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						                                                                             Semi-Annual Report 2012

                          Semi-Annual Report 2012

                                            I Important Notice

The Board of Directors and its directors, Supervisory Committee and its supervisors, senior
executives of SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HWAFA CO., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as the
Company) hereby confirm that there are no false recordation, misleading statements or material
omissions carried in this report, and shall take all responsibilities, individually and/or jointly, for the
reality, accuracy and completeness of the whole contents.
All of the directors are present the meeting of the Board for deliberating the semi-annual report of
the Company
Financial report of this semi-annual repot 2012 has not been audited by CPA.
Li Zhongqiu, person in charge of the Company, JiangYanjun, person in charge of accounting works
as well as person in charge of accounting institution (accounting officer) Wu Aijie hereby confirm
the truthfulness and completeness of the Financial Report in the Semi-annual Report 2012.

                                            II. Company Profile
(I) Company information
Code for A-share              000020                            Code for B-share         200020
Short form for A-share        SHEN HUAFA-A                      Short form for B-share   SHEN HUAFA-B
Listing stock exchange        Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Legal Chinese name of the
Abbr. of legal Chinese name
of the Company
Legal English name of the
                              SHENZHEN ZHONGHENG HWAFA CO., LTD.
Abbr. of legal English name
of the Company
Legal Representative          Li Zhongqiu
Registered Add.               411 Bldg., Huafa (N) Road, Futian District, Shenzhen
Post Code of registered add. 518031
Office Add.                   6/F, East Tower of 411 Bldg., Huafa (N) Road, Futian District, Shenzhen
Post Code of office add.      518031
Internet website              http://www.hwafa.com.cn
E-mail                        hwafainvestor@163.com

                                                                                  Semi-Annual Report 2012
  (II) Contact person and ways
                                                  Secretary of the Board                 Rep. of security affairs
  Name                                    Weng Xiaojue                        Niu Yuxiang
                                          6/F, East Tower of 411 Bldg., Huafa 6/F, East Tower of 411 Bldg., Huafa
  Contact adds.
                                          (N) Road, Futian District, Shenzhen (N) Road, Futian District, Shenzhen
  Tel.                                    (0755)61389198、83352206            (0755) 61389198、83352206
  Fax.                                    (0755) 61389001                       (0755) 61389001
  E-mail                                  hwafainvestor@163.com                 hwafainvestor@163.com

  (III) Information disclosure and place for preparation
  Newspapers Designated for indormation China Securities Journal, Securities Times and Hong Kong Comercial
  disclosure                            Daily
  Website desinated by CSRC for
  publishing semi-annual report
  place for preparation of semi-annual
                                             6/F, East Tower of 411 Bldg., Huafa (N) Road, Futian District, Shenzhen

                          III. Major accounting data and business abstract

  (I) Major accounting data and financial indexes
  Whether retroactive adjusted on previous financial report or not
  □Yes    √ No □ non-applicable
  Major accounting data
                                         Reporting period (Jan.                          Increase/decrease in this report
         Major accounting data                                  Same period of last year
                                                to June)                                    period year-on-year (%)
Total business revenue(RMB)                     383,517,298.55             461,498,937.23                           -16.90%
Business profit(RMB)                               8,530,952.36             11,111,623.21                           -23.22%
Total profit(RMB)                                  8,760,673.78             11,066,688.81                           -20.84%
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed company                 6,426,237.82              9,280,724.63                           -30.76%
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed company
                                                   6,253,946.76              9,325,659.03                           -32.94%
after deducting non-recurring gains
and losses(RMB)
Net cash flow arising from operating
                                                  74,868,494.91            -15,077,925.90                             ——
                                                                                              Increase/decrease in this
                                           End of this period       End of last period       period-end over that of last
                                                                                                   period-end (%)
Total assets(RMB)                               758,088,451.72             668,385,621.82                           13.42%
Owners‘ equity attributable to
shareholders of the listed                      283,365,391.03             276,939,153.21                            2.32%
Share capital(Share)                            283,161,227.00             283,161,227.00                               0%

                                                                                Semi-Annual Report 2012
Major financial indexes
                                       Reporting period Same period         Increase/decrease in this report period
        Major financial indexes
                                        (Jan. to June)   of last year                 year-on-year (%)
Basic earnings per share (RMB/Share)              0.0227           0.0328                                  -30.76%
Diluted earnings per share
                                                  0.0227           0.0328                                  -30.76%
Basic EPS after deducting
non-recurring gains/losses                        0.0221           0.0329                                  -32.94%
Fully diluted ROE (%)                             2.27%            3.36%               1.09percentage points down
Weighted average ROE (%)                          2.29%            3.42%               1.13percentage points down
Fully diluted ROE after deducting
                                                  2.21%            3.38%               1.17percentage points down
non-recurring gains/losses (%)
Weighted average ROE after deducting
                                                  2.23%            3.44%               1.21 percentage points down
non-recurring gains/losses (%)
Net cash flow per share arising from
                                                    0.26            -0.05                                      ——
operating activities (RMB/Share)
                                                             End of last      Increase/decrease in this period-end
                                       End of this period
                                                               period       over same period of last period-end (%)
Net assets per share attributable to
shareholder of listed company (RMB/                    1             0.98                                       2%
Asset-liability ratio (%)                        65.97%           67.47%            1.50 percentage points down

(II) Difference of accounting data under CAS and IAS

1. Difference of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report based on IAS and CAS
□ Applicable √ Non-applicable

2. Difference of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report based on foreign
accounting standards and CAS
□ Applicable √ Non-applicable

3. Detail items for major differences
                                                                                          Explanation on IAS
      Items with major
                             Amount involved (RMB)          Reasons for differences    and(or) foreign accounting
                                                                                          standards involved
            N/A                        N/A                           N/A                          N/A
4. Explanation on accounting data difference under the foreign/domestic accounting
standards: Nil

(III) Item and amount with non-recurring gains/losses deducted
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                          Items                                  Amount (RMB)                     Note
Gains and losses from disposal of non-current assets
Tax refund or exemption out of authorization, with absence
of official approval document or accidentally
Governmental subsidy calculated into current gains and

                                                                                              Semi-Annual Report 2012
 losses(while closely related with the normal business of
 the Company, excluding the fixed-amount or
 fixed-proportion governmental subsidy according to the
 unified national standard)
 Fund occupation expenses received from non-financial
 enterprises that reckon into current gains/losses
 Income occurred when investment cost paid by enterprise
 for obtaining subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures are
 lower than its share in fair value of net realizable assets
 of invested units
 Gains and losses from exchange of non-monetary assets
 Gains and losses from entrusted investment or
 management assets
 Various asset impairment reserve provided for force
 majeure, such as natural disaster
 Gains/losses from debt reorganization
 Reorganization expenses, such as expenditure for
 allocation of employees and integration fee
 Gains and losses from excess of transaction which are
 conducted on a non-fair-valued basis over its fair value
 Current net gains and losses of subsidiaries occurred from
 combination under the same control commencing from
 period-begin to combination date
 Gains and losses from contingent events which has no
 relation with normal business of the Company
 Gains and losses from change of fair values of
 held-for-transaction financial assets and financial liabilities
 except for the effective hedge business related to normal
 business of the Company, and investment income from
 disposal of transactional financial assets and liabilities and
 financial assets available for sale
 Reversal of impairment reserve for account receivable
 with separate impairment testing
 gains/ losses from external entrustment loans
 Gains and losses arising from change of fair value of
 investment properties whose follow-up measurement are at
 fair value
 Affect upon current gains/losses arising from the one-off
 adjustment in subject to requirement of laws and rules in
 relation to taxation and accounting
 Income from entrusted custody operation
 Other non-operating income and expenditure except the
 Other item that satisfied the definition of non-recurring
 gains and losses
 Influenced amount of minority shareholders‘ equity
 Impact on income tax                                                                   -57,430.36
 Total                                                                                  172,291.06                    --
 Explanation on ―Other item that satisfied the definition of non-recurring gains and losses‖ and defined non-recurring gains and losses
 as recurring gain/loss according to natures and characteristic of self-operation status
                                     Amount involved
              Item                                                                               Note
Default punishment income                      164,779.00 Default punishment from cancellation of the contract in advance
Penalty income                                  64,942.42 Quality penalty of suppliers

                                                                               Semi-Annual Report 2012

             IV. Changes in Share Capital and Particular about Shareholders

(I) Changes in share capital
1. Statement of changes in shares
□Applicable √Non-applicable

2. Changes in restricted shares
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(II) Security offering and listing
1. Security offering in previous three years
□Applicable √Non-applicable

2. Changes of total shares and structures as well as outcome of asset-liability structures
□Applicable √Non-applicable

3. Current shares held by internal staffs
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(III) Shareholders and actual controller
1. Total shareholders at period-end
Till end of reporting period, total shareholders of the Company amounting to 29,964.

2. Shares held by top ten shareholders
                           Particulars about the shares held by the top ten shareholders
                                                                        Amount of          Shares pledged or frozen
                                      Proportion of
   Shareholders (full     Nature of                 Total amount            the
                                       shares held
        name)            shareholders               of shares held       restricted    Share status       Amount
                                                                        shares held
Wuhan Zhongheng New                                                                        pledged      116,489,894
Science & Technology
                      non-state-owne          41.14%      116,489,894 116,489,894
Industrial Group Co.,                                                                       frozen           0
                       d legal person
SEG (HONG KONG) Foreign legal                                                              pledged           0
                                                5.85%      16,569,560              0
CO., LTD.         persons                                                                   frozen           0
GOOD        HOPE                                                                           pledged           0
                 Foreign legal
CORNER                                          4.91%      13,900,000              0
                   persons                                                                  frozen           0
                           Domestic                                                        pledged           0
Zeng Ying                                       1.31%       3,715,941              0
                        natural persons                                                     frozen           0
                           Domestic                                                        pledged           0
Jia Wenjun                                      0.44%       1,253,032              0
                        natural persons                                                     frozen           0
                           Domestic                                                        pledged           0
BINGHUA LIU                                     0.31%         876,213              0
                        natural persons                                                     frozen           0

                                                                               Semi-Annual Report 2012
                            Domestic                                                    pledged            0
Li Jianfeng                                     0.28%         799,000              0
                         natural persons                                                 frozen            0
                            Domestic                                                    pledged            0
Xie Weiliang                                    0.22%         616,100              0
                         natural persons                                                 frozen            0
                            Domestic                                                    pledged            0
Zhu Ming                                        0.22%         611,348              0
                         natural persons                                                 frozen            0
                            Domestic                                                    pledged            0
Yang Xiaoping                                    0.2%         553,100              0
                         natural persons                                                 frozen            0
                                          On 25 December 2009, controlling shareholder Wuhan Zhongheng New
                                          Science & Technology Industrial Group Co., Ltd mortgaged all the
                                          holding limited current stock of the Company 116,489,894 shares to
                                          CITIC Bank Corporation Limited Wuhan Branch, mortgage period lasted
                                          from Dec 25th of 2009 to pledge applying thaw. Equity Mortgage
Explanation on shareholders
                                          registration had been completed in China Securities Depository and
                                          Clearing Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch. Till the reporting period ended, total
                                          116,489,894 shares Wuhan Hunching Group held in the Company took up
                                          100% equity of the Company, taking up 41.14% of total equity of the
Particulars about the shares held by the top ten unrestricted shareholders
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                   Amount of                    Type/amount of shares
                Shareholders                   unrestricted shares
                                               held at period-end          Type                 Amount
 SEG (HONG KONG) CO., LTD.                           16,569,560         B-share                       16,569,560
                                                     13,900,000         B-share                       13,900,000
 Zeng Ying                                              3,715,941       B-share                         3,715,941
 Jia Wenjun                                             1,253,032       A-share                         1,253,032
 BINGHUA LIU                                             876,213        B-share                           876,213
 Li Jianfeng                                             799,000        B-share                           799,000
 Xie Weiliang                                            616,100        A-share                           616,100
 Zhu Ming                                                611,348        B-share                           611,348
 Yang Xiaoping                                           553,100        B-share                           553,100
Zheng Qiaofen                                          550,000        B-share                         550,000
Explanation on associated relationship among the top ten shareholders or (and) consistent action
Among the top ten shareholders, Wuhan Zhongheng New Science & Technology Industrial Group Co., Ltd.
neither bears associated relationship with other shareholders, nor belongs to the consistent actor that are
prescribed in Measures for the Administration of Disclosure of Shareholder Equity Changes of Listed Companies.
The Company neither knew whether there exists associated relationship among the other tradable shareholders,
nor they belong to consistent actors that are prescribed in Measures for the Administration of Disclosure of
Shareholder Equity Changes of Listed Companies.

3. Controlling shareholders and actual controller
(1) Changes of controlling shareholders and actual controller
□Applicable √Non-applicable

                                                                                           Semi-Annual Report 2012

(2) Introduction of controlling shareholders and actual controller
Whether has new actual controller or not
□Yes     √No □non-applicable
Name of actual controller                                         Li Zhongqiu
Type of actual controller                                         Individual
Actual controller of the Company is the legal representative of Wuhan Zhongheng New Science & Technology Industrial Group Co.,
Ltd. Mr. Li Zhongqiu
Li Zhongqiu: Male, born in 1962; Master of Engineering, the representative of 10th session in Hubei Province, merit of national labor
day in Wuhan City. He serves as the Chairman for Wuhan Zhongheng Group since 1996 and serves as Chairman and GM of the
Company since 2007

(3) Block diagram of property rights and controlling relationship between the Company and
actual controller

                                         Li Zhongqiu


 Wuhan Zhongheng New Science & Technology Industrial Group Co., Ltd
                           Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co., Ltd.

(4) Actual controller controlling the Company by means of entrust or other assets
□Applicable √Non-applicable

4. Other legal person’s shareholders with over ten percent shares held
□Applicable √Non-applicable

(IV) Convertible bonds
□Applicable √Non-applicable

                     V. Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives

                                                                                    Semi-Annual Report 2012
(I) Changes of shares held by directors, supervisors and senior executive

                                                                                             Amount      of                                                                                       received
                                                                                                               Amount of                                         Amount of
                                                                                                shares                                          Including:                                      remuneration
                                                                            Shares held at                       shares          Shares held                     stock option
                                             Office dated    Office dated                    increase in                                        restricted                        Reasons for       from
     Name           Title       Sex   Age                                   period-begin(S                     decreased in at period-end                          held at
                                                 from           ended                            this                                           shares held                        changes      shareholders‘
                                                                                hare)                          this period         (Share                        period-end
                                                                                             period(Share                                        (Share)                                        unit or other
                                                                                                                 (Share)                                           (Share)
                                                                                                  )                                                                                              related unit
                                                                                                                                                                                                   or not

       Li        Chairman、
                                M     50    2010-08-11      2013-08-10                   0                 0                 0              0                0                0      N/A             No
   Zhongqiu          GM

                   Director     M     52    2010-08-11      2013-08-10                   0                 0                 0              0                0                0      N/A             Yes

                   Director     M     39    2010-08-11      2013-08-10                   0                 0                 0              0                0                0      N/A             Yes

                 Deputy GM、    M     43    2010-08-11      2013-08-10                   0                 0                 0              0                0                0      N/A             No
  Jiang Yanjun      CFO

                 Secretary of
                                M     43    2011-01-14      2012-04-10                   0                 0                 0              0                0                0      N/A             No
                  the Board

   Li Ding‘an                  M     67    2010-08-11      2013-08-10                   0                 0                 0              0                0                0      N/A             No

   Zhang Yi                     M     42    2010-08-11      2013-08-10                   0                 0                 0              0                0                0      N/A             No

                                                                             Semi-Annual Report 2012
                Independent                                                                                              No
  Li Xiaodong                  M    46    2010-08-11    2013-08-10                0         0   0      0   0   0   N/A

     Cao Li      Supervisor    F    42    2010-08-11    2013-08-10                0         0   0      0   0   0   N/A   No

   Tang Ganyu    Supervisor    F    35    2010-08-11    2012-01-15                0         0   0      0   0   0   N/A   Yes

     Huang      Supervisor
                               F    50    2012-01-16    2013-08-10                0         0   0      0   0   0   N/A   Yes

    Geng Qu     Supervisor     F    43    2012-04-09    2013-08-10                0         0   0      0   0   0   N/A   No

                 Supervisor    F    32    2010-08-09    2012-04-08                0         0   0      0   0   0   N/A   No
                Secretary of
     Xiaojue                   F    32    2012-04-11    2013-08-10                0         0   0      0   0   0   N/A   No
                 the Board

      Total          --        --    --         --            --                                                   --    --

Directors, supervisor and senior executives who awarded equity incentive in report period
□Applicable √Non-applicable

                                                                               Semi-Annual Report 2012
(II) Representation
Representation in shareholders‘ unit
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                   Position in Starting date                 Get remuneration
  Name of                                                                     Ending date if
                       Name of shareholders        shareholder of term of                     in shareholder
 office staff                                                                term of service
                                                      units       service                       units or not
                Wuhan Zhongheng New Technology
Li Zhongqiu                                    President 1996-03-21                    ——     No
                Industrial Group Co., Ltd
   Chen         Wuhan Zhongheng New Technology Deputy
                                                         2008-08-18                    ——     Yes
  Zhigang       Industrial Group Co., Ltd       General
                                                   Director of
                Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd                nt and 2008-06-02                 ——     Yes
                Subsidiary of Wuhan Zhongheng          Deputy
                New Technology Industrial Group        Project
                Co., Ltd                               Manager
Tang Ganyu                                                        2006-08-01     2011-12-14     Yes
                Wuhan Hengsheng Photoelectricity      Director of
                Industrial Co., Ltd                    Factory

                                           Assistant of
            Wuhan Zhongheng New Technology
                                           General      2008-08-18               2012-05-15     Yes
            Industrial Group Co., Ltd
Huang Yanbo                                Manager
                Wuhan Zhongheng New Technology Financial
                                                         2012-05-16                    ——     Yes
                Industrial Group Co., Ltd      Director
Statement on
service in
Representation in other unit
√Applicable □Non-applicable
Name of                                                                                Get remuneration in other
                          Name of other units                Position in other units
office staff                                                                                  units or not
                Shenzhen Daming Electronic Co., Ltd                President                      No
  Li Dingan South China University of Technology                   professor                     Yes

                                                                          Semi-Annual Report 2012
             Chinese Peoples' Political Consultative
             Conference, the 10th session of Standing       Commissioner                     No
             Committee of Guangdong
             Guangzhou Xintai Technology Co., Ltd         Independent director               Yes
             Huafu Sefang Co., Ltd                        Independent director               Yes
             Shenzhen Gelinmei Technology Co., Ltd        Independent director               Yes
             Guangdong Anjubao Digital Technology
                                                          Independent director               Yes
             Co., Ltd
             Guangdong Junyan Law Office                  Partner and lawyer                 Yes
             Shanxi Jiaohua Co., Ltd                      Independent director               Yes
  Zhang Ji
             Shenzhen Zhongnuo Telecommunication
                                                          Independent director               Yes
             Co., Ltd
                                                        Director, deputy-general
Li Xiaodong Shenzhen Walkers Technology Co., Ltd         manager, secretary of               Yes
                                                          Board of Directors
Statement on
service in

(III) Remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior executives
Decision procedure for
remuneration        of Remuneration and appraisal commission raised up plan, being appraised after Board of
directors supervisors Directors, submitting to shareholders‘ meeting for appraisal.
and senior executives
Confirmation basis for
remuneration        of Formulating according to remuneration standard of industry and scale the Company is
directors, supervisors located in, as well as actual operation of the Company.
and senior executives
Actual payment of
remuneration        of
                       Giving out monthly
directors, supervisors
and senior executives

(IV) Changes of directors, supervisors and senior executives
 Name        Position          Change         Date of change                   Reason of change
Tang                     Resigned as
         Supervisor                          2012-01-15        Resigned for too busy work
Ganyu                    supervisor
Huang                    Supplemented as
         Supervisor                          2012-01-16        Resulting from job
Yanbo                    supervisor

                                                                                Semi-Annual Report 2012
                          Resigned as
Weng       Staff
                          supervisor of staff      2012-04-08       Resulting from job change
Xiaojue    supervisor
                          Supplemented as
Geng Qu                   supervisor of staff      2012-04-09       Resulting from job
           Secretary of   Resigned as
Jiang                                                               Resigned for too busy work, continuously take
           Board of       secretary of Board       2012-04-10
Yanjun                                                              post of deputy general manager
           Directors      of Directors
           Secretary of   Recruited as
           Board of       secretary of Board       2012-04-11       Resulting from work change
           Directors      of Directors

(V) Staff of the Company
Person on-jobs                                                                                              1,202
Retirement person whose charges undertake by the
                                                Professional categories
             Types of professional category                            Numbers of professional category
Production staff                                                                                             702
Salesman                                                                                                       46
Technician                                                                                                    111
Financial staff                                                                                                15
Administration staff                                                                                         328
                                                Education background
             Type of education background                                     Numbers (people)
Master                                                                                                          3
Undergraduate                                                                                                  53
Junior college                                                                                                118
High school and below                                                                                       1,028

                                       VI. Report of the Board

(I) Management discussion and analysis
In the first half year of 2012, international and domestic economic situation is still tough. Situation
of Euro debts is becoming worse. Weak market and stagnant consumption led sharp decline of
air-conditioners, color TV sets and refrigerators. Prospect of home appliance began to fall. With
unfavorable external environment, operation performance declined as a result of processing

                                                                                        Semi-Annual Report 2012
   production of injection molding dramatically fell. In reporting period, business income was realized
   RMB 383,517,300 with a decrease rate of 16.9. Total profit was attained RMB 8,760,700 with a
   decrease rate of 20.84.

   In aspect of industry production: in reporting period the injection molding department encountered
   multiple troubles such as price falling from clients, staff cost increase and fierce competition of
   industry. Though recent years we have been trying to reduce cost through planning in advance,
   successively transforming machine hands and servo system, profit kept declining with a rate of 40
   because of decrease of order quantity and processing fees. While profit of Styrofoam department
   remained due to a series of measurements about energy-saving and consuming-reducing, restructure
   and staff-reducing and production-increasing such as optimization of products structure, regulation
   of labor productivity, improvement of technical and enhancement of production management,
   regardless of declining of sales volume and income. With gradual recover of LCD industry in the
   first half year, overall LCD machine price slightly rose. Short supplying of board of LCD monitors
   in up-streaming led the reluctant decreasing production of related monitors. Regulation of sales
   strategy led the abandoning taking over orders with low profit. Video machine business present
   profit-sapping quantity increase situation, and at the same time also in the LCD TV, outdoor
   advertising machine, electronic whiteboard, etc. Differentiation and high added value field a
   preliminary attempt and exploration.

   In aspect of property: affected by economic situation, part of commercial tenants couldn‘t pay the
   rent or surrendered the tenancy in advance. Property department positively applied measurements
   according to actual situation of tenement thus strive to ensure above 98% leasing rate in urban and
   Gongming. Rent of partial units increased slightly thus profit of the first half year of 2012 increased
   RMB 2,360,000 with an increase rate of 14.
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
         Item             Balance at        Balance at
                                                             Ratio                           Reasons for changes
                          period-end       period-begin
    Monetary fund         253,754,229.24   141,426,712.65      79.42% Increase of short-term loans and receivable notes to mature
   Note receivable         26,253,903.07     59,258,576.59    -55.70% Most of the notes are to fall due
  Account receivable                                                    Resulted from the peak/off season of injection business and
                          119,011,974.89     85,553,134.14     39.11%
                                                                        Paul iron business
   Account paid in
                            6,689,609.88      9,724,896.44    -31.21% Business from subsidiary decline in this period
    Other account                                                       The historic arrears are recover by lawsuit from Wanshang
                            4,580,166.06      9,970,760.59    -54.06%
      receivable                                                        Department Store in this period
Construction in process                                                 Construction in process from subsidiary are transfer into fixed
                            1,787,854.00      2,667,769.50    -32.98%
   Short-term loans                                                     Short-term turnover capital are increased by financing from
                          166,595,489.19   104,543,897.22      59.35%
                                                                        exportation invoice in this period
   Account payable                                                      Resulted from the peak/off season of injection business and
                           56,359,048.39     43,332,376.94     30.06%
                                                                        Paul iron business
 Account received in
                            4,234,860.70       263,497.35    1507.17% Deposit for video business soaring in this period from clients
     Tax payable           15,939,501.71       719,584.69    2115.10% Export tax refund from subsidiary

                                                                                                  Semi-Annual Report 2012
          Item               Jan.-June 2012     Jan.-June 2011       Ratio                             Reasons for changes
                                                                                  Deductible before-tax for income tax assets are exist in parent
       Income tax                2,334,435.96       1,785,964.18       30.71%
                                                                                  company for last period
Net profit attributable to
 shareholder of parent           6,426,237.82       9,280,724.63      -30.76% Profit of injection business decreased
    Refunds of taxes
                                16,881,021.33                    0           - Export tax refund from subsidiary
       Taxes paid                                                                 The input tax of VAT are totally retained for export tax rebate,
                                 6,093,709.12       2,828,520.42      115.44%
                                                                                  which higher the VAT payable in this period
     Cash paid for
purchasing fixed asstes,
                                 1,983,565.01      11,339,162.84      -82.51% Purchase of major amount fixed assets are decreased
 intangible assets and
 other long-term assets
 Net cash flow arising                                                            Cash paid for purchasing commodity and labor service
from operation activity         74,868,494.91     -15,077,925.90             - received decline due to the decrease of cash from export tax
                                                                                  refund as well as the decrease of business by subsidiary
 Net cash flow arising                                                            Short-term turnover capital are increased by financing from
                                39,444,490.54      22,192,295.39       77.74%
from financing activity                                                           exportation invoice in this period
Net increase amount of
                                                                                  Cash flow from operation activity and financing activity are
     cash and cash            112,327,516.59       -4,144,645.87             -
  Balance of cash and
                                                                                  Cash flow from operation activity and financing activity are
   cash equivalent at         253,754,229.24     109,542,109.98       131.65%
    The difference between the actual operating results of the Company and the profit forecast or operation plan in
    respect of this reporting period which have been disclosed publicly exceeds 20% (no matter lower or higher) or
    □ Yes       √ No □Non applicable
    Operation and performance of subsidiaries and share-taking companies
    1. Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Property Co., Ltd: register capital RMB one million, controlled by
    the Company fully. Main business located in leasing agent and property management of self-owned
    property; Income of the first half year of 2012 reached RMB 939,300 while the loss was RMB
    2. Wuhan Hengfa Technology Co., Ltd: register capital RMB 181,643,100, wholly owned
    subsidiary in Wuhan of the Company. It mainly engaged in manufacture of LCD monitors and
    processing of injection and foam appliance. Income of the first half year was RMB 357,555,100 and
    net profit was RMB 4,698,400.
    All the risks which may create unfavorable impact to future development strategy and operation
    The Company signed House Leasing Contract and supplementary term with Shenzhen Wanshang
    Youyi General Merchandise Co., Ltd in 2001, which showed term of lease of 1-4 floors of Huafa
    Building, will end on the end of August of 2012. The Company will regulate 1-3 floors of Huafa
    Building and then bring business there. The vacant period and weak external economic situation
    will lead the decrease of leasing income in a short time. Besides, the market competition keep

                                                                                                    Semi-Annual Report 2012
    intense, labor cost keep increasing, price-rising of raw materials and clients reducing processing
    fees and other unfavorable factors, thus pressure on operation of the Company further intensified.

    1. Main business and operations
    (1)Statement of main business classified according to industries and products
                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                                                 Increase or decrease Increase or decrease Increase or decrease
                                                                                 of operating revenue    of operating cost     of gross profit ratio
   according to           Operating                         Gross profit ratio
                                          Operating cost                          over the last same     over the last same    over the last same
   industries or           revenue                                 (%)
                                                                                  period of last year    period of last year   period of last year
                                                                                         (%)                    (%)                    (%)

According to industries

Plastic injection                                                                                                                   3.04 percentage
                          97,981,143.65    87,147,320.47              11.06%                     -5.1%                -1.74%
hardware                                                                                                                               points down

                                                                                                                                    2.35 percentage
LCD                     228,931,374.36    219,869,406.77                 3.96%                 -24.08%                -25.9%
                                                                                                                                           points up

                                                                                                                                    1.41 percentage
Foam (Styrofoam)          33,456,625.17     27,879,111.12             16.67%                    -2.37%                -3.99%
                                                                                                                                           points up

According to products

Plastic injection                                                                                                                   3.04 percentage
                          97,981,143.65    87,147,320.47              11.06%                     -5.1%                -1.74%
hardware                                                                                                                               points down

                                                                                                                                    2.35 percentage
LCD                     228,931,374.36    219,869,406.77                 3.96%                 -24.08%                -25.9%
                                                                                                                                           points up

                                                                                                                                    1.41 percentage
Foam (Styrofoam)          33,456,625.17     27,879,111.12             16.67%                    -2.37%                -3.99%
                                                                                                                                           points up
    Explanation on main business classified according to industries and products: Nil

    Explanation on major changes of gross profit over same period of last year: Nil

    (2) Main business classified according to areas
                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                                            Increase/decrease in revenue from operations
                    Areas                              Operating revenue
                                                                                                over the same period of last year (%)
     Hong Kong                                                        225,819,692.14                                                      62.66%
     Central China                                                    134,549,451.04                                                      37.34%
    Explanation on main business according to areas
    Explanation on main business institution

    (3) Explanation on reasons of material changes in main operations and its structure
    □Applicable         √Non-applicable

                                                                            Semi-Annual Report 2012
(4) Explanation on reasons of material changes in profitability (gross profit ratio) of main
operations compared with that of last year
□Applicable        √Non-applicable

(5) Analysis on reasons of material changes in profit structure compared with the previous
□Applicable         √Non-applicable
(6) Business nature, main products or service as well as net profit for stock jointly enterprises
who take over 10% of the net profit
□Applicable         √Non-applicable

(7) Problems and difficulties in operation

This year, home appliance went slowly under pressure of previous national support policy and
falling economic situation. Purchasing ability declined thus the industry turned worse. And the
injection business and Styrofoam business which supply affiliated service for home appliances
industry suffered negative effects at different degree. A part of clients restarted bid in order to
reduce purchasing expense. The above factors led decrease of order quantity and processing fees of
industrial production.

2. Internal control mechanism related with fair-value measurement
□Applicable         √Non-applicable

3. Foreign currency financial assets and financial liabilities held
□Applicable         √Non-applicable

(II) Investment of the Company
1. General Application of the raised proceeds
□Applicable          √Non-applicable

2. Commitments on projects of raised funds
□Applicable       √Non-applicable

3. Changes of projects of raised funds
□Applicable         √Non-applicable

4. Investment on major projects of non-raised funds
□Applicable        √Non-applicable

(III) The modification of Board to the business plan for the second half of the year
□Applicable         √Non-applicable

(IV) Prediction of business performance from January – September 2012
Estimation on accumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of next report period to be loss
probably or the warning of its material change compared with the corresponding period of the last year and
explanation on reason
□Applicable          √Non-applicable

                                                                     Semi-Annual Report 2012
(V) Explanation on “Qualified Opinion” from the Certified Public Accountants in the report
period by the Board of Directors
□Applicable         √Non-applicable

(VI) Explanation of the Management on changes and disposal of the issues involved in
“Qualified Opinion” from the Certified Public Accountants in the last year by the Board of
□Applicable         √Non-applicable

(VII)Stating the discussion results issued by the Board on changes in the Company’s
accounting policies and accounting estimates or reasons for material accounting error
correction and influences thereof
□ Applicable √ Non-applicable

(VIII) Determination and implementation of cash dividend policies of the Company
For further normalizing profit distribution of the Company and protecting majority shareholders‘
equity, in accordance with related rules of Notice to Further Carrying Out Cash Dividend of Listed
Companies (ZJF[2012]No. 37) issued by China Securities Commission, Notice to Conduct the
Notice to Further Carrying Out Cash Dividend of Listed Companies (SZJGSZ[2012]No.43) issued
by Shenzhen Securities Bureau, Stock Listing Rules of Shenzhen Securities Exchange and Article
of Association, the Company formulated Dividend Repay Plan for Shareholders (2012-2014) and
revised related terms about profit distribution showed in Article of Association, defined dividend
condition and ratio, completed related decision procedure, established scientific, persistent and
stable repay mechanism for investors, on basis of overall analysis on development strategy,
profitability, financial condition, repay for shareholders, external financing environment and
financing cost.
In process of prove of shareholders dividend and application for appraisal of shareholders‘ meeting,
the Company listened vast shareholders‘ opinion and requirements through various channels such as
telephone, fax, email and internet. Independent directors issued independent opinion on
responsibilities fulfillment. The case has been approved and passed in the 3rd shareholders‘ meeting
in 2012 and 2012 the 2nd extraordinary shareholders‘ meeting. Details could be seen from report
disclosed on August 8 of 2012 and August 25 of 2012.
Retained profit at period-end after annual net profit making up losses in previous years recent 3
years was still minus. According to rules of Article of Association, the Company hadn‘t the ability
of cash dividend. Thus in recent years the Company didn‘t rise up cash profit distribution.

(IX) Plan of profit distribution or capital reserve capitalizing
□Applicable          √Non-applicable

(X) Positive retained profit accumulated at end of 2011 without cash distribution carried out
□Applicable          √Non-applicable

(XI) Other events disclosed
1. For completing internal information management system, enduring confidentiality of internal
information, effectively preventing and dealing with behaviors against laws about securities such as
internal information, the Company comprehensively revised Administration System to Internal
Information and Insiders and changed it to Administration System to Registration of Insiders of
Internal Information according to Rules to Listed Companies Establishing Insiders Registration and
Administration System (ZJHGG[2011]No. 30) issued by CSRC in Oct. of 2011. The Company

                                                                          Semi-Annual Report 2012
strictly enhanced inspection management on internal information. Besides of daily files-building
and emails-informing, we reported Registration Sheet about Insiders of Internal Information to
supervision department periodically, finding no buying or selling stocks of the Company using
significant and sensitive internal information before disclosure.
2. There existed no major environmental or other major social safety problem in the Company.
3. In reporting period, the Company chosen China Securities Journal, Securities Times and Hong
Kong Commercial Daily as information disclosure media, Juchao website as the disclosure site.

(XII) Liabilities, credit changes and cash arrangement for debt paying in later year (Only
applies to listed company with corporate convertible bonds offered)
□Applicable           √Non-applicable

                                                 VII. Significant Event

(I)Corporate governance
Recent years the Company strictly complied with requirements of related regulations and rules of
Company Law, Securities Law and Governance Rules of Listed Companies, constantly perfected
modern corporation system, thus orderly operation of shareholders‘ meeting, board of directors and
board of supervisors made a responsibility-clearness and effective corporate governance structure
between rights, decision and supervision institutions. Actual situation conformed to requirements of
related rules of listed companies. In reporting period, the Company continuously carried out check
on internal control documents and actual operation. Based on risk appraisal, through persistent
observation, inspection and confirmation, we gradually refined goal of various procedures,
corresponding risk and measurements, check and make up leaks, conclude and correct, edited
Handbook of Internal Control and completed self-appraisal report of 2012 semi-annual internal
The Company didn‘t do things such as submitting undisclosed information to shareholders and
actual controller periodically or randomly. The Company and subordinate subsidiaries never had
deposit of major shareholders in financial institution.
The horizontal competition didn‘t exist between the Company and controlling shareholder, actual
controller and its subordinate companies.

(II) Implementation of profit distribution plan, capital reserve capitalizing or shares offering
that plan out previously and carry out in this reporting period
□Applicable         √Non-applicable

(III) Material lawsuits and arbitrations
□Applicable          √Non-applicable
No material lawsuits and arbitrations occurred in this period

(IV) Related event of bankruptcy reorganization
□Applicable         √Non-applicable

                                                                    Semi-Annual Report 2012

(V) Equity of other listed company and stock jointly financial enterprise held by the Company

1. Security investment
□Applicable         √Non-applicable

Explanation on security investment

2. Equity of other listed company held by the Company
□Applicable           √Non-applicable
Explanation on equity of other listed company held by the Company

3. Equity of non-listed financial enterprise held by the Company
□Applicable          √Non-applicable
Explanation on equity of non-listed financial enterprise held by the Company

4. Buying and selling shares of other listed company
□Applicable          √Non-applicable
Explanation on shares dealing of other listed company

(VI) Assets transaction
1. Assets purchased or acquired
□Applicable          √Non-applicable
Explanation on assets purchased

2. Assets sold
□Applicable          √Non-applicable
Explanation on assets sold

3. Assets replacement
□Applicable          √Non-applicable
Explanation on assets replacement

4. Business combination
□Applicable        √Non-applicable

5. Progress of the events and their influence on the Company’s operating results and
financial status in the report period after the Report on Assets Restructure or Public Notice
on Acquisition and Sales of Assets being published
□Applicable          √Non-applicable

(VII) Explanation on shareholding increase proposed or implemented by largest shareholder
of the Company and its persons acting in concert in reporting period
□Applicable        √Non-applicable

(VIII) Implementation and its influence of equity incentive
□Applicable        √Non-applicable

                                                                                                              Semi-Annual Report 2012

                (IX) Significant related transaction
                1. Related transaction related to daily operation
                √ Applicable □ Non-applicable
                                                                                 Price of    Amount of    Ration in                                                                                                              Reason for
                                Type of
 Parties of                                Contents of                            related     related     amount of      Accounts-sett                                                                                            difference
                  Related        related                  Pricing principle of                                                                                                               Market price(10 thousand
     related                                 related                             trade (10   trade (10     similar         lement of           Impact on profit of the Company                                               between trade
                relationship     trade                       related trade                                                                                                                              yuan)
     trade                                    trade                              thousand    thousand    related trade   related trade                                                                                            price and
                                                                                  yuan)        yuan)         (%)                                                                                                                 market price

                                                                                                                                                                                           The average market price is to
                                                                                                                                                                                           point to in the industry
                                                                                                                                         The Hengsheng throughout the day the              recognized authority from the
                                                                                                                                         specialty is engaged in the LCD module            global famous professional
                                                                                                                                         design and production, such as long-term          market research company
               Sharing the                 Purchasing Confirmed with 1%                                                                  GuanJie for domestic and international            website http://www.display
Hengsheng                                                                                                                Telegraphic
               same parent     Purchase    LCD           of current market          787.48      787.48          1.90%                    famous display manufacturers to provide           search.com and LCD                None
Yutian                                                                                                                   transfer
               company                     monitors      average price                                                                   supporting services, the product quality is       professional market research
                                                                                                                                         stable, and the company to cooperate with         company website
Co., Ltd
                                                                                                                                         the purchasing cost is low, help to further       http://www.witsview.com
                                                                                                                                         enhance the market competitive power              query of the same
                                                                                                                                                                                           specification the price of the

Hong                                       Purchasing Purchasing the price                                                               Because of the raw materials for the bonded
Kong                                       LCD           of raw materials and                                                            materials, use the controlling shareholder of
               Sharing the
Yutian                                     monitors      market quotation                                                Telegraphic     foreign wholly owned subsidiary channels in
               same parent     Purchase                                          30,287.96 30,287.96          73.26%                                                                       ——                              None
Internation                                and overall synchronous; Import                                               transfer        bonded materials processing complex export
al                                         monitor       products according to                                                           turn again import mode operation can reduce
Investment                                 machine       the customer's sales                                                            the cost of the intermediate links, prevent the

                                                                                                              Semi-Annual Report 2012
Co., Ltd                                 set             order price                                                                  receipt and payment funds risk, which is
                                                                                                                                      beneficial to improve the level of corporate

                                                         According to the
                                                         customer sales order
Kong                                     Purchasing
                                                         price sure, at the
Yutian          Sharing the              overall
                                                         same time pay per                                             Telegraphic
Internation same parent       Sales      monitor                                 22,737.84 22,737.84          59.35%                  The same with the upper                        ——                         None
                                                         single $100 of                                                transfer
al              company                  machine
                                                         customs clearance
Investment                               set
                                                         for incidental
Co., Ltd

Total                                                               --              --       53,813.28                       --                             --                                    --                     --

details of returned large sales                          N/A

Essentiality and persistence of related trade, as well
as reason for choosing trading with related parties      Daily related trade could reduce production cost of overall LCD monitor and improve sustainable development of the Company.
(not other traders in market)

Impact on individuality of listed companies from         The company and related party in business, personnel, assets, institutions and financial aspects separates completely, the independent complete autonomy in operation
related trade                                            ability, connected transaction does not affect the independence of the company.

Dependence on related parties from the Company,
                                                         The Company and related parties were cooperation relationship, existing no dependence.
as well as related measurements (for example)

                                                         In reporting period, Hengfa Technology actually purchasing LCD approximately 7.8748 million yuan from Hengsheng Yutian, 1.62% in total occurring amount that
Predict on total amount of daily related trade on the
                                                         predicted at year-begin; purchasing LCD approximately 226.4498 million yuan from Hong Kong Yutian, 27.10% in total occurring amount that predicted at year-begin;
way in this period according to classification, as
                                                         selling LCD whole-set approximately 227.3784 million yuan to Hong Kong Yutian, 13.16% in total occurring amount that predicted at year-begin and Huafa Trading
well as actual implementation in reporting period
                                                         actually purchasing LCD whole-set approximately 76.4298 million yuan from Hong Kong Yutian, 77.40% in total occurring amount that predicted at year-begin

Statement on related trade                               N/A

                 Related transactions concerned with routine operations

                                                                                           Semi-Annual Report 2012
                                                   Selling products and providing labor service to related party         Purchasing commodity and accepting labor service from related party
              Related party                                                        Proportion in similar transactions                                       Proportion in similar transactions
                                            Trading amount(10 thousand yuan)                                            Trading amount(10 thousand yuan)
                                                                                              amount (%)                                                              amount (%)

Wuhan Hengsheng Yutian Industrial Co.,
                                                                                                                                                   787.48                               1.90%

Hong Kong Yutian International Investment
                                                                      22,737.84                                59.35%                           30,287.96                              73.26%
Co., Ltd.

Total                                                                 22,737.84                                59.35%                           31,075.44                              75.16%

Of which: in reporting period, RMB 227,378,400 was arising from related transaction by selling commodity to controlling shareholders and its subsidiary or providing labor service.其中:报告
Note: Wuhan Hengsheng Photoelectricity Industry Co., Ltd changes its name to Wuhan Hengsheng Yutian Industrial Co., Ltd. in January 2012

2. Related transaction incurred by purchase or sales of assets
□Applicable         √Non-applicable

3. Significant related transaction from jointly investment outside
□Applicable           √Non-applicable

4. Current related liabilities and debts
□Applicable          √Non-applicable

Fund occupation and progress of paying off
□Applicable         √Non-applicable

                                                                                                      Semi-Annual Report 2012
     Till end of reporting period, accountability plan proposed by the Board for completed no non-operational fund
     occupation from listed company
     □Applicable           √Non-applicable

     5. Other significant related transaction

     (X) Significant contracts and its implementation
     1. Profits earned from trusteeship, contract and lease reached over 10% (10% included) of
     total profit in this period

     (1) Trusteeship
     □Applicable                    √Non-applicable

     (2) Contract
     □Applicable                    √Non-applicable

     (3) Lease
     □Applicable                    √Non-applicable

     2. Guarantees
     √Applicable                    □Non-applicable
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB00‘000
                Particulars about the external guarantee of the Company (Barring the guarantee for the controlling subsidiaries)

                                                               Actual date of                                                     Complete      e for
    Name of the                                               happening (Date       Actual                             Guarantee implemen      related
                       Announcement Guarantee limit                                               Guarantee type
Company guaranteed                                               of signing     guarantee limit                          term     tation or     party
                       disclosure date
                                                                agreement)                                                             not     (Yes or

        N/A                 N/A                N/A                 N/A               N/A               N/A               N/A           N/A      N/A

Total approving external guarantee in                                           Total actual occurred external
                                         0                                                                         0
report period (A1)                                                              guarantee in report period (A2)

                                                                                Total actual balance of external
Total approved external guarantee at
                                         0                                      guarantee at the end of report     0
the end of report period ( A3)
                                                                                period (A4)

                                                 Guarantee of the Company for the subsidiaries

                                                               Actual date of                                                     Complete      e for
    Name of the                                               happening (Date       Actual                             Guarantee implemen      related
                       Announcement Guarantee limit                                               Guarantee type
Company guaranteed                                               of signing     guarantee limit                          term     tation or    party
                       disclosure date
                                                                agreement)                                                             not    (Yes or

Wuhan Hengfa                             USD             10
                       2010-10-15                             2010-11-01                853.92 guarantee           2years         No          No
Technology Co., Ltd.                     million/month

                                                                                                   Semi-Annual Report 2012
Wuhan Hengfa                                                  2012-04-05、
                       2012-01-17          30000                                    15589.68 guarantee           1year   No   No
Technology Co., Ltd.                                          04-17、08-11

                                                                             Total amount of actual occurred
Total amount of approving guarantee
                                                                      30,000 guarantee for subsidiaries in                    32,315.49
for subsidiaries in report period (B1)
                                                                             report period (B2)

Total amount of approved guarantee                                           Total balance of actual
for subsidiaries at the end of reporting                              67,980 guarantee for subsidiaries at the                 16,443.6
period (B3)                                                                  end of reporting period (B4)

Total amount of guarantee of the Company( total of two abovementioned guarantee)

                                                                             Total amount of actual occurred
Total amount of approving guarantee
                                                                      30,000 guarantee in report period                       32,315.49
in report period (A1+B1)

                                                                             Total balance of actual
Total amount of approved guarantee at
                                                                      67,980 guarantee at the end of report                    16,443.6
the end of report period (A3+B3)
                                                                             period (A4+B4)

The proportion of the total amount of actually guarantee in the net assets
of the Company(that is A4+ B4)


Amount of guarantee for shareholders, actual controller and its related

The debts guarantee amount provided for the guaranteed parties whose
assets-liability ratio exceed 70% directly or indirectly(D)

Proportion of total amount of guarantee in net assets of the Company
exceed 50%(E)

Total amount of the aforesaid three guarantees(C+D+E)                                                                          2,275.33

Explanations on possibly bearing joint and several liquidating
responsibilities for undue guarantees

Explanations on external guarantee against regulated procedures              N/A
     ①For ensuring sufficient account for wholly owned subsidiary Wuhan Hengfa Technology Co., Ltd to pay
     Shanghai Zhonghang Photo-electricity Co., Ltd for loan produced during trade. The Company offered guarantee
     for Wuhan Hengfa Technology Co., Ltd for debts formed according to main contract signed with Shanghai
     Zhonghang Photo-electricity Co., Ltd. The principle is due based on actual trade amount, below USD 10 million
     every month.
     From Jan. to Jun. of 2012, the Company accumulatively offered guarantee for the above trades of Wuhan Hengfa
     Technology Co., Ltd USD 13.0316 million, and accumulatively removed USD 19.031 million of guarantees. Till
     Jun. 30 of 2012 balance of guarantee was USD 1.349 million.
     ②For ensuring capital for production and operation of wholly owned subsidiary Wuhan Hengfa Technology Co.,
     Ltd, the Company offered joint guarantee to Wuhan Hengfa Technology Co., Ltd for 2012 annual bank
     borrowings according to our actual situation. The guarantee amount wasn‘t beyond RMB 300 million.
     In reporting period, the Company acted as guarantors for Wuhan Hengfa Technology Co., Ltd to apply RMB 80
     million in line of credit from Minsheng Bank, RMB 50 million in line of credit from Bank of Communication,
     USD 10 million from Hankou Bank, and take of joint responsibility.

                                                                          Semi-Annual Report 2012
In the first half year of 2012, the Company accumulatively offered guarantee for Wuhan Hengfa Technology Co.,
Ltd RMB 43.7987 million and USD 31.1005 million, removed accumulatively guarantee RMB 44.0775 million
and USD 22.3875 million. Till Jun. 30 of 2012, balance of guarantee was RMB 46.9985 million and USD 17.2035

3. Trust financing
□Applicable            √Non-applicable

4. Implementation of material contracts entered into during the normal operation
(1) The Company signed House Leasing Contract and supplementary term with Shenzhen
Wanshang Youyi General Merchandise Co., Ltd in 2002. Place located in 1-4 floors of Huafa
Building. The term of lease ends on the end of August of 2012. The contract was implemented well
in reporting period.
(2) Details of guarantee contract please see Guarantee Situation.

5. Other significant contract
√ Applicable □ Non-applicable
  The Company signed Contract of Assets Replacement on Apr. 29 of 2009 (details could be seen on
report disclosed on Apr. 30 of 2009). The contract was implemented well (details could be seen on
2010 annual report). Including, part of placed out assets, 2 lands for industry (real estate license
SFDZ No.7226760 and SFDZ No.7226763, land No.A627-005 and A627-007, about 48200 square
meters) located in Shenzhen Guangming New Region Gongming Town Haifa Road were involved
in 2012 Annual Formulation Plan for Change in Unit Plan of Shenzhen. Presently the above lands
hadn‘t been transferred.

(XI) Explanation on corporate bonds offering
□Applicable        √Non-applicable

(XII) Implementation of commitments

                                                                                           Semi-Annual Report 2012

1. Commitments made by the Company or shareholders holding above 5% shares of the Company in reporting period or extending to
reporting period.
√Applicable □Non-applicable
                                                                                           Commitment    Commitment
      Item of Commitments            Promisee            Content of commitments                                                                      Implementation
                                                                                                 date         term

                                                                                                                        1. On 5 June 2008, approving by the 3rd Extraordinary Meeting of
                                                                                                                        Board of Directors 2008, the Company purchased relevant assets of
                                                  Within 1 year after transferred of                                    plastic injection products from Wuhan Zhongheng Group by cash of
                                                  this equity acquisition:                                              RMB 27 million, the commitment have been implemented;
                               Zhongheng New
                                                  1. Injected relevant capital of                                       2. In the first 10 days of May, 2008, the Company officially started off
Commitments for Share Merger   Science &
                                                  plastic injection business into the            2007   Within 12 months the significant asset restructures work of purchasing the 70% equities
Reform                         Technology
                                                  Company; 2. 70% equity of the                                         of Hengsheng Photoelectricity.; engaged financial consultant and law
                               Industrial Group
                                                  Hengsheng Photoelectricity will                                       consultant to carry out earnest investigation on the restructure assets
                               Co., Ltd.
                                                  inject into the Company.                                              that may be involved, and negotiated with relevant departments which
                                                                                                                        were in charge of this. However, due to that relevant condition was
                                                                                                                        not mature; there still remain obstacles in material asset restructure.

                                                  Non-tradable      shares    of    the                                 The commitment have been implemented on 18 May 2010;
                               Zhongheng New
                                                  Company should not be listed for                                      considering all 116,489,894 shares of the Company are in the
Commitments in report of       Science &
                                                  trading within 36 months since the             2007   Within 36 months situation of being pledged, till the end of this report period, Wuhan
acquisition or equity change   Technology
                                                  date    of   listed   tradable   right                                Zhongheng Group have not applied the released procedure to
                               Industrial Group
                                                  obtained.                                                             Shenzhen Stock Exchange for the abovementioned restricted shares.
                               Co., Ltd.
Commitments in assets
                               N/A                N/A                                      N/A          N/A             N/A
Commitments made in issuing    N/A                N/A                                      N/A          N/A             N/A

                                                                     Semi-Annual Report 2012

Other commitments for medium
                                    N/A                  N/A         N/A     N/A      N/A
and small shareholders

Completed on time or not            □ Yes √ No □ Non applicable

Detail reasons for un-complement
                                   ‖Found in ―Implementation‖
and further plan
Whether made a promise to
horizontal competition and related □ Yes √ No □Non applicable
transactions that resulted or not
Solution term promised              N/A

Solution way                        N/A

Complementation                     N/A

                                                                            Semi-Annual Report 2012
2. Explanation on assets or projects that reached the original profit forecast as well as its
reasons while the reporting period still in forecast period, and there are profit forecast on
assets or projects of the Company
□Applicable           √Non-applicable

(XIII) Items of other consolidated income
                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                   Items                                   This period          Last period
1. Gains(losses) from financial assets available for sales
Less: Income tax influences from financial assets available for sales
Net amount reckoned into other consolidated income in previous period
but transferred into gains/losses in current period
2. Shares in the other consolidated income of the investee calculated
based on equity method
Less: Income tax influences of shares in the other consolidated income
of the investee calculated based on equity method
Net amount reckoned into other consolidated income in previous period
but transferred into gains/losses in current period
3. Gains(losses) from cash flow hedge instrument
Less: Income tax influences from cash flow hedge
Net amount reckoned into other consolidated income in previous period
but transferred into gains/losses in current period
Adjusted amount transferred to initial confirmed amount of the
arbitraged items
4. Differences from translating foreign currency financial statements
Less: Net amount of disposing overseas business transferred to current
5. Others
Less: Income tax influences by others reckoned into other consolidated
Net amount reckoned into other consolidated income in previous period
but transferred into gains/losses in current period
Total                                                                                    0.00             0.00

(XIV)Registration form of receiving research, communication and interview in the report
                                                                            Content discussed and documents
        Date          Place        Way           Type           Object
                   Headquarter Telephone                                   Operation   situation    of    the
January-June                                                  Individual
                   of the      Communic        Individual                  Company, assets status and process
2012                                                           investor
                   Company       ation                                     of projects

(XV) Engagement and non-reappointment of CPA
Whether the semi-annual report was audited or not
□ Yes √ No     □Non-applicable

                                                                                  Semi-Annual Report 2012
    Whether re-engaged the CPA or not
    □ Yes √ No    □Non-applicable

    (XVI) Punishment and rectification for listed company and its directors, supervisor, senior
    executives, shareholders of the Company, actual controller and purchasers
    □Applicable         √Non-applicable

    (XVII) Explanation on other significant events
    □Applicable        √Non-applicable

    (XVIII) Major changes of profitability of turn debt guarantor, assets status and credit
    (Only applies to listed company with corporate convertible bonds offered)
    □Applicable            √Non-applicable

    (XIX) Index for information disclosure
                                          Name and page of
                Event                                              Date of disclosed Internet website and searching route
                                           publishing press
Resolution notice of 1st extraordinary China Securities Journal,                    Juchao
shareholders‘ general meeting 2012 Securities Times                                Website(http://www.cninfo.com.cn)
More position of staff supervisor for China Securities Journal,                     Juchao
7th session of supervisory committee Securities Times                               Website(http://www.cninfo.com.cn)
Resolution notice of 7th meeting of   China Securities Journal,                     Juchao
7th session of the board              Securities Times                              Website(http://www.cninfo.com.cn)
Resolution notice of 7th meeting of China Securities Journal,                       Juchao
7th session of supervisory committee Securities Times                               Website(http://www.cninfo.com.cn)
Self-assessment report of internal    China Securities Journal,                     Juchao
control for year of 2011              Securities Times                              Website(http://www.cninfo.com.cn)
                                      China Securities Journal,
Summary of annual report 2011         Securities Times, Hong       2012-04-14
                                      Kong Commercial Daily
                                      China Securities Journal,                     Juchao
Abnormal Variation of Stock                                        2012-04-17
                                      Securities Times                              Website(http://www.cninfo.com.cn)
                                      China Securities Journal,
Text of 1st quarterly report 2012     Securities Times, Hong       2012-04-26
                                      Kong Commercial Daily
                                      China Securities Journal,                     Juchao
Abnormal Variation of Stock                                        2012-05-28
                                      Securities Times                              Website(http://www.cninfo.com.cn)
Resolution notice of 2nd              China Securities Journal,                     Juchao
extraordinary meeting of the board    Securities Times                              Website(http://www.cninfo.com.cn)
Convening annual shareholders         China Securities Journal,                     Juchao
general meeting 2011                  Securities Times                              Website(http://www.cninfo.com.cn)
                                      China Securities Journal,                     Juchao
Suggestive Notice                                                  2012-06-26
                                      Securities Times                              Website(http://www.cninfo.com.cn)
Resolution notice of annual           China Securities Journal,                     Juchao
shareholders general meeting 2011     Securities Times                              Website(http://www.cninfo.com.cn)

                                                                        Semi-Annual Report 2012
                                         VIII. Financial Report

 (I) Auditing report
 Audited the semi-annual report or not
 □ Yes √No □Non-applicable

 (II) Financial statement
 Whether consolidated statement or not:
 √Yes □No □Non-applicable
 Unless otherwise, currency for this statement refers to RMB (Yuan)
 Currency used in note of financial statement is RMB (Yuan)

 1. Consolidated Balance Sheet
                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                  Items               Note      Balance at period-end        Balance at period-begin
Current assets:
  Monetary funds                                            253,754,229.24                141,426,712.65
        Settlement provisions
Capital lent
  Transaction finance asset
        Notes receivable                                     26,253,903.07                 59,258,576.59
        Accounts receivable                                 119,011,974.89                 85,553,134.14
        Accounts paid in advance                              6,689,609.88                  9,724,896.44
        Insurance receivable
        Reinsurance receivables
     Contract reserve of
reinsurance receivable
        Interest receivable
        Dividend receivable
        Other receivables                                     4,580,166.06                  9,970,760.59
        Purchase restituted finance
        Inventories                                          43,511,217.27                 55,927,484.28
     Non-current asset due within
one year
        Other current assets

                                                   Semi-Annual Report 2012
Total current assets                   453,801,100.41            361,861,564.69
Non-current assets:
Granted loans and advances
        Finance asset available for
        Held-to-maturity investment
        Long-term account receivable
        Long-term equity investment
        Investment real estate          34,491,207.89             35,730,725.03
  Fixed assets                         208,326,343.97            207,570,220.77
        Construction in progress         1,787,854.00              2,667,769.50
        Engineering material
        Disposal of fixed asset
        Productive biological asset
        Oil and gas asset
        Intangible assets               51,199,512.24             51,963,537.72
  Expense on Research and
    Long-term expenses to be
                                         1,129,566.63              1,541,966.67
        Deferred income tax asset        7,352,866.58              7,049,837.44
        Other non-current asset
Total non-current asset                304,287,351.31            306,524,057.13
Total assets                           758,088,451.72            668,385,621.82
Current liabilities:
  Short-term loans                     166,595,489.19            104,543,897.22
        Loan from central bank
     Absorbing deposit and
interbank deposit
        Capital borrowed
      Transaction financial
        Notes payable                   31,316,864.98             33,795,522.26
        Accounts payable                56,359,048.39             43,332,376.94

                                                 Semi-Annual Report 2012
     Accounts received in advance      4,234,860.70               263,497.35
  Selling financial asset of
   Commission charge and
commission payable
     Wage payable                      3,604,833.92              4,005,890.25
     Taxes payable                    15,939,501.71               719,584.69
     Interest payable
     Dividend payable
     Other accounts payable           21,546,238.54             18,400,291.35
     Reinsurance payables
     Insurance contract reserve
     Security trading of agency
     Security sales of agency
     Non-current liabilities due
within 1 year
     Other current liabilities          971,214.71
Total current liabilities            300,568,052.14            205,061,060.06
Non-current liabilities:
  Long-term loans                    173,910,800.00            186,141,200.00
     Bonds payable
     Long-term account payable
     Special accounts payable
     Projected liabilities              244,208.55                244,208.55
      Deferred income tax
     Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities        174,155,008.55            186,385,408.55
Total liabilities                    474,723,060.69            391,446,468.61
Owner‘s equity (or shareholders‘
     Paid-up capital (or share
                                     283,161,227.00            283,161,227.00
     Capital public reserve          109,496,837.33            109,496,837.33
     Less: Inventory shares

                                                                            Semi-Annual Report 2012
     Reasonable reserve
     Surplus public reserve                                    77,391,593.25                    77,391,593.25
     Provision of general risk
     Retained profit                                         -186,684,266.55                  -193,110,504.37
     Balance difference of foreign
currency translation
Total owner‘s equity attributable to
                                                             283,365,391.03                   276,939,153.21
parent company
     Minority interests
Total owner‘s equity(or
                                                             283,365,391.03                   276,939,153.21
shareholders‘ equity)
Total liabilities and owner‘s
                                                             758,088,451.72                   668,385,621.82
equity(or shareholders‘ equity)
 Legal representative: Li Zhongqiu
 Person in charge of accounting works: Jiang Yanjun
 Person in charge of accounting institution: Wu Aijie

 2. Balance Sheet of parent company
                                                                                                Unit: RMB
              Items                     Note   Balance at period-end           Balance at period-begin
 Current assets:
      Monetary funds                                        19,957,354.03                    26,428,341.78
      Transaction finance asset
      Notes receivable                                       1,200,000.00                     1,905,914.85
   Accounts receivable                                      45,519,683.23                    46,527,773.17
      Accounts paid in advance                                 751,356.62
      Interest receivable
      Dividend receivable
      Other receivables                                     70,540,421.16                    66,524,564.98
      Inventories                                            3,347,846.88                        14,806.50
      Non-current asset due
 within one year
      Other current assets
 Total current assets                                      141,316,661.92                   141,401,401.28
 Non-current assets:
      Finance asset available
 for sales

                                                     Semi-Annual Report 2012
   Long-term account
     Long-term equity
                                    184,708,900.00               184,708,900.00
        Investment real estate       34,491,207.89                35,730,725.03
  Fixed assets                      111,216,028.48               111,933,449.28
        Construction in progress      1,659,354.00                 1,623,356.00
        Engineering material
        Disposal of fixed asset
        Productive biological
        Oil and gas asset
        Intangible assets             5,640,802.14                 5,713,275.00
    Expense on Research and
    Long-term expenses to be
                                      1,129,566.63                 1,541,966.67
        Deferred income tax asset     7,965,043.75                 7,753,550.21
        Other non-current asset
Total non-current asset             346,810,902.89               349,005,222.19
Total assets                        488,127,564.81               490,406,623.47
Current liabilities:
        Short-term loans
      Transaction financial
        Notes payable
        Accounts payable             12,609,850.04                 9,582,988.12
    Accounts received in
                                      3,256,310.70                    90,347.35
        Wage payable                   979,878.92                   636,334.24
        Taxes payable                13,066,166.78                12,605,519.17
        Interest payable
        Dividend payable

                                                     Semi-Annual Report 2012
     Other accounts payable         13,579,758.54                 12,930,265.33
     Non-current liabilities due
within 1 year
     Other current liabilities
Total current liabilities           43,491,964.98                 35,845,454.21
Non-current liabilities:
     Long-term loans               173,910,800.00                186,141,200.00
     Bonds payable
    Long-term account
     Special accounts payable
     Projected liabilities             244,208.55                   244,208.55
      Deferred income tax
  Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities      174,155,008.55                186,385,408.55
Total liabilities                  217,646,973.53                222,230,862.76
Owner‘s equity (or
shareholders‘ equity):
     Paid-up capital (or share
                                   283,161,227.00                283,161,227.00
     Capital public reserve        109,496,837.33                109,496,837.33
     Less: Inventory shares
  Reasonable reserve
     Surplus public reserve         77,391,593.25                 77,391,593.25
     Provision of general risk
  Retained profit                  -199,569,066.30              -201,873,896.87
     Balance difference of
foreign currency translation
Total owner‘s equity(or
                                   270,480,591.28                268,175,760.71
shareholders‘ equity)
Total liabilities and owner‘s
                                   488,127,564.81                490,406,623.47
equity(or shareholders‘ equity)

3. Consolidated Profit Statement
                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                                                         Semi-Annual Report 2012
                   Items                  Note   Amount in this period          Amount in last period
I. Total operating income                                    383,517,298.55                 461,498,937.23
        Including: Operating income                          383,517,298.55                 461,498,937.23
            Interest income
            Insurance gained
           Commission charge and
commission income
II. Total operating cost                                     374,986,346.19                 450,387,314.02
  Including: Operating cost                                  336,861,526.85                 417,065,770.56
               Interest expense
           Commission charge and
commission expense
               Cash surrender value
        Net amount of expense of
          Net amount of withdrawal of
insurance contract reserve
             Bonus expense of
guarantee slip
            Reinsurance expense
               Operating tax and extras                        1,655,984.64                   1,737,536.45
               Sales expenses                                  3,466,307.56                   3,328,879.52
               Administration expenses                        21,570,404.40                  19,453,213.98
               Financial expenses                             10,220,006.16                   8,801,913.51
               Losses of devaluation of
                                                               1,212,116.58                              0.00
     Add: Changing income of fair
value(Loss is listed with ―-‖))
              Investment income (Loss
is listed with ―-‖)
           Including: Investment
income on affiliated company and joint
           Exchange income (Loss is
listed with ―-‖)
III. Operating profit (Loss is listed
                                                               8,530,952.36                  11,111,623.21
with ―-‖)

                                                                              Semi-Annual Report 2012
     Add: Non-operating income                                         229,821.42                         16,726.00
     Less: Non-operating expense                                           100.00                         61,660.40
            Including: Disposal loss of
non-current asset
IV. Total Profit (Loss is listed with
                                                                      8,760,673.78                     11,066,688.81
     Less: Income tax expense                                         2,334,435.96                      1,785,964.18
V. Net profit (Net loss is listed with
                                                                      6,426,237.82                      9,280,724.63
  Including: net profit realized
before consolidation by mergered party
     Net profit attributable to owner‘s
                                                                      6,426,237.82                      9,280,724.63
of parent company
     Minority shareholders‘ gains and
VI. Earnings per share                                        --                                --
     i. Basic earnings per share                                           0.0227                            0.0328
     ii. Diluted earnings per share                                        0.0227                            0.0328
VII. Other consolidated income
VIII. Total comprehensive income                                      6,426,237.82                      9,280,724.63
      Total consolidated income
attributable to owners of parent                                      6,426,237.82                      9,280,724.63
      Total consolidated income
attributable to minority shareholders
   The merger realized net profit RMB 0.00 before consolidation during enterprises consolidation under a same
   Legal representative: Li Zhongqiu
   Person in charge of accounting works: Jiang Yanjun
   Person in charge of accounting institution: Wu Aijie

   4. Profit Statement of parent company
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                  Items                    Note   Amount in this period              Amount in last period
  I. Operating income                                              25,442,959.65                     21,045,959.33
          Less: operating cost                                      4,803,869.50                      1,667,103.70
       Operating tax and extras                                     1,593,263.20                      1,538,172.11
             Sales expenses                                          157,599.62                        174,622.90

                                                         Semi-Annual Report 2012
             Administration expenses          10,980,472.57               9,498,164.72
             Financial expenses                4,153,425.53               4,527,872.18
             Losses of devaluation of
     Add: Changing income of fair
value(Loss is listed with ―-‖)
           Investment income (Loss
is listed with ―-‖)
          Including: Investment
income on affiliated company and
joint venture
II. Operating profit (Loss is
                                               2,908,355.09               3,640,023.72
listed with ―-‖)
        Add: Non-operating income               164,779.00                  16,726.00
        Less: Non-operating expense                  20.00                  60,760.40
       Including: Disposal loss of
non-current asset
III. Total Profit (Loss is listed
                                               3,073,114.09               3,595,989.32
with ―-‖)
        Less: Income tax expense                768,283.52
IV. Net profit (Net loss is listed
                                               2,304,830.57               3,595,989.32
with ―-‖)
V. Earnings per share                    --                          --
        i. Basic earnings per share                 0.0081                     0.0127
        ii. Diluted earnings per share              0.0081                     0.0127
VI. Other consolidated income
VII. Total comprehensive income                2,304,830.57               3,595,989.32

                                                                      Semi-Annual Report 2012

5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                Item                   Amount in this period             Amount in last period
I. Cash flows arising from operating
     Cash received from selling
commodities and providing labor                      417,965,876.17                    452,076,662.93
    Net increase of customer
deposit and interbank deposit
  Net increase of loan from central
      Net increase of capital
borrowed from other financial
   Cash received from original
insurance contract fee
     Net cash received from
reinsurance business
     Net increase of insured savings
and investment
     Net increase of disposal of
transaction financial asset
   Cash received from interest,
commission charge and commission
     Net increase of capital
     Net increase of returned
business capital
     Write-back of tax received                       16,881,021.33
    Other cash received concerning
                                                      20,074,140.41                     24,796,515.05
operating activities
Subtotal of cash inflow arising from
                                                     454,921,037.91                    476,873,177.98
operating activities
     Cash paid for purchasing
commodities and receiving labor                      321,575,178.15                    444,560,216.90

                                                        Semi-Annual Report 2012
     Net increase of customer loans
and advances
     Net increase of deposits in
central bank and interbank
     Cash paid for original
insurance contract compensation
  Cash paid for interest,
commission charge and commission
    Cash paid for bonus of
guarantee slip
    Cash paid to/for staff and
                                        26,880,503.47                 22,214,509.42
     Taxes paid                          6,093,709.12                  2,828,520.42
    Other cash paid concerning
                                        25,503,152.26                 22,347,857.14
operating activities
Subtotal of cash outflow arising
                                       380,052,543.00                491,951,103.88
from operating activities
Net cash flows arising from
                                        74,868,494.91                -15,077,925.90
operating activities
II. Cash flows arising from
investing activities:
     Cash received from recovering
    Cash received from investment
     Net cash received from
disposal of fixed, intangible and
other long-term assets
   Net cash received from disposal
of subsidiaries and other units
     Other cash received concerning
investing activities
Subtotal of cash inflow from
                                                 0.00                          0.00
investing activities
     Cash paid for purchasing fixed,
intangible and other long-term           1,983,565.01                 11,339,162.84
     Cash paid for investment

                                                          Semi-Annual Report 2012
     Net increase of mortgaged
     Net cash received from
subsidiaries and other units
     Other cash paid concerning
investing activities
Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                           1,983,565.01                 11,339,162.84
investing activities
Net cash flows arising from
                                          -1,983,565.01                -11,339,162.84
investing activities
III. Cash flows arising from
financing activities
  Cash received from absorbing
     Including: Cash received from
absorbing minority shareholders‘
investment by subsidiaries
     Cash received from loans            144,728,932.31                155,585,303.70
    Cash received from issuing
     Other cash received concerning
financing activities
Subtotal of cash inflow from
                                         144,728,932.31                155,585,303.70
financing activities
     Cash paid for settling debts         94,907,740.34                124,418,515.30
     Cash paid for dividend and
                                          10,376,701.43                  8,974,493.04
profit distributing or interest paying
     Including: Dividend and profit
of minority shareholder paid by
     Other cash paid concerning
financing activities
Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                         105,284,441.77                133,393,008.34
financing activities
Net cash flows arising from
                                          39,444,490.54                 22,192,295.36
financing activities
IV. Influence on cash and cash
                                              -1,903.85                     80,147.48
equivalents due to fluctuation in

                                                                     Semi-Annual Report 2012
exchange rate
V. Net increase of cash and cash
                                                    112,327,516.59                      -4,144,645.90
     Add: Balance of cash and cash
                                                    141,426,712.65                    113,686,755.90
equivalents at the period -begin
VI. Balance of cash and cash
                                                    253,754,229.24                    109,542,110.00
equivalents at the period -end

6. Cash Flow Statement of parent company

                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                Item                 Amount in this period             Amount in last period
I. Cash flows arising from
operating activities:
     Cash received from selling
commodities and providing labor                     27,872,770.71                     22,993,971.40
     Write-back of tax received
    Other cash received
                                                    17,641,385.73                     13,564,025.31
concerning operating activities
Subtotal of cash inflow arising
                                                    45,514,156.44                     36,557,996.71
from operating activities
     Cash paid for purchasing
commodities and receiving labor                      1,633,075.63                      1,305,400.85
    Cash paid to/for staff and
                                                     5,039,553.20                      2,635,998.00
     Taxes paid                                      3,188,605.17                      2,630,581.04
    Other cash paid concerning
                                                    22,332,905.98                     13,514,544.58
operating activities
Subtotal of cash outflow arising
                                                    32,194,139.98                     20,086,524.47
from operating activities
Net cash flows arising from
                                                    13,320,016.46                     16,471,472.24
operating activities
II. Cash flows arising from
investing activities:
     Cash received from
recovering investment

                                                     Semi-Annual Report 2012
   Cash received from investment
     Net cash received from
disposal of fixed, intangible and
other long-term assets
      Net cash received from
disposal of subsidiaries and other
    Other cash received
concerning investing activities
Subtotal of cash inflow from
                                              0.00                        0.00
investing activities
     Cash paid for purchasing
fixed, intangible and other           1,293,235.50                  533,492.40
long-term assets
     Cash paid for investment
     Net cash received from
subsidiaries and other units

  Other cash paid concerning
investing activities

Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                      1,293,235.50                  533,492.40
investing activities
Net cash flows arising from
                                     -1,293,235.50                 -533,492.40
investing activities
III. Cash flows arising from
financing activities
    Cash received from
absorbing investment
     Cash received from loans
  Cash received from issuing
    Other cash received
concerning financing activities
Subtotal of cash inflow from
                                              0.00                        0.00
financing activities
     Cash paid for settling debts    12,230,400.00                 9,116,400.00
  Cash paid for dividend and
                                      6,265,464.86                 6,143,759.23
profit distributing or interest

                                                                                                                             Semi-Annual Report 2012
                 Other cash paid concerning
            financing activities
            Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                                                                                 18,495,864.86                                          15,260,159.23
            financing activities
            Net cash flows arising from
                                                                                                -18,495,864.86                                          -15,260,159.23
            financing activities
            IV. Influence on cash and cash
            equivalents due to fluctuation in                                                          -1,903.85
            exchange rate
            V. Net increase of cash and cash
                                                                                                 -6,470,987.75                                              677,820.61
                 Add: Balance of cash and
            cash equivalents at the period                                                       26,428,341.78                                          29,345,694.04
            VI. Balance of cash and cash
                                                                                                 19,957,354.03                                          30,023,514.65
            equivalents at the period -end

            7. Consolidated Statement on Changes of Owners' Equity
            Amount in this period
                                                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                                      Amount in this period
                                                                      Owners' equity attributable to the parent company

                 Items                                                       Less:     Reason                      General                               Minority‘s   Total owners‘
                                          Paid-up capital
                                                            Capital reserves Treasur    able    Surplus reserves     risk      Retained profit Others      equity         equity
                                          (Share capital)
                                                                            y Stock reserve                        provision

I. Balance at the end of last year        283,161,227.00 109,496,837.33                           77,391,593.25                -193,110,504.37                         276,939,153.21

       Add: Changes of accounting


           Error correction of the last



II. Balance at the beginning of this
                                          283,161,227.00 109,496,837.33                           77,391,593.25                -193,110,504.37                         276,939,153.21

III. Increase/ Decrease in this year
                                                                                                                                 6,426,237.82                             6,426,237.82
(Decrease is listed with'"-")

(i) Net profit                                                                                                                   6,426,237.82                             6,426,237.82

(ii) Other consolidated income

Subtotal of (i)and (ii)                                                                                                          6,426,237.82                             6,426,237.82

                                                                                                                                  Semi-Annual Report 2012
(III) Owners' devoted and decreased
                                                         0.00           0.00     0.00          0.00              0.00          0.00              0.00   0.00            0.00                    0.00

1. Owners' devoted capital

2. Amount calculated into owners'

equity paid in shares

3. Others

(IV)Profit distribution                                  0.00           0.00     0.00          0.00              0.00          0.00              0.00   0.00            0.00                    0.00

1.Withdrawal of surplus reserves

2.Withdrawal of general risk


3.Distribution for owners


4. Others

(V) Carrying forward internal owners'
                                                         0.00           0.00     0.00          0.00              0.00          0.00              0.00   0.00            0.00                    0.00

1. Capital reserves conversed to

capital (share capital)

2. Surplus reserves conversed to

capital (share capital)

3. Remedying loss with surplus


4. Others

 (VI) Reasonable reserve

1. Withdrawal in this period

2. Usage in this period

(VII) Other

IV. Balance at the end of the report
                                           283,161,227.00 109,496,837.33                                77,391,593.25                 -186,684,266.55                             283,365,391.03

             Amount in last period
                                                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                                                        Amount in last period

                                                                    Owners' equity attributable to the parent company

                 Items                                                                                                                                     Minority‘s         Total owners‘
                                                                            Less:     Reason                          General
                                       Paid-up capital
                                                           Capital reserves Treasur     able     Surplus reserves       risk      Retained profit Others       equity             equity
                                       (Share capital)
                                                                           y Stock reserve                            provision

  I. Balance at the end of last         283,161,227.00 109,496,837.33                                 77,391,593.25               -203,485,025.57                              266,564,632.01

                                                                                                         Semi-Annual Report 2012

  Add: retroactive adjustment

arising from enterprise

consolidation under the same


  Add: Changes of

accounting policy

          Error correction of the

last period


II. Balance at the beginning of
                                    283,161,227.00 109,496,837.33                 77,391,593.25          -203,485,025.57                 266,564,632.01
this year

III. Increase/ Decrease in this

year (Decrease is listed                                                                                  10,374,521.20


(i) Net profit                                                                                            10,374,521.20

(ii) Other consolidated income

Subtotal of (i)and (ii)                                                                                   10,374,521.20

(III) Owners' devoted and
                                             0.00            0.00   0.00   0.00            0.00   0.00              0.00   0.00   0.00             0.00
decreased capital

1. Owners' devoted capital

2. Amount calculated into

owners' equity paid in shares

3. Others

(IV)Profit distribution                      0.00            0.00   0.00   0.00            0.00   0.00              0.00   0.00   0.00             0.00

1. Withdrawal of surplus


2. Withdrawal of general risk


3. Distribution for owners


4. Others

(V) Carrying forward internal
                                             0.00            0.00   0.00   0.00            0.00   0.00              0.00   0.00   0.00             0.00
owners' equity

1. Capital reserves conversed

to capital (share capital)

2. Surplus reserves conversed

to capital (share capital)

                                                                                                                         Semi-Annual Report 2012
3. Remedying loss with

surplus reserve

4. Others

 (VI) Reasonable reserve

1.Withdrawal in this period

2.Usage in this period

(VII) Other

IV. Balance at the end of the
                                       283,161,227.00 109,496,837.33                        77,391,593.25                -193,110,504.37                           276,939,153.21
report period

        8. Statement on Changes of Owners' Equity of Parent Company
        Amount in this period
                                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                                                    Amount in this period

                                                                                         Less:    Reason
                     Item                      Paid-up capital                                                                General risk                      Total owners‘
                                                                    Capital reserves    Treasur    able    Surplus reserves                  Retained profit
                                                (Share capital)                                                                 reserve                            equity
                                                                                        y Stock reserve

  I. Balance at the end of last year             283,161,227.00       109,496,837.33                         77,391,593.25                   -201,873,896.87    268,175,760.71

     Add: Changes of accounting policy

              Error correction of the last



  II. Balance at the beginning of this year      283,161,227.00       109,496,837.33                         77,391,593.25                   -201,873,896.87    268,175,760.71

  III. Increase/ Decrease in this year
                                                                                                                                                2,304,830.57       2,304,830.57
  (Decrease is listed with'"-")

  (i) Net profit                                                                                                                                2,304,830.57       2,304,830.57

  (ii) Other consolidated income

  Subtotal of (i)and (ii)                                                                                                                       2,304,830.57       2,304,830.57

  (III) Owners' devoted and decreased
                                                             0.00                0.00      0.00     0.00              0.00            0.00               0.00               0.00

  1. Owners' devoted capital

  2. Amount calculated into owners'

  equity paid in shares

  3. Others

  (IV) Profit distribution                                   0.00                0.00      0.00     0.00              0.00            0.00               0.00               0.00

  1. Withdrawal of surplus reserves

  2.Withdrawal of general risk reserve

                                                                                                                                   Semi-Annual Report 2012
 3. Distribution for owners


 4. Others

 (V) Carrying forward internal owners'
                                                              0.00                      0.00   0.00          0.00               0.00          0.00               0.00                0.00

 1. Capital reserves conversed to capital

 (share capital)

 2. Surplus reserves conversed to capital

 (share capital)

 3. Remedying loss with surplus


 4. Others

 (VI) Reasonable reserve

 1. Withdrawal in this period

 2. Usage in this period

 (VII) Other

 IV. Balance at the end of the report
                                                283,161,227.00           109,496,837.33                                77,391,593.25                  -199,569,066.30    270,480,591.28

         Amount in last year
                                                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                                                                                         Amount in last period

                                                                                           Less:    Reason
                     Item                   Paid-up capital                                                                            General risk                      Total owners‘
                                                                     Capital reserves     Treasur     able          Surplus reserves                  Retained profit
                                            (Share capital)                                                                              reserve                            equity
                                                                                          y Stock reserve

I. Balance at the end of last year           283,161,227.00            109,496,837.33                                  77,391,593.25                   -209,040,012.94   261,009,644.64

       Add: Changes of accounting


            Error correction of the last



II. Balance at the beginning of this
                                             283,161,227.00            109,496,837.33                                  77,391,593.25                   -209,040,012.94   261,009,644.64

III. Increase/ Decrease in this year
                                                                                                                                                          7,166,116.07      7,166,116.07
(Decrease is listed with'"-")

(i) Net profit                                                                                                                                            7,166,116.07      7,166,116.07

(ii) Other consolidated income

                                                                                                  Semi-Annual Report 2012
Subtotal of (i)and (ii)                                                                                           7,166,116.07     7,166,116.07

(III) Owners' devoted and decreased
                                                  0.00             0.00   0.00   0.00            0.00   0.00              0.00             0.00

1. Owners' devoted capital

2. Amount calculated into owners'

equity paid in shares

3. Others

(IV) Profit distribution                          0.00             0.00   0.00   0.00            0.00   0.00              0.00             0.00

1. Withdrawal of surplus reserves

2. Withdrawal of general risk reserve

3. Distribution for owners


4. Others

(V) Carrying forward internal owners'
                                                  0.00             0.00   0.00   0.00            0.00   0.00              0.00             0.00

1. Capital reserves conversed to

capital (share capital)

2. Surplus reserves conversed to

capital (share capital)

3. Remedying loss with surplus


4. Others

 (VI) Reasonable reserve

1. Withdrawal in this period

2. Usage in this period

(VII) Other

IV. Balance at the end of the report
                                        283,161,227.00   109,496,837.33                 77,391,593.25          -201,873,896.87   268,175,760.71

         (III) Basic information of the Company
         Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co., Ltd. (―the Company‖ for short, but ―the Company (or the Group‘)‖ when
         including subsidiaries), previously known as Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co., Ltd. (renamed as set out herein in
         this term), is a Sino-foreign joint venture jointly invested and incorporated by such three legal persons as
         Shenzhen Electronics Group Co., Ltd. (―SEG‖ for short), China Zhenhua Electronics Group Co., Ltd. (―Zhenhua
         Group‖ for short) and Luks Industrial (Group) Limited (―Luks Group‖ for short) on 08 December 1981. In 1991,
         the Company was reorganized as a company of limited liabilities by stocks (registered number of the License for a
         Corporation Legal Person: Q.G.Y.S.Z.Z.No. 100296 and is changed as 440301501120670 in this term) and made
         its IPO in the same year, issuing 53,130,000 shares of RMB common stock with par value 1 Yuan per share,
         including 29,630,000 shares of A shares and 23,500,000 shares of B shares. In 1992, the Company launched it‘s A
         shares and B shares in Shenzhen Stock Exchange, 53,130,000 shares were tradable and 159,203,000 shares
         remaining unlisted.
         In November 1996, Luks Group assigned 12% of its shares in the Company, totaling 25,500,000 shares, to SEG

                                                                                Semi-Annual Report 2012
through agreement, which was approved in the reply of Shenzhen Stock Regulatory Office and ceded on 05 March
1997. After such assignment, Luks Group held 25,796,663 shares of the Company, accounting for 12.16% of the
total shares capital, and SEG held 25,500,000 shares of the Company, accounting for 12% of the total shares
In December 1997, the Company conducted shares allotment program, issuing extra 63,699,895 shares to all
shareholders by the ratio of 10:3 against the total 212,332,989 shares before the allotment, among which,
30,777,997 shares were allotted to domestic corporate shareholders and 3,600,000 shares were subscribed, with
the remaining 27,177,997 shares assigned to public shareholders on paid basis, 15,388,998 shares were allotted to
foreign corporate shareholders and 1,800,000 shares were subscribed with 13,588,998 shares abandoned, and also
9,777,900 shares allotted to public shareholders and 7,755,000 shares to domestic-listed foreign shareholders.

In January 1998, the Company carried out the capital reserve-to-capital program for year 1996, i.e. based on the
total 212,332,989 shares ended 1996, 2 shares will be increased to per 10 shares for all shareholders, and based on
the total 240,701,488 shares ended 1997 after allocation, 1.764 shares will be increased to each 10 shares for all
On 5 January 2001, upon ratification, the increased shares of the Company, totaling 6,394,438 shares, went public
in Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

On 29 May 2001, upon the approval of CSRC, the non-listed foreign capital totaling 62,462,914 shares of the
Company were transferred as listed circulating stock, marking the circulation of entire foreign capital.
On 30 November 2001 and 7 December 2001, Luks Group reduced the B-share of the Company, totaling
14,158,000 shares and 14,159,000 shares respectively. As of 17 December 2001, SEG had aggregately reduced
B-share of the Company totaling 14,487,400 shares, accounting for 5.12% of total shares capital of the Company.

On 6 June 2005, the Company bulletined that original shareholder SEG and China Zhenhua Group assigned the
state-owned corporate capital they held in the Company totaling 124,920,000 shares to Wuhan Zhongheng New
Tech Industry Group Co., Ltd. (―Wuhan Zhongheng‖ for short), which was ratified by the State-owned Assets
Committee, the State Ministry of Commerce and CSRC with relevant assignment procedures completed on 11
April 2007.
On 13 November 2006, the Board of Shareholders of the Company passed the Share Merger Reform Program of
Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co., Ltd. In line the program, Wuhan Zhongheng carried out assets reorganization to
the Company, including bestowing assets and integrating industries covered by the Company, also paying 1.5
shares as consideration for per 10 shares to all A-share shareholders enrolled as at the equity registration day for
the program, totaling 8,435,934 shares which may be tradable since the first business day after the implementation
of the program. On May 18, 2007, the Company accomplished the implementation of consideration of shares in
the share merger reform scheme. As of August 2007, the Company had completed the share merger reform
program with ceding procedures for bestowed assets completed.
As ending at 30 June 2012, the aggregate shares of the Company are 283.16 million shares, among which,
restricted shares total to 116,489,894 shares, accounting for 41.14% of total shares, and unrestricted shares total to
166,671,333 shares, accounting for 58.86% of total shares. Among the unrestricted shares, there are 64,675,497A
shares and 101,995,836 B shares, accounting for 22.84% and 36.02% of total shares respectively.
The business scope: manufacturing & operating each kind of color TV, LCD monitor, LCD screen (subject to
branch offices), hi-fi equipment, digital watch, TV game player and computer as well as auxiliary circuit boards,
precise injection molding ware, light packing materials (manufacturing & operating in Wuhan), hardware
(including molds), electroplate and solder stick, real estate development and operation (ref. S.F.D.C.No. 7226760),
property management. Establish affiliated companies in Wuhan and Jilin, branch offices in each capital city
(excluding Lhasa) and cities directly under jurisdiction of the Central Government.

Its major business is manufacturing and sales of circuit board, processing of precise injection molding ware,
hardware (including molds); property lease and processing and sales of LCD displayer and color TV. The
Company is registered at Block 411, Huafabei Road, Futian District, Shenzhen City; legal representative is Li
The parent company of the Company is Zhongheng Group, and the shareholders meeting is its agency of power,
which executes the decision right on material matter such as operation guidelines, funding, investment and profit
distribution. Board of directors shall answer for shareholders meeting, which implements operation and decision
right of the company according to laws; Managers take charge for organizing and executing the decisions made in
shareholders meeting and board of directors meeting, as well as presiding the production and operation

                                                                                Semi-Annual Report 2012
management work of the company. The functional management departments include Enterprise Planning
Department, Financial Department, Comprehensive Management Department, Business Center, Video Business
Department, Circuit Panel Business Department, Plastic Injection Business Department, Auditing Department,
Office of Board of Directors etc., the branches include Wuhan branch etc., and subsidiaries mainly include
Shenzhen Huafa Property Lease Management Co., Ltd.(Huafa Property Lease Company), Shenzhen Zhongheng
Huafa Property Co., Ltd.,(Huafa Property) ,Wuhan Hengfa Scientific and Technology Co., Ltd.(Hengfa
Scientific& Technology for short) and Wuhan Zhongheng Huafa Trade Co., Ltd. (Huafa Trade Company) etc.

(IV) Accounting Policies, Accounting Estimates and Errors of previous term
1. Basis Preparation of the Financial Statements
This preparation of the Financial Statements is based on the continual operation of the Company, according to the
actual transaction and event, pursuant to the Corporate Accounting Principles and relevant rules, and grounded on
the accounting policy and estimations stated in Note IV Important accounting policy & estimation and method for
preparation of consolidated financial statements.
2. Statement of Compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
The Financial Statement prepared by the Company complies with the requirements of Business Accounting
Standards, and reflect such information regarding enterprise financial situation, operation result and cash flows,
etc. on the factual and complete basis.
3. Fiscal period
The accounting year of the company is from 1 January to 31 December of the Gregorian calendar year.
4. Currency used in book-keeping
The Company‘s reporting currency is the RMB Yuan.
Book-keeping currency for oversea subsidiary (Non applicable)

5. Accounting treatment of the merging entities under common control and different control
(1) Merger of entities under common control
In a business combination under the same control, the assets and liabilities that the combining party obtains in a
business combination shall be measured on the basis of their carrying amount in the combined party on the
combining date. The additional paid-in capital shall be adjusted according to the balance between the carrying
amount of the net assets obtained by the combining party and the carrying amount of the consideration paid by it;
if the additional paid-in capital is not sufficient to be offset, the retained earnings shall be adjusted.

(2) Business combination not under the same control
In a business combination not under the same control, the combination costs shall be the fair values, on the
acquisition date, of the assets paid, the liabilities incurred or assumed and the equity securities issued by the
acquirer in exchange for the control on the acquiree. The acquirer shall recognize the positive balance between the
combination costs and the fair value of the identifiable net assets it obtains from the acquiree as good will; if the
combination costs are less than the fair value of the identifiable net assets it obtains from the acquiree, it shall
record the balance into the gains and losses of the current period after re-examination.
6. Preparing method of consolidated financial statements
(1) Preparing method of consolidated financial statements
Principles of Recognition of Scope for Consolidation
The Group incorporates those subsidiaries actually controlled and objects with special purpose into the scope of
the Consolidated Financial Statement.
Account Method Adopted in the Consolidated Accounting Statement
The Group has prepared for the Consolidated Financial Statement in line with the Business Accounting Standards
No.33- Consolidated Financial Statement and its relevant regulations, with all key internal trades and transactions
within the scope of consolidation offset. Among the shareholders equity of subsidiaries, the part that does not
belong to the parent company shall be presented under shareholders equity as minority interest in the consolidated
financial statement.
Where the accounting policy or accounting period adopted by subsidiaries and the Company is inconsistent, it
shall make necessary adjustment on subsidiaries‘ financial statements according to the accounting policy or
accounting period adopted by the Company when prepare consolidated financial statement.
As to the subsidiary acquired through business combination not under the same control, when prepare
consolidated financial statement, it shall make adjustment on individual financial statement based on the fair value
of the net assets recognized on the purchasing day; As to the subsidiary acquired through business combination
under the same control, it will be regarded existing since the begin of the year of the current period of

                                                                                Semi-Annual Report 2012
combination, and its assets, liabilities, operating results and cash flows will be included into the consolidated
financial statement based on its original carrying value since the begin of the year of the current period of

(2)Disclosure of related accounting method for buy-and-resell or sell-and-repurchase of equities in the same
subsidiary within two successive accounting years

7. Determination criteria of cash and cash equivalent
The cash in the Group‘s cash flow statement is storage cash and deposits available for payment anytime. The cash
equivalents in the cash flow statement are the investment of 3-month-blow holding period, strong mobility, easy
change into the cash of the known sum and slight risk of the value change.
8. Foreign currency business and the conversion of foreign currency statement
(1) Foreign currency transaction
As for the Group‘s foreign currency transaction, the sum in foreign currency is converted into the one in RMB on
market exchange disclosed by People‘s Bank of China at beginning of the month. On the balance sheet day, the
monetary item in foreign currency is converted into the one in RMB on the current rate on the balance sheet day,
and the difference arising is reckoned into the current loss/gain besides the one on the capitalization principled, of
the specific foreign currency borrowing for the construction and production of the assets qualified for
capitalization. As for the non-monetary item in foreign currency and on the fair value measurement, it is converted
into the one in RMB on the current rate on the day of fair value recognition, and the difference arising is directly
reckoned into the current loss/gain as the fair value change. As for the non-monetary item in foreign currency and
on historic cost measurement, is still converted on the current exchange rate on the day of the actual transaction,
without the change in its sum in RMB.
(2) Conversion of financial statement in foreign currency
The assets/liabilities items in the balance sheet in the foreign currency are converted on the current exchange rate
on the balance sheet day; owners‘ equity items besides the ―retained profit‖ are converted on the current exchange
rate on the actual business day; income/expense items in the profit statement are converted on the current
exchange rate disclosed by People‘s Bank of China on the current beginning of the month. The differences arising
from the above conversions of the financial statement in foreign currency is specifically listed in owners‘ equity
items. The foreign currency cash flow is converted on the current exchange rate disclosed by People‘s Bank of
China on the current beginning of the month while cash flow occurred. The cash sum influenced by the fluctuation
of the exchange rate, is listed specifically in the cash flow statement.
9. Financial instruments
The financial instruments refer to the financial assets that form an enterprise and the contract that form the
financial liabilities or equity instruments for other units.
(1) Classification of financial instrument
The Group‘s owned financial assets are divided on the investment purpose and the economic nature into the four
categories as ones measured on the fair value and with its change reckoned into the current loss/gain, the
long-term investment, loan & account receivable, and the tradable ones
As for the financial assets on fair value measurement and with its change reckoned into the current loss/gain, they
are ones mainly for short-term sales and listed as the tradable financial assets in the balance sheet.
As for the long-term investment held maturity, it is non- derivative financial assets of fixed due date, of fixed or
certain recoverable, and of the management‘s identified intention for and capability of holding due.
As for the loan and the account receivable, they are the non-derivative financial assets of no quotation in the
active market, but of a fixed or certain recoverable.
The financial assets available for sale, consist of the non-derivative ones designated as available for sale and other
ones undivided
(2) Recognition basis and measurement method for financial instruments
When the financial assets become one party of financial instrument contract in the Group, confirm according to
fair value in statement of assets and liabilities. As for the financial assets measured by fair value and whose
changes reckon in the current profits and losses, the relevant trading expenses during obtaining should be
reckoned in the current profits and losses, and relevant trading expenses of other financial assets should be
reckoned in initially confirming amount.

As for the financial assets on fair value measurement and with its change reckoned the current loss/gain, and the
financial assets available for sale, are on fair value follow-up measurement; the loan & the account receivable, and

                                                                                   Semi-Annual Report 2012
the long-term investment held maturity are measured on the actual rate and listed on diluted cost.

The fair value change of the financial assets on fair value measurement and with its change reckoned into the
current loss/gain, is reckoned into the loss/gain of the fair value change. The interest or cash dividend obtained
during holding the investment are recognized as the investment return; upon the disposal, the difference between
its fair value and initial book kept sum is recognized as investment loss/gain, and meanwhile the adjustment is
made on the fair value change.

Except exchange gain or loss formed by impairment losses and foreign monetary financial assets, the fair value
changes of financial assets available for sale should be directly reckoned in stockholder's equity, when the
financial assets terminate the confirmation, the accumulated amount of fair value changes originally reckoned in
equity shifts into the current gains and losses. Interests of debt instrument investment available for sale
calculatedly actual interest rate during the holding period and cash dividends related to equity instruments
investment available for sale released by investment units should be reckoned in current profits and losses as
investment income.
Financial assets impairment

(3) Recognition basis and measurement method for transfer of financial assets
The financial assets meet one of following requirements will be terminated recognition: ① The contract rights of
collecting cash flow of the financial assets is terminated; ②The financial assets has already been transferred, and
the Company has transferred almost all risks and remunerations of financial assets ownership to the transferee;
③The financial assets has been transferred, even though the Company has neither transferred nor kept almost all
risks and remunerations of financial assets ownership, the Company has given up controlling the financial assets.

If the enterprise has neither transferred or kept almost all risks and remunerations of financial assets ownership,
nor given up controlling the financial assets, then confirm the relevant financial assets according to how it
continues to involve into the transferred financial assets and confirm the relevant liabilities accordingly. The
degree of keeping involving into the transferred financial assets refers to the risk level with which the fluctuation
of this financial asset value makes the enterprise face.

If the entire transfer of financial assets satisfies the demand for derecognizing, reckon the balance between the
book value of the transferred financial assets and the sum of consideration received from transfer and fluctuation
accumulated amount of fair value formerly reckoned in other consolidated income in the current profits and

If part transfer of financial assets satisfies the demand for derecognizing, apportion the integral book value of the
transferred financial assets between the derecognized parts and the parts not yet derecognized according to each
relative fair value, and reckon the balance between the sum of consideration received from transfer and fluctuation
accumulated amount of fair value formerly reckoned in other consolidated income that should be apportioned to
the derecognized parts and the apportioned aforementioned carrying amounts in the current profits and losses.

(4) Recognition condition for termination of financial liability
In the initial recognition, the financial liabilities are divided into financial liabilities on the fair value measurement
and with their change reckoned into the current loss/gain, and other financial liabilities.

As for the financial liabilities on the fair value measurement and with their change reckoned into the current
loss/gain, they consist of the tradable liabilities and ones on fair value measurement in the initial recognition and
with their change reckoned into the current loss/gain; the follow-up measurement is taken on them on the fair
value; and the profit or loss from the fair value change and the relevant dividend and the interest, are reckoned
into the current loss/gain.

The follow-up measurement is taken on other financial liabilities on the actual rate and the diluted cost.

When the whole or part of current obligations of financial liabilities has been removed, stop confirming the
removed part of these financial liabilities or obligations. The balance between the book value of the part that has
been terminated and the paying consideration shall be reckoned in the current profits and losses.

                                                                                  Semi-Annual Report 2012
(5) Deciding of fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities
As for the financial instruments that have active market, the market price in active market is used for confirming
its fair value. In the active market, the financial assets held by the Group or financial assets planned to assume
shall take the current bid as the fair value for corresponding assets or liabilities; the financial assets planned to be
purchased or financial assets assumed by the Group shall take the current price as the fair value for corresponding
assets or liabilities. As for the financial assets and financial liabilities that don‘t have current bid or price, and
whose economic environment has no great changes after the nearest trading day, adopt the market price used in
the nearest trading to confirm the fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities. When the economic
environment has great changes after the nearest trading day, refer to the current price or interest rate like financial
assets or financial liabilities, and adjust the market price for the recent trading so as to confirm the fair value of
this financial assets and financial liabilities. When the Group has sufficient evidence to indicate that the nearest
trading market price is not fair value, appropriately adjust the nearest trading market price so as to confirm the fair
value of this financial assets and financial liabilities.

As the financial instrument is not in the active market, the fair value is recognized on the evaluation technology.
The evaluation method consists of the reference to the price in the market transaction between the parties familiar
to the situations and voluntary in the transaction, the reference to the current fair value of other substantially same
financial assets, the conversion of the cash flow, the stock pricing model.

(6) Impairment of financial assets (excluding account receivable)
Except for the financial assets measured by fair value and whose changes are reckoned in the current gains and
losses, the Group shall check the book value of other financial assets on the balance sheet date, if there is
objective evidence indicates that a certain financial asset decreases in value, provision shall be made for

When the financial assets calculated by amortized cost decrease in value, count and draw the provision for
impairment according to the balance between present value and book value of predicted future cash flows
(Excluding future credit losses that haven‘t occurred yet.). If there is any objective evidence to indicate that the
financial assets has recovered and is objectively connected with matters occurred after confirming the losses, the
formerly confirmed impairment losses will be reversed and reckoned in current profits and losses.

When the fair value of financial assets available for sale goes down substantially or non- transiently, the
accumulating losses previously and directly reckoned in shareholder's equity and formed due to shrinkage of fair
value will be transferred and reckoned in impairment losses. As for the debt instrument investment available for
sale with confirmed impairment losses, if its fair value rises after and it is objectively connected with matters
occurred after confirming the primary impairment losses, the formerly confirmed impairment losses will be
reversed and reckoned in current profits and losses. And the debt instrument investment available for sale with
confirmed impairment losses shall be directly reckoned in stockholder's equity if its fair value rises after.

(7)As for reclassification of un-matured held-to-maturity investments into financial assets available for sale,
please explain the holding purposes or references for change of ability
a. The deadline for holding the financial assets is not certain
b. When there are market rate changes, liquidity need changes, substitution for investment opportunities, other
invest return rate changes, financing sources and condition changes, and exchange risks, sell this financial assets.
c. The release party of the financial assets can pay off according to the amount obviously lower than the amortized
d. No available financial resources persistently invest or provide capital support for the financial assets so that the
financial assets investment can be held to maturity.
e. Restricted by laws and regulations, it is hard for the enterprise to hold the financial assets investment to
f. Others indicate that the enterprise has no intention or ability to hold the financial assets investment with fixed
term to maturity.

10. Recognition standards and accrual method for bad debt provision for accounts receivable
Bad debt provision for accounts receivable
The following cases are taken as the principle of the recognition of the loss of the bad debts of the account
receivable: due to the cancellation, bankruptcy, insolvency, sever deficiency in the cash flow, and the incidence of

                                                                                                   Semi-Annual Report 2012
the fatal natural disaster, the institutional debtor stops and is unable to pay off the debts in the expectable future;
the institutional debtor has not fulfilled its debts payoff over 5 years; other solid evidence show no chance or little
chance of recovery.
Adjust accounts of the possible bad debt losses by adopting allowance method, do impairment test alone or by
combination at the end of period, make provision for bad debt reserve and reckon in current profits and losses. As
for the nonrecoverable accounts receivables with unambiguous evidence, regard as bad debt loss after approved
by the Group according to established procedures, and charge against the provision for bad debt reserve.
(1) Bad debt provision for accounts receivable with single major amount
                                                                              Regard accounts receivables of non-related party with single
Determine basis or amount standards for single significant amount
                                                                              amount over 500,000 Yuan as great accounts receivables

                                                                              Make provision for bad debt reserve according to the balance
withdrawal method for account with single significant amount and
                                                                              between its present values of future cash flows and its book
withdrawal single item bad debt provision

(2) Accounts whose bad debts provision was accrued by combination
                                            Methods on withdrawal of
             Combination                    bad debt provision based on                   Basis for combination recognized

                                                                          Divided combination by credit risk characteristic based on age of
Age combination                         age analysis
                                                                          account receivable
In combination, accounts whose bad debts provision was accrued by age analysis:
√ Applicable □ non-applicable

             Account age                           Rate for receivables (%)                       Rate for other receivables (%)
Within 1 year (included)                                                         0%                                                      0%

1-2 years                                                                       5%                                                      5%

2-3 years                                                                      10%                                                     10%

Over 3 years                                                                    30%                                                     30%

3-4 years

4-5 years

Over 5 years                                                                  100%                                                    100%

In combination, withdrawal proportion of bad debt provision based on balance proportion:
□applicable √non-applicable
In combination, withdrawal proportion of bad debt provision based on other methods:
□applicable √non-applicable
(3) Accounts with single significant amount and bad debts provision accrued individually
Reasons for withdrawal single item bad debt provision:
As for the accounts receivables whose single amount is not great and bad debt reserve cannot reflect its risk
characteristics by combination provision
Withdrawal method for bad debt provision:
Make provision for bad debt reserve according to the balance between its present values of future cash flows and
its book value
11. Inventories

                                                                                 Semi-Annual Report 2012
(1) Categorizing of inventory
Inventories of the Group include raw materials, packing materials, low-value consuming product, product in
progress and goods in stock etc..
(2) Calculation method of inventory
√ FIFO □Weighted Average □ Specific Identification □ other
The perpetual inventory system is applied to inventories. Purchasing are priced at the actual cost, receiving and
selling raw materials are calculated by first-in first-out method. Low-value consuming goods and packing
materials are amortized by one-off write-off method.
(3) Recognition basis of realizable net value of inventory and providing basis of inventory impairment
At the period end, the inventories at term end shall be priced at the lower one between cost and net realizable
value, the provisions for inventories depreciation shall be drawn against the predicted uncollectible cost caused by
inventories damage, part or entire out-of-fashion or selling price lower than cost. The provisions depreciation of
finished products and large bulk of raw materials shall be drawn against the excess part between the cost of single
inventory item and its net realizable value. The provisions depreciation of the other raw and auxiliary materials
with various kinds and low unit price shall be drawn as per category.
For such stocked goods directly for sales as products in stocks, products in progress and materials for sales, their
net realizable value shall be recognized after deducting the estimated sales expenses and relevant taxes from
estimated sales price of such inventories. For stocked materials for production use, their net realizable value shall
be recognized after deducting estimated cost occurring at completion, sales expenses and relevant tax from
estimated sales price of products to be manufactured.
(4) Inventory system
√Perpetual Inventory System □ Periodic Inventory System □ other
Inventory implemented perpetual system
(5) Amortization of low-value consumables and wrappage
Low-value consumables
Amortization Method: One-time amortize method
Amortization Method: One-time amortize method
12. Long-term equity investment
(1) Recognition of initial investment cost
Long-term equity investment mainly includes the equity investment held by the Group that may produce control,
joint control or significant influence over invested entity, or the equity investment that does not have control, joint
control or significant influence on the invested entity, and has no offer in active market and its fair value cannot be
reliably measured.
If the long-term equity investment is acquired via business merger under the same control, it shall, on the day of
merger, regard the share of the carrying amount of the owner's equity of the merged enterprise as the initial cost of
the long-term equity investment. As for the long-term equity investment acquired via business merge under
different control, the merger cost shall be, the fair values, on the merger (acquiring) date, of the assets given, the
liabilities incurred or assumed, and the equity securities issued by the acquirer, in exchange for the control of the
merged (acquired) enterprise, which will be, on the merger (acquiring) date, further regarded as the initial
investment cost of long-term equity investment.
Apart from the aforesaid long-term equity investment acquired through business merger, those long-term equity
investment, if acquiring through paying cash, shall consider its purchasing price actually paid as the initial
investment cost, which includes expenses, taxes and other necessary expenditure directly related to the acquiring
of the long-term equity investment; if acquired by issuing equity securities, shall consider the fair value of issuing
equity securities as the initial investment cost; if invested by investors, shall consider the value agreed in the
investment contract or agreement as the initial investment cost; if acquiring from debt reorganization or
non-monetary assets exchange, shall confirm the initial investment cost according to the regulation of relevant
accounting rule.
(2) Subsequent measurement and recognition of gains/losses
The investment of the Group to its subsidiaries shall be calculated through cost method and shall be adjusted
through equity method in the Financial Statement; the investment to its associated companies shall be calculated
through equity method; For the long-term equity investment without any control, joint control or serious influence
for which there is no offer in the active market and of which the fair value cannot be reliably measured, the Group
adopts cost method to calculate it; For the long-term equity investment without any control, joint control or
serious influence for which there is offer in the active market and of which the fair value can be reliably measured,

                                                                                   Semi-Annual Report 2012
the Group shall calculate it under the entry of ―Financial Assets available for Sales‖.
The price of a long-term equity investment measured by employing the cost method shall be included at its initial
investment cost. When calculated by equity method, the loss or profits of current period shall be the attributable or
shareable the net profits or losses of the invested entity in current year. The investing enterprise shall, on the
ground of the fair value of all identifiable assets of the invested entity when it obtains the investment, according to
the accounting policies and period of the Group, offset the loss or profits from internal transaction with joint
enterprise, and calculate the part belonging to the investing enterprise based on the shares holding ration,
recognize the attributable share of the net profits and losses of the invested entity after it adjusts the net profits of
the invested entity.
As for the long-term stock investment of no common control over or significant influence on the invested
organization any longer due to the investment decrease, and of no quotation in the active market and no reliable
measurement on its fair value, it is changed to be on cost check; as for the long-term stock investment of common
control over the invested organization due to the investment addition, it is also changed to be on cost check; as for
the long-term stock investment of the exertion of the common control over or the significant influence on the
invested organization but of no control due to the investment addition, or of no control over the invested
organization any longer but the exertion of the common control or the significant influence on the invested
organization due to the investment disposal, it is changed to be on equity check.
As for the long-term stock investment disposed, the difference between its book value and the price actually
obtained is reckoned into the current loss/gain. As for the long-term stock investment reckoned into the owners‘
equity due to the change in owners‘ equity besides the net loss/gain of the invested organization, its original part
reckoned into the owners‘ equity is transferred into the current investment return on corresponding proportion in
disposal of the investment.
(3) Basis of deciding the common control and major influence on the invested enterprise
Joint control refers to the mutual control to a certain economic activity according to the contract. The evaluation
criteria for point control is that the production and operating activities of cooperative enterprises cannot be
independently controlled by any jointly owned party; the decisions referring to basic operating activities of
cooperative enterprises must be agreed by all jointly owned parties.
Significant impact refers to the rights to participate in the financing and operating policies of the units being
invested, but cannot control the policy-making. The affirmation basis for significant impact is mainly the stock
with voting power of the units being invested, more than 20% (including 20%)but less than 50% of which is
directly held by the Group or indirectly held by the subsidiaries, if theirs is evidence indicates not to participate in
the production and operation policies of the units being invested under this circumstances, then no major impact
will be formed.
(4) Impairment test method and withdrawal method of impairment provision
The Group has, on each reporting day of Balance Sheet, checked the long-term equity investment, fixed assets,
project in progress and intangible assets, etc.. In case of any of the following circumstances, possible impairment
has occurred to assets. We will conduct impairment test at each year end over good will and those intangible assets
without fixed beneficiary term. If difficult to test the recoverable amount of a single asset item, the test may be
applied to the asset group or combined asset group containing such asset.
After an impairment test to an asset, if the book value of such asset exceeds its recoverable amount, the positive
difference shall be recognized as impairment loss. The impairment loss of above assets shall not be reversed in
later accounting period after being recognized. The recoverable amount shall be determined according to the net
amount of the fair value of an asset minus the disposal expenses, and the current value of the expected future cash
flow of the asset, whichever is higher.

The following circumstances may constitute a sign of possible asset impairment:
a. The current market price of an asset declines drastically, and the price drop is obviously higher than the
expected drop over time or due to the normal use;
b. The economic, technological or legal environment in which the enterprise conducts its business operations, or
the market where an asset is situated has or will have any significant change in the current period or in the near
future, and thus has or will have an adverse impact on the enterprise;
c. The market interest rate or any other market investment return rate has risen in the current period, and the
enterprise' calculation of capitalization rate of the current value of the expected future cash flow of the asset is
affected and thus leads to a big fall in the recoverable amount of asset;
d. Any evidence shows that an asset has become obsolete or it has been damaged substantially;
e. An asset has been or will be left unused, or the use of an asset has been or will be terminated, or an asset has
been or will be disposed of ahead of schedule;

                                                                                        Semi-Annual Report 2012
f. Any evidence in the internal report of the enterprise shows that the economic performances of an asset has been
or will be lower than the expected performances, for example, the net cash flow created by an asset or business
profit (or loss) realized (incurred) an asset is lower (higher) than the excepted amount, etc.; and
g. Other evidence that indicates that asset impairment has probably occurred.
13. Investment real estate
The investment property consists of the land use right leased, the land use right held and to be transferred after
appreciation, and house building leased.
The cost of the investment property is taken as its book value. The cost of investment property purchased includes
purchasing payment, relevant taxes and other expenditures which may be directly ascribed to such assets; the cost
of investment property self-built consists of all actual necessary expenditure of the assets construction before up to
expectant availability.
The follow-up measurement on cost is taken on the investment property; the depreciation is accrued or diluted on
its estimative service life and the net remnant rate and in the average year method. The estimative service life, net
remnant rate and depreciation (dilution) rate are as follows:
                                                                                                       Annual depreciation
    Type                          Depreciation year(year)       Net estimative remnant rate (%)
                                                                                                  rate (%)

    Land use right                                50                          10.00%                         1.80%

    House building                           5—50                            10.00%                   1.80%—18.00%

In case the property of investment is taken for self-use, such property shall be recorded as fixed assets or
intangible assets since the date of taking. If the self-use property is taken for rent or capital appreciating, such
fixed assets or intangible assets shall be recorded as property of investment since the date of taking. For such
recording, the book value before it shall be taken as the recording value after that.
As the investment property is disposed, or is permanently withdrawn from use and estimated unable to obtain the
economic profit from its disposal, the termination of the recognition of the investment property is available. The
sum of the disposal income from sale, transfer, discarding or break deducting its book value and relevant tax, is
reckoned into the current loss/gain.
14. Fixed assets
(1)Recognition of fixed assets
The fixed assets are ones of all the following characters, namely the tangible assets of 1-year-above service life, of
RMB 2,000-above unit value and held for the goods production, labor supply, lease, or operation & management.

(2) Basis of deciding the fixed assets from financing rental and its calculation
Fixed assets include houses & buildings, machinery equipment, mold equipment, transport equipment, apparatus
equipment, tooling equipment and office equipment. Fixed assets shall be measured at their cost, among which,
the cost of a purchased fixed asset includes the purchase price, VAT, import duties and relevant taxes as well as
other disbursements that bring the fixed asset to the expected conditions for use and that may be attributed to the
fixed asset; the cost of self-constructed fixed assets shall be formed by the necessary disbursements incurred for
bringing the asset to the expected conditions for use. The cost put into fixed assets by the investor shall be
determined according to the value as stipulated in the investment contract or agreement, with the exception of
those of unfair value as is stipulated in the contract or agreement. The costs of fixed assets acquired through
financial leasing shall be determined at an amount equal to the fair value of the leased asset or the present value of
the minimum lease payments, whichever is lower.
The subsequent disbursement relevant to fixed assets mainly composes of repair expense, renovation expense etc.,
where the expenses meet the condition to be recognized as fixed assets, it shall be accrued into cost of fixed assets;
for the substituted part, its book value shall be terminating from recognition; where it does not meet the condition
to be recognized as fixed assets, it shall be accrued into current loss and profit at occurring.
(3) Depreciation of various fixed assets
Besides the capital assets of the sufficient depreciation accrual but in the continual use, and the land specifically
booked, the depreciation of all other capital assets is accrued. The depreciations are accrued in the average year
method, and are respectively reckoned into relevant assets cost or current expense according to their purpose.
                                      Depreciation year
                 Type                                                Remnant rate (%)          Annual depreciation rate (%)

House building                 20-50 years                  10.00%                        1.80-4.50%

                                                                               Semi-Annual Report 2012
Machine equipment                   10 years            10.00%                     9.00%

electronic equipment

Transportation equipment            5 years             10.00%                     18.00%

Device equipment                    5 years             10.00%                     18.00%

Tool equipment                      5 years             10.00%                     18.00%

Office appliance                    5 years             10.00%                     18.00%

Mold equipment                      3 years             10.00%                     30.00%

other equipments

Fixed assts rent-in by financing:              --                   --                            --

Including: Houses & buildings

equipment and machinery

electronic equipment

transportation equipment

other equipments
(4) Impairment test on fixed asset and providing of impairment provision
The Group has, on each reporting day of Balance Sheet, checked the long-term equity investment, fixed assets,
project in progress and intangible assets, etc.. In case of any of the following circumstances, possible impairment
has occurred to assets. We will conduct impairment test at each year end over good will and those intangible assets
without fixed beneficiary term. If difficult to test the recoverable amount of a single asset item, the test may be
applied to the asset group or combined asset group containing such asset.
After an impairment test to an asset, if the book value of such asset exceeds its recoverable amount, the positive
difference shall be recognized as impairment loss. The impairment loss of above assets shall not be reversed in
later accounting period after being recognized. The recoverable amount shall be determined according to the net
amount of the fair value of an asset minus the disposal expenses, and the current value of the expected future cash
flow of the asset, whichever is higher.

The following circumstances may constitute a sign of possible asset impairment:
a. The current market price of an asset declines drastically, and the price drop is obviously higher than the
expected drop over time or due to the normal use;
b. The economic, technological or legal environment in which the enterprise conducts its business operations, or
the market where an asset is situated has or will have any significant change in the current period or in the near
future, and thus has or will have an adverse impact on the enterprise;
c. The market interest rate or any other market investment return rate has risen in the current period, and the
enterprise' calculation of capitalization rate of the current value of the expected future cash flow of the asset is
affected and thus leads to a big fall in the recoverable amount of asset;
d. Any evidence shows that an asset has become obsolete or it has been damaged substantially;
e. An asset has been or will be left unused, or the use of an asset has been or will be terminated, or an asset has
been or will be disposed of ahead of schedule;
f. Any evidence in the internal report of the enterprise shows that the economic performances of an asset has been
or will be lower than the expected performances, for example, the net cash flow created by an asset or business
profit (or loss) realized (incurred) an asset is lower (higher) than the excepted amount, etc.; and
g. Other evidence that indicates that asset impairment has probably occurred.
(5) Other explanation
At the Year-end, the check is taken on the estimative service of, net estimative remnant of and the depreciation
method for the fixed assets and the change is dealt with as the one in the accounting estimation.

                                                                                Semi-Annual Report 2012
As the fixed assets cannot generate the economic interest by the disposal, or expectantly by use or disposal, the
termination of the recognition is available. For those fixed assts for sale, transfer, and disposal income of discard
or damaged fixed assets, the amount after deducting its book carrying value and relevant taxes, shall reckoned into
current gains/losses.
15. Construction-in-progress
(1) Classification of construction in progress
The project under construction is on the actual cost measurement. The self-operating project shall be measured in
line with direct materials, direct salary and direct construction expenses, etc. The out-contracted project shall be
measured in line with project price payable, etc. Equipment installation project shall determine its cost as per the
occurring disbursements as equipment value, installation charge and project trial running, etc. The cost of project
in progress also includes borrowing costs to be capitalized and exchange loss and profit.
(2) Standards and time while construction in progress transfer to fixed assets
From the day of the project under construction up to the expectant availability, the fixed assets are transferred and
settled on the estimative value according to the project budget, construction price or the actual project cost, and
the depreciation is accrued on the next day, and the inconsistency of the original value is adjusted upon the project
final account.
(3) Method of impairment testing and impairment provision for construction in progress
The Group has, on each reporting day of Balance Sheet, checked the long-term equity investment, fixed assets,
project in progress and intangible assets, etc.. In case of any of the following circumstances, possible impairment
has occurred to assets. We will conduct impairment test at each year end over good will and those intangible assets
without fixed beneficiary term. If difficult to test the recoverable amount of a single asset item, the test may be
applied to the asset group or combined asset group containing such asset.
After an impairment test to an asset, if the book value of such asset exceeds its recoverable amount, the positive
difference shall be recognized as impairment loss. The impairment loss of above assets shall not be reversed in
later accounting period after being recognized. The recoverable amount shall be determined according to the net
amount of the fair value of an asset minus the disposal expenses, and the current value of the expected future cash
flow of the asset, whichever is higher.

The following circumstances may constitute a sign of possible asset impairment:
a. The current market price of an asset declines drastically, and the price drop is obviously higher than the
expected drop over time or due to the normal use;
b. The economic, technological or legal environment in which the enterprise conducts its business operations, or
the market where an asset is situated has or will have any significant change in the current period or in the near
future, and thus has or will have an adverse impact on the enterprise;
c. The market interest rate or any other market investment return rate has risen in the current period, and the
enterprise' calculation of capitalization rate of the current value of the expected future cash flow of the asset is
affected and thus leads to a big fall in the recoverable amount of asset;
d. Any evidence shows that an asset has become obsolete or it has been damaged substantially;
e. An asset has been or will be left unused, or the use of an asset has been or will be terminated, or an asset has
been or will be disposed of ahead of schedule;
f. Any evidence in the internal report of the enterprise shows that the economic performances of an asset has been
or will be lower than the expected performances, for example, the net cash flow created by an asset or business
profit (or loss) realized (incurred) an asset is lower (higher) than the excepted amount, etc.; and
g. Other evidence that indicates that asset impairment has probably occurred.
16. Borrowing expenses
(1) Recognition principle of capitalizing of borrowing expenses
The borrowing costs shall include interest on borrowings, amortization of discounts or premiums on borrowings,
ancillary expenses, and exchange balance on foreign currency borrowings. The borrowing costs incurred to an
enterprise that can be directly attributable to the acquisition and construction or production of assets eligible for
capitalization, shall be capitalized after the asset disbursements have already incurred, the borrowing costs have
already incurred, and the acquisition and construction or production activities which are necessary to prepare the
asset for its intended use or sale have already started; When the qualified asset under acquisition and construction
or production is ready for the intended use or sale, the capitalization of the borrowing costs shall be ceased. The
remaining borrowing costs shall be recognized as expenses in current period.

                                                                                Semi-Annual Report 2012
(2) Capitalization period
Asset qualified for the capitalization conditions refers to the fixed assets, property of investment and inventory
which must spend long term (usually above 1 year) to purchase, build or produce before reaching expected service
or sales status.
(3) Capitalize cost suspension
Where the acquisition or construction of assets that meet the capitalization conditions is interrupted abnormally
for more than 3 consecutive months, such borrowing costs shall be suspended capitalizing till the acquisition or
construction of the asset restarts.
(4) The calculation method of loan cost capitalization
As for specifically borrowed loans, the to-be-capitalized amount of interests shall be determined in light of the
actual cost incurred of the specially borrowed loan at the present period minus the income of interests earned on
the unused borrowing loans as a deposit in the bank or as a temporary investment. As for the general borrowing, it
calculate and determine the to-be-capitalized amount of interests on the general borrowing by multiplying the
weighted average asset disbursement of the part of the accumulative asset disbursements minus the general
borrowing by the capitalization rate of the general borrowing used.
17. Biological assets
18. Oil/gas assets
19. Intangible assets
(1) Measurement of intangible assets
The intangible assets of the Group include land-use right, patented technologies and non-patented technologies,
etc., and shall be measured according to the actual cost when acquired. The acquired intangible assets, determined
its actual cost by actual payment and relevant other expenditures. The intangible assets invested by investors
shall be recognized its actual cost for value that agreed in investment contract or Agreements; for those values are
agreed without fair value in contract or Agreement, determined actual cost by fair value.
(2) Service life estimation for intangible assets with limited service life
The land-use right shall be averagely amortized based on its useful years since the beginning date of use; the
patented technologies, non-patented technologies and other intangible assets will be averagely amortized by
installments depending the shortest one among predicted service years, benefiting years set out in the contract and
legal effective years. The amortized amount shall be accrued into relevant assets cost and current loss and profit as
per their beneficiary objects.

           Item                 Service life expected                              Basis

(3) Determination basis for intangible assets with uncertain service life
The Group shall, at the end of each year, check the service life and the amortization method of intangible assets
with limited service life and adjust where appropriate. It shall also check the service life of intangible assets with
uncertain service life during each accounting period, where there are evidences to prove the intangible assets have
limited service life, it shall be estimated of its service life, and be amortized within such estimated life.
(4) Withdrawal of impairment of intangible assets
The Group has, on each reporting day of Balance Sheet, checked the long-term equity investment, fixed assets,
project in progress and intangible assets, etc.. In case of any of the following circumstances, possible impairment
has occurred to assets. We will conduct impairment test at each year end over good will and those intangible assets
without fixed beneficiary term. If difficult to test the recoverable amount of a single asset item, the test may be
applied to the asset group or combined asset group containing such asset.
After an impairment test to an asset, if the book value of such asset exceeds its recoverable amount, the positive
difference shall be recognized as impairment loss. The impairment loss of above assets shall not be reversed in
later accounting period after being recognized. The recoverable amount shall be determined according to the net
amount of the fair value of an asset minus the disposal expenses, and the current value of the expected future cash
flow of the asset, whichever is higher.
The following circumstances may constitute a sign of possible asset impairment:
a. The current market price of an asset declines drastically, and the price drop is obviously higher than the
expected drop over time or due to the normal use;
b. The economic, technological or legal environment in which the enterprise conducts its business operations, or
the market where an asset is situated has or will have any significant change in the current period or in the near
future, and thus has or will have an adverse impact on the enterprise;

                                                                                 Semi-Annual Report 2012
c. The market interest rate or any other market investment return rate has risen in the current period, and the
enterprise' calculation of capitalization rate of the current value of the expected future cash flow of the asset is
affected and thus leads to a big fall in the recoverable amount of asset;
d. Any evidence shows that an asset has become obsolete or it has been damaged substantially;
e. An asset has been or will be left unused, or the use of an asset has been or will be terminated, or an asset has
been or will be disposed of ahead of schedule;
f. Any evidence in the internal report of the enterprise shows that the economic performances of an asset has been
or will be lower than the expected performances, for example, the net cash flow created by an asset or business
profit (or loss) realized (incurred) an asset is lower (higher) than the excepted amount, etc.; and
g. Other evidence that indicates that asset impairment has probably occurred.
(5) Specific standards for classification of research stage and development for R&D projects in the
For those expenses in R&D stage, if meeting the following conditions simultaneously, than recognized as
intangible assets:
a. In respect of the technology, it is feasible to finish the intangible asset for use or sale;
b. It is intended to finish and use or sell the intangible asset;
c. There is a potential market for the products manufactured by applying this intangible asset or that there is a
potential market for the intangible asset itself;
d. With the support of sufficient technologies, financial resources and other resources, it is able to finish the
development of the intangible asset, and it is able to use or sell the intangible asset; and
e. The disbursements attributable to the development of the intangible asset can be reliably measured.
(6) Calculation of expenditure for internal R&D projects
The expenditures for its internal research and development projects of the Company shall be classified into
research expenditures and development expenditures depending on the project property and the degree of
uncertainty of the intangible assets finally brought out. The research disbursements for the internal research and
development project shall be recorded in the profits and losses of the current period;
The development disbursement not meeting the above conditions will be accrued into current loss and profit at
occurring. The development disbursement accrued into loss and profit in previous term will not be recognized as
assets as term thereafter. The development disbursement capitalized will be presented as ―Development
Disbursement‖ in the Balance Sheet and then be brought forward to intangible assets since such project has
reached the expected service status.
20. Amortization method of long-term prepaid expenses
The long-term deferred and prepaid expenses of the Group refers to fitment costs for houses and buildings with
amortization period over a year (exclude 1 year) and for renting offices that have been paid but should be assumed
by the current or later periods , these costs should be equally amortized during the benefit period. If the long-term
deferred and prepaid expenses can not benefit from future accounting time period, shift the amortized value of the
project not yet amortized to current profits and losses.
21. Assets transfer with repurchase condition attached
22. Estimative debts
(1) Recognition standards for estimative debts
In case all the obligations in relation to such contingent items as external guarantee, pending lawsuit or arbitration,
product quality guarantee, staff cutback plan, loss contract, restructuring obligation and fixed assets discarding
obligation, etc. comply with the following conditions simultaneously, the Group will recognize them as liabilities.
Such obligations are constant burdened by the Group; the execution of such obligations will possibly result in the
out-flowing of economic benefit from the Group; the amount of such obligations can be reliably measured.
(2) Measurement method for estimative debts
The predictable liabilities shall be initially measured as per the best estimated amount to be paid for executing
relevant instant obligations in combination with such factors as risk, uncertainty and time value of money
regarding contingent issues. If the time value of money exerts serious effect, the best estimated amount shall be
determined through discounting relevant cash outflows in the future. On the date of Balance Sheet, the Company
shall double check the book value of predictable liabilities and makes adjustment to it so as to reflect the best
estimated amount at present.
23. Shares payment and equity instrument
Share-based payments refer to a transaction in which an enterprise grants equity instruments or undertakes
equity-instrument-based liabilities in return for services from employee or other parties.
The equity-settled share-based payment in return for employee services shall be measured at the fair value of the
equity instruments granted to the employees. As to a equity-settled share-based payment in return for employee

                                                                                 Semi-Annual Report 2012
services, if the right cannot be exercised until the vesting period comes to an end or until the prescribed
performance conditions are met, then on each balance sheet date within the vesting period, the services obtained
in the current period shall, based on the best estimate of the number of vested equity instruments, be included in
the relevant costs or expenses using straight-line method ,and the capital reserves shall be increased accordingly.

A cash-settled share-based payment shall be measured in accordance with the fair value of liability calculated and
confirmed based on the shares or other equity instruments undertaken by the Company; If the right may be
exercised immediately after the grant, the fair value of the liability undertaken by the Company shall, on the date
of the grant, be included in the relevant costs or expenses, and the liabilities shall be increased accordingly; If the
right may not be exercised until the vesting period comes to an end or until the specified performance conditions
are met, on each balance sheet date within the vesting period, the services obtained in the current period shall,
based on the best estimate of the information about the exercisable right, be included in the relevant costs or
expenses and the corresponding liabilities at the fair value of the liability undertaken by the Company.

On each balance sheet date and on each account date prior to the settlement of the relevant liabilities, the fair
value of the liabilities is measured again and with its change reckoned into the current loss/gain.
(1) Category of shares payment
The share-based payments shall consist of equity-settled share-based payments and cash-settled share-based
(2) Recognition method for fair-value of equity instrument
Equity Instruments refer to the contract which may proves holding all remain equity of the Company after
deducting all liabilities. During business combination, the transactional expenses for issuing the equity instrument
by combining party offset the premium revenue of equity instruments, if it is not enough to offset, reduce the
reserve profits. Other equity instruments, the consideration received at issuing will increase shareholder‘s equity
after deducting transactional expenses. The consideration and transactional expenses paid for purchasing back the
equity instruments will decrease shareholder‘s equity. It will not recognize profits and losses when issuing,
purchasing back, selling or writing off the equity instruments.
The distribution (excluding dividend) to the party who owns the equity instrument by the Company shall decrease
shareholder‘s equity. The Company does not recognize the change of fair value of equity instruments.
(3) The basis for confirming the vested equity instruments as the best estimation
During the waiting period, make the best estimation according to the follow-up information such as the latest
vested employee number changes obtained on each balance sheet date, and revise the quantity of predicted vested
equity instruments.
(4) Accounting treatments related to implementing, modifying and terminating the share-based payment
a. Implementation of share-based payment
Exchange the share-based payment of settled by rights and interests for fair value measurement for granting equity
instruments and providing services for the staff. Pay immediately based on the shares settled by rights and
interests for those have vesting and exchange for staff services after grant, reckon in the relevant costs or expenses
on the grant date according to the fair value of equity instruments, and correspondently increase capital reserves.
As for the share payments based on rights and interests settlement that complete the services during waiting
period and exchange for staff services with specified performances as the vesting condition, on each balance sheet
date during the waiting period, based on the best estimate to the quantity of vesting equity instruments, reckon the
services obtained at the current period in the relevant costs or expenses and capital reserves according to the fair
value of equity instruments on the grant date. On balance sheet date, as for the follow-up information indicates
that the quantity of vesting equity instruments is different to the estimated one, adjust to the quantity of actual
vesting equity instruments on vesting date. As for the share payments whose vesting conditions is during the
formulated service period, the waiting period is during the grant date to vesting date; as for the share payments
whose vesting conditions is the formulated performances, predict the waiting period on the grant date according to
the most possible performance. The enterprise shall not adjust the confirmed amount of relevant costs or expenses
and owner's equity after the vesting date.
Exchange the share-based payments by rights and interests settlement for other services:
As for the fair value of other services that can be reliably measured, reckon in the relevant costs or expenses
according to the fair value of other services on the grant date, and correspondently increase owner's equity. As for
the fair value of other services that can not be reliably measured but the fair value of equity instruments can be
reliably measured, reckon in the relevant costs or expenses according to the fair value of equity instruments on the
service grant date, and correspondently increase owner's equity. On the vesting date, the enterprise calculates the
amount that confirmed to be rolled in paid-in capital or share capital according to the actual quantity of vesting

                                                                                Semi-Annual Report 2012
equity instruments, and rolls it in the paid-in capital or share capital.

Share-based payment settled by cash
Measure according to the indebted fair value confirmed by calculating on the basis of shares or other equity
instruments that assumed by the enterprise. As for share-based payments settled by cash and with immediate
vesting after grant, reckon in the relevant costs or expenses according to the indebted fair value assumed by the
enterprise on the grant date, and correspondently increase liabilities. As for share-based payments settled by cash
and with specified performances as the vesting condition, on each balance sheet date during the waiting period,
based on the best estimate to the quantity of vesting equity instruments, reckon the services obtained at the current
period in the relevant costs or expenses and capital reserves according to the fair value amount of liabilities
assumed by the enterprise. On balance sheet date, as for the follow-up information indicates that the fair value
assumed by the enterprise is different to the estimated one, adjust to the actual vesting level on vesting date. The
enterprise shall re-measure the fair value of liabilities and reckon its changes in current profits and losses on each
balance sheet date or account day before relevant liabilities settlement.

b. Modification of share-based payment
The modification increases the fair value for granted equity instruments, so correspondently confirm the increase
of services according to the increase in fair value of equity instruments. As for the modification during waiting
period, the fair value obtained services during the confirmed modification date to vesting date after modification,
including not only the service amount confirmed on the basis of fair value on grant date of original equity
instrument during the remaining waiting period, but also the increase in fair value of equity instruments. As for the
modification after the vesting date, immediately confirm the increase in fair value of equity instruments. If the
share-based payment requires that the staff can only obtain the modified equity instruments after completing
longer services, confirm the increase in fair value of equity instruments during the whole waiting period. The
modification increases the quantity of granted equity instruments, and correspondently confirms the increase in
fair value of equity instrument to be the increase of obtained services. As for the modification during waiting
period, and the fair value obtained services during the confirmed modification date to vesting date of increased
equity instruments, including not only the service amount confirmed on the basis of fair value on grant date of
original equity instruments during the remaining waiting period, but also the increase in fair value of equity
instruments. If modify the vesting conditions by a way which is in favor of the staff, such as shortening the
waiting period, changing or canceling the performance conditions (non-market conditions),consider the vesting
conditions after modification when handing vesting conditions. If the modification decreases the fair value of
granted equity instruments, continue to confirm the amount of the obtained services on the basis of fair value on
grant date of equity instruments, but not consider the decrease in fair value of equity instruments. If the
modification decreases the quantity of granted equity instruments, take the decreased part as the cancellation for
the granted equity instruments. If modify the vesting conditions by a way which goes against the staff, such as
lengthening the waiting period, changing or increasing the performance conditions (non-market conditions),don‘t
consider the vesting conditions after modification when handing vesting conditions.

c. Termination of share-based payment
Handle the cancellation or settlement as accelerated vesting, and immediately affirm the amount which should be
affirmed during the remaining waiting period. All payments paid to the staff should be handled as buy-back of
rights and interests during cancellation or settlement, the amount paid for buy-back which is higher than the fair
value of equity instrument on buy-back date should be reckoned in current expenses. As for those new equity
instruments granted to the staff and the granted new equity instruments that are affirmed to be used to substitute
for the cancelled equity instruments on new equity instruments grant date, the enterprise should handle the granted
substitution equity instruments by the same items and conditions used for handling the original equity instruments.
If the enterprise buys back the feasible equity instruments of the staff, debits owner's equity, the amount paid for
buy-back should be higher than the fair value of equity instruments on buy-back date and reckoned in the current

24. Shares of the Company repurchased
25. Income
(1) Detail judgment standards for recognition of selling goods revenue
When the Group has transferred the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods to the buyer; the
Group retains neither continuous management right that usually keeps relation with the ownership nor effective
control over the sold goods; The relevant amount of revenue can be measured in a reliable way; The relevant

                                                                                Semi-Annual Report 2012
economic benefits may flow into the enterprise; The relevant costs incurred or to be incurred can be measured in a
reliable way, it may recognize the realization of revenue.
(2) Recognition of revenue of assets using right abalienation
The revenue from alienating of right to use assets may be recognized on the condition that the relevant economic
benefits are likely to flow into the Company and the amount of revenues can be measured in a reliable way.
(3) Recognition basis and method of construction progress completion while recognize revenue from labor
service providing and from construction contract by percentage of completion method
When total revenue and total cost from labor service can be measured in a reliable way; the relevant economic
benefits are likely to flow into the enterprise; the schedule of completion under the transaction can be confirmed
in a reliable way; it may recognize the realization of revenue from labor service. On the date of Balance Sheet,
where the result of a transaction concerning the providing of labor service can be measured in a reliably way, it
shall recognize relevant revenue according to the schedule of completion; where the result of a transaction
concerning the providing of labor service cannot be measured in a reliably way and the cost of labor services
incurred is expected to be compensated, the revenue from the providing of labor services shall be recognized in
accordance with the amount of the cost of labor services incurred, and the cost of labor services shall be carried
forward at the same amount; where the result of a transaction concerning the providing of labor service cannot be
measured in a reliably way and the cost of labor services incurred is not expected to compensate, the cost incurred
should be included in the current profits and losses, and no revenue from the providing of labor services may be
26. Government Subsidies
(1) Category
The government grant may be recognized on the condition that the Group complies with the conditions for the
government grant and that the Group can receive the government grant. If a government grant is a monetary asset,
it shall be measured on the basis of the amount received, or that receivable if such grant is appropriated as fixed
quota standard. If a government grant is a non-monetary asset, it shall be measured at its fair value or at its
nominal amount (1 Yuan) if its fair value cannot be obtained reliably.
(2) Accounting treatment
A government grant pertinent to assets shall be recognized as deferred income, equally distributed within the
useful lives of the relevant assets, and included in the current profits and losses. The government grant pertinent to
incomes, if used for compensating the related future expenses or losses of the Company, shall be recognized as
deferred income and shall include in the current profits and losses during the period when the relevant expenses
are recognized; or if used for compensating the related expenses or losses incurred to the Company, shall be
directly included in the current profits and losses.
27. Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities
(1) Recognition basis for deferred income tax assets
The deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities shall be priced at the difference (temporary
difference) between the tax base of assets and liabilities and their book value. For any deductible loss or tax
deduction that can be carried forward to the next year, the corresponding deferred income tax asset shall be
determined to the extent that the amount of future taxable income to be offset by the deductible loss or tax
deduction to be likely obtained. On the balance sheet date, the deferred income assets and deferred income tax
liabilities shall be measured at the tax rate applicable to the period during which the assets are expected to be
recovered or the liabilities are expected to be settled.
The Company shall recognize the deferred income tax assets arising from a deductible temporary difference to the
extent of the amount of the taxable income which it is most likely to obtain and which can be deducted from the
deductible temporary difference. For the determined deferred income tax assets, if it is unlikely to obtain sufficient
taxable income to offset against the benefit of the deferred income tax asset, the carrying amount of the deferred
income tax assets shall be written down. Any such write-down should be subsequently reversed where it becomes
probable that sufficient taxable income will be available.
(2) Recognition basis for deferred income tax liability
Deferred income tax liability of the Company are recognized as the difference (taxation temporary difference)
between the taxation basis of assets and liability and their book values; measuring deferred income tax assets and
deferred income tax liability on applicable tax rate in liquidation period for the above liability on balance sheet
28. Operation leasing, financing leasing
(1) Accounting treatment of operation leasing
The Group classifies a lease as a financing lease and an operating lease on the lease beginning date.
Financing lease refers to a lease that has transferred in substance all the risks and rewards related to the ownership

                                                                                Semi-Annual Report 2012
of an asset. On the lease beginning date, the Group as lessee shall record the lower one of the fair value of the
leased asset and the present value of the minimum lease payments on the lease beginning date as the entering
value in an account, recognize the amount of the minimum lease payments as the entering value in an account of
long-term account payable, and treat the balance between the recorded amount of the leased asset and the
long-term account payable as unrecognized financing charges.
(2) Accounting treatment of financing leasing
Operating lease refers to a lease other than a financing lease. Where the Group is lessee, the rents shall be
recorded in the relevant asset costs or the profits and losses of the current period by using the straight-line method
over each period of the lease term. Where the Group is lesser, the rents shall be recorded in the profits and losses
of the current period by using the straight-line method over each period of the lease term.

29. Assets held for sales
(1) Recognition of assets held for sales
(1) The confirmation standard of holding assets available for sale
The non-current assets that satisfy below conditions at the same time are divided into available for sale assets:
decision has been made for handling the non-current assets; irrepealably assignment agreement has been signed
with transferee; this assignment shall be completed in one year.
Handle other non-current assets such as intangible assets meet the demands for assets available for sale according
to above principles, but excluding deferred income tax assets, financial assets fit the standards of , investment
real estate and biological assets measured by fair value, or contract rights generated from insurance contracts.

(2) Accounting treatment of assets held for sales
Roll out this part of assets from non-liquid asset as current assets, stop depreciation or amortization, measure by
using book value and fair value to deduct selling expenses. The amount of book value which is higher than fair
value deducting selling expenses reckons in the current profits and losses.
30. Assets securitization
31. Hedge accounting
32. Changes of major accounting policies and accounting estimation
Whether there have changes of major accounting policies and accounting estimation in report period or not
□ Yes √ No □Non applicable
(1) Changes in accounting policies
Whether have changes in accounting policies in report period
□ Yes √ No □Non applicable
(2) Changes in accounting estimates
Whether have changes in accounting estimates in report period
□ Yes √ No □Non applicable
33. Error correction of previous accounting
Whether has error correction of previous accounting occurred in this period?
□ Yes √ No □Non applicable
(1) Retrospective Restatement
Is there has errors of previous accounting adopt retrospective restatement in this period
□ Yes √ No     □Non applicable
(2) Prospective Application
Is there has errors of previous accounting adopt retrospective restatement in this period
□ Yes √ No □Non applicable
34. Other major accounting policy, accounting estimation and preparation method for financial statement
(V) Taxations
1. The types of tax applicable to the Company, and their tax rates
                  Type                                    Tax base                             Rate
VAT                                        Sales amount domestically            17%

Consumption tax

Operation tax                              Taxable labor operation amount       5%

                                                                                Semi-Annual Report 2012
City maintaining & construction tax        Taxable turnover amount             7%

Corporation income tax                     Taxable income tax for enterprise   25%

The income tax rates applicable to each Branch Company or plant
Main tax and tax rate applicable to Group as follows:
Corporate income tax: applicable tax rate for corporate income tax of the Group, vary branch and subsidiary was
Value-added tax: The value-added tax is applicable to the Group‘s goods sales income, among which, the output
rate of domestic-sales goods is 17%.
As the input value-added tax paid for the raw materials purchase, can deduct the output tax, the rate is 17%,
among which, the rebate is applicable to the input tax paid for the export goods.
Taxable value-added tax is the balance of the current output tax deducting the current input tax.
Operation income: The operation income is applicable to the Group‘s lease income, and the applicable rate is 5%.
Extra charges of, city planning tax and educational expenses: The city planning tax and educational expenses
extra were levy on payable turn-over taxes for the Company and its all subsidiaries with applicable rate of 7% and
3% respectively since 1 December 2010.
Housing property tax: The 70% of the previous value of the housing property is taken as the taxation basis, with
the 1.2% tax rate.
2. Tax preference and approvals
3. Other explanation
(VI) Enterprise consolidation and consolidated financial statements
General explanation for enterprise consolidation and consolidated financial statement:
Business combinations refer to a transaction or event bringing together two or more separate enterprises into one
reporting entity. The Group confirms the acquired assets and liabilities due to business combinations on the
combining date or purchasing date. Combining date refers to the date on which the combining party actually
obtains control on the combined or purchased party.
In a business combination under the same control, the assets and liabilities that the combining party obtains in a
business combination shall be measured on the basis of their carrying amount in the combined party on the
combining date. The additional paid-in capital shall be adjusted according to the balance between the carrying
amount of the net assets obtained by the combining party and the carrying amount of the consideration paid by it;
if the additional paid-in capital is not sufficient to be offset, the retained earnings shall be adjusted.
In a business combination not under the same control, the combination costs shall be the fair values, on the
acquisition date, of the assets paid, the liabilities incurred or assumed and the equity securities issued by the
acquirer in exchange for the control on the acquiree. The acquirer shall recognize the positive balance between the
combination costs and the fair value of the identifiable net assets it obtains from the acquiree as good will; if the
combination costs are less than the fair value of the identifiable net assets it obtains from the acquiree, it shall
record the balance into the gains and losses of the current period after re-examination.
The Group has prepared for the Consolidated Financial Statement in line with the Business Accounting Standards
No.33- Consolidated Financial Statement and its relevant regulations, with all key internal trades and transactions
within the scope of consolidation offset. Among the shareholders equity of subsidiaries, the part that does not
belong to the parent company shall be presented under shareholders equity as minority interest in the consolidated
financial statement.
Where the accounting policy or accounting period adopted by subsidiaries and the Company is inconsistent, it
shall make necessary adjustment on subsidiaries‘ financial statements according to the accounting policy or
accounting period adopted by the Company when prepare consolidated financial statement.
As to the subsidiary acquired through business combination not under the same control, when prepare
consolidated financial statement, it shall make adjustment on individual financial statement based on the fair value
of the net assets recognized on the purchasing day; As to the subsidiary acquired through business combination
under the same control, it will be regarded existing since the begin of the year of the current period of
combination, and its assets, liabilities, operating results and cash flows will be included into the consolidated
financial statement based on its original carrying value since the begin of the year of the current period of

                                                                                                                   Semi-Annual Report 2012
         1. Subsidiary
         (1) Subsidiary obtained by establishment or investment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 The balance after the parent
                                                                                                                                                                            nts                               company‘s owner‘s equity writing
                                                                                                                                                                                           Amount in minority
                                                                                                                                                          Holdin Voting            Minorit                    down the excess of the current loss
                                                                              Currenc                                                 Balance of other                      combin          interest used for
                             Registratio      Business                                                         Investment amount                             g      right          y                                undertaken by minority
       Name           Type                               Registered capital                Business scope                             items materially                                        writing down
                              n place          nature                           y                              actual at period-end                       proporti proporti ed or interest                    shareholders of the subsidiary over
                                                                                                                                         forming net                                        minority gain and
                                                                                                                                                          on (%) on (%)                                         the share enjoyed by minority
                                                                                                                                        investment to                       not                    loss
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  shareholders in the original
                                                                                                                                                                                                               owner‘s equity of the subsidiary


Huafa                                                                                   Property leasing and
                 Limited                   Property
Property Lease               Shenzhen                         1,000,000.00      CNY management         of               600,000.00          600,000.00       60%     60%     Yes
                 Liability                 Management
Management                                                                              self-owned property

Co., Ltd.


Zhongheng                                                                               Property leasing and
                 Limited                   Property
Huafa                        Shenzhen                         1,000,000.00      CNY management         of             1,000,000.00         1,000,000.00     100%    100%     Yes
                 Liability                 Management
Property Co.,                                                                           self-owned property


Wuhan Hengfa                                                                            production and sale

Science&Tech Limited                       Production                                   of packing material
                             Wuhan                          181,643,111.00      CNY                                181,643,111.00       181,643,111.00      100%    100%     Yes
nology Co.,      Liability                 and Sale                                     and plastic products

Ltd.                                                                                    etc.

Wuhan                                                                                   Sales of

Zhongheng        Limited                                                                Photoelectricity
                             Wuhan         Sale                 100,000.00     CNY                                      100,000.00          100,000.00      100%    100%     Yes
Huafa Trade      Liability                                                              products, Imp&Exp

Co., Ltd.                                                                               business of goods

         Other explanation on subsidiary obtained by establishment or investment:
                                                                                        Semi-Annual Report 2012

(2) Subsidiaries acquired by business combination under the common control

                                                                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                                                     Balance between the
                                                                                                                                                                       owners‘ equity in
                                                                                                                                                                      parent offsetting the
                                                                                           Balance of                                                                    current losses
                                                                                          other items                                                   Amount in        attributable to
                                                                                             which                                                       minority           minority
                                                                                            actually                           Consolidated               interest      sharehoders of
 Name of    Type of Registered Business Registered                    Business investment                Holding      Voting                Minority
                                                   Currency                                constitutes                          statement              available to subsidiaries over the
subsidiary subsidiary place     nature   capital                       scope    amount at              proportion% proportion%              interests
                                                                                              net                                Yes/No               offset minority share of beginning
                                                                                          investment                                                     gains and     owner‘s equity in
                                                                                               in                                                          losses     such subsidiaries by
                                                                                          subsidiaries                                                                    the minority

   N/A         N/A         N/A         N/A         N/A        N/A        N/A       N/A           N/A        N/A         N/A         N/A         N/A         N/A                N/A
Other explanation for subsidiaries acquired by business combination under the common control:
(3) Subsidiaries acquired by business combination not under the common control
                                                                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                                            Balance between
                                                                                                                                                           the owners‘ equity
                                                                                                                                                           in parent offsetting
                                                                                                                                                            the current losses
                                                                             Balance of other                                                                 attributable to
                                                                                                                                            Amount in
                                                                    Actual    items which                                                                         minority
                                                                                                                  Consolidated           minority interest
 Name of Type of Registered Business Registered          Business investment     actually     Holding    Voting                Minority                       sharehoders of
                                                Currency                                                           statement               available to
subsidiary subsidiary place  nature   capital             scope amount at constitutes net proportion% proportion%              interests                    subsidiaries over
                                                                                                                    Yes/No                offset minority
                                                                  period-end investment in                                                                      the share of
                                                                                                                                         gains and losses
                                                                               subsidiaries                                                                beginning owner‘s
                                                                                                                                                              equity in such
                                                                                                                                                           subsidiaries by the
  N/A        N/A        N/A        N/A        N/A       N/A       N/A       N/A            N/A             N/A         N/A         N/A         N/A          N/A                N/A
Other explanation for subsidiaries acquired by business combination not under the common control:

                                                                             Semi-Annual Report 2012
2. Special purposes entity or operation entity where controlling right is formed under
entrusted operation or leasing
□ Applicable √ Non-applicable

Other explanation for special purposes entity or operation entity where controlling right is formed
under entrusted operation or leasing:
3. Explanation for changes in consolidation scope
Explanation for changes in consolidation scope:

□ Applicable √ Non-applicable
4. Entities newly included in consolidate scope during the reporting period and entities ceasing to be
included in consolidate scope during the reporting period
Subsidiaries, special purposes entities, operation entity where controlling right is formed under
entrusted operation or leasing newly included in consolidation scope during the period
                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                     Name                          Net assets as at period-end        Net profit for the period
                      N/A                                     N/A                               N/A
Subsidiaries, special purposes entities, operation entity where controlling right is formed under
entrusted operation or leasing ceasing to be included in consolidation scope during the period
                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                                   Net profit from the year-begin
                     Name                     Net assets as at the disposal date
                                                                                        to the disposal date
                      N/A                                     N/A                               N/A
Other explanation on entities newly included in consolidation scope and entities ceasing to be
included in consolidation scope:
5. Business combination under the common control during the reporting period
                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                          Basis for                       Consolidated
                                                                         Consolidated net           operating
                      determination of                   income for the
                                       Actual controller                 profit from this        activities cash
    Party to be           business                       period from the
                                          under the                         period to            flow from this
   consolidated         combination                      period-begin to
                                       common control                     consolidation             period to
                         under the                        consolidation
                                                                               date              consolidation
                      common control                          date
       N/A                    N/A           N/A                 N/A                N/A                N/A
Other explanation for business combination under the common control:

6. Business combination not under the common control during the reporting period
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
   Party to be consolidated           Amount of goodwill                 Calculation method for goodwill
             N/A                             N/A                                         N/A
Other explanation for business combination not under the common control:
7. Loss of subsidiaries due to disposal of equity interests without controlling rights during the
reporting period
                   Subsidiary                         Disposal date          Recognition method for gains and

                                                                                      Semi-Annual Report 2012
                    N/A                                         N/A                                  N/A
Other explanation for loss of subsidiaries due to disposal of equity interests without controlling
8. Counter purchase occurred during the reporting period
                                                                                    Calculation method for
                                                                                    goodwill recognized in
                              Basis for determination of Determination method for consolidation or recorded
                                  counter purchase          consolidated costs    in current gains and losses

           N/A                            N/A                             N/A                             N/A
Other explanation for counter purchase:
9. Absorption consolidation occurred during the reporting period
                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
    Types of absorption consolidation                Major assets consolidated         Major liabilities consolidated
 Absorption consolidation under common
                                                      Item             Amount               Item               Amount
                   N/A                                N/A               N/A                 N/A                  N/A
   Absorption consolidation not under
                                                      Item             Amount               Item               Amount
            common control
                   N/A                                N/A               N/A                 N/A                  N/A
Other explanation for absorption consolidation:

10. Translation exchange rates for items in major statements of overseas operating entities

(VII) Notes to major items in consolidated financial statements
1. Monetary capital
                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                     Amount at period-end                         Amount at period-beginning
        Item                                 Excha
                                                            RMB            Original         Exchange
                         Original currency    nge                                                    RMB conversion
                                                          conversion       currency           rate
Cash:                           --              --           545,081.48          --            --               228,112.79
RMB                             --              --           492,745.65          --            --               176,052.82
HKD                             53,134.42       0.82          43,330.59         53,134.43          0.81          43,098.39
USD                              1,422.45       6.33           9,005.24          1,422.45           6.3            8,961.58
Bank deposits:                  --              --      230,429,793.64           --            --          107,516,615.58
RMB                             --              --       209,757,114.14          --            --             45,362,799.71
HKD                            114,404.58       0.82          93,295.79       114,393.52           0.81          92,786.86
USD                          3,253,445.34       6.33      20,579,383.71   9,849,552.68              6.3       62,061,029.01
Other monetary
                                --              --        22,779,354.12          --            --             13,519,104.28
RMB                             --              --        22,779,354.12          --            --             13,519,104.28
HKD                                                                                                0.81
USD                                                                       3,200,000.00              6.3       20,162,880.00

                                                                                          Semi-Annual Report 2012
Total                               --                --     253,754,229.24          --           --       141,426,712.65
Separate explanation is required for accounts with restricted application purposes, deposited
overseas and of potential recovery risks arising from pledge, mortgage or frozen:
Balance of other monetary fund mainly was the margin of note payable and short-term loans.
2. Transactional financial assets
(1) Transactional financial assets
                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                            Item                               Fair value as at period-end     Fair value as at period-begin
Transactional debt investments                                               —                             —
Transactional equity instrument investments                                  —                             —
Financial assets designated at fair value through
                                                                             —                             —
profit and losses
Derivative financial assets                                                  —                             —
Hedge instruments                                                            —                             —
Others                                                                       —                             —

(2) Realization of restricted transactional financial assets

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                  Other significant restrictions on restriction
                     Item                                                                       Amount as at period-end
                                                      conditions for sale or realization
                     N/A                                                N/A                                 N/A

(3) Explanation for hedge instruments and related hedge transactions

3. Notes receivables

(1) Classification of notes receivables

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                      Types                                  Amount at period-end              Amount at period-begin
             Bank acceptance bill                                        22,025,793.71                       56,540,214.07
          Commercial acceptance bill                                         4,228,109.36                     2,718,362.52
Total                                                                    26,253,903.07                       59,258,576.59

(2) Notes receivables pledged at period-end

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
            Issuer                       Issue date          Expiring date            Amount                 Notes
Hefei Haier Logistic Co.,
                                   2012-03-20              2012-09-20                       30,597.64 Hankou Bank pledge
Qingdao Haier Part
                                   2012-04-16              2012-10-16                       25,413.99 Hankou Bank pledge
Purchasing Co., Ltd.

                                                                           Semi-Annual Report 2012
Qingdao Haier Part
                             2012-04-16        2012-10-16                    33,940.30 Hankou Bank pledge
Purchasing Co., Ltd.
Qingdao Haier Part
                             2012-04-16        2012-10-16                    47,183.76 Hankou Bank pledge
Purchasing Co., Ltd.
Qingdao Haier Part
                             2012-04-16        2012-10-16                    80,570.66 Hankou Bank pledge
Purchasing Co., Ltd.
Qingdao Haier Part
                             2012-04-16        2012-10-16                  199,755.78 Hankou Bank pledge
Purchasing Co., Ltd.
Qingdao Haier Part
                             2012-04-16        2012-10-16                 2,437,426.60 Hankou Bank pledge
Purchasing Co., Ltd.
Hefei Haier Logistic Co.,
                             2012-04-20        2012-10-19                  889,865.40 Hankou Bank pledge
Qingdao Haier Part
                             2012-06-15        2012-12-14                 7,514,541.36 Hankou Bank pledge
Purchasing Co., Ltd.
Total                                     --             --             11,259,295.49          --

(3)Transfer of notes to notes receivable due to the issuer’s impossibility to perform its
obligations, and unmatured notes endorsed to others by the Company as at the period-end
                                                                                        Unit: RMB
        Issuer              Issue date         Expiring date            Amount               Notes
        N/A                   N/A                  N/A                   N/A                  N/A
Total                           --                  --                                         --
Unmatured notes endorsed to others by the Company

                                                                                               Unit: RMB
        Issuer              Issue date         Expiring date            Amount               Notes
        N/A                   N/A                  N/A                   N/A                  N/A
Total                           --                  --                                         --
Explanation for commercial acceptance notes discounted or pledged: Nil
4. Dividend receivables
                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                             Amount at         Increase in this                             Amount at
         Items                                                    Decrease in this period
                            period-begin           period                                   period-end
Dividend receivables
                                N/A                 N/A                    N/A                 N/A
aging within 1 year

Dividend receivables
                                N/A                 N/A                    N/A                 N/A
aging over 1 year
Including:                           --               --                    --                  --


                                                                                                           Semi-Annual Report 2012

5. Interests receivables
(1) Interests receivables
                                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                    Amount at                    Increase in this                Decrease in this
            Items                                                                                                            Amount at period-end
                                   period-begin                      period                          period
            N/A                         N/A                             N/A                            N/A                              N/A

(2)Overdue interests

                                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                Loan provider                                 Times overdue (days)                                     Overdue interests
                         N/A                                              N/A                                                   N/A
                         Total                                              --

(3)Explanation for interest’s receivables

6. Account receivables

(1) Classified by categories

                                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                   Amount at period-end                                            Amount at period-begin
                                        Book balance                  Bad debt reserve                 Book balance                   Bad debt reserve
                                                      Proporti                       Proportio                     Proportion                    Proportion
                                      Amount                         Amount                         Amount                       Amount
                                                      on (%)                           n (%)                          (%)                           (%)
Account receivable with single
significant amount and
                                     111,917,782.40    86.09%         5,758,937.93       5.15%      6,404,866.28       6.72%     4,533,611.78            70.78%
withdrawal bad debt provision
Account receivable of bad debt provision withdrawal by combination
Account receivable with minor
single amount but has more risk
                                      12,959,171.63     9.97%          106,041.21        0.82%     83,787,920.85      87.91%      106,041.21              0.13%
after credit risk characteristic
Subtotal of group                     12,959,171.63     9.97%          106,041.21        0.82%     83,787,920.85      87.91%      106,041.21              0.13%
Account receivable with single
minor amount but withdrawal            5,116,838.00     3.94%         5,116,838.00       100%       5,116,838.00       5.37%     5,116,838.00             100%
bad debt provision singelly
Total                                129,993,792.03      --          10,981,817.14       --        95,309,625.13       --        9,756,490.99        --

Explanation for category of account receivables/A

Account receivable with single significant amount and withdrawal bad debt provision separately
√ Applicable □ Non-applicable
                                                                                       Unit: RMB
        Contents of account receivables               Book balance            Bad debt provision        Provision proportion Reason for provision
Qingdao Haier Part Purchasing Co., Ltd.                  58,104,870.92                 1,225,326.15                         2.11% Checking difference

                                                                                                Semi-Annual Report 2012
Hong Kong Yutian International
                                                     25,313,691.63                   —
Investment Co., Ltd.
TCL Air –conditioner (Wuhan) CO., Ltd.               7,185,839.25                   —
Hefei Haier Logistic Co., Ltd.                        5,312,096.01                   —
Gree                                                  3,424,088.99                   —
Wuhan Branch of Hefei East China
                                                      2,603,532.21                   —
Package Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Boteman Bowling Club
                                                      2,555,374.75          2,555,374.75                   100%       unable to recover
Co. ,Ltd.
HORACE INDUSTRIAL LTD.                                1,870,887.18           187,088.72                     10%               By age
Wuhan Yintai Technology                               1,817,556.53                   —
Guanjie Display Technology
                                                      1,751,240.58                   —
(Wuhan)Co., Ltd.
TCL (Huizhou) Co., Ltd.                               1,325,431.75          1,325,431.75                   100%       unable to recover
Skyworth Multimedia (Shenzhen) Co.,
                                                       653,172.60            465,716.56                    71.3%      unable to recover
                  Total                          111,917,782.40             5,758,937.93            --
Account receivable provided for bad debt reserve under aging analysis method in the groups:
√ Applicable □ Non-applicable
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                      Amount at period-end                                      Amount at period-begin
                             Book balance                                                  Book balance
                                             Proportio     bad debt reserve                              Proportio bad debt reserve
                           Amount                                                    Amount
                                               n (%)                                                       n (%)
within 1 year
Including:                       --             --                   --                    --               --              --
within 1 year             12,600,561.27                                            83,429,310.49
Subtotal of
                          12,600,561.27              0%                     0.00   83,429,310.49                 0%                0.00
within 1 year
1-2 years                         1,792.00           5%                    89.60           1,792.00              5%               89.60
2-3 years                         5,021.50        10%                     502.15           5,021.50           10%                502.15
Over 3 years                351,796.86            30%                105,449.46       351,796.86              30%         105,449.46
3-4 years
4-5 years
Over 5 years
Total                     12,959,171.63         --                   106,041.21    83,787,920.85            --            106,041.21
Account receivables provided for bad debt reserve under balance percentage method in the groups:
□Applicable√ Non-applicable
Account receivables provided for bad debt reserve under other method in the groups:
□Applicable√ Non-applicable
Account receivable with single minor amount but withdrawal bad debt provision separately as at period-end
√ Applicable □ Non-applicable
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
 Contents of account
                                      Book balance            Bad debt provision      Provision proportion Reason for provision

                                                                                               Semi-Annual Report 2012
Shenzhen Huixin Video
                                                 381,168.96                381,168.96                      100% Over 5-year book age
Technology Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Wondial Number
Science & Technology Co.,                        351,813.70                351,813.70                      100% Over 5-year book age
Shenzhen Tianlong Electronic
                                                 344,700.00                344,700.00                      100% Over 5-year book age
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Qunping Electronic
                                                 304,542.95                304,542.95                      100% Over 5-year book age
Co., Ltd.
China Galaxy Electronic
                                                 288,261.17                288,261.17                      100% Over 5-year book age
Dongguan Weite Electronic
                                                 274,399.80                274,399.80                      100% Over 5-year book age
Co., ltd.
Hong Kong New Century
                                                 207,409.40                207,409.40                      100% Over 5-year book age
Electronic Co., Ltd.
Shenyang Beitai Electronic
                                                 203,304.02                203,304.02                      100% Over 5-year book age
Co., Ltd.
Beijing Xinfan Weiye
                                                 193,000.00                193,000.00                      100% Over 5-year book age
Technology Co., Ltd.
TCL Electronic (HK) Co.,
                                                 145,087.14                145,087.14                      100% Over 5-year book age
Huizhou TCL Xinte
                                                 142,707.14                142,707.14                      100% Over 5-year book age
Electronic Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Skyworth – RGB
                                                 125,215.13                125,215.13                      100% Over 5-year book age
Electronic Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Xinfa Electronic
                                                 119,094.78                119,094.78                      100% Over 5-year book age
Co., Ltd.
Other company                                 2,036,133.81                2,036,133.81                     100% Over 5-year book age
             Total                            5,116,838.00                5,116,838.00                     100%                --

   (2) Reversal or recovery of account receivables during the reporting period

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                Basis for                Accumulated
      Contents of account         Reason for reversal       determination of        provision of bad debt Amounts reversed or
         receivables                 of recovery            original bad debt           reserve before       recovered
                                                                 reserve             reversal or recovery
               N/A                         N/A                     N/A                        N/A                       N/A
               Total                        --                       --                                                   --
   Provision for bad debt reserve for account receivable with single significant or minor amount but
   tested for impairment separately as at period-end:
    Contents of account                                                             Provision proportion
                                   Book balance            Bad debt amount                                            Reasons
       receivables                                                                          (%)
             N/A                        N/A                        N/A                       N/A                        N/A
             Total                                                                             --                         --
   Explanation for account receivable with single minor amount while the risks of the group categorized with similar risk characteristics
   are relative significant: Nil

                                                                                   Semi-Annual Report 2012

(3) Account receivables actually written-off during the reporting period

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                                                        Whether arising
                        Nature of account                   Amount written          Reason for
  Name of unit                            Time of write-off                                              from related
                           receivables                          off                  write-off
       N/A                    N/A                   N/A               N/A                 N/A                 N/A
       Total                   --                      --                                 --                    --
Explanation for write-off of account receivables: Nil

(4) Account receivables due from the shareholders holding 5% or above voting shares of the
Company during the reporting period

□Applicable √Non-applicable

(5) Top 5 account receivable

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                     Relationship                                                    Proportion in total
   Name of the company                 with the             Amount                Terms             account receivables
                                      Company                                                               (%)
Qingdao Haier Part
                                    Client                  58,104,870.92 Within 1 year                              48.82%
Purchasing Co., Ltd.
Hong Kong Yutian             Same
International Investment Co., controlling                   25,313,691.63 Within 1 year                              21.27%
Ltd.                          shareholder
                      Client                                 7,185,839.25 Within 1 year                              6.04%
Hefei Haier Logistic Co.,
                                    Client                   5,312,096.01 Within 1 year                              4.46%
Gree                                Client                   3,424,088.99 Within 1 year                              2.88%
               Total                         --             99,340,586.80          --                                83.47%

(6) Account receivables due from related parties

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                       Relationship with the                                   Proportion in total account
     Name of the company                                                 Amount
                                             Company                                                receivables (%)
Hong Kong Yutian
                                      Same controlling
International Investment Co.,                                               25,313,691.63                            21.27%
                Total                             --                        25,313,691.63                            21.27%

                                                                                                            Semi-Annual Report 2012
 (7) Account receivables derecognized

                                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                      Item                                De-recognition amount                      Gains or losses related to derecognizing
                         N/A                                           N/A                                                    N/A

 (8) As for securities with account receivables as target subject, list the assets and liabilities
  arising from further involvement

                                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
  Item                                                                                                Period-end
                               N/A                                                                        N/A
  Assets subtotal
                               N/A                                                                        N/A
  Liabilities subtotal

 7. Other receivables

 (1) Disclosure of other receivables by classification

                                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                       Amount at period-end                                          Amount at period-begin
                                           Book balance                 Bad debt reserve                Book balance                   Bad debt reserve
                                                       Proportio                     Proportion                      Proportion                     Proportion
                                        Amount                        Amount                         Amount                          Amount
                                                         n (%)                          (%)                             (%)                            (%)
Other receivable with single
significant amount and withdrawal       7,978,279.29      52.48%      6,548,757.96      82.08%       11,931,305.53      56.89%       6,928,109.97      58.07%
bad debt provision separately
Other receivable of bad debt provision withdrawal by combination
Other receivable with minor single
amount but has more risk by credit      3,578,061.37      23.54%       427,416.64       11.95%        5,203,832.97      24.81%         427,416.64         8.21%
risk characteristic combination
Subtotal of group                       3,578,061.37      23.54%       427,416.64       11.95%        5,203,832.97      24.81%         427,416.64         8.21%
Other receivable with single minor
amount while withdrawal bad debt        3,644,837.51      23.98%      3,644,837.51         100%       3,835,986.21       18.3%       3,644,837.51      95.02%
provision separately
Total                                  15,201,178.17       --        10,621,012.11       --          20,971,124.71       --         11,000,364.12         --

 Explanation for category of other receivables: Nil

 Other receivable with single significant amount and withdrawal bad debt provision separately
 √ Applicable □ Non-applicable
                                                                                        Unit: RMB
  Contents of other receivables Book balance                       Bad debt provision             Provision proportion Reason for provision
  Shenzhen Boteman Bowling
                                            4,021,734.22                   4,021,734.22                               100% Over 5-year book age
  Club Co. ,Ltd.

                                                                                          Semi-Annual Report 2012
  Zhao Baomin                        939,354.00                  939,354.00                        100% unable to recover
  Shenzhen Wanshang
                                                                                                             No Checking
  Friendship Department Store        701,898.20                  511,862.93                      72.93%
  Co., Ltd.
  Hengfa Technology
                                     639,486.06                            —
  Bidding margin                     600,000.00                            —
  Traffic accident
                                     555,785.81                  555,785.81                        100% Over 5-year book age
  compensation receivable
  Hebei Botou Court                  520,021.00                  520,021.00                        100% Over 5-year book age
                  Total            7,978,279.29                6,548,757.96               --                           --
 Other receivable provided for bad debt reserve under aging analysis method in the groups:
 √ Applicable □ Non-applicable
                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                       Amount at period-end                                    Amount at period-begin
                                  Book balance                                         Book balance
                                                  Proporti bad debt reserve                          Proporti     bad debt reserve
                                Amount                                                Amount
                                                  on (%)                                             on (%)
  within 1 year
  within 1 year                    1,773,405.78                                       3,399,177.38
  Subtotal of within 1 year        1,773,405.78           0%               0.00       3,399,177.38           0%                   0.00
  1-2 years                         304,892.00            5%        15,244.60           304,892.00           5%              15,244.60
  2-3 years                         188,786.00       10%            18,878.60           188,786.00      10%                  18,878.60
  Over 3 years                     1,310,977.59      30%           393,293.44         1,310,977.59      30%                 393,293.44
  3-4 years
  4-5 years
  Over 5 years
  Total                            3,578,061.37      --            427,416.64         5,203,832.97      --                  427,416.64
 Other receivables provided for bad debt reserve under balance percentage method in the groups:
 □ Applicable √ Non-applicable
 Other receivables provided for bad debt reserve under other method in the groups:
 □ Applicable √ Non-applicable

 Other receivable with single minor amount but withdrawal bad debt provision separately as at period-end
 √ Applicable □ Non-applicable
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                               Bad debt
  Contents of other receivables     Book balance                                  Provision proportion Reason for provision
Employees canteen etc.                   796,041.46              796,041.46                        100% unable to recover
                                                                                                             UNABLE TO
Total loans from individual              713,205.72              713,205.72                        100%
                                                                                                             UNABLE TO
Labor union                              226,255.05              226,255.05                        100%
                                                                                                             UNABLE TO
Chuangjing work office                   192,794.00              192,794.00                        100%

                                                                                      Semi-Annual Report 2012
 Shenzhen Lotus Island                                                                                  UNABLE TO
                                           151,040.00           151,040.00                       100%
 Restaurant Co., Ltd.                                                                                   RECOVER
 Fujian Zhangzhou Weili                                                                                 UNABLE TO
                                           112,335.62           112,335.62                       100%
 Electronic Enterprise Co., Ltd.                                                                        RECOVER
 Shenzhen Shiyan Elementary                                                                             UNABLE TO
                                           100,000.00           100,000.00                       100%
 School                                                                                                 RECOVER
                                                                                                        UNABLE TO
 SEG                                        93,694.37            93,694.37                       100%
                                                                                                        UNABLE TO
 Lotus Island Restaurant                    85,253.80            85,253.80                       100%
                                                                                                        UNABLE TO
 Haiyan Textile Co., Ltd.                   82,219.76            82,219.76                       100%
                                                                                                        UNABLE TO
 Other                                 1,091,997.73          1,091,997.73                        100%
                 Total                 3,644,837.51          3,644,837.51                        100%           --

   (2) Reversal or recovery of other receivables during the reporting period

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                             Basis for             Accumulated
                                     Reason for
                                                         determination of     provision of bad debt Amounts reversed or
 Contents of other receivables       reversal of
                                                         original bad debt        reserve before       recovered
                                                              reserve          reversal or recovery
Shenzhen Boteman         Bowling Court executio
                                                Over 5-year book age                        15,481.20                 15,481.20
Club Co. ,Ltd.                   n
Shenzhen Wanshang Friendship
                             Court execution Over 5-year book age                          363,870.81                363,870.81
Department Store Co., Ltd.
             Total                         --                   --                379,352.01                     --

   Provision for bad debt reserve for other receivable with single significant or minor amount but
   tested for impairment separately as at period-end:
    Contents of account                                                      Provision proportion
                               Book balance             Bad debt amount                                      Reasons
       receivables                                                                   (%)
            N/A                     N/A                      N/A                    N/A                       N/A
           Total                                                                      --                        --
   Explanation for other receivable with single minor amount while the risks of the group categorized with similar
   risk characteristics are relative significant:

   (3) Other receivables actually written-off during the reporting period

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                                                                          Whether arising
                         Nature of other                        Amount written       Reason for
      Name of unit                          Time of write-off                                              from related
                          receivables                               off               write-off
          N/A                 N/A                  N/A                N/A                  N/A                 N/A
         Total                 --                  --                                       --                  --

                                                                                       Semi-Annual Report 2012
Explanation for write-off of other receivables:

(4) Other receivables due from the shareholders holding 5% or above voting shares of the
Company during the reporting period

□Applicable □Non-applicable

(5) Nature or content of other receivables with significant amount

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                Nature or content of      Proportion in total other
     Name of the company                  Amount
                                                                     account                  receivables (%)
Shenzhen Boteman Bowling
                                              4,021,734.22             Rent                                    26.46%
Club Co. ,Ltd.
Zhao Baomin                                        939,354.00          Rent                                      6.18%
Shenzhen Wanshang Friendship
                                                   701,898.20 Decoration amount                                  4.62%
Department Store Co., Ltd.
Hengfa Technology (Canteen)                        639,486.06    Connect amount                                  4.21%
Bidding margin                                     600,000.00         Margin                                     3.95%
Traffic accident compensation                      555,785.81     Compensation                                   3.66%
Hebei Botou Court                                  520,021.00    Execution charge                                3.42%
              Total                           7,978,279.29               --                                    52.48%
Explanation: Nil

(6) Top 5 other receivable

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                                                   Proportion in total
      Name of the company                with the           Amount               Terms
                                                                                                account receivables (%)
Shenzhen Boteman Bowling Club
                              Lessee                      4,021,734.22 Over 5 years                              26.46%
Co. ,Ltd.
Zhao Baomin                          Lessee                 939,354.00 2-3 years                                  6.18%
Shenzhen Wanshang Friendship
                                     Lessee                 701,898.20 Over 5 years                               4.62%
Department Store Co., Ltd.
Hengfa Technology (Canteen)          Lessee                 639,486.06 1-2 years                                  4.21%
Bidding margin                       Client                 600,000.00 Over 5 years                               3.95%
              Total                           --          6,902,472.48              --                           45.41%

(7) Other receivables due from related parties

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                Relationship with the                                       Proportion in total other
  Name of the company                                                   Amount
                                      Company                                                   receivables (%)
          N/A                           N/A                               N/A                         N/A
          Total                          --

                                                                                      Semi-Annual Report 2012
 (8) Other receivables derecognized

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                   Item                     De-recognition amount               Gains or losses related to de-recognition
                   N/A                                N/A                                         N/A

 (9) As for securities with other receivables as target subject, list the assets and liabilities
 arising from further involvement

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
 Item                                                                            Period-end
                         N/A                                                        N/A
 Assets subtotal
                         N/A                                                        N/A
 Liabilities subtotal

 8. Payment in advance

 (1) Analysis of payments in advance by aging

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                               Amount at period-end                                   Amount at period-begin
     Aging                                                Proportion                                            Proportion
                               Amount                                                  Amount
                                                             (%)                                                   (%)
 within 1 year                             6,689,609.88            100%                          9,724,896.44            100%
 1-2 years
 2-3 years
 Over 3 years
 Total                                     6,689,609.88       --                                 9,724,896.44       --
 Explanation for aging analysis of payments in advance:

 (2) Top 5 of payments in advance

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                 Relationship with                                                         Reason for
    Name of the company                                       Amount                   Time
                                  the Company                                                             unsettlement
Beijing Jingdongfang
                                        Supplier              2,844,330.00                           Purchasing
Photoelectron Co., Ltd
Qingdaio Kejie Automation               Supplier
                                                              1,035,360.00                           Purchasing
Equipment Co., Ltd
Guanjie Display Technology              Supplier
                                                                   502,110.23                        Purchasing
(Wuhan)Co., Ltd.

                                                                              Semi-Annual Report 2012
Shenzhen Han Ante Technology          Supplier
                                                           269,200.00                           Purchasing
Co., Ltd
Wuhan Branch of Shanghai              Supplier
                                                           159,000.00                           Purchasing
Henglian Elevator Co.,Ltd
Total                                    --              4,810,000.23              --                     --
 Explanation for major units paid in advance: N/A

 (3) Shareholders holding 5% or above voting shares of the Company in payments in advance
 during the reporting period

 □ Applicable √ Non-applicable

 (4) Explanation for payment in advance


 9. Inventory

 (1) Classification

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                               Amount at period-end                          Amount at period-begin
          Item                        Depreciation                                      Depreciation
                      Book balance                   Book value     Book balance                       Book value
                                       provision                                         provision
 Raw materials        32,394,483.75 4,278,405.85 28,116,077.90 37,020,848.22            4,278,405.85 32,742,442.37
 Product in
                         627,578.53           0.00    627,578.53
 Stock products       12,860,537.17 3,481,301.24     9,379,235.93 21,146,510.85         3,115,158.80 18,031,352.05
 biological assets
 Low value
                       1,710,023.92    363,236.79    1,346,787.13    1,601,371.53         363,236.79   1,238,134.74
 semi-manufacture      4,012,527.00    250,244.88    3,762,282.12    3,209,301.17         250,244.88   2,959,056.29
 Trusted process
                         279,255.66           0.00    279,255.66      956,498.83                        956,498.83
 products 资
 Total                51,884,406.03 8,373,188.76 43,511,217.27 63,934,530.60            8,007,046.32 55,927,484.28

 (2) Inventory impairment provision

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
         Kinds of     Book-balance as Provision for this      Decrease during this year          Book-balance as at
        inventories   at period-begin      period             Reversal        Written-off           period-end

                                                                          Semi-Annual Report 2012
Raw materials              4,278,405.85                                                         4,278,405.85
Product in process                                                                                       0.00
Stock products             3,115,158.80       366,142.44                                        3,481,301.24
biological assets
                            363,236.79                                                            363,236.79
semi-manufacture            250,244.88                                                            250,244.88
Trusted process
Total                      8,007,046.32       366,142.44           0.00             0.00        8,373,188.76
(3) Particular about inventory impairment provision
                                                                                    Proportion of the reversal
                                                       Reason for reversal during   amount during the year in
            Item                  Provision basis
                                                               the year             the period-end balance of
                                                                                          the inventory
                             The lower one between
Raw materials                book value and net
                             realizable value
                             The lower one between
Stock commodities            book value and net
                             realizable value
                             The lower one between
Goods in process             book value and net
                             realizable value
                             The lower one between
Turn-over material           book value and net
                             realizable value
                             The lower one between
Consumption biological
                             book value and net
                             realizable value
                             The lower one between
Low-value Consumables        book value and net
                             realizable value
                          The lower one between
                          book value and net
semi-manufacture products
                          realizable value
                             The lower one between
Trusted process products     book value and net
                             realizable value
Explanation on inventory
10. Other current assets
                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                                                                                            Semi-Annual Report 2012
                     Item                               Amount at period-end                     Amount at period-begin
                     N/A                                          N/A                                         N/A
Explanation on other current assets
11. Financial assets available for sale

(1) Particular about financial assets available for sale

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                             Item                                Fair-value at period-end           Fair-value at period-begin
Bond available for sale                                                      —                                   —
Equity instrument available for sale                                         —                                   —
Other                                                                        —                                   —
For financial assets available for sale that re-category from investment held to maturity, re-category amounting as 0 yuan, and takes
0% of the investment held to maturity before re-category.
Explanation on financial assets available for sale

(2) Long-term debt investment in financial assets available for sales

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                           Initial                         Balance at                    receivable
                                                              Expired                                                Balance at
    Bond           Type       Book value investment                        period-begi      Interest     or received
                                                               dated                                                 period-end
                                            cost                                n                        accumulati
    N/A            N/A              N/A          N/A            N/A            N/A            N/A             N/A           N/A
Total                --             --                            --
Explanation on long-term debt investment in financial assets available for sales

12. Held-to-maturity investment
(1) Particular about held-to-maturity investment
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                    Item                           Book balance at period-end                 Book balance at period-begin
                    N/A                                          N/A                                          N/A

Explanation on held-to-maturity investment

(2) Held-to-maturity investment that sold in report period but not expired
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
Item                                                  Amount                        Proportion in amount before sold (%)
                 N/A                                    N/A                                            N/A
                Total                                                                                    --

                                                                                              Semi-Annual Report 2012
Explanation on held-to-maturity investment that sold in report period but not expired

13. Long-term account receivable
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                   Type                            Amount at period-end                           Amount at period-begin
Financing leasing                                            —                                               —
 Incl: Un-realized financing
                                                             —                                               —
Commodity sales for
                                                             —                                               —
installment receivables
Labor service provided for
                                                             —                                               —
installment receivables
Other                                                        —                                               —
14. Investment for affiliated enterprise and joint ventures
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                    Equity                                                Total
                                                                                on of               Total    Total
                                                                   proporti              Total                          operatio Net
Invested                                                                       voting             liability    net
                     Register     Legal   Busines Register Currenc on held              assets at                           n    profit in
compan      Type                                                              rights in              at     assets at
                      place        rep.   s nature capital    y     by the              period-e                        revenue this
   y                                                                          invested            period-e period-e
                                                                   Compan                  nd                            in this period
                                                                              compan                 nd        nd
                                                                    y (%)                                                period
                                                                                y (%)
I. Joint venture
    N/A        N/A          N/A     N/A      N/A      N/A     N/A      N/A        N/A       N/A       N/A       N/A         N/A      N/A
II. Affiliated enterprise
    N/A        N/A          N/A     N/A      N/A      N/A     N/A      N/A        N/A       N/A       N/A       N/A         N/A      N/A
Explanation on major accounting policy and accounting estimation in joint venture and affiliated enterprises difference from the
policy and estimation of the Company:

                                                                      Semi-Annual Report 2012
15. Long-term equity investment

(1) Details of long-term equity investment

                                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                  on the
                                                                             Proportion of   Proportion of       in share              Impairment
  Invested   Calculation                 Balance at Increase/decr Balance at share holding   voting rights       holding   Impairment provision of Cash bonus
  company     method                    period-begin ease(+,-)    period-end in invested      in invested      proportion   provision accruing this this year
                                                                             company (%)     company (%)       and voting                 year
                                                                                                             proportion in
    N/A         N/A           N/A          N/A          N/A          N/A          N/A            N/A            N/A          N/A         N/A          N/A
Total            --                                                                --             --             --

                                                                                         Semi-Annual Report 2012
(2) Limited ability for capital transfer to investment enterprise
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
 Long-term equity investment that
                                                                                         un-recognized investment losses
has limited ability of capital transfer               Restriction reasons
                                                                                              accumulative in period
      to investment enterprise
                   N/A                                        N/A                                        N/A
Explanation on long-term equity investment
16. Investment real estate
(1) Investment real estate measured by cost
√application  □ non-application
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                             Book balance at         Increase during the      Decrease during the
         Item                                                                                         Book balance at period-end
                              period-begin                 period                   period
I. Total original book
                                  107,661,686.94                                                                  107,661,686.94
  1.    Houses      and
                                  107,661,686.94                                                                  107,661,686.94
  2. Land use rights
II. Accumulated
depreciation and
                                    71,930,961.91             1,239,517.14                                         73,170,479.05
  1.    Houses      and
                                    71,930,961.91             1,239,517.14                                         73,170,479.05
  2. Land use rights
III. Total net book
value of investment                 35,730,725.03                                                                  34,491,207.89
real estate
  1.    Houses      and
                                    35,730,725.03                                                                  34,491,207.89
  2. Land use rights
IV. Total accumulate
provision for
impairment of
investment real estate
  1.    Houses      and
  2. Land use rights
V. Total book value of
                                    35,730,725.03                                                                  34,491,207.89
investment real estate
  1.    Houses      and
                                    35,730,725.03                                                                  34,491,207.89
  2. Land use rights
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                                                              This period
Depreciation and amortization amount in this period                                                               1,239,517.14
Withdrawal of impairment provision for investment real estate
(2) Investment real estate measured by fair value
□ Application √ non-application
Explain the investment real estate that changing measurement mold in report period, and the investment real estate without property
certificate done as well as the reasons for property certificate un-finished and predicted the time to obtained that certificates

                                                                                           Semi-Annual Report 2012

17. Fixed assets
(1) Particular about fixed assets
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                Book balance at                                            Decrease during this   Book balance at
              Item                                      Increase during this period
                                 period-begin                                                    period             period-end
I. total of book balance:         333,627,416.76                            7,863,480.51                            341,489,303.57
Including: House &
                                  215,248,162.38                            1,821,478.98                            217,069,641.36
  Machinery equipments             76,548,465.79                            3,901,117.88                             80,449,583.67
Transportation tools                4,668,556.59                              830,000.00                              5,498,556.59
Office equipment                    6,181,874.97                              110,894.81                800.00        6,291,969.78
Instruments                        13,490,480.33                              204,176.82                             13,694,657.15
Tool equipment                      7,323,352.65                               52,222.23                793.70        7,374,781.18
Mould equipment                    10,166,524.05                              943,589.79                             11,110,113.84
                                Book balance at    Increase during     Accrual in this     Decrease during this   Book balance at
                                 period-begin        this period          period                 period             period-end
II. total of accumulated
                                  123,171,661.77                            7,106,483.61                720.00      130,277,425.38
Including: House &
                                   51,695,618.46                            2,608,853.20                             54,304,471.66
  Machinery equipments             40,101,806.90                            2,676,498.91                             42,778,305.81
 Transportation tools               2,992,917.96                              407,900.86                              3,400,818.82
Office equipment                    5,249,108.72                              117,995.27                720.00        5,366,383.99
Instruments                        11,443,693.28                              260,695.26                             11,704,388.54
Tool equipment                      2,960,233.41                              655,077.74                              3,615,311.15
Mould equipment                     8,728,283.04                              379,462.37                              9,107,745.41
                                Book balance at                                                                   Book balance at
               --                                                              --
                                 period-begin                                                                       period-end
III. total net value of fixed
                                  210,455,754.99                               --                                   211,211,878.19
Including: House &
                                  163,552,543.92                               --                                   162,765,169.70
  Machinery equipments             36,446,658.89                               --                                    37,671,277.86
 Transportation tools               1,675,638.63                               --                                     2,097,737.77
Office equipment                      932,766.25                               --                                       925,585.79
Instruments                         2,046,787.05                               --                                     1,990,268.61
Tool equipment                      4,363,119.24                               --                                     3,759,470.03
Mould equipment                     1,438,241.01                               --                                     2,002,368.43
IV. total of impairment
                                    2,885,534.22                               --                                     2,885,534.22
Including: House &
  Machinery equipments              1,499,613.30                               --                                     1,499,613.30
 Transportation tools                 104,388.91                               --                                       104,388.91
Office equipment                       72,480.11                               --                                        72,480.11
Instruments                         1,088,204.88                               --                                     1,088,204.88
Tool equipment                        120,847.02                               --                                       120,847.02
Mould equipment                                                                --

                                                                                           Semi-Annual Report 2012
V. total book value of fixed
                                  207,570,220.77                                --                                   208,326,343.97
Including: House &
                                  163,552,543.92                                --                                   162,765,169.70
  Machinery equipments                34,947,045.59                             --                                    36,171,664.56
 Transportation tools                  1,571,249.73                             --                                     1,993,348.87
Office equipment                        860,286.14                              --                                       853,105.68
Instruments                             958,582.17                              --                                       902,063.73
Tool equipment                         4,242,272.22                             --                                     3,638,623.01
Mould equipment                        1,438,241.01                             --                                     2,002,368.43
Depreciation amount in this period amounting as 7,106,483.61 yuan; original value transfer into fixed assets from construction in
process amounting as 1,044,413.50 yuan
 (2) Temporary idle fixed assets
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                            Original book         Depreciation          Impairment
        Item                                                                              Net book value              Note
                                value             accumulative           provision
House &
                                 —                     —                 —                     —
                                 —                     —                 —                     —
                                 —                     —                 —                     —

(3) Fixed assets leasing-in by financing lease
□ Application √ non-application
(4) Fixed assets leasing-out by operational lease
□ Application √ non-application
(5) Fixed assets held for sale in period-end
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                                     Disposal expense            Disposal date
              Item                    Book value              Fair value
                                                                                        predicted                 predicted
              N/A                         N/A                     N/A                      N/A                       N/A
(6) Fixed assets with un-completed property certificates
                                                                                             Times expected for certificate
                     Item                       Reasons for un-completed certificate
                     N/A                                          N/A                                       N/A
Explanation on fixed assets:

18. Construction in process


                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                             Amount at period-end                           Amount at period-begin
                Item                   Book           Provision      Book            Provision          Book          Provision
                                      balance          reserve      balance           reserve          balance         reserve

                                                                Semi-Annual Report 2012
Reforming project of
                              654,356.00     654,356.00   654,356.00           654,356.00
Huafa Building
Reforming project of
Gongming Electronic           969,000.00     969,000.00   969,000.00           969,000.00
Tube reforming project of
Gongming Electronic            35,998.00      35,998.00
Dormitory projects             74,500.00      74,500.00
Expansion project of
injection warehouse
Corridor grid project of
 injection warehouse
Foam warehouse projects
Reforming project of
foam workshop
Reforming of building
                               54,000.00      54,000.00
project of foam plant area
Fire engineering of foam
                                                          884,288.50           884,288.50
Floor reconstruction of
                                                          160,125.00           160,125.00
video workshop
Total                        1,787,854.00   1,787,854.00 2,667,769.50         2,667,769.50

                                                                                Semi-Annual Report 2012

(2) Changes of material construction in process

                                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                                                 Proportion                            including:
                                                                                                        Accumulated                    Interest
                               Amount at    Increase                              of project                             interest
                                                      Transfer to     Other                              amount of                  capitalizatio   Capital   Amount at
    Name          Budget       period-begi during the                            investment    Progress                capitalized
                                                      fixed assets   decrease                              interest                 n rate of the   source    period-end
                                    n        period                               in budget                           amount of the
                                                                                                        capitalization                year (%)
                                                                                     (%)                                   year
     N/A            N/A            N/A            N/A         N/A     N/A           N/A          N/A          N/A          N/A          N/A          N/A         N/A
Total                                                                                --           --                                      --          --
Explanation on changes of major projects under construction

                                                                                   Semi-Annual Report 2012

(3) Construction in process impairment provision

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                           Amount at       Increase during   Decrease during        Amount at
        Item                                                                                         Accrual Reason
                          period-begin       this period       this period          period-end
        N/A                  N/A                N/A                N/A                 N/A                     N/A
Total                                                                                                           --

(4) Progress of material construction in progress

                   Item                                progress                                   Note
                   N/A                                   N/A                                      N/A
(5) Explanation of construction in process


19. Construction materials
                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                            Amount at     Increase in this     Decrease in this          Amount at
                                         period-beginning      term                 term                 period-end
                  N/A                          N/A                N/A               N/A                       N/A
Explanation on construction materials

20. Disposal of fixed assets

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                         Book balance at          Book balance at
               Item                                                                       Reasons for turn to disposal
                                         period-beginning           period-end
                  N/A                          N/A                       N/A                         N/A
Total                                                                                                    --

Explain the progress of disposal of fixed assets transfer over one year

21. Productive biological assets
(1) Measured by cost
√ Application □ non-application

(2) Measured by fair value
□ Application √ non-application

22. oil/gas assets
                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
           Item              Book balance at     Increase in this term Decrease in this term      Book balance at

                                                                                   Semi-Annual Report 2012
                                period-beginning                                                  period-end
I. Total original book
1. Equity of mine
2. Equity of mine
3. Well and relevant
II. Total consumption
1. Equity of mine
2. Well and relevant
III. Total impairment of
oil/gas assets
1. Equity of mine
2. Equity of mine
3. Well and relevant
IV. Total book value of
oil/gas assets
1. Equity of mine
2. Equity of mine
3. Well and relevant
Explanation on oil/gas assets

23. Intangible assets

(1) Particular about intangible assets

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                Book balance at    Increased in the                                Book balance at
           Item                                                         decreased in the period
                                 period-begin           period                                       period-end
I. total of original
                                   55,540,235.25                 0.00                      0.00        55,540,235.25
Land use right                     55,187,826.36                                                       55,187,826.36
Non-patent technology                 352,408.89                                                          352,408.89
II. total accumulated
                                    3,576,697.53          764,025.48                       0.00         4,340,723.01

                                                                                           Semi-Annual Report 2012
Land use right                      3,347,391.45               754,556.04                                           4,101,947.49
Non-patent technology                229,306.08                   9,469.44                                            238,775.52
III. total net book
value of intangible               51,963,537.72                        0.00                          0.00          51,199,512.24
Land use right                    51,840,434.91                                                                    51,085,878.87
Non-patent technology                123,102.81                                                                       113,633.37
IV. Accumulated
intangible asset                             0.00                      0.00                          0.00                      0.00
impairment provisions
Land use right
Non-patent technology
Total of intangible
                                  51,963,537.72                        0.00                          0.00          51,199,512.24
asset book value
Land use right                    51,840,434.91                                                                    51,085,878.87
Non-patent technology                123,102.81                                                                       113,633.37
Amount amortized in this period was 0 yuan
(2) Expenditure of project development
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                        Decrease during the period
                          Amount at           Increase during        Record into                                  Amount at
        Item                                                                            Confirm as
                       period-beginning          the period        current gains and                              period-end
                                                                                     intangible assets
        N/A                   N/A                   N/A                   N/A                   N/A                   N/A
The development expenditure occupies 0% of total expenditure in R&D projects in reporting period
The intangible assets form by internal R&D occupies 0% of total book value of intangible assets at period-end
For development projects, including single price over one million yuan occurred in this period and the assessment price has been kept
in book, disclosed the assessment institution and way of assessment: Nil

(3) Intangible assets without property certificate obtained

24. Goodwill
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                      Amount at
                                                    Increase during Decrease during                Amount at        Depreciation
Items                               period-beginnin
                                                       the period     the period                   period-end         reserves
               N/A                        N/A                 N/A                 N/A                 N/A                N/A
Explain the impairment testing method and withdrawal method for impairment provision of goodwill:

25. Long-term deferred expense
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                        Balance at        Increased in                                              Balance at        Reasons for
        Item                                                  during this Other decrease
                       period-begin        the period                                               period-end       other decrease

                                                                                         Semi-Annual Report 2012
consultant charge
                           875,000.00                          375,000.00                           500,000.00
from China
Construction Bank
Golf membership
                           666,966.67                            37,400.04                          629,566.63
Total                    1,541,966.67                0.00      412,400.00                0.00     1,129,566.63           --
 Explanation on long-term deferred expense:

 (1) In long-term expenses to be amortized, the financial consultant charge 3 million yuan in total, was entered into with Shangbu
 Sub-branch of CCB; service term is from 19 March 2009 to 18 March 2013

 (2) Golf membership charge will amortize in 10-year term

 26. Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities
 (1) Net amount of deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities before
 √application □non-application
 Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liability that recognized
                                                                              Unit: RMB
                        Item                                   Closing amount                         Opening amount
 Deferred income tax assets:
 Assets impairment provision
 Opening charge
 Deductible deficit
 Deferred income tax assets arising from bad
                                                                             4,612,489.17                           4,400,995.64
 debt provision
 Deferred income tax assets arising from
                                                                             1,957,941.71                           1,866,406.10
 inventory depreciation provision
 Deferred income tax assets arising from
                                                                               721,383.56                             721,383.56
 provision of fixed assets impairment
 Deferred income tax assets arising from
                                                                                61,052.14                              61,052.14
 accrual liability
 Subtotal                                                                    7,352,866.58                           7,049,837.44
 Deferred income tax liability:
 Evaluation of transactional financial
 instrument and derivative financial
 Variation of fair value of financial assets
 available for sale that reckoned into capital

 Details of un-recognized deferred income tax assets
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                       Item                                  Closing amount                         Opening amount

                                                                                     Semi-Annual Report 2012
 Deductible temporary differences                                     3,694,594.45                      3,694,594.45
 Deductible deficit                                                   1,061,584.26                      1,061,584.26

 Total                                                                4,756,178.71                      4,756,178.71
 The deductible deficit of un-recognized deferred income tax assets is due in follow years
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
            Year                 Closing amount          Opening amount                       Note
 2013                                       3,458.00                  3,458.00
 2014                                    210,527.72              210,527.72
 2015                                    290,960.95              290,960.95
 2016                                    556,637.59              556,637.59
 Total                                  1,061,584.26           1,061,584.26                     --
 Details of taxable difference and deductible differences
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                 Amount of temporary differences
                                                          Closing amount                    Opening amount
 Items of taxable difference

 Items of deductible differences
 Provision of bad debt impairment                                     18,449,656.74                    17,603,682.60
 Provision of inventory impairment                                     7,831,766.82                     7,465,624.38
 Provision of fixed assets impairment                                  2,885,534.22                     2,885,534.22
 Accrual liability                                                       244,208.54                       244,208.54
 Subtotal                                                             29,411,166.32                    28,199,049.74

 (2) Net amount of deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities after
 □application √non-application
 Explanation on deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities

 27. Details of asset impairment provision

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                  Balance as at    Increase during       Decrease during this period     Balance as at
                                  period-begin       this period          Reversal       Written-off      period-end
I. Bad debt reserve                20,756,855.11       1,225,326.15        379,352.01
II. Inventory falling price
                                    8,007,046.32        366,142.44               0.00                0.00 8,373,188.76
III. Impairment provision of
financial assets available for
IV. Impairment provision of

                                                                                 Semi-Annual Report 2012
investment held to maturity
V. Long-term equity
investment impairment
VI. Investment real estate
 impairment provision
VII. Fixed asset impairment
                                   2,885,534.22                                                          2,885,534.22
VIII. Impairment provision
 for construction materials
IX. Construction-in-process
impairment provision
X. Capitalized Biological
assets impairment provision
Including: Impairment
provision for maturity
production biological assets
XI. oil assets impairment
XII. Intangible assets
                                           0.00              0.00                                                0.00
impairment provision
XIII. Goodwill impairment
XIV. other
Total                             31,649,435.65      1,591,468.59         379,352.01              0.00
Explanation on asset impairment provision:
28. Other non-current assets
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                    Item                           Amount at period-end                Amount at period-begin
                    N/A                                    N/A                                  N/A
Explanation on other non-current assets

29. Short-term loans
(1) Type of Short-term Loans
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                    Item                          Amount as at period-end          Amount as at period-begin
 Mortgage loans
 Collateral loan                                                 39,000,000.00                         69,345,388.74
 Ensure loans                                                                                          11,152,593.00
 Guarantee loans                                              127,595,489.19                           24,045,915.48

 Total                                                        166,595,489.19                          104,543,897.22
Explanation on short-term loans

                                                                                        Semi-Annual Report 2012
1. Amount at period-end increase 62051591.97 yuan over that of period-begin, a 59% up; mainly because short-term turnover capital
increased in this period for export invoice financing

2. Ended as 30 June 2012, the Company has due short-term loans unpaid
(2) Short-term loans un-paid by expired
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                                                        Predicted payment
        Unit          Loan amount        Loan rates           Using in        Reasons of un-paid
        N/A                 N/A             N/A                 N/A                     N/A                     N/A
Total                                         --                 --                     --                       --
Totaling 0 yuan has been paid after balance sheet date.
Explanation on short-term loans: for those expired short-term loans obtained expansion period, explain the
expansion condition and new expiration:
30. Transactional financial liabilities
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                     Item                             Fair value at period-end                Fair value at period-begin
Transactional bonds offered
Financial liability designated for fair
value measurement and variation of fair
value recon into current gains/losses
Derivative financial liability
Other financial liability
Explanation on transactional financial liabilities:

31. Note payable
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                     Type                              Amount at period-end                    Amount at period-begin
Commercial acceptance bill
Bank acceptance bill                                                    31,316,864.98                          33,795,522.26
Total                                                                   31,316,864.98                          33,795,522.26
Amount expired in next accounting period:
Explanation on note payable:

32. Account payables
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                     Item                             Amount as at period-end                 Amount as at period-begin
within 1 year                                                           43,230,516.17                          30,642,895.84
Over 1 year                                                             13,128,532.22                          12,689,481.10
Total                                                                   56,359,048.39                          43,332,376.94
(2)Accounts payable to shareholders holding 5% or above voting shares of the Company
□ Application√ non-application
Explanation on major account payable with over one year age:

                                                                                       Semi-Annual Report 2012
Account payable with major amount for over one year book age mainly refers to the account payable of circuit board division that
suspended for operation and the payable of former Shenzhen Video division, which transfer to subsidiary Hengfa Technology

33. Account received in advance


                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                       Item                            Amount as at period-end              Amount as at period-begin
within 1 year                                                            4,234,860.70                             263,497.35
Total                                                                    4,234,860.70                             263,497.35
(2)Accounts received in advance to shareholders holding 5% or above voting shares of the
□ Application√ non-application
Explanation on major account received in advance with over one year age:

34. Wages payable

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                          Balance as at         Increase during this       Decrease during this            Balance as at
                          period-begin                period                     period                     period-end
I. Wage, bonus,
allowance and                 3,352,323.50              20,993,010.94                 21,468,435.40             2,876,899.04
II. Employees‘
III. Social
                                  24,648.18              2,483,041.17                  2,408,673.04                99,016.31
                                  24,648.18              2,483,041.17                  2,408,673.04                99,016.31
IV. Housing
                                                           218,130.00                    218,130.00
public reserve
V. Compensation
from labor
VI. Other                        628,918.57                 42,739.00                     42,739.00               628,918.57
Outlay for labor
union and staff                  628,918.57                 42,739.00                     42,739.00               628,918.57
Total                         4,005,890.25              23,736,921.11                 24,137,977.44             3,604,833.92
Wages payable has 0 yuan for arrears
Outlay for labor union and staff educational charge amounting,non-monetary welfare amounting, compensation
for dismiss of labor relationship
The wages payable expected to pay and the amount for payment;

35. Tax payable

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                                                                                  Semi-Annual Report 2012
                         Item                          Amount as at period-end           Amount as at period-begin
VAT                                                                    2,935,846.28                  -11,149,770.47
Consumption tax
Business tax                                                           1,289,381.37                       1,252,058.11
Enterprise income tax                                                 11,121,520.93                       9,276,957.98
Personal income tax                                                         18,534.56                       48,424.56
City maintenance and construction tax                                       29,087.43                       26,474.78
Property right tax                                                       345,049.10                        910,557.90
Land use right taxes                                                     187,251.34                        306,074.38
Educational surcharge                                                       12,896.83                        11,777.10
Price adjustment fund                                                    -13,938.62                         13,938.62
Local education surcharge                                                    8,243.91                       17,287.85
Other                                                                        5,628.58                         5,803.88
Total                                                               15,939,501.71                    719,584.69
Explanation on tax payable: if the local taxation bureau agrees mutual adjustment between vary branches and
plants, explain taxation calculation:
Taxes payable at period-end increase 15,219,917.02 yuan over that of period-begin, mainly due to the exportation
tax rebate in this period
36. Interest payable
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                         Item                          Amount as at period-end           Amount as at period-begin
Interest of long-term loans of installment and
                                                                 —                                 —
interest charges
Corporate bond interest                                          —                                 —
Interest payable for short-term loans                            —                                 —

Explanation on interest payable:
37. Dividend payable
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                        Amount as at           Amount as at             Reasons for un-payment over
                                         period-end            period-begin                       one year
                N/A                         N/A                       N/A                          N/A
Total                                                                                               --
Explanation on dividend payable:
38. Other payables
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                       Item                       Amount as at period-end               Amount as at period-begin
within 1 year                                                         8,971,062.68                        6,790,411.59
Over 1 year                                                       12,575,175.86                          11,609,879.76
Total                                                             21,546,238.54                          18,400,291.35

                                                                             Semi-Annual Report 2012
(2) Others payable due to shareholders units holding over 5% (5% included) voting shares of
the Company at period-end
□application √non-application

(3) Explanation on other account payable with over one year age
                 Item                      Amount                        Age           Nature or content
 Shenzhen Wanshang Friendship
 Department Store Co., Ltd.                      3,477,008.00        Over 5 years       Rental margin
 Shenzhen Shangbu Sub-branch                                                           Consultant service
 of CCB                                          1,000,000.00         3-4 years             charge
 Linghang            Technology
 (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                              626,144.95         3-4 years        Connected amount
  Shenzhen Tongxing Electronic
 Co., Ltd.                                         578,259.83         3-4 years        Connected amount
 Total                                           5,681,412.78

(4) Explanation on unit of major connected amount for other account payable
                 Item                      Amount                        Age           Nature or content
 Shenzhen Wanshang Friendship
 Department Store Co., Ltd.                      3,477,008.00        Over 5 years       Rental margin
 Shenzhen Shangbu Sub-branch                                                           Consultant service
 of CCB                                          1,000,000.00         3-4 years             charge
 House Leasing management                                                                   Rental
 bureau of Futian District                                                               management
 Shenzhen                                          687,720.90        within 1 year          charge
 Linghang            Technology
 (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.                              626,144.95         3-4 years        Connected amount
  Shenzhen Tongxing Electronic
 Co., Ltd.                                         578,259.83         3-4 years        Connected amount
 Total                                           6,369,133.68

39. Predicted liability
                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                           Amount at           Increase during the   Carry-forward        Amount at
                          period-begin               period          during the year      period-end
 Guarantee provided
   Un-settle lawsuit              244,208.55                                                    244,208.55
   Products quality
   Dismiss welfare
  Deficit contract for

                                                                                             Semi-Annual Report 2012
             Total                       244,208.55                        0.00                      0.00               244,208.55
Explanation on predicted liability:
Found more details in Contingency ―
40. Non-current liability due within one year


                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                         Item                            Amount as at period-end                Amount as at period-begin
Long-term loans due within one year                                   —                                       —
Bond payable due within one year                                      —                                       —
Long-term account payable due within
                                                                      —                                       —
one year

(2) Long-term loans due within one year
Long-term loans due within one year
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                         Item                            Amount as at period-end                Amount as at period-begin
Mortgage loans                                                        —                                       —
Collateral loan                                                       —                                       —
Ensure loans                                                          —                                       —
Guarantee loans                                                       —                                       —

In long-term loans due within one year, amount of undue but with expansion time amounting as:
Top five long-term loans due within one year:
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                     Starting   Terminatio                                  Amount at period-end Amount at period-begin
      Unit           date for    n date for   Currency        Rate (%)      Foreign           Local          Foreign      Local
                      loans        loans                                    currency         currency        currency    currency
      N/A             N/A          N/A             N/A          N/A           N/A              N/A             N/A         N/A
Total                   --          --              --           --               --                            --
Due loans in long-term loans due within one year:
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                            Annual rate
        Unit           Amount loans      Undue date                          Using purpose Unpaid reasons Paid expected
        N/A                  N/A              N/A               N/A                    N/A              N/A              N/A
Total                                         --                 --                    --               --                --
Totaling 0 yuan has been paid after balance sheet date.
Explanation on long-term loans due within one year:

                                                                                              Semi-Annual Report 2012
(3) Bond payable due within one year

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                      Interest     Interest                            Amount at
                              Issuing                   Issuing                               Interest paid payable in
  Name          Value                      Terms                     payable at  payable in                            period-en
                                date                    amount                               in this period     this
                                                                    period-begin this period                               d
   N/A           N/A           N/A          N/A           N/A            N/A              N/A              N/A              N/A             N/A
Explanation on bond payable due within one year:

(4) Long-term account payable due within one year

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                                  Interest          Amount at
        Unit             Terms          Initial amount        Rate (%)                                               Loan condition
                                                                                 reckoned           period-end
        N/A               N/A                 N/A                 N/A               N/A                 N/A                N/A
Explanation on long-term account payable due within one year:

41. Other current liability
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                       Item                            Book balance at period-end               Book balance at period-begin
Charge accrual                                                                971,214.71                                              0
Total                                                                         971,214.71                                              0
Explanation on other current liability:
Water & electricity charge accrual
42. Long-term loan

(1) Category of long-term loans

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                       Item                               Amount at period-end                     Amount at period-begin
Mortgage loans
Collateral loan                                                          173,910,800.00                             186,141,200.00
Ensure loans
Guarantee loans

Total                                                                    173,910,800.00                             186,141,200.00
Explanation on long-term loans:
On 12 March 2009, the Company signed a Loan Contract of Jie 2009 Shang 0181008R with Construction Bank of China Shangbu
Sub-branch for obtaining RMB 230 million loans. Term of the loans is 7 years namely from 12 March 2009 to 11 March 2016,
floating rate will be adopt for this loan, 20th of every month was the interest settlement date that listed in the contract. According to
the contract, RMB140 million have been obtained on 12 March 2009 by property mortgage of the 2 nd, 3rd and 4th floor of Huafa
Mansion (Number of property certificate: SFDC No. 3000522977, 3000522975 and 3000522976); RMB 90 million loans on 3 April
2009 by property mortgage of the 1st, 5th and 6th floor of Huafa Mansion (Number of property certificate: SFDC No. 3000503696,
3000503720 and 3000511945). Among which RMB 140 million was constant amortization mortgage, RMB 90 million was monthly
interest payment for principal payment while expire.

                                                                                             Semi-Annual Report 2012
 (2) Top five long-term loans

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                                  Amount at period-end Amount at period-begin
                    Starting date Termination
       Unit                                    Currency            Rate (%)        Foreign      Local        Foreign         Local
                      for loans date for loans
                                                                                   currency    currency      currency       currency
                                                                                              173,910,80                 186,141,20
       CCB          2009-3-12        2016-3-11         CNY        lending rate
                                                                                                 0.00                       0.00
                                                                    of Bank
                                                                                              173,910,80                 186,141,20
 Total                 ——            ——            ——           ——
                                                                                                 0.00                       0.00
 Explanation on long-term loans: if there has long-term loans from undue with expansion obtained, explain the
 expansion condition, principle, interest and predicted payment arrange:

 43. Bond payable

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                Interest           Interest                            Balance at
                           Issuing                Issuing                                     Interest paid payable in
Name       Value                      Terms                    payable at        payable in                            period-en
                             date                 amount                                     in this period     this
                                                              period-begin       this period                               d
N/A           N/A           N/A       N/A           N/A            N/A             N/A           N/A            N/A            N/A
 Bond payable including convertible corporate bond‘s condition and time for shares transfer:
 44. Long-term account payable

 (1) Top five long-term account payable

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                                  Interest      Balance at
         Unit                Term       Initial amount        Rate (%)                                         Loan condition
                                                                                 reckoned       period-end
         N/A                 N/A              N/A               N/A                N/A             N/A                N/A

 (2)Details of financing rent payable in long-term payable

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                    Amount at period-end                       Amount at period-begin
                                           Foreign currency                RMB           Foreign currency         RMB
                    N/A                             N/A                    N/A                 N/A                 N/A
 Amount of guarantee from independent third party for the financing rent of the Company was 0 yuan.
 Explanation on long-term payable:
 45. Specific account payable
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB

                                                                                 Semi-Annual Report 2012
                                Amount at Increase in this Decrease in          Amount at
            Item                                                                                          Note
                               period-begin   period       this period          period-end
            N/A                    N/A              N/A             N/A            N/A                    N/A
           Total                                                                                           --
Explanation on specific account payable:

46. Other non-current liability
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                    Item                          Book balance at period-end           Book balance at period-begin
                    N/A                                      N/A                                  N/A
Other non-current liability, including vary government subsidy related with assets and income as well as its
balance at period-end:

47. Share capital

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                  Increased (decreased) in this year
                Amount at                              Shares                                               Amount at
               period-begin New shares               converted                                              period-end
                                       Bonus shares                            Other         Sub-total
                              issued                from public
Total of
               283,161,227                                                                                 283,161,227
Explanation on share capital changes, if there has capital increase/decrease in reporting period, disclosed the
CPA‘s name and verification documents; for company limited within 3 years operation, explain the net assets
before establishment; for those company limited changed from limited liability company, explain the verification
condition while established.
48. Stock shares
Explanation on stock shares:
49. Specific Reserve
Explanation on specific Reserve:
50. Capital reserves
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                    Amount at          Increase during this    Decrease during           Amount at
                                   period-begin              period              this period             period-end
Capital premium (Share
                                     96,501,903.02                                                        96,501,903.02
capital premium)
Other capital reserve                 7,571,423.92                                                         7,571,423.92

Total                               109,496,837.33                                                       109,496,837.33
Explanation on capital reserve:

                                                                                           Semi-Annual Report 2012
51. Surplus reserves
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                 Amount at                  Increase during this      Decrease during         Amount at
                                 period-begin               period                    this period             period-end
Statutory surplus reserves               21,322,617.25                                                            21,322,617.25
Free surplus reserve                     56,068,976.00                                                            56,068,976.00
Service fund                                         0.00                                                                     0.00
Enterprise development
                                                     0.00                                                                     0.00
Other                                                0.00                                                                     0.00
Total                                    77,391,593.25                                                            77,391,593.25
Explanation on surplus reserve, if share capital converted from surplus reserve, remedy deficit and dividend
distributed, explain relevant resolutions:
According to the Company Law of P. R.C, the Article of Association and the resolution of Board, the Company withdrawal statutory
surplus reserves based on the 10% of the amount after remedying previously deficit with annual net profit and stop withdrawal ling
while the accumulated statutory surplus reserve occupied over 50% of the share capital. The approval       statutory surplus reserves
can be used for deficit remedy or increasing the share capital. Except for deficit remedy, the balance after share capital increasing
shall not less than the 25% of share capital before increasing.

52. General risk provision
Explanation on general risk provision:

53. Undistributed profits

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                                                                              Withdrawal or
                    Item                                               Amount
                                                                                                             Allocation Ratio
Undistributed profits at the end of last
                                                                                      -193,110,504.37                --
year before adjustment
Adjust the total undistributed profits at
the beginning of the year (Increase +,                                                              0.00             --
Decrease -)
Undistributed profits at the beginning
                                                                                      -193,110,504.37                --
of the year after adjustment
Increase: The net profits belong to
owners of patent company of this                                                           6426237.82                --
Decrease: Withdraw legal surplus
Withdraw free surplus reserves                                                                      0.00
Withdraw general risk reserves                                                                      0.00
Handle common stock dividends                                                                       0.00
Common stock dividends transferred to
be capital stock

                                                                              Semi-Annual Report 2012
Undistributed profits at the end of the
                                                                          -186,684,266.55            --

Details about adjusting the undistributed profits at the beginning of the year:
1) The retroactive adjustments to Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and its relevant new regulations
     affect the undistributed profits at the beginning of the year amounting to 0 Yuan.
2) The changes in accounting policies affect the undistributed profits at the beginning of the year amounting to 0
3) The major accounting error correction affects the undistributed profits at the beginning of the year amounting
to 0 Yuan.
4) Merge scope changes caused by the same control affect the undistributed profits at the beginning of the year
amounting to 0 Yuan.
5) Other adjustments affect the undistributed profits at the beginning of the year amounting to 0 Yuan.

The undistributed profits explain that the company initial public offering bonds should clearly state if the
accumulated profits are decided to be shared by old and new shareholders by general meeting of stockholders
before issuing; while the company should clearly disclose that the profits in the dividends payable belong to old
shareholders after auditing if the general meeting of stockholders decides the accumulated profits are allocated
and shared by old shareholders before issuing.

54. Operating income and cost

(1) Operating income and cost

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                 Item                          Amount of this period               Amount of last period
Main operating income                                       360,369,143.18                       439,066,510.07
Other operating income                                       23,148,155.37                        22,432,427.16
Operating cost                                              336,861,526.85                       417,065,770.56

(2) Primary business (By industries)

√ Applicable □ Not Applicable
                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                          Amount of this period                  Amount of last period
        Industry name
                                  Operating income     Operating cost     Operating income     Operating cost
Injections                            97,981,143.65       87,147,320.47      103,242,855.44       88,686,938.21
LCD                                 228,931,374.36       219,869,406.77      301,553,845.91      296,717,272.38
Foam (Styrofoam)                      33,456,625.17       27,879,111.12       34,269,808.72       29,038,727.56
Total                               360,369,143.18       334,895,838.36      439,066,510.07      414,442,938.15

(3) Primary business (By products)

□Applicable Not Applicable

                                                                              Semi-Annual Report 2012
(4) Primary business (By districts)

□Applicable     √Not Applicable

(5) The operating income of the top five customers of the Company

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                                   The percentage in all operating income of the
        Customer name               Primary business income
                                                                                 Company (%)
Hong Kong Yutian
International Investment Co.,                     227,378,382.27                                         59.29%
Qingdao Haier Part
                                                  100,167,389.41                                         26.12%
Purchasing Co., Ltd.
                                                   13,725,311.34                                           3.58%
Hefei Haier Logistic Co., Ltd.                      7,758,426.95                                           2.02%
Guangjie Display Technology
                                                    5,301,180.48                                           1.38%
(Wuhan) Co., Ltd
Total                                             354,330,690.45                                         92.39%
Introductions to operating income

55. Contract item income

□Applicable         √Not Applicable
Introductions to contract item

56. Business tax and surcharges

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                            Amount of last           Calculating and payment
                Item                Amount of this period
                                                              period                        standards
Consumption tax
Business tax                                1,282,579.93           1,123,307.64 5%
City maintenance and
                                               182,712.73            89,217.57 7%
construction tax
Education surcharge                             38,797.29            38,797.29 3%
Resources tax
Property taxes                                                      181,778.52 0.12%
Land use right tax                                                  155,516.66
Price adjustment fund                          141,059.91           141,059.91 0.1%
Other                                           10,834.78             7,858.86
Total                                       1,655,984.64           1,737,536.45                --
Introductions to business tax and surcharges

                                                                        Semi-Annual Report 2012
57. Income of fair value changes

                                                                                           Unit: RMB
   Sources generating income of fair value
                                                Amount of this period       Amount of last period
Trading financial assets                                 —                          —
Thereinto: Income of fair value changes
                                                         —                          —
generated by derivative financial instruments
Trading financial assets liabilities                     —                          —
Investment real estate measured by fair
                                                         —                          —
Others                                                   —                          —

Introductions to income of fair value changes

58.     Investment income

(1) Particulars about investment income

                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                     Item                       Amount of this period       Amount of last period
Income of long-term equity investment
                                                         —                          —
calculated based on cost
Income of long-term equity investment
                                                         —                          —
calculated based on equity
Investment income obtained from disposal
                                                         —                          —
of long-term equity investment
Investment income obtained during holding
                                                         —                          —
trading financial assets
Investment income obtained during
held-to-maturity investment gaining                      —                          —
investment income
Investment income obtained during holding
                                                         —                          —
available-for-sale financial assets
Investment income obtained by handling
                                                         —                          —
trading financial assets
Investment income obtained from
                                                         —                          —
held-to-maturity investment
Investment income obtained from
                                                         —                          —
available-for-sale financial assets
Others                                                   —                          —

                                                                                 Semi-Annual Report 2012
(2) Income of long-term equity investment calculated based on cost

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                               Amount of last
         Company name                Amount of this period                              Reasons of change (+,-)
               N/A                            N/A                    N/A                          N/A
Total                                                                                              --

(3) Income of long-term equity investment calculated based on equity

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                               Amount of last
         Company name                Amount of this period                              Reasons of change (+,-)
               N/A                            N/A                    N/A                          N/A
Total                                                                                               --
Investment income description: It should be introduced if there is significant restrictions to repatriation of
investment income; it also should be introduced if there is no this kind of significant restrictions.

59. Asset impairment loss

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                       Item                             Amount of this period            Amount of last period
1. bad debt loss                                                       845,974.14                                 0.00
2. inventory falling price loss                                        366,142.44
3. impairment loss of available-for-sale
   financial assets
4. impairment loss of held-to-maturity
   investment assets
5. impairment loss of long-term equity
6. impairment loss of investment real estate
7. impairment loss of fixed assets
8. impairment loss of project goods and
9. impairment loss of construction in process
10. impairment loss of productive living beings
11. impairment loss of oil gas
12. impairment loss of intangible assets
13. goodwill impairment loss
14. Others
Total                                                                 1,212,116.58                                0.00

                                                                                 Semi-Annual Report 2012
60. Non-operating income


                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
Item                                                   Amount of this period            Amount of last period
non-current assets disposal gains                                           0.00                                0.00
thereinto: fixed assets disposal gains                                      0.00                                0.00
        intangible assets disposal gains                                    0.00                                0.00
debt restructuring gains                                                    0.00                                0.00
exchange of non-monetary assets gains                                       0.00                                0.00
accepting donations                                                         0.00                                0.00
government grants                                                           0.00                                0.00
liquidated damages income                                            164,779.00                         16,726.00
Penalty income                                                         65,042.42
Total                                                                229,821.42                         16,726.00

(2) Details of government grants

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
             Item                  Amount of this period Amount of last period                 Note
              N/A                           N/A                  N/A                           N/A
Total                                               0.00                  0.00                  --
Introductions to on-operating income

61. Non-operating expenditure

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
Item                                                        Amount of this period         Amount of last period
non-current assets disposal losses
thereinto: fixed assets disposal losses                                                                 60,760.40
        intangible assets disposal losses
debt restructuring losses
exchange of non-monetary assets losses
Other                                                                          100.00
Total                                                                          100.00                   61,660.40
Explanation on non-operating expenditure:

62. Income tax expense

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                            Item                            Amount of this period         Amount of last period

                                                                                     Semi-Annual Report 2012
current income tax calculated based on tax law and
                                                                              2,637,465.10            1,785,964.18
relevant rules
deferred income tax adjustment                                                 -303,029.15

Total                                                                         2,334,435.95            1,785,964.18

63. The computational process of basic EPS (earnings per share) and diluted EPS

                   Item                                 Serial          Amount of this period       Amount of last period
Net profit attributable to shareholders of
the parent Company                           1                                      6,426,237.82                   9,280,724.63
Non-recurring gains/losses attributable
to parent Company                            2                                        172,291.07                     -44,934.40
Net profit attributable to shareholders of
the parent Company after deducting
non-recurring gains and losses               3=1-2                                  6,253,946.75                   9,325,659.03

Total shares at year-begin                   4                                    283,161,227.00                 283,161,227.00
Shares increase from capital reserve
conversion or shares dividend allocation
(I)                                          5
Shares increase from new shares
offering or shares converted from debt
(II)                                         6
Total months accumulative from next
month of shares increased (II) to end of
the year                                     7

Shares decreased by re-purchasing            8
Total months accumulative from next
month of shares decreased to end of the
year                                         9

Shares decreased from share deduction        10

Months in reporting period                   11                                                 6                               6

Weighted average amount of ordinary
shares offering outside                      -8×9÷11-10                         283,161,227.00                 283,161,227.00

Basic EPS (I)                                13=1÷12                                     0.0227                            0.0328

Basic EPS (II)                               14=3÷12                                     0.0221                            0.0329
Diluted potential common dividend that
with expenses recognized                     15

Conversion charge                            16

Rate of income tax                           17

Weighted average amount of ordinary
shares increased by warrants, option
exercise and convertible bonds               18
Diluted EPS (I)                              (12+18)                                      0.0227                            0.0328
Diluted EPS (II)                             (12+18)                                      0.0221                            0.0329

                                                                            Semi-Annual Report 2012

64. Other consolidated income

                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                         Item                             Amount of this period   Amount of last period
1.gains (losses) amount generated by                                                       —
available-for-sale financial assets
 subtract: affected by income tax generated by                                             —
available-for-sale financial assets
net amount reckoned in other consolidated income at                                        —
earlier stage but turned to gains and losses at the                —
current period
                        subtotal                                   —                      —
2. shares shared in other consolidated income of                                           —
invested enterprises checked according to the equity               —
subtract: affected by income tax generated by shares                                       —
shared in other consolidated income of invested                    —
enterprises calculated according to equity law
net amount reckoned in other consolidated income at                                        —
earlier stage but turned to gains and losses at the                —
current period
                        subtotal                                   —                      —
3. gains (losses) amount generated by cash flow                                            —
hedging instruments
   subtract: affected by income taxes generated by                                         —
cash flow hedging instruments
net amount reckoned in other consolidated income at                                        —
earlier stage but turned to gains and losses at the                —
current period
subtract: adjustment to initially recognition amount                                       —
turned to be hedged items
                        subtotal                                   —                      —
4.translation differences of foreign currency financial                                    —
 subtract: net amount of overseas operation turns to                                       —
gains and losses at current period
                        subtotal                                   —                      —
5. others                                                          —                      —
 subtract: affected by income tax reckoned in other                                        —
consolidated income
net amount reckoned in other consolidated income at                                        —
earlier stage but turned to gains and losses at the                —
current period
                        subtotal                                   —                      —
Introductions to other consolidated income

                                                                                             Semi-Annual Report 2012

65. Notes to statement of cash flow
(1) Other cash received in relation to operation activities
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                    Item                                                              Amount
Cash received from other operation activity                                                                           20,074,140.41
                                    Total                                                                             20,074,140.41
Explanaination on other cash received in relation to operation activities:
Other cash received in relation to operation activities in this period mainly including: collected utilities and management charge,
personal connected, margin and other connected amount etc
(2) Other cash paid in relation to operation activities
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                    Item                                                             Amount
Other cash paid in relation to operation activities                                                                25,503,152.26
                                    Total                                                                          25,503,152.26
Explanation on other cash paid in relation to operation activities
Other cash paid in relation to operation activities in this period mainly including: management charge paid in cash, sales
expenses, personal connected, margin, utilities collected for paying and management charge etc

(3) Cash received from other investment activities
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                    Item                                                              Amount
                                     N/A                                                                N/A
Explanation on cash received from other investment activities
(4) Cash paid related with investment activities
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                    Item                                                              Amount
                                     N/A                                                                N/A
Explanation on cash paid related with investment activities
(5) Other cash received in relation to financing activities
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                    Item                                                              Amount
                                     N/A                                                                N/A
Explanation on other cash received in relation to financing activities
(6) Cash paid related with financing activities
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                    Item                                                              Amount
                                     N/A                                                                N/A
Explanation on cash paid related with financing activities

                                                                                 Semi-Annual Report 2012
66. Supplementary information to statement of cash flow
(1) Supplementary information to statement of cash flow
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
             Supplementary information                  Amount as at this period       Amount as at previous period
1.Net profit adjusted to cash flow of operation
                                                                   --                               --
Net profit                                                              6,426,237.82                     9,280,724.63
Add: assets impairment losses                                           1,212,116.58                             0.00
Depreciation of fixed assets, consumption of oil
assets and depreciation of productive biology                           7,105,763.61                     7,962,362.97
Amortization of intangible assets                                        764,025.48                        387,394.82
Amortization of long-term deferred expenses                              412,400.00                        263,719.08
Loss from disposal of fixed assets, intangible
assets and other long-term assets(gain is listed with                       -873.70                         60,710.40
Loss of disposing fixed assets(gain is listed with
Loss from change of fair value(gain is listed with
Financial expenses (gain is listed with ―-‖)                      10,220,006.16                        7,601,931.51
Investment loss (gain is listed with ―-‖)
Decrease of deferred income tax asset( (increase is
                                                                        -303,029.14                        524,621.88
listed with ―-‖)
Increase of deferred income tax liability (decrease
is listed with ―-‖)
Decrease of inventory (increase is listed with ―-‖)                   4,696,020.93                 -14,737,179.79
Decrease of operating receivable accounts
                                                                   -19,131,734.21                    -65,105,203.65
(increase is listed with ―-‖)
Increase of operating payable accounts (decrease is
                                                                    63,467,561.38                    -34,340,413.44
listed with ―-‖)
Others                                                                                                       4,031.94
Net cash flow arising from operating activities                     74,868,494.91                    -15,077,925.90
2.Material investment and financing not involved
                                                                   --                               --
in cash flow
Liabilities converted to capital
Convertible bond expire in 1 year
Fixed assets leased through financing
3.Net change of cash and cash equivalents:                       --                               --
Balance of cash at period end                                      253,754,229.24                   109,542,109.98
Less: Balance of cash at year-begin                                141,426,712.65                   113,686,755.85
Plus: Balance of cash equivalents at the period end
Less: Balance of cash equivalent at year-begin
Net increasing of cash and cash equivalents                        112,327,516.59                        -4,144,645.87

                                                                                Semi-Annual Report 2012
(2) Relevant information about obtaining/disposal of subsidiary and other business unit in
report period

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                         Supplementary                    Amount in this period          Amount in last period
I. Relevant information about obtaining subsidiary
                                                                    --                             --
and other business units:
1. Price of obtaining subsidiary and other business
2. Cash and cash equivalent paid for obtaining
subsidiary and other business units
  Less: Cash and cash equivalent held by subsidiary
and other business units
3. Net cash paid for obtaining subsidiary and other
business unit
4. Net assets obtained from subsidiary
     Current assets
       Non-current assets
     Current liability
Non-current liability
II. Relevant information about disposal of
                                                                    --                             --
subsidiary and other business units:
1. Price of disposal of subsidiary and other business
2. Cash and cash equivalent received from disposal
of subsidiary and other business units
Less: Cash and cash equivalent held by subsidiary
and other business units
3. Net cash received from disposal of subsidiary and
other business units
4. Disposal of net assets
       Current assets
     Non-current assets
Current liability
Non-current liability
(3) Constitution of cash and cash equivalent:
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                             Item                       Balance as at period-end      Balance as at period-begin
I.    Cash                                                         253,754,229.24                 141,426,712.65
Including: stock cash                                                    545,081.48                     228,112.79
     Bank deposit available for payment at any time                230,429,793.64                 107,516,615.58
     Other monetary fund available for payment at
                                                                    22,779,354.12                   33,681,984.28
any time
  Account available for payment that saving in
central bank

                                                                                      Semi-Annual Report 2012
account save interbank
      account split interbank
II.     Cash equivalent
Including: bond investment matured within 3
III. Balance of cash and cash equivalent at
                                                                         253,754,229.24                141,426,712.65
Explanation on constitution of cash and cash equivalent:

67. Notes of changes of owners’ equity

Explain the name and adjusted amount in ―Other‖ at end of last period as well as the retroactive adjustment
arising from enterprise combination under same control:

(VIII) Accounting treatment of assets securitization

1. Explain the main exchange of assets securitization and its accounting treatment and
provision of bankruptcy-remote

2. Subject of special purpose without controlling rights on hand by actually bear the risks

                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                     Total assets at   Total liability   Net assets at    Operating
        Name                                                                              Net profit       Note
                      period-end       at period-end     period-end        income
         N/A               N/A              N/A              N/A             N/A            N/A             N/A
(IX) Related Parties and Transactions
1. Parent company of the Company
                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                   Proportio Proportio
                                                                     n of      n of                        Final
                        Registra Legal                              shares    voting                     controll Organiz
 Parent Relation                        Busines Registered Currenc
                 Nature   tion represen                             held to right to                     er of the ation
company ship                            s nature capital      y
                         place   tative                               the       the                      Compan code
                                                                   Company Company                           y
                                                                     (%)       (%)
ng New
                          Limite                                                                         New
Science        Controll                  Liu                                                             Science
&              ing        d                                     138,000,00                                        7119546
                                   Wuhan Zuodo                             CNY          41.14%    41.14% &
Technolo       sharehol   liabilit                                    0.00                                        01
                                         ng                                                              Technol
gy             der        y                                                                              ogy
Co., Ltd
                                                                                                         Co., Ltd
Explanation on parent company of the enterprise: Nil

                                                                                                            Semi-Annual Report 2012
   2. Subsidiary of the Company
                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                           Legal                                                Proportion of
Subsidiary of                             Registration                   Business     Registered                               Proportion of     Organization
                    Type      Nature                   representativ                                 Currency    shares held
the Company                                  place                        nature       capital                                voting right (%)      code
                                                             e                                                      (%)
Property   Controlling        Limited                                  Property
                                           Shenzhen    Liu Zuodong                    1,000,000.00    CNY                60%              60% 708438593
Lease      subsidiary         liability                                management
Co., Ltd.
Zhongheng Controlling
                              Limited                                  Property
Huafa                                      Shenzhen    Li Zhongqiu                    1,000,000.00    CNY              100%              100% 683788414
                              liability                                management
Property Co., subsidiary
Hengfa       Controlling      Limited                                  Manufacture,
Science&Tec                                 Wuhan      Li Zhongqiu                  181,643,111.00    CNY              100%              100% 679115161
                              liability                                sales
hnology Co., subsidiary
Huafa           Controlling   Limited
                                            Wuhan      Li Zhongqiu Sales                100,000.00    CNY              100%              100% 562332146
Trading         subsidiary    liability

                                                                           Semi-Annual Report 2012

    3. Details of joint-venture and affiliated enterprise of the Company

                                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                                n of                  Total                 Total
                                                                    proportio             Total               Total net
                                                                               voting               liability            operation Net profit
 Invested            Register            Business Register          n held by            assets at             assets at                      Relations Organizat
              Type            Legal rep.                   Currency           rights in                at                 revenue in this
 company              place               nature  capital              the              period-en             period-en                         hip     ion code
                                                                              invested             period-en               in this  period
                                                                    Company                 d                     d
                                                                              company                   d                  period
Joint-ventu    --       --        --        --        --        --        --        --        --         --        --        --        --        --        --
Affiliated     --       --        --        --        --        --        --        --        --         --        --        --        --        --        --

                                                                                        Semi-Annual Report 2012

  4. Particulars about other related parties

             other related parties                        Relationship                           Organization code
  Wuhan Hengsheng Yutian Industrial
                                                Subsidiary of parent company
  Co., Ltd.                                                                                            73108664-5
  Shenzhen     Zhongheng               Huafa
                                                Subsidiary of parent company
  Technology Co., Ltd                                                                                  68536237-X
  Wuhan Xindongfang Real Estate
                                                Subsidiary of parent company
  Development Co., Ltd                                                                                 74476047-5
  Wuhan    Zhongheng                 Property
                                                Subsidiary of parent company
  Management Co., Ltd                                                                                  75180426-1
  Wuhan Guanggu Display System
                                                Subsidiary of parent company
  Co., Ltd                                                                                             75510305-9
  Hong Kong Yutian International
                                                Subsidiary of parent company
  Investment Co., Ltd.
  Yutian Property (Wuhan) Co., Ltd              Subsidiary of parent company                           66348637-1
  Wuhan       Xiahua           Zhongheng
                                                Subsidiary of parent company
  Electronic Co., ltd
  Wuhan Zhongheng Yutain Property
                                                Subsidiary of parent company
  Co., Ltd                                                                                             56559237-3
  Wuhan Yutian Hongguang Property
                                                Subsidiary of parent company
  Co., Ltd                                                                                             56234774-3
  Explanation on other related parties:

  5. Related transaction
  (1) Statement of commodity purchased and labor service received
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                                         Amount in this period            Amount in last period
                                                  Pricing way and                         Ratio in                          Ratio in
       Related party                 Content      decision making                          similar                           similar
                                                                          Amount                           Amount
                                                     procedures                           transactio                        transactio
                                                                                           ns (%)                            ns (%)

Wuhan Hengsheng Yutian                           The daily related
                           Purchasing LCD                                  7,874,769.12      1.90%          90,322,747.61      16.3%
Industrial Co., Ltd.                             transaction has
                                                 been deliberated
Hong Kong Yutian                                 and approved in 1st
                           Purchasing LCD and
International Investment                         extraordinary           302,879,584.49     73.26%         258,875,026.53     46.72%
                           whole-set of LCD
Co., Ltd.                                        shareholders‘
                                                 general meeting of

                                                                                           Semi-Annual Report 2012

Shenzhen Zhongheng
                                                                                          0    0.00%                 64,905.00     0.01%
Huafa Technology Co., Ltd

Total                                                                       310,754,353.61    75.16%           349,262,679.14      63.03%

                                                                      Amount in this period                Amount in last period
                                               Pricing way and                          Ratio in                            Ratio in
        Related party           Content        decision making                           similar                             similar
                                                                        Amount                              Amount
                                                  procedures                            transactio                          transactio
                                                                                          ns (%)                             ns (%)

                                              The daily related
                                              transaction has
                                              been deliberated
  Hong Kong Yutian
                                              and approved in 1st
  International           Sales of LCD                                 227,378,382.27     59.35%           301,259,106.74     68.61%
  Investment Co., Ltd.
                                              general meeting of

  Total                                                                227,378,382.27     59.35%           301,259,106.74     68.61%

  Statement of commodity sales and labor service provided
   (2) Related trusteeship/contract
  Statement of related trusteeship/contract
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                  Entrusted                                                                   Income
  Assignee/             Entrusted                                                                                       Influence
             Assigner/c           /contract                         Starting     Terminate Pricing            recognize
  contract-o            /contract                      Assts type                                                       from the
             ontractor            assets                            from          d dated basis               d in this
  ut party              assets                                                                                          income
                                  amount                                                                      period
        N/A             N/A      N/A        N/A             N/A        N/A          N/A              N/A         N/A            N/A
  Statement of entrusted management and contract
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                  Entrusted                                                                   Income
  Assignee/             Entrusted                                                                                        Influence
             Assigner/c           /contract            Starting                Terminate Pricing              recognized
  contract-o            /contract           Assts type                                                                   from the
             ontractor            assets               from                     d dated basis                 in this
   ut party             assets                                                                                           income
                                  amount                                                                      period
        N/A             N/A      N/A        N/A             N/A       N/A         N/A              N/A            N/A            N/A
  Explanation on related truster ship and contract

                                                                                                         Semi-Annual Report 2012
      (3) Related leasing
                                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                    Pricing       Leasing
                                                                    Amount for Starting         Terminated       basis for        income
   Lessor              Lessee    Type of leasing Leasing asses                                                                                    income
                                                                      leasing   from             dated              leasing     recognized
                                                                                                                    income       in period

Shenzhen                                        Plant, facility                                                Price rented
Zhongheng                                       and integrity                                                  to third
                   Huafa                                                        2012-01-01 2012-03-31                            418,198.88 418,198.88
Huafa Co.,                                      supporting                                                     party as
Ltd                                             service                                                        same place
                   Co., Ltd

      Statement of leasing
                                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                 Pricing         Leasing
                                                                   Amount for Starting         Terminated       basis for        income
      Lessor         Lessee      Type of leasing Leasing asses                                                                                   income
                                                                     leasing    from             dated           leasing        recognized
                                                                                                                 income          in period

       N/A             N/A             N/A              N/A           N/A          N/A             N/A              N/A            N/A             N/A

      Explanation on related leasing:
      (4) Related guarantee
                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                 Whether guarantee
       Guarantee provided       Guarantee received      Guarantee amount Starting from               Terminated dated
                                                                                                                                 implemented or not

                 N/A                    N/A                   N/A                      N/A                     N/A                       N/A

      Explanation on related guarantee
      (5) Borrowed funds from related party
                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
               Related party            Borrowed funds        Starting from                  Terminated dated                          Note


                   N/A                        N/A                         N/A                            N/A                           N/A


                   N/A                        N/A                         N/A                            N/A                           N/A

      (6) Assets transfer, debt restructure of related party
                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                                   Amount in this period                  Amount in last period
                                                              Pricing way and
                                                              decision-making                            Ratio in                             Ratio in
        Related party           Type          Content
                                                                                       Amount             similar             Amount           similar
                                                                                                         transactio                           transactio

                                                                                          Semi-Annual Report 2012
                                                                                              ns (%)                            ns (%)

      N/A              N/A           N/A                   N/A               N/A               N/A              N/A              N/A

(7) Other related transactions
6. Account receivable/payable for related parties
Account receivable from related parties
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
         Item                    Related parties                  Amount at period-end                    Amount at period-begin

                         Hong Kong Yutian International
Account receivable                                                           25,313,691.63                                  24,364,131.78
                         Investment Co., Ltd.

Account payable for related parties
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                Item                            Related parties           Amount at period-end              Amount at period-begin

                N/A                                  N/A                           N/A                                N/A

(X) Share payment
1. General particular about share payment
Total vary equity instrument granted by
the Company
Total vary equity instrument vesting by
the Company
Total vary equity instrument expired in
this period
Price of exercise/option range for those
shares offering outside in period-end and                                                —
their remain term in contract
Price of exercise for other equity
instrument at period-end and their                                                       —
remains term in contract
Explanation on share payment
2. Share payment settled by equity
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
Determination method for fair value of equity
instrument in granted dated
Determination method for best estimation of vesting
equity instrument
Reasons of major difference in this period over
estimation last period
Share payment accumulated by equity settlement in                                                    —

                                                                                Semi-Annual Report 2012
capital reserve
Total amount of share payment by equity settlement                                   —
Explanation on share payment settled by equity

3. Share payment settled by cash
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
Fair value determine method of liability that bear by the
Company and calculated by share or other equity                                        —
Liability amount accumulated arising from cash payment
in liabilities
Total expenses of shares payment settled by cash                                       —
Explanation on share payment settled by cash

4. Service payment for shares
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
Total staff service exchange by share payment                                        —
Total other service exchange by share payment                                        —
5. Particular about amendment of share payment and its termination

(XI) Contingent events

1. Contingent liability and its financial influence formed by un-settle lawsuits or arbitration
(1) Dispute case that Shanxi Linghua Electronics Co., Ltd sued Company for undertaking contract
Dispute case that Shanxi Linghua Electronics Co., Ltd. (hereafter referred as ―Shanxi Linghua‖) sued Company
for undertaking contract (No. 2441Civil Secondary First Shen Fu Court 2007): Shanxi Linghua sued the Company
for the compensation for its loss caused by the printed circuit boards (PBC) of latent quality problems sold to it in
the period from 30 May 2006 to 9 May 2007, with the object of action of RMB 3,100,773.20. The Company
received the summons on the case from the People‘s Court of Futian District on 14 January 2008; Court of First
Instance started the first hearing on Mar 6th of 2008. Questioning of evidence has been done by two parties.

The Company prosecuted the countercharge to the action on 12 November 2007, and sued the Shanxi Liinghua in
arrears with loans from the Company and relevant interest, with the object of action of RMB 1,054,290.19. Court
of First Instance started the first hearing on Mar 6th of 2008 and questioning of evidence has been done by two

On 25 July 2009, the People‘s Court of Futian District of Shenzhen Municipality made judgment on the above
cases (No. 2441Civil Secondary First Shen Fu Court 2007): the Company might pay to Shanxi Hualing the
liquidated damages of RMB 1,797,975.48, and Shanxi Hualing to the Company the remnant loans of RMB
869,458.96 and the interest loss, within10 days from the judgment validity day.

The Company appealed against the judgment to the People‘s Intermediate Court of Shenzhen Municipality on 31
August 2009; People‘s Intermediate Court of Shenzhen Municipality made civil decision (No. 2227 Civil
Secondary Final Shen Intermediate Court (2009)) on the case on 22 March 2010, with the reason that the previous
judgment was of the unclear identification on and insufficient evidence to the major facts in the case, and repealed
the No. 2441 Civil Judgment (Civil Secondary First Shen Fu Court) of the People‘s Court of Futian District of

                                                                                 Semi-Annual Report 2012
Shenzhen Municipality (2007) and remanded to the People‘s Court of Futian District of Shenzhen Municipality.
Pursuant to ―Introduction to Dispute Case of Undertaking Contract between Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Holding
Co., Ltd. and Shanxi Linghua Electronics Co., Ltd.‖ presented on 22 April 2010 by Lawyer Zhang Guozhi of
Gongdong Jiang Shanhong CPAs: based on the existing evidence, as the People‘s Court of Futian District of
Shenzhen Municipality retries the case, the Company has big chance to recovery. The lawsuit expense of RMB
179,797.55 for the case was accrued last year and recognized as estimative liability. As ending at the day of the
approved presentation of the Financial Report, the case has not been concluded.
On 15 February 2012, the first instance of retrial has been trail in People‘s Court of Futian District of Shenzhen
Municipality without decisions been made.
Ended as the approval date for this financial report carry out, the case is not concluded.
(2) Labor dispute that recognized as accrual liability in previous years without execution so far
Concerning the Execution Notice ([2008] SFFZZ No.: 522-529) from People‘s Court of Futian District of
Shenzhen Municipality, the arbitration award of SLZC[2007] No. 1069-1077, No.: 1079, No.: 1081 and
No.:1085-1087 from Shenzhen Labor Dispute Arbitration Committee, have been effected legally for the labor
disputation of 14 persons including Cai Yaoqiang. According to the information of Basic Credit Report for
Enterprise, the Company still has totally l38, 386.00 yuan labour dispute un-executed, which has been accrual as
liability recognized by the Company.
Former employee Yang Guangze suits the Company for owing salary, bonus, over-time charge, public reserve and
holiday bonus totally amounted as 23,851.00 yuan; the Company recognized as accrual liability in accordance
with relevant ruling from people‘s court.

2. Contingent liability and its financial influence formed from debt guarantee offered to other
Other contingent liability and its financial influence:
Except for the above contingent events, the Company has no other material contingency ended as 30 June 2012.
(XII) Commitments
1. Material commitments

The Company has no material commitments that should be disclosed ended as 30 June 2012.
1.Commitments made previously
(XIII) Subsequent events of balance sheet
1. Explanation on major event after balance sheet date
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                                Reasons for no
                                                          Influence on financial status and
            Item                      Content                                               estimation on influence
                                                                  operation results
            N/A                           N/A                          N/A                           N/A
2. Profit distribution after balance sheet date

nit: RMB
Profit or dividend plans to distributed                                               N/A
Profit or dividend declare to distributed which have
been approved
3. Other explanation after balance sheet date

The Company has other material events after balance sheet date ended as the approval dated for this financial

                                                                                                                 Semi-Annual Report 2012

  (XIV) Other explanations on major event
  1. Non-monetary asets exchange

  2. Debt reorganization

  3. Enterprise combination

  4. Leasing

  5. Financial instrument issued outside and convertible to shares in report period

  6. Main content of annuity plan and major changes

  7. Other events needs disclosure
  The Company has no other material events needs disclosed ended as 30 June 2012

  (XV) Principle notes of financial statements of parent company

  1. Accounts receivable

  (1) Accounts receivable

                                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
Single amount is large, and                              Closing balance                             Opening balance

accounts receivable of single
                                         Book balance                   Bad debt reserves                     Book balance             Bad debt reserves
counting and drawing bad debt


counting and drawing accounts
                                                     Proportion                         Proportion                       Proportion                   Proportion
receivable of bad debt reserves       Amount                           Amount                            Amount                       Amount
                                                        (%)                                 (%)                              (%)                           (%)
by group

subtotal                              5,083,695.69       9.47%          3,203,563.18        63.02%        3,849,491.53        7.2%     1,978,237.03        51.39%

though the single amount is not large, accounts receivable of single counting and drawing bad debt reserves


Single amount is large, and

accounts receivable of single
                                     43,745,089.78      81.52%             105,539.06       0.24%        44,762,057.73       83.76%     105,539.06         0.24%
counting and drawing bad debt


counting and drawing accounts

receivable of bad debt reserves       4,832,295.13       9.01%          4,832,295.13         100%         4,832,295.13       9.04%     4,832,295.13         100%

by group

                                     53,661,080.60       --             8,141,397.37        --           53,443,844.39       --        6,916,071.22        --

                                                                                                           Semi-Annual Report 2012
Introductions to types of accounts receivable
Terminal single amount is large, and accounts receivable of single counting and drawing bad debt reserves
√Applicable           □ Not Applicable
                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                                                          counting and              counting and
             accounts receivable                    book balance            bad debt reserves
                                                                                                          drawing ratio            drawing reasons
HORACE INDUSTRIAL LTD.                                    1,870,887.18               187,088.72                           10%                 By age
                                                                                                                                   UNABLE TO R
TCL (HUIZHOU) CO., LTD.                                   1,325,431.75              1,325,431.75                         100%
Qingdao Haier Part Purchasing                                                                                                               Checking
                                                          1,225,326.15              1,225,326.15                         100%
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                  differences
Skyworth Multimedia (Shenzhen)                                                                                                          UNABLE TO
                                                            653,172.60               465,716.56                       71.3%
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                RECOVER
                    Total                                 5,083,695.69              3,203,563.18                 --                         --
In combination, counting and drawing accounts receivable of bad debt reserves by adopting aging of accounts
√Applicable         □ Not Applicable
                                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                        Closing balance                              Opening balance

Age                         Book balance                                                               Book balance
                                                                Bad debt reserves                                                       Bad debt reserves
                  Amount                         Proportion                          Amount                              Proportion

within 1 year

Including:                  --                       --                --                          --                        --                  --

                                   208,358.20                                                             7,560,400.23

Subtotal within
1 year

1-2years                                                                                                  7,560,400.23

2-3years                         43,184,934.79                                                           36,849,860.71

Over 3years                        351,796.79             30%           105,539.06                          351,796.79            30%             105,539.06



Over 5years

Total                            43,745,089.78       --                 105,539.06                       44,762,057.73       --                   105,539.06

In combination, counting and drawing accounts receivable of bad debt reserves by adopting balance percentage of
□Applicable √Not Applicable
In combination, counting and drawing accounts receivable of bad debt reserves by adopting other

                                                                                Semi-Annual Report 2012
□Applicable √Not Applicable
Terminal single amount is not large, but accounts receivable of single counting and drawing bad debt reserves:
√Applicable     □ Not Applicable
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                                          counting and drawing counting and drawing
      accounts receivable            book balance    bad debt reserves
                                                                                  ratio               reasons
Shenzhen Huixin Video
                                       381,168.96            381,168.96                 100% Over 5-year book age
Technology Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Wondial Number
Science & Technology Co.,              351,813.70            351,813.70                 100% Over 5-year book age
Shenzhen Tianlong Electronic
                                       344,700.00            344,700.00                 100% Over 5-year book age
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Qunping Electronic
                                       304,542.95            304,542.95                 100% Over 5-year book age
Co., Ltd.
China Galaxy Electronic (HK)
                                       288,261.17            288,261.17                 100% Over 5-year book age
Dongguan Weite Electronic
                                       274,399.80            274,399.80                 100% Over 5-year book age
Co., ltd.
Hong Kong New Century
                                       207,409.40            207,409.40                 100% Over 5-year book age
Electronic Co., Ltd.
Shenyang Beitai Electronic
                                       203,304.02            203,304.02                 100% Over 5-year book age
Co., Ltd.
Beijing Xinfan Weiye
                                       193,000.00            193,000.00                 100% Over 5-year book age
Technology Co., Ltd.
                                       145,087.14            145,087.14                 100% Over 5-year book age
Huizhou TCL Xinte Electronic
                                       142,707.14            142,707.14                 100% Over 5-year book age
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Skyworth – RGB
                                       125,215.13            125,215.13                 100% Over 5-year book age
Electronic Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Xinfa Electronic
                                       119,094.78            119,094.78                 100% Over 5-year book age
Co., Ltd.
Other company                         1,751,590.94         1,751,590.94                 100% Over 5-year book age
               Total                  4,832,295.13         4,832,295.13                 100%            --

(2) Accounts receivable switched back or taken back during the report period

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                                                                   Semi-Annual Report 2012
                                                                    switching back or
                              reasons for                            taking back the
                                             Basis for confirming                      Amount switched
  Accounts receivable      switching back or                      counted or drawn bad
                                              bad debt reserves                        back or taken back
                              taking back                             debt reserves
                                                                   accumulated before
          N/A                        N/A                    N/A                   N/A                     N/A
          Total                      --                      --                                            --
Terminal single amount is large, or not large, but counting and drawing bad debt reserves of accounts receivable
by doing impairment test alone:

                                                                           counting and drawing
 accounts receivable        book balance              bad debt reserves                                 Reasons
         N/A                     N/A                        N/A                    N/A                    N/A
         Total                                                                      --                     --
Explanation on account receivable with minor single amount but has more risk after credit risk characteristic:

(3) Accounts receivable should be cancelled after verification during the report period

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                                     Whether caused by
    Unit name           receivable         Canceling time Canceling amount Canceling reasons
                                                                                                     related transaction
       N/A                N/A                  N/A                   N/A                 N/A                N/A
       Total                --                   --                                      --                     --
Introductions to cancellation of accounts receivable

(4) Shareholder units holding more than 5 %( Including 5%) voting shares of the Company in
accounts receivable during the report period

□Applicable √Not Applicable

(5) Properties and contents of other accounts receivable with large amount

(6) Units with top five accounts receivable amount

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                            Relationship with                                                     Percentage in accounts
       Unit name                                          Amount                Age limit
                             the Company                                                          receivable amount (%)

                                                                                                                    Semi-Annual Report 2012
   Hengfa Technology Co.,                   subsidiary                            43,184,934.79 2-3years                                                      80.49%
                                            Main clients                           1,870,887.18 2-3 years                                                       3.49%
                                            Main clients                           1,325,431.75 3-5 years                                                       2.47%
   Qingdao Haier Part
                                            Main clients                           1,225,326.15 within 1 year                                                   2.28%
   Purchasing Co., Ltd.
   Skyworth Multimedia
                                            Main clients                              653,172.60 2-3 years                                                      1.22%
   (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
                    Total                              --                         48,259,752.47                     --                                        89.95%

       (7) Accounts receivable of related party

                                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                Relationship with the                                                          Percentage in accounts
                  Unit name                                                                          Amount
                                                      Company                                                                  receivable amount (%)
       Hengfa Technology Co.,              subsidiary                                                   43,184,934.79                                     80.49%
                      Total                                   --                                        43,184,934.79                                     80.49%


       Transferring amount is 0 Yuan for accounts receivable not conforming to terminate the

       (9) It is required to introduce the relevant transaction arrangement for asset securitization
       taking accounts receivables as the standard

       2. Other accounts receivable

       (1) Other accounts receivable

                                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                               Closing balance                                                     Opening balance

Type                                           book balance                      bad debt reserves                  book balance                     bad debt reserves

                                    Amount                   Ratio (%)   Amount                  Ratio (%) Amount              Ratio (%)     Amount              Ratio (%)

single amount is large, and other

accounts receivable of single
                                             11,297,652.38      13.23%           11,107,617.11     98.32%      16,490,164.68        20.17%      11,486,969.12        69.66%
counting and drawing bad debt


counting and drawing other accounts receivable of bad debt reserves by group

                                                                                                                         Semi-Annual Report 2012
Other receivable with single minor

amount but has major risk after              70,777,433.51        82.87%                427,047.62       0.6%          61,752,545.62        75.52%         427,047.62          0.69%

credit characteristic combination

subtotal                                     70,777,433.51        82.87%                427,047.62       0.6%          61,752,545.62        75.52%         427,047.62          0.69%

though the single amount is not

large, other accounts receivable of
                                              3,331,582.62           3.9%           3,331,582.62        100%            3,527,454.04        4.31%         3,331,582.62     94.45%
single counting and drawing bad

debt reserves

Total                                        85,406,668.51        --               14,866,247.35        --             81,770,164.34        --          15,245,599.36          --

        Introductions to cancellation of accounts receivable
        Terminal single amount is large, and other accounts receivable of single counting and drawing bad debt reserves
        √Applicable           □ Not Applicable
                                                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                Other accounts
                                             book balance                     bad debt reserves              counting and drawing ratio                 Reasons

                                                                                                                                             UNABLE TO
        Huafa Leasing Co.,                          4,558,859.15                         4,558,859.15                                100%

        Shenzhen Boteman
                                                    4,021,734.22                         4,021,734.22                                100% Over 5-year book age
        Bowling Club Co. ,Ltd.

                                                                                                                                             UNABLE TO
        Zhao Baomin                                    939,354.00                          939,354.00                                100%

        Wanshang Department                                                                                                                  Checking differences in
                                                       701,898.20                          511,862.93                               72.93%
        Store                                                                                                                                two parties

        Traffic accident
                                                       555,785.81                          555,785.81                                100% Over 5-year book age

        Hebei Botou Court                              520,021.00                          520,021.00                                100% Over 5-year book age

                       Total                      11,297,652.38                         11,107,617.11                     --                                --

        In combination, counting and drawing other accounts receivable of bad debt reserves by adopting aging of
        √Applicable           □ Not Applicable
                                                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                   Closing balance                                                             Opening balance
        accounts receivable
                                        book balance                                                              book balance
                 age                                                        bad debt reserves                                                        bad debt reserves
                               Amount                    Ratio (%)                                   Amount                         Ratio (%)

        within 1 year

        Including:                      --                   --                    --                             --                   --                   --

                                         11,237,548.12                                                                 680,273.50

                                                                                                        Semi-Annual Report 2012
Subtotal within 1
                                  11,237,548.12                                                       680,273.50

1-2years                          25,689,048.82    0.06%                 14,875.60               19,999,011.06      0.07%                     14,875.60

2-3years                          32,539,858.50    0.06%                 18,878.60               39,762,282.99      0.05%                     18,878.60

Over 3 years                        1,310,978.07    30%                 393,293.42                   1,310,978.07     30%                    393,293.42



Over 5years

Total                             70,777,433.51    --                   427,047.62               61,752,545.62       --                      427,047.62

In combination, counting and drawing other accounts receivable of bad debt reserves by adopting balance
percentage of approach:
□Applicable √Not Applicable
In combination, counting and drawing other accounts receivable of bad debt reserves by adopting other methods:
□Applicable √Not Applicable
Terminal single amount is not large, but other accounts receivable of single counting and drawing bad debt
√Applicable             □ Not Applicable
                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
Other accounts receivable                               book balance             bad debt reserves      counting and drawing ratio Reasons

Employee canteen etc                                       796,041.46                 796,041.46                            100% UNABLE TO RECOVER

Total personal lending                                     684,305.72                 684,305.72                            100% UNABLE TO RECOVER

Labor union                                                226,255.05                 226,255.05                            100% UNABLE TO RECOVER

Chuangjing work office                                     192,794.00                 192,794.00                            100% Over 5-year book age

Shenzhen Lotus Island Restaurant Co., Ltd.                 151,040.00                 151,040.00                            100% Over 5-year book age

Fujian Zhangzhou Weili Electronic Enterprise
                                                           112,335.62                  112,335.62                           100% Over 5-year book age
Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Shiyan Elementary School                          100,000.00                 100,000.00                            100% Over 5-year book age

Other                                                   1,068,810.77                 1,068,810.77                           100% Over 5-year book age

                    Total                               3,331,582.62                 3,331,582.62                           100%                 --

(2) Other accounts receivable switched back or taken back during the report period

                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                                          switching back or taking
                                    reasons for switching Basis for confirming bad           back the counted or          Amount switched back
  Other accounts receivable
                                     back or taking back            debt reserves         drawn bad debt reserves              or taken back
                                                                                             accumulated before

                                                                                             Semi-Annual Report 2012
    Shenzhen Boteman Bowling
                                      Court execution         Over 5-year book age                  15,481.20                  15,481.20
    Club Co. ,Ltd.

    Wanshang Department Store          Court execution        Over 5-year book age                 363,870.81                 363,870.81

               Total                       --                        --                   379,352.01                     --

    Terminal single amount is large, or not large, but counting and drawing bad debt reserves of other accounts
    receivable by doing impairment test alone:

                                                                                     counting and drawing
     accounts receivable              book balance             bad debt reserves                           Reasons
             N/A                      N/A                          N/A                      N/A                         N/A
             Total                                                                            --                         --
    Introductions to other accounts receivable, the single amount of which is not large, but the credit risks are large
    after combining according to the credit risks characters:

    (3) Other accounts receivable should be cancelled after verification during the report period

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                         Other accounts
                                                                          Canceling          Canceling           Whether caused by
        Unit name          receivable           Canceling time
                                                                           amount             reasons            related transaction
           N/A                  N/A                     N/A                 N/A                    N/A                  N/A
           Total                --                       --                                         --                   --
    Introductions to cancellation of other accounts receivable

    (4) Shareholder units holding more than 5% (Including 5%) voting shares of the Company in
    other accounts receivable during the report period

    □Applicable √Not Applicable

    (5) Properties and contents of other accounts receivable with large amount

    (6) Units with top five other accounts receivable amount

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                Percentage in accounts
           Unit name                   with the                 Amount                  Age limit
                                                                                                                receivable amount (%)

Hengfa Technology Co.,           Subsidiary                    65,702,372.16             1-3 years                                   76.43%
Huafa Leasing Co.,               Subsidiary                      4,558,559.15          Over 5 years                                    5.45%

                                                                                                                    Semi-Annual Report 2012
  Shenzhen Boteman Bowling
                                             Leasee                            4,037,215.42                 Over 5 years                                              4.83%
  Club Co. ,Ltd.
  Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa
                                             Subsidiary                        1,532,386.73                within 1 year                                              1.83%
  Property Co., Ltd.
  Zhao Baomin                                Leasee                                939,354.00                 2-3 years                                               1.12%
                     Total                                --                  76,769,887.46                        --                                               89.67%

          (7) Other accounts receivable of related party

                                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                Relationship with the                                                              Percentage in accounts
                   Unit name                                                                       Amount
                                                      Company                                                                      receivable amount (%)
          Hengfa Technology Co.,           Subsidiary                                                    65,702,372.16                                      76.43%
          Huaf Leasing Co.,                Subsidiary                                                      4,558,559.15                                       5.45%
          Shenzhen Zhongheng
                                   Subsidiary                                                              1,532,386.73                                       1.83%
          Huafa Property Co., Ltd.
                         Total                                 --                                        71,793,318.04                                      83.71%


          Transferring amount is 0 Yuan for other accounts receivable not conforming to terminate the

          (9) It is required to introduce the relevant transaction arrangement for asset securitization
          taking other accounts receivables as the standard

          3. Long-term equity investment

                                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                                    Description of                     and        Cash
                                                                                                        Share holding     Vote     inconformity of                  drawing      dividen
                                                                             e and
 Invested                                                                                               percentage in percentage    share holding      Impairment impairmen       ds at
                Calculating methods         Initial       Opening balance decreas
  units                                                                               Closing balance invested units in invested percentage and         reserves    t reserves     the
                                       investment costs                        e
                                                                                                            (%)         units (%) vote percentage                     at the     current
                                                                                                                                   in invested units                 current     period


Huaf        Long-term equity

Leasing     investment based on cost        600,000.00         600,000.00                  600,000.00             60%        60%                       600,000.00

Co.,        and equity

                                                                                                      Semi-Annual Report 2012
Huafa        Long-term equity

Property     investment based on cost     1,000,000.00     1,000,000.00       1,000,000.00         100%    100%

Co           and equity

Hengfa       Long-term equity

Technolog investment based on cost      183,608,900.00 183,608,900.00       183,608,900.00         100%    100%

y Co.,       and equity

Huafa        Long-term equity

Trading      investment based on cost      100,000.00       100,000.00          100,000.00         100%    100%

Co           and equity

Total                     --            185,308,900.00 185,308,900.00       185,308,900.00    --           --        --       600,000.00

          Introductions to long-term equity investment

          4. Operating income and cost

          (1) Operating income and cost

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                          Item                             Amount of this period                          Amount of last period
           Main operating income                                             3,111,682.22
           Other operating income                                           22,331,277.43                                   21,898,477.83
           Operating cost                                                    4,803,869.50                                     1,667,103.70
           Total                                                            20,639,090.15                                   20,231,374.13

          (2) Primary business (By industries)

          √Applicable □ Not Applicable
                                                           Amount of this period                          Amount of last period
                    Industry name
                                               Operating income           Operating cost       Operating income           Operating cost
           Display screen                                3,111,682.22          3,184,995.34
           Total                                         3,111,682.22          3,184,995.34

          (3) Primary business (By products)

          □Applicable √Not Applicable

          (4) Primary business (By districts)

          □Applicable √Not Applicable

                                                                        Semi-Annual Report 2012
(5) The operating income of the top five customers of the Company

                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                                             percentage in
                        Customer name                         Primary business income         all operating
                                                                                             income of the
                                                                                             Company (%)
Shenzhen Resource Vanguard Co., Ltd                                           9,939,090.00          39.06%
Wanshang Youyi Department Store                                               3,020,722.46           11.87%
China Great Wall Computer (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd                                 2,962,550.77           11.64%
Dijie Company                                                                  952,560.00            3.74%
Duan Lintao                                                                    943,836.00            3.71%
Total                                                                        17,818,759.23          70.03%
Introductions to operating income

5. Investment income

(1) Particulars about investment income

                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                       Item                          Amount of this period       Amount of last period
Income of long-term equity investment calculated                                             —
based on cost
Income of long-term equity investment calculated                                             —
based on equity
Investment income obtained from disposal of                                                  —
long-term equity investment
Investment income obtained during holding trading                                            —
financial assets
Investment income obtained during held-to-maturity                                           —
investment gaining investment income
Investment income obtained during holding                                                    —
available-for-sale financial assets
Investment income obtained by handling trading                                               —
financial assets
Investment income obtained from held-to-maturity                                             —

Investment income obtained from available-for-sale            —                             —

                                                                                 Semi-Annual Report 2012
financial assets
Others                                                               —                                 —

(2) Income of long-term equity investment calculated based on cost

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                               Amount of this   Amount of last
              Company name                                                             Reasons of change (+,-)
                                                  period          period
                    N/A                             N/A             N/A                           N/A
Total                                                                                              --

(3) Income of long-term equity investment calculated based on equity

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                               Amount of the    Amount of the
              Company name                                                            Reasons for changes (+,-)
                                               current period    last period
                    N/A                             N/A             N/A                           N/A
Total                                                                                              --
Introduction to investment income:

6.   Supplementary information of cash flow statement

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                Amount of the current
                   Supplementary information                                                Amount of the last period
1. adjust the net profits to be cash flow for operating
                                                                          --                            --
net profits                                                               2,304,830.57                   3,595,989.32
Add: assets impairment preparation                                             845,974.14
fixed assets depreciation, oil-and-gas assets loss ,
                                                                                72,472.86                     72,472.86
productive living beings depreciation
intangible assets amortization                                                 412,400.04                    263,719.08
long-term deferred expenses amortization                                                                      60,710.40
losses from handling fixed assets, intangible assets and
assets(profits fill with ―-― )
loss on retirement of fixed assets(profits fill with ―-― )
fair value change loss(profits fill with ―-― )                          6,267,368.71                   4,527,892.18

                                                                                   Semi-Annual Report 2012
financial costs(profits fill with ―-― )
investment losses(profits fill with ―-―)                                       211,493.54
deferred income tax assets decrease(increases fill with ―-― )
deferred income tax liabilities increase(decreases fill with
                                                                             3,333,040.38                    653,343.77
―-― )
stock decreases(increases fill with ―-― )                                 -3,235,896.58               2,797,221.61
operating receivables decrease(increases fill with ―-― )                   6,608,528.43               1,275,666.15
operating payables increase(decreases fill with ―-― )
cash flow net amount generated by operating activities                      13,320,016.46              16,471,472.24
2. significant investment financial activities not involving
                                                                            --                          --
and cash deposit and withdrawal
debt turns to capital
convertible bonds due in one year
fixed assets financed by leasing
3. net changes of cash and cash equivalents                                 --                          --
ending balance of cash                                                      19,957,354.03              30,023,514.65
decrease: opening balance of cash                                           26,428,341.78              29,345,694.04
increase: ending balance of cash equivalents
decrease: opening balance of cash equivalents
net increase of cash and cash equivalents                                   -6,470,987.75                    677,820.61
7. Assets and liabilities enter into the account book with assessed value by counter
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

  Assets and liabilities enter into the account book
                                                                  assessed value              Original book value
                with assessed value
                            N/A                                       N/A                            N/A
                            N/A                                       N/A                            N/A

(XVI) Supplementary Information

1. REO and earnings per share

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                                                                 Semi-Annual Report 2012
                                            Weighted average ROE                    Earnings per share
       Profits during report period
                                                     (%)                      Basic EPS           diluted EPS
net profits belong to common stock
                                                              2.27%                   0.0227                0.0227
stockholders of the Company
net profits belong to common stock
stockholders of the Company after                             2.21%                   0.0221                0.0221
deducting nonrecurring gains and losses

2.Abnormalities and reasons of the accounting statement items of the Company

                                IX File catalog for future reference

                                          File catalog for future reference
I. Text of semi-annual report carrying signature of the Chairman;
II. Text of financial report carrying signature and seal of person in charge of the Company, person in charge of
accounting works and person in charge of accounting institution;
III. All files disclosed on China Securities Journal, Securities Times and Hong Kong Commercial Daily
appointed by CSRC;
IV. Article of Association;
V. Other relevant files
[Note]: This Report is prepared respectively both in Chinese and English. Should be there any difference in
interpretation of these two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.

                                                                                 Chairman: Li Zhongqiu

                                          Submit date approved by the board of directors: August 24, 2012
