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一 致B:2013年第一季度报告全文(英文版)2013-04-24  

						    China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                First Quarterly Report 2013

                        April 2013

                                    Section I. Important Notes

Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee of China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.

(hereinafter referred to as the Company) and its directors, supervisors and senior executives should guarantee the

reality, accuracy and completion of the quarterly report, there are no any fictitious statements, misleading

statements or important omissions carried in this report, and shall take legal responsibilities, individual and/or


Yan Zhigang, person in charge of the Company, Wei Pingxiao, person in charger of accounting works and Chi
Guoguang, person in charger of accounting organ (accounting officer) hereby confirm that the Financial Report of
this Quarterly Report is authentic, accurate and complete.

All Directors are attended the Board Meeting for Quarterly Report deliberation.

          Section II. Main financial data and changes of shareholders

I. Main financial data

Whether has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on financial data of previous’ period in this report or not
□Yes √ No
                                                                                                            Changes of this period over
                                                   Jan. – March 2013            Jan. – March 2012
                                                                                                            same period of last year (%)

Operating income (RMB)                                   4,868,822,373.35              4,274,691,013.50                           13.9%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                           143,654,533.90                121,822,129.24                          17.92%
the listed company(RMB)
Net profit attributable to shareholders of
the listed company after deducting                         141,497,888.97                121,014,539.71                          16.93%
non-recurring gains and losses(RMB)
Net cash flow arising from operating
                                                           109,790,134.68               -271,437,536.92                         140.45%

Basic earnings per share (RMB/Share)                                 0.499                          0.423                        17.97%
Diluted earnings per share (RMB/Share)                               0.499                          0.423                        17.97%
Weighted average ROE (%)                                             7.77%                          8.63%                         -0.86%
                                                                                                            Changes of this period-end
                                                       2013-3-31                     2012-12-31             over same period-end of last
                                                                                                                     year (%)

Total assets (RMB)                                       9,675,831,669.40              9,295,839,939.64                           4.09%
Net assets attributable to shareholder of
                                                         1,919,758,562.86              1,775,943,028.96                            8.1%
listed company (RMB)

Whether shares capital changes and owners equity been affected due to new shares issued, additional offering, allotment of shares,
equity incentive exercise and buy-back from this period-end to date of report disclosed or not
□Yes √ No
Items of non-recurring gains and losses
√ Applicable    □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                                        Amount from year-begin to
                                Item                                                                                Note

Gains/losses from the disposal of non-current asset (including the
write-off that accrued for impairment of assets)

Tax refund or exemption out of authorization, with absence of
official approval document or accidentally

Governmental subsidy reckoned into current gains/losses (not                          2,095,437.72 Mainly because the Company

including the subsidy enjoyed in quota or ration according to                         received financial discount
national standards, which are closely relevant to enterprise’s                       150,000 yuan, the subsidiary of
business)                                                                             the Company received vary
                                                                                      subsidy of stock medicine
                                                                                      subsidies as 1.24 million yuan,
                                                                                      received high-tech R&D project
                                                                                      funds 200,000 yuan, received
                                                                                      Zhongshan Health
                                                                                      Pharmaceutical Industry
                                                                                      Development Special Fund and
                                                                                      leading enterprise entrance
                                                                                      one-time grant 100,000 yuan.
Fund occupation expenses received from non-financial
enterprises that reckon into current gains/losses
Income occurred when investment cost paid by enterprise for
obtaining subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures are lower
than its share in fair value of net realizable assets of invested
Gains and losses from exchange of non-monetary assets

Gains and losses from entrusted investment or management assets
Various asset impairment reserve provided for force majeure,
such as natural disaster;
Gains/losses from debt reorganization
Reorganization expenses, such as expenditure for allocation of
employees and integration fee
Gains and losses from excess of transaction which are conducted
on a non-fair-valued basis over its fair value
Current net gains and losses of subsidiaries occurred from
combination under the same control commencing from
period-begin to combination date
Gains and losses from contingent events which has no relation
with normal business of the Company
Gains and losses from change of fair values of
held-for-transaction financial assets and financial liabilities except
for the effective hedge business related to normal business of the
Company, and investment income from disposal of transactional
financial assets and liabilities and financial assets available for
Reversal of impairment reserve for account receivable with
separate impairment testing
Gains/ losses from external entrustment loans
Gains and losses arising from change of fair value of investment
properties whose follow-up measurement are at fair value
Affect upon current gains/losses arising from the one-off
adjustment in subject to requirement of laws and rules in relation
to taxation and accounting
Income from entrusted custody operation

Other non-operating income and expenditure except for the
aforementioned items

Other item that satisfied the definition of non-recurring gains and

Impact on income tax                                                                        588,295.57
Impact on minority shareholders’ equity (post-tax)                                             29,073.76
Total                                                                                     2,156,644.93                   --

Note: 1.The non-recurring profit and loss items listed according to the pretax amount.
2. Please fill it out to a negative number if there is a negative number in the non-recurring profit and loss items.

II. Total number of shareholders at the end of this report period and top ten shareholders
                                                                                                                                Unit: Share
Total number of shareholders
at the end of report period

                                                            Top ten shareholders
                                                                                     Amount of          Number of share pledged/frozen
  Shareholder’s          Nature of        Proportion of     Amount of shares
                                                                                   restricted shares
        name             shareholder      shares held (%)          held                                 State of share        Amount

Sinopharm Group State-owned legal
                                                  38.33%          110,459,748                       0
Co., Ltd.             person

                      Domestic non
                      state-owned legal             3.16%            9,109,464
Demand Growth
II stock securities
investment fund

                      Foreign legal
FIRST STATE                                         2.44%            7,032,720

                      Foreign legal
PARTNERS                                            2.36%            6,812,622

Theme New             Domestic non
Power stock           state-owned legal             2.35%            6,785,060
securities            person
investment fund

International         Domestic non
Alpha stock           state-owned legal             1.45%            4,180,898
securities            person
investment fund

Research            Domestic non
Selected stock      state-owned legal           1.43%           4,128,444
securities          person
investment fund

                    Domestic non
Strategic Growth
                    state-owned legal           1.43%           4,126,862
hybrid securities
investment fund

                    Domestic non
                    state-owned legal           1.39%           4,000,000

National Social     Domestic non
Security Fund       state-owned legal           1.09%           3,135,180
102 combination person

                                        Top ten shareholders with unrestricted shares held
                                                                                                         Type of shares
         Shareholder’s name                   Amount of unrestricted shares held
                                                                                                    Type             Amount
                                                                                                RMB ordinary
Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd.                                                       110,459,748                          110,459,748

CCB—China Advantage Growth                                                                     RMB ordinary
                                                                                    9,109,464                             9,109,464
stock securities investment fund                                                                   shares

                                                                                    7,032,720   listed foreign            7,032,720
                                                                                    6,812,622   listed foreign            6,812,622

ICBC—Harvest Theme New Power                                                                   RMB ordinary
                                                                                    6,785,060                             6,785,060
stock securities investment fund                                                                   shares

CCB—China International Alpha                                                                  RMB ordinary
                                                                                    4,180,898                             4,180,898
stock securities investment fund                                                                   shares

BOC—Harvest Research Selected                                                                  RMB ordinary
                                                                                    4,128,444                             4,128,444
stock securities investment fund                                                                   shares

ICBC—Harvest Strategic Growth                                                                  RMB ordinary
                                                                                    4,126,862                             4,126,862
hybrid securities investment fund                                                                  shares

ICBC-GUANGFA JUFENG                                                                            RMB ordinary
                                                                                    4,000,000                             4,000,000
STOCK FUND                                                                                         shares

National Social Security Fund 102                                                               RMB ordinary
                                                                                    3,135,180                             3,135,180
combination                                                                                        shares

                                        ICBC—Harvest Theme New Power stock securities investment fund and ICBC—Harvest
                                        Strategic Growth hybrid securities investment fund has the same fund manager of Harvest
                                        Fund Management Co., LTD; As an investment manager, VALUE PARTNERS is in charging
Note of related relationship among
                                        of 19 funds and entrusted accounts in total. VALUE PARTNERS CLASSIC FUND, one of
the above shareholders and
                                        the top ten shareholders, is one of the VALUE PARTNERS; it is unknown that there exists no
concerted actors
                                        associated relationship or belongs to the consistent actionist among the other tradable
                                        shareholders regulated by the Management Measure of Information Disclosure on Change of
                                        Shareholding for Listed Companies.

                                        Section III. Significant Events

I. Particulars about material changes in items of main accounting statement and financial
index and explanations of reasons

1. Other current assets: decreased 3.07 million yuan over that of balance at period-begin with growth rate of -37.95%, mainly because
the offset against VAT payable decreased;
2. Wages payable: decreased 48.68 million yuan over that of balance at period-begin with growth rate of -31.21%, mainly because
the remuneration, accrual last year, has distributed in this period;
3. Interest payable: increased 5.06 million yuan over that of balance at period-begin with growth rate of 38.79%, mainly because
short-term financing bonds interest was newly accrual in this period;
4. Long-term account payable: decreased 30,000 yuan over that of balance at period-begin with growth rate of -100.00%, mainly
because completed the payment of staff’s seniority compensation of subsidiaries in this period;
5. Assets impairment loss: a y-o-y growth of 9.5 million yuan with rate of 4320.11% up, mainly because on one hand, less accrual
provision for obsolete stocks at same period of last year due to the strengthen in inventory management and quickening inventory
turnover; on the other hand, the accrual provision for obsolete stocks increased in this period due to the influence from antibiotic
restriction policy in pharmaceutical industry;
6. Non-operation expenditure: a y-o-y decrease of 0.38 million yuan with rate of -87.79% up, mainly because y-o-y down in external
donation and loss from disposal of non-current assts in this period;
7. Minority interest: a y-o-y growth of 2.43 million yuan with rate of 247.71% up, mainly because on one hand, a y-o-y growth of
profit from subsidiary, the minority interest increased; on the other hand, influence from the minority equity acquisition of
8. Tax refunds received: a y-o-y growth of 70,000 yuan with rate of 42.56% up, mainly because export tax refunds from subsidiary
increased y-o-y;
9. Net cash flow from operation activity: a y-o-y growth of 381.23 million yuan, mainly benefit from the y-o-y growth of sales, cash
received from commodity sales and labor service providing increased y-o-y;
10. Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets: a y-o-y decrease of 0.15 million
yuan with rate of -71.31% up, mainly because part of the vehicle has disposed at same period of last year while no such business
occurred in this period;
11. Cash paid for purchasing fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets: a y-o-y decreases of 28.38 million yuan with
rate of -62.54% up, mainly because final payment for part of the construction completion at same period of last year;
12. Net cash paid for subsidiary and other operation units obtained: a y-o-y decreases of 5.09 million yuan with rate of -100% up,

mainly because purchase Sinopharm Zhaoqing and Sinopharm Wuzhou at same period of last year while no such business occurred
in this period;
13. Net cash flow from investment activity: a y-o-y growth of 33.32 million yuan with rate of 66.30% up, mainly because the cash
paid for purchasing fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets and net cash paid for subsidiary and other operation
units obtained decreased y-o-y;
14. Cash from loans: a y-o-y decreases of 191.70 million yuan with rate of -53.79% up, mainly because offered short-term financing
bonds in 2nd half year of last year and the borrowing scale from the bank down y-o-y in this period;
15. Cash received with other financing activity concerned: a y-o-y decreases of 345.26 million yuan with rate of -100.00% up, mainly
because no entrust loans borrow-in in this period and at same period of last year, the account collected and paid of supply chain
financing for the bank was listed base on the amount incurred while listed base on net amount in this year;
16. Cash paid with other financing activity concerned: a y-o-y decreases of 293.28 million yuan with rate of -92.42% up, mainly
because no entrust loans paid in this period and at same period of last year, the account collected and paid of supply chain financing
for the bank was listed base on the amount incurred while listed base on net amount in this year;
17. Net cash flow from financing activity: a y-o-y decreases of 214.54 million yuan with rate of -158.49% up, mainly because offered
short-term financing bonds in 2nd half year of last year and the borrowing scale from the bank down y-o-y in this period;
18. Influence on cash and cash equivalent from exchange rate movement: a y-o-y increases of 2,900 yuan with rate of 99.99% up,
mainly because less foreign currency held.

II. Analysis and explanation of significant events and their influence and solutions


III. Predict of the business performance from January to June 2013
Warnings and reasons of the predict that the cumulative net profit from the begin of the year to the end of next report period may be
loss or have great changes comparing with the same period of last year
□Applicable      √Not applicable
IV. Registration form for receiving research, communication and interview in the report
                                                                                                              Contents discussed and
        Date                 Place              Method          Type of investors         Investor
                                                                                                                materials supplied
                                                                                                        Visited the company and
                                                                                    Huatai Financial
                     Accord Pharm.                                                                      knew the development of
2013-01-09                                Spot investigation   Institution          Holdings, Fortune
                     Bldg.                                                                              the company. No material
                                                                                    SG Fund

                                                                                    E Fund, Guosen      Visited the company and
                     Accord Pharm.                                                  Securities, China   knew the development of
2013-01-10                                Spot investigation   Institution
                     Bldg.                                                          Merchants Fund,     the company. No material
                                                                                    Orient Securities   provided.

                                                                                    Securities,         Visited the company and
                     Accord Pharm.                                                  China AMC, CCB knew the development of
2013-03-29                                Spot investigation   Institution
                     Bldg.                                                          Principal Asset,    the company. No material
                                                                                    Chinalion           provided.

                                       Section IV. Financial Statement

I. Financial statement

1. Consolidate balance sheet

Prepared by China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB

                      Items                      Balance at period-end             Balance at period-begin

Current assets:

       Monetary funds                                             953,410,093.68                     953,992,070.61

       Settlement provisions

       Capital lent

       Transaction finance asset

       Notes receivable                                           680,988,657.17                     650,860,240.37

       Accounts receivable                                      4,836,922,169.95                   4,393,325,300.66

       Accounts paid in advance                                    94,021,326.75                      89,512,381.34

       Insurance receivable

       Reinsurance receivables

       Contract reserve of reinsurance

       Interest receivable

       Dividend receivable

       Other receivables                                           34,049,047.45                      32,985,425.60

       Purchase restituted finance asset

       Inventories                                              1,636,075,613.82                   1,734,679,063.78

       Non-current asset due within one

       Other current assets                                         5,014,332.64                       8,080,607.66

Total current assets                                            8,240,481,241.46                   7,863,435,090.02

Non-current assets:

       Granted loans and advances

       Finance asset available for sales

       Held-to-maturity investment

       Long-term account receivable

     Long-term equity investment                 130,280,735.30     121,019,845.50

     Investment property                          82,702,191.19      88,315,429.63

     Fixed assets                                681,739,701.44     690,487,633.12

     Construction in progress                    112,202,581.42     103,955,350.80

     Engineering material

     Disposal of fixed asset

     Productive biological asset

     Oil and gas asset

     Intangible assets                           154,266,247.96     155,155,071.20

     Expense        on    Research        and
                                                    5,126,782.49       5,002,441.27

     Goodwill                                     85,228,833.15      85,228,833.15

     Long-term         expenses      to    be
                                                  18,884,334.00      19,742,990.45

     Deferred income tax asset                    52,127,861.80      49,509,529.97

     Other non-current asset                     112,791,159.19     113,987,724.53

Total non-current asset                         1,435,350,427.94   1,432,404,849.62

Total assets                                    9,675,831,669.40   9,295,839,939.64

Current liabilities:

     Short-term loans                           1,827,285,217.34   1,687,810,294.37

     Loan from central bank

     Absorbing deposit and interbank

     Capital borrowed

     Transaction financial liabilities

     Notes payable                              1,311,910,404.19   1,105,275,538.24

     Accounts payable                           3,136,115,910.19   3,197,354,275.46

     Accounts received in advance                 27,224,624.59      35,002,695.02

     Selling     financial        asset    of
     Commission           charge          and
commission payable

     Wage payable                                107,315,804.90     155,994,408.20

     Taxes payable                                66,450,815.20      51,390,674.43

     Interest payable                             18,091,827.73      13,035,821.07

     Dividend payable

       Other accounts payable                      402,488,659.33     413,831,307.40

       Reinsurance payables

       Insurance contract reserve

       Security trading of agency

       Security sales of agency

       Non-current liabilities due within 1
                                                    59,000,000.00      71,127,275.00

       Other current liabilities                   399,427,039.55     399,014,838.05

Total current liabilities                         7,355,310,303.02   7,129,837,127.24

Non-current liabilities:

       Long-term loans                              89,332,837.71      82,205,562.71

       Bonds payable

       Long-term account payable                                           32,259.60

       Special accounts payable                       4,326,000.00       4,487,000.00

       Projected liabilities

  Deferred income tax liabilities                   26,209,837.73      26,619,273.68

       Other non-current liabilities               214,376,320.99     213,607,504.21

Total non-current liabilities                      334,244,996.43     326,951,600.20

Total liabilities                                 7,689,555,299.45   7,456,788,727.44

Owner’s      equity     (or     shareholders’

       Paid-in capital (or share capital)          288,149,400.00     288,149,400.00

       Capital public reserve                         5,711,338.57       5,550,338.57

       Less: Inventory shares

       Reasonable reserve

       Surplus public reserve                       99,360,384.15      99,360,384.15

       Provision of general risk

       Retained profit                            1,526,537,440.14   1,382,882,906.24

       Balance      difference     of   foreign
currency translation
Total owner’s equity attributable to
                                                  1,919,758,562.86   1,775,943,028.96
parent company

Minority interests                                  66,517,807.09      63,108,183.24

Total owner’s equity (or shareholders’
                                                  1,986,276,369.95   1,839,051,212.20

Total liabilities and owner’s equity(or
                                                  9,675,831,669.40   9,295,839,939.64
shareholders’ equity)

Legal representative: Yan Zhigang
Person in charger of accounting works: Wei Pingxiao
Person in charger of accounting organ: Chi Guoguang
2. Balance sheet of parent company
Prepared by China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB

                      Items                       Balance at period-end                Balance at period-begin

Current assets:

       Monetary funds                                              160,010,841.35                        160,633,355.13

       Transaction finance asset                                                0.00                                 0.00

       Notes receivable                                              8,410,528.75                            376,521.35

       Accounts receivable                                         372,409,256.88                        364,688,936.84

       Accounts paid in advance                                      2,494,343.12                          2,944,282.55

       Interest receivable                                                      0.00                                 0.00

       Dividend receivable                                                      0.00                                 0.00

       Other receivables                                           858,743,244.71                        971,859,991.32

       Inventories                                                 137,965,918.04                        130,552,057.09

       Non-current asset due within one
                                                                                0.00                                 0.00

       Other current assets                                          2,144,893.01                            262,096.80

Total current assets                                             1,542,179,025.86                      1,631,317,241.08

Non-current assets:

       Finance asset available for sales                                        0.00                                 0.00

       Held-to-maturity securities                                              0.00                                 0.00

       Long-term account receivable                                             0.00                                 0.00

       Long-term equity investment                               1,478,310,229.68                      1,469,049,339.88

       Investment property                                           6,321,983.43                          7,392,314.49

       Fixed assets                                                 26,979,421.76                         27,728,901.07

       Construction in progress                                           727,907.49                         545,247.24

       Engineering material                                                     0.00                                 0.00

       Disposal of fixed asset                                                  0.00                                 0.00

       Productive biological asset                                              0.00                                 0.00

       Oil and gas asset                                                        0.00                                 0.00

       Intangible assets                                            37,601,729.65                         37,903,901.08

       Expense        on      Research   and
                                                                                0.00                                 0.00

       Goodwill                                                                 0.00                                 0.00

       Long-term        expenses     to     be
                                                     7,616,829.39       7,893,858.54

       Deferred income tax asset                     2,946,203.12       2,929,885.67

       Other non-current asset                       8,350,000.00       8,350,000.00

Total non-current asset                          1,568,854,304.52   1,561,793,447.97

Total assets                                     3,111,033,330.38   3,193,110,689.05

Current liabilities:

       Short-term loans                           388,000,000.00     452,004,475.38

       Transaction financial liabilities                     0.00               0.00

       Notes payable                              151,087,958.14     176,012,796.90

       Accounts payable                           316,748,895.50     282,426,136.11

       Accounts received in advance                    15,323.51         477,717.18

       Wage payable                                24,645,045.86      28,849,468.43

       Taxes payable                                  697,317.82         715,642.50

       Interest payable                            11,292,505.15        7,091,864.58

       Dividend payable                                      0.00               0.00

       Other accounts payable                     536,479,892.30     575,130,189.97

       Non-current liabilities due within 1
                                                             0.00               0.00

       Other current liabilities                  399,427,039.55     399,014,838.05

Total current liabilities                        1,828,393,977.83   1,921,723,129.10

Non-current liabilities:

       Long-term loans                                       0.00               0.00

       Bonds payable                                         0.00               0.00

       Long-term account payable                             0.00               0.00

       Special accounts payable                       839,000.00        1,000,000.00

       Projected liabilities                                 0.00               0.00

       Deferred income tax liabilities               3,773,319.00       3,773,319.00

       Other non-current liabilities                         0.00               0.00

Total non-current liabilities                        4,612,319.00       4,773,319.00

Total liabilities                                1,833,006,296.83   1,926,496,448.10

Owner’s       equity     (or   shareholders’

       Paid-in capital (or share capital)         288,149,400.00     288,149,400.00

       Capital public reserve                      14,509,726.93      14,348,726.93

     Less: Inventory shares                                                  0.00                               0.00

     Reasonable reserve                                                      0.00                               0.00

     Surplus public reserve                                         99,360,384.15                     99,360,384.15

     Provision of general risk                                               0.00                               0.00

     Retained profit                                               876,007,522.47                    864,755,729.87

     Balance     difference    of   foreign
currency translation
Total owner’s equity(or shareholders’
                                                                 1,278,027,033.55                  1,266,614,240.95
Total liabilities and owner’s equity(or
                                                                 3,111,033,330.38                  3,193,110,689.05
shareholders’ equity)
Legal representative: Yan Zhigang
Person in charger of accounting works: Wei Pingxiao
Person in charger of accounting organ: Chi Guoguang
3. Consolidated Profit Statement
Prepared by China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                   Items                          Amount at this period             Amount at last period

I. Total operating income                                        4,868,822,373.35                  4,274,691,013.50

Including: Operating income                                      4,868,822,373.35                  4,274,691,013.50

     Interest income

     Insurance gained

     Commission            charge       and
commission income

II. Total operating cost                                         4,699,206,221.19                  4,128,175,649.52

Including: Operating cost                                        4,432,050,849.23                  3,880,365,134.83

     Interest expense

     Commission            charge       and
commission expense

     Cash surrender value

     Net     amount     of    expense    of

          Net amount of withdrawal of
insurance contract reserve

     Bonus expense of guarantee slip

     Reinsurance expense

     Operating tax and extras                                       11,692,662.54                     10,249,357.93

     Sales expenses                                                127,880,683.95                    115,542,181.90

     Administration expenses                                        84,756,689.56                     76,371,797.88

         Financial expenses                                             33,105,615.62                            45,427,279.11

         Losses of devaluation of asset                                  9,719,720.29                              219,897.87

         Add: Changing income of fair
value(Loss is listed with “-”)
         Investment income (Loss is listed
                                                                         9,260,889.80                             7,133,029.51
with “-”)
         Including: Investment income on
                                                                         9,260,889.80                             7,133,029.51
affiliated company and joint venture
         Exchange income (Loss is listed
with “-”)
III. Operating profit         (Loss is listed
                                                                       178,877,041.96                           153,648,393.49
with “-”)

         Add: Non-operating income                                       2,283,793.08                             1,880,398.82

         Less: Non-operating expense                                        52,654.41                              431,395.93

         Including:   Disposal     loss    of
                                                                            18,690.05                                81,021.97
non-current asset
IV. Total Profit       (Loss is listed with
                                                                       181,108,180.63                           155,097,396.38

         Less: Income tax                                               34,044,022.88                            32,294,666.00

V. Net profit (Net loss is listed with “-”)                          147,064,157.75                           122,802,730.38

Including: Net profit achieved by the
merged party before the merger

         Net profit attributable to owner’s
                                                                       143,654,533.90                           121,822,129.24
equity of parent company
     Minority shareholders’ gains and
                                                                         3,409,623.85                              980,601.14

VI. Earnings per share                          --                                       --

i. Basic earnings per share                                                      0.499                                  0.423

ii. Diluted earnings per share                                                   0.499                                  0.423

VII. Other consolidated income

VIII. Total consolidated income                                        147,064,157.75                           122,802,730.38

Total consolidated income attributable
                                                                       143,654,533.90                           121,822,129.24
to owners of parent company

         Total consolidated income
                                                                         3,409,623.85                              980,601.14
attributable to minority shareholders
Legal representative: Yan Zhigang
Person in charger of accounting works: Wei Pingxiao
Person in charger of accounting organ: Chi Guoguang
Notes: financial expenses involved financial business should be separately listed the items of exchange gains

4. Profit statement of parent company

Prepared by China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                      Items                          Amount at this period                     Amount at last period

I. Operating income                                                   556,966,727.71                            525,423,059.94

Less: Operating income                                                533,556,373.38                            498,089,934.80

         Operating tax and extras                                            967,482.15                           1,330,854.18

         Sales expenses                                                 9,712,242.94                              9,591,216.16

         Administration expenses                                        8,476,872.55                              9,925,545.34

         Financial expenses                                             2,364,622.69                              6,891,875.19

         Losses of devaluation of asset                                       73,319.88                            -402,728.39

         Add: Changing income of fair
value(Loss is listed with “-”)
         Investment income (Loss is listed
                                                                        9,260,889.80                              7,569,709.80
with “-”)
         Including: Investment income on
                                                                        9,260,889.80                              7,133,029.51
affiliated company and joint venture
II. Operating profit          (Loss is listed
                                                                       11,076,703.92                              7,566,072.46
with “-”)

         Add: Non-operating income                                           158,771.23                                246,516.01

         Less: Non-operating expense                                                                                   269,125.07

         Including:    Disposal     loss   of
non-current asset
III. Total Profit      (Loss is listed with
                                                                       11,235,475.15                              7,543,463.40

         Less: Income tax                                                    -16,317.45

IV. Net profit (Net loss is listed with
                                                                       11,251,792.60                              7,543,463.40

V. Earnings per share                           --                                        --

i. Basic earnings per share                                                          0                                         0

ii. Diluted earnings per share                                                       0                                         0

VI. Other consolidated income                                                      0.00                                      0.00

VII. Total consolidated income                                         11,251,792.60                              7,543,463.40
Legal representative: Yan Zhigang
Person in charger of accounting works: Wei Pingxiao
Person in charger of accounting organ: Chi Guoguang

5. Consolidated cash flow statement

Prepared by China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                   Items                             Amount at this period                Amount at last period

I. Cash flows arising from operating
       Cash     received         from     selling
commodities       and      providing        labor                   4,735,572,728.08                     3,779,498,907.42
       Net increase of customer deposit
and interbank deposit
       Net increase of loan from central
       Net increase of capital borrowed
from other financial institution
       Cash    received         from     original
insurance contract fee
       Net cash received from reinsurance
       Insured savings and net increase of
       Net    increase     of     disposal     of
transaction financial asset
       Cash    received         from     interest,
 commission charge and commission

       Net increase of capital borrowed

       Net increase of returned business

       Write-back of tax received                                            232,694.10                           163,222.89

       Other cash received concerning
                                                                       19,078,366.15                        17,797,483.61
operating activities
        Subtotal of cash inflow arising
                                                                    4,754,883,788.33                     3,797,459,613.92
from operating activities
       Cash     paid       for         purchasing
commodities       and      receiving        labor                   4,295,639,508.28                     3,725,221,147.10
       Net increase of customer loans and

       Net increase of deposits in central
bank and interbank

       Cash paid for original insurance
contract compensation

       Cash paid for interest, commission
charge and commission

       Cash paid for bonus of guarantee


       Cash paid to/for staff and workers          162,986,417.08     139,233,755.22

       Taxes paid                                  114,701,822.78     103,980,345.49

       Other     cash     paid      concerning
                                                    71,765,905.51     100,461,903.03
operating activities
       Subtotal of cash outflow arising
                                                  4,645,093,653.65   4,068,897,150.84
from operating activities
       Net     cash    flows     arising   from
                                                   109,790,134.68    -271,437,536.92
operating activities
II. Cash flows arising from investing
       Cash received from recovering
       Cash received from investment
       Net cash received from disposal of
fixed, intangible and other long-term                   59,661.00         207,915.00
       Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries and other units
       Other cash received concerning
investing activities
       Subtotal of cash inflow from
                                                        59,661.00         207,915.00
investing activities
       Cash paid for purchasing fixed,
                                                    16,994,763.75      45,372,897.36
intangible and other long-term assets

       Cash paid for investment

       Net increase of mortgaged loans

       Net      cash      received         from
subsidiaries and other units
       Other     cash     paid      concerning
investing activities
       Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                                    16,994,763.75      50,458,804.97
investing activities
       Net     cash    flows     arising   from
                                                    -16,935,102.75     -50,250,889.97
investing activities

III. Cash flows arising from financing

       Cash received from absorbing

       Including: Cash received from
absorbing        minority        shareholders’

investment by subsidiaries

      Cash received from loans                                         164,699,901.11                    356,403,865.78

      Cash received from issuing bonds

      Other cash received concerning
financing activities
      Subtotal of cash inflow from
                                                                       164,699,901.11                    701,659,555.96
financing activities

      Cash paid for settling debts                                     191,180,079.92                    211,686,102.18

      Cash paid for dividend and profit
                                                                        28,634,662.45                     37,264,660.38
distributing or interest paying
      Including: Dividend and profit of
minority       shareholder           paid       by
      Other     cash       paid      concerning
                                                                        24,064,510.17                    317,345,129.32
financing activities
      Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                                                       243,879,252.54                    566,295,891.88
financing activities
      Net     cash    flows       arising    from
                                                                       -79,179,351.43                    135,363,664.08
financing activities
IV. Influence on cash due to fluctuation
                                                                                -0.28                           -2,940.42
in exchange rate
V. Net increase of cash and cash
                                                                        13,675,680.22                   -186,327,703.23
      Add: Balance of cash and cash
                                                                       920,748,043.53                    907,884,162.14
equivalents at the period -begin
VI.    Balance        of   cash      and      cash
                                                                       934,423,723.75                    721,556,458.91
equivalents at the period -end
Legal representative: Yan Zhigang
Person in charger of accounting works: Wei Pingxiao
Person in charger of accounting organ: Chi Guoguang
6. Cash flow statement of parent company
Prepared by China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                                                                Unit: RMB

                      Items                           Amount at this period             Amount at last period

I. Cash flows arising from operating
      Cash      received      from          selling
commodities          and   providing         labor                     601,851,075.97                    484,645,217.07

      Write-back of tax received

      Other cash received concerning
                                                                         2,756,834.53                      3,557,267.61
operating activities

         Subtotal of cash inflow arising
                                                    604,607,910.50   488,202,484.68
from operating activities
     Cash       paid       for       purchasing
commodities          and    receiving       labor   595,766,405.98   479,168,053.99

     Cash paid to/for staff and workers              14,068,634.25    15,761,713.23

     Taxes paid                                       3,254,198.36     5,045,537.47

     Other      cash       paid      concerning
                                                      8,044,724.40    27,322,022.51
operating activities
     Subtotal of cash outflow arising
                                                    621,133,962.99   527,297,327.20
from operating activities
     Net      cash    flows       arising   from
                                                    -16,526,052.49   -39,094,842.52
operating activities
II. Cash flows arising from investing
     Cash received from recovering
     Cash received from investment
                                                     11,455,495.83     9,752,052.28
     Net cash received from disposal of
fixed, intangible and other long-term                                   207,900.00
     Net cash received from disposal of
subsidiaries and other units
     Other cash received concerning
                                                    212,500,000.00   125,500,000.00
investing activities
     Subtotal of cash inflow from
                                                    223,955,495.83   140,884,552.28
investing activities
     Cash paid for purchasing fixed,
                                                       886,809.08       942,800.00
intangible and other long-term assets

     Cash paid for investment

     Net       cash        received         from
subsidiaries and other units
     Other      cash       paid      concerning
                                                     97,700,000.00    48,880,000.00
investing activities
     Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                                     98,586,809.08    53,364,800.00
investing activities

Net cash flows arising from investing
                                                    125,368,686.75    87,519,752.28

III. Cash flows arising from financing

     Cash received from absorbing


      Cash received from loans                                70,000,000.00     70,000,000.00

      Cash received from issuing bonds

      Other cash received concerning
                                                              86,167,361.60    228,648,356.64
financing activities

Subtotal of cash outflow from financing
                                                             156,167,361.60    298,648,356.64

      Cash paid for settling debts                           134,000,000.00     90,062,726.66

      Cash paid for dividend and profit
                                                              11,132,509.64     16,534,200.84
distributing or interest paying
      Other     cash      paid      concerning
                                                             120,500,000.00    282,001,352.06
financing activities
      Subtotal of cash outflow from
                                                             265,632,509.64    388,598,279.56
financing activities
      Net     cash   flows       arising   from
                                                             -109,465,148.04   -89,949,922.92
financing activities
IV. Influence on cash due to fluctuation
in exchange rate
V. Net increase of cash and cash
                                                                -622,513.78    -41,525,013.16
      Add: Balance of cash and cash
                                                             160,633,355.13    164,840,499.86
equivalents at the period -begin
VI.    Balance       of   cash      and    cash
                                                             160,010,841.35    123,315,486.70
equivalents at the period -end
Legal representative: Yan Zhigang
Person in charger of accounting works: Wei Pingxiao
Person in charger of accounting organ: Chi Guoguang
II. Audit report
Whether the first quarterly report had been audited or not
 □ Yes √ No
