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特 力B:2012年半年度报告(英文版)2012-08-15  

						                    深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文


      2012 年半年度报告

          August16, 2012

                                                       深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

                   SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2012
                                       I. Important Note

Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, all directors, supervisors and senior executives of
Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Company) hereby confirm that
there are no any fictitious statements, misleading statements, or important omissions carried in this
report, and shall take all responsibilities, individual and/or joint, for the reality, accuracy and
completion of the whole contents.
All directors are attending the Meeting for deliberation and approval for the semi-annual report.
Financial report of this semi-annual repot has not been audited by CPA.
Zhang Ruili, person in charge of the Company, Luo Bojun, person in charge of accounting works,
CFO Fu Bin and Ke Wensheng, person in charge of accounting institution (accounting officer)
hereby confirm the truthfulness and completeness of the Financial Report in the Semi-annual
Report 2012.

                                     II. Company Profile
(I) Company information
Code for A-share     000025                            Code for B-share        200025
                                                       Short form for
Short form for A-share Tellus-A                                                Tellus-B
Listing stock exchange Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Legal Chinese name of
the Company
Abbr. of legal Chinese
name of the Company
Legal English name of
                       Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co.,Ltd
the Company
Abbr. of legal English
name of the Company
Legal Representative Zhang Ruili
Registered Add.        3/F, Tellus Building, Shui Bei Er Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen
Post Code of
registered add.
Office Add.            15/F, Zhonghe Building, Shennan Middle Road, Futian District, Shenzhen
Post Code of office
Internet website       www.tellus.cn
E-mail                  sztljtgf@public.szptt.net.cn

(II) Contact person and ways
                                      Secretary of the Board             Rep. of security affairs
Name                              Guo Dongri                       Sun Bolun

                                                                深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

                                         5/F, Zhonghe Building, Shennan 5/F, Zhonghe Building, Shennan
Contact adds.                            Middle Road, Futian District,  Middle Road, Futian District,
                                         Shenzhen                       Shenzhen
Tel.                                     (0755) 83989328                    (0755) 83989339
Fax.                                     (0755) 83989399                    (0755) 83989399
E-mail                         guodongri@yahoo.com.cn           s9239243@163.com
(III) Information disclosure and place for preparation
Newspapers Designated for        Shenzhen-Securities Times and Hong Kong- Hong Kong
indormation disclosure           Comercial Daily
Website desinated by CSRC for
publishing semi-annual report
place for preparation of
                                 Secretariat of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co.,Ltd
semi-annual report
                     III. Major accounting data and business abstract
(I) Major accounting data and financial indexes
Whether retroactive adjusted on previous financial report or not
□Yes    √ No
Major accounting data
                                                                                        Increase/decrease in this
                                         Reporting period (Jan.
       Major accounting data                                    Same period of last year      report period
                                                to June)
                                                                                            year-on-year (%)
Total business revenue(RMB)                     194,282,667.44           178,047,165.38                   9.12%
Business profit(RMB)                             -9,841,337.34               716,236.75
Total profit(RMB)                                -9,829,057.94               578,156.59
Net       profit   attributable   to
shareholders of the listed company                -8,637,314.75              502,339.55
Net       profit   attributable   to
shareholders of the listed company
                                                   -8,687,510.8              602,711.39
after deducting non-recurring gains
and losses(RMB)
Net cash flow arising from operating
                                                  -5,034,466.47            6,776,674.04
                                                                                        Increase/decrease in this
                                           End of this period      End of last period    period-end over that of
                                                                                           last period-end (%)
Total assets(RMB)                               563,712,143.83           570,693,268.15                   -1.22%
Owners’ equity attributable to
shareholders     of  the    listed              168,618,598.51           177,365,899.51                     -4.93%
Share capital(Share)                               220,281,600              220,281,600                         0%
Major financial indexes
                                                                                           Increase/decrease in this
                                         Reporting period (Jan.
       Major financial indexes                                  Same period of last year         report period
                                                to June)
                                                                                               year-on-year (%)
Basic   earnings       per       share
                                                         -0.039                    0.002
Diluted  earnings       per      share
                                                         -0.039                    0.002
Basic EPS after deducting                                -0.039                    0.003

                                                            深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

non-recurring gains/losses
Fully diluted ROE (%)                                -5.12%                   0.29%
Weighted average ROE (%)                             -4.99%                   0.29%
Fully diluted ROE after deducting
                                                     -5.15%                   0.34%
non-recurring gains/losses (%)
Weighted average ROE after
deducting non-recurring gains/losses                 -5.02%                   0.34%
Net cash flow per share arising from
                                                      -0.023                   0.031
operating activities (RMB/Share)
                                                                                       Increase/decrease in this
                                                                                        period-end over same
                                       End of this period       End of last period
                                                                                             period of last
                                                                                            period-end (%)
Net assets per share attributable to
shareholder of listed company                         0.765                    0.805                    -4.97%
(RMB/ Share)
Asset-liability ratio (%)                            65.97%                  64.71%                      1.26%
Explanation on former accounting data and financial index at period-end (stating adjustment
explanation if there has retroactive adjustment)

 (II) Difference of accounting data under CAS and IAS

1. Difference of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report based on IAS and CAS
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Difference of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report based on foreign
accounting standards and CAS
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
3. Detail items for major differences
                                                                      Explanation on IAS
    Items with major         Amount involved                            and(or) foreign
                                             Reasons for differences
       differences               (RMB)                               accounting standards

4. Explanation on accounting data difference under the foreign/domestic accounting
(III) Item and amount with non-recurring gains/losses deducted
√Applicable □Not applicable
                      Items                          Amount (RMB)                      Note
Gains and losses from disposal of non-current                          Losses from disposal of fixed assets
assets                                                                 from Huari Automobile
Tax refund or exemption out of authorization, with
absence of official approval document or
Governmental subsidy calculated into current gains
and losses(while closely related with the normal

                                                        深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

business of the Company, excluding the
fixed-amount or fixed-proportion governmental
subsidy according to the unified national standard)
Fund occupation expenses received from                            Fund occupation expenses received
non-financial enterprises that reckon into current      37,916.65 from affiliated enterprise Xinglong
gains/losses                                                      Company
Income occurred when investment cost paid by
enterprise for obtaining subsidiaries, associates and
joint ventures are lower than its share in fair
value of net realizable assets of invested units
Gains and losses from exchange of non-monetary
Gains and losses from entrusted investment or
management assets
Various asset impairment reserve provided for force
majeure, such as natural disaster;
Gains/losses from debt reorganization
Reorganization expenses, such as expenditure for
allocation of employees and integration fee
Gains and losses from excess of transaction which
are conducted on a non-fair-valued basis over its
fair value
Current net gains and losses of subsidiaries
occurred from combination under the same control
commencing from period-begin to combination
Gains and losses from contingent events which has
no relation with normal business of the Company
Gains and losses from change of fair values of
held-for-transaction financial assets and financial
liabilities except for the effective hedge business
related to normal business of the Company, and
investment income from disposal of transactional
financial assets and liabilities and financial assets
available for sale
Reversal of impairment reserve for account
receivable with separate impairment testing
gains/ losses from external entrustment loans
Gains and losses arising from change of fair value
of investment properties whose follow-up
measurement are at fair value
Affect upon current gains/losses arising from the
one-off adjustment in subject to requirement of
laws and rules in relation to taxation and
Income from entrusted custody operation
Other non-operating income and expenditure
except the abovementioned
Other item that satisfied the definition of
non-recurring gains and losses
Influenced amount of minority shareholders’ equity
Impact on income tax

Total                                                   50,196.05                    --
Explanation on “Other item that satisfied the definition of non-recurring gains and losses” and
defined non-recurring gains and losses as recurring gain/loss according to natures and characteristic

                                                               深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

of self-operation status
                             Amount involved
          Item                                                                   Note

          IV. Changes in Share Capital and Particular about Shareholders

(I) Changes in share capital
1. Statement of changes in shares
□Applicable √Not applicable
2. Changes in restricted shares
□Applicable √Not applicable
(II) Security offering and listing
1. Security offering in previous three years
□Applicable √Not applicable
2 Changes of total shares and structures as well as outcome of asset-liability structures
□Applicable √Not applicable
3. Current shares held by internal staffs
□Applicable √Not applicable
(III) Shareholders and actual controller
1. Total shareholders at period-end
Total 18,318 shareholders at period-end
2. Shares held by top ten shareholders
                           Particulars about the shares held by the top ten shareholders
                                                                       Amount of      Shares pledged or frozen
                                     Proportion of
   Shareholders (full    Nature of                 Total amount            the
                                      shares held
        name)           shareholders               of shares held       restricted   Share status    Amount
                                                                       shares held
Shenzhen SDG Co.,       State-owned
                                              66.22%     145,870,560 14,587,056
Ltd.                    legal person
RETIREMENT      Foreign lega
                                               1.03%       2,260,025             0
                        Domestic na
Ling Fengyuan                                  0.23%         512,858             0
                        ture person
FISRT   SHANGHAI Foreign legal
                                               0.23%         507,478             0
Zhang Xiaoming                                 0.21%         463,961             0
                        nature person
Kan Hui                                        0.17%         369,126             0
                        nature person
Lu Zhihua                                      0.16%         355,200             0
                        nature person
Huang Dongyun                                  0.14%         304,200             0
                        nature person
He Xin                  Domestic               0.14%         304,100             0

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                         nature person
Qiu Junfei                                0.12%         266,600           0
                         nature person
Explanation of shareholders
Particulars about the shares held by the top ten unrestricted shareholders
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                            Amount of                   Type/amount of shares
                Shareholders             unrestricted shares
                                         held at period-end        Type                 Amount
Shenzhen SDG Co., Ltd.                          131,283,504 A-share                           131,283,504
                                                  2,260,025 B-share                             2,260,025
Ling Fengyuan                                      512,858 B-share                                512,858
FISRT SHANGHAI SECURITIES LTD.                     507,478 B-share                                507,478
Zhang Xiaoming                                     463,961 A-share                                463,961
Kan Hui                                            369,126 A-share                                369,126
Lu Zhihua                                          355,200 A-share                                355,200
Huang Dongyun                                      304,200 A-share                                304,200
He Xin                                             304,100 B-share                                304,100
Qiu Junfei                                         266,600 A-share                                266,600
Explanation on associated relationship among the top ten shareholders or (and) consistent action
Among the top ten shareholders, there exists no associated relationship between the state-owned
legal person’s shareholders Shenzhen SDG Co., Ltd and other shareholders, and they do not belong
to the consistent actionist regulated by the Management Measure of Information Disclosure on
Change of Shareholding for Listed Companies. For the other shareholders of circulation share, the
Company is unknown whether they belong to the consistent actionist.
3. Controlling shareholders and actual controller
(1) Changes of controlling shareholders and actual controller
□Applicable √Not applicable
(2) Introduction of controlling shareholders and actual controller
Whether has new actual controller or not
□Yes √No
                             Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government State-owned Assets
Name of actual controller
                             Supervision and Administration Commission
Type of actual controller Local State-Owned Assets Supervision & Administration Commission
In reporting period, Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government of State-owned Assets Supervision
and Administration Commission is the largest shareholder of SDG with 43.30% equity held, which
is an institution directly under Government of Shenzhen, implemented investor’s right of
controlling shareholder SDG on behalf of Shenzhen Government. Office address: 17/F, Investment
Building, No. 4009 Shennan Blvd, Futian District, Shenzhen; principal: Zhang Xiaoli

(3) Block diagram of property rights and controlling relationship between the Company and
actual controller

                                                             深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

    Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government of State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration


                             Shenzhen SDG Co., Ltd.


                         Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

(4) Actual controller controlling the Company by means of entrust or other assets
□Applicable √Not applicable
4. Other legal person’s shareholders with over ten percent shares held
□Applicable √Not applicable
(IV) Convertible bonds
□Applicable √Not applicable

                V. Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives

                                                                                                                             深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

(I) Changes of shares held by directors, supervisors and senior executive

                                                                                        Amount of                                                                         received
                                                                                                      Amount of                                Amount of
                                                                           Shares held     shares                               Including:                             remuneration
                                                                                                         shares    Shares held                stock option
                                                Office dated Office dated       at       increase in                             restricted                Reasons for      from
   Name            Title         Sex   Age                                                           decreased in at period-end                  held at
                                                    from        ended     period-begin(      this                               shares held                 changes shareholders’
                                                                                                      this period    (Share)                   period-end
                                                                             Share)     period(Share                              (Share)                               unit or other
                                                                                                        (Share)                                  (Share)
                                                                                               )                                                                        related unit
                                                                                                                                                                           or not
               Chairman of
Zhang Ruili                  M               49 2012-06-06   2015-06-06              0            0             0            0            0             0               No
                the Board

Luo Bojun      GM, Director M                50 2012-06-06   2015-06-06              0            0             0            0            0             0               No

Fu Bin                       M               50 2012-06-06   2015-06 -06             0            0             0            0            0             0               No

Zhang junlin Director        M               47 2012-06-06   2015-06-06              0            0             0            0            0             0               Yes

               Director      M               53 2012-06-06   2015-06-06              0            0             0            0            0             0               Yes

Yu Lei         Director      F               44 2012-06-06   2015-06-06              0            0             0            0            0             0               Yes

Liu Hongling                 F               58 2012-06-06   2015-06-06              0            0             0            0            0             0               No

Jiang          Independent
                             M               51 2012-06-06   2015-06-06              0            0             0            0            0             0               No
Hongjun        director

Wei Shaohui                  M               40 2012-06-06   2015-06-06              0            0             0            0            0             0               No

Guan Zhicai Supervisor       M               58 2012-06-06   2015-06-06              0            0             0            0            0             0               No

               Supervisor    M               42 2012-06-06   2015-06-06              0            0             0            0            0             0               Yes

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Fu Chunlong Supervisor     M              39 2012-06-06   2015-06-06     0          0       0   0           0           0            Yes

              Supervisor   M              54 2012-06-06   2015-06-06     0          0       0   0           0           0            No

              Supervisor   F              44 2012-06-06   2015-06-06     0          0       0   0           0           0            No

              Deputy GM M                 49 2012-06-07   2015-06-06     0          0       0   0           0           0            No

              Deputy GM,
Guo Dongri     Secretary of M             47 2012-06-07   2015-06-06     0          0       0   0           0           0            No
               the Board

Feng Yu       Deputy GM M                 45 2012-06-07   2015-06-06     0          0       0   0           0           0            No

Lv Hang       Former GM M                 51 2011-06-15   2012-02-23     0          0       0   0           0           0            No

Ji Dejun      Independent M               68 2009-06-18   2012-06-06     0          0       0   0           0           0            No

Shi           Former
                           M              54 2009-06-18   2012-06-06     0          0       0   0           0           0            Yes
Changyue      Director

      Total         --          --   --           --           --        0          0       0   0           0           0      --          --

Directors, supervisor and senior executives who awarded equity incentive in report period
□applicable √Not applicable

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(II) Representation
Representation in shareholders’ unit
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                           Whether received
                                                      Post       Service term Service term
   Name                  Shareholders’ unit                                                     from
                                                    occupied        from         ended
                                                                                           shareholders’ unit
                                                                                                 or not
Zhang Junlin Shenzhen SDG Holding Co., Ltd.        GM                                         Yes
Zhang                                              Deputy
                 Shenzhen SDG Holding Co., Ltd.                                               Yes
Jianmin                                            GM
Yu Lei           Shenzhen SDG Holding Co., Ltd.                                               Yes
                                                   Director of
Zhang                                              auditing
                 Shenzhen SDG Holding Co., Ltd.                                               Yes
Xinliang                                           supervision
                                                   Director of
Fu Chunlong Shenzhen SDG Holding Co., Ltd.                                                    Yes
                                                   HR dept.
                 Shenzhen SDG Holding Co., Ltd.    GM                                         Yes
on job
occupation in
Representation in other unit
√Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                           Whether received
                                                      Post       Service term Service term   remuneration
   Name                      other unit
                                                    occupied        from         ended     from other unit or
                 Shenzhen Jinkai Sinocoms Appraisal Vice
Liu Hongling                                                                                  Yes
                 Co.,Ltd.                           Chairman
Wei Shaohui Guangdong Xinda Law Firm                                                          Yes
Wei Shaohui Longhao Tiandi Corporation Limited                                                Yes
                                                    t director
                 Shenzhen Click Technology Co.,    Independen
Wei Shaohui                                                                                   Yes
                 Ltd.                              t director
on        job
occupation in

                                                                深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

other unit
(III) Remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior executives
Procedure for deciding The remunerations of independent directors are drafted by the board of directors, and
remunerations        of passed by the shareholders’ general meeting; The remunerations of directors, supervisors
directors, supervisors and senior excutives are determined according the "articles of association " and other
and senior excutives relevant articles.
Bases     on     which
remunerations        of
                        Determined by relevant laws and regulation of remuneration management as well as the
directors, supervisors
                        remuneration management mechanism of the Company.
and senior excutives
are decided
                        In reporting period, the actual remuneration (tax included) received by the directors,
Actual payment of
                        supervisors and senior executives of the Company, comprising monthly salary for 2012
remunerations        of
                        (basic annual pay and vary subsidy), social insurance paid by the Company, housing
directors, supervisors
                        public reserve, annuity and performance remuneration for year of 2011 are amounting as
and senior excutives
                        RMB 2.44 million.
(IV) Changes of directors, supervisors and senior executives
                                                    Date of
  Name         Post holding       Changes                                        Reasons of changes
Lv Hang Director, GM          Resigned           2012-02-23      Work transfer
         Director             Office-leaving     2012-06-06      Changing session of the Board
Ji Dejun                      Office-leaving     2012-06-06      Changing session of the Board
                              Selected as
Yu Lei       Director                            2012-06-06      Changing session of the Board
                              Selected as
Wei          Independent
                              independent        2012-06-06      Changing session of the Board
Shaohui      director
Luo                           Selected as
             Director                            2012-06-06      Changing session of the Board
Bojun                         Director
             GM               Selected as GM 2012-02-24          Work transfer
(V) Staff of the Company
Person on-jobs                                                                                               581
Retirement person whose charges undertake by the
                                               Professional categories
              Types of professional category                         Numbers of professional category
Production staff                                                                                             349
Salesman                                                                                                      16
Technician                                                                                                    27
Financial staff                                                                                               47
Administration staff                                                                                         142

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                                           Education background
            Type of education background                              Numbers (people)
Master                                                                                                  15
Undergraduate                                                                                           61
Junior college                                                                                         130
High school and below                                                                                  375
Explanation on employees
Administration including the management staff of the Group and employees in the enterprise which
the Company belongs to

                                    VI. Report of the Board

(I) Management discussion and analysis
I. General performance of the Company in report period
                                                                                               Unit: RMB
          Item                  This period         Same period of last year               +,- (%)
Operation income                     194,282,667.44             178,047,165.38                    +9.12%
Operation profit                      -9,841,337.34                 716,236.75
Net profit                           -10,120,507.22                 371,137.09
Reasons for decrease of operation profit and net profit: the investment income of stock jointly
enterprise withdrawal by equity method less than same period of last year.
II. Operation result and financial analysis
1. The growth of revenue
During the reporting period, the income of company is 194.2827 million Yuan, with a y-o-y
increase of 16.2355 million Yuan for 9.12% up. The increasing income mainly depends on the y-o-y
growth of car sales and property rent service.
2. The cost increases under the circumstance of the increase of income, the augmentation is greater
than the raise rate of income
During the reporting period, the cost of company is 162.1182million Yuan, with an increase of
17.9149 million Yuan for 12.42% up. The increase rate of cost is greater than the increase of income
and the comprehensive gross profit margin declines slightly.
3. The lower cost during the period
The total cost is 34.5472 million Yuan, with a y-o-y decrease of 245.2 million Yuan, 0.71% down.
Among them, the cost of sale is 9.7744 million Yuan, with a y-o-y decrease of 480 thousand Yuan,
4.68% down. The main reason of reduction is the decrease of the employee benefits, advertisement
and repair fee. The cost of management is 20.3733 million Yuan, with a y-o-y increase of 156.2
thousand Yuan, 0.71% up. The main reason of increase is the time difference when gives the money
to Board. The financial cost is 4.3995 million Yuan, with a y-o-y increase of 78.6 thousand Yuan,
1.82% up. The main reason of increase is the increase of loan rate which causes the increase of
interest expense.
4. The profit becomes less comparing with the same period of previous year
During the reporting period, the net profit of company is -10.1205 million Yuan, with a y-o-y
decrease of 10.4916 million Yuan. The net profit attributable to owners of the parent is -8.6373
million Yuan, with a y-o-y decrease of 9.1396 million Yuan. The decrease of profit dues to
competitive auto market; The loss of Huari Company is 4.19 million Yuan, with a y-o-y increase of
3.31 million Yuan comparing with the same period of previous year; the loss of Zung Fu Tellus is

                                                             深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

13.35 million Yuan, the investment income is 8.97 million Yuan less than the same period of
previous year.

III. The condition of financial
1. The Assets
Ended as 30 June 2012, the total assets of company is 563.7121 million Yuan, of which liquid assets
is 125.14 million Yuan, non-liquid assets is 438.5721 million Yuan.
2. The Liability
Ended as 30 June 2012, the total liability of company is 371.901 million Yuan, of which liquid
liability is 278.8196 million Yuan; non-liquid liability is 93.0813 million Yuan.
3. The Owner's Equity
Ended as 30 June 2012, the owner's equity of company is 191.8112 million Yuan, of which the
owner's equity of this enterprise is 168.6186 million Yuan, minority interests is 23.1926 million

The difference between the actual operating results of the Company and the profit forecast or
operation plan in respect of this reporting period which have been disclosed publicly exceeds 20%
(no matter lower or higher) or not:
□ Yes   □ No √ Not applicable
Operation and results analysis for the main subsidiaries and holding companies of the Company
                                                                       Unit: RMB
Name                             Proportion of shares held   Main products or service           Net profit

Shenzhen                Tellus   100%                        Inspection and maintenance of      134,046.79

Xinyongtong       Automobile                                 motor vehicle

Development               Co.


Shenzhen      SDG       Tellus   100%                        Property management                -67,058.24

Property Management Co.

Ltd (Tellus Property)

Shenzhen SDG Tellus Real         100%                        Development and management         -126,839.75

Estate Co. Ltd                                               of real estate

Shenzhen      Tellus     Real    100%                        Agency of real estate exchange     5,079.32

Estate Exchange Co. Ltd


Shenzhen         Xinyongtong     51%                         Production       of   inspection   454,920.86

Automobile         Inspection                                equipment for auto vehicle

Equipment         Co.     Ltd

(Inspection Company )

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Shenzhen Auto Industry                                 100%           sales of auto and accessories        1,909,861.14

and     Trade     Corporation

(Auto Industry and Trade)

Shenzhen         SDG      Huarri                         60%          Auto      maintenance         and    -128,055.46

 Auto     Co.,    ltd.    (Huari                                      production and sales of spare

 Company)                 (Huari                                      accessories


Shenzhen            Zhongtian                          100%           Property leasing                     859,302.25

Industrial                  Co.,

Ltd.(Zhongtian Company)

Shenzhen     Huari        Toyota                       60%            Sales of auto                        -4,061,516.76

Auto Sales Co., Ltd. (Huari


Shenzhen Zeng Fu Tellus                               35%             Auto     maintenance,         auto   -13,354,233.43

Auto Service Co., Ltd.                                                exhibition,     sales   of   spare

                                                                      accessories,            technology

                                                                      consultant and auto sales
All risks that may affect the achievement of the development strategy and business objective of
company in the future
The management of Tellus Company has many problems for a long time. With the efforts of all
people, the situation has been improved, but the fundamentals have not been changed: lacking of
operating profit, the assets structure is unreasonable, poor solvency, and the investment of new
project faces financial pressure. Currently the group faces greater pressure on the operation, mainly
1. Funding problem: there are no long-time and stable low-cost funds, which cause the difficulties
on starting new projects;
2. The problem of competitiveness: the single-store of auto business of Tellus Company has no
competitive, it should change the way and form new core competitiveness.

1. Main business and operations
(1)Statement of main business classified according to industries and products
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                         Increase or                   Increase or
                                                                                         Increase or
                                                                         decrease of                   decrease of
   Classified                                                                            decrease of
                                                                          operating                    gross profit
  according to           Operating                     Gross profit                    operating cost
                                     Operating cost                     revenue over                  ratio over the
  industries or           revenue                       ratio (%)                       over the last
                                                                        the last same                   last same
    products                                                                           same period of
                                                                        period of last                period of last
                                                                                        last year (%)
                                                                          year (%)                       year (%)

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According to industries
                 123,887,663.3 122,648,723.7
Auto sales                                             1%          16.3%          20.16%           -3.22%
                             9             3
                 22,218,088.03 16,424,636.72       26.08%        -11.48%         -18.44%             6.3%
leasing and      47,231,319.93 22,467,201.82       52.43%          5.24%           6.29%           -0.47%
According to products

Explanation on main business classified according to industries and products
(1) The business of Car sales
The car sales is an important source of Group revenues, accounts for more than 60% of total, the
company is mainly engaged in---FAW Toyota Motor.
In the first half of the year, the income of car sales is 123.89 million Yuan, with a y-o-y increase of
17.32 million Yuan, 16.3% up; the sales of car is 796 units, with a y-o-y increase of 213 units,
36.5% up. The income of domestic car is 117.76 million Yuan, with a y-o-y increase of 21.01
million Yuan, 21.7% up. The sales of domestic cars are 781 units, with a y-o-y increase of 222 units,
39.7% up. The income of imported cars is 6.13 million Yuan, with a y-o-y decrease of 3.69 million
Yuan, 37.6% down; the sales of imported cars are 15 units, with a y-o-y decrease of 9 units, 37.5%
(2) Vehicle maintenance and inspection services
In the first half of the year, the income of vehicle maintenance and inspection service is 22.22
million Yuan, with a y-o-y decrease of 2.89 million Yuan, 11.5% down. The reduction of the car
maintenance and testing is the main reason for the decline of the income, in the first half year, the
number of vehicle maintenance are13.254 thousand units, with a y-o-y decrease of 791 units, the
number of vehicle testing are 12.748 thousand units, with a y-o-y decrease of 3.912 thousand units.
(3) The business of property rent
The Group's property rent service runs stably and the result sounds good, the control of cost is
reasonable; therefore, there is a slight increase in business achievement. The income of the property
rent is 48.18 million Yuan in the first half year, with a y-o-y increase of 1.81 million Yuan, 3.9% up.
The growth was mainly attributable to the increase of rent and management fee.

The explanation of why the increase and decrease of gross margin is larger than the same period of
last year.
The comprehensive gross margin declined slightly, mainly due to the great drop of gross margin in
auto sales, with a decrease of 3.2% over the same period of last year.
  (2) Main business classified according to areas
                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                                       Increase/decrease in revenue from
               Areas                       Operating revenue           operations over the same period of
                                                                                  last year (%)
Shenzhen                                              193,337,071.35                                 9.1%
Explanation on main business according to areas:

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Business of the Company is focus in Shenzhen.

Explanation on composition of main business:
Main business of the Company refers to the auto sales, auto maintenance and inspection business as
well as property leasing service.
(3) Explanation on reasons of material changes in main operations and its structure
□Applicable             √Not applicable
(4) Explanation on reasons of material changes in profitability (gross profit ratio) of main
operations compared with that of last year
√Applicable             □Not applicable
Comprehensive gross profit ratio gains a little down mainly due to the auto sales declined sharply in
gross profit ratio, a 3.2 percentage points down over same period of last year.
(5) Analysis on reasons of material changes in profit structure compared with the previous
□Applicable             √Not applicable
(6) Business nature, main products or service as well as net profit for stock jointly enterprises
who take over 10% of the net profit
□Applicable             √Not applicable

(7) Problems and difficulties in operation

2. Internal control mechanism related with fair-value measurement
□Applicable          √Not applicable
3. Foreign currency financial assets and financial liabilities held
□Applicable          √Not applicable
(II) Investment of the Company
1. General Application of the raised proceeds
□Applicable          √Not applicable

2. Commitments on projects of raised funds
□Applicable       √Not applicable

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3. Changes of projects of raised funds
□Applicable         √Not applicable

4. Investment on major projects of non-raised funds
□Applicable         √Not applicable
(III) The modification of Board to the business plan for the second half of the year
□Applicable         √Not applicable

(IV) Prediction of business performance from January – September 2012
Estimation on accumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of next report
period to be loss probably or the warning of its material change compared with the corresponding
period of the last year and explanation on reason
□Applicable            √Non-applicable
(V) Explanation on “Qualified Opinion” from the Certified Public Accountants in the report
period by the Board of Directors
□Applicable            √Non-applicable
(VI) Explanation of the Management on changes and disposal of the issues involved in
“Qualified Opinion” from the Certified Public Accountants in the last year by the Board of
√Applicable            □Non-applicable
The company's auditing agency---China Audit International Certified Public Accountants LTD.
("CAICPA" for short) issued that there was no reservations with matter paragraph in audit report of
year 2011(China Audit International Word Trial[2012] No.01020072), it emphasized that "All of the
users of financial statement are concerned, in financial statement 7, 1, (3), to the date of approval of
financial statements, Rite Group has not signed the agreement with ABC of Shenzhen that the
reconciliation of Rite Group undertakes the joint and several liability of loans of Petroleum and
Chemical Corporation, the amount of required payment and payment date is not decided. This
paragraph does not affect the issued audit opinion."
Therefore, the Board will continue to take positive measures in order to reach a settlement
agreement, to do the best to reduce the loss and to solve this problem.

(VII)Stating the discussion results issued by the Board on changes in the Company’s
accounting policies and accounting estimates or reasons for material accounting error
correction and influences thereof
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
(VIII) Determination and implementation of cash dividend policies of the Company
According to the relevant provisions of "Notice on the Further Implementation of Cash Dividend of
List Company", which released by China Securities Regulatory Commission and actual situation to
revise parts of provisions on the profit distribution policy of "Article of Association" and to
establish "the Rewards Plan of Shareholders in the Next Three Year(2012-2014)" (Rewards Plan II
for short). The change of “Article of Association " and "Rewards Plan" have deliberated and passed
through the 2nd Extraordinary Meeting of 7th Session of Board and the 1st T Extraordinary
Shareholders’ General Meeting 2012 respectively. The decision process is transparent and meets the
needs of relevant provisions.
The implementation of profit distribution is in strict accordance with the “Article of Association ",
the formulation and implementation of cash dividend meet the requirements of “Article of
Association” and shareholders' meeting. The standard and proportion of dividend is precise and
clear, the relevant decision-making procedures and mechanisms are perfect, the responsibility of
independent directors is clear and it works. The minority shareholders have the opportunities to
express their views and demands fully, the rights and interests of minority shareholders have been

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"The Amendment of Article of Association " and "the Rewards Plan of Shareholders in the Next
Three Year (2012-2014)" are published on www.cninfo.com.cn on July 31, 2012.
The undistributed profit is negative in the past three years, and it is not in accordance with the
condition of cash-dividend, so there is no implementation of cash-dividend in nearly three years.

(IX) Plan of profit distribution or capital reserve capitalizing
□Applicable          √Not applicable

(X) Positive retained profit accumulated at end of 2011 without cash distribution carried out
□Applicable          √Not applicable

(XI)Other events disclosed
(XII) Liabilities, credit changes and cash arrangement for debt paying in later year (Only
applies to listed company with corporate convertible bonds offered)
□Applicable           √Not applicable

                                    VII. Significant Event

(I)Corporate governance
  During the reporting period, according to the requirements of relevant laws and regulations of
"Company Law", "Securities Act" and "Basic Criterion of Internal Control" and the deployment of
internal control of China Securities Regulatory Commission and Shenzhen Securities Regulatory
Bureau, based on the requirements of "the Implementation of Work Plan of Internal Control", in the
first half of 2012, the company continues to promote the implementation of internal control actively
and steadily and decomposes the main tasks and responsibilities, arranges the time schedule and
also hires a professional advisory for consulting, sorts the project of internal control, finds
deficiencies of internal control and make a timely and effective plan. By increasing the intensity of
inspection and sorting the existing system of internal control to arrange, revise and develop such
related rules for the implementation of internal control system and lay the foundation for the
development of company.
At present, the actual situation of corporate governance meets the requirements of the documents on
the governance of listed company which released by the China Securities Regulatory Commission.
(II) Implementation of profit distribution plan, capital reserve capitalizing or shares offering
that plan out previously and carry out in this reporting period
□Applicable            √Not applicable

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(III) Material lawsuits and arbitrations
□Applicable          √Not applicable
No material lawsuits and arbitrations occurred in this perio

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(IV) Related event of bankruptcy reorganization
□Applicable         √Not applicable
(V) Equity of other listed company and stock jointly financial enterprise held by the

1. Security investment
□Applicable           √Not applicable
Explanation on security investment
2. Equity of other listed company held by the Company
√Applicable           □Not applicable

                                                                                      Changes on
                                         Proportion of               Gains/losses
                             Initial                Book value at                       owners’
                                     equity held in                   in report                       Accounting
            Short form of                                                                                             Share
 Stock code               investment                 period-end                         equity in     calculation
              the stock              this company                      period                                       resources
                          cost (RMB)                  (RMB)                           report period
                                           (%)                         (RMB)

            China                                                                                   Financial
                                                                                                      assets        Sponsor
600036      Merchants        178,454.2             0%    1,264,263                0    -109,986.25
                                                                                                   available for     share
            Bank                                                                                       sales

Total                        178,454.2        --         1,264,263                0    -109,986.25        --           --
Explanation on equity of other listed company held by the Company
Ended as this report period, 115,775 shares of China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd. (short form of stock: CMB;
Stock code: 600036; “CMB” for short), listed in Shanghai Stock Exchange, were held by the Company.

3. Equity of non-listed financial enterprise held by the Company
□Applicable          √Non-applicable
Explanation on equity of non-listed financial enterprise held by the Company

4. Buying and selling shares of other listed company
□Applicable          √Not applicable
Explanation on shares dealing of other listed company

(VI) Assets transaction
1. Assets purchased or acquired
□Applicable          √Not applicable
Explanation on assets purchased

2. Assets sold
□Applicable          √Not applicable
Explanation on assets sold

3. Assets replacement
□Applicable          √Not applicable
Explanation on assets replacement

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4. Business combination
□Applicable        √Not applicable

5. Progress of the events and their influence on the Company’s operating results and
financial status in the report period after the Report on Assets Restructure or Public Notice
on Acquisition and Sales of Assets being published
□Applicable          √Not applicable

(VII) Explanation on shareholding increase proposed or implemented by largest shareholder
of the Company and its persons acting in concert in reporting period
□Applicable        √Not applicable

(VIII) Implementation and its influence of equity incentive
□Applicable        √Not applicable

(IX) Significant related transaction

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1. Related transaction related to daily operation
√Applicable         □Non-applicable
                                                                                                                                                                                  Reasons of
                                                                                      Related        Related    Proportion in
                                                     Content of                                                                 Clearing form    Influence of        Market        difference
                                 Type of related                       Pricing      transaction    transaction     similar
 Related party    Relationship                          related                                                                  for related     profit of the      price(10        between
                                   transaction                        principle      price (10     amount (10   transactions
                                                     transaction                                                                 transaction      Company        thousand yuan) trading price
                                                                                  thousand yuan) thousand yuan)      (%)
                                                                                                                                                                                  and market
                                                                                                                                                                                reference price
Shenzhen Zeng                    Commodity
Fu Tellus Auto Affiliated        purchased/labor                   Marketing                                                                    No material
                                                   House leasing                                          257.5            5%                                             257.5
Service Co.,     enterprise      service                           price                                                                        influence
Ltd.                             received

Shenzhen                         Commodity
Xinyongtong      Affiliated      purchased/labor                   Marketing                                                                    No material
                                                   equipment                                               7.09            0%                                              7.09
Technology       enterprise      service                           price                                                                        influence
Co., Ltd.                        received

Shenzhen                         Commodity
Xinyongtong      Affiliated      purchased/labor                   Marketing                                                                    No material
                                                   House leasing                                           7.73            0%                                              7.73
Auto Service     enterprise      service                           price                                                                        influence
Co., Ltd.                        received

Shenzhen                         Commodity
Xinyongtong      Affiliated      purchased/labor                   Marketing                                                                    No material
                                                   House leasing                                           6.14            0%                                              6.14
Auto Service     enterprise      service                           price                                                                        influence
Co., Ltd.                        received

Shenzhen                         Commodity
Xinyongtong      Affiliated      purchased/labor                   Marketing                                                                    No material
                                                   House leasing                                           5.67            0%                                              5.67
Dongxiao Auto enterprise         service                           price                                                                        influence
Service Co.,                     received

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                 Affiliated       purchased/labor                      Marketing                                                                           No material
Dongxiao Auto                                       House leasing                                                    4.5              0%                                                 4.5
                 enterprise       service                              price                                                                               influence
Service Co.,

Shenzhen                          Commodity
Xinyongtong      Affiliated       purchased/labor                      Marketing                                                                           No material
                                                    equipment                                                          0              0%                                                     0
Auto Service     enterprise       service                              price                                                                               influence
Co., Ltd.                         received

Xinyongtong                                         Machinery
                 Affiliated       purchased/labor                      Marketing                                                                           No material
Dongxiao Auto                                       equipment                                                        0.4              0%                                                 0.4
                 enterprise       service                              price                                                                               influence
Service Co.,                                        leasing

Huari Toyota
                 Controlling      purchased/labor                      Marketing                                                                           No material
Auto Sales                                          House leasing                                                      4              0%                                                     4
                 subsidiary       service                              price                                                                               influence
Service Co.,

Total                                                                          --              --                 293.03                5        --               --               --              --

Details of major sold-goods return                                     N/A

Necessity and sustainable of related transaction as well as reasons
                                                                       The above products sales and labor service providing from the related parties are the normal routine activity of the Company,
of related transaction with related parties(not with other marketing
                                                                       transaction are exercise in market pricing which benefit a lot in improving the business and profit of the Company.

Influence on independence of listed company from related               The above related transactions show no influence of independence of the listed company

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Dependence on related parties by Company as well as relevant
solutions (If applicable)
Actual implementation of those amount that predicted in this
period by category for daily related transaction
Explanation on related transactions                                N/A

Related transactions concerned with routine operations
                                                       Selling products and providing labor service to related party           Purchasing commodity and accepting labor service from related party
                Related party                                                           Proportion in similar transactions                                           Proportion in similar transactions
                                                Trading amount(10 thousand yuan)                                             Trading amount(10 thousand yuan)
                                                                                                   amount (%)                                                                  amount (%)


Of which: in reporting period, RMB 0 was arising from related transaction by selling commodity to controlling shareholders and its subsidiary or providing labor service.

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2. Related transaction incurred by purchase or sales of assets
□Applicable         √Not applicable

3. Significant related transaction from jointly investment outside
□Applicable          √Not applicable

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4. Current related liabilities and debts
√Applicable          □Not applicable
Whether have non-operational current related liabilities and debts
□Yes √No
                                                                                                                                    Funds offer to listed company by related parties(10 thousand
                                                                        Funds offered to related parties (10 thousand yuan)
              Related parties                  Relationship
                                                                   Balance at Occurred Amount Balance at Interest        Interest Balance at Occurred Amount Balance at Interest Interest
                                                                  period-begin amount   paid period-end earned             cost   period-begin amount        paid period-end earned         cost



Shenzhen Xinyongtong Auto Service Co.,    Affiliated company of
                                                                        85.03      7.73                92.76
Ltd.                                      subsidiary

Shenzhen Xinyongtong Dongxiao Auto        Affiliated company of
                                                                        62.37      5.67                68.04
Service Co., Ltd.                         subsidiary

Shenzhen Tellus Auto Service Chain Co.,   Affiliated enterprise
                                                                       707.87               4.88      702.99
Ltd. *1                                   of the Company

Shenzhen Xinyongtong Technology Co.,      Affiliated company of
                                                                            8                              8
Ltd.                                      subsidiary

Shenzhen Yongtong Xinda Inspection        Affiliated company of
                                                                        49.89      1.17                51.06
Equipment Ltd.                            subsidiary

Shenzhen Xiandao Chemical Industry New Affiliated company of
                                                                        70.81                          70.81
 Material Co., Ltd.                       subsidiary

                                          Affiliated enterprise
Shenzhen Xinglong Machinery Mould Co.,                                  180.6      3.79               184.39
                                          of the Company

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Shenzhen Tellus Xinyongtong Auto Service Affiliated company of
                                                                      26.77               9      17.77
Co., Ltd.                                   subsidiary

                                            Joint-venture of the
Shenzhen Tellus Xing Investment Co., Ltd.                               0.12                       0.12

Shenzhen SDG Co., Ltd.                                                                                            6,546.47    80.72    9.61   6,617.57

Shenzhen SDG Development Center             Subsidiary of parent
                                                                                                                      500      16.4             516.4           16.4
Construction Supervision Co., Ltd.          company

                                            Subsidiary of parent
Shenzhen SDG Real Estate Co., Ltd.                                                                                 639.06                      639.06

                                            Subsidiary of parent
Hong Kong Yujia Investment Co., Ltd.                                                                               198.76              2.95    195.81

                                            Subsidiary of parent
Shenzhen SDG Swan Industrial Co., Ltd.                                                                                2.07                        2.07

Shenzhen Machinery Equipment Exp-Inp        Subsidiary of parent
                                                                                                                    38.78     30.72             69.51
Co.,                                        company

                                            Subsidiary of parent
Shenzhen Longgang Tellus Real Estate Co.,                                                                          109.57                      109.57

                                            Subsidiary of parent
Shenzhen Tellus Yangchun Real Estate Co                                                                             47.62                       47.62

                                            Affiliated enterprise
Shenzhen Xinglong Machinery Mould Co.,                                                                                7.85                        7.85
                                            of the Company


                              Total                                 1,191.45   18.36   13.88   1,195.93   0   0   8,090.19   127.84   12.56   8,205.46     0    16.4

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Funds offered to controlling shareholders and its subsidiary by the
Company in report period (10 thousand yuan)

Including: Amount occurring non-operational (10 thousand yuan)                                                                                         0

Balance of funds offered to controlling shareholders and its
subsidiary by the Company (10 thousand yuan)

Including: Balance of non-operational (10 thousand yuan)                                                                                               0

Reasons of related liabilities and debts

Liquidation of related liabilities and debts

Commitments concerned with related liabilities and debts

Influence on business performance and financial status of the
Company from related liabilities and debts

Fund occupation and progress of paying off
□Applicable           √Not applicable
Till end of reporting period, accountability plan proposed by the Board for completed no non-operational fund occupation from listed company
□Applicable           √Not applicable

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5. Other significant related transaction
(X) Significant contracts and its implementation
1. Profits earned from trusteeship, contract and lease reached over 10% (10% included)
of total profit in this period

(1) Trusteeship
□Applicable        √Non-applicable
(2) Contract
□Applicable        √Non-applicable

(3) Lease
□Applicable        √Non-applicable

2. Guarantees
□Applicable        √Non-applicable

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3. Trust financing
□Applicable         √Non-applicable

4. Implementation of material contracts entered into during the normal operation

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5. Other significant contract
□Applicable          √Not applicable

(XI) Explanation on corporate bonds offering
□Applicable        √Not applicable
(XII) Implementation of commitments
1. Commitments made by the Company or shareholders holding above 5% shares of the
Company in reporting period or extending to reporting period.
√Applicable        □Not applicable
                                                                            Commitment Commitment
    Commitments        Accepter                   Contents                                          Implementation
                                                                                date      term
                             (I) Commitments during the work of Share
                             Merger Reform of the Company:
                             1. Commitments on Lock-up period
                             (1) In accordance with the Measures for the
                             Administration of the Share Merger Reform
                             of Listed Companies, SDG would abide by
                             the various laws, regulations and rules, and
                             perform its statutory commitment duty.
                             (2) Apart from the above-mentioned
                             statutory commitment, SDG also made the
                             following special commitment: with 36
                             months since the day the reform plan starts
                             to take effect, SDG would not list at
                             Shenzhen Stock Exchange and sell the
                             shares of Tellus it held (except for the shares
                             used to promote the administration level of
                             (3) The administration level would abide by
                             the laws, regulations and rules, and perform
                             its statutory commitment duty.
                             (4) SDG made the commitment: “The
                             Promiser hereby promises that, if the
                             Promiser failed to fulfill its commitment or
                             not fully fulfill its commitment, it would
                             compensate other shareholders for their
                    Shenzhen losses suffered thereafter”.
                             (5) SDG declared: “The Promiser would
Share Merger Reform SDG Co.,                                                 2005-12-29             Implementing
                             dutifully fulfill its commitments and
                    Ltd.     shoulder          corresponding           legal
                             responsibilities. The Promiser would
                             transfer the shares held by it only if the
                             assignee agree and have the ability to
                             shoulder the commitment responsibility.”
                             2. Special commitment concerning the
                             incentive mechanism
                             In order to effectively boost the core
                             management level and business backbones
                             for long, SDG would take out its shares, not
                             exceeding 10% in total number after the
                             Share Merger Reform, and apply them to the
                             boost of the administration level. The shares
                             would be sold to the Company’s
                             administrative level over 3 years, with the
                             selling price being the net asset value per
                             share audited during the period nearest to
                             the       implementation.      Before       the
                             implementation of the promoting plan by
                             share selling each year, the administration
                             level must prepay the Company a risk
                             responsibility fund, i.e. 20% of the planned
                             selling price; Should the work of the
                             performance examination set by the Board
                             failed to be finished, the paid risk
                             responsibility fund would not be refunded
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                                    and shall be owned by the Company.
                                    Detailed rules concerning the limitations on
                                    the administration level, such as the
                                    subscription      conditions      and     risk
                                    responsibility fund, and boost plans would
                                    be set by the Board and submitted to
                                    relevant departments for approval. The
                                    implementation of the shares for promoting
                                    would be conducted strictly according to
                                    relevant laws and regulations, and the
                                    circulation conditions of these shares would
                                    be in conformity with relevant regulations
                                    set by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.
                                    3. Relevant expenses of this Share Merger
                                    Reform of Tellus would be paid by SDG.
                                    (II) The aforesaid commitments are in
                                    process of implementation by SDG. The
                                    restricted period for the shares held by SDG
                                    were expired on 20 January 2009, in which
                                    131,283,504 shares were listed for trading,
                                    and others were still in limited period due to
                                    special commitment of equity mechanism.
Commitments in
report of
acquisition or equity
Commitments in
assets replacement
Commitments made in
Other commitments
for medium and small                N/A
Completed on time or
                        √ Yes   □ No
Detail reasons for
un-complement and       N/A
further plan
Whether made a
promise to horizontal
competition and         □ Yes    √ No   □ Not applicable
related transactions
that resulted or not
Solution term
Solution way            N/A

Complementation         Implementing

2. Explanation on assets or projects that reached the original profit forecast as well as
its reasons while the reporting period still in forecast period, and there are profit
forecast on assets or projects of the Company
□Applicable          √Non-applicable
(XIII) Items of other consolidated income
                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                  Items                                              This period         Last period
1. Gains(losses) from financial assets available for sales                                 -109,986.25          24,312.75
Less: Income tax influences from financial assets available
for sales
Net amount reckoned into other consolidated income in
previous period but transferred into gains/losses in current
Subtotal                                                                                   -109,986.25          24,312.75

                                                     深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
2. Shares in the other consolidated income of the investee
calculated based on equity method
Less: Income tax influences of shares in the other
consolidated income of the investee calculated based on
equity method
Net amount reckoned into other consolidated income in
previous period but transferred into gains/losses in current
3. Gains(losses) from cash flow hedge instrument
Less: Income tax influences from cash flow hedge
Net amount reckoned into other consolidated income in
previous period but transferred into gains/losses in current
Adjusted amount transferred to initial confirmed amount of
the arbitraged items
4. Differences from translating foreign currency financial
Less: Net amount of disposing overseas business transferred
to current gains/losses
5. Others
Less: Income tax influences by others reckoned into other
consolidated income
Net amount reckoned into other consolidated income in
previous period but transferred into gains/losses in current
Total                                                                    -109,986.25               24,312.75
(XIV)Registration form of receiving research, communication and interview in the
report period
                                                                    Content discussed
     Date          Place          Way           Type       Object     and documents

(XV) Engagement and non-reappointment of CPA
Whether the semi-annual report was audited or not
□ Yes   √ No □ Not applicable
Whether re-engaged the CPA or not
□ Yes   √ No □ Not applicable
(XVI) Punishment and rectification for listed company and its directors, supervisor,
senior executives, shareholders of the Company, actual controller and purchasers
□Applicable          √Not applicable

(XVII) Explanation on other significant events
□Applicable           √Not applicable
(XVIII) Major changes of profitability of turn debt guarantor, assets status and credit
(Only applies to listed company with corporate convertible bonds offered)
                                                      深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
□Applicable         √Not applicable
(XIX) Index for information disclosure
                              Name and page of publishing                   Internet website and searching
           Event                                          Date of disclosed
                                        press                                           route
Resolution notice of the
Board (12th extraordinary      Securities Times -C17; Hong                     Juchao Website:
meeting of 6th session of the Kong Commercial Daily -A21                       http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Resignation of Directors and
GM; Resolution notice of the
                               Securities Times -D17; Hong                     Juchao Website:
Board (21st extraordinary                                     2012-02-24
              th               Kong Commercial Daily -A6                       http://www.cninfo.com.cn
meeting of 6 session of the
Performance Prediction;
Resolution notice of the
Board (10th meeting of 6th
session of the Board);
Resolution notice of           Securities Times -B36; Hong                     Juchao Website:
Supervisory Committee (13th Kong Commercial Daily -B6                          http://www.cninfo.com.cn
meeting of 6th session of
Supervisory Committee);
Summary of annual report of
Abnormal Price of Stock        Securities Times -D56; Hong                     Juchao Website:
Exchange                       Kong Commercial Daily -A22                      http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                               Securities Times -D121; Hong                    Juchao Website:
First quarterly report of 2012                                2012-04-25
                               Kong Commercial Daily -A28                      http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Resolution notice of the
Board (23rd meeting of 6th
session of the Board);
Resolution notice of
Supervisory Committee (15th Securities Times -D20; Hong                        Juchao Website:
meeting of 6th session of      Kong Commercial Daily -A24                      http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Supervisory Committee);
Convening Annual
shareholders’ general
meeting of 2011
Resolution Notice of Annual
                               Securities Times -D13; Hong                     Juchao Website:
Shareholders’ General                                        2012-06-07
                               Kong Commercial Daily -A12                      http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Meeting of 2011
Resolution notice of the
Board (1st extraordinary
meeting of 7th session of the
                               Securities Times -D20; Hong                     Juchao Website:
Board); Resolution notice of                                  2012-06-08
                               Kong Commercial Daily -A23                      http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Supervisory Committee (1st
meeting of 7th session of
Supervisory Committee)

                                    VIII. Financial Report

(I) Auditing Report
Whether the report has been audited or not
□ Yes √ No
(II) Financial Statement
Whether consolidated statement or not:
                                                   深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
√ Yes □ No
Unless otherwise, currency for this statement refers to RMB (Yuan)
Currency used in note of financial statement is RMB (Yuan)
1. Consolidated Balance Sheet
Prepared by Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd
                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                Items                 Note   Balance at period-end            Balance at period-begin
Current assets:
Monetary funds                                            39,796,201.86                      55,926,573.46
Settlement provisions
Capital lent
Transaction finance asset                                              0                                0
Notes receivable                                                       0                                0
Accounts receivable                                        7,259,171.62                       6,926,224.94
Accounts paid in advance                                   9,917,329.11                      12,953,848.48
Insurance receivable
Reinsurance receivables
Contract reserve of reinsurance
Interest receivable                                                    0                                0
Dividend receivable                                                    0                                0
Other receivables                                         25,247,513.36                      11,043,423.52
Purchase       restituted   finance
Inventories                                               42,919,798.18                      30,218,346.71
Non-current asset due within
one year
Other current assets                                                   0                                0
Total current assets                                     125,140,014.13                    117,068,417.11
Non-current assets:
Granted loans and advances
Finance asset available for
                                                              1,264,263                       1,374,249.25
Held-to-maturity investment                                     121,300                            121,300
Long-term account receivable                               2,322,845.69                       2,341,645.69
Long-term equity investment                              134,970,309.17                    143,657,138.71
Investment real estate                                   105,801,660.91                    108,421,268.41
Fixed assets                                             160,131,728.36                    164,608,682.41
Construction in progress                                   3,565,461.92                       2,461,073.03
Engineering material                                                   0                                0

                                     深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

Disposal of fixed asset                                  0                                0
Productive biological asset
Oil and gas asset                                        0                                0
Intangible assets                              135,338.58                         164,088.54
Expense on         Research    and
Long-term expenses to be
                                               630,700.59                         846,883.52
Deferred income tax asset                   29,628,521.48                      29,628,521.48
Other non-current asset                                  0                                0
Total non-current asset                     438,572,129.7                    453,624,851.04
Total assets                               563,712,143.83                    570,693,268.15
Current liabilities:
Short-term loans                               45,496,287                         42,792,388
Loan from central bank
Absorbing      deposit         and
interbank deposit
Capital borrowed
Transaction financial liabilities                        0                                0
Notes payable                                4,061,052.45                                 0
Accounts payable                            22,072,536.09                      22,950,543.71
Accounts received in advance                 2,711,544.98                       2,070,889.22
Selling financial      asset    of
Commission     charge          and
commission payable
Wage payable                                12,056,255.89                      13,285,537.39
Taxes payable                                2,371,148.83                        7,627,833.6
Interest payable                                         0                                0
Dividend payable                                         0                                0
Other accounts payable                     109,470,811.25                      94,803,075.42
Reinsurance payables
Insurance contract reserve
Security trading of agency
Security sales of agency
Non-current liabilities        due
                                               80,580,000                         88,020,000
within 1 year
Other current liabilities                                0                                0

                                                   深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

Total current liabilities                                278,819,636.49                    271,550,267.34
Non-current liabilities:
Long-term loans                                                        0                         4,680,000
Bonds payable
Long-term account payable                                  3,920,160.36                       3,920,160.36
Special accounts payable                                               0                                0
Projected liabilities                                     87,568,728.57                      87,568,728.57
Deferred income tax liabilities                            1,592,459.86                       1,592,459.86
Other non-current liabilities                                          0                                0
Total non-current liabilities                             93,081,348.79                      97,761,348.79
Total liabilities                                        371,900,985.28                    369,311,616.13
Owner’s        equity          (or
shareholders’ equity):
Paid-up     capital     (or   share
                                                            220,281,600                       220,281,600
Capital public reserve                                     8,459,465.55                        8,569,451.8
Less: Inventory shares
Reasonable reserve
Surplus public reserve                                     2,952,586.32                       2,952,586.32
Provision of general risk
Retained profit                                          -63,075,053.36                     -54,437,738.61
Balance difference of foreign
currency translation
Total       owner’s      equity
                                                         168,618,598.51                    177,365,899.51
attributable to parent company
Minority interests                                        23,192,560.04                      24,015,752.51
Total owner’s equity(or
                                                         191,811,158.55                    201,381,652.02
shareholders’ equity)
Total liabilities and owner’s
                                                         563,712,143.83                    570,693,268.15
equity(or shareholders’ equity)
Legal representative: Zhang Ruili
Person in charge of accounting works: Fu Bin
Person in charge of accounting institution: Ke Wensheng

2. Balance Sheet of parent company
                                                                                        Unit: RMB
               Item                   Note   Balance at period-end            Balance at period-begin
Current assets:
Monetary funds                                                88,905.84                          64,442.86
Transaction finance asset
Notes receivable
                                    深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

Accounts receivable
Accounts paid in advance
Interest receivable
Dividend receivable
  Other receivables                        16,552,238.88                      19,567,834.67
Non-current asset due within
one year
Other current assets
Total current assets                       16,641,144.72                      19,632,277.53
Non-current assets:
Finance asset available for
                                            1,264,263.00                       1,374,249.25
Held-to-maturity investment
Long-term account receivable                2,322,845.69                       2,341,645.69
Long-term equity investment               371,855,318.91                    380,032,015.02
Investment real estate                     60,366,924.72                      61,849,532.64
Fixed assets                               18,854,995.92                      19,484,310.81
Construction in progress                      184,467.60                         164,326.32
Engineering material
Disposal of fixed asset
Productive biological asset
Oil and gas asset
Intangible assets                             101,171.85                         124,921.83
Expense on       Research     and
Long-term expenses to be
                                               10,208.06                          52,590.22
Deferred income tax asset                  14,094,084.22                      14,094,084.22
Other non-current asset
Total non-current asset                   469,054,279.97                    479,517,676.00
Total assets                              485,695,424.69                    499,149,953.53
Current liabilities:
Short-term loans                           14,544,160.00                      14,544,160.00
Transaction financial liabilities
Notes payable
Accounts payable

                                                   深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

Accounts received in advance
Wage payable                                               3,005,485.94                       3,056,874.78
Taxes payable                                                280,289.76                         281,051.07
Interest payable
Dividend payable
Other accounts payable                                   219,297,101.55                    221,249,246.62
Non-current liabilities         due
                                                          43,920,000.00                      41,480,000.00
within 1 year
Other current liabilities
Total current liabilities                                281,047,037.25                    280,611,332.47
Non-current liabilities:
Long-term loans                                                                               4,680,000.00
Bonds payable
Long-term account payable
Special accounts payable
Projected liabilities                                     87,568,728.57                      87,568,728.57
Deferred income tax liabilities                              298,948.76                         298,948.76
Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities                             87,867,677.33                      92,547,677.33
Total liabilities                                        368,914,714.58                    373,159,009.80
Owner’s        equity          (or
shareholders’ equity):
Paid-up     capital     (or   share
                                                         220,281,600.00                    220,281,600.00
Capital public reserve                                     5,266,042.27                       5,376,028.52
Less: Inventory shares
Reasonable reserve
Surplus public reserve                                     2,952,586.32                       2,952,586.32
General risk reserve
Retained profit                                         -111,719,518.48                    -102,619,271.11
Balance difference of foreign
currency translation
Total owner’s equity(or
                                                         116,780,710.11                    125,990,943.73
shareholders’ equity)
Total liabilities and owner’s
                                                         485,695,424.69                    499,149,953.53
equity(or shareholders’ equity)

3. Consolidated Profit Statement
                                                                                        Unit: RMB
               Item                   Note   Amount in this period             Amount in last period
                                    深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

I. Total operating income                 194,282,667.44                    178,047,165.38
Including: Operating income               194,282,667.44                    178,047,165.38
Interest income
Insurance gained
Commission     charge        and
commission income
II. Total operating cost                  162,118,236.89                    144,203,262.02
Including: Operating cost                 162,118,236.89                    144,203,262.02
Interest expense
Commission     charge        and
commission expense
Cash surrender value
Net amount of expense of
Net amount of withdrawal of
insurance contract reserve
Bonus expense of guarantee
Reinsurance expense
Operating tax and extras                     2,461,448.2                       2,273,132.81
Sales expenses                               9,774,350.9                      10,254,375.32
Administration expenses                     20,373,260.2                      20,217,091.42
Financial expenses                          4,399,504.55                       4,320,901.64
Losses of devaluation of asset                          0                                0
Add: Changing income of fair
                                                        0                                0
value(Loss is listed with “-”)
Investment income (Loss is
                                           -4,997,204.04                       3,937,834.58
listed with “-”)
Including: Investment income
on affiliated company and joint
Exchange income (Loss is
listed with “-”)
III. Operating profit (Loss is
                                           -9,841,337.34                         716,236.75
listed with “-”)
Add: Non-operating income                       33,582.2                          21,394.84
Less: Non-operating expense                     21,302.8                            159,475
Including: Disposal loss of
non-current asset
IV. Total Profit (Loss is listed
                                           -9,829,057.94                         578,156.59
with “-”)
Less: Income tax expense                      291,449.28                          207,019.5
V. Net profit (Net loss is listed         -10,120,507.22                         371,137.09

                                                深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
with “-”)
Including: net profit realized
before consolidation by
mergered party
Net profit attributable to
                                                         -8,637,314.75                       502,339.55
owner’s of parent company
Minority shareholders’ gains
                                                         -1,483,192.47                      -131,202.46
and losses
VI. Earnings per share                             --                                 --
i. Basic earnings per share                                       -0.039                             0.002
ii. Diluted earnings per share                                    -0.039                             0.002
VII. Other consolidated
                                                          -109,986.25                         24,312.75
VIII. Total comprehensive
                                                        -10,230,493.47                       395,449.84
Total consolidated income
attributable to owners of parent                            -8,747,301                        526,652.3
Total consolidated income
attributable to minority                                 -1,483,192.47                      -131,202.46
The merger realized net profit RMB 0.00 before consolidation during enterprises
consolidation under a same control.
Legal representative: Zhang Ruili
Person in charge of accounting works: Fu Bin
Person in charge of accounting institution: Ke Wensheng
4. Profit Statement of parent company
                                                                    Unit: RMB
              Items                Note   Amount in this period             Amount in last period
I. Operating income                                      6,998,484.71                      6,559,038.23
      Less: operating cost                               2,200,025.49                       2,025,180.4
   Operating tax and extras                                391,915.16                        360,747.11
Sales expenses
Administration expenses                                    7,416,077.6                     7,002,540.49
Financial expenses                                       1,603,643.22                      1,947,403.34
Losses of devaluation of asset
Add: Changing income of fair
value(Loss is listed with “-”)
Investment income (Loss is
                                                         -4,487,070.61                     3,774,059.15
listed with “-”)
Including: Investment income
on affiliated company and joint
II. Operating profit (Loss is
                                                         -9,100,247.37                     -1,002,773.96
listed with “-”)
Add: Non-operating income                                                                       5,471.9
Less: Non-operating expense

                                                  深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
Including: Disposal loss of
non-current asset
III. Total Profit (Loss is listed
                                                           -9,100,247.37                        -997,302.06
with “-”)
Less: Income tax expense
IV. Net profit (Net loss is listed
                                                           -9,100,247.37                        -997,302.06
with “-”)
V. Earnings per share                                --                                 --
i. Basic earnings per share
ii. Diluted earnings per share
VI. Other consolidated income                                -109,986.25                          24,312.75
VII. Total comprehensive
                                                           -9,210,233.62                        -972,989.31
5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                Item                   Amount in this period                Amount in last period
I. Cash flows arising from
operating activities:
Cash received from selling
commodities and providing labor                           222,809,578                        179,556,003.78
     Net increase of customer
deposit and interbank deposit
     Net increase of loan from
central bank
Net increase of capital borrowed
from other financial institution
Cash received from original
insurance contract fee
     Net cash received from
reinsurance business
     Net increase of insured
savings and investment
     Net increase of disposal of
transaction financial asset
Cash received from interest,
commission         charge        and
     Net increase of capital
Net increase of returned business
Write-back of tax received
Other cash received concerning
                                                      31,584,888.13                           35,741,630.12
operating activities
  Subtotal of cash inflow arising
                                                    254,394,466.13                            215,297,633.9
from operating activities
Cash     paid     for   purchasing
commodities and receiving labor                     176,045,055.14                           142,171,643.22
Net increase of customer loans
and advances
     Net increase of deposits in
central bank and interbank
                                     深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
Cash paid for original insurance
contract compensation
     Cash paid for interest,
commission        charge       and
     Cash paid for bonus of
guarantee slip
Cash paid to/for staff and workers       26,612,534.85                          26,383,310.2
Taxes paid                               12,450,720.45                         10,016,897.45
Other cash paid concerning
                                         44,320,622.16                         29,949,108.99
operating activities
Subtotal of cash outflow arising
                                         259,428,932.6                       208,520,959.86
from operating activities
Net cash flows arising from
                                         -5,034,466.47                          6,776,674.04
operating activities
II. Cash flows arising from
investing activities:
Cash received from recovering
Cash received from investment
                                           3,653,625.5                             33,574.75
Net cash received from disposal
of fixed, intangible and other                  45,000
long-term assets
      Net cash received from
disposal of subsidiaries and other                   0                                    0
Other cash received concerning
investing activities
Subtotal of cash inflow from
                                           3,948,625.5                             33,574.75
investing activities
Cash paid for purchasing fixed,
intangible and other long-term            2,284,994.86                            914,244.41
Cash paid for investment                                                             600,000
Net increase of mortgaged loans
Net     cash      received   from
                                                     0                                    0
subsidiaries and other units
Other cash paid concerning
investing activities
Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                          2,484,994.86                          1,514,244.41
investing activities
Net cash flows arising from
                                          1,463,630.64                         -1,480,669.66
investing activities
III. Cash flows arising from
financing activities
Cash received from absorbing
Including: Cash received from
absorbing minority shareholders’
investment by subsidiaries
Cash received from loans                    22,000,000
Cash received from issuing bonds
Other cash received concerning
                                                     0                              28,201.1
financing activities
                                                深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
Subtotal of cash inflow from
                                                       22,660,000                              28,201.1
financing activities
Cash paid for settling debts                        31,329,251.67                            11,820,834
Cash paid for dividend and profit
                                                     3,890,087.71                          3,029,213.78
distributing or interest paying
Including: Dividend and profit of
minority shareholder paid by
Other cash paid concerning
                                                                  0                                    0
financing activities
Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                                    35,219,339.38                         14,850,047.78
financing activities
Net cash flows arising from
                                                   -12,559,339.38                        -14,821,846.68
financing activities
IV. Influence on cash and cash
equivalents due to fluctuation in                            -196.39                          -3,116.74
exchange rate
V. Net increase of cash and cash
                                                    -16,130,371.6                         -9,528,959.04
Add: Balance of cash and cash
                                                    55,926,573.46                         64,122,979.84
equivalents at the period -begin
VI. Balance of cash and cash
                                                    39,796,201.86                          54,594,020.8
equivalents at the period -end
6. Cash Flow Statement of parent company
                                                                                     Unit: RMB
               Item                  Amount in this period                Amount in last period
I. Cash flows arising from
operating activities:
Cash received from selling
commodities and providing labor                        233,640.00                            415,104.64
Write-back of tax received
Other cash received concerning
                                                    15,316,770.47                         10,856,234.00
operating activities
Subtotal of cash inflow arising
                                                    15,550,410.47                         11,271,338.64
from operating activities
Cash paid for purchasing
commodities and receiving labor
Cash paid to/for staff and workers                   5,821,300.83                          4,844,266.68
Taxes paid                                           1,190,195.08                          1,203,875.22
Other cash paid concerning
                                                     4,748,342.21                          1,486,797.86
operating activities
Subtotal of cash outflow arising
                                                    11,759,838.12                          7,534,939.76
from operating activities
Net cash flows arising from
                                                     3,790,572.35                          3,736,398.88
operating activities
II. Cash flows arising from
investing activities:
Cash received from recovering
Cash received from investment
                                                        48,625.50                             33,574.75
Net cash received from disposal
of fixed, intangible and other
long-term assets
                                                        深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
      Net cash received from
disposal of subsidiaries and other
Other cash received concerning
investing activities
Subtotal of cash inflow from
                                                                48,625.50                             33,574.75
investing activities
Cash paid for purchasing fixed,
intangible and other long-term                                  50,214.28                             33,862.00
Cash paid for investment
Net cash received from
subsidiaries and other units
Other cash paid concerning
investing activities
Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                                                50,214.28                             33,862.00
investing activities
Net cash flows arising from
                                                                 -1,588.78                              -287.25
investing activities
III. Cash flows arising from
financing activities
Cash received from absorbing
Cash received from loans
Cash received from bond offering
Other cash received concerning
financing activities
Subtotal of cash inflow from
                                                                      0.00                                   0.00
financing activities
Cash paid for settling debts                                 2,240,000.00                          2,240,000.00
Cash paid for dividend and profit
                                                             1,524,540.76                          1,370,541.23
distributing or interest paying
Other cash paid concerning
financing activities
Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                                             3,764,540.76                          3,610,541.23
financing activities
Net cash flows arising from
                                                            -3,764,540.76                         -3,610,541.23
financing activities
IV. Influence on cash and cash
equivalents due to fluctuation in                                    20.17
exchange rate
V. Net increase of cash and cash
                                                                24,462.98                            125,570.40
Add: Balance of cash and cash
                                                                64,442.86                            324,541.62
equivalents at the period -begin
VI. Balance of cash and cash
                                                                88,905.84                            450,112.02
equivalents at the period -end

7. Consolidated Statement on Changes of Owners' Equity
Amount in this period
                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                            Amount in this period
           Items                     Owners' equity attributable to the parent company Minority Total
                               Paid-u Capital Less: Reason Surplu Genera Retain Others ’s equity owners’
                                                        深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
                                  p     reserve Treasu able     s     l risk  ed                           equity
                                capital    s      ry reserve reserve provisi profit
                                (Share          Stock           s       on
I. Balance at the end of last 220,28 8,569,4                     2,952,                        24,015,7 201,381,
year                           1,600    51.8                    586.32                            52.51 652.02
Add:       Changes        of
accounting policy
Error correction of the last
II.   Balance      at     the 220,28 8,569,4                     2,952,                        24,015,7 201,381,
beginning of this year         1,600    51.8                    586.32                            52.51 652.02
III. Increase/ Decrease in               -109,9                                -8,637,         -823,192 -9,570,49
this year (Decrease is listed
with'"-")                                 86.25                                314.75                .47     3.47
                                                                               -8,637,         -1,483,1 -10,120,5
(i) Net profit
                                                                               314.75             92.47     07.22

(ii) Other consolidated                  -109,9                                                           -109,986.
income                                    86.25                                                                 25
                                         -109,9                                -8,637,         -1,483,1 -10,230,4
Subtotal of (i)and (ii)
                                          86.25                                314.75             92.47     93.47
(III) Owners' devoted and
                                     0       0      0       0        0     0        0      0 660,000 660,000
decreased capital
1. Owners' devoted capital                                                                     660,000 660,000
2. Amount calculated into
owners' equity paid in
3. Others
(IV)Profit distribution              0       0      0       0        0     0        0      0          0             0
1. Withdrawal of surplus
2. Withdrawal of general
risk provisions
3. Distribution for owners
4. Others
(V) Carrying forward
                                     0       0      0       0        0     0        0      0          0             0
internal owners' equity
1.     Capital     reserves
conversed to capital (share
2.     Surplus     reserves
conversed to capital (share
3. Remedying loss with
surplus reserve
                                                         深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

4. Others
(VI) Reasonable reserve
1. Withdrawal in this
2.   Usage in this period
(VII) Other
IV. Balance at the end of       220,28 8,459,4                   2,952,                       23,192,5 191,811,1
the report period                1,600 65.55                    586.32                           60.04     58.55
Amount in last period
                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                             Amount in last period
                                      Owners' equity attributable to the parent company
                                  p              Less:         Surplu Genera                          Total
            Items                       Capital        Reason                  Retain     Minority
                                capital         Treasu            s     l risk                       owners’
                                        reserve          able                   ed Others ’s equity equity
                                (Share            ry           reserve provisi
                                           s           reserve                 profit
                                capital         Stock             s       on
I. Balance at the end of last 220,28 8,635,8                     2,952,                       24,523,2 199,797,
year                           1,600 29.85                      586.32                           31.22 833.66
Add: retroactive
adjustment arising from
enterprise consolidation
under the same control
Add:       Changes        of
accounting policy
Error correction of the last
II.   Balance      at     the 220,28 8,635,8                     2,952,                       24,523,2 199,797,
beginning of this year         1,600 29.85                      586.32                           31.22 833.66
III. Increase/ Decrease in               -66,37                                 2,157,6      -507,478 1,583,81
this year (Decrease is listed
with'"-")                                  8.05                                   75.12            .71    8.36
                                                                                2,157,6      -907,478 1,250,19
(i) Net profit
                                                                                  75.12            .71    6.41

(ii) Other consolidated                  -66,37                                                        -66,378.0
income                                     8.05                                                                5
                                         -66,37                                 2,157,6      -907,478 1,183,81
Subtotal of (i)and (ii)
                                           8.05                                   75.12            .71    8.36
(III) Owners' devoted and
                                     0       0      0       0        0      0        0      0 400,000 400,000
decreased capital
1. Owners' devoted capital                                                                    400,000 400,000

                                                          深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
2. Amount calculated into
owners' equity paid in
3. Others
(IV)Profit distribution            0        0         0      0         0       0         0   0          0         0
1. Withdrawal of surplus
2. Withdrawal of general
risk provisions
3. Distribution for owners
4. Others
(V) Carrying forward
                                   0        0         0      0         0       0         0   0          0         0
internal owners' equity
1.     Capital     reserves
conversed to capital (share
2.     Surplus     reserves
conversed to capital (share
3. Remedying loss with
surplus reserve
4. Others
(VI) Reasonable reserve
1.Withdrawal in this period
2.Usage in this period
(VII) Other
IV. Balance at the end of     220,28 8,569,4                       2,952,                        24,015,7 201,381,
the report period              1,600    51.8                      586.32                            52.51 652.02
8. Statement on Changes of Owners' Equity of Parent Company
Amount in this period
                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                 Amount in this period
              Item                                  Less:                       General           Total
                               capital     Capital          Reasonab Surplus            Retained
                                                   Treasury                       risk           owners’
                               (Share     reserves          le reserve reserves          profit
                                                    Stock                       reserve           equity
I. Balance at the end of last 220,281, 5,376,02                             2,952,58             -102,619, 125,990,
year                              600      8.52                                 6.32                271.11 943.73
Add: Changes of accounting
Error correction of the last

II. Balance at the beginning 220,281, 5,376,02                              2,952,58             -102,619, 125,990,
of this year                     600      8.52                                  6.32                271.11 943.73
III. Increase/ Decrease in                -109,986.                                              -9,100,24 -9,210,23
                                                       深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
this year (Decrease is listed                    25                                              7.37         3.62
                                                                                             -9,100,24 -9,100,24
(i) Net profit
                                                                                                  7.37      7.37

(ii) Other consolidated                    -109,986.                                                    -109,986.
income                                           25                                                           25
                                           -109,986.                                         -9,100,24 -9,210,23
Subtotal of (i)and (ii)
                                                 25                                               7.37      3.62
(III) Owners' devoted and
                                       0          0       0          0         0         0          0           0
decreased capital
1. Owners' devoted capital
2. Amount calculated into
owners' equity paid in
3. Others
(IV) Profit distribution               0          0       0          0         0         0          0           0
1. Withdrawal of surplus
2. Withdrawal of general
risk reserve
3. Distribution for owners
4. Others
(V)      Carrying    forward
                                       0          0       0          0         0         0          0           0
internal owners' equity
1.       Capital     reserves
conversed to capital (share
2.      Surplus      reserves
conversed to capital (share
3. Remedying loss with
surplus reserves
4. Others
(VI) Reasonable reserve
1. Withdrawal in this
2.   Usage in this period
(VII) Other

IV. Balance at the end of the 220,281, 5,266,04                          2,952,58            -111,719, 116,780,7
report period                     600      2.27                              6.32              518.48      10.11
Amount in last year
                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                              Amount in last year
                                                     Less:                       General           Total
              Item              capital     Capital          Reasonab Surplus            Retained
                                                    Treasury                       risk           owners’
                                (Share     reserves          le reserve reserves          profit
                                                     Stock                       reserve           equity

                                                      深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

I. Balance at the end of last   220,281, 5,442,40                       2,952,58            -103,250, 125,425,
year                                600      6.57                           6.32              699.73 893.16
Add: Changes of accounting
Error correction of the last

II. Balance at the beginning 220,281, 5,442,40                          2,952,58            -103,250, 125,425,
of this year                     600      6.57                              6.32              699.73 893.16
III. Increase/ Decrease in                -66,378.0                                         631,428. 565,050.
this year (Decrease is listed
with'"-")                                         5                                              62       57
                                                                                            631,428. 631,428.
(i) Net profit
                                                                                                 62       62

(ii) Other consolidated                   -66,378.0                                                    -66,378.0
income                                            5                                                            5
                                          -66,378.0                                         631,428. 565,050.
Subtotal of (i)and (ii)
                                                  5                                              62       57
(III) Owners' devoted and
                                      0          0       0          0         0         0          0          0
decreased capital
1. Owners' devoted capital
2. Amount calculated into
owners' equity paid in shares
3. Others
(IV) Profit distribution              0          0       0          0         0         0          0          0
1. Withdrawal of surplus
3. Withdrawal of general
risk reserve
3. Distribution for owners
4. Others
(V) Carrying forward
                                      0          0       0          0         0         0          0          0
internal owners' equity
1.       Capital   reserves
conversed to capital (share
2.       Surplus   reserves
conversed to capital (share
3. Remedying loss with
surplus reserves
4. Others
(VI) Reasonable reserve
3. Withdrawal in this
4.   Usage in this period

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(VII) Other

IV. Balance at the end of the 220,281, 5,376,02                             2,952,58             -102,619, 125,990,
report period                     600      8.52                                 6.32                271.11 943.73
(III) Basic information
(I) Company Profiles
Shenzhen Tellus Machinery Co. Limited is a state-owned enterprise, established in Shenzhen in the
People’s Republic of China (the PRC) On 11 December 1992; the Shenzhen Municipal People’s
Government approved the reorganization of Shenzhen Tellus Machinery Co. Ltd. to become a public
limited company. Shenzhen Tellus Machinery Co. Ltd. was renamed Shenzhen Tellus Holding Company
Limited (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) on 30 June 1994, with approval by the Shenzhen
Administration for Industry and commerce. The company respectively obtained the approval certificates
“Shen Zhen Ban Fu (1993) No. 34” and “Shen Zhen Shi Zi (1993) No. 22”from the Shenzhen Stock
Management Office and Shenzhen Stock Exchange in June 1993.
On 31 March 1997, with the approval of Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government “Shen Fu Han (1997)
No.19” and China Security Regulatory Commission “Zhen Jian Han (1997) No.5”, Shenzhen Investment
Administrative Company transferred its 159,588,000 shares to Shenzhen Te Fa (Group) Company
Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as “the Te Fa Group”). The shares transferred represent
72.45% of the total issued shares of the Company. In order to circulate all the non-negotiable shares in the
A share market, the Te Fa Group, as the one and only shareholder of non-negotiable shares in the Company,
gave 13,717,440 shares to the holders of tradable shares of the company in the A share market(Per 10
tradable shares for 4 shares). The transferring was finished on 04 January 2006. After the split-share
reform was completed, The SDG holds 66.22% of the shares capital of the Company.
The Company has Business License for Legal Person Numbered 440301103017750.
(II) Industry, Business Scope, main products or service
The company and its subsidiaries provided automobile overall services, including automobile retailing,
inspection and maintenance, production of inspection equipment, property lease and property management
service, etc.
With the approval by Shenzhen Administration for Industry and Commerce, the Company’s business scope
includes investment (specific projects needs application); develop and operate the real estate business on
the land with usage rights; rental and management for the owned property; warehouse and transportation,
mechanical accessory processing, mechanical equipment installation, mainland commerce, goods and
materials business, (Government monopolistic goods and materials are not included.), import and export
business of internal production materials and accessories.
Import and export business complies with the approval certificate (Shen Mao Guan Zheng Zi No.098).
During the period reported, there was no change in the main operating business.
(IV) Accounting Policies, Accounting Estimates and Errors of previous term
1. Basis Preparation of the Financial Statements
The Company continues to operate as a going concern. These financial statements have been prepared on
an accrual basis, according to the actual transactions and events.
2. Statement of Compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
The financial statements of the Company for the semi-annual of 2012 are in conformity with the
requirements of the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises(2006) issued by Ministry of Finance
R.R.C, and present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position, the results of operations, the cash
flows and other relevant information of the Company.
The interim financial statements of the Company for 2012 complied both with the disclosure requirements
concerning financial statements and notes thereof of the Rule 15 of Preparation for Information Disclosure
of Company Issuing Securities Publically – General Rules for Financial Report (amended in 2010) and the
Rule 9 of Preparation for Information Disclosure of Company Issuing Securities Publically – Calculation
and Disclosure of Net Equity Return and Earnings per Share (amended in 2010).
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3. Fiscal period
The accounting year of the company is from 1 January to 31 December of the Gregorian calendar year.
4. Currency used in book-keeping
The Company’s reporting currency is the RMB Yuan.
Book-keeping currency for oversea subsidiary
5. Accounting treatment of the merging entities under common control and different control
(1) Merger of entities under common control
Both before and after the merger, the enterprises are under common control of sole party or several parties,
and the controlling power is by no means temporary, it is regarded as merger of enterprise under common
control. Assets and liabilities obtained by the merging party are calculated at their book value with the
merged parties at the merger day. The differences between the book value of net assets and the book value
of consideration price (or the total of face value of share issued) are adjusted to the share capital premium
under the capital reserves. If the share capital premium is not enough to neutralize the difference, it will be
adjusted to the retained gains.
Direct expenses occurred to the merging party including auditing expenses, assessment expenses; law
service expenses etc. for the merger are accounted into current gains and losses account when occurred.
The issued bonds for the merger or handling charge, commission etc. of the bearing of other debts are
accounted into the initial measured amount of issued bonds and other debts account. The handling charge,
commission etc. of issued equity securities for the merger, abated the income of equity securities premium.
If the premium income is not enough for abatement, it will be abated to the retained gains. The
consolidation day is the date when the controlling power over the merged parties is practically obtained by
the merging party.
(2) Merger of entities under different control
When the enterprises participated in the merger are not under controlling of the same party or group of
parties, either before or after the merger, the merger is regarded as merger of enterprises under different
control. The merger cost paid by buying party is the fair value of cash or non-cash assets, liability occurred
or undertaken, or equity instrument issued thereof, on the day of purchasing to obtain power of control
over the bought party, and those sum of expenses directly related to the merger. The difference between
non-cash assets and its book value will be accounted into current gains and losses account.
When the merger cost is greater than the share of fair value of recognizable net asset of the bought parties,
the balance is recognized as goodwill; when the merger cost is lower than the share of fair value of
recognizable net asset of the bought enterprise, revising will firstly be done on the merger cost and fair
value of each recognizable assets, liabilities, and contingent liabilities of the bought party, and if the
merger cost is still lower than the share of fair value of recognizable net asset of the bought enterprise, the
balance will be accounted into current gains and loss account.
As for the business combination not under common control, the agent fees arising from audit, legal
services and appraisal consultation and other related management expenses occurred by acquirer for such
combination shall be recognized in current gains and losses when occurred; the equity securities issued by
acquirer as combination consideration or transactional expenses for debt securities were included in the
initial recognization of equity securities or debt securities.
The purchasing day is the date when the controlling power over the bought parties is practically obtained
by the buying party. The buying party allocated the merger cost at the purchasing day for the confirmation
of various recognizable assets, liabilities or contingent liabilities obtained from bought parties.
Merger of business treated as the same method.

6. Preparing method of consolidated financial statements
(1) Preparing method of consolidated financial statements
The range of consolidated financial statement consisted of the Company and its subsidiaries. Controlling
power means the Company has the ability to decide the financial and operation issued of another firm and
can obtain profit from the firm’s business operation.

Subsidiaries added as merger of enterprises under common control, while preparing consolidated financial
statement, regarded as the merged subsidiaries that controlled by Company’s final controller at the
beginning of controlling. Therefore, the operation result from the beginning of controlling by final
controller of the Company demonstrated in the consolidated income statement and the comparison amount
in the consolidated financial statement shall be adjusted accordingly.

Subsidiaries added as merger of enterprises under different control, while preparing the current
                                                         深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
consolidated financial statement, adjusted subsidiary’s financial statement on the basis of various
recognizable assets and fair value of liabilities recognized at the day of purchasing. Their assets, liabilities
and operation results after the purchased day have been demonstrated in the consolidated financial
statement, and the initial amount and comparison amount of the consolidated financial statement will not
be adjusted.

Those minor shareholders’ equity and minor shareholders’ gains and losses in subsidiaries are
demonstrated respectively under the shareholders’ equity items in the consolidated balance sheet and net
profit items in the consolidated income statement.

If the current losses attributable to minority shareholders of subsidiaries exceeded their share of the
beginning owner’s equity in such subsidiary, the difference was used to offset the minority interests.

Concerning the different accounting periods or accounting policies of the subsidiaries, necessary
adjustment have been made to the financial statement of subsidiaries accord with the Company’s
accounting periods or accounting policies while consolidating the financial statement. Major trades of the
Company in merge have been neutralized when consolidated, internal realized profit and current balance

(2)Disclosure of related accounting method for buy-and-resell or sell-and-repurchase of equities in the
same subsidiary within two successive accounting years
7. Determination criteria of cash and cash equivalent
Cash refers to the inventory cash of the Company and the deposit available for payment anytime. Cash
equivalents represent short-term, highly liquid investments, which are readily convertible into known
amounts of cash and are subject to an insignificant risk of change in value.

8. Foreign currency business and the conversion of foreign currency statement
(1) Foreign currency transaction
The foreign currency transactions will be accounted to Renminbi that translated with the spot exchange
rate on the date of transaction occurred.
At the balance sheet day, monetary items in foreign currency translated to Renminbi at the instant
exchange rate of that day, the occurred exchange differences are accounted into current gains and losses,
except for the exchange difference of special foreign currency borrowing satisfying the conditions of
capitalization, which is capitalized and accounted into cost of related assts. Non-monetary items in
foreign currency and measured with historical costs are still measured at standard currency with exchange
rate of the day when the transaction is happened.
(2) Translation of foreign currency statement
Assets and liability items of overseas business operation in the balance sheet are translated at the spot
exchange rate of balance sheet date; shareholders’ equity except for retained profits is translated at the spot
exchange rate of the day when they happened. Income and expenses items of overseas business operation
in the income statement are translated at the spot exchange rate of the date when the trades happened. The
difference amount of foreign currency statement translation is demonstrated under shareholders’ equity
items in the balance sheet. The cash flow items of overseas business operation are translated on the spot
exchange rate of the day when the cash flow was happened. The influences of fluctuation of exchange rate
on cash will be demonstrated in the cash flow statement.
9. Financial instruments
(1) Classification of financial instruments
Classification of financial assets and financial liabilities
The initial Recognition of financial assets and financial liabilities are divided into the following s: the
financial assets or financial liabilities that measured at fair values and whose variations are included into
the current gains and losses; held-to-maturity investments; loans and accounts receivable; financial assets
available for sale and other financial liabilities.

(2) Recognition basis and measurement method for fianncial instruments
Recognition of financial assts and financial liabilities
The recognition of financial assets is the process of counted the items that meet the definition of financial
assets and the recognition condition of financial assets into balance sheet. And the recognition of financial
liabilities is the process of counted the items that meet the definition of financial liabilities and the
recognition condition of financial liabilities into balance sheet.
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Measurement of financial assets and financial liabilities
In initial recognition, the financial assets and financial liabilities are base on the fair value. Concerning the
financial assets or financial liabilities that measured at fair value and whose variations are included into the
current gains and losses, the relevant transaction expenses directly included in current gains and losses;
concerning the other types of financial assets or financial liabilities, the relevant transaction expenses
counted as the initial recognition amount.

The financial assets and financial liabilities shall be follow-up measured based on fair value excluding the
loans and account receivable, investment held-to-maturity and other financial liabilities. Other financial
liabilities shall be follow-up measured based on the effective-interest method by cost amortizing.

The gains and losses from the change of financial assets or financial liabilities measured by fair value and
with variations accounted into current gains and losses account shall be accounted into current gains and

The gains/losses arising from the fair value change of financial assets available for sale, except the
exchange difference arising from depreciation losses and foreign currency monetary financial assets,
directly accounted into capital reserves. Transfer the gains/losses while determined the financial assets
recognition, accounted into current gains/losses.

The exchange differences from salable foreign currency monetary financial assets shall accounted into
current gains/losses. The interest of salable financial assets calculated based on effective-interest method
shall accounted into current gains/losses. The cash dividend of salable investment of equity instrument
shall account into current gains/losses when the invested company declares to issuing the dividend.

Concerning the financial assets or financial liabilities calculated based on amortized cost, if there has
gains/losses from depreciation, amortizing or recognizing termination, then shall accounted into current
(3) Recognition basis and measurement method for transfer of fianncial assets
(4) Recognition condition for termination of financial liability
Termination of financial assets and financial liabilities
Terminated recognition of financial assets means written-off the financial assets from Company’s account
and balance sheet. When the contract of receiving financial assets’ cash flow have been terminated or the
financial assets have been transfer and meets the terminated recognition of requirements of Enterprise
Accounting Standard No23—Transfer of Financial Assets, the financial assets terminated recognized.

Terminated recognition of financial liabilities means written-off the financial liabilities from Company’s
account and balance sheet. Recognized a financial liabilities or partial financial liabilities terminated when
the financial liabilities is wholly or partially terminated.

(5) Deciding of fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities
 Deciding of fair value of financial assets and financial liabilities
(1) When there is an active market for the financial instrument, the value quoted at the active market is
adopted to determine the fair value;
(2) When there isn’t any active market, fair value will be recognized by evaluation techniques;
(3) Original obtained or derivative financial assets or undertaken financial liabilities, the fair value shall
base on the trading price in market.
(4) the financial instrument’s fair value determined by discount of future cash flows, use the discount rate
of market return of the materially same other financial instruments in contract clause or characteristic. If
the rate-listless short-term account receivable and the current value of account payable have small
difference to actual prices, measured based on the actual trading price.

(6) Impairment of financial assets (excluding account receivable)
Impairment of financial assets
Except for financial assets accounted at fair value and variation accounted into current gains and losses
account, the Company undertakes inspection on the book value of other financial assets at balance sheet
day, whenever particle evidence showing that impairment occurred with them, impairment provisions are

                                                                       深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
(1) Investment in possession till expiration
Upon objective evidence recognized for impairment losses at balance sheet day, the difference between
book value at period-end and current value of predicted future cash flow are recognized as impairment that
accounted into current gains/losses.

(2) Financial assets available for sale
On balance sheet date, the Company analysis the impairment of financial assets available for sale, if the
fair value of financial assets available for sale changes turns dramatically down to over 50% of the initial
cost, or the down situation was predicted non-temporary and last more than 12 months after fully
considering, than the difference between current value of predicted future cash flows and book value shall
accounted into impairment provision.

When there is impairment of financial assets available for sale, transfer the accumulative losses recognized
as losses and accounted in to impairment provision.

(7)As for reclassification of un-matured held-to-maturity investments into financial assets available
for sale, please explain the holding purposes or references for change of ability
10. Recognition standards and accrual method for bad debt provision for accounts receivable
(1) Bad debt provision for accounts receivable with single major amount
                                                                              The receivable accounts with large amount refers to the
                                                                              receivable accounts over RMB 10 million; the other
Determine basis or amount standards for single significant amount
                                                                              receivable accounts with large amount refers to the other
                                                                              receivable accounts over RMB 0.5 million.
                                                                              The Company performs impairment test separately on
                                                                              individual receivable accounts with large amount, if found
                                                                              particle evidence on impairment. Concerning the impairment
withdrawal method for account with single significant amount and              test of single major amount, if there has principal evidence
                                                                              showing impairment, recognized losses according to the
withdrawal single item bad debt provision                                     difference between current value of original actual discount
                                                                              rate lowers its book value with the predicts future cash
                                                                              flow(excluding the future credit loss) accounted into current

(2) Accounts whose bad debts provision was accrued by combination
                                            Methods on withdrawal of
             Combination                    bad debt provision based on                   Basis for combination recognized

                                        age analysis                      Basis of category for age according to credit risk combination
In combination, accounts whose bad debts provision was accrued by age analysis:
√ applicable □ non-applicable

             Account age                           Rate for receivables (%)                      Rate for other receivables (%)
Within 1 year (included)                                                         0%                                                        0%

1-2 years                                                                       5%                                                        5%

2-3 years                                                                     20%                                                     20%

Over 3 years                                                                   50%                                                     50%

3-4 years                                                                     50%                                                     50%

4-5 years                                                                     50%                                                     50%

Over 5 years                                                                   50%                                                     50%

In combination, withdrawal proportion of bad debt provision based on balance proportion:
                                                         深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
□applicable √non-applicable
In combination, withdrawal proportion of bad debt provision based on other methods:
□applicable √non-applicable
(3) Accounts with single significant amount and bad debts provision accrued individually
Reasons for withdrawal single item bad debt provision:
The receivable accounts with large amount refers to the receivable accounts over RMB 10 million; the
other receivable accounts with large amount refers to the other receivable accounts over RMB 0.5 million.
withdrawal method for bad debt provision:
On balance sheet day, as for accounts with single significant amount and bad debts provision accrued
individually, the Company recognized losses according to the difference between current value of original
actual discount rate lowers its book value with the predicts future cash flow(excluding the future credit loss)
accounted into current gains/losses
(1) Categorizing of inventory
Inventories are divided into raw materials, inventory products, consumption biological assets, products
and low-value consumable products etc.
(2) Calculation method of inventory
□ FIFO √ Weigthed Average □ Specific Identification □ Other
The various inventory’s purchase and storing calculated based on actual cost; Issuing inventories are
measures by weighted average method, low-value consumption and packages used the separated
amortizing method.
(3) Recognition basis of realizable net value of inventory and providing basis of inventory
impairment provision
Recognition of realizable net value of inventory that directly for selling including completed products,
commodity and sale-able materials, the amount of predicted sales prices less predicted sales expenses and
tax. Concerning the material inventories need for processing, the net realizable value is the amount of
predicted sales price less predicted cost at completion of construction, less predicted sales expenses and

The provisions of value decrease of inventories: on the balance sheet date, the provisions of value decrease
of inventories are recognized when the net reliable values of inventories are lower than its book values,
and are included in the current profits and losses. If the value of inventories is recovered in latter period,
the amount of write-down should be resumed and be reversed from the provisions of value decrease of
inventories that has been made. The reversed amount should be transferred to the current profits and losses.
While recognized the realizable net value of inventory, based on the value price that have been estimated
by reliable evidence obtained balance sheet date, considering the purpose of inventory, the fluctuation
between the date of balance sheet and the date of disclosure, if there has principal evidence showing new
or more evidence towards inventory at balance sheet date, counted as adjustment item; Otherwise, counted
as non-adjustment item.

(4) Inventory system

√Perpetual Inventory System □ Periodic Inventroy System □ Other
Inventory system is the perpetual inventory system.

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(5) Amortization of low-value consumables and wrappage

low-value consumables
Amortization Method: Divide second amortize method
Amortization Method: Divide second amortize method
12.Long-term equity investment
(1) Recognition of initial investment cost

Category of long-term equity investment

Long-term equity investments are: long-term equity investments on subsidiaries, long-term equity
investments on joint enterprises, long-term equity investments on associated enterprises, long-term equity
investments on enterprises with little control and influence which is not quoted in the principle market and
whose fair value cannot be reliably measured (hereinafter referred to as "other long-term equity

Recognition of initial investment cost for long-term equity investment

(1) Long-term equity investment formed by corporate merger

For the long-term equity investment formed by corporate merger, if it is the long-term equity investment
obtained from the corporate merger under the same control, the share of book value of owner’s equity on
the merger date shall be taken as the initial investment cost, the difference between the initial investment
cost of long-term equity investment and book value of compensatory payment rate shall be adjusted to the
share capital premium under the capital reserves; if the share capital premium is not enough to neutralize
the difference, it will be adjusted to the retained gains. Directed expenses from corporate merger will
accounted into current gains and losses account when it happened.

As for long-term equity investment in subsidiaries formed from business combination not under common
control, fair value of the assets provided, liabilities occurred or assumed and equity securities issued by
acquirer for exchange of control over the acquiree was recognized as the investment costs of the long-term
equity investment , and the agent fees arising from audit, legal services and appraisal consultation and
other related management expenses occurred by acquirer for such combination shall be recognized in
current gains and losses when occurred

(2) long-term investment obtained from other methods

The long-term equity investment obtained by cash payment shall take the actual amount of payment as
initial investment cost. The initial cost consists of the expenses directly relevant to the obtainment of the
long-term equity investment, taxes and other necessary expenses. But the cash dividends in purchase
payment, which is declared but not yet received, shall be included in a separate account receivable.

The long-term equity investment obtained from issuing the equity bonds shall taken the fair value of
issued equity bonds as initial investment cost. The initial cost of a long-term equity investment obtained by
issuing equity securities shall be recognized at the fair values of the issued equity securities.

The initial cost of a long-term equity investment of an investor shall be recognized at the contractual value,
except the contractual value is unfair.
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If a long-term investment is obtained by the exchange of non-monetary assets, the transaction possesses
commercial nature and the fair values of assets received or surrendered can be measured reliably, the
initial cost of the long-term equity investment shall be recognized at the fair values of assets surrendered
and the relevant expenses. The balance of fair values and the book values of assets received is included in
the current profits and losses.

If the long-term equity investment is obtained by liabilities restructuring, the initial cost of the long-term
equity investment shall be recognized by the fair values of equity. The balance of the initial cost of
long-term equity investment and book value of claim is included in the current profits and losses.

(2) Subsequent measurement and recognition of gains/losses

Subsequent measurement of a long-term equity investment

For a long term equity investment on the subsidiaries, the Company shall be accounted by the cost method
as prescribed by these Standards, and shall make an adjustment by the equity method when it works out
consolidated financial statements. The following long-term equity investments of the joint venture and
associated enterprises shall be measured by the equity method.

Recognition of gains/losses of long-term equity investment

The value of a long-term equity investment measured by the cost method shall be recognized at its initial
investment cost. The cash dividend or profit enjoyed by invested enterprise that have been announced by
investment enterprise shall be recognized as investment income, excluding the actual payment amount of
investment while obtaining the investment or the cash dividend or profit that have been announced but
have not distributed obtained in the consideration.

Long-term equity investment calculated based on equity method, recognized investment income as well as
adjusted the book value of long-term equity investment based on the fair value of recognizable assets of
invested enterprises while obtaining the investment. According to the distribution profit or cash dividends
that has been announced, calculating the receivable part, decreasing the book value of long-term equity
investment correspondingly. Concerning other owners’ equity changes of invested enterprises except the
net gains/losses, adjusted the book value of long-term equity investment and accounted into owners’

When disposing a long-term equity investment, the difference between its book value and the actual
purchase price shall be included in the current profits and losses. For the long-term equity investment
measured by the equity method, any variations other than the changes of net profits and losses of the
investee are included in the owner's equity. The amount of previous long-term equity investment included
in the owner's equity shall be transferred to the current profits and losses in a certain proportion.

(3) Basis of deciding the common control and major influence on the invested enterprise

1 )recognition of invested enterprise with common control
Common controlling means controlling the economic activities jointly according to the contract’s
regulations. All joint parties made out a investment contract or Agreement that concerning the significant
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finance and operation strategy-making, all joint parties consent the significant finance and operation
strategy-making for approving.

2)Basis of deciding the major influence

Major influence refers to the right of decision-making for an enterprise’s finance and operational strategy.
Therefore, it can not be controlled or controlled with other parties on these strategy making. Generally, if
the Company directly/indirectly holds over 20% but lower than 50% voting shares of the invested
enterprises though its subsidiaries, shall recognized as major influence on invested enterprises.

(4) Impairment test method and withdrwal method of impairment provision

Impairment testing is performed on the long-term equity investment at each balance sheet date. In case of
there is evidence in subsidiaries, joint venture and associated enterprises showing impairment has occurred,
the recoverable amount shall be assessed. If the recoverable amount is lower than the book value, the
impairment provision shall be provided and accounted into current gains and losses and impairment
provision of long-term equity investment. When impairment has occurred in other equity investment,
market return of similar financial assets towards the confirmed current value and the book value of
investment, their difference shall be recognized as impairment losses that accounted into current
gains/losses. Once the impairment loss of a long-term equity investment is recognized, it shall not be
written back in subsequent periods.
13. Investment real estate
1). Category of investment real estate
Investment real estate divided into rented land use rights, land use right which are held and prepared for
transfer after appreciation and the rented buildings.
2). Measurement of investment real estate
Investment real estate is measured according to the initial cost; the Company adopts the cost model to have
follow-up measurements of the investment real estate. In which the depreciation method and impairment
provision recognition of a building shares the same method with fixed assets’ calculation, the amortizing
method of land use right and impairment provision recognition shares the same method with intangible
assets’ calculation.

14. Fixed assets
(1)Recognition of fixed assets
1)the economic profit of fixed assets that probably inflow into the Company;
2)cost of this fixed assets can measured reliability.

(2) Basis of deciding the fixed assets from financing rental and its calculation

The financing rental fixed assets recognizable for the following one or more standards:
1)Ownership of the rental fixed assets has transfer to lessee at the expiry of renting.
2)The lessee has the option to purchase rental fixed assets, the decision purchase price predicted lower
than the fair value of rental fixed assets with option rights, therefore, at the begging of lease, reasonably
recognized that the lessee will use the option rights.
3) though the ownership are not transfer, the time of rental occupied most of the proportion of use life of a
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rental assets.
4) The minimum rental payment current value of the lessee at lease date almost equals to the fair value of
rental fixed assets at lease date; the minimum rental amount received current value of the lesser at lease
date equals to the fair value of rental fixed assets at lease date.
5) The rental fixed assets have specific natures, only the lessee can use without making greater changes.
At the beginning of leasing, takes the lower ones between fair values of rental fixed assets and minimum
rental payment amount as the accounting value for fixed assets rental, the minimum rental payment as the
accounting value of a long-term payable, their difference recognized as uncertain financing expenses. The
initial directly expenses attributable to rental fixed assets occurred in the leasing negotiation and in the
process of signing lease contract shall be accounted into value of rental fixed assts.
While calculating the current value of minimum rental payment, if the interest rate implicit in the lease of
the lesser available, the discount rate will be the interest rate implicit in the lease; otherwise, the discount
rate will be adopted by the lease contract that have been regulated. If unavailable for the interest rate
implicit in the lease and there is no rate regulated in lease contract, the discount rate will adopt the loan
rate from the bank at the same period. Uncertain financing expenses adopt the actual rate for amortizing in
every period of leasing.
The depreciation of rental fixed assets will share the same policy with self-owned depreciable fixed assets.
If the ownership of rental fixed assets can reasonable recognized, accruing the depreciation in the use life
of this rental fixed assets. Otherwise, take the shorter time between them for accruing depreciation.
Contingent rent accounted into current gains/losses when it happened actually.

(3) Depreciation of various fixed assets

Depreciations on fixed assets shall be accounted by using the method of average life length, the service
life of fixed assets, expected net residual value and the year depreciation rate are as follows:

            Categories                   Depreciation age(year)       Salvage value rate (%)      Annual depreciation ratio (%)

                                    35                            3                            2.77
Houses & buildings

                                    12                            3                            8.08
equipment and machinery

                                    7                             3                            13.86
electronic equipment

                                    7                             3                            13.86
transportation equipment

other equipments                    7                             3                            13.86

Fixed assts rent-in by financing:                  --                           --                             --

Including: Houses & buildings

equipment and machinery

electronic equipment

transportation equipment

other equipments

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(4) Impairment test on fixed asset and providing of impairment provision

Impairment testing is performed on fixed assets at each balance sheet day. When evidence showing that
impairment has occurred, the recoverable value shall be assessed. The recoverable value of an asset is
determined by the higher value between the net amounts of fair value of fixed assets minus disposal
expenses and the current value of predicted future cash flow of fixed assets. If the recoverable value of an
asset is lower than its book value, the balance shall be provided for impairment provision and accounted
into current income account. Once fixed asset impairment is recognized, it shall not be written back in
subsequent fiscal periods.

 (5) Other explanation

Subsequent expenditures of fixed assets

Subsequent expenditures of fixed assets refer to the expenditures and fitting fees in the process of renewal
during the use life of a fixed asset. If the subsequent expenditures of fixed assets comply with the
requirements of fixed assets, they should be accounted into cost of fixed assets, at the mean time deducted
the book value of the replaced part; if not comply with the requirement, accounted into current gains and

15. Construction-in-progress

(1) Classifiacation of construction in progress

The construction-in-progress divided into pre-construction preparation, engineering in progress, setting
engineering, technology reformed engineering and overhaul engineering etc. and the cost of construction in
process is determined at practical construction expenditures.

(2) Standards and time while construction in progress transfer to fixed assets

The construction will be transferred to fixed asset with relative expenses occurred as soon as the
construction reaches the useful status.

(3) Method of impairment testing and impairment provision for construction in progress

At the balance sheet date, as to construction in process which is long-term suspended and will not be
re-started in three years, its loss accounted into Construction-in-progress impairment losses shall be
calculated by the variance between the recoverable amount and the book value.
16. Borrowing expenses

(1) Recognition principle of capitalizing of borrowing expenses

The borrowing expenses shall include interests on borrowings, amortization of discounts or premiums on
borrowings, ancillary expenses, and exchange balance on foreign currency borrowings. Where the
borrowing expenses incurred to an enterprise can be directly attributable to the acquisition and
construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization, it shall be capitalized and recorded into the
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costs of relevant assets. Other borrowing expenses shall be recognized as expenses on the basis of the
actual amount incurred, and shall be recorded into the current profits and losses.
1.Conditions of capitalization
The borrowing costs shall not be capitalized unless they simultaneously meet the following requirements:
1) he asset disbursements have already incurred, which shall include the cash, transferred non-cash assets
or interest bearing debts paid for the acquisition and construction or production activities for preparing
assets eligible for capitalization;
2) The borrowing costs has already incurred; and
3) The acquisition and construction or production activities which are necessary to prepare the asset for its
intended use or sale have already started.

(2) Capitalization period


(3) Capitalize cost suspension

Where the acquisition and construction or production of a qualified fixed asset is interrupted abnormally
and the interruption period lasts for more than 3 months, the capitalization of the borrowing costs shall be
suspended. The borrowing costs incurred during such period shall be recognized as expenses, and shall be
recorded into the current profits and losses, till the acquisition and construction or production of the asset
restarts. If the interruption is a necessary step for making the qualified fixed asset under acquisition and
construction or production to be ready for the intended use or sale, the capitalization of the borrowing
costs shall continue.
(4) The calculation method of loan cost capitalization
the confirmation of capitalization amount
The loans for construction or production to meet the conditions of assets, the interest expense that actual
borrows currently minus the interest income which comes from the funds deposit in the bank or the
income comes from temporary investment.
The general borrowing for construction or production to meet the conditions of assets, the average of total
expenditures of assets and the borrowings which is exceeded by expenditures of assets and then multiply
by the capitalization rate which occupied by general borrowing. The amount of interest is capitalized by
the calculation of general borrowing. The capitalization rate is calculated and determined by the average
interest of general borrowing.

17. Biological assets


18. Oil/gas assets

19. intangible assets

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(1) Measurement of intangible assets

The intangible assets shall be initially measured according to its actual cost.
The cost of self-developed intangible assets shall include the total expenditures incurred during the period
from the time when it meets the provisions of certain standards to the time when the expected purposes of
use are realized.

(2) Service life estimation for intangible assets with limited service life

With regard to intangible assets with limited service life, its amortization amount shall be amortized within
its service life systematically and reasonably. If it is unable to determine the expected realization pattern
reliably, intangible assets shall be amortized by the straight-line method.

            Item                Service life expected                             Basis

(3) Determination basisi for intangible assets with uncertain service life

Intangible assets with uncertain service life may not be amortized.

(4) Withdrwal of impairment of intangible assets

Impairment tests should be conducted towards intangible assets and intangible assets reached no the useful
status with uncertain service life at the balance sheet day.
For intangible assets with limited life, at the balance sheet day, where any evidence shows that there is
possible assets impairment, the recoverable amount of the assets shall be estimated. If the recoverable
amount is lower than its carrying value, the carrying value of the asset shall be recorded down to the
recoverable amount, and the reduced amount shall be recognized as the losses of intangible asset
impairment and be recorded as the current profits and losses. Simultaneously, a provision for the asset
impairment shall be made accordingly.
Once any loss of asset impairment is recognized, it shall not be switched back in the future accounting

(5) Specific standards for classification of research stage and development for R&D projects in the


 (6) Calculation of expenditure for internal R&D projects


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20. Amortization method of long-term prepaid expenses

Determine a reasonable benefit period for Long-term prepaid expenses, and amortize it according to its
average benefit period. Concerning the Long-term prepaid expenses with undetermined reasonable benefit
period shall amortize it according to its average benefit period of no longer than 10 years.

21. Assets transfer with repurchase condition attached

22. Predicted debts

(1) Recognition standards for predicted debts

The obligation pertinent to contingencies shall be recognized as estimated debts when the following
conditions are satisfied simultaneously:
1) That obligation is a current obligation of the enterprise;
2) It is likely to cause any economic benefit to flow out of the enterprise as a result of performance of the
obligation; and
3) The amount of the obligation can be measured in a reliable way.

(2) Measurement method for predicted debts

The predicted debt use the optimum number needed in the current obligations of implement for initial
measurement. The discharge of predicted debts that needs wholly or partial predicts by the third party for
compensation, compensation amount considered as assets inclusively when recoverable basic confirmed.
The confirmed compensation amount should not exceed the book value of predicted debts.

If the obligation of a losses contract and undertaken reconstruction obligations meets the requirement of
the abovementioned conditions, recognized as predicted debts. Promise to selling partial business (namely
signed the agreement of restricting sales) shall be confirmed as reconstruction liability due to the

23. Shares payment and equity instrument


(1) Category of shares payment

(2) Recognition method for fair-value of equity instrument

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(3) Basis of best estimation for vesting equity instrument

(4) Relevant accounting treatment for implementation, amendment and termination of shaers
payment plan

24. Shares of the Company repurchased

25. Income

(1) Detail judgement standards for recognition of selling goods revenue

1. No revenue from selling goods may be recognized unless the following conditions are met
1.)The significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods have been transferred to the buyer by the

2) The enterprise retains neither continuous management right that usually keeps relation with the
ownership nor effective control over the sold goods;
3) The relevant amount of revenue can be measured in a reliable way;
4) The relevant economic benefits may flow into the enterprise; and
5) The relevant costs incurred or to be incurred can be measured in a reliable way.

(2) Recognition of revenue of assets using right abalienation

No revenue from abalienating of right to use assets may be recognized unless the relevant economic
benefits are likely to flow into the enterprise. The amount of interest revenue should be measured and
confirmed in accordance with the length of time for which the enterprise's cash is used by others and the
actual interest rate. The amount of royalty revenue should be measured and confirmed in accordance with
the period and method of charging as stipulated in the relevant contract or agreement.

(3) Recognition basis and method of constucion progress completion while recognize revenue from
labor service providing and from construction contract by percentage of completion method

If an enterprise can, on the date of the balance sheet, reliably estimate the outcome of a transaction
concerning the labor services it provides, it shall recognize the revenue from providing services employing
the percentage of-completion method.
The company adopted the method which applied the proportion of the costs incurred against the estimated
total costs to measure the work completed.
If an enterprise can not, on the date of the balance sheet, measure the result of a transaction concerning the
providing of labor services in a reliable way, it shall be conducted in accordance with the following
circumstances, respectively: a. If the cost of labor services incurred is expected to be compensated, the
revenue from the providing of labor services shall be recognized in accordance with the amount of the cost
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of labor services incurred, and the cost of labor services shall be carried forward at the same amount; or b.
If the cost of labor services incurred is not expected to compensate, the cost incurred should be included in
the current profits and losses, and no revenue from the providing of labor services may be recognized.
26. Government Subsidies

(1) Category

A government subsidy means the monetary or non-monetary assets obtained free by an enterprise from the
government, but excluding the capital invested by the government as the owner of the enterprise.
Government subsidies consist of the government subsidies pertinent to assets and government subsidies
pertinent to income.

(2) Accounting treatment

Asset-related government subsidies are recognized as deferred income and accounted into the successive
period’s non-operating income account since the relative assets reached the predicted useful status. The
relative assets have been sell-out, transfer, condemned or damaged before the useful life expire, the
un-neutralized balance of deferred income shall be accounted into non-operating income of current assets
The government subsidies pertinent to incomes, which are used for compensating the related future
expenses or losses of the enterprise shall be recognized as deferred income and shall included in the
current non-operating income during the period when the relevant expenses are recognized while which
are used for compensating the related expenses or losses incurred to the enterprise shall be directly
included in the current non-operating income.
27. Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities

(1) Recognition basisi for deferred income tax assets

Where there is any difference (temporary) between the carrying amount of an asset or liability and its tax
base, it shall be recognized as a deferred income tax liability or deferred income tax asset according to the
present Standards. At the balance sheet date, the deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax
liabilities shall be measured at the tax rate applicable to the period during which the assets are expected to
be recovered or the liabilities are expected to be settled
As for any deductible loss or tax deduction that can be carried forward to the next year, the corresponding
deferred income tax assets shall be determined to the extent that the amount of future taxable income to be
offset by the deductible loss or tax deduction to be likely obtained.

For those deductible provisional differences related to investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and
affiliated enterprises, if these provisional differences may be written back in an expectable future and may
obtained taxable income used to deduct provisional differences in future possibly, are recognized as
relative deferred income tax assets.
Those tax deductions which can be used to deduct losses and can be carried on to future years, to the
extend of the amount of taxable income used to deduct the deducible losses and deductible tax which can
possibly be obtained, are recognized as corresponding deferred income tax assets.

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(2) Recognition basisi for deferred income tax liability

Where there is any difference (temporary) between the carrying amount of an asset or liability and its tax
base, it shall be recognized as a deferred income tax liability or deferred income tax asset according to the
present Standards. At the balance sheet date, the deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax
liabilities shall be measured at the tax rate applicable to the period during which the assets are expected to
be recovered or the liabilities are expected to be settled
For those taxable provisional differences related to investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and affiliated
enterprises, if the Company is able to control the writing back time of the provisional differences, and
these provisional differences may neither be written back in an expectable future, are not recognized as
relative deferred income tax liabilities.

28. Operation leasing, financing leasing

 (1) Accounting treatment of operation leasing


(2) Accounting treatment of financing leasing


 29. Assets held for sales

 (1) Recognition of assets held for sales


(2) Accounting treatment of assets held for sales


30. Assets securitization


31. Hedge accounting

32. Changes of major accounting policies and accounting estimation

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Whether there have changes of major accounting policies and accounting estimation in report period or not

□ Yes √ No

 (1) Changes in accounting policies

Whether has changes in accounting policies in report period
□ Yes √ No

 (2) Changes in accounting estimates

Whether has changes in accounting estimates in report period

□ Yes √ No

33. Error correction of previous accounting

Whether has error correction of previous accounting occurred in this period
□ Yes √ No

 (1) Retrospective Restatement

Is there has errors of previsou accounting adopt retrospective restatement in this period
□ Yes √ No

 (2) Prospective Application

Is there has errors of previsou accounting adopt retrospective restatement in this period
□ Yes √ No

34. Other major accounting policy, accounting estimation and preparation method for financial


 (V) Taxations

      1. The types of tax applicable to the Company, and their tax rates

                    Type                                  Tax base                           Rate
                                           Sales volume of commodity sales; labor
VAT                                                                                 17
                                           service providing

Consumption tax

Operation tax                              Operation turnover                       5

City maintaining & construction tax        Taxable turnover                         7
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Corporation income tax                          Taxable income                            25

Education surcharge                             Taxable turnover                          3

Local education surcharge                       Taxable turnover                          2

The income tax rates applicable to each branch company or plant
Except for Shenzhen Dongchang Yongtong Motor Vehicles Inspection Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen New Yongtong Dongxiao
Motor Inspection Co., Ltd. which were applicable to ratified tax rates, the Company and its subsidiaries were subject to the
income tax rate of 25% in 2012.

2. Tax preference and approvals


3. other explanation


(VI) Enterprise consolidation and consolidated financial statements

General explanation for enterprise consolidation and consolidated financial statement:
1. Subsidiary

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(1) Subsidiary obtained by establishment or investment

                                                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                                                      The balance
                                                                                                                                                                        after the
                                                                                                                                                                        down the
                                                                                                                                                                        excess of
                                                                                                                                                          Amount in
                                                                                                                                                                       the current
                                                                                                        Balance of                                         minority
                                                                                                        other items                                        interest
                                                                                                                             Voting Statements                         undertaken
                                                                                           Investment materially Holding                       Minority    used for
                         Registration    Business    Registered                                                               right   combined                        by minority
   Name         Type                                              Currency Business scope amount actual forming proportion                     interest     writing
                            place         nature      capital                                                              proportion or not                          shareholders
                                                                                          at period-end     net     (%)                                     down
                                                                                                                               (%)                                        of the
                                                                                                        investment                                         minority
                                                                                                            to                                             gain and
                                                                                                                                                                         over the
                                                                                                        subsidiary                                           loss
                                                                                                                                                                       enjoyed by
                                                                                                                                                                          in the
                                                                                                                                                                      equity of the
Xinyongtong                                                                Inspection and
Automobile Wholly-owned                 Service
                          Shenzhen                  32,900,000.00 CNY      maintenance of 57,670,000.00     0.00     100%      100% Yes
Development subsidiary                  industry
Co. Ltd                                                                    auto vehicle
Shenzhen SD
             Wholly-owned               Service
Tellus                    Shenzhen                  7,050,000.00 CNY       Property         5,020,000.00    0.00     100%      100% Yes
             subsidiary                 industry

                                                                                                                        深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

Management                                                               management
Co. Ltd
(The Tellus
Shenzhen SD
Tellus Real
Estate     Co. Wholly-owned
                              Shenzhen   Manufacture 31,150,000.00 CNY   and operation    31,150,000.00   0.00   100%     100% Yes
Ltd            subsidiary
                                                                         of real estate
(The Real
Tellus Real
Estate                                                                   Agency of real
               Wholly-owned              Service
Exchange Co.                  Shenzhen               2,000,000.00 CNY    estate            2,000,000.00   0.00   100%     100% Yes
               subsidiary                industry
Ltd                                                                      exchange
Xinyongtong                                                              Production of
Inspection     Controlling               Service                         inspection
                              Shenzhen              19,610,000.00 CNY                     10,000,000.00   0.00   51%       51% Yes        4,226,397.45     0.00       0.00
Equipment      subsidiary                industry                        equipment for
Co. Ltd
(The                                                                     auto vehicles
Yong Tong
               Controlling               Service                         Inspection of
Vehicle                       Shenzhen               1,500,000.00 CNY                      1,430,000.00   0.00   95%       95% Yes        -162,313.46      0.00       0.00
               subsidiary                industry                        auto vehicle
                                                                         inspection on
Auto           Controlling               Service
                              Shenzhen               1,500,000.00 CNY    road           1,430,000.00      0.00   95%       95% Yes          -51,292.62     0.00       0.00
Inspection     subsidiary                industry
Inspection) *

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              Wholly-owned                                                  commerce and
Industrial                 Shenzhen       Commerce       2,000,000.00 CNY                    1,500,000.00   0.00   100%     100% Yes
              subsidiary                                                    material
Co., Ltd
                                                                            supply& sales
SDG Tellus
Real Estate                                                                 Development
Huizhou                    Huizhou        Manufacture 4,000,000.00 CNY      and operation    3,090,000.00   0.00   100%     100% Yes
Company                                                                     of real estate
Company) *
Other explanation on subsidiary obtained by establishment or investment:

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 (2) Subsidiaries acquired by business combination under the common control

                                                                                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                                                                           between the
                                                                                                                                                                                             in parent
                                                                                                                                                                                          offsetting the
                                                                                                                                                                              Amount      current losses
                                                                                                           Balance of                                                                     attributable to
                                                                                                          other items                                                                        minority
                                                                                                             which                                                                         sharehoders
                                                                                            Actual                                                                             interest
                                                                                                            actually                           Consolidated                                      of
   Name of       Type of     Registered Business   Registered                             investment                     Holding      Voting                    Minority      available
                                                                Currency Business scope                   consititutes                          statement                                  subsidiaries
  subsidiary    subsidiary     place     nature     capital                                amount at                   proportion% proportion%                  interests     to offset
                                                                                                              net                                Yes/No                                   over the share
                                                                                          period-end                                                                          minority
                                                                                                          investment                                                                       of beginning
                                                                                                               in                                                                             owner’s
                                                                                                          subsidairies                                                                    euiqty in such
                                                                                                                                                                                               by the

Industry and
Trading                                                                 Automobile and
              Wholly-owned          Business
Company                    Shenzhen          58,960,000.00 CNY          accessories    126,250,000.00                       100%       100% Yes
              subsidiary            industry
(The                                                                    selling
 and Trading)
Shenzhen SD
Huari                                                                   Automobile
Automobile Holding                                                      maintenance &
EnterpriseCo. subsidiary     Shenzhen              5,000,000.00 USD     production and    19,220,000.00                      60%         60% Yes              18,568,455.66
                                                                        sales of
Limited                                                                 accessor
(The Hua Ri )

                                                                                                                                   深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

Industry Co. Wholly-owned          Service
                          Shenzhen                   7,250,000.00 CNY     propertyLeasing 10,700,000.00                  100%      100% Yes
Ltd          subsidiary            industry
Huari Toyota
Automobile Holding                        Business                        Automobile
                               Shenzhen            2,000,000.00 CNY                             1,810,000.00              60%        60% Yes               -387,375.53
Co. Ltd      subsidiary                   industry                        selling
(The Huari
Huari Anxin
Inspection Ltd Holding                    Service                         Automobile
                               Shenzhen              1,500,000.00 CNY                           1,500,000.00              60%        60% Yes
in Shenzhen subsidiary                    industry                        inspection
                                                                          Motor vehicles
               Wholly-owned          Service                              and parts,
Supply                      Shenzhen          11,110,000.00 CNY                                 6,480,000.00             100%      100% Yes
               subsidiary            industry                             chemicals,
GuangxiTellus                                                             Motor vehicles
 Automobile Holding                       Service                         and parts,
                               Hezhou                5,000,000.00 CNY                            600,000.00               60%        60% Yes               998,688.54
 Service Co., subsidiary                  industry                        inspection and
 Ltd. *                                                                   leasing
Other explanation for subsidiaries acquired by business combination under the common control:

(3) Subsidiaries acquired by business combination not under the common control

                                                                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                                                                  Actual    Balance of                        Consolidated                  Amount in    Balance between the
   Name of         Type of      Registered Business    Registered   Business                              Holding     Voting                   Minority
  subsidiary      subsidiary      place     nature      capital      scope      investment other items proportion% proportion% statement       interests     minority     owners’equity in
                                                                                 amount at which actually                       Yes/No                       interest    parent offsetting the

                                                                                                               深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

                                                                                period-end     consititutes                        available to      current losses
                                                                                             net investment                           offset         attributable to
                                                                                             in subsidairies                        minority     minority sharehoders
                                                                                                                                    gains and     of subsidiaries over
                                                                                                                                     losses     the share of beginning
                                                                                                                                                owner’s euiqty in such
                                                                                                                                                  subsidiaries by the
                                                                                                                                                minority shareholders

Other explanation for subsidiaries acquired by business combination not under the common control:

                                                            深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
2. Special purposes entity or operation entity where controlling right is formed under entrusted
operation or leasing
□ Applicable √ Non-applicable

Other explanation for special purposes entity or operation entity where controlling right is formed
under entrusted operation or leasing:

3. Explanation for changes in consolidation scope
Explanation for changes in consolidation scope:

□ Applicable √ Non-applicable

4. Entities newly included in consolidate scope during the reporting period and entities ceasing to be
included in consolidate scope during the reporting period
Subsidiaries, special purposes entities, operation entity where controlling right is formed under
entrusted operation or leasing newly included in consolidation scope during the period
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                       Name                               Net assets as at period-end               Net profit for the period

Subsidiaries, special purposes entities, operation entity where controlling right is formed under
entrusted operation or leasing ceasing to be included in consolidation scope during the period
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                                               Net profit from the year-begin to
                       Name                            Net assets as at the disposal date
                                                                                                       the disposal date

Other explanation on entities newly included in consolidation scope and entities ceasing to be
included in consolidation scope:

5. Business combination under the common control during the reporting period
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                               Basis for                            Consolidated                                 Consolidated
                                                                                          Consolidated net
                           determination of  Actual controller     income for the                             operating activities
                                                                                          profit from this
Party to be consolidated       business     under the common      period from the                             cash flow from this
                                                                                             period to
                          combination under      control          period-begin to                                  period to
                                                                                         consolidation date
                         the common control                      consolidation date                           consolidation date

Other explanation for business combination under the common control:

6. Business combination not under the common control during the reporting period
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
     Party to be consolidated               Amount of goodwill                          Calculation method for goodwill

Other explanation for business combination not under the common control:

7. Loss of subsidiaries due to disposal of equity interests without controlling rights during the
                                                                    深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
reporting period
                       Subsidiary                                    Disposal date              Recognition method for gains and losses

Other explanation for loss of subsidiaries due to disposal of equity interests without controlling rights

8. Counter purchase occurred during the reporting period
                                                                                                              Calculation method for
                                                                                                              goodwill recognized in
                                     Basis for determination of         Determination method for            consolidation or recorded in
                                         counter purchase                  consolidated costs                 current gains and losses

Other explanation for counter purchase:

9. Absorption consolidation occurred during the reporting period
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
         Types of absorption consolidation                  Major assets consolidated                   Major liabilities consolidated
        Absorption consolidation under
                                                            Item                Amount                    Item               Amount
              common control

   Absorption consolidation not under
                                                            Item                Amount                    Item               Amount
            common control

Other explanation for absorption consolidation:

10. Translation exchange rates for items in major statements of overseas operating entities

(VII) Notes to major items in consolidated financial statements
1. Monetary capital
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                             Amount at period-end                               Amount at period-beginning
            Item                                    Exchan                              Original         Exchange
                              Original currency             RMB conversion                                             RMB conversion
                                                    ge rate                             currency           rate
Cash:                                  --              --             208,811.76           --                --                 246,498.05
RMB                                    --              --             162,267.18           --                --                 194,395.63
HKD                                         25,099.2 0.8151             20,458.46         29,172.55          0.8107              23,650.19
USD                                           1,433 6.3249               9,063.58               1,433        6.3009               9,029.19
JPY                                         213,851 0.0796              17,022.54        239,494.94           0.0811             19,423.04
Bank deposits:                         --              --           38,771,239.85          --                --             55,679,936.81
RMB                                    --              --           38,771,239.85          --                --             55,679,936.81

Other monetary capital:                --              --             816,150.25           --                --                       138.6
RMB                                    --              --             816,150.25           --                --                       138.6

Total                                  --              --           39,796,201.86          --                --             55,926,573.46
Separate explanation is required for accounts with restricted application purposes, deposited overseas
and of potential recovery risks arising from pledge, mortgage or frozen:

                                                                     深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

2. Transactional financial assets
(1) Transactional financial assets
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                              Item                                   Fair value as at period-end           Fair value as at period-begin
Transactional debt investments
Transactional equity instrument investments
Financial assets designated at fair value through profit
and losses
Derivative financial assets
Hedge instruments
Total                                                                                                0                                     0

(2) realization of restricted transactional financial assets

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                           Other significant restrictions on restriction
                      Item                                                                                      Amount as at period-end
                                                               conditions for sale or realization

(3) Explanation for hedge instruments and related hedge transactions


3. Notes receivables

(1) Classification of notes receivables

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                         Types                                     Amount at period-end                    Amount at period-begin

Total                                                                                            0                                         0

(2) Notes receivables pledged at period-end

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
          Issuer                     Issue date                 Expiring date                  Amount                      Notes

Total                                    --                           --                                       0             --

(3)Transfer of notes to notes receivable due to the issuer’s impossibility to perform its obligations,
and unmatured notes endorsed to others by the Company as at the period-end
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
          Issuer                     Issue date                 Expiring date                  Amount                      Notes

Total                                    --                           --                                       0             --
                                                                     深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

Unmatured notes endorsed to others by the Company
                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
          Issuer                    Issue date                  Expiring date                      Amount                         Notes

Total                                   --                            --                                            0               --

Explanation for commercial acceptance notes discounted or pledged:

4. Dividend receivables
                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
             Items            Amount at period-begin       Increase in this period          Decrease in this period        Amount at period-end
Dividend receivables
                                                      0                                 0                             0                           0
aging within 1 year

Dividend receivables
                                                      0                                 0                             0                           0
aging over 1 year
Including:                              --                            --                              --                            --

Total                                                 0                                 0                             0                           0

5. Interests receivables
(1) Interests receivables
                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
          Items              Amount at period-begin       Increase in this period       Decrease in this period           Amount at period-end

          Total                                   0                                 0                           0                                 0

(2)Overdue interests

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                Loan provider                               Times overdue (days)                                  Overdue interests

                     Total                                            --                                                                          0

(3)Explanation for interests receivables

6. Account receivables

                                                                        深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
(1) classified by categories

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                           Amount at period-end                                        Amount at period-begin
                                   Book balance               Bad debt reserve              Book balance                    Bad debt reserve
                                          Proportion(                    Proportion(        Proportion(                              Proportion(%
                              Amount                         Amount                  Amount                             Amount
                                              %)                             %)                 %)                                        )
Account receivable with
single significant amount   20,131,654.                    20,131,654.                  20,131,65                     20,131,654.1
                                             40.59%                            100%                     40.86%                                   100%
and withdrawal bad debt             12                             12                        4.12                                2
provision separately
Account receivable of bad debt provision withdrawal by combination(Age)
                            12,041,470.                                                 11,708,52
At book aging                                24.28% 4,782,298.6               39.72%                    23.77%         4,782,298.6          40.84%
                                    22                                                       3.54
                            12,041,470.                                                 11,708,52
Subtotal of group                            24.28% 4,782,298.6               39.72%                    23.77%         4,782,298.6          40.84%
                                    22                                                       3.54
Account receivable with
single minor amount but     17,424,882.                    17,424,882.                  17,424,88                     17,424,882.5
                                             35.13%                            100%                     35.37%                                   100%
withdrawal bad debt                 53                             53                        2.53                                3
provision singelly
                            49,598,006.                    42,338,835.                  49,265,06                     42,338,835.2
Total                                         --                              --                         --                                 --
                                    87                             25                        0.19                                5
Explanation for category of account receivables:

Account receivable with single significant amount and withdrawal bad debt provision separately
√ Applicable □ Non-applicable
                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
     Contents of account receivables           Book balance              Bad debt provision       Provision proportion Reason for provision
Account for cooperation development                                                                                        Recovery is subject
with Shenzhen Jinlu Industry and Trade                     9,846,607                 9,846,607                        100% to significant
Company                                                                                                                    uncertainty
                                                                                                                           Expected to be
Goods payment of Guangdong Zhanjiang
                                                         4,060,329.44              4,060,329.44                       100% unable to recover due
  Samsung Automobile Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                           to long aging
Land premium of Huizhou Jiandacheng                                                                                          Unlikely to be
                                                          2,021,657.7               2,021,657.7                       100%
 Daoqiao Engineering Company                                                                                                 recoverable
                                                                                                                           Expected to be
Goods payment of Jiangling Automibole
                                                         1,191,059.98              1,191,059.98                       100% unable to recover due
                                                                                                                           to long aging
                                                                                                                           Expected to be
Goods payment of Guangdong Materials
                                                           1,862,000                 1,862,000                        100% unable to recover due
                                                                                                                           to long aging
                                                                                                                           Expected to be
Goods payment of Yangjiang Automobile
                                                           1,150,000                 1,150,000                        100% unable to recover due
Trading Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                           to long aging
                    Total                               20,131,654.12          20,131,654.12                  --
Account receivable provided for bad debt reserve under aging analysis method in the groups:
√ Applicable □ Non-applicable
                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                       Amount at period-end                                            Amount at period-begin
                              Book balance                                                        Book balance
                                            Proportion         bad debt reserve                                    Proportion   bad debt reserve
                            Amount                                                           Amount
                                               (%)                                                                    (%)
within 1 year
Including:                    --                   --                    --                       --                   --              --

                                                                  深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
Subtotal of within
                              785,995.04         6.53%                          0         1,096,064.27          9.36%                      0
1 year
1-2 years                    1,112,185.47        9.24%                  28,513.87           578,077.36          4.94%              28,513.87
2-3 years                     791,856.25         6.58%               163,384.83             816,924.15          6.98%             163,384.83
Over 3 years                9,351,433.46        77.65%              4,590,399.9           9,217,457.76        78.72%              4,590,399.9
3-4 years
4-5 years
Over 5 years
Total                      12,041,470.22         --                 4,782,298.6          11,708,523.54        --                  4,782,298.6
Account receivables provided for bad debt reserve under balance percentage method in the groups:
□Applicable√ Non-applicable
Account receivables provided for bad debt reserve under other method in the groups:
□Applicable√ Non-applicable

Account receivable with single minor amount but withdrawal bad debt provision separately as at period-end
√ Applicable □ Non-applicable
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
   Contents of account
                                Book balance              Bad debt provision           Provision proportion         Reason for provision
                                                                                                                  Expected to be unable to
Rents of Da Dong Co.,                    801,380.16                     801,380.16                       100%
                                                                                                                  recover due to long aging
Goods payment of                                                                                                  Expected to be unable to
                                              695,848                     695,848                        100%
Qinling Auto Co.,                                                                                                 recover due to long aging
Goods payment of
                                                                                                                  Expected to be unable to
Shanghai Auto Industrial                    641,341.9                    641,341.9                       100%
                                                                                                                  recover due to long aging
Marketing Co.,
Goods payment of China
                                                                                                                  Expected to be unable to
Auto Trading Guangzhou                        558,000                     558,000                        100%
                                                                                                                  recover due to long aging
Goods payment of
                                                                                                                  Expected to be unable to
Guangdong Materials                           395,400                     395,400                        100%
                                                                                                                  recover due to long aging
Group Auto Trading Co.,
Goods payment of                                                                                                  Expected to be unable to
                                              389,640                     389,640                        100%
Yunnan Lanjian Plant                                                                                              recover due to long aging
Goods payment of
                                                                                                                  Expected to be unable to
Guangdong Materials                           387,000                     387,000                        100%
                                                                                                                  recover due to long aging
Trading Center
                                                                                                                  Expected to be unable to
Other units                           13,556,272.47               13,556,272.47                          100%
                                                                                                                  recover due to long aging
            Total                     17,424,882.53               17,424,882.53                          100%                --

(2) Reversal or recovery of account receivables during ther reporting period

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                                      Accumulated provision
                                                         Basis for determination
     Contents of account       Reason for reversal of                                  of bad debt reserve          Amounts reversed or
                                                          of original bad debt
        receivables                 recovery                                            before reversal or             recovered

              Total                      --                        --                                         0              --

Provision for bad debt reserve for account receivable with single significant or minor amount but tested for impairment
separately as at period-end:

   Contents of account
                                Book balance               Bad debt amount           Provision proportion (%)             Reasons

                                                                  深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

          Total                                                                               --                            --

Explanation for account receivable with single minor amount while the risks of the group categorized with similar risk
characteristics are relative significant:

(3) Account receivables actually written-off during the reporting period

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                       Whether arising
                        Nature of account
    Name of unit                              Time of write-off     Amount written off Reason for write-off             from related

        Total                   --                    --                               0               --                        --
Explanation for write-off of account receivables:

(4) Account receivables due from the shareholders holding 5% or above voting shares of the
Company during the reporting period

□Applicable √Non-applicable

(5) Top 5 account receivable

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                             Relationship with the                                                                  Proportion in total
  Name of the company                                         Amount                        Terms
                                   Company                                                                       account receivables (%)
Shenzhen Jinlu Industry External
                                                                     9,846,607 Over 5 years                                            19.85%
and Trading Co., Ltd.
GD Zhanjiang Three         External
Stars Automobile                                                   4,060,329.44 Over 5 years                                               8.19%
Holdings Co., Ltd.
Huizhou Jiandacheng        External
Daoqiao Engineering                                                 2,021,657.7 Over 5 years                                               4.08%
Guangdong Materials        External
                                                                     1,862,000 Over 5 years                                                3.75%
Jiang Ling Auto            External
                                                                   1,191,059.98 Over 5 years                                                2.4%
          Total                        --                         18,981,654.12               --                                       38.27%

(6) Account receivables due from related parties

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                                                                            Proportion in total account
    Name of the company         Relationship with the Company                 Amount
                                                                                                                 receivables (%)
Shenzhen New Yongtong Auto
                           Associated company                                               927,602                                        1.87%
Service Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen New Yongtong
Dongxiao Auto Service Co.,      Associated company                                          680,400                                        1.37%
             Total                             --                                          1,608,002                                       3.24%

                                                                  深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
(7) Account receivables derecognized

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                    Item                            De-recognition amount                  Gains or losses related to derecognition

                    Total                                                           0                                                     0

(8) As for securities with account receivables as target subject, list the assets and liabilities airsing
 from further involvement

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
Item                                                                                      Period-end

Assets subtotal                                                                                                                           0

Liabilities subtotal                                                                                                                      0

7. Other receivables

(1) Disclosure of other receivables by classificatoin

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                           Amount at period-end                                  Amount at period-begin
                                Book balance             Bad debt reserve               Book balance                Bad debt reserve
                                           Proportio                  Proportio                  Proportion(                     Proportio
                             Amount                     Amount                     Amount                          Amount
                                             n(%)                       n(%)                         %)                            n(%)
Other receivable with
single significant amount 36,437,380.7                 36,437,380.7               36,437,380.7
                                              49.5%                      100%                       61.34% 36,437,380.71            100%
and withdrawal bad debt              1                            1                          1
provision separately
Other receivable of bad debt provision withdrawal by combination(Age)
                            31,097,535.2                                          16,893,445.3
                  By age                     42.25% 5,850,021.85        18.81%                      28.44%        5,850,021.85    34.63%
                                       1                                                     7
                            31,097,535.2                                          16,893,445.3
Subtotal of group                            42.25% 5,850,021.85        18.81%                      28.44%        5,850,021.85    34.63%
                                       1                                                     7
Other receivable with
single minor amount
                          6,076,219.82        8.25% 6,076,219.82         100% 6,076,219.82          10.22%        6,076,219.82      100%
wihle withdrawal bad
debt provision separately
                            73,611,135.7               48,363,622.3
Total                                          --                        --       59,407,045.9       --          48,363,622.38      --
                                       4                          8
Explanation for category of other receivables:

Other receivable with single significant amount and withdrawal bad debt provision separately
√ Applicable □ Non-applicable
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
    Contents of other
                                 Book balance             Bad debt provision         Provision proportion          Reason for provision
Come-and-go accounts
  of Zhongqi South                                                                                               Expected to be unable to
                                       9,832,956.37                9,832,956.37                           100%
  China Auto Sales                                                                                               recover due to long aging
Come-and-go accounts                   7,359,060.75                7,359,060.75                           100% Expected to be unable to
                                                                深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
South Industry &                                                                                              recover due to long aging
TRADE Shenzhen
Industry Company
Guarantee liability for
borrowing of Shenzhen                                                                                         胜诉,对方无资产可执
                                          5,000,000                 5,000,000                        100%
Zhonghao (Group) Co.,                                                                                         行
   Borrowings of Gold
                                                                                                              Expected to be unable to
      BeiliElectrical                  2,706,983.51              2,706,983.51                        100%
                                                                                                              recover due to long aging
   Appliances Company
                                                                                                          Expected to be unable to
Guarantee liability for
                                                                                                          recover due to the
borrowing of Xinxingtai                 2,418,512.9               2,418,512.9                        100%
                                                                                                          non-existence of the
Trade Co., Ltd.
Guarantee liability for
                                                                                                              Unlikely to be
borrowing of Shenzhen                  1,895,712.47              1,895,712.47                        100%
Petrochemical Group
Creditor’s rights of
                                                                                                              Expected to be unable to
Huatong Package Co.,                   1,212,373.79              1,212,373.79                        100%
                                                                                                              recover due to long aging
Borrowings of Heyuan
                                                                                                              Expected to be unable to
Dongfeng Technology                        930,000                    930,000                        100%
                                                                                                              recover due to long aging
Service station
Advance from Shenzhen
South Great Wall                                                                                              Recovery is subject to
                                        819,460.91                 819,460.91                        100%
Investment Holding Co.,                                                                                       significant uncertainty
Related borrowings of
Shenzhen Xiandao                                                                                              Expected to be unable to
                                        708,072.26                 708,072.26                        100%
Chemical New Materials                                                                                        recover due to long aging
Borrowings of Shenzhen
                                                                                                              Expected to be unable to
Dongbao Property                           609,773                    609,773                        100%
                                                                                                              recover due to long aging
Development Company
                                                                                                              Expected to be unable to
Others                                 2,944,474.75              2,944,474.75                        100%
                                                                                                              recover due to long aging
             Total                   36,437,380.71              36,437,380.71               --                            --
Other receivable provided for bad debt reserve under aging analysis method in the groups:
√ Applicable □ Non-applicable

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                         Amount at period-end                                    Amount at period-begin
                                   Book balance                                       Book balance
                                                    Proporti bad debt reserve                         Proporti      bad debt reserve
                                 Amount                                              Amount
                                                    on (%)                                            on (%)
within 1 year

Subtotal of within 1 year          16,898,613.59 54.34%                              3,781,218.18 22.38%
1-2 years                            1,759,119.84     5.66%          36,724.11         771,779.12       4.57%                   36,724.11
2-3 years                            1,058,702.03     3.4%         143,949.19          959,348.32       5.68%                  143,949.19
Over 3 years                       11,381,099.75      36.6%       5,669,348.55      11,381,099.75 67.37%                  5,669,348.55
3-4 years
4-5 years
Over 5 years
Total                              31,097,535.21       --         5,850,021.85      16,893,445.37        --               5,850,021.85

                                                                深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
Other receivables provided for bad debt reserve under balance percentage method in the groups:
□ Applicable √ Non-applicable
Other receivables provided for bad debt reserve under other method in the groups:
□ Applicable √ Non-applicable

Other receivable with single minor amount but withdrawal bad debt provision separately as at period-end
√ Applicable □ Non-applicable
                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
    Contents of other
                                 Book balance                   Bad debt provision          Provision proportion         Reason for provision
Goods payment of
                                                                                                                       Expected to be unable to
Huashengchang Auto                          463,912.46                       463,912.46                        100%
                                                                                                                       recover due to long aging
Property rental of the
                                                                                                                       Expected to be unable to
Renminbei branch of                         247,219.98                       247,219.98                        100%
                                                                                                                       recover due to long aging
Agricultucal Bank
Account for employees                                                                                                  Expected to be unable to
                                            217,892.57                       217,892.57                        100%
to purchase properties                                                                                                 recover due to long aging
                                                                                                                       Expected to be unable to
Liang Rongde                                182,133.26                       182,133.26                        100%
                                                                                                                       recover due to long aging
Rental of Shensha
                                                                                                                       Expected to be unable to
Industry & Trade                             134,835.2                        134,835.2                        100%
                                                                                                                       recover due to long aging
Chengdu Airplane                                                                                                       Expected to be unable to
                                                 130,000                       130,000                         100%
Design Institute                                                                                                       recover due to long aging
                                                                                                                       Expected to be unable to
Other units                            4,700,226.35                     4,700,226.35                           100%
                                                                                                                       recover due to long aging
          Total                        6,076,219.82                     6,076,219.82                           100%               --

(2) Reversal or recovery of other receivables during the reporting period

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                                                           Accumulated provision
                                                            Basis for determination
      Contents of other        Reason for reversal of                                       of bad debt reserve          Amounts reversed or
                                                             of original bad debt
        receivables                 recovery                                                 before reversal or             recovered

              Total                         --                          --                                         0              --

Provision for bad debt reserve for other receivable with single significant or minor amount but tested for impairment
separately as at period-end:
   Contents of account
                                 Book balance                   Bad debt amount           Provision proportion (%)             Reasons

          Total                                                                                      --                           --
Explanation for other receivable with single minor amount while the risks of the group categorized with similar risk
characteristics are relative significant:

(3) Other receivables actually written-off during the reporting period

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                          Nature of other                                                           Reason for           Whether arising from
    Name of unit                                  Time of write-off      Amount written off
                           receivables                                                               write-off           related transactions

        Total                   --                         --                                 0           --                       --

                                                                 深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
Explanation for write-off of other receivables:

(4) Other receivables due from the shareholders holding 5% or above voting shares of the Company
during the reporting period

□Applicable √Non-applicable

(5) Nature or content of other receivables with significant amount

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                        Nature or content of         Proportion in total other receivables
     Name of the company                      Amount
                                                                             account                                 (%)

               Total                                             0               --                                                       0%

(6) Top 5 other receivable

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                             Relationship with the                                                                   Proportion in total
  Name of the company                                       Amount                             Terms
                                   Company                                                                        account receivables (%)
Zhongqi South China
                           External                                  9,832,956.37 Over 3 years                                     13.36%
Auto Sales Company
South Industry &
TRADE Shenzhen             External                                  7,359,060.75 Over 3 years                                         10%
Industry Company
Shenzhen Zhonghao
(Group) Co., Ltd.
                           External                                    5,000,000 Over 3 years                                         6.79%
Shenzhen Zhonghao
(Group) Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Kaifeng
Special Vehicles Industry External                                    4,413,728.5 Over 3 years                                            6%
Co., Ltd.
Gold Beili Electrical
                           External                                  2,706,983.51 Over 3 years                                        3.68%
Appliances Company
          Total                        --                        29,312,729.13                  --                                 39.83%

(7) Other receivables due from related parties

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                                                              Proportion in total other
    Name of the company          Relationship with the Company                  Amount
                                                                                                                  receivables (%)
Shenzhen Tellus Auto Service
                             Associated company                                                740,000                                1.01%
Chain Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen New Yongtong
                                Associated company                                              80,000                                0.11%
Technology Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Yongtong Xinda
Inspection Equipment Co.,       Associated company                                       510,609.47                                   0.69%
Shenzhen Xiandao Chemical
                                Associated company                                       708,072.26                                   0.96%
New Materials Company
Shenzhen Xinglong
Machinery Moulding              Associated company                                     1,843,878.06                                   2.5%
Shenzhen Tellus New             Associated company                                       177,716.62                                   0.24%
                                                                     深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
Yongtong Auto Service Co.,
Shenzhen Telixing Investment
                             Jint venture                                                    1,172.19                                  0%
Co., Ltd
               Total                              --                                       4,061,448.6                             5.51%

(8) Other receivables derecognized

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                       Item                             De-recognition amount              Gains or losses related to de-recognition

                   Total                                                               0                                                0

(9) As for securities with other receivables as target subject, list the assets and liabilities airsing from
further involvement

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
Item                                                                                       Period-end

Assets subtotal                                                                                                                         0

Liabilities subtotal                                                                                                                    0

8. Payment in advance

(1) Ayalysis of payments in advance by aging

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                     Amount at period-end                                       Amount at period-begin
       Aging                                                        proportion                                             proportion
                                     Amount                                                     Amount
                                                                      (%)                                                  (%)
within 1 year                                    9,466,938.36           95.46%                            12,487,409.73            96.4%
1-2 years                                              204,972.92        2.07%                               282,874.86            2.18%
2-3 years                                              175,673.94        1.77%                               149,513.89            1.16%
Over 3 years                                            69,743.89            0.7%                                 34,050           0.26%
Total                                             9,917,329.11          --                                12,953,848.48         --
Explanation for aging analysis of payments in advance:

(2) Top 5 of payments in advance

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                Relationship with the
  Name of the company                                               Amount                    Time             Reason for unsettlemtn
                                                                                                              Goods has not been
Yiqi Toyota Auto Sales
                              Supplier                                 7,248,811.35                           delivered at the
Service Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                              Goods has not been
Toyota Auto (China)
                              Supplier                                1,742,762.01                            delivered at the
Investment Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Yongli               Supplier                                       190,263                          Goods has not been
                                                                  深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
Industry Development                                                                                          delivered at the
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                     destination
                                                                                                              Goods has not been
Dongguan Guangdong
                          Supplier                                         115,550                            delivered at the
Trading Co., Ltd.
Qingdao Kangpudun
                          Supplier                                         106,010                            Imcomplete bills of notes
Total                                   --                         9,403,396.36                --                         --
Explanation for majoy units paid in advance:

(3) Shareholders holding 5% or above voting shares of the Company in payments in advance during
the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Non-applicable

(4) Explanation for payment in advance

The period-end balance of payments in advance contains no payment paid to related parties in advance.

9. Inventory

(1) Classification

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                        Amount at period-end                                    Amount at period-begin
        Item                                  Depreciation                                            Depreciation
                         Book balance                          Book value            Book balance                        Book value
                                               provision                                               provision
Raw materials               8,024,255.04       7,487,894.16        536,360.88          8,018,483.52    7,487,894.16            530,589.36
Product in process          7,283,918.01       4,031,262.45      3,252,655.56         12,932,536.11    4,031,262.45        8,901,273.66
Stock products             53,034,776.08       13,923,018.5     39,111,757.58         34,683,392.06    13,923,018.5      20,760,373.56
Revolving materials
biological assets
Low value
                                  19,024.16                            19,024.16          26,110.13                              26,110.13
Total                      68,361,973.29 25,442,175.11          42,919,798.18         55,660,521.82   25,442,175.11      30,218,346.71

(2) Inventory impairment provision

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                         Book-balance as at       Provision for this           Decrease during this year          Book-balance as at
 Kinds of inventories
                           period-begin                period                Reversal           Written-off          period-end
Raw materials                      7,487,894.16                                                                            7,487,894.16
Product in process                 4,031,262.45                                                                            4,031,262.45
Stock products                     13,923,018.5                                                                            13,923,018.5
Revolving materials
biological assets

Total                             25,442,175.11                        0                   0                  0          25,442,175.11

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(3) Particular about inventory impairment provision
                                                                                                          Proportion of the reversal
                                                                     Reason for reversal during          amount during the year in the
                Item                       Provision basis
                                                                              the year                     period-end balance of the
Raw materials
Stock commodities
Goods in process
Turn-over material
Consumption biological assets

Explanation on inventory
10. Other current assets
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                        Item                             Amount at period-end                        Amount at period-begin

                        Total                                                           0                                                  0
Explanation on other current assets
11. Financial assets available for sale
(1) Particular about financial assets available for sale
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                Item                               Fair-value at period-end              Fair-value at period-begin
Bond available for sale
Equity instrument available for sale                                                   1,264,263                              1,374,249.25
Total                                                                                  1,264,263                              1,374,249.25
For financial assets available for sale that re-category from investment held to maturity, re-category amounting as 0 yuan,
and takes 0% of the investment held to maturity before re-category.
Explanation on financial assets available for sale
Equity instrument available for sales refers to the stock of China Merchants Bank

(2) Long-term debt investment in financial assets available for sales

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                                         Balance at                           receivable or   Balance at
    Bond               Type       Book value   investment Expired dated                       Interest
                                                                        period-begin                            received      period-end

Total               --             --                    0       --                     0                 0               0                0
Explanation on long-term debt investment in financial assets available for sales
12. Held-to-maturity investment
(1) Particular about held-to-maturity investment
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                       Item                           Book balance at period-end                   Book balance at period-begin
Treasure bill                                                                      121,300                                        121,300
                   Total                                                           121,300                                        121,300
Explanation on held-to-maturity investment Nil
(2) Held-to-maturity investment that sold in report period but not expired
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
Item                                                  Amount                            Proportion in amount before sold (%)

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                Total                                                       0                   --
Explanation on held-to-maturity investment that sold in report period but not expired
13. Long-term account receivable
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                Type                              Amount at period-end                    Amount at period-begin
Financing leasing
Incl: Un-realized financing income
Commodity sales for installment
Labor service provided for
installment receivables
Other                                                                  2,322,845.69                           2,341,645.69
Total                                                                  2,322,845.69                           2,341,645.69

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14. Investment for affiliated enterprise and joint ventures
                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                Equit         rtion
                                                   y            of
                                                propo        voting               Total
Investe                                                               Total               Total net     Total     Net
            Regis                                rtion       rights             liability
   d              Legal Business Register Curre                      assets at             assets at operation profit in
        Type ter                                 held           in                 at
compan             rep.  nature   capital ncy                       period-en             period-en revenue in    this
            place                               by the       invest            period-en
   y                                                                    d                     d      this period period
                                                Comp            ed                  d
                                                  any        compa
                                                  (%)           ny
I. Joint venture
en                          Industrial,
Tellus                      property
           ted Shen Zhang               56,704,9                     51,315,5 37,037.0 51,278,4                 411,275.
Jimeng                      manageme             CNY   50%     50%
           liabi zhen Ruili                60.00                        09.90        7    72.83                      51
Investm                     nt and
ent Co.,                    leasing
Shenzh                      Industrial,
en                          property
Tellus                Luo manageme
           ted Shen                     27,200,0                     27,619,5 238,634. 27,380,8 600,366.6 -73,801.
Hang                   Boju nt and auto          CNY   50%     50%
           liabi zhen                      00.00                        28.97      48     94.49         0      47
Investm                n    accessory
ent Co.,                    purchase
Ltd.                        and sales
II. Affiliated enterprise
g                           export of
           ted Shen Zhang               27,633,3                     37,662,8 5,688,46 31,974,3                -529,246
Machin                      mould                CNY   30%     30%
           liabi zhen Ruili                00.00                        03.54     6.86    36.68                     .14
ery                         process
Tellus     Limi            auto
Auto       ted Shen        maintenan 2,000,00                        1,680,40 9,087,44 -7,407,03 825,088.0 91,536.6
                      Yong                    CNY      40%     40%
Service    liabi zhen      ce and        0.00                            6.58     0.51      3.93         7        2
Chain      lity            leasing
en Zung
Fu         Limi             sales of
Tellus     ted Shen         auto and  30,000,0                       581,315, 409,343, 171,972, 1,048,117, -13,354,
                      Yanli                    CNY     35%     35%
Auto       liabi zhen       maintenan    00.00                        691.64 007.30 684.34         850.63 233.43
Service    lity             ce
en Auto
           Limi       Huan import and
           ted Shen g       export of 13,250,0     35.75 35.75 54,829,8 32,579,2 22,250,6 5,338,710. -824,377
y Imp&                                         CNY
           liabi zhen Weiqi auto         00.00        %     %     75.15    15.06    60.09        92       .84
           lity       ang accessories
        Limi Shen Xu   production 80,000,0                           282,791, 165,670, 117,121, 71,244,67 -141,673
en                                         CNY         25%     25%
        ted zhen Tians of auto and   00.00                            825.45 243.72 581.73           5.00      .41
Dongfe            heng maintenan
ng Auto
                                                             深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
Co.,       lity             ce
Xinyon     Limi
                      Li     technology
gtong      ted Shen                     1,600,00                    3,003,23 1,217,89 1,785,34 3,377,114. 119,073.
                      Jinlon inspection          CNY   31%    31%
Technol    liabi zhen                       0.00                        8.27     7.14     1.13        50       89
                      g      for auto
ogy        lity
                           on diesel
           Limi            oil pump
Oil                   Lan
           ted Shen        maintence 250,000.                       422,655. 86,243.6 336,412.
Pump                  Zhon                    CNY      31%    31%
           liabi zhen      and            00                             80         6      14
Environ               gxin
           lity            environme
on Co.,
                             ce of auto
Xinyon     Limi
                      Li     motorcycle
gtong      ted Shen                     1,000,00                    2,748,02 2,112,76 635,261. 3,592,205. -91,078.
                      Jianju ; auto              CNY   30%    30%
Auto       liabi zhen                       0.00                        4.88     3.46      42         81       67
                      n      beauty and
Service    lity
                             sales of
                          Sales of
        Limi              and
Xinyon             Li
        ted Shen          accessories 2,800,00                      2,896,61 4,207,18 -1,310,56 2,119,592. -257,099
gtong              Jinlon                      CNY     18%    24%
        liabi zhen        ; auto          0.00                          9.85     6.06      6.21        10       .29
Auto               g
        lity              renting,
                          auto 1st
en                          Auto 2nd
Xinyon                       class
gtong                 Li     maintena
           ted Shen                    500,000.                     1,554,94 1,313,96 240,980. 1,196,305. -260,713
Dongxi                Jianju nce;sales          CNY    35%    35%
           liabi zhen                       00                          4.14     3.45      69         07       .87
ao Auto               n      of auto
Service                      accessori
Co.,                         es
ng         Limi
                      Huan developme
Xinda      ted Shen                    100,000.                     4,395,42 3,391,19 1,004,23 2,775,572. 223,173.
                      g     nt of               CNY    40%    40%
Inspecti   liabi zhen                       00                          9.84     8.20     1.64        74       67
                      Peibo inspection
on         lity
                            and sales
ent Co.,
Shenzh     Limi            Auto
en                    Lan manageme
           ted Shen                   160,000.                      377,159. 214,529. 162,629.
Xinyon                Zhon nt ,                CNY     30%    30%                              17,000.00    560.59
           liabi zhen                      00                            28       48       80
gtong                 gxin technology
Consult                    consultan;

                                                                深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
ant Co.,                    network
Ltd.                        maintenan
                            ce etc.
Explanation on major accounting policy and accounting estimation in joint venture and affiliated enterprises difference from
the policy and estimation of the Company:

15. Long-term equity investment

                                                                                                                                        深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

(1) Details of long-term equity investment

                                                                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                  Explanation on
                                                                                                                                  the incongruity
                                                                                                                                      in share
                                                                                                   Proportion of Proportion of                                    Impairment
   Invested      Calculation         Initial       Balance at     Increase/decrea   Balance at     share holding voting rights in                   Impairment   provision of Cash bonus this
                                                                                                                                  proportion and
   company        method        investment cost   period-begin        se(+,-)       period-end      in invested     invested                         provision   accruing this     year
                                                                                                   company (%) company (%)                                           year
                                                                                                                                   proportion in
Tellus Jimeng
                Equity method       28,352,480 25,433,598.67          219,353.17 25,652,951.84              50%             50% --
Investment Co.,
Tellus Hang
                Equity method       13,600,000     8,574,115.46        40,150.72    8,614,266.18            50%             50% --
Investment Co.,
Machinery       Equity method        2,400,000     6,240,588.58         -263,700    5,976,888.58            30%             30% --                                                   105,000
Mould Co.,
Tellus Auto
                Equity method          800,000                                                              40%             40% --
Service Chain
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Zung
Fu Tellus Auto
               Equity method        10,500,000     65,767,551.5       -8,172,500    57,595,051.5            35%             35% --                                                  3,500,000
Service Co.,
Shenzhen Auto
Industry Imp& Equity method          4,737,500     8,252,899.91      -294,715.08    7,958,184.83         35.75%          35.75% --
Exp Co., Ltd.
Dongfeng Auto Equity method      14,527,044.85 17,458,319.96          -35,418.35 17,422,901.61              25%             25% --
Co., Ltd.

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               Equity method        496,000     568,705.88    -160,000    408,705.88    31%    31% --
Co., Ltd.
Oil Pump
                Equity method       155,000     127,836.59                127,836.59    31%    31% --
Protection Co.,
               Equity method        300,000     217,902.03     -20,000    197,902.03    30%    30% --
Auto Service
Co., Ltd.
Dongxiao Auto Equity method         175,000      175,593.1                 175,593.1    35%    35% --
Service Co.,
               Equity method        400,000     312,423.19                312,423.19    40%    40% --
Equipment Co.,
                Equity method        48,000      48,618.07                 48,618.07    30%    30% --
Consultant Co.,
Xinyongtong    Equity method        504,000                                             18%    24% --
Auto Service
Co., Ltd.
China Pudong
Machinery     Cost method       10,176,617.2   10,176,617.2              10,176,617.2   5.3%   5.3% --
Industry Co.,

                                                                                             深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

                Cost method     6,900,000     1,810,540.7    1,810,540.7   36.55%   36.55%              1,810,540.7
Industrial Co.,
Ltd. *1
Shenzhen hanli
               Cost method      3,466,000      1,956,000      1,956,000      80%      80%                 1,956,000
Ceramics Co.,
Ltd. *1
                Cost method     3,150,000      3,225,000      3,225,000      45%      45%                 3,225,000
Electronic Co.,
Ltd. *1
                Cost method     4,000,000      4,000,000      4,000,000    12.5%    12.5%                 4,000,000
Industrial Co.,
(Moscoo) Co., Cost method         825,000        825,000        825,000       7%       7%                  825,000
Wuhan Weite
               Cost method        640,000        640,000        640,000                                    640,000
               Cost method    7,256,401.38   4,751,621.62   4,751,621.62     40%      40%              4,751,621.62
Industrial New
Material Co.,
Ltd. *1
Petroleum &
Chemical       Cost method        700,000        700,000        700,000                                    700,000
(Gourp) Co.,
South Auto
Maintenance    Cost method      6,700,000      6,700,000      6,700,000     100%     100%                 6,700,000
Center *1
China Auto
Industrial     Cost method        400,000        400,000        400,000      40%      40%                  400,000

                                                                                     深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

Company *1
                Cost method     500,000      500,000      500,000     25%     25%                  500,000
Standard Co.,
Ltd. *1
Huoju Spark
                Cost method     17,849.2     17,849.2     17,849.2    49%     49%                  17,849.2
Plug Industry
Co., Ltd. *1
China Auto
South Auto
                Cost method    2,250,000    2,250,000    2,250,000    49%     49%                 2,250,000
Sales Co., Ltd.
                Cost method     600,000      600,000      600,000    11.1%   11.1%                 600,000
Shenzhen Jinhe
Standard        Cost method     453,440      453,440      453,440     15%     15%                  453,440
Mould Co., ltd.
China Auto
                Cost method     600,000      600,000      600,000    6.25%   6.25%                 600,000
Training Center
                Cost method    1,320,000    1,320,000    1,320,000    25%     25%                 1,320,000
Power Supply
Co., Ltd *1
Dratini (Zeng
                Cost method     162,000      162,000      162,000    6.25%   6.25%                 162,000
Yimin Auto
                Cost method    200,001.1    200,001.1    200,001.1                                200,001.1
Tranding Co.,
Machineray     Cost method    302,368.57   302,368.57   302,368.57   7.5%    22.7%
Transport Co.,
Hong Kong
Rishen          Cost method     145,800      145,800      145,800    7.5%    7.5%                  145,800

                                                                                         深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

Co., Ltd.
Total       --   127,760,502.3 174,914,391.33   -8,686,829.54 166,227,561.79   --   --   --       31,257,252.62            0      3,605,000

                                                                  深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
(2) Limited ability for capital transfer to investment enterprise
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
      Long-term equity investment that has
                                                                                                un-recognized investment losses
       limited ability of capital transfer to             Restriction reasons
                                                                                                     accumulative in period
              investment enterprise

Explanation on long-term equity investment
16. Investment real estate
(1) Investment real estate measured by cost
√application □ non-application
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                 Book balance at         Increase during the       Decrease during the
            Item                                                                                             Book balance at period-end
                                  period-begin                 period                    period
I. Total original book
                                       181,002,443.71                          0                         0              181,002,443.71
  1.    Houses         and
                                       181,002,443.71                          0                         0              181,002,443.71
  2. Land use rights
II. Accumulated
depreciation and
                                          72,581,175.3             2,619,607.5                           0                 75,200,782.8
  1.    Houses         and
                                          72,581,175.3             2,619,607.5                           0                 75,200,782.8
  2. Land use rights
III. Total net book
value of investment                    108,421,268.41                          0                         0              105,801,660.91
real estate
  1.    Houses         and
                                       108,421,268.41                                                                   105,801,660.91
  2. Land use rights
IV. Total accumulate
provision for
                                                    0                          0                         0                            0
impairment of
investment real estate
  1.    Houses         and
  2. Land use rights
V. Total book value of
                                       108,421,268.41                          0                         0              105,801,660.91
investment real estate
  1.    Houses         and
                                       108,421,268.41                                                                   105,801,660.91
  2. Land use rights

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                                                                   This period
Depreciation and amortization amount in this period                                                                         2,619,607.5
Withdrawal of impairment provision for investment real estate                                                                         0
(2) Investment real estate measured by fair value
□ application √ non-application
Explain the investment real estate that changing measurement mold in report period, and the investment real estate without
property certificate done as well as the reasons for property certificate un-finished and predicted the time to obtained that

                                                                深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

17. Fixed assets
(1) Particular about fixed assets
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                Book balance at                                              Decrease during this    Book balance at
             Item                                       Increase during this period
                                 period-begin                                                      period              period-end
I. total of book balance:        321,653,421.91                              849,952.99            1,204,994.68       321,298,380.22
Including:House &
                                  273,866,730.28                                                                       273,866,730.28
  Machinery equipments             19,823,613.24                               51,282.06                                 19,874,895.3
Transportation tools                 7,917,613.4                                 243,926                 207,600          7,953,939.4
Electronic equipment                8,765,167.52                               199,557.5                   4,950         8,959,775.02
Office and other equipment          8,272,144.61                              355,187.43              992,444.68         7,634,887.36
Decoration charge of
                                    3,008,152.86                                                                         3,008,152.86
self-owned houses
                                Book balance at    Increase during     Accrual in this       Decrease during this    Book balance at
                                 period-begin        this period          period                   period              period-end
II. total of accumulated
                                  152,817,177.49      5,267,683.96                       0           1,145,771.6       156,939,089.85
Including:House &
                                  114,335,603.85      4,096,539.55                                                      118,432,143.4
  Machinery equipments             15,979,418.35        171,853.94                                                      16,151,272.29
 Transportation tools               5,909,267.57        286,481.82                                       186,840         6,008,909.39
Electronic equipment                6,724,604.92        381,912.37                                         4,455         7,102,062.29
Office and other equipment          7,591,278.07        268,962.12                                     954,476.6         6,905,763.59
Decoration charge of
                                    2,277,004.73         61,934.16                                                       2,338,938.89
self-owned houses
                                Book balance at                                                                      Book balance at
              --                                                               --
                                 period-begin                                                                          period-end
III. total net value of fixed
                                  168,836,244.42                               --                                      164,359,290.37
Including:House &
                                  159,531,126.43                               --                                      155,434,586.88
  Machinery equipments              3,844,194.89                               --                                        3,723,623.01
 Transportation tools               2,008,345.83                               --                                        1,945,030.01
Electronic equipment                 2,040,562.6                               --                                        1,857,712.73
Office and other equipment            680,866.54                               --                                          729,123.77
Decoration charge of
                                      731,148.13                               --                                          669,213.97
self-owned houses
IV. total of impairment
                                    4,227,562.01                               --                                        4,227,562.01
Including:House &
                                     3,555,385.7                               --                                         3,555,385.7
  Machinery equipments                650,147.31                               --                                          650,147.31
 Transportation tools                                                          --
Electronic equipment                                                           --
Office and other equipment                22,029                               --                                                22,029
Decoration charge of
self-owned houses
V. total book value of fixed
                                  164,608,682.41                               --                                      160,131,728.36
Including:House &
                                  155,975,740.73                               --                                      151,879,201.18

                                                                   深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
  Machinery equipments              3,194,047.58                                 --                                        3,073,475.7
 Transportation tools               2,008,345.83                                 --                                      1,945,030.01
Electronic equipment                 2,040,562.6                                 --                                      1,857,712.73
Office and other equipment            658,837.54                                 --                                        707,094.77
Decoration charge of
                                    731,148.13                                --                                      669,213.97
self-owned houses
Depreciation in this period amounting to 5,267,683.96 yuan; original price transfer from construction in progress to fixed
assets amounting as 0 yuan

 (2) Temporary idle fixed assets

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                                  Depreciation           Impairment
          Item          Original book value                                                   Net book value             Note
                                                  accumulative            provision
House & buildings                                                                                              0

(3) Fixed assets leasing-in by financing lease
□ application √ non-application
(4) Fixed assets leasing-out by operational lease
□ application √ non-application
(5) Fixed assets held for sale in period-end

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                                                                        Disposal expense
             Item                    Book value                  Fair value                                    Disposal date predicted

(6) Fixed assets without un-completed property certificates
                    Item                         Reasons for un-completed certificate       Times expected for certificate completed
Tellus Building                               Problem left over by history
Yongtong Building                             Problem left over by history
Shuibei Zhongtian Comprehensive Build         Problem left over by history
Auto Office Build                             Problem left over by history
First floor of Bao’an commercial-residence
                                            Problem left over by history
5 suits of Bao’an commercial-residence
                                              Problem left over by history
Nuclear Office build                          Problem left over by history
5B, #4 Build, Huangpeng Garden                Problem left over by history
3-5/F 3# plant                                Problem left over by history
West side of 16# apartment                    Problem left over by history
1#plant                                       Problem left over by history
2#plant                                       Problem left over by history
16# Taohua Garden (half of the build)         Problem left over by history
Explanation on fixed assets:
The above said house & building shows no expected time for finished their property certificate due to the problem left over
by history.
The Company has no material idle fixed assets ended as 30 June 2012.
The Company has no material fixed assets held for sales ended as 30 June 2012.
The Company has no fixed assets leasing-in by financing lease ended as 30 June 2012.
                                                             深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

18. Construction in process
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                       Amount at period-end                            Amount at period-begin
                 Item                        Provision                                       Provision
                          Book balance                       Carrying value Book balance                     Carrying value
                                              reserve                                         reserve
Jewry industry park           3,565,461.92                     3,565,461.92   2,461,073.03                      2,461,073.03
Total                         3,565,461.92               0     3,565,461.92   2,461,073.03               0      2,461,073.03

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(2) Changes of major projects under construction

                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                on of          Accumulate                 Interest
                                Transf                                       : interest
          Amount at Increase           Other project           d amount of              capitalizati
     Budg                        er to                  Progre              capitalize               Capital Amount at
Name      period-beg during the        decrea investme           interest                on rate of
      et                        fixed                     ss                d amount                 source period-end
              in       period            se      nt in         capitalizatio              the year
                                assets                                         of the
                                               budget                n                      (%)
                2,461,073. 1,104,388.                                                            Self-raisi 3,565,461.
                       03         89                                                             ng                92
                2,461,073. 1,104,388.                                                                      3,565,461.
Total    0.00                           0.00   0.00    --      --       0.00     0.00     --         --
                       03         89                                                                              92
Explanation on changes of major projects under construction

                                                                      深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

(3) Construction in process impairment provision

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                             Amount at         Increase during this Decrease during this                 Amount at
        Item                                                                                                                     Accrual Reason
                            period-begin             period               period                         period-end

Total                                      0                          0                           0                        0           --

(4) Progress of material construction in progress

                     Item                                        progress                                                 Note

(5) Explanation of construction in process
19. Construction materials
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                  Amount at               Increase in this
                    Item                                                                         Decrease in this term Amount at period-end
                                               period-beginning                term

Total                                                             0                          0                        0                           0
Explanation on construction materials

20. Disposal of fixed assets

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                               Book balance at
                    Item                                                      Book balance at period-end        Reasons for turn to disposal

Total                                                                     0                               0                      --
Explain the progress of disposal of fixed assets transfer over one year

21. Productive biological assets
(1) Measured by cost
□application√ non-application

(2) Measured by fair value
□ application √ non-application
22. oil/gas assets
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                               Book balance at                                                                            Book balance at
            Item                                        Increase in this term           Decrease in this term
                               period-beginning                                                                           period-end
I. Total original book value                        0                               0                                 0                           0
1. Equity of mine
2. Equity of mine
3. Well and relevant
II. Total consumption
                                                    0                               0                                 0                           0
1. Equity of mine

                                                                     深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
2. Well and relevant
III. Total impairment of
                                                      0                             0                             0                     0
oil/gas assets accumulative
1. Equity of mine
2. Equity of mine
3. Well and relevant
IV. Total book value of
                                                      0                             0                             0                     0
oil/gas assets
1. Equity of mine
2. Equity of mine
3. Well and relevant
Explanation on oil/gas assets

23. Intangible assets

(1) Particular about intangible assets

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                   Book balance at                                                                    Book balance at
            Item                                          Increased in the period       decreased in the period
                                    period-begin                                                                        period-end
I. total of original value                      325,000                         0                                 0              325,000
Trademark right                                  75,000                                                                             75,000
Software                                        250,000                                                                          250,000
II. total accumulated
                                          160,911.46                    28,749.96                                 0           189,661.42
Trademark right                            26,744.96                        3,750                                              30,494.96
Software                                   134,166.5                    24,999.96                                             159,166.46
III. total net book value of
                                          164,088.54                            0                                 0           135,338.58
intangible assets
Trademark right                            48,255.04                                                                           44,505.04
Software                                    115,833.5                                                                          90,833.54
IV. Accumulated
intangible asset                                     0                          0                                 0                     0
impairment provisions
Trademark right
Total of intangible asset
                                          164,088.54                            0                                 0           135,338.58
book value
Trademark right                            48,255.04                                                                           44,505.04
Software                                    115,833.5                                                                          90,833.54
The amount amortized in this period accounting as 28,749.96 yuan
(2) Expenditure of project development
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                                               Decrease during the period
                                Amount at        Increase during the                                                     Amount at
         Item                                                        Record into currentConfirm as intangible
                             period-beginning          period                                                            period-end
                                                                      gains and losses         assets

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Total                                         0                      0                       0                         0                          0
The development expenditure occupies 0% of total expenditure in R&D projects in reporting period
The intangible assets form by internal R&D occupies 0% of total book value of intangible assets at period-end
For development projects, including single price over one million yuan occurred in this period and the assessment price has
been kept in book, disclosed the assessment institution and way of assessment:
(3) Intangible assets without property certificate obtained
24. Goodwill
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                         Amount at             Increase during       Decrease during           Amount at          Depreciation
                                      period-beginning            the period           the period              period-end           reserves

Total                                                     0                      0                        0                   0                   0
Explain the impairment testing method and withdrawal method for impairment provision of goodwill:
25. Long-term deferred expense
                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                        Balance at         Increased in the   Amortization                                    Balance at      Reasons for other
        Item                                                                         Other decrease
                       period-begin             period      during this period                                period-end          decrease
                              91,369.29                               28,947.72                                   62,421.57
Reform of hotel
                             185,959.66                               92,979.84                                   92,979.82
reforming                    480,553.25               72,900          88,528.02                                 464,925.23
Insurance charge
for pledge from
SPDB and
                              89,001.32                               78,627.35                                   10,373.97
charge for loan
Total                        846,883.52               72,900         289,082.93                       0         630,700.59            --
Explanation on long-term deferred expense:
26. Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities
(1) Net amount of deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities before deduction
□application √non-application
(2) Net amount of deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities after deduction
□application √non-application
Explanation on deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities

27. Details of asset impairment provision

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                      Balance as at       Increase during this          Decrease during this period               Balance as at
                                      period-begin              period                 Reversal               Written-off          period-end
I. Bad debt reserve                       90,702,457.63                                                                           90,702,457.63
II. Inventory      falling   price
                                          25,442,175.11                      0                        0                       0   25,442,175.11
III. Impairment provision of
financial assets available for

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IV. Impairment provision of
investment held to maturity
V. Long-term equity
investment impairment                   31,257,252.62                    0                                             31,257,252.62
VI. Investment real estate
                                                      0                  0                                                          0
 impairment provision
VII. Fixed asset impairment
                                         4,227,562.01                                                                   4,227,562.01
VIII. Impairment provision
 for construction materials
IX. Construction-in-process
                                                      0                  0                                                          0
impairment provision
X. Capitalized Biological
assets impairment provision
Including: Impairment
provision for maturity
production biological assets
XI. oil assets impairment
                                                      0                  0                                                          0
XII. Intangible assets
                                                      0                  0                                                          0
impairment provision
XIII. Goodwill impairment
XIV. other
Total                               151,629,447.37                       0                   0                  0 151,629,447.37
Explanation on asset impairment provision:
28. Other non-current assets
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                         Item                              Amount at period-end                    Amount at period-begin

Total                                                                                    0                                          0
Explanation on other non-current assets
29. Short-term loans
(1) Type of Short-term Loans
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                         Item                             Amount as at period-end                 Amount as at period-begin
Mortgage loans
Collateral loan                                                              19,600,000                                     16,800,000
Ensure loans
Guarantee loans                                                              25,896,287                                     25,992,388

Total                                                                        45,496,287                                     42,792,388
Explanation on    short-term loans
(2) Short-term loans un-paid by expired
                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
        Unit              Loan amount        Loan rates         Using in            Reasons of un-paid    Predicted payment date

Total                                   0        --                 --                       --                        --
Totaling 0 yuan has been paid after balance sheet date.
Explanation on short-term loans: for those expired short-term loans obtained expansion period, explain the expansion
                                                               深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
condition and new expiration:
30. Transactional financial liabilities
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                       Item                             Fair value at period-end            Fair value at period-begin
Transactional bonds offered
Financial liability designated for fair value
measurement and variation of fair value recon
into current gains/losses
Derivative financial liability
Other financial liability
Total                                                                                 0                                    0
Explanation on transactional financial liabilities:
31. Note payable
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                       Type                              Amount at period-end                Amount at period-begin
Commercial acceptance bill
Bank acceptance bill                                                        4,061,052.45
Total                                                                       4,061,052.45                                   0
Amount expired in next accounting period: 0 yuan
Explanation on note payable:
32. Account payables
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                       Item                            Amount as at period-end              Amount as at period-begin
Account payables                                                           22,072,536.09                       22,950,543.71
Total                                                                      22,072,536.09                       22,950,543.71
(2)Accounts payable to shareholders holding 5% or above voting shares of the Company
□ application√ non-application
Explanation on major account payable with over one year age:

33. Account received in advance


                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                            Item                          Amount as at period-end           Amount as at period-begin
within 1 year                                                                1,989,831.32                       1,369,175.53
1-2 years                                                                          20,000                                202
2-3 years                                                                          44,662                          47,064.63
Over 3 years                                                                   657,051.66                         654,447.06
Total                                                                        2,711,544.98                       2,070,889.22
(2)Accounts received in advance to shareholders holding 5% or above voting shares of the Company
□ application√ non-application
Explanation on major account received in advance with over one year age:

                                                                 深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
34. Wages payable

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                             Balance as at
         Item                                     Increase during this period Decrease during this period Balance as at period-end
I. Wage, bonus,
allowance and                    10,234,986.18               18,915,218.29                 20,086,833.28             9,063,371.19
II. Employees’
                                                                840,512.57                    840,512.57
III. Social security                 535,508.36                 3,672,999.8                 3,560,723.04               647,785.12

IV. Housing public
                                   2,012,522.62                1,295,844.49                 1,303,922.48             2,004,444.63
V. Compensation
from labor
VI. Other                            502,520.23                 514,937.03                    676,802.31               340,654.95
Other                                502,520.23                 514,937.03                    676,802.31               340,654.95
Total                            13,285,537.39               25,239,512.18                 26,468,793.68            12,056,255.89
Wages payable has 0 yuan for arrears
Outlay for labor union and staff educational charge amounting as 307,877.39 yuan; non-monetary welfare amounting as 0
yuan and compensation for dismiss of labor relationship amounting to 0 yuan
The wages payable expected to pay and the amount for payment;

35. Tax payable

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                          Item                                  Amount as at period-end             Amount as at period-begin
VAT                                                                               -4,506,325.3                      -2,105,520.09
Consumption tax
Business tax                                                                        582,207.55                         672,190.86
Enterprise income tax                                                              -229,678.72                       2,510,351.45
Personal income tax                                                                   1,743.93                          53,078.01
City maintenance and construction tax                                                 52,614.4                          66,275.21
Property right tax                                                                  995,929.67                       1,004,745.34
land VAT                                                                          5,276,705.05                       5,276,705.05
Educational surcharge                                                                99,328.12                         109,308.39
Embankment fee                                                                        1,101.27                           1,348.46
Other                                                                                97,522.86                          39,350.92
 Total                                                                            2,371,148.83                         7,627,833.6
Explanation on tax payable: if the local taxation bureau agrees mutual adjustment between vary branches and plants, explain
taxation calculation:
36. Interest payable
                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                          Item                                  Amount as at period-end             Amount as at period-begin
Interest of long-term loans of installment and interest
Corporate bond interest
Interest payable for short-term loans

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Total                                                                                            0                                   0
Explanation on interest payable:
37. Dividend payable
                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                                                                     Reasons for un-payment over one
                     unit               Amount as at period-end   Amount as at period-begin

Total                                                         0                                  0                  --
Explanation on dividend payable:
38. Other payables
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                            Item                           Amount as at period-end                     Amount as at period-begin
Other payables                                                                109,470,811.25                             94,803,075.42
Total                                                                         109,470,811.25                             94,803,075.42
(2) Others payable due to shareholders units holding over 5% (5% included) voting shares of the
Company at period-end
√ application □ non-application
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                            Unit                           Amount as at period-end                     Amount as at period-begin
Shenzhen SDG Co., Ltd.                                                           47,079,452.22                           46,272,271.96
Total                                                                            47,079,452.22                           46,272,271.96
(3) Explanation on other account payable with over one year age
(4) Explanation on unit of major connected amount for other account payable
39. Predicted liability
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                    Amount at          Increase during the       Carry-forward during
                Item                                                                                          Amount at period-end
                                   period-begin              period                    the year
Guarantee             provided
                                       87,568,728.57                                                                     87,568,728.57
Un-settle lawsuit
Products quality security
Reorganization obligation
Dismiss welfare
Deficit   contract           for
             Total                     87,568,728.57                         0                            0              87,568,728.57
Explanation on predicted liability:
Found more details in ‘XI. Contingency “
40. Non-current liability due within one year


                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                            Item                       Amount as at period-end                       Amount as at period-begin
Long-term loans due within one year                                          80,580,000                                    88,020,000
Bond payable due within one year
Long-term account payable due within one year

                                                                  深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
Total                                                                         80,580,000                                      88,020,000
 (2) Long-term loans due within one year
Long-term loans due within one year

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                        Item                               Amount as at period-end                Amount as at period-begin
Mortgage loans
Collateral loan                                                               80,580,000                                      88,020,000
Ensure loans
Guarantee loans

Total                                                                         80,580,000                                      88,020,000
In long-term loans due within one year, amount of undue but with expansion time amounting as 0 yuan.
Top five long-term loans due within one year:
                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                              Amount at period-end              Amount at period-begin
                  Starting date Termination
     Unit                                       Currency       Rate (%)       Foreign       Local               Foreign        Local
                    for loans date for loans
                                                                              currency     currency             currency      currency
Branch of
            2009-08-10         2012-08-10      CNY                  6.65%                  39,000,000                         39,000,000
Branch of
            2009-07-31         2012-07-31      CNY                  6.65%                  27,300,000                         27,300,000
Branch of
            2009-08-31         2012-08-31      CNY                  6.65%                      9,360,000                       9,360,000
上 Fuhua
Branch of
Shanghai    2010-02-05         2013-02-05      CNY                6.9825%                      4,680,000                       4,680,000
Branch of
            2010-02-05         2012-11-05      CNY                6.9825%                       120,000                             120,000
Total                  --             --             --            --            --        80,460,000              --         80,460,000
Undue loans in long-term loans due within one year:
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
        Unit           Amount loans         Undue date      Annual rate (%)    Using purpose      Unpaid reasons         Paid expected

Total                                 0         --                 --                 --                   --                  --
Totaling 80,580,000.00 yuan has been paid after balance sheet date.
Explanation on long-term loans due within one yea:

                                                                       深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
(3) Bond payable due within one year

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                                          Interest                            Interest
                                                                                      Interest Interest paid
                                                             Issuing     payable at                          payable in Amount at
   Name            Value     Issuing date      Terms                                payable in    in this
                                                             amount     period-begi                              this      period-end
                                                                                    this period   period
                                                                             n                               period-end

Explanation on bond payable due within one yea:

(4) Long-term account payable due within one year

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                                                      Amount at
        Unit                Terms           Initial amount        Rate (%)      Interest reckoned                         Loan condition

Explanation on long-term account payable due within one yea:
41. Other current liability
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                        Item                                 Book balance at period-end             Book balance at period-begin

Total                                                                                       0                                              0
Explanation on other current liability:
42. Long-term loan

(1) Category of long-term loans

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                        Item                                   Amount at period-end                    Amount at period-begin
Mortgage loans
Collateral loan                                                                                                                 4,680,000
Ensure loans
Guarantee loans

Total                                                                                       0                                   4,680,000
Explanation on long-term loans:

(2) Top five long-term loans

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                                 Amount at period-end          Amount at period-begin
                  Starting date Termination
     Unit                                         Currency        Rate (%)       Foreign         Local         Foreign         Local
                    for loans date for loans
                                                                                 currency       currency       currency       currency

Total                  --            --                --              --           --                     0       --                      0
Explanation on long-term loans: if there has long-term loans from undue with expansion obtained, explain the expansion
condition, principle, interest and predicted payment arrange:

                                                                         深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
43. Bond payable

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                            Interest                            Interest
                                                                                        Interest Interest paid
                                                              Issuing      payable at                          payable in Balance at
   Name            Value      Issuing date     Terms                                  payable in    in this
                                                              amount      period-begi                              this   period-end
                                                                                      this period   period
                                                                               n                               period-end

Bond payable including convertible corporate bond’s condition and time for shares transfer:
44.Long-term account payable

(1) Top five long-term account payable

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                Balance at
        Unit                 Term            Initial amount         Rate (%)      Interest reckoned                                 Loan condition
Deposit of staff
                                                 2,588,848.4                                                          2,588,848.4 Interest free
Workers                                            1,320,000                                                           1,320,000 Interest free
Allocation for
                                                   11,311.96                                                            11,311.96 Interest free

(2)Details of financing rent payable in long-term payable

                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                           Amount at period-end                                 Amount at period-begin
                                                Foreign currency                RMB                      Foreign currency              RMB

Total                                                                0                           0                           0                       0
Amount of guarantee from independent third party for the financing rent of the Company was 0 yuan.
Explanation on long-term payable:
45. Specific account payable
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                       Amount at           Increase in this    Decrease in               Amount at
               Item                                                                                                                  Note
                                      period-begin             period          this period               period-end

               Total                                   0                   0                 0                         0              --
Explanation on specific account payable:

46. Other non-current liability
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                           Item                                Book balance at period-end                     Book balance at period-begin

Total                                                                                                0                                               0
Other non-current liability, including vary government subsidy related with assets and income as well as its balance at

                                                                   深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
47. Share capital

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                            Increased (decreased) in this year
                   Amount at                                            Shares                                                 Amount at
                  period-begin       New shares                                                                                period-end
                                                       Bonus shares converted from          Other          Sub-total
                                                                     public reserve
Total of shares       220,281,600                  0               0               0                  0                  0      220,281,600
Explanation on share capital changes, if there has capital increase/decrease in reporting period, disclosed the CPA’s name and
verification documents; for company limited within 3 years operation, explain the net assets before establishment; for those
company limited changed from limited liability company, explain the verification condition while established.
48. Stock shares
Explanation on stock shares:
49. Specific Reserve
Explanation on specific Reserve:
50. Capital reserves
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                                       Decrease during this                  Amount at
               Item                 Amount at period-begin Increase during this period
                                                                                             period                          period-end
Capital premium (Share capital
                                                 3,024,773.35                                                                  3,024,773.35
Other capital reserve                            5,544,678.45                                          109,986.25               5,434,692.2

Total                                             8,569,451.8                          0               109,986.25              8,459,465.55
Explanation on capital reserve:
51. Surplus reserves
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                                           Decrease during this       Amount at
               Item                 Amount at period-begin Increase during this period
                                                                                           period                     period-end
Statutory surplus reserves                       2,952,586.32                                                                  2,952,586.32
Free surplus reserve
Service fund
Enterprise development fund
Total                                            2,952,586.32                          0                          0            2,952,586.32
Explanation on surplus reserve, if share capital converted from surplus reserve, remedy deficit and dividend distributed,
explain relevant resolutions:
52. General risk provision
Explanation on general risk provision:

53. Undistributed profits

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                   Withdrawal or
                                          Item                                                   Amount
                                                                                                                  Allocation Ratio

Undistributed profits at the end of last year before adjustment                                  -54,437,738.61           --
Adjust the total undistributed profits at the beginning of the year (Increase +,                                          --
                                                                  深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
Decrease -)
Undistributed profits at the beginning of the year after adjustment                          -54,437,738.61           --
Increase: The net profits belong to owners of patent company of this period                    -8,637,314.75          --
Decrease: Withdraw legal surplus reserves
Withdraw free surplus reserves
Withdraw general risk reserves
Handle common stock dividends
Common stock dividends transferred to be capital stock

Undistributed profits at the end of the period                                               -63,075,053.36           --

Details about adjusting the undistributed profits at the beginning of the year:
1) The retroactive adjustments to Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and its relevant new regulations affect the
     undistributed profits at the beginning of the year amounting to 0 Yuan.
2) The changes in accounting policies affect the undistributed profits at the beginning of the year amounting to 0 Yuan.
3) The major accounting error correction affects the undistributed profits at the beginning of the year amounting to 0 Yuan.
4) Merge scope changes caused by the same control affect the undistributed profits at the beginning of the year amounting
to 0 Yuan.
5) Other adjustments affect the undistributed profits at the beginning of the year amounting to 0 Yuan.

The undistributed profits explain that the company initial public offering bonds should clearly state if the accumulated profits
are decided to be shared by old and new shareholders by general meeting of stockholders before issuing; while the company
should clearly disclose that the profits in the dividends payable belong to old shareholders after auditing if the general
meeting of stockholders decides the accumulated profits are allocated and shared by old shareholders before issuing.

54. Operating income and cost

(1) Operating income and cost

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                     Item                                Amount of this period                       Amount of last period
Main operating income                                                     193,337,071.35                                   176,552,777.1
Other operating income                                                        945,596.09                                    1,494,388.28
Operating cost                                                            162,118,236.89                               144,203,262.02

(2) Primary business (By industries)

√ Applicable □ Not Applicable
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                 Amount of this period                             Amount of last period
          Industry name
                                      Operating income            Operating cost         Operating income          Operating cost
Auto sales                                  123,887,663.39            122,648,723.73          106,573,060.42           102,071,280.69
Auto maintenance and repair                  22,218,088.03             16,424,636.72            25,100,471.03              20,137,598.95
Property leasing and services                47,231,319.93             22,467,201.82            44,879,245.65              21,137,957.82
Total                                       193,337,071.35            161,540,562.27            176,552,777.1          143,346,837.46

(3) Primary business (By products)

□Applicable √ Not Applicable

                                                                 深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
(4) Primary business (By districts)

√ Applicable □ Not Applicable
                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                Amount of this period                              Amount of last period
                                     Operating income            Operating cost         Operating income              Operating cost
Shenzhen                                  193,337,071.35             161,540,562.27            176,552,777.10            143,346,837.46
Total                                     193,337,071.35             161,540,562.27            176,552,777.10            143,346,837.46

(5) The operating income of the top five customers of the Company

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                                             The percentage in all operating income of the Company
          Customer name                   Primary business income
XINGGUANGDA JEWELRY                                         2,983,930.75                                                           1.54%
Shenzhen Renfu Tellus Auto
                                                            3,371,493.78                                                           1.74%
Service Co., Ltd.
Embry Form                                                  1,085,871.26                                                           0.56%
Shenzhen 7 Days Hotel
                                                                   824,400                                                         0.42%
Management Co., Ltd.
GANGDELONG JEWELRY                                               768,310.5                                                         0.4%
Total                                                       9,034,006.29                                                           4.66%
Introductions to operating income

55. Contract item income

□Applicable √ Not Applicable
Introductions to contract item

56. Business tax and surcharges

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                  Item                   Amount of this period      Amount of last period       Calculating and payment standards
Consumption tax
Business tax                                        1,975,617.46               1,886,417.16
City maintenance and construction
                                                     283,370.99                   253,450.52
Education surcharge                                  202,459.75                   133,265.13
Resources tax

Total                                                2,461,448.2               2,273,132.81                      --
Introductions to business tax and surcharges

57. Income of fair value changes

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
  Sources generating income of fair value changes           Amount of this period                     Amount of last period
                                                              深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
Trading financial assets
Thereinto: Income of fair value changes generated
by derivative financial instruments
Trading financial assets liabilities
Investment real estate measured by fair value
Others                                                                                 0                                      0

Total                                                                                  0                                      0
Introductions to income of fair value changes

58. Investment income

(1) Particulars about investment income

                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                           Item                            Amount of this period                   Amount of last period
Income of long-term equity investment calculated
                                                                                48,625.5                               33,574.75
based on cost
Income of long-term equity investment calculated
                                                                           -5,045,829.54                            3,904,259.83
based on equity
Investment income obtained from disposal of
long-term equity investment
Investment income obtained during holding trading
financial assets
Investment income obtained during held-to-maturity
investment gaining investment income
Investment income obtained during holding
available-for-sale financial assets
Investment income obtained by handling trading
financial assets
Investment income obtained from held-to-maturity
Investment income obtained from available-for-sale
financial assets
Total                                                                      -4,997,204.04                            3,937,834.58

(2) Income of long-term equity investment calculated based on cost

                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
            Company name                  Amount of this period    Amount of last period          Reasons of change (+,-)
                                                                                           China Merchants Bank shares out
China Merchants Bank                                    48,625.5               33,574.75
Total                                                   48,625.5               33,574.75                    --

(3) Income of long-term equity investment calculated based on equity

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
            Company name                  Amount of this period    Amount of last period          Reasons of change (+,-)
Shenzhen Renfu Tellus Auto Service
                                                      -4,672,500               4,300,100 Losses in current period
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Tellus Gem Investment Co.,                   219,353.17                -496,350

                                                                     深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
Shenzhen Dongfeng Automobile Co.,
                                                            -35,418.35             349,219.52
                                                                                              The Company has excess loss in
                                                                                              previous year, after the Company
                                                                                              reduces its long-term equity investment
                                                                                              to 0 Yuan, as the Company has
Shenzhen Tellus Auto Service Chain
                                                                 36,000               -84,000 creditor's rights that can constitute net
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                              investment, invest income of the
                                                                                              Company is confirmed to be 36,000.00
                                                                                              Yuan according to the Company’s
                                                                                              profit status at the current period.
Shenzhen Xinglong Machinery Mould
                                                                -158,700               24,000
Co., ltd
Shenzhen Telixing Investment Co., Ltd.                      40,150.72                 -3,265.6
Shenzhen Auto Industry Import and
                                                          -294,715.08             -170,444.09 Losses in current period
Export Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Tellus Xinyongtong Auto
                                                                 -20,000              -15,000
Service Chain Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Xinyongtong Science and
Technology Co., Ltd.
Total                                                   -5,045,829.54            3,904,259.83                     --
Investment income description: It should be introduced if there is significant restrictions to
repatriation of investment income; it also should be introduced if there is no this kind of
significant restrictions.

59. Asset impairment loss

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                             Item                                    Amount of this period              Amount of last period
1.     bad debt loss
2.     inventory falling price loss
3.     impairment loss of available-for-sale financial assets
4.     impairment loss of held-to-maturity investment
5.     impairment loss of long-term equity investment
6.     impairment loss of investment real estate
7.     impairment loss of fixed assets
8.     impairment loss of project goods and material
9.     impairment loss of construction in process
10. impairment loss of productive living beings
11. impairment loss of oil gas
12. impairment loss of intangible assets
13.     goodwill impairment loss
14. Others
Total                                                                                            0                                   0

60. Non-operating income


                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
Item                                                                 Amount of this period              Amount of last period
                                                                        深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
non-current assets disposal gains                                                        17,031.92
thereinto: fixed assets disposal gains                                                   17,031.92
         intangible assets disposal gains
debt restructuring gains
exchange of non-monetary assets gains
accepting donations
government grants                                                                                     0                                      0
penalty and liquidated damages income                                                     1,773.58                                   1,532.94
Others                                                                                    14,776.7                                   19,861.9
Total                                                                                     33,582.2                                  21,394.84

(2) Details of government grants

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                 Item                       Amount of this period         Amount of last period                           Note

Total                                                               0                             0                        --
Introductions to on-operating income

61. Non-operating expenditure

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
Item                                                                         Amount of this period                  Amount of last period
non-current assets disposal losses                                                                    21,255
thereinto: fixed assets disposal losses                                                               21,255
         intangible assets disposal losses
debt restructuring losses
exchange of non-monetary assets losses
penalty expenditure                                                                                                                      10,480
donations contributed
fixed assets counting losses
others                                                                                                    47.8                         148,995
Total                                                                                             21,302.8                             159,475
Introductions to on-operating expenditure

62. Income tax expense

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                               Item                                          Amount of this period                  Amount of last period
current income tax calculated based on tax law and relevant
                                                                                             291,449.28                             207,019.5
deferred income tax adjustment

Total                                                                                        291,449.28                             207,019.5

63. The computational process of basic EPS (earnings per share) and diluted EPS

                   Item                                  Jan-Jun, 2012                                    Jan-Jun, 2011

                                                                    深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
net profits belong to owner of parent                                -8,637,314.75                             502,339.55
weighted average of issued common                                   220,281,600.00                       220,281,600.00
basic EPS(RMB per share)                                                    -0.039                                 0.002
diluted EPS (RMB per share)                                                 -0.039                                 0.002

64. Other consolidated income

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                              Item                                       Amount of this period           Amount of last period
1.gains (losses) amount generated by available-for-sale
                                                                                        -109,986.25                         24,312.75
financial assets
 subtract: affected by income tax generated by
available-for-sale financial assets
net amount reckoned in other consolidated income at earlier
stage but turned to gains and losses at the current period
                            subtotal                                                    -109,986.25                         24,312.75
2. shares shared in other consolidated income of invested
enterprises checked according to the equity law
subtract: affected by income tax generated by shares shared in
other consolidated income of invested enterprises calculated
according to equity law
net amount reckoned in other consolidated income at earlier
stage but turned to gains and losses at the current period
                            subtotal                                                             0                                 0
3. gains (losses) amount generated by cash flow hedging
   subtract: affected by income taxes generated by cash flow
hedging instruments
net amount reckoned in other consolidated income at earlier
stage but turned to gains and losses at the current period
subtract: adjustment to initially recognition amount turned to
be hedged items
                            subtotal                                                             0                                 0
4.translation differences of foreign currency financial statement
 subtract: net amount of overseas operation turns to gains and
losses at current period
5. others
 subtract: affected by income tax reckoned in other
consolidated income
net amount reckoned in other consolidated income at earlier
stage but turned to gains and losses at the current period
                            subtotal                                                             0                                 0
                              Total                                                     -109,986.25                         24,312.75
Introductions to other consolidated income

65. Notes to statement of cash flow
(1) Other cash received in relation to operation activities
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                       Item                                                           Amount
Contact amount between related parties                                                                                 30,408,421.9

                                                                    深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
Deposit and margin received
Interest income                                                                                                           229,096.56
Income from penalty and compensation received                                                                                1,773.58
Other income                                                                                                              945,596.09
                                     Total                                                                              31,584,888.13
Explanation on other cash received in relation to operation activities
(2) Other cash paid in relation to operation activitie
                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                     Item                                                              Amount
Contact amount between related parties                                                                                  29,744,268.28
Expenses of cash paid                                                                                                    4,081,106.83
Expenses of management cash paid                                                                                        10,495,247.05
Deposit and margin
                                     Total                                                                              44,320,622.16
Explanation on other cash paid in relation to operation activitie
(3) Cash received from other investment activities
                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                     Item                                                              Amount
Bidding margin                                                                                                               250,000
                                     Total                                                                                   250,000
Explanation on cash received from other investment activities
(4) Cash paid related with investment activities
                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                     Item                                                              Amount
Quit bidding margin                                                                                                          200,000
                                    Total                                                                                    200,000
Explanation on cash paid related with investment activities
(5) Other cash received in relation to financing activities
                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                     Item                                                              Amount

                                    Total                                                                                            0
Explanation on other cash received in relation to financing activities
(6) Cash paid related with financing activities
                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                     Item                                                              Amount

                                    Total                                                                                            0
Explanation on cash paid related with financing activities

66. Supplementary information to statement of cash flow
(1) Supplementary information to statement of cash flow
                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                Supplementary information                            Amount as at this period         Amount as at previous period
1.Net profit adjusted to cash flow of operation activities:                   --                                 --
Net profit                                                                           -10,120,507.22                       371,137.09
Add: assets impairment losses                                                                    0                                   0

                                                                深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
Depreciation of fixed assets, consumption of oil assets and
                                                                                 7,887,291.46                    8,005,473.9
depreciation of productive biology assets
Amortization of intangible assets                                                   28,749.96                      28,749.96
Amortization of long-term deferred expenses                                        289,082.93                    330,064.72
Loss from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and
other long-term assets(gain is listed with “-”)
Loss of disposing fixed assets(gain is listed with “-”)
Loss from change of fair value(gain is listed with “-”)
Financial expenses (gain is listed with “-”)                                   4,345,688.02                   4,320,901.64
Investment loss (gain is listed with “-”)                                      4,997,204.04                  -3,937,834.58
Decrease of deferred income tax asset( (increase is listed
with “-”)
Increase of deferred income tax liability (decrease is listed
with “-”)
Decrease of inventory (increase is listed with “-”)                           -12,701,451.47                 -1,735,107.85
Decrease of operating receivable accounts (increase is listed
                                                                                -11,860,517.15                  2,960,231.64
with “-”)
Increase of operating payable accounts (decrease is listed
                                                                                12,085,893.59                  -3,876,592.11
with “-”)
Others                                                                                                           309,649.63
Net cash flow arising from operating activities                                  -5,034,466.47                  6,776,674.04
2.Material investment and financing not involved in cash
                                                                           --                             --
Liabilities converted to capital
Convertible bond expire in 1 year
Fixed assets leased through financing
3.Net change of cash and cash equivalents:                               --                             --
Balance of cash at period end                                                   39,796,201.86                  54,594,020.80
Less: Balance of cash at year-begin                                             55,926,573.46                  64,122,979.84
Plus: Balance of cash equivalents at the period end
Less: Balance of cash equivalent at year-begin
Net increasing of cash and cash equivalents                                     -16,130,371.60                 -9,528,959.04

(2) Relevant information about obtaining/disposal of subsidiary and other business unit in report

                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                        Supplementary                             Amount in this period          Amount in last period
I. Relevant information about obtaining subsidiary and
                                                                           --                             --
other business units:
1. Price of obtaining subsidiary and other business units
2. Cash and cash equivalent paid for obtaining subsidiary
and other business units
  Less: Cash and cash equivalent held by subsidiary and
other business units
3. Net cash paid for obtaining subsidiary and other business
                                                                                            0                             0
4. Net asstes obtained from subsidiary                                                      0                             0
  Current assets
     Non-current assets
  Current liability
Non-current liability

                                                                    深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
II. Relevant information about disposal of subsidiary and
                                                                                 --                                 --
other business units:
1. Price of dispoal of subsidiary and other business units
2. Cash and cash equivalent received from dispoal of
subsidiary and other business units
Less: Cash and cash equivalent held by subsidiary and
other business units
3. Net cash received from disposal of subsidiary and other
                                                                                                  0                                    0
business units
4. Disposal of net assets                                                                         0                                    0
     Current assets
  Non-current assets
Current liability
Non-current liability
(3) Constitution of cash and cash equivalent:
                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                               Item                                   Balance as at period-end         Balance as at period-begin
Ⅰ. Cash                                                                              39,796,201.86                      55,926,573.46
Including: stock cash                                                                   208,811.76                           246,498.05
  Bank deposit available for payment at any time                                      38,771,239.85                      55,679,936.81
     Other monetary fund available for payment at any time                              816,150.25                                  138.6
  Account available for payment that saving in central
account save interbank
  account split interbanks
Ⅱ. Cash equivalent
Including: bond investment matured within 3 months
Ⅲ、Balance of cash and cash equivalent at year-end                                   39,796,201.86                      55,926,573.46
Explanation on constitution of cash and cash equivalent:

67. Notes of changes of owners’ equity

Explain the name and ajusted amount in “Other” at end of last period as well as the retroactive adjustement arising from
enterprise combination under same control:

(VIII) Accounting treatment of assets securitization

1. Explain the main exchange of assets securitization and its accounting treatment and provision of bankruptcy-remote

2. Subject of special purpose without controlling rights on hand by actually bear the risks

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                        Total assets at    Total liability at   Net assets at
      Name                                                                      Operting income       Net profit             Note
                         period-end          period-end         period-end

(IX) Related Parties and Transactions
1. Parent company of the Company
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                                        Proportio Proportio   Final
 Parent Relations                     Registrati            Business Registere            n of       n of   controller Organizat
                          Nature                 representa                    Currency
company   hip                         on place               nature d capital            shares     voting    of the   ion code
                                                                                         held to   right to Company
                                                             深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
                                                                                   the     the
                                                                                 Company Company
                                                                                   (%)     (%)
                                                      ment and
         controllin                                   operation
Shenzhen                                                         15,828,20                         SASAC
         g          Limited                Liu        of real                                               19219419
SDG Co.,                        Shenzhen                         0,000,000 CNY     66.22%   66.22% of
         sharehold liability                Ai’qun   estate and                                            5
Ltd.                                                                   .00                         Shenzhen
         er                                           domestic
Explanation on parent company of the enterprise

                                                            深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
2. Subsidiary of the Company
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
Subsidiary                                        Legal                                 Proportion Proportion
                                   Registratio             Business Registered                                Organizati
  of the       Type       Nature               representat                     Currency of shares of voting
                                    n place                 nature   capital                                   on code
Company                                            ive                                   held (%) right (%)
Industry Controllin
Trading     g         Limited                 Zhang                 58,960,000
                                   Shenzhen              Commerce              CNY           100%       100%
Corporatio            liability                Ruili                       .00
n (Auto    subsidiary
Huari Auto Controllin
                      Limited                 Zhang                 5,000,000.
Enterprise g                       Shenzhen              Service               USD            60%        60%
                      liability               Ruili                        00
Co., Ltd. subsidiary
Zhongtian Controllin
Industrial g          Limited                 Fang                  7,250,000.
                                   Shenzhen              Service               CNY           100%       100%
Co., Ltd.             liability               Zhidong                      00
(Zhongtian subsidiary
Toyota    Controllin
                     Limited                                        2,000,000.
Auto Sales g                       Shenzhen Li Jinlong Commerce                CNY            60%        60%
                     liability                                             00
Co., Ltd. subsidiary
Auto        Controllin
                       Limited                                      1,500,000.
Inspection g                       Shenzhen Li Jinlong Service                 CNY            60%        60%
                       liability                                           00
Co., Ltd. subsidiary
Industry Controllin
Supplying g           Limited                 Cen                   11,110,000
                                   Shenzhen              Service               CNY           100%       100%
Co., Ltd.             liability               Weimin                       .00
(Supplying subsidiary
Tellus      Controllin
             g         Limited                Ren                   5,000,000.
Auto                               Hezhou                Service               CNY            60%        60%
                       liability              Yongjian                     00
Service     subsidiary
Co., Ltd. *
ng        Controllin
Automobil g          Limited                                        32,900,000
                                   Shenzhen Li Jinlong Service                 CNY           100%       100%
e                    liability                                             .00
Developm subsidiary
ent Co.

                                                           深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
SD Tellus
Property Controllin
                      Limited                 Fang                 7,050,000.
Manageme g                         Shenzhen             Service               CNY         100%      100%
                      liability               Zhidong                     00
nt Co.     subsidiary
SD Tellus Controllin
            g         Limited                 Fang      Manufactu 31,150,000
Real                               Shenzhen                                  CNY          100%      100%
                      liability               Zhidong   re               .00
Estate Co. subsidiary
Tellus Real
Estate      Controllin
                       Limited                Fang                 2,000,000.
Exchange g                         Shenzhen             Service               CNY         100%      100%
                       liability              Zhidong                     00
Co.         subsidiary
e          Controllin
                      Limited                 Huang                19,610,000
Inspection g                       Shenzhen             Service               CNY          51%       51%
                      liability               Peibo                       .00
Equipment subsidiary
Yong Tong
Vehicle     Controllin
                       Limited                                     1,500,000.
Inspection g                       Shenzhen Li Jinlong Service                CNY          95%       95%
                       liability                                          00
Limited     subsidiary
Auto        Controllin
Inspection g                       Shenzhen Li Jianjun Service     500,000.00 CNY          95%       95%
Co.,        subsidiary
Shiquan    Controllin
Industrial g          Limited                 Fang                 2,000,000.
                                   Shenzhen             Commerce              CNY         100%      100%
Co., Ltd.             liability               zhidong                     00
(Shiquan subsidiary
SDG        Controllin
Tellus Real g         Limited                           Manufactu 4,000,000.
                                   Huizhou                                   CNY          100%      100%
Estate                liability                         re               00

           深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

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3. details of joint-venture and affiliated enterprise of the Company

                                                          n of
                                                         votin                    Total    Total
                                          ortio                 Total    Total
Invest   Regi                                              g                       net   operatio Net
                                            n                   assets liability                         Relati Organ
  ed Typ ster Lega Business Register Curr                right                    assets    n     profit
                                          held                    at       at                            onshi ization
compa e plac l rep. nature   capital ency                 s in                      at   revenue in this
                                            by                 period- period-                             p    code
  ny      e                                              inves                   period- in this period
                                           the                   end      end
                                                          ted                      end    period
          --   --    --        --       --     --   --    --      --      --      --       --      --       --      --
Shenz                                                                                                     Joint
Tellus   Li
Jimen    mit        Zhan
               Shen         property 567,049,6 CN              51,315, 37,037. 51,278,           411,27           67002
g        ed         g                               50% 50%
               zhen         manage 00,000.00 Y                 509.90      07 472.83               5.51           6381
Invest   liab       Ruili
                            ment and
ment     ility
                         Industrial                                                                       Joint
Shenz                    ,
hen                      property
Tellus                   manage
         mit        Luo
Hang           Shen      ment and 272,000,0 CN                 27,619, 238,634 27,380, 600,366. -73,801           68200
         ed          Boj                            50% 50%
Invest         zhen      auto       00,000.00 Y                528.97      .48 894.49       60      .47           8316
         liab        un
ment                     accessor
Co.,                     y
Ltd.                     purchse
                         and sales
ted     --     --    --        --       --     --   --    --      --      --      --       --      --       --      --
Xingl    Li
ong      mit        Zhan export of
               Shen                276,333,0 CN                37,662, 5,688,4 31,974,           -529,24 Stock 19217
Machi    ed         g     mould                     30% 30%
               zhen                00,000.00 Y                 803.54 66.86 336.68                  6.14 jointly 2420
nery     liab       Ruili process
Mould    ility
Tellus   Li
Auto     mit        Wu
               Shen      maintena 20,000,00 CN                 1,680,4 9,087,4 -7,407, 825,088. 91,536. Stock 76758
Servic   ed         Yong                            40% 40%
               zhen      nce and   0,000.00 Y                    06.58 40.51 033.93         07      62 jointly 3926
e        liab       gang
Chain    ility
Shenz    Li             sales of
hen      mit Shen Yanli auto and 300,000,0 CN       35% 35%
                                                               581,315 409,343 171,972 1,048,11 -13,354 Stock 77413
Zung     ed zhen ng maintena 00,000.00 Y                       ,691.64 ,007.30 ,684.34 7,850.63 ,233.43 jointly 1792
Fu       liab           nce

                                                             深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
Tellus ility
e Co.,
Auto     Li
                    Huan and
Indust   mit
               Shen g    export of 132,500,0 CN    35.7 35.75 54,829, 32,579, 22,250, 5,338,71 -824,37 Stock 19219
ry       ed
               zhen Weiq auto      00,000.00 Y      5%     % 875.15 215.06 660.09         0.92    7.84 jointly 0506
Imp&     liab
                    iang accessori
Exp      ility
hen      Li              productio
Dongf    mit             n of auto
               Shen Tian           800,000,0 CN              282,791 165,670 117,121 71,244,6 -141,67 Stock 19218
eng      ed              and                       25% 25%
               zhen shen           00,000.00 Y               ,825.45 ,243.72 ,581.73    75.00    3.41 jointly 689X
Auto     liab            maintena
Co.,     ility           nce
hen                       Security
Xinyo    Li               technolo
ngton    mit        Li    gy
               Shen                 16,000,00 CN              3,003,2 1,217,8 1,785,3 3,377,11 119,07 Stock 67480
g        ed         Jinlo inspectio                31% 31%
               zhen                  0,000.00 Y                 38.27 97.14 41.13         4.50   3.89 jointly 0717
Techn    liab       ng n for
ology    ility            auto
Co.,                      vehicles
                         n on
                         diesel oil
g        Li
Oil      mit        Lan
               Shen      maintenc 2,500,000 CN               422,655 86,243. 336,412                  Stock 67482
Pump     ed         Zhon                           31% 31%
               zhen      e and      ,000.00 Y                    .80     66      .14                  jointly 3599
Enviro   liab       gxin
nment    ility
Shenz                     nce of
hen                       auto and
Xinyo                     motorcyc
         mit        Li
ngton          Shen       le; auto 10,000,00 CN               2,748,0 2,112,7 635,261 3,592,20 -91,078 Stock 68376
         ed         Jianj                          30% 30%
g Auto         zhen       beauty    0,000.00 Y                  24.88 63.46       .42     5.81     .67 jointly 659X
         liab       un
Servic                    and sales
e Co.,                    of auto
Ltd.                      accessor
                        Sales of
Tellus Li
Xinyo mit         Li
             Shen       accessori 5,000,000 CN                1,554,9 1,313,9 240,980 1,196,30 -260,71 Stock 68376
ngton ed          Jinlo                            35% 35%
             zhen       es; auto    ,000.00 Y                   44.14 63.45       .69     5.07    3.87 jointly 3583
g Auto liab       ng
Servic ility
                        auto 1st
e Co.,
Shenz Li       Shen Li   Auto 2nd 10,000,00 CN     40% 40% 4,395,4 3,391,1 1,004,2 2,775,57 223,17 Stock 67858

                                                            深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文
hen      mit zhen Jianj   class      0,000.00 Y               29.84   98.20   31.64    2.74    3.67 jointly 7925
Xinyo    ed       un      mainten
ngton    liab             ance;sal
g        ility            es of
Dongx                     auto
iao                       accesso
Auto                      ries
e Co.,
Shenz                    Auto
hen                      manage
Xinyo    Li              ment ,
ngton    mit        Lan technolo
               Shen                1,600,000 CN             377,159 214,529 162,629 17,000.0        Stock 68539
g        ed         Zhon gy                       30% 30%                                    560.59
               zhen                  ,000.00 Y                  .28     .48     .80        0        jointly 3889
Consu    liab       gxin consultan
ltant    ility           ; network
Co.,                     maintena
Ltd.                     nce etc.
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                                        深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

4. Particulars about other related parties

            other related parties                            Relationship                             Organization code

Shenzhen SDG Swarn Industrial Company
                                             Subsidiary of parent company                192473856

Shenzhen Machinery Equipment Imp &
                                             Subsidiary of parent company                19034097X
Exp. Company

Shenzhen SDG Real Estate Co., Ltd.           Subsidiary of parent company                279365997

Hong Kong Yujia Investment Co, Ltd.          Subsidiary of parent company

Shenzhen Tellus Real Estate Yueyang Co., Subsidiary of parent company

Shenzhen SDG Development Center
                                             Subsidiary of parent company                192260957
Construction Supervision Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Tellus Yangchun Real Estate
                                             Subsidiary of parent company
Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Longgang Tellus Real Estate
                                             Subsidiary of parent company
Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Longgang Giant Industry Zone
                                             Same ultimate controller
 Investment Development Cp., Ltd.

Explanation on oher related parties:
5. Related transaction
(1) Statement of commodity purchased and labor service received
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                         Amount in this period           Amount in last period
                                                Pricing way and                           Ratio in                           Ratio in
    Related party              Content          decision making                           similar                            similar
                                                                            Amount                        Amount
                                                     procedures                          transactio                         transactio
                                                                                          ns (%)                             ns (%)

Statement of commodity sales and labor service provided
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                         Amount in this period           Amount in last period
                                                Pricing way and                           Ratio in                           Ratio in
    Related party              Content          decision making                           similar                            similar
                                                                            Amount                        Amount
                                                     procedures                          transactio                         transactio
                                                                                          ns (%)                             ns (%)

(2) Related trusteeship/contract
Statement of related trusteeship/contract
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
Assignee/co Assigner/co Entrusted        Entrusted     Assts type   Starting     Terminated Pricing       Income          Influence

                                                         深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

ntract-out       ntractor       /contract   /contract                    from        dated       basisi        recognized from the
party                           assets      assets                                                             in this       income
                                            amount                                                             period

Statement of entrusted management and contract
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                            Entrusted                                                          Income
Assignee/co                     Entrusted                                                                                    Influence
                 Assigner/co                /contract                    Starting   Terminated Pricing         recognized
    ntract-out                  /contract               Assts type                                                           from the
                 ntractor                   assets                       from        dated       basisi        in this
      party                     assets                                                                                       income
                                            amount                                                             period

Explanation on related truster ship and contract
(3) Related leasing
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                                                   Pricing       Leasing
                                  Type of     Leasing   Amount for Starting         Terminated    basisi for     income
      Lessor         Lessee                                                                                                    income
                                  leasing      asses      leasing        from        dated         leasing     recognized
                                                                                                    incme       in period

                 Zeng Fu
Tellus                          House,build Used        41,660,924.                              Contract                    Minor
                 Tellus Auto                                             2005-01-01 2025-01-01                   5,150,000
(Group)                         ing         normally                80                           price                       influence
                 Service Co.,
Co., Ltd.

Tellus           Shenzhen
Xinyongton Xinyongton
                                            Used                                                 Contract                    Minor
g                g              Machinery                953,401.61 2008-07-01 2016-06-30                          141,700
                                            normally                                             price                       influence
Automobile Technology
Developme Co., Ltd.
nt Co. Ltd

Tellus           Shenzhen
Xinyongton Xinyongton
                                House,build Used                                                 Contract                    Minor
g                g Auto                                  410,472.40 2009-04-01 2012-03-31                          309,204
                                ing         normally                                             price                       influence
Automobile Service Co.,
Developme Ltd.
nt Co. Ltd

Shenzhen         Shenzhen
                                House,build Used                                                 Contract                    Minor
Tellus           Xinyongton                              410,472.40 2012-04-01 2015-03-31                          368,100
                                ing         normally                                             price                       influence
Xinyongton g Auto

                                                    深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

g            Service Co.,
Automobile Ltd.
nt Co. Ltd

             g Dongxiao House,build Used                                                Contract                   Minor
g                                                   858,907.40 2009-04-01 2012-03-31                     226,800
             Auto           ing         normally                                        price                      influence
             Service Co.,
nt Co. Ltd

             g Dongxiao House,build Used                                                Contract                   Minor
g                                                   858,907.40 2012-04-01 2015-03-31                     270,000
             Auto           ing         normally                                        price                      influence
             Service Co.,
nt Co. Ltd

Tellus       Shenzhen
Xinyongton Xinyongton
                                        Used                                            Contract                   Minor
g            g Auto         Machinery               174,345.90 2009-04-01 2012-03-31                      60,969
                                        normally                                        price                      influence
Automobile Service Co.,
Developme Ltd.
nt Co. Ltd

             g Dongxiao                 Used                                            Contract                   Minor
g                           Machinery                63,932.31 2009-04-01 2012-03-31                      31,800
             Auto                       normally                                        price                      influence
             Service Co.,
nt Co. Ltd

Shenzhen     Shenzhen
Tellus       Huari
Xinyongton Toyota Auto House,build Used                                                 Contract                   Minor
                                                                2011-03-01 2013-02-28                    100,000
g Auto       Sales          ing         normally                                        price                      influence
Service Co., Service Co.,
ltd.         Ltd.

Statement of leasing
                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                              Type of     Leasing   Amount for Starting    Terminated     Pricing       Leasing      Leasing
    Lessor      Lessee
                              leasing      asses      leasing   from        dated        basisi for     income       income

                                                           深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

                                                                                                      leasing      recognized   influence
                                                                                                       incme        in period

Explanation on related leasing:
(4) Related gurantee
                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                        Whether gurantee
 Guarantee provided     Gurantee received           Gurantee amount     Starting from       Terminated dated
                                                                                                                       implemented or not

Explanation on related gurantee
(5) Borrowed funds from related party
                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

      Related party               Borrowed funds         Starting from              Terminated dated                         Note


Shenzhen SDG
Development Center                                                                                                Capital turnover
                                             5,000,000 2011-11-01                   2012-10-31
Construction Supervision                                                                                          provided
Co., Ltd.


(6) Assets transfer, debt restructure of related party
                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                                                               Amount in this period              Amount in last period
                                                         Pricing way and                          Ratio in                           Ratio in
  Related party       Type              Content          decision-making                          similar                            similar
                                                                                 Amount                            Amount
                                                            procedure                         transactio                            transactio
                                                                                                  ns (%)                             ns (%)

(7) Other related transactions
6. Account receivable/payable for related parties
Account receivable from related parties
                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

            Item                  Related parties               Amount at period-end                         Amount at period-begin

                           Shenzhen Xinyongtong
Account receivable                                                                      927,602                                      850,301
                           Auto Service Co., ltd.

                           Shenzhen Xinyongtong
Account receivable                                                                      680,400                                      623,700
                           Dongxiao Auto Service

                                                         深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

                           Co., ltd.

                           Shenzhen Tellus Auto
Other account receivable Service Chain Co., Ltd.                                 740,000                                770,000

                           Shenzhen Xinyongtong
Other account receivable                                                          80,000                                 80,000
                           Technology Co., Ltd.

                           Shenzhen Yongtong
Other account receivable Xinda Inspection                                     510,609.47                             498,893.47
                           Equipment Co., Ltd.

                           Shenzhen Xiandao
Other account receivable Chemical New Material                                708,072.26                             708,072.26
                           Co., Ltd.

                           Shenzhen Xinglong
Other account receivable Machinery Mould Co.,                               1,843,878.06                           1,805,961.41

                           Shenzhen Xinyongtong
Other account receivable                                                      177,716.62                             267,716.62
                           Auto Service Co., ltd.

                           Shenzhen Tellus Hang
Other account receivable                                                        1,172.19                               1,172.19
                           Investment Co., ltd.

                           Shenzhen Tellus Auto
Other account receivable                                                    6,289,870.92                           6,308,670.92
                           Service Chain Co., ltd.
Account payable for related parties
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                Item                              Related parties        Amount at period-end          Amount at period-begin

Short-term loans                        Shenzhen SDG Co., Ltd.                        19,096,287                     19,192,388

                                        Shenzhen SDG Development
Short-term loans                        Center Construction                            5,000,000                      5,000,000
                                        Supervision Co., Ltd.

                                        Shenzhen SDG Real Estate
Account payable                                                                     6,054,855.46                   6,054,855.46
                                        Co., Ltd.

                                        Shenzhen SDG Real Estate
Other account payable                                                                 335,701.34                     335,701.34
                                        Co., Ltd.

                                        Shenzhen SDG Development
Other account payable                   Center Construction                                163,998
                                        Supervision Co., Ltd.

                                        Hong Kong Yujia Investment
Other account payable                                                               1,958,100.87                   1,987,638.36
                                         Co., ltd.

                                        Shenzhen SDG Swarn
Other account payable                                                                  20,703.25                      20,703.25
                                        Industrial Co., Ltd.

                                                       深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

                                       Shenzhen Machinery
Other account payable                  Equipment Imp& Exp Co.,                     695,051.82                   387,833.7

Other account payable                  Shenzhen SDG Co., Ltd.                    47,079,452.22               46,272,271.96

                                       Shenzhen Longgang Tellus
Other account payable                                                              1,095,742.5                 1,095,742.5
                                       Real Estate Co., Ltd.

                                       Shenzhen Tellus Yangchun
Other account payable                                                              476,217.49                  476,217.49
                                       Real Estate Co., Ltd.

                                       Shenzhen Xinglong
Other account payable                                                               78,515.56                   78,515.56
                                       Machinery Mould Co., ltd.
(X) Share payment
1. Genral particular about share payment
Total vary equity instrument granted by the

Total vary equity instrument vesting by the

Total vary equity instrument expired in this

Price of exercise/option range for those shares
offering outside in period-end and their remain
term in contract

Price of exercise for other equity instrument at
period-end and their remains term in contract

Explanation on share payment
2. Share payment settled by equity
                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

Determination method for fair value of equity instrument in
granted dated

Determination method for best estimation of vesting equity

Reasons of major difference in this period over estimation last

Share payment accumulated by equity settlement in capital

Total amount of share payment by equity settlement

Explanation on share payment settled by equity

3. Share payment settled by cash
                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

Fair value determine method of liability that bear by the Company

                                                     深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

and calculated by share or other equity instrument

Liability amount accumulated arising from cash payment in

Total expenses of shares payment settled by cash

Explanation on share payment settled bycash

4. Service payment for shares
                                                                                             Unit: RMB

Total staff service exchange by share payment

Total other service exchange by share payment
5. Particular about amendment of share payment and its termination

(XI) Contingent events

1. Contingent liability and its financial influence formed by un-settle lawsuits or arbitration
(1) In October of 2005, a lawsuit was brought before Shenzhen Luo Hu District People’s Court by
the Company, which was the recognizor of Jintian Industrial (Group) Co., Ltd. (“Jintian”) to
require Jintian to redress RMB 4,081,830 (principal: RMB 3,000,000, interest: RMB 1,051,380,
legal fare: RMB 25,160 and executive fare: RMB 5,290, which were all dealt as a loss in last
report term.) It was the amount money that was distained forcibly. Till the disclosure date for this
report, Fu Tian District People’s Court had adjudged that the Company won the lawsuit and the
forcible execution had been applied by the Company.
April 2006 Shenzhen Development Bank brought an accusation against Jintian’s overdue loan two
million U.S. dollars and the Company who guaranteed for this loan. The company took on the
principal and all interest. After that, the Company appealed to Shenzhen Luohu District People's
Court, asking Jintian to repay 2,960,490 U.S. dollars and interest. In 2008, it reached Shen Luo
No.937 Civil Reconciliation Agreement (2008) after the mediating action taken by Shenzhen
Luohu District People's Court. The agreement is as follows: If Jintian repay 2,960,490 U.S. dollars
before October 31, 2008, the company will exempt all the interest. If Jintian can not settle the
amount on time, it will pay the penalty in accordance with the People's Bank of China RMB
benchmark lending rate over the same period.
The Company has not yet received the money from Jintian till the disclosure day.
(2) In October of 2005, a lawsuit was brought to Shenzhen Intermediate People’s Court by the
Company, which is the recognizor of bank loan guarantee of Shenzhen Zhong Hao (Group) Co.,
Ltd., to require Zhong Hao to redress RMB 16,620,000 which was finally paid by the Company on
behalf of Zhong Hao(principal: RMB 11,500,000, interest: RMB 5,000,000, legal fare and
evaluating fare: RMB 120,000, which were all dealt as a loss in last report term of the Company.).
Till the disclosure date for this report, Shenzhen Intermediate People’s Court had adjudged that the
Company won the lawsuit and the forcible execution had been applied by the Company.
In 2008, Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court issued the Shen Zhong Fa No. 420 Civil Verdict
(2007). Since the Company failed to provide the property or property clue of Zhong Hao available
for execution, and so did the Court, so the Court suspended the case. After the disappearance of

                                               深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

the suspension, the Company may apply to the court to recover the execution.
(3) The Company signed a “Guarantee Contract for a limited loan” with Shenzhen Petroleum &
Chemical Limited Company (“Petroleum & Chemical Limited”) Agricultural Bank of China
(ABC) Shenzhen Shangbu Subbranch on 14 December 1995. Our company guaranteed Petroleum
& Chemical Limited to borrow a loan of RMB 57,600,000 from Agricultural Bank of China
Shenzhen Shangbu Subbranch, which would expire on 14 December 2000. On 29 December 2000,
China Agricultural Bank Shenzhen Branch, China Great wall Asset Management Corporation
Shenzhen Branch (“Great Wall Corporation Shenzhen Branch”) and Petroleum & Chemical
Limited signed a “Loan for Investment & Stock Transfer Agreement”. Three parties agreed that
ABC Shenzhen Branch would transfer a loan of RMB 270,000,000 (the above-mentioned loan of
RMB 57,600,000 included), that he provided to Petroleum & Chemical Limited, to Great Wall
Corporation Shenzhen Branch, as a way of investment. In the agreement, they promised that
“From the date on which the contract become effective, Party A, Grate wall Corporation Shenzhen
Branch, will be entitled with the rights as a investor; Party B, ABC Shenzhen Branch, will not be a
lender again. “The agreement will become effective with the signatures of the representatives or
agents from the three parties”. On the same date, Great wall Corporation Shenzhen Branch,
Petroleum & Chemical Limited and Shenzhen Petroleum & Chemical Group Limited Company
(“Petroleum & Chemical Group”) signed an “Agreement”. Three parties agreed that Great wall
Corporation Shenzhen Branch changed his investor’s equity of RMB 270,000,000 in Petroleum &
Chemical Limited as the investment returns in Petroleum & Chemical Group. Meanwhile,
Petroleum & Chemical Group and Great Wall Corporation Shenzhen Branch signed a “Stock
Transfer Contract”. They agreed that Great Wall Corporation Shenzhen Branch would use his
investment returns of RMB 270,000,000 in Petroleum & Chemical Group to invest as a
stockholder in a newly-registered company of Petroleum & Chemical Group. The contract “will
become effective with the signatures and chops from the two parties”.
On 20 August 2004, the Agricultural Bank of China Shenzhen Branch claimed that “Agreement”,
“Loan for Investment & Stock Transfer Agreement” and “Stock Transfer Contract” had not been
carried out. They appealed to the Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court and required the borrower,
Petroleum & Chemical Limited, to repay the loan of RMB 57,600,000, interest of RMB
16,652,286.37, and debt interest and expense of realization of creditors’ right occurred in overdue
period since the judge day. It also required the Company to undertake joint responsibility for all

On 9 May 2006, the Company received the civil judgment of (2004) Shen Zhong Fa Min No. 437
from Shenzhen Intermediate People’s Court. In its judgment for first instance, Shenzhen
Intermediate People’s Court ordained that the Company should undertake the joint liability of
settlement for the loan of Petroleum & Chemical Limited. The Company shall repay the loan
principal of RMB 57,600,000 and interests to the Agricultural Bank of China Shenzhen Shangbu
Subbranch, within 10 days upon effectiveness of this judgment. If the Company failed to repay in
the regulated time, interest would be doubled according to the interest rate of the overdue time. As
Petroleum & Chemical Limited was delisted and its assets were seized by the creditors, so there
were no assets available for execution. The Company made provision of RMB 87,568,728.57 for
the relevant loss, in accordance with the Accounting Regulations for Business Enterprises.

                                                          深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

The Company refused to accept the above-mentioned verdict and appealed to Guangdong
Provincial High People's Court (hereinafter referred to Guangdong High Court). Guangdong High
Court rejected the appeal and upheld the original verdict by the Civil Judgment [2006] No. 172.
The Company refused to accept the verdict of Guangdong High Court and submitted Civil Retrial
applications and asked for Revocation of Civil Judgment of [2004] No.437 and [2006] No. 172
respectively issued by Shenzhen Intermediate People’s Court and Guangdong High Court.
Guangdong High Court accepted the application for retrial and decided to retrial this case by
issuing Civil Judgment [2007] No.682 on October 16, 2007. During the retrial, the enforcement
execution application presented by China Agricultural Bank Shenzhen Branch to Shenzhen
Intermediate People’s Court has been suspended. And the case had entered the trial supervision
procedure in Guangdong High Court.
The Company received the verdict of Civil Judgment [2008] No.23 from the Guangdong High
Court on 13 January 2010. Maintaining the decision of Civil Judgment [2006] No. 172, and this
judgment was the final decision.

On 7 July 2010, the Company receive Intermediate People’s Court. The civil judgment of [2008]
No.23 from Guangdong High Court, civil judgment of [2006] No.172 and civil judgment of [2004]
No.437 from Shenzhen Intermediate Court have been in legal validity. Pursuit to the application
from Shenzhen Agriculture Bank of China, on 2 July 2010, the Shenzhen Intermediate People’s
Court freed the following shares as: 95% equity of Shenzhen Tefa Tellus Real Estate Development
Co., Ltd., 50% equity of Shenzhen Tellus GEM Investment Co., Ltd.,d a Freezing Notice [2010]
No.534-1 from Shenzhen 60% of Shenzhen Tafa Huari Automobile Enterprise Co., Ltd., 60% of
Shenzhen Huari TOYOTA Automobile Sale Services Co., Ltd. and 35% of Shenzhen Renfu Tellus
Automobile Services Co., Ltd. Held by the Company.
Till reporting day, both parties are negotiating and becoming reconciled.

2. Contingent liability and its financial influence formed from debt gurantee offered to other

Other contingent liability and its financial influence:
(XII) Commitments
1. large commitments
No material commitmetns need to disclosed for first half year of 2012
2. Commitments made previously
(XIII) Subsequent events of balance sheet
1. Explanation on major event after balance sheet date
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                                     Influence on financial status   Reasons for no estimation on
               Item                             Content
                                                                        and operation results             influence amount

2. Profit distribution after balance sheet date
                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                        深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

Profit or dividend plans to distributed

Profit or dividend declare to distributed which hace been
3. Other explanation after balance sheet date
(XIV) Other explanations on major event
1. Non-monetary asets exchange
2. Debt reorganization
3. Enterprise combination
4. Leasing
5. Financial instrument issued outside and convertible to shares in report period
6.Main content of annuity plan and major changes
7. Other events needs disclosure
The follow equity held by the Company have all pledge to the bank for 6 million yuan loans: 30%
of Shenzhen Xinglong Machinery Mould Company, 50% of Shenzhen Tellus Hag Investment
Company, 50 % Shenzhen Tellus Jimeng Investment Co., Ltd., 51% of Shenzhen Xingyongtong
Auto Vehicle Inspection Equipment Co., Ltd., 100% of Shenzhen Tellus Real Estate Exchange
Co., Ltd., 100% of Shenzhen SDG Real Estate Co., Ltd., 100% of Shenzhen Tellus Property
Management Co., Ltd, 100% equity of Shenzhen Auto Industry-Trading Corporation and 100% of
Shenzhen Zhongtian Industrial Co., Ltd.

(XV) Principle notes of financial statements of parent company

1. Accounts receivable

(1) Accounts receivable

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                              Closing balance                      Opening balance

                                 Book balance            Bad debt reserves              Book balance             Bad debt reserves
                                                                        Proporti                   Proporti                     Proporti
                              Amount          rtion   Amount                       Amount                     Amount
                                                                        on (%)                     on (%)                       on (%)

single amount is large, and
accounts receivable of
                                          0                         0                          0                            0
single counting and
drawing bad debt reserves

counting and drawing accounts receivable of bad debt reserves by group

                                                         深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

subtotal                                  0      0%                  0                        0         0%                  0

though the single amount
is not large, accounts
receivable of single            484,803.08 100%            484,803.08     100%      484,803.08    100%            484,803.08     100%
counting and drawing bad
debt reserves

total                           484,803.08       --        484,803.08      --       484,803.08     --             484,803.08     --

Introductions to types of accounts receivable

Terminal single amount is large, and accounts receivable of single counting and drawing bad debt
□Applicable √Not Applicable
In combination, counting and drawing accounts receivable of bad debt reserves by adopting aging
of accounts
□Applicable √Not Applicable
In combination, counting and drawing accounts receivable of bad debt reserves by adopting
balance percentage of approach:
□Applicable √Not Applicable
In combination, counting and drawing accounts receivable of bad debt reserves by adopting other
□Applicable √Not Applicable
Terminal single amount is not large, but accounts receivable of single counting and drawing bad
debt reserves:
√Applicable □Not Applicable
                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                                                                                   counting and drawing       counting and drawing
   accounts receivable           book balance              bad debt reserves
                                                                                          ratio                        reasons

payment of Shenzhen                                                                                          accounts receivable age
Bijiashan Entertainment                       172,000                    172,000                   100% is long, which will not be
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                    taken back by prediction

                                                                                                             accounts receivable age
Payments of SEG retail
                                          97,806.64                   97,806.64                    100% is long, which will not be
                                                                                                             taken back by prediction

                                                                                                             accounts receivable age
Payments of Guangzhou
                                                86,940                    86,940                   100% is long, which will not be
Lemin Computer Center
                                                                                                             taken back by prediction

                                                                                                             accounts receivable age
Payments of other units                  128,056.44                  128,056.44                    100% is long, which will not be
                                                                                                             taken back by prediction

                                                           深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

            Total                            484,803.08                    484,803.08                      100%               --

(2) Accounts receivable switched back or taken back during the report period

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                                                                        switching back or taking
                                   reasons for switching Basis for confirming bad         back the counted or      Amount switched back
       Accounts receivable
                                    back or taking back          debt reserves          drawn bad debt reserves        or taken back
                                                                                          accumulated before

              Total                          --                       --                                                      --

Terminal single amount is large, or not large, but counting and drawing bad debt reserves of accounts receivable by
doing impairment test alone:

                                                                                         counting and drawing
      accounts receivable            book balance              bad debt reserves                                            Reasons

             Total                                                                                 --                         --

Introductions to accounts receivable, the single amount of which is not large, but the credit risks are large after
combining according to the credit risks characters:

(3) Accounts receivable should be cancelled after verification during the report period

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                            accounts receivable                                                                       Whether caused by
        Unit name                                   Cancelling time        Cancelling amount     Cancelling reasons
                                properties                                                                            related transaction

          Total                     --                    --                                 0            --                       --

Introductions to cancellation of accounts receivable

(4) Shareholder units holding more than 5%(Including 5%)voting shares of the Company in
accounts receivable during the report period

□Applicable √Not Applicable

                                                    深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

(5) Properties and contents of other accounts receivable with large amount

(6) Units with top five accounts receivable amount

                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                            Relationship with the                                                     Percentage in accounts
       Unit name                                           Amount                  Age limit
                                  Company                                                             receivable amount (%)

Shenzhen Bijiashan
                          external unit                             172,000 Over 3 years                               35.48%
Entertainment Co., Ltd.

SEG retail sales          external unit                           97,806.64 Over 3 years                               20.17%

Guangzhou Lemin
                          external unit                              86,940 Over 3 years                               17.93%
Computer Center

Lanzhou Dachuan
                          external unit                              37,308 Over 3 years                                 7.7%
Electronic Company

Sichuan Shentong
                          external unit                              28,764 Over 3 years                                5.93%
Computer Company

          Total                       --                         422,818.64            --                              87.21%

(7) Accounts receivable of related party

                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                                                                    Percentage in accounts
          Unit name            Relationship with the Company              Amount
                                                                                                    receivable amount (%)

            Total                             --                                            0                                0%

(8) Transferring amount is 0 Yuan for accounts receivable not conforming to terminate the

(9) It is required to introduce the relevant transaction arrangement for asset securitization
taking accounts receivables as the standard

2. Other accounts receivable

(1) Other accounts receivable

                                                                                                Unit: RMB
Type                                           Closing balance                                  Opening balance

                                                             深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

                                     book balance                  bad debt reserves           book balance                bad debt reserves

                                                    Ratio                          Ratio                     Ratio                       Ratio
                                Amount                           Amount                    Amount                        Amount
                                                    (%)                            (%)                       (%)                         (%)

single amount is large, and
other accounts receivable of                           39.11                                                  35.69
                                   12,286,623.82                   12,286,623.82 100%        12,286,623.82               12,286,623.82 100%
single counting and drawing                                  %                                                       %
bad debt reserves

counting and drawing other accounts receivable of bad debt reserves by group

by accounts receivable age                                                                                    60.95
                                     17,968,287.1 57.2%             1,416,048.22 7.88%       20,983,882.89                1,416,048.22 6.75%

subtotal                             17,968,287.1 57.2%             1,416,048.22 7.88%       20,983,882.89                1,416,048.22 6.75%

though the single amount is
not large, other accounts
receivable of single counting         1,157,688.2 3.69%              1,157,688.2 100%          1,157,688.2 3.36%           1,157,688.2 100%
and drawing bad debt

Total                              31,412,599.12        --         14,860,360.24     --      34,428,194.91      --       14,860,360.24        --

Introductions to cancellation of accounts receivable

Terminal single amount is large, and other accounts receivable of single counting and drawing bad
debt reserves
√Applicable □Not Applicable
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

Other accounts                                                                             counting and drawing
                                         book balance              bad debt reserves                                 Reasons
receivable                                                                                                   ratio

loan liability to guarantee                                                                                          win a lawsuit, but the
of Shenzhen Zhonghao                       5,000,000                        5,000,000                    100% opposite side has no
(Group) Co., Ltd.                                                                                                    assets to implement

                                                                                                                     accounts receivable age
Loan of Jinbeili Home
                                         2,706,983.51                     2,706,983.51                   100% is long, which will not be
Appliance Company
                                                                                                                     taken back by prediction

loan liability to guarantee
of Shenzhen                                                                                                          The possibility to take
                                         1,895,712.47                     1,895,712.47                   100%
Petrochemical Industry                                                                                               back is uncertain
(Group) Co., Ltd.

mortgage obligatory right                                                                                            accounts receivable age
                                         1,212,373.79                     1,212,373.79                   100%
of Huatong Machinery                                                                                                 is long, which will not be

                                                          深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

Co., Ltd.                                                                                                             taken back by prediction

related loans of Shenzhen                                                                                             accounts receivable age
Xiandao Chemicals and                       708,072.26                   708,072.26                           100% is long, which will not be
New Materials Co., Ltd.                                                                                               taken back by prediction

                                                                                                                      The possibility to take
others                                      763,481.79                   763,481.79                           100%
                                                                                                                      back is uncertain

            Total                       12,286,623.82                 12,286,623.82                 --                            --

In combination, counting and drawing other accounts receivable of bad debt reserves by adopting
aging of accounts
√Applicable □Not Applicable
                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                        Closing balance                                                  Opening balance

    accounts                 book balance                                                  book balance
 receivable age                                           bad debt reserves                                                bad debt reserves
                                               Ratio                                                          Ratio
                    Amount                                                        Amount
                                               (%)                                                            (%)

With one year

thereinto                     --                  --             --                         --                   --                --

subtotal within
                             14,995,828.18 83.46%                             0            18,019,423.97 85.87%                                 0
one year

1-2 years                          84,041.64    0.47%                 3,802.08                    76,041.64    0.36%                      3,802.08

2-3 years                       106,541.64      0.59%              21,308.32                     106,541.64    0.51%                    21,308.32

over 3years                   2,781,875.64 15.48%               1,390,937.82                2,781,875.64 13.26%                    1,390,937.82

3-4 years

4-5 years

over 5 years

Total                         17,968,287.1        --            1,416,048.22               20,983,882.89         --                1,416,048.22

In combination, counting and drawing other accounts receivable of bad debt reserves by adopting balance
percentage of approach:
□Applicable √Not Applicable
In combination, counting and drawing other accounts receivable of bad debt reserves by adopting other methods:
□Applicable √Not Applicable
Terminal single amount is not large, but other accounts receivable of single counting and drawing bad debt
√Applicable □Not Applicable
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

Other accounts                           book balance            bad debt reserves         counting and drawing Reasons

                                                        深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

receivable                                                                                                  ratio

                                                                                                                    accounts receivable age
Money used for
                                          217,892.57                     217,892.57                        100% is long, which will not be
purchasing house by staff
                                                                                                                    taken back by prediction

                                                                                                                    accounts receivable age
other units                               939,795.63                     939,795.63                        100% is long, which will not be
                                                                                                                    taken back by prediction

             Total                        1,157,688.2                1,157,688.2                           100%                --

(2) Other accounts receivable switched back or taken back during the report period

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                      switching back or taking
                                reasons for switching Basis for confirming bad          back the counted or          Amount switched back
  Other accounts receivable
                                 back or taking back          debt reserves           drawn bad debt reserves             or taken back
                                                                                        accumulated before

              Total                       --                        --                                                         --

Terminal single amount is large, or not large, but counting and drawing bad debt reserves of other accounts
receivable by doing impairment test alone:

                                                                                         counting and drawing
 accounts receivable                    book balance            bad debt reserves                                   Reasons

          Total                                                                                  --                             --

Introductions to other accounts receivable, the single amount of which is not large, but the credit risks are large
after combining according to the credit risks characters:

(3) Other accounts receivable should be cancelled after verification during the report period

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                       Other accounts                                                                                 Whether caused
                                                                          Cancelling          Cancelling
      Unit name          receivable Cancelling time                                                                     by related
                                                                           amount              reasons
                         properties                                                                                    transaction

        Total                    --                     --                               0            --                        --
Introductions to cancellation of other accounts receivable

                                                         深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

(4) Shareholder units holding more than 5% (Including 5%)voting shares of the Company in
other accounts receivable during the report period

□Applicable √Not Applicable

(5) Properties and contents of other accounts receivable with large amount

(6) Units with top five other accounts receivable amount

                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                             Relationship with the                                                      Percentage in accounts
       Unit name                                               Amount                 Age limit
                                   Company                                                              receivable amount (%)

Shenzhen Zhonghao
                           loan liability to guarantee              5,000,000 Over 3 years                               15.92%
(Group) Co., Ltd.

Jinbeili Home Appliance
                           come-and-go money                      2,706,983.51 Over 3 years                               8.62%

Shenzhen Petrochemical
Industry (Group) Co.,      loan liability to guarantee            1,895,712.47 Over 3 years                               6.03%

Shenzhen Xinglong
Machinery and Module       loans and interests                    1,843,878.06 1-3 years                                  5.87%
Co., Ltd.

debt obligatory right of
                           debt obligatory right                  1,212,373.79 Over 3 years                               3.86%
Huatong Machinery

            Total                      --                        12,658,947.83             --                             40.3%

(7) Other accounts receivable of related party

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                                                                                                      Percentage in accounts
            Unit name           Relationship with the Company                Amount
                                                                                                       receivable amount (%)

              Total                                --                                           0                              0%

                                                            深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

(8) Transferring amount is 0 Yuan for other accounts receivable not conforming to
terminate the confirmation.

(9) It is required to introduce the relevant transaction arrangement for asset securitization
taking other accounts receivables as the standard


3. Long-term equity investment

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                                                  on of
                                                                         Share                   mity of
                                                                                      Vote                              drawing     Cash
                                                 increase               holding                   share
             Calculatin                                                             percentag                Impairme impairme dividends
 Invested                  Initial    Opening      and                  percentag                holding
                    g                                        Closing                  e in                      nt         nt      at the
     units                investmen balance      decrease                 e in                  percentag
             methods                                         balance                invested                 reserves   reserves   current
                           t costs               changes                invested                e and vote
                                                                                    units (%)                            at the    period
                                                                        units (%)               percentag
                                                                                                   e in

Tellus       law of       31,152,88 31,152,88               31,152,88
                                                                           100%        100%
Real         cost              8.87       8.87                   8.87
Co., Ltd

             law of       5,021,970 5,021,970               5,021,970
Property                                                                   100%        100%
             cost               .88        .88                    .88
nt Co.,

             law of       57,672,88 57,672,88               57,672,88
ong                                                                        100%        100%
             cost              5.22       5.22                   5.22

                                            深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

ment Co.

Zhongtia law of       10,708,62 10,708,62   10,708,62
                                                         100%     100%
n Industry cost             2.9       2.9          2.9
Co., Ltd.

             law of   126,251,0 126,251,0   126,251,0
Industry                                                 100%     100%
             cost        71.57     71.57        71.57

             law of   19,224,69 19,224,69   19,224,69
Automobi                                                  60%      60%
             cost          2.65      2.65        2.65
e Co., Ltd

Real         law of
                      2,000,000 2,000,000   2,000,000    100%     100%
Estate       cost
Co. Ltd

             law of   1,807,411 1,807,411    1,807,411
Automobi                                                  60%      60%
             cost           .52       .52          .52
le Sales
Co., Ltd.

             law of   10,000,00 10,000,00   10,000,00
le                                                        51%      51%
             cost            0         0            0
nt Co. Ltd

                                                     深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

GEM         equity   28,352,48 25,433,59 219,353.1 25,652,95
                                                                       50%      50%
investme law                0         8.67          7         1.84
nt Co.,

            equity   13,600,00 8,574,115                 8,614,266
Investme                                     40,150.72                 50%      50%
            law             0          .46                     .18
nt Co.,

Machiner equity      2,554,392 6,240,588                 5,976,888
                                             -263,700                  30%      30%                          105,000
y           law            .64         .58                     .58
Co., Ltd.

Auto        equity
                      800,000                                          40%      40%
Service     law
Co., Ltd.

Tellus      equity   10,500,00 65,767,55 -8,172,50 57,595,05
                                                                       35%      35%                         3,500,000
Auto        law             0          1.5          0          1.5
Co., ltd

Chemistr law of      7,256,401 4,751,621                 4,751,621                        4,751,621
                                                                       40%      40%
y & New cost               .38         .62                     .62                              .62
Co., ltd

Changyan law of                  1,810,540               1,810,540                        1,810,540
                     6,900,000                                       36.55%   36.55%
g Industry cost                         .7                      .7                               .7
Co., Ltd.

            law of
Hanli                3,466,000 1,956,000                 1,956,000     80%      80%       1,956,000

                                                          深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

Co., Ltd.

Jiecheng law of
                              3,150,000 3,225,000             3,225,000      45%         45%            3,225,000
Electroni cost
c Co., Ltd

             law of           10,176,61 10,176,61             10,176,61
Machiner                                                                    5.3%         5.3%
             cost                   7.2       7.2                   7.2
y Industry
Co., Ltd.

Jingwei      law of
                              4,000,000 4,000,000             4,000,000     12.5%     12.5%             4,000,000
Industry     cost
Co., ltd.

(Moscow law of
                               825,000    825,000              825,000           7%        7%             825,000
) Co.,       cost

Wuhan        Law         of
Weite        cost             640,000     640,000              640,000                                    640,000

mical        law of
                               700,000    700,000              700,000                                    700,000
Industry     cost
Co., Ltd.

                              356,760,4 397,940,1 -8,176,69 389,763,4                                   17,908,16
Total               --                                                      --        --        --                           0 3,605,000
                                 34.83      77.34      6.11      81.23                                       2.32

Introductions to long-term equity investment

4. Operating income and cost

(1) Operating income and cost

                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                 Item                               Amount of this period                            Amount of last period

Main operating income                                                     6,998,484.71                                       6,559,038.23

Other operating income

Operating cost                                                            2,200,025.49                                        2,025,180.4

                                                       深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文


(2) Primary business (By industries)

√Applicable □Not Applicable

                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                             Amount of this period                          Amount of last period
        Industry name
                                    Operating income         Operating cost                               Operating income

leasing services                           6,998,484.71              2,200,025.49         6,559,038.23              2,025,180.4

Total                                      6,998,484.71              2,200,025.49         6,559,038.23              2,025,180.4

(3) Primary business (By products)

□Applicable √Not Applicable

(4) Primary business (By districts)

□Applicable √Not Applicable

(5) The operating income of the top five customers of the Company

                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                The percentage
                                                                                                                in all operating
                              Customer name                                     Primary business income
                                                                                                                income of the
                                                                                                                Company (%)

Shenzhen Renfu Tellus Auto Service Co., Ltd.                                                   2,575,000.02               1.33%

BAITAI JEWELRY                                                                                      577,266                0.3%

YIDALONG JEWELRY                                                                                    319,836               0.16%

XIANGXIA                                                                                            307,086               0.16%

XINGGUANGDA JEWELRY                                                                                 214,740               0.11%

Total                                                                                          3,993,928.02               2.06%

Introductions to operating income

                                                     深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

5. Investment income

(1) Particulars about investment income

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                            Item                                       Amount of this period                Amount of last period

Income of long-term equity investment calculated based on
                                                                                           48,625.5                          33,574.75

Income of long-term equity investment calculated based on
                                                                                       -4,535,696.11                       3,740,484.4

Investment income obtained from disposal of long-term
equity investment

Investment income obtained during holding trading financial

Investment income obtained during held-to-maturity
investment gaining investment income

Investment income obtained during holding available-for-sale
financial assets

Investment income obtained by handling trading financial

Investment income obtained from held-to-maturity

Investment income obtained from available-for-sale financial


Total                                                                                  -4,487,070.61                      3,774,059.15

(2) Income of long-term equity investment calculated based on cost

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                                          Amount of last
               Company name                  Amount of this period                                     Reasons of change (+,-)

Dividends of China Merchants Bank                           48,625.5              33,574.75 irregularly scheduled cash dividends

Total                                                       48,625.5              33,574.75                       --

(3) Income of long-term equity investment calculated based on equity law

                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
               Company name                  Amount of the current      Amount of the last             Reasons for changes (+,-)

                                                               深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

                                                               period                  period

Shenzhen Tellus Auto Service Chain Co.,
                                                                        36,000               -84,000 profit at current period

Shenzhen Xinglong Machinery and Module
                                                                    -158,700                    24,000 loss at current period
Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Renfu Tellus Auto Service Co.,
                                                                  -4,672,500               4,300,100 loss at current period

Shenzhen Tellus GEM Investment Co., ltd                           219,353.17                -496,350 profit at current period

Shenzhen Telixing Investment Co., ltd                              40,150.72                -3,265.6 profit at current period

Total                                                          -4,535,696.11             3,740,484.4                        --

Introduction to investment income:

6.     Supplementary information of cash flow statement

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                        Supplementary information                                Amount of the current period        Amount of the last period

1. adjust the net profits to be cash flow for operating activities                              --                               --

net profits                                                                                          -9,100,247.37                     -997,302.06

Add: assets impairment preparation

fixed assets depreciation, oil-and-gas assets loss , productive living
                                                                                                       340,699.90                       367,008.62
beings depreciation

intangible assets amortization                                                                          23,749.98                        23,749.98

long-term deferred expenses amortization

losses from handling fixed assets, intangible assets and assets(profits
fill with “-“ )

loss on retirement of fixed assets(profits fill with “-“ )

fair value change loss(profits fill with “-“ )

financial costs(profits fill with “-“ )                                                            1,612,023.98                     1,948,519.73

investment losses(profits fill with “-“)                                                           4,487,070.61                     -3,774,059.15

deferred income tax assets decrease(increases fill with “-“ )

deferred income tax liabilities increase(decreases fill with “-“ )

                                                             深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

stock decreases(increases fill with “-“ )

operating receivables decrease(increases fill with “-“ )                                   3,015,595.79                      1,023,025.87

operating payables increase(decreases fill with “-“ )                                      3,411,679.46                      5,145,455.89


cash flow net amount generated by operating activities                                       3,790,572.35                      3,736,398.88

2. significant investment financial activities not involving and cash
                                                                                       --                                 --
deposit and withdrawal

debt turns to capital

convertible bonds due in one year

fixed assets financed by leasing

3.net changes of cash and cash equivalents                                            --                                 --

ending balance of cash                                                                         88,905.84                        450,112.02

decrease: opening balance of cash                                                              64,442.86                        324,541.62

increase: ending balance of cash equivalents

decrease: opening balance of cash equivalents

net increase of cash and cash equivalents                                                      24,462.98                        125,570.40

7. Assets and liabilities enter into the account book with assessed value by counter purchase

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
    Assets and liabilities enter into the account book with
                                                                            assessed value                   Original book value
                           assessed value



(XVI) Supplementary Information

1. REO (Rate of return on common stockholders’ equity and earnings per share

                                                                      Unit: RMB

                                                     Rates of return on weighted                     Earnings per share
              Profits during report period
                                                      average net assets(%)               Basic EPS                diluted EPS

net profits belong to common stock
                                                                          -4.99%                      -0.0392                      -0.0392
stockholders of the Company

                                                       深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

net profits belong to common stock
stockholders of the Company after deducting                              -5.02%                  -0.0394                        -0.0394
nonrecurring gains and losses

2. Abnormalities and reasons of the accounting statement items of the Company

               Items                 Amount at the    Amount at the      Increasing and     Increasing                  Description
                                       end of the     beginning of the     decreasing          and
                                        period            period            amouunt         decreasing
 other receivable                     25,247,513.36      11,043,423.52     14,204,089.84        128.6% open credit increases
 Stock                                42,919,798.18      30,218,346.71     12,701,451.47         42.0% prepared inventory vehicles
advance payment                        9,917,329.11      12,953,848.48      -3,036,519.37       -23.4% settle accounts of prepaid vehicle
construction in process                3,565,461.92       2,461,073.03      1,104,388.89         44.9% boost the construction of Shuibei
                                                                                                         Jewelry industrial park
               Items                 Amount of the    Amount at the      Increasing and     Increasing                  Description
                                     current period same period of         decreasing          and
                                                         last year          amouunt         decreasing
non-operating expenditure                 21,302.80         159,475.00       -138,172.20        -86.6% amount of non-operating
                                                                                                         expenditures and other items is
other consolidated income               -109,986.25          24,312.75       -134,299.00        552.4% market value of financial assets
                                                                                                         available for sale    changes
net cash flow generated by            -5,034,466.47       6,776,674.04     -11,811,140.51       174.3% come and go funds decrease
operating activities                                                                                     compared with same period of
                                                                                                         last year
net cash flow generated by             1,463,630.64      -1,480,669.66      2,944,300.30        198.8% bonuses obtained from
investing   activities                                                                                   investment increase at current

                                             深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2012 年半年度报告全文

                         IX File catalog for future reference

                               File catalog for future reference
1. Semi-annual reports with the president’s own signature;
2. Financial report with signature of legal representative, finance employee in charge and
accountant in charge;
3. The original manuscripts of all documents and announcements of the Company publicly
disclosed on newspapers appointed by China Securities Regulatory Commission during the report
 4. The articles of association of the Company passed by the latest general meeting of

                                                              Chairman:Zhang Ruili

                            Submit date approved by the board of directors: 16 August 2012
