bad debts        %

       Provision for bad debts by
         Portfolio 1                   39,136,518          19%         (777,499)         2%    33,903,217          17%         (674,068)    2%
         Portfolio 2                  171,000,000          81%       (3,420,000)         2%   171,000,000          83%       (3,420,000)    2%
       Not individually significant
       but provided for bad debts
       separately                        322,905                 -     (322,905) 100%

                                      210,459,423       100%         (4,520,404)         2%   204,903,217        100%        (4,094,068)    2%

(i) The reason why not individually significant but provided for bad debts separately is the payment is not
        recoverable over 5 years.

(j) The other receivables actually written off during the year amounted to RMB199,796, which was due to small
        receivables and non-related transactions. The reasons for write-off include business disputes or failure
        to contact the debtor and result in uncollectible payments.

(k) For other receivables provided for bad debts by portfolio, the percentage of provision for the portfolio is as

                                              31 December 2017                                              31 December 2016
                                  Carrying amount        Provision for bad debts              Carrying amount         Provision for bad debts
                                          Amount             Amount                  %                Amount                  Amount        %

       Portfolio 1                     39,136,518           (777,499)              2%              33,903,217               (674,068)       2%

       Portfolio 2                    171,000,000         (3,420,000)              2%             171,000,000              (3,420,000)      2%

                                      210,136,518         (4,197,499)              2%             204,903,217              (4,094,068)      2%

(l) As at 31 December 2017, the top 5 largest other receivables are analysed as bellow:

                                                                                                    Percentage in total
                                                                                                     other receivables        Provision for
                                Nature of business          Balance                      Ageing               balance           bad debts

       Company A              Independent third party      171,000,000          3 to 4 Years                         81%           3,420,000
       departmentB            Independent third party       11,067,754             2 to3 Years                        5%             221,355
       Company C              Independent third party        5,000,000          Within 1 year                         2%             100,000
       Company D              Independent third party        3,717,415          Within 1 year                         2%              74,348

                                                                         - 238 -

(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]

Company E            Independent third party        3,350,000   Within 1 year   2%      67,000
                                                194,135,169                     92%   3,882,703

                                                          - 239 -
         CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

         (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
         [English translation for reference only]

4        Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(9) Inventories

(a)      Inventories are summarised by categories as follows:

                                                      31 December 2017                                           31 December 2016
                                                         Provision for                                                Provision for
                                                        decline in the                                               decline in the
                                                              value of                                                     value of
                                   Carrying amount         inventories      Carrying amount    Carrying amount         inventories    Carrying amount

         Raw materials                 213,348,012        (1,447,590)          211,900,422         166,639,254         (2,025,446)       164,613,808

         Work in progress               45,614,905               -              45,614,905          18,893,651                   -        18,893,651

         Finished goods               387,489,714             (68,974)         387,420,740         274,559,889         (6,347,741)       268,212,148

         Turnover materials             40,959,250               -              40,959,250          26,061,318                   -        26,061,318

                                       687,411,881        (1,516,564)          685,895,317         486,154,112         (8,373,187)       477,780,925

(b)      Provision for decline in the value of inventories are analysed as follows:

                                    31 December                                                                                        31 December
                                           2016             Increase in current year            Reversal in current year                      2017

       Finished goods                  6,347,741                                68,974                       (6,347,741)                      68,974
       Raw materials                   2,025,446                                      -                          (577,856)                 1,447,590
                                       8,373,187                                68,974                       (6,925,597)                   1,516,564

(c)      Provision for decline in the value of inventories is as follows:

                                                                                                                    Reasons of reversal of the
                                                                                                                       decline in the value of
                                     Basis for provision for decline in the value of inventories                                   inventories

                                    The amount of carrying amount less net realisable value
         Finished goods                                  due to decline in price of products                                                  Sold
                                   The amount of book value less net realisable value due to
         Raw materials                                  sluggish or damaged raw materials                                                    Used

 (7)     Assets classified as held for sale
                                                       carrying amounts                                           Estimated               Estimated
                            Item                     at the end of period                  Fair value        disposal costs            disposal time

         Intangible assets                                   15,048,314                   18,390,394                                  June of 2018

         Construction in progress                            30,935,206                   37,805,606                                   June of 2018

                                                             45,983,520                   56,196,000                         -

         The subsidiary of the Group, Dongguan CSG PV-tech signed a grant contract of land use right with third party

                                                                            - 240 -

       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

       Dongguan Chaoyin Textile Co., LTD. (Dongguan Chaoyin Company) on 17 June 2016. Dongguan CSG PV-tech
       sells its land use right along with the buildings on the land to Dongguan Chaoyin Company. Therefore, the
       construction-in-progress and intangible assets of Dongguan CSG PV-tech were transferred to assets held for sale.
       As at 31 December 2017, the transfer of propery rights had not been finalised.

4      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(8)    Other current assets

                                                                        31 December 2017             31 December 2016

       VAT to be offset                                                         181,667,326               150,317,894
       Assets classified as held for sale                                                 -                40,049,163
       Enterprise income tax prepaid                                              1,132,508                 1,325,723
       VAT input to be recognised                                                18,048,155                 8,212,797
                                                                                200,847,989               199,905,577

(10)     Fixed assets
                                                              Machinery and
                                                 Buildings       equipment         Motor vehicles                Total
       31 December 2016                     3,911,336,527    11,699,296,248          201,923,067        15,812,555,842
       Increase in current year
         Acquisition                            4,924,460         18,947,748           7,467,964           31,340,172
        Transfers from construction
        in progress (Note 4(10))              94,982,205      1,338,373,278            5,515,375         1,438,870,858
        Adjustment of completion
        settlement                                738,830         19,721,695             238,675           20,699,200
       Decrease in current year
       Disposal or retirement                  (8,917,927)       (52,049,454)          (6,203,870)         (67,171,251)
         Transfer to construction in
         progress                             (3,695,395)      (561,466,255)            (648,454)        (565,810,104)
       31 December 2017                     3,999,368,700    12,462,823,260          208,292,757        16,670,484,717

       Accumulated depreciation
       31 December 2016                      629,946,237      3,287,606,208          172,265,020         4,089,817,465
       Increase in current year
         Provision                           124,679,206        833,507,101           22,395,614          980,581,921
       Decrease in current year
       Disposal or retirement                  (1,211,382)       (13,892,180)          (5,723,521)         (20,827,083)
       Transfer to construction in
       progress                                (1,895,250)      (198,327,057)            (387,830)        (200,610,137)
       31 December 2017                      751,518,811      3,908,894,072          188,549,283         4,848,962,166

       Provision for impairment loss

                                                             - 241 -
        CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

        (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
        [English translation for reference only]

         31 December 2016                                           -           264,765,386                            -            264,765,386
           Provision                                 10,580,861                   25,679,443                                          36,260,304
           Disposal or retirement                                                (20,272,836)                                        (20,272,836)
         31 December 2017                            10,580,861                 270,171,993                                         280,752,854

         Carrying amount
         31 December 2017                        3,237,269,028                8,283,757,195               19,743,474              11,540,769,697
         31 December 2016                        3,281,390,290                8,146,924,654               29,658,047              11,457,972,991

        In 2017, the depreciation amount provided for fixed assets was RMB980,581,921 (2016: RMB891,257,741), and
        the amount of depreciation expenses charged to cost of sales, selling and distribution expenses, general and
        administrative expenses and construction in progress was RMB890,575,701, RMB 970,739 , RMB 65,929,139
        and RMB 23,106,342 (2016 : RMB 819,298,731, RMB 979,874, RMB 59,067,087 and RMB 11,912,049)

        In 2017, the cost of fixed assets transferred from construction in progress amounted to RMB 1,438,870,858 (2016:

4       Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)
        Fixed assets (Cont’d)

(b) Fixed assets with pending certificates of ownership

                                   Carrying amount                                       Reasons for not yet obtaining certificates of title

                                                                  Have submitted the required documents and are in the process of
        Buildings                        893,119,983                    application, or the related land use right certificate pending

(12)        Construction in progress

                                                         31 December 2017                                      31 December 2016
                                                             Provision for
                                              Carrying                            Carrying          Carrying      Provision for
                                                              impairment                                                            Carrying amount
                                               amount                              amount            amount    impairment loss

          Xianning CSG Photoelectric
                                           400,665,493                   -     400,665,493        41,267,876   -                         41,267,876
          Glass project
          Yichang   display  device
          company flat panel display       298,794,622       (14,160,474)      284,634,148       274,342,571       (14,160,474)         260,182,097
          Yichang      Optoelectronic
                                           242,055,237                   -     242,055,237                 -                  -                   -
          Technology Reform Project
          Hebei        float      600T
                                           113,762,853                   -     113,762,853                 -                  -                   -
          tech-innovation project
          Zhanjiang       Photovoltaic
          20MV            Step-by-step
                                           100,570,104                   -     100,570,104         8,855,560                  -           8,855,560
          Photovoltaic   Power Plant
          Dongguan     Solar   Glass
          Phase I and II improvement        78,970,995       (40,248,018)       38,722,977        78,970,995       (33,075,116)          45,895,879

                                                                             - 242 -

(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]

 Wujiang    energy         glass
                                     72,600,518    (19,876,460)      52,724,058      70,178,986    (19,876,460)     50,302,526
 expansion project
 Yichang 1GW silicon slice
                                     43,617,802               -      43,617,802      95,011,027               -     95,011,027
 LED Sapphire        Substrate
                                     30,886,629    (19,303,853)      11,582,776      29,472,040               -     29,472,040
 Wujiang        Photovoltaic
                                      7,414,854               -       7,414,854       1,583,553               -      1,583,553
 Packaging Materials Project
 Yichang                5000T
 electronic-grade   polysilicon         943,396               -         943,396     171,211,288               -    171,211,288
 Heyuan Kibing PV tech
 11MV distributed generation          2,267,345               -       2,267,345      85,126,446               -     85,126,446
 Dongguan PV Tech 200MW
 PV-tech Battery Expansion            1,179,935               -       1,179,935       8,224,072               -      8,224,072
 Hebei        float      900T
                                               -              -                -    388,627,081               -    388,627,081
 tech-innovation project
 Chengdu float      550T    line
                                               -              -                -    102,304,740               -    102,304,740
 Qingyuan high-performance
 ultrathin electronic glass                    -              -                -      1,034,372               -      1,034,372
 Sichuan       energy-saving
                                               -              -                -     13,005,928               -     13,005,928
 project Phase III

 Others                             117,889,623      (405,983)      117,483,640      59,991,892               -     59,991,892

                                   1,511,619,406   (93,994,788)    1,417,624,618   1,429,208,427   (67,112,050)   1,362,096,377

                                                                  - 243 -

(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]

                                                    - 244 -

       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

4      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(10)   Construction in progress (Cont'd)

       (c)         Movement of significant project

                                                                                                                                                          Amount of            Including:
                                                     31                        Transfer to fixed          Other             31                             borrowing          Amount of     Capitalisation
                                                                 Increase in                                                                between                                                          Source
       Project name                 Budget        December                     assets in current   decreases in       December                                   costs   borrowing costs       rate for in
                                                                current year                                                        engineering input                                                        of fund
                                                    2016                                   year     current year          2017                          capitalised in     capitalised in    current year
                                                                                                                                       and budget (i)
                                                                                                                                                                 2017               2017

       Xianning          CSG                                                                                                                                                                                   Internal
       Photoelectric     Glass    510,000,000     41,267,876    371,315,353      (11,692,808)       (224,928)         400,665,493             81%        7,770,613          7,770,613         4.75%           fund and
       project                                                                                                                                                                                               bank loan

       Yichang CSG flat panel                                                                                                                 81%                                                             fund and
                                  1,970,000,000   274,342,571   68,678,108       (44,226,057)           -             298,794,622                        4,144,159          3,146,516         4.20%
       display project                                                                                                                                                                                       bank loan

       Yichang Optoelectronic                                                                                                                                                                                  Internal
       Technology    Reform       258,296,536          -        242,055,237           -                 -             242,055,237             60%            -                  -               -             fund and
       Project                                                                                                                                                                                               bank loan

       Hebei     float     600T                                                                                                                1%                                                              Internal
                                  129,180,000          -        121,809,135       (284,860)        (7,761,422)        113,762,853                            -                  -               -                 fund
       tech-innovation project
       Zhanjiang Photovoltaic
       20MV        Step-by-step                                                                                                               96%                                                             fund and
                                  133,000,000      8,855,560    91,714,544            -                 -             100,570,104                        2,280,097          2,280,097         5.74%
       Photovoltaic      Power                                                                                                                                                                               bank loan
       Plant Project
       Dongguan Solar Glass
                                                                                                                                              80%                                                              Internal
       Phase    I    and   II     396,410,000     78,970,995         -                -                 -             78,970,995                             -                  -               -                  fund
       improvement project
       Wujiang energy glass                                                                                                                   99%                                                              Internal
                                  845,630,000     70,178,986     3,279,395        (676,165)         (181,698)         72,600,518                        20,120,444              -               -                  fund
       expansion project
       Yichang 1GW      silicon                                                                                                                                                                                Internal
                                  1,073,209,600   95,011,027    361,731,413     (413,124,638)           -             43,617,802              36%        8,629,993          8,083,768         4.79%           fund and
       slice project                                                                                                                                                                                         bank loan
       LED Sapphire Substrate                                                                                                                 88%                                                             fund and
                                   35,000,000     29,472,040     2,696,640       (1,282,051)            -             30,886,629                         4,650,543           899,966          4.78%
       Project                                                                                                                                                                                               bank loan

       Wujiang   Photovoltaic                                                                                                                                                                                  Internal
       Packaging   Materials      520,100,000      1,583,553     7,288,394       (1,457,093)            -              7,414,854              87%            -                  -               -             fund and
       Project                                                                                                                                                                                               bank loan

       Yichang          5000T     698,396,700     171,211,288   45,733,419      (216,001,311)           -              943,396                26%        8,453,998          5,244,463         4.44%            Internal
       electronic-grade                                                                                                                                                                                       fund and

                                                                                                            - 245 -

(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]

polysilicon project                                                                                                                                                           bank loan

Heyuan Kibing PV tech
                                                                                                                                      93%                                       Internal
11MV          distributed     91,600,000       85,126,446       3,577,331      (77,641,121)     (8,795,311)         2,267,345                325,704      325,704     5.00%         fund
generation project
Dongguan PV Tech                                                                                                                                                                Internal
200MW PV-tech Battery         697,000,000       8,224,072      49,163,936      (56,208,073)          -              1,179,935      100%     32,417,335    401,535     4.80%    fund and
Expansion project                                                                                                                                                             bank loan

Hebei     float     900T                                                                                                                                                       fund and
                              124,000,000     388,627,081       3,816,268     (392,210,090)      (233,259)               -         100%     4,211,893    1,057,593    4.94%
tech-innovation project                                                                                                                                                       bank loan
Chengdu float 550T line                                                                                                                                                        fund and
                              200,000,000     102,304,740      57,840,038     (160,144,778)          -                   -         100%      306,663      306,663     4.60%
tech-renovation                                                                                                                                                               bank loan

high-performance                                                                                                                                                               fund and
                              471,660,000       1,034,372           -                -          (1,034,372)              -         100%         -            -          -
ultrathin electronic glass                                                                                                                                                    bank loan
Sichuan energy-saving                                                                                                                                                           Internal
                              222,817,517      13,005,928           -          (10,119,658)     (2,886,270)              -         100%         -            -          -           fund
project Phase III
Others                       2,657,421,716     59,991,892      111,879,886     (53,802,155)      (180,000)         117,889,623               339,257      339,257     4.15%    fund and
                                                                                                                                                                              bank loan

                             11,033,722,069   1,429,208,427   1,542,579,097   (1,438,870,858)   (21,297,260)       1,511,619,406            93,650,699   29,856,175

(j)      The proportion of project expenditure incurred to the budget is determined by the accumulative expenditures incurred divided by the total budget. Some of the projects
            are transferred to property, plant, and equipment because the construction is completed.

(ii)         The budget and actual expenditures incurred for these kinds of projects include cost of acquiring land use rights. The balance of construction in progress does not
             include the costs of acquiring land-use right

                                                                                                         - 246 -

       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

4      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(10)   Construction in progress (Cont'd)

       (d)        Provision for impairment of construction in progress

                                         31 December         Increase in     Decrease in    31 December   Reason for
       Project name
                                                2016        current year     current year          2017    provision

       Dongguan Solar Glass Phase I
                                           33,075,116         7,172,902                 -    40,248,018            -
       and II improvement project

       Wujiang float glass project         19,876,460                    -              -    19,876,460            -

       Yichang CSG Display panel
                                           14,160,474                    -              -    14,160,474            -
       display project
       LED     Sapphire     Substrate
                                                     -       19,303,853                 -    19,303,853            -

       Others                                        -         405,983                  -       405,983            -

                                           67,112,050        26,882,738                 -    93,994,788            -

                                                               - 247 -

       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

 4     Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(13)       Intangible assets and development expenditure

                                                            Patents and
                                           Land use                         Exploitation
                                                             proprietary                       Others                 Total
                                              rights                              rights


       31 December 2016                1,026,603,700       199,922,986       4,456,536     23,548,047         1,254,531,269

       Acquisition in current year                 -         2,966,502                 -   12,558,663            15,525,165

       Transfers from development
                                                   -        43,122,431                 -            -            43,122,431
       expenditure in current year

       31 December 2017                1,026,603,700       246,011,919       4,456,536     36,106,710         1,313,178,865

       Accumulated amortisation

       31 December 2016                 128,007,677         57,225,743       3,306,083     20,322,309           208,861,812

       Provision in current year         21,049,588         17,759,493         400,641      4,674,444            43,884,166

       31 December 2017                 149,057,265         74,985,236       3,706,724     24,996,753           252,745,978

       Provision for impairment loss

       31 December 2016                            -        13,201,347                 -        9,133            13,210,480

       31 December 2017                            -        13,201,347                 -        9,133            13,210,480

       Carrying amount

       31 December 2017                 877,546,435        157,825,336         749,812     11,100,824         1,047,222,407

       31 December 2016                 898,596,023        129,495,896       1,150,453      3,216,605         1,032,458,977

       In 2017, the amortisation of intangible assets amounted to RMB43,884,166 (2016: RMB36,907,548).

       As at 31 December 2017, ownership certificates of land use rights (“Land ownership Certificates”) for certain land
       use rights of the Group with carrying amounts of approximately RMB5,473,442 (cost: RMB6,586,712) had not yet
       been obtained by the Group (31 December 2016: carrying amount: RMB5,718,191, cost: RMB 6,586,712). The
       Company’s management are of the view that there is no legal restriction for the Group to apply for and obtain the
       Land Ownership Certificates and has no adverse effect on the Group’s business operation.

                                                                  - 248 -

       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

4      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(17)   Intangible assets and development expenditure (Cont'd)

       Research expenditure is analysed below:

                          31 December           Increase in                                           31 December
                                 2016          current year          Decrease in current year                2017
                                                                 Recognised as      Recognised as
                                                                      expense     intangible assets

       costs                66,927,714         37,560,254                             (43,122,431)    61,365,537

       In 2017, the total amount of research and development expenditures of the Group was RMB 368,237,629 (2016:
       RMB 341,553,966), including RMB 330,677,375 (2016: RMB 285,129,442) recorded in income statement for
       current period and the research and development expenditure with the amount of RMB 43,122,431 recognised as
       intangible assets for the current period (2016: 23,213,785). As at 31 December 2017, the intangible assets arising
       from internal research and development accounted for 12.37 % of total of intangible assets (31 December 2016:
       9.51 %).

(18)   Goodwill

                                                           31 December         Increase in      in current       31 December
                                                                  2016        current year           year               2017

       Tianjin CSG Architectural Glass Co., Ltd.                3,039,946                                            3,039,946
       Xianning CSG Photoelectric                               4,857,406                                            4,857,406
       Shenzhen CSG Display                                   389,494,804                                          389,494,804
                                                              397,392,156                                          397,392,156

       The goodwill allocated to the asset groups and groups of asset groups from Tianjin CSG Architectural was
       summarised by operating segments as Architectural Glass segment. The goodwill allocated to the asset groups and
       groups of asset groups from Shenzhen CSG Display and Xianning CSG Photoelectric are summarised by operating
       segments as Electronic Glass and Display segment.

       The Company's management considered that the goodwill was not impaired as at 31 December 2017.

       The recoverable amount of asset groups is determinded by net present value of estimated future cash flows which
       is determined according to the five-year budget approved by management. The cashflow exceed five years is
       forcasted by using growth rates not exceeding similar long-term average growth rates of each asset group’s
       industry. The discount rates used are the pre-tax interest rates that are able to reflect the risks specific to the related
       asset groups.

                                                                  - 249 -

       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

4      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(19)    Deferred tax assets and liabilities

(a)    Deferred tax assets before offsetting

                                                   31 December 2017                             31 December 2016
                                                                   Deferred tax      Deductible temporary        Deferred tax
                                                                        assets                 differences            assets

       Provision       for       asset
                                               361,149,562           55,552,592              410,272,182           61,899,046
       Tax losses                              133,658,792           24,457,319              164,790,392           28,883,903
       Government grants                       128,189,967           20,424,022              129,722,993           20,654,199
       Accrued expenses                          50,193,405              7,529,011            81,018,069           12,352,386
       Depreciation of fixed assets              33,762,174              8,000,331            28,241,461            6,320,146
       Share payment                              5,196,945               867,677                         -                    -
                                               712,150,845          116,830,952              814,045,097         130,109,680

       Expected to be reversed within
                                                                  33,751,219                                     33,957,444
         one year (inclusive)
       Expected to be reversed after
                                                                  83,079,733                                     96,152,236
         one year
                                                                116,830,952                                   130,109,680

(b)         Deferred tax liabilities before offsetting

                                               31 December 2017                               31 December 2016
                                     Taxable temporary           Deferred tax        Taxable temporary        Deferred tax
                                            differences             liabilities             differences          liabilities

       Depreciation    of    fixed
                                          371,115,284             56,874,044              396,118,583            63,406,963

       Expected to be reversed within
                                                                   4,247,230                                       3,342,336
         one year (inclusive)
       Expected to be reversed after
                                                                  52,626,814                                     60,064,627
         one year
                                                                  56,874,044                                     63,406,963

                                                               - 250 -

       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

4      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(13)   Deferred tax assets and liabilities (Cont’d)

 (c)   Deductible losses that are not recognised as deferred tax assets of the Group are analysed as follows:

                                                                               31 December 2017              31 December 2016

       Deductible losses                                                             425,759,321                     342,455,782

       The deductible tax losses not recognised as deferred tax assets mainly represented the tax losses of the Company
       and some closed subsidiaries. Management was unable to expect that whether there were taxable profit would be
       available in the future against which these deductible tax losses can be utilised, and accordingly, did not recognise
       the deferred tax assets.

 (d)   The tax losses for which no deferred tax assets were recognised will expire in the following years:

                                                                               31 December 2017              31 December 2016

       2018                                                                           54,100,000                       54,100,000
       2019                                                                           82,300,000                       82,300,000
       2020                                                                           94,430,197                       94,430,197
       2021                                                                          111,625,585                      111,625,585
       2022                                                                           83,303,539                                      -
                                                                                     425,759,321                     342,455,782

(f)    The net balances of deferred tax assets and liabilities after offsetting are as follows:

                                                 31 December 2017                                 31 December 2016
                                                              Deductible/taxable                                Deductible/taxable
                                    Net deferred tax       temporary differences       Net deferred tax      temporary differences
                                  assets or liabilities          after offsetting    assets or liabilities         after offsetting

       Deferred tax assets                80,872,862                472,134,707              96,451,854               565,834,538
       Deferred tax liabilities           20,915,954                131,099,146              29,749,137               147,908,024

                                                                  - 251 -
          CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

          (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
          [English translation for reference only]

 4        Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(20) Other non-current assets

                                                                                 31 December 2017             31 December 2016

          Prepayment for equipment and software upgrading expenses                      45,431,352                    69,945,550
          VAT input to be offset                                                                   -                  10,718,843
          Prepayment for lease of land use rights                                        6,510,000                      6,510,000
                                                                                        51,941,352                    87,174,393

(21) Provision for asset impairment

                                                   31 December     Increase in       Reversal in   Written off in     31 December
                                                          2016    current year      current year   current year              2017

          Provision for bad debts                    20,562,459      9,498,129       (3,310,390)         (317,727)     26,432,471
          Including: Provision for bad debts of
                       accounts receivable           16,468,391      8,845,491       (3,283,884)          (117,931)    21,912,067
                    Provision for bad debts of
                      other receivables               4,094,068        652,638          (26,506)         (199,796)      4,520,404
          Provision for decline in the value of
            inventories                               8,373,187         68,974                          (6,925,597)     1,516,564
          Provision for impairment of fixed
            assets                                  264,765,386    36,260,304                          (20,272,836)   280,752,854
          Provision    for     impairment     of
            construction in progress                 67,112,050    26,882,738                                    -     93,994,788
          Provision for impairment of intangible
            assets                                   13,210,480              -                 -                 -     13,210,480
                                                    374,023,562    72,710,145        (3,310,390)       (27,516,160)   415,907,157

                                                                  - 252 -
         CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

         (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
         [English translation for reference only]

4   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(22)     Short-term borrowings

                                                                           31 December 2017            31 December 2016

         Ultra-short-term financial bonds (i)                                                -             2,000,000,000
         Unsecured                                                              2,691,732,609              1,650,251,293
         Guaranteed (ii)                                                        1,012,898,300                367,618,369
                                                                                3,704,630,909              4,017,869,662

         (i)     Approved by file No. [2015] SCP163 of Inter-bank Market Trading Association, the Company is entitled to
                 issue ultra-short-term financial bonds with the limit of RMB4,000,000,000, which expires on 28 May 2017.

                 On 2 Augest 2016, the Company issued the Phase III ultra-short-term financial bonds of RMB600,000,000 for
                 2016, with the maturity data of May 1 2017 and annual rate of 3.67%. As at the reporting date, such
                 Ultra-short-term bonds had been repaid.

                 On 1 September 2016, the Company issued the Phase IV ultra-short-term financial bonds of
                 RMB500,000,000 for 2016, with the maturity data of 2 June 2017 and annual rate of 3.5%. As at the reporting
                 date, such ultra-short-term bonds had been repaid.

         (ii)    As at 31 December 2017, the Company provided its subsidiaries with guarantee for the short-term
                 borrowings of RMB1,012,898,300 (31 December 2016: RMB367,618,369), and the Company had no
                 counter guarantee from minority shareholders of subsidiaries (31 December 2016: Nil).

         (iii)   As at 31 December 2017, the interest of short-term borrowings varied from 2.70% to 5.66% (31 December
                 2016: 2.70% to 4.79%).

(28)     Notes payable

                                                                           31 December 2017            31 December 2016

         Bank acceptance notes                                                    213,401,622                 20,000,000

         All notes payable are due within one year.

                                                                - 253 -

       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

4      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(29)        Accounts payable

                                                                              31 December 2017                 31 December 2016

       Materials payable                                                             798,178,206                    747,769,987
       Equipment payable                                                             329,926,045                    233,779,329
       Construction expenses payable                                                 167,394,038                    100,246,462
       Freight payable                                                                61,671,023                     40,916,380
       Utilities payable                                                              35,973,405                     44,602,055
       Others                                                                             7,023,325                   2,555,157
                                                                                   1,400,166,042                  1,169,869,370

       As at 31 December 2017, the amount of accounts payable over 1 year was approximately RMB160,638,075 (31
       December 2016: RMB140,385,720), which mainly comprised payables for construction and equipment. As the
       construction work had not passed the final acceptance test yet, the balance was not yet settled.

(30)   Advances from customers

                                                                              31 December 2017                 31 December 2016

       Advances for goods from customers                                             195,563,465                    142,330,979

       The ageing of balances was substantively within 1 year.

(31)   Employee benefits payable

                                                                              31 December 2017                 31 December 2016

       Short-term employee benefits payable (a)                                      272,144,440                    193,166,719
       Defined contribution plans payable (b)                                               26,220                      205,520
                                                                                     272,170,660                    193,372,239

 (a)   Short-term employee benefits

                                                       31 December          Increase in         Decrease in      31 December
                                                              2016         current year         current year            2017

         Wages and salaries, bonus, allowances
                                                      159,601,219      1,083,193,468       (1,067,309,072)       175,485,615
       and subsidies
         Social security contributions                       50,331        40,182,933         (40,219,512)            13,752
       Including: Medical insurance                          31,340        33,865,801         (33,884,783)            12,358
             Work injury insurance                           12,677         4,356,310          (4,368,003)              984
             Maternity insurance                              6,314         1,960,822          (1,966,726)              410
         Housing funds                                     2,603,791       49,264,799         (49,110,219)         2,758,371

                                                                 - 254 -

       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

         Labour union funds and employee
                                                       15,571,378             14,607,578       (14,898,254)       15,280,702
       education funds
         Management bonus (i)                          15,340,000             79,735,128       (16,469,128)       78,606,000
       Share-based payments                                          -         8,194,695        (8,194,695)                -

                                                      193,166,719          1,275,178,601    (1,196,200,880)     272,144,440

4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(21)    Employee benefits payable (Cont’d)

       Pursuant to the resolution at the 7th session in the 5th meeting of the board of directors of the Company on 31
       March 2015, the board of directors adopted a management bonus scheme which was based on the quarterly return
       on net assets and the net profit for the quarter. During the year, management bonuses amounting to
       RMB79,735,128 (2016: RMB82,470,000) were accrued and charged to profit or loss.

       Pursuant to the resolution at the 7th session in the temporary conference of the board of directors of the Company
       on 11 December 2017, to implemented equity incentive plans of restricted stock for the Company directors and
       senior management, core management team, backbones of technology and busines. The company first awarded
       97,511,654 restricted shares to 454 incentive objects for the first time at RMB4.28 per share. The total fair value of
       the equity instruments granted to the incentive object by the company for the first time is RMB289,519,900. The
       total value of such fair value as the total cost of the company's equity incentive plan will be confirmed in stages
       according to the ratio of unlocking/exercising in the implementation of the equity incentive plan, and it is included
       in the cost in the term of "management fees" and "capital reserves - other capital reserves". The Company unlock
       the conditions of restricted share in 2017, and the cost associated with equity incentive plan is confirmed at
       RMB8,194,695 in this phase.

(b)     Defined contribution plans

                                                                          Increase in       Decrease in
                                           31 December 2016              current year       current year      31 December 2017

        Basic pensions                                 192,780           109,332,705       (109,500,097)                25,388
        Unemployment insurance                             12,740          3,866,282         (3,878,190)                   832
                                                       205,520           113,198,987       (113,378,287)                26,220

                                                                    - 255 -

       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

4      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(32)    Taxes payable

                                                                     31 December 2017   31 December 2016

       VAT payable                                                         35,100,800         46,726,185
       Enterprise income tax payable                                       48,496,225         41,919,187
       Housing property tax payable                                         8,617,044         10,998,756
       Individual income tax payable                                        5,177,080          3,755,374
       City maintenance and construction tax payable                        4,261,902          3,482,715
       Educational surcharge payable                                        3,348,566          3,351,165
       Others                                                               6,995,147          5,359,234
                                                                          111,996,764        115,592,616

(33)   Interest payable

                                                                     31 December 2017   31 December 2016

       Interest of ultra-short-term financial bonds                                 -         38,040,006
       Interest payable for medium term notes                              27,622,465         27,621,021
       Interest for corporate bonds                                                 -         10,660,000
       Interest of long-term borrowings with periodic payments of
         interest and return of principal at maturity                         938,950            514,750
       Interest payable for short-term borrowings                           5,471,325          1,390,127
                                                                           34,032,740         78,225,904

(34)   Other payables

                                                                     31 December 2017   31 December 2016

       Guarantee deposits received from construction contractors           49,624,256         69,156,801

       Accrued cost of sales (i)                                           58,584,562         47,671,047

       Temporary collection of payment for land transfer                   56,196,000         28,098,000

       Payable for contracted labour costs                                 17,568,695         17,467,346

       Temporary receipts                                                   7,964,070         14,022,924

       Deposit for disabled                                                 5,230,110          3,509,947

       Restricted share repurchase obligation                             417,349,879                  -

       Others                                                               6,806,782          8,395,385

                                                                          619,324,354        188,321,450

                                                           - 256 -

(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]

(iii) It represented the payment made to external third parties arising from undertaking the rights of debtor and
         creditor, comprising water and electricity, professional service fee and travelling expenses etc.
(iv) In the year ending 31 December 2017, the unlock conditions of first granted restricted stock was not met. The
         Company will confirm the actual amount of restricted stock subscription RMB417,349,879 as the
         corresponding expected liability, and confirm the corresponding amount of stock shares.

The ageing of other payables was substantively within 1 year.

                                                     - 257 -

       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

4      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(35)    Current portion of non-current liabilities

                                                                        31 December 2017          31 December 2016

       Current portion of long-term borrowings
             - Guaranteed                                                      14,880,000                 29,340,000
             - Unsecured                                                      180,000,000                           -
       Current portion of corporate bonds                                                -             1,000,000,000
       Current portion of finance lease                                       709,381,397                           -
                                                                              904,261,397              1,029,340,000

(36)   Long-term borrowings

                                                                        31 December 2017          31 December 2016

       Medium term notes (i)                                                1,200,000,000              1,200,000,000
       Unsecured                                                                         -               180,000,000
       Guaranteed                                                             354,120,000                 58,660,000
                                                                            1,554,120,000              1,438,660,000

       (i)      Approved by file No. [2015] MTN225 of Inter-bank Market Trading Association, the Company is entitled to
                issue medium term notes with the limit of RMB1,200,000,000, which expires on 28 May 2017.

                On 14 July 2015, the Company issued the Phase I medium term notes of RMB1,200,000,000 for 2015, with
                the maturity data of 14 July 2020 and annual rate of 4.94%.

                As at 31 December 2017, the interest of long-term borrowings varied from 4.75% to 5.94% (31 December
                2015: 4.51% to 4.94%).

(37)   Long-term account payable

                                                                       31 December 2017           31 December 2016

       Finance lease                                                        1,161,794,247                           -

       TheSale and leaseback lease of the group in this phase is a mortgage loan with a lease term of 36 months. On
       December 31, 2017, the real interest rate of financing lease loans is 4.49%-7.8%.

                                                            - 258 -

       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

4      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(38)    Deferred income

                                                                                                        31 December 2017                          31 December 2016

       Government grants                                                                                               562,701,103                          593,993,254

       Government grants are analysed as follows:

                                             31 December     Increase in   Other decrease      income in current        31 December
       Government grants                            2016    current year    in current year                year                2017    Assets/Income related

       Tianjin CSG        Golden      Sun
                                               57,092,011              -                  --         (3,374,892)          53,717,119
          Project (i)                                                                                                                          Assets related
       Dongguan CSG Golden Sun
                                              46,079,250               -                  --         (2,751,000)         43,328,250
         Project (ii)                                                                                                                          Assets related
       Hebei CSG Golden Sun Project
                                              46,750,000               -                  --         (2,750,000)         44,000,000
         (iii)                                                                                                                                 Assets related
       Xianning CSG        Golden     Sun
                                              51,013,417               -                  --         (3,030,500)         47,982,917
          Project (iv)                                                                                                                         Assets related
       Infrastructure  compensation
         for Wujiang CSG Glass Co.,           43,670,435               -                  --         (4,041,537)         39,628,898
         Ltd (v)                                                                                                                               Assets related
       Qingyuan Energy-saving project
                                              23,259,167               -                  --         (2,470,000)         20,789,167
       (vi)                                                                                                                                    Assets related
       Yichang Silicon products project
                                              24,609,375               -                  --         (2,812,500)         21,796,875
          (vii)                                                                                                                                Assets related
       Yichang CSG silicon           slice
                                              13,890,609               -                  --         (1,227,733)         12,662,876
          auxiliary project (viii)                                                                                                             Assets related
       Sichuan energy-saving         glass
                                              12,129,480               -                  --         (1,654,020)         10,475,460
          project (ix)                                                                                                                         Assets related
       Group coating film experimental
                                               9,035,040               -                  --         (1,508,760)          7,526,280
         project (x)                                                                                                                           Assets related
       Yichang expert silicon project
                                               3,906,547               -                  --           (306,664)          3,599,883
          (xi)                                                                                                                                 Assets related
       Yichang semiconductor silicon
                                               3,666,667               -                  --           (266,667)          3,400,000
          project (xii)                                                                                                                        Assets related
       Yichang CSG Display project
                                              53,371,082               -                  --         (2,534,478)         50,836,604
          (xiii)                                                                                                                               Assets related
       Xianning Photoelectric project
                                                        -    7,800,000                     -                       -       7,800,000
          (xiv)                                                                                                                                Assets related

                                             171,000,000               -                   -                       -
       Group talent fund project (xv)                                                                                   171,000,000            Assets related
                                                                                                                                       Assets related/Income
                                              34,520,174     8,150,000           (171,976)          (18,341,424)         24,156,774
       Others                                                                                                                                          related

                                             593,993,254                         (171,976)         (47,070,175)         562,701,103

       (v) The allowance was granted by Tianjin Municipal Government. The allowance was used for
            establishing PV power station by Tianjin CSG Architectural Glass Co., Ltd. The facilities belonged
            to Tianjin CSG upon completion. The allowance will be credited to income statement in 20 years,
            the useful life of the PV power station.

       (vi) The allowance was granted by Dongguan Municipal Government. The allowance was used for
             establishing PV power station by Dongguan CSG Architectural Glass Co., Ltd. The facilities
             belonged to Dongguan CSG upon completion. The allowance will be credited to income
             statement in 20 years, the useful life of the PV power station.

       (vii) The allowance was granted by Langfang Municipal Government. The allowance was used for
              establishing PV power station by Hebei CSG Glass Co., Ltd. ("Hebei CSG"). When the facilities

                                                                                        - 259 -

(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]

       were set up, they belonged to Hebei CSG. The allowance will be credited to income statement in
       20 years, the useful life of the PV power station.

(viii) The allowance was granted by Xianning Municipal Government. The allowance was used for
       establishing PV power station by Xianning CSG Glass Co Ltd. The facilities belonged to Xianning
       CSG upon completion. The allowance will be credited to income statement in 20 years, the useful
       life of the PV power station.

                                                    - 260 -

       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

4      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(27)      Deferred income (Cont’d)

       (xvi) The allowance was infrastructure compensation granted by Wujiang municipal government, and
             will be credited to income statement in 15 years, the shortest operating period as committed by
             the Group.

       (xvii) The allowance was a pilot project for strategic emerging industry clusters development, which
              was used to establish high performance ultra-thin electronic glass production lines by Qingyuan
              CSG. The allowance will be credited to income statement in 10 years, the useful life of the
              production line.

       (xviii) The balance represented amounts granted to Yi Chang CSG Silicon Materials Co., Ltd. by
               Yichang City Dongshan Development Corporation under the provisions of the investment contract
               signed between the Group and the Municipal Government of Yi Chang. The proceeds were
               designed for the construction of electricity transformer and the pipelines. Yichang Silicon is
               entitled to the ownership of the facilities, which will be amortised by 16 years according to the
               useful life of the converting station.

       (xix) It represented the government supporting fund obtained by Yichang Silicon from the acquiring of
             the assets and liabilities of Crucible project of Yichang Hejing Photoelectric Ceramic Co., Ltd. The
             proceeds would be amortised and credited to income statement by 16 years after related assets
             were put into use.

       (xx)   It represented the funds granted by Chengdu local government for energy glass project. It will be
              amortised and credited to income statement in 15 years, in accordance with the minimum
              operating period committed by the Group.

       (xxi) The allowance was granted by Shenzhen City Development and Reform Commission for the
             development of Group Coating Film experimental project. The grant will be amortised and
             credited to income statement by 20 years in the estimated useful life of the relevant fixed assets.

       (xxii) It represented the funds granted by Hubei local government for inport discount complement and
              international corporation special subsidy. The grant will be amortised and credited to income
              statement by 12 to 15 years

       (xxiii) It represented the special subsidy of Yichang National Regional Strategic Emerging Industry
               Development Pilot Project II, which is used to complement Yichang CSG Silicon “Hubei
               semiconductor silicon preparative technique project laboratory”. The grant will be amortised and
               credited to income statement by 15 years

       (xxiv) It represented the funds granted by Yichang Municipal Government for Yichang CSG Display
              Company's flat project construction support funds and construction of coil coating three-line
              project. The grant will be amortised and credited to income statement by 15 years

       (xxv) It represented the funds granted by Xianning Government of the Project supporting fund for
             photoconductive glass production line,which is used to pay for Xianning CSG Glass Co. Ltd.
             constructing the project of photoelectric photoelectric optical glass production line . After the
             completion of the production line, the ownership belongs to Xianning photoelectric. The
             allowance will be credited to income statement in 8 years, the useful life of the production line.

       (xxvi) The allowance was granted by Administrative Commission of Yichang High-tech Industrial
              Development Zone. For senior management personnel, engineering technical personnel and

                                                           - 261 -
         CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

         (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
         [English translation for reference only]

                  senior professional technical team which is working at Yichang or plane to introduction, RMB171
                  million fund was set up, as a special fund for talent introduction and housing resettlement.

4   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(28)     Share capital

                                                              Movement for the year ended 31 December 2017
                                                31 December       New issues      Bonus                                     31 December
                                                       2016    during the year     issue Capitalisation    Others                  2017

         RMB-denominated ordinary shares      1,312,751,568                  -         -    196,912,735             -       1,509,664,303
         Limited selling condition shares                 -        97,511,654          -                -           -         97,511,654
         Domestically listed foreign shares     762,583,992                  -         -    114,387,598             -        876,971,590
                                              2,075,335,560        97,511,654          -    311,300,333             -       2,484,147,547

                                                              Movement for the year ended 31
                                                                    December 2016
                                                31 December       New issues      Bonus                                     31 December
                                                       2015    during the year     issue   Capitalisation      Others              2016

         RMB-denominated ordinary shares      1,312,751,568                  -         -                -           -       1,312,751,568
         Domestically listed foreign shares     762,583,992                  -         -                -           -        762,583,992
                                              2,075,335,560                  -         -                -           -       2,075,335,560
         par value of the RMB-denominated ordinary shares is RMB1, and that of domestically listed foreign shares is HKD1.

(30)     Capital surplus

                                                                                      Increase in            Decrease in
                                                         31 December 2016            current year            current year      31 December 2017

                       Share premium (i)                      1,345,264,670         319,838,225             (311,300,333)           1,353,802,562

                      Other capital surplus                      (84,562,473)         37,141,676                        -             (47,420,797)
              Share of changes in equity other than
                comprehensive income and profit
                distribution of investees under the
                           equity method                             757,420                      -                     -                   757,420

                     Share-based payment (ii)                      2,811,683           8,194,695                        -              11,006,378
              Transfer of capital surplus recognised
               under the previous accounting system               (2,250,222)                     -                     -              (2,250,222)
                   Disposal of fractional shares                   1,316,208                      -                     -               1,316,208
                  Purchase of minority interests                 (87,197,562)                     -                     -            (87,197,562)
                                  (iii)                                               28,946,981                                       28,946,981
                                                              1,260,702,197         356,979,901             (311,300,333)           1,306,381,765

                                                                                      Increase in            Decrease in
                                                         31 December 2015            current year            current year      31 December 2016

                         Share premium                        1,345,264,670                       -                     -           1,345,264,670
                      Other capital surplus                      (83,873,398)              483,405            (1,172,480)             (84,562,473)

                                                                        - 262 -

(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]

    Share of changes in equity other than
      comprehensive income and profit
      distribution of investees under the
                 equity method                           676,277       81,143            -         757,420
           Share-based payment                         2,409,421      402,262            -        2,811,683
    Transfer of capital surplus recognised             (2,250,222)
     under the previous accounting system                                   -            -       (2,250,222)
        Disposal of fractional shares                  1,316,208            -            -       1,316,208
       Purchase of minority interests                (86,025,082)           -   (1,172,480)    (87,197,562)

                                                    1,261,391,272     483,405   (1,172,480)   1,260,702,197

                                                            - 263 -
         CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

         (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
         [English translation for reference only]

4   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(31)     Capital surplus(Cont’d)

(a) The reason for the decrease of capital reserve - other in current year was the acquisition of minority interests, with the
         detail as follows:

         (i)The Company passed the 2016 annual general meeting of shareholders held on May 22, 2017 and transferred
         1.5 shares to every 10 shares for all shareholders. The total share capital before the distribution was 2,075,335,560
         shares, and the total share capital after the dividend was increased to 2,386,635,893 shares. Capital reserve
         decreased by RMB311,300,333;

         In this year, the equity incentive plan received RMB 417,349,879 of capital contribution from the incentive object,
         including RMB 97,511,654 of the share capital, which was included in the capital reserve of RMB 319,838,225.

         (ii) This year, due to the equity incentive plan, the share payment fee of RMB8,194,695 was confirmed.

         (iii) The shareholder Ju Shenghua provided interest-free loans of RMB1.61 billion to the company. The interest-free
         loans were charged to other capital reserves of RMB28,946,981 based on the interest expense calculated on the
         bank loan interest for the same period.

(32)     Treasury shares
                                                                            Increase in     Decrease in
                                                     31 December 2016      current year     current year   31 December 2017

          Obligations of restricted share buybacks                  -      417,349,879                 -        417,349,879
                                                                    -      417,349,879                 -        417,349,879

         Explanation on changes in treasury stocks: The company confirms liabilities and treasury shares at the same time,
         based on the number of restricted shares issued and the corresponding repurchase price.

                                                                 - 264 -

       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

4      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(31)   Other comprehensive income

                                                            Other comprehensive income in Balance
                                                                          Sheet                                Other comprehensive income in Income Statement for the year ended 31 December 2017
                                                                                                                            Less: Reclassification
                                                                          Attributable                                           of previous other                                         Attributable to
                                                                             to parent                    Actual amount            comprehensive                      Attributable to             minority
                                                          31 December       company 31 December            before tax for      income to profit or   Less: Income   parent company          shareholders
                                                                 2016         after tax    2017             current year      loss in current year   tax expenses           after tax            after tax

       Other comprehensive income items which
         will be reclassified subsequently to profit or
         Financial rewards        for   energy-saving
           technical retrofits                             2,550,000                    -    2,550,000                  -                        -              -                   -                    -
         Difference on translation of          foreign
           currency financial statements                   2,103,971    (2,705,028)           (601,057)    (2,705,028)                           -              -      (2,705,028)                       -
                                                           4,653,971    (2,705,028)          1,948,943     (2,705,028)                           -              -      (2,705,028)                       -

                                                            Other comprehensive income in Balance
                                                                          Sheet                                Other comprehensive income in Income Statement for the year ended 31 December 2016
                                                                                                                            Less: Reclassification
                                                                         Attributable                                            of previous other                                         Attributable to
                                                                            to parent                     Actual amount            comprehensive                      Attributable to             minority
                                                          31 December      company          31 December    before tax for      income to profit or   Less: Income   parent company          shareholders
                                                                 2015        after tax             2016     current year      loss in current year   tax expenses           after tax            after tax

       Other comprehensive income items which
         will be reclassified subsequently to profit or
         Financial rewards        for   energy-saving                                                                                                          -
           technical retrofits                             2,550,000                -        2,550,000                  -                        -                                 -                    -

                                                                                                          - 265 -

Notes to the financial statements
for the year ended 31 December 2017
(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]
  Differences on translation of            foreign                                                         -
    currency financial statements                     417,772    1,686,199   2,103,971     1,686,199   -           1,686,199   -
                                                     2,967,772   1,686,199   4,653,971     1,686,199   -       -   1,686,199   -

                                                                                         - 266 -

       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

4      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(51)   Special reserve

                                               31 December            Increase in     Decrease in        31 December
                                                      2016           current year     current year              2017

           Safety production costs                 5,843,473              7,831,127   (1,0449,662)          3,224,938

       The subsidiary Yichang CSG Silicon is a high risk chemical production enterprise. Therefore, the Company
       appropriated such reserve in accordance with relevant regulations.

(52)   Surplus reserve

                                               31 December            Increase in     Decrease in        31 December
                                                      2016           current year     current year              2017

       Statutory surplus reserve                760,655,662              32,084,102              -        792,739,764
       Discretionary surplus reserve            127,852,568                       -              -        127,852,568
                                                888,508,230              32,084,102              -        920,592,332

                                               31 December            Increase in     Decrease in        31 December
                                                      2015           current year     current year              2016

       Statutory surplus reserve                730,927,762              29,727,900              -        760,655,662
       Discretionary surplus reserve            127,852,568                       -              -        127,852,568
                                                858,780,330              29,727,900              -        888,508,230

       In accordance with the Company Law of the People’s Republic of China and the Company’s Articles of Association,
       the Company should appropriate 10% of net profit for the year to the statutory surplus reserve, and the Company
       can cease appropriation when the statutory surplus reserve accumulated to more than 50% of the registered
       capital. The statutory surplus reserve can be used to make up for the loss or increase the paid-in capital after
       approval from the appropriate authorities. The Company accrued statutory surplus reserve at the amount of
       RMB32,084,102 10% of the net profit, in 2017 (2016: RMB29,727,900, accrued at 10% of the net profit).

       The Company appropriates for the discretionary surplus reserve after the shareholders’ meeting approves the
       proposal from the Board of Directors. The discretionary surplus reserve can be used to make up for the loss or
       increase the share capital after approval from the appropriate authorities. The Company did not appropriate to
       discretionary surplus reserve during the year.

                                                               - 267 -
        CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

        Notes to the financial statements
        for the year ended 31 December 2017
        (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
        [English translation for reference only]

4       Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(53)    Undistributed profits

                                                                                               2017                     2016

        Undistributed profits at beginning of year                                  3,573,871,573               3,428,478,565
        Add:     Net profits attributable to shareholders of parent
                 company                                                                 825,388,312             797,721,576
        Less: Appropriation for statutory surplus reserve                                (32,084,102)             (29,727,900)
               Ordinary share dividends payable (a)                                     (207,533,556)            (622,600,668)
        Undistributed profits at end of year                                        4,159,642,227               3,573,871,573

(b) Pursuant to the resolution of Board of Directors of the Company on 22 May 2017, the Company paid cash dividends of
        RMB1 (tax inclusive) for each 10 shares based on total shares of 2,075,335,560, with the total cash dividends
        distributed of RMB207,533,556.

(54)    Revenue and cost of sales

                                                                                               2017                     2016

        Revenue from main operations                                               10,786,756,657               8,886,948,218
        Revenue from other operations                                                     92,644,089              87,135,189
                                                                                   10,879,400,746               8,974,083,407

                                                                                               2017                     2016

        Cost of sales from main operations                                          8,183,862,835               6,510,577,440
        Cost of sales from other operations                                               32,495,537              51,636,933
                                                                                    8,216,358,372               6,562,214,373

(c)     Revenue and cost of sales from main operations

        Revenue and cost of sales from main operations analysed by industry and product are set out below:

                                                                2017                                     2016
                                                         Revenue                 Cost             Revenue                Cost

        Glass industry                              6,975,512,082       5,179,173,783        6,244,550,400      4,542,947,575
        Solar panel and parts                       3,091,397,745       2,493,891,466        2,283,441,881      1,728,673,404
        Electronic glass and displays                867,223,335          652,646,493          424,883,660       303,117,902
        Elimination                                  (147,376,505)       (141,848,907)         (65,927,723)       (64,161,441)
                                                   10,786,756,657       8,183,862,835        8,886,948,218      6,510,577,440

                                                                     - 268 -

Notes to the financial statements
for the year ended 31 December 2017
(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]

                                                    - 269 -

       Notes to the financial statements
       for the year ended 31 December 2017
       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

4      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(35)   Revenue and cost of sales (Cont’d)

(d)    Revenue and cost of sales from other operations

                                                           2017                                       2016
                                                    Revenue                   Cost             Revenue             Cost

       Sales of raw materials                     69,908,277             29,437,767          63,211,682       45,044,785
       Others                                     22,735,812              3,057,770          23,923,507        6,592,148
                                                  92,644,089             32,495,537          87,135,189       51,636,933

(55)   Taxes and surtax

                                                                                            2017                   2016

       City maintenance and construction tax                                           33,115,925             33,343,735
       Educational surcharge                                                           26,156,521             26,597,418
       Housing property tax                                                            29,539,408             19,980,233
       Land use rights                                                                 21,941,304             14,851,345
       Business tax                                                                     5,395,333              3,486,149
       Others                                                                           8,375,435              4,900,666
                                                                                      124,523,926            103,159,546

(56)   Selling expenses

                                                                                            2017                   2016

       Freight expenses                                                               159,825,411            140,132,227
       Employee benefits                                                              110,068,886            100,367,564
       Entertainment fees                                                              12,690,770             12,607,179
       Business travel expenses                                                        10,931,013             10,738,590
       Vehicle use fee                                                                  7,609,882              7,358,948
       Rental expenses                                                                  5,937,331              5,376,741
       General office expenses                                                          3,662,269              7,239,581
       Depreciation expenses                                                             970,739                979,874
       Others                                                                          24,435,422             17,014,386
                                                                                      336,131,723            301,815,090

                                                               - 270 -

       Notes to the financial statements
       for the year ended 31 December 2017
       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

4      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(57)   Administrative expense

                                                                           2017           2016

       Research and development expenses                             330,677,375    285,129,442
       Employee benefits                                             295,657,274    250,150,056
       Depreciation expenses                                          65,929,139     59,067,087
       Amortisation of intangible assets                              43,884,166     36,907,548
       General office expenses                                        25,126,422     24,313,472
       Taxes                                                                   -     16,957,060
       Labour union funds                                             14,696,230     11,325,909
       Entertainment fees                                             12,027,303     10,834,055
       Business travel expenses                                       11,074,568     10,495,397
       Utility fees                                                   10,108,470     10,065,166
       Canteen costs                                                   9,357,983      8,486,926
       Vehicle use fee                                                 6,639,769      6,141,700
       Rental expenses                                                 4,551,968      3,104,038
       Consulting advisers                                            24,935,512      9,453,050
       Others                                                         64,663,593     24,158,153
                                                                     919,329,772    766,589,059

(58)   Financial expenses

                                                                           2017           2016

       Interest on borrowings                                        344,459,771    273,665,849
       Less: Capitalised interest                                    (29,856,175)   (15,346,518)
       Interest expenses                                             314,603,596    258,319,331
       Less: Interest income                                         (12,606,285)    (3,193,680)
       Exchange losses                                                 4,780,451       249,220
       Others                                                          9,183,318     10,445,698
                                                                     315,961,080    265,820,569

                                                           - 271 -

       Notes to the financial statements
       for the year ended 31 December 2017
       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

4      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(59)   Expenses by nature

       The cost of sales, selling and distribution expenses and general and administrative expenses in the income
       statement are listed as follows by nature:

                                                                                      2017                 2016

       Changes in inventories of finished goods and work in progress          (139,651,079)        (111,401,312)
       Consumed raw materials and low value consumables, etc.                 4,941,314,821       3,245,155,140
       Fuel fee                                                               1,143,379,014       1,059,231,787
       Employee benefits                                                      1,222,510,952       1,196,241,368
       Depreciation and amortisation expenses                                 1,002,432,274        917,152,746
       Utility fees                                                             778,033,060        830,921,457
       Freight expenses                                                         159,825,411        140,132,227
       Taxes                                                                               -         16,957,060
       General office expenses                                                   43,816,479          45,018,706
       Canteen costs                                                             39,682,701          38,395,686
       Business travel expenses                                                  26,904,472          27,482,191
       Entertainment fees                                                        26,167,761          24,785,451
       Vehicle use fee                                                           15,851,907          15,227,050
       Rental expenses                                                           10,489,299           8,480,779
       Others                                                                   201,062,795        176,838,186
                                                                              9,471,819,867       7,630,618,522

(60)   Asset impairment losses

                                                                                   2017                    2016

       Impaiement of fixed assets                                             36,260,304             49,894,197
       Bad debts                                                               6,187,739              2,245,583
       Decline in the value of inventories                                       68,974               6,722,984
                  Impairment loss in construction under
       construction                                                           26,882,738                       -
                                                                              69,399,755             58,862,764

(61)   Gain or loss from change in fair value

                                                                                   2017                    2016

       Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss

                                                                    - 272 -

Notes to the financial statements
for the year ended 31 December 2017
(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]
       Change in fair value during holding period of derivative
   financial instruments                                                 -   (9,850,256)

        Losses from disposal               of   derivative   financial
   instruments(Note 4(43))                                               -   238,350,256
                                                                         -   228,500,000

                                                             - 273 -

       Notes to the financial statements
       for the year ended 31 December 2017
       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

4      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(62)   Investment income

                                                                                        2017                    2016

       Losses from long-term equity investment under equity
         method                                                                             -              5,071,685
       Losses from disposal of financial liabilities at fair value
         through profit or loss                                                      427,636           (238,350,256)
       Losses from disposal of long-term equity investment                                   -          (45,909,181)
                                                                                     427,636           (279,187,752)

       There is no significant restriction on the remittance of investment income to the Group.

(63)   Asset disposal income
                                                                                        2017                    2016
       Gains on disposal of fixed assets                                          (1,768,993)            (1,759,358)
                                                                                  (1,768,993)            (1,759,358)

(64)   Other income
                                                                                        2017                    2016

       Government subsidy amortization                                             47,070,175                           --

       Industry support funds                                                      16,123,793                           --

       Research grants                                                              6,940,140                           --

       Energy conservation and utilization support funds                              228,116                           --

       Government incentive funds                                                  12,457,123                           --

       Technological transformation discount                                          306,000                           --

       Energy conservation and utilization support funds                              100,000                           --

       Others                                                                       1,116,467                           --
                                                                                   84,341,814                           --

(65)   Non-operating income

                                                                                                           Amount of
                                                                                                  non-recurring gains
                                                                                                  and losses included
                                                                 2017                      2016               in 2017

       Government grants (a)                                 3,533,603              91,627,439             3,533,603

                                                             - 274 -

       Notes to the financial statements
       for the year ended 31 December 2017
       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]
       Default income                                        275,000           11,000              275,000
       Compensation income                                 15,557,320       1,016,936           15,557,320
       Amounts unable to pay                                   27,959        875,302                27,959
       Others                                               1,369,160       4,547,962            1,369,160
                                                           20,763,042      98,078,639           20,763,042

4      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(b) Government grants are analysed below:

                                                                2017            2016               Category

       Government grants amortisation                                  -   28,054,929                related
       Industry support fund                                           -   26,108,198        Income related
       Tax returns                                                     -   25,360,000        Income related
       Energy-saving award                                                   414,309         Income related
       Government awards fund                              2,748,263        2,332,700        Income related
       Subsidies for research and development                          -    4,364,900        Income related
       Interest subsidy         for     technological
         renovation                                                                 -        Income related
       Energy-saving fund                                              -    3,520,000        Income related
       Others                                                185,340        1,472,403        Income related
                                                           3,533,603       91,627,439

(66)   Non-operating expenses

                                                                                                 Amount of
                                                                                        non-recurring gains
                                                                                        and losses included
                                                                 2017           2016                in 2017

       Losses on disposal of inventory material                        -    4,096,235                     -
       Compensation                                          492,228         410,326               492,228
       Donation                                             1,118,999        120,000             1,118,999
       Others                                               3,541,364        518,355             3,541,364
                                                            5,152,591       5,144,916            5,152,591

                                                             - 275 -

       Notes to the financial statements
       for the year ended 31 December 2017
       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

4      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(67)   Income tax expenses

                                                                                      2017                       2016

       Current income tax                                                     160,923,182                 140,207,714
       Deferred income tax                                                       6,747,809                 11,674,381
                                                                              167,670,991                 151,882,095

       The reconciliation from income tax calculated based on the applicable tax rates and total profit presented in the
       consolidated income statement to the income tax expenses is listed below:

                                                                                      2017                       2016

       Total profit                                                           996,307,026                 956,108,619

       Income tax expenses calculated at applicable tax rates by
         company                                                                                          145,901,167
       Effect of changes in tax rates                                                     -                 4,545,871
       Costs, expenses and losses not deductible for tax purposes                7,893,473                  2,227,140
       Income not subject to tax                                                  (33,833)                        (855)
       Deductible losses for which no deferred tax asset was
        recognised in current period                                            20,825,885                 25,603,526
       Written-off of deductible losses for which deferred tax asset
        was recognised previously                                                         -                 1,469,360
       Effect of tax incentives                                               (13,637,793)                (10,147,358)
       Reconciliation of income tax for prior years in annual filing             3,544,557                (17,716,756)
       Income tax expenses                                                    167,670,991                 151,882,095

                                                               - 276 -

       Notes to the financial statements
       for the year ended 31 December 2017
       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

4      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(68)   Earnings per share
       The basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the
       company by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding.

       The numerator of diluted earnings per share is determined based on the net profit attributable to the common
       shareholders of the company's common stock. The following factors are adjusted to determine: (1) interest on
       dilutive potential ordinary shares that have been recognized as expenses in the current period; (2) dilutive potential
       ordinary The income or expenses that will be generated when the shares are converted; (3) The above-mentioned
       adjustments related to income tax effects.

       The denominator of the diluted earnings per share equals the sum of: (1) the weighted average number of ordinary
       shares of the parent company in the underlying earnings per share; (2) ordinary shares that are increased
       assuming the dilution of potential ordinary shares into common shares The weighted average.

       When calculating the weighted average of the number of ordinary shares increased from diluted common stocks to
       ordinary shares, the diluted potential ordinary shares issued during the previous period are assumed to be
       converted at the beginning of the current period; diluted potential ordinary shares of the current period are issued. ,
       assuming a conversion on the issue date.

       The basic calculation of basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share are as follows:
                                                                                          2017                         2016
       Consolidated net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders
                                                                                  825,388,312                  797,721,576
       of parent company

       Weighted average number of outstanding ordinary                          2,386,635,893                2,386,635,893

       Dilution Effect - Weighted average number of ordinary shares
       Stock options                                                                 4,062,986                              -
       The weighted average number of ordinary shares issued by
                                                                                2,390,698,879                2,386,635,893
       the company after adjustment

       Basic earnings per share                                                            0.35                         0.33

       among them:
       - Continuing basic earnings per share                                               0.35                         0.33
       - Termination of basic earnings per share                                               -                            -

       Diluted earnings per share                                                          0.35                         0.33

       among them:
       - Continuing basic earnings per share                                               0.35                         0.33

                                                               - 277 -

       Notes to the financial statements
       for the year ended 31 December 2017
       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]

       - Termination of basic earnings per share                                 -             -

4      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(69)   Notes to the cash flow statement

(g)    Cash generated by other operating activities

                                                                             2017          2016

       Government grants                                                40,805,242    38,212,510
       Interest income                                                  12,606,285     3,193,680
       Others                                                           18,937,040     5,871,941
                                                                        72,348,567    47,278,131
(h)    Cash paid relating to other operating activities

                                                                             2017          2016

       Freight expenses                                                170,941,469   170,991,413
       Canteen costs                                                    39,682,701    38,395,686
       General office expenses                                          34,267,447    32,516,317
       Research and development expenses                                31,684,954    25,191,468
       Business travel expenses                                         27,935,416    26,421,204
       Entertainment fees                                               25,206,039    24,573,593
       Vehicle use fee                                                  15,851,907    15,227,050
       Maintenance fee                                                  25,969,168    15,804,981
       Rental expenses                                                  10,489,299     8,480,779
       Insurance                                                         8,759,738    10,750,838
       Bank fees                                                         9,183,318    10,445,698
       Others                                                          186,004,633   173,091,041
                                                                       585,976,089   551,890,068

(i)    Cash generated by other investing activities

                                                                             2017          2016

       Income from trial production of construction in progress        124,108,255   155,174,454
       Final payment of Shenzhen CSG Display’s subdiary equity
         transfer                                                                -   150,000,000
       Government grants related to assets received                     15,950,000    16,351,250

                                                             - 278 -

      Notes to the financial statements
      for the year ended 31 December 2017
      (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
      [English translation for reference only]
      Land grant funds received                                           28,098,000        28,098,000
      Insurance claims received                                           19,600,000                 -
      Government lands refund received                                                 -    14,891,603
                                                                         187,756,255       364,515,307

4     Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(j)   Cash paid relating to other investing activities
                                                                                2017             2016

      Trial production expenditure in construction                       156,543,177       166,905,113
      The subsidies which Qingyuan energy returns to
        government                                                                     -    15,300,000
      Deposit                                                             43,541,859                 -

                                                                         200,085,036       182,205,113
(k)   Cash generated by other financing activities

                                                                              2017                2016

      Interest-free borrowing                                          1,610,000,000                     -
      Income from financing leases                                     1,986,000,000                     -
      Receiving industrial production dispatch funds                     20,000,000                      -
                                                                       3,616,000,000                     -

(l)   Cash payments relating to other financing activities

                                                                              2017                2016

      Repay financing leases                                            104,821,449                      -
      Pay for industrial production scheduling funds                     31,000,000                      -
      Return interest-free loan                                        1,610,000,000                     -
      Deposit                                                             5,030,994                      -

                                                             - 279 -

       Notes to the financial statements
       for the year ended 31 December 2017
       (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
       [English translation for reference only]
       Payment of loan, security and fee for bills                                32,257,231                        -
                                                                                1,783,109,674                       -

4      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

(51)      Supplementary information to the cash flow statement

(d)    Reconciliation from net profit to cash flows from operating activities

                                                                                         2017               2016

       Net profit                                                                 828,636,035        804,226,524
       Add: Provision for asset impairment                                         69,399,755         58,862,764
              Depreciation of fixed assets                                        957,475,579        879,345,692
              Amortisation of intangible assets                                    43,884,166         36,907,548
              Net movements of safety production costs                             (2,618,535)        (9,594,025)
              Amortisation of long-term prepaid expenses                            1,072,529            899,506
              Net losses/(gains) on disposal of fixed assets and
                                                                                     8,194,695                  -
                intangible assets
              Employee compensation based on shares                                 1,768,993          1,759,358
              Financial expenses                                                  314,603,596        258,319,331
              Investment income/(loss)                                               (427,636)       279,187,752
              Decrease/(increase) in deferred tax assets                           15,578,992         13,884,362
              Increase/(decrease) in deferred tax liabilities                      (8,833,183)        (2,209,981)
              (Increase)/decrease in inventories                                                -   (228,500,000)
              Decrease/(increase) in operating receivables                       (201,257,769)       (71,720,745)
              Increase in operating payables                                     (206,859,922)      (259,804,129)
              Increase in operating receivables                                   642,828,861        479,288,163

                                                                - 280 -
        CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

        Notes to the financial statements
        for the year ended 31 December 2017
        (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
        [English translation for reference only]
        Net cash flows from operating activities                                  2,463,446,156             2,240,852,120

(e)     Net increase/(decrease) in cash

                                                                                          2017                       2016

        Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                                  2,459,753,165               584,566,990
        Less: Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                       (584,566,990)             (574,744,877)
        Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                 1,875,186,175                  9,822,113

(f)     Cash and cash equivalents

                                                                             31 December 2017          31 December 2016

        - Cash on hand                                                                  36,182                      17,239
        - Bank deposits that can be readily drawn on demand                       2,409,716,983               584,549,751
        - Other cash balances that can be readily drawn on demand                   50,000,000                            -
        Cash at end of year                                                       2,459,753,165               584,566,990

4       Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Cont’d)

 (52)      Assets with restricted ownership or use rights

                                                                 2017                  2016                        Reason

        Monetary assets                                     2,852,599              2,236,515        Restricted deposit flow
        Property,plant and equipment                  2,369,789,041                        -         Limited finance lease

                                                      2,372,641,640                2,236,515

 (53)      Monetary items denominated in foreign currencies

                                                                                 31 December 2017
                                                               denominated in         Exchange                  Balances
                                                            foreign currencies            rates       denominated in RMB
         Cash at bank and on hand -

                                                                 - 281 -
           CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

           Notes to the financial statements
           for the year ended 31 December 2017
           (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
           [English translation for reference only]
               HKD                                                7,314,730             0.8359            6,114,383
               USD                                               11,343,508             6.5342           74,120,750
               EUR                                                       675            7.8023                5,267
               JPY                                                  309,620             0.0579              17,927
               AUD                                                   17,439             5.0928              88,813

            Accounts receivable -
               HKD                                               11,549,666             0.8359            9,654,366
               USD                                               19,490,453             6.5342          127,354,518
               EUR                                                  946,785             7.8023            7,387,101

            Short-term borrowings -
               HKD                                               75,000,000             0.8359           62,692,500

            Accounts payable -
               HKD                                                       307            0.8359                 257
               USD                                               15,922,406             6.5342          104,040,185
               EUR                                                2,642,275             7.8023           20,615,822
               JPY                                              281,927,203             0.0579           16,323,585
5              The changes of consolidation scope

           The Group established a subsidiary company, China CGS (AUSTRILIA) PTY LTD, on 31 December 2017, and the
           Group has not invested yet. The Company holds 100% of its shares.

6     Interest in other entities

(1) Interest in subsidiaries

(a)        Structure of the enterprise group

           As at 31 December 2017, information of the Company’s major subsidiaries is set out below:

                                                               - 282 -

Notes to the financial statements
for the year ended 31 December 2017
(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]
                                                Major                                                                             (%)
                                             business        Place of
                                              location    registration                             Scope of business       Direct   Indirect

                                            Chengdu,       Chengdu,      Development, production and sales of special
Chengdu CSG                                     PRC            PRC                                             glass        75%        25%
                                            Chengdu,       Chengdu,      Development, production and sales of special
Sichuan CSG Energy Conservation                 PRC            PRC                     glass and processing of glass        75%        25%
                                               Tianjin,       Tianjin,   Development, production and sales of special
Tianjin Energy Conservation                      PRC            PRC                                            glass        75%        25%
                                           Dongguan,      Dongguan,
Dongguan CSG                                    PRC            PRC                       Intensive processing of glass      75%        25%
                                           Dongguan,      Dongguan,
Dongguan CSG Solar                              PRC            PRC                Production and sales of solar glass       75%        25%
                                           Dongguan,      Dongguan,      Production and sales of hi-tech green battery
Dongguan CSG PV-tech                            PRC            PRC                                    and components            -    100%
                                             Yichang,       Yichang,        Production and sales of high-purity silicon
Yichang CSG Silicon                              PRC            PRC                                         materials       75%        25%
                                             Wujiang,       Wujiang,
Wujiang CSG                                     PRC            PRC                       Intensive processing of glass      75%        25%
                                            Yongqing,      Yongqing,
Hebei CSG                                       PRC            PRC              Production and sales of special glass       75%        25%
                                             Wujiang,       Wujiang,
Wujiang CSG                                     PRC            PRC              Production and sales of special glass      100%            -
                                           Hong Kong,     Hong Kong,
China Southern Glass (Hong Kong) Limited         PRC            PRC                                Investment holding      100%            -
                                            Yongqing,      Yongqing,      Production and sales of ultra-thin electronic
Hebei Shichuang                                 PRC            PRC                                                glass    100%            -
                                             Xianning,      Xianning,
Xianning CSG                                     PRC            PRC             Production and sales of special glass       75%        25%
                                             Xianning,      Xianning,
Xianning CSG Energy-Saving                       PRC            PRC                      Intensive processing of glass      75%        25%
                                            Qingyuan,      Qingyuan,      Production and sales of ultra-thin electronic
Qingyuan CSG Energy-Saving                       PRC            PRC                                               glass    100%            -
                                           Shenzhen,      Shenzhen,
Shenzhen CSG Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.        PRC            PRC                               Finance leasing, etc.      75%        25%
                                            Jiangyou,      Jiangyou,             Production and sales of silica and its
Jiangyou CSG Mining Development Co. Ltd.         PRC            PRC                                       by-products      100%            -
                                           Shenzhen,      Shenzhen,           Investment management of photovoltaic
Shenzhen CSG PV Energy Co., Ltd.                PRC            PRC                                           plant         100%            -
                                            Qingyuan,      Qingyuan,         Clean energy development, photovoltaic
Qingyuan CSG New Energy Co., Ltd.                PRC            PRC                               power generation              -    100%
                                             Wujiang,       Wujiang,         Clean energy development, photovoltaic
Suzhou CSG PV-tech Co., Ltd.                    PRC            PRC                                power generation              -    100%
                                             Wujiang,       Wujiang,         Clean energy development, photovoltaic
Wujiang CSG New Energy Co., Ltd.                PRC            PRC                                power generation              -    100%
                                             Yichang,       Yichang,         Clean energy development, photovoltaic
Yichang CSG New Energy Co., Ltd                  PRC            PRC                               power generation              -    100%
                                           Shenzhen,      Shenzhen,        Production and sales of display component
Shenzhen CSG Display:                           PRC            PRC                                           products     60.80%           -
                                             Xianning,      Xianning,
Xianning CSG Photoelectric                       PRC            PRC      Photoelectric glass and high aluminium glass     37.50%    62.50%

                                                               - 283 -
         CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

         (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
         [English translation for reference only]

6   Interest in other entities (Cont'd)

(1) Interest in subsidiaries (Cont'd)

(b) Subsidiaries with significant minority interests

                                                                Profit or loss attributable to          Dividends distributed to
                                          Shareholding of      minority shareholders for the       minority shareholders for the        Minority interests
                                                 minority         year ended 31 December              year ended 31 December          as at 31 December
         Subsidiaries                       shareholders                                2017                               2017                      2017
         Shenzhen CSG Display                    39.20%                            (436,287)                           2,488,500             302,902,364

         The major financial information of the significant non-fully-owned subsidiaries of the Group is listed below:

                                                                                   31 December 2017
                                                            Non-current                                                    Non-current
                                   Current assets               assets        Total assets       Current liabilities         liabilities   Total liabilities
         Shenzhen         CSG
         Display                        230,735,047    1,384,202,485        1,614,937,532            588,962,555        237,351,982          826,314,537

                                                                                                   Total comprehensive         Cash flows from operating
                                                Revenue                      Net profit                        income                           activities
         Shenzhen         CSG
                                             563,191,871                   14,127,082                         14,127,082                      91,246,186

                                                                            - 284 -

    (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
    [English translation for reference only]

7       Segment information

    To meet operating strategies and requirements of business development, the Group adjusted its operating
    structure in current year. The Group’s management allocated resources, Estimated segment performance,
    updated reporting segment, and disclosed segment information according to revised operating segments in current
    year. Segment information of prior year had been restated in accordance with updated reporting segments.

    Before the revision, the Group's business activities are categorised by product or service as follows:

    -    Flat glass segment, engaged in production and sales of float glass and the silica for the production
            thereof, etc.
    -    Engineering glass segment, engaged in manufacturing and sales of engineering glass, etc.
    -    Solar energy segment, engaged in manufacturing and sales of polycrystalline silicon and solar
            battery and applications, etc.

    After the revision, the Group's business activities are categorised by product and service as follows:

    -    Glass segment, engaged in production and sales of float glass and engineering glass and the
            silica for the production thereof, etc.
    -    Solar energy segment, engaged in manufacturing and sales of polycrystalline silicon and solar
            battery and applications, etc.
    -    Electronic glass and display segment is responsible for production and sales of display
            components and special ultra-thin glass products, etc.

    The reportable segments of the Group are the business units that provide different products or service. Different
    businesses require different technologies and marketing strategies. The Group, therefore, separately manages the
    production and operation of each reportable segment and Estimates their operating results respectively, in order to
    make decisions about resources to be allocated to these segments and to assess their performance.

    Inter-segment transfer prices are measured by reference to selling prices to third parties.

    The assets are allocated based on the operations of the segment and the physical location of the asset. The
    liabilities are allocated based on the operations of the segment. Expenses indirectly attributable to each segment
    are allocated to the segments based on the proportion of each segment’s revenue.

                                                           - 285 -
        CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

        (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
        [English translation for reference only]

7   Segment information (Cont’d)

(c) Segment information as at and for the year ended 31 December 2017 is as follows:

                                                                    Electronic glass
                                                       Flat glass      and displays       Solar energy         Others      Unallocated       Elimination           Total

        Revenue from external customers           6,954,683,103      873,166,517       3,050,921,865                -        629,261                   -   10,879,400,746

        Inter-segment revenue                        97,227,192            701,963       74,689,369                 -     58,058,305     (230,676,829)                     -

        Interest income                               1,152,232            146,973           262,942             608      11,043,530                   -       12,606,285

        Interest expenses                         (153,982,540)      (32,003,353)       (79,797,858)                -    (54,488,918)       5,669,073       (314,603,596)

        Asset impairment losses                    (20,109,566)          (352,808)      (48,857,162)                -        (80,219)                  -     (69,399,755)

        Depreciation and amortisation expenses    (601,774,748)     (132,769,853)      (261,527,443)        (107,198)     (6,253,032)                  -   (1,002,432,274)

        Total profit/(loss)                        827,335,674         80,463,836       218,437,923         (110,328)   (124,292,481)      (5,527,598)        996,307,026

        Income tax (expenses)/income              (118,701,953)      (21,223,939)       (23,950,456)                      (3,794,643)                  -    (167,670,991)

        Net profit/(loss)                          708,633,721         59,239,897       194,487,467         (110,328)   (128,087,124)      (5,527,598)        828,636,035

        Total assets                              9,121,982,895     3,032,467,443      4,969,121,408         664,853    2,410,765,769                  -   19,535,002,368

        Total liabilities                         3,453,100,959      856,548,520       1,640,361,900        2,502,814   4,802,865,064                  -   10,755,379,257

        Increase in non-current assets (i)          160,029,169      459,791,787        629,473,708                 -      2,875,254                   -    1,252,169,918

                                                                                                  - 286 -
        CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

        (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
        [English translation for reference only]
7   Segment information (Cont’d)

(d) Segment information as at and for the year ended 31 December 2016 is as follows:
                                                                          Electronic glass
                                                            Flat glass       and displays       Solar energy         Others       Unallocated      Elimination            Total

        Revenue from external customers                6,248,986,019      432,923,679        2,291,096,315                -       1,077,394                  -   8,974,083,407

        Inter-segment revenue                            53,644,824             533,611        29,140,901                 -     21,504,477      (104,823,813)                -

        Interest income                                     709,739             169,281           215,863               69        3,680,920       (1,582,192)        3,193,680

        Interest expenses                              (141,501,800)      (20,216,385)        (80,249,948)                -     (22,179,393)       5,828,195      (258,319,331)

        Investment income from associates                           -                    -                -               -       5,071,685                  -       5,071,685

        Asset impairment losses                          (1,347,361)        (6,474,743)       (52,808,413)                -       1,767,753                  -     (58,862,764)

        Depreciation and amortisation expenses         (579,880,012)      (89,743,215)       (240,386,653)                -      (7,142,866)                 -    (917,152,746)
        Change in fair value of derivative financial
                                                                    -                    -                -               -      (9,850,256)                 -      (9,850,256)

        Total profit/(loss)                             870,911,083         19,861,854        246,515,279         (64,601)     (179,348,714)      (1,766,282)     956,108,619

        Income tax (expenses)/income                   (115,934,739)        (9,777,225)       (26,285,679)                -         115,548                  -    (151,882,095)

        Net profit/(loss)                               754,976,344         10,084,629        220,229,600         (64,601)     (179,233,166)      (1,766,282)     804,226,524

        Total assets                                   9,002,421,342     2,594,860,320       4,476,309,055        135,161     1,073,089,752                      17,146,815,630

        Total liabilities                              1,789,702,282      566,783,261         519,338,730        2,502,814    6,139,297,524                  -   9,017,624,611

        Increase in non-current assets (i)              368,179,542      1,539,319,460        652,019,325                 -       4,578,555                  -   2,564,096,882

                                                                                                       - 287 -
          CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

          (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
          [English translation for reference only]

7     Segment information (Cont’d)

          The Group’s revenue from external customers domestically and in foreign countries or geographical areas, and the
          total non-current assets other than financial assets and deferred tax assets located domestically and in foreign
          countries or geographical areas are as follows:

          Revenue from external customers                                                   2017                         2016

          Mainland                                                                9,506,249,433                  7,971,929,246
          Hong Kong, PRC                                                            434,551,436                   135,128,604

          Europe                                                                     26,534,686                    25,914,385
          Asia (other than Mainland and Hong Kong)                                  848,958,711                   614,806,258

          Australia                                                                  37,937,222                    37,437,349

          North America                                                               6,030,936                   134,941,952

          Other regions                                                              19,138,322                    53,925,613
                                                                                 10,879,400,746                  8,974,083,407

          Total non-current assets                                           31 December 2017            31 December 2016

          Mainland                                                               14,505,740,522                 14,392,447,014

          Hong Kong, PRC                                                             12,798,642                    12,551,254
                                                                                 14,518,539,164                 14,404,998,268

          No revenue from a single customer exceeded 10% or more of the Group’s revenue.

8     Related parties and related party transactions

(8)       Information of the parent company

          The Company regards no entity as the parent company.

(9)       The subsidiaries

          The general information and other related information of the subsidiaries are set out in Note 6(1).

(10)      The associates

          Shenzhen CSG Display company is a joint venture of the Company, and it became a subsidiary of our company on
          June 3, 2016. Prior to June 3, 2016, the related transaction between Shenzhen CSG Display company and the
          Group is noted, as indicated in note 8 (5).

          On December 31, 2017, the Company has no joint venture.

                                                                 - 288 -
         CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

         (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
         [English translation for reference only]

8   Related parties and related party transactions (Cont’d)

(11)     Other related parties information
                                                                                                   Relationship with the Group

        Shenzhen Jushenghua Co., Ltd. (“Jushenghua”)                         Persons acting in concert with the first majority
                                                                                                      shareholder of the Group

        Shenzhen Qianhai Ruinan Investment LLP                        Controlled by the former key management personnel of
                                                                                                                       the Croup

        Yichang Hongtai Real Estate Co. Ltd                                             Other related parties and their affiliates

(12)     Related party transactions

(g) Purchase and sales of goods, provision and receiving of labour

                                                      Related party
         Related parties                               transactions          Pricing policies             2017              2016

         Shenzhen CSG Display                Purchase of materials    Refer to market price                  -          608,722
         Shenzhen CSG Display                       Sales of goods    Refer to market price                  -        1,500,899
         Xianning CSG Photoelectric          Sales of special glass   Refer to market price                  -        2,349,353
                                                                                                             -        4,458,974

(h) Leases
        The Group as the lessor:

                                                                                        Lease income              Lease income
                                                                                         recognised in             recognised in
         Name of the lessee                         Category of the leased asset                 2017                      2016

         Shenzhen CSG Display                   Equipment under finance leases                        -              2,359,961
                                                                                                      -              2,359,961

(i) Gains on equity transfer

(j) Acquisition of equity

                                                Related party
         Related parties                         transactions     Pricing principle              2017                       2016

         Shenzhen   Qianhai               Acquire 37.5% of
          Ruinan Investment                  Xianning CSG        Refer to fair value
          LLP                          Photoelectric’s equity        of the equity                   -              38,250,000

                                                                  - 289 -
           CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

           FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2017
           (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
           [English translation for reference only]

8     Related parties and related party transactions (Cont’d)

(5)        Related party transactions

(k) Advances paid on behalf of related parties

                                             Related party
           Related parties                    transactions           Pricing policies                2017                        2016

           Shenzhen           CSG Advances of electric               Refer to market
            Display                           charge                           price                     -                  8,168,076

(l) Remuneration of key management

                                                                                                     2017                       2016

           Remuneration                                                                         12,030,000             10,914,002

(13)       Receivables from related parties

                                                               December 31, 2017                       December 31, 2016

                                                                           Bad           debt                        Bad            debt
                                                       Book balance             preparation       Book balance             preparation

          Other            Yichang Hongtai Real
          receivables      Estate Company             171,000,000            (3,420,000)          171,000,000          (3,420,000)

(14)       Commitments in relation to related parties

           The commitments in relation to related parties contracted for but not yet necessary to be recognised on the
           balance sheet by the Group as at the balance sheet date are as follows:

                                                  Related party       Restrictive terms on
           Related parties                         transactions                 borrowings                   2017                    2016

           Shenzhen Jushenghua           Facility of interest-free
            Co.,             Ltd.        loans provided for the
            (“Jushenghua”)                            Company                         Nil          2,000,000,000          2,000,000,000

           On 22 November 2016, the Company received a letter from its shareholder, Jushenghua, stating that to support the
           Group’s steady operation and development, Jushenghua, as the shareholder of the Company, would like to offer
           interest-free borrowings with the total amount of RMB2 billion to the Company or through related parties
           designated by it. For any borrowing drawn, its repayment date is negotiated by the Company and Jushenghua
           upon withdrawal. When a borrowing is due, if an extension is needed, the Company can apply to the actual lender
           based on the Company’s operation; where the actual lender agrees with the extension application, the term of the
           borrowing is extended accordingly. The shareholder provided RMB 1 billion 610 million interest free loan to the
           group in the current year, which has been returned to all in December 31, 2017.

                                                                      - 290 -

    (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
    [English translation for reference only]

9   Share Payment
    1. Overall situation of share payment
    The total number of equity instruments granted by                                            97,511,654 shares
    the company in the current period Restricted shares
    Total amount of various equity instruments that the                                                             -
    company exercises during the current period

    The total number of various equity instruments that                                                             -
    have failed in the current period

    The scope of the company’s outstanding share                                                                   -
    options and the remaining duration of the contract at
    the end of the period

    The scope of the company's exercise of other equity                                                             -
    instruments at the end of the period and the
    remaining duration of the contract

    Note: On December 11, 2017, reviewed and approved by the Group's eighth session of the Board of Directors, the
    Group implemented the 2017 A Share Restricted Stock Incentive Plan. The incentive targets for the restricted
    shares granted under this plan include company directors and senior management personnel. A total of 454 core
    management teams, company technology members and main employees. The first grant date of this restricted
    stock was December 11, 2017. The company granted 97,511,654 restricted shares for the first time to 454
    incentive targets. The initial grant price was 4.28RMB per share. Reserved restricted stock ending balance
    17,046,869 shares, the grant price has not been determined. The shares granted of the first time has been
    registered and listed.

    This incentive plan is valid for 48 months from the date of grant of the restricted stock to the date of unlocking of all
    restricted stocks or the completion of repurchase and cancellation. During the unlocking/exercise period, if the
    unlocking/exercise condition specified in the incentive plan is reached, the restricted stock granted is unlocked in
    three phases after 12 months from the grant date.

    The unlock period is shown in the following table:
    Unlock Schedule             Unlock Time                                                 Unlock Ratio

    First unlock                from the date of the first transaction 12 months after                   40%
                                the award date to the date of the last transaction within
                                24 months from the grant date.
    Second unlock               from the date of the first trading day 24 months after                   30%
                                the grant date to the date of the last trading day within
                                36 months from the grant date
    Third unlock                from the date of the first trading day 36 months after                   30%
                                the grant date to the day of the last trading day within
                                48 months from the grant date

                                                            - 291 -

      (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
      [English translation for reference only]

9     Share Payment (Cont’d)

      2. Equity-settled share payment
      Method for Determining the Fair Value of Equity       Black-Scholes Model
      Instruments on the Grant Date
      Determination of the best estimate of the number      Based on the latest information on the change in
      of vesting equity instruments                         the number of exercisable rights and the
                                                            completion of performance indicators, the
                                                            number of equity instruments that are expected to
                                                            be exercised is revised.
      Reasons for significant differences between                             Not applicable
      current estimates and previous estimates
      Cumulative amount of equity-settled share-based
      payment in capital reserves                                               8,194,695
      Total equity confirmed by equity-settled                                  8,194,695
      share-based payment in this period

      According to the relevant provisions of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 11 - Share Payment
      and Enterprise Accounting Standard No. 22 - Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments, the Group
      uses the Black-Scholes model (BS model) as a pricing model, deducting incentive objects. The fair value of the
      restricted stock will be used after the lock-in costs that are required to obtain the rational expected return from the
      sales restriction period are lifted in the future. The Group will, on each balance sheet date of the lock-in period,
      revise the number of restricted stocks that are expected to be unlockable based on the newly obtained changes in
      the number of unlockable persons and performance indicators, and follow the fair value of the restricted stock grant
      date. The services obtained during the current period are included in the relevant costs or expenses and capital

      The Group actually granted restricted stocks of 97,511,654 shares in 2017, and the total fair value of the equity
      instruments granted to the incentive target for the first day of grant was RMB 289,519,900, the total fair value as
      the total cost of the company's equity incentive plan will be confirmed in stages according to the unlocking/exercise
      ratio during the implementation of the equity incentive plan, and will be included in the “management fees” and
      “capital” of each period accordingly.

      In 2017, the Group achieved conditions for unlocking restricted stocks. In the current period, the relevant cost
      sharing amount of the incentive plan was recognized as RMB 8,194,695.

17     Contingencies

18     Commitments

(1)   Capital commitments

      Capital expenditures contracted for by the Group at the balance sheet date but are not yet necessary to be
      recognized on the balance sheet are as follows:

                                                                          31 December 2017             31 December 2016

      Buildings, machinery and equipment                                         150,418,893                  280,938,401

                                                              - 292 -
         CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

         (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
         [English translation for reference only]

11       Commitments (Cont’d)

(2)      Operating lease commitments

         The future minimum lease payments due under the signed irrevocable operating leases contracts are summarized
         as follows:

                                                                              31 December 2017              31 December 2016

         Within 1 year                                                                 3,675,748                      1,142,713
         1 to 2 years                                                                  1,914,948                        831,008
         2 to 3 years                                                                  1,472,224                        273,320
         Over 3 years                                                                  3,443,641                        282,534
                                                                                      10,506,561                      2,529,575

19 Events after the balance sheet date

         Statement of profit distribution after balance sheet date


         Proposed distribution of cash dividends                                                                    124,207,377

         Pursuant to the resolution of the board of directors dated April 20, 2018, the board of directors proposed that the
         company distribute cash dividends of RMB 124,207,377 to all shareholders, which has not yet been recognized as a
         liability in the financial statements. In addition, the board of directors proposes to use the capital of 2,484,147,547 as
         the base to transfer 1.5 shares for every 10 shares to all shareholders in a total of 372,622,132 shares, which has
         not yet been reclassified as capital in the financial statements.

20 Financial instrument and risk

         The Group's activities expose it to a variety of financial risks: market risk (primarily foreign exchange risk and interest
         rate risk), credit risk and liquidity risk. The Group's overall risk management program focuses on the unpredictability
         of financial markets and seeks to minimize potential adverse effects on the Group's financial performance.

(1) Market risk

(a) Foreign exchange risk

         The Group’s major operational activities are carried out in Mainland China and a majority of the transactions are
         denominated in RMB. Some export business, however, is denominated in foreign currencies. In addition, the
         Group is exposed to foreign exchange risk arising from the recognized assets and liabilities, and future
         transactions denominated in foreign currencies, primarily with respect to US dollars and Hong Kong dollar. The
         Group monitors the scale of foreign currency transactions, foreign currency assets and liabilities, and adjust
         settlement currency of export business, to furthest reduce the currency risk.
         As at 31 December 2017, book values in RMB equivalent of the Group’s assets and liabilities denominated in
         foreign currencies are summarized below:

                                                                  - 293 -
         CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

         (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
         [English translation for reference only]

13 Financial instrument and risk (Cont’d)

(1) Market risk (Cont'd)

                                                                       31 December 2017
                                                        USD                HKD            Others             Total

         Financial assets denominated
           in foreign currency -
           Cash at bank and on hand              74,120,750          6,114,383          112,007         80,347,140
           Receivables                          127,354,518          9,654,366        7,387,101       144,395,985
                                                201,475,268         15,768,749        7,499,108       224,743,125
         Financial liabilities denominated
           in foreign currency -
           Short-term borrowings                             -      62,692,500                 -        62,692,500
           Payables                             104,040,185                 257      36,939,407       140,979,849
                                                104,040,185         62,692,757       36,939,407       203,672,349

                                                                       31 December 2016
                                                        USD                HKD            Others             Total

         Financial assets denominated
           in foreign currency -
           Cash at bank and on hand              24,360,614          5,551,402          840,393         30,752,409
           Receivables                          105,742,398                      -    6,917,969       112,660,367
                                                130,103,012          5,551,402        7,758,362       143,412,776
         Financial liabilities denominated
           in foreign currency -
           Short-term borrowings                             -      67,087,500                 -        67,087,500
           Payables                              74,140,797                 275      24,217,998         98,359,070
                                                 74,140,797         67,087,775       24,217,998       165,446,570

         As at 31 December 2017, if the currency had strengthened/weakened by 10% against the USD while all other
         variables had been held constant, the Group’s net profit for the year would have been approximately
         RMB8,281,982 lower/higher (31 December 2016: approximately RMB4,756,788 lower/higher) for various financial
         assets and liabilities denominated in USD.

         As at 31 December 2017, if the currency had strengthened/weakened by 10% against the HKD while all other
         variables had been held constant, the Group’s net profit for the year would have been approximately
         RMB3,988,541 higher/lower (31 December 2016: approximately RMB5,230,592higher/lower ) for various financial
         assets and liabilities denominated in HKD.

         Other changes in exchange rate had no significant influence on the Group's operating activities.

                                                                 - 294 -
         CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

         (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
         [English translation for reference only]

13 Financial instrument and risk (Cont’d)

(1) Market risk (Cont'd)

(b)      interest rate risk
         The Group's interest rate risk arises from long-term interest bearing debts including long-term borrowings and
         bonds payable. Financial liabilities issued at floating rates expose the Group to cash flow interest rate risk.
         Financial liabilities issued at fixed rates expose the Group to fair value interest rate risk. The Group determines the
         relative proportions of its fixed rate and floating rate contracts depending on the prevailing market conditions. As at
         31 December 2017, the Group’s long-term interest-bearing debts at and fixed rates and floating rates are illustrated

                                                                              31 December 2017             31 December 2016

         Debt at fixed rates                                                     1,425,000,000                1,380,000,000
         Debt at floating rates                                                    129,120,000                   58,660,000
                                                                                 1,554,120,000                1,438,660,000

         The Group continuously monitors the interest rate position of the Group. Increases in interest rates will increase
         the cost of new borrowing and the interest expenses with respect to the Group’s outstanding floating rate
         borrowings, and therefore could have a material adverse effect on the Group’s financial position. The Group makes
         adjustments timely with reference to the latest market conditions, which includes increasing/decreasing long-term
         fixed rate debts at the anticipation of increasing/decreasing interest rate.

(2)      Credit risk

         Credit risk is managed on the grouping basis. Credit risk mainly arises from cash at bank, notes receivable,
         accounts receivable, other receivables.

         The Group expects that there is no significant credit risk associated with cash at bank since they are mainly
         deposited at state-owned banks and other medium or large size listed banks. Management does not expect that
         there will be any significant losses from non-performance by these counterparties. Furthermore, as the Group’s
         bank acceptance notes receivable are generally accepted by the state-owned banks and other large and medium
         listed banks, management believes the credit risk should be limited.

         In addition, the Group has policies to limit the credit exposure on accounts receivable, other receivables and trade
         acceptance notes receivable. The Group assesses the credit quality of and sets credit limits on its customers by
         taking into account their financial position, the availability of guarantee from third parties, their credit history and
         other factors such as current market conditions. The credit history of the customers is regularly monitored by the
         Group. In respect of customers with a poor credit history, the Group will use written payment reminders, or shorten
         or cancel credit periods, to ensure the overall credit risk of the Group is limited to a controllable extent.

                                                                 - 295 -
        CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

        (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
        [English translation for reference only]

13 Financial instrument and risk (Cont’d)

(3)     Liquidity risk

        Cash flow forecasting is performed by each subsidiary of the Group and aggregated by the Group’s finance
        department in its headquarters. The Group’s finance department at its headquarters monitors rolling forecasts of
        the Group's short-term and long-term liquidity requirements to ensure it has sufficient cash reserve, while
        maintaining sufficient headroom on its undrawn committed borrowing facilities from major financial institutions so
        that the Group does not breach borrowing limits or covenants on any of its borrowing facilities to meet the
        short-term and long-term liquidity requirements.

        As stated in Note 2(1) above, as at 31 December 2017, the Group had net current liabilities of approximately
        RMB2.52 billion and committed capital expenditures of approximately RMB0.15 billion. Management will
        implement the following measures to ensure the liquidation risk limited to a controllable extent:

        (a)       The Group will have steady cash inflows from operating activities;
        (b)       The Group will pay the debts that mature and finance the construction projects through the existing bank
        (c)       The Group will closely monitoring the payment of construction expenditure in terms of payment time and

        The financial liabilities of the Group at the balance sheet date are analyzed by their maturity date below at their
        undiscounted contractual cash flows:
                                                                              31 December 2017

                                         Within 1 year        1 to 2 years        2 to 5years    Over 5 years            Total

        Short-term borrowings            3,810,013,826                   -                  -                -   3,810,013,826

        Notes payable                      213,401,622                   -                  -                -     213,401,622

        Accounts payable                 1,400,166,042                   -                  -                -   1,400,166,042

        Interest payable                    34,032,740                   -                  -                -      34,032,740

        Other payables                     619,324,354                   -                  -                -    619,324,354

        Other current liabilities              300,000                   -                  -                -        300,000

        Current        portion      of
                                           911,348,902                                                             911,348,902
        non-Current liabilities                                          -                  -                -

        Long-term payables                                -    600,436,759        561,357,488                -   1,161,794,247

        Long-term borrowings                80,169,450         117,889,436       1,580,649,809               -   1,778,708,695

                                         7,068,756,936         718,326,195       2,142,007,297               -   9,929,090,428

                                                                              31 December 2016
                                          Within 1 year        1 to 2 years       2 to 5 years    Over 5 years           Total

        Short-term borrowings            4,043,966,809                    -                  -               -   4,043,966,809
        Notes payable                      20,000,000                     -                  -               -     20,000,000
        Accounts payable                 1,169,869,370                    -                  -               -   1,169,869,370
        Interest payable                   78,225,904                     -                  -               -     78,225,904
        Other payables                    188,321,450                     -                  -               -    188,321,450

                                                                    - 296 -

(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]
Other current liabilities             300,000                 -                -   -        300,000
Current portion of non-current
 liabilities                     1,068,336,787                -                -   -   1,068,336,787
Long-term borrowings               73,188,850       290,439,172    1,287,871,345   -   1,651,499,367
                                 6,642,209,170      290,439,172    1,287,871,345   -   8,220,519,687

                                                         - 297 -
         CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

         (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
         [English translation for reference only]

21 Fair value estimates

         Based on the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement in its entirety, the fair value
         hierarchy has the following levels:

         Level 1: Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities.

         Level 2: Inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either
         directly or indirectly.

         Level 3: Unobservable inputs for the asset or liability.

(c) Financial instruments measured at fair value

         As of 31 December 2017, the group has no assets measured at fair value.

(d) Financial instruments not measured but disclosed at fair value

         The group’s financial assets and financial liabilities measured at amortized cost mainly include: accounts
         receivable, short-term borrowings, accounts payable, long term borrowings, bonds payable , long-term payables,

         Except for financial liabilities listed below, book value of the other financial assets and liabilities not measured at
         fair value is a reasonable approximation of their fair value.

                                                             31 December 2017                         31 December 2016
                                             Carrying amount                  Fair value   Carrying amount          Fair value
         Financial liabilities
             Corporate bonds payable                            -                      -    1,000,000,000      1,009,177,000
             Medium term notes                  1,200,000,000          1,171,444,800        1,200,000,000      1,175,308,800
                                                1,200,000,000          1,171,444,800        2,200,000,000      2,184,485,800

         The fair values of payables and medium-term notes are the present value of the contractually determined stream of
         future cash flows at the rate of interest applied at that time by the market to instruments of comparable credit status
         and providing substantially the same cash flows on the same terms, thereinto bonds payable belongs to Level 1
         and medium term notes belong to Level 2.

22 Capital management

         The Group’s capital management policies aim to safeguard the Group’s ability to continue as a going concern in
         order to provide returns for shareholders and benefits for other stakeholders, and to maintain an optimal capital
         structure to reduce the cost of capital.

         In order to maintain or adjust the capital structure, the Group may adjust the amount of dividends paid to
         shareholders, refund capital to shareholders, issue new shares or sell assets to reduce debts.

         The Group is not subject to external mandatory capital requirements, and monitors capital on the basis of gearing

         As at 31 December 2017 and 31 December 2016, the Group's gearing ratio is as follows:

                                                                    - 298 -
        CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

        (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
        [English translation for reference only]

                                                                                       31 December 2017               31 December 2016

        Total liabilities                                                                 10,755,379,257                   9,017,624,611
        Total assets                                                                      19,535,002,368                 17,146,815,630
        Gearing ratio                                                                                55%                               53%

23 Notes to the Company’s financial statements

  (2)     Other receivables

                                                                                       31 December 2017               31 December 2016

        Receivables from related parties                                                   2,399,392,648                  4,033,706,419
        Others                                                                                4,451,192                            423,416

                                                                                          2,403,843,840                   4,034,129,835
        Less: Provision for bad debts                                                        (3,509,024)                      (3,428,806)

                                                                                          2,400,334,816                   4,030,701,029

(e)     The ageing of other receivables is analysed as follows:

                                                                                       31 December 2017               31 December 2016
        Within 1 year                                                                     2,232,668,334                   3,863,129,835
        Over 1year                                                                          171,175,506                     171,000,000
                                                                                          2,403,843,840                   4,034,129,835

        As at 31 December 2017, the Company had no overdue but not impaired other receivables (31
        December 2016: Nil).

(f)     Other receivables are analysed by categories as follows:

                                                 31 December 2017                                        31 December 2016
                                                                  Provision for bad
                                        Carrying amount                debts                 Carrying amount           Provision for bad debts
                                                     % of total   Provision for                          % of total        Provision for
                                          Amount      balance       bad debts     %           Amount      balance            bad debts      %

        Provision for bad debts by

          - Group 1                      4,451,192            -       (89,024)    2%           423,416            -              (8,806)   2%

                                                                     - 299 -
        CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

        (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
        [English translation for reference only]

          - Group 2                  2,399,392,648          100%       (3,420,000)         -      4,033,706,419       100%           (3,420,000)         -

                                     2,403,843,840          100%       (3,509,024)         -      4,034,129,835       100%           (3,428,806)         -

(g) or other receivables provided for bad debts by portfolio, the percentage of provision for the portfolio is as

                                           31 December 2017                                                 31 December 2016
                                Carrying amount        Provision for bad debts                  Carrying amount        Provision for bad debts
                                         Amount           Amount                %                        Amount               Amount                %

        Portfolio 1                     4,451,192           (89,024)           2%                         423,416                (8,806)           2%

        Portfolio 2                  2,399,392,648       (3,420,000)                 -              4,033,706,419            (3,420,000)             -

                                     2,403,843,840       (3,509,024)              -                 4,034,129,835            (3,428,806)             -

16      Notes to the Company’s financial statements (Cont’d)

(1)     Other receivables (Cont'd)
        As at 31 December 2017, the Group’s top five entities with the largest other receivables balances are
        summarised as below:

                                                       Relationship                                                                       % of
                                                     with the Group                             Amount                    Ageing total balance

        Yichang CSG Silicon                             Subsidiary                1,265,446,303                     Within 1 year                  53%
        Qingyuan CSG Energy-Saving                      Subsidiary                       315,175,452                Within 1 year                  13%
        Yichang CSG Display                             Subsidiary                       217,350,199                Within 1 year                  9%
        Yichang       Hongtai         Real related parties and
        Estate Co. Ltd                           their affiliates                        171,000,000                 Over 1 year                   7%
        Xianning      CSG    photoelectric
        glass                                           Subsidiary                       120,520,736                Within 1 year                  5%
                                                                                  2,089,492,690                                                    87%

 (2)         Long-term equity investments

                                                                                               31 December 2017              31 December 2016

        Subsidiaries (a)                                                                          4,810,987,652                     4,805,440,632
        Less: Impairment provision for investments in subsidiaries (a)                               (15,000,000)                     (15,000,000)
                                                                                                  4,795,987,652                     4,790,440,632

                                                                        - 300 -

      (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
      [English translation for reference only]

16    Notes to the Company’s financial statements (Cont’d)

(2)   Long-term equity investments (Cont’d)

(b)   Subsidiaries

                                                                  Movement      in current               year
                                                                                                 Provision for                    Provision for   Cash dividends
                                               31 December        Additional   Decrease in        impairment     31 December       impairment        declared in
                                                      2016       investment     investment               loss           2017              loss      current year
                                                           (i)                                                              (i)
      Chengdu CSG                                 146,679,073       298,274              -                   -    146,977,347                 -       29,098,516
      Sichuan CSG Energy Conservation             115,290,583       256,131              -                   -     115,546,714                -       36,798,924
      Tianjin Energy Conservation                 242,902,974       288,454              -                   -    243,191,428                 -
      Dongguan CSG                                193,618,971       297,078              -                   -    193,916,049                 -
      Dongguan CSG Solar                          349,446,826       354,328              -                   -    349,801,154                 -      109,684,420
      Yichang CSG Silicon                         632,958,044       506,124              -                   -    633,464,168                 -
      Wujiang CSG                                 251,313,658       202,531              -                   -    251,516,189                 -       35,752,200
      Hebei CSG                                   261,998,368       266,973              -                   -    262,265,341                 -
      China Southern Glass (Hong Kong)
       Limited                                     85,742,211        60,391              -                   -     85,802,602                 -
      Wujiang CSG                                 562,179,564       348,190              -                   -    562,527,754                 -      175,598,720
      Hebei Shichuang                             243,062,801       208,669              -                   -    243,271,470                 -
      Jiangyou CSG Mining Development
        Co. Ltd.                                  100,725,041       112,558              -                   -    100,837,599                 -
      Xianning CSG                                177,041,818       253,676              -                   -    177,295,494                 -       47,124,545
      Xianning CSG Energy-Saving                  161,281,576       262,268              -                   -    161,543,844                 -
      Qingyuan CSG Energy-Saving                  300,185,609       191,239              -                   -    300,376,848                 -

                                                                                       - 301 -

(All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
[English translation for reference only]
Shenzhen CSG Financial Leasing
 Co., Ltd.                                  133,500,000                 -       -    133,500,000               -
Shenzhen CSG PV Energy Co., Ltd.            100,000,000     52,985      -       -    100,052,985               -
Shenzhen CSG Display                        542,027,830    664,058      -       -    542,691,888               -     2,011,500
Xianning CSG Photoelectric                   38,250,000    220,534      -       -     38,470,534               -

Others (ii)                                 167,235,685    702,559      -       -    167,938,244    (15,000,000)

                                          4,805,440,632   5,547,020     -       -   4,810,987,652   (15,000,000)   436,068,825

                                                                      - 302 -

      (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
      [English translation for reference only]

16    Notes to the Company’s financial statements (Cont’d)

(2)   Long-term equity investments (Cont’d)

(a)   Subsidiaries (Cont'd)

      (i)        As at 31 December 2017, included in the investments in subsidiaries were deemed investment costs of
                 RMB 114,582,341 (31 December 2016: RMB 109,035,321), the fair value of the equity instruments of the
                 Company granted to the employee of the subsidiaries for their serviced provided to the subsidiaries for
                 which the Company did not charge the subsidiaries.

      (ii)       The operations of the subsidiaries against which provision was made were basically ceased. The Company
                 made provision against the long-term investment in these subsidiaries based on their recoverable amounts
                 in previous years.

(3)          Long-term receivables

                                                                          31 December 2017           31 December 2016

      Bonds payable and long-term borrowings allocated to
        subsidiaries                                                          1,200,000,000              1,905,645,000
      Entrusted loans allocated to subsidiaries                                                             98,000,000
                                                                              1,200,000,000              2,003,645,000
      Less: Provisions for impairment                                                                                  -
                                                                              1,200,000,000              2,003,645,000

                                                              - 303 –
         CSG HOLDING CO., LTD.

         (All amounts in RMB Yuan unless otherwise stated)
         [English translation for reference only]

16       Notes to the Company’s financial statements (Cont’d)

(3) Long-term receivables (Cont’d)

                                                                                                                     Reversals of
                                                                                                Provision for         provision for
                                              31 December    Movements in      31 December       impairment     impairment loss in
                                                     2016     current year            2017              loss          current year

         Chengdu CSG                           190,000,000   (140,000,000)       50,000,000                 -                     -
         Sichuan CSG Energy Conservation       114,665,000    (94,665,000)       20,000,000                 -                     -
         Dongguan CSG PV-tech                  160,105,000   (110,105,000)       50,000,000                 -                     -
         Yichang CSG Silicon                   472,480,000   (122,480,000)      350,000,000                 -                     -
         Dongguan CSG                           99,835,000    (24,835,000)       75,000,000                 -                     -
         Wujiang CSG                           310,000,000   (100,000,000)      210,000,000                 -                     -
         Dongguan CSG Solar                    193,780,000    (73,780,000)      120,000,000                 -                     -
         Wujiang CSG                            69,890,000    (19,890,000)       50,000,000                 -                     -
         Qingyuan CSG Energy-Saving            148,000,000    (98,000,000)       50,000,000                 -                     -
         Xianning CSG Energy-Saving             80,000,000                -      80,000,000                 -                     -
         Xianning CSG                           75,000,000                -      75,000,000                 -                     -
         Hebei CSG Class                        69,890,000    (19,890,000)       50,000,000
         Hebei CSG Window                       20,000,000                -      20,000,000                 -                     -
                                             2,003,645,000   (803,645,000)    1,200,000,000                 -                     -

(6)             Other payables

                                                                              31 December 2017              31 December 2016

         Subsidiaries                                                              477,067,694                     233,414,167
         Share repurchase                                                          417,349,879                                   -
         Others                                                                      15,015,418                       7,179,727
                                                                                   909,432,991                     240,593,894

(7)      Investment income

                                                                                              2017                          2016

         Investment income from long-term equity investment under
           cost method                                                             436,068,825                     395,236,932
         Investment income from long-term equity investment under
           equity method                                                                         -                   29,186,090
         Losses from disposal of financial liabilities at fair value
           through profit or loss                                                                -                (238,350,256)
                                                                                   436,068,825                     186,072,766

         There is no significant restriction on the remittance of investment income to the Company.

                                                                - 304 -
I     Statement of non-recurring gains and losses

                                                                                                 2017                          2016

          Gains or losses on disposal of non-current assets                                 1,768,993                      1,759,358

          Government grants recognised in profit or loss for current
             period                                                                       (87,875,417)                 (91,627,439)

          Gain or loss from change in fair value                                                      -              (228,500,000)

          Investment losses from disposal of financial liabilities at fair
             value through profit or loss                                                   (427,636)                  238,350,256

          Losses from revaluation of stock rights under business
             combinations involving enterprises not under common
             control                                                                                  -                  45,909,181

          Non-operating income and expenses other than aforesaid
             items                                                                        (12,076,848)                  (1,306,284)

                                                                                          (98,610,908)                 (35,414,928)

          Effect of income tax                                                             16,209,135                   14,327,585

          Effect of minority interests (after tax)                                          2,386,569                       316,740

          Total non-recurring gains and losses                                            (80,015,204)                 (20,770,603)

(1)       Basis for preparation of statement of non-recurring gains and losses

          Under the requirements in Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure by Companies Offering Securities
          to the Public – Non-recurring Profit or Loss [2008] from CSRC, non-recurring profit or loss refer to those arises from
          transactions and events that are not directly relevant to ordinary activities, or that are relevant to ordinary activities, but are
          extraordinary and not expected to recur frequently that would have an influence on users of financial statements making
          economic decisions on the financial performance and profitability of an enterprise.

II        Return on net assets and earnings per share

                                                                                             Earnings per share

                                                Weighted average return                                    Diluted earnings per
                                                     on net assets (%)       Basic earnings per share              share

                                                       2017         2016           2017          2016           2017          2016

          Net profit attributable to ordinary
            shareholders of the Company              10.15%      10.33%            0.35           0.33          0.35           0.33

                                                                         - 305 -
Net profit attributable to ordinary
  shareholders of the Company
  after deducting non-recurring
  gains and losses                    9.16%   10.06%        0.31   0.33   0.31   0.33

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                    Section XI. Documents Available for Reference

I. Text of the Annual Report carrying the legal representative’s signature;

II. Text of the financial report carrying the signatures and seals of the legal representative, responsible person in
charge of accounting and person in charge of financial institution;

III. Original of the Auditors’ Report carrying the seal of Asia Pacific (Group) CPAs (special general partnership)
and the signatures and seals of the certified public accountants;

IV. All texts of the Company’s documents and original public notices disclosed in the website and papers
appointed by CSRC in the report period.

Board of Directors of
CSG Holding Co., Ltd.
23 April 2018

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