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特 力B:2023年半年度报告(英文版)2023-08-24  

                                  Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

     Semi-annual Report 2023

           August 2023

                                 Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

        Section I Important Notice, Contents and Interpretations

     The Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors, and directors, supervisors
and senior executives of the Company guarantee that the present semi-annual
report is true, accurate, and complete without false records, misleading
statements, or major omissions, and undertake the joint and several legal
liabilities arising therefrom.

     Fu Chunlong, head of the Company, Huang Tianyang, the person in charge
of accounting, and Yu Taiping, the person in charge of the accounting firm
(accountant in charge) declare to guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy, and
completeness of the financial report in this semi-annual report.
     All directors of the Company have attended the board meeting to review the
semi-annual report.

    The Company has described the potential risks in detail in this report.

Investors are hereby kindly requested to pay attention to and read "X. Risks

Faced by the Company and Countermeasures" of "Section III Management

Discussion and Analysis" within this report.

     The Company has no plans to distribute cash dividends, issue bonus shares

and transfer from capital surplus to share capital.

                                                                 Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

Section I Important Notice, Contents and Interpretations .................................................................................. 2
Section II Company Profile and Major Financial Indicators .............................................................................. 6
Section III Management Discussion and Analysis ................................................................................................ 9
Section IV Corporate Governance ....................................................................................................................... 22
Section V Environmental and Social Responsibility ........................................................................................... 24
Section VI Important Matters .............................................................................................................................. 25
Section VII Changes in Shares and Shareholders............................................................................................... 36
Section VIII Preferred Shares .............................................................................................................................. 42
Section IX Relevant Information of Corporate Bonds ....................................................................................... 43
Section X Financial Report ................................................................................................................................... 44

                                                      Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

                             List of Documents for Future Reference

I. Accounting statements signed and sealed by the legal representative, the person in charge of accounting, and the person in charge of

the accounting firm.

II. Originals of all company documents and announcements that have been publicly disclosed during the reporting period.

III. The above documents for future reference shall be kept at the Secretariat Office of the Board of Directors of the Company.

                                          Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

                 Term                              refers to                                Interpretation
CSRC                                               refers to                  China Securities Regulatory Commission
SZSE                                               refers to                  Shenzhen Stock Exchange
                                                                              China Securities Depository and
CSDC Shenzhen Branch                               refers to                  Clearing Corporation Limited Shenzhen
Company, the Company, and Tellus
                                                   refers to                  Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.
Reporting Period, This Reporting Period            refers to                  FH 2023
                                                                              State-owned Assets Supervision and
Shenzhen SASAC                                     refers to                  Management Commission of Shenzhen
                                                                              Municipal People's Government
SDG, SDG Group and controlling                                                Shenzhen Special Economic Zone
                                                   refers to
shareholder                                                                   Development Group Co., Ltd.
SIHC                                               refers to                  Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd.
                                                                              Shenzhen Jewelry Industry Service Co.,
Shenzhen Jewelry Company                           refers to
Guorun and Guorun Gold                             refers to                  Guorun Gold Shenzhen Co., Ltd.
Treasury Supply Chain Company and                                             Shenzhen Tellus Treasury Supply Chain
                                                   refers to
Tellus Treasury                                                               Tech Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Fanyue and Fanyue                         refers to                  Shanghai Fanyue Diamond Co., Ltd.
Zhongtian Company                                  refers to                  Shenzhen Zhongtian Industry Co., Ltd.
Automobile Industry and Trade                                                 Shenzhen Automobile Industry and
                                                   refers to
Company                                                                       Trade Co., Ltd.
                                                                              Shenzhen SDG Huari Automobile
SDG Huari                                          refers to
                                                                              Enterprise Co., Ltd.
                                                                              Shenzhen Huari Toyota Sales & Service
Huari Toyota                                       refers to
                                                                              Co., Ltd.
                                                                              Shenzhen Renfu Tellus Automobiles
Renfu Tellus                                       refers to
                                                                              Service Co., Ltd.
Tellus Jewelry Building, Jewelry
                                                   refers to                  Tellus Shui Bei Jewelry Building
Tellus Jinzuan Building, Jinzuan
                                                   refers to                  Tellus Jinzuan Trading Building
                                                                              Shenzhen International Jewelry and Jade
Comprehensive trade platform                       refers to
                                                                              Comprehensive Trade Platform

                                                      Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

            Section II Company Profile and Major Financial Indicators

I. Company Profile

   Stock abbreviation               Tellus A and Tellus B            Stock code                        000025 and 200025
   Stock abbreviation before
   change (if any)
   Stock exchange on which the
                                    Shenzhen Stock Exchange
   shares are listed
   Chinese name of the
                                    Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.
   Chinese abbreviation (if any)    特力 A
   English name of the Company
                                    ShenZhen Tellus Holding Co.,Ltd.
   (if any)
   English abbreviation (if any)    N/A
   Legal representative of the
                                    Fu Chunlong

II. Contact Person and Contact Information

                                                  Secretary of the Board of Directors               Securities representative
   Name                                        Qi Peng                                      Liu Menglei
                                               3F, Tellus Building, 2nd Shuibei Road,       3F, Tellus Building, 2nd Shuibei Road,
                                               Luohu District, Shenzhen                     Luohu District, Shenzhen
   Tel.                                        (0755) 83989390                              (0755) 88394183
   Fax                                         (0755) 83989386                              (0755) 83989386
   E-mail                                      ir@tellus.cn                                 liuml@tellus.cn

III. Other Information

1. Contact information

Whether the Company's registered address, office address and postal code, company website, e-mail, etc. have changed during the
reporting period
□ Applicable  Not applicable
There was no change in the Company's registered address, office address and postal code, website, e-mail, etc. during the reporting
period. Please refer to the 2022 Annual Report for details.

2. Information disclosure and keeping location

Whether the information disclosure and keeping location have changed during the reporting period
Applicable □ Not applicable
   Website of the stock exchange for the Company to disclose its
                                                                     Shenzhen Stock Exchange (http://www.szse.cn)
   semi-annual report
   Name and website of the newspapers for the Company to             Securities Times and CNINFO (http://www.cninfo.com.cn)

                                                       Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

   disclose its semi-annual report
   Location for keeping semi-annual report of the Company              Secretary of the Board of Directors

3. Other relevant information

Whether other relevant information has changed during the reporting period
□ Applicable  Not applicable

IV. Major Accounting Data and Financial Indicators

Whether the Company needs to retrospectively adjust or restate the accounting data for the previous years
□Yes  No

                                                                                                            Increase/decrease in the
                                                                        Same period of the previous        reporting period over the
                                              Reporting period
                                                                                  year                    same period of the previous
   Operating revenue (RMB)                          704,836,410.94                    250,015,152.23                           181.92%
   Net profit attributable to
   shareholders of the listed                        44,139,962.93                     43,480,236.19                                 1.52%
   company (RMB)
   Net profit attributable to
   shareholders of the listed
                                                     37,650,680.93                     31,023,156.36                            21.36%
   company after deducting non-
   recurring profit or loss (RMB)
   Net cash flows from operating
                                                    -10,241,941.90                     -11,318,295.41                                9.51%
   activities (RMB)
   Basic earnings per share
                                                             0.1024                            0.1009                                1.49%
   Diluted earnings per share
                                                             0.1024                            0.1009                                1.49%
   Weighted average return on net
                                                             2.89%                             3.00%                             -0.11%
                                                                                                           Increase/decrease at the end
                                            End of the reporting                                            of the reporting period as
                                                                          End of the previous year
                                                  period                                                  compared with the end of the
                                                                                                                  previous year
   Total assets (RMB)                             2,512,971,777.36                  2,232,028,554.57                            12.59%
   Net assets attributable to
   shareholders of the listed                     1,537,709,193.28                  1,505,638,863.31                                 2.13%
   company (RMB)

V. Discrepancy of Accounting Data under the Domestic and Foreign Accounting Standards

1. Discrepancy of net profit and net assets in the financial report disclosed simultaneously according to
international accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards

□ Applicable  Not applicable
During the reporting period of the Company, there is no discrepancy of net profit and net assets in the financial report disclosed
simultaneously according to international accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards.

                                                         Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

2. Discrepancy of net profit and net assets in the financial report disclosed simultaneously according to
foreign accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards

□ Applicable  Not applicable
During the reporting period of the Company, there is no discrepancy of net profit and net assets in the financial report disclosed
simultaneously according to foreign accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards.

VI. Non-recurring Profit or Loss Items and Amounts

Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                            Item                                       Amount                                   Note
   Government subsidies included in the current
   profits and losses (except those closely related to
   the Company's normal operations, conforming to
                                                                               4,475,465.94    Government subsidies
   the state policies and regulations and enjoyed
   persistently in line with certain standard ratings
   or rations)
   Except for the effective hedging activities related
   to the Company’s ordinary activities, profit or
   loss arising from changes in fair value from
   holding trading financial assets and trading
                                                                               3,220,569.71    Wealth management income
   financial liabilities, and investment income from
   disposal of trading financial assets and trading
   financial liabilities and available-for-sale
   financial assets
                                                                                                  Mainly due to the early surrender of
   Other non-operating revenue and expenses other
                                                                                 297,499.01    lease and payment of liquidated damages
   than the above
                                                                                               for house leasing
   Less: effect on income tax                                                  1,998,431.62
        Effect on minority equity (after-tax)                                   -494,178.96
   Total                                                                       6,489,282.00
Specific conditions of other profit or loss conforming to the definition of non-recurring profit or loss:
□ Applicable  Not applicable
The Company has no other profit or loss conforming to the definition of non-recurring profit or loss.
Explanation on defining the non-recurring profit or loss set out in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure
for Companies Offering Securities to the Public - Non-Recurring Profit or Loss as recurring profit or loss
□ Applicable  Not applicable
The Company does not define any non-recurring profit or loss as defined or listed in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on
Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Securities to the Public - Non-Recurring Profit or Loss as a recurring profit or loss
during the reporting period.

                                                       Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

                     Section III Management Discussion and Analysis

I. Main Business of the Company during the Reporting Period

     I. The main businesses of the Company during the reporting period are jewelry service business and commercial operation and

     1. Jewelry service business: Shenzhen Jewelry Company carried out its business steadily and orderly in H1 this year. It proactively
expanded into new categories and services while hosting a total of 9 exhibitions. The cumulative value of import and export goods
reached RMB 1,167 million, indicating a YoY growth of 240%. The domestic sales revenue amounted to RMB 75.89 million, reflecting
a YoY increase of 35.3%. Guorun Gold's main businesses include investment gold bar sales, gold recovery, gold purification/exchange
services, etc. During the reporting period, it continued to carry out business innovation, including using intelligent recycling machines
to expand its C-end recycling business, online and offline sales of investment products, and building the cooperative exhibition hall
and shared exhibition hall for gold ornaments to broaden the content of third-party services, and it is planned to gradually integrate
resources from all parties to jointly build a sound industrial ecology. The comprehensive trade platform with establishment led by the
Company is one of the five major trading platforms in Shenzhen. The Company held special promotion conferences held in Hangzhou
and Nanjing respectively for its nationwide promotion, effectively promoting cooperation with clients in the relevant regions and
further enhancing the Company's industry influence. During the reporting period, the Company actively carried out operation
management improvement planning for industrial digitalization and was committed to empowering its business development and
efficiency improvement through digital transformation for improving quality, reducing costs, and increasing efficiency.

     2. Commercial operation and management: The agglomeration effect of Tellus-Gmond Industrial Park and its attraction to
merchants at other locations in the Shuibei area have gradually increased. Additionally, customer traffic in shopping malls in the
industrial park has significantly increased compared with last year. The Tellus Jewelry Building vigorously promotes the adjustment
and value enhancement of the commercial layout of the podium building and increases the external influence of the industrial park by
planning the lottery for island freezers in the underground area and bidding for shops. At present, Tellus Jinzuan Building is preparing
for its opening in an orderly manner. The effect of the investment promotion efforts exceeds expectations and well-known domestic
jewelry enterprises have been introduced to preliminarily build the podium building into a professional jewelry market.

     (II) Description of main business models of the jewelry business
     The Company shall abide by the disclosure requirements of the Guidelines of Shenzhen Stock Exchange for Self-Regulatory
Supervision of Listed Companies No. 3 - Industry Information Disclosure for "jewelry-related business".
     1. Sales mode
     At present, the Company adopts wholesale as the main sales mode of gold and jewelry, and also provides certain supporting
services including customs declaration, gold purification/exchange, and safe deposit box leasing. The sales revenue composition of the
jewelry business in H1 2023 is as follows:

                      Amount of operating revenue         Operating cost amount
    Sales mode                                                                         Gross margin in H1 2023
                              (RMB 10,000)                    (RMB 10,000)

    Wholesale                   52,769.88                       51,462.11                        2.48%

  Other services                  967.17                          590.02                        39.00%

       Total                    53,737.05                       52,052.13                        3.14%

                                                      Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

    2. Production mode
    At present, the Company mainly adopts the entrusted processing mode for gold and its products, while diamonds and colored
gemstones do not involve processing. The production mode composition in H1 2023 is as follows:

         Production mode                      Amount (RMB 10,000)                        Proportion

     Consigned processing                          53,212.12                              100.00%

              Total                                53,212.12                              100.00%

    3. Purchase mode
    Gold and its products: by purchasing gold raw materials from Shanghai Gold Exchange or qualified units, or by renting gold from
    Diamonds: by purchasing finished diamonds from overseas diamond suppliers and importing them through the Shanghai Diamond
    Other jewelry jade: by purchasing products from overseas jewelry jade suppliers, and going through the import formalities of tax
payment through Shenzhen Jewelry Company.
    The procurement model in H1 2023 is as follows:

    Procurement                                    Procurement quantity             Procurement amount
                              Raw materials
       mode                                              (kg, ct)                       (RMB 10,000)

    Spot trading                  Gold                 1,861.40KG                         52,676.95

    Spot trading               Diamonds                 469.89CT                            934.56

     Gold rental
                                  Gold                  66.00KG                            2,634.75

                      Total                                                               56,246.26

    4. Operation of physical stores during the reporting period
    As of the end of the reporting period, the Company has no physical stores.
    5. Online sales during the reporting period
    During the reporting period, the Company has not carried out online sales.
    6. Inventory of jewelry business during the reporting period
    As of June 30, 2023, the inventory balance of the Company's jewelry business was RMB 41,513,394.65, of which the amount
measured at fair value was RMB 41,506,358.65, corresponding to hedged items with commodity futures contracts and T+D contracts
as hedging instruments and the value of gold leased from China Everbright Bank.

II. Analysis of Core Competitiveness

    1. Deepening of industrial distribution, continuously enhancing third-party comprehensive jewelry service capabilities
    Relying on the physical platform resources in the Shuibei area known for its jewelry industry cluster, the Company has given full
play to the advantages of a state-owned listed company, solidly promoted the construction of the third-party jewelry ecosystem, kept
trying to innovate business models, deeply entered the jewelry industry chain, and continuously improved the third-party
comprehensive jewelry service capability. In 2019, Treasury Supply Chain Company was established to carry out the gold and jewelry
supply chain business. In 2020, Shenzhen Jewelry Company was established and focused on building five centers: bonded commodity
exhibition center, bonded processing and manufacturing center, bonded R&D and design center, bonded commodity appraisal center,
and bonded financial service center, creating a comprehensive bonded service platform integrating warehousing, logistics, insurance,
import and export agency, settlement, and other supporting services to provide customers with convenient and efficient cross-border

                                                        Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

bonded exhibitions and comprehensive trading services. The Shenzhen Jewelry Project was established and operated with the approval
of the government and customs, which has strong credibility. On December 23, 2022, the platform was approved to be upgraded and
listed as "Shenzhen International Jewelry and Jade Comprehensive Trade Platform". In 2021, Shanghai Fanyue was set up, achieving
a closed loop from bonded exhibitions to general trade import of diamonds. In 2022, Guorun Gold was set up to build a comprehensive
service platform for gold circulation, further consolidating the overall layout of the jewelry industry and gradually establishing the
Company's competitive advantages.
     2. High-quality development of the commercial operation sector, providing stable business revenue and financial support
     The Company is the largest owner of Tellus-Gmond Gold Jewelry Industrial Park in the Shuibei area. The Tellus Jewelry Building
was fully put into use in 2019, with a high occupancy rate. The construction of the Tellus Jinzuan Trading Building is promoted
according to the working plan and is planned to be officially opened in 2023. At the same time, the Company plans to implement
innovative industrial projects in the Buxin area in line with the overall strategic layout of the city, district, and the Company by means
of renovation. In addition, the Company holds a large number of property resources in Luohu, Futian and other areas of Shenzhen. On
the basis of maintaining the stability of the original leasing business, the Company would actively promote the improvement of property
quality, and transform its old properties from the traditional way of simple leasing to the direction of commercial property operation,
so as to fully enhance and tap the added value of the property brand, bring stable business revenue and cash flow to the Company and
provide a solid foundation for the long-term development of the Company.
     3. Continuous optimization of management, providing effective guarantee for the development of the Company
     In recent years, with the transformation and upgrading of the Company's business sectors, internal management has also been
greatly improved, becoming the driving force and guarantee for the Company's development. From the perspective of management
promotion and operation, the Company has established a "4S" management mainline system based on the management orientation and
the actual situation of the Company. From strategic planning and business plan to management statements and assessment and
evaluation, scientific and closed-loop management concepts have been established and various management actions have been linked,
which serve the Company's strategic implementation in a unified way. The Company leverages various work with performance
management as a "lever", and continuously evaluates and optimizes the organizational structure to improve operational efficiency.
Adhering to the cultural construction purpose of refining the corporate culture from business, the Company collects the conventions of
strivers from the grassroots to build a consensus among all employees.

III. Analysis of Main Business

See "I. Main Business of the Company during the Reporting Period" for relevant contents.
YoY changes in main financial data
                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                                                            Same period of the             Year-on-year
                                  Reporting period                                                                  Reason of change
                                                              previous year              increase/decrease
                                                                                                                 Increase in gold
   Operating revenue                   704,836,410.94             250,015,152.23                     181.92%     business during the
                                                                                                                 reporting period
                                                                                                                 Increasing with the
   Operating cost                      608,604,638.40             188,344,177.55                     223.13%     introduction of the gold
   Selling expenses                     11,963,099.01               10,947,318.15                      9.28%
                                                                                                                 Mainly due to the
   Administrative                                                                                                increase in
                                        28,817,829.38               19,832,917.21                     45.30%
   expenses                                                                                                      management costs as a
                                                                                                                 result of the increase in

                                                       Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                              the gold business
                                                                                                              compared with the
                                                                                                              same period last year
                                                                                                              during the reporting
                                                                                                              period; Secondly, due
                                                                                                              to the transformation of
                                                                                                              the Tellus Jinzuan
                                                                                                              Building into fixed
                                                                                                              assets, with the
                                                                                                              subsequent portion of
                                                                                                              the expenditure being
                                                                                                              charged to
                                                                                                              Mainly due to the
                                                                                                              increase in the interest
                                                                                                              expenditures on gold
                                                                                                              financing and the
   Financial expenses                   1,391,732.79                -2,701,556.39                 151.52%     expensed interest
                                                                                                              expenditures after the
                                                                                                              transformation of the
                                                                                                              Tellus Jinzuan Building
                                                                                                              into fixed assets
   Income tax expenses                 12,466,659.92              10,808,747.89                    15.34%
   Net cash flow from
                                      -10,241,941.90             -11,318,295.41                     9.51%
   operating activities
                                                                                                              Mainly due to the fact
   Net cash flow from                                                                                         that the purchased bank
                                    -272,561,687.30              -29,463,885.19                  -825.07%
   investing activities                                                                                       financial products have
                                                                                                              not yet expired
                                                                                                              Mainly due to new
   Net cash flows from
                                     152,917,899.92               18,016,923.17                   748.75%     loans from Guorun
   financing activities
                                                                                                              Mainly due to the year-
                                                                                                              on-year decrease in the
   Net increase in cash                                                                                       redemption of wealth
                                    -129,885,729.28              -22,764,976.83                  -470.55%
   and cash equivalents                                                                                       management products
                                                                                                              during the reporting
Significant changes in the Company's profit composition or source during the reporting period
□ Applicable  Not applicable
There are no significant changes in the Company's profit composition or source during the reporting period.
Operating revenue composition
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                     Reporting period                      Same period of the previous year
                                                  Proportion in                                Proportion in       increase/decrease
                              Amount                                        Amount
                                                operating revenue                            operating revenue
   Total operating
                            704,836,410.94                   100%         250,015,152.23                 100%               181.92%
   By segment
   Wholesale and
                            536,696,671.25                  76.14%         48,246,045.45               19.30%              1,012.42%
   retail of jewelry
   Property lease and       115,235,431.84                  16.35%         89,143,718.75               35.66%                 29.27%

                                                       Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

   Automobile sales           41,890,016.34                  5.94%          90,748,050.16                 36.30%               -53.84%
   inspection and
                              11,014,291.51                  1.56%          21,877,337.87                  8.75%               -49.65%
   maintenance and
   spare parts sales
   Wholesale and
                             536,696,671.25                 76.14%          48,246,045.45                 19.30%             1,012.42%
   retail of jewelry
   Property lease and
                             115,235,431.84                 16.35%          89,143,718.75                 35.66%                29.27%
   Automobile sales           41,890,016.34                  5.94%          90,748,050.16                 36.30%               -53.84%
   inspection and
                              11,014,291.51                  1.56%          21,877,337.87                  8.75%               -49.65%
   maintenance and
   spare parts sales
   By region
   Shenzhen                  704,836,410.94                100.00%         250,015,152.23               100.00%                181.92%
Industries, products or regions with operating revenues or operating profits accounting for more than 10% of that of the Company
Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                                                                                        Increase/decrea       rease in
                                                                                     se in operating
                                                                                                        se in operating    gross margin
                                                                        Gross         revenue over
                         Operating revenue       Operating cost                                          cost over the       over the
                                                                        margin          the same
                                                                                                        same period of     same period
                                                                                        period of
                                                                                                         previous year      of previous
                                                                                      previous year
   By segment
   Wholesale and
                             536,696,671.25       521,308,410.69           2.87%          1,012.42%            907.59%          10.11%
   retail of jewelry
   Property lease
                             115,235,431.84        38,610,978.43          66.49%             29.27%             30.08%           -0.21%
   and service
   Automobile sales           41,890,016.34        38,325,556.22           8.51%            -53.84%            -56.94%            6.59%
   inspection and
                              11,014,291.51        10,359,693.06           5.94%            -49.65%            -42.17%         -12.18%
   maintenance and
   spare parts sales
   By product
   Wholesale and
                             536,696,671.25       521,308,410.69           2.87%          1,012.42%            907.59%          10.11%
   retail of jewelry
   Property lease
                             115,235,431.84        38,610,978.43          66.49%             29.27%             30.08%           -0.21%
   and service
   Automobile sales           41,890,016.34        38,325,556.22           8.51%            -53.84%            -56.94%            6.59%
   inspection and
                              11,014,291.51        10,359,693.06           5.94%            -49.65%            -42.17%         -12.18%
   maintenance and
   spare parts sales
   By region
   Shenzhen                  704,836,410.94       608,604,638.40          13.65%            181.92%            223.13%         -11.01%
The main business data adjusted at the end of the reporting period will be taken for the recent one period if the Company's statistical
caliber of main business data is adjusted during the reporting period

                                                         Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

□ Applicable  Not applicable

IV. Analysis of Non-main Business

Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                                Proportion to total
                                Amount                                                  Reasons                      Sustainable or not
                                                                         Wealth management income and
                                                                         investment income by the recognition
  Investment income            8,923,017.80                   15.50%                                                Yes
                                                                         of the equity method of shareholding
                                                                         Changes in fair value of unexpired
  Profits or losses from
                               -5,265,810.16                   -9.15%    wealth management products and gold        No
  changes in fair value
                                                                         leasing business
                                                                         Provision for impairment loss on
  Impairment of assets             -3,700.50                   -0.01%                                               No
                                                                         Gains from damage and scrapping of
                                 417,182.13                    0.72%     non-current assets, and gains from         No
                                                                         unpayable payments
  Non-operating                                                          Non-current assets retirement losses
                                 119,683.12                    0.21%                                                No
  expenses                                                               and liquidated damages expenses

V. Analysis of Assets and Liabilities

1. Major changes in asset composition

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                           End of the reporting period         As of the end of the previous year
                                               Proportion                                                                 Explanation on
                                                                                    Proportion to    increase/decrea
                             Amount              to total           Amount                                                major changes
                                                                                     total assets           se
  Cash at bank
                            272,420,241.88        10.84%         413,028,327.36           18.50%                -7.66%
  and on hand
                            182,214,051.47         7.25%           41,752,179.56           1.87%                5.38%
  Contract asset                                   0.00%                     0.00          0.00%                0.00%
  Inventories                41,770,590.06         1.66%         116,069,675.39            5.20%                -3.54%
                           1,031,138,405.32       41.03%         516,360,139.45           23.13%                17.90%
  equity                     69,035,977.23         2.75%           81,024,365.94           3.63%                -0.88%
  Fixed assets               84,382,315.00         3.36%         102,689,546.42            4.60%                -1.24%
  Projects under
                               6,860,682.96        0.27%         409,933,559.27           18.37%            -18.10%
                             74,582,096.36         2.97%            4,181,242.86           0.19%                2.78%
  Short-term                170,000,000.00         6.76%           20,000,000.00           0.90%                5.86%

                                                      Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

                            37,702,112.40           1.50%          9,259,658.43             0.41%            1.09%
                          168,005,447.69            6.69%      144,820,511.42               6.49%            0.20%
  Lease liabilities         73,155,478.11           2.91%          2,926,184.93             0.13%            2.78%

2. Primary foreign assets

□ Applicable  Not applicable

3. Assets and liabilities at fair value

Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                                     Accumula       Impair
                                Profits or losses    ted change      ment      Purchase          Sales
                  Beginning     from changes in         in fair    accrued    amount in       amount in       Other         Ending
                   amount       fair value in the       value        in the   the current     the current    changes        amount
                                 current period       included     current      period          period
                                                      in equity     period
  1. Trading
                  176,133,56                                                  320,000,00      200,000,00                  293,350,36
  (excluding                      -2,783,204.51             0.00       0.00
                        9.95                                                        0.00            0.00                        5.44
                        0.00            1,760.00            0.00                                                            1,760.00
  4. Other
                  10,176,617.                                                                               19,224,692.   29,401,309.
                          20                                                                                        65            85
  Sub-total of
                  186,310,18                                                  320,000,00      200,000,00    19,224,692.   322,753,43
  financial                       -2,781,444.51             0.00       0.00
                        7.15                                                        0.00            0.00            65          5.29
  Hedged          79,191,876.                                                 370,719,25      449,058,49
                                     -19,895.65                                                                           898,501.98
  item                    11                                                        6.67            3.52
  Total of the    265,502,06                                                  690,719,25      649,058,49    19,224,692.   323,651,93
                                  -2,801,340.16             0.00       0.00
  above                 3.26                                                        6.67            3.52            65          7.27
  Financial       19,062,044.                                                 8,662,500.0                                 30,104,994.
  liabilities             91                                                            0                                         27

Other changes

                                                        Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen SDG Huari Automobile Enterprise Co., Ltd. has entered the stage of compulsory liquidation. The Company has lost
control over it and has transferred its investment into financial assets.

Whether major changes occur to the measurement attributes of the main assets of the Company within the reporting period
□Yes  No

4. Restriction on asset rights as at the end of the reporting period

                                                           Unit: RMB

                             Item                        Book value on June 30, 2023            Reasons for restriction

         Cash at bank and on hand                                           10,899,141.80   See the description in this table

         Intangible assets                                                  44,960,423.01     Bank borrowing mortgage

         Total                                                              55,859,564.81                   -

Descriptions: RMB 10,665,656.00 in the bank deposits is the supervision fund for the Company's Tellus-Gmond Gold Jewelry
Industrial Park Upgrading and Reconstruction Project Plot 03; RMB 233,485.80 is the futures option account deposit. In addition,
there are no other funds with limited use and potential recovery risk due to mortgage, pledge or freezing in the ending cash at bank
and on hand.

VI. Analysis of Investment

1. Overall conditions

Applicable □ Not applicable

       Investment in the reporting period         Amount of investment in the same period
                                                                                                            Changes rate
                    (RMB)                              of the previous year (RMB)

                               81,253,722.19                                50,926,786.82                                       59.55%

2. Significant equity investment acquired in the reporting period

□ Applicable  Not applicable

3. Significant non-equity investment ongoing in the reporting period

□ Applicable  Not applicable

4. Financial assets investment

(1) Security investment

□ Applicable  Not applicable
The Company has no securities investment during the reporting period.

                                                           Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

(2) Investment in derivatives

Applicable □ Not applicable

1) Investment in derivatives for hedging purposes during the reporting period

Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB 10,000

                                                                                                                                    Proportion of
                                                                                                                                      the ending
                                                         Cumulative            Buying         Selling amount
     Type of            Initial       Gains or losses                                                                                 investment
                                                        change in fair     amount during        during the
  investment in      investment       from changes                                                              Ending amount       amount to the
                                                        value included      the reporting        reporting
   derivatives         amount          in fair value                                                                                  ending net
                                                           in equity           period              period
                                                                                                                                     assets of the
 Futures (via
 account at
                               38.2             0.18                  0           4,410.92          4,954.37              23.35               0.01%
 Futures ( via
 account at Ping               77.6                 0                 0            198.55             549.21                   0              0.00%
 An Futures)
 Total                      115.8               0.18                  0           4,609.47          5,503.58              23.35               0.01%

 policies and
 principles of
 accounting for
 during the
 period and
 whether there
 is any
 change in them
 compared to
 the previous

 Actual gains
 and loss during
                   Due to the rise in gold price, the actual loss of futures account hedging was RMB 2,556,800 during the reporting period.
 the reporting
                   Measurement method of hedge effectiveness: hedge effectiveness = change in price of hedging futures position /change in the
                   price of hedged spot position. A value closer to 100% indicates a higher level of hedge effectiveness. According to the
 Hedge             Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises of China promulgated in 2006, a hedge is considered highly effective when its
 effectiveness     effectiveness ranges from 80% to 125%. The Company sustained a loss of RMB 2.55 million due to futures price fluctuations,
                   which was offset by a gain of RMB 2.57 million resulting from a rise in the spot price during the reporting period. The hedge
                   effectiveness was above 99%, which demonstrates that the Company's hedge was highly effective.
 Source of
 funds for         Own funds
 investment in

                                                             Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.


 Risk analysis
 and control
 measures for
                    The Company's hedging transactions follow the following basic principles: The value change and contract quantity of the
 positions in
                    futures products are approximately equivalent to the spot positions; the futures positions are taken in the opposite direction of
                    the spot positions; and the holding period of the futures positions matches the risk exposure period in the spot market. The main
 during the
                    risks of positions in gold futures include basis risk, forced liquidation risk, and operational error risk. To manage basis risk, the
                    Company utilizes leased gold as inventory when the basis is narrowed, and builds less or no self-owned inventory. For forced
                    liquidation risk, the Company establishes risk early warnings and advance funding plans to maintain sufficient margins if gold
 (including but
                    prices fluctuate violently. In case of forced liquidation emergencies, Management is notified immediately, and hedging
 not limited to
                    positions are replenished in a timely manner. To control operational error risk, the Company implements a trader training
 market risk,
                    program, ensures trading and reviews adhere to system and workflow requirements, and requires daily reporting. The Company
 liquidity risk,
                    has established a scientific and effective hedging management system, which is implemented through four key aspects:
 credit risk,
                    organizational structure design, planning systems, management and evaluation procedures, and dynamic risk monitoring..
 risk, and legal

 Changes in
 market price or
 product fair
 value during
 the reporting
 period of
 ( the analysis
 of the fair        During the reporting period, the fair value change of the futures contracts held for hedging purposes was RMB 1,800. The
 value of           Company determined the fair value using the closing price on June 30, 2023 of the futures contracts held on the Shanghai Gold
 derivatives        Exchange, with the floating gain and loss representing the change in fair value.
 should disclose
 the specific
 utilized and the
 and parameter

 Involvement in
 litigation (if     N/A.

 Special            1. The Company utilizes its own funds to establish gold stock and uses instruments such as gold futures to hedge the Company's
 opinions of        own gold stock. The Company utilizes its own funds to engage in hedging transactions while ensuring normal production and
 independent        operations. This hedging strategy allows the Company to lock in expected profits on products, control operational risks, and
 directors on       improve resilience against market fluctuations, without damaging the interests of the Company and all shareholders.
 investment in      2. The Company has established robust governance for its hedging transactions during the reporting period, including
 derivatives and    organizational structure, business operation processes, approval procedures, and Hedging Transaction Management Guidelines.
 risk control of    3. The approval procedures followed by the Company to utilize its own funds for hedging transactions comply with relevant
 the Company        national laws, regulations, and the Company's Articles of Association.

2) Investment in derivatives for speculative purposes during the reporting period

□ Applicable Not applicable
During the reporting period, the Company had no investment in derivatives for speculative purposes.

                                                     Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

5. Usage of raised funds

□ Applicable  Not applicable
No raised funds are used within the reporting period of the Company.

VII. Sales of Major Assets and Equity

1. Sales of major assets

□ Applicable  Not applicable
No major asset is sold during the reporting period of the Company.

2. Sales of major equity

□ Applicable  Not applicable

VIII. Analysis of Main Holding Companies and Joint-stock Companies

Applicable □ Not applicable
Main subsidiaries and joint-stock companies affecting over 10% of the Company’s net profit
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

    Company         Type of        Main        Registered                                     Operating   Operating
                                                             Total assets   Net assets                                  Net profit
     name          company        business      capital                                        revenue     profit
                   Subsidiar    Property       RMB 58.96      272,373,40    226,659,20    17,559,481.     13,001,845.   10,355,120.
   Industry and
                   y            lease          million              1.17          9.87            99              80            22
   Trade Co.,
   Zhongtian       Subsidiar    Property                      630,522,28    486,520,50    56,271,928.     32,800,482.   24,967,176.
   Industry Co.,   y            lease                               6.17          4.50            30              62            90
   Huari Toyota
                   Subsidiar    Automobil      RMB 2         35,929,794.    11,503,618.   52,130,699.     1,150,338.0
   Sales &                                                                                                              551,789.40
                   y            e sales        million               62             31            28                9
   Service Co.,
   g Motor
                   Subsidiar    Property       RMB 9.61      9,917,007.2    4,226,869.8   3,541,502.4     1,843,838.3   1,749,540.1
                   y            lease          million                 5              4             8               6             5
   Co., Ltd.
                   Subsidiar    Property       RMB 32.9       100,665,13    81,213,393.   5,908,138.3     4,571,598.9   3,428,699.1
                   y            lease          million              6.60            19              3               0             7
   t Co., Ltd.
   Shenzhen        Subsidiar    Property       RMB 14        20,779,637.    19,589,391.   4,516,886.3     2,090,302.2   2,090,302.2
   Tellus          y            lease          million               82             90              0               6             7

                                                      Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

   Co., Ltd.
                                 sale and
                                 leasing of
   Shenzhen                      ornaments
   Tellus                        and
                                                                                                                   -             -
   Treasury        Subsidiar     precious       RMB 50         69,289,324.   44,706,277.   1,488,251.6
                                                                                                         1,389,765.9   1,389,765.9
   Supply          y             metal          million                18            91              3
                                                                                                                   9             9
   Chain Tech                    products,
   Co., Ltd.                     leasing of
                                 safe deposit
                                 boxes and
                                 g services
                                 Jewelry fair
   Shenzhen                      consignme
   Jewelry                       nt,
                   Subsidiar                    RMB 100        59,011,438.   31,381,947.   7,623,229.6
   Industry                      exhibition                                                              281,397.10     281,397.10
                   y                            million                92            51              1
   Service Co.,                  planning,
   Ltd.                          conference
                                 Sales of
                                 gold bar for
   Gold            Subsidiar                    RMB 200        405,692,36    198,648,26    520,277,94             -              -
   Shenzhen        y                            million              3.60          0.22          8.63    740,865.07     792,883.11
   Co., Ltd.
   Renfu Tellus                                                                                                    -             -
                   Subsidiar     e sales and    RMB 30         158,387,79    41,936,395.   529,459,35
   Automobiles                                                                                           15,787,654.   14,291,457.
                   y             maintenanc     million              4.94            97          1.87
   Service Co.,                                                                                                  04            36
   Shenzhen                      in
   Tellus-                       industrial,    RMB
                   Subsidiar                                   375,842,88    81,056,767.   54,145,037.   22,398,380.   16,769,327.
   Gmond                         property       53.70496
                   y                                                 5.70            28            15            87            00
   Investment                    manageme       million
   Co., Ltd.                     nt and
Acquisition and disposal of subsidiaries during the reporting period
□ Applicable  Not applicable
Description of main holding and joint-stock companies

                                                       Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

IX. Structured Entities Controlled by the Company

□ Applicable  Not applicable

X. Risks Faced by the Company and Countermeasures

     (1) Risk 1: risks caused by market fluctuations
     Affected by the international situation and other factors, the domestic economic growth slows down, the pressure on industrial
restructuring increases, and the overall economic environment has an uncertain impact on the Company's operation.
     Countermeasures: In view of this risk, the Company will actively take various preventive measures. First, continuously strengthen
risk management, establish and improve risk prevention and control mechanism to ensure the Company's compliance operation and
steady development; Second, firmly advance the Company's strategic transformation pace, promote the implementation of
transformation projects through innovative business models, explore incremental markets, expand business scale, seek new profit
growth points, and continuously improve the Company's competitiveness to provide a good foundation for the Company's long-term
stable development.
     (2) Risk 2: insufficient talent team building
     With the implementation of transformation projects and the rapid development of the Company, the demand for various talents in
the industry and management is increasing, and the existing talent team is gradually unable to meet the requirements of development.
     Countermeasures: First, set "top-down" talent training objectives and establish talent training plans; Second, expand talent
introduction channels and recruit talents through multiple channels; Third, adjust the organizational structure and staffing of front-line
business departments to improve organizational efficiency; Fourth, strengthen a diligent and hard-working style of work, and enhance
cohesion and execution to ensure the stability of enterprise transformation.

                                                         Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

                                 Section IV Corporate Governance

I. Annual General Meeting of Shareholders and Extraordinary General Meetings of
Shareholders during the Reporting Period

1. Situation of General Meeting of Shareholders during the reporting period

     Session of
                       Type of meeting      proportion         Holding date         Disclosure date           Meeting resolution
                                                                                                         For details, please refer to the
                                                                                                         Announcement on
                                                                                                         Resolutions of 2022 Annual
  2022 Annual          Annual General
                                                                                                         General Meeting of
  General Meeting      Meeting of             55.92%       May 18, 2023           May 19, 2023
                                                                                                         Shareholders (Announcement
  of Shareholders      Shareholders
                                                                                                         No.: 2023-025) of Securities
                                                                                                         Times and CNINFO
                                                                                                         For details, please refer to the
                                                                                                         Announcement on
  The First                                                                                              Resolutions of the First
  Extraordinary                                                                                          Extraordinary General
  General Meeting                             56.30%       February 21, 2023      February 22, 2023      Meeting of Shareholders in
                       Meeting of
  of Shareholders                                                                                        2023 (Announcement No.:
  in 2023                                                                                                2023-009) of Securities
                                                                                                         Times and CNINFO

2. Preferred shareholders with resumed voting rights request to convene an Extraordinary General
Meeting of Shareholders

□ Applicable  Not applicable

II. Change in the Directors, the Supervisors and the Senior Executives of the Company

Applicable □ Not applicable
     Name            Position          Type                        Date                                    Reason
  Zhang                                                                                 Resign from the position due to work
                  Supervisor      Resigned         April 20, 2023
  Baojun                                                                                arrangements.
  Zeng                                                                                  Resign from the position due to work
                  Supervisor      Resigned         April 20, 2023
  Xingyu                                                                                arrangements.
                                                                                        He was elected as a supervisor of the 10th
  Dai                                                                                   Board of Supervisors at the 7th Meeting of the
                  Supervisor      Elected          May 18, 2023
  Zhiwei                                                                                10th Board of Supervisors and the 2022 Annual
                                                                                        General Meeting of Shareholders.
                                                                                        He was elected as a supervisor of the 10th
                                                                                        Board of Supervisors at the 7th Meeting of the
  Ye Cao          Supervisor      Elected          May 18, 2023
                                                                                        10th Board of Supervisors and the 2022 Annual
                                                                                        General Meeting of Shareholders.

                                                       Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

III. Profit Distribution and Capital Reserves Converted to Share Capital in the Reporting

□ Applicable  Not applicable
The Company plans to not distribute cash dividends, issue bonus shares, or transfer share capital from capital reserve in the half year.

IV. Implementation of the Company's Equity Incentive Plan, Employee Stock Ownership Plan
or Other Employee Incentive Measures

□ Applicable  Not applicable
During the reporting period, there is no equity incentive plan, employee stock ownership plan or other employee incentive measures
and their implementation for the Company.

                                                       Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

                  Section V Environmental and Social Responsibility

I. Major Environmental Protection Issues

Whether the listed company and its subsidiaries belong to the key pollutant-discharging entities announced by the environmental
protection authorities
□Yes  No
Administrative penalties imposed for environmental problems during the reporting period

                                                                                                Impact on the
   Name of company             Reason for                                                      production and
                                                     Violations                Penalty                                measures of the
     or subsidiary             punishment                                                     operation of listed
   None                   None                  None                   None                  None                   None
Disclosure of other environmental information with reference to key pollutant-discharging entities

During the reporting period, the Company and its subsidiaries have not been subject to administrative punishment due to
environmental problems.

Measures and effects to reduce carbon emissions during the reporting period
□ Applicable  Not applicable
Reasons for failure to disclose other environmental information

Reasons for failure to disclose other environmental information: The Company and its subsidiaries are not key pollutant discharge
units announced by the environmental protection department, and there was no punishment due to violations of laws and regulations
during the reporting period.

II. Social Responsibilities

     The Company has always taken repaying shareholders, achieving employees, and giving back to society as its own responsibility.
Adhering to the principle of fairness, the Company actively safeguards the legitimate rights and interests of shareholders. It advocates
the realization of self-value while achieving enterprise value, creating a corporate atmosphere that cares for employees, fosters their
love for the Company, and promotes harmonious mutual development. Firstly, the Party Committee of Tellus Holding actively
responded to the arrangements and deployments of the superior party organization in implementing the national rural revitalization
plan. In 2021, one outstanding party member was selected and sent to Shangyan Village, Chengtian Town, Shantou City for a period
of two years, providing assistance to the rural revitalization work. Secondly, the registered members of Tellus Holding's volunteer
service team totaled 180 people, and the total duration of volunteer activities reached 5,800 hours. During the reporting period, four
volunteer activities were organized with the participation of 85 volunteers.

                                                     Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

                                     Section VI Important Matters

I.         Commitments that have been fulfilled by the actual controllers, shareholders, related
           parties, purchasers and other relevant parties of the Company during the reporting
           period and have not yet been fulfilled as of the end of the reporting period

Applicable □ Not applicable
     Commitmen     Commit      Commitm                                                          Commitm     Commitm      Performa
                                                         Commitment content
       t cause     ted party    ent type                                                         ent time   ent period     nce
                                            The Company will maintain the independence
                                            of the listed company, and maintain personnel                   During the
                                            independence, institutional independence,                       period of
                                            financial independence and asset integrity with                 being the
     Commitmen     Shenzhe
                                            the listed company. The listed company will                     indirect
     t made in     n           Ensure the
                                            still have independent operation ability,                       controllin
     acquisition   Investm     independe                                                                                 In
                                            independent procurement, production and sales       December    g
     report or     ent         nce of                                                                                    performa
                                            system and independent intellectual property        30, 2022    sharehold
     report of     Holding     listed                                                                                    nce
                                            rights.                                                         er of
     equity        s Co.,      companies
                                            In case of violation of the above commitments,                  Tellus
     change        Ltd.
                                            the Company will bear corresponding legal                       Holding, a
                                            responsibilities, including but not limited to                  listed
                                            compensation for all losses caused to the listed                company
                                            1. As of the signing date of this Letter of
                                            Commitment, the Company and other
                                            enterprises controlled by the Company have not
                                            engaged in businesses and activities that are in
                                            direct competition with or may constitute direct
                                            competition with Tellus, and will not engage in
                                            businesses and activities that are in direct
                                            competition with or may constitute direct
                                            competition with Tellus in the future (except
                                            those arranged based on the Shenzhen SASAC                      During the
                                            or similar government agencies);                                period of
                                            2. During the period of being the indirect                      being the
     Commitmen     Shenzhe
                                            controlling shareholder of Tellus and during                    indirect
     t made in     n
                               Avoid        Tellus's listing on Shenzhen Stock Exchange,                    controllin
     acquisition   Investm                                                                                               In
                               horizontal   the Company will fully respect the independent      December    g
     report or     ent                                                                                                   performa
                               competitio   operation autonomy of all subsidiaries              30, 2022    sharehold
     report of     Holding                                                                                               nce
                               n            controlled by the Company and ensure that the                   er of
     equity        s Co.,
                                            legitimate rights and interests of Tellus and its               Tellus
     change        Ltd.
                                            minority shareholders will not be infringed;                    Holding, a
                                            3. The Company promises not to seek                             listed
                                            illegitimate interests with the status of                       company
                                            controlling shareholder of Tellus, thus
                                            damaging the rights and interests of Tellus and
                                            its minority shareholders;
                                            4. The Company promises not to assist any
                                            party to engage in any business activities that
                                            are in substantial competition or potential
                                            competition with the main business of Tellus by
                                            using the information learned or known from

                                               Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

                                      5. If the Company or other enterprises
                                      controlled by the Company violate the above
                                      commitments and guarantees, the Company
                                      shall bear the economic losses caused to the
                                      listed company.
                                      1. The Company and the companies, enterprises
                                      and economic organizations controlled or
                                      actually controlled by the Company (excluding
                                      enterprises controlled by listed companies,
                                      hereinafter collectively referred to as "affiliated
                                      companies") will exercise the rights of
                                      shareholders, fulfill the obligations of
                                      shareholders, and maintain the independence of
                                      listed companies in terms of assets, finance,
                                      personnel, business and institutions in strict
                                      accordance with the provisions of laws,
                                      regulations and other normative documents;
                                      2. The Company promises not to use its
                                      position as a controlling shareholder to urge the
                                      General Meeting of Shareholders or the Board
                                      of Directors of the listed company to make
                                      resolutions that infringe upon the legitimate
                                      rights and interests of other shareholders of the
                                      listed company;
                                      3. The Company or its affiliated companies will                  During the
                                      try to avoid related party transactions with                     period of
                                      listed companies. If it is inevitable to have                    being the
Commitmen     Shenzhe    Reduce
                                      related party transactions with listed companies,                indirect
t made in     n          and
                                      the Company or its affiliated companies will                     controllin
acquisition   Investm    standardiz                                                                                 In
                                      urge the controlled entities to trade with listed     December   g
report or     ent        e related                                                                                  performa
                                      companies on an equal and voluntary basis in          30, 2022   sharehold
report of     Holding    party                                                                                      nce
                                      accordance with fair, reasonable and normal                      er of
equity        s Co.,     transactio
                                      commercial transaction conditions;                               Tellus
change        Ltd.       ns
                                      4. The Company or its affiliated companies will                  Holding, a
                                      perform the decision-making procedures of                        listed
                                      related party transactions and the corresponding                 company
                                      information disclosure obligations in strict
                                      accordance with the Articles of Association of
                                      the listed company and relevant laws and
                                      5. The Company or its affiliated companies will
                                      ensure that they will not seek special interests
                                      beyond the above provisions through related
                                      party transactions with the listed company,
                                      illegally transfer the funds and profits of the
                                      listed company through related party
                                      transactions, and maliciously damage the
                                      legitimate rights and interests of the listed
                                      company and its shareholders through related
                                      party transactions.
                                      In case of violation of the above commitments,
                                      the Company will bear corresponding legal
                                      responsibilities, including but not limited to
                                      compensation for all losses caused to the listed
              Shenzhe                 In the future, the Company will disclose                                      In
Commitmen                                                                                   October
              n Tellus   Others       relevant information regarding the progress of                   Long term    performa
t made                                                                                      17, 2014
              Holding                 its new businesses in a timely, accurate and                                  nce

                                                  Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

during the       Co.,                    sufficient manner in accordance with relevant
initial public   Ltd.                    requirements.
offering or
                                         Shenzhen Special Economic Zone
                                         Development Group Co., Ltd., the controlling
                                         shareholder of the Company, issued the Letter
                                         of Commitment to Avoiding Horizontal
                                         Competition on May 26, 2014. The
                                         commitments are as follows:
                                         1. The Company and other enterprises
                                         controlled by the Company other than Tellus
                                         Holding are not engaged in businesses that are
                                         in substantial competition with the main
                                         business of Tellus Holding, and there is no
                                         horizontal competition relationship with Tellus
Other                                    Holding;
commitment                               2. The Company and other enterprises
s made for                  Horizontal   controlled by the Company shall not directly or                             In
                 ic Zone                                                                     May 26,
minority                    competitio   indirectly engage in or participate in any                      Long term   performa
                 Develop                                                                     2014
shareholders                n            business that constitutes or may constitute                                 nce
of the                                   competition with the main business of Tellus
Company                                  Holding in any form;
                                         3. If the Company and other enterprises
                                         controlled by the Company can engage in or
                                         participate in any business opportunity that may
                                         compete with the main business of Tellus
                                         Holding, they shall notify Tellus Holding of the
                                         above business opportunity before
                                         implementing or signing relevant agreements. If
                                         Tellus Holding makes a positive reply within a
                                         reasonable period specified in the notice that it
                                         is willing to take advantage of the business
                                         opportunity, the business opportunity will be
                                         given priority to Tellus Holding.
                                         From 2023 to 2025, the Company's profits will
                                         be first used to cover the losses of previous
                                         years; After making up for the losses of
                                         previous years, on the premise that the
commitment       Shenzhe
                                         Company's profits and cash flow meet the
s made for       n Tellus   Dividend                                                                                 In
                                         normal operation and long-term development of       April 27,   December
minority         Holding    commitme                                                                                 performa
                                         the Company, the Company will implement an          2023        31, 2025
shareholders     Co.,       nt                                                                                       nce
                                         active profit distribution method to return it to
of the           Ltd.
                                         shareholders. For details, please refer to the
                                         Shareholder Return Plan for the Next Three
                                         Years (2023-2025) disclosed on
                                         www.cninfo.com.cn on April 27, 2023.
Whether the
s are duly
If the
is not
after the
time limit,

                                                      Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

   the specific
   reasons for
   the failure of
   and the next
   work plan
   shall be

II. Occupation of Non-operating Funds of the Listed Company of Controlling Shareholder
and Other Related Parties

□ Applicable  Not applicable
Non-operating fund occupied by the controlling shareholder and other related parties towards the listed company is not identified
within the reporting period of the Company.

III. Illegal Foreign Guarantee

□ Applicable  Not applicable
During the reporting period, the Company has no illegal foreign guarantees.

IV. Employment and Dismissal of Accounting Firms

Whether the Semi-Annual Financial Report has been audited
□Yes  No
The Semi-Annual Report of the Company is unaudited.

V. Description of the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors on the "Non-Standard
Auditor’s Report" Issued by the Accounting Firm during the Reporting Period

□ Applicable  Not applicable

VI. Description of the Board of Directors on the “Non-Standard Auditor's Report” of the
Previous Year

□ Applicable  Not applicable

VII. Matters Relating to Bankruptcy Reorganization

□ Applicable  Not applicable
Matters concerning bankruptcy reorganization are not identified within the reporting period of the Company.

VIII. Lawsuit Proceedings

Major litigation and arbitration matters
□ Applicable  Not applicable
The Company has no significant matters of litigation and arbitration during the reporting period.
Other lawsuit proceedings

                                                          Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

Applicable □ Not applicable

       Basic           Amount                                               Litigation           of
                                   Estimated         Progress of
   information         involved                                           (arbitration)     litigation    Disclosure
                                   accrual of          litigation                                                        Disclosure index
   of litigation         (RMB                                              trial results   (arbitratio       date
                                   liabilities       (arbitration)
   (arbitration)        10,000)                                           and impacts            n)
  Land Lease
                                                 The first instance
                                                 was held on
                                                 March 15, 2023,
  Industry and
                       1,403.76    No            but the first            Pending          None
                                                 instance judgment
  Company v.
                                                 has not yet been
                                                                          The appeal
                                                                                                                       Announcement on the
                                                                                                                       Progress of Lawsuit
                                                                          judgment of
                                                                                                                       Proceedings of
  Shareholder                                                             the second
                                                                                                                       Holding Subsidiaries
  Qualification                                                           instance is                     July 7,
                          19.84    No            Closed                                    -                           (Announcement No.:
  Confirmation                                                            dismissed                       2023
                                                                                                                       2023-030) of
  Dispute                                                                 and the
                                                                                                                       Securities Times and
                                                                          judgment is

IX. Punishment and Rectification

□ Applicable  Not applicable

X. Integrity Situation of the Company and its Controlling Shareholder and Actual Controllers

□ Applicable  Not applicable

XI. Major Related Party Transactions

1. Related party transactions concerning daily operations

Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                       Price    Amou       Propo                                       et
                                   Cont     Pricin                                                        Settle
                                                        of        nt of     rtion     Appro       Whet               price
                                    ent        g                                                           ment
                           Type                       relate     relate       to        ved         her               of
  Relate      Relati                 of     princi                                                        metho
                            of                           d          d      transa     transac     exce              availa   Disc
      d      onship                relat    ple of                                                         ds of
                         related                       party     party      ction       tion      eding               ble    losu   Disclosu
  transac       of                   ed     relate                                                        relate
                           party                      transa    transa     amou       amount        the             simila    re    re index
    tion     related               party       d                                                             d
                          transa                      ction(     ction      nt of     (RMB         appr                r     date
  parties    parties               trans     party                                                         party
                          ctions                      RMB       (RMB         the      10,000      oved              transa
                                   actio    transa                                                        transa
                                                      10,00     10,00       same          )       limit             ction(
                                      n      ction                                                         ction
                                                        0)         0)       kind                                    RMB

                                                  Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

Shenz                                                                                        Accor
          or of               Prov
hen                                                                                          ding
          the                 ide
Renfu               Daily                                                                    to the
          Comp                prop    Refer
Tellus              related                                                                  contra
          any                 erty    to the    272.5                                                 272.5
Autom               party                                272.5   2.36%        545   No       ct
          concur              leasi   marke     0                                                     0
obiles              transa                                                                   amou
          rently              ng      t price
Servic              ctions                                                                   nt or
          serves              servi
e Co.,                                                                                       agree
          as its              ces
Ltd.                                                                                         ment
hen                           Prov
SDG       Subsid              ide
                    Daily                                                                    to the
Tellus    iary of             prop    Refer
                    related                                                                  contra
Proper    contro              erty    to the
                    party                       6.90       6.9   0.06%         21   No       ct       6.90
ty        lling               leasi   marke
                    transa                                                                   amou                      Announ
Manag     shareh              ng      t price
                    ctions                                                                   nt or                     cement
ement     older               servi
                                                                                             agree                     on Daily
Co.,                          ces
                                                                                             ment                      Related
                                                                                             Accor                     ions in
Shenz                                                                                        ding                      2023
          Subsid              erty
hen                 Daily                                                                    to the                    (Annou
          iary of             leasi   Refer                                                                    Apri
SDG                 related                                                                  contra                    ncement
          contro              ng      to the                                                                   l 27,
Microf              party                       63.47    63.47   0.55%        150   No       ct       63.47            No.:
          lling               and     marke                                                                    202
inance              transa                                                                   amou                      2023-
          shareh              man     t price                                                                  3
Co.,                ctions                                                                   nt or                     018) of
          older               age
Ltd.                                                                                         agree                     Securiti
                                                                                             ment                      es Times
Shenz                                                                                        Accor
                              Prov                                                                                     O
hen                                                                                          ding
          Subsid              ide                                                                                      (www.c
SDG                 Daily                                                                    to the
          iary of             prop    Refer                                                                            ninfo.co
Servic              related                                                                  contra
          contro              erty    to the    120.8    120.8                                        120.8            m.cn)
e Co.,              party                                        1.05%        510   No       ct
          lling               leasi   marke     7            7                                        7
Ltd.                transa                                                                   amou
          shareh              ng      t price
and its             ctions                                                                   nt or
          older               servi
branch                                                                                       agree
es                                                                                           ment
Shenz                         Prov
hen                           ide
Specia                        vehi
l                             cle
                    Daily                                                                    to the
Econo     Contr               main    Refer
                    related                                                                  contra
mic       olling              tena    to the
                    party                       0.82      0.82   0.08%          3   No       ct       0.82
Zone      shareh              nce     marke
                    transa                                                                   amou
Develo    older               and     t price
                    ctions                                                                   nt or
pment                         testi
Group                         ng
Co.,                          servi
Ltd.                          ces
Shenz     Subsid    Daily     Prov    Refer     0.13      0.13   0.01%          2   No       Accor    0.13

                                                     Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

hen        iary of   related    ide      to the                                                 ding
SDG        contro    party      vehi     marke                                                  to the
Tellus     lling     transa     cle      t price                                                contra
Proper     shareh    ctions     main                                                            ct
ty         older                tena                                                            amou
Manag                           nce                                                             nt or
ement                           and                                                             agree
Co.,                            testi                                                           ment
Ltd.                            ng
Shenz                                                                                           Accor
hen                                                                                             ding
           Subsid               engi
SDG                  Daily                                                                      to the
           iary of              neeri    Refer
Engine               related                                                                    contra
           contro               ng       to the                      100.0
ering                party                         68.98    68.98                200   No       ct       68.98
           lling                supe     marke                         0%
Manag                transa                                                                     amou
           shareh               rvisi    t price
ement                ctions                                                                     nt or
           older                on
Co.,                                                                                            agree
Ltd.                                                                                            ment
Shenz                           Acce                                                            Accor
hen                             pt                                                              ding
SDG                  Daily      prop                                                            to the
           iary of                       Refer
Servic               related    erty                                                            contra
           contro                        to the    698.3    698.3    73.87                               698.3
e Co.,               party      man                                            1,816   No       ct
           lling                         marke     7            7       %                                7
Ltd.                 transa     age                                                             amou
           shareh                        t price
and its              ctions     ment                                                            nt or
branch                          servi                                                           agree
es                              ces                                                             ment
                                Acce                                                            Accor
                                pt                                                              ding
SDG        Subsid
                     Daily      prop                                                            to the
Tellus     iary of                       Refer
                     related    erty                                                            contra
Proper     contro                        to the    188.4    188.4    19.93                               188.4
                     party      man                                              340   No       ct
ty         lling                         marke     2            2       %                                2
                     transa     age                                                             amou
Manag      shareh                        t price
                     ctions     ment                                                            nt or
ement      older
                                servi                                                           agree
                                ces                                                             ment
Total                                      --        --               --       3,587     --       --       --      --        --
Details of large sales return            None
The actual performance during the
reporting period (if any) if the total
amount of daily related party
                                         Normal performance
transactions occurring in the
current period is estimated by
Reasons for the great difference
between the transaction price and
market reference price (if

                                                      Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

2. Related party transactions from acquisition and disposal of assets or equity

□ Applicable  Not applicable
During the reporting period, the Company has no related party transaction from the acquisition and sale of assets or equities.

3. Related party transaction of joint foreign investment

□ Applicable  Not applicable
During the reporting period, the Company has no related party transaction of joint foreign investment.

4. Transaction related to credit and debt

Applicable □ Not applicable
Whether there are transactions of non-operating related credits and debts
□Yes  No
During the reporting period, the Company has no transactions related to credit and debt.

5. Transactions with correlated finance companies

□ Applicable  Not applicable
There is no deposit, loan, credit or other financial business between the Company and related finance companies.

6. Transactions between finance companies controlled by the Company and related parties

□ Applicable  Not applicable
There is no deposit, loan, credit or other financial business between the finance companies controlled by the Company and related

7. Other major related party transactions

□ Applicable  Not applicable
During the reporting period, the Company has no other major related party transactions.

XII. Major Contracts and Performance

1. Trusteeship, contracting and leasing events

(1) Trusteeship

□ Applicable  Not applicable
During the reporting period, the Company has no trusteeship.

(2) Contracting

□ Applicable  Not applicable
During the reporting period, the Company has no contracting.

                                                                Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

(3) Leasing

□ Applicable  Not applicable
During the reporting period, the Company has no leasing.

2. Significant guarantees

Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB 10,000

                            External guarantees of the Company and its subsidiaries (excluding the guarantees to subsidiaries)

                  date of the
                                                    Actual                                                                                        it is
   Name of          relevant                                       Actual      Type of                     Counter-                 Whethe
                                     Guarante       date of                                   Collatera                 Guarante                provide
  guaranteed     announcemen                                      guarante     guarante                    guarante                  r it is
                                     e amount      occurrenc                                  l (if any)                e period                  d to
    party            t of the                                     e amount        e                        e (if any)               fulfilled
                                                       e                                                                                        related
 Shenzhen                                                                                                               Until the
 Renfu                                                                                                                  expiry
 Tellus          September                        March 15,                                                             date of
                                         3,500                     1,277.5     Pledge         No           No                       No          Yes
 Automobile      30, 2014                         2022                                                                  the Joint
 s Service                                                                                                              Venture
 Co., Ltd.                                                                                                              Contract
                                                                  Total actual external
 Total external guarantee
                                                                  guarantee amount in
 amount approved in the                                     0                                                                                   1,277.5
                                                                  the reporting period
 reporting period (A1)

                                                                  Total external
 Total external guarantee
                                                                  guarantee balance at
 amount approved at the end                            3,500                                                                                      3,500
                                                                  the end of reporting
 of the reporting period (A3)
                                                                  period (A4)

                                                                  Guarantee to subsidiaries

                  date of the
                                                    Actual                                                                                        it is
   Name of          relevant                                       Actual      Type of                     Counter-                 Whethe
                                     Guarante       date of                                   Collatera                 Guarante                provide
  guaranteed     announcemen                                      guarante     guarante                    guarante                  r it is
                                     e amount      occurrenc                                  l (if any)                e period                  d to
    party            t of the                                     e amount        e                        e (if any)               fulfilled
                                                       e                                                                                        related

                                                               Guarantee between subsidiaries

                  date of the
                                                    Actual                                                                                        it is
   Name of          relevant                                       Actual      Type of                     Counter-                 Whethe
                                     Guarante       date of                                   Collatera                 Guarante                provide
  guaranteed     announcemen                                      guarante     guarante                    guarante                  r it is
                                     e amount      occurrenc                                  l (if any)                e period                  d to
    party            t of the                                     e amount        e                        e (if any)               fulfilled
                                                       e                                                                                        related

                                       Total amount of the Company’s guarantee (i.e. total of the first three items)

                                                                  Total actual guarantee
 Total guarantee amount
                                                                  amount in the
 approved in the reporting                                  0                                                                                   1,277.5
                                                                  reporting period (A2
 period (A1 + B1 + C1)
                                                                  + B2 + C2)

                                                               Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

 Total guarantee amount                                         Total actual guarantee
 approved at the end of the                                     balance at the end of
                                                       3,500                                                                         3,500
 reporting period (A3 + B3 +                                    the reporting period
 C3)                                                            (A4 + B4 + C4)

 Proportion of total actual guarantee amount (i.e. A4 + B4
 + C4) to the Company’s net assets


 The balance of guarantees provided for the shareholder,
 actual controller, and related parties (D)

 The balance of debt guarantees provided directly or
 indirectly for guaranteed parties with an asset-liability                                                                                  0
 ratio of more than 70% (E)

 The portion of total guarantee amount which exceeds
 50% of the net assets (F)

 Total of above three guarantee amounts (D+E+F)                                                                                             0

 For guarantee contracts that remained unexpired, disclose
 whether any guarantee obligations were incurred or
 whether there was evidence indicating the possible             None
 assumption of joint and several repayment obligations
 during the reporting period (if any)

 External guarantees provided in violation of prescribed
 procedures (if any)

Specific composite guarantees

3. Entrusted financial management

Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB 10,000

                                                                                                                            provision for
                              Capital source of             Amount of                                    Overdue               overdue
          Category           entrusted financial        entrusted financial                           irrecoverable         unrecovered
                                management                 management                                    amount                 wealth
   Bank financial
                             Own funds                              59,000                43,000                      0                         0
   Total                                                            59,000                43,000                      0                         0

Details of high-risk entrusted financial management with large individual amount or low security and poor liquidity
□ Applicable  Not applicable
Principal unable to be recovered or other conditions causing impairment for entrusted financial management
□ Applicable  Not applicable

4. Other major contracts

□ Applicable  Not applicable
During the reporting period, the Company has no major contracts.

                                                      Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

XIII. Clarification on Other Major Matters

□ Applicable  Not applicable
The Company has no other major matters that need to be stated during the reporting period.

XIV. Major Matters of the Company’s Subsidiaries

Applicable □ Not applicable

     1. After the expiration of the business term of the Company's holding subsidiary SDG Huari, the shareholders could not reach an
agreement, and the Company applied to the People's Court of Qianhai Cooperation Zone in Shenzhen for the compulsory liquidation
of SDG Huari. The court has ruled to accept the liquidation application for SDG Huari filed by the Company and has designated Beijing
King & Wood Mallesons (Shenzhen) as the liquidation team for SDG Huari. At present, all work is being carried out according to legal
procedures. For details, please refer to the Company's Announcement on the Court's Acceptance of the Application for Compulsory
Liquidation of Holding Subsidiaries (Announcement No.: 2023-003), Announcement on the Progress of Compulsory Liquidation of
Holding Subsidiaries (Announcement No.: 2023-010) and other relevant contents.
     2. Since the business premises of Huari Toyota were properties owned by SDG Huari, after a long period of exploration, Huari
Toyota still faced the situation of having no business premises. Additionally, the economic benefits and strategic significance of Huari
Toyota were not prominent enough. In view of this, the Company decided to dissolve Huari Toyota. For details, please refer to the
Company's Announcement on the Dissolution of a Holding Subsidiary (Announcement No.: 2023-034) and other relevant contents.

                                                  Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

                   Section VII Changes in Shares and Shareholders

I. Change in Shares

1. Changes in shares

                                                                                                                    Unit: share
                 Before the change                 Increase (+)/decrease (-) in this change                After the change
                                       Issuance                     n of the
                           Proportio                  Bonus                                                          Proportio
                Quantity                of new                       reserve     Others       Subtotal   Quantity
                              n                       shares                                                            n
                                        shares                     funds into
  Restricted           0      0.00%           0                0           0              0          0          0       0.00%
    1. State
  sharehold            0      0.00%           0                0           0              0          0          0       0.00%
  legal                0      0.00%           0                0           0              0          0          0       0.00%
  domestic             0      0.00%           0                0           0              0          0          0       0.00%
  legal                0      0.00%           0                0           0              0          0          0       0.00%
                       0      0.00%           0                0           0              0          0          0       0.00%
                       0      0.00%           0                0           0              0          0          0       0.00%
  ding:                0      0.00%           0                0           0              0          0          0       0.00%

                                                         Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

   gn natural
   person                 0       0.00%              0              0            0            0            0             0       0.00%
                 431,058,3                                                                                      431,058,3
   Unrestrict                   100.00%              0              0            0            0            0                   100.00%
                       20                                                                                             20
   ed shares
   denomina      392,778,3                                                                                      392,778,3
                                 91.12%              0              0            0            0            0                    91.12%
   ted                 20                                                                                             20
                 38,280,00                                                                                      38,280,00
   listed                         8.88%              0              0            0            0            0                     8.88%
                         0                                                                                              0
   listed                 0       0.00%              0              0            0            0            0             0       0.00%
                          0       0.00%              0              0            0            0            0             0       0.00%
   III. Total
                 431,058,3                                                                                      431,058,3
   amount of                    100.00%              0              0            0            0            0                   100.00%
                       20                                                                                             20

Reasons for changes in shares
□ Applicable  Not applicable
Status of authorization for changes in shares
□ Applicable  Not applicable
Status of transfer for changes in shares
□ Applicable  Not applicable
Progress in the implementation of share repurchase
□ Applicable  Not applicable
Progress in the implementation of share repurchase reduction through centralized bidding
□ Applicable  Not applicable
Effect of changes in shares on the financial indicators including basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share in the most
recent year and in the most recent period as well as net asset per share attributable to the ordinary shareholders of the Company
□ Applicable  Not applicable
Other information that the company deems necessary or as required by securities regulators
□ Applicable  Not applicable

                                                   Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

2. Changes in restricted shares

□ Applicable  Not applicable

II. Conditions on Securities Issuance and Listing

□ Applicable  Not applicable

III. Number of shareholders of the Company and their shareholding conditions

                                                                                                                         Unit: share

  Total number of ordinary                                    Total number of preferred shareholders (if
  shareholders as of the end of                     62,735    any) resuming voting rights at the end of                           0
  the reporting period                                        the reporting period (see Note 8)
       Ordinary shareholders holding more than 5% shares of the Company or ordinary shareholdings of the top 10 shareholders
                                                                                 Number                         Pledged, marked
                                                                                     of                         or frozen shares
                                               Number of                         ordinary       Number of
                                  Shareho       ordinary                         sharehol        ordinary
                    Nature of                                 Increase/decreas
     Name of                       lding     shares held at                        dings      shareholdings
                    sharehold                                   e during the                                    Status
    shareholder                   proporti   the end of the                         with      without trading               Quantit
                        er                                    reporting period                                    of
                                     on        reporting                          trading         limited                     y
                                                 period                           limited       conditions      shares
                    owned                    202,524,621.0
  Zone                            46.98%                      -2,274,000.00              0    202,524,621.00                      0
                    legal                                0
  Group Co.,
  Fortune           Domestic
  Jewelry           non-state-
  Industry          owned           6.13%    26,439,453.00    -10,173,479.00             0     26,439,453.00                      0
  Investment        legal
  Enterprise        person
  Li Xiaoming       natural         0.71%     3,069,500.00    177,800.00                 0      3,069,500.00                      0
  China             State-
  Merchants         owned
                                    0.48%     2,050,216.00    1,147,738.00               0      2,050,216.00                      0
  Securities Co.,   legal
  Ltd.              person
  ANSECURITI        Overseas
  ES                legal           0.40%     1,741,491.00    0                          0      1,741,491.00                      0
  (HONGKON          person
  Industrial and    Others          0.30%     1,279,975.00    442,500.00                 0      1,279,975.00                      0

                                                 Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

Bank of China
Southern CSI
All Index Real
Estate ETF
Bonded Port
Area Lingding
Co., Ltd.—       Others         0.29%      1,250,000.00    1,250,000.00               0      1,250,000.00                     0
Wangyue No.
27 Private
Shanghai V-
Invest Co.,
                  Others         0.23%      1,000,000.00    1,000,000.00               0      1,000,000.00                     0
No. 15 Private
Hong Kong
Securities        Overseas
Clearing          legal          0.17%        748,865.00    748,865.00                 0        748,865.00                     0
Company           person
Chen Yun          natural        0.15%        636,617.00    236,607.00                 0        636,617.00                     0
Status of the strategic
investor or general legal
person becoming one of the
top 10 ordinary shareholders
due to equity offering (if
any) (see Note 3)
Explanations of
                               Among the top ten shareholders, Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Development Group Co., Ltd.
relationships between or
                               was not related to other shareholders and was not a person acting in concert as stipulated in the
concerted actions of the
                               Measures for the Administration of the Takeover of Listed Companies. It was unknown whether
                               other shareholders of tradable shares were persons acting in concert.
Description of the above-
mentioned shareholders'
involvement in
entrusting/being entrusted
with the right to vote and
giving up the right.
Special description of
repurchase special account
among the top 10
shareholders (if any) (see

                                                   Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

Note 11)
                          Shareholding of top 10 ordinary shareholders without trading limited conditions

                                  Number of shareholdings without trading limited                           Type
    Name of shareholder
                                   conditions as of the end of the reporting period            Type                 Quantity
Shenzhen Special Economic
                                                                                        RMB ordinary
Zone Development Group                                                202,524,621.00                               202,524,621.00
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Capital Fortune
Jewelry Industry Investment                                                             RMB ordinary
                                                                       26,439,453.00                                26,439,453.00
Enterprise (Limited                                                                     shares
                                                                                        RMB ordinary
Li Xiaoming                                                             3,069,500.00                                 3,069,500.00
China Merchants Securities                                                              RMB ordinary
                                                                        2,050,216.00                                 2,050,216.00
Co., Ltd.                                                                               shares
                                                                                        Domestic listed
ES (HONGKONG)                                                           1,741,491.00                                 1,741,491.00
                                                                                        foreign shares
Industrial and Commercial
Bank of China Limited—                                                                 RMB ordinary
                                                                        1,279,975.00                                 1,279,975.00
Southern CSI All Index Real                                                             shares
Estate ETF
Ningbo Meishan Bonded
Port Area Lingding
Investment Management                                                                   RMB ordinary
                                                                        1,250,000.00                                 1,250,000.00
Co., Ltd.—Lingding                                                                     shares
Wangyue No. 27 Private
Securities Investment Fund
Shanghai V-Invest Co.,
Ltd.—V-Invest Cornerstone                                                              RMB ordinary
                                                                        1,000,000.00                                 1,000,000.00
No. 15 Private Securities                                                               shares
Investment Fund
Hong Kong Securities                                                                    RMB ordinary
                                                                          748,865.00                                  748,865.00
Clearing Company Limited                                                                shares
                                                                                        RMB ordinary
Chen Yun                                                                  636,617.00                                  636,617.00
Explanations of the related
relationship or acting in
concert among the top 10
                                Among the top ten shareholders, Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Development Group Co., Ltd.,
ordinary shareholders
                                a state-owned corporate shareholder, was not related to other shareholders and was not a person
without trading limited
                                acting in concert as stipulated in the Measures for the Administration of the Takeover of Listed
conditions, and between the
                                Companies. It was unknown whether other shareholders of tradable shares were persons acting in
top 10 ordinary shareholders
without trading limited
conditions and the top 10
ordinary shareholders
                                1. The controlling shareholder of the Company, Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Development
                                Group Co., Ltd. (SDG Group) was engaged in refinancing business. The number of shares held at
                                the end of this reporting period decreased by 2,274,000 compared to the end of 2022. This
Description of participation
                                decrease in the number of shares held was caused by the lending of shares by SDG Group, and the
of the top ten ordinary
                                ownership of the lent shares would not be transferred.
shareholders in securities
                                2. The shareholder Ningbo Meishan Bonded Port Area Lingding Investment Management Co.,
margin trading (if any) (see
                                Ltd.—Lingding Wangyue No. 27 Private Securities Investment Fund held 1,250,000 shares of the
Note 4)
                                Company through guaranteed credit accounts and 0 shares of the Company through ordinary
                                securities accounts, holding a total of 1,250,000 shares.
                                3. The shareholder Shanghai V-Invest Co., Ltd.—V-Invest Cornerstone No. 15 Private Securities

                                                      Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

                                   Investment Fund held 1,000,000 shares of the Company through guaranteed credit accounts and 0
                                   shares of the Company through ordinary securities accounts, holding a total of 1,000,000 shares.
                                   4. The shareholder Chen Yun held 636,617 shares of the Company through guaranteed credit
                                   accounts and 0 shares of the Company through ordinary securities accounts, holding a total of
Whether the top 10 ordinary shareholders and the top 10 ordinary shareholders without trading limited conditions have performed the
agreed repurchase transactions during the reporting period
□Yes  No
The top 10 ordinary shareholders and the top 10 ordinary shareholders without trading limited conditions have not performed the
agreed repurchase transactions during the reporting period.

IV. Changes in Shareholding of Directors, Supervisors, and Senior Executives

□ Applicable  Not applicable
There was no change in the shareholding of directors, supervisors and senior executives during the reporting period. Please refer to
the 2022 Annual Report for details.

V. Change of the Controlling Shareholder or Actual Controllers

Change in controlling shareholder in the reporting period
□ Applicable  Not applicable
During the reporting period, the Company had no change in the controlling shareholder.
Change in actual controller during the reporting period
□ Applicable  Not applicable
During the reporting period, the Company had no change in the actual controller.

                                                    Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

                                     Section VIII Preferred Shares

□ Applicable  Not applicable
During the reporting period, the Company has no preferred shares.

                                 Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

               Section IX Relevant Information of Corporate Bonds

□ Applicable  Not applicable

                                                  Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

                                          Section X Financial Report

I. Auditor's Report

Whether the Semi-Annual Report has been audited
□Yes  No
The Semi-Annual Financial Report of the Company is unaudited.

II. Financial Statements

All amounts are in RMB

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet

Prepared by: Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.
                                                       June 30, 2023

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                      Item                               June 30, 2023                             January 1, 2023
  Current assets:
     Cash at bank and on hand                                       272,420,241.88                              413,028,327.36
     Settlement reserves
     Loans to banks and other financial
     Trading financial assets                                       293,350,365.44                              176,133,569.95
     Derivative financial assets                                            1,760.00
     Notes receivable                                                  20,000,000.00                             87,812,500.00
     Accounts receivable                                            182,214,051.47                               41,752,179.56
     Receivables financing
     Advances to suppliers                                             53,601,354.65                              8,127,252.94
     Premiums receivable                                                         0.00
     Reinsurance premium receivable
     Reinsurance contract provision
     Other receivables                                                 23,916,989.20                              7,663,570.87
       Including: interest receivable
               Dividends receivable                                      1,852,766.21                             1,852,766.21
    Financial assets purchased under
  agreements to resell
     Inventories                                                       41,770,590.06                            116,069,675.39
     Contract asset
     Held-for-sale assets
     Current portion of non-current assets
     Other current assets                                            119,139,175.51                              18,346,711.55

                                            Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

Total current assets                                         1,006,414,528.21                             868,933,787.62
Non-current assets:
  Disbursement of loans and advances to
  Creditor's rights investment
  Other creditor's right investments
  Long-term receivables
  Long-term equity investment                                   69,035,977.23                              81,024,365.94
  Other equity instrument investments                           29,401,309.85                              10,176,617.20
  Other non-current financial assets
  Investment properties                                      1,031,138,405.32                             516,360,139.45
  Fixed assets                                                  84,382,315.00                             102,689,546.42
  Projects under construction                                    6,860,682.96                             409,933,559.27
  Productive biological assets
  Oil and gas assets
  Right-of-use assets                                           74,582,096.36                               4,181,242.86
  Intangible assets                                              4,836,199.49                              49,808,015.72
  Development expenditures
  Long-term deferred expenses                                   29,477,828.69                              25,876,099.49
  Deferred tax assets                                            8,771,445.01                               8,518,233.77
  Other non-current assets                                    168,070,989.24                              154,526,946.83
Total non-current assets                                     1,506,557,249.15                           1,363,094,766.95
Total assets                                                 2,512,971,777.36                           2,232,028,554.57
Current liabilities:
  Short-term borrowings                                       170,000,000.00                               20,000,000.00
  Borrowings from the central bank
   Borrowings from banks and other
financial institutions
  Trading financial liabilities                                 30,104,994.27                              18,572,684.91
  Derivative financial liabilities                                                                            489,360.00
  Notes payable
  Accounts payable                                            168,223,689.80                              124,716,800.71
  Advances from customers                                       11,644,915.56                               6,119,377.90
  Contract liabilities                                          37,702,112.40                               9,259,658.43
   Financial assets sold under agreements
to repurchase
   Deposits from banks and other
financial institutions
  Customer brokerage deposits
  Securities underwriting brokerage
  Employee compensation payable                                 37,615,719.86                              38,550,181.70
  Taxes payable                                                 14,278,675.79                              18,891,792.84

                                                  Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

     Other payables                                                  111,852,691.67                             105,180,279.00
       Including: interest payable
                Dividends payable                                     12,069,632.96
    Handling charges and commission
     Reinsurance premium payable
     Held-for-sale liabilities
     Current portion of non-current
                                                                       1,565,376.12                               2,009,819.15
     Other current liabilities                                            84,119.73                              68,361,007.70
  Total current liabilities                                         583,072,295.20                              412,150,962.34
  Non-current liabilities:
     Insurance contract reserves
     Long-term borrowings                                           168,005,447.69                              144,820,511.42
     Bonds payable
       Including: preferred shares
                Perpetual bonds
     Lease liabilities                                                73,155,478.11                               2,926,184.93
     Long-term payables                                                3,920,160.36                               3,920,160.36
    Long-term employee compensation
     Estimated liabilities                                               268,414.80                                 268,414.80
     Deferred income                                                  10,738,917.98                              10,579,545.71
     Deferred tax liabilities                                          1,190,386.83                               1,135,031.11
     Other non-current liabilities
  Total non-current liabilities                                     257,278,805.77                              163,649,848.33
  Total liabilities                                                 840,351,100.97                              575,800,810.67
  Owners' equity:
   Share capital                                                    431,058,320.00                              431,058,320.00
   Other equity instruments
     Including: preferred shares
             Perpetual bonds
   Capital reserves                                                 431,449,554.51                              431,449,554.51
   Less: Treasury shares
   Other comprehensive income                                             26,422.00                                  26,422.00
     Special reserve
    Surplus reserve                                                   52,499,172.13                              52,499,172.13
    General risk provision
    Undistributed profit                                            622,675,724.64                              590,605,394.67
  Total owners' equity attributable to the
                                                                   1,537,709,193.28                           1,505,638,863.31
  parent company
    Minority equity                                                  134,911,483.11                             150,588,880.59
  Total owners' equity                                             1,672,620,676.39                           1,656,227,743.90
  Total liabilities and owners' equity                             2,512,971,777.36                           2,232,028,554.57
Legal representative: Fu Chunlong            Person in charge of accounting: Huang Tianyang     Person in charge of the
accounting firm: Yu Taiping

                                            Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

2. Parent Company's Balance Sheet

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                         Item                      June 30, 2023                             January 1, 2023
  Current assets:
    Cash at bank and on hand                                    47,267,133.50                             169,733,887.28
    Trading financial assets                                  263,350,365.44                              176,133,569.95
    Derivative financial assets
    Notes receivable
    Accounts receivable                                         16,476,251.31                                  147,200.91
    Receivables financing
    Advances to suppliers                                       11,252,585.50                                  249,559.50
    Other receivables                                              9,067,314.66                             4,966,987.96
       Including: interest receivable
                 Dividends receivable                              1,852,766.21                             1,852,766.21
    Contract asset
    Held-for-sale assets
    Current portion of non-current assets
    Other current assets                                       111,086,319.66                                  137,126.11
  Total current assets                                        458,499,970.07                              351,368,331.71
  Non-current assets:
    Creditor's rights investment
    Other creditor's right investments
    Long-term receivables
    Long-term equity investment                               829,000,757.31                              865,313,838.67
    Other equity instrument investments                         29,401,309.85                              10,176,617.20
    Other non-current financial assets
    Investment properties                                     560,082,724.67                               26,915,545.20
    Fixed assets                                                15,752,690.13                              16,433,526.75
    Projects under construction                                    6,735,838.64                           419,793,938.49
    Productive biological assets
    Oil and gas assets
    Right-of-use assets                                         71,099,342.15
    Intangible assets                                              2,884,646.47                            48,413,279.08
    Development expenditures
    Long-term deferred expenses                                    8,840,254.53                             8,465,289.34
    Deferred tax assets                                            3,415,402.97                             3,415,402.97
    Other non-current assets                                    36,156,297.96                              73,340,576.28
  Total non-current assets                                   1,563,369,264.68                           1,472,268,013.98
  Total assets                                               2,021,869,234.75                           1,823,636,345.69
  Current liabilities:

                                       Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

  Short-term borrowings
  Trading financial liabilities
  Derivative financial liabilities
  Notes payable
  Accounts payable                                       104,710,137.44                               58,797,324.02
  Advances from customers                                   1,246,647.00                                 962,064.00
  Contract liabilities
  Employee compensation payable                            31,412,035.82                              28,220,652.45
  Taxes payable                                             1,297,346.95                               3,317,946.24
  Other payables                                         315,400,572.57                              249,870,213.63
     Including: interest payable
              Dividends payable                            12,069,632.96
  Held-for-sale liabilities
   Current portion of non-current
  Other current liabilities
Total current liabilities                                454,066,739.78                              341,168,200.34
Non-current liabilities:
  Long-term borrowings                                   168,005,447.69                              144,820,511.42
  Bonds payable
     Including: preferred shares
              Perpetual bonds
  Lease liabilities                                        71,953,729.20
  Long-term payables
  Long-term employee compensation
  Estimated liabilities
  Deferred income
  Deferred tax liabilities
  Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities                            239,959,176.89                              144,820,511.42
Total liabilities                                        694,025,916.67                              485,988,711.76
Owners' equity:
 Share capital                                           431,058,320.00                              431,058,320.00
 Other equity instruments
   Including: preferred shares
           Perpetual bonds
 Capital reserves                                        428,256,131.23                              428,256,131.23
 Less: Treasury shares
 Other comprehensive income
  Special reserve
  Surplus reserve                                          52,499,172.13                              52,499,172.13
  Undistributed profit                                    416,029,694.72                             425,834,010.57
Total owners' equity                                    1,327,843,318.08                           1,337,647,633.93
Total liabilities and owners' equity                    2,021,869,234.75                           1,823,636,345.69

                                               Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

3. Consolidated Income Statement

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                     Item                               FH 2023                                     FH2022
  I. Total operating revenue                                      704,836,410.94                             250,015,152.23
    Including: Operating revenue                                  704,836,410.94                             250,015,152.23
            Interest revenue
            Earned premiums
          Handling charges and
  commission revenue
  II. Total operating cost                                        655,633,026.03                             220,692,103.94
    Including: operating cost                                     608,604,638.40                             188,344,177.55
            Interest expenses
          Handling charges and
  commission expenses
            Surrender value
            Net payments for insurance
              Net provision for insurance
  liability reserves
            Policy dividend expenses
            Reinsurance expenses
            Taxes and surcharges                                    4,855,726.45                               4,269,247.42
            Selling expenses                                       11,963,099.01                              10,947,318.15
            Administrative expenses                                28,817,829.38                              19,832,917.21
            R&D expenses
            Financial expenses                                      1,391,732.79                              -2,701,556.39
               Including: interest expenses                         3,437,880.65                                 108,391.88
                       Interest revenue                             1,835,834.14                               2,843,386.98
    Add: other incomes                                              4,475,465.94                               1,575,990.30
          Investment income (loss to be
                                                                    8,923,017.80                              23,487,946.52
  listed with “-”)
              Including: income from
  investment in associates and joint                                3,011,611.29                               7,927,787.58
                      Income from
  derecognition of financial assets at
  amortized cost
          Exchange income (loss to be
  listed with “-”)
          Net exposure hedging income
  (loss to be listed with “-”)
          Income from fair value changes
                                                                   -5,265,810.16                                -617,068.50
  (loss to be listed with "-")
          Credit impairment loss (loss to be
                                                                        6,669.80                                -200,149.24
  listed with "-")

                                                Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

        Asset impairment loss (loss to be
listed with "-")
        Income of assets disposal (loss to
                                                                       -81,800.45                                  40,765.92
be listed with “-”)
III. Operating profit (loss to be listed
                                                                    57,257,227.34                              53,610,533.29
with "-")
  Add: Non-operating revenue                                           417,182.13                                 295,807.48
  Less: Non-operating expenses                                         119,683.12                                     237.72
IV. Total profit (total losses to be listed
                                                                    57,554,726.35                              53,906,103.05
with "-")
  Less: Income tax expenses                                         12,466,659.92                              10,808,747.89
V. Net profit (net loss to be listed with "-
                                                                    45,088,066.43                              43,097,355.16
   (I) Classified by continuity of
      1. Net profit from continuing
                                                                    45,088,066.43                              43,097,355.16
operations (net loss to be listed with “-”)
      2. Net profit from discontinued
operations (net loss to be listed with "-")
   (II) Classified by the attribution of
      1. Net profit attributable to the
shareholders of the parent company (net                             44,139,962.93                              43,480,236.19
loss to be listed with “-”)
      2. Minority interest income (net loss
                                                                       948,103.50                                -382,881.03
to be listed with "-")
VI. Net of tax of other comprehensive
   Net after-tax amount of other
comprehensive income attributable to the
owner of the parent company
      (I) Other comprehensive income
that cannot be reclassified through profit
or loss
         1. Changes arising from the re-
measurement in the defined benefit plan
         2. Other comprehensive income
that cannot be reclassified into profit or
loss under the equity method
         3. Changes in fair value of other
equity instrument investments
         4. Changes in fair value of the
Company's own credit risk
         5. Others
      (II) Other comprehensive income to
be reclassified into profit or loss
         1. Other comprehensive income
that can be reclassified into profit or loss
under the equity method
         2. Changes in fair value of other
debt investment
         3. Amount of financial assets
reclassified into other comprehensive
         4. Provisions for credit

                                                      Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

   impairment of other debt investments
            5. Cash flow hedge reserve
            6. Translation difference arising
   from foreign currency financial
            7. Others
      Net after-tax amount of other
   comprehensive income attributable to
   minority shareholders
   VII. Total comprehensive income                                         45,088,066.43                               43,097,355.16
      Total comprehensive income
   attributable to owners of the parent                                    44,139,962.93                               43,480,236.19
      Total comprehensive income
                                                                              948,103.50                                  -382,881.03
   attributable to minority shareholders
   VIII. Earnings per share:
      (I) Basic earnings per share                                                0.1024                                          0.1009
      (II) Diluted earnings per share                                             0.1024                                          0.1009
In case of a business merger under common control in the current period, the net profit realized by the merged party before the
merger is RMB and the net profit realized by the merged party in the previous period is RMB .
Legal representative: Fu Chunlong                                            Person in charge of accounting: Huang Tianyang
Person in charge of the accounting firm: Yu Taiping

4. Parent Company's Income Statement

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                      Item                                      FH 2023                                      FH2022
   I. Operating revenue                                                    34,050,043.81                               12,666,278.27
     Less: Operating costs                                                 14,948,857.82                                 5,003,948.63
           Taxes and surcharges                                                98,447.27                                   609,206.45
           Selling expenses                                                   436,485.01
           Administrative expenses                                         22,825,529.80                               16,849,325.25
           R&D expenses
           Financial expenses                                               1,078,785.57                                -1,323,024.22
             Including: interest expenses                                   1,763,223.12
                     Interest revenue                                         691,617.24                                 1,330,174.79
     Add: other incomes                                                                                                    111,156.14
           Investment income (loss to be
                                                                           10,449,577.73                               13,643,736.16
   listed with “-”)
            Including: income from
   investment in associates and joint                                       3,011,611.29                                 7,927,787.58
                     Income from
   derecognition of financial assets at
   amortized cost (loss to be listed with "-")
           Net exposure hedging income
   (loss to be listed with “-”)
           Income from fair value changes
                                                                           -2,783,204.51                                  -390,005.49
   (loss to be listed with "-")
           Credit impairment loss (loss to be

                                               Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

listed with "-")
        Asset impairment loss (loss to be
listed with "-")
        Income of assets disposal (loss to
be listed with “-”)
II. Operating profit (loss to be listed with
                                                                    2,328,311.56                               4,891,708.97
  Add: Non-operating revenue                                           48,428.55                                  74,563.02
  Less: Non-operating expenses                                        111,423.00
III. Total profit (total losses to be listed
                                                                    2,265,317.11                               4,966,271.99
with “-”)
  Less: Income tax expenses                                                                                      554,379.86
IV. Net profit (net loss to be listed with
                                                                    2,265,317.11                               4,411,892.13
     (I) Net profit from continuing
                                                                    2,265,317.11                               4,411,892.13
operations (net loss to be listed with "-")
     (II) Net profit from discontinued
operations (net loss to be listed with "-")
V. Net of tax of other comprehensive
        (I) Other comprehensive income
that cannot be reclassified through profit
or loss
           1. Changes arising from the re-
measurement in the defined benefit plan
           2. Other comprehensive income
that cannot be reclassified into profit or
loss under the equity method
           3. Changes in fair value of other
equity instrument investments
           4. Changes in fair value of the
Company's own credit risk
           5. Others
        (II) Other comprehensive income to
be reclassified into profit or loss
           1. Other comprehensive income
that can be reclassified into profit or loss
under the equity method
           2. Changes in fair value of other
debt investment
           3. Amount of financial assets
reclassified into other comprehensive
           4. Provisions for credit
impairment of other debt investments
           5. Cash flow hedge reserve
           6. Translation difference arising
from foreign currency financial
           7. Others
VI. Total comprehensive incomes                                     2,265,317.11                               4,411,892.13
VII. Earnings per share:
     (I) Basic earnings per share
     (II) Diluted earnings per share

                                              Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                     Item                              FH 2023                                     FH2022
  I. Cash flows from operating activities:
     Cash received from sales of goods or
                                                                 935,209,100.94                             233,540,881.93
  rendering of services
    Net increase in deposits from
  customers and placements from banks
  and other financial institutions
    Net increase in borrowings from the
  central bank
     Net increase in placements from other
  financial institutions
     Cash received for receiving premium
  of original insurance contract
    Net cash received from reinsurance
    Net increase in policyholders' deposits
  and investments
    Cash received from interest, handling
  charges and commission
    Net increase in placements from banks
  and other financial institutions
    Net increase in capital for repurchase
     Net cash received from securities
  trading agency services
    Refund of taxes received                                       1,968,553.13                              11,847,129.45
    Other cash received relating to
                                                                 167,102,933.78                              95,434,828.86
  operating activities
  Subtotal of cash inflows from operating
                                                               1,104,280,587.85                             340,822,840.24
    Cash paid for goods and services                             865,723,685.98                             173,793,008.62
    Net increase in loans and advances to
    Net increase in deposits in the central
  bank and other financial institutions
     Cash paid for claim settlements on
  original insurance contract
    Net increase in placements from banks
  and other financial institutions
    Cash paid for interest, handling
  charges and commission
    Cash paid for policy dividends
    Cash paid to and on behalf of
                                                                  39,083,559.60                              32,931,967.00
    Various taxes paid                                            33,660,817.78                              48,368,592.66
    Other cash paid relating to operating
                                                                 176,054,466.39                              97,047,567.37
  Subtotal of cash outflows from operating
                                                               1,114,522,529.75                             352,141,135.65
  Net cash flow from operating activities                        -10,241,941.90                             -11,318,295.41

                                             Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

II. Cash flow from investing activities:
   Cash received from the return of
                                                               132,000,000.00                              699,334,600.00
   Cash received from investment
                                                                 21,303,117.33                              21,775,312.96
   Net cash received from the disposal of
fixed assets, intangible assets, and other                        1,644,282.00                                 361,050.00
long-term assets
   Net cash received from the disposal of
subsidiaries and other business entities
   Other cash received relating to
investing activities
Subtotal of cash inflows from investing
                                                               155,775,282.96                              721,470,962.96
   Cash paid to purchase fixed assets,
intangible assets, and other long-term                           50,769,515.45                              50,916,178.95
   Cash paid to acquire investments                            370,000,000.00                              700,000,000.00
  Net increase in pledge loans
   Net cash paid for acquisition of
subsidiaries and other business entities
   Other cash paid relating to investing
                                                                  7,567,454.81                                  18,669.20
Subtotal of cash outflows from investing
                                                               428,336,970.26                              750,934,848.15
Net cash flow from investing activities                        -272,561,687.30                             -29,463,885.19
III. Cash flow from financing activities:
   Cash received from investment
   Including: Cash received by
subsidiaries absorbing minority
shareholders' investments
   Cash received from borrowings                               175,693,122.83                               34,897,377.72
   Other cash received relating to
financing activities
Subtotal of cash inflows from financing
                                                               175,693,122.83                               34,897,377.72
  Cash paid for debt repayment                                   13,535,116.94                               5,000,000.00
  Cash paid for distribution of
                                                                  3,711,261.97                              11,880,454.55
dividends, profits or interest repayment
   Including: cash payments for
dividends or profits to minority
shareholders of subsidiaries
   Other cash paid relating to financing
Subtotal of cash outflows from financing
                                                                 22,775,222.91                              16,880,454.55
Net cash flows from financing activities                       152,917,899.92                               18,016,923.17
IV. Effect of exchange rate changes on
cash and cash equivalents
V. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                               -129,885,729.28                             -22,764,976.83
   Add: Beginning balance of cash and
                                                               391,406,829.36                              211,655,585.86
cash equivalents
VI. Ending balance of cash and cash
                                                               261,521,100.08                              188,890,609.03

                                               Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

6. Parent Company’s Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                      Item                              FH 2023                                     FH2022
  I. Cash flows from operating activities:
     Cash received from sales of goods or
                                                                   13,832,800.09                               9,407,009.79
  rendering of services
     Refund of taxes received                                                                                  8,332,462.70
     Other cash received relating to
                                                                   63,832,096.54                              90,848,952.57
  operating activities
  Subtotal of cash inflows from operating
                                                                   77,664,896.63                             108,588,425.06
     Cash paid for goods and services                               2,170,256.29
     Cash paid to and on behalf of
                                                                   21,827,096.56                              16,512,716.41
     Various taxes paid                                             4,568,154.92                               1,644,445.17
     Other cash paid relating to operating
                                                                    9,260,460.69                              11,334,575.98
  Subtotal of cash outflows from operating
                                                                   37,825,968.46                              29,491,737.56
  Net cash flow from operating activities                          39,838,928.17                              79,096,687.50
  II. Cash flow from investing activities:
     Cash received from the return of
                                                                  137,100,000.00                             550,000,000.00
     Cash received from investment
                                                                   21,303,117.33                              20,715,948.58
     Net cash received from the disposal of
  fixed assets, intangible assets, and other
  long-term assets
     Net cash received from the disposal of
  subsidiaries and other business entities
     Other cash received relating to
  investing activities
  Subtotal of cash inflows from investing
                                                                  158,449,745.49                             570,715,948.58
     Cash paid to purchase fixed assets,
  intangible assets, and other long-term                           50,544,766.31                              50,177,507.00
     Cash paid to acquire investments                             290,000,000.00                             639,500,000.00
     Net cash paid for acquisition of
  subsidiaries and other business entities
     Other cash paid relating to investing
  Subtotal of cash outflows from investing
                                                                  340,544,766.31                             689,677,507.00
  Net cash flow from investing activities                        -182,095,020.82                             -118,961,558.42
  III. Cash flow from financing activities:
     Cash received from investment
     Cash received from borrowings                                 25,693,122.83                              34,897,377.72
     Other cash received relating to
  financing activities
  Subtotal of cash inflows from financing
                                                                   25,693,122.83                              34,897,377.72
     Cash paid for debt repayment                                   1,192,522.00
     Cash paid for distribution of
                                                                    2,711,261.96                              11,880,454.55
  dividends, profits or interest repayment

                                                    Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

     Other cash paid relating to financing
  Subtotal of cash outflows from financing
                                                                          3,903,783.96                               11,880,454.55
  Net cash flows from financing activities                               21,789,338.87                               23,016,923.17
  IV. Effect of exchange rate changes on
  cash and cash equivalents
  V. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                                       -120,466,753.78                               -16,847,947.75
     Add: Beginning balance of cash and
                                                                        157,068,231.28                               95,207,575.71
  cash equivalents
  VI. Ending balance of cash and cash
                                                                         36,601,477.50                               78,359,627.96

7. Consolidated Statement of Changes in Owners' Equity

Amount in the current period

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                                                                       FH 2023
                                          Owners' equity attributable to the Parent Company
                               Other equity                     Oth                                                            Tota
                               instruments              Less     er                      Gen    Und                              l
         Item        Shar                        Capi     :     com     Spe      Surp    eral   istri                  ority   own
                       e    Pref   Perp           tal   Trea    preh    cial      lus    risk   bute    Oth   Subt     equi    ers'
                     capi   erre   etua          rese   sury    ensi    rese     rese    prov     d     ers   otal
                                          Oth                                                                           ty     equi
                      tal    d       l           rves   shar     ve     rve       rve    isio   prof
                                          ers                                                                                   ty
                            shar   bon                   es     inco                       n      it
                             es     ds                           me
  I. Ending          431,                        431,                            52,4           590,          1,50     150,    1,65
  balance of         058,                        449,                            99,1           605,          5,63     588,    6,22
  the previous       320.                        554.                            72.1           394.          8,86     880.    7,74
  year                00                          51                                3            67           3.31      59     3.90
  changes in
  rrection of
  prior period
  siness merger
  II. Beginning      431,                        431,                            52,4           590,          1,50     150,    1,65
  balance of         058,                        449,                            99,1           605,          5,63     588,    6,22
  the current        320.                        554.                            72.1           394.          8,86     880.    7,74
  year                00                          51                                3            67           3.31      59     3.90
                                                                                                32,0          32,0        -    16,3
                                                                                                70,3          70,3     15,6    92,9

                 Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

Increases/dec                                              29.9           29.9    77,3   32.4
reases in the                                                 7              7    97.4      9
current                                                                              8
(decreases to
be listed with
                                                           44,1           44,1           45,0
(I) Total                                                                         948,
                                                           39,9           39,9           88,0
comprehensi                                                                       103.
                                                           62.9           62.9           66.4
ve income                                                                          50
                                                              3              3              3
(II) Capital                                                                         -      -
invested and                                                                      4,90   4,90
decreased by                                                                      0,00   0,00
owners                                                                            0.00   0.00
1. Ordinary                                                                          -      -
shares                                                                            4,90   4,90
contributed                                                                       0,00   0,00
by owners                                                                         0.00   0.00
2. Capital
by the
holders of
other equity
3. Amount of
charged to
4. Others
                                                              -              -              -
                                                           12,0           12,0           12,0
(III) Profit
                                                           69,6           69,6           69,6
                                                           32.9           32.9           32.9
                                                              6              6              6
of surplus
n to general
                                                              -              -              -
                                                           12,0           12,0           12,0
                                                           69,6           69,6           69,6
to owners (or
                                                           32.9           32.9           32.9
                                                              6              6              6
4. Others
(IV) Internal
carryover of

                                Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

  1. Capital
  into paid-in
  capital (or
  share capital)
  2. Surplus
  into paid-in
  capital (or
  share capital)
  3. Recovery
  of losses by
  4. Retained
  forward from
  changes in
  benefit plan
  5. Retained
  forward from
  ve income
  6. Others
  (V) Special
  n in the
  2. Use in the
                                                                                                    -      -
                                                                                                 11,7   11,7
  (VI) Others                                                                                    25,5   25,5
                                                                                                 00.9   00.9
                                                                                                    8      8
  IV. Ending       431,       431,                         52,4           622,           1,53    134,   1,67
  balance of       058,       449,                         99,1           675,           7,70    911,   2,62
  the current      320.       554.                         72.1           724.           9,19    483.   0,67
  period            00         51                             3            64            3.28      11   6.39

Amount in the previous year

                                                  Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                        Owners' equity attributable to the Parent Company
                             Other equity                     Oth                                                         Tota
                             instruments              Less     er                    Gen    Und                   Min       l
       Item        Shar                        Capi     :     com     Spe     Surp   eral   istri                 ority   own
                     e    Pref   Perp           tal   Trea    preh    cial     lus   risk   bute    Oth    Subt
                          erre   etua                                                                             equi    ers'
                   capi                 Oth    rese   sury    ensi    rese    rese   prov     d     ers    otal    ty     equi
                    tal    d       l           rves   shar     ve     rve      rve   isio   prof
                                        ers                                                                                ty
                          shar   bon                   es     inco                     n      it
                           es     ds                           me
I. Ending          431,                        431,                           26,5          543,           1,43    24,2   1,45
balance of         058,                        449,                           46,4          843,           2,92    65,5   7,18
the previous       320.                        554.                           80.0          496.           4,27    52.3   9,82
year                00                          51                               9           85            3.45       5   5.80
changes in
rrection of
prior period
siness merger
II. Beginning      431,                        431,                           26,5          543,           1,43    24,2   1,45
balance of         058,                        449,                           46,4          843,           2,92    65,5   7,18
the current        320.                        554.                           80.0          496.           4,27    52.3   9,82
year                00                          51                               9           85            3.45       5   5.80
reases in the                                                                               32,6           32,6       -   32,3
current                                                                                     98,6           98,6    382,   15,8
period                                                                                      90.4           90.4    881.   09.4
(decreases to                                                                                  4              4     03       1
be listed with
                                                                                            43,4           43,4       -   43,0
(I) Total
                                                                                            80,2           80,2    382,   97,3
                                                                                            36.1           36.1    881.   55.1
ve income
                                                                                               9              9     03       6
(II) Capital
invested and
decreased by
1. Ordinary

                 Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

by owners
2. Capital
by the
holders of
other equity
3. Amount of
charged to
4. Others
                                                              -              -              -
                                                           10,7           10,7           10,7
(III) Profit
                                                           81,5           81,5           81,5
                                                           45.7           45.7           45.7
                                                              5              5              5
of surplus
n to general
                                                              -              -              -
                                                           10,7           10,7           10,7
                                                           81,5           81,5           81,5
to owners (or
                                                           45.7           45.7           45.7
                                                              5              5              5
4. Others
(IV) Internal
carryover of
1. Capital
into paid-in
capital (or
share capital)
2. Surplus
into paid-in
capital (or
share capital)
3. Recovery
of losses by

                                                      Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

  4. Retained
  forward from
  changes in
  benefit plan
  5. Retained
  forward from
  ve income
  6. Others
  (V) Special
  n in the
  2. Use in the
  (VI) Others
  IV. Ending       431,                            431,                             26,5            576,          1,46   23,8     1,48
  balance of       058,                            449,                             46,4            542,          5,62   82,6     9,50
  the current      320.                            554.                             80.0            187.          2,96   71.3     5,63
  period            00                              51                                 9             29           3.89      2     5.21

8. Parent Company’s Statement of Changes in Owners' Equity

Amount in the current period

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                                                          FH 2023
                               Other equity instruments                       Other
                                                          Capita     Less:    compr        Specia   Surplu   Undist              Total
       Item       Share        Prefer   Perpet               l      Treasu    ehensi          l        s     ribute             owner
                  capital       red      ual     Others   reserv      ry        ve         reserv   reserv      d                 s'
                               shares   bonds               es      shares    incom           e        e     profit             equity
  I. Ending
                    431,0                                  428,2                                     52,49   425,8              1,337,
  balance of
                    58,32                                  56,13                                    9,172.   34,01               647,6
  the previous
                     0.00                                   1.23                                        13    0.57               33.93
  changes in
  rrection of

                         Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

prior period
II. Beginning
                 431,0        428,2                                 52,49    425,8              1,337,
balance of
                 58,32        56,13                                9,172.    34,01               647,6
the current
                  0.00         1.23                                    13     0.57               33.93
reases in the                                                                     -                  -
current                                                                      9,804,             9,804,
period                                                                        315.8              315.8
(decreases to                                                                     5                  5
be listed with
(I) Total                                                                    2,265,
comprehensi                                                                   317.1
ve income                                                                         1
(II) Capital
invested and
decreased by
1. Ordinary
by owners
2. Capital
by the
holders of
other equity
3. Amount of
charged to
4. Others
                                                                                  -                  -
(III) Profit                                                                  12,06              12,06
distribution                                                                 9,632.             9,632.
                                                                                 96                 96
of surplus
2.                                                                                -                  -
Distribution                                                                  12,06              12,06
to owners (or                                                                9,632.             9,632.
shareholders)                                                                    96                 96
3. Others

                              Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

  (IV) Internal
  carryover of
  1. Capital
  into paid-in
  capital (or
  share capital)
  2. Surplus
  into paid-in
  capital (or
  share capital)
  3. Recovery
  of losses by
  4. Retained
  forward from
  changes in
  benefit plan
  5. Retained
  forward from
  ve income
  6. Others
  (V) Special
  n in the
  2. Use in the
  (VI) Others
  IV. Ending
                   431,0           428,2                                 52,49    416,0              1,327,
  balance of
                   58,32           56,13                                9,172.    29,69               843,3
  the current
                    0.00            1.23                                    13     4.72               18.08

Amount in the previous year
                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                                    Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

                             Other equity instruments                      Other
                                                        Capita     Less:   compr    Specia    Surplu   Undist              Total
       Item        Share     Prefer   Perpet               l      Treasu   ehensi      l         s     ribute             owner
                   capital    red      ual     Others   reserv      ry       ve     reserv    reserv      d                 s'
                             shares   bonds               es      shares   incom       e         e     profit             equity
I. Ending
                    431,0                                428,2                                 26,54    203,0              1,088,
balance of
                    58,32                                56,13                                6,480.    41,32               902,2
the previous
                     0.00                                 1.23                                    09     7.99               59.31
changes in
rrection of
prior period
II. Beginning
                    431,0                                428,2                                 26,54    203,0              1,088,
balance of
                    58,32                                56,13                                6,480.    41,32               902,2
the current
                     0.00                                 1.23                                    09     7.99               59.31
reases in the                                                                                                -                  -
current                                                                                                 6,369,             6,369,
period                                                                                                   653.6              653.6
(decreases to                                                                                                2                  2
be listed with
(I) Total                                                                                               4,411,             4,411,
comprehensi                                                                                             892.1              892.1
ve income                                                                                                   3                  3
(II) Capital
invested and
decreased by
1. Ordinary
by owners
2. Capital
by the
holders of
other equity
3. Amount of

                 Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

charged to
4. Others
                                                                          -                  -
(III) Profit                                                          10,78              10,78
distribution                                                         1,545.             1,545.
                                                                         75                 75
of surplus
2.                                                                        -                  -
Distribution                                                          10,78              10,78
to owners (or                                                        1,545.             1,545.
shareholders)                                                            75                 75
3. Others
(IV) Internal
carryover of
1. Capital
into paid-in
capital (or
share capital)
2. Surplus
into paid-in
capital (or
share capital)
3. Recovery
of losses by
4. Retained
forward from
changes in
benefit plan
5. Retained
forward from
ve income
6. Others
(V) Special

                                        Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

  n in the
  2. Use in the
  (VI) Others
  IV. Ending
                  431,0                      428,2                                 26,54    196,6              1,082,
  balance of
                  58,32                      56,13                                6,480.    71,67               532,6
  the current
                   0.00                       1.23                                    09     4.37               05.69

III. Company Profile

     Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") is a limited
liability company registered in Shenzhen Administration for Industry and Commerce on November
10, 1986. The Company was reorganized and established from the former Shenzhen Machinery
Industry Company with the approval of the Reply on the Reorganization of Shenzhen Machinery
Industry Company into Shenzhen Tellus Machinery Co., Ltd. (SFBF [1991] No. 1012) issued by the
General Office of Shenzhen Municipal People's Government. The Company currently holds a
business license with a unified social credit code of 91440300192192210U, with a registered capital
of RMB 431,058,320.00 and a total of 431,058,320 shares, including 392,778,320 A shares and
38,280,000 B shares without trading restrictions. The business address of the Company's headquarters
is Floors 3 and 4, Tellus Building, 2nd Shuibei Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen. The legal
representative is Fu Chunlong.

     In 1993, with the approval from the Reply on the Reorganization of Shenzhen Tellus Machinery
Co., Ltd. into a Public Company Limited by Shares (SFBF [1992] No. 1850) issued by the General
Office of Shenzhen Municipal People's Government and the Reply on the Issuance of Shares by
Shenzhen Tellus Machinery Electric Co., Ltd. (SRYFZ [1993] No. 092) issued by Shenzhen Special
Economic Zone Branch of the People's Bank of China, the Company was reorganized into a public
limited liability company through an initial public offering, with a registered capital of RMB
166,880,000.00 and a total share capital of 166,880,000 shares. 120,900,000 shares were converted
from former assets, 25,980,000 were issued as A shares and 20,000,000 were issued as B shares.

                                          Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

Shares issued by the Company had a par value of RMB 1 per share. On June 21, 1993, the Company's
shares were listed and traded on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

     According to the resolution of the Company's 1993 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders,
based on the share capital of 166,880,000 shares as of December 31 of that year, the Company
distributed a cash dividend of RMB 0.5 and issued 2 bonus shares to all shareholders for every 10
shares held, totaling 33,376,000 shares, which was implemented in 1994. After the share dividend,
the registered capital was increased to RMB 200,256,000.00.

     According to the resolution of the Company's 1994 annual general meeting of shareholders,
based on the share capital of 200,256,000 shares as of December 31 of that year, the Company
distributed a cash dividend of RMB 0.5 and issued 0.5 bonus shares to all shareholders for every 10
shares held, with 0.5 additional shares, totaling 20,025,600 shares, which was implemented in 1995.
The registered capital was increased to RMB 220,281,600.00 after the share dividend and transfer.

     According to the resolution of the fourth extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of the
Company in 2014, upon the approval of the Reply to the Approval of Non-public Offering of Shares
by Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd. (ZJXK [2015] No.173) issued by the China Securities
Regulatory Commission, the Company issued 77,000,000 ordinary A shares to Shenzhen Special
Economic Zone Development Group Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Capital Fortune Jewelry Industry
Investment Enterprise (Limited Partnership) in 2015. After the issuance, the registered capital was
increased to RMB 297,281,600.00.

     According to the resolution of the Company's 2018 annual general meeting of shareholders,
based on the share capital of 297,281,600 shares as of December 31 of that year, the Company
increased 4.5 shares for every 10 shares to all shareholders with capital reserves, totaling 133,776,720
shares, which were implemented in 2019. After the transfer, the registered capital was increased to
RMB 431,058,320.00.

The Company's main business activities are automobile sales, automobile maintenance and testing, jewelry
operation, property leasing and services, etc.
   S/N                Full name of subsidiary       Abbreviation of subsidiary
                                                                                   proportion %

                                            Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

                                                                                             Direct        Indirect
           Shenzhen Tellus Xinyongtong Automobile      Xinyongtong Automobile
    1                                                                                                  5          95
           Development Co., Ltd.                       Development Co.

    2      Shenzhen Bao'an Shiquan Industry Co., Ltd. Bao'an Shiquan Company                                     100

    3      Shenzhen SDG Tellus Real Estate Co., Ltd. Tellus Real Estate Company                    100

           Shenzhen Tellus Chuangying Technology
    4                                                  Chuangying company                          100
           Co., Ltd.
           Shenzhen Xinyongtong Motor Vehicle
    5                                                  Testing Equipment Company                      51
           Inspection Equipment Co., Ltd.
           Shenzhen Automobile Industry and Trade      Automobile Industry and
    6                                                                                              100
           Co., Ltd.                                   Trade Company
           Shenzhen Automobile Industry Supply and     Automobile Supply and
    7                                                                                                            100
           Marketing Company                           Marketing Company

    8      Shenzhen Zhongtian Industry Co., Ltd.       Zhongtian Company                           100

           Shenzhen Huari Toyota Sales & Service Co.,
    9                                                 Huari Toyota                                    60
           Shenzhen Tellus Treasury Supply Chain       Treasury Supply Chain
    10                                                                                             100
           Tech Co., Ltd.                              Company

    11     Shenzhen Jewelry Industry Service Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Jewelry Company                       65

    12     Shanghai Fanyue Diamond Co., Ltd.           Shanghai Fanyue                                           100

    13     Guorun Gold Shenzhen Co., Ltd.              Guorun Gold                                    36              5

IV. Basis for Preparation of the Financial Statements

1. Basis

     The Company has prepared its financial statements on a going-concern basis and in accordance
with the actual transactions and items, and recognition and measurement under provisions of ASBE
(Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises) and their application guidelines and interpretations.
In addition, the Company also disclosed relevant financial information in accordance with the Rules
for the Preparation of Information Disclosure of Companies Issuing Securities to the Public No.15 -
General Provisions on Financial Reports (revised in 2014) issued by the CSRC.

                                                     Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

2. Going concern

       The Company evaluated its ability to continue as a going concern for the 12 months from the
end of the reporting period, and no events affecting the going concern of the Company. It is believed
reasonable that the Company's financial statements have been prepared based on going concern.

V. Significant Accounting Policies and Accounting Estimates

Notes to specific accounting policies and accounting estimates:


1. Statement of compliance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises

       The financial statements prepared by the Company conform to the requirements of the
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and truly and completely reflect the Company's
financial position, operating results, changes in owners' equity, cash flows and other relevant

2. Accounting period

       The accounting year of the Company is from January 1 to December 31.

3. Business cycle

       The normal operating cycle of the Company is one year.

4. Bookkeeping base currency

       The Company's bookkeeping currency is RMB.

5. Accounting treatment method for business merger under common control and not under common

       (1) Business merger under common control

       The assets and liabilities obtained by the Company in business merger shall be calculated based
on the book value of the merged party gained by the ultimate controlling party in its consolidated

                                            Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

financial statements on the merger date. Where the accounting policies adopted by the merged party
and the Company before the business merger are different, the accounting policies shall be adjusted
based on the principle of materiality, that is, the book value of the assets and liabilities of the merged
party shall be adjusted in accordance with the accounting policies of the Company. If there is a
difference between the book value of the net assets obtained by the Company in the business merger
and the book value of the consideration paid, the capital reserves (capital premium or share premium)
shall be adjusted first. If the balance of the capital reserve (capital premium or share premium) is
insufficient to be offset, the surplus reserve and undistributed profits shall be offset in turn.

     See Note V. 6(6) for the accounting treatment method for business merger under common
control realized through step-by-step transactions.

     (2) Business merger not under common control

     The identifiable assets and liabilities of the acquiree acquired by the Company in a business
merger shall be measured at their fair values on the acquisition date. Where the accounting policies
adopted by the acquiree and the Company before the business merger are different, the accounting
policies shall be unified based on the principle of materiality, that is, the book value of the assets and
liabilities of the acquiree shall be adjusted in accordance with the accounting policies of the Company.
The difference between the merger costs of the Company on the acquisition date and the fair value of
the identifiable assets and liabilities obtained from the acquiree in the business merger is recognized
as goodwill. If the merger cost is less than the difference of the fair value of the identifiable assets
and liabilities acquired from the acquiree in the business merger, the merger cost and the fair value
of the identifiable assets and liabilities of the acquiree obtained in the business merger shall be
reviewed first. If the merger cost is still less than the fair value of the identifiable assets and liabilities
obtained from the acquiree after review, the difference shall be recognized as the current profits and
losses of the merger.

     See Note V. 6(6) for the accounting treatment method for business merger under different control
realized through step-by-step transactions.

     (3) Disposal of related handling charges for business merger
                                           Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

     Intermediation costs such as audit, legal service and assessment and consultation and other
administrative expenses incurred shall be included in the current profits and losses when incurred
during the business merger. The transaction expenses of equity securities or debt securities issued as
merger consideration shall be included in the initially recognized amount of equity securities or debt

6. Preparation methods of consolidated financial statements

     (1) Determination of consolidation scope

     The scope of consolidation of consolidated financial statements shall be defined on the basis of
control, including not only subsidiaries defined according to voting rights (or similar voting rights)
themselves or in combination with other arrangements, but also structured entities defined based on
one or more contractual arrangements.

     Control refers to the power of the Company over the investee, and the investor can enjoy variable
returns through participating in related activities of the investee and is able to influence its amount of
return with the power over the investee. Subsidiaries refer to the entities controlled by the Company
(including the divisible parts of enterprises and investees, and structured entities controlled by
enterprises). Structured entities refer to entities designed without taking voting rights or similar rights
as decisive factors when determining their controllers (Note: they are sometimes referred to as special
purpose entities).

     (2) Special provisions on the parent company being the investment entity

     If the parent company is an investment entity, only those subsidiaries that provide relevant
services for the investment activities of the investment entity shall be included in the scope of
consolidation, and other subsidiaries shall not be consolidated. The equity investors of the subsidiaries
that are not included in the scope of consolidation shall be recognized as financial assets at fair value
through profit or loss.

     When the parent company meets the following conditions at the same time, the parent company
belongs to the investment entity:

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     ① The entity obtains funds from one or more investors for the purpose of providing investment
management services to investors.

     ② The entity's sole objective of operation is to provide a return to the investors through capital
appreciation, investment income or both.

     ③ The entity considers and evaluates the performance of almost all investments at fair value.

     When the parent company changes from a non-investment entity to an investment entity, except
that only the subsidiaries that provide relevant services for its investment activities are included in
the consolidated financial statements for preparation of consolidated financial statements, other
subsidiaries will not be consolidated by the entity from the date of change, and treatment will be
conducted according to the principle of partially disposing of the subsidiary's equity without losing

     When the parent company changes from an investment entity to a non-investment entity, the
subsidiaries that are not originally included in the scope of the consolidated financial statements shall
be included in the scope of the consolidated financial statements on the date of change, and the fair
value of the subsidiaries that are not originally included in the scope of the consolidated financial
statements on the date of change shall be regarded as the transaction consideration for acquisition, in
accordance with the accounting treatment method of business merger not under common control.

     (3) Preparation methods of consolidated financial statements

     The Company prepares the consolidated financial statements based on the financial statements
of itself and all its subsidiaries and in accordance with other relevant materials.

     The Company prepares the consolidated financial statements by taking the entire group as an
accounting entity in accordance with the requirements for recognition, measurement and presentation
in relevant accounting standards for business enterprises, and the unified accounting policies and
accounting periods, with the aim of reflecting the overall financial positions, operating results and
cash flows of the enterprise group.

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     ① Consolidate assets, liabilities, owner's equity, revenue, expenses, cash flows and other items
of the parent company and subsidiaries.

     ② Offset long-term equity investment of the parent company to the subsidiaries and the parent
company’s share in the owners’ equity of subsidiaries.

     ③ Offset the impact of internal transactions between the parent company and its subsidiaries
and between subsidiaries. If internal transactions indicate relevant assets have suffered impairment
loss, the loss shall be recognized in full.

     ④ Adjust the special transactions from the perspective of the enterprise group.

     (4) Treatment of increase/decrease in subsidiaries during the reporting period

     ① Increase of subsidiaries or business

     A. Subsidiaries or businesses increased due to business merger under common control

     (a) When preparing the consolidated balance sheet, the opening amount of the consolidated
balance sheet shall be adjusted, and the relevant items of the comparative statements shall be adjusted
at the same time. It shall be deemed that the consolidated reporting entity has always existed since
the time point when the ultimate controlling party starts to control.

     (b) When preparing the consolidated income statement, the revenue, expenses and profits of the
subsidiary and the business merger from the beginning of the current period to the end of the reporting
period shall be included in the consolidated income statement, and the relevant items of the
comparative statements shall be adjusted at the same time. It shall be deemed that the consolidated
reporting entity has always existed since the time point when the ultimate controlling party begins to

     (c) When preparing the consolidated cash flow statement, the cash flows of the subsidiary and
the business from the beginning of the current period to the end of the reporting period are included
in the consolidated cash flow statement. At the same time, the relevant items of the comparative

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statements are adjusted. It is deemed that the consolidated reporting entity has always existed since
the time point when the ultimate controlling party begins to control.

     B. Subsidiaries or businesses increased due to business merger not under common control

     (a) In preparing the consolidated balance sheet, the beginning amounts of the consolidated
balance sheet are not adjusted.

     (b) When preparing the consolidated income statement, the revenue, expenses and profits of the
subsidiary and the business from the acquisition date to the end of the reporting period shall be
included into the consolidated income statement.

     (c) When the consolidated statement of cash flows is prepared, the cash flows of the subsidiary
from the acquisition date to the end of the reporting period shall be included in the consolidated
statement of cash flow.

     ② Disposal of subsidiaries or business

     A. In preparing the consolidated balance sheet, the beginning amounts of the consolidated
balance sheet are not adjusted.

     B. When preparing the consolidated income statement, the revenue, expenses and profits of the
subsidiary and the business from the beginning of the period to the disposal date shall be included in
the consolidated income statement.

     C. When preparing the consolidated cash flow statement, the cash flows of the subsidiaries and
the business from the beginning of the period to the disposal date shall be included in the consolidated
cash flow statement.

     (5) Special considerations in the consolidated offset

     ① Long-term equity investment of the Company held by subsidiaries should be treated as the
treasury shares of the Company and deduction item of owners’ equity and listed as "Less: treasury
shares" under owners’ equity in the consolidated balance sheet.
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     For the long-term equity investments held by subsidiaries, the long-term equity investment and
the share of the owner's equity of the corresponding subsidiary shall be offset with each other by
reference to the offset method of the Company's equity investment in subsidiary.

     ② Since the items of "special reserve" and "general risk reserve" are neither paid-in capital (or
share capital) nor capital reserves, nor the same as retained earnings and undistributed profits, they
shall be restored according to the share attributable to owners of the parent company after the long-
term equity investments offset each other with the owners' equity of the subsidiaries.

     ③ Where there is a temporary difference between the book value of assets and liabilities in the
consolidated balance sheet and the tax base of the taxable entity to which they belong due to the offset
of unrealized gains and losses from internal sales, the deferred tax assets or deferred tax liabilities
shall be recognized in the consolidated balance sheet, and the income tax expenses in the consolidated
income statement shall be adjusted at the same time, except for the deferred tax related to transactions
or events directly included in owners' equity and business merger.

     ④ The gains and losses from unrealized internal transactions arising from the sale of assets by
the Company to subsidiaries shall fully offset the "net profit attributable to owners of the parent
company". The unrealized gains and losses from internal transactions arising from the sale of assets
by subsidiaries to the Company shall be allocated and offset between the "net profit attributable to
owners of the parent company" and the "minority interest income" according to the distribution
proportion of the Company to subsidiaries. The unrealized gains and losses from internal transactions
arising from the sale of assets between subsidiaries shall be allocated and offset between the "net
profit attributable to owners of the parent company" and the "minority interest income" according to
the distribution proportion of the Company to the selling subsidiary.

     ⑤ Where the current losses shared by minority shareholders of a subsidiary exceed the shares
enjoyed by minority shareholders in the owners' equity of the subsidiary at the beginning of the period,
the balance shall still offset the minority equity.

     (6) Accounting treatment for special transactions

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     ① Purchasing minority shareholders' equity

     Where the Company purchases the equity of a subsidiary owned by minority shareholders of the
subsidiary, in the individual financial statements, the investment cost of the long-term equity
investment newly acquired for the purchase of minority equity is measured at the fair value of the
consideration paid. In the consolidated financial statements, the capital reserves (capital premium or
share premium) shall be adjusted according to the difference between the long-term equity investment
newly acquired for the purchase of minority equities and the share of net assets of the subsidiary
calculated continuously from the acquisition date or merger date according to the newly increased
shareholding ratio. If the capital reserves are insufficient to be offset, the surplus reserve and
undistributed profits shall be offset in turn.

     ② Acquisition of control of subsidiaries step by step through multiple transactions

     A. Business merger under common control realized step-by-step through multiple transactions

     On the merger date, in the individual financial statements of the Company, the initial investment
cost of the long-term equity investment is determined according to the share of the book value of the
net assets of the subsidiary that shall be enjoyed after the merger in the consolidated financial
statements of the ultimate controlling party; Capital reserves (capital premium or share premium)
shall be adjusted according to the difference between the initial investment cost and the sum of the
book value of the long-term equity investment before the merger and the book value of the
consideration paid for further shares on the merger date. If the capital reserves (capital premium or
stock premium) are insufficient to be offset, the surplus reserves and undistributed profits shall be
offset in turn.

     In the consolidated financial statements, except for the adjustment made according to the
accounting policies, the assets and liabilities of the merged party obtained by the merging party shall
be measured according to the book value on the merger date in the consolidated financial statements
of the ultimate controlling party. According to the difference between the sum of the book value of
holding investment before merger and the book value of newly paid consideration on the merger date
and the book value of net assets obtained by merging, the capital reserves (share premium/capital
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premium) shall be adjusted; if the capital reserves are not sufficient for offset, the retained earnings
may be adjusted.

        For the equity investment held by the merging party before obtaining the control of the merged
party and accounted for under the equity method, the relevant profit and loss, other comprehensive
income and other changes in owners' equity that have been recognized between the later of the date
of acquisition of the original equity and the date when the merging party and the merged party are
under the final control of the same party and the merger date shall be offset against the retained
earnings at the beginning of the comparative statement period.

        B. Business merger not under common control realized step-by-step through multiple

        On the merger date, in the individual financial statements, the sum of the book value of the long-
term equity investment originally held and the newly increased investment costs on the merger date
shall be recognized as the initial investment cost of the long-term investment in equity on the merger

        In the consolidated financial statements, the acquiree's equity held before the acquisition date is
re-measured at the fair value of the equity at the acquisition date, and the difference between the fair
value and its book value is included in the current investment income. Where the acquiree's equity
held before the acquisition date is related to any other comprehensive income under the equity method,
other comprehensive income related thereto shall be transferred to the current income corresponding
to the acquisition date, excluding other comprehensive income resulting from changes in net liabilities
or net assets arising from the defined benefit plan through the re-measurement on the merged party.
In the notes, the Company discloses the fair value of the acquiree's equity held by it before the
acquisition date on the acquisition date and the amount of relevant gains or losses arising from the
re-measurement at fair value

        ③ The Company's disposal of long-term equity investments in subsidiaries without loss of

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     For partial disposal of long-term equity investment in a subsidiary by the parent company
without loss of control, in the consolidated financial statements, the capital reserves (capital premium
or share premium) shall be adjusted by the difference between the disposal price and the share of net
assets of the subsidiary that would continue to be calculated from the acquisition date or the merger
date corresponding to the disposal of the long-term equity investment, or if the capital reserves are
insufficient to be written down, the retained earnings shall be adjusted.

     ④ The Company's disposal of long-term equity investments in subsidiaries with the loss of

     A. Disposal with a single transaction

     In the event that the Company losses the right of control over an investee due to disposal of
partial equity investments or other reasons, in the preparation of consolidated financial statements,
the residual equity interest shall be measured again according to its fair value on the day when the
Company loses the right of control. The difference by using the sum of value received from the
disposal of equity and fair value of the residual equity to deduct share in net assets continually counted
from the acquisition date or merger date of the original subsidiary (calculated as per original share
proportion) shall be recorded in the investment income of the current period without the right of

     Other comprehensive income and other changes in owners' equity related to the equity
investment of the original subsidiary shall be transferred to the current profits and losses when the
control right is lost, except for other comprehensive income arising from the re-measurement of net
liabilities or net assets of the defined benefit plan by the investee.

     B. Step-by-step disposal through multiple transactions

     Determine whether the step-by-step transaction belongs to "a package deal" in consolidated
financial statements first.

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     If the step-by-step transaction does not belong to a "package deal", in the individual financial
statements, the book value of the long-term equity investment corresponding to each disposal of
equity shall be carried forward for each transaction before the loss of control of the subsidiary, and
the difference between the proceeds and the book value of the disposal of the long-term equity
investment shall be included in the current investment income; In the consolidated financial
statements, it shall be treated in accordance with the relevant provisions stating that "the parent
company's disposal of long-term equity investments in subsidiaries without loss of control".

     If a step-by-step transaction belongs to a "package deal", each transaction shall be accounted for
as a transaction that disposes of subsidiaries and loses control; In the individual financial statements,
the difference between each disposal price before the loss of control and the book value of the long-
term equity investment corresponding to the equity disposed of shall be recognized as other
comprehensive income first, and then transferred to the current profits and losses on the loss of control
when the control is lost; In the consolidated financial statements, for each transaction before the loss
of control, the difference between the disposal price and the share of net assets of the subsidiary
corresponding to the disposal of investment shall be recognized as other comprehensive income, and
shall be transferred to the current profits and losses when the control is lost.

     Where the terms, conditions and economic impact of various transactions meet one or more of
the following circumstances, multiple transactions are generally accounted for as a "package deal":

     (a) These transactions are concluded simultaneously or in consideration of mutual influence.

     (b) These transactions can achieve a complete commercial result only when they are treated as
a whole.

     (c) The occurrence of one transaction depends on the occurrence of at least one other transaction.

     (d) A transaction is uneconomical on its own, but is economical when considered together with
other transactions.

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     ⑤ Dilution of equity ratio owned by the parent company due to the capital increase of minority
shareholders of the subsidiary

     Other shareholders (minority shareholders) of the subsidiary increase the capital of the
subsidiary, thereby diluting the proportion of the parent company's equity in the branch. In the
consolidated financial statements, its share in the book net assets of the subsidiary before the capital
increase is calculated according to the shareholding ratio of the parent company before the capital
increase. The capital reserves (capital premium or share premium) are adjusted according to the
difference between the share and share of book net assets of the subsidiaries after the capital increase
calculated according to the shareholdings ratio of the parent company after the capital increase. If the
capital reserves (capital premiums or share premiums) are insufficient to be offset, the retained
earnings are adjusted.

7. Classification of joint arrangements and accounting treatment methods for joint operations

     Joint arrangement refers to an arrangement jointly controlled by two or more participants. Joint
arrangement of the Company can be classified into joint operations and joint ventures.

     (1) Joint operation

     Joint operation refers to a joint arrangement in which the Company enjoys assets related to the
arrangement and bears liabilities related to the arrangement.

     The Company recognizes the following items related to the Company among the interest shares
of joint operation, and performs accounting treatment in accordance with relevant regulations of

     ① Recognizing the assets held solely and the assets held jointly identified as per its shares;

     ② Recognizing the liabilities held solely and the liabilities held jointly identified as per its shares;

     ③ Recognizing the revenue generated from the sale of shares enjoyed in the joint operations;

     ④ Recognizing the revenue generated from the sale of joint operation output as per its shares;

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     ⑤ Recognizing the expenses incurred separately and the expenses arising from joint operation
as per its shares.

     (2) Joint ventures

     Joint venture refers to a joint arrangement in which the Company only has rights over the net
assets of the arrangement.

     The Company carries out accounting treatment for investment in joint ventures according to the
provisions on equity method accounting of long-term equity investments.

8. Standards for defining cash and cash equivalents

     Cash comprises cash on hand and deposits that can be readily drawn on demand. The cash
equivalents are recognized as an investment that is short-term (generally due within three months
from the acquisition date), highly liquid and readily convertible to a known amount of cash, and has
an insignificant risk of changes in value.

9. Foreign currency transaction and foreign currency statement translation

     (1) Recognition method of exchange rate upon the translations of foreign currency

     At the time of initial recognition, foreign currency transactions of the Company shall be
translated into bookkeeping base currency at the spot exchange rate on the transaction date or at an
exchange rate determined by a systematic and reasonable method that is similar to the spot exchange
rate on the transaction date (hereinafter referred to as the approximate exchange rate of the spot
exchange rate).

     (2) Translation method of foreign currency monetary items on the balance sheet date

     The foreign currency monetary items are translated based on the spot exchange rate on the
balance sheet date. Foreign exchange differences arising from the difference between the prevailing
exchange rate on that date and the prevailing exchange rate on initial recognition or on the previous

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balance sheet date are recognized in current profits and losses. Foreign currency non-monetary items
measured at historical cost are still converted as per the spot exchange rate on the transaction date;
the foreign currency non-monetary items measured at fair value are converted as per the spot
exchange rate on the date of fair value determination, and the difference between the converted
bookkeeping base currency amount and the original bookkeeping base currency amount is included
in the current profits and losses.

10. Financial instruments

     Financial instruments refer to contracts that form the financial assets of one party and financial
liabilities or equity instruments of other parties.

     (1) Recognition and derecognition of financial instruments

     When the Company becomes a party to the contract of financial instruments, relevant financial
assets or financial liabilities are recognized.

     A financial asset is derecognized if it meets one of the following conditions:

     ① The contractual right to receive cash flow from the financial asset is terminated;

     ② The financial asset has been transferred, and is in accordance with the following conditions
for derecognition.

     Under the circumstance that the current obligation of the financial liabilities in whole (or
partially) has been relieved, the Company will derecognize the financial liabilities in whole (or
partially). The Company (the Borrower) and the Lender sign an agreement in which the original
financial liabilities are replaced by undertaking new financial liabilities; The contract terms of new
financial liabilities and those of original financial liabilities are different in essence. Therefore, the
original financial liabilities shall be derecognized, while the new financial liabilities shall be
recognized. If the Company makes any substantial modification to the contract terms of the original
financial liabilities in whole (or partially), the original financial liabilities shall be derecognized and
one new financial liability shall be recognized in accordance with the modified terms.

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     Financial assets sold and bought in a conventional way are subject to accounting recognition and
derecognition at the transaction date. Buying and selling financial assets in a conventional way refers
to the delivery of financial assets according to the time arrangement prescribed by the terms of the
contract, and the laws, regulations or market practices. The transaction date is the date when the
Company makes commitments to buy or sell the financial assets.

     (2) Classification and measurement of financial assets

     During the initial recognition, according to the business mode of financial assets management
and the contractual cash flow characteristics of financial assets, the Company classifies financial
assets into financial assets at amortized cost, financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, and
financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income. Financial assets shall not be
reclassified after initial recognition unless the Company changes its business model for managing
financial assets, in which case all affected related financial assets are reclassified on the first day of
the first reporting period following the change in the business model.

     Financial assets are measured at fair value upon initial recognition. For financial assets at fair
value through profit or loss, related transaction expenses shall be directly included in the current
profits and losses; the related transaction expenses of other financial assets shall be included in the
initially recognized amount. Notes receivable and accounts receivable arising from sales of goods or
provision of labor services that do not include or consider significant financing components are
initially measured by the Company according to the transaction price defined in the revenue standards.

     Subsequent measurement of financial assets depends on their classification:

     ① Financial assets at amortized cost

     Where the financial assets meet all the following conditions, they will be classified as financial
assets at amortized cost. The business mode of the Company for managing such financial assets is to
collect contractual cash flow. The contract of such financial assets specifies that the cash flow
generated at a particular date is only for the payment of principal and interest based on the amount of
outstanding principal. Such financial assets are measured subsequently by the effective interest

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method and based on the amortized cost, and all profit or loss due to derecognition, impairment, or
amortization as per effective interest method are included in the current profits and losses.

     ② Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income

     Where the financial assets meet all the following conditions, they will be classified as financial
assets at fair value through other comprehensive income. The business mode of the Company for
managing such financial assets is to collect contractual cash flows and to sell the financial assets. The
contract of such financial assets specifies that the cash flows generated at a particular date are only
for the payment of principal and interest based on the amount of outstanding principal. For such
financial assets, subsequent measurement shall be based on fair value. Except that the impairment
gain or loss and the exchange gain or loss are recognized as current profits and losses, changes in fair
value of such financial assets are recognized as the other comprehensive income, and the accumulated
profit or loss are transferred into current profits and losses until the financial assets are derecognized.
However, the relevant interest revenue from the financial assets calculated by the effective interest
method is included in the current profits and losses.

     The Company irrevocably chooses to designate some non-trading equity instrument investments
as financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income, and only includes the relevant
dividend revenue in the current profits and losses. The changes in fair value are recognized as other
comprehensive income and, until the derecognition of such financial assets, the accumulated profit
or loss is transferred into the retained earnings.

     ③ Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

     The financial assets other than the above financial assets at amortized cost and financial assets
at fair value through other comprehensive income will be classified into the financial assets at fair
value through profit or loss. Such financial assets are subsequently measured at the fair value and the
changes in fair value are included in current profits and losses.

     (3) Classification and measurement of financial liabilities

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     The Company classifies financial liabilities into the financial liabilities at fair value through
profit or loss, the loan commitment and liabilities under financial guarantee contract with an interest
rate lower than the market interest rate and the financial liabilities at amortized cost.

     Subsequent measurement of financial liabilities depends on their classification:

     ① Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss

     These financial liabilities include trading financial liabilities (including derivative instruments
classified as financial liabilities) and financial liabilities designated as at fair value through profit or
loss. After the initial recognition, such financial liabilities are subsequently measured at fair value.
Unless related to the hedge accounting, the profit or loss (including interest expenses) generated is
included in current profits and losses. However, for designated financial liabilities at fair value
through profit or loss by the Company, the changes in fair value of such financial liabilities caused
by changes in the credit risk. Upon the derecognition of such financial liabilities, the accumulated
profit or loss previously included in other comprehensive income shall be transferred out from other
comprehensive income and included in retained earnings.

     ② Loan commitment and liabilities under financial guarantee contract

     Loan commitment is a commitment provided by the Company to the client to issue a loan to the
client under the established contract terms within the commitment period. For the loan commitment,
the impairment loss shall be withdrawn according to the expected credit loss model.

     A financial guarantee contract is a contract in which the Company is required to pay a specified
amount of money to the contract holder who has suffered a loss because the specific debtor failed to
make due payment of debts in accordance with the original or modified terms for debt instruments.
The liabilities under financial guarantee contract are subsequently measured according to the amount
of the provision for loss recognized according to the impairment principle for financial instruments
or the balance of initially recognized amount after deducting the accumulated amortized amount
recognized according to the revenue confirmation principles, whichever is lower.

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     ③ Financial liabilities at amortized cost

     After the initial recognition, other financial liabilities are measured by the effective interest
method based on the amortized cost.

     Except for special circumstances, financial liabilities and equity instruments are distinguished
according to the following principles:

     ① If the Company fails to unconditionally perform one contractual obligation by delivering cash
or other financial assets, the contractual obligation satisfies the definition of financial liability. While
some financial instruments do not expressly include the terms and conditions for the obligation to
deliver cash or other financial assets, it is possible to form contractual obligations indirectly through
other terms and conditions.

     ② If one financial instrument must or can be settled by the Company’s own equity instrument,
the Company’s own equity instrument used for settling such instrument shall be considered as a
substitute of cash or other financial assets, or as residual equity in the issuer’s assets that the
instrument holder enjoys after deducting all the liabilities. If it is the former one, the instrument is
then the financial liabilities of the issuer. If it is the latter, the instrument is then the equity instrument
of the issuer. Under certain circumstances, a financial instrument contract requires that the Company
must or may settle the financial instrument with its own equity instruments, where the amount of
contractual rights or contractual obligations is equal to the number of own equity instruments
available or to be delivered multiplied by the fair value upon its settlement. In this case, regardless of
whether the amount of the contractual right or obligation is a fixed value or changes based in whole
or in part on changes in variables other than the market price of the Company's own equity instrument
(such as interest rates, the price of a good or the price of a financial instrument), the contract is
classified as financial liabilities.

     (4) Derivative financial instruments and embedded derivative instruments

     Derivative financial instruments are initially measured at the fair value on the date when the
derivative deal contract is signed, and subsequently measured at fair value. Derivative financial

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instruments with positive fair value are recognized as an asset, and derivative financial instruments
with negative fair value are recognized as a debt.

        Except that the cash flow hedge belonging to the effective part of the hedge is included in other
comprehensive income and transferred out and included in the current profits and losses, the gain or
loss incurred by the changes in fair value of derivative instruments are directly included in current
profits and losses.

        For hybrid instruments containing embedded derivative instruments, if the main contract is
financial assets, the relevant provisions of financial asset classification shall apply to the hybrid
instruments as a whole. Where the main contract is not for financial assets and such hybrid
instruments are not subject to the accounting treatment at fair value through profit or loss, if the
embedded derivative instruments are not closely related to the main contract in terms of economic
characteristics and risks, the conditions of the hybrid instruments match the conditions of embedded
derivative instruments, and the instruments existing solely conform to definition of derivative
instrument, the embedded derivative instruments shall be separated from the hybrid instruments and
disposed as separate derivative financial instruments. If the fair value of such embedded derivative
instruments on the acquisition date or subsequent balance sheet date cannot be separately measured,
the hybrid instruments shall be wholly designated as financial assets or financial liabilities at fair
value through profit or loss.

        (5) Impairment of financial instruments

        For the financial assets at amortized cost and the creditor's rights investment, contract assets,
rental receivables, loan commitments and financial guarantee contracts at fair value through other
comprehensive income, the Company recognizes the provision for loss on the basis of expected credit

        ① Measurement of expected credit loss

        The expected credit loss refers to the weighted average of the credit losses of financial
instruments that are weighted by the risk of default. Credit loss refers to the difference between all

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contractual cash flows receivable according to the contract and discounted according to the original
effective interest rate and all cash flows receivable of the Company, that is, the present value of all
cash shortages. The financial assets that are purchased or derived by the Company and subject to
credit impairment shall be discounted on the basis of the credit-adjusted actual interest rate of the
financial assets.

     The expected credit loss during the whole duration refers to the expected credit loss caused by
all possible default events during the whole expected duration of financial instruments.

     The expected credit loss in the next 12 months refers to the expected credit loss caused by the
possible default events of financial instruments within 12 months after the balance sheet date (or, if
the expected duration of financial instruments is less than 12 months, the expected duration), which
is part of the expected credit loss in the whole duration.

     On each balance sheet date, the Company separately measures the expected credit losses of
financial instruments at different stages. If the credit risk of financial instruments has not increased
significantly since the initial recognition, it is in the first stage. The Company will measure the
provision for loss according to the expected credit loss in the next 12 months. If the credit risk of
financial instruments has increased significantly since its initial recognition but no credit impairment
has occurred, it is in the second stage, and the Company measures the provision for loss according to
the lifetime expected credit loss of the instrument. If financial instruments have suffered credit
impairment since their initial recognition, it is in the third stage, and the Company measures the
provision for loss according to the lifetime expected credit loss of the instrument.

     For financial instruments with low credit risk on the balance sheet date, the Company assumes
that the credit risk has not increased significantly since the initial recognition, and measures the
provision for loss according to the expected credit loss in the next 12 months.

     For financial instruments in the first and second stages and with low credit risk, the Company
calculates interest revenue according to the book balance before deducting provision for impairment
and the actual interest rate. For financial instruments in the third stage, interest revenue is calculated

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according to their book balance minus the amortized cost for which impairment provision has been
made and the effective interest rate.

     For notes receivable, accounts receivable, receivables financing and contract assets, regardless
of whether there is any significant financing component, the Company measures the provision for
losses based on expected credit losses over the whole duration.

     A. Receivables/contract assets

     For notes receivable, accounts receivable, other receivables, receivables financing, contract
assets and long-term receivables with objective evidence showing impairment and other accounts
receivable suitable for single evaluation, impairment test shall be conducted separately to recognize
expected credit loss and accrue single provision for impairment. For notes receivable, accounts
receivable, other receivables, receivables financing, contract assets and long-term receivables without
objective evidence of impairment or when information of the expected credit loss for a single financial
asset cannot be evaluated at a reasonable cost, the Company divides the notes receivable, accounts
receivable, other receivables, receivables financing, contract assets and long-term receivables into
several portfolios according to the credit risk characteristics, calculates the expected credit loss on
the basis of the portfolios, and determines the portfolio on the following basis:

     Basis for portfolio determination of notes receivable:

     Notes receivable portfolio 1 - commercial acceptance bill

     Notes receivable portfolio 2 - bank acceptance bill

     For notes receivable divided into portfolios, the Company refers to the historical credit loss
experience, combines the current situation with the forecast of the future economic situation, and
calculates the expected credit loss through default risk exposure and the expected credit loss rate for
the whole duration.

     Basis for portfolio determination of accounts receivable:

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     Accounts receivable portfolio 1 - aging portfolio

     Accounts receivable portfolio 2 - jewelry sales business portfolio

     For the accounts receivable divided into portfolios, the Company refers to the historical credit
loss experience, combines the current situation with the forecast of the future economic situation,
formulates the comparison table of aging of accounts receivable and the lifetime expected credit loss
rate, and calculates the expected credit loss.

     Basis for portfolio determination of other receivables:

     Basis for portfolio determination of other receivables:

     Other receivables portfolio 1 - interest receivable

     Other receivables portfolio 2 - dividends receivable

     Other receivables portfolio 3 - aging portfolio

     Other receivables portfolio 4 - deposit receivable and security portfolio

     Other receivables portfolio 5 - portfolio of concerned intercourse funds within the consolidation
scope of receivables

     For other receivables divided into portfolios, the Company refers to the historical credit loss
experience, combines the current situation with the forecast of the future economic situation, and
calculates the expected credit loss through default risk exposure and the expected credit loss rate in
the next 12 months or for the whole duration.

     Basis for portfolio determination of long-term receivables:

     Long-term receivables portfolio 1 - other receivables

     For long-term receivables divided into portfolio 1, the Company refers to the historical credit
loss experience, combines the current situation with the forecast of the future economic situation, and

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calculates the expected credit loss through default risk exposure and the expected credit loss rate for
the whole duration.

     B. Creditor's rights investment and other creditor's rights investment

     For debt instruments and investments in other debentures, the Company calculates the expected
credit loss according to the nature of the investment and various types of counterparty and risk
exposure through default risk exposure and the expected credit loss rate within the next 12 months or
the whole duration.

     ② Rather low credit risk

     If the default risk of a financial instrument is rather low, the borrower has a strong ability to
fulfill its contractual cash flow obligations in a short period and, even if there are adverse changes in
the economic situation and operating environment for a long period of time, it may not necessarily
for the borrower to reduce the ability to fulfill its contractual cash flow obligations, the financial
instrument shall be considered to have a low credit risk.

     ③ Significant increase in credit risk

     The Company compares the default probability of financial instruments in the expected duration
determined at the balance sheet date with the default probability in the expected duration determined
upon the initial recognition to determine the relative change in the default probability of financial
instruments in the expected duration, thus evaluating whether the credit risk of financial instruments
has increased significantly since the initial recognition.

     When determining whether the credit risk has significantly increased since the initial recognition,
the Company considers the reasonable and well-founded information that can be obtained without
unnecessary additional cost or effort, including the forward-looking information. The information to
be considered by the Company is as follows:

     A. Whether the internal price index has changed significantly due to the changes in credit risk;

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     B. Adverse changes in business, financial or economic conditions expected to lead to significant
changes in the capability of the debtor to fulfill its debt payment obligations;

     C. Whether there has been any significant change in the actual or expected financial performance
of the debtor; whether the regulatory, economic or technological environment in which the debtor is
located has undergone significant adverse changes;

     D. Whether there has been any significant change in the value of collateral used as debt collateral
or the quality of guarantee or credit enhancement provided by a third party. Such changes are expected
to reduce the debtor's economic motivation to repay the loan within the time limit stipulated in the
contract or affect the probability of default;

     E. Whether there has been any significant change in the economic motivation that is expected to
reduce the debtor's repayment within the time limit agreed in the contract;

     F. Expected changes in the loan contract, including whether the expected breach of contract may
result in exemption or revision of contractual obligations, granting of interest-free period, interest rate
jump, demand for additional collateral or guarantees, or other changes in the contractual framework
of financial instruments;

     G. Whether there has been any significant change in the debtor's expected performance and
repayment behavior;

     H. Whether the contract payment is overdue for more than (including) 30 days.

     According to the nature of financial instruments, the Company evaluates whether the credit risk
has increased significantly on the basis of individual financial instruments or portfolios of financial
instruments. When evaluating on the basis of portfolios of financial instruments, the Company may
classify the financial instruments based on common credit risk characteristics, such as overdue
information and credit risk rating.

     Under normal circumstances, if it is overdue for more than 30 days, the Company determines
that the credit risk of the financial instrument has significantly increased, unless the Company can

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obtain reasonable and reliable information without paying too much cost or effort to prove that the
credit risk has not increased significantly since the initial recognition although the payment period
stipulated in the contract has elapsed for more than 30 days.

     ④ Credit-impaired financial assets

     On the balance sheet date, the Company evaluates whether the credit impairment has occurred
to financial assets at amortized cost and the creditor's rights investment at fair value through other
comprehensive income. When one or more events that have an adverse effect on the expected future
cash flow of a financial asset occur, the financial asset becomes a credit-impaired financial asset.
Evidence for credit-impaired financial assets includes the following observable information:

     The issuer or the debtor has major financial difficulties; the debtor violates the contract, such as
default or overdue payment of interest or principal; the creditor makes the concession that the debtor
will not make under any other circumstances due to the economic or contractual considerations
related to the debtor's financial difficulties; the debtor is likely to go bankrupt or undergo other
financial restructuring; the financial difficulties of the issuer or debtor cause the disappearance of the
active market of financial assets; a financial asset is purchased or generated at a substantial discount
which reflects the fact that the credit losses have occurred.

     ⑤ Presentation of provision for expected credit loss

     In order to reflect the changes in the credit risk of financial instruments since the initial
recognition, the Company re-measures the expected credit loss on each balance sheet date. The
increase or reversal amount of provision for loss therefrom shall be regarded as impairment loss or
gain and included in current profits and losses. For financial assets at amortized cost, the provision
for loss shall be used to offset against the book value of financial assets presented in the balance sheet;
for the debt investments at fair value through other comprehensive income, the Company recognizes
the provision for loss in other comprehensive income, and the book value of financial assets will not
be deducted.

     ⑥ Write-off

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     When the Company no longer reasonably expects that the contractual cash flow of the financial
asset can be recovered in whole or in part, the book balance of the financial asset is directly written
down. Such write-off constitutes the derecognition of related financial assets. This usually happens
when the Company determines that the debtor has no assets or sources of revenue to generate
sufficient cash flow to repay the amount to be written off.

     If the written-off financial assets are recovered later, they shall be regarded as the reversal of
impairment loss and included in the current profit or loss.

     (6) Transfer of financial assets

     Transfer of financial assets refers to the following two situations:

     A. The contractual right for collecting this financial asset cash flow is transferred to the other

     B. All or part of the financial assets are transferred to the other party, but the contractual rights
to collect the cash flow of financial assets are reserved, and the contractual obligation to pay the
collected cash flow to one or more recipients is fulfilled.

     ① Derecognition of transferred financial assets

     If almost all risks and rewards from the ownership of financial assets have been transferred to
the transferee, or almost all risks and rewards from the ownership of financial assets are neither
transferred nor retained, but the control of such financial assets have been abandoned, such financial
assets will be derecognized.

     When judging whether the control over the transferred financial assets has been abandoned, pay
attention to the actual ability of the transferee to sell the financial assets. If the transferee can
unilaterally sell the transferred financial assets to an unrelated third party and there are no additional
conditions to restrict the sales, the Company has given up its control over the financial assets.

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     When judging whether the transfer of financial assets meets the conditions for the derecognition
of financial assets, the Company shall pay attention to the essence of the transfer of financial assets.

     If the entire transfer satisfies the derecognition criteria, the difference between the following
amount should be included in current profits and losses:

     A. Book value of the transferred financial assets;

     B. Sum of the consideration received from transfer and the proportion – corresponding to the
derecognized portion of the cumulative changes in fair value and directly included in other
comprehensive income (the financial assets involved in the transfer are classified as financial assets
at fair value through other comprehensive income according to Article 18 of Accounting Standards
for Enterprises No. 22 – Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments).

     If the partial transfer of financial assets satisfies the derecognition criteria, the book value,
between the part for derecognition and the rest (in this case, the retained service assets shall be deemed
as a part of the continuously recognized financial assets), of the financial assets transferred as a whole
should be amortized at their respective fair values on the transfer date, and the difference between the
following amount should be included in the current profits and losses:

     A. Book value of the derecognized portion on the derecognition date;

     B. Sum of the consideration received from disposal of the derecognized portion and the
proportion – corresponding to the derecognized portion of the cumulative changes in fair value
through other comprehensive income (the financial assets involved in the transfer are classified as
financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income according to Article 18 of
Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 22 – Recognition and Measurement of Financial

     ② Further involvement of the transferred financial assets

     Where there is neither transfer nor retention of any risks and rewards on the financial asset
ownership, if the control over the financial asset is not waived, relevant financial assets shall be

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recognized to the extent of further involvement in the transferred financial assets, and relevant
liabilities shall be recognized correspondingly.

      The extent of further involvement in the transferred financial asset refers to the extent to which
the Company bears the risks or rewards of changes in the value of transferred financial assets.

      ③ Further recognition of the transferred financial assets

      Where almost all risks and returns related to the ownership of the financial assets transferred are
still retained, the entirety of financial assets transferred are continued to be recognized, with the
consideration received being recognized as a financial liability.

      The financial assets and the recognized related financial liabilities shall not be offset against
each other. In the subsequent accounting period, the Company shall further recognize the revenue (or
profits) generated by the financial assets and the expenses (or losses) generated by the financial

      (7) Offset of financial assets and financial liabilities

      Financial assets and financial liabilities shall be presented separately in the balance sheet and
shall not offset each other. However, the net amount is presented in the balance sheet after mutual
offset, when the following conditions are met simultaneously:

      The Company has the legal right to offset the recognized amount and such a legal right is
currently enforceable;

      The Company plans to settle on a net basis, or realize the financial assets and settle the financial
liabilities simultaneously.

      For the transfer of financial assets that do not meet the conditions for derecognition, the
transferor shall not offset the transferred financial assets and related liabilities.

The Company shall abide by the disclosure requirements of the Guidelines of Shenzhen Stock Exchange for Self-Regulatory
Supervision of Listed Companies No. 3 - Industry Information Disclosure for "jewelry-related business".

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11. Inventories

The Company shall abide by the disclosure requirements of the Guidelines of Shenzhen Stock Exchange for Self-Regulatory
Supervision of Listed Companies No. 3 - Industry Information Disclosure for "jewelry-related business".

        (1) Classification of inventories

        Inventory refers to finished products or commodities held by the Company for sale in daily
activities, products under production, materials and supplies consumed in the process of production
or rendering labor services, including raw materials, inventory commodities, consigned goods and
revolving materials.

        (2) Valuation methods for inventories transferred out

        The Company's inventories are measured by the first-in first-out method and the specific
measurement method when being dispatched.

        (3) Inventory system

        The Company adopts the perpetual inventory system for its inventory and carries out inventory
inspection at least once a year. The amount of inventory profit and inventory loss is included in the
profit or loss of the year.

        (4) Method for providing provision for decline in the value of inventories

        The inventories on the balance sheet date shall be valued by the lower one between cost and net
realizable value. If the inventory cost is greater than the net realizable value, provision for decline in
the value of inventories shall be withdrawn and included in the current profits and losses.

        The inventory net realizable value shall be recognized based on the obtained hard evidence,
taking into account of purpose of holding inventory and its impact on events after the balance sheet

        ① For the finished products, commodities, materials for sale and other inventory directly for
sale, during the normal production and operation process, the amount of the estimated sale price of
the inventory deducting the estimated selling expenses and relevant taxes shall be determined as the

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net realizable value. For inventory held for implementing sales contract or labor service contract, the
net realizable value thereof shall be calculated based on the contract price. If the quantity of
inventories held is greater than the ordered quantity of the sales contract, the net realizable value of
the excessive part shall be calculated based on the general selling price. For materials used for sale,
the market price shall be taken as the measurement basis of their net realizable value.

     ② For material inventories requiring to be processed, during the normal production and
operation process, the net realizable value is taken as the difference between the estimated selling
prices of these inventories and their estimated cost to be incurred till completion, estimated selling
expenses and associated taxes. If the net realizable value of the finished product is higher than the
cost, the material shall be measured with the cost; if the reduction of the material price indicates that
the net realizable value of the finished product is lower than the cost, the material shall be measured
with the net realizable value and the provision for decline in the value of inventories shall be
withdrawn by the balance.

     ③ In principle, the provision for decline in the value of inventories will be withdrawn in
accordance with the individual inventory items; but for large quantity of inventories at low price, such
provision can be withdrawn according to the inventory category.

     ④ On the balance sheet date, if the factors affecting write-down of the inventories value no
longer exist, the write-down amount shall be recovered and reversed from the provision for decline
in the value of inventories which has been drawn, and the recovered amount shall be included in the
current profits and losses.

12. Contract assets

     The Company presents the contract assets in the balance sheet in accordance with the
relationship between the performance obligations and the payment by the customer. The
consideration to which the Company is entitled to receive for the transfer of goods or services to a
customer (and the right depends on other factors excluding the passage of time) is presented as
contract assets.

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     Please refer to Note V. 10 for details of the determination method and accounting treatment
method of the expected credit losses of the Company's contract assets.

Contract assets are presented separately in the Balance Sheet. Contract assets under the same contract
shall be presented at net amount. If the net amount is the debit balance, it shall be presented in the
item of "contract assets" or "other non-current assets" according to its liquidity.

13. Contract cost

     The contract cost is divided into the contract performance cost and the contract acquisition cost.

     The cost incurred by the Company in performing the contract shall be recognized as an asset of
the contract performance cost when the following conditions are met at the same time:

     ① The cost is directly related to a current or expected contract, including direct labor, direct
materials, manufacturing costs (or similar costs), the costs clearly borne by the customer, and other
costs incurred only by the contract.

     ② This cost increases the Company’s resources for performing the performance obligations in
the future.

     ③ This cost is expected to be recovered.

     If the incremental cost incurred by the Company in obtaining the contract is expected to be
recoverable, it will be recognized as an asset of the contract acquisition cost.

     Assets related to the contract cost are amortized on the same basis as revenue from goods or
services related to the asset is recognized; however, if the contract acquisition cost is amortized for
less than one year, the Company will include it in current profits and losses at the time of occurrence.

     If the book value of the assets related to the contract cost exceeds the difference between the
following two items, the Company will make preparation for impairment provision of the excess and
recognize it as the impairment loss of the assets, and further consider whether to withdraw estimated
liabilities related to onerous contracts:

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     ① Residual consideration expected to be obtained in connection with the transfer of goods or
services related to the asset;

     ② The cost expected to be incurred for the transfer of the relevant goods or services.

     If the provision for impairment of the above assets is subsequently reversed, the book value of
the assets reversed will not exceed the book value of the assets at the date of reverse assuming no
provision for impairment is made.

     The contract performance cost that is recognized as assets is presented in the item of
"Inventories" if the amortization period at initial recognition is not more than one year/normal
operating cycle; or presented in the item of "Other non-current assets" if the amortization period at
initial recognition is more than one year/normal operating cycle.

     The contract acquisition cost that is recognized as assets is presented in the item of "Other current
assets" if the amortization period at initial recognition is not more than one year/normal operating
cycle; or presented in the item of "Other non-current assets" if the amortization period at initial
recognition is more than one year/normal operating cycle.

14. Held-for-sale assets

     (1) Classification of held-for-sale non-current assets or disposal groups

     The Company recognizes the non-current assets or disposal groups meeting all the following
conditions as the held-for-sale:

     ① Based on the practice of selling such assets or disposal groups in similar transactions, those
can be sold immediately under current conditions;

     ② Their sales are very likely to happen, that is, the Company has already made a resolution on
a sales plan and obtained a certain purchase commitment and their sales are expected to be completed
within one year. The relevant approval has been obtained from relevant authorities of the Company
or regulators for those available for sale as required by the relevant regulations.

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     The Company classifies the non-current assets or disposal groups that are acquired exclusively
for resale, meet the specified conditions of “the sales are expected to be completed within one year”
on the acquisition date and are likely to meet other conditions for classifying the held-for-sale assets
in a short time (usually 3 months) as the held-for-sale assets on the acquisition date.

     If the Company loses control over its subsidiaries due to the sales of investment in subsidiaries
and other reasons, whether the Company reserves some of its equity investments after the sales or
not, when the investment in subsidiaries to be sold meets the conditions for the held-for-sale assets,
the investment in subsidiaries will be classified as the held-for-sale assets as a whole in the individual
financial statements of the parent company and all the assets and liabilities of subsidiaries will be
classified as the held-for-sale assets in the consolidated financial statements.

     (2) Measurement of held-for-sale non-current assets or disposal groups

     The measurement of investment properties that are subsequently measured at fair value,
biological assets that are measured by the net amount of fair value minus selling expenses, the assets
formed by employee compensation, the deferred tax assets, the financial assets subject to the financial
instrument related accounting standards, and rights arising from insurance contracts subject to
insurance contract relevant accounting standards are applicable to other relevant accounting standards

     When the held-for-sale non-current assets or disposal groups are measured initially or
remeasured on the balance sheet date, if the book value is higher than the net amount obtained by
deducting the selling expenses from the fair value, the book value shall be reduced to the net amount
obtained by deducting the selling expenses from the fair value, and the write-down amount shall be
recognized as the asset impairment losses and shall be included in the current profits and losses and
the impairment provision of held-for-sale assets shall be made at the same time. If the net amount
obtained by deducting the selling expenses from the fair value of held-for-sale non-current assets or
disposal groups on the subsequent balance sheet date increases, the previous write-down amount shall
be recovered and reversed from the asset impairment losses recognized after being classified as the
held-for-sale assets, and the reversed amount shall be included in the current profits and losses. The
book value of goodwill deducted shall not be reversed.

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        When a non-current asset or disposal group ceases to be classified as held for sale because it no
longer meets the criteria for classification of held for sale or a non-current asset is excluded from a
disposal group held for sale, it is measured at the lower of:

        ① The book value before being classified as held for sale, adjusted according to depreciation,
amortization or impairment that should have been recognized if it had not been classified as held for

        ② Recoverable amount.

        (3) Presentation

        In the balance sheet, the Company shall separately present the non-current assets held for sale
or the assets in the disposal group held for sale different from other assets, and separately present the
liabilities in the disposal group held for sale different from other liabilities. Non-current assets held
for sale or assets in the disposal group held for sale and liabilities in the disposal group held for sale
shall not offset each other and shall be presented as current assets and current liabilities respectively.

15. Long-term equity investments

        The long-term equity investments of the Company include the equity investment to control or
significantly influence the investees and the equity investments of the joint ventures. Where the
Company can exercise significant influence over the investee, the investee is an associate.

        (1) Basis for determining the existence of common control or significant influence over

        Common control refers to the sharing of control over certain arrangements under related
agreements, and related activities of the arrangement can be determined only when the unanimous
consent of the parties sharing the control is obtained. In assessing whether common control of an
arrangement exists, the Company firstly assesses whether all the parties or a group of the parties
control the arrangement collectively. When all the parties or a group of the parties must act together
unanimously in directing the relevant activities, all the parties or a group of the parties are regarded
as having common control of an arrangement. It then assesses whether decisions about the relevant

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activities require the unanimous consent of those parties that control the arrangement collectively.
When more than one combination of the parties can control an arrangement collectively, common
control does not exist. Protective rights are not taken into account in determining whether or not there
is common control.

      Significant influence means the power of the investor to participate in making decisions on the
financial and operating policies of an investee, but the investor cannot control or jointly control with
other parties over the formulation of these policies. When determining whether significant influence
can be exerted on the investee, consider the impact of voting shares directly or indirectly held by the
investor and current executable potential voting rights held by the investor and other parties after they
are assumed to be converted into equity in the investee, including the impact of current convertible
warrants, share options and convertible corporate bonds issued by the investee.

      It shall be regarded as a significant influence on the investee when the Company directly or
indirectly through a subsidiary owns 20% (included) – 50% voting shares of the investee. However,
if there is any clear evidence showing that the Company cannot participate in making decisions on
production and operation activities of the investee under such a condition, constituting no significant

      (2) Recognition of initial investment cost

        Cost of long-term equity investment arising from business merger should be determined as follows:

      A. Business merger under common control: If the merging party carries out merger consideration
through cash payment, transfer of non-cash assets, assumption of liabilities, the share of the book
value of the owners' equity of the merged party in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate
controlling party should be recognized as the initial investment cost of long-term equity investment
on the merger date. The difference between the initial investment cost of the long-term equity
investment and the paid cash, transferred non-cash assets and the book value of assumed debts is
adjusted to capital reserves. If the capital reserve is not sufficient to absorb the difference, any excess
is adjusted to retained earnings;

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      B. Business merger under common control: If the merging party uses the issuance of equity
securities as the merger consideration, the share of book value of the owners' equity of the merged
party in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controlling party should be recognized
as the initial investment cost of long-term equity investment on the merger date. According to the
total carrying amount of the issued shares as the share capital, the difference between the initial
investment cost of the long-term equity investment and the total carrying amount of the shares issued
shall be adjusted to the capital reserve; if the capital reserve is insufficient to offset, the retained
earnings shall be adjusted;

      C. Business merger not under common control: merger cost and initial costs for long-term equity
investment shall be determined based on the assets paid on the date of purchase for the right of control
over the purchased party, liabilities occurred or undertaken, as well as the fair value of the issued
equity securities. Any intermediary expenses such as audit, legal services, assessment and
consultation and other related administrative expenses incurred by the merging party in the business
merger are included in the current profits and losses when incurred.

        Except for the long-term equity investment formed by business merger, the investment cost of long-term
        equity investment acquired in other ways shall be determined in accordance with the following

      A. For long-term equity investment obtained by cash payment, the actual purchase price shall
be regarded as the investment cost. The initial investment cost includes expenses, taxes and other
necessary fees which are directly related to acquiring the long-term equity investment.

      B. For the long-term equity investment obtained by issuing equity securities, the fair value of
the issued equity securities shall be taken as the initial investment cost;

      C. For long-term equity investment obtained through non-monetary asset exchange, if the
exchange has commercial essence and the fair value of the exchanged assets or the exchanged assets
can be reliably measured, the fair value of exchanged assets and relevant taxes and fees shall be
regarded as the initial investment cost, and the difference between the fair value of the exchanged
assets and the book value shall be included in the current profits and losses. If the exchange of
monetary assets does not meet the above two conditions at the same time, the book value of the
exchanged assets and relevant taxes and fees shall be regarded as the initial investment cost.

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     D. For long-term equity investments acquired through debt restructuring, the entry value should
be determined according to the fair value of the debt waived, taxes generated from such assets and
other costs, and the difference between the fair value and the book value of the debt waived should
be included in the current profits and losses.

     (3) Subsequent measurement and recognition of profit or loss

     The Company adopted the cost method for accounting of the long-term equity investment
implementing control over the investee and equity method for accounting of long-term equity
investment in joint ventures and associates.

     ① Cost method

     The long-term equity investment will be calculated by the cost method: Add or recover the
investment to adjust the investment cost of the long-term equity. The distributed cash dividend or
profit declared by the investees is recognized as investment income in the current period.

     ② Equity method

     Long-term equity investments calculated by using the equity method are generally subject to the
accounting treatment as follows:

     Where the Company's investment costs of long-term equity investments exceed the share of the
fair value of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the time of the investment, the initial investment
costs of the long-term equity investment are not adjusted; where their initial investment costs of long-
term equity investments are less than the share of the fair value of the investee’s identifiable net assets
at the time of the investment, the balance shall be included in the current profits and losses and the
costs of the long-term equity investment are adjusted accordingly.

     The Company recognizes the investment income and other comprehensive income respectively
according to its share of net profit or loss and other comprehensive income of the investee, and
meanwhile adjusts the book value of long-term equity investments; the part of due share is calculated
according to the profit distribution or cash dividends declared by the investee, and the book value of

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the long-term equity investments is reduced accordingly; for other changes of owners’ equity in
addition to the net profit or loss and other comprehensive income and profit distribution, the book
value of long-term equity investments is adjusted and included in owners’ equity. When recognizing
the share of net profits and losses of the investee, the Company recognizes the net profit of the
investee after adjustment based on the fair value of the net identifiable assets of the investee when
acquiring the investment. Where there are any inconsistencies between the accounting policies and
accounting period adopted by the investee and the Company, financial statements of the investee shall
be adjusted according to the accounting policies and accounting period of the Company based on
which the investment income and other comprehensive incomes are recognized. For transaction
incurred between the Company and the associates/joint ventures, the unrealized profit or loss arising
from the internal transactions amongst the Company and the investees are eliminated in proportion
to the Company’s equity interest in the investees, and then based on which the investment profit or
loss are recognized. Where the internal trading losses incurred but not realized between the Company
and the investees belong to asset impairment losses, such losses shall be recognized in full amount.

     If it is possible to exert significant influence on the investee or implement common control but
does not constitute control due to additional investment and other reasons, the sum of the fair value
of the original equity investment plus the new investment cost shall be taken as the initial investment
cost calculated by the equity method. If the originally-held equity investment is classified as other
equity instrument investments, the difference between its fair value and book value, and the
accumulated gains or losses originally included in other comprehensive income shall be transferred
from other comprehensive income and included in retained earnings in the current period when
accounting is changed to the equity method.

     In case the Company loses the common control of or the significant influence on the investee
due to the disposal of part of the equity investment, the residual equity after the disposal shall be
measured by fair value, and the balance between the fair value and the book value since the date of
losing the common control or significant influence shall be included in the current profits and losses.
For other comprehensive income from original equity investment recognized by the equity method,

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such income is subject to the accounting treatment on the same basis as that adopted by the investee
for directly handling related assets or liabilities when the equity method is not used anymore.

     (4) Equity investment held for sale

     For equity investments in associates or joint ventures that are classified in whole or in part as
held-for-sale assets, please refer to Note V. 15 for relevant accounting treatment.

     For the remaining equity investments not classified as held-for-sale assets, the equity method is
adopted for accounting treatment.

     If the equity investment in an associate or joint venture that has been classified as held for sale
no longer meets the classification conditions of held-for-sale assets, it shall be retroactively adjusted
by the equity method from the date of being classified as held-for-sale assets. Financial statements
classified as held for sale shall be adjusted accordingly.

     (5) Impairment test method and providing methods for impairment provision

     For investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures, please refer to Note V. 22 for the
method of provision for asset impairment.

16. Investment properties

   Measurement mode of investment properties: depreciation or amortization measured by the cost method

     (1) Classification of investment properties

     Investment properties mean the properties held for earning rent or capital appreciation, or both,
mainly including:

     ① Rented land use rights

     ② Land use rights possessed and ready for transfer after appreciation

     ③ Rented buildings

     (2) Measurement mode of investment properties

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     The Company adopts the cost model for the subsequent measurement of investment properties.
Please refer to Note V. 22 for the method of provision for asset impairment.

     The Company calculates the depreciation or amortization based on the straight-line method after
deducting the accumulated impairment and the net salvage value from the cost of investment
properties. The category, estimated economic service life and estimated net residual rate of
investment properties are as follows:

                                                                                       Annual depreciation rate
            Category         Depreciation life (year)     Residual value rate (%)
    Premises and buildings            35-40                           3                        2.77-2.43
    Land use right                      50                            —                          2.00

17. Fixed assets

(1) Recognition condition

     Fixed assets shall be recognized as the actual cost obtained when all the following conditions
are met:

  ① Economic benefits associated with such fixed assets are likely to flow into the enterprises.

  ② The cost of such fixed assets can be measured reliably.

     Subsequent expenditure related to fixed assets complying with confirmation conditions of
fixed assets shall be included in cost of fixed assets and those failing to comply with confirmation
conditions of fixed assets shall be included in the current profits and losses when it occurs.

(2) Depreciation method

     The Company shall withdraw the depreciation according to the straight-line method from the
month following the fixed assets reach the preset serviceable conditions. The depreciation life and
annual depreciation rate shall be determined according to the category, estimated economic service
life and estimated net residual rate of fixed assets as follows:

                             Depreciation      Depreciation life      Residual value       Annual depreciation
                               method                (year)                rate (%)               rate (%)

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                               Straight-line         10, 35-40               0、3              2.43-2.77, 10.00
    Premises and buildings
    Including: decoration      Straight-line             10                     0                    10.00
    of self-owned houses         method
                               Straight-line             12                     3                     8.08
    Machinery equipment
    Transportation             Straight-line             7                      3                    13.86
    equipment                    method
                               Straight-line            5-7                     3                13.86-19.40
    Electronic equipment
    Office and other           Straight-line             7                      3                    13.86
    equipment                    method

     For the fixed assets with the provision for impairment withdrawn, the withdrawn provision for
impairment of fixed assets is deducted upon the depreciation withdrawal.

     At the end of every year, the Company shall recheck the service life and expected net residual
value, as well as the depreciation methods for the fixed assets. If there is difference between estimated
service life and original estimate, the service life of fixed assets shall be adjusted.

18. Construction in progress

     (1) Construction in progress is checked based on category of the proposed projects.

     (2) Criteria and time-point for transferring construction in progress to fixed assets

     For the construction in progress, all expenditures incurred before the asset is ready for its
serviceable condition will be used as the entry value of the fixed asset, including construction costs,
original prices of machinery and equipment, other necessary expenses incurred to make the
construction in progress reach the working condition for its intended use, borrowing costs incurred
for special borrowings of the project before the assets reach the working condition for their intended
use and borrowing costs incurred for occupied general borrowings. The Company transfers the works
under construction to fixed assets when the installation or construction of the works is completed and
ready for the intended use. For the fixed assets that have reached the working condition for their

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intended use but for which the final accounts for completion have not been handled, they shall be
transferred into the fixed assets at the estimated value according to the project budget, cost or actual
cost from the date when they reach the working condition for their expected use, and the depreciation
of the fixed assets shall be accrued according to the Company's depreciation policy for fixed assets.
After the final accounts for completion are handled, the original estimated value shall be adjusted
according to the actual cost, but the original depreciation amount shall not be adjusted.

19. Borrowing costs

     (1) Recognition principle and capitalization period of borrowing cost capitalization

     Where the borrowing costs incurred to the Company are directly attributable to the acquisition,
construction and production of assets eligible for capitalization, the costs shall be capitalized and
included into the relevant asset cost when all of the following conditions are met:

     ① The asset expenditure has already occurred;

     ② Borrowing costs are being incurred; and

     ③ Acquisition, construction or production activities necessary to bring the asset ready for its
intended use are in progress.

     Other interest, discount or premium on borrowings and balance arising from fluctuation in the
foreign exchange rate should be included in the current profits and losses.

     Where the acquisition and construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization are
abnormally interrupted and the interruption lasts for more than three months, the capitalization of
borrowing costs shall be suspended.

     When the assets eligible for capitalization acquired, constructed or produced are available for
intended use or sale, the capitalization of their borrowing costs shall be stopped, and the subsequent
borrowing costs are recognized as expenses for the corresponding period of occurrence.

     (2) Capitalization rate and calculation method of capitalization amount of borrowing costs

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       As to special borrowings borrowed for acquiring and constructing or producing assets that
conform to capitalization conditions, the capitalization amount of interest is determined by the
balance of interest cost incurred in the current period minus interest revenue gained from the unspent
borrowings deposited in bank, or investment profit gained from the unspent borrowings temporarily
invested, as the capitalization amount of borrowing interest expenses.

       Where the acquisition and construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization
occupies general borrowings, the interest amount of general borrowings to be capitalized shall be
calculated and determined by multiplying the weighted average of asset disbursements of the part of
accumulated asset disbursements exceeding special borrowings by the capitalization rate of the used
general borrowings. The capitalization rate shall be calculated and determined based on the weighted
average interest rate of the general borrowings.

20. Right-of-use assets

       The right-of-use assets refer to the lessee's right to use the leased assets during the lease term.

       The right-of-use assets shall be initially measured at their cost on the commencement of the lease
term. The cost includes:

         Initial measurement amount of lease liabilities;

         Lease payments paid on or before the commencement of the lease term. The relevant amount of lease
         incentives enjoyed shall be deduced if such incentives exist;

         Initial direct cost of the lessee;

         Cost expected to be occurred by the lessee due to dismantling and removing the leasing asset, recovering
         its location or recovering it to the state agreed in the leasing terms. The Company recognizes and
         measures the cost according to the recognition standard and measurement method of estimated liabilities
         detailed in Note V. 27. The above-mentioned cost is included in the inventory cost incurred for the
         production of inventory.

       The Company classifies and accrues the depreciation of the right-of-use assets by the straight-
line method. If it is possible to reasonably determine that the ownership of the leased asset can be
acquired at the expiration of the lease term, the depreciation rate shall be determined according to the

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category and the estimated ratio of net residual value of the right-of-use assets within the remaining
service life of the leased asset; if it is impossible to reasonably determine that the ownership of the
leased asset can be acquired at the expiration of the lease term, the depreciation rate shall be
determined according to the category of the right-of-use assets within the shorter period of the lease
term and the remaining service life of the leased asset.

21. Intangible assets

(1) Valuation method, service life and impairment test

     (1) Valuation method for intangible assets

     They are recorded according to the actual cost when acquired.

     (2) Service life and amortization of intangible assets

     ① Service life estimation for intangible assets with limited service life:

                                Estimated service
                Item                                                              Basis
    Land use right                  50 years                                Legal right to use
                                                        Determine the service life with reference to the term
    Computer software                5 years
                                                          that can bring economic benefits to the Company
                                                        Determine the service life with reference to the term
    Trademark                       10 years
                                                          that can bring economic benefits to the Company

     At the end of each year, the Company shall re-check the service life and the amortization method
of intangible assets with limited service life. According to the review, the service life and amortization
method of the intangible asset at the end of the current period are the same as those estimated

     ② If the economic interest period to be brought by the intangible assets to the Company is
unforeseeable, then the service life of the intangible assets shall be deemed as uncertain. For the
intangible assets with uncertain service life, the Company shall check at the end of each year the

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service life of the intangible assets with uncertain service life. If the service life is still uncertain after
such check, impairment test shall be conducted on the balance sheet date for such assets.

     ③ Amortization of intangible assets

     For the intangible assets with limited service life, such service life shall be determined at the
moment of acquisition of such assets, the amount that shall be amortized shall be systematically and
reasonably amortized within the service life through straight-line method, and the amount of
amortization shall be included in the current profits and losses according to the income items. The
specific amount to be amortized is the amount after deducting the estimated residual value from its
cost. For intangible assets with impairment provisions provided, the accumulative amount of
impairment provision of intangible assets shall also be deducted. The residual value of an intangible
asset with limited service life is regarded as zero, except for the following circumstances: a third party
promises to purchase the intangible asset at the end of its service life or can obtain the expected
residual value information according to the active market, and the market is likely to exist at the end
of its service life.

     Intangible assets with uncertain service life shall not be amortized. The Company shall review
the expected service life of intangible assets with uncertain service life at the end of each year. If any
evidences indicate that the service life of intangible assets is limited, the service life shall be estimated
and amortized properly within the expected service life.

     (3) Long-term asset impairment

     For long-term equity investment in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures, investment real
estate which follow-up measurement is carried out by cost pattern, fixed assets, construction in
progress, intangible assets, business reputation, etc. (excluding inventory, investment properties
measured by fair value pattern, deferred tax assets, financial assets), the impairment of assets shall be
determined according to the following methods: The Company judges whether there is a sign of
impairment to assets on the balance sheet date. If such sign exists, the Company estimates the
recoverable amount and conducts the impairment test. The goodwill formed due to business merger,

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intangible assets with uncertain service life and intangible assets that have not yet reached the usable
state shall be tested for impairment every year regardless of whether there is any sign of impairment.

     The recoverable amount is determined based on the higher of the net amount obtained by
deducting disposal expenses from the fair value of assets and the present value of expected future
cash flow of assets. The recoverable amount is estimated of the individual asset. If it is not possible
to estimate the recoverable amount of the individual asset, the Company determines the recoverable
amount of the asset group to which the asset belongs. The identification of the asset group is based
on whether the major cash flow generated from the asset group is independent of the cash inflows
from other assets or asset groups.

     When the asset or asset group’s recoverable amount is lower than its book value, the Company
reduces its book value to its recoverable amount, the reduced amount is recorded in the current profits
and losses and the provision for impairment of assets is recognized.

     For the impairment test of goodwill, the book value of goodwill formed by business merger shall
be amortized to relevant asset groups with a reasonable method since the acquisition date; if it is
difficult to amortize to relevant asset groups, it shall be amortized to relevant asset group portfolios.
Asset group or portfolio of asset group is asset group or portfolio of asset group which can benefit
from synergies of a business merger and is not greater than the reportable segment of the Company.

     During the impairment test, if there is any sign of impairment in the asset group or portfolio of
asset groups related to goodwill, first conduct an impairment test on the asset group or portfolio of
asset groups that does not contain goodwill, calculate the recoverable amount and recognize the
corresponding impairment loss. Then asset group or portfolio of asset group containing goodwill is
conducted impairment test by comparing its book value and its recoverable amount. If the recoverable
amount is less than the book value, impairment loss of goodwill is recognized.

     An impairment loss once recognized not be reversed in the subsequent period.

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22. Long-term asset impairment

     For long-term equity investment in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures, investment real
estate which follow-up measurement is carried out by cost pattern, fixed assets, construction in
progress, intangible assets, business reputation, etc. (excluding inventory, investment properties
measured by fair value pattern, deferred tax assets, financial assets), the impairment of assets shall be
determined according to the following methods:

     The Company judges whether there is a sign of impairment to assets on the balance sheet date.
If such sign exists, the Company estimates the recoverable amount and conducts the impairment test.
The goodwill formed due to business merger, intangible assets with uncertain service life and
intangible assets that have not yet reached the usable state shall be tested for impairment every year
regardless of whether there is any sign of impairment.

     The recoverable amount is determined based on the higher of the net amount obtained by
deducting disposal expenses from the fair value of assets and the present value of expected future
cash flow of assets. The recoverable amount is estimated of the individual asset. If it is not possible
to estimate the recoverable amount of the individual asset, the Company determines the recoverable
amount of the asset group to which the asset belongs. The identification of the asset group is based
on whether the major cash flow generated from the asset group is independent of the cash inflows
from other assets or asset groups.

     When the asset or asset group’s recoverable amount is lower than its book value, the Company
reduces its book value to its recoverable amount, the reduced amount is recorded in the current profits
and losses and the provision for impairment of assets is recognized.

     For the impairment test of goodwill, the book value of goodwill formed by business merger shall
be amortized to relevant asset groups with a reasonable method since the acquisition date; if it is
difficult to amortize to relevant asset groups, it shall be amortized to relevant asset group portfolios.
Asset group or portfolio of asset group is asset group or portfolio of asset group which can benefit
from synergies of a business merger and is not greater than the reportable segment of the Company.

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     During the impairment test, if there is any sign of impairment in the asset group or portfolio of
asset groups related to goodwill, first conduct an impairment test on the asset group or portfolio of
asset groups that does not contain goodwill, calculate the recoverable amount and recognize the
corresponding impairment loss. Then asset group or portfolio of asset group containing goodwill is
conducted impairment test by comparing its book value and its recoverable amount. If the recoverable
amount is less than the book value, impairment loss of goodwill is recognized.

     An impairment loss once recognized not be reversed in the subsequent period.

23. Long-term deferred expenses

     Long-term deferred expenses are expenses that have been incurred but should be borne by the
current period and subsequent periods with an allocation period of more than one year.

     The Company's long-term deferred expenses shall be subject to average amortization within the
benefit period.

24. Contract liabilities

     The Company presents the contract liabilities in the balance sheet in accordance with the
relationship between the performance obligations and the payment by the customer. The Company's
obligations to transfer goods or services to the customer due to customer consideration received or
receivable shall be presented as contract liabilities.

     Contract liabilities are presented separately in the Balance Sheet. The contractual assets and
contract liabilities under the same contract are presented on a net basis. If the net amount is the credit
balance, it shall be presented in items of "Contractual liabilities" or "Other non-current liabilities"
item according to its liquidity. Contract assets and contract liabilities under different contracts are not
mutually offset.

25. Employee compensation

(1) Accounting treatment for short-term compensation

     ① Basic employee compensation (wages, bonuses, allowances and subsidies)

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     The Company recognizes, in the accounting period in which an employee provides service,
short-term compensation actually incurred as liabilities, with a corresponding charge to current profits
and losses or the cost of a relevant asset, otherwise than those recognized as cost of capital required
or permitted by other accounting standards.

     ② Employee benefits

     The employee benefits incurred by the Company are included in the current profits and losses
or relevant asset cost according to the actual amount incurred when it is actually incurred. If the
employee benefits are non-monetary, they shall be measured at fair value.

     ③ Medical insurance premium, work injury insurance premium, maternity insurance premium
and other social insurance premiums and housing provident fund, labor union funds and employee
education funds

     For social insurance premiums such as medical insurance, work injury insurance and maternity
insurance, as well as housing provident fund paid by the Company for the employees, and for labor
union funds and employee education funds accrued by the Company as specified, during the
accounting period when the employees work for the Company, the amount of employee compensation
relevant are calculated according to the basis and proportion of calculation and accruing as specified,
to determine the corresponding liabilities, which is to be included in the current profits and losses or
relevant asset cost.

     ④ Short-term compensated absence

     When the rights of compensated absence enjoyed by the staff of the Company in the future in
the provision of services are increased, the employee compensation related to the cumulative
compensated absence shall be confirmed and calculated according to the expected payment amount
increased due to the cumulative unexercised rights. The Company recognizes the employee
compensation related to non-cumulative paid leaves in the period of the actual occurrence of the leave.

     ⑤ Short-term profit sharing plan

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       The Company recognizes the relevant employee compensation payable, provided that the profit
sharing plan also meets the following conditions:

       A. The enterprise currently has legal obligation or constructive obligation to pay employee
compensation as a result of past events;

       B. The amount of employee compensation payable generated from the profit sharing plan can
be estimated reliably.

(2) Accounting treatment of post-employment benefits

       ① Defined contribution plans

       The Company shall recognize, in the accounting period in which the staff provides service, the
contribution payable to a defined contribution plan as a liability, and include it in current profits and
losses or relevant asset cost.

       According to the defined contribution plan, if all the deposit amounts are expected not to be paid
within 12 months at the end of the annual reporting period during which the employees provide
relevant services, with reference to the corresponding discount rate, the employee compensation
payable shall be measured by the Company at the discounted amount of all the deposit amounts. The
discount rate is determined based on the market return on the national bonds matching with the
obligations under the defined contribution plan in terms of the term and currency or based on the
high-quality corporate bonds in the active market on the balance sheet date.

       ② Defined benefit plan

       A. Determining the present value of the defined benefit plan obligation and the current service

       According to the projected unit credit method, the unbiased and mutually agreed actuarial
assumptions are adopted by the Company to estimate the relevant demographic variables and
financial variables, calculate the obligations arising from the defined benefit plan and determine the

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period of relevant obligations belonging thereto. The Company discounts the obligations arising from
the defined benefit plan at a corresponding discount rate (determined according to the market return
on national bonds or high-quality corporate bonds in the active market that match the term and
currency of obligations under the defined benefit plan on the balance sheet date) to determine the
present value of obligations under the defined benefit plan and the current service cost.

     B. Recognition of net liabilities or net assets of defined benefit plan

     If there are assets in the defined benefit plan, the deficit or surplus formed by the present value
of obligations under defined benefit plan minus the fair value of assets under defined benefit plan
should be recognized by the Company as a net liability or a net asset under defined benefit plan.

     In case that the defined benefit plan has surplus, the Company measures the net asset under
defined benefit plan as per the surplus under defined benefit plan and the upper asset limit, whichever
is lower.

     C. Determining the amount to be included in asset cost or current profits and losses

     Service costs, including current service costs, past service costs, and settlement gains or losses.
Among them, except for the current service cost required or allowed to be included in the asset cost
by other accounting standards, other service costs are included in the current profits and losses.

     Net interest of net liabilities or net assets of the defined benefit plan, including interest income
of planned assets, interest expense of defined benefit plan obligations, and interest affected by asset
ceiling, shall be included in the current profits and losses.

     D. Determination of the amount that should be included in other comprehensive income.

     Changes arising from re-measurement of net liabilities or net assets of defined benefit plan,

     (a) Actuarial gains or losses, i.e. the increase or decrease in the present value of defined benefit
plan obligations measured previously due to actuarial assumptions and experience adjustments;

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     (b) Return on plan assets, deducting the amount included in the net interest of net liabilities or
net assets of defined benefit plan;

     (c) Changes in the effect of the asset ceiling, deducting the amount included in the net interest
on net liabilities or net assets of defined benefit plans.

     The changes arising from the above-mentioned re-measurement of net liabilities or net assets of
the defined benefit plan are directly included in other comprehensive income and are not allowed to
be reversed back to profit or loss in subsequent accounting periods, but the Company can transfer
these amounts recognized in other comprehensive income within the scope of equity.

(3) Accounting treatment for termination benefits

     When termination benefits are provided, the employee compensation liabilities for termination
benefits will be recognized by the Company and included in the current profits and losses, at the
earlier of the following dates:

     ① The date when the Company cannot unilaterally withdraw the offer of termination benefits
because of an employment termination plan or a curtailment proposal;

     ② The Company recognizes the costs or expenses related to the restructuring of termination
benefits payment;

     If the termination benefits are expected not to be fully paid within 12 months after the end of the
annual reporting period, the amount of termination benefits shall be discounted with reference to the
corresponding discount rate (determined according to the market yield of national bonds or high-
quality corporate bonds in the active market that match the obligation period and currency of the
defined benefit plan on the balance sheet date), and the employee compensation payable shall be
measured at the discounted amount.

(4) Accounting treatment for other long-term employee benefits

     ① Qualified for defined contribution plan

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       For other long-term employee benefits provided by the Company to employees that meet the
conditions of defined contribution plan, the employee compensation payable shall be measured at the
discounted amount of all payables.

       ② Qualified for the defined benefit plan

       At the end of the reporting period, the Company shall recognize the following components of
employee compensation cost arising from other long-term employee benefits:

       A. Service costs;

       B. Net interest for net liabilities or net assets of other long-term employee benefits;

       C. Change arising from remeasurement of other net long-term employee benefits liabilities or
net assets.

       In order to simplify the relevant accounting treatment, the total net amount of the above items
shall be included in the current profits and losses or the related cost of assets.

26. Lease liabilities

       Lease liabilities shall be initially measured according to the present value of lease payments that
have not yet been made on the commencement date of lease term. The lease payment includes the
following five items:

         For the fixed payment and substantial fixed payment, the amount related to lease incentive shall be
         deducted if there is lease incentive;

         Variable lease payment depending on index or ratio;

         The exercise price of the purchase option, provided that the lessee reasonably determines that the option
         will be exercised;

         The amount to be paid for exercising the termination option, provided that the lease term reflects that the
         lessee will exercise the termination option;

         The amount expected to be paid according to the guaranteed residual value provided by the lessee.

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     In calculating the present value of the lease payment, the Company adopts the interest rate
implicit in the lease as the discount rate. If it is impossible to determine the interest rate implicit in
the lease, the Company will adopt the incremental borrowing rate as the discount rate. The difference
between the lease payments and their present value is recognized as an unrecognized financing
expense, and the interest expense is recognized at the discount rate of the present value of the
recognized lease payments during each period of the lease period and is charged to the current profits
and losses. Variable lease payments not considered in the measurement of lease liabilities are charged
to the current profits and losses when actually incurred.

     In case of any changes in the amount of substantive fixed payments, the amount expected to be
payable for the residual guarantee, the index or rate used to determine the lease payments, or the
evaluation result or actual exercise of the call option, renewal option or termination option after the
inception date of the lease term, the Company will remeasure the lease liabilities at the present value
of the changed lease payments and adjust the book value of the right-of-use assets accordingly.

27. Estimated liabilities

     (1) Criteria for recognition of estimated liabilities

     Obligations related to contingencies, if satisfying the following conditions at the same time, will
be recognized as provisions by the Company:

     ① The obligation is the current obligation of the Company;

     ② Performance of this obligation will probably cause outflow of economic interest of the

     ③ The amount of such obligation can be measured reliably.

     (2) Measurement method for estimated liabilities

     Estimated liabilities are initially measured at the best estimation of the expenses to exercise the
current obligations, with considerations to the risks, uncertainty, time value of currency, and other

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factors pertinent to the contingencies. The book value of the estimated liabilities shall be reviewed
on each balance sheet date. If there is concrete evidence showing that the book value cannot truly
reflect the current best estimate, the book value shall be adjusted as per the current best estimate.

28. Revenue

The Company shall abide by the disclosure requirements of the Guidelines of Shenzhen Stock Exchange for Self-Regulatory
Supervision of Listed Companies No. 3 - Industry Information Disclosure for "jewelry-related business".

      (1) General principle

      Revenue refers to the gross inflow of economic benefits formed during the course of ordinary
activities of the Company, which may increase the shareholders' equity and is irrelevant to the
invested capital of shareholders.

      The Company recognizes the revenue when it has fulfilled its performance obligations of the
Contract, i.e. the customer has acquired the control over the relevant goods. The acquisition of control
over the relevant goods refers to being able to dominate the use of the goods and obtain almost all the
economic benefits.

      If the contract contains two or more performance obligations, the Company shall, at the
beginning date of the contract, apportion the transaction price to each performance obligation
according to the relative proportion of the individual selling price of the commodities or services
promised by each performance obligation, and measure the revenue according to the transaction price
apportioned to each performance obligation.

      The transaction price is the amount of consideration that the Company is expected to be entitled
to receive for the transfer of commodities or services to the customer, excluding payments received
on behalf of third parties. In determining the contract transaction price, if there is a variable
consideration, the Company will determine the best estimate of the variable consideration on the basis
of the expected value or the amount most likely to occur, and include it in the transaction price in an
amount not exceeding the amount most likely not to be materially reversed by accumulating the
recognized revenue when the relevant uncertainty is eliminated. If a significant financing component
is involved in a contract, the Company will determine the transaction price in the amount payable by

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the customer in cash when the customer obtains control over the goods, and the difference between
the transaction price and the contract consideration will be amortized by the effective interest method
over the contract term. If the interval between the transfer of control and the payment by the customer
does not exceed one year, the Company does not consider the financing components therein.

     In case one of the following conditions is met, the Company will perform the performance
obligations within a period of time. Otherwise, the Company will perform the performance
obligations at a time point:

     ① The customer obtains and consumes the economic benefits brought by the performance of
the contract by the Company at the same time;

     ②The customer can control the goods under construction during the Company's performance;

     ③ The goods generated during the performance of the Company are irreplaceable, and the
Company is entitled to receive payment for the performance accumulated so far throughout the term
of the contract.

     For the performance obligations performed within a certain period of time, the Company shall
recognize the revenue according to the performance progress within that period, except that the
performance progress cannot be reasonably determined. The Company determines the progress of
performance for the rendering of services using the input method (or output method). If the
performance progress cannot be reasonably confirmed, and the costs incurred by the Company can
be expected to be compensated, the revenue shall be recognized according to the amount of costs
incurred until the performance progress can be reasonably confirmed.

     For performance obligations performed at a certain time point, the Company shall confirm the
revenue at the time point when the customer gains control rights of the relevant goods. In determining
whether a customer has obtained the control rights of the goods or services, the Company shall take
the following indications into consideration:

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     ① The Company enjoys the current collection right in regard to such goods or services, i.e., the
customers have the obligation to pay immediately with respect to the goods;

     ② The Company has transferred the legal ownership of the goods to the customer, i.e., the
customer owns the legal ownership of the goods;

     ③ The Company has transferred the goods to the customer in kind, i.e. The customer has
possessed the goods;

     ④ The Company has transferred the major risks and remuneration on the ownership of the goods
to the customer, i.e., the customer has obtained the major risks and remuneration on the ownership of
the goods;

     ⑤ The customer has accepted the goods.

     Sales return terms

     For any sales with a sales return clause, when the customer obtains control over relevant goods,
the Company recognizes the revenue according to the amount of consideration it is entitled to obtain
due to the transfer of goods to the customer and recognizes the amount to be returned due to sales
return as estimated liabilities; at the same time, according to the book value of the returned goods
when they are expected to be transferred, the balance after deducting the expected cost of recovering
the goods (including the impairment of the value of the returned goods) is recognized as an asset, that
is, the return cost receivable, and the net amount of the above asset cost is carried forward according
to the book value of the transferred goods when they are transferred. On each balance sheet date, the
Company re-estimates the return of future sales and re-measures the above assets and liabilities.

     Warranty obligations

     According to the contract agreement, laws, and regulations, the Company provides quality
assurance for the goods sold and the projects constructed. The Company carries out accounting
treatment in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 13 –
Contingencies for guarantee quality assurance to assure customers that the goods sold meet the

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established standards. For the service quality assurance that provides a separate service in addition to
ensuring that the sold goods meet the established standards, the Company takes it as a single
performance obligation. Part of the transaction price is amortized to the service quality assurance
according to the relative proportion of the separate selling price for providing the commodity and
service quality assurance, and revenue is recognized when the customer obtains control over the
service. When assessing whether the quality assurance provides a separate service to the customer
that the sold goods meet the established standards, the Company shall consider whether the quality
assurance is a legal requirement, quality assurance period, and the Company's commitment to
performing the task.

     Principal responsible person and agent

     The Company determines whether it is the principal responsible person or agent at the time of
the transaction based on whether it has control of the goods or services prior to the transfer of the
goods or services to the customer. If the Company is able to control the goods or services before
transferring the goods or services to the customer, the Company is the main responsible person and
recognizes the revenue according to the total consideration received or receivable. Otherwise, the
Company, as an agent, recognizes revenue according to the amount of commission or handling charge
that it is expected to be entitled to receive. The amount shall be determined based on the net amount
after deducting the price payable to other related parties from the total consideration received or
receivable, or in accordance with the established commission amount or proportion.

     Consideration payable to a customer

     Where there is consideration payable to a customer in a contract, unless the consideration is for
the purpose of obtaining other goods or services that are distinct from the customer, the Company
offsets the consideration payable against the transaction price and deducts the current revenue at a
later point between the recognition of the relevant revenue and the payment (or committed payment)
of the customer consideration.

     Contractual rights not exercised by the customer

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     If the Company receives the payment for selling goods or services from the customer in advance,
the amounts received shall be first recognized as liabilities, and then be converted into revenue when
the relevant performance obligations are fulfilled. When the advances from customers do not need to
be recovered, and the customer may abandon all or part of its contract rights, if the Company is
expected to obtain the amount related to the contract rights abandoned by the customer, the above
amount shall be recognized as revenue in proportion according to the mode of the customer exercising
the contract rights; otherwise, the Company will convert the balance of the above liabilities into
revenue only when there is little possibility that the customer requires the fulfillment of the remaining
performance obligations.

     Change of contract

     In case of a change in the construction contract between the Company and the customer:

     ① The Company will treat the change as a separate contract for accounting if the change
increases the clearly distinguishable construction services and contract price, and the additional
contract price reflects the separate selling price of additional construction services;

     ②The change will be deemed as the termination of the original contract, and the outstanding
portion of the original contract will be combined with the change portion to form a new contract for
accounting if the change does not fall within the definition of ①, and if there is a clear distinction
between the transferred construction services and the non-transferred construction services on the
date of the change;

     ③ The change will be considered as part of the original contract for accounting, and the revenue
of the current period will be adjusted to reflect the resulting impact on the recognized revenue if the
change does not fall into the definition of ① and if there is no clear distinction between the transferred
construction services and the non-transferred construction services on the date of the change.

     (2) Specific method

     Specific revenue recognition method of the Company is as follows:

     ① Contract for sale of goods

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     The contract for sale of goods between the Company and the customer includes the performance
obligation of the transferred goods, which belongs to the performance obligation at a certain time

     The recognition of automobile sales revenue and jewelry wholesale revenue shall meet the
following conditions: The Company has delivered the goods to the Customer according to the contract
agreement and the Customer has accepted the goods, the payment for goods has been recovered or
the receipt voucher has been obtained, the related economic benefits are likely to flow in, the major
risks and rewards on the ownership of the goods have been transferred and the legal ownership of the
goods has been transferred.

     ② Vehicle maintenance and testing contract

     The performance obligations contained in the vehicle maintenance and testing contract between
the Company and the customer belong to the performance obligations at a certain time point.

     The recognition of vehicle maintenance and testing revenue shall meet the following conditions:
The Company has completed vehicle maintenance and testing services according to the contract,
settled all materials and man-hour expenses with the customer, and allowed the customer's vehicle to
leave the Company's maintenance shop.

     ③ Contract for provision of services

     The contract for provision of services between the Company and the customer includes the
performance obligation of services related to the lease of real estate. Since the customer obtains and
consumes the economic benefits brought by the performance of the Company at the same time, the
Company regards it as the performance obligation to be performed within a certain period of time,
which is equally apportioned and recognized during the service provision period.

     ④ Real estate lease contract

     See Note V. 28 for the recognition method of the real estate rent revenue of the Company.

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29. Government subsidies

     (1) Recognition of government subsidies

     The government subsidies shall meet all of the following conditions for recognition:

     ① The Company can meet the conditions of acquisition of government subsidies;

     ② The Company can receive government subsidies.

     (2) Measurement of government subsidies

     The government subsidies considered as monetary assets are measured at the amount received
or receivable. The government subsidies considered as non-monetary assets are measured based on
the fair value, or the nominal amount of RMB 1, if the fair value cannot be acquired reliably.

     (3) Accounting treatment for government subsidies

     ① Asset-related government subsidies

     The Company classifies the government subsidies acquired for establishing or forming long-
term assets in other ways as asset-related government subsidies. Asset-related government subsidies
shall be recognized as deferred incomes, and they shall be included in the profit or loss with a
reasonable and systematic method within the service life of related assets. Government subsidies
measured at the nominal amount shall be directly included in the current profits and losses. When the
related assets are sold, transferred, scrapped or damaged before the end of service life, all the
undistributed deferred incomes shall be transferred to the current profits and losses disposal.

     ② Income-related government subsidies

     Other than asset-related government subsidies, other government subsidies are income-related
government subsidies. Accounting treatment shall be conducted for the income-related government
subsidies as per the following provisions according to different situations:

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     If used to compensate for related costs or losses during future periods of the Company, the
income-related government subsidies shall be recognized as deferred incomes, and shall be included
in the current profits and losses at the period when it is recognized;

     The amount used to compensate for the incurred related cost expenses or losses of the Company
shall be included in the current profits and losses.

     For the government subsidies including both assets-related government subsidies and income-
related government subsidies, such two parts shall be separately provided with accounting treatment;
where such two parts cannot be distinguished, all government subsidies shall be classified as income-
related government subsidies.

     The government subsidies related to daily activities of the Company shall be included in other
incomes based on the substance of business transactions. Government subsidies irrelevant to daily
activities of the Company shall be included in non-operating incomes and expenses.

     ③ Policy-based preferential loan discount

     Where the finance allocates the discount fund to the lending bank and the lending bank provides
a loan at the policy-based preferential interest rate for the Company, the Company includes the
actually received loan amount as the entry value of the loan and counts relevant borrowing costs
based on loan principal and the policy-based preferential interest rate.

     Where the finance directly allocates the discount fund to the Company, the Company shall use
the corresponding discount to offset relevant borrowing costs.

     ④ Refund of government subsidies

     For the government subsidies recognized to be refunded, if the government subsidies are used
to offset the book value of the related assets when they are initially recognized, the book value of
assets shall be adjusted. If there is deferred income concerned, the government subsidies shall be
offset against the book balance of the deferred income, and the excess shall be included in the current
profit or loss. They shall be directly included in the current profit or loss in other cases.

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30. Deferred tax assets/deferred tax liabilities

     According to the temporary differences between the book value of assets and liabilities on the
balance sheet date and the tax basis, the Company generally adopts the balance sheet liability method
to recognize and measure the effect of taxable temporary difference or deductible temporary
differences on income tax as the deferred tax liabilities or the deferred tax assets. The Company will
not perform the discounting for deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities:

     (1) Recognition of deferred tax assets

     For deductible temporary differences, deductible losses and tax credits which can be transferred
to future years, the effect on income tax shall be calculated as per the income tax rate during the
expected reversal period, and the effect is recognized as the deferred tax assets to the extent of future
taxable income the Company may obtain to deduct the deductible temporary differences, deductible
losses and tax credit.

     The effect on income tax of deductible temporary difference incurred in the initial recognition
of assets or liabilities arising from transactions or events having the following characteristics at the
same time is not recognized as deferred tax assets:

     A. The transaction is not a business merger;

     B. The transaction affects neither the accounting profit nor the taxable income (or deductible
loss) when it occurs.

     For the deductible temporary differences related to the Company's investments in subsidiaries,
associates and joint ventures, if the following two conditions are met at the same time, the amount of
influence on income tax is recognized as deferred tax assets:

     A. It is likely that the temporary difference will be reversed in the foreseeable future;

     B. It is likely that taxable income will be available in the future for deducting the temporary

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     On the balance sheet date, if there is conclusive evidence that it is probable that sufficient taxable
income will be obtained in future periods to offset the deductible temporary differences, the deferred
tax assets not recognized in previous periods shall be recognized

     The book value of deferred tax assets is reviewed by the Company on each balance sheet date.
If it is likely that sufficient taxable profits will not be available in future periods to deduct the benefit
of the deferred tax assets, the book value of the deferred tax assets is reduced. Any such write-down
shall be subsequently reversed where it becomes probable that sufficient taxable income will be

     (2) Recognition of deferred tax liabilities

     All taxable temporary differences of the Company shall be measured according to the income
tax rate during the expected reversal period, and such effect shall be recognized as deferred tax
liabilities, except for the following circumstances:

     ① The influence of taxable temporary differences on income tax arising from the following
transactions or events is not recognized as deferred tax liabilities:

     A. Initial recognition of goodwill;

     B. Initial recognition of assets or liabilities arising from a transaction with the following
characteristics: the transaction is not a business merger, and the transaction affects neither accounting
profit nor taxable income or deductible losses when it occurs.

     ②The effect of taxable temporary difference related to the investment of the Company, its
subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates on income tax is generally recognized as deferred tax
liabilities, but the following two conditions shall be met simultaneously:

     A. The Company can control the time for the reversal of the temporary difference;

     B. It is unlikely that the temporary difference will be reversed in the foreseeable future;

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     (3) Recognition of deferred tax liabilities or assets involved in specific transactions or

     ① Deferred tax liabilities or assets related to business merger

     For taxable temporary differences or deductible temporary differences arising from business
merger not under common control, upon the recognition of deferred tax liabilities or deferred tax
assets, the goodwill recognized in the business merger is generally adjusted according to the relevant
deferred tax expenses (or gains).

     ② Items directly recognized as the owners' equity

     The current income tax and deferred tax related to the transactions or events directly included in
the owners' equity will be included in the owners' equity. Transactions or events in which the effect
of temporary differences on income tax is included in owners' equity are as follows: other
comprehensive income formed by changes in fair value of other creditor's rights investment, the
adjustment of retained earnings by retroactive adjustment method for changes in accounting policies
or retrospective restatement method for the correction of prior (important) accounting errors, and the
hybrid financial instruments simultaneously containing liability component and equity component
included in the owners’ equity upon the initial recognition.

     ③ Deductible losses and tax credits

     A. Deductible losses and tax credits arising from the own operations of the Company

     Deductible losses refer to the losses that are calculated and determined in accordance with the
provisions of tax law and allowed to be compensated by the taxable income in the following years.
Unrecovered losses (deductible losses) and tax credits that can be carried forward to the following
years according to the provisions of the tax law shall be deemed as deductible temporary differences
for treatment. When it is expected that sufficient taxable income can be obtained from available
recoverable losses or tax credits in the future, with the possibly achieved taxable income as the limit,

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the corresponding deferred tax assets shall be recognized, and the income tax expenses in the current
income statement shall be reduced.

     B. Deductible but unrecovered losses of the merged enterprise generated by business merger

     In the business merger, should the deductible temporary difference of the acquiree gained by the
Company not meet the recognition conditions of the deferred tax assets on the acquisition date, the
Company will not recognize such difference. Where new or further information obtained within 12
months since the acquisition date reveals that relevant conditions were present at the acquisition date,
and the economic benefit brought by deductible temporary difference at the acquisition date can be
realized for expected acquiree, relevant deferred tax assets shall be recognized, goodwill shall be
decreased; where the goodwill is not sufficient to offset, the balance shall be recognized as current
profits and losses; except aforesaid conditions, deferred tax assets which are recognized to be linked
with business merger must be included in the current profits and losses.

     ④ Temporary difference generated by consolidation and offset

     When the Company prepares the consolidated financial statements, where there is a temporary
difference between the book value of assets and liabilities in the consolidated balance sheet and the
tax base of the taxable entity to which they belong due to the offset of unrealized gains and losses
from internal sales, the deferred tax assets or deferred tax liabilities shall be recognized in the
consolidated balance sheet, and the income tax expenses in the consolidated income statement shall
be adjusted at the same time, except for the deferred income tax related to transactions or events
directly included in owners' equity and business merger.

     ⑤ Equity-settled share-based payment

     If the tax law stipulates that the expenses related to share-based payment are allowed to be
deducted before tax, during the period when the costs and expenses are recognized in accordance
with the provisions of the accounting standards, the Company calculates and determines the tax base
and the temporary differences arising therefrom according to the estimated amount deductible before
tax obtained at the end of the accounting period, and recognizes the relevant deferred income tax

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when the recognition conditions are met. Where the amount that can be deducted before tax in the
future period is expected to exceed the costs and expenses related to share-based payment recognized
in accordance with the provisions of the accounting standards, the income tax impact of the excess
part shall be directly included in the owners' equity.

31. Lease

(1) Accounting for operating leases

     (1) Identification of lease

     On the commencement date of the contract, the Company evaluates whether the contract is a
lease or includes a lease. If one party to the contract abalienates the right to control the use of one or
more identified assets within a certain period of time in exchange for consideration, the contract
should be a lease or should include a lease. In order to determine whether one party to the contract
has abalienated the right to control the use of the identified assets within a certain period of time, the
Company evaluates whether the customers in the contract are entitled to obtain almost all the
economic benefits arising from the use of the identified assets during the use period and to dominate
the use of the identified assets during the use period.

     (2) Identification of separate lease

     If the contract contains multiple separate leases at the same time, the Company will split the
contract and carry out accounting treatment on each separate lease. If the following conditions are
met at the same time, the right to use the identified assets constitutes a separate lease in the contract:
① the lessee may benefit from the separate use of the assets or the use of the assets with other easily
available resources; ② the assets are not highly dependent on or related to other assets in the contract.

     (3) Accounting treatment method of the Company as the lessee

     On the commencement date of the lease term, the Company recognizes leases with a lease term
of not more than 12 months and without a purchase option as short-term leases and leases with a
lower value when the single leased asset is a brand-new asset as leases of low-value assets. Where

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the Company subleases or intends to sublease the leased asset, the original lease shall not be
recognized as a lease of low-value assets.

      For all short-term leases and leases of low-value assets, the Company charges lease payments
on a straight-line basis over the respective periods of the lease term to the cost of the related assets or
to the current profits and losses.

      Except for the above short-term leases and leases of low-value assets that are simplified, the
Company recognizes right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for leases at the beginning of the lease

      ① Right-of-use assets

      The right-of-use assets refer to the lessee's right to use the leased assets during the lease term.

      The right-of-use assets shall be initially measured at their cost on the commencement of the lease
term. The cost includes:

        Initial measurement amount of lease liabilities;

        Lease payments paid on or before the commencement of the lease term. The relevant amount of lease
        incentives enjoyed shall be deduced if such incentives exist;

        Initial direct cost of the lessee;

        Cost expected to be occurred by the lessee due to dismantling and removing the leasing asset, recovering
        its location or recovering it to the state agreed in the leasing terms. The Company recognizes and
        measures the cost according to the recognition standard and measurement method of estimated liabilities
        detailed in Note V. 27. The above-mentioned cost is included in the inventory cost incurred for the
        production of inventory.

      The Company classifies and accrues the depreciation of the right-of-use assets by the straight-
line method. If it is possible to reasonably determine that the ownership of the leased asset can be
acquired at the expiration of the lease term, the depreciation rate shall be determined according to the
category and the estimated ratio of net residual value of the right-of-use assets within the remaining
service life of the leased asset; if it is impossible to reasonably determine that the ownership of the
leased asset can be acquired at the expiration of the lease term, the depreciation rate shall be
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determined according to the category of the right-of-use assets within the shorter period of the lease
term and the remaining service life of the leased asset.

      ② Lease liabilities

      Lease liabilities shall be initially measured according to the present value of lease payments that
have not yet been made on the commencement date of lease term. The lease payment includes the
following five items:

        For the fixed payment and substantial fixed payment, the amount related to lease incentive shall be
        deducted if there is lease incentive;

        Variable lease payment depending on index or ratio;

        The exercise price of the purchase option, provided that the lessee reasonably determines that the option
        will be exercised;

        The amount to be paid for exercising the termination option, provided that the lease term reflects that the
        lessee will exercise the termination option;

        The amount expected to be paid according to the guaranteed residual value provided by the lessee.

      In calculating the present value of the lease payment, the Company adopts the interest rate
implicit in the lease as the discount rate. If it is impossible to determine the interest rate implicit in
the lease, the Company will adopt the incremental borrowing rate as the discount rate. The difference
between the lease payments and their present value is recognized as an unrecognized financing
expense, and the interest expense is recognized at the discount rate of the present value of the
recognized lease payments during each period of the lease period and is charged to the current profits
and losses. Variable lease payments not considered in the measurement of lease liabilities are charged
to the current profits and losses when actually incurred.

      In case of any changes in the amount of substantive fixed payments, the amount expected to be
payable for the residual guarantee, the index or rate used to determine the lease payments, or the
evaluation result or actual exercise of the call option, renewal option or termination option after the
inception date of the lease term, the Company will remeasure the lease liabilities at the present value
of the changed lease payments and adjust the book value of the right-of-use assets accordingly.

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     (4) Accounting treatment method of the Company as the lessor

     On the lease commencement date, the Company divides the lease that substantially transfers
almost all risks and rewards related to the ownership of the leased assets into a finance lease, and
other leases other than finance leases are operating leases.

     ① Operating lease

     During each period of the lease term, the Company recognizes lease receipts as rent revenue on
a straight-line basis and capitalizes and apportions the initial direct costs incurred on the same basis
as rent revenue, which shall be charged to the current profits and losses. The Company's variable
lease payment which is related to operating lease and not included in lease receipts is included in the
current profits and losses when it actually occurs.

     ② Finance lease

     On the lease commencement date, the Company recognizes the finance leases receivable
according to the net investment in a lease (equivalent to the sum of the unguaranteed residual value
and the present value of the lease receipts that have not yet been received at the commencement of
lease term which is discounted at the interest rate implicit in lease), and derecognizes the finance
lease assets. During each period of the lease term, the Company calculates and recognizes interest
revenue at the interest rate of the lease.

     The Company's variable lease payment which is not included in the measurement of net
investment in a lease is included in the current profits and losses when it actually occurs.

     (5) Accounting treatment on lease change

     ① Lease change taken as a separate lease

     If the lease changes and meets the following conditions at the same time, the Company will take
the lease change as a separate lease for the accounting treatment: A. The lease change expands the
lease scope by increasing the right to use one or more leased assets; B. The increased consideration

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is equivalent to the amount by adjusting the separate price of the expanded lease scope according to
the contract.

      ② Lease change not taken as a separate lease

      A. The Company as the lessee

      On the effective date of the lease change, the Company will determine a new lease term and use
the revised discount rate to discount the changed lease payment to re-measure the lease liabilities. In
calculating the present value of the changed lease payment, the Company adopts the interest rate
implicit in lease in the remaining lease term as the discount rate. If it is impossible to determine the
interest rate implicit in lease in the remaining lease term, the Company will adopt the incremental
borrowing rate on the effective date of the lease change as the discount rate.

      As for the impact of the above adjustment of lease liabilities, the Company carries out the
accounting treatment according to the following circumstances:

        If the lease scope is reduced or the lease term is shortened due to the lease change, the Company will
        reduce the book value of the right-of-use asset and include the relevant gains or losses from the partial
        termination or complete termination of the lease in the current profits and losses.

        For other lease changes, the Company will adjust the book value of the right-to-use asset accordingly.

      B. The Company as the lessor

      If there is a change in the operating lease, the Company will take it as a new lease from the
effective date of the change to carry out accounting treatment, and the lease receipts received in
advance or receivable related to the lease before the change will be regarded as the receipts for the
new lease.

      For the change of finance lease not regarded as a separate lease for accounting treatment, the
Company shall treat the changed lease under the following circumstances respectively: If the lease
change takes effect on the lease commencement date and the lease will be classified as an operating
lease, the Company will take it as a new lease for accounting treatment from the effective date of
lease change, and take the net investment in the lease before the effective date of lease change as the

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book value of the leased asset. If the lease change takes effect on the lease commencement date and
the lease will be classified as a finance lease, the Company shall carry out accounting treatment in
accordance with the provisions on modifying or renegotiating the contract.

      (6) Sale and leaseback transaction

      The Company evaluates the asset transfer in the sale and leaseback transaction to assess and
determine whether it is classified as sales according to Note V. 31.

      ① The Company as the seller (lessee)

      If the asset transfer in the sale and leaseback transaction is not classified as sales, the Company
will continue to recognize the transferred asset, and meanwhile, recognize a financial liability equal
to the transferred revenue, and carry out accounting treatment on the financial liability in accordance
with Note III. 10. If the asset transfer is classified as sales, the Company will measure the right-of-
use assets formed by sale and leaseback according to the part of the book value of the original asset
related to the right of use obtained by leaseback, and recognize the related gains or losses for the
rights transferred to the lessor only.

      ② The Company as the buyer (lessor)

      If the transfer of assets in the sale and leaseback transaction is not a sale, the Company does not
recognize the transferred assets, but recognizes a financial asset with an amount equal to the
transferred revenue, and carries out accounting treatment for the financial assets according to Note
III. 10. If the transfer of assets is a sale, the Company carries out accounting treatment for asset
purchase and asset lease according to other applicable accounting standards for business enterprises.

(2) Accounting for finance leases

32. Changes in significant accounting policies and accounting estimates

(1) Changes in significant accounting policies

□ Applicable  Not applicable

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(2) Changes in significant accounting estimates

□ Applicable  Not applicable

(3) Conditions of the first implementation of new accounting standards from 2023 to adjust the relevant items in financial
statements at the beginning of the first implementation year

□ Applicable  Not applicable

VI. Taxes

1. Main taxes and tax rates

                   Tax type                                           Taxation basis                                   Tax rate
   Value-added tax (VAT)                         Sales of goods or provision of taxable services              13%, 9%, 5%, 6%, 3%
   Consumption tax                               Sales of goods                                               10%
   City maintenance and construction tax         Turnover taxes payable                                       7%
   Corporate income tax                          Taxable income                                               20%、25%
                                                 For ad valorem collection, 1.2% of the remaining
                                                 value after 30% of the original value of the property is
   Property tax                                                                                               1.2%、12%
                                                 deducted by lump sum; for rent-based collection, 12%
                                                 of the rent revenue
   Educational surcharges                        Turnover taxes payable                                       3%
   Local educational surcharges                  Turnover taxes payable                                       2%
Disclosure statement of taxable entities with different corporate income tax rates

                        Name of taxable entity                                                     Income tax rate
   Shenzhen Xinyongtong Motor Vehicle Inspection Equipment
   Co., Ltd.
   Shenzhen Tellus Chuangying Technology Co., Ltd.                     20%
   Other taxable entities other than the above                         25%

2. Tax preference

      According to the Notice on Implementing the Inclusive Tax Reduction and Exemption Policies
for Micro and Small Enterprises (CS [2019] No.13) issued by the State Taxation Administration,
Shenzhen Xinyongtong Motor Vehicle Inspection Equipment Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Tellus
Chuangying Technology Co., Ltd. enjoy preferential tax policies for small and micro enterprises. The
enterprise income tax is calculated and paid at the rate of 20%.

VII. Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

1. Cash at bank and on hand

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                     Item                                     Ending balance                                Beginning balance

                                                      Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

   Cash on hand                                                                 11,377.69                                    25,673.67
   Cash at bank                                                           207,324,785.31                               394,258,891.55
   Other cash at bank and on hand                                          65,084,078.88                                18,743,762.14
   Total                                                                  272,420,241.88                               413,028,327.36

Other instructions

RMB 10,665,656.00 in the bank deposits is the supervision fund for the Company's Tellus-Gmond Gold Jewelry
Industrial Park Upgrading and Reconstruction Project Plot 03; RMB 233,485.80 is the futures option account
deposit. In addition, there are no other funds with limited use and potential recovery risk due to mortgage, pledge
or freezing in the ending cash at bank and on hand.

2. Trading financial assets

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                      Item                                   Ending balance                             Beginning balance
   Financial assets at fair value through
                                                                          293,350,365.44                               176,133,569.95
   profit or loss
   Structured deposits and financial
                                                                          293,350,365.44                               176,133,569.95
   Total                                                                  293,350,365.44                               176,133,569.95

3. Derivative financial assets

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                      Item                                   Ending balance                             Beginning balance
   Hedging instruments                                                           1,760.00                                         0.00
   Total                                                                         1,760.00

4. Notes receivable

(1) Classified presentation of notes receivable

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                      Item                                   Ending balance                             Beginning balance
   Bank acceptance notes                                                   20,000,000.00                                87,812,500.00
   Total                                                                   20,000,000.00                                87,812,500.00
If the bad debt provision for notes receivable is withdrawn in accordance with the general model of expected credit losses, information
related to bad debt provision shall be disclosed by reference to the disclosure method of other receivables:
□ Applicable  Not applicable

(2) Notes receivable endorsed or discounted by the Company at the end of the period and not yet due at the
balance sheet date:

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                                         Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

                                                     Derecognition amount at the end of the       Non-derecognition amount at the end of
                                                                    period                                     the period
   Bank acceptance notes                                                      67,812,500.00                                20,000,000.00
   Total                                                                      67,812,500.00                                20,000,000.00

5. Accounts receivable

(1) Classified disclosure of accounts receivable

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                       Ending balance                                               Beginning balance
                                           Provision for bad                                              Provision for bad
                   Book balance                                                    Book balance
                                                 debts                                                          debts
      y                                                 Proporti     Book                                           Proporti       Book
                            Proporti                     on of       value                    Proporti               on of         value
               Amount                     Amount                               Amount                    Amount
                               on                       provisio                                 on                 provisio
                                                           n                                                           n
   le with
   provisio    48,746,5                   48,746,5                             48,781,4                  48,781,4
                             21.07%                     100.00%                               53.63%                100.00%
   n for bad      83.16                      83.16                                85.16                     85.16
   made on
   a single
   le with
               182,630,                   416,552.                 182,214,    42,175,5                  423,402.                 41,752,1
   provisio                  78.93%                       0.23%                               46.37%                    1.00%
                 603.90                         43                   051.47       81.79                        23                    79.56
   n for bad
   made by
   Aging       45,336,5                   416,552.                 44,920,0    41,508,6                  416,732.                 41,091,8
                             19.59%                       0.92%                               45.64%                    1.00%
   portfolio      97.14                         43                    44.71       02.26                        43                    69.83
   sales       137,294,                                            137,294,    666,979.                                           660,309.
                             59.34%                       0.00%                                 0.73%    6,669.80       1.00%
   business      006.76                                              006.76          53                                                 73
               231,377,                   49,163,1                 182,214,    90,957,0                  49,204,8                 41,752,1
   Total                    100.00%                      21.25%                               100.00%                54.10%
                 187.06                      35.59                   051.47       66.95                     87.39                    79.56
Please refer to the relevant information of disclosure of bad debt provision of other accounts receivable if adopting the general mode
of expected credit loss to withdraw bad debt provision of other receivables.
Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                         Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

Disclosure by aging

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                 Aging                                                             Ending balance
   Within 1 year (inclusive)                                                                                                 182,627,243.90
   Over 3 years                                                                                                               48,749,943.16
     Over 5 years                                                                                                             48,749,943.16
   Total                                                                                                                     231,377,187.06

(2) Bad debt provision provided, recovered or reversed in the current period

Bad debt provision provided in the reporting period:

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                                              Amount changed in the current period
      Category        Beginning balance                          Recovery or                                            Ending balance
                                               Provision                            Write-off            Others
   Provision for
   bad debts made
                             48,781,485.16                                                                 34,902.00          48,746,583.16
   on an
   individual basis
   Provision for
   bad debts made              423,402.23                             6,669.80                                180.00            416,552.43
   by portfolio
   Total                     49,204,887.39             0.00           6,669.80             0.00            35,082.00          49,163,135.59

(3) Accounts receivable of the top five ending balance by the owing party

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                                               Proportion in the total
                                                   Ending balance of                                         Ending balance of provision
                      Item                                                       ending balance of
                                                  accounts receivable                                               for bad debts
                                                                                accounts receivable
   Shenzhen Foreway Jewellery Group Co.,
                                                           49,639,310.00                          21.45%
   Shenzhen Mingfeng Jewelry Co., Ltd.                     29,853,960.00                          12.90%
   Shenzhen Yuepengjin E-commerce Co.,
                                                           29,768,050.00                          12.87%
   Shenzhen Xingguangda Jewelry
                                                           13,849,800.00                          5.99%
   Industrial Co., Ltd.
   Shenzhen Zhanpeng Jewelry Co., Ltd.                     12,695,200.00                          5.49%
   Total                                                  135,806,320.00                          58.70%

6. Advances to suppliers

(1) Advances to suppliers by aging

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                Ending balance                                           Beginning balance
                                      Amount                     Proportion                     Amount                  Proportion
   Within 1 year                         53,588,828.71                     99.98%                  8,114,727.00                     99.92%

                                                         Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

  1-2 years                                                                 0.00%                        0.00
  2-3 years                                                                 0.00%                        0.00
  Over 3 years                               12,525.94                      0.02%                   12,525.94                    0.08%
  Total                                  53,601,354.65                                         8,127,252.94

(2) Advances to suppliers with top five ending balances by the suppliers

                                                                                                       Proportion in total ending
                             Item                                 Balance as of June 30, 2023       balance of advances to suppliers
Shanghai Gold Exchange                                                              25,500,000.00                                47.57%
LAXMI DIAMOND PVT LTD                                                                8,659,197.28                                16.15%
RIOGANIC LIMITED                                                                     6,320,980.01                                11.79%
Shenzhen Tiangang Commercial Exhibition
                                                                                       846,531.78                                 1.58%
Equipment Technology Co., Ltd.
FAW Toyota Motor Sales Co., Ltd.                                                       634,600.37                                 1.18%
                             Total                                                  41,961,309.44                                78.28%

7. Other receivables

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                      Item                                     Ending balance                             Beginning balance
  Dividends receivable                                                        1,852,766.21                                1,852,766.21
  Other receivables                                                          22,064,222.99                                5,810,804.66
  Total                                                                      23,916,989.20                                7,663,570.87

(1) Dividends receivable

1) Category of dividends receivable

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
              Project (or Investee)                            Ending balance                             Beginning balance
  China Pufa Machinery Industry Co., Ltd.                                     1,852,766.21                                1,852,766.21
  Total                                                                       1,852,766.21                                1,852,766.21

2) Significant dividends receivable aged over 1 year

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                 Whether impairment
                                                                                        Reason for non-
   Project (or Investee)             Ending balance                Aging                                           occurs and its
                                                                                                                  judgment basis
                                                                                                                The financial and
                                                                                                                operating conditions of
  China Pufa Machinery                                                                                          the Company are
                                            547,184.35     3-4 years                 Not paid yet
  Industry Co., Ltd.                                                                                            normal, and the
                                                                                                                dividends receivable
                                                                                                                are not impaired.

                                                            Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

   Total                                       547,184.35

3) Withdrawal of bad debt provision

□ Applicable  Not applicable

(2) Other receivables

1) Classification of other receivables by nature

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                  Payment nature                               Ending book balance                           Beginning book balance
   Security deposit                                                                948,438.95                                 1,182,793.87
   Reserve fund                                                                    100,440.00                                         0.00
   Suspense payment receivable                                                  71,491,665.80                                57,765,312.21
   Total                                                                        72,540,544.75                                58,948,106.08

2) Withdrawal of bad debt provision

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                  Stage I                Stage II                Stage III
                                                                   Expected credit loss
                                                                                            Expected credit loss
           Provision for bad debts            Expected credit       within the whole                                         Total
                                                                                             within the whole
                                             loss in the next 12     duration (credit
                                                                                              duration (credit
                                                   months            impairment not
                                                                                           impairment occurred)
   Balance as of January 1, 2023                     42,417.67                      0.00          53,094,883.75              53,137,301.42
   Balance as of January 1, 2023 in
   the current period
   Other changes                                       8,637.92                     0.00           2,652,341.74               2,660,979.66
   Balance as of June 30, 2023                       33,779.75                      0.00          50,442,542.01              50,476,321.76

Changes of book balance with significant amount changed of loss provision in the reporting period
□ Applicable  Not applicable
Disclosure by aging

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                     Aging                                                         Ending balance
   Within 1 year (inclusive)                                                                                                 18,809,481.17
   1-2 years                                                                                                                    295,930.24
   2-3 years                                                                                                                    446,078.00
   Over 3 years                                                                                                              52,989,055.34
     Over 5 years                                                                                                            52,989,055.34
   Total                                                                                                                     72,540,544.75

3) Other receivables of the top five ending balances by the owing party

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                                                       Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                    Proportion to
                                                                                                                      Ending balance
                                           Nature of                                               ending balance
                  Item                                        Ending balance           Aging                          of provision for
                                           payment                                                     of other
                                                                                                                         bad debts
  China Automobile South China           Transaction                                Over 3
                                                                   9,832,956.37                            13.56%        9,832,956.37
  Automobile Sales Co., Ltd.             payments                                   years
  Shenzhen Nanfang Industry and          Transaction                                Over 3
                                                                   7,359,060.75                            10.14%        7,359,060.75
  Trade Industrial Co., Ltd.             payments                                   years
  Shenzhen Zhonghao (Group) Co.,         Transaction                                Over 3
                                                                   5,000,000.00                             6.89%        5,000,000.00
  Ltd.                                   payments                                   years
  Shenzhen Kaifeng Special               Transaction                                Over 3
                                                                   4,413,728.50                             6.08%        2,206,864.25
  Automobile Industry Co., Ltd.          payments                                   years
  Shenzhen Jinbeili Electric             Transaction                                Over 3
                                                                   2,706,983.51                             3.73%        2,706,983.51
  Appliance Co., Ltd.                    payments                                   years
  Total                                                           29,312,729.13                            40.41%       27,105,864.88

8. Inventories

Whether the Company needs to comply with the disclosure requirements for the real estate industry

(1) Inventory classification

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                         Ending balance                                           Beginning balance
                                          Provision for                                              Provision for
                                         decline in the                                             decline in the
                                             value of                                                   value of
          Item                           inventories or                                             inventories or
                         Book balance      impairment          Book value         Book balance        impairment        Book value
                                          provisions of                                              provisions of
                                             contract                                                   contract
                                          performance                                                performance
                                               cost                                                       cost
  Raw materials          35,338,496.85    14,915,234.15       20,423,262.70       32,186,382.35      14,959,426.51      17,226,955.84
  Goods in stocks        29,308,360.41     8,859,535.03       20,448,825.38       35,204,271.37      15,553,427.93      19,650,843.44
  Hedged item               898,501.98                           898,501.98       79,191,876.11                         79,191,876.11
  Total                  65,545,359.24    23,774,769.18       41,770,590.06     146,582,529.83       30,512,854.44    116,069,675.39

The Company shall abide by the disclosure requirements of the Guidelines of Shenzhen Stock Exchange for Self-Regulatory
Supervision of Listed Companies No. 3 - Industry Information Disclosure for "jewelry-related business".

(2) Provision for decline in the value of inventories/contract performance cost impairment

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                           Increase in the current period          Decrease in the current period
          Item                                                                    Reversal or                         Ending balance
                           balance         Provision             Others                                 Others
  Raw materials          14,959,426.51         3,700.50                                  159.29          47,733.57      14,915,234.15
  Goods in stocks        15,553,427.93                                             1,402,510.65       5,291,382.25       8,859,535.03
  Total                  30,512,854.44         3,700.50                            1,402,669.94       5,339,115.82      23,774,769.18

                                                         Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

9. Other current assets

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                       Item                                     Ending balance                              Beginning balance
   Input VAT to be deducted                                                     8,050,745.85                              17,764,057.26
   Taxes pre-paid                                                                                                            582,654.29
   Large-denomination certificates of
   deposit maturing within one year
   Total                                                                      119,139,175.51                              18,346,711.55

10. Long-term receivables

(1) Long-term receivables

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                        Ending balance                                        Beginning balance                   Interval
       Item                               Provision for bad         Book                          Provision for      Book
                       Book balance                                            Book balance                                       discount
                                                debts               value                           bad debts        value          rate
   intercourse           2,179,203.68         2,179,203.68             0.00      2,179,203.68       2,179,203.68         0.00
   Total                 2,179,203.68         2,179,203.68                       2,179,203.68       2,179,203.68

Changes of book balance with significant amount changed of loss provision in the reporting period
□ Applicable  Not applicable

11. Long-term equity investments

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                             Changes in the current period
                                                      Profit or                                                                    Ending
                                                       loss on                                                                     balance
                        Beginnin      Addi                           comp     Chan       Cash                       Ending
                                              Red     investme                                                                        of
                        g balance     tiona                          rehen     ges    dividends    Impai            balance
       Investee                               uced       nts                                                                      impairm
                          (book          l                            sive      in       and       rment     Oth     (book
                                              inve    recogniz                                                                       ent
                          value)      inves                           inco    other     profits    provis    ers     value)
                                              stme    ed under                                                                    provisio
                                      tmen                             me     equit    declared     ion
                                                nt       the                                                                          n
                                         t                           adjus       y      to pay
   I. Joint ventures
   Tellus-Gmond        47,143,72                         8,384,66                     15,000,00                     40,528,3
   Investment Co.,          0.13                             3.51                          0.00                        83.64
   Telixing            14,200,89                                                                                    13,829,8
   Investment Co.,          7.13                                                                                       55.00
   Ltd. [Note 3]
                       61,344,61                         8,013,62                     15,000,00                     54,358,2
                            7.26                             1.38                          0.00                        38.64

                               Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

II. Associates
Renfu Tellus                          -
                   19,679,74                                                            14,677,7
Automobiles                    5,002,01
                        8.68                                                               38.59
Service Co.,                       0.09
Oil Pump and
Protection Co.,
Consulting Co.,
Shenzhen Tellus
Service Chain
Co., Ltd. [Note
Service Co.,
Ltd. [Note 2]
Xinda Testing
Equipment Co.,
Ltd. [Note 2]
Changyang                                                                                          1,810,54
Industrial Co.,                                                                                        0.70
Ltd. [Note 1]
Jiecheng                                                                                           3,225,00
Electronics Co.,                                                                                       0.00
Ltd. [Note 1]
Xiandao New                                                                                        4,751,62
Materials Co.,                                                                                         1.62
Ltd. [Note 1]
Industry                                                                                           400,000.
Shenzhen                                                                                                 00
Trading Co.,
Ltd. [Note 1]
Standard Parts
Co., Ltd. [Note
Shenzhen China
South China

                                              Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

   Sales Co., Ltd.
   [Note 1]
   Power Supply
   Co., Ltd. [Note
   Yimin Auto                                                                                                     200,001.
   Trading Co.,                                                                                                         10
   Ltd. [Note 1]
   Shenzhen Torch
   Spark Plug                                                                                                     17,849.2
   Industry Co.,                                                                                                         0
                     19,679,74                                                                         14,677,7   14,475,0
   Subtotal                                  5,002,01
                          8.68                                                                            38.59      12.62
                     81,024,36               3,011,61                    15,000,00                     69,035,9   14,475,0
                          5.94                   1.29                         0.00                        77.23      12.62
Other instructions

     Note 1: The industrial and commercial registration of such companies has been revoked, and the Company has

made full provision for the impairment of such long-term equity investments.

     Note 2: After the book balance of such long-term equity investments is adjusted according to the profit and

loss recognized by the equity method, the book balance is RMB 0.

     Note 3: The Company holds 51% equity of such company. According to the relevant provisions of the Articles

of Association of such company, the voting rights held by the Company are not sufficient to unilaterally pass the

voting of the Board of Shareholders and the Board of Directors on the relevant decision-making proposals of such

company, and the Company does not control such company.

     The operation period of Shenzhen Hanli High Tech Ceramics Co., Ltd. is from September 21, 1993 to

September 21, 1998. The operation period of Shenzhen South Automobile Maintenance Center is from July 12,

1994 to July 11, 2002. These companies have ceased their business activities for many years and have not

participated in the annual industrial and commercial inspection, so their industrial and commercial registration has

been revoked. The Company cannot effectively control these companies, and these companies are not included in

the consolidation scope of the Company's consolidated financial statements. The book value of the Company's

investment in these companies is zero.

                                                        Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

12. Other equity instrument investments

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                      Item                                    Ending balance                             Beginning balance
   Investment in unlisted equity instruments                                29,401,309.85                                  10,176,617.20
   Total                                                                    29,401,309.85                                  10,176,617.20

Non-trading equity instrument investment in the reporting period disclosed by items

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                                                       Amount of                                             Reason for
                                      Dividen                             other                                                  other
                                          d      Cumula    Cumul     comprehensiv       Reasons for being designated as     comprehensi
           Description                revenue     tive      ative       e income          at fair value through other        ve income
                                      recogniz   profits   losses    transferred to         comprehensive income             transferred
                                         ed                             retained                                             to retained
                                                                        earnings                                               earnings
   China Pufa Machinery                                                                 Strategic investments expected
   Industry Co., Ltd.                                                                   to be held in the long term
                                                                                        At present, it has entered the
                                                                                        stage of compulsory
                                                                                        liquidation. The parent
   Shenzhen SDG Huari
                                                                                        company no longer has control,
   Automobile Enterprise Co.,
                                                                                        common control or significant
                                                                                        influence over it and has
                                                                                        transferred its investment into
                                                                                        financial assets.

13. Investment properties

(1) Investment properties measured at cost

Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                                             Premises and                               under
                            Item                                                  Land use right                            Total
                                                               buildings                              constructi
   I. Original book value
        1. Beginning balance                                  630,510,174.94          49,079,520.00                       679,589,694.94
        2. Increase in the current period                     481,077,213.60          46,587,562.86                       527,664,776.46
             (1) Outsourcing
              (2) Transferred from inventories, fixed
                                                              481,077,213.60          46,587,562.86                       527,664,776.46
   assets or construction in progress
             (3) Increase from business merger

        3. Decrease in the current period
             (1) Disposal
             (2) Other transfer-out

                                                   Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

       4. Ending balance                               1,111,587,388.54        95,667,082.86                    1,207,254,471.40
  II. Accumulated depreciation and accumulated
       1. Beginning balance                              158,767,972.34         4,461,583.15                      163,229,555.49
       2. Increase in the current period                  12,635,590.14           250,920.45                        12,886,510.59
            (1) Provision or amortization                 12,635,590.14           250,920.45                        12,886,510.59

       3. Decrease in the current period
            (1) Disposal
            (2) Other transfer-out

       4. Ending balance                                 171,403,562.48         4,712,503.60                       176,116,066.08
  III. Provision for impairment
       1. Beginning balance
       2. Increase in the current period
            (1) Provision

       3. Decrease in the current period
            (1) Disposal
            (2) Other transfer-out

       4. Ending balance
  IV. Book value
       1. Ending book value                              940,183,826.06        90,954,579.26                    1,031,138,405.32
       2. Beginning book value                           471,742,202.60        44,617,936.85                      516,360,139.45

(2) Investment properties measured at fair value

□ Applicable  Not applicable

(3) Investment properties whose property certificates are not obtained

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                                                         Reason(s) for the failure to transact the
                     Item                                  Book value
                                                                                                  property certificate
                                                                                        The property ownership certificate has
  CNNC office building                                                   4,069,138.47   not been handled due to historical
                                                                                        The property ownership certificate has
  Building 12, Sungang                                                      8,910.05    not been handled due to historical
                                                                                        The property ownership certificate has
  Shops in Building 12, Sungang                                            27,102.03    not been handled due to historical
  Total                                                                  4,105,150.55

                                                  Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

14. Fixed assets

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                      Item                                 Ending balance                        Beginning balance
  Fixed assets                                                         84,382,315.00                             102,689,546.42
  Total                                                                84,382,315.00                             102,689,546.42

(1) Details of fixed assets

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                             Premises and   Machinery        Transportation    Electronic     Office and other
           Item                                                                                                       Total
                               buildings    equipment          equipment       equipment        equipment
  I. Original book
       1. Beginning          284,069,783.   22,298,159.4                      12,363,375.3                         332,181,147.
                                                               5,475,367.29                       7,974,462.51
  balance                             17               0                                 8                                   75
       2. Increase in the
                                                                 559,625.73     195,678.96                           755,304.69
  current period
              (1) Purchase                                       559,625.73     195,678.96                           755,304.69
           (2) Transfer
  from construction in
           (3) Increase
  from business merger

       3. Decrease in        64,346,975.9                                                                          77,252,472.1
                                            4,641,519.00       3,900,602.04   3,571,624.05          791,751.15
  the current period                    1                                                                                     5
            (1) Disposal
                                                               2,962,403.88       2,955.00           25,424.42     2,990,783.30
  or retirement
                             64,346,975.9                                                                          74,261,688.8
  (2) Others                                4,641,519.00         938,198.16   3,568,669.05          766,326.73
                                        1                                                                                     5
       4. Ending             219,722,807.   17,656,640.4                                                           255,683,980.
                                                               2,134,390.98   8,987,430.29        7,182,711.36
  balance                             26               0                                                                     29
  II. Accumulated
       1. Beginning          197,916,077.   10,908,592.9                                                           225,122,748.
                                                               3,795,449.74   8,693,486.83        3,809,141.48
  balance                             02               4                                                                     01
       2. Increase in the
                             2,936,987.04    510,513.85          215,038.04     403,457.57          415,271.08     4,481,267.58
  current period
                             2,936,987.04    510,513.85          215,038.04     403,457.57          415,271.08     4,481,267.58

       3. Decrease in        53,277,719.2                                                                          62,646,493.5
                                            3,773,863.98       2,234,132.29   3,048,838.23          311,939.80
  the current period                    6                                                                                     6
            (1) Disposal
                                                               1,389,753.95       2,866.35                         1,392,620.30
  or retirement
                             53,277,719.2                                                                          61,253,873.2
  (2) Others                                3,773,863.98         844,378.34   3,045,971.88          311,939.80
                                        6                                                                                     6
                             147,575,344.                                                                          166,957,522.
       4. Ending                            7,645,242.81       1,776,355.49   6,048,106.17        3,912,472.76
                                      80                                                                                     03

                                                   Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

  III. Provision for
       1. Beginning
                              3,836,768.43    411,135.22          6,165.00         49,924.86            64,859.81     4,368,853.32
       2. Increase in the
  current period

       3. Decrease in
                                                5,215.34                           19,494.72                             24,710.06
  the current period
            (1) Disposal
  or retirement
  (2) Others                                    5,215.34                           19,494.72                             24,710.06
       4. Ending
                              3,836,768.43    405,919.88          6,165.00         30,430.14            64,859.81     4,344,143.26
  IV. Book value
       1. Ending book         68,310,694.0                                                                            84,382,315.0
                                             9,605,477.71       351,870.49      2,908,893.98         3,205,378.79
  value                                  3                                                                                       0
      2. Beginning            82,316,937.7   10,978,431.2                                                             102,689,546.
                                                              1,673,752.55      3,619,963.69         4,100,461.22
  book value                             2              4                                                                       42

(2) Fixed assets leased out by operating lease

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                Item                                                     Ending book value
  Premises and buildings                                                                                             56,228,095.65
  Total                                                                                                              56,228,095.65

(3) Fixed assets whose property certificates are not obtained

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                                          Reason(s) for the failure to transact the
                       Item                                 Book value
                                                                                                   property certificate
                                                                                         The property ownership certificate has
  Yongtong Building                                                      23,859,074.77   not been handled due to historical
                                                                                         The property ownership certificate has
  Automobile Building                                                    13,224,506.59   not been handled due to historical
  Underground Parking Lot of Tellus                                                      The property ownership certificate of the
  Building                                                                               parking lot cannot be handled.
                                                                                         The property ownership certificate has
  Floor 3-5, Plant 1#, 2# and 3#, Taoyuan
                                                                          2,881,040.65   not been handled due to historical
                                                                                         Property ownership certificate
  Transfer floor of Tellus Building                                       1,258,630.64
                                                                                         The property ownership certificate has
  Building 16, Taohuayuan                                                 1,068,260.34   not been handled due to historical

                                                       Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                 The property ownership certificate has
  Shuibei Zhongtian Complex Building                                              663,758.10     not been handled due to historical
                                                                                                 The property ownership certificate has
  First Floor of Bao'an Commercial and
                                                                                  715,105.88     not been handled due to historical
  Residential Building
                                                                                                 The property ownership certificate has
  Warehouse                                                                       729,235.69     not been handled due to historical
                                                                                                 The property ownership certificate has
  Warehouse of Trade Department                                                    52,808.53     not been handled due to historical
                                                                                                 The property ownership certificate has
  Songquan Apartment (mixed)                                                       10,086.79     not been handled due to historical
                                                                                                 The property ownership certificate has
  Guest House in Renmin North Road                                                   5,902.41    not been handled due to historical
  Total                                                                         52,176,230.67

15. Construction in progress

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                       Item                                      Ending balance                             Beginning balance
  Projects under construction                                                    6,860,682.96                                409,933,559.27
  Total                                                                          6,860,682.96                                409,933,559.27

(1) Information of construction in progress

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                              Ending balance                                          Beginning balance
           Item                                  Provision
                              Book balance          for            Book value          Book balance                          Book value
  Tellus Jinzuan
                                                                                        409,808,714.95                       409,808,714.95
  Trading Building
  Other works                  6,860,682.96                        6,860,682.96              124,844.32                         124,844.32
  Total                        6,860,682.96                        6,860,682.96         409,933,559.27                       409,933,559.27

(2) Changes in major construction-in-progress projects in the current period

                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                                   Othe                                          Includin     Capi
                                                                      r                                              g:       taliz
                                                       Fixed                         n of    Con    Accumul
                                                                   decr                                          Amount       ation
                                       Increase        assets              Endi      accu    stru      ated                           Sour
                          Beginnin                                 ease                                              of        rate
  Descri                                 in the     transferre              ng      mula     ctio    amount                           ce of
              Budget         g                                      s in                                         capitaliz     for
  ption                                 current     d into the             bala       ted     n         of                            fund
                          balance                                   the                                              ed       curre
                                        period        current              nce      inves    prog   capitalize                          s
                                                                   curre                                          interest      nt
                                                      period                        tmen     ress   d interest
                                                                     nt                                            in the     inter
                                                                                      t in
                                                                   perio                                          current       est

                                                   Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

                                                             d             ructi                        period
            491,060,       409,808,   81,253,7   491,062,                  100.0   100      8,418,62    1,510,3    3.60   Othe
  Tradin                                                            0.00
              000.00         714.95      22.19     437.14                    0%    %            2.82      24.98      %    rs
            491,060,       409,808,   81,253,7   491,062,                                   8,418,62    1,510,3    3.60
  Total                                                     0.00    0.00
              000.00         714.95      22.19     437.14                                       2.82      24.98      %

16. Right-of-use assets

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                     Item                            Premises and buildings                              Total
  I. Original book value
       1. Beginning balance                                            10,149,723.83                              10,149,723.83
       2. Increase in the current period                               72,202,014.27                              72,202,014.27

       3. Decrease in the current period

       4. Ending balance                                               82,351,738.10                              82,351,738.10
  II. Accumulated depreciation
       1. Beginning balance                                             5,968,480.97                               5,968,480.97
       2. Increase in the current period                                1,801,160.77                               1,801,160.77
            (1) Provision                                               1,801,160.77                               1,801,160.77

       3. Decrease in the current period
            (1) Disposal

       4. Ending balance                                                7,769,641.74                               7,769,641.74
  III. Provision for impairment
       1. Beginning balance
       2. Increase in the current period
            (1) Provision

       3. Decrease in the current period
            (1) Disposal

       4. Ending balance
  IV. Book value
       1. Ending book value                                            74,582,096.36                              74,582,096.36
       2. Beginning book value                                          4,181,242.86                               4,181,242.86

                                                Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

17. Intangible assets

(1) Intangible assets

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                      Paten    patente
                Item                Land use right       t        d       Trademark         Software              Total
                                                      rights   technol
  I. Original book value
       1. Beginning balance           50,661,450.00                        128,500.00       6,981,220.20       57,771,170.20
       2. Increase in the current
                                       1,485,157.77                              0.00       1,228,679.24        2,713,837.01
            (1) Purchase               1,485,157.77                                         1,228,679.24        2,713,837.01
            (2) Internal R&D
           (3) Increase from
  business merger

       3. Decrease in the current
                                      50,178,756.77                                                            50,178,756.77
            (1) Disposal
  (2) Transferred to investment
                                      50,178,756.77                                                            50,178,756.77
       4. Ending balance               1,967,851.00                        128,500.00       8,209,899.44       10,306,250.44
  II. Accumulated amortization
       1. Beginning balance            3,945,345.32                        104,392.52       3,913,416.64        7,963,154.48
       2. Increase in the current
                                         396,739.50                          2,674.98         698,675.90        1,098,090.38
            (1) Provision                396,739.50                          2,674.98         698,675.90        1,098,090.38

       3. Decrease in the current
                                       3,591,193.91                                                             3,591,193.91
            (1) Disposal
  (2) Transferred to investment
                                       3,591,193.91                                                             3,591,193.91
       4. Ending balance                 750,890.91                        107,067.50       4,612,092.54        5,470,050.95
  III. Provision for impairment
       1. Beginning balance
       2. Increase in the current
            (1) Provision

       3. Decrease in the current
            (1) Disposal

       4. Ending balance

                                                           Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

  IV. Book value
       1. Ending book value                      1,216,960.09                              21,432.50        3,597,806.90           4,836,199.49
       2. Beginning book value                46,716,104.68                                24,107.48        3,067,803.56          49,808,015.72

18. Long-term deferred expenses

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                      Increase in the          Amortization in
          Item               Beginning balance                                                         Other decreases         Ending balance
                                                      current period          the current period
  Renovation costs               25,876,099.49             5,644,434.57             2,042,705.37                                  29,477,828.69
  Total                          25,876,099.49             5,644,434.57             2,042,705.37                                  29,477,828.69

19. Deferred tax assets/deferred tax liabilities

(1) Un-offset deferred tax assets

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                   Ending balance                                           Beginning balance
            Item                 Deductible temporary                                      Deductible temporary
                                                                 Deferred tax assets                                      Deferred tax assets
                                     difference                                                difference
  Provision for credit
                                         34,072,935.08                    8,518,233.77              34,072,935.08                  8,518,233.77
  Differences in tax base                  1,012,844.96                     253,211.24
  Total                                  35,085,780.04                    8,771,445.01              34,072,935.08                  8,518,233.77

(2) Un-offset deferred tax liabilities

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                   Ending balance                                           Beginning balance
            Item                   Taxable temporary                                         Taxable temporary
                                                              Deferred tax liabilities                                   Deferred tax liabilities
                                       difference                                                difference
  Taxable temporary
                                           4,761,547.32                   1,190,386.83                 4,540,124.44                1,135,031.11
  Total                                    4,761,547.32                   1,190,386.83                 4,540,124.44                1,135,031.11

(3) Deferred tax assets or liabilities presented in net amount after being offset

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                  Ending mutual offset                                       Beginning mutual
                                                                  Ending balance of                                      Beginning balance of
                                    amount between                                         offset amount between
            Item                                                deferred tax assets or                                   deferred tax assets or
                                 deferred tax assets and                                   deferred tax assets and
                                                                liabilities after offset                                 liabilities after offset
                                        liabilities                                               liabilities
  Deferred tax assets                                                     8,771,445.01                                             8,518,233.77
  Deferred tax liabilities                                                1,190,386.83                                             1,135,031.11

                                                         Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

(4) Breakdown of unrecognized deferred tax assets

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                        Item                                     Ending balance                            Beginning balance
  Deductible temporary difference                                             120,401,290.25                             128,561,177.79
  Deductible losses                                                            23,458,252.21                              23,458,252.21
  Total                                                                       143,859,542.46                             152,019,430.00

(5) Deductible losses of unrecognized deferred tax assets will become mature and due in the following years

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                 Year                           Ending amount                   Beginning amount                      Remarks
  2023                                                                                            0.00
  2024                                                     113,396.51                       113,396.51
  2025                                                   9,002,510.80                     9,002,510.80
  2026                                                   8,816,324.17                     8,816,324.17
  2027                                                   5,526,020.73                     5,526,020.73
  Total                                                 23,458,252.21                    23,458,252.21

20. Other non-current assets

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                Ending balance                                      Beginning balance
                                                  Provision                                               Provision
          Item                                       for                                                     for
                               Book balance                      Book value          Book balance                        Book value
                                                  impairme                                               impairmen
                                                      nt                                                      t
  Prepaid amount
  for engineering               52,199,850.63                     52,199,850.63        49,631,706.19                      49,631,706.19
  and equipment
  Reclassification of
                                11,419,610.83                     11,419,610.83         8,572,664.86                       8,572,664.86
  VAT debit balance
  Fixed deposits and
  interest over one            104,451,527.78                    104,451,527.78        96,322,575.78                      96,322,575.78
  Total                        168,070,989.24                    168,070,989.24       154,526,946.83                     154,526,946.83

21. Short-term borrowings

(1) Classification of short-term borrowing

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                        Item                                     Ending balance                            Beginning balance
  Credit borrowings                                                           150,000,000.00
  Discounted borrowings of notes
                                                                               20,000,000.00                              20,000,000.00
  receivable not derecognized
  Total                                                                       170,000,000.00                              20,000,000.00

                                                   Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

22. Trading financial liabilities

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                     Item                                Ending balance                           Beginning balance
  Financial liabilities at fair value through
                                                                       30,104,994.27                              18,572,684.91
  profit or loss designated
  Gold leasing                                                         30,104,994.27                              18,572,684.91
  Total                                                                30,104,994.27                              18,572,684.91

23. Derivative financial liabilities

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                     Item                                Ending balance                           Beginning balance
  Hedging instruments                                                                                                 489,360.00
  Total                                                                                                               489,360.00

24. Accounts payable

(1) Presentation of accounts payable

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                     Item                                Ending balance                           Beginning balance
  Purchase payment for goods and services                             27,382,979.64                                5,397,040.27
  Payment for engineering and equipment                              140,840,710.16                              119,319,760.44
  Total                                                              168,223,689.80                              124,716,800.71

(2) Significant accounts payable with the aging over 1 year

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                                          Reasons for not repaying or carrying
                     Item                                Ending balance
  Shenzhen Yinglong Jian'an (Group) Co.,
                                                                       28,318,821.13   Outstanding engineering
  Shenzhen SDG Real Estate Co., Ltd.                                    6,054,855.46   Outstanding by related companies
  Shenzhen Yinuo Construction
                                                                        3,555,095.22   Outstanding engineering
  Engineering Co., Ltd.
  Shenzhen Cuilu Jewelry Co., Ltd.                                      1,120,000.00   Outstanding
  Total                                                                39,048,771.81

25. Advances from customers

(1) Presentation of advances from customers

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                     Item                                Ending balance                           Beginning balance
  Rent                                                                 11,644,915.56                               6,119,377.90

                                                        Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

  Total                                                                      11,644,915.56                              6,119,377.90

26. Contract liabilities

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                     Item                                     Ending balance                             Beginning balance
  Goods fees receivable in advance                                           31,204,952.37                              4,581,999.11
  Services fees receivable in advance                                         6,497,160.03                              4,677,659.32
  Total                                                                      37,702,112.40                              9,259,658.43

27. Employee compensation payable

(1) Presentation of employee compensation payable

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                           Increase in the current   Decrease in the current
           Item                Beginning balance                                                                  Ending balance
                                                                   period                   period
  I. Short-term employee
                                        38,550,181.70              33,944,688.64              34,879,150.48            37,615,719.86
  II. Post-employment
  benefits-defined                                                   2,416,981.28              2,416,981.28                        0.00
  contribution plan
  III. Termination
                                                                     2,754,230.00              2,754,230.00                        0.00
  Total                                 38,550,181.70               39,115,899.92             40,050,361.76            37,615,719.86

(2) Presentation of short-term compensation

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                 Increase in the     Decrease in the current
                Item                    Beginning balance                                                         Ending balance
                                                                 current period             period
  1. Wages, bonuses, allowances
                                            37,708,023.44          29,933,303.45              30,783,685.75            36,857,641.14
  and subsidies
  2. Employee benefits                        566,700.00                36,599.86                 36,599.86                  566,700.00
  3. Social insurance                                                1,179,167.95              1,179,167.95
       Including: Medical
                                                                     1,057,441.08              1,057,441.08
              Work injury
                                                                        33,690.14                 33,690.14
              Maternity insurance                                       86,892.73                 86,892.73
  Other insurance expenses                                               1,144.00                  1,144.00
  4. Housing provident fund                                          1,816,290.19              1,816,290.19
  5. Labor union funds and
                                              275,458.26               541,415.58                625,495.12                  191,378.72
  employee education funds
  8. Non-monetary welfare                                              437,911.61                437,911.61
  Total                                     38,550,181.70          33,944,688.64              34,879,150.48            37,615,719.86

                                                     Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

(3) Presentation of defined contribution plan

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                        Increase in the current   Decrease in the current
           Item                  Beginning balance                                                             Ending balance
                                                                period                   period
  1. Basic endowment
                                                                  2,395,356.60              2,395,356.60
  2. Unemployment
                                                                     21,624.68                 21,624.68
  Total                                                           2,416,981.28              2,416,981.28                        0.00

28. Taxes payable

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                     Item                                  Ending balance                             Beginning balance
  Value-added tax (VAT)                                                    1,070,570.04                              3,220,124.57
  Consumption tax                                                                                                           7,964.60
  Corporate income tax                                                     4,768,968.87                              6,942,460.17
  Individual income tax                                                      657,680.57                              1,895,926.96
  City maintenance and construction tax                                       79,380.49                                   178,605.67
  Educational surcharges                                                      42,390.08                                 86,070.40
  Local educational surcharges                                                30,152.42                                 57,380.27
  Land appreciation tax                                                    5,362,682.64                              5,362,682.64
  Land use tax                                                               124,009.89                                 40,949.07
  Others                                                                   2,142,840.79                              1,099,628.49
  Total                                                                   14,278,675.79                             18,891,792.84

29. Other payables

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                     Item                                  Ending balance                             Beginning balance
  Dividends payable                                                       12,069,632.96
  Other payables                                                          99,783,058.71                            105,180,279.00
  Total                                                                  111,852,691.67                            105,180,279.00

(1) Dividends payable

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                     Item                                  Ending balance                             Beginning balance
  Ordinary share dividend                                                 12,069,632.96
  Total                                                                   12,069,632.96

(2) Other payables

1) Other payables by nature of payment

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB

                                                 Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

                      Item                             Ending balance                           Beginning balance
  Security deposit                                                   52,496,072.98                              42,765,478.88
  Current accounts associated                                        19,327,827.90                              18,990,738.98
  Withholdings                                                        3,072,114.15                              11,499,312.36
  Temporary receipts payable                                         24,887,043.68                              31,924,748.78
  Total                                                              99,783,058.71                             105,180,279.00

2) Other important payables at aging of more than 1 year

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                                                        Reasons for not repaying or carrying
                      Item                             Ending balance
  Hongkong Yujia Investment Limited                                   2,164,650.90   Outstanding by related companies
  Total                                                               2,164,650.90

30. Current portion of non-current liabilities

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                      Item                             Ending balance                           Beginning balance
  Current portion of lease liabilities                                1,565,376.12                               2,009,819.15
  Total                                                               1,565,376.12                               2,009,819.15

31. Other current liabilities

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                      Item                             Ending balance                           Beginning balance
  Output VAT to be transferred                                           84,119.73                                  548,507.70
  Reversal of notes receivable not
  Total                                                                  84,119.73                              68,361,007.70

32. Long-term borrowings

(1) Classification of long-term borrowings

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                      Item                             Ending balance                           Beginning balance
  Mortgage loans                                                   168,005,447.69                              144,820,511.42
  Total                                                            168,005,447.69                              144,820,511.42

33. Lease liabilities

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                      Item                             Ending balance                           Beginning balance
  Lease liabilities                                                  73,155,478.11                               2,926,184.93
  Total                                                              73,155,478.11                               2,926,184.93

                                                      Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

34. Long-term payables

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                         Item                                  Ending balance                            Beginning balance
   Long-term payables                                                         3,920,160.36                               3,920,160.36
   Total                                                                      3,920,160.36                               3,920,160.36

(1) Long-term payables by nature of payment

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                         Item                                  Ending balance                            Beginning balance
   Employee housing deposit                                                   3,908,848.40                               3,908,848.40
   Grants for technology innovation
                                                                                 11,311.96                                    11,311.96
   Subtotal                                                                   3,920,160.36                               3,920,160.36
   Less: Current portion of long-term
   Total                                                                      3,920,160.36                               3,920,160.36

35. Estimated liabilities

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                  Item                       Ending balance                   Beginning balance                    Reason
   Pending litigation                                   268,414.80                         268,414.80
   Total                                                268,414.80                         268,414.80

36. Deferred income

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                  Increase in the        Decrease in the
           Item             Beginning balance                                                  Ending balance            Reason
                                                  current period         current period
                                 10,579,545.71          785,610.00              626,237.73        10,738,917.98   Asset-related
   Total                         10,579,545.71          785,610.00              626,237.73        10,738,917.98

Items related to government subsidies:
                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                                                   Amount                       Amount for
                                   Increase in   included in                      writing
                                                                included in
                                    subsidies       non-                         down the                                    Asset-
    Liability       Beginning                                      other                        Other         Ending
                                     for the      operating                      costs and                                related/inco
      item           balance                                     income in                     changes        balance
                                     current     revenue in                     expenses in                                me-related
                                                                the current
                                     period      the current                    the current
                                                   period                         period
   subsidy                                                                                                                Asset-
                     91,273.80                                                                               91,273.80
   funds for                                                                                                              related
   old elevator

                             Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

on working
group in
Funds for
tion and
               3,069,472.5                                                      3,069,472.5   Asset-
in Luohu                             110,587.17
                         2                                                                2   related
District in
2021 -
Funds for
tion and
               1,778,172.9                                                      1,615,129.5   Asset-
in Luohu                             163,043.46
                         7                                                                1   related
District in
2021 -
Projects for
on and         3,922,104.5                                                      3,629,125.8   Asset-
Improving                5                                                                1   related
Support of
Bureau of
in 2020
Funds for
Developme      1,718,521.8                                                      1,581,040.0   Asset-
nt in the                7                                                                9   related
Field of
n of

                                                         Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

  and Urban-
  nt Bureau
  by Funds
  Developme                                                                                                                        Asset-
                                    785,610.00                     32,733.75                                        752,876.25
  nt of                                                                                                                            related
  Building in
                    10,579,545.                                                                                     10,738,917.    Asset-
  Total                             785,610.00            0.00    626,237.73               0.00           0.00
                            71                                                                                              98     related

37. Share capital

                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                                                   Increase or decrease (+, -)
                      Beginning balance      Issuance                                                                       Ending balance
                                                             Bonus       of the reserve
                                              of new                                          Others        Subtotal
                                                             shares        funds into
  Total shares           431,058,320.00                                                                                       431,058,320.00

38. Capital reserves

                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                                            Increase in the current       Decrease in the current
             Item                 Beginning balance                                                                       Ending balance
                                                                    period                       period
  Capital premium (share
                                        425,768,053.35                                                                        425,768,053.35
  Other capital reserves                  5,681,501.16                                                                            5,681,501.16
  Total                                 431,449,554.51                                                                        431,449,554.51

39. Other comprehensive income

                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                                             Amount incurred in the current period
                                                      Less: Amount           Less:                       Attribut      Attribut
                                                        included in         Amount                        able to       able to
                        Beginning                          other          included in          Less:        the           the        Ending
          Item                           before
                         balance                      comprehensiv           other            Income      parent       minorit       balance
                                       income tax
                                                       e income in       comprehensi            tax      compan            y
                                          in the
                                                       the previous      ve income in        expenses     y - net      shareho
                                                        period and       the previous                        of         lders -
                                                      transferred to      period and                     income         net of

                                                       Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

                                                    profit and loss    transferred to                     tax        income
                                                    in the current         retained                                    tax
                                                        period           earnings in
                                                                         the current
  II. Other
  e income to be
  subsequently         26,422.00                                                                                                   26,422.00
  into profit or
  e income to be
                       26,422.00                                                                                                   26,422.00
  into profit or
  loss by the
  equity method
  Total other
  comprehensiv         26,422.00                                                                                                   26,422.00
  e income

40. Surplus reserves

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                          Increase in the current       Decrease in the current
           Item                 Beginning balance                                                                       Ending balance
                                                                  period                       period
  Statutory surplus
                                       52,499,172.13                                                                          52,499,172.13
  Total                                52,499,172.13                                                                          52,499,172.13

41. Undistributed profit

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                       Item                                     Current period                                  Previous period
  Undistributed profits at the end of the
                                                                          590,605,394.67                                    543,843,496.85
  previous period before adjustment
  Undistributed profits at the beginning of the
                                                                          590,605,394.67                                    543,843,496.85
  period after adjustment
  Add: Net profit attributable to owners of the
                                                                            44,139,962.93                                     43,480,236.19
  parent company during the current period
       Ordinary share dividends payable                                     12,069,632.96                                     10,781,545.75
  Undistributed profits at the end of the period                          622,675,724.64                                    576,542,187.29

42. Operating revenue and operating cost

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
           Item                     Amount incurred in the current period                    Amount incurred in the previous period

                                                      Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

                                    Revenue                      Cost                     Revenue                    Cost
  Main business                     702,184,781.46              608,012,821.75            245,186,251.37            187,271,730.10
  Other businesses                     2,651,629.48                 591,816.65              4,828,900.86              1,072,447.45
  Total                             704,836,410.94              608,604,638.40            250,015,152.23            188,344,177.55

Relevant information of revenue:
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

      Classification of
                                   Segment 1                  Segment 2                   Revenue                    Total
  By type of product
  Automobile sales                                                                         41,890,016.34             41,890,016.34
  maintenance and                                                                          11,014,291.51             11,014,291.51
  Leasing and services                                                                    115,235,431.84            115,235,431.84
  Wholesale and retail of
                                                                                          536,696,671.25            536,696,671.25
  By operating regions
  Shenzhen                                                                                704,836,410.94            704,836,410.94
  By type of market or

  By contract type

  By time of transfer of

  By contract term

  By sales channel
  Direct sales                                                                            704,836,410.94            704,836,410.94
Information related to performance obligations: N/A

43. Taxes and surcharges

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                     Item                      Amount incurred in the current period       Amount incurred in the previous period
  City maintenance and construction tax                                      625,625.14                                 179,352.95
  Educational surcharges                                                     446,539.19                                 127,757.65
  Property tax                                                             3,126,665.09                               3,595,591.57

                                             Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

  Land use tax                                                      136,660.83                                 229,898.56
  Stamp duty                                                        518,916.20                                 133,976.69
  Other taxes                                                          1,320.00                                  2,670.00
  Total                                                           4,855,726.45                               4,269,247.42

44. Selling expenses

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                     Item                Amount incurred in the current period    Amount incurred in the previous period
  Employee compensation                                           6,048,479.76                               6,697,191.21
  Advertising marketing expenses                                  2,008,639.20                                 355,969.09
  Depreciation and amortization                                   1,576,507.45                               1,835,480.94
  Office expenses                                                   178,798.04                                 294,600.87
  Property, water and electricity fees                               81,594.29                                 239,436.33
  Transport and travel expenses                                     344,110.00                                 173,322.82
  Insurance supervisory charges                                     173,654.37                                 102,004.55
  Others                                                          1,551,315.90                               1,249,312.34
  Total                                                          11,963,099.01                              10,947,318.15

45. Administrative expenses

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                     Item                Amount incurred in the current period    Amount incurred in the previous period
  Employee compensation                                          24,654,297.67                              15,547,995.24
  Office expenses                                                   119,662.56                                 231,630.78
  Transport and travel expenses                                       7,695.23                                  18,250.52
  Business entertainment expenses                                    52,838.20                                 130,553.80
  Depreciation and amortization                                   2,118,529.00                               1,513,826.81
  Intermediary service fee                                          906,265.09                               1,223,090.79
  Others                                                            958,541.63                               1,167,569.27
  Total                                                          28,817,829.38                              19,832,917.21

46. Finance costs

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                     Item                Amount incurred in the current period    Amount incurred in the previous period
  Interest expenses                                               4,751,743.88                               2,303,220.59
  Less: Interest revenue                                          1,835,834.14                               2,843,386.98
  Less: Capitalized interest                                      1,510,324.98                               2,194,828.71
  Exchange gain or loss                                             -64,306.88                                 -65,959.60
  Others                                                             50,454.91                                  99,398.31
  Total                                                           1,391,732.79                              -2,701,556.39

47. Other incomes

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
          Sources of other incomes       Amount incurred in the current period    Amount incurred in the previous period
  Refund of handling charges for
                                                                       9,658.93                                 50,129.40
  withholding individual income tax
  Others                                                          4,465,807.01                               1,525,860.90

                                                Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

  Total                                                              4,475,465.94                               1,575,990.30

48. Investment income

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                     Item                   Amount incurred in the current period    Amount incurred in the previous period
  Income from long-term equity
  investments calculated by the equity                                3,011,611.29                              7,927,787.58
  Investment income from the disposal of
  long-term equity investments
  Investment income from holding trading
                                                                     8,468,244.22                               6,774,748.47
  financial assets
  Closing income from commodity futures
  contracts and T+D contracts (hedging)
  Total                                                              8,923,017.80                              23,487,946.52

49. Income from changes in fair value

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
   Sources of income from changes in fair
                                            Amount incurred in the current period    Amount incurred in the previous period
  Trading financial assets                                           -2,783,204.51                               -617,068.50
  Trading financial liabilities                                      -2,464,470.00
  Derivative instruments of effective
  Total                                                              -5,265,810.16                               -617,068.50

50. Credit impairment loss

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                     Item                   Amount incurred in the current period    Amount incurred in the previous period
  Bad debt loss of accounts receivable                                    6,669.80                               -200,149.24
  Total                                                                   6,669.80                               -200,149.24

51. Asset impairment loss

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                     Item                   Amount incurred in the current period    Amount incurred in the previous period
  II. Loss on diminution in value of
  inventories and impairment loss on                                     -3,700.50
  contract performance cost
  Total                                                                  -3,700.50

52. Income from disposal of assets

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
   Sources of income from asset disposal    Amount incurred in the current period    Amount incurred in the previous period

                                                     Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

  Profits and losses from disposal of fixed
  assets, construction in progress,
  productive biological assets and                                          -81,800.45                                   40,765.92
  intangible assets not identified to held-
  for-sale assets
  Including: Fixed assets                                                   -81,800.45                                   40,765.92
  Total                                                                     -81,800.45                                   40,765.92

53. Non-operating revenue

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                                                       Amount included in non-
                                        Amount incurred in the         Amount incurred in the
               Item                                                                                  recurring profits and losses of
                                           current period                previous period
                                                                                                           the current period
  Gains from destruction and
  retirement of non-current                            22,690.35                                                         22,690.35
  Gains from unpayable
                                                      262,274.08                                                        262,274.08
  Others                                              132,217.70                        295,807.48                      132,217.70
  Total                                               417,182.13                        295,807.48                      417,182.13

54. Non-operating expenses

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                                                       Amount included in non-
                                        Amount incurred in the         Amount incurred in the
               Item                                                                                  recurring profits and losses of
                                           current period                previous period
                                                                                                           the current period
  Loss from retirement of non-
                                                          338.65                                                             338.65
  current assets
  Others                                              119,344.47                           237.72                       119,344.47
  Total                                               119,683.12                           237.72                       119,683.12

55. Income tax expenses

(1) Income tax expense sheet

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                      Item                      Amount incurred in the current period      Amount incurred in the previous period
  Current income tax expenses                                            12,425,602.60                               10,808,747.89
  Deferred income tax expenses                                             -197,855.50
  Income tax expenses in earlier period                                     238,912.82
  Total                                                                  12,466,659.92                               10,808,747.89

(2) Accounting profit and income tax expense adjustment process

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                 Item                                           Amount incurred in the current period

                                                            Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

   Total profit                                                                                                            57,554,726.35
   Income tax expenses calculated at the statutory/applicable tax
   Effects of different tax rates applied to subsidiaries                                                                    -367,380.82
   Effect of income tax during the period before adjustment                                                                   238,912.82
   Effect of non-taxable revenue                                                                                           -1,595,698.17
   Effect of deductible temporary difference or deductible losses
   on unrecognized deferred tax assets in the current period
   Income tax expenses                                                                                                     12,466,659.92

56. Other comprehensive income

See Notes for details

57. Items in the cash flow statement

(1) Other cash received related to operating activities

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                        Item                        Amount incurred in the current period        Amount incurred in the previous period
   Security deposit                                                            12,249,467.54                                3,980,878.67
   Interest revenue                                                             1,848,535.56                                2,843,386.98
   Current accounts and others                                                153,004,930.68                               88,610,563.21
   Total                                                                      167,102,933.78                               95,434,828.86

(2) Other cash paid related to operating activities

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                        Item                        Amount incurred in the current period        Amount incurred in the previous period
   Out-of-pocket expenses                                                      15,722,806.60                               20,599,573.29
   Security deposit                                                             7,957,202.52                                4,263,044.41
   Current accounts and others                                                152,374,457.27                               72,184,949.67
   Total                                                                      176,054,466.39                               97,047,567.37

(3) Other cash received related to investing activities

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                        Item                        Amount incurred in the current period        Amount incurred in the previous period
   Income from futures liquidation                                                 827,883.63
   Total                                                                           827,883.63

(4) Other cash paid related to investing activities

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                                                    Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

                      Item                      Amount incurred in the current period    Amount incurred in the previous period
  Handling charges for the listing of import
  and export equity transfers on Shenzhen                                                                              18,669.20
  United Property and Equity Exchange
  Futures trading fee and liquidation loss                               7,567,454.81
  Total                                                                  7,567,454.81                                  18,669.20

(5) Other cash paid related to financing activities

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                      Item                      Amount incurred in the current period    Amount incurred in the previous period
  Refund of minority shareholders' capital
  in subsidiaries*
  Payments of principal and interest on
  lease liabilities
  Total                                                                  5,528,844.00

58. Supplementary information of cash flow statement

(1) Supplementary information of cash flow statement

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
           Supplementary information                Amount in the current period              Amount in the previous period
  1. Reconciliation of net profit to cash
  flows from operating activities:
    Net profit                                                          45,088,066.43                              43,097,355.16
    Add: Impairment provision of assets                                      -2,969.30
         Depreciation of fixed assets,
  consumption of oil and gas assets, and
                                                                        17,367,778.17                              15,364,386.85
  depreciation of productive biological
           Depreciation of right-of-use
           Amortization of intangible assets                             1,098,090.38                                 623,161.70
         Amortization of long-term
                                                                         2,042,705.37                               2,321,921.53
  deferred expenses
           Losses from disposal of fixed
  assets, intangible assets and other long-                                  81,800.45                                -40,765.92
  term assets (gains to be listed with “-”)
          Losses from retirement of fixed
  assets (gains to be listed with “-”)
          Losses from changes in fair value
                                                                         5,265,810.16                                 617,068.50
  (gains to be listed with “-”)
          Financial expenses (gains to be
                                                                         1,391,732.79                                 108,391.88
  listed with "-")
          Investment losses (gains to be
                                                                         -8,923,017.80                            -23,487,946.52
  listed with "-")

                                                 Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

          Decrease in deferred tax assets
  (increase to be listed with "-")
           Increases in deferred tax
  liabilities (decrease to be listed with "-")
           Decrease in inventories (increase
                                                                     74,299,085.33                              -1,990,985.82
  to be listed with "-")
          Decrease in operating receivables
                                                                   -174,414,312.99                             -36,896,366.90
  (increase to be listed with "-")
         Increase in operating payables
                                                                     24,859,983.86                             -10,834,604.35
  (decrease to be listed with “-”)
            Others                                                                                                -200,149.24
           Net cash flow from operating
                                                                    -10,241,941.90                             -11,318,295.41
  2. Major investing and financing
  activities not involving cash receipts and
    Conversion of debts into capital
    Current portion of convertible
  corporate bonds
    Financing leased fixed assets
  3. Net changes in cash and cash
    Ending balance of cash                                         261,521,100.08                              188,890,609.03
    Less: Beginning balance of cash                                391,406,829.36                              211,655,585.86
    Add: Ending balance of cash
    Less: Beginning balance of cash
    Net increase in cash and cash
                                                                   -129,885,729.28                             -22,764,976.83

(2) Composition of cash and cash equivalents

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                      Item                             Ending balance                           Beginning balance
  I. Cash                                                          261,521,100.08                              391,406,829.36
  Including: Cash on hand                                                11,377.69                                   25,673.67
        Cash at bank available for
                                                                   196,659,129.31                              381,593,235.55
  payments at any time
         Other cash at bank and on hand
                                                                     64,850,593.08                               9,787,920.14
  available for payment at any time
  III. Ending balance of cash and cash
                                                                   261,521,100.08                              391,406,829.36

59. Assets with restricted ownership or use right

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                             Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

                       Item                       Ending book value                            Reasons for restriction
  Cash at bank and on hand                                        10,899,141.80       See Note VII. 1 for details
  Intangible assets                                               44,960,423.01       Bank borrowing mortgage
  Total                                                           55,859,564.81

60. Foreign currency monetary items

(1) Foreign currency monetary items

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                Ending foreign currency                                           Ending balance of converted
                Item                                                  Exchange rate
                                        balance                                                              RMB
  Cash at bank and on hand
  Including: USD                                 7,048.62                7.3368                                       51,714.39
          HKD                                   22,775.22                0.8920                                       20,315.79
                                                29,823.84                                                             72,030.18
  Accounts receivable
  Including: USD

  Long-term borrowings
  Including: USD

(2) The description of overseas operating entities, including main premises abroad, bookkeeping base
currency and selection basis to be disclosed for the important overseas operating entities; reasons shall also
be disclosed for the changed bookkeeping base currency.

□ Applicable  Not applicable

61. Government subsidies

(1) Basic information about government subsidies

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                                                                  Amount included in current
                Type                   Amount                       Item presented
                                                                                                     profits and losses
  Asset-related government
                                            11,365,155.71   Deferred income                                          626,237.73
  Income-related government
                                             3,849,228.21   N/A                                                     3,849,228.21

                                                      Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

   Total                                             15,214,383.92                                                       4,475,465.94

VIII. Changes in Consolidation Scope

1. Changes in consolidation scope for other reasons

Changes in the scope of consolidation due to other reasons (such as establishing new subsidiaries, liquidating subsidiaries) and
related information:

      Shenzhen SDG Huari Automobile Enterprise Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as SDG Huari), a
subsidiary of the Company, is a Sino-Japanese joint venture, with an operating period expired on
March 13, 2022. Before and after the expiration of the business term, the Company communicated
with Japanese shareholders for many times on the extension of the business term, equity trading,
dissolution and liquidation of SDG Huari, but failed to reach an agreement. If the business term of
SDG Huari has expired, and the Company and Japanese shareholders cannot establish a liquidation
team to carry out liquidation within fifteen days from the expiration date of the business term of SDG
Huari, the Company, as a shareholder holding 60% of the equity of SDG Huari, shall apply to the
People's Court of Shenzhen Qianhai Cooperation Zone for compulsory liquidation of SDG Huari
according to the relevant provisions of the Company Law. The Company received the Civil Ruling
((2022) Y0391 QS No. 9) from the People's Court of Shenzhen Qianhai Cooperation Zone in January
2023, which ruled to accept the liquidation application of the Company for SDG Huari. On March
21, 2023, the Company received the Decision on Appointing a Liquidation Team ([2023] Y0391 QQ
No. 4) served by the People's Court of Shenzhen Qianhai Cooperation Zone, which designated King
& Wood Mallesons, Beijing Office as the SDG Huari Liquidation Team.

      Based on the above matters, the balance sheet of SDG Huari, a subsidiary of the Company, is
not included in the consolidation scope for the half-year period of 2023.

                                                                                Amount of                      Proportion of
                          Company name
                                                                               contribution                    contribution
Shenzhen SDG Huari Automobile Enterprise Co., Ltd.                            RMB 19.22 million                         60.00%

                                                       Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

IX. Equity in Other Entities

1. Interests in subsidiaries

(1) Composition of enterprise group

                                                    Main                                           Shareholding
                                                                   Place of     Nature of           proportion              Acquisition
                Subsidiary name                    place of
                                                                 registration   business                                     method
                                                   business                                     Direct       Indirect
   Shenzhen Tellus Xinyongtong Automobile                                       Commerc
                                                  Shenzhen      Shenzhen                          5.00%      95.00%       Establishment
   Development Co., Ltd.                                                        e
   Shenzhen Bao'an Shiquan Industry Co.,                                        Commerc
                                                  Shenzhen      Shenzhen                          0.00%     100.00%       Establishment
   Ltd.                                                                         e
   Shenzhen SDG Tellus Real Estate Co.,                                         Commerc
                                                  Shenzhen      Shenzhen                        100.00%           0.00%   Establishment
   Ltd.                                                                         e
   Shenzhen Tellus Chuangying Technology                                        Commerc
                                                  Shenzhen      Shenzhen                        100.00%           0.00%   Establishment
   Co., Ltd.                                                                    e
   Shenzhen Xinyongtong Motor Vehicle                                           Commerc
                                                  Shenzhen      Shenzhen                         51.00%           0.00%   Establishment
   Inspection Equipment Co., Ltd.                                               e
   Shenzhen Automobile Industry and Trade                                       Commerc
                                                  Shenzhen      Shenzhen                        100.00%           0.00%   Establishment
   Co., Ltd.                                                                    e
   Shenzhen Automobile Industry Supply and                                      Commerc
                                                  Shenzhen      Shenzhen                          0.00%     100.00%       Establishment
   Marketing Company                                                            e
   Shenzhen Zhongtian Industry Co., Ltd.          Shenzhen      Shenzhen                        100.00%           0.00%   Establishment
   Shenzhen Huari Toyota Sales & Service                                        Commerc
                                                  Shenzhen      Shenzhen                         60.00%           0.00%   Establishment
   Co., Ltd.                                                                    e
   Shenzhen Tellus Treasury Supply Chain                                        Commerc
                                                  Shenzhen      Shenzhen                        100.00%           0.00%   Establishment
   Tech Co., Ltd.                                                               e
   Shenzhen Jewelry Industry Service Co.,                                       Commerc
                                                  Shenzhen      Shenzhen                         65.00%           0.00%   Establishment
   Ltd.                                                                         e
   Shanghai Fanyue Diamond Co., Ltd.              Shanghai      Shanghai                          0.00%     100.00%       Establishment
   Guorun Gold Shenzhen Co., Ltd.                 Shenzhen      Shenzhen                         36.00%           5.00%   Establishment
Explanation of the fact that the shareholding percentage is different from proportion of votes in subsidiaries:

      The shareholding proportion in Guorun Gold Shenzhen Co., Ltd.is different from the proportion
of voting rights, and the basis for holding half or less of the voting rights but still controlling the

      In June 2022, the Company cooperated with its subsidiaries Shenzhen Jewelry Industry Service
Co., Ltd., Shenzhen HTI Group Co., Ltd., Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Park (Wuhan) Co., Ltd., Chow
Tai Seng Jewelry Co., Ltd., Beijing Caishikou Department Store Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen ZHL
Industrial Co., Ltd. to jointly invest in the establishment of Guorun Gold Shenzhen Co., Ltd. Among
them, the Company contributed RMB 72 million, with a shareholding ratio of 36%; Shenzhen Jewelry
Industry Service Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company, contributed RMB 10 million, with a

                                                         Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

shareholding ratio of 5%; Shenzhen HTI Group Co., Ltd. held 10%, and other shareholders held 49%
in total. The Company signed a concerted action agreement with Shenzhen HTI Group Co., Ltd.,
stipulating that Shenzhen Hi-tech Investment Group Co., Ltd. shall maintain a consensus with the
Company when voting at the shareholders' meeting and the board of directors of Guorun Gold
Shenzhen Co., Ltd. Therefore, the Company and its subsidiaries actually hold 51% of the voting rights
of Guorun Gold Shenzhen Co., Ltd., and have control over Guorun Gold Shenzhen Co., Ltd.

The basis for the Company's control over the investee when holding half or less of the voting rights and the Company's control over
the investee when holding more than half of the voting rights:


(2) Important non-wholly-owned subsidiaries

                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                                              Profit or loss
                                                        Shareholding                                declared to
                                                                              attributable to                           Balance of minority
                                                        proportion of                                minority
                 Subsidiary name                                                 minority                              interests at the end of
                                                          minority                                shareholders in
                                                                             shareholders in                                 the period
                                                        shareholders                                the current
                                                                            the current period
   Shenzhen Huari Toyota Sales & Service Co.,
                                                               40.00%              220,715.76                                     4,601,447.32
   Guorun Gold Shenzhen Co., Ltd.                              60.75%              -481,676.49                                 117,178,818.08
Notes on the difference between the shareholding percentage of minority shareholders of subsidiaries and the voting rights ratio:


(3) Main financial information of important non-wholly-owned subsidiaries

                                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                    Ending balance                                                     Beginning balance

   Subsidia    Curr                         Curren         Non-                                                  Curren       Non-
                        Non-                                            Total                 Non-                                         Total
   ry name      ent                Total        t         current                 Curren                Total        t       current
                       current                                        liabiliti              current                                     liabiliti
               asset               assets   liabiliti     liabiliti               t assets              assets   liabiliti   liabiliti
                        assets                                           es                   assets                                        es
                 s                             es            es                                                     es          es
   n Huari      34,8
                                   35,929   24,426                    24,426      64,370               67,179    56,227                  56,227
   Toyota       06,4    1,123,                                                               2,808,
                                   ,794.6   ,176.3                    ,176.3      ,969.9               ,668.7    ,839.7                  ,839.7
   Sales &      33.4    361.20                                                               698.79
                                        2        1                         1           1                    0         9                       9
   Service         2
   Co., Ltd.
   Gold                 54,172     405,69   205,33                    207,04      308,52               311,98    110,46                  110,46
                519,                                      1,707,                             3,459,
   Shenzhe              ,437.1     2,363.    6,119.                   4,103.      4,705.               4,196.    6,340.                  6,340.
                926.                                      983.94                             491.14
   n Co.,                    7         60        44                       38          19                   33        68                      68

                                                         Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                           Amount incurred in the current period                          Amount incurred in the previous period

   Subsidiary                                         Total       Cash flows                                      Total       Cash flows
     name           Operating                      comprehen         from          Operating                   comprehen         from
                                  Net profit                                                      Net profit
                     revenue                           sive       operating         revenue                        sive       operating
                                                     income        activities                                    income        activities
   Toyota         52,130,699.                                                      31,626,860.                               15,892,157.
                                  551,789.40       551,789.40     15,229,690.                     798,121.42    798,121.42
   Sales &                28                                                               92                                        85
   Co., Ltd.
   Gold             520,277,94             -                -
   Shenzhen               8.63    792,883.11       792,883.11
   Co., Ltd.

2. Equities in joint ventures or associates

(1) Important associates or joint ventures

                                                                                         Shareholding proportion           Accounting
    Name of joint                                                                                                        methods for the
                        Main place of            Place of          Nature of
     venture or                                                                                                           investment in
                         business              registration        business              Direct            Indirect
      associate                                                                                                           joint ventures
                                                                                                                           or associates
                                                                Investing in the                                         Accounted for
                       Shenzhen           Shenzhen              establishment               50.00%                       under the
   Investment Co.,
                                                                of industries                                            equity method
   Renfu Tellus                                                                                                          Accounted for
   Automobiles         Shenzhen           Shenzhen                                          35.00%                       under the
                                                                Auto Sales
   Service Co.,                                                                                                          equity method
Explanation of the fact that the shareholding percentage is different from the proportion of voting rights in joint ventures or


Basis for determining a shareholder holding less than 20% of the voting rights has significant influence, or a shareholder holding
20% or more of the voting rights does not have significant influence:


(2) Main financial information of important joint ventures

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                    Ending balance/amount incurred in the          Beginning balance/amount incurred in
                                                               current period                              the previous period
                                                   Shenzhen Tellus-Gmond Investment Co.,          Shenzhen Tellus-Gmond Investment Co.,
                                                                    Ltd.                                           Ltd.

                                                    Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

  Current assets                                                        38,633,161.79                              44,368,420.83
  Including: Cash and cash equivalents                                  36,620,377.69                              42,326,853.66
  Non-current assets                                                   337,209,723.91                             346,703,460.52
  Total assets                                                         375,842,885.70                             391,071,881.35
  Current liabilities                                                   44,754,118.42                              37,674,441.11
  Non-current liabilities                                              250,032,000.00                             259,110,000.00
  Total liabilities                                                    294,786,118.42                             296,784,441.11
  Minority equity
  Equity attributable to shareholders of the
                                                                        81,056,767.28                              94,287,440.24
  parent company
  Shares of net assets at the shareholding
                                                                        40,528,383.64                              47,143,720.12
  --Unrealized profit of internal transaction
  Book value of equity investments in joint
                                                                        40,528,383.64                              47,143,720.13
  Fair value of equity investment in joint
  ventures with a public offer
  Operating revenue                                                     54,145,037.15                              51,327,658.48
  Financial expenses                                                     5,391,641.93                               7,454,900.88
  Income tax expenses                                                    5,589,775.67                               5,826,094.71
  Net profit                                                            16,769,327.00                              17,478,284.13
  Net profit from discontinued operations
  Other comprehensive income
  Total comprehensive income                                            16,769,327.00                              17,478,284.13

  Dividends received from joint ventures
  in the current year

(3) Main financial information of important associates

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                Ending balance/amount incurred in the     Beginning balance/amount incurred in
                                                           current period                         the previous period
                                                 Shenzhen Renfu Tellus Automobiles         Shenzhen Renfu Tellus Automobiles
                                                         Service Co., Ltd.                         Service Co., Ltd.
  Current assets                                                       135,445,308.26                             206,438,043.83
  Non-current assets                                                    22,942,486.68                              31,677,397.21
  Total assets                                                         158,387,794.94                             238,115,441.04
  Current liabilities                                                  116,451,398.97                             167,288,864.40
  Non-current liabilities                                                                                          14,598,723.35
  Total liabilities                                                    116,451,398.97                             181,887,587.75

                                                       Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

  Minority equity
  Equity attributable to shareholders of the
                                                                           41,936,395.97                              56,227,853.29
  parent company
  Shares of net assets at the shareholding
                                                                           14,677,738.59                              19,679,748.68
  --Unrealized profit of internal transaction
  Book value of equity investments in
                                                                           14,677,738.59                              19,679,748.68
  Fair value of equity investments in
  associates with a public offer
  Operating revenue                                                       529,459,351.87                             493,226,617.42
  Net profit                                                              -14,291,457.36                              -3,318,473.42
  Net profit from discontinued operations
  Other comprehensive income
  Total comprehensive income                                              -14,291,457.36                              -3,318,473.42

  Dividends received from associates in
  the current year

(4) Summary of financial information of unimportant joint ventures and associates

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                   Ending balance/amount incurred in the     Beginning balance/amount incurred in
                                                              current period                         the previous period
  Joint ventures:
  Total book value of investments                                          13,829,855.00                              14,200,897.13
  Total amount of the following items at
  the shareholding percentage
  --Net profit                                                               -371,042.13                                 686,492.55
  --Total comprehensive income                                               -371,042.13                                 686,492.55
  Total amount of the following items at
  the shareholding percentage

(5) Explanation on major restrictions on the capability of transferring capital from joint ventures or
associates to the Company


(6) Excess losses incurred to joint ventures or associates

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
       Name of joint venture or              Unrecognized loss           Unrecognized loss in the           Unrecognized loss

                                               Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

            associate           accumulated in the previous    current period (or net profit   accumulated at the end of the
                                          period               shared in the current period)         current period
  Shenzhen Tellus Automobile
                                                  98,865.26                                                       98,865.26
  Service Chain Co., Ltd.
  Shenzhen Yongtong Xinda
                                               1,176,212.73                                                    1,176,212.73
  Testing Equipment Co., Ltd.

X. Risks Related to Financial Instruments

     The risks related to financial instruments of the Company originate from financial assets and
financial liabilities recognized by the Company in the course of operation, including credit risk,
liquidity risk and market risk.

     The management of the Company is responsible for the management objectives and policies of
risks related to financial instruments of the Company. The management is responsible for daily risk
management through functional departments (for example, the Credit Management Department of
the Company reviews the credit sales business of the Company one by one). The internal audit
department of the Company supervises the implementation of the Company's risk management
policies and procedures on a daily basis, and reports relevant findings to the Audit Committee of the
Company in a timely manner.

     The overall objective of the Company’s risk management is to formulate risk management
policies that minimize the risks associated with various financial instruments without unduly affecting
the Company’s competitiveness and resilience.

   1. Credit risk

     Credit risk refers to the risk that one party to a financial instrument fails to perform its obligations,
resulting in financial losses to the other party. The credit risk of the Company mainly arises from cash
at bank and on hand, notes receivable, accounts receivable, receivables financing, other receivables,
contract assets, creditor's rights investment and long-term receivables. The credit risk of these
financial assets comes from the default of the counterparty, and the maximum risk exposure is equal
to the book amount of these instruments.

                                           Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

     The Company's cash at bank and on hand are mainly deposited in commercial banks and other
financial institutions. The Company believes that these commercial banks have high reputation and
asset status and have low credit risk.

     For notes receivable, accounts receivable, receivables financing, other receivables, contract
assets, creditor's rights investment and long-term receivables, the Company sets relevant policies to
control credit risk exposure. The Company evaluates clients’ credit rating and sets the credit period
based on their financial conditions, possibility of obtaining security from third party, credit record
and other factors, such as current market situation. The Company will monitor the credit record of
the customer periodically. For customers with poor credit record, measures such as written collection,
shortening credit period or canceling the credit period will be adopted by the Company, to ensure the
overall credit risk being in the controllable scope.

     (1) Criteria for judging a significant increase in credit risk

     The Company assesses whether the credit risk of the relevant financial instrument has increased
significantly since the initial recognition on each balance sheet date. In determining whether the credit
risk has increased significantly since initial recognition, the Company considers reasonable and
supportable information that can be obtained without unnecessary additional costs or efforts,
including the Company's qualitative and quantitative analysis based on historical data, external credit
risk ratings and forward-looking information. Based on a single financial instrument or a combination
of financial instruments with similar credit risk characteristics, the Company determines the changes
in the risk of default of the financial instrument during the expected life of the instrument by
comparing the risk of default on the financial instrument on the balance sheet date with that on the
date of initial recognition.

     When one or more of the following quantitative and qualitative criteria are triggered, the
Company believes that the credit risk of financial instruments has increased significantly. The
quantitative criteria are mainly that the probability of default in the remaining duration at the reporting
date increases by more than a certain proportion compared with that at initial recognition. The

                                            Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

qualitative criteria are significant adverse changes in the operation or financial situation of the main
debtor, warning list of customers, etc.

     (2) Definition of assets with credit impairment

     In order to determine whether credit impairment occurs, the definition criteria adopted by the
Company are consistent with the internal credit risk management objectives for relevant financial
instruments, taking consideration into quantitative and qualitative indicators at the same time.

     The Company mainly considers the following factors when assessing whether the debtor has
credit impairment: The issuer or the debtor has major financial difficulties; the debtor violates the
contract, such as default or overdue payment of interest or principal; the creditor makes the
concession that the debtor will not make under any other circumstances due to the economic or
contractual considerations related to the debtor's financial difficulties; the debtor is likely to go
bankrupt or undergo other financial restructuring; the financial difficulties of the issuer or debtor
cause the disappearance of the active market of financial assets; a financial asset is purchased or
generated at a substantial discount which reflects the fact that the credit losses have occurred.

     The credit impairment of financial assets may be caused by the joint action of multiple events,
and may not be caused by separately identifiable event.

     (3) Parameters of expected credit loss measurement

     According to whether the credit risk has increased significantly and whether the credit
impairment has occurred, the Company measures the provision for impairment for different assets
with the expected credit loss of 12 months or the whole duration respectively. The key parameters of
ECL measurement include probabilities of default (PD), losses given default (LGD) and exposures at
default (EAD). The Company takes into account the quantitative analysis of historical statistics (such
as ratings of the counterparty, manners of guarantees and types of collateral, and repayments) and
forward-looking information in order to establish a model of PD, LGD and EAD.

     Relevant definitions are as follows:

                                           Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

     The probability of default refers to the possibility that the debtor will not be able to fulfill its
repayment obligations in the next 12 months or the whole remaining duration.

     The loss given default refers to the Company's expectation on the degree of loss from default
risk exposure. According to the type of counterparty, the way and priority of recourse, and the
difference of collaterals, loss given default is also different. Loss given default refers to the percentage
of risk exposure loss at the time of default, which is calculated based on the next 12 months or the
whole duration;

     The exposure at default refers to the amount that the Company should be reimbursed when
default occurs in the next 12 months or the whole remaining duration. Evaluation on significant
increase of forward-looking information credit risk and calculation of expected credit losses both
involve forward-looking information. Through historical data analysis, the Company has identified
key economic indicators that affect credit risks and expected credit losses of various business types.

     The maximum credit risk exposure tolerable by the Company is the book amount of each of the
financial assets in the balance sheet. The Company does not provide any other guarantee that allows
the Company to accept credit risk.

    2. Liquidity risks

     Liquidity risk refers to the risk of capital shortage in performing obligation of settling accounts
by cash payment or other financial assets. The Company is responsible for the overall management
of cash of all subsidiaries in the Company, including short-term investment of cash surplus and raising
loans to meet the estimated cash requirements. It is the policy of the Company to regularly monitor
short-term and long-term liquidity requirements and compliance with the provisions of the loan
agreement to ensure sufficient cash reserves and readily realizable securities.

     As of June 30, 2023, the maturity periods of the Company's financial liabilities are as follows:

                                                            June 30, 2023
                               Within 1 year          1-2 years         2-3 years              Over 3 years
Accounts payable                168,223,689.80
Other payables                   111,852,691.67

                                           Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

Current portion of non-
current liabilities
Long-term borrowings              10,781,488.70       10,566,560.92        10,399,607.84       200,807,962.69
Long-term payables                 3,920,160.36
Lease liabilities                 73,155,478.11
             Total               369,498,884.76       10,566,560.92        10,399,607.84       200,807,962.69


                                                         December 31, 2022
                               Within 1 year           1-2 years        2-3 years               Over 3 years
Accounts payable                  124,716,800.71
Other payables                    105,180,279.00
Current portion of non-
current liabilities
Long-term borrowings                6,948,649.17        9,070,099.98        10,241,847.84      183,567,105.37
Long-term payables                  3,920,160.36
Lease liabilities                     268,414.80
            Total                 243,044,123.19        9,070,099.98        10,241,847.84      183,567,105.37

    3. Market risks

     (1) Exchange rate risk

     The exchange rate risk of the Company mainly comes from foreign currency assets and liabilities
held by the Company and its subsidiaries that are not denominated in their bookkeeping base currency.
The Company operates in China's mainland. The main activities are counted in RMB. Therefore, the
market risk of foreign exchange changes borne by the Company is not significant.

     On the balance sheet date, the Company's foreign currency monetary assets and liabilities are
detailed in Note VII. 60 to the Financial Statement.

     (2) Interest rate risk

     Interest rate risks faced by the Company are mainly incurred from long-term bank borrowings.
Due to financial liabilities with floating interest rate, the Company faces cash flow interest rate risk;
due to financial liabilities with fixed interest rate, the Company faces fair value interest rate risk. The
Company decides the relative proportion of the fixed interest rate and floating interest rate contracts
in accordance with the current market environment.
                                                     Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

      The financial department of the Company’s headquarters continuously supervises the
Company's interest rate level. Rising interest rates will increase the cost of new interest-bearing debt
and the interest expense of the Company's outstanding interest-bearing debt with floating interest
rates, and adversely affect the Company's financial performance. Management will make timely
adjustments according to the latest market conditions.

XI. Disclosure of Fair Value

1. Ending fair value of the assets and liabilities measured at fair value

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                                              Ending fair value

                  Item                                               Level 2
                                        Level 1 measurement                             Level 3 measurement
                                                                  measurement at                                      Total
                                            at fair value                                   at fair value
                                                                    fair value
  I. Continuous fair value
                                                --                       --                         --                 --
  (I) Trading financial assets                                                                293,350,365.44       293,350,365.44
  1. Financial assets at fair value
                                                                                              293,350,365.44       293,350,365.44
  through profit or loss
  (4) Structured deposits and
                                                                                              293,350,365.44       293,350,365.44
  financial products
  (III) Other equity instrument
                                                                                                  29,401,309.85     29,401,309.85
  Hedged item                                    898,501.98                                                            898,501.98
  Derivative financial assets                      1,760.00                                                              1,760.00
  Total assets continuously
                                                 900,261.98                                   322,751,675.29       323,651,937.27
  measured at fair value
  (VII) Financial liabilities at fair
  value through profit or loss                30,104,994.27                                                         30,104,994.27
  (1) Gold leasing                            30,104,994.27                                                         30,104,994.27
  Total liabilities continuously
                                              30,104,994.27                                                         30,104,994.27
  measured at fair value
  II. Non-continuous fair value
                                                --                       --                         --                 --

2. Basis for determining the market price of items subject to continuous and non-continuous level 1 fair
value measurement

      The hedged items of the Company are gold product inventory, and the hedging instruments are
liabilities arising from changes in the fair value of gold futures contracts and gold spot deferred
settlement contracts held by the Company. The Company determines the fair value based on the

                                               Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

public quotations of gold spot transactions and futures transactions of Shanghai Gold Exchange and
Shanghai Futures Exchange.

      The Company's gold leasing is a liability formed by borrowing gold in kind from banking
financial institutions, and the fair value is determined based on the public quotation of gold spot
transaction of Shanghai Gold Exchange.

3. Valuation techniques and qualitative and quantitative information about key parameters of items subject
to continuous and non-continuous level 3 fair value measurement

      The trading financial assets are the purchased structured deposits and financial products. The
expected rate of return is used to predict the future cash flow, and the unobservable estimate is the
expected rate of return. Other equity instrument investments are measured by the Company based on
the investment cost as a reasonable estimate of the fair value, because the operating environment,
operating conditions and financial conditions of the investee China PUFA Machinery Industry Co.,
Ltd. have not changed significantly.

XII. Related Parties and Related Party Transactions

1. Parent company

                                                                                       Shareholding       Votes proportion
    Name of parent           Place of                                                proportion of the     of the parent
                                          Nature of business   Registered capital
      company              registration                                             parent company to     company to the
                                                                                       the Company           Company
                                          Real estate
  Shenzhen Special
                                          development and
  Economic Zone                                                RMB
                       Shenzhen           operation,                                           49.09%               46.98%
  Development                                                  4,582,820,000
  Group Co., Ltd.
Information of the parent company

      Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Development Group Co., Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as "SDG
Group") was established on August 1, 1981 with the investment of the State-owned Assets
Supervision and Management Commission of Shenzhen Municipal People's Government. The
Company now holds a business license with a unified social credit code of 91440300192194195C,
and a registered capital of RMB 4,582,820,000.
The reason for the inconsistency between the proportion of voting rights and the shareholding ratio

                                                        Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

of SDG Group in the Company is that SDG Group has carried out the refinancing securities lending

      The ultimate controlling party of the Company: The State-owned Assets Supervision and
Management Commission of Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government.

2. Subsidiaries of the Company

For details of the Company's subsidiaries, please refer to Note IX.

3. Joint ventures and associates of the Company

The important joint ventures or associates of the Company are detailed in the Notes.
The information on other joint ventures or associates that produced balance by conducting related-party transactions with the
Company in the current period or in the earlier period is shown as follows:

                 Name of joint ventures or associates                                  Relationship with the Company
   Shenzhen Tellus Xinyongtong Automobile Service Co., Ltd.            Associate
   Shenzhen Tellus Automobile Service Chain Co., Ltd.                  Associate
   Shenzhen Yongtong Xinda Testing Equipment Co., Ltd.                 Associate
   Shenzhen Xiandao New Materials Co., Ltd.                            Associate
   Shenzhen Telixing Investment Co., Ltd.                              Joint venture

4. Other related parties

                    Name of other related parties                        Relationship between other related parties and the Company
   Shenzhen SDG Microfinance Co., Ltd.                                 Controlled subsidiary of parent company
   Shenzhen SDG Tiane Industrial Co., Ltd.                             Controlled subsidiary of parent company
   Shenzhen Machinery & Equipment Import & Export Co., Ltd.            Controlled subsidiary of parent company
   Shenzhen SDG Real Estate Co., Ltd.                                  Wholly-owned subsidiary of parent company
   Hongkong Yujia Investment Limited                                   Controlled subsidiary of parent company
   Shenzhen SDG Engineering Management Co., Ltd.                       Controlled subsidiary of parent company
   Shenzhen Tellus Yangchun Real Estate Co., Ltd.                      Controlled subsidiary of parent company
   Shenzhen Longgang Tellus Real Estate Co., Ltd.                      Controlled subsidiary of parent company
   Shenzhen SDG Tellus Property Management Co., Ltd.                   Controlled subsidiary of parent company
   Shenzhen SDG Service Co., Ltd. Jewelry Park Branch                  Controlled subsidiary of parent company
   Shenzhen Wahlai Decoration & Furniture Co., Ltd.                    Joint venture of parent company
   Gu Zhiming                                                          Key management personnel
                                                                       Enterprise subject to significant impact by key management
   Shenzhen Zhigu Jinyun Technology Co., Ltd.
   Shenzhen ZHL Industrial Co., Ltd.                                   Minority shareholders of important subsidiaries
                                                                       Enterprises controlled by minority shareholders of important
   Shenzhen Niubisi Jewelry Trading Co., Ltd.
                                                                       Enterprises controlled by minority shareholders of important
   Shenzhen Yuepengjin Jewelry Co., Ltd.
                                                                       Enterprises controlled by minority shareholders of important
   Shenzhen Yuepengjin E-commerce Co., Ltd.

                                                   Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

5. Related party transactions

(1) Related party transactions of purchase/sales of commodities and rendering/receiving of labor services

Purchase of goods/receipt of services

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                                    Amount             Approved           g the
                                          Content of related                                                        incurred in the
              Related parties                                    incurred in the      transaction      transactio
                                          party transaction                                                            previous
                                                                 current period         amount         n amount
                                                                                                         or not
   Shenzhen SDG Engineering               Receiving labor
                                                                     671,200.00        2,000,000.00    No
   Management Co., Ltd.                   services
   Shenzhen SDG Tellus Property           Receiving labor
                                                                   1,782,277.76        3,400,000.00    No            1,529,149.09
   Management Co., Ltd.                   services
   Shenzhen SDG Service Co., Ltd. and     Receiving labor
                                                                   6,681,836.37      18,161,500.00     No            5,236,179.69
   its branches                           services
   Shenzhen Wahlai Decoration &           Receiving labor
   Furniture Co., Ltd.                    services
                                          Procurement of
   Shenzhen Zhigu Jinyun Technology
                                          goods and                1,248,224.49
   Co., Ltd.
                                          Procurement of
   Shenzhen ZHL Industrial Co., Ltd.      goods and                1,863,167.50
   Shenzhen Yuepengjin Jewelry Co.,       Accepting
   Ltd.                                   services
Sale of goods and provision of services

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                            Content of related         Amount incurred in the           Amount incurred in the
              Related parties
                                            party transaction             current period                  previous period
   Shenzhen SDG Microfinance Co.,         Rendering of labor
   Ltd.                                   services
   Shenzhen Special Economic Zone         Rendering of labor
   Development Group Co., Ltd.            services
   Shenzhen SDG Tellus Property           Rendering of labor
                                                                                         1,126.55                        54,548.96
   Management Co., Ltd.                   services
                                          Rendering of labor
   Shenzhen ZHL Industrial Co., Ltd.                                                   44,150.94
   Shenzhen Niubisi Jewelry Trading       Rendering of labor
   Co., Ltd.                              services
   Shenzhen Yuepengjin E-commerce
                                          Sales of goods                           79,086,389.48
   Co., Ltd.

(2) Related party leases

The Company as the lessor:
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                                                     Lease revenue              Lease revenue
                     Name of lessee                     Type of asset leased       recognized in the          recognized in the
                                                                                     current period            previous period

                                                    Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

  Shenzhen Renfu Tellus Automobiles Service Co.,
                                                           Lease of houses                    2,725,000.00                2,595,238.12
  Shenzhen SDG Microfinance Co., Ltd.                      Lease of houses                      604,295.03                  654,081.87
  Shenzhen SDG Tellus Property Management Co.,
                                                           Lease of houses                        65,730.00                  15,155.24
  Shenzhen SDG Service Co., Ltd. and its branches          Lease of houses                    1,150,990.47                1,108,284.57
  Shenzhen Yongtong Xinda Testing Equipment Co.,
                                                           Lease of houses                        16,000.00
  Shenzhen Yuepengjin Jewelry Co., Ltd.                    Lease of houses                    1,199,121.84

(3) Remuneration of key management personnel

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                    Item                        Amount incurred in the current period         Amount incurred in the previous period
  Remuneration of key management
                                                                             4,131,300.00                                 3,258,800.00

6. Receivables and payables by related parties

(1) Receivables

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                       Ending balance                         Beginning balance
  Description                 Related parties                                     Provision for                          Provision for
                                                               Book balance                           Book balance
                                                                                    bad debts                              bad debts
                  Shenzhen SDG Service Co., Ltd.                    20,977.40
                  Shenzhen SDG Microfinance Co., Ltd.              263,272.29           3,555.66         355,565.61           3,555.66
  Accounts        Shenzhen SDG Tellus Property
                                                                                                              5,362.00             53.62
  receivable      Management Co., Ltd.
  Accounts        Shenzhen Niubisi Jewelry Trading Co.,
                                                                 1,109,046.76           6,669.80         666,979.53           6,669.80
  receivable      Ltd.
                  Shenzhen Yuepengjin Jewelry Co., Ltd.          1,111,653.79
  Accounts        Shenzhen Yuepengjin E-commerce Co.,
  receivable      Ltd.
  Accounts        Shenzhen Renfu Tellus Automobiles
  receivable      Service Co., Ltd.
                  Total                                         34,998,000.24         10,225.46        1,027,907.14          10,279.08
  Advances to     Shenzhen Wahlai Decoration &
                                                                   106,696.30                            106,696.30
  suppliers       Furniture Co., Ltd.
  Advances to     Shenzhen SDG Engineering
                                                                     6,900.00                                 6,900.00
  suppliers       Management Co., Ltd.
                  Total                                            113,596.30                            113,596.30
  Other           Shenzhen Tellus Automobile Service
                                                                 1,359,297.00      1,359,297.00        1,359,297.00       1,359,297.00
  receivables     Chain Co., Ltd.
  Other           Shenzhen Yongtong Xinda Testing
                                                                   531,882.24        531,882.24          531,882.24         531,882.24
  receivables     Equipment Co., Ltd.
  Other           Shenzhen Xiandao New Materials Co.,
                                                                   660,790.09        660,790.09          660,790.09         660,790.09
  receivables     Ltd.
  Other           Shenzhen Telixing Investment Co., Ltd.           258,033.80               376.09        37,608.61               376.09

                                                       Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

  Other            Shenzhen SDG Tellus Property
                                                                     16,959.19           409.59         16,959.19            409.59
  receivables      Management Co., Ltd.
                   Shenzhen ZHL Industrial Co., Ltd.              1,203,324.33           100.00         10,000.00            100.00
                   Total                                          4,030,286.65     2,552,855.01       2,616,537.13     2,552,855.01
  Long-term        Shenzhen Tellus Automobile Service
                                                                  2,179,203.68     2,179,203.68       2,179,203.68     2,179,203.68
  receivables      Chain Co., Ltd.
                   Total                                          2,179,203.68     2,179,203.68       2,179,203.68     2,179,203.68

(2) Payables

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
     Description                       Related parties                      Ending book balance          Beginning book balance
  Accounts payable       Shenzhen SDG Real Estate Co., Ltd.                            6,054,855.46                    6,054,855.46
                         Shenzhen Machinery & Equipment Import
  Accounts payable                                                                        45,300.00                       45,300.00
                         & Export Co., Ltd.
  Accounts payable       Shenzhen SDG Service Co., Ltd.                                4,153,458.38                    1,654,014.40
                         Shenzhen SDG Engineering Management
  Accounts payable                                                                      108,038.46                     2,568,038.46
                         Co., Ltd.
                         Shenzhen SDG Tellus Property Management
  Accounts payable                                                                             0.00                      336,533.57
                         Co., Ltd.
                         Shenzhen Wahlai Decoration & Furniture
  Accounts payable                                                                       309,117.63                      432,712.27
                         Co., Ltd.
  Accounts payable       Shenzhen ZHL Industrial Co., Ltd.                              986,928.36                       235,873.17
                         Shenzhen Zhigu Jinyun Technology Co.,
  Accounts payable                                                                      500,000.00
  Accounts payable       Shenzhen Yuepengjin Jewelry Co., Ltd.                           10,800.00                        31,300.00
                         Total                                                       12,168,498.29                    11,358,627.33
  Advances from          Shenzhen SDG Tellus Property Management
  customers              Co., Ltd.
                         Total                                                                 0.00                        5,234.34
  Other payables         Hongkong Yujia Investment Limited                             2,164,650.90                    2,164,650.90
  Other payables         Shenzhen SDG Tiane Industrial Co., Ltd.                          28,766.05                       28,766.05
                         Shenzhen Machinery & Equipment Import
  Other payables                                                                       1,575,452.52                    1,575,452.52
                         & Export Co., Ltd.
                         Shenzhen Special Economic Zone
  Other payables                                                                                                      12,345,594.94
                         Development Group Co., Ltd.
                         Shenzhen Longgang Tellus Real Estate Co.,
  Other payables                                                                       1,095,742.50                    1,095,742.50
                         Shenzhen Tellus Yangchun Real Estate Co.,
  Other payables                                                                        476,217.49                       476,217.49
                         Shenzhen Yongtong Xinda Testing
  Other payables                                                                           5,600.00                        5,602.99
                         Equipment Co., Ltd.
                         Shenzhen SDG Tellus Property Management
  Other payables                                                                        152,182.41                       145,043.21
                         Co., Ltd.
  Other payables         Shenzhen SDG Service Co., Ltd.                                   22,680.00                       25,596.00
                         Shenzhen Renfu Tellus Automobiles Service
  Other payables                                                                        833,334.00                       833,334.00
                         Co., Ltd.
  Other payables         Shenzhen SDG Microfinance Co., Ltd.                            237,804.66                       237,804.66
                         Shenzhen SDG Engineering Management
  Other payables                                                                               0.00                       40,000.00
                         Co., Ltd.
                         Shenzhen Wahlai Decoration & Furniture
  Other payables                                                                           1,700.43                       16,933.72
                         Co., Ltd.
  Other payables         Shenzhen Yuepengjin Jewelry Co., Ltd.                           388,102.00
                         Total                                                         6,982,232.96                   18,990,738.98

                                                   Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

XIII. Commitments and Contingencies

1. Important commitments

Important commitments existing on the balance sheet date


2. Contingencies

(1) Important contingencies existing at the balance sheet date


(2) In case of no important contingencies to be disclosed, a description shall be given

The Company has no important contingencies to be disclosed.

3. Others


XIV. Events after the Balance Sheet Date

1. Descriptions for other events after the balance sheet date

         On July 31, 2023, after deliberation by the Board of Directors of the Company, a decision
was made to dissolve Shenzhen Huari Toyota Sales & Service Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as
"Huari Toyota"), a holding subsidiary of the Company. The Company's Management was
authorized to handle relevant procedures for the dissolution and liquidation of Huari Toyota in strict
accordance with the relevant provisions of the Company Law and other applicable regulations.

XV. Other Significant Events

1. Segment information

(1) Determination basis and accounting policy of reporting segments

       The Company determines the reporting segment based on its internal organizational structure,
management requirements and internal reporting system and takes the industry segment as the basis
to determine the reporting segment. The business performance of automobile sales, automobile
maintenance and testing, leasing and service, jewelry sales and service, etc. are assessed respectively.

                                                        Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

Assets and liabilities commonly used in all segments are distributed among different segments
according to the scale.

(2) Financial information of reporting segments

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                         Automobile                              Leasing and      Wholesale and         Inter-segment
        Item                                maintenance                                                                           Total
                            sales                                  services      retail of jewelry          offset
                                            and testing
  Revenue from
  main                   41,890,016.34      12,278,958.67       114,750,014.55    536,696,671.25         -3,430,879.35      702,184,781.46
  Cost of main
                         38,325,556.22      12,073,155.36        39,425,581.89    521,308,410.69         -3,119,882.41      608,012,821.75
                                                                3,075,301,730.                                              2,512,971,777.
  Total assets           27,785,271.61       8,144,523.01                         553,326,411.47         1,151,586,158.
                                                                           19                                                           36
  Total liabilities      18,889,279.79       5,536,896.52       916,108,472.08    274,031,783.63                            840,351,100.97

XVI. Notes to Major Items of the Parent Company’s Financial Statements

1. Accounts receivable

(1) Classified disclosure of accounts receivable

                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                       Ending balance                                                Beginning balance
                                          Provision for bad                                                Provision for bad
                      Book balance                                                Book balance
                                                debts                                                            debts
   Category                                         Proporti        Book                                             Proporti        Book
                  Amou      Proporti                 on of          value                 Proporti                    on of          value
                                         Amount                                Amount                    Amount
                   nt          on                   provisio                                 on                      provisio
                                                       n                                                                n
                  484,80                 484,803.                              484,803.                  484,803.
  for bad                     2.86%                 100.00%            0.00                76.33%                    100.00%
                    3.08                       08                                    08                        08
  made on a
  with            16,479
                                                                   16,476,2    150,350.                                             147,200.
  provision       ,401.2     97.14%      3,149.91       0.02%                              23.67%        3,149.91         2.10%
                                                                      51.31          82                                                   91
  for bad              2
  made by

                                                       Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

   1. Aging                                                         16,472,8      150,350.                                               147,200.
                    ,041.2      97.12%     3,149.91        0.02%                              23.67%      3,149.91             2.10%
   portfolio                                                           91.31            82                                                     91
                                           487,952.                 16,476,2      635,153.                487,952.                       147,200.
   Total            ,204.3     100.00%                     2.88%                             100.00%                       76.82%
                                                 99                    51.31            90                      99                             91
Please refer to the relevant information of disclosure of bad debt provision of other accounts receivable if adopting the general mode
of expected credit loss to withdraw bad debt provision of other receivables.
Applicable □ Not applicable

Disclosure by aging

                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                  Aging                                                            Ending balance
   Within 1 year (inclusive)                                                                                                      16,476,041.22
   Over 3 years                                                                                                                        488,163.08
        3-4 years                                                                                                                        3,360.00
        Over 5 years                                                                                                                   484,803.08
   Total                                                                                                                          16,964,204.30

(2) Bad debt provision provided, recovered or reversed in the current period

Bad debt provision provided in the reporting period:

                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                              Amount changed in the current period
      Category                                                     Recovery or                                                   Ending balance
                              balance          Provision                               Write-off               Others
   Provision for
   bad debt
                              484,803.08                                                                                               484,803.08
   reserves on an
   individual basis
   Provision for
   bad debts made               3,149.91                                                                                                 3,149.91
   by portfolio
   Total                      487,952.99               0.00                0.00                 0.00                    0.00           487,952.99

(3) Accounts receivable of the top five ending balance by the owing party

                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                                                     Proportion in the total
                                                        Ending balance of                                             Ending balance of
                        Item                                                           ending balance of
                                                       accounts receivable                                          provision for bad debts
                                                                                      accounts receivable
   Shenzhen Renfu Tellus Automobiles Service
                                                                   2,725,000.00                        16.06%
   Co., Ltd.
   Chow Sang Sang (China) Co., Ltd.                                1,647,952.52                        9.71%
   Zhongbao Jinyuan (Shenzhen) Industrial
                                                                   1,581,974.99                        9.33%
   Development Co., Ltd.

                                                      Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

  Shenzhen Southwest Gold Management
                                                              1,254,794.56                        7.40%
  Center Co., Ltd.
  Shenzhen Helin Bijouterie Co., Ltd.                         1,146,592.50                        6.76%
  Total                                                       8,356,314.57                        49.26%

2. Other receivables

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                      Item                                  Ending balance                               Beginning balance
  Dividends receivable                                                       1,852,766.21                               1,852,766.21
  Other receivables                                                          7,214,548.45                               3,114,221.75
  Total                                                                      9,067,314.66                               4,966,987.96

(1) Dividends receivable

1) Category of dividends receivable

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
            Item (or the investee)                          Ending balance                               Beginning balance
  China Pufa Machinery Industry Co., Ltd.                                    1,852,766.21                               1,852,766.21
  Total                                                                      1,852,766.21                               1,852,766.21

2) Significant dividends receivable aged over 1 year

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                Whether impairment
                                                                                       Reason for non-
     Item (or the investee)          Ending balance               Aging                                           occurs and its
                                                                                                                 judgment basis
                                                                                                              The financial and
                                                                                                              operating conditions of
  China Pufa Machinery                                                                                        the Company are
                                             547,184.35     3-4 years              Not paid yet
  Industry Co., Ltd.                                                                                          normal, and the
                                                                                                              dividends receivable
                                                                                                              are not impaired.
  Total                                      547,184.35

3) Withdrawal of bad debt provision

□ Applicable  Not applicable

(2) Other receivables

1) Classification of other receivables by nature

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
               Payment nature                             Ending book balance                       Beginning book balance
  Other temporary payments of receivables                                 17,385,431.12                                14,295,706.79
  Concerned intercourse funds within the
                                                                             3,490,729.22                               2,480,126.85
  consolidation scope of receivables

                                                          Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

   Total                                                                       20,876,160.34                             16,775,833.64

2) Withdrawal of bad debt provision

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                            Stage I                 Stage II                    Stage III
                                                              Expected credit loss
                                           Expected                                        Expected credit loss
       Provision for bad debts                                 within the whole                                            Total
                                         credit loss in                                 within the whole duration
                                                                duration (credit
                                          the next 12                                      (credit impairment
                                                                impairment not
                                            months                                              occurred)
   Balance as of January 1, 2023               7,028.13                                              13,654,583.76       13,661,611.89
   Balance as of January 1, 2023
   in the current period
   Balance as of June 30, 2023                 7,028.13                                              13,654,583.76       13,661,611.89

Changes of book balance with significant amount changed of loss provision in the reporting period
□ Applicable  Not applicable
Disclosure by aging

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                 Aging                                                          Ending balance
   Within 1 year (inclusive)                                                                                              7,176,967.88
   1-2 years                                                                                                                 21,259.70
   Over 3 years                                                                                                          13,677,932.76
        3-4 years                                                                                                            46,698.00
        Over 5 years                                                                                                     13,631,234.76
   Total                                                                                                                 20,876,160.34

3) Bad debt provision provided, recovered or reversed in the current period

Bad debt provision provided in the reporting period:

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                                                 Amount changed in the current period
           Category                                   Provisio       Recovery or                                       Ending balance
                                    balance                                              Write-off          Others
                                                         n            reversal
   Provision for bad debt
   reserves on an                  13,631,234.76                                                                         13,631,234.76
   individual basis
   Provision for bad debts
                                      30,377.13                                                                              30,377.13
   made by portfolio
   Total                           13,661,611.89                                                                         13,661,611.89

4) Other receivables of the top five ending balances by the owing party

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                                                       Proportion to   Ending balance
           Item                Nature of payment             Ending balance             Aging
                                                                                                      ending balance   of provision for

                                                       Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                        of other         bad debts
  Shenzhen Zhonghao
                            Transaction payments                   5,000,000.00   Over 5 years             23.95%        5,000,000.00
  (Group) Co., Ltd.
  Shenzhen Jinbeili
  Electric Appliance        Transaction payments                   2,706,983.51   Over 5 years             12.97%        2,706,983.51
  Co., Ltd.
  Shenzhen Jewelry
                            Current accounts
  Industry Service                                                 2,094,145.03   Within 1 year            10.03%
                            within the Group
  Co., Ltd.
  Petrochemical             Transaction payments                   1,919,733.45   Over 5 years              9.20%        1,919,733.45
  Creditor's rights for
  of debt repayment of      Transaction payments                   1,212,373.79   Over 5 years              5.81%        1,212,373.79
  Huatong Packaging
  Total                                                           12,933,235.78                            61.96%       10,839,090.75

3. Long-term equity investment

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                          Ending balance                                           Beginning balance
          Item                             Provision for                                             Provision for
                      Book balance                              Book value        Book balance                          Book value
                                            impairment                                                impairment
  Investment in
                     761,920,780.08            1,956,000.00   759,964,780.08      786,245,472.73      1,956,000.00     784,289,472.73
  Investment in
  associates and          78,823,139.55        9,787,162.32    69,035,977.23       90,811,528.26      9,787,162.32      81,024,365.94
  joint ventures
  Total              840,743,919.63         11,743,162.32     829,000,757.31      877,057,000.99     11,743,162.32     865,313,838.67

(1) Investment in subsidiaries

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                      Changes in the current period
                      Beginning                                        Impa                                            Ending balance
                                          tiona                                                    Ending balance
    Investee        balance (book                                      irme                                            of impairment
                                             l        Reduced                                       (book value)
                        value)                                           nt           Others                              provision
                                          inve       investment
  SDG Tellus
                      31,152,888.87                                                                  31,152,888.87
  Real Estate
  Co., Ltd.
  Chuangying          14,000,000.00                                                                  14,000,000.00
  Co., Ltd.
  Tellus              57,672,885.22                                                                  57,672,885.22

                                                    Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

  Co., Ltd.
                   369,680,522.90                                                              369,680,522.90
  Industry Co.,
  Industry and     126,251,071.57                                                              126,251,071.57
  Trade Co.,
  SDG Huari
  Automobile        19,224,692.65                                            19,224,692.65                 0.00
  Co., Ltd.
  Huari Toyota
  Sales &               1,807,411.52                                                               1,807,411.52
  Service Co.,
  Vehicle           10,000,000.00                  5,100,000.00                                    4,900,000.00
  Co., Ltd.
                    50,000,000.00                                                                 50,000,000.00
  Supply Chain
  Tech Co.,
  Hanli High
  Tech                                                                                                     0.00     1,956,000.00
  Co., Ltd.
  Industry          32,500,000.00                                                                 32,500,000.00
  Service Co.,
  Guorun Gold
  Shenzhen          72,000,000.00                                                                 72,000,000.00
  Co., Ltd.
  Total            784,289,472.73                  5,100,000.00              19,224,692.65     759,964,780.08       1,956,000.00

(2) Investment in associates and joint ventures

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

            Beginnin                                 Changes in the current period                            Ending     Ending
            g balance     Additi       Reduc   Profit     Other     Change      Cash     Impair               balance    balance
     r                                                                                               Others
              (book        onal         ed     or loss   compre      s in      dividen    ment                 (book        of

                                              Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

             value)    invest   invest      on     hensive    other      ds and    provisi               value)    impair
                        ment     ment    investm   income     equity     profits     on                             ment
                                           ents    adjustm              declare                                    provisi
                                         recogni     ents               d to pay                                     on
I. Joint ventures
           47,143,72                     8,384,6                        15,000,                          40,528,
                0.13                       63.51                         000.00                           383.64
ent Co.,
Telixin                                        -
           14,200,89                                                                                     13,829,
g                                        371,042
                7.13                                                                                      855.00
Investm                                      .13
ent Co.,
Subtota    61,344,61                     8,013,6                        15,000,                          54,358,
l               7.26                       21.38                         000.00                           238.64
II. Associates
Tellus                                         -
           19,679,74                                                                                     14,677,
Autom                                    5,002,0
                8.68                                                                                      738.59
obiles                                     10.09
ang                                                                                                                1,810,5
Industri                                                                                                             40.70
al Co.,
g                                                                                                                  3,225,0
Electro                                                                                                              00.00
Xianda                                                                                                             4,751,6
o New                                                                                                                21.62
ls Co.,

                                                        Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

  Subtota    19,679,74                                                                                               14,677,    9,787,1
  l               8.68                                                                                                738.59      62.32
             81,024,36                           3,011,6                           15,000,                           69,035,    9,787,1
                  5.94                             11.29                            000.00                            977.23      62.32

4. Operating revenue and operating cost

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                     Amount incurred in the current period                Amount incurred in the previous period
                                      Revenue                      Cost                      Revenue                     Cost
  Main business                         34,050,043.81              14,948,857.82              12,666,278.27               5,003,948.63
  Total                                 34,050,043.81              14,948,857.82              12,666,278.27               5,003,948.63

5. Investment income

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                         Amount incurred in the current
                        Item                                                                  Amount incurred in the previous period
  Income from long-term equity investments
                                                                              3,011,611.29                                7,927,787.58
  calculated by the equity method
  Investment income from holding trading
                                                                              7,437,966.44                                5,715,948.58
  financial assets
  Total                                                                      10,449,577.73                               13,643,736.16

XVII. Supplementary Information

1. Breakdown of non-recurring profit or loss of the current period

Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                     Item                                        Amount                                         Note
  Government subsidies included in the
  current profits and losses (except those
  closely related to the Company's normal
  operations, conforming to the state                                         4,475,465.94    Government subsidies
  policies and regulations and enjoyed
  persistently in line with certain standard
  ratings or rations)
  Except for the effective hedging
  activities related to the Company’s
  ordinary activities, profit or loss arising
  from changes in fair value from holding
  trading financial assets and trading                                        3,220,569.71    Wealth management income
  financial liabilities, and investment
  income from disposal of trading financial
  assets and trading financial liabilities and
  available-for-sale financial assets
  Other non-operating revenue and                                              297,499.01     Mainly due to the early surrender of

                                                        Full Text of the Semi-annual Report 2023 of Shenzhen Tellus Holding Co., Ltd.

   expenses other than the above                                                               lease and payment of liquidated damages
                                                                                               for house leasing
   Less: effect on income tax                                                  1,998,431.62
        Effect on minority interests                                            -494,178.96
   Total                                                                       6,489,282.00                          --

Specific conditions of other profit or loss conforming to the definition of non-recurring profit or loss:
□ Applicable  Not applicable
The Company has no other profit or loss conforming to the definition of non-recurring profit or loss.
Explanation on defining the non-recurring profit or loss set out in the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure
for Companies Offering Securities to the Public - Non-Recurring Profit or Loss as recurring profit or loss
□ Applicable  Not applicable

2. Return on net profits and earnings per share

                                                                                                Earnings per share
     Profit during the reporting       Weighted average return on
               period                          net assets                  Basic earnings per share         Diluted earnings per share
                                                                                (RMB/share)                       (RMB/share)
   Net profit attributed to
   ordinary shareholders of the                               2.89%                              0.1024                          0.1024
   Net profit attributed to
   ordinary shareholders of the
   Company after deducting                                    2.47%                              0.0873                          0.0873
   non-recurring profits and

3. Difference in accounting data under domestic and foreign accounting rules

(1) Differences in net profits and net assets in the financial reports disclosed simultaneously according to
the International Accounting Standards and the Accounting Standards of the People's Republic of China

□ Applicable  Not applicable

(2) Differences in net profits and net assets in the financial reports disclosed simultaneously according to
the foreign accounting standards and the Accounting Standards of the People's Republic of China

□ Applicable  Not applicable

(3) Specify the reasons for differences in accounting data under domestic and foreign accounting standards
(if any); if the adjustment is made to data audited by the overseas audit firm, specify the name of such audit

4. Others
