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特 力B:2014年第三季度报告全文(英文版)2014-10-25  

						                   深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2014 年第三季度报告全文

Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

The Third Quarterly Report For 2014

           October 2014

                                                              深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2014 年第三季度报告全文

                                    Section I. Important Notice

Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, all directors, supervisors and senior executives of Shenzhen Tellus

Holding Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Company) hereby confirm that there are no any fictitious

statements, misleading statements, or important omissions carried in this report, and shall take all responsibilities,

individual and/or joint, for the reality, accuracy and completion of the whole contents.

All directors are present the meeting of the Board for deliberating the Third Quarter Report of the Company in

Lv Hang, person in charge of the Company, head of the accounting works Luo Bojun,CFO FuBin and Ke
Wensheng, accounting body principals (accountant in charge) hereby confirm that the Financial Report of the
Third Quarterly Report is authentic, accurate and complete.

                                                                       深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2014 年第三季度报告全文

         Section II. Main accounting data and changes of shareholders

I. Main accounting data and index

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data for accounting policy changed and accounting
error correction or not
√ Yes   □ No

                                                                              Period-end of last year               Increase/decrease
                                       Current period-end
                                                               Before the adjustment       After the adjustment    After the adjustment

Total assets(RMB)                            800,215,734.74           700,998,151.85              702,180,174.03                  13.96%

Net assets attributable to
shareholders of listed company               185,692,594.23           191,351,957.28              182,370,970.80                   1.82%

                                                                                                                   Increase/decrease in
                                                                Increase/decrease in                                comparison with
                                                                                          From Year-begin to end
                                         Current period        comparison with same                                   year-begin to
                                                                                               of the Period
                                                               period of last year (%)                              Period-end of last

Operating revenue (RMB)                      111,225,813.52                     -22.06%           339,918,355.38                   -6.82%

Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed company            -1,363,612.33                    -108.22%             4,157,549.10                  -79.72%

Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed company
                                              -2,527,297.78                    518.87%              2,829,106.07              -177.48%
after deducting non-recurring gains
and losses(RMB)

Net cash flow arising from
                                                --                       --                        24,703,464.95                  -12.42%
operating activities(RMB)

Basic earnings per share
                                                     -0.0062                   -108.23%                   0.0189                  -79.70%

Diluted earnings per share
                                                     -0.0062                   -108.23%                   0.0189                  -79.70%

Weighted average ROE                                 -0.73%                      -9.57%                   2.26%                    -8.78%

Items and amount of extraordinary profit (gains)/losses
√Applicable      □Not applicable
                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                               Item                                  Amount from year-begin to                      Note

                                                                              深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2014 年第三季度报告全文

                                                                                end of the Period

                                                                                                             Gains from vehicle adaptation
Gains/losses from the disposal of non-current asset (including the
                                                                                             194,942.48 from company and
write-off that accrued for impairment of assets)
                                                                                                             its subsidiaries

Except for effective hedge business relevant to normal operation
of the Company, gains and losses arising from fair value change
                                                                                                             Gains arising from disposal of
of tradable financial assets and tradable financial liabilities, and                       1,141,821.27
                                                                                                             CMBC shares
investment income from disposal of tradable financial assets,
tradable financial liabilities and financial assets available for sale

Other non-operating income and expenditure except for the
aforementioned items

Less: impact on income tax                                                                        7,467.21

     Impact on minority shareholders’ equity (post-tax)                                       58,038.11

Total                                                                                      1,328,443.03                         --

Concerning the extraordinary profit (gain)/loss defined by Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies
Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, and the items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according to
the lists of extraordinary profit (gain)/loss in Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their
Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, explain reasons
□ Applicable    √ Not applicable
In reporting period, the Company has no particular about items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according to the lists of
extraordinary profit (gain)/loss in Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to
the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss.

II. Statement of the total shareholders and shares-held of top ten shareholders at end of the

1. Statement of the total common shareholders and shares-held of top ten common shareholders at end of
the Period

                                                                                                                                         In share

Total common shareholders at

                                               Shares-held of top ten common shareholders

                                                                                       Amount of             Number of share pledged/frozen
                          Nature of         Proportion of     Amount of shares
   Shareholders                                                                      restricted shares
                         shareholder         shares held               held                                  State of share          Amount

SHENZHEN SDG State-owned
                                                     66.22%         145,870,560            14,587,056
CO., LTD              corporate

Guoyuan Securities Foreign
                                                      1.41%              3,096,957
Brokerage (HK)        corporation

                                                                        深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2014 年第三季度报告全文

Co., Ltd.

Bank of
Co., Ltd.
–Changxing           Other                          0.52%          1,137,637
pioneer securities
investment fund

Bao Ying Fund-
CMBC-Bao Ying
golden share No. 6
                      Other                          0.41%            899,867
Specific Multi-user
management plan

                      Domestic nature
Jiang Youhua                                         0.36%            800,038

                      Domestic nature
Du Shuangxiu                                         0.32%            700,297

CAPITAL CORP          Foreign
                                                     0.30%            649,928
HONG KONG             corporation

SHANGHAI              Foreign
                                                     0.29%            631,907
SECURITIES            corporation

                      Domestic nature
Chen Jiansheng                                       0.27%            600,050

China Construction
Bank Co.,
Stanley Huaxin        Other                          0.25%            553,565
Factors selected
strategy securities
investment fund

                                Particular about top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held

                                                                                                              Type of shares
               Shareholders                     Amount of un-restrict common shares held
                                                                                                           Type           Amount

                                                                                                  RMB ordinary
SHENZHEN SDG CO., LTD                                                               131,283,504

                                                                        深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2014 年第三季度报告全文

Guoyuan Securities Brokerage (HK)
                                                                                      3,096,957 listed foreign
Co., Ltd.

Bank of Communications Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                  RMB ordinary
–Changxing Quantitative pioneer                                                      1,137,637
securities investment fund

Bao Ying Fund- CMBC-Bao Ying
                                                                                                  RMB ordinary
golden share No. 6 Specific                                                            899,867
Multi-user Assets management plan

                                                                                                  RMB ordinary
Jiang Youhua                                                                           800,038

                                                                                                  RMB ordinary
Du Shuangxiu                                                                           700,297

                                                                                       649,928 listed foreign

                                                                                       631,907 listed foreign

                                                                                                  RMB ordinary
Chen Jiansheng                                                                         600,050

China Construction Bank Co.,
Ltd.-Morgan Stanley Huaxin Factors                                                                RMB ordinary
selected strategy securities investment                                                           shares

                                          Among the top ten shareholders, there exists no associated relationship between the
                                          state-owned legal person’s shareholders Shenzhen SDG Co., Ltd and other shareholders, and
Explanation on associated
                                          they do not belong to the consistent actionist regulated by the Management Measure of
relationship among the top ten
                                          Information Disclosure on Change of Shareholding for Listed Companies. For the other
shareholders or consistent action
                                          shareholders of circulation share, the Company is unknown whether they belong to the
                                          consistent actionist.

Explanation on shareholders
involving margin business about top
ten common shareholders with
un-restrict shares held (if applicable)

Whether top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held have a buy-back agreement
dealing in reporting period
□ Yes √ No
The top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held of the Company have no buy-back
agreement dealing in reporting period.

                                                         深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2014 年第三季度报告全文

2. Total of shareholders with preferred stock held and the top ten shareholdings in Period-end

□Applicable      √Not applicable

                                                                       深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2014 年第三季度报告全文

                                       Section III. Important events

I. Particular about major changes from items of main accounting statements and financial
indexes as well as reasons

√ Applicable □Not applicable
(I) Impact on consolidated financial statement of the Company by new revised accounting standards

Subject to regulation of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprise No.2 –Long-term Equity Investment revised, recognition and
measurement of long-term equity investment towards subsidiaries, joint ventures and affiliates should be regulated, as for the
long-term equity investment of the invested entiry without control, common control and significant influence owned by the investor,
concluded in the regulation scope of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprise No.22 –Recognition and Measurement of
Financial Insutruments. According to the standards, the Company revised the accounting policy on long-term equity investment;
meanwhile, for those equity investment which the Company has no control/common control or significant influence and whose fair
value counld not be able to measured surely, calculated based on financial assets available for sale measued by cost in stead of
long-term equity investment, and adjsuted on retrospective application. The original investment (calculated in long-term equity
investment with book value of RMB 10,479,000 up to end of September 2014) was transfer to the financial assets available for sale
for listing, amount of consolidated statement at beginning of the Year is adjusted correspondingly to the same number.

The rule changes of long term equity investment impact on the consolidated financial statements.

                                                                                                                      In RMB/CNY

                                                                                               December.31, 2013
                               The proportion      Total owners' equity                                                Total owners'
                                      of           attributable to parent   Long-term equity       Financial assets       equity
      The invested entity
                               shareholding          company dated 1          investments          held-for-trade     attributable to
                                     (%)            January 2014 (+/-)            (+/-)                 (+/-)         parent company

   Shenzhen Tellus
                                      18                                                       -
   Automobiles Services

   Zhongqi Training center           6.25                                                      -

   Mililong                          6.25                                                      -

   Electrombile Project              11.1                                                      -

   Shenzhen Jinhe standard
                                      15                                                       -
   molds Co.,Ltd.

   Shenzhen Bisike
                                     7.5                                          -302,368.57         +302,368.57
   Machine Co.,Ltd.

   China Perfect
                                     4.94                                      -10,176,617.20      +10,176,617.20
   Machinery Industry

                                                                      深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2014 年第三季度报告全文


   Shenzhen Jingwei
   Industrial Co.,Ltd.

   Shenzhen Moscow

   Wuhan Weite Hotel

   Shenzhen Petroleum &
   Chemical(group)                  100000shares

   Hongkong Rishen
                                         7.5                                                   -
   National Co.,Ltd.

              Total                       --                                   -10,478,985.77      +10,478,985.77

According to the revised Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.9- Employee Compensation, the Company made some
adjustments on accounting policy of employee compersation,the policy definites the retired employees` welfare. Accordingly,the
company traced and adjusted the welfare based on the Accounting Standards No. 28-Changes and Error Correction on Accounting
Policy and Estimate. The staffs of the company enjoy retirement benefits based on the original standard, but the staffs who retire
after April 1, 2013 will not be issued any welfare subsidy.    There is 333 people who retired before March 31, 2013 now in the
company and the retirement welfare expenditure has reached RMB 898200. According to welfare standards,the impacts of year-begin
balance sheet includes: total assets increased RMB 1,182,000 (deferred income tax assets increased RMB 1182000); total liability
increased RMB 10297200 (employee payable compensation increased RMB 10,297,200); total shareholders equity decreased RMB
9115200 (retained profit decreased RMB 8,981,000, minority interest decreased RMB 134,200). The profit statement at same period
of last year has been traced and adjusted correspondingly.

The assumption of actuarial valuation:

                       The assumption of actuarial valuation            Current period                Last period

              Discount rate                                                           5.45%                         5.45%

              Mortality rate                                                          2.05%                         1.81%

              Expected       of average life                                          90.56                         88.68
              Growth      projections    of employee
                                                                                           0                           0

Impact on change of employee compensation:

                                                                                                                     In RMB/CNY

      Payroll payable dated 1 January 2014 (+/-) Equity attributable to parent company dated 1 January 2013 (+/-)
                                          10,297,200.33                                                           -9,115,178.16

(II) Particular about changes from items of main accounting statements and financial indexes as well as reasons

(1) Items of balance sheet
    Items        Closing balance               Balance at      +,- amount          +,- %                 Reasons of changes

                                                                         深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2014 年第三季度报告全文

Account                                                                                            Mainly      because   assets   impairment
                       2,932,689.23              5,016,738.78       -2,084,049.55        -41.54%
receivables                                                                                        losses are withdraw in the Period
Account paid         11,236,378.62               8,309,574.73        2,926,803.89         35.22% Mainly because money paid in advance
in advance                                                                                         for vechicle of FTMS increased
Other                11,234,780.56               8,028,356.69        3,206,423.87         39.94% The current money increased
Other current          4,887,796.34             11,644,102.02       -6,756,305.68        -58.02% Mainly refers to the input tax ready for
assets                                                                                             deduction, decreased in the Period due
                                                                                                   to the part of the invoice from
                                                                                                   TOYOTO Company have not been
Construction        107,047,671.36              41,642,020.40       65,405,650.96        157.07% Mainly because more expenditure in
in progress                                                                                        project of Tellus Shuibei Jewelry
Instangible          52,587,062.84                  33,255.04       52,553,807.80     158032.61% Zhongtian       Company       obtained   the
assets                                                                                             certificate of land use, the land price
                                                                                                   paid has transfer to intangible assets
                                                                                                   from other non-current assets
Other                                           26,339,112.00      -26,339,112.00       -100.00% Zhongtian       Company       obtained   the
non-current                                                                                        certificate of land use, land price paid in
assets                                                                                             previous years have transferred to
                                                                                                   intangible assets
Note                                            15,920,748.09      -15,920,748.09       -100.00% Notes at beginning of the Year mainly
receivable                                                                                         refers to the bank acceptance issued to
                                                                                                   FTMS for vehicle purchased from Huari
                                                                                                   Toyota Company
Account                4,951,761.09             22,087,866.51      -17,136,105.42        -77.58% Account received in advance for vehicle
received in                                                                                        decreased
Tax payable            8,153,268.94             16,687,262.22       -8,533,993.28        -51.14% Income tax that accrual at end of last
                                                                                                   year was paid by Automobile Industry
                                                                                                   and Trade in the Year
Non-current          49,200,000.00              12,000,000.00       37,200,000.00        310.00% Mainly because the bank loans due
liability due                                                                                      within one year increased
within one
Long-term           251,597,550.55             131,000,000.00      120,597,550.55         92.06% Mainly because bank loans increased
(2) Items of profit statement
          Items          Current period           Last period        +,- amount         +,- %                  Reasons of changes
Operation tax and               3,768,251.35        5,892,790.86      -2,124,539.51      -36.05% Investment real estate was sold by
surcharge                                                                                          Automobile Industry & Trade Company

                                                                             深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2014 年第三季度报告全文

                                                                                                        in the same period of last year
  Losses of                                                                                             Mainly because bad debt of
                                4,259,714.29           100,000.00         4,159,714.29   4159.71%
devaluation of asset                                                                                    receivables was draw in this Period
Investment income              12,067,873.29         4,215,035.52         7,852,837.77       186.31% Profit of the Company increased due to
                                                                                                        equity method calculation
Income tax expenses               727,689.24         8,683,879.23        -7,956,189.99       -91.62% Investment real estate was sold by
                                                                                                        Automobile Industry & Trade Company
                                                                                                        in the same period of last year
(3) Items of cash flow statement
        Items              Current period           Last period            +,- amount           +,- %                 Reasons of changes
Cash received from                 84,270.40           2,522,938.25          -2,438,667.85       -96.66% There has a bonus from SPD
investments income                                                                                          Machinery at same perido of last

Net cash received                 143,540.00          32,257,058.00        -32,113,518.00        -99.56% Investment real estate was sold by
from disposal of                                                                                            Automobile Industry & Trade
fixed, intangible and
                                                                                                            Company in the same period of last
other long-term
assets                                                                                                      year

Cash paid for                  93,261,819.11          19,372,518.88         73,889,300.23       381.41% Mainly due to the expenditure of
purchasing fixed,                                                                                           construction in progress and 50% of
intangible and other                                                                                        the land price paid
long-term assets
Cash paid for                                         10,087,147.05        -10,087,147.05      -100.00% Cash paid for capital increased to
investment                                                                                                  affiliated enterprise at same perido
                                                                                                            of last year
Net cash flow arising          85,771,333.56         -12,411,116.22         98,182,449.78                   Mainly because the loans increased
from financing                                                                                              in Period.

II. Progress and influence of the main events as well as solution analysis specification

√ Applicable    □Not applicable
The Company initiate the private placement project in the Year, details are as:

                                                                                                  Query indexes of disclosure website for
                    Overview                                      Disclosure date
                                                                                                                   interim report

The 19th extraordinary meeting of 7th                                                            Found more in “resolution of 19th
session of the Board was held on 21 April                                                        extraordinary meeting of 7th session of
2014,    relevant      proposal     of   private                                                 the Board” (Notice No.: 2014-017)
placement have been deliberated and                                                              released on Securities Times, Hong Kong
approved. And the 4th extraordinary general                                                      Commercial Daily and Juchao Website
meeting of 2014 held on 3 June 2014 was                                                          (http://www.cninfo.com.cn)
deliberated and approved the proposal. On                                                        Found      more     in    “resolution   of   4th
19 May 2014, the “Reply on Issue of                                                             extraordinary general meeting of 2014”

                                                                          深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2014 年第三季度报告全文

Private Placement under the Name of                                                            (Notice No.: 2014-034) released on
Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd. from                                                         Securities   Times,       Hong      Kong
SASAC, Shenzhen People’s Government”                                                         Commercial Daily and Juchao Website
(Shen Guo Zi Wei Han [2014] No.237) was                                                        (http://www.cninfo.com.cn)
received    by     the    Company           from
                                                                                               Found more in “Notice of Reply on
State-owned      Assets   Supervision        and
                                                                                               Private Placement Plan from SASAC of
Administration Commission of Shenzhen
                                                                                               Shenzhen Government” (Notice No.:
People’s Government, agreed the private
                                                   2014-05-21                                  2014-031) released on Securities Times,
placement of the Company in principle.
                                                                                               Hong Kong Commercial Daily and
On 2 July 2014, the “Notice of Acceptance
                                                                                               Juchao                            Website
on Administrative Licensing Applications
of CSRC” issued by China Securities
Regulatory Commission (CSRC for short)
was received by the Company. CSRC
                                                                                               Found more in “Notice of Acceptance by
review the materials of administrative
                                                                                               CSRC on Private Placement of the
licensing applications that submitted by the
                                                                                               Company”    (Notice     No.:   2014-041)
Company for “Private Placement of Listed 2014-07-03
                                                                                               released on Securities Times, Hong Kong
Companies” pursuant to the law, they
                                                                                               Commercial Daily and Juchao Website
considers that the materials complete,
conform to the legal conditions and they
determine to accepted the applications.

III. Commitments made by the Company or shareholders holding above 5% shares of the
Company in reporting period or made in previous period and extending to reporting period
√ Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                               Commitment Commitment
   Commitments        Accepter                             Contents                                                         Implementation
                                                                                                   date         term

                                 (I) Commitments during the work of Share Merger
                                 Reform of the Company:
                                 1. Commitments on Lock-up period
                                 (1)   In    accordance    with   the   Measures   for   the
                                 Administration of the Share Merger Reform of Listed
                                 Companies, SDG would abide by the various laws,
                                 regulations and rules, and perform its statutory
                                 commitment duty.
Share Merger
                      SDG        (2)   Apart       from   the   above-mentioned    statutory 2005-12-25     Long term       Implementing
                                 commitment, SDG also made the following special
                                 commitment: with 36 months since the day the reform
                                 plan starts to take effect, SDG would not list at
                                 Shenzhen Stock Exchange and sell the shares of Tellus it
                                 held (except for the shares used to promote the
                                 administration level of Tellus).
                                 (3) The administration level would abide by the laws,
                                 regulations and rules, and perform its statutory

                                              深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2014 年第三季度报告全文

      commitment duty.
      (4) SDG made the commitment: “The Promiser hereby
      promises that, if the Promiser failed to fulfill its
      commitment or not fully fulfill its commitment, it would
      compensate other shareholders for their losses suffered
      (5) SDG declared: “The Promiser would dutifully fulfill
      its commitments and shoulder corresponding legal
      responsibilities. The Promiser would transfer the shares
      held by it only if the assignee agree and have the ability
      to shoulder the commitment responsibility.”
      2. Special commitment concerning the incentive
      In order to effectively boost the core management level
      and business backbones for long, SDG would take out
      its shares, not exceeding 10% in total number after the
      Share Merger Reform, and apply them to the boost of
      the administration level. The shares would be sold to the
      Company’s administrative level over 3 years, with the
      selling price being the net asset value per share audited
      during the period nearest to the implementation. Before
      the implementation of the promoting plan by share
      selling each year, the administration level must prepay
      the Company a risk responsibility fund, i.e. 20% of the
      planned selling price; Should the work of the
      performance examination set by the Board failed to be
      finished, the paid risk responsibility fund would not be
      refunded and shall be owned by the Company. Detailed
      rules concerning the limitations on the administration
      level, such as the subscription conditions and risk
      responsibility fund, and boost plans would be set by the
      Board and submitted to relevant departments for
      approval. The implementation of the shares for
      promoting would be conducted strictly according to
      relevant laws and regulations, and the circulation
      conditions of these shares would be in conformity with
      relevant regulations set by the Shenzhen Stock
      Exchange. 3. Relevant expenses of this Share Merger
      Reform of Tellus would be paid by SDG.

      Controlling shareholder of the Company SDG has a
      special commitment of incentive mechanism made on
SDG   share merger reform of the Company. Later, SASAC and 2014-06-26   2016-6-30   Implementing
      Ministry of Finance jointly issued the “Tentative
      Measures on Implementation of Equity Incentive for

                                                                       深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2014 年第三季度报告全文

                               State-owned Listing Companies”, CSRC issued the
                               “Management Measures on Equity Incentive of Listed
                               Companies    (Trial)”.   By   contrasting,   the   above
                               mentioned commitment made by SDG is out of the
                               relevant requirement from regulations the above said,
                               relevant commitment still failed to implement. On 26
                               June 2014, the Company actively negotiated with SDG
                               on the issues, and SDG promise continue to supporting
                               the Company in order to promote a long-acting incentive
                               plan as soon as possible instead of the equity incentive
                               commitment made in share merger reform, under the
                               premise of conforming to relevant law, regulations and
                               supervision requirement., and complete the long-acting
                               incentive mechanism construction before 30 June 2016.
                               At the appointed time, the long-acting incentive
                               mechanism plan will implement after submit for
                               deliberation and pass in general meeting of the

Commitments in
report of
acquisition or
equity change

Commitments in
assets replacement

Commitment made
during the IPO and

Other commitments
for medium and
small shareholders

Completed on time
or not

Detail reasons for
un-complement and
further plan (if

IV. Estimation of operation performance for year of 2014

Estimation of accumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of next report period to be loss probably or the
warning of its material change compared with the corresponding period of the last year and explanation of reason
□Applicable          √Not applicable

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V. Particular about security investment

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

The Company had no security investment in Period.

Explanation on equity of other listed company held

√ Applicable   □Not applicable

At beginning of the reporting period, the Company holds 135,920 shares of China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd.
(Stock abbr.:CMBC, stock code: 600036), listed in Shanghai Stock Exchange, item for accounting calculation:
financial assets availabel for sale; the Company sold the above mentioned shares dated 30 July 2014 during the
Period, and 1,141,821.27 Yuan earining generated.

VI. Particulars about derivatives investment

□ Applicable    √ Not applicable
The Company had no derivatives investment in Period.

VII. Registration form of receiving research, communication and interview in the report
□ Applicable    √ Not applicable
The Company had no receiving research, communication or interview in the report period

                                                              深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2014 年第三季度报告全文

                                        Section IV. Financial Statement

I. Financial statement

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet
Prepared by Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd
                                                                                                              In RMB

                       Items                     Closing balance                       Opening balance

Current assets:

        Monetary funds                                             82,114,278.66                     69,898,791.56

        Settlement provisions

        Capital lent

        Financial assets measured by fair
value and whose change is recorded in
current gains and losses

        Notes receivable

        Accounts receivable                                         2,932,689.23                         5,016,738.78

        Accounts paid in advance                                   11,236,378.62                         8,309,574.73

        Insurance receivable

        Reinsurance receivables

        Contract reserve of reinsurance

        Interest receivable

        Dividend receivable

        Other receivables                                          11,234,780.56                         8,028,356.69

        Purchase restituted finance asset

        Inventories                                                57,895,711.45                     62,826,365.70

        Divided into assets held ready for

        Non-current asset due within one

        Other current assets                                        4,887,796.34                     11,644,102.02

Total current assets                                          170,301,634.86                        165,723,929.48

Non-current assets:

        Granted loans and advances

                                                深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2014 年第三季度报告全文

     Finance asset available for sales           10,478,985.77                         11,959,154.57

     Held-to-maturity investment                   100,000.00                            100,000.00

     Long-term account receivable

     Long-term equity investment                202,296,346.52                       191,394,600.98

     Investment property                         86,645,601.10                         88,422,673.91

     Fixed assets                               144,287,546.00                       149,968,663.80

     Construction in progress                   107,047,671.36                         41,642,020.40

     Engineering material

     Disposal of fixed asset

     Productive biological asset

     Oil and gas asset

     Intangible assets                           52,587,062.84                            33,255.04

     Expense        on    Research        and


     Long-term         expenses      to    be
                                                   775,712.03                            848,038.96

     Deferred income tax asset                   25,695,174.26                         25,748,724.89

     Other non-current asset                                                           26,339,112.00

Total non-current asset                         629,914,099.88                       536,456,244.55

Total assets                                    800,215,734.74                       702,180,174.03

Current liabilities:

     Short-term loans                            89,741,296.00                        110,969,952.93

     Loan from central bank

     Absorbing deposit and interbank

Capital borrowed

     Financial liability measured by fair
value and with variation reckoned into
current gains/losses

     Notes payable                                                                     15,920,748.09

     Accounts payable                            22,304,477.01                         22,008,010.24

     Accounts received in advance                 4,951,761.09                         22,087,866.51

     Selling     financial        asset    of

      Commission charge and
commission payable

                                                 深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2014 年第三季度报告全文

       Wage payable                               17,531,449.91                        24,705,887.96

       Taxes payable                               8,153,268.94                        16,687,262.22

       Interest payable

       Dividend payable

       Other accounts payable                    114,340,667.11                       107,809,585.66

       Reinsurance payables

       Insurance contract reserve

       Security trading of agency

       Security sales of agency

       Divided into liability held ready
for sale

       Non-current liabilities due within 1
                                                  49,200,000.00                        12,000,000.00

       Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities                        306,222,920.06                       332,189,313.61

Non-current liabilities:

       Long-term loans                           251,597,550.55                       131,000,000.00

       Bonds payable

       Long-term account payable                  13,319,681.59                        13,319,681.59

       Special accounts payable

       Projected liabilities

       Deferred income tax liabilities              784,802.69                           1,248,087.86

       Other non-current liabilities              31,211,904.55                        29,823,013.37

Total non-current liabilities                    296,913,939.38                       175,390,782.82

Total liabilities                                603,136,859.44                       507,580,096.43

Owner’s      equity      (or   shareholders’

       Paid-in capital (or share capital)        220,281,600.00                       220,281,600.00

       Capital public reserve                      7,672,605.51                          8,508,531.18

       Less: Inventory shares

       Reasonable reserve

  Other comprehensive income

       Surplus public reserve                      2,952,586.32                          2,952,586.32

       Provision of general risk

       Retained profit                           -45,214,197.60                        -49,371,746.70

                                                               深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2014 年第三季度报告全文

        Balance   difference   of   foreign
currency translation
Total owner’s equity attributable to
                                                                185,692,594.23                         182,370,970.80
parent company
Minority interests                                               11,386,281.07                          12,229,106.80
Total owner’s equity(or shareholders’
                                                                197,078,875.30                         194,600,077.60
Total liabilities and owner’s equity(or
                                                                800,215,734.74                         702,180,174.03
shareholders’ equity)
Legal representative: Lv Hang
Person in charge of accounting works: Luo Bojun
Chief Financial Officer: FuBin
Person in charge of accounting organ:Ke Wensheng Ke Wensheng

2. Balance Sheet of parent company
Prepared by Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd
                                                                                                                 In RMB

                     Item                      Balance at period-end                 Balance at period-begin

Current assets:

Monetary funds                                                   13,158,277.49                          30,209,143.04

        Financial assets measured by fair
value and whose change is recorded in
current gains and losses

Notes receivable

Accounts receivable

Accounts paid in advance                                               81,050.00                               21,000.00

Interest receivable

Dividend receivable

Other receivables                                               120,653,255.73                          36,330,120.01


        Divided into assets held ready for

Non-current asset due within one year

Other current assets

Total current assets                                            133,892,583.22                          66,560,263.05

Non-current assets:

Finance asset available for sales                                10,176,617.20                          11,656,786.00

Held-to-maturity investment

Long-term account receivable

Long-term equity investment                                     425,297,538.67                         416,600,932.05

                                            深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2014 年第三季度报告全文

Investment real estate                       54,934,148.08                         55,919,100.96

Fixed assets                                 18,204,484.60                         18,675,995.34

Construction in progress                       251,308.70                            251,308.70

Engineering material

Disposal of fixed asset

Productive biological asset

Oil and gas asset

Intangible assets                              270,268.48                             33,255.04

Expense on Research and Development


Long-term expenses to be apportioned           147,582.63                             65,496.04

Deferred income tax asset                    13,995,873.99                         14,025,080.64

Other non-current asset

Total non-current asset                     523,277,822.35                       517,227,954.77

Total assets                                657,170,405.57                       583,788,217.82

Current liabilities:

Short-term loans                             19,544,160.00                         67,544,160.00

     Financial liability measured by fair
value and with variation reckoned into
current gains/losses

Notes payable

Accounts payable

Accounts received in advance

Wage payable                                  3,375,667.12                          7,590,080.17

Taxes payable                                  424,312.39                            403,514.95

Interest payable

Dividend payable

Other accounts payable                      258,512,210.76                        287,687,112.90

     Divided into liability held ready
for sale

Non-current liabilities due within 1 year    49,200,000.00                          6,000,000.00

Other current liabilities

Total current liabilities                   331,056,350.27                       369,224,868.02

Non-current liabilities:

Long-term loans                             205,300,000.00                         95,500,000.00

                                                               深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2014 年第三季度报告全文

Bonds payable

Long-term account payable

Special accounts payable

Projected liabilities

Deferred income tax liabilities                                                                               278,641.88

Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities                                   205,300,000.00                          95,778,641.88

Total liabilities                                               536,356,350.27                         465,003,509.90
Owner’s     equity     (or   shareholders’
Paid-up capital (or share capital)                              220,281,600.00                         220,281,600.00

Capital public reserve                                            4,479,182.23                           5,315,107.90

Less: Inventory shares

Reasonable reserve

Other comprehensive income

Surplus public reserve                                            2,952,586.32                           2,952,586.32

General risk reserve

Retained profit                                                -106,899,313.25                        -109,764,586.30
Balance difference of foreign currency
Total owner’s equity(or shareholders’
                                                                120,814,055.30                         118,784,707.92
Total liabilities and owner’s equity(or
                                                                657,170,405.57                         583,788,217.82
shareholders’ equity)
Legal representative: Lv Hang
Person in charge of accounting works: Luo Bojun
Chief Financial Officer: FuBin
Person in charge of accounting organ:Ke Wensheng Ke Wensheng

3. Consolidated Profit Statement (this report period)
Prepared by Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd
                                                                                                                 In RMB

                      Item                     Amount in this period                  Amount in last period

I. Total operating income                                       111,225,813.52                         142,706,715.07

Including: Operating income                                     111,225,813.52                         142,706,715.07

Interest income

Insurance gained
Commission charge and commission
II. Total operating cost                                        116,967,815.79                         120,337,816.42

                                                     深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2014 年第三季度报告全文

Including: Operating cost                             91,811,039.46                        99,648,257.75

Interest expense
Commission charge and commission
Cash surrender value

Net amount of expense of compensation
Net amount of withdrawal of insurance
contract reserve
Bonus expense of guarantee slip

Reinsurance expense

Operating tax and extras                               1,304,403.00                          3,015,912.82

Sales expenses                                         4,759,319.27                          4,949,177.55

Administration expenses                               10,271,520.89                          8,857,503.82

Financial expenses                                     4,597,418.06                          3,866,964.48

Losses of devaluation of asset                         4,224,115.11
Add: Changing income               of    fair
value(Loss is listed with “-”)
Investment income (Loss is listed with
                                                       4,226,397.31                          2,434,952.95
Including: Investment income on
affiliated company and joint venture
Exchange income (Loss is listed with
III. Operating profit      (Loss is listed
                                                      -1,515,604.96                        24,803,851.60
with “-”)
Add: Non-operating income                                37,151.22                             20,677.90

Less: Non-operating expense                                7,643.04                           102,645.38
Including: Disposal loss of non-current
IV. Total Profit     (Loss is listed with
                                                      -1,486,096.78                        24,721,884.12
Less: Income tax expense                                 26,656.17                           8,488,504.11

V. Net profit (Net loss is listed with “-”)         -1,512,752.95                        16,233,380.01
Including: net profit realized before
consolidation by mergered party
Net profit attributable to owner’s of
                                                      -1,363,612.33                        16,584,506.46
parent company
Minority shareholders’ gains and losses                -149,140.62                          -351,126.45

VI. Earnings per share                          --                                  --

i. Basic earnings per share                                 -0.0062                               0.0753

ii. Diluted earnings per share                              -0.0062                               0.0753

VII. Other consolidated income                                                                 -45,890.65

                                                               深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2014 年第三季度报告全文

Inc: Other comprehensive items un-able
to re-classify as gains/losses in later
accounting period

        Other comprehensive items able
to re-classify as gains/losses in later
accounting period while regulated
conditions are satisfy

VIII. Total comprehensive income                                 -1,512,752.95                          16,187,489.36
Total consolidated income attributable
                                                                 -1,363,612.33                          16,538,615.81
to owners of parent company
Total consolidated income attributable
                                                                   -149,140.62                            -351,126.45
to minority shareholders
Legal representative: Lv Hang
Person in charge of accounting works: Luo Bojun
Chief Financial Officer: FuBin
Person in charge of accounting organ:Ke Wensheng Ke Wensheng
4. Profit Statement of parent company (this report period)
Prepared by Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd
                                                                                                                 In RMB

                  Items                        Amount in this period                  Amount in last period

I. Operating income                                               5,451,132.90                           4,364,838.05

Less: operating cost                                                   906,128.86                             932,693.61

Operating tax and extras                                               305,263.44                             244,430.95

Sales expenses

Administration expenses                                           4,876,681.26                           3,675,384.43

Financial expenses                                                2,600,163.08                           2,247,876.99

Losses of devaluation of asset                                           2,765.98
Add: Changing income of fair
value(Loss is listed with “-”)
Investment income (Loss is listed with
                                                                  3,181,347.99                           1,603,102.98
Including: Investment income on
affiliated company and joint venture
II. Operating profit (Loss is listed
                                                                       -58,521.73                       -1,132,444.95
with “-”)
Add: Non-operating income

Less: Non-operating expense
Including: Disposal loss of non-current
III. Total Profit (Loss is listed with
                                                                       -58,521.73                       -1,132,444.95
Less: Income tax expense                                                 9,735.55
IV. Net profit (Net loss is listed with
                                                                       -68,257.28                       -1,132,444.95
V. Earnings per share                                   --                                     --

i. Basic earnings per share                                               -0.0003                                -0.0051

                                                               深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2014 年第三季度报告全文

ii. Diluted earnings per share                                           -0.0003                                -0.0051

VI. Other consolidated income                                                                                 -45,890.65

Inc: Other comprehensive items un-able
to re-classify as gains/losses in later
accounting period

         Other comprehensive items
able to re-classify as gains/losses in
later accounting period while regulated
conditions are satisfy

VII. Total comprehensive income                                        -68,257.28                       -1,178,335.60
Legal representative: Lv Hang
Person in charge of accounting works: Luo Bojun
Chief Financial Officer: FuBin
Person in charge of accounting organ:Ke Wensheng Ke Wensheng

5. Consolidated profit statement (year-begin to end of this period)

Prepared by Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd
                                                                                                                 In RMB

                   Item                        Amount in this period                  Amount in last period

I. Total operating income                                       339,918,355.38                         364,794,033.33

Including: Operating income                                     339,918,355.38                         364,794,033.33

Interest income

Insurance gained
Commission charge and commission
II. Total operating cost                                        348,195,943.14                         341,335,827.05

Including: Operating cost                                       287,109,181.05                         282,735,907.61

Interest expense
Commission charge and commission
Cash surrender value

Net amount of expense of compensation
Net amount of withdrawal of insurance
contract reserve
Bonus expense of guarantee slip

Reinsurance expense

Operating tax and extras                                          3,768,251.35                           5,892,790.86

Sales expenses                                                   13,941,341.57                          14,391,552.84

Administration expenses                                          25,998,794.13                          26,274,852.96

                                                       深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2014 年第三季度报告全文

Financial expenses                                      13,118,660.75                         11,940,722.78

Losses of devaluation of asset                           4,259,714.29                           100,000.00
Add: Changing income               of     fair
value(Loss is listed with “-”)
Investment income (Loss is listed with
                                                        12,067,873.29                          4,215,035.52
Including: Investment income on
affiliated company and joint venture
Exchange income (Loss is listed with
III. Operating profit      (Loss is listed
                                                         3,790,285.53                        27,673,241.80
with “-”)
Add: Non-operating income                                 262,403.13                            243,239.66

Less: Non-operating expense                                10,276.05                            126,398.38
Including: Disposal loss of non-current
IV. Total Profit     (Loss is listed with
                                                         4,042,412.61                        27,790,083.08
Less: Income tax expense                                  727,689.24                           8,683,879.23

V. Net profit (Net loss is listed with “-”)            3,314,723.37                        19,106,203.85
Including: net profit realized before
consolidation by mergered party
Net profit attributable to owner’s of
                                                         4,157,549.10                        20,501,915.92
parent company
Minority shareholders’ gains and losses                  -842,825.73                         -1,395,712.07

VI. Earnings per share                           --                                   --

i. Basic earnings per share                                    0.0189                               0.0931

ii. Diluted earnings per share                                 0.0189                               0.0931

VII. Other consolidated income                                                                  -294,806.90

Inc: Other comprehensive items un-able
to re-classify as gains/losses in later
accounting period

         Other comprehensive items
able to re-classify as gains/losses in
later accounting period while regulated
conditions are satisfy

VIII. Total comprehensive income                         3,314,723.37                         18,811,396.95
Total consolidated income attributable
                                                         4,157,549.10                        20,207,109.02
to owners of parent company
Total consolidated income attributable
                                                          -842,825.73                         -1,395,712.07
to minority shareholders
Legal representative: Lv Hang
Person in charge of accounting works: Luo Bojun
Chief Financial Officer: FuBin
Person in charge of accounting organ:Ke Wensheng Ke Wensheng

                                                               深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2014 年第三季度报告全文

6. Profit Statement of parent company (year-begin to end of this period)
Prepared by Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd
                                                                                                                 In RMB

                  Items                        Amount in this period                  Amount in last period

I. Operating income                                              15,136,033.02                          13,210,791.07

Less: operating cost                                              2,726,322.58                           2,824,601.52

Operating tax and extras                                               847,617.85                             739,804.31

Sales expenses

Administration expenses                                          11,091,999.21                          10,755,820.35

Financial expenses                                                7,524,094.75                           6,888,810.83

Losses of devaluation of asset                                           2,765.98
Add: Changing income of fair
value(Loss is listed with “-”)
Investment income (Loss is listed with
                                                                  9,922,734.37                           2,907,698.33
Including: Investment income on
affiliated company and joint venture
II. Operating profit (Loss is listed
                                                                  2,865,967.02                          -5,090,547.61
with “-”)
Add: Non-operating income                                               28,512.68

Less: Non-operating expense
Including: Disposal loss of non-current
III. Total Profit (Loss is listed with
                                                                  2,894,479.70                          -5,090,547.61
Less: Income tax expense                                                29,206.65
IV. Net profit (Net loss is listed with
                                                                  2,865,273.05                          -5,090,547.61
V. Earnings per share                                   --                                     --

i. Basic earnings per share                                               0.0130                                 -0.0231

ii. Diluted earnings per share                                            0.0130                                 -0.0231

VI. Other consolidated income                                                                             -294,806.90

Inc: Other comprehensive items un-able
to re-classify as gains/losses in later
accounting period

         Other comprehensive items
able to re-classify as gains/losses in
later accounting period while regulated
conditions are satisfy

VII. Total comprehensive income                                   2,865,273.05                          -5,385,354.51
Legal representative: Lv Hang
Person in charge of accounting works: Luo Bojun
Chief Financial Officer: FuBin
Person in charge of accounting organ:Ke Wensheng Ke Wensheng

                                                               深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2014 年第三季度报告全文

7. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement (year-begin to end of this period)

Prepared by Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd
                                                                                                              In RMB

                 Item                          Amount in this period                  Amount in last period
I. Cash flows arising from operating
Cash received from selling commodities
                                                                371,669,991.52                         374,617,424.96
and providing labor services
Net increase of customer deposit and
interbank deposit
Net increase of loan from central bank
Net increase of capital borrowed from
other financial institution
Cash received from original insurance
contract fee
Net cash received from reinsurance
Net increase of insured savings and
Net increase of disposal of transaction
financial asset
Cash      received       from  interest,
commission charge and commission
Net increase of capital borrowed
Net increase of returned business
Write-back of tax received
Other cash received concerning
                                                                 51,300,943.38                          60,403,435.64
operating activities
Subtotal of cash inflow arising from
                                                                422,970,934.90                         435,020,860.60
operating activities
Cash paid for purchasing commodities
                                                                288,431,038.72                         285,547,928.23
and receiving labor service
Net increase of customer loans and
Net increase of deposits in central bank
and interbank
Cash paid for original insurance
contract compensation
Cash paid for interest, commission
charge and commission
Cash paid for bonus of guarantee slip

Cash paid to/for staff and workers                               39,305,850.34                          37,795,748.68

Taxes paid                                                       21,917,897.17                          22,857,016.41
Other cash paid concerning operating
                                                                 48,612,683.72                          60,613,170.66
Subtotal of cash outflow arising from
                                                                398,267,469.95                         406,813,863.98
operating activities
Net cash flows arising from operating
                                                                 24,703,464.95                          28,206,996.62
II. Cash flows arising from investing
Cash      received   from  recovering
Cash received from investment income                                   84,270.40                         2,522,938.25

                                                       深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2014 年第三季度报告全文

Net cash received from disposal of
fixed, intangible and other long-term                     143,540.00                          32,257,058.00
Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries and other units
Other cash received concerning
investing activities
Subtotal of cash inflow from investing
                                                         1,735,269.00                         34,779,996.25
Cash paid for purchasing fixed,
                                                        93,261,819.11                         19,372,518.88
intangible and other long-term assets
Cash paid for investment                                                                      10,087,147.05

Net increase of mortgaged loans
Net cash received from subsidiaries and
other units
Other cash paid concerning investing
                                                               1,000.00                         387,661.28
Subtotal of cash outflow from investing
                                                        93,262,819.11                         29,847,327.21
Net cash flows arising from investing
                                                       -91,527,550.11                          4,932,669.04
III. Cash flows arising from financing
Cash       received    from     absorbing
Including:      Cash     received    from
absorbing       minority     shareholders’
investment by subsidiaries
Cash received from loans                               449,797,550.55                       109,600,000.00

Cash received from issuing bonds
Other cash received concerning
financing activities
Subtotal of cash inflow from financing
                                                       449,797,550.55                       109,600,000.00
Cash paid for settling debts                           356,000,000.00                        113,600,000.00
Cash paid for dividend and profit
                                                         8,026,216.99                          8,391,116.22
distributing or interest paying
Including: Dividend and profit of
minority      shareholder      paid by
Other cash paid concerning financing
Subtotal of cash outflow from financing
                                                       364,026,216.99                        122,011,116.22
Net cash flows arising from financing
                                                        85,771,333.56                        -12,411,116.22
IV. Influence on cash and cash
equivalents due to fluctuation in                               582.16                            -2,235.61
exchange rate
V. Net increase of cash and cash
                                                        18,947,830.56                         20,726,313.83
Add: Balance of cash and cash
                                                        63,166,448.10                         55,145,531.39
equivalents at the period -begin
VI. Balance of cash and cash
                                                        82,114,278.66                         75,871,845.22
equivalents at the period -end
Legal representative: Lv Hang
Person in charge of accounting works: Luo Bojun
Chief Financial Officer: FuBin
Person in charge of accounting organ:Ke Wensheng Ke Wensheng

                                                               深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2014 年第三季度报告全文

8. Cash Flow Statement of parent company (year-begin to end of this period)
Prepared by Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd
                                                                                                                 In RMB
                 Item                          Amount in this period                  Amount in last period
I. Cash flows arising from operating
Cash received from selling commodities
                                                                 15,144,942.54                          13,939,778.70
and providing labor services
Write-back of tax received
Other cash received concerning
                                                                175,188,947.26                         151,403,768.87
operating activities
Subtotal of cash inflow arising from
                                                                190,333,889.80                         165,343,547.57
operating activities
Cash paid for purchasing commodities
and receiving labor service
Cash paid to/for staff and workers                               10,304,011.17                           9,922,202.20

Taxes paid                                                        2,840,852.22                           2,714,918.50
Other cash paid concerning operating
                                                                291,743,250.05                         114,975,453.34
Subtotal of cash outflow arising from
                                                                304,888,113.44                         127,612,574.04
operating activities
Net cash flows arising from operating
                                                               -114,554,223.64                          37,730,973.53
II. Cash flows arising from investing
Cash      received    from    recovering
Cash received from investment income                                   84,270.40                         2,522,938.25
Net cash received from disposal of
fixed, intangible and other long-term                                  39,890.00
Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries and other units
Other cash received concerning
investing activities
Subtotal of cash inflow from investing
                                                                  1,631,619.00                           2,522,938.25
Cash paid for purchasing fixed,
                                                                  1,852,320.00                                106,748.00
intangible and other long-term assets
Cash paid for investment                                                                                10,087,147.05
Net cash received from subsidiaries and
other units
Other cash paid concerning investing
Subtotal of cash outflow from investing
                                                                  1,852,320.00                          10,193,895.05
Net cash flows arising from investing
                                                                   -220,701.00                          -7,670,956.80
III. Cash flows arising from financing
Cash received from absorbing
Cash received from loans                                        342,500,000.00                          50,000,000.00

Cash received from issuing bonds
Other cash received concerning
financing activities

                                                               深圳市特力(集团)股份有限公司 2014 年第三季度报告全文

Subtotal of cash inflow from financing
                                                               342,500,000.00                        50,000,000.00
Cash paid for settling debts                                   237,500,000.00                        44,500,000.00
Cash paid for dividend and profit
                                                                 7,275,940.91                          3,413,008.90
distributing or interest paying
Other cash paid concerning financing
Subtotal of cash outflow from financing
                                                               244,775,940.91                        47,913,008.90
Net cash flows arising from financing
                                                                97,724,059.09                          2,086,991.10
IV. Influence on cash and cash
equivalents due to fluctuation in                                                                            -81.72
exchange rate
V. Net increase of cash and cash
                                                               -17,050,865.55                         32,146,926.11
Add: Balance of cash and cash
                                                                30,209,143.04                          1,614,187.49
equivalents at the period -begin
VI. Balance of cash and cash
                                                                13,158,277.49                         33,761,113.60
equivalents at the period -end
Legal representative: Lv Hang
Person in charge of accounting works: Luo Bojun
Chief Financial Officer: FuBin
Person in charge of accounting organ:Ke Wensheng Ke Wensheng

II. Audit report

Whether the third quarter report was audited or not
□Yes   √No
The third quarter report of the Company has not been audited

                                                                          Chairman of the Board:Lv Hang

                                                                                          Board of Directors of
                                                                           ShenZhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd
                                                                                          October25, 2014
