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    Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co., Ltd.


    Short Form of the Stock: SHEN HUAFA-A, SHEN HUAFA-B

    Stock Code: 000020, 2000202

    Important Notice

    The Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee of Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co., Ltd.

    (hereinafter referred to as the Company) and its directors, supervisors and senior executives confirm

    that there are no fictitious records, misleading statements or material omissions carried in this report,

    and shall take all responsibilities, individual and/or joint, for the reality, accuracy and completion of

    the whole contents. No directors, supervisors or senior executives stated that he (she) couldn’t

    ensure the reality, accuracy and completion of the contents of the Semi-annual Report or have

    objection to this report.

    Independent Director of the Company Mr. Yang Junyuan could not present the meeting due to go

    abroad, but he entrusted Independent Director Mr. Li Ding’an to attend and vote on his behalf; other

    directors attended the meeting of the Board.

    Mr. Li Zhongqiu, Chairman of Board and General Manager of the Company, Mr. Fu Yanhua, Person

    in Charge of Accounting Works, and Mr. Sun Wei, Person in Charge of Accounting Organ hereby

    state that: the financial report of the Semi-annual Report 2009 is true and complete.

    The Semi-annual Financial Report of the Company has not been audited.

    Board of Directors of

    Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co., Ltd.


    Ⅰ. COMPANY PROFILE-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3




    Ⅳ. REPORT OF THE BAORD OF DIRECTORS------------------------------------------------------------------------9

    Ⅴ. SIGNIFICANT EVENTS-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------13

    Ⅵ. FINANCIAL REPORT (UN-AUDITED) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------17

    Ⅶ. DOCUMENTS AVAILABLE FOR REFERENCE------------------------------------------------------------------693

    I. Company Profile

    1. Name of the Company

    In Chinese: 深圳中恒华发股份有限公司


    2. Legal Representative: Li Zhongqiu

    3. Secretary of the Board: Fu Yanhua

    Securities Affairs Representative: Weng Xiaojue

    Contact Address: 6/F, East Tower of 411 Bldg, Huafa Building, Huafa Road (N), Futian District,


    Tel: (86) 83352206

    Fax: (86) 755-83323160

    E-mail: hwafainvestor@163.com

    4. Registered Address: 411 Bldg., Huafa North Road, Futian District, Shenzhen

    Office Address: 6/F, East Tower of 411 Bldg., Huafa Road (N), Futian District, Shenzhen.

    Post Code: 518031

    Company’s Internet Web Site: http://www.hwafa.com

    5. Newspapers for Disclosing the Information of the Company:

    China Securities Journal, Securities Times and Hong Kong Wen Wei Po

    Internet Web Site for Publishing the Semi-Annual Report: http://www.cninfo.com.cn

    The Place Where the Semi-Annual Report is Prepared and Placed: OFF. of Board of Directors of

    Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co., Ltd.

    6. Stock Exchange Listed with: Shenzhen Stock Exchange

    Short Form of the Stock: SHEN HUAFA-A, SHEN HUAFA- B

    Stock Code: 000020, 200020

    7. Other Relevant Information of the Company

    Initial registered date and place or changed registered date and place:

    Registered date: May, 1992

    Registered place: 411 Bldg., Huafa North Road, Futian District, Shenzhen

    Registered number of enterprise legal person’s business license: 100296

    Registered number of tax: 113260

    Name and office address of Certified Public Accountants engaged by the Company:

    Name: Shinewing Certified Public Accountants

    Address: 9/F, Block A, Fu Hua Mansion No.8 Chaoyang Men, Bei da jie, Dong Cheng District,

    Beijing, P.R.China4

    II. Major financial data and indexes

    Unit: RMB

    At the end of this

    report period

    At the period-end

    of last year

    Increase/decrease at the end of this

    report period compared with that

    in the year-begin (%)

    Total assets 644,761,359.00 446,670,716.88 44.35%

    Owners’ equity attributable to shareholders of

    listed company 252,168,488.96 247,809,266.16 1.76%

    Share capital 283,161,227.00 283,161,227.00 0.00%

    Net assets per share attributable to

    shareholders of listed company (RMB/Share) 0.89 0.88 1.14%

    This report period

    (Jan. to Jun.)

    The same period

    of last year

    Increase/decrease in this report

    period year-on-year (%)

    Total operating income 212,122,658.94 72,721,200.02 191.69%

    Operating profit 4,488,787.23 -4,320,768.46 —

    Total profit 4,359,222.80 -2,503,393.28 —

    Net profit attributable to the shareholders of

    listed company 4,359,222.80 -2,503,393.28 —

    Net profit attributable to the shareholders of

    the company after deducting non-recurring

    gains and losses

    4,488,787.23 -4,320,768.46 —

    Basic earnings per share(RMB/Share) 0.015 -0.009 —

    Diluted earnings per share (RMB/Share) 0.015 -0.009 —

    Return on equity (%) 1.73% -0.01% Increased 1.74 percentage points

    Net cash flow arising from operating activities -78,925,182.83 -26,048,943.94 —

    Net cash flow arising from operating activities

    per share (RMB/Share) -0.28 -0.09 —

    Items of non-recurring gains and losses Amount

    Other non-operating income and expenditure

    except for the aforementioned items -129,564.43

    Total -129,564.43


    Net profit 4,359,222.80 4,359,222.80

    Net asset 255,682,531.84 255,682,531.845

    Return on equity Earnings per share

    Item Fully diluted



    average (%)

    Basic earnings per



    Diluted earnings

    per share(RMB)

    Net profit attributable to the

    shareholders of the company 1.73 1.74 0.015 0.015

    Net profit attributable to the

    shareholders of the company

    after deducting non-recurring

    gains and losses

    1.78 1.79 0.015 0.015

    II. Change in Share Capital and Particulars about Shares Held by Main


    I. Particulars about change in share capital

    In the report period, the share structure of the Company had no changes.

    Before the change Increase/decrease in the change of this time (+, - ) After the change











    of public


    Others Subtotal Amount Proportion


    I. Restricted

    shares 116,489,894 41.14 116,489,894 41.14

    1. State-owned


    2. State-owned

    legal person’s


    3. Other

    domestic shares 116,489,894 41.14 116,489,894 41.14


    Domestic legal

    person’s shares 116,489,894 41.14 116,489,894 41.14

    Domestic natural

    person’s shares

    (shares of senior


    4. Foreign shares


    Foreign legal

    person’s shares

    Foreign natural

    person’s shares

    II. Unrestricted

    shares 166,671,333 58.86 166,671,333 58.86

    1. RMB Ordinary

    shares 64,675,497 22.84 64,675,497 22.84

    2. Domestically

    listed foreign


    101,995,836 36.02 101,995,836 36.02

    3. Overseas listed

    foreign shares

    4. Others

    III. Total shares 283,161,227 100 283,161,227 1006

    II. Particulars about shareholders (registered on Jun. 30, 2009)

    Total shareholders 26,356

    Particulars about shares held by the top ten shareholders

    Full name of Shareholders Nature of



    of shares


    Total amount

    of shares held

    Amount of

    restricted shares


    Amount of

    shares pledged

    or frozen

    Wuhan Zhongheng New Science &

    Technology Industrial Group Co., Ltd.



    legal person

    41.14% 116,489,894 116,489,894 0

    SEG (HONG KONG) CO., LTD. Foreign legal


    5.85% 16,569,560 0 0



    Foreign legal

    person 4.91% 13,900,000 0 Unknown

    BINGHUA LIU Foreign natural

    person 0.31% 876,213 0 Unknown

    LUO YA Domestic

    natural person 0.27% 756,620 0 Unknown

    LIU LIAO YUAN Domestic

    natural person 0.26% 734,200 0 Unknown

    FENG ZHI E Domestic

    natural person 0.24% 693,500 0 Unknown

    ZHU MING Domestic

    natural person 0.22% 611,348 0 Unknown



    Foreign legal

    person 0.21% 591,150 0 Unknown

    ZENG HONG YING Domestic

    natural person 0.21% 586,380 0 Unknown

    Particulars about shares held by the top ten shareholders of unrestricted shares

    Name of shareholder Amount of unrestricted shares held Type of share

    SEG (HONG KONG) CO., LTD. 16,569,560 Domestically listed foreign



    LTD 13,900,000 Domestically listed foreign


    BINGHUA LIU 876,213 Domestically listed foreign


    LUO YA 756,620 Domestically listed foreign


    LIU LIAO YUAN 734,200 Domestically listed foreign


    FENG ZHI E 693,500 RMB common share

    ZHU MING 611,348 Domestically listed foreign



    CLIENTS 591,150 Domestically listed foreign


    ZENG HONG YING 586,380 Domestically listed foreign


    FENG QIU HONG 566,001 RMB common share

    Explanation on associated relationship among

    the aforesaid shareholders or consistent action

    Among the top ten shareholders, Wuhan Zhongheng New Science &

    Technology Industrial Group Co., Ltd. neither bears associated relationship

    with other shareholders, nor belongs to the consistent actor that are prescribed

    in Measures for the Administration of Disclosure of Shareholder Equity

    Changes of Listed Companies.

    The Company neither knew whether there exists associated relationship among

    the other tradable shareholders, nor they belong to consistent actors that are

    prescribed in Measures for the Administration of Disclosure of Shareholder

    Equity Changes of Listed Companies.

    III. The amount and sale restriction condition of shares held by the top ten restricted shareholders

    No. Name of restricted


    Amount of

    restricted shares


    Date of being listed for


    Amount of

    newly added

    shares being

    listed for trade

    Restriction condition


    Wuhan Zhongheng

    New Science &


    Industrial Group

    Co., Ltd.

    116,489,894 May 18, 2010 0

    Promising that the

    non-tradable shares

    of the Company held

    by it will not be

    listed for trade within

    36 months since the

    date of acquiring

    circulating right.

    4. Change of the controlling shareholder of the Company

    The controlling shareholder of the Company Wuhan Zhongheng New Science & Technology

    Industrial Group Co., Ltd.(Hereinafter refers to as Wuhan Zhongheng Group), the actural controller

    is Mr. Li Zhongqiu, and did not change in the report period.8

    III. Particulars about Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives

    I. Changes in shares held by directors, supervisors, and senior executives

    Directors, supervisors, and senior executives of the Company did not hold shares of the Company,

    and there was no change in holding shares.

    II. Changes of the directors, supervisors, and senior executives of the Company in the report period.

    In Feb. 2009, Mr. Shi Cheng put forward to resign his posts of Director, Deputy General Manager,

    and Secretary of the Board of the Company due to personal reason.

    In Feb. 2009, with the suggestion from the Nomination Committee of the Board and nomination of

    the General Manger of the Company, the Board of Director engaged Mr. Fu Yanhua as the Deputy

    General Manager of the Company; with the suggestion from the Nomination Committee of the

    Board and nomination of the Chairman of the Company, the Board of Director engaged Mr. Fu

    Yanhua as the Secretary of the Baord of the Company; with the nomination of the Board and

    election in the 1st Extraordinary Shareholders’ General Meeting of 2009, Mr. Fu Yanhua was

    supplemented to be the Director of the 6th Board of Directors of the Company.9

    IV. Report of Board of Directors

    I. Overall operation and management of the Company in the report period

    As Wuhan Zhongheng Group, the controlling shareholder of the Company, successively input the

    Company with business in polystyrene, installation for whole set of liquid-crystal display (referred

    to LCD later) and injection piece in recent years, the Company has started integrated its industrial

    assets gradually since 2009: to lighten tax burden and predigest administration structure, the

    Company injected Wuhan Hengfa Science and Technology Co., Ltd.(referred to Wuhan Hengfa

    Science and Technology later), the wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company established in Wuhan,

    with polystyrene business from Wuhan Branch in way of capital increase; in order to enlarge

    production scale of injection business in Wuhan and save production cost occurred in Shenzhen and

    Wuhan and thus reduce repeat business, the Company sold the injection business of Shenzhen to

    Wuhan Hengfa Science and Technology, to realize injection business combination with Wuhan.

    After the initial adjustment, Wuhan Hengfa Science & Technology now is mainly engaged in

    business of injection and polystyrene, becoming one of the backbone enterprises of the Company in

    industry production.

    With various efforts, the Company received a distinctly better performance in main business

    operation over the same period of last year. Net profit realized from January to June amounted to

    RMB 4.36 million, mainly resulted from the following aspects:

    ﹡Business of whole set of LCD: as the domestic economy got warm, price of LCD also received a

    rise in some degree, product orders received by the video communication department gradually

    increased; For the production model, it changed to processing imported materials from the original

    model-processing supplied materials, and balance between imported materials became source of

    part profit; besides, purchasing raw materials from underlying enterprises of controlling

    shareholders saved production cost more or less; meanwhile, for the video communication

    department, after governance, neatening and administration strengthening, it effectively improved

    instability of employees, its production quality got strict control and its productivity enjoyed a great

    upgrade. In the first half year, the department realized operation income of RMB 0.104 billion and

    profit of 2.04 million.

    ﹡Business of lease of self-owned property: in the report period, it was operated steadily; the

    Company collected rent in strict accordance with property lease contract; rent income received

    increase over the same period of last year; property lease rate exceeded 90%, rent income reached at

    RMB 21.03 million, rent profit reached at RMB 16.4 million.

    II. Analysis on main business achievements and financial condition

    (I) Scope and operation of main business

    The main operation of the Company focuses on products manufacture related to electron, including

    production and sales of injection pieces, printed circuit boards, polystyrene and LCD whole set

    business. The sales of products of the Company focus on the areas of Middle China, South China,

    Southwest and Hong Kong. Details could be available in the following statement:

    Unit: RMB’0000

    Product Income from


    Cost of







    in income from


    year-on-year (%)


    in cost of


    year-on-year (%)


    in gross profit


    year-on-year (%)




    6,891.30 6,204.70 9.96% 2,039.25% 1,460.27% Increased 33.41

    percentage points



    b d

    534.55 742.14 -38.83% -74.19% -78.85% Decreased 16.81

    percentage points10


    LCD 10,379.47 9,908.45 4.54% 263.01% 255.85% Increased 1.92

    percentage points

    Polystyrene 1,221.51 1,007.15 17.55% — — —

    Area Income from operation Increase/decrease in income from operations

    over last year (%)

    South China 219.49 -87.70%

    Southwest 315.06 -63.00%

    Hong Kong 10,379.47 297.75%

    Middle China 6,891.30 —

    (II) General analysis on financial condition

    1. Change in main financial index in the report period

    Unit: RMB

    Item Amount in the


    Amount in the

    same period of last


    Increase or

    decrease (%)

    Operation income 212,122,658.94 72,721,200.02 191.69

    Operation profit 4,488,787.23 -4,320,768.46 —

    Net profit attributable to shareholders of the

    company 4,359,222.80 -2,503,393.28 —

    Net increase amount of cash and cash

    equivalents 66,637,082.71 29,543,782.07 125.55

    Item Amount of


    Amount of


    Increase or

    decrease (%)

    Total assets 644,761,359.00 446,670,716.88 44.35

    Owners’ equity attributable to parent company 252,168,488.96 247,809,266.16 1.76

    Reasons for the above changes:

    (1)Main reasons on great increase of operation income year-on-year:

    ①Operation income from Wuhan Hengfa Science and Technology Co., Ltd., the newly-merged

    wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company;

    ②Income increased greater, since the production model for whole set business of LCD was

    changed to processing imported materials from the original processing supplied materials.

    (2)Main reasons on turning losses into gains of operating profit and net profit attributable to

    shareholders of the Company:

    ①Income received from self-owned property lease increased in some degree;

    ②The production model for whole set business of LCD was changed to processing imported

    materials from the original one--processing supplied materials. And balance between imported

    materials became source of part profit; besides, purchasing raw materials from underlying11

    enterprises of controlling shareholders saved cost more or less.

    (3) Net increase amount of cash and cash equivalents increased greatly due to increase of bank


    (4)Main reasons on the great increase in total assets year-on-year:

    ①Bank loans increased greatly;

    ②The production model for whole set business of LCD was changed to processing imported

    materials from the original one-processing supplied materials, which brought increase in account

    receivable and inventory commodities.

    2. Explanation on reasons of material changes in main operations and its structure

    The Company purchased manufacture business related to injection products from its controlling

    shareholder Wuhan Zhongheng Group in June 2008, but the asset transfer had transition period, in

    order to guarantee the normal production of injection business, the Company entrusted Wuhan

    Zhongheng Group to manage the aforementioned assets relevant to injection business from the date

    of asset transfer to Dec. 31, 2008. On Jan. 1, 2009, the Company officially took the management of

    Wuhan injection business. Thus, Wuhan injection business was newly increased in main operation

    of the Company in the report period over the same period of last year.

    3. Explanation on reasons of material changes in profitability (gross profit ratio) of main operations

    compared with that of last year

    Printed circuit board was influenced by the international financial crisis, so the sales income

    decreased largely and gross profit ratio further dropped with a great margin.

    4. Profit constitution did not have material changes compared with that in last year.

    (III)Other operation business of the Company which set significant influence upon net profit of the

    report period

    Other operation business Gains and losses occurred


    Property lease 1,640

    (IV)In the report period, there is no investment income received by the Company from single joint

    stock company, influencing net profit of the Company over 10 %( 10% included)

    (V)Problems and difficulties in operation

    In the first half year, profit occurred from injection business of the Company was less than the

    budget. Injection business of the Company was still expanding in the first half year, the original

    injection business of Shenzhen was merged to Wuhan, and 20 new equipments were purchased, so

    input for fixed assets greatly increased; besides, because equipments increased too fast and skillful

    workers were comparatively insufficient, production efficiency got no effective advance in a short

    time correspondingly; influenced by the global economic crisis, unit price of product had to be cut

    The injection business was just Shenzhen Injection Department in the same report period, and

    remained losses; in the report period, Shenzhen injection business was consolidated with Wuhan

    injection business and had gains; thus, the gross profit ratio of injection business had material


    down. Together with the losses occurred from appreciation of RMB exchange rate, sales income

    was affected greatly; meanwhile, due to that the newly-developed customers needed an adjustment

    period for introducing new products, new profit-yielding point was unavailable to form; besides,

    labor cost climbed in some degree. Therefore, injection business of Wuhan faced s short-term

    difficulty resulted from rapid expansion in the report period, thus its production efficiency couldn’t

    show up immediately.

    (VI)Main working plan for the later half year

    In the later half year, the Company would continue to take the spirit of integrating industrial assets,

    allocate resources to advanced fields, and consider moving whole set business of LCD to Wuhan

    from Shenzhen, mainly focus on installation of whole set of LCD business and injection business,

    meanwhile, assist with polystyrene business.

    As the main industrial assets moved to Wuhan, how to strengthen management and control,

    standardize internal control, enhance operation management level and risk-prevention ability in

    subsidiaries located in other area are the significant problems for the Company to solve at present.

    The Company plans to smooth and perfect internal management procedure, reinforce execution of

    management system, strengthen audit and daily supervision for operation procedure; reinforce

    power in self-check and self-correction, internal-audit and internal-correction to find out control

    deficiency and management leak, focusing on the key taches such as significant business exchange,

    significant investment project and related transaction; meanwhile, people in charge of various

    targets are examined according to the execution of procedure management. That is to say,

    management standardization is practically combined with personal encouragement.

    III. Investment

    (I) Usage of raised proceeds

    In the report period, the Company hasn’t raised any fund or fund raised in previous period used

    lasting to this report period.

    (II) Significant investment with non-raised proceeds

    The board of directors of the Company held the 2nd extraordinary meeting of 2009 dated Apr. 3rd,

    2009. In this meeting, it was approved for the Company to add capital to Shenzhen Zhongheng

    Huafa Science and Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to Huafa Science and Technology later), the

    wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, with approximately RMB 105.12 million, including

    capital adding with cash of RMB 55 million and capital adding with entity of RMB 50.12 million.

    The entity assets mainly referred to fixed assets---the machine equipments for printed circuit board

    business, and two land properties of the Company amounting to 48,161.6 square meters with No.

    A627-005 and No.A627-007 lands of Huafa Electron City, located in the production base in

    Gongming, Shenzhen; meanwhile, it sold all inventories involved to printed circuit board business

    as of Mar 31st of 2009 to Huafa Science and Technology, and the transaction price was the financial

    book value of the inventories as of Mar 31st of 2009. At present, procedure for capital adding of

    Huafa Science and Technology with cash and machine equipment (fixed assets) has been completed.

    And procedure for capital adding with the aforementioned lands is still being transacted.13

    V. Significant Events

    I. Corporate Governance

    According to the requirements of Laws and regulations including Company Law, Securities Law,

    Code of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies and Listed Rules for Stock in Shenzhen Stock

    Exchange, the Company further standardized the operation, and the actual conditions of legal

    person governance structure accorded with the requirements of the aforementioned documents,

    which protected all shareholders’ interests, especially the interests of medium and small

    shareholders. In the report period, the Company revised items of cash dividends and guarantee in

    Article of Association according to the requirements of Decision on Amending Several Regulations

    of Cash Dividends of Listed Company issued by CSRC No. 57 and the regulations of Item 9.11 in

    Listed Rules for Stock in Shenzhen Stock Exchange – Providing Guarantee; at the same time, also

    approved and established Special System of Engaging Certified Public Accountants according to

    relevant regulations of Notice on Further Standardizing Relevant Issues of Engaging CPAs of Listed

    Company in Shenzhen and Direction of Engaging CPAs System of Listed Company promulgated by

    Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau of CSRC.

    II. Implementation of profit distribution plan

    In the report period, the Company has no profit distribution plan, capital reserve transferred into

    share capital plan or issuing new shares plan which were planned in previous periods and

    implemented in this report period.

    No profit would be distributed and no capital reserve would be transferred to add share capital in

    the first half year of 2009.

    III. Significant lawsuits and arbitrations

    The Company signed House Leasing Contract and complementary agreement with Shenzhen

    Wanshang Friendship Department Store Co., Ltd. (hereinafter refer to as “Wanshang Friendship”) in

    the year of 2001, and had agreement of step-up rent. Considering the actual aim of signing contract

    and transaction equality, Wanshang Friendship did not strictly implement regulations of House

    Leasing Contract and did not pay enough rent; at the same time, Wanshang Friendship privately

    built the place of 229.89 square meters without our admission, and did not pay any rent. In order to

    protect the interests of listed company and all shareholders, the Company handed in civil indictment

    to Shenzhen Futian District People’s Court, which impleaded that Wanshang Friendship did not pay

    rent as agreement, and ask for judgment: ① release the House Lease Contract about leasing Huafa

    Building and relevant Complementary Agreement signed by the Company and Wanshang

    Friendship; ② Wanshang Friendship should pay the rent which was owed the Company

    (temporarily calculated amounting to RMB 34,381,679.31 till May 7, 2009, and actually was the

    rent till the date that the defendant retroceded the lease place); ③ Wanshang Friendship should take

    the responsibility of compensation for violation of contract (the compensation was calculated as

    0.05% of the owed rent per day from the date owing till the date actually paying off, which was

    temporarily calculated amounting to RMB 10 million till May 7, 2009); ④ Wanshang Friendship

    should afford all litigation expenses of the case. At present, the Court formally received the case of

    appeal, waiting for a judgment in session. Details could be found in notice on May 22, 2009.

    IV. Security investment

    In the report period, the Company hasn’t carried out security investment, nor held equity of other

    listed company, non-listed financial enterprise or company that planned to be listed.14

    V. Significant asset purchase, sales and asset restructure

    No significant asset purchase, sales and enterprise merger concerning non related transaction

    happened in this report period, nor did them happened in previous period but lasted to this report


    VI. Significant related transaction

    (I) With consideration that the business of the Company and its controlling shareholder- Wuhan

    Zhongheng Group is positioned in the middle or even lower stage in the industry chain of LCD, in

    order to promote the Company to develop rapidly in LCD field, the Company continued to carry out

    daily related transaction with Wuhan Zhongheng Group as well as its subsidiary Wuhan Hengsheng

    Photoelectricity Industry Co., Ltd from which raw materials LCD needed in production were

    purchased in 2009. Proposal on Prediction of Daily Related Transaction in Visual Communication

    Business for 2009 was examined and approved in the 1st Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of

    2008 on Feb. 6, 2009, which expected that the Company may purchase LCD about 805,000 sets

    from related parties, with purchasing amount of USD 65,240,000, and the pricing principle was that

    transaction price was at least 1% lower than the average market price of that time. Details could be

    available in the Company’s notice dated Feb. 7, 2009. In the report period, the Company actually

    purchased LCD about 107,000 sets of various specifications such as 19 inch and 22 inch with about

    RMB 56,570,000.

    (II) In order to effectively take off the circuit printing business which was in serious loss and always

    disturbed the Company’s development, improve the assets quality and profitability, and eliminate

    the related transaction issues about the subsidiary company in Wuhan always leasing factory from

    the controlling shareholders – Wuhan Zhongheng Group, the Company planned to replace the

    circuit printing business and part of Gongming industrial land with part of industrial land assets in

    Wuhan of the controlling shareholders - Wuhan Zhongheng Group:

    The board of directors of the Company held the 3rd Extraordinary Meeting for 2009 dated Apr. 22,

    2009, which approved the Company and Wuhan Zhongheng Group to jointly add capitals to Wuhan

    Hengfa Science and Technology Co., Ltd.(refer to Wuhan Hengfa Science and Technology later),

    the wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company: in which, Wuhan Zhongheng Group added capital to

    Hengfa Science and Technology with the land use right and ground buildings of the No.10 and No.2

    lands (whose appraisal value was RMB 101,693,100) located in Zhuankou Community of Wuhan

    Economic and Technology Development Zone , and obtained 56% equities of Hengfa Science and

    Technology which was accomplished adding capital; Wuhan Zhongheng Group planned to

    exchange 56% equities of Hengfa Science and Technology for 100% equities of Huafa Science and

    Technology held by the Company in price of RMB 101,693,100, and the balance could be made up

    with cash. Details could be found in notice of the Company on Apr. 30, 2009.

    The aforesaid proceedings still need examination and discussion by Shareholders’ General Meeting.

    (III) There was no non-operational current credit and liability and guarantee existed among the

    Company, controlling subsidiaries and related parties

    VII. Significant contracts and their implementations

    (I) Besides the aforesaid property leasing contract involved in Item III – Significant lawsuit and

    arbitration, the Company had no significant transaction, trusteeship, contract and leasing contract

    occurred in the report period or in the past but lasted to this period.

    (II) The Company hasn’t any significant guarantee contract occurred in the report period or

    occurred in previous period but lasted to the report period.

    (III) The Company hasn’t any significant entrusting event of others to manage assets of the

    Company occurred in the report period or previous period but lasted to the report period; neither has15

    other entrusted financing events.

    VIII. Special explanation and independent opinion issued by independent directors on capital

    occupancy and external guarantee of related parties of the Company

    Independent directors made careful inspection on the capital occupancy by largest shareholder and

    its related parties and external guarantee of the Company, and they held the opinions that: during

    the report period, the Company hadn’t capital occupancy by controlling shareholder and other

    related parties; the Company also hadn’t provided guarantees for controlling shareholder, actual

    controller and other related parties, any non-legal person unit or individual; the Company hadn’t

    been forcibly supplied guarantees for others by controlling shareholder, actual controller and other

    related parties; ended as June 30, 2009, the Company hadn’t any current external guarantee or

    accumulated guarantee matters.

    IX. Commitments

    (I) Commitments that probably have significant influence on operational result and financial status

    of the Company occurred in the report period or previous period but lasted to the report period

    made by the Company or shareholders holding over 5% (including 5%) of the Company.

    Name of


    Commitment Performance of commitment

    Wuhan Zhongheng

    New Science &


    Industrial Group

    Co., Ltd.

    Plan to transfer the

    relevant assets concerning

    plastic injection business

    and the 70% equities of

    Wuhan Hengsheng

    Photoelectricity Industry

    Co., Ltd. held by it to the

    Company within 1 year

    after equity ownership

    transfer of the purchase

    was accomplished.

    1. Wuhan Zhongheng Group didn’t finish the assets

    injection within the commitment term;

    2. On Jun. 5, 2008, with examination and approval from

    the 3rd temporary meeting of the Board for 2008, the

    Company took cash RMB 27 million to buy relevant

    assets concerning production of injection products from

    Wuhan Zhongheng Group, and thus part commitment had

    been finished;

    3. In the first 10 days of May, 2008, the Company

    officially started off the significant asset restructure work

    of purchasing the 70% equities of Wuhan Hengsheng

    Photoelectricity Industry Co., Ltd.; engaged financial

    consultant and law consultant to carry out earnest

    investigation on the restructure assets that may be

    involved, and negotiated with relevant departments which

    were in charge of this. However, due to that relevant

    condition was not mature, there were obstacles in material

    asset restructure and paused the planning in short time.

    (II)Commitments of controlling shareholders made in the share merger reform scheme of the


    Name of shareholder Special commitment Performance of commitment

    Wuhan Zhongheng

    New Science &


    Industrial Group

    Co., Ltd.

    Promised that the holding non-circulating shares

    of the Company won’t be traded on the market

    within 36 months since they acquired listed

    trading right.

    Under implementation

    X. Audit

    The financial report of the Company in semi-annual of year 2009 hasn’t been audited. The16

    Company has not engaged any audit organization for 2009.

    XI. Other significant events

    (I) In the report period, the Company, as well as its directors, supervisors, senior executives,

    controlling shareholders and actual controllers haven’t received any inspection, administrative

    penalty, forbiddance to enter securities market and pointed as inappropriate person by CSRC;

    haven’t received other penalty from administrative departments and public condemn from Shenzhen

    Stock Exchange.

    (II) In the report period, the Company hasn’t had any reception or research, communication,

    interview etc. activities from the special objects indicated by Guiding Rules for Fair Information

    Disclosure of Listed Company.

    (III) 2008 Annual Report of the Company has been disclosed on April 27, 2009, Shinewing

    Certified Public Accountants issued standard unqualified Auditors’ Report. In 2008, the Company

    realized net profit amounting to RMB 7.57 million and the net profit after deducting non-recurring

    gains/losses amounting to RMB 1.82 million, and the main operation of the Company ran normally.

    The audit results showed that the audited net profit and net profit after deducting non-recurring

    gains/losses were both positive, the status of implementing other special treatment in stock trade has

    been eliminated. In line with the regulation on Article 13.3.5 of Listing Rules for Stock in Shenzhen

    Stock Exchange, with the application of the Company and with the approval of Shenzhen Stock

    Exchange, other special treatment in stock trade of the Company was cancelled since May 19, 2009,

    the short form of the stocks were changed into SHEN HUAFA-A and SHEN HUAFA-B from

    original ST HUAFA-A and ST HUAFA-B, the daily price limits of stock trade resumed to 10%

    from the original 5%, and the stock code remained unchanged.17

    VI. Financial Report (Un-audited)


    Prepared by Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co., Ltd. June 30, 2009 Unit: RMB

    Items MerAgmero u nt at pePriaorde-netn Cd ompany MerAgmero u nt at yePara-rbeengt iCn ompany

    Current assets:

    Monetary funds 90,951,737.27 75,418,602.94 24,314,654.56 23,236,402.77

    Settlement provisions

    Capital lent

    Transaction finance asset

    Notes receivable 4,206,527.69 4,106,527.69 6,767,862.01 6,767,862.01

    Accounts receivable 166,369,887.50 123,708,285.87 98,397,251.00 98,372,655.00

    Accounts paid in advance 5,033,315.13 601,661.33 2,046,277.06 1,966,277.06

    Insurance receivable

    Reinsurance receivables

    Contract reserve of

    reinsurance receivable

    Interest receivable

    Dividend receivable

    Other receivables 23,021,097.05 39,660,966.77 15,576,239.03 15,883,360.82

    Purchase restituted finance


    Inventories 111,820,212.73 74,118,809.58 50,460,254.12 50,350,104.12

    Non-current asset due

    within one year

    Other current assets

    Total current assets 401,402,777.37 317,614,854.18 197,562,537.78 196,576,661.78

    Non-current assets:

    Granted loans and advances

    Finance asset available for




    Long-term account


    Long-term equity

    investment 125,683,539.00 30,465,789.00

    Investment property 41,659,336.04 41,659,336.04 42,938,764.28 42,938,764.28

    Fixed assets 188,982,331.74 137,213,254.69 194,494,830.65 176,935,860.29

    Construction in progress 1,289,792.70 864,984.79 1,624,882.03 1,135,030.03

    Engineering material

    Disposal of fixed asset

    Productive biological asset

    Oil and gas asset

    Intangible assets 6,201,921.20 6,183,231.12 6,253,073.63 6,253,073.63

    Expense on Research and



    Long-term expenses to be

    apportioned 1,428,571.44 1,428,571.44

    Deferred income tax asset 3,796,628.51 4,813,975.21 3,796,628.51 4,813,975.21

    Other non-current asset

    Total non-current asset 243,358,581.63 317,846,892.29 249,108,179.10 262,542,492.44

    Total assets 644,761,359.00 635,461,746.47 446,670,716.88 459,119,154.2218


    Prepared by Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co., Ltd. June 30, 2009 Unit: RMB

    Current liabilities:

    Short-term loans 23,481,853.33 23,481,853.33 94,000,000.00 94,000,000.00

    Loan from central bank

    Absorbing deposit and

    interbank deposit

    Capital borrowed

    Transaction financial


    Notes payable 8,679,163.55 1,331,366.97 3,429,765.26 3,429,765.26

    Accounts payable 117,112,123.40 52,026,008.02 49,895,119.48 49,732,770.38

    Accounts received in

    advance 804,229.57 26,764,229.57 1,962,952.11 1,962,952.11

    Selling financial asset of


    Commission charge and

    commission payable

    Wage payable 1,157,694.86 510,692.56 908,291.64 844,458.29

    Taxes payable -607,626.82 -367,125.44 2,766,213.08 2,678,179.46

    Interest payable

    Dividend payable

    Other accounts payable 15,049,557.74 43,806,665.20 45,523,634.74 53,272,582.46

    Reinsurance payables

    Insurance contract reserve

    Security trading of agency

    Security sales of agency

    Non-current liabilities due

    within 1 year

    Other current liabilities

    Total current liabilities 165,676,995.63 147,553,690.21 198,485,976.31 205,920,707.96

    Non-current liabilities:

    Long-term loans 226,540,400.00 226,540,400.00

    Bonds payable

    Long-term account payable

    Special accounts payable

    Projected liabilities 175,474.41 175,474.41 175,474.41 175,474.41

    Deferred income tax liabilities

    Other non-current liabilities 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 200,000.00

    Total non-current liabilities 226,915,874.41 226,915,874.41 375,474.41 375,474.41

    Total liabilities 392,592,870.04 374,469,564.62 198,861,450.72 206,296,182.37

    Owner’s equity (or shareholders’


    Paid-in capital (or share

    capital) 283,161,227.00 283,161,227.00 283,161,227.00 283,161,227.00

    Capital public reserve 104,073,326.94 104,073,326.94 104,073,326.94 104,073,326.94

    Less: Inventory shares

    Reasonable reserve

    Surplus public reserve 77,391,593.25 77,391,593.25 77,391,593.25 77,391,593.25

    Provision of general risk

    Retained profit -212,457,658.23 -203,633,965.34 -216,816,881.03 -211,803,175.34

    Balance difference of

    foreign currency translation

    Total owner’s equity attributable 252,168,488.96 260,992,181.85 247,809,266.16 252,822,971.8519

    to parent company

    Minority interests

    Total owner’s equity 252,168,488.96 260,992,181.85 247,809,266.16 252,822,971.85

    Total liabilities and owner’s

    equity 644,761,359.00 635,461,746.47 446,670,716.88 459,119,154.22


    Prepared by Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co., Ltd. Jan.-Jun., 2009 Unit: RMB

    Amount in this period Amount in last period

    Items Merger Parent

    Company Merger Parent


    I. Total operating income 212,122,658.94 141,587,417.02 72,721,200.02 71,708,604.02

    Including: Operating income 212,122,658.94 141,587,417.02 72,721,200.02 71,708,604.02

    Interest income

    Insurance gained

    Commission charge and commission


    II. Total operating cost 207,633,871.71 136,802,685.47 79,232,188.19 78,219,940.09

    Including: Operating cost 180,418,375.74 118,371,361.95 61,521,143.96 60,921,341.49

    Interest expense

    Commission charge and commission


    Cash surrender value

    Net amount of expense of


    Net amount of withdrawal of insurance

    contract reserve

    Bonus expense of guarantee slip

    Reinsurance expense

    Operating tax and extras 1,830,716.14 1,650,080.70 1,014,361.45 961,706.47

    Sales expenses 3,027,035.54 1,796,971.45 2,211,264.49 2,211,264.49

    Administration expenses 16,821,127.85 9,975,520.04 11,037,561.09 10,677,864.88

    Financial expenses 5,536,616.44 5,008,751.33 2,968,516.75 2,968,422.31

    Losses of devaluation of asset 479,340.45 479,340.45

    Add: Changing income of fair value

    Investment income

    Including: Investment income on

    affiliated company and joint venture

    Exchange income

    Entrusted operating income 2,190,219.71 2,190,219.71

    III. Operating profit 4,488,787.23 4,784,731.55 -4,320,768.46 -4,321,116.36

    Add: Non-operating income 120,889.30 3,634,932.18 2,703,449.75 2,703,449.75

    Less: Non-operating expense 250,453.73 250,453.73 886,074.57 885,726.67

    Including: Disposal loss of non-current


    IV. Total Profit 4,359,222.80 8,169,210.00 -2,503,393.28 -2,503,393.28

    Less: Income tax expense

    V. Net profit 4,359,222.80 8,169,210.00 -2,503,393.28 -2,503,393.28

    Net profit attributable to owner’s of

    parent company 4,359,222.80 8,169,210.00 -2,503,393.28 -2,503,393.28

    Minority shareholders’ gains and losses

    VI. Earnings per share

    i. Basic earnings per share 0.015 0.029 -0.009 -0.00920

    ii. Diluted earnings per share 0.015 0.029 -0.009 -0.009

    VII. Other consolidated income 0 0 0 0

    VIII. Total consolidated income 4,359,222.80 8,169,210.00 -2,503,393.28 -2,503,393.28


    Prepared by Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co., Ltd. Jan.-Jun., 2009 Unit: RMB

    Items MeArgmeoru nt in tPhaisr epnetr Cioodm pany MeArmgeoru nt in laPsat rpeenrti oCdo m pany

    I. Cash flows arising from operating


    Cash received from selling

    commodities and providing labor services 131,268,785.30 115,053,063.61 66,992,386.24 65,988,639.24

    Net increase of customer deposit and

    interbank deposit

    Net increase of loan from central bank

    Net increase of capital borrowed from

    other financial institution

    Cash received from original insurance

    contract fee

    Net cash received from reinsurance


    Net increase of insured savings and


    Net increase of disposal of transaction

    financial asset

    Cash received from interest, commission

    charge and commission

    Net increase of capital borrowed

    Net increase of returned business


    Write-back of tax received

    Other cash received concerning

    operating activities 20,902,319.80 65,827,829.48 5,994,252.05 5,987,500.39

    Subtotal of cash inflow arising from

    operating activities 152,171,105.10 180,880,893.09 72,986,638.29 71,976,139.63

    Cash paid for purchasing commodities

    and receiving labor service 132,892,144.14 114,713,508.58 73,831,893.59 73,831,893.59

    Net increase of customer loans and


    Net increase of deposits in central bank

    and interbank

    Cash paid for original insurance

    contract compensation

    Cash paid for interest, commission

    charge and commission

    Cash paid for bonus of guarantee slip

    Cash paid to/for staff and workers 13,502,102.92 7,999,606.65 12,393,419.24 11,992,088.25

    Taxes paid 3,158,433.58 2,605,857.98 4,207,727.14 4,163,613.94

    Other cash paid concerning operating

    activities 81,543,607.29 93,290,043.39 8,602,542.26 7,249,212.74

    Subtotal of cash outflow arising from

    operating activities 231,096,287.93 218,609,016.60 99,035,582.23 97,236,808.52

    Net cash flows arising from operating

    activities -78,925,182.83 -37,728,123.51 -26,048,943.94 -25,260,668.89

    II. Cash flows arising from investing21


    Cash received from recovering


    Cash received from investment income

    Net cash received from disposal of

    fixed, intangible and other long-term assets 135,000.00 135,000.00

    Net cash received from disposal of

    subsidiaries and other units

    Other cash received concerning

    investing activities

    Subtotal of cash inflow from investing

    activities 135,000.00 135,000.00

    Cash paid for purchasing fixed,

    intangible and other long-term assets 2,455,181.70 369,445.56 453,571.40 453,571.40

    Cash paid for investment 60,636,991.79

    Net increase of mortgaged loans

    Net cash received from subsidiaries and

    other units

    Other cash paid concerning investing

    activities 2,899,313.79

    Subtotal of cash outflow from investing

    activities 5,354,495.49 61,006,437.35 453,571.40 453,571.40

    Net cash flows arising from investing

    activities -5,354,495.49 -61,006,437.35 -318,571.40 -318,571.40

    III. Cash flows arising from financing


    Cash received from absorbing


    Including: Cash received from

    absorbing minority shareholders’ investment

    by subsidiaries

    Cash received from loans 253,481,853.33 253,481,853.33 88,783,965.04 88,783,965.04

    Cash received from issuing bonds

    Other cash received concerning

    financing activities

    Subtotal of cash inflow from financing

    activities 253,481,853.33 253,481,853.33 88,783,965.04 88,783,965.04

    Cash paid for settling debts 97,459,600.00 97,459,600.00 30,000,000.00 30,000,000.00

    Cash paid for dividend and profit

    distributing or interest paying 5,027,225.33 5,027,225.33 2,291,092.20 2,291,092.20

    Including: Dividend and profit of

    minority shareholder paid by subsidiaries

    Other cash paid concerning financing


    Subtotal of cash outflow from

    financing activities 102,486,825.33 102,486,825.33 32,291,092.20 32,291,092.20

    Net cash flows arising from financing

    activities 150,995,028.00 150,995,028.00 56,492,872.84 56,492,872.84

    IV. Influence on cash and cash equivalents

    due to fluctuation in exchange rate -78,266.97 -78,266.97 -581,575.43 -581,575.43

    V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents 66,637,082.71 52,182,200.17 29,543,782.07 30,332,057.12

    Add: Balance of cash and cash

    equivalents at the period -begin 24,314,654.56 23,236,402.77 18,308,223.25 17,175,103.18

    VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at

    the period -end 90,951,737.27 75,418,602.94 47,852,005.32 47,507,160.3022


    Prepared by Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual of 2009 Unit: RMB

    Amount in this report period Amount in last year

    Owners' equity attributable to the parent company Owners' equity attributable to the parent company


    Paid-up capital

    (Share capital) Capital reserves



    y Stock










    Retained profit Others



    Total owners’

    equity Paid-up capital

    (Share capital) Capital reserves
















    Retained profit Others


    s equity

    Total owners’


    I. Balance at the end of last year 283,161,227.00 104,073,326.94 77,391,593.25 -216,816,881.03 247,809,266.16 283,161,227.00 106,032,173.92 77,391,593.25 -224,384,793.57 242,200,200.60

    Add: Changes of accounting policy

    Error correction of the last period


    II. Balance at the beginning of this year 283,161,227.00 104,073,326.94 77,391,593.25 -216,816,881.03 247,809,266.16 283,161,227.00 106,032,173.92 77,391,593.25 -224,384,793.57 242,200,200.60

    III. Increase/ Decrease in this year

    (Decrease is listed with'"-") 4,359,222.80 4,359,222.80 -1,958,846.98 7,567,912.54 5,609,065.56

    (I) Net profit 4,359,222.80 4,359,222.80 7,567,912.54 7,567,912.54

    (II) Profits and losses calculating into

    owners' equity -1,958,846.98 -1,958,846.98

    1. Net changing amount of fair value of

    financial assets available for sale

    2. Effect of changes of other owners'

    equity of invested units under equity


    3. Effect of income tax related to owners'


    4. Others -1,958,846.98 -1,958,846.98

    Subtotal of (I)and (II) 4,359,222.80 4,359,222.80 -1,958,846.98 7,567,912.54 5,609,065.56

    (III) Owners' devoted and decreased


    1. Owners' devoted capital

    2. Amount calculated into owners' equity

    paid in shares

    3. Others

    (IV) Profit distribution

    1. Withdrawal of surplus reserves

    2. Withdrawal of general risk provisions

    3. Distribution for owners (shareholders)

    4. Others

    (V) Carrying forward internal owners'


    1. Capital reserves conversed to capital

    (share capital)

    2. Surplus reserves conversed to capital

    (share capital)

    3. Remedying loss with surplus reserve

    4. Others

    IV. Balance at the end of the report

    period 283,161,227.00 104,073,326.94 77,391,593.25 -212,457,658.23 252,168,488.96 283,161,227.00 104,073,326.94 77,391,593.25 -216,816,881.03 247,809,266.1623


    Prepared by Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co., Ltd. Semi-Annual of 2009 Unit: RMB

    Amount in this report period Amount in last year

    Items Paid-up capital

    (Share capital)



    Less: Treasury





    reserves Retained profit Total owners’


    Paid-up capital

    (Share capital)



    Less: Treasury





    reserves Retained profit Total owners’ equity

    I. Balance at the end of last year 283,161,227.00 104,073,326.94 77,391,593.25 -211,803,175.34 252,822,971.85 283,161,227.00 106,032,173.92 77,391,593.25 -224,384,793.57 242,200,200.60

    Add: Changes of accounting policy

    Error correction of the last period


    II. Balance at the beginning of this year 283,161,227.00 104,073,326.94 77,391,593.25 -211,803,175.34 252,822,971.85 283,161,227.00 106,032,173.92 77,391,593.25 -224,384,793.57 242,200,200.60

    III. Increase/ Decrease in this year

    (Decrease is listed with'"-") 8,169,210.00 8,169,210.00 -1,958,846.98 12,581,618.23 10,622,771.25

    (I) Net profit 8,169,210.00 8,169,210.00 12,581,618.23 12,581,618.23

    (II) Profits and losses calculating into

    owners' equity -1,958,846.98 -1,958,846.98

    1. Net changing amount of fair value of

    financial assets available for sale

    2. Effect of changes of other owners'

    equity of invested units under equity


    -1,958,846.98 -1,958,846.98

    3. Effect of income tax related to owners'


    4. Others

    Subtotal of (I)and (II) 8,169,210.00 8,169,210.00 -1,958,846.98 12,581,618.23 10,622,771.25

    (III) Owners' devoted and decreased


    1. Owners' devoted capital

    2. Amount calculated into owners' equity

    paid in shares

    3. Others

    (IV) Profit distribution

    1. Withdrawal of surplus reserves

    2. Distribution for owners (shareholders)

    3. Others

    (V) Carrying forward internal owners'


    1. Capital reserves conversed to capital

    (share capital)

    2. Surplus reserves conversed to capital

    (share capital)

    3. Remedying loss with surplus


    4. Others

    IV. Balance at the end of the report

    period 283,161,227.00 104,073,326.94 77,391,593.25 -203,633,965.34 260,992,181.85 283,161,227.00 104,073,326.94 77,391,593.25 -211,803,175.34 252,822,971.85Semi-annual Report 2009


    Annotations to the Accounting StatementS

    1. Company Profile

    Shenzhen Zhongheng Hwafa Co., Ltd. (“the Company” for short, but “the Company (or

    ‘the Group’)” when including subsidiaries), previously known as Shenzhen Zhongheng

    Huafa Co., Ltd. (renamed as set out herein in this term), is a Sino-foreign joint venture

    jointly invested and incorporated by such three legal persons as Shenzhen Electronics

    Group Co., Ltd. (“SEG” for short), China Zhenhua Electronics Group Co., Ltd. (“Zhenhua

    Group” for short) and Luks Industrial (Group) Limited (“Luks Group” for short) on 08

    December 1981. In 1991, the Company was reorganized as a company of limited

    liabilities by stocks (registered number of the License for a Corporation Legal Person:

    Q.G.Y.S.Z.Z.No. 100296 and is changed as 440301501120670 in this term) and made its

    IPO in the same year, issuing 53,130,000 shares of RMB common stock with par value 1

    Yuan per share, including 29,630,000 shares of A shares and 23,500,000 shares of B shares.

    In 1992, the Company launched it’s A shares and B shares in Shenzhen Stock Exchange,

    53,130,000 shares were tradable and 159,203,000 shares remaining unlisted.

    In November 1996, Luks Group assigned 12% of its shares in the Company, totaling

    25,500,000 shares, to SEG through agreement, which was approved in the reply of

    Shenzhen Stock Regulatory Office and ceded on 05 March 1997. After such assignment,

    Luks Group held 25,796,663 shares of the Company, accounting for 12.16% of the total

    shares capital, and SEG held 25,500,000 shares of the Company, accounting for 12% of

    the total shares capital.

    In December 1997, the Company conducted shares allotment program, issuing extra

    63,699,895 shares to all shareholders by the ratio of 10:3 against the total 212,332,989

    shares before the allotment, among which, 30,777,997 shares were alloted to domestic

    corporate shareholders and 3,600,000 shares were subscribed, with the remaining

    27,177,997 shares assigned to public shareholders on paid basis, 15,388,998 shares were

    allotted to foreign corporate shareholders and 1,800,000 shares were subscribed with

    13,588,998 shares abandoned, and also 9,777,900 shares allotted to public shareholders

    and 7,755,000 shares to domestic-listed foreign shareholders.

    In January 1998, the Company carried out the capital reserve-to-capital program for year

    1996, i.e. based on the total 212,332,989 shares ended 1996, 2 shares will be increased to

    per 10 shares for all shareholders, and based on the total 240,701,488 shares ended 1997

    after allotation, 1.764 shares will be increased to each 10 shares for all shareholders.

    On 05 January 2001, upon ratification, the increased shares of the Company, totaling

    6,394,438 shares, went public in Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

    On 29 May 2001, upon the approval of CSRC, the non-listed foreign capital totaling

    62,462,914 shares of the Company were transferred as listed circulating stock, marking

    the irculation of entire foreign capital.

    On 30 November 2001 and 07 December 2001, Luks Group reduced the B-share of the

    Company, totaling 14,158,000 shares and 14,159,000 shares respectively. As of 17

    December 2001, SEG had aggregately reduced B-share of the Company totaling

    14,487,400 shares, accounting for 5.12% of total shares capital of the Company.

    Ended as 31 Dec. 2006, the aggregate shares of the Company are 28,316,000 shares,Semi-annual Report 2009


    158,240,000 shares were listed including 56,240,000 A-shares and 102,000,000 B-shares.

    On 06 June 2005, the Company bulletined that original shareholder SEG and Zhenhua

    Group assigned the state-owned corporate capital they held in the Company totaling

    124,920,000 shares to Wuhan Zhongheng New Tech Industry Group Co., Ltd. (“Wuhan

    Zhongheng” for short), which was ratified by the State-owned Assets Committee, the State

    Ministry of Commerce and CSRC with relevant assignment procedures completed on 11

    April 2007.

    On 13 November 2006, the Board of Shareholders of the Company passed the Share

    Merger Reform Program of Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co., Ltd. In line the program,

    Wuhan Zhongheng carried out assets reorganization to the Company, including bestowing

    assets and integrating industries covered by the Company, also paying 1.5 shares as

    consideration for per 10 shares to all A-share shareholders enrolled as at the equity

    registration day for the program, totaling 8,435,934 shares which may be tradable since

    the first business day after the implementation of the program. On May 18, 2007, the

    Company accomplished the implementation of consideration of shares in the share merger

    reform scheme. As of August 2007, the Company had completed the share merger reform

    program with ceding procedures for bestowed assets completed.

    As of 30 June 2008, the aggregate shares of the Company are 28,316,000 shares, among

    which, restricted shares total to 116,516,142 shares, accounting for 41.15% of total shares,

    and unrestricted shares total to 166,645,085 shares, accounting for 58.85% of total shares.

    Among the unrestricted shares, there are 64,649,249 A shares and 101,995,836 B shares,

    accounting for 22.83% and 36.02% of total shares respectively.

    The business scope: manufacturing & operating each kind of color TV, LCD monitor,

    LCD screen (subject to branch offices), hi-fi equipment, digital watch, TV game player

    and computer as well as auxiliary circuit boards, precise injection moulding ware, light

    packing materials (manufacturing & operting in Wuhan), hardware (including molds),

    electroplate and solder stick, real estate development and operation (ref. S.F.D.C.No.

    7226760), property management. Establish affiliatd companies in Wuhan and Jilin, branch

    offices in each capital city (excluding Lhasa) and cities directly under jurisdiction of the

    Central Government.

    Its major business is manufacturing and sales of circult board, processing of precise

    injection moulding ware, hardware (including molds); property lease and processing and

    sales of LCD displayer and color TV. The Company is registered at Block 411, Huafabei

    Road, Futian District, Shenzhen Cty; legal representative is Li Zhongqiu.

    The parent company of the Company is Wuhan Zhongheng, and the shareholders meeting

    is its angecy of power, which execuates the decision right on material matter such as

    operation guildlines, funding, investment and profit distribution. Board of directors shall

    answer for shareholders meeting, which implements operation and decision right of the

    company according to laws; Managers take charge for organizing and executing the

    decisions made in shareholders meeting and board of directors meeting, as well as

    presiding the production and operation management work of the company. The functional

    management departments include Enterprise Planning Department, Financial Department,

    Comperhensive Management Department, Business Center, Video Business Department,

    Circuit Panel Business Department, Plastic Injection Business Department, AuditingSemi-annual Report 2009


    Department, Office of Borad of Directors etc., the branches include Wuhan branch etc.,

    and subsidiaries mainly include Shenzhen Huafa Property Lease Management Co., Ltd.,

    Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Property Management Co., Ltd., Wuhan Hengfa Scientific

    and Technology Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Scientific and Technology Co.,

    Ltd., etc., among which Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Scientific and Technology Co., Ltd.

    is newly invested and established wholly-owned subsidiary in March 2009, the initial

    registered capital was RMB 200,000, later, fixed assets such as machinery equipment of

    printed circuit board and cash were increasingly invested amounting to RMB 86,767,750.

    The business scope are: technological development and sales of printed circuit board,

    development of property; the registered address is: 1/F, No.1 Buidling, Huafa Electronic

    City, Gongming Street, Guangming New District, Shenzhen; and the business period is

    from March 2, 2009 to March 2, 2019.

    II. Basis of Preparation of Financial Statements

    This Financial Statement is prepared on the basis of continual operation of the Company.

    III. Statement regarding Following Business Accounting Standards

    The Financial Statement prepared by the Group complies with the requirements of

    Business Accounting Standards, and reflect such information regarding enterprise

    financial situation, operation result and cash flows, etc. on the factual and complete basis.

    IV. Change of Accounting Policy and Estimate and Correction of Key Errors of Prior


    1. Change of accounting policy and its effect:

    Whereas the working procedure of industrial production was long, the cost of inventory

    was calculated by weighted average method, and the disadvantages of too many taches

    and long time were difficult to satisfy the control and management requirement of

    inventory, the Company changed the sending inventory calculation method from weighted

    average method to first-in and first out method from Jan. 1, 2009. This accounting policy

    change was good for improving the time effectiveness of cost calculation, and suitable for

    the actual condition of production cost calculation in each accounting period, which truly

    and fairly reflected the financial condition of enterprise.

    Due to the inventory value at period-begin in each period before could not be identified in

    batches and recalculated, the accumulative affected amount caused by aforesaid

    accounting policy change was difficult to confirm in retroactive adjustment method,

    therefore, this change adopted modified prospective method. This calculation method

    change of sending inventory neither have significant influence on disclosed financial

    statement, net profit and owners’ equity of the Company, nor cause change of the

    Company’s profit and loss.

    2. Change of accouting estimate and its effect: Naught

    3. Correction of key errors of prior period and its effect: NaughtSemi-annual Report 2009


    V. Key Accounting Policies, Accounting Estimate and Preparation Method of

    Consolidated Financial Statement

    1. Accounting Period

    The accounting period of the Group is from each 01 January to 31 December in the

    Gregorian calendar.

    2. Standard Currency

    RMB is adopted as standard currency by the Group.

    3. Recording Basis and Pricing Principles

    Accrual system is adopted as recording basis of the Group. Except for tradable financial

    assets, financial assets for sales and those measured by fair value, history cost is adopted

    as pricing principle.

    4. Cash & Cash Equivalents

    The cash referred to in the Cash Flow Statement of the Group means stocked cash and

    deposit available for payment at any time. The cash equivalents therein refer to investment

    due within 3 months since purchasing day, strong fluidity, small risk in value variation and

    easy to converted into cash of predictable sum.

    5. Translation of Foreign Currency

    The transactions in foreign currencies of the Group are recorded after translating into

    RMB at fixed exchange rate. At the reporting day of Balance Sheet, the monetary assets in

    foreign currencies are translated at the instant exchange rate of the reporting day of

    Balance sheet. As to the exchange loss and profit occurred, except for that of special loan

    for the purchase or production of assets which meet the coditions of capitalization, which

    shall be treated according to the principles of capitalization, others shall be accurred into

    loss and profit in current term. Those non-monetary assets measured by fair value are

    translated into RMB at the instant exchange rate of the recognizing day of fair value, with

    translation different occurred accured into loss and profit in current term as change of fair

    value. Those non-monetary foreign assets measured by history cost, shall still be translated

    at the instant exchange rate of the day when business occurred, and shall not change the

    amount of RMB.

    The cash flows in foreign currencies are translated at the instant exchange rate on the

    occurring day of cash flows, with sum affected by exchange rate separately presented in

    the Cash Flow Statement.

    6. Financial Assets and Debts

    (1) Financial Assets

    The group divides its controlling financial assets in 4 types according to investment

    purpose and economic property: fair value through profit or loss, held to maturity

    investments, receivables and for sale assets.

    1) Fair value through profit or loss refers to those financial statements to be sold within

    short term which are measured by fair value with any change accrued into current loss andSemi-annual Report 2009


    profit, presented as “Tradable Financial Assets” in the Balance Sheet.

    2) Held to maturity investments refer to those non-derived financial assets which have

    fixed due date and fixed or affirmable recovered sum and reflect the clear intention and

    capacity of the management to hold till maturity.

    3) Receivables refer to non-derived financial assets which have fixed or assured recovered

    sum without quotation in an acitive market, including note receivable, account receivable,

    interest receivable, dividends receivable and other receivables, etc..

    4) For sale assets include those non-derived financial assets appointed as sellable assets at

    initial recognition and those are not classified as other types.

    Financial assets are initially recognized by fair value. For fair value through profit or loss,

    the relevant trade expenses at acquisition are directly accrued into current loss and profit.

    The relevant trading expenses of other types of financial assets are accrued into initial

    recognized sum. When the rights as set out in a contract to receive cash flow of a certain

    kind of financial assets have expired, or when almost all the risk and reward of the

    ownership of such financial assets have been transferred to the transferee, recognition of

    such financial assets will be terminated.

    Fair value through profit or loss and for sale assets shall be subsequently measured as per

    fair value; the moneys receivable and investment holding till maturity shall be presented

    as per amortized cost by actual interest method.

    The fair value variation of the fair value through profit or loss shall be accured into loss

    and profit of fair value variation. The interests or cash dividends obtained during holding

    the investment will be recognized as investment yield. During processing, the difference

    between its fair value and initial amount entered into the account will be recognized as

    investment loss and profit, and the loss and profit of fair value variation will be adjusted at

    the same time.

    The fair value variation of for sale assets shall be accrued into shareholders’ equity, and

    interests calculated against actual interest method durng holding the investment will be

    accured into investment yield. The cash dividends of investment through equity tools for

    sales will be accrued into investment yield when the invested unit announced to issue

    dividends. Durng processing, after deducting the accumulated sum of fair value variation

    that are directly accrued into shareholders’ equity, the remaining of payment and book

    value will be accrued into investment yield and loss.

    Other than the fair value through profit or loss, the Company has checked the book value

    of the financial assets as at the reporting date of the Balance Sheet: if there is any

    objective evidence showing impairment has occurred to certain kind of financial assets, a

    provision for impairment shall be drawn. If the fair value of for sale assets reduces largely

    or non-temporarily, the accumulated loss occurred due to decrease of fair value which are

    directly accrued into shareholders’ equity shall be accrued into impairment loss. For

    investment through debt tools for sales which have recognized its impairment loss, in case

    the fair value rises which objectively relates with matters incurred after confirming

    original impairment loss preceding current term, the originally recognized ipairment loss

    shall be carried back and accrued into current loss and profit. For investment through

    equity tools for sales which have recognized its impairment loss, in case the fair value

    rises which objectively relates with matters incurred after confirming original impairmentSemi-annual Report 2009


    loss preceding current term, the originally recognized impairment loss shall be carried

    back and accrued into shareholders’ equity, with an exception of those without quotation

    in an active market with fair value unable to be reliably measured.

    (2) Financial Liabilities

    As initially recognized, financial Liabilities of the Group are divided into financial

    liabilities measured at their fair values and of which the variation is recorded into the

    profits and losses of the current period and other financial liabilities.

    Financial liabilities measured at their fair values and of which the variation is recorded

    into the profits and losses of the current period include transactional financial liabilities

    and financial liabilities measured at their fair values and of which the variation is recorded

    into the profits and losses of the current period when initially recognized. As to those

    kinds of financial liabilities, it shall make subsequent measurement according to their fair

    values. Profit or loss arised from the variation of fair value and the dividend and interest

    expenditure related to the financial liabilities shall be recorded into the loss and profits of

    the current period.

    Other financial Liabilities will be processed by actual interest method and shall be

    measured by amortized cost.

    7. Receivables, Provisions for Bad Debts

    Rreceivables include account receivable and other receivables, etc.

    For receivables occurred to the Company through sales of goods or providing services to

    others, the fair value of price set out in the contract or agreement with the purchasers shall

    be deemed as initial recognized amount. Receivables will be processed by actual interest

    method and through deducting the bad debts from amortized cost.

    For bad debt loss possibly occurred, it shall be caculated by provision method, at the end

    of the year, draw provision for bad debt according to analysis method of age of account

    combining individually recognizing method and record into loss and profit of current

    period. As to account receivalbes that has objective evidence showing that it is impossible

    to recover, it may be regarded as loss of bad debt after being approved by the Group based

    on the procedure, and the provision drawn for bad debt shall be writeen off.

    Such receivables of the Company, if any exceeding 500,000 Yuan, are deemed as key item.

    If there is any objective evidence showing that the Company is predicted impossible to

    recover all receivables as originally agreed, an impairment test shall be conducted

    separately against the less part between its present value of the future cash flows and its

    book value so as to draw provisions for bad debts.

    Any single item of receivables, if involving large sum, shall be divided into several groups

    as per their credit risk features together with those tested unimpaired receivables, which

    shall then, based on the actual loss rate of receivables group with same or similar type and

    credit risk features in previous years and in combination with present situation, fix the

    provision percentage to be drawn for bad debts for each group in current term so as to

    determine the privisions drawable this term. The Group will regard receivalbes with

    authentic evidence to prove that they can not be recovered or the probility to recover is

    very small as certain assets profile, and draw provisions for bad debts based on total

    amcount.Semi-annual Report 2009


    In the table below is the percentage of provisions drawn for bad debts of account

    receivables based on the age of account:

    Account Age Percent Drawn

    Within 1 Year 0

    1-2 Year (s) 5%

    2-3 Years 10%

    Over 3 years 30%

    In the table below is the percentage of provisions drawn for bad debts of other receivables

    based on the age of account:

    Account Age Percent Drawn

    Within 1 Year 0

    1-2 Year (s) 5%

    2-3 Years 10%

    Over 3 years 30%

    8. Inventories

    Inventories of the Group includes raw materials, packing materials, low-value consuming

    product, product in progress, goods in stock, and self-manufactured semi finished prodct


    The perpetual inventory system is applied to inventories. Purchasing are priced at the

    actual cost, receiving and selling raw materials are calculated by first-in first-out method.

    Low-value consuming goods and packing materials are amortized by one-off write-off


    At the year end, the inventories at term end shall be priced at the lower one between cost

    and net realizable value, the provisions for inventories depreciaton shall be drawn against

    the predicted uncollectible cost caused by inventories damage, part or entire

    out-of-fashion or selling price lower than cost. The provisions depreciation of finished

    products and large bulk of raw materials shall be drawn against the excess prat between

    the cost of single inventory item and its net realizable value. The provisions depreciation

    of the other raw and auxiliary materials with various kinds and low unit price shall be

    drawn as per category.

    For such stocked goods directly for sales as products in stocks, products in progress and

    materials for sales, their net realizable value shall be recognized after deducting the

    estimated sales expenses and relevant taxes from estimated sales price of such inventories.

    For stocked materials for production use, their net realizable value shall be recognized

    after deducting estimated cost ocucring at completion, sales expenses and relevant tax

    from estimated sales price of products to be manufactured; for inventories holding for

    executing sales contract or labor contract, its net realizable value shall be calculated based

    on the price set out in relevant contracts.Semi-annual Report 2009


    9. Long-term Equity Investment

    Long-term equity investment mainly includes the equity investment held by the Group

    that may produce control, joint control or significant influence over invested entity, or the

    equity investment that does not have control, joint control or significant influence on the

    invested entiry, and has no offer in active market and its fair value cannot be reliably


    Joint control refers to the control over an economic activitiy in accordance with contracts

    and agreements. The confirm basis for joint control is any joint enterprise can not control

    separately over the producing and operation activities of the joint enterprise; and the

    decision involved in the basic operating activities of the joint enterprise needs to gain

    consensus of each party.

    Significant influences refer to the power to participate in making decision on the financial

    and operatin policies of the invested company, but not to control or do joint control

    together with other parties over the formulation of these policies. The confirm basis of

    significant influences is when the Group directly or through its subsidiaries owns more

    than 20% (including) but less 50% of shares with voting rights of invested company,

    unless there is obvious evidence showing in this kind of situation, it can not participate in

    the making decision on the financial and operatin policies of the invested company, and

    not forming significant influences.

    If the long-term equity investment is acquired via business merger under the same control,

    it shall, on the day of merger, regard the share of the carrying amount of the owner's equity

    of the merged enterprise as the initial cost of the long-term equity investment. As for the

    long-term equity investment acquired via business meger under different control, the

    merger cost shall be, shall be the fair values, on the merger (acquiring) date, of the assets

    given, the liabilities incurred or assumed, and the equity securities issued by the acquirer,

    in exchange for the control of the merged (acquired) enterprise, which will be, on the

    merger (acquiring) date, further regarded as the initial investment cost of long-term equity


    Apart from the aforesaid long-term equity investment acquired through business merger,

    those long-term equity investment, if acquiring through paying cash, shall consider its

    purchasing price actually paid as the initial investment cost, which includes expenses,

    taxes and other necessary expenditure directly related to the acquiring of the long-term

    equity investment; if acquired by issuing equity securities, shall consider the fair value of

    issing equity securities as the initial investment cost; if invested by investors, shall

    consider the value agreed in the investment contract or agreement as the initial investment

    cost; if acquiring from debt reorganization or non-monetary assets exchange, shall confirm

    the initial investment cost according to the regulation of relevant accounting rule.

    The investment of the Group to its subsidiaries shall be calculated through cost method

    and shall be adjusted through equity method in the Financial Statement; the investment to

    its associated companies shall be calculated through equity method; For the long-term

    equity investment without any control, joint control or serious influence for which there is

    no offer in the active market and of which the fair value cannot be reliably measured, the

    Group adopts cost method to calculate it; For the long-term equity investment without any

    control, joint control or serious influence for which there is offer in the active market andSemi-annual Report 2009


    of which the fair value can be reliably measured, the Group shall calculate it under the

    entry of “Financial Assets for Sales”.

    The price of a long-term equity investment measured by employing the cost method shall

    be included at its initial investment cost. Where the investment income recognized by the

    investing enterprise shall be limited to the amount received from the accumulative net

    profits that arise after the invested entity has accepted the investment, the amount of

    profits or cash dividends obtained by the investing entity that exceeds the aforesaid

    amount shall be regarded as recovery of initial investment cost, and shall ruduce the book

    value of the investment.

    When calculated by euiqty method, the loss or profits of current period shall be the

    attributable or shareble the net profits or losses of the invested entity in current year. The

    investing enterprise shall, on the ground of the fair value of all identifiable assets of the

    invested entity when it obtains the investment, according to the accounting policies and

    period of the Group, offset the loss or profits from interal transaction with joint enterprise,

    and calculate the part belonging to the investing enterprise based on the shares holding

    ration, recognize the attributable share of the net profits and losses of the invested entity

    after it adjusts the net profits of the invested entity.

    The Group shall recognize the net losses of the invested enterprise until the book value of

    the long-term equity investment and other long-term equity which substantially form the

    net investment made to the invested entity are reduced to zero, unless the investing

    enterprise has the obligation to undertake extra losses. In addition to, if the Group assumes

    the obligation for additional loss of invested entity, it shall recognize estimated liabilities

    according to the assumed obligation, and record into the loss and profit of current period.

    If the invested entity realizes any net profits later, the Group shall, after the amount of its

    attributable share of profits offsets against its attributable share of the un-recognized losses,

    resume the recognization of its attributable share of profits.

    As to the long-term equity investment in joint enterprise and co-operative enterprise held

    before the first executing day, if there is any debit balance of equity investment, it shall

    recognize investment loss or profit after deducting the debit balance amortized with

    straight-line method on the remaining term.

    10. Property of Investment

    Property of investment of the Group includes the right to use any land which has already

    been rented; the right to use any land which is held and prepared for transfer after

    appreciation; The right to use any building which has already been rented.

    Property of investment is priced as per its cost. The cost of purchased property of

    investment includes purchasing payment, relevant taxes and other expenditures which may

    be directly ascribed to such assets. The cost of building such property of investment is

    composed of all necessary expenditures occurred prior to that such property has reached

    the projected service status.

    The Company adopts cost mode to follow measurement of property of investment, for

    which, depreciation or amortization will be drawn aiming to the building and land-use

    right against the predictable service life and net salvage value. The following shows the

    net salvage value and annual depreciation (amortization) rate:Semi-annual Report 2009


    Type Depreciation

    Term (Year)


    Salvage Rate


    Depreciation Rate

    Land-use Right 50 10% 1.80%

    Houses &

    Buildings 5--50 10% 1.80%--18.00%

    In case the property of investment is taken for self-use, such property shall be recorded as

    fixed assets or intangible assets since the date of taking. If the self-use property is taken

    for rent or capital appreciating, such fixed assets or intangible assets shall be recorded as

    property of investment since the date of taking. For such reording, the book value before it

    shall be taken as the recording value after that.

    If the property of investment is disposed of, or if it withdraws permanently from use and if

    no economic benefit will be obtained from the disposal, the recognition of it as property of

    investment shall be terminated. Such revenues of disposal of the property of investment as

    sales, transfer, discard, or being damaged or destroyed, after deducting the book value of

    such property as well as the relevant taxes, shall be accrued into the current profits and


    11. Fixed Assets

    Fixed assets of the Group refer to the tangible assets that simultaneously possess the

    following features (a). they are held for the sake of producing commodities, rendering

    labor service, renting or business management; (b). their useful life is in excess of one

    fiscal year; and (c) unit value has exceeded 2,000 Yuan.

    Fixed Assets include houses & buildings, machinery equipment, mould equipment,

    transport equipment, apparatus equipment, tooling equipment and office equipment. Fixed

    assets shall be measured at their cost, among which, the cost of a purchased fixed asset

    includes the purchase price, VAT, import duties and relevant taxes as well as other

    disbursements that bring the fixed asset to the expected conditions for use and that may be

    attributed to the fixed asset; the cost of self-constructed fixed assets shall be formed by the

    necessary disbursements incurred for bringing the asset to the expected conditions for use.

    The cost put into fixed assets by the investor shall be determined according to the value as

    stipulated in the investment contract or agreement, with the exception of those of unfair

    value as is stipulated in the contract or agreement. The costs of fixed assets acquired

    through financial leasing shall be determined at an amount equal to the the fair value of

    the leased asset or the present value of the minimum lease payments, whichever is lower.

    The subsequent disbursement relevant to fixed assets mainly composes of repair expense,

    renovation expense etc., where the expenses meet the condition to be recognized as fixed

    assets, it shall be accrued into cost of fixed assets; for the substituted part, its book value

    shall be terminating from recognition; where it does not meet the condition to be

    recognized as fixed assets, it shall be accrued into current loss and profit at occurring.

    The Group shall draw privisions for all fixed assets except for those having fully drawn

    provisions and under normal service as well as the land recorded separately. It adoptsSemi-annual Report 2009


    compstie life method to draw depreciation and is included in the cost of the relevant assets

    or in the expenses in current term in accordance with the purposes of the fixed assets. The

    estimated residue rate, depreciation years in different types and the dereciation rate of

    fixed assets in our Group are as follows:

    No. Type Depreciation

    Term (Year)


    Residue Rate (%)



    Rate (%)

    1 houses & buildings 20—50 Years 10% 1.80-4.50%

    2 machinery equipment 10 Years 10% 9.00%

    3 mould equipment 3 Years 10% 30.00%

    4 transport equipment 5 Years 10% 18.00%

    5 apparatus equipment 5 Years 10% 18.00%

    6 tooling equipment 5 Years 10% 18.00%

    7 office equipment 5 Years 10% 18.00%

    The Group will, at the end of each year, have a check on the useful life, estimated net

    residue value, and the depreciation method of the fixed assets, and if there is any change,

    it will be treated as the change of accouting estimation.

    Where the fixed asset is in a state of disposal or unable to generate any economic benefits

    through use or disposal as expected, the recognition of it as a fixed asset shall be

    terminated. When an enterprise sells, transfers or discards any fixed asset, or when any

    fixed asset of an enterprise is damaged or destroyed, the Company shall deduct the book

    value and relevant taxes from the disposal income through disposal, transfer, discard or

    being damaged or destroyed, and then include the remaining in the current profits and


    12. Project in Process

    Project in process shall be measured at the actual cost. The self-operating project shall be

    measued in line with direct materials, direct salary and direct construction expenses, etc..

    The out-contracted project shall be measued in line with project price payable, etc..

    Equipment installation project shall determine its cost as per the occurring disbursements

    as equipment value, installation charge and project trial running, etc.. The cost of project

    in progress also includes borrowing costs to be capitalized and exchange loss and profit.

    Since the day when project in process reaching the expected service status, carry over the

    estimated value of the project to fixed assets in line with project budget, constrtuction cost

    or actual cost, etc. with depreciation drawn since the preceding month. After the

    completion procedures have been completed, an adjustment shall be made to the

    difference of original fixed assets value.

    13. Borrowing Costs

    The borrowing costs shall include interest on borrowings, amortization of discounts or

    premiums on borrowings, ancillary expenses, and exchange balance on foreign currency

    borrowings. The borrowing costs incurred to an enterprise that can be directly attributableSemi-annual Report 2009


    to the acquisition and construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization, shall

    be capitalized after the asset disbursements have already incurred, the borrowing costs

    have already incurred, and the acquisition and construction or production activities which

    are necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use or sale have already started; When

    the qualified asset under acquisition and construction or production is ready for the

    intended use or sale, the capitalization of the borrowing costs shall be ceased. The

    remaining borrowing costs shall be recognized as expenses.

    As for specifically borrowed loans, the to-be-capitalized amount of interests shall be

    determined in light of the actual cost incurred of the specially borrowed loan at the present

    period minus the income of interests earned on the unused borrowing loans as a deposit in

    the bank or as a temporary investment. As for the general borrowing, it calculate and

    determine the to-be-capitalized amount of interests on the general borrowing by

    multiplying the weighted average asset disbursement of the part of the accumulative asset

    disbursements minus the general borrowing by the capitalization rate of the general

    borrowing used.

    Asset qualified for the capitalization conditions refers to the fixed assets, property of

    investment and inventory which must spend long term (usally above 1 year) to purchase,

    build or produce before reaching expected service or sales status.

    Where the acquisition or construction of assets that meet the capitalization conditions is

    interrupted abnormally for more than 3 consecutive months, such borrowing costs shall be

    suspended capitalizing till the acquisition or construction of the asset restarts.

    14. Intangible Assets

    The major intangible assets of the Group include land-use right, patented technologies and

    non-patented technologies, etc.. , and shall be measured according to the actual cost when

    acquired. The acquired intangible assets shall be recorded as per actual price and relevant

    other disbursements. The intangible assets invested by investors shall be priced as per the

    value agreed in investment contract or agreement, with the exception of those of unfair

    value as is stipulated in such contract or agreement.

    The land-use right shall be averagely amortized based on its useful years since the

    beginning date of use; the patented technologies, non-patented technologies and other

    intangible assets will be averagely amortized by installments depending the shortest one

    among predicted service years, benefiting years set out in the contract and legal effective

    years. The amortized amount shall be accrured into relevant assets cost and current loss

    and profit as per their beneficiary objects.

    The Group shall, at the end of each year, check the service life and the amortization

    method of intangible assets with limited service life and adjust where appropriate. It shall

    also check the service life of intangible assets with uncertain service life during each

    accounting period, where there are evidences to prove the intangible assets have limited

    service life, it shall be estimated of its service life, and be amortized within such

    estimiated life.

    15. Research & Development

    The expenditures for its internal research and development projects of the Company shallSemi-annual Report 2009


    be classified into research expenditures and development expenditures depending on the

    project property and the degree of uncertainty of the intangible assets finally brought out.

    The research disbursements for the internal research and development project shall be

    recorded in the profits and losses of the current period; its development disbursements

    may be recognized as intangible asset if meeting the following conditions simultaneously:

    (1) In respect of the technology, it is feasible to finish the intangible asset for use or sale;

    (2) It is intended to finish and use or sell the intangible asset;

    (3) There is a potential market for the products manufactured by applying this intangible

    asset or that there is a potential market for the intangible asset itself;

    (4) With the support of sufficient technologies, financial resources and other resources, it

    is able to finish the development of the intangible asset, and it is able to use or sell the

    intangible asset; and

    (5) The disbursements attributable to the development of the intangible asset can be

    reliably measured.

    The development disbursement not meeting the above conditions will be accured into

    current loss and profit at occurring. The development disbursement accrued into loss and

    profit in previous term will not be recognized as assets as term thereafter. The

    development disbursement capitalized will be presented as “Development Disburesement”

    in the Balance Sheet and then be brough forward to intangible assets since such project

    has reached the expected service status.

    16. Non-financial Asset Impairment

    The Group has, on each reporting day of Balance Sheet, checked the long-term equity

    investment, fixed assets, project in progress and intangible assets, etc.. In case of any of

    the following circumstances, possible impairment has occurred to assets. We will conduct

    impairment test at each year end over good will and those intangible assets without fixed

    beneficiary term. If difficult to test the recoverable amount of a single asset item, the test

    may be applied to the asset group or combined asset group containing such asset.

    After an impairment test to an asset, if the book value of such asset exceeds its recoverable

    amount, the positive difference shall be recognized as impairment loss. The impairment

    loss of abovesaid assets shall not be reversed in later accounting period after being

    recognized.The recoverable amount shall be determined according to the net amount of

    the fair value of an asset minus the disposal expenses, and the current value of the

    expected future cash flow of the asset, whichever is higher.

    The following circumstances may constitute a sign of possible asset impairment:

    (1) The current market price of an asset declines drastically, and the price drop is

    obviously higher than the expected drop over time or due to the normal use;

    (2) The economic, technological or legal environment in which the enterprise conducts its

    business operations, or the market where an asset is situated has or will have any

    significant change in the current period or in the near future, and thus has or will have an

    adverse impact on the enterprise;

    (3) The market interest rate or any other market investment return rate has risen in the

    current period, and the enterprise' calculation of capitalization rate of the current value ofSemi-annual Report 2009


    the expected future cash flow of the asset is affected and thus leads to a big fall in the

    recoverable amount of asset;

    (4) Any evidence shows that an asset has become obsolete or it has been damaged


    (5) An asset has been or will be left unused, or the use of an asset has been or will be

    terminated, or an asset has been or will be disposed of ahead of schedule;

    (6) Any evidence in the internal report of the enterprise shows that the economic

    performances of an asset has been or will be lower than the expected performances, for

    example, the net cash flow created by an asset or business profit (or loss) realized

    (incurred) an asset is lower (higher) than the excepted amount, etc.; and

    (7) Other evidence that indicates that asset impairment has probably occurred.

    17. Good Will

    Good will refers to the positive difference between the equity investment cost or business

    merger cost under different control and the fair value of the identifiable net assets of the

    invested unit or the acquiree which the Company is entitled to or obtains through business

    merger on the obtaining date or acquiring date.

    The good will in relation to its subsidiaries is separately presented in the consolidated

    financial statement, while that in relation to the assoiated enterprises and joint enterprises

    are included in the book value of long-term equity investment.

    18. Long-term Deferred Expneses

    Long-term deferred expenses of the Group refers to the expenses that have been expended,

    and shall be amortized during current period and each period afterwards with amortizing

    term beyond 1 year (excluding 1 year). Those expenses shall be amortized evenly in its

    benefited periods. Where the long-term deferred expenses will not benefit the later

    accounting period, the remaining amount to-be-mortized shall be recorded into the loss or

    profits of current period.

    19. Wages and Salaries of Employees

    During the accounting periods of the employees' rendering services to the Company, the

    Company shall recognize the payable salaries and wages as liabilities, which shall,

    according to beneficiaries of the services offered by employee, be accrued into relevant

    asset cost and expense. The compensations for the cancellation of the labor relationship

    with an employee will be accrued into current loss and profit.

    The employees' wages and salaries include: the employees' wages, bonuses, allowances

    and subsidies, welfare expenses, social insurance expenses, housing accumulation funds,

    operating funds for labor unions and the operating funds for the education of employees

    and other relevant disbursements for obtaining employees' services.

    If the Group cancels the labor relationship with any employee prior to the expiration of the

    relevant labor contract or brings forward any compensation proposal for the purpose of

    encouraging the employee to accept a layoff, where the Group has formulated a formal

    plan on the cancellation of labor relationship or has brought forward a proposal onSemi-annual Report 2009


    voluntary layoff and will execute it soon, and at the same time, the Group is unable to

    unilaterally withdraw the plan on the cancellation of labor relationship or the layoff

    proposal, the Group shall recognize the expected liabilities incurred due to the

    compensation for the cancellation of the labor relationship with the employee, and shall

    simultaneously record them into the profit or loss for the current period.

    As for the internal retirement plan, it will be treated complying with the same principles as

    the layoff. The Group shall, in line with the regulations of such plan, recognize the salary

    and social insurance premium to be paid to such retired employees during the date of

    terminating service and their normal retirement date as predictable liabilities when it

    meets to the conditions, then accrure it into loss or profit of current term.

    20. Share-based Payments

    Share-based payments refer to a transaction in which an enterprise grants equity

    instruments or undertakes equity-instrument-based liabilities in return for services from

    employee or other parties. The share-based payments shall consist of equity-settled

    share-based payments and cash-settled share-based payments.

    The equity-settled share-based payment in return for employee services shall be measured

    at the fair value of the equity instruments granted to the employees. As to a equity-settled

    share-based payment in return for employee services, if the right cannot be exercised until

    the vesting period comes to an end or until the prescribed performance conditions are met,

    then on each balance sheet date within the vesting period, the services obtained in the

    current period shall, based on the best estimate of the number of vested equity instruments,

    be included in the relevant costs or expenses using straight-line method ,and the capital

    reserves shallbe increased accordingly.

    A cash-settled share-based payment shall be measured in accordance with the fair value of

    liability calculated and confirmed based on the shares or other equity instruments

    undertaken by the Company; If the right may be exercised immediately after the grant, the

    fair value of the liability undertaken by the Company shall, on the date of the grant, be

    included in the relevant costs or expenses, and the liabilities shall be increased accordingly;

    If the right may not be exercised until the vesting period comes to an end or until the

    specified performance conditions are met, on each balance sheet date within the vesting

    period, the services obtained in the current period shall, based on the best estimate of the

    information about the exercisable right, be included in the relevant costs or expenses and

    the corresponding liabilities at the fair value of the liability undertaken by the Company.

    On each balance sheet date and on each account date prior to the settlement of the relevant

    liabilities, it shall re-measure the fair values of the liabilities and include the changes in

    the profits or losses of current period.

    21. Equity Instruments

    Equity Instruments refer to the contract which may proves holding all remain equity of the

    Company after deducting all liabilities. During business combination, the transactional

    expenses for issuing the equity instrument by combining party offset the premium revenue

    of equity insutruments, if it is not enough to offset, reduce the reserve profits. Other equity

    instruments, the consideration received at issuing will increase shareholder’s equity afterSemi-annual Report 2009


    deducting transactional expenses. The consideration and transactional expenses paid for

    purchasing back the equity instruments will decrease shareholder’s equity. It will not

    recognize profits and losses when issuing, purchasing back, selling or writting off the

    equity instruments.

    The distribution (excluding dividend) to the party who owns the equity instrument by the

    Company shall decrease shareholder’s equity. The Company does not recognize the

    change of fair value of equity instruments.

    22. Predictable Liabilities

    In case all the obligations in relation to such contingent items as external guarnaty,

    suspensive lawsuit or arbitration, product quality guarantee, staff cutback plan, loss

    contract, restructuring obligation and fixed assets discarding obligation, etc. comply with

    the following conditions simultaneously, the Group will recognize them as liabilities. Such

    obligations are constant burdened by the Group; the execution of such obligations will

    possibly result in the outflowing of economic benefit from the Group; the amout of such

    obligations can be reliably measured.

    The predictable liabilities shall be initially measured as per the best estimatd amount to be

    paid for executing relevant instant obligations in combinaion with such factors as risk,

    uncertanity and time value of money regarding contingent issues. If the time value of

    money exerts serious effect, the best estimated amount shall be determined through

    discounting relevant cash outflows in the future. On the date of Balance Sheet, the

    Company shall double check the book value of predictable liabilities and make

    adjustement to it so as to reflect the best estimated amount at present.

    23. Principles of Revenue Recognition

    The business revenues of the Group are mainly composed of revenues from sales of goods

    revenues from providing service and revenue from abalienating the right to use assets, its

    recognizing pricinples are as follows:

    When the Group has transferred the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the

    goods to the buyer; the Group retains neither continuous management right that usually

    keeps relation with the ownership nor effective control over the sold goods; The relevant

    amount of revenue can be measured in a reliable way; The relevant economic benefits may

    flow into the enterprise; The relevant costs incurred or to be incurred can be measured in a

    reliable way, it may recognize the realization of revenue.

    When total revenue and total cost from labor service can be measured in a reliable way;

    the relevant economic benefits are likely to flow into the enterprise; the schedule of

    completion under the transaction can be confirmed in a reliable way; it may recognize the

    realization of revenuefrom labor service. On the date of Balance Sheet, where the result of

    a transaction concerning the providing of labor service can be measured in a reliably way,

    it shall recognize relevant revenue according to the schedule of completion; where the

    result of a transaction concerning the providing of labor service cannot be measured in a

    reliably way and the cost of labor services incurred is expected to be compensated, the

    revenue from the providing of labor services shall be recognized in accordance with the

    amount of the cost of labor services incurred, and the cost of labor services shall be carriedSemi-annual Report 2009


    forward at the same amount; where the result of a transaction concerning the providing of

    labor service cannot be measured in a reliably way and the cost of labor services incurred

    is not expected to compensate, the cost incurred should be included in the current profits

    and losses, and no revenue from the providing of labor services may be recognized.

    The revenue from abalienating of right to use assets may be recognized on the condition

    that the relevant economic benefits are likely to flow into the Company and the amount of

    revenues can be measured in a reliable way.

    24. Construction Contracts

    As to fixed price contract, when the total contract revenue can be measured in a reliable

    way; the economic benefits pertinent to the contract will flow into the Group; the actual

    contract costs incurred can be clearly distinguished and can be measured in a reliable way;

    both the schedule of the contracted project and the contract costs to complete the contract

    can be measured in a reliable way; and as to a cost plus conctract, when the economic

    benefits pertinent to the contract will flow into the Group; the actual contract costs

    incurred can be clearly distinguished and measured in a reliable way, the contract revenue

    and contract costs shall be recognized in light of the percentage-of- completion method on

    the date of the balance sheet by the Group.

    Where the outcome of a construction contract can not be estimated in a reliable way, if the

    contract costs can be recovered, the contract revenue shall be acknowledged in accordance

    with contract costs that can be recovered and the contract costs shall be acknowledged as

    contract expenses in the current period they are incurred; if the contract costs cannot be

    recovered, these costs shall be acknowledged as contract expenses immediately when

    incurred and no contract revenue shall be acknowledged.

    The Group will check the construction contracts at the end of year, if the estimated total

    cost of construction contracts surpasses its total revenue, it shall draw provison against

    loss, and recognize the expected loss as expenses of the current period.

    25. Lease

    The Group classifies a lease as a financing lease and an operating lease on the lease

    beginning date.

    Financing lease refers to a lease that has transferred in substance all the risks and rewards

    related to the ownership of an asset. On the lease beginning date, the Group as lessee shall

    record the lower one of the fair value of the leased asset and the present value of the

    minimum lease payments on the lease beginning date as the entering value in an account,

    recognize the amount of the minimum lease payments as the entering value in an account

    of long-term account payable, and treat the balance between the recorded amount of the

    leased asset and the long-term account payable as unrecognized financing charges.

    Operating lease refers to a lease other than a financing lease. Where the Group is lessee,

    the rents shall be recorded in the relevant asset costs or the profits and losses of the current

    period by using the straight-line method over each period of the lease term. Where the

    Group is lessor, the rents shall be recorded in the profits and losses of the current period

    by using the straight-line method over each period of the lease term.Semi-annual Report 2009


    26. Government Grants

    The government grant may be recognized on the condition that the Group complies with

    the conditions for the government grant and that the Group can receive the government

    grant. If a government grant is a monetary asset, it shall be measured on the basis of the

    amount received, or that receivable if such grant is appropriated as fixed quota standard. If

    a government grant is a non-monetary asset, it shall be measured at its fair value or at its

    nominal amount (1 Yuan if its fair value cannot be obtained reliably.

    A government grant pertinent to assets shall be recognized as deferred income, equally

    distributed within the useful lives of the relevant assets, and included in the current profits

    and losses. The government grant pertinent to incomes, if used for compensating the

    related future expenses or losses of the Company, shall be recognized as deferred income

    and shall included in the current profits and losses during the period when the relevant

    expenses are recognized; or if used for compensating the related expenses or losses

    incurred to the Company, shall be directly included in the current profits and losses.

    27. Deferred Income Tax Assets & Deferred Income Tax Liabilities

    The deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities shall be priced at the

    difference (temporary difference) between the tax base of assets and liabilities and their

    book value. For any deductible loss or tax deduction that can be carried forward to the

    next year, the corresponding deferred income tax asset shall be determined to the extent

    that the amount of future taxable income to be offset by the deductible loss or tax

    deduction to be likely obtained. On the balance sheet date, the deferred income assets and

    deferred income tax liabilities shall be measured at the tax rate applicable to the period

    during which the assets are expected to be recovered or the liabilities are expected to be


    The Company shall recognize the deferred income tax assets arising from a deductible

    temporary difference to the extent of the amount of the taxable income which it is most

    likely to obtain and which can be deducted from the deductible temporary difference. For

    the determined deferred income tax assets, if it is unlikely to obtain sufficient taxable

    income to offset against the benefit of the deferred income tax asset, the carrying amount

    of the deferred income tax assets shall be written down. Any such write-down should be

    subsequently reversed where it becomes probable that sufficient taxable income will be


    28. Accounting Process of Income Tax

    The Group adopts balance sheet debt method to calculate the income tax. Income tax

    expenses include income tax of current period and deferred income tax. Except for the

    income taxes of the current period and deferred income tax related to the transactions or

    events directly relevant to the shareholder's rights and interests shall be recorded into the

    shareholder’s rights and interests, and adjust the the carrying amount of goodwill based on

    the deferred income tax due to enterprise combination, all other current period and

    deferred income tax expenses or profit shall be recorded into the profits and losses of

    current period.

    Income tax of current period refers to the amount payable to tax department calculated bySemi-annual Report 2009


    the Group according to regulation of tax agency aiming at the transaction and matter

    occurred in current period, also called income tax payable; deferred income tax refers to

    the balance between the due amount of deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax

    libilities at the end of year recoginized according to the libilities method of Balance Sheet

    and the amont originally recognized.

    29. Business Combinations

    Business combinations refer to a transaction or event bringing together two or more

    separate enterprises into one reporting entity. The Group confirms the acquired assets and

    liabilities due to bushiness combinations on the combining date or purchasing date.

    Combining date refers to the date on which the combining party actually obtains control

    on the combined or purchased party.

    In a business combination under the same control, the assets and liabilities that the

    combining party obtains in a business combination shall be measured on the basis of their

    carrying amount in the combined party on the combining date. The additional paid-in

    capital shall be adjusted according to the balance between the carrying amount of the net

    assets obtained by the combining party and the carrying amount of the consideration paid

    by it; if the additional paid-in capital is not sufficient to be offset, the retained earnings

    shall be adjusted.

    In a business combination not under the same control, the combination costs shall be the

    fair values, on the acquisition date, of the assets paid, the liabilities incurred or assumed

    and the equity securities issued by the acquirer in exchange for the control on the acquiree.

    The acquirer shall recognize the positive balance between the combination costs and the

    fair value of the identifiable net assets it obtains from the acquiree as good will; if the

    combination costs are less than the fair value of the identifiable net assets it obtains from

    the acquiree, it shall record the balance into the profits and losses of the current period

    after reexamination.

    30. Report from the Branch

    Business branch refers to the unit in the Group that is divisible and may provide single or

    a group of relevant products or labor service. This part assumes the risk and rewards

    different than that of other parts. Regional branch refers to the unit in the Group that is

    divisible and may provide products or labor service in certain economic environment. This

    part assumes the risk and rewards different than that of the part in other economic


    31. Discontinued Operations

    Discontinued Operations refer to the composing part of the Group that has been disposed

    or divided into available for sale, and may be distinguished separately when operate and

    prepare financial statements. This part will be disposed wholly or partly according to the

    plan of the Group. The composing part of the Group that meets the following conditions

    will be divided into available for sale: the Group has made decision on how to dispose this

    composing part, the Group has entered irrevocable transfer aggrement with transferee, and

    the transfer will be completed within one year.Semi-annual Report 2009


    32. Determination of Fair Value of Financial Instruments

    As for the financial assets for which there is an active market, the quoted prices in the

    active market shall be used to determine the fair values thereof. Where there is no active

    market for a financial instrument, the Compay shall adopt value appraisal techniques to

    determine its fair value. The value appraisal techniques mainly include the prices adopted

    by the parties, who are familiar with the condition, in the latest market transaction upon

    their own free will, the current fair value obtained by referring to other financial

    instruments of the same essential nature, the cash flow capitalization method and the

    option pricing model, etc.. If adopting value appraisal techniques, one shall adopt, if

    possible, all the market parameters and avoid adopting those parameters that relate to the


    33. Preparation of Consolidated Financial Statement

    (1) Principles of Recognition of Scope for Consolidation

    The Group incorporates those subsidiaries actually controlled and objects with special

    purpose into the scope of the Consolidated Financial Statement.

    (2) Account Method Adopted in the Consolidated Accounting Statement

    The Group has prepared for the Consolidated Financial Statement in line with the Business

    Accounting Standards No.33- Consolidated Financial Statement and its relevant

    regulations, with all key internal trades and transactions within the scope of consolidation

    offset. Among the shareholders equity of subsidaries, the part that does not belong to the

    parent company shall be presented under shareholders equity as minority interest in the

    consolidated financial statement.

    Where the accounting policy or accounting period adopted by subsidiaries and the

    Company is inconsistent, it shall make necessary adjustment on subsidiaries’ financial

    statements according to the accounting policy or accounting period adopted by the

    Company when prepare consolidated financial statement.

    As to the subsidiary acquired through business combination not under the same control,

    when prepare consolidated financial statement, it shall make adjustment on individual

    financial statement based on the fair value of the net assets recognized on the purchasing

    day; As to the subsidiary acquired through business combination under the same control, it

    will be regarded existing since the begin of the year of the current period of combination,

    and its assets, liabilities, operating results and cash flows will be included into the

    consolidated financial statement based on its original carrying value since the begin of the

    year of the current period of combination.

    VI. Taxes

    The following taxes and rate are applied to the Group:

    1. Enterprise Income Tax

    The originally applicable enterprise income tax rate for the Company and Shenzhen Huafa

    Property Lease Management Co., Ltd is 15%. According to the regulation of Enterprise

    Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China put in force from January 1, 2008, the

    enterprise income tax rate will gradually transit to 25% from 2008 to 2012, and that in this

    year is 18%. The applicable tax rate of enterprise income tax of the Company is 15%.Semi-annual Report 2009


    The applicable tax rate of enterprise income tax of Wuhan branch of the Company, and

    wholly-owned subsidiaries Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Property Management Co., Ltd

    and Wuhan Hengfa Scientific and Technology Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa

    Scientific and Technology Co., Ltd. are all 25%.

    2. VAT

    VAT is applied to the sales of goods of the Company, among which, the input VAT rate of

    domestically-sold goods is 17%.

    The input VAT paid for purchasing raw materials, etc. may offset against output VAT at the

    rate of 17%, among which, the input VAT paid for import may be refunded upon


    VAT payable refers to the balance after deduction between the output VAT and input VAT

    at current term.

    3. Business Tax

    The applicable tax rate of business tax of the Company is 5%.

    4. Urban Construction Tax & Educational Surcharge

    The urban construction tax of the Company is levied on the basis of turnover tax payable

    at the rate of 1%; the urban construction tax and education surcharge of our subsidiary

    Shenzhen Huafa Property Lease Management Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa

    Property Management Co., Ltd are both levied on the basis of turnover tax payable at the

    1% and 3% respectively; the urban construction tax and education surcharge of our

    subsidiary Wuhan Hengfa Scientific and Technology Co., Ltd. are both levied on the basis

    of turnover tax payable at the 3% and 7% respectively.

    5. Property Tax

    The Company applies 70% of original value of properties as tax basis with the rate of


    VII. Business Merger and Consolidated Financial Stateent

    (i) Key Subsidiaries and Profile

    Company Name







    Business Scope

    Wuhan Hengfa Scientific and

    Technology Co., Ltd.

    Wuhan Production

    and Sale



    Produce packaging

    material for sale and

    palastic product

    Wuhan Zhongheng Huafa

    Scientific and Technology Co., Ltd.

    Shenzhen Production

    and Sale



    Development, production

    and sales of technology of

    printed circuit board;

    property developmentSemi-annual Report 2009


    Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa

    Property Management Co., Ltd




    RMB 1 Mill


    Lease and management of

    self-owned property

    Shenzhen Huafa Property Lease

    Management Co., Ltd.






    Lease and management of

    self-owned property


    Company Name


    amount at the

    end of the year









    ted or not

    Wuhan Hengfa Scientific and

    Technology Co., Ltd.



    100% 100% Yes

    Wuhan Zhongheng Huafa

    Scientific and Technology Co.,


    RMB 86,767,750

    100% 100% Yes

    Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa

    Property Management Co., Ltd RMB 1 Million

    100% 100% Yes

    Shenzhen Huafa Property Lease

    Management Co., Ltd. RMB 0.6 Million

    60% 60% Yes

    (ii) Change of the Scope of Consolidation

    Company Name

    Reason for

    newly bringing





    of holding


    Total assets



    Net asset Net profit

    Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa

    Scientific and Technology

    Co., Ltd.



    100% 86,767,750.00 0 86,728,629.90 -39120.10

    VII. Note to Major Items in the Consolidated Financial Statement

    1. Monetary fund

    June 30, 2009 Dec. 31, 2008

    Item Original






    Exchange rate



    Exchange rate

    Cash in


    345,448.90 361,428.77Semi-annual Report 2009


    RMB 280,538.87 1.00 280,538.87 351,349.33 1.00 351,349.33

    HKD 62,718.50 0.88 55,192.28 378.93 0.88 334.94

    USD 1,422.80 6.83 9,717.75 1,422.45 6.84 9,744.50

    Bank deposit 53,771,890.77 12,989,322.13

    RMB 46,824,178.12 1.00 46,824,178.12 11,615,608.63 1.00 11,615,608.63

    HKD 56,415.39 0.88 49,721.69 383,476.73 0.88 338,955.07

    USD 1,009,703.43 6.83 6,897,990.96 151,048.60 6.84 1,034,758.43

    Other currency

    fund 36,834,397.60 10,963,903.66

    RMB 36,834,397.60 1.00 36,834,397.60 10,962,998.55 1.00 10,962,998.55

    HKD 905.11 1.00 905.11

    Total 90,951,737.27 24,314,654.56

    Balance at the end of the term of other currency fund mainly waqs the guarantee fund of

    bank acceptance bill and loan guarantee fund of current fund.

    2. Notes receivable

    Type of Notes June 30, 2009 Dec. 31, 2008

    Bank acceptance bill 4,206,527.69 6,767,862.01

    Total 4,206,527.69 6,767,862.01

    Ended June 30, 2009, the company had no any notes that had already endorsed to

    others but not due or no any notes that had discounted but not due.

    3. Accounts receivable

    (1) Account age

    June 30, 2009 Dec. 31, 2008


    Amount Proportion

    Provision for

    bad debt

    Amount Proportion

    Provision for

    bad debt

    Within 1

    year 153,281,531.75 87.06% 19,086.03 87,761,755.23 81.19% 37,406.70

    1-2 years 8,050,395.26 4.57% 322,920.75 6,247,669.23 5.78% 313,217.23

    2-3 years 3,813,058.68 2.17% 939,034.05 3,302,604.58 3.06% 930,416.90

    Over 3

    years 10,915,766.65 6.20% 8,409,824.01 10,776,086.8 9.97% 8,409,824.01

    Total 176,060,752.34 100% 9,690,864.84 108,088,115.84 100.00% 9,690,864.84Semi-annual Report 2009


    (2) Type of Risk of Accounts Receivable

    June 30, 2009

    Item Book balance Provison for bad debt

    Amount Proportion Amount Proportion

    That with large amount in single


    161,074,590.24 91.49% 4,654,184.40 2.89%

    That in group with larger risk after

    grouping as per credit risk features

    though single item sum is small

    3,372,800.12 1.91% 3,372,800.12 100%

    That without large

    amount in other single item

    11,613,361.98 6.60% 1,663,880.32 14.33%

    Total 176,060,752.34 100% 9,690,864.84 5.50%

    Dec. 31, 2008

    Item Book balance Provison for bad debt

    Amount Proportion Amount Proportion

    That with large amount in single


    96,973,074.40 89.72% 4,654,184.40 4.80%

    That in group with larger risk after

    grouping as per credit risk features

    though single item sum is small

    3,372,800.12 3.12% 3,372,800.12 100.00%

    That without large

    amount in other single item

    7,742,241.32 7.16% 1,663,880.32 21.49%

    Total 108,088,115.84 100.00% 9,690,864.84 8.97%

    No arrearage of the shareholder companies which hold over 5% (include 5%) of the

    company’s voting share is in the balance at the end of the term of the accounts receivable.

    The total sum of the arrearage of the top 5 companies in debt in the accounts receivable at

    the end of the term was RMB 128,607,712.33, accounting for 73.05% of the balance at the

    end of the term of the accounts receivable.

    The amount in period-end increased RMB 67,972,636.50 with up 62.88% compared with

    amount in period-begin, the main reasons were: (1) The subsidiary Wuhan Hengfa

    Scientific and Technology Co., Ltd. newly increased RMB 53,558,887.23 for accounts

    receivable of goods; (2) RMB 55,356,509.21 was increased in accounts reveivable of

    business of entire set of display.

    4. Account paid in advance

    June 30, 2009 Dec. 31, 2008


    Amount Proportion Amount Proportion

    Within 1 year 4,663,408.60 92.65% 1,700,284.27 83.09%Semi-annual Report 2009


    1-2 years 369,906.53 7.35% 345,992.79 16.91%

    Total 5,033,315.13 100.00% 2,046,277.06 100.00%

    (1) The total sum of the arrearage of the top 5 companies in debt in balance at the end of

    the term is RMB 3,743,316.64, accounting for 74.37% of account paid in advance.

    (2) No arrearage of the shareholder companies which hold over 5% (include 5%) of the

    company’s voting share is in the balance at the end of the year.

    (3) The amount in period-end increased RMB 2,987,038.07 with up 145.97% compared

    with amount in period-begin, the main reason was that Wuhan Hengfa Scientific and

    Technology Co., Ltd. paid in advance RMB 1,577,760.00 to TPV Display Technology

    (Wuhan) Co., Ltd. for goods accounts and RMB 1,350,000.00 to Guangdong Sunslux

    Forstar Precision Machine Co., Ltd. for equipment accounts.

    5. Other Receivables

    (1) Account age

    Item June 30, 2009 Dec. 31, 2008

    Amount Proportion Amount Proportion Amount Proportion

    Within 1

    year 10,548,291.38 35.10% 4,281,715.68 18.94% 51,595.15

    1-2 years 4,926,863.20 16.39% 318,128.57 4,047,420.19 17.90% 561,138.66

    2-3 years 3,705,614.95 12.33% 477,862.75 4,720,769.26 20.88% 1,209,494.13

    Over 3 years 10,874,792.57 36.18% 6,238,473.73 9,560,798.95 42.28% 5,212,237.11

    Total 30,055,562.10 100.00% 7,034,465.05 22,610,704.08 100.00% 7,034,465.05

    (2) Categories of the risks of other accounts receivable

    June 30, 2009

    Item Book balance Book balance

    Amount Amount Amount Amount

    That with large amount in single item 22,269,509.53 74.09% 4,442,961.24 19.95%

    That in group with larger risk after

    grouping as per credit risk features

    though single item sum is small

    2,084,536.50 6.94% 2,084,536.50 100.00%

    That without large

    amount in other single item

    5,701,516.07 18.97% 506,967.31 8.89%

    Total 30,055,562.10 100.00% 7,034,465.05 23.40%

    Dec. 31, 2008

    Item Book balance Book balance

    Amount Amount Amount Amount

    That with large amount in single item 15,901,534.11 70.33% 4,442,961.24 27.94%Semi-annual Report 2009


    That in group with larger risk after

    grouping as per credit risk features

    though single item sum is small

    2,084,536.50 9.22% 2,084,536.50 100.00%

    That without large

    amount in other single item

    4,624,633.47 20.45% 506,967.31 10.96%

    Total 22,610,704.08 100.00% 7,034,465.05 31.11%

    No arrearage of the shareholder companies which hold over 5% (include 5%) of the

    company’s voting share is in the balance at the end of the term.

    The total sum of the arrearage of the top 5 companies in other account receivable at the

    end of term is RMB 16,678,203.02, accounting for 51.57% in other receivable.

    Other accounts receivable increased RMB 7,444,858.02 in period-end with up 32.93%

    compared with amount in period-begin, which was mainly due to the irregularity of part of

    the house rent incomes in the first half of the year and the increase of the current accounts

    with the clients.

    6. Inventories

    Item June 30, 2009 Dec. 31, 2008

    Raw Materials 49,518,061.3 24,140,700.20

    Products under production 2,484,737.95 2,747,155.89

    Stocked Goods 56,771,563.97 23,171,248.12

    Low-value consuming


    5,400,946.87 3,140,265.57

    Self-made semi-finished


    2,977,610.91 2,646,615.52

    Delivered Goods - -

    Processed Materials upon


    53,022.91 -

    Total 117,205,943.91 55,845,985.30

    Balance of inventories increased RMB 61,359,958.61 at year-end with up 109.87%

    compared with that in year- begin, which was mainly due to that the pattern of LCD entire

    machine business changed from processing with materials supplied to processing with

    imported materials and Wuhan Hengfa Scientific and Technology Co., Ltd. expanded the

    production and increased the inventory.

    (1) Provision for Depreciation of Inventories

    Decrease in this period

    Item Dec. 31, 2008

    Increase in this






    June 30, 2009

    Raw Materials 626,421.00 - - - 626,421.00

    Stocked Goods 4,525,122.19 - - - 4,525,122.19Semi-annual Report 2009



    consuming products

    142,991.83 - - - 142,991.83


    semi-finished product

    91,196.16 - - - 91,196.16

    Total 5,385,731.18 - - - 5,385,731.18

    7. Property of investment and accumulative amortization

    Property of Investment Measured by Cost Mode

    Item Dec. 31, 2008

    Increase in




    in this


    June 30, 2009

    Original Value 107,439,914.94 - - 107,439,914.94

    houses & buildings 107,439,914.94 - - 107,439,914.94


    Depreciation &


    64,501,150.66 1,279,428.24 - 65,780,578.90

    houses & buildings 64,501,150.66 1,279,428.24 - 65,780,578.90

    Depreciation allowance - - -

    houses & buildings - - -

    Book Value 42,938,764.28 - - 41,659,336.04

    houses & buildings 42,938,764.28 - - 41,659,336.04

    For the property of investment in the form above, part houses and buildings have been

    mortgaged to obtain the loans from Shenzhen Branch of China Construction Bank.

    8. Fixed assets and accumulated depreciation

    Item Dec. 31, 2008


    In this



    in this


    June 30, 2009

    Original price 351,954,715.13 2,972,802.63 354,927,517.76

    Houses and buildings 156,603,767.38 156,603,767.38

    Machineray equipments 127,911,240.41 2,972,802.63 130,884,043.04

    Transport instruments 4,823,879.54 4,823,879.54

    Electronics and other


    62,615,827.80 62,615,827.80



    156,486,387.75 8,485,301.54 164,971,689.29

    Houses and buildings 37,433,976.91 3,084,505.84 40,518,482.75

    Machineray equipments 65,861,002.36 4,795,833.00 70,656,835.36Semi-annual Report 2009


    Transport instruments 2,425,302.78 289,588.21 2,714,890.99

    Electronics and other


    50,766,105.70 315,374.49 51,081,480.19

    Impairment Provision 973,496.73 973,496.73

    Electronics and other




    Book value 194,494,830.65 188,982,331.74

    Houses and buildings 119,169,790.47 116,085,284.63

    Machineray equipments 62,050,238.05 60,227,207.68

    Transport instruments 2,398,576.76 2,108,988.55

    Electronics and other




    9. Construction in progress

    (1) List of Construction in Progress

    Project Name Dec. 31, 2008

    Increase this



    into fixed

    asset this year



    June 30, 2009

    Renovation construction


    756,476.22 756,476.22

    Environmental protection

    project 321,983.02 154,762.67 476,745.69

    Plate casting machine

    construction 56,570.79 56,570.79

    Coal-to-gas project - -

    Hengfa assets relocation

    and installation 489,852.00 489,852.00 0

    Total 1,624,882.03 1,289,792.70

    Including: capitalized


    - - - - -

    (2) The fund used for construction in process is from self-financing fund, and there is no

    capitalized interest occurred therein.

    10. Intangible assets

    Item Dec. 31, 2008


    In this



    in this


    June 30, 2009

    Original Value: 6,516,471.70 - - 6,516,471.70Semi-annual Report 2009


    Land use right 6,353,451.70 - - 6,353,451.70

    Non-patent technology 163,020.00 - - 163,020.00



    263,398.07 51,152.43



    Land use right 205,339.69 23,666.28 - 229,005.97

    Non-patent technology 58,058.38 27,486.15 - 85,544.53

    Impairment Provision - - - -

    Land use right - - - -

    Non-patent technology - - - -

    Book Value 6,253,073.63 - - 6,201,921.20

    Land use right 6,148,112.01 - - 6,124,445.73

    Non-patent technology 104,961.62 - - 77,475.47

    11. Deferred income tax assets

    (1) Confirmed deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities

    Items June 30, 2009 December 31, 2008

    I. Deferred income tax assets

    Deferred income tax assets formed by provision

    for devaluation of bad debts

    2,719,482.28 2,719,482.28

    Deferred income tax assets formed by provision

    for devaluation of inventory

    1,077,146.23 1,077,146.23

    Deferred income tax assets formed by provision

    for devaluation of fixed-asset

    - -

    Total 3,796,628.51 3,796,628.51

    (2) Temporarily different items of the deferred income tax assets confirmed at the end of

    the year

    I. Temporarily different items that can be


    June 30, 2009 December 31, 2008

    Provision for bad debt impairment 13,597,411.38 13,597,411.38

    Provision for inventories impairment 5,385,731.18 5,385,731.18

    Provision for fixed Assets Impairment - -

    Total 18,983,142.56 18,983,142.56

    12. Short-term loan

    Currency June 30, 2009 December 31, 2008

    RMB 23,481,853.33 94,000,000.00Semi-annual Report 2009


    Total 23,481,853.33 94,000,000.00

    The loan RMB 23,481,853.33 obtained by the pledge of bank deposit was to obtain the

    exchange income from the forward settlement and surrender exchange transaction and

    obtain the loan with the full amount deposit of RMB.

    13. Notes payable

    Type June 30, 2009 December 31, 2008

    Bank Acceptance bill 8,679,163.55 3,429,765.26

    Total 8,679,163.55 3,429,765.26

    14. Accounts payable

    Type June 30, 2009 December 31, 2008

    Total 117,112,123.40 49,895,119.48

    Among it: Over 1 year -- 7,097,636.14

    Account payable to the shareholders holding more than 5% (5% included) voting right

    shares of the Company did not exist in the balance of accounts payable as of period end.

    RMB 67,217,003.92 has increased in accounts payable as of period end compared to that

    as of last year end, with an increase rate of 134.71%. The main reason was that the entire

    assets of plastic and injection business was transferred from Wuhan Zhongheng in this

    report period included accounts payable and the pattern of LCD entire machine business

    from processing with materials supplied to processing with imported materials made an

    increase in accounts payable.

    15. Account received in advance

    Type June 30, 2009 December 31, 2008

    Total 804,229.57 1,962,952.11

    Among it: Over 1 year 369,075.58

    Account to the shareholders holding more than 5% (5% included) voting right shares of

    the Company did not exist in the balance of accounts received in advance.

    16. Wages payable



    31, 2008

    Increment This



    This Period

    June 30, 2009

    Salary (including bonus, allowance &

    subsidies) 377,453.17 13,069,612.57 12,775,994.97 671,070.77

    Staff Welfare Treatment Fund - 463,086.80 461,147.80 1,939.00

    Social Insurance Premium 7,843.40 138,293.17 97,226.28 48,910.29

    Among it: medical insurance premium - 30,510.38 27,435.93 3,074.45

    Basic retirement insurance premium 7,843.40 101,010.52 87,220.45 21,633.47Semi-annual Report 2009


    Unemployment Insurance Premium - 5,448.06 1,245.69 4,202.37

    Industrial Injury Insurance Premium - 883.14 883.14 0.00

    Birth Insurance Premium - 441.07 441.07 0.00

    Public Housing Fund - 0.00

    Labor Union fund & staff educational

    fund 522,995.07 80,513.6 167,733.87 435,774.8

    Non-monetary Welfare Treatment -

    Compensation regarding Canceling

    Employment Relation - -

    Others - -

    Among it: shares paid in cash - -

    Total 908,291.64 13,751,506.14 13,502,102.92 1,157,694.86

    17. Tax payable

    Tax Type


    Tax Rate

    June 30, 2009 December 31, 2008

    VAT 17% -2,142,832.26 939,262.39

    Business Tax 5% 815,284.04 1,081,136.29

    Enterprise Income Tax 18%, 25% 254,941.82 322,784.69

    Personal Income Tax -21,507.18 -31,320.70

    Urban Maintenance &

    Construction Tax

    1%, 3% 2,201.82 4,893.26

    Property Tax 1.2% 444,953.55 444,954.15

    Educational Surcharge 3%, 7% 18,480.46 3,922.71

    Price adjustment funds 18,617.1 580.29

    Total -607,626.82 2,766,213.08

    The input tax of VAT were more because the entire set business changed from

    processing with materials supplied to processing with imported materials and most of the

    materials exported after purchased at home.

    18. Other accounts payable

    Type June 30, 2009 December 31, 2008

    Total 15,049,557.74 45,523,634.74

    Among it: Over 1 year 5,585,772.14

    (1) The amount of other account payable as of period end has decreased RMB

    30,474,077.00 compared to amount as of period begin. The main reason was that

    plastic and injection business transferred from Wuhan Zhongheng in the earlier report

    period has been paid amounting to RMB 27,000,000.00.Semi-annual Report 2009


    19. Long-term loan

    Currency June 30, 2009 December 31, 2008

    RMB 226,540,400.00 -

    Total 226,540,400.00 -

    In the report period, the Company applied for a commercial property mortgage loan of

    RMB 230,000,000 from the China Construction Bank Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch, with

    the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th floor of the Huafa Mansion as mortgage with total area of

    36269.93 square meters, which are located on the Huafa N. Road, Futian District,

    Shenzhen City. The term of the loan is seven years and the interest rate is current prime

    rate, repaying principal and interest monthly.

    20. Predicted liabilities

    Type December 31, 2008


    this period


    this period

    June 30, 2009

    Pending legal action 175,474.41 - - 175,474.41

    Total 175,474.41 - - 175,474.41

    21. Deferred income


    December 31,



    this period


    this period

    June 30, 2009

    Subsidies from Wuhan

    Financial Department for

    earthquake relief equipment

    200,000.00 - - 200,000.00

    Total 200,000.00 - - 200,000.00

    On June 10, 2008, the Wuhan branch of the Company received from Wuhan Financial

    Department a subsidy of RMB 200,000 Yuan for purchase of earthquake-relief equipment

    to produce earthquake-relief materials.

    22. Share capital

    The par value is RMB 1 Yuan per share

    Shareholder Name/Type June 30, 2009 December 31, 2008

    Restricted Shares

    State-owned Shares - -

    State-owned Corporate Shares - -

    Other Domestic Shares 116,489,894 116,489,894

    among it: domestic corporate shares 116,489,894 116,489,894

    domestic natural person shares - -

    Foreign SharesSemi-annual Report 2009


    among it: foreign corporate shares - -

    foreign natural person shares - -

    Total Restricted Shares 116,489,894 116,489,894

    Unrestricted Shares - -

    RMB Common Shares 64,675,497 64,675,497

    Foreign Shares Listed Domestically 101,995,836 101,995,836

    Foreign Shares Listed Overseas - -

    Others - -

    Total Unrestricted Shares 166,671,333 166,671,333

    Total Shares 283,161,227 283,161,227

    23. Capital reserves

    Item December 31, 2008


    this period


    this period

    June 30, 2009

    Shares Premium 96,501,903.02 96,501,903.02

    Other Capital Reserves 7,571,423.92 7,571,423.92

    Total 104,073,326.94 104,073,326.94

    24. Surplus reserve


    December 31,



    this period


    this period

    June 30, 2009

    Statutory Surplus Reserves 21,322,617.25 - - 21,322,617.25

    Arbitrary Surplus Reserves 56,068,976.00 - - 56,068,976.00

    Total 77,391,593.25 - - 77,391,593.25

    25. Retained profit

    June 30, 2009 December 31, 2008

    Profit retained at year beginning -216,816,881.03 -224,384,793.57

    Add: net profit attributable to owners of

    parent company in this period

    4,359,222.80 7,567,912.54

    Less: drawing statutory surplus reserves --- ---

    Drawing arbitrary surplus reserves --- ---

    Dividend for ordinary shares payable --- ---

    Retained profit at period end -212,457,658.23 -216,816,881.03Semi-annual Report 2009


    26. Business revenues & business cost

    Jan. to Jun., 2009 Jan. to Jun., 2008





    Business Cost


    gross profit



    Business Cost

    Business gross



    injection ware

    51,529,320.04 45,025,714.73 6,503,605.67 3,221,357.57 3,976,683.25 -755,325.68

    Printed circuit


    5,345,495.71 7,421,396.86 -2,075,901.15 20,710,905.92 25,272,028.80 -4,561,122.88

    LCD 103,794,691.53 98,761,372.59 5,033,318.91 28,592,565.52 27,844,240.90 748,324.62



    780,801.07 677,796.65 103,004.42



    21,032,780.74 1,958,095.71 19,074,685.03 17,382,973.94 2,481,450.11 14,901,523.83



    822,237.00 -- 822,237.00 1,012,596.00 599,802.47 412,793.53



    1,020,000.00 669,141.78 350,858.22



    29,598,133.92 27,251,795.85 2,346,338.07 - - -

    Others 50,444.66 40,252.20 10,192.46

    Total 212,122,658.94 180,418,375.74 31,704,283.20 72,721,200.02 61,521,143.96 11,200,056.06

    27. Business tax & extras

    Tax type

    Payment as a


    Jan. to Jun.,


    Jan. to Jun.,


    Business Tax 5% 1,335,122.76 999,826.87

    Urban Maintenance &

    Construction Tax

    1%, 3%

    81,601.38 13,015.69

    Educational Surcharge

    Property Tax

    Land use tax

    1%, 7%

    37,985.50 1,518.89

    Property tax 0.12% 205,906.50

    Land use tax 170,100.00

    Total 1,830,716.14 1,014,361.45Semi-annual Report 2009


    28. Financial expenses

    Item Jan. to Jun., 2009 Jan. to Jun., 2008

    Interest Expenditures 5,045,225.33 2,291,092.20

    Less: interest income 68,875.85 65,755.04

    Exchange loss 103,080.94 775,763.93

    Less: exchange income 9,041.07 194,188.50

    Other 466,227.09 161,604.16

    Total 5,536,616.44 2,968,516.75

    29. Assets impairment loss

    Item Jan. to Jun., 2009 Jan. to Jun., 2008

    Bad debts loss -- 479,340.45

    Loss of depreciation of


    -- --

    Total -- 479,340.45

    30. Non-operating income

    Item Jan. to Jun., 2009 Jan. to Jun., 2008

    Income on donated asset -- ---

    Scrap revenue -- 363,609.07

    Net income on disposal of

    fixed asset

    -- 31,485.14

    Net forfeit income 5,955.30 5,543.86

    Breach of faith income 114,934.00 363,629.55

    Other income -- 1,939,182.13

    Total 120,889.30 2,703,449.75

    31. Non-operating expenses

    Item Jan. to Jun., 2009 Jan. to Jun., 2008

    Forfeit expenditure 10,316.79 114,568.57

    Donation expenditure 771,506.00Semi-annual Report 2009


    Others * 216,636.94

    Total 226,953.73 886,074.57

    *Paying compensation money for industrial injury and death of the employees.

    32. Cash Flow Statement Annotations

    1. Adjusting net profit into cash flow from operating


    Jan. to Jun., 2009

    Net Profit 7,873,265.68

    Add: Losses and gains of minority shareholders 0.00

    Unidentified investment losses 0.00

    Withdrawal of provision drawn for assets



    Fixed assets depreciation 8,485,301.54

    Amortization of intangible assets 146,590.97

    Amortization of long-term expenses to be



    Decrease of other long-term assets 0.00

    Decrease of expenses to be apportioned 0.00

    Increase of provision for expense 0.00

    Loss from disposal of fixed assets 0.00

    Loss from discard of fixed assets 0.00

    Financial expenses 5,027,225.33

    Investment loss 0.00

    Decrement of inventories -61,359,958.61

    Decrement of operative receivables -163,738,025.97

    Increment of operative payables 124,640,418.23

    Other transfer-in 0.00

    Net cash flow provided by operating activities -78,925,182.83

    VIII. Notes on main items of financial statement of parent company

    1. Accounts receivable

    Jun 30th of 2009 December 31st of 2008


    Amount Proportion

    Provision for

    bad debt

    Amount Proportion

    Provision for

    bad debt

    Within 1 114,684,302.31 87.82% - 87,762,929.23 83.39% 37,406.70Semi-annual Report 2009



    1-2 years 3,709,525.94 2.84% 20,266.24 6,210,353.23 5.9% 275,901.23

    2-3 years 4,825,834.69 3.70% 1,023,458.59 3,302,604.58 3.14% 930,416.90

    Over 3

    years 7,364,824.15 5.64% 5,632,476.39 7,972,969.18 7.57% 5,632,476.39

    Total 130,584,487.09 100% 6,876,201.22 105,248,856.22 100% 6,876,201.22

    There is no arrearage of the shareholder companies which hold over 5% (include 5%)

    voting right share of the company in the balance at the end of the term of accounts


    The total sum of the arrearage of the top 5 companies in debt in the accounts receivable at

    the end of the term is RMB 57,890,598.36, accounting for 44.33% of the balance at the

    end of the term of the accounts receivable.

    2. Other accounts receivable

    Item Jun 30th of 2009 December 31st of 2008

    Amount Proportion Provision for

    bad debt

    Amount Proportion Provision for

    bad debt

    Within 1

    year 27,117,666.60 53.31% -- 4,584,114.25 16.92% 51,595.15

    1-2 years 3,070,760.44 6.04%


    4,045,572.90 14.93% 550,755.50

    2-3 years 3,705,614.95 7.28%


    4,719,869.26 17.42% 1,209,404.13

    Over 3

    years 16,974,868.45 33.37%


    13,741,748.08 50.73% 9,396,188.89

    Total 50,868,910.44 100.00% 11,207,943.67 27,091,304.49 100.00% 11,207,943.67

    No arrearage of the shareholder companies which hold over 5% (include 5%) of the

    company’s voting right share is in the balance at the end of the term of other accounts


    The total sum of the arrearage of the top 5 companies in debt in other accounts receivable

    at the end of the term is RMB 47,594,485.40, accounting for 93.56% of the total other

    accounts receivable.

    The increased accounts receivable were mainly RMB 24,083,429.02 of Wuhan Hengfa

    Science and Technology Co., Ltd. and RMB 11,261,395.92 of Wanshang Company.

    3. Operating revenue and cost

    Jan. to Jun., 2009 Jan. to Jun., 2008

    Operating items Operating


    Operating costs Operating gross




    Operating costs Operating gross


    Plastic injection



    -437,834.49 172,997.68 3,221,357.57 3,976,683.25

    -755,325.68Semi-annual Report 2009


    Printed circuit



    7,421,396.86 -2,075,901.15 20,710,905.92 25,272,028.80


    LCD 103,794,691.53

    98,761,372.59 5,033,318.94 28,592,565.52 27,844,240.90


    Sales materials --

    -- -- 780,801.07 677,796.65


    Property leasing 21,032,780.74

    1,958,095.71 19,074,685.03 17,382,973.94 2,481,450.11


    Equipment hire --

    -- -- 1,020,000.00 669,141.78


    Foam Business 11,679,285.85

    10,668,331.28 1,010,954.57

    Total 141,587,417.02

    118,371,361.95 23,216,055.07 71,708,604.02 60,921,341.49


    IX. Related party relationship and transactions

    1. Parent company

    (1) General information of parent company



    Type of the








    Nature of










    Company of

    limited liability





    and sale





    (2) Registered capital of the parent company and its change

    Name of the parent






    this year

    Decrement this





    Wuhan Zhongheng




    ---- ----


    .00Semi-annual Report 2009


    (3) Shares held by the parent company and its change

    Share amount Share proportion

    Proportion of voting




    Amount at

    the end of


    Amount at

    the beginning

    of year


    at the end

    of year


    at the


    of year


    at the end

    of year


    at the


    of year



    116,489,894 116,489,894 41.14% 41.14% 41.14% 41.14%

    (4) Nature of the related parties without controlling relationship and other related parties

    Type of


    Name of related party



    Main transaction

    Other enterprises

    under control of the

    same parent company

    Wuhan Hengsheng Photoelectricity

    Industry Co., Ltd.

    73108664-5 Purchase LCD

    Wuhan Xindongfang Real Estate

    Development Co., Ltd.

    74476047-5 None

    Wuhan Zhongheng Property

    Management Co., Ltd.

    75180426-1 None

    Wuhan Guanggu Display System

    Co., Ltd.

    75510305-9 None

    2. Related party transaction

    Purchased commodities from related party

    Jan. to Jun., 2009 Jan. to Jun., 2008

    Name of related party



    points in the


    transation in

    current period




    points in the


    transation in


    period (%)

    Wuhan Hengsheng Photoelectricity

    Industry Co., Ltd.

    56,565,948.32 47.13% -


    Total 56,565,948.32 47.13% - -Semi-annual Report 2009


    Funds paid to related party

    Jan. to Jun., 2009 Jan. to Jun., 2008

    Name of related party



    points in the


    transation in


    period (%)



    points in the


    transation in


    period (%)

    Wuhan Hengsheng Photoelectricity

    Industry Co., Ltd.

    34,956,697.71 80.20% -


    Total 34,956,697.71 80.20% - -

    3. Current amount of related party

    Name of related party Items June 30, 2009 December 31, 2008

    Wuhan Zhongheng

    Other accounts


    917,800.00 35,874,497.71

    Wuhan Hengsheng Photoelectricity

    Industry Co., Ltd.



    189,629.17 189,629.17

    Wuhan Hengsheng Photoelectricity

    Industry Co., Ltd.

    Accounts payable -614,070.84 147,800.00

    X. Contingent item

    1. Pending lawsuit or contingent item formed by arbitration

    The Company signed House Leasing Contract and complementary agreement with

    Shenzhen Wanshang Friendship Department Store Co., Ltd. (hereinafter refer to as

    “Wanshang Friendship”) in the year of 2001, and had agreement of step-up rent.

    Considering the actual aim of signing contract and transaction equality, Wanshang

    Friendship did not strictly implement regulations of House Leasing Contract and did not

    pay enough rent; at the same time, Wanshang Friendship privately built the place of

    229.89 square meters without our admission, and did not pay any rent. In order to protect

    the interests of listed company and all shareholders, the Company handed in civil

    indictment to Shenzhen Futian District People’s Court, which impleaded that Wanshang

    Friendship did not pay rent as agreement, and ask for judgment: ① release the House

    Lease Contract about leasing Huafa Building and relevant Complementary Agreement

    signed by the Company and Wanshang Friendship; ② Wanshang Friendship should pay

    the rent which was owed the Company (temporarily calculated amounting to RMB

    34,381,679.31 till May 7, 2009, and actually was the rent till the date that the defendantSemi-annual Report 2009


    retroceded the lease place); ③ Wanshang Friendship should take the responsibility of

    compensation for violation of contract (the compensation was calculated as 0.05% of the

    owed rent per day from the date owing till the date actually paying off, which was

    temporarily calculated amounting to RMB 10 million); ④ Wanshang Friendship should

    afford all litigation expenses of the case. At present, the Court formally received the case

    of appeal, waiting for a judgment in session. Details could be found in notice on May 22,

    2009. Once the Company wins the case and implements the verdict, the relevant item

    would increase the profit of the Company and the financial status of the Company would

    effectively improve.

    2. After-period matters

    (1)At the end of July, 2009, the Company received the notice of respondence to action

    from Shenzhen Futian People’s Court, informed that Wanshang Friendship appealed to

    the court since the Company hadn’t delivered the areas stipulated by the contract to it for

    use, and asked for the following verdict: ①the Company should deliver the shop located

    in the 1st floor of Huafa Building with an area of 121.2 square meters to Wanshang

    Friendship; ②the Company should compensate Wanshang Friendship for the economic

    losses resulted from breach of contract, amounting to RMB 6,466,020 (temporarily

    calculated till June of 2009, and finally be calculated till the date when the Company

    deliver the shop to Wanshang Friendship) ; ③the Company take charge of all expenses

    arising from this lawsuit. Till now, the court has not started hearing for this case.

    (2)As for the dispute case between the Company and Shanxi Linghua Electronics Co., Ltd.

    (referred to Linghua Electronics later)in undertaking contract, on August 11, 2009, the

    Company received the civil judgement ([2007] SFFMECZ No. 2441) concerning the

    above litigation from Guangdong Shenzhen Futian People’s Court, in which the verdict

    after first trial is as follows: the Company should jointly pay breach of contract damages

    RMB 1,797,975.48 to Shanxi Linghua Company; Shanxi Linghua should pay rest

    payment of the goods of RMB 869,458.96 to the Company with compensation for losses

    of interest. The Company didn’t think the law accordance for the above breach of contract

    damages was sufficient, so it planed to appeal to the court recently.

    XI. Commitment

    There is no commitment of the company to be disclosed this year.

    XII. Detailed statement on provision for the devaluation of assets

    Decrease in current



    Book balance at the

    beginning of the



    amount in

    current period Switch




    balance at

    the end of

    the term

    Provision for bad


    15,428,690.66 -- -- -- 15,428,690.66

    Provision for



    5,357,358.62 -- -- -- 5,357,358.62Semi-annual Report 2009


    Provision for

    long-term equity



    -- -- -- -- --

    Provision for fixed

    asset depreciation

    973,496.73 -- -- -- 973,496.73

    Total 21,759,546.01 -- -- -- 21,759,546.01

    XIII. Complementary materials

    1. Non-operating gains/losses Statement


    Amount of

    current year

    Amount of last


    Profit & Loss of Disposal of Non-current Assets -69,313.15

    Tax rebate or derate approved by going beyond the authority. Tax

    rebate or derate without official approval document.

    Incidental tax rebate or derate.


    Government Grants Accrued into current profit & loss 400,000.00

    List into “the fund occupation expense charged on non-financial

    enterprise”, subordinate to the accounting item “Current profit &



    Earning arising from identifiable fair value of net assets of investees,

    which should be enjoyed when costs (which are obtained by the

    enterprise) invested in subsidiary companies, pool companies and

    joint ventures, is less than the obtained investment.

    - -

    Non-currency asset exchange profit & loss - -

    Profit & loss arising from entrusting the third party to invest or

    manage assets

    - -

    Provision for asset impairment withdrawn due to force majeure (e.g.

    natural disaster)

    - -

    Profit & loss arising from debt recombination - -

    Expenses for enterprise recombination - -

    Profit & loss that exceed the fair value, arising from transaction with

    unfair transaction price.

    - -

    Net Profit & Loss during Term Beginning to Merger Date of the

    Subsidiaries Arising from Business Merger under Same Control - -Semi-annual Report 2009


    Profit & loss arising from the probable events irrelevant to normal

    operating business of the company.

    - -

    Except effective hedging business relating to normal operation of the

    company, the changed profit & loss of fair value arising from

    holding transaction-based financial assets and liabilities. And the

    investment yield obtained by disposal of transaction-based financial

    assets and liabilities as well as sellable financial assets.

    - -

    Carry-back of impairment provision of payment receivable for single

    impairment test

    - -

    Profit & loss obtained from loan for outwards entrust - -

    Profit & loss arising from change of fair value of investment-based

    real estate where subsequent measurement is conducted by using the

    Fair Value Mode


    Impact on the current profit & loss caused by one-off adjustment

    conducted on the current profit & loss according to requirements

    stipulated by taxation /accounting laws and regulations *


    Entrusting earning arising from the entrusted operation. -

    Except the above items, other non-operating earning and expenditure -129,564.43 3,067,269.87

    Other profit & loss items confirming to the definition of

    nonrecurring profit & loss

    - -

    Subtotal -129,564.43 6,174,557.99

    Affected amount of income tax 423,808.06

    Total of Net Incidental Profit & loss -129,564.43 5,750,749.93

    Among it, that attributable to shareholder of parent company -129,564.43 5,750,749.93Semi-annual Report 2009


    2. Return on equity and earnings per share

    In line with the requirement of the Compilation Rules for Information Disclosures by

    Companies That Offer Securities to the Public No.9- Calculation and Discolsure of Return

    on Equity and Earnings per Share issued by CSRC(revised in year 2007), the return on

    equity and earnings per share of the Company in comparative periods are set out below:

    Jan. –June, 2009 Return on equity Earning per Share (RMB/Share)





    Fully diluted



    Net profit attributable to ordinary

    shareholders of company

    1.73% 1.74% 0.015 0.015

    Net profit attributable to ordinary

    shareholders of company after

    deducting non-recurring profit and


    1.78% 1.79% 0.015 0.015

    Return on equity Earning per Share (RMB/Share)

    Jan. –June, 2008 Fully




    Fully diluted



    Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders

    of company

    -1.044% -1.039% -0.009 -0.009

    Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders

    of company after deducting non-recurring

    profit and loss

    -1.803% -1.793% -0.015 -0.015Semi-annual Report 2009


    VII. Documents Available for Reference

    I. Semi Annual Report with the signature of Chairman of the Board.

    II. Accounting statements with the signatures and seals of legal representative, principal of

    the Company, principal in charge of accounting affairs and director of accounting


    III. Original of all documents disclosed on China Securities Journal, Securities Times and

    Hong Kong Wen Wei Po in the report period.

    IV. Articles of Association of the Company.

    V. Other relevant materials.

    Note: This Report is prepared respectively both in Chinese and English. Should be there

    any difference in interpretation of these two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

    Chairman of the Board: Li Zhongqiu

    Board of the Directors of

    Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co., Ltd.

    August 17, 2009