Konka Group Co., Ltd. Third Quarter Report 2016 Konka Group Co., Ltd. Third Quarter Report 2016 2016-52 October 2016 1 Konka Group Co., Ltd. Third Quarter Report 2016 Section I Important Statements The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, directors, supervisors and senior management staff of Konka Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) warrant that the information carried in this report is factual, accurate and complete, without any false record, misleading statement or material omission. And they shall be jointly and severally liable for that. All directors have attended the board session for reviewing this report. Liu Fengxi, Company Principal, Xu Youshan, Chief of the Accounting Work, and Xu Youshan, Chief of the Accounting Organ (Chief of Accounting), hereby confirm that the financial statements enclosed in this report are factual, accurate and complete. This Report is prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there be any discrepancy between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail. 2 Konka Group Co., Ltd. Third Quarter Report 2016 Section II Financial Highlights & Shareholder Changes I Highlights of accounting data and financial indicators Whether the Company performs any retroactive adjustments to or restatements of its accounting data of last year due to change in accounting policies or correction of accounting errors □ Yes √ No 30 September 2016 31 December 2015 +/- (%) Total assets (RMB) 15,075,061,321.15 14,250,367,548.28 5.79% Net assets attributable to shareholders 2,749,444,969.68 2,814,382,870.81 -2.31% of the Company (RMB) January-September July-September 2016 YoY +/- (%) YoY +/- (%) 2016 Operating revenues (RMB) 6,008,160,392.02 22.61% 14,617,241,214.26 5.58% Net profit attributable to shareholders -57,165,694.07 89.70% -44,330,957.31 94.80% of the Company (RMB) Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company excluding exceptional -93,347,364.40 74.46% -122,083,511.60 82.54% profit and loss (RMB) Net cash flows from operating -- -- -410,578,551.13 -135.98% activities (RMB) Basic earnings per share (RMB/share) -0.0237 89.72% -0.0184 94.80% Diluted earnings per share -0.0237 89.72% -0.0184 94.80% (RMB/share) Weighted average return on equity (%) -2.05% 12.47% -1.59% 21.64% Unit: RMB Item January-September 2016 Note Profit/loss on disposal of non-current assets (including offset amount of asset 5,328,831.93 impairment provisions) Government grants charged to the profit/loss for the Reporting Period (except for the government grants closely related to the business of the Company and given 68,705,332.37 at a fixed quota or amount in accordance with the State’s uniform standards) Profit/loss on entrusting others with investments or asset management 39,157,479.27 Profit/loss on fair value changes of transactional financial assets and liabilities & investment profit on disposal of transactional financial assets and liabilities as -21,541,328.13 well as financial assets available for sale, except for effectively hedging business related to normal business operations of the Company 3 Konka Group Co., Ltd. Third Quarter Report 2016 Impairment provision reversal for accounts receivable on which the impairment 72,735.80 test is carried out separately Profit/loss on entrusted loans 707,777.78 Non-operating income and expense other than the above 12,172,155.23 Other profit/loss that meet the definition of exceptional profit/loss 2,136,847.06 Less: Income tax effects 23,270,429.06 Minority interests effects (after tax) 5,716,847.96 Total 77,752,554.29 -- Explanation of why the Company classified an item as exceptional profit/loss according to the definition in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public—Exceptional Profit and Loss, or reclassified any exceptional profit/loss item given as an example in the said explanatory announcement to recurrent profit/loss √ Applicable □ Not applicable Item Involved amount (RMB) Reason Government grants closely related to the Company’s normal Tax rebates on software 89,913,747.18 operation and constantly given at certain quotas or amounts according to the government’s policies and standards Total 89,913,747.18 II Total number of shareholders at the period-end and shareholdings of top ten shareholders 1. Numbers of common shareholders and preference shareholders with resumed voting rights as well as shareholdings of top ten shareholders Unit: share Total number of ordinary shareholders Total number of preference shareholders who had resumed 136,122 0 at the end of the Reporting Period their voting right at the end of the Reporting Period (if any) Shareholdings of top 10 shareholders Pledged or frozen shares Shareholding Number of Nature of Number of Statu Num Name of shareholder percentage restricted shareholder shares held s of ber of (%) shares held share share s s Pledg 0 State-owned ed OCT ENTERPRISES CO. 21.75% 523,746,932 0 corporation Froze 0 n CITIC SECURITIES BROKERAG Foreign 7.56% 182,100,202 0 Pledg 0 4 Konka Group Co., Ltd. Third Quarter Report 2016 (HK) CO., LIMITED corporation ed Froze 0 n Pledg 0 GUOYUAN SECURITIES Foreign ed 2.39% 57,497,261 0 BROKERAG (HK) CO., LIMITED corporation Froze 0 n Pledg 0 Foreign ed HOLY TIME GROUP LIMITED 2.32% 55,971,924 0 corporation Froze 0 n Pledg 0 Foreign ed GAOLING FUND,L.P. 2.19% 52,801,250 0 corporation Froze 0 n Pledg 0 Foreign ed NAM NGAI 0.97% 23,285,040 0 individual Froze 0 n Pledg 0 State-owned ed CMS (HK) CO., LIMITED 0.96% 23,134,020 0 corporation Froze 0 n Pledg 0 Foreign ed CSI Capital Management Limited 0.83% 20,050,928 0 corporation Froze 0 n Pledg 0 Domestic ed Meng Diliang 0.58% 13,888,883 0 individual Froze 0 n Pledg Nanhua Futures Co., Ltd. – Nanhua 0 ed Futures Yinye No. 2 Asset Other 0.58% 13,871,001 0 Froze Management Plan 0 n Shareholdings of top 10 non-restricted shareholders Number of non-restricted shares held at Type of shares Name of shareholder the period-end Type Number RMB ordinary OCT ENTERPRISES CO. 523,746,932 523,746,932 share CITIC SECURITIES BROKERAG (HK) 182,100,202 Domestically 182,100,202 5 Konka Group Co., Ltd. Third Quarter Report 2016 CO., LIMITED listed foreign share GUOYUAN SECURITIES BROKERAG Domestically 57,497,261 57,497,261 (HK) CO., LIMITED listed foreign share Domestically HOLY TIME GROUP LIMITED 55,971,924 55,971,924 listed foreign share Domestically GAOLING FUND,L.P. 52,801,250 52,801,250 listed foreign share Domestically NAM NGAI 23,285,040 23,285,040 listed foreign share Domestically CMS (HK) CO., LIMITED 23,134,020 23,134,020 listed foreign share Domestically CSI Capital Management Limited 20,050,928 20,050,928 listed foreign share RMB ordinary Meng Diliang 13,888,883 13,888,883 share Nanhua Futures Co., Ltd. – Nanhua RMB ordinary Futures Yinye No. 2 Asset Management 13,871,001 13,871,001 share Plan The wholly owned subsidiary Jialong Investment Co., Ltd. of the first majority shareholder OVERSEAS CHINESE TOWN ENTERPRISES CO. respectively hold the common share of the Company of 180,001,110 shares and 18,360,000 shares Related or act-in-concert parties among through CITIC SECURITIES BROKERAG (HK) CO., LIMITED and CMS (HK) the shareholders above CO., LIMITED, and Jialong Investment Co., Ltd. and OVERSEAS CHINESE TOWN ENTERPRISES CO. were persons acting in concert; the Company does not know whether the other shareholders are related parties and whether they are acting-in-concert parties. Top 10 ordinary shareholders conducting A-share shareholder Mr. Meng Diliang held 13,888,883 shares through customer securities margin trading (if any) credit collateral securities trading account of Essence Securities Co., Ltd. Did any of the top 10 ordinary shareholders or the top 10 non-restricted ordinary shareholders of the Company conduct any promissory repo during the Reporting Period? □ Yea √ No No such cases in the Reporting Period. 2. Total number of preference shareholders and shareholdings of the top 10 of them at the period-end □ Applicable √ Not applicable 6 Konka Group Co., Ltd. Third Quarter Report 2016 Section III Significant Events I Changes in main accounting statement items and financial indicators in the Reporting Period, as well as reasons for the changes √ Applicable □ Not applicable (I) Due to the double hits by the rising production cost caused by inflated panel prices since the second quarter and the low color TV prices as a result of the price battle among internet TV enterprises, the third quarter saw a decrease in the gross profit margin of our color TV business, causing some loss to the Company. (II) In the Reporting Period, we pushed forward our Internet-oriented strategy: 1. We strengthened the domestic retail channel of our color TVs, put new medium and high-end products including the ultra-fast series of 91\81\8000 to the market and mass production in a speedy manner, and improved the domestic sale structure of our color TVs, with smart TVs with a user operation base once accounting for over 90% of our total domestic sales of color TVs. 2. In terms of overseas sales of our color TVs, we achieved a fast growth and better earnings through improving business team appointment on a geographical section basis, repeating the use of the R&D resources of domestically sold color TVs, strictly control costs, adopting a product differentiation strategy, etc. 3. Our smart TV operation business has become increasingly mature, which generates steady earnings and allows us to explore new profit models as our smart TV users grow. (III) Changes in major financial indicators Unit: RMB’0,000 30 September 31 December Item Change Change (%) Main reason for change 2016 2015 Shenzhen Konka Precision Mold Manufacturing Long-term Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries were deconsolidated equity 27,953.30 19,057.35 8,895.95 46.68% and restated as long-term equity investments investment measured at the equity method Accounts received in 146,995.68 34,978.48 112,017.20 320.25% Increase in advances from house buyers in the advance Shuiyue Zhouzhuang real estate project Long-term Mainly for the increase in long-term borrowings of 4,000.00 2,370.00 1,630.00 68.78% borrowings the parent company. January-Septe January-Septe Item Change Change (%) Main reason for change mber 2016 mber 2015 Finance costs 10,150.89 28,058.11 -17,907.22 -63.82% Decrease in exchange loss 7 Konka Group Co., Ltd. Third Quarter Report 2016 II Progress on significant events, as well as the influence and solutions √ Applicable □ Not applicable (I) Urban renewal project of the headquarters factory of Konka Group: So far, the land use scheme drawing and the planning permit have been obtained. Received and Shenzhen urban planning and land resources Committee of Nanshan Shenzhen, issued under the authority of the proceeds of State-owned land use right transfer demand notice. (II) Kunshan Shuiyue Zhouzhuang real estate project: The Phase I and Phase II residences have completed the construction and are selling while the Phase III residence is still in development. (III)Progress of the private offering shares:the relevant proposals such as the Proposal on the Preplan for the Private Offering A Share of the Copmany had been reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors and Annual General Meeting with the reply from the SASAC. In present,Companies have submitted to the CSRC suspended the review of non-public offering of a shares of the company to apply for documents requests. As for the relevant contents of the private offering shares, please refer to the announcements of the company on http://www.cninfo.com.cn. III Commitments of the Company, its shareholders, actual controller, acquirer, directors, supervisors, senior management or other related parties fulfilled in the Reporting Period or ongoing at the period-end √ Applicable □ Not applicable Perio Date of d of Commit Commitme Executio Type Contents of commitment commitmen com ment nt maker n t mitm ent The irregularity actions such as hadn’t disclose the idle Othe land, bid up the land price with property hoarding as well Being Konka r as bid up the housing prices by the subsidiaries which Long Commit 12 Apr. normally Group Co., com engaged in the real estate business that subordinated to -ter ments at 2016 executin Ltd. mitm Konka Group Co., Ltd. caused the losses for the listed m the time g. ent companies and the investors, those subsidiaries should of initial burden the compensation responsibility. public The irregularity actions such as hadn’t disclose the idle issuance Othe land, bid up the land price with property hoarding as well or Being OCT r as bid up the housing prices by the subsidiaries which Long re-financ 12 Apr. normally Holdings com engaged in the real estate business that subordinated to -ter ing 2016 executin Company mitm Konka Group Co., Ltd. caused the losses for the listed m g. ent companies and the investors, those subsidiaries should burden the compensation responsibility. Executed timely or not? No 8 Konka Group Co., Ltd. Third Quarter Report 2016 Detailed reason for failing to execute and the next plan (if any) Not applicable IV Performance forecast for Y2016 Warning of possible loss or considerable YoY change in the accumulative net profit made during the year-beginning to the end of the next reporting period, as well as the reasons □ Applicable √ Not applicable V Securities investment √ Applicable □ Not applicable Shar ehold Number Numb Shareh Vari ing Gain/loss Nam of er of olding Closing Sour ety Code of Initial perce for e of shares shares percen book Accounti ce of of securiti investment ntage reporting secur held at held at tage at value ng title secur secu es cost (RMB) at period ities period- period period (RMB) ities rities perio (RMB) begin -end -end d-be gin New Joude Available share Stoc r -for-sale 300548 7,515.00 0 0% 500 0% 10,820. 0 s k Preci financial subsc sion assets ribed New Available share Stoc HYB -for-sale s 002787 5,685.00 500 0% 0 0% 0 15,380.40 k Z financial subsc assets riptio n New Available share Stoc -for-sale s 300500 SZSJ 10,455.00 500 0% 0 0% 0 29,323.22 k financial subsc assets riptio n Available Addit Stoc Vank -for-sale ionall 000002 2,311,748.07 117,310 0% 0 0% 0 34,451.93 k eA financial y assets issue 9 Konka Group Co., Ltd. Third Quarter Report 2016 d share s subsc ribed Other security investment held at 0 0 -- 0 -- 0 0 -- -- period-end Total 2,335,403.07 118,310 -- 500 -- 10,820 79,155.55 -- -- Disclosure date of the board announcement on N/A securities investment approval Disclosure date of the general meeting announcement on N/A securities investment approval (if any) VI Investment in derivative financial instruments √ Applicable □ Not applicable Capital source for derivative investment USD financing Cases involving lawsuit (if applicable) N/A Disclosure date of the board announcement approving the wealth management entrustment 2014-05-24 (if any) Disclosure date of the general meeting announcement approving the wealth 2014-06-10 management entrustment (if any) The derivative business that the Company worked on was the forward foreign exchange contract to reduce the fluctuation of exchange rate risk, the aforesaid conductions were closely related to the daily operation demand of Analysis on risks and control measures of the Company and confirmed to stipulation of relevant laws and regulations. derivative products held in the reporting period The Company had set up Management Rules of Derivative Investment of (including but not limited to market risk, Konka Group Co., Ltd. which definitely stipulated the review and approval liquidity risk, credit risk, operation risk, law risk, procedure, risk control etc.. The Company had signed forward foreign etc.) exchange contract with Bank of China and other large banks which have stable operation, good credit normally can avoid the loss of forward foreign exchange contract due to bank failure. Changes of market prices or fair values in the The Company’s calculation to fair value of derivative mainly was the undue 10 Konka Group Co., Ltd. Third Quarter Report 2016 reporting period of the invested derivatives. And contract of forward settlement traction the Company signed with the bank the analysis on the fair value of the derivatives recognized as tradable financial assets or liabilities and correspondingly should include the specific use methods and the recognized profit or loss of change in fair value in line with the difference relevant assumptions and parameters. between the undue offer of forward foreign exchange settlement and future exchange rate agreed on the contract on balance sheet date provided by financial institution, the forward settlement exchange contract had lock exchange rate, thus, there was not existing change in fair value comparing settlement day to signing date. Whether significant changes occurred to the Company’s accounting policy and specific accounting principles of derivatives in the No significant change reporting period compared to the previous reporting period The events of Company through using financial instrument locked the cost Specific opinion from independent directors on of USD financing which can effectively reduce the risk of fluctuation the Company’s derivatives investment and risk exchange rate, with necessity, the Company had set up internal control control rule of derivative investment and the risk control measures adopted focusing on risk was workable. Unit: RMB’0,000 Type of derivative Opening Closing Profit or loss in the Proportion of closing investment amount in financial contractual contractual Reporting Period closing net assets of the Company instrument amount amount Forward foreign exchange 224,712.77 90,451.02 -1,169.28 32.90% contract *Note: The profit on fair value changes of forward foreign exchange contracts signed in 2015 was recognized at RMB32.59 million at the end of 2015. VII Visits paid to the Company for purposes of research, communication, interview, etc. during the Reporting Period □ Applicable √ Not applicable No such cases in the Reporting Period. VIII Illegal provision of guarantees for external parties □ Applicable √ Not applicable No such cases in the Reporting Period. 11 Konka Group Co., Ltd. Third Quarter Report 2016 IX Occupation of the Company’s funds for non-operating purposes by the controlling shareholder and its related parties □ Applicable √ Not applicable No such cases in the Reporting Period. 12 Konka Group Co., Ltd. Third Quarter Report 2016 Section IV Financial Statements I Financial statements 1. Consolidated balance sheet Prepared by Konka Group Co., Ltd. 30 September 2016 Unit: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Current assets: Monetary funds 2,337,841,428.54 1,706,446,928.92 Settlement reserve Interbank lendings Financial assets at fair value through profit/loss 12,169,529.16 33,196,377.28 Derivative financial assets Notes receivable 2,640,066,762.99 2,880,860,750.44 Accounts receivable 2,408,690,571.43 2,048,813,439.34 Accounts paid in advance 813,037,373.23 193,664,620.66 Premiums receivable Reinsurance premiums receivable Receivable reinsurance contract reserve Interest receivable 6,512,262.43 7,426,409.52 Dividends receivable 10,171,609.48 Other accounts receivable 154,284,283.07 160,165,779.82 Financial assets purchased under agreements to resell Inventories 2,703,102,308.84 2,882,515,913.28 Assets held for sale Non-current assets due within one year Other current assets 297,604,946.75 647,311,938.45 Total current assets 11,383,481,075.92 10,560,402,157.71 Non-current assets: Loans and advances to customers Available-for-sale financial assets 309,111,034.36 311,974,282.66 13 Konka Group Co., Ltd. Third Quarter Report 2016 Held-to-maturity investments Long-term accounts receivable Long-term equity investments 279,533,041.26 190,573,524.29 Investment property 223,494,722.83 227,718,178.53 Fixed assets 1,591,437,641.86 1,763,503,189.50 Construction in progress 230,483,289.53 207,854,180.88 Engineering materials Disposal of fixed assets Productive living assets Oil-gas assets Intangible assets 300,587,084.04 352,591,887.48 R&D expenses Goodwill 3,597,657.15 3,597,657.15 Long-term deferred expenses 90,349,018.22 82,846,982.07 Deferred tax assets 662,986,755.98 549,305,508.01 Other non-current assets Total non-current assets 3,691,580,245.23 3,689,965,390.57 Total assets 15,075,061,321.15 14,250,367,548.28 Current liabilities: Short-term borrowings 4,261,398,930.97 4,150,773,195.76 Borrowings from the Central Bank Money deposits accepted and inter-bank deposits Interbank borrowings Financial liabilities at fair value through profit/loss 714,523.51 Derivative financial liabilities Notes payable 1,667,206,013.01 929,176,857.06 Accounts payable 2,600,583,849.87 2,980,416,983.25 Accounts received in advance 1,469,956,813.23 349,784,807.32 Financial assets sold for repurchase Fees and commissions payable Payroll payable 246,880,557.06 279,631,258.71 Taxes and fares payable 116,170,394.28 92,097,951.90 Interest payable 20,536,636.28 20,552,763.14 Dividends payable 14 Konka Group Co., Ltd. Third Quarter Report 2016 Other accounts payable 1,555,819,545.16 1,550,931,573.35 Reinsurance premiums payable Insurance contract reserve Payables for acting trading of securities Payables for acting underwriting of securities Liabilities held for sale Non-current liabilities due within one year 41,025.60 573,398,959.65 Other current liabilities Total current liabilities 11,939,308,288.97 10,926,764,350.14 Non-current liabilities: Long-term borrowings 40,000,000.00 23,700,000.00 Bonds payable Of which: Preference shares Perpetual bonds Long-term accounts payable 30,102,564.14 30,133,333.37 Long-term payroll payable 19,157,119.19 23,435,856.86 Special payables Provisions 4,711,597.59 4,629,554.61 Deferred income 138,918,009.26 162,786,004.20 Deferred tax liabilities 7,417,135.74 3,468,031.97 Other non-current liabilities Total non-current liabilities 240,306,425.92 248,152,781.01 Total liabilities 12,179,614,714.89 11,174,917,131.15 Owners’ equity: Share capital 2,407,945,408.00 2,407,945,408.00 Other equity instruments Of which: Preference shares Perpetual bonds Capital reserve 80,899,084.39 78,209,535.19 Less: Treasury shares Other comprehensive income -20,140,749.02 3,155,744.00 Special reserve Surplus reserve 847,908,466.28 847,908,466.28 Provisions for general risks 15 Konka Group Co., Ltd. Third Quarter Report 2016 Retained earnings -567,167,239.97 -522,836,282.66 Equity attributable to owners of the Company 2,749,444,969.68 2,814,382,870.81 Minority interests 146,001,636.58 261,067,546.32 Total owners’ equity 2,895,446,606.26 3,075,450,417.13 Total liabilities and owners’ equity 15,075,061,321.15 14,250,367,548.28 Legal representative: Liu Fengxi Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Xu Youshan Chief of the accounting division: Xu Youshan 2. Balance sheet of the Company Unit: RMB Item Closing balance Opening balance Current assets: Monetary funds 780,847,924.80 502,899,530.83 Financial assets at fair value through profit/loss 12,169,529.16 7,184,035.29 Derivative financial assets Notes receivable 2,350,327,755.86 2,635,643,772.62 Accounts receivable 2,127,730,262.20 1,417,915,276.56 Accounts paid in advance 1,257,527,593.84 372,509,871.77 Interest receivable 9,939,670.23 14,901,123.48 Dividends receivable Other accounts receivable 1,698,481,522.19 938,447,798.08 Inventories 1,523,087,936.81 1,771,302,947.50 Assets held for sale Non-current assets due within one year Other current assets 224,446,785.72 530,272,796.83 Total current assets 9,984,558,980.81 8,191,077,152.96 Non-current assets: Available-for-sale financial assets 269,050,214.36 271,924,282.66 Held-to-maturity investments 300,000,000.00 352,000,000.00 Long-term accounts receivable Long-term equity investments 1,644,482,207.56 1,621,195,118.22 Investment property 223,494,722.83 227,718,178.53 Fixed assets 501,563,648.25 512,933,612.51 16 Konka Group Co., Ltd. Third Quarter Report 2016 Construction in progress 14,001,547.72 12,619,010.21 Engineering materials Disposal of fixed assets Productive living assets Oil-gas assets Intangible assets 87,621,310.55 88,336,594.02 R&D expenses Goodwill Long-term deferred expenses 63,535,302.46 57,865,790.98 Deferred tax assets 590,149,885.88 504,252,794.29 Other non-current assets Total non-current assets 3,693,898,839.61 3,648,845,381.42 Total assets 13,678,457,820.42 11,839,922,534.38 Current liabilities: Short-term borrowings 4,363,234,229.48 1,022,612,362.58 Financial liabilities at fair value through profit/loss 714,523.51 Derivative financial liabilities Notes payable 1,339,954,200.08 377,002,860.08 Accounts payable 2,722,439,821.26 5,173,897,087.35 Accounts received in advance 321,694,180.11 251,204,710.89 Payroll payable 116,896,710.86 118,684,992.99 Taxes and fares payable 20,124,987.57 31,360,675.68 Interest payable 16,688,142.77 7,761,519.53 Dividends payable Other accounts payable 1,810,666,442.88 1,667,884,936.14 Liabilities held for sale Non-current liabilities due within one year Other current liabilities Total current liabilities 10,712,413,238.52 8,650,409,145.24 Non-current liabilities: Long-term borrowings 40,000,000.00 Bonds payable Of which: Preference shares Perpetual bonds 17 Konka Group Co., Ltd. Third Quarter Report 2016 Long-term payables Long-term payroll payable Special payables Provisions 4,711,597.59 4,629,554.61 Deferred income 82,725,963.94 88,668,785.51 Deferred tax liabilities 2,863,751.41 1,935,167.63 Other non-current liabilities Total non-current liabilities 130,301,312.94 95,233,507.75 Total liabilities 10,842,714,551.46 8,745,642,652.99 Owners’ equity: Share capital 2,407,945,408.00 2,407,945,408.00 Other equity instruments Of which: Preference shares Perpetual bonds Capital reserve 49,195,156.54 46,505,607.34 Less: Treasury shares Other comprehensive income 303,868.87 1,803,252.77 Special reserve Surplus reserve 847,908,466.28 847,908,466.28 Retained earnings -469,609,630.73 -209,882,853.00 Total owners’ equity 2,835,743,268.96 3,094,279,881.39 Total liabilities and owners’ equity 13,678,457,820.42 11,839,922,534.38 3. Consolidated income statement for the Reporting Period Unit: RMB Item July-September 2016 July-September 2015 1. Operating revenues 6,008,160,392.02 4,900,151,931.72 Including: Sales income 6,008,160,392.02 4,900,151,931.72 Interest income Premium income Fee and commission income 2. Operating costs 6,164,163,892.40 5,487,749,782.77 Including: Cost of sales 5,373,432,183.80 4,348,483,599.93 Interest expenses 18 Konka Group Co., Ltd. Third Quarter Report 2016 Fee and commission expenses Surrenders Net claims paid Net amount provided as insurance contract reserve Expenditure on policy dividends Reinsurance premium Business tax and surtaxes 11,154,354.58 23,436,891.68 Selling expenses 603,589,647.33 610,968,887.69 Administrative expenses 148,379,863.98 161,787,869.24 Finance costs 33,135,473.20 181,514,219.00 Asset impairment loss -5,527,630.49 161,558,315.23 Add: Profit on fair value changes (“-” means loss) -3,399,672.74 -23,744,128.23 Return on investment (“-” means loss) 35,392,521.44 4,976,331.44 Including: Share of profit/loss of associates and joint ventures 6,372,776.66 618,107.65 Exchange gains (“-” means loss) 3. Operating profit (“-” means loss) -124,010,651.68 -606,365,647.84 Add: Non-operating revenue 24,733,287.65 44,489,842.42 Including: Profit on disposal of non-current assets 15,335.65 532,417.97 Less: Non-operating expense 2,249,495.48 98,570,588.40 Including: Loss on disposal of non-current assets 195,730.08 5,456,264.40 4. Total profit (“-” means loss) -101,526,859.51 -660,446,393.82 Less: Corporate income tax -42,408,552.94 -106,637,412.14 5. Net profit (“-” means loss) -59,118,306.57 -553,808,981.68 Net profit attributable to owners of the Company -57,165,694.07 -555,256,040.41 Minority interests’ income -1,952,612.50 1,447,058.73 6. Other comprehensive income net of tax -8,256,379.72 -6,081,942.57 Other comprehensive income net of tax attributable to owners -8,137,854.78 -6,330,540.91 of the Company 6.1 Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified into profit/loss 6.1.1 Changes in net liabilities or assets with a defined benefit plan upon re-measurement 6.1.2 Share of other comprehensive income of investees that cannot be reclassified into profit/loss under the equity method 6.2 Other comprehensive income to be subsequently -8,137,854.78 -6,330,540.91 reclassified into profit/loss 19 Konka Group Co., Ltd. Third Quarter Report 2016 6.2.1 Share of other comprehensive income of investees that will be reclassified into profit/loss under the equity method 6.2.2 Profit/loss on fair value changes of available-for-sale -1,440,103.75 -193,125.18 financial assets 6.2.3 Profit/loss on reclassifying held-to-maturity investments into available-for-sale financial assets 6.2.4 Effective profit/loss on cash flow hedges 6.2.5 Currency translation differences -6,697,751.03 -6,137,415.73 6.2.6 Other Other comprehensive income net of tax attributable to minority -118,524.94 248,598.34 interests 7. Total comprehensive income -67,374,686.29 -559,890,924.25 Attributable to owners of the Company -65,303,548.85 -561,586,581.32 Attributable to minority interests -2,071,137.44 1,695,657.07 8. Earnings per share 8.1 Basic earnings per share -0.0237 -0.2306 8.2 Diluted earnings per share -0.0237 -0.2306 Where business mergers under the same control occurred in the Reporting Period, the net profit achieved by the merged parties before the business mergers was RMB0.00, with the corresponding amount for the last period being RMB0.00. Legal representative: Liu Fengxi Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Xu Youshan Chief of the accounting division: Xu Youshan 4. Income statement of the Company for the Reporting Period Unit: RMB Item July-September 2016 July-September 2015 1. Operating revenues 3,617,192,362.26 3,764,448,066.71 Less: Operating costs 3,284,925,525.21 3,457,445,522.80 Business tax and surtaxes 3,790,230.21 14,017,425.60 Selling expenses 424,922,336.88 446,374,143.96 Administrative expenses 95,261,400.94 73,134,364.16 Finance costs 44,847,628.16 8,574,806.75 Asset impairment loss 144,809,651.76 Add: profit on fair value changes (“-” means loss) -3,399,672.74 -5,092,763.02 Return on investment (“-” means loss) 37,453,620.68 12,337,259.03 20 Konka Group Co., Ltd. Third Quarter Report 2016 Including: Share of profit/loss of associates and joint ventures 2,523,420.07 451,622.69 2. Operating profit (“-” means loss) -202,500,811.20 -372,663,352.31 Add: Non-operating revenue 6,828,609.03 82,240,061.89 Including: Profit on disposal of non-current assets -99,390.03 491,143.62 Less: Non-operating expense 1,746,185.21 91,042,240.83 Including: Loss on disposal of non-current assets 127,063.14 363,786.58 3. Total profit (“-” means loss) -197,418,387.38 -381,465,531.25 Less: Corporate income tax -49,196,799.99 -95,856,433.21 4. Net profit (“-” means loss) -148,221,587.39 -285,609,098.04 5. Other comprehensive income net of tax -2,140,403.86 -172,951.37 5.1 Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified into profit and loss 5.1.1 Changes in net liabilities or assets with a defined benefit plan upon re-measurement 5.1.2 Share of other comprehensive income of investees that cannot be reclassified into profit/loss under the equity method 5.2 Other comprehensive income to be subsequently reclassified -2,140,403.86 -172,951.37 into profit/loss 5.2.1 Share of other comprehensive income of investees that will be reclassified into profit/loss under the equity method 5.2.2 Profit/loss on fair value changes of available-for-sale -1,442,913.00 -173,902.42 financial assets 5.2.3 Profit/loss on reclassifying held-to-maturity investments into available-for-sale financial assets 5.2.4 Effective profit/loss on cash flow hedges 5.2.5 Currency translation differences -697,490.86 951.05 5.2.6 Other 6. Total comprehensive income -150,361,991.25 -285,782,049.41 7. Earnings per share 7.1 Basic earnings per share 7.2 Diluted earnings per share 5. Consolidated income statement for the period from the year-beginning to the end of the Reporting Period Unit: RMB Item January-September 2016 January-September 2015 1. Operating revenues 14,617,241,214.26 13,844,710,852.68 21 Konka Group Co., Ltd. Third Quarter Report 2016 Including: Sales income 14,617,241,214.26 13,844,710,852.68 Interest income Premium income Fee and commission income 2. Operating costs 14,905,733,137.33 14,861,414,808.15 Including: Cost of sales 12,551,157,276.22 12,139,699,400.50 Interest expenses Fee and commission expenses Surrenders Net claims paid Net amount provided as insurance contract reserve Expenditure on policy dividends Reinsurance premium Business tax and surtaxes 67,304,296.12 52,146,898.35 Selling expenses 1,712,736,570.94 1,735,657,838.04 Administrative expenses 439,299,154.00 454,026,772.95 Finance costs 101,508,905.20 280,581,130.17 Asset impairment loss 33,726,934.85 199,302,768.14 Add: Profit on fair value changes (“-” means loss) -21,541,328.13 -23,744,128.23 Return on investment (“-” means loss) 45,978,903.06 12,161,785.57 Including: Share of profit/loss of associates and joint ventures -1,158,799.02 -4,399,219.21 Exchange gains (“-” means loss) 3. Operating profit (“-” means loss) -264,054,348.14 -1,028,286,298.13 Add: Non-operating revenue 178,920,950.29 113,913,005.97 Including: Profit on disposal of non-current assets 3,162,497.32 673,192.87 Less: Non-operating expense 5,780,513.84 101,792,892.55 Including: Loss on disposal of non-current assets 813,295.65 6,789,889.20 4. Total profit (“-” means loss) -90,913,911.69 -1,016,166,184.71 Less: Corporate income tax -41,702,555.84 -157,739,031.34 5. Net profit (“-” means loss) -49,211,355.85 -858,427,153.37 Net profit attributable to owners of the Company -44,330,957.31 -852,209,547.80 Minority interests’ income -4,880,398.54 -6,217,605.57 6. Other comprehensive income net of tax -23,696,604.49 -4,949,439.26 Other comprehensive income net of tax attributable to owners -23,296,493.02 -5,565,508.37 of the Company 22 Konka Group Co., Ltd. Third Quarter Report 2016 6.1 Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified into profit/loss 6.1.1 Changes in net liabilities or assets with a defined benefit plan upon re-measurement 6.1.2 Share of other comprehensive income of investees that cannot be reclassified into profit/loss under the equity method 6.2 Other comprehensive income to be subsequently -23,296,493.02 -5,565,508.37 reclassified into profit/loss 6.2.1 Share of other comprehensive income of investees that will be reclassified into profit/loss under the equity method 6.2.2 Profit/loss on fair value changes of available-for-sale -1,441,978.75 -102,939.53 financial assets 6.2.3 Profit/loss on reclassifying held-to-maturity investments into available-for-sale financial assets 6.2.4 Effective profit/loss on cash flow hedges 6.2.5 Currency translation differences -21,854,514.27 -5,462,568.84 6.2.6 Other Other comprehensive income net of tax attributable to minority -400,111.47 616,069.11 interests 7. Total comprehensive income -72,907,960.34 -863,376,592.63 Attributable to owners of the Company -67,627,450.33 -857,775,056.17 Attributable to minority interests -5,280,510.01 -5,601,536.46 8. Earnings per share 8.1 Basic earnings per share -0.0184 -0.3539 8.2 Diluted earnings per share -0.0184 -0.3539 Where business mergers under the same control occurred in the current period, the net profit achieved by the merged parties before the business mergers was RMB0.00, with the corresponding amount for the same period of last year being RMB0.00. 6. Income statement of the Company for the period from the year-beginning to the end of the Reporting Period Unit: RMB Item January-September 2016 January-September 2015 1. Operating revenues 10,063,172,900.42 11,554,014,201.79 Less: Operating costs 8,923,684,652.89 10,496,844,522.12 Business tax and surtaxes 24,999,390.73 28,491,852.52 Selling expenses 1,233,429,048.82 1,256,234,984.04 Administrative expenses 248,111,963.10 226,533,974.27 23 Konka Group Co., Ltd. Third Quarter Report 2016 Finance costs 117,670,481.29 19,791,369.45 Asset impairment loss 24,699,388.50 162,892,130.89 Add: profit on fair value changes (“-” means loss) 4,270,970.36 -5,092,763.02 Return on investment (“-” means loss) 58,081,642.80 51,710,055.96 Including: Share of profit/loss of associates and joint ventures 6,636,136.04 -1,091,608.11 2. Operating profit (“-” means loss) -447,069,411.75 -590,157,338.56 Add: Non-operating revenue 105,453,118.72 121,990,873.72 Including: Profit on disposal of non-current assets 164,913.82 570,056.11 Less: Non-operating expense 2,935,780.09 92,568,471.71 Including: Loss on disposal of non-current assets 272,185.91 1,267,293.26 3. Total profit (“-” means loss) -344,552,073.12 -560,734,936.55 Less: Corporate income tax -84,825,295.39 -142,805,501.78 4. Net profit (“-” means loss) -259,726,777.73 -417,929,434.77 5. Other comprehensive income net of tax -1,499,383.90 -101,988.47 5.1 Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified into profit and loss 5.1.1 Changes in net liabilities or assets with a defined benefit plan upon re-measurement 5.1.2 Share of other comprehensive income of investees that cannot be reclassified into profit/loss under the equity method 5.2 Other comprehensive income to be subsequently reclassified -1,499,383.90 -101,988.47 into profit/loss 5.2.1 Share of other comprehensive income of investees that will be reclassified into profit/loss under the equity method 5.2.2 Profit/loss on fair value changes of available-for-sale -1,444,788.00 -102,939.52 financial assets 5.2.3 Profit/loss on reclassifying held-to-maturity investments into available-for-sale financial assets 5.2.4 Effective profit/loss on cash flow hedges 5.2.5 Currency translation differences -54,595.90 951.05 5.2.6 Other 6. Total comprehensive income -261,226,161.63 -418,031,423.24 7. Earnings per share 7.1 Basic earnings per share 7.2 Diluted earnings per share 24 Konka Group Co., Ltd. Third Quarter Report 2016 7. Consolidated cash flow statement for the period from the year-beginning to the end of the Reporting Period Unit: RMB Item January-September 2016 January-September 2015 1. Cash flows from operating activities: Cash received from sale of commodities and rendering of service 15,184,869,339.34 13,985,879,580.25 Net increase in money deposits from customers and interbank placements Net increase in loans from the Central Bank Net increase in funds borrowed from other financial institutions Cash received from premium of original insurance contracts Net cash received from reinsurance business Net increase in deposits of policy holders and investment fund Net increase in disposal of financial assets at fair value through profit/loss Interest, fees and commissions received Net increase in interbank borrowings Net increase in funds in repurchase business Tax refunds received 272,927,227.76 335,357,120.11 Cash received from other operating activities 339,356,257.44 323,220,047.69 Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities 15,797,152,824.54 14,644,456,748.05 Cash paid for goods and services 13,509,836,467.28 10,903,464,117.59 Net increase in loans and advances to customers Net increase in funds deposited in the Central Bank and interbank placements Cash paid for claims of original insurance contracts Interest, fees and commissions paid Cash paid as policy dividends Cash paid to and for employees 1,255,016,825.23 1,315,880,285.54 Taxes and fares paid 533,287,050.15 400,440,616.35 Cash paid for other operating activities 909,591,033.01 883,649,538.18 Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities 16,207,731,375.67 13,503,434,557.66 Net cash flows from operating activities -410,578,551.13 1,141,022,190.39 2. Cash flows from investing activities: Cash received from retraction of investments 12,351,724.03 144,985,946.85 25 Konka Group Co., Ltd. Third Quarter Report 2016 Cash received as return on investments 29,084,576.02 17,924,800.38 Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets 349,958.28 2,578,218.68 and other long-term assets Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other business units Cash received from other investing activities 9,238,481,232.27 3,424,314,849.00 Subtotal of cash inflows from investing activities 9,280,267,490.60 3,589,803,814.91 Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other 106,682,158.73 191,731,495.42 long-term assets Cash paid for investment 6,017,970.00 78,300,427.00 Net increase in pledged loans Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries and other business units Cash paid for other investing activities 8,861,934,225.29 3,387,601,232.07 Subtotal of cash outflows from investing activities 8,974,634,354.02 3,657,633,154.49 Net cash flows from investing activities 305,633,136.58 -67,829,339.58 3. Cash flows from financing activities: Cash received from capital contributions 9,817,738.00 71,253,725.44 Including: Cash received from minority shareholder investments 9,817,738.00 71,253,725.44 by subsidiaries Cash received as borrowings 3,366,615,353.71 2,475,961,527.30 Cash received from issuance of bonds Cash received from other financing activities 1,114,445,232.65 116,254,909.74 Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities 4,490,878,324.36 2,663,470,162.48 Repayment of borrowings 3,545,455,084.37 2,142,528,825.32 Cash paid for interest expenses and distribution of dividends or 81,880,268.08 104,782,035.89 profit Including: dividends or profit paid by subsidiaries to minority interests Cash paid for other financing activities 45,886,956.93 160,167,712.58 Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities 3,673,222,309.38 2,407,478,573.79 Net cash flows from financing activities 817,656,014.98 255,991,588.69 4. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash 24,344,476.24 -26,171,931.83 equivalents 5. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 737,055,076.67 1,303,012,507.67 Add: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents 1,488,154,851.35 1,640,236,837.08 6. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents 2,225,209,928.02 2,943,249,344.75 26 Konka Group Co., Ltd. Third Quarter Report 2016 8. Cash flow statement of the Company for the period from the year-beginning to the end of the Reporting Period Unit: RMB Item January-September 2016 January-September 2015 1. Cash flows from operating activities: Cash received from sale of commodities and rendering of service 8,538,983,012.64 9,728,289,659.91 Tax refunds received 126,233,515.53 171,735,060.92 Cash received from other operating activities 1,356,473,038.10 1,561,565,595.45 Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities 10,021,689,566.27 11,461,590,316.28 Cash paid for goods and services 9,762,065,352.00 8,210,914,476.56 Cash paid to and for employees 702,251,202.16 705,264,163.09 Taxes and fares paid 233,896,365.68 134,399,486.02 Cash paid for other operating activities 2,520,362,805.93 1,456,823,738.53 Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities 13,218,575,725.77 10,507,401,864.20 Net cash flows from operating activities -3,196,886,159.50 954,188,452.08 2. Cash flows from investing activities: Cash received from retraction of investments 2,317,433.07 130,093,919.85 Cash received as return on investments 33,915,695.73 31,784,264.84 Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets 313,107.85 57,414,081.68 and other long-term assets Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other business units Cash received from other investing activities 9,138,291,591.96 3,087,884,590.00 Subtotal of cash inflows from investing activities 9,174,837,828.61 3,307,176,856.37 Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other 17,959,270.01 37,606,302.33 long-term assets Cash paid for investment 14,016,000.00 191,751,411.00 Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries and other business units Cash paid for other investing activities 9,140,572,463.21 3,454,884,590.00 Subtotal of cash outflows from investing activities 9,172,547,733.22 3,684,242,303.33 Net cash flows from investing activities 2,290,095.39 -377,065,446.96 3. Cash flows from financing activities: Cash received from capital contributions Cash received as borrowings 4,081,439,101.51 61,422,000.00 Cash received from issuance of bonds 27 Konka Group Co., Ltd. Third Quarter Report 2016 Cash received from other financing activities 22,940,000.00 634,734,396.24 Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities 4,104,379,101.51 696,156,396.24 Repayment of borrowings 244,827,402.55 Cash paid for interest expenses and distribution of dividends or 41,121,454.13 11,608,876.32 profit Cash paid for other financing activities 335,822,516.60 1,067,804,525.32 Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities 621,771,373.28 1,079,413,401.64 Net cash flows from financing activities 3,482,607,728.23 -383,257,005.40 4. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash 11,304,902.99 -2,694,776.40 equivalents 5. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 299,316,567.11 191,171,223.32 Add: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents 478,267,624.53 991,459,790.62 6. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents 777,584,191.64 1,182,631,013.94 II Auditor’s report Is this Report audited? □ Yes √ No This Report is unaudited. The Board of Directors Konka Group Co., Ltd. 28 October 2016 28