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特 力B:2024年半年度报告(英文版)2024-08-21  

                                Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.


       2024 Semi-annual Report

                August 2024

                            Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

       Section I Important Notes, Contents, and Interpretations

     The Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors and directors,
supervisors, and senior executives of the Company guarantee that the present
semi-annual report is true, accurate, and complete without false records,
misleading statements, or major omissions, and undertake the joint and
several legal liabilities arising therefrom.

     Fu Chunlong, head of the Company, Huang Tianyang, the person in
charge of accounting, and Yu Taiping, the person in charge of the accounting
firm (accountant in charge) declare to guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy,
and completeness of the financial report in this semi-annual report.
     All directors of the Company have attended the meeting of the Board of
Directors to review the semi-annual report.

     The Company has described the potential risks in detail in this report.

Investors are hereby kindly requested to pay attention to and read "X. Risks

Faced by the Company and Countermeasures" of "Section III Management

Discussion and Analysis" within this report.

     The Company has no plans to distribute cash dividends, issue bonus
shares, and convert reserved funds into share capital.

                                               Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

                                                  Table of Contents
Section I Important Notes, Contents, and Interpretations ............................................................ 2
Section II Company Profile and Major Financial Indicators ........................................................6
Section III Management Discussion and Analysis .......................................................................... 9
Section IV Corporate Governance ................................................................................................. 24
Section V Environmental and Social Responsibility .................................................................... 25
Section VI Important Matters ........................................................................................................ 26
Section VII Changes in Shares and Shareholders ........................................................................ 36
Section VIII Preferred Shares ........................................................................................................ 41
Section IX Bonds ..............................................................................................................................42
Section X Financial Report ............................................................................................................. 43

                                      Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

                                 List of Reference Documents

I. Accounting statements signed and sealed by the legal representative, the person in charge of accounting, and

the person in charge of the accounting firm.

II. Originals of all company documents and announcements that have been publicly disclosed during the

reporting period.

III. The above documents for future reference shall be kept at the Secretariat Office of the Board of Directors of

the Company.

                                            Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Interpretation term                                      refers to   Interpretation content
CSRC                                                     refers to   China Securities Regulatory Commission
SZSE                                                     refers to   Shenzhen Stock Exchange
                                                                     Shenzhen Branch of China Securities Depository and
CSDC Shenzhen Branch                                     refers to
                                                                     Clearing Corporation Limited
Company, the Company, and Tellus Holding                 refers to   SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.
Reporting period, this reporting period                  refers to   The first half of 2024
                                                                     the State-owned Assets Supervision and Management
Shenzhen SASAC                                           refers to   Commission of Shenzhen Municipal People's
                                                                     Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Development Group
SDG, SDG Group, and controlling shareholder              refers to
                                                                     Co., Ltd.
SIHC                                                     refers to   Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Jewelry, SJIS                                   refers to   Shenzhen Jewelry Industry Service Co., Ltd.
Guorun, Guorun Gold                                      refers to   Guorun Gold Shenzhen Co., Ltd.
                                                                     Shenzhen Tellus Treasury Supply Chain Treasury
Tellus Treasury, Treasury                                refers to
                                                                     Supply Chain Company
Shanghai Fanyue, Fanyue                                  refers to   Shanghai Fanyue Diamond Co., Ltd.
Zhongtian Company                                        refers to   Shenzhen Zhongtian Industry Co., Ltd.
Automobile Industry and Trade Company                    refers to   Shenzhen Automobile Industry and Trade Co., Ltd.
SDG Huari                                                refers to   Shenzhen SDG Huari Automobile Enterprise Co., Ltd.
Huari Toyota                                             refers to   Shenzhen Huari Toyota Sales & Service Co., Ltd.
Renfu Tellus                                             refers to   Shenzhen Renfu Tellus Automobiles Service Co., Ltd.
GAC                                                      refers to   Gems & Jewelry Trade Association of China
Tellus Jewelry Building, Jewelry Building                refers to   Tellus Shuibei Jewelry Building
Tellus Gold and Diamond Building, Gold and Diamond
                                                         refers to   Tellus Gold and Diamond Trading Building
                                                                     Shenzhen International Jewelry and Jade
Comprehensive Trade Platform                             refers to
                                                                     Comprehensive Trade Platform

                                            Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

          Section II Company Profile and Major Financial Indicators

I. Company Profile

Stock abbreviation               Tellus A, Tellus B               Stock code                        000025 and200025
Stock exchange on which the
                                 Shenzhen Stock Exchange
shares are listed
Chinese name of the
Chinese abbreviation (if any)    Tellus A
English name of the Company
                                 SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.
(if any)
English abbreviation (if any)    N/A
Legal representative of the
                                 Fu Chunlong

II. Contact Persons and Contact Information

                                            Secretary of the Board of Directors          Securities affairs representative
Name                                        Qi Peng                                      Liu Menglei
                                            3/F, Tellus Building, 2nd Shuibei Road,      3/F, Tellus Building, 2nd Shuibei Road,
                                            Luohu District, Shenzhen                     Luohu District, Shenzhen
Tel.                                        (0755) 83989390                              (0755) 88394183
Fax                                         (0755) 83989386                              (0755) 83989386
E-mail                                      ir@tellus.cn                                 liuml@tellus.cn

III. Other Information

1. Contact information

Whether the Company's registered address, office address and postal code, company website, e-mail, etc. changed during the
reporting period?
□ Applicable Not applicable
There was no change in the Company's registered address, office address and postal code, website, e-mail, etc. during the reporting
period. Please refer to the 2023 Annual Report for details.

2. Information disclosure and designated location

Whether the information disclosure and designated location changed during the reporting period?
□ Applicable Not applicable
The names and websites of the stock exchange websites and media on which the Company disclosed the semi-annual report and
the designated location of the Company's semi-annual report remained unchanged during the reporting period. For details, please
refer to the 2023 annual report.

                                           Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

3. Other relevant information

Whether other relevant information changed during the reporting period?
□ Applicable Not applicable

IV. Major Accounting Data and Financial Indicators

Whether the Company needs to retrospectively adjust or restate the accounting data for the previous years
□Yes No

                                                                                                   Increase/decrease  in   the
                                                                  Same period of the previous      reporting period over the
                                 Reporting period
                                                                  year                             same period of the previous
Operating revenue (RMB)          1,580,023,748.85                 704,836,410.94                   124.17%
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed       76,662,479.69                    44,139,962.93                    73.68%
company (RMB)
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed
company after non-recurring      70,454,786.31                    37,650,680.93                    87.13%
gains and losses (RMB) are
Net cash flows from operating
                                 107,309,488.92                   -10,241,941.90                   1,147.75%
activities (RMB)
Basic earnings     per   share
                                 0.1778                           0.1024                           73.63%
Diluted earnings per share
                                 0.1778                           0.1024                           73.63%
Weighted average ROE             4.66%                            2.89%                            1.77%
                                                                                                   Increase/decrease at the end
                                                                                                   of the reporting period as
                                 End of the reporting period      End of the previous year
                                                                                                   compared with the end of the
                                                                                                   previous year
Total assets (RMB)               2,493,228,681.47                 2,403,851,684.45                 3.72%
Net assets attributable to
shareholders of the listed       1,667,204,726.70                 1,603,905,054.93                 3.95%
company (RMB)

V. Discrepancy of Accounting Data under the Domestic and Foreign Accounting Standards

1. Discrepancy in net profit and net assets in the financial report disclosed simultaneously according to
international accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards

□ Applicable Not applicable
There is no discrepancy in net profit and net assets in the financial reports disclosed by the Company following international
accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards in the reporting period.

                                              Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

2. Discrepancy in net profit and net assets in the financial report disclosed simultaneously according to
overseas accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards

□ Applicable Not applicable
There is no discrepancy in net profit and net assets in the financial reports disclosed by the Company following overseas
accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards in the reporting period.

VI. Non-recurring Profit or Loss Items and Amounts

Applicable □ Not applicable
Unit: RMB

Item                                          Amount                                    Note
Profit and loss of non-current assets
disposal (including the write-off part of     -227.20
the provision for impairment of assets)
Government subsidies included in the
current profits and losses (excluding
those that are closely related to the
Company's normal business operations,
in line with national policies and
regulations, and granted per defined
criteria, with a continuous influence on
the Company's profits and losses)
Profit or loss from changes in the fair
value of financial assets and financial
liabilities held by the Company as a non-
financial company, as well as profit or
loss from the disposal of the financial       2,373,536.49                              Mainly from money management returns
assets and financial liabilities, except in
effective hedging activities related to the
normal operating activities of the
Other non-operating incomes and
expenditures apart from the aforesaid         1,004,694.78
Less: Amount of influence of income tax       2,237,809.41
      Amount of influence of minority
stockholder's interests (after-tax)
Total                                         6,207,693.38
Other gains or losses conforming to the definition of non-recurring gains or losses:
□ Applicable Not applicable
The Company has no other gains or losses conforming to the definition of non-recurring gains or losses.
Explanation on defining the non-recurring gains or losses set out in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information
Disclosure for Companies Offering Securities to the Public — Non-Recurring Gains or Losses as recurring gains or losses
□ Applicable Not applicable
The Company does not define any non-recurring gains or losses set out in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information
Disclosure for Companies Offering Securities to the Public — Non-Recurring Gains or Losses as recurring gains or losses.

                                       Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Section III Management Discussion and Analysis

I. Main Business of the Company during the Reporting Period

     (I) The main business of the Company during the reporting period includes jewelry third-party services,

     commercial complex operations, and property leasing business.

     1. Jewelry third-party services: With the development vision of "being committed to providing high-quality

service supply and growing with the jewelry industry", the Company relies on its advantages, gathers domestic

and foreign high-quality industry resources, and cooperates with outstanding leading enterprises in the industry to

build a third-party service platform that meets the needs of the vast industry. The company has set up subsidiaries

such as Shenzhen Jewelry, Guorun Gold, Tellus Treasury, and Shanghai Fanyue. Through the construction and

operation of a comprehensive jewelry and jade trade platform, gold circulation business, and third-party

depository business for high-end jewelry, it creates a wide range of service products to fully meet various needs

from customers at different levels, and gradually builds and enriches the service ecosystem of the jewelry industry

through a sound service industrial chain. It strives to fill the market gap, solve customers' pain points, play a

benchmarking role in the industry, and promote the compliance process of the industry.

2. Commercial complex operation and property leasing business: The Company is the largest owner of Tellus-

Gmond Gold Jewelry Industrial Park in the Shuibei area. The Tellus Jewelry Building and Tellus Gold and

Diamond Trading Building invested by the Company have been put into operation, maintaining a high occupancy

rate. In addition, the Company holds a significant amount of property resources in areas such as Luohu and Futian

in Shenzhen. While maintaining the stability of its existing leasing business, the Company actively promotes the

improvement of property quality. It is transitioning its old properties from traditional simple leasing to

commercial property operation, with a focus on enhancing and exploring the added value of its property brands.

This initiative aims to establish innovative industrial projects that align with the overall strategic layout of the city,

the district, and the Company.

                                     Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

     (II) Description of the main business models of the jewelry business

     1. Sales model

     At present, the Company adopts both wholesale and retail as the main sales models for gold and jewelry.

Additionally, it provides supporting services such as customs declaration, gold exchange, and safe deposit box

leasing. The sales revenue composition of the jewelry business in H1 2024 is as follows:
                            Amount     of   operating Amount of operating cost
Model                       revenue (RMB 10,000)      (RMB 10,000)             Gross profit rate

Wholesale                   101,708.16                   99,565.35                     2.11%

Retail sales                41,920.73                    41,155.49                     1.83%

Other services              543.57                       321.84                        40.79%

Total                       144,172.46                   141,042.68                    2.17%

    2. Production model
  At present, the Company's gold and related products mainly use a commissioned processing model, while
diamonds, colored gemstones, and other products do not involve processing. The production mode composition in
H1 2024 is as follows:

Production model                        Amount (RMB 10,000)                  Proportion

Finished products through         the
                                        140,688.84                           100.00%
commissioned processing

Total                                   140,688.84                           100.00%

3. Purchase model

  Gold and related products: The Company purchases gold raw materials from Shanghai Gold Exchange or other

qualified organizations or leases them from banks;

Diamonds: The Company purchases finished diamonds from overseas diamond suppliers and imports them

through Shanghai Diamond Exchange;

Other jewelry and jade: The Company purchases such products from overseas jewelry and jade suppliers and

handles tax-paying import procedures through Shenzhen Jewelry.

  The procurement model in H1 2024 is as follows:

Purchase model              Raw materials                Purchase quantity             Purchase amount

                                          Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

                                                             (kg)                           (RMB 10,000)

Spot trading                   Gold                          2,698.00                       127,457.16

Spot trading                   Panda gold coin               50.31                          2,479.47

Spot trading                   Silver panda coin             352.60                         244.31

Rental business                Gold                          36.00                          1,540.51

Total                                                        3,136.91                       131,721.45

       4. Operational situation of physical stores during the reporting period

                                                            Sales volume                               Operating cost in
 Store                                                                           revenue in H1
             Address                       Opening time     (kg) in H1                                 H1 2024
 No.                                                                             2024
                                                            2024                                       (RMB 10,000)
                                                                                 (RMB 10,000)

             1/F,    Tellus     Jewelry    September
 1                                                          150.01               6,775.46              6,755.53
             Building                      2023

             B1, Annex Building,
 2                                         March 2024       39.65                1,923.40              1,915.04
             Tellus Jewelry Building

       5. Online sales during the reporting period

                                                                        Operating revenue in
                                                                                                 Operating cost in H1
S/N      Store name                                  Opening time       H1 2024
                                                                                                 (RMB 10,000)
                                                                        (RMB 10,000)
1        Tellus Shuibei's Tmall flagship store       November           6,350.17                 6,202.66

2        Tellus Shuibei's JD flagship store          November           9,855.19                 9,385.74

3        "Self-operated mini-program private-        March 2024         131.27                   129.34
         sphere store" on WeChat

4        Tellus Shuibei's Alibaba auction store      May 2024           16,792.39                16,675.18

5        Tellus Shuibei's Pinduoduo flagship         June 2024          92.84                    91.76

    6. Inventory of gold and jewelry business during the reporting period

                                      Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

As of June 30, 2024, the inventory balance of the Company's jewelry business was RMB 92.1375 million, of

which the amount measured at fair value was RMB 91.4249 million, corresponding to hedged items with

commodity futures contracts and T+D contracts as hedging instruments and the value of gold leased from the


     The Company shall abide by the disclosure requirements of the Guidelines of Shenzhen Stock Exchange for

Self-Regulatory Supervision of Listed Companies No. 3 - Industry Information Disclosure for "jewelry-related


II. Analysis of Core Competitiveness

     (I) Location advantage

     The company is located in Shuibei, the core area of the jewelry industry in Shenzhen, and an influential

professional trading center in China's jewelry industry. Shuibei occupies over 70% of the Chinese gold and

jewelry market and houses over 10,000 gold and jewelry enterprises within a one-square-kilometer area of its core

region. According to data from the Shenzhen Gold & Jewelry Association, Luohu District is home to more than

40 leading jewelry companies and 29 "China Famous Companies", accounting for 30% of the total in the country.

Shuibei has established a complete industrial chain covering design and R&D, production and manufacturing,

exhibition and trading, brand operation, headquarters offices, inspection and testing, and talent training.

The Shuibei area gathers numerous jewelry suppliers and strong merchants, providing the Company with an

excellent business environment and development platform. The Company can quickly capture market dynamics,

respond promptly to market changes, and provide comprehensive third-party jewelry services that meet industry


     (II) Resource advantage

     By leveraging the endorsement of state-owned assets and harnessing industrial synergies, the Company

deeply integrates resources from both the supply and demand sides of the jewelry industry. This positions the

Company with a certain advantage in coordinating upstream resources. The Company has established direct

                                     Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

cooperation with domestic and foreign gold jewelry suppliers and processors and held many domestic commodity

inspection meetings and bonded exhibitions to reduce the cost of commodity inspection and raw material

procurement and improve its operation efficiency. In the first half of the year, a second-hand diamond inspection

meeting was held, showcasing nearly 10,000 carats of loose diamonds and rough diamonds. The event attracted

over 200 professionals, with nearly 70% coming from international diamond businesses abroad. The platform is

creating a new trading model for the jewelry element market, introducing greater liquidity and flexibility, and

injecting new vitality into the diamond market. In terms of customer expansion, the Company has accumulated

certain industry resources and influence. It closely cooperates with the Gems & Jewelry Trade Association of

China and Shenzhen Gold & Jewelry Association, actively participates in and organizes various industry activities,

participates in the formulation of industry standards, and continuously expands the popularity and influence of the

industry. At the same time, it has grasped the trend of digitalization and developed an online platform through

digital transformation. The platform has preliminarily established a certain level of business support and digital

service capabilities.

     In addition, the Company has also brought stable business income and cash flow through commercial

complex operations and property value improvement, which lays a solid foundation for its long-term development.

     (III) Management advantage

     In terms of strategic control, the company continues to improve its management level, strengthen strategic

decomposition and implementation, optimize and adjust the organizational structure, and enhance its functional

guarantee capability. From the perspective of promoting operations through management, the Company has

established a "4S" management mainline system based on the management orientation and the actual situation of

the Company. Scientific and closed-loop management concepts have been established and various management

links have been linked, which serve the Company's strategic implementation in a unified way.

     In terms of risk control, the Company has formulated strict internal business control processes such as

supplier access standards, a customer evaluation system, and a procurement price comparison system to realize

                                           Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

multi-level risk control over capital, information, and logistics. At the same time, it has strengthened internal self-

inspection and risk control system construction, continuously optimized business processes and internal control

systems in the process of business implementation, and carried out research and innovation on new categories and

new business models under the premise of controllable risks. With the help of information system construction,

system data analysis, and foresight, the risk early warning capability of business and risk control departments has

been improved.

     In terms of human resources, the Company has optimized the employee employment mechanism and

interview process to unleash organizational vitality through two-way communication. It has optimized and

improved the training system, established a mentorship system to rapidly enhance the work capabilities and

efficiency of new employees, preliminarily built a middle-level management training mechanism centered around

management ability assessment and feedback, and increased efforts in talent development.

III. Analysis of Main Business

See "I. Main Business of the Company during the Reporting Period" for relevant content.
YoY changes in main financial data
Unit: RMB

                                                 Same period of the
                          Reporting period                              increase/decreas   Reason of change
                                                 previous year
                                                                                           The business volume of gold
Operating revenue         1,580,023,748.85       704,836,410.94         124.17%            increased during the reporting
                                                                                           Increasing with the gold business
Operating cost            1,451,925,990.76       608,604,638.40         138.57%
Selling expenses          10,655,583.07          11,963,099.01          -10.93%
                          23,758,940.40          28,817,829.38          -17.55%
                                                                                           The main factor was loan interest
Financial expenses        3,685,893.43           1,391,732.79           164.84%            expenses for increased gold
                                                                                           The main reason was the increase in
Income tax expenses       19,663,631.30          12,466,659.92          57.73%             total profit compared to the same
                                                                                           period last year
                                                                                           Mainly R&D input for the jewelry
R&D input                 1,525,705.48
Net cash flow from                                                                         Firstly, the reduction in inventory
                          107,309,488.92         -10,241,941.90         1,147.75%
operating activities                                                                       for the gold business; secondly, an

                                             Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

                                                                                                increase in rental income from the
                                                                                                Tellus Gold and Diamond Building.
                                                                                                The main reason is that the on-
                                                                                                maturity redemptions related to
Net cash flows from                                                                             money management during this
                           -136,462,605.64        -272,561,687.30         49.93%
investing activities                                                                            reporting      period     increased
                                                                                                compared to the same period last
                                                                                                The main reason is that the increase
Net cash flows from                                                                             in loans for the gold business
                           24,828,865.44          152,917,899.92          -83.76%
financing activities                                                                            during this reporting period
                                                                                                Firstly, a year-on-year decrease in
                                                                                                money management redemptions
                                                                                                during the reporting period;
Net increase in cash
                           -4,323,672.93          -129,885,729.28         96.67%                secondly, a reduction in inventory
and cash equivalents
                                                                                                for the gold business; thirdly, an
                                                                                                increase in rental income from the
                                                                                                Tellus Gold and Diamond Building.
Significant changes in the Company's profit composition or source during the reporting period
□ Applicable Not applicable
There are no significant changes in the Company's profit composition or source during the reporting period.
Operating revenue composition
Unit: RMB
                       Reporting period                            Same period of the previous year
                                              Proportion     in                                                 Year-on-year
                                                                                        Proportion      in      increase/decrease
                       Amount                 operating            Amount
                                                                                        operating revenue
Total   operating
                       1,580,023,748.85       100%                 704,836,410.94       100%                    124.17%
Wholesale        and
                       1,441,734,815.25       91.25%               536,696,671.25       76.14%                  168.63%
retail of jewelry
Property lease and
                       138,078,049.35         8.74%                115,235,431.84       16.35%                  19.82%
Others                 210,884.25             0.01%                52,904,307.85        7.51%                   -99.60%
Wholesale        and
                       1,441,734,815.25       91.25%               536,696,671.25       76.14%                  168.63%
retail of jewelry
Property lease and
                       138,078,049.35         8.74%                115,235,431.84       16.35%                  19.82%
Others                 210,884.25             0.01%                52,904,307.85        7.51%                   -99.60%
South China            1,017,725,204.81       64.41%               648,208,941.49       91.97%                  57.01%
East China             89,258,835.53          5.65%                0.00                 0.00%
North China            426,593,372.53         27.00%               56,627,469.45        8.03%                   653.33%
Central China          37,329,652.67          2.36%                0.00                 0.00%
Other regions          9,116,683.31           0.58%                0.00                 0.00%
Situation of industries, products, or regions with operating revenues or operating profits accounting for more than 10% of that of
the Company
Applicable □ Not applicable
Unit: RMB

                                           Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

                                                                             Year-on-year                         Year-on-year
                                                                Gross                           Year-on-year
                                                                             movement in                          movement in
                      Operating revenue    Operating cost       profit                          movement in
                                                                             operating                            gross   profit
                                                                rate                            operating cost
                                                                             revenue                              rate
By industry
Wholesale       and
                      1,441,734,815.25     1,410,424,605.61     2.17%        168.63%            170.55%           -0.70%
retail of jewelry
Property      lease
                      138,078,049.35       41,501,385.15        69.94%       19.82%             7.49%             3.45%
and service
Wholesale       and
                      1,441,734,815.25     1,410,424,605.61     2.17%        168.63%            170.55%           -0.70%
retail of jewelry
Property      lease
                      138,078,049.35       41,501,385.15        69.94%       19.82%             7.49%             3.45%
and service
South China           1,017,514,320.56     897,350,269.66       11.81%       70.92%             78.15%            -3.58%
East China            89,258,835.53        87,765,772.74        1.67%
North China           426,593,372.53       421,213,393.61       1.26%        653.33%            649.17%           0.55%
Central China         37,329,652.67        36,682,757.99        1.73%
Other regions         9,116,683.31         8,913,796.76         2.23%
The Company's main business data for the most recent period after adjustment based on the caliber at the end of the reporting
period if the statistical caliber of the Company's main business data is adjusted during the reporting period
□ Applicable Not applicable

IV. Analysis of Non-Main Business

Applicable □ Not applicable
Unit: RMB

                                                 Proportion in total
                           Amount                                        Reason                           Sustainable or not
                                                                         Wealth management income
                                                                         and investment income with
Investment income          14,706,604.25         14.83%                  the recognition of the equity    No
                                                                         method of shareholding
                                                                         Changes in fair value of
                                                                         unexpired               wealth
Profits and losses of
                           -2,981,593.36         -3.01%                  management products, gold        No
changes in fair value
                                                                         leasing     business,     and
                                                                         hedging tools
                                                                         Changes fee for businesses
                                                                         to change contracts, and the
Non-operating income       1,112,033.25          1.12%                                                    No
                                                                         liquidated damages for early
                                                                         cancellation of leases.
                                                                         Liquidated damages repaid
                           107,338.47            0.11%                   to businesses due to             No

                                              Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

V. Analysis of Assets and Liabilities

1. Major changes in asset composition

Unit: RMB
                    End of the reporting period                   As of the end of the previous year                        Explanat
                                                                                                                            ion   of
                                         Proportion in total                               Proportion     in   increase/d
                    Amount                                        Amount                                                    major
                                         assets                                            total assets        ecrease
Cash at bank
                    228,605,222.29       9.17%                    220,340,961.64           9.17%               0.00%
and on hand
                    197,419,232.54       7.92%                    99,635,751.52            4.14%               3.78%
Inventories         92,137,538.10        3.70%                    178,425,833.88           7.42%               -3.72%
                    992,091,283.53       39.79%                   1,008,137,341.80         41.94%              -2.15%
equity              81,390,604.97        3.26%                    76,511,487.57            3.18%               0.08%
Fixed assets        74,890,303.79        3.00%                    78,935,843.49            3.28%               -0.28%
Construction in
                    15,159,796.57        0.61%                    7,279,570.05             0.30%               0.31%
                    67,177,997.92        2.69%                    71,904,716.50            2.99%               -0.30%
                    160,119,111.11       6.42%                    145,131,694.44           6.04%               0.38%
                    5,509,635.75         0.22%                    7,079,975.38             0.29%               -0.07%
                                         0.00%                    0.00                     0.00%               0.00%
Lease liabilities   64,188,913.70        2.57%                    69,524,214.23            2.89%               -0.32%

2. Primary overseas assets

□ Applicable Not applicable

3. Assets and liabilities at fair value

Applicable □ Not applicable
Unit: RMB

                               Gains     or
                                                  Accumulate    Impair
                               losses from                                                                      Othe
                 Period-                          d change in   ment      Purchase
                               changes in                                                    Sales amount       r       Period-end
Item             beginning                        fair value    accrued   amount in this
                               fair   value                                                  in this period     chan    amount
                 amount                           included in   in this   period
                               during this                                                                      ges
                                                  equity        period
1.     Trading   206,294,93    219,551.09                                 411,000,000.0      240,000,000.0              377,514,483.

                                            Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

financial       1.94                                                  0                 0                        03
                298,320.00    -298,320.00                                                                        0.00
3.     Other
                67,627,948.   1,706,900.0                                                                        105,986,078.
debt                                                                  62,161,530.32     25,510,300.00
                60            0                                                                                  92
4.     Other
                383,317.67                                                                                       383,317.67
Subtotal of
                274,604,51    1,628,131.0                             473,161,530.3     265,510,300.0            483,883,879.
                8.21          9                                       2                 0                        62
Hedged          85,802,395.                                           1,648,441,608     1,664,937,066            68,886,072.5
items           07                                                    .31               .37                      6
Total of the    360,406,91    1,207,266.6                             2,121,603,138     1,930,447,366            552,769,952.
above           3.28          4                                       .63               .37                      18
Financial       56,883,334.   2,208,355.9                                                                        37,433,630.7
                                                                      17,407,800.00     39,065,860.00
liabilities     76            8                                                                                  4

Other changes
Whether major changes occurred to the measurement attributes of the main assets of the Company within the reporting period?
□Yes No

4. Restriction on asset rights as at the end of the reporting period

(Unit: RMB)

Item                                                            Book value on June 30, 2024

Futures and options account margin                              4,104,642.60

Gold leasing security deposits and interests                    40,477,138.89

Margin payable security deposits and interests                  28,123,726.04

Total                                                           72,705,507.53

VI. Analysis of Investment

1. Overview

Applicable □ Not applicable
Investment     in the reporting period      Amount of investment in the same period
                                                                                      Change range
(RMB)                                       of the previous year (RMB)
13,519,694.27                               81,253,722.19                             -83.36%

                                              Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

2. Significant equity investment acquired in the reporting period

□ Applicable Not applicable

3. Significant non-equity investment ongoing in the reporting period

□ Applicable Not applicable

4. Financial assets investment

(1) Security investment

□ Applicable Not applicable
The Company had no securities investment during the reporting period.

(2) Investment in derivatives

Applicable □ Not applicable

1) Investment in derivatives for hedging purposes during the reporting period

Applicable □ Not applicable
Unit: RMB 10,000

                                                Gains or
                                                                                                                  of        the
                                                              Accumula                                            investment
                        Initial                 from                       Buying       Selling
                                                              ted                                                 amount in
                        invest    Period-       changes                    amount       amount          Period-
Type of investment                                            change in                                           net assets of
                        ment      beginning     in     fair                during the   during    the   end
in derivatives                                                fair value                                          the
                        amou      amount        value                      reporting    reporting       amount
                                                              included                                            Company at
                        nt                      during                     period       period
                                                              in equity                                           the end of
                                                                                                                  the reporting
Futures (Everbright
                        38.2      0             0             0            221.60       221.60          0         0.00%
Futures       (T+D
                        77.6      358.15        0             0            701.37       1,055.12        4.39      0.00%
Futures     (Huatai
                        1,050     667.45        -19.54        0            20,718.97    21,127.95       258.47    0.14%
Revenue       swap
                        50        0             0             0            154.18       154.18          0         0.00%
(CITIC account)
Futures     (CITIC
                        57.2      146.61        -37.96        0            55,199.07    52,727.25       611.90    0.34%
Total                   1,273     1,172.21      -57.50        0            76,995.19    75,286.10       874.76    0.48%
Accounting policies
and          specific
principles         of
accounting        for
hedging     business
during the reporting
period and whether
there    was     any

                                              Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

significant change in
them compared to
the          previous
reporting period
Explanation      of
actual gains and          Due to the rise in gold price, the actual hedging loss of futures account during the reporting period was
losses during the         RMB 9.8331 million.
reporting period
                          Measurement method of hedge effectiveness: Hedge effectiveness = change in the price of futures/change
                          in the price of spot goods. The closer this value is to 100%, the higher the effectiveness of the hedging will
                          be. The losses from futures due to price fluctuations amounted to RMB 9.8331 million, while the spot
Explanation         of
                          goods saw an increase of RMB 8.3144 million during the reporting period. This was due to the significant
                          efforts to expand the online e-commerce retail model during the reporting period. Additionally, the gold
                          prices experienced considerable volatility in May and June of this reporting period, which weakened the
                          effectiveness of hedging under the retail model. Overall, the Company's hedging strategy remains
Source of funds for
investment       in       Self-owned funds
                          The Company's hedging transactions follow the following basic principles: The value change of futures
                          variety and contract quantity is roughly equivalent to that of spot positions; futures positions are in the
                          opposite direction to spot positions; and the time period in which the futures position is held corresponds
Risk analysis and         to the time period in which the risk is borne by the spot market. The main risks of positions in gold futures
control measures for      include basis risks, forced liquidation risks, and operational error risks.
positions            in   1. For the basis risk, when the basis risk shrinks, prioritize using gold leases as inventory and minimize or
derivatives during        keep no proprietary stock;
the reporting period      2. For the risk of forced liquidation, establish a risk alert system that triggers a set capital plan when there
(including but not        are significant fluctuations in gold price to maintain adequate funds in margin accounts; if there is an
limited to market         emergency triggering forced liquidation, report it to the Company's management promptly and replenish
risks, liquidity risks,   the hedging position that has been forced liquidated in an appropriate time;
credit           risks,   3. For the risk of operational errors, implement a trader training mechanism, strictly adhere to system and
operational      risks,   workflow requirements to perform operations and reviews accordingly, and provide daily reports
and legal risks)          consistently.
                          The Company has established a scientific and effective hedging management system, which is
                          implemented through four key aspects: Organizational structure design, planning systems, management
                          and evaluation procedures, and dynamic risk monitoring.
For changes in
market price or
product fair value
during the reporting
period of invested
                          During the reporting period, the fair value change of the futures contract hedging the holding position was
derivatives, analysis
                          RMB -575,000. The Company adopted the closing price of the futures contract held in the Shanghai Gold
of the fair value of
                          Exchange on the last trading day in June 2024 (June 28) as the fair value, and the floating profit and loss
derivatives     shall
                          was the change in fair value.
disclose the specific
measures used and
related hypotheses
and        parameter
Involvement         in
litigation          (if   None

                                             Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

2) Investment in derivatives for speculative purposes during the reporting period

□ Applicable Not applicable
During the reporting period, the Company had no investment in derivatives for speculative purposes.

5. Usage of raised funds

□ Applicable Not applicable
No raised funds were used within the reporting period of the Company.

VII. Sales of Major Assets and Equity

1. Sales of major assets

□ Applicable Not applicable
No major asset was sold during the reporting period of the Company.

2. Sales of major equity

□ Applicable Not applicable

VIII. Analysis of Main Holding Companies and Joint-stock Companies

Applicable □ Not applicable
Main subsidiaries and joint-stock companies that have an impact on the Company's net profit of 10% or more
Unit: RMB

Company                                      Registere                                 Operating      Operating
             pany     Main business                      Total assets   Net assets                                  Net profits
name                                         d capital                                 revenue        profit
                      Jewelry         fair
                      planning, jewelry
                      sales, exhibition
             Subsi    and         display    100,000,    60,317,832     39,818,475.8   4,885,485.     3,887,147.2   3,862,947.2
             diary    planning,              000         .10            9              65             8             8
Co., Ltd.
                      services,       and
                      Sales of gold bars
Guorun                for investment,
Gold         Subsi    gold     recycling,    200,000,    410,840,60     198,582,706.   1,427,534,
                                                                                                      488,490.37    670,179.30
Shenzhen     diary    and            gold    000         4.30           09             581.98
Co., Ltd.             purification/excha
                      nge services
Shenzhen              Purchase, sales,
Tellus                and leasing of
                                                                                                      -             -
Treasury     Subsi    gold ornaments         50,000,0    118,905,93     44,918,583.6   9,245,679.
                                                                                                      1,506,800.7   1,506,803.5
Supply       diary    and        precious    00          8.53           6              34
                                                                                                      7             7
Chain                 metal products,
Treasury              leasing of safe

                                            Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Supply                 deposit  boxes,
Chain                  and warehousing
Company                services
Zhongtian     Subsi                         366,221,     606,395,56    462,204,351.   55,717,572   38,792,461.   29,744,525.
                       Property lease
Industry      diary                         900          0.10          13             .41          21            80
Co., Ltd.
              Subsi                         58,960,0     233,769,12    199,440,254.   16,984,909   17,672,810.   12,842,908.
e Industry             Property lease
              diary                         00           0.91          87             .89          03            88
and Trade
Co., Ltd.
ng Motor
              Subsi                         9,607,80     13,093,868                   3,356,228.   2,194,179.8   2,084,354.2
Vehicle                Property lease                                  7,302,422.22
              diary                         0            .31                          73           1             4
Co., Ltd.
              Subsi                         32,900,0     96,549,794    77,888,966.3   6,152,466.   4,061,708.4   3,048,221.5
Automobil              Property lease
              diary                         00           .12           1              75           1             6
ent    Co.,
Renfu         Joint-
Tellus        stock    Automobile sales     30,000,0     229,844,77    75,433,079.9   385,757,90   46,885,304.   35,552,134.
Automobil     comp     and maintenance      00           3.37          8              7.13         56            52
es Service    any
Co., Ltd.
                       Investment   in
              Joint-   industrial
              stock    development,         53,704,9     342,612,56    83,061,356.6   68,891,890   19,400,904.   14,559,666.
              comp     property             60           6.25          4              .69          56            49
              any      management, and
Co., Ltd.
Acquisition and disposal of subsidiaries during the reporting period
□ Applicable Not applicable
Description of main holding companies and joint-stock companies

IX. Structured Entities Controlled by the Company

□ Applicable Not applicable

X. Risks Faced by the Company and Countermeasures

     (I) Market environment changes:

                                         Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

     The increase in international friction and disputes has a significant impact on the price trends of raw

materials such as gold. At the same time, changes in the domestic economic environment greatly influence

consumers' purchasing power and willingness to spend, posing challenges for the development of the jewelry


     To address this risk, the Company will actively implement various preventive measures: Firstly, continuously

strengthen risk management by establishing a compliance management department, innovate risk prevention and

control methods, and enhance risk management capabilities; secondly, firmly advance the Company's strategic

transformation, promote the implementation of transformation projects through innovative business models,

explore incremental markets, expand business scale, and seek new profit growth points to continuously improve

the Company's competitiveness and provide a solid foundation for the Company's long-term stable development.

     (II) Insufficient reserve of professionals

     Talent is the foundation of enterprise development. After continuous optimization and adjustment, the talent

issue has been alleviated to a certain extent. However, with the continuous deepening and expansion of

transformation business, the shortage of talent is still serious.

     In response to this risk, the company conducted a comprehensive talent demand analysis, clarifying the

required number of personnel, professional skills, and quality requirements for each position. A precise

recruitment strategy was developed to attract and select outstanding talent. Talent cultivation and development

were strengthened, and employees' professional qualities and overall capabilities were enhanced through both

internal and external training programs. A mentoring system was implemented to provide one-on-one guidance

for young employees, facilitating their continuous growth and development within the Company. A solid talent

foundation for the Company was constructed through various measures.

XI. Implementation of the Action Plan for "Improvement in Quality and Return"

Has the Company disclosed the announcement on the action plan for "improvement in quality and return"?
□Yes No

                                           Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Section IV Corporate Governance

I. Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and Extraordinary General Meetings of
Shareholders during the Reporting Period

1. General Meeting of Shareholders during the reporting period

Meeting                       attendance    Holding date           Disclosure date         Meeting's resolutions
                                                                                           For details, please refer to the
                                                                                           Announcement on Resolutions of
2023 Annual    Annual
                                                                                           2023 Annual General Meeting of
General        general        54.36%        April 23, 2024         April 24, 2024
                                                                                           Shareholders (Announcement No.:
Meeting        meeting
                                                                                           2024-015) on Securities Times and
                                                                                           CNINFO (www.cninfo.com.cn).

2. Preferred share shareholders with resumed voting rights requested to convene an Extraordinary
General Meeting of Shareholders

□ Applicable Not applicable

II. Changes in the Company's Directors, Supervisors, and Senior Executives

Applicable □ Not applicable
Name                      Position                   Type                      Date                       Reason
                                                                                                          Resigned from the
Zhang Zheng               Supervisor                 Resigned                  April 8, 2024              position due to work

III. Profit Distribution and Capital Reserves Converted to Share Capital in the Reporting

□ Applicable Not applicable
The Company plans to not distribute cash dividends, issue bonus shares, or transfer share capital from capital reserve in the half

IV. Implementation of the Company's Equity Incentive Plan, Employee Stock Ownership
Plan or Other Employee Incentive Measures

□ Applicable Not applicable
During the reporting period, there was no equity incentive plan, employee stock ownership plan, or other employee incentive
measures, and their implementation for the Company.

                                            Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Section V Environmental and Social Responsibility

I. Major Environmental Protection Issues

Whether the listed company and its subsidiaries belong to the key pollutant discharge units announced by the environmental
protection department?
□Yes No
Administrative penalties imposed for environmental problems during the reporting period

                                                                                        Impact on the
Name of company       Reason          for                                               production     and
                                            Violation             Penalty                                       measures of the
or subsidiary         punishment                                                        operation of the
                                                                                        listed company
None                  None                  None                  None                  None                    None
Disclosure of other environmental information with reference to key pollutant discharge units: Not applicable
Measures to reduce carbon emissions during the reporting period and effects
□ Applicable Not applicable
Reasons for failure to disclose other environmental information: The Company and its subsidiaries are not key pollutant discharge
units announced by the environmental protection department, and there was no punishment due to violations of laws and
regulations during the reporting period.

II. Social Responsibilities

       The Company's Party Committee actively responded to the arrangements and arrangements by higher-level

Party organizations to implement the national rural revitalization initiative. In the first half of 2024, it invested

RMB 87,200 to purchase poverty alleviation products. It has also selected a Party member to Shangyan Village,

Chengtian Town, Shantou, a front-line rural area starting from 2021 to assist in rural revitalization work, serving

for three years so far.

                                           Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Section VI Important Matters

I. Commitments that have been fulfilled by the actual controllers, shareholders, related
parties, purchasers, and other relevant parties of the Company during the reporting period
and have not yet been fulfilled as of the end of the reporting period

Applicable □ Not applicable
                   Commit      Comm                                                                              Comm
Commitment                                                                                            Commitm             for
                   ment        itment     Commitment content                                                     itment
cause                                                                                                 ent time            ma
                   party       type                                                                              period
                                                                                                                 g the
                                          The Company will maintain the independence of the                      being
                                          listed company and maintain personnel independence,                    the
                                          institutional independence, financial independence, and                indire
                   Shenzhe     the
                                          asset integrity with the listed company. The listed                    ct       In
                   n           indepe
                                          company will still have independent operation ability,                 contro   per
                   Investme    ndenc                                                                  December
                                          independent procurement, production, and sales system,                 lling    for
                   nt          e     of                                                               30, 2022
                                          and independent intellectual property rights.                          shareh   ma
                   Holdings    listed
                                          In case of violation of the above commitments, the                     older    nce
                   Co., Ltd.   compa
                                          Company will bear corresponding legal responsibilities,                of
                                          including but not limited to compensation for all losses               Tellus
                                          caused to the listed company.                                          Holdi
                                                                                                                 ng, a
Commitment                                                                                                       ny
made          in                          1. As of the signing date of this Letter of Commitment,
acquisition                               the Company and other enterprises controlled by the
report or report                          Company have not engaged in business and activities that               Durin
of        equity                          are in direct competition with or may constitute direct                g the
change                                    competition with Tellus and will not engage in business                period
                                          and activities that are in direct competition with or may              of
                                          constitute direct competition with Tellus in the future                being
                                          (except those arranged based on Shenzhen SASAC or                      the
                                          similar government agencies);                                          indire
                               Avoid      2. During the period of being the indirect controlling                 ct       In
                               horizo     shareholder of Tellus and during Tellus' listing on the                contro   per
                   Investme                                                                           December
                               ntal       Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the Company will fully                        lling    for
                   nt                                                                                 30, 2022
                               compe      respect the independent operation autonomy of all                      shareh   ma
                               tition     subsidiaries controlled by the Company and ensure that                 older    nce
                   Co., Ltd.
                                          the legitimate rights and interests of Tellus and its                  of
                                          minority shareholders will not be infringed;                           Tellus
                                          3. The Company promises not to seek illegitimate                       Holdi
                                          interests with the status of controlling shareholder of                ng, a
                                          Tellus, thus damaging the rights and interests of Tellus               listed
                                          and its minority shareholders;                                         compa
                                          4. The Company promises not to assist any party to                     ny
                                          engage in any business activities that are in substantial
                                          competition or potential competition with the main

                                             Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

                                           business of Tellus by using the information learned or
                                           known from Tellus;
                                           5. If the Company or other enterprises controlled by the
                                           Company violate the above commitments and guarantees,
                                           the Company shall bear the economic losses caused to the
                                           listed company.
                                           1. The Company and the companies, enterprises, and
                                           economic organizations controlled or actually controlled
                                           by the Company (excluding enterprises controlled by
                                           listed companies, hereinafter collectively referred to as
                                           "affiliated companies") will exercise the rights of
                                           shareholders, fulfill the obligations of shareholders, and
                                           maintain the independence of listed companies in terms of
                                           assets, finance, personnel, business, and institutions in
                                           strict accordance with the provisions of laws, regulations,
                                           and other normative documents;
                                           2. The Company promises not to use its position as a
                                           controlling shareholder to urge the General Meeting of
                                                                                                                     g the
                                           Shareholders or the Board of Directors of the listed
                                           company to make resolutions that infringe upon the
                                           legitimate rights and interests of other shareholders of the
                                           listed company;
                                 Reduc     3. The Company or its affiliated companies will try to
                     Shenzhe     e and     avoid related party transactions with listed companies. If
                                                                                                                     ct       In
                     n           standa    it is inevitable to have related party transactions with
                                                                                                                     contro   per
                     Investme    rdize     listed companies, the Company or its affiliated companies      December
                                                                                                                     lling    for
                     nt          related   will urge the controlled entities to trade with listed         30, 2022
                                                                                                                     shareh   ma
                     Holdings    party     companies on an equal and voluntary basis per fair,
                                                                                                                     older    nce
                     Co., Ltd.   transa    reasonable, and normal commercial transaction
                                 ctions    conditions;
                                           4. The Company or its subsidiaries will strictly adhere to
                                           the decision-making procedures for related-party
                                                                                                                     ng, a
                                           transactions and the corresponding information disclosure
                                           obligations as stipulated in the articles of association of
                                           the listed company and relevant laws and regulations; 5.
                                           The Company or its affiliated companies will ensure that
                                           they will not seek special interests beyond the above
                                           provisions through related party transactions with the
                                           listed company, illegally transfer the funds and profits of
                                           the listed company through related party transactions, or
                                           maliciously damage the legitimate rights and interests of
                                           the listed company and its shareholders through related
                                           party transactions. In case of violation of the above
                                           commitments, the Company will bear corresponding legal
                                           responsibilities, including but not limited to compensation
                                           for all losses caused to the listed company.
Commitment                                                                                                                    In
                     N                     In the future, the Company will disclose relevant
made      during                                                                                                              per
                     TELLUS                information regarding the progress of its new business in      October    Long
the        initial               Others                                                                                       for
                     HOLDIN                a timely, accurate, and sufficient manner per relevant         17, 2014   term
public offering                                                                                                               ma
                     G CO.,                requirements.
or refinancing                                                                                                                nce

                                           Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

                                         Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Development Group
                                         Co., Ltd., the controlling shareholder of the Company,
                                         issued the Letter of Commitment to Avoiding Horizontal
                                         Competition on May 26, 2014. The commitments are as
                                         1. The Company and other enterprises controlled by the
                                         Company other than Tellus Holding are not engaged in
                                         business that is in substantial competition with the main
                                         business of Tellus Holding, and there is no horizontal
Other               n Special
                                         competition relationship with Tellus Holding;                                       In
commitments         Economi     Horizo
                                         2. The Company and its controlled enterprises will not, in                          per
made        for     c Zone      ntal                                                                    May     25,   Long
                                         any form, directly or indirectly engage in or participate in                        for
minority            Develop     compe                                                                   2014          term
                                         business that competes or may compete with the main                                 ma
shareholders of     ment        tition
                                         business of Tellus Holding; 3. If the Company and other                             nce
the Company         Group
                                         enterprises controlled by the Company can engage in or
                    Co., Ltd.
                                         participate in any business opportunity that may compete
                                         with the main business of Tellus Holding, they shall
                                         notify Tellus Holding of the above business opportunity
                                         before implementing or signing relevant agreements. If
                                         Tellus Holding makes a positive reply within a reasonable
                                         period specified in the notice that it is willing to take
                                         advantage of the business opportunity, the business
                                         opportunity will be first offered to Tellus Holding.
                                         From 2023 to 2025, the Company's profits will be first
                                         used to cover the losses of previous years; after making
                                         up for the losses of previous years, on the premise that the                        In
                    N           Divide                                                                                Dece
                                         Company's profits and cash flow meet normal operations                              per
Other               TELLUS      nd                                                                      April   27,   mber
                                         and long-term development, the Company will implement                               for
commitments         HOLDIN      commi                                                                   2023          31,
                                         an active profit distribution method to return it to                                ma
                    G CO.,      tment                                                                                 2025
                                         shareholders. For details, please refer to the Shareholder                          nce
                                         Return Plan for the Next Three Years (2023-2025)
                                         disclosed on www.cninfo.com.cn on April 27, 2023.
Whether     the
are        duly
If            the
commitment is
not     fulfilled
after the time
limit,        the
specific reasons    N/A
for the failure
of fulfillment
and the next
work plan shall
be specified.

II. Occupation of Non-Operating Funds of the Listed Company of Controlling Shareholder
and Other Related Parties

□ Applicable Not applicable
Non-operating fund occupied by the controlling shareholder and other related parties towards the listed company is not identified
within the reporting period of the Company.

                                            Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

III. Illegal External Guarantees

□ Applicable Not applicable
During the reporting period, the Company had no illegal external guarantees.

IV. Employment and Dismissal of Accounting Firms

Whether the Semi-Annual Financial Report has been audited?
□Yes No
The Semi-Annual Report of the Company is unaudited.

V. Description of the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors on the "Non-
Standard Auditor's Report" Issued by the Accounting Firm during the Reporting Period

□ Applicable Not applicable

VI. Description of the Board of Directors on the "Non-Standard Auditor's Report" of the
Previous Year

□ Applicable Not applicable

VII. Matters Relating to Bankruptcy Reorganization

□ Applicable Not applicable
Matters concerning bankruptcy reorganization were not identified within the reporting period of the Company.

VIII. Lawsuit Proceedings

Major litigation and arbitration matters
Applicable □ Not applicable

                        Amount      Whether                                                      Execution of
Basic information                                 of                                                             Disclo   Disclo
                        involved    estimated                   Litigation (arbitration) trial   litigation
of         litigation                             litigation                                                     sure     sure
                        (RMB        liabilities                 results and impacts              (arbitration)
(arbitration)                                     (arbitratio                                                    date     index
                        10,000)     are formed                                                   judgment
                                                                The second-instance trial
                                                                took place on March 19,
                                                                2024, and the judgment for
Dispute over land
                                                                the second-instance trial has
lease contract (the
                        1,403.76    No            Ongoing       not yet been issued. At          None
Company is the
                                                                present, the matter has not
                                                                caused effects on the
                                                                Company's production and
Other contentious matters
□ Applicable Not applicable

                                             Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

IX. Punishment and Rectification

□ Applicable Not applicable
No punishment or rectification was identified within the reporting period of the Company.

X. Integrity Situation of the Company and Its Controlling Shareholder and Actual

□ Applicable Not applicable

XI. Major Related Party Transactions

1. Related party transactions concerning daily operations

Applicable □ Not applicable

                                     Prici                                    Appr
                             Cont    ng        Price                Propor    oved    Exce   Settle   Market
                     Type                                Amount
                             ent     princ     of                   tion to   trans   ed     ment     price of
                     of                                  of
                             of      iple      related              transa    actio   the    metho    availabl
Related              relat                               related
                             relat   of        party                ction     n       appr   d of     e          Discl   Disclos
transac   Relatio    ed                                  party
                             ed      relate    transac              amoun     amo     oved   relate   similar    osure   ure
tion      nship      party                               transact
                             party   d         tion                 t    of   unt     amo    d        transact   date    index
party                trans                               ion
                             trans   party     (RMB                 the       (RM     unt    party    ion
                     actio                               (RMB
                             actio   trans     10,000               same      B       or     transa   (RMB
                     n                                   10,000)
                             n       actio     )                    kind      10,0    not    ction    10,000)
                                     n                                        00)
Shenzh                                                                                       Accor
          The        Dail    Prov
en                                                                                           ding
          Compa      y       ide
Renfu                                                                                        to the
          ny's       relat   prop    Mark
Tellus                                                                                       contra              Marc    Annou
          related    ed      erty    et
Autom                                          272.50    272.5      1.88%     545     No     ct       272.50     h 28,   nceme
          natural    party   leasi   prici
obiles                                                                                       amou                2024    nt on
          person     trans   ng      ng
Service                                                                                      nt or                       Daily
          and its    actio   servi
Co.,                                                                                         agree                       Relate
          director   n       ces
Ltd.                                                                                         ment                        d Party
Shenzh                                                                                                                   Transa
en                   Dail    Prov                                                                                        ctions
SDG       Subsidi    y       ide                                                                                         in
                                                                                             to the
Tellus    ary of     relat   prop    Mark                                                                                2024
                                                                                             contra              Marc
Propert   controll   ed      erty    et                                                                                  (Annou
                                               8.69      8.69       0.06%     18      No     ct       8.69       h 28,
y         ing        party   leasi   prici                                                                               nceme
                                                                                             amou                2024
Manag     shareho    trans   ng      ng                                                                                  nt No.:
                                                                                             nt or
ement     lder       actio   servi                                                                                       2024-
Co.,                 n       ces                                                                                         009) of
Ltd.                                                                                                                     Securit
                     Dail    Prov                                                            Accor                       ies
          Subsidi    y       ide                                                             ding                        Times
          ary of     relat   prop    Mark                                                    to the                      and
SDG                                                                                                              Marc
          controll   ed      erty    et                                                      contra                      CNINF
Microfi                                        64.15     64.15      0.44%     503     No              64.15      h 28,
          ing        party   leasi   prici                                                   ct                          O
nance                                                                                                            2024
          shareho    trans   ng      ng                                                      amou
          lder       actio   and                                                             nt or
                     n       man                                                             agree

                                             Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

                             age                                                        ment
Shenzh                       ide                                                        Accor
en                           prop                                                       ding
          Subsidi    y
SDG                          erty                                                       to the
          ary of     relat           Mark
Service                      leasi                                                      contra             Marc
          controll   ed              et
Co.,                         ng                139.61    139.61   0.96%    542    No    ct       139.61    h 28,
          ing        party           prici
Ltd.                         and                                                        amou               2024
          shareho    trans           ng
and its                      parki                                                      nt or
          lder       actio
branch                       ng                                                         agree
es                           servi                                                      ment
          ny's               Prov                                                       Accor
Shenzh               Dail
          related            ide                                                        ding
en                   y
          natural            brok                                                       to the
Telixin              relat           Mark
          person             erag                                                       contra             Marc
g                    ed              et
          and the            e and             30.00    30        3.78%    30     No    ct       30.00     h 28,
Invest               party           prici
          director           agen                                                       amou               2024
ment                 trans           ng
          of     a           cy                                                         nt or
Co.,                 actio
          joint              servi                                                      agree
Ltd.                 n
          stock              ces                                                        ment
Shenzh                                                                                  Accor
                     Dail    pt
en                                                                                      ding
          Subsidi    y       engi
SDG                                                                                     to the
          ary of     relat   neeri   Mark
Engine                                                                                  contra             Marc
          controll   ed      ng      et                           100.00
ering                                          12.00    12                 140    No    ct       12.00     h 28,
          ing        party   supe    prici                        %
Manag                                                                                   amou               2024
          shareho    trans   rvisi   ng
ement                                                                                   nt or
          lder       actio   on
Co.,                                                                                    agree
                     n       servi
Ltd.                                                                                    ment
Shenzh                                                                                  Accor
                     Dail    prop
en                                                                                      ding
          Subsidi    y       erty
SDG                                                                                     to the
          ary of     relat   man     Mark
Service                                                                                 contra             Marc
          controll   ed      age     et        1,071.    1,071.   90.15    4,02
Co.,                                                                              No    ct       1071.77   h 28,
          ing        party   ment    prici     77            77       %    2
Ltd.                                                                                    amou               2024
          shareho    trans   and     ng
and its                                                                                 nt or
          lder       actio   secur
branch                                                                                  agree
                     n       ity
es                                                                                      ment
Shenzh               Dail    Acce                                                       Accor
en        Subsidi    y       pt                                                         ding
SDG       ary of     relat   prop    Mark                                               to the
Tellus    controll   ed      erty    et                                                 contra
                                               92.35    92.35     7.77%    198    No             92.35     h 28,
Propert   ing        party   man     prici                                              ct
y         shareho    trans   age     ng                                                 amou
Manag     lder       actio   ment                                                       nt or
ement                n       servi                                                      agree

                                                 Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Co.,                            ces                                                             ment
Shenzh                          Acce                                                            Accor
en                              pt                                                              ding
           Subsidi     y
SDG                             prop                                                            to the
           ary of      relat             Mark
Buildin                         erty                                                            contra               Marc
           controll    ed                et
g                               man                14.40    14.4      1.21%    0       Yes      ct        14.40      h 28,
           ing         party             prici
Techno                          age                                                             amou                 2024
           shareho     trans             ng
logy                            ment                                                            nt or
           lder        actio
Co.,                            servi                                                           agree
Ltd.                            ces                                                             ment
           Enterpr                                                                              Accor
Guoren                 Dail
           ise                                                                                  ding
Propert                y        Acce
           controll                                                                             to the
y     &                relat    pt       Mark
           ed by                                                                                contra               Marc
Casualt                ed       insur    et                           90.84
           indirect                                24.68    24.68              80      No       ct        24.68      h 28,
y                      party    ance     prici                        %
           controll                                                                             amou                 2024
Insuran                trans    servi    ng
           ing                                                                                  nt or
ce Co.,                actio    ces
           shareho                                                                              agree
Ltd.                   n
           lders                                                                                ment
ISSTec                 Dail
h          Subsidi     y        Acce
                                                                                                to the
Inform     ary of      relat    pt       Mark
                                                                                                contra               Marc
ation      controll    ed       tech     et
                                                    -                          152     No       ct        0.00       h 28,
Techno     ing         party    nical    prici
                                                                                                amou                 2024
logy       shareho     trans    servi    ng
                                                                                                nt or
Co.,       lder        actio    ces
Ltd.                   n
                                                            1,730.1            6,23
Total                                    --        --                 --               --       --        --         --        --
                                                            5                  0
Details of large-sum sales return        None
The actual performance during the
reporting period (if any) if the total
amount of daily related party
                                         Normal performance
transactions occurring in the
current period is estimated by
Reasons for the great difference
between the transaction price and
market     reference   price   (if

2. Related party transactions from acquisition and sale of assets or equity

□ Applicable Not applicable
During the reporting period, the Company had no related party transaction from the acquisition and sale of assets or equity.

3. Related party transaction of joint outbound investment

□ Applicable Not applicable
During the reporting period, the Company had no related party transaction of joint outbound investment.

                                           Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

4. Transaction related to credit and debt

Applicable □ Not applicable
Whether there are transactions of non-operating related credits and debts
□Yes No
During the reporting period, the Company had no transactions related to credit and debt.

5. Transactions with related finance companies

□ Applicable Not applicable
There is no deposit, loan, credit, or other financial business between the Company and related finance companies and related

6. Transactions between finance companies controlled by the Company and related parties

□ Applicable Not applicable
There is no deposit, loan, credit, or other financial business between the finance companies controlled by the Company and related

7. Other major related party transactions

□ Applicable Not applicable
During the reporting period, the Company had no other major related party transactions.

XII. Major Contracts and Performance

1. Trusteeship, contracting, and leasing matters

(1) Trusteeship

□ Applicable Not applicable
During the reporting period, the Company had no trusteeship.

(2) Contracting

□ Applicable Not applicable
During the reporting period, the Company had no contracting.

(3) Leasing

□ Applicable Not applicable
During the reporting period, the Company had no leasing.

2. Significant guarantees

Applicable □ Not applicable
Unit: RMB 10,000

                                            Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

External guarantees of the Company and its subsidiaries (excluding the guarantees to subsidiaries)
            date of the                                                                                                      Whether
            relevant                 Actual      Actual                                                           Wheth      it      is
Name of                   Guaran                              Type of                  Counter-
            announce                 date of     guarante                 Collatera                 Guarantee     er it is   provided
guarante                  tee                                 guarante                 guarante
            ment of                  occurren    e                        l (if any)                period        fulfille   to
ed party                  amount                              e                        e (if any)
            the                      ce          amount                                                           d          related
            guarantee                                                                                                        parties
                                                                                                    Before the
n Renfu
            September                March                                                          of      the
Automo                    3,500                  0            Pledge      No           No                         No         Yes
            30, 2014                 15, 2022                                                       joint
Co., Ltd.
Total          external                          Total actual external
guarantee       amount                           guarantee    amount
                          0                                               0
approved during the                              during the reporting
reporting period (A1)                            period (A2)
Total         external
                                                 Total actual external
guarantee      amount
                                                 guarantee balance at
approved at the end of    3,500                                           0
                                                 the end of reporting
the reporting period
                                                 period (A4)
The Company's guarantee to subsidiaries
            date of the                                                                                                      Whether
            relevant                 Actual      Actual                                                           Wheth      it      is
Name of                   Guaran                              Type of                  Counter-
            announce                 date of     guarante                 Collatera                 Guarantee     er it is   provided
guarante                  tee                                 guarante                 guarante
            ment of                  occurren    e                        l (if any)                period        fulfille   to
ed party                  amount                              e                        e (if any)
            the                      ce          amount                                                           d          related
            guarantee                                                                                                        parties
Guarantee between subsidiaries
            date of the                                                                                                      Whether
            relevant                 Actual      Actual                                                           Wheth      it      is
Name of                   Guaran                              Type of                  Counter-
            announce                 date of     guarante                 Collatera                 Guarantee     er it is   provided
guarante                  tee                                 guarante                 guarante
            ment of                  occurren    e                        l (if any)                period        fulfille   to
ed party                  amount                              e                        e (if any)
            the                      ce          amount                                                           d          related
            guarantee                                                                                                        parties
Total amount of the Company's guarantee (i.e. total of the first three items)
                                                 Total         actual
Total        guarantee
                                                 guarantee    amount
amount       approved
                          0                      during the reporting     0
during the reporting
                                                 period (A2 + B2 +
period (A1 + B1 + C1)
Total        guarantee                           Total          actual
amount approved at                               guarantee balance at
the end of the            3,500                  the end of the           0
reporting period (A3 +                           reporting period (A4
B3 + C3)                                         + B4 + C4)

                                            Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Proportion of total actual guarantee amount
(i.e. A4 + B4 + C4) to the Company's net          0.00%

Specific description of the composite guarantee

3. Entrusted financial management

Applicable □ Not applicable
Unit: RMB 10,000

                                                                                                              The amount of
                                                                                                              accrued     for
                      Capital source of     Amount           of
                                                                  Unexpired           Overdue                 overdue
Category              entrusted financial   entrusted financial
                                                                  balance             unrecovered amount      unrecovered
                      management            management
Bank     financial
                      Self-owned funds      52,900                52,900              0                       0
Total                                       52,900                52,900              0                       0

Details of high-risk entrusted financial management with large individual amount or low security and poor liquidity
□ Applicable Not applicable
Principal unable to be recovered or other conditions causing impairment for entrusted financial management
□ Applicable Not applicable

4. Other major contracts

□ Applicable Not applicable
During the reporting period, the Company had no other major contracts.

XIII. Description of Other Major Matters

□ Applicable Not applicable
The Company had no other major matters that needed to be stated during the reporting period.

XIV. Major Matters of the Company’s Subsidiaries

□ Applicable Not applicable

                                            Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Section VII Changes in Shares and Shareholders

I. Changes in Shares

1. Changes in shares

Unit: share
                              Before the change            Increase (+)/decrease (-) in this change     After the change
                                                                             sion of
                                                           Issuan    Shar
                                                Proporti   ce of     e                  Othe     Subt                      Proporti
                              Quantity                                       reserve                    Quantity
                                                on         new       dona               rs       otal                      on
                                                                             d funds
                                                           shares    tion
I. Shares with Restrictions
                              0                 0.00%      0         0       0          0        0      0                  0.00%
on Sale
  1. State shareholding       0                 0.00%      0         0       0          0        0      0                  0.00%
  2. State-owned legal
                              0                 0.00%      0         0       0          0        0      0                  0.00%
person shareholding
  3.    Other     domestic
                              0                 0.00%      0         0       0          0        0      0                  0.00%
     Including: Domestic
                              0                 0.00%      0         0       0          0        0      0                  0.00%
legal person shareholding
     Domestic      natural
                              0                 0.00%      0         0       0          0        0      0                  0.00%
person shareholding
  4. Foreign shareholding     0                 0.00%      0         0       0          0        0      0                  0.00%
     Including: Foreign
                              0                 0.00%      0         0       0          0        0      0                  0.00%
legal person shareholding
     Foreign       natural
                              0                 0.00%      0         0       0          0        0      0                  0.00%
person shareholding
II.    Shares      without                      100.00                                                                     100.00
                              431,058,320                  0         0       0          0        0      431,058,320
Restrictions on Sales                           %                                                                          %
  1. RMB-denominated
                              392,778,320       91.12%     0         0       0          0        0      392,778,320        91.12%
ordinary shares
   2. Domestic       listed
                              38,280,000        8.88%      0         0       0          0        0      38,280,000         8.88%
foreign shares
  3. Foreign listed foreign
                              0                 0.00%      0         0       0          0        0      0                  0.00%
  4. Others                   0                 0.00%      0         0       0          0        0      0                  0.00%
                                                100.00                                                                     100.00
III. Total amount of shares   431,058,320                  0         0       0          0        0      431,058,320
                                                %                                                                          %
Reasons for changes in shares
□ Applicable Not applicable
Status of authorization for changes in shares
□ Applicable Not applicable

                                              Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

 Status of transfer for changes in shares
 □ Applicable Not applicable
 Progress in the implementation of share repurchase
 □ Applicable Not applicable
 Progress in the implementation of share repurchase reduction through centralized bidding
 □ Applicable Not applicable
 Effect of changes in shares on the financial indicators including basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share in the most
 recent year and in the most recent period as well as net asset per share attributable to the Company's shareholders of ordinary
 □ Applicable Not applicable
 Other information disclosed as the Company deems necessary or required by securities regulatory authorities
 □ Applicable Not applicable

 2. Changes in shares with restrictions on sale

 □ Applicable Not applicable

 II. Conditions on Issuance and Listing of Securities

 □ Applicable Not applicable

 III. Number of Shareholders of the Company and Their Shareholding Conditions

 Unit: share

Total number of ordinary share                                   Total number of preferred share shareholders
shareholders as at the end of the    54,345                      (if any) with restored voting rights as at the    0
reporting period                                                 end of the reporting period (see Note 8)
Shareholders holding more than 5% of ordinary shares or shareholdings of top 10 shareholders of ordinary shares (excluding shares
lent through refinancing)
                                                Number      of                                    Number of        Pledged, marked,
                                                                 Increase/dec    Number of
                                     Shareho    ordinary                                          ordinary         or frozen shares
                        Nature of                                rease during    ordinary
Name              of                 lding      shares held at                                    shares
                        sharehold                                the             shares with
shareholder                          proporti   the end of the                                    without          Status of    Qua
                        er                                       reporting       restrictions
                                     on         reporting                                         restrictions     shares       ntity
                                                                 period          on sale held
                                                period                                            on sale held
Shenzhen Special        State-
Economic       Zone     owned
                                     49.09%     211,591,621      1,200,000       0                211,591,621      N/A          0
Development Group       legal
Co., Ltd.               person
Shenzhen      Capital   Domestic
Fortune      Jewelry    non-state-
Industry Investment     owned        5.08%      21,919,153       0               0                21,919,153       N/A          0
Enterprise (Limited     legal
Partnership)            person
Li Xiaoming             natural      0.71%      3,069,500        0               0                3,069,500        N/A          0
Industrial     and
Commercial Bank         Others       0.46%      1,983,775        465,100         0                1,983,775        N/A          0
of China Limited—

                                              Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

China Southern CSI
All Share Real
Estate ETF
                        legal         0.40%      1,741,491        0               0               1,741,491       N/A          0
Wang Hua                natural       0.24%      1,020,024        1,020,024       0               1,020,024       N/A          0
Shang Fusheng           natural       0.21%      902,045          902,045         0               902,045         N/A          0
Industrial     and
Commercial Bank
of China Limited—      Others        0.21%      894,845          651,545         0               894,845         N/A          0
China Southern CSI
1000 ETF
Ma Yongcheng            natural       0.20%      868,000          228,700         0               868,000         N/A          0
Hong          Kong      Overseas
Securities Clearing     legal         0.19%      838,870          -1,341,789      0               838,870         N/A          0
Company Limited         person
Status of the strategic investor or
general legal person becoming
one of the top 10 ordinary            None
shareholders due to equity
offering (if any) (see Note 3)
                                      Among the top 10 shareholders, Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Development Group Co.,
Explanations of the related
                                      Ltd. was not related to other shareholders and was not a person acting in concert as stipulated
relationship or concerted action
                                      in the Measures for the Administration of the Takeover of Listed Companies. It was unknown
of the above shareholders
                                      whether other shareholders of tradable shares were persons acting in concert.
Description of the above-
mentioned            shareholders'
involvement in entrusting/being       N/A
entrusted with the right to vote
and giving up the right
Special description of repurchase
special account among the top 10
shareholders (if any) (see Note
Shareholdings of top 10 shareholders of ordinary shares (excluding shares lent through refinancing and locked shares of senior
                                                                                                          Share type
                                         Number of ordinary shares without restrictions on sale as of
Name of shareholder                                                                                                            Qua
                                         the end of the reporting period                                  Share type
                                                                                                          Common shares
Shenzhen Special Economic Zone
                                         211,591,621                                                      denominated in       0
Development Group Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Capital Fortune Jewelry                                                                          Common shares
Industry Investment    Enterprise        21,919,153                                                       denominated in       0
(Limited Partnership)                                                                                     RMB
                                                                                                          Common shares
Li Xiaoming                              3,069,500                                                                             0
                                                                                                          denominated in

                                               Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Industrial and Commercial Bank of                                                                          Common shares
China Limited—China Southern CSI         1,983,775                                                        denominated in        0
All Share Real Estate ETF                                                                                  RMB
GUOTAI JUNAN SECURITIES                                                                                    Domestic listed
                                          1,741,491                                                                              0
(HONGKONG) LIMITED                                                                                         foreign shares
                                                                                                           Domestic listed
Wang Hua                                  1,020,024                                                                              0
                                                                                                           foreign shares
                                                                                                           Common shares
Shang Fusheng                             902,045                                                          denominated in        0
Industrial and Commercial Bank of                                                                          Common shares
China Limited—China Southern CSI         894,845                                                          denominated in        0
1000 ETF                                                                                                   RMB
                                                                                                           Common shares
Ma Yongcheng                              868,000                                                          denominated in        0
                                                                                                           Common shares
Hong Kong Securities           Clearing
                                          838,870                                                          denominated in        0
Company Limited
Description     of    the    related
relationship or acting in concert
                                          Among the top 10 shareholders, Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Development Group
among the top 10 ordinary
                                          Co., Ltd., a state-owned legal-person shareholder, was not related to other shareholders and
shareholders without trading limited
                                          was not a person acting in concert as stipulated in the Measures for the Administration of
conditions, and between the top 10
                                          the Takeover of Listed Companies. It was unknown whether other shareholders of tradable
ordinary     shareholders    without
                                          shares were persons acting in concert.
trading limited conditions and the
top 10 ordinary shareholders
Description of participation of the
                                          The shareholder Shang Fusheng holds 449,700 shares of the Company through guaranteed
top 10 shareholders of ordinary
                                          credit accounts and 452,345 shares of the Company through ordinary securities accounts,
shares in securities margin trading
                                          totaling 902,045 shares.
(if any) (see Note 4)

 The situation of shareholders holding more than 5% of shares, the top 10 shareholders, and the top 10 shareholders with unlimited
 tradable shares participating in the loan of shares in the refinancing business
 Applicable □ Not applicable

 Unit: share

The situation of shareholders holding more than 5% of shares, the top 10 shareholders, and the top 10 shareholders with unlimited
tradable shares participating in the loan of shares in the refinancing business
                    Ordinary account and            Shares lent through                                          Shares lent through
                                                                                Ordinary account and credit
                    credit               account    refinancing     at   the                                     refinancing at the
                                                                                account shareholding at the
                    shareholding      at     the    beginning of the period                                      end of the period and
Name           of                                                               end of the period
                    beginning of the period         and not yet returned                                         not yet returned
(full name)                           Proportio                    Proportio                     Proportion                 Proportio
                    Total             n in total    Total          n in total                    in      total   Total      n in total
                                                                                Total quantity
                    quantity          share         quantity       share                         share           quantity   share
                                      capital                      capital                       capital                    capital
Economic Zone       210,391,621       48.81%        1,200,000      0.28%        211,591,621      49.09%          0          0.00%
Group Co., Ltd.
Industrial and
Commercial          243,300           0.06%         54,600         0.01%        894,845          0.21%           24,600     0.01%
Bank of China

                                             Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Southern CSI
1000 ETF
 Changes from the previous period caused by the top 10 shareholders and the top 10 shareholders of unlimited tradable shares due
 to refinancing-based lending/returning
 □ Applicable Not applicable
 Whether the Company's top 10 shareholders of ordinary shares and the top 10 shareholders of ordinary shares without restrictions
 on sale performed the agreed repurchase transactions during the reporting period
 □Yes No
 The Company's top 10 shareholders of ordinary shares and the top 10 shareholders of ordinary shares without restrictions on sale
 did not perform the agreed repurchase transactions during the reporting period.

 IV. Changes in Shareholdings of Directors, Supervisors, and Senior Executives

 □ Applicable Not applicable
 There was no change in the shareholding of directors, supervisors, and senior executives during the reporting period. Please refer
 to the 2023 Annual Report for details.

 V. Change of the Controlling Shareholder or Actual Controller

 Change in the controlling shareholder during the reporting period
 □ Applicable Not applicable
 During the reporting period, the Company had no change in the controlling shareholder.
 Change in the actual controller during the reporting period
 □ Applicable Not applicable
 During the reporting period, the Company had no change in the actual controller.

                                          Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Section VIII Preferred Shares

□ Applicable Not applicable
During the reporting period, the Company had no preferred shares.

                               Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Section IX Bonds

□ Applicable Not applicable

                                                Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Section X Financial Report

I. Auditor's Report

Whether the Semi-Annual Report has been audited
□Yes No
The Semi-Annual Financial Report of the Company has not been audited.

II. Financial Statements

The unit of measurement for the statements in the financial notes is: RMB

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet

June 30, 2024
Unit: RMB

Item                                            Period-end balance                    Period-beginning balance
Current assets:
  Cash at bank and on hand                      228,605,222.29                        220,340,961.64
  Settlement reserve fund
   Lendings to banks and other financial
  Trading financial assets                      377,514,483.03                        206,294,931.94
  Derivative financial assets                                                         298,320.00
  Notes receivable
  Accounts receivable                           197,419,232.54                        99,635,751.52
  Receivables financing
  Prepayment                                    1,323,763.51                          38,454,434.90
  Premiums receivable
  Reinsurance account receivables
   Capital reserves receivable          from
reinsurance contracts
  Other receivables                             26,387,609.87                         12,383,516.92
       Including: Interest receivable
              Dividends receivable              1,305,581.86                          1,305,581.86
  Financial assets       purchased      under
agreements to resell
  Inventories                                   92,137,538.10                         178,425,833.88
       Including: Data resources
  Contract assets
  Held-for-sale assets
  Non-current assets due within one year        25,510,300.00                         55,206,250.00

                                             Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

  Other current assets                       30,394,430.19                         104,833,797.59
Total current assets                         979,292,579.53                        915,873,798.39
Non-current assets:
  Loans and advances issued
  Debt investments
  Other creditor's rights investment         105,986,078.92                        67,627,948.60
  Long-term receivables
  Long-term equity investment                81,390,604.97                         76,511,487.57
  Other equity instrument investments        383,317.67                            383,317.67
  Other non-current financial assets
  Investment properties                      992,091,283.53                        1,008,137,341.80
  Fixed assets                               74,890,303.79                         78,935,843.49
  Construction in progress                   15,159,796.57                         7,279,570.05
  Productive biological assets
  Oil and gas assets
  Right-of-use assets                        67,177,997.92                         71,904,716.50
  Intangible assets                          4,007,937.65                          3,915,770.61
     Including: Data resources
  Development expenses
     Including: Data resources
  Long-term deferred expenses                40,462,492.20                         38,392,179.02
  Deferred tax assets                        35,941,610.71                         37,836,657.43
  Other non-current assets                   96,444,678.01                         97,053,053.32
Total non-current assets                     1,513,936,101.94                      1,487,977,886.06
Total assets                                 2,493,228,681.47                      2,403,851,684.45
Current liabilities:
  Short-term borrowings                      160,119,111.11                        145,131,694.44
  Borrowings from the central bank
   Loans from other banks and other
financial institutions
  Trading financial liabilities              36,858,570.74                         56,881,954.76
  Derivative financial liabilities           575,060.00                            1,380.00
  Notes payable                              28,000,000.00
  Accounts payable                           124,603,804.95                        135,834,414.39
  Advances from customers                    9,428,923.84                          4,306,567.65
  Contract liabilities                       5,509,635.75                          7,079,975.38
   Financial assets sold under agreements
to repurchase
   Deposits      from    customers     and
  Acting trading securities
  Acting underwriting securities

                                               Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

  Employee compensation payable                37,843,857.27                         33,425,356.15
  Taxes payable                                33,252,332.29                         28,857,448.06
  Other payables                               132,054,687.73                        126,826,966.60
     Including: Interest payable
              Dividends payable
  Handling charges and commission
  Reinsurance accounts payable
  Held-for-sale liabilities
   Current     portion      of   non-current
                                               7,155,499.75                          7,304,647.32
  Other current liabilities                    3,172,726.99                          3,388,998.35
Total current liabilities                      578,574,210.42                        549,039,403.10
Non-current liabilities:
  Insurance contract reserve
  Long-term borrowings
  Bonds payable
     Including: Preferred shares
              Perpetual bonds
  Lease liabilities                            64,188,913.70                         69,524,214.23
  Long-term payables                           3,920,160.36                          3,920,160.36
  Long-term employee compensation
  Estimated liabilities                        268,414.80                            268,414.80
  Deferred income                              8,737,537.71                          9,617,683.53
  Deferred tax liabilities                     40,320,590.34                         40,409,890.41
  Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities                  117,435,616.91                        123,740,363.33
Total liabilities                              696,009,827.33                        672,779,766.43
Owners' equity:
 Share capital                                 431,058,320.00                        431,058,320.00
 Other equity instruments
   Including: Preferred shares
           Perpetual bonds
 Capital reserves                              430,866,408.50                        430,866,408.50
 Less: Treasury shares
 Other comprehensive income                    -7,318,552.65                         -7,318,552.65
  Special reserves
  Surplus reserves                             63,956,286.46                         63,956,286.46
  General risk reserve
  Undistributed profit                         748,642,264.39                        685,342,592.62
Total equity attributable to owners of the
                                               1,667,204,726.70                      1,603,905,054.93
parent company
  Minority interests                           130,014,127.44                        127,166,863.09
Total owners' equity                           1,797,218,854.14                      1,731,071,918.02
Total liabilities and owner's equity           2,493,228,681.47                      2,403,851,684.45
Legal representative: Fu Chunlong Person in charge of accounting: Huang Tianyang Person in charge of the accounting firm:

                                           Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Yu Taiping

2. Parent Company's Balance Sheet

Unit: RMB
Item                                       Period-end balance                    Period-beginning balance
Current assets:
  Cash at bank and on hand                 7,999,390.25                          8,805,213.07
  Trading financial assets                 236,071,464.39                        205,942,363.02
  Derivative financial assets
  Notes receivable
  Accounts receivable                      21,427,362.90                         22,080,192.24
  Receivables financing
  Prepayment                               109.81                                16,240.74
  Other receivables                        56,368,045.13                         47,432,527.04
       Including: Interest receivable
              Dividends receivable         1,305,581.86                          1,305,581.86
       Including: Data resources
  Contract assets
  Held-for-sale assets
  Non-current assets due within one year   25,510,300.00
  Other current assets                                                           75,546,888.89
Total current assets                       347,376,672.48                        359,823,425.00
Non-current assets:
  Debt investments
  Other creditor's rights investment       85,109,745.59                         47,081,615.27
  Long-term receivables
  Long-term equity investment              773,092,452.61                        770,687,026.69
  Other equity instrument investments      383,317.67                            383,317.67
  Other non-current financial assets
  Investment properties                    537,661,376.75                        545,303,744.96
  Fixed assets                             14,506,158.01                         15,211,321.18
  Construction in progress                 3,625,167.12                          589,761.00
  Productive biological assets
  Oil and gas assets
  Right-of-use assets                      70,752,693.08                         74,533,199.59
  Intangible assets                        2,402,136.95                          2,559,885.65
       Including: Data resources
  Development expenses
       Including: Data resources
  Long-term deferred expenses              23,444,497.31                         21,243,445.23

                                                Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

  Deferred tax assets                           29,878,606.40                         31,956,786.10
  Other non-current assets                      68,972,373.00                         69,580,748.31
Total non-current assets                        1,609,828,524.49                      1,579,130,851.65
Total assets                                    1,957,205,196.97                      1,938,954,276.65
Current liabilities:
  Short-term borrowings
  Trading financial liabilities
  Derivative financial liabilities
  Notes payable
  Accounts payable                              65,860,382.55                         71,449,469.14
  Advances from customers                       2,197,608.80                          1,060,721.19
  Contract liabilities
  Employee compensation payable                 32,502,750.22                         27,402,400.00
  Taxes payable                                 13,512,206.82                         13,335,268.63
  Other payables                                202,257,793.39                        271,180,563.27
     Including: Interest payable
               Dividends payable
  Held-for-sale liabilities
   Current      portion     of    non-current
                                                6,706,250.92                          6,706,250.92
  Other current liabilities                     1,810,007.31                          1,810,007.31
Total current liabilities                       324,847,000.01                        392,944,680.46
Non-current liabilities:
  Long-term borrowings
  Bonds payable
     Including: Preferred shares
               Perpetual bonds
  Lease liabilities                             69,804,336.84                         72,936,147.42
  Long-term payables
  Long-term employee compensation
  Estimated liabilities
  Deferred income
  Deferred tax liabilities                      40,269,279.16                         40,269,279.16
  Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities                   110,073,616.00                        113,205,426.58
Total liabilities                               434,920,616.01                        506,150,107.04
Owners' equity:
 Share capital                                  431,058,320.00                        431,058,320.00
 Other equity instruments
   Including: Preferred shares
           Perpetual bonds
 Capital reserves                               428,256,131.23                        428,256,131.23
 Less: Treasury shares
 Other comprehensive income                     -7,344,974.65                         -7,344,974.65

                                             Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

  Special reserves
  Surplus reserves                           63,956,286.46                         63,956,286.46
  Undistributed profit                       606,358,817.92                        516,878,406.57
Total owners' equity                         1,522,284,580.96                      1,432,804,169.61
Total liabilities and owner's equity         1,957,205,196.97                      1,938,954,276.65

3. Consolidated Income Statement

Unit: RMB
Item                                         The first half of 2024                The first half of 2023
I. Total Operating Revenue                   1,580,023,748.85                      704,836,410.94
  Including: Operating revenue               1,580,023,748.85                      704,836,410.94
          Interest income
          Earned premium
        Service         charges        and
commission incomes
II. Total Operating Cost                     1,498,402,354.66                      655,633,026.03
  Including: Operating cost                  1,451,925,990.76                      608,604,638.40
          Interest expenses
        Service     charges            and
commission expenses
          Surrender value
          Net payments for insurance
            Net provision for insurance
liability reserves
          Bond insurance expense
          Reinsurance expenses
          Taxes and surcharges               7,022,914.20                          4,855,726.45
          Selling expenses                   10,655,583.07                         11,963,099.01
          Administrative expenses            23,758,940.40                         28,817,829.38
          R&D expenses                       1,353,032.80
          Financial expenses                 3,685,893.43                          1,391,732.79
             Including: Interest expenses    5,197,620.36                          3,437,880.65
                     Interest income         2,112,971.50                          1,835,834.14
  Add: Other incomes                         5,680,047.59                          4,475,465.94
        Investment incomes (loss to be
                                             14,706,604.25                         8,923,017.80
listed with "-")
             Including: Income from
investment    in associates and joint        20,511,753.40                         3,011,611.29
                 Income         from
derecognition of financial assets at
amortized cost
        Exchange income (loss to be
listed with "-")
         Net exposure hedging income

                                                Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

(losses to be listed with "-")
        Income from changes in fair
                                                -2,981,593.36                         -5,265,810.16
value (losses to be listed with "-")
        Credit impairment loss (loss to be
                                                -857,544.91                           6,669.80
listed with "-")
        Asset impairment loss (loss to be
listed with "-")
         Income from assets disposal (loss
                                                -227.20                               -81,800.45
to be listed with "-")
III. Operating Profit (loss to be listed
                                                98,168,680.56                         57,257,227.34
with "-")
  Add: Non-operating revenue                    1,112,033.25                          417,182.13
  Less: Non-operating expenses                  107,338.47                            119,683.12
IV. Total Profit (total loss to be listed
                                                99,173,375.34                         57,554,726.35
with "-")
  Less: Income tax expenses                     19,663,631.30                         12,466,659.92
V. Net profit (net loss to be listed with "-
                                                79,509,744.04                         45,088,066.43
   (I) Classified by continuity of
      1. Net profit from continuing
                                                79,509,744.04                         45,088,066.43
operations (net loss to be listed with "-")
      2. Net profit from discontinued
operations (net loss to be listed with "-")
   (II) Classified by attribution of
      1. Net profit (or loss) attributable to
                                                76,662,479.69                         44,139,962.93
shareholders of the parent company
      2. Minority interest income (net loss
                                                2,847,264.35                          948,103.50
to be listed with "-")
VI. Net Amounts after Tax of Other
Comprehensive Income
   Net after-tax amounts of other
comprehensive income attributable to the
owner of the parent company
      (I) Other comprehensive income
that cannot be reclassified into profit and
         1. Changes arising from the
remeasurement of the defined benefit
         2. Other comprehensive income
that cannot be reclassified into profit or
loss under the equity method
         3. Changes in the fair value of
other equity instrument investments
         4. Changes in fair value of the
company's own credit risk
         5. Others
      (II) Other comprehensive income to
be reclassified into profit or loss
         1. Other comprehensive income
that can be reclassified into profit or loss
under the equity method

                                              Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

         2. Changes in fair value of other
debt investments
         3. Amount of financial assets
reclassified into other comprehensive
         4. Reserves for credit impairment
in other creditors' investments
         5. Reserves for cash flow hedge
         6.    Differences      from    the
translation of foreign currency financial
         7. Others
   Net after-tax amount of other
comprehensive income attributable to
minority shareholders
VII. Total Comprehensive Income               79,509,744.04                              45,088,066.43
   Total       comprehensive        income
attributable to the owner of the parent       76,662,479.69                              44,139,962.93
   Total       comprehensive        income
                                              2,847,264.35                               948,103.50
attributable to minority shareholders
VIII. Earnings per Share:
   (I) Basic earnings per share               0.1778                                     0.1024
   (II) Diluted earnings per share            0.1778                                     0.1024
In the case of a business merger under common control in the current period, the net profit realized by the merged party before the
merger is RMB and the net profit realized by the merged party in the previous period is RMB .
Legal representative: Fu Chunlong Person in charge of accounting: Huang Tianyang Person in charge of the accounting firm:
Yu Taiping

4. Parent Company's Income Statement

Unit: RMB
Item                                          The first half of 2024                     The first half of 2023
I. Operating Revenue                          55,668,957.83                              34,050,043.81
  Less: operating costs                       21,857,801.26                              14,948,857.82
       Taxes and surcharges                   666,504.17                                 98,447.27
       Selling expenses                       1,613,067.79                               436,485.01
       Administrative expenses                19,676,080.08                              22,825,529.80
       R&D expenses
       Financial expenses                     314,066.15                                 1,078,785.57
          Including: Interest expenses        1,410,977.14                               1,763,223.12
                  Interest income             1,152,266.18                               691,617.24
  Add: Other incomes                          60,704.40
        Investment incomes (loss to be
                                              94,855,787.41                              10,449,577.73
listed with "-")
         Including: Income   from
investment in associates and joint            19,879,117.40                              3,011,611.29
               Income             from
derecognition  of financial assets
measured at amortized cost (loss to be

                                               Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

listed with "-")
        Net exposure hedging income
(losses to be listed with "-")
        Income from changes in fair
                                               129,101.37                            -2,783,204.51
value (losses to be listed with "-")
        Credit impairment loss (loss to be
listed with "-")
        Asset impairment loss (loss to be
listed with "-")
         Income from assets disposal (loss
to be listed with "-")
II. Operating Profit (loss to be listed with
                                               106,587,031.56                        2,328,311.56
  Add: Non-operating revenue                   167,555.00                            48,428.55
  Less: Non-operating expenses                                                       111,423.00
III. Total Profit (total losses to be listed
                                               106,754,586.56                        2,265,317.11
with "-")
  Less: Income tax expenses                    3,911,367.29
IV. Net Profit (net losses to be listed with
                                               102,843,219.27                        2,265,317.11
   (I) Net profit from continuing
                                               102,843,219.27                        2,265,317.11
operations (net loss to be listed with "-")
   (II) Net profit from discontinued
operations (net loss to be listed with "-")
V. Net Amount after Tax of Other
Comprehensive Income
      (I) Other comprehensive income
that cannot be reclassified into profit and
         1. Changes arising from the
remeasurement of the defined benefit
         2. Other comprehensive income
that cannot be reclassified into profit or
loss under the equity method
         3. Changes in the fair value of
other equity instrument investments
         4. Changes in fair value of the
company's own credit risk
         5. Others
      (II) Other comprehensive income to
be reclassified into profit or loss
         1. Other comprehensive income
that can be reclassified into profit or loss
under the equity method
         2. Changes in fair value of other
debt investments
         3. Amount of financial assets
reclassified into other comprehensive
         4. Reserves for credit impairment
in other creditors' investments
         5. Reserves for cash flow hedge
         6.    Differences      from     the

                                             Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

translation of foreign currency financial
         7. Others
VI. Total Comprehensive Income               102,843,219.27                        2,265,317.11
VII. Earnings per Share:
   (I) Basic earnings per share
   (II) Diluted earnings per share

5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

Unit: RMB
Item                                         The first half of 2024                The first half of 2023
I. Cash Flows from Operating Activities:
   Cash received from sales of goods or
                                             2,365,424,815.77                      935,209,100.94
rendering of services
  Net increase in deposits from
customers and placements from banks
and other financial institutions
  Net increase in borrowings from the
central bank
   Net increase in borrowings from other
financial institutions
   Cash received from premiums of
original insurance contracts
   Net amount of cash received from
reinsurance business
  Net increase in deposits of the insured
and investments
  Cash received from interests, handling
charges, and commissions
  Net increase in loans from banks and
other financial institutions
  Net increase of repurchasing business
  Net amount of cash received from
acting trading securities
   Refund   of   taxes   and   surcharges
                                             37,746.08                             1,968,553.13
  Other cash received relating to
                                             110,631,913.79                        167,102,933.78
operating activities
Subtotal of cash inflows from operating
                                             2,476,094,475.64                      1,104,280,587.85
   Cash paid for purchase of goods and
                                             2,196,783,671.76                      865,723,685.98
receipt of labor services
  Net increase in customer loans and
  Net increase in deposits in the central
bank and other financial institutions
   Cash paid for claim settlements on the
original insurance contract
  Net increase in lending funds
  Cash paid for interest, service charges,
and commission

                                             Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

  Cash paid for policy dividends
   Cash paid to and on behalf of
                                             24,123,668.90                         39,083,559.60
   Various taxes paid                        41,216,137.40                         33,660,817.78
   Other cash paid relating to operating
                                             106,661,508.66                        176,054,466.39
Subtotal of cash outflows from operating
                                             2,368,784,986.72                      1,114,522,529.75
Net cash flow from operating activities      107,309,488.92                        -10,241,941.90
II. Cash Flow from Investing Activities:
   Cash received from the return on
                                             418,023,375.56                        132,000,000.00
   Cash received from returns on
                                             21,365,841.08                         21,303,117.33
   Net cash received from the disposal of
fixed assets, intangible assets, and other   1,974.82                              1,644,282.00
long-term assets
   Net cash received from the disposal of
subsidiaries and other business units
   Cash received relating to other
                                             669,327.72                            827,883.63
investing activities
Subtotal of cash inflows from investing
                                             440,060,519.18                        155,775,282.96
   Cash paid to acquire fixed assets,
intangible assets, and other long-term       14,170,382.92                         50,769,515.45
   Cash paid for investments                 554,236,930.32                        370,000,000.00
  Net increase in pledge loans
   Net cash paid for acquisition of
subsidiaries and other business units
   Cash paid relating to other investing
                                             8,115,811.58                          7,567,454.81
Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                             576,523,124.82                        428,336,970.26
investment activities
Net cash flows from investing activities     -136,462,605.64                       -272,561,687.30
III. Cash Flow from Financing
   Cash received from absorbing
   Including:     Cash     received    by
subsidiaries from absorbing investments
of minority shareholders
   Cash received from borrowings             263,000,000.00                        175,693,122.83
   Other cash received relating to
financing activities
Subtotal of cash inflows from financing
                                             263,000,000.00                        175,693,122.83
  Cash repayments of borrowings              220,000,000.00                        13,535,116.94
  Cash paid for distribution of
                                             17,416,675.48                         3,711,261.97
dividends, profits, or interest repayment
  Including: Dividends and profits paid
by subsidiaries to minority shareholders
  Cash paid relating to other financing
                                             754,459.08                            5,528,844.00
Subtotal of cash outflows from financing
                                             238,171,134.56                        22,775,222.91

                                             Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Net cash flows from financing activities     24,828,865.44                         152,917,899.92
IV. Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on
Cash and Cash Equivalents
V. Net Increase in Cash and Cash
                                             -4,323,672.93                         -129,885,729.28
  Add: Opening balance of cash and
                                             160,223,387.69                        391,406,829.36
cash equivalents
VI. Closing Balance of Cash and Cash
                                             155,899,714.76                        261,521,100.08

6. Parent Company's Cash Flow Statement

Unit: RMB
Item                                         The first half of 2024                The first half of 2023
I. Cash Flows from Operating Activities:
   Cash received from sales of goods or
                                             62,729,612.62                         13,832,800.09
rendering of services
   Refund of taxes and surcharges
   Other cash received relating to
                                             95,110,233.33                         63,832,096.54
operating activities
Subtotal of cash inflows from operating
                                             157,839,845.95                        77,664,896.63
   Cash paid for purchase of goods and
                                             16,964,957.26                         2,170,256.29
receipt of labor services
   Cash paid to and on behalf of
                                             16,012,236.59                         21,827,096.56
   Various taxes paid                        4,315,386.13                          4,568,154.92
   Other cash paid relating to operating
                                             97,680,119.77                         9,260,460.69
Subtotal of cash outflows from operating
                                             134,972,699.75                        37,825,968.46
Net cash flow from operating activities      22,867,146.20                         39,838,928.17
II. Cash Flow from Investing Activities:
   Cash received from the return on
                                             330,497,067.04                        137,100,000.00
   Cash received from returns on
                                             15,058,727.78                         21,303,117.33
   Net cash received from the disposal of
fixed assets, intangible assets, and other
long-term assets
   Net cash received from the disposal of
subsidiaries and other business units
   Cash received relating to other
investing activities
Subtotal of cash inflows from investing
                                             345,555,794.82                        158,449,745.49
   Cash paid to acquire fixed assets,
intangible assets, and other long-term       13,583,673.72                         50,544,766.31
   Cash paid for investments                 342,236,930.32                        290,000,000.00
   Net cash paid for acquisition of
subsidiaries and other business units
   Cash paid relating to other investing
Subtotal of cash outflows from               355,820,604.04                        340,544,766.31

                                            Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

investment activities
Net cash flows from investing activities       -10,264,809.22                          -182,095,020.82
III. Cash Flow from Financing
   Cash received from absorbing
   Cash received from borrowings                                                       25,693,122.83
   Other cash received relating to
financing activities
Subtotal of cash inflows from financing
   Cash repayments of borrowings                                                       1,192,522.00
   Cash paid for distribution of
                                               13,408,159.80                           2,711,261.96
dividends, profits, or interest repayment
   Cash paid relating to other financing
Subtotal of cash outflows from financing
                                               13,408,159.80                           3,903,783.96
Net cash flows from financing activities       -13,408,159.80                          21,789,338.87
IV. Effect of Exchange Rate Changes on
Cash and Cash Equivalents
V. Net Increase in Cash and Cash
                                               -805,822.82                             -120,466,753.78
   Add: Opening balance of cash and
                                               8,805,213.07                            157,068,231.28
cash equivalents
VI. Closing Balance of Cash and Cash
                                               7,999,390.25                            36,601,477.50

7. Consolidated Statement of Changes in Owners' Equity

Amount in the current period
Unit: RMB

                The first half of 2024
                Owners' equity attributable to the parent company
                        Other       equity                      Oth                                                        Tota
                        instruments                      Less   er                          Und                            l
                                                                                     Gen                           Min
Item            Shar                             Capi    :      com    Spe    Surp          istri                  ority   own
                        Pref    Perp                                                 eral
                e                                tal     Trea   preh   cial   lus           bute      Oth   Subt   inter   ers'
                        erre    etua                                                 risk
                capi                     Oth     rese    sury   ensi   rese   rese          d         ers   otal   ests    equi
                        d       l                                                    rese
                tal                      ers     rves    shar   ve     rves   rves          prof                           ty
                        shar    bon                                                  rve
                                                         es     inco                        it
                        es      ds                              me
I.    Ending    431,                             430,           -             63,9          685,            1,60   127,    1,73
Balance of      058,                             866,           7,31          56,2          342,            3,90   166,    1,07
the Previous    320.                             408.           8,55          86.4          592.            5,05   863.    1,91
Year            00                               50             2.65          6             62              4.93   09      8.02
Changes in
rrections of
errors in the

                        Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

II. Beginning    431,      430,         -            63,9          685,         1,60   127,   1,73
Balance of       058,      866,         7,31         56,2          342,         3,90   166,   1,07
the Current      320.      408.         8,55         86.4          592.         5,05   863.   1,91
Year             00        50           2.65         6             62           4.93   09     8.02
rease in the                                                       63,2         63,2          66,1
Current                                                            99,6         99,6          46,9
Period                                                             71.7         71.7          36.1
(decrease to                                                       7            7             2
be listed with
                                                                   76,6         76,6          79,5
(I)     Total                                                                          2,84
                                                                   62,4         62,4          09,7
comprehensi                                                                            7,26
                                                                   79.6         79.6          44.0
ve income                                                                              4.35
                                                                   9            9             4
(II) Capital
invested and
decreased by
1. Ordinary
by owners
2.    Capital
invested by
holders    of
other equity
3. Amount of
included in
4. Others
                                                                   -            -             -
                                                                   13,3         13,3          13,3
(III)   Profit
                                                                   62,8         62,8          62,8
                                                                   07.9         07.9          07.9
                                                                   2            2             2
n to surplus
n to general
3.                                                                 -            -             -

                         Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Distribution                                                        13,3         13,3          13,3
to owners (or                                                       62,8         62,8          62,8
shareholders)                                                       07.9         07.9          07.9
                                                                    2            2             2
4. Others
(IV) Internal
transfers of
of      capital
reserves into
capital    (or
share capital)
of     surplus
reserve into
capital    (or
share capital)
3.    Surplus
reserves to
cover losses
4. Retained
carried over
from changes
in    defined
benefit plans
5. Retained
forward from
ve income
6. Others
(V) Special
n in the
2. Amount
used in the
(VI) Others
IV.    Ending     431,      430,         -            63,9          748,         1,66   130,   1,79

                                            Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Balance of       058,                           866,          7,31          56,2          642,          7,20   014,    7,21
the Current      320.                           408.          8,55          86.4          264.          4,72   127.    8,85
Period           00                             50            2.65          6             39            6.70   44      4.14

Amount in the previous year
Unit: RMB

                 The first half of 2023
                 Owners' equity attributable to the parent company
                         Other       equity                   Oth                                                      Tota
                         instruments                   Less   er                          Und                  Min     l
Item             Shar                           Capi   :      com    Spe    Surp          istri                ority   own
                         Pref    Perp                                              eral
                 e                              tal    Trea   preh   cial   lus           bute    Oth   Subt   inter   ers'
                         erre    etua                                              risk
                 capi                     Oth   rese   sury   ensi   rese   rese          d       ers   otal   ests    equi
                         d       l                                                 rese
                 tal                      ers   rves   shar   ve     rves   rves          prof                         ty
                         shar    bon                                               rve
                                                       es     inco                        it
                         es      ds                           me
I.    Ending     431,                           431,                        52,4          590,          1,50   150,    1,65
Balance of       058,                           449,                        99,1          605,          5,63   588,    6,22
the Previous     320.                           554.                        72.1          394.          8,86   880.    7,74
Year             00                             51                          3             67            3.31   59      3.90
Changes in
rrections of
errors in the
II. Beginning    431,                           431,                        52,4          590,          1,50   150,    1,65
Balance of       058,                           449,                        99,1          605,          5,63   588,    6,22
the Current      320.                           554.                        72.1          394.          8,86   880.    7,74
Year             00                             51                          3             67            3.31   59      3.90
rease in the                                                                              32,0          32,0           16,3
Current                                                                                   70,3          70,3           92,9
Period                                                                                    29.9          29.9           32.4
(decrease to                                                                              7             7              9
be listed with
                                                                                          44,1          44,1           45,0
(I)     Total                                                                                                  948,
                                                                                          39,9          39,9           88,0
comprehensi                                                                                                    103.
                                                                                          62.9          62.9           66.4
ve income                                                                                                      50
                                                                                          3             3              3
(II) Capital                                                                                                   -       -
invested and                                                                                                   4,90    4,90
decreased by                                                                                                   0,00    0,00
owners                                                                                                         0.00    0.00
1. Ordinary                                                                                                    -       -
shares                                                                                                         4,90    4,90

                  Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

contributed                                                                      0,00   0,00
by owners                                                                        0.00   0.00
2.    Capital
invested by
holders    of
other equity
3. Amount of
included in
4. Others
                                                             -            -             -
                                                             12,0         12,0          12,0
(III)   Profit
                                                             69,6         69,6          69,6
                                                             32.9         32.9          32.9
                                                             6            6             6
n to surplus
n to general
                                                             -            -             -
                                                             12,0         12,0          12,0
                                                             69,6         69,6          69,6
to owners (or
                                                             32.9         32.9          32.9
                                                             6            6             6
4. Others
(IV) Internal
transfers of
of      capital
reserves into
capital    (or
share capital)
of     surplus
reserve into
capital    (or
share capital)
3.    Surplus
reserves to

                                             Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

cover losses
4. Retained
carried over
from changes
in    defined
benefit plans
5. Retained
forward from
ve income
6. Others
(V) Special
n in the
2. Amount
used in the
                                                                                                                     -       -
                                                                                                                     11,7    11,7
(VI) Others                                                                                                          25,5    25,5
                                                                                                                     00.9    00.9
                                                                                                                     8       8
IV. Ending      431,                            431,                         52,4            622,             1,53   134,    1,67
Balance of      058,                            449,                         99,1            675,             7,70   911,    2,62
the Current     320.                            554.                         72.1            724.             9,19   483.    0,67
Period          00                              51                           3               64               3.28   11      6.39

8. Parent Company's Statement of Changes in Owners' Equity

Amount in the current period
Unit: RMB

                The first half of 2024
                          Other equity instruments                        Other
                                                       Capita    Less:    compr     Specia   Surplu   Undist                Total
Item            Share     Prefer    Perpet             l         Treas    ehensi    l        s        ribute                owner
                capital   red       ual       Others   reserv    ury      ve        reserv   reserv   d                     s'
                          shares    bonds              es        shares   incom     es       es       profit                equity
I.    Ending                                                              -
                431,0                                  428,2                                 63,95    516,8                 1,432,
Balance of                                                                7,344,
                58,32                                  56,13                                 6,286.   78,40                 804,1
the Previous                                                              974.6
                0.00                                   1.23                                  46       6.57                  69.61
Year                                                                      5

                         Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Changes in
rrections of
errors in the
II. Beginning                                      -
                 431,0             428,2                            63,95    516,8          1,432,
Balance of                                         7,344,
                 58,32             56,13                            6,286.   78,40          804,1
the Current                                        974.6
                 0.00              1.23                             46       6.57           69.61
Year                                               5
rease in the
                                                                             89,48          89,48
                                                                             0,411.         0,411.
                                                                             35             35
(decrease to
be listed with
(I)     Total                                                                102,8          102,8
comprehensi                                                                  43,21          43,21
ve income                                                                    9.27           9.27
(II) Capital
invested and
decreased by
1. Ordinary
by owners
2.    Capital
invested by
holders    of
other equity
3. Amount of
included in
4. Others
                                                                             -              -
(III)   Profit                                                               13,36          13,36
distribution                                                                 2,807.         2,807.
                                                                             92             92
n to surplus

                          Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

2.                                                                           -               -
Distribution                                                                 13,36           13,36
to owners (or                                                                2,807.          2,807.
shareholders)                                                                92              92
3. Others
(IV) Internal
transfers of
of      capital
reserves into
capital    (or
share capital)
of     surplus
reserve into
capital    (or
share capital)
3.    Surplus
reserves to
cover losses
4. Retained
carried over
from changes
in    defined
benefit plans
5. Retained
forward from
ve income
6. Others
(V) Special
n in the
2. Amount
used in the
(VI) Others
IV.    Ending     431,0             428,2           -                63,95   606,3           1,522,

                                              Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Balance of       58,32                                  56,13             7,344,            6,286.   58,81             284,5
the Current      0.00                                   1.23              974.6             46       7.92              80.96
Period                                                                    5

Amount in the previous year
Unit: RMB

                 The first half of 2023
                           Other equity instruments                       Other
                                                        Capita   Less:    compr    Specia   Surplu   Undist            Total
Item             Share     Prefer    Perpet             l        Treas    ehensi   l        s        ribute            owner
                 capital   red       ual       Others   reserv   ury      ve       reserv   reserv   d                 s'
                           shares    bonds              es       shares   incom    es       es       profit            equity
I.    Ending
                 431,0                                  428,2                               52,49    425,8             1,337,
Balance of
                 58,32                                  56,13                               9,172.   34,01             647,6
the Previous
                 0.00                                   1.23                                13       0.57              33.93
Changes in
rrections of
errors in the
II. Beginning
                 431,0                                  428,2                               52,49    425,8             1,337,
Balance of
                 58,32                                  56,13                               9,172.   34,01             647,6
the Current
                 0.00                                   1.23                                13       0.57              33.93
rease in the                                                                                         -                 -
Current                                                                                              9,804,            9,804,
Period                                                                                               315.8             315.8
(decrease to                                                                                         5                 5
be listed with
(I)     Total                                                                                        2,265,            2,265,
comprehensi                                                                                          317.1             317.1
ve income                                                                                            1                 1
(II) Capital
invested and
decreased by
1. Ordinary
by owners
2.    Capital
invested by

                  Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

holders    of
other equity
3. Amount of
included in
4. Others
                                                                     -               -
(III)   Profit                                                       12,06           12,06
distribution                                                         9,632.          9,632.
                                                                     96              96
n to surplus
2.                                                                   -               -
Distribution                                                         12,06           12,06
to owners (or                                                        9,632.          9,632.
shareholders)                                                        96              96
3. Others
(IV) Internal
transfers of
of      capital
reserves into
capital    (or
share capital)
of     surplus
reserve into
capital    (or
share capital)
3.    Surplus
reserves to
cover losses
4. Retained
carried over
from changes
in    defined
benefit plans
5. Retained
forward from

                                    Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

ve income
6. Others
(V) Special
n in the
2. Amount
used in the
(VI) Others
IV. Ending
               431,0                          428,2                            52,49    416,0          1,327,
Balance of
               58,32                          56,13                            9,172.   29,69          843,3
the Current
               0.00                           1.23                             13       4.72           18.08

III. Basic Information of the Company

SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") is a limited liability
company registered in Shenzhen Administration for Industry and Commerce on November 10, 1986. The
Company was reorganized and established from the former Shenzhen Machinery Industry Company with the
approval through the Reply on the Reorganization of Shenzhen Machinery Industry Company into Shenzhen
Tellus Machinery Co., Ltd. (SFBF [1991] No. 1012) issued by the General Office of Shenzhen Municipal
People's Government. The Company currently holds a business license with a unified social credit code of
91440300192192210U, with a registered capital of RMB 431,058,320.00 and a total of 431,058,320 shares,
including 392,778,320 A shares and 38,280,000 B shares without trading restrictions on sale. The business
address of the Company's headquarters is 3-4/F, Tellus Building, 2nd Shuibei Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen.
The legal representative is Fu Chunlong.

In 1993, with the approval from the Reply on the Reorganization of Shenzhen Tellus Machinery Co., Ltd. into a
Public Limited Liability Company (SFBF [1992] No. 1850) issued by the General Office of Shenzhen
Municipal People's Government and the Reply on the Issuance of Shares by Shenzhen Tellus Machinery Electric
Co., Ltd. (SRYFZ [1993] No. 092) issued by Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Branch of the People's Bank of
China, the Company was reorganized into a public limited liability company through an initial public offering,
with a registered capital of RMB 166,880,000.00 and a total share capital of 166,880,000 shares. 120,900,000
shares were converted from former assets, 25,980,000 were issued as A shares, and 20,000,000 were issued as
B shares. Shares issued by the Company had a par value of RMB 1 per share. On June 21, 1993, the Company's
shares were listed and traded on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

According to the resolution of the Company's 1993 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, based on the
share capital of 166,880,000 shares as of December 31 of that year, the Company distributed a cash dividend of
RMB 0.5 and issued 2 bonus shares to all shareholders for every 10 shares held, totaling 33,376,000 shares,

                                      Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

which was implemented in 1994. After the share dividend, the registered capital was increased to RMB

According to the resolution of the Company's 1994 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, based on the
share capital of 200,256,000 shares as of December 31 of that year, the Company distributed a cash dividend of
RMB 0.5 and issued 0.5 bonus shares to all shareholders for every 10 shares held, with 0.5 additional shares,
totaling 20,025,600 shares, which was implemented in 1995. The registered capital was increased to RMB
220,281,600.00 after the share dividend and transfer.

According to the resolution of the Company's 1994 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, based on the
share capital of 200,256,000 shares as of December 31 of that year, the Company distributed a cash dividend of
RMB 0.5 and issued 0.5 bonus shares to all shareholders for every 10 shares held, with 0.5 additional shares,
totaling 20,025,600 shares, which was implemented in 1995. The registered capital was increased to RMB
220,281,600.00 after the share dividend and transfer. According to the resolution of the 4th Extraordinary
General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company in 2014, upon the approval of the Reply to the Approval of
Non-public Offering of Shares by SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD. (ZJXK [2015] No.173) issued by
the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the Company issued 77,000,000 ordinary A shares to Shenzhen
Special Economic Zone Development Group Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Capital Fortune Jewelry Industry
Investment Enterprise (Limited Partnership) in 2015. After the issuance, the registered capital was increased to
RMB 297,281,600.00.

According to the resolution of the Company's 2018 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, based on the
share capital of 297,281,600 shares as of December 31 of that year, the Company increased 4.5 shares for every
10 shares to all shareholders through capital reserves, totaling 133,776,720 shares, which was implemented in
2019. After the transfer, the registered capital was increased to RMB 431,058,320.00.

Main business activities: Property leasing and services, jewelry operations, etc.

The financial statements and notes to the financial statements were approved by the 12th Formal Meeting of the
10th Board of Directors on August 20, 2024.

IV. Preparation Fundamentals for Financial Statements

1. Preparation fundamentals

The Company prepared the financial statements according to Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
issued by the Ministry of Finance as well as relevant application guidelines, interpretations, and other
provisions (hereinafter collectively referred to as "ASBE"). In addition, the Company also disclosed relevant
financial information per the Rules for the Preparation of Information Disclosure of Companies Issuing
Securities to the Public No.15 — General Provisions on Financial Reports (Revised in 2023) issued by the

2. Continuing operations

The financial statements have been prepared based on continuing operations.

                                                Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

V. Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates

Notes to specific accounting policies and accounting estimates:

The Company has determined the policies for investment property depreciation, fixed asset depreciation, and
revenue recognition based on its own production and operational characteristics. Please see Notes 27 and 28 for
specific accounting policies.

1. Statement of compliance with ASBE

These financial statements comply with the requirements of ASBE and truly and completely reflect the
Company's merger and financial situation as of June 30, 2024, as well as the merger in the first half of 2024 and
its operating results, merger, cash flows, and other information.

2. Accounting period

The Company uses the calendar year as the accounting year, namely, from January 1 to June 30.

3. Business cycle

The business cycle of the Company is 6 months.

4. Bookkeeping base currency

The Company and its domestic subsidiaries take RMB as the bookkeeping base currency. The Company uses
RMB to prepare the financial statements.

5. Method of determining significance criteria and basis of selection

Applicable □ Not applicable

Item                                                               Significance criteria
Significant receivables with provision for bad debts drawn on a    Amount ≥ RMB 1,000,000.00 or accounts for more than 1% of
single basis                                                       various receivables
Significant construction in progress                               The budget amount for a single project is ≥ 20,000,000.00
                                                                   Accounts payable with a single account receivable age of more
                                                                   than one year/other payables accounting for more than 1% of
Significant accounts payable and other payables
                                                                   the total accounts payable, with an amount ≥ RMB
                                                                   The total revenue from related parties accounts for more than
                                                                   10% of the total revenue in the consolidated financial
Significant non-wholly-owned subsidiaries                          statements, or the absolute value of net profit accounts for more
                                                                   than 10% of the net profit in the consolidated financial
                                                                   Single investment activity accounts for more than 10% of the
Significant investing activities and projects                      total cash inflows or outflows related to investment activities,
                                                                   or the outflows amount to ≥ RMB 100,000,000.00.
                                                                   The book value of long-term equity investment in a single
Significant joint ventures or associates                           investee is more than RMB 15 million, or the profit and loss on
                                                                   the long-term equity investment under the equity method

                                             Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

                                                                accounts for over 3% of the Company's consolidated net profit.
                                                                The Company recognizes the profit distribution after the
Significant events after the balance sheet date
                                                                balance sheet date as a significant event

6. Accounting treatment method for business mergers under common control and not under common

(1) Business mergers under common control

For a business merger under common control, the merging party shall measure the assets and liabilities acquired
from the merged party at their book value on the merger date in the consolidated financial statements of the
ultimate controlling party. The difference between the book value of the net assets obtained in the business
merger and the book value of the merger is used to adjust the capital reserve. Where the capital reserve is
insufficient for offset, retained earnings shall be adjusted.

Business mergers under common control realized step-by-step through multiple transactions

The assets and liabilities acquired by the merging party from the merged party shall be measured based on their
book value on the merger date in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controlling party.
According to the difference between the sum of the book value of holding investment before merger and the
book value of newly paid consideration on the merger date and the book value of net assets obtained by
merging, the capital reserve shall be adjusted; if the capital reserve is insufficient for offset, retained earnings
may be adjusted. The long-term equity investment held before the acquisition of the merged party's control by
the merging party and the profit or loss, other comprehensive income, and changes in other owners' equities that
have been recognized during the period from the date of acquisition of the original equity, or the date of
common control of the merging party and the merged entity (which is later) to the merging date shall offset
against the retained beginning earnings or current profits and losses respectively during the period of the
comparative statement.

(2) Business mergers not under common control

For a business merger not under common control, the merger costs are the fair value of assets paid, liabilities
incurred or assumed, and equity securities issued by the Company on the acquisition date to obtain control over
the acquiree. The assets, liabilities, and contingent liabilities of the acquiree obtained are recognized as per the
fair value on the acquisition date.

The difference between the merging cost and the fair value of identifiable net assets obtained from the acquiree
shall be recognized as goodwill, and successively measured by deducting the accumulative depreciation
provision by cost; the difference between the merging cost and the fair value of identifiable net assets obtained
from the acquiree shall be included in the current profits and losses after review.

Business mergers not under common control realized step-by-step through multiple transactions

The merging cost shall be equal to the sum of the consideration paid on the acquisition date and the fair value of
the acquiree's equity, which has been held before the acquisition date, on the acquisition date. The acquiree's
equity held before the acquisition date shall be re-measured at its fair value on the acquisition date, and the

                                         Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

difference between the fair value and its book value shall be included in the current investment income; if the
acquiree's equity held before the date of acquisition involves other comprehensive income, changes in other
owners' equity shall be transformed into the current profit on the acquisition date, except comprehensive income
generated due to remeasuring the change in net liabilities or new assets of defined benefit plan by the investee
and other comprehensive income related to non-trading equity instrument investment originally measured at fair
value through other comprehensive income.

(3) Disposal of related handling charges for business mergers

Intermediation costs for audit, legal service, assessment and consultation, and other administrative expenses
incurred shall be included in the current profit and loss when incurred during the business mergers. The
transaction expenses of equity securities or debt securities issued as merger consideration shall be included in
the initially recognized amount of equity securities or debt securities.

7. Judgment standard for control and preparation of consolidated financial statements

(1) Judgment standard for control

The consolidation scope of consolidated financial statements is determined based on control. Control means the
power of the Company over the investee, with which the Company enjoys variable returns through participating
in related activities of the investee and can influence its amount of return by using its power over the investees.
Once changes in relevant facts and circumstances lead to changes in relevant elements involved in the above
definition of control, the Company will conduct a reassessment.

When judging whether to include a structured entity in the scope of consolidation, the Company evaluates
whether to control the structured entity based on all facts and circumstances, including evaluating the purpose
and design of the establishment of the structured entity, identifying the types of variable returns, and bearing
part or all of the return variability by participating in its related activities.

(2) Preparation of consolidated financial statements

Consolidated financial statements are prepared by the Company based on the financial statements of the
Company and its subsidiaries as well as other related data. In the preparation of consolidated financial
statements, the accounting policies and accounting periods of the Company and its subsidiaries are required to
be consistent, and significant transactions and current balances between companies are offset.

Where a subsidiary or business has been acquired through a business combination involving enterprises under
common control in the reporting period, the subsidiary or business is deemed to be included in the consolidated
financial statements from the date they are controlled by the ultimate controlling party. Their operating results
and cash flows are respectively included in the consolidated income statement and consolidated cash flow
statement from the date they are controlled by the ultimate controlling party.

For subsidiaries and businesses increased due to business combination under different control during the
reporting period, the revenues, expenses, and profits of such subsidiaries and businesses from the purchase date

                                      Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

to the end of the reporting period shall be included in the consolidated income statement, and their cash flows
shall be included in the consolidated cash flow statement.

The portion of shareholders' equity of subsidiaries not belonging to the Company shall be listed separately
under the item "Shareholders’ Equity" in the consolidated balance sheet as minority shareholders’ equity. The
portion of net profit or loss of subsidiaries in the current period belonging to minority shareholders’ equity shall
be listed separately under the item "Minority Shareholders' Profit or Loss" in the consolidated income statement.
If the loss of a subsidiary borne by minority shareholders exceeds its share in the owner's equity of the
subsidiary at the beginning of the period, the balance shall still offset the minority equity.

(3) Acquisition of equity from minority shareholders of subsidiaries

The capital reserve in the consolidated balance sheet shall be adjusted due to the balance between the long-term
equity investment cost newly obtained from minority equity and the net asset share of subsidiaries calculated
continuously starting from the purchase date or consolidation as per the new shareholding ratio and the balance
between disposing money obtained from partial disposal of subsidiaries' equity investment without loss of
control and the net asset share of subsidiaries calculated continuously starting from the purchase date or
consolidation corresponding to the disposal of long-term equity investment. If the capital reserve is insufficient
for offset, retained earnings may be adjusted.

(4) Disposal of the loss of control over subsidiaries

If the Company's control over the original subsidiaries is lost due to the disposal of part of an equity investment
or other reasons, the remaining equity shall be recalculated at fair value on the day when the control is lost. The
difference between the sum of consideration acquired from the disposal of equity and the fair value of the
remaining equity minus the sum of the share of net assets and the goodwill of the original subsidiaries
calculated constantly based on the original shareholding proportion from the acquisition date shall be included
in current investment income at the time of loss of control.

When the Company loses control over the original subsidiaries, other comprehensive income in connection with
equity investment of the original subsidiaries shall be subject to accounting treatment using the same basis on
which the original subsidiaries directly dispose of relevant assets or liabilities, and other changes in owners'
equity related to the original subsidiaries under the equity method shall be transferred into current profit or loss
at the time of loss of control.

8. Classification of joint arrangements and accounting treatment methods for joint operations

A joint arrangement refers to an arrangement jointly controlled by two or more participants. The joint
arrangement of the Company can be classified into joint operation and joint venture.

(1) Joint operations

Joint operations refer to joint arrangements in which the Company enjoys assets related to the arrangements and
bears liabilities related to the arrangements.

                                       Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

The Company recognizes the following items related to the quantum of interest in joint operations and carries
out accounting treatment per relevant provisions of ASBE:

A. Recognize the assets held solely and the assets held jointly identified as per its shares;

B. Recognize the liabilities borne solely and the liabilities borne jointly identified as per its shares;

C. Recognize the revenue generated from the sale of shares enjoyed in the joint operation;

D. Recognize the revenue generated from the sale of shares enjoyed in the joint operation as per its shares;

E. Recognize the expenses incurred separately and the expenses incurred from the joint operation as per their

(2) Joint ventures

Joint ventures refer to joint arrangements in which the Company only has rights over the net assets of the

The Company carries out accounting treatment for investment in joint ventures according to the provisions on
equity method accounting of long-term equity investments.

9. Standards for defining cash and cash equivalents

Cash refers to cash on hand and deposits that are readily available for payment. Cash equivalents refer to short-
term highly liquid investments held by the Company that are readily convertible into known amounts of cash
and have an insignificant risk of change in value.

10. Foreign currency transaction and foreign currency statement translation

Foreign currency transactions of the Company are translated into bookkeeping base currency according to the
spot exchange rate on the transaction date.

On the balance sheet date, monetary items denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the spot exchange
rate on that date. Exchange differences arising from the difference between the spot exchange rate on the
balance sheet date and that at initial recognition or on the previous balance sheet date shall be included in
current profit and loss; foreign currency non-monetary items measured at historical cost are still translated at the
spot exchange rate on the transaction date; foreign currency non-monetary items measured at fair value shall be
translated at the spot exchange rate on the date when the fair value is determined. The difference between the
translated amount in recording currency and the original amount in recording currency shall be included in
current profit and loss or other comprehensive incomes according to the nature of the non-monetary items.

11. Financial instruments

Financial instruments refer to contracts that form the financial assets of a party and form financial liabilities or
equity instruments of other parties.

                                       Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

(1) Recognition and derecognition of the financial instruments

The Company will recognize an item of financial asset or financial liability at the time when it becomes a party
to the contract of the financial instruments.

The financial assets shall be derecognized if one of the following conditions is met:

① The contractual right for collecting cash flow of the financial assets is terminated;

② This financial asset has been transferred and meets the following derecognition conditions for the transfer of
financial assets.

If the current obligation of a financial liability has been discharged in whole or in part, such financial liability or
part thereof shall be derecognized. The Company (the debtor) and the creditor sign an agreement to replace the
existing financial liabilities by assuming new financial liabilities, and if the contractual terms of the new
financial liabilities are substantially different from those of the existing financial liabilities, the existing
financial liabilities shall be derecognized and the new financial liabilities shall be recognized at the same time.

Financial assets transacted conventionally are subject to accounting recognition and derecognition on the
transaction day.

(2) Classification and measurement of financial assets

According to the business mode of financial assets management and the contractual cash flow characteristics of
financial assets, upon initial recognition, the Company classifies financial assets into financial assets measured
at amortized cost, financial assets at fair value with changes into other comprehensive income, and financial
assets at fair value through profit or loss.

Financial assets are measured at fair value at initial recognition. For financial assets at fair value through profit
or loss, the related transaction fees are directly included in the current profit or loss; for other financial assets,
the related transaction fees are included in the initially recognized amount. For accounts receivable arising from
the sale of products or the provision of labor services, which do not include or do not consider significant
financing components, the amount of consideration the Company is expected to be entitled to receive is taken as
the initial recognition amount.

Financial assets measured at amortized cost

The Company classifies the financial assets that meet all of the following conditions and are not designated to
be measured at fair value through profit or loss as those measured at amortized cost:

    The business model of the Company to manage such financial assets is aimed at collecting contractual cash
    The contract terms of the financial assets stipulate that cash flows generated on a specific date are only
    payments of principal and interest based on the outstanding principal amount.

                                      Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

After initial recognition, such financial assets are measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method.
Any gains or losses on financial assets at amortized cost that are not part of the hedging relationship are charged
to the current profit or loss at derecognition, amortization using the effective interest method, or recognition of

Financial assets at fair value with changes into other comprehensive income

The Company classifies financial assets that meet the following conditions and are not designated to be
financial assets at fair value through profit or loss as financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive

        The Company manages the financial asset in a business mode that aims at both collecting contractual
        cash flows and selling the financial asset;
        The contract terms of the financial assets stipulate that cash flows generated on a specific date are only
        payments of principal and interest based on the outstanding principal amount.

After initial recognition, such financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value. Interest, impairment
losses or gains, and exchange gains and losses calculated by the effective interest method are included in current
profits and losses, and other gains or losses are included in other comprehensive income. At the time of
derecognition, the accumulated gains or losses previously included in other comprehensive income shall be
transferred out from other comprehensive income and included in current profits and losses.

Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

Except for the above-mentioned financial assets measured at amortized cost and fair value through other
comprehensive income, the Company classifies all remaining financial assets as financial assets at fair value
through profit or loss. At the initial recognition, to eliminate or significantly reduce accounting mismatches, the
Company irrevocably designates some financial assets that should have been measured at amortized costs or
fair value with changes into other comprehensive income as the financial assets at fair value through profit or

Such financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value after initial recognition, and the resulting gains or
losses (including interest and dividend revenue) are included in current profit and loss unless the financial assets
are part of the hedging relationship.

However, for non-trading equity instrument investments, the Company irrevocably designates them as financial
assets at fair value with changes into other comprehensive income upon initial recognition. The designation is
made on a single investment basis and the related investments meet the definition of equity instruments from
the perspective of the issuer.

After initial recognition, such financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value. Dividend income that
meets the conditions is included in profit or loss, and other gains or losses and changes in fair value are included
in other comprehensive income. Upon derecognition, the accumulated gains or losses previously included in
other comprehensive income are transferred out of other comprehensive income and included in retained

                                       Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

The business model of managing financial assets refers to how the Company manages financial assets to
generate cash flows. The business model determines the cash flow source of the financial assets managed by the
Company, which may be the collection of contract cash flow, the sale of financial assets, or both. The Company
determines the business model for managing financial assets based on objective facts and specific business
objectives for managing financial assets decided by key management personnel.

The Company evaluates the contractual cash flow characteristics of financial assets to determine whether the
contractual cash flow generated by the relevant financial assets on the specific date is only the payment of
principal and interest based on the principal amount outstanding. In this context, principal refers to the fair
value of financial assets at initial recognition; interest includes consideration for the time value of money, credit
risk associated with the amount of principal outstanding over a specific period, and other fundamental
borrowing risks, costs, and profits. In addition, the Company evaluates the contract terms that may cause
changes in the time distribution or amount of contractual cash flows of financial assets to determine whether
they meet the requirements for the above-mentioned contractual cash flow characteristics.

Only when the Company changes the business mode of managing financial assets will all affected related
financial assets be reclassified on the first day of the first reporting period after the business mode changes,
otherwise, financial assets cannot be reclassified after initial recognition.

(3) Classification and measurement of financial liabilities

Financial liabilities of the Company are classified into financial liabilities measured at fair value through profit
or loss and financial liabilities measured at amortized cost upon initial recognition. For financial liabilities not
classified as financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, the transaction costs are recognized in the
initially recognized amount.

Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss

Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss include held-for-trading financial liabilities and those
designated to be measured at fair value through profit or loss upon initial recognition. Such financial liabilities
shall be subsequently measured at fair value, and the profits or losses arising from changes in fair value as well
as dividends and interest expenditures related to such financial liabilities shall be included in current profits and

Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost

Other financial liabilities are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method, and
gains or losses arising from derecognition or amortization are included in current profits and losses.

Difference between financial liabilities and equity instruments

Financial liabilities refer to those that meet one of the following conditions:

① Contractual obligations to deliver cash or other financial assets to other parties.

                                        Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

② A contractual obligation to exchange financial assets or financial liabilities with another entity under
potentially unfavorable conditions.

③ Non-derivative contracts that must or can be settled with the enterprise's equity instruments in the future, and
according to which the enterprise will deliver a variable number of its equity instruments.

④ Derivative contracts that must or can be settled with the enterprise's equity instruments in the future, except
for derivative contracts where a fixed amount of its equity instruments is exchanged for a fixed amount of cash
or other financial assets.

Equity instruments refer to contracts that can prove the ownership of residual equity in an enterprise's assets
after all liabilities are deducted.

If the Company cannot unconditionally avoid performing a contractual obligation by delivering cash or other
financial assets, the contractual obligation meets the definition of financial liabilities.

If a financial instrument must or can be settled with the Company's equity instrument, it is necessary to consider
whether the Company's equity instruments used for the settlement of such instruments are used as substitutes
for cash or other financial assets or to enable the instrument holder to enjoy residual equity in the assets of the
issuer after all liabilities are deducted. If the situation is the former, the instrument is a financial liability of the
Company; if it is the latter, the instrument is an equity instrument of the Company.

(4) Derivative financial instruments and embedded derivative instruments

The derivative financial instruments of the Company are initially measured at the fair value on the date of
signing the derivative deal contract, and subsequently measured at fair value. Derivative financial instruments
with positive fair values are recognized as an asset and those with negative fair values as a liability. Any gain or
loss arising from changes in fair value that does not comply with the provisions of hedge accounting is directly
included in current profits and losses.

For hybrid instruments containing embedded derivative instruments, if the main contract is a financial asset, the
relevant provisions of financial asset classification shall apply to the hybrid instruments as a whole. If the main
contract is not a financial asset and the hybrid instrument is not measured at fair value through profit or loss for
accounting treatment, the embedded derivative instruments are not closely related to the main contract in terms
of economic characteristics and risks and have the same conditions as the embedded derivative instruments. If
the separately existing instruments meet the definition of derivative instruments, the embedded derivative
instruments shall be separated from the hybrid instruments and treated as separate derivative financial
instruments. If the embedded derivative instruments cannot be measured separately at the time of acquisition or
on the subsequent balance sheet date, the hybrid instruments are designated as financial assets or financial
liabilities at fair value through profit or loss as a whole.

(5) Fair value of financial instruments

See "Disclosure of Fair Value" for methods for determining the fair value of financial assets and financial

                                        Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

(6) Impairment of financial assets

The Company carries out impairment accounting treatment and recognizes the loss provision for the following
items based on expected credit losses:

         Financial assets measured at amortized cost;
         Receivables and debt instrument investments at fair value with changes into other comprehensive
         Contract assets as defined in the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 14 — Revenue;
         Lease receivables;
         Financial guarantee contracts (except for those measured at fair value through profit or loss, where the
         transfer of financial assets does not meet derecognition conditions or is continuously involved in the
         transferred financial assets).

Measurement of expected credit loss

The expected credit loss refers to the weighted average of the credit losses of financial instruments, with the risk
of default as weight. Credit loss refers to the difference between all contract cash flow that the Company
discounts at the original effective interest rate and is receivable per the contract and all cash flow expected to be
received, that is, the present value of all cash shortages.

The Company considers reasonable and reliable information about past events, current situation, and forecast of
the future economic situation and takes the risk of default as the weight to calculate the probability-weighted
amount of the present value of the difference between the cash flow receivable from the contract and the cash
flow expected to be received and recognize the expected credit loss.

The Company separately measures the expected credit losses of financial instruments at different stages. If the
credit risk of financial instruments has not increased significantly since initial recognition, it is in the first stage.
The Company measures the loss provision according to the expected credit losses in the next 12 months; if the
credit risk of a financial instrument has increased significantly since initial recognition but no credit impairment
has occurred, it is in the second stage. The Company measures the loss provision according to the expected
credit loss of the instrument throughout its duration; if a financial instrument has been credit-impaired since
initial recognition, it is in the third stage. The Company measures the loss provision according to the expected
credit loss of the instrument throughout its duration.

For financial instruments with low credit risk on the balance sheet date, the Company assumes that their credit
risks have not increased significantly since initial recognition and measures the loss provision according to the
expected credit losses in the next 12 months.

The expected credit loss of the whole duration refers to the expected credit loss caused by all possible default
events of financial instruments throughout the estimated duration. The expected credit loss in the next 12
months refers to the expected credit loss caused by the possible default events of financial instruments within 12
months (or, the expected duration, if the expected duration of financial instruments is less than 12 months) after
the balance sheet date, which is part of the expected credit loss in the whole duration.

                                       Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

When the expected credit loss is measured, the longest term that the Company needs to consider is the longest
contract term that the enterprise faces credit risk (including the option to renew the contract).

For financial instruments in the first and second stages and with low credit risk, the Company calculates interest
income according to the book balance before deducting provision for impairment and the actual interest rate.
For financial instruments in the third stage, the Company calculates interest income according to the amortized
cost (that is, the book balance less the accrual reduced-value allowance) and the effective interest rate.

For notes receivable, accounts receivable, and other receivables, if the credit risk characteristics of a customer
are significantly different from those of other customers in the portfolio, or the credit risk characteristics of the
customer have changed significantly, the Company shall make provision for bad debts on the receivable item.
Except for receivables with provision for bad debts drawn on a single basis, the Company divides receivables
into portfolios according to credit risk characteristics and calculates provision for bad debts based on portfolios.

Notes receivable, accounts receivable

For notes receivable and accounts receivable, regardless of whether there is a significant financing component,
the Company always measures their loss provision according to the amount equivalent to the expected credit
loss in the whole duration.

When the information of expected credit loss cannot be evaluated at a reasonable cost for a single financial asset,
the Company divides the notes receivable and accounts receivable into portfolios according to the credit risk
characteristics, calculates the expected credit loss based on the portfolio, and determines the portfolio based on
the following:

A. Notes receivable

        Notes receivable portfolio 1: Bank acceptance bills
        Notes receivable portfolio 2: Commercial acceptance bills

B. Accounts receivable

        Accounts receivable portfolio 1: Leasing and other portfolio
        Accounts receivable portfolio 2: Jewelry sales business portfolio

For notes receivable divided into portfolios, the Company refers to the historical credit loss experience,
combines the current situation with the forecast of the future economic situation, and calculates the expected
credit loss through default risk exposure and the expected credit loss rate for the whole duration.

For the accounts receivable divided into portfolios, the Company refers to the historical credit loss experience,
combines the current situation with the forecast of the future economic situation, formulates the comparison
table of aging of accounts receivable and the expected credit loss rate in the entire duration, and calculates the
expected credit loss. The age of accounts receivable shall be calculated from the date of recognition.

Other receivables

                                      Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

The Company divides other receivables into several portfolios based on credit risk characteristics, calculates the
expected credit loss based on the portfolio, and determines the portfolio based on the following:

        Other receivables portfolio 1: Aging portfolio
        Other receivables portfolio 2: Portfolio of deposits and security deposits receivable
        Other receivables portfolio 3: Portfolio of concerned intercourse funds within the consolidation scope
        of receivables

For other receivables that are divided into portfolios, the Company calculates the expected credit loss based on
the default risk exposure and the expected credit loss rate within the next 12 months or the whole duration. The
age of other receivables divided into portfolios by aging shall be calculated from the date of recognition.

Long-term receivables

The long-term receivables of the Company include concerned intercourse funds receivable, etc.

The Company divides concerned intercourse funds receivable into several portfolios based on credit risk
characteristics, calculates the expected credit loss based on the portfolio, and determines the portfolio based on
the following:

        Long-term receivables portfolio 1: Other receivables

For concerned intercourse funds receivable divided into portfolios, the Company refers to the historical credit
loss experience, combines the current situation with the forecast of the future economic situation, and calculates
the expected credit loss through default risk exposure and the expected credit loss rate for the whole duration.

For other receivables and long-term receivables divided into portfolios except for concerned intercourse funds
receivable and labor payments receivable, the expected credit loss is calculated based on the default risk
exposure and the expected credit loss rate within the next 12 months or the whole duration.

Creditor's rights investments, other creditor's rights investments

For creditor's rights investments and other creditor's rights investments, the Company calculates the expected
credit loss according to the nature of the investment as well as various types of counterparty and risk exposure
through default risk exposure and the expected credit loss rate in the next 12 months or the entire duration.

Assessment of significant increase in credit risk

To determine the relative changes in the default risks of financial instruments in the duration and assess whether
the credit risk of financial instruments has increased significantly since initial recognition, the Company
compares the default risk of financial instruments on the balance sheet date with the default risk on the initial
recognition date.

When determining whether the credit risk has significantly increased since the initial recognition, the Company
considers reasonable and well-founded information obtained without unnecessary additional cost or effort,
including forward-looking information. The information considered by the Company includes:

                                      Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

        The debtor fails to pay the principal and interest by the contract expiration date;
        A significant deterioration (if any) in the external or internal credit ratings of a financial instrument,
        whether it has occurred or is anticipated;
        A significant deterioration in the operating performance of the debtor, whether it has occurred or is
        Changes in the existing or expected technical, market, economic, or legal environment, which will have
        a significant adverse impact on the debtor's ability to repay the Company.

According to the nature of financial instruments, the Company evaluates whether the credit risk has increased
significantly based on individual financial instruments or portfolios of financial instruments. When evaluating
based on portfolios of financial instruments, the Company may classify the financial instruments based on
common credit risk characteristics, such as overdue information and credit risk rating.

If the financial instrument is overdue for more than 30 days, the Company determines that its credit risk has
significantly increased.

The Company considers that a default of a financial asset occurs when:

        The borrower is unlikely to pay in full what is owed to the Company and the assessment does not cover
        the realization of the collateral (if held) or other recourse actions by the Company;
        Financial assets are overdue for more than 90 days.

Credit-impaired financial assets

On the balance sheet date, the Company evaluates whether the credit impairment has occurred to financial
assets measured by amortized cost and at fair value with changes into other comprehensive income; When one
or more events that have an adverse effect on the expected future cash flow of a financial asset occur, the
financial asset becomes a credit-impaired financial asset. Evidence for credit-impaired financial assets includes
the following observable information:

        The issuer or debtor is caught in a serious financial difficulty;
        The debtor breaches the agreement of contract, such as default or overdue payment of interest or
        The Company grants concessions to the debtor due to economic or contractual considerations related to
        the debtor's financial difficulties, which would not be made under any other circumstances;
        There lies a great probability of bankruptcy or other financial restructuring for the debtor;
        The issuer or debtor is caught in financial difficulties, which leads to the disappearance of the active
        market of the financial asset;

Presentation of provision for expected credit loss

To reflect the changes in the credit risk of financial instruments since the initial recognition, the Company re-
measures the expected credit loss on each balance sheet date. The increase or reversal amount of provision for
loss therefrom shall be regarded as impairment loss or gain and included in current profits and losses. For the
financial assets measured at amortized cost, the provision for loss shall be used to offset against the book value
of financial assets presented in the balance sheet; for the debt investments measured at fair value with changes

                                        Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

into other comprehensive income, the Company recognizes the provision for loss in other comprehensive
income, and the book value of financial assets will not be deducted.


When the Company no longer reasonably expects that the contractual cash flow of the financial asset can be
recovered in whole or in part, the book balance of the financial asset is directly written down. Such write-downs
may constitute the derecognition of related financial assets. This usually happens when the Company
determines that the debtor has no assets or sources of revenue to generate sufficient cash flow to repay the
amount to be written down. However, according to the Company's procedures for recovering due amounts,
written-down financial assets may still be affected by implementation activities.

If the write-down financial assets are recovered later, they shall be regarded as the reversal of impairment loss
and included in the current profits and losses.

(7) Transfer of financial assets

Transfer of financial assets refers to the assignment or delivery of financial assets to the other party other than
the issuer of such financial assets (transferee).

If the Company has transferred substantially all risks and rewards of ownership of a financial asset to the
transferee, the financial asset shall be derecognized; if it retains substantially all risks and rewards of ownership
of the financial asset, the financial asset shall not be derecognized.

If the Company neither transfers nor retains almost all risks and rewards of ownership of a financial asset, it
shall deal with them as follows: If the control over the financial asset is waived, the financial asset shall be
derecognized and the assets and liabilities incurred shall be recognized; if the control over the financial asset is
not waived, the relevant financial asset shall be recognized to the extent that it continues to be involved in the
transferred financial asset, and the relevant liabilities shall be recognized accordingly.

(8) Offset of financial assets and liabilities

When the Company has a legal right to offset the recognized financial assets and financial liabilities, and such
legal right is currently enforceable, and the Company plans to settle on a net basis or realize the financial assets
and pay off the financial liabilities simultaneously, the financial assets and financial liabilities are presented in
the balance sheet at the amount after offsetting each other. Besides, financial assets and financial liabilities are
presented separately in the balance sheet and are not mutually offset.

The Company shall abide by the disclosure requirements of the Business Guidelines of Shenzhen Stock
Exchange for Self-discipline Regulation of Listed Companies No. 3 — Industrial Information Disclosure for
jewelry-related business.

12. Inventories

The Company shall abide by the disclosure requirements for "jewelry-related business" in the Guidelines of Shenzhen Stock
Exchange for Self-Regulatory Supervision of Listed Companies No. 3 —Industry Information Disclosure.

                                      Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

(1) Classification of inventories

The Company's inventories include raw materials, finished goods, hedged items, materials processed on a
commission basis, and goods sold on a commission basis.

(2) Valuation method for dispatched inventories

The Company's inventories are measured at the actual cost when acquired. Raw materials and inventory items
are valued using the first-in, first-out method, and the specific valuation method when issued.

(3) Recognition and withdrawal of provision for decline in the value of inventories

On the balance sheet date, inventories are valued by cost or net realizable value, whichever is lower. If the net
realizable value is lower than the cost, the provision for decline in the value of inventories is accrued.

Net realizable value is the estimated selling price less estimated costs to be incurred upon completion, estimated
selling expenses, and related taxes. When the net realizable value of inventories is determined, the obtained
concrete evidence is taken as a basis, and the purpose of holding inventories and the impact of matters after the
balance sheet date are taken into consideration.

The Company usually conducts the provision for decline in the value of inventories on an individual inventory
item basis. For the inventories with high quantity and low unit price, the provision for decline in the value of
inventories will be done by inventory class.

On the balance sheet date, if the factors affecting the previous write-down of inventory value have disappeared,
the provision for decline in the value of inventories shall be reversed within the amount original provision.

(4) Inventory system

The Company adopts the perpetual inventory system.

(5) Amortization method for low-value consumables

The Company adopts the one-off amortization method for low-value consumables collected.

13. Long-term equity investments

Long-term equity investments include equity investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures, and associates. When
the Company can exercise significant influence over the investee, the investee is an associate.

(1) Recognition of initial investment cost

Long-term equity investment formed by business combination: For long-term equity investment acquired
through business combination under common control, the book value share of the owner's equity of the
combined party in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controlling party shall be recognized as
the investment cost on the combination date; for long-term equity investment acquired through business

                                       Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

combination under different control, the combination cost shall be recognized as the investment cost of long-
term equity investment.

For long-term equity investments acquired by other methods: For those acquired by cash payment, the actual
purchase price shall be taken as the initial investment cost; for those acquired by issuing equity securities, the
fair value of issued equity securities shall be taken as the initial investment cost.

(2) Subsequent measurement and recognition of related profit or loss

Investments in subsidiaries are accounted for using the cost method unless they meet the conditions of being
held for sale; investments in associates and joint ventures are calculated through the equity method.

For long-term equity investments calculated by cost method, except for the declared but not yet released cash
dividends or profits included in the actual price or consideration paid when acquiring the investment, the
distributed cash dividends or profits declared by the investee shall be recognized as investment income and
included in current profits and losses.

For long-term equity investments calculated through the equity method, if the initial investment cost is greater
than the share of fair value of net identifiable assets of the investee at the time of investment, the investment
cost of the long-term equity investment shall not be adjusted; if the initial investment cost is less than the share
of fair value of net identifiable assets of the investee at the time of investment, the book value of the long-term
equity investment shall be adjusted and the difference shall be included in current profits and losses.

For equity method-based calculation, the investment income and other comprehensive income shall be
recognized respectively according to the share of the net profits and losses and other comprehensive income
realized by the investee that shall be enjoyed or shared. Meanwhile, the book value of the long-term equity
investment shall be adjusted. The part of the due share shall be calculated according to the distributed profit or
cash dividend declared by the investee, and the book value of the long-term equity investment shall be reduced
accordingly. For other changes of owners' equity of the investee apart from net profit and loss, other
comprehensive income, and profit distribution, the book value of long-term equity investment shall be adjusted
and included in capital reserve (other capital reserves). The recognition of the share of the investee's net profits
and losses that should be enjoyed is based on the fair value of the identifiable assets of the investee at the time
of investment acquisition. The investee's net profit is then adjusted per the Company's accounting policies
before recognition during the accounting period.

If it can exert a significant influence or implement joint control to the investee but not constitute the control due
to the additional investment and other causes, on the date of transition, the sum of the fair value of equity
originally held and the new investment cost shall be regarded as the initial investment cost accounted through
the equity method. If the original equity is classified as a non-trading equity instrument investment measured at
fair value with changes into other comprehensive income, the related accumulated changes in fair value
originally included in other comprehensive income shall be transferred to retained earnings in accounting using
the equity method.

Suppose the Company loses joint control over or significant influence on the investee due to the disposal of
partial equity investment and other reasons. In that case, the remaining equity after disposal shall be subject to
accounting treatment according to the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 22 — Recognition

                                      Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

and Measurement of Financial Instruments on the date of losing joint control or significant influence, and the
difference between fair value and book value shall be included in current profits and losses. Other
comprehensive income recognized from the original equity investment due to accounting through the equity
method shall be subject to accounting treatment using the same basis on which the investee directly disposes of
relevant assets or liabilities when the accounting with the equity method is terminated; other changes in owner's
equity related to the original equity investment shall be transferred into current profits and losses.

If the Company loses control over the investee due to the disposal of partial equity investment or other reasons,
and the residual equity after disposal can exercise joint control over or significant influence on the investee, it
shall be accounted for through the equity method instead, and adjusted as if it had been calculated through the
equity method since it was acquired; if the residual equity after disposal cannot exercise joint control over or
significant influence on the investee, it shall be subject to accounting treatment according to relevant provisions
of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 22 — Recognition and Measurement of Financial
Instruments, and the difference between its fair value and book value since the date of losing control shall be
included in current profits or losses.

If the shareholding proportion of the Company decreases due to capital increase by other investors, resulting in
loss of control but common control over or significant influence on the investee, the Company's share of net
assets increased due to capital increase and share expansion of the investee shall be recognized according to the
new shareholding proportion. The difference between the original book value of long-term equity investment
corresponding to the decrease in the shareholding proportion that shall be carried forward shall be included in
current profits and losses; the new shareholding proportion is then adjusted as if it had been accounted for using
the equity method since the acquisition of the investment.

Unrealized internal transaction gains and losses between the Company and associates and joint ventures shall be
calculated according to the shareholding proportion, and the investment gains and losses shall be recognized
based on the offset. However, the unrealized internal transaction losses incurred between the Company and the
investee that belong to impairment loss of transferred assets shall not be offset.

(3) Basis for determining joint control and significant influence on the investee

Joint control refers to the sharing of control over certain arrangements under related agreements, and associated
activities of the arrangement can be determined only when the unanimous consent of the parties sharing the
control right is obtained. When determining the existence of joint control, the first step is to assess whether the
arrangement is collectively controlled by all parties involved or a combination of the parties. The next step is to
evaluate whether decisions about the relevant activities of the arrangement require the unanimous consent of
those parties who collectively control the arrangement. If all participants or a group of participants must act in
concert to decide the relevant activities of an arrangement, it is considered that all participants or a group of
participants collectively control the arrangement; if two or more participants can collectively control an
arrangement, it does not constitute joint control. Protective rights are not considered in determining whether or
not there is joint control.

Significant influence means the power of the investor to participate in making decisions on the financial and
operating policies of an investee, but the investor cannot control or jointly control with other parties over the
formulation of these policies. When determining whether significant influence can be exerted on the investee,

                                            Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

we shall consider the impact of voting shares directly or indirectly held by the investor and current executable
potential voting rights held by the investor and other parties after they are assumed to be converted into equity
in the investee, including the impact of current convertible warrants and share options and convertible corporate
bonds issued by the investee.

If the Company directly owns or indirectly owns, via its subsidiaries, more than 20% (including) but less than
50% of voting shares of the investee, the condition shall be recognized as exerting significant influence on the
investee unless concrete evidence shows that participation in the production and business decisions of the
investee is not allowed without constituting significant influence. If the voting shares of the investee owned by
the Company are less than 20% (not including), the condition shall not be considered as being of significant
influence on the investee in general unless concrete evidence shows that the Company can participate in the
production and business decisions of the investee under this condition, constituting significant influence.

(4) Impairment test method and accrual method for impairment provision

For investments in subsidiaries, associates, and joint ventures, please see Note V. 19 for the accrual method for
impairment provision.

14. Investment properties

Measurement model of investment properties
Cost method
Depreciation or amortization method

Investment properties are properties held for rent earnings, capital appreciation, or both. Investment properties
of the Company include the land right of use that has already been rented, the land right of use held for transfer
after appreciation, and buildings that have been rented.

Investment properties of the Company shall be initially measured as per the price upon acquisition and
depreciated or amortized on schedule as per relevant provisions on fixed assets or intangible assets.

Investment properties are measured subsequently as per the cost model. See Note V. 19 for the provision
method of assets impairment.

The disposal income from the sale, transfer, discard, or destruction of the investment properties shall be
included in current profits and losses after their book value and relevant taxes are deducted.

15. Fixed assets

(1) Recognition conditions

Fixed assets of the Company refer to the tangible assets held for producing goods, rendering labor services, renting, or business
management with a useful life of over one fiscal year.

The fixed assets can be recognized only when the economic benefits related to such fixed assets are likely to flow into an
enterprise and the cost of such fixed assets can be measured reliably.

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Fixed assets of the Company shall be initially measured at the actual cost when acquired.

For the subsequent expenses related to fixed assets, if the economic benefits of the assets are likely to flow into the Company and
the cost can be reliably measured, they are included in the cost of fixed assets; daily repair costs of fixed assets that do not meet
the conditions for subsequent expenses for capitalization of fixed assets are included in current profits and losses or the cost of
relevant assets according to the beneficiaries upon occurrence. The book value of the part being replaced will be derecognized.

(2) Depreciation method

                                                                                                            Annual       depreciation
Category                   Depreciation method        Depreciation period        Residual ratio
Premises and buildings     Straight-line method       10, 35-40                  0, 3                       10, 2.43-2.77
Including: Decoration
                           Straight-line method       10                         0                          10
of self-owned houses
Machinery          and
                           Straight-line method       12                         3                          8.08
Electronic equipment       Straight-line method       5-7                        3                          13.86-19.4
                           Straight-line method       7                          3                          13.86
Offices    and    other
                           Straight-line method       7                          3                          13.86

The depreciation rate of fixed assets with provision for impairment shall be calculated by deducting the
accumulated amount of provision for impairment of fixed assets.

16. Construction in progress

The Company's cost of construction in progress is determined according to the actual construction expenditures,
including various necessary construction expenditures incurred during the construction period, borrowing costs
that shall be capitalized before the project reaches the expected serviceable condition, and other relevant

Construction in progress is transferred to fixed assets when it is ready for its intended use.

See Note V. 19 for the provision method of assets impairment of the construction in progress.

17. Borrowing costs

(1) Recognition principle for capitalization of borrowing costs

Borrowing costs incurred by the Company that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction, or
production of assets eligible for capitalization shall be capitalized and included in relevant asset costs; other
borrowing costs shall be recognized as expenses according to their amount when incurred and included in
current profits and losses. Borrowing costs shall be capitalized when all of the following conditions are satisfied:

                                      Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

① Expenditures on an asset have been incurred, and expenditures on the asset comprise payments in cash,
transfer of non-cash assets, or assumption of debts with interests for acquisition and construction or production
of the asset qualifying for capitalization;

② Borrowing costs have been occurred;

③ The acquisition, construction, or production activities necessary to bring the assets to their intended use or
sale have started.

(2) Period of borrowing costs capitalization

The capitalization of borrowing costs shall cease when the assets eligible for capitalization acquired,
constructed, or produced by the Company are ready for their intended use or sale. Borrowing costs incurred
after the assets meeting capitalization conditions are ready for their intended use or sale shall be recognized as
expenses according to the amount incurred and included in the current profits or losses.

If the acquisition, construction, or production of assets eligible for capitalization is interrupted abnormally and
the interruption period exceeds three consecutive months, the capitalization of borrowing costs shall be
suspended; the borrowing costs during the normal interruption period shall continue to be capitalized.

(3) Capitalization rate and calculation method of capitalization amount of borrowing costs

The balance of the interest from special borrowings that occurred in the current period deducting the interest
income acquired from unused borrowings deposited in banks or deducting investment income from temporary
investment of the borrowings shall be capitalized. The capitalized amount of general borrowing shall be
determined by multiplying the weighted average of the asset expenditures from the accumulative asset
expenditures exceeding the special borrowing by the capitalization rate of general borrowing occupied. The
capitalization rate is determined based on the weighted average interest rate of general borrowing.

During the capitalization period, the balance of exchange for special foreign-currency borrowings shall be
capitalized in full amount, while that of general foreign-currency borrowings shall be included in current profits
and losses.

18. Intangible assets

(1) Service life and its determination basis, estimation, amortization method, or review procedure

The Company's intangible assets include land use rights, computer software, trademark, etc.

Intangible assets are initially measured at cost and their service life is determined upon acquisition. If the
service life of an intangible asset is limited, it shall be amortized within the estimated service life with an
amortization method that can reflect the expected realization mode of economic benefits related to the asset
since the asset is available for use; if the expected realization mode cannot be reliably determined, the asset
shall be amortized with the straight-line method; intangible assets with uncertain service life shall not be

                                       Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

The amortization method for intangible assets with limited service life is as follows:

Category       Service life    Determination basis of service life                                           Remarks
Land use                                                                                   Straight-line
               50 years        Legal right to use
right                                                                                      method
Computer                       Determine the service life with reference to the term       Straight-line
               5 years
software                       that can bring economic benefits to the Company             method
                               Determine the service life with reference to the term       Straight-line
Trademark      10 years
                               that can bring economic benefits to the Company             method

At the end of each year, the Company shall recheck the service life and amortization method of intangible assets
with finite service life. If there are changes from previous estimates, the original estimates shall be adjusted, and
the changes shall be accounted for as changes in accounting estimates.

If an intangible asset is expected no longer to generate future economic benefits for the Company at the balance
sheet date, the book value of the asset is transferred to current profits and losses.

See Note V. 19 for the provision method of assets impairment of the intangible assets.

(2) Collection scope of R&D expenditures and relevant accounting treatment methods

The R&D expenditures of the Company refer to expenditures directly related to the R&D activities of the
Company, including salaries of R&D personnel, direct R&D investments, depreciation expenses and long-term
deferred expenses, design expenses, equipment commissioning expenses, amortization expenses of intangible
assets, expenses incurred from commissioned external R&D, and other expenses. The salaries of R&D
personnel are included in R&D expenditures according to the project working hours.

The Company divides the expenditure of internal R&D projects into research stage expenditure and
development stage expenditure.

Expenditures at the research stage shall be included in current profits or losses when incurred.

Expenditures at the development stage can be capitalized only when all of the following conditions are met,
namely: It is technically feasible to complete the intangible assets so that they can be used or sold; there is an
intention to complete the intangible asset and use or sell it; ways for intangible assets to generate economic
benefits include proving that there is a market for the products produced by using the intangible assets or the
intangible assets themselves, as well as proving their usefulness if intangible assets are to be used internally;
there are sufficient technical, financial, and other resources to complete the development of the intangible assets
and have the ability to use or sell them; the expenditures attributable to the development stage of intangible
assets can be measured reliably. Development expenditures that do not meet the above conditions are included
in current profits and losses.

The R&D projects of the Company will enter the development stage after meeting the above conditions and
passing the technical feasibility study and economic feasibility study to gain project approval.

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The capitalized expenditures in the development stage shall be presented as development costs on the balance
sheet and shall be transferred into intangible assets from the date when the project meets the expected usage.

19. Impairment of long-term assets

The impairment of the long-term equity investments in subsidiaries, associates, and joint ventures, as well as of
investment properties, fixed assets, construction in progress, right-of-use assets, intangible assets, and others,
subsequently measured by cost model (except for inventories, investment properties, deferred income tax assets,
and financial assets measured by fair value model) shall be determined by the Company according to the
following methods:

The Company judges whether there is a sign of impairment to assets on the balance sheet date. If such a sign
exists, the Company estimates the recoverable amount and conducts the impairment test. The goodwill formed
due to business combination, intangible assets with uncertain useful life, and intangible assets that have not yet
reached the usable state shall be tested for impairment every year regardless of whether there is any sign of

The recoverable amount is the net amount gained after the fair value of assets deducts the disposal fees, or the
present value of the estimated future cash flow of the assets, whichever is higher. The Company estimates the
recoverable amount on a single-asset basis. If it is difficult to estimate the recoverable amount of a single asset,
the recoverable amount of the asset group shall be determined based on the asset group to which the asset
belongs. The asset group is determined by whether the main cash flow generated by the asset group is
independent of those generated by other assets or asset groups.

When the asset or asset group's recoverable amount is lower than its book value, the Company reduces its book
value to its recoverable amount, the reduced amount is recorded in the current profit and loss, and the provision
for impairment of assets is recognized.

For the impairment test of goodwill, the book value of goodwill formed by the business combination shall be
amortized to relevant asset groups with a reasonable method since the acquisition date; if it is difficult to
amortize to relevant asset groups, it shall be amortized to relevant asset group portfolios. Asset group or
portfolio of asset group is an asset group or portfolio of asset group that can benefit from synergies of a business
combination and is not greater than the reportable segment of the Company.

During the impairment test, if there is any sign of impairment in the asset groups or portfolios of asset groups
related to goodwill, first conduct an impairment test for asset groups or portfolios of asset groups that do not
contain goodwill, calculate the recoverable amount, and recognize the corresponding impairment loss. Then, an
impairment test shall be conducted on the asset groups or portfolios of asset groups that include goodwill. The
book value should be compared with the recoverable amount; if the recoverable amount is found to be lower
than the book value, an impairment loss for goodwill shall be recognized.

Once recognized, the impairment loss of assets shall not be reversed in future accounting periods.

                                      Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

20. Long-term deferred expenses

Long-term deferred expenses of the Company shall be valued as per actual cost and averagely amortized as per
the expected benefit period. If the long-term deferred expense project will not benefit the future accounting
period, the amortized value of the project shall be included in the current profit and loss in full amount.

21. Employee compensation

(1) Accounting treatment for short-term compensation

During the accounting period when employees provide services, the Company recognizes the actual salary and
bonus of employees, social insurance premiums such as medical insurance premiums, work-related injury
insurance premiums, and maternity insurance premiums paid for employees according to the specified
benchmark and proportion, and housing fund as liabilities, and includes them in current profits and losses or
relevant asset costs.

(2) Accounting treatment for post-employment benefits

Post-employment benefit plans include defined contribution plans and defined benefit plans. Among them, the
defined contribution plan refers to a post-employment benefit plan in which the enterprise has no further
payment obligation after paying fixed expenses to an independent fund; the defined benefit plan refers to a post-
employment benefit plan other than a defined contribution plan.

Defined contribution plan

The defined contribution plan includes basic endowment insurance, unemployment insurance, etc.

During the accounting period when employees provide services, the amount payable calculated according to the
defined contribution plan is recognized as a liability and included in current profits and losses or related asset

Defined benefit plans

For defined benefit plans, an independent actuary shall carry out actuarial valuation on the annual balance sheet
date, and determine the cost of providing benefits with the expected cumulative welfare unit method. Employee
compensation costs arising from the defined benefit plan of the Company shall include the following

① Service costs, including current service costs, past service costs, and settlement gains or losses. Current
service costs refer to the increased amount in the present value of defined benefit plan obligations caused when
employees provide services in the current period; past service costs refer to the increase or decrease in the
present value of defined benefit plan obligations related to employee services in previous periods caused by
modifications for defined benefit plans.

② Net interest on the defined benefit plan net liabilities or assets, including interest income on plan assets,
interest cost on the defined benefit plan obligation, and interest on the effect of the asset ceiling.

                                      Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

③ Changes as a result of remeasurement of the defined benefit plan's net liabilities or assets.

Unless other accounting standards require or allow employee's benefit costs to be included in assets costs, the
above items ① and ② shall be included by the Company in current profits and losses; item ③ shall be included
in other comprehensive income and be not reversed to profit or loss; when the original defined benefit plan is
terminated, the amount included in other comprehensive income before shall be completely transferred to the
undistributed profit.

(3) Accounting treatment for termination benefits

If the Company provides termination benefits to employees, the employee compensation liabilities arising from
the termination benefits shall be recognized at the earliest of the following two dates and included in current
profits and losses: The Company cannot unilaterally withdraw the termination benefits provided due to the labor
relationship termination plan or layoff proposal; the Company recognizes the costs or expenses related to the
restructuring involving the payment of termination benefits.

If an employee's internal retirement plan is implemented, the economic compensation before the official
retirement date belongs to the termination benefits. During the period from the date when the employee stops
providing services to the normal retirement date, the wages to be paid to the early retired employees and the
social insurance premiums to be paid are included in current profits and losses in a lump sum. Economic
compensation after the official retirement date (such as the pension) is treated as post-employment benefits.

(4) Accounting treatment for other long-term employee benefits

The other long-term employee benefits provided by the Company to its employees, which meet the criteria for a
defined contribution plan, shall be handled per the regulations relevant to the defined contribution plan
mentioned above. If the benefits meet the defined benefit plan, they shall be handled per the relevant provisions
on the defined benefit plan above, but the part of "changes arising from re-measuring the net liabilities or net
assets of the defined benefit plan" in the relevant employee compensation costs shall be included in current
profits and losses or the relevant asset costs.

22. Estimated liabilities

An obligation related to contingencies, if satisfying the following conditions at the same time, will be
recognized as an estimated liability by the Company:

(1) The obligation is the current obligation of the Company;

(2) Performance of this obligation will probably cause outflow of economic interest of the Company;

(3) The amount of such obligation can be measured reliably.

Estimated liabilities are initially measured at the optimal estimate required to perform the relevant current
obligation, in comprehensive consideration of the risks, uncertainty, time value of money, and other factors
pertinent to the contingencies. Where the time value of money is of significant influence, the optimal estimate is

                                          Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

recognized through the discount of relevant future cash outflows. At the balance sheet date, the book value of
the estimated liabilities is reviewed and adjusted by the Company to reflect the current best estimate.

If all or part of the expenditures necessary for clearing off the recognized estimated liabilities are expected to be
compensated by a third party or any other party, the amount of compensation shall be recognized as assets
separately only when it is basically sure that the amount can be obtained. The recognized amount of
compensation shall not exceed the book value of recognized liabilities.

23. Revenue

Accounting policies of revenue disclosure recognition and measurement by business types

(1) General principle

The Company has fulfilled its performance obligations of the contract, which means it recognizes the revenue
when the customer has acquired the control rights of relevant goods or services.

If the contract contains two or more performance obligations, the Company shall, at the beginning date of the
contract, apportion the transaction price to each performance obligation according to the relative proportion of
the individual selling price of the commodities or services promised by each performance obligation, and
measure the revenue according to the transaction price apportioned to each performance obligation.

When one of the following conditions is met, it is considered the fulfillment of performance obligations over a
period of time; otherwise, it is regarded as the fulfillment of performance obligations at a specific point in time:

① The customer simultaneously obtains and consumes the economic benefits arising from the contract
performance of the Company.

② The customer can control the goods under construction during the performance of the Company.

③ The goods produced during the performance of the Company have irreplaceable uses, and the Company has
the right to collect payments for the accumulated performance portion to date throughout the contract period.

For the performance obligations performed within a certain period of time, the Company shall recognize the
revenue within that period according to the performance progress. If the performance progress cannot be
reasonably confirmed and the costs incurred by the Company are expected to be compensated, the incomes shall
be recognized according to the amount of costs incurred until the performance progress is reasonably confirmed.

In the case of a performance obligation satisfied at a certain time point, the revenue shall be recognized by the
Company at a certain time point when a customer obtains control of relevant goods or services. In determining
whether a customer has obtained the control rights of the goods or services, the Company shall consider the
following signs:

① The Company enjoys the current collection right concerning such goods or services, i.e., customers have the
obligation to pay immediately concerning the goods.

                                      Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

② The Company has transferred the legal ownership of the goods to customers, i.e., customers have owned the
legal ownership of the goods.

③ The Company has transferred the goods to customers in kind, i.e., customers have possessed the goods.

④ The Company has transferred the major risks and rewards from the ownership of the goods to customers, i.e.,
customers have obtained the major risks and remuneration on the ownership of the goods.

⑤ Customers have accepted such goods or services.

⑥ Other signs indicate that customers have obtained the right to control the goods.

(2) Specific method

The Company's revenue is mainly derived from the following businesses: Property leasing and services, jewelry
sales and services.

① Property leasing and services

The Company recognizes the lease receipts as rental income with the straight-line method during each period of
the lease term, capitalizes the incurred initial direct costs and amortizes them on the same basis for rental
income recognition, and includes them in current profits and losses by stages. The Company's variable lease
payment obtained that is related to operating leasing and not included in lease receipts is included in the current
profits and losses when it actually occurs.

The contract for the provision of services between the Company and customers includes the performance
obligation of services related to the lease of real estate. Since customers obtain and consume the economic
benefits brought by the Company's performance at the same time, the Company regards it as the performance
obligation to be performed within a certain period of time, and the revenue is equally apportioned and
recognized during the service provision period.

② Sales and services of gold and jewelry

The Company determines whether it is the main responsible person or the agent during transactions according
to its control over goods or services before transferring them to customers. If the Company has control over the
goods or services before transferring them to customers, the Company is the main responsible person and
recognizes the revenue according to the total consideration received or receivable; otherwise, the Company acts
as an agent, and recognizes the revenue according to the amount of commission or handling charge expected to
be entitled, which is determined according to the net amount of the total consideration received or receivable
after deducting the price payable to other related parties, or according to the established commission amount or

The specific recognition method of revenues generated from gold and jewelry sales is as follows:

In gold and jewelry sales, the Company mainly takes a direct-sales model, with the sales agency model as a
supplement. For the direct-sales model, the sales channels include wholesalers, e-commerce, and retail in direct-

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sales stores. The time points for revenue recognition under the sales models with such channels as wholesalers,
e-commerce, and retail are as follows:

① In wholesaler sales, purchasers cooperate with the Company directly. The time point is when the goods-
related control rights have been transferred to the purchasers, which signifies that the performance obligation is
completed according to the sales contract. The revenue will then be recognized after customers accept the goods
and issue receipts. This is a performance obligation performed at a certain time point.

② In e-commerce sales, the Company sells goods on e-commerce platforms. The sales revenue will be
recognized when customers have signed for the goods and the Company has received payments or obtained the
right to claim payments. This is a performance obligation performed at a certain time point.

③ In retail through direct-sales stores, the Company sells its goods in its self-owned real estate. The sales
revenue will be recognized when the Company has sold goods to customers and received payments or obtained
the right to claim payments. This is a performance obligation performed at a certain time point.

④ In the sales agency model, the Company sends products to stores of entrusted sellers. The sales revenue will
be recognized when the sellers have sold goods to end consumers, end consumers have signed for goods, and
the control right has been transferred to end consumers. This is also the time point signifying that the obligation
performance for the contract is done. This is a performance obligation performed at a certain time point.

The specific methods for recognizing other revenues for the Company are as follows:

In the gold and jewelry sales agency business, the Company acts as an agent and provides agency services for
principals according to the agency purchase agreement to earn agency commission fees. The Company
recognizes the agency commission revenue when customers pay and sign for goods.

In the agency gold repurchase business, the Company acts as a supplier agent to repurchase gold and collect
service fees. Revenue is calculated and recognized based on the duration of the agency gold repurchase and
according to the contract.

Recognition methods and measurement methods for the same kind of business with different business models and different
The Company shall abide by the disclosure requirements for "jewelry-related business" in the Guidelines of Shenzhen Stock
Exchange for Self-Regulatory Supervision of Listed Companies No. 3 —Industry Information Disclosure.

24. Government subsidies

The government subsidies shall be recognized when all the attached conditions can be satisfied and the
government subsidies can be received.

The government subsidies of monetary assets shall be measured at the amount received or receivable. The
government subsidies considered non-monetary assets are measured based on the fair value, or the nominal
amount of RMB 1 if the fair value cannot be acquired reliably.

Asset-related government subsidies refer to the ones that are acquired by the Company and used for establishing
or forming long-term assets in other ways. Other government subsidies are considered revenue-related
government subsidies.

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For the government subsidies with the grant objects not expressly stipulated in the government documents, if
they can be used to form long-term assets, the government subsidies corresponding to the value of the assets are
deemed as asset-related government subsidies while the rest are deemed as revenue-related government
subsidies. For the government subsidies that are difficult to differentiate, the government subsidies as a whole
are deemed as revenue-related government subsidies.

The asset-related government subsidies shall be recognized as deferred income, which shall be included in
profits and losses in installments reasonably and systematically within the service life of the relevant assets. For
revenue-related government subsidies, they shall be included in the current profit and loss if used to compensate
for the incurred related costs or losses; if used to compensate for the related costs or losses during future periods,
they shall be included in the deferred income, and included in the current profit and loss during the period when
the related costs or losses are recognized. Government subsidies measured at the nominal amount shall be
directly included in current profits and losses. The Company adopts the same treatment for those transactions of
similar government subsidies.

The government subsidies related to daily activities shall be included in other incomes according to the essence
of economic business. Government subsidies irrelevant to daily activities are included in non-operating revenue.

For the government subsidies recognized to be refunded, if the government subsidies are used to offset the book
value of the related assets when they are initially recognized, the book value of assets shall be adjusted. If there
is deferred income concerned, the government subsidies shall be offset against the book balance of the deferred
income, and the excess shall be included in current profits and losses. In other cases, they shall be directly
included in current profits and losses.

25. Deferred tax assets/deferred tax liabilities

Income tax includes current income tax and deferred income tax. The income tax shall be included in current
profit or loss as income tax expenses, except that the deferred income taxes related to an adjustment of goodwill
due to a business merger or the transactions and matters directly included in the owner's equity are included in
the owner's equity.

The Company shall recognize deferred income tax with the balance sheet liability method according to the
temporary differences between the book value of assets and liabilities and their tax bases at the balance sheet

Relevant deferred income tax liabilities shall be recognized for each taxable temporary difference unless the
taxable temporary difference arises from the following transactions:

(1) The initial recognition of goodwill or the initial recognition of assets or liabilities incurred in a transaction
with the following features: The transaction should not be a business merger and does not impact accounting
profit or taxable income at the time of the transaction (except for individual transactions with equal taxable
temporary differences and deductible temporary differences resulting from the initial recognition of assets and

                                       Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

(2) For taxable temporary differences associated with investments in subsidiaries, associates, and joint ventures,
it can control the time of the reversal of the temporary difference and, likely, the temporary difference will not
reverse in the foreseeable future.

For deductible temporary differences as well as the deductible losses and tax deductions that can be carried
forward to the next year, except for the deductible temporary differences incurred in following transactions, the
Company recognizes the deferred income tax assets to the extent that it is likely that future taxable income will
be available for deducting the deductible temporary differences, deductible losses, and tax deductions:

(1) The transaction should not be a business merger and does not impact accounting profit or taxable income at
the time of the transaction (except for individual transactions with equal taxable temporary differences and
deductible temporary differences resulting from the initial recognition of assets and liabilities);

(2) For deductible temporary differences associated with investments in subsidiaries, associates, and joint
ventures, if the following conditions are satisfied at the same time, corresponding deferred tax assets are
recognized: The temporary difference will likely be reversed in the foreseeable future and taxable income will
likely be available in the future for deducting the deductible temporary differences.

On the balance sheet date, deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are
expected to apply to the period when the asset is recovered or the liability is settled and reflect the income tax
effect of the method of the expected recovery of assets and settlement of liability on the balance sheet date.

On the balance sheet date, the Company reviews the book value of deferred tax assets. If it is likely that
sufficient taxable profits will not be available in future periods to deduct the benefit of the deferred tax assets,
the book value of the deferred tax assets will be reduced. Any such reduction in amount is reversed to the extent
that it becomes probable that sufficient taxable incomes will be available.

On a balance sheet date, the deferred income tax assets and liabilities are presented in the net value after
offsetting when the following conditions are met at the same time:

(1) The taxpayer has the legal right of income tax assets and liabilities in the current period settled at the net

(2) Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities are related to the income taxes levied by the
same tax collection agency on the same taxpayer within the Company.

26. Leases

(1) Accounting treatment method for lease as the lessee

On the commencement date of the lease term, the Company shall recognize the right-of-use assets and the lease
liabilities for all leases, except for the short-term leases and low-value asset leases that are subject to simplified

Lease liabilities shall be initially measured at the present value calculated by the interest rate implicit in lease
according to the unpaid lease payment on the commencement date of the lease term. If the interest rate implicit

                                      Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

in lease cannot be determined, the incremental borrowing rate shall be used as the discount rate. Lease
payments include fixed payments and substantially fixed payments; the amount related to lease incentive (if any)
shall be deducted; variable lease payments that depend on an index or rate; the exercise price of a purchase
option, provided that the lessee reasonably determines that the option will be exercised; payments required to
exercise the lease termination option, provided that the lease term reflects that the lessee will exercise the lease
termination option; payments expected to be made based on the guaranteed residual value provided by the
lessee. The interest expenses of the lease liabilities within each lease term shall be calculated subsequently
according to the fixed periodic rate and included in current profits and losses. The variable lease payment that is
not included in the measurement of lease liabilities is included in the current profit and loss when it actually

Short-term lease

Short-term lease refers to a lease with a lease term of not more than 12 months on the commencement date of
the lease term, except for the lease containing the purchasing right.

The Company includes the payment amount of short-term leases into relevant asset costs or current profits and
losses by the straight-line method at each period within the lease term.

For short-term leases, the Company selects the above-simplified treatment method for the items meeting the
short-term lease conditions in the following asset types according to the category of leased assets.

Low-value asset lease

A low-value asset lease refers to a lease with a value lower than RMB 40,000 when an individual leased asset is
brand new.

The Company includes the payment amount of low-value asset leases into relevant asset costs or current profits
and losses by the straight-line method at each period within the lease term.

For low-value asset leases, the Company selects the above simplified treatment method according to the specific
conditions of each lease.

Lease change

If the lease changes and meets the following conditions at the same time, the Company will take the lease
change as a separate lease for the accounting treatment: ① The lease change expands the lease scope by
increasing the right to use one or more leased assets, and ② The increased consideration is equivalent to the
amount by adjusting the separate price of the expanded lease scope according to the contract.

If the lease change is not taken as a separate lease for accounting treatment, the Company shall, on the effective
date of the lease change, reallocate the consideration of the changed contract, redetermine the lease term, and
remeasure the lease liabilities according to the changed lease payment and the present value calculated by the
revised discount rate.

                                      Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

If the lease scope is reduced or the lease term is shortened due to the lease change, the Company will
correspondingly reduce the book value of right-of-use assets and include relevant profits or losses from partial
or complete termination of the lease in current profits and losses.

If the lease liabilities are remeasured due to other lease changes, the Company will adjust the carrying amount
of right-of-use assets accordingly.

(2) Accounting treatment method for lease as the lessor

When the Company is the lessor, the lease that substantially transfers all risks and rewards related to the
ownership of the assets is recognized as a finance lease, and leases other than finance leases are recognized as
operating leases.

Financial lease

In a finance lease, at the commencement of the lease term, the Company takes the net investment in a lease as
the entry value of the finance lease receivables, and the net investment in a lease is the sum of the unguaranteed
residual value and the present value of the lease receipts not yet received at the commencement of the lease
term discounted at the interest rate implicit in the lease. The Company, as the lessor, calculates and recognizes
interest income in each lease term at a fixed periodic rate. Variable lease payments obtained by the Company as
the lessor but not considered in the measurement of net investment in leases are recognized in current profits
and losses when actually incurred.

The derecognition and impairment of finance lease receivables shall be subject to accounting treatment
according to the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 22—Recognition and Measurement of
Financial Instruments and the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 23—Transfer of Financial

Operating leasing

Lease income from operating leases is included in current profits and losses by the Company as per the straight-
line method in different stages over the lease term. The occurred initial direct cost related to the operating lease
shall be capitalized, amortized within the lease term according to the same base with the recognition of rent
revenue, and included in the current profits and losses by stages. The variable lease receipts obtained by the
Company related to operating leases and not charged to the lease receipts shall be included in current profits and
losses when actually incurred.

Lease change

If there is a change in the operating lease, the Company will take it as a new lease from the effective date of the
change to carry out accounting treatment, and the lease receipts received in advance or receivable related to the
lease before the change will be regarded as the collected amount for the new lease.

If the finance lease changes and meets the following conditions, the Company will take the change as a separate
lease for accounting treatment: ① The change expands the lease scope by increasing the right to use one or
more leased assets; and ② The increased consideration is equivalent to the amount by adjusting the separate
price of the expanded lease scope according to the contract.

                                      Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

If the change of finance lease is not accounted for as a separate lease, the Company shall deal with the changed
lease based on the following circumstances: ① If the change takes effect on the commencement date of the
lease and the lease is classified as an operating lease, the Company shall take it as a new lease for the
accounting treatment from the effective date of lease change and take the net lease investment made before the
effective date of the lease change as the book value of the leased asset; ② If the change takes effect on the
commencement date of the lease and the lease is classified as a finance lease, the Company shall carry out
accounting treatment according to the regulations on modifying or renegotiating contracts described in
Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 22 — Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments.

27. Other significant accounting policies and accounting estimates

The Company continuously evaluates the significant accounting estimates and key assumptions adopted based
on historical experience and other factors, including reasonable expectations for future events. Significant
accounting estimates and critical assumptions that may lead to a major adjustment of the book value of assets
and liabilities in the next accounting year are listed as follows:

Classification of financial assets

Significant judgments involved in determining the classification of financial assets of the Company include the
analysis of business models and contract cash flow characteristics.

The Company determines the business model of managing financial assets at the level of financial asset
portfolios, considering the way of evaluating and reporting financial asset performance to key executives, the
risks affecting the financial asset performance and their management methods, and the way for the relevant
business management personnel to obtain the remuneration.

When assessing whether the contract cash flow of financial assets is consistent with the basic loan arrangement,
the Company has the following main judgments: Whether the principal may change in the time distribution or
amount in the duration due to prepayment and other reasons; whether the interest includes only the time value
of money, credit risks, other basic borrowing risks, and consideration with costs and profits. For example,
whether the amount paid in advance only reflects the unpaid principal and the interest based on the unpaid
principal, and the reasonable compensation paid due to the early termination of the contract.

Measurement of expected credit loss of accounts receivable

The Company calculates the expected credit loss of accounts receivable through the default risk exposure and
the expected credit loss rate of accounts receivable and determines the expected credit loss rate based on default
probability and the loss given default. In determining the expected credit loss rate, the Company uses the
internal historical credit loss experience and other data and adjusts the historical data according to the current
situation and forward-looking information. When considering forward-looking information, the indicators used
by the Company include risks of economic downturns as well as changes in the external market environment,
technological environment, and customer conditions. The Company regularly monitors and reviews the
assumptions related to the calculation of the expected credit loss.

Deferred tax assets

                                         Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

To the extent that there will probably be sufficient taxable profits to offset the losses, deferred income tax assets
shall be recognized based on all unused tax losses. This requires the management to use a large number of
judgments to estimate the time and amount of future taxable profits and determine the amount of deferred
income tax assets that should be recognized in combination with tax planning strategies.

Determination of the fair value of unlisted equity investment

The fair value of unlisted equity investments is the estimated future cash flows discounted using current
discount rates for projects with similar terms and risk characteristics. This valuation involves uncertainty
because it requires the Company to estimate expected future cash flows and discount rates. Under limited
circumstances, if the information for determining the fair value is insufficient or the range of possible estimates
of fair value is wide, and the cost represents the best estimate for the fair value within this range, such cost
could represent its appropriate estimate for the fair value within this distribution range.

28. Changes in significant accounting policies and accounting estimates

(1) Changes in significant accounting policies

□ Applicable Not applicable

(2) Changes in significant accounting estimates

□ Applicable Not applicable

(3) Conditions of the first implementation of new accounting standards from 2024 to adjust the relevant items in financial
statements at the beginning of the first implementation year

□ Applicable Not applicable

VI. Taxes

1. Main taxes and tax rates

Tax category                              Tax basis                                    Tax rate
                                          Taxable value-added amount (Tax
                                          payable is calculated using the taxable
Value-added tax                           sales amount multiplied by the applicable    13%, 9%, 5%, 6%, 3%
                                          tax rate less deductible input tax of the
                                          current period)
Urban maintenance and construction tax    Actually paid turnover tax                   7%
Corporate income tax                      Taxable income                               25%, 20%
                                          For taxation according to price, the taxes
                                          payable shall be calculated based on
                                          1.2% of the remaining price after
                                          deducting 30% of the original value of
Property tax                                                                           1.2%, 12%
                                          house properties; for taxation according
                                          to lease, the taxes payable shall be
                                          calculated based on 12% of the rent

                                             Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Educational surcharge                         Actually paid turnover tax                     3%
Local educational surcharges                  Actually paid turnover tax                     2%
If there are taxpayers with different enterprise income tax rates, the disclosure shall be as follows.

Name of taxable entity                                               Income tax rate
Shenzhen Tellus Chuangying Technology Co., Ltd.                      20
Shenzhen Bao'an Shiquan Industry Co., Ltd.                           20
Shenzhen SDG Tellus Real Estate Co., Ltd.                            20
Shenzhen Automobile Industry Supply and Marketing
Shenzhen Xinyongtong Motor Vehicle Inspection Equipment
Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Fanyue Diamond Co., Ltd.                                    20
Other taxable entities other than the above                          25

2. Tax preference

① Corporate income tax

According to the Announcement on Further Implementing Preferential Income Tax Policies for Small and
Micro Enterprises (Announcement [2022] No.13 of the Ministry of Finance and the State Taxation
Administration), from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2024, for small micro-profit enterprises, the portion of
their annual taxable income exceeding RMB 1 million but not exceeding RMB 3 million shall be calculated at a
reduced rate of 25% in their taxable income, and they shall pay enterprise income tax at a rate of 20%.
According to the Announcement on Implementing Preferential Income Tax Policies for Small and Micro
Enterprises and Individual Businesses (Announcement No.6 [2023] of the Ministry of Finance and the State
Administration of Taxation), from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2024, the portion of their annual taxable
income but not exceeding RMB 1 million shall be calculated at a reduced rate of 25% in their taxable income,
and they shall pay enterprise income tax at a rate of 20%. The subsidiaries of the Company, including Tellus
Chuangying, Bao'an Shiquan, Tellus Real Estate Company, Automobile Supply and Marketing Company,
Shanghai Fanyue, and Xinyongtong Testing, enjoy the above tax preferences.

② Value-added tax

According to the Notice of the State Administration of Taxation on Adjusting the Relevant Tax Policies of
Diamonds and Shanghai Diamond Exchange (CS [2006] No. 65), taxpayers are exempted from import VAT for
rough diamonds sold through Shanghai Diamond Exchange to the domestic market; for finished diamonds sold
by taxpayers through Shanghai Diamond Exchange to the domestic market, the part with an actual import VAT
burden exceeding 4% shall be refunded upon collection by the customs. In the domestic link, taxpayers shall
deduct the input tax based on the VAT amount indicated on the tax payment receipt issued by the customs.
After taxpayers follow the policy of VAT exemption and refund-upon-collection for diamonds sold to the
domestic market through the Shanghai Diamond Exchange, diamonds sold to the domestic market will be
managed by the customs per current regulations when they leave the Shanghai Diamond Exchange. Shanghai
Fanyue Diamond Co., Ltd., the Company's subsidiary, is a member of the Shanghai Diamond Exchange and
enjoys the above tax preferences when importing finished diamonds through the Shanghai Diamond Exchange.

                                            Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

VII. Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

1. Cash at bank and on hand

Unit: RMB
Item                                         Period-end balance                     Period-beginning balance
Cash on hand                                 324.59                                 17,215.98
Deposit in bank                              119,615,641.97                         120,961,253.61
Other monetary funds                         108,989,255.73                         99,362,492.05
Total                                        228,605,222.29                         220,340,961.64

The details of restricted cash at bank and on hand are as follows:

                                                                      Balance at the end of the
Item                              Period-end balance
                                                                      previous year
Gold      leasing     security
                                  40,477,138.89                        51,328,583.35
deposits and interests
Futures and options account
                                  4,104,642.60                         8,188,990.60
Amount       under     judicial
Margin payable security
deposits and interests
Total                             72,705,507.53                        60,117,573.95

2. Trading financial assets

Unit: RMB
Item                                         Period-end balance                     Period-beginning balance
Financial assets at fair value through
                                             377,514,483.03                         206,294,931.94
profit or loss
Structured deposits and finance products     302,715,467.76                         131,495,916.67
Equity instrument investment                 74,799,015.27                          74,799,015.27
Total                                        377,514,483.03                         206,294,931.94

3. Derivative financial assets

Unit: RMB
Item                                         Period-end balance                     Period-beginning balance
Hedging instruments                          0.00                                   298,320.00
Total                                                                               298,320.00

4. Accounts receivable

(1) Disclosure by account receivable age

Unit: RMB

                                          Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Account receivable age                     Period-end book balance                    Period-beginning book balance
Within 1 year (inclusive)                  198,642,445.18                             100,107,755.14
1-2 years                                  555,132.97                                 555,132.97
Over 3 years                               48,749,943.16                              48,749,943.16
  Over 5 years                             48,749,943.16                              48,749,943.16
Total                                      247,947,521.31                             149,412,831.27

(2) Disclosure by bad debt accrual method

Unit: RMB
             Period-end balance                                        Period-beginning balance
             Book balance           Bad-debt provision                 Book balance          Bad-debt provision
Categor                                        Provisio                                                 Provisio
y                                                           Book                                                      Book
                         Proporti              n            value                 Proporti              n             value
             Amount                 Amount                             Amount                Amount
                         on                    proporti                           on                    proporti
                                               on                                                       on
le with
             48,746,5               48,746,5                           48,746,5              48,746,5
provisio                 19.66%                100.00%                            32.63%                100.00%
             83.16                  83.16                              83.16                 83.16
n for bad
debts on
a single
le     for
which        199,200,               1,781,70                197,419,   100,666,              1,030,49                 99,635,7
                         80.34%                0.89%                              67.37%                1.02%
provisio     938.15                 5.61                    232.54     248.11                6.59                     51.52
n for bad
debts is
made by
             39,575,6               436,870.                39,138,8   41,303,6              436,870.                 40,866,7
other                    15.96%                1.10%                              27.64%                1.06%
             89.70                  51                      19.19      39.85                 51                       69.34
sales        159,625,               1,344,83                158,280,   59,362,6              593,626.                 58,768,9
                         64.38%                0.84%                              39.73%                1.00%
business     248.45                 5.10                    413.35     08.26                 08                       82.18
             247,947,               50,528,2                197,419,   149,412,              49,777,0                 99,635,7
Total                    100.00%               20.38%                             100.00%               33.32%
             521.31                 88.77                   232.54     831.27                79.75                    51.52
Category name of bad debt provision made on an individual basis:

                                            Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Unit: RMB

                  Period-beginning balance              Period-end balance
Name                                 Bad-debt                               Bad-debt         Provision         Reasons     for
                  Book balance                          Book balance
                                     provision                              provision        proportion        provision
                                                                                                               Long account
Shenzhen Jinlu                                                                                                 receivable age,
Industry      &   9,846,607.00       9,846,607.00       9,846,607.00        9,846,607.00     100.00%           and expected to
Trade Co., Ltd.                                                                                                be
Guangdong                                                                                                      Long account
Zhanjiang                                                                                                      receivable age,
Samsung           4,060,329.44       4,060,329.44       4,060,329.44        4,060,329.44     100.00%           and expected to
Automobile                                                                                                     be
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                      unrecoverable
                                                                                                               Long account
                                                                                                               receivable age,
                  2,370,760.40       2,370,760.40       2,370,760.40        2,370,760.40     100.00%           and expected to
                                                                                                               Long account
                                                                                                               receivable age,
Road        and
                  2,021,657.70       2,021,657.70       2,021,657.70        2,021,657.70     100.00%           and expected to
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                               Long account
Guangdong                                                                                                      receivable age,
GW Holdings       1,862,000.00       1,862,000.00       1,862,000.00        1,862,000.00     100.00%           and expected to
Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                                be
                                                                                                               Long account
                                                                                                               receivable age,
                  1,191,059.98       1,191,059.98       1,191,059.98        1,191,059.98     100.00%           and expected to
Motors Factory
                                                                                                               Long account
                                                                                                               receivable age,
                  1,150,000.00       1,150,000.00       1,150,000.00        1,150,000.00     100.00%           and expected to
Trading   Co.,
                                                                                                               Long account
                                                                                                               receivable age,
Others            26,244,168.64      26,244,168.64      26,244,168.64       26,244,168.64    100.00%           and expected to
Total             48,746,583.16      48,746,583.16      48,746,583.16       48,746,583.16

Category name of bad debt provision made on a portfolio basis: Leasing and other business portfolio
Unit: RMB

                                 Period-end balance
                                 Book balance                    Bad-debt provision               Provision proportion
Within 1 year                    39,017,196.73                   407,433.86                       1.04%
1-2 years                        555,132.97                      27,756.65                        5.00%
2-3 years
Over 3 years                     3,360.00                        1,680.00                         50.00%

                                              Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Total                             39,575,689.70                     436,870.51

Category name of bad debt provision made on a portfolio basis: Jewelry sales business portfolio
Unit: RMB

                                  Period-end balance
                                  Book balance                      Bad-debt provision                    Provision proportion
Within 1 year (inclusive)         159,625,248.45                    1,344,835.10                          0.84%
Total                             159,625,248.45                    1,344,835.10

Whether to accrue bad debt provision of accounts receivable according to expected credit loss:
Applicable □ Not applicable
Unit: RMB
                            Stage I                     Stage II                   Stage III
                                                        Expected credit loss       Expected credit loss
Bad-debt provision          Expected credit losses      throughout the duration    throughout the duration        Total
                            for the next 12 months      (no credit impairment      (credit impairment has
                                                        occurs)                    occurred)
Balance on January 1,
                            1,030,496.59                                           48,746,583.16                  49,777,079.75
Balance on January 1,
2024 in the current
Provision in the current
                            1,297,727.90                                                                          1,297,727.90
Reversal in the current
                            546,518.88                                                                            546,518.88
Balance as of June 30,
                            1,781,705.61                                           48,746,583.16                  50,528,288.77

(3) Bad debt provision provided, recovered, or reversed in the current period

Bad debt provision in the reporting period:
Unit: RMB

                                         Amount of change during the current period
                   Period-                                 Accounts                                                       Period-end
Category           beginning                               recovered     or
                                         Provision                            Write-off            Others                 balance
                   balance                                 transferred
Provision for
bad debts made
                   48,746,583.16                                                                                          48,746,583.16
on            an
individual basis
Provision for
bad debts made
                   1,030,496.59          1,297,727.90      546,518.88                                                     1,781,705.61
on a portfolio
Total              49,777,079.75         1,297,727.90      546,518.88         0.00                 0.00                   50,528,288.77

                                             Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

(4) Accounts receivable and contractual assets with top five ending balance collected as per the borrowers

Unit: RMB
                                                                                                              Period-end balance
                                                                                                              of     bad     debt
                                                                                        Proportion in total
                                                                  Period-end balance                          proportion        of
                       Period-end balance                                               ending balance of
                                             Period-end balance   of         accounts                         accounts
Company name           of         accounts                                              accounts
                                             of contract assets   receivable      and                         receivable      and
                       receivable                                                       receivable      and
                                                                  contract assets                             impairment
                                                                                        contractual assets
                                                                                                              provision         of
                                                                                                              contractual assets
Guojin Gold Co.,
                       44,144,845.00                              44,144,845.00         17.80%                441,448.45
Yongjitai Jewelry      22,367,000.00                              22,367,000.00         9.02%                 223,670.00
Co., Ltd.
Yuepengjin      E-
                       19,649,000.00                              19,649,000.00         7.92%                 196,490.00
commerce       Co.,
(Guangzhou)            16,042,263.46                              16,042,263.46         6.47%                 160,422.63
Jewelry Co., Ltd.
                       14,992,020.00                              14,992,020.00         6.05%                 149,920.20
Jewelry Industrial
Co., Ltd.
Total                  117,195,128.46                             117,195,128.46        47.26%                1,171,951.28

5. Other receivables

Unit: RMB
Item                                         Period-end balance                         Period-beginning balance
Dividends receivable                         1,305,581.86                               1,305,581.86
Other receivables                            25,082,028.01                              11,077,935.06
Total                                        26,387,609.87                              12,383,516.92

(1) Dividends receivable

1) Category of dividends receivable

Unit: RMB
Project (or the investee)                    Period-end balance                         Period-beginning balance
China Pufa Machinery Industry Co., Ltd.      1,305,581.86                               1,305,581.86
Total                                        1,305,581.86                               1,305,581.86

2) Dividends receivable of important account receivable age of over 1 year

Unit: RMB
Project     (or       the                                                                                Whether impairment
                            Period-end balance       Account receivable age    Reason for no recovery
investee)                                                                                                has occurred and the

                                            Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

                                                                                                        basis for determining
                                                                                                        The     financial    and
                                                                                                        operating conditions of
China Pufa Machinery                                                                                    the    Company        are
                             1,305,581.86           1-2 years                Not paid yet
Industry Co., Ltd.                                                                                      normal,      and      the
                                                                                                        dividends     receivable
                                                                                                        are not impaired.
Total                        1,305,581.86

3) Classification and disclosure through the method for recognizing bad debt

□ Applicable Not applicable

(2) Other receivables

1) Classification of other receivables by nature

Unit: RMB
Nature of payment                           Period-end book balance                   Period-beginning book balance
Temporary payments receivable               61,647,633.85                             58,543,570.60
Deposits and security deposits              14,098,889.56                             3,092,523.97
Total                                       75,746,523.41                             61,636,094.57

(2) Disclosure by account receivable age

Unit: RMB

Account receivable age                      Period-end book balance                   Period-beginning book balance
Within 1 year (inclusive)                   20,211,338.45                             6,100,909.61
1-2 years                                   982,244.61                                982,244.61
2-3 years                                   192,615.11                                192,615.11
Over 3 years                                54,360,325.24                             54,360,325.24
  3-4 years                                 249,895.55                                249,895.55
  Over 5 years                              54,110,429.69                             54,110,429.69
Total                                       75,746,523.41                             61,636,094.57

3) Classification and disclosure through the method for recognizing bad debt

Applicable □ Not applicable
Unit: RMB
              Period-end balance                                       Period-beginning balance
              Book balance           Bad-debt provision                Book balance          Bad-debt provision
Categor                                         Provisio                                                  Provisio
y                                                           Book                                                       Book
                         Proporti               n           value                 Proporti                n            value
              Amount                 Amount                            Amount                Amount
                         on                     proporti                          on                      proporti
                                                on                                                        on
Provisio      52,224,5               50,017,6               2,206,86   52,224,5              50,017,6                  2,206,86
                         68.95%                 95.77%                            84.73%                  95.77%
n for bad     55.56                  91.31                  4.25       55.56                 91.31                     4.25

                                           Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

made on
al basis
n for bad
            23,521,9                 646,804.                 22,875,1    9,411,53               540,468.                  8,871,07
made on                 31.05%                    2.75%                               15.27%                   5.74%
            67.85                    09                       63.76       9.01                   20                        0.81
receivab    9,423,07                 433,367.                 8,989,71    6,319,01               433,367.                  5,885,64
                        12.44%                    4.60%                               10.25%                   6.86%
le    age   8.29                     62                       0.67        5.04                   62                        7.42
and         14,098,8                 213,436.                 13,885,4    3,092,52               107,100.                  2,985,42
                        18.61%                    1.51%                               5.02%                    3.46%
security    89.56                    47                       53.09       3.97                   58                        3.39
           75,746,5               50,664,4                25,082,0        61,636,0               50,558,1                  11,077,9
Total                 100.00%                 66.89%                                  100.00%                  82.03%
           23.41                  95.40                   28.01           94.57                  59.51                     35.06
Category name of bad debt provision made on an individual basis:
Unit: RMB
                   Period-beginning balance               Period-end balance
Name                                  Bad-debt                               Bad-debt           Provision            Reasons     for
                   Book balance                           Book balance
                                      provision                              provision          proportion           provision
                                                                                                                     Long account
Provision for
                                                                                                                     receivable age,
bad debts made
                   52,224,555.56      50,017,691.31       52,224,555.56      50,017,691.31      95.77%               and expected to
on            an
individual basis
Total              52,224,555.56      50,017,691.31       52,224,555.56      50,017,691.31
Category name of bad debt provision made on a portfolio basis:
Unit: RMB
                                  Period-end balance
                                  Book balance                     Bad-debt provision               Provision proportion
Account     receivable      age
                                  9,423,078.29                     433,367.62                       4.60%
Portfolio of deposit and
                                  14,098,889.56                    213,436.47                       1.51%
security deposit receivable
Total                             23,521,967.85                    646,804.09
Accrue bad debt provision of accounts receivable according to expected credit loss:
Unit: RMB
                           Stage I                     Stage II                  Stage III
Bad-debt provision                                     Expected credit loss      Expected credit loss        Total
                           Expected credit losses
                                                       throughout the duration   throughout the duration

                                              Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

                           for the next 12 months     (no credit impairment       (credit impairment has
                                                      occurs)                     occurred)
Balance on January 1,
                           540,468.20                 0.00                        50,017,691.31               50,558,159.51
Balance on January 1,
2024 in the current
Provision in the current
                           135,034.32                 0.00                        0.00                        135,034.32
Reversal in the current
                           28,698.43                  0.00                        0.00                        28,698.43
Balance as of June 30,
                           646,804.09                 0.00                        50,017,691.31               50,664,495.40

Changes in book balance with significant amount changed of loss provision in the reporting period
□ Applicable Not applicable

4) Bad debt provision provided, recovered, or reversed in the current period

Bad debt provision in the reporting period:
Unit: RMB

                                        Amount of change during the current period
                   Period-                                Accounts                                                   Period-end
Category           beginning                              recovered     or   Write-off       or
                                        Provision                                                 Others             balance
                   balance                                transferred        verification
                   50,558,159.51        135,034.32        28,698.43                               0.00               50,664,495.40
Total              50,558,159.51        135,034.32        28,698.43          0.00                 0.00               50,664,495.40

5) Other receivables of the top five period-end balances by the owing party

Unit: RMB
                                                                                            Proportion        to   Period-end balance
Company name           Nature of payment      Period-end balance                            ending balance of      of provision for
                                                                   receivable age
                                                                                            other receivables      bad debts
Shanghai       Gold
Coin Investment        Security deposits      11,243,890.60        Within 1 year            14.84%                 112,438.91
Co., Ltd.
China Automobile
South        China
                       Intercourse funds      9,832,956.37         Over 3 years             12.98%                 9,832,956.37
Automobile Sales
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Nanfang
Industry and Trade     Intercourse funds      7,359,060.75         Over 3 years             9.72%                  7,359,060.75
Industrial Co., Ltd.
Zhonghao (Group)       Intercourse funds      5,000,000.00         Over 3 years             6.60%                  5,000,000.00
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Kaifeng       Intercourse funds      4,413,728.50         Over 3 years             5.83%                  2,206,864.25

                                            Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Industry Co., Ltd.
Total                                        37,849,636.22                             49.97%                24,511,320.28

6. Prepayment items

(1) Prepayment items listed by account receivable age

Unit: RMB
                            Period-end balance                                Period-beginning balance
Account receivable age
                            Amount                   Proportion               Amount                     Proportion
Within 1 year               1,265,252.78             95.58%                   38,395,924.17              99.85%
1-2 years                   45,984.79                3.47%                    45,984.79                  0.12%
2-3 years                                            0.00%                                               0.00%
Over 3 years                12,525.94                0.95%                    12,525.94                  0.03%
Total                       1,323,763.51                                      38,454,434.90

(2) Prepayment items with top five period-end balance collected as per the object of prepayment

                                                                                 Proportion in the total period-end balance
Company name                                 Balance as of June 30, 2024
                                                                                 of prepayment (%)
ISSTech Information Technology Co.,
                                    593,247.17                                   44.82%
Shenzhen Gas Corporation Ltd.       177,963.50                                   13.44%
Shenzhen Jurongfeng Technology Co.,
                                    175,689.32                                   13.27%
Huaqiangbei       Branch,  Shenzhen
Shengshi Kaiyuan Automobile Sales 169,800.00                                     12.83%
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Youyu Construction Labor
                                    100,000.00                                   7.55%
Service Co., Ltd.
Total                               1,216,699.99                                 91.91%

7. Inventories

Whether the Company needs to comply with the disclosure requirements for the real estate industry

(1) Inventory classification

Unit: RMB
                     Period-end balance                                    Period-beginning balance
                                        Provision for                                         Provision for
                                        decline in the                                        decline in the
                                        value       of                                        value       of
Item                                    inventories or                                        inventories or
                     Book balance                        Book value        Book balance                          Book value
                                        impairment                                            impairment
                                        provisions of                                         provisions of
                                        contract                                              contract
                                        performance                                           performance

                                                 Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

                                          cost                                                      cost
Raw materials      35,581,620.46          15,028,496.75        20,553,123.71    104,324,596.41      15,028,496.75     89,296,099.66
Goods in stocks    8,789,356.39           8,789,356.39                          8,789,356.39        8,789,356.39
Hedged items       68,886,072.56                               68,886,072.56    85,802,395.07                         85,802,395.07
processing         703,719.27                                  703,719.27       327,656.05                            327,656.05
Goods sold on
a commission       1,994,622.56                                1,994,622.56     2,999,683.10                          2,999,683.10
Total              115,955,391.24         23,817,853.14        92,137,538.10    202,243,687.02      23,817,853.14     178,425,833.88

The Company shall abide by the disclosure requirements for "jewelry-related business" in the Guidelines of Shenzhen Stock
Exchange for Self-Regulatory Supervision of Listed Companies No. 3 —Industry Information Disclosure.

(2) Provision for decline in the value of inventories/contract performance cost impairment

Unit: RMB
                                          Amount increase in the current
                   Period-                                                      Decrease in the current period
                                          period                                                                      Period-end
Item               beginning
                                                                                Reversal       or                     balance
                   balance                Provision            Others                               Others
Raw materials      15,028,496.75                                                                                      15,028,496.75
Goods in stocks    8,789,356.39                                                                                       8,789,356.39
Total              23,817,853.14                                                                                      23,817,853.14

8. Non-current assets due within one year

Unit: RMB
Item                                             Period-end balance                          Period-beginning balance
Other debt investments due within one
                                                 25,510,300.00                               55,206,250.00
Total                                            25,510,300.00                               55,206,250.00

(1) Creditors' investment due within one year

□ Applicable Not applicable

(2) Other debt investments due within one year

Applicable □ Not applicable

1) Other debt investments due within one year

Unit: RMB

                                                 Changes in                                                  Accumulat
                Period-                          fair value                                                  ed
                               Accrued                           Period-end                  ed changes
Item            beginning                        in      the                   Costs                         impairment   Remarks
                               interest                          balance                     in     fair
                balance                          current                                                     provision
                                                 period                                                      recognized

                                           Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

                                                                                                           in   other
of deposit
and             55,206,250.                                   25,510,300.   25,000,000.
                                              578,950.00                                  510,300.00
interests       00                                            00            00
due within
one year
                55,206,250.                                   25,510,300.   25,000,000.
Total                                         578,950.00                                  510,300.00
                00                                            00            00

9. Other current assets

Unit: RMB
Item                                          Period-end balance                          Period-beginning balance
Input tax to be deducted                      26,878,080.49                               27,618,761.58
Taxes pre-paid                                263,431.62                                  1,423,927.12
Certificates of deposit due within one
                                              3,252,918.08                                75,791,108.89
Total                                         30,394,430.19                               104,833,797.59

10. Other debt investments

(1) Information on other debt investments

Unit: RMB
                                                      Changes                                                impairme
                                                      in     fair                                            nt
               Period-                 Interest                     Period-                   ted
                           Accrued                    value in                                               provision
Item           beginning               adjustmen                    end          Costs        changes                     Remarks
                           interest                   the                                                    recognize
               balance                 t                            balance                   in    fair
                                                      current                                                d in other
                                                      period                                                 comprehe
ble large-
               67,627,94                              1,706,900     105,986,0    104,141,6    1,844,400
               8.60                                   .00           78.92        78.92        .00
of deposit
               67,627,94                              1,706,900     105,986,0    104,141,6    1,844,400
               8.60                                   .00           78.92        78.92        .00
Changes in provision for impairment of other debt investments in the current period
Unit: RMB

                           Period-beginning           Increase in the current    Decrease in the current
Item                                                                                                         Period-end balance
                           balance                    period                     period
Transferable large-sum
                           67,627,948.60              63,868,430.32              25,510,300.00               105,986,078.92
certificate of deposit
Total                      67,627,948.60              63,868,430.32              25,510,300.00               105,986,078.92

                                                Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

11. Other equity instrument investments

Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                              Reasons for
                                                               Gains           Losses                                         measured
                              Gains             Losses
                                                               accumulate      accumulate                                     at
                              included in       included in                                   Dividend
                                                               d into other    d into other                                   designated
                              other             other                                         income
                Period-                                        comprehen       comprehen                                      fair value
Project                       comprehen         comprehen                                     recognized      Period-end
                beginning                                      sive            sive                                           with their
name                          sive              sive                                          in      the     balance
                balance                                        income at       income at                                      changes
                              income in         income in                                     current
                                                               the end of      the end of                                     included in
                              the current       the current                                   period
                                                               the current     the current                                    other
                              period            period
                                                               period          period                                         comprehen
in unlisted
                383,317.67                                                                                    383,317.67
Total           383,317.67                                                                                    383,317.67

12. Long-term receivables

(1) Long-term receivables

Unit: RMB
                  Period-end balance                                    Period-beginning balance
                                                                                                                             Discount rate
Item                                Bad-debt                                             Bad-debt
                  Book balance                       Book value         Book balance                      Book value         range
                                    provision                                            provision
with related      6,146,228.91      6,146,228.91                        6,146,228.91     6,146,228.91
Total             6,146,228.91      6,146,228.91                        6,146,228.91     6,146,228.91

(2) Disclosure by bad debt accrual method

Unit: RMB
              Period-end balance                                              Period-beginning balance
              Book balance             Bad-debt provision                     Book balance              Bad-debt provision
Categor                                             Provisio                                                       Provisio
y                                                               Book                                                             Book
                         Proporti                   n           value                     Proporti                 n             value
              Amount                   Amount                                 Amount                    Amount
                         on                         proporti                              on                       proporti
                                                    on                                                             on
n for bad
              6,146,22                 6,146,22                               6,146,22                  6,146,22
made on                  100.00%                    100.00%                               100.00%                  100.00%
              8.91                     8.91                                   8.91                      8.91
al basis

                                               Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

             6,146,22                 6,146,22                              6,146,22                      6,146,22
Total                    100.00%                      100.00%                            100.00%                      100.00%
             8.91                     8.91                                  8.91                          8.91

(3) Bad debt provision provided, recovered, or reversed in the current period

Unit: RMB

                                          Amount of change during the current period
                     Period-                                 Accounts                                                      Period-end
Category             beginning                               recovered     or   Write-off        or
                                          Provision                                                     Others             balance
                     balance                                 transferred        verification
                     6,146,228.91                                                                                          6,146,228.91
Total                6,146,228.91                                                                                          6,146,228.91

13. Long-term equity investments

Unit: RMB
                                 Changes in the current period
                      Period                            Invest
            Period    -                                 ment      Adjust                                                           Period
            -         beginn                                                           Cash                               Period   -end
                                                        profit    ment
            beginn    ing                                                              divide                             -end     balanc
                                                        or loss   to
Investe     ing       balanc     Additi     Reduc                          Chang       nd or          Provisi             balanc   e    of
                                                        recogn    other
e           balanc    e    of    onal       ed                             es in       profit         on for              e        impair
                                                        ized      compr                                          Others
            e         impair     invest     invest                         other       declare        impair              (book    ment
                                                        throug    ehensi
            (book     ment       ment       ment                           equity      d to be        ment                value)   provisi
                                                        h the     ve
            value)    provisi                                                          distrib                                     on
                                                        equity    incom
                      on                                                               uted
                                                        metho     e
I. Joint ventures
Gmon        49,250                                                                     15,000                             41,530
d           ,845.0                                                                     ,000.0                             ,678.3
Invest      6                                                                          0                                  2
            13,302                                                                                                        13,458
g                                                       156,03
            ,311.6                                                                                                        ,348.6
Invest                                                  7.06
            0                                                                                                             6
            62,553                                                                     15,000                             54,989
Subtot                                                  7,435,
            ,156.6                                                                     ,000.0                             ,026.9
al                                                      870.32
            6                                                                          0                                  8

                   Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

II. Associates
Tellus    13,958         12,443                                              26,401
Autom     ,330.9         ,247.0                                              ,577.9
obiles    1              8                                                   9
e Co.,
e Co.,

           Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

yang                                                                          1,810,
Industr                                                                       540.70
ial Co.,
ng                                                                            3,225,
Electro                                                                       000.00
o New                                                                         4,751,
Materi                                                                        621.62
y                                                                             400,00
Shenz                                                                         0.00
g Co.,
South                                                                         2,250,
China                                                                         000.00

                                          Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

uan                                                                                                                      1,320,
Power                                                                                                                    000.00
g Co.,
Spark                                             632,63                        632,63                                   17,849
Plug                                              6.00                          6.00                                     .20
y Co.,
ng                                                                                                                       6,700,
Autom                                                                                                                    000.00
          13,958                                  13,075                                                        26,401   23,131
Subtot                                                                          632,63
          ,330.9                                  ,883.0                                                        ,577.9   ,012.6
al                                                                              6.00
          1                                       8                                                             9        2
          76,511                                  20,511                        15,632                          81,390   23,131
Total     ,487.5                                  ,753.4                        ,636.0                          ,604.9   ,012.6
          7                                       0                             0                               7        2
Whether the recoverable amount is determined according to the net amount with fair value deducting disposal expenses?
□ Applicable Not applicable
Whether the recoverable amount is determined according to the present value of the expected future cash flow?
□ Applicable Not applicable

                                           Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

14. Investment properties

(1) Investment properties measured at cost

Applicable □ Not applicable
Unit: RMB

                          Buildings          and                         Construction       in
Item                                               Land use right                                Total
                          structures                                     progress
I. Original book value
     1.        Period-
                          1,104,591,317.70         95,667,082.86                                 1,200,258,400.56
beginning balance
     2.        Amount
increase in the current
          (2) Transfer
from inventory/fixed
assets/construction in
         (3) Increase
from business merger

     3.        Amount
decrease in the current
          (1) Disposal
          (2)     Other

     4.     Period-end
                          1,104,591,317.70         95,667,082.86         0.00                    1,200,258,400.56
II.       Accumulated
depreciation      and
     1.        Period-
                          185,791,265.90           6,329,792.86                                  192,121,058.76
beginning balance
     2.        Amount
increase in the current   14,894,477.21            1,151,581.06                                  16,046,058.27
          (1) Provision
                          14,894,477.21            1,151,581.06                                  16,046,058.27
or amortization

     3.        Amount
decrease in the current
          (1) Disposal
          (2)     Other

                                             Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.


     4.        Period-end
                            200,685,743.11              7,481,373.92                                    208,167,117.03
III.  Provision       for
     1.        Period-
beginning balance
     2.        Amount
increase in the current
          (1) Provision

     3.        Amount
decrease in the current
          (1) Disposal
          (2)      Other

     4.        Period-end
IV. Book value
    1.     Period-end
                            903,905,574.59              88,185,708.94         0.00                      992,091,283.53
book value
     2.        Period-
                            918,800,051.80              89,337,290.00         0.00                      1,008,137,341.80
beginning book value

Whether the recoverable amount is determined according to the net amount with fair value deducting disposal expenses?
□ Applicable Not applicable
Whether the recoverable amount is determined according to the present value of the expected future cash flow?
□ Applicable Not applicable

(2) Investment properties measured at fair value

□ Applicable Not applicable

(3) Investment properties whose property certificates are not obtained

Unit: RMB
                                                                                       Reasons for failure to obtain the property
Item                                         Book value
                                                                                       The property ownership     certificate has
CNNC office building                         3,838,800.75                              not been handled due        to historical
                                                                                       The property ownership     certificate has
Building 12, Sungang                         9,208.73                                  not been handled due        to historical
                                                                                       The property ownership     certificate has
Shops in Building 12, Sungang                19,225.47                                 not been handled due        to historical

                                         Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Total                                       3,867,234.95

15. Fixed assets

Unit: RMB
Item                                        Period-end balance                       Period-beginning balance
Fixed assets                                74,890,303.79                            78,935,843.49
Total                                       74,890,303.79                            78,935,843.49

(1) Fixed assets

Unit: RMB
                                Machinery                                                      Offices and
                 Premises and                    Transportatio   Electronic     Fixed asset
Item                            and                                                            other            Total
                 buildings                       n equipment     equipment      decoration
                                equipment                                                      equipment
I.   Original
book value:
Period-          218,581,348.   16,663,683.3                                                                    254,067,224.
                                                 2,086,527.73    7,418,557.34   1,141,459.06   8,175,648.79
beginning        20             4                                                                               46
increase in                                                      113,771.82                    6,798.66         120,570.48
the current
                                                                 113,771.82                    6,798.66         120,570.48
in progress

decrease in                                                      4,849.56                                       4,849.56
the current
Disposal or                                                      4,849.56                                       4,849.56

                 218,581,348.   16,663,683.3                                                                    254,182,945.
Period-end                                       2,086,527.73    7,527,479.60   1,141,459.06   8,182,447.45
                 20             4                                                                               38

                                          Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Period-           149,723,225.                                                                            169,951,331.
                                 7,731,863.65   1,751,569.49   4,843,137.73   860,076.33   5,041,458.95
beginning         51                                                                                      66
increase in       2,936,269.76   490,640.64     22,772.28      350,972.22                  363,480.46     4,164,135.36
the current
                  2,936,269.76   490,640.64     22,772.28      350,972.22                  363,480.46     4,164,135.36

decrease in                                                    2,874.74                                   2,874.74
the current
Disposal or                                                    2,874.74                                   2,874.74

                  152,659,495.                                                                            174,112,592.
Period-end                       8,222,504.29   1,774,341.77   5,191,235.21   860,076.33   5,404,939.41
                  27                                                                                      28
III. Provision
                  3,555,385.70   871,618.28     6,165.00       276,816.12     281,382.73   188,681.48     5,180,049.31
increase in
the current

decrease in
the current
Disposal or

                  3,555,385.70   871,618.28     6,165.00       276,816.12     281,382.73   188,681.48     5,180,049.31

                                          Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

IV.       Book
                 62,366,467.2                                                                                   74,890,303.7
Period-end                       7,569,560.77   306,020.96   2,059,428.27    0.00              2,588,826.56
                 3                                                                                              9
book value
Period-          65,302,736.9                                                                                   78,935,843.4
                                 8,060,201.41   328,793.24   2,298,603.49    0.00              2,945,508.36
beginning        9                                                                                              9
book value

(2) Fixed assets leased out by operating lease

Unit: RMB
Item                                                         Book value at the end of the period
Premises and buildings                                       59,539,656.85

(3) Fixed assets whose property certificates are not obtained

Unit: RMB
                                                                                    Reasons for failure to obtain the property
Item                                       Book value
                                                                                    The property ownership certificate has
Yongtong Building                          20,993,115.61                            not been handled due to historical
                                                                                    The property ownership certificate has
Automobile Building                        20,055,818.44                            not been handled due to historical
Underground parking lot of Tellus                                                   The property ownership certificate of the
Building                                                                            parking lot cannot be handled.
                                                                                    The property ownership certificate has
3-5/F, Plants 1#, 2# and 3#, Taoyuan
                                           2,624,489.41                             not been handled due to historical
                                                                                    Unable to apply for a property ownership
Transfer floor(s) of Tellus Building       1,146,690.08
                                                                                    The property ownership certificate has
Building 16, Taohuayuan                    945,697.62                               not been handled due to historical
                                                                                    The property ownership certificate has
Warehouse                                  685,198.81                               not been handled due to historical
                                                                                    The property ownership certificate has
1/F, Bao'an Commercial and Residential
                                           491,644.59                               not been handled due to historical
                                                                                    The property ownership certificate has
Shuibei Zhongtian Building                 472,913.10                               not been handled due to historical
                                                                                    The property ownership certificate has
Warehouse of the Trade Department          45,478.45                                not been handled due to historical
                                                                                    The property ownership certificate has
Shops, Plants No. 5-7, Buxin               30,263.42                                not been handled due to historical
Songquan Apartment (mixed)                 10,086.79                                The property ownership certificate has

                                         Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

                                                                               not been handled due        to historical
                                                                               The property ownership     certificate has
Buxin Generator Room                      5,994.58                             not been handled due        to historical
                                                                               The property ownership     certificate has
Guest House on Renmin North Road          5,902.41                             not been handled due        to historical
Total                                     54,707,676.31

(4) Impairment test of fixed assets

□ Applicable Not applicable

16. Construction in progress

Unit: RMB
Item                                      Period-end balance                   Period-beginning balance
Construction in progress                  15,159,796.57                        7,279,570.05
Total                                     15,159,796.57                        7,279,570.05

(1) Information on construction in progress

Unit: RMB
                    Period-end balance                              Period-beginning balance
Item                                 Impairment                                      Impairment
                    Book balance                     Book value     Book balance                      Book value
                                     provision                                       provision
Renovation of
the exhibition
hall         and
treasury area of
                    5,889,728.96                     5,889,728.96   4,740,393.23                      4,740,393.23
the sunken area
on B1 of the
Tellus Jewelry
project       for
16/F, Building
A and 17-18/F,
                    2,975,801.10                     2,975,801.10
Building B of
the Tellus Gold
and Diamond
project at the
                    2,212,300.55                     2,212,300.55
point between
B1 and Shuibei
                    1,184,913.11                     1,184,913.11

                                            Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

project for 1/F,
and upgrading
of the Shuibei      808,507.65                          808,507.65      808,507.65                           808,507.65
project for the
annex building
of the Tellus       108,945.00                          108,945.00      108,945.00                           108,945.00
Gold        and
Other projects      1,979,600.20                        1,979,600.20    1,621,724.17                         1,621,724.17
Total               15,159,796.57                       15,159,796.57   7,279,570.05                         7,279,570.05

(2) Impairment provision for construction in progress in the current period

Unit: RMB
                         Period-beginning   Increase in the      Decrease in the                          Reason            for
Item                                                                                 Period-end balance
                         balance            current period       current period                           provision

(3) Impairment test of projects under construction

□ Applicable Not applicable

17. Right-of-use assets

(1) Right-of-use assets

Unit: RMB
Item                                        Premises and buildings                   Total
I. Original book value
       1. Period-beginning balance          80,631,305.71                            80,631,305.71
       2. Amount increase in the current

     3. Amount decrease in the current

       4. Period-end balance                80,631,305.71                            80,631,305.71
II. Accumulated depreciation
       1. Period-beginning balance          8,726,589.21                             8,726,589.21
       2. Amount increase in the current
                                            4,726,718.58                             4,726,718.58
           (1) Provision                    4,726,718.58                             4,726,718.58

       3. Amount decrease in the current

                                             Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

           (1) Disposal

       4. Period-end balance                  13,453,307.79                          13,453,307.79
III. Provision for impairment
       1. Period-beginning balance
       2. Amount increase in the current
           (1) Provision

     3. Amount decrease in the current
           (1) Disposal

       4. Period-end balance
IV. Book value
       1. Period-end book value               67,177,997.92                          67,177,997.92
       2. Period-beginning book value         71,904,716.50                          71,904,716.50

(2) Impairment test of right-of-use assets

□ Applicable Not applicable

18. Intangible assets

(1) Intangible assets

Unit: RMB
                                                         Non-patented                     Computer
Item                Land use right      Patent rights                   Trademark                        Total
                                                         technologies                     software
I. Original book
     1. Period-
beginning           1,967,851.00                                        128,500.00        7,196,385.90   9,292,736.90
     2. Amount
increase in the                                                                           372,557.55     372,557.55
current year
                                                                                          372,557.55     372,557.55
Internal R&D
Increase    from

     3. Amount
decrease in the

                                        Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

current period

     4. Period-
                  1,967,851.00   0.00              0.00            128,500.00      7,568,943.45    9,665,294.45
end balance
Accumulated                                                                                        0.00
     1. Period-
beginning         802,676.49                                       110,987.78      4,463,302.02    5,376,966.29
     2. Amount
increase in the   51,785.53                                        2,112.63        226,492.35      280,390.51
current year
                  51,785.53                                        2,112.63        226,492.35      280,390.51

     3. Amount
decrease in the
current period

     4. Period-
                  854,462.02     0.00              0.00            113,100.41      4,689,794.37    5,657,356.80
end balance
III. Provision
for impairment
     1. Period-
     2. Amount
increase in the
current year

     3. Amount
decrease in the
current period

     4. Period-
end balance
IV. Book value
     1. Period-
                  1,113,388.98   0.00              0.00            15,399.59       2,879,149.08    4,007,937.65
end book value
     2. Period-
beginning book    1,165,174.51   0.00              0.00            17,512.22       2,733,083.88    3,915,770.61

                                             Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

(2) Impairment test of intangible assets

□ Applicable Not applicable

19. Long-term deferred expenses

Unit: RMB
                                             Amount increase        Amortization
                       Period-beginning                                                    Other decreased
Item                                         in the current         amount in the                                 Period-end balance
                       balance                                                             amount
                                             period                 current period
                       38,392,179.02         5,518,897.27           3,448,584.09                                  40,462,492.20
Total                  38,392,179.02         5,518,897.27           3,448,584.09                                  40,462,492.20

20. Deferred income tax assets/deferred income tax liabilities

(1) Deferred tax assets not offset

Unit: RMB
                            Period-end balance                                     Period-beginning balance
Item                        Deductible temporary                                   Deductible temporary
                                                     Deferred tax assets                                      Deferred tax assets
                            differences                                            differences
Deductible losses           4,116,772.28             1,029,193.07                  12,429,491.12              3,107,372.77
Provision for credit
                            35,059,422.28            8,764,855.57                  35,059,422.28              8,764,855.57
Deferred income             687,408.75               171,852.19                    687,408.75                 171,852.19
Changes in the fair
value      of     trading   14,437,920.68            3,609,480.17                  13,705,388.76              3,426,347.19
financial assets
Changes in the fair
value of other equity       9,793,299.53             2,448,324.88                  9,793,299.53               2,448,324.88
instrument investments
Lease liabilities           79,671,619.30            19,917,904.83                 79,671,619.30              19,917,904.83
Total                       143,766,442.82           35,941,610.71                 151,346,629.74             37,836,657.43

(2) Deferred tax liabilities not offset

Unit: RMB
                            Period-end balance                                     Period-beginning balance
Item                        Taxable     temporary                                  Taxable     temporary
                                                     Deferred tax liabilities                                 Deferred tax liabilities
                            differences                                            differences
depreciation of fixed       205,244.72               51,311.18                     562,445.00                 140,611.25
Time difference of
income tax due to
                            19,145,855.24            4,786,463.81                  19,145,855.24              4,786,463.81
allocation of rent-free
period income
Measurement          of
remaining equity fair       67,398,061.80            16,849,515.45                 67,398,061.80              16,849,515.45

                                               Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Right-of-use assets          74,533,199.60                18,633,299.90               74,533,199.60             18,633,299.90
Total                        161,282,361.36               40,320,590.34               161,639,561.64            40,409,890.41

(3) Deferred tax assets or liabilities presented in net amount after being offset

Unit: RMB
                             Amount of offsetting                                     Mutual off-set amount     Period-beginning
                                                          Period-end balance of
                             of deferred income tax                                   of deferred tax assets    balance of deferred tax
Item                                                      deferred tax assets or
                             assets against liabilities                               and liabilities at the    assets or liabilities after
                                                          liabilities after offset
                             at the end of the period                                 beginning of the period   offset
Deferred tax assets                                       35,941,610.71                                         37,836,657.43
Deferred tax liabilities                                  40,320,590.34                                         40,409,890.41

(4) Details of unrecognized deferred tax assets

Unit: RMB
Item                                            Period-end balance                            Period-beginning balance
Deductible temporary differences                123,519,997.09                                123,519,997.09
Deductible losses                               19,550,649.41                                 22,073,706.37
Total                                           143,070,646.50                                145,593,703.46

(5) Deductible losses of unrecognized deferred tax assets will become mature and due in the following

Unit: RMB
Year                                 Period-end amount                 Period-beginning amount            Remarks
2025                                                                   3,230,232.35
2026                                 7,956,456.42                      8,589,171.35
2027                                 4,821,009.13                      4,821,009.13
2028                                 5,266,380.29                      5,433,293.54
2029                                 1,506,803.57
Total                                19,550,649.41                     22,073,706.37

21. Other non-current assets

Unit: RMB
                      Period-end balance                                         Period-beginning balance
Item                                     Impairment                                                   Impairment
                      Book balance                           Book value          Book balance                           Book value
                                         provision                                                    provision
Prepaid project
                      47,071,710.51                          47,071,710.51       47,071,710.51                          47,071,710.51
of VAT debit          7,205,934.16                           7,205,934.16        8,385,565.03                           8,385,565.03
certificates of
                      42,167,033.34                          42,167,033.34       41,431,777.78                          41,431,777.78
deposit      and
interest     due
over one year

                                            Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

software                                                                    164,000.00                              164,000.00
Total               96,444,678.01                         96,444,678.01     97,053,053.32                           97,053,053.32

22. Assets with restricted ownership or right-of-use

Unit: RMB
                Period end                                                 Period beginning
Item            Book                        Restriction                    Book                          Restriction
                              Book value                    Restriction                  Book value                    Restriction
                balance                     type                           balance                       type
                                                                                                                       Used      for
                                                            Used     for                                               bank gold
                                                            bank gold                                                  leasing,
Cash    at                                                  leasing,                                                   futures
                72,705,507.   72,705,507.   Security                       60,117,573.   60,117,573.     Security
bank and                                                    payable                                                    margin,
                53            53            deposits                       95            95              deposits
on hand                                                     notes, and                                                 and
                                                            futures                                                    judicial-
                                                            margin                                                     controlled
                72,705,507.   72,705,507.                                  60,117,573.   60,117,573.
                53            53                                           95            95

23. Short-term borrowings

(1) Classification of short-term borrowings

Unit: RMB
Item                                        Period-end balance                           Period-beginning balance
Credit borrowing                            160,119,111.11                               145,131,694.44
Total                                       160,119,111.11                               145,131,694.44

24. Trading financial liabilities

Unit: RMB
Item                                        Period-end balance                           Period-beginning balance
Financial liabilities designated as
measured at fair value through profit or    36,858,570.74                                56,881,954.76
Gold leasing                                36,858,570.74                                56,881,954.76
Total                                       36,858,570.74                                56,881,954.76

25. Derivative financial liabilities

Unit: RMB

Item                                        Period-end balance                           Period-beginning balance
Hedging instruments                         575,060.00                                   1,380.00

                                          Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Total                                     575,060.00                               1,380.00

26. Notes payable

Unit: RMB
Category                                  Period-end balance                       Period-beginning balance
Bank acceptance bill                      28,000,000.00
Total                                     28,000,000.00

27. Accounts payable

(1) Presentation of accounts payable

Unit: RMB
Item                                      Period-end balance                       Period-beginning balance
Purchase payment for goods and services   10,491,743.79                            6,150,884.19
Payment for engineering equipment         114,112,061.16                           129,683,530.20
Total                                     124,603,804.95                           135,834,414.39

(2) Significant accounts payable with an account receivable age of over one year

Unit: RMB
                                                                                   Reasons for not repaying or carrying
Item                                      Period-end balance
Shenzhen Yinglong Jian'an (Group) Co.,
                                          28,298,954.80                            Project(s) unsettled
China Construction First Building
                                          7,341,720.70                             Project(s) unsettled
(Group) Corporation Limited
Shenzhen       Yinuo       Construction
                                          3,555,095.22                             Project(s) unsettled
Engineering Co., Ltd.
Beijing     Fugonglide      Technology
                                          1,038,109.61                             Project(s) unsettled
Development Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Building Decorating Group
                                          787,548.52                               Project(s) unsettled
Co., Ltd.
Total                                     41,021,428.85

28. Other payables

Unit: RMB
Item                                      Period-end balance                       Period-beginning balance
Other payables                            132,054,687.73                           126,826,966.60
Total                                     132,054,687.73                           126,826,966.60

(1) Other payables

1) Other payables presented by the nature of payment

Unit: RMB

                                          Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Item                                         Period-end balance                        Period-beginning balance
Guarantee and security deposits              55,743,015.44                             61,572,033.08
Associated intercourse funds                 18,248,958.83                             13,217,780.83
Withdrawal in advance                        9,979,843.96                              14,559,784.33
Temporary receipts payable                   48,082,869.50                             37,477,368.36
Total                                        132,054,687.73                            126,826,966.60

2) Other significant accounts payable with an account receivable age of over one year or overdue

Unit: RMB
                                                                                       Reasons for not repaying or carrying
Item                                         Period-end balance
                                                                                       Amount owed to related             party
Hongkong Yujia Investment Limited            2,146,404.58
                                                                                       companies, not yet repaid
Total                                        2,146,404.58

29. Accounts collected in advance

(1) Presentation of accounts collected in advance

Unit: RMB
Item                                         Period-end balance                        Period-beginning balance
Rent                                         9,428,923.84                              4,306,567.65
Total                                        9,428,923.84                              4,306,567.65

30. Contract liabilities

Unit: RMB
Item                                         Period-end balance                        Period-beginning balance
Goods fees receivable in advance             3,549,355.25                              2,628,855.25
Services fees receivable in advance          1,960,280.50                              4,451,120.13
Total                                        5,509,635.75                              7,079,975.38

31. Employee compensation payable

(1) Employee compensation payable

Unit: RMB
                          Period-beginning           Increase in the current   Decrease in the current
Item                                                                                                     Period-end balance
                          balance                    period                    period
I.         Short-term
                          33,425,356.15              25,652,764.93             21,234,263.81             37,843,857.27
II.   Post-employment
benefits-defined                                     2,147,050.34              2,147,050.34              0.00
contribution plan
III. Dismissal benefits                              72,490.10                 72,490.10                 0.00
Total                     33,425,356.15              27,872,305.37             23,453,804.25             37,843,857.27

                                           Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

(2) Presentation of short-term compensation

Unit: RMB
                           Period-beginning           Increase in the current   Decrease in the current
Item                                                                                                      Period-end balance
                           balance                    period                    period
1. Wages,      bonuses,
allowances,        and     33,338,217.09              22,327,642.62             17,974,004.84             37,691,854.87
2. Employee benefits                                                                                      0.00
3. Social     insurance
                                                      809,845.40                809,845.40                0.00
Medical      insurance                                675,065.34                675,065.34                0.00
related injury insurance                              65,164.19                 65,164.19                 0.00
                                                      69,615.87                 69,615.87                 0.00
insurance premiums
4. Housing provident
                           1,012.80                   1,586,036.31              1,586,036.31              1,012.80
5. Labor union funds
and staff education        626.26                     431,285.51                369,803.79                62,107.98
8. Others                  85,500.00                  497,955.09                494,573.47                88,881.62
Total                      33,425,356.15              25,652,764.93             21,234,263.81             37,843,857.27

(3) Defined contribution plan

Unit: RMB
                           Period-beginning           Increase in the current   Decrease in the current
Item                                                                                                      Period-end balance
                           balance                    period                    period
1. Basic endowment
                                                      2,031,314.15              2,031,314.15
2.      Unemployment
                                                      115,736.19                115,736.19
insurance premium
Total                                                 2,147,050.34              2,147,050.34              0.00

32. Taxes payable

Unit: RMB
Item                                          Period-end balance                        Period-beginning balance
Value-added tax                               1,592,103.44                              1,753,636.75
Corporate income tax                          9,362,933.66                              7,692,722.34
Individual income tax                         505,406.02                                1,174,933.55
Urban maintenance and construction tax        47,779.64                                 89,600.86
Educational surcharge                         27,707.89                                 79,842.74
Land use tax                                  224,037.74
Land value increment tax                      17,386,832.46                             17,386,832.46

                                            Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Stamp duty                                   434,366.59                               526,135.54
Property tax                                 3,530,269.81
Other taxes                                  140,895.04                               153,743.82
Total                                        33,252,332.29                            28,857,448.06

33. Non-current liabilities due within one year

Unit: RMB
Item                                         Period-end balance                       Period-beginning balance
Lease liabilities due within one year        7,155,499.75                             7,304,647.32
Total                                        7,155,499.75                             7,304,647.32

34. Other current liabilities

Unit: RMB
Item                                         Period-end balance                       Period-beginning balance
Taxes of items to be written off             3,172,726.99                             3,388,998.35
Total                                        3,172,726.99                             3,388,998.35

35. Lease liabilities

Unit: RMB
Item                                         Period-end balance                       Period-beginning balance
Lease payment                                64,188,913.70                            69,524,214.23
Total                                        64,188,913.70                            69,524,214.23

36. Long-term payables

Unit: RMB
Item                                         Period-end balance                       Period-beginning balance
Long-term payables                           3,920,160.36                             3,920,160.36
Total                                        3,920,160.36                             3,920,160.36

(1) Long-term payables by the nature of payment

Unit: RMB
Item                                         Period-end balance                       Period-beginning balance
Employee housing deposit                     3,908,848.40                             3,908,848.40
Grant for technology innovation projects     11,311.96                                11,311.96
Total                                        3,920,160.36                             3,920,160.36

37. Estimated liabilities

Unit: RMB
Item                               Period-end balance             Period-beginning balance      Reason for formation
Pending litigation                 268,414.80                     268,414.80                    Pending litigation
Total                              268,414.80                     268,414.80

                                              Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

38. Deferred income

Unit: RMB
                         Period-beginning       Increase in the         Decrease in the                               Reason           for
Item                                                                                         Period-end balance
                         balance                current period          current period                                formation
                         9,617,683.53                                   880,145.82           8,737,537.71             Asset-related
Total                    9,617,683.53           0.00                    880,145.82           8,737,537.71

39. Share capital

Unit: RMB
                                   Increase or decrease (+, -)

                Period-                                                 Conversion
                                                                        of        the                                         Period-end
                beginning          Issuance of         Share
                                                                        reserved        Others          Subtotal              balance
                balance            new shares          donation
                                                                        funds    into
                431,058,320.                                                                                                  431,058,320.
Total shares
                00                                                                                                            00

40. Capital reserves

Unit: RMB
                             Period-beginning             Increase in the current    Decrease in the current
Item                                                                                                             Period-end balance
                             balance                      period                     period
Capital premium (share
                             425,768,053.35                                                                      425,768,053.35
Other capital reserves       5,681,501.16                                                                        5,681,501.16
Total                        430,866,408.50                                                                      430,866,408.50

41. Other comprehensive income

Unit: RMB
                               Amount incurred in the current period
                                                Less:             Less:
                                                Amount            Amount
                                                included in       included in
                                                other             other
                               Amount           comprehen         comprehen
               Period-         incurred         sive              sive                       Attributabl
                                                                                                               amount          Period-end
Item           beginning       before           incomes in        income in     Less:        e to the
                                                                                                               attributable    balance
               balance         income tax       the               the           Income tax   parent
                                                                                                               to minority
                               in       the     previous          previous      expenses     company
                               current          period but        period and                 after tax
                               period           transferred       transferred
                                                to     profit     to retained
                                                and loss in       earnings in
                                                the current       the current
                                                period            period

                                           Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

I.    Other
income         -                                                                                                  -
items not to   7,344,974.6                                                                                        7,344,974.6
be             5                                                                                                  5
into profits
and losses
es in the
fair value
               -                                                                                                  -
of     other
               7,344,974.6                                                                                        7,344,974.6
               5                                                                                                  5
II.   Other
               26,422.00                                                                                          26,422.00
items to be
into profits
and losses
items to be
               26,422.00                                                                                          26,422.00
into profits
and losses
through the
Total other
               -                                                                                                  -
               7,318,552.6                                                                                        7,318,552.6
               5                                                                                                  5

42. Surplus reserve

Unit: RMB
                           Period-beginning        Increase in the current   Decrease in the current
Item                                                                                                   Period-end balance
                           balance                 period                    period
Statutory       surplus
                           63,956,286.46                                                               63,956,286.46
Total                      63,956,286.46                                                               63,956,286.46

                                              Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

43. Undistributed profits

Unit: RMB
Item                                             Current period                              Previous period
Undistributed profits at the end of the
                                                 685,342,592.62                              590,605,394.67
previous period before adjustment
Undistributed profits at the end of the
                                                 685,342,592.62                              590,605,394.67
period after adjustment
Add: Net profit attributable to owners of
                                                 76,662,479.69                               44,139,962.93
the parent company during the period
       Ordinary share dividends payable          13,362,807.92                               12,069,632.96
Undistributed profits at the end of the
                                                 748,642,264.39                              622,675,724.64

Breakdown of adjusted undistributed profits at the beginning of the period
1) Due to retroactive adjustment of ASBE and relevant new regulations, the affected undistributed profit at the beginning of the
period is RMB 0.00.
2) Due to changes in accounting policies, the affected undistributed profit at the beginning of the period is RMB 0.00.
3) Due to the correction of major accounting errors, the undistributed profit of RMB 0.00 at the beginning of the period was
4) Due to the change in the scope of consolidation caused by the same control, the undistributed profit of RMB 0.00 at the
beginning of the period was affected.
5) The amount of undistributed profits at the beginning of the period that was affected due to the total of other adjustments is RMB
0.00 .

44. Operating revenue and operating cost

Unit: RMB
                              Amount incurred in the current period                Amount incurred in the previous period
                              Revenue                    Costs                     Revenue                     Costs
Main business                 1,580,023,748.85           1,451,925,990.76          702,184,781.46              608,012,821.75
Other business                                                                     2,651,629.48                591,816.65
Total                         1,580,023,748.85           1,451,925,990.76          704,836,410.94              608,604,638.40

Breakdown information of operating revenues and operating costs:
Unit: RMB

Classificati     Segment 1                       Segment 2                                                   Total
on        of     Operating      Operating        Operating        Operating   Operating      Operating       Operating      Operating
contract         revenue        cost             revenue          cost        revenue        cost            revenue        cost
Business         1,580,023,7    1,451,925,9                                                                  1,580,023,7    1,451,925,9
type             48.85          90.76                                                                        48.85          90.76
                 1,441,734,8    1,410,424,6                                                                  1,441,734,8    1,410,424,6
and retail
                 15.25          05.61                                                                        15.25          05.61
of jewelry
                 138,078,04     41,501,385.                                                                  138,078,04     41,501,385.
                 9.35           15                                                                           9.35           15
Others           210,884.25                                                                                  210,884.25

                                           Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.


South          1,017,725,2   897,350,26                                                           1,017,725,2   897,350,26
China          04.81         9.66                                                                 04.81         9.66
               89,258,835.   87,765,772.                                                          89,258,835.   87,765,772.
East China
               53            74                                                                   53            74
North          426,593,37    421,213,39                                                           426,593,37    421,213,39
China          2.53          3.61                                                                 2.53          3.61
Central        37,329,652.   36,682,757.                                                          37,329,652.   36,682,757.
China          67            99                                                                   67            99
Other          9,116,683.3   8,913,796.7                                                          9,116,683.3   8,913,796.7
regions        1             6                                                                    1             6
By market
or customer


By contract


By time of
transfer of


By contract


By    sales



45. Taxes and surcharges

Unit: RMB
Item                                       Amount incurred in the current period   Amount incurred in the previous period
Urban maintenance and construction tax     1,233,347.07                            625,625.14
Educational surcharge                      893,173.74                              446,539.19
Property tax                               3,530,269.75                            3,126,665.09

                                          Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Land use tax                              197,577.76                              136,660.83
Stamp duty                                1,164,004.73                            518,916.20
Other taxes                               4,541.15                                1,320.00
Total                                     7,022,914.20                            4,855,726.45

46. Administrative expenses

Unit: RMB
Item                                      Amount incurred in the current period   Amount incurred in the previous period
Employee compensation                     19,829,421.54                           24,654,297.67
Office expenses                           110,795.99                              119,662.56
Transport and travel expenses             44,514.01                               7,695.23
Business entertainment expenses           48,702.75                               52,838.20
Depreciation and amortization             2,224,953.37                            2,118,529.00
Intermediary agency service fees          269,351.37                              906,265.09
Others                                    1,231,201.37                            958,541.63
Total                                     23,758,940.40                           28,817,829.38

47. Selling expenses

Unit: RMB
Item                                      Amount incurred in the current period   Amount incurred in the previous period
Employee compensation                     3,521,903.27                            6,048,479.76
Advertising marketing expenses            4,453,697.92                            2,008,639.20
Depreciation and amortization             1,361,625.33                            1,576,507.45
Office expenses                           173,640.67                              178,798.04
Property management, water,         and
                                          65,294.90                               81,594.29
electricity fees
Transport and travel expenses             134,013.99                              344,110.00
Insurance and supervisory charges         273,533.86                              173,654.37
Others                                    671,873.13                              1,551,315.90
Total                                     10,655,583.07                           11,963,099.01

48. R&D expenses

Unit: RMB
Item                                      Amount incurred in the current period   Amount incurred in the previous period
Employee compensation                     1,203,314.39
Information technology service expenses   20,222.89
Depreciation and amortization             24,087.95
Others                                    105,407.57
Total                                     1,353,032.80

49. Financial expenses

Unit: RMB
Item                                      Amount incurred in the current period   Amount incurred in the previous period
Interest expenses                         5,197,620.36                            4,751,743.88
Less: Interest income                     2,112,971.50                            1,835,834.14
Less: Capitalized interest                0.00                                    1,510,324.98

                                                 Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Exchange profits and losses                      409,047.03                              -64,306.88
Others                                           192,197.54                              50,454.91
Total                                            3,685,893.43                            1,391,732.79

50. Other incomes

Unit: RMB
Sources of other incomes                         Amount incurred in the current period   Amount incurred in the previous period
I. Government subsidies included in
                                                 5,606,545.82                            4,465,807.01
other incomes
Including: Government subsidies related
                                                 880,145.82                              626,237.73
to deferred income
Government subsidies directly included
                                                 4,726,400.00                            3,839,569.28
in current profits and losses
II. Other items related to daily activities
                                                 73,501.77                               9,658.93
and included in other incomes
Including: Individual income tax
                                                 73,501.77                               9,658.93
withholding fees
Total                                            5,680,047.59                            4,475,465.94

51. Income from changes in fair value

Unit: RMB
Source of gain from changes in fair value        Amount incurred in the current period   Amount incurred in the previous period
Trading financial assets                         219,551.09                              -2,783,204.51
Trading financial liabilities                    -1,908,400.00                           -2,464,470.00
Derivative    instruments       of   effective
                                                 -1,292,744.45                           -18,135.65
Total                                            -2,981,593.36                           -5,265,810.16

52. Investment incomes

Unit: RMB
Item                                             Amount incurred in the current period   Amount incurred in the previous period
Income     from   long-term   equity
investments calculated through the               20,511,753.40                           3,011,611.29
equity method
Investment      income     from    trading
                                                 4,062,385.40                            8,468,244.22
financial assets during the holding period
Closing income from commodity futures
                                                 -9,867,534.55                           -2,556,837.71
contracts and T+D contracts (hedging)
Total                                            14,706,604.25                           8,923,017.80

53. Credit impairment losses

Unit: RMB
Item                                             Amount incurred in the current period   Amount incurred in the previous period
Bad debt loss of accounts receivable             -751,209.02                             6,669.80
Bad debt loss of other receivables               -106,335.89

                                          Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Total                                      -857,544.91                             6,669.80

54. Asset impairment losses

Unit: RMB
Item                                       Amount incurred in the current period   Amount incurred in the previous period
I. Loss on diminution in value of
inventories and impairment loss on                                                 -3,700.50
contract performance cost
Total                                                                              -3,700.50

55. Income from disposal of assets

Unit: RMB
Sources of income from asset disposal      Amount incurred in the current period   Amount incurred in the previous period
Gains from disposal of fixed assets
                                           -227.20                                 -81,800.45
(losses to be listed with "-")

56. Non-operating incomes

Unit: RMB
                                                                                                Amount included in current
                                 Amount incurred     in   the   Amount incurred    in   the
Item                                                                                            non-recurring profits and
                                 current period                 previous period
Gains from the exchange of
                                                                22,690.35                       0.00
non-monetary assets
Gains    from      unpayable
                                 667,747.57                     262,274.08                      667,747.57
Others                           444,285.68                     132,217.70                      444,285.68
Total                            1,112,033.25                   417,182.13                      1,112,033.25

57. Non-operating expenses

Unit: RMB
                                                                                                Amount included in current
                                 Amount incurred     in   the   Amount incurred    in   the
Item                                                                                            non-recurring profits and
                                 current period                 previous period
Loss from scrapping of non-
current assets
Inventory loss of fixed assets
Overdue      payments      and
liquidated             damage    107,338.47                     119,344.47                      107,338.47
Total                            107,338.47                     119,683.12                      107,338.47

                                              Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

58. Income tax expenses

(1) List of income tax expenses

Unit: RMB
Item                                           Amount incurred in the current period     Amount incurred in the previous period
Current income tax expenses                    17,857,884.67                             12,664,515.42
Deferred tax expenses                          1,805,746.63                              -197,855.50
Total                                          19,663,631.30                             12,466,659.92

(2) Accounting profit and income tax expense adjustment process

Unit: RMB
Item                                                                Amount incurred in the current period
Total profit                                                        99,173,375.34
Income tax expenses based on statutory/applicable tax rate          24,793,343.84
Effect of different tax rates applied to subsidiaries               -172,289.02
Effect of income tax during the period before adjustment            857,973.45
Effect of non-taxable income                                        -5,127,938.35
Impact of non-deductible costs, expenses, and losses                959,784.57
Effect of using deductible losses of unrecognized deferred
income tax assets in the previous period
Effect of deductible temporary difference or deductible losses
on unrecognized deferred tax assets in the current period
Income tax expenses                                                 19,663,631.30

59. Other comprehensive income

Refer to Note VII. 41 for details

60. Items in the cash flow statement

(1) Other cash related to operating activities

Other cash received relating to operating activities
Unit: RMB
Item                                           Amount incurred in the current period     Amount incurred in the previous period
Guarantee and security deposits                32,184,951.83                             12,249,467.54
Interest income                                597,641.87                                1,848,535.56
Current accounts and others                    77,849,320.09                             153,004,930.68
Total                                          110,631,913.79                            167,102,933.78

Other cash paid relating to operating activities
Unit: RMB
Item                                           Amount incurred in the current period     Amount incurred in the previous period
Out-of-pocket expenses                         20,185,486.98                             15,722,806.60
Guarantee and security deposits                18,341,700.56                             7,957,202.52

                                              Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Current accounts and others                   68,134,321.12                           152,374,457.27
Total                                         106,661,508.66                          176,054,466.39

(2) Other cash related to investing activities

Other cash received relating to investing activities
Unit: RMB
Item                                          Amount incurred in the current period   Amount incurred in the previous period
Income from futures liquidation               669,327.72                              827,883.63
Total                                         669,327.72                              827,883.63

Other cash paid relating to investing activities
Unit: RMB
Item                                          Amount incurred in the current period   Amount incurred in the previous period
Futures trading fee and liquidation losses    8,115,811.58                            7,567,454.81
Total                                         8,115,811.58                            7,567,454.81

(3) Cash related to financial activities

Other cash paid related to financing activities
Unit: RMB
Item                                          Amount incurred in the current period   Amount incurred in the previous period
Refund of minority shareholders' capital                                              4,900,000.00
Principal and interest on lease liabilities
                                              754,459.08                              628,844.00
Total                                         754,459.08                              5,528,844.00

Changes in liabilities arising from financing activities
□ Applicable Not applicable

61. Supplementary information to the cash flow statement

(1) Supplementary information for the cash flow statement

Unit: RMB
Supplementary information                     Amount in the current period            Amount in the previous period
1. Adjustment of net profit to cash flow
from operating activities:
  Net profits                                 79,509,744.04                           45,088,066.43
  Add: Impairment provision for assets        857,544.91                              -2,969.30
        Depreciation of fixed assets,
depletion of oil and gas assets, and
                                              20,210,193.63                           17,367,778.17
depreciation of productive biological
         Depreciation    of    right-of-use
                                              4,726,718.58                            1,801,160.77
         Amortization of intangible assets    280,390.51                              1,098,090.38
       Amortization       of     long-term
                                              3,448,584.09                            2,042,705.37
prepaid expenses

                                                   Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

        Losses on the disposal of fixed
assets, intangible assets, and other long-         227.20                                81,800.45
term assets (gain to be listed with "-")
        Losses from the scrapping of
fixed assets (gains to be listed with "-")
        Losses from changes in fair value
                                                   2,981,593.36                          5,265,810.16
(gains to be listed with "-")
        Financial expenses (gains to be
                                                   3,685,893.43                          1,391,732.79
listed with "-")
        Investment losses (gains to be
                                                   -14,706,604.25                        -8,923,017.80
listed with "-")
        Decrease of deferred income tax
                                                   1,895,046.72                          -253,211.24
assets (increase to be listed with "-")
         Increases     in    deferred     tax
                                                   -89,300.07                            55,355.72
liabilities (decrease to be listed with "-")
         Decrease of inventory (increase
                                                   86,288,295.78                         74,299,085.33
to be listed with "-")
        Decrease in operating receivables
                                                   -95,752,549.66                        -174,414,312.99
(increase to be listed with "-")
       Increase in operating items
                                                   13,973,710.65                         24,859,983.86
payable (decrease to be listed with "-")
         Net cash flow from operating
                                                   107,309,488.92                        -10,241,941.90
2. Major investment and financing
activities that do not involve cash
receipts and expenditures:
  Transfer of debt into capital
  Convertible corporate             bonds   due
within one year
   Fixed     assets        acquired     through
financial lease
3. Net changes in cash and cash
  Period-end balance of cash                       155,899,714.76                        261,521,100.08
  Less: Period-beginning balance of
                                                   160,223,387.69                        391,406,829.36
  Add: Period-end balance of cash
  Less: Period-beginning balance of
cash equivalents
  Net increase        in     cash     and   cash
                                                   -4,323,672.93                         -129,885,729.28

(2) Composition of cash and cash equivalents

Unit: RMB
Item                                               Period-end balance                    Period-beginning balance

                                             Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

I. Cash                                      155,899,714.76                           160,223,387.69
Including: Cash on hand                      324.59                                   17,215.98
      Cash at bank         available   for
                                             119,615,641.97                           120,361,253.61
payment at any time
       Other monetary funds available
                                             36,283,748.20                            39,844,918.10
for payment on demand
III. Period-end balance of cash and cash
                                             155,899,714.76                           160,223,387.69

(3) Monetary funds not belonging to cash or cash equivalents

Unit: RMB
                                                                Amount    in    the   previous    Reasons for not belonging to
Item                             Amount in the current period
                                                                period                            cash and cash equivalents
Futures and options account
                                 4,104,642.60                   51,328,583.35
Gold leasing security deposits
                                 40,477,138.89                  8,188,990.60
and interests
Margin payable security
deposits and interests
Amount under judicial control                                   600,000.00
Total                            72,705,507.53                  60,117,573.95

62. Monetary items in foreign currency

(1) Foreign currency monetary items

Unit: RMB
                                 Period-end foreign currency                                      Period-end equivalent RMB
Item                                                            Conversion exchange rate
                                 balance                                                          balance
Cash at bank and on hand
Including: USD                   23,634.26                       7.11                             168,074.30
          HKD                    41,198.56                       0.90                             37,237.65

Accounts receivable
Including: USD

Long-term borrowings
Including: USD

                                            Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

(2) Description of overseas operating entities, including the disclosure of the primary places of business
abroad, bookkeeping base currency, and the basis for its selection for significant overseas operating
entities. If there is a change in the bookkeeping base currency, the reason for the change shall also be

□ Applicable Not applicable

63. Leasing

(1) The Company as the leasee

Applicable □ Not applicable
Variable lease payments not included in the measurement of lease liabilities
□ Applicable Not applicable
Lease expenses for short-term leases or low-value assets that are simplified
□ Applicable Not applicable
Situations involving sale and leaseback transactions

(2) The Company as the lessor

Operating leases with the Company as the lessor
Applicable □ Not applicable
Unit: RMB
                                                                                     Including: Incomes related to variable
Item                                         Lease income                            lease payments that are not included in
                                                                                     the measurement of lease receipts
Lease                                        138,078,049.35                          0.00
Total                                        138,078,049.35

Finance lease with the Company as the lessor
□ Applicable Not applicable
Annual undiscounted lease receipts in the next five years
□ Applicable Not applicable
Reconciliation of undiscounted lease payments to net lease investment

(3) Recognition of selling profit or loss on a finance lease as a producer or distributor

□ Applicable Not applicable

VIII. R&D Expenditures

Unit: RMB
Item                                         Amount incurred in the current period   Amount incurred in the previous period
Employee compensation                        1,375,987.07
Consulting expenses                          57,193.66
Travel expenses                              39,312.82
Amortization expenses                        24,087.95
Information technology service expenses      20,222.89

                                             Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Other expenses                               8,901.09
Total                                        1,525,705.48
Including: Expense account-based R&D
        Capitalized R&D expenses             172,672.68

1. R&D projects eligible for capitalization

Unit: RMB
                              Amount increase in the current period     Decrease in the current period
                Period-       Internal                                  Recognized    Transferred            Period-end
Item            beginning     developme                                 as            to current
                                             Others                                                          balance
                balance       nt                                        intangible    profits and
                              expenditure                               assets        losses
mini-                         172,672.68                                172,672.68
Total                         172,672.68                                172,672.68

IX. Equity in Other Entities

1. Interests in subsidiaries

(1) Composition of the group

Unit: RMB
                                 Principal                                       Shareholding proportion
Subsidiary       Registered                        Registered     Business                                  Acquisition
                                 place        of
name             capital                           location       nature         Direct          Indirect   method
Xinyongtong      32,900,000.0                                                                               Establishmen
                                 Shenzhen          Shenzhen       Commerce       5.00%           95.00%
Automobile       0                                                                                          t
Co., Ltd.
Shiquan          2,000,000.00    Shenzhen          Shenzhen       Commerce                       100.00%
Industry Co.,
SDG Tellus       31,150,000.0                                                                               Establishmen
                                 Shenzhen          Shenzhen       Commerce       100.00%
Real Estate      0                                                                                          t
Co., Ltd.
Chuangying       1,500,000.00    Shenzhen          Shenzhen       Commerce       100.00%
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen         9,607,800.00    Shenzhen          Shenzhen       Commerce       51.00%                     Establishmen

                                              Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Xinyongtong                                                                                                           t
Co., Ltd.
                 58,960,000.0                                                                                         Establishmen
Industry and                       Shenzhen          Shenzhen          Commerce      100.00%
                 0                                                                                                    t
Trade Co.,
Industry         11,110,000.0                                                                                         Establishmen
                                   Shenzhen          Shenzhen          Commerce                        100.00%
Supply and       0                                                                                                    t
Zhongtian        366,221,900.                                                                                         Establishmen
                                   Shenzhen          Shenzhen          Commerce      100.00%
Industry Co.,    00                                                                                                   t
Huari Toyota
Sales      &     2,000,000.00      Shenzhen          Shenzhen          Commerce      60.00%
Service Co.,
                 50,000,000.0                                                                                         Establishmen
Supply Chain                       Shenzhen          Shenzhen          Commerce      100.00%
                 0                                                                                                    t
Supply Chain
                 100,000,000.                                                                                         Establishmen
Industry                           Shenzhen          Shenzhen          Commerce      65.00%
                 00                                                                                                   t
Service Co.,
Fanyue                                                                                                                Establishmen
                 3,500,000.00      Shanghai          Shanghai          Commerce                        100.00%
Diamond                                                                                                               t
Co., Ltd.
Guorun Gold
                 200,000,000.                                                                                         Establishmen
Shenzhen                           Shenzhen          Shenzhen          Commerce      36.00%            3.25%
                 00                                                                                                   t
Co., Ltd.
Explanation of the fact that the shareholding percentage is different from the proportion of votes in subsidiaries:

The shareholding proportion in Guorun Gold Shenzhen Co., Ltd. is different from the proportion of voting rights, and the basis for
holding half or less of the voting rights but still controlling the investee:

In June 2022, the Company cooperated with its subsidiaries Shenzhen Jewelry Industry Service Co., Ltd., Shenzhen HTI Group
Co., Ltd., Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Park (Wuhan) Co., Ltd., Chow Tai Seng Jewelry Co., Ltd., Beijing Caishikou Department
Store Co., Ltd., and Shenzhen ZHL Industrial Co., Ltd. to jointly invest in the establishment of Guorun Gold Shenzhen Co., Ltd.
Among them, the Company contributed RMB 72 million, with a shareholding ratio of 36%; Shenzhen Jewelry Industry Service
Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company, contributed RMB 10 million, with a shareholding ratio of 5%; Shenzhen HTI Group Co.,

                                                  Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Ltd. held 10%, and other shareholders held 49% in total. The Company signed a concerted action agreement with Shenzhen HTI
Group Co., Ltd., stipulating that Shenzhen Hi-tech Investment Group Co., Ltd. shall maintain a consensus with the Company when
voting at the shareholders' meeting and the board of directors of Guorun Gold Shenzhen Co., Ltd. Therefore, the Company and its
subsidiaries actually hold 51% of the voting rights of Guorun Gold Shenzhen Co., Ltd., and have control over Guorun Gold
Shenzhen Co., Ltd.

The basis for the Company's control over the investee when holding half or less of the voting rights and the Company's control
over the investee when holding more than half of the voting rights:
Basis for control over the important structured entities incorporated in the consolidated scope:
Basis to determine whether the company is the agent or the principal:

(2) Important non-wholly-owned subsidiaries

Unit: RMB
                                                             Profit      or      loss
                             Shareholding                                                     Dividends declared to     Balance of minority
                                                             attributable to minority
Subsidiary name              proportion of minority                                           minority shareholders     shareholders' equity at
                                                             shareholders in the
                             shareholders                                                     in the current period     the end of the period
                                                             current period
Guorun Gold Shenzhen
                             60.75%                          407,133.92                                                 117,138,993.94
Co., Ltd.
Explanation of the difference between the shareholding percentage of minority shareholders of subsidiaries and the voting rights

(3) Main financial information of important non-wholly-owned subsidiaries

Unit: RMB
            Period-end balance                                                     Period-beginning balance
Subsid                                         Curren      Non-                                                    Curren      Non-
iary                   Non-                                            Total                   Non-                                      Total
            Curren                Total        t           current                 Curren                Total     t           current
name                   current                                         liabiliti               current                                   liabiliti
            t assets              assets       liabiliti   Liabili                 t assets              assets    liabiliti   Liabili
                       assets                                          es                      assets                                    es
                                               es          ties                                                    es          ties
n Gold
            403,49                410,84       207,88                  212,25      401,43                408,84    205,99                210,93
Shenz                  7,341,                              4,374,                              7,409,                          4,935,
            8,614.                0,604.       3,243.                  7,898.      6,296.                5,673.    7,337.                3,146.
hen                    989.55                              654.74                              377.22                          809.24
            75                    30           47                      21          18                    40        37                    61

Unit: RMB

                 Amount incurred in the current period                               Amount incurred in the previous period

Subsidiary                                         Total             Cash flows                                       Total         Cash flows
name             Operating                         comprehen         from            Operating                        comprehen     from
                                 Net profits                                                         Net profits
                 revenue                           sive              operating       revenue                          sive          operating
                                                   income            activities                                       income        activities
Gold             1,427,534,5                                         90,487,735.     520,277,94      -                -
                                 670,179.30        670,179.30                                                                       46,812,821.
Shenzhen         81.98                                               85              8.63            792,883.11       792,883.11
Co., Ltd.

                                              Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

2. Equity in joint ventures or associates

(1) Important associates and joint ventures

                                                                             Shareholding proportion                Accounting
Name of joint                                                                                                       method for the
                      Principal place   Registered
venture    or                                             Business nature                                           investment in
                      of business       location                             Direct              Indirect
associate                                                                                                           joint ventures
                                                                                                                    or associates
I. Joint ventures
                                                                                                                    Equity method-
Tellus-Gmond                                              Leasing
                      Shenzhen          Shenzhen                             50.00%                                 based
Investment Co.,                                           services
II. Associates
Renfu      Tellus                                                                                                   Equity method-
Automobiles           Shenzhen          Shenzhen                             35.00%                                 based
Service      Co.,                                                                                                   accounting
Explanation of the shareholding percentage being different from the proportion of voting rights in joint ventures or associates:
Basis for telling holding less than 20% of the voting rights but enjoying a significant influence, or holding 20% or more of the
voting rights but not enjoying a significant influence:

(2) Main financial information of important joint ventures

Unit: RMB
                                              Period-end balance/amount incurred in       Period-beginning          balance/amount
                                              the current period                          incurred in the previous period
                                              Shenzhen Tellus-Gmond Investment Co.,       Shenzhen Tellus-Gmond Investment Co.,
                                              Ltd.                                        Ltd.
Current assets                                28,679,203.46                               60,614,147.72
Including: Cash and cash equivalents          39,278,424.27                               59,631,516.56
Non-current assets                            313,933,362.79                              326,363,493.98
Total assets                                  342,612,566.25                              386,977,641.70
Current liabilities                           45,375,209.61                               47,521,951.61
Non-current Liabilities                       214,176,000.00                              240,954,000.00
Total liabilities                             259,551,209.61                              288,475,951.61
Minority interests
Equity attributable to shareholders of the
                                              83,061,356.64                               98,501,690.09
parent company
Shares of net assets calculated as per the
                                              41,530,678.32                               49,250,845.05
shareholding proportion
--Unrealized        profit   of    internal
Book value of equity investments to joint     41,530,678.32                               49,250,845.05

                                             Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Fair value of equity investment in joint
ventures with public offers
Operating revenue                            68,891,890.69                           54,145,037.15
Financial expenses                           4,854,802.36                            5,391,641.93
Income tax expenses                          5,728,222.17                            5,589,775.67
Net profits                                  14,559,666.49                           16,769,327.00
Net profit from discontinued operations
Other comprehensive income
Total comprehensive income                   14,559,666.49                           16,769,327.00

Dividends received from joint ventures
                                             15,000,000.00                           15,000,000.00
in the current year

(3) Major financial information of important associates

Unit: RMB
                                             Period-end balance/amount incurred in   Period-beginning          balance/amount
                                             the current period                      incurred in the previous period
                                             Shenzhen Renfu Tellus Automobiles       Shenzhen Renfu Tellus Automobiles
                                             Service Co., Ltd.                       Service Co., Ltd.
Current assets                               203,424,177.68                          167,519,575.18
Non-current assets                           26,420,595.69                           32,145,888.83
Total assets                                 229,844,773.37                          199,665,464.01
Current liabilities                          154,411,693.39                          158,552,555.81
Non-current Liabilities                                                              1,231,962.74
Total liabilities                            154,411,693.39                          159,784,518.55

Minority interests
Equity attributable to shareholders of the
                                             75,433,079.98                           39,880,945.46
parent company
Shares of net assets calculated as per the
                                             26,401,577.99                           13,958,330.91
shareholding proportion
--Unrealized        profit   of   internal
Book value of equity investments in
                                             26,401,577.99                           13,958,330.91
Fair value of equity investments in
associates with public offers
Operating revenue                            385,757,907.13                          529,459,351.87
Net profits                                  35,552,134.52                           -14,291,457.36
Net profit from discontinued operations
Other comprehensive income

                                              Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Total comprehensive income                    35,552,134.52                            -14,291,457.36

Dividends received from associates in
the current year

(4) Summary of financial information of unimportant joint ventures and associates

Unit: RMB
                                              Period-end balance/amount incurred in    Period-beginning          balance/amount
                                              the current period                       incurred in the previous period
Joint ventures:
Total book value of investments               13,458,348.66                            13,302,311.60
Total amount of the following items at
the shareholding percentage
--Net profit                                  156,037.06                               -371,042.13
--Total comprehensive income                  156,037.06                               -371,042.13
Total amount of the following items at
the shareholding percentage
--Net profit                                  632,636.00
--Total comprehensive income                  632,636.00

(5) Excess losses incurred by joint ventures or associates

Unit: RMB
                                  Unrecognized           loss    Unrecognized loss in the           Unrecognized             loss
Name of joint venture or
                                  accumulated in the previous    current period (or net profit      accumulated at the end of the
                                  period                         shared in the current period)      current period
Shenzhen Tellus Automobile
                                  98,865.26                                                         98,865.26
Service Chain Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Yongtong Xinda
                                  1,176,212.73                                                      1,176,212.73
Testing Equipment Co., Ltd.

X. Government Subsidies

1. Government subsidies recognized as receivable amounts at the end of the reporting period

□ Applicable Not applicable
Reasons for not receiving the estimated amount of government subsidies at the expected time point
□ Applicable Not applicable

(2) Liability-related projects with government subsidies

Applicable □ Not applicable
Unit: RMB
                  Period-         New granted      Amount        Amount           Other
Accounting                                                                                          Period-end     Asset/income
                  beginning       amount   in      included      transferred to   changes  in
item                                                                                                balance        -related
                  balance         the current      non-          other            the current

                                        Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

                               period        operating       incomes in         period
                                             revenues in     the current
                                             the current     period
                9,617,683.53                                 880,145.82                        8,737,537.71    Asset-related

3. Government subsidies included in current profits and losses

Applicable □ Not applicable
Unit: RMB
Accounting item                         Amount incurred in the current period        Amount incurred in the previous period
Other incomes                           5,680,047.59                                 4,475,465.94

XI. Risks Related to Financial Instruments

1. Various risks arising from financial instruments

The major financial instruments of the Company include monetary capitals, notes receivable, accounts
receivable, other receivables, non-current assets due within one year, other current assets, trading financial
assets, other investment on bonds, other equity instrument investment, long-term receivables, accounts payable,
other payables, short-term borrowings, trading financial liabilities, non-current liabilities due within one year,
lease liabilities, and long-term payables. Details of each financial instrument of the Company are disclosed in
the notes related. Risks related to these financial instruments and risk management policies for reducing these
risks adopted by the Company are described as follows. The management of the Company manages and
monitors these risk exposures to ensure that the above risks are controlled in a limited scope.

Objectives and policies of risk management

The major risks that may be caused by the Company’s financial instruments include credit risks, liquidity risks,
and market risks (including exchange rate risk, interest rate risk, and commodity price risk).

The Company's overall risk management plan aims to mitigate the potential adverse effects on the Company's
financial performance caused by the unpredictability of the financial market.

The Company has formulated risk management policies to identify and analyze all the risks faced by the
Company, set up the acceptable risk level, and design corresponding internal control procedures to monitor the
Company's risk level. These risk management policies and related internal control systems will be reviewed
regularly to accommodate market conditions or changes in the Company's operating activities. The internal
audit department will also regularly or irregularly check whether the implementation of such internal control
systems complies with risk management policies.

The Company disseminates risks in financial instruments through appropriate diversified investments and
business portfolios and formulates corresponding risk management policies to reduce risks concentrated in a
single industry, specific regions, or specific counterparties.

(1) Credit risks

                                      Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Credit risk is the risk of financial loss of the Company caused by a counterparty's failure to meet its obligations
in a contract.

The Company manages credit risks through portfolio classification. Credit risks mainly arise from deposits in
banks, notes receivable, accounts receivable, other receivables, long-term receivables, other debt investments,

Bank deposits of the Company are mainly kept in state-owned banks and other large and medium-sized listed
banks, which are mainly deposited in financial institutions with good reputations and high credit ratings. It is
expected that there will be no significant credit risk for bank deposits of the Company. For notes receivable,
accounts receivable, other receivables, and long-term receivables, relevant policies are established by the
Company to control credit risk exposure. The Company evaluates customers' credit qualifications based on their
financial status, credit records, and other factors such as current market conditions, and sets corresponding
credit periods. The Company will monitor the credit records of customers periodically. For customers with poor
credit records, measures such as written payment demand, shortening the credit period, or canceling the credit
period will be adopted by the Company, to ensure the overall credit risk is in the controllable scope.

The Company's debtors of accounts receivable are customers distributed in different industries and areas. The
Company continuously conducts credit assessments on the financial status of accounts receivable and, when
appropriate, purchases credit guarantee insurance.

The maximum credit risk exposure tolerable by the Company is the book amount of each of the financial asset
items in the balance sheet. The Company has not provided any other guarantee that may cause the Company to
bear credit risks.

Among the accounts receivable of the Company, the accounts receivable from the top five customers account
for 47.26% of the total accounts receivable (2023: 43.23%). Additionally, among the other receivables, the
amounts owed by the top five companies in amount in arrear represent 49.97% of the Company's total other
receivables (2023: 47.55%).

(2) Liquidity risks

Liquidity risk refers to the risk of a shortage of funds arising from the performance of the Company's
obligations to settle through the delivery of cash or for other financial assets.

In managing liquidity risk, the Company maintains sufficient cash and cash equivalents as deemed necessary by
management and monitors them to meet operational needs and mitigate the impact of cash flow volatility. The
management of the Company monitors the utilization of bank loans and ensures compliance with borrowing
agreements. Meanwhile, the Company has obtained commitments from major financial institutions regarding
the provision of adequate reserve funds to meet the Company's fund requirements in the short and long terms.

Sources of the Company's working capital include funds generated from operating activities, bank loans, and
other borrowings. At the end of the period, the unused bank borrowing limit of the Company was RMB 560
million (RMB 667 million at the end of the previous year).

                                          Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

At the end of the period, financial liabilities and off-balance sheet guaranteed items held by the Company are
analyzed as follows based on the expiration date of undiscounted remaining contract cash flow (unit: RMB

                                June 30, 2024
Project name
                                Within 1 year        1-2 years    2-3 years        Over 3 years     Total
Financial liabilities:
Short-term borrowings             16,011.91                                                         16,011.91
Trading financial liabilities     3,685.86                                                          3,685.86
Derivative financial liabilities 57.51                                                              57.51
Accounts payable                  12,460.38                                                         12,460.38
Other payables                     13,205.47                                                        13,205.47
Current portion of non-current
                                    715.55                                                          715.55
Lease liabilities                                     521.00       912.07          6,102.07         7,535.14
Long-term payables                                                                 392.02           392.02
Total                            46,136.67           521.00       912.07           6,494.09         54,063.83

At the end of the previous year, financial liabilities and off-balance sheet guaranteed items held by the
Company were analyzed as follows based on the expiration date of undiscounted remaining contract cash flow
(unit: RMB 10,000):

                            December 31, 2023
Project name
                            Within 1 year  1-2 years              2-3 years        Over 3 years      Total
Financial liabilities:
Short-term borrowings         14,513.17                                                              14,513.17
Trading             financial
                              5,688.20                                                               5,688.20
Derivative          financial
                              0.14                                                                   0.14
Accounts payable              13,583.44                                                              13,583.44
Other payables                12,682.70                                                              12,682.70
Current portion of non-
                              1,066.04                                                               1,066.04
current liabilities
Lease liabilities                               995.42            912.07           6,102.07          8,009.56
Long-term payables                                                                 392.02            392.02
Total                         47,533.69         995.42            912.07           6,494.09          55,935.27
The amount of financial liabilities disclosed in the above table is undiscounted contractual cash flows and may
therefore differ from their carrying amount in the balance sheet.

The maximum guarantee amount of the signed guarantee contract does not represent the amount to be paid.

(3) Market risks

Market risk of financial instruments refers to the risk of fluctuation in fair value or future cash flow of financial
instruments due to market price development. Market risks include interest rate risk, exchange rate risk, and
other price risks.

Interest rate risk

                                         Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Interest rate risk refers to the risk that the fair value or future cash flow of financial instruments will fluctuate
due to changes in the market interest rate. Interest rate risk can come from recognized interest-bearing financial
instruments and unrecognized financial instruments (such as certain loan commitments).

The interest rate risk of the Company mainly arises from long-term borrowings from banks, bonds payable, and
other long-term debts with interest. Financial liabilities with a floating interest rate expose the Company to cash
flow interest rate risk, and financial liabilities with a fixed interest rate expose it to a fair value interest rate risk.
The Company determines the ratio of fixed-rate and floating-rate contracts based on the market environment
and maintains an appropriate combination of fixed-rate and floating-rate instruments through regular review and

The Company keeps an eye on the effect of changes in interest rates on the Company's interest rate risk. At
present, the Company does not take any interest rate hedging policy. However, the management is responsible
for monitoring interest rate risk and will consider hedging significant interest rate risks when necessary. The
increase in interest rates will increase the cost of new interest-bearing debts and the Company's unpaid interest
expense on interest-bearing debts accrued at floating interest rates, which will have a significant adverse effect
on the Company's financial results. The management will duly make adjustments according to the latest market
conditions. These adjustments may reduce interest rate risks via interest rate swaps.

For financial instruments held on the balance sheet date that expose the Company to fair value interest rate risk,
the impact of net profit and shareholders' equity in the above sensitivity analysis is the impact after re-
measurement of the above financial instruments according to the new interest rate assuming that the interest rate
on the balance sheet date changes. For floating rate non-derivative instruments held on the balance sheet date
that expose the Company to cash flow interest rate risk, the impact of net profit and shareholders' equity in the
above sensitivity analysis is the impact of the above interest rate changes on the estimated annual interest
expenses or income. The previous year's analysis was based on the same assumption and methodology.

Exchange rate risk

Exchange rate risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate due
to changes in foreign exchange rates. Exchange rate risk may come from financial instruments valued at a
foreign currency other than the bookkeeping base currency.

The main business of the Company is conducted in China and settled in RMB. Therefore, the Company believes
that the exchange rate risk faced is not significant.

The Company keeps an eye on the effect of the fluctuation in exchange rates on its exchange rate risk. At
present, the Company does not take any action to avoid the exchange rate risk. However, the management is
responsible for monitoring exchange rate risks and will consider hedging significant interest rate risks when

Capital management

The objective of the Company's capital management policy is to ensure the sustainability of operations, thereby
providing returns to shareholders and benefiting other stakeholders, while maintaining an optimal capital
structure to reduce the cost of capital.

                                        Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

To maintain or adjust the capital structure, the Company may adjust the financing method and the amount of
dividends paid to shareholders, return capital to shareholders, issue new shares and other equity instruments, or
sell assets to reduce liabilities.

The Company monitors capital structure based on the asset-liability ratio (i.e. total liabilities divided by total
assets). At the end of the period, the Company's asset-liability ratio is 27.92% (27.99% at the end of the
previous year).

2. Hedging

(1) The Company conducts hedging business for risk management

Applicable □ Not applicable

To avoid the risk of changes in the fair value of gold raw materials held by them (i.e. the hedged risk), the
subsidiaries of the Company, Guorun Gold Shenzhen Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Tellus Treasury Supply Chain
Tech Co., Ltd., analyzed the expected purchase transactions of gold raw materials based on the number of gold
bars booked and invested by customers and, on this basis, used hedging instruments such as deferred delivery
contracts for spot gold of Shanghai Gold Exchange, gold futures contracts of Shanghai Futures Exchange, and
exchange gold options. In this way, the risk of gold product price decline caused by the sharp drop in gold price
can be avoided. Guorun Gold, a subsidiary of the Company, formulated the Hedging Transaction Management
Guidelines, which clearly stipulates the approval authority, operation process, and risk control for the Company
to carry out hedging business.

The approval procedures for the Company to use its own funds to carry out hedging business comply with
relevant national laws, regulations, and the Articles of Association. The gold deferred transaction hedging
business carried out to avoid fluctuations in gold prices is conducive to controlling operational risks and
improving the Company's ability to resist market fluctuations.

(2) The Company carries out eligible hedging business and applies hedge accounting

The book value of the hedged items and related adjustments are as follows:

H1 2024

                                                           Accumulated       amount     of           Changes in
                                                           hedging adjustment for fair               the      fair
                    Book value of the hedged item          value of hedged items (included Listed value         of
                                                           in the book value of hedged items of hedged
                                                           items)                          the       items used
                                                                                           balance as a basis
                                                                                           sheet     for
                                                                                           including recognizing
                    Asset                    Liability     Asset             Liability     hedged an invalid
                                                                                           items     portion of
                                                                                                     hedges     in
                                                                                                     2023 (note)
Commodity price
                68,886,072.56                -             21,982.96                                   -

                                       Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

                                                          Accumulated       amount     of              Changes in
                                                          hedging adjustment for fair                  the     fair
                     Book value of the hedged item        value of hedged items (included              value     of
                                                          in the book value of hedged                  hedged
                                                                                          items     of
                                                          items)                                       items used
                                                                                          the balance
                                                                                                       as a basis
Item                                                                                      sheet
                     Asset                 Liability      Asset              Liability                 an invalid
                                                                                                       portion of
                                                                                                       hedges in
                                                                                                       2023 (note)
Commodity price
                85,802,395.07               -             442,847.41           -              Inventories -
Changes in the book value and fair value of hedging instruments are as follows:

H1 2024

                                            Book    value       of     hedging                     Changes in the
                     Nominal amount
                                            instrument                                             fair    value   of
                                                                                 Listed items of hedging
                                                                                 the balance sheet instruments used
Item                                                                             including         as a basis for
                     of         hedging
                                        Asset             Liability              hedging           recognizing     an
                                                                                 instruments       invalid portion of
                                                                                                   hedges in 2023
Commodity price
                68,886,072.56               0              575,060.00            financial          -

                                            Book    value       of     hedging                     Changes in the
                     Nominal amount
                                            instrument                                             fair    value   of
                                                                                 Listed items of hedging
                                                                                 the balance sheet instruments used
Item                                                                             including         as a basis for
                     of         hedging
                                        Asset                 Liability          hedging           recognizing     an
                                                                                 instruments       invalid portion of
                                                                                                   hedges in 2023
Commodity price
                85,802,395.07                298,320.00       1,380.00           financial          -

(3) The Company carries out hedging business for risk management and expects to achieve the risk management objectives,
but does not apply hedge accounting

□ Applicable Not applicable

                                           Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

3. Financial assets

(1) Classification of transfer methods

□ Applicable Not applicable

(2) Financial assets derecognized due to transfers

□ Applicable Not applicable

(3) Continuing involvement in the transfer of financial assets

□ Applicable Not applicable

XII. Disclosure of Fair Value

1. Ending fair value of the assets and liabilities measured at fair value

Unit: RMB
                           Period-end fair value
Item                       Level 1 fair      value   Level 2 fair     value   Level 3 fair    value
                           measurement               measurement              measurement
I. Continuous Fair
                           --                        --                       --                      --
Value Measurement
(I) Trading financial
                                                     302,715,467.76           74,799,015.27           377,514,483.03
1. Financial assets at
fair value through                                   302,715,467.76           74,799,015.27           377,514,483.03
profit or loss
(2) Equity instrument
                                                                              74,799,015.27           74,799,015.27
(4) Structured deposits
                                                     302,715,467.76                                   302,715,467.76
and financial products
(II)    Other      debt
                                                     105,986,078.92                                   105,986,078.92
(III)  Other     equity
                                                                              383,317.67              383,317.67
instrument investments
(VI) Arbitraged items      68,886,072.56                                                              68,886,072.56
Total           assets
continuously measured      68,886,072.56             408,701,546.68           75,182,332.94           552,769,952.18
at fair value
(VII) Specified as
financial liabilities at
fair value with changes    36,858,570.74                                                              36,858,570.74
into current profits and
(VIII)        Derivative
                           575,060.00                                                                 575,060.00
financial liabilities
1. Hedging instruments     575,060.00                                                                 575,060.00
Total    amount      of    37,433,630.74             0.00                     0.00                    37,433,630.74

                                       Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

liabilities continuously
measured at fair value
II. Non-continuous fair
                           --                  --                      --                     --
value measurement

2. Basis for determining the market price of items concerning continuous and non-continuous level 1 fair
value measurement

Level 1: Quotations for the same assets or liabilities in active markets (unadjusted).

The Company designates the financial liabilities measured at fair value through profit or loss as the physical
gold leasing business from banks by the Company. There is an active market for gold (i.e. Shanghai Gold
Exchange), and the Shanghai Gold Exchange publishes the closing price of gold contract transactions on each
trading day. At the end of the period, the Company uses the closing price published by the Shanghai Gold
Exchange on the last trading day as the basis for determining the market price.

The hedged items of the Company are gold product inventories, and the hedging instruments are
assets/liabilities arising from changes in the fair value of gold futures contracts and gold spot deferred
settlement contracts held by the Company. The Company determines the fair value based on the public
quotations of gold spot transactions and futures transactions of Shanghai Gold Exchange and Shanghai Futures

3. Qualitative and quantitative information about valuation techniques and key parameters of items
concerning continuous and non-continuous level 2 fair value measurement

Level 2: Observable input values other than market quotations for assets or liabilities in level 1 are used directly
(i.e. price) or indirectly (i.e. derived from price).

The trading financial assets held by the Company are bank financial products with one-year principal
guaranteed floating income, and their fair value is determined based on discounted future cash flows calculated
at an agreed expected rate of return. There is no material difference between the fair value and book cost of
other non-current financial assets held by the Company.

Information on level 2 fair value measurement

                                Period-end   fair
     Content                                        Valuation technique      Input value
     Derivative financial                           Discounted cash flow
                                --                                           Expected interest rate
     assets                                         method
     Derivative financial                           Discounted cash flow
                                --                                           Expected interest rate
     liabilities                                    method

                                      Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

4. Qualitative and quantitative information about valuation techniques and key parameters of items
concerning continuous and non-continuous level 3 fair value measurement

5. Information on adjustment between beginning book value and ending book value of items subject to
continuous level 3 fair value measurement and sensitivity analysis of unobservable parameters

Level 3: Any input value (unobservable input value) that is not based on observable market data is used for
assets or liabilities.

Equity instrument investments are measured by the Company based on the investment cost as a reasonable
estimate of the fair value, because the operating environment, operating conditions, and financial conditions of
the investee, China PUFA Machinery Industry Co., Ltd., have not changed significantly.

Quantitative information of significant unobservable input values used in level 3 fair value measurement

                         Period-end fair   Valuation        Unobservable         input   Range        (weighted
                         value             technique        value                        average)
Equity instrument
Unlisted       equity
investment               383,317.67        Net assets       N/A                          N/A

6. Reasons for transfer and the policies applicable at the time of transfer for items subject to continuous
fair value measurement and having transferred between levels in the current period

In this year, the fair value measurement of financial assets and financial liabilities of the Company did not
transfer between Level 1 and Level 2, or transfer into or out of Level 3.

For financial instruments traded in active markets, the Company determines their fair value based on active
market quotes. For financial instruments not traded in active markets, the Company uses valuation techniques to
establish their fair value. The used valuation model mainly includes the discounted cash flow model, market
comparable company model, etc. The input values of valuation techniques mainly include the risk-free interest
rate, benchmark interest rate, exchange rate, credit point difference, liquidity premium, discount for lack of
marketability (DLOM), etc.

XIII. Related Parties and Related Transactions

1. Information of the parent company

                                                                                Shareholding        Vote proportion of
Name of the parent   Registered                                                 proportion of the   the         parent
                                       Business nature     Registered capital
company              location                                                   parent company to   company to the
                                                                                the Company         Company
                                       Real       estate
Shenzhen Special
                                       development and
Economic     Zone                                          RMB
                     Shenzhen          operation,                               49.09%              49.09%
Development                                                6,179,406,000
Group Co., Ltd.
Information of the parent company

                                            Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Development Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "SDG Group") was
established on June 20, 1982 with the investment of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Management
Commission of Shenzhen Municipal People's Government. The Company now holds a business license with a
unified social credit code of 91440300192194195C, and a registered capital of RMB 6,179,406,000.
The ultimate controlling party of the Company is the State-owned Assets Supervision and Management
Commission of Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government.

2. Information of the subsidiaries of the Company

For details of the Company's subsidiaries, please refer to Note IX.1.

3. Information of the joint ventures and associates of the Company

The important joint ventures or associates of the Company are detailed in Note IX. 2.
The information on other joint ventures or associates that produced balance by conducting related-party transactions with the
Company in the current period or in the earlier period is shown as follows:

Name of joint venture or associate                                  Relationship with the Company
Shenzhen Tellus Xinyongtong Automobile Service Co., Ltd.            Associate of the Company
Shenzhen Tellus Automobile Service Chain Co., Ltd.                  Associate of the Company
Shenzhen Yongtong Xinda Testing Equipment Co., Ltd.                 Associate of the Company
Shenzhen Xiandao New Materials Co., Ltd.                            Associate of the Company
Shenzhen Telixing Investment Co., Ltd.                              Joint venture of the Company

4. Information of other related parties

Name of other related party                                         Relationship between other related party and the Company
Shenzhen SDG Microfinance Co., Ltd.                                 Controlled subsidiary of the Company's parent company
Shenzhen SDG Tiane Industrial Co., Ltd.                             Controlled subsidiary of the Company's parent company
Shenzhen Machinery & Equipment Import & Export Co., Ltd.            Controlled subsidiary of the Company's parent company
Shenzhen SDG Real Estate Co., Ltd.                                  Controlled subsidiary of the Company's parent company
Hongkong Yujia Investment Limited                                   Controlled subsidiary of the Company's parent company
Shenzhen SDG Engineering Management Co., Ltd.                       Controlled subsidiary of the Company's parent company
Shenzhen Tellus Yangchun Real Estate Co., Ltd.                      Controlled subsidiary of the Company's parent company
Shenzhen Longgang Tellus Real Estate Co., Ltd.                      Controlled subsidiary of the Company's parent company
Shenzhen SDG Tellus Property Management Co., Ltd.                   Controlled subsidiary of the Company's parent company
Shenzhen SDG Service Co., Ltd.                                      Controlled subsidiary of the Company's parent company
Shenzhen SDG Building Technology Co., Ltd.                          Controlled subsidiary of the Company's parent company
Shenzhen SDG Liming Optoelectronics (Group) Co., Ltd.               Controlled subsidiary of the Company's parent company
Shenzhen Wahlai Decoration & Furniture Co., Ltd.                    Associate of the Company's parent company
Gu Zhiming                                                          Key managerial staff member
                                                                    Enterprise subject to significant impact by key management
Shenzhen Zhigu Jinyun Technology Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen ZHL Industrial Co., Ltd.                                   Minority shareholder of important subsidiary
Beijing Caishikou Department Store Co., Ltd.                        Minority shareholder of important subsidiary
                                                                    Enterprise controlled by minority shareholders of important
Shenzhen Niubisi Jewelry Trading Co., Ltd.
                                                                    Enterprise controlled by minority shareholders of important
Shenzhen Yuepengjin Jewelry Co., Ltd.
                                                                    Enterprise controlled by minority shareholders of important
Shenzhen Yuepengjin E-commerce Co., Ltd.
                                                                    Controlled subsidiary of the parent company of the Company's
Guoren Property & Casualty Insurance Co., Ltd.
                                                                    parent company

                                              Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Shenzhen SDG Huari Automobile Enterprise Co., Ltd.                     Subsidiary previously controlled within 12 months
ISSTech Information Technology Co., Ltd.                               Controlled subsidiary of the Company's parent company

5. Information of related transactions

(1) Related transactions of purchase/sales of commodities and rendering/receiving of labor services

Information on purchase of commodities/receipt of labor services
Unit: RMB

                                              Amount incurred                               Exceeding      the     Amount      incurred
                       Content of related                              Approved
Related party                                 in the current                                transaction amount     in the      previous
                       party transaction                               transaction amount
                                              period                                        or not                 period
Shenzhen       SDG     Receiving      labor
                                              10,111,049.17            40,220,000.00        No                     6,681,836.37
Service Co., Ltd.      services
Shenzhen       SDG
Tellus     Property    Receiving      labor
                                              872,337.13               1,980,000.00         No                     1,782,277.76
Management Co.,        services
Shenzhen       SDG
Building               Receiving      labor
Technology Co.,        services
Shenzhen       ZHL     Receiving      labor
                                              412,229.08                                                           1,863,167.50
Industrial Co., Ltd.   services
Shenzhen Zhigu
Jinyun Technology      Purchasing goods       3,274.32
Co., Ltd.
                       Receiving      labor
Yuepengjin                                    40,625.67                                                            61,212.43
Jewelry Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen       SDG
Engineering            Receiving      labor
                                              120,000.00               1,400,000.00         No                     671,200.00
Management Co.,        services
Shenzhen Zhigu
                       Software       usage
Jinyun Technology                             0.00                                                                 1,248,224.49
Co., Ltd.
Guoren Property &
Casualty Insurance                            232,830.19               800,000.00           No
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Wahlai
                       Receiving      labor
Decoration        &                           7,474,168.85                                                         7,373,982.82
Furniture Co., Ltd.
Information on Sales of Commodities/Provision of Labor Services
Unit: RMB

                                    Content of       related   party   Amount incurred      in   the   Amount incurred          in   the
Related party
                                    transaction                        current period                  previous period
Beijing           Caishikou
                                    Sales of goods                     3,391,541.93
Department Store Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Niubisi Jewelry
                                    Rendering labor services           0.00                            1,897,096.53
Trading Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen ZHL Industrial Co.,
                                    Rendering labor services           339,874.20                      44,150.94

                                          Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Shenzhen Yuepengjin E-
                                Sales of goods                  66,320,646.02                  79,086,389.48
commerce Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen     SDG       Tellus
Property Management Co.,        Rendering labor services                                       1,126.55
Shenzhen Special Economic
Zone Development Group          Rendering labor services                                       7,244.25
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen             Telixing
                                Rendering labor services        283,018.88
Investment Co., Ltd.

(2) Information of related lease

The Company as the lessor:
Unit: RMB

                                                                Lease income recognized in     Lease income recognized in
Name of the lessee              Type of assets leased
                                                                the current period             the previous period
Shenzhen     Renfu    Tellus
Automobiles Service Co.,        House leasing                   2,595,238.09                   2,725,000.00
Shenzhen SDG Service Co.,
                                House leasing                   1,309,654.02                   1,150,990.47
Shenzhen     SDG      Tellus
Property Management Co.,        House leasing                   82,730.47                      65,730.00
Shenzhen SDG Microfinance
                                House leasing                   610,182.85                     604,295.03
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Yongtong Xinda
                                House leasing                   8,400.00                       16,000.00
Testing Equipment Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Yuepengjin Jewelry
                                House leasing                   1,116,635.87                   1,199,121.84
Co., Ltd.

(3) Remuneration of key management personnel

Unit: RMB
Item                                       Amount incurred in the current period     Amount incurred in the previous period
Remuneration    of   key     management
                                           2,201,400.00                              4,131,300.00

6. Receivables and payables by related parties

(1) Receivables

Unit: RMB
                                           Period-end balance                        Period-beginning balance
Project name         Related party
                                           Book balance         Bad-debt provision   Book balance          Bad-debt provision
Accounts             Yuepengjin     E-
                                           19,649,000.00        196,490.00
receivable           commerce     Co.,
Accounts             Beijing Caishikou
                                           409,309.20           4,093.09             656,267.50            6,562.68
receivable           Department Store

                                          Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

                    Co., Ltd.
                    Shenzhen Niubisi
                    Jewelry Trading       0.00               0.00               246,015.46         2,460.15
                    Co., Ltd.
                    Shenzhen      SDG
Accounts            Tellus    Property
                                          127.66             1.28               127.66             1.28
receivable          Management Co.,
                    Shenzhen      SDG
                    Microfinance Co.,     18,420.25          1,421.12           142,112.35         1,421.12
                    Yuepengjin            1,640,346.94       14,019.96          1,401,995.50       14,019.96
                    Jewelry Co., Ltd.
                    Shenzhen      SDG
Prepayments                               21,226.42          0.00               21,226.42
                    Management Co.,
                    Shenzhen Branch
                    of         Guoren
Prepayments         Property       and    42,767.29          0.00
                    Casualty Insurance
                    Co., Ltd.
Prepayments                               593,247.17         0.00
                    Technology Co.,
                    Shenzhen      SDG
Other receivables   Tellus Electronics    23,852.64          23,852.64          23,852.64          23,852.64
                    Co., Ltd.
                    Shenzhen Tellus
Other receivables                         1,359,297.00       1,359,297.00       1,359,297.00       1,359,297.00
                    Service Chain Co.,
                    Shenzhen Xiandao
Other receivables   New       Materials   660,790.09         660,790.09         660,790.09         660,790.09
                    Co., Ltd.
                    Shenzhen Tellus
Other receivables                         114,776.33         114,776.33         114,776.33         114,776.33
                    Service Co., Ltd.
                    Shenzhen      SDG
Other receivables                         2,886.00           2,886.00           2,886.00           2,886.00
                    (Group) Co., Ltd.
                    Shenzhen      SDG
                    Tellus    Property
Other receivables                         33,318.36          1,473.18           33,318.36          1,473.18
                    Management Co.,
                    Yongtong Xinda
Other receivables                         531,882.24         531,882.24         531,882.24         531,882.24
                    Testing Equipment
                    Co., Ltd.
                    Shenzhen Telixing
Other receivables   Investment     Co.,   195,430.93         2,595.66           259,566.39         2,595.66
Other receivables   Shenzhen      ZHL     566,013.23         5,660.13           2,607,443.00       26,074.43

                                          Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

                   Industrial Co., Ltd.
                   Shenzhen Tellus
Long-term          Automobile
                                          6,146,228.91         6,146,228.91        6,146,228.91          6,146,228.91
receivables        Service Chain Co.,

(2) Payables

Unit: RMB
                                                                                             Period-beginning           book
Project name                  Related party                    Period-end book balance
                              Shenzhen SDG Real Estate
Accounts payable                                                                             6,054,855.46
                              Co., Ltd.
                              Shenzhen      Machinery     &
Accounts payable              Equipment Import & Export        45,300.00                     45,300.00
                              Co., Ltd.
                              Shenzhen      SDG       Tellus
Accounts payable              Property Management Co.,         263,224.88                    336,533.57
                              Shenzhen ZHL Industrial Co.,
Accounts payable                                               32,639.21                     212,993.43
                              Shenzhen Yuepengjin Jewelry
Accounts payable                                               21,100.00                     20,680.00
                              Co., Ltd.
                              Shenzhen Wahlai Decoration
Accounts payable                                               5,578,143.86                  334,493.34
                              & Furniture Co., Ltd.
                              Shenzhen SDG Service Co.,
Accounts payable                                               5,828,787.92                  3,368,791.51
                              Shenzhen SDG Engineering
Accounts payable                                               4,000.00                      79,000.00
                              Management Co., Ltd.
                              Shenzhen      Zhigu     Jinyun
Accounts payable                                               45,652.00                     53,714.23
                              Technology Co., Ltd.
                              Shenzhen SDG Engineering
Advances from customers                                                                      21,226.42
                              Management Co., Ltd.
                              Shenzhen SDG Microfinance
Other payables                                                 237,804.66                    237,804.66
                              Co., Ltd.
                              Shenzhen SDG Service Co.,
Other payables                                                 40,992.00                     40,992.00
                              Shenzhen Yuepengjin Jewelry
Other payables                                                 388,102.00
                              Co., Ltd.
                              Shenzhen Torch Spark Plug
Other payables                                                                               2,000.00
                              Industry Co., Ltd.
                              Shenzhen Yongtong Xinda
Other payables                                                                               5,602.99
                              Testing Equipment Co., Ltd.
                              Shenzhen Tellus Automobile
Other payables                                                                               800.00
                              Service Chain Co., Ltd.
                              Shenzhen      Renfu     Tellus
Other payables                Automobiles Service Co.,         833,334.00                    833,334.00
                              Shenzhen      SDG       Tellus
Other payables                Property Management Co.,         15,841.59                     15,841.59
                              Shenzhen Special Economic
Other payables                Zone Development Group                                         3,000.00
                              Co., Ltd.
                              Shenzhen Tellus Yangchun
Other payables                                                 476,217.49                    476,217.49
                              Real Estate Co., Ltd.

                                          Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

                                Shenzhen      Machinery    &
Other payables                  Equipment Import & Export       1,554,196.80             1,554,196.80
                                Co., Ltd.
                                Shenzhen Wahlai Decoration
Other payables                                                                           401,140.08
                                & Furniture Co., Ltd.
                                Shenzhen SDG Engineering
Other payables                                                                           149,338.46
                                Management Co., Ltd.
                                Shenzhen        SDG     Huari
Other payables                  Automobile Enterprise Co.,      11,436,392.71            11,436,392.71
                                Hongkong Yujia Investment
Other payables                                                  2,146,404.58             2,146,404.58
                                Shenzhen        SDG     Tiane
Other payables                                                  23,930.50                23,930.50
                                Industrial Co., Ltd.
                                Shenzhen Longgang Tellus
Other payables                                                  1,095,742.50             1,095,742.50
                                Real Estate Co., Ltd.

XIV. Commitments and Contingencies

1. Important commitments

Important commitments existing on the balance sheet date


2. Contingencies

(1) Important contingencies existing on the balance sheet date


(2) In case of no important contingencies to be disclosed, a description shall be given

The Company has no important contingencies to be disclosed.

XV. Matters after the Balance Sheet Date

1. Description of other matters after the balance sheet date


XVI. Other Significant Matters

1. Segmented information

(1) Determination basis and accounting policy of reporting segments

According to the Company's internal organizational structure, management requirements, and internal reporting
system, the business of the Company is divided into four reporting segments. These reporting segments are
determined based on the financial information required by the Company's daily internal management. The

                                              Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Group's management regularly evaluates the operating results of these reporting segments to determine the
allocation of resources to them and evaluate their performance.

The reporting segments of the Company include:

(1) Leasing and services, real estate, and commercial real estate leasing;

(2) Jewelry sales and services, and wholesale and retail of gold and jewelry.

The segment reporting information is disclosed according to the accounting policy and measurement standard
adopted when each segment reports to the management, and the accounting policy and measurement basis are in
correspondence with those of formulating financial statements.

(2) Financial information of reporting segments

Unit: RMB
                       Wholesale        and   Leasing          and                           Offset       among
Item                                                                   Others                                      Total
                       retail of jewelry      services                                       segments
Revenue         from
                       1,441,734,815.25       140,347,039.25           210,884.25            -2,268,989.90         1,580,023,748.85
main business
Cost     of     main
                       1,410,424,605.61       42,635,859.64            0.00                  -1,134,474.49         1,451,925,990.76
Total assets           593,582,257.47         2,942,194,868.97         5,027,865.60          -1,047,576,310.57     2,493,228,681.47
Total liabilities      306,759,181.09         654,095,668.37           16,184,338.62         -281,029,360.75       696,009,827.33

XVII. Notes for Major Items of the Parent Company's Financial Statement

1. Accounts receivable

(1) Disclosure by account receivable age

Unit: RMB

Account receivable age                        Period-end book balance                        Period-beginning book balance
Within 1 year (inclusive)                     21,529,222.67                                  22,182,052.01
1-2 years                                     124,487.53                                     124,487.53
Over 3 years                                  488,163.08                                     488,163.08
       Over 5 years                           488,163.08                                     488,163.08
Total                                         22,141,873.28                                  22,794,702.62

(2) Disclosure by bad debt accrual method

Unit: RMB
             Period-end balance                                               Period-beginning balance
             Book balance            Bad-debt provision                       Book balance          Bad-debt provision
Categor                                           Provisio                                                        Provisio
y                                                              Book                                                          Book
                         Proporti                 n            value                     Proporti                 n          value
             Amount                  Amount                                   Amount                Amount
                         on                       proporti                               on                       proporti
                                                  on                                                              on

                                          Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

le with
             484,803.              484,803.                            484,803.              484,803.
provisio                2.19%                   100.00%    0.00                   2.13%                  100.00%
             08                    08                                  08                    08
n for bad
debts on
a single
le     for
which        21,657,0              229,707.                21,427,3    22,309,8              229,707.              22,080,1
                        97.81%                  1.06%                             97.87%                 1.03%
provisio     70.20                 30                      62.90       99.54                 30                    92.24
n for bad
debts is
made by
             21,657,0              229,707.                21,427,3    22,309,8              229,707.              22,080,1
receivab                97.81%                  1.06%                             97.87%                 1.03%
             70.20                 30                      62.90       99.54                 30                    92.24
le    age
             22,141,8              714,510.                21,427,3    22,794,7              714,510.              22,080,1
Total                   100.00%                 3.23%                             100.00%                3.13%
             73.28                 38                      62.90       02.62                 38                    92.24
Category name of bad debt provision made on an individual basis:
Unit: RMB

                   Period-beginning balance             Period-end balance
Name                                Bad-debt                              Bad-debt          Provision        Reasons     for
                   Book balance                         Book balance
                                    provision                             provision         proportion       provision
                   172,000.00       172,000.00          172,000.00        172,000.00        100.00%          receivable age;
                                                                                                             expected to be
Co., Ltd.
Gong Yanqing       97,806.64        97,806.64           97,806.64         97,806.64         100.00%          receivable age;
                                                                                                             expected to be
                   86,940.00        86,940.00           86,940.00         86,940.00         100.00%          receivable age;
                                                                                                             expected to be
Others             128,056.44       128,056.44          128,056.44        128,056.44        100.00%
                                                                                                             receivable age;
                                                                                                             expected to be

                                              Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Total              484,803.08           484,803.08        484,803.08         484,803.08

Category name of bad debt provision made on a portfolio basis:

Unit: RMB

                                  Period-end balance
                                  Book balance                     Bad-debt provision                Provision proportion
1. Account receivable age
                                  21,657,070.20                    229,707.30                        1.06%
Total                             21,657,070.20                    229,707.30

Explanation of the basis for determining the portfolio:
Whether to accrue bad debt provision of accounts receivable according to expected credit loss:
Applicable □ Not applicable
Unit: RMB

                           Stage I                     Stage II                  Stage III
                                                       Expected credit loss      Expected credit loss
Bad-debt provision         Expected credit losses      throughout the duration   throughout the duration     Total
                           for the next 12 months      (no credit impairment     (credit impairment has
                                                       occurs)                   occurred)
Balance on January 1,
                           229,707.30                                            484,803.08                  714,510.38
Balance on January 1,
2024 in the current
Balance as of June 30,
                           229,707.30                                            484,803.08                  714,510.38

(3) Bad debt provision provided, recovered, or reversed in the current period

Bad debt provision in the reporting period:

Unit: RMB

                                        Amount of change during the current period
                   Period-                                Accounts                                                   Period-end
Category           beginning                              recovered     or
                                        Provision                            Write-off           Others              balance
                   balance                                transferred
Provision for
bad debts made
                   484,803.08                                                                                        484,803.08
on            an
individual basis
Provision for
bad debts made
                   229,707.30                                                                                        229,707.30
on a portfolio
Total              714,510.38                                                                                        714,510.38

                                               Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

(4) Accounts receivable and contractual assets with top five ending balance collected as per the borrowers

Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                 Period-end balance
                                                                                                                 of     bad     debt
                                                                                           Proportion in total
                                                                    Period-end balance                           proportion        of
                         Period-end balance                                                ending balance of
                                               Period-end balance   of         accounts                          accounts
Company name             of         accounts                                               accounts
                                               of contract assets   receivable      and                          receivable      and
                         receivable                                                        receivable      and
                                                                    contract assets                              impairment
                                                                                           contractual assets
                                                                                                                 provision         of
                                                                                                                 contractual assets
Southwest     Gold
                         1,953,168.77                               1,953,168.77           8.82%                 20,462.08
Center Co., Ltd.
Chow Sang Sang
                         1,806,504.02                               1,806,504.02           8.16%                 19,350.61
(China) Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen     Helin
                         1,192,961.52                               1,192,961.52           5.39%                 12,867.21
Jewelry Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Baijue
                         624,335.60                                 624,335.60             2.82%                 4,232.50
Development Co.
Shenzhen Xinyufu
                         578,894.49                                 578,894.49             2.61%                 6,314.84
Jewelry Co., Ltd.
Total                    6,155,864.40                               6,155,864.40           27.80%                63,227.24

2. Other receivables

Unit: RMB
Item                                           Period-end balance                          Period-beginning balance
Dividends receivable                           1,305,581.86                                1,305,581.86
Other receivables                              55,062,463.27                               46,126,945.18
Total                                          56,368,045.13                               47,432,527.04

(1) Dividends receivable

1) Category of dividends receivable

Unit: RMB
Item (or the investee)                         Period-end balance                          Period-beginning balance
China Pufa Machinery Industry Co., Ltd.        1,305,581.86                                1,305,581.86
Total                                          1,305,581.86                                1,305,581.86

2) Dividends receivable of important account receivable age of over 1 year

Unit: RMB
                                                                                                            Whether impairment
                                                                                                            has occurred and the
Item (or the investee)       Period-end balance        Account receivable age      Reason for no recovery
                                                                                                            basis for determining

                                           Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

                                                                                                      The     financial    and
                                                                                                      operating conditions of
China Pufa Machinery                                                                                  the    Company        are
                            1,305,581.86           1-2 years               Not paid yet
Industry Co., Ltd.                                                                                    normal,      and      the
                                                                                                      dividends     receivable
                                                                                                      are not impaired.
Total                       1,305,581.86

(2) Other receivables

1) Classification of other receivables by nature

Unit: RMB
Nature of payment                          Period-end book balance                  Period-beginning book balance
Other temporary payments receivable        18,037,201.93                            15,738,436.97
Deposits and security deposits             1,528,913.96                             1,774,070.79
Concerned intercourse funds within the
                                           49,281,994.70                            42,400,084.74
consolidation scope of receivables
Total                                      68,848,110.59                            59,912,592.50

(2) Disclosure by account receivable age

Unit: RMB
Account receivable age                     Period-end book balance                  Period-beginning book balance
Within 1 year (inclusive)                  52,549,655.62                            43,614,137.53
1-2 years                                  1,937,642.51                             1,937,642.51
2-3 years                                  643,606.04                               643,606.04
Over 3 years                               13,717,206.42                            13,717,206.42
    3-4 years                              39,273.66                                39,273.66
    Over 5 years                           13,677,932.76                            13,677,932.76
Total                                      68,848,110.59                            59,912,592.50

3) Classification and disclosure through the method for recognizing bad debt

Unit: RMB
            Period-end balance                                       Period-beginning balance
            Book balance            Bad-debt provision               Book balance          Bad-debt provision
Categor                                        Provisio                                                 Provisio
y                                                          Book                                                      Book
                         Proporti              n           value                Proporti                n            value
            Amount                  Amount                           Amount                Amount
                         on                    proporti                         on                      proporti
                                               on                                                       on
n for bad
            13,644,6                13,644,6                         13,644,6              13,644,6
made on                  19.82%                100.00%     0.00                 22.77%                  100.00%
            41.06                   41.06                            41.06                 41.06
al basis

                                           Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

n for bad
            55,203,4                141,006.                 55,062,4     46,267,9              141,006.                  46,126,9
made on                 80.18%                    0.26%                              77.23%                 0.30%
            69.53                   26                       63.27        51.44                 26                        45.18
receivab    4,392,56                72,610.5                 4,319,95     2,093,79              72,610.5                  2,021,18
                        6.38%                     1.65%                              3.49%                  3.47%
le    age   0.87                    1                        0.36         5.91                  1                         5.40
and         1,528,91                68,395.7                 1,460,51     1,774,07              68,395.7                  1,705,67
                        2.22%                     4.47%                              2.96%                  3.86%
security    3.96                    5                        8.21         0.79                  5                         5.04
se funds
within      49,281,9                                         49,281,9     42,400,0                                        42,400,0
                        71.58%      0.00          0.00%                              70.77%
the         94.70                                            94.70        84.74                                           84.74
           68,848,1               13,785,6                55,062,4        59,912,5              13,785,6                  46,126,9
Total                 100.00%                 20.02%                                 100.00%                23.01%
           10.59                  47.32                   63.27           92.50                 47.32                     45.18
Category name of bad debt provision made on an individual basis:
Unit: RMB
                   Period-beginning balance               Period-end balance
Name                                  Bad-debt                               Bad-debt          Provision        Reasons        for
                   Book balance                           Book balance
                                      provision                              provision         proportion       provision
Provision for                                                                                                   Long account
bad debts made                                                                                                  receivable age;
                   13,644,641.06      13,644,641.06       13,644,641.06      13,644,641.06     100.00%
on            an                                                                                                expected to be
individual basis                                                                                                unrecoverable
Total              13,644,641.06      13,644,641.06       13,644,641.06      13,644,641.06
Category name of bad debt provision made on a portfolio basis:
Unit: RMB
                                  Period-end balance
                                  Book balance                    Bad-debt provision               Provision proportion
Account     receivable      age
                                  4,392,560.87                    72,610.51                        1.65%
Portfolio of deposit and
                                  1,528,913.96                    68,395.75                        4.47%
security deposit receivable
   Related intercourse funds
within    the     consolidation   49,281,994.70                   0.00                             0.00%
Total                             55,203,469.53                   141,006.26

                                              Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Accrue bad debt provision of accounts receivable according to expected credit loss:
Unit: RMB
                          Stage I                     Stage II                    Stage III
                                                      Expected credit loss        Expected credit loss
Bad-debt provision        Expected credit losses      throughout the duration     throughout the duration       Total
                          for the next 12 months      (no credit impairment       (credit impairment has
                                                      occurs)                     occurred)
Balance on January 1,
                          141,006.26                                              13,644,641.06                 13,785,647.32
Balance on January 1,
2024 in the current
Balance as of June 30,
                          141,006.26                                              13,644,641.06                 13,785,647.32

Changes in book balance with significant amount changed of loss provision in the reporting period
□ Applicable Not applicable

4) Bad debt provision provided, recovered, or reversed in the current period

Bad debt provision in the reporting period:
Unit: RMB

                                       Amount of change during the current period
                   Period-                               Accounts                                                       Period-end
Category           beginning                             recovered     or   Write-off          or
                                       Provision                                                    Others              balance
                   balance                               transferred        verification
Provision for
bad debts made
                   13,644,641.06                                                                                        13,644,641.06
on            an
individual basis
Provision for
bad debts made
                   141,006.26                                                                                           141,006.26
on a portfolio
Total              13,785,647.32                                                                                        13,785,647.32

5) Other receivables of the top five period-end balances by the owing party

Unit: RMB
                                                                                              Proportion        to   Period-end balance
Company name          Nature of payment       Period-end balance                              ending balance of      of provision for
                                                                   receivable age
                                                                                              other receivables      bad debts
Shenzhen Tellus
Treasury Supply
                      Intercourse funds
Chain     Treasury                            46,800,000.00        Within 1 year              67.98%
                      within the Group
Supply       Chain
Zhonghao (Group)      Intercourse funds       5,000,000.00         Over 5 years               7.26%                  5,000,000.00
Co., Ltd.

                                          Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Shenzhen Jinbeili
Electric Appliance   Intercourse funds    2,706,983.51          Over 5 years           3.93%                2,706,983.51
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Jewelry
                     Intercourse funds
Industry Service                          2,334,941.11          Within 1 year          3.39%
                     within the Group
Co., Ltd.
Petrochemical        Intercourse funds    1,923,910.07          Over 5 years           2.79%                1,923,910.07
(Group) Co., Ltd.
Total                                     58,765,834.69                                85.35%               9,630,893.58

3. Long-term equity investment

Unit: RMB
                  Period-end balance                                       Period-beginning balance
Item                                Impairment                                              Impairment
                  Book balance                         Book value          Book balance                        Book value
                                    provision                                               provision
Investment in
                  693,657,847.64    1,956,000.00       691,701,847.64      696,131,539.12   1,956,000.00       694,175,539.12
Investment in
associates and    91,177,767.29     9,787,162.32       81,390,604.97       86,298,649.89    9,787,162.32       76,511,487.57
joint ventures
Total             784,835,614.93    11,743,162.32      773,092,452.61      782,430,189.01   11,743,162.32      770,687,026.69

(1) Investments in subsidiaries

Unit: RMB
               Period-       Period-      Changes in the current period
                                                                                                      Period-end    Period-end
               beginning     beginning
                                                                          Provision                   balance       balance of
Investee       balance       balance of   Additional      Reduced
                                                                          for          Others         (book         impairment
               (book         impairment   investment      investment
                                                                          impairment                  value)        provision
               value)        provision
SDG Tellus     31,152,888.                                                                            31,152,888.
Real Estate    87                                                                                     87
Co., Ltd.
Chuangyin      3,000,000.0                                2,473,691.4
g              0                                          8
y Co., Ltd.
ng             2,883,644.2                                                                            2,883,644.2
Automobil      6                                                                                      6
nt Co., Ltd.
               369,680,52                                                                             369,680,52
               2.90                                                                                   2.90

                                          Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Co., Ltd.
              126,251,07                                                                          126,251,07
e Industry
              1.57                                                                                1.57
and Trade
Co., Ltd.
SDG Huari
Co., Ltd.
Toyota        1,807,411.5                                                                         1,807,411.5
Sales     &   2                                                                                   2
Co., Ltd.
ng Motor
              4,900,000.0                                                                         4,900,000.0
              0                                                                                   0
Co., Ltd.
              50,000,000.                                                                         50,000,000.
              00                                                                                  00
Hanli High
                            1,956,000.0                                                                         1,956,000.0
Tech                                                                                              0.00
                            0                                                                                   0
Co., Ltd.
              32,500,000.                                                                         32,500,000.
              00                                                                                  00
Co., Ltd.
Gold          72,000,000.                                                                         72,000,000.
Shenzhen      00                                                                                  00
Co., Ltd.
              694,175,53    1,956,000.0                   2,473,691.4                             691,701,84    1,956,000.0
              9.12          0                             8                                       7.64          0

(2) Investments in associates and joint ventures

Unit: RMB

Invest   Period    Period    Changes in the current period                                                Period    Period
or       -         -         Additi    Reduc     Invest      Adjust     Chang   Cash   Provisi   Others   -end      -end

                                         Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

           beginn   beginn    onal     ed       ment      ment     es in    divide    on for       balanc   balanc
           ing      ing       invest   invest   profit    to       other    nd or     impair       e        e    of
           balanc   balanc    ment     ment     or loss   other    equity   profit    ment         (book    impair
           e        e    of                     recogn    compr             declare                value)   ment
           (book    impair                      ized      ehensi            d to be                         provisi
           value)   ment                        throug    ve                distrib                         on
                    provisi                     h the     incom             uted
                    on                          equity    e
I. Joint ventures
Gmon       49,250                                                           15,000                 41,530
d          ,845.0                                                           ,000.0                 ,678.3
Invest     6                                                                0                      2
           13,302                                                                                  13,458
g                                               156,03
           ,311.6                                                           0.00                   ,348.6
Invest                                          7.06
           0                                                                                       6
           62,553                                                           15,000                 54,989
Subtot                                          7,435,
           ,156.6                                                           ,000.0                 ,026.9
al                                              870.32
           6                                                                0                      8
II. Associates
Tellus     13,958                               12,443                                             26,401
Autom      ,330.9                               ,247.0                                             ,577.9
obiles     1                                    8                                                  9
e Co.,
yang                1,810,                                                                                  1,810,
Industr             540.70                                                                                  540.70
ial Co.,
ng                  3,225,                                                                                  3,225,
Electro             000.00                                                                                  000.00
Shenz               4,751,                                                                                  4,751,
hen                 621.62                                                                                  621.62

                                             Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

o New
          13,958                                   12,443                                                           26,401
Subtot              9,787,                                                                                                   9,787,
          ,330.9                                   ,247.0                                                           ,577.9
al                  162.32                                                                                                   162.32
          1                                        8                                                                9
          76,511                                   19,879                         15,000                            81,390
                    9,787,                                                                                                   9,787,
Total     ,487.5                                   ,117.4                         ,000.0                            ,604.9
                    162.32                                                                                                   162.32
          7                                        0                              0                                 7
Whether the recoverable amount is determined according to the net amount with fair value deducting disposal expenses?
□ Applicable Not applicable
Whether the recoverable amount is determined according to the present value of the expected future cash flow?
□ Applicable Not applicable

4. Operating revenue and operating cost

Unit: RMB
                           Amount incurred in the current period                Amount incurred in the previous period
                           Revenue                   Costs                      Revenue                     Costs
Main business              55,668,957.83             21,857,801.26              34,050,043.81               14,948,857.82
Total                      55,668,957.83             21,857,801.26              34,050,043.81               14,948,857.82

Information related to transaction value assigned to residual performance obligations:
As of the end of the reporting period, the amount of revenue corresponding to performance obligations for contracts that have been
signed but not yet fulfilled or completed is RMB      . Among this, RMB is expected to be recognized as revenue during the year
of RMB is as revenue for       , and RMB is as revenue for     .

5. Investment income

Unit: RMB
Item                                         Amount incurred in the current period         Amount incurred in the previous period
Long-term equity investment income
calculated through the cost method
Income     from   long-term   equity
investments calculated through the           19,879,117.40                                 3,011,611.29
equity method
Investment      income     from    trading
                                             2,162,425.56                                  7,437,966.44
financial assets during the holding period
Interest     income     from   large-sum
certificates of deposit
Total                                        94,855,787.41                                 10,449,577.73

XVIII. Supplementary Information

1. Breakdown of non-recurring profits and losses of the current period

Applicable □ Not applicable

                                              Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

Unit: RMB

Item                                          Amount                                      Note
Profits and losses from disposal of non-
                                              -227.20                                     Disposal of fixed assets
current assets
Government subsidies included in the
current profits and losses (excluding
those that are closely related to the
Company's normal business operations,
                                              5,606,545.82                                Government subsidy
in line with national policies and
regulations, and granted per defined
criteria, with a continuous influence on
the Company's profits and losses)
Profit or loss from changes in the fair
value of financial assets and financial
liabilities held by the Company as a non-
financial company, as well as profit or
loss from the disposal of the financial       2,373,536.49                                Mainly from money management returns
assets and financial liabilities, except in
effective hedging activities related to the
normal operating activities of the
Other non-operating incomes and                                                           Primarily consists of lease contract
expenditures apart from the aforesaid         1,004,694.78                                modification fees and penalties for
items                                                                                     lessees' early termination of leases
Less: Amount of influence of income tax       2,237,809.41
     Amount of influence of minority
stockholder's interests (after-tax)
Total                                         6,207,693.38                                --

Other gains or losses conforming to the definition of non-recurring gains or losses:
□ Applicable Not applicable
The Company has no other gains or losses conforming to the definition of non-recurring gains or losses.
Explanation on defining the non-recurring gains or losses set out in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information
Disclosure for Companies Offering Securities to the Public — Non-Recurring Gains or Losses as recurring gains or losses
□ Applicable Not applicable

2. Return on net assets and earnings per share

                                                                   Earnings per share
Profit during the reporting
                                  Weighted average ROE             Basic earnings       per    share   Diluted earnings per share
                                                                   (RMB/share)                         (RMB/share)
Net profit attributable to
ordinary shareholders of the      4.66%                            0.1778                              0.1778
Net profit attributed to
ordinary shareholders of the
Company after non-recurring       4.28%                            0.1634                              0.1634
profits  and    losses   are

                                    Full Text of the 2024 Semi-annual Report of SHENZEN TELLUS HOLDING CO., LTD.

3. Difference in accounting data under domestic and foreign accounting rules

(1) Differences in net profits and net assets in the financial reports disclosed simultaneously according to
the international accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards

□ Applicable Not applicable

(2) Differences in net profits and net assets in the financial reports disclosed simultaneously according to
the foreign accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards

□ Applicable Not applicable

(3) Specify the reasons for differences in accounting data under domestic and foreign accounting
standards; if the adjustment is made to data audited by the overseas audit firm, specify the name of the
audit firm
