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						                              China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                               SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014

China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.

          SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014

                August 2014

                                                  China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                   SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014

         Section I. Important Notice, Contents and Paraphrase

Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, all directors, supervisors and senior
executives of China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. (hereinafter
referred to as the Company) hereby confirm that there are no any fictitious
statements, misleading statements, or important omissions carried in this report,
and shall take all responsibilities, individual and/or joint, for the reality,
accuracy and completion of the whole contents.

All directors are attended the Board Meeting for report deliberation.

The Company has no plans of cash dividend distributed, no bonus shares and
has no share converted from capital reserve either.

Yan Zhigang, principal of the Company, Wei Pingxiao, person in charger of
accounting works and Zhou Feifei, person in charge of accounting organ
(accounting principal) hereby confirm that the Financial Report of the
Semi-Annual Report 2014 is authentic, accurate and complete.

                                                                                      China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                                                       SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014

Semi-Annual Report 2014

Section I. Important Notice, Contents and Paraphrase ................................................................. 2

Section II Company profile ............................................................................................................... 5

Section III. Accounting data and summary of financial indexes ................................................... 7

Section IV. Report of the Board of Directors ................................................................................... 9

Section V. Important Events............................................................................................................ 20

Section VI. Changes in Shares and Particulars about Shareholders .......................................... 35

Section VII. Preferred Stock ........................................................................................................... 39

Section VIII. Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives ........................................................ 40

Section IX Financial Report ............................................................................................................ 41

Section X. Documents Available for Reference ........................................................................... 208

                                                                             China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                                              SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014

                        Items               Refers to                                 Definition

The Listed Company, Company, the Company,
                                            Refers to China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
China National Accord, the Group

                                                        Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd., the controlling shareholder of the
Sinopharm Holding                           Refers to

“Twelfth Five-Year”                       Refers to Year of 2011 to 2015

Company Law                                 Refers to Company Law of the People’s Republic of China

Securities Law                              Refers to Securities Law of the People’s Republic of China

Yuan, 10 thousand Yuan, 100 million Yuan    Refers to RMB, RMB 10 thousand, RMB 100 million

Terminology:                                Refers to

Direct selling                              Refers to A sales method that the drug directly sold to the hospital

GMP certification                           Refers to Good Manufacture Practice of Drugs certification

GSP certification                           Refers to Good Supplying Practice certification

                                                        That is CMS, and information system processing workflow &
Supply Chain Management                     Refers to
                                                        procurement, inventory & sales documents

Company profile                             Refers to

Sinopharm                                   Refers to China National Pharmaceutical Group Corporation

Sinopharm (CNCM LTD)                        Refers to China National Medicines Corporation Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Guangzhou                 Refers to Sinopharm Holding Guangzhou Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Guangxi                   Refers to Sinopharm Holding Guangxi Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding Liuzhou                   Refers to Sinopharm Holding Liuzhou Co., Ltd.

Zhijun Pharmaceutical                       Refers to Shenzhen Zhijun Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd

China National Zhijun (Suzhou)              Refers to China National Zhijun (Suzhou) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

Zhijun Medicine Trading                     Refers to Shenzhen Zhijun Medicine Trading Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm TCM                               Refers to Sinopharm Holding Shenzhen Chinese Medicine Co., Ltd.

Main Luck Pharmaceuticals                   Refers to Shenzhen Main Luck Pharmaceuticals Inc.

                                                                                 China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                                                  SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014

                                        Section II Company profile

I. Company Profile
Short form for share           Sinopharm Accord, Accord B               Code for share               000028, 200028

Listing stock exchange         Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Chinese name of the Company 国药集团一致药业股份有限公司

Abbr. of Chinese name of the
Company(if applicable)

English name of the
                               China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
Company(if applicable)

Abbr. of English name of the
                               Sinopharm Accord
Company(if applicable)

Legal Representative           Yan Zhigang

II. Contact person and ways

                                                                                  Secretary of the Board

Name                                                   Chen Changbing

                                                       Accord Pharm. Bldg., No. 15, Ba Gua Si Road, Futian District, Shenzhen
Contact adds.

Tel.                                                   +(86)755 25875195

Fax.                                                   +(86)755 25875147; +(86)755 25195435

E-mail                                                 0028@szaccord.com.cn; gyyz0028@sinopharm.com

III. Others

1. Way of contact

Whether registrations address, offices address and codes as well as website and email of the Company changed in reporting period or
□ Applicable   √ Not applicable

Registrations address, offices address and codes as well as website and email of the Company has no change in reporting period,
found more details in Annual Report 2013.

2. Information disclosure and preparation place

Whether information disclosure and preparation place changed in reporting period or not
□ Applicable   √ Not applicable

                                                                                   China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                                                    SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014

The newspaper appointed for information disclosure, website for semi-annual report publish appointed by CSRC and preparation
place for semi-annual report have no change in reporting period, found more details in Annual Report 2013.

3. Registration changes of the Company

Whether registration has changed in reporting period or not
□ Applicable   √ Not applicable
Date/place for registration of the Company, registration number for enterprise legal license, number of taxation registration and
organization code have no change in reporting period, found more details in Annual Report 2013.

                                                                                    China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                                                     SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014

        Section III. Accounting data and summary of financial indexes

I. Main accounting data and financial indexes

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data for accounting policy changed and accounting
error correction or not
□Yes   √ No

                                                                                                              Increase/decrease in this
                                                      Current period           Same period of last year
                                                                                                                    report y-o-y

Operating revenue (RMB)                                  11,612,642,434.28            10,131,712,690.44                            14.62%

Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                            349,213,988.51               260,794,678.64                            33.90%
the listed company(RMB)

Net profit attributable to shareholders of
the listed company after deducting                          326,526,104.00               260,180,187.43                            25.50%
non-recurring gains and losses(RMB)

Net cash flow arising from operating
                                                           -484,715,807.96               238,276,873.08                        -303.43%

Basic earnings per share (RMB/Share)                                   1.073                       0.905                           18.56%

Diluted earnings per share (RMB/Share)                                 1.073                       0.905                           18.56%

Weighted average ROE (%)                                            10.39%                       13.81%                            -3.42%

                                                                                                              Increase/decrease in this
                                                   End of current period          End of last period         report-end over that of last

Total assets (RMB)                                       12,490,101,653.57            11,057,896,941.31                            12.95%

Net assets attributable to shareholder of
                                                          4,457,763,310.27             2,244,757,658.03                            98.59%
listed company(RMB)

II. Items and amounts of extraordinary profit (gains)/loss

√ Applicable    □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                   In RMB

                                Item                                            Amount                               Note

Gains/losses from the disposal of non-current asset (including the
write-off that accrued for impairment of assets)

Governmental subsidy calculated into current gains and                                                 The enterprise supporting fund
losses(while closely related with the normal business of the
                                                                                     14,575,338.73 RMB 6.06 million allocated from
Company, excluding the fixed-amount or fixed-proportion
governmental subsidy according to the unified national standard)                                       Nanning Economic and

                                                                                    China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                                                     SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014

                                                                                                     Technological Development
                                                                                                     Zone, the deferred income
                                                                                                     recognized due to compensation
                                                                                                     for removal project was
                                                                                                     amortized RMB1.35 million in
                                                                                                     the Period; special subsidy RMB
                                                                                                     2.28 million from Shenzhen
                                                                                                     High-tech industries and
                                                                                                     education subsidy for the
                                                                                                     strategic emerging industry brand
                                                                                                     RMB one million
Reversal of impairment reserve for account receivable with
separate impairment testing
                                                                                                     The RMB 11.86 million
                                                                                                     compensation of Chebei lawsuit
Other non-operating income and expenditure except for the
                                                                                     12,116,477.87 that accrued last year was
aforementioned items
                                                                                                     released according to the latest
                                                                                                     lawsuit results

Less: impact on income tax                                                            6,865,661.39

Influenced amount of minority shareholders’ equity (after tax)                          48,228.76

Total                                                                                22,687,884.51                     --

Concerning the extraordinary profit (gain)/loss defined by Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies
Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, and the items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according to
the lists of extraordinary profit (gain)/loss in Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their
Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, explain reasons
□ Applicable    √ Not applicable
In reporting period, the Company has no particular about items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according to the lists of
extraordinary profit (gain)/loss in Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to
the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss

                                                                         China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                                          SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014

                      Section IV. Report of the Board of Directors

I. Introduction

(I)Operating results for the first half year of 2014
During the reporting period, challenged by the complicated market conditions, the Company focused on
exploration and innovation, and completed the sales revenue indicators and various major working tasks as set for
the first half year. During the period from January to June, the Company realized sales revenue of RMB11.574
billion, representing a year-on-year increase of 14.88%, among which, RMB10.679 billion was contributed by the
distribution segment (representing a year-on-year increase of 15.92%) and RMB0.907 billion was contributed
by the pharmaceutical segment (representing a year-on-year increase of 3.78%). During the period from January
to June, the Company realized net profit attributable to shareholders of listed company of RMB0.349 billion,
representing a year-on-year increase of 33.90%, among which, RMB0.174 billion was contributed by the
distribution segment (representing a year-on-year increase of 25.31%) and pharmaceutical segment achieved
RMB 136 million net profit attributable to shareholder of listed company with a year-on-year growth of 14.48%
due to the sales recovery. The major works for the first half year are set out as follows:
1. Under the principal guidelines of compliant operation, he Company seeks for the best practice through model
study as supported by target management and innovation. The Company also inspires organization potentials
through promotion of innovation. By strengthening internal communication and optimizing resources allocation,
the Company realized improvement both in management efficiency and service efficiency. A non-public issuance
was completed in the reporting period, which helped the Company to decrease its gearing ratio to a level which
was lower than the average one of this industry; through intensified control on expenses, the overall expense ratio
decreased by 0.16 percentage points as compared to the corresponding period of last year. On the premise of gross
margin moved up slightly,, the Company improved its space for profit making.
2. Further network penetration by the distribution segment aims to build a smart supply chain and improve an
integrated operation platform.
1) Construction of smart supply chain recorded new progress. VMI united inventory management was gradually
realized in large scale, resulting in general extension of supply chain to upstream suppliers; logistics for Dongpu
Hospital, Military Hospital and other two hospitals formed samples, realizing effective extension of supply chain
management to downstream hospitals; PDA system will be applied soon, under which a visual system platform
will be built to make placing orders and distribution visual in Guangzhou and Shenzhen initially; as for Fosuan
region, integration of the three warehouses was completed and started normal operation, which speed up the
progress of “the sole inventory management” project in Guangdong and Guangxi provinces.
2) Continuous improvement of network coverage of distribution. Sinopharm Shantou Co., Ltd. has already
officially established in May and obtained approval from the relevant pharmaceutical regulatory authorities for
establishing subsidiaries in Hechi and Qinzhou of Guangxi province, the construction of which was in preparation;

                                                                     China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                                      SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014

14 companies (including pharmacy) passed the new version of GSP authentication; DTC pharmacy stores
increased to 10.
3) Sound integrated management system in Guangdong and Guangxi provinces. The integration of the basic
operation of these two provinces was promoted; out-of-municipal marketing center and purchase center were
established in respect of Guangxi distribution to enhance integrated management capability; integrated
procurement of Guangdong and Guangxi provinces was improved steadily, recorded a year-on-year increase of
31% in terms of integrated procurement amount for the first half year; an inspection manual of integration and
standardization was prepared, under which our various departments cooperated to implement inspection on
subsidiaries and improved management model for subsidiaries, i.e. “rolling management + site inspection”;
improved risk control model and promoted the same in subsidiaries, clients were managed based on several levels
to prevent risks.

4) Continuous promotion of innovative business and breakthrough realized in pharmacy trust. Sales revenue from
the basic drugs increased by 82% year on year; sales revenue from medical equipments increased by 22% year on
year; B2B sales service has been realized generally in the first half year, with 380 clients developed. And the
Company is seeking for B2C qualification proactively and aims to create value for its customers by fully taking
use of the online and offline resources.

5) As for distribution business segment, the sales of domestic products accounted for 49% and direct sales
accounted for 72%, indicating continuous improvement of varieties and business structure.

3. Pharmaceutical business segment promoted organization reform, optimized management procedure,
strengthened and improved the special function of the three centers aiming to improving its industrial platform,
increasing coordination between the internal and external resources and accelerating transformation of product

1) Built and enhanced operation through industrial integrated platform. Special management was applied in terms
of domestic and international markets, and in terms of chemical medicine, traditional Chinese medicine and great
health; resources were allocated generally; performance evaluation system, management procedure and working
standard were centralized, so as to realize integrated management.

2) Speeded up research and development of new products for launch into market and improved the two level
distribution system. The Company achieved great progress in integrated research and development. In detail, a
total of 12 new products were determined, two production licenses were applied, and 8 clinic licenses were
applied. Projects under research totaled to 127, and 58 of them were being processed by CDE, among which,
specialist medicines accounted for more than 60% and first generic drug accounted for more than 40%, indicating
obvious progress in transformation of R&D products. The Company actively promoted the general strategic
cooperation with Sinopharm Yigong General Institute, forming the completed research and development industry
chain, under which “Yigong Institute was responsible for research of raw materials technology, composition

                                                                         China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                                          SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014

institute was responsible for industrialization of raw materials and pharmaceutical manufacturer was responsible
for industrialization of pharmaceutical preparations”, which laid foundation for research and development of new
products and capability of industrialization. Currently, 6 industrialization projects are being driven forward
successfully, in particular, normal production supply has been realized for cefathiamidine for injection and
cefaclor for oral suspension; as the two-level distribution system was overall expanded, resulting in relatively
rapid growth of cefuroxime axetil tablets and cefixime granules, and new products including azithromycin
dispersible tablets, Dameiqing and Daliluo.

3) Promoted international market strategy steadily. During the first half year, the Company realized export sales of
US$ 8.90 million in total, representing a relatively high increase continuously; new breakthrough was made in
respect of EU strategy, with the sales from major EU markets accounting for more than 82.8%. EU authentication
certificates for powder injection II line and powder injection III line of Zhijun Pharmaceutical have been obtained
in April.

4) Facilitated new GMP authentication. Zhijun Pharmaceutical has renewed its new GMP authentication in
respect of non-cephalosporins solid workshop; Zhijun Suzhou has submitted relevant materials to apply for
approval for the new powder injection workshop at the end of June, and received site inspection in July.

5) Construction of Pingshan Base Project was in progress as scheduled. Roof-sealing for major structure and
facilities installment for the public area have been carried out generally.

(II)The major works for the second half of 2014

During the second half year, the Company will conduct operations aiming for new innovation, steady growth and
better compliance. By adherence to compliance operation, the Company will strengthen target management,
propel innovation and practice, continue to optimize reasonable allocation of various resources and improve
efficient cooperation among various tache, for the purpose of realization overall upgrade of efficient operation and
basic management.

The distribution segment sticks to the established development strategy, continues to strengthen construction of
smart supply chain and promotes penetration through network. Through strengthening the basic operation ability,
releasing development potential in traditional business, promoting upgrade and innovation, offering products and
services with unique characteristics and continuing to increasing its core competitiveness, the Company manages
to occupy a leading position in Guangdong and Guangxi provinces in terms of distribution.

The pharmaceutical segment, by virtue of the new structure, continues to consolidate new platforms and perfect
new patterns focusing on professionalism and integration aiming to improving industrial platform, thus to enhance
industrial integrated operation; the Company continues to accelerate structure adjustment and transformation
upgrade, improve product quality and cost edge, and consolidate industrial development foundation of Accord

                                                                                      China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                                                       SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014

II. Main business analysis

Shows the same content disclosed in summary of report of board of directors
√Yes   □No
Y-o-y changes of main financial data
                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                  Current period          Same period of last year   Y-o-y increase/decrease     Reasons for changes

Operating revenue                     11,612,642,434.28         10,131,712,690.44                    14.62%

Operating costs                       10,626,767,657.24          9,279,455,305.53                    14.52%

Sales expenses                          271,149,210.54             242,609,042.07                    11.76%

Administration expenses                 215,813,783.67             182,897,044.09                    18.00%

Finance expenses                         70,931,725.10              76,468,650.83                    -7.24%

                                                                                                               Total profit increased in
Income tax expenses                      86,331,296.75              60,942,244.76                    41.66%
                                                                                                               the period.

R&D input                                32,143,996.40              34,523,641.48                    -6.89%

                                                                                                               Sales increased in the
Net cash flow arising
                                        -484,715,807.96            238,276,873.08                  -303.43% Period and more
from operating activities
                                                                                                               purchase quantity growth

Net cash flow arising                                                                                          The investment for
from investment                         -118,785,713.60            -31,163,438.89                  -281.17% infrastructural project
activities                                                                                                     increased in the period.

                                                                                                               The amount of capital
Net cash flow arising                                                                                          increase from private
                                        914,932,902.63            -245,550,234.63                   472.61%
from financing activities                                                                                      placement received in the

                                                                                                               The amount of capital
Net increase of cash and                                                                                       increase from private
                                        311,437,219.28             -38,436,801.92                   910.26%
cash equivalent                                                                                                placement received in the

Major changes on profit composition or profit resources in reporting period
□ Applicable     √ Not applicable
No major changes on profit composition or profit resources occurred in reporting period
The future development and planning extended to reporting period that published in disclosure documents as prospectus, private
placing memorandum and recapitalize statement
□ Applicable     √ Not applicable
No future development and planning extended to reporting period that published in disclosure documents as prospectus, private

                                                                                 China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                                                  SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014

placing memorandum and recapitalize statement
Review on the previous business plan and its progress during reporting period
In the reporting, more details about the previous business plan and business plan implementation can be found in “I. Summary” in
this Section.

III. Constitution of main business

                                                                                                                          In RMB
                                                                                  Increase or      Increase or      Increase or
                                                                                  decrease of     decrease of    decrease of gross
                   Operating revenue      Operating cost    Gross profit ratio operating revenue operating cost   profit ratio over
                                                                               over same period over same period same period of
                                                                                  of last year     of last year      last year
According to industries

Medical business 10,661,045,598.03 10,075,415,498.70                  5.49%            16.01%            15.53%              0.39%

                        895,189,021.00     532,012,356.98            40.57%             3.88%              3.25%             0.36%

Logistics and
warehousing               12,711,331.79      8,499,455.86            33.13%           -30.36%            -27.28%            -2.83%


Lease and other
                           5,128,001.66      1,280,169.06            75.04%            14.29%            -27.50%            14.39%

According to products


According to region

Domestic sales      11,545,262,663.14 10,595,261,761.26               8.23%            14.93%            14.82%              0.09%

Foreign sales             28,811,289.34     21,945,719.34            23.83%             -1.49%             2.25%            -2.79%

IV. Core competence analysis

1. Improved distribution network
The Company owns completed pharmaceutical distribution network in Guangdong and Guangxi provinces,
covering almost all the medical institutions and large chain pharmacies rated as second-class or above in
Guangdong and Guangxi provinces and also providing medicine distribution services for third end consumers as
represented by various individual pharmacies, community medical service outlets, small clinics and new rural
cooperative medical insurance. The Company fully takes advantage of its distribution network to provide
value-added service and create value for customers.
2. Leading smart supply chain
Benefiting from the core smart supply chain, the Company effectively expanded supply chain service and thus
realized resource sharing and effective coordination between the upstream and downstream through promotion of
central inventory management projects and hospital pharmacy smart inventory management project.

                                                                       China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                                        SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014

3. High efficient integrated management
In connection with pharmaceutical distribution, the Company continues to strengthen integrated operation system
in Guangdong and Guangxi provinces, focusing on integration of procurement and basic operation between these
two provinces; cooperation in respect of businesses relating to medical equipments, consumables and vaccine
was accelerated between these two provinces, thus to realize management synchronization of Guangdong and
Guangxi provinces. In connection with pharmaceutical industry, the Company adopted professionalism and
integration as guidance to improve the platform structure with “three centers and three bases”, resulting in
continuous enhancement of industrial integrated operation.
4. Abundant product resources
In connection with pharmaceutical distribution, the Company established vast cooperation with thousands of
domestic manufacturers and business enterprises, and established steady business relationship with hundreds of
import and joint venture manufacturers, to diversify its variety resources. In connection with pharmaceutical
industry, the Company mainly focused on medicines relating to anti-infection, respiratory system, digestive
system and cardiovascular as well as great health area. It owns modern pharmaceutical R&D and production bases
qualified with international standards, and certain production lines for powder injection, orally-taken solid
preparations and active pharmaceutical ingredient with EU authentication. The Company has launched a number
of famous products with leading market share through establishing strict quality management and control system.
5. Domestic brands with unique influences
The Company’s brands and distribution share the same principles with the industrialized sub-brands and those
owned by controlling shareholders and actual controllers. Benefiting from the strong influence as a central
enterprise, the Company takes an increasing significant position in this industry in terms of recognition and

V. Investment analysis

1. External equity investment

(1) External investment

□ Applicable    √ Not applicable
No external investment in Period.

(2) Holding equity of financial enterprise

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company has no equity of financial enterprise held in the Period

(3) Securities investment

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                                                   China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                                                    SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014

The Company has no securities investment in the Period

2. Trust management, derivative investment and entrust loans

(1) Trust financing

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company has no trust financing in the Period

(2) Investment of derivatives
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company has no derivatives investment in the Period

(3) Entrustment loan
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company has no entrustment loan in the Period

3. Application of raised proceeds

Application of raised proceeds found more in Special Report of Raised Fund Deposit and Practical Usage released on 16 August
2014 (disclosure index: Juchao Website Notice No.: 2014-37)

 4. Main subsidiaries and joint-stock companies analysis

√ Applicable   □ Not applicable
Main subsidiaries and joint-stock companies
                                                                                                                           In RMB

                          Industry                 Registered                               Operation     Operation
   Name         Type                 products or                Total assets   Net assets                               Net profit
                         involved                   capital                                  revenue        profit
                                 for raw
Shenzhen                         for
Zhijun        Subsidia Manufactu Chinese               1,066,758,297. 451,465,590. 732,801,536.7 165,705,868. 144,949,310.
                                 traditional 200,000,0
Pharmaceuti ry         re        patent                            25          48              3          04           54
cal Co., Ltd.                    medicine,
                                 material of
                                 Import and

                                                                                 China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                                                  SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014

                                  trade are
                                  treated by
Sinopharm                         features of
Holding     Subsidia              treatment                  5,485,842,600. 558,811,556. 6,457,665,536. 106,983,589. 80,042,094.2
                       Commerce                  400,000,0
Guangzhou   ry                    and                                   68           54             70           70            7
Co., Ltd.                         diagnosis,
                                  y and
                                  hold by
                                  t and
                                  agency as
                                  well as
                                  import &
                                  export of

                                                                                         China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                                                          SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014

5. Major project invested by non-raised funds

√ Applicable     □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                       In ten thousand Yuan

                                                                           Amount invested
                            Total investment      Amount invested in
        Project                                                           accumulative till end      Progress               Earnings
                                planned               this period
                                                                           of reporting period

                                                                                                                      The project covers
                                                                                                                      approximately 73352
                                                                                                                      M2 in total,
                                                                                                                      positioning as the
                                                                                                                      production base of
                                                                                                                      essential medicines
(Pingshan) Medicine
                                                                                                                      and special drugs, a
R&D Manufacturing
                                                                                                                      manufacture base of
Base of China                         88,137.00                5,971.00              12,836.00               18.00%
                                                                                                                      modern traditional
National Accord
                                                                                                                      Chinese medicine
                                                                                                                      preparations and
                                                                                                                      massive health
                                                                                                                      products as well as
                                                                                                                      the international
                                                                                                                      processing base

Total                                 88,137.00                5,971.00              12,836.00          --                      --

Index date for extraordinary notice
disclosed (if applicable)

Index website for extraordinary notice            Juchao Website: Sinopharm Accord—Announcement on Increasing External
disclosed (if applicable)                         Investment; No.: 2014-18

VI. Prediction of business performance from January – September 2014

Estimation on accumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of next report period to be loss probably or the
warning of its material change compared with the corresponding period of the last year and explanation on reason
□ Applicable     √ Not applicable

VII. Explanation from the Board and Supervisory Committee for “Qualified Opinion” from
the CPA of this year’s

□ Applicable     √ Not applicable

VIII. Explanation from the Board for “Qualified Opinion” of last year’s

□ Applicable     √ Not applicable

                                                                                       China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                                                        SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014

IX. Implementation of profit distribution in reporting period

Implementation or adjustment of profit distribution plan in reporting period, cash dividend plan and shares converted from capital
reserve in particular
√Applicable      □Not applicable

The profit distribution scheme for year of 2013 was deliberated and approved in the Shareholders General
Meeting of 2013 on April 18, 2014, calculating based on the Company’s total existing shares of 362,631,943
shares, and the Company distribute RMB 1.80 (including tax) dividend per ten shares to all shareholders in cash.
On May 22, 2014, Board of Directors issued Announcement on Implementation of the 2013 Equity Distribution
Plan (published on Securities Times, China Securities Journal, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and Juchao Website
http://www.cninfo.com.cn), the 2013 Annual Profit Distribution Plan was implemented, and dividend for social
public shareholders distributed to shareholders’ account on 28 May 2014 (A shares) and 30 May 2014 (B shares)
                                             Special explanation on cash dividend policy

Satisfy regulations of General Meeting or requirement of Article
of Association (Y/N):

Well-defined and clearly dividend standards and proportion

Completed relevant decision-making process and mechanism

Independent directors perform duties completely and play a
proper role (Y/N):

Minority shareholders have opportunity to express opinions and
demands totally and their legal rights are fully protected   (Y/N):

Condition and procedures are compliance and transparent while
                                                                      Not applicable
the cash bonus policy adjusted or changed      (Y/N):

X. Profit distribution and capitalization of capital reserves in the Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company has no plans of cash dividend distributed, no bonus shares and has no share converted from capital reserve either for
the semi-annual year

XI. In the report period, reception of research, communication and interview

√ Applicable     □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                   Contents discussed
  Time          Place         Way            Type                               Reception                             and material

2014-02 Accord                                          China Merchants Securities, Haitong Securities, CCB Visited the
                         Field research Institution
-18       Pharm.                                        Principal Asset Management, Huarong Securities, Company and

                                                                           China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                                            SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014

          Bldg.                                 Zhongdian Xinan Investment Management Co., Ltd., knew the influence
                                                Yuance Investment Management Co., Ltd., EverBright of medical reform
                                                Securities, Mingyuan Investment, Dingfeng Asset, policy to the
                                                Qingxi Assets Management Co., Ltd., Huashang Fund development of the
                                                Management, Shanghai Daweide Investment Co., Ltd., industry. No
                                                Anbang   Asset,   Greenwoods         Asset   Management, material provided.
                                                Shenzhen Jingshi Investment Management Co., Ltd.,
                                                Goldstate securities, First Capital, Shangcheng Asset
                                                Management、Tianfeng Securities, Shenzhen Branch of
                                                Dongguan Securities, CPIC Asset Management, China
                                                Southern Asset Management, Marco Polo Zhizhen
                                                Assets   Management       Co.,   Ltd.,       China   Asset
                                                Management, Anhui Guofu Industrial Investment Fund
                                                Management,       First      State       Cinda       Fund
                                                Management, ,Hongguan Assets Co., Ltd., Shanghai
                                                Qinyuan Investment Management Co., Ltd., GF
                                                Securities, Industrial Securities, Fortune SG Fund
                                                Management and Sinolink Securities

                                                                                                             Visited the
                                                                                                             Company and
                                                                                                             knew the influence
2014-04                                         Essence Fund, CITIC Securities, China AMC, China of medical reform
          Pharm.   Field research Institution
-18                                             Merchants Securities                                         policy to the
                                                                                                             development of the
                                                                                                             industry. No
                                                                                                             material provided.

                                                                                                             Knew the influence
          Accord   Telephone                                                                                 of medical reform
          Pharm.   communicatio Institution     Guotai Junan                                                 policy to the
          Bldg.    n                                                                                         development of the

                                                                      China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                                       SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014

Section V. Important Events

I. Corporate governance

The Company established and improved legal person governance structure in strict compliance with the
requirements of Company Law, Securities Law and Governance Principles of Listed Issuer. Currently, the
Company enjoys sound legal person governance structure, healthy governance system and standardized operation.
The Company has definite and balanced terms of reference in respect of its general meeting, board of directors,
board of supervisors and manager level which exercise voting right, decision-making right, supervision right and
execution right respectively under standardized operation.
The Company has prepared working procedures applicable for general meeting, board of directors and board of
supervisors, working system applicable for the strategy committee, nomination committee, risk internal control
and audit committee, remuneration and performance committee, genera manager and secretary to the board, and
prepared governance system relating to information disclosure, connected transaction, fund raising, performance
of social responsibility, inside information and insider management, investor relation management, engagement of
CPA, prevention of occupying listed issuer’s capital by substantial shareholders and related parties. During the
reporting period, the Company made amendment to the Articles of Association, detailed methods for convening,
composition and working procedures for general meeting, so as to meet regulatory requirements and demands for
corporate governance.
Meanwhile, by adherence to its annual target, the Company made on-going improvement of internal control
system and the operation mechanism thereof in response to various market and environment changes based on
overall analysis and evaluation of risks. During the reporting period, the Company made overall identification and
evaluation of potential risks arising from internal and external environment changes, adjustment of business
pattern, additional business, and adjustment of internal responsibilities and duties. The Company upgraded and
supplemented 2014 annual risk database, pursuant to which, it amended and improved 2014 system procedure
(internal control) document system and internal control self-evaluation standards, to ensure applicability and
effectiveness of its management. Management of its subsidiaries was also improved through half-year internal
control self-evaluation and site inspection as far as the Company and its business segments concerned.
As a state-owned holding listed company, the Company also executed the relevant provisions on state-owned
assets management required by controlling shareholders and actual controllers. Details are set out below:

            Information     Relationship with                                                Submitted
 Serial                                            Type          Basis for submitted
          submitted object the listed company                                                  cycle
          Sinopharm                                    Needs     of    consolidated
                              First largest     Financial
1                                                      statement     of     largest Regular
          Group Co., Ltd.     shareholder       statement
          China National                               Management method of
          Pharmaceutical                   Assets      state-owned property right
2                        Actual controller Evalution transfer       and      equity Temporary
          Group                            Report ect. investment management of
          Corporation                                  China              National

                                                                                        China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                                                         SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014

                                                                          Pharmaceutical Group Corp.
In September of 2007, the Company's board of directors and board of supervisors approved the "Bill on
Implementing Staff Report of Insider Trading Information and Governance on Non-standard Special Information
Disclosure" which agreed that the Company implements enforcement of secrecy and staff report system for
insider trading information when conducting relevant provisions of the management of state-owned assets,
regularly submitting the financial statements to major shareholders and reporting to the major shareholder about
state-owned assets disposal.

II. Significant lawsuits and arbitrations of the Company

□Applicable    √Not applicable
The Company has no significant lawsuits and arbitrations in reporting period

III. Question from media

□ Applicable   √ Not applicable
No universal questioned by media in reporting period

IV. Bankruptcy reorganization

□ Applicable   √ Not applicable
In reporting period, the Company has no bankruptcy reorganization occurred.

V. Transaction in assets

1. Assets acquisition

√ Applicable   □ Not applicable

                                                                            of the net
                                                                                                         ns with
                                                                           profits that
                    Transactio                                                                          counterpar
Counterpa                                                     Impact on       these         Related
                    n price (in                                                                               ty
  rty and Purchased                  Progress    Impact on gains/losse        assets      transaction                  Date of    Index of
 ultimate or placed     10                                                                              (Applicabl
controlling assets                               operation     s of the     contribute confirmed                      disclosure disclosure
                     thousand                                                                              e for
   party                                                      Company        d to the       (Y/N)
                       Yuan)                                                                              related
                                                                             in total

                                                 Without                                                                         Juchao
Sinopharm Acquisitio                The
                                                 bad impact                                             Not           2013-12-1 Website—
Holding     n of the        749.00 acquisition                -43.83            0.00% No
                                                 on                                                     applicable 9             Resolution
Shantou     Company                 completed
                                                 operation                                                                       Notice of

                                                                                  China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                                                   SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014

Co., Ltd.   70% stake                           of the                                                                  23rd
                                                Company                                                                 Meeting of
                                                                                                                        6th Session
                                                                                                                        of the
                                                                                                                        Board of

2. Sales of assets

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company did not sell assets in the Period

3. Business combination

There are 33 subsidiaries included in consolidation range ended as the reporting period

VI. Implementation and its influence of equity incentive

□ Applicable    √ Not applicable
The company had not yet made the plan of equity incentive in the reporting.

VII. Insignificant related transactions

1. Related transaction with routine operations concerned

(1) Related transaction with routine operations concerned found more in VI. Related parties and related transaction under the Section
IX Financial Report;
(2) Related transactions are settling in way of cash and note ect., disclosed on 22 March 2014 with disclosure index as Juchao
website; Notice No.: 2014-17;
(3) The Proposal of Routine Related Transaction Between the Company & subordinate Enterprise and Related Parties for year of
2014 deliberated and approved in Annual General Meeting on 21 March 2014. In reporting period, sales from related parties
occupied 41.32% of the total estimated amount for the year, procurement from related parties occupied 38.62% of the total estimated
amount for the year, interest on borrowings from related parties occupied 44.80% of the total estimated amount for the year, the
buyer note discount interest expenses from related parties occupied 16.34% of the total estimated amount for the year, note discount
interest expenses from related parties occupied 4.26% of the total estimated amount for the year, house leasing interest from related
parties occupied 58.56% of the total estimated amount for the year, the expenditure of house and equipment lease from related parties
occupied 47.07% of the total estimated amount for the year, income from labor service providing from related parties occupied
33.81% of the total estimated amount for the year and expenditure of receiving labor service from related parties occupied 60.46% of
the total estimated amount for the year.

                                                                                   China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                                                    SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014

2. Related transaction incurred by purchase or sales of assets
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No related transaction incurred by purchase or sales of assets in Period
3. Related transaction from jointly investment outside
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No related transaction from jointly investment outside occurred in Period
4. Current related liabilities and debts
1. No non-operating related credits and liabilities occurred
2. Contact with related parties found more in VI. Related parties and related transaction under the Section IX. Financial Report

5. Other significant related transactions

□ Applicable    √ Not applicable
The company had no other significant related transactions in reporting period.

VIII. Non-business capital occupying by controlling shareholders and its related parties

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No non-business capital occupied by controlling shareholders and its related parties in Period

IX. Significant contracts and its implementation

1. Trusteeship, contract and lease

(1) Trusteeship
√ Applicable    □ Not applicable
Instruction of trusteeship

1. As subordinate companies of majority shareholder, Foshan Nanhai Medicine Co., Ltd. (“Nanhai Medicine”) and
Guangdong Dong Fang Uptodate & Special Medicines Co., Ltd. (“Dong Fang Uptodate & Special Medicines”)
both operate pharmaceutical distribution business within Guangdong, which partially overlaps with the
pharmaceutical distribution business and geographical location of the Company and constitutes peer competition.
In July 2013, to solve the problem of peer competition, majority shareholder entrusted Sinopharm Accord and
Sinopharm Accord agreed to take over the management of the above two companies.
2. As a subordinate enterprise of the de facto controller, Guangdong South Pharmaceutical Foreign Trade Co., ltd.
operates pharmaceutical distribution business within Guangdong, which partially overlaps with the
pharmaceutical distribution business and geographical location of the Company and constitutes peer competition.
In September 2013, to solve the problem of peer competition, majority shareholder entrusted Sinopharm Accord
and Sinopharm Accord agreed to take over the management of the above company.

Items generated over 10% gains/losses in total profit in reporting period for the Company
□ Applicable    √ Not applicable
The Company had no item generated over 10% gains/losses in total profit in reporting period for the Company in Period.

                                                                                   China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                                                    SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014

(2) Contract

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company had no contract in the reporting period.

(3) Leasing

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company had no leasing in the reporting period.

2. Guarantees

√ Applicable    □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                  In ten thousand Yuan

                     External guarantee of the Company (Barring the guarantee for the controlling subsidiaries)
                         Related                 Actual date of                                                            Guarante
                       Announcem                  happening                                                                   e for
   Name of the                     Guarantee                        Actual          Guarantee     Guarantee implemen
                            ent                    (Date of                                                                 related
Company guaranteed                   limit                      guarantee limit       type          term      tation
                        disclosure                  signing                                                                   party
                           date                   agreement)                                                                 (Y/N)
Shenzhen Zhijun
                                                                                   General       2014.6.12-20
Medicine Trading       2014-03-22         3,150 2014-06-12                                                          No        Yes
                                                                                   guarantee     15.6.11
Co., Ltd.

China National
                                                                                   General       2014.03.12-2
Accord Medicines       2013-03-21       30,000 2014-03-12                  5,000                                    No        Yes
                                                                                   guarantee     015.03.11
Corporation Ltd.

China National
                                                                                   General       2014.05.30-2
Accord Medicines       2014-03-22       25,000 2014-05-30             10,400.35                                     No        Yes
                                                                                   guarantee     015.05.30
Corporation Ltd.

China National
                                                                                   General       2014.05.13-2
Accord Medicines       2014-03-22       25,000 2014-05-13                  9,000                                    No        Yes
                                                                                   guarantee     015.02.11
Corporation Ltd.

China National
                                                                                   General       2013.10.14-2
Accord Medicines       2013-08-20       30,000 2013-07-22                                                           No        Yes
                                                                                   guarantee     014.10.14
Corporation Ltd.

China National
                                                                                   General       2014.04.04-2
Accord Medicines       2013-08-20       20,000 2014-04-04                809.54                                     No        Yes
                                                                                   guarantee     022.04.04
Corporation Ltd.
                                                                Total actual occurred external
     Total approving external
                                                         53,150  guarantee in report period                                27,787.45
  guarantee in report period (A1)
                                                                   Total actual balance of
Total approved external guarantee
                                                        133,150 external guarantee at the end                               25,209.9
 at the end of report period ( A3)
                                                                   of report period (A4)
                                          Guarantee of the Company for the subsidiaries

                                                                            China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                                             SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014

                     Related               Actual date of
                                                                                                     Complete Guarante
                   Announcem                happening
   Name of the                 Guarantee                      Actual         Guarantee     Guarantee implemen    e for
                        ent                  (Date of
Company guaranteed               limit                    guarantee limit      type          term     tation or related
                    disclosure                signing
                                                                                                         not     party
                       date                 agreement)
Sinopharm Holding                                                           General      2013.12.3-2
                      2013-03-21   10,000 2013-12-03                                                      No        Yes
Guangzhou Co., Ltd.                                                         guarantee    014.10.31

Sinopharm Holding                                                           General      2014.6.30-2
                      2014-03-22   10,000 2014-06-30            9,026.73                                  No        Yes
Guangzhou Co., Ltd.                                                         guarantee    015.6.29

Sinopharm Holding                                                           General      2013.9.16-2
                      2013-03-21   40,000 2013-08-14           22,801.02                                  No        Yes
Guangzhou Co., Ltd.                                                         guarantee    014.8.13

Sinopharm Holding                                                           General      2014.4.29-2
                      2014-03-22   15,000 2014-04-29           14,906.77                                  No        Yes
Guangzhou Co., Ltd.                                                         guarantee    015.4.29

Sinopharm Holding                                                           General      2013.6.26-2
                      2013-03-21   35,000 2013-06-26           34,902.16                                  No        Yes
Guangzhou Co., Ltd.                                                         guarantee    014.6.25

Sinopharm Holding                                                           General      2014.5.20-2
                      2014-03-22   35,000 2014-05-20           30,958.53                                  No        Yes
Guangzhou Co., Ltd.                                                         guarantee    015.5.20

Sinopharm Holding                                                           General      2014.4.30-2
                      2014-03-22   30,000 2014-04-30           25,108.68                                  No        Yes
Guangzhou Co., Ltd.                                                         guarantee    015.4.30

Sinopharm Holding                                                           General      2013.5.20-2
                      2013-03-21   60,000 2014-05-20              498.36                                  No        Yes
Guangzhou Co., Ltd.                                                         guarantee    014.4.23

Sinopharm Holding
                                                                            General      2014.5.13-2
Guangdong Yuexing 2014-03-22        3,500 2014-05-20            1,939.14                                  No        Yes
                                                                            guarantee    015.5.12
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding
                                                                            General      2014.5.20-2
Guangdong Yuexing 2014-03-22        3,000 2014-05-13            1,929.22                                  No        Yes
                                                                            guarantee    015.5.20
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding
                                                                            General      2013.9.16-2
Guangdong Yuexing 2013-03-21        5,000 2014-08-14                                                      No        Yes
                                                                            guarantee    014.8.13
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding
                                                                            General      2013.11.26-2
Shenzhen Medicine     2013-03-21    1,000 2013-11-26              330.67                                  No        Yes
                                                                            guarantee    014.06.25
Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Zhijun
                                                                            General      2013.8.8—2
Pharmaceutical Co., 2013-03-21     20,000 2013-08-08            3,953.34                                  No        Yes
                                                                            guarantee    014.8.8

Shenzhen Zhijun
                                                                            General      2013.9.10—
Pharmaceutical Co., 2013-03-21      5,000 2013-09-10            4,412.51                                  No        Yes
                                                                            guarantee    2014.6.25

Shenzhen Zhijun
                                                                            General      2013.9.13—
Pharmaceutical Co., 2013-03-21      3,000 2013-09-13               19.99                                  No        Yes
                                                                            guarantee    2014.9.13
Ltd., Shenzhen

                                                                 China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                                  SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014

Zhijun Medicine
Trading Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Zhijun
                                                                 General      2013.12.11-2
Pharmaceutical Co., 2013-03-21    6,000 2013-12-11                                             No        Yes
                                                                 guarantee    014.12.9

Sinopharm Holding                                                General      2013.8.27-2
                    2013-03-21    6,000 2013-08-27    4,097.87                                 No        Yes
Guangxi Co., Ltd.                                                guarantee    014.8.27

Sinopharm Holding                                                General      2014.6.26-2
                    2014-03-22   20,000 2014-06-26   14,577.64                                 No        Yes
Guangxi Co., Ltd.                                                guarantee    015.6.26

Sinopharm Holding                                                General      2013.6.26-2
                    2013-03-21   20,000 2013-06-26   17,934.83                                 No        Yes
Guangxi Co., Ltd.                                                guarantee    014.6.25

Sinopharm Holding                                                General      2014.4.18-2
                    2014-03-22   15,000 2014-04-19    6,290.83                                 No        Yes
Guangxi Co., Ltd.                                                guarantee    015.4.19

Sinopharm Holding
                                                                 General      2013.5.28-2
Jiangmen Renren     2013-03-21    3,000 2013-05-28     650.03                                  No        Yes
                                                                 guarantee    014.5.27
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding
                                                                 General      2013.7.1-20
Jiangmen Renren     2013-03-21    3,000 2013-07-01        768                                  No        Yes
                                                                 guarantee    14.6.30
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding
                                                                 General      2013.7.11-20
Jiangmen Renren     2013-03-21    1,000 2013-06-28     997.72                                  No        Yes
                                                                 guarantee    14.6.25
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding
                                                                 General      2013.9.16-2
Jiangmen Renren     2013-03-21    3,000 2013-09-16                                             No        Yes
                                                                 guarantee    014.8.13
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding                                                General      2013.6.26-2
                    2013-03-21    6,000 2013-06-26    5,774.15                                 No        Yes
Liuzhou Co., Ltd.                                                guarantee    014.6.25

Sinopharm Holding                                                General      2013.10.29-
                    2013-08-20   10,000 2013-10-29     624.82                                  No        Yes
Liuzhou Co., Ltd.                                                guarantee    2014-10.28

Sinopharm Holding                                                General      2014.4.29-2
                    2014-03-22    5,000 2014-04-29    4,310.09                                 No        Yes
Liuzhou Co., Ltd.                                                guarantee    015.4.28

Sinopharm Holding
                                                                 General      2014.5.23-2
Shenzhen Yanfeng    2014-03-22    2,000 2014-05-23    1,985.33                                 No        Yes
                                                                 guarantee    015.5.23
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding
                                                                 General      2013.6.26-2
Shenzhen Yanfeng    2013-03-21    5,000 2013-06-26     1,499.7                                 No        Yes
                                                                 guarantee    014.06.25
Co., Ltd.

Sinopharm Holding
                                                                 General      2014.5.13-2
Shenzhen Yanfeng    2014-03-22    2,000 2014-05-13     996.69                                  No        Yes
                                                                 guarantee    015.02.12
Co., Ltd.

                                                                                  China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                                                   SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014

China National
Zhijun (Suzhou)                                                                   General        2013.8.28-2
                      2013-03-21          8,000 2013-08-28             4,251.11                                 No        Yes
Pharmaceutical Co.,                                                               guarantee      014.8.27

China National
Zhijun (Suzhou)                                                                   General        2014.5.27-2
                      2014-03-22          5,000 2014-05-27             2,426.03                                 No        Yes
Pharmaceutical Co.,                                                               guarantee      015.5.27

China National
Zhijun (Suzhou)                                                                   General        2013.11.25-2
                      2013-03-21          3,000 2013-11-25                478.8                                 No        Yes
Pharmaceutical Co.,                                                               guarantee      014.11.25

China National
Zhijun (Suzhou)                                                                   General        2014.10.00-
                      2013-08-20          6,000 2013-10-12                1,500                                 No        Yes
Pharmaceutical Co.,                                                               guarantee      2014.10.22

China National
Zhijun (Suzhou)                                                                   General        2013.12.16-
                      2013-03-20          3,000 2013-12-16             1,307.46                                 No        Yes
Pharmaceutical Co.,                                                               guarantee      2014.6.25

China National
Zhijun (Suzhou)                                                                   General        2013.10.22-
                      2013-03-21          5,000 2013-10-22                  100                                 No        Yes
Pharmaceutical Co.,                                                               guarantee      2014.10.21

                                                                Total amount of actual
Total amount of approving
                                                                occurred     guarantee    for
guarantee for subsidiaries in                           145,500                                                        407,802.2
                                                                subsidiaries in report period
report period (B1)
                                                                Total balance of actual
Total amount of approved
                                                                guarantee for subsidiaries at
guarantee for subsidiaries at the                       412,500                                                        221,358.2
                                                                the end of reporting period
end of reporting period (B3)
Total amount of guarantee of the Company( total of two abovementioned guarantee)
   Total amount of approving                                       Total amount of actual
   guarantee in report period                           198,650 occurred guarantee in report                          435,589.65
            (A1+B1)                                                   period (A2+B2)
   Total amount of approved                                        Total balance of actual
  guarantee at the end of report                        545,650 guarantee at the end of report                         246,568.1
        period (A3+B3)                                                period (A4+B4)
The proportion of the total amount of actually guarantee in the
net assets of the Company (that is A4+ B4)


Amount of guarantee for shareholders, actual controller and its
related parties(C)

                                                                                    China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                                                     SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014

The debts guarantee amount provided for the guaranteed parties
whose assets-liability ratio exceed 70% directly or indirectly(D)

Proportion of total amount of guarantee in net assets of the
Company exceed 50%(E)

Total amount of the aforesaid three guarantees(C+D+E)                                                                      232,170.57

Explanation on guarantee with composite way

(1) Guarantee outside against the regulation

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No guarantee outside against the regulation in Period
3. Other significant contract
□ Applicable    √ Not applicable
The Company had no other significant contract in Period.

4. Other material transactions
□ Applicable    √ Not applicable
The Company had no other material transactions in the reporting period.

X. Commitments made by the Company or shareholders holding above 5% shares of the Company in
reporting period or extending to reporting period
√ Applicable   □ Not applicable

                                                                                               Commitmen Commitmen Implementati
     Commitments             Accepter                           Contents
                                                                                                  t time      t period       on

Share Merger Reform

                                          As    a      large   pharmaceutical    commercial
                                          enterprise       whose      business     involves
                                          pharmaceutical wholesale and retail, Sinopharm
                                          Holding may overlap with the Company in
                                          geographical segmentation during its future
                                          business development. To avoid the potential
                                          peer competition brought by such geographical
                                          overlap, Sinopharm Holding undertakes that,
Commitments in report                                                                                                    Normally
                          Sinopharm       upon the transfer of shares of Sinopharm                          Long-term
of    acquisition or                                                                           2005-06-21                implement
                          Holding         Holding Guangzhou it held to Accord Pharma,                       effective
equity change
                                          “1. it will not newly-establish or broaden within
                                          Guangdong any business operation that actually
                                          compete with that of Accord Pharma, or set up
                                          any new subsidiaries or subordinate enterprises
                                          who engage in such business. 2. it will enter
                                          into business delineation with Accord Pharma
                                          and Sinopharm Holding Guangzhou, thereby
                                          giving the three parties clear geographical areas

                                                                                     China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                                                      SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014

                                         to carry out pharmaceutical wholesale and retail
                                         businesses, so as to avoid potential peer
                                         competition. Apart from above, Sinopharm
                                         Holding will no longer newly-establish any
                                         enterprise that may compete with Accord
                                         Pharma in the production and R&D of
                                         pharmaceutical products.”

Commitments in assets

                                         Sinopharm Holding has undertaken in the Letter
                                         of Undertaking from Sinopharm Group Co. Ltd.
                                         on Avoiding Peer Competition that, “I. the
                                         Company and the enterprises it wholly-owns,
                                         controls or has de facto control over (excluding
                                         Sinopharm       Accord     and     its    controlled
                                         enterprises, similarly hereinafter) do not exist
                                         any business or operation that would constitute
                                         substantive peer competition with Sinopharm
                                         Accord and its controlled enterprises. II. the
                                         Company and the enterprises it wholly-owns,                                  Controlling
                                         controls or has de facto control over will not                               shareholder
                                         engage in, participate in or carry out in                                    is implement
                                         Guangdong and Guangxi any business or                                        in real
                                         activities that would constitute substantive                                 earnest,
                                         competition       with     the     pharmaceutical                            Sinopharm
Commitments make in                      commercial businesses of Sinopharm Accord.                                   Accord will
                             Sinopharm                                                                   Long-term
initial public offering or               III. the Company and the enterprises it 2013-09-05                           actively
                             Holding                                                                     effective
re-financing                             wholly-owns, controls or has de facto control                                urged the
                                         over will not engage in, participate in or carry                             controlling
                                         out any business or activities that would                                    shareholder
                                         constitute substantive competition with the                                  and actual
                                         pharmaceutical      industrial    businesses      of                         controller to
                                         Sinopharm Accord. IV. the Company will not                                   fulfill
                                         make use of its control over Sinopharm Accord                                commitments
                                         to damage the legal interests of Sinopharm
                                         Accord and other shareholders (especially
                                         minority      shareholders).     The     Letter   of
                                         Undertaking takes effect since the date of issue
                                         and will remain effective during the entire
                                         period when the Company has been the
                                         controlling shareholder or connected party of
                                         Sinopharm Accord. During the validity of the
                                         Undertaking, the Company will indemnify in
                                         time Sinopharm Accord from any loss which

                                                         China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                          SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014

            may arise out of the Company’s violation of the

            Sinopharm Holding has undertaken in the Letter
            of Undertaking from Sinopharm Group Co. Ltd.
            on    Standardization        of    the     Connected
            Transactions with China National Accord
            Medicines Corporation Ltd. that, “I. during the
            period when the Company takes control over
            Sinopharm Accord, the Company and the
            companies or enterprises it directly or indirectly
            controls (hereinafter referred to as “Connected
            Party”) will strictly standardize the connected
            transactions with Sinopharm Accord and its
            controlled enterprises. II. for those connected
            transactions beyond avoidance or out of
            reasonable causes, the Company and Connected
            Party will enter into standardized connected
            transaction agreement with Sinopharm Accord
                                                                                             is implement
            according to law. Sinopharm Accord will
                                                                                             in real
            perform approval procedure according to
            relevant laws, rules and regulations, other
            standardization documents and its constitutional
                                                                                             Accord will
Sinopharm   documents, and fulfill its obligation to disclose                    Long-term
                                                                    2013-09-05               actively
Holding     information on connected transactions. III. for                      effective
                                                                                             urged the
            those connected transactions beyond avoidance
            or out of reasonable causes, the Company and
            Connected Party will determine the prices of
                                                                                             and actual
            connected transactions based on the prices of
                                                                                             controller to
            same or similar transactions entered into by
            independent third parties of no connection
            while following the principles of open, fair and
            just to ensure the fairness. IV. when the board or
            shareholders’ meeting of Sinopharm Accord
            votes on the relevant connected transactions
            involving the Company and other enterprises it
            controls, the Company will perform obligations
            including that necessary interested directors and
            shareholders shall be abstained from voting
            according to relevant regulations, and follow
            the legal procedures for approval of connected
            transactions     and    fulfill    its    information
            disclosure     obligation.    V.    the    Company
            guarantees to attend shareholders’ meeting
            according to the constitutional documents of

                                                         China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                          SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014

            Sinopharm Accord, exercise its corresponding
            rights    and     assumed     its     corresponding
            obligations in an equitable manner, not to take
            advantage of its standing as controlling
            shareholder to seek unjust interests, or to use
            connected transactions to illegally transfer
            capital or profit out of Sinopharm Accord, or to
            prejudice the legal interests of Sinopharm
            Accord and other shareholders (especially
            minority shareholders). VI. the Letter of
            Undertaking takes effect since the date of issue
            and will remain effective during the entire
            period when the Company has been the
            controlling shareholder or connected party of
            Sinopharm Accord. During the validity of the
            Undertaking, the Company will indemnify in
            time Sinopharm Accord from any loss that may
            arise out of the Company’s violation of the

            ”Sinopharm Group has undertaken in the Letter
            of   Undertaking       from       China     National
            Pharmaceutical Group Corporation on Avoiding
            the Peer Competition with China National
            Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. that, “I. in
            the coming five years, Sinopharm Group                                           Actual
            intends to take appropriate measures including                                   controller is
            replacement or acquisition of assets or equity                                   implement in
            reorganization to solve the problem of peer                                      real earnest,
            competition between Weiqida and Sinopharm                                        Sinopharm
            Accord.    II. apart from the matters disclosed in                               Accord will
Sinopharm   the past and in the Letter of Undertaking, the                       Long-term   actively
Group       Company and the enterprises it wholly-owns,                          effective   urged the
            controls or has de facto control over (excluding                                 controlling
            Sinopharm        Accord     and     its    controlled                            shareholder
            enterprises,    similarly   hereinafter)    do   not                             and actual
            directly engage in, participate in or carry out                                  controller to
            within the PRC any business or activities that                                   fulfill
            would constitute substantive competition with                                    commitments
            the production and operation of Sinopharm
            Accord. The relative undertakings in respect of
            avoiding peer competition given by the
            Company in the past remain valid.            III. the
            Company will not take advantage of its control

                                                       China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                        SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014

            over Sinopharm Accord to damage the legal
            interests of Sinopharm Accord           and other
            shareholders (especially minority shareholders).
            IV. the Letter of Undertaking takes effect since
            the date of issue and will remain effective
            during the entire period when the Company has
            been the de facto controller or connected party
            of Sinopharm Accord.”

            Sinopharm Group has undertaken in the Letter
            of     Undertaking    from      China     National
            Pharmaceutical       Group      Corporation     on
            Standardization of the Connected Transactions
            with    China    National     Accord    Medicines
            Corporation Ltd      that, “I. during the period
            when     the    Company      takes   control   over
            Sinopharm Accord, the Company and the
            companies or enterprises it directly or indirectly
            controls (hereinafter referred to as “Connected
            Party”) will strictly standardize the connected
            transactions with Sinopharm Accord and its                                     Actual
            controlled enterprises. II. for those connected                                controller is
            transactions beyond avoidance or out of                                        implement in
            reasonable causes, the Company and Connected                                   real earnest,
            Party will enter into standardized connected                                   Sinopharm
            transaction agreement with Sinopharm Accord                                    Accord will
Sinopharm   according to law. Sinopharm Accord will                            Long-term   actively
Group       perform approval procedure according to                            effective   urged the
            relevant laws, rules and regulations, other                                    controlling
            standardization documents and its constitutional                               shareholder
            documents, and fulfill its obligation to disclose                              and actual
            information on connected transactions. III. for                                controller to
            those connected transactions beyond avoidance                                  fulfill
            or out of reasonable causes, the Company and                                   commitments
            Connected Party will determine the prices of
            connected transactions based on the prices of
            same or similar transactions entered into by
            independent third parties of no connection
            while following the principles of open, fair and
            just to ensure the fairness. IV. when the board or
            shareholders’ meeting of Sinopharm Accord
            votes on the relevant connected transactions
            involving the Company and other enterprises it
            controls, the Company will perform obligations
            including that necessary interested directors and

                                                                                      China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                                                       SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014

                                         shareholders shall be abstained from voting
                                         according to relevant regulations, and follow
                                         the legal procedures for approval of connected
                                         transactions     and    fulfill    its    information
                                         disclosure     obligation.    V.    the    Company
                                         guarantees not to take advantage of its standing
                                         as actual controller to seek unjust interests, or to
                                         use connected transactions to illegally transfer
                                         capital or profit out of Sinopharm Accord, or to
                                         prejudice the legal interests of Sinopharm
                                         Accord and other shareholders (especially
                                         minority     shareholders).”VI.    the    Letter   of
                                         Undertaking takes effect since the date of issue
                                         and will remain effective during the entire
                                         period when the Company has been the actual
                                         controller or connected party of Sinopharm

Other commitments to
minority shareholders of
the Company

Completed on time or

XI. Engagement and dismissal of CPA
Whether the semi-annual report was audited or not
□ Yes   √ No

XII. Penalty and rectification

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company had no penalty or rectification in the reporting period.

XIII. Risk disclosure of delisting with laws and rules violated

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company has no delisting risks with laws and rules violated in Period.

XIV. Explanation on other significant events

√ Applicable    □ Not applicable

1. On 19 July 2013, relevant proposals with privately offering of A-share concerned were deliberated and
approved by 19th meeting of 6th session of the Board: ”The Company conforms with the condition of Privately
Offering of A-share”, ”Plan of Privately Offering of A-share”, “Preplan of Privately Offering of A-share”,
“Feasibility Report of the Placement Utilization from Privately Offering of A-share ”, “Explanation on Previous

                                                                      China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                                       SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014

Placement Utilization”, ”the “Share Subscription Contract” with entry-into-force conditions that signed by the
Company and Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd”, “Offering with Related transaction involved”, ” Motion for
authorization from the general meeting to the Board for Privately Offering matters”, ” Motion for agreement that
Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd. is free of increasing shares of the Company through tender offer”, ”Amendment on
Management Methods for Raise Funds of China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.”, the “Entrust
Agreement” with entry-into-force conditions that signed by the Company and Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd” and
“Explanation on not convening general meeting temporary after the Board Meeting”, relevant notice please found
in Juchao Website dated 22 July 2013.
2. On 12 September 2013, proposal of the above mentioned private offering of A-share was deliberated and
approved by 3rd extraordinary general meeting of 2013, relevant notice please found in Juchao Website dated 13
September 2013.
3. On 13 February 2014, the “Notice of Approval of Privately Offering of A-share from IEC of the CSRC” was
released by the Company, relevant notice please found in Juchao Website dated 13 February 2014.
4. On 8 March 2014, the “Application of Privately Offering of A-share of Sinopharm Accord was Examined and
Approved by CSRC” was released by the Company, relevant notice please found in Juchao Website dated 8
March 2014.
5. On 20 March 2014, the “Sinopharm Accord: Release Situation of Private Offering of A-share and Listing
Announcement” etc. were released by the Company, found more in Juchao Website date 20 March 2014.
6. On 29 March 2014, the “Sinopharm Accord: Announcement on Replacing the Working Capital Input to Projects
by Raised Capital” etc. were released by the Company, found more in Juchao Website date 29 March 2014.

                                                                                       China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                                                        SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014

Section VI. Changes in Shares and Particulars about Shareholders
I.Changes in share capital
                                                                                                                                     In share
                               Before the Changes                  Increase/Decrease in the Change (+, -)                 After the Changes
                                                Proportio               Bonus reserve-co
                               Amount                       issued                          Others      Subtotal       Amount        Proportion
                                                n                       shares    nverted
I. Restricted shares                    2,651      0.00% 74,482,543            0          0     -663 74,481,880        74,484,531      20.54%

2. State-owned legal
                                           0       0.00% 74,482,543            0          0        0 74,482,543        74,482,543      20.54%
person’s shares

3. Other domestic
                                        2,651      0.00%           0           0          0     -663         -663            1,988       0.00%

                                        2,651      0.00%           0           0          0     -663         -663            1,988       0.00%
nature person shares

II. Unrestricted shares       288,146,749 100.00%                  0           0          0      663          663 288,147,412          79.46%
1. RMB ordinary
                              233,261,149         80.95%           0           0          0      663          663 233,261,812          64.32%
2. Domestically listed
                               54,885,600         19.05%           0           0          0        0               0   54,885,600      15.14%
foreign shares
III. Total shares             288,149,400 100.00% 74,482,543                   0          0        0 74,482,543 362,631,943           100.00%

Reasons for share changed
√ Applicable       □ Not applicable

The shares changed mainly because on 21 March 2014, the private offering to substantial shareholder Sinopharm
Group Co., Ltd. was completed with 74,482,543 restricted shares increased. Found more details in “Sinopharm
Accord: Release Situation of Private Offering of A-share and Listing Announcement” released on Juchao website
(http://www.cninfo.com.cn) dated 20 March 2014
Influence on the basic EPS and diluted EPS as well as other financial indexes of net assets per share attributable to common
shareholders of Company in latest year and period

                                                       Item                                                                 2013
                                                                                                               Before                After
                                                                                                              issuance             issuance
Fully diluted earning per share attributable to shareholder of listed company (RMB)                                1.81              1.44
Fully diluted net assets per share attributable to shareholder of listed company (RMB)                             7.79              11.51

Explanation on changes of total shares and shareholders structure as well as changes of structure of assets and

Total shares of the Company increased to 362,631,943 shares from 288,149,400 after the private placement, register capital changed
correspondingly. Shares held by controlling shareholder turns from 110,459,748 shares holding (occupied 38.33%) to 184,942,291
(occupied 51.00%). Net assets of the Company increased 1,929,065,413.47 Yuan due to the private placement, entire asset-liability
ratio reduced to 63.65%.

                                                                                     China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                                                      SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014

II. Number of shareholders and share-holding

                                                                                                                                    In Share

                                                                   Total preference shareholders
Total common shareholders at                                       with voting rights recovered at
                                                          12,020                                                                         0
period-end                                                         end of reporting period (if
                                                                   applicable) (see Note 8)

                           Particulars about shares held above 5% by shareholders or top ten shareholders

                                                                                                 Amount           Number of share
                                                                          Changes                   of             pledged/frozen
                                                          Number of                     of
                         Nature of       Proportion of                       in                  un-restri
  Shareholders                                           shares held at              restricte
                        shareholder       shares held                     reportin                 cted
                                                          period-end                 d shares                State of share    Amount
                                                                          g period                shares

Sinopharm Group State-owned                                               74,482,     74,482, 110,459,
                                                51.00%    184,942,291
Co., Ltd.           corporate                                             543             543         748

National Council
                    Domestic non
for Social
                    state-owned                  2.76%     10,000,664
Security Fund –

FIRST STATE         Overseas corporate           1.94%       7,032,720

National Council
                    Domestic non
for Social
                    state-owned                  1.91%       6,944,094
Security Fund –

PARTNERS            Overseas corporate           1.42%       5,133,261

ICBC—Harvest       Domestic non
Strategy Growth state-owned                      1.23%       4,451,985
Mix Stock Fund      corporate

                    Domestic non
research selected
                    state-owned                  1.20%       4,360,504
stock securities
investment fund

ICBC—Harvest       Domestic non
                                                 1.20%       4,356,835
Theme New           state-owned

                                                                                    China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                                                     SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014

Power stock        Corporation
investment fund

                   Domestic non
Xingye Industry
                   state-owned                     1.20%      4,335,493
Selected Stock
Investment Fund

CCB – China
                   Domestic non
AMC Advantage
                   state-owned                     1.12%      4,065,328
Growth Stock
Investment Fund

                                         ICBC—Harvest Strategy Growth Mix Stock Fund, BOC-Harvest research selected stock
                                         securities investment fund and ICBC—Harvest Theme New Power stock securities
                                         investment fund shares the same administrator as Harvest Fund Management Co., Ltd.;
Explanation on associated relationship VALUE PARTNERS CLASSIC FUND, one of the top ten shareholders, is one of the
among the aforesaid shareholders         VALUE PARTNERS; it is unknown that there exists no associated relationship or belongs
                                         to the consistent actionist among the other tradable shareholders regulated by the
                                         Management Measure of Information Disclosure on Change of Shareholding for Listed

                                   Particular about top ten shareholders with un-restrict shares held

                                                                                                              Type of shares
              Shareholders                  Amount of un-restrict shares held at period-end
                                                                                                           Type           Amount

                                                                                                  RMB ordinary
Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd.                                                           110,459,748                            110,459,748

National Council for Social Security                                                              RMB ordinary
                                                                                     10,000,664                                10,000,664
Fund – 116                                                                                       shares

                                                                                      7,032,720 listed foreign                  7,032,720

National Council for Social Security                                                              RMB ordinary
                                                                                      6,944,094                                 6,944,094
Fund – 106                                                                                       shares

VALUE PARTNERS CLASSIC FUND                                                           5,133,261 listed foreign                  5,133,261

ICBC—Harvest Strategy Growth Mix                                                                 RMB ordinary
                                                                                      4,451,985                                 4,451,985
Stock Fund                                                                                        shares

BOC-Harvest research selected stock                                                               RMB ordinary
                                                                                      4,360,504                                 4,360,504
securities investment fund                                                                        shares

ICBC—Harvest Theme New Power                                                                     RMB ordinary
                                                                                      4,356,835                                 4,356,835
stock securities investment fund                                                                  shares

                                                                                  China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                                                   SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014

CCB—Huabao Xingye Industry                                                                       RMB ordinary
                                                                                      4,335,493                        4,335,493
Selected Stock Investment Fund                                                                    shares

CCB – China AMC Advantage Growth                                                                 RMB ordinary
                                                                                      4,065,328                        4,065,328
Stock Investment Fund                                                                             shares

                                          ICBC—Harvest Strategy Growth Mix Stock Fund, BOC-Harvest research selected stock
                                          securities investment fund and ICBC—Harvest Theme New Power stock securities
Expiation on associated relationship or
                                          investment fund shares the same administrator as Harvest Fund Management Co., Ltd.;
consistent actors within the top 10
                                          VALUE PARTNERS CLASSIC FUND, one of the top ten shareholders, is one of the
un-restrict shareholders and between
                                          VALUE PARTNERS; it is unknown that there exists no associated relationship or belongs
top 10 un-restrict shareholders and top
                                          to the consistent actionist among the other tradable shareholders regulated by the
10 shareholders
                                          Management Measure of Information Disclosure on Change of Shareholding for Listed

Whether has a buy-back agreement in reporting period or not
□Yes √No
The Company had no buy-back agreement in reporting period.

III. Changes of controlling shareholders or actual controller

Changes of controlling shareholders in reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Changes of controlling shareholders had no change in reporting period.
Changes of actual controller in reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Changes of actual controller in reporting period had no change in reporting period.

IV. Share holding increasing plan proposed or implemented in reporting period from
shareholder of the Company and its concerted action person

□ Applicable   √Not applicable
As far as the Company know, there are no share holding increasing plan proposed or implemented in Period from shareholder of the
Company and its concerted action person

                                                         China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                          SEMI-ANNUAL REPORT 2014

                                  Section VII. Preferred Stock

I. Issuance and listing of preferred stock in Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

II. Number of shareholders with preferred stock held and shareholdings

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III. Repurchase and conversion of preferred stock

1. Preferred stock repurchased

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Preferred stock converted

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IV. Preferred stock with voting rights recovered and executed

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

V. Accounting policy taken for preferred stock and reasons

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                            国药集团一致药业股份有限公司 2014 年半年度报告全文

                      Section VIII. Directors, Supervisors and Senior

I. Changes of shares held by directors, supervisors and senior executives
□ Applicable   √ Not applicable
Shares held by directors, supervisors and senior executives have no changes in reporting period, found more details in
Annual Report 2013.

II. Resignation and dismissal of directors, supervisors and senior executives
√ Applicable   □ Not applicable
     Name              Title              Type          Date                                       Reasons
Shi Jinming       Director           Office leaving 2014-01-09            Director resignation
Li Zhiming        Director           Election           2014-02-18        Director supplement
Li Zhiming        Chairman           Election           2014-02-27        Elected by the Board

Cui Dieling                          Election           2014-02-27        Elected by the Board

Consolidated and companybalance sheets
For the year ended 30June 2014
(All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

                                    Section IX Financial Report

                ASSETS                 Note                  Consolidated                               Company
                                                           30 June                                  30 June
                                                              2014    31 December 2013                 2014    31 December 2013
Current assets
     Cash at bank and on hand          V(1)        1,417,891,485.43    1,113,562,211.65      217,796,047.77       218,342,947.03
     Notes receivable                  V(2)         668,212,842.32       739,061,141.72       28,842,493.26        34,964,767.24
     Accounts receivable             V(3), X(1)    6,379,994,615.37    5,675,658,506.78      474,603,390.50       427,376,566.55
     Advances to suppliers             V(4)          98,894,281.90          64,367,040.17       1,683,295.49           35,982.02

     Other receivables               V(5), X(2)      35,191,984.40          29,620,899.71   2,351,989,237.59    1,160,527,938.29

     Interest receivable                                          -                     -       3,567,717.40        1,650,552.45
     Dividend receivable                             28,152,000.00                      -     28,152,000.00                    -
     Inventories                       V(6)        2,189,768,998.70    1,831,267,290.00      173,965,479.86       172,165,830.98
     Other current assets              V(7)          21,496,419.56          12,203,752.77         39,482.38         2,657,068.36
Total current assets                              10,839,602,627.68    9,465,740,842.80     3,280,639,144.25    2,017,721,652.92

Non-current assets
     Long-term equity investments    V(8),X(3)      130,784,733.02       135,341,010.52     1,586,274,227.40    1,583,340,504.90
     Investment properties             V(10)         74,716,723.59          77,269,718.14       6,160,077.71        7,060,731.46
     Fixed assets                      V(11)        745,157,659.47       766,741,590.63       18,168,343.49        20,722,267.75
     Construction in progress          V(12)        192,687,064.41       126,606,806.01      123,035,694.03        54,974,475.13
     Intangible assets                 V(13)        147,507,340.48       150,561,964.46       37,663,419.29        37,966,282.04
     Development costs                 V(13)           5,619,315.47          5,619,315.47                  -                   -
     Goodwill                          V(14)         85,228,833.15          85,228,833.15                  -                   -
     Long-term prepaid expenses        V(15)         39,966,133.19          35,985,621.47       6,234,227.04        6,787,267.98
     Deferred income tax assets        V(16)          78,911,669.35         68,895,938.25       2,970,111.88        2,941,603.89
     Other non-current assets          V(18)        149,919,553.76       139,905,300.41       37,257,567.91        29,152,556.06
Total non-current assets                           1,650,499,025.89    1,592,156,098.51     1,817,763,668.75    1,742,945,689.21

TOTAL ASSETS                                      12,490,101,653.57   11,057,896,941.31     5,098,402,813.00    3,760,667,342.13

Consolidated and companybalance sheets (continued)
For the year ended 30June 2014
(All amounts Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

           EQUITY                         Note                Consolidated                               Company
                                                            30 June          31 December             30 June
                                                               2014                 2013                2014    31 December 2013
Current liabilities
    Short-term borrowings                 V(19)     1,400,802,174.34    2,744,941,589.11       143,500,000.00    1,079,500,000.00
    Notes payable                         V(20)     1,270,580,602.55    1,495,401,188.09       253,985,089.50      247,283,090.92
    Accounts payable                      V(21)     4,184,497,888.86    3,436,936,497.16       350,311,065.36      318,141,136.49
    Advances from customers               V(22)       25,982,230.10          38,570,231.44        740,254.31          291,691.40
    Employee benefits payable             V(23)      122,405,077.32       159,466,364.12        14,055,339.70       16,512,245.17
    Taxes payable                         V(24)       87,054,850.43          76,045,260.04      10,583,238.11        1,509,173.93
    Interests payable                     V(25)         9,690,081.21         13,065,850.14        564,570.73         1,834,864.78
    Other payables                        V(26)      548,504,807.58       496,102,247.39       235,722,218.09      421,121,969.02
    Current portion of long-term
      borrowings                          V(27)         6,733,400.00          7,800,000.00                  -                     -
    Other current liabilities             V(28)                    -         22,040,000.00                  -                     -
Total current liabilities                           7,656,251,112.39    8,490,369,227.49     1,009,461,775.80    2,086,194,171.71

Non-current liabilities
    Long-term borrowings                  V(29)       39,695,448.00                      -      39,695,448.00                     -
    Payables for specific projects        V(30)         4,287,000.00          4,287,000.00        800,000.00          800,000.00
    Deferred income tax liabilities       V(16)       24,976,843.46          24,644,887.76       3,773,319.00        3,773,319.00
    Other non-current liabilities         V(31)      224,763,090.86       221,958,761.49         5,000,000.00                     -
Total non-current liabilities                        293,722,382.32       250,890,649.25        49,268,767.00        4,573,319.00

Total liabilities                                   7,949,973,494.71    8,741,259,876.74     1,058,730,542.80    2,090,767,490.71

    Share capital                         V(32)      362,631,943.00       288,149,400.00       362,631,943.00      288,149,400.00
    Capital surplus                       V(33)     1,860,333,209.04          5,750,338.57   1,869,131,597.40       14,548,726.93
    Surplus reserve                       V(34)      144,855,634.40       144,855,634.40       144,855,634.40      144,855,634.40
    Undistributed profits                 V(35)     2,089,942,523.83    1,806,002,285.06     1,663,053,095.40    1,222,346,090.09
Total equity attributable to equity
          holders of the Company                    4,457,763,310.27    2,244,757,658.03     4,039,672,270.20    1,669,899,851.42
    Minority interest                     V(36)       82,364,848.59          71,879,406.54                  -                     -
Total owners' equity                                4,540,128,158.86    2,316,637,064.57     4,039,672,270.20    1,669,899,851.42

TOTAL    LIABILITIES                AND
 OWNERS’ EQUITY                                   12,490,101,653.57   11,057,896,941.31     5,098,402,813.00    3,760,667,342.13

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Legal                                       Principal in charge                              Head of accounting
representative: Yan Zhigang                      of accounting :   Wei Pingxiao                    department: Zhou Feifei

Consolidated and companyincome statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
(All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

                                                                       Consolidated                                      Company
                Item                          Note        For the six months       For the six months            For the six For the six months
                                                              ended 30 June            ended 30 June        months ended 30      ended 30 June
                                                                        2014                     2013            June 2014                 2013

Sales                                       V(37) ,X(4)    11,612,642,434.28        10,131,712,690.44        1,344,533,386.96     1,193,441,273.94
Less:   Cost of sales                       V(37),X(4)    (10,626,767,657.24)       (9,279,455,305.53)      (1,290,912,374.30)   (1,142,667,141.70)
        Taxes and surcharges                  V(38)           (27,472,713.53)          (23,326,231.67)          (3,819,156.69)       (2,043,636.20)
        Selling  and         distribution
           expenses                                          (271,149,210.54)         (242,609,042.07)        (23,395,202.86)      (21,154,070.92)
        Administration expenses                              (215,813,783.67)         (182,897,044.09)        (23,650,902.47)      (13,859,583.70)
        Financial (expenses)/income
           – net                             V(39)           (70,931,725.10)          (76,468,650.83)          30,937,200.09        (5,893,730.35)
        Asset impairment losses               V(40)            (7,312,907.37)          (16,807,658.72)           (153,394.98)         (319,855.94)
Add:    Investment income                   V(41),X(5)         23,595,722.50            18,576,985.34          480,544,087.23       403,244,931.24
        Including: Share of profits of
                     associates                                23,595,722.50            18,576,985.34           23,595,722.50        18,576,985.34

Operating profit                                              416,790,159.33           328,725,742.87          514,083,642.98       410,748,186.37
Add:    Non-operating income                  V(42)            28,336,065.33            22,135,730.64              705,252.60         4,472,734.63
Less:   Non-operating expenses                V(43)            (1,207,497.35)          (22,119,061.64)                  (0.08)                (50.00)
        Including: Loss on disposal of
                     assets                                       (64,238.16)              (28,872.00)                       -                      -

Total profit                                                  443,918,727.31           328,742,411.87          514,788,895.50       415,220,871.00
Less:   Income taxes expenses                 V(44)           (86,331,296.75)          (60,942,244.76)          (8,808,140.45)              53,392.68

Net profit                                                    357,587,430.56           267,800,167.11          505,980,755.05       415,274,263.68

         Attributable        to   equity
            holders of      the Company                       349,213,988.51           260,794,678.64          505,980,755.05       415,274,263.68
        Minority interest                                       8,373,442.05             7,005,488.47                        -                      -

Earnings per share                            V(45)
        Basic earnings per share                                       1.073                    0.905                     NA                     NA
        Diluted earnings per share                                     1.073                    0.905                     NA                     NA

Other comprehensive income                                                     -                        -                    -                      -

Total comprehensive income                                    357,587,430.56           267,800,167.11          505,980,755.05       415,274,263.68

        Attributable to equity holders
             of the Company                                   349,213,988.51           260,794,678.64          505,980,755.05       415,274,263.68
        Minority interest                                       8,373,442.05             7,005,488.47                        -                      -
The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Legal                                       Principal in charge                            Head of accounting
representative: Yan Zhigang                      of accounting : Wei Pingxiao                    department: Zhou Feifei

                                                                                                                                   - 43 -
Consolidated and company cash flows statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
(All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
                                                                             Consolidated                                        Company

                     Item                          Note        For the six months           For the six months                             For the six months
                                                                   ended 30 June                ended 30 June     For the six months           ended 30 June
                                                                             2014                         2013   ended 30 June 2014                      2013

I. Cash flows from operating activities:
    Cash received from sales of        goods or
       rendering of services                                  11,799,950,691.25        10,057,836,735.60          1,421,640,664.70          1,214,280,538.38
    Refund of taxes and surcharges                                 6,571,540.44                 7,570,798.77                       -                            -
    Cash received relating to
        other operating activities                V(46)(a)        53,448,437.56                38,823,223.02         12,486,044.81                5,237,699.02
              Sub-total of cash inflows                       11,859,970,669.25        10,104,230,757.39          1,434,126,709.51          1,219,518,237.40
    Cash paid for goods and services                         (11,553,683,051.08)       (9,208,952,026.05)        (1,439,943,602.26)        (1,185,309,308.36)
    Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                    (304,214,026.96)             (261,318,392.72)        (26,913,040.68)             (24,032,421.42)
    Payments of taxes and surcharges                           (302,590,124.70)             (241,792,269.13)        (13,548,247.06)              (6,825,494.08)
    Cash paid relating to other
        operating activities                      V(46)(b)     (184,199,274.47)             (153,891,196.41)        (12,903,407.44)             (14,336,903.77)
              Sub-total of cash outflows                     (12,344,686,477.21)       (9,865,953,884.31)        (1,493,308,297.44)        (1,230,504,127.63)
Net cash flows from operating activities
                                                  X(6)(a)      (484,715,807.96)              238,276,873.08         (59,181,587.93)             (10,985,890.23)

II. Cash flows from investing activities
    Cash received from returns on
        investments                                                             -                            -      169,306,012.82               81,042,685.23
    Net cash received from
         disposal of fixed assets,
         intangible assets and other
         long-term assets                                            904,370.80                    76,611.00                 700.00                             -
    Cash received relating to
        other investing activities                V(46)(c)         3,598,827.09                              -    1,663,852,850.00              485,718,000.00
               Sub-total of cash inflows                           4,503,197.89                    76,611.00      1,833,159,562.82              566,760,685.23
    Cash paid to acquire fixed
        assets, intangible assets
        and other long-term assets                             (123,288,911.49)              (31,240,049.89)        (65,829,878.73)              (3,376,519.20)
    Cash paid to acquire Investments                                            -                            -                     -        (100,000,000.00)
    Net cash paid to acquire
         subsidiaries and other
         business units                           V(47)(b)                      -                            -       (1,518,000.00)                             -
    Cash paid relating to other
        investing activities                                                    -                            -   (2,859,000,089.73)         (491,200,000.00)
               Sub-total of cash outflows                      (123,288,911.49)              (31,240,049.89)     (2,926,347,968.46)         (594,576,519.20)
Net cash flows from investing activities                       (118,785,713.60)              (31,163,438.89)     (1,093,188,405.64)             (27,815,833.97)

                                                                                                                                       - 44 -
Consolidated and company cash flows statements (continued)
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
(All amounts Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

                                                                            Consolidated                                        Company

                     Item                         Note        For the six months           For the six months                             For the six months
                                                                  ended 30 June                ended 30 June     For the six months           ended 30 June
                                                                            2014                         2013   ended 30 June 2014                      2013

III. Cash flows from financing activities

    Cash received from investments                              1,929,065,413.47                            -      1,929,065,413.47                           -

    Cash received from borrowings                                177,215,892.08               335,703,705.83         58,095,448.00              238,000,000.00
    Cash received relating to other financing
       Activities                                V(46)(d)         52,376,797.32                             -       258,472,602.86              482,924,408.91

           Sub-total of cash inflows                            2,158,658,102.87              335,703,705.83       2,245,633,464.33             720,924,408.91

    Cash repayments of borrowings                             (1,093,663,188.17)             (412,825,109.96)      (925,000,000.00)            (292,000,000.00)
    Cash payments for interest expenses and
       distribution of dividends or profits                     (146,826,227.89)             (119,481,742.25)       (85,892,357.94)             (75,035,803.29)
    Including: Cash payments for dividends or
        profit to minority
           shareholders of subsidiaries                           (1,098,000.00)                            -                     -                           -
    Cash payments relating to other
          financing activities                   V(46)(e)         (3,235,784.18)              (48,947,088.25)       (82,919,213.08)            (333,808,489.25)

          Sub-total of cash outflows                          (1,243,725,200.24)             (581,253,940.46)    (1,093,811,571.02)            (700,844,292.54)

   Net cash flows from financing activities                      914,932,902.63              (245,550,234.63)      1,151,821,893.31              20,080,116.37

IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes
      on cash                                                           5,838.21                       (1.48)              1,201.00                           -

V. Net increase/(decrease) in cash                               311,437,219.28               (38,436,801.92)          (546,899.26)             (18,721,607.83)

    Add: Cash at beginning of year                              1,097,948,354.45              920,748,043.53        218,342,947.03              160,633,355.13
VI. Cash at end of period                        X(6)(c)        1,409,385,573.73              882,311,241.61        217,796,047.77              141,911,747.30
The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Legal                                           Principal in charge                                  Head of accounting
representative: Yan Zhigang                          of accounting : Wei Pingxiao                          department: Zhou Feifei

                                                                                                                                      - 45 -
Consolidated statement of changes in owners’ equity
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
(All amounts Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

                                                                         Attributable to the shareholders of the Company                                                     Total
                                          Note         Paid-in capital       Capital surplus      Surplus reserves   Undistributed profits    Minority interest    owners’ equity

Balance at 1 January 2013                              288,149,400.00           5,550,338.57         99,360,384.15         1,382,882,906.24      63,108,183.24    1,839,051,212.20
Movements for the year ended 31
 December 2013
Net profit                                                           -                     -                     -          520,488,198.80       13,731,200.43     534,219,399.23
Other comprehensive income                                           -                     -                     -                        -                   -                  -
Capital contribution and withdrawals by
- Others                                                             -            200,000.00                     -               (6,677.73)           6,677.73         200,000.00
Profit distribution
- Appropriation to surplus reserves       V(34)                      -                     -         45,495,250.25          (45,495,250.25)                   -                  -
- Profit distribution to equity owners    V(35)                      -                     -                     -          (51,866,892.00)      (4,966,654.86)    (56,833,546.86)
Balance at 31 December 2013                            288,149,400.00           5,750,338.57        144,855,634.40         1,806,002,285.06      71,879,406.54    2,316,637,064.57

                                                                                                                                                                                     - 46 -
Consolidated statement of changes in owners’ equity (continued)
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
(All amounts Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

                                                                                  Attributable to the shareholders of the Company                                                             Total
                                               Note          Paid-in capital           Capital surplus       Surplus reserves   Undistributed profits      Minority interest        owners’ equity

Balance at 1 January 2014                                    288,149,400.00                5,750,338.57        144,855,634.40       1,806,002,285.06          71,879,406.54       2,316,637,064.57
Movements for the six months ended 30
 June 2014
Net profit                                                                    -                        -                    -         349,213,988.51           8,373,442.05         357,587,430.56
Other comprehensive income                                                    -                        -                    -                       -                      -                       -
Capital contribution and withdrawals by
- Capital contribution by owners                              74,482,543.00           1,854,582,870.47                      -                       -                      -      1,929,065,413.47
-Increase due to acquisition of a subsidiry                                   -                        -                    -                       -          3,210,000.00             3,210,000.00
Profit distribution
- Profit distribution to equity owners         V(35)                          -                        -                    -         (65,273,749.74)         (1,098,000.00)       (66,371,749.74)
Balance at 30 June 2014                                      362,631,943.00           1,860,333,209.04         144,855,634.40       2,089,942,523.83          82,364,848.59       4,540,128,158.86

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Legal                                                                             Principal in charge                                                   Head of accounting
representative: Yan Zhigang                                                           of accounting : Wei Pingxiao                                            department: Zhou Feifei

                                                                                                                                                                                                       - 47 -
Company statement of changes in owners’ equity
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
(All amounts Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

                                               Paid-in capital   Capital surplus Surplus reservesUndistributed profits        owners’ equity

Balance at 1 January 2013                      288,149,400.00      14,348,726.93     99,360,384.15     864,755,729.87       1,266,614,240.95
Movements for the year ended 31
 December 2013
Net profit                                                   -                  -                -     454,952,502.47         454,952,502.47
Other comprehensive income                                   -                  -                -                   -                      -
Capital contribution and withdrawals
   by owners
- Others                                                     -        200,000.00                 -                   -            200,000.00
Profit distribution
 - Appropriation to surplus reserves                         -                  -    45,495,250.25    (45,495,250.25)                      -
 - Profit distribution to equity owners                      -                  -                -     (51,866,892.00)       (51,866,892.00)
Balance at 31 December 2013                    288,149,400.00      14,548,726.93    144,855,634.40   1,222,346,090.09       1,669,899,851.42

Balance at 1 January 2014                      288,149,400.00      14,548,726.93    144,855,634.40   1,222,346,090.09       1,669,899,851.42
Movements for the six months ended
 30 June 2014
Net profit                                                   -                  -                -     505,980,755.05         505,980,755.05
Other comprehensive income                                   -                  -                -                   -                      -
Capital contribution and withdrawals
   by owners
- Capital contribution by owners                74,482,543.00    1,854,582,870.47                -                   -      1,929,065,413.47
Profit distribution
 - Profit distribution to equity owners                      -                  -                -     (65,273,749.74)       (65,273,749.74)
Balance at 30 June 2014                        362,631,943.00    1,869,131,597.40   144,855,634.40   1,663,053,095.40       4,039,672,270.20

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

Legal                                     Principal in charge                            Head of accounting
representative: Yan Zhigang                   of accounting : Wei Pingxiao                     department: Zhou Feifei

                                                                                                                         - 48 -
    Notes to financial statements
    For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                          (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

I   Profile of company

    China National Accord Medicines Co.,Ltd. (hereinafter referred to asthe “Company”), formerly
    known as Shenzhen Health Mineral Water Co.,Ltd., was approved by the People’s Government of
    Shenzhen with SFBF (1993) No.356 document to establish on 1 February 1993 through stock
    restructure as a company limited by shares. In March 1993, with the approval from the Shenzhen
    Branch of the People’s Bank of China, the Company issued 30 million A-shares (including 16.5
    million public shares, 3.5 million employee shares and 10 million corporation shares) and 20 million
    B-shares. After this issuance, the Company’s share capital was RMB105 million. Through transfer
    of capital surplus to share capital and bonus issues for years, the share capital of the Company
    increased to RMB362,631,900up to 30 June 2014. The employee shares, domestic public shares
    and foreign public shares have all been listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

    In November 2000, the Company entered into an Assets Exchange Agreement with Shenzhen
    Investment Management Company, the original main shareholder of the Company, to exchange all
    the assets and liabilities of the Company as of 31 August 2000 for Shenzhen Investment
    Management Company’s 100% equity interests in 11 pharmaceutical companies and certain
    properties as well as 51% equity interests in Shenzhen Tefa Modern Computer Co.,Ltd. On
    December 29, 2000, the above assets exchange proposal was approved by shareholder’s voting in
    the second extraordinary general meeting in 2000. The transaction was completed on 8 January
    2001. On 8 January 2001, the Company changed its name to Shenzhen Accord Pharmaceutical
    Co.,Ltd., and belongs to the pharmaceutical manufacturing industry.

    On 18 February 2004, the Company’s original main shareholder, Shenzhen Investment
    Management Company, entered into a Stock Transfer Agreement with Sinopharm Group Co.,Ltd.
    (hereinafter referred to as “Sinopharm Group”) to transfer its 43.33% shares in the Company to
    Sinopharm Group. The legal procedures of the above equity transfer were completed on 9
    December 2004. At the same time, as approved by GZCQ (2004) No.525 document from the
    State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council and ZJGSZ
    (2004) No.94 document from the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the nature of these
    shares was transferred from state-owned stock to state-owned legal entity stock and Sinopharm
    Group became the top shareholder of the Company.

    On 14 April 2006, the Company’s proposal on reformation of segregated stocks was approved. To
    gain liquidity for the restricted stocks of the Company, the holders of the restricted stocks of the
    Company agreed to pay the following consideration: based on the stock registration as of 27 April
    2006, the Company issued bonus shares on 28 April 2006 at the ratio of 3 shares to every 10
    A-shares to liquidated A-share holders which went public on the same day. After this bonus issue,
    the total number of shares of the Company remained unchanged with corresponding changes in
    the composition of share holdings.

    In March 14, 2014, the company issued 74,484,531 ordinary shares (A shares) through the non
    public offering.Par value per share is RMB 1 yuan.The shares shall not be transferred within 36
    months since the issued day. By June 30, 2014, the total share capital was 362,631,943.

    The Company is registered with Shenzhen Administration for Industry & Commerce. Its business
    license number is 440301103040048 and the serial number of the license is N24657. The
    operation period of the Company is from 2 August 1986 to 2 August 2036. The registered capital
    of the Company is RMB362,631,900. The legal representative of the Company is Yan Zhigang.

      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

I     Profile of company(continued)

      The approved scope of business of the Company and its subsidiaries (together “the Group”)
      includeswholesale of traditional Chinese medicine preparations, bulk pharmaceutical drugs, chemical
      preparations, bulk antibiotic drugs, antibiotic preparations, biochemical drugs, biological products
      (including vaccines and in vitro diagnostic reagents), psychotropic drugs and preparations, narcotic drugs,
      toxic drugs for medical use, protein assimilation preparation and peptide hormones; trade of dietary
      supplement; research, development and consultation services of pharmaceutical packaging materialsand
      pharmaceutical industry products; industrial investment holding; domestic trade (other than special
      licensing), sale of ambulances; trade of medical equipment; project investment; property management and
      lease of self-owned properties; pharmacovigilance and medical information consulting; parking operation;
      logistics and related services; package agency business; logistic design; operating various types of goods
      and import and export of technology (not attached directory of import and export commodities), but
      excluded the import and export of goods and technology the State limits or prohibit the company.

      These financial statements were authorised for issue by the board of directors of the Company on 16 August

II    Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates

(1)   Basis of preparation

      The financial statements were prepared in accordance with the Basic Standard and 38 specific standards of
      the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises issued by the Ministry of Finance on 15 February 2006,
      and the Application Guidance for Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, Interpretations of
      Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and other relevant regulations issued thereafter (hereafter
      collectively referred to asthe “Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises” or “CAS”) and the disclosure
      requirements in the Preparation Convention of Information Disclosure by Companies Offering Securities to
      the Public No.15 – General Rules on Financial Reporting (2010 revised) issued by the China Securities
      Regulatory Commission.

(2)   Statement of compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises

      The financial statements of the Company for the six months ended 30 June2014 are in compliance with the
      Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, and truly and completely present the financial position of
      the Group and the Company as of 30 June 2014 and the operating results, cash flows and other information
      of the Group and the Company for the six months ended 30 June 2014.

(3)   Accounting year

      The Company’s accounting year starts on 1 January and ends on 31 December.

(4)   Functional currency

      The functional currency is Renminbi (RMB).

      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

II    Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

(5)   Business combinations

(a)   Business combinations involving enterprises under common control

      The consideration paid and net assets obtained by the absorbing party in a business combination are
      measured at the carrying amount. The difference between the carrying amount of the net assets obtained
      from the combination and the carrying amount of the consideration paid for the combination is treated as an
      adjustment to capital surplus (share premium). If the capital surplus (share premium) is not sufficient to
      absorb the difference, the remaining balance is adjusted against retained earnings. Costs directly attributable
      to the combination are included in profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred. Transaction costs
      associated with the issue of equity or debt securities for the business combination are included in the initially
      recognised amounts of the equity or debt securities.

(b)   Business combinations involving enterprises not under common control

      The cost of combination and identifiable net assets obtained by the acquirer in a business combination are
      measured at fair value at the acquisition date. Where the cost of the combination exceeds the acquirer’s
      interest in the fair value of the acquirer’s identifiable net assets, the difference is recognised as goodwill;
      where the cost of combination is lower than the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquirer’s
      identifiable net assets, the difference is recognised in profit or loss for the current period. Costs directly
      attributable to the combination are included in profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred.
      Transaction costs associated with the issue of equity or debt securities for the business combination are
      included in the initially recognised amounts of the equity or debt securities.

(6)   Preparation of consolidated financial statements

      The consolidated financial statements comprise the financial statements of the Company and all of its

      Subsidiaries are consolidated from the date on which the Group obtains control and are de-consolidated from
      the date that such control ceases. For a subsidiary that is acquired in a business combination involving
      enterprises under common control, it is included in the consolidated financial statements from the date when
      it, together with the Company, comes under common control of the ultimate controlling party. The portion of
      the net profits realised before the combination date is presented separately in the consolidated income

      In preparing the consolidated financial statements, where the accounting policies and the accounting periods
      of the Company and subsidiaries are inconsistent, the financial statements of the subsidiaries are adjusted in
      accordance with the accounting policies and the accounting period of the Company. For subsidiaries
      acquired from business combinations involving enterprises not under common control, the individual
      financial statements of the subsidiaries are adjusted based on the fair value of the identifiable net assets at the
      acquisition date.

      All significant intra-group balances, transactions and unrealised profits are eliminated in the consolidated
      financial statements. The portion of a subsidiary’s equity and the portion of a subsidiary’s net profits, losses
      and comprehensive income for the period not attributable to Company are recognised as minority interests
      and presented separately in the consolidated financial statements within equity, net profits and total
      comprehensive income respectively.

       Notes to financial statements
       For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                             (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

II     Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

(7)    Acquisition of minority interest in controlled subsidiaries

       The Company acquires equity from the minority shareholders after taking control of the subsidiary, in the
       consolidated financial statement, the subsidiary’s assets, liabilities should be measured from combination or
       acquisition date. The difference between thecarrying amount of acquisition of minority interst and thenet
       assets proportion calculated by original share percentage since the acquisition date should be recognised in
       capital surplus. If the capital surplus is insufficient to dilute, the retained earnings shall be adjusted.

(8)    Cashand cash equivalent

       Cash and cash equivalent comprise cash on hand, deposits that can be readily drawn on demand, and
       short-term and highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which
       are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.

(9)    Foreign currency translation

       Foreign currency transactions are translated into RMB using the exchange rates prevailing at the dates of the

       At the balance sheet date, monetary items denominated in foreign currencies are translated into RMB using
       the spot exchange rates on the balance sheet date. Exchange differences arising from these translations are
       recognised in profit or loss for the current period, except for those attributable to foreign currency
       borrowings that have been taken out specifically for the acquisition or construction of qualifying assets,
       which are capitalised as part of the cost of those assets. Non-monetary items denominated in foreign
       currencies that are measured at historical costs are translated at the balance sheet date using the spot
       exchange rates at the date of the transactions.The effect of exchange rate changes on cash is presented
       separately in the cash flow statement.

(10)   Financial Instruments

(a)    Financial assets

(i)    Classification of financial assets

       Financial assets are classified into the following categories at initial recognition: financial assets at fair value
       through profit or loss, receivables, available-for-sale financial assets and held-to-maturity investments. The
       classification of financial assets depends on the Group’s intention and ability to hold the financial assets.
       The Group currently holds the financial assets including receivables. Receivables, including notes
       receivables, accounts receivable and other receivables, are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or
       determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market.

(ii)   Recognition and measurement

       Financial assets are recognised at fair value on the balance sheet when the Group becomes a party to the
       contractual provisions of the financial instrument. The transaction expenses are included in
       receivables’original book value, which is measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method.

        Notes to financial statements
        For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                              (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

II      Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

(10)    Financial Instruments(continued)

(a)     Financial assets(continued)

(iii)   Impairment of financial assets

        The Group assesses the carrying amounts of receivables other than those at fair value through profit or loss
        at each balance sheet date. If there is objective evidence that a financial asset is impaired, an impairment loss
        is provided for.The objective evidence are matters occur after the financial assets been recognised, affect its
        estimated future cash flow and could be measured accuractly by the Group. When an impairment loss on a
        financial asset carried at amortised cost has occurred, the amount of loss is provided for at the difference
        between the asset’s carrying amount and the present value of its estimated future cash flows (excluding
        future credit losses that have not been incurred). If there is objective evidence that the value of the financial
        asset recovered and the recovery is related objectively to an event occurring after the impairment was
        recognised, the previously recognised impairment loss is reversed and the amount of reversal is recognised
        in profit or loss.

(iv)    Derecognition of financial assets

        A financial asset is derecognised when any of the below criteria is met: (i) the contractual rights to receive
        the cash flows from the financial asset expire; (ii) the financial asset has been transferred and the Group
        transfers substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset to the transferee; or (iii)
        the financial asset has been transferred and the Group has not retained control of the financial asset, although
        the Group neither transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial

        On derecognition of a financial asset, the difference between the carrying amount and the sum of the
        consideration received and the cumulative changes in fair value that had been recognised directly in equity,
        is recognised in profit or loss.

(b)     Financial liabilities

        Financial liabilities are classified into the following categories at initial recognition: financial liabilities at
        fair value through profit or loss and other financial liabilities. The financial liabilities of the Group mainly
        comprise other financial liabilities, including payables and borrowings

        Payables, including notes payable, accounts payable and other payables, are recognised initially at fair value
        and subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method.

        Borrowings are recognised initially at fair value, net of transaction costs incurred, and subsequently carried
        at amortised costs using the effective interest method.

        Other financial liabilities with maturities no more than one year are classified as current liabilities. Other
        financial liabilities with maturities over one year but are due within one year at the balance sheet date are
        classified as the current portion of non-current liabilities. Others are classified as non-current liabilities.

Notes to financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                      (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
A financial liability is derecognised or partly derecognised when the current obligation is discharged or
partly discharged. The difference between the carrying amount of the financial liability or the derecognised
part of the financial liability and the consideration paid is recognised in profit or loss.

       Notes to financial statements
       For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                             (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

II     Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

(11)   Receivables

       Receivables comprise notes receivable, accounts receivable and other receivables. Accounts receivable
       arising from sale of goods or rendering of services are initially recognised at fair value of the contractual
       payments from the buyers or service recipients.

(a)    Receivables with amounts that are individually significant and subject to separate assessment for provision
       for bad debts

       Receivables with amounts that are individually significant are subject to assessment for impairment on the
       individual basis. If there exists objective evidence that the Group will not be able to collect the amount under
       the original terms, a provision for impairment of that receivable is made.

       The criterion for determing individually significant amounts is that any individual amount is more than
       RMB5 million.

       The method of providing for bad debts for those individually significant amounts is as follows: the amount
       of the present value of the future cash flows expected to be derived from the receivable below its carrying

(b)    Receivables that are subject to provision for bad debts on the grouping basis

       Receivables with amounts that are not individually significant and those receivables that have been
       individually assessed for impairment and have not been found impaired are classified into certain groupings
       based on their credit risk characteristics.The provision for bad debts is determined based on the historical
       loss experience for the groupings of receivables with similar credit risk characteristics, taking into
       consideration of the current circumstances.

       A provision for impairment of the receivables is made based on the ageing of receivables at the following

                                                Provision ratios used for accounts     Provision ratios used for other
                                                                       receivables                        receivables

       Within 1 year                                                              -                                     -
       1 to 2 years                                                            5%                                  5%
       2 to 3 years                                                           10%                                 10%
       More than 3 years                                                      20%                                 20%

(c)    Receivables with amounts that are not individually significant but subject to separate assessment for
       provision for bad debts

       The reason for making separate assessment for provision for bad debts is that there exists objective evidence
       that the Group will not be able to collect the amount under the original terms of the receivable.

      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
      The provision for bad debts is determined based on the amount of the present value of the future cash flows
      expected to be derived from the receivable below its carrying amount.

(d)   When the Group transfers the accounts receivable to the financial institutions without recourse, the
      difference between the proceeds received from the transaction and their carrying amounts and the related
      taxes is recognised in profit or loss for the current period.

       Notes to financial statements
       For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                             (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

II     Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

(12)   Inventories

(a)    Classification

       Inventories include raw materials, work in progress, finished goods and turnover materials, and are
       measured at the lower of cost and net realisable value.

(b)    Costing of inventories

       Cost is determined on the weighted average method. The cost of finished goods and work in progress
       comprises raw materials, direct labour and an allocation of systematically allocated overhead expenditures
       incurred based on normal operating capacity.

(c)    Basis for determining net realisable values of inventories and method for making provision for decline in the
       value of inventories

       Provisions for declines in the value of inventories are determined at the excess amount of the carrying value
       of the inventories over their net realisable value. Net realisable value is determined based on the estimated
       selling price in the ordinary course of business, less the estimated costs to completion and estimated costs
       necessary to make the sale and related taxes.

(d)    The Group adopts the perpetual inventory system.

(e)    Amortisation methods of low value consumables and packaging materials

       Turnover materials include low value consumables and packaging materials, which are expensed when

(13)   Long-term equity investments

       Long-term equity investments comprise the Company’s long-term equity investments in its subsidiaries and
       the Group’s long-term equity investments in its associates.

       Subsidiaries are the investees over which the Company is able to exercise control. Associates are the
       investees that the Group has significant influence on their financial and operating policies.

       Investments in subsidiaries are measured using the cost method in the Company’s financial statements, and
       adjusted by using the equity method when preparing the consolidated financial statements. Interests in
       associates are accounted for using the equity method.

(a)    Determination of investment cost

Notes to financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                      (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
For long-term equity investments acquired through a business combination: for long-term equity
investments acquired through a business combination involving enterprises under common control, the
investment cost shall be the absorbing party’s share of the carrying amount of owners’ equity of the party
being absorbed at the combination date; for long-term equity investment acquired through a business
combination involving enterprises not under common control, the investment cost shall be the combination

       Notes to financial statements
       For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                             (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

II     Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

(13)   Long-term equity investments (continued)

(b)    Subsequent measurement and recognition of related profit and loss

       For long-term equity investments accounted for using the cost method, they are measured at the initial
       investment costs, and cash dividends or profit distribution declared by the investees are recognised as
       investment income in profit or loss.

       For long-term equity investments accounted for using the equity method, where the initial investment cost of
       a long-term equity investment exceeds the Group’s share of the fair value of the investee’s identifiable net
       assets at the acquisition date, the long-term equity investment is measured at the initial investment cost;
       where the initial investment cost is less than the Group’s share of the fair value of the investee’s identifiable
       net assets at the acquisition date, the difference is included in profit or loss and the cost of the long-term
       equity investment is adjusted upwards accordingly.

       For long-term equity investments accounted for using the equity method, the Group recognises the
       investment income according to its share of net profit or loss of the investee. The Group discontinues
       recognising its share of net losses of an investee after the carrying amount of the long-term equity
       investment together with any long-term interests that, in substance, form part of the investor’s net
       investment in the investee are reduced to zero. However, if the Group has obligations for additional losses
       and the criteria with respect to recognition of provisions under the accounting standards on contingencies are
       satisfied, the Group continues recognising the investment losses and the provisions. For changes in owners’
       equity of the investee other than those arising from its net profit or loss, the Group records its proportionate
       share directly into capital surplus, provided that the Group’s proportion of shareholding in the investee
       remains unchanged. The carrying amount of the investment is reduced by the Group’s share of the profit
       distribution or cash dividends declared by an investee. The unrealised profits or losses arising from the
       intra-group transactions amongst the Group and its investees are eliminated in proportion to the Group’s
       equity interest in the investees, and then based on which the investment gains or losses are recognised. For
       the loss on the intra-group transaction amongst the Group and its investees attributable to asset impairment,
       any unrealised loss is not eliminated.

(c)    Basis for determing existence of control, jointly control or significant influence over investees

       Control is the power to govern the financial and operating policies of the investee so as to obtain benefits
       from its operating activities. In determining whether the Company is able to exercise control over the
       investee, the effect of potential voting rights over the investee is considered, such as convertible debts and
       warrants currently exercisable, etc.

       Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the
       investee, but is not control or joint control over those policies.

(d)    Impairment of long-term equity investments

       The carrying amount of long-term equity investments in subsidiaries and associates is reduced to the
       recoverable amount when the recoverable amount is less than the carrying amount (Note II (21)).

       Notes to financial statements
       For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                             (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

II     Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

(14)   Investment properties

       Investment properties, including land use rights that have already been leased out, buildings that are held for
       the purpose of leasing, and buildings that are being constructed or developed for the purpose of leasing in
       future, are measured initially at cost. Subsequent expenditures incurred in relation to an investment property
       are included in the cost of the investment property when it is probable that the associated economic benefits
       will flow to the Group and their costs can be reliably measured; otherwise, the expenditures are recognised
       in profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred.

       The Group adopts the cost model for subsequent measurement of investment properties. Buildings and land
       use rights are depreciated or amortised to their estimated net residual values over their estimated useful
       lives. The estimated useful lives, the estimated net residual values that are expressed as a percentage of cost
       and the annual depreciation (amortisation) rates of investment properties are as follows:

                                    Estimated useful      Estimated residual                                   Annual
                                               lives                   value          depreciation (amortisation) rates

       Buildings                         20-35 years                      5%                           2.71% to 4.75%
       Land use rights                   30-50 years                         -                         2.00% to 3.33%

       When an investment property is transferred to owner-occupied properties, it is reclassified as fixed asset or
       intangible asset at the date of the transfer. When an owner-occupied property is transferred out for earning
       rentals or for capital appreciation, the fixed asset or intangible asset is reclassified as investment properties
       at its carrying amount at the date of the transfer.

       The investment property’s estimated useful life, net residual value and depreciation (amortisation) method
       applied are reviewed and adjusted as appropriate at each year-end.

       An investment property is derecognised on disposal or when the investment property is permanently
       withdrawn from use and no future economic benefits are expected from its disposal. The net amount of
       proceeds from sale, transfer, retirement or damage of an investment property after its carrying amount and
       related taxes and expenses is recognised in profit or loss for the current period.

       The carrying amount of an investment property is reduced to the recoverable amount if the recoverable
       amount is below the carrying amount (Note II (21)).

(15)   Fixed assets

(a)    Recoginition and initial measurement of fixed assets

       Fixed assets comprise buildings, machinery and equipment, motor vehicles, other equipment and leasehold

Notes to financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                      (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
Fixed assets are recognised when it is probable that the related economic benefits will flow to the Group and
the costs can be reliably measured. Fixed assets purchased or constructed by the Group are initially
measured at cost at the acquisition date. The fixed assets contributed by the State shareholders at the
reorganisation of the Company into a corporation entity are recognised based on the revaluated amounts
approved by the state-owned assets administration department.

Subsequent expenditures incurred for a fixed asset are included in the cost of the fixed asset when it is
probable that the associated economic benefits will flow to the Group and the related cost can be reliably
measured. The carrying amount of the replaced part is derecognised. All the other subsequent expenditures
are recognised in profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred.

       Notes to financial statements
       For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                             (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

II     Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

(15)   Fixed assets (continued)

(b)    Depreciation methods of fixed assets

       Fixed assets are depreciated using the straight-line method to allocate the cost of the assets to their estimated
       residual values over their estimated useful lives. For the fixed assets that have been provided for impairment
       loss, the related depreciation charge is prospectively determined based upon the adjusted carrying amounts
       over their remaining useful lives.

       The estimated useful lives, the estimated residual values expressed as a percentage of cost and the annual
       depreciation rates are as follows:

                                              Estimated useful      Estimated residual                         Annual
                                                         lives                   value               depreciation rates

       Buildings                                    20-35 years                     5%                 2.71% to 4.75%
       Machinery and equipment                      10-14 years                     5%                  6.79% to 9.5%
       Motor vehicles                                5-10 years                     5%                    9.5% to 19%
       Other equipment                               5-10 years                     5%                    9.5% to 19%
       Leasehold improvements                    Within 5 years                       -                    Above 20%

       The estimated useful life, the estimated net residual value of a fixed asset and the depreciation method
       applied to the asset are reviewed, and adjusted as appropriate at least at each year-end.

(c)    The carrying amount of fixed assets is reduced to the recoverable amount when the recoverable amount is
       less than the carrying amount (Note II (21)).

(d)    Disposal of fixed assets

       A fixed asset is derecognised on disposal or when no future economic benefits are expected from its use or
       disposal. The amount of proceeds from disposal on sale, transfer, retirement or damage of a fixed asset net
       of its carrying amount and related taxes and expenses is recognised in profit or loss for the current period.

(16)   Construction in progress

       Construction in progress is measured at actual cost. Actual cost comprises construction costs, installation
       costs, borrowing costs that are eligible for capitalisation and other costs necessary to bring the fixed assets
       ready for their intended use. Construction in progress is transferred to fixed assets when the assets are ready
       for their intended use, and depreciation begins from the following month. The carrying amount of
       construction in progress is reduced to the recoverable amount when the recoverable amount is less than the
       carrying amount (Note II (21)).

(17)   Borrowing costs

Notes to financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                      (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
The borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition and construction of a fixed asset that
needs a substantially long period of time for its intended use commence to be capitalised and recorded as
part of the cost of the asset when expenditures for the asset and borrowing costs have been incurred, and the
activities relating to the acquisition and construction that are necessary to prepare the asset for its intended
use have commenced. The capitalisation of borrowing costs ceases when the asset under acquisition or
construction becomes ready for its intended use and the borrowing costs incurred thereafter are recognised
in profit or loss for the current period. Capitalisation of borrowing costs is suspended during periods in
which the acquisition or construction of a fixed asset is interrupted abnormally and the interruption lasts for
more than 3 months, until the acquisition or construction is resumed.

       Notes to financial statements
       For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                             (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

II     Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

(17)   Borrowing costs (continued)

       For the specific borrowings obtained for the acquisition or construction of a fixed asset qualifying for
       capitalisation, the amount of borrowing costs eligible for capitalisation is determined by deducting any
       interest income earned from depositing the unused specific borrowings in the banks or any investment
       income arising on the temporary investment of those borrowings during the capitalisation period.

       For the general borrowings obtained for the acquisition or construction of a fixed asset qualifying for
       capitalisation, the amount of borrowing costs eligible for capitalisation is determined by applying the
       weighted average effective interest rate of general borrowings, to the weighted average of the excess amount
       of cumulative expenditures on the asset over the amount of specific borrowings. The effective interest rate is
       the rate at which the estimated future cash flows during the period of expected duration of the borrowings or
       applicable shorter period are discounted to the initial amount of the borrowings.

(18)   Intangible assets

       Intangible assets include land use rights, computer softwares, technology patents,trademarks and distribution
       network, which initially recognised at cost.Intangible assets contributed by state-owned shareholders during
       the company reorganisation were recorded based on the valuation amount approved by the state-owned
       assets supervision and management department.

(a)    Land use rights

       A land use right granted by government with a infinite useful life would not be amortised. Other land use
       rights are amortised on the straight-line basis over their approved useful period. If the acquisition costs of
       land use rights and the buildings located thereon cannot be reliably allocated between the land use rights and
       the buildings, all of the acquisition costs are recognised as fixed assets.

(b)    Computer softwares

       Computer softwares purchased by the Group are initially measured at cost, which are amortised on the
       straight-line basis over their approved useful period of 3 to 5 years.

(c)    Trademarks and Technology Patents

       Trademarks are amortised on the straight-line basis over their effective periods as stipulated by law of 5 to
       10 years. Technology Patentsare amortised on the straight-line basis over their effective useful period of 5

(d)    Distribution network

       Distribution network includes customer relationships and distribution channels, which is amortised on the
       straight-line basis over its approved useful liveof 20 years.

(e)    Periodical review of useful life and amortisation method

Notes to financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                      (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

For an intangible asset with a finite useful life, review of its useful life and amortisation method is
performed at each year-end, with adjustment made as appropriate.

For an intangible asset without a definite useful life, review of its useful life are performed at each year-end.

       Notes to financial statements
       For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                             (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

II     Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

(18)   Intangible assets (continued)

(f)    Research and development

       The expenditure on an internal research and development project is classified into expenditure on the
       research phase and expenditure on the development phase based on its nature and whether there is material
       uncertainty that the research and development activities can form an intangible asset at end of the project.

       Expenditure on the research phase is recognised in profit or loss in the period in which it is incurred.
       Expenditure on the development phase is capitalised only if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

        it is technically feasible to complete the intangible asset so that it will be available for use;
        management intends to complete the intangible asset, and use or sell it;
        it can be demonstrated how the intangible asset will generate economic benefits;
        adequate technical, financial and other resources to complete the development and the ability to use or
        sell the intangible asset; and
        the expenditure attributable to the intangible asset during its development phase can be reliably

       Other development expenditures that do not meet the conditions above are recognised in profit or loss in the
       period in which they are incurred. Development costs previously recognised as expenses are not recognised
       as an asset in a subsequent period. Capitalised expenditure on the development phase is presented as
       development costs in the balance sheet and transferred to intangible assets at the date that the asset is ready
       for its intended use.

 (g)   Impairment of intangible assets

       The carrying amount of intangible assets is reduced to the recoverable amount when the recoverable amount
       is less than the carrying amount (Note II (21)).

(19)   Long-term prepaid expenses

       Long-term prepaid expenses include the expenditure for improvements to fixed assets under operating
       leases, and other expenditures that have been made but should be recgonised as expenses over more than
       one year in the current and subsequent periods. Long-term prepaid expenses are amortised on the
       straight-line basis over the expected beneficial period and are presented at actual expenditure net of
       accumulated amortisation.

(20)   Governmental medical reserve funds and specially approved reserving materials

Notes to financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                      (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
Appointed by the PRC Government, China National Pharmaceutical Group Corporation (“CNPGC") is
responsible for purchasing, allocating and providing the governmental medical reserves, which include the
medical products, traditional Chinese medicine and medical appliances for nation-wide emergency rescue
and disaster relief. Appointed by the Government of Guangxi Province, Sinopharm Medicine Holding
GuangxiCo.,Ltd. (“Sinopharm Guangxi”), a subsidiary of the Company, is responsible for purchasing,
allocating and providing the medical reserves, which include the medical products needed for common
disease and emergencies triggered by major disasters, epidemics and other situations in Guangxi Province.
In accordance with the regulation of CNPGC, as being the enterprise who bears the obligation for specially
approved medical reserving materials, the medical reserve funds received from the PRC Government or
local government are recognised in other Non-current liabilities. The Group reserves the specially approved
medical reserving materials according to the reserve program (by category and by quantity), applies
dynamic management and recognises in other non-current assets.

       Notes to financial statements
       For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                             (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

II     Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

(21)   Impairment of long-term assets

       Fixed assets, construction in progress, intangible assets with finite useful lives, long-term prepaid expenses
       and investment properties measured using the cost model and long-term equity investments in subsidiaries,
       joint ventures and associates are tested for impairment if there is any indication that an asset may be
       impaired at the balance date. If the result of the impairment test indicates that the recoverable amount of the
       asset is less than its carrying amount, a provision for impairment and an impairment loss are recognised for
       the amount by which the asset’s carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is
       the higher of an asset’s fair value less costs to sell and the present value of the future cash flows expected to
       be derived from the asset. Provision for asset impairment is determined and recognised on the individual
       asset basis. If it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of an individual asset, the recoverable
       amount of a group of assets to which the asset belongs is determined. A group of assets is the smallest group
       of assets that is able to generate independent cash inflows.

       Goodwill that is separately presented in the financial statements,intangible assets with infinite useful lives
       and capitalized development expenditures are tested at least annually for impairment, irrespective of
       whether there is any indication that it may be impaired. In conducting the test, the carrying value of
       goodwill is allocated to the related asset groups or groups of asset groups which are expected to benefit from
       the synergies of the business combination. If the result of the test indicates that the recoverable amount of an
       asset group or group of asset groups, including the goodwill allocated, is lower than its carrying amount, the
       corresponding impairment loss is recognised. The impairment loss is first deducted from the carrying
       amount of goodwill that is allocated to the asset group or group of asset groups, and then deducted from the
       carrying amounts of other assets within the asset groups or groups of asset groups in proportion to the
       carrying amounts of other assets.

       Once the above asset impairment loss is recognised, it will not be reversed for the value recovered in the
       subsequent periods.

(22)   Employee benefits

       Employee benefits mainly include wages or salaries, bonuses, allowances and subsidies, staff
       welfare, annuity, social security contributions, housing funds, labour union funds, employee
       education funds and other expenditures incurred in exchange for service rendered by employees.

       Where the Group terminates the employment relationship with employees before the end of the employment
       contract or offers compensation for encouraging employees to accept voluntary redundancy, a provision for
       termination benefits for the compensation arising from termination of the employment relationship with
       employees is recognised, with a corresponding charge to profit or loss when the Group has made a formal
       plan for termination of the employment relationship or an offer for voluntary redundancy which will be
       implemented immediately and cannot be withdrawn by the Group unilaterally.

       Except for compensation paid for termination of employment, employee benefits are recognised as
       salaries and wages payable in the accounting period in which an employee has rendered service,
       as costs of assets or expenses to whichever the employee service is attributable.

       Notes to financial statements
       For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                             (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

II     Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

(22)   Employee benefits (continued)

       Certain subsidiaries have the defined benefit plans. The Group recognises salaries, social insurance
       premiums, etc., to be paid for the early retired employees, during the period from the date when the
       employees stop rendering service to the normal retirement date, as employee benefits payable through
       administrative expenses for the current period, when the above conditions for the recognition of termination
       benefit plan are satisfied.

       The liability recognised in the balance sheet in respect of defined benefit plans is the present value of the
       defined benefit obligation at the balance sheet date, together with adjustments for unrecognised actuarial
       gains or losses and past service costs. The defined benefit t obligation is calculated annually by independent
       actuaries using the projected unit credit method. The present value of the defined benefit obligation is
       determined by discounting the estimated future cash outflows using interest rates of the RMB denominated
       (the currency in which the benefits will be paid) PRC government bonds, and that have terms to maturity
       approximating to the terms of the related pension liability.

(23)   Dividend distribution

       Cash dividends distribution is recognised as a liability in the period in which it is approved by the
       annual shareholders’ meeting.

(24)   Provisions

       Provisions for product warranties, onerous contracts etc. are recognised when the Group has a
       present obligation, it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle the
       obligation, and the amount of the obligation can be measured reliably.

       A provision is initially measured at the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the related
       present obligation. Factors surrounding a contingency, such as the risks, uncertainties and the time
       value of money, are taken into account as a whole in reaching the best estimate of a provision.
       Where the effect of the time value of money is material, the best estimate is determined by
       discounting the related future cash outflows. The increase in the discounted amount of the
       provision arising from passage of time is recognised as interest expense.

       The carrying amount of provisions is reviewed at each balance sheet date and adjusted to reflect
       the current best estimate.

(25)   Revenue recognition

       The amount of revenue is determined in accordance with the fair value of the consideration received or
       receivable for the sale of goods and services in the ordinary course of the Group’s activities. Revenue is
       shown net of discounts and returns.

       Revenue is recognised when the economic benefits associated with the transaction will flow to the Group,
       the related revenue can be reliably measured, and the specific revenue recognition criteria have been met for
       each type of the Group’s activities as described below:

(a)    Sale of goods
Notes to financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                      (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

Revenue from the sale of goods is recognised when significant risks and rewards of ownership of
the goods are transferred to the buyer, the Company retains neither continuing managerial
involvement to the degree usually associated with ownership nor effective control over the goods
sold, and it is probable that the economic benefit associated with the transaction will flow to the
Company and the relevant revenue and costs can be measured reliably.

       Notes to financial statements
       For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                             (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

II     Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

(25)   Revenue recognition (continued)

(b)    Rendering of services

       The Group provides freight,storage and other service to external parties. The freights are recognised as
       revenue right after the goods are transported to the place of delivery according to contracts or agreements,
       received and confirmed by the purchasers. The storage charges are recognised as revenue on the basis of
       services provided during the storage period. Other revenue arising from the rendering of services is
       determined in accordance with the amount stipulated in the contract or agreement signed by the enterprise
       and the party who receives the services.

(c)    Transfer of asset use rights

       Interest income is determined by using the effective interest method, based on the length of time for which
       the Group’s cash is used by others.

       Income from an operating lease is recognised on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease.

(d)    Customer Loyalty Programme

       The group, offers loyalty points programmes where points earned through the purchase of goods can only be
       redeemed for goods provided by Shenzhen Zhijun Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. or other free goods. The fair
       value of the consideration received or receivable in respect of the initial sale is allocated between the award
       credits and the other components of the sale. Fair value of award points is measured on the basis of the value
       of the awards (that is, goods or services) for which they could be redeemed, the fair value of the award
       credits should take account of expected forfeitures as well as the discounts or incentives that would
       otherwise be offered to customers who have not earned award credits from an initial sale.

(26)   Government grants

       Government grants are transfers of monetary or non-monetary assets from the government to the Group at
       nil consideration, including refund of taxes and financial subsidies, etc.

       A government grant is recognised whenthe conditions attached to it can be complied withand the
       government grant can be received. For a government grant in the form of transfer of monetary assets, the
       grant is measured at the amount received or receivable. For a government grant in the form of transfer of
       non-monetary assets, it is measured at fair value; if the fair value is not reliably determinable, the grant is
       measured at nominal amount.

       A government grant related to an asset is grant received aimed to create long-term asset by contructing or
       other methods. And government grant related to income is any grant other than government grant related to
       an asset.

       A government grant related to an asset is recognised as deferred income, and evenly amortised to profit or
       loss over the useful life of the related asset. Government grants measured at nominal amounts are recognised
       immediately in profit or loss for the current period.
Notes to financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                      (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

For government grants related to income, where the grant is a compensation for related expenses or losses to
be incurred by the Group in the subsequent periods, the grant is recognised as deferred income, and included
in profit or loss over the periods in which the related costs are recognised; where the grant is a compensation
for related expenses or losses already incurred by the Group, the grant is recognised immediately in profit or
loss for the current period.

       Notes to financial statements
       For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                             (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

II     Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

(27)   Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

       Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are calculated and recognised based on the differences arising
       between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts (temporary differences). Deferred
       tax asset is recognised for the deductible losses that can be carried forward to subsequent years for deduction
       of the taxable profit in accordance with the tax laws. No deferred tax liability is recognised for a temporary
       difference arising from the initial recognition of goodwill. No deferred tax asset or deferred tax liability is
       recognised for the temporary differences resulting from the initial recognition of assets or liabilities due to a
       transaction other than a business combination, which affects neither accounting profit nor taxable profit (or
       deductible loss). At the balance sheet date, deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are measured at the
       tax rates that are expected to apply to the period when the asset is realised or the liability is settled.

       Deferred tax assets are only recognised for deductible temporary differences, deductible losses and tax
       credits to the extent that it is probable that taxable profit will be available in the future against which the
       deductible temporary differences, deductible losses and tax credits can be utilised.

       Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset when:

            the deferred taxes are related to the same tax payer within the Group and the same taxation authority;

            that tax payer has a legally enforceable right to offset current tax assets against current tax liabilities.

       Deferred tax liabilities are recognised for temporary differences arising from investments in subsidiaries and
       associates, except where the Group is able to control the timing of the reversal of the temporary difference,
       and it is probable that the temporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future. When it is probable
       that the temporary differences arising from investments in subsidiaries and associates will be reversed in the
       foreseeable future and that the taxable profit will be available in the future against which the temporary
       differences can be utilised, the corresponding deferred tax assets are recognised.

(28)   Operating leases

       Lease payments under an operating lease are recognised on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease,
       and are either capitalised as part of the cost of related assets or charged as an expense for the current period.

(29)   Segment information

       The Group identifies operating segments based on the internal organisation structure, management
       requirements and internal reporting system, and discloses segment information of reportable segments which
       is determined on the basis of operating segments.

       An operating segment is a component of the Group that satisfies all of the following conditions: (1) the
       component is able to earn revenues and incur expenses from its ordinary activities; (2) whose operating
       results are regularly reviewed by the Group’s management to make decisions about resources to be allocated
       to the segment and to assess its performance, and (3) for which the information on financial position,
       operating results and cash flows is available to the Group. If two or more operating segments have similar
       economic characteristics and satisfy certain conditions, they are aggregated into one single operating
        Notes to financial statements
        For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                              (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

II      Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (continued)

(30)    Changes in significant accounting policies

        The Group has no changes in significant accounting policies in this period.

(31)    Critical accounting estimates and judgments

        The Group continually evaluates the critical accounting estimates and key judgments applied based on
        historical experience and other factors, including expectations of future events that are believed to be

(a)     Critical accounting estimates and key assumptions

        The critical accounting estimates and key assumptions that have a significant risk of causing a material
        adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next accounting year are outlined

(i)     Accounting estimates on impairment of goodwill

        The Group tests annually whether goodwill has suffered any impairment. The recoverable amount of asset
        groups and groups of asset groups is the present value of the future cash flows expected to be derived from
        them. These calculations require use of estimates (Note V (14)).

        If management revises the gross margin that is used in the calculation of the future cash flows of asset
        groups and groups of asset groups, and the revised gross margin is lower than the one currently used, the
        Group would need to recognise further impairment against goodwill and fixed assets.

        If management revises the pre-tax discount rate applied to the discounted cash flows, and the revised pre-tax
        discount rate is higher than the one currently applied, the Group would need to recognise further impairment
        against goodwill and fixed assets.

        If the actual gross margin/pre-tax discount rate is higher/lower than management’s estimates, the impairment
        loss of goodwill previously provided for is not allowed to be reversed by the Group.

(ii)    Accounting estimates on impairment of accounts receivable

        In accordance with the Group’s accounting policy (Note II (11)), the Group’s management tests annually
        whether receivables have suffered any impairment, Impairment of receivables has been assessed by taking
        into account the customers’ credit history and financial position together with the current market conditions.
        Even if the Group’s management has made bad debt provision for the expected loss at its best estimate, there
        is a possibility that changes in customers’ financial position or market conditions will alter the result.

(iii)   Accounting estimates on impairment of inventories

Notes to financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                      (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
In accordance with the Group’s accounting policy (Note II (12) (c)), the Group’s management estimates the
net realizable value of the inventory. Net realisable value is determined based on the estimated selling price
in the ordinary course of business, less the estimated costs to completion and estimated costs necessary to
make the sale and related taxes. Even if the Group’s management has made stock provision for the expected
impairment at its best estimate, there is a possibility that changes in market conditions will alter the result.

      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

III   Taxation

(1)   The types and rates of taxes applicable to the Group are set out below:

      Type                              Taxable base                                                                 Tax rate

      Enterprise income                 Taxable income
            tax(“EIT”)                                                                                  15%、20% or 25%
      Value added tax (“VAT”)         Taxable value added amount (Tax payable is                         0%、3%、6%、
                                        calculated using the taxable sales amount                         11%、13% or 17%
                                        multiplied by the effective tax rate less deductible
                                        VAT input of current period)
      Business tax                      Rental income, storage income and etc.                                      3%、5%
      City maintenance and              VAT and business tax
           construction tax                                                                                              7%
      Education surcharge               VAT and business tax                                                             3%
      Regional/Local        education   VAT and business tax
        surcharge                                                                                                        2%

(2)   Tax preferences

      1.Summary of different applicable tax rate of subsidiries

      (1)15%:Shenzhen Zhijun Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (“Zhijun Pharm”),、Sinopharm Holding Shenzhen Medicine Co., Ltd.
      (“Sinopharm Shenzhen Medicine”)obtained the certificate of High and New Technology Enterprises, with an applicable
      Enterprise income tax rate of 15%.

      (2)20%: Sinopharm Holding Guangxi Chinese Herbal Pieces Co., Ltd. (“Guangxi Chinese Herbal Pieces” ) is regarded
      as a small enterprise with an Enterprise income tax rate of 20% in 2014 (2013: 20%).

      (3)25%: Other subsidiaries except those stated above are using 25% as Enterprise income tax rate.

      2.Related documents and approvals

      In 2011, Zhijun Pharm, subsidiaries of the Company, separately obtained the certificate of High and New Technology
      Enterprises with effective period of 3 years, 2011 to 2013. Preferential treatment of taxes has been ended in december.
      31 of 2013, Now Zhijun Pharm was going through renewal process of the certificate in local tax bureau. Given the
      condition that related laws and regulations have not been changed, The company considered that Zhijun Pharm can still
      obtaina high-tech certification covering year 2014 to 2016. Therefore, for the period ended June 30 of 2014, Zhijun
      Pharm still use 15% as its tax rate.

      In 2012, Sinopharm Shenzhen Medicine obtained the certificate of High and New Technology Enterprises with effective
      period of 3 years, 2012 to 2014.

      Under the relevant regulations of article 28 of the Corporate Income Tax Law, the applicable tax rates for Zhijun Pharm
      and Sinopharm Shenzhen Medicine in year 2014 are 15% (2013: 15%).

      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                                                                                                                                                    (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

IV    Business combinations and consolidated financial statements

(1)   Subsidiaries

(a)   Subsidiaries acquired not under common control

                                                                                                                                                                      Principal activities                                                    Legal
                                                   The holding type of     Place of                                   Registered ca;pital                                                                                                  Repres-entati
                                                       investment        registration         Nature of business        ( RMB’0000)                                                                                  Enterprise Type           ve

      Sinopharm Holding Guilin Co.,Ltd.                 Indirect           Guilin                Comercial                 1,000.00         Wholesale of Traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese patent drugs, raw           Limited          Zhou Ruili
       (“Sinopharm Guilin”) ( Note (i))                                                                                                     materials for chemical medicine, chemical material drugs,                   company
                                                                                                                                              antibiotics, bio-chemical drugs and biological products (excluding
                                                                                                                                              vaccines), narcotic drugs, anabolic agent,Pericarpium Papaveris,etc.
      Sinopharm Holding Baise Co.,Ltd.                  Indirect            Baise                Comercial                 1,000.00         Traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese patent drugs, raw materials for          Limited          Zhou Ruili
      (“Sinopharm Baise”) ( Note (i))                                                                                                        chemical medicine, chemical material drugs, antibiotics,                   company
                                                                                                                                               bio-chemical drugs and biological products (excluding vaccines),
                                                                                                                                               narcotic drugs, anabolic agent.
      Sinopharm        Holding   Zhongshan               Direct          Zhongshan               Comercial                 1,000.00         Wholesale of Traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese patent drugs, raw           Limited          Yang Yan
         Co.,Ltd.(“Sinopharm Zhongshan”)                                                                                                    materials for chemical medicine, chemical material drugs,                   company
                                                                                                                                              antibiotics, bio-chemical drugs and biological products (excluding
      Sinopharm         Holding       Guigang           Indirect          Guigang                Comercial                 1,000.00         Wholesale of Traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese patent drugs, raw           Limited          Zhou Ruili
         Co.,Ltd.(“Sinopharm        Guigang”)                                                                                               materials for chemical medicine, chemical material drugs,                   company
         ( Note (i))                                                                                                                          antibiotics, bio-chemical drugs and biological products (excluding
                                                                                                                                              vaccines), narcotic drugs, anabolic agent,Pericarpium Papaveris,etc.
      Sinopharm Holding Beihai Co., Ltd.                Indirect           Beihai                Comercial                    500.00        Wholesale of Traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese patent drugs, raw           Limited          Zhou Ruili
      (“Sinopharm Beihai ”) ( Note (ii))                                                                                                    materials for chemical medicine, chemical material drugs,                   company
                                                                                                                                              antibiotics, bio-chemical drugs and biological products (excluding
                                                                                                                                              vaccines), anabolic agent,Pericarpium Papaveris,etc.

                                                  Year-end balance of         Other assets constitute              Equity interest     Voting rights held (%)   Consolidated or not      Minority interests          Loss shared by minority interests
                                                      investment             investment in substance                  held (%)
                                                     ( RMB’0000)

      Sinopharm Guilin ( Note (i))                      1,000.00                          -                             100                     100                    Yes                       -                                   -

      Sinopharm Baise ( Note (i))                       1,000.00                          -                             100                     100                    Yes                       -                                   -

      Sinopharm Zhongshan                               1,000.00                          -                             100                     100                    Yes                       -                                   -

      Sinopharm Guigang ( Note (i))                     1,000.00                          -                             100                     100                    Yes                       -                                   -

      Sinopharm Beihai                                   500.00                           -                             100                     100                    Yes                       -                                   -

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               - 77 -
       Notes to financial statements
       For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                                                                                                                           (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

(i)    Sinopharm Guilin and Sinopharm Baise are wholly owned subsidiaries of Sinopharm Guangxi, indirectly held of 100% in equity by the Company.

(ii)   This company is a wholly owned subsidiary set up by Sinopharm Guangxi in February 18, 2014, indirectly held of 100% in equity by the Company.

                                                                                                                                                                                             - 78 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                                                                                                                         (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

IV    Business combinations and consolidated financial statements

(1)   Subsidiaries(continued)

(b)   Subsidiaries acquired under common control

                                                    The holding                                      Registered                                                                                             Legal
                                                         type of      Place of        Nature of         capital                                                                         Enterprise   Repres-entati
                                                     investment    registration        business   ( RMB’0000)                                                   Principal activities        Type              ve

      Zhijun Pharm                                       Direct     Shenzhen      Manufacturing      20,000.00    Original chemical medicine manufacture, Chinese patent medicine         Limited    Yan Zhigang
                                                                                                                    processing, chemical raw material of medicine, the imports and       company
                                                                                                                    exports business which transacted according to examined and
                                                                                                                    approved certificate
      Sinopharm         Holding     Jianming             Direct     Shenzhen        Commercial          500.00    Wholesale of chemical agent, antibiotics agent, chemical and            Limited    Lin Xinyang
         Co.,Ltd.(“Sinopharm Jianmin”)                                                                           biological agent, blood products, raw material of chemical            company
                                                                                                                   product, Chinese medicine and diagnosis products
      Sinopharm         Holding      Material            Direct     Shenzhen        Commercial          600.00    Chinese patent medicine, western medicine, medicine treatment           Limited      Zhao Yuhe
         Co.,Ltd.(“Sinopharm Material”)                                                                           apparatus                                                            company
      Shenzhen Zhijun Pharmaceutical Trade               Direct     Shenzhen        Commercial          189.00    Purchase and sale of Chinese traditional,medicinal materials,           Limited    Deng Baojun
        Co.,Ltd.(“Zhijun Trade”)                                                                                  Chinese patent medicine,chemical raw material for medical            company
                                                                                                                    treatment,antibiotic preparation, chemical medicinepreparation
      Sinopharm Holding Shenzhen Logistics               Direct     Shenzhen            Service         100.00    Storage service, convey, liquidation of cargo external package and      Limited        Lin Min
        Co.,Ltd.(“Shenzhen Logistics”)                                                                             common transportation of road                                       company
      Sinopharm Holding Guangzhou Co.,Ltd.               Direct    Guangzhou        Commercial       40,000.00    Chinese patent medicine, chemical medicine preparation,                 Limited    Yan Zhigang
         (“Sinopharm Guangzhou”)                                                                                antibiotics, biochemical medicine, biological products, diagnosis      company
                                                                                                                  medicine, treatment diagnosis biological products, finalised
                                                                                                                  packing food, chemical products, self-support and surrogate the
                                                                                                                  imports and exports of various merchandise and skills.
      Sinopharm       Holding      Guangdong             Direct    Guangzhou        Commercial        4,000.00    Drugs, medical apparatus sales                                          Limited            Lin
         Hengxing Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.                                                                                                                                                company       Zhaoxiong
         (“Sinopharm Hengxing ”)

      Sinopharm Holding Yulin            Co.,Ltd.       Indirect         Yulin      Commercial          500.00    Drug sales                                                              Limited      Zhou Ruili
         (“Sinopharm Yulin”)(Note iii)                                                                                                                                                 company

                                                                                                                                                                                                        - 79 -
Notes to financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                                                                                       (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
Sinopharm Medicine Holding Liuzhou    Direct   Liuzhou   Commercial   2,053.06   Chinese traditional medicinal materials, Chinese patent medicine,    Limited   Lin Zhaoxiong
   Co.,Ltd. (“Sinopharm Liuzhou”)                                                Chinese traditional medicine in pieces, chemical raw material,    company
                                                                                   chemical medicine preparation, antibiotics, biochemical drugs,
                                                                                   psychotropic drugs, chemical raw material drug and its
                                                                                   preparation. (that involving specific examination and approve
                                                                                   should be operated based on the scope that checked and ratified
                                                                                   by the license)

                                                                                                                                                                    - 80 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                                                                                                                    (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

IV    Business combinations and consolidated financial statements (continued)

(1)   Subsidiaries (continued)

(b)   Subsidiaries acquired under common control (continued)

                                                  The holding       Place of        Nature of     Registered                         Principal activities                        Enterprise            Legal
                                                       type of   registration        business        capital                                                                          Type    Repres-entative
                                                   investment                                   (RMB’0000)

      Guangxi    Chinese     Herbal      Pieces       Indirect      Liuzhou     Manufacturing        200.00    Manufacturing and sales of Chinese herbal pieces                    Limited      Lei Chaotian
         (Note ii)                                                                                                                                                                company
      Guangdong      Huixin      Investment            Direct    Guangzhou            Service        500.00    Project investment, property management and leasing, medical        Limited    Lin zhaoxiong
        Co.,Ltd. (“Huixin Investment”)                                                                         information consultancy, car park management                     company

      Sinopharm Holding Foshan Co.,Ltd.                Direct        Foshan       Commercial       1,000.00    Drug sales                                                          Limited      Lin Xinyang
         (“Sinopharm Foshan”)                                                                                                                                                   company

      Sinopharm     Holding         Guangdong          Direct    Guangzhou        Commercial       3,000.00    Sales of medicine and medical treatment apparatus                   Limited          Luo Qin
         Yuexing Co.,Ltd.          (“Sinopharm                                                                                                                                   company

      Sinopharm     Holding     Guangdong              Direct    Guangzhou            Service        500.00    Storage loading and unloading                                       Limited           Lin Min
         Logistics Co.,Ltd.                                                                                                                                                       company
        (“Guangdong Logistics”)

      Sinopharm Guangxi                                Direct      Nanning        Commercial      10,000.00    Drug sales                                                          Limited    Lin Zhaoxiong
      Sinopharm        Holding          Guangxi       Indirect     Nanning            Service        710.07    Storage loading and unloading, consultation service                 Limited    Lin Zhaoxiong
         Logistics     Co.,Ltd.      (“Guangxi                                                                                                                                   company
         Logistics”) (Note iii)

      Sinopharm Shenzhen Medicine                      Direct     Shenzhen      Manufacturing      5,000.00    Manufacturing of granules, lotion, tablet, capsule, oral liquid     Limited    Chen Zhenyang
                                                                                                                 and mixture, and syrup; manufacturing and sale of hair           company
                                                                                                                 products, bath foam and cosmetics, and detergent
                                                                                                                 (antibiosis washing liquid); manufacturing of plastic bottle;
                                                                                                                 manufacturing and sale of health food.

                                                                                                                                                                                                - 81 -
Notes to financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                                                                                    (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
Sinopharm Holding Wuzhou Co.,Ltd.   Indirect   Wuzhou   Commercial   1,000.00   Traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese patent drugs, raw          Limited            Zhou
   (“Sinopharm Wuzhou”)                                                          materials for chemical medicine, chemical material drugs,    company             Ruili
                                                                                   antibiotics, bio-chemical drugs and biological products,
                                                                                   narcotic drugs, anabolic agent, Pericarpium Papaveris,etc.

                                                                                                                                                           - 82 -
       Notes to financial statements
       For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                                                                                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

IV     Business combinations and consolidated financial statements (continued)

(1)    Subsidiaries (continued)

(b)    Subsidiaries acquired under common control (continued)

                                                Year-End balance of        Other assets constitute   Equity interest       Voting    Consolidated or      Minority    Loss shared by
                                                        investment       investment in substance          held (%)     rights held               not      interests         minority
                                                      (RMB’0000)                                                             (%)                      (RMB’0000)          interests

       Zhijun Pharm                                       23,706.17                              -              100           100               Yes               -                 -
       Sinopharm Jianmin                                   5,348.29                              -              100           100               Yes               -                 -
       Sinopharm Material                                       816.74                           -              100           100               Yes               -                 -
       Zhijun Trade                                             373.40                           -              100           100               Yes               -                 -
       Shenzhen Logistics                                       101.91                           -              100           100               Yes               -                 -
       Sinopharm Guangzhou                                48,388.83                              -              100           100               Yes               -                 -
       Sinopharm Hengxing                                  3,714.17                              -              100           100               Yes               -                 -
       Sinopharm Yulin (Note iii)                               542.50                           -              100           100               Yes               -                 -
       Sinopharm Liuzhou                                   2,220.58                              -               51            51               Yes       4,698.02                  -
       Guangxi Chinese Herbal Pieces (Note
         ii)                                                    200.00                           -               51            51               Yes               -                 -
       Huixin Investment                                   6,441.69                              -              100           100               Yes               -                 -
       Sinopharm Foshan                                    1,499.51                              -              100           100               Yes               -                 -
       Sinopharm Yuexing                                   4,345.93                              -              100           100               Yes               -                 -
       Guangdong Logistics                                      559.60                           -              100           100               Yes               -                 -
       Sinopharm Guangxi                                  10,404.90                              -              100           100               Yes               -                 -
       Guangxi Logistics(Note iii)                              710.10                           -              100           100               Yes               -                 -
       Sinopharm Shenzhen Medicine                         4,808.05                              -              100           100               Yes               -                 -
       Sinopharm Wuzhou                                         315.00                           -             99.9          99.9               Yes           0.78                  -

(ii)   Guangxi Chinese Herbal Pieces, a wholly owned subsidiary of Sinopharm Liuzhou, is indirectly held of 51% in equity by the Company.
                                                                                                                                                                               - 83 -
        Notes to financial statements
        For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                                                                                                             (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

(iii)   Sinopharm Yulin and Guangxi Logistics, wholly owned subsidiaries of Sinopharm Guangxi, is indirectly held of 100% in equity by the Company.

                                                                                                                                                                               - 84 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                                                                                                                   (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

IV    Business combinations and consolidated financial statements (continued)

(1)   Subsidiaries (continued)

(c)   Subsidiaries acquired not under common control

                                              The holding      Place of      Nature of        Registered                           Principal activities                     Enterprise Type       Legal
                                                   type of   registration    business            capital                                                                                      Repres-entative
                                               investment                                   (RMB’0000)

      Sinopharm holding Zhijun (Suzhou)            Direct        Suzhou     Manufacturing     18,000.00    Production and sales of general raw materials of medicine, raw          Limited        Huang Kai
         Co., Ltd (“Zhijun Suzhou”)                                                                        medicine and preparation of        cephalosporin; do export          company
                                                                                                             business of production and technology of the Company
      Sinopharm        holding   Dongguan          Direct    Dongguan         Commercial       1,000.00    Wholesales of Chinese traditional medicinal materials, Chinese          Limited       Lin Xinyang
         Co.,Ltd.(“Sinopharm Dongguan”)                                                                   patent medicine, Chinese traditional medicine in pieces,              company
                                                                                                            chemical raw material; sales of daily general merchandise and
                                                                                                            heath protection food
      Sinopharm        Holding   Zhanjiang         Direct     Zhanjiang       Commercial       1,500.00    kof medicine                                                            Limited       Lin Xinyang
         Co.,Ltd.(“Sinopharm Zhanjiang”)                                                                                                                                        company
      Sinopharm Holding Yanfeng Co., Ltd.          Direct     Shenzhen        Commercial       3,000.00    Wholesale of medicine                                                   Limited    Lin Zhaoxiong
         (“Sinopharm Yanfeng”)                                                                                                                                                  company
      Sinopharm        Holding    Meizhou          Direct      Meizhou        Commercial         120.00    Wholesale of medicine                                                   Limited         Yang Yan
         Co.,Ltd.(“Sinopharm Meizhou”)                                                                                                                                          company
      Sinopharm        Holding     Huizhou         Direct      Huizhou        Commercial         700.00    Wholesale of medicine                                                   Limited         Yang Yan
         Co.,Ltd.(“Sinopharm Huizhou”)                                                                                                                                          company
      Sinopharm        Holding    Zhaoqing         Direct     Zhaoqing        Commercial         200.00    wholesale of Chinese patent drugs, raw materials for chemical           Limited         Yang Yan
         Co.,Ltd.(“Sinopharm Zhaoqing”)                                                                    medicine, chemical material drugs, antibiotics, bio-chemical         company
                                                                                                             drugs and biological products (excluding vaccines), narcotic
                                                                                                             drugs, toxic drugs for medical use, pericarpium
                                                                                                             papaveris,anabolic agents
      Sinopharm        Holding     Jiangmen        Direct     Jiangmen        Commercial       1,000.00    wholesale of Chinese patent drugs, raw materials for chemical           Limited         Yang Yan
         Co.,Ltd.(“Sinopharm Jiangmen”)                                                                    medicine, chemical material drugs, antibiotics, bio-chemical         company
                                                                                                             drugs and biological products (excluding vaccines), narcotic
                                                                                                             drugs, toxic drugs for medical use, pericarpium
                                                                                                             papaveris,anabolic agents
      Sinopharm        Holding    Shaoguan         Direct     Shaoguan        Commercial         360.00       wholesale of Traditional Chinese medicin, raw materials for          Limited         Yang Yan
         Co.,Ltd. (“Sinopharm Shaoguan”)                                                                      chemical medicine and chemical material drugs, ect.;              company

                                                                                                                                                                                               - 85 -
Notes to financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                                                                                      (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
Sinopharm Holding Shantou Co., Ltd.   Direct   Shantou   Commercial   800.00   Wholesale of Chinese medicines, chemical raw materials,             Limited       Yang Yan
   (“Sinopharm Shantou”)                                                      chemical preparation, antibiotic drug, antibiotic preparations,   company
                                                                                biochemical medicines, biological products (including in vitro
                                                                                diagnostic reagents, except vaccines) etc.

                                                                                                                                                             - 86 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                                                                                                          (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

IV    Business combinations and consolidated financial statements (continued)

(1)   Subsidiaries (continued)

(c)   Subsidiaries acquired not under common control(continued)

                                       Year-end balance       Other assets constitute   Equity interest   Voting rights Consolidated or   Minority interests      Loss shared by minority
                                          of investment     investment in substance          held (%)         held (%)              not      (RMB’0000)                         interests
                                          ( RMB’0000)

      ZhijunSuzhou                             26,590.00                          -                100           100               Yes                     -                             -
      Sinopharm Dongguan                         994.20                           -                100           100               Yes                     -                             -
      Sinopharm Zhanjiang                       1,576.99                          -                100           100               Yes                     -                             -
      Sinopharm Yanfeng                         3,820.78                          -                 51            51               Yes             2,635.27                              -
      Sinopharm Meizhou                          448.19                           -                100           100               Yes                     -                             -
      Sinopharm Huizhou                          564.42                           -                100           100               Yes                     -                             -
      Sinopharm Zhaoqing                         354.20                           -                100           100               Yes                     -                             -
      Sinopharm Jiangmen                        5,010.00                          -                100           100               Yes                     -                             -
      Sinopharm Shaoguan                        1,358.00                          -                 70            70               Yes               594.57                              -
      Sinopharm Shantou                          224.70                           -                 70            70               Yes               307.85                              -

                                                                                                                                                                             - 87 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

IV    Business combinations and consolidated financial statements (continued)

(2)   New subsidiaries included in the scope of consolidation in the current period:

(a)   New subsidiaries included in the scope of consolidation in the current period:

                                                                       Net assets as at                  Net loss from acquisition date
                                                                        30 June 2014                                   to 30 June 2014

      Sinopharm Shantou                                                 10,261,603.32                                     (438,396.68)

(3)   Business combinations involving enterprises not under common control

                                                Goodwill                                            Calculation method of goodwill

      Sinopharm Shantou                                 -        Combination cost less the fair value of the identifiable net assets
                                                                 it obtains from the acquiree as business reputation. Calculated as

      On January 10, 2014, the company acquire 70% equity of Sinopharm Shantou from natural person shareholders Mr.
      Zhang Xiaobing and Mr. Zhang Huaqiang. The date of purchase was January 10, 2014, the date on which the Company
      actually obtains the control on the acquire.

(a)   Combination cost and Goodwill is recognized as follow:

      The combination costs
      Cash paid                                                                                                          2,247,000.00
      Cash to be paid                                                                                                    5,243,000.00
      Combination in total                                                                                               7,490,000.00
      Less: share fo the fair value of the identifiable net assets                                                      (7,490,000.00)
      GoodWill                                                                                                                           -

(b)   Assets, liabilities and cash flow related to acquisition of Sinopharm Shantou as at acquisition day is listed as follow:

                                                      Date of purchase             Date of purchase                31 December 2012
                                                              Fair value                   Book value                      Book value

      Cash at bank and on hand                              5,116,827.09                  5,116,827.09                   2,509,691.97
      Account receivable                                    7,735,212.93                  7,735,212.93                  67,688,855.68
      Inventory                                                        -                             -                   2,816,326.24
      Long-term equity investment                                      -                             -                  60,560,470.59
      Fixed assets                                                     -                             -                     368,956.33
      Deferred Income Tax assets                             494,865.53                    494,865.53                    1,722,298.28
      Less: Short-term loans                                           -                             -                (35,000,000.00)
            Accounts payable                             (2,272,658.74)              (2,272,658.74)                   (77,548,215.17)
            Taxes payable                                   (374,246.81)                  (374,246.81)                    (244,917.67)
      Net Assets                                         10,700,000.00                10,700,000.00                     22,873,466.25
      Less: Minority Interests                           (3,210,000.00)              (3,210,000.00)                                      -
      Net assets acquired                                   7,490,000.00                  7,490,000.00                  22,873,466.25

                                                                                                                                - 88 -
Notes to financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                      (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

Consideration paided with cash          2,247,000.00
Less: Cash and cash equivalents from
         acquiree                      (5,116,827.09)
Net cash obtained from acquisition      2,869,827.09

                                                                                        - 89 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

IV    Business combinations and consolidated financial statements (continued)

(3)   Business combinations involving enterprises not under common control(continued)

(c)   Sales, net loss and cash flow of Sinopharm Shantou from purchase day to 30 June 2014 is as follow:

      Sales                                                                                                           49,719.90
      Net loss                                                                                                      (438,396.68)
      Net cash flow from Operating Activities                                                                      4,453,126.01
      Net increase in cash                                                                                         4,076,426.01

V     Notes to the consolidated financial statements

(1)   Cash at bank and on hand

                                                                            30June 2014                    31 December 2013

      Cash on hand                                                            105,347.04                          65,660.84
      Cash at bank                                                    1,409,280,226.69                      1,097,882,693.61
      Other cash balances                                                   8,505,911.70                      15,613,857.20
      - deposits for bank acceptance notes                                  6,327,111.70                      14,507,046.10
      - depostis for letter of credit                                       1,978,800.00                        1,106,811.10
      - temporary capital verification                                        200,000.00                                      -

                                                                      1,417,891,485.43                      1,113,562,211.65

      As at 30 June 2014, no foreign currency deposit in cash atBank and on hand (31 December 2013: RMB134.32,
      equivalent to USD22.03).

(2)   Notes receivable

                                                                            30June 2014                    31 December 2013

      Trade acceptance notes                                              355,759,809.05                     324,806,645.60
      Bank acceptance notes                                               312,453,033.27                     414,254,496.12
                                                                          668,212,842.32                     739,061,141.72

(a)   Endorsed undue notes receivable

      As at 30 June 2014, the Group endorsed the undue notes receivable of RMB506,056,960.37(31 December 2013:
      RMB559,034,616.93). The top five notes receivable are analysed as below.

                         Issuer                              Issue date                     Expiry date             Amount

      Affiliated Hospital         of    Guangdong
        Medical College                                   28 April2014                     25 July 2014         7,755,990.55
      The First Affiliated Hospital           Of
        Anhui Medical University                        28 March 2014             28 September 2014             5,000,000.00

                                                                                                                     - 90 -
Notes to financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                      (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

Leshan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.       12 February2014         12 August 2014       4,971,011.54
Anhui Provincial Hospital             26 February2014         26 August 2014       4,819,942.06
Chongqing Medical (Group) Co., Ltd.     19 March 2014      18 September 2014       4,565,100.00

                                                                                        - 91 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

V     Notes to the consolidated financial statements (continued)

(2)   Notes receivable (continued)

(b)   Discounted undue notes receivable

      As at 30 June 2014, notes receivable including undue commercial notes of RMB190,267,307.20(31 December 2013:
      RMB122,197,293.96)(NoteV(19)), and undue bank acceptance notes of RMB293,493,590.68(31 December 2013:
      RMB216,288,519.38) have been discounted.

(c)   As at 30 June 2014, the Group has no notes receivable which need to be reclassified as accounts receivable.

(d)   As at 30 June 2014,the Group’s notes receivable of RMB6,939,339.00 (31 December 2013: RMB26,286,066.66) have
      been pledged to the banks for issurance of bank acceptance note of RMB6,871,641.25 (31 December 2013:
      RMB28,173,366.73).The 5 largest and other pledged note receivables are as follow:

                         Dawer                          Date of issue               Due date                  Amount

      Zhongshan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd                     14 March 2014         14 September 2014                 1,040,528.00
      Jointown Pharmaceutical Group Limited                20 January 2014              20 July 2014                1,000,000.00
      Hainan Chuntch Co., Ltd.                                28 May 2014         28 November 2014                  1,000,000.00
      Hainan Chuntch Co., Ltd.                                28 May 2014         28 November 2014                  1,000,000.00
      Xiangbei Welman Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd               08 January 2014              08 July 2014                 442,200.00

(3)   Accounts receivable

                                                                                 30June 2014               31 December 2013

      Accounts receivable                                                    6,402,666,341.71                5,700,717,918.33
      Less: provision for bad debts                                           (22,671,726.34)                 (25,059,411.55)
                                                                             6,379,994,615.37                5,675,658,506.78

(a)   The aging of accounts receivable and related provision for bad debts are analysed below:

                                             30June 2014                                        31 December 2013
                                           Amount       Provision for bad                        Amount      Provision for bad
                                                                    debts                                                debts

      Within 1 year              6,365,866,562.61                        -           5,666,484,029.89           (2,536,716.74)
      1 to 2 years                    12,763,825.04         (1,238,239.54)              11,872,413.00           (1,899,306.50)
      2 to 3 years                     5,679,134.94         (3,173,946.71)                4,156,756.90          (2,418,669.77)
      Over 3 years                    18,356,819.12        (18,259,540.09)              18,204,718.54         (18,204,718.54)
                                 6,402,666,341.71          (22,671,726.34)           5,700,717,918.33         (25,059,411.55)

                                                                                                                         - 92 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

V     Notes to the consolidated financial statements (continued)

(3)   Accounts receivable (continued)

(b)   The accounts receivable and related provision for bad debts by category are analysed below:

                                                       30 June 2014                                                               31 December 2013
                                   Carrying amount                       Bad debt provision                       Carrying amount                     Bad debt provision
                                     amount      % of total                 amount              rate                 amount       % of total              amount           rate
                                                  balance                                                                          balance

         significant are
         subject      to
         assessment              45,320,049.83       0.71%         (18,105,002.56)           39.95%            27,376,507.20             0.48%     (17,791,726.54)      64.99%
         accounts within
         similar credit
         risk group           6,321,025,471.44      98.72%            (578,643.78)           0.01%          5,647,154,773.79         99.06%          (479,964.75)       0.01%
      individually not
         significant but
         evaluated for
         impairment              36,320,820.44       0.57%          (3,988,080.00)           10.98%            26,186,637.34             0.46%      (6,787,720.26)      25.92%
                              6,402,666,341.71     100.00%         (22,671,726.34)           0.35%          5,700,717,918.33        100.00%        (25,059,411.55)      0.44%

(c)   As at 30 June 2014, impairment provision for accounts receivableindividually significant are analysed as below.

                                                              Carrying                          Bad debt
                                                               amount                           provision             Rate                  Assessment for impairment

      Guangdong Liyuan                                                                                                              Disputed receivable with higher
           Pharmaceutical               Co.,                                                                                                   risk of recoverability
        Ltd.                                        15,686,460.93                    (15,686,460.93)             100.00%
      Affiliated Hospital of Guilin                                                                                                       Difference of balance account
         Medical University                           7,207,003.75                           (35,354.20)           0.49%                              cannot be verified
      Liuzhou Municipal               Liutie                                                                                              Difference of balance account
         Central Hospital                             6,031,129.94                       (235,948.82)              3.91%                              cannot be verified
      The     Second       People's                                                                                                       Difference of balance account
         Hospital of Shenzhen                         6,019,867.96                    (1,434,789.46)              23.83%                              cannot be verified
      Peking University Shenzhen                                                                                                          Difference of balance account
         Hospital                                     5,194,722.56                       (670,476.15)             12.91%                              cannot be verified
                                                                                                                                          Difference of balance account
      Beiliu People's Hospital                        5,180,864.69                           (41,973.00)           0.81%                              cannot be verified
                                                    45,320,049.83                    (18,105,002.56)

(d)   Provisions for impairment of the receivables which have a similar risk level are analysed below:

                                                 30 June 2014                                                                  31 December 2013
                               Carrying amount                   Bad debt provision                       Carrying amount                          Bad debt provision
                                    amount % of total                                 rate                       amount     % of total                amount                rate
                                            balance                   amount                                                 balance

      Within 1 year        6,310,094,576.88    99.83%                         -          -             5,639,111,868.62        99.86%                        -                    -
      1 to 2 years           10,307,233.98       0.16%          (515,361.72)      5.00%                     6,486,515.25        0.11%            (324,325.76)           5.00%

                                                                                                                                                           - 93 -
Notes to financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                      (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

2 to 3 years        614,500.58   0.01%     (61,450.06) 10.00%        1,556,389.92    0.03%    (155,638.99)      10.00%
Over 3 years          9,160.00   0.00%      (1,832.00) 20.00%                   -     0.00%              -       0.00%
               6,321,025,471.44 100.00%   (578,643.78)   0.01%   5,647,154,773.79   100.00%   (479,964.75)      0.01%

                                                                                                       - 94 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

V     Notes to the consolidated financial statements (continued)

(3)   Accounts receivable (continued)

(e)   As at 30 June 2014, accounts receivable individually not significant but individually evaluated for impairment are
      analysed below:

                                                              Carrying            Bad debt
                                                               amount             provision         Rate       Assessment for impairment

      The Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region
        Brain Hospital                                     3,879,347.00         (11,368.80)       0.29%       Uncertainty in recoverability
      Zengcheng Shitan Town Central Health Service
        Station                                            3,422,387.35        (500,091.22)      14.61%       Uncertainty in recoverability
                                                                                                             Difference of balance account
      The First People’s Hospital of Hechi                2,733,443.16          (7,177.72)       0.26%                  cannot be verified
      Zengcheng Xianchun Town Health Station               2,349,728.44        (113,462.74)       4.83%       Uncertainty in recoverability
      Guiping People's Hospital                            1,911,534.03         (20,530.20)       1.07%       Uncertainty in recoverability
      Zengcheng Zhongxin Hospital                          1,790,785.10        (404,693.80)      22.60%       Uncertainty in recoverability
      Zengcheng   Yongning      Street          Yonghe                                                       Difference of balance account
        Community Health Service                           1,695,779.19        (388,430.52)      22.91%                  cannot be verified
      Huaiji Maternal and Child Health-Care Centre         1,626,083.60        (107,175.13)       6.59%       Uncertainty in recoverability
      Zengcheng Licheng Street Community Health
        Service Station                                    1,587,801.34         (96,691.86)       6.09%       Uncertainty in recoverability
      The Red Cross Hospital of Liuzhou                    1,399,299.92         (12,682.17)       0.91%       Uncertainty in recoverability
      Taiping Town Conghua City Center Hospital            1,366,124.19         (84,490.78)       6.18%       Uncertainty in recoverability
      Yulin Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine       1,256,017.24          (7,308.90)       0.58%       Uncertainty in recoverability
      Zengcheng Xintang Town Central Health
        Center Shapu Branch                                1,200,594.40         (54,626.92)       4.55%       Uncertainty in recoverability
      The Red Cross Hospital of Yulin                      1,141,227.39         (77,658.00)       6.80%       Uncertainty in recoverability
      Guangzhou Huadu District Xinhua Hospital             1,065,088.61        (143,478.41)      13.47%       Uncertainty in recoverability
      Zengcheng Yongning Street Ningxi Community
        Health Service Station                               896,345.39        (199,749.75)      22.28%       Uncertainty in recoverability
      Shenzhen Maternal and Children Care                                                                    Difference of balance account
          Service Center                                     825,267.75        (412,992.00)      50.04%                  cannot be verified
      Others (Individually less than 800,000)              6,173,966.34      (1,345,471.08)      21.79%       Uncertainty in recoverability
                                                          36,320,820.44      (3,988,080.00)      10.98%

(f)   Accounts receivable, which have been fully or partly made impairment provision, recovered in current year are listed

                                                        Reason for            Original assessment for         bad debt         Recovered
                                                     recoverability            providing impairment         provisions           amount

      Jilin Kaining Pharmaceutical Co.
         Ltd.                                     Amount received         Uncertainty in recoverability     943,456.49         943,456.49
      Jilin Yongtai Pharmaceutical Co.,
         Ltd.                                     Amount received         Uncertainty in recoverability     775,795.95         775,795.95
      Others                                                              Uncertainty in recoverability     753,954.24         753,954.24
                                                                                                           2,473,206.68       2,473,206.68

                                                                                                                                  - 95 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

(g)   Accounts receivable written off in current year are analysed as below:

                                        Nature of the                                                               Related party
                                          receivable          Amount                                 Reason     transaction or not

      Guangzhou           Dashenlin          Account                     Aged over 5 years, recoverability in
        pharmacy Co. Ltd.                  receivable      773,956.27                      significant doubt                  No
                                             Account                     Aged over 5 years, recoverability in
      Other                                receivable      506,835.82                      significant doubt                  No

                                                                                                                          - 96 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

V     Notes to the consolidated financial statements (continued)

(3)   Accounts receivable (continued)

(h)   Accounts receivable due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the Company’s equity interest are
      analysed as below:

                                                                              30 June 2014                   31 December 2013

      Sinopharm Group(Note VI(6))                                             3,922,884.40                       4,693,304.80

(i)   As at 30 June 2014, the top five accounts receivable by customer are analysed as below:

                                                                                                                 % of the total
                                                Relationship with                                                    accounts
                                                       the Group                Amount            Ageing           receivable

      Disease Control and Prevention
        Center of Guangdong Province                  Third party     198,310,480.00         Within 1 year              3.10%
      The First Affiliated Hospital of
          GuangXi Medical University                  Third party     135,269,847.47         Within 1 year              2.11%
      Zhujiang Hospital of        Southern
        Medical Univesity                             Third party     103,775,555.30         Within 1 year              1.62%

      The Third Affiliated Hospital of
          ZhongShan University                        Third party      99,194,786.71         Within 1 year              1.55%
      China   Resources       Guangdong
        Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd                       Third party      74,142,842.71         Within 1 year              1.16%
                                                                      610,693,512.19                                    9.54%

(j)   Accounts receivable due from related party

      As at 30 June 2014, accounts receivable from related party amounted to RMB289,916,775.80(31 December 2013:
      RMB272,941,955.43), which is 4.53% of the total accounts receivable (31 December 2013: 4.78%), and no bad debt
      provision was provided (31 December 2013: Nil).(Note VI(6)).

(k)   In half year of 2014, accounts receivable of RMB912,614,815.13 are derecognized given that irrevocable factoring
      contracts agreed with financial institute(Half year of 2013: RMB397,348,933.07).

(l)   As at 30 June 2014, the Group’s accounts receivable totalling RMB17,725,404.38(31December
      2013:RMB34,340,216.50) have been pledged to bank as security for short-term loan of RMB14,180,323.50(31
      December 2013:RMB27,472,173.20)(Note V(19)).

(m)   Accounts receivable denominated in foreign currencies are as follows:

                                    30 June 2014                                             31 December 2013
                      Foreign            Exchange                                 Foreign         Exchange
                     Currency                Rate               RMB              Currency             Rate                RMB

                                                                                                                        - 97 -
Notes to financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                      (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

USD      1,659,963.34       6.1528     10,213,422.44    2,498,855.43      6.0969    15,235,271.66
GBP        70,749.91       10.4978        742,718.41      17,688.80      10.0556      177,871.50
HKD       365,855.08        0.7938        290,415.76     394,001.47       0.7862      309,763.96
                                        11,246,556.61                               15,722,907.12

                                                                                         - 98 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

V     Notes to the consolidated financial statements (continued)

(4)   Advances to suppliers

(a)   The aging of advances to suppliers is analysed below:

                                               30 June 2014                                              31 December 2013
                                          amount                 % of total balance                    amount         % of total balance

      Within 1 year               98,567,800.29                            99.68%            63,940,204.79                         99.34%
      1 to 2 years                     93,626.61                            0.09%                344,224.38                         0.53%
      2 to 3 years                    199,228.00                            0.20%                 42,900.00                         0.07%
      Above 3 years                    33,627.00                            0.03%                 39,711.00                         0.06%
                                  98,894,281.90                           100.00%            64,367,040.17                       100.00%

(b)   As at 30 June 2014, the top five     advances to suppliers by customer are analysed below:

                                               Relationship                                                                     Reason for
                                             with the Group               Amount          Proportion             Ageing        unsettlement

                                                                                                                Within 6       Advances for
      Seiko Eiyo Yakuhin Co Ltd                 Third party         23,419,917.21           23.68%               months        procurement
      Jiangsu Huawei Pharmaceutical                                                                             Within 3       Advances for
         Logistics Co., Ltd.                       Third party      15,388,867.39           15.56%               months        procurement
      Tonghua Yusheng Medicine Co.,                                                                             Within 3       Advances for
        Ltd.                                       Third party       9,108,450.00            9.21%               months        procurement
      Guangdong         Kai        Yuan                                                                         Within 3       Advances for
        Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd                    Third party       6,728,961.60            6.80%               months        procurement
      Guangdong Linrui Pharmaceutical                                                                           Within 3       Advances for
        Co., Ltd                                   Third party       5,362,862.40            5.42%               months        procurement
                                                                    60,009,058.60           60.67%

(c)   Advances due from related party

      As at 30 June 2014, there are advances of RMB3,343,371.93due from related party (31 December 2013:
      RMB5,345,896.87), which is 3.38% of the total advances to suppliers (31 December 2013: 8.46%), and no bad debt
      provision was provided (31 December 2013: Nil). (Note VI(6)).

(5)   Other receivables

                                                                                      30 June 2014                   31 December 2013

      Petty cash advance to employees                                                 11,016,075.82                          5,772,436.51
      Receivable of equity transaction(Note (c))                                       8,980,000.00                          8,980,000.00
      Deposit                                                                          6,591,974.31                          8,338,022.65
      Receivable due from related party(Note(h))                                       1,590,000.00                          2,450,920.81
      Others                                                                          17,417,836.56                         14,955,273.23
                                                                                      45,595,886.69                         40,496,653.20
      Less: provision for bad debts                                                 (10,403,902.29)                        (10,875,753.49)
                                                                                      35,191,984.40                         29,620,899.71

                                                                                                                                    - 99 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

(a)   The ageing of other receivables and related provision for bad debts are analysed below:

                                                                             30 June 2014       31 December 2013

      Within 1 year                                                         30,266,104.72          24,095,302.72
      1 to 2 years                                                           1,194,687.10             967,739.44
      2 to 3 years                                                             140,964.93             763,087.00
      Over 3 years                                                          13,994,129.94          14,670,524.04
                                                                            45,595,886.69          40,496,653.20

                                                                                                         - 100 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

V     Notes to the consolidated financial statements (continued)

(5)   Other receivables (continued)

(b)   Other receivables and related provision for bad debts by category are analysed below:

                                                   30 June 2014                                                             31 December 2013
                              Carrying amount                       Bad debt provision                     Carrying amount                    Bad debt provision
                                             % of total                                                                  % of total
                                 amount       amount                    amount            rate                amount      amount                  amount           rate

        significant are
        subject      to
        assessment          8,980,000.00       19.69%             (8,980,000.00)       100.00%           8,980,000.00       22.17%       (8,980,000.00)      100.00%
        accounts within
        similar credit
        risk group         31,261,684.02       68.57%              (199,224.19)          0.64%          26,647,155.69       65.80%        (341,346.42)        1.28%
      Individually not
         significant but
         evaluated for
         impairment         5,354,202.67        11.74%            (1,224,678.10)       22.87%            4,869,497.51       12.03%       (1,554,407.07)      31.92%

                           45,595,886.69     100.00%          (10,403,902.29)          22.82%           40,496,653.20     100.00%       (10,875,753.49)      26.86%

(c)   As at 30 June 2014, impairment provision for other receivables individually significant are analysed as below.

                                                                                                     Bad debt                                   Assessment for
                                                                    Amount                           provision                  Rate               impairment

      Shenzhen Yinghai          Technology                                                                                                        Uncertainty in
        Investment Co.,Ltd.                                 8,980,000.00                    (8,980,000.00)                100.00%                 recoverability

(d)   Provisions for impairment of the receivables which have a similar risk group are analysed below:

                                                    30 June 2014                                                           31 December 2013
                               Carrying amount                      Bad debt provision                    Carrying amount                 Bad debt provision
                                             % of total                                                                 % of total
                                  amount      amount                     amount           rate              amount       amount                amount          rate

      Within 1 year         29,717,482.61        95.06%                            -             -     24,063,233.50       90.30%                       -             -
      1 to 2 years              650,172.53        2.08%               (32,508.63)        5.00%            932,329.44        3.50%         (46,110.87)         4.95%
      2 to 3 years              120,902.13        0.39%               (12,090.21)       10.00%            350,830.00        1.32%         (35,083.00)        10.00%
      Over 3 years              773,126.75        2.47%              (154,625.35)       20.00%          1,300,762.75        4.88%        (260,152.55)        20.00%

                            31,261,684.02       100.00%              (199,224.19)        0.64%         26,647,155.69      100.00%        (341,346.42)         1.28%

(e)   As at 30 June 2014, other receivables individually not significant but individually evaluated for impairment are analysed

                                                                                                                                                Assessment for
                                                                      Amount               Bad debt provision                    Rate              impairment

                                                                                                                                                   - 101 -
Notes to financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                      (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

                                                                                      Uncertainty in
ShenZhen Health Food I&E Co., Ltd.   1,157,860.00       (1,157,860.00)   100.00%      recoverability
                                                                                      Uncertainty in
Others                               4,196,342.67          (66,818.10)    1.59%       recoverability
                                     5,354,202.67       (1,224,678.10)   22.87%

                                                                                       - 102 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

V     Notes to the consolidated financial statements (continued)

(5)   Other receivables (continued)

(f)   Other receivables due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the Company’s equity interest are
      analysed as below:

                                                                                               30 June 2014                    31 December 2013

      Sinopharm Group (Note VI(6))                                                               250,000.00                            250,000.00

(g)   As at 30 June 2014, the top five other receivables by customer are analysed below:

                                                                      Relationship                                                    % of the total
                                                                     withthe Group            Amount                Ageing          other receivable

      Shenzhen Yinghai Technology&Investment Co., Ltd.                 Third party        8,980,000.00        Above 5 years                 19.69%
      Guangxi Autonomous Region Housing System
        Reformed Department                                            Third party                            Above 5 years                  4.15%
      Liuzhou Housing Provident Fund Management
        Center- Specific Account for Housing Fund                      Third party                            Above 5 years                  2.69%
      Sinopharm Medicine Logistics Co., Ltd.                          Related party       1,215,000.00        Within 1 year                  2.66%
      Shenzhen Health Food I&E Co., Ltd.                               Third Party        1,157,860.00            4-5 years                  2.54%
                                                                                         14,473,725.41                                      31.73%

(h)   Other receivables due from related party

      As at 30 June 2014, there are other receivables of RMB1,590,000.00due from related party (31 December 2013:
      RMB2,450,920.81), which is 3.49% of the total other receivables(31 December 2013: 6.05%), without bad debt
      provided (31 December 2013: Nil). (Note VI(6)).

(6)   Inventories

(a)   Inventories by category are analysed as below:

                                                  30 June 2014                                                31 December 2013
                                  Book value            Provision            Net book           Book value            Provision             Net book
                                                                                Value                                                          Value

      Raw materials            95,274,899.97       (7,095,514.85)        88,179,385.12      125,355,376.95       (5,666,854.74)        119,688,522.21
      Packaging materials         641,808.75           (9,392.54)           632,416.21          545,583.87          (18,076.22)           527,507.65
        materials                1,082,832.94                    -        1,082,832.94          520,289.18                      -         520,289.18
      Finished goods         2,082,360,570.49      (9,391,114.41)     2,072,969,456.08     1,673,005,932.68     (17,091,438.82)      1,655,914,493.86
      Work in progress         26,441,693.91                     -       26,441,693.91       53,983,888.09                      -       53,983,888.09
      Low cost consumables        522,805.69          (59,591.25)           463,214.44          632,589.01                      -          632,589.01
                             2,206,324,611.75     (16,555,613.05)     2,189,768,998.70     1,854,043,659.78     (22,776,369.78)      1,831,267,290.00

(b)   Provision for declines in value of inventories is analysed as below:

                                                                                                  Decreases                                  30 June
                               31 December 2013                       Increases              Reversal            Written off                   2014

                                                                                                                                           - 103 -
Notes to financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                      (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

Raw materials          5,666,854.74     2,099,229.07   (381,327.48)     (289,241.48)     7,095,514.85
Finished goods        17,091,438.82     7,236,422.28    (36,937.29)   (14,899,809.40)    9,391,114.41
Packaging materials      18,076.22         8,928.21     (17,611.89)                 -        9,392.54
Low cost onsumables               -       68,333.45      (8,742.20)                 -      59,591.25
                      22,776,369.78     9,412,913.01   (444,618.86)   (15,189,050.88)   16,555,613.05

                                                                                           - 104 -
       Notes to financial statements
       For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                             (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

 V      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (continued)

 (6)    Inventories (continued)

 (c)    Provision for decline in the value of inventories are as follows:

                                            Reason of recognise                        Reason of reverse       Reversed Amount/
                                             impairment provision                    impairment provision        Total Inventory

        Raw material           Carrying amount of raw materials is                Increase in net realisable             0.40%
                                lower than the net realisable value               value resulted from sales
                                  caused by decline in the price of                        price increasing
        Finished goods             Carrying amount of finished              Increase in net realisable value                      -
                              goods is lower than the net realisable              resulted from sales price
                               value caused by decline in the price                               increasing
                                                         of product
        Packaging                    Carrying amount of packaging           Increase in net realisable value              2.74%
         materials                   materials is lower than the net              resulted from sales price
                              realisable value caused by decline in                               increasing
                                                the price of product
        Low        cost            Carrying amount of Low cost              Increase in net realisable value              1.67%
         consumables             consumables is lower than the net                resulted from sales price
                              realisable value caused by decline in                               increasing
                                                the price of product

(7)    Other current assets

                                                                                     30 June 2014              31 December 2013

       Corporate income tax to be deducted                                              242,231.34                   244,354.28
       VAT to be deducted                                                           21,254,188.22                 10,474,150.59
       Other                                                                                      -                1,485,247.90
                                                                                    21,496,419.56                 12,203,752.77

(8)    Long-term equity investments

                                                                                     30 June 2014              31 December 2013

       Associates - Without quoted price (a)                                       130,784,733.02                135,341,010.52

       The Group has no liquidity restriction on its long-term equity investments.

                                                                                                                        - 105 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                                                                                                                         (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

V     Notes to the consolidated financial statements (continued)

(8)   Long-term equity investments (continued)

(a)   Associates

                                                                                                                                                                          Voting Explanation for the inconsistence between
                                                                                                             Cash dividends                               Equity
                                  Accounting          Original                       Share of profit of         declared by                30 June       interest     rights held                       equity interest held
                                     method    investment cost   31 December 2013            associate             associate                 2014       held(%)              (%)                      and voting rights held
                                                                                         Note     V(41)

                                                                                                                                                                                      Board of the directors is the highest
                                                                                                                                                                                   decision making organization, which is
      Shenzhen Wanle Medical                                                                                                                                                       formed by 3 shareholders of Wanle
        Co.,       Ltd.(“Wanle      Equity                                                                                                                                      Medical evenly, each shareholder appoints
        Medical”)                   method      4,457,400.00      135,341,010.52       23,595,722.50       (28,152,000.00)         130,784,733.02        35.19            33.33               2 directors set up the borad

(9)   Investment in associates

                                                   Equity interest held      Voting rights held                                As at 30 June 2014                                For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                                                                                             Total assets           Total liabilities               Net assets             Revenues              Net profit
                                                                    (%)                    (%)

      Wanle Medical                                               35.19                  33.33            764,367,375.88            392,714,255.61          371,653,120.27          412,190,470.43          67,052,351.55

                                                                                                                                                                                                           - 106 -
       Notes to financial statements
       For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                             (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

V      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (continued)

(10)   Investment properties

                               31 December 2013              Increase in            Decrease in                    30 June
                                                            Current year            Current year                     2014

       Cost                      167,235,723.04              316,030.61                        -           167,551,753.65
         Buildings               148,052,856.82              247,247.27                        -           148,300,104.09
         Land use rights          19,182,866.22               68,783.34                        -             19,251,649.56

        amortisation             (88,666,004.90)          (2,869,025.16)                       -           (91,535,030.06)
         Buildings               (86,324,250.54)          (2,712,742.80)                       -           (89,036,993.34)
         Land use rights          (2,341,754.36)            (156,282.36)                       -            (2,498,036.72)

       Net book value             78,569,718.14                                                              76,016,723.59
         Buildings                61,728,606.28                                                              59,263,110.75
         Land use rights           16,841,111.86                                                             16,753,612.84

       Provision           for
         impairment loss          (1,300,000.00)                       -                       -            (1,300,000.00)
         Buildings                (1,300,000.00)                       -                       -            (1,300,000.00)
         Land use rights                       -                       -                       -                             -

       Carrying amount            77,269,718.14                                                              74,716,723.59
         Buildings                60,428,606.28                                                              57,963,110.75
         Land use rights           16,841,111.86                                                             16,753,612.84

       In 2014, half of the year, depreciation and amortization of investment properties amount RMB 2,752,681.18 (2013 Half
       of the year: RMB 3,109,987.30).

       In half year of 2014, the Group changed the use of buildings with a carrying amount of RMB199,686.63 (cost of
       RMB316,030.61, accumulated depreciation RMB116,343.98) to lease-out properties,and therefore,such assets were
       transferred from fixed assets and intangible assets to investment properties at the dates of change.

                                                                                                                   - 107 -
       Notes to financial statements
       For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                             (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

V      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (continued)

(11)   Fixed assets

                                  31 December     Current year other Transfer to investment Current year disposals           30 June
                                         2013               additions             properties                                   2014

       Cost                    1,250,447,403.48        24,800,566.60           (247,247.27)        (7,805,603.93)    1,267,195,118.88

        Buildings               523,075,719.87            679,709.02           (247,247.27)           (21,000.00)     523,487,181.62

        Machinery  and
         equipment              453,238,323.34          5,933,342.72                      -        (4,604,806.00)     454,566,860.06

        Motor vehicles           57,578,677.13          2,112,704.73                      -        (2,616,730.30)      57,074,651.56

        Other                   188,925,746.07         15,547,160.13                      -          (548,067.63)     203,924,838.57
          improvements           27,628,937.07            527,650.00                      -           (15,000.00)      28,141,587.07

         depreciation          (478,365,887.71)      (45,286,799.32)             108,554.44          5,678,332.35    (517,865,800.24)

        Buildings              (121,245,681.23)      (10,683,613.20)             108,554.44              9,325.64    (131,811,414.35)

        Machinery  and
         equipment             (197,709,620.62)      (20,273,536.42)                      -          2,990,253.04    (214,992,904.00)

        Motor vehicles          (32,273,157.01)        (2,839,419.76)                     -          2,214,170.15     (32,898,406.62)

        Other                  (111,889,907.22)        (9,756,505.76)                     -            452,683.31    (121,193,729.67)

          improvements          (15,247,521.63)        (1,733,724.18)                     -             11,900.21     (16,969,345.60)

       Net book value           772,081,515.77                                                                        749,329,318.64
        Buildings               401,830,038.64                                                                        391,675,767.27
        Machinery  and
         equipment              255,528,702.72                                                                        239,573,956.06
        Motor vehicles           25,305,520.12                                                                         24,176,244.94
        Other                    77,035,838.85                                                                         82,731,108.90
          improvements           12,381,415.44                                                                         11,172,241.47

       provision         for
         diminution       in
         value                   (5,339,925.14)                     -                     -          1,168,265.97      (4,171,659.17)
        Buildings                (2,405,177.30)                     -                     -             10,624.36      (2,394,552.94)
        Machinery  and
         equipment               (2,930,449.81)                     -                     -          1,153,343.58      (1,777,106.23)
        Motor vehicles                        -                     -                     -                      -                  -
        Other                        (1,948.24)                     -                     -              1,948.24                   -
          improvements               (2,349.79)                     -                     -              2,349.79                   -

       Carrying amount          766,741,590.63                                                                        745,157,659.47
        Buildings               399,424,861.34                                                                        389,281,214.33

                                                                                                                             - 108 -
Notes to financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                      (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
Machinery         and
 equipment              252,598,252.91                                            237,796,849.83
 Motor vehicles          25,305,520.12                                             24,176,244.94
 Other                   77,033,890.61                                             82,731,108.90
  improvements           12,379,065.65                                             11,172,241.47

                                                                                        - 109 -
       Notes to financial statements
       For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                             (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

V      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (continued)

(11)   Fixed assets (continued)

       For the six months ended 30 June 2014, details of the depreciation charged arebelow:

                                                                     For the six months ended     For the six months ended
                                                                                 30 June 2014                 30 June 2013

       Cost of goods sold                                                      19,978,061.91                23,347,564.25
       Selling expenses                                                         1,016,530.46                 1,977,163.35
       General and administrative expenses                                     20,256,417.51                12,758,408.59
       Research and development expenses                                        4,035,789.44                 4,257,148.68
                                                                               45,286,799.32                42,340,284.87

       For the six months ended 30 June 2014, fixed assets transferred from construction in progress are
       RMB16,173,324.53(For the six months ended 30 June 2014:5,585,774.91).

(12)   Construction in progress

                                                                                 30 June 2014          31 December 2013

       Pingshan Pharmaceutical Research & Development
         Manufacturing Base                                                   122,781,807.79                54,720,588.89
       Zhijun     Production       Workshop          Technological
         Transformation Project                                                13,145,496.07                21,852,704.06
       Cephalosporin Powder Injection Preparation Workshop
         Transformation Project                                                28,476,887.89                19,393,066.62
       Peinan Project                                                           11,438,747.84               11,438,747.84
       Sewage Transformation Project etc.                                        5,801,283.79                4,417,283.79
       Shenzhen Logistics       CenterStage     II     Warehouse
         Transformation Project                                                    399,676.74                4,555,429.58
       Warehouse Transformation Project                                                       -                879,037.82
       Other projects                                                          10,643,164.29                 9,349,947.41
                                                                              192,687,064.41               126,606,806.01

                                                                                                                  - 110 -
       Notes to financial statements
       For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                                                                                                                           (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

V      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (continued)

(12)   Construction in progress (continued)

       Changes of construction in progress in six months ended 30June 2014are below:

       Name of project                    Budget of project    31 December      Current year   Transfer out during          30 June     Cost up    Construction   Accumulated       Borrowing     Weighted              Financed
                                                                      2013         additions          current year            2014    todate out             in     capitalized            cost    average                    by
                                                                                                                                              of      progress                                      interest
                                                                                                                                                                    borrowing       capitalized
                                                                                                                                         budget            (%)                                     rate (%)
                                                                                                                                                                           cost        in 2010

       Pingshan         Pharmaceutical                                                                                                                                                                         Working capital、
          Research & Development                                                                                                                                                                                       Financial
          Manufacturing Base                                                                                                                                                                                         institutions
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 borrowing and
                                           881,370,000.00      54,720,588.89   68,061,218.90                     -   122,781,807.79        14%            18%     2,437,151.20    2,437,151.20     5.58%          Entrusted loan
       Zhijun Production Workshop                                                                                                                                                                                Working capital
         Technological Transformation
         Project                             99,976,000.00     21,852,704.06    7,466,116.54      (16,173,324.53)     13,145,496.07        39%            39%                 -               -          -
       Cephalosporin Powder Injection                                                                                                                                                                            Working capital
         Preparation        Workshop
         Transformation Project              35,000,000.00     19,393,066.62    9,083,821.27                     -    28,476,887.89        81%            90%                 -               -          -
       Peinan Project                        40,000,000.00     11,438,747.84               -                     -    11,438,747.84        28%            28%                 -               -          -       Working capital
       Shenzhen Logistics CenterStage                                                                                                                                                                            Working capital
         II Warehouse Transformation
         Project                              5,750,000.00      4,555,429.58     223,396.65        (4,379,149.49)       399,676.74         83%           100%                 -               -          -
       Sewage Transformation Project                                                                                                                                                                             Working capital
         etc.                                 6,300,000.00      4,417,283.79    1,384,000.00                     -     5,801,283.79        85%            99%                 -               -          -
       Warehouse         Transformation                                                                                                                                                                          Working capital
         Project                             21,790,000.00       879,037.82                -         (879,037.82)                 -        93%           100%                 -               -          -
       Other projects                                     -     9,349,947.41    1,366,537.40          (73,320.52)     10,643,164.29            -              -               -               -          -       Working capital
                                          1,090,186,000.00    126,606,806.01   87,585,090.76      (21,504,832.36)    192,687,064.41

                                                                                                                                                                                                     - 111 -
       Notes to financial statements
       For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                             (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

V      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (continued)

(13)   Intangible assets

                                    31 December              Current year   Current year           30 June
                                           2013                 additions     decreases              2014

       Cost                       254,572,956.12              843,173.03    (68,783.34)     255,347,345.81
         Land use rights          145,850,489.22              498,539.51    (68,783.34)     146,280,245.39
           software                20,982,653.94              344,633.52               -     21,327,287.46
           technology              53,885,820.10                        -              -     53,885,820.10
         Trademarks                   196,850.00                        -              -        196,850.00
         Sales network             33,657,142.86                        -              -     33,657,142.86

       amortization             (101,010,991.66)           (3,836,803.21)      7,789.54    (104,840,005.33)
         Land use rights          (34,158,408.37)          (1,627,833.75)      7,789.54     (35,778,452.58)
           software               (14,331,025.98)          (1,207,350.61)              -    (15,538,376.59)
         Proprietary                                                                   -
           technology             (49,630,659.69)            (160,190.28)                   (49,790,849.97)
         Trademarks                 (196,850.00)                        -              -       (196,850.00)
         Sales network             (2,694,047.62)            (841,428.57)              -     (3,535,476.19)

       Net book value             153,561,964.46                                            150,507,340.48
         Land use rights          111,692,080.85                                            110,501,792.81
           software                 6,651,627.96                                              5,788,910.87
           technology               4,255,160.41                                              4,094,970.13
         Trademarks                             -                                                            -
         Sales network             30,963,095.24                                             30,121,666.67

       Provision       for
       impairment loss             (3,000,000.00)                       -              -     (3,000,000.00)
         Land use rights                        -                       -              -                     -
           software                             -                       -              -                     -
           technology              (3,000,000.00)                       -              -     (3,000,000.00)
         Trademarks                             -                       -              -
         Sales network                          -                       -              -                     -

       Carrying amount            150,561,964.46                                            147,507,340.48
         Land use rights          111,692,080.85                                            110,501,792.81
           software                 6,651,627.96                                              5,788,910.87
           technology               1,255,160.41                                              1,094,970.13

                                                                                                   - 112 -
Notes to financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                      (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
  Trademarks                          -                                                                      -
  Sales network           30,963,095.24                                                       30,121,666.67

In half year of 2014, amortization of intangible assets amount RMB 3,836,803.21 (2013 Half of the year: RMB

                                                                                                   - 113 -
         Notes to financial statements
         For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                               (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

 V       Notes to the consolidated financial statements (continued)

 (13)    Intangible assets(continued)

         Expenditures on research and development incurred in half year of 2014 are listed as below:

                                                                                   30 June 2014             31 December 2013

        Development costs                                                           5,619,315.47                  5,619,315.47

         In half year of 2014, research and development expenditureof the group amounted to RMB 32,143,996.40(Half year of
         2013: RMB34,523,641.48), RMB32,143,996.40 of which has been charged into current period profits and losses (half
         year of 2013: RMB34,212,956.64).

(14)    Goodwill

                                                                                  30 June 2014             31 December 2013

        Goodwill                                                                  85,228,833.15                 85,228,833.15
        Less: provision for impairment (a)                                                     -                             -
                                                                                  85,228,833.15                 85,228,833.15

(a)     Impairment

        The goodwill allocated to the asset groups and groups of asset groups are summarised by operating segments as follows:

                                                                                     30 June 2014            31 December 2013

         Pharmaceutical distribution-
            Sinopharm Jiangmen                                                      27,392,317.73                27,392,317.73
            Sinopharm Yanfeng                                                       16,868,644.87                16,868,644.87
            Sinopharm Zhaoqing                                                       2,594,341.53                  2,594,341.53
            Sinopharm Shaoguan                                                       1,686,496.80                  1,686,496.80
            Sinopharm Meizhou                                                        1,610,819.66                  1,610,819.66
            Sinopharm Huizhou                                                          923,184.67                   923,184.67
            Sinopharm Zhanjiang                                                        282,135.55                   282,135.55
            Sinopharm Dongguan                                                           1,499.02                      1,499.02
         Pharmaceutical manufacturing -
            ZhijunSuzhou                                                            33,869,393.32                33,869,393.32
                                                                                    85,228,833.15                85,228,833.15

        Recoverable amount of asset group or combination of group assets is based on the approved five year budget, calculated
        according to the cash flow forecasting method. Management determines budgeted gross margin based on historical
        experience and forecast on market development, the discount rates determined by management are the pre-tax interest
        rates which reflect the risks specific to the related asset groups and groups of asset groups. The above assumptions are
        used to assess the recoverable amount of each asset group and group of asset groups within the corresponding operating
        segment.As at 30 June 2014, management of the Group considered there was no impairment to goodwill recognised
        according to the impairment assessment.

                                                                                                                      - 114 -
       Notes to financial statements
       For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                             (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

(15)   Long-term prepaid expenses

                                            31 December             Current year           Current year                30 June
                                                   2013                additions           amortisation                  2014

       Leasehold improvements              33,965,413.81           8,020,246.54          (3,076,324.16)         38,909,336.19
       Others                               2,020,207.66                       -           (963,410.66)           1,056,797.00
                                           35,985,621.47           8,020,246.54          (4,039,734.82)         39,966,133.19

       In half year of 2014, current period additions includes RMB5,331,507.83 transferred from Construction in progress.

                                                                                                                     - 115 -
       Notes to financial statements
       For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                             (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

V      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (continued)

(16)   Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities

(a)    Deferred income tax assets

                                                      30 June 2014                                  31 December 2013
                                         Deferred income              Deductible       Deferred income                 Deductible
                                                tax assets             temporary              tax assets                temporary
                                                                      differences                                      differences

       Deductible losses                   24,662,835.50        102,186,726.34            10,009,584.17          64,531,193.67
       Accrued expenses                    14,860,455.85         86,248,327.69             9,323,398.38          51,691,587.96
       Deferred revenue                    12,975,041.82         81,892,590.81            13,056,138.55          84,518,146.08
       Accrued payroll                     12,428,193.24         62,603,719.79            14,401,729.27          70,542,501.21
       Provision for
           accounts receivable              5,662,784.83         22,671,726.34             6,032,385.45          25,059,411.55
       Provision for declines in
         value of inventories               3,594,322.28         16,555,613.05             3,640,508.27          22,776,369.78
       Provision for other
           receivables                      2,600,638.08         10,403,902.29             2,711,760.38          10,875,753.49
       Accrued liabilities                               -                      -          5,510,000.00          22,040,000.00
       Provision for fixed
           assets impairment                  609,946.05             2,664,057.68               638,247.96         3,844,571.35
       Others                               1,517,451.70             6,069,806.78          3,572,185.82          15,362,493.44
                                           78,911,669.35        391,296,470.77            68,895,938.25         371,242,028.53

(b)    Deferred income tax liabilities

                                                      30 June 2014                                  31 December 2013
                                          Deferred income              Deductible        Deferred income               Deductible
                                             tax liabilities            temporary           tax liabilities             temporary
                                                                       differences                                     differences

       Changes in fair value               11,217,172.96         44,868,691.82            11,613,211.10           46,452,844.40
       Business    combination
         involving entities not
         under common control               9,931,575.49         39,726,301.93             9,219,687.61           40,822,520.57
       Others                               3,828,095.01         15,312,380.04             3,811,989.05           15,351,076.30
                                           24,976,843.46         99,907,373.79            24,644,887.76         102,626,441.27

(c)    As at 30 June 2014, the Group has not recognised deferred tax assets in respect of deductible losses and other deductible
       temporary differences are listed as below.

                                                                                30 June 2014                  31 December 2013

       Deductible losses(Note(i))                                                1,627,172.87                      1,627,172.87

                                                                                                                         - 116 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
(i)   For those loss-making subsidiaries, the Group does not recognise deferred tax assets arising from accumulated losses
      amounting to RMB1,627,172.87which are tax deductible under the tax law within 2014 to 2018.

      As at 30 June 2014, the unrecognised deferred tax assets in respect of deductible losseswill be expired as follows:

      Year                                                                     30 June 2014                  31 December 2013

      2015                                                                     1,627,172.87                        1,627,172.87

                                                                                                                       - 117 -
        Notes to financial statements
        For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                              (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

 V        Notes to the consolidated financial statements (continued)

 (17)    Provision for asset impairment

                                        31 December                              Decreases                                  30 June
                                               2013          Increases        Reversal            Written off                 2014

         Bad debt provision            35,935,165.04     1,517,564.27    (3,096,308.59)        (1,280,792.09)          33,075,628.63
         Provision for ccounts
             receivable                25,059,411.55     1,479,880.30    (2,586,773.42)        (1,280,792.09)          22,671,726.34
         Provision for other
            receivables                10,875,753.49         37,683.97     (509,535.17)                     -          10,403,902.29
         Provision for declines in
           value of inventories        22,776,369.78     9,412,913.01      (444,618.86)       (15,189,050.88)          16,555,613.05
         Provision for fixed assets     5,339,925.14                 -                -        (1,168,265.97)           4,171,659.17
         Provision for investment
          property impairment           1,300,000.00                 -                -                     -           1,300,000.00
         Provision for intangible
          assets impairment             3,000,000.00                 -                -                     -           3,000,000.00
                                       68,351,459.96    10,930,477.28    (3,540,927.45)       (17,638,108.94)          58,102,900.85

(18)    Other non-current assets
                                                                           30 June 2014                     31 December 2013

         Non-monetary compensation of resettlement (Note
          V(31))                                                           70,250,000.00                            70,250,000.00
         Medical reserve fund                                              45,389,023.37                            44,071,813.66
         Prepayment for equipment                                          34,280,530.39                            23,336,486.75
         Equity money in advance                                                          -                          2,247,000.00
                                                                          149,919,553.76                           139,905,300.41

(19)    Short-term borrowings

(a)     Bank borrowings are analysed by catagories as follows:

                                                  Currency                  30 June 2014                        31 December 2013

        Unsecured     borrowings (Note(i))             RMB                696,853,183.30                         1,643,740,120.17
        Guaranteed     borrowings (Note(ii))           RMB                499,501,360.34                          551,532,001.78
        Discounted notes (Note V(2)(b))                RMB                190,267,307.20                          122,197,293.96
        Pledged borrowings (Note V(3)(l))              RMB                 14,180,323.50                           27,472,173.20
        Entrusted borrowings                           RMB                                -                       400,000,000.00
                                                                         1,400,802,174.34                        2,744,941,589.11

(i)     As at 30 June 2014, unsecured borrowings of RMB 656,853,183.30(31 December 2013: RMB1,323,740,120.17) are
        guaranteed by the Company and its subsidiaries, unsecured borrowings of RMB40,000,000.00(31 December
        2013:RMB320,000,000.00) are lent by Sinopharm Group Financial Co., Ltd. (“Group Financial Co.”).

                                                                                                                         - 118 -
       Notes to financial statements
       For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                             (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
(ii)   As at 30 June 2014, bank borrowings of RMB499,501,360.34(31 December 2013: RMB551,532,001.78) are guaranteed
       by Sinopharm Group;

       As at 30 June 2014, the weighted average interest rate of short-term borrowings is 6.13% per annum (31 December
       2012: 5.83%).

(b)    As at 30 June 2014, there were no expired bank borrowings(31 December 2013: Nil).

                                                                                                              - 119 -
          Notes to financial statements
          For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                                (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

V         Notes to the consolidated financial statements (continued)

(20)      Notes payable

                                                                              30 June 2014                 31 December 2013

          Bank acceptance notes                                             912,689,915.29                     1,137,746,742.09
          Trade acceptance notes                                            357,890,687.26                       357,654,446.00
                                                                           1,270,580,602.55                    1,495,401,188.09

          As at 30 June 2014, notes receivable of RMB1,270,580,602.55would be expired within 1 year (31 December 2013:

(21)      Accounts payable

                                                                               30 June 2014                    31 December 2013

          Trade payable                                                    4,184,497,888.86                     3,436,936,497.16

(a)       Accounts payable due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the Company’s equity interest are
          analysed as below:

                                                                               30 June 2014                31 December 2013

          Sinopharm Group(Note VI(6))                                         51,450,848.88                       38,114,764.12

(b)       Accounts payable due to related party

          As at 30 June 2014, there are accounts payable of RMB324,152,930.37due to related party (31 December 2013:
          RMB249,751,993.01), which accounts for 7.75% of the total accounts payable(31 December 2013: 7.27%).(Note VI(6)).

(c)       As at 30 June 2014, accounts payable of RMB91,139,379.93(31 December 2013: RMB92,581,168.79) were aged over 1
          year, which were mainly for quality deposit. Before the financial statement is approved, no such long aged accounts
          payable have been settled.

    (d)    Accounts payable denominated in foreign currency as belows:

                                             30 June 2014                                     31 December 2013
                          Foreign Currency      Exchange           RMB        Foreign Currency     Exchange                RMB
                                                     rate                                               rate

           USD                1,448,670.50         6.1528   8,913,379.85          1,025,442.00        6.0969        6,252,017.33

(22)      Advances from customers

                                                                              30 June 2014                 31 December 2013

                                                                                                                       - 120 -
Notes to financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                      (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

Sales received in advance                                       25,982,230.10                    38,570,231.44

As at 30 June 2014, there are RMB174,496.65of advances due to related party (31 December 2013: RMB129,139.99),
which accounts for 0.67% of the total accounts payable(31 December 2013: 0.33%). (Note VI(6)).

As at 30 June 2014, advances from customers of RMB1,243,369.07(31 December 2013: RMB1,307,064.22) were aged
over 1 year. Before the financial statement is approved, no such long aged advance has been settled.

                                                                                                     - 121 -
         Notes to financial statements
         For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                               (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

 V      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (continued)

(23)     Employee benefits payable

                                           31 December               Current year             Current year              30 June
                                                  2013                  additions              reductions                 2014

        Wages and salaries,
           bonuses, allowances
           and subsidies                  134,064,138.60         221,066,667.61           (258,907,827.06)        96,222,979.15
        Staff welfare                       1,215,567.00          10,366,234.00            (11,436,838.53)           144,962.47
        Social security
             contributions                    912,142.97          27,424,673.98            (27,390,975.07)           945,841.88
            Medical insurance                  93,292.12             7,198,869.41           (7,152,584.04)           139,577.49
             Basic pensions                   692,682.31          17,992,302.13            (17,986,945.17)           698,039.27
             Unemployment insurance            87,692.95             1,051,012.04           (1,089,483.63)             49,221.36
             Work injury insurance             19,082.96               630,086.23             (617,394.39)             31,774.80
             Maternity insurance               19,392.63               552,404.17             (544,567.84)             27,228.96
        Housing funds                         779,385.83             8,646,842.16           (8,678,188.82)           748,039.17
        Supplemental pensions                 593,860.97             1,653,502.47             (347,960.60)          1,899,402.84
        Labor union funds and
           employee education funds        12,607,659.97             7,358,704.45           (6,084,419.70)        13,881,944.72
         Compensation for employee
           dismission                       3,408,407.84                32,583.26              (82,546.06)          3,358,445.04
        Early retirement benefits           4,809,240.00               112,841.14             (461,566.60)          4,460,514.54

        Others                              1,075,960.94             1,580,926.53           (1,913,939.96)           742,947.51
                                          159,466,364.12         278,242,975.60           (315,304,262.40)       122,405,077.32

        As at 30 June 2014, there are no payroll payables in arrears. Most part of the payroll payables would be paid out in the
        coming year 2015.

 (24)    Taxes payable

                                                                                    30 June 2014              31 December 2013

         Enterprise income tax payable                                              53,091,040.16                 42,539,425.26
         Value-added-tax payable                                                    16,837,078.56                 16,407,977.00
         Water conservancy fund payable                                              4,782,768.03                   4,830,062.90
         Anti-flood fund payable                                                     2,627,776.56                   4,517,546.01
         Stamp duty tax payable                                                      1,215,231.28                   1,660,657.55
         City maintenance and construction tax payable                               1,462,300.80                   1,296,993.82
         Real estate tax payable                                                      972,146.98                    1,110,392.16
         Business tax payable                                                        1,248,722.50                    967,037.88
         Educational surcharge payable                                               1,033,385.52                    933,092.63
         Rivers management fee payable                                                463,368.44                     428,177.78
         Individual income tax payable                                               2,847,092.10                   1,224,396.25

                                                                                                                     - 122 -
Notes to financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                      (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
Others                                                      473,939.50                 129,500.80
                                                          87,054,850.43              76,045,260.04

                                                                                       - 123 -
       Notes to financial statements
       For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                             (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

V      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (continued)

(25)   Interests payable

                                                                           30 June 2014                 31 December 2013

       Short term borrowing interests payable                              9,672,066.00                     13,065,850.14
       Long     term borrowing interests payable                              18,015.21                                    -
                                                                           9,690,081.21                     13,065,850.14

(26)   Other payables

                                                                           30 June 2014                31 December 2013

       Accrued selling and distribution expenses                         217,427,657.34                    179,075,786.05
       Amount collected on behalf of third party                         156,377,886.98                    135,601,089.66
       Payables for construction in progress and
           equipment                                                      70,313,271.00                     66,609,945.42
       Deposit                                                            14,687,602.72                     19,990,983.83
       Compensation payment for suspension of chebei
         project (Note V (28))                                                         -                    12,620,000.00
       Equity transaction payable                                         15,140,803.17                     11,415,803.17
       Others                                                             74,557,586.37                     70,788,639.26
                                                                         548,504,807.58                    496,102,247.39

(a)    Other payables due to shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the Company’s equity interest are
       analysed as below:

                                                                           30 June 2014                 31 December 2013

       Sinopharm Group(Note VI (6))                                        4,530,696.87                      4,530,696.87

(b)    Other payables due to related party

       As at 30 June 2014, there are other payables of RMB16,030,612.59due to related party (31 December 2013:
       RMB12,732,813.77), which accounts for 2.92% of the total other payables (31 December 2013: 2.57%). (Note VI(6)).

(c)    As at 30 June 2014, other payables of RMB108,496,305.15(31 December 2013: RMB81,693,772.92) were aged over 1
       year, which were mainly for accrued selling expenses. Before the financial statement is approved, no such long aged
       accounts payable have been settled.

                                                                                                                 - 124 -
       Notes to financial statements
       For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                             (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

V      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (continued)

(27)   Current portion of long-term borrowings

                                                                                       30 June 2014              31 December 2013

       Promotion rewards program
           - due within one year                                                        6,733,400.00                     7,800,000.00

(28)   Other non-current liabilities
                                                                                      30 June 2014               31 December 2013

        Accured liabilities (Note(a))                                                               -                 22,040,000.00

(a)     In March 2010, the Group signed a contract about real estate development project cooperation on the Group’s Land
        (hereinafter referred to as "the Cooperative Contract")with a real estate development company (hereinafter referred to as
        "the Other Contract Party"). The project had never substantively started after the contract was signed. In 2012, the
        Group determined to terminate the contract based on development plannning. The Other Contract Party took legal
        proceeding against the Group to the People’s Court of Tianhe District to pay for the remaining compensation, late
        penalty and double the compensation. On 10 May 2013, the Group received the first civil judgement that the Group
        need to pay the Other Contract Party the remaining compensation RMB11.02 million, later penalty RMB11.02 million
        and the doubled compensation RMB11.02 million. The Group appeal against the judgement made by People’s Court of
        Tianhe District, as the Group wasn’t satisfied with the judgement. As of 14 February 2014, the Group received the final
        civil judgement from Intermediate People’s Court of Tianhe District, that the late penalty of RMB11.02 million was
        rejected. As both parties are entitled to apply to People's Court for retrial within six months, Management believes it’s
        not able to make a reliable estimate of the final outcome of the contract dispute. Therefore, the Group accrued the
        provision and recognised non-operating expenses of RMB22.04 for prudence (Note V(43)).Up to the report day, as the
        time limit for retrial has expired, the Group hasn’t been noticed of a retrial, the Group therefore reverse the rejected late
        penalty and recognized it as non-operating income (Note V(42)). The remaining compensation and doubled
        compensation was paid according to the judgement.

                                                                                                                            - 125 -
           Notes to financial statements
           For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                                 (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

V          Notes to the consolidated financial statements (continued)

(29)       Long-term borrowings

                                                      Currency                     30 June 2014              31 December 2013

           Unsecured    borrowings                      RMB                        8,095,448.00                              -
           Entrusted borrowings (i)                     RMB                       31,600,000.00                              -
                                                                                  39,695,448.00                              -

(i)        As at 30June 2014, consigned loan of RMB31,600,000.00 is lend by CNPGC through Group Financial Co. (31
           December 2013: Nil).

           As at 30June 2014, the weighted average interest rate of long-term borrowings 5.70%(31 December2013: Nil)

(a)         Top two long-term borrowing

                                       Borrowing    Repayment     Currency   Interest         30 June 2014    31 December 2013
                                            date         date                rate per

            The           State
              Bank   Shenzhen
              branch               4 April 2014    4 April 2022      RMB      6.88%          8,095,448.00                        -
            CNPGC                     7 May 2014   7 May 2017        RMB      5.40%         31,600,000.00                        -

    (30)     Payables for specific projects

                                                                                        30 June 2014          31 December 2013

            Sepecial funds granted by
              government                                                                 852,000.00                 852,000.00
            Government grants for ERP system construction                                435,000.00                 435,000.00
            Industrial technology funds                                             3,000,000.00                   3,000,000.00
                                                                                    4,287,000.00                   4,287,000.00

 (31)       Other non-current liabilities

                                                                                    30 June 2014              31 December 2013

            Deferred income(Note(a))                                              179,335,747.55                176,531,418.18
            Medical reserve funds (Note(b))                                        45,427,343.31                  45,427,343.31
                                                                                  224,763,090.86                221,958,761.49

                                                                                                                       - 126 -
       Notes to financial statements
       For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                             (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

V      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (continued)

(31)   Other non-current liabilities(continued)

(a)    Deferred income

                                                                                     30 June 2014                  31 December 2013

       Government grants
           Resettlement Compansation(i)                                             87,698,279.69                     89,047,483.97
           Cephalosporin Solid Preparations Development
             Project                                                                15,000,000.00                     15,000,000.00
           Guangxi Logistics Project                                                 5,871,493.35                       6,006,695.79
           R&D Library (in progress)                                                 5,000,000.00                       5,000,000.00
           Medical R&D Center II (in progress)                                       5,000,000.00                       5,000,000.00
           Medication for Stomach Disease R&D Project                                5,000,000.00                       5,000,000.00
           Cephalosporin Powder Injection Passing EU-GMP
             Authentication                                                          5,000,000.00                       5,000,000.00
           Esomeprazole Magnesium Enteric-coated Pellets
             Industrial R&D Projects                                                 2,668,537.40                       2,700,000.00
           Cefpirome Sulfate R&D Project                                             2,515,089.58                       2,637,395.56
           Shared Logistics Center(completed)                                        1,694,615.30                       2,163,761.90
           Cefixime Particles Prescription Process
             Improvement and Industrial Project                                      2,000,000.00                       2,000,000.00
           New Cephalosporin R&D Project                                             1,524,640.66                       1,829,887.42
           Other Projects(in progress)                                              16,770,026.00                     10,091,515.54
                                                                                   155,742,681.98                    151,476,740.18

       Promotion Rewards Program                                                    23,593,065.57                     25,054,678.00
                                                                                   179,335,747.55                    176,531,418.18

                                                                              Amount included
                                               31 December     Current year   in non-operating          30 June             Related to
       Government grants programme                    2013         addition    income in 2014             2014           income/assets

       Resettlement Compansation(i)            89,047,483.97              -     (1,349,204.28)   87,698,279.69        Related to assets
       Cephalosporin Solid Preparations
          Development Project                  15,000,000.00              -                  -   15,000,000.00        Related to assets
       Guangxi Logistics Project                6,006,695.79              -       (135,202.44)      5,871,493.35      Related to assets
       R&D Library                              5,000,000.00              -                  -      5,000,000.00      Related to assets
        Medical R&D center II                   5,000,000.00              -                  -      5,000,000.00       Related to assets
        Medication for Stomach Disease
          R&D Project                           5,000,000.00              -                  -      5,000,000.00       Related to assets
        Cephalosporin Powder Injection
           Passing EU-GMP Authentication        5,000,000.00              -                  -      5,000,000.00       Related to assets
        Esomeprazole            Magnesium
           Enteric-coated Pellets Industrial
           R&D Projects                         2,700,000.00              -        (31,462.60)      2,668,537.40       Related to assets
        Cefpirome Sulfate R&D Project           2,637,395.56              -       (122,305.98)      2,515,089.58       Related to assets
        Shared Logistics Center                 2,163,761.90              -       (469,146.60)      1,694,615.30       Related to assets
        Cefixime Particles Prescription
           Process     Improvement and
           Industrial Project                   2,000,000.00              -                  -      2,000,000.00       Related to assets
       New Cephalosporin R&D Project            1,829,887.42              -       (305,246.76)      1,524,640.66       Related to assets
       Other projects                          10,091,515.54   7,700,000.00     (1,021,489.54)   16,770,026.00         Related to assets

                                                                                                                        - 127 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
                                           151,476,740.18    7,700,000.00      (3,434,058.20)   155,742,681.98

(i)   Because the Nanning Government planned to reconstruction of the old urban area, a subsidiary of the company, Guangxi
      Logistics, which located in Nanning Longteng Road need to relocated. According to compensation agreement signed in
      May, 2012, the company obtained RMB120,250,000.00 compensation for the demolition carried out by the government,
      including cash compensation amounted RMB50,000,000.00 and another physical compensation amounted
      RMB70,250,000.00 would be received in year 2015 when completion( Note V(18)). Amounting to RMB93,320,000.00
      relating to capital expenditure for reconstruction was recognised as deferred income, which would be amortised to profit or
      loss over the useful life of the related asset; others was recognised in profit or loss in 2012.

(b)   Certain medical reserves funds were received by the Group from the PRC government for it to purchase medical products
      (including medicines) required to respond to major disasters, epidemics and other emergencies.

                                                                                                                    - 128 -
         Notes to financial statements
         For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                               (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

 V       Notes to the consolidated financial statements (continued)

 (32)    Share capital

                                                                                         30 June 2014          31 December 2013

        Listed shares without restriction of trading:
          A shares, listed                                                           233,263,800.00              233,263,800.00
          B shares, listed                                                               54,885,600.00            54,885,600.00
        Restricted share-shares held by state - owned companies(i)                       74,482,543.00                            -
                                                                                     362,631,943.00              288,149,400.00

(i)     In 28 Febraury 2014, the Company was permitted to issue ordinary shares (A share) to Sinopharm Group, a domestic
        investor according toDocument [2014] No. 232 《关于核准国药集团一致药业股份有限公司非公开发行股票的批
        复》issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission. Face value of the stock is RMB 1 yuan, the number issued is
        74,482,543 (The shares shall not be transferred within 36 months since the issued day.) and the issue price is RMB 26.07

        Through the non-public offering of ordinary shares (A share), the Company has received funding of RMB
        1,941,759,896.01, including the increase of equity of RMB74,482,543.00, the increase of capital reserve of RMB
        1,854,582,870.47 (expenses related to the issurance of RMB 12,694,482.54 has been deducted, while the interest income
        generated from purchasing funds during the freezing period of issurance). All increase of capital has been invested with
        cash in RMB.

        These funds has been gathered by 14 March 2014, and verified by PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLP,
        Guangzhou Branch with the capital verification report 普华永道中天验字(2014)第 132 号.

(33)    Capital surplus

                                                    31 December          Current year           Current year             30 June
                                                           2013              addition            reductions                2014

              The share premium (Note(32))                       -   1,854,582,870.47                      -     1,854,582,870.47

                         Other Capital surplus
             Share of changes in equity other
                     than profits of investees      2,380,016.57                     -                     -        2,380,016.57
                   Transfer of capital surplus
                        recognised under the
                 previous accounting system         2,650,322.00                     -                     -        2,650,322.00
                                        Other           720,000.00                   -                     -          720,000.00
                                                    5,750,338.57     1,854,582,870.47                      -     1,860,333,209.04

                                                    31 December                                 Current year        31 December
                                                           2012 Current year addition            reductions                2013

                        Other Capital surplus
             Share of changes in equity other
                     than profits of investees      2,380,016.57                     -                     -        2,380,016.57
                   Transfer of capital surplus
                        recognised under the
                 previous accounting system         2,650,322.00                     -                     -        2,650,322.00
                                        Other           520,000.00         200,000.00                      -          720,000.00

                                                                                                                        - 129 -
Notes to financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                      (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
                                5,550,338.57        200,000.00               -      5,750,338.57

                                                                                       - 130 -
       Notes to financial statements
       For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                             (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

V      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (continued)

(34)   Surplus reserve

                                             31 December             Current year         Current year                   30 June
                                                    2013                additions          reductions                      2014

            Statutory surplus reserve     144,855,634.40                        -                    -            144,855,634.40

                                             31 December             Current year         Current year       31 December 2013
                                                    2012                additions          reductions

            Statutory surplus reserve        99,360,384.15         45,495,250.25                     -            144,855,634.40

(35)   Undistributed profits

                                                    For the six months ended 30 June         For the six months ended 30 June
                                                                  2014                                     2013
                                                              Amount     Appropriation                   Amount    Appropriation
                                                                                  rate                                      rate

       Undistributed profits at beginning of
           year                                      1,806,002,285.06                         1,382,882,906.24
       Add:net profit attributable to the
                  shareholders of the company          349,213,988.51                           520,488,198.80
       Less:appropriation of statutory surplus
               reserve (Note V(34))                                  -                         (45,495,250.25)             10%
            Dividends (a)                              (65,273,749.74)                         (51,866,892.00)
            Other outflow                                            -                               (6,677.73)
       Ending balance of retained earnings           2,089,942,523.83                         1,806,002,285.06

(a)    Pursuant to the resolution of General Meetingon 19April2014, cash dividends of RMB65,273,749.74 (RMB1.8 per 10
       shares) was paid based on the issued shares of 362,631,943.

(36)   Minority Interest

       Minority interests are analysed as below:

                                                                           30 June 2014                     31 December 2013

       Sinopharm Liuzhou                                                  46,980,175.66                           41,954,133.73
       Sinopharm Yanfeng                                                  26,352,684.01                           23,410,777.54
       Sinopharm Shaoguan                                                  5,945,695.81                            6,507,084.81
       Sinopharm Shantou                                                   3,078,481.00                                          -
       Sinopharm Wuzhou                                                        7,812.11                                7,410.46
                                                                          82,364,848.59                           71,879,406.54

                                                                                                                       - 131 -
           Notes to financial statements
           For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                                 (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

V         Notes to the consolidated financial statements (continued)

(37)      Sales and cost of sales

                                                                                For the six months ended          For the six months ended
                                                                                            30 June 2014                      30 June 2014

          Revenue of main operations                                                   11,574,073,952.48                10,074,492,043.06
          Other operating income                                                            38,568,481.80                   57,220,647.38
                                                                                       11,612,642,434.28                10,131,712,690.44

                                                                                For the six months ended          For the six months ended
                                                                                            30 June 2014                      30 June 2014

          Cost of main operations                                                     (10,617,207,480.60)               (9,249,427,107.76)
          Other operating expenses                                                          (9,560,176.64)                 (30,028,197.77)
                                                                                      (10,626,767,657.24)               (9,279,455,305.53)

(a)       Revenue and cost of main operations

          Revenue and cost of main operations analysed by industries are set out below:

                                        For the six months ended 30 June 2014                    For the six months ended 30 June 2013
                                       Revenue of                 Cost of main                  Revenue of                Cost of main
                                     main operations               operations                 main operations              operations

              distribution           10,661,045,598.03          (10,075,415,498.70)            9,189,991,363.76         (8,720,715,328.37)
            manufacturing              895,189,021.00             (532,012,356.98)               861,761,411.80           (515,258,589.23)
          Logistics and freights         12,711,331.79               (8,499,455.86)               18,252,493.23            (11,687,475.17)
          Rental and      training
            income                        5,128,001.66               (1,280,169.06)                4,486,774.27             (1,765,714.99)
                                     11,574,073,952.48          (10,617,207,480.60)           10,074,492,043.06         (9,249,427,107.76)

(b)        Other operating income and expenses

                                           For the six months ended 30 June 2014                 For the six months ended 30 June 2013
                                          Other operating          Other operating              Other operating           Other operating
                                             income                   expenses                     income                    expenses

           Sales of raw materials             5,360,332.87             (6,371,865.47)               25,287,399.41           (26,364,532.45)
           Rental income                     10,494,549.39             (1,173,951.57)               10,090,064.69            (1,048,773.75)
           Rendering of services             22,713,599.54             (2,014,359.60)               21,686,782.45            (1,743,367.20)
           Others                                           -                           -              156,400.83              (871,524.37)
                                             38,568,481.80             (9,560,176.64)               57,220,647.38          (30,028,197.77)

    (c)     Top five customers are analysed as follows:
                                                                                                                                  - 132 -
Notes to financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                      (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

The sales to top five customers of the Group amounted to RMB692,947,593.89, which accounted for 5.97% of the total
revenue from main operations. Details are set out below:

                                                                                 Sales        % of total sales of the

The First Affiliated Hospital of GuangXi Medical University             179,770,199.71                        1.55%
Disease Control and Prevention Center of Guangdong Province             152,149,317.28                        1.31%
Nanfang Hospital of Southern Medical University                         123,906,197.83                        1.07%
The Affiliated Tumor Hospital of Sun Yet-Sen University                 123,535,671.31                        1.06%
China Resources Guangdong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd                       113,586,207.76                        0.98%
                                                                        692,947,593.89                        5.97%

                                                                                                         - 133 -
          Notes to financial statements
          For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                                (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

V       Notes to the consolidated financial statements (continued)

(38)     Tax and surcharges

                                                                             For the six months ended    For the six months
                                                                                         30 June 2014   ended 30 June 2013

         Business tax                                                                    3,581,457.89          3,062,195.30
         City maintenance and construction tax                                          13,024,580.97         11,003,775.72
         Educational surcharge                                                           9,436,144.77          7,858,049.22
         Others                                                                          1,430,529.90          1,402,211.43
                                                                                        27,472,713.53         23,326,231.67

 (39)    Financial expenses – net
                                                                             For the six months ended    For the six months
                                                                                         30 June 2014   ended 30 June 2013

         Interest expenses                                                              86,209,674.28         82,720,265.02
         Less: interest income                                                         (4,223,008.09)        (2,292,175.64)
                  discount in cash                                                    (17,547,093.60)        (9,496,329.83)
         Exchange losses                                                                   107,893.77             45,433.64
         Others                                                                          6,384,258.74          5,491,457.64
                                                                                        70,931,725.10         76,468,650.83

(40)    Assets impairment losses
                                                                           For the six months ended      For the six months
                                                                                       30 June 2014     ended 30 June 2013

         Bad debts                                                                    (1,655,386.78)          1,262,307.12
         Declines in values of inventories                                              8,968,294.15         15,545,351.60
                                                                                        7,312,907.37         16,807,658.72

(41)    Investment income

                                                                           For the six months ended      For the six months
                                                                                       30 June 2014     ended 30 June 2013

        Share of profit of investees under equity method (Note a)                     23,595,722.50          18,576,985.34

(a)     The investment income from long-term investment under equity method represented the profit from Wanle Medical. The
        increase was due to improved business performance of that associate.

         There is no significant restriction on the remittance of investment income to the Group.

(42)      Non-operating income

                                                                            For the six months ended     For the six months
                                                                                        30 June 2014    ended 30 June 2013
                                                                                                                   - 134 -
Notes to financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                      (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

Government grants (Note a)                                           14,575,338.73   12,384,950.86
Reversal of unpaid compensation                                      11,862,275.78                  -
Payment written off                                                    811,269.33     9,425,827.28
Gain on disposal of fixed assets                                       500,989.54       32,537.89
Others                                                                 586,191.95      292,414.61
                                                                     28,336,065.33   22,135,730.64

Non-operating income is wholly classified as non-recurring profit.

                                                                                          - 135 -
       Notes to financial statements
       For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                             (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

V      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (continued)

(42)    Non-operating income(continued)

(a)    Government grants

                                                        For the six months    For the six months
                                                       ended 30 June 2014    ended 30 June 2013                        Note

       Government grants related to assets
       Resettlement compensation-amortization of                                                     Transfer from deferred
          assets                                              1,349,204.28         1,412,978.16        amortization income
                                                                                                     Transfer from deferred
       Others                                                 2,084,853.92           990,380.90        amortization income

       Government grants related to income
                                                                                                    High-tech industries and
                                                                                                          emerging industry
       Industrial subsidies                                   3,277,100.00                     -                  subsidies
       Tax return                                             6,060,187.00         7,052,996.58                   Tax return
       Government-funded interest discount                    1,049,200.00           647,930.50      Fiscal interest discount
       Other                                                   754,793.53          2,280,664.72     Subsidy for contribution
                                                            14,575,338.73         12,384,950.86

(43)   Non-operating expenses
                                                                              For the six months       For the six months
                                                                             ended 30 June 2014       ended 30 June 2013

       Compensation payment for suspension of chebei project (Note V
        (28)(a))                                                                               -            22,040,000.00
       Losses on disposal of fixed assets                                              64,238.16                28,872.00
       Donation                                                                      410,000.00                           -
       Others                                                                        733,259.19                 50,189.64
                                                                                    1,207,497.35            22,119,061.64

       Non-operating cost is wholly classified as non-recurring and loss.

(44)   Income taxes expenses

                                                                               For the six months       For the six months
                                                                                   ended 30 June       ended 30 June 2013

        Current income tax                                                         91,607,455.92             71,756,396.40
        Deferred income tax                                                        (5,276,159.17)          (10,814,151.64)
                                                                                   86,331,296.75             60,942,244.76

(45)   Earnings per share

                                                                                                                   - 136 -
       Notes to financial statements
       For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                             (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
(a)     Basic earnings per share

        Basic earnings per share is calculated by consolidated net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company dividing by
        the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue:

                                                                                  For the six months          For the six months
                                                                                      ended 30 June               ended 30 June
                                                                                               2014                        2013

        Consolidated net profit attributable to shareholders of the
           Company                                                                   349,213,988.52              260,794,678.64
        Weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue                          325,390,671.50              288,149,400.00
        Basic earnings per share                                                               1.073                       0.905
        Basic earnings per share on going                                                      1.073                       0.905

V      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (continued)

(45)   Earnings per share(continued)

(b)     Diluted earnings per share

        Diluted earnings per share is calculated by dividing the consolidated net profit attributable to shareholders of the
        Company by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue, which both should be adjusted for the effects of
        all potential dilutive factors. The Company has no potential outstanding ordinary shares (For the six months ended 30
        June 2013: nil), the diluted earnings per share equals the basic earnings per share.

(46)   Cash received relating to other operating activities

(a)    Cash received relating to other operating activities

                                                                             For the six months              For the six months
                                                                                 ended 30 June                   ended 30 June
                                                                                          2014                            2013

       Rental income                                                               8,320,925.55                  10,090,064.69
       Other government subsidies in addition to receive tax refunds
          outside                                                                  2,700,000.00                   4,603,595.22
       Others                                                                     42,427,512.01                  24,129,563.11
                                                                                  53,448,437.56                  38,823,223.02

(b)    Cash paid relating to other operating activities

                                                                             For the six months              For the six months
                                                                                 ended 30 June                   ended 30 June
                                                                                          2014                            2013

       Compensation payment for suspension of chebei project                      22,797,724.22                                -
       Entertainment expenses                                                     14,493,219.02                  15,495,391.10
       Rental expenses                                                            16,066,215.94                   6,541,396.42

                                                                                                                        - 137 -
       Notes to financial statements
       For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                             (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
      Travel expenses                                                       12,658,679.23        10,951,613.09
      Research and development expenses                                     11,553,667.63         8,584,549.31
      Advertising expenses                                                   8,223,830.25         8,876,379.11
      Bank charges                                                           6,014,112.01         4,928,733.17
      Other                                                                 92,391,826.17        98,513,134.21
                                                                           184,199,274.47       153,891,196.41

(c)    Cash received relating to other investing activities

                                                                         For the six months   For the six months
                                                                             ended 30 June        ended 30 June
                                                                                      2014                 2013

       Net cash received        from   acquisition   of   subsidiaries
        (Note(47)(d))                                                         3,598,827.09                       -

(d)    Cash received relating to other financing activities

                                                                         For the six months   For the six months
                                                                             ended 30 June        ended 30 June
                                                                                      2014                 2013

       Entrusted borrowings borrowed from Sinopharm Group                   31,600,000.00                        -
       Other                                                                20,776,797.32                        -
                                                                            52,376,797.32                        -

                                                                                                       - 138 -
        Notes to financial statements
        For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                              (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

V      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (continued)

(46)   Cash received relating to other operating activities(continued)

(e)    Cash payments relating to other financing activities

                                                                           For the six months ended   For the six months ended
                                                                                            30 June                    30 June
                                                                                               2014                       2013

       Others                                                                         3,235,784.18              48,947,088.25

(47)   Supplementary information of cash flow statements

(a)    Supplementary information of cash flow statements

       Reconciliation of net profit to cash flows from operating activities

                                                                                For the six months         For the six months
                                                                                    ended 30 June              ended 30 June
                                                                                             2014                       2013

       Net profit                                                                  357,587,430.56            267,800,167.11
       Add:Provision for assets impairment                                           7,312,907.37             16,807,658.72
                Depreciation of      fixed    assets   and    investment
                   properties                                                       48,039,480.50             45,450,272.17
                Amortisation of intangible assets                                    3,836,803.21              4,601,419.99
                Amortisation of long-term prepaid expenses                           4,039,734.82              2,709,268.12
                Gains on disposal of fixed assets, and other
                   non-current assets                                                (436,751.38)                 (3,665.89)
                Financial expenses                                                  89,553,352.23             82,765,700.14
                Investment income                                                 (23,595,722.50)            (18,576,985.34)
                Increase of deferred tax assets                                     (9,520,865.56)            (9,995,275.31)
                Increase/ (decrease) of deferred tax liabilities                       331,955.70               (818,876.33)
                Increase of inventory                                            (368,787,212.56)             (5,166,401.30)
                Increase in operating receivables                                (691,530,669.43)          (902,816,610.27)
                Increase in operating payables                                      91,345,803.58            732,402,755.13
                Decrease in operating cash with restriction                          7,107,945.50             23,117,446.14
        Net cash flow from operating activities                                  (484,715,807.96)            238,276,873.08

        Significant non-cash investing activities

                                                                                 For the six months         For the six months
                                                                                     ended 30 June              ended 30 June
                                                                                              2014                       2013

        Properties constructed with endorsed notes receivables                       10,285,964.14              16,349,298.55

                                                                                                                     - 139 -
Notes to financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                      (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
Movement of cash

                                                      For the six months       For the six months
                                                          ended 30 June            ended 30 June
                                                                   2014                     2013

Cash at end of period                                  1,409,385,573.73           882,311,241.61
Less: cash at beginning of year                       (1,097,948,354.45)        (920,748,043.53)
Net increase in cash                                     311,437,219.28          (38,436,801.92)

                                                                                        - 140 -
        Notes to financial statements
        For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                              (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

V      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (continued)

(47)   Supplementary information of cash flow statements(continued)

(b)    Acquisition of subsidiaries and operating unit

                                                                              For the six months              For the six months
                                                                                  ended 30 June                   ended 30 June
                                                                                           2014                            2013

       The consideration of acquisition                                               7,490,000.00                              -

       Consideration settled in cash                                                               -                            -
       Less: cash in the subsidiaries and business acquired                         (5,116,827.09)                              -
       Add: cash paid for prior year acquisition                                      1,518,000.00                              -
       Net cash outflow on acquisition of the subsidiaries and
         business                                                                   (3,598,827.09)                              -

 (c)    Cash

                                                                                   30 June 2014                     30 June 2013

        Cash at end of period                                                1,409,385,573.73                     882,311,241.61
        Including: Cash on hand                                                      105,347.04                        45,748.49
                   Call deposits with banks                                  1,409,280,226.69                     882,265,493.12
        Restricted cash                                                             8,505,911.70                   10,126,580.95
        Cash at bank and on hand                                            1,417,891,485.43                      892,437,822.56

 VI     Related party relationships and significant related partytransactions

 (1)    The parent company

 (a)    General information of the parent company:

                                Enterprise            Place of            Legal
                                     Type          registration   representative                                Principal business
                                                                                          Industrial Investment Holding, Trustee of
                                 Company                                                pharmaceutical enterprise, Distribution and
                                limited by                                                   retailof medicines and pharmaceutical
        Sinopharm Group             shares           Shanghai          Wei Yulin                                      products, etc

        The Company’s ultimate controlling equity holder is CNPGC.

 (b)    Registered capital and changes in registered capital of the parent company

                                                   31 December 2013         Current yearaAddition                    30 June 2014
                                                        (RMB’0,000)                    (RMB’0,000)                 (RMB’0,000)

                                                                                                                          - 141 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
      Sinopharm Group                                256,829.35                                -               256,829.35

(c)   The proportions of equity interests and voting rights in the Company held by the parent company:

                                                   30 June 2014                                31 December 2013
                                          % interest held      % voting rights           % interest held   % voting rights

      Sinopharm Group                               51.00                51.00                     38.33            38.33

                                                                                                                  - 142 -
       Notes to financial statements
       For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                             (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

VI     Related party relationships and significant related partytransactions (continued)

(2)    Subsidiaries of the Company

       The general background and other related information of the subsidiaries is set out in Note V.

(3)    Associates

                    Enterprise      Place of             Legal            Principal        Register     % interest   % voting
                      Type         Registration      Representative       business         capital        held        rights

      Wanle            Foreign                                              Medicine             USD
      Medical           capital        Shenzhen         Yan Zhigang       manufacture      19,544,550     35.19%       33.33%

(4)    Other related parties

                                                                                                         Relationship with the

       Sinopharm Holding Sub Marketing Center Co.,Ltd.                                                  Controlled by CNPGC
       China National Medicines Co.,Ltd.                                                                Controlled by CNPGC
       Sinopharm Holding Hunan Co.,Ltd.                                                                 Controlled by CNPGC
       Guangdong Dong Fang Uptodate & Special Medicines Co.,Ltd.                                        Controlled by CNPGC
       Foshan Nanhai Uptodate & Special Medicines Co.,Ltd.                                              Controlled by CNPGC
       Sinopharm Holding Beijing Co.,Ltd.                                                               Controlled by CNPGC
       Sinopharm Holding JiangsuCo.,Ltd.                                                                Controlled by CNPGC
       Sinopharm Holding Hainan Co.,Ltd.                                                                Controlled by CNPGC
       Sinopharm Group Chemical Reagent Co.,Ltd.                                                        Controlled by CNPGC
       Sinopharm Holding Guizhou Co.,Ltd.                                                               Controlled by CNPGC
       Sinopharm Holding Zhangzhou Co.,Ltd.                                                             Controlled by CNPGC
       Sinopharm Holding Beijing Huahong Co.,Ltd.                                                       Controlled by CNPGC
       Sinopharm Holding Hubei Co.,Ltd.                                                                 Controlled by CNPGC
       Sinopharm Holding Fujian Co.,Ltd.                                                                Controlled by CNPGC
       Sinopharm Yixin Medicine Co.,Ltd.                                                                Controlled by CNPGC
       Sinopharm Holding Fuzhou Co.,Ltd.                                                                Controlled by CNPGC
       Sinopharm Holding Suzhou Co.,Ltd.                                                                Controlled by CNPGC
       Foshan Nanhai Medicine Co.,Ltd.                                                                  Controlled by CNPGC
       Foshan Nanhai Medicine Group Co.,Ltd.                                                            Controlled by CNPGC
       Sinopharm Group Chemical Reagent Suzhou Co.,Ltd.                                                 Controlled by CNPGC
       Sinopharm Holding Chongqing Co.,Ltd.                                                             Controlled by CNPGC
       Sinopharm Group Guorui Medicine Co.,Ltd.                                                         Controlled by CNPGC
       Sinopharm Holding DezhouCo.,Ltd.                                                                 Controlled by CNPGC
       Sinopharm Holding Hainan Hongyi Co.,Ltd.                                                         Controlled by CNPGC
       Sinopharm Holding Yunnan Co.,Ltd.                                                                Controlled by CNPGC
       Sinopharm Holding Sanyi Medicine(Wuhu)Co.,Ltd.                                                   Controlled by CNPGC
       Sinopharm Holding Putian Co.,Ltd.                                                                Controlled by CNPGC
       Sinopharm Holding (Yangzhou) Chinese Western Medicine Branch                                     Controlled by CNPGC

                                                                                                                     - 143 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
      Co., Ltd.
      Sinopharm Guoda Drug Store(Shenzhen) Chain Co.,Ltd.                                 Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Shandong Co., Ltd.                                                Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Le -Ren-Tang Medicine Co.,Ltd.                                            Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Group Xinjiang Special Drugs National PharmaceuticalCo.,Ltd.              Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Group Southwest Medicine Co.,Ltd.                                         Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Ningxia Co.,Ltd.                                                  Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Tianjin Co.,Ltd.                                                  Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Guoda Drug Store Guangxi Chain Co.,Ltd.                                   Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Zhejiang Co.,Ltd.                                                 Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Nantong Co.,Ltd.                                                  Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Gansu Co.,Ltd.                                                    Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Xinjiang Special Drugs Western Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.            Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Shenyang Co.,Ltd.                                                 Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Wenzhou Co.,Ltd.                                                  Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Jinzhou Co.,Ltd.                                                  Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Henan Co.,Ltd.                                                    Controlled by CNPGC
      China Pharmaceutical Group Shanxi Co., Ltd.                                         Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Heilongjiang Co.,Ltd.                                             Controlled by CNPGC

VI    Related party relationships and significant related partytransactions (continued)

(4)   Other related parties (continued)

                                                                                           Relationship with the

      Sinopharm Holding YangzhouCo.,Ltd.                                                  Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Shaanxi Co.,Ltd.                                                  Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Shanxi Co.,Ltd.                                                   Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Xuzhou Co.,Ltd.                                                   Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Guoda Drug Store Jiangmen Chain Co.,Ltd.                                  Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Jilin Co.,Ltd.                                                    Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Wuxi Co.,Ltd.                                                     Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Guoda Pharmacy Co.,Ltd.                                           Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Yancheng Co.,Ltd.                                                 Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Dalian Co.,Ltd.                                                   Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Linyi Co.,Ltd.                                                    Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Taizhou Co.,Ltd.                                                  Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Inner Mongolia Co.,Ltd.                                           Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Tianjin North Medicine Co.,Ltd.                                   Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Qinghai Co.,Ltd.                                                  Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Shanghai Likang Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.                           Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Changzhou Medical logistics center Co.,Ltd.                       Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Longyan Co.,Ltd.                                                  Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Ningde Co.,Ltd.                                                   Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Lerentang Tangshan Medicine Co.,Ltd.                                      Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Jinan Co.,Ltd.                                                    Controlled by CNPGC
      Shanghai YunnuoMarketing Consulting Co.,Ltd.                                        Controlled by CNPGC

                                                                                                       - 144 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
      Sinopharm Holding Qingdao Co.,Ltd.                                                  Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Jiangxi Co.,Ltd.                                                  Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Yantai Co.,Ltd.                                                   Controlled by CNPGC
      Shanghai Donghong MedicineCo.,Ltd.                                                  Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Wuhu Co.,Ltd.                                                     Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Anqing Co.,Ltd.                                                   Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Quanzhou Co.,Ltd.                                                 Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Huaian Co.,Ltd.                                                   Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Sanming Co.,Ltd.                                                  Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Lerentang Qinhuangdao Medicine Co.,Ltd.                                   Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Changzhou       Co.,Ltd.                                          Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Anhui Co.,Ltd.                                                    Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding ChiFeng Co.,Ltd.                                                  Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Xinjiang New Kashi Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.                        Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding HongKong Co.,Ltd.                                                 Controlled by CNPGC
      Shanxi Guoyi Drug StoreCo.,Ltd.                                                     Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Xinjiang Xinte Karamay Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.                    Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Zunyi Co.,Ltd.                                                    Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Shiyan Co.,Ltd.                                                   Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Qujing Co.,Ltd.                                                   Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Xinjiang Korla Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.                                    Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Zhoukou Co.,Ltd.                                                  Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Shangqiu Co.,Ltd.                                                 Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Jingmen Co.,Ltd.                                                  Controlled by CNPGC
      Shanghai Nutraceuticals (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.                                        Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Yueyang Co.,Ltd.                                                  Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Beijing Kangchen Bio-Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.                      Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Nanping Co.,Ltd.                                                  Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Lishui Co.,Ltd.                                                   Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Tongliao Co.,Ltd.                                                 Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Xinxiang Co.,Ltd.                                                 Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Puyang Co.,Ltd.                                                   Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Guoda Drug Store Guangzhou Chain Co., Ltd.                        Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding SipingCo.,Ltd.                                                    Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Macheng Co.,Ltd.                                                  Controlled by CNPGC
      Xiamen Xingsha Huaideju Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                    Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Guoda Drugstore Shenyang Chain Co., Ltd.                          Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Dandong Co.,Ltd.

VI    Related party relationships and significant related partytransactions (continued)

(4)   Other related parties (continued)

                                                                                           Relationship with the

      Sinopharm holding Zhejiang Biological Products Co., Ltd.                            Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Jingzhou Co., Ltd.                                                Controlled by CNPGC
      Sinopharm Holding Medical DevicesCo., Ltd.                                          Controlled by CNPGC
                                                                                                       - 145 -
Notes to financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                      (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
Sinopharm Holding Qianxinan Co.,Ltd.                                            Controlled by CNPGC
Sinopharm Holding Honghe Co., Ltd.                                              Controlled by CNPGC
Shanghai Huyong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                        Controlled by CNPGC
Sinopharm Holding Jiaozuo Co., Ltd.                                             Controlled by CNPGC
Sinopharm Holding Changde Co., Ltd.                                             Controlled by CNPGC
Sinopharm Holding Anyang Co.,Ltd.                                               Controlled by CNPGC
Sinopharm Holding Kaifeng Co.,Ltd.                                              Controlled by CNPGC
Sinopharm Holding Xinyu Co.,Ltd.                                                Controlled by CNPGC
Sinopharm Group Medicine Logistic Co., Ltd.                                     Controlled by CNPGC
Sinopharm Holding Guoda Drug Store Guangdong Co., Ltd.                          Controlled by CNPGC
Shanghai Tongyu Information Technology Co., Ltd.                                Controlled by CNPGC
Sinopharm Holding Bengbu Co.,Ltd.                                               Controlled by CNPGC
Sinopharm Holding Hunan Guoda Minshengtang Drug Store Chain Co., Ltd.           Controlled by CNPGC
Sinopharm holding Shenyang Guoda pharmacy chain Co., Ltd.                       Controlled by CNPGC
Sinopharm Holding Beijing Tianxing Puxin Biological Medical Co., Ltd.           Controlled by CNPGC
China National Pharmaceutical Group Shanghai Co., Ltd.                          Controlled by CNPGC
Sinopharm Group (Tianjin) Eastern Bokang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.               Controlled by CNPGC
Sinopharm Pharmaceutical Logistics Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Branch                   Controlled by CNPGC
Sinopharm Holding Liaocheng Co., Ltd.                                           Controlled by CNPGC
Sinopharm Jiankun (Beijing) Medicines Co., Ltd.                                 Controlled by CNPGC
Sinopharm Xingsha Pharmaceuticals (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.                            Controlled by CNPGC
Shanghai Meiluo Medicine Co., Ltd.                                              Controlled by CNPGC
Sinopharm Holding Jining Co., Ltd.                                              Controlled by CNPGC
Group Financial Co.                                                     Controlled by Sinopharm Group
Guang dong South Pharmaceutical Foreign Trade Co., Ltd.                 Controlled by Sinopharm Group
Chengdu Rongsheng Pharmacy Co., Ltd.                                    Controlled by Sinopharm Group
Foshan Yingtian Pharmaceutical Sales Co., Ltd.                          Controlled by Sinopharm Group
Lanzhou Biotechnology Development Co., Ltd.                             Controlled by Sinopharm Group
Chinese medicine industry and Drug Sales Co. Ltd.                       Controlled by Sinopharm Group
Huayi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                          Controlled by Sinopharm Group
Wuhan Institute of Biological Products Co., Ltd.                        Controlled by Sinopharm Group
Sinopharm Group Weiqida Medicine Co., Ltd.                              Controlled by Sinopharm Group
Guizhou Tongjitang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                             Controlled by Sinopharm Group
China National Pharmaceutical Foreign Trade Co., Ltd.                   Controlled by Sinopharm Group
Shanghai Shyndec Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                               Controlled by Sinopharm Group
Sinopharm Group Rongsheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                      Controlled by Sinopharm Group
Anhui Jingfang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                 Controlled by Sinopharm Group
Shanghai Institute of Biological Products Co., Ltd.                     Controlled by Sinopharm Group
Shandong Lu Ya Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                 Controlled by Sinopharm Group
Shanghai Modern Hasen (Shangqiu) Pharmacertical Co., Ltd.               Controlled by Sinopharm Group
China Pharmaceutical Group Shanghai Medical Instrument Co., Ltd.        Controlled by Sinopharm Group
Guizhou Longlife Pharmacertical Co., Ltd.                               Controlled by Sinopharm Group
Guangdong Medi-World Pharmacertical Co., Ltd.                           Controlled by Sinopharm Group
Qinghai Pharmaceutical Factory Co., Ltd.                                Controlled by Sinopharm Group
China medicine company                                                  Controlled by Sinopharm Group
Wuhan Zhonglian Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd.                          Controlled by Sinopharm Group
China Sinopharm International Corporation                               Controlled by Sinopharm Group
Reed Sinopharm Exhibitions Co., Ltd.                                    Controlled by Sinopharm Group
China National Scientific Instruments & Materials Corporation           Controlled by Sinopharm Group
                                                                                             - 146 -
Notes to financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                      (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
Heilongjiang Sinopharm Medical Herbs Co., Ltd.                      Controlled by Sinopharm Group
Sinopharm Fortuneway Company                                        Controlled by Sinopharm Group
Sinopharm United Engineering Corporation                            Controlled by Sinopharm Group
Beijing Fusheng Tiandi Property Management Ltd.                     Controlled by Sinopharm Group
The Chinese medicine (Shanghai) Agel Ecommerce Ltd                  Controlled by Sinopharm Group

                                                                                         - 147 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

VI    Related party relationships and significant related partytransactions (continued)

(4)   Other related parties (continued)

                                                                                            Relationship with the Company

      Sinopharm Group Guangdong Province medical instrument limited company                Controlled by Sinopharm Group
      Shanghai Institute of Pharmaceutical Industry                                        Controlled by Sinopharm Group
      Sinopharm Chongqing Pharmaceutical and Medical Industry                              Controlled by Sinopharm Group
        Design Institute
      China State Institute of Pharmaceutical Industry                                     Controlled by Sinopharm Group
      Foshan Dezhong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                              Controlled by Sinopharm Group
      Sinopharm Group Beijing Medical equipment Co., Ltd.                                  Controlled by Sinopharm Group
      Foshan Fengliaoxing Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                         Controlled by Sinopharm Group
      The Fourth Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. of Zhonglian Group                               Controlled by Sinopharm Group
      Beijing Huasheng Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Development Co., Ltd.                  Controlled by Sinopharm Group
      Winteam Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd.                                               Controlled by Sinopharm Group
                                                                                             Shareholders have signigicant
      Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical (Group) Co., Ltd.("Fosun Pharm")                        influence on Sinopharm Group
      Jiangsu Wanbang Pharmacy Marketing Co., Ltd.                                               Subsdiary of Fosun Pharm
      Chongqing Yaoyou Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                                  Subsdiary of Fosun Pharm
      Chongqing Haisiman Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                                Subsdiary of Fosun Pharm
      Guilin South pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                                      Subsdiary of Fosun Pharm
      Handan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                                            Subsdiary of Fosun Pharm
      Hunan Dongting Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                                    Subsdiary of Fosun Pharm
      Shanghai Chaohui Pharmecurical Co., Ltd.                                                   Subsdiary of Fosun Pharm
      Foshan Chancheng District Central Hospital                                                 Subsdiary of Fosun Pharm
      Wanbang Biopharmaceuticals                                                                 Subsdiary of Fosun Pharm
      Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                                    Subsdiary of Fosun Pharm
      Jiangsu the Yellow River pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.                                           Subsdiary of Fosun Pharm
      Shenyang Hongqi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                                   Subsdiary of Fosun Pharm
                                                                                      Family member of minority interest
      Wang Yang                                                                                           of subsidiary
      Shaoguan Wujiang District Muyang Medicine Information Consultant Co.,               Controlled by minority interest of
       Ltd.                                                                                                      subsidiary
      Yichang Humanwell Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                            Associate of Sinopharm Group
      Renaissance Shanghai Medical Beauty Clinic Co. Ltd.                                   Associate of Sinopharm Group
      Sino-Swed Pharmaceutical Corp.Ltd.                                                    Associate of Sinopharm Group
      China Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                                 Associate of Sinopharm Group
      Shanghai Sailun Biological Technology Co., Ltd.                                       Associate of Sinopharm Group
      Shenzhen Wanwei Medicine trading Co., Ltd.                                                       Controlled by Wanle
                                                                                             Controlled by subsidiary's key
      Jiang Meng Renren Medical instrument Co., Ltd.                                                          management

                                                                                                                   - 148 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

VI    Related party relationships and significant related partytransactions (continued)

(5)   Related party transactions

(a)   Purchase of goods

                                                                                   For the six months ended     For the six months ended
                                                                                         30 June 2014                 30 June 2013
                                                                                      Amount     % of same          Amount     % of same
      Related party                                             Pricing policies                  transaction                   transaction

      Sinopharm Holding Sub Marketing Center Co., Ltd.           Market price        44,811.98         4.26%      47,304.67         5.09%
      Sinopharm Group                                            Market price        22,026.46         2.10%      24,151.00         2.60%
      China National Medicines Co., Ltd.                         Market price        15,692.30         1.49%      12,882.76         1.38%
      Sino-Swed Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                         Market price         4,052.95         0.39%       4,180.62         0.45%
      Guang dong South Pharmaceutical Foreign Trade Co.,
        Ltd.                                                     Market price         2,670.00         0.25%       1,942.21         0.21%
      Shenzhen Wanwei Medicine trading Co., Ltd.                 Market price         2,643.04         0.25%         981.19         0.11%
      Foshan Yingtian Pharmaceutical Sales Co., Ltd.             Market price         2,124.24         0.20%       1,174.29         0.13%
      Jiangsu Wanbang Pharmacy Marketing Co., Ltd.               Market price         1,678.77         0.16%       1,112.72         0.12%
      Chengdu Rongsheng Pharmacy Co., Ltd.                       Market price         1,653.07         0.16%       3,133.32         0.34%
      Sinopharm Holding Guizhou Co., Ltd.                        Market price         1,549.58         0.15%          93.34         0.01%
      Wanle Medical                                              Market price         1,523.09         0.14%       2,069.99         0.22%
      Sinopharm Holding Hunan Co., Ltd.                          Market price           900.93         0.09%         784.74         0.08%
      Chongqing Yaoyou Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                  Market price           879.55         0.08%         710.32         0.08%
      Lanzhou Biotechnology Development Co., Ltd.                Market price           542.57         0.05%         835.22         0.09%
      Chongqing Haisiman Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                Market price           496.60         0.05%         507.81         0.05%
      Qinghai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                           Market price           467.78         0.04%               -               -
      Sinopharm Holding Macheng Co., Ltd.                        Market price           422.86         0.04%               -               -
      Foshan Nanhai Uptodate & Special Medicines Co.,
        Ltd.                                                     Market price           337.10         0.03%          94.87         0.01%
      Wuhan Institute of Biological Products Co., Ltd.           Market price           334.83         0.03%       1,043.50         0.11%
      Guangdong Dong Fang           Uptodate    &     Special
        Medicines Co., Ltd.                                      Market price           296.49         0.03%         105.96         0.01%
      Sinopharm Holding Beijing Co., Ltd.                        Market price           220.25         0.02%         158.89         0.02%
      Sinopharm Holding Hubei Co., Ltd.                          Market price           202.73         0.02%           0.79         0.00%
      Sinopharm Group Weiqida Medicine Co., Ltd.                 Market price           127.74         0.01%         428.11         0.05%
      Beijing Huasheng Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
        Development Co., Ltd.                                    Market price           126.07         0.01%               -        0.00%
      Guizhou Tongjitang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                Market price           106.75         0.01%               -        0.00%
      Sinopharm     Holding        Beijing          Kangchen
        Bio-Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                             Market price           102.36         0.01%               -        0.00%
      Shanghai Shyndec Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                  Market price            96.94         0.01%         121.90         0.01%
      Sinopharm Group Rongsheng Pharmaceutical Co.,
        Ltd.                                                     Market price            55.50         0.01%          62.95         0.01%
      China National Pharmaceutical Foreign Trade Co.,
        Ltd.                                                     Market price            49.77         0.00%         123.84         0.01%
      Sinopharm Holding Beijing Huahong Co., Ltd.                Market price            49.14         0.00%          77.20         0.01%
      Sinopharm Holding Fujian Co., Ltd.                         Market price            49.10         0.00%          18.64         0.00%
      Shandong Lu Ya Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                    Market price            34.91         0.00%          41.79         0.00%
      China Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                      Market price            34.66         0.00%          24.97         0.00%
      Anhui Jingfang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                    Market price            33.52         0.00%               -        0.00%
      Sinopharm Holding Shanxi Co., Ltd.                         Market price            26.16         0.00%               -        0.00%

                                                                                                                         - 149 -
Notes to financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                      (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
Sinopharm Group Guorui Medicine Co., Ltd.   Market price       25.77    0.00%        12.25        0.00%
To next page                                               106,445.56   10.09%   104,179.86       11.20%

                                                                                        - 150 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

VII   Related party relationships and significant related partytransactions (continued)

(5)   Related party transactions

(a)   Purchase of goods(continued)

                                                                               For the six months ended      For the six months ended
                                                                                     30 June 2014                  30 June 2013
                                                                                   Amount     % of same          Amount     % of same
      Related party                                         Pricing policies                   transaction                   transaction

      continued                                                                 106,445.56        10.09%      104,179.86        11.20%
      Wuhan Zhonglian Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd.         Market price            22.19         0.00%                -        0.00%
      Guilin South pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                  Market price            20.68         0.00%           20.25         0.00%
      Sinopharm Group Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd.             Market price            20.07         0.00%           57.48         0.01%
      Shanghai Modern Hasen (Shangqiu) Pharmacertical
        Co., Ltd.                                            Market price            14.00         0.00%            9.09         0.00%
      Sinopharm Holding Heilongjiang Co., Ltd.               Market price            13.19         0.00%                -        0.00%
      Foshan Nanhai Medicine Co., Ltd.                       Market price            11.87         0.00%           18.11         0.00%
      Sinopharm Group Chemical Reagent Suzhou Co.,
        Ltd.                                                 Market price             8.32         0.00%            4.52         0.00%
      Shenyang Hongqi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.               Market price             8.09         0.00%            3.24         0.00%
      Handan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                        Market price             6.53         0.00%           13.66         0.00%
      Sinopharm Yixin Medicine Co., Ltd.                     Market price             6.11         0.00%           29.02         0.00%
      Sinopharm Xingsha Pharmaceuticals (Xiamen) Co.,
        Ltd.                                                 Market price             5.18         0.00%                -        0.00%
      Sinopharm Holding Hainan Co., Ltd.                     Market price             5.13         0.00%           42.65         0.00%
      Hunan Dongting Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                Market price             4.72         0.00%            3.97         0.00%
      Sinopharm Holding JIangsu Co., Ltd.                    Market price             3.24         0.00%          198.06         0.02%
      Yichang Humanwell Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.             Market price             2.20         0.00%            2.87         0.00%
      Sinopharm Holding Henan Co., Ltd.                      Market price             2.08         0.00%                -        0.00%
      Sinopharm Holding Dezhou Co., Ltd.                     Market price             1.47         0.00%            5.87         0.00%
      China Pharmaceutical Group Shanghai Medical
        Instrument Co., Ltd.                                 Market price             1.12         0.00%            1.79         0.00%
      Sinopharm Group Southwest Medicine Co., Ltd.           Market price             1.02         0.00%                -        0.00%
      Sinopharm Guoda Drug Store(Shenzhen) Chain Co.,
        Ltd.                                                 Market price             0.70         0.00%            1.33         0.00%
      Sinopharm Holding Shaanxi Co., Ltd.                    Market price             0.61         0.00%                -        0.00%
      Jiangsu the Yellow River pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.       Market price             0.49         0.00%                -        0.00%
      Sinopharm Holding Ningxia Co., Ltd.                    Market price             0.26         0.00%                -        0.00%
      Sinopharm Holding Zhangzhou Co., Ltd.                  Market price                 -        0.00%           93.16         0.01%
      Shanghai Institute of Biological Products Co., Ltd.    Market price                 -        0.00%           67.55         0.01%
      Sinopharm Holding Fuzhou Co., Ltd.                     Market price                 -        0.00%           27.39         0.00%
      Winteam Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd.                 Market price                 -        0.00%           21.00         0.00%
      Sinopharm Holding Hainan Hongyi Co., Ltd.              Market price                 -        0.00%            3.49         0.00%
      Shanghai Sailun Biological Technology Co., Ltd.        Market price                 -        0.00%            0.27         0.00%
      Sinopharm Holding Sanyi Medicine(Wuhu) Co., Ltd.       Market price                 -        0.00%            0.17         0.00%
      Sinopharm Holding Guoda Drug Store Guangdong
        Co., Ltd.                                            Market price                 -        0.00%           (0.03)        0.00%
      Guangdong Medi-World Pharmacertical Co., Ltd.          Market price            (0.03)        0.00%           (0.01)        0.00%
      Sinopharm Holding Suzhou Co., Ltd.                     Market price            (0.49)        0.00%           21.80         0.00%
      Guizhou Longlife Pharmacertical Co., Ltd.              Market price            (0.77)        0.00%                -        0.00%

                                                                                                                      - 151 -
Notes to financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                      (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
Total                                                      14.00     0.00%            9.09       0.00%

                                                                                       - 152 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

VI    Related party relationships and significant related party transactions (continued)

(5)   Related party transactions (continued)

(b)   Sales of goods
                                                                         For the six months ended      For the six months ended
                                                                               30 June 2014                  30 June 2013
                                                                             Amount     % of same         Amount     %    of same
      Related party                                   Pricing policies                   transaction                     transaction

      Sinopharm Holding Hunan Co., Ltd.                 Market price         7,210.59         0.62%      6,897.20            0.68%
      Foshan Nanhai Uptodate         &      Special
        Medicines Co., Ltd.                             Market price         6,658.88         0.58%      6,723.28            0.67%
      Sinopharm Holding Hubei Co., Ltd.                 Market price         4,320.15         0.37%      3,428.67            0.34%
      Sinopharm Holding Hainan Co., Ltd.                Market price         3,968.26         0.34%       2,911.68           0.29%
      Sinopharm Le -Ren-Tang Medicine Co., Ltd.         Market price         3,690.71         0.32%      1,532.53            0.15%
      Sinopharm Holding Beijing Co., Ltd.               Market price         3,474.50         0.30%      2,618.69            0.26%
      Sinopharm Holding Guoda Drug Store
        Guangdong Co., Ltd.                             Market price         3,348.78         0.29%      3,382.18            0.34%
      Foshan Nanhai Medicine Co., Ltd.                  Market price         3,128.53         0.27%      2,485.62            0.25%
      Sinopharm Holding Beijing Huahong Co.,
        Ltd.                                            Market price         3,041.49         0.26%      3,259.54            0.32%
      Sinopharm Holding Sub Marketing Center
        Co., Ltd.                                       Market price         2,835.19         0.24%      1,354.53            0.13%
      Sinopharm Group (Tianjin) Eastern Bokang
         Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                       Market price         2,810.09         0.24%      2,451.50            0.24%
      Sinopharm Group Xinjiang Special Drugs
         National Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.              Market price         2,777.93         0.24%      2,171.71            0.22%
      Sinopharm Holding Shandong Co., Ltd.              Market price         2,639.06         0.23%      1,653.61            0.16%
      Sinopharm Holding Ningxia Co., Ltd.               Market price         2,209.86         0.19%      1,950.19            0.19%
      Sinopharm Holding Zhejiang Co., Ltd.              Market price         1,847.16         0.16%      1,461.43            0.15%
      Sinopharm Group Southwest Medicine Co.,
        Ltd.                                            Market price         1,568.83         0.14%      1,909.04            0.19%
      Sinopharm Guoda Drug Store Guangxi
        Chain Co., Ltd.                                 Market price         1,474.83         0.13%      1,720.06            0.17%
      Sinopharm Holding Nantong Co., Ltd.               Market price         1,335.53         0.12%      1,349.61            0.13%
      Sinopharm Holding Wenzhou Co., Ltd.               Market price         1,293.45         0.11%        818.87            0.08%
      Sinopharm Holding Xinjiang Special Drugs
        Western Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                Market price         1,269.15         0.11%        941.24            0.09%
      Sinopharm Group                                   Market price         1,250.33         0.11%        928.88            0.09%
      Chongqing Yaoyou Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.         Market price         1,220.19         0.11%      2,625.23            0.26%
      Sinopharm Holding Tianjin Co., Ltd.               Market price         1,186.49         0.10%      1,936.98            0.19%
      Sinopharm Holding Hainan Hongyi Co., Ltd.         Market price         1,156.57         0.10%      1,321.37            0.13%
      Sinopharm Holding Jinzhou Co., Ltd.               Market price         1,085.97         0.09%        736.32            0.07%
      Guangdong Dong Fang Uptodate & Special
        Medicines Co., Ltd.                             Market price          834.44          0.07%        585.90            0.06%
      Sinopharm Holding Shenyang Co., Ltd.              Market price          722.45          0.06%        985.36            0.10%
      Sinopharm Holding Yunnan Co., Ltd.                Market price          710.93          0.06%        778.36            0.08%
      Sinopharm Holding Fuzhou Co., Ltd.                Market price          664.89          0.06%        717.26            0.07%
      Sinopharm Holding Chongqing Co., Ltd.             Market price          559.12          0.05%        765.58            0.08%
      Sinopharm Holding Henan Co., Ltd.                 Market price          555.94          0.05%        373.18            0.04%
      Foshan Chancheng District Central Hospital        Market price          508.67          0.04%              -           0.00%
      Sinopharm Holding Xuzhou Co., Ltd.                Market price          495.87          0.04%        313.37            0.03%
      Sinopharm Holding Yangzhou Co., Ltd.              Market price          449.30          0.04%        417.94            0.04%

                                                                                                                       - 153 -
Notes to financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                      (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
Sinopharm Holding Shanxi Co., Ltd.         Market price     419.74    0.04%     263.93         0.03%
Sinopharm Holding Heilongjiang Co., Ltd.   Market price     418.27    0.04%     334.99         0.03%
China Pharmaceutical Group Shanxi Co.,
  Ltd.                                     Market price     411.44    0.04%     402.75         0.04%
Sinopharm Guoda Drug Store Jiangmen
  Chain Co., Ltd.                          Market price     332.10    0.03%     133.93         0.01%
Sinopharm Holding Guizhou Co., Ltd.        Market price     325.97    0.03%     174.72         0.02%
China National Medicines Co., Ltd.         Market price     267.04    0.02%     435.01         0.04%
Sinopharm Holding Jilin Co., Ltd.          Market price     234.93    0.02%     179.49         0.02%
To next page                                              74,713.62   6.46%   65,431.73        6.48%

                                                                                          - 154 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

VI    Related party relationships and significant related partytransactions (continued)

(5)   Related party transactions (continued)

(b)   Sales of goods (continued)
                                                                           For the six months ended     For the six months ended
                                                                                 30 June 2014                 30 June 2013
                                                                Pricing       Amount     % of same         Amount     % of same
      Related party                                             policies                  transaction                  transaction

      continued                                                             74,713.62         6.46%      65,431.73          6.48%
      Sinopharm Holding Fujian Co., Ltd.                    Market price       232.47         0.02%         105.72          0.01%
      China Sinopharm International Corporation             Market price       231.87         0.02%               -         0.00%
      Sinopharm Holding Qingdao Co., Ltd.                   Market price       220.93         0.02%               -         0.00%
      Sinopharm Holding Wuxi Co., Ltd.                      Market price       213.16         0.02%         110.38          0.01%
      Sinopharm Holding Yancheng Co., Ltd.                  Market price       173.19         0.01%          97.64          0.01%
      Sinopharm Holding Inner Mongolia Co., Ltd.            Market price       141.73         0.01%         101.42          0.01%
      Sinopharm Holding Gansu Co., Ltd.                     Market price       132.55         0.01%       1,018.11          0.10%
      Sinopharm Holding Qinghai Co., Ltd.                   Market price       123.83         0.01%          44.70          0.00%
      Guang dong South Pharmaceutical Foreign Trade
        Co., Ltd.                                           Market price       112.25         0.01%          83.21          0.01%
      Sinopharm Holding Tianjin North Medicine Co.,
        Ltd.                                                Market price       109.53         0.01%          95.87          0.01%
      Sinopharm     Holding        Beijing    Kangchen
      Bio-Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                          Market price       103.87         0.01%               -         0.00%
      Sinopharm Holding Quanzhou Co., Ltd.                  Market price        93.23         0.01%               -         0.00%
      Sinopharm Lerentang Tangshan Medicine Co., Ltd.       Market price        92.77         0.01%               -         0.00%
      Sinopharm Holding Taizhou Co., Ltd.                   Market price        89.57         0.01%          99.50          0.01%
      Sinopharm Holding Guoda Pharmacy Co., Ltd.            Market price        88.77         0.01%         101.96          0.01%
      Sinopharm Holding Dalian Co., Ltd.                    Market price        80.97         0.01%          85.47          0.01%
      Sinopharm Holding Linyi Co., Ltd.                     Market price        73.62         0.01%         180.02          0.02%
      Sinopharm Holding Longyan Co., Ltd.                   Market price        66.25         0.01%          63.89          0.01%
      Sinopharm Holding Putian Co., Ltd.                    Market price        63.33         0.01%          19.63          0.00%
      Sinopharm Holding Anqing Co., Ltd.                    Market price        62.21         0.01%          14.32          0.00%
      Sinopharm Holding Shaanxi Co., Ltd.                   Market price        54.01         0.00%         442.36          0.04%
      Sinopharm Holding Ningde Co., Ltd.                    Market price        52.88         0.00%          63.05          0.01%
      Shanghai Donghong Medicine Co., Ltd.                  Market price        49.36         0.00%           0.10          0.00%
      Shanghai Meiluo Medicine Co., Ltd.                    Market price        45.96         0.00%               -         0.00%
      Sinopharm Holding Changde Co., Ltd.                   Market price        35.67         0.00%          59.28          0.00%
      Sinopharm Holding Yantai Co., Ltd.                    Market price        30.28         0.00%          16.13          0.00%
      Sinopharm Holding Changzhou Medical logistics
        center Co., Ltd.                                    Market price        28.21         0.00%          64.21          0.01%
      Sinopharm Holding Suzhou Co., Ltd.                    Market price        24.32         0.00%         103.12          0.01%
      Sinopharm      Holding       Shanghai        Likang
        Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                            Market price        18.22         0.00%          76.52          0.01%
      Sinopharm Holding Jiangsu Co., Ltd.                   Market price        17.72         0.00%          96.81          0.01%
      Sinopharm Lerentang Qinhuangdao Medicine Co.,
        Ltd.                                                Market price        14.29         0.00%               -         0.00%
      Sinopharm Holding Sanming Co., Ltd.                   Market price        13.19         0.00%           7.11          0.00%
      China National Scientific Instruments & Materials
        Corporation                                         Market price        12.18         0.00%           3.81          0.00%
       Sinopharm Holding Huaian Co., Ltd.                   Market price         8.60         0.00%          10.30          0.00%
      Sinopharm Holding Jiangxi Co., Ltd.                   Market price         8.39         0.00%          38.31          0.00%

                                                                                                                      - 155 -
Notes to financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                      (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
Sinopharm Holding ChiFeng Co., Ltd.                   Market price        7.79   0.00%        2.60        0.00%
Sinopharm Holding Jinan Co., Ltd.                     Market price        7.62   0.00%        4.82        0.00%
Sinopharm Holding HongKong Co., Ltd.                  Market price        4.13   0.00%        2.25        0.00%
Sinopharm Holding Guoda Drugstore Shenyang
Chain Co., Ltd.                                       Market price        3.69   0.00%           -        0.00%
Beijing Fusheng Tiandi Property Management Ltd.       Market price        2.57   0.00%        1.54        0.00%
Sinopharm Holding Changzhou Co., Ltd.                 Market price        2.08   0.00%        9.62        0.00%
Sinopharm Holding (Yangzhou) Chinese Western
Medicine Branch Co., Ltd.                             Market price        2.07   0.00%     126.82         0.01%
Sinopharm Holding Zhangzhou Co., Ltd.                 Market price        1.06   0.00%        2.90        0.00%
Sinopharm Holding Wuhu Co., Ltd.                      Market price        0.92   0.00%      22.05         0.00%
Heilongjiang Sinopharm Medical Herbs Co., Ltd.        Market price        0.79   0.00%        6.86        0.00%
Huayi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                        Market price        0.75   0.00%           -        0.00%
Sinopharm Holding Xinjiang          Xinte   Karamay
  Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                            Market price        0.72   0.00%        0.75        0.00%
Sinopharm Holding Jining Co., Ltd.                    Market price        0.72   0.00%           -        0.00%
To next page                                                         77,667.91   6.70%   68,814.89        6.80%

                                                                                                     - 156 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

VI    Related party relationships and significant related partytransactions (continued)

(5)   Related party transactions (continued)

(b)   Sales of goods (continued)

                                                                         For the six months ended      For the six months ended
                                                                               30 June 2014                  30 June 2013
                                                              Pricing        Amount     % of same        Amount     %     of same
      Related party                                           policies                   transaction                    transaction

      Continued                                                            77,667.91         6.70%      68,814.89          6.80%
      Sinopharm Holding Dezhou Co., Ltd.                  Market price          0.72         0.00%                         0.00%
      Sinopharm Holding Zhoukou Co., Ltd.                 Market price          0.70         0.00%           0.60          0.00%
      Sinopharm Holding Kaifeng Co., Ltd.                 Market price          0.64         0.00%           0.30          0.00%
      Sinopharm Holding Anyang Co., Ltd.                  Market price          0.60         0.00%           0.60          0.00%
      Shanxi Guoyi Drug Store Co., Ltd.                   Market price          0.58         0.00%           3.88          0.00%
      Sinopharm Xinjiang Korla Pharmaceutical Co.,
        Ltd.                                              Market price          0.57         0.00%           0.80          0.00%
      Sinopharm Holding Dandong Co., Ltd.                 Market price          0.54         0.00%              -                 -
      Sinopharm Holding Nanping Co., Ltd.                 Market price          0.45         0.00%              -          0.00%
      Sinopharm Holding Tongliao Co., Ltd.                Market price          0.45         0.00%              -          0.00%
      Sinopharm Holding Qianxinan Co., Ltd.               Market price          0.36         0.00%           0.21          0.00%
      Shanghai Nutraceuticals (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.        Market price          0.33         0.00%           0.38          0.00%
      Sinopharm Holding Xinxiang Co., Ltd.                Market price          0.27         0.00%              -                 -
      Shanghai Tongyu Information Technology Co.,
        Ltd.                                              Market price          0.26         0.00%              -                 -
      The Chinese medicine          (Shanghai)    Agel
        Ecommerce Ltd                                     Market price          0.20         0.00%              -                 -
      Shanghai Yunnuo Marketing Consulting Co., Ltd.      Market price          0.08         0.00%          63.26          0.01%
      Sinopharm holding Zhejiang Biological Products
        Co., Ltd.                                         Market price          0.04         0.00%              -                 -
      Sinopharm Group Weiqida Medicine Co., Ltd.          Market price              -        0.00%         547.04          0.05%
      Shanghai Chaohui Pharmecurical Co., Ltd.            Market price              -        0.00%         247.95          0.02%
      CNPGC                                               Market price              -        0.00%           8.94          0.00%
      Sinopharm Holding Guoda              Drug   Store
        Guangzhou Chain Co., Ltd.                         Market price              -        0.00%           8.35          0.00%
      Sinopharm Holding Xinjiang           New    Kashi
        Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                          Market price              -        0.00%           7.30          0.00%
      Sinopharm Jiankun (Beijing) Medicines Co., Ltd.     Market price              -        0.00%           4.58          0.00%
      Renaissance Shanghai Medical Beauty Clinic Co.
        Ltd.                                              Market price              -        0.00%           4.10          0.00%
      Reed Sinopharm Exhibitions Co., Ltd.                Market price              -        0.00%           1.86          0.00%
      Sinopharm Fortuneway Company                        Market price              -        0.00%           1.54          0.00%
      Sinopharm Holding Shiyan Co., Ltd.                  Market price              -        0.00%           1.36          0.00%
      China National Pharmaceutical Foreign Trade
        Co., Ltd.                                         Market price              -        0.00%           1.13          0.00%
      Sinopharm Holding Jingmen Co., Ltd.                 Market price              -        0.00%           0.69          0.00%
      Sinopharm Holding Shangqiu Co., Ltd.                Market price              -        0.00%           0.56          0.00%
      Sinopharm Holding Lishui Co., Ltd.                  Market price              -        0.00%           0.48          0.00%
      Sinopharm Holding Jingzhou Co., Ltd.                Market price              -        0.00%           0.24          0.00%
      Sinopharm Holding Medical Devices Co., Ltd.         Market price              -        0.00%           0.22          0.00%
      Sinopharm Holding Siping Co., Ltd.                  Market price              -        0.00%           0.14          0.00%

                                                                                                                        - 157 -
Notes to financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                      (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
Shanghai Huyong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.         Market price           -   0.00%        0.09     0.00%
Sinopharm Holding Xinyu Co., Ltd.                Market price           -   0.00%       -4.09     0.00%
Sinopharm Holding Anhui Co., Ltd.                Market price       -0.69   0.00%        7.18     0.00%
Jiang Meng Renren Medical instrument Co., Ltd.   Market price           -   0.00%      34.07      0.01%
Group Financial Co.                              Market price           -   0.00%        2.47     0.00%
Total                                                           77,674.01   6.70%   69,761.12     6.89%

                                                                                                - 158 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

VI    Related party relationships and significant related partytransactions (continued)

(5)   Related party transactions (continued)

(c)   Lease

      The Group as leaser:

                                                                   Type of
                                                                     assets    Contract beginning       Contract terminated          Rental
      Leasers               Lessees                                 use for                  date                      date         income

                              Sinopharm Guoda Drug Store
      Sinopharm liuzhou       Guangxi Chain Co., Ltd.            Building          1 January 2013        31 December 2015            81.43
                              Sinopharm Guoda Drug Store
      Huixin Investment          (Shenzhen) Chain Co., Ltd.      Building          1 January 2014        31 December 2014            30.47
                              Sinopharm Guoda Drug Store
      Guangxi Logistics       Guangxi Chain Co., Ltd.            Building              1 July 2009       31 December 2015            19.07
                              Sinopharm Guoda Drug Store
      Sinopharm liuzhou       Guangxi Chain Co., Ltd.            Building          1 January 2014        31 December 2016            16.59

                              Sinopharm Group Guangdong
                                Province medical instrument
      Huixin Investment         limited company                  Building       18September 2013         31 December 2015            13.51
                              Sinopharm Guoda Drug Store
      The Company                (Shenzhen) Chain Co., Ltd.      Building          1 January 2013        31 December 2015              5.12
                              China National Medicines Co.,
      Huixin Investment         Ltd.                             Building          1 January 2014        31 December 2014              4.32
                              Sinopharm Guoda Drug Store
      Sinopharm Materials        (Shenzhen) Chain Co., Ltd.      Building          1 January 2014        31 December 2014              3.00
                              Sinopharm industry and Drug
      Huixin Investment          Sales Co. Ltd.                  Building       20December 2013           31December 2014              2.16

      Rental income received from related parties is negotiated by both parties involved in the lease and by making reference to the market

                                                                                                                                  - 159 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

VI    Related party relationships and significant related partytransactions (continued)

(5)   Related party transactions (continued)

(c)   Lease(continued)

      The Group as lessee:

                                                                  Type of assets            Contract        Contract terminated           Lease
      Lessees                  Leasers                                   use for       beginning date                      date        expenses

      Sinopharm                Sinopharm Group Medicine
        Guanghzou              Logistic Co., Ltd.                  Equipment          1 January 2014         31 December 2014            375.00
      Sinopharm                Sinopharm Group Medicine
        Guanghzou              Logistic Co., Ltd.                  Building           1 January 2014         31 December 2014            354.00
                               Shaoguan Wujiang Muyang
      Sinopharm                  Medicine         Information      Building
        Shaoguan                 Cousulting Co., Ltd.                                  1 August 2012               31 July 2020           32.48
        Yanfeng                Wang Yang                           Building           1 January 2014         31 December 2014             27.60
      Sinopharm                Foshan Nanhai Medicine Co.,
        Foshan                   Ltd.                              Building            1 March 2013            28February 2015            11.09

      Lease charges paid to related parties are negotiated by both parties involved in the lease and by making reference to the market price.

                                                                                                                                      - 160 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

VI    Related party relationships and significant related partytransactions (continued)

(5)   Related party transactions (continued)

(d)   Guarantees provided

                                                        Amount        Beginning date of      Maturity date of   obligation
      Guarantor                     Guarantee        (RMB’0,000)     guarantee contract   guarantee contract     expired

      Sinopharm Group       Sinopharm Guangzhou         49,950.14           3 June 2014          3 June2015       No
      The Company           Sinopharm Guangzhou         34,902.16           26June2013           25June2014       No
      The Company           Sinopharm Guangzhou         30,958.53           20May2014            20May2015        No
      The Company           Sinopharm Guangzhou         25,108.68          30April2014           30Apri2015       No
      The Company           Sinopharm Guangzhou         22,801.02     16September 2013        13August 2014       No
      The Company           Sinopharm Guangxi           17,934.83          26 June 2013        25 June 2014       No
      The Company           Sinopharm Guangzhou         14,906.77          29April 2014        29April 2015       No
      The Company           Sinopharm Guangxi           14,577.64          26 June2014          25 June2015       No
      Zhijun Medicine       The Company                 10,400.35           30May2014           30May 2015        No
      The Company           Sinopharm Guangzhou          9,026.73          30June 2014          29June 2015       No
      Zhijun Medicine       The Company                  9,000.00          13May 2014       11February 2015       No
      The Company           Sinopharm Guangxi            6,290.83          18April 2014        19April 2015       No
      The Company           Sinopharm Liuzhou            5,774.15          26June 2013          25June 2014       No
         Guangzhou &
          Zhijun Medicine   The Company                  5,000.00        12 March 2014        11 March 2015       No
      The Company           Zhijun Medicine              4,412.51     10September 2013         25 June 2014       No
      The Company           Sinopharm Liuzhou            4,310.09          29April 2014        28April 2015       No
      The Company           ZhijunSuzhou                 4,251.11        28August 2013        27August 2014       No
      The Company           Sinopharm Guangxi            4,097.87        27August 2013        27August 2014       No
      The Company           Zhijun Medicine              3,953.34         8August 2013         8August 2014       No
      The Company           Zhijun Suzhou                2,426.03          27May 2014          27 May 2015        No
      The Company           Sinopharm Yanfeng            1,985.33          23May 2013          23 May 2014        No
      The Company           Sinopharm Yuexing            1,939.14          13May 2014           12May 2015        No
      The Company           Sinopharm Yuexing            1,929.22          20May 2014           20May 2015        No
      The Company           Zhijun Suzhou                1,500.00       12 October 2013     12 October 2014       No
      The Company           Sinopharm Yanfeng            1,499.70          26 June 2013        25 June 2014       No
      The Company           Zhijun Suzhou                1,307.46     16 December 2013         25 June 2014       No
      The Company           Sinopharm Jiangmen             997.72           11July 2013        25 June 2014       No
      The Company           Sinopharm Yanfeng              996.69      13 February 2014    12 February 2015       No
      Zhijun Medicine       The Company                    809.54         4 April 2014        4 April 2022        No
      The Company           Sinopharm Jiangmen             768.00           1 July 2013        30 June 2014       No
      The Company           Sinopharm Jiangmen             650.03          28May 2013           27May 2014        No
      The Company           Sinopharm Liuzhou              624.82       29 October 2013     28 October 2014       No
      The Company           Sinopharm Guangzhou            498.36          20May 2013        23 April 2014        No
      To next page                                     295,588.79

                                                                                                                - 161 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

VI    Related party relationships and significant related partytransactions (continued)

(5)   Related party transactions (continued)

(d)   Guarantees provided (continued)

                                                               Amount          Beginning date of            Maturity date of      obligation
      Guarantor                       Guarantee             (RMB’0,000)       guarantee contract         guarantee contract        expired

      Continued                                               295,588.79
      The Company           Zhijun Suzhou                        478.80        25November 2013            25November 2014            No
      The Company           Sinopharm Drugs                      330.67        26November 2013                  25June 2014          No
      The Company           Zhijun Suzhou                        100.00             22 October 2013         21 October 2014          No
                            Zhijun Medicine&       Zhijun
      The Company            Trade                                 19.99      13 September 2013          13 September 2014           No
                            Total                             296,518.25

(e)   Financing

                                            Category                  Amount                   Effective date                  Maturity date

      For the six months ended
       30 June 2014
      Borrowed from-
      Sinopharm Group               Entrusted borrowings               3,160.00                  7May 2014                      7 May 2017
      Group Financial Co.           Short-term loans                   2,000.00             25 February2014              28 February 2014
                                    Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.            acceptance notes                      200.00              24March2014                     17 June 2014
                                    Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.             acceptance notes                     165.00               29May 2014             26 September 2014
                                    Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.             acceptance notes                     150.00             24 March 2014                    21 May 2014
                                    Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.            acceptance notes                      124.58             24 March 2014                     7 June 2014
                                    Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.            acceptance notes                      100.00             24 March 2014                13 August 2014
                                    Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.            acceptance notes                      100.00             24 March 2014                27 August 2014
                                    Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.            acceptance notes                      100.00               30 June 2014              17 October 2014
                                    Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.            acceptance notes                       78.62             24 March 2014                    24 May 2014
                                    Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.            acceptance notes                       61.80             24 March 2014                27 August 2014
                                    Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.            acceptance notes                       58.85               29May 2014                     24 July 2014
                                    Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.            acceptance notes                       50.00             24 March 2014                    24 May 2014
                                    Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.            acceptance notes                       50.00             24 March 2014                    24 May 2014
                                    Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.            acceptance notes                       50.00               29 May 2014                    26 June 2014
                                                                                                                                  - 162 -
Notes to financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                      (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
                      Discount on bank
Group Financial Co.    acceptance notes           50.00        29 May 2014          26 June 2014
                      Discount on bank
Group Financial Co.    acceptance notes           50.00        29 May 2014          26 June 2014
                      Discount on bank
Group Financial Co.    acceptance notes           50.00        29 May 2014          29 June 2014
                      Discount on bank
Group Financial Co.    acceptance notes           50.00        29 May 2014        22October 2014
To next page                                   6,648.85

                                                                                       - 163 -
       Notes to financial statements
       For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                             (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

VI    Related party relationships and significant related party transactions (continued)

(5)   Related party transactions (continued)

(e)   Financing(continued)

                                          Category              Amount              Effective date       Maturity date

      Continued                                                  6,648.85
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.          acceptance notes                 50.00            29May 2014        22October 2014
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.          acceptance notes                 50.00            30June 2014     16November 2014
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.          acceptance notes                 48.54            29May 2014           28June 2014
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.          acceptance notes                 48.53            29May 2014           20June 2014
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.          acceptance notes                 47.24            30June 2014        30August 2014
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.          acceptance notes                 44.99          24 March 2014         17 April 2014
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.          acceptance notes                 43.23          24 March 2014          28May 2014
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.          acceptance notes                 42.00            30June 2014       23October 2014
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.          acceptance notes                 40.01          24 March 2014          17April 2014
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.          acceptance notes                 40.00          24 March 2014       24 August 2014
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.          acceptance notes                 37.94          24 March 2014          19May 2014
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.          acceptance notes                 37.91          24 March 2014       24 August 2014
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.          acceptance notes                 34.18            30June 2014        30August 2014
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.          acceptance notes                 34.00            29May 2014           18June 2014
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.          acceptance notes                 31.68            29May 2014           24 July 2014
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.          acceptance notes                 30.00          24 March 2014          19 June 2014
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.          acceptance notes                 30.00          24 March 2014          19 May 2014
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.          acceptance notes                 30.00          24 March 2014          19 May 2014
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.          acceptance notes                 30.00            29May 2014        22 October 2014
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.          acceptance notes                 30.00            30June 2014        29August 2014
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.          acceptance notes                 28.48            29May 2014        17 October 2014
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.          acceptance notes                 27.63            30June 2014     29 November 2014
                                                                                                             - 164 -
 Notes to financial statements
 For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                       (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
                      Discount on bank
Group Financial Co.     acceptance notes           25.22        29May 2014          20 August 2014
                      Discount on bank
Group Financial Co.     acceptance notes           21.76        30June 2014         29 August 2014
                      Discount on bank
Group Financial Co.     acceptance notes           20.43        30June 2014         19 August 2014
                      Discount on bank
Group Financial Co.     acceptance notes           20.19        29May 2014            14 July 2014
                      Discount on bank
Group Financial Co.     acceptance notes           20.00      24 March 2014          22 April 2014
                      Discount on bank
Group Financial Co.     acceptance notes           20.00      24 March 2014          22 April 2014
                      Discount on bank
Group Financial Co.     acceptance notes           20.00      24 March 2014           17 June 2014
To next page                                    7,632.81

                                                                                         - 165 -
       Notes to financial statements
       For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                             (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

VI    Related party relationships and significant related party transactions (continued)

(5)   Related party transactions (continued)

(e)   Financing(continued)

                                          Category              Amount              Effective date       Maturity date

      Continued                                                  7,632.81
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.          acceptance notes                 20.00           29 May 2014           25 June 2014
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.          acceptance notes                 20.00           29 May 2014           25 July 2014
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.          acceptance notes                 20.00           29 May 2014           28 July 2014
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.          acceptance notes                 20.00           29 May 2014           28 July 2014
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.          acceptance notes                 20.00           29 May 2014           28 July 2014
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.          acceptance notes                 20.00           29 May 2014        14 October 2014
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.          acceptance notes                 20.00           29 May 2014        20 August 2014
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.          acceptance notes                 20.00           29 May 2014        20 August 2014
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.          acceptance notes                 20.00           29 May 2014        20 August 2014
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.          acceptance notes                 20.00          30 June 2013        22 October 2014
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.          acceptance notes                 20.00          30 June 2013        27 August 2014
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.          acceptance notes                 20.00          30 June 2013        27 August 2014
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.          acceptance notes                 20.00          30 June 2013        27 August 2014
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.          acceptance notes                 20.00          30 June 2013        27 August 2014
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.          acceptance notes                 20.00          30 June 2013        27 August 2014
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.          acceptance notes                 20.00          30 June 2013      29November 2014
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.          acceptance notes                 20.00          30 June 2013      15November 2014
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.          acceptance notes                 20.00          30 June 2013        10 October 2014
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.          acceptance notes                 20.00          30 June 2013      13 November 2014
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.          acceptance notes                 19.00           29 May 2014        23 October 2014
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.          acceptance notes                 17.71           29 May 2014           26 June 2014

                                                                                                             - 166 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

VI    Related party relationships and significant related party transactions (continued)

(5)   Related party transactions (continued)

(e)   Financing(continued)

                                     Category                Amount                Effective date       Maturity date

                              Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.      acceptance notes               8,049.52
                              Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.      acceptance notes                  15.89             30 June 2014          30 July 2014
                              Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.      acceptance notes                  14.70             29 May 2014           24 July 2014
                              Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.      acceptance notes                  14.59           24 March 2014           23 May 2014
                              Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.      acceptance notes                  14.00           24 March 2014        12 August 2014
                              Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.      acceptance notes                  14.00             30 June 2014     9 September 2014
                              Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.       acceptance notes                 12.50             29 May 2014        17 October 2014
                              Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.       acceptance notes                 12.08             30 June 2014       27 August 2014
                              Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.       acceptance notes                 12.00             30 June 2014     27 November 2014
                              Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.       acceptance notes                 11.00             29 May 2014        23 October 2014
                              Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.       acceptance notes                 10.53             29 May 2014           20 June 2013
                              Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.       acceptance notes                 10.06             30 June 2014      15 August 2014
                              Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.       acceptance notes                 10.00           24 March 2014           14 July 2014
                              Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.       acceptance notes                 10.00             30 June 2014       17 October 2014
                              Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.       acceptance notes                 10.00             30 June 2014       27 August 2014
                              Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.       acceptance notes                 10.00             30 June 2014       28 August 2014
                              Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.       acceptance notes                 10.00             30 June 2014       28 August 2014
                              Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.       acceptance notes                 10.00             30 June 2014       28 August 2014
                              Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.       acceptance notes                 10.00             30 June 2014     19 November 2014
                              Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.       acceptance notes                 10.00             30 June 2014       15 October 2014

                                                                                                            - 167 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

VI    Related party relationships and significant related party transactions (continued)

(5)   Related party transactions (continued)

(e)   Financing(continued)

                                         Category              Amount              Effective date       Maturity date

      For the six months ended
       30 June 2013
      Borrowed from-
      Group Financial Co.        Short-term loans               3,000.00           4March 2013          4March 2014
      Group Financial Co.        Short-term loans               7,000.00            2 April 2013        2 April 2014
      Group Financial Co.        Short-term loans               4,300.00            27May 2013          27May 2014
      Group Financial Co.        Short-term loans               2,500.00            29May 2013          29May 2014
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.          acceptance notes               100.00           28 June 2013       22 August 2013
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.         acceptance notes                100.00           28 June 2013       22 August 2013
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.         acceptance notes                100.00           28 June 2013       22 August 2013
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.         acceptance notes                 50.00           28 June 2013       22 August 2013
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.         acceptance notes                 50.00           28 June 2013       22 August 2013
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.         acceptance notes                 50.00           28 June 2013       22 August 2013
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.         acceptance notes                 50.00           28 June 2013       22 August 2013
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.         acceptance notes                100.00           28 June 2013       30 August 2013
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.         acceptance notes                100.00           28 June 2013       30 August 2013
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.         acceptance notes                100.00           28 June 2013       30 August 2013
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.         acceptance notes                100.00           28 June 2013       30 August 2013
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.         acceptance notes                100.00           28 June 2013       30 August 2013
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.         acceptance notes                 50.00           28 June 2013     4 September 2013
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.         acceptance notes                 50.00           28 June 2013     4 September 2013
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.         acceptance notes                 50.00           28 June 2013     4 September 2013
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.         acceptance notes                 50.00           28 June 2013     4 September 2013
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.         acceptance notes                 50.00           28 June 2013     4 September 2013
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.         acceptance notes                 50.00           28 June 2013     4 September 2013
                                 Discount on bank
      Group Financial Co.         acceptance notes                 50.00           28 June 2013     4 September 2013

                                                                                                           - 168 -
Notes to financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                      (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
                      Discount on bank
Group Financial Co.    acceptance notes           60.16        28 June 2013      7 September 2013

                                                                                        - 169 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

VI    Related party relationships and significant related party transactions (continued)

(5)   Related party transactions (continued)

(f)   Interest expenses

                                                                                                      For the six months           For the six
                                                                                                          ended 30 June       months ended 30
                                                                                                                   2014            June 2013
      Related party                                                      Type of     transaction           (RMB’0,000)         (RMB’0,000)

      Sinopharm Group                                      Interest paid for the entrusted loans                 504.00                       -
                                                               Interest paid for the loans from
      Sinopharm Group Financial Co.                                       Group Financial Co.                    397.68                607.30
      Sinopharm Holding Sub Marketing
       Center Co., Ltd.                         Charges of discounted notes payable                              242.16                468.16
      Sinopharm Group Financial Co.                         Payment bill discount interest                        42.60                 14.73
      CNPGC                                            Interest paid for the entrusted loans                      26.07                       -
      Sinopharm Group                           Charges of discounted notes payable                               52.04                 29.30
                                                                                                               1,264.55              1,119.49

(g)   Interest income

                                                                                                      For the six months           For the six
                                                                                                          ended 30 June       months ended 30
                                                                                                                   2014            June 2013
      Related party                                                      Type of     transaction           (RMB’0,000)         (RMB’0,000)

      Group Financial Co.                                                      Deposit interest                    1.27                  0.32

(h)   Rendering of service

      Related party                                                                 Type of   transaction       For the six       For the six
                                                                                                              months ended      months ended
                                                                                                              30 June 2014      30 June 2013
                                                                                                              (RMB’0,000)      (RMB’0,000)

                                                                                         Dispatching and
      Sinopharm Group Medicine Logistic Co., Ltd.                                  transportation charges            325.51            715.89
                                                                                         Dispatching and
      China National Medicines Co., Ltd.                                           transportation charges            217.30            314.20
                                                                                         Dispatching and
      Foshan Nanhai Uptodate & Special Medicines Co., Ltd.                         transportation charges            176.86                   -
                                                                                         Dispatching and
      Sinopharm Holding Guoda Drug Store Guangdong Co., Ltd.                       transportation charges            168.91            166.75
                                                                                         Dispatching and
      Foshan Nanhai Medicine Co., Ltd.                                             transportation charges            139.59                   -
      Sinopharm Group                                                                 entrusted revenue               25.00                   -
      Shenzhen Wanwei Medicine trading Co., Ltd.                                    Consultation revenue              13.11              5.15
      China National Pharmaceutical Foreign Trade Co., Ltd.                            entrusted revenue              12.50                   -
      Wanle Medical                                                                 Consultation revenue               5.22             10.88
      Foshan Yingtian Pharmaceutical Sales Co., Ltd.                               Consultation revenue                0.63                   -
      Sinopharm Holding Guoda Drug Store Guangzhou Chain Co., Ltd.                         Parking fee                 0.60                   -
                                                                                                                   1,085.23          1,212.87

                                                                                                                                    - 170 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

VI    Related party relationships and significant related party transactions (continued)

(5)   Related party transactions (continued)

(j)   Other services

      Related party                                   Type of   transaction    For the six months    For the six months
                                                                              ended 30 June 2014    ended 30 June 2013
                                                                                    (RMB’0,000)          (RMB’0,000)

      Sinopharm Chongqing Pharmaceutical and
        Medical Industry Design Institute         Pinshan management fees                  537.27                      -
      Sinopharm Chongqing Pharmaceutical and
        Medical Industry Design Institute                   Designing fee                  285.50                      -
      Sinopharm Group Medicine Logistic Co.,        CMS system operating
        Ltd.                                                     charges                    28.49                15.00
      Sinopharm Group Medicine Logistic Co.,        CMS system operating
        Ltd.                                                     charges                    79.12                57.93
      Sinopharm Holding Shenyang Co., Ltd.                 Other expenses                   40.06                31.05
      Shanghai Institute   of   Pharmaceutical   Research and development
        Industry                                                 expenses                   20.25                      -
      Reed Sinopharm Exhibitions Co., Ltd.             Exhibition expenses                   4.40                 4.20
      Sinopharm Holding Guoda Drug Store
        Guangdong Co., Ltd.                         Products promotion fee                   2.13                 1.44
      Sinopharm Holding Guoda Pharmacy Co.,
        Ltd.                                        Products promotion fee                   0.25                      -
      Sinopharm Group      Chemical   Reagent    Research and development
        Suzhou Co., Ltd.                                         expenses                    0.08                      -
                                                           Dispatching and
      Sinopharm Holding Shenyang Co., Ltd.           transportation charges                     -                17.05
                                                                                           997.55               126.67

                                                                                                             - 171 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

VI    Related party relationships and significant related party transactions (continued)

(6)   Accounts receivable from and payables to related parties

                                                                                   30 June 2014     31 December 2013
                                                                                   (RMB’0,000)         (RMB’0,000)

      Notes receivable      Chongqing Yaoyou Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                      690.19             479.85
                            Foshan Nanhai Medicine Co., Ltd.                               263.48                    -
                            Sinopharm Holding Hainan Co., Ltd.                             220.52             208.67
                            Sinopharm Holding Tianjin Co., Ltd.                            210.43              62.92
                            Sinopharm Holding Shandong Co., Ltd.                           148.94             848.54
                            Sinopharm Holding Guoda Drug Store Guangdong
                                                                                           136.65             309.88
                              Co., Ltd.
                            Sinopharm Holding Hainan Hongyi Co., Ltd.                      131.85             105.20
                            Sinopharm Holding Hubei Co., Ltd.                              117.10             199.04
                            Sinopharm Holding Chongqing Co., Ltd.                           71.77              20.05
                            Sinopharm Holding Yancheng Co., Ltd.                            70.75              55.40
                            Sinopharm Holding Shaanxi Co., Ltd.                             30.54              98.75
                            Sinopharm Holding Hunan Co., Ltd.                               24.90             407.58
                            Sinopharm Holding Changzhou Medical logistics
                                                                                            15.00                    -
                              center Co., Ltd.
                            Sinopharm Holding Yangzhou Co., Ltd.                            14.62              10.00
                            Sinopharm Holding Jiaozuo Co., Ltd.                             11.76                    -
                            Sinopharm Holding Hunan Guoda Minshengtang
                                                                                            10.59               8.60
                              Drug Store Chain Co., Ltd.
                            Sinopharm Le -Ren-Tang Medicine Co., Ltd.                        9.98                    -
                            Sinopharm Holding Shenyang Co., Ltd.                             9.50              15.28
                            Sinopharm Holding Yantai Co., Ltd.                               5.44               3.02
                            Sinopharm Holding Jiangsu Co., Ltd.                              3.80                    -
                            Sinopharm Guoda pharmacy Shenyang chain Co.,
                                                                                             2.79               4.01
                            Sinopharm Holding Henan Co., Ltd.                                2.39                    -
                            Sinopharm Holding Guizhou Co., Ltd.                              2.23              71.08
                            Shanghai Chaohui Pharmecurical Co., Ltd.                            -             150.50
                            Sinopharm Holding Beijing Huahong Co., Ltd.                         -              92.33
                            Sinopharm Holding Gansu Co., Ltd.                                   -              71.31
                            China National Medicines Co., Ltd.                                  -              66.50
                            Sinopharm Holding Fuzhou Co., Ltd.                                  -              56.70
                            Sinopharm Holding Xuzhou Co., Ltd.                                  -              52.67
                            Sinopharm Holding Bengbu Co., Ltd.                                  -              15.00
                            Sinopharm Guoda Drug Store Guangxi Chain Co.,
                                                                                                -              10.80
                            Sinopharm Holding Heilongjiang Co., Ltd.                            -               8.83
                                                                                       2,205.22             3,432.51

                                                                                   30 June 2014     31 December 2013
                                                                                   (RMB’0,000)         (RMB’0,000)

      Accounts receivable   Sinopharm Holding Hunan Co., Ltd.                         3,014.18             2,857.02
                            Foshan Nanhai Uptodate & Special Medicines Co.,
                              Ltd.                                                    2,362.44             1,704.67

                                                                                                           - 172 -
Notes to financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                      (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
                  Sinopharm Le -Ren-Tang Medicine Co., Ltd.           1,810.22         1,313.68
                  Sinopharm Holding Hubei Co., Ltd.                   1,749.88         1,158.86
                  Sinopharm Holding Shandong Co., Ltd.                1,320.10         2,051.41
                  Sinopharm Holding Beijing Co., Ltd.                 1,269.16          946.84
                  Sinopharm Group (Tianjin)       Eastern   Bokang
                    Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                          1,238.53          676.72
                  Sinopharm Holding Hainan Co., Ltd.                  1,154.61         1,260.47
                  Sinopharm Holding Beijing Huahong Co., Ltd.         1,072.45         1,347.20
                  Sinopharm Holding Guoda Drug Store Guangdong
                    Co., Ltd.                                         1,000.18         1,100.37
                  Sinopharm Group Xinjiang Special Drugs National
                    Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                           914.09          1,381.80
                  To next page                                       16,905.84        15,799.04

                                                                                       - 173 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

VI    Related party relationships and significant related party transactions (continued)

(6)   Accounts receivable from and payables to related parties (continued)

                                                                                   30 June 2014     31 December 2013
                                                                                   (RMB’0,000)         (RMB’0,000)

      Accounts receivable   Continued                                                16,905.84            15,799.04
                            Foshan Nanhai Medicine Co., Ltd.                               832.68            634.33
                            Sinopharm Holding Ningxia Co., Ltd.                            743.72            352.55
                            Sinopharm Group Southwest Medicine Co., Ltd.                   730.00            642.34
                            Sinopharm Holding Zhejiang Co., Ltd.                           651.28            753.76
                            Sinopharm Holding Tianjin Co., Ltd.                            622.77            650.50
                            Chongqing Yaoyou Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                      595.48            333.73
                            Sinopharm Group Medicine Logistic Co., Ltd.                    545.11            324.48
                            Sinopharm Holding Xinjiang Special           Drugs
                              Western Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                             472.15            394.44
                            Sinopharm Holding Nantong Co., Ltd.                            455.12            375.65
                            Sinopharm Holding Sub Marketing Center Co.,
                              Ltd.                                                         443.15            397.32
                            Foshan Chancheng District Central Hospital                     429.42            337.12
                            Sinopharm Holding Chongqing Co., Ltd.                          400.97            345.65
                            Sinopharm Group                                                392.29            469.33
                            Sinopharm Guoda Drug Store Guangxi Chain Co.,
                              Ltd.                                                         357.14            467.60
                            Sinopharm Holding Jinzhou Co., Ltd.                            352.17            243.44
                            Sinopharm Holding Wenzhou Co., Ltd.                            320.97            385.01
                            Sinopharm Holding Hainan Hongyi Co., Ltd.                      316.42            489.49
                            Sinopharm Holding Henan Co., Ltd.                              301.07            214.39
                            Sinopharm Holding Yunnan Co., Ltd.                             268.61            221.05
                            Guangdong Dong Fang Uptodate & Special
                              Medicines Co., Ltd.                                          267.33            331.81
                            China National Medicines Co., Ltd.                             218.98            250.94
                            Sinopharm Holding Heilongjiang Co., Ltd.                       214.33            193.73
                            Sinopharm Holding Shanxi Co., Ltd.                             198.55            135.02
                            Sinopharm Holding Guizhou Co., Ltd.                            183.93             52.09
                            Sinopharm Holding Fuzhou Co., Ltd.                             182.96            426.40
                            Sinopharm Holding Shenyang Co., Ltd.                           154.40            217.46
                            Sinopharm Holding Yangzhou Co., Ltd.                           115.97            167.90
                            China Pharmaceutical Group Shanxi Co., Ltd.                    107.54            144.57
                            Sinopharm Holding Qingdao Co., Ltd.                            106.07             63.35
                            Sinopharm Holding Fujian Co., Ltd.                             105.90             45.52
                            Sinopharm Holding Yancheng Co., Ltd.                            88.32             45.71
                            Sinopharm Holding Gansu Co., Ltd.                               77.51            169.01
                            Sinopharm Guoda Drug Store Jiangmen Chain Co.,
                              Ltd.                                                          73.19             89.31
                            Sinopharm Holding Inner Mongolia Co., Ltd.                      73.13             35.66
                            Sinopharm Holding Jilin Co., Ltd.                               70.59             67.63
                            Sinopharm Holding Guoda Pharmacy Co., Ltd.                      69.90            106.17

                                                                                                           - 174 -
Notes to financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                      (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
                  Sinopharm Holding Dalian Co., Ltd.                 44.73                66.00
                  Shanghai Donghong Medicine Co., Ltd.               43.75                16.34
                  Sinopharm Holding Qinghai Co., Ltd.                42.46                28.70
                  Sinopharm Holding Longyan Co., Ltd.                42.14                15.56
                  Sinopharm Holding Xuzhou Co., Ltd.                 41.00                69.25
                  Guang dong South Pharmaceutical Foreign Trade
                    Co., Ltd.                                        37.29                42.34
                  Sinopharm Holding Tianjin North Medicine Co.,
                    Ltd.                                             34.77                27.82
                  Sinopharm Holding Putian Co., Ltd.                 32.48                17.30
                  Sinopharm Holding Wuxi Co., Ltd.                   24.78               124.61
                  Sinopharm Holding Quanzhou Co., Ltd.               23.90                 8.72
                  Sinopharm Holding Changzhou Medical logistics
                    center Co., Ltd.                                 19.55                33.01
                  Sinopharm Holding Ningde Co., Ltd.                 18.59                10.62
                  To next page                                    28,850.40            26,833.77

                                                                                       - 175 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

VI    Related party relationships and significant related party transactions (continued)

(6)   Accounts receivable from and payables to related parties (continued)

                                                                                 30 June 2014     31 December 2013
                                                                                 (RMB’0,000)         (RMB’0,000)

      Accounts receivable   Continued                                              28,850.40            26,833.77
                            Sinopharm Holding Suzhou Co., Ltd.                         18.29                25.19
                            Sinopharm Holding Shaanxi Co., Ltd.                        17.30               137.78
                            Sinopharm Holding Taizhou Co., Ltd.                        16.36                27.60
                            Sinopharm Holding Anqing Co., Ltd.                         11.66                 8.82
                            Sinopharm Lerentang Tangshan Medicine Co.,
                              Ltd.                                                     11.40                95.52
                            Shanghai Yunnuo Marketing Consulting Co.,
                              Ltd.                                                     10.00                10.07
                            Sinopharm    Holding      Shanghai      Likang
                              Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                     9.66             30.01
                            Sinopharm Holding Changde Co., Ltd.                            7.88             32.08
                            Sinopharm Holding Jiangsu Co., Ltd.                            7.57             33.74
                            Sinopharm Holding Yantai Co., Ltd.                             7.23             17.68
                            Sinopharm Holding Zunyi Co., Ltd.                              3.02              3.02
                            Sinopharm Holding Huaian Co., Ltd.                             2.74              7.85
                            Sinopharm Lerentang Qinhuangdao Medicine
                              Co., Ltd.                                                    2.50              5.70
                            Sinopharm Holding (Yangzhou) Chinese
                              Western Medicine Branch Co., Ltd.                            2.43              5.23
                            Sinopharm Holding HongKong Co., Ltd.                           2.07                    -
                            Shanxi Guoyi Drug Store Co., Ltd.                              1.87              1.19
                            Sinopharm Holding Changzhou Co., Ltd.                          1.68              4.30
                            Sinopharm   Holding     Guoda         Drugstore
                              Shenyang Chain Co., Ltd.                                     1.62                    -
                            Sinopharm Holding Sanming Co., Ltd.                            1.22              0.91
                            Sinopharm Holding Jiangxi Co., Ltd.                            0.88              3.87
                            Sinopharm Holding Beijing             Kangchen
                              Bio-Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                 0.77              0.62
                            Sinopharm Holding Zhoukou Co., Ltd.                            0.72                    -
                            Sinopharm Holding Yueyang Co., Ltd.                            0.68              0.68
                            Beijing Fusheng Tiandi Property Management
                              Ltd.                                                         0.61                    -
                            Sinopharm Holding Qianxinan Co., Ltd.                          0.43                    -
                            Shanghai Tongyu Information Technology Co.,
                              Ltd.                                                         0.30                    -
                            Shanghai Nutraceuticals (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.                   0.23              0.16
                            Sinopharm Holding Kaifeng Co., Ltd.                            0.14              0.14
                            Foshan Yingtian Pharmaceutical Sales Co.,
                              Ltd..                                                        0.02                    -
                            Sinopharm Holding Qujing Co., Ltd.                                -              2.34
                            Heilongjiang Sinopharm Medical Herbs Co.,
                              Ltd.                                                            -              1.20
                            Sinopharm Holding Shiyan Co., Ltd.                                -              1.09
                            Sinopharm Jiankun (Beijing) Medicines Co.,                        -              0.80
                                                                                                         - 176 -
Notes to financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                      (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
                  Sinopharm Holding Anhui Co., Ltd.                    -                   0.75
                  Sinopharm Holding Anyang Co., Ltd.                   -                   0.70
                  Sinopharm United Engineering Corporation             -                   0.35
                  Sinopharm Holding Xinjiang Xinte Karamay
                    Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                           -                   0.34
                  Lanzhou Biotechnology Development Co.,
                    Ltd.                                               -                   0.32
                  Sinopharm Holding Honghe Co., Ltd.                   -                   0.13
                  Sinopharm Holding Xinxiang Co., Ltd.                 -                   0.13
                  Sinopharm Holding Wuhu Co., Ltd.                     -                   0.12
                  Sinopharm Holding Puyang Co., Ltd.                   -                   0.04
                  Total                                        28,991.68              27,294.24

                                                                                       - 177 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

VI    Related party relationships and significant related party transactions (continued)

(6)   Accounts receivable from and payables to related parties (continued)

                                                                                 30 June 2014         31 December 2013
                                                                                 (RMB’0,000)             (RMB’0,000)

                              Sinopharm Group Medicine Logistic
      Other receivables          Co., Ltd.                                             121.50                   211.76
                              Sinopharm Group                                              25.00                 25.00
                              China National Pharmaceutical Foreign Trade
                               Co., Ltd.                                                   12.50                  8.33
                                                                                       159.00                   245.09

                                                                                 30 June 2014         31 December 2013
                                                                                 (RMB’0,000)             (RMB’0,000)

      Advances to suppliers   Chengdu Rongsheng Pharmacy Co., Ltd.                     164.00                     0.05
                              Sinopharm Chongqing Pharmaceutical and
                                Medical Industry Design Institute                          65.22                111.80
                              Sinopharm Holding Sub Marketing Center Co.,
                                Ltd.                                                       64.55                        -
                              Wuhan Institute of Biological Products Co.,
                               Ltd.                                                        31.04                        -
                              Wanle Medical                                                 4.71                        -
                              Shanghai    Modern       Hasen       (Shangqiu)
                                Pharmacertical Co., Ltd.                                    1.84                        -
                              Reed Sinopharm Exhibitions Co., Ltd.                          0.90                        -
                              Sinopharm Holding Guoda          Drug      Store
                                Guangdong Co., Ltd.                                         0.69                        -
                              Sinopharm Holding Suzhou Co., Ltd.                            0.49                        -
                              Sinopharm Holding Fujian Co., Ltd.                            0.44                  0.44
                              Sinopharm Holding Beijing            Kangchen
                                Bio-Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                0.16                        -
                              Sinopharm Holding Guizhou Co., Ltd.                           0.12                  0.04
                              Sinopharm Group Guorui Medicine Co., Ltd.                     0.10                 12.06
                              Sinopharm Holding Hainan Co., Ltd.                            0.05                        -
                              Guangdong Medi-World Pharmacertical Co.,
                                Ltd.                                                        0.03                        -
                              Qinghai Pharmaceutical Factory Co., Ltd.                         -                383.84
                              Shanghai Institute of Pharmaceutical Industry                    -                 20.25
                              Foshan Nanhai Medicine Co., Ltd.                                 -                  2.75
                              China National Medicines Co., Ltd.                               -                  2.50
                              Sinopharm Holding Jiangsu Co., Ltd.                              -                  0.49
                              Hunan Dongting Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                          -                  0.31
                              Foshan Nanhai Uptodate & Special Medicines
                                Co., Ltd.                                                      -                  0.04
                              Sinopharm Group Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd.                       -                  0.02
                                                                                       334.34                   534.59

      Management consider that there is no recoverability risk in related to receivables due from other related party.
      Therefore, no provision has been made.

                                                                                                              - 178 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

VI    Related party relationships and significant related party transactions (continued)

(6)   Accounts receivable from and payables to related parties (continued)

                                                                                     30 June 2014      31 December 2013
                                                                                     (RMB’0,000)          (RMB’0,000)

      Notes payable         Sinopharm Holding Sub Marketing Center Co., Ltd.                6,911.35          11,839.49
                            Sinopharm Group                                                 3,488.64           2,611.93
                            China National Medicines Co., Ltd.                              1,333.38           1,185.05
                            Chongqing Haisiman Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                      223.97              242.08
                            Sinopharm Holding Beijing Co., Ltd.                              157.57               29.11
                            Shenzhen Wanwei Medicine trading Co., Ltd.                       152.18                     -
                            Chongqing Yaoyou Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                        108.05              173.88
                            Jiangsu Wanbang Pharmacy Marketing Co., Ltd.                      93.90              216.49
                            Sinopharm Group Chemical Reagent Suzhou Co.,
                               Ltd.                                                           64.90               10.99
                            Guizhou Tongjitang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                       62.57                     -
                            Sinopharm Group Rongsheng Pharmaceutical Co.,
                               Ltd.                                                           43.04                     -
                            Anhui Jingfang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                           30.76                     -
                            Foshan Yingtian Pharmaceutical Sales Co., Ltd.                    19.67                     -
                            Shanghai Shyndec Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                           6.42              23.01
                            Lanzhou Biotechnology Development Co., Ltd.                            -             186.00
                            Wanle Medical                                                          -              73.21
                            Sinopharm Holding Guoda Drug Store Guangdong
                               Co., Ltd.                                                           -                    -
                                                                                           12,696.40          16,591.24

                                                                                     30 June 2014      31 December 2013
                                                                                     (RMB’0,000)          (RMB’0,000)

      Accounts payable      Sinopharm Holding Sub Marketing Center Co., Ltd.               16,843.78          12,614.82
                            Sinopharm Group                                                 5,145.08           3,811.48
                            China National Medicines Co., Ltd.                              3,172.98           3,019.50
                            Sino-Swed Pharmaceutical Corp.Ltd.                              1,472.08           1,461.94
                            Shenzhen Wanwei Medicine trading Co., Ltd.                      1,202.64             360.23
                            Foshan Yingtian Pharmaceutical Sales Co., Ltd.                  1,135.20             755.74
                            Guangdong South Pharmaceutical Foreign Trade
                              Co., Ltd.                                                      782.71              436.16
                            Jiangsu Wanbang Pharmacy Marketing Co., Ltd.                     558.06              268.24
                            Chongqing Yaoyou Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                        372.73              358.13
                            Sinopharm Holding Hubei Co., Ltd.                                228.26               57.48
                            Lanzhou Biotechnology Development Co., Ltd.                      210.00              150.00
                            Chongqing Haisiman Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                      196.58              139.17
                            Sinopharm Group Medicine Logistic Co., Ltd.                      190.71              139.13
                            Foshan Nanhai Uptodate & Special Medicines Co.,
                              Ltd.                                                           142.42               28.89
                            Sinopharm Holding Macheng Co., Ltd.                              137.43                     -
                            Guangdong Dong Fang Uptodate              & Special
                              Medicines Co., Ltd.                                             92.50               27.67
                            Shanghai Shyndec Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                         58.43               61.81

                                                                                                              - 179 -
Notes to financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                      (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
                  Sinopharm Group Weiqida Medicine Co., Ltd.          52.82               56.72
                  Sinopharm Holding Beijing Huahong Co., Ltd.         44.15                      -
                  Beijing Huasheng Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
                    Development Co., Ltd.                             41.96                 0.06
                  Sinopharm Holding Fujian Co., Ltd.                  39.69               31.75
                  Sinopharm Holding Beijing Co., Ltd.                 39.07               10.57
                  Sinopharm Group Rongsheng Pharmaceutical Co.,
                     Ltd.                                             37.42               32.18
                  Guizhou Tongjitang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.         33.26               36.49
                  Shandong Lu Ya Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.             31.81               13.68
                  To next page                                     32,261.77           23,871.84

                                                                                       - 180 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

VI    Related party relationships and significant related partytransactions (continued)

(6)   Accounts receivable from and payables to related parties (continued)

                                                                                 30 June 2014     31 December 2013
                                                                                (RMB’0,000)          (RMB’0,000)

      Accounts payable    Continued                                                32,261.77             23,871.84
                          Sinopharm Holding Hunan Co., Ltd.                               21.64             233.13
                          Wuhan Zhonglian Pharmaceutical Group Co.,
                            Ltd.                                                          20.48               2.71
                          Guilin South pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                           20.20              13.73
                          Sinopharm Holding Heilongjiang Co., Ltd.                        13.19                    -
                          China Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                           11.62              20.25
                          Sinopharm Group Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd.                       5.92              11.37
                          Sinopharm Group Chemical Reagent Suzhou
                             Co., Ltd.                                                     4.03                    -
                          China National Pharmaceutical Foreign Trade
                            Co., Ltd.                                                      6.49              95.05
                          Foshan Dezhong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                          6.00               5.83
                          Handan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                  5.96               8.51
                          Hunan Dongting Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                          5.00               4.90
                          Shenyang Hongqi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                         4.78               0.55
                          Sinopharm Holding JIangsu Co., Ltd.                              3.31                    -
                          Sinopharm Xingsha Pharmaceuticals (Xiamen)
                            Co., Ltd.                                                      3.24                    -
                          Guangdong Medi-World Pharmacertical Co.,
                            Ltd.                                                           3.05               3.05
                          Foshan Nanhai Medicine Co., Ltd.                                 2.77                    -
                          Guizhou Longlife Pharmacertical Co., Ltd.                        2.69               3.46
                          Yichang Humanwell Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                       2.25               0.05
                          Sinopharm Holding Sanyi Medicine(Wuhu) Co.,
                             Ltd.                                                          1.96               0.17
                          China Pharmaceutical Group Shanghai Medical
                            Instrument Co., Ltd.                                           1.66               3.02
                          Sinopharm Holding Liaocheng Co., Ltd.                            1.62               1.62
                          Anhui Jingfang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                          0.96              11.78
                          Sinopharm Group Beijing Medical equipment
                             Co., Ltd.                                                     0.88               0.88
                          Shanghai Chaohui Pharmecurical Co., Ltd.                         0.75               0.75
                          Sinopharm Holding Shaanxi Co., Ltd.                              0.72                    -
                           Jiangsu the    Yellow   River    pharmaceutical
                              Co.,Ltd.                                                     0.28                    -
                          Sinopharm Holding Dezhou Co., Ltd.                               0.43               6.84
                          Foshan Fengliaoxing Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                     0.39               0.39
                          Wanle Medical                                                    0.37             578.28
                          Sinopharm Holding Ningxia Co., Ltd.                              0.30                    -
                          Shanghai Sailun Biological Technology Co., Ltd.                  0.29               0.29
                          Xiamen Xingsha Huaideju Pharmaceutical Co.,
                            Ltd.                                                           0.11               0.11
                          The Fourth Pharmaceutical         Co.,   Ltd.   of
                            Zhonglian Group                                                0.08               0.08
                          Chengdu Rongsheng Pharmacy Co., Ltd.                             0.08                    -
                          Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                          0.02               0.02
                                                                                                         - 181 -
Notes to financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                      (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
                Wanbang Biopharmaceuticals                                -               51.06
                Sinopharm Holding Chongqing Co., Ltd.                     -               17.07
                Sinopharm Holding Hainan Co., Ltd.                        -               16.90
                Sinopharm Pharmaceutical Logistics Co., Ltd.
                   Guangzhou Branch                                       -                 6.30
                Sinopharm Holding Yunnan Co., Ltd.                        -                 1.91
                Sinopharm Holding Suzhou Co., Ltd.                        -                 1.62
                Shanghai    Modern        Hasen      (Shangqiu)
                  Pharmacertical Co., Ltd.                                -                 1.38
                Sinopharm Guoda Drug Store(Shenzhen) Chain
                   Co., Ltd.                                              -                 0.30
                Total                                             32,415.29            24,975.20

                                                                                       - 182 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

VI    Related party relationships and significant related partytransactions (continued)

(6)   Accounts receivable from and payables to related parties (continued)

                                                                                     30 June 2014    31 December 2013
                                                                                     (RMB’0,000)        (RMB’0,000)

      Other payables          Sinopharm Group                                              453.07              453.07
                              China State Institute of Pharmaceutical Industry             400.00               15.00
                              Sinopharm Chongqing Pharmaceutical             and
                                Medical Industry Design Institute                          255.00              216.83
                              China National Pharmaceutical Group Shanghai
                                Co., Ltd.                                                  166.04              166.04
                              China medicine company                                       150.00              150.00
                              CNPGC                                                         90.00              170.00
                              Guangdong Dong Fang Uptodate & Special
                                Medicines Co., Ltd.                                         56.76               56.76
                              Sinopharm Holding Guoda             Drug     Store
                                Guangzhou Chain Co., Ltd.                                   15.00               30.00
                              Sinopharm Guoda Drug Store Guangxi Chain
                                Co., Ltd.                                                    5.53                0.28
                              Sinopharm Group Guangdong Province medical
                                instrument Co.,Ltd.                                          4.40                     -
                              Sinopharm Holding Shanxi Co., Ltd.                             1.50                1.50
                              Sinopharm Holding Tianjin Co., Ltd.                            1.00                1.00
                              Sinopharm Group (Tianjin) Eastern Bokang
                                Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                     1.00                1.00
                              Sinopharm industry Drug Sales Co. Ltd.                         0.72                     -
                              Sinopharm Group Southwest Medicine Co., Ltd.                   0.50                0.50
                              Sinopharm Holding Hubei Co., Ltd.                              0.50                0.50
                              Sinopharm Holding Yangzhou Co., Ltd.                           0.50                0.50
                              Sinopharm Holding Sub Marketing Center Co.,
                                Ltd.                                                         0.50                0.50
                              Sinopharm Holding Wuxi Co., Ltd.                               0.50                0.50
                              Sinopharm Le -Ren-Tang Medicine Co., Ltd.                      0.50                0.50
                              Sinopharm Group Medicine Logistic Co., Ltd.                    0.04                     -
                              Sinopharm Group Shanghai Medical Instrument
                                Co., Ltd.                                                        -               4.40
                              China National Scientific        Instruments       &
                                Materials Corporation                                            -               4.40
                                                                                          1,603.06           1,273.28

                                                                                     30 June 2014    31 December 2013
                                                                                     (RMB’0,000)        (RMB’0,000)

      Advances         from   Sinopharm Guoda Drug Store Guangxi Chain
        customers               Co., Ltd.                                                    9.47                9.47
                              Sinopharm Holding Yunnan Co., Ltd.                             3.02                     -
                              Sinopharm Group Xinjiang Special            Drugs
                                National Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                            1.57                     -
                              Sinopharm Holding Gansu Co., Ltd.                              1.44                0.04
                              Sinopharm Holding Anhui Co., Ltd.                              0.80                     -
                              Sinopharm Holding Xuzhou Co., Ltd.                             0.51                     -
                              Sinopharm Holding Beijing Tianxing Puxin                       0.34                     -

                                                                                                            - 183 -
Notes to financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                      (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
                     Biological Medical Co., Ltd.
                   Sinopharm Holding Tianjin Co., Ltd.               0.13                        -
                   Sinopharm Holding Chongqing Co., Ltd.             0.08                        -
                   Sinopharm holding Zhejiang Biological Products
                     Co., Ltd.                                       0.05                        -
                   Sinopharm Holding Inner Mongolia Co., Ltd.        0.03                        -
                   Sinopharm Le -Ren-Tang Medicine Co., Ltd.         0.01                        -
                   Sinopharm Holding Fujian Co., Ltd.                   -                  2.58
                   Sinopharm Holding Zhangzhou Co., Ltd.                -                  0.53
                   Sinopharm Holding Beijing Huahong Co., Ltd.          -                  0.10
                   Sinopharm Holding Changzhou Medical logistics
                     center Co., Ltd.                                   -                  0.10
                   Sinopharm holding (Shanghai) Agel Ecommerce
                     Ltd                                                -                  0.08
                   Wanle Medical                                        -                  0.01
                                                                    17.45                 12.91

                                                                                       - 184 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

VI    Related party relationships and significant related partytransactions (continued)

(6)   Accounts receivable from and payables to related parties (continued)

                                                                                      30 June 2014            31 December 2013
                                                                                     (RMB’0,000)                  (RMB’0,000)

      Interests payable           CNPGC                                                       4.74                                  -
                                  Sinopharm Group                                                -                           68.44
                                  Group Financial Co.                                            -                           52.80
                                                                                              4.74                          121.24

                                                                                      30 June 2014            31 December 2013
                                                                                     (RMB’0,000)                  (RMB’0,000)

      Entrusted loans             CNPGC                                                   3,160.00                                  -
                                  Sinopharm Group                                                -                        40,000.00
                                                                                          3,160.00                        40,000.00

                                                                                      30 June 2014            31 December 2013
                                                                                     (RMB’0,000)                  (RMB’0,000)

      Other         non-current
        liabilities               Sinopharm Group                                         3,506.18                         3,506.18

                                                                                      30 June 2014            31 December 2013
                                                                                     (RMB’0,000)                  (RMB’0,000)

      Short-term loans            Group Financial Co.                                            -                        32,000.00

                                                                                      30 June 2014            31 December 2013
                                                                                     (RMB’0,000)                  (RMB’0,000)

      Cash at related party       Group Financial Co.                                    11,172.59                           27.28

(7)   Commitment with related parties

      Undertaking contracted for at the balance sheet date but not recognised in balance sheet are anaylsed as follows:

                                                                                      30 June 2014            31 December 2013
                                                                                      (RMB’0,000)                 (RMB’0,000)
      -As a lessee
                     Sinopharm Group Medicine Logistic Co., Ltd.                            729.00                                  -
                     Shaoguan Wujiang Distrct Muyang Consulting Co., Ltd.                   501.06                          194.42
                     Wang Yang                                                               27.60                                  -
                     Foshan Nanhai Medicine Co., Ltd.                                        12.94                           25.87
                                                                                          1,270.60                          220.29
      -As a leaser
                     Sinopharm Guoda Drug Store Guangxi Chain Co., Ltd.                     302.21                          333.88
                                                                                                                          - 185 -
Notes to financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                      (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
            Sinopharm Holding Guoda Pharmacy Co., Ltd.                56.82               75.75
            Sinopharm Group Guangdong Medicine Device Co., Ltd.       41.89               55.41
            Sinopharm Guoda Drug Store(Shenzhen) Chain Co., Ltd.      23.50               25.90
            Chinese medicine industry and Drug Sales Co. Ltd.          2.16
                                                                     426.58              490.94

- Guaranteed by related party(Not yet used amount)
            Sinopharm Group                                        21,049.86           8,346.80

                                                                                       - 186 -
       Notes to financial statements
       For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                             (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

VII    Contingencies


VIII   Commitments

(1)    Capital commitments

       Capital expenditures contracted for at the balance sheet date but not recognised in balance sheet are analysed as follows:

                                                                                 30 June 2014                 31 December 2013
                                                                                 (RMB’0,000)                      (RMB’0,000)

       Buildings, machinery and equipment                                            16,885.23                         21,398.14

(2)    Operating lease commitments

       The future minimum lease payments due under the signed irrevocable operating leases contracts are summarised as

                                                                                  30 June 2014                31 December 2013
                                                                                 (RMB’0,000)                       (RMB’0,000)

       Within one year                                                                4,276.27                           2,272.32
       Between 1 and 2 years                                                          2,334.49                           2,120.22
       Between 2 and 3 years                                                          2,216.38                           2,148.15
       Over 3 years                                                                  12,236.15                         15,782.29
                                                                                     21,063.29                         22,322.98

(3)    Execution of commitments of prior years

       The Group has fulfilled the commitments as of 30 June 2014according to the relevant contracts.

IX     Subsequent events after the balance sheet date


X      Notes to the main items of financial statement of the Company

(1)    Accounts receivable

                                                                                  30 June 2014                 31 December 2013

       Accounts receivable                                                      475,772,476.43                    428,545,652.48
       Less: provision for bad debts                                             (1,169,085.93)                    (1,169,085.93)
                                                                                474,603,390.50                    427,376,566.55

                                                                                                                         - 187 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
(a)   The ageing of accounts receivable is analysed below:

                                                                30 June 2014         31 December 2013

      Within 1 year                                           474,603,390.50            427,376,566.55
      Over 3 years                                              1,169,085.93              1,169,085.93
                                                              475,772,476.43            428,545,652.48

                                                                                             - 188 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

X     Notes to the main items of financial statement of the Company(continued)

(1)   Accounts receivable(continued)

(b)   The accounts receivable and related provision for bad debts by category are analysed below:

                                                        30 June 2014                                                    31 December   2013
                                     Carrying amount                   Bad debt provisions                Carrying amount               Bad debt provisions
                                                 % of total                                                             % of total
                                        amount    balance                  amount            rate            amount      balance             amount           rate
      Receivable accounts
        within        similar
        credit risk group       474,603,390.50    99.75%                          -             -     427,376,566.55      99.73%                    -            -
      Individually       not
        significant      but
        evaluated         for
        impairment                1,169,085.93     0.25%           (1,169,085.93)     100.00%           1,169,085.93        0.27%      (1,169,085.93) 100.00%
                                475,772,476.43   100.00%           (1,169,085.93)      0.25%          428,545,652.48     100.00%       (1,169,085.93)    0.27%

(c)    As at 30 June 2014, accounts receivable individually not significant but individually evaluated for impairment are
       analysed below:

                                                                                              Bad debt            % of                              Reason
                                                              Per book                       provisions       provision

                                                                                                                               Disputed receivables with
       Guangdong                Liyuan                                                                                                    uncertainty in
        Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.                          1,169,085.93                 (1,169,085.93)         100.00%                      recoverability

(d)    As at 30 June 2014, there is no accounts receivable due from shareholders who holds more than 5% (including 5%)
       shares of the Company (31December2013: Nil).

(e)    As at 30 June 2014, the top five accounts receivable by customer are analysed as below:

                                                                                                                                             % of the total
                                                             Relationship                                                                        accounts
                                                       with the Company                             Amount                    Ageing           receivable

       Shenzhen People’s Hospital                        The third party                32,322,841.37                 Within 1 year                    6.79%
       Shenzhen Second People’s
         Hospital                                         The third party                31,349,294.36                 Within 1 year                    6.59%
       Peking University Shenzhen
         Hospital                                         The third party                25,182,670.75                 Within 1 year                    5.29%
       Shenzhen Nanshan Center
         People’s Hospital                               The third party                18,477,495.07                 Within 1 year                    3.88%
       Shenzhen Baoan People’s
         Hospital                                         The third party                18,027,694.93                 Within 1 year                    3.79%
                                                                                        125,359,996.48                                              26.34%

(f)   Accounts receivable due from related party

      As at 30 June 2014, there are accounts receivable of RMB25,947,267.73due from related party (31 December 2013:
      RMB27,194,712.47), which is 5.45% of the total accounts receivable (31 December 2013: 6.35%), without any bad debt
                                                                                                                                                   - 189 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
      provided (31 December 2013: Nil).

(g)   In half year of 2014, accounts receivable of RMB 188,557,344.33are derecognized given that irrevocable factoring
      contracts agreed with financial institute(Half year of 2013: RMB 115,552,613.39).

                                                                                                              - 190 -
       Notes to financial statements
       For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                             (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

X      Notes to the main items of financial statement of the Company (continued)

(2)    Other receivables

                                                                                               30 June 2014                       31 December 2013

       Amounts due from subsidiaries                                                    2,348,869,112.11                           1,156,486,010.97
       Receivable from equity transaction                                                      8,980,000.00                                8,980,000.00
       Borrowings due from employees                                                             963,647.96                                  979,997.96
       Others                                                                                  3,317,857.52                                4,222,309.36
                                                                                        2,362,130,617.59                           1,170,668,318.29
       Less: provision for bad debts                                                        (10,141,380.00)                             (10,140,380.00)
                                                                                        2,351,989,237.59                           1,160,527,938.29

 (a)    The ageing of other receivables is analysed as follows:

                                                                                                30 June 2014                      31 December 2013

        Within 1 year                                                                       2,351,922,357.59                        1,160,480,058.29
        1 to 2 years                                                                               70,400.00                                    50,400.00
        Over 3 years                                                                           10,137,860.00                              10,137,860.00
                                                                                            2,362,130,617.59                        1,170,668,318.29

(b)    Other receivables and related provision for bad debts by category are analysed below:

                                                        30 June 2014                                                 31 December 2013
                                       Carrying amount                 Bad debt provision              Carrying amount                  Bad debt provision
                                                      % of total                                                     % of total
                                           amount       amount             amount       rate              amount       amount              amount            rate

       Individually significant
         are subject to separate
         assessment                    8,980,000.00       0.38%     (8,980,000.00) 100.00%            8,980,000.00       0.77%     (8,980,000.00)     100.00%
       Receivable     accounts
         within similar credit
         risk group                2,351,992,757.59     99.57%           (3,520.00)   0.00%       1,160,530,458.29       99.13%          (2,520.00)     0.00%
       Individually          not
          significant        but
          individually evaluated
          for impairment               1,157,860.00       0.05%     (1,157,860.00) 100.00%            1,157,860.00       0.10%     (1,157,860.00)     100.00%

                                   2,362,130,617.59    100.00%     (10,141,380.00)    0.43%       1,170,668,318.29    100.00%     (10,140,380.00)       0.87%

(c)    As at 30 June 2014, impairment provision for other receivables individually significant is analysed as below.

                                                                                                 Bad debt                               Assessment for
                                                                   Amount                        provision           Rate                  impairment

       Shenzhen Yinghai Technology                                                                                                        Uncertainty in
         Investment Co.,Ltd.                                8,980,000.00                    (8,980,000.00)      100.00%                   recoverability

(d)    Provisions for impairment of the receivables which have a similar risk group are analysed below:
                                                                                                                                                 - 191 -
Notes to financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                      (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

                                       30 June 2014                                                31 December 2013
                     Carrying amount                   Bad debt provision            Carrying amount                  Bad debt provision
                                   % of total                                                      % of total
                        amount      amount              amount         rate              amount     amount              amount         rate

Within 1 year   2,351,922,357.59    100.00%                    -            -   1,160,480,058.29    100.00%                    -           -
1 to 2 years          70,400.00         0.00%         (3,520.00)     5.00%            50,400.00        0.00%          (2,520.00)    5.00%
                2,351,992,757.59    100.00%           (3,520.00)     0.00%      1,160,530,458.29    100.00%           (2,520.00)    0.00%

                                                                                                                               - 192 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

X     Notes to the main items of financial statement of the Company (continued)

(2)   Other receivables(continued)

(e)   As at 30 June 2014, other receivables individually not significant but individually evaluated for impairment are analysed

                                                                                                                Assessment for
                                                 Amount           Bad debt provision            Rate               impairment

      Shenzhen Health Food I&E Co.,                                                                              Uncertainty in
        Ltd.                                1,157,860.00              (1,157,860.00)       100.00%               recoverability

(f)   As at 30 June 2014, there is RMB250,000.00 due from shareholders who holds more than 5% (including 5%) shares of
      the Company (31December2013: RMB250,000.00).

(g)   As at 30 June 2014, the top five other receivables by customer are analysed below:

                                           Relationship                   Amount                Ageing            % of the total
                                               with the                                                         other receivable

      Sinopharm Guangzhou                    Subsidiary          787,664,717.36        Within 1 year                    33.35%
      Sinopharm Guangxi                      Subsidiary          369,198,417.05        Within 1 year                    15.63%
      Sinopharm Yuexing                      Subsidiary          212,704,652.93        Within 1 year                     9.00%
      Sinopharm Zhanjiang                    Subsidiary          148,000,000.00        Within 1 year                     6.27%
      Zhijun Suzhou                          Subsidiary          109,100,000.00        Within 1 year                     4.62%
                                                                1,626,667,787.34                                        68.87%

(h)   Other receivables due from related parties are analysed as below:

      As at 30 June 2014, there are other receivables of RMB2,349,244,112.11due from related party (31 December 2013:
      RMB1,156,486,010.97), which is 99.45% of the total other receivables (31 December 2013: 98.79%), without any bad
      debt provided (31 December 2013: Nil).

(3)   Long-term equity investments
                                                                              30 June 2014                  31 December 2013

      Investments in subsidiaries (a)                                     1,455,489,494.38                   1,447,999,494.38
      Investments in associates (b)                                         130,784,733.02                      135,341,010.52
                                                                          1,586,274,227.40                   1,583,340,504.90
      Less: provision for impairment of long-term
                     equity investments                                                     -                                    -
                                                                          1,586,274,227.40                   1,583,340,504.90

      The long-term equity investments of the Company are not subject to restriction on conversion into cash.

                                                                                                                       - 193 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                                                                                                (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

X     Notes to the main items of financial statement of the Company (continued)

(3)   Long-term equity investments (continued)

(a)   Subsidiaries

                                                                                                        Increases/(decreases)                          Equity interest   Voting rights held
                                   Accounting method      Original investment cost   31 December 2013      in investment cost           30 June 2014        held (%)                   (%)

      Zhijun Pharm                       Cost method               73,903,284.87       204,903,284.87                       -         204,903,284.87              100                  100
      Sinopharm Jianmin                  Cost method                45,054,911.04       45,054,911.04                       -          45,054,911.04              100                  100
      Sinopharm Materials                Cost method                 5,400,000.00        6,450,875.93                       -           6,450,875.93              100                  100
      Shenzhen Logistics                 Cost method                   900,000.00        1,019,062.68                       -           1,019,062.68              100                  100
      Sinopharm Guangzhou                Cost method                58,283,114.68      435,440,323.63                       -         435,440,323.63              100                  100
      Zhijun Trade                       Cost method                 3,006,866.42        3,006,866.42                       -           3,006,866.42              100                  100
      Sinopharm Hengxing                 Cost method                 8,421,544.08       35,763,288.00                       -          35,763,288.00              100                  100
      Sinopharm Liuzhou                  Cost method               21,407,965.79        21,407,965.79                       -          21,407,965.79               51                   51
      Sinopharm Dongguan                 Cost method                 2,742,000.00        9,942,000.00                       -           9,942,000.00              100                  100
      Huixin Investment                  Cost method              109,416,937.72        64,416,937.72                       -          64,416,937.72              100                  100
      Guangdong Logistic                 Cost method                 1,269,502.30        5,596,006.21                       -           5,596,006.21              100                  100
      Sinopharm Yuexing                  Cost method               16,459,326.27        43,459,326.27                       -          43,459,326.27              100                  100
      Sinopharm Foshan                   Cost method                 6,995,065.51       14,995,065.51                       -          14,995,065.51              100                  100
      Zhijun Suzhou                      Cost method              134,250,000.00       265,900,000.00                       -         265,900,000.00              100                  100
      Sinopharm Guangxi                  Cost method               33,048,985.28       104,048,985.28                       -         104,048,985.28              100                  100
      Sinopharm Zhanjiang                Cost method                 1,369,864.65       15,769,864.65                       -          15,769,864.65              100                  100
      Sinopharm Yanfeng                  Cost method               38,207,800.00        38,207,800.00                       -          38,207,800.00               51                   51
      Sinopharm Meizhou                  Cost method                 4,481,900.00        4,481,900.00                       -           4,481,900.00              100                  100
      Shenzhen Medicine                  Cost method               37,850,830.38        37,850,830.38                       -          37,850,830.38              100                  100
      Sinopharm Huizhou                  Cost method               20,939,177.19         5,644,200.00                       -           5,644,200.00              100                  100
      Sinopharm Zhaoqing                 Cost method                 5,060,000.00        5,060,000.00                       -           5,060,000.00              100                  100
      Sinopharm Jiangmen                 Cost method               56,000,000.00        56,000,000.00                       -          56,000,000.00              100                  100

                                                                                                                                                                     - 194 -
Notes to financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                                                             (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
Sinopharm Zhongshan   Cost method      10,000,000.00        10,000,000.00               -           10,000,000.00          100         100
Sinopharm Shaoguan    Cost method      13,580,000.00        13,580,000.00               -           13,580,000.00           70         70
Sinopharm Shantou     Cost method          7,490,000.00                  -   7,490,000.00            7,490,000.00          70          70
                                                          1,447,999,494.38   7,490,000.00        1,455,489,494.38

                                                                                                                             - 195 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                                                                                                     (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

X     Notes to the main items of financial statement of the Company (continued)

(3)   Long-term equity investments (continued)

(b)   Associates

                                                                                                                                                                Explanation for the inconsistence
                    Accounting   Initial investment                            Share of           Dividend                     Equity interest   Voting rights between equity interest held and
                       method                   cost   31 December 2013    profit or loss         declared      30 June2014         held (%)         held (%)                  voting rights held

                                                                                                                                                                   Board of the directors is the
                                                                                                                                                                      highest decision making
                                                                                                                                                              organization, which is formed by
      Wanle            Equity                                                                                                                                  3 shareholder of Wanle Medical
       Medical         method        4,457,400.00        135,341,010.52   23,595,722.50     (28,152,000.00)   130,784,733.02            35.19           33.33                           evenly

                                                                                                                                                                                   - 196 -
      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

X     Notes to the main items of financial statement of the Company (continued)

(4)   Sales and cost of sales

                                                                   For the six months ended           For the six months ended
                                                                                30 June 2014                     30 June 2013

      Revenue of main operations                                            1,339,376,773.85                 1,189,379,218.09

      Other operating income                                                    5,156,613.11                     4,062,055.85

                                                                            1,344,533,386.96                 1,193,441,273.94

                                                                   For the six months ended           For the six months ended
                                                                                30 June 2014                     30 June 2013

      Cost of main operations                                              (1,289,133,611.14)              (1,140,794,978.30)

      Other operating expenses                                                 (1,778,763.16)                  (1,872,163.40)

                                                                           (1,290,912,374.30)              (1,142,667,141.70)

(a)   Revenue and cost of main operations

      Analysed by industry:

                                For the six months ended 30 June 2014               For the six months ended 30 June 2013

                                Revenue of main             Cost of main           Revenue of main               Cost of main
                                      operations              operations                 operations                 operations

       wholesale                1,339,376,773.85      (1,289,133,611.14)           1,189,379,218.09        (1,140,794,978.30)

(b)   Other operating income and expenses

                                For the six months ended 30 June 2014               For the six months ended 30 June 2013

      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
                                   Other operating   Other operating         Other operating           Other operating
                                          income           expenses                  income                   expenses

      Rental income                  3,290,970.68       (900,653.75)           2,311,563.12               (532,919.37)

      Rendering       of
         services                    1,865,642.43       (878,109.41)           1,750,492.73             (1,339,244.03)

                                     5,156,613.11     (1,778,763.16)           4,062,055.85             (1,872,163.40)

(c)   Top five customers are analysed as follows:

      The sales to the top five customers of the Companytotaling to RMB431,217,833.94(For the six months ended 30 June
      2013: RMB403,795,388.58), which accounted for 32.07% (2013:33.83%) of the total revenue from main operations.
      Details are set out below:

                                                                                                % of total revenue from
                                                                                  Sales                main operations

      Sinopharm Jianmin                                                  168,093,996.01                          12.50%

      Shenzhen People’s Hospital                                         80,658,797.44                          6.00%

      Shenzhen Second People’s Hospital                                  72,447,591.89                          5.39%

      Peking University Shenzhen Hospital                                 64,317,781.07                          4.78%

      Shenzhen Nanshan Center People’s Hospital                          45,699,667.53                          3.40%

                                                                         431,217,833.94                          32.07%

      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

X     Notes to the main items of financial statement of the Company (continued)

(5)   Investment income

                                                                     For the six months ended              For the six months ended
                                                                                 30 June 2014                         30 June 2013

      Cash dividends declared by subsidiaries (a)                             456,948,364.73                        384,667,945.90

      Share of profit in an associated company (b)                              23,595,722.50                        18,576,985.34

      Investment income from disposal of long-term equity
        investment                                                                              -                                 -

                                                                              480,544,087.23                        403,244,931.24

      There is no significant restriction on the investment income remittance to the Company.

(a)   Cash dividends declared by subsidiaries

      Investment income from the top five investees are analysed as below:

                                       For the six months       For the six months
                                           ended 30 June             ended 30 June
                                                     2014                     2013                            Reason of Fluctuation

      Zhijun Pharm                        234,559,959.43           208,233,461.30                   Profit increased comparing 2013

      Sinopharm Guangzhou                 123,183,476.82            111,653,923.40                  Profit increased comparing 2013

      Sinopharm Guangxi                    38,155,909.66             30,056,575.76                  Profit increased comparing 2013

      Sinopharm Yuexing                    14,612,152.47              8,334,758.40                  Profit increased comparing 2013

      Sinopharm Jianmin                    10,292,930.09              6,338,217.07                  Profit increased comparing 2013

                                          420,804,428.47           364,616,935.93

(b)   Share of profit in an associated company

      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
                                        For the six months         For the six months
                                            ended 30 June              ended 30 June
                                                       2014                     2013                        Reason of Fluctuation

      Wanle Medical                         23,595,722.50              18,576,985.34              Profit increased comparing 2013

(6)   Notes to cash flow statement

(a)   Reconciliation of net profit to cash flows from operating activities

                                                                                 For the six months           For the six months
                                                                                ended 30 June 2014           ended 30 June 2013

      Net profit                                                                    505,980,755.05               415,274,263.68

      Add: Provision for assets impairment reversal                                        153,394.98                319,855.94

            Depreciation of fixed assets and Investment properties                       3,536,884.58              3,651,261.19

            Amortisation of intangible assets                                              781,278.08                683,584.76

            Amortisation of long-term prepaid expenses                                     553,040.94                553,549.62

            (Gains) /Losses on disposal of fixed assets                                      (326.59)                          -

            Financial expenses                                                      (30,420,949.30)                5,352,962.48

            Investment income                                                      (480,544,087.23)            (403,244,931.24)

            (Increase) /decrease in deferred income tax assets                            (28,507.99)                (53,392.68)

            Increasein inventories                                                      (1,913,680.85)          (20,585,829.83)

            Increase in operating receivables                                       (36,449,337.03)             (94,100,583.70)

            Increasein operating payables                                           (20,830,052.57)               81,163,369.55

            Net cash flows from operating activities                                (59,181,587.93)             (10,985,890.23)

      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

X     Notes to the main items of financial statement of the Company (continued)

(6)   Notes to cash flow statement(continued)

(b)   Net increase in cash

                                                                          For the six months      For the six months
                                                                         ended 30 June 2014      ended 30 June 2013

      Cash at end of period                                                  217,796,047.77          141,911,747.30

      Less: cash at beginning of year                                       (218,342,947.03)       (160,633,355.13)

      Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                                   (546,899.26)      (18,721,607.83)

(c)   Cash

                                                                          For the six months      For the six months
                                                                         ended 30 June 2014      ended 30 June 2013

      Cash at bank and on hand                                               217,796,047.77          141,911,747.30

      Less: restricted other cash balance                                                    -                     -

      Cash at end of period                                                  217,796,047.77          141,911,747.30

     Notes to financial statements
     For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                           (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

I    Non-routine items

                                                                                       For the six months           For the six months
                                                                                   ended 30 June 2014              ended 30 June 2013

     Gains on disposal of non-current assets                                                  436,751.38                        3,665.89

     Government grants                                                                     14,575,338.73                   12,384,950.86

     Receivables impairment reversal by individual assessment                               2,473,206.68                      469,770.27

     Other non-operating income /(expenses), net                                           12,116,477.87                  (12,371,947.75)

                                                                                           29,601,774.66                      486,439.27

     Tax impact of above non-routine items                                                (6,865,661.39)                      169,935.06

     Share of minority interests of above non-routine itemsafter tax                         (48,228.76)                      (41,883.12)

                                                                                           22,687,884.51                      614,491.21

     Basis of preparation for non-routine items

     According to the “Information Disclosures Requirement Interpretation for Listed Companies No.1 - non-routine gain and
     loss”, non-routine gain and loss represent those gain or loss that are not related to the daily operation of the Group or
     even if being related to the daily operation, separate disclosure of these items will help a better understanding of results
     and profitability of the Group’s operation by considering their nature and frequency.

II   Return on equity and earnings per share

                                      Weighted average return on                             Earnings per share
                                                                         Basic earnings per share
                                                                                                            Diluted earnings per share

                                       For the six         For the six   For the six      For the six       For the six       For the six
                                          months              months        months            months           months             months
                                        ended 30            ended 30      ended 30          ended 30         ended 30           ended 30
                                       June 2014           June 2013     June 2014         June 2013        June 2014          June 2013

     Consolidated     net    profit
       attributable     to     the
       shareholders     of     the
       Company                            10.39%              13.81%          1.073            0.905             1.073              0.905

Notes to financial statements
For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                      (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)
Consolidated     net    profit
  attributable     to     the
  shareholders     of     the
  Company,        excluding
  non-routine items              9.74%   13.78%        1.003        0.903       1.003           0.903

      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

III   Notes for significant fluctuation of major accounts in financial statements

      Fluctuation with 30% or above, and balance accounting for 5% or above of total assets or transaction accounting for 10% or
      above of profit before tax are analysed as below:

(1)   Consolidated Balance Sheet

                                   Notes          30 June 2014        31 December 2013             Fluctuation                %

                                                  Consolidated            Consolidated

      Cash at bank and on
        hand                       1.1           1,417,891,485           1,113,562,212            304,329,274           27.33%

      Notes receivable             1.2            668,212,842              739,061,142            -70,848,299           -9.59%

      Accounts receivable          1.3           6,379,994,615           5,675,658,507            704,336,109           12.41%

      Advance to suppliers         1.4                98,894,282            64,367,040             34,527,242           53.64%

      Inventories                  1.5           2,189,768,999           1,831,267,290            358,501,709           19.58%

      Other current assets         1.6                21,496,420            12,203,753              9,292,667           76.15%

      Fixed assets                 1.7            745,157,659              766,741,591            -21,583,931           -2.82%

      Construction            in
        progress                   1.8            192,687,064              126,606,806             66,080,258           52.19%

      Short-term borrowings        1.9           1,400,802,174           2,744,941,589         -1,344,139,415          -48.97%

      Accounts payable             1.10          4,184,497,889           3,436,936,497            747,561,392           21.75%

      Advance            from
        customers                  1.11               25,982,230            38,570,231            -12,588,001          -32.64%

      Other current liabilities    1.12               10,262,276            22,040,000             -11,777,724         -53.44%

      Surplus reserve              1.13          1,860,333,209               5,750,339          1,854,582,870       32,251.72%

      Undistributed profits        1.14          2,081,045,817           1,806,002,285            275,043,532           15.23%

1.1   Increase was due to the receipt of Non-public offering funds.

1.2   Decreasewas mainly due to increase of purchase and Notes receivable endorsement.

1.3   Increase was mainly due to increase of sales.

       Notes to financial statements
       For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                             (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

1.4    Increase was mainly due to increase new suppliers and the increase of purchase.

1.5    Increase was mainly due to the increased inventory amount from increased purchase.

1.6    Increase was mainly because of the increase of VAT offset.

1.7    Decrease was mainly due to the depreciation of the period.

1.8    Increase was mainly due to the investment of the construction projects.

1.9    Increase mainly due to the repayments to most of the short-term debt with the fund raised from issurance.

1.10   Increase was mainly due to the increase of purchase.

1.11   Decrease was mainly due to decrease of purchse from commercial customers.

1.12   Decrease was mainly because the compensation amount for court case reduced in final judgement.

1.13   Increase was due to the Non-public offering.

1.14   Increase was mainly due to the profit increase.

      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

III   Notes for significant fluctuation of major accounts in financial statements (Continued)

(2)   Consolidated Income Statement

                                                            For the six        For the six months
                                                     months ended 30      ended 30 June 2013
                                        Notes               June 2014                                    Fluctuation         %

                                                         Consolidated               Consolidated

      Sales                                2.1         11,612,642,434            10,131,712,690       1,480,929,744     14.62%

      Cost of sales                        2.2         11,219,447,997              9,821,563,933      1,397,884,065     14.23%

      Selling and distribution
         expenses                          2.3            271,149,211               242,609,042          28,540,168     11.76%

      General and administrative
        expenses                           2.4            215,813,784               182,897,044          32,916,740     18.00%

      Financial expenses - net             2.5             70,931,725                 76,468,651         -5,536,926     -7.24%

      Assets impairment                    2.6               7,312,907                16,807,659         -9,494,751 -56.49%

      Investment income                    2.7             23,595,723                 18,576,985          5,018,737     27.02%

      Non-operationg expenses              2.8               1,207,497                22,119,062        -20,911,564 -94.54%

      Income tax expenses                  2.9             83,365,728                 60,942,245         22,423,483     36.79%

      Profit and loss of equity
        holders of the Company            2.10            340,317,282               260,794,679          79,522,603     30.49%

2.1   Increase in sales was mainly due to the increase in sales volume.

2.2   Increase in cost of sales was mainly due to the increase in sales volume.

2.3   Increase in sales was mainly due to the increase in sales volume.

2.4   Increase in general and administrative expenses was mainly due to the increase in tax, technical service fee and the staff
      expenses increased due to the increased scale of recruitment of staff.

2.5   Decrease in financial expenses was mainly due to the receipt of non-public funds and thus reduced the cost of financing.

      Notes to financial statements
      For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

2.6   Decrease in assets impairment was mainly due to the decrease of bad debt and inventory impairment risks.

2.7   Increase in investment income was mainly due to the profit increase from associate company.

2.8   Decrease in non-operating expenses was mainly because the Group accure provision related to the court case in last
      period but no similar transaction in this period.

2.7   Increase in income tax expenses was mainly the profit increased.

2.8   Increase mainly because of the profit increase.

 Notes to financial statements
 For the six months ended 30 June 2014
                                       (All amounts in Renminbi (RMB) unless otherwise stated)

            Section X. Documents Available for Reference

1. Accounting Statements carried with the signature and seals of legal representative, chief
financial officer and person in charge of accounting;
2. Original text of all documents of the Company as well as manuscript of the announcement
disclosed in reporting period on Securities Times, China Securities Journal and Hong Kong
Commercial Daily appointed by the CSRC;
3. Annual Report carried with the personal signature of the Chairman;
4. The Place Where the document placed: Office of Secretariat of the Board of Directors, Accord
Pharm Bldg., No. 15, Ba Gua Si Road, Futian District, Shenzhen
