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                        Stock Code: 000020 200020            Short Form of the Stock: SHEN HUAFA-A, SHEN HUAFA-B                      Public Notice No.: 2022-18

                           Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co., Ltd.

                                Supplementary Correction Notice
     The Company and whole members of the BOD guarantee that the information disclosed is true,
accurate and complete, and there are no any fictitious records, misleading statements or important

Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co.,Ltd. (Hereinafter referred to as the "Company") disclosed The Full
Text of The Report for The First quarter of 2021, The Text of The Report for The First Quarter of
2021(Announcement No.:2021-10), Semi-Annual Report 2021, Summary of Semi-Annual Report
2021 (Announcement No. :2021-19) and The Third Quarter Report 2021 (Announcement
No. :2021-21) on April 27, 2021, August 24, 2021 and October 26, 2021 respectively. The following
corrections are hereby made:
一、The original The Full Text of The Report for The First quarter of 2021
(一)Section II Basic situation of the Company

I. Main accounting data and financial indexes

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data
□Yes √ No

                                                                             At the same period of last     Changes of this period over
                                                   Current period
                                                                                       year                   same period of last year

Operating income (RMB)                                   190,936,203.57                   87,800,584.55                        117.47%

Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                           5,566,539.83                       -400,741.17                    1,489.06%
the listed company (RMB)

Net profit attributable to shareholders of
the listed company after deducting                         5,485,566.41                       -208,179.52                    2,735.02%
non-recurring gains and losses (RMB)

Net cash flow arising from operating
                                                          -5,125,776.38                    7,931,308.59                       -164.63%
activities (RMB)

Basic earnings per share (RMB/Share)                                0.0197                       -0.0014                     1,507.14%

Diluted earnings per share (RMB/Share)                              0.0197                       -0.0014                     1,507.14%

Weighted average ROE                                                1.64%                         -0.12%                         1.76%

                                             At the end of the reporting                                    Changes of this period-end
                                                                              At the end of last year
                                                       period                                               over same period-end of last

Total assets (RMB)                                       637,533,668.46                 627,779,621.06                           1.55%

Net assets attributable to shareholder of
                                                         341,815,277.12                 336,248,737.29                           1.65%
listed company (RMB)

Revised content:

I. Main accounting data and financial indexes

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data
□Yes √ No

                                                                             At the same period of last     Changes of this period over
                                                   Current period
                                                                                       year                   same period of last year

Operating income (RMB)                                   190,936,203.57                   87,800,584.55                        117.47%

Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                           5,557,677.31                       -400,741.17                     1,489.06%
the listed company (RMB)

Net profit attributable to shareholders of
the listed company after deducting                         5,476,703.89                       -208,179.52                     2,735.02%
non-recurring gains and losses (RMB)

Net cash flow arising from operating
                                                          -5,125,776.38                    7,931,308.59                       -164.63%
activities (RMB)

Basic earnings per share (RMB/Share)                                0.0197                       -0.0014                      1,507.14%

Diluted earnings per share (RMB/Share)                              0.0197                       -0.0014                      1,507.14%

Weighted average ROE                                                1.64%                         -0.12%                         1.76%

                                                                                                            Changes of this period-end
                                             At the end of the reporting
                                                                              At the end of last year       over same period-end of last

Total assets (RMB)                                       637,523,241.97                 627,779,621.06                           1.55%

Net assets attributable to shareholder of
                                                         341,806,414.60                 336,248,737.29                           1.65%
listed company (RMB)

(二)Section III. Significant Events

I. Particulars about material changes in items of main accounting statement and financial
index and explanations of reasons

√Applicable □Not applicable

         Item            March 31, 2021      January 1, 2021           Y-o-y                   Reasons of changes
Other receivables          2,060,681.11        4,466,949.96           -53.87%       Decrease in current accounts
Inventory                103,742,880.06       70,502,773.52            47.62%       Stocking in this period
                                                                            The tax to be deducted is deducted for
Other current assets         1,129,263.49      4,255,643.19      -73.46%
                                                                            the current period.
Long-term         prepaid                                                   Cloud service fee amortization
                               19,361.35        77,445.31        -75.00%
                                                                            Short-term bank loans were increased
Short-term loans             20,921,296.00    12,527,808.00      67.00%
                                                                            in the current period.
                                                                            The deposit received in advance has
Contract liabilities          171,293.92        287,140.66       -40.34%
                                                                            decreased during the period.
Employee                                                                    The prepaid wages and expenses are
compensation                 3,106,406.38      5,737,366.59      -45.86%    paid in the current period
Other payables               18,556,536.88    27,608,281.01      -32.79%    Decrease in current accounts
                                                                            Short-term loans increased in the
Interest payable               63,086.88        26,335.66       139.55%
                                                                            current period.
                            January to March January to March     Y-o-y              Reasons of changes
                                 2021             2020           changes
Operating income            190,936,203.57    87,800,584.55     117.47%     Increase in orders this period
Operating cost              160,681,999.84    73,672,446.25     118.10%     Increase in orders this period
Sales expense                9,604,962.16      3,448,537.85     178.52%     Increase in orders this period
                                                                            Increased in R&D investment in this
R&D expenses                 1,990,208.94       908,285.77      119.12%
                                                                            Amortization of deferred income for
Other income                  119,520.00        64,770.00        84.53%
                                                                            the current period
                                                                            Increase in financial income during
Investment income              71,186.44        37,415.02        90.26%
                                                                            the current period
Non-operating                                                               Government subsidy income from the
                               19,464.75         5,492.44       254.39%
income                                                                      previous period
Non-operating                                                               Liquidated damages occurred in the
                               8,950.00         263,835.56       -96.61%
expenses                                                                    previous period
Income tax expense           1,362,439.81       -85,032.71      -1702.25% Increase in profit for the period
                            January to March January to March     Y-o-y              Reasons of changes
                                 2021             2020           changes
Cash received from                                                          Increase in sales collection in this
the sale of goods                                                           period
                            118,847,638.92    86,584,529.58      37.26%
and the provision of
labor services
Cash paid for                                                               Increase in orders this period
purchasing goods
                             90,764,568.41    56,760,923.41      59.91%
and receiving labor
Cash paid to and for                                                        Increase in orders this period
                             18,034,045.23     8,467,600.61     112.98%
Taxes paid                 8,114,109.92     2,351,100.26     245.12%   Increase in orders this period

Cash received from                                                     Margin interest increased in this
                            71,186.44        37,415.02       90.26%
investment income                                                      period
Net cash received                                                      Disposal of old equipment in the
from the disposal of                                                   previous period
fixed assets,
                            13,000.00        91,000.00       -85.71%
intangible assets and
other long-term
Cash paid for the                                                      Purchase production equipment in
purchase and                                                           this period
construction of fixed
                           1,624,675.50      467,211.58      247.74%
assets, intangible
assets and other
long-term assets
Other cash paid                                                        Bank wealth management decreased
relating to investing           -          25,000,000.00     -100.00% in this period
Cash received from                                                     Increase in short-term loans
                          20,710,525.00     6,725,056.80     207.96%
Other cash paid                                                        Increase acceptance margin in this
relating to financing      6,408,886.53           -                    period
Influence on cash                                                      The impact of exchange rate
and cash equivalents                                                   fluctuations in the current period
                           -124,286.41       32,336.78       484.35%
due to fluctuation in
exchange rate

Revised content:

I. Particulars about material changes in items of main accounting statement and financial
index and explanations of reasons

√Applicable □Not applicable

         Item             March 31, 2021   January 1, 2021    Y-o-y             Reasons of changes
Other receivables          2,060,681.11     4,466,949.96     -53.87%   Decrease in current accounts
Inventory                 103,732,453.57   70,502,773.52     47.13%    Stocking in this period
                                                                       The tax to be deducted is deducted for
Other current assets       1,129,263.49     4,255,643.19     -73.46%
                                                                       the current period.
Long-term       prepaid                                                Cloud service fee amortization
                            19,361.35        77,445.31       -75.00%
                                                                       Short-term bank loans were increased
Short-term loans        20,921,296.00    12,527,808.00      67.00%
                                                                       in the current period.
                                                                       The deposit received in advance has
Contract liabilities     171,293.92        287,140.66       -40.34%
                                                                       decreased during the period.
Employee                                                               The prepaid wages and expenses are
compensation            3,106,406.38      5,737,366.59      -45.86%    paid in the current period
Other payables          18,556,536.88    27,608,281.01      -32.79%    Decrease in current accounts
                                                                       Short-term loans increased in the
Interest payable          63,086.88        26,335.66        139.55%
                                                                       current period.
                       January to March January to March     Y-o-y              Reasons of changes
                            2021             2020           changes
Operating income       190,936,203.57    87,800,584.55      117.47%    Increase in orders this period
Operating cost         160,692,426.33    73,672,446.25      118.12% Increase in orders this period
Sales expense           9,604,962.16      3,448,537.85      178.52%    Increase in orders this period
                                                                       Increased in R&D investment in this
R&D expenses            1,990,208.94       908,285.77       119.12%
                                                                       Amortization of deferred income for
Other income             119,520.00        64,770.00        84.53%
                                                                       the current period
                                                                       Increase in financial income during
Investment income         71,186.44        37,415.02        90.26%
                                                                       the current period
Non-operating                                                          Government subsidy income from the
                          19,464.75         5,492.44        254.39%
income                                                                 previous period
Non-operating                                                          Liquidated damages occurred in the
                          8,950.00         263,835.56       -96.61%
expenses                                                               previous period
Income tax expense      1,360,875.84       -85,032.71      -1700.41% Increase in profit for the period
                       January to March January to March     Y-o-y              Reasons of changes
                            2021             2020           changes
Cash received from                                                     Increase in sales collection in this
the sale of goods                                                      period
                       118,847,638.92    86,584,529.58      37.26%
and the provision of
labor services
Cash paid for                                                          Increase in orders this period
purchasing goods
                        90,764,568.41    56,760,923.41      59.91%
and receiving labor
Cash paid to and for                                                   Increase in orders this period
                        18,034,045.23     8,467,600.61      112.98%
Taxes paid              8,114,109.92      2,351,100.26      245.12%    Increase in orders this period

Cash received from                                                     Margin interest increased in this
                          71,186.44        37,415.02        90.26%
investment income                                                      period
Net cash received                                                              Disposal of old equipment in the
from the disposal of                                                           previous period
fixed assets,
                             13,000.00       91,000.00          -85.71%
intangible assets and
other long-term
Cash paid for the                                                              Purchase production equipment in
purchase and                                                                   this period
construction of fixed
                           1,624,675.50     467,211.58          247.74%
assets, intangible
assets and other
long-term assets
Other cash paid                                                                Bank wealth management decreased
relating to investing              -       25,000,000.00        -100.00% in this period
Cash received from                                                             Increase in short-term loans
                           20,710,525.00   6,725,056.80         207.96%
Other cash paid                                                                Increase acceptance margin in this
relating to financing      6,408,886.53          -                             period
Influence on cash                                                              The impact of exchange rate
and cash equivalents                                                           fluctuations in the current period
                            -124,286.41      32,336.78          484.35%
due to fluctuation in
exchange rate

(三)Section IV. Financial Statement

I. Financial statement

1. Consolidate balance sheet

Prepared by Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co., Ltd.
                                                       March 31, 2021
                                                                                                                         In RMB

                    Item                             March 31, 2021                              March 31, 2020

Current assets:

     Monetary fund                                                    57,688,251.58                               60,968,053.58

     Settlement provisions

     Capital lent

     Trading financial assets

     Derivative financial assets
       Note receivable                        9,506,829.34    20,240,464.79

       Account receivable                   141,260,234.64   128,063,911.79

       Receivable financing                   9,727,239.72    10,057,385.11

       Accounts paid in advance              35,287,786.09    39,643,255.11

       Insurance receivable

       Reinsurance receivables

       Contract reserve of reinsurance

       Other account receivable               2,060,681.11     4,466,949.96

          Including: Interest receivable

                 Dividend receivable

       Buying back the sale of financial

       Inventories                          103,742,880.06    70,166,013.49

         Contractual assets

       Assets held for sale

       Non-current asset due within one

       Other current assets                   1,129,263.49     4,255,643.19

Total current assets                        360,403,166.03   337,861,677.02

Non-current assets:

       Loans and payments on behalf

       Debt investment

       Other debt investment

       Long-term account receivable

       Long-term equity investment

       Investment in other equity

       Other non-current financial assets

       Investment real estate                46,792,579.70    47,224,662.27

       Fixed assets                         181,745,798.39   193,605,444.53

       Construction in progress                740,000.00       740,000.00

       Productive biological asset

       Oil and gas asset

         Right-of-use assets
     Intangible assets                     40,383,028.86    40,820,657.80

     Expense on Research and


     Long-term expenses to be
                                               19,361.35        77,445.31

     Deferred income tax asset              7,383,734.13     7,383,734.13

     Other non-current asset                   66,000.00        66,000.00

Total non-current asset                   277,130,502.43   289,917,944.04

Total assets                              637,533,668.46   627,779,621.06

Current liabilities:

     Short-term loans                      20,921,296.00    12,527,808.00

     Loan from central bank

     Capital borrowed

     Trading financial liability

     Derivative financial liability

     Note payable                          37,089,784.05    37,416,381.20

     Account payable                      120,547,983.80    98,318,239.88

     Accounts received in advance

      Contractual liability                  171,293.92       287,140.66

     Selling financial asset of

     Absorbing deposit and interbank

     Security trading of agency

     Security sales of agency

     Wage payable                           3,106,406.38     5,737,366.59

     Taxes payable                         11,967,269.75    14,204,642.62

     Other account payable                 18,556,536.88    27,608,281.01

          Including: Interest payable          63,086.88        26,335.66

                       Dividend payable

     Commission charge and
commission payable

     Reinsurance payable

     Liability held for sale
     Non-current liabilities due within
                                           12,000,000.00     12,000,000.00
one year

     Other current liabilities               9,369,289.56    18,322,972.81

Total current liabilities                 233,434,975.36    226,127,947.79

Non-current liabilities:

     Insurance contract reserve

     Long-term loans                       58,000,000.00     61,000,000.00

     Bonds payable

        Including: Preferred stock

                     Perpetual capital

       Lease liability

     Long-term account payable

     Long-term wages payable

     Accrual liability                         64,411.00         64,411.00

     Deferred income                         3,924,120.00      4,043,640.00

     Deferred income tax liabilities

     Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities              61,988,531.00     65,108,051.00

Total liabilities                         295,718,391.34    291,530,883.77

Owner’s equity:

     Share capital                        283,161,227.00    283,161,227.00

     Other equity instrument

        Including: Preferred stock

                     Perpetual capital

     Capital public reserve               146,577,771.50    146,577,771.50

     Less: Inventory shares

     Other comprehensive income

     Reasonable reserve

     Surplus public reserve                77,391,593.25     77,391,593.25

     Provision of general risk

     Retained profit                      -165,315,314.63   -170,881,854.46

Total owner’ s equity attributable to
                                          341,815,277.12    336,248,737.29
parent company
       Minority interests

Total owner’ s equity                                           341,815,277.12                    336,248,737.29

Total liabilities and owner’ s equity                           637,533,668.46                    627,779,621.06

Legal Representative: Li Zhongqiu

Person in charge of accounting works: Yang Bin

Person in charge of accounting institute: Wu Aijie

3. Consolidated Profit Statement

                                                                                                           In RMB

                    Item                             Current period                  Last period

I. Total operating income                                         190,936,203.57                    87,800,584.55

       Including: Operating income                                190,936,203.57                    87,800,584.55

              Interest income

              Insurance gained

              Commission charge and
commission income

II. Total operating cost                                          184,208,445.12                    88,130,200.33

       Including: Operating cost                                  160,681,999.84                    73,672,446.25

              Interest expense

              Commission charge and
commission expense

              Cash surrender value

              Net amount of expense of

              Net amount of withdrawal of
insurance contract reserve

              Bonus expense of guarantee

              Reinsurance expense

              Tax and extras                                           643,046.97                     584,743.27

              Sales expense                                           9,604,962.16                   3,448,537.85

              Administrative expense                                  9,403,968.16                   8,058,091.66

              R&D expense                                             1,990,208.94                    908,285.77

              Financial expense                                       1,884,259.05                   1,458,095.53
                     Including: Interest
                                                  1,805,136.09   2,375,650.33

                                Interest income    107,550.38     128,721.93

         Add: other income                         119,520.00      64,770.00

              Investment income (Loss is
                                                    71,186.44      37,415.02
listed with “-”)

              Including: Investment income
on affiliated company and joint venture

                     The termination of income
recognition for financial assets measured
by amortized cost(Loss is listed with “-”)

              Exchange income (Loss is
listed with “-”)

              Net exposure hedging income
(Loss is listed with “-”)

              Income from change of fair
value (Loss is listed with “-”)

              Loss of credit impairment
(Loss is listed with “-”)

              Losses of devaluation of asset
(Loss is listed with “-”)

              Income from assets disposal
(Loss is listed with “-”)

III. Operating profit (Loss is listed with
                                                  6,918,464.89   -227,430.76

         Add: Non-operating income                  19,464.75        5,492.44

         Less: Non-operating expense                  8,950.00    263,835.56

IV. Total profit (Loss is listed with “-”)      6,928,979.64   -485,773.88

         Less: Income tax expense                 1,362,439.81     -85,032.71

V. Net profit (Net loss is listed with “-”)     5,566,539.83   -400,741.17

   (i) Classify by business continuity

         1.continuous operating net profit
                                                  5,566,539.83   -400,741.17
(net loss listed with ‘-”)

         2.termination of net profit (net loss
listed with ‘-”)

   (ii) Classify by ownership

         1.Net profit attributable to owner’s
                                                  5,566,539.83   -400,741.17
of parent company
     2.Minority shareholders’ gains and

VI. Net after-tax of other comprehensive

  Net after-tax of other comprehensive
income attributable to owners of parent

     (i) Other comprehensive income
items which will not be reclassified
subsequently to profit of loss

              1.Changes of the defined
benefit plans that re-measured

              2.Other comprehensive
income under equity method that cannot
be transfer to gain/loss

              3.Change of fair value of
investment in other equity instrument

              4.Fair value change of
enterprise's credit risk

              5. Other

         (ii) Other comprehensive income
items which will be reclassified
subsequently to profit or loss

              1.Other comprehensive
income under equity method that can
transfer to gain/loss

              2.Change of fair value of
other debt investment

              3.Amount of financial assets
re-classify to other comprehensive

              4.Credit impairment
provision for other debt investment

              5.Cash flow hedging reserve

              6.Translation differences
arising on translation of foreign currency
financial statements


  Net after-tax of other comprehensive
income attributable to minority

VII. Total comprehensive income                                    5,566,539.83                      -400,741.17

       Total comprehensive income
                                                                   5,566,539.83                      -400,741.17
attributable to owners of parent Company

     Total comprehensive income
attributable to minority shareholders

VIII. Earnings per share:

      (i) Basic earnings per share                                       0.0197                         -0.0014

     (ii) Diluted earnings per share                                     0.0197                         -0.0014

Revised content:

I. Financial statement

1. Consolidate balance sheet

Prepared by Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co., Ltd.
                                                   March 31, 2021
                                                                                                          In RMB

                    Item                         March 31, 2021                   March 31, 2020

Current assets:

     Monetary fund                                                57,688,251.58                    60,968,053.58

     Settlement provisions

     Capital lent

     Trading financial assets

     Derivative financial assets

     Note receivable                                               9,506,829.34                    20,240,464.79

     Account receivable                                       141,260,234.64                   128,063,911.79

     Receivable financing                                          9,727,239.72                    10,057,385.11

     Accounts paid in advance                                     35,287,786.09                    39,643,255.11

     Insurance receivable

     Reinsurance receivables

     Contract reserve of reinsurance

     Other account receivable                                      2,060,681.11                     4,466,949.96

       Including: Interest receivable

                  Dividend receivable
       Buying back the sale of financial

       Inventories                          103,732,453.57    70,166,013.49

         Contractual assets

       Assets held for sale

       Non-current asset due within one

       Other current assets                   1,129,263.49     4,255,643.19

Total current assets                        360,392,739.54   337,861,677.02

Non-current assets:

       Loans and payments on behalf

       Debt investment

       Other debt investment

       Long-term account receivable

       Long-term equity investment

       Investment in other equity

       Other non-current financial assets

       Investment real estate                46,792,579.70    47,224,662.27

       Fixed assets                         181,745,798.39   193,605,444.53

       Construction in progress                740,000.00       740,000.00

       Productive biological asset

       Oil and gas asset

         Right-of-use assets

       Intangible assets                     40,383,028.86    40,820,657.80

       Expense on Research and


       Long-term expenses to be
                                                 19,361.35        77,445.31

       Deferred income tax asset              7,383,734.13     7,383,734.13

       Other non-current asset                   66,000.00        66,000.00

Total non-current asset                     277,130,502.43   289,917,944.04

Total assets                                637,523,241.97   627,779,621.06

Current liabilities:
     Short-term loans                      20,921,296.00    12,527,808.00

     Loan from central bank

     Capital borrowed

     Trading financial liability

     Derivative financial liability

     Note payable                          37,089,784.05    37,416,381.20

     Account payable                      120,547,983.80    98,318,239.88

     Accounts received in advance

      Contractual liability                  171,293.92       287,140.66

     Selling financial asset of

     Absorbing deposit and interbank

     Security trading of agency

     Security sales of agency

     Wage payable                           3,106,406.38     5,737,366.59

     Taxes payable                         11,965,705.78    14,204,642.62

     Other account payable                 18,556,536.88    27,608,281.01

          Including: Interest payable          63,086.88        26,335.66

                     Dividend payable

     Commission charge and
commission payable

     Reinsurance payable

     Liability held for sale

     Non-current liabilities due within
                                           12,000,000.00    12,000,000.00
one year

     Other current liabilities              9,369,289.56    18,322,972.81

Total current liabilities                 233,728,296.37   226,127,947.79

Non-current liabilities:

     Insurance contract reserve

     Long-term loans                       58,000,000.00    61,000,000.00

     Bonds payable

          Including: Preferred stock

                     Perpetual capital
       Lease liability

     Long-term account payable

     Long-term wages payable

     Accrual liability                                    64,411.00         64,411.00

     Deferred income                                    3,924,120.00      4,043,640.00

     Deferred income tax liabilities

     Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities                         61,988,531.00     65,108,051.00

Total liabilities                                    295,716,827.37    291,530,883.77

Owner’s equity:

     Share capital                                   283,161,227.00    283,161,227.00

     Other equity instrument

        Including: Preferred stock

                     Perpetual capital

     Capital public reserve                          146,577,771.50    146,577,771.50

     Less: Inventory shares

     Other comprehensive income

     Reasonable reserve

     Surplus public reserve                           77,391,593.25     77,391,593.25

     Provision of general risk

     Retained profit                                 -165,324,177.15   -170,881,854.46

Total owner’ s equity attributable to
                                                     341,806,414.60    336,248,737.29
parent company

     Minority interests

Total owner’ s equity                               341,806,414.60    336,248,737.29

Total liabilities and owner’ s equity               637,523,241.97    627,779,621.06

Legal Representative: Li Zhongqiu

Person in charge of accounting works: Yang Bin

Person in charge of accounting institute: Wu Aijie

3. Consolidated Profit Statement

                                                                                In RMB
                        Item                      Current period                  Last period

I. Total operating income                                      190,936,203.57                   87,800,584.55

       Including: Operating income                             190,936,203.57                   87,800,584.55

              Interest income

              Insurance gained

              Commission charge and
commission income

II. Total operating cost                                       184,218,871.61                   88,130,200.33

       Including: Operating cost                               160,692,426.33                   73,672,446.25

              Interest expense

              Commission charge and
commission expense

              Cash surrender value

              Net amount of expense of

              Net amount of withdrawal of
insurance contract reserve

              Bonus expense of guarantee

              Reinsurance expense

              Tax and extras                                        643,046.97                    584,743.27

              Sales expense                                        9,604,962.16                  3,448,537.85

              Administrative expense                               9,403,968.16                  8,058,091.66

              R&D expense                                          1,990,208.94                   908,285.77

              Financial expense                                    1,884,259.05                  1,458,095.53

                     Including: Interest
                                                                   1,805,136.09                  2,375,650.33

                                Interest income                     107,550.38                    128,721.93

       Add: other income                                            119,520.00                     64,770.00

            Investment income (Loss is
                                                                     71,186.44                     37,415.02
listed with “-”)

            Including: Investment income
on affiliated company and joint venture

                     The termination of income
recognition for financial assets measured
by amortized cost(Loss is listed with “-”)
              Exchange income (Loss is
listed with “-”)

              Net exposure hedging income
(Loss is listed with “-”)

              Income from change of fair
value (Loss is listed with “-”)

              Loss of credit impairment
(Loss is listed with “-”)

              Losses of devaluation of asset
(Loss is listed with “-”)

              Income from assets disposal
(Loss is listed with “-”)

III. Operating profit (Loss is listed with
                                                 6,908,038.40   -227,430.76

         Add: Non-operating income                 19,464.75       5,492.44

         Less: Non-operating expense                 8,950.00   263,835.56

IV. Total profit (Loss is listed with “-”)     6,918,553.15   -485,773.88

         Less: Income tax expense                1,360,875.84    -85,032.71

V. Net profit (Net loss is listed with “-”)    5,557,677.31   -400,741.17

   (i) Classify by business continuity

         1.continuous operating net profit
                                                 5,557,677.31   -400,741.17
(net loss listed with ‘-”)

         2.termination of net profit (net loss
listed with ‘-”)

   (ii) Classify by ownership

         1.Net profit attributable to owner’s
                                                 5,557,677.31   -400,741.17
of parent company

         2.Minority shareholders’ gains and

VI. Net after-tax of other comprehensive

   Net after-tax of other comprehensive
income attributable to owners of parent

         (i) Other comprehensive income
items which will not be reclassified
subsequently to profit of loss

                1.Changes of the defined
benefit plans that re-measured

             2.Other comprehensive
income under equity method that cannot
be transfer to gain/loss

             3.Change of fair value of
investment in other equity instrument

             4.Fair value change of
enterprise's credit risk

             5. Other

      (ii) Other comprehensive income
items which will be reclassified
subsequently to profit or loss

             1.Other comprehensive
income under equity method that can
transfer to gain/loss

             2.Change of fair value of
other debt investment

             3.Amount of financial assets
re-classify to other comprehensive

             4.Credit impairment
provision for other debt investment

             5.Cash flow hedging reserve

             6.Translation differences
arising on translation of foreign currency
financial statements


  Net after-tax of other comprehensive
income attributable to minority

VII. Total comprehensive income              5,557,677.31   -400,741.17

         Total comprehensive income
                                             5,557,677.31   -400,741.17
attributable to owners of parent Company

     Total comprehensive income
attributable to minority shareholders

VIII. Earnings per share:

      (i) Basic earnings per share                0.0197       -0.0014

     (ii) Diluted earnings per share              0.0197       -0.0014
二、The original The Text of The Report for The First Quarter of 2021
(一)Section II. Basic situation of the Company

I. Main accounting data and financial indexes

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data
□Yes √ No

                                                                             At the same period of last     Changes of this period over
                                                   Current period
                                                                                       year                   same period of last year

Operating income (RMB)                                   190,936,203.57                   87,800,584.55                        117.47%

Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                           5,566,539.83                       -400,741.17                     1,489.06%
the listed company (RMB)

Net profit attributable to shareholders of
the listed company after deducting                         5,485,566.41                       -208,179.52                     2,735.02%
non-recurring gains and losses (RMB)

Net cash flow arising from operating
                                                          -5,125,776.38                    7,931,308.59                       -164.63%
activities (RMB)

Basic earnings per share (RMB/Share)                                0.0197                       -0.0014                      1,507.14%

Diluted earnings per share (RMB/Share)                              0.0197                       -0.0014                      1,507.14%

Weighted average ROE                                                1.64%                         -0.12%                         1.76%

                                                                                                            Changes of this period-end
                                             At the end of the reporting
                                                                              At the end of last year       over same period-end of last

Total assets (RMB)                                       637,533,668.46                 627,779,621.06                           1.55%

Net assets attributable to shareholder of
                                                         341,815,277.12                 336,248,737.29                           1.65%
listed company (RMB)

Revised content:

I. Main accounting data and financial indexes

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data
□Yes √ No

                                                                             At the same period of last     Changes of this period over
                                                   Current period
                                                                                       year                   same period of last year

Operating income (RMB)                                   190,936,203.57                   87,800,584.55                        117.47%

Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                           5,557,677.31                       -400,741.17                     1,489.06%
the listed company (RMB)

Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                           5,476,703.89                       -208,179.52                     2,735.02%
the listed company after deducting
non-recurring gains and losses (RMB)

Net cash flow arising from operating
                                                              -5,125,776.38                    7,931,308.59                     -164.63%
activities (RMB)

Basic earnings per share (RMB/Share)                                0.0197                         -0.0014                      1,507.14%

Diluted earnings per share (RMB/Share)                              0.0197                         -0.0014                      1,507.14%

Weighted average ROE                                                 1.64%                          -0.12%                         1.76%

                                                                                                              Changes of this period-end
                                               At the end of the reporting
                                                                              At the end of last year         over same period-end of last

Total assets (RMB)                                           637,523,241.97               627,779,621.06                           1.55%

Net assets attributable to shareholder of
                                                             341,806,414.60               336,248,737.29                           1.65%
listed company (RMB)

(二)Section III. Significant Events

I. Particulars about material changes in items of main accounting statement and financial
index and explanations of reasons

√Applicable □Not applicable

           Item             March 31, 2021      January 1, 2021      Y-o-y changes                Reasons of changes
Other receivables             2,060,681.11       4,466,949.96          -53.87%       Decrease in current accounts
Inventory                   103,742,880.06       70,502,773.52          47.62%       Stocking in this period
                                                                                     The tax to be deducted is deducted for the
Other current assets          1,129,263.49       4,255,643.19          -73.46%
                                                                                     current period.
Long-term         prepaid                                                            Cloud service fee amortization
                               19,361.35           77,445.31           -75.00%
                                                                                     Short-term bank loans were increased in
Short-term loans             20,921,296.00       12,527,808.00          67.00%
                                                                                     the current period.
                                                                                     The deposit received in advance has
Contract liabilities          171,293.92          287,140.66           -40.34%
                                                                                     decreased during the period.
Employee                                                                             The prepaid wages and expenses are paid
                              3,106,406.38       5,737,366.59          -45.86%
compensation payable                                                                 in the current period
Other payables               18,556,536.88       27,608,281.01         -32.79%       Decrease in current accounts
                                                                                     Short-term loans increased in the current
Interest payable               63,086.88           26,335.66           139.55%
           Item             January to March   January to March                                   Reasons of changes
                                                                     Y-o-y changes
                                 2021                 2020
Operating income            190,936,203.57       87,800,584.55         117.47%       Increase in orders this period
Operating cost              160,681,999.84       73,672,446.25         118.10%       Increase in orders this period
Sales expense                 9,604,962.16       3,448,537.85          178.52%       Increase in orders this period
R&D expenses                  1,990,208.94        908,285.77           119.12%       Increased in R&D investment in this
                                                                                         Amortization of deferred income for the
Other income                 119,520.00              64,770.00              84.53%
                                                                                         current period
                                                                                         Increase in financial income during the
Investment income             71,186.44              37,415.02              90.26%
                                                                                         current period
                                                                                         Government subsidy income from the
Non-operating income          19,464.75               5,492.44             254.39%
                                                                                         previous period
Non-operating                                                                            Liquidated damages occurred in the
                               8,950.00             263,835.56             -96.61%
expenses                                                                                 previous period
Income tax expense           1,362,439.81            -85,032.71           -1702.25% Increase in profit for the period
             Item          January to March       January to March                                     Reasons of changes
                                                                         Y-o-y changes
                                2021                   2020
Cash received from                                                                       Increase in sales collection in this period
the sale of goods and
                             118,847,638.92            86,584,529.58        37.26%
the provision of labor
Cash paid for                                                                            Increase in orders this period
purchasing goods and
                               90,764,568.41           56,760,923.41        59.91%
receiving labor
Cash paid to and for                                                                     Increase in orders this period
                               18,034,045.23            8,467,600.61       112.98%

Taxes paid                      8,114,109.92            2,351,100.26       245.12%       Increase in orders this period

Cash received from                                                                       Margin interest increased in this period
                                   71,186.44               37,415.02        90.26%
investment income
Net cash received                                                                        Disposal of old equipment in the previous
from the disposal of                                                                     period
fixed assets, intangible           13,000.00               91,000.00       -85.71%
assets and other
long-term assets
Cash paid for the                                                                        Purchase production equipment in this
purchase and                                                                             period
construction of fixed
                                1,624,675.50             467,211.58        247.74%
assets, intangible
assets and other
long-term assets
Other cash paid                                                                          Bank wealth management decreased in
relating to investing                         -        25,000,000.00       -100.00%      this period

Cash received from                                                                       Increase in short-term loans
                               20,710,525.00            6,725,056.80       207.96%

Other cash paid                 6,408,886.53                         -                   Increase acceptance margin in this period
relating to financing

Influence on cash and                                                                The impact of exchange rate fluctuations
cash equivalents due                                                                 in the current period
                                   -124,286.41           32,336.78     484.35%
to fluctuation in
exchange rate

Revised content:

I. Particulars about material changes in items of main accounting statement and financial
index and explanations of reasons

√Applicable □Not applicable

             Item             March 31, 2021     January 1, 2021     Y-o-y changes              Reasons of changes
Other receivables                 2,060,681.11        4,466,949.96     -53.87%       Decrease in current accounts
Inventory                       103,732,453.57       70,502,773.52     47.13%        Stocking in this period
                                                                                     The tax to be deducted is deducted for the
Other current assets              1,129,263.49        4,255,643.19     -73.46%
                                                                                     current period.
Long-term           prepaid                                                          Cloud service fee amortization
                                     19,361.35           77,445.31     -75.00%
                                                                                     Short-term bank loans were increased in
Short-term loans                 20,921,296.00       12,527,808.00      67.00%
                                                                                     the current period.
                                                                                     The deposit received in advance has
Contract liabilities               171,293.92           287,140.66     -40.34%
                                                                                     decreased during the period.
Employee                                                                             The prepaid wages and expenses are paid
                                  3,106,406.38        5,737,366.59     -45.86%
compensation payable                                                                 in the current period
Other payables                   18,556,536.88       27,608,281.01     -32.79%       Decrease in current accounts
                                                                                     Short-term loans increased in the current
Interest payable                     63,086.88           26,335.66     139.55%
             Item             January to March    January to March                              Reasons of changes
                                                                     Y-o-y changes
                                         2021                 2020
Operating income                190,936,203.57       87,800,584.55     117.47%       Increase in orders this period
Operating cost                  160,692,426.33       73,672,446.25     118.12%       Increase in orders this period
Sales expense                     9,604,962.16        3,448,537.85     178.52%       Increase in orders this period
                                                                                     Increased in R&D investment in this
R&D expenses                      1,990,208.94          908,285.77     119.12%
                                                                                     Amortization of deferred income for the
Other income                       119,520.00            64,770.00      84.53%
                                                                                     current period
                                                                                     Increase in financial income during the
Investment income                    71,186.44           37,415.02      90.26%
                                                                                     current period
                                                                                     Government subsidy income from the
Non-operating income                 19,464.75            5,492.44     254.39%
                                                                                     previous period
Non-operating                                                                    Liquidated damages occurred in the
                                   8,950.00        263,835.56      -96.61%
expenses                                                                         previous period
Income tax expense             1,360,875.84         -85,032.71 -1700.41% Increase in profit for the period
             Item          January to March   January to March                                 Reasons of changes
                                                                 Y-o-y changes
                                      2021               2020
Cash received from                                                               Increase in sales collection in this period
the sale of goods and
                            118,847,638.92      86,584,529.58      37.26%
the provision of labor
Cash paid for                                                                    Increase in orders this period
purchasing goods and
                             90,764,568.41      56,760,923.41      59.91%
receiving labor
Cash paid to and for                                                             Increase in orders this period
                             18,034,045.23        8,467,600.61     112.98%

Taxes paid                     8,114,109.92       2,351,100.26     245.12%       Increase in orders this period

Cash received from                                                               Margin interest increased in this period
                                 71,186.44          37,415.02      90.26%
investment income
Net cash received                                                                Disposal of old equipment in the previous
from the disposal of                                                             period
fixed assets, intangible         13,000.00          91,000.00      -85.71%
assets and other
long-term assets
Cash paid for the                                                                Purchase production equipment in this
purchase and                                                                     period
construction of fixed
                               1,624,675.50        467,211.58      247.74%
assets, intangible
assets and other
long-term assets
Other cash paid                                                                  Bank wealth management decreased in
relating to investing                     -     25,000,000.00     -100.00%       this period

Cash received from                                                               Increase in short-term loans
                             20,710,525.00        6,725,056.80     207.96%

Other cash paid                                                                  Increase acceptance margin in this period
relating to financing          6,408,886.53                  -

Influence on cash and                                                            The impact of exchange rate fluctuations
cash equivalents due                                                             in the current period
                               -124,286.41          32,336.78      484.35%
to fluctuation in
exchange rate

三、The original Semi-Annual Report 2021
(一)Section II. Company Profile and Main Financial Indexes

VI. Main accounting data and financial indexes

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data
 □ Yes √ No

                                                   Current period          Same period of last year     Changes over last year

 Operating income(RMB)                                  391,633,808.55               300,703,421.38                     30.24%

 Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                          7,023,114.72                 3,165,597.55                    121.86%
 the listed company(RMB)

 Net profit attributable to shareholders of
 the listed company after deducting                       7,067,951.02                 3,167,896.46                    123.11%
 non-recurring gains and losses(RMB)

 Net cash flow arising from operating
                                                        -21,818,369.59                21,200,212.24                   -202.92%

 Basic earnings per share(RMB/Share)                            0.0248                        0.0112                   121.43%

 Diluted earnings per share(RMB/Share)                          0.0248                        0.0112                   121.43%

 Weighted average ROE                                            2.07%                        0.96%                         1.11%
                                                                                                       Changes over period-end
                                                 Current period-end         period-end of last year
                                                                                                             of last year

 Total assets(RMB)                                      673,387,235.69               627,779,621.06                         7.26%

 Net assets attributable to shareholder of
                                                        343,271,852.01               336,248,737.29                         2.09%
 listed company(RMB)

Revised content:

VI. Main accounting data and financial indexes

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data
 □ Yes √ No

                                                   Current period          Same period of last year     Changes over last year

 Operating income(RMB)                                  391,633,808.55               300,703,421.38                     30.24%

 Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                          6,989,362.48                 3,165,597.55                    120.79%
 the listed company(RMB)

 Net profit attributable to shareholders of
 the listed company after deducting                       7,034,198.78                 3,167,896.46                    122.05%
 non-recurring gains and losses(RMB)

 Net cash flow arising from operating
                                                        -21,818,369.59                21,200,212.24                   -202.92%

 Basic earnings per share(RMB/Share)                            0.0248                        0.0112                   121.43%
 Diluted earnings per share(RMB/Share)                            0.0248                         0.0112                       121.43%

 Weighted average ROE                                             2.07%                          0.96%                             1.11%
                                                                                                            Changes over period-end
                                                  Current period-end           period-end of last year
                                                                                                                    of last year

 Total assets(RMB)                                       673,347,527.18                 627,779,621.06                             7.26%

 Net assets attributable to shareholder of
                                                         343,238,099.77                 336,248,737.29                             2.08%
 listed company(RMB)

(二)Section III Management Discussion and Analysis

III. Main business analysis

See the “I. Main businesses of the company in the reporting period”

Change of main financial data on a y-o-y basis
                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                                         Same period of last
                                 Current period                                      y-o-y changes (+,-)               Reasons

                                                                                                              Video            incomes
 Operation income                   391,633,808.55             300,703,421.38                      30.24%

 Operation cost                     334,484,096.74             263,959,652.63                      26.72%

                                                                                                              After-sales service fee
 Sales expenses                       14,094,617.96               9,100,079.39                     54.88%

                                      22,680,307.24             17,082,362.66                      32.77%     Repair fee increased

 Financial cost                        5,241,702.86               3,484,228.81                     50.44%     Exchange increased

 Income tax expense                    1,590,676.66                837,369.58                      89.96%     Profit growth

                                                                                                              Increase new products
 R&D investment                        3,955,647.50               2,423,425.26                     63.23%
                                                                                                              in the Period

                                                                                                              The             inventory
 Net cash flow arising                                                                                        increased in the Period
 from operation                      -21,818,369.59             21,200,212.24                    -202.92%     due to the epidemic in
 activities                                                                                                   the first half year of
                                                                                                              last year

 Net cash flow arising
                                                                                                              Investment for fixed
 from investment                      -2,316,374.60              -1,338,379.56                    -73.07%
                                                                                                              assets increased

 Net cash flow arising
                                                                                                              Bank loans increased
 from financing                       23,182,219.89            -34,838,186.71                    166.54%
                                                                                                              in the period
                                                                                                             The    inventory       and
 Net increase of cash
                                        -1,355,867.36           -14,832,093.81                   -90.86%     account        receivable
 and cash equivalent

The industries, products, or regions accounting for over 10% of the company’s operating revenue or operating profit

√Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                                                              Increase/decrea    Increase/decrea
                         Operation          Operation        Gross profit                                                se of gross
                                                                              se of operation    se of operation
                          income               cost             ratio                                                    profit ratio
                                                                                 income y-o-y      cost y-o-y

 According to industries

 Display             198,422,034.91      182,038,564.14              8.26%             22.00%              19.00%               1.69%

 injection           106,953,726.74        96,354,708.77             9.91%             25.00%              22.00%               2.25%

 According to products

 Display             198,422,034.91      182,038,564.14              8.26%             22.00%              19.00%               1.69%

 injection           106,953,726.74        96,354,708.77             9.91%             25.00%              19.00%               2.25%

 According to region

 Hong Kong and
                        95,746,383.92      79,562,859.88            16.90%             -8.97%           -19.29%                10.62%

 Central China       207,413,929.85      194,921,928.05              6.02%             67.15%              70.48%              -1.84%

 East China             87,594,449.15      80,998,643.40             7.53%            122.78%          120.08%                  1.14%

 South China             5,152,357.42       6,030,530.61            -17.04%           -72.26%          195.58%               -106.06%

Reasons for y-o-y relevant data with over 30% changes
√Applicable     □Not applicable

                     Item                               2021-6-30             2021-1-1           changes                  Causes
                                                                                 20,240,464.79        -98% Discounting of note
     Note receivable                                        491,683.78                                        receivable increased in
                                                                                                              the period
                                                           5,774,948.69          10,057,385.11        -43% Discounting of note
     Receivable financing                                                                                     receivable increased in
                                                                                                              the period
                                                     22,540,779.20             4,466,949.96      405% Current accounts
    Other account receivable
                                                                           70,166,013.49           85% Inventory has
    Inventory                                        129,917,660.51                                     significantly increased
                                                                                                        from Hengfa
                                                                               4,255,643.19       -83% The input tax to be
    Other current assets
                                                        741,380.21                                      deducted declined
                                                                                                 705% Contract renewal of SAP
    Long-term deferred expenses
                                                        623,601.59                77,445.31
                                                     51,089,579.00         12,527,808.00         308% Loans of Hengfa
    Short-term loans
                                                                                                 167% Account received in
    Contractual liabilities
                                                        765,555.97               287,140.66             advance increased
                                                      3,886,717.29             5,737,366.59       -32% Last year’s year-end
    Wages payable
                                                                                                        bonus distributed
                                                                                                 582% Loans increased
      Interest payable
                                                        179,523.72                26,335.66
                                                                           18,322,972.81          -99% Notes already endorsed
    Other current liability
                                                        211,799.13                                      and outstanding declined
                  Item                           Jan.- Jun. 2021       Jan.- Jun. 2020        changes            Causes
      Operation tax and surcharge                     1,428,361.92             1,004,056.05        42% Additional tax increased
                                                                                                1502% Loan subsidies
      Interest income
                                                        189,945.55                11,856.69
                                                                                                  -99% Government subsidy
      Other income
                                                          3,553.35               348,540.00
                                                                                                 124% Wealth management
      Investment income
                                                        149,767.58                66,780.40             income
                                                                                                 512% Government subsidy
    Non-operation revenue
                                                        276,599.04                45,200.06
                                                                                                2847% Penalty expenses
    Non-operation expense
                                                        215,202.92                 7,302.38

V. Assets and liability analysis

1. Major changes of assets composition

                                                                                                                          In RMB

                    End of the current period           End of last year
                                      Ratio in                        Ratio in                   Notes of major changes
                       Amount                         Amount                       changes
                                       total                           total
                                          assets                          assets

 Monetary fund        59,612,186.22        8.85%       60,968,053.58       9.71%     -0.86%

                     135,750,939.59       20.16%      128,063,911.79     20.40%      -0.24%

 Inventory           129,917,660.51       19.29%       70,166,013.49      11.18%      8.11%    Inventory from Hengfa increased

 Investment real
                      46,360,497.13        6.88%       47,224,662.27       7.52%     -0.64%

 Fixed assets        191,477,026.08       28.43%      193,605,444.53     30.84%      -2.41%

 Construction in
                         740,000.00        0.11%          740,000.00       0.12%     -0.01%

                      51,089,579.00        7.59%       12,527,808.00       2.00%      5.59%    Loans increased in the period

                         765,555.97        0.11%          287,140.66       0.05%      0.06%

                      61,000,000.00        9.06%       61,000,000.00       9.72%     -0.66%

Revised content:

III. Main business analysis

See the “I. Main businesses of the company in the reporting period”

Change of main financial data on a y-o-y basis
                                                                                                                             In RMB

                                                         Same period of last
                                 Current period                                    y-o-y changes (+,-)           Reasons

                                                                                                         Video            incomes
 Operation income                   391,633,808.55             300,703,421.38                   30.24%

 Operation cost                     334,523,805.25             263,959,652.63                   26.73%

                                                                                                         After-sales service fee
 Sales expenses                       14,094,617.96               9,100,079.39                  54.88%

                                      22,680,307.24             17,082,362.66                   32.77%   Repair fee increased

 Financial cost                        5,241,702.86               3,484,228.81                  50.44%   Exchange increased

 Income tax expense                    1,584,720.39                837,369.58                   89.25%   Profit growth

                                                                                                         Increase new products
 R&D investment                        3,955,647.50               2,423,425.26                  63.23%
                                                                                                         in the Period

 Net cash flow arising               -21,818,369.59             21,200,212.24                 -202.92%   The             inventory
 from operation                                                                                            increased in the Period
 activities                                                                                                due to the epidemic in
                                                                                                           the first half year of
                                                                                                           last year

 Net cash flow arising
                                                                                                           Investment for fixed
 from investment                        -2,316,374.60           -1,338,379.56                   -73.07%
                                                                                                           assets increased

 Net cash flow arising
                                                                                                           Bank loans increased
 from financing                         23,182,219.89         -34,838,186.71                   166.54%
                                                                                                           in the period

                                                                                                           The    inventory        and
 Net increase of cash
                                        -1,355,867.36         -14,832,093.81                    -90.86%    account         receivable
 and cash equivalent

The industries, products, or regions accounting for over 10% of the company’s operating revenue or operating profit

√Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                                                             Increase/decrea    Increase/decrea
                         Operation          Operation       Gross profit                                               se of gross
                                                                             se of operation    se of operation
                          income               cost            ratio                                                   profit ratio
                                                                                income y-o-y       cost y-o-y

 According to industries

 Display            198,422,034.91        181,998,855.63           8.28%              22.00%            19.00%                1.69%

 injection          106,953,726.74         96,354,708.77           9.91%              25.00%            22.00%                2.25%

 According to products

 Display            198,422,034.91        181,998,855.63           8.28%              22.00%            19.00%                1.69%

 injection          106,953,726.74         96,354,708.77           9.91%              25.00%            19.00%                2.25%

 According to region

 Hong Kong and
                        95,569,502.38      79,562,859.88          16.75%              -8.97%           -19.29%               10.62%

 Central China      203,317,499.60        190,785,789.29           6.16%              67.15%            70.48%                -1.84%

 East China             87,594,449.15      80,998,643.40           7.53%             122.78%           120.08%                1.14%

 South China             5,152,357.42       6,030,530.61         -17.04%             -72.26%           195.58%             -106.06%

Reasons for y-o-y relevant data with over 30% changes
√Applicable   □Not applicable

                   Item                 2021-6-30            2021-1-1         changes            Causes
                                                              20,240,464.79       -98% Discounting of note
     Note receivable                         491,683.78                                 receivable increased in
                                                                                        the period
                                           5,774,948.69       10,057,385.11       -43% Discounting of note
     Receivable financing                                                               receivable increased in
                                                                                        the period
                                          22,540,779.20        4,466,949.96      405% Current accounts
     Other account receivable
                                                              70,166,013.49        85% Inventory has
     Inventory                            129,877,952.00                                significantly increased
                                                                                        from Hengfa
                                                               4,255,643.19       -83% The input tax to be
     Other current assets
                                             741,380.21                                 deducted declined
                                                                                 705% Contract renewal of SAP
     Long-term deferred expenses
                                             623,601.59           77,445.31
                                          51,089,579.00       12,527,808.00      308% Loans of Hengfa
     Short-term loans
                                                                                 167% Account received in
     Contractual liabilities
                                             765,555.97          287,140.66             advance increased
                                           3,886,717.29        5,737,366.59       -32% Last year’s year-end
     Wages payable
                                                                                        bonus distributed
                                                                                 582% Loans increased
        Interest payable
                                             179,523.72           26,335.66
                                                              18,322,972.81       -99% Notes already endorsed
     Other current liability
                                             211,799.13                                 and outstanding declined
                   Item               Jan.- Jun. 2021      Jan.- Jun. 2020    changes            Causes
        Operation tax and surcharge        1,428,361.92        1,004,056.05        42% Additional tax increased
                                                                                1502% Loan subsidies
        Interest income
                                             189,945.55           11,856.69
                                                                                  -99% Government subsidy
        Other income
                                               3,553.35          348,540.00
                                                                                 124% Wealth management
        Investment income
                                             149,767.58           66,780.40             income
                                                                                 512% Government subsidy
     Non-operation revenue
                                             276,599.04           45,200.06
     Non-operation expense                                                      2847% Penalty expenses
                                                         215,202.92                 7,302.38

V. Assets and liability analysis

1. Major changes of assets composition

                                                                                                                             In RMB

                     End of the current period           End of last year

                                       Ratio in                        Ratio in      Ratio
                                                                                                    Notes of major changes
                       Amount               total      Amount           total       changes
                                        assets                          assets

 Monetary fund       59,612,186.22          8.85%     60,968,053.58         9.71%   -0.86%

                    135,750,939.59      20.16%      128,063,911.79     20.40%       -0.24%

 Inventory          129,877,952.00      19.29%        70,166,013.49     11.18%       8.11%     Inventory from Hengfa increased

 Investment real
                     46,360,497.13          6.88%     47,224,662.27         7.52%   -0.64%

 Fixed assets       191,477,026.08      28.43%      193,605,444.53     30.84%       -2.41%

 Construction in
                        740,000.00          0.11%       740,000.00          0.12%   -0.01%

                     51,089,579.00          7.59%     12,527,808.00         2.00%    5.59%     Loans increased in the period

                        765,555.97          0.11%       287,140.66          0.05%    0.06%

                     61,000,000.00          9.06%     61,000,000.00         9.72%   -0.66%

(三)Section X. Financial Report

I. Audit report

Whether the semi annual report is audited
□ Yes √ No
The company's semi annual financial report has not been audited

II. Financial Statement

Statement in Financial Notes are carried in RMB/CNY

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet

                                                                                             In RMB

                                   Item           June 30, 2021          December 31, 2020

Current assets:

     Monetary funds                                      59,612,186.22            60,968,053.58

     Settlement provisions

     Capital lent

     Trading financial assets

     Derivative financial assets

     Note receivable                                        491,683.78            20,240,464.79

     Account receivable                                 135,750,939.59           128,063,911.79

     Receivable financing                                 5,774,948.69            10,057,385.11

     Accounts paid in advance                            31,961,398.64            39,643,255.11

     Insurance receivable

     Reinsurance receivables

     Contract reserve of reinsurance receivable

     Other account receivable                            22,540,779.20             4,466,949.96

       Including: Interest receivable

                    Dividend receivable

     Buying back the sale of financial assets

     Inventories                                        129,917,660.51            70,166,013.49

     Contractual assets

     Assets held for sale

     Non-current asset due within one year

     Other current assets                                   741,380.21             4,255,643.19

Total current assets                                    386,790,976.84           337,861,677.02

Non-current assets:

     Loans and payments on behalf

     Debt investment

     Other debt investment

     Long-term account receivable

     Long-term equity investment

     Investment in other equity instrument

     Other non-current financial assets

     Investment real estate                              46,360,497.13            47,224,662.27
     Fixed assets                               191,477,026.08   193,605,444.53

     Construction in progress                      740,000.00       740,000.00

     Productive biological asset

     Oil and gas asset

     Right-of-use assets

     Intangible assets                           39,945,399.92    40,820,657.80

     Expense on Research and Development


     Long-term expenses to be apportioned          623,601.59         77,445.31

     Deferred income tax asset                    7,383,734.13     7,383,734.13

     Other non-current asset                         66,000.00        66,000.00

Total non-current asset                         286,596,258.85   289,917,944.04

Total assets                                    673,387,235.69   627,779,621.06

Current liabilities:

     Short-term loans                            51,089,579.00    12,527,808.00

     Loan from central bank

     Capital borrowed

     Trading financial liability

     Derivative financial liability

     Note payable                                42,983,519.37    37,416,381.20

     Account payable                            116,056,638.57    98,318,239.88

     Accounts received in advance

     Contractual liability                         765,555.97       287,140.66

     Selling financial asset of repurchase

     Absorbing deposit and interbank deposit

     Security trading of agency

     Security sales of agency

     Wage payable                                 3,886,717.29     5,737,366.59

     Taxes payable                               12,939,066.90    14,204,642.62

     Other account payable                       37,074,456.45    27,608,281.01

        Including: Interest payable                179,523.72         26,335.66

                       Dividend payable

     Commission charge and commission payable

     Reinsurance payable
     Liability held for sale

     Non-current liabilities due within one year                           12,000,000.00

     Other current liabilities                              211,799.13     18,322,972.81

Total current liabilities                               265,007,332.68    226,422,832.77

Non-current liabilities:

     Insurance contract reserve

     Long-term loans                                     61,000,000.00     61,000,000.00

     Bonds payable

        Including: Preferred stock

                     Perpetual capital securities

     Lease liability

     Long-term account payable

     Long-term wages payable

     Accrual liability                                       64,411.00         64,411.00

     Deferred income                                       4,043,640.00      4,043,640.00

     Deferred income tax liabilities

     Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities                            65,108,051.00     65,108,051.00

Total liabilities                                       330,115,383.68    291,530,883.77

Owner’s equity:

     Share capital                                      283,161,227.00    283,161,227.00

     Other equity instrument

        Including: Preferred stock

                     Perpetual capital securities

     Capital public reserve                             146,577,771.50    146,577,771.50

     Less: Inventory shares

     Other comprehensive income

     Reasonable reserve

     Surplus public reserve                              77,391,593.25     77,391,593.25

     Provision of general risk

     Retained profit                                    -163,858,739.74   -170,881,854.46

Total owner’ s equity attributable to parent company   343,271,852.01    336,248,737.29

     Minority interests

Total owner’ s equity                                  343,271,852.01    336,248,737.29
Total liabilities and owner’ s equity                                    673,387,235.69            627,779,621.06

Legal Representative: Li Zhongqiu

Person in charge of accounting works: Yang Bin

Person in charge of accounting institute: Chuai Guoxu

3. Consolidated Profit Statement

                                                                                                               In RMB

                                  Item                             2021 semi-annual         2020 semi-annual

I. Total operating income                                                 391,633,808.55            300,703,421.38

     Including: Operating income                                          391,633,808.55            300,703,421.38

             Interest income

             Insurance gained

             Commission charge and commission income

II. Total operating cost                                                  381,884,734.22            297,053,804.80

     Including: Operating cost                                            334,484,096.74            263,959,652.63

             Interest expense

             Commission charge and commission expense

             Cash surrender value

             Net amount of expense of compensation

             Net amount of withdrawal of insurance contract

             Bonus expense of guarantee slip

             Reinsurance expense

             Tax and extras                                                  1,428,361.92             1,004,056.05

             Sales expense                                                 14,094,617.96              9,100,079.39

             Administrative expense                                        22,680,307.24             17,082,362.66

             R&D expense                                                     3,955,647.50             2,423,425.26

             Financial expense                                               5,241,702.86             3,484,228.81

                Including: Interest expenses                                 3,774,381.48             4,018,202.27

                            Interest income                                   189,945.55                 11,856.69

     Add: Other income                                                           3,553.35               348,540.00

          Investment income (Loss is listed with “-”)                       149,767.58                 66,780.40

          Including: Investment income on affiliated company and
joint venture

                 The termination of income recognition for financial
assets measured by amortized cost

           Exchange income (Loss is listed with “-”)

           Net exposure hedging income (Loss is listed with “-”)

           Income from change of fair value (Loss is listed with “-”)

           Loss of credit impairment (Loss is listed with “-”)

           Losses of devaluation of asset (Loss is listed with “-”)     -1,350,000.00

           Income from assets disposal (Loss is listed with “-”)                          -99,867.53

III. Operating profit (Loss is listed with “-”)                         8,552,395.26    3,965,069.45

     Add: Non-operating income                                              276,599.04      45,200.06

     Less: Non-operating expense                                            215,202.92        7,302.38

IV. Total profit (Loss is listed with “-”)                              8,613,791.38    4,002,967.13

     Less: Income tax expense                                             1,590,676.66     837,369.58

V. Net profit (Net loss is listed with “-”)                             7,023,114.72    3,165,597.55

  (i) Classify by business continuity

     1.continuous operating net profit (net loss listed with ‘-”)       7,023,114.72    3,165,597.55

     2.termination of net profit (net loss listed with ‘-”)

  (ii) Classify by ownership

     1.Net profit attributable to owner’s of parent company              7,023,114.72    3,165,597.55

     2.Minority shareholders’ gains and losses

VI. Net after-tax of other comprehensive income

  Net after-tax of other comprehensive income attributable to
owners of parent company

     (I) Other comprehensive income items which will not be
reclassified subsequently to profit of loss

              1.Changes of the defined benefit plans that

              2.Other comprehensive income under equity method
that cannot be transfer to gain/loss

              3.Change of fair value of investment in other equity

              4.Fair value change of enterprise's credit risk

              5. Other

       (ii) Other comprehensive income items which will be
reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
             1.Other comprehensive income under equity method
that can transfer to gain/loss

             2.Change of fair value of other debt investment

             3.Amount of financial assets re-classify to other
comprehensive income

             4.Credit impairment provision for other debt

             5.Cash flow hedging reserve

             6.Translation differences arising on translation of
foreign currency financial statements


  Net after-tax of other comprehensive income attributable to
minority shareholders

VII. Total comprehensive income                                                               7,023,114.72                   3,165,597.55

     Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of parent
                                                                                              7,023,114.72                   3,165,597.55

     Total comprehensive income attributable to minority

VIII. Earnings per share:

     (i) Basic earnings per share                                                                    0.0248                         0.0112

     (ii) Diluted earnings per share                                                                 0.0248                         0.0112

7. Statement of Changes in Owners’ Equity (Consolidated)

Current Amount
                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                                                       Semi-annual of 2021

                                              Owners’ equity attributable to the parent Company
                                 instrument                      Othe
                                                          Less                                                                      Tota
                                                                   r                         Prov
                                    Per                    :               Reas                                             Min       l
      Item         Sha                            Capi           com               Surp      ision   Reta
                                    pet                   Inve             onab                                             ority   own
                    re      Pre                    tal           preh               lus       of     ined     Othe   Subt
                                    ual                   ntor              le                                              inter    ers’
                   cap      fer                   reser           ensi             reser     gene    profi     r     otal
                                    cap     Ot             y               reser                                            ests    equit
                    ital    red                    ve              ve               ve        ral      t
                                    ital    her           shar              ve                                                        y
                            sto                                  inco                        risk
                                    sec                    es
                            ck                                     me
                        146,   77,3   -170    336,   336,
I. The ending     ,16
                        577,   91,5   ,881,   248,   248,
balance of the    1,2
                        771.   93.2   854.    737.   737.
previous year     27.
                         50      5      46     29     29

Add: Changes
of accounting

correction of
the last period

under the
same control


II. The                 146,   77,3   -170    336,   336,
beginning               577,   91,5   ,881,   248,   248,
balance of the          771.   93.2   854.    737.   737.
current year             50      5      46     29     29

III. Increase/
Decrease in
                                      7,02    7,02   7,02
the period
                                      3,11    3,11   3,11
(Decrease is
                                      4.72    4.72   4.72
listed with

(i) Total                             7,02    7,02   7,02
comprehensiv                          3,11    3,11   3,11
e income                              4.72    4.72   4.72

(ii) Owners’
devoted and

invested by

2. Capital
invested by
holders of
other equity

3. Amount
reckoned into
owners equity

4. Other

(iii) Profit

1. Withdrawal
of surplus

2. Withdrawal
of general

for owners (or

4. Other

(iv) Carrying

1. Capital
conversed to
capital (share

2. Surplus
conversed to
capital (share

3. Remedying
loss with

 4. Carry-over
 earnings from
 the defined
 benefit plans

 5. Carry-over
 earnings from
 e income

 6. Other


 1. Withdrawal
 in the report

 2. Usage in
 the report

 (vi) Others

                                            146,                  77,3   -163    343,   343,
 IV. Balance at    ,16
                                            577,                  91,5   ,858,   271,   271,
 the end of the    1,2
                                            771.                  93.2   739.    852.   852.
 period            27.
                                              50                    5      74     01     01

Revised content:

I. Audit report

Whether the semi annual report is audited
□ Yes √ No
The company's semi annual financial report has not been audited

II. Financial Statement

Statement in Financial Notes are carried in RMB/CNY
1. Consolidated Balance Sheet

                                                                                             In RMB

                                   Item           June 30, 2021          December 31, 2020

Current assets:

     Monetary funds                                      59,612,186.22            60,968,053.58

     Settlement provisions

     Capital lent

     Trading financial assets

     Derivative financial assets

     Note receivable                                        491,683.78            20,240,464.79

     Account receivable                                 135,750,939.59           128,063,911.79

     Receivable financing                                 5,774,948.69            10,057,385.11

     Accounts paid in advance                            31,961,398.64            39,643,255.11

     Insurance receivable

     Reinsurance receivables

     Contract reserve of reinsurance receivable

     Other account receivable                            22,540,779.20             4,466,949.96

       Including: Interest receivable

                    Dividend receivable

     Buying back the sale of financial assets

     Inventories                                        129,877,952.00            70,166,013.49

     Contractual assets

     Assets held for sale

     Non-current asset due within one year

     Other current assets                                   741,380.21             4,255,643.19

Total current assets                                    386,751,268.33           337,861,677.02

Non-current assets:

     Loans and payments on behalf

     Debt investment

     Other debt investment

     Long-term account receivable

     Long-term equity investment

     Investment in other equity instrument
     Other non-current financial assets

     Investment real estate                     46,360,497.13    47,224,662.27

     Fixed assets                              191,477,026.08   193,605,444.53

     Construction in progress                     740,000.00       740,000.00

     Productive biological asset

     Oil and gas asset

     Right-of-use assets

     Intangible assets                          39,945,399.92    40,820,657.80

     Expense on Research and Development


     Long-term expenses to be apportioned         623,601.59         77,445.31

     Deferred income tax asset                   7,383,734.13     7,383,734.13

     Other non-current asset                        66,000.00        66,000.00

Total non-current asset                        286,596,258.85   289,917,944.04

Total assets                                   673,347,527.18   627,779,621.06

Current liabilities:

     Short-term loans                           51,089,579.00    12,527,808.00

     Loan from central bank

     Capital borrowed

     Trading financial liability

     Derivative financial liability

     Note payable                               42,983,519.37    37,416,381.20

     Account payable                           116,056,638.57    98,318,239.88

     Accounts received in advance

     Contractual liability                        765,555.97       287,140.66

     Selling financial asset of repurchase

     Absorbing deposit and interbank deposit

     Security trading of agency

     Security sales of agency

     Wage payable                                3,886,717.29     5,737,366.59

     Taxes payable                              12,933,110.63    14,204,642.62

     Other account payable                      37,074,456.45    27,608,281.01

        Including: Interest payable               179,523.72         26,335.66

                       Dividend payable
     Commission charge and commission payable

     Reinsurance payable

     Liability held for sale

     Non-current liabilities due within one year                           12,000,000.00

     Other current liabilities                              211,799.13     18,322,972.81

Total current liabilities                               265,001,376.41    226,422,832.77

Non-current liabilities:

     Insurance contract reserve

     Long-term loans                                     61,000,000.00     61,000,000.00

     Bonds payable

        Including: Preferred stock

                     Perpetual capital securities

     Lease liability

     Long-term account payable

     Long-term wages payable

     Accrual liability                                       64,411.00         64,411.00

     Deferred income                                       4,043,640.00      4,043,640.00

     Deferred income tax liabilities

     Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities                            65,108,051.00     65,108,051.00

Total liabilities                                       330,109,427.41    291,530,883.77

Owner’s equity:

     Share capital                                      283,161,227.00    283,161,227.00

     Other equity instrument

        Including: Preferred stock

                     Perpetual capital securities

     Capital public reserve                             146,577,771.50    146,577,771.50

     Less: Inventory shares

     Other comprehensive income

     Reasonable reserve

     Surplus public reserve                              77,391,593.25     77,391,593.25

     Provision of general risk

     Retained profit                                    -163,892,491.98   -170,881,854.46

Total owner’ s equity attributable to parent company   343,238,099.77    336,248,737.29
     Minority interests

Total owner’ s equity                                               343,238,099.77            336,248,737.29

Total liabilities and owner’ s equity                               673,347,527.18            627,779,621.06

Legal Representative: Li Zhongqiu

Person in charge of accounting works: Yang Bin

Person in charge of accounting institute: Chuai Guoxu

3. Consolidated Profit Statement

                                                                                                          In RMB

                                  Item                        2021 semi-annual         2020 semi-annual

I. Total operating income                                            391,633,808.55            300,703,421.38

     Including: Operating income                                     391,633,808.55            300,703,421.38

             Interest income

             Insurance gained

             Commission charge and commission income

II. Total operating cost                                             381,924,442.73            297,053,804.80

     Including: Operating cost                                       334,523,805.25            263,959,652.63

             Interest expense

             Commission charge and commission expense

             Cash surrender value

             Net amount of expense of compensation

             Net amount of withdrawal of insurance contract

             Bonus expense of guarantee slip

             Reinsurance expense

             Tax and extras                                             1,428,361.92             1,004,056.05

             Sales expense                                            14,094,617.96              9,100,079.39

             Administrative expense                                   22,680,307.24             17,082,362.66

             R&D expense                                                3,955,647.50             2,423,425.26

             Financial expense                                          5,241,702.86             3,484,228.81

                Including: Interest expenses                            3,774,381.48             4,018,202.27

                            Interest income                              189,945.55                 11,856.69

     Add: Other income                                                      3,553.35               348,540.00
           Investment income (Loss is listed with “-”)                    149,767.58      66,780.40

           Including: Investment income on affiliated company and
joint venture

                 The termination of income recognition for financial
assets measured by amortized cost

           Exchange income (Loss is listed with “-”)

           Net exposure hedging income (Loss is listed with “-”)

           Income from change of fair value (Loss is listed with “-”)

           Loss of credit impairment (Loss is listed with “-”)

           Losses of devaluation of asset (Loss is listed with “-”)     -1,350,000.00

           Income from assets disposal (Loss is listed with “-”)                          -99,867.53

III. Operating profit (Loss is listed with “-”)                         8,512,686.75    3,965,069.45

     Add: Non-operating income                                              276,599.04      45,200.06

     Less: Non-operating expense                                            215,202.92        7,302.38

IV. Total profit (Loss is listed with “-”)                              8,574,082.87    4,002,967.13

     Less: Income tax expense                                             1,584,720.39     837,369.58

V. Net profit (Net loss is listed with “-”)                             6,989,362.48    3,165,597.55

  (i) Classify by business continuity

     1.continuous operating net profit (net loss listed with ‘-”)       6,989,362.48    3,165,597.55

     2.termination of net profit (net loss listed with ‘-”)

  (ii) Classify by ownership

     1.Net profit attributable to owner’s of parent company              6,989,362.48    3,165,597.55

     2.Minority shareholders’ gains and losses

VI. Net after-tax of other comprehensive income

  Net after-tax of other comprehensive income attributable to
owners of parent company

     (I) Other comprehensive income items which will not be
reclassified subsequently to profit of loss

              1.Changes of the defined benefit plans that

              2.Other comprehensive income under equity method
that cannot be transfer to gain/loss

              3.Change of fair value of investment in other equity

              4.Fair value change of enterprise's credit risk

              5. Other
      (ii) Other comprehensive income items which will be
reclassified subsequently to profit or loss

             1.Other comprehensive income under equity method
that can transfer to gain/loss

             2.Change of fair value of other debt investment

             3.Amount of financial assets re-classify to other
comprehensive income

             4.Credit impairment provision for other debt

             5.Cash flow hedging reserve

             6.Translation differences arising on translation of
foreign currency financial statements


  Net after-tax of other comprehensive income attributable to
minority shareholders

VII. Total comprehensive income                                                               6,989,362.48                   3,165,597.55

     Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of parent
                                                                                              6,989,362.48                   3,165,597.55

     Total comprehensive income attributable to minority

VIII. Earnings per share:

     (i) Basic earnings per share                                                                    0.0248                         0.0112

     (ii) Diluted earnings per share                                                                 0.0248                         0.0112

7. Statement of Changes in Owners’ Equity (Consolidated)

Current Amount
                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                                                       Semi-annual of 2021

                                              Owners’ equity attributable to the parent Company
                                   equity                 Less                                                                      Tota
                                                                   r                         Prov
                                 instrument                :               Reas                                             Min       l
      Item         Sha                            Capi           com               Surp      ision   Reta
                                    Per                   Inve             onab                                             ority   own
                    re      Pre                    tal           preh               lus       of     ined     Othe   Subt
                                    pet                   ntor              le                                              inter    ers’
                   cap      fer                   reser           ensi             reser     gene    profi     r     otal
                                    ual     Ot             y               reser                                            ests    equit
                    ital    red                    ve              ve               ve        ral      t
                                    cap     her           shar              ve                                                        y
                            sto                                  inco                        risk
                                    ital                   es
                            ck                                     me

                               146,   77,3   -170    336,   336,
I. The ending     ,16
                               577,   91,5   ,881,   248,   248,
balance of the    1,2
                               771.   93.2   854.    737.   737.
previous year     27.
                                50      5      46     29     29

Add: Changes
of accounting

correction of
the last period

under the
same control


II. The                        146,   77,3   -170    336,   336,
beginning                      577,   91,5   ,881,   248,   248,
balance of the                 771.   93.2   854.    737.   737.
current year                    50      5      46     29     29

III. Increase/
Decrease in
                                             6,98    6,98   6,98
the period
                                             9,36    9,36   9,36
(Decrease is
                                             2.48    2.48   2.48
listed with

(i) Total                                    6,98    6,98   6,98
comprehensiv                                 9,36    9,36   9,36
e income                                     2.48    2.48   2.48

(ii) Owners’
devoted and

invested by

2. Capital
invested by
holders of
other equity

3. Amount
reckoned into
owners equity

4. Other

(iii) Profit

1. Withdrawal
of surplus

2. Withdrawal
of general

for owners (or

4. Other

(iv) Carrying

1. Capital
conversed to
capital (share

2. Surplus
conversed to
capital (share

3. Remedying
 loss with

 4. Carry-over
 earnings from
 the defined
 benefit plans

 5. Carry-over
 earnings from
 e income

 6. Other


 1. Withdrawal
 in the report

 2. Usage in
 the report

 (vi) Others

                                       146,                        77,3         -163          343,          343,
 IV. Balance at   ,16
                                       577,                        91,5         ,892,         238,          238,
 the end of the   1,2
                                       771.                        93.2         491.          099.          099.
 period           27.
                                        50                           5            98            77              77

(四)Section X. Financial Report

V. Important accounting policy and estimation

15. Inventory

15.1 Categories of inventory
The inventory is goods or manufactured products held for sale, products in process, and materials and matters
utilized in the production or supply of labor. Mainly including raw material, revolving materials (wrappage and
low-value consumption goods etc.), outside processing materials, goods in process, semi-finished goods, stocks
and so on.
15.2 Accounting method for inventory delivery
When inventories are issued, the actual cost is determined by the first in first out method.

15.3 Accrual method inventory falling price reserves
On the balance sheet day, the inventory is measured on the lower one between the cost and the net realizable value,
and the provision for the falling price reserves is accrued on each inventory item; however, as for the inventory of
large quantity and low price, the provision is accrued on the inventory category.

15.4 Inventory system
Inventory system of the Company is perpetual inventory system

15.5 Amortization method for the low-value consumables and wrap page

Low-value consumables and packages are amortized by one-point method

Revised content:

15. Inventory

15.1 Categories of inventory
The inventory is goods or manufactured products held for sale, products in process, and materials and matters
utilized in the production or supply of labor. Mainly including raw material, revolving materials (wrappage and
low-value consumption goods etc.), outside processing materials, goods in process, semi-finished goods, stocks
and so on.

15.2 Accounting method for inventory delivery
When inventories are issued, the actual cost is determined by monthly weighted average method.

15.3 Accrual method inventory falling price reserves
On the balance sheet day, the inventory is measured on the lower one between the cost and the net realizable value,
and the provision for the falling price reserves is accrued on each inventory item; however, as for the inventory of
large quantity and low price, the provision is accrued on the inventory category.

15.4 Inventory system
Inventory system of the Company is perpetual inventory system

15.5 Amortization method for the low-value consumables and wrap page

Low-value consumables and packages are amortized by one-point method
(五)Section X. Financial Report
VII. Notes to main items in consolidated financial statement

9. Inventories

Whether companies need to comply with the disclosure requirements of the real estate industry

(1) Category

                                                                                                                            In RMB

                                       Ending balance                                           Opening balance

                                       Inventories fall                                         Inventories fall
                                        provision or                                              provision or
                                          contract                                                  contract
                     Book balance       performance        Book value        Book balance        performance       Book value
                                            costs                                                    costs
                                        impairment                                                impairment
                                          provision                                                provision

 Raw materials       67,070,060.38        2,191,320.92     64,878,739.46     39,735,101.27        1,691,320.92     38,043,780.35

                     55,795,276.78        2,523,369.82     53,271,906.96     27,562,913.38        1,673,369.82     25,889,543.56

 semi-finished       11,750,725.54          29,363.73      11,721,361.81       6,213,029.56           29,363.73     6,183,665.83

 Low priced and
 easily worn              156,274.66       110,622.38          45,652.28        159,646.13          110,622.38          49,023.75

 Total              134,772,337.36        4,854,676.85    129,917,660.51     73,670,690.34        3,504,676.85     70,166,013.49

40. Taxes payable

                                                                                                                            In RMB

                   Item                                   Ending balance                             Opening balance

 VAT                                                                    4,823,733.87                                2,980,992.11

 Corporate income tax                                                   5,551,836.24                                6,558,810.68

 Individual income tax                                                       4,493.98                                   25,195.14

 Urban maintenance and construction tax                                    532,508.80                               1,902,436.52

 Property tax                                                              520,220.76                                  318,618.51

 Land use tax                                                              297,696.51                                   33,280.48
 Educational surtax                                                            229,248.99                                      816,098.15

 Local educational surtax                                                      122,702.85                                      418,611.03

 Dike fee                                                                          1,665.00                                         1,665.00

 Stamp tax                                                                      33,429.90                                       28,895.00

 Disposal fund of waste electrical
                                                                               821,530.00                                     1,120,040.00

 Total                                                                    12,939,066.90                                      14,204,642.62

60. Retained profit

                                                                                                                                       In RMB

                        Item                                       Current period                               Last period

 Retained profit at the end of the previous period
                                                                              -170,881,854.46                           -177,712,041.86
 before adjustment

 Retained profit at period-begin after adjustment                             -170,881,854.46                           -177,712,041.86

 Add: net profit attributable to owners of the
                                                                                 7,023,114.72                                 3,165,597.55
 parent company

 Retained profit at period-end                                                -163,858,739.74                           -174,546,444.31

61. Operating revenue and cost

                                                                                                                                       In RMB

                                                 Current Period                                         Last Period
                                     Revenue                       Cost                       Revenue                        Cost

 Main business                       323,468,602.68               282,596,348.19              268,465,953.89             249,723,766.92

 Other business                       68,165,205.87                47,447,861.39               32,237,467.49                 14,235,885.71

 Total                               391,633,808.55               330,044,209.58              300,703,421.38             263,959,652.63

76. Income tax expense

(1) Statement of income tax expense

                                                                                                                                       In RMB

                     Item                                    Current Period                                    Last Period

 Current income tax expense                                                   1,590,676.66                                     982,790.94

 Deferred income tax expense                                                                                                   -145,421.36

 Total                                                                        1,590,676.66                                     837,369.58
(2) Adjustment on accounting profit and income tax expenses

                                                                                                                           In RMB

                                Item                                                      Current Period

 Total profit                                                                                                       8,613,791.38

 Income tax based on statutory/applicable rate                                                                      2,490,947.85

 Impact by different tax rate applied by subsidies                                                                   230,760.37

 Impact of deductible loss of un-recognized deferred income
 tax assets in the prior period of use

 Income tax expense                                                                                                 1,590,676.66

Revised content:

9. Inventories

Whether companies need to comply with the disclosure requirements of the real estate industry

(1) Category

                                                                                                                           In RMB

                                         Ending balance                                         Opening balance

                                         Inventories fall                                       Inventories fall
                                          provision or                                            provision or
                                            contract                                                contract
                      Book balance        performance        Book value      Book balance        performance       Book value
                                              costs                                                  costs
                                          impairment                                              impairment
                                            provision                                              provision

 Raw materials        67,070,060.38        2,191,320.92      64,878,739.46   39,735,101.27        1,691,320.92     38,043,780.35

                      55,755,568.27        2,523,369.82      53,232,198.45   27,562,913.38        1,673,369.82     25,889,543.56

 semi-finished        11,750,725.54           29,363.73      11,721,361.81    6,213,029.56            29,363.73     6,183,665.83

 Low priced and
 easily worn              156,274.66         110,622.38          45,652.28      159,646.13          110,622.38        49,023.75

 Total               134,772,337.36        4,854,676.85     129,877,952.00   73,670,690.34        3,504,676.85     70,166,013.49
40. Taxes payable

                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                     Item                                    Ending balance                              Opening balance

 VAT                                                                        4,823,733.87                                     2,980,992.11

 Corporate income tax                                                       5,545,879.97                                     6,558,810.68

 Individual income tax                                                             4,493.98                                    25,195.14

 Urban maintenance and construction tax                                        532,508.80                                    1,902,436.52

 Property tax                                                                  520,220.76                                     318,618.51

 Land use tax                                                                  297,696.51                                      33,280.48

 Educational surtax                                                            229,248.99                                     816,098.15

 Local educational surtax                                                      122,702.85                                     418,611.03

 Dike fee                                                                          1,665.00                                      1,665.00

 Stamp tax                                                                      33,429.90                                      28,895.00

 Disposal fund of waste electrical
                                                                               821,530.00                                    1,120,040.00

 Total                                                                     12,933,110.63                                14,204,642.62

60. Retained profit

                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                         Item                                      Current period                              Last period

 Retained profit at the end of the previous period
                                                                              -170,881,854.46                         -177,712,041.86
 before adjustment

 Retained profit at period-begin after adjustment                             -170,881,854.46                         -177,712,041.86

 Add: net profit attributable to owners of the
                                                                                 6,989,362.48                                3,165,597.55
 parent company

 Retained profit at period-end                                                -163,892,491.98                         -174,546,444.31

61. Operating revenue and cost

                                                                                                                                    In RMB

                                                 Current Period                                         Last Period
                                     Revenue                       Cost                       Revenue                    Cost

 Main business                       323,468,602.68               287,075,943.86              268,465,953.89           249,723,766.92

 Other business                       68,165,205.87                47,447,861.39               32,237,467.49            14,235,885.71

 Total                               391,633,808.55               334,523,805.25              300,703,421.38           263,959,652.63
76. Income tax expense

(1) Statement of income tax expense

                                                                                                                                     In RMB

                    Item                                   Current Period                                      Last Period

 Current income tax expense                                                    1,584,720.39                                   982,790.94

 Deferred income tax expense                                                                                                 -145,421.36

 Total                                                                         1,584,720.39                                   837,369.58

(2) Adjustment on accounting profit and income tax expenses

                                                                                                                                     In RMB

                                Item                                                              Current Period

 Total profit                                                                                                                8,574,082.87

 Income tax based on statutory/applicable rate                                                                               2,490,947.85

 Impact by different tax rate applied by subsidies                                                                            230,760.37

 Impact of deductible loss of un-recognized deferred income
 tax assets in the prior period of use

 Income tax expense                                                                                                          1,584,720.39

四、The original Summary of Semi-Annual Report 2021
(一)II. Basic information of the company

2. Main financial data and index

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data

□ Yes √ No
                                                                                                               Increase/decrease in this
                                                     Current Period              Same period of last year
                                                                                                                     report y-o-y
Operating revenue (RMB)                                   391,633,808.55                      300,703,421.38                        30.24%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of
the listed Company (RMB)                                     7,023,114.72                       3,165,597.55                     121.86%

Net profit attributable to shareholders of
the   listed    Company    after   deducting                 7,067,951.02                       3,167,896.46                     123.11%
non-recurring gains and losses (RMB)
Net cash flow arising from operating
activities (RMB)                                           -21,818,369.59                      21,200,212.24                     -202.92%

Basic earnings per share (RMB/Share)
(note 1)                                                              0.0248                         0.0112                      121.43%

Diluted earnings per share (RMB/Share)                                0.0248                         0.0112                      121.43%
Weighted average ROE                                                    2.07%                        0.96%                          1.11%
                                                                                                              Increase/decrease in this
                                                    End of current period           End of last period       report-end over that of last
                                                                                                                 period-end (+,-)
Total assets (RMB)                                           673,387,235.69                627,779,621.06                          7.26%
Net assets attributable to shareholder of
listed Company (RMB)                                         343,271,852.01                336,248,737.29                          2.09%

Revised content:

2. Main financial data and index

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data

□ Yes √ No
                                                                                                              Increase/decrease in this
                                                       Current Period            Same period of last year
                                                                                                                    report y-o-y

Operating revenue (RMB)                                      391,633,808.55                300,703,421.38                          30.24%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                               6,989,362.48                   3,165,597.55                      120.79%
the listed Company (RMB)
Net profit attributable to shareholders of
the   listed   Company     after    deducting                  7,034,198.78                   3,167,896.46                      122.05%
non-recurring gains and losses (RMB)
Net cash flow arising from operating
                                                             -21,818,369.59                  21,200,212.24                     -202.92%
activities (RMB)
Basic earnings per share (RMB/Share)
                                                                        0.0248                      0.0112                      121.43%
(note 1)
Diluted earnings per share (RMB/Share)                                  0.0248                      0.0112                      121.43%
Weighted average ROE                                                    2.07%                        0.96%                          1.11%
                                                                                                              Increase/decrease in this
                                                    End of current period           End of last period       report-end over that of last
                                                                                                                 period-end (+,-)
Total assets (RMB)                                           673,347,527.18                627,779,621.06                          7.26%
Net assets attributable to shareholder of
listed Company (RMB)                                         343,238,099.77                336,248,737.29                          2.08%

五、The original The Third Quarter Report 2021
(一)I. Main financial data

(i) Main accounting data and financial indexes

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data or not
□Yes √No

                                   Current period          Increase/decrease in           Year-begin to         Increase/decrease from
                                                       the period compared             period-end                 year-begin to
                                                       with the same period                                   period-end compared
                                                        of the previous year                                  with the same period
                                                                                                              of the previous year
 Operating income
                                   211,898,917.91                      5.85%               603,532,726.46                      20.49%

 Net profit attributable
 to shareholders of the               1,141,094.84                    -32.30%                8,164,209.56                      68.30%
 listed company (Yuan)

 Net profit attributable
 to shareholders of the
 listed company after
 deducting                              572,226.97                    -48.38%                7,384,177.99                      72.67%

 non-recurring gains
 and losses (Yuan)

 Net cash flow arising
 from operating                      ——                      ——                        -24,053,649.58                 -275.69%
 activities (Yuan)

 Basic earnings per
                                             0.004                    -33.33%                      0.0288                      68.42%
 share (Yuan /Share)

 Diluted earnings per
                                             0.004                    -33.33%                      0.0288                      68.42%
 share (Yuan /Share)

 Weighted average ROE                        0.33%                     -0.19%                      2.17%                       0.71%
                                                                                   Increase/decrease at the period-end compared
                             End of current period     End of previous year
                                                                                           with the end of the previous year

 Total assets (Yuan)               670,460,370.67             627,779,621.06                                                   6.80%
 Net assets attributable
 to shareholder of listed          345,436,154.94             336,248,737.29                                                   2.73%
 company (Yuan)

Revised content:

I. Main financial data

(i) Main accounting data and financial indexes

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data or not
□Yes √No

                                                                                                             Increase/decrease from
                                                        Increase/decrease in
                                                                                     Year-begin to                year-begin to
                                Current period         the period compared
                                                                                       period-end             period-end compared
                                                       with the same period
                                                                                                              with the same period
                                                     of the previous year                               of the previous year
 Operating income
                                   211,898,917.91                   5.85%            603,532,726.46                      20.49%

 Net profit attributable
 to shareholders of the               1,123,649.14                 -33.33%             8,113,011.63                      67.24%
 listed company (Yuan)

 Net profit attributable
 to shareholders of the
 listed company after
 deducting                              554,781.27                 -49.95%             7,332,980.06                      72.67%

 non-recurring gains
 and losses (Yuan)

 Net cash flow arising
 from operating                      ——                   ——                     -24,053,649.58                 -275.69%
 activities (Yuan)

 Basic earnings per
                                             0.004                 -33.33%                   0.0288                      68.42%
 share (Yuan /Share)

 Diluted earnings per
                                             0.004                 -33.33%                   0.0288                      68.42%
 share (Yuan /Share)

 Weighted average ROE                       0.33%                   -0.19%                   2.17%                        0.71%
                                                                              Increase/decrease at the period-end compared
                             End of current period   End of previous year
                                                                                     with the end of the previous year

 Total assets (Yuan)               669,050,137.81          627,779,621.06                                                6.57%
 Net assets attributable
 to shareholder of listed          344,361,748.92          336,248,737.29                                                2.41%
 company (Yuan)

(二)(iii) Particulars about changes in items of main accounting data and financial index and explanations
of reasons

√ Applicable □Not applicable

Item                               January-September January-September               Changes       Reason
                                   2021              2020                            ratio
                                                                                                   Salary for R&D from Hengfa
R&D expenses                                5,653,280.67             4,313,254.44       31%
Other income                                 345,453.35                645,623.00       -46%       Government subsidy of Hengfa
                                                                                                   Gains on acceptance margin
Investment income                            238,661.58                103,172.15       131%
                                                                                                   from Hengfa
                                                                                                   Disposal the company’s
Asset disposal income                          21,059.60                -93,373.67     -123%
Non-operating income                         394,744.60                681,877.61       -42%       Government subsidy received
                                                                                           at the period-end was less than
                                                                                           those received in the same
                                                                                           period last year
Non-operating expenses                        219,887.56              7,302.38     2911%   Disposal of fixed assets
Item                                   September 30, 2021 September 30, 2021 Changes       Reason
                                                                                           Decrease in the amount of
Accounts receivable financing                5,774,948.69        25,436,468.30      -77%
                                                                                           promissory note
                                                                                           Due to the impact of
                                                                                           international epidemic, some
                                                                                           raw materials are in short
                                                                                           supply in the market, inventory
Inventory                                   99,966,463.28        61,964,943.06      61%
                                                                                           of the Company are increased
                                                                                           in an appropriated amount
                                                                                           according to the operation
Other current assets                          741,380.21            234,014.36     217%    VAT retention credit
                                                                                           The contract signed through
Long-term prepaid expenses                    568,577.93            135,529.27     320%    system, and the expenses to be
                                                                                           amortized increased
                                                                                           Borrowings of Hengfa
Thhe Short-term loan                        39,841,600.00        13,660,894.00     192%
                                                                                           Account received in advance
Contract liabilities                          574,325.56          2,575,945.15      -78%
                                                                                           Borrowings increased in the
Interest payable                              124,190.30             32,583.49     281%    period, and the interest
Non-current liabilities          due                                                       Reclassification of long-term
                                                                 12,000,000.00     -100%
within one year                                                                            loans

Revised content:

(iii) Particulars about changes in items of main accounting data and financial index and explanations of

√ Applicable □Not applicable

Item                                   January-September January-September       Changes   Reason
                                       2021              2020                    ratio
                                                                                           Salary for R&D from Hengfa
R&D expenses                                 5,653,280.67         4,313,254.44      31%
Other income                                  345,453.35            645,623.00      -46%   Government subsidy of Hengfa
                                                                                           Gains on acceptance margin
Investment income                             238,661.58            103,172.15     131%
                                                                                           from Hengfa
                                                                                                 Disposal the company’s
Asset disposal income                      21,059.60                  -93,373.67      -123%
                                                                                                 Government subsidy received
                                                                                                 at the period-end was less than
Non-operating income                      394,744.60                  681,877.61       -42%
                                                                                                 those received in the same
                                                                                                 period last year
Non-operating expenses                    219,887.56                     7,302.38     2911%      Disposal of fixed assets
                                  September 30, 2021     September 30, 202          Changes      Reason
                                                                                                 Decrease in the amount of
Accounts receivable financing           5,774,948.69            25,436,468.30          -77%
                                                                                                 promissory note
                                                                                                 Due to the impact of
                                                                                                 international epidemic, some
                                                                                                 raw materials are in short
                                                                                                 supply in the market, inventory
Inventory                              98,556,230.42            61,964,943.06          59%
                                                                                                 of the Company are increased
                                                                                                 in an appropriated amount
                                                                                                 according to the operation
Other current assets                      741,380.21                  234,014.36      217%       VAT retention credit
                                                                                                 The contract signed through
Long-term prepaid expenses                568,577.93                  135,529.27      320%       system, and the expenses to be
                                                                                                 amortized increased
                                                                                                 Borrowings of Hengfa
Thhe Short-term loan                   39,841,600.00            13,660,894.00         192%
                                                                                                 Account received in advance
Contract liabilities                      574,325.56             2,575,945.15          -78%
                                                                                                 Borrowings increased in the
Interest payable                          124,190.30                   32,583.49      281%       period, and the interest
Non-current liabilities     due                                                                  Reclassification of long-term
                                                                12,000,000.00         -100%
within one year                                                                                  loans

(三)IV. Quarterly financial statements

(i) Financial statement

1. Consolidate balance sheet

Prepared by Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co., Ltd.
                                                    September 30, 2021
                                                                                                                  Unit: Yuan

                Item                             September 30, 2021                           December 31, 2020
Current assets:

       Monetary fund                         42,948,262.54    60,968,053.58

       Settlement provisions

       Capital lent

       Trading financial assets

       Derivative financial assets

       Note receivable                       43,892,072.62    20,240,464.79

       Account receivable                   144,703,950.74   128,063,911.79

       Receivable financing                   5,774,948.69    10,057,385.11

       Accounts paid in advance              19,408,972.82    39,643,255.11

       Insurance receivable

       Reinsurance receivables

       Contract reserve of reinsurance

       Other account receivable              29,057,128.91     4,466,949.96

         Including: Interest receivable

                      Dividend receivable

       Buying back the sale of financial

       Inventories                           99,966,463.28    70,166,013.49

       Contractual assets

       Assets held for sale

       Non-current asset due within one

       Other current assets                    741,380.21      4,255,643.19

Total current assets                        386,493,179.81   337,861,677.02

Non-current assets:

       Loans and payments on behalf

       Debt investment

       Other debt investment

       Long-term account receivable

       Long-term equity investment

       Investment in other equity

       Other non-current financial

     Investment real estate             45,928,414.57    47,224,662.27

     Fixed assets                      189,772,693.25   193,605,444.53

     Construction in progress             740,000.00       740,000.00

     Productive biological asset

     Oil and gas asset

     Right-of-use assets

     Intangible assets                  39,507,770.98    40,820,657.80

     Expense on Research and


     Long-term expenses to be
                                          568,577.93         77,445.31

     Deferred income tax asset           7,383,734.13     7,383,734.13

     Other non-current asset                66,000.00        66,000.00

Total non-current asset                283,967,190.86   289,917,944.04

Total assets                           670,460,370.67   627,779,621.06

Current liabilities:

     Short-term loans                   39,841,600.00    12,527,808.00

     Loan from central bank

     Capital borrowed

     Trading financial liability

     Derivative financial liability

     Note payable                       33,139,828.80    37,416,381.20

     Account payable                   131,338,903.49    98,318,239.88

     Accounts received in advance

     Contractual liability                574,325.56       287,140.66

     Selling financial asset of

     Absorbing deposit and interbank

     Security trading of agency

     Security sales of agency

     Wage payable                        4,376,465.86     5,737,366.59

     Taxes payable                      12,214,983.25    14,204,642.62
     Other account payable                22,295,013.77    27,608,281.01

        Including: Interest payable         124,190.30         26,335.66

                     Dividend payable

     Commission charge and
commission payable

     Reinsurance payable

     Liability held for sale

     Non-current liabilities due
within one year

     Other current liabilities            16,135,044.00    18,322,972.81

Total current liabilities                259,916,164.73   226,422,832.77

Non-current liabilities:

     Insurance contract reserve

     Long-term loans                      61,000,000.00    61,000,000.00

     Bonds payable

        Including: Preferred stock

                     Perpetual capital

     Lease liability

     Long-term account payable

     Long-term wages payable

     Accrual liability                        64,411.00        64,411.00

     Deferred income                       4,043,640.00     4,043,640.00

     Deferred income tax liabilities

     Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities             65,108,051.00    65,108,051.00

Total liabilities                        325,024,215.73   291,530,883.77

Owner’s equity:

     Share capital                       283,161,227.00   283,161,227.00

     Other equity instrument

        Including: Preferred stock

                     Perpetual capital

     Capital public reserve              146,577,771.50   146,577,771.50

     Less: Inventory shares
      Other comprehensive income

      Reasonable reserve

      Surplus public reserve                              77,391,593.25                      77,391,593.25

      Provision of general risk

      Retained profit                                   -161,694,436.81                 -170,881,854.46

 Total owner’ s equity attributable to
                                                         345,436,154.94                     336,248,737.29
 parent company

      Minority interests

 Total owner’ s equity                                  345,436,154.94                     336,248,737.29

 Total liabilities and owner’ s equity                  670,460,370.67                     627,779,621.06

2. Consolidated Profit Statement (from the year-begin to the period-end)

                                                                                                   Unit: Yuan

                   Item                       Current period                  Last period

 I. Total operating income                               603,532,726.46                     500,887,222.16

      Including: Operating income                        603,532,726.46                     500,887,222.16

              Interest income

              Insurance gained

              Commission charge and
 commission income

 II. Total operating cost                                592,220,186.01                     496,032,602.64

      Including: Operating cost                          525,633,691.80                     436,770,935.85

              Interest expense

              Commission charge and
 commission expense

              Cash surrender value

              Net amount of expense of

              Net amount of withdrawal
 of insurance contract reserve

              Bonus expense of
 guarantee slip

              Reinsurance expense

              Tax and extras                                   2,180,093.13                   1,697,965.55

              Sales expense                                18,991,695.17                     14,895,442.53
               Administrative expense          33,036,011.08   29,667,000.90

               R&D expense                      5,653,280.67    4,313,254.44

               Financial expense                6,725,414.16    8,688,003.37

                     Including: Interest
                                                5,977,916.47    6,620,657.92

                                                 234,372.30      -694,194.83

         Add: other income                       345,453.35      645,623.00

             Investment income (Loss is
                                                 238,661.58      103,172.15
listed with “-”)

             Including: Investment
income on affiliated company and joint

                     The termination of
income recognition for financial assets
measured by amortized cost (Loss is
listed with “-”)

             Exchange income (Loss is
listed with “-”)

             Net exposure hedging
income (Loss is listed with “-”)

             Income from change of fair
value (Loss is listed with “-”)

             Loss of credit impairment
(Loss is listed with “-”)

             Losses of devaluation of
asset (Loss is listed with “-”)

             Income from assets disposal
                                                  21,059.60       -93,373.67
(Loss is listed with “-”)

III. Operating profit (Loss is listed with
                                               10,567,714.98    5,510,041.00

         Add: Non-operating income               394,744.60      681,877.61

         Less: Non-operating expense             219,887.56         7,302.38

IV. Total profit (Loss is listed with “-”)   10,742,572.02    6,184,616.23

         Less: Income tax expense               2,578,362.46    1,333,529.74

V. Net profit (Net loss is listed with
                                                8,164,209.56    4,851,086.49

   (i) Classify by business continuity
      1.continuous operating net profit
                                          8,164,209.56   4,851,086.49
(net loss listed with ‘-”)

      2.termination of net profit (net
loss listed with ‘-”)

   (ii) Classify by ownership

      1.Net profit attributable to
                                          8,164,209.56   4,851,086.49
owner’s of parent company

      2.Minority shareholders’ gains
and losses

VI. Net after-tax of other
comprehensive income

   Net after-tax of other comprehensive
income attributable to owners of parent

     (i) Other comprehensive income
items which will not be reclassified
subsequently to profit of loss

              1.Changes of the defined
benefit plans that re-measured

              2.Other comprehensive
income under equity method that
cannot be transfer to gain/loss

              3.Change of fair value of
investment in other equity instrument

              4.Fair value change of
enterprise's credit risk

              5. Other

       (ii) Other comprehensive income
items which will be reclassified
subsequently to profit or loss

              1.Other comprehensive
income under equity method that can
transfer to gain/loss

              2.Change of fair value of
other debt investment

              3.Amount of financial
assets re-classify to other
comprehensive income

              4.Credit impairment
 provision for other debt investment

              5.Cash flow hedging

              6.Translation differences
 arising on translation of foreign
 currency financial statements


   Net after-tax of other comprehensive
 income attributable to minority

 VII. Total comprehensive income                                 8,164,209.56                    4,851,086.49

      Total comprehensive income
 attributable to owners of parent                                8,164,209.56                    4,851,086.49

      Total comprehensive income
 attributable to minority shareholders

 VIII. Earnings per share:

      (i) Basic earnings per share                                       0.0288                       0.0171

      (ii) Diluted earnings per share                                    0.0288                       0.0171

Revised content:

(i) Financial statement

1. Consolidate balance sheet

Prepared by Shenzhen Zhongheng Huafa Co., Ltd.
                                                    September 30, 2021
                                                                                                      Unit: Yuan

                     Item                        September 30, 2021               December 31, 2020

 Current assets:

      Monetary fund                                             42,948,262.54                   60,968,053.58

      Settlement provisions

      Capital lent

      Trading financial assets

      Derivative financial assets

      Note receivable                                           43,892,072.62                   20,240,464.79

      Account receivable                                       144,703,950.74                  128,063,911.79

      Receivable financing                                       5,774,948.69                   10,057,385.11
       Accounts paid in advance              19,408,972.82    39,643,255.11

       Insurance receivable

       Reinsurance receivables

       Contract reserve of reinsurance

       Other account receivable              29,057,128.91     4,466,949.96

         Including: Interest receivable

                      Dividend receivable

       Buying back the sale of financial

       Inventories                           98,556,230.42    70,166,013.49

       Contractual assets

       Assets held for sale

       Non-current asset due within one

       Other current assets                    741,380.21      4,255,643.19

Total current assets                        385,082,946.95   337,861,677.02

Non-current assets:

       Loans and payments on behalf

       Debt investment

       Other debt investment

       Long-term account receivable

       Long-term equity investment

       Investment in other equity

       Other non-current financial

       Investment real estate                45,928,414.57    47,224,662.27

       Fixed assets                         189,772,693.25   193,605,444.53

       Construction in progress                740,000.00       740,000.00

       Productive biological asset

       Oil and gas asset

       Right-of-use assets

       Intangible assets                     39,507,770.98    40,820,657.80

       Expense on Research and

     Long-term expenses to be
                                             568,577.93         77,445.31

     Deferred income tax asset              7,383,734.13     7,383,734.13

     Other non-current asset                   66,000.00        66,000.00

Total non-current asset                   283,967,190.86   289,917,944.04

Total assets                              669,050,137.81   627,779,621.06

Current liabilities:

     Short-term loans                      39,841,600.00    12,527,808.00

     Loan from central bank

     Capital borrowed

     Trading financial liability

     Derivative financial liability

     Note payable                          33,139,828.80    37,416,381.20

     Account payable                      131,338,903.49    98,318,239.88

     Accounts received in advance

     Contractual liability                   574,325.56       287,140.66

     Selling financial asset of

     Absorbing deposit and interbank

     Security trading of agency

     Security sales of agency

     Wage payable                           4,376,465.86     5,737,366.59

     Taxes payable                         11,979,156.41    14,204,642.62

     Other account payable                 22,295,013.77    27,608,281.01

          Including: Interest payable        124,190.30         26,335.66

                       Dividend payable

     Commission charge and
commission payable

     Reinsurance payable

     Liability held for sale

     Non-current liabilities due
within one year

     Other current liabilities             16,135,044.00    18,322,972.81
Total current liabilities                259,580,337.89    226,422,832.77

Non-current liabilities:

     Insurance contract reserve

     Long-term loans                      61,000,000.00     61,000,000.00

     Bonds payable

        Including: Preferred stock

                     Perpetual capital

     Lease liability

     Long-term account payable

     Long-term wages payable

     Accrual liability                        64,411.00         64,411.00

     Deferred income                        4,043,640.00      4,043,640.00

     Deferred income tax liabilities

     Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities             65,108,051.00     65,108,051.00

Total liabilities                        324,688,388.89    291,530,883.77

Owner’s equity:

     Share capital                       283,161,227.00    283,161,227.00

     Other equity instrument

        Including: Preferred stock

                     Perpetual capital

     Capital public reserve              146,577,771.50    146,577,771.50

     Less: Inventory shares

     Other comprehensive income

     Reasonable reserve

     Surplus public reserve               77,391,593.25     77,391,593.25

     Provision of general risk

     Retained profit                     -162,768,842.83   -170,881,854.46

Total owner’ s equity attributable to
                                         344,361,748.92    336,248,737.29
parent company

     Minority interests

Total owner’ s equity                   344,361,748.92    336,248,737.29

Total liabilities and owner’ s equity   669,050,137.81    627,779,621.06
2. Consolidated Profit Statement (from the year-begin to the period-end)

                                                                                                   Unit: Yuan

                        Item                  Current period                  Last period

 I. Total operating income                               603,532,726.46                     500,887,222.16

       Including: Operating income                       603,532,726.46                     500,887,222.16

               Interest income

               Insurance gained

               Commission charge and
 commission income

 II. Total operating cost                                592,280,418.87                     496,032,602.64

       Including: Operating cost                         525,693,924.66                     436,770,935.85

               Interest expense

               Commission charge and
 commission expense

               Cash surrender value

               Net amount of expense of

               Net amount of withdrawal
 of insurance contract reserve

               Bonus expense of
 guarantee slip

               Reinsurance expense

               Tax and extras                                  2,180,093.13                   1,697,965.55

               Sales expense                               18,991,695.17                     14,895,442.53

               Administrative expense                      33,036,011.08                     29,667,000.90

               R&D expense                                     5,653,280.67                   4,313,254.44

               Financial expense                               6,725,414.16                   8,688,003.37

                      Including: Interest
                                                               5,977,916.47                   6,620,657.92

                                                                234,372.30                     -694,194.83

       Add: other income                                        345,453.35                     645,623.00

             Investment income (Loss is
                                                                238,661.58                     103,172.15
 listed with “-”)

             Including: Investment
 income on affiliated company and joint

                     The termination of
income recognition for financial assets
measured by amortized cost (Loss is
listed with “-”)

              Exchange income (Loss is
listed with “-”)

              Net exposure hedging
income (Loss is listed with “-”)

              Income from change of fair
value (Loss is listed with “-”)

              Loss of credit impairment
(Loss is listed with “-”)

              Losses of devaluation of
asset (Loss is listed with “-”)

              Income from assets disposal
                                                  21,059.60      -93,373.67
(Loss is listed with “-”)

III. Operating profit (Loss is listed with
                                               10,507,482.12   5,510,041.00

         Add: Non-operating income               394,744.60     681,877.61

         Less: Non-operating expense             219,887.56        7,302.38

IV. Total profit (Loss is listed with “-”)   10,682,339.16   6,184,616.23

         Less: Income tax expense               2,569,327.53   1,333,529.74

V. Net profit (Net loss is listed with
                                                8,113,011.63   4,851,086.49

   (i) Classify by business continuity

         1.continuous operating net profit
                                                8,113,011.63   4,851,086.49
(net loss listed with ‘-”)

         2.termination of net profit (net
loss listed with ‘-”)

   (ii) Classify by ownership

         1.Net profit attributable to
                                                8,113,011.63   4,851,086.49
owner’s of parent company

         2.Minority shareholders’ gains
and losses

VI. Net after-tax of other
comprehensive income

   Net after-tax of other comprehensive
income attributable to owners of parent

     (i) Other comprehensive income
items which will not be reclassified
subsequently to profit of loss

             1.Changes of the defined
benefit plans that re-measured

             2.Other comprehensive
income under equity method that
cannot be transfer to gain/loss

             3.Change of fair value of
investment in other equity instrument

             4.Fair value change of
enterprise's credit risk

             5. Other

      (ii) Other comprehensive income
items which will be reclassified
subsequently to profit or loss

             1.Other comprehensive
income under equity method that can
transfer to gain/loss

             2.Change of fair value of
other debt investment

             3.Amount of financial
assets re-classify to other
comprehensive income

             4.Credit impairment
provision for other debt investment

             5.Cash flow hedging

             6.Translation differences
arising on translation of foreign
currency financial statements


  Net after-tax of other comprehensive
income attributable to minority

VII. Total comprehensive income           8,113,011.63   4,851,086.49

     Total comprehensive income           8,113,011.63   4,851,086.49
attributable to owners of parent

     Total comprehensive income
attributable to minority shareholders

VIII. Earnings per share:

     (i) Basic earnings per share       0.0288   0.0171

     (ii) Diluted earnings per share    0.0288   0.0171