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						China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.

               Annual Report 2018

                   April 2019

            Section I. Important Notice, Contents and Paraphrase

Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, all directors, supervisors and senior
executives of China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. (hereinafter
referred to as the Company) hereby confirm that there are no any fictitious
statements, misleading statements, or important omissions carried in this report,
and shall take all responsibilities, individual and/or joint, for the reality,
accuracy and completion of the whole contents.
Lin Zhaoxiong, Principal of the Company, Wei Pingxiao, person in charger of
accounting works and Wang Ying, person in charge of accounting organ
(accounting principal) hereby confirm that the Financial Report of 2018 Annual
Report is authentic, accurate and complete.
Other directors attending the Meeting for annual report deliberation except for
the followed
  Name of director absent   Title for absent director   Reasons for absent   Attorney
        Li Zhiming                  director             Official business   Liu Yong
     Jiang Xiuchang                 director             Official business   Liu Yong

Affected by various risk factors, the company’s business operations are facing
risks in terms of changes in industry policies and intensified market competition.
The company has made a specific statement on the “Future Development
Prospects” of the fourth section “Discussion and Analysis of the Operation” in
this annual report, and all investors should pay attention to it.

The profit distribution plan that deliberated and approved by the Board is:
based on total stock issued 428,126,983 shares, distributed 4.00 Yuan (tax
included) bonus in cash for every 10-share hold by all shareholders, 0 shares
bonus issued (tax included) and no capitalizing of common reserves carried out.


Section I Important Notice, Contents and Paraphrase...................................................................1

Section II Company Profile and Main Financial Indexes...............................................................5

Section III Summary of Company Business.................................................................................... 9

Section IV Discussion and Analysis of the Operation................................................................... 13

Section V Important Events............................................................................................................ 37

Section VI Changes in shares and particular about shareholders...............................................67

Section VII Preferred Stock............................................................................................................ 75

Section VIII Particulars about Directors, Supervisors, Senior Executives and Employees......76

Section IX Corporate Governance..................................................................................................89

Section X Corporate bond............................................................................................................... 97

Section XI Financial Report............................................................................................................ 98

Section XII Documents available for reference........................................................................... 351


Items                        Refers to                                  Contents
Listed           Company,
Company, the Company,
                             Refers to   China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
Sinopharm Accord, the
SINOPHARM                    Refers to   China National Pharmaceutical Group Corporation
Sinopharm Holding            Refers to   Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd,Controlling shareholder of the Company
Company Law                  Refers to   Company Law of the People’s Republic of China
Securities Law               Refers to   Securities Law of the People’s Republic of China
Yuan, 10 thousand Yuan,
                             Refers to   RMB, RMB 10 thousand, RMB 100 million
100 million Yuan
Terminology:                 Refers to
                                         The first invoice refers to the invoice from the manufacturer to the
                                         distributor, and the second invoice refers to the invoice from the
Two Invoices System          Refers to   distributor to the medical service provider. By this way, circulation
                                         links have been greatly reduced and the number of distributors for
                                         each medicine category shall not exceed two.

                                         It is a kind of operation activity that the medical organization has
                                         medicine enterprise with strong management ability and larger risk
                                         appetites to operate and manage their drugstores in the form of
                                         contracts with payment, which has clearly stated the relationship of
Pharmacy Trust               Refers to   right and duty between hospitals and pharmacy owners and operators,
                                         ensuring preservation and appreciation of hospital and pharmacy
                                         property    and creating a kind of management activity with
                                         considerable social benefit and economic benefit, under the condition
                                         that there is no change in the ownership of drugstores

GPO                          Refers to   Group purchasing organizations
Direct selling               Refers to   A sales method of selling drug to the hospital directly
                                         Certification of quality management standards for pharmaceutical
GSP authentication           Refers to
Supply               Chain   Refers to   The CMS, an information system for processing work flow and

Management System                         purchasing, inventory and sales documents
Abbreviation:                 Refers to
Sinopharm          Holding
                              Refers to   Sinopharm Holding Guangzhou Co., Ltd.
Guoda Drugstore               Refers to   Sinopharm Holding Guoda Drugstore Co., Ltd.
Sinopharm          Holding
                              Refers to   Sinopharm Holding Guangxi Co., Ltd.
Foshan Nanhai                 Refers to   Foshan Nanhai Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd.
Nanfang Pharmaceutical
                              Refers to   Guangdong Nanfang Pharmaceutical Foreign Trade Co., Ltd.
Foreign Trade
China National Zhijun,
                              Refers to   China National Zhijun (Shenzhen) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Zhijun Pharmaceutical
Zhijun Pharmacy Trade         Refers to   Shenzhen Zhijun Pharmacy Trade Co., Ltd.
Zhijun            Pingshan,
                              Refers to   China National Zhijun (Shenzhen) Pingshan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Pingshan Pharmaceutical
Main                  Luck
                              Refers to   Shenzhen Main Luck Pharmaceuticals Inc.

                  Section II Company Profile and Main Financial Indexes
I. Company profile

Short form of the stock         Sinopharm Accord ; Accord B             Stock code                     000028, 200028
Stock exchange for listing      Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Name of the Company (in
Short form of the Company
(in Chinese)
Foreign name of the Company
                                China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
(if applicable)
Short form of foreign name of
                                Sinopharm Accord
the Company (if applicable)
Legal representative            Lin Zhaoxiong
Registrations add.              Accord Pharm. Bldg , No. 15, Ba Gua Si Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province
Code for registrations add      518029
Offices add.                    Accord Pharm. Bldg, No. 15, Ba Gua Si Road, Futian District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province
Codes for office add.           518029
Company’s Internet Web Site http://www.szaccord.com.cn
E-mail                          gyyz0028@sinopharm.com

II. Person/Way to contact

                                                      Secretary of the Board                   Securities affairs representative

Name                                         Chen Changbing                             Wang Zhaoyu
                                                                                        Accord Pharm. Bldg., No. 15, Ba Gua Si
                                             Accord Pharm. Bldg., No. 15, Ba Gua Si
Contact add.                                 Road, Futian District, Shenzhen,           Road, Futian District, Shenzhen,
                                             Guangdong Province                         Guangdong Province

Tel.                                         +(86)755 25875195                          +(86)755 25875222

Fax.                                         +(86)755 25195435                          +(86)755 25195435

E-mail                                       gyyzinvestor@sinopharm.com                 gyyz0028@sinopharm.com

III. Information disclosure and preparation place

Newspaper appointed for information disclosure         Securities Times; China Securities Journal; Hong Kong Commercial Daily
Website for annual report publish appointed by CSRC http://www.szse.cn ; http://www.cninfo.com.cn
Preparation place for annual report                    Secretariat of the Board of Directors

IV. Registration changes of the Company

Organization code                            19218626-7
Changes of main business since listing (if
                                             No change.

Previous changes for controlling
                                             No change.
shareholders (if applicable)

V. Other relevant information

CPA engaged by the Company
Name of CPA                      Ernst & Young CPA (Special General partnership)
Offices add. for CPA             21/F, China Resources Building, No. 5001, Shennan East Road, Luohu District, Shenzhen
Sponsor engaged by the Company for performing continuous supervision duties in reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Financial consultant engaged by the Company for performing continuous supervision duties in reporting period
√Applicable □Not applicable
     Name of the financial           Offices add. for the financial
                                                                          Financial adviser               Continuous supervision period
         consultant                           consultant
                                   27/F-28/F, Building 2,
China International Capital        International Trade Mansion,
                                                                    Zhang Lei, Chen Chao              2017-2018
Corporation Limited                No.1 Jianguomen Outer Street,

VI. Main accounting data and financial indexes

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data
□Yes √No
                                              2018                    2017             Changes over last year             2016
Operating income (RMB)                    43,122,385,521.23      41,263,393,427.41                        4.51%       41,248,341,665.46
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed company         1,210,742,435.78        1,057,791,930.67                   14.46%           1,186,539,201.93
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed company
                                           1,175,971,967.39        1,035,461,581.00                   13.57%             834,359,349.80
after deducting non-recurring gains
and losses (RMB)
Net cash flow arising from
                                           1,322,606,352.27        1,285,291,911.82                       2.90%        1,472,342,476.16
operating activities (RMB)
Basic earnings per share
                                                         2.83                   2.47                  14.57%                        2.80
Diluted earnings per share
                                                         2.83                   2.47                  14.57%                        2.80
Weighted ROE                                         11.56%                  11.91%                       -0.35%                 15.05%
                                                                                        Changes over end of
                                           End of 2018            End of 2017                                         End of 2016
                                                                                              last year
Total assets (RMB)                        28,930,300,519.97      22,343,643,527.77                    29.48%          21,316,548,247.95
Net assets attributable to
shareholder of listed company             11,618,432,603.28        9,396,572,345.88                   23.65%           8,452,426,863.52

VII. Difference of the accounting data under accounting rules in and out of China

1. Difference of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report, under both IAS (International
Accounting Standards) and Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company had no difference of the net profit or net assets disclosed in financial report, under either IAS (International
Accounting Standards) or Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) in the period.

2. Difference of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report, under both foreign accounting
rules and Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company had no difference of the net profit or net assets disclosed in financial report, under either foreign accounting rules or
Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) in the period.

VIII. Quarterly main financial index

                                                                                                                                     In RMB
                                              First quarter        Second quarter            Third quarter           Fourth quarter
Operating income                              10,256,566,731.51     10,522,599,968.16        10,987,540,368.77       11,355,678,452.79
Net profit attributable to
                                                292,731,685.33           348,995,349.60        285,244,535.54           283,770,865.31
shareholders of the listed company
Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed company
                                                284,982,162.39           338,314,176.95        282,319,350.57           270,356,277.48
after deducting non-recurring gains
and losses
Net cash flow arising from
                                                -864,716,289.96         1,090,073,999.16       338,633,586.16           758,615,056.91
operating activities

Whether there are significant differences between the above-mentioned financial index or its total number and the relevant financial
index disclosed in the company’s quarterly report and semi-annual report
□ Yes √ No

IX. Items and amounts of extraordinary profit (gains)/loss

√Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                     In RMB
                       Item                               2018                 2017               2016                    Note
Gains/losses from the disposal of non-
                                                                                                                 The gains from fixed
current asset (including the write-off that              7,048,337.10          -203,279.86       11,931,729.24
                                                                                                                 assets disposal .
accrued for impairment of assets)
Governmental subsidy reckoned into current                                                                       Mainly for receiving
                                                        30,098,383.86        26,854,027.03       34,000,702.25
gains/losses (not including the subsidy                                                                          of all kinds of special

enjoyed in quota or ration according to                                                                         subsidies and fiscal
national     standards,   which    are     closely                                                              interest discount in the
relevant to enterprise’s business)                                                                             period.

Investment        costs    while         acquiring
subsidiaries, joint ventures and associated                                                                     Negative goodwill
enterprise, less than fair value of the                        729.29            58,022.12                      from subsidiary
identifiable    net   assets   from       invested                                                              acquisition.
enterprise which should be enjoined
Current net gain/losses of the subsidiary
merger under the same control from                                               -1,096.00    260,423,077.82
beginning of the period to combination date
Switch back of provision for depreciation of
account receivable which was singly taken            Not applicable           1,642,360.26       5,952,565.52
depreciation test
Switch back of provision for depreciation of
account receivable and contract assets which             5,301,091.66     Not applicable     Not applicable
were singly taken depreciation test
                                                                                                                The gains obtained
                                                                                                                from offering entrust
Gains and losses on foreign entrusted loans              3,246,925.69         1,907,519.89       2,880,583.33 loans to China
                                                                                                                National Zhijun
Consigning fee received for consigned
                                                          516,929.44                               393,081.77
Other non-operating income and expenditure
                                                         5,069,438.37          377,281.07        6,300,281.94
except for the aforementioned items
Other gains/losses satisfy a definition of
                                                         1,445,926.01          134,740.70     121,754,182.26
extraordinary gains/losses
Less: Impact on income tax                             12,137,071.11          6,690,220.38      28,392,824.03
        Impact on minority shareholders’
                                                         5,820,221.92         1,749,005.16      63,063,527.97
equity (post-tax)
Total                                                  34,770,468.39        22,330,349.67     352,179,852.13                --

Concerning the extraordinary profit (gain)/loss defined by Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies
Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, and the items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according to
the lists of extraordinary profit (gain)/loss in Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their
Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, explain reasons
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
In reporting period, the Company has no particular about items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according to the lists of
extraordinary profit (gain)/loss in Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to
the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss

                        Section III. Summary of Company Business

I. Main businesses of the company in the reporting period

Whether the company needs to comply with the disclosure requirements of the particular industry
Reference disclosure
Retailing industry
The Company complies with the disclosure requirement of Information Disclosure Guidelines for the Shenzhen Stock Exchange No.
8- Listing Company Engaged in Retailing Industry

In the reporting period, the main business of Sinopharm Accord includes pharmaceutical distribution and
pharmaceutical retail, specifically as follows:
(i) In the pharmaceutical distribution field, the company continues to integrate the distribution and logistics
business, deeply penetrates into the end markets, improves the stepped distribution network, creates intelligent
supply chain, and devotes to become a provider for pharmaceutical and health care products and services with the
strongest influence, the highest share, the most complete variety, the best service, and the fastest delivery in south
district of China.
1. The Company’s pharmaceutical distribution business is established in Guangdong and Guangxi, the company
has completed the network construction of Guangdong and Guangxi in 2013, and the business has extended to the
county-level regions; in 2014, we accelerating the integration of three-tier companies and the Company achieved
an operation all over the network in 2015; moreover, the distribution network has further expansion in 2018 and
main development direction is retail terminals, including: 982 secondary and tertiary medical institutions, 4996
primary medical customers and 1947 retail terminal customers (chain drugstores and single store).
2. The Company’s pharmaceutical distribution business has achieved the first scale in Guangdong and Guangxi
and the leading position in market segment of Guangdong and Guangxi, and has obtained the relatively leading
position in vaccine, instrument, and e-commerce industries.
(ii) In the pharmaceutical retail field, Guoda Drugstore is a pharmaceutical retail enterprise that ranks the first in
the sales volume throughout the country, and is one of the few enterprises in China with national direct sales drug
retail network. The retail chain network of Guoda Drugstore spreads over 19 provinces, autonomous regions and
municipalities, covers nearly 70 large and medium-sized cities,.
By the end of 2018, Guoda Drugstore has operated 4275 stores, covering 19 provinces, autonomous regions and
municipalities, entering nearly 70 large and medium sized cities, which has formed a drugstore networks covering
eastern and northern China, southern coastal cities, and gradually expanded into northeast, central plains and
inland cities, the sales scale of which has exceeded 10 billions, ranking the first within industry. Guoda drugstore,
the business of which were mainly relying on modern retail drugstores, has been putting great attention on the
development of professional service system with medical resources as core competitiveness, building a group of
stores with professional commercial activities, which are able to provide retails and therapy services that
integrating medical service and health-care products sales and cooperate with hospitals; at the same time, the
Company has been vigorously developing new business, exploring and expanding new sales channels, improving
professional services, being dedicated to transit from a traditional medical retail into an innovative service
enterprise. By means of conventional products retail management, improving major brands and exploring business
cooperation with supplier, accelerating the establishment of DTP business and continuous health care service
system, Guoda has built industry-leading professional service ability. Besides, the leading scale of Guoda is
regarded as one of the core competitiveness, for the reason that the advantage in scale has reduced its procurement
cost and enhanced its negotiation advantages.

II. Major changes in main assets

1. Major changes in main assets

      Major assets                                                   Note of major changes

                           Increased 223.1634 million Yuan over that of period-begin with 13.81% rate of change, mainly because
Equity assets
                           the investment income from joint ventures increased in the period.
                           Increased 56.2234 million Yuan over that of period-begin with 10.19% rate of change, mainly because
Fixed assets               office building purchased by subsidiary and office & machinery equipment purchased for medical
                           cooperation projects
                           Decreased 6.5443 million Yuan over that of period-begin with 2.01% rate of change, no major changes in
Intangible assets
                           reporting period.
                           Increased 13.4654 million Yuan over that of period-begin with 58.68% rate of change, mainly because
Construction in progress
                           more investment in ERP system construction and supply chain extension project
                           Increased 3898.1259 million Yuan over that of period-begin with 93.00% rate of change, mainly because
Monetary fund
                           received an addition funds investment from strategic investors to subsidiary in the period
Other non-current          Increased 140 million Yuan over that of period-begin with 100% rate of change, mainly due to the
financial assets           investment of China National Zhongjin Medical Industry Fund
                           Decreased 69.6566 million Yuan over that of period-begin with 49.05% rate of change, mainly because
Other non current assets
                           the account paid in advance for investment and engineering and equipment declined

2. Main overseas assets

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III. Core competitiveness analysis

Whether the company needs to comply with the disclosure requirements of the particular industry
Retailing industry
1. Strong network coverage and layout

Do a good job in resource sharing of wholesale and retail integration by relying on the perfect distribution
network and variety resources:
Establish the leading and perfect distribution networks in Guangdong and Guangxi: The company has complete
pharmaceutical distribution networks in Guangdong and Guangxi provinces, comprehensively covering the
Grade-III and Grade-II medical institutions and retail chain terminals in Guangdong and Guangxi. In recent years,
it has seized the opportunity to develop retail customers, and has vigorously expanded its distribution retail
pharmacies and small social medicals and other related businesses, of which the sales has achieved rapid growth.

Take the lead in scale and cover the countrywide retail network: Guoda Drugstore is a pharmaceutical retail
enterprise with sales volume ranking first throughout the country, established 28 regional chain enterprises, with
retail network spreading over 19 provinces and municipalities and autonomous regions and covering nearly 70
2. Abundant variety resources
In the pharmaceutical distribution, the company has established extensive cooperative relations with thousands of
domestic manufacturers and commercial enterprises and established stable business relationships with hundreds of
import and joint venture manufacturers, and has rich variety resources.
Guoda Drugstore operates nearly 120,000 merchandises. With its relatively comprehensive purchasing network
and years of experience in commodity management, Guoda Drug Store has established a merchandise system with
wide coverage, high professionalization, and rich varieties.
3. Complete logistics and distribution system
Accord distribution adopts supply chain management and warehouse management solutions system, it has built
large-scale first-grade logistics centers in Guangzhou, Nanning, Shenzhen and other places and established
distribution centers in Guangdong and Guangxi which has formed ladder logistics and distribution networks, it is
the first enterprise in Guangdong and Guangxi that has achieved the third-party logistics qualification and has the
professional pharmaceutical logistics capabilities with the largest scale, the most extensive network, and the most
complete modes in southern China.
Guoda Drugstore has a nationwide modern logistics and distribution system, and has established the logistics and
distribution network covering all the stores throughout the country, including Shanghai National Logistics Center
and 23 provincial and municipal distribution centers.
4. The advantages of medical insurance resources
Regarding medicine retails, the subsidiaries of Guoda Drugstore have featured generally higher medical insurance
acquiring ability, with higher medical insurance sales ratio and steady operation.
5. The advantages of Compliance: the Company had a big lead under an increasingly stringent regulatory
environment for the reason that it has kept emphasizing legalization and compliance in the process of operation
and management.
6. Unique-influence Sinopharm brand
Brand of the Company and distribution, industry child-brand and controlling shareholder and actual controller’s
brand come down in one continuous line, depending on powerful force of central enterprises, the Company’s

popularity and influence are prominent day by day in the industry.

                   Section IV. Discussion and Analysis of Business

1. Introduction

In 2018, Sinopharm Accord sought breakthroughs in development and change. With the implementation of
medical reform, Sinopharm Accord took the initiative to meet the changes, and conscientiously implemented the
working policy of “breaking the situation, saving the strength, and financing” of Sinopharm Group, fully
cooperated with the implementation of the government’s medical reform policy, and actively grasped the market
and policy opportunities, and focused on the objectives made at the beginning of the year to further promote
development through transformation and upgrading, resolved various unfavorable factors, and seized
opportunities. In 2018, the company took the pace of internationalization and achieved better and smoother
development on the basis of consolidating business advantages and improving service capabilities.

(i)The business condition of the Company in 2018

As of end of 2018, Sinopharm Accord achieved an operation revenue of 43,122 million Yuan, with year-on-year
growth of 4.51 percent; operation profits amounted as 1,671 million Yuan, a 14.15 percent from a year earlier; the
net profit attributable to shareholder of listed company amounted as 1,211 million Yuan, a 14.46 percent up on a
y-o-y basis.
Ended as 2018, the distribution business of Sinopharm Accord has gained revenue of 32,757 million Yuan in
operation, with year-on-year growth of 3.92 percent; net profit amounted as 716 million Yuan, a 11.89 percent up
from a year earlier; Guoda Drugstore achieved an operation revenue of 108.78 million Yuan, a 8.45 percent
growth on a y-o-y basis; net profit gains 302 million Yuan, with y-o-y growth of 15.1 percent.
(II) Overview of the main work of the company in 2018
1. Continue to promote the “wholesale and retail integration” strategy
After the completion of major asset restructuring, the company actively promoted the “wholesale and retail
integration” strategy, made full use of the commercial platform with mature distribution and the terminal
advantageous network with wide retail sales to extend the commodity to the retail terminal through effective
resource integration means and give play to the scale effect so as to achieve the synergistic interaction between
distribution and retail, enhance the competitive advantage of brand, service and profitability, and establish an
integrated business model. It integrated resources through the implementation of wholesale and retail procurement
synergy, investment and M&A integration, prescription complementation, membership management sharing,
brand image classification, logistics integration systemization, information system integration and other means,
after two years of development, wholesale and retail synergy has achieved initial success, and the retail scale and
synergy continued to break through, in 2018, the sales revenue of wholesale and retail synergy was 590 million
yuan, a year-on-year increase of 75%, at the same time, it created the new model of distribution-Guoda wholesale

and retail “member store”, and gave play to the advantages of commercial distribution center in variety,
background connection, and delivery, combined with Guangdong Guoda retail network, developed member stores
in Guangdong and Guangxi, and the members increased to 86 stores throughout the year. We also integrated the
distribution and retail strategy varieties, carried out category planning and resource sharing, and already have had
more than 100 cooperative manufacturers in the catalogue of wholesale and retail integration varieties, and over
600 cooperative product specifications, and promoted more than 1,000 prescription drugs to open retail channels.
2. Invest in mergers and acquisitions and self-open stores, and expand network layout
The company has formed strong business networks in the southern area of China, its business has covered more
than 4,000 medical institutions in Guangdong and Guangxi provinces, which basically achieved full coverage in
Guangdong and Guangxi. On this basis, in 2018, the distribution business layout continued, through investment in
mergers and acquisitions and new establishments, Sinopharm Holding Guangxi Hezhou Co., Ltd., Sinopharm
Holding Guangxi Qinzhou Co., Ltd., Sinopharm Holding Guangxi Hechi Co., Ltd., Sinopharm Holding Guorun
Medical Supply Chain Service (Guangxi) Co., Ltd., and Sinopharm Holding Baiyi Pharmacy Guangxi Co., Ltd.
have been established.
Based on the retail business developed in nearly 70 cities in 19 provinces and autonomous regions, Guoda
Drugstore expanded their retail scale advantage with the “self-opening + M&A” model, at the end of 2018, the
total number reached 4,275 stores, including a net increase of 441 stores, meanwhile, it completed the investment
in newly establishing Fujian Guoda Medicine Co., Ltd., newly establishing Shanghai Guoda Ruijing Pharmacy
Co., Ltd., newly establishing Sinopharm Holding Guoda Drugstore Zhengzhou Chain Co., Ltd., newly
establishing Inner Mongolia Guoda Drugstore Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., and the acquisition of 100% equity of
Shanxi Zhongao Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., the acquisition of relevant retail business and assets of Inner Mongolia
Tongren Pharmacy Chain Co., Ltd., and the acquisition of 100% equity of Shanxi Yixintang Pharmacy Co., Ltd.
3. The transformation and innovation of distribution business strongly develop in four directions
Promoted the transformation of traditional distribution business, explored advanced supply chain management
mode and informatization means, realized the traceable management of hospital medical materials circulation,
improved the drug supply chain management efficiency and reduced operating costs. At the same time, relied on
the network layout of distribution, and accelerated the optimization of terminal network construction. In 2018,
according to changes in the market environment, the company actively expanded its business development areas,
clearly focused on the development of four business directions including retail direct sales, equipment
consumables, retail diagnosis and treatment, and primary care, and achieved effective breakthroughs: retail direct
sales increased by 34% on a year-on-year basis, and equipment consumables increased by 29% on a year-on-year
basis, retail diagnosis and treatment increased by 49% on a year-on-year basis, and primary care increased by 17%
on a year-on-year basis.
(1) Solidly completed the traditional business. Quickly adjusted strategies for changes in industry rules such as
bidding, GPO, two-vote system, and anti-cancer drug tax reform, pooled the resources, and completed the variety
development and strategy response.
Sinopharm Guangzhou was awarded the centralized bargaining qualification of the pharmaceutical business
enterprises commissioned by Guangzhou GPO Medical Institutions; supported the GPO multi-platform operation

mode in other regions of Guangdong, and signed strategic cooperation framework agreements with prefecture-
level municipal governments such as Heyuan and Maoming.
After promoting the implementation of 131 key cooperation projects of two vote system, the income of
Guangdong’s pure sales business increased by 958 million yuan. At the same time, improved the efficiency of the
supply chain through the establishment of invoice management system, the optimization of purchase tax refund
process, the inventory management of multi-warehouse operation and other means, and further improved the
operation process specifications of prepayment and cash deposit, and ensured fast switching of the two-vote
Integrated the upstream resources and expanded the primary care networks. Explored the overall solution of direct
delivery for community service for home care of elderly community health care pharmacy and the model of
“community health care + Guoda
Drugstore”, created a health archive information platform, provided community service for home care of elderly
and family doctors door-to-door service, promoted health consultation with integrated traditional Chinese and
Western medicine, and provided nearby medicine taking and door-to-door delivery services.
(2) Increased retail direct sales coverage. By expanding the terminal network, platform construction and
background driving, accelerated the sinking of network and enhanced the competitiveness of business, and
operated 49 top one hundred chain stores. Completed the B2B background upgrade, the Hengxing station APP has
been online, and achieved 1425 terminal customers through online marketing.
(3) Built the core competitiveness of retail diagnosis and treatment. Accelerated the stationing of distribution and
retail, there were 61 open drugstores throughout the year, including 23 drugstores newly opened in 2018 (12
cooperative drugstores in the hospitals, 6 drugstores near the hospitals, and 5 DTP pharmacies), the quality of the
drugstores was gradually improved, and the sales revenue increased by 36% on a year-on-year basis. Built
distinctive service models, brand recognition and industry influence were promoted, Foyi Drugstore has obtained
the qualification of medical insurance for major illnesses, Foshan Drugstore and Foyi Drugstore have obtained the
qualifications of the designated pharmacies for out-patient outsourcing medicine for special diseases, and 2
pharmacies in Huizhou have become the national negotiation drug agreement pharmacies; introduced the health
testing all-in-one machine, drug-seeking robots, and other intelligent devices to create smart professional
pharmacies. Undertook prescription outflows and explore new models, created a prescription transfer docking
system, linked the cloud hospital, the provincial internet hospital and other platforms to explore prescriptions
(4) Fully developed the equipment consumables business. Vigorously developed SPD equipment consumables
business, assisted hospitals to improve consumables management level and reduce hospital costs. A number of
hospitals have launched SPD and ‘smart chain’ (ISC) integrated management solutions, and have become “Top
Ten Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Service Innovation Cases” and “Excellent Cases of Pharmaceutical Supply
Chains” in the pharmaceutical distribution industry in 2018. The reagent business has established a model of the
top three hospitals, the equipment maintenance business has established a medical treatment alliance mode in
Haizhu District of Guangzhou, and the disinfection supply business has been officially put into operation. The
company is driving a transformation of services centering on consumers and end patients.

4. Open up the process of internationalization and build a “new Guoda”
In July 2018, Guoda Drugstore completed the introduction of Walgreens Boots Alliance, the world’s largest
drugstore chain, and became a Sino-foreign joint venture after the equity transfer. Through the cooperation with
Walgreens Boots Alliance, the company will introduce internationally advanced management concepts,
information technology, and product supply chain management to bring about all-round improvement for Guoda
Drugstore in operational efficiency, pharmaceutical service capabilities and diversified category management
capabilities, hoping to lead the development of China’s pharmaceutical retail industry, to meet the differentiated
needs of customers, and to create new features for China’s pharmaceutical retail. The new session of board of
directors of Guoda Drugstore has defined the strategic plan for the retail business for the next 3-5 years and has
formed specific strategic measures, and it has launched multiple projects for strategic measures, such as
development strategies and paths, merger and acquisition strategies, retail terminal operational capacity
enhancement, organizational structure design, and new store model pilot, digital innovation and new channels,
category optimization, private brand strategy, centralized procurement, information technology and so on.
By the end of 2018, Guoda Drugstore has a total number of 4275 drugstores, with a year-on-year increase of 441
stores compared with 2017. Among them, there are 361 hospital-side stores, increased 58 new ones; 1213 national
chronic disease stores, a year-on-year increase of 33%; 2670 medical insurance stores of direct sales.
(1) Optimized and improved basic management, and promoted the front-desk marketing management. Established
a retail price control system by strengthening management, teaching methods, and grasping promotions, and
carried out the loss management through project system management. In 2018, the sales revenue of direct
comparable stores was 6.23 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 3.7%; the loss management was improved,
and 121 stores stopped losses in 2018.
(2) Integrated the wholesale and retail integration resources, effectively managed the commodity procurement and
category planning, and centralized purchasing and sales has a year-on-year growth of 20%; strengthened the
capacity improvement of pharmaceutical service, and continued to optimize in member management, pharmacist
training, job skills training, and commissioner’s business capabilities, the total number of members for the year
reached 19.76 million;
(3) Continued to advance the innovative business. Built and promoted the OTO self-operated platform, third-party
OTO (Meituan, Jingdong Daojia, etc.), the instant distribution reached a total sales of 14.04 million, a year-on-
year increase of 167%; commercial insurance card business increased by 17%; the stored value card business
increased by 16%; the electronic prescription platform had a total prescription of more than 500,000 orders.
5. Build new organizational capabilities
To match strategy and control needs, the company improved organizational effectiveness by optimizing corporate
governance, ownership structure, and organizational structure. Sinopharm Accord headquarters took “defining
strategy, controlling risks, and allocating resources” as its core positioning, optimized management and control
mechanism, improved organizational platform and service efficiency; optimized the financial control system by
improving investment platform and matching investment with resources, operated full-process management,
controlled risk and fully supervised, and built assets, safety, legal system, and platform management; took
business-oriented, strengthened the construction of talent team, built a diversified human resource management

system and incentive mechanism, and stimulated organizational vitality; took special governance as the starting
point, optimized resource allocation, focused on operational improvement, improved organizational efficiency,
strengthened integrated operational management capabilities, and improved strategic development execution
efficiency and business operation efficiency.
6. Promote technological transformation, and promote business informationization and intelligent logistics
The company strengthened the construction of scientific and technological talents, strengthened the advantages of
information technology, optimized basic management, built a financial sharing platform, and the integrated first
marketing platform, cloud platform, intelligent logistics platform, and integrated new technologies promoted the
implementation of four major businesses of distribution. Introduced AI intelligence, launched the AGV robot
project in Dongguan, and launched 20 automatic drug sales machines in Shenzhen and Inner Mongolia, and
promoted intelligent unmanned drug sales projects.
7. Prevent risks all round, and ensure compliance
The company formed a comprehensive risk prevention and control system by improving the compliance system,
fostering the employees’ compliance awareness, strengthening risk supervision, and giving full play to the
supervisory role of discipline inspection + finance + risk operation + legal + internal audit. On the one hand, we
improved risk prevention and control system, and strengthened risk supervision; on the other hand, we took
measures to strengthen pressure control to “receivables and de-stocking” and internal audit, supervised the whole
process of major projects, strictly abided by the quality bottom line, Sinopharm Accord and its subordinate
enterprises passed the Good Supply Practice Certification for Pharmaceutical Products, and passed 2008 review of
ISO9001 with zero defect, and no major quality accidents occurred.
8. Grasp the grassroots and consolidate the party building
Sinopharm Accord has consistently adhered to political responsibility, after the headquarters took the lead in
completing the work of party building into the charter, in 2018, the general requirements for party building into
the charter have been fully completed at the subsidiary level. By consolidating the grassroots foundation, we
carried out the specific action of “party building strengthening foundation”, strictly implemented the inner-party
system, established templates and guidelines, and enhanced grassroots organizational strength; highlighted
political leadership, and organized various inner-party learning and training to temper party spirit and firm ideals
and beliefs; implemented “two responsibilities”, strengthened annual inspections, and played the role of “swords”;
deepened the construction of incorruptible culture, and provided discipline guarantee for the company’s
compliance operations and high-quality development.

The Company complies with the disclosure requirement of “Information Disclosure Guidelines for the Shenzhen
Stock Exchange No. 8- Listing Company Engaged in Retailing Industry”

1. The business activities of entity management and business condition of stores during the reporting period
By the end of 2018, Guoda Drugstore has opened up 3202 direct-sale stores, with total revenue up to 10.02 billion
Yuan, increased by 9.87 percent from a year earlier, it also has 1073 franchised stores, which has earned 1.183
billion Yuan of distribution revenue, with year-on-year growth of 6.25 percent.
                                       Direct-sale store                                          Franchised outlet
      Region        Numbers of          Sales income                Y-o-y       Numbers         Dispatching income           Y-o-y
                     the store     (in 10 thousand Yuan)           changes     of the store     (10 thousand Yuan)          changes
       North           1,510             523,851.89                12.28%          322               47,602.24              13.66%
  East China           793                 233,009.72              5.40%          578                56,150.58              -0.42%
 South China           409                 139,736.67              8.06%            67                9,021.40              14.71%
Central China          267                  52,345.43              12.10%         106                 5,477.87               6.10%
  Northwest            223                  53,174.48              9.76%            -                    -                   0.00%
       Total          3,202                1,002,118.21            9.87%         1,073              118,252.09               6.25%

Note: North: Liaoning, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei
East China: Shanghai, Jiangsu, Anhui, Shandong, Fujian, Zhejiang
South China: Guangdong, Guangxi
Central China: Henan, Hunan
Northwest: Ningxia Xinjiang

(1) Details of top ten sales stores
                                         Opening Operatin                    Business          Actual operating          Property
Serial Region             Store name
                                          year   g mode                       format              area(M2)              ownership
  1       Shanxi Zhongli Branch in Yiyuan 2002
                                                  Direct-                      5+X                 820.00             Property rental
  2        Inner
                             Headquarter           2003      Direct-          5+X                 1,689.26            Property rental
         Mongolian                                            sale
  3      Guangdo Exhibition hall branch            2006      Direct-         Modern                260.00             Property rental
           ng     of Guoda Drugstore                          sale          Pharmacy
  4       Shanxi     Eryuan Branch in Yiyuan       2011      Direct-          5+X                  600.00             Property rental
  5                                                1997      Direct-         Modern                773.16             Property rental
          Beijing        Xidan Jinxiang                       sale          Pharmacy
  6                  Pharmaceutical market         1991      Direct-         Modern                620.00             Property rental
          Jiangsu                                             sale
                     in Yangzhou Baiyulan                                   Pharmacy
  7                                                2010      Direct-      Traditional             1,206.00            Property rental
                                                              sale         Chinese
          Hebei      Le Ren Tang Headquarter
                                                                        outpatient store
  8                   Xiamen New Special           2005      Direct-         Modern                132.90             Property rental
          Fujian                                              sale
                          Medicine                                          Pharmacy
  9                                                2000      Direct-      Traditional              280.00             Property rental
                      Kangning store of Le                    sale         Chinese
                          Ren Tang                                         Medicine
                                                                        outpatient store
  10     Guangdo      Zhenxing Branch of           2002      Direct-         Modern                200.00             Property rental
           ng          Guoda Drugstore                        sale          Pharmacy

(2) In 2018, the Company has opened 474 new direct-sale stores and closed 75 stores, with a net increase of 399
                                               Direct-sale store                                       Franchised outlet
      Region         Number of store                                Number of stores          Number of store     Number of stores
                                                Total area
                       increased                                      shut down                 increased           shut down
       North              263                   33,151.88                -31                        46                  -9
  East China                80             8,774.95              -20                 25                     -41
 South China                55             5,732.05              -12                 15                     -7
 Central China              39             4,452.47               -6                 25                     -14
  Northwest                 37             4,606.04               -6                  -                      -
     Total                  474           56,717.39              -75                 111                    -71

2. In 2018, the online sales were steadily carried out, and overall e-commerce revenue growth slowed down, and
O2O platform sales totaled 255 million yuan, an increase of 3.1% on a year-on-year basis; among them, Daojia
services grew rapidly and achieved sales of 14.04 million yuan in 2018, an increase of 167% on a year-on-year
basis. Details were as follows:
                                                                                           In 10 thousand Yuan
                     Cooperation platform                                       Operation revenue
                 China National Health On-line                                     20,174.84
         Yaofangwang (www.yaofangwang.com)                                           1,457.40
             Yiyaowang (www.111.com.cn)                                               157.99
                Other B2C online retailers                                           1,304.43
             JD daojia (http://daojia.jd.com)                                         673.18
                        Ali Health                                                    73.94
                       Yao Dao Jia                                                     1.20
                  Wanda Online Retailer                                                2.49
                    Baidu Takeaway                                                    18.26
                    Meituan Waimai
                  Baheal Pharmaceutical                                               49.19
                       Wechat Mall                                                   212.03
                          Total                                                     25,533.06

3. Purchasing inventory and suppliers:
Top 5 suppliers for year of 2018:
                                                                              In 10 thousand Yuan
                Suppliers                        Purchase amount (tax included)              Procurement ratio
                  No.1                                      20,352                                 13%
                  No.2                                      15,756                                 10%
                  No.3                                      11,778                                  8%
                  No.4                                       9,499                                  6%
                  No.5                                       9,364                                  6%

4. The status of warehousing logistics:
In 2018, Guoda Drugstore has 27 large and small sized logistic warehouses in total, covering more than 120,000
square meters, spreading out across 17 provinces.
                                                                                          Logistic charge
     Province                Region       Warehouse area (M2) Management ownership                                Rate
                                                                                          (in 10 thousand
     Liaoning          Shenyang             18,821                Self-management         1449.37        1.00%
                      Guangzhou                                 Guangzhou Hengchang
                                                                  Logistic entrusted
                                                                                          684.70         0.87%
    Guangdong          Shanzhen
                       Jiangmen              5,072                Self-management         486.24         1.73%
                    Shanxi Wanmin           10,919                Self-management         1020.74        1.09%
                     Shanxi Yiyuan           8,860                Self-management         752.91         0.70%
                      Dadesheng              4,869                Self-management         275.31         0.92%
     Jiangsu            Nanjing              2,200                Self-management         225.79         2.02%
                        Liyang               1,920                Self-management         147.95         0.86%
                        Fujian               2,395                Self-management         253.71         0.93%
                       Quanzhou              1,096                Self-management          54.91         0.83%
      Hebei              Hebei               4,300                Self-management         391.82         0.83%
    Shandong           Shandong              5,800                Self-management         418.72         1.19%
     Ningxia            Ningxia              3,300                Self-management         291.54         1.33%
      Hunan             Hunan                3,600                Self-management         334.03         1.32%
      Henan             Henan                3,610                Self-management         340.76         1.35%
  Inner Mongolia    Inner Mongolia           2,314                Self-management         421.33         0.98%
     Guangxi           Guangxi               1,950                Self-management         233.65         1.17%
                     Beijing Guoda
      Beijing                                4,389                Self-management         795.40         1.59%
                    Beijing Jinxiang
      Tianjin           Tianjin              1,200                Self-management         158.00         1.78%
      Anhui              Anhui               1,000                Self-management          91.30         2.12%
     Xinjiang          Xinjiang              3,517                Self-management         297.69         1.23%
                    Shanghai Fumei
                                            20,000                Self-management         2671.88        1.49%
     Shanghai       Shanghai Guoda
                       Hangzhou              974                  Self-management         105.49         2.68%
                                                                 Sinopharm Logistic
Guoda Headquarter     Headquarter            8,000                                        1291.27        1.03%
      Total                                127,055                                       13,194.52       1.27%

5. Most of commodity suppliers of Guoda Drugstore are from external, with some relative enterprises and private
own brand of Sinopharm Group as auxiliary. The sales of 2018 were as below:
                                                                                           In 10 thousand Yuan
                                                                            Sales amount (tax
    Own brand             Nature                     Category                                           Ratio
         a          Group-buying OEM            Health food                       3,368                0.336%
         b          Group-buying OEM             Children                           46                 0.005%
         c          Group-buying OEM            Gynaecology                         33                 0.003%
         d          Group-buying OEM               Cold                             47                 0.005%
         e          Group-buying OEM            Personal care                       12                 0.001%
            f             Group-buying OEM        Family health                               3,096                      0.309%
           g              Group-buying OEM         Anti-infection                              175                       0.018%
           h              Group-buying OEM Anti-allergy & anti-vertigo                         68                        0.007%
            i             Group-buying OEM Clearing heat & toxic material                      259                       0.026%
            j             Group-buying OEM     Drugs for external use                          270                       0.027%
           k              Group-buying OEM     Otorhinolaryngology                             295                       0.029%
            l             Group-buying OEM    TCM decoction pieces                            3,459                      0.345%
          Total                   -                       -                                 11,129.07                     1.11%

II. Main business analysis

1. Overview

Found more in I. Introduction in Discussion and Analysis of Business

2. Revenue and cost

(1) Constitute of operation revenue

                                                                                                                              In RMB
                                          2018                                         2017
                                                                                                                     Increase/decrease y-
                                               Ratio in operation                           Ratio in operation
                              Amount                                       Amount                                            o-y
                                                    revenue                                      revenue
Total of operation
                           43,122,385,521.23                  100%      41,263,393,427.41                  100%                     4.51%
According to industries

Medicine wholesale         31,866,749,848.53               73.90%       31,022,967,423.15               75.18%                      2.72%

Medicine retail            10,873,162,895.62               25.21%        9,892,835,784.75               23.97%                      9.91%

Logistic & storage
                              26,109,809.27                   0.06%        29,568,712.15                   0.07%                   -11.70%

Lease and other              356,362,967.81                   0.83%       318,021,507.36                   0.78%                   12.06%

According to products
Medicine                   41,115,048,626.41               95.35%       39,683,832,010.20               96.17%                      3.61%

Apparatus                   1,340,837,068.09                  3.11%      1,125,368,079.05                  2.73%                   19.15%

Other                        666,499,826.73                   1.54%       454,193,338.16                   1.10%                   46.74%

According to region
Domestic revenue           43,122,385,521.23             100.00%        41,263,393,427.41               100.00%                     4.51%
Foreign revenue                           0                         0                  0                         0                      0

(2) About the industries, products, or regions accounting for over 10% of the company’s operating income
or operating profit

√Applicable □ Not applicable
Whether the company needs to comply with the disclosure requirements of the particular industry
Retailing industry
                                                                                                                              In RMB
                                                                                Increase/decrease Increase/decrease Increase/decrease
                   Operating revenue     Operating cost      Gross profit ratio    of operating   of operating cost of gross profit
                                                                                  revenue y-o-y         y-o-y          ratio y-o-y
According to industries
Medicine       31,866,749,848.53         29,606,073,176.14             7.09%              2.72%             0.99%              1.58%
Medicine       10,873,162,895.62          8,368,907,348.19            23.03%              9.91%            12.23%             -1.59%
According to products
Medicine           41,115,048,626.41     36,456,947,511.65            11.33%              3.61%             2.32%              1.11%
According to region
                   43,122,385,521.23     38,024,108,631.15            11.82%              4.51%             3.27%              1.05%

Under circumstances of adjustment in reporting period for statistic scope of main business data, adjusted main business based on
latest one year’s scope of period-end
□Applicable √Not applicable

(3) Income from physical sales larger than income from labors


(4) Fulfillment of the company’s signed significant sales contracts up to this reporting period

□Applicable √Not applicable

(5) Constitute of operation cost

                                                                                                                               In RMB
                                                          2018                                    2017
      Industries            Item                             Ratio in operation                      Ratio in operation
                                               Amount                                 Amount                              ease y-o-y
                                                                    cost                                    cost
                     Sales cost           29,606,073,176.14              77.87% 29,315,028,286.33              79.62%          0.99%
Medicine retail      Sales cost             8,368,907,348.19             22.01% 7,457,091,704.13               20.25%        12.23%
Logistic &           Transportation &
                                              13,025,190.40               0.03%      11,065,889.25              0.03%        17.71%
storage service      storage cost
Lease and other      Service cost             36,102,916.42               0.09%      36,367,036.09              0.10%         -0.73%

(6) Whether the changes in the scope of consolidation in Reporting Period

√Yes □ No
Details of the changes in the scope of consolidation in reporting Period can be seen in Note VI of Financial Report.

(7) Major changes or adjustment in business, product or service of the Company in Reporting Period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(8) Major sales and main suppliers

Major sales client of the Company
Total top five clients in sales (RMB)                                                                              2,461,206,643.89
Proportion in total annual sales volume for top five clients                                                                 5.75%
Ratio of related parties in annual total sales among the top
five clients

Information of top five clients of the Company
  Serial                        Name                            Sales amount (RMB)              Proportion in total annual sales
1           No. 1                                                         653,110,735.98                                       1.53%
2           No. 2                                                         495,339,192.61                                       1.16%
3           No. 3                                                         484,534,000.41                                       1.13%
4           No. 4                                                         415,202,332.84                                       0.97%
5           No. 5                                                         413,020,382.05                                       0.97%
Total                            --                                     2,461,206,643.89                                       5.75%
Other situation of main clients
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Main suppliers of the Company
Total purchase amount from top five suppliers (RMB)                                                                5,079,663,728.26
Proportion in total annual purchase amount for top five
Ratio of related parties in annual total sales among the top
five suppliers

Information of top five suppliers of the Company
   Serial                     Suppliers                        Purchase amount (RMB)         Proportion in total annual purchases
1            No. 1                                                       2,315,361,149.80                                     7.40%
2            No. 2                                                         918,094,680.06                                     2.94%
3            No. 3                                                         724,064,793.44                                     2.32%
4            No. 4                                                         565,948,629.46                                     1.81%
5            No. 5                                                         556,194,475.50                                     1.78%
Total                             --                                     5,079,663,728.26                                    16.24%
Other notes of main suppliers of the Company
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. Expenses

                                                                                                                             In RMB
                                     2018                  2017                                  Note of major changes
Sales expense                     2,762,789,885.77     2,305,909,071.71           19.81% No major changes occurred
Management expense                  783,338,308.19       735,953,967.13             6.44% No major changes occurred
Financial expense                 112,862,739.12        110,360,539.56               2.27% No major changes occurred

4. R&D expenses

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

5. Cash flow

                                                                                                                             In RMB
               Item                             2018                             2017                       Y-o-y changes
Subtotal of cash in-flow from
                                               47,475,381,467.60                 46,751,355,521.20                           1.55%
operation activity
Subtotal of cash out-flow from
                                               46,152,775,115.33                 45,466,063,609.38                           1.51%
operation activity
Net cash flow from operation
                                                 1,322,606,352.27                 1,285,291,911.82                           2.90%
Subtotal of cash in-flow from
                                                   238,641,593.44                  138,275,319.85                           72.58%
investment activity
Subtotal of cash out-flow from
                                                   461,099,860.32                  424,456,513.79                            8.63%
investment activity
Net cash flow from investment
                                                   -222,458,266.88                 -286,181,193.94                          -22.27%
Subtotal of cash in-flow from
                                                 3,363,461,854.03                  514,921,208.46                        553.20%
financing activity
Subtotal of cash out-flow from
                                                   504,680,787.88                  991,944,325.18                           -49.12%
financing activity
Net cash flow from financing
                                                 2,858,781,066.15                  -477,023,116.72                       -699.30%
Net increased amount of cash and
                                                 3,958,618,329.29                  522,583,265.99                        657.51%
cash equivalent
Main reasons for y-o-y major changes in aspect of relevant data
√Applicable □ Not applicable
(1) Subtotal of cash in-flow from investment activity: has 72.58% up from a year earlier, mainly because bonus received from
associated enterprise increased on a y-o-y growth in the period;
(2) Subtotal of cash in-flow from financing activity: has 553.20% up from a year earlier, mainly because received a capital increase
for subsidiary Guoda Drugstore in the period from strategic investor;
(3) Subtotal of cash out-flow from financing activity: has 49.12% down from a year earlier, mainly because the cash paid for debts
are declined on a y-o-y basis due to the change of documentary bill from the bank in the period;
(4) Net cash flow from financing activity: has 699.30% down from a year earlier, mainly because received a capital increase for
subsidiary Guoda Drugstore in the period from strategic investor;
(5) Net increased amount of cash and cash equivalent : has 657.51% up from a year earlier, mainly because received a capital
increase for subsidiary Guoda Drugstore in the period from strategic investor;
Reasons of major difference between the cash flow of operation activity in report period and net profit of the Company
□Applicable √Not applicable

III. Analysis of the non-main business

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IV. Assets and liability

1. Major changes of assets composition

                                                                                                                                  In RMB
                       Year-end of 2018               Year-begin of 2018
                                      Ratio in                        Ratio in                           Notes of major changes
                     Amount                           Amount                        changes
                                     total assets                    total assets
                                                                                              Mainly because received a capital
                                                                                              increase for subsidiary Guoda
Monetary fund     8,089,781,304.56      27.96% 4,191,655,438.51         18.76%        9.20%
                                                                                              Drugstore in the period from strategic
                  9,336,861,647.92      32.27% 7,589,412,679.88         33.97%       -1.70% No major changes occurred 。
Inventory         4,389,335,942.19      15.17% 3,781,858,238.12         16.93%       -1.76% No major changes occurred 。
Investment real
                   144,894,495.97         0.50%     153,678,339.11        0.69%      -0.19% No major changes occurred 。
equity            1,880,393,786.10        6.50% 1,650,619,373.09          7.39%      -0.89% No major changes occurred 。
Fix assets         607,933,827.67         2.10%     551,710,434.02        2.47%      -0.37% No major changes occurred 。
                                                                                              Mainly because more investment in
Construction in
                    36,412,614.61         0.13%      22,947,258.99        0.10%       0.03% ERP system construction and supply
                                                                                              chain extension project
                                                                                              Affected by the more financing for
Short-term loans 2,597,652,702.43         8.98% 1,561,354,521.64          6.99%       1.99%
                                                                                              supply chain
Long-term loans     31,600,000.00         0.11%      31,600,000.00        0.14%      -0.03% No major changes occurred 。

2. Assets and liability measured by fair value

√Applicable □ Not applicable
1. Assets and liability measured by fair value
Year of 2018

                                                Input value used for fair value measurement
                                                                                   Important un-                                    Total
                                          Active market Important observable
                                                                                  observable input
                                            quotation          input value
                                               (1st Level)           (2nd Level)         (3rd Level )

      Continuous fair value
       Note receivable                                     -         567,775,275.40                            -        567,775,275.40
       Other equity instrument                             --                                                  -
      investment                                                      13,685,760.00                                      13,685,760.00
       Other non-current financial                         -                                  140,000,000.00            140,000,000.00

                                                      -      581,461,035.40       140,000,000.00         721,461,035.40

       Year of 2017

                                             Input value used for fair value measurement
                                                                                Important un-                     Total
                                       Active market Important observable
                                                                               observable input
                                         quotation          input value
                                            (1 Level)
                                                                  (2nd Level)         (3rd Level )

       Continuous fair value
      Financial assets available for
       sale                                           -        13,685,760.00                     -        13,685,760.00

2. Assets and liability released by fair value
Year of 2018

                                              Input value used for fair value measurement
                                                                                  Important un-                    Total
                                       Active market Important observable
                                                                                observable input
                                         quotation          input value
                                             (1st Level)           (2nd Level)          (3rd Level )

       Long-term loans                                -        31,600,000.00                         -    31,600,000.00

Year of 2017

                                              Input value used for fair value measurement
                                                                                  Important un-                    Total
                                       Active market Important observable
                                                                                observable input
                                         quotation          input value
                                             (1st Level)           (2nd Level)          (3rd Level )

       Long-term loans                                -        31,600,000.00                         -    31,600,000.00

3. Assets right restriction till end of reporting period


V. Investment

1. Overall situation

During the reporting period, the Company achieved an enterprise combined under the different control for the
follow three enterprises by cash acquisition of Taiyuan Tongxinli Guoda Drugstore Co., Ltd (100%), Shanxi
Zhongao Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd (100%) and Sinopharm Holding Guangzhou Huadu Co., Ltd (70%). The new
subsidiaries established in the period including: Sinopharm Holding Foshan Medical Supplies Supply Chain Co.,
Ltd.(70%), Sinopharm Holding Medicine Supply Chain Service (Guangxi )Co., Ltd. (30.6%), Sinopharm Holding
Baiyi Pharmacy Guangxi Co., Ltd(51%), Sinopharm Holding Hezhou Co., Ltd(100%), Sinopharm Holding Guoda
Drugstore Zhengzhou Chain Co., Ltd(60%), Fujian Guoda Medicine Co., Ltd(100%), Sinopharm Holding
Qinzhou Co., Ltd (100%), Sinopharm Holding Hechi Co., Ltd (100%), China National Shanghai Guoda Ruijing
Pharmacy Co., Ltd(55%) and Shanghai Guoda Haohai Pharmacy Co., Ltd.(51%) . Meanwhile, the Company has
2.53% equity participated in Shanghai Dingqun Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd. For more
investment details, see the Note (vi) and Note (vii) in Financial Report

2. The major equity investment obtained in the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

3. The major non-equity investment doing in the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

4. Financial assets investment

(1) Securities investment

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The company had no securities investment in the reporting period.

(2) Derivative investment

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The company had no derivative investment in the reporting period.

5. Application of raised proceeds

√Applicable □ Not applicable

(1) Overall application of raised proceeds

√Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                               In 10 thousand Yuan
                                                                                                           Usage of
                                                                       Cumulativ     Ratio of                  the
                                                                        e raised    cumulative              retained
                                  Total  Total     Total     raised                               Total                  Raised
                                                                        capitals       raised                raised
                                  raise  raised accumulati capital has                         accumulati                capitals
                                                                           has        capitals              capitals
 Year           Way                 d   capital  ve raised purpose of                           ve raised                idle for
                                                                       purpose of       has                and what
                                  capit   used    capitals    uses                               capitals               more than
                                                                          uses      purpose of            is expected
                                   als in Period   used    changed in                            unused                 two years
                                                                       changed in       uses              to invested
                                                                          total      changed               with those
        Non-public offering 27,36                                                                         Deposit
2016                                      5,472.4 22,469.34          0          0        0.00% 4,892.15                           0
        of shares            1.49                                                                         bank

Total               --                        5,472.4 22,469.34            0          0       0.00%   4,892.15           --                  0
                                             Explanation on General usage of raised capital
More details of the use of raised capitals can be seen in Special report on the storage and the actual use of raised capitals of
Sinopharm Accord in 2018 disclosed on 25 April 2019

(2) Situation of committed project of raised proceeds

√Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                         In 10 thousand Yuan
                                                                         Amount of
       Committed          Projects                                                                                                 Project
                                           Total      Total           accumulateInvestment
 investment projects changed or                             Amount                                                Reach the feasibility
                                     committed investment                  d    program till Predicted Realized
and capital invested         not                          invested in                                              predicted    was
                                     investment after                investment the period-useable date interests
 in areas with fund      (including                          report                                               interest or changed
                                      of raised adjustment             till the     end      of project in Period
  raising out of the      changed                            period                                                   not     hugely or
                                       capitals     (1)              period-end (3)=(2)/(1)
         plan             partially)                                                                                             not
Committed investment projects
Cash consideration
of 49% equity of
Guangdong                                                                                                            Not
Nanfang                      N            26,781.67 26,781.67   5,472.4 21,889.52    81.73%                      0 applicabl         N
Pharmaceutical                                                                                                       e
Foreign Trade Co.,
Ltd. paid
Payment of issuance
                             N              579.82    579.82         0      579.82 100.00%                       0 applicabl         N
Subtotal of
committed                    --           27,361.49 27,361.49   5,472.4 22,469.34     --         --              0            --     --
investment projects
Capital invested in areas with fund raising out of the plan
Not applicable
Total                        --           27,361.49 27,361.49   5,472.4 22,469.34     --         --              0            --     --
Situation about not
coming up to
schemed progress or
                                                                          Not applicable
expected revenue
and the reason(In
specific project)
Explanation on
major changes on                                                          Not applicable
project feasibility

Amount, usage and
progress of using for
                                                                           Not applicable
fund raising out of
the plan
Change of
place of investment                                                        Not applicable
project of raised
Regulation of
ways of investment                                                         Not applicable
project of raised
investment and
replacement of                                                             Not applicable
investment project
of raised capitals
supplement for the
                                                                           Not applicable
current capitals with
idle raised capitals
Amount and reason
for surplus of raised
capitals when                                                              Not applicable
Usage of the
retained raised fund
and what is                                                                Not applicable
expected to invested
with those fund
Issues or other
conditions found in Use of the fund raised are strictly execute in line with the tri-party supervision agreement for fund raised, and
use of fund raised      no related issues or other conditions been found
and disclosure

(3) The changed project of raised proceeds

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company has no project of raised proceeds changed in the Period.

VI. Sales of major assets and equity

1. Sales of major assets

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company has no sales of major assets in the Period.

2. Sales of major equity

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VII. Analysis of main holding company and stock-jointly companies

√Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                     In RMB
 Company                                           Register                                  Operating   Operating
              Type         Main business                         Total assets   Net Assets                            Net profit
  name                                              capital                                   revenue     profit
                     Chinese         traditional
                     patent           medicine,
                     chemical preparations,
                     antibiotics, bio-chemical
                     medicine,       biological
                     medicine,        diagnosis
Sinopharm            medicine,       biological
Holding              medicine with features
            Subsidia                             1,683,333,333 9,035,418,2 4,976,217,2 10,878,025,717. 407,069,332.3 301,751,569.6
Guoda                of     treatment        and
            ry                                   .00                 75.87       59.05              94             1             9
Drugstore            diagnosis,          shaped
Co., Ltd.            packing food, chemical
                     products, and various
                     commodity               and
                     technique hold by self-
                     support and agency as
                     well as import & export
                     of technology
                     Sales of drugs, medical
                     apparatus               and
                     instruments,        freight
                     transportation, storage,
                     loading and unloading,
Sinopharm            glass wares, cosmetics
Holding Subsidia and daily merchandise; 3,553,249,393 12,614,084, 4,250,640,1 23,650,912,944. 635,435,707.4 472,276,993.7
Guangzho ry          other business services, .17                  814.56        06.09              66             3             7
u Co., Ltd.          other         professional
                     consultation,      various
                     goods agency and for
                     self-operation, import &
                     export of technology,
                     houses leasing
                 Retail and distribution
                 in       respect      of
                 pharmaceutical products
Holding Subsidia                           521,407,965.7 3,483,436,2 1,035,466,0 5,232,538,175.1 194,700,860.1 169,313,898.6
                 and medical apparatus
Guangxi ry                                 9                   84.46       26.91               1             6             3
                 and          instruments,
Co., Ltd.
                 wholesale and retails of
                 health products
Particular about subsidiaries obtained or disposed in report period
√Applicable □ Not applicable
                                            The method of
                                            obtaining and
               Company Name                                       The influence to the whole production and performance
                                              during the
                                            report period
                                                            Further consolidated the pharmaceutical distribution business in
Sinopharm Holding Foshan Medical Supplies
                                            Establishment Guangxi & Guangdong and without major influence on performance
Supply Chain Co., Ltd.
                                                            of the Company
                                                            Further consolidated the pharmaceutical distribution business in
Sinopharm Holding Medical Supply Chain
                                            Establishment Guangxi & Guangdong and without major influence on performance
Service Co., Ltd.
                                                            of the Company
                                                            Expand local medicine retail business layout, and without major
Shanghai Guoda Haohai Pharmacy Co., Ltd.    Establishment
                                                            influence on performance of the Company
Sinopharm Holding Baiyi Pharmacy Guangxi                    Expand local medicine retail business layout, and without major
Co., Ltd                                                    influence on performance of the Company
                                                            Further consolidated the pharmaceutical distribution business in
Sinopharm Holding Hezhou Co., Ltd           Establishment Guangxi & Guangdong and without major influence on performance
                                                            of the Company
Sinopharm Holding Guoda Drugstore                           Expand local medicine retail business layout, and without major
Zhengzhou Chain Co., Ltd                                    influence on performance of the Company
                                                            Expand local medicine retail business layout, and without major
Shanghai Guoda Ruijing Pharmacy Co., Ltd    Establishment
                                                            influence on performance of the Company
                                                            Expand local medicine retail business layout, and without major
Fujian Guoda Medicine Co., Ltd              Establishment
                                                            influence on performance of the Company
                                                            Further consolidated the pharmaceutical distribution business in
Sinopharm Holding Qinzhou Co., Ltd          Establishment Guangxi & Guangdong and without major influence on performance
                                                            of the Company
                                                            Further consolidated the pharmaceutical distribution business in
Sinopharm Holding Hechi Co., Ltd            Establishment Guangxi & Guangdong and without major influence on performance
                                                            of the Company
                                                            Further consolidated the pharmaceutical distribution business in
Sinopharm Holding Guangzhou Huadu Co.,
                                            Acquisition     Guangxi & Guangdong and without major influence on performance
                                                            of the Company
                                                            Expand local medicine retail business layout, and without major
Shanxi Zhongao Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd      Acquisition
                                                            influence on performance of the Company
                                                            Expand local medicine retail business layout, and without major
Taiyuan Tongxinli Guoda Drugstore Co., Ltd Acquisition
                                                            influence on performance of the Company

VIII. Structured vehicle controlled by the Company

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IX. Future Development Prospects

(i)The analysis on industry environment
The overall scale of China’s pharmaceutical market continues to grow, but due to the impacts of slowdown in
growth in macroeconomic and medical insurance expenditure, medical insurance control fees and other industrial
policies, the growth rate of the pharmaceutical industry is slowing down, and the growth rate of the
pharmaceutical circulation industry also slows down together with the overall pharmaceutical industry. In recent
years, the policies for various links of the pharmaceutical industry have been frequently issued, which profoundly
affected the industry pattern and promoted the industrial transformation and upgrading, and the pattern of China’s
pharmaceutical circulation industry and the upstream and downstream environment has been undergoing far-
reaching structural changes. Under the guidance of policies and social capital, the medical and health industry
continues to flourish, the penetration and influence of the accelerated iteration of new technologies and the
Internet + and multi-dimensional cross-border development on traditional drug circulation industry is far-reaching,
and competition is intensifying.
Market opportunities come out while the growth rate of the pharmaceutical industry is slowing down. First, in the
next few years, medical insurance control fees are still the main trend in the development of pharmaceutical
industry, so the commercial leaders with fund strength are expected to maintain their core advantages. Second, the
pharmaceutical circulation cycle will continue to bear pressure, and the market concentration brought about by the
two-vote system will continue to be promoted, the channel networks of commercial leaders accelerate to put
together , and the market share is expected to further increase. Third, with the advancement of separation of
hospitals and medicine, the outflow of prescriptions is expected to accelerate, and the value of retail terminal
networks will increase, under the influence of policies such as “4+7” procurement, the growth of retail market is
expected to accelerate, and the concentration of chain pharmacies is expected to continue to increase. From the
perspective of medical insurance support, the “Guiding Opinions on the Pilot Classification Management of Retail
Pharmacies (public comment draft)” proposes that “the local medical insurance management department can refer
to the grading results of retail pharmacy in terms of medical insurance designated pharmacy settings, medical
insurance fund management, etc.”, “Priority is given to policy support”. From the perspective of manufacturer
cooperation, the channel value of retail pharmacies has been valued by upstream industrial enterprises, foreign
companies and domestic first-line leaders have begun to switch from natural sales to establishing pharmacy sales
teams. Fourth, with the promotion of policies such as grading diagnosis and treatment, the grassroots have made
expansion, and the primary medical market will become a fast-growing market. Fifth, the medical apparatus and
instruments (consumables) industry is developing rapidly, and the industry concentration is low and has large
market potential, or it will become important market growth points. Sixth, with the rapid development of new
technologies such as big data, Internet of Things, cloud computing, etc., new opportunities for innovating business
models and upgrading service models have been brought about for traditional pharmaceutical businesses.
(ii) Key work in 2019:
Sinopharm Accord is committed to “building a leading international medicine and health service platform to
enable people to enjoy a happy and healthy life”. Under the impetus of the industry environment and new

technologies and new applications, Sinopharm Accord has proposed the development direction of “taking
wholesale and retail integration as the core, upgrading service model through technology empowerment and
customer value driving, providing full-service solutions for upstream and downstream industry chains, and
transforming from a pharmaceutical distributor to a pharmaceutical business service solution provider”.
In 2019, the company will continue to promote the strategic direction of taking wholesale and retail integration as
the core, grasp the three themes of “consolidating foundation, making transformation and innovation, and
ensuring development”, and focus on the following work:
1. Deepen the strategy of wholesale and retail integration
Through technology empowerment, form the all-channel service networks for wholesale and retail integration,
create a three-dimensional retail system with reform of medicine, medical treatment and medical insurance and
high integration of online and offline. By getting through the “three links” platform (retail channels and medical
treatment channels, retail business and wholesale business, online business and offline business) between
distribution and retail, increase the variety introduction of distribution and retail products, promote the sharing of
wholesale and retail logistics, and enhance the admittance to hospital of retail grafting distribution and the
professional service capabilities to achieve the integration of distribution and retail terminal services.
2. Distribution business: focus on the four business directions for transformation and innovation
Focus on the four business directions of retail direct sales, equipment consumables, retail diagnosis and treatment,
and primary care, consolidate the integrated operation foundation, give play to the integrated benefits, improve the
efficiency of logistics operations, and rapidly develop with transformation and innovation to build new
competitive advantages. Deeply develop and upgrade the traditional businesses, sink channels, integrate
professional marketing platforms, thoroughly boost the primary care business, help to solve the current situation
of lack of doctors and medicines at the grassroots level; give play to the advantages of wholesale and retail
integration, build a retail direct sales network, promote the regional distribution sinking; accelerate the network
layout of retail diagnosis and treatment, build DTP professional pharmacy brand image; grasp the development
trend of equipment industry, and take value-added services of hospitals as the starting point to accelerate business
Improve efficiency and promote supply chain upgrade: comprehensively promote institutional process
optimization projects; optimize and improve the integrated management and control; promote information and
logistics service levels through technology empowerment, center on the performance improvement of supply
chain, accelerate the development and optimization of system functions, and enhance the internal and external
supply chain efficiency such as quality, operation, order processing, bill processing, financial processing, etc.,
revolve around the distribution business structure, replan the logistics centers, highlight the four capacity
buildings of the logistics center, and comprehensively improve the service efficiency of the logistics supply chain.
3. Guoda Drugstore: create a professional pharmaceutical retail ecosystem
Promote the implementation of key strategic projects, including retail terminal operational capacity improvement,
store new model pilot, digital innovation and new channels, information technology and so on, create a “New
Guoda”, deeply dig professional capabilities, create a new professional pharmaceutical retail ecosystem, increase
the expansion of terminal stores, continue to promote wholesale and retail integration, strengthen the management

and service functions of the headquarters, promote the construction of provincial platforms, integrate regional
resources, and strengthen regional advantages.
Reform the IT architecture and upgrade the big data system to empower the business assurance technology;
remodel the organizational structure and optimize the human resources system to empower the echelon
construction; improve the pharmaceutical affairs service capabilities to empower the professionalization pharmacy
services; accelerate the investment project and regional expansion, it’s targeted to expand 600 stores, develop
advantageous business circle, focus on breaking through the stores near the hospitals, develop urban and rural
integration stores, set up franchise management team, open franchise channels, break through franchise bottleneck;
break through the new business model of e-commerce members; upgrade the brand, enrich resources, quickly
deploy the blank areas of the country, emphasize the standardization management, create model areas, and
empower the scale development.
4. Continue to advance the internationalization process
By virtue of the cooperation opportunity with Walgreens Boots Alliance, strengthen the construction of the
company’s management and control platform and information platform, promote the company’s management
internationalization and talent internationalization, and actively search for global high-quality resources, and
promote the product internationalization through investment and shareholding; track the global industry’s leading
trends, continue to expand international horizons, and enhance international cooperation capabilities.
5. Production and financing double drive, enhance scale advantages
In the face of fierce competition, actively grasp the opportunities of organic growth and cooperative mergers and
acquisitions, further accelerate the integration of industry resources around the main business, and carry out multi-
capital cooperation methods by taking mergers and acquisitions as the principle, and taking share holding,
alliances and strategic cooperation as the auxiliary, continue to deepen the network coverage, increase the mergers
and acquisitions, and enhance scale advantages. At the same time, control risks, ensure compliance, operate
steadily, strengthen risk prevention, concentrate efforts on solid foundation, ensure compliance operations, and
comprehensively prevent and control operational risks.
6. Technology leads and reinforces service upgrades and model innovation
The company will continue to explore new technologies such as the application internet, big data, and cloud
computing, and explore and build a intelligent pharmaceutical business service system by customer-oriented and
value-driven. Strengthen the overall planning and technology investment of information technology, implant
informatization thinking, explore advanced informatization operation and management mode, ensure information
investment, and optimize the architecture system; build hospital supply chain management information platform
and retail professional supply chain management information platform, integrate WBA technical resources,
optimize Guoda IT architecture, upgrade big data systems, and accelerate the construction of information
technology talent teams.

(iii) Possible risks
1. The management risks in sustainable expansion of marketing network of Guoda Drugstore

The marketing network of Guoda Drugstore has maintained stable growth trend in recent years through newly
opened stores and extended mergers. The expansion of sales area and increase of stores have brought pressure on
the site selection, distribution, cash management, marketing and human resource management of the stores of
Guoda Drugstore. The company will strengthen the management and construction in merchandise procurement,
logistics and distribution, marketing and other links and establish corresponding management methods for each
link so as to ensure the unified standards and management quality for store expansion.
2. Risks of intensifying market competition
At present, the market concentration ratio of domestic pharmaceutical retail market industry is relatively low, and
the national and regional pharmaceutical retail enterprises have fierce market competition. As the country
continues to introduce corresponding policies to encourage the integration of pharmaceutical retail industry, the
major pharmaceutical retail enterprises in the industry have accelerated the pace of mergers and acquisitions, and
continued to expand the marketing networks, improve the logistics center constructions, and innovate the business
and profit models so that the sales scale and comprehensive strength continuously strengthen. At the same time,
with the upgrading of consumption and the gradual opening of market, the foreign pharmaceutical distribution
enterprises with powerful strength are entering the domestic pharmaceutical distribution markets through a variety
of ways, so the industry competition is further intensifying. Sinopharm Accord will integrate the existing
resources, create a two-wheel drive development model with integration of both wholesale and retail, deeply give
full play to synergistic effect, directly face the end patients and consumers by varieties complementation, capital
cooperation, supply chain collaboration, internationalization promotion and other measures, and achieve brand
globalization through capital operation.
3. Risks of changes in industry policy
The development of pharmaceutical retail industry is regulated and influenced by the relevant national policies.
The state has promulgated a series of documents such as Good Supply Practice          for Prescription Products and
Some Opinions on Further Reform and Improvement of Drug Production, Circulation and Use Policy, which put
forward specific requirements to the industry operation. Along with the gradual increase of management standards
for management standard, the regulations are constantly being revised and improved and put forward higher
requirements to the business operations. In addition, with the promotion and implementation of the new medical
reform, the state has implemented the essential medicine system, public hospital reform, drug centralized
procurement bidding system and tax reduction policy for anticancer drugs throughout the country, and repeatedly
introduced policies to reduce the drug retail price ceiling in order to reduce the burden of drug use. If the policies
introduced in the process of implementing new medical reform impose restrictions on the industrial development
and the product price of retail drug stores, the operation and profitability of Guoda Drugstore may have to face
some challenges.

4. Risks of facing the horizontal competition
In the pharmaceutical retail field, Sinopharm Holding’s affiliated distribution subsidiaries have also opened some
social retail pharmacies, which constitute a certain degree of horizontal competition with the subordinate Guoda

Drugstore. Sinopharm Holding and SINOPHARM have pledged to take effective measures to resolve the possible
horizontal competition.

5. The risk of goodwill impairments
On 31 December 2018, the book value of goodwill in consolidate financial statement listed as 833,547,800.60
Yuan, and distributed to the assets group of distribution business and retail business. In accordance with the
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, the Company carried out annual impairment test for the goodwill.
Impairment of goodwill will released on the Note V.-16 and Note III-20 & 30 listed under the Financial Statement

X. Reception of research, communication and interview

1. In the report period, reception of research, communication and interview

√Applicable □ Not applicable
               Time                        Way                       Type                  Basic situation index of investigation
17 Apr. 2018                       Field research        Institute                  Notice of Resolution of AGM 2017
Reception (times)                                                                                  1
Number of hospitality                                                                              80
Number of individual reception                                                                     5
Number of other reception                                                                          0
Disclosed, released or let out major undisclosed information         No disclosed, released or let out major undisclosed information

                                        Section V. Important Events

I. Profit distribution plan of common stock and capitalizing of common reserves plan

Formulation, Implementation and Adjustment of common stock Profit Distribution Policy Especially Cash Dividend policy during
the Reporting Period
√Applicable □ Not applicable
On 17 April 2018, the profit distribution plan for year of 2017 was deliberated and approved by annual general
meeting of 2017, that is taking total 428,126,983 shares as base, distributed RMB 3.00 (tax included) for each 10
shares in cash. The announcement of 2017 interest distribution implementation was released on 6 June 2018 by
the Board (published in Securities Times, China Securities Journal, Hong Kong Commercial Daily and Juchao
Website http://www.cninfo.com.cn), the profit distribution plan for year of 2017 was completed, and dividend for
public shares was distributed to the account of shareholders dated 13 June 2018 (A-share) and 15 June 2018 (B-
share) respectively.
                                             Special explanation on cash dividend policy
Satisfy regulations of General Meeting or requirement of Article
of Association (Y/N):
Well-defined and clearly dividend standards and proportion
Completed relevant decision-making process and mechanism
Independent directors perform duties completely and play a
proper role (Y/N):
Minority shareholders have opportunity to express opinions and
demands totally and their legal rights are fully protected (Y/N):
Condition and procedures are compliance and transparent while
the cash bonus policy adjusted or changed (Y/N):

Profit distribution plan (pre-plan) of common stock and capitalizing of common reserves plan (pre-plan) in latest three years
(including the reporting period)
(1) Profit distribution plan for year of 2016
Taking the total 428,126,983 shares as base, cash bonus of RMB 3.30 (before tax) each 10 shares will be
distributed to the whole shareholders. This profit distribution did not convert capital reserve into share capital.
(2) Profit distribution plan for year of 2017
Taking the total 428,126,983 shares as base, cash bonus of RMB 3.00 (before tax) each 10 shares will be
distributed to the whole shareholders. This profit distribution did not convert capital reserve into share capital.
(3) Profit distribution plan for year of 2018
Taking the total 428,126,983 shares as base, cash bonus of RMB 4.00 (before tax) each 10 shares will be
distributed to the whole shareholders. This profit distribution did not convert capital reserve into share capital.

Cash dividend of common stock in latest three years (including the reporting period)
                                                                                                                                     In RMB
                                                                                                                              Ratio of the
                                                                                            Ratio of the
                                                                                                                               total cash
                                                        Ratio of the cash                  cash bonus by
                                      Net profit                                                                              bonus (other
                                                          bonus in net        Proportion other ways in
                                    attributable to                                                                         ways included)
                                                        profit attributable    for cash      net profit
                                    common stock                                                             Total cash       in net profit
 Year for Amount for cash                               to common stock       bonus by     attributable to
                                    shareholders of                                                            bonus         attributable to
   bonus       bonus (tax                                shareholders of        other      common stock
                                  listed company in                                                          (including      common stock
  shares        included)                                listed company       ways(i.e. shareholders of
                                    consolidation                                                            other ways)    shareholders of
                                                          contained in        share buy- listed company
                                  statement for bonus                                                                       listed company
                                                          consolidation        backs)      contained in
                                         year                                                                                 contained in
                                                            statement                      consolidation
2018         171,250,793.20         1,210,742,435.78               14.14%           0.00            0.00% 171,250,793.20            14.14%
2017         128,438,094.90         1,057,791,930.67               12.14%           0.00            0.00% 128,438,094.90            12.14%
2016         141,281,904.39         1,186,539,201.93               11.91%           0.00            0.00% 141,281,904.39            11.91%

The Company gains profits in reporting period and the retained profit of common stock shareholders provided by parent company is
positive but no plan of cash dividend proposed of common stock
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

II. Profit distribution plan and capitalizing of common reserves plan for the Period

√Applicable □ Not applicable
Bonus shares for every 10-share (Share)                                                                                                       0
Dividends for every 10-share (RMB) (Tax
Equity base of distribution plan (Share)                                                                                       428,126,983
Cash dividend(RMB) (Tax included)                                                                                           171,250,793.20
Proportion for cash bonus by other ways(i.e. share
Total cash bonus (including other ways)                                                                                     171,250,793.20
Distributable profits (RMB)                                                                                                3,956,556,754.02
Ratio of cash dividend in total profit distribution                                                                                   100%
                                                           Cash dividend policy:
If the company’s development is at the growth stage with significant capital expenditures, the minimum proportion of cash
dividend in the profit distribution should reach 40%.
                         Detail explanation on profit distribution or capitalization from capital public reserve

III. Implementation of commitment

1. Commitments completed in Period and those without completed till end of the Period from actual
controller, shareholders, related parties, purchaser and companies

√Applicable □ Not applicable
                          Type of                                                                               Comm Comm
Commitm                                                                                                                            Impleme
                Promise commitme                            Content of commitments                              itment itment
   ents                                                                                                                             ntation
                              nts                                                                                date       term
ents for
                                      "As a large pharmaceutical commercial enterprise whose business
                                      involves pharmaceutical wholesale and retail, Sinopharm Holding
                                      may overlap with the Company in geographical segmentation during
                                      its future business development. To avoid the potential peer
                                      competition brought by such geographical overlap, Sinopharm
                                      Holding undertakes that, upon the transfer of shares of Sinopharm
                                      Holding Guangzhou it held to Sinopharm Accord, “1. it will not
ents in                  Commitm                                                                                        Long-
                                      newly-establish or broaden within Guangdong any business operation 21                        Normally
report of   Sinopharm ent of                                                                                            term
                                      that actually compete with that of Sinopharm Accord, or set up any June                      implemen
acquisition Holding      shareholde                                                                                     effecti
                                      new subsidiaries or subordinate enterprises who engage in such 2005                          ting
or equity                rs                                                                                             ve
                                      business. 2. It will enter into business delineation with Sinopharm
                                      Accord and Sinopharm Holding Guangzhou, thereby giving the three
                                      parties clear geographical areas to carry out pharmaceutical
                                      wholesale and retail businesses, so as to avoid potential peer
                                      competition. Apart from above, Sinopharm Holding will no longer
                                      newly-establish any enterprise that may compete with Sinopharm
                                      Accord in the production and R&D of pharmaceutical products.”
                                      “Sinopharm   Holding     and   Sinopharm     Foreign   Trade    made
            Sinopharm                 commitments in the Report about China National Accord Medicines
            Group                     Corporation Ltd. Purchasing Assets and Raising Supporting Funds
            Co.,                      and Related Transactions by Asset Sale, Stock Issuance and Cash
Commitm Ltd;China                     Payment that the non-public offering of shares of Sinopharm Accord
ents in     National                  obtained from this transaction shall not be transferred within 36 31              36         Normally
                         ent on
assets      Pharmace                  months since the finish date of issuance and shall be unlocked after May          month implemen
reorganiza utical                     36 months since the date of listing. Within 6 months after the 2016               s          ting
tion        Foreign                   completion of this transaction, if the closing price of the stock of
            Trade                     Sinopharm Accord is less than the issue price in continuous 20
            Corporatio                trading days, or the closing price at the end of 6 months after the
            n                         completion of this transaction is less than the issue price, the lockup
                                      period of the stock of Sinopharm Group and Sinopharm Foreign

                         Trade obtained from Sinopharm Accord by this transaction will
                         automatically prolong at least 6 months. The shares derived from
                         stock dividends allocation and capital reserve increase transferring of
                         Sinopharm Accord based on the non-public offering of shares of
                         Sinopharm Accord obtained by this transaction should also abide by
                         the above stock restricted arrangements.”
                         "Ping An Asset Management Co., Ltd. made commitments in the
                         Report about China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                         Purchasing Assets and Raising Supporting Funds and Related
Ping’an                 Transactions by Asset Sale, Stock Issuance and Cash Payment that
Assets                   the non-public offering of shares of Sinopharm Accord obtained from 31            36    Normally
            ent on
Managem                  this transaction shall not be transferred within 36 months since the May          month implemen
ent Co.,                 finish date of issuance and shall be unlocked after 36 months since 2016          s     ting
Ltd.                     the date of listing. After placement completed, the shares of the listed
                         company increased due to bonus shares and turning to increase
                         capital should pursuit to the restriction arrangement the above
                         “Sinopharm Holding made commitments in the Report about China
                         National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. Purchasing Assets and
                         Raising Supporting Funds and Related Transactions by Asset Sale,
                         Stock Issuance and Cash Payment that the 2016 annual net profits of
                         Foshan Nanhai, Guangdong Uptodate & Special Medicines and
                         Guoda Drugstore should respectively be no less than RMB
                         47,385,600.00, RMB 19,167,000.00, and RMB 98,466,100.00, while
                         the 2017 annual net profits should respectively be no less than RMB
Sinopharm                49,394,500.00, RMB 20,209,700.00, and RMB 110,998,90.00, and 31
            commitme                                                                                       2018- Complete
Group                    the 2018 annual net profits should respectively be no less than RMB May
            nt and                                                                                         12-31 d
Co., Ltd                 51,148,200.00, RMB 21,330,100.00, and RMB 131,275,500.00. Net 2016
                         profit refers to the lower one between the after-tax net profit
                         attributable to the owners of parent company planning to invest in the
                         target company and the net profit attributable to the owners of parent
                         company after deducting the non-recurring gains and losses. If the
                         actual net profit of the target company doesn’t reach the committed
                         net profit, Sinopharm Group will need to compensate according to the
                         stipulations of the "Profit Forecast Compensation Agreement for the
                         Stock Issuance and Assets Purchase.”
China       Performan "Sinopharm Foreign Trade made commitments in the Report about
National    ce           China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. Purchasing
Pharmace commitme Assets and Raising Supporting Funds and Related Transactions by
utical      nt and       Asset Sale, Stock Issuance and Cash Payment that the 2016 annual                  2018- Complete
Foreign     compensat net profits of Nanfang Pharmaceutical Foreign Trade should be no                     12-31 d
Trade       ion          less than RMB 39,880,700, while the 2017 annual net profits should
Corporatio arrangeme be no less than RMB 47,323,200, and should not less than RMB
n           nt           55,364,600 in 2018. Net profit refers to the lower one between the

                         after-tax net profit attributable to the owners of parent company
                         planning to invest in the target company and the net profit attributable
                         to the owners of parent company after deducting the non-recurring
                         gains and losses. If the actual net profit of the Nanfang
                         Pharmaceutical Foreign Trade doesn’t reach the committed net profit,
                         Sinopharm Foreign Trade will need to compensate according to the
                         stipulations of the "Profit Forecast Compensation Agreement for the
                         Stock Issuance and Assets Purchase.”
                         “Fu Yuequn and other 10 natural person made commitments in the
Fu Yuequn
                         Report about China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                         Purchasing Assets and Raising Supporting Funds and Related
                         Transactions by Asset Sale, Stock Issuance and Cash Payment that
             Performan the 2016 annual net profits of Nanfang Pharmaceutical Foreign Trade
             ce          should be no less than RMB 39,880,700, while the 2017 annual net
             commitme profits should be no less than RMB 47,323,200, and should not less
Qiufang;                                                                                            31
             nt and      than RMB 55,364,600 in 2018. Net profit refers to the lower one                   2018- Complete
Li                                                                                                  May
             compensat between the after-tax net profit attributable to the owners of parent               12-31 d
Hongbing;                                                                                           2016
             ion         company planning to invest in the target company and the net profit
Liao Zhi;
             arrangeme attributable to the owners of parent company after deducting the non-
             nt          recurring gains and losses. If the actual net profit of the Nanfang
                         Pharmaceutical Foreign Trade doesn’t reach the committed net profit,
                         Fu Yuequn and other 10 natural person will need to compensate
                         according to the stipulations of the "Profit Forecast Compensation
                         Agreement for the Stock Issuance and Assets Purchase.”

                         “Sinopharm Accord made commitments in the Report about China
                         National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. Purchasing Assets and
                         Raising Supporting Funds and Related Transactions by Asset Sale,
                         Stock Issuance and Cash Payment that the net profits attributable to
                         the owners of parent company after deducting the non-recurring gains
                         and losses committed by Zhijun Pharmaceutical in 2016, 2017 and
China        ce
                         2018 should be respectively no less than RMB 222,671,700.00, RMB
National     commitme
                         232,561,600.00,    and   RMB      241,878,700.00;    the   net   profits 31
Accord       nt and                                                                                        2018- Impleme
                         attributable to the owners of parent company after deducting the non- May
Medicines compensat                                                                                        12-31 nting
                         recurring gains and losses committed by Zhijun Pharmacy Trade in 2016
Corporatio ion
                         2016, 2017 and 2018 should be respectively no less than RMB
n Ltd.       arrangeme
                         2,379,600.00, RMB 2,335,100.00, and RMB 2,345,600.00; the net
                         profits attributable to the owners of parent company after deducting
                         the non-recurring gains and losses committed by Pingshan
                         Pharmaceutical in 2016, 2017 and 2018 should be respectively no
                         less than RMB 39,716,300.00, RMB 43,033,500.00, and RMB
                         50,325,500.00. If the actual net profits attributable to the owners of

                       parent company after deducting the non-recurring gains and losses of
                       Zhijun Pharmaceutical / Zhijun Pharmacy Trade / Pingshan
                       Pharmaceutical don’t reach the committed net profits attributable to
                       the owners of parent company after deducting the non-recurring gains
                       and losses, Sinopharm Accord should compensate in accordance with
                       the stipulations of the Profit Forecast Compensation Agreement for
                       the Stock Issuance and Assets Purchase.”
                       “The listed company, controlling shareholders, the actual controllers
                       made commitments in the Report about China National Accord
                       Medicines Corporation Ltd. Purchasing Assets and Raising
                       Supporting Funds and Related Transactions by Asset Sale, Stock                     Long-
Corporatio Other                                                                                  31                Normally
                       Issuance and Cash Payment that the Company shall not violate the                   term
n Ltd.;     commitme                                                                              May               implemen
                       relevant regulations of Article 16 in Securities Issuance and                      effecti
Sinopharm nts                                                                                     2016              ting
                       Underwriting Management Approach, and directly or indirectly                       ve
                       providing financial assistance or compensation for the subscription
Co., Ltd;
                       objects and its shareholders / partners / clients (if any) of this non-
                       public offering does not exist and will not occur in the future.”
                       “Ping An Asset Management Co., Ltd. Promises that the unit intends
                       to utilize Ping An Asset Xinxiang No.3 asset management product
                       and Ping An Asset Xinxiang No.7 asset management product to fund
                       and subscribe some non-public offering of shares of Sinopharm
                       Accord in this major asset restructuring process, and has the ability to
                       subscribe the shares, the relevant capital sources are legitimate, there           Long-
Assets      Other                                                                                 24                Normally
                       is no hierarchical income and other structured arrangements, and                   term
Managem commitme                                                                                  March             implemen
                       there is no use of leveraged funds. The unit does not receive financial            effecti
ent Co.,    nts                                                                                   2016              ting
                       assistance or compensation from Sinopharm Accord and its                           ve
                       controlling shareholders, or the actual controllers. The investors’
                       structure of above - mentioned products do not change from the issue
                       date of the commitment letter to the end date of the lockup period of
                       the stock that the unit subscribes from Sinopharm Accord.”

                       “Sinopharm made commitments in the Report about China National
                       Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. Purchasing Assets and Raising
                       Supporting Funds and Related Transactions by Asset Sale, Stock
                                                                                                          from      There is
                       Issuance and Cash Payment that 1. if the stock intraday price of
                                                                                                          the       no need
            Increase   Sinopharm Accord on any trading day of the 30 trading days after the
                                                                                                          end of for actual
SINOPHA holding        listing of newly increased shares in this transaction is less than the 6 Jan.
                                                                                                          increas controller
RM          commitme issue price of newly increased shares in this transaction, Sinopharm 2017
                                                                                                          e         s to
            nt         will accumulatively invest no more than RMB 150 million in these 30
                                                                                                          holdin increase
                       trading days to increase the holding by the stock trading system of the
                                                                                                          g (if     holdings
                       Shenzhen Stock Exchange (this increase of holding) until the earlier
                       one of below two situations occurs: (1) the above-mentioned funds
                       are use up; (2) the intraday price of Sinopharm Accord is no less than

                          the issue price of newly increased shares in this transaction. 2.
                          Sinopharm shall not sell the shares obtained from this increase of
                          holding within 3 years after the end of this increase of holding.”
                          “Sinopharm Holding made commitments in the Report about China
                          National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. Purchasing Assets and
                          Raising Supporting Funds and Related Transactions by Asset Sale,
                          Stock Issuance and Cash Payment that the Company shall be the
                          controlling shareholder of China National Accord Medicines
                          Corporation Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Sinopharm Accord) up to
                          the issue date of this commitment letter, after the completion of this
                          major assets reorganization (hereinafter referred to as “this
                          reorganization”), Sinopharm Accord shall no longer hold shares or
                          operate relevant businesses of pharmaceutical industry, the main
                          business will become the national pharmaceutical retail and
                          pharmaceutical distribution business in Guangdong and Guangxi. In
                          order to support the business development of Sinopharm Accord and
                          avoid horizontal competition with Sinopharm Accord and its
                          controlling enterprises, the Company made following irrevocable
                          commitments and promises:1, after the completion of this
                          reorganization, as for the social retail drugstore assets except for
                          Sinopharm Holding Guoda Drugstore Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries
            ents on
                          and branches owned or controlled by the Company, the Company
            horizontal                                                                               Long-
Sinopharm                 promised to take appropriate measures to solve the horizontal 28                     Normally
            competitio                                                                               term
Group                     competition problem in the pharmaceutical retail business between Dec.               implemen
            n, relation                                                                              effecti
Co., Ltd                  the Company and Sinopharm Accord within 5 years since the 2016                       ting
            transaction                                                                              ve
                          completion date of this reorganization. 2. The Company's way of
            and capital
                          resolving horizontal competition problems includes and is not limited
                          to purchasing the social retail drugstore assets subordinated to the
                          Company by Sinopharm Accord, taking the entrusted operation,
                          leasing or contracting operation by Sinopharm Accord and its
                          controlling enterprises in accordance with the methods permitted to
                          national laws to hold or control the social retail drugstore assets, or
                          transferring the controlling stake of the social retail drugstore assets
                          by the Company. 3. If the shareholders of the social retail drugstore
                          assets (hereinafter referred to as "the third party") of the Company or
                          the enterprises controlled by the Company have or are going to
                          perform the preemptive rights under the same conditions in
                          accordance with relevant laws and corresponding Articles of
                          Association, then the above commitment will not be applicable, but
                          in this case, the Company should try its utmost to urge the third party
                          to waive its preemptive rights. If the Company is unable to urge the
                          third party to give up the preemptive rights, the Company will urge
                          the enterprises controlled by the Company to transfer the social retail
                          drugstore assets to the third party to solve the horizontal competition

                       problem. 4. The pharmaceutical distribution assets currently owned or
                       controlled by the Company are distributed outside Guangdong and
                       Guangxi regions, there is no horizontal competition with Sinopharm
                       Accord, the Company will not engage in the same or similar
                       operation businesses to Sinopharm Accord in Guangdong and
                       Guangxi in the future, if the Company and its holding enterprises
                       obtain the new business opportunities constituting substantial
                       horizontal competition (hereinafter referred to as competitive new
                       business) within the pharmaceutical distribution business scope of
                       Sinopharm Accord in Guangdong and Guangxi, the Company will
                       send written notice to Sinopharm Accord and try its utmost to firstly
                       provide the new business opportunities to Sinopharm Accord or its
                       holding enterprises according to the reasonable and fair terms and
                       conditions so as to avoid the horizontal competition with Sinopharm
                       Accord and its holding enterprises. 5. Since the issue date of this
                       commitment letter, the Company promises to indemnify Sinopharm
                       Accord for all actual losses, damages and expenses caused by the
                       Company in violation of any commitments under this commitment
                       letter. 6. This commitment letter terminates when following
                       circumstances occur (subject to the earlier one): (1) the Company is
                       no longer the controlling shareholder of Sinopharm Accord; or (2) the
                       shares of Sinopharm Accord terminate the listing at the stock
                       “SINOPHARM made commitments in the Report about China
                       National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. Purchasing Assets and
                       Raising Supporting Funds and Related Transactions by Asset Sale,
                       Stock Issuance and Cash Payment that the Company shall be the
                       actual controller of China National Accord Medicines Corporation
                       Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Sinopharm Accord) up to the issue
                       date of this commitment letter, after the completion of this major
                       assets reorganization (hereinafter referred to as “this reorganization”),
         ents on
                       Sinopharm Accord shall no longer hold shares or operate relevant
         horizontal                                                                                  Long-
                       businesses of pharmaceutical industry, the main business will become 28                 Normally
SINOPHA competitio                                                                                   term
                       the national pharmaceutical retail and pharmaceutical distribution Dec.                 implemen
RM       n, relation                                                                                 effecti
                       business in Guangdong and Guangxi. In order to support the business 2016                ting
         transaction                                                                                 ve
                       development of Sinopharm Accord and avoid horizontal competition
         and capital
                       with Sinopharm Accord and its controlling enterprises, the Company
                       made following irrevocable commitments and promises:1, after the
                       completion of this reorganization, as for the social retail drugstore
                       assets except for Sinopharm Group Guoda Drugstore Co., Ltd. and its
                       subsidiaries and branches owned or controlled by the Company, the
                       Company promised to take appropriate measures to solve the
                       horizontal competition problem in the pharmaceutical retail business
                       between the Company and Sinopharm Accord within 5 years since

                                   the completion date of this reorganization. 2. The Company's way of
                                   resolving horizontal competition problems includes and is not limited
                                   to purchasing the social retail drugstore assets subordinated to the
                                   Company by Sinopharm Accord, taking the entrusted operation,
                                   leasing or contracting operation by Sinopharm Accord and its
                                   controlling enterprises in accordance with the methods permitted to
                                   national laws to hold or control the social retail drugstore assets, or
                                   transferring the controlling stake of the social retail drugstore assets
                                   by the Company. 3. If the shareholders of the social retail drugstore
                                   assets (hereinafter referred to as "the third party") of the Company or
                                   the enterprises controlled by the Company have or are going to
                                   perform the preemptive rights under the same conditions in
                                   accordance with relevant laws and corresponding Articles of
                                   Association, then the above commitment will not be applicable, but
                                   in this case, the Company should try its utmost to urge the third party
                                   to waive its preemptive rights. If the Company is unable to urge the
                                   third party to give up the preemptive rights, the Company will urge
                                   the enterprises controlled by the Company to transfer the social retail
                                   drugstore assets to the third party to solve the horizontal competition
                                   problem. 4. The pharmaceutical distribution assets currently owned or
                                   controlled by the Company are distributed outside Guangdong and
                                   Guangxi regions, there is no horizontal competition with Sinopharm
                                   Accord, the Company will not engage in the same or similar
                                   operation businesses to Sinopharm Accord in Guangdong and
                                   Guangxi in the future, if the Company and its holding enterprises
                                   obtain the new business opportunities constituting substantial
                                   horizontal competition (hereinafter referred to as competitive new
                                   business) within the pharmaceutical distribution business scope of
                                   Sinopharm Accord in Guangdong and Guangxi, the Company will
                                   send written notice to Sinopharm Accord and try its utmost to firstly
                                   provide the new business opportunities to Sinopharm Accord or its
                                   holding enterprises according to the reasonable and fair terms and
                                   conditions so as to avoid the horizontal competition with Sinopharm
                                   Accord and its holding enterprises. 5. This commitment letter
                                   terminates when following circumstances occur (subject to the earlier
                                   one): (1) the Company is no longer the actual controller of Sinopharm
                                   Accord; or (2) the shares of Sinopharm Accord terminate the listing at
                                   the stock exchange.”
Commitm                            Sinopharm Holding made commitments in the Commitment Letter                        Controlli
ents make               Commitm About Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd. to Avoid Horizontal Competition:              Long- ng
in initial    Sinopharm ent of     “First, the Company and the Company’s wholly-owned, controlling 5 Sept. term     sharehold
public        Holding   shareholde or other enterprises with actual control (in addition to Sinopharm 2013    effecti er is
offering or             rs         Accord and its controlling enterprises, hereinafter the same) don’t       ve      implemen
re-                                have businesses and operations constituting the substantial horizontal             t in real

financing                          competition to Sinopharm Accord and its controlling enterprises.                             earnest,
                                   Second, the Company and the Company’s wholly-owned, controlling                             Sinophar
                                   or other enterprises with actual control shall not engage, participate in                    m Accord
                                   or do businesses and activities in Guangdong and Guangxi which                               will
                                   constitute substantial competition to Sinopharm Accord and                                   actively
                                   pharmaceutical business services. Third, the Company and the                                 urged the
                                   Company’s wholly-owned, controlling or other enterprises with                               controllin
                                   actual control shall not engage, participate in or do businesses and                         g
                                   activities which constitute substantial competition to Sinopharm                             sharehold
                                   Accord and pharmaceutical industry businesses. Fourth, the Company                           er and
                                   shall not take advantage of the control to Sinopharm Accord to                               actual
                                   damage the legitimate rights and interests of Sinopharm Accord and                           controller
                                   other shareholders (especially medium and small shareholders). This                          to fulfill
                                   commitment letter takes effect from the issue date, and remains in                           commitm
                                   effect for the entire period when the Company acts as the controlling                        ents
                                   shareholder or its related party of Sinopharm Accord. Within the
                                   effective period of the commitment, if the Company violates this
                                   commitment and causes a loss to Sinopharm Accord, the Company
                                   will timely make full compensation for Sinopharm Accord.”
                                   Sinopharm Holding made commitments in the Commitment Letter
                                   About Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd. to Regulate the Related
                                   Transactions with China National Accord Medicines Corporation                                Controlli
                                   Ltd.: “First, when the Company is controlling Sinopharm Accord, the                         ng
                                   Company and the companies and enterprises directly and indirectly                            sharehold
                                   controlled by the Company (“related party” for short) will strictly                        er is
                                   regulate the related transactions with Sinopharm Accord and its                              implemen
                                   controlling enterprises. Second, for the related transactions that can                       t in real
                                   not be avoided nor have reasonable reasons to occur, the Company                             earnest,
                                   and related party shall sign normative related transaction agreement                         Sinophar
                                   in accordance with relevant laws with Sinopharm Accord. Sinopharm                            m Accord
                      Commitm                                                                                         Long-
                                   Accord implements the approval procedures and fulfills the                                   will
            Sinopharm ent of                                                                                   5 Sept. term
                                   information disclosure obligations of the related transactions                               actively
            Holding   shareholde                                                                               2013   effecti
                                   according to relevant laws, regulations, rules, other normative                              urged the
                      rs                                                                                              ve
                                   documents and the constitutions of Sinopharm Accord. Third, for the                          controllin
                                   related transactions that can not be avoided or have reasonable                              g
                                   reasons to occur, the Company and related party shall abide by the                           sharehold
                                   open, fair and just market principles and confirm the price of related                       er and
                                   transactions in accordance with the price that the independent third                         actual
                                   party without association sets for the same and similar transactions,                        controller
                                   and ensure the fairness of the price of the related transactions. Fourth,                    to fulfill
                                   when the board of directors and the general meeting of stockholders                          commitm
                                   of Sinopharm Accord vote on the related transactions involving the                           ents
                                   Company and other enterprises controlled by the Company, the
                                   Company shall fulfill the necessary obligations that the associated

                    directors and associated shareholders abstain from voting in
                    accordance with the relevant provisions, and abide by the legal
                    procedures for approving related transactions and the information
                    disclosure obligations. Fifth, the Company guarantees to participate
                    in     the shareholders'   general   meeting,    equally exercise      the
                    corresponding rights and take the corresponding obligations in
                    accordance with the constitutions of Sinopharm Accord, not to take
                    advantage of controlling shareholder status to seek improper benefits
                    or utilize related transactions to illegally transfer the funds and profits
                    of Sinopharm Accord, and not to damage the legitimate rights and
                    interests of other shareholders (especially the medium and small
                    shareholders) of Sinopharm Accord. Sixth, this commitment letter
                    comes into force from the issue date and remains in effect for the
                    entire period when the Company acts as the controlling shareholder
                    or its related party of Sinopharm Accord. Within the effective period
                    of the commitment, if the Company violates this commitment and
                    causes a loss to Sinopharm Accord, the Company will timely make
                    full compensation for Sinopharm Accord.”
                    "SINOPHARM made commitments in the Commitment Letter About
                    China National Pharmaceutical Group Corporation to Avoid                                      Actual
                    Horizontal Competition with China National Accord Medicines                                   Controlle
                    Corporation Ltd.: “First, in the next five years, Sinopharm plans to                         r is
                    take     appropriate   measures   (including assets      replacement    or                    implemen
                    acquisition, equity reorganization, etc.) to resolve the horizontal                           t in real
                    competition between Sinopharm Weiqida and Sinopharm Accord.                                   earnest,
                    Second, in addition to the past matters and matters disclosed in this                         Sinophar
                    commitment letter, the Company and the Company’s wholly-owned,                               m Accord
         Commitm controlling or other enterprises with actual control rights (except for                  Long- will
SINOPHA ent of      Sinopharm Accord and its controlling enterprises, the same as below)                  term    actively
RM       actual     shall not directly engaged in, participate in or do the businesses an                 effecti urged the
         controller activities constituting actual competition to the production and                      ve      controllin
                    operation of Sinopharm Accord in China. The relevant commitments                              g
                    about avoiding horizontal competition that the Company made in the                            sharehold
                    past still remain in effect. Third, the Company shall not take                                er and
                    advantage of the control relationship to Sinopharm Accord to damage                           actual
                    the legitimate rights and interests of Sinopharm Accord and its                               controller
                    shareholders (especially the medium and small shareholders). Fourth,                          to fulfill
                    this commitment letter comes into force from the issue date and                               commitm
                    remains in effect for the entire period when the Company acts as the                          ents
                    controlling shareholder or its related party of Sinopharm Accord.”
         Commitm "SINOPHARM made commitments in the Commitment Letter About                               Long- Actual
SINOPHA ent of      Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd. to Regulate the Related Transactions with                   term    Controlle
RM       actual     China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.: “First, when the                   effecti r is
         controller Company is controlling Sinopharm Accord, the Company and the                          ve      implemen

             companies and enterprises directly and indirectly controlled by the        t in real
             Company (“related party” for short) will strictly regulate the related   earnest,
             transactions with Sinopharm Accord and its controlling enterprises.        Sinophar
             Second, for the related transactions that can not be avoided or have       m Accord
             reasonable reasons to occur, the Company and related party shall sign      will
             normative related transaction agreement in accordance with relevant        actively
             laws with Sinopharm Accord. Sinopharm Accord implements the                urged the
             approval   procedures    and   fulfills   the   information   disclosure   controllin
             obligations of the related transactions according to relevant laws,        g
             regulations, rules, other normative documents and the constitutions of     sharehold
             Sinopharm Accord. Third, for the related transactions that can not be      er and
             avoided or have reasonable reasons to occur, the Company and               actual
             related party shall abide by the open, fair and just market principles     controller
             and confirm the price of related transactions in accordance with the       to fulfill
             price that the independent third party without association sets for the    commitm
             same and similar transactions, and ensure the fairness of the price of     ents
             the related transactions. Fourth, when the board of directors and the
             general meeting of stockholders of Sinopharm Accord vote on the
             related transactions involving the Company and other enterprises
             controlled by the Company, the Company shall fulfill the necessary
             obligations that the associated directors and associated shareholders
             abstain from voting in accordance with the relevant provisions, and
             abide by the legal procedures for approving related transactions and
             the information disclosure obligations. Fifth, the Company guarantees
             not to take advantage of actual controller status to seek improper
             benefits or utilize related transactions to illegally transfer the funds
             and profits of Sinopharm Accord, and not to damage the legitimate
             rights and interests of other shareholders (especially the medium and
             small shareholders) of Sinopharm Accord. Sixth, this commitment
             letter comes into force from the issue date and remains in effect for
             the entire period when the Company acts as the actual controller or its
             related party of Sinopharm Accord.
nts for
and small
Completed                                         Y

on time

2. Concerning assets or project of the Company, which has profit forecast, and reporting period still in
forecasting period, explain reasons of reaching the original profit forecast

√Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                       Reasons of
                                                        Current         Current
                                                                                         fails to
Assets or project                                       forecast        actually                      Disclosure date
                                                                                       achieved the
   with profit       Starting time   Terminal time    performance     performance                       for former           Index
     forecast                                        (in 10 thousand (in 10 thousand                    prediction
                                                                                       number (if
                                                         Yuan)           Yuan)
                                                                                                                        Assets by
Foshan Nanhai       2016-01-01       2018-12-31            5,114.82        5,390.17 Not applicable 31 May 2016
                                                                                                                        Shares and
                                                                                                                        Profit Forecast
                                                                                                                        Agreement” on
                                                                                                                        Juchao website
Guangdong                                                                                                               Assets by
Uptodate &                                                                                                              Offering
                    2016-01-01       2018-12-31            2,133.01        2,146.93 Not applicable 31 May 2016
Special                                                                                                                 Shares and
Medicines                                                                                                               Profit Forecast
                                                                                                                        Agreement” on
                                                                                                                        Juchao website
                                                                                                                        Assets by
Guoda Drugstore 2016-01-01           2018-12-31           13,127.55       21,683.72 Not applicable 31 May 2016
                                                                                                                        Shares and
                                                                                                                        Profit Forecast
                                                                                                                        Agreement” on
                                                                                                                        Juchao website
Nanfang             2016-01-01       2018-12-31            5,536.46        5,866.83 Not applicable 31 May 2016          ”Sinopharm

Pharmaceutical                                                                                  Accord:
Foreign Trade                                                                                   Acquiring
                                                                                                Assets by
                                                                                                Shares and
                                                                                                Profit Forecast
                                                                                                Agreement” on
                                                                                                Juchao website
                                                                  Major changes                 Co., Ltd.. and
                                                                  in policy,                    the Company
                  2016-01-01   2018-12-31   24,187.87   22,991.98 operation       31 May 2016   of Acquiring
                                                                  environment                   Assets by
                                                                  and market                    Offering
                                                                                                Shares and
                                                                                                Profit Forecast
                                                                                                Agreement” on
                                                                                                Juchao website
                                                                                                Co., Ltd.. and
                                                                                                the Company
                  2016-01-01   2018-12-31    5,032.55    5,195.56 Not applicable 31 May 2016    of Acquiring
                                                                                                Assets by
                                                                                                Shares and
                                                                                                Profit Forecast
                                                                                                Agreement” on
                                                                                                Juchao website
Zhijun Pharmacy
                  2016-01-01   2018-12-31     234.56      322.54 Not applicable 31 May 2016     Shanghai

                                                                                                        Co., Ltd.. and
                                                                                                        the Company
                                                                                                        of Acquiring
                                                                                                        Assets by
                                                                                                        Shares and
                                                                                                        Profit Forecast
                                                                                                        Agreement” on
                                                                                                        Juchao website

Commitment made by shareholders of the Company and counter party in annual operation performance
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Completion of the performance commitment and influence on impairment test of goodwill

IV. Non-operational fund occupation from controlling shareholders and its related party

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No non-operational fund occupation from controlling shareholders and its related party in period.

V. Explanation from Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee and Independent Directors
(if applicable) for “Qualified Opinion” that issued by CPA

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VI. Particulars about the changes in aspect of accounting policy, estimates and calculation
method compared with the financial report of last year

√Applicable □Not applicable
On July 5, 2017, the Ministry of Finance issued the revised “Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.
14 – Income”, enterprises listed at home and abroad at the same time should implement the new income standards
from January 1, 2018, and other listed enterprises in China should implement from January 1, 2020. The company
has implemented the new standards on January 1, 2018. According to the stipulation of converting and linking the
new and old standards, the enterprise should adjust the retained earnings at the beginning of the period and the
amount of other related items in the financial statements according to the cumulative impact of the first
implementation of the standard, and the information for the comparable period will not be adjusted. The
implementation of the standard will not lead to major changes in the company’s income recognition method, nor
have a significant impact on the company’s current and prior period net profit, total assets and net assets.
On March 31, 2017, the Ministry of Finance issued the revised “Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
No. 22 - Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments”, “Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises No. 23 - Transfer of Financial Assets” and “Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 24 -
Hedge Accounting”, on May 2, the Ministry of Finance issued the revised “Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises No. 37 - Presentation of Financial Instruments” (collectively referred to as “New Financial

Instruments Series Standards”), enterprises listed at home and abroad at the same time should implement from
January 1, 2018, and other listed enterprises in China should implement from January 1, 2019. (1) Sinopharm
Holding Guoda Drugstore Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company, holds a stake in Shanghai Guoda Shuguang
Drugstore Co., Ltd., Shanghai Guoren Drugstore Co., Ltd., Sinopharm Holding Hubei Guoda Drugstore Co., Ltd.,
Hunan Zhongbai Pharmaceutical Investment Co., Ltd. and China National Health Online Co., Ltd., with voting
rights ratio of 25%, 10%, 10%, 6.31% and 8.06% respectively, but the directors and key management personnel of
the above five companies are not appointed by the Group, and the Group has not participated in or affected the
finance and operational decisions or daily business activities of the above companies in other ways, so that the
Group does not have significant influence on the above five companies, and it is originally accounted for as an
available-for-sale equity instrument and its business accounting is based on book value. After adopting the newly
revised financial instrument standards, the company decides to designate it as a financial asset measured at fair
value and its changes are included in other comprehensive income after considering the characteristics of its
contractual cash flow and its business model, which will be subsequently measured at fair value and its changes
are included in other comprehensive income . When the financial assets are derecognized, the accumulated gains
or losses previously included in other comprehensive income shall be transferred from other comprehensive
income and included in retained earnings. There is also no need for retrospective adjustments. During the
reporting period, “other equity instrument investments” increased by 13,685,760.00 yuan, and “available for sale
financial assets” decreased by 13,685,760.00 yuan. The above-mentioned changes in accounting policies related
to financial instruments have no significant impact on the Company’s retained earnings and other comprehensive
income at the beginning of 2018. (2) The new financial instrument standards requires that the measurement of
impairment of financial assets be changed from “Incurred Loss Model” to “Expected Credit Loss Model”. The
company judges that the adoption of new financial instrument standards would not have a material impact on
company’s financial report. .
On June 15, 2018, the Ministry of Finance revised and issued the “Notice of the Ministry of Finance on Revising
and Issuing the Financial Statements Format for General Enterprises”, which revised the financial statements
format of general enterprises and is applied to the financial statements for the year 2018 and beyond. The Group
has implemented the requirements of the above-mentioned standards and has prepared the company’s financial
statements in accordance with the financial statements format of general enterprises (Applicable for enterprises
that have implemented new financial standards or new income standards), and the comparative data has been
adjusted accordingly. The names and amounts of the affected statements items are as follows:

In balance sheet, the “Note receivable” and “Account receivable” are merger shown as “Note receivable and
account receivable”, amount at period-end accounted as 9,336,861,647.92 yuan while 7,589,412,679.88 yuan at
beginning of the period; ”Interest receivable” and “Dividend receivable” are merger shown as “Other account
receivable”, ending amount of “Other account receivable” adjusted and increased 8,223,327.64 yuan while
61,441.11 yuan at beginning of the period; the “Disposal of fixed assets” merge into “Fixed assets”, which has no
impact on the amount of “fixed assets” at begging and ending of the period; “Engineering material” merge into
“Construction in progress”, which has no impact on the amount of “Construction in progress” at begging and
ending of the period; ”Note payable” and “Account payable” are merger shown as “Note payable and account
payable”, ending amount was 9,885,291,642.97 yuan while 8,876,658,828.52 yuan at beginning of the
period; ”Interest payable” and “Dividend payable” are merger shown as “Other account payable”, ending amount

of “Other account payable” adjusted and increased 28,295,981.59 yuan while 19,201,262.76 yuan at beginning of
the period; ”Special account payable” merger into “Long-term account payable”, ending amount of “Long-term
account payable” adjusted and increased 800,000.00 yuan while 800,000.00 yuan at beginning of the period.

Newly increase “R&D Expenses” item to the income statement, and reclassify the R&D expenses in the original
“Management Expenses” into “R&D Expenses” for separate presentation, and the comparative data is adjusted
accordingly, the Group has sorted out the relevant business, as no related business was involved in 2017 and 2018,
this change had no significant impact on the Group’s operating results. Under the financial expenses in the income
statement, the items “of which: interest expenses” and “interest income” are newly added, and the comparative
data is adjusted accordingly.
In the statement of changes in owner’s equity, the item “variation of defined benefit plans carrying over to
retained earnings” and “other comprehensive income carrying over to retained earnings” are newly added. The
Group has sorted out related business, since it does not involve related business, the change has no significant
impact on the Group’s operating results.

VII. Major accounting errors within reporting period that needs retrospective restatement

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No major accounting errors within reporting period that needs retrospective restatement for the Company in the period.

VIII. Compare with last year’s financial report; explain changes in consolidation statement’s

√Applicable □ Not applicable
Details of changes in consolidation statement’s scope can be seen in Note VI of Financial Report.

IX. Appointment and non-reappointment (dismissal) of CPA

Accounting firm appointed
Name of domestic accounting firm                                    Ernst & Young CPA (Special General partnership)
Remuneration for domestic accounting firm (in 10 thousand
Continuous life of auditing service for domestic accounting firm                              3- year
Name of domestic CPA                                                                  Li Jianguang, Yan Ping
Continuous life of CPA from the domestic accounting firm for
auditing service
Name of foreign accounting firm (if applicable)                                                N/A
Continuous life of auditing service for foreign accounting firm (if
Name of foreign CPA (if applicable)                                                            N/A
Continuous life of CPA from the foreign accounting firm for
auditing service (if applicable)
Re-appointed accounting firms in this period
□ Yes √ No
Appointment of internal control auditing accounting firm, financial consultant or sponsor
√Applicable □ Not applicable
The Company engaged Ernst & Young CPA (Special General partnership) as the audit body for internal control, and auditing charge
for internal control amounting as 826,000 yuan.

X. Particular about suspended and delisting after annual report disclosed

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

XI. Bankruptcy reorganization

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No bankruptcy reorganization for the Company in reporting period.

XII. Significant lawsuits and arbitration of the Company

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No significant lawsuits and arbitration occurred in the reporting period.

XIII. Penalty and rectification

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No penalty and rectification for the Company in reporting period.

XIV. Integrity of the company and its controlling shareholders and actual controllers

√Applicable □Not applicable
In reporting period, controlling shareholder and actual controller of the Company has a sound integrity , and there are no cases of
failure to implement the effective judgement of the court and the large amount of debt due and unliquidated

XV. Implementation of the company’s stock incentive plan, employee stock ownership plan or
other employee incentives

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
During the reporting period, the company has no stock incentive plan, employee stock ownership plan or other employee incentives
that have not been implemented.

XVI. Major related transaction

1. Related transaction with routine operation concerned

(1) Related transaction with routine operation concerned can be found in “X. Related party and related transaction” carried in Section

XI. Financial Report;

(2) The related transactions are settled in cash and by notes, according to the Proposal of Expected Routine Related Transactions

with Subordinate Enterprise for Year of 2018 deliberated and approved by 30th session of 7th BOD held on 21 March 2018 and

Notice on Expected Routine Related Transaction for Year of 2018 (Notice No.: 2018-8) released on 23 March 2018, the related sales

takes 48.39% in total expected amount for the whole year, and related procurement takes 80.45% in total expected amount for the

whole year.

2. Related transactions by assets acquisition and sold

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No related transactions by assets acquisition and sold for the Company in reporting period.

3. Main related transactions of mutual investment outside

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No main related transactions of mutual investment outside for the Company in reporting period.

4. Contact of related credit and debt

√Applicable □ Not applicable
Whether the Company had non-operating contact of related credit and debt
□Yes √ No
The Company had no non-operating contact of related credit and debt in the reporting period.

5. Other related transactions

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company had no other related transaction in the reporting period.

XVII. Significant contract and implementations

1. Trusteeship, contract and leasing

(1) Trusteeship

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company had no trusteeship in the reporting period.

(2) Contract

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No contract for the Company in reporting period.

(3) Leasing

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No leasing for the Company in reporting period.

2. Major guarantees

√Applicable □ Not applicable

(1) Guarantees

                                                                                                                 In 10 thousand Yuan
         Particulars about the external guarantee of the Company and the subsidiaries (Barring the guarantee for subsidiaries)
                                     Related                                                                            Imple
                                                                            Actual                                                ee for
    Name of the Company           Announcemen Guarantee Actual date of                                     Guarantee    mente
                                                                           guarantee Guarantee type                              related
          guaranteed               t disclosure    limit     happening                                       term        d
                                                                             limit                                                party
                                       date                                                                             (Y/N)
                                          Guarantee between the Company and the subsidiaries
                                     Related                                                                            Imple
                                                                            Actual                                                ee for
    Name of the Company           Announcemen Guarantee Actual date of                                     Guarantee    mente
                                                                           guarantee Guarantee type                              related
          guaranteed               t disclosure    limit     happening                                       term        d
                                                                             limit                                                party
                                       date                                                                             (Y/N)

Sinopharm Holding Shenzhen                                                              Joint liability   2018-10-15-
                                  22 Mar. 2018         500 15 Oct. 2018       379.11                                     N          N
Jianmin Co., Ltd.                                                                       assurance         2019-10-14

Sinopharm Holding Shenzhen                                                              Joint liability   2018-12-24-
                                  19 Sept. 2018      1,000 24 Dec. 2018           540                                    N          N
Jianmin Co., Ltd.                                                                       assurance         2019-12-24

Sinopharm Holding Shenzhen                                                         Joint liability   2018-10-15-
                                22 Mar. 2018        500 15 Oct. 2018     256.54                                      N   N
Medicinal Materials Co., Ltd.                                                      assurance         2019-10-14
China National Accord                                                              Joint liability   2018-7-13-
                                22 Mar. 2018     25,000 13 Jul. 2018       5,100                                     N   N
Medicines Corporation Ltd.                                                         assurance         2018-9-30
China National Accord                                                   14,037.8 Joint liability     2018-12-3-
                                19 Sept. 2018    20,000 3 Dec. 2018                                                  N   N
Medicines Corporation Ltd.                                                     4 assurance           2019-11-27
Sinopharm Holding                                                                  Joint liability   2018.5.20-
                                22 Mar. 2018     35,000 20 May 2018     3,091.75                                     N   N
Guangzhou Co., Ltd.                                                                assurance         2019.5.20
Sinopharm Holding                                                                  Joint liability   2018.11.28-
                                19 Sept. 2018    30,000 28 Nov. 2018     30,000                                      N   N
Guangzhou Co., Ltd.                                                                assurance         2019.10.31
Sinopharm Holding                                                                  Joint liability   2018.12.20-
                                19 Sept. 2018    60,000 20 Dec. 2018    42,113.3                                     N   N
Guangzhou Co., Ltd.                                                                assurance         2019.12.19
Sinopharm Holding                                                                  Joint liability   2018.8.7-
                                22 Mar. 2018     15,000 7 Aug. 2018                                                  N   N
Guangzhou Co., Ltd.                                                                assurance         2019.8.5
Sinopharm Holding                                                                  Joint liability   2018.5.29-
                                22 Mar. 2018     50,000 29 May 2018    45,452.03                                     N   N
Guangzhou Co., Ltd.                                                                assurance         2019.5.29
Sinopharm Holding                                                                  Joint liability   2018.10.15-
                                19 Sept. 2018    35,000 15 Oct. 2018                                                 N   N
Guangzhou Co., Ltd.                                                                assurance         2019.10.14
Sinopharm Holding                                                                  Joint liability   2018.6.5-
                                22 Mar. 2018     40,000 5 Jun. 2018    39,986.77                                     N   N
Guangzhou Co., Ltd.                                                                assurance         2019.6.4
Sinopharm Holding                                                                  Joint liability   2018.5.9-
                                22 Mar. 2018     40,000 9 May 2018                                                   N   N
Guangzhou Co., Ltd.                                                                assurance         2019.5.8
Sinopharm Holding                                                                  Joint liability   2018.6.22-
                                22 Mar. 2018     20,000 22 Jun. 2018    19,084.6                                     N   N
Guangzhou Co., Ltd.                                                                assurance         2019.6.21
Sinopharm Holding                                                                  Joint liability   2018.7.5-
                                22 Mar. 2018     20,000 5 Jul. 2018     4,718.14                                     N   N
Guangzhou Co., Ltd.                                                                assurance         2019.7.4
Sinopharm Holding                                                                  Joint liability   2018.6.13-
                                22 Mar. 2018     60,000 13 Jun. 2018   24,041.24                                     N   N
Guangzhou Co., Ltd.                                                                assurance         2019.6.12
Sinopharm Holding                                                                  Joint liability   2018.4.19-
                                22 Mar. 2018     80,000 19 Apr. 2018    1,509.28                                     N   N
Guangzhou Co., Ltd.                                                                assurance         2019.3.31
Sinopharm Holding                                                                  Joint liability   2018.5.20-
                                22 Mar. 2018      5,000 20 May 2018     1,767.15                                     N   N
Guangdong Yuexing Co., Ltd                                                         assurance         2019.5.20
Sinopharm Holding                                                                  Joint liability   2018.10.15-
                                19 Sept. 2018     5,000 15 Oct. 2018    3,933.06                                     N   N
Guangdong Yuexing Co., Ltd                                                         assurance         2019.10.14
Sinopharm Holding                                                                  Joint liability   2018.1.5-
                                19 Apr. 2017      5,000 5 Jan. 2018     3,293.97                                     N   N
Guangdong Yuexing Co., Ltd                                                         assurance         2019.1.4
Sinopharm Holding Guangdong                                                        Joint liability   2018.6.22-
                          22 Mar. 2018            5,000 22 Jun. 2018                                                 N   N
Yuexing Co., Ltd                                                                   assurance         2019.6.21
SinopharmHoliding                                                                  Jointliability
Guangdong Yuexing Co., Ltd 22 Mar. 2018           5,000 12 Jul. 2018    4,938.49 assurance                           N   N

Sinopharm             Holding
                                                                                   Joint     liability 2018.11.16-
Guangdong Hengxing Co., 19 Sept. 2018           3,000    9 Nov. 2018   2,381.56                                      N   N
                                                                                   assurance          2019.10.31
Sinopharm Holding
                                                                                  Joint liability   2018.6.6-
Guangdong Hengxing Co.,        22 Mar. 2018     5,000 6 Jun. 2018       792.14                                    N   N
                                                                                  assurance         2019.6.5
Guangdong Dongfang New                                                            Joint liability   2018.08.20-
                               22 Mar. 2018     4,000 20 Aug. 2018     3,992.38                                   N   N
Special Medicine Co., Ltd                                                         assurance         2019.08.19
Sinopharm Holding Huizhou                                                         Joint liability   2018.10.12-
                               19 Sept. 2018    1,000 12 Oct. 2018      298.52                                    N   N
Co., Ltd                                                                          assurance         2019.10.11
Sinopharm Holding Huizhou                                                         Joint liability   2018.09.18-
                               22 Mar. 2018     3,000 18 Sept. 2018                                               N   N
Co., Ltd                                                                          assurance         2019.09.17
Sinopharm Holding Jiangmen                                                        Joint liability   2018.10.15-
                               19 Sept. 2018    1,000 15 Oct. 2018                                                N   N
Renren Co., Ltd.                                                                  assurance         2019.10.14
Sinopharm Holding Shantou                                                         Joint liability   2018.10.15-
                               19 Sept. 2018      500 12 Oct. 2018         500                                    N   N
Co., Ltd.                                                                         assurance         2019.10.14
Sinopharm Holding Zhaoqing                                                        Joint liability   2018.10.15-
                               19 Sept. 2018    2,000 15 Oct. 2018      883.02                                    N   N
Co., Ltd.                                                                         assurance         2019.10.14
Sinopharm Holding                                                                 Joint liability   2018.10.15-
                               19 Sept. 2018    1,000 15 Oct. 2018                                                N   N
Zhongshan Co., Ltd.                                                               assurance         2019.10.14
Sinopharm Holding                                                                 Joint liability   2018.06.14-
                               22 Mar. 2018     1,000 9 May 2018                                                  N   N
Zhongshan Co., Ltd.                                                               assurance         2019.06.13
Sinopharm Holding Zhuhai                                                          Joint liability   2018.10.15-
                               19 Sept. 2018    1,000 15 Oct. 2018      166.26                                    N   N
Co., Ltd.                                                                         assurance         2019.10.14
Sinopharm Holding                                                                 Joint liability   2018.10.15-
                               19 Sept. 2018    2,000 15 Oct. 2018                                                N   N
Dongguan Co., Ltd.                                                                assurance         2019.10.14
Sinopharm Holding Meizhou                                                         Joint liability   2018.10.15-
                               19 Sept. 2018    1,000 15 Oct. 2018         500                                    N   N
Co., Ltd.                                                                         assurance         2019.10.14
Guangdong Nanfang
                                                                                  Joint liability   2018.7.1-
Pharmaceutical Foreign Trade 22 Mar. 2018      15,000 1 July 2018     11,268.74                                   N   N
                                                                                  assurance         2019.6.30
Co., Ltd.
Guangdong Nanfang
                                                                                  Joint liability   2018.7.19-
Pharmaceutical Foreign Trade 22 Mar. 2018       5,000 19 Jul. 2018     3,335.85                                   N   N
                                                                                  assurance         2019.10.31
Co., Ltd.
Guangdong Nanfang
                                                                                  Joint liability   2018.7.2-
Pharmaceutical Foreign Trade 22 Mar. 2018      10,000 2 Jul. 2018      2,479.14                                   N   N
                                                                                  assurance         2019.6.26
Co., Ltd.
Guangdong Nanfang
                                                                                  Joint liability   2018.9.7-
Pharmaceutical Foreign Trade 22 Mar. 2018      10,000 7 Sept. 2018     6,885.71                                   N   N
                                                                                  assurance         2019.9.6
Co., Ltd.
Guangdong Nanfang
Pharmaceutical Foreign Trade                                                      Joint liability   2018.10.15-
                               19 Sept. 2018    3,000 15 Oct. 2018                                                N   N
Co., Ltd.                                                                         assurance         2019.10.14

Guangdong Nanfang
                                                                                  Joint liability   2018.4.17-
Pharmaceutical Foreign Trade 22 Mar. 2018       2,500 17 Apr. 2018         38.2                                   N   N
                                                                                  assurance         2018.12.31
Co., Ltd.

Foshan Nanhai Medicine Co.,                                                     Joint liability   2018.7.31-
                              22 Mar. 2018     5,000 31 Jul. 2018                                               N   N
Ltd.                                                                            assurance         2019.7.31
Foshan Nanhai Medicine Co.,                                                     Joint liability   2018.10.15-
                              19 Sept. 2018    5,000 15 Oct. 2018    1,912.65                                   N   N
Ltd.                                                                            assurance         2019.10.14
Foshan Nanhai Medicine Co.,                                                     Joint liability   2018.11.20-
                              19 Sept. 2018    5,000 20 Nov. 2018      3,987                                    N   N
Ltd.                                                                            assurance         2019.10.31
Foshan Nanhai Medicine Co.,                                                     Joint liability   2018.11.20-
                              19 Sept. 2018    3,000 20 Nov. 2018     126.25                                    N   N
Ltd.                                                                            assurance         2019.11.19
Foshan Nanhai Uptodate &                                                        Joint liability   2018.5.23-
                              22 Mar. 2018     5,000 23 May 2018                                                N   N
Special Medicines Co. Ltd.                                                      assurance         2019.5.22
Foshan Nanhai Uptodate &                                                        Joint liability   2018.7.31-
                              22 Mar. 2018     5,000 31 Jul. 2018                                               N   N
Special Medicines Co. Ltd.                                                      assurance         2019.7.31
Foshan Nanhai Uptodate &                                                        Joint liability   2018.10.15-
                              19 Sept. 2018    6,000 15 Oct. 2018    1,013.53                                   N   N
Special Medicines Co. Ltd.                                                      assurance         2019.10.14
Foshan Nanhai Uptodate &                                                        Joint liability   2018.11.16-
                              19 Sept. 2018    5,000 16 Nov. 2018    4,235.47                                   N   N
Special Medicines Co. Ltd.                                                      assurance         2019.10.31
Foshan Nanhai Uptodate &                                                        Joint liability   2018.11.20-
                              19 Sept. 2018    3,000 20 Nov. 2018     130.14                                    N   N
Special Medicines Co. Ltd.                                                      assurance         2019.11.19
Sinopharm Holding Foshan                                                        Joint liability   2018.10.15-
                              19 Sept. 2018    1,500 15 Oct. 2018     631.98                                    N   N
Co., Ltd                                                                        assurance         2019.10.14
Sinopharm Holding Foshan                                                        Joint liability   2018.11.20-
                              19 Sept. 2018    1,000 20 Nov. 2018     543.42                                    N   N
Co., Ltd                                                                        assurance         2019.11.19
Sinopharm Holding                                                               Joint liability   2018.11.21-
                              19 Sept. 2018    3,000 21 Nov. 2018                                               N   N
Zhanjiang Co., Ltd                                                              assurance         2019.11.20
Sinopharm Holding                                                               Joint liability   2018.10.15-
                              19 Sept. 2018    1,000 15 Oct. 2018      1,000                                    N   N
Zhanjiang Co., Ltd                                                              assurance         2019.10.14
Sinopharm Holding Guangxi                                                       Joint liability   2018.11.26-
                              19 Sept. 2018   20,000 26 Nov. 2018   13,311.03                                   N   N
Co., Ltd.                                                                       assurance         2019.11.26
Sinopharm Holding Guangxi                                                       Joint liability   2018.10.15-
                              22 Mar. 2018    28,000 15 Oct. 2018     207.32                                    N   N
Co., Ltd.                                                                       assurance         2019.10.14
Sinopharm Holding Guangxi                                                       Joint liability   2018.11.15-
                              19 Sept. 2018   25,000 15 Nov. 2018   12,740.59                                   N   N
Co., Ltd.                                                                       assurance         2019.11.7
Sinopharm Holding Guangxi                                                       Joint liability   2018.12.13-
                              19 Sept. 2018   15,000 13 Dec. 2018   11,992.28                                   N   N
Co., Ltd.                                                                       assurance         2019.11.27
Sinopharm Holding Guangxi                                                       Joint liability   2018.6.20-
                              22 Mar. 2018    10,000 20 Jun. 2018     1,708.2                                   N   N
Co., Ltd.                                                                       assurance         2019.6.20
Sinopharm Holding Guangxi                                                       Joint liability   2018.6.5-
                              22 Mar. 2018     5,000 5 Jun. 2018                                                N   N
Co., Ltd.                                                                       assurance         2019.6.5
Sinopharm Holding Guangxi                                                       Joint liability   2018.6.5-
                              22 Mar. 2018     5,000 5 Jun. 2018     2,989.87                                   N   N
Co., Ltd.                                                                       assurance         2019.6.5
Sinopharm Holding Guangxi
                                                                                Joint liability   2018.6.22-
Co., Ltd.                     22 Mar. 2018     5,000 22 Jun. 2018    4,967.52                                   N   N
                                                                                assurance         2019.6.21

Sinopharm Holding Liuzhou                                                                       Joint liability     2018.10.15-
                                 19 Sept. 2018            9,000 15 Oct. 2018      2,935.26                                            N        N
Co., Ltd                                                                                        assurance           2019.10.14
Sinopharm Holding Liuzhou                                                                       Joint liability     2018.6.21-
                                 22 Mar. 2018             5,000 21 Jun. 2018      4,559.55                                            N        N
Co., Ltd                                                                                        assurance           2019.6.20
Sinopharm Holding Liuzhou                                                                       Joint liability     2018.3.14-
                                 19 Apr. 2017             6,000 14 Mar. 2018      5,845.69                                            N        N
Co., Ltd                                                                                        assurance           2019.1.2
Sinopharm Holding Liuzhou                                                                       Joint liability     2018.11.12-
                                 19 Sept. 2018            5,000 12 Nov. 2018      4,999.57                                            N        N
Co., Ltd                                                                                        assurance           2019.4.18
Sinopharm Holding Liuzhou                                                                       Joint liability     2018.9.7-
                                 22 Mar. 2018             9,000 7 Sept. 2018                                                          N        N
Co., Ltd                                                                                        assurance           2019.9.5
Sinopharm Holding Shenzhen                                                                      Joint liability     2018.10.15-
                                 19 Sept. 2018            9,000 15 Oct. 2018            1,600                                         N        N
Yanfeng Co., Ltd                                                                                assurance           2019.10.14
Sinopharm Holding Shenzhen                                                                      Joint liability     2018.12.03-
                                 19 Sept. 2018            5,000 3 Dec. 2018             2,700                                         N        N
Yanfeng Co., Ltd                                                                                assurance           2019.11.27
Sinopharm Holding Shenzhen                                                                      Joint liability     2018.06.13-
                                 22 Mar. 2018             7,000 13 Jun. 2018            4,500                                         N        N
Yanfeng Co., Ltd                                                                                assurance           2019.06.12
                                                                                Total amount of actual
Total amount of approving guarantee for                                         occurred guarantee for
                                                                      833,500                                                         1,110,735.72
subsidiaries in report period (B1)                                              subsidiaries in report period
                                                                                Total balance of actual
Total amount of approved guarantee for
                                                                                guarantee for subsidiaries at
subsidiaries at the end of reporting period                           844,500                                                             366,402.11
                                                                                the end of reporting period
                                           Guarantee between the subsidiaries and the subsidiaries
                                 Related                                                                                          Imple
                                                                                Actual                                                      ee for
Name of the Company              Announcemen Guarantee Actual date of                                               Guarantee     mente
                                                                                guarantee Guarantee type                                    related
guaranteed                       t disclosure     limit         happening                                           term          d
                                                                                limit                                                       party
                                 date                                                                                             (Y/N)
Fujian     Guoda     Drugstore                                                                    Joint liability    2018.4.20-
                                  22 Mar.2018             2,275 20 Apr. 2018      350.51                                              N        N
Chain Co., Ltd                                                                                      assurance        2019.4.19
Sinopharm Holding Guoda
                                                                                                Joint liability     2018.10.10-
Drugstore Guangdong Co.,         19 Sept.2018             8,000 10 Oct. 2018      6,541.44                                            N        N
                                                                                                assurance           2019.10.9
Sinopharm Holding Guoda
                                                                                                Joint liability     2018.12.20-
Drugstore Guangdong Co.,         19 Sept.2018             2,400 20 Dec. 2018                                                          N        N
                                                                                                assurance           2019.12.19
Sinopharm Holding Guoda
                                                                                                Joint liability     2018.10.10-
Drugstore Guangxi Chain          19 Sept. 2018            3,000 10 Oct. 2018      2,064.44                                            N        N
                                                                                                assurance           2019.10.9
Co., Ltd
Sinopharm Holding Guoda
                                                                                                Joint liability     2018.10.10-
Drugstore Jiangmen Chain         19 Sept. 2018            3,000 10 Oct. 2018        157.63                                            N        N
                                                                                                assurance           2019.10.9
Co., Ltd

Sinopharm Holding Guoda
                                                                             Joint liability   2018.7.3-
Drugstore Inner Mongolia   22 Mar. 2018     3,000 3 Jul. 2018     1,189.94                                   N   N
                                                                             assurance         2019.7.2
Co., Ltd
Sinopharm Holding Guoda
                                                                             Joint liability   2018.4.25-
Drugstore Inner Mongolia   22 Mar. 2018     3,000 25 Apr. 2018      12.00                                    N   N
                                                                             assurance         2019.4.24
Co., Ltd
Sinopharm Holding Guoda
                                                                             Joint liability   2018.10.10-
Drugstore Inner Mongolia   19 Sept. 2018    8,000 10 Oct. 2018    6,699.92                                   N   N
                                                                             assurance         2019.10.9
Co., Ltd
Shanxi Guoda Wanmin                                                          Joint liability   2018.10.16-
                           19 Sept. 2018    5,000 16 Oct. 2018    4,025.00                                   N   N
Drugstore Chain Co.,Ltd                                                      assurance         2019.10.15
Shanxi Guoda Wanmin                                                          Joint liability   2018.5.16-
                           22 Mar. 2018     5,000 16 May 2018     3,500.00                                   N   N
Drugstore Chain Co.,Ltd                                                      assurance         2019.5.15
Shanxi Guoda Wanmin                                                          Joint liability   2018.6.28-
                           22 Mar. 2018     3,000 28 Jun. 2018                                               N   N
Drugstore Chain Co.,Ltd                                                      assurance         2019.6.27
Sinopharm Holding Guoda
                                                                             Joint liability   2018.11.28-
Drugstore Shenyang Chain   19 Sept. 2018    5,000 28 Nov. 2018    2,684.93                                   N   N
                                                                             assurance         2019.11.27
Co., ltd
Sinopharm Holding Guoda
                                                                             Joint liability   2018.4.23-
Drugstore Shenyang Chain   22 Mar. 2018    10,000 23 Apr. 2018    9,040.50                                   N   N
                                                                             assurance         2019.4.22
Co., ltd
Sinopharm Holding Guoda
                                                                             Joint liability   2018.10.15-
Drugstore Shenyang Chain   19 Sept. 2018    6,000 15 Oct. 2018     579.44                                    N   N
                                                                             assurance         2019.10.14
Co., ltd
Sinopharm Holding Guoda
                                                                             Joint liability   2018.11.17-
Drugstore Shenyang Chain   19 Sept. 2018    6,000 17 Oct. 2018    5,434.44                                   N   N
                                                                             assurance         2019.11.16
Co., ltd
Sinopharm Holding Guoda
                                                                             Joint liability   2018.10.10-
Drugstore Shenyang Chain   19 Sept. 2018   15,000 10 Oct. 2018   12,942.75                                   N   N
                                                                             assurance         2019.10.9
Co., ltd
Sinopharm Holding Guoda
Drugstore Shanxi Yiyuan                                                      Joint liability   2018.5.21-
                           22 Mar. 2018     6,000 21 May 2018     5,272.74                                   N   N
Chain Co., ltd                                                               assurance         2019.5.20

Sinopharm Holding Guoda
Drugstore Shanxi Yiyuan                                                      Joint liability   2017.8.30-
                           19 Apr. 2017     4,000 30 Aug. 2017      471.8                                    N   N
Chain Co., ltd                                                               assurance         2018.8.29

Sinopharm Holding Guoda
                                                                             Joint liability   2018.11.21-
Drugstore Shanxi Yiyuan    19 Sept. 2018    4,900 21 Nov. 2018    2,531.06                                   N   N
                                                                             assurance         2019.11.20
Chain Co., ltd
Sinopharm Holding Guoda
                                                                             Joint liability   2018.2.5-
Drugstore Shanxi Yiyuan    19 Apr. 2017     2,800 5 Feb. 2018     2,161.57                                   N   N
                                                                             assurance         2019.2.4
Chain Co., ltd

Sinopharm Holding Guoda
                                                                              Joint liability   2018.6.28-
Drugstore Shanxi Yiyuan       22 Mar. 2018    4,000 28 Jun. 2018   3,995.20                                   N   N
                                                                              assurance         2019.6.27
Chain Co., ltd
Hunan Guoda Minshengtang                                                      Joint liability   2018.10.10-
                              22 Mar. 2018    3,000 10 Oct. 2018   2,094.22                                   N   N
Drugstore Chain Co., Ltd                                                      assurance         2019.10.9
Ningxia Guoda Drugstore                                                       Joint liability   2018.10.16-
                              22 Mar. 2018    4,000 16 Oct. 2018   2,034.00                                   N   N
Chain Co., Ltd                                                                assurance         2019.10.16
Sinopharm Holding Guoda
                                                                              Joint liability   2018.10.10-
Drugstore Yangzhou            19 Sept. 2018   2,000 10 Oct. 2018   1,897.96                                   N   N
                                                                              assurance         2019.10.9
Dadengsheng Chain Co., Ltd
Sinopharm Holding Guoda
                                                                              Joint liability   2018.4.1-
Drugstore Jiangmen Chain      22 Mar. 2018    2,000 1 Apr. 2018    1,671.88                                   N   N
                                                                              assurance         2019.4.1
Co., Ltd
Sinopharm Holding Guoda
                                                                              Joint liability   2018.4.1-
Drugstore Shanghai Chain      22 Mar. 2018    4,000 1 Apr. 2018    2,890.56                                   N   N
                                                                              assurance         2019.4.1
Co., Ltd
Sinopharm Holding Guoda
                                                                              Joint liability   2018.5.11-
Drugstore Henan Chain Co.,    22 Mar. 2018    3,000 11 May 2018      20.45                                    N   N
                                                                              assurance         2019.5.10
Shanxi Guoda Wanmin                                                           Joint liability   2018.4.28-
                              22 Mar. 2018    5,000 28 Apr. 2018   3,650.40                                   N   N
Drugstore Chain Co.,Ltd                                                       assurance         2019.4.27
Sinopharm Holding Guoda
                                                                              Joint liability   2018.4.23-
Drugstore Shanxi Yiyuan       22 Mar. 2018    3,000 23 Apr. 2018   3,000.00                                   N   N
                                                                              assurance         2019.4.22
Chain Co., ltd
Sinopharm Holding Guoda
                                                                              Joint liability   2018.4.24-
Drugstore Inner Mongolia      22 Mar. 2018    2,000 24 Apr. 2018   1,041.84                                   N   N
                                                                              assurance         2019.4.23
Co., Ltd
China National Hebei
                                                                              Joint liability   2018.10.10-
LeRenTang Medicine Chain      19 Sept. 2018   3,000 10 Oct. 2018   1,969.11                                   N   N
                                                                              assurance         2019.10.9
Co., Ltd
Sinopharm Holding Guoda
                                                                              Joint liability   2018.5.18-
Drugstore Guangdong Co.,      22 Mar. 2018    3,000 18 May 2018    2,376.80                                   N   N
                                                                              assurance         2019.5.17
Fujian Guoda Drugstore                                                        Joint liability   2018.5.18-
                              22 Mar. 2018    5,000 18 May 2018    1,724.30                                   N   N
Chain Co., Ltd                                                                assurance         2019.5.17
Fujian Guoda Drugstore                                                        Joint liability   2018.6.25-
                              22 Mar. 2018    2,000 25 Jun. 2018     99.04                                    N   N
Chain Co., Ltd                                                                assurance         2019.6.24
Sinopharm Holding Guoda
                                                                              Joint liability   2018.6.24-
Drugstore Henan Chain Co.,    22 Mar. 2018    3,000 24 Jun. 2018    443.56                                    N   N
                                                                              assurance         2019.6.23
Sinopharm Holding Guoda
Drugstore Xinjiang New                                                        Joint liability   2018.10.11-
                              22 Mar. 2018    3,000 11 Oct. 2018   1,882.11                                   N   N
Special Medicine Chain Co.,                                                   assurance         2019.10.10

Beijing Jinxiang Drugstore                                                                     Joint liability   2018.9.28-
                                   22 Mar. 2018          4,000 28 Sept. 2018      2,623.48                                     N        N
Medicine Chain Co., Ltd                                                                        assurance         2019.9.27
Sinopharm Holding Guoda
                                                                                               Joint liability   2018.9.28-
Drugstore Nanjing Chain Co., 22 Mar. 2018                1,000 28 Sept. 2018        665.40                                     N        N
                                                                                               assurance         2019.9.27
Sinopharm Holding Guoda
                                                                                               Joint liability   2018.10.10-
Drugstore Shanxi Yiyuan            19 Sept. 2018         5,000 10 Oct. 2018       5,000.00                                     N        N
                                                                                               assurance         2019.10.9
Chain Co., ltd
Sinopharm Holding Guoda
                                                                                               Joint liability   2018.10.10-
Drugstore Shanghai Chain           19 Sept. 2018         4,000 10 Oct. 2018          59.90                                     N        N
                                                                                               assurance         2019.10.9
Co., Ltd
Sinopharm Holding Guoda
                                                                                               Joint liability   2018.9.28-
Drugstore Guangdong Co.,           19 Sept. 2018         3,000 28 Sept. 2018      1,032.80                                     N        N
                                                                                               assurance         2019.9.27
Sinopharm Holding Guoda                                                                        Joint liability   2018.11.28-
                                   19 Sept. 2018         4,000 28 Nov. 2018       1,480.06                                     N        N
Drugstore Shandong Co., Ltd                                                                    assurance         2019.11.27
Sinopharm Holding Guoda
                                                                                               Joint liability   2018.11.15-
Drugstore Shanxi Yiyuan            19 Sept. 2018         3,000 15 Nov. 2018       3,000.00                                     N        N
                                                                                               assurance         2019.11.14
Chain Co., ltd
Taishan China National
                                                                                               Joint liability   2018.6.2-
Guoda Qunkang Drustore             22 Mar. 2018            500 2 Jun. 2018          178.13                                     N        N
                                                                                               assurance         2019.6.1
Chain Co., Ltd
Sinopharm Holding Guoda
                                                                                               Joint liability   2018.9.28-
Drugstore Jiangmen Chain           19 Sept. 2018         2,000 28 Sept. 2018        940.62                                     N        N
                                                                                               assurance         2019.9.27
Co., Ltd
Total amount of approving guarantee                       Total amount of actual occurred guarantee for
                                               176,075                                                                             87,203.3987
for subsidiaries in report period (C1)                    subsidiaries in report period (C2)
Total amount of approved guarantee
                                                          Total balance of actual guarantee for subsidiaries
for subsidiaries at the end of                 182,875                                                                             111,431.93
                                                          at the end of reporting period (C4)
reporting period (C3)
                         Total amount of guarantee of the Company ( total of three above mentioned guarantee)
Total amount of approving guarantee                       Total amount of actual occurred guarantee
                                              1,009,575                                                                        1,197,939.11
in report period (A1+B1+C1)                               in report period (A2+B2+C2)
Total amount of approved guarantee
                                                          Total balance of actual guarantee at the
at the end of report period                   1,027,375                                                                            477,834.04
                                                          end of report period (A4+B4+C4)
The proportion of the total amount
of actually guarantee in the net
assets of the Company (that is A4+

(2) Guarantee outside against the regulation

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No guarantee outside against the regulation in Period.

3. Entrust others to cash asset management

(1) Trust financing

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company had no trust financing in the reporting period.

(2) Entrusted loans

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The company had no entrusted loans in the reporting period.

4. Other material contracts

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No other material contracts for the Company in reporting period.

XVIII. Social responsibility

1. Execution of social responsibility

“Social Responsibility Report of Sinopharm Accord in 2018” can be seen in Juchao website released on the same date

2. Execution of social responsibility of targeted poverty alleviation

The Company has not carried out targeted poverty alleviation in the reporting period and has no follow-up plan of targeted poverty

3. Environment protection

The listed Company and its subsidiary whether belongs to the key sewage units released from environmental protection department
Voluntary disclosure
             Name of
              Major                                   Distribution                Executed
                                        Quantity of                  Emission                             Approved
             Pollutants    Emission                   of                          Pollutant   Total                    Excessive
  Company                               Discharge                    Concentrat                           Total
 /subsidiary and           Method                     Discharge                   Discharge   Emissions                Discharge
                                        Outlet                       ion                                  Emissions
              Particular                              Outlet                      Standards

                          Tube                       Outlet of                              1.21       6.64
National     COD                       1                          19.3mg/l                                         N
                          Discharge                  Waste                                  ton/year   ton/year
             Ammonia      Tube                       Outlet of                              0.09
National                               1                          1.43mg/l                             0.7 ton/year N
             Nitrogen     Discharge                  Waste                                  ton/year
China                                                                         2001 Level 1
                          Tube                       Outlet of                             0.00188     0.0369
National     Phosphate                 1                          0.03mg/l    standard for                         N
                          Discharge                  Waste                                 ton/year    ton/year
Zhijun                                                                        the second
                          Tube                       Outlet of                              0.19       1.476
National     BOD                       1                          3.01mg/l                                         N
                          Discharge                  Waste                                  ton/year   ton/year
                          Tube                       Outlet of                              0.14       4.428
National     SS                        1                          2.24mg/l                                         N
                          Discharge                  Waste                                  ton/year   ton/year
                                                     Discharge              The Class IV
Zhijun                    Tube                       Outlet of              water           0.7657     2.16
             C0D                       1                          11.91mg/L                                        N
Pingshan                  Discharge                  Waste                  (Ammonia        ton/year   ton/year
                                                     Water                  Nitrogen up
                                                     Discharge              to Class V)
Zhijun       Ammonia      Tube                       Outlet of              Standard in     0.008      0.144
                                       1                          0.13mg/L                                         N
Pingshan     Nitrogen     Discharge                  Waste                  “Discharge     ton/year   ton/year
                                                     Water                  standard of
                                                     Discharge              water
Zhijun       Total      Tube                         Outlet of              pollutants in   0.005      0.0216
                                       1                          0.08mg/L mixed                                   N
Pingshan     phosphorus Discharge                    Waste                                  ton/year   ton/year
                                                     Water                  pharmaceutic
                                                     Discharge              al
Zhijun                    Tube                       Outlet of              industry”(G    0.1858     0.432
             BOD                       1                          2.89mg/L B21908-                                 N
Pingshan                  Discharge                  Waste                                  ton/year   ton/year
                                                     Water                  2008) and
                                                                            “Standard of
                                                     Discharge              water
Zhijun       Suspended Tube                          Outlet of                              1.0171     2.16
                                       1                          15.82mg/L enviornment                            N
Pingshan     solids    Discharge                     Waste                  al              ton/year   ton/year
                                                     Water                  quality”(GB
Main Luck
                          Tube                       Outlet of                              0.015      0.09
Pharmaceuti COD                         1                          15mg/L                                          N
                          Discharge                  Waste                                  ton/year   ton/year
Main Luck
             Ammonia Tube                            Outlet of                              0.001      0.01
Pharmaceuti                             1                          1mg/L                                           N
             Nitrogen     Discharge                  Waste                                  ton/year   ton/year
Main Luck                                                                     2001 Level 1
                          Tube                       Outlet of                             0.00005     0.0005
Pharmaceuti Phosphate                   1                          0.05mg/l   standard for                         N
                          Discharge                  Waste                                 ton/year    ton/year
cals                                                                          the second
Main Luck
                          Tube                       Outlet of                              0.005      0.02
Pharmaceuti BOD                         1                          5mg/L                                           N
                          Discharge                  Waste                                  ton/year   ton/year
Main Luck
                          Tube                       Outlet of                              0.008      0.06
Pharmaceuti SS                          1                          8mg/L                                           N
                          Discharge                  Waste                                  ton/year   ton/year
Construction and operation of pollution prevention and control facilities

At present, the above-mentioned environmental pollution key monitoring units in which the Company has a shareholding have
established pollution prevention and control facilities for waste water. In the daily management process, enterprises establish
management procedures and operating instructions for environmental protection facilities, and ensure the normal and compliant
operation of anti-pollution facilities through system implementation and responsibility implementation. All enterprises are
continuously investing funds and stepping up the transformation and improvement of pollution prevention and control facilities to
ensure the stable operation of pollution prevention facilities and improve the disposal capacity of environmental protection facilities.
Environmental impact assessment of construction projects and other environmental protection administrative licenses
At present, the projects of all key monitoring units have carried out environmental impact assessments and obtained approvals. The
projects to be built also carry out the relevant administrative review procedures according to the “three simultaneous” requirements
of the environmental protection facilities of the construction project.
Emergency plan for environmental emergencies
At present, the above-mentioned environmental pollution key monitoring units in which the Company has a shareholding have
formulated the Emergency Plan for Environmental Emergencies and reported them according to the regulatory requirements of the
local regulatory authorities. According to the management requirements of the emergency plan, the key units regularly carry out
emergency plan drills to further provide the enterprises’ emergency response capability.
Environmental self-monitoring scheme
At present, the above-mentioned environmental pollution key monitoring units in which the Company has a shareholding have
established environmental self-detection scheme and plan, and implemented self-inspection, third-party detection and other
monitoring methods according to the government requirements. Relevant monitoring data and reports have been archived and saved.
Other environmental information that should be disclosed
The above two companies are joint stock companies of the Company. The Company and its holding subsidiaries are not listed as key
pollutant discharge units announced by the environmental protection department.

Relevant information on environment protection

XIX. Explanation on other significant events

√Applicable □ Not applicable
The proposal on the wholly-owned subsidiary Sinopharm Holding Guoda                              Drugstore Co.,Ltd., Bringing in
Strategic Investors by Means of Capital Increase and Share Expansion was deliberated and approved on the 25th
meeting of the 7th session of Board of Directors On Sep. 4th, 2017, and the wholly-owned subsidiary Sinopharm
Holding Guoda Drugstore Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “Guoda Drugstore”) has got the approval of bringing
in one strategic investor by means of capital increase and share expansion, taking assets assessment report as the
reference of pricing. The Company was publicly listed on the Shanghai United Assets and Equity Exchange on
September 20, 2017, and collected an intentional investor, Walgreens Boots Alliance (NASDAQ Code: WBA), as
the actual controller, it subscribed for the equity of Guoda Drugstore by taking its wholly-owned subsidiary
established in Hong Kong, Walgreens Boots Alliance (Hong Kong) Investments Limited (hereinafter referred to
as “WBAHKIL”), as the capital increase entity to subscribe the equity of Guoda Drugstore with the capital
increase amount of RMB 2,766,700,000. It holds 40% equity of Guoda Drugstore after the capital increase. At the
beginning of December 2017, in accordance with the equity transaction rules, the Company, Guoda Drugstore and
WBAHKIL jointly signed the Registration Capital Increase and Subscription Agreement.

On March 23, 2018, the Company received the Written Decision on Nonperformance of Further Review
(SFLCSH [2018] No. 104) issued by the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China, which was
transferred from Walgreens Boots Alliance Investment Luxembourg Co., Ltd.
At the end of June 2018, Guoda Drugstore obtained the registration receipt for the establishment of a foreign-
invested enterprise from the Commerce Commission of Jing’an District, Shanghai Municipality, and completed
the industrial and commercial registration on June 28, 2018.

XX. Significant event of subsidiary of the Company

√Applicable □ Not applicable
See “XIX. Explanation on other significant events

    Section VI. Changes in Shares and Particulars about Shareholders

I. Changes in Share Capital

1. Changes in Share Capital

                                                                                                                              In Share
                                  Before the Change             Increase/Decrease in the Change (+, -)            After the Change
                                               Proportio              Bonus     tion of               Subtota                 Proportio
                                Amount                     shares                          Others                Amount
                                                  n                   shares     public                  l                       n
I. Restricted shares              65,497,028     15.30%                                                          65,497,028     15.30%
2. State-owned legal
                                  60,380,743     14.10%                                                          60,380,743     14.10%
person’s shares
3. Other domestic
                                   5,116,285      1.20%                                                           5,116,285      1.20%
Including: Domestic
                                   5,114,297      1.19%                                                           5,114,297      1.19%
legal person’s shares
       Domestic nature
                                       1,988      0.00%                                                               1,988      0.00%
person shares
II. Unrestricted shares       362,629,955        84.70%                                                         362,629,955     84.70%
1. RMB Ordinary shares        307,744,355        71.88%                                                         307,744,355     71.88%
2. Domestically listed
                                  54,885,600     12.82%                                                          54,885,600     12.82%
foreign shares
III. Total shares             428,126,983 100.00%                                                               428,126,983 100.00%
Reasons for share changed
□Applicable √Not applicable

Approval of share changed
□Applicable √Not applicable

Ownership transfer of share changed
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Progress of shares buy-back
□Applicable √Not applicable
Implementation progress of the reduction of repurchases shares by centralized bidding
□Applicable √Not applicable
Influence on the basic EPS and diluted EPS as well as other financial indexes of net assets per share attributable to common
shareholders of Company in latest year and period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
Other information necessary to disclose for the Company or need to disclosed under requirement from security regulators
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Changes of restricted shares

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

II. Securities issuance and listing

1. Security offering (without preferred stock) in Reporting Period

□Applicable √Not applicable

2. Changes of total shares and shareholders structure as well as explanation on changes of assets and
liability structure

□Applicable √Not applicable

3. Current internal staff shares

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III. Particulars about shareholder and actual controller of the Company

1. Amount of shareholders of the Company and particulars about shares holding

                                                                                                                                         In Share
                                                                                                                 Total preference
                                                                        Total preference
                                   Total common                                                                  with voting
Total common                                                            shareholders with
                                   stock                                                                         rights recovered
stock                                                                   voting rights
                                   shareholders at                                                               at end of last
shareholders in           18,101                                 17,550 recovered at end of                  0                                 0
                                   end of last month                                                             month before
reporting                                                               reporting period (if
                                   before annual                                                                 annual report
period-end                                                              applicable) (found
                                   report disclosed                                                              disclosed (if
                                                                        in note 8)
                                                                                                                 (found in note 8)
                           Particulars about shares held above 5% by shareholders or top ten shareholders
                                                         Total                                              Number of share pledged/frozen
                                                                                Amount        Amount
                                           Proportio sharehold
                                                                     Changes         of        of un-
     Full name of         Nature of          n of      ers at the
                                                                     in report restricted restricted
     Shareholders        shareholder        shares      end of                                              State of share           Amount
                                                                      period     shares        shares
                                             held       report
                                                                                  held          held
Sinopharm Group State-owned                            239,999,9               55,057,70 184,942,2
Co., Ltd             Corporation                              91                          0            91
                     Foreign                           11,469,64                              11,469,64
FIRST STATE                                   2.68%                                       0
                     Corporation                                 4                                      4

China United
Property Insurance Domestic non
Company Limited state-owned                   1.73% 7,400,422                        0 7,400,422
- Traditional         Corporation
insurance products
China National
Pharmaceutical        State-owned
                                              1.24% 5,323,043               5,323,043            0
Foreign Trade         Corporation
China Life
Insurance Co., Ltd. Domestic non
– tradition –general state-owned            1.17% 5,013,800                        0 5,013,800
insurance products Corporation
-005L-CT001 Shen
                                              0.99% 4,245,498                        0 4,245,498
NGKONG)               Corporation
New China Life
Insurance Co., Ltd.
                      Domestic non
– Bonus –
                      state-owned             0.98% 4,199,772                        0 4,199,772
Individual bonuses
- -018L-FH002
#Beijing Haoqing
Fortune Investment
Management Co.,       Domestic nature
                                              0.96% 4,118,716                        0 4,118,716
Ltd. – Haoqing       person
Value Stable No.8
Investment Fund
Central Huijin        State-owned
                                              0.89% 3,804,400                        0 3,804,400
Investment Ltd.       Corporation
Bank of China-
Harvest Shanghai- Domestic non
H.K.-Shenzhen         state-owned             0.83% 3,554,700                        0 3,554,700
Selected Securities Corporation
Investment Fund
                                           Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd. and China National Pharmaceutical Foreign Trade Corporation
                                           have the same actual controller, which is China National Pharmaceutical Group
Explanation on associated relationship Corporation. It is unknown that there exists no associated relationship or belongs to the
among the aforesaid shareholders           consistent person acting in concert among the other tradable shareholders regulated by the
                                           Management Measure of Information Disclosure on Change of Shareholding for Listed
                                     Particular about top ten shareholders with un-restrict shares held

                                                                                                                  Type of shares
          Shareholders’ name                 Amount of un-restrict shares held at Period-end
                                                                                                               Type          Amount
                                                                                                      RMB ordinary
Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd                                                               184,942,291                            184,942,291
HTHK/CMG FSGUFP-CMG FIRST                                                                             Domestic listed
                                                                                        11,469,644                             11,469,644
STATE CHINA GROWTH FD                                                                                 foreign shares
China United Property Insurance
                                                                                                      RMB ordinary
Company Limited - Traditional                                                             7,400,422                                7,400,422
insurance products
China Life Insurance Co., Ltd. –
                                                                                                      RMB ordinary
tradition –general insurance products -                                                  5,013,800                                5,013,800
005L-CT001 Shen
                                                                                                      Domestic listed
SECURITIES(HONGKONG)                                                                      4,245,498                                4,245,498
                                                                                                      foreign shares
New China Life Insurance Co., Ltd. –
                                                                                                      RMB ordinary
Bonus – Individual bonuses - -018L-                                                      4,199,772                                4,199,772
FH002 Shen
#Beijing Haoqing Fortune Investment
                                                                                                      RMB ordinary
Management Co., Ltd. – Haoqing                                                           4,118,716                                4,118,716
Value Stable No.8 Investment Fund
                                                                                                      RMB ordinary
Central Huijin Investment Ltd.                                                            3,804,400                                3,804,400
Bank of China- Harvest Shanghai-
                                                                                                      RMB ordinary
H.K.-Shenzhen Selected Securities                                                         3,554,700                                3,554,700
Investment Fund
Hong Kong Securities Clearing                                                                         RMB ordinary
                                                                                          3,416,987                                3,416,987
Company Ltd                                                                                           shares
Expiation on associated relationship or
consistent actors within the top 10 un- It is unknown that there exists no associated relationship or belongs to the consistent person
restrict shareholders and between top acting in concert among the other tradable shareholders regulated by the Management
10 un-restrict shareholders and top 10 Measure of Information Disclosure on Change of Shareholding for Listed Companies.
Explanation on shareholders involving
                                           Beijing Haoqing Fortune Investment Management Co., Ltd. – Haoqing Value Stable No.8
margin business about top ten common
                                           Investment Fund holds shares of the Company through margin trading and negotiable
stock shareholders with un-restrict
                                           securities account that is 4,118,716 shares in total.
shares held (if applicable) (see note 4)

Whether top ten common stock shareholders or top ten common stock shareholders with un-restrict shares held have a buy-back
agreement dealing in reporting period
□Yes √ No
The top ten common stock shareholders or top ten common stock shareholders with un-restrict shares held of the Company have no
buy-back agreement dealing in reporting period.

2. Controlling shareholder of the Company

Nature of controlling shareholders: central state-owned holding
Type of controlling shareholders: legal person
                            person/person                         Organization
Controlling shareholders                    Date of foundation                                   Main operation business
                             in charge of                            code
                               the unit
                                                                                 Industrial investment holding; management and
                                                                                 assets reorganization entrusted by pharmaceutical
                                                                                 enterprise; Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine
                                                                                 tablets, chemical medicine preparations, chemical
                                                                                 raw materials, antibiotics, biochemical drugs,
                                                                                 biological products, narcotic drugs, psychotropic
                                                                                 substances,     toxic      drugs     for    medical     use
                                                                                 (compatible with the business scope), medicine
                                                                                 IVD Reagents, vaccine, anabolic agents, Peptide
                                                                                 hormone and medical equipment. III: injection
                                                                                 puncture      instruments,      hygienic    materials     &
 Sinopharm Group Co.,                                                            dressings, medical polymer materials and products,
                             Li Zhiming          2003-01-08       74618434-4
           Ltd                                                                   categories II: medical X-ray ancillary equipment
                                                                                 and components; food marketing management
                                                                                 (non-physical way), and domestic trade (other than
                                                                                 special licensing), logistics and other consulting
                                                                                 services,     cosmetics,     stationeries    and   related
                                                                                 consulting services, operating various types of
                                                                                 goods and import and export of technology (not
                                                                                 attached      directory    of      import    and      export
                                                                                 commodities), but excluded the import and export
                                                                                 of goods and technology the State limits or
                                                                                 prohibit the company. [In right of exequatur to run
                                                                                 if refers to permission operation].
Equity of other
domestic/oversea listed
company control by          Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd. hold 55.29 percent equity of China National Medicines Corporation Ltd
controlling shareholder (Stock code: 600511) up to the end of Period.
as well as stock-joint in
report period

Changes of controlling shareholders in reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company had no changes of controlling shareholders in reporting period.

3. Actual controller of the Company and persons acting in concert

Nature of actual controller: central state-owned assets management
Type of actual controller: legal person
Actual controlling shareholders person/person in Date of foundation                Organization code         Main operation business
                                     charge of the unit

                                                                                                        Chinese patent drug, traditional
                                                                                                        Chinese medicines prepared in
                                                                                                        ready-to-use forms, traditional
                                                                                                        Chinese     medicinal        materials,
                                                                                                        chemical         API,         chemical
                                                                                                        medicine                   preparation,
                                                                                                        antibiotics,     biochemical       drug
                                                                                                        and biologic pharmacy (License
                                                                                                        for pharmaceutical trading runs
                                                                                                        until 12 May 2020); mandatory
                                                                                                        for pharmaceutical enterprise,
 China National Pharmaceutical                                                                          asset reorganization; consulting
                                     She Lulin            1987-03-26                 10000588-8
       Group Corporation                                                                                service of medicine industrial
                                                                                                        investment;        exhibition         of
                                                                                                        medical        devices;     consulting
                                                                                                        services with main business
                                                                                                        concerned. (the enterprise has
                                                                                                        independent          choices          on
                                                                                                        operation items for business; in
                                                                                                        right of exequatur to run if refers
                                                                                                        to   permission           operation    ;
                                                                                                        operation activity that prohibited
                                                                                                        or   restricted      by      the   City
                                                                                                        Government are not allowed)

                                                                  Name of listed        Total shareholders
                                                                                                                  Proportion of
                                                   Name           company with          held (10 thousand
                                                                                                                   shares held
                                                                   shares held               shares)

                                             SINOPHARM            Jianmin Group                     132.35                   0.86%
Equity of domestic/oversea
listed company control by                                          Sinopharm
                                             SINOPHARM                                           20,728.95                   6.98%
actual controller in report period                                     Holding
                                                 Industrial                                     157,155.60                  52.88%
                                                 Co., Ltd.
                                            Sinopharm           Sinopharm
                                                                                            42,261.77     55.29%
                                              Holding            Holding
                                            Sinopharm           Sinopharm
                                                                                            24,000.00     56.06%
                                              Holding             Accord
                                            Sinopharm            Lianhuan
                                                                                               375.21     1.31%
                                              Holding         Pharmaceutical
                                               SIPS                                         23,951.26     22.68%
                                          China National
                                          Pharmaceutical         Hengrui
                                                                                            16,310.11     4.43%
                                            Investment           Medicine
                                              Co., Ltd.
                                          China National
                                           Biotec Group           BTBP                      43,523.36     49.96%
                                              Co., Ltd.
                                                               China TCM                   161,431.36     32.06%
                                           H.K. Co., Ltd.

Changes of actual controller in reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No changes of actual controllers for the Company in reporting period.
Property right and controlling relationship between the actual controller and the Company is as follow:

Actual controller controlling the Company by entrust or other assets management

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

4. Particulars about other legal person shareholders with over 10% shares held

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

5. Limitation and reducing the holdings of shares of controlling shareholders, actual controllers,
restructuring side and other commitment subjects

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                      Section VII. Preferred Stock

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company had no preferred stock in the Period.

        Section VIII. Particulars about Directors, Supervisors, Senior

                                             Executives and Employees

I. Changes of shares held by directors, supervisors and senior executives

                                                                                                Amount Amount
                                                                                     Shares                                        Shares
                                                                         End                   of shares of shares
                                                            Start dated              held at                         Other         held at
                             Working                                    date of                increased decreased
               Title                         Sex    Age      of office               period-                       changes         period-
 Name                         status                                    office                   in this  in this
                                                               term                   begin                         (share)          end
                                                                         term                    period   period
                                                                                     (Share)                                       (Share)
                                                                                                (Share) (Share)
 Chen   Deputy GM,
                     Currently in
Changbi Secretary of                         M       51     13 Jan. 2015             2,651        0             0                  2,651
   n     the Board
 Total       --           --                 --        --        --        --        2,651        0             0                  2,651

II. Changes of directors, supervisors and senior executives

√Applicable □ Not applicable
      Name               Title               Type               Date                                    Reasons
                  Independent          leaving
Xiong Chuxiong                                          17 Apr. 2018            Expiration of term of 7th BOD
                  Director             while term is
                  Independent          leaving
Xiao Shengfang                                          17 Apr. 2018            Expiration of term of 7th BOD
                  Director             while term is
Wang Huaiqin      Staff supervisor                      17 Apr. 2018            Expiration of term of 7th Supervisory Committee
                                       while term is
Lian Wanyong      Director                              17 Apr. 2018            New Director of 8th BOD
                                       and removal
Li Dongjiu        Director                              17 Apr. 2018            New Director of 8th BOD
                                       and removal
                  Independent          Appointment
Ou Yongliang                                            17 Apr. 2018            New Independent Director of 8th BOD
                  Director             and removal
                  Independent          Appointment
Chen Shengqun                                           17 Apr. 2018            New Independent Director of 8th BOD
                  Director             and removal
Lang Baochun      Staff supervisor                      17 Apr. 2018            New Staff supervisor of 8th Supervisory Committee
                                       and removal
Lang Baochun      Staff supervisor     Office           8 Aug. 2018             Resign from staff supervisor for job arrangement

Lang Baochun    General counsel                  22 Aug. 2018   New General counsel
                                   and removal
Chen Guojing    Staff supervisor                 8 Aug. 2018    New Staff supervisor of 8th Supervisory Committee
                                   and removal
Liu Tianrao     Deputy GM                        11 Jan. 2019   New Deputy GM
                                   and removal
Ma Zhanjun      Director                         24 Jan.2019    New Director of 8th BOD
                                   and removal
                Deputy             Appointment
Ma Zhanjun                                       31 Jan.2019    New Deputy Chairman of 8th BOD
                Chairman           and removal
                Independent        Appointment
Su Weiwei                                        24 Jan.2019    New Independent Director of 8th BOD
                Director           and removal

III. Post-holding

Professional background, major working experience and present main responsibilities in Company of directors,
supervisors and senior executive at the present

1. Members of the Board
Mr. Liu Yong, joined Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd in January 2003 and serves as executive director and president
of Sinopharm Holding since November 2017 and acts as deputy party secretary of Sinopharm Holding since
January 2018; Mr. Liu own over 26 years of working experience, among which, over 23 years are related to
management experience in medicine and health care products industry. He is a pharmacist-in-charge and licensed
pharmacist. During the period from July 1992 to July 1999, Mr. Liu worked in the Shanghai Pharma, and
successively served as deputy general manager of the marketing department of Shanghai Branch of China
National Pharmaceutical Group Corporation and Shanghai Guoda Drugstore Chain Company Limited from July
1999 to April 2003. Mr. Liu served as GM and party secretary of the Sinopharm Holding Shenyang Co., Ltd from
April 2003 to November 2009; a deputy president of Sinopharm Holding from January 2009 to November 2017;
the Secretary of the Board of Sinopharm Holding from October 2016 to November 2017 and General Counsel of
Sinopharm Holding from January 2014 to December 2017. Currently, he also acts as the Director of
SINOPHARM, Sinopharm Holding Guoda Drugstore Co., Ltd., China National Scientific Instruments &
Materials Co., Ltd and China National Medical Equipment Co., Ltd.; and Director and GM of Sinopharm Holding
H.K. Co., Ltd. Mr. Liu serves as Director of the 7th BOD of the Company since January 2017 and Chairman of the
7th and 8th BOD of the Company since October 2017.
Mr. Ma Zhanjun served as president of Wuhan Ruipu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. from December 2000 to December
2003, from January 2004 to April 2005, he served as general manager of Sinopharm Group Pharmaceutical
Holding Wuhan Co., Ltd., from April 2005 to December 2005, he served as executive deputy general manager of
Sinopharm Holding Hubei Co., Ltd., and he served as general manager of Sinopharm Group Hubei Co., Ltd. from
January 2006 to December 2014, from January 2015 to October 2018, he served as president of Sinopharm

Holding Hubei Co., Ltd., since November 2018, he has concurrently been serving as vice president of Sinopharm
Holding Hubei Co., Ltd. Since January 2019, he has been serving as vice president of the eighth board of directors
of the Company.

Mr. Li Zhiming, chairman of the board and the deputy Party Secretary of Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd, he joined the
Sinopharm Holding in May 2010 as deputy president, served as executive director and president of Sinopharm
Holding from November 2013 to March 2017; He serves as chairman of Sinopharm Holding since November
2017 and he is the deputy party secretary of Sinopharm Holding since November 2018. Mr. Li held the position
of General counsel, Secretary of Committee for Discipline Inspection, chairman of the labor union, deputy Party
Secretary and party secretary of Sinopharm Holding from October 2012 to March 2017. He owns more than 36
years of working experience, among which, 32 years are related to management experience in medicine and health
care products industry. He is a senior economist and pharmacist-in-charge. During the period from July 1985 to
July 1996, Mr. Li successively served as deputy director of the financing department of Xinjiang Xinte
Nationality Pharmacy Company Limited, deputy general manager and chief accountant of Xinjiang
Pharmaceutical Industry and Trading Corporation, deputy general manager and chief accountant of Xinjiang Xinte
Nationality Pharmacy Corporation, and deputy director of the preparation office of Xinjiang Autonomous Region
Medicine Administration Bureau. From July 1996 to February 2016, Mr. Li worked in Xinjiang Xinte Nationality
Pharmacy Corporation as general manager, chairman of the board and party secretary, and worked in Xinjiang
Pharmaceutical Group Corporation (currently known as Sinopharm Group (Xinjiang) Co., Ltd.) as its general
manager, Deputy Chairman of the board, chairman of the board and party secretary. Currently, he also serves as
Director of China National Xinjiang Medicine Co., Ltd, Sinpharm Holding Senyi Tech. (Shanghai) Co., Ltd,
China National Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd and Sinopharm Holding Guoda Drugstore Co., Ltd.; the deputy chairman
of Shanghai Shyndec Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd and Chairman of Sinopharm Holding H.K. Co., Ltd, Sinopharm
Holding (China) Finance Leasing Co., Ltd, China National Zhongjin (Shanghai) Medical Health Investment
Management Co., Ltd and Sinopharm Holding Medicine Investment Co., Ltd; He served as Chairman of the
Company from February 2014 to August 2016 and acts as Director of the 7th and 8th BOD of the Company since
August 2016.

Mr. Jiang Xiuchang, entered into Sinopharm Holding as the CFO in May 2010, and he has also acted as vice
president of Sinopharm Holding since July 2013. Mr. Jiang owns over 31 years of working experiences, among
which, 20 years of management experiences are related to medicine and health-care industries. He is a senior
economist and senior accountant. Mr. Jiang has worked as deputy director of information department, deputy
director of restructuring office, deputy director of financial department as well as deputy director of
pharmaceutical department in China National Pharmaceutical Group Corporation from July 1986 to March 2002;
he has also served as deputy director, director of financial department and chief financial officer of China National
Medicines Corporation Ltd. in succession from March 2002 to May 2010. Currently, Mr. Jiang serves as
Chairman of Sinopharm Holding Jiangxi Co., Ltd, Sinopharm Holding Shanxi Co., ltd, Sinopharm Holding Inner
Mongolia Co., ltd, Sinopharm Holding Tianjin Co., ltd, SINOPHARM Shanxi Co., ltd and China National

Medicines Corporation Ltd; Director of Sinopharm Holding H.K. Co., ltd and China National Finance
Corporation Ltd; and executive Director of Beijing Sinopharm Taiyuan Property Management Co., Ltd and
SINOPHARM Shanghai Co., Ltd; he serves as Director of the 6th ,7th and 8th BOD of the Company since March

Mr. Lian Wanyong is vice president of Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd. He joined China National
Pharmaceutical Group Corporation Guangzhou Company in 1996 and successively served as product
director of Yuexing Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. and senior product manager of Hong Kong Tianjian
International Co., Ltd. From August 2002 to January 2004, he served as deputy manager of the
financial department of Barr laboratories, Inc., USA. From January 2004 to April 2014, he was
appointed as manager of operational audit department, deputy director of financial asset
management department and director of investment management department of China Medicinal
Materials Group Company. From December 2010 to February 2014, he served as deputy general
manager of Beijing Sinopharm Asset Management Center, from April 2014 to January 2018, he
served as deputy director of the Policy Research Office of China National Pharmaceutical Group Corporation.
Since January 2018, he has been serving as vice president of Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd., and Mr. Lian is
concurrently serving as director of China National Medicines Corporation Ltd., director of China National
Zhongjin (Shanghai) Medical Health Investment Management Co., Ltd, and director of West China Dental Co.,
Ltd. He serves as Director of 8th BOD of the Company since April 2018.

Mr. Li Dongjiu is vice president and general counsel of Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd. From April 1997 to January
2002, he served as deputy general manager of North China Pharmaceutical Huasheng Co., Ltd., from January
2002 to December 2009, he served as deputy general manager of North China Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., and
concurrently served as general manager of North China Pharmaceutical Group Sales Company, and property
representative of North China Pharmaceutical Group Southern Company (concurrently), from December 2009 to
June 2010, he served as executive president of Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical Industry Development Co., Ltd.,
and from June 2010 to September 2011, he was appointed as vice president of Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical
(Group) Limited and director of the Pharmaceutical Management Committee, and president of Shanghai Fosun
Pharmaceutical Industry Development Co., Ltd., from September 2011 to January 2018, he served as senior vice
president of Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical (Group) Limited, and concurrently served as director of
pharmaceutical business and consumer goods management committee and chairman, president of Shanghai Fosun
Pharmaceutical Industry Development Co., Ltd. and concurrently vice-president of pharmaceutical industry
management committee, responsible for strategy, investment, operation and management of pharmaceutical
business and consumer product. Since January 2018, he has been serving as vice president of Sinopharm Group
Co., Ltd. Mr. Li is concurrently director of China National Medicines Corporation Ltd. and Sinopharm Chemical
Reagent Co., Ltd., and president of Sinopharm Holding Fujian Co., Ltd., Sinopharm Holding Fuzhou Co., Ltd.,
Sinopharm Holding Guizhou Co., Ltd. Sinopharm Holding Yunnan Co., Ltd., Sinopharm Xingsha
Pharmaceuticals (Xiamen) Co., Ltd., Sinopharm Holding Hainan Co., Ltd., China National Health Online Co.,
Ltd., Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd. And Sinopharm Holding Hutchison Whampoa Medicine Co., Ltd.
He serves as Director of 8th BOD of the Company since April 2018.

Mr. Lin Zhaoxiong: Director and GM of Sinopharm Accord. Has served as deputy manager and manger of
pharmaceutical department, manger of Pharmaceutical corporations and director of operation and management
department during his work in China Pharmaceutical (Group) Guangzhou Co.,Ltd from January 1999 to
December 2003 in succession; He has acted as the deputy general manger of Sinopharm Holding Guangzhou
Co.,Ltd; the general manager of Sinopharm Holding Guangzhou Co.,Ltd from December 2006 to December 2008;
He has served as the deputy general manger of the Company from December 2008 to March 2016; Mr Lin serves
as the chairman of Sinopharm Holding Guoda Drugstore Co.,Ltd since October 2017; and GM of the Company
since March 2016, Director of the 7th and 8th BOD of the Company since April 2016.
Mr. Chen Honghui, professor of Lingnan (University) College of Sun Yat-Sen University, a doctoral supervisor of
management. He worked in school of management, Wuhan University of Science & Technology from July 1993
to June 2003 and successively acted as a tutor and instructor; he works in Lingnan (University) College of Sun
Yat-Sen University since July 2003 and also served as deputy professor and professor; vice president of the
Lingnan (University) College of Sun Yat-Sen University from 2007 to 2012; the director of department of
business administration in Lingnan College since 2008, currently Mr. Chen serves as deputy chairman of the
GDISR, independent director of Cabbeen Fashion Co., Ltd and Guangzhou Grandbuy Co., Ltd. He serves as
independent director of the 7th and 8th BOD of the Company since March 2017.

Mr. Ou Yongliang is a Chinese practicing lawyer, vice chairman of All China Lawyers Association, vice
chairman of Guangdong Province Law Society, president of the 9th and 10th Session of Guangdong Lawyers
Association, director of Guangdong Hopesun Law Firm, member of the 12th Session of Guangdong Provincial
Committee of the CPPCC, expert advisor of the 11th Party Congress of Guangdong Provincial Party Committee of
the Communist Party of China, legislative consultant of the 12th Session of Standing Committee of Guangdong
Provincial People’s Congress, specially invited member of the 11th Session of Guangdong Provincial Committee
of the CPPCC, member of the Guangdong Provincial Judge and Prosecutor Selection Committee, legal adviser of
Hunan Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government, representative of the 9th Congress of Guangzhou
Municipality of the Communist Party of China, legal adviser of Guangzhou Municipal People’s Government,
supervisory judicial behavior supervisor of Guangdong Provincial Procuratorate, supervisor of service window of
Guangdong Higher People’s Court, legal adviser of the Criminal Investigation Bureau of Guangdong Provincial
Public Security Department, arbitrator of China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission,
arbitrator of South China International Arbitration Commission, arbitrator of Shanghai International Arbitration
Commission, and arbitrator of Guangzhou Arbitration Commission. He serves as independent director of the 8th
BOD of the Company since April 2018.

Mr. Chen Shengqun is an associate researcher and senior accountant, he has been teaching at the Shanghai
National Accounting Institute since 2013. Mr. Chen came out of the postdoctoral research station of Shanghai
University of Finance and Economics in 1998 as the first postdoctoral fellow in management accounting. He was
employed as a senior researcher at the CAFR Center of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and is currently a
visiting professor of EDP curriculum at the Xiamen University. Since 1998, Mr. Chen has served as director of
the finance division of China Pacific Insurance Co., Ltd., in 2002, he was transferred to serve as deputy general
manager of the financing plan department of China Pacific Insurance Co., Ltd. (presiding work), at the end of
2003, he joined China Reinsurance Group and successively served as general manager of the fund application
department of China Continent Insurance (concurrently general manager of the strategic development department,
and general manager assistant of China Re Asset Management Company. He serves as independent director of the
8th BOD of the Company since April 2018.

Ms. Su Weiwei: Doctor of pharmacy, professor of School of Life Sciences of Sun Yat-Sen University and a
doctoral supervisor. She worked in Guangdong pharmaceutical University from July 1987 to April 2000, and
successively served as a teaching assistant, lecturers, associate professor and professor, she serves as a professor
in Sun Yat-Sen University since May 2000. Ms. Su Weiwei have devoted herself to the research and development
of innovative drugs for many years, and achieved two chemical clinical permission for first-type new drugs and
one clinical permission for the fifth-type new drugs of TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) which have
independent intellectual property rights.

2. Members of supervisors:
Mr. Wu Yijian: Director and Secretary of the Board of Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd. He worked in Sanjiu
Enterprise Group since July 1993, and successively served as the sales director of Sanjiu Medical Trading Co.,
Ltd., COO of Sanjiu Medical Chain Co., Ltd. and deputy GM of Shanghai Sanjiu Technology Development Co.,
Ltd. He also works in Fosun Pharma Group since June 2004 and successively took post of Gm of the Shanghai
Fosun Pharmaceutical Investment Co., Ltd., GM of Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. and GM of
Shanghai Fumei Drugstore Co., Ltd. Wu served as deputy president of the Shanghai Yuyuan Tourist Mart Co.,
Ltd. from 2014 to 2015. He served as non-executive director of Sinopharm Holding from June 2016 to September
2017; and serves as non-executive director of Sinopharm Holding again since March 2018; Acts as secretary of
the Board of Sinopharm Holding since January 2019. Currently, Mr. Wu serves as the assistant president, director
of Business Administration Committee and joint GM of human resources department of Fosun Pharma, and
Director of Sinopharm Industry Investment Co., Ltd. He serves as Chairman of the 7th and 8th supervisory
committee of the Company since September 2016.

Ms. Liu Jingyun, postgraduate background. Currently she serves as the director of financial and asset management
and director of assets and credit management dept. in Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd. and he successively hold a
teaching post in Nanjing Radio and Television University, works in Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd. since November
2003 and serves as deputy director of assets management department, director of the financial & assets

management dept. and Director of ministry of finance and credit management. She serves as supervisor of the 7th
and 8th supervisory committee of the Company since September 2016.

Ms. Chen Guojing: she worked in Shenzhen Accord Medicinal Materials Company in December 1999, now she
serves as the office director and director of security department in the Company. Ms. Chen served as the financial
manager and deputy chief of Finance and Funds Department of the Company from June 2005 to December 2013,
she is the member of trade union federations of the Company and chairman of the first trade union since March
2009; she served as chief (part-time) of the auditing department of the Company from January 2013 to August
2017, and chief (part-time) of the risk and operation management of the Company from January 2014 to May
2016. She serves as staff supervisor of the 8th supervisory committee of the Company since August 2018

3. Senior executive
Mr. Lin Zhaoxiong, found in aforesaid previous work experience
Mr. Lin Min: Deputy GM of the Company. worked in China Pharmaceutical (Group) Guangzhou Co.,Ltd with
successively taking the posts of assistant to manager, deputy general manger of Pharmacy Department and deputy
general manger of purchasing in Pharmaceutical Company from Jan. 2001 to Nov. 2003;         the city medical sales
director of Sinopharm Holding Guangzhou Co., Ltd. From November 2003 to January 2005; took deputy general
manager of Sinopharm Holding Guangzhou Co., Ltd from Jan. 2005 to Dec. 2008; he also acting as the GM of
distribution business dept. of the Sinopharm Accord and Sinopharm Holding Guangzhou Co., Ltd. he serves as
deputy GM of the Company since December 2008.

Mr. Zhao Xiaochuan: Deputy GM of the Company. He has served as the general manager of Liaoning Accord
Chain Co., Ltd from December 2001 to April 2008; served as the general manger of Sinopharm Holding Guoda
Tian Yi Tang Drugstore Chain (Shenyang) Co., Ltd and Sinopharm Holding Guoda Shenyang Chain Co., Ltd
from May 2008 to June 2015; he has acted as general manager of Sinopharm Holding Guoda Drugstore Co., Ltd
since June 2015; He has worked as the deputy general mange of the Company since July 2017.
Mr. Liu Tianyao is deputy general manager of the Company. From August 2002 to April 2009, he served as senior
director of human resources department of China National Pharmaceutical Group Corporation. From April 2009
to May 2017, he successively served as deputy director of human resources department, director of talent
development department, director of human resources department, and director of retail medical business
development department of Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd., from December 2013 to July 2016, he concurrently
served as general manager of Shanghai Management Consulting Branch, from July 2016 to May 2017, he
concurrently served as general manager of Sinopharm Holding Medical Management (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., since
May 2017, he has been serving as director of human resources and director of human resources department of
Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd and he serves as Deputy GM of the Company since January 2019.

Mr. Lin Xinyang: Deputy GM of the Company.He took the turns of deputy GM of Nanfang Pharm. Co., deputy
GM of China Pharmaceutical (Group) Guangzhou Company Yuexing Company, general supervisor of PD of

Sinopharm Holding Guangzhou Company successively since January 1996; took the post of deputy GM of
Sinopharm Holding Guangzhou Company from Jan. to Dec. 2004; serves as deputy GM of the Company since
January 2005.

Mr. Lang Baochun is deputy secretary of the party committee, secretary of the disciplinary committee, chairman
of the labor union and general counsel of the Company. From September 2007 to March 2008, he served as
deputy director of general office of Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd., from March 2008 to December 2009, he served as
general manager of Shanghai Chuanghui Investment Co., Ltd., from January 2010 to May 2010, he served as
director of the research office of Shanghai Shibei Hi-Tech (Group) Co., Ltd., from June 2010 to September 2011,
he served as deputy director of the president’s office of Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd., from October 2011 to
December 2015, he served as director of the strategic planning department of Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd., from
January 2016 to June 2017, he served as secretary of the party committee of Sinopharm Guoda Drugstore Co.,
Ltd., from March 2016 to February 2018, he served as deputy secretary of the party committee and secretary of
the disciplinary committee of the Company. Since March 2018, he has been serving as deputy secretary of the
party committee, secretary of the disciplinary committee, and chairman of the labor union of the Company. He
serves as General Counsel of the Company since August 2018

Mr. Wei Pingxiao: CFO of the Company. He took the turns of deputy section chief of financial department of
China Electronic Information Industry Group, financial director of AMOI, section chief of planning financial
department of China Electronic Finance Leasing Company, Deputy GM of AMOI Beijing branch, financial
charger of AMOI and director of its subsidiary since April 1993; and he hold the post of CFO of the Company
since December 2004.

Mr. Chen Changbin: Deputy GM of the Company, and Secretary of the Board. He has served as secretary of board
of directors of the Company since December 2000; he has also worked as the director of planning investment
management department of the Company as well as assistant general manager, in charge of strategic planning,
investment and mergers and acquisitions, capital operation and affairs related to three major meetings. He has
acted as the deputy general manger of the Company since April 2017.

Post-holding in shareholder’s unit
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                    Position in shareholder’s   Start dated of office
                  Name                Name of shareholder’s unit
                                                                              unit n                     term
                                                                      Executive Director ,
                      Liu Yong        Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd                                       2017-11-21
                     Liu Yong         Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd       Deputy party secretary          2018-01-02
                    Li Zhiming        Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd             Chairman                  2017-11-21
                    Li Zhiming        Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd       Deputy party secretary          2018-11-02
                  Jiang Xiuchang      Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd                CFO                    2010-05-09
                  Jiang Xiuchang      Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd         Deputy President              2013-07-10
                  Lian Wanyong        Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd         Deputy President              2018-01-26

                    Li Dongjiu       Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd     Deputy President               2018-01-26
                    Li Dongjiu       Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd      General counsel               2018-01-26
                                                                Director of ministry of
                                                                  finance and credit
                    Liu Jingyun      Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd management, director of the        2016-07-01
                                                                  financial & assets
                                                                  management dept.
Post-holding in other unit
√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                    Position in other unit Start dated of office
                         Name             Name of other units
                                                                              n                    term
                                       China National Medicines
                       Liu Yong                                           Director             3 Nov. 2017
                                            Corporation Ltd
                                       Sinopharm Holding Guoda
                       Liu Yong                                           Director             10 Oct. 2017
                                          Drugstore Co., Ltd.
                                      China National Scientific
                       Liu Yong       Instruments & Materials             Director             10 Dec. 2018
                                             Co., Ltd
                                     China National Medical
                       Liu Yong      Equipment Co., Ltd.                  Director             10 Dec. 2018

                                      Sinopharm Holding H.K. Co.,
                       Liu Yong                                        Director, GM            10 May 2018
                                     Sinpharm Holding Senyi
                      Li Zhiming                                          Director
                                     Tech. (Shanghai) Co., Ltd
                                     China National Xinjiang
                      Li Zhiming                                          Director             5 Jun. 2017
                                        Medicine Co., Ltd
                                       China National Medicines
                      Li Zhiming                                          Director             1 May 2016
                                            Corporation Ltd
                                       Sinopharm Holding Guoda
                      Li Zhiming                                          Director              1 Jul. 2014
                                          Drugstore Co., Ltd.
                                        Shanghai Shyndec
                      Li Zhiming                                     Deputy Chairman           1 Nov. 2016
                                      Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd
                                      Sinopharm Holding H.K. Co.,
                      Li Zhiming                                         Chairman              1 Apr. 2017
                                        Sinopharm Holding
                      Li Zhiming      (China) Finance Leasing            Chairman              1 Nov. 2014
                                              Co., Ltd
                                      China National Zhongjin
                                        (Shanghai) Medical
                      Li Zhiming                                         Chairman              1 Sept. 2016
                                         Health Investment
                                       Management Co., Ltd
                                        Sinopharm Holding
                      Li Zhiming      Medicine Investment Co.,           Chairman              15 Oct. 2017
                                       Sinopharm Holding Jiangxi
                    Jiang Xiuchang                                       Chairman              1 Jun. 2013
                                                Co., Ltd
                                       Sinopharm Holding Shanxi
                    Jiang Xiuchang                                       Chairman              1 Dec. 2013
                                                Co., ltd
                                        Sinopharm Holding Inner
                    Jiang Xiuchang                                       Chairman              1 Dec. 2013
                                           Mongolia Co., ltd
                                       Sinopharm Holding Tianjin
                    Jiang Xiuchang                                       Chairman              1 Dec. 2013
                                                Co., ltd
                    Jiang Xiuchang    SINOPHARM Shanxi Co., ltd          Chairman               1 Jul. 2014
                                        China National Medicines
                    Jiang Xiuchang                                       Chairman              1 Nov. 2017
                                            Corporation Ltd
                                      Sinopharm Holding H.K.
                    Jiang Xiuchang                                        Director             1 Nov. 2011
                                              Co., ltd
                                         China National Finance
                    Jiang Xiuchang                                        Director             1 Nov. 2011
                                            Corporation Ltd
                                      Beijing Sinopharm Taiyuan
                    Jiang Xiuchang                                    Executive Director        1 Dec. 2017
                                     Property Management Co., Ltd
                                      SINOPHARM Shanghai
                    Jiang Xiuchang                                    Executive Director        1 Nov. 2017
                                            Co., Ltd
                                 Sinopharm Holding Hubei Co.,
                     Ma Zhanjun                                       Deputy Chairman           1 Nov. 2018
                                    China National Medicines
                    Lian Wanyong                                           Director             1 Dec. 2017
                                         Corporation Ltd
                                     China National Zhongjin
                                   (Shanghai) Medical Health
                    Lian Wanyong                                           Director             1 July 2018
                                  Investment Management Co.,
                    Lian Wanyong West China Dental Co., Ltd                Director             3 Jan. 2019
                                    China National Medicines
                      Li Dongjiu                                           Director             5 Dec. 2016
                                         Corporation Ltd
                                   Sinopharm Holding Fujian
                      Li Dongjiu                                          Chairman              1 Feb. 2018
                                            Co., Ltd
                                   Sinopharm Holding Fuzhou
                      Li Dongjiu                                          Chairman              1 Feb. 2018
                                            Co., Ltd
                                  Sinopharm Holding Guizhou
                      Li Dongjiu                                          Chairman              1 Feb. 2018
                                            Co., Ltd
                                  Sinopharm Holding Yuannan
                      Li Dongjiu                                          Chairman              1 Feb. 2018
                                            Co., Ltd
                                       Sinopharm Xingsha
                      Li Dongjiu    Pharmaceuticals (Xiamen)              Chairman              1 Feb. 2018
                                            Co., Ltd.
                                   Sinopharm Holding Hainan
                      Li Dongjiu                                          Chairman              1 Feb. 2018
                                            Co., Ltd.
                                  China National Health Online
                      Li Dongjiu                                          Chairman              1 Feb. 2018
                                            Co., Ltd.
                                     SINOPHARM Chemical
                      Li Dongjiu                                          Chairman              1 Dec. 2018
                                        Reagent Co., Ltd.
                                 Sinopharm Holding Hutchison
                      Li Dongjiu                                          Chairman              1 Dec. 2018
                                  Whampoa Medicine Co., Ltd
Punishment of securities regulatory authority in recent three years to the company’s current and outgoing directors, supervisors and
senior management during the reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IV. Remuneration for directors, supervisors and senior executives

Decision-making procedures, recognition basis and payment for directors, supervisors and senior executives
(i) Remuneration decision procedure of directors, supervisors, senior management:
The Company implemented the annual salary system for senior executives based on the 2018 annual performance
appraisal (scheme) on management staff, paid annual salary remuneration according to the appraisal results.
Remuneration and appraisal committee of the company's board of directors is responsible for the formulation and
examination of salary plan and program as well as formulation and examination of salary plan and assessment
standards of directors (not including the independent directors), supervisors and senior executives. They also
evaluate the performance assessment of directors, supervisors and senior officers in accordance with the
assessment criteria, compensation scheme.
(ii) Remuneration determining basis
The main principles of making standard of compensation are: (1) the company's overall business and the profit
level; (2) the overall salary level and dynamic index over past years; (3) difference in position and duty; (4)

relative importance and risks of position; (5) related post salary level in the same industry; (6) individual
professional ability.
(iii) Actual payment
Executives get monthly basic salary and annual salary after the issuance of annual examination.
Remuneration for directors, supervisors and senior executives in reporting period
                                                                                                     In 10 thousand Yuan
                                                                                          Total            Received
                                                                                      remuneration       remuneration
     Name                 Title      Sex (F/M)         Age                              before tax    from related party
                                                                                    obtained from the of the Company
                                                                                        Company              (Y/N)
                                                                   Currently in
    Liu Yong            Chairman        M              49                                                    Y
                                                                   Currently in
   Ma Zhanjun     Deputy Chairman       M              58                                 37.5               Y
                                                                   Currently in
   Li Zhiming            Director       M              55                                                    Y
                                                                   Currently in
 Jiang Xiuchang          Director       M              55                                                    Y
                                                                   Currently in
 Lian Wanyong            Director       M              48                                                    Y
                                                                   Currently in
   Li Dongjiu            Director       M              53                                                    Y
                                                                   Currently in
 Lin Zhaoxiong     Director, GM         M              51                                 225                N
                    Independent                                    Currently in
 Chen Honghui                           M              47                                  12                N
                      Director                                       office
                    Independent                                    Currently in
  Ou Yongliang                          M              49                                 8.46               N
                      Director                                       office
                    Independent                                    Currently in
 Chen Shengqun                          M              56                                 8.46               N
                      Director                                       office
                    Independent                                    Currently in
   Su Weiwei                            F              59                                                    N
                      Director                                       office
 Xiong Chuxiong                         M              63        Office leaving           3.55               N
 Xiao Shengfang                         M              49        Office leaving           3.55               N
                    Chairman of
                                                                   Currently in
   Wu Yijian        supervisory         M              48                                                    Y
                                                                   Currently in
   Liu Jingyun          Supervisor      F              42                                                    Y
                                                                   Currently in
  Chen Guojing    Staff supervisor      F              48                                 62.9               N
  Wang Huaiqin    Staff supervisor      M              61         Office leaving          8.02               N
                  Party secretary,                                 Currently in
    Lin Min                             M              54                                202.5               N
                    Deputy GM                                         office
                                                                   Currently in
 Zhao Xiaochuan     Deputy GM           M              55                                 180                N
                                                                   Currently in
   Liu Tianrao      Deputy GM           M              39                                                    N
                                                                   Currently in
  Lin Xinyang       Deputy GM           M              54                                157.5               N
                   Deputy party
                   Secretary of
                                                                   Currently in
  Lang Baochun    Committee for         M              55                                 135                N
                  General counsel
  Wei Pingxiao         CFO              M              55          Currently in          157.5               N

                     Deputy GM,
                                                                                 Currently in
 Chen Changbin Secretary of the                M                  51                                  135               N
      Total                --                  --                  --                 --           1,336.94                 --
Delegated equity incentive for directors and senior executives in reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

V. Particulars of workforce

1. Number of staff, professional composition and education background
The number of current employees of parent company (people)                                                                         117

The number of current employees of main subsidiaries (people)                                                                    24,704

Total number of current employees (people)                                                                                       24,821

The total number of employees in payroll (people)                                                                                24,821

The total number of retired staff and workers that the parent
company and main subsidiaries need to bear the costs (people)
                                                      Professional composition
              Category of professional composition                            Number of professional composition (people)
Production staff                                                                                                                    35
Salesman                                                                                                                         17,539
Technical staff                                                                                                                    161
Financial staff                                                                                                                    572
Administrative staff                                                                                                               156
Other                                                                                                                             6,358
Total                                                                                                                            24,821
                                                        Education background
                       Category of education                                                Number (people)

Post-graduate qualification and above                                                                                              155

Undergraduate                                                                                                                     3,458

Junior college                                                                                                                    9,153

Junior college below                                                                                                             12,055

Total                                                                                                                            24,821

2. Remuneration policy

Sinopharm Accord and the subordinate enterprises provide perfect compensation and benefits for the staff, the
compensation level is closely combined with organization (total amount of labor, compensation strategy, job
value), staff (capacity development, performance results), and market (market level, talent competition). The
company adjusts the remuneration for staff having abilities and contributions every year by the responsibility
sorting, position evaluation, target remuneration range positioning, and the staff annual work performance and
ability assessment; at the same time, performance bonuses and performance closely link together, and realize win-
win of the interests of company and the interests of employees. Pay attention to the income growth requirements
of low-income groups, develop annual wage growth program, and implement after the deliberation and approval
of the workers' congress.

3. Training programs

Sinopharm Accord and its subsidiaries have put great emphasis on the development and cultivation of employee’s
career, built and improved training management system of the Company so as to cultivate the employee in a more
efficient way. The first, a training system has been built and the management system for employee training,
employee continuing education, interns and intern trainers have been promoted and conducted. The second, the
leadership of the Company has made a plan on the organization of training, and a specific position posted in
human resources department was dedicated for assisting the management at all levels to conduct employee
training. The third, regarding the category and curriculum of the training, the category included new employee
training, employee on-post training and leadership development training; the curriculum consisted of management
curriculum, genetic competency curriculum as well as professional skills curriculum. In addition, one-to-one on-
post coaching from the management to employee was also included. The forth, As to the assessment of training,
assessment methods at all levels were made to ensure the effects of employee training. By the end of 2018, the
input in the training for the headquarter of Sinopharm Accord Corporation, distribution operation and Guoda
Drugstore was seen at 1.93 million Yuan, by conducting various training on generic competency, professional
quality and management, on-post skills and continuing education of vocational qualification. A total number of
22,394 person-times of training and continuing education have been conducted, covering the middle and senior
management, junior management, specialty technical staffs as well as operators, with average learning time up to
more than 50 hours.

4. Labor outsourcing

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
Total number of working hours of labor outsourcing (Hour)                                              540,792
Total remuneration paid of labor outsourcing (RMB)                                                26,521,871.34

                                 Section IX. Corporate Governance

I. Corporate governance of the Company

Articles of Association are formulated at governance level. In compliance with requirements of Articles, rules of
procedures for shareholders’ meeting, board and board of supervisors, working system of strategy committee,
nomination committee, internal risk control and audit committee, remuneration and evaluation committee, legal
compliance committee, general manager and secretary of the board, corporate governance system regarding
information disclosure, connected transactions, fund raising, performance of social responsibilities, inside
information and informant management, investor relation management, engagement of accounting firm and
prevention of occupation by major shareholders and connected parties of capital of listing companies are also

During the reporting period, the “Articles of Association” and “Rules of Procedures of the Board of Directors”
were revised in accordance with regulatory requirements and governance needs. At the same time, in order to
promote the company’s legal construction and ensure the company’s standard operation, the company newly
established the Legal Compliance Committee of the Board of Directors and formulated the relevant working
system in accordance with laws and regulations and the relevant provisions of the Articles of Association and
combined with the actual situation of the company. The effective implementation of corporate governance system
ensures the effective performance of duties and responsibilities of respective committees, thereby facilitating the
board of supervisors to play a supervisory role and offering help for the board to make scientific decisions.

Is there any difference between the actual condition of corporate governance and relevant regulations about corporate governance for
listed company from CSRC?
□Yes √ No
There are no differences between the actual condition of corporate governance and relevant regulations about corporate governance
for listed company from CSRC.

II. Independence of the Company relative to controlling shareholders’ in aspect of businesses, personnel,
assets, organization and finance

The Company totally separates from the controlling shareholders in business, personnel, assets, institutions,
financial and other aspects, with independent and complete self-management ability.
1. The business: the Company was independent from controlling shareholders, having a complete business system
and self-managing ability; the company has independent procurement and sales system thus all procurement and
sales of drugs and raw materials is in charge of the purchasing department and subordinate subsidiary, branch and

production enterprises; production, supply, marketing and R & D separate from each other; the Company is a
legal market person with independent operation.
2. Personnel: procedures of the controlling shareholder nominating directors and general and deputy general
manager are legal; no intervene on the appointment and removal of personnel made by the board of directors and
shareholders’ meeting happened; the Company set up independent human resource department, responsible for
assessment, training and salary review on staff, making rules and regulations and handbook the employees should
abide by. Labor, personnel, wages and pension, medical insurance and other insurance are independently managed.
3. Institution: production and operation mechanism and administrative management is completely independent
from the controlling shareholder or actual controller; offices and sites of business operation separate from the
controlling shareholder; the Company established corporate governance structure where the board of directors,
board of supervisors and managers carry out their duties and exercise their respective duties in accordance with
relevant provisions of the articles of association.
4. Asset: property and rights relationship between the Company and the controlling shareholder is clear, with
independent operations; the company has independent production system, auxiliary production system and
supporting system; industrial property rights, trademarks, non-patented technology and other intangible assets
owned by the Company and its subsidiary.
5. Financial aspects: the Company established independent financial departments and independent financial
accounting system; the Company opened a bank account independently; the financial staff is independent without
taking part-time and receiving remuneration in the controlling shareholder; the Company pays tax independently.

III. Horizontal competition

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                  Name of          Nature of
                                                                                                                schedule and
    Type         controlling      controlling              Reason                     Solution measure
                 shareholder      shareholder
                                                                               In March 2016, Sinopharm
                                                Distribution subsidiary of
                                                                               Holding issued a commitment
                                                Sinopharm             Holding
                                                                               letter of avoiding horizontal
                                                established some social retail
                                                                               competition with Sinopharm
                                                pharmacy, which might has
 Horizontal      Sinopharm                                                     Accord, and promise to solve the Normally
                                   SASAC        horizontal competition with
competition       Holding                                                      horizontal competition in respect implementing
                                                the Guoda Drugstore, the
                                                                               of pharmaceutical retail business
                                                subordinate enterprise of the
                                                                               in an appropriate way within five
                                                listed      company      after
                                                                               years since the date when
                                                                               reorganization completed
                                                                               In March 2016, SINOPHARM
                                                Distribution subsidiary of
                                                                               issued a commitment letter of
                                                Sinopharm             Holding
                                                                               avoiding horizontal competition
                                                established some social retail
                                                                               with Sinopharm Accord, and
                                                pharmacy, which might has
 Horizontal                                                                    promise to solve the horizontal Normally
                SINOPHARM          SASAC        horizontal competition with
competition                                                                    competition     in   respect   of implementing
                                                the Guoda Drugstore, the
                                                                               pharmaceutical retail business in
                                                subordinate enterprise of the
                                                                               an appropriate way within five
                                                listed      company      after
                                                                               years since the date when
                                                                               reorganization completed

IV. AGM (Annual General Meeting) and extraordinary shareholders’ general meeting held in
the Period

1. AGM

                                             Ratio of investor
 Session of meeting           Type                                      Date           Date of disclosure    Index of disclosure
                                                                                                            Juchao Website—
                                                                                                            om.cn) “ Notice of
  Annual General
                             AGM                  63.00%            17 Apr. 2018         18 April 2018      Resolution of AGM
  Meeting of 2017
                                                                                                            of 2017” No.: 2018-

                                                                                                            Juchao Website—
 First extraordinary                                                                                        om.cn) “ Notice of
 general meeting of                               62.98%            15 June 2018          16 June 2018      Resolution of First
                        general meeting
        2018                                                                                                extraordinary
                                                                                                            general meeting of
                                                                                                            2018” No.: 2018-29
                                                                                                            Juchao Website—
      Second                                                                                                om.cn) “ Notice of
   extraordinary         Extraordinary                                                                      Resolution of
                                                  61.88%            19 Oct. 2018          20 Oct. 2018
 general meeting of     general meeting                                                                     Second
       2018                                                                                                 extraordinary
                                                                                                            general meeting of
                                                                                                            2018” No.: 2018-45
                                                                                                            Juchao Website—
 Third extraordinary                                                                                        om.cn) “ Notice of
 general meeting of                               62.19%            26 Nov. 2018          27 Nov. 2018      Resolution of Third
                        general meeting
        2018                                                                                                extraordinary
                                                                                                            general meeting of
                                                                                                            2018” No.: 2018-49

2. Request for extraordinary general meeting by preferred stockholders whose voting rights restore

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

V. Responsibility performance of independent directors

1. The attending of independent directors to Board meetings and shareholders general meeting

                      The attending of independent directors to Board Meeting & shareholders general meeting
                       Times of                                                                      Absent the        Times
                                                       Times of
     Name of        Board meeting                                      Times of                     Meeting for    attending the
                                        Times of     attending by                     Times of
   independent        supposed to                                      entrusted                     the second    shareholders
                                        Presence    communicatio                      Absence
     director        attend in the                                     presence                    time in a row      general
                     report period                                                                     (Y/N)          meeting
Chen Honghui                     11               1              10              0                N                             1
Ou Yongliang                       8              0               8              0                N                             0
Chen Shengqun                      8              1               7              0                N                             1
Xiong Chuxiong                     3              1               2              0                N                             1
Xiao Shengfang                     3              0               2              1                N                             0
Explanation of absent the Board Meeting for the second time in a row

2. Objection for relevant events from independent directors

Independent directors come up with objection about Company’s relevant matters

□Yes √No

Independent directors has no objections for relevant events in reporting period

3. Other explanation about responsibility performance of independent directors

The opinions from independent directors have been adopted

√ Yes □ No

Explanation on advice that accepted/not accepted from independent directors

During the reporting period, the independent directors performed their duties in a careful, diligent, dedicated
attitude in accordance with requirements of the "Working System of Independent Director", offered some useful
suggestions and opinions on business decision-making, legal affairs, financial management and other aspects;
carefully examined important matters those needed opinions of independent directors, made independent
judgments and issued a written independent opinion on major related transactions, daily related transactions,
accountancy hiring and other matters, playing a positive role in safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of
small shareholders. Besides, independent directors played an important role in operation of special committee. At
the same time, the Company can guarantee independent directors and other directors of the same right to know.
During the reporting period, the independent directors have no objection on the related issues of the Company.

VI. Duty performance of the special committees under the board during the reporting period

(i) Duties fulfillment of the board of directors and audit committee on internal control over risk
Internal control on risk and Audit Committee of the board of directors of the company comprises three
independent directors and three directors, including the convener (professional accountant) is an independent
director. In accordance with relevant provisions of China Securities Regulatory Commission and Shenzhen Stock
Exchange and working system, Internal control on risk and Audit Committee of the board of directors seriously
performed duties in a dedicated attitude. In the annual financial report audit, they acted as supervisors, maintained
individuality of audit and issued a series of notices such as the Written Opinion on Financial Accounting
Statements Issued by the Company before CPA of Annual Examination Entered, the Written Opinion on Financial
Accounting Statements after Preliminary Audit Issued by CPA of Annual Examination, the Summary Report of
Internal Risk Control and Audit Committee on the Annual Audit Work of CPA as well as the Resolution on
Rehire the Audit Institution. Its main duties comprise the following:
1. Risk internal control and audit committee is responsible for determining the audit work schedule, negotiating
with CPA who engages in audit;
2. Before CPA enters, audit committee should review the financial statements prepared by the Company and issue
written opinions;

3. Strengthen communication with the CPA, and urge them to submit audit report within stipulated time with
urgency letter;
4. Review again the financial statements after the CPA issues preliminary opinion, and issue written opinions;
5. The Committee held annual work conference 2018, approved proposal of financial accounting report, summary
report of annual audit work of CPA and rehiring Ernst & Young CPA (Special General Partnership) as the audit
institution, and then formed a resolution to submit to board of directors for approval.
(ii) Duties fulfillment of Remuneration and Appraisal Committee
As special working mechanism of the board of directors, the remuneration and appraisal committee is responsible
for approving the assessment standard of directors and senior executives, formulating and reviewing
compensation policies and programs of directors and executive. And they take charge in examining according to
the standard and policies. The remuneration and appraisal committee is composed of three independent directors;
convener is Chen Honghui, an independent director.

During the reporting period, remuneration and assessment committee actively performed duty; clearly defined
their responsibilities; did serious research and appraisal on the remuneration and appraisal system, especially
salary, assessment system and program over directors, supervisors and senior executive. According to working
rules of the remuneration and appraisal committee, they have rights to check regular reports, meetings records,
business planning and other materials by telephone, interviews and other methods to learn the performance of
directors, executives. And they’re required to submit problems existing in implementation of system to the Board
of Directors and raise up suggestion on them. Their contents are as follows:
1. In 2018, the remuneration and appraisal committee carried out the performance evaluation of executives
according to the 2017 Annual operation standard and performance.
2. It proposed the "2019 Evaluation Scheme of Operating Performance", and submitted it to the board of directors
for approval.
3. The remuneration and appraisal committee approved salary of directors, supervisors and senior executives
disclosed in 2018 annual report. And it issued the following opinions:
Compensation decision procedures of directors, supervisors and senior management personnel was in accordance
with the provisions; the standard was in accordance with the remuneration system; the disclosure of 2018 annual
report about personnel salary of the directors, supervisors and senior management is real and accurate.

VII. Works from Supervisory Committee

The Company has risks in reporting period that found in supervisory activity from supervisory committee
□ Yes √ No
Supervisory committee has no objection about supervision events in reporting period

VIII. Examination and incentives of senior management

Senior executives of the Company took responsibility for the board of directors, in the reporting period, the board
of directors implemented the performance checking mechanism that the remuneration of senior executives related
with their performance checking, with achievement as direction, and made relevant reward and punishment
according to target completion. The Company’s relevant incentive and restriction mechanism gradually in order to
further exert the enthusiasm and creativity of senior executives, urge the senior executives to perform the
obligations of being honest and diligent. The Company had no incentive mechanism for senior executives such as
stock option, purchase of management team and equity held by owner.

IX. Internal Control

1. Details of major defects in IC appraisal report that found in reporting period

□Yes √ No

2. Appraisal Report of Internal Control

Disclosure date of full internal
                                                                                 25 April 2019
control evaluation report
Disclosure index of full internal        ”Self-evaluation report of internal control for 2018” in Juchao website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
control evaluation report                appointed by Shenzhen Stock Exchange
The ratio of the total assets of units
included in the scope of evaluation
accounting for the total assets on the                                               98.94%
company's consolidated financial
The ratio of the operating income of
units included in the scope of
evaluation accounting for the                                                        99.13%
operating income on the company's
consolidated financial statements
                                                      Defects Evaluation Standards
              Category                                 Financial Reports                            Non-financial Reports
                                         Financial report defects are mainly judged Non-financial report defects are mainly judged
                                         and decided by the degree of influence and and decided by the degree of influence and the
                                         the   likelihood   of   occurrence    to    the likelihood of occurrence of defects to the
                                         misstatements of financial reports caused by validity of business process. (1) Significant
Qualitative criteria                     defects. (1) Significant defects: a combination defects: a combination of one or multiple
                                         of one or multiple internal control defects that internal control defects that may cause the
                                         exists in internal control and may cause the enterprise’s serious deviation to internal
                                         material misstatements in financial statements control objectives; (2) Major defects: a
                                         cannot be prevented, found or corrected in combination of one or multiple internal control

                                   time; (2) Major defects: a combination of one defects whose severity level and economic
                                   or multiple internal control defects that exists consequences       are    lower   than    significant
                                   in internal control and has lower severity level defects but still may cause the enterprise’s
                                   than significant defects but still should be deviation to internal control objectives; (3)
                                   concerned      by       the    superintendents   of Common defects: other defects except for
                                   enterprise financial reports; (3) Common significant and major defects.
                                   defects: other defects except for significant
                                   and major defects.
                                                                                      A quantitative criterion determines the degree
                                                                                      of importance of the company’s defects based
                                                                                      on the amount of direct loss and the degree of
                                                                                      significant influence to the company. (1)
                                                                                      Significant defects: the amount of direct
                                                                                      property loss is or more than 10 million Yuan,
                                                                                      or has been officially disclosed and caused
                                   A quantitative criterion determines the degree negative effects to periodic report disclosure of
                                   of importance of misstatements (including the joint-stock companies; (2) Major defects:
                                   missing      reports)     in    the   consolidated the amount of direct property loss is between 5
Quantitative standard              statements of listed companies based on the million and 10 million Yuan, or has been
                                   consolidated statement data. (1) Significant punished          by    the     national     government
                                   defects: equal to or greater than 5% of profit departments but has not caused negative
                                   before tax                                         effects to periodic report disclosure of the
                                                                                      joint-stock companies;(3) Common defects:
                                                                                      the amount of direct property loss is between
                                                                                      0.1 million and 5 million Yuan, or has been
                                                                                      punished by the provincial or sub-provincial
                                                                                      government departments but has not caused
                                                                                      negative effects to periodic report disclosure of
                                                                                      the joint-stock companies.
Amount of significant defects in
financial reports
Amount of significant defects in
non-financial reports
Amount of important defects in
financial reports
Amount of important defects in
non-financial reports

X. Auditing report of internal control

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
                                 Deliberations in Internal Control Audit Report
According to relevant regulations and “Basic Rules of Internal Control for Enterprises”, China National Accord
Medicines Corporation Ltd. in all major aspects, keeps an efficiency of internal control of financial report dated
31 December 2018
Disclosure details of audit
report of internal control
Disclosure date of audit report
                                25 April 2019
of internal control (full-text)
                                Audit Report of Internal Control under the name of China National Accord
Index of audit report of
                                Medicines Corporation Ltd. released on Juchao Website
internal control (full-text)
Opinion type of auditing
                                Standard unqualified
report of IC
Whether the non-financial
report had major defects
Carried out modified opinion for internal control audit report from CPA
□Yes √ No
The internal control audit report, issued by CPA, has concerted opinion with self-evaluation report, issued from the Board
√ Yes □ No

                                          Section X. Corporate Bond

Whether the Company has a corporation bonds that issuance publicly and listed on stock exchange and without due on the date when
annual report approved for released or fail to cash in full on due

Section XI. Financial Report

                                               AUDITOR’S REPORT

                                               Ernst & Young Hua Ming (2019) Shen Zi No. 61295118_H01
                                                         China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.

To the shareholders of China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.

(I)   Opinion

      We have audited the financial statements of China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. (the
      “Company”), which comprise the consolidated and the Company’s balance sheets as at 31 December 2018,
      and the consolidated and the Company’s income statements, the consolidated and the Company’s
      statements of changes in equity and the consolidated and the Company’s statements of cash flows for the
      year then ended, and notes to the financial statements.

      In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated
      and the Company’s financial position as at 31 December 2018, and the consolidated and the Company’s
      financial performance and cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with Accounting Standards for
      Business Enterprises (“ASBEs”).

(II) Basis for opinion

      We conducted our audit in accordance with China Standards on Auditing (“CSAs”). Our responsibilities under
      those standards are further described in the Auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements
      section of our report. We are independent of the Company in accordance with China Code of Ethics for
      Certified Public Accountants (the “Code”), and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance
      with the Code. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a
      basis for our opinion.

(III) Key audit matters

      Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgement, were of most significance in our audit
      of the financial statements of the current period. These matters were addressed in the context of our audit of
      the financial statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate
      opinion on these matters. For each matter below, our description of how our audit addressed the matter is
      provided in that context.

      We have fulfilled the responsibilities described in the Auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the financial
      statements section of our report, including in relation to these matters. Accordingly, our audit included the
      performance of procedures designed to respond to our assessment of the risks of material misstatement of
      the financial statements. The results of our audit procedures, including the procedures performed to address
      the matters below, provide the basis for our audit opinion on the accompanying financial statements.

                                      AUDITOR’S REPORT (Continued)

                                              Ernst & Young Hua Ming (2019) Shen Zi No. 61295118_H01
                                                        China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.

(III) Key audit matters (continued)

    Key audit matter                                    How our audit addressed the key audit

    Impairment of goodwill
    The carrying value of goodwill amounted to          The procedures performed in order to address
    RMB833,547,800.60 as at 31 December 2018            this matter are as follows:
    and was allocated to the Company’s cash-           1) We invited internal evaluation experts to
    generating units (“CGUs”) of pharmaceutical       assist in evaluating the goodwill impairment
    distribution and retail pharmacy.                   method used and forecasted figures used in
    Under ASBEs, the Company is required to             the impairment test, especially the discount
    annually perform the impairment test for            rate and perpetual growth rate.
    goodwill. The impairment test is based on the       2) We assessed the rationality of the forecasts
    recoverable amount of the respective CGUs to        used with respect to future revenues and
    which the goodwill is allocated. The                operating results, also compared the forecasts
    recoverable amount of the CGUs is                   with the historical performance of the
    determined by the higher of the present value       respective CGUs and the industry trends. In
    of the forecasted future cash flow and the fair     particular, we re-examined the future revenue
    value of the asset net of its disposal cost.        growth rate, projected gross rate, related
    Assumptions such as the forecasted future           expenses and so on.
    cash flows and discount rate are set up by          3) We also re-examined the sufficiency of
    applying estimates and significant judgements       disclosure regarding goodwill.
    by management. Therefore, we consider this
    to be a key audit matter.
    The Company’s disclosures about impairment
    of goodwill are included in note III (18, 34) and
    note V (15) to the financial statements.

                                     AUDITOR’S REPORT (Continued)

                                             Ernst & Young Hua Ming (2019) Shen Zi No. 61295118_H01
                                                       China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.

(III) Key audit matters (continued)

    Key audit matter                                    How our audit addressed the key audit

    Impairment of trade receivables
    Major clients of the Company are medical            The procedures performed in order to address
    establishments, pharmacy chain stores,              this matter are as follows:
    monomer drugstores, community medical               1) We re-examined management’s internal
    service centers, downstream distribution            control that relates to impairment of trade
    companies, etc. As at 31 December 2018, the         receivables.
    Company had net trade receivables of                2) We discussed the bad debt policy with
    RMB9,336,861,647.92, 32.27% of the Group’s         management and evaluated the sufficiency of
    total assets.                                       bad debt provision including the adequacy of
    According to ASBE 22 – Recognition and             the bad debt provision assessment method.
    measurement of Financial Instruments,               3) We discussed with management regarding
    management utilizes the expected credit loss        the recoverability of individually significant
    model to measure the impairment of financial        trade receivables for which provision for bad
    assets. Management’s estimation of the             debt is recognized separately.
    expected credit loss model is based on the          4) We tested the aging of trade receivables,
    historical default rate of the Group and other      including a test of information system
    specific factors including types of client, aging   automatic controls related to information
    of the ending balance, collection history, write-   system automatically generated aging
    offs, the migration rate and estimated weighted     analysis, carrying out analytical reviewing
    financing cost. At the same time, management        procedures for the aging analysis in order to
    also takes into consideration forward-looking       confirm the accuracy of basic data used by
    information including whether disputes exist,       management for trade receivable bad debt
    expected macro-economic environment, etc.           provision.
    During the year, significant management             5) We reviewed the credit profile and carried
    judgement and estimates were involved during        out background check for significant clients.
    the classification of the credit exposure           6) We reviewed and evaluated the sufficiency
    portfolio and assessment of the expected            of the Group’s disclosure related to trade
    credit loss and therefore we consider this to be    receivables.
    a key audit matter.
    The Company’s disclosures about impairment
    of trade receivables are included in note III (8,
    34) and note V (2) to the financial statements.

                                     AUDITOR’S REPORT (Continued)

                                                Ernst & Young Hua Ming (2019) Shen Zi No. 61295118_H01
                                                         China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.

(IV) Other information

    The management of the Company is responsible for the other information. The other information comprises
    the information included in the annual report, other than the financial statements and our auditor’s report

    Our opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and we do not express any form
    of assurance conclusion thereon.

    In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other information and,
    in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the financial statements or
    our knowledge obtained in the audit or otherwise appears to be materially misstated.

    If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other
    information, we are required to report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard.

(V) Responsibilities of the management and those charged with governance for the financial

    The management of the Company is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of the financial
    statements in accordance with ASBEs, and for designing, implementing and maintaining such internal control
    as the management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements to be free from
    material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

    In preparing the financial statements, management is responsible for assessing the Company’s ability to
    continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going
    concern basis of accounting, unless management either intends to liquidate the Company or to cease
    operations or has no realistic alternative but to do so.

    Those charged with governance are responsible for overseeing the Company’s financial reporting process.

                                     AUDITOR’S REPORT (Continued)

                                               Ernst & Young Hua Ming (2019) Shen Zi No. 61295118_H01
                                                       China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.

(VI) Auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements

    Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free
    from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes our
    opinion. Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in
    accordance with CSAs will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise
    from fraud or error and are generally considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could
    reasonably be expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial

    As part of an audit in accordance with CSAs, we exercise professional judgement and maintain professional
    scepticism throughout the audit. We also:

    (1)    Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud
           or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that
           is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material
           misstatement resulting from fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve
           collusion, forgery, intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.

    (2)    Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures
           that are appropriate in the circumstances.

    (3)    Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting
           estimates and related disclosures made by the management.

    (4)    Conclude on the appropriateness of management’s use of the going concern basis of accounting and,
           based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or
           conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. If
           we conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in our auditor’s report
           to the related disclosures in the financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify
           our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor’s
           report. However, future events or conditions may cause the Company to cease to continue as a going

    (5)    Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements, including the
           disclosures, and whether the financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in
           a manner that achieves fair presentation.

    (6)    Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entities or
           business activities within the Company to express an opinion on the financial statements. We are
           responsible for the direction, supervision and performance of the group audit. We remain solely
           responsible for our audit opinion.

                                           AUDITOR’S REPORT (Continued)

                                                 Ernst & Young Hua Ming (2019) Shen Zi No. 61295118_H01
                                                         China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.

(VI) Auditor’s responsibilities for the audit of the financial statements (continued)

     We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope
     and timing of the audit and significant audit findings, including any significant deficiencies in internal control
     that we identify during our audit.

     We also provide those charged with governance with a statement that we have complied with relevant ethical
     requirements regarding independence and to communicate with them all relationships and other matters that
     may reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, and where applicable, related safeguards.

     From the matters communicated with those charged with governance, we determine those matters that were
     of most significance in the audit of the financial statements of the current period and are therefore the key
     audit matters. We describe these matters in our auditor’s report unless law or regulation precludes public
     disclosure about the matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances, we determine that a matter should not
     be communicated in our report because the adverse consequences of doing so would reasonably be
     expected to outweigh the public interest benefits of such communication.

Ernst & Young Hua Ming LLP                           Chinese Certified Public Accountant: Li Jian Guang
                                                                    (Engagement partner)

                                                        Chinese Certified Public Accountant: Yan Ping

Beijing, the People’s Republic of China                                 23 April 2019

                                                    Important Notice
This auditor’s report is an English translation of the auditor’s report for the audit engagements which adopt CSAs.
In case the English version does not conform to the Chinese version, the Chinese version prevails.


                                         CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET

                                             As at 31 December 2018

                                          (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

ASSETS                                     Note V            31 December 2018     31 December 2017

Current assets

   Cash and bank balances                    1                 8,089,781,304.56    4,191,655,438.51
   Notes receivable and trade                2
   receivables                                                10,694,173,577.55    9,093,607,443.96
   Advances to suppliers                     3                  583,484,515.95       516,778,117.47
   Other receivables                         4                  643,493,359.32       657,932,499.65
   Inventories                               5                 4,389,335,942.19    3,781,858,238.12
   Other current assets                      6                   95,347,629.18        78,947,644.62

Total current assets                                          24,495,616,328.75   18,320,779,382.33

Non-current assets

   Financial assets available-for-sale       7                                -       13,685,760.00
   Long-term equity investments              8                 1,880,393,786.10    1,650,619,373.09

   Other equity instrument
     investment                              9                   13,685,760.00                    -

   Other non-current financial assets       10                  140,000,000.00                    -

   Investment properties                    11                  144,894,495.97       153,678,339.11
   Fixed assets                             12                  607,933,827.67       551,710,434.02
   Construction in progress                 13                   36,412,614.61        22,947,258.99
   Intangible assets                        14                  319,207,126.15       325,751,430.88
   Goodwill                                 15                  833,547,800.60       830,729,152.75
   Long-term prepaid expenses               16                  311,328,706.46       252,247,050.79
   Deferred tax assets                      17                   74,914,209.95        79,472,883.06
   Other non-current assets                 18                   72,365,863.71       142,022,462.75

Total non-current assets                                       4,434,684,191.22    4,022,864,145.44

Total assets                                                  28,930,300,519.97   22,343,643,527.77

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

                                CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET (Continued)
                                                 As at 31 December 2018
                                           (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

                                                   Note V       31 December 2018    31 December 2017

Current liabilities

   Short-term borrowings                             20          2,597,652,702.43    1,561,354,521.64
   Notes payable and trade payables                  21          9,885,291,642.97    8,876,658,828.52
   Advances from customers                           22                         -      216,938,239.32
   Contract liabilities                              23            255,590,612.37                   -
   Employee benefits payable                         24            231,866,407.40      215,656,526.54
   Tax payable                                       25            241,980,412.72      223,752,900.24
   Other payables                                    26          1,539,436,971.93    1,030,329,660.02
   Non-current liabilities due within one year       27              5,861,324.37        5,434,770.70
   Other current liabilities                         28               292,465.75          112,817.65

Total current liabilities                                       14,757,972,539.94   12,130,238,264.63

Non-current liabilities

   Long-term borrowings                              29             31,600,000.00       31,600,000.00
   Long-term payables                                30              4,563,978.52       10,132,537.14
   Long-term employee benefits payable               31              2,050,000.00        1,777,000.00
   Deferred income                                   32             91,491,170.40      125,082,372.53
   Deferred tax liabilities                          17             67,605,161.88       71,883,253.02
   Other non-current liabilities                     33             69,241,176.18       45,427,343.31

Total non-current liabilities                                      266,551,486.98      285,902,506.00

Total liabilities                                               15,024,524,026.92   12,416,140,770.63

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

                                CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET (Continued)
                                           As at 31 December 2018
                                        (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

LIABILITIES AND                           Note V               31 December 2018             31 December 2017

Shareholders’ equity

   Share capital                            34                       428,126,983.00              428,126,983.00

   Capital surplus                          35                      4,320,984,981.51            3,181,429,064.99

   Surplus reserve                          36                       214,063,491.50              214,063,491.50

   Retained earnings                        37                      6,655,257,147.27            5,572,952,806.39

Shareholders’ equity attributable to
  shareholders of the parent                                       11,618,432,603.28            9,396,572,345.88

Non-controlling interests                                           2,287,343,889.77             530,930,411.26

Total shareholders’ equity                                        13,905,776,493.05            9,927,502,757.14

Total liabilities and shareholders’
        equity                                                     28,930,300,519.97           22,343,643,527.77

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

The financial statements have been signed by:

Legal representative:                      Financial controller:               Head of Accounting Department:

                                        CONSOLIDATED INCOME STATEMENT
                                        For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                                              (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

                                                      Note V                   2018                2017

Operating revenue                                      38          43,122,385,521.23   41,263,393,427.41
       Less: Operating costs                           38          38,024,108,631.15   36,819,552,915.80
               Tax and surcharges                      39            121,012,139.02      119,920,418.18
               Selling expenses                        40           2,762,789,885.77    2,305,909,071.71
               Administrative expenses                 41            783,338,308.19      735,953,967.13
               Finance costs                           42            112,862,739.12      110,360,539.56
                   - Interest expense                                195,256,226.47      135,832,879.33
                 - Interest income                                    81,119,506.63       35,012,199.48
               Impairment loss                         43               2,744,605.36      (2,470,696.74)
               Impairment losses on financial
                 assets                                44                298,479.55                    -
       Add: Other incomes                              45             28,458,401.31       24,391,309.91
               Investment income                       46            319,897,172.23      264,540,020.24
               Incl: Investment income from
                 associates                                          319,903,890.47      263,825,834.56
               Gain on disposal of assets              47               7,392,547.56         792,138.38

Operating profits                                                   1,670,978,854.17    1,463,890,680.30
       Add: Non-operating income                       48             12,715,353.51       11,412,488.21
       Less: Non-operating expenses                    49               4,764,850.15        9,274,194.70

Total profit                                                        1,678,929,357.53    1,466,028,973.81
       Less: Income taxes                              51            330,498,245.68      309,290,127.72

Net profit                                                          1,348,431,111.85    1,156,738,846.09
      Incl: Net profit of an acquiree before
         business combinations involving
         enterprises under common control                                          -          (1,096.00)

       Profit or loss from continuing operation                     1,348,431,111.85    1,156,738,846.09

Attributable to:
     Owners of the parent                                           1,210,742,435.78    1,057,791,930.67
     Non-controlling interests                                       137,688,676.07       98,946,915.42

Total comprehensive income                                          1,348,431,111.85    1,156,738,846.09

Incl: Total comprehensive income for the year
       attributable to shareholders of the parent                   1,210,742,435.78    1,057,791,930.67
     Total comprehensive income for the year
      attributable to non-controlling interests                      137,688,676.07        98,946,915.42

Earnings per share                                     52
     Basic earnings per share                                                  2.83                 2.47
     Diluted earnings per share                                                2.83                 2.47

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

                                                         CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CORPORATION LTD.
                                                                    For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                                                                            (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

                                                              Shareholders’ equity attributable to shareholders of the parent
                                         Share capital              Capital surplus                Surplus reserve                Retained earnings             Subtotal   Non-controlling interests           Total equity

Opening balance of the current
                                      428,126,983.00            3,181,429,064.99                 214,063,491.50                  5,572,952,806.39      9,396,572,345.88          530,930,411.26         9,927,502,757.14
Movements in the current year                        -          1,139,555,916.52                                 -               1,082,304,340.88      2,221,860,257.40        1,756,413,478.51         3,978,273,735.91
(1) Total comprehensive income                       -                            -                              -               1,210,742,435.78      1,210,742,435.78          137,688,676.07         1,348,431,111.85
(2) Capital paid and reduced by
     owners                                          -          1,139,555,916.52                                 -                                -    1,139,555,916.52        1,679,926,889.17         2,819,482,805.69
    1.Capital injection by owners                    -          1,120,284,623.39                                 -                                -    1,120,284,623.39        2,793,191,200.00          3,913,475,823.39
    2.Others                                         -             19,271,293.13                                 -                                -       19,271,293.13      (1,113,264,310.83)        (1,093,993,017.70)
(3) Profit distribution                              -                            -                              -               (128,438,094.90)      (128,438,094.90)          (61,202,086.73)        (189,640,181.63)
    1.Distribution to equity owners                  -                            -                              -               (128,438,094.90)      (128,438,094.90)          (61,202,086.73)        (189,640,181.63)

Closing balance of the current year   428,126,983.00            4,320,984,981.51                 214,063,491.50                  6,655,257,147.27     11,618,432,603.28        2,287,343,889.77        13,905,776,493.05

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

                                                                  CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CORPORATION LTD.
                                              CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY (Continued)
                                                                                     For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                                                                                         (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

                                                                             Shareholders’ equity attributable to shareholders of the parent
                      2017                                                                                                                                                      Non-controlling interests         Total equity
                                                                      Other equity
                                                  Share capital       instruments            Capital surplus     Surplus reserve       Retained earnings            Subtotal
 Closing balance of the preceding year         362,631,943.00      65,495,040.00         3,151,518,024.92      181,315,971.50         4,689,189,642.51     8,450,150,621.93           463,832,912.18        8,913,983,534.11
 Business combination involving enterprises
   under common control                                       -                  -           1,200,000.00                      -         1,076,241.59          2,276,241.59              1,517,494.39          3,793,735.98

 Opening balance of the current year           362,631,943.00      65,495,040.00         3,152,718,024.92      181,315,971.50         4,690,265,884.10     8,452,426,863.52           465,350,406.57        8,917,777,270.09
 Movements in the current year                  65,495,040.00     (65,495,040.00)           28,711,040.07       32,747,520.00          882,686,922.29       944,145,482.36             65,580,004.69        1,009,725,487.05
 (1) Total comprehensive income                               -                  -                         -                   -      1,057,791,930.67     1,057,791,930.67            98,946,915.42        1,156,738,846.09

 (2) Capital paid and reduced by owners         65,495,040.00     (65,495,040.00)           28,711,040.07                      -        (1,075,583.99)       27,635,456.08             20,214,810.63          47,850,266.71
     1.Capital injection by owners               5,114,297.00      (5,114,297.00)                          -                   -                       -                   -           14,873,000.00          14,873,000.00
     2.Significant reorganization               60,380,743.00     (60,380,743.00)          (3,430,029.00)                      -                       -     (3,430,029.00)                             -     (3,430,029.00)
     3.Business combination involving
       enterprises under common control                       -                  -         (1,200,000.00)                      -        (1,075,583.99)       (2,275,583.99)            (1,517,055.99)         (3,792,639.98)
     4.Business combination not involving
     enterprises under common control                         -                  -                      -                      -                       -                 -               6,858,866.62          6,858,866.62
     5.Others                                                 -                  -          33,341,069.07                      -                       -     33,341,069.07                          -         33,341,069.07
 (3) Profit distribution
                                                              -                  -                         -    32,747,520.00         (174,029,424.39)     (141,281,904.39)           (53,581,721.36)       (194,863,625.75)
     1. Transferred from surplus reserve                      -                  -                         -    32,747,520.00          (32,747,520.00)                     -                            -                    -

     2. Distribution to equity owners                         -                  -                         -                   -      (141,281,904.39)     (141,281,904.39)           (53,581,721.36)       (194,863,625.75)

 Closing balance of the current year           428,126,983.00                    -       3,181,429,064.99      214,063,491.50         5,572,952,806.39     9,396,572,345.88           530,930,411.26        9,927,502,757.14

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

                                CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT
                                    For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                                          (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

                                                            Note V   31 December 2018    31 December 2017

      Cash received from sales of goods or rendering
         of services                                                 46,794,007,122.39   46,403,001,555.00

      Tax refunds                                                         1,777,623.17        7,687,909.30

      Cash receipts related to other operating activities    53         679,596,722.04      340,666,056.90

      Sub-total of cash inflows from operating activities            47,475,381,467.60   46,751,355,521.20

      Cash paid for goods and services                               41,436,895,750.53   41,242,898,835.78

      Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                         1,893,939,719.20    1,684,046,853.72

      Cash paid for all types of taxes                                1,096,228,714.78    1,092,685,949.27
      Cash payments related to other operating
         activities                                          53       1,725,710,930.82    1,446,431,970.61

      Sub-total of cash outflows from operating
         activities                                                  46,152,775,115.33   45,466,063,609.38

      Net cash flows from operating activities               54       1,322,606,352.27    1,285,291,911.82


      Cash received from returns on investments                         131,401,264.72       61,204,993.30
      Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets,
          intangible assets and other long-term assets                    5,978,720.99        1,811,126.55

      Cash received from recovery of investments             54           2,468,522.33                   -
      Cash receipts related to other investing activities                98,793,085.40       75,259,200.00

      Sub-total of cash inflows from investing activities               238,641,593.44      138,275,319.85

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

                      CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT (Continued)
                                    For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                                          (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

                                                                  Note V              2018                 2017


      Cash paid for acquisition of fixed assets
         intangible assets and other long-term assets                       255,481,604.79       204,345,540.74
      Cash paid for acquisition of investments                              124,575,351.00        73,950,980.00
      Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries and
         other business units                                                            -        53,356,516.15
      Cash payments related to other investing activities          53        81,042,904.53        92,803,476.90

      Sub-total of cash outflows from investing activities                  461,099,860.32       424,456,513.79

      Net cash flows from investing activities                             (222,458,266.88)     (286,181,193.94)


      Cash proceeds from investments by others                             2,793,191,200.00       14,873,000.00
      Incl: Cash proceeds from subsidiary investments by non-
         controlling shareholders                                          2,793,191,200.00       14,873,000.00
      Cash received from borrowings                                           86,231,834.83      261,571,499.94
      Cash receipts related to other financing activities          53        484,038,819.20      238,476,708.52

      Sub-total of cash inflows from financing activities                  3,363,461,854.03      514,921,208.46

      Cash repayments for debts                                              79,670,200.30       445,758,196.23
      Cash payments for distribution of dividends or profit and
        interest expenses                                                   340,534,805.52       295,787,225.16
      Incl: Profit and dividends paid to non-controlling
        shareholders of subsidiaries                                         66,702,208.88        49,621,410.48
      Cash payments related to other financing activities          53        84,475,782.06       250,398,903.79

      Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities                  504,680,787.88       991,944,325.18

      Net cash flows from financing activities                             2,858,781,066.15     (477,023,116.72)

   CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS                                                     (310,822.25)           495,664.83

 5.NET INCREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS                                 3,958,618,329.29       522,583,265.99
  Add: Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year                    3,673,498,691.48     3,150,915,425.49

 6.CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF YEAR                          54
                                                                             7,632,117,020.77     3,673,498,691.48

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

                                     COMPANY BALANCE SHEET
                                           As at 31 December 2018
                                     (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

ASSETS                                      Note XIV    31 December 2018      31 December 2017

Current assets

  Cash and bank balances                                  1,817,654,598.01     1,776,696,342.87
  Notes receivable and trade
  receivables                                              695,107,574.33        545,267,378.99
  Advances to suppliers                                       4,760,182.00         1,138,312.26
   Other receivables                           2          1,541,980,883.50     1,517,882,239.81
  Inventories                                              158,166,185.65        172,022,676.96
  Other current assets                                          39,482.38           788,964.90

Total current assets                                      4,217,708,905.87     4,013,795,915.79

Non-current assets
  Long-term equity investments                 3          7,432,906,692.24     7,180,306,084.56
  Debt investments at fair value through
   current year profit or loss                             140,000,000.00                     -
  Investment properties                                       1,955,854.46         2,763,831.92
  Fixed assets                                              21,362,422.03         13,831,103.54
  Intangible assets                                           2,452,222.51         1,287,775.78
  Long-term deferred expenses                                 7,481,809.53         5,543,217.86
  Deferred tax assets                                                    -         2,764,724.75
  Other non-current assets                                    7,000,000.00        71,808,611.00

Total non-current assets                                  7,613,159,000.77     7,278,305,349.41

Total assets                                             11,830,867,906.64    11,292,101,265.20

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

                                COMPANY BALANCE SHEET (Continued)
                                         As at 31 December 2018
                                      (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

                                                      31 December 2018        31 December 2017

Current liabilities

   Short-term borrowings                                 539,000,000.00          707,000,000.00
   Notes payable and trade payables                      694,367,042.00          674,450,646.65
   Advances from customers                                             -           1,912,503.90
   Contract liabilities                                     4,182,083.40                      -
   Employee benefits payable                               36,233,563.12          33,592,851.93
   Tax payables                                            13,426,601.90          42,386,907.00
   Other payables                                       1,481,817,856.56       1,415,723,188.96
   Other current liabilities                                 226,427.99             112,817.65

Total current liabilities                               2,769,253,574.97       2,875,178,916.09

Non-current liabilities

   Long-term borrowings                                    31,600,000.00          31,600,000.00
   Payables for specific projects                            800,000.00             800,000.00
   Long-term employee benefits payable                       118,000.00                       -
   Deferred income                                          1,687,899.50           2,054,250.00
   Deferred tax liabilities                                 2,298,426.39           3,773,319.00

Total non-current liabilities                              36,504,325.89          38,227,569.00

Total liabilities                                       2,805,757,900.86       2,913,406,485.09

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

                                 COMPANY BALANCE SHEET (Continued)
                                              As at 31 December 2018
                                         (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

                                                           31 December 2018     31 December 2017

Shareholders’ equity

   Share capital                                              428,126,983.00       428,126,983.00
   Capital surplus                                           4,426,362,777.26    4,407,091,484.13
   Surplus reserves                                           214,063,491.50       214,063,491.50
   Retained earnings                                         3,956,556,754.02    3,329,412,821.48

Total shareholders’ equity                                  9,025,110,005.78    8,378,694,780.11

Total liabilities and shareholders’ equity                 11,830,867,906.64   11,292,101,265.20

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


                                            COMPANY INCOME STATEMENT

                                          For the Year ended 31 December 2018

                                             (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

                                                        Note XIV              2018               2017

Operating revenue                                          4       3,481,446,876.93   3,346,827,141.08

       Less: Operating costs                               4       3,317,568,640.99   3,211,668,647.02

                Tax and surcharge                                     4,618,925.42      10,375,051.96

                Selling expenses                                     61,120,258.01      51,050,354.52

                Administrative expenses                              77,784,120.97      70,636,774.06

                Finance costs                                       (42,814,941.43)    (54,129,294.66)

                  Incl: Interest expense                             42,706,716.57      16,422,254.07

                  Incl: Interest income                              86,569,728.06      71,381,149.52
                Impairment loss                                         466,647.08         (72,116.23)
                Impairment losses on financial assets                  (983,688.72)                  -

       Add: Other income                                              4,916,458.17       4,184,607.04
               Investment income                           5        704,244,539.45     640,957,400.23
                 Incl: Investment income from
                   associates                                       342,730,085.14     286,535,212.21

               Gain on disposal of assets                                11,116.50             884.46

Operating profits                                                   772,859,028.73     702,440,616.14

       Add: Non-operating income                                         46,446.88          39,253.56

       Less: Non-operating expenses                                     183,374.99       1,861,760.18

Total profit                                                        772,722,100.62     700,618,109.52

       Less: Income taxes                                            17,140,073.18      26,999,590.73

Net profit                                                          755,582,027.44     673,618,518.79
       Profit or loss from continuing operations                    755,582,027.44     673,618,518.79

Total comprehensive income                                          755,582,027.44     673,618,518.79

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

                                            CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CORPORATION LTD.

                                         COMPANY STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY

                                                           For the Year ended 31 December 2018

                                                                 (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

2018                                             Share capital          Capital surplus   Surplus reserve   Retained earnings        Total equity

Opening balance of the current year            428,126,983.00         4,407,091,484.13    214,063,491.50    3,329,412,821.48    8,378,694,780.11

Movements in the current year                                -          19,271,293.13                   -     627,143,932.54     646,415,225.67
(1) Total comprehensive income                               -                        -                 -     755,582,027.44     755,582,027.44
(2) Capital paid and reduced by owners                       -          19,271,293.13                   -                   -     19,271,293.13
    1.Others                                                 -          19,271,293.13                   -                   -     19,271,293.13
(3) Profit distribution                                      -                        -                 -    (128,438,094.90)   (128,438,094.90)
    1. 1.Distribution to equity owners                       -                        -                 -    (128,438,094.90)   (128,438,094.90)

Closing balance of the current year            428,126,983.00         4,426,362,777.26    214,063,491.50    3,956,556,754.02    9,025,110,005.78

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

                                                  CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CORPORATION LTD.

                                          COMPANY STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY (Continued)

                                                                 For the Year ended 31 December 2018

                                                                      (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

                                                                    Other equity
2017                                             Share capital                       Capital surplus   Surplus reserve   Retained earnings        Total equity

Opening balance of the current year            362,631,943.00     65,495,040.00    4,381,845,619.03    181,315,971.50    2,829,823,727.08    7,821,112,300.61

Movements in the current year                   65,495,040.00    (65,495,040.00)     25,245,865.10      32,747,520.00      499,589,094.40     557,582,479.50
(1) Total comprehensive income                               -                 -                   -                 -     673,618,518.79     673,618,518.79
(2) Capital paid and reduced by owners          65,495,040.00    (65,495,040.00)     25,245,865.10                   -                   -     25,245,865.10
    1.Capital injection by owners                5,114,297.00     (5,114,297.00)                   -                 -                   -                   -
    2.Significant reorganization                60,380,743.00    (60,380,743.00)     (3,430,029.00)                  -                   -     (3,430,029.00)
    3.Others                                                 -                 -     28,675,894.10                   -                   -     28,675,894.10
(3) Profit distribution                                      -                 -                   -    32,747,520.00     (174,029,424.39)   (141,281,904.39)
    1.Distribution to equity owners                          -                 -                   -                 -    (141,281,904.39)   (141,281,904.39)
    2. Transferred from surplus reserve                      -                 -                   -    32,747,520.00      (32,747,520.00)                   -

Closing balance of the current year            428,126,983.00                  -   4,407,091,484.13    214,063,491.50    3,329,412,821.48    8,378,694,780.11

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


                                      COMPANY CASH FLOW STATEMENT

                                      For the Year ended 31 December 2018

                                          (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

                                                                              2018               2017


    Cash received from sales of goods or rendering
      of services                                                  3,650,605,970.28   3,618,686,142.56
    Cash receipts related to other operating
      activities                                                    107,373,506.99      42,311,981.52

    Sub-total of    cash    inflows   from     operating
      activities                                                   3,757,979,477.27   3,660,998,124.08

    Cash paid for goods and services                               3,406,447,268.87   3,317,975,162.52
    Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                          79,402,008.01      74,008,955.58
    Cash paid for all types of taxes                                 36,195,123.57      45,705,409.43
    Cash payments related to other operating
      activities                                                     55,863,168.11      45,906,623.45

    Sub-total of cash outflows from operating
      activities                                                   3,577,907,568.56   3,483,596,150.98

    Net cash flows from operating activities                        180,071,908.71     177,401,973.10


    Cash received from returns of investments                       525,074,396.36     456,706,957.70
    Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets,
      intangible assets and other long-term assets                       44,700.00                   -
    Cash receipts related to other investing activities            1,574,115,586.01   2,219,069,200.00

    Sub-total of cash inflows from investing activities            2,099,234,682.37   2,675,776,157.70

    Cash paid for acquisition of fixed assets,
      intangible assets and other long-term assets                   11,649,093.77      37,669,557.28
    Cash paid for investment                                         90,000,000.00    1,046,650,980.00
    Net cash paid for purchasing subsidiaries and
      other business                                                              -     17,549,020.00
    Cash payments related to other investing
      activities                                                   1,749,321,606.82   2,067,489,918.90

    Sub-total of cash outflows from investing
      activities                                                   1,850,970,700.59   3,169,359,476.18

    Net cash flows from investing activities                        248,263,981.78    (493,583,318.48)

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.


                           COMPANY CASH FLOW STATEMENT (Continued)

                                    For the Year ended 31 December 2018

                                           (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)

                                                                                 2018                2017


     Cash received from borrowings                                    10,000,000.00         41,600,000.00
     Cash receipts related to other financing
       activities                                                  17,388,748,779.90     16,514,221,231.02

     Sub-total of cash inflows from financing
       activities                                                  17,398,748,779.90     16,555,821,231.02

     Cash repayments for debts                                        10,000,000.00         41,600,000.00
     Cash payments for distribution of dividends,
       profit or interest expenses                                   161,361,930.89        150,643,594.49
     Cash payments related to other financing
       activities                                                  17,614,453,662.11     15,613,029,417.64

     Sub-total cash outflows from financing activities             17,785,815,593.00     15,805,273,012.13

     Net cash flows from financing activities                       (387,066,813.10)       750,548,218.89

     EQUIVALENTS                                                          (310,822.25)         288,059.50

      EQUIVALENTS                                                     40,958,255.14        434,654,933.01
   Add: Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of
     the year                                                       1,776,696,342.87      1,342,041,409.86

      AT END OF YEAR                                                1,817,654,598.01      1,776,696,342.87

The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

                                Notes to financial statements
                           For the Year ended 31 December 2018
               (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

I   Profile of the Company

     As approved by the People’s Government of Shenzhen (SFBF (1993) No.356), China National
     Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “the Company”), formerly
     known as Shenzhen Health Mineral Water Corp., Ltd., was registered as a joint stock liability
     limited company on 1 February 1993 through stock transformation. In March 1993, with the
     approval from the Shenzhen Branch of the People’s Bank of China, the Company issued 30
     million A shares (including 16.5 million public shares, 3.5 million employee shares and 10 million
     corporation shares) and 20 million B shares. After this issuance, the Company’s share capital
     was RMB105 million. Through converting capital surplus into share capital, bonus issues and
     issuance of shares for years, the share capital of the Company increased to 428.13 million as at
     31 December 2018.

     In November 2000, the Company entered into an Asset Exchange Agreement with Shenzhen
     Investment Management Company, the original major shareholder of the Company, to exchange
     all the assets and liabilities of the Company as of 31 August 2000 for Shenzhen Investment
     Management Company’s 100% equity interests in 11 pharmaceutical companies and certain
     properties as well as 51% equity interests in Shenzhen Tefa Modern Computer Co., Ltd. The
     above asset exchange proposal was approved by shareholders in the Second Extraordinary
     General Meeting on 29 December 2000. The transaction was completed on 8 January 2001.

     On 18 February 2004, the Company’s original major shareholder, Shenzhen Investment
     Management Company, entered into a Stock Transfer Agreement with Sinopharm Group Co.,
     Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Sinopharm Group”) to transfer its 43.33% shares in the Company
     to Sinopharm Group. The legal procedures of the above equity transfer were completed on 9
     December 2004. At the same time, as approved by the State-owned Assets Supervision and
     Administration Commission of the State Council (GZCQ (2004) No.525) and the China
     Securities Regulatory Commission (ZJGSZ (2004) No.94), the nature of these shares changed
     from state-owned stock to state-owned legal entity stock and Sinopharm Group became the
     largest shareholder of the Company.

     On 14 April 2006, the Company’s proposal on reformation of segregated stocks was approved.
     To gain liquidity for the restricted stocks of the Company, the holders of the restricted stocks of
     the Company agreed to pay the following consideration: based on the stock registration as of 27
     April 2006, the Company issued bonus shares on 28 April 2006 at the ratio of 3 shares to every
     10 A shares to liquidated A-shareholders which went public on the same day. After this bonus
     issue, the total number of shares of the Company remained unchanged with corresponding
     changes in the composition of shareholdings.

     On 14 March 2014, the Company issued 74,482,543 ordinary shares (A shares) through the
     non-public offering. Par value per share is RMB1 yuan. The shares shall not be transferred
     within 36 months since the issue date. The total number of shares of the Company was
     362,631,943 since the date of issue.

                            Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                              For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                   (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)
I   Profile of the Company (Continued)
         The Company acquired the companies under common control, including Sinopharm Holding
         Guoda Pharmacy Co., Ltd. (“Guoda Pharmacy”), Foshan Nanhai Medicine Group Co., Ltd.
         (“Foshan Nanhai”), Guangdong South Pharmaceutical Foreign Trade Co., Ltd. (“South Pharma
         & Trade”) and Guangdong Dong Fang Uptodate & Special Medicines Co., Ltd. (“Guangdong
         Uptodate & Special Medicines”) by issuing shares and raised supporting funds by issuing shares
         to Ping An Asset Management Co., Ltd. to acquire the non-controlling interest of South Pharma
         & Trade. The relevant shares were successfully issued and listed on 5 January 2017. Afterwards,
         the total number of shares of the Company increased to 428,126,983.

        As of 31 December 2018, the total share capital was 428,126,983.

        The Company is registered with Shenzhen Administration for Industry & Commerce. Its Uniform
        Social Credit Code is 91440300192186267U. The operation period of the Company is from 2
        August 1986 to the long term. The registered capital of the Company is RMB428.13 million. The
        legal representative of the Company is Lin Zhaoxiong.

        The approved scope of business of the Company and its subsidiaries (together “the Group”)
        includes: the wholesale of Chinese herbal slices, traditional Chinese medicine preparations, bulk
        pharmaceutical drugs, chemical preparations, bulk antibiotic drugs, antibiotic preparations,
        biochemical drugs, biological products (including vaccines and in vitro diagnostic reagents
        psychotropic drugs and preparations, narcotic drugs, toxic drugs for medical use, protein
        assimilation preparation and peptide hormones; trade of dietary supplements; industrial
        investment holding; domestic trade; material supply and the marketing industry (other than
        special licensing); sale of ambulances; trading of second-class and third-class medical
        equipment; project investment; property management and leasing of self-owned properties;
        pharmacovigilance and medical information consulting; parking operation; logistics and related
        services; the package agency business; logistic design; import and export services (excluding
        projects that are prohibited by the country; limited projects have to be approved before

        Subsidiaries consolidated in the financial statements for the current year and change in the
        consolidation scope are shown in Note VI.

        The Group’s parent and ultimate parent companies are Sinopharm Group and China National
        Pharmaceutical Group Corporation (“CNPGC”) , respectively.

        These financial statements were authorized for issue by the board of directors of the Company
        on 23 April 2019.

                          Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                            For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                  (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

II Basis of preparation

       The financial statements were prepared in accordance with the Basic Standard and specific
       standards of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises issued by the Ministry of Finance
       and the specific accounting standards, application guidance, interpretation and other relevant
       regulations issued or amended thereafter (hereafter collectively referred to as “Accounting
       Standards for Business Enterprises” or “CAS”).

       These financial statements are prepared on a going concern basis.

       Except for certain financial instruments, the financial statements have been prepared using the
       historical cost as the principle of measurement. Where assets are impaired, provisions for asset
       impairment are made in accordance with the relevant requirements.

                           Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                             For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                 (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates

1.Statement of compliance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises

       The financial statements of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2018 are in
       compliance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, and truly and completely
       present the financial position of the Group and the Company as of 31 December 2018 and the
       operating results, cash flows and other information of the Group and the Company for the year
       then ended.

2.Accounting year

       The Group’s accounting year begins on 1 January and ends on 31 December.

3.Functional currency

       The functional currency is Renminbi (RMB).

4.Business combinations

(a)Business combinations involving entities under common control

       Assets and liabilities (including goodwill arising from the ultimate controlling shareholder’s
       acquisition of the party being absorbed) that are obtained by the absorbing party in a business
       combination shall be measured at their carrying amounts at the combination date as recorded by
       the party being absorbed. The difference between the carrying amount of the net assets
       obtained and the carrying amount of the consideration paid for the combination (or the
       aggregate face value of shares issued as consideration) shall be adjusted to share premium
       under capital surplus. If the capital surplus is not sufficient to absorb the difference, any excess
       shall be adjusted against retained earnings. The transaction costs of issuing equity securities or
       debt securities for a business combination are recognized at the initial recognition amount of
       equity securities or debt securities.

                           Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                              For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                 (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

4.Business combinations (Continued)

(b)Business combinations involving enterprises not under common control

       The cost of combination and identifiable net assets obtained by the acquirer in a business
       combination are measured at fair value at the acquisition date. Where the cost of the
       combination exceeds the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquirer’s identifiable net
       assets, the difference is recognized as goodwill; where the cost of combination is lower than the
       acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquirer’s identifiable net assets, the difference is
       recognized in profit or loss for the current period. Costs directly attributable to the combination
       are included in profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred. Transaction costs
       associated with the issue of equity or debt securities for the business combination are included
       in the initially recognized amounts of the equity or debt securities.Where the business
       combination not involving enterprises under common control which is achieved in stages, the
       acquirer’s previously held equity interests in the acquiree are remeasured at the fair value on the
       acquisition date, with the difference between the fair value and carrying amount recognized as
       investment income for the current period. If the acquirer’s previously held equity interests of the
       acquiree involve other comprehensive income (“OCI”) under the equity method, the accounting
       treatment is conducted on the same basis as would have been required if the investee had
       directly disposed of the related assets or liabilities, and the changes in shareholders’ equity other
       than net profit or loss, OCI and profit distributions are charged to profit or loss for the current
       period on the acquisition date. For financial assets at fair value through OCI held before the
       acquisition date, changes in fair value that was accumulated through OCI will transfer to retained

                           Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                             For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                 (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

5.Preparation of consolidated financial statements

       The consolidated financial statements comprise the financial statements of the Company and all
       of its subsidiaries.

       Subsidiaries are consolidated from the date on which the Group obtains control and are de-
       consolidated from the date that such control ceases. For a subsidiary that is acquired in a
       business combination involving enterprises under common control, it is included in the
       consolidated financial statements from the date when it, together with the Company, comes
       under common control of the ultimate controlling party. The portion of the net profits realized
       before the combination date is presented separately in the consolidated income statement.

       In preparing the consolidated financial statements, where the accounting policies and the
       accounting periods of the Company and subsidiaries are inconsistent, the financial statements of
       the subsidiaries are adjusted in accordance with the accounting policies and the accounting
       period of the Company. For subsidiaries acquired from business combinations involving
       enterprises not under common control, the individual financial statements of the subsidiaries are
       adjusted based on the fair value of the identifiable net assets at the acquisition date.

       All significant intra-group balances, transactions and unrealized profits are eliminated in the
       consolidated financial statements. The portion of a subsidiary’s equity and the portion of a
       subsidiary’s net profits, losses and comprehensive income for the period not attributable to the
       Company are recognized as non-controlling interests and presented separately in the
       consolidated financial statements within equity, net profits and total comprehensive income,
       respectively. The unrealized gain or loss from selling assets to subsidiaries fully offsets the net
       income attributable to equity holders of the Company. The unrealized gain or loss from
       purchasing assets from subsidiaries offsets the net income attributable to equity holders of the
       Company and attributable to the non-controlling interest by the distribution proportion regarding
       the Company and the subsidiary. The unrealized gain or loss from a transaction between
       subsidiaries offsets the net income attributable to equity holders of the Company and attributable
       to the non-controlling interest by the distribution proportion regarding the Company and the
       selling side of the subsidiaries. If different recognition perspectives for the same transaction
       arise within different accounting identities which are set up, there is an adjustment for the
       transaction from the Group’s perspective.

       When the Group loses control of a subsidiary in multiple transactions in which it disposes of its
       long-term equity investment in the subsidiary in stages, if each of the multiple transactions does
       not form part of a bundled transaction, the transactions conducted before the loss of control of
       the subsidiary are accounted for in accordance with the accounting policy for partial disposal of
       the equity investment in subsidiaries where control is retained. If each of the multiple
       transactions forms part of a bundled transaction which eventually results in the loss of control in
       the subsidiary, these multiple transactions are accounted for as a single transaction. In the
       consolidated financial statements, the difference between the consideration received and the
       corresponding proportion of the subsidiary’s net assets (calculated continuously from the
       acquisition date) in each transaction prior to the loss of control shall be recognized in other
       comprehensive income and transferred to profit or loss when the parent eventually loses control
       of the subsidiary.

                             Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                               For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                   (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

6. Cash and cash equivalents

        Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash on hand, deposits that can be readily drawn on
        demand, and short-term and highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known
        amounts of cash and are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.

7.     Foreign currency translation

        Foreign currency transactions are translated into RMB using the exchange rates prevailing at the
        dates of the transactions.

       At the balance sheet date, monetary items denominated in foreign currencies are translated into
       RMB using the spot exchange rates on the balance sheet date. Exchange differences arising
       from these translations are recognized in profit or loss for the current period, except for those
       attributable to foreign currency borrowings that have been taken out specifically for the
       acquisition or construction of qualifying assets, which are capitalized as part of the cost of those
       assets. Non-monetary items denominated in foreign currencies that are measured at historical
       cost are translated at the balance sheet date using the spot exchange rates at the dates of the
       transactions. The effect of exchange rate changes on cash is presented separately in the cash
       flow statement.
8.Financial instruments (applicable from 1 January 2018)

        Financial instruments are the contracts that formed the financial assets of one entity, and at the
        same time formed the financial liabilities or equity instruments of other entities.

        Recognition and derecognition of financial instruments

        Financial assets and financial liabilities are recognised when the Group becomes a party to the
        contractual provisions of the instrument.

        The Group derecognises a financial asset, part of a financial asset or group of financial assets,
        i.e., offset from the accounts and statement of financial position, if either of the following
        conditions is satisfied:

(1)The contractual rights to the cash flows from the financial asset expire; or

(2)     The contractual rights to the cash flows from the financial asset are transferred out, or obligated
        to transfer out all generated cash flows on receipt; and (a) substantially all the risks and rewards
        of ownership of the financial asset are transferred to the transferee; or (b) the Group neither
        transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset,
        but has not retained control of the financial asset.

                            Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                              For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                  (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

8.Financial instruments (applicable from 1 January 2018) (Continued)

       Recognition and derecognition of financial instruments (Continued)

       The Group derecognises a financial liability only when the underlying present obligation is
       settled, discharged or expired. An agreement to replace the original financial liability with a new
       financial liability with substantially different terms, or to modify the original financial liability’s
       terms substantially, is accounted for as an extinguishment of the original financial liability and the
       recognition of a new financial liability. The difference between the carrying amount of the
       financial liability Derecognized and the new financial liability should be recognised in profit or
       loss for the current period.

       All regular means of purchases or sales of financial assets are recognised and Derecognized on
       a trade date basis. Regular means of purchases or sales are purchases or sales of financial
       assets that require delivery of assets within the period generally established by regulation or
       convention in the marketplace. Trade date is the date that the Group commits to purchase or sell
       the financial asset.

       Classification and measurement of financial assets

       At initial recognition, the Group classifies its financial assets into: financial assets at fair value
       through profit or loss, financial assets at amortised cost, or financial assets at fair value through
       other comprehensive income, according to the Group’s business model for managing financial
       assets and the contract cash flow characteristics of the financial assets. Financial assets are
       measured at fair value at initial recognition, provided that trade receivables or bills receivable not
       containing significant financing components or for which financing components of not more than
       1 year are not taken into consideration shall be measured at their transaction prices at initial

       For financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, the relevant transaction costs are directly
       recognised in profit or loss; for other financial assets, the relevant transaction costs are
       recognised in their initial recognition amount.

       Subsequent measurement depends on the classification of the financial assets:

       Financial assets measured at amortised cost (debt instruments)
       The Group measures financial assets at amortized cost if both of the following conditions are
       met: The financial asset is held within a business model with the objective to hold financial
       assets in order to collect contractual cash flows; The contractual terms of the financial asset give
       rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest on the
       principal amount outstanding. Interest income of this kind of financial assets is recognized using
       the effective interest method. Gains and losses are recognized in the income statement when
       the asset is derecognized, modified or impaired. These financial assets mainly include cash and
       cash equivalents, bills receivable and trade receivables, other receivables, debt investment and
       long-term receivables. Debt investments and long-term receivables due within one year from the
       balance sheet date are reported by the Group as current portion of non-current assets, and debt
       investments due within one year from the original maturity date are reported as other current

                           Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                              For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                  (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

8.Financial instruments (applicable from 1 January 2018) (Continued)

       Classification and measurement of financial assets (Continued)

       Financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income (debt instruments)
       The Group measures debt investments at fair value through other comprehensive income if both
       of the following conditions are met: The financial asset is held within a business model with the
       objective of both holding to collect contractual cash flows and selling; The contractual terms of
       the financial asset give rise on specified dates to cash flows that are solely payments of principal
       and interest on the principal amount outstanding. Changes in fair values are recognized in other
       comprehensive income except that interest income, impairment losses and exchange
       differences are recognized in current profit or loss. Upon derecognition, the cumulative fair value
       change recognised in other comprehensive income is transferred to profit or loss. Such financial
       assets are reported as other debt investment. Other debt investment due within one year from
       the balance sheet date is reported as a current portion of non-current assets and other debt
       investment due within one year from the original maturity date is reported as an item of other
       current assets.

       Financial assets designated at fair value through other comprehensive income (equity
       The Group irrevocably chooses to designate some non-tradable equity instrument investments
       as financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income. Only relevant dividend
       income (excluding dividend income explicitly recovered as part of investment cost) is recognized
       in profit or loss, and subsequent changes in fair value are included in other comprehensive
       income without provision for impairment. When financial assets are derecognized, the
       accumulated gains or losses previously recognized in other comprehensive gains are transferred
       from other comprehensive income and recognized in retained earnings. Such financial assets
       are reported as other equity investment.

       If one of the following conditions is met, it is a held-for-trading financial asset: the acquisition of
       the relevant financial asset is intended primarily for sale or repurchase in the near future; it is a
       part of the portfolio of identifiable financial instruments under centralized management, and there
       is objective evidence that the short-term profit model is adopted in the near future; it is a
       derivative, except for a derivative that is designated as a valid hedging instrument, other than a
       derivative that complies with a financial guarantee contract.

       Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
       Financial assets other than the above-mentioned financial assets at amortised cost and financial
       assets at fair value through other comprehensive income are classified as financial assets at fair
       value through profit or loss. For such financial assets, fair value is used for subsequent
       measurement, and all changes in fair value are recognised in profit or loss. Such financial assets
       are presented as held-for-trading financial assets and are presented as other non-current
       financial assets if they expire after more than one year from the balance sheet date or expected
       to be held more than one year from the balance sheet date.

       Only when an accounting mismatch is eliminated or significantly decreased, financial assets are
       designated as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss at initial recognition.

                            Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                               For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                  (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

8.Financial instruments (applicable from 1 January 2018) (Continued)

       Classification and measurement of financial assets (Continued)

       When an enterprise initially designates a financial asset as a financial asset at fair value through
       profit or loss, it cannot be reclassified to other financial assets; other financial assets cannot be
       re-designated after initial recognition as financial assets measured at fair value through profit or

       When and only when the Group changes its business model of managing financial assets, it
       reclassifies all relevant financial assets affected.

       Classification and measurement of financial liabilities

       On initial recognition of financial liabilities of the Group are classified as financial liabilities at fair
       value through profit or loss, other financial liabilities and derivatives designated as effective
       hedging instruments. For financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, the relevant
       transaction costs are directly recognized in profit or loss, and the related transaction costs of
       other financial liabilities are recognized in their initial amount.

       Subsequent measurement of financial liabilities is determined by its classification:

       Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss
       Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss consist of held for trading financial liabilities
       (including derivatives belonging to financial liabilities) and financial liabilities designated on initial
       recognition as financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss.

       Financial liabilities are held-for-trading financial liabilities if one of the following conditions are
       met: the purpose of assuming related financial liabilities is mainly to sell or repurchase in the
       near future; they are part of a centrally managed identifiable portfolio of financial instruments,
       and there is objective evidence that enterprises have adopted a short-term profitability model in
       the near future; they are derivatives, excluding derivatives that are designated as effective
       hedging instruments and derivatives that meet the financial guarantee contract. Held-for-trading
       financial liabilities (including derivatives belonging to financial liabilities) are subsequently
       measured at fair value. Except for hedging accounting, all changes in fair value are recognized
       in profit or loss.

       Only if one of the following conditions is met can financial liabilities be designated as financial
       liabilities at fair value through profit or loss on initial recognition: (1) It can eliminate or
       significantly reduce the accounting mismatch. (2) The formal written document of risk
       management or investment strategy has stated that the portfolio of financial instruments is
       managed, evaluated and reported to key managers on the basis of fair value. (3) The financial
       liability is a hybrid instrument that contains one or more embedded derivatives, unless the
       embedded derivatives have no significant change in the cash flows of the hybrid instrument, or
       the embedded derivatives should obviously not be separated from the related hybrid instruments.
       (4) Mixed instruments contain embedded derivatives that need to be split but cannot be
       measured separately at the time of acquisition or on subsequent balance sheet days.

                            Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                               For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                  (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

8.Financial instruments (applicable from 1 January 2018) (Continued)

       Classification and measurement of financial liabilities (Continued)

       For such financial liabilities, subsequent measurements are made at fair value. Changes in fair
       value caused by changes in the Group’s own credit risk are recognized in other comprehensive
       income, while other changes in fair value are recognized in profit or loss. Unless changes in fair
       value caused by changes in the Group's own credit risk recognized in other comprehensive
       income may result in or expand accounting mismatches in profit or loss, the Group shall
       recognize all changes in fair value (including the amount of impact of changes in its own credit
       risk) in profit or loss.When an enterprise designates a financial liability as a financial liability at
       fair value through profit or loss, it cannot be reclassified as other financial liabilities; nor can
       other financial liabilities be re-designated as financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss
       after initial recognition.

       Other financial liabilities
       For such financial liabilities, subsequent measurement is made at amortized cost using the
       effective interest rate method.

       Impairment of financial assets

       Based on expected credit losses, the Group undertakes impairment treatment and confirms loss
       provisions of financial assets at amortized cost, debt instrument investments at fair value
       through other comprehensive income and financial guarantee contracts.

       Credit loss refers to the difference between the cash flows of all contracts discounted at the
       original effective interest rate and the expected cash flows of all contracts receivable, i.e. the
       present value of all cash shortages. Among them, the financial assets purchased by or
       originated from the Group to which credit impairment has occurred shall be discounted at the
       effective interest rate adjusted by the credit of the financial assets.

       For trade receivables and contractual assets that do not contain significant financing
       components, the Group uses a simplified measurement method to measure loss provisions in
       accordance with the amount of expected credit losses equivalent to the entire life cycle.

       For trade receivables and contractual assets with significant financing components, the Group
       uses a simplified measurement method to measure loss provisions in accordance with the
       amount of the expected credit loss equivalent to the entire lifetime.

                           Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                              For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                 (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

8.Financial instruments (applicable from 1 January 2018) (Continued)

       Impairment of financial assets (Continued)

       For financial assets other than those measured with simplified valuation methods, the Group
       evaluates at each balance sheet date whether its credit risk has significantly increased since
       initial recognition. The period during which credit risk has not significantly increased since initial
       recognition is considered the first stage, at which the Group shall measure the loss provision
       based on the amount of the expected credit loss for the next 12 months and shall compute
       interest income according to the book balance and effective interest rate; the period during
       which credit risk has significantly increased since initial recognition although no credit
       impairment has occurred is considered the second stage, at which the Group shall measure the
       loss provision based on the amount of the expected credit loss for the entire valid period and
       shall compute interest income according to the book balance and effective interest rate; The
       period during which credit impairment has occurred after initial recognition is considered the third
       stage, at which the Group shall measure the loss provision based on the amount of the expected
       credit loss for the entire period and shall compute interest income according to the amortised
       cost and effective interest rate. For financial instruments with relatively low credit risk at the
       balance sheet date, the Group assumes that its credit risk has not significantly increases since
       initial recognition.

       The Group evaluates the expected credit losses of financial instruments on a single and
       combined basis. Taking into account the credit risk characteristics of different customers, the
       Group evaluates the expected credit losses of trade receivables based on the aging portfolio.

       In assessing expected credit losses, the Group takes into account reasonable and valid
       information on past events, current conditions and future economic forecasts.

       Refer to Notes VIII.3 for the disclosure of the Group's criteria for judging the significant increase
       in credit risk, the definition of assets with impaired credit losses, and the assumption of
       measuring expected credit losses.

       When the Group no longer reasonably expects to be able to recover all or part of the contract
       cash flows of the financial assets, the Group will write off the book value of the financial assets

       Offsetting of financial instruments

       Financial assets and financial liabilities are offset and the net amount is reported in the
       statement of financial position if there is a currently enforceable legal right to offset the
       recognised amounts and there is an intention to settle on a net basis, or to realize the financial
       assets and settle the financial liabilities simultaneously.

                           Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                              For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                 (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

8.Financial instruments (applicable from 1 January 2018) (Continued)

       Modification of financial assets

       Where the Group modifies or renegotiates the contract with its counterparty and does not result
       in the derecognition of financial assets, but results in a change in the cash flow of the contract,
       the Group recalculates the book value of the financial asset on the basis of the renegotiated or
       modified contract cash flows at the discounted value of the original effective interest rate (or
       credit-adjusted effective rate of interest) of the financial asset, and the related gains or losses
       are recognized in profit or loss. The revised cost or expense of the financial assets adjust the
       book value of the financial assets and are amortized within the remaining period of the modified
       financial assets.

       Transfer of financial assets

       The Group derecognises a financial asset when it has transferred substantially all the risks and
       rewards of ownership of the financial asset to the transferee; the Group does not derecognize
       those financial assets when it retains substantially all the risks and rewards of the ownership.

       If the Group neither transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of
       financial assets, the related accounting treatments of such financial assets are as follows: the
       Group derecognises financial assets when it retains no control on them, and associated assets
       and liabilities are recognised at the same time. If the Group retains control of the financial asset,
       it recognizes the financial asset to the extent of its continuing involvement in the transferred
       financial asset and recognizes an associated liability.

       Continuing involvement that takes the form of a financial guarantee over the transferred asset is
       measured at the lower of the original carrying amount of the asset and the financial guarantee.
       The amount of the financial guarantee is the maximum amount of consideration that the Group
       could be required to repay.

9.Financial instruments (applicable in 2017)

       Financial instruments are the contracts that formed the financial assets of one entity, and at the
       same time formed the financial liabilities or equity instruments of other entities.

       Recognition and derecognition of financial instruments
       Financial assets and financial liabilities are recognised when the Group becomes a party to the
       contractual provisions of the instrument.

                            Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                              For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                  (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

9.Financial instruments (applicable in 2017) (Continued)

       Recognition and derecognition of financial instruments (Continued)

       The Group derecognises a financial asset, part of a financial asset or group of financial assets,
       i.e., offset from the accounts and statement of financial position, if either of the following
       conditions is satisfied:

(1)    The contractual rights to the cash flows from the financial asset expire; or

(2)    The contractual rights to the cash flows from the financial asset are transferred out, or obligated
       to transfer out all generated cash flows on receipt; and (a) substantially all the risks and rewards
       of ownership of the financial asset are transferred to the transferee; or (b) the Group neither
       transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset,
       but has not retained control of the financial asset.

       The Group derecognises a financial liability only when the underlying present obligation is
       settled, discharged or expired. An agreement to replace the original financial liability with a new
       financial liability with substantially different terms, or to modify the original financial liability’s
       terms substantially, is accounted for as an extinguishment of the original financial liability and the
       recognition of a new financial liability. The difference between the carrying amount of the
       financial liability Derecognized and the new financial liability should be recognised in profit or
       loss for the current period.
       All regular means of purchases or sales of financial assets are recognised and Derecognized on
       a trade date basis. Regular means of purchases or sales are purchases or sales of financial
       assets that require delivery of assets within the period generally established by regulation or
       convention in the marketplace. Trade date is the date that the Group commits to purchase or sell
       the financial asset.

                           Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                              For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                  (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

9.Financial instruments (applicable in 2017) (Continued)

       Classification and measurement of financial assets
       On initial recognition, the Group’s financial assets are classified into one of the categories
       including: financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, held-to-maturity investments, loans
       and receivables, available-for-sale investments, and derivatives designated as effective hedging
       instruments. Financial assets are initially measured at fair value. For financial assets at fair value
       through profit or loss, transaction costs are immediately recognised in profit or loss for the
       current period. For other financial assets, transaction costs are included in their initial recognised

       Subsequent measurement of financial assets is determined by its classification:

       Loans and receivables
       Loans and receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments
       that are not quoted in an active market. Loans and receivables are subsequently measured at
       amortised cost using the effective interest method. Gains or losses arising from impairment or
       amortization are recognised in profit or loss for the current period.

       Available-for-sale investments
       Available-for-sale investments include non-derivative financial assets that are designated on
       initial recognition as available for sale, and financial assets that are not classified as financial
       assets at FVTPL, loans and receivables or held-to-maturity investments. Available-for-sale
       investments are subsequently measured at fair value. The discounted or premium amount of
       available-for-sale investments is amortised using the effective interest method and the
       amortization is recognised as an interest income or expense. Except for impairment losses and
       exchange differences arising from foreign currency monetary financial assets which are
       recognised as profit or loss for the current period, available-for-sale investments are
       subsequently measured at fair value, and gains or losses arising from changes in the fair value
       are recognised as other comprehensive income. Accumulated gains or losses arising from
       changes in the fair value are classified as profit or loss on derecognition or when impairment
       arises. Dividends and interest earned from available-for-sale investments are recognised in profit
       or loss for the current period.

       An equity investment instrument without a quoted price in an active market, whose fair value
       cannot be reliably measured, is recognised and subsequently measured at cost.

       Classification and measurement of financial liabilities

       On initial recognition, financial liabilities of the Group are classified into financial liabilities at
       FVTPL and other financial liabilities. For financial liabilities at FVTPL, transaction costs are
       immediately recognised in profit or loss. For other financial liabilities, transaction costs are
       included at their initial recognised amounts.

       Subsequent measurement of financial liabilities is determined by the classification:

       Other financial liabilities
       Payables, including notes payable, trade payables and other payables, are recognized initially at
       fair value and subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method.

                            Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                              For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                  (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

9.Financial instruments (applicable in 2017) (Continued)

       Classification and measurement of financial liabilities (Continued)

       Borrowings are recognized initially at fair value, net of transaction costs incurred, and
       subsequently carried at amortized cost using the effective interest method.

       Other financial liabilities with maturities no more than one year are classified as current liabilities.
       Other financial liabilities with maturities over one year but are due within one year at the balance
       sheet date are classified as the current portion of non-current liabilities. Others are classified as
       non-current liabilities.
       A financial liability is derecognized or partly derecognized when the current obligation is
       discharged or partly discharged. The difference between the carrying amount of the financial
       liability or the derecognized part of the financial liability and the consideration paid is recognized
       in profit or loss.

       Offsetting of financial instruments

       A financial asset and a financial liability shall be offset and the net amount is presented in the
       balance sheet when both of the following conditions are satisfied: 1) the enterprise has a legal
       right to set off the recognized amounts and the legal right is currently enforceable; 2) the
       enterprise intends either to settle on a net basis or to realize the financial asset and settle the
       financial liability simultaneously.

       Impairment of financial assets

       The Group assesses the carrying amount of financial assets at each date of Balance sheet. If
       there is objective evidence that a financial asset is impaired, the Group determines the amount
       of any impairment loss. Objective evidence that a financial asset is impaired is an evidence that,
       arising from one or more events that occurred after the initial recognition of the asset, the
       estimated future cash flows of the financial asset, which can be reliably measured, have been
       affected. Objective evidence of impairment may include indications that a debtor or a group of
       debtors is experiencing significant financial difficulty, a debtor or debtor breach (es) contracts
       (i.e. default or delinquency in interest or principal payments, etc.), that it is very probable that
       they will enter bankruptcy or other financial reorganization and observable data which indicates
       that there is a measurable decrease in the estimated future cash flows.

       Financial assets measured at amortised cost
       If a financial asset measured at amortised cost is impaired, the carrying amount of the financial
       asset is reduced through the use of an allowance account to the present value of estimated
       future cash flows (excluding future credit losses that have not been incurred). The reduced
       amount is recognised in profit or loss for the current period. The present value of the estimated
       future cash flows is discounted at the financial asset’s original effective interest rate (the
       effective interest rate upon initial recognition), and the value of the relevant guarantee should
       also be taken into account. Interest income continues to be accrued on the reduced carrying
       amount and is accrued using the rate of interest used to discount the future cash flows for the
       purpose of measuring the impairment loss. Loans and receivables together with any associated
       allowance are written off when there is no realistic prospect of future recovery and all collateral
       has been realised or has been transferred to the Group.

                           Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                              For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                  (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

9.Financial instruments (applicable in 2017) (Continued)

       Impairment of financial assets (Continued)

       For a financial asset that is individually significant, the Group assesses the asset individually for
       impairment. If any objective evidence indicates that it has been impaired, the impairment losses
       are recognised in profit or loss for the current period. For a financial asset that is not individually
       significant, the Group assesses the asset individually for impairment or includes the asset in a
       group of financial assets with similar credit risk characteristics and collectively assesses them for
       impairment. If the Group determines that no objective evidence of impairment exists for an
       individually assessed financial asset (whether significant or not), it includes the asset in a group
       of financial assets with similar credit risk characteristics and collectively reassesses them for
       impairment. Assets for which an impairment loss is individually recognised are not included in a
       collective assessment of impairment.

       If, subsequent to the recognition of an impairment loss on financial assets carried at amortised
       cost, there is objective evidence of a recovery in value of the financial assets which can be
       related objectively to an event occurring after the impairment is recognised, the previously
       recognised impairment loss is reversed and recognised in profit or loss for the current period.
       However, the reversal is made to the extent that the carrying amount of the financial asset at the
       date the impairment reversed does not exceed what the amortised cost would have been when
       the impairment has not been recognised.

       Available-for-sale investments
       If there is objective evidence that an available-for-sale investment is impaired, the cumulative
       loss arising from decline in fair value previously recognised directly in other comprehensive
       income is reclassified from other comprehensive income to profit or loss. The amount of the
       cumulative loss that is reclassified from other comprehensive income to profit or loss is the
       difference between the acquisition cost (net of any principal repayment and amortization) and
       the current fair value, less any impairment losses on that financial asset previously recognised in
       profit or loss.

       Objective evidence that an available-for-sale equity instrument investment is impaired includes
       the significant or prolonged decline in the fair value below its cost. “Significant” is evaluated
       against the original cost of the investment and “prolonged” against the length of period in which
       the fair value has been below its original cost. Where there is evidence of impairment, the
       cumulative loss measured is the difference between the acquisition cost and the current fair
       value, less any impairment loss on that investment previously recognised in the income
       statement. Impairment losses on equity instruments classified as available-for-sale are not
       reversed through the income statement. Increases in their fair value after impairment are
       recognised directly in other comprehensive income.

       The determination of what is “significant” or “prolonged” requires judgement. In making this
       judgement, the Group evaluates, among other factors, the duration or extent to which the fair
       value of an investment is less than its cost.

                           Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                              For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                 (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

9.Financial instruments (applicable in 2017) (Continued)

       Impairment of financial assets (Continued)

       In the case of debt instruments classified as available-for-sale, impairment is assessed based on
       the same criteria as financial assets measured at amortised cost. However, the amount recorded
       for impairment is the cumulative loss measured as the difference between the amortised cost
       and the current fair value, less any impairment loss on that investment previously recognised in
       the income statement. Future interest income continues to be accrued based on the reduced
       carrying amount of the asset and is accrued using the rate of interest used to discount the future
       cash flows for the purpose of measuring the impairment loss.

       If, subsequent to the recognition of an impairment loss on an available-for-sale debt instrument,
       there is objective evidence of a recovery in the fair value of the financial asset which can be
       related objectively to an event occurred after the impairment is recognised, the previously
       recognised impairment loss is reversed and recognised in profit or loss for the current period.

       Financial assets measured at cost
       If there is objective evidence that an impairment loss has been incurred on a financial asset
       measured at cost, the carrying amount of the financial asset is reduced to the present value of
       estimated future cash flows discounted at the current market rate of return for a similar financial
       asset. The amount of reduction is recognised as an impairment loss in profit or loss for the
       current period. The impairment losses on such financial assets are not reversed once they are

       Transfer of financial assets

       A financial asset is Derecognized when the Group has transferred substantially all the risks and
       rewards of the asset to the referee. A financial asset is not Derecognized when the Group
       retains substantially all the risks and rewards of the asset.

       When the Group has neither transferred nor retained substantially all the risks and rewards of
       the asset, it either i) derecognizes the transferred asset when it has transferred control of the
       asset; or ii) continues to recognize the transferred asset to the extent of the Group's continuing
       involvement, in which case, the Group also recognizes an associated liability.

       Continuing involvement that takes the form of a guarantee over the transferred financial asset is
       measured at the lower of the original carrying amount of the asset and the guarantee amount.
       The guarantee amount is the maximum amount of consideration that the Group could be
       required to repay.

                             Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                               For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                  (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)


        The recognition criteria and accrual methods of bad debt provision for the Group's receivables in
        2017 are as follows:

        Receivables with amounts that are individually significant and subject to separate assessment
        for provision for bad debts
        Receivables with amounts that are individually significant are subject to assessment for
        impairment on the individual basis. If there is objective evidence that the Group will not be able
        to collect the amount under the original terms, a provision for impairment of that receivable is

        The criterion for determining individually significant amounts is that any individual amount is
        more than RMB5 million.

        The method of providing for bad debts for those individually significant amounts is as follows: the
        amount of the present value of the future cash flows is expected to be derived from the
        receivable below its carrying amount.

Receivables that are subject to provision for bad debts on the grouping basis

        Receivables with amounts that are not individually significant and those receivables that have
        been individually assessed for impairment and have not been found impaired are classified into
        certain groupings based on their credit risk characteristics. The provision for bad debts is
        determined based on the historical loss experience for the groupings of receivables with similar
        credit risk characteristics, taking into consideration of the current circumstances.

        A provision for impairment of the receivables is made based on the ageing of receivables at the
        following percentage:

                                      Provision ratios used for trade       Provision ratios used for
                                                         receivables               other receivables
         Within 1 year                                          0-5%                           0-5%
         1 to 2 years                                         5-10%                           5-10%
         2 to 3 years                                        10-30%                          10-30%
         3 to 4 years                                        20-50%                          20-50%
         4 to 5 years                                        20-80%                          20-80%
         More than 5 years                                 20-100%                          20-100%

        Receivables with amounts that are not individually significant but subject to separate
        assessment for provision for bad debts

        The reason for making separate assessment for provision for bad debts is that there is objective
        evidence that the Group will not be able to collect the amount under the original terms of the

        The provision for bad debts is determined based on the amount of the present value of the future
        cash flows expected to be derived from the receivable below its carrying amount.

                           Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                             For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                  (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

10.Receivables (Continued)

       When the Group transfers the trade receivables to the financial institutions without recourse, the
       difference between the proceeds received from the transaction and their carrying amounts and
       the related taxes is recognized in profit or loss for the current period.

       For the recognition criteria and accrual method of the Group's bad debt provision for trade
       receivables from 1 January, 2018, please refer to Note III.8.


       Inventories include raw materials, work in progress, finished goods, delegate processing
       supplies and turnover materials, and are measured at the lower of cost and net realizable value.

       Cost is determined on the weighted average method. The cost of finished goods and work in
       progress comprises raw materials, direct labor and an allocation of systematically allocated
       overhead expenditures incurred based on the normal operating capacity.

       Basis for determining the net realizable values of inventories and method for making provisions
       for decline in the value of inventories

       Provisions for decline in the value of inventories are determined at the excess amount of the
       carrying value of the inventories over their net realizable value. Net realizable value is
       determined based on the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business, less the
       estimated costs to completion and estimated costs necessary to make the sale and related

The Group adopts the perpetual inventory system.

                           Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                             For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                  (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

12.Long-term equity investments

       Long-term equity investments comprise the Company’s long-term equity investments in its
       subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates.

       Long-term equity investments are accounted for using the coast method at the time it was
       acquired. For long-term equity investments acquired through a business combination involving
       enterprises under common control, the investment cost shall be the absorbing party’s share of
       the carrying amount of shareholders’ equity of the party being absorbed at the combination date.

       Subsidiaries are the investees over which the Company is able to exercise control. Associates
       are the investees that the Group has significant influence on their financial and operating

       Investments in subsidiaries are measured using the cost method in the Company’s financial
       statements, and adjusted by using the equity method when preparing the consolidated financial
       statements. Interests in associates are accounted for using the equity method. For long-term
       equity investments acquired by way of the swap of non-monetary assets, the initial investment
       cost shall be determined in accordance with “ASBE No. 7 — Swap of Non-monetary Assets.”
       For long-term equity investments acquired by way of debt restructuring, the initial investment
       cost shall be determined in accordance with “ASBE No. 12 — Debt Restructuring.”

(a)Determination of investment cost

       For long-term equity investments acquired through a business combination: for long-term equity
       investments acquired through a business combination involving enterprises under common
       control, the investment cost shall be the absorbing party’s share of the carrying amount of
       shareholders’ equity of the party being absorbed at the combination date; for long-term equity
       investments acquired through a business combination involving enterprises not under common
       control, the investment cost shall be the combination cost.

(b)Subsequent measurement and recognition of related profit or loss

       For long-term equity investments accounted for using the cost method, they are measured at the
       initial Investment costs, and cash dividends or profit distribution declared by the investees are
       recognized as investment income in profit or loss.

       For long-term equity investments accounted for using the equity method, where the initial
       investment cost of a long-term equity investment exceeds the Group’s share of the fair value of
       the investee’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition date, the long-term equity investment is
       measured at the initial investment cost; where the initial investment cost is less than the Group’s
       share of the fair value of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition date, the
       difference is included in profit or loss and the cost of the long-term equity investment is adjusted
       upwards accordingly.

                            Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                               For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                  (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

12.Long-term equity investments (Continued)

       For long-term equity investments accounted for using the equity method, the Group recognizes
       the investment income according to its share of net profit or loss of the investee. The Group
       discontinues to recognize its share of net losses of an investee after the carrying amount of the
       long-term equity investment together with any long-term interests that, in substance, form part of
       the investor’s net investment in the investee are reduced to zero. However, if the Group has
       obligations for additional losses and the criteria with respect to the recognition of provisions
       under the accounting standards on contingencies are satisfied, the Group continues to recognize
       the investment losses and the provisions. For changes in shareholders’ equity of the investee
       other than those arising from its net profit or loss, other comprehensive income, and profit
       distribution, the Group adjusts the book value of the investment and records a capital surplus
       accordingly. The carrying amount of the investment is reduced by the Group’s share of the profit
       distribution or cash dividends declared by an investee.

       The unrealized profits or losses arising from the intra-group transactions amongst the Group and
       its investees are eliminated in proportion to the Group’s equity interests in the investees, and
       then based on which the investment gains or losses are recognized. For the loss on intra-group
       transactions amongst the Group and its investees attributable to asset impairment, any
       unrealized loss is not eliminated.

(c)Basis for determining existence of control, joint control or significant influence over investees

       Control is the power to govern the financial and operating policies of the investee so as to obtain
       benefits from its operating activities. In determining whether the Company is able to exercise
       control over the investee, the effect of potential voting rights over the investee is considered,
       such as convertible debts and warrants currently exercisable.

       Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of
       the investee, but is not control or joint control over those policies.

(d)Impairment of long-term equity investments

       The carrying amount of long-term equity investments in subsidiaries and associates is reduced
       to the recoverable amount when the recoverable amount is less than the carrying amount.

13.Investment properties

       Investment properties, including land use rights that have already been leased out, buildings that
       are held for the purpose of leasing, and buildings that are being constructed or developed for the
       purpose of leasing in future, are measured initially at cost. Subsequent expenditures incurred in
       relation to investment properties are included in the cost of investment properties when it is
       probable that the associated economic benefits will flow to the Group and their costs can be
       reliably measured; otherwise, the expenditures are recognized in profit or loss in the period in
       which they are incurred.

                           Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                              For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                   (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

13.Investment properties (Continued)

       The Group adopts the cost model for subsequent measurement of investment properties.
       Buildings and land use rights are depreciated or amortized to their estimated net residual values
       over their estimated useful lives. The estimated useful lives, the estimated net residual values
       that are expressed as a percentage of cost and the annual depreciation (amortization) rates of
       investment properties are as follows:

                    Estimated useful lives Estimated residual value      Annual depreciation (amortization)

Buildings              12-35 years                    0-5%                              2.71-7.92%
Land use rights        30-50 years                        -                             2.00-3.33%

       When an investment property is transferred to owner-occupied property, it is reclassified as a
       fixed asset or intangible asset at the date of transfer. When an owner-occupied property is
       transferred out for earning rentals or for capital appreciation, the fixed asset or intangible asset is
       reclassified as an investment property at its carrying amount at the date of transfer.

       The investment properties’ useful life, net residual value and depreciation (amortization) method
       applied are reviewed and adjusted as appropriate at the end of each year.

       An investment property is Derecognized on disposal or when the investment property is
       permanently withdrawn from use and no future economic benefits are expected from its
       disposal. The net amount of proceeds from sale, transfer, retirement or damage of an
       investment property after its carrying amount and related taxes and expenses is recognized in
       profit or loss for the current period.

14.    Fixed assets

       Fixed assets are recognized when it is probable that the related economic benefits will flow to
       the Group and the costs can be reliably measured. Subsequent expenditures incurred for a fixed
       asset are included in the cost of the fixed asset when it is probable that the associated economic
       benefits will flow to the Group and the related cost can be reliably measured. The carrying
       amount of the replaced part is derecognized. All the other subsequent expenditures are
       recognized in profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred.

       Fixed assets are initially measured at cost and the effect of any expected costs of abandoning
       the asset at the end of its use is considered. The cost of a fixed asset is the aggregate cost of
       purchase price, related taxes and any directly attributable expenditure for bringing the asset to
       its working condition for its intended use.

                          Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                             For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                 (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

14.    Fixed assets (Continued)

       Fixed assets are depreciated using the straight-line method to allocate the cost of the assets to
       their estimated residual values over their estimated useful lives. For the fixed assets that have
       been provided for impairment loss, the related depreciation charge is prospectively determined
       based upon the adjusted carrying amounts over their remaining useful lives.

                   Estimated useful lives   Estimated residual values   Annual depreciation rates

        Buildings       20-35 years                        0-5%            2.71-5.00%
        Machinery        5-14 years                        3-6%           6.79-19.40%
        Motor vehicles   3-10 years                        0-5%           9.50-33.33%
        Other equipment 3-10 years                         0-5%           9.50-33.33%
        improvements within 5 years                          0%         20% and above

       Fixed assets held under finance leases are depreciated under the same depreciation method as
       other fixed assets. The assets are depreciated over their estimated useful lives where ownership
       of the assets can be reasonably estimated to be gained when lease periods end; otherwise, the
       leased assets are depreciated over the shorter of the lease terms and the estimated useful lives
       of the assets.

       The Group reviews the useful life, estimated net residual value of a fixed asset and the
       depreciation method applied at least once at each financial year end, and adjusts for any change
       when necessary.

       A fixed asset is Derecognized on disposal or when no future economic benefits are expected
       from its use or disposal. The amount of proceeds from disposal on sale, transfer, retirement or
       damage of a fixed asset net of its carrying amount and related taxes and expenses is recognized
       in profit or loss for the current period.

                            Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                              For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                  (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

15.Construction in progress

       Construction in progress is measured at its actual cost. The actual cost includes various
       necessary construction expenditures during the construction period, borrowing costs capitalised
       before it is ready for intended use and other relevant costs.

16.Borrowing costs

       Borrowing costs refer to the interest and other relevant cost incurred from borrowing, which
       include loan interest, discount or amortization of premiums, auxiliary expenses and exchange
       differences due to foreign currency loans, etc.

       Where the borrowing costs incurred to the Company can be directly attributable to the
       acquisition and construction or production of assets eligible for capitalization, it shall be
       capitalized and recorded into the costs of relevant assets. Other borrowing costs shall be
       recognized as expenses on the basis of the actual amount incurred, and shall be recorded into
       the current profits and losses. The term “assets eligible for capitalization” shall refer to the fixed
       assets, investment real estate, inventories and other assets, of which the acquisition and
       construction or production may take quite a long time to get ready for its intended use or for sale.

       The borrowing costs shall not be capitalized unless they simultaneously meet the following

(1)    The asset disbursements have already incurred;
(2)    The borrowing costs have already incurred; and
(3)    The acquisition and construction or production activities which are necessary to prepare the
       asset for its intended use or sale have already started.

       When the qualified asset under acquisition and construction or production is ready for the
       intended use or sale, the capitalization of the borrowing costs shall be ceased. Borrowing costs
       incurred after the intended use or sale shall be recorded in the current profits and losses.

       During the period of capitalization, the capitalized amount of interest in each accounting period
       shall be calculated and determined in the ways below:

       The enterprise shall calculate and determine the interest of a specific loan by deducting interest
       income of the loan capital deposit in the bank or investment income obtained from a temporary

       The enterprise shall calculate and determine the to-be-capitalized amount of interests on the
       general borrowing by multiplying the weighted average asset disbursement of the part of the
       accumulative asset disbursements minus the general borrowing by the capitalization rate of the
       general borrowing used.

                             Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                               For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                   (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

16.Borrowing costs (Continued)

       Where the acquisition and construction or production of a qualified asset is interrupted
       abnormally and the interruption period lasts for more than 3 months, the capitalization of the
       borrowing costs shall be suspended. The borrowing costs incurred during such period shall be
       recognized as expenses, and shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period,
       till the acquisition and construction or production of the asset restarts.

17.Intangible assets

       Intangible assets are recognised and measured on initial recognition at cost only if the related
       economic benefits will probably flow into the Group and their costs can be measured reliably.
       However, the intangible assets acquired through a business combination not involving
       enterprises under common control should be measured at fair value separately as intangible
       assets when their fair values can be reliably measured.

       The useful life of the intangible assets shall be assessed according to the estimated beneficial
       period expected to generate economic benefits for the Group. An intangible asset shall be
       regarded as having an indefinite useful life when there is no foreseeable limit to the period over
       which the asset is expected to generate economic benefits for the Group.

      Categories                                                                             Useful lives

      Land use rights                         Between the approved useful period and the Company’s
                                                                                   operating period
      Software                                                                            3-5 years
      Trademarks                                                                         5-10 years
      Technology patents                                                                    5 years
      Distribution network                                                                 20 years
      Franchising rights                                                                   10 years
      Favorable leases                                                                  17-20 years

       Land use rights obtained by the Group are usually accounted for as intangible assets. As for the
       construction of plants, factories and other buildings of the Group, the related land use rights and
       other buildings were accounted for as intangible assets and fixed assets, respectively. Purchase
       costs of land use rights and buildings were allocated to intangible assets and fixed assets
       separately. Purchase costs were recognised as cost of fixed assets, only if the separation was

       Intangible assets with a finite useful life are amortised over their estimated useful lives using the
       straight-line method or other reasonable systematic methods. For an intangible asset with a
       finite useful life, the Group reviews the useful life and amortization method at least once at each
       financial year end, and makes adjustments when necessary.A land use right granted by the
       government with an infinite useful life would not be amortized. Other land use rights are
       amortized on the straight-line basis over their approved useful period. If the acquisition costs of
       land use rights and the buildings located thereon cannot be reliably allocated between the land
       use rights and the buildings, all of the acquisition costs are recognized as fixed assets.

                           Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                              For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                  (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

17.Intangible assets (Continued)

       The expenditure on an internal research and development project is classified into expenditure
       on the research phase and expenditure on the development phase based on its nature and
       whether there is material uncertainty that the research and development activities can form an
       intangible asset at the end of the project.

       Expenditure for investigation, evaluation and selection of production process and new drug
       researches is recognized in profit or loss in the period in which it is incurred. Expenditure on the
       designation, measurement of the final utilization of the production process and new drugs before
       mass production is capitalized only if all of the following conditions are satisfied:

development of the production process and new drugs has been fully demonstrated by the
technical team;
management has approved the budget of drug production development and new drugs;
market research analysis suggests that the products produced by the new production technology are
able to be promoted;
adequate technical, financial and other resources to complete the development and the ability to use or
sell the intangible asset;
the expenditure attributable to the intangible asset during its development phase can be reliably

       Other development costs that do not meet the conditions above are recognized in profit or loss
       in the period in which they are incurred. Development costs previously recognized as expenses
       are not recognized as an asset in a subsequent period. Capitalized expenditure on the
       development phase is presented as development costs in the balance sheet and transferred to
       intangible assets at the date that the asset is ready for its intended use.

       The Group classifies the expenses for internal research and development as research costs and
       development costs. All research costs are charged to the current profit or loss as incurred.
       Expenditure incurred on projects to develop new products is capitalised and deferred only when
       the Group can demonstrate the technical feasibility of completing the intangible asset so that it
       will be available for use or sale, its intention to complete and its ability to use or sell the asset,
       how the asset will generate future economic benefits (including demonstration that the product
       derived from the intangible asset or the intangible asset itself will be marketable or, in the case
       of internal use, the usefulness of the intangible asset as such), the availability of technical and
       financial resources to complete the project and procure the use or sale of the intangible asset,
       and the ability to measure reliably the expenditure during the development. Product
       development expenditure which does not meet these criteria is expensed when incurred.

                           Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                              For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                 (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

18.Impairment of long-term assets

       Fixed assets, construction in progress, intangible assets with finite useful lives, long-term
       prepaid expenses and investment properties measured using the cost model and long-term
       equity investments in subsidiaries and associates are tested for impairment if there is any
       indication that an asset may be impaired at the balance sheet date. If the result of the
       impairment test indicates that the recoverable amount of the asset is less than its carrying
       amount, a provision for impairment and an impairment loss are recognized for the amount by
       which the asset’s carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is
       the higher of an asset’s fair value less costs to sell and the present value of the future cash flows
       expected to be derived from the asset. Provision for asset impairment is determined and
       recognized on the individual asset basis. If it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount
       of an individual asset, the recoverable amount of a group of assets to which the asset belongs is
       determined. A group of assets is the smallest group of assets that is able to generate
       independent cash inflows.

       Goodwill that is separately presented in the financial statements, intangible assets with infinite
       useful lives and capitalized development costs are tested at least annually for impairment,
       irrespective of whether there is any indication that it may be impaired. In conducting the test, the
       carrying value of goodwill is allocated to the related asset groups or groups of asset groups
       which are expected to benefit from the synergies of the business combination. If the result of the
       test indicates that the recoverable amount of an asset group or a group of asset groups,
       including the goodwill allocated, is lower than its carrying amount, the corresponding impairment
       loss is recognized. The impairment loss is first deducted from the carrying amount of goodwill
       that is allocated to the asset group or group of asset groups, and then deducted from the
       carrying amount of other assets within the asset groups or groups of asset groups in proportion
       to the carrying amount of other assets.
       Once the above impairment loss is recognized, it will not be reversed for the value recovered in
       the subsequent periods.

                          Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                            For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                 (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

19.Long-term prepaid expenses

       Long-term prepaid expenses include the expenditure for improvements to fixed assets under
       operating leases, and other expenditures that have been made but should be recognized as
       expenses over more than one year in the current and subsequent periods. Long-term prepaid
       expenses are amortized on the straight-line basis over the expected beneficial period and are
       presented at actual expenditure net of accumulated amortization.

20.Governmental medical reserve funds and specially approved reserving materials

       Appointed by the PRC Government, CNPGC is responsible for purchasing, allocating and
       providing the governmental medical reserves, which include the medical products, traditional
       Chinese medicine and medical appliances for nation-wide emergency rescue and disaster relief.
       Appointed by the Government of Guangxi Province, Sinopharm Medicine Holding Guangxi Co.,
       Ltd. (“Sinopharm Guangxi”), a subsidiary of the Company, is responsible for purchasing,
       allocating and providing the medical reserves, which include the medical products needed for
       serious disasters, epidemics and other emergencies as well as endemic diseases in Guangxi
       Province. In accordance with the regulation of CNPGC, being the enterprise who bears the
       obligation for specially approved medical reserving materials, the medical reserve funds
       received from the PRC Government or local government are recognized as other non-current
       liabilities. The Group reserves the specially approved medical reserving materials according to
       the reserve program (by category and by quantity), applies dynamic management and
       recognizes them as other non-current assets.

                           Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                               For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                  (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)
21.Employee benefits
       Employee benefits mainly include short-term employee benefits, post-employment benefits,
       termination benefits and other long-term employee benefits incurred in exchange for service
       rendered by employees or various forms of rewards or compensation due to severance of labor

Short-term employee benefits

       The actual occurred short-term employee benefits are recognizes as liabilities during the
       accounting period in which the service has been rendered by the employees and as costs of
       assets or expenses to whichever the employee service is attributable.

Post-employment benefits (defined contribution plans)

       The employees in the Group participate in social insurance and unemployment insurance
       schemes administrated by the local governments, and the related expenditures are recorded in
       cost of related assets or profit or loss in the period when they incurred.

Post-employment benefits (defined benefit plans)

       The Group operates a defined benefit pension scheme. No funds have been injected into the
       scheme. The cost of benefits provided under the defined benefit scheme is calculated using the
       expected benefit accrual unit approach.

       Remeasurement arising from defined benefit pension schemes, including actuarial gains or
       losses, changes in the asset cap effect (deducting amounts included in net interest) and returns
       on scheme assets (deducting amounts included in net interest) are instantly recognised in the
       balance sheet and charged to shareholders’ equity through other comprehensive income for the
       period during which it is incurred. It will not be reversed to profit and loss in subsequent periods.

       Previous service costs are recognised as current expenses when: the defined benefit scheme is
       revised, or relevant restructuring costs or termination benefits are recognised by the Group,
       whichever earlier.

       Net interest is arrived at by multiplying net liabilities or net assets of defined benefits with a
       discount rate. Changes in net obligations of defined benefits are recognised as operating costs
       and administration expenses in the income statement. Service costs included current services
       costs, past service costs and settlement of profit or loss. Net interest included interest income
       from scheme assets, interest expenses for scheme obligations and interest of the asset cap

Termination benefits

       The Group recognizes a liability for termination benefits and charges to profit or loss at the
       earlier of the following dates: a) when the Group can no longer withdraw from the termination
       plan or the redundancy offer; and b) when the Group recognizes costs or expense for a
       restructuring plan which involves the payment of termination benefits.

                           Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                             For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                  (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

21.Employee benefits (Continued)

Other long term employee benefits

       Other long-term employees’ benefits provided to employees shall be recognised and measured
       as net liabilities or net assets where provisions regarding post-employment benefits are
       applicable, provided that changes shall be included in current profit and loss or related capital

22. Provisions

       An obligation related to a contingency shall be recognized by the Group as a provision when all
       of the following conditions are satisfied, except contingent considerations and contingent
       liabilities assumed in a business combination not involving enterprises under common control:

(1)The obligation is a present obligation of the Group;
(2)It is probable that an outflow of economic benefits from the Group will be required to settle the
obligation; and
(3)The amount of the obligation can be measured reliably.

       The provisions are initially measured at the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle
       the related present obligation, taking into account factors pertaining to a contingency such as the
       risks, uncertainties and time value of money as a whole. The carrying amount of provisions is
       reviewed at the balance sheet date. Where there is clear evidence that the carrying amount of a
       provision does not reflect the current best estimate, the carrying amount is adjusted to the
       current best estimate.

       For business combinations not under common control, contingent liabilities of the acquiree
       obtained in a business combination shall be measured at fair value in initial recognition. After
       initial recognition, subsequent measurement is conducted using the higher of the amount
       recognized by provisions and the amount of initial recognition deducting the accumulated
       amortization amount determined by the principles of revenue recognition.

                           Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                              For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                 (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

23.Share-based payments

       The share-based payments shall consist of equity-settled share-based payments and cash-
       settled share-based payments. The term "equity-settled share-based payment" refers to a
       transaction in which the group grants shares or other equity instruments as a consideration in
       return for services.

       The equity-settled share-based payment in return for employee services shall be measured at
       the fair value of the equity instruments granted to the employees. As to an equity-settled share-
       based payment in return for services of employees, if the right may be exercised immediately
       after the grant, the fair value of the equity instruments shall, on the date of the grant, be included
       in the relevant cost or expense and the capital reserves shall be increased accordingly. As to an
       equity-settled share-based payment in return for employee services, if the right cannot be
       exercised until the vesting period comes to an end or until the prescribed performance
       conditions are met, then on each balance sheet date within the vesting period, the Group shall
       make the best estimate of the number of vested equity instruments based on the latest
       movement of the granted employee, the content of prescribed performance and other conditions.
       Based on the best estimate, the services obtained in the current period shall be included in the
       relevant costs or expenses and the capital reserves at the fair value of the equity instruments on
       the date of the grant.

       For awards that do not ultimately vest because non-market performance and service conditions
       have not been met, no expense is recognised. Where awards include a market or non-vesting
       condition, the transactions are treated as vesting irrespective of whether the market or non-
       vesting condition is satisfied, provided that all other performance and service conditions are

       Where the terms of an equity-settled award are modified, as a minimum an expense is
       recognised as if the terms had not been modified, if the original terms of the award are met. In
       addition, an expense is recognised for any modification that increases the total fair value of the
       share-based payments, or is otherwise beneficial to the employee as measured at the date of

       Where an equity-settled award is cancelled, it is treated as if it had vested on the date of
       cancellation, and any expense not yet recognised for the award is recognised immediately. This
       includes any award where non-vesting conditions within the control of either the Group or the
       employee are not met. However, if a new award is substituted for the cancelled award, and is
       designated as a replacement award on the date that it is granted, the cancelled and new awards
       are treated as if they were a modification of the original award, as described in the previous

                           Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                             For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                 (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

23.Share-based payments (Continued)

       A cash-settled share-based payment shall be measured in accordance with the fair value of
       liability calculated and confirmed based on the shares or other equity instruments undertaken by
       an enterprise. As to a cash-settled share-based payment instruments, if the right may be
       exercised immediately after the grant, the fair value of the liability undertaken by the enterprise
       shall, on the date of the grant, be included in the relevant costs or expenses, and the liabilities
       shall be increased accordingly. As to a cash-settled share-based payment, if the right may not
       be exercised until the vesting period comes to an end or until the specified performance
       conditions are met, on each balance sheet date within the vesting period, the services obtained
       in the current period shall, based on the best estimate of the information about the exercisable
       right, be included in the relevant costs or expenses and the corresponding liabilities at the fair
       value of the liability undertaken by the group. The group shall, on each balance sheet date and
       on each account date prior to the settlement of the relevant liabilities, re-measure the fair values
       of the liabilities and include the changes in the current profits and losses.

24.Revenue recognition (applicable from 1 January 2018)

       The group recognizes revenue when it has fulfilled its obligations under the contract, i, e. when
       the customer acquires control relevant goods or services. Acquiring control over the goods or
       services refers to the ability to dominate the use of the goods or the portion of services and to
       derive almost all the economic benefits therefrom.

       Contracts for sale of goods

       The contracts for the sale of goods between the Group and its customer usually only contain the
       performance obligations for the transfer of goods. The Group generally recognizes revenue at
       the point of transferring the control of goods on the basis of a combination of the following
       factors: the current right to collect the goods, the transfer of major risks and benefits in the
       ownership of the goods, and the transfer of the legal ownership of the goods, the transfer of
       physical assets of the goods and that the customers have accepted the goods.

       Service Contracts

       The service contracts between the Group and its customers usually consist of performance
       obligations such as engineering construction management, engineering design consulting and
       so on. As the Group's performance of contracts is at the same time when the customer obtains
       and consumes the economic benefits of the performance of the Group, and the Group has the
       right to collect receivables from the performance of contacts that has been completed to date,
       the Group regards it as a contact obligation over a period of time, except that the progress of
       performance cannot be reasonably determined. The Group determines the progress of the
       performance of contracts in accordance with the input method. If the progress of performance of
       contracts cannot be reasonably determined and the cost incurred by the Group are expected to
       be compensated, the revenue is recognized on the basis of the incurred costs until the progress
       of performance of contacts can be reasonably measured.

                          Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                             For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                 (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

24.Revenue recognition (applicable from 1 January 2018) (Continued)

       Variable consideration

       Certain contracts between the Group and its customers contain cash discounts and price
       guarantee clauses which will give rise to variable consideration. Where a contract contains
       variable consideration, the Group determines the best estimates on the variable consideration
       based on expected values or the most probable amount, provided that transaction prices
       including variable consideration shall not exceed the cumulative amount of recognised revenue
       upon the removal of relevant uncertainties in connection with which a significant reversal is
       highly unlikely.

       Consideration payable to customers

       Where consideration is payable by the Group to a customer, such consideration payable shall be
       deducted against the transaction price, and against current revenue upon the recognition of
       revenue or the payment of (or the commitment to pay) the consideration to the customer
       (whichever is later), save for consideration payable to the customer for the purpose of acquiring
       from the customer other clearly separable products.

       Return clauses

       In connection with sales with a return clause, revenue is recognised according to the amount of
       consideration it expects to be entitled to for the transfer to a customer when the customer
       acquires control of the relevant. Amounts expected to be refunded for the return of sales are
       recognised as liabilities. At the same time, the balance of the carrying value of the product
       expected to be returned upon transfer less expected costs for the recall of such product
       (including an impairment loss of the recalled product) shall be recognised as an asset (i.e. cost
       of return receivables), and the net amount of the carrying value of the transferred product upon
       the transfer less the aforesaid asset cost shall be transferred to cost. At each balance sheet
       date, the Group reassesses the future return of sales and remeasures the above assets and

       Significant financing component

       Where a contract contains a significant financing component, the Group determines transaction
       prices based on amounts payable assumed to be settled in cash by customers immediately
       upon the acquisition of control over the products. The difference between such transaction price
       and contract consideration is amortised over the contract period using the effective interest rate
       method based on a ratio that discounts the nominal contractual consideration to the current
       selling price of the products.

       The Group shall not give consideration to any significant financing component in a contract if the
       gap between the customer’s acquisition of control over the products and payment of
       consideration is expected to be less than 1 year.

                          Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                            For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                 (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

24.Revenue recognition (applicable from 1 January 2018) (Continued)

       Warranty clauses

       The Group provides quality assurance for products sold and assets built in accordance with
       contract terms and laws and regulations. The accounting treatment of quality assurance in the
       form of warranty assuring customers products sold are in compliance with required standards is
       set out in Note III.22. Where the Group provides a service warranty for a standalone service in
       addition to the assurance of compliance of products with required standards, such warranty is
       treated as a standalone contractual performance obligation, and a portion of the transaction
       price shall be allocated to the service warranty based on a percentage of the standalone price
       for the provision of product and service warranty. When assessing whether a warranty is
       rendering a standalone service in addition to providing guarantee to customers that all sold
       goods are in compliance with required standards, the Group will consider whether or not such
       warranty is a statutory requirement, the term of the warranty and the nature of the Group’s
       undertaking to perform its obligations.

       Reward points program

       The Group grants reward points to customers when selling goods. Customers can use reward
       points to redeem free or discounted goods provided by the Group. This reward points program
       provides significant rights to customers, the Group consider it as an individual performance
       obligation, and an apportion part of the transaction price to reward points based on pricing of
       goods or services with warranty clauses. Revenue is recognised when customers obtain goods
       redeemed or when reward points expire.

       Principal responsible person/proxy

       For goods or other assets obtained from a third party which were transferred later to customers,
       the Group has the right to decide independently, pricing of goods. This means that the Group
       has obtained control over related goods before transferring to customers. Therefore, the Group
       is the principal responsible person, and revenue is recognised based on total amount of
       consideration received or receivable. Otherwise, the Group is proxy, and revenue is recognised
       based on expected commission. This amount should be the total amount of consideration
       received or receivable net of the amount payable to other parties, or based on the fixed amount
       or percentage.

                           Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                               For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                 (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

25.Revenue recognition (applicable in 2017)

       The amount of revenue is determined in accordance with the fair value of the consideration
       received or receivable for the sale of goods and services in the ordinary course of the Group’s
       activities. Revenue is shown net of discounts and returns.

       Revenue can be recognized on condition that the transaction-related economic interest is
       expected to be satisfied, the amount is able to be reliably measured, and the following
       recognition conditions are met:

       Sale of goods
       Revenue from the sale of goods is recognized when significant risks and rewards of ownership
       of the goods are transferred to the buyer, the Company retains neither continuing managerial
       involvement to the degree usually associated with the ownership nor effective control over the
       goods sold, and it is probable that the economic benefits associated with the transaction will flow
       to the Company and the relevant revenue and costs can be measured reliably.
       Rendering of services
       The Group provides freight, storage and other services to external parties. The freights are
       recognized as revenue right after the goods are transported to the place of delivery according to
       contracts or agreements, received and confirmed by the purchasers. Other revenue is
       determined in accordance with the amount provided in the service period stipulated in the
       Customer loyalty programme
       The Group offers a customer loyalty programme where points earned through the purchase of
       goods can only be redeemed for goods provided by Sinopharm Group Zhijun (Shenzhen)
       Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. or other free goods. The fair value of the consideration received or
       receivable in respect of the initial sale is allocated between the award credits and the other
       components of the sale. Fair value of award points is measured on the basis of the value of the
       awards (that is, goods or services) for which they could be redeemed, the fair value of the award
       credits should take account of expected forfeitures as well as the discounts or incentives that
       would otherwise be offered to customers who have not earned award credits from an initial sale.

26.Contract assets and contract liabilities (applicable from 1 January 2018)

       The Group presents contract assets or contract liabilities on the balance sheet according to the
       relationship between contractual performance obligations and customer payments.

       Contract assets

       The unconditional (namely, dependent only on the passage of time) right to receive
       consideration from customers owned by the Group shall be presented as amounts receivable.
       The right to receive consideration following the transfer of products to customers which is
       dependent on factors other than the passage of time is presented as contract assets.

       For details of the Group’s determination and accounting treatment of expected credit losses from
       contract assets, please refer to Note III.8.

                               Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                 For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                   (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

26.Contract assets and contract liabilities (applicable from 1 January 2018) (Continued)

        Contract liabilities

        The obligation to pass products to customers in connection with customer consideration
        received or receivable is presented as contract liabilities, for example, amounts received prior to
        the transfer of the promised products.

        Contract assets and contract liabilities under the same contract are presented on a net basis
        after set-off.

27.Assets relating to contract cost (applicable from 1 January 2018)

        The Group’s assets relating to contract costs include the contract acquisition costs and contract
        performance costs, presented respectively under inventories, other current assets and other
        non-current assets.

        Where the Group expects the incremental costs for acquiring a contract to be recoverable, such
        contract acquisition costs are recognised as an asset (unless the amortisation period of the
        asset is not more than 1 year).

        Costs incurred by the Group for the performance of a contract are recognised as an asset as
        contract performance costs if they do not fall under the scope of the relevant standards for
        inventories, fixed assets or intangible assets but meet all the following conditions:

(1)They are directly related to a current or anticipated contract, including direct labour, direct
        materials, manufacturing expenses (or similar expenses), to be borne by customers as
        specifically stipulated, and otherwise incurred solely in connection with the contract;
(2)they will increase the resources to be utilised in the Company’s future performance of its
        contractual obligations; and
(3)they are expected to be recoverable.

        The Group amortises assets relating contract costs on the same basis as that for the recognition
        of revenue relating to such assets and recognises the amortised assets in current profit or loss.

        For assets relating to contract costs whose carrying value is higher than the difference between
        the following two items, the Group makes provision for impairment for the excess to be
        recognised as asset impairment losses:

(1)     The remaining consideration expected to be obtained as a result of the transfer of goods relating
        to such assets;
(2)Estimated costs to be incurred in connection with the transfer of relevant goods

        In the event that the difference between (1) and (2) becomes higher than the carrying value of
        such assets as a result of changes in the factors of impairment for previous periods, previous
        provisions for asset impairment losses should be written back and included in current profit or
        loss, provided that the carrying asset value following the write-back shall not exceed the carrying
        value that such assets would have on the date of write-back were there no provision for

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

                           Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                              For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                 (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)
28.Government grants
       A government grant is recognized when the conditions attached to it can be complied with and
       the government grant can be received. For a government grant in the form of transfer of
       monetary assets, the grant is measured at the amount received or receivable. For a government
       grant in the form of transfer of non-monetary assets, it is measured at fair value; if the fair value
       is not reliably determinable, the grant is measured at nominal amount.
       Government grants related to assets refer to government assets which are granted to
       enterprises for the long-term assets formed by acquisition, construction or in other manners.
       Government grants related to income refer to government grants other than those related to

       Government grants related to income to be used as compensation for future expenses or losses
       shall be recognized as deferred income and shall be charged to the current profit or loss or be
       used to write down the relevant loss, during the recognition of the relevant cost expenses or
       losses; or used as compensation for relevant expenses or losses already incurred by enterprises
       shall be directly charged to the profit or loss account in the current period or used to write down
       the relevant cost.
       The government grants related to assets shall be used to write down the book value of the
       relevant assets or be recognized as deferred income. The government grants related to assets,
       recognized as deferred income, shall be charged to the profit and loss reasonably and
       systematically in stages over the useful lives of the relevant assets. The government grants
       measured at a nominal amount shall be directly charged to the current profit or loss.

       If any related asset is sold, transferred, written off or destroyed before the end of its useful life,
       the balance of the undistributed deferred income shall be transferred to the current gain or loss
       on disposal of the asset.

29.Income tax

       Income tax comprises current and deferred tax. Income tax is recognized as income or an
       expense in profit or loss of the current period, or recognized directly in shareholders’ equity if it
       arises from a business combination or relates to a transaction or event which is recognized
       directly in shareholders’ equity.
       The Group measures a current tax asset or liability arising from the current and prior periods
       based on the amount of income tax expected to be paid by the Group or returned by tax
       authorites calculated according to related tax laws.

       Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are calculated and recognized based on the
       differences arising between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts
       (temporary differences). A deferred tax asset is recognized for the deductible losses that can be
       carried forward to subsequent years for deduction of the taxable profit in accordance with the tax
       laws. No deferred tax liability is recognized for a temporary difference arising from the initial
       recognition of goodwill. No deferred tax asset or deferred tax liability is recognized for the
       temporary differences resulting from the initial recognition of assets or liabilities due to a
       transaction other than a business combination, which affects neither accounting profit nor
       taxable profit (or deductible loss). At the balance sheet date, deferred tax assets and deferred
       tax liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply to the period when the
       asset is realized or the liability is settled.

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

29.Income tax(Continued)

                          Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                             For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)
      Deferred tax assets are only recognized for deductible temporary differences, deductible losses
      and tax credits to the extent that it is probable that taxable profit will be available in the future
      against which the deductible temporary differences, deductible losses and tax credits can be

      Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset when:

      the deferred taxes are related to the same tax payer within the Group and the same taxation
      authority; and

      that tax payer has a legally enforceable right to offset current tax assets against current tax

      Deferred tax liabilities are recognized for temporary differences arising from investments in
      subsidiaries and associates, except where the Group is able to control the timing of the reversal
      of the temporary difference, and it is probable that the temporary difference will not reverse in
      the foreseeable future. When it is probable that the temporary differences arising from
      investments in subsidiaries, and associates will be reversed in the foreseeable future and that
      the taxable profit will be available in the future against which the temporary differences can be
      utilized, the corresponding deferred tax assets are recognized.


      Finance leases are leases with the whole risks and rewards related to the asset substantially
      transferred. The other kinds of leases are nominated operating leases.

      As lessee of operating leases

      Rental expenses under operating leases are recognised as relevant asset costs or in current
      profit or loss on the straight-line basis over the lease term. Contingent rental is charged to
      current profit or loss when incurred.

      As lesser of operating leases

      Rental income under operating leases are recognised as profit/loss for the current period on a
      straight-line basis over the lease term. Contingent rental is charged to current profit or loss when

      As lessee under finance leases

      An asset held under finance leases is initially recognised at the lower between the leased
      assets’ fair value and the present value of minimum lease payments on the lease
      commencement date. The amount of long-term payables will be recognised as minimum lease
      payments accordingly, and the differences between the leased assets’ fair value and the present
      value of minimum lease payments will be recorded as unrecognised financing costs which will
      be amortised using the effective interest method over the term of the relevant lease. Contingent
      rentals will be recognised in profit or loss for the period when they are actually incurred.

                            Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                              For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                  (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

31.Dividend distribution

       Cash dividend distribution is recognized as a liability in the period in which it is approved by
       shareholders at the annual shareholders’ meeting.

32.Fair value measurement

       At each balance sheet date, the Group measures the fair value of other debt investments and
       equity instrument investments. Fair value means the price receivable from the disposal of an
       asset or required to be paid for the transfer of a liability in an orderly transaction incurred by
       market participants on the measurement date. The Group measures assets or liabilities at fair
       value with the assumption that the orderly transaction of asset disposal or the transfer of
       liabilities takes place in the major market for the relevant assets or liabilities. Where there is no
       major market, the Group assumes that such transaction takes place in the most favourable
       market for the relevant assets or liabilities. The major market (or most favourable market) is a
       trading market which the Group has access to on the measurement date. The Group adopts
       assumptions used by market participants when they price the asset or liability with the aim of
       maximising its economic benefits.

       The measurement of non-financial assets measured at fair value should take into account the
       ability of market participants to utilise the asset in the best way for generating economic benefits,
       or the ability to dispose of such asset to other market participants who are able to utilise the
       asset in the best way for generating economic benefits.

       The Group adopts valuation techniques that are appropriate in the current circumstances and
       supported by sufficient usable data and other information. Observable input will be used first and
       foremost. Unobservable input will only be used when it is not possible or practicable to obtain
       observable input.

       The fair value hierarchy to which an asset or liability measured or disclosed in the financial
       statements at fair value will be determined on the basis of the lowest level of input which is
       significant for the fair value measurement as a whole. Input at the first level represents
       unadjusted quoted prices in an active market for the acquisition of the same asset or liability on
       the measurement date. Input at the second level represents directly or indirectly observable
       assets or liabilities apart from input at the first level. Input at the third level represents
       unobservable input for the asset or liability.

       At each balance sheet date, the Group reassesses assets and liabilities measured at fair value
       on an ongoing basis recognised in the financial statements to determine whether the level of fair
       value measurement should be changed.

                           Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                              For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                 (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

33.Segment information

       The Group identifies operating segments based on the internal organization structure,
       management requirements and internal reporting system, and discloses segment information of
       reportable segments which is determined on the basis of operating segments.

       An operating segment is a component of the Group that satisfies all of the following conditions:
       (1) the component is able to earn revenues and incur expenses from its ordinary activities; (2)
       whose operating results are regularly reviewed by the Group’s management to make decisions
       about resources to be allocated to the segment and to assess its performance, and (3) for which
       the information on financial position, operating results and cash flows is available to the Group. If
       two or more operating segments have similar economic characteristics and satisfy certain
       conditions, they are aggregated into one single operating segment.

34.Significant accounting judgements and estimates

       The Group continually evaluates the critical accounting estimates and key judgements applied
       based on historical experience and other factors, including expectations of future events that are
       believed to be reasonable.

       Significant accounting judgements and estimates

       In the process of applying the Group’s accounting policies, management has made the following
       judgements, which have the most significant effect on the amounts recognised in the financial

       Operating leases – as lesser
       The Group signed lease contracts for investment properties. The Group considers these leases
       as operating leases because according to the lease contract terms, the Group reserves all
       significant risks and rewards of ownership of the properties.

       Operating leases – as lessee
       The Group signed lease contracts for buildings. The Group considers these leases as operating
       leases because all significant risks and rewards of buildings are not transferred to the Group.

       Business model
       The classification of financial assets at initial recognition is dependent on the Group’s business
       model for managing the assets. Factors considered by the Group in judging the business model
       include enterprise valuation, the method of reporting the results of financial assets to key
       management members, risks affecting the results of financial assets and the method for
       managing such risks, as well as the form of remuneration received by the management
       personnel of the businesses concerned. In assessing whether the business model is aimed at
       receiving contract cash flows, the Group is required to analyse and exercise judgment in respect
       of the reasons, timing, frequency and values of any disposals prior to maturity.

                           Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                             For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                 (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

34.Significant accounting judgements and estimates (Continued)

       Characteristics of contract cash flow
       The classification of financial assets at initial recognition is dependent on the characteristics of
       the contract cash flows of such type of financial assets. Judgement is required to determine
       whether the contract cash flows represent interest payment in relation to principal amounts
       based on outstanding principal amounts only, including judgement of whether it is significantly
       different from the benchmark cash flow when assessing modifications to the time value of

       Estimation uncertainty
       The key assumptions concerning the future and other key sources of estimation uncertainty at
       the end of the reporting period that may cause material adjustment to the carrying amounts of
       assets and liabilities are discussed below.

       Impairment of available-for-sale investments
       Before 1 January 2018, the Group classified certain assets as available-for-sale investments and
       directly recognized movements of their fair value in other comprehensive income. When the fair
       value declined, management made assumption about the decline in value to determine whether
       there is any impairment loss that should be recognised in the income statement.

       Impairment of financial instruments
       The Group has adopted the expected credit loss model to value the impairment of financial
       instruments. The application of the expected credit loss model requires significant judgement
       and estimates and the consideration of all reasonable and soundly based information, including
       forward-looking information. In making such judgement and estimates, the Group estimates the
       projected movements of the debtor’s credit risk according to past repayment records, economic
       policies, macro-economic indicators and industry risks.

       Impairment of non-current assets other than financial assets (excluding goodwill)
       The Group assesses whether there are any indicators of impairment for non-current assets other
       than financial assets at the date of statement of financial position. Intangible assets with
       indefinite useful lives are tested for impairment annually and at other times when such an
       indicator exists. Other non-current assets other than financial assets are tested for impairment
       when there are indicators that the carrying amounts may not be recoverable. An impairment
       exists when the carrying value of an asset or asset group exceeds its recoverable amount, which
       is the higher of its fair value less costs to sell and its present value of future cash flows. The
       calculation of the fair value less costs to sell is based on available data from binding sales
       transactions in an arm’s length transaction of similar assets or observable market prices less
       incremental costs for disposing of the asset. When value-in-use calculations are undertaken,
       management must estimate the expected future cash flows from the asset or asset group and
       choose a suitable discount rate in order to calculate the present value of those cash flows. Refer
       to Note V. 11,12,13,14.

       Impairment of goodwill
       Goodwill is tested for impairment at least at the end of each year. For the purpose of impairment
       testing, the present value of future cash flows, which are generated from asset groups or sets of
       asset groups considered together with allocated goodwill, is estimated. The Group estimates the
       present value of future cash flows from asset groups or sets of asset groups by forecasting the
       related cash flows and selecting a suitable discount rate. Refer to Note V.15.

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)
                           Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                              For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                 (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

34.Significant accounting judgements and estimates (Continued)

       Deferred tax assets
       To the extent that it is probable that there are sufficient taxable profits to offset the deductible
       losses, deferred tax assets shall be recognised for all unused deductible losses. Substantial
       management’s judgements regarding the timing and amount of future taxable profit are needed
       when estimating the amount of deferred tax assets.

       Fair value of non-listed equity investment
       Non-listed equity investments are valued as expected future cash flows based on the current
       discount rate of other financial instruments with similar contractual terms and risk characteristics.
       This requires the Group to estimate future cash flows, credit risks, fluctuations and discount
       rates and is therefore uncertain.

       Reward points
       The Group considers the observable separate selling price of the redeemable free or discounted
       goods, the probability of redeeming and all the related information, after which estimates a
       reasonable reward points separate selling price. When estimating the probability of redeeming,
       the Group bases on historical data, current data and takes into consideration future change of
       the client, also market trends and other factors. The Group re-evaluates the separate selling
       price of reward points at least once every balance sheet date, and allocates it to reward points
       transaction price based on the result.

       Return clauses
       The Group reasonably estimates the return rate for contract groups with similar characteristics
       according to the historical return rate, current conditions of return, the change of customers and
       markets. The Group at least reassesses the return rate at every balance sheet date and
       determines return payables and cost of return receivables.

       The Group makes reasonable estimates on warranty fee rates in respect of contract groups with
       similar characteristics based on the historical data and current conditions of warranty, taking into
       consideration all relevant information such as product improvements and market changes,
       among others. The Group reassesses the warranty fee rates at least annually at each balance
       sheet date and determines its estimated liabilities based on the reassessed warranty fee rates.

                           Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                              For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                 (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

34.Significant accounting judgements and estimates (Continued)

       Evaluating limitations of variable consideration
       When estimating variable consideration, the Group considers all the reasonable information
       obtained, including historical information, current information and forecasted information, and
       also estimates all the possible consideration amount and possibility within a reasonable range.
       For contracts that is likely to have multiple different outcomes, the Group estimate the
       consideration amount based on the expected value method. For contracts with only two possible
       outcomes, the Group estimates the consideration amount based on the most likely outcome.
       The estimated amount of variable consideration will be included in the transaction price only to
       the extent that it is highly probable that a significant reversal in the amount of cumulative
       revenue recognized will not occur when the uncertainty associated with the variable
       consideration is subsequently resolved. The Group re-evaluates the amount of variable
       consideration on every balance sheet date, including re-evaluating whether the estimations used
       are limited, to reflect changes which occurred in the financial statement period.

       Changes in accounting policies

       In 2017, the Ministry of Finance announced amendments to ASBE No. 14 — Revenue” (the
       “New ASBE on Revenue”), “ASBE No. 22 — Recognition and Measurement of Financial
       Instruments”, “ASBE No. 23 — Transfer of Financial Assets”, “ASBE No. 24 — Hedge
       Accounting” and “ASBE No. 37 — Presentation of Financial Instruments” (the “New ASBEs on
       Financial Instruments”). The Group has adopted the aforesaid revised accounting standards with
       effect from 1 January 2018. In accordance with the convergence provisions, no adjustments
       were made to the information of comparative periods. The difference arising from the first day of
       implementation of the new ASBE versus the implementation of the existing ASBE is recognised
       by adjusting the opening balance of retained earnings or other comprehensive income for the
       reporting period.

       New ASBE on Revenue
       The New ASBE on Revenue has built a new model for revenue recognition to provide for the
       accounting treatment of revenue generated from contracts with customers. In accordance with
       the New ASBE on Revenue, the method of revenue recognition should reflect the model of the
       Company’s transfer of goods or rendering of services to customers, and the amount of revenue
       should reflect the amount of consideration expected to be entitled to as a result of the company’s
       transfer of such goods and services to customers. At the same time, the New ASBE on Revenue
       has also provided for judgements and estimates required by each step in revenue recognition.
       The Group has only adjusted the cumulative effect of outstanding contracts at 1 January 2018.
       In respect of contract changes which occured prior to 1 January 2018, the Group has adopted a
       simplified approach: identifying fulfilled and unfulfilled performance obligations in connection with
       all contracts based on the finalised arrangements in contract changes, determining the
       transaction price, and allocating the transaction price between fulfilled obligations and unfulfilled

                              Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                 For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                   (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

34.Significant accounting judgements and estimates (Continued)

       Changes in accounting policies (Continued)

       The effect of adopting the New ASBE on items in balance sheets as at 1 January 2018 is set out
       as follows:

       Consolidated balance sheet

                                        On the face of the      Hypothetically in
                                                statement    accordance with the             Impact
                                                                 previous ASBE

       Advances from customers                         -         216,938,239.32     (216,938,239.32)
       Contract liabilities               216,938,239.32                      -       216,938,239.32
       Deferred income                     96,725,183.34         125,082,372.53      (28,357,189.19)
       Other non-current liabilities       28,357,189.19                      -        28,357,189.19

       The Company’s balance sheet

                                                                Hypothetically in
                                        On the face of the   accordance with the
                                                statement        previous ASBE               Impact

       Advances from customers                         -           1,912,503.90       (1,912,503.90)
       Contract liabilities                 1,912,503.90                                1,912,503.90

                              Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                 For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                   (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

34.Significant accounting judgements and estimates (Continued)

       Changes in accounting policies (Continued)

        The effect of adopting the New ASBE on Revenue of 2018 financial statements set out as

       Consolidated balance sheet

                                        On the face of the      Hypothetically in
                                                statement    accordance with the             Impact
                                                                 previous ASBE

       Advances from customers                           -       252,889,957.83     (252,889,957.83)
       Non-current liabilities due
        within one year                                -           2,700,654.54       (2,700,654.54)
       Contract liabilities               255,590,612.37                      -      255,590,612.37
       Deferred income                     91,491,170.40         115,305,003.27      (23,813,832.87)
       Other non-current liabilities       69,241,176.18          45,427,343.31        23,813,832.87

       The Company’s balance sheet

                                        On the face of the      Hypothetically in
                                                statement    accordance with the             Impact
                                                                 previous ASBE

       Advances from customers                         -           4,182,083.40       (4,182,083.40)
       Contract liabilities                 4,182,083.40                      -         4,182,083.40

                           Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                              For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                 (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

34.Significant accounting judgements and estimates (Continued)

       Changes in accounting policies (Continued)

       New ASBEs on Financial Instruments
       The New ASBEs on Financial Instruments has changed the classification and measurement of
       financial assets and determined three major measurement types: at amortised cost; at fair value
       through other comprehensive income; and at fair value through current profit or loss. A company
       is required to consider its own business model and the characteristics of contract cash flows of
       its financial assets in the aforesaid classification. Equity investments are required to be
       measured at fair value through current profit or loss, provided that the Group may elect at initial
       recognition to irrevocably designate investment in non-trading equity instruments as financial
       assets at fair value through other comprehensive income.

       The New ASBEs on Financial Instruments provides that the model for measuring financial
       assets impairment shall be changed from the “model of incurred losses” to the “model of
       expected credit losses”, which is applicable to financial assets at amortised cost, financial assets
       at fair value through other comprehensive income, a loan commitment, and financial guarantee

       The earnings of certain wealth financial products held by the Group depend on the rate of return
       on the underlying assets. The Group classified it as an available-for-sale financial asset by 1
       January 2018. After 1 January 2018, the Group analysed its contract cash flows to not only
       represent payments of principal and interests on the basis of outstanding principal. Therefore,
       these financial products are reclassified as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, or
       as other non-current financial assets in presentation.

       After 1 January 2018, certain equity investments held by the Group have been designated as
       financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income, or as other equity
       investments in presentation.

                              Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                  For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                    (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

34.Significant accounting judgements and estimates (Continued)

        Changes in accounting policies (Continued)

        The result of classification and measurement of financial assets on the day of the first
        implementation date in accordance with standards for the classification and measurement of
        financial instruments before and after the revision is set out in the following:

        The Group
                     ASBE for recognition and measurement of financial    Revised ASBE for recognition and measurement of
                               instruments prior to amendment                           financial instruments
                            Measurement type             Carrying value        Measurement type               Carrying value

    Trade                       Amortised cost
     receivables        (Loans and receivables)       7,589,412,679.88                Amortised cost       7,589,412,679.88

    Notes                       Amortised cost
     receivables        (Loans and receivables)       1,504,194,764.08                Amortised cost        919,982,854.86
                                                                          At fair value through other
                                                                             comprehensive income           584,211,909.22

                      At fair value through other
    Equity               comprehensive income                             At fair value through other
     investment       (available for-sale assets)        13,685,760.00       comprehensive income             13,685,760.00

        The Company

                     ASBE for recognition and measurement of financial    Revised ASBE for recognition and measurement of
                               instruments prior to amendment                           financial instruments
                           Measurement type              Carrying value          Measurement type             Carrying value

    Trade                     Amortised cost
    receivables       (Loans and receivables)           480,467,760.92                Amortised cost        480,467,760.92

    Notes                     Amortised cost                                                                      47,539,48
    receivables       (Loans and receivables)            64,799,618.07                 Amortised cost                  7.69
                                                                           At fair value through other
                                                                              comprehensive income            17,260,130.38

                                      Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                          For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                         (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

34.Significant accounting judgements and estimates (Continued)

         Changes in accounting policies (Continued)
         Reconciliation table relating to the adjustment of the original carrying value of financial assets to
         the new carrying value of financial assets following classification and measurement in
         accordance with the revised ASBE for recognition and measurement of financial instruments on
         the first date of implementation:
                                                                   Carrying value                                         Carrying value
                                                                 presented under                                    presented under New
                                                                                        Reclassified   Remeasured
                                                              previous ASBEs on                                      ASBEs on Financial
                                                            financial instruments                                            Instruments

                                                             31 December 2017                                            1 January 2018

  Financial assets measured at amortised cost
  Trade receivables
  Balance presented under previous ASBEs on Financial
                                                               7,589,412,679.88                    -            -                       -
  Balance presented under New ASBEs on Financial
                                                                                -                  -            -      7,589,412,679.88

  Notes receivables
  Balance presented under previous ASBEs on Financial
                                                               1,504,194,764.08                    -            -                       -
  Less: Transfer to fair value through other
    comprehensive income (New ASBEs on Financial                                -   (584,211,909.22)            -                       -
  Balance presented under New ASBEs on Financial
                                                                                -                  -            -        919,982,854.86

  Total financial assets measured at amortised cost            9,093,607,443.96     (584,211,909.22)            -      8,509,395,534.74

  Financial assets at fair value through other
     comprehensive income
  Equity investment – available-for-sale financial asset
  Balance presented under previous ASBEs on Financial
                                                                  13,685,760.00                    -            -                       -
  Less: Transfer to fair value through other
    comprehensive income – other equity instruments                            -    (13,685,760.00)            -                       -
    (New ASBEs on Financial Instruments)
  Balance presented under New ASBE on financial
                                                                                -                  -            -                       -

  Equity investment
  Balance presented under previous ASBEs on Financial
                                                                                -                  -            -                       -

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

34.Significant accounting judgements and estimates (Continued)

         Changes in accounting policies (Continued)

                                Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                   For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                    (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

                                                             Carrying value                                        Carrying value
                                                           presented under                                   presented under New
                                                                                 Reclassified   Remeasured
                                                        previous ASBEs on                                     ASBEs on Financial
                                                      financial instruments                                           Instruments

Add: Transfer to fair value through other
  comprehensive income – other equity instruments
  (New ASBEs on Financial Instruments)                                    -    13,685,760.00             -                       -
Balance presented under a New ASBE on financial
  instruments                                                             -                 -            -         13,685,760.00

Note receivables
Balance presented under previous ASBEs on Financial
  Instruments                                                             -                 -            -                       -
Add: Transfer to fair value through other
  comprehensive income (New ASBEs on Financial
  Instruments)                                                            -   584,211,909.22             -                       -
Balance presented under a New ASBE on financial
  instruments                                                             -                 -            -        584,211,909.22

Total financial asset at fair value through other
  comprehensive income                                      13,685,760.00     584,211,909.22             -        597,897,669.22

Total                                                    9,107,293,203.96                   -            -      9,107,293,203.96

                                  Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                     For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                      (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

34.Significant accounting judgements and estimates (Continued)

        Changes in accounting policies (Continued)

        Reconciliation table relating to the adjustment of the original amount of financial asset
        impairment provision as at 31 December 2017 to the new provision amount in accordance with
        the revised ASBEs on Financial Instruments on the first day of implementation:

                                           Loss provision
                                           under previous                               Loss provision under New
                                  Note V       ASBEs on     Reclassified   Remeasured        ASBEs on Financial
                                                Financial                                             Instruments

            Trade receivables         2    43,925,465.41               -            -              43,925,465.41
            Other receivables         4    15,111,049.87               -            -              15,111,049.87
   Available-for-sale financial
        instruments (previous
           ASBEs on financial
      instruments)/ Financial
           assets at fair value      7,8      180,000.00               -            -                 180,000.00
                through other
      comprehensive income
    (new ASBEs on financial

                         Total             59,216,515.28               -            -              59,216,515.28

                           Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                              For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                 (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

34.Significant accounting judgements and estimates (Continued)

       Changes in accounting policies (Continued)

       Change in the reporting format of financial statements
       In accordance with “Notice on the Revision and Publication of the 2018 General Corporate
       Financial Reporting Format” (Cai Kuai [2018] No. 15), in addition to the changes in presentation
       resulting from the implementation of the above-mentioned new financial instruments standards
       and new income standards, on the face of the balance sheet, “notes receivable” and “trade
       receivables” have been consolidated into the new item of “notes receivable and trade
       receivables; “interest receivable” and “dividends receivable” have been consolidated into “other
       receivables”, “fixed assets disposal” has been consolidated into “fixed assets”; “construction
       materials” has been consolidated into “construction in progress”; “notes payable” and “trade
       payables” have been consolidated into the new item of “notes payable and trade payables”; and
       “special payables” has been consolidated into “long-term payables” On the face of the income
       statement, a breakdown of “research expenses” from “administrative expenses” has been
       introduced and a breakdown of “finance cost” into “interest expenses” and “interest income” has
       been introduced. A new item of “changes in defined contribution plan transferred to retained
       earnings” in the statement of changes in equity has been introduced. Comparable figures have
       been adjusted accordingly. This change in accounting policy has had no impact on the amounts
       of net profit and shareholders’ equity in the consolidated and the Company’s statements.

                                       Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                            For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                          (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

    IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

    34.Significant accounting judgements and estimates (Continued)

           Changes in accounting policies (Continued)

           The main impact of the retroactive adjustments resulting from the above changes in accounting
           policies on the financial statements are as follows:

           The Group

                                                                               Impact of new
                           Carrying value                                                              Impact of other         Carrying value
                                             Impact of new ASBEs on Revenue        ASBEs on
                         presented under                                                           financial statement   presented under new
                         previous ASBEs                                                         presentation changes                  ASBEs
                       31 December 2017          Reclassified   Remeasured                                                    1 January 2018

                          13,685,760.00                     -             -   (13,685,760.00)                        -                      -
   financial assets
Other equity
                                        -                   -             -    13,685,760.00                         -         13,685,760.00
Notes receivable        1,504,194,764.08                    -             -                 -     (1,504,194,764.08)                        -
Trade receivables       7,589,412,679.88                    -             -                 -     (7,589,412,679.88)                        -
Notes receivable
 and trade                              -                   -             -                 -       9,093,607,443.96        9,093,607,443.96
Other receivables         657,871,058.54                    -             -                 -              61,441.11          657,932,499.65
Interest receivable            61,441.11                    -             -                 -            (61,441.11)
Notes payable           2,732,437,828.42                    -             -                 -     (2,732,437,828.42)                        -
Trade payables          6,144,221,000.10                    -             -                 -     (6,144,221,000.10)                        -
Notes payable and
                                        -                   -             -                 -       8,876,658,828.52        8,876,658,828.52
 trade payables
Interest payable            7,311,819.65                    -             -                 -         (7,311,819.65)                       -
Dividend payable           11,889,443.11                    -             -                 -        (11,889,443.11)                       -
Other payables          1,011,128,397.26                    -             -                 -          19,201,262.76        1,030,329,660.02
Advances from
                         216,938,239.32      (216,938,239.32)             -                 -                        -                      -
Contract liabilities                    -     216,938,239.32              -                 -                        -        216,938,239.32
Special accounts
                             800,000.00                     -             -                 -           (800,000.00)                        -
Long term payables          9,332,537.14                    -             -                 -             800,000.00           10,132,537.14

                                   Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                      For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                         (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IIISummary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued)

34.Significant accounting judgements and estimates (Continued)

    Changes in accounting policies (Continued)

    The main impact of the retroactive adjustments resulting from the above changes in accounting
    policies on the financial statements are as follows:

    The Company


                                                                               Impact of
                                                                                               Impact of other
                              Carrying value        Impact of new ASBEs on         new                              Carrying value
                                                                                           financial statement
                            presented under                        Revenue    ASBEs on                            presented under
                            previous ASBEs                                     Financial                              new ASBEs
                          31 December 2017       Reclassified   Remeasured                                        1 January 2018

  Notes receivable           64,799,618.07                  -            -             -     (64,799,618.07)                      -
  Trade receivables         480,467,760.92                  -            -             -    (480,467,760.92)                      -
  Notes receivable
   and trade                               -                -            -             -      545,267,378.99      545,267,378.99
  Other receivables        1,516,037,945.71                 -            -             -        1,844,294.10     1,517,882,239.81
                               1,844,294.10                 -            -             -       (1,844,294.10)                     -
  Notes payable             239,563,961.30                  -            -             -    (239,563,961.30)                      -
  Trade payables            434,886,685.35                  -            -             -    (434,886,685.35)                      -
  Notes payable
   and trade                               -                -            -             -      674,450,646.65      674,450,646.65
  Interest payable               669,533.78                 -            -             -         (669,533.78)
  Other payables           1,415,053,655.18                 -            -             -           669,533.78    1,415,723,188.96
  Advances from
                               1,912,503.90    (1,912,503.90)            -             -                     -                    -
  Contract liabilities                     -    1,912,503.90             -             -                     -       1,912,503.90
  Special accounts
                                800,000.00                  -            -             -         (800,000.00)                     -
  Long term
                                           -                -            -             -          800,000.00          800,000.00

                              Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                   For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                    (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IV     Taxation

1.     Main categories and rates of taxes:
       Categories                    Tax base                                                   Tax rate

       Corporate income tax
       (“CIT”)                     Taxable income                                 10%,15%,20% or 25%
                                     Taxable value added amount (Tax
                                     payable is calculated     using the
                                     taxable sales amount multiplied by the
                                     effective tax rate less deductible VAT   0%,3%,5%,6%,10%,11%,16%
       Value-added tax (“VAT”)     input of the current period)                               or 17%
       City maintenance and
         construction tax            Amount of VAT paid                                        5% or 7%
       Educational surcharge         Amount of VAT paid                                              3%
       Local educational
       surcharge                     Amount of VAT paid                                              2%

2. Tax preferences

       In 2011, the Urumqi Head Office, Changji Branch and Karamay Branch of Sinopharm Holding
       Xinjiang New & Special Medicines Chain Store Co., Ltd. (“Xinjiang New & Special Medicines”),
       subsidiaries of the group, shall pay tax at a rate of 15% by jurisdictions. According to the Circular
       of the Ministry of Finance, the State Administration of Taxation, the General Administration of
       Customs on Issues Concerning Tax Policies for the Further Development of the Western
       Regions (Cai shui [2011] No.58), enterprises from encouraged industries in the Western
       Regions, could enjoy a reduced CIT rate of 15% from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2020.

       In 2014, the Group’s subsidiary Sinopharm Holding Guangxi Logistics Co., Ltd. (“Sinopharm
       Guangxi Logistics”) was approved by the Guangxi Local Tax Bureau to enjoy a tax discount
       applicable to corporations in the region of Western Development to pay income tax at a tax rate
       of 15%.

       In 2015, eight subsidiaries of the Group in Guangxi Province, including Sinopharm Guangxi,
       Sinopharm Holding Liuzhou Co., Ltd. (“Sinopharm Liuzhou”) , Sinopharm Holding Beihai Co., Ltd
       (“Sinopharm Beihai”), Sinopharm Holding Guilin Co., Ltd. (“Sinopharm Guilin”), Sinopharm
       Holding Guigang Co., Ltd. (“Sinopharm Guigang”), Sinopharm Holding Yulin Co., Ltd.
       (“Sinopharm Yulin”), Sinopharm Holding Baise Co., Ltd (“Sinopharm Baise”) and Sinopharm
       Holding Wuzhou Co., Ltd. (“Sinopharm Wuzhou”) were all approved by the Guangxi Local Tax
       Bureau to enjoy a tax concession of Western Development at a preferential CIT rate of 15%.
       The applicable period for Sinopharm Guangxi, Sinopharm Liuzhou and Sinopharm Beihai is from
       1 January 2014 to 31 December 2020, and that for the other five subsidiaries is from 1 January
       2015 to 31 December 2020.

       In 2016, according to the tax reduction and exemption conditions under the Circular of Local
       Taxation Bureau of the Autonomous Region on Printing and Distributing the Administration and
       Implementation Measures for Preferential Corporate Income Tax (Gui di shui fa [2009] No. 150),
       Sinopharm Holding Guoda Guangxi Pharmacy Chain Store Co., Ltd., received the Written
       Decision on Approval and Confirmation of Preferential Tax from local taxation bureau of Liuzhou
       city, which approved that the company was subject to CIT at a rate of 15% in 2017 and 2018.

                             Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                    (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IV        Taxation (Continued)
     2. Tax preferences (Continued)

       According to Ning cai (shui) fa [2012] No.957, Ningxia Guoda Pharmacy Chain Store Co., Ltd., a
       subsidiary of the Group, was qualified for the enterprise from encouraged industries of Western
       Development. Therefore, in 2017 and 2018, the company was exempt from the local retained
       portion of the corporate income tax (40%), and therefore subject to CIT at a rate of 15%.

       According to Cai shui [2011] No.58 and Notices on Tax Reduction and Exemption (Hu shi hui guo
       shui deng zi [2014] No. 37), Sinopharm Holding Guoda Neimenggu Pharmacy Chain Store Co.,
       Ltd., and Sinopharm Holding Guoda Hulunbuir Co., Ltd, subsidiaries of the Group, were entitled to
       the preferential tax rate for the further development of the Western Regions. Therefore the company
       is entitled to a preferential CIT rate of 15%.

       In 2018, the Group’s subsidiaries Sinopharm Baiyi Pharmacy Guangxi Co., Ltd, (“Baiyi Pharmacy”)
       Shanghai ForMe Xuhui Pharmacy Co., Ltd, (“ForMe Xuhui”), Sinopharm Guoda Drug Store Guangxi
       Chain Co., Ltd., the Shule Branch and Kashgar Branch of Sinopharm Holding Xinjiang New &
       Special Medicines Chain Store Co., Ltd. were qualified for the definition of small low-profit
       enterprises and the requirements under Cai shui [2014] No. 34. Therefore, these companies
       enjoyed a tax reduction of 50% of the income and paid income tax at a rate of 20%.

                            Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                               For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                   (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)
V    Notes to the consolidated financial statements

1.   Cash and bank balances

                                                      31 December 2018                  31 December 2017

      Cash on hand                                         5,587,191.18                      6,208,674.32
      Cash at banks                                    7,626,529,829.59                  3,667,290,017.16
      Other cash balances                                457,664,283.79                    518,156,747.03
      - Deposits for letters of credit                     4,191,246.00                        258,800.00
      - Deposits for bank acceptance
         notes                                           453,473,037.79                    514,638,979.04
      -Term deposits longer than 3
         months                                                          -                    3,258,967.99

                                                       8,089,781,304.56                  4,191,655,438.51

     Current deposits earn interest at the rate based on current deposit interest rates. Maturities of short-
     term time deposits range from 1 month to 6 months depending on the fund arrangements of the
     Group, and earn interest at the respective deposit rates. The maturities of bank notice deposits are
     7 days depending on the fund arrangement of the Group, and earn interest at the respective deposit

2.   Notes receivable and trade receivables

                                                      31 December 2018                  31 December 2017

      Notes receivable                                  1,357,311,929.63                 1,504,194,764.08
      Trade receivables                                 9,336,861,647.92                 7,589,412,679.88

                                                      10,694,173,577.55                  9,093,607,443.96

        Notes receivable

                                                      31 December 2018                  31 December 2017

      Trade acceptance notes                              789,536,654.23                   919,982,854.86
      Bank acceptance notes                               567,775,275.40                   584,211,909.22

                                                        1,357,311,929.63                 1,504,194,764.08

        At 31 December 2018 and 2017, there were no notes receivable that were pledged.

                                  Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                     For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                       (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

2.Notes receivable and trade receivables (Continued)

     Notes receivable endorsed or discounted by the Group to other parties which were not yet due at 31
     December 2018 and 31 December 2017 are as follows:

                                           31 December 2018                                 31 December 2017
                                      Derecognized       Not Derecognized               Derecognized     Not Derecognized

     Trade acceptance
      notes                                          -     170,314,843.11                           -      147,715,527.67
     Bank acceptance
      notes                       1,273,262,524.19                      -            1,034,911,970.56                    -

                                  1,273,262,524.19         170,314,843.11            1,034,911,970.56      147,715,527.67

     As at 31 December 2018 and 31 December 2017, notes that were converted into trade receivables
     due to the drawer’s inability to settle the notes on the maturity date are as follows:

                                                                            31 December 2018            31 December 2017

     Trade acceptance notes                                                                -                            -
     Bank acceptance notes                                                         50,000.00                 1,050,000.00

                                                                                   50,000.00                 1,050,000.00

     Trade receivables

     The credit period for trade receivables normally ranges from 0 to 90 days. Trade receivables are

     The aging analysis of trade receivables was as follows:

                                                                            31 December 2018            31 December 2017

    Within 1 year                                                            9,339,491,654.21            7,596,940,582.26

    1 to 2 years                                                                15,786,120.79               11,209,568.89

    2 to 3 years                                                                 4,825,981.07                6,610,561.90

    Over 3 years                                                                16,279,326.59               18,577,432.24

    Less: Bad debt provision for trade receivables                            (39,521,434.74)              (43,925,465.41)

                                                                             9,336,861,647.92            7,589,412,679.88

                                    Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                        For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                        (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V    Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

2.Notes receivable and trade receivables (Continued)

       Changes in provision for bad debts are presented as follows:

                                                                                      Reversal of write-
                    Opening     Increases in       Reversal in      Written off in                             Increases in       Closing
                                                                                         off in previous
                    balance         the year         the year            the year                                   merger        balance
        2018   43,925,465.41     12,467,357.34   (16,899,781.64)      (192,637.72)           221,031.35                   -   39,521,434.74

        2017   48,894,651.36      4,082,799.01    (7,765,994.96)    (2,279,035.42)            45,677.60          947,367.82   43,925,465.41

    The carrying amount of trade receivables that affected the changes in provision this year is as
                                                                                      31 December 2018
                                                              Carrying amount                                   Bad debt provisions
                                                                   Amount            Porportion                   Amount         Porportion

    Items for which provision for bad
      debt is recognised separately                     595,919,487.29                  6.36%              (16,766,679.23)            2.81%
    Items for which provision for bad
       debt is recognized by group
       (credit risk characteristics)                  8,780,463,595.37                 93.64%              (22,754,755.51)            0.26%

                                                      9,376,383,082.66                100.00%              (39,521,434.74)            0.42%

                                                                                      31 December 2017
                                                              Carrying amount                                   Bad debt provisions
                                                               Amount                Proportion                   Amount         Proportion

    Individually significant items for
       which provision for bad debt is
       recognised separately                          497,346,019.41                    6.52%              (11,968,509.21)            2.41%
    Items for which provision for bad
      debt is recognized by group (aging)           7,106,178,799.93                   93.09%              (26,069,970.29)            0.37%
    Not individually significant Items for
       which provision for bad debt is
       recognized separately                            29,813,325.95                   0.39%               (5,886,985.91)            19.75%

                                                    7,633,338,145.29                  100.00%              (43,925,465.41)            0.58%

                                Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                   For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                     (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

2. Notes receivable and trade receivables (Continued)

    At 31 December 2018, trade receivables that are individually significant and individually assessed for provisions are as
                                                                                Credit Loss
                                     Carrying amount      Bad debt provision           Rate      Assessment for impairment

                                                                                               Part of the medical insurance
    Receivable of medical                                                                          receivable takes longer to
      insurance                       380,933,117.06            (605,476.95)         0.16%     collect, and has risk of default

                                                                                              Disputed receivable with higher
                                                                                                risk of recoverability which is
    Client A                           11,559,178.29         (11,559,178.29)      100.00%                  related to a lawsuit

                                                                                                   Part of it takes longer than
                                                                                                  usual to recover, has risk of
    Others                            203,427,191.94          (4,602,023.99)         2.26%                        recoverability

                                      595,919,487.29         (16,766,679.23)

    At 31 December 2017, trade receivables that were individually significant and individually assessed for provisions are as

                                     Carrying amount       Bad debt provision    Proportion      Assessment for impairment

                                                                                               Part of the medical insurance
    Receivable of medical                                                                          receivable takes longer to
      insurance                       376,673,766.03            (409,330.92)        0.11%      collect, and has risk of default

                                                                                              Disputed receivable with higher
                                                                                                 risk of recoverability which is
    Client A                           11,559,178.29         (11,559,178.29)      100.00%                   related to a lawsuit
    Others                            109,113,075.09                        -       0.00%

                                      497,346,019.41         (11,968,509.21)

                                Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                   For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                     (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

2. Notes receivable and trade receivables (Continued)

    The trade receivables for which the Group recognized provision for bad debts using the aging analysis method are
    presented as follows:

                                      31 December 2018                                            31 December 2017
                                                          Expected credit
                       Estimated default    Expected        loss in entire                                                     Bad debt
                                amount credit loss rate           lifetime     Carrying amount       Proportion       provision amount

    Within 1 year      8,763,673,896.90         0.25%     (21,544,996.66)      7,088,092,789.69          0.34%         (24,063,211.70)
    1 to 2 years         10,195,222.35          4.83%       (492,440.38)         10,321,375.35           6.07%            (626,604.64)
    2 to 3 years           3,462,472.01         8.53%       (295,199.01)          5,727,610.07          11.34%            (649,478.42)
    Over 3 years           3,132,004.11        13.48%       (422,119.46)          2,037,024.82          35.87%            (730,675.53)

                       8,780,463,595.37                   (22,754,755.51)      7,106,178,799.93                        (26,069,970.29)

    The provision for bad debts amounted to RMB12,467,357.34 in 2018 (2017: RMB4,082,799.01), including
    RMB16,899,781.64 which was recovered or reversed (2017: RMB7,765,994.96). Important recovered or reversed bad debt
    items in 2018 are listed below:

                          Reason for recoverability or       Original assessment for         Recovered or                  Method of
                                            reversal                     impairment       reversed amount                   recovery

    Client A                         Amount received         Uncertainty in recovery          4,083,065.20           Amount received
    Client B                         Amount received         Uncertainty in recovery               93,140.50         Amount received
    Client C                         Amount received         Uncertainty in recovery               54,698.00         Amount received
    Client D                         Amount received         Uncertainty in recovery               54,437.96         Amount received


    Important recovered or reversed bad debt items in 2017 are listed below:

                          Reason for recoverability or       Original assessment for         Recovered or                  Method of
                                            reversal                     impairment       reversed amount                   recovery

    Client A                         Amount received         Uncertainty in recovery              957,838.00         Amount received
    Client B                         Amount received         Uncertainty in recovery              159,730.03         Amount received
    Client C                         Amount received         Uncertainty in recovery              155,544.00         Amount received
    Client D                         Amount received         Uncertainty in recovery               51,578.76         Amount received
    Client E                         Amount received         Uncertainty in recovery               45,662.60         Amount received
    Client F                         Amount received         Uncertainty in recovery               23,626.80         Amount received
    Client G                         Amount received         Uncertainty in recovery               20,270.88         Amount received
    Client H                         Amount received         Uncertainty in recovery                  934.68         Amount received


                                Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                   For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                    (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

2. Notes receivable and trade receivables (Continued)
     Trade receivables written off in 2018 are RMB192,637.72 (2017: RMB2,279,035.42)

     Trade receivables written off in 2018 are analysed below:

                            Nature of the receivable             Amount           Reason    Related party transaction or not

     Client A                                  Loan        120,418.94     Non-recoverable                               No
     Client B                                  Loan         43,646.94     Non-recoverable                               No
     Client C                                  Loan         28,571.84     Non-recoverable                               No


     Trade receivables written off in 2017 are analysed below:

                            Nature of the receivable             Amount          Reason     Related party transaction or not

     Client A                                  Loan        842,239.94     Non-recoverable                               No
     Client B                                  Loan        527,602.17     Non-recoverable                               No
     Client C                                  Loan        316,991.77     Non-recoverable                               No
     Client D                                  Loan        240,952.87     Non-recoverable                               No
     Client E                                  Loan        189,718.74     Non-recoverable                               No
     Client F                                  Loan        161,529.93     Non-recoverable                               No


                             Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                   (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

2. Notes receivable and trade receivables (Continued)

     In 2018, the Group factored a small portion of trade receivables at amortised cost to financial
     institutions. The amount of trade receivables derecognized was RMB3,665,602,250.53, amount of
     loss recognized through financial expense was RMB54,238,639.16.

     As at 31 December 2018, the top five trade receivables by customer are summarised below:
                                                                   Bad debt provision      % of the total trade
                                                      Amount                 amount               receivables

     Top 1 Account receivable                 153,684,242.23                (151,473.45)                1.64%
     Top 2 Account receivable                 150,595,649.56           (1,204,596.60)                   1.61%
     Top 3 Account receivable                 138,844,133.79                 (75,576.22)                1.48%
     Top 4 Account receivable                 136,286,804.49                (265,259.53)                1.45%
     Top 5 Account receivable                 130,575,790.77                 (56,042.86)                1.39%

                                              709,986,620.84           (1,752,948.66)                   7.57%

     As at 31 December 2017, the top five trade receivables by customer are summarised below:
                                                                   Bad debt provision      % of the total trade
                                                      Amount                 amount               receivables

     Top 1 Account receivable                 139,053,219.26                (174,267.65)                1.82%
     Top 2 Account receivable                 108,982,517.25                (807,190.06)                1.43%
     Top 3 Account receivable                 107,566,639.68                (285,161.26)                1.41%
     Top 4 Account receivable                   93,396,643.08                (61,282.92)                1.22%
     Top 5 Account receivable                   82,456,534.87               (149,751.54)                1.08%

                                              531,455,554.14           (1,477,653.43)                   6.96%

    Refer to Note VIII (2) for details of transfer of account receivable.

                             Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                               For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                     (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V    Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

3.   Advances to suppliers

     The aging of advances to suppliers is analyzed below:

                                31 December 2018                         31 December 2017
                                Amount     % of total balance             Amount     % of total balance

     Within 1 year        580,144,340.20               99.43        507,613,407.19               98.23
     1 to 2 years             873,351.85                0.15          7,410,774.78                1.43
     2 to 3 years           2,466,823.90                0.42          1,753,935.50                0.34

                          583,484,515.95              100.00        516,778,117.47              100.00

     As at 31 December 2018, the top five advances to suppliers by customer are summarized below:

                                                                Amount      Proportion of total balance

     Total amount of top five advances to
           suppliers                                   119,855,873.09                          20.54%

     As at 31 December 2017, the top five advances to suppliers by customer are summarized below:

                                                                Amount      Proportion of total balance

     Total amount of top five advances to
           suppliers                                   142,890,492.03                          27.65%

                            Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                              For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                     (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V    Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

4.   Other receivables

                                                       31 December 2018        31 December 2017

     Interest receivable                                   8,223,327.64               61,441.11
     Other receivables                                   635,270,031.68          657,871,058.54

                                                         643,493,359.32          657,932,499.65

     Interest receivable

                                                       31 December 2018         31 December 2017

     Deposits                                                6,376,708.68                       -
     Entrusted borrowings                                    1,846,618.96               61,441.11

                                                             8,223,327.64               61,441.11

      There was no interest receivable past due this year.

     The aging of other receivables is analysed below:

                                                          31 December 2018      31 December 2017

      Within 1 year                                          607,856,882.60       576,668,922.77
      1 to 2 years                                            18,452,286.18        68,108,108.36
      2 to 3 years                                             9,357,373.34         6,007,299.87
      Above 3 years                                           19,525,443.28        22,197,777.41

      Less: Bad debt provision for other receivables         (19,921,953.72)      (15,111,049.87)

                                                             635,270,031.68       657,871,058.54

                                 Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                    For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                     (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

4. Other receivables (Continued)

    The changes in bad debt provision for other receivables based on the entire lifetime expected credit
    losses are as follows:

                                              Entire lifetime expected     Entire lifetime expected              Total
                                                           credit losses                credit losses
                                              (Individually assessed)      (Collectively assessed)

Balance at 1 January 2018                              12,328,337.26                  2,782,712.61      15,111,049.87
Balance at 1 January 2018 during the period                         -                            -                   -
--Transfer to the Stage 2                                           -                            -                   -
--Transfer to the Stage 3                                           -                            -                   -
--Reverse to the Stage 2                                            -                            -                   -
--Reverse to the Stage 1                                            -                            -                   -
Provisions during the period                             5,539,406.43                 1,601,047.86        7,140,454.29
Reversal during the period                             (1,015,750.00)               (1,393,800.44)      (2,409,550.44)
Write-back during the period                                        -                            -                   -
Write-off during the period                                         -                            -                   -
Addition due to combination                                 80,000.00                            -           80,000.00

                                                       16,931,993.69                  2,989,960.03      19,921,953.72

                                     Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                         For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                       (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

4. Other receivables (Continued)

     Other receivables and related provision for bad debts by category are analyzed below:

                                                                                          31 December 2017
                                                                       Carrying amount                    Bad debt provision
                                                                        Amount        Proportion                      Amount         Proportion

     Individually significant and subject to separate
       impairment assessment                                      355,636,071.62         52.84%                 (8,980,000.00)           2.53%
     Receivable accounts with similar credit risk                 282,169,420.65         41.93%                 (2,782,712.61)           0.99%
     Individually not significant but individually evaluated
        for impairment                                             35,176,616.14          5.23%                 (3,348,337.26)           9.52%

                                                                  672,982,108.41        100.00%               (15,111,049.87)            2.25%

     As at 31 December 2017, impairment provision for other receivables individually significant are analyzed as follows:
                                                                    Bad debt
                                                    Amount          provision          Rate                         Assessment for impairment

                                                                                                       Cash deposit, no risk of recoverable, no
     Deposit                                152,178,106.11                  -                -                                        provision
     Shanghai Shyndec
      Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                                                     Receivable due from a related party with no
      (“Shyndec Pharma”)                  125,181,658.92                  -                -               risk of recoverability, no provision
     Receivable of price reduction                                                                Receivable due from a related party with no
      compensation                           61,868,684.71                  -                -             risk of recoverability, no provision
     Shenzhen Yinghai Technology                                                                   Receiviable due from an equity transaction,
      Investment Co., Ltd.                     8,980,000.00    (8,980,000.00)      100.00%                          uncertainty in recoverability
     Receivable of purchasing                                                                       Receivable of purchasing rebates with no
      rebates                                  7,427,621.88                 -                -             risk of recoverability, no provision

                                            355,636,071.62     (8,980,000.00)         2.53%

     Provisions for impairment of the receivables which are within a similar risk group are analysed below:

                                                                                                 31 December 2017
                                                                           Carrying amount                          Bad debt provision
                                                                                         Amount                          Amount      Proportion

     Within 1 year                                                                 278,135,696.76                  (2,337,600.82)         0.84%
     1 to 2 years                                                                    2,996,168.28                    (283,981.67)         9.48%
     2 to 3 years                                                                     540,157.10                      (65,650.42)        12.15%
     Above 3 years                                                                    497,398.51                      (95,479.70)        19.20%

                                                                                   282,169,420.65                  (2,782,712.61)         0.99%

     The bad debt provision of other receivables in 2018 was RMB7,140,454.29 (2017: RMB1,573,179.19), with the recovered
     or reversed amount of RMB2,409,550.44 (2017: RMB961,091.24).

     There were no other receivables written off in the current year (2017: RMB4,782,641.29).

                             Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                               For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                  (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

4. Other receivables (Continued)

     Category of other receivables by nature is as follows:

                                                              31 December 2018    31 December 2017

     Deposits                                                   278,455,623.30      226,111,186.83
     Receivable of the pharmaceutical electronic
      trading platform                                           83,826,127.02       72,165,043.07
     Receivable of price reduction compensation for
      DTP medicine                                               81,530,445.19      114,118,962.20
     Entrusted borrowings                                        44,000,000.00       44,000,000.00
     Receivable of purchasing rebates                            18,138,354.03       14,489,390.94
     Petty cash advance to employees                             12,439,613.27       13,392,873.34
     Receivable of equity transactions                             8,980,000.00       8,980,000.00
     Receivable due from related parties                           8,119,399.79     127,922,489.88
     Others                                                      119,702,422.80      51,802,162.15

                                                                655,191,985.40      672,982,108.41

     Less: Provision for bad debts                              (19,921,953.72)     (15,111,049.87)

                                                                635,270,031.68      657,871,058.54

                                 Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                    For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                      (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V    Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

4. Other receivables (Continued)

      As at 31 December 2018, the top 5 parties that owed the largest amounts of other receivable
      balances are analysed below:
                                                                                                           % of total       Provision of
                                                Nature               Amount                  Age            amount           bad debts

Guangdong Pharmaceutical        Pharmaceutical trading
    electronic trading          platform repayment not
    platform                                yet cleared         83,826,127.02        Within 1 year          12.79%                     -
Sinopharm Group Zhijun
    Pharmaceutical Co.,          Entrusted borrowings
    Ltd. (“Zhijun Suzhou”)                                    44,000,000.00        Within 1 year            6.72%                    -
TCM-Integrated Cancer              Deposit of logistics
    Center of Southern             extension services
    Medical University                          project         30,000,000.00       Within 2 years            4.58%                    -
                                      Price reduction
AstraZeneca (Wuxi) Trading      compensation for DTP
     Co., Ltd.                              medicine            22,811,275.77        Within 1 year            3.48%                    -
Taiyuan Medical Insurance
     Management Service             Medical Insurance
     Center                         Guarantee Deposit           19,681,824.13        Within 1 year            3.00%                    -

                                                           200,319,226.92                                   30.57%                     -

      As at 31 December 2017, the top 5 parties that owed the largest amounts of other receivable
      balances are analysed below:
                                                                                                               % of total      Provision of
                                                     Nature               Amount                     Age        amount          bad debts

                                        Payment of Pinshan
      Shyndec Pharma                                  project      125,181,658.92       Within 2 years           18.60%                     -
      Guangdong Pharmaceutical       Pharmaceutical trading
         electronic trading          platform repayment not
         platform                                yet cleared        72,165,043.07        Within 1 year           10.72%                     -
      Shanghai Roche                         Price reduction
         Pharmaceutical Co.,          compensation for DTP
         Ltd.                                      medicine         61,253,240.02        Within 1 year            9.10%                     -
      Zhijun Suzhou                   Entrusted borrowings          44,000,000.00        Within 1 year            6.54%                     -
      TCM-Integrated Cancer             Deposit of logistics
           Center of Southern           extension services
           Medical University                        project        30,000,000.00        Within 1 year            4.46%                     -

                                                                   332,599,942.01                                49.42%                     -

                                 Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                     For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                       (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

5. Inventories

    Inventories by category are analyzed below:
                                              31 December 2018                                                         31 December 2017
                               Book value             Provision        Net book value                     Book value           Provision        Net book value

    Raw materials              1,410,012.28                  -            1,410,012.28               1,181,095.08                       -         1,181,095.08
    Finished goods         4,392,144,746.88     (8,313,195.29)        4,383,831,551.59           3,785,146,957.42          (6,840,110.55)     3,778,306,846.87
    Work in progress           1,011,007.23                  -            1,011,007.23                 129,098.02                       -           129,098.02
    Low cost consumables       3,083,371.09                  -            3,083,371.09               2,241,198.15                       -         2,241,198.15

                           4,397,649,137.48     (8,313,195.29)        4,389,335,942.19           3,788,698,348.67          (6,840,110.55)     3,781,858,238.12

    Provision for inventories is analysed below:

                                 1 January 2018                       Increases                                                              31 December 2018
                                                                                              Reversal                 Charge-off

    Finished goods                  6,840,110.55                  5,422,984.90           (2,678,379.54)          (1,271,520.62)                  8,313,195.29

                                                               Increases                                      Decreases
                                                                        Increase due to
                              1 January 2017                Current       reorganization             Reversal                 Charge-off     31 December 2017

    Finished goods             14,930,813.47           3,099,135.23              44,252.15     (2,498,723.97)              (8,735,366.33)        6,840,110.55

6. Other current assets

                                                                                        31 December 2018                            31 December 2017

      VAT tax credit                                                                          94,312,573.34                                 78,014,460.84
      Corporate income tax to be deducted                                                        723,000.46                                    933,183.78
      Other                                                                                      312,055.38                                             -

                                                                                              95,347,629.18                                 78,947,644.62

                             Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                   (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

7. Financial assets available-for-sale (Only applicable for 2017)

                                                                                  31 December 2017

    Available-for-sale equity instruments
       ---Measured at cost                                                             13,865,760.00
    Less: impairment provision                                                          (180,000.00)


    The percentages of voting interests held by the Group in Shanghai Guoda Shuguang Pharmacy
    Co., Ltd., Shanghai Guoren Pharmacy Co., Ltd., Sinopharm Holding Hubei Guoda Pharmacy Co.,
    Ltd., Hunan Zhongbai pharmaceutical investment Co., Ltd. and Sinopharm Health Online Co., Ltd.
    are 25%, 10%, 10%, 6.31% and 8.06%, respectively. However, the Group neither appointed the
    directors and key management for those 5 companies, nor involved in or affected the financial or
    operating decision-making process or ordinary course of business of those companies. Therefore,
    the Group had no significant influence over the above companies and shall be recognized its
    investments in those companies as available-for-sale equity instruments.

    The Group has 18% voting rights in Xinxiang Golden Elephant Technology Co., Ltd. (“Xinxiang
    Golden Elephant”), the amount of the investment is RMB180,000. However, none of the directors
    or any key members of the management team were appointed by the Group. The Group has
    neither participated in nor had any impact on Xinxiang Golden Elephant’s financial affairs,
    operating decisions, or operating activities. Therefore, the Group had no significant impact on
    Xinxiang Golden Elephant which was considered as an available-for-sale equity instrument. As at
    31 December 2018 and 31 December 2017, full impairment provision for investment in Xinxiang
    Golden Elephant was accrued.

    As at 31 December 2017, the carrying value of unlisted equity investment was RMB13,685,760.00
    which was presented at net cost, because the reasonable fair value was unavailable and the
    Group considered that its fair value cannot be measured reasonably.

                                              CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CORPORATION LTD.
                                                            Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                                              For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                                               (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V    Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

7. Available-for-sale financial assets (Only applicable for 2017) (Continued)

                                                  Carrying amount                                             Impairment provision                  Shareholding
                                   Opening       Increase      Decrease              Closing      Opening     Increase   Decrease        Closing             (%)   received for the year
Sinopharm Health Online
  Co., Ltd.                   12,000,000.00             -             -        12,000,000.00              -          -           -              -           8.06                       -
Sinopharm Holding Hubei
  Guoda Pharmacy Co., Ltd.     1,000,000.00             -             -         1,000,000.00              -          -           -              -         10.00                        -
Hunan Zhongbai
  pharmaceutical investment
  Co., Ltd.                     315,000.00              -             -          315,000.00                          -           -                          6.31                       -
Shanghai Guoda Shuguang
  Pharmacy Co., Ltd.            270,760.00              -             -          270,760.00               -          -           -              -         25.00              50,000.00

Xinxiang Golden Elephant        180,000.00              -             -          180,000.00    (180,000.00)          -           -   (180,000.00)         18.00                        -
Shanghai Guoren Pharmacy
  Co., Ltd.                     100,000.00              -             -          100,000.00               -          -           -              -         10.00             529,444.97

                              13,865,760.00             -             -        13,865,760.00   (180,000.00)          -           -   (180,000.00)              -            579,444.97

                                                                             CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CORPORATION LTD.
                                                                                        Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                                                                           For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                                                                              (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

8. Long-term equity investments
Associates in 2018

                                                                                                                                       Changes in the year                                                       Provision for
                                                                                                                                                                                             31 December 2018
Investee                                                                           1 January 2018                                                                   Cash dividend   Others
                                                                                                        Additional   Profit or loss under     Other changes in
                                                                                                       Investment         equity method                 equity        declared by

Shenzhen Main Luck Pharmaceutical Inc. (“Main Luck Pharmaceutical”). (a)
                                                                                  239,046,738.14                 -      79,054,915.54                        -    (52,785,000.00)        -    265,316,653.68                 -
Shanghai Beiyi Guoda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. (“Shanghai Beiyi”) (c)                9,518,694.65                -        1,511,223.45                       -                  -        -      11,029,918.10                -
Shanghai Liyi Pharmacy Co., Ltd. (“Shanghai Liyi”) (d)                              771,408.05                 -          184,020.18                       -                  -        -        955,428.23                 -
Dongyuan Accord Pharmaceutical Chain Co., Ltd. (“Dongyuan Accord”) (e)              396,638.32                 -                      -                    -                  -        -                  -   (396,638.32)
Sinopharm Jienuo Medical Treatment Service Guangdong Co., Ltd. (“Guangdong
  Jienuo”) (f)                                                                      8,502,884.50                -      (1,700,728.31)                       -                  -        -       6,802,156.19                -
Zhijun Suzhou (g)                                                                  46,199,728.91                      (22,820,709.99)                                                    -     23,379,018.92                 -
Zhijun Medicine (h)                                                               291,042,921.20                 -    122,421,529.52                         -    (58,111,254.57)        -    355,353,196.15
Zhijun Trade (h)                                                                     7,676,142.69                -        1,719,647.21                       -       (664,795.03)        -       8,730,994.87                -
Pingshan Medicine (h)                                                              68,686,804.33                 -      27,325,603.71                        -     (9,719,480.71)        -      86,292,927.33                -
Shyndec Pharma (h)                                                                979,174,050.62                 -     108,241,749.04           19,599,266.75      (8,448,213.90)        -   1,098,566,852.51                -
Shanghai Dingqun (i)                                                                            -   20,000,000.00         3,966,640.12                       -                  -               23,966,640.12                -

                                                                                 1,651,016,011.41   20,000,000.00      319,903,890.47           19,599,266.75    (129,728,744.21)        -   1,880,393,786.10   (396,638.32)

                                                                 CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CORPORATION LTD.
                                                                           Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                                                              For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                                                                  (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

8. Long-term equity investments (Continued)
Associates in 2017

                                                                                                                               Changes in the year                                                          Provision for
                                                                                                                                                                                        31 December 2017
Investee                                                                1 January 2017                                                                Cash dividend       Others
                                                                                           Additional   Profit or loss under     Other changes in
                                                                                                                                                        declared by
                                                                                          Investment         equity method                 equity

Main Luck Pharmaceutical (a)                                            207,259,086.90              -       66,977,651.24                       -    (35,190,000.00)                -     239,046,738.14                -

Sinopharm Holding Zhuhai Co., Ltd (“Sinopharm Zhuhai”)”.(b)
                                                                           1,420,139.96             -                      -                    -      (406,462.68)    (1,013,677.28)                   -               -
Shanghai Beiyi (c)                                                                                                                                                                  -
                                                                           8,980,086.48             -         1,544,808.17                      -     (1,006,200.00)                         9,518,694.65               -
Shanghai Liyi (d)                                                           642,479.69              -          128,928.36                       -                  -                -         771,408.05                -
Dongyuan Accord (f)                                                         396,638.32              -                      -                    -                  -                -                   -   (396,638.32)
Guangdong Jienuo (g)                                                       9,442,741.61             -         (939,857.11)                      -                  -                -        8,502,884.50               -
Zhijun Suzhou (h)                                                        69,642,985.98                     (23,443,257.07)                                                          -      46,199,728.91
Zhijun Medicine (i)                                                     174,820,412.07              -      116,222,509.13                       -                  -                -     291,042,921.20                -
Zhijun Trade (i)                                                           6,198,820.40             -         1,477,322.29                      -                  -                -        7,676,142.69               -
Pingshan Medicine (i)                                                    47,087,958.31              -       21,598,846.02                       -                  -                -      68,686,804.33                -
Shyndec Pharma (i)                                                      887,539,454.16              -       80,258,883.53          33,844,531.25     (22,468,818.32)                -     979,174,050.62                -

                                                                       1,413,430,803.88             -      263,825,834.56          33,844,531.25     (59,071,481.00)   (1,013,677.28)    1,650,619,373.09   (396,638.32)

                           Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                             For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                 (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

8. Long-term equity investments (Continued)

(a) On 4 July 1990, the Group jointly established Main Luck Pharmaceutical with Mercian Kabushiki
    Kaisha and Main Life Co., Ltd., subscribing 35.19%, 34.15% and 30.66% shareholdings,
    respectively. According to the Articles of Association, the board of directors of Main Luck
    Pharmaceutical consisted of six directors, in which two were appointed by the Group, accounting
    for 33.33% of voting rights. Therefore, the Group had significant influence over Main Luck
    Pharmaceutical, and thus it was considered as an associate of the Group.

(b) On 3 March 2015, the Group acquired a 10% equity interest of Sinopharm Zhuhai, Sinopharm
    Zhuhai’s highest authority was the shareholders' meeting, and the voting rights shall be exercised
    by the shareholders in proportion to capital contribution. Sinopharm Zhuhai has set up a board of
    directors that was responsible to the shareholders, with a total of three members, one of whom
    was appointed by the Group. Each director shall represent one vote, and all the resolutions of the
    board of directors shall be passed by at least half of all the directors. Therefore, the Group had
    significant influence over Sinopharm Zhuhai, and thus it was considered as an associate of the

    In January 2017, the Group acquired a 90% equity interest of Sinopharm Zhuhai from the original
    shareholder Xianjiang Li for RMB9,249,000 to constitute a business combination involving
    enterprises not under common control. After the acquisition, Sinopharm Zhuhai became a wholly-
    owned subsidiary of the Company. The acquisition was completed on 10 January 2017 and
    included in the consolidation scope of the Company.

(c) On 26 July 1994, the Group jointly established Shanghai Beiyi with Shanghai Beiyi (Group) Co.,
    Ltd. and eight natural persons including Fuchun Zhu, with the share percentages being 26%, 26%
    and 48%, respectively. According to the Articles of Association, the board of directors of Shanghai
    Beiyi consisted of seven directors, in which two were appointed by the Group, accounting for
    28.57% of voting rights. Therefore, the Group had significant influence over Shanghai Beiyi and
    thus it was considered as an associate of the Group.

(d) On 25 November 2003, the Group jointly established Shanghai Liyi with Shanghai Pudong District
    Central Hospital and Shanghai Liyi Technology Co., Ltd., with the share percentages being 35%,
    35% and 30%, respectively. According to the Articles of Association, the board of directors of
    Shanghai Liyi consisted of five directors, in which two were appointed by the Group, accounting for
    40.00% of voting rights. Therefore, the Group had significant influence over Shanghai Liyi and thus
    it was considered as an associate of the Group.

                             Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                               For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                   (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V     Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

8. Long-term equity investments (Continued)

(e)    In 2007, Dongyuan Accord, an associate of the Group, operated in poor conditions and its future
       operation would be significantly uncertain, so the Group made a full provision for impairment of
       the long-term equity investment on it.

(f)    On 23 February 2016, the Group jointly established Guangdong Jienuo with Sinopharm Jienuo
       Medical Treatment Service Co., Ltd. and Guangzhou Jinluo Investment Development Co., Ltd.,
       with the share percentages being 29%, 51% and 20%, respectively. According to the Articles of
       Association, the board of directors of Guangdong Jienuo was composed of five directors, one of
       whom was appointed by the Group, accounting for 20% of voting rights. Therefore, the Group has
       significant influence over Guangdong Jienuo, and thus it is considered as an associate of the

(g) The Group disposed of its 67% equity interest of Zhijun Suzhou in April 2016. After the disposal,
    the Group held a 33% equity interest of Zhijun Suzhou. According to the Articles of Association,
    the board of directors of Zhijun Suzhou was composed of five directors, one of whom was
    appointed by the Group, accounting for 20% of voting rights. As a result, the Group has
    significant influence over Zhijun Suzhou, and thus it is considered as an associate of the Group.

(h)    The Group subscribed 15.56% of new issued shares of Shyndec Pharma, a related party, by the
       transferring of the productive assets in Pingshan base and its 51% equity interest of three
       pharmaceutical companies (Zhijun Medicines, Zhijun Pharma & Trade, Zhijun Pingshan) of the
       Group in 2016, respectively. After the completion of the reorganization, Shyndec Pharma holds a
       51% equity interest of each of the three pharmaceutical companies, and the Group holds a 49%
       equity interest of each of the three pharmaceutical companies, which has significant influence over
       the three pharmaceutical companies. At the same time, after the completion of the reorganization,
       the Group holds a 15.56% equity interest of Shyndec Pharma. Since Shyndec Pharma acquired
       the shares of subsidiaries with share-based payment in previous years, as at 31 December 2018,
       the Group held 16.28% equity interest of Shyndec Pharma. Shyndec Pharma set up a board of
       directors that was responsible for the shareholders' meeting, with a total of nine members, in
       which one was appointed by the Group. Each director shall represent one vote for resolutions of
       the board, accounting for 11.11% of the voting rights. The Group has significant influence over
       Shyndec Pharma. The above three pharmaceutical companies and Shyndec Pharma are
       considered as associates of the Group.

(i)     On May 2018, the Group jointly established Shanghai Dingqun with Ningbo Meishan bonded port
        area Qiling equity investment center LP, subscribing 2.53% and 97.47% shareholdings,
        respectively. According to the Articles of Association, the board of directors of Shanghai Dingqun
        consisted of three directors and one of them was appointed by our Company. Each director shall
        represent one vote on the board’s decisions, which shall be adopted if they are voted for by a
        simple majority of all the members of the board. Therefore, the Group has significant influence
        over Shanghai Dingqun, and thus it is considered as an associate of the Group.

                               Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                  For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                     (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V    Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

9.   Other equity instrument investment (Only applicable for 2018)

                             Costs          Accumulated         Fair value   Dividend income for the current year
                                          changes in fair                             Equity                Equity
                                           value of other                       instruments           instruments
                                         comprehensive                           terminated                  held
                                                 income                                in the       in the current
                                                                               current year                  year
Sinopharm Health                                                                            -
 Online Co., Ltd.     12,000,000.00                     -   12,000,000.00                                        -
Sinopharm Guoda                                                                             -
 Hubei Co., Ltd.       1,000,000.00                     -    1,000,000.00                                        -
Hunan Zhongbai                                                                              -
 Investment Co.,
 Ltd.                   315,000.00                      -     315,000.00                               31,500.00
Shanghai Guoda                                                                            -
 Pharmacy Co.,
 Ltd                    270,760.00                      -     270,760.00                               50,000.00
Shanghai Guoren                                                                           -
 Pharmacy Co.,
 Ltd.                   100,000.00                      -     100,000.00                              437,919.36
Xinxiang Golden
 Elephant               180,000.00                      -                -                -                      -

                      13,865,760.00                     -   13,685,760.00                 -           519,419.36

The Group considers to manage the above-said financial asset business model and respective
characteristics of contract cash flows, and designate the above non-trading equity instrument to be
measured at fair value through other comprehensive income.

                               Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                  For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                    (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

10. Other non-current financial assets (Only applicable for 2018)
                                                                                       31 December 2018

     Financial asset at fair value through current profit or loss


    As at 31 December 2018, the balance of other non-current financial asset is the fair value for
    Sinopharm Zhongjin medical industry fund (“industry fund”) that the Group had subscribed. The
    total investment which amounted to RMB200 million, will be paid by 3 payments. In 2017, the
    Group made the first payment in the amount of RMB60 million. However, as of 31 December 2017,
    the fund had neither obtained all the related licenses and approval documentations, nor started
    operating, therefore, the first payment amounting to RMB60 million was designated as other non-
    current asset. In 2018, the Group made the second payment in the amount of RMB80 million. As at
    31 December 2018, the Group has made payments accumulated to RMB140 million. The total
    amount paid this year was 30% of the total investment which was RMB60 million. The industry
    fund has obtained all the related licenses and approval documentations in 2018, also started
    operating. The Group has reclassified this investment as a financial asset at fair value though profit
    or loss, and other non-current financial asset for presentation.

                                Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                     For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                    (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V     Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

11.    Investment properties

Subsequent measurement under the cost model:

2018                                                  Buildings and
                                                      constructions   Land use rights              Total
Original cost
                   Opening balance                  245,932,518.64    23,370,084.72      269,302,603.36
                   Purchase                               45,481.13               -            45,481.13
                   Transfer from fixed assets          5,087,242.78               -         5,087,242.78
                   Transfer to intangible assets                  -    (650,982.69)         (650,982.69)
                   Transfer to fixed assets          (8,510,052.64)               -       (8,510,052.64)

                   Closing balance                  242,555,189.91    22,719,102.03      265,274,291.94

depreciation and
                   Opening balance                 (106,139,314.25)   (8,184,950.00)    (114,324,264.25)
                   Provision                         (7,035,240.17)      (75,098.69)      (7,110,338.86)
                   Transfer from fixed assets        (1,480,401.05)                -      (1,480,401.05)
                   Transfer to intangible assets                  -       311,418.93         311,418.93
                   Transfer to fixed assets            3,523,789.26                -       3,523,789.26

                   Closing balance                 (111,131,166.21)   (7,948,629.76)    (119,079,795.97)

Provision for

                   Opening balance                   (1,300,000.00)                 -     (1,300,000.00)
                   Closing balance                   (1,300,000.00)                 -     (1,300,000.00)

Carrying amount
                   At end of year                   130,124,023.70    14,770,472.27      144,894,495.97
                   At beginning of the year         138,493,204.39    15,185,134.72      153,678,339.11

                                Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                     For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                    (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

11. Investment properties (Continued)

Subsequent measurement under the cost model:

2017                                                    Buildings and
                                                        constructions    Land use rights              Total
Original cost
                   Opening balance                    245,258,727.03     23,833,990.27      269,092,717.30
                   Purchase                                782,326.95                -           782,326.95
                   Transfer from fixed assets           11,558,969.36                -        11,558,969.36
                   Transfer from intangible assets                   -      302,035.37           302,035.37
                   Transfer to intangible assets                     -    (765,940.92)         (765,940.92)
                   Transfer to fixed assets           (11,633,314.20)                -      (11,633,314.20)
                   Disposal and retirement                 (34,190.50)               -           (34,190.50)

                   Closing balance                    245,932,518.64     23,370,084.72      269,302,603.36

depreciation and
                   Opening balance                    (93,028,655.88)    (8,048,212.62)    (101,076,868.50)
                   Provision                           (8,483,516.94)      (249,960.17)      (8,733,477.11)
                   Transfer from fixed assets          (9,760,097.90)                 -      (9,760,097.90)
                   Transfer from intangible assets                  -       (50,780.51)         (50,780.51)
                   Transfer to intangible assets                    -        164,003.30          164,003.30

                   Transfer to fixed assets             5,132,956.47                   -      5,132,956.47

                   Closing balance                   (106,139,314.25)    (8,184,950.00)    (114,324,264.25)

Provision for

                   Opening balance                     (1,300,000.00)                  -     (1,300,000.00)
                   Closing balance                     (1,300,000.00)                  -     (1,300,000.00)

Carrying amount
                   At end of year                     138,493,204.39     15,185,134.72      153,678,339.11
                   At beginning of the year           150,930,071.15     15,785,777.65      166,715,848.80

                          Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                             For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                 (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

11. Investment properties (Continued)

    During 2018, depreciation           of   investment   properties   was   RMB7,110,338.86     (2017:

    During 2018, properties with a carrying amount of RMB3,606,841.73 (original value:
    RMB5,087,242.78, accumulated depreciation: RMB1,480,401.05) was leased out to a third party in
    the form of operating lease. Since the date of change in purpose, it was transferred from fixed
    asset to investment properties.

    During 2018, a property with a carrying amount of RMB4,986,263.38 (original value of a building:
    RMB8,510,052.64, accumulated depreciation: RMB3,523,789.26) and land use rights with a
    carrying amount of RMB339,563.76 (original value of exclusive distribution rights: RMB650,982.69,
    accumulated depreciation: RMB311,418.93) transferred to an owner-occupied property. From the
    date of transfer, the property and land use rights were reclassified as fixed assets and intangible

    As at 31 December 2018, there were no investment properties of which the certificates of title have
    not been obtained.

                                                     CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CORPORATION LTD.
                                                                   Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                                                      For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                                                        (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V    Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

12. Fixed assets
                                                                                                                                   31 December 2018                        31 December 2017

    Fixed assets                                                                                                                     607,933,827.67                           551,710,434.02
                                                                                              Machinery and                                                 Leasehold
                                                                                 Buildings                       Motor Vehicles     Other equipment                                    Total
                                                                                                 equipment                                               improvements
     Original cost
     Opening balance                                                        456,161,611.21     183,752,571.14      87,999,790.56       259,281,585.41     30,111,198.47      1,017,306,756.79
     Purchase                                                                33,284,634.30      23,347,438.62      10,265,993.33        41,281,602.46     24,790,021.29       132,969,690.00
     Transfer from construction in progress                                     416,909.49       3,060,420.86                  -         2,286,152.37      6,595,411.97        12,358,894.69
     Transfer from investment properties                                      8,510,052.64                   -                 -                     -                 -        8,510,052.64
     Business combination not involving enterprises under common control                  -                  -       102,931.29             99,584.93          1,250.05           203,766.27
     Transfer to investment properties                                       (5,087,242.78)                  -                 -                     -                 -       (5,087,242.78)
     Disposal of subsidiaries                                                             -                  -      (151,443.00)                     -     (244,344.76)          (395,787.76)
     Disposal or retirement                                                  (3,624,696.04)     (2,705,694.05)    (8,603,972.05)        (5,656,536.47)    (6,591,972.59)      (27,182,871.20)

     Closing balance                                                        489,661,268.82     207,454,736.57      89,613,300.13       297,292,388.70     54,661,564.43      1,138,683,258.65

     Accumulated depreciation
     Opening balance                                                       (149,119,755.22)    (73,601,067.33)   (59,221,772.87)      (154,689,144.23)   (28,964,583.12)     (465,596,322.77)
     Provision                                                              (15,341,234.41)    (22,747,402.07)    (7,596,679.69)       (23,835,198.48)   (15,155,803.18)      (84,676,317.83)
     Transfer from investment properties                                     (3,523,789.26)                  -                 -                     -                 -       (3,523,789.26)
     Transfer to investment properties                                        1,480,401.05                   -                 -                     -                 -        1,480,401.05
                                                                                          -                  -       151,443.00              3,826.90        235,829.86           391,099.76
     Disposal or retirement                                                   2,026,936.72       1,706,685.96       7,143,745.42         4,778,544.36      5,519,585.61        21,175,498.07

     Closing balance                                                       (164,477,441.12)    (94,641,783.44)   (59,523,264.14)      (173,741,971.45)   (38,364,970.83)     (530,749,430.98)

                                         CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CORPORATION LTD.
                                                    Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                                      For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                                           (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

12. Fixed assets (Continued)
    2018 (Continued)
                                                                             Machinery and                                             Leasehold
                                                                 Buildings                     Motor Vehicles    Other equipment                             Total
                                                                                equipment                                           improvements

    Provision for impairment
    Opening balance                                                      -                 -                 -                  -                -                -
    Disposal of subsidiaries                                             -                 -                 -                  -                -                -
    Closing balance                                                      -                 -                 -                  -                -                -

    Carrying amount
    At end of year                                          325,183,827.70    112,812,953.13     30,090,035.99     123,550,417.25    16,296,593.60   607,933,827.67

    At beginning of the year                                307,041,855.99    110,151,503.81     28,778,017.69     104,592,441.18     1,146,615.35   551,710,434.02

                                                 CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CORPORATION LTD.
                                                         Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                                            For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                                                  (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

12. Fixed assets (Continued)
                                                                            Machinery and                                               Leasehold
                                                               Buildings                       Motor Vehicles    Other equipment                                 Total
                                                                               equipment                                             improvements
Original cost
Opening balance                                           416,870,234.54     136,667,853.08      90,713,467.96     240,527,711.61     22,373,714.89     907,152,982.08
Purchase                                                   30,175,171.83      38,745,865.63       6,504,401.73      28,401,598.18     16,478,943.15     120,305,980.52
Transfer from construction in progress                      9,182,660.00       9,333,581.19                  -       1,232,547.38                 -      19,748,788.57
Transfer from investment properties                        11,633,314.20                  -                  -                  -                 -      11,633,314.20
Business combination not involving enterprises                         -
   under common control                                                           103,810.61        123,264.01           14,386.79        111,480.15         352,941.56
Transfer to investment properties                         (11,558,969.36)                  -                 -                   -                 -    (11,558,969.36)
Disposal or retirement                                       (140,800.00)     (1,098,539.37)    (9,341,343.14)     (10,894,658.55)    (8,852,939.72)    (30,328,280.78)

Closing balance                                           456,161,611.21     183,752,571.14      87,999,790.56     259,281,585.41     30,111,198.47    1,017,306,756.79

Accumulated depreciation
Opening balance                                          (139,954,250.07)    (57,610,772.80)   (59,136,773.31)    (142,597,466.20)   (20,844,119.60)   (420,143,381.98)
Provision                                                 (13,849,882.94)    (16,891,198.91)    (8,403,944.46)     (20,991,723.39)   (13,567,224.81)    (73,703,974.51)
Transfer from investment properties                        (5,132,956.47)                  -                 -                   -                 -     (5,132,956.47)
Transfer to investment properties                            9,760,097.90                  -                 -                   -                 -       9,760,097.90
Disposal or retirement                                          57,236.36         900,904.38      8,318,944.90        8,900,045.36      5,446,761.29      23,623,892.29

Closing balance                                          (149,119,755.22)    (73,601,067.33)   (59,221,772.87)    (154,689,144.23)   (28,964,583.12)   (465,596,322.77)

                                          CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CORPORATION LTD.
                                                     Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                                       For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                                            (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V    Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

12. Fixed assets (Continued)
2017 (Continued)
                                                                       Machinery and                                             Leasehold
                                                          Buildings                      Motor Vehicles    Other equipment                             Total
                                                                          equipment                                           improvements

Provision for impairment
Opening balance                                                    -                 -                 -                  -                -                -
Disposal of subsidiaries                                           -                 -                 -                  -                -                -
Closing balance                                                    -                 -                 -                  -                -                -

Carrying amount
At end of year                                        307,041,855.99    110,151,503.81     28,778,017.69     104,592,441.18     1,146,615.35   551,710,434.02

At beginning of the year                              276,915,984.47     79,057,080.28     31,576,694.65      97,930,245.41     1,529,595.29   487,009,600.10


                               Notes to financial statements (Continued)

                                  For the Year ended 31 December 2018

                      (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V    Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

12. Fixed assets (Continued)

    Fixed assets held under finance leases are presented as follows:

                                   Original cost Accumulated depreciation       Provision for impairment           Carrying amount

    Machinery                    22,010,632.48               (9,556,042.13)                              -           12,454,590.35
    Other equipment               2,716,485.81               (1,305,222.40)                              -             1,411,263.41

                                 24,727,118.29              (10,861,264.53)                              -           13,865,853.76

                                   Original cost   Accumulated depreciation      Provision for impairment          Carrying amount

    Machinery                    22,010,632.48               (6,114,633.93)                                  -       15,895,998.55
    Other equipment               2,716,485.81                 (789,096.28)                                  -         1,927,389.53

                                 24,727,118.29               (6,903,730.21)                                  -       17,823,388.08

    The book value of fixed assets leased out from an operation lease are presented as follows:

                                                                                               2018                            2017

    Machinery equipment                                                                           -                      120,700.00
    Others                                                                                        -                      197,130.80

                                                                                                  -                      317,830.80

    As at 31 December 2018, the fixed asset falling to accomplish certification of title are presented as follows:

                                               Book value                             Reason for not obtaining certification of title

                                                               As at 31 December 2018, the Company has not yet obtained the
                                                               certification of title for No.13 Jingxing North Street, Tiexi District,
    Houses and buildings                  28,356,440.00        Shenyang. The transferor, State-owned Assets Supervision and
                                                              Administration Commission was still processing the case and had
                                                                                                     provided relevant certification.

    As at 31 December 2018, there were no fixed assets that were temporarily idle.

                                         CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CORPORATION LTD.

                                                    Notes to financial statements (Continued)

                                                      For the Year ended 31 December 2018

                                           (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

13. Construction in progress

                                                                                                31 December 2018                 31 December 2017

     Construction in progress                                                                       36,412,614.61                   22,947,258.99

                                                       31 December 2018                                    31 December 2017
                                        Carrying balance    Impairment    Carrying amount   Carrying balance        Impairment    Carrying amount

     Warehouse improvement project            806,272.40             -         806,272.40        1,009,314.93                -       1,009,314.93
     New office building project              188,251.26             -         188,251.26          765,882.63                -         765,882.63
     Supply chain extension project        12,617,953.89             -      12,617,953.89        8,193,935.70                -       8,193,935.70
     Software project                      12,930,498.53             -      12,930,498.53        3,926,271.33                -       3,926,271.33
     Other projects                         9,869,638.53             -       9,869,638.53        9,051,854.40                -       9,051,854.40

                                           36,412,614.61             -      36,412,614.61       22,947,258.99                -      22,947,258.99

                                      CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CORPORATION LTD.

                                                       Notes to financial statements (Continued)

                                                         For the Year ended 31 December 2018

                                           (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

13. Construction in progress (Continued)

    Changes of significant construction in progress in 2018 are presented as follows:

                                                                                           Decrease                           At end of year   Source of funds     investment
                                     At beginning of                                                                                                                 to budget
    Project name                                             Increase
                                            the year                                                                                                                       (%)
                                                                                           Transferred      Transferred to
                                                                         Transferred to   to intangible         long term
                                                                           fixed assets          assets   prepaid expense

    Warehouse improvement project     1,009,314.93       9,284,604.35                 -               -    (9,487,646.88)      806,272.40      Self-raised funds        65.94
    New office building project         765,882.63        146,970.43      (724,601.80)                -                 -      188,251.26      Self-raised funds       100.00
    Supply chain extension project    8,193,935.70      16,374,550.40   (11,634,292.89)   (316,239.32)                  -    12,617,953.89     Self-raised funds        66.56
    Software project                  3,926,271.33       9,004,227.20                 -               -                -     12,930,498.53     Self-raised funds        54.98
    Other construction projects       9,051,854.40       1,508,407.48                 -               -     (690,623.35)      9,869,638.53     Self-raised funds         5.23

                                     22,947,258.99      36,318,759.86   (12,358,894.69)   (316,239.32)    (10,178,270.23)    36,412,614.61

                                      CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CORPORATION LTD.

                                                  Notes to financial statements (Continued)

                                                    For the Year ended 31 December 2018

                                           (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

13. Construction in progress (Continued)

    Changes of significant construction in progress in 2018 are presented as follows: (Continued)

                                                                                                                        Incl: interest
                                                                                            Accumulated amount of                        Capitalization
    Project name                                             Budget       Progress (%)                                 capitalized in
                                                                                                interest capitalized                          rate (%)
                                                                                                                        current year

    Warehouse improvement project                     15,616,610.85              65.94                             -                 -                -
    New office building project                         1,224,601.80            100.00                             -                 -                -
    Supply chain extension project                    52,673,236.26              65.56                             -                 -                -
    Software project                                  12,956,849.38              54.98                             -                 -                -
    Other construction projects                      207,178,844.09               5.23                             -                 -                -

                                                                                                                   -                 -

                                        CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CORPORATION LTD.

                                                        Notes to financial statements (Continued)

                                                          For the Year ended 31 December 2018

                                           (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V    Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

13. Construction in progress (Continued)

      Changes of significant construction in progress in 2017 are presented as follows:

                                                                                            Decrease                          At end of year   Source of funds     investmen
                                        At beginning                                                                                                              t to budget
    Project name                                             Increase
                                          of the year                                                                                                                     (%)
                                                                                          Transferred to     Transferred to
                                                                         Transferred to       intangible         long term
                                                                           fixed assets           assets   prepaid expense

    Warehouse improvement              14,044,783.6                                                        (19,673,389.62                           Self-raised
     project                                      8      6,637,920.87                 -                -                )     1,009,314.93                funds        76.83
    New office building project        7,979,356.35      2,028,688.98    (9,182,660.00)                -      (59,502.70)      765,882.63                 funds        29.04
                                                         13,479,958.6   (10,156,764.88                                                              Self-raised
    Supply chain extension project     5,209,203.43                 9                 )     (338,461.54)                 -    8,193,935.70                funds        51.77
                                       10,889,391.6                                       (15,592,801.89                                            Self-raised
    Software project                              7      8,629,681.55                 -                )                 -    3,926,271.33                funds        30.00
    Other construction projects        8,941,133.36      3,711,458.69     (409,363.69)      (244,068.38)   (2,947,305.58)     9,051,854.40                funds         6.20

                                       47,063,868.4      34,487,708.7   (19,748,788.57    (16,175,331.81   (22,680,197.90     22,947,258.9
                                                  9                 8                )                 )                )                9

                                      CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CORPORATION LTD.

                                                  Notes to financial statements (Continued)

                                                    For the Year ended 31 December 2018

                                           (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

13. Construction in progress (Continued)

    Changes of significant construction in progress in 2017 are presented as follows: (Continued)

                                                                                                                           Incl: interest
                                                                                               Accumulated amount of                        Capitalization
Project name                                                    Budget       Progress (%)                                 capitalized in
                                                                                                   interest capitalized                          rate (%)
                                                                                                                           current year
Warehouse improvement project                             13,664,095.84             76.83                             -                 -                -
New office building project                               41,434,500.00             29.04                             -                 -                -
Supply chain extension project                            34,983,630.22             51.77                             -                 -                -
Software project                                           3,926,271.33             30.00                             -                 -                -
Other construction projects                              209,099,377.58              6.20                             -                 -                -

                                                                                        -                             -                 -                -

                                              CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CORPORATION LTD.

                                                           Notes to financial statements (Continued)

                                                             For the Year ended 31 December 2018

                                                 (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

14. Intangible assets
2018                                      Land use right          Software      Trademarks    Favorable lease    Sales network      Franchise               Total

Original cost
Opening balance                           60,481,989.28     126,128,809.36    65,977,850.00    93,242,000.00    112,117,142.86     710,000.00     458,657,791.50
Purchase                                   2,160,172.00      16,310,053.09                -                -                 -              -      18,470,225.09
Business combination not involving
  enterprises under common control                     -          7,754.51                -                 -                 -              -           7,754.51
Transfer from construction in progress                 -        316,239.32                -                 -                 -              -         316,239.32
Transfer from investment properties           650,982.69                 -                -                 -                 -              -         650,982.69
Disposal or retirement                    (1,210,000.00)                 -                -                 -                 -              -     (1,210,000.00)

Closing balance                           62,083,143.97     142,762,856.28    65,977,850.00    93,242,000.00    112,117,142.86     710,000.00     476,892,993.11

Accumulated amortization
Opening balance                          (26,667,841.47)    (55,408,075.33)    (196,850.16)   (14,837,117.48)   (35,086,476.18)   (710,000.00)   (132,906,360.62)
Provision                                   (910,378.56)    (13,006,145.82)               -    (4,945,705.88)    (5,605,857.15)              -    (24,468,087.41)
Transfer from investment properties         (311,418.93)                  -               -                 -                 -              -       (311,418.93)
Disposal or retirement                                 -                  -               -                 -                 -              -                  -

Closing balance                          (27,889,638.96)    (68,414,221.15)    (196,850.16)   (19,782,823.36)   (40,692,333.33)   (710,000.00)   (157,685,866.96)

                                       CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CORPORATION LTD.

                                                 Notes to financial statements (Continued)

                                                    For the Year ended 31 December 2018

                                          (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V    Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

14. Intangible assets (Continued)

2018 (Continued)                Land use right        Software     Trademarks     Favorable lease   Sales network   Franchise            Total

Provision for impairment
Opening balance                              -                -               -                 -               -           -                -
Disposal of subsidiaries                     -                -               -                 -               -           -                -

Closing balance                              -                -               -                 -               -           -                -

Carrying amount
At end of the year              34,193,505.01     74,348,635.13   65,780,999.84    73,459,176.64    71,424,809.53           -   319,207,126.15

At beginning of the year        33,814,147.81     70,720,734.03   65,780,999.84    78,404,882.52    77,030,666.68           -   325,751,430.88

                                       CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CORPORATION LTD.

                                                        Notes to financial statements (Continued)

                                                          For the Year ended 31 December 2018

                                          (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V      Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)
14. Intangible assets (Continued)
2017                                   Land use right             Software      Trademarks    Favorable lease    Sales network      Franchise               Total

Original cost
Opening balance                        56,018,083.73        100,602,877.73    65,977,850.00    93,242,000.00    112,117,142.86     710,000.00     428,667,954.32
Purchase                                4,000,000.00         10,124,136.06                -                -                 -              -      14,124,136.06
Transfer from construction in
 progress                                          -         16,175,331.81                -                 -                 -              -     16,175,331.81
Transfer from investment properties       765,940.92                     -                -                 -                 -              -        765,940.92
Disposal of subsidiaries                           -          (773,536.24)                -                 -                 -              -      (773,536.24)
Transfer to investment properties       (302,035.37)                     -                -                 -                 -              -      (302,035.37)

Closing balance                        60,481,989.28        126,128,809.36    65,977,850.00    93,242,000.00    112,117,142.86     710,000.00     458,657,791.50

Accumulated amortization
Opening balance                       (23,161,818.46)       (44,791,854.17)    (196,850.16)    (9,891,411.60)   (29,480,619.04)   (710,000.00)   (108,232,553.43)
Provision                              (3,392,800.22)       (11,389,757.40)               -    (4,945,705.88)    (5,605,857.14)              -    (25,334,120.64)
Transfer from investment properties      (164,003.30)                     -               -                 -                 -              -       (164,003.30)
Disposal of subsidiaries                            -            773,536.24               -                 -                 -              -         773,536.24
Transfer to investment properties           50,780.51                     -               -                 -                 -              -          50,780.51

Closing balance                       (26,667,841.47)       (55,408,075.33)    (196,850.16)   (14,837,117.48)   (35,086,476.18)   (710,000.00)   (132,906,360.62)

                                      CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CORPORATION LTD.

                                                 Notes to financial statements (Continued)

                                                   For the Year ended 31 December 2018

                                         (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

14. Intangible assets (Continued)

2017 (Continued)              Land use right        Software      Trademarks    Favorable lease    Sales network     Franchise              Total

Provision for impairment
Opening balance                            -               -                -                 -                -             -                  -
Disposal of subsidiaries                   -               -                -                 -                -             -                  -

Closing balance                            -               -                -                 -                -             -                  -

Carrying amount
At end of the year            33,814,147.81    70,720,734.03    65,780,999.84    78,404,882.52     77,030,666.68             -     325,751,430.88

At beginning of the year      32,856,265.27    55,811,023.56    65,780,999.84    83,350,588.40     82,636,523.82             -     320,435,400.89

As at 31 December 2018 and 31 December 2017, no intangible assets were formed through internal research and development.

As at 31 December 2018 and 31 December 2017, there were no intangible assets of which the certificates of title have not been obtained.


                                      Notes to financial statements (Continued)

                                         For the Year ended 31 December 2018

                              (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V    Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

15. Goodwill
                                                                            Increase                              during the year
                                         Opening                                                                                        Closing
31 December 2018                                        Business combination not           Consolidation by        Consolidation
                                         balance                                                                                        balance
                                                             involving enterprises                  merger             by merger
                                                          under common control

Pharmaceutical distribution

Jiangmen Renren Medical Co., Ltd.                                                      -                      -
(“Sinopharm Jiangmen”)            27,392,317.73   -                                                                               27,392,317.73
Sinopharm Holding Shenzhen                                                             -                      -
Yanfeng Co., Ltd. (“Sinopharm
Yanfeng”)                          16,868,644.87   -                                                                               16,868,644.87
Sinopharm Holding Zhaoqing Co.,                                                        -                      -
Ltd. (“Sinopharm Zhaoqing”)       2,594,341.53    -                                                                               2,594,341.53
Sinopharm Holding Shaoguan Co.,                                                        -                      -
Ltd. (“Sinopharm Shaoguan”)       1,686,496.80    -                                                                               1,686,496.80
Sinopharm Holding Meizhou Co.,                                                         -                      -
Ltd. (“Sinopharm Meizhou”)        1,610,819.66    -                                                                               1,610,819.66
Sinopharm Holding Huizhou Co.,                                                         -                      -
Ltd. (“Sinopharm Huizhou”)        923,184.67      -                                                                               923,184.67
Sinopharm Holding Zhanjiang Co.,                                                       -                      -
Ltd. (“Sinopharm Zhanjiang”)      282,135.55      -                                                                               282,135.55
Sinopharm Holding Dongguan Co.,                                                        -                      -
Ltd. (“Sinopharm Dongguan”)       1,499.02        -                                                                               1,499.02
South Pharma & Trade                2,755,680.62    -                                  -                      -                     2,755,680.62
Foshan Nanhai                       88,877,850.51   -                                  -                      -                     88,877,850.51
Sinopharm Zhuhai                    6,772,561.47                                                                                    6,772,561.47
Sinopharm Holding Maoming Co.,                                                         -                      -
Ltd.(“Sinopharm Maoming”)         66,417.07       -                                                                               66,417.07
Sinopharm Holding Guoda ForMe                                                          -                      -
Medicines (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
( “ForMe Medicines”)              3,033,547.53    -                                                                               3,033,547.53

                                       Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                          For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                          (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V    Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

15. Goodwill (Continued)
                                                                                                           Decrease during the
                                                                             Increase                                    Year
                                      Opening balance     Business combination          Consolidation by         Consolidation         balance
                                                        not involving enterprises                merger             by merger
31 December 2018 (Continued)                             under common control

Pharmaceutical retail
Shijiazhuang Lerentang Yikang
   Pharmacy Chain Store Co., Ltd.
   (“Hebei Yikang”)                   29,482,149.57                          -                               -29,482,149.57
Sinopharm Hebei Lerentang
   Pharmacy Chain Store Co., Ltd.                   -                          -          29,482,149.57                      -    29,482,149.57
Xiaoyi Guoda Wanmin Baicaotang
   Pharmacy Chain Store Co., Ltd.
   (“Xiaoyi Wanmin”)                  15,866,680.00                          -                       -                     -    15,866,680.00
Shanxi Guoda Wanmin Pharmacy
   Chain Store Co., Ltd.                65,025,000.00                          -                       -                     -    65,025,000.00
Sinopharm Holding Guoda ForMe
   Pharmacy Chain Store Co., Ltd.
   (“ForMe Pharmacy Chain Store”)     19,405,450.23                          -                       -                     -    19,405,450.23
Sinopharm Holding Guoda
   Pharmacy Chain Store Shanghai
   Co., Ltd.                             5,028,638.00                          -                       -                     -     5,028,638.00
Sinopharm Holding Guoda
   Yangzhou Dadesheng Pharmacy
   Chain Store Co., Ltd.                 7,979,000.00                          -                       -                     -     7,979,000.00
Zhejiang Guoda Pharmacy Co., Ltd.        3,045,183.85                          -                       -                     -     3,045,183.85
Guoda Shenyang Tianyitang                1,687,942.92                          -                       -                     -     1,687,942.92
Pharmacy Chain
Sinopharm Holding Guoda Nanjing
   Pharmacy Chain Store Co., Ltd.       11,598,341.12                          -                       -                     -    11,598,341.12
Fujian Guoda Pharmacy Chain
   Store Co., Ltd.                       1,567,250.76                          -                       -                     -     1,567,250.76
Sinopharm Holding Guoda
   Shandong Pharmacy Chain Store
   Co., Ltd.                            29,110,409.46                          -                       -                     -    29,110,409.46
Sinopharm Holding Guoda
   Shenyang Pharmacy Chain Store
   Co., Ltd.                            41,047,958.08                          -                       -                     -    41,047,958.08
Liyang Guoda People Pharmacy
   Chain Store Co., Ltd.               107,275,095.74                          -                       -                     -   107,275,095.74
Sinopharm Holding Hunan Guoda
   Minshengtang Pharmacy Chain
   Co., Ltd.                            41,165,574.64                          -                       -                     -    41,165,574.64
Quanzhou Guoda Pharmacy Chain
   Store Co., Ltd.                      41,298,622.59                          -                       -                     -    41,298,622.59
Sinopharm Holding Guoda Henan
   Pharmacy Chain Store Co., Ltd.       22,666,179.77                          -                       -                     -    22,666,179.77
Sinopharm Holding Guoda
   Neimenggu Pharmacy Chain
   Store Co., Ltd.                      70,485,777.00                          -                       -                     -    70,485,777.00
Sinopharm Guoda Pharmacy
   Jiangmen Chain Co., Ltd.             77,350,000.00                          -                       -                     -    77,350,000.00
Sinopharm Holding Guoda Shanxi
   Yiyuan Pharmacy Chain Store
   Co., Ltd.                             9,080,100.00                          -                       -                     -     9,080,100.00
Shenzhen Guanganli Pharmacy
   Chain Store Co., Ltd. store
   acquisition                          13,420,000.00                          -                       -                     -    13,420,000.00
Beijing Golden Elephant Pharmacy
   Medicine Chain Company
   Limited (“Beijing Golden
   Elephant”)                          63,546,507.81                          -             593,616.55                      -    64,140,124.36
Beijing Yangqiao Rongzhi Golden
   Elephant Pharmacy Company
   Limited                                 593,616.55                          -                       -          -593,616.55                 -

                                     Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                        For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                              (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V     Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

15. Goodwill (Continued)
                                                                                                               Decrease during the
                                                                            Increase                                         Year
                                    Opening balance      Business combination           Consolidation by             Consolidation
                                                       not involving enterprises                 merger                 by merger        Closing balance
31 December 2018 (Continued)                            under common control

Pharmaceutical retail(Continued)

Guoda Taishan                         26,826,120.55                           -                        -                         -        26,826,120.55
Sinopharm Guoda Taiyuan Tongxinli
  Pharmacy Co., Ltd. (“Taiyuan
  Tongxinli”)                                    -               2,818,647.85                         -                         -         2,818,647.85

                                     855,729,152.75               2,818,647.85            30,075,766.12            (30,075,766.12)       858,547,800.60

                                                                                                                Decrease during the
                                                                             Increase                                         Year
                                                         Business combination            Consolidation by             Consolidation             Closing
31 December 2017                     Opening balance
                                                                  not involving                   merger                 by merger              balance
                                                             enterprises under
                                                              common control

Pharmaceutical distribution
Sinopharm Jiangmen                     27,392,317.73                         -                             -                         -    27,392,317.73
Sinopharm Yanfeng                      16,868,644.87                         -                             -                         -    16,868,644.87
Sinopharm Zhaoqing                      2,594,341.53                         -                             -                         -     2,594,341.53
Sinopharm Shaoguan                      1,686,496.80                         -                             -                         -     1,686,496.80
Sinopharm Meizhou                       1,610,819.66                         -                             -                         -     1,610,819.66
Sinopharm Huizhou                         923,184.67                         -                             -                         -       923,184.67
Sinopharm Zhanjiang                       282,135.55                         -                             -                         -       282,135.55
Sinopharm Dongguan                          1,499.02                         -                             -                         -         1,499.02
South Pharma & Trade                    2,755,680.62                         -                             -                         -     2,755,680.62
Foshan Nanhai                          88,877,850.51                         -                             -                         -    88,877,850.51
Sinopharm Zhuhai                                   -              6,772,561.47                             -                         -     6,772,561.47
Sinopharm Maoming                                  -                 66,417.07                             -                         -        66,417.07
ForMe Medicines                         3,033,547.53                         -                             -                         -     3,033,547.53
                                                                                                           -                         -
Pharmaceutical retail                                                                                      -                         -
Hebei Yikang                           29,482,149.57                          -                            -                         -    29,482,149.57
Xiaoyi Wanmin                          15,866,680.00                          -                            -                         -    15,866,680.00
Shanxi Wanmin                          65,025,000.00                          -                            -                         -    65,025,000.00
ForMe Pharmacy Chain
Store                                  19,405,450.23                          -                            -                         -    19,405,450.23
Sinopharm Holding Guoda
Pharmacy Chain Store
Shanghai Co., Ltd.                      5,028,638.00                          -                            -                         -     5,028,638.00
Sinopharm Holding Guoda
Yangzhou Dadesheng
Pharmacy Chain Store Co.,
Ltd.                                    7,979,000.00                          -                            -                         -     7,979,000.00
Zhejiang Guoda Pharmacy
Co., Ltd.                               3,045,183.85                          -                            -                         -     3,045,183.85
Sinopharm Holding Guoda
Nanjing Pharmacy Chain
Store Co., Ltd.                        11,598,341.12                          -                            -                         -    11,598,341.12

                                       Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                          For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                         (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V    Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

15. Goodwill (Continued)
                                                                                                            Decrease during the
                                                                               Increase                                   Year
31 December 2017 (Continued)                                   Business combination not     Consolidation         Consolidation   Closing balance
                                                                    involving enterprises     by merger              by merger
                                                                 under common control

Pharmaceutical retail (Continued)
Fujian Guoda Pharmacy Chain Store Co., Ltd.     1,567,250.76                            -               -                     -     1,567,250.76
Sinopharm Holding Guoda Shandong
 Pharmacy Chain Store Co., Ltd.                29,110,409.46                            -               -                     -    29,110,409.46
Guoda Shenyang Tianyitang Pharmacy Chain        1,687,942.92                            -               -        (1,687,942.92)                -
Sinopharm Holding Guoda Shenyang
 Pharmacy Chain Store Co., Ltd.                39,360,015.16                            -   1,687,942.92                      -    41,047,958.08
Liyang Guoda People Pharmacy Chain Store
 Co., Ltd.                                    107,275,095.74                            -               -                     -   107,275,095.74
Sinopharm Holding Hunan Guoda
 Minshengtang Pharmacy Chain Co., Ltd.         41,165,574.64                            -               -                     -    41,165,574.64
Quanzhou Guoda Pharmacy Chain Store Co.,
 Ltd.                                          41,298,622.59                            -               -                     -    41,298,622.59
Sinopharm Holding Guoda Henan Pharmacy
 Chain Store Co., Ltd.                         22,666,179.77                            -               -                     -    22,666,179.77
Sinopharm Holding Guoda Neimenggu
 Pharmacy Chain Store Co., Ltd.                70,485,777.00                            -               -                     -    70,485,777.00
Sinopharm Guoda Pharmacy Jiangmen Chain
 Co., Ltd.                                     77,350,000.00                            -               -                     -    77,350,000.00
Sinopharm Holding Guoda Shanxi Yiyuan
 Pharmacy Chain Store Co., Ltd.                 9,080,100.00                            -               -                     -     9,080,100.00
Shenzhen Guanganli Pharmacy Chain Store
 Co., Ltd. store acquisition                   13,420,000.00                            -               -                     -    13,420,000.00
Beijing Golden Elephant Pharmacy Medicine
 Chain Company Limited (“Beijing Golden
 Elephant”)                                   63,546,507.81                            -               -                     -    63,546,507.81
Beijing Yangqiao Rongzhi Golden Elephant
 Pharmacy Company Limited                        593,616.55                             -               -                     -       593,616.55

Guoda Taishan                                  26,826,120.55                            -               -                     -    26,826,120.55

                                              848,890,174.21               6,838,978.54     1,687,942.92         (1,687,942.92)   855,729,152.75

                             Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                               For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                 (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

15. Goodwill (Continued)

    Changes in provision for impairment of goodwill are presented as follows:

    2018                                Opening balance     Increase        Decrease     Closing balance
                                                            Provision        Disposal

    Pharmaceutical retail

    Quanzhou Guoda Pharmacy Chain         25,000,000.00             -               -     25,000,000.00
         Store Co., Ltd.

    2017                                Opening balance     Increase        Decrease     Closing balance
                                                            Provision        Disposal

    Pharmaceutical retail

    Quanzhou Guoda Pharmacy Chain         25,000,000.00             -               -     25,000,000.00
         Store Co., Ltd.

    The carrying value of goodwill is apportioned according to the proportion of each CGU or CGU
    group at fair value of the total amount of goodwill at fair value. It is shown as follows:

                                                    31 December 2018               31 December 2017

     Pharmaceutical distribution                          152,865,497.03                152,865,497.03
     Pharmaceutical retail                                680,682,303.57                677,863,655.72

                                                          833,547,800.60                830,729,152.75

     The Group had acquired Taiyuan Tongxinli in November 2018, which formed goodwill amounting
     to RMB2,818,647.85. Refer to Note VI (1) for more details.

                           Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                               For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                 (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

15. Goodwill (Continued)

     The recoverable amount of an asset group or a group of asset groups is determined based on a
     financial budget approved by management covering a five-year period. The cash flows beyond the
     five-year period are extrapolated using the inflation rate.

     Key assumptions were used for the calculation of the present values of future cash flow
     projections of the asset group consisting of pharmaceutical distribution and pharmaceutical retail
     as of 31 December 2018. Key assumptions made by management on projections of cash flows
     used in impairment testing are described as follows:

                                                                                  Pharmaceutical retail

     Revenue growth rate in the budget period                   2.00%-16.00%             1.99%-16.30%
     Sustainable growth rate                                           3.00%                    3.00%
     Gross margin                                               4.40%-11.75%            16.00%-50.00%
     Discount rate                                             12.80%-15.00%            13.20%-15.00%

     The budgeted gross margin and the revenue growth rate in the budget period is determined based
     on the past performance and expectation for market development. The discount rates used are
     pre-tax discount rates after reflecting specific risks of the relevant asset groups. The recoverable
     amount of the asset group consisting of pharmaceutical distribution and pharmaceutical retail was
     determined according to the key assumptions.

                                    Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                      For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                     (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

16. Long-term prepaid expenses

    2018                             Opening balance        Additions      Amortization Other decrease     Closing balance

    Fixed asset improvement
      expenditure                     199,209,837.80   123,968,928.79   (72,027,492.28)   (1,693,012.44)   249,458,261.87
    Acquisition expenditure to
      obtain the right to operate      49,013,331.48    24,687,711.48   (16,083,876.33)                -    57,617,166.63
    Others                              4,023,881.51     1,973,696.15    (1,744,299.70)                -     4,253,277.96

                                      252,247,050.79   150,630,336.42   (89,855,668.31)   (1,693,012.44)   311,328,706.46

    2017                             Opening balance         Increase      Amortization Other decrease     Closing balance

    Fixed asset improvement
      expenditure                     158,483,260.94   104,416,969.80   (61,265,197.82)   (2,425,195.12)   199,209,837.80
    Acquisition expenditure to
      obtain the right to operate      28,493,593.63    29,453,467.40    (8,933,729.55)                -    49,013,331.48
    Others                              1,400,871.07     4,461,933.52    (1,838,923.08)                -     4,023,881.51

                                      188,377,725.64   138,332,370.72   (72,037,850.45)   (2,425,195.12)   252,247,050.79

                                  Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                     For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                     (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

17. Deferred tax assets/liabilities

     Deferred tax assets before offsetting

                                            31 December 2018                              31 December 2017
                                                    Deductible temporary                           Deductible temporary
                                Deferred tax assets           differences      Deferred tax assets           differences

     Deductible tax loss            19,311,837.06          77,791,621.20           28,705,915.53          115,556,647.93
     Provision for
      impairment of
      assets                        15,676,020.10          68,153,222.07           16,274,860.36           66,273,264.15
     Accrued payroll                15,656,015.32          64,598,625.74           14,540,506.81           60,250,524.89
     Accrued expenses               22,301,617.95          94,108,769.33           11,141,862.66           47,994,796.55
     Deferred revenue                7,547,758.26          30,188,142.13            7,540,824.20           30,837,426.91
     Others                          1,467,765.00           6,238,492.18            1,268,913.50            5,424,788.24

                                    81,961,013.69         341,078,872.65           79,472,883.06          326,337,448.67

     Deferred tax liabilities before offsetting
                                          31 December 2018                                 31 December 2017
                                    Deferred tax   Taxable temporary                                   Taxable temporary
                                       liabilities        differences       Deferred tax liabilities          differences

     Fair value adjustment
       for a business
       combination not
       involving enterprises
       under common
       control                    56,975,086.34         227,900,345.39            59,943,324.20           239,773,296.84
     Fixed asset less than
       RMB5 million
       deducted at once             6,691,590.04         26,766,360.08                         -                        -
     Changes in asset
       valuation due to
       change in company
       policy                       5,464,685.51         21,858,742.02             6,088,777.56            24,355,110.24
     Others                         5,520,603.73         26,741,840.89             5,851,151.26            28,945,491.07

                                  74,651,965.62         303,267,288.38            71,883,253.02           293,073,898.15

     Deferred tax assets and liabilities are presented after being offset against each other:
                                             31 December 2018                             31 December 2017
                                       Deferred tax         Temporary               Deferred tax          Temporary
                                   assets/liabilities -    differences          assets/liabilities -      differences
                                                   Net     after set-off                        Net      after set-off

     Deferred tax assets             74,914,209.95       312,891,657.69             79,472,883.06        326,337,448.67

     Deferred tax liabilities        67,605,161.88       275,080,073.42             71,883,253.02        293,073,898.15

                               Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                  For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                    (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

17. Deferred tax assets/liabilities (Continued)

     The deductible temporary differences and deductible losses that were not recognized as
     deferred tax assets are presented as follows:

                                                       31 December 2018             31 December 2017

     Deductible temporary differences                       1,480,000.00                 1,480,000.00
     Deductible losses (Note)                              29,391,422.33                21,759,547.45

                                                           30,871,422.33                23,239,547.45

     Note: For those loss-making subsidiaries, as it is not considered probable that taxable profits
           will be available against which the tax losses can be utilized, the Group has not
           recognized deferred tax assets arising from accumulated losses amounting to
           RMB29,391,422.33 which are tax deductibles under the tax law.

     The aforesaid unrecognized deductible losses will be due in:

                                                    31 December 2018              31 December 2017

     2018                                                           -                  2,970,715.21
     2019                                                2,864,062.85                  3,159,690.78
     2020                                                4,725,707.87                  4,835,260.23
     2021                                                2,563,056.08                  2,641,220.49
     2022                                                7,261,117.97                  8,152,660.74
     2023                                               11,977,477.56                             -

                                                        29,391,422.33                 21,759,547.45

                                           Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                                For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                               (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V     Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

18. Other non-current assets

                                                                                   31 December 2018                              31 December 2017

       Physical asset reserve specifically
         authorized                                                                         47,576,273.75                              45,074,249.27
       Prepayment for a rental fee (i)                                                      14,196,944.60                              17,506,780.28
       Prepayment for project and equipment                                                 10,592,645.36                              19,441,433.20
       Prepayment for investment                                                                        -                              60,000,000.00

                                                                                            72,365,863.71                            142,022,462.75

       (i): The prepayment for a rental fee which is over one year is recognized as other non-current
       asset of the Group.

19. Provision for impairment of assets
                                                 Reversal of               Increases                               Decreases
                                                  write-off in                                                                                   31 December
                               1 January 2018                                          Increase due to
                                                   previous            Current                                  Reversal           Charge-off           2018

Provision for bad debts         59,036,515.28    221,031.35      19,607,811.63             80,000.00     (19,309,332.08)        (192,637.72)    59,443,388.46
Provision for bad debts of
  trade receivables             43,925,465.41    221,031.35      12,467,357.34                       -   (16,899,781.64)        (192,637.72)    39,521,434.74
Provision for bad debts of
  other receivables             15,111,049.87                -    7,140,454.29             80,000.00      (2,409,550.44)                    -   19,921,953.72

Inventory provision              6,840,110.55                -    5,422,984.90                       -    (2,678,379.54)       (1,271,520.62)    8,313,195.29
Impairment of available-
   for-sale financial assets      180,000.00                 -               -                       -                 -                    -     180,000.00
Impairment of investment
   properties                    1,300,000.00                -               -                       -                 -                    -    1,300,000.00

Impairment of goodwill          25,000,000.00                -               -                       -                 -                    -   25,000,000.00
Impairment of long-term
  equity investments              396,638.32                 -               -                       -                 -                    -     396,638.32

                                92,753,264.15    221,031.35      25,030,796.53             80,000.00     (21,987,711.62)       (1,464,158.34)   94,633,222.07

                                     Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                         For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                       (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

19. Provision for impairment of assets (Continued)
                                               Reversal of                 Increases                            Decreases
                                               write-off in                                                                                  31 December
                              1 January 2017                                       Increase due to
                                               previous                Current                               Reversal           Charge-off          2017

    Provision for bad debts    68,097,270.66      45,677.60       5,655,978.20         1,026,351.73    (8,727,086.20)       (7,061,676.71) 59,036,515.28
    Provision for bad debts of
      trade receivables        48,894,651.36      45,677.60       4,082,799.01          947,367.82     (7,765,994.96)       (2,279,035.42) 43,925,465.41
    Provision for bad debts of
      other receivables        19,202,619.30                  -   1,573,179.19           78,983.91      (961,091.24)        (4,782,641.29) 15,111,049.87

    Inventory provision      14,930,813.47                    -   3,099,135.23           44,252.15     (2,498,723.97)       (8,735,366.33)   6,840,110.55
    Impairment of available-
       for-sale financial
       assets                   180,000.00                    -              -                    -                 -                    -    180,000.00
    Impairment of investment
       properties             1,300,000.00                    -              -                    -                 -                    -   1,300,000.00

    Impairment of goodwill     25,000,000.00                  -              -                    -                 -                    - 25,000,000.00
    Impairment of long-term
      equity investments         396,638.32                   -              -                    -                 -                    -    396,638.32

                              109,904,722.45      45,677.60       8,755,113.43         1,070,603.88   (11,225,810.17)   (15,797,043.04) 92,753,264.15

20. Short-term borrowings

                                                                                         31 December 2018                    31 December 2017

     Credit borrowings                                                                     2,427,639,275.32                   1,413,638,993.97

     Discounted notes                                                                         170,013,427.11                     147,715,527.67

                                                                                           2,597,652,702.43                   1,561,354,521.64

     Documentary bills borrowing are included in the credit borrowing balance presented above. These
     documentary bills borrowings amounted to USD10,585,564.96. According to related contract, currency
     exchange will be settled with the applicable sale exchange quotation on the date which repayment is

     As at 31 December 2018, the annual interest rate for the above borrowings was 4.65% (31 December
     2017: 4.34%).

     As at 31 December 2018 and 31 December 2017, there were no short-term borrowings of the Group that
     were overdue but not yet paid.

                            Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                              For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                     (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V     Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

21. Notes payable and trade payables

                                                         31 December 2018           31 December 2017

      Notes payable                                        3,416,755,681.80           2,732,437,828.42
      Trade payables                                       6,468,535,961.17           6,144,221,000.10

                                                           9,885,291,642.97           8,876,658,828.52

    Notes payable

                                                         31 December 2018           31 December 2017

       Commercial acceptance notes                            13,843,479.73             60,129,565.95
       Bank acceptance notes                               3,402,912,202.07          2,672,308,262.47

                                                           3,416,755,681.80          2,732,437,828.42

      At 31 December 2018, the total amount of notes payable that were due but not yet paid was nil (31
      December 2017: RMB19,900.00).

    Trade payables

      Trade payables are interest-free and will be paid normally between 1 and 6 months.

                                                         31 December 2018           31 December 2017

       Trade payables                                      6,468,535,961.17          6,144,221,000.10

      At 31 December 2018, the total amount of trade payables aged over one year was
      RMB467,525,486.03 (31 December 2017: RMB269,295,585.18), which were mainly payment for
      goods not yet paid to suppliers.

22. Advances from customers

                                                         31 December 2018           31 December 2017

       Advances from customers                                             -           216,938,239.32

      At 31 December 2018, the total amount of trade payables aged over one year was nil (31
      December 2017: RMB16,618,324.72).

                             Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                               For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                     (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V     Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

23. Contract liabilities

                                                          31 December 2018           31 December 2017

      Contract liabilities                                    255,590,612.37                          -

      Contract liabilities are advance payments received. Contract obligations are normally performed,
      and revenue is recognised, within 6 months of receiving such advance payments by customers.
      Therefore, advances from customers were reclassified to contract liabilities at year end.

24.    Employee benefits payable

                                   At beginning of                                        At end of the
      2018                                the year         Increase            Decrease           year

      Short-term employee
       benefits                  209,320,163.70 1,759,137,844.89 (1,742,305,599.32) 226,152,409.27
       benefits (defined
       contribution plan)           5,596,277.12     176,477,341.94   (176,825,472.07)    5,248,146.99
      Termination benefits            740,085.72       1,555,451.66     (1,829,686.24)      465,851.14

                                 215,656,526.54 1,937,170,638.49 (1,920,960,757.63) 231,866,407.40

                                   At beginning of                                        At end of the
      2017                                the year         Increase            Decrease           year

      Short-term employee
       benefits                  191,157,671.41 1,582,656,019.65 (1,564,493,527.36) 209,320,163.70
       benefits (defined
       contribution plan)           2,686,932.17     155,924,906.72   (153,015,561.77)    5,596,277.12
      Termination benefits          1,293,476.27       1,975,659.92     (2,529,050.47)      740,085.72

                                 195,138,079.85 1,740,556,586.29 (1,720,038,139.60) 215,656,526.54

                                Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                    For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                    (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

24. Employee benefits payable (Continued)

    Short-term employee benefits

                                      At beginning of
     2018                                       year            Increase           Decrease      At end of year

    Salaries, bonuses,
      allowances and grants          193,078,506.49     1,526,865,265.07   (1,509,219,951.35)   210,723,820.21
    Staff welfare                      2,602,805.92        51,777,145.01      (52,629,200.04)     1,750,750.89
    Social security contribution       1,363,649.32        89,203,979.18      (88,945,357.38)     1,622,271.12
    Incl: Medical insurance            1,130,984.41        79,707,594.13      (79,476,427.95)     1,362,150.59
          Work injury insurance           10,541.55         3,335,240.34       (3,315,026.20)        30,755.69
          Maternity insurance            222,123.36         6,161,144.71       (6,153,903.23)       229,364.84
    Housing funds                        929,089.33        59,408,331.39      (59,273,427.70)     1,063,993.02
    Labor union funds and
       employee education funds       10,178,562.87        28,172,099.55     (28,393,890.30)      9,956,772.12
    Other short-term benefits          1,167,549.77         3,711,024.69      (3,843,772.55)      1,034,801.91

                                     209,320,163.70     1,759,137,844.89   (1,742,305,599.32)   226,152,409.27

                                      At beginning of
     2017                                       year           Increase            Decrease      At end of year

    Salaries, bonuses,
      allowances and grants          175,148,646.81     1,375,631,520.92   (1,357,701,661.24)   193,078,506.49
    Staff welfare                      1,477,025.98        46,338,154.00      (45,212,374.06)     2,602,805.92
    Social security contribution       1,570,365.14        78,785,834.04      (78,992,549.86)     1,363,649.32
    Incl: Medical insurance            1,329,989.27        69,594,869.21      (69,793,874.07)     1,130,984.41
            Work injury insurance         20,708.23         3,889,950.47       (3,900,117.15)        10,541.55
            Maternity insurance          219,667.64         5,301,014.36       (5,298,558.64)       222,123.36
    Housing funds                        327,217.21        53,752,358.53      (53,150,486.41)       929,089.33
    Labor union funds and
       employee education funds       11,765,134.16       24,282,431.63      (25,869,002.92)     10,178,562.87
    Other short-term benefits            869,282.11        3,865,720.53       (3,567,452.87)      1,167,549.77

                                     191,157,671.41     1,582,656,019.65   (1,564,493,527.36)   209,320,163.70

                          Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                            For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                 (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

24. Employee benefits payable (Continued)

    Defined contribution plan

                          At beginning of
    2018                            year            Increase            Decrease       At end of year

    Basic pension
     insurance              1,739,623.34      166,757,467.61     (166,741,930.79)      1,755,160.16
    Contribution to
     a pension
     fund                       221,831.21      4,731,258.82        (4,830,739.38)       122,350.65
     insurance              3,634,822.57        4,988,615.51        (5,252,801.90)     3,370,636.18

                            5,596,277.12      176,477,341.94     (176,825,472.07)      5,248,146.99

                         At beginning of
    2017                           year            Increase          Decrease        At end of year

    Basic pension
     insurance                  619,514.34   146,712,694.05    (145,592,585.05)      1,739,623.34
    Contribution to
     a pension
     fund                       106,185.22     4,846,301.44      (4,730,655.45)        221,831.21
     insurance             1,961,232.61        4,365,911.23      (2,692,321.27)      3,634,822.57

                           2,686,932.17      155,924,906.72    (153,015,561.77)      5,596,277.12

                           Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                             For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                  (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

24. Employee benefits payable (Continued)

    Termination benefits

                           At beginning of
    2018                             year          Increase         Decrease          At end of year

     payable – within
     1 year       (Note
     V(31))                    559,065.67       980,356.18      (1,131,364.24)           408,057.61
    Other termination
     benefits (i)              181,020.05       575,095.48        (698,322.00)            57,793.53

                               740,085.72     1,555,451.66      (1,829,686.24)           465,851.14

                           At beginning of
    2017                             year         Increase          Decrease          At end of year

     payable – within
     1 year (Note
     V(31))                  1,093,992.97     1,200,357.47      (1,735,284.77)          559,065.67
    Other termination
     benefits (i)              199,483.30       775,302.45        (793,765.70)          181,020.05

                             1,293,476.27     1,975,659.92      (2,529,050.47)          740,085.72

    (i) For year 2018, the Group provided other termination benefits for severing labor relations of
    RMB575,095.48 as at 31 December 2018, and the unpaid balance as at the year end was
    RMB57,793.53. (2017: Other termination benefits for severing labor relations of
    RMB775,302.45, the unpaid balance at the year end was RMB181,020.05).

                                 Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                    For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                      (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

25. Tax payable

                                                        31 December 2018           31 December 2017

    Corporate Income taxes                                 115,226,820.39             102,947,883.38
    Value-added tax                                         90,356,534.09              85,843,903.33
    City maintenance and construction surtax                 6,854,426.95               6,691,713.89
    Stamp duty                                               5,854,355.91               4,166,596.91
    Water conservancy fund                                   5,421,280.43               5,356,119.89
    Educational surcharge                                    4,937,147.17               4,862,588.43
    Individual income tax                                    3,954,139.24               3,921,305.41
    Property tax                                             1,123,276.37                 971,268.99
    Land use tax                                               209,179.29                 513,790.48
    Others                                                   8,043,252.88               8,477,729.53

                                                           241,980,412.72             223,752,900.24

26. Other payables

                                                        31 December 2018          31 December 2017

    Interest payable                                        21,906,660.63              7,311,819.65
    Dividend payable                                         6,389,320.96             11,889,443.11
    Other payables                                       1,511,140,990.34          1,011,128,397.26

                                                         1,539,436,971.93          1,030,329,660.02

    Interest payable

                                                        31 December 2018           31 December 2017

    Interest on short-term borrowings                       10,973,397.39               6,078,248.36
    Trade receivables’ factoring interest                  10,894,278.99               1,194,587.01
    Long-term loans’ (With periodic payments
     of principal and interest charges) interest                38,984.25                  38,984.28

                                                            21,906,660.63               7,311,819.65

                                  Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                      For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                      (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V    Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

26. Other payables (Continued)

    Dividend payable

                                                         31 December 2018          31 December 2017

    Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical (Group) Co.,
     Ltd. (“Fosun Pharma”)                                  4,835,511.58              4,835,511.58
    Zhang Zhenfang                                            1,389,639.31              1,389,639.31
    Meiluo Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                             164,170.07                164,170.07
    Zhong Luqi                                                              -           4,103,188.06
    Zhong Lunan                                                             -             765,928.44
    Zhong Xiangjun                                                          -             601,800.92
    Bai Ganyin                                                              -              29,204.73
    Qiao Haiping                                                            -                        -

                                                              6,389,320.96             11,889,443.11

    As at 31 December 2018, the Group had no significant dividend aged more than one year and not
    yet paid (31 December 2017: nil).

    Other payables

                                                        31 December 2018          31 December 2017

       Payables for factoring programs                     724,272,060.30            388,729,758.59
       Deposits                                            334,821,325.72            129,662,851.39
       Accrued selling and distribution expenses           131,493,977.43             96,065,832.84
       Payables for construction in progress and
            equipment                                       79,380,923.99             98,293,860.11
       Payables arising from acquisition of
         subsidiaries                                       78,702,980.00            109,445,960.00
       Payables for rentals                                 29,298,835.46             27,766,119.66
       Payables to individuals                              22,730,210.22             34,316,089.64
       Payables for land transfer payments                  18,071,000.00             18,071,000.00
       Temporary loans                                      15,800,000.00             15,800,000.00
       Equity subscription                                  10,000,000.00                         -
       Collection of others                                  7,525,379.59              8,430,347.08
       Payables to related parties                           5,436,532.76             15,817,669.33
       Others                                               53,607,764.87             68,728,908.62

                                                         1,511,140,990.34           1,011,128,397.26

                                Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                  For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                   (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

26. Other payables (Continued)

     At 31 December 2018, significant other payables over 1 year are:

                                                    Amount payable          Reason for outstanding

    Non-controlling interests in South               54,722,980.00      Payment conditions not met
      Pharma & Trade Fu Yuequn and
      other 11 natural persons
    Taishan Qunkang Drugstore Co.,
      Ltd.                                           13,860,000.00      Payment conditions not met
    Shenzhen No.1 Construction
      Engineering Co., Ltd.                           8,605,625.20      Payment conditions not met
    Guangxi Zhongding Medicine
      Consulting Co., Ltd.                            6,612,470.75      Payment conditions not met


27. Non-current liabilities due within one year

                                                    31 December 2018           31 December 2017

     Finance lease payables (Note V (30))                5,861,324.37                 5,434,770.70

28. Other current liabilities

                                                   31 December 2018            31 December 2017

     Output VAT to be recognized                         292,465.75                    112,817.65

29. Long-term borrowings

                                                   31 December 2018             31 December 2017

      Entrusted loans                                  31,600,000.00                 31,600,000.00

      At 31 December 2018, the total amount of entrusted loans remaining is RMB31,600,000.00.
      China National Pharmaceutical Group Corporation entrusted Group Financial Co. to provide the

      At 31 December 2018, the annual interest rate of the above-mentioned borrowings was 4.04%
      (31 December 2017: 4.40%).

                                 Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                   For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                    (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

30. Long-term payables
      Long-term payables

                                                            31 December 2018        31 December 2017

     Finance lease payables (Note XIII(2))                      9,625,302.89               14,767,307.84
     Less: Amount due within one year
        (Note V(27))                                           (5,861,324.37)              (5,434,770.70)

                                                                3,763,978.52                9,332,537.14

      Payable for specific projects

                                     At beginning of year       Increase        Decrease       At end of year

      Special funds granted by
        government                           800,000.00                -               -         800,000.00

                                     At beginning of year       Increase        Decrease       At end of year

      Special funds granted by
        government                           800,000.00                -               -         800,000.00

      Payables for specific projects are research funding granted by the government, which are
      designated as payables for specific projects when granted.

                            Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                 For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                  (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)
31. Long-term employee benefits payable
                                                         31 December 2018              31 December 2017

     Early retirement benefits payable                        2,458,057.61                     2,336,065.67
     Less: Retirement benefits payable –
                                                              (408,057.61)                     (559,065.67)
       within 1 year (Note V (24))

                                                              2,050,000.00                     1,777,000.00

     The primary actuarial assumptions adopted at the end of the reporting period are presented as

                                                         31 December 2018              31 December 2017

     Discount rate                                                   3.50%                            4.00%
     Growth rate of wages                                            6.00%                            6.00%

     The total post-employment benefits recognized in profit or loss of the current year is:

                                                                      2018                              2017

     Included in administrative expenses                      1,172,356.18                     1,182,043.83
     Included in financial expenses                              81,000.00                       101,713.75

                                                              1,253,356.18                     1,283,757.58

32. Deferred income

     2018                              Opening balance           Increase         Decrease     Closing balance

     Government grants                   96,725,183.34                  -    (5,234,012.94)     91,491,170.40

     2017                              Opening balance           Increase         Decrease     Closing balance

     Government grants                  101,563,380.85         500,000.00    (5,338,197.51)     96,725,183.34
     Promotion Rewards Program           22,390,081.96       6,475,593.10      (508,485.87)     28,357,189.19

                                        123,953,462.81       6,975,593.10    (5,846,683.38)    125,082,372.53

                                   Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                     For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                      (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

32. Deferred income (Continued)

     As at 31 December 2018, deferred income from government grants is as follows:

     Government grants           Opening balance    Addition in         Amount              Amount           Closing    Asset related/
      program                                        the year        included in       included in           balance   income related
                                                                  non-operating     other incomes
                                                                  income in the         in the year
      Compensation (Note)          78,253,849.73             -    (2,698,408.56)                  -    75,555,441.17    Asset related
     Guangxi Logistics Project      6,949,832.98             -                 -     (496,406.40)       6,453,426.58    Asset related
     Logistics standardization
       project                      3,361,259.39             -                 -     (546,246.84)       2,815,012.55    Asset related
     A comprehensive
       experimental modern
       service industry
       subsidies                    1,800,000.00             -                 -     (300,000.00)       1,500,000.00    Asset related
     Shared Logistics Center
       (completed)                    270,858.75             -                 -       (18,800.40)       252,058.35     Asset related
     Other projects                 6,089,382.49             -                 -    (1,174,150.74)      4,915,231.75           related

                                   96,725,183.34             -    (2,698,408.56)    (2,535,604.38)     91,491,170.40

     As at 31 December 2017, deferred income from government grants is as follows:

     Government grants           Opening balance    Addition in          Amount              Amount          Closing      Asset related/
      program                                        the year         included in       included in          balance     income related
                                                                   non-operating     other incomes
                                                                   income in the         in the year
      Compensation (Note)          80,952,258.29             -    (2,698,408.56)                  -    78,253,849.73       Asset related
     Guangxi Logistics Project      7,446,239.38             -                  -     (496,406.40)      6,949,832.98       Asset related
     Logistics standardization
       project                      3,907,506.23             -                  -     (546,246.84)      3,361,259.39       Asset related
     A comprehensive
       experimental modern
       service industry
       subsidies                    2,100,000.00             -                  -     (300,000.00)      1,800,000.00       Asset related
     Shared Logistics Center
       (completed)                    289,659.15             -                  -      (18,800.40)        270,858.75       Asset related
     Other projects                 6,867,717.80   500,000.00                   -   (1,278,335.31)      6,089,382.49              related

                                  101,563,380.85   500,000.00     (2,698,408.56)    (2,639,788.95)     96,725,183.34

                              Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                 For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                    (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

 V    Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

     32. Deferred income (Continued)

Note: Due to the implementation of urban planning for old town reconstruction in Nanning, the operating
      center of Guangxi Logistics which was located in Longteng Road District, Nanning City, was to be
      reconstructed in another place. According to the agreement signed between Guangxi Logistics
      and the real estate developer, Guangxi Logistics would obtain a compensation of
      RMB120,250,000.00, including cash of RMB50,000,000.00 and a property in construction equal to
      a value of RMB70,250,000.00. Cash compensation of RMB50,000,000.00 was received in May
      2012. In year 2015, construction properties with a value of RMB70,250,000.00 were built and
      delivered, and had been recognized as investment properties.

      The compensation relating to the capital expenditure in the reconstruction of the new logistic
      center in another place, amounting to RMB93.32 million, was recognized as deferred revenue,
      and would be amortized and recognized in the income statement within the expected useful lives
      using the straight-line method, and the other cash compensation, for which the amount
      approximates to RMB26.93 million, was recognized in the income statement in 2012.

 33. Other non-current liabilities

                                                       31 December 2018             31 December 2017

      Governmental medical reserve
        funds                                               45,427,343.31               45,427,343.31
      Product promotion accumulative
        points programme                                    23,813,832.87                             -

                                                            69,241,176.18               45,427,343.31

       Governmental medical reserve funds were received by the Group from the PRC government and
       local government for purchasing medical products (including medicines) required to respond to
       serious disasters, epidemics and other emergencies.

       Product promotion accumulative points programme refers to those product-originated
       accumulative points that remain more than one year surplus before expiration date.

                                 Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                    For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                     (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

34. Share capital

    2018                       At beginning of                Increase during the current year                      At end of the year
                                      the year
                                                 Issue of new share               Others                 Total
    Listed shares without
    restriction of trading:
        -A shares, listed     307,744,355.00                      -                    -                     -        307,744,355.00
        -B shares, listed      54,885,600.00                      -                    -                     -         54,885,600.00
    Listed shares with
    restriction of trading:    60,380,743.00                      -                    -                     -         60,380,743.00
         -State-owned legal
          person shares          5,114,297.00                     -                    -                     -          5,114,297.00
        -Natural person
           shares                    1,988.00                     -                    -                     -               1,988.00

                              428,126,983.00                      -                    -                     -        428,126,983.00

    2017                       At beginning of                Increase during the current year                      At end of the year
                                      the year
                                                 Issue of new share               Others                 Total
    Listed shares without
    restriction of trading:
        -A shares, listed     233,261,812.00                      -        74,482,543.00         74,482,543.00        307,744,355.00
        -B shares, listed      54,885,600.00                      -                    -                     -         54,885,600.00
    Listed shares with
    restriction of trading:    74,482,543.00         60,380,743.00        (74,482,543.00)    (14,101,800.00)            60,380,743.00
         -State-owned legal
          person shares                      -        5,114,297.00                      -         5,114,297.00           5,114,297.00
        -Natural person
           shares                    1,988.00                     -                     -                       -            1,988.00

                              362,631,943.00         65,495,040.00                      -        65,495,040.00        428,126,983.00

35. Capital surplus

       2018                                  At beginning of the year                 Increase      Decrease          At end of the year

       Share premium                                2,118,174,787.27                         -              -         2,118,174,787.27
       Others -
       Significant reorganization                   1,173,907,763.19                         -              -         1,173,907,763.19
       Transfer of capital surplus
         recognized under the previous
         accounting system                              2,650,322.00                         -              -              2,650,322.00
       Other changes in equity of invested
         units under the equity method (a)           (113,303,807.47)            19,271,293.13              -           (94,032,514.34)
       Other (b)                                                      -       1,120,284,623.39              -         1,120,284,623.39

                                                    3,181,429,064.99          1,139,555,916.52              -         4,320,984,981.51

                                     Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                         For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                          (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V     Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

    35. Capital surplus (Continued)
                                                     At beginning of
          2017                                              the year        Increase       Decrease     At end of the year

          Share premium                            2,118,174,787.27                -                -   2,118,174,787.27
          Others -
          Significant reorganization               1,177,337,792.19                -   (3,430,029.00)   1,173,907,763.19
          Transfer of capital surplus recognized
           under the previous accounting system
           (c)                                      2,650,322.00                 -                -       2,650,322.00
          Business combination involving
           enterprises under common control (d)       1,200,000.00                 -   (1,200,000.00)                    -
          Other changes in equity of invested
          units under equity method (a)            (146,644,876.54)    33,341,069.07                -   (113,303,807.47)

                                                   3,152,718,024.92    33,341,069.07   (4,630,029.00)   3,181,429,064.99

    (a)    There was an increase of RMB19,271,293.13 in the current year’s other capital reserves of the
           invested entity and this was due to the decrease of the book value of a long-term equity investment of
           the Group’s associate company Shyndec Pharma, which resulted in capital surplus of RMB139,312.34.
           Since the subsidiary of Shyndec Pharma failed to complete the Valuation Adjustment Mechanism,
           Shyndec Pharma’s shares that the Group holds changed, which resulted in an increase of
           RMB19,410,605.47 in capital surplus.

           There was an increase of RMB33,341,069.07 in 2017’s other capital reserves, which was due to
           changes of the book value of long-term equity investment and result in capital surplus of
           RMB7,018,386.52. Since the subsidiary of Shyndec Pharma failed to complete the Valuation
           Adjustment Mechanism, the Group’s holding of Shyndec Pharma’s shares that the Group holds was
           changed, which resulted in an increase of RMB26,322,682.55 in capital surplus.
    (b)    There was an increase of RMB1,120,284,623.39 in current year’s other capital reserves and this was
           due to the introduction of strategic investor Walgreens Boots Alliance (Hong Kong) Investments
           Limited (“WBA investor”) from the Group’s subsidiary, Sinopharm Guoda Pharmacy. WBA investor
           increased capital by RMB2,766,700,000.00, which resulted in capital premium of

    (c)    Significant reorganization decreased by RMB3,430,029.00 in 2017 when the Group carried out the
           reorganization on 31 October 2016. The disposal of Zhijun Medicine, Zhijun Pingshan, Zhijun Trade
           and assets of Pingshan base was in exchange for a 15.56% equity interest of Shyndec Pharma. The
           Group held a board meeting on 5 February 2018 and agreed to revise the transaction price of assets
           of Pingshan base, which resulted in an increase of RMB4,576,743.67 in capital surplus. Due to the
           incomplete valuation of assets on the completion date, the carrying value of the assets as of 31
           October 2016 is estimated temporarily. During the year, the capital reserve of RMB8,006,772.67 was
           offset by the difference between the appraisal number and the carrying amount of the delivery date.
    (d)    Capital reserve - Business combinations under common control resulted in a decrease of
           RMB1,200,000.00 due to the acquisition of Sinopharm Lerentang Shijiazhuang Pharmaceutical
           (“Shijiazhuang Pharma”), under common control by the Company, on 10 March 2017. At the beginning
           of the year, the capital reserve of RMB1,200,000.00 was restated and the capital reserve of
           RMB1,200,000.00 was written off on the delivery date.

                              Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                 For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                   (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

36. Surplus reserve

                                                            31 December 2018       31 December 2017

        Surplus reserve                                        214,063,491.50         214,063,491.50

        According to the provisions of the Company Law and the Company’s articles of association, the
        Company appropriates statutory surplus reserves at 10% of the net profit. Where the
        accumulated amount of surplus reserves reaches 50% or more of the Company’s registered
        capital, additional appropriation is not needed. After the appropriation of statutory surplus
        reserves, the Company may appropriate discretionary surplus reserves. When approved, the
        discretionary surplus reserves can be used to recover accumulated losses or increase share
        capital. The accumulated amount of the statutory surplus reserve of the Group has already
        reached 50% of the registered capital. According to the Company’s articles of association, the
        Group did not extract the surplus reserve anymore.

37. Retained earnings

                                                              31 December 2018        31 December 2017

       Retained earnings at the end of the prior year          5,572,952,806.39        4,689,189,642.51
       A business combination involving enterprises under
         common control (a)                                                   -            1,076,241.59

       Retained earnings at beginning of year after
          retrospective adjustment and restatement             5,572,952,806.39        4,690,265,884.10
       Add: Net profit attributable to the parent              1,210,742,435.78        1,057,791,930.67
       Deduct: Withdrawal form the surplus reserve                            -          (32,747,520.00)
       Cash dividends payable for ordinary shares (b)          (128,438,094.90)        (141,281,904.39)
       Business combination involving enterprises under
        common control                                                        -           (1,075,583.99)

       Retained earnings at end of year                        6,655,257,147.27        5,572,952,806.39

(a) Due to the consolidated scope change resulted from a business combination under common
       control in 2017, the beginning balance of profit attributable in 2017 was affected by an amount
       of RMB1,076,241.59.

(b) Pursuant to the resolution of the General Meeting of the Shareholders on 17 April 2018, the
       Company paid a cash dividend of RMB3.00 for every 10 shares to all shareholders. The cash
       dividend was calculated on the basis of 428,126,983 shares in issue, with an aggregate amount
       of RMB128,438,094.90.

                                   Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                      For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                      (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)
38. Operating revenue and cost
                                            2018                                              2017
                                     Revenue                        Cost               Revenue                     Cost
     operations              42,778,939,792.90         37,991,076,562.19       40,957,232,334.77     36,789,414,942.07
    Other                      343,445,728.33              33,032,068.96         306,161,092.64           30,137,973.73

                             43,122,385,521.23         38,024,108,631.15       41,263,393,427.41     36,819,552,915.80

    Revenue and cost of main operations
                                                   2018                                          2017
                                         Revenue of            Cost of main            Revenue of           Cost of main
                                     main operations            operations         main operations           operations

    Wholesale of
     pharmaceutical                31,866,749,848.53      29,606,073,176.14     31,022,967,423.15    29,315,028,286.33
    Retail of
     pharmaceutical                10,873,162,895.62       8,368,907,348.19       9,892,835,784.75      7,457,091,704.13
    Logistics and freights             26,109,809.27          13,025,190.40          29,568,712.15         11,065,889.25
    Rental and other
      income                           12,917,239.48           3,070,847.46         11,860,414.72          6,229,062.36

                                   42,778,939,792.90      37,991,076,562.19     40,957,232,334.77    36,789,414,942.07

    Other operating income and expenses
                                                    2018                                         2017
                                      Other operating                              Other operating        Other operating
                                              income    Other operating cost               income                    cost

    Rendering of services             251,591,446.56          19,327,747.23        236,641,796.68         15,003,093.78
    Rental income                      70,082,395.95          10,553,689.07         49,295,774.44         13,027,371.57
    Franchise fee income                8,903,896.40                      -         12,181,248.58                     -
    Others                             12,867,989.42           3,150,632.66          8,042,272.94          2,107,508.38

                                      343,445,728.33          33,032,068.96        306,161,092.64         30,137,973.73

                               Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                  For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                        (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V    Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)
38. Operating revenue and cost (Continued)

    Breakdown of operating revenue and cost by type of product:
                                             2018                                     2017
                                       Revenue                  Cost            Revenue                    Cost

    Medicines                  41,115,048,626.41    36,456,947,511.65   39,683,832,010.20      35,629,437,791.07
    Medical appliance           1,340,837,068.09     1,250,336,501.31    1,125,368,079.05       1,040,629,765.23
    Other                         666,499,826.73       316,824,618.19      454,193,338.16         149,485,359.50

                               43,122,385,521.23    38,024,108,631.15   41,263,393,427.41      36,819,552,915.80

    All sales revenue were domestic for the year 2018.

    Breakdown of operating revenue:
    Timing of revenue recognition
      Revenue recognised at a point in time
         Sales of goods                                                                      42,739,912,744.15
      Revenue recognised within a time period
         Providing services                                                                    274,845,863.52
         Rental income                                                                          81,517,104.29
         Storage and logistics                                                                  26,109,809.27


      In 2018, the Group has recognised contract liabilities in total of RMB255,590,612.37 through the
      sale of goods and provision of services. Information about the Group’s obligations is as follows:
      The Group recognises revenue when goods are delivered, and will receive payment within 30-210
      The Group recognises revenue after providing services, and will receive payment within 30-210
      days. The expected revenue recognition time for the Group’s contract obligations above is in year

                         Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                            For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                 (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

39. Tax and surcharges

                                                                  2018                 2017

    City maintenance and construction tax               47,477,033.41          47,942,856.07
    Educational surcharge                               32,650,733.37          34,378,808.90
    Stamp duty                                          32,467,464.05          28,674,034.69
    Property tax                                         6,961,154.31           6,725,155.08
    Land tax                                               830,516.37             804,774.72
    Vehicle and vessel use tax                             159,260.61             524,224.57
    Others                                                 465,976.90             870,564.15

                                                       121,012,139.02         119,920,418.18

40. Selling expenses

                                                                 2018                2017

    Employees payroll and welfare benefits          1,388,569,241.35     1,218,875,166.16
    Rental expenses                                   693,711,084.99       595,655,664.30
    Technical service fee                             122,040,418.95        15,681,068.73
    Transportation charges                             72,790,376.76        62,383,495.59
    Amortization of long-term deferred expenses        79,264,643.73        61,757,421.69
    Utility fees                                       58,460,806.07        53,104,248.07
    Depreciation expenses                              57,211,707.70        49,141,321.86
    Promotion and marketing expenses                   44,772,075.33        41,054,355.22
    Storage expenses                                   26,735,260.77        34,503,559.49
    Office allowances                                  37,866,925.91        34,125,183.91
    Entertainment expenses                             28,339,849.02        27,525,997.74
    Repairing fees                                     12,410,974.80        10,676,340.89
    Travel allowances                                   9,659,289.87         8,680,420.02
    Conference expenses                                 9,254,374.47        10,484,976.55
    Market development fees                             7,741,076.04         1,081,752.10
    Others                                           113,961,780.01          81,178,099.39

                                                    2,762,789,885.77     2,305,909,071.71

                           Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                              For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                    (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

41. Administrative expenses

                                                                 2018                   2017

    Employees payroll and welfare benefits          540,166,368.56          512,141,139.52
    Rental expenses                                  38,446,106.99           33,667,526.23
    Office allowances                                25,785,743.03           29,796,762.42
    Depreciation expenses                            25,989,962.32           23,860,275.81
    Amortization of intangible assets                16,833,469.40           18,027,511.52
    Entertainment expenses                           15,124,722.99           14,034,565.91
    Agency service fees                              19,335,780.45           12,473,242.98
    Technical service fees                           17,309,623.25           12,148,374.10
    Travel allowances                                11,970,208.11            9,160,614.98
    Amortization of long-term deferred
    expenses                                           9,609,145.68              9,347,654.01
    Vehicle management expenses                        9,508,891.07              9,162,933.83
    Utilities                                          5,740,238.76              7,206,977.34
    Taxations                                          2,542,633.31              6,530,342.04
    Repairing fees                                     4,726,047.17              4,596,365.92
    Promotion and marketing expenses                   9,239,323.28              3,284,160.48
    Others                                            31,010,043.82             30,515,520.04

                                                    783,338,308.19          735,953,967.13

42. Finance costs

                                                                 2018                   2017

    Interest expenses                               195,256,226.47          135,832,879.33
    Less: Interest income                           (81,119,506.63)         (35,012,199.48)
    Cash discount from purchase                     (42,424,361.51)         (28,158,611.39)
    Exchanges loss/ (gain)                               325,611.60            (495,664.83)
    Others                                            40,824,769.19           38,194,135.93

                                                    112,862,739.12          110,360,539.56

    Breakdown for interest income is as follows:
                                                                   2018                   2017

    Cash                                               (81,119,506.63)           (35,012,199.48)

                                  Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                     For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                      (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

43. Impairment loss

                                                                             2018                            2017

     Inventory provision                                              2,744,605.36                   600,411.26
     Bad debt allowance (Only applicable for 2017)                               -               (3,071,108.00)

                                                                      2,744,605.36               (2,470,696.74)

44. Impairment losses on financial assets (Only applicable for 2018)

                                                                                        2018                     2017

     Impairment loss of notes and trade receivables                           (4,432,424.30)                             -
     Impairment loss of other receivables                                       4,730,903.85                             -

                                                                                 298,479.55                              -

45. Other incomes
                                                                                        2018                     2017

    Government grants related to daily operating activities                   27,012,475.30           24,155,618.47
    Taxation service charge refund                                             1,445,926.01              235,691.44

                                                                              28,458,401.31           24,391,309.91

    Government grants relevant to daily operation:
                                                              2018                   2017      Related to asset/income

     Logistics standardization project                   546,246.84            546,246.84             Related to asset
     Guangxi Logistics Project                           496,406.40            496,406.40             Related to asset
     Subsidy for a comprehensive
       experimental unit of the modern
       service industry                                  300,000.00            300,000.00             Related to asset
     Third party medicine modern logistics
       public information platform                        18,800.40             18,800.40             Related to asset
     Transferred in from deferred income               1,174,150.74           1,278,335.31            Related to asset

                                                       2,535,604.38           2,639,788.95

    Tax return                                         9,153,184.19           1,335,908.17             Income related
    Government grants for medicine reserve
      expenses                                         3,220,625.00           3,210,000.00             Income related
     Government support funding                        2,632,800.00           8,394,375.00             Income related
     Enterprise economy award                          1,535,325.00           2,400,000.00             Income related
     Economic contribution award                         150,000.00            641,300.00              Income related
     Others                                            7,784,936.73           5,534,246.35             Income related

                                                      24,476,870.92          21,515,829.52

                                                      27,012,475.30          24,155,618.47

                             Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                               For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                  (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

46. Investment income

                                                                      2018                2017

    Investment income from long-term equity investments
      under the equity method (Note V(8))                   319,903,890.47       263,825,834.56
    Investment income from disposal of subsidiaries            (526,137.60)                   -
    Investment income from available-for-sale financial
      assets                                                                -        579,444.98
    Gain on remeasurement of fair value of a remaining
      equity interest upon loss of control                       519,419.36                     -
    Remeasurement of the original ownership based on fair
      value during step-by-step acquisition to recognize
      investment income                                                     -        134,740.70

                                                             319,897,172.23      264,540,020.24

47. Gain on disposal of assets

                                                                   2018                 2017

    Gain on disposal of intangible assets                   3,892,019.91                  -
    Gain on disposal of fixed assets                        3,500,527.65         792,663.68
    Gain on disposal of other non-current assets                       -           (525.30)

                                                            7,392,547.56         792,138.38

48. Non-operating income

                                                                    2018                2017

    Gain from writing off the unnecessary payment            5,000,021.34        3,385,203.85
    Government grants irrelevant to daily operation          2,698,408.56        2,698,408.56
    Others                                                   5,016,923.61        5,328,875.80

                                                            12,715,353.51       11,412,488.21

                               Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                  For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                    (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

48. Non-operating income (Continued)

     Government grants are as follow:

                                                     2018                    2017    Related to asset/income

     Resettlement Compensation of Guangxi
                                              2,698,408.56            2,698,408.56             Asset related

49. Non-operating expenses

                                                                         2018                          2017

    Penalty expenses                                              1,097,787.61                 4,808,339.15
    Donation expenses                                               449,466.05                   123,600.00
    Loss on disposal of a non-current asset                         345,180.28                 1,184,152.43
    Others                                                        2,872,416.21                 3,158,103.12

                                                                  4,764,850.15                 9,274,194.70

50. Expenses by nature

     The cost of operations, selling and distribution expenses, administrative expenses are classified
     by nature and listed as follows:

                                                                          2018                          2017

     Inventories of finished and work-in-progress
       goods/Cost of inventories                             38,010,404,118.17          36,740,876,853.01
     Employees payroll and welfare benefits                   1,937,354,409.70           1,740,090,218.21
     Rental expenses                                            732,157,191.98             631,327,946.24
     Depreciation and amortization                              206,110,412.41             179,809,422.71
     Technical service fees                                     139,350,042.20              28,753,897.58
     Transportation charges                                      72,790,376.76              65,173,013.85
     Utilities                                                   66,988,900.15             115,159,397.61
     Office telecom and internet expenses                        63,652,668.94              63,921,946.33
     Promotion and marketing expenses                            61,752,474.65              45,420,267.80
     Entertainment expenses                                      43,464,572.01              41,560,563.65
     Travel allowances                                           29,081,374.94              24,316,505.13
     Storage expenses                                            26,735,260.77              34,503,559.49
     Agency service fees                                         19,335,780.45              12,473,242.98
     Repairing fees                                              17,137,021.97              15,542,580.93
     Conference expenses                                         12,927,363.12              13,027,031.26
     Taxation                                                     2,542,633.31               6,530,342.04
     Others                                                     128,452,223.58             102,929,165.82

                                                             41,570,236,825.11          39,861,415,954.64

                             Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                 For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                   (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

51. Income taxes

                                                                          2018                          2017

     Current income tax                                        330,119,712.81               320,134,496.02
     Deferred income tax                                           378,532.87               (10,844,368.30)

                                                               330,498,245.68               309,290,127.72

     The reconciliation of income tax calculated based on applicable tax rates and total profit
     presented in the consolidated financial statements to the income taxes is shown below:
                                                                           2018                          2017

     Total profit                                             1,678,929,357.53              1,466,028,973.81
     Income taxes calculated at applicable tax rates            419,732,339.38                366,507,243.45
     Lower tax rates enacted by local authorities               (26,400,897.47)               (23,029,239.44)
     Income not subject to tax                                  (80,379,054.34)               (66,135,005.06)
     Expenses not deductible for tax                              12,549,148.66                 16,141,202.89
     Deductible loss on unconfirmed deferred tax
       assets at end of the year                                   2,994,369.39                  2,038,165.18
     Utilization of previously unrecognized tax losses               752,138.09                    422,558.70
     Impact of the temporary discrepancy on
       unconfirmed deductible deferred tax assets at
       end of the year                                                         -                    60,680.50
     Adjustment of income tax expense of previous
       years                                                       1,250,201.97                13,284,521.50

     Income tax                                                 330,498,245.68                309,290,127.72

52. Earnings per share

                                                                            2018                          2017
                                                                       RMB/Share                     RMB/Share

    Basic earnings per share
     Continuing operations                                                    2.83                          2.47
    Diluted earnings per share
     Continuing operations                                                    2.83                          2.47

    The basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the consolidated net profit of the current year
    attributable to the ordinary shareholders of the Company by the adjusted weighted average number of
    ordinary shares outstanding.

    In year 2018, the Company had no potential dilutive ordinary shares, and the diluted earnings per share was
    the same as the basic earnings per share.

                              Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                 For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                   (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

52. Earnings per share (Continued)

    The calculation of basic and diluted earnings per share is as follows:

                                                                       2018               2017

     Earnings                                               1,210,742,435.78   1,057,791,930.67
     Consolidated net profit attributable to the
      shareholders of the parent                            1,210,742,435.78   1,057,791,930.67

     Net profit attributable to the calculation of EPS      1,210,742,435.78   1,057,791,930.67

     Adjusted weighted average number of ordinary
      shares outstanding                                     428,126,983.00      428,126,983.00

     Basic and diluted earnings per share                              2.83                2.47

53. Notes to items in the cash flow statement

     Cash receipts related to other operating activities

                                                                      2018                2017

     Interest income                                         79,501,556.12       34,998,333.34
     Rent income                                             70,082,395.95       49,295,774.44
     Government grants except tax return                     15,323,686.73       20,679,921.35
     Others                                                 514,689,083.24      235,692,027.77

                                                            679,596,722.04      340,666,056.90

     Cash paid relating to other operating activities

                                                                      2018                2017

     Rental expenses                                        732,157,191.98      631,327,946.24
     Advertising expenses                                    61,752,474.65       45,420,267.80
     Office expenses                                         49,240,163.51       47,689,164.33
     Entertainment expenses                                  43,464,572.01       41,560,563.65
     Bank charges                                            39,831,488.02       37,287,542.07
     Travel expenses                                         29,081,374.94       24,316,505.13
     Conference expenses                                     12,927,363.12       13,027,031.26
     Others                                                 757,256,302.59      605,802,950.13

                                                           1,725,710,930.82    1,446,431,970.61

                             Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                   (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

53. Notes to items in the cash flow statement (Continued)

     Cash received relating to other investing activities

                                                                    2018                   2017

     Received reorganized-consideration from
      Shyndec Pharma                                        51,695,586.01                      -
     Received entrusted loan payments                       44,000,000.00                      -
     Deposit collected from Shyndec Pharma                              -          75,259,200.00
     Others                                                  3,097,499.39                      -

                                                            98,793,085.40          75,259,200.00

     Cash paid relating to other investing activities

                                                                       2018                  2017

     Entrusted borrowings paid to Zhijun Suzhou                44,000,000.00         44,000,000.00
     Others                                                    37,042,904.53         48,803,476.90

                                                               81,042,904.53         92,803,476.90

    Other cash receipts relating to financing activities

                                                                       2018                  2017

    Factoring payable received                              335,542,301.71         237,539,708.52
    Financing restricted monetary funds received            135,678,166.90                         -
    Other                                                    12,818,350.59             937,000.00

                                                            484,038,819.20         238,476,708.52

     Cash payments relating to other financing activities

                                                                            2018             2017

     Purchase of equity of minority shareholders                  54,722,980.00     158,996,642.00
     Others                                                       29,752,802.06      91,402,261.79

                                                                  84,475,782.06     250,398,903.79

                               Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                 For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                    (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

54. Supplementary information of the cash flow statement

       Reconciliation of net profit to cash flows from operating activities

                                                                               2018                2017

       Net profit                                                   1,348,431,111.85    1,156,738,846.09
       Adjustments: Provisions for expected credit losses                 298,479.55                    -
               Provision for asset impairment                           2,744,605.36       (2,470,696.74)
               Depreciation of fixed assets and investment
                                                                       91,786,656.69       82,437,451.62
               Amortization of intangible assets                       24,468,087.41       25,334,120.64
               Amortization of long-term prepaid expenses              89,855,668.31       72,037,850.45
               Gains on disposal of fixed assets, and other
                                                                       (7,047,367.28)         203,279.86
                non-current assets
               Finance costs                                          143,120,104.31       70,005,833.78
               Investment income                                     (319,897,172.24)    (264,540,020.24)
               Increase in deferred tax assets                         (2,488,130.63)      (6,558,160.76)
               (Increase)/decrease in deferred tax liabilities          2,768,712.60       (4,652,450.99)
               (Increase)/decrease in inventories                    (608,950,788.81)     266,979,628.18
               Increase in operating receivables items             (1,663,980,387.42)     (23,111,709.56)
               (Decrease)/increase in operating payable
                                                                    2,296,682,476.23      (11,649,824.85)
               Increase in restricted operating cash with             (75,185,703.66)     (75,462,235.66)

       Net cash generated from operating activities                 1,322,606,352.27    1,285,291,911.82

       Movement of cash

                                                                              2018                  2017

       Cash at the end of year                                   7,632,117,020.77       3,673,498,691.48
       Less: Cash at the beginning of year                       3,673,498,691.48       3,150,915,425.49

       Net increase in cash                                      3,958,618,329.29        522,583,265.99

                               Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                  For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                   (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

54. Supplementary information of the cash flow statement (Continued)

       Acquisition of subsidiaries and operating units

                                                                                           2018               2017

       Cash and cash equivalents paid for acquisitions of
         subsidiaries and other business units                                    19,920,651.60       33,495,020.00
       Incl: Sinopharm Guoda Taishan Qunkang Pharmacy Chain
         Store Co., Ltd. (“Guoda Taishan”)                                      16,380,000.00                   -
              Shanxi Zhongao Co., Ltd. (“Shanxi
              Zhongao”)                                                             450,651.60                   -
              Taiyuan Tongxinli                                                    3,090,000.00                   -
              Sinopharm Zhuhai                                                                 -       9,249,020.00
              Sinopharm Maoming                                                                -       8,300,000.00
              Sinopharm Heyuan                                                                 -      15,946,000.00

       Add: Consideration of previous acquisition paid in the current
             period                                                                            -      44,667,145.33
       Incl: Guoda Taishan                                                                     -       6,930,000.00
                Shanxi Guoda Wanmin Pharmacy Chain Store Co.,
                     Ltd.                                                                      -      13,720,000.00
                Shijiazhuang Lerentang Yikang Pharmacy Chain
                     Store Co., Ltd.                                                           -      24,017,145.33

       Less: Cash held by subsidiaries at the acquisition date                    22,389,173.93       24,805,649.18
       Incl: Guoda Taishan                                                        21,146,145.15                   -
                Shanxi Zhongao                                                     1,160,397.85                   -
                Taiyuan Tongxinli                                                     82,630.93                   -
                Sinopharm Zhuhai                                                              -        8,291,340.47
                Sinopharm Maoming                                                             -          309,174.70
                Sinopharm Heyuan                                                              -       16,205,134.01

       Net cash outflow on acquisition of the subsidiaries and
        business units                                                            (2,468,522.33)      53,356,516.15


                                                                                   2018                       2017

       Cash on hand                                                         5,587,191.18              6,208,674.32

       Bank deposits on demand                                          7,626,529,829.59           3,667,290,017.16

       Cash                                                             7,632,117,020.77           3,673,498,691.48

                              Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                 For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                   (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

V   Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued)

55. Assets under restricted ownership or right to use

                                                                    2018                         2017            Note

        Cash and cash equivalents                         457,664,283.79              518,156,747.03           Note 1
        Notes receivable that were
                                                                                                               Note 2
        discounted                                        170,013,427.11              147,715,527.67
        Notes receivable that were
                                                             301,416.00                               -        Note 3

                                                          627,979,126.90              665,872,274.70

         Note 1: At 31 December 2018, the Group had deposits of bank acceptance notes, deposits of pledged
                 borrowings and time deposits with maturities over 3 months amounting to RMB457,664,283.79
                 (31 December 2017: RMB518,156,747.03) (Note V(1)).

         Note 2: At 31 December 2018, the Group had otes receivable of RMB170,013,427.11, discounted but
                not due (31 December 2017: RMB147,715,527.67) (Note V (2)).

         Note 3: At 31 December 2018, the Group had notes receivable of RMB301,416.00, endorsed but not
                due (31 December 2017: nil) (Note V (2)).

56. Foreign monetary items
                                          31 December 2018                                 31 December 2017
                               Original                        Equivalent to    Original         ExDollar     Equivalent
                                          Exchange rate
                              currency                                RMB      currency       (Notes) rate      to RMB

          borrowings                  -               -                    -           -                  -             -
         United States
          dollar         10,585,564.96          6.9579        73,653,234.88            -                  -             -

                                                              73,653,234.88                                             -

        Note: According to a related contract, currency exchange will be settled with the applicable sale exchange
        quotation on the date which repayment is deducted.

                              Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                 For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                   (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

VI    Changes in the scope of consolidation

1.    Business combinations not involving enterprises under common control

1.1   Acquiring Taiyuan Tongxinli

      The Group has acquired 100% equity in Taiyuan Tongxinli for RMB3.09million from Beijing equity
      exchange in November 2018, which forms business combination not involving enterprises under common
      control. Afterwards, Taiyuan Tongxinli becomes a wholly owned subsidiary by the Group. This acquisition
      was completed on 20 November 2018, Taiyuan Tongxinli is now within the consolidation scope.

      The fair values and carrying amounts of identifiable assets and liabilities and contingent liabilities of
      Taiyuan Tongxinli on the acquisition date are presented as follows:

                                                                     30 November 2018       30 November 2018
                                                                            Fair value        Carrying amount

      Cash and bank balances                                                 82,630.93               82,630.93
      Notes receivable and trade receivables                              1,279,653.52            1,279,653.52
      Other receivables                                                     970,570.20              970,570.20
      Inventories                                                         1,148,040.63            1,148,040.63
      Fixed assets                                                           99,584.93               99,584.93
      Long-term prepaid expenses                                             99,353.78               99,353.78
      Trade payables                                                      3,230,117.28            3,230,117.28
      Contract liabilities                                                  119,067.79              119,067.79
      Employee benefits payable                                               3,437.82                3,437.82
      Tax payables                                                           55,858.95               55,858.95

      Net assets                                                            271,352.15             271,352.15

      Net assets acquired                                                   271,352.15             271,352.15

      Goodwill arising from acquisition                                   2,818,647.85

                                                                          3,090,000.00   (Note)

      The amount refers to the cash payment of RMB3,090,000.00 the Group paid in acquisition.
      Operating results and cash flows of Taiyuan Tongxinli for the period from the acquisition date to the end of
      the year are presented as follows:

                                                                                 Period from 30 November 2018 to
                                                                                               31 December 2018

       Operating revenue                                                                             440,319.27
       Net profit                                                                                    (95,586.30)
       Net cash flows                                                                                  32,914.21

                               Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                   For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                    (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

VI Changes in scope of consolidation (Continued)

1.     Business combinations not involving enterprises under common control (Continued)

1.2    Acquiring Shanxi Zhongao

       In September 2018, the Group acquired a 100% stake in Shanxi Zhongao for RMB450,651.60 to
       constitute a business combination involving enterprises not under common control. The acquisition was
       completed on 6th September 2018 and included in the consolidation scope of the Company.

       The fair values and carrying amounts of identifiable assets and liabilities and contingent liabilities of
       Shanxi Zhongao on the acquisition date are presented as follows:

                                                                       31 August 2018              31 August 2018
                                                                            Fair value            Carrying amount

       Cash and bank balances                                             1,160,397.85               1,160,397.85
       Advances to suppliers                                                 23,333.33                  23,333.33
       Fixed assets                                                         104,181.34                 104,181.34
       Employee benefits payable                                              4,790.97                   4,790.97
       Tax payables                                                         832,469.95                 832,469.95

       Net assets                                                          450,651.60                 450,651.60

       Net assets acquired                                                 450,651.60                 450,651.60

       Goodwill arising from acquisition                                             -

                                                                           450,651.60    (Note)

       The amount refers to the cash payment of RMB450,651.60 that the Group paid in acquisition.

       Operating results and cash flows of Shanxi Zhongao for the period from the acquisition date to the end of
       the year are presented as follows:

                                                                                   Period from 31 August 2018 to
                                                                                              31 December 2018

        Operating revenue                                                                           311,169,796.47
        Net profit                                                                                      621,839.99
        Net cash flows                                                                                  116,488.79

                               Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                  For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                    (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

VIChanges in scope of consolidation (Continued)

1.Business combinations not involving enterprises under common control (Continued)

1.3    Acquiring Sinopharm Huadu

       In April 2018, the Group acquired a 70% stake in Sinopharm Huadu for RMB16,380,000.00 to constitute a
       business combination involving enterprises not under common control. The acquisition was completed on
       30 April 2018 and included in the consolidation scope of the Company.

       The fair values and carrying amounts of identifiable assets and liabilities and contingent liabilities of
       Sinopharm Holding Huadu on the acquisition date are presented as follows:

                                                                          30 April 2018               30 April 2018
                                                                             Fair value            Carrying amount

       Cash and bank balances                                            16,466,145.15               16,466,145.15
       Notes receivables and trade receivables                            8,213,283.42                8,213,283.42
       Other receivables                                                  6,432,549.05                6,432,549.05
       Advances to suppliers                                              2,140,000.00                2,140,000.00
       Deferred tax assets                                                   97,950.90                   97,950.90
       Notes payables and trade payables                                    248,440.00                  248,440.00
       Contract liabilities                                                 101,822.00                  101,822.00
       Tax payables                                                       1,391,359.22                1,391,359.22
       Other payable                                                      8,207,265.45                8,207,265.45

       Net assets                                                        23,401,041.85               23,401,041.85

       Less: Non-controlling interests                                  (7,020,312.56)              (7,020,312.56)

                                                                         16,380,729.29               16,380,729.29

       Amount exceeding the cost of merger recognized
        as profit or loss in the current period                               (729.29)

                                                                         16,380,000.00    (Note)

       The amount refers to the cash payment of RMB16,380,000.00 the Group paid in acquisition.

       Operating results and cash flows of Sinopharm Huadu for the period from the acquisition date to the end
       of the year are presented as follows:

                                                                                Period from 31 October 2018 to 31
                                                                                                 December 2018

        Operating revenue                                                                             23,654,780.05
        Net profit                                                                                     (210,588.98)
        Net cash flows                                                                                (9,943,258.16)

                                 Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                    For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                      (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

VIChanges in scope of consolidation (Continued)

2.Establishment of subsidiaries

                                                                                          31 December
                                                                                                  2018              2018
                                                                                             Net assets         Net profit
        Sinopharm Holding Foshan Medical Consumables Supply Chain Co., Ltd.
          (a)                                                                           7,479,616.59      (520,383.41)
        Sinopharm Holding Medical Supply Chain Service (Guangxi) Co., Ltd.(b)          20,967,020.47        967,020.47
        Sinopharm Guoda Shanghai Haohai Pharmacy Co., Ltd. (“Guoda Haohai”)
          (c)                                                                             392,000.00                   -
        Baiyi Pharmacy(d)                                                               1,628,377.27      (371,622.73)
        Sinopharm Holding Hezhou Co., Ltd. (“Sinopharm Hezhou”)(e)                    2,548,118.97      (451,881.03)
        Sinopharm Holding Guoda Pharmacy Zhengzhou Chain Co., Ltd. (“Guoda
          Zhengzhou”)(f)                                                              14,638,869.24      (361,130.76)
        Sinopharm Guoda Shanghai Ruijing Pharmacy Co., Ltd. (“Guoda Ruijing”)
          (g)                                                                             711,846.26        (88,153.74)
        Sinopharm Guoda Fujian Medicine Co., Ltd. (“Guoda Fujian”)(h)                15,005,961.19          5,961.19
        Sinopharm Holding Qinzhou Co., Ltd. (“Sinopharm Qinzhou”)(i)                  1,253,916.44      (246,083.56)
        Sinopharm Holding Hechi Co., Ltd. (“Sinopharm Hechi”)(j)                      1,301,113.92      (198,886.08)

(a)    On 30 January 2018, the Group and Shenzhen Qingniu Medical Investment Co., Ltd. accumulatively invested
         RMB5,600,000.00 and RMB2,400,000 to set up Sinopharm Holding Foshan Medical Consumables Supply Chain Co.,
         Ltd., respectivly.
(b)    On 4 January 2018, the Group, Guorun Medical Supply Chain Service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (“Guorun Medical”) and
         Guangxi Deyiyuan Medical Investment Center (Limited partnership) jointly established Sinopharm Holding Medical
         Supply Chain Service (Guangxi) Co., Ltd., accumulatively invested RMB6,120,000.00, RMB5,880,000.00 and
         RMB8,000,000.00, respectively. Guorun medical entrusted the Group with its voting rights, the Group now holds 60%
         voting rights of Sinopharm Holding medical supply chain service (Guangxi) Co., Ltd.
(c)    On 18 January 2018, the Group and Shanghai Linhong Medical instrument Co., Ltd. jointly established Guoda Haohai,
         accumulatively invested RMB408,000.00 and RMB392,000.00, respectively. As of the end of 2018, Shanghai Linhong
         Medical Instrument Co., Ltd. has invested RMB392,000.00, and the Group completed the payment transaction on 15
         February 2019.
(d)    On 24 April 2018, the Group and Baise Jianan Pharmaceutical Chain Co., Ltd. accumulatively invested
         RMB1,020,000.00 and RMB980,000 to set up Baiyi Pharmacy, respectivly.. After the establishment, the Group held
         51% of equity interest in Baiyi Pharmacy.
(e)    On 23 April 2018, the Group invested RMB10,000,000.00 to set up Sinopharm Holding Hezhou Co., Ltd. As at the end
         of 2018, the Group invested RMB3,000,000.00.
(f)    On 12 August 2018, the Group and Henan Wanxitang Pharmacy Co., Ltd. (“Henan Wanxitang”) accumulatively
         invested RMB12,000,000.00 and RMB8,000,000.00, respectively, to set up Guoda Zhengzhou. By the end of 2018, the
         Group invested RMB12,000,000.00 and Henan Wanxitang invested RMB3,000,000.00.
(g)    On 21 September 2019, the Group and Shanghai Runjian Technology Co., Ltd. jointly established Sinopharm Guoda
         Shanghai Ruijing Pharmacy Co., Ltd., accumulatively invested RMB440,000.00 and RMB360,000.00, respectivly. After
         establishment, the Group holds 55% of its equity. By the end of 2018, payment has been completed.
(h)    On 8 August 2018, the Group invested RMB15,000,000.00 to set up Guoda Fujian. After the establishment, the
         Company held 100% of equity interest in Guoda Fujian.
(i)    On 16 March 2018, the Group established Sinopharm Qinzhou and the subscription of registered capital is
         RMB10,000,000.00. By the end of 2018, RMB1,500,000 has been paid.
(j)    On 28 Feburary 2018, the Group established Sinopharm Hechi and the subscription of registered capital is
         RMB10,000,000.00. By the end of 2018, RMB1,500,000 has been paid.

                                   Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                       For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                        (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

VIChanges in scope of consolidation (Continued)

3.        Cancellation of subsidiary

                                                         Registered                                     Reason for
                          Principal                       capital                                         no longer
                          place of          Place of        (RMB       Nature of                            being a
                          business       establishment    ‘0,000)     business    Shareholding (%)      subsidiary

                                                                                   Direct   Indirect

     Pharmacy Chain                                                                                    Cancellation
     Store Co., Ltd.     Tangshan         Tangshan          300       Commercial      -      100.00    of company
     Datong Guoda
     Pharmacy Chain                                                                                    Cancellation
     Store Co., Ltd.      Datong            Datong          615       Commercial      -      100.00    of company
     Guoda Changxin
     Pharmacy Co.,                                                                                     Cancellation
     Ltd.                 Shanghai         Shanghai         30        Commercial      -      100.00    of company
     Hebei Yikang                                                                                      Cancellation
     (a)              Shijiazhuang     Shijiazhuang       500       Commercial      -      100.00    of company
     Beijing Yangqiao
     Rongzhi Golden
     Company                                                                                           Cancellation
     Limited              Beiiing          Beiiing          126       Commercial      -      50.79     of company

          (a) As at December 2018, Hebei Yikang’s cancellation was approved, and was cancelled on 21
          January 2019.

                                        Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                            For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                             (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

VII Interests in other entities

1.        Interests in subsidiaries

(1)        The composition of the Group
                                                                           Registered      Shareholding
                                                 Place of      Nature of      capital                             Voting          Ways of
      Subsidiaries               place of
                                            incorporation      business         (RMB      Direct     Indirect   proportion      acquisition

      Sinopharm Guilin             Guilin          Guilin   Commercial         2,000           -    100.00%      100.00%     Establishment
      Sinopharm Baise              Baise           Baise    Commercial         3,500           -    100.00%      100.00%     Establishment
      Sinopharm Holding
         Zhongshan Co.,
         Ltd. (“Sinopharm
         Zhongshan")           Zhongshan     Zhongshan      Commercial         3,000           -    100.00%      100.00%     Establishment
      Sinopharm Guigang          Guigang        Guigang     Commercial         2,000           -    100.00%      100.00%     Establishment
      Sinopharm Beihai             Beihai         Beihai    Commercial         1,500           -    100.00%      100.00%     Establishment
      Sinopharm Holding
         Treatment            Guangzhou      Guangzhou      Commercial         2,000           -     51.00%       51.00%     Establishment
      Shenzhen Jianmin                                                                                                        combinations
         Pharmaceutical                                                                                                            involving
         Co., Ltd.                                                                                                           entities under
         (“Sinopharm                                                                                                              common
         Jianmin")             Shenzhen       Shenzhen      Commercial         2,000    100.00%             -    100.00%             control
      Sinopharm Holding
         Traditional &                                                                                                            Business
         Herbal Medicine                                                                                                     combinations
         Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                 involving
         (“Sinopharm                                                                                                        entities under
         Traditional &                                                                                                             common
         Herbal Medicine")     Shenzhen       Shenzhen      Commercial         1,500    100.00%             -    100.00%             control

      Sinopharm Holding                                                                                                      combinations
         Shenzhen                                                                                                                  involving
         Logistics Co.,                                                                                                      entities under
         Ltd. (“Shenzhen                                                                                                          common
         Logistics")           Shenzhen       Shenzhen         Services          500    100.00%             -    100.00%             control
      Sinopharm Holding                                                                                                            involving
         Guangzhou Co.,                                                                                                      entities under
         Ltd. (“Sinopharm                                                                                                         common
         Guangzhou")          Guangzhou      Guangzhou      Commercial       355,325    100.00%             -    100.00%             control
      Sinopharm Holding                                                                                                      combinations
         Guangdong                                                                                                                 involving
         Hengxing Co.,                                                                                                       entities under
         Ltd. (“Sinopharm                                                                                                         common
         Hengxing")           Guangzhou      Guangzhou      Commercial         9,600           -    100.00%      100.00%             control
                                                                                                                             entities under
      Sinopharm Yulin               Yulin          Yulin    Commercial         1,000           -    100.00%      100.00%             control

                                        Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                             For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                               (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

VII       Interests in other entities (Continued)

1.        Interests in subsidiaries (Continued)

(1)       The composition of the Group (Continued)

                                     Principal                                  Registered       Shareholding
                                                      Place of     Nature of                                           Voting
      Subsidiaries                    place of                                 capital(RMB                                           Ways of acquisition
                                                 establishment     business                     Direct    Indirect   proportion
                                     business                                        0.000)

                                                                                                                                  Business combinations
                                                                                                                                  involving entities under
      Sinopharm Liuzhou               Liuzhou        Liuzhou     Commercial      2,053.06            -    51.00%        51.00%           common control

      Guangdong Huixin                                                                                                            Business combinations
         Investment Co., Ltd.                                                                                                     involving entities under
         (“Huixin Investment”)   Guangzhou      Guangzhou         Service           500            -   100.00%       100.00%           common control

      Sinopharm Holding Foshan                                                                                                    Business combinations
         Co., Ltd. (“Sinopharm                                                                                                   involving entities under
         Foshan")                     Foshan          Foshan     Commercial         4,100            -   100.00%       100.00%           common control

      Sinopharm Holding
         Guangdong Yuexing                                                                                                        Business combinations
         Co., Ltd. (“Sinopharm                                                                                                   involving entities under
         Yuexing”)                Guangzhou      Guangzhou      Commercial        23,000            -   100.00%       100.00%           common control

      Sinopharm Holding
         Guangdong Logistics                                                                                                      Business combinations
         Co., Ltd. (“Guangdong                                                                                                   involving entities under
         Logistic”)               Guangzhou      Guangzhou         Service         1,300            -   100.00%       100.00%           common control

                                                                                                                                  Business combinations
                                                                                                                                  involving entities under
      Sinopharm Guangxi              Nanning         Nanning     Commercial        52,141     100.00%            -     100.00%           common control

                                                                                                                                  Business combinations
                                                                                                                                  involving entities under
      Guangxi Logistic               Nanning         Nanning        Service        710.07            -   100.00%       100.00%           common control

                                                                                                                                  Business combinations
                                                                                                                                  involving entities under
      Sinopharm Wuzhou               Wuzhou          Wuzhou      Commercial         1,000            -    99.90%        99.90%           common control

                                                                                                                                  Business combinations
                                                                                                                                    involving entities not
                                                                                                                                  under common control
      Sinopharm Dongguan            Dongguan       Dongguan      Commercial         7,300            -   100.00%       100.00%

                                                                                                                                  Business combinations
                                                                                                                                    involving entities not
                                                                                                                                  under common control
      Sinopharm Zhanjiang           Zhanjiang      Zhanjiang     Commercial        13,100            -   100.00%       100.00%

                                                                                                                                  Business combinations
                                                                                                                                    involving entities not
                                                                                                                                  under common control
      Sinopharm Yanfeng             Shenzhen       Shenzhen      Commercial         3,000     51.00%             -      51.00%
                                                                                                                                  Business combinations
                                                                                                                                    involving entities not
      Sinopharm Meizhou              Meizhou         Meizhou     Commercial         4,800            -   100.00%       100.00%    under common control

                                         Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                           For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                          (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

VII        Interests in other entities (Continued)

1.        Interests in subsidiaries (Continued)

(1)        The composition of the Group (Continued)
                             Principal                                    Registered      Shareholding
                                               Place of     Nature of         capital                           Voting
      Subsidiaries            place of                                                                                        Ways of acquisition
                                          establishment     business    (RMB‘0,000)     Direct    Indirect   proportion

                                                                                                                           Business combinations
                                                                                                                             involving entities not
                                                                                                                           under common control
 Sinopharm Huizhou           Huizhou           Huizhou    Commercial           3,800          -   100.00%       100.00%
                                                                                                                           Business combinations
                                                                                                                             involving entities not
                                                                                                                           under common control
 Sinopharm Zhaoqing         Zhaoqing          Zhaoqing    Commercial           4,000          -   100.00%       100.00%
                                                                                                                           Business combinations
 Sinopharm Jiangmen                                                                                                          involving entities not
                                                                                                                           under common control
 (a)                      Jiangmen         Jiangmen     Commercial           6,000          -   100.00%       100.00%
                                                                                                                           Business combinations
                                                                                                                             involving entities not
 Sinopharm Shaoguan         Shaoguan         Shaoguan     Commercial             360          -    70.00%        70.00%    under common control
 Sinopharm Holding
    Shantou Co.,                                                                                                           Business combinations
    Ltd.("Sinopharm                                                                                                          involving entities not
    Shantou”                Shantou           Shantou    Commercial           2,100          -   100.00%       100.00%    under common control

                                                                                                                           Business combinations
 Foshan Nanhai Medicine                                                                                                    involving entities under
    Co., Ltd.                 Foshan           Foshan     Commercial           7,000          -   100.00%       100.00%           common control

 Foshan Nanhai Uptodate                                                                                                    Business combinations
    & Special Medicines                                                                                                    involving entities under
    Co., Ltd.                 Foshan           Foshan     Commercial           4,000          -   100.00%       100.00%           common control

                                                                                                                           Business combinations
 Foshan Nanhai Medicine                                                                                                    involving entities under
    Co., Ltd.                 Foshan           Foshan     Commercial           4,000          -   100.00%       100.00%           common control

                                                                                                                           Business combinations
 Guangdong Uptodate &                                                                                                      involving entities under
    Special Medicines      Guangzhou        Guangzhou     Commercial           5,000          -   100.00%       100.00%           common control
 Guangdong South
    Pharmaceutical                                                                                                         Business combinations
    Foreign Trade Co.,                                                                                                     involving entities under
    Ltd.                   Guangzhou        Guangzhou     Commercial           3,000          -   100.00%       100.00%           common control
 Sinopharm Holding
                                                                                                                           Business combinations
    Zhuhai Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                             involving entities not
                                                                                                                           under common control
    Zhuhai")                  Zhuhai            Zhuhai    Commercial           3,000          -   100.00%       100.00%
 Sinopharm Holding
                                                                                                                           Business combinations
    Maoming Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                             involving entities not
                                                                                                                           under common control
    Maoming")               Maoming           Maoming     Commercial             200          -   100.00%       100.00%
 Sinopharm Holding GZ
    Medical Technology
    Co., Ltd.              Guangzhou        Guangzhou     Commercial             588          -    51.00%        51.00%             Establishment
 Sinopharm Holding GZ
    Medical Supply
    Chain Service Co.,
    Ltd.                   Guangzhou        Guangzhou     Commercial             320          -    51.00%        51.00%             Establishment
 Sinopharm Holding
    Heyuan Co., Ltd.                                                                                                       Business combinations
    (“Sinopharm                                                                                                             involving entities not
    Heyuan")                  Heyuan           Heyuan     Commercial           1,340          -    70.00%        70.00%    under common control
 Sinopharm Holding                                                                                                         Business combinations
    Guoda Pharmacy                                                                                                         involving entities under
    Co., Ltd.(b)          Shanghai          Shanghai    Commercial        168,333     60.00%            -      60.00%           common control
 Sinopharm Holding
    Guoda Pharmacy                                                                                                         Business combinations
    Chain Store                                                                                                            involving entities under
    Shanghai Co., Ltd.      Shanghai          Shanghai    Commercial           3,000          -   100.00%       100.00%           common control

                                          Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                            For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                            (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

VII       Interests in other entities (Continued)

1.       Interests in subsidiaries (Continued)

(1)       The composition of the Group (Continued)
      Subsidiaries            Principal         Place of     Nature of     Registered     Shareholding          Voting        Ways of acquisition
                               place of    establishment     business          capital                        proportion
                              business                                   (RMB‘0,000)    Direct    Indirect

      Beijing Guoda                                                                                                        Business combinations
          Pharmacy Chain                                                                                                   involving entities under
          Store Co., Ltd.       Beijing          Beijing   Commercial           1,000         -   100.00%      100.00%            common control

      Tianjin Guoda                                                                                                        Business combinations
         Pharmacy Chain                                                                                                    involving entities under
         Store Co., Ltd.        Tianjin          Tianjin   Commercial           1,000         -    80.00%       80.00%            common control
      Guangxi Guoda
         Pharmacy                                                                                                          Business combinations
         Consulting Chain                                                                                                  involving entities under
         Store Co., Ltd.      Nanning           Nanning    Commercial             300         -   100.00%      100.00%            common control
      Sinopharm Holding
         Guoda Pharmacy                                                                                                    Business combinations
         Guangdong Co.,                                                                                                    involving entities under
         Ltd.                Shenzhen         Shenzhen     Commercial           5,000         -   100.00%      100.00%            common control
      Sinopharm Guoda
         Pharmacy                                                                                                          Business combinations
         Guangxi Chain                                                                                                     involving entities under
         Co., Ltd.             Liuzhou          Liuzhou    Commercial             200         -   100.00%      100.00%            common control
      Zhejiang Guoda                                                                                                       Business combinations
         Pharmacy Co.,                                                                                                     involving entities under
         Ltd.                Hangzhou         Hangzhou     Commercial           1,500         -   100.00%      100.00%            common control
      Sinopharm Holding
         Guoda Yangzhou
         Dadesheng                                                                                                         Business combinations
         Pharmacy Chain                                                                                                    involving entities under
         Store Co., Ltd.     Yangzhou         Yangzhou     Commercial           4,400         -    93.68%       93.68%            common control

      Ningxia Guoda                                                                                                        Business combinations
         Pharmacy Chain                                                                                                    involving entities under
         Store Co., Ltd.      Yinchuan         Yinchuan    Commercial           7,000         -    70.00%       70.00%            common control
      Sinopharm Holding
         Guoda Nanjing                                                                                                     Business combinations
         Pharmacy Chain                                                                                                    involving entities under
         Store Co., Ltd.       Nanjing          Nanjing    Commercial             800         -    60.00%       60.00%            common control
      Sinopharm Holding
         Guoda Shandong                                                                                                    Business combinations
         Pharmacy Chain                                                                                                    involving entities under
         Store Co., Ltd.          Linyi            Linyi   Commercial           2,900         -    55.00%       55.00%            common control
      Sinopharm Holding
         Guoda Shenyang                                                                                                    Business combinations
         Pharmacy Chain                                                                                                    involving entities under
         Store Co., Ltd.     Shenyang         Shenyang     Commercial           1,800         -    51.00%       51.00%            common control
      Fujian Guoda                                                                                                         Business combinations
          Pharmacy Chain                                                                                                   involving entities under
          Store Co., Ltd.      Xiamen           Xiamen     Commercial           3,750         -   100.00%      100.00%            common control

                                      Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                          For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                           (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

VII     Interests in other entities (Continued)

1.     Interests in subsidiaries (Continued)

(1)     The composition of the Group (Continued)
      Subsidiaries                Principal place        Place of     Nature of     Registered      Shareholding         Voting        Ways of acquisition
                                     of business    establishment     business          capital                        proportion
                                                                                                  Direct    Indirect

                                                                                                                                    Business combinations
      Anhui Guoda Pharmacy                                                                                                          involving entities under
         Chain Store Co., Ltd.             Hefei            Hefei   Commercial           1,000         -    60.00%       60.00%            common control
      Quanzhou Guoda                                                                                                                Business combinations
         Pharmacy Chain Store                                                                                                       involving entities under
         Co., Ltd.                    Quanzhou         Quanzhou     Commercial           2,000         -    51.00%       51.00%            common control

      Shanxi Guoda Wanmin                                                                                                           Business combinations
         Pharmacy Chain Store                                                                                                       involving entities under
         Co., Ltd.                      Taiyuan          Taiyuan    Commercial           2,000         -    85.00%       85.00%            common control
      Sinopharm Holding Hunan
         Guoda Minshengtang                                                                                                         Business combinations
         Pharmacy Chain Co.,                                                                                                        involving entities under
         Ltd.                         Hengyang         Hengyang     Commercial           2,000         -    51.00%       51.00%            common control

      Liyang Guoda People                                                                                                           Business combinations
          Pharmacy Chain Store                                                                                                      involving entities under
          Co., Ltd.                       Liyang          Liyang    Commercial           2,500         -    80.00%       80.00%            common control

      Sinopharm Holding Guoda                                                                                                       Business combinations
         Henan Pharmacy                                                                                                             involving entities under
         Chain Store Co., Ltd.     Pingdingshan     Pingdingshan    Commercial           1,500         -    60.00%       60.00%            common control
      Sinopharm Holding Guoda
         Inner Mengdia                                                                                                              Business combinations
         Pharmacy Chain Store                                                                                                       involving entities under
         Co., Ltd.                       Hohhot           Hohhot    Commercial           5,000         -    96.70%       96.70%            common control

      Sinopharm Hebei                                                                                                               Business combinations
         Lerentang Pharmacy                                                                                                         involving entities under
         Chain Store Co., Ltd.     Shijiazhuang     Shijiazhuang    Commercial           3,500         -    60.00%       60.00%            common control

      Sinopharm Guoda                                                                                                               Business combinations
         Pharmacy Jiangmen                                                                                                          involving entities under
         Chain Co., Ltd.              Jiangmen         Jiangmen     Commercial           2,400         -    65.00%       65.00%            common control
      Sinopharm Holding Guoda
         Shanxi Yiyuan                                                                                                              Business combinations
         Pharmacy Chain Store                                                                                                       involving entities under
         Co., Ltd.                      Taiyuan          Taiyuan    Commercial           1,000         -    80.00%       80.00%            common control
      Sinopharm Holding
         Xinjiang New & Special                                                                                                     Business combinations
         Medicines Chain Store                                                                                                      involving entities under
         Co., Ltd.                       Urumqi           Urumqi    Commercial         612.24          -    51.00%       51.00%            common control

      Sinopharm Holding Guoda                                                                                                       Business combinations
         ForMe Medicines                                                                                                            involving entities under
         (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.          Shanghai         Shanghai    Commercial           6,655         -    97.00%       97.00%            common control
      Sinopharm Holding Guoda
         ForMe Pharmacy Chain
         Store Co., Ltd.
         (Formerly “Shanghai
         ForMe YiXing                                                                                                               Business combinations
         Pharmacy Chain Store                                                                                                       involving entities under
         Co., Ltd.”)                  Shanghai         Shanghai    Commercial           5,000         -    99.76%       99.76%            common control

                                        Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                            For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                           (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

VII       Interests in other entities (Continued)

1.       Interests in subsidiaries (Continued)

(1)       The composition of the Group (Continued)

      Subsidiaries              Principal       Place of        Nature of      Registered       Shareholding         Voting        Ways of acquisition
                                 place of   establishment       business           capital                         proportion
                                business                                     (RMB‘0,000)    Direct     Indirect

      Beijing Golden
         Elephant Pharmacy                                                                                                      Business combinations
         Medicine Chain                                                                                                         involving entities under
         Company Limited          Beijing         Beijing    Commercial         4,222.22          -     53.13%       53.13%            common control
      Shanxi Tongfeng                                                                                                           Business combinations
         Pharmacy Logistics                                                                                                     involving entities under
         Co., Ltd.               Taiyuan        Taiyuan      Commercial               500         -    100.00%      100.00%            common control
      Changzhi Guoda
         Wanmin Pharmacy                                                                                                        Business combinations
         Chain Store Co.,                                                                                                       involving entities under
         Ltd.                   Changzhi       Changzhi      Commercial               320         -     51.00%       51.00%            common control
      Shanxi Guoda Wanmin                                                                                                       Business combinations
         Clinic Management                                       Medical                                                        involving entities under
         Chain Co., Ltd.         Taiyuan        Taiyuan          services             120         -    100.00%      100.00%            common control
      Shanghai Guoda                                                                                                            Business combinations
         Shanghong Qibao                                                                                                        involving entities under
         Pharmacy Co., Ltd.     Shanghai       Shanghai      Commercial               100         -     51.00%       51.00%            common control
      Zhejiang Intlmedicine                                                                                                     Business combinations
         Pharmacy                                                                                                               involving entities under
         Dongshan Co., Ltd.    Hangzhou       Hangzhou       Commercial                50         -     51.00%       51.00%            common control
      Shanghai Guoda                                                                                                            Business combinations
         Dongsheng                                                                                                              involving entities under
         Pharmacy Co., Ltd.     Shanghai       Shanghai      Commercial                50         -    100.00%      100.00%            common control
      Sinopharm Guoda
         Drug Store                                                                                                             Business combinations
         (Shenzhen) Chain                                                                                                       involving entities under
         Co., Ltd.             Shenzhen       Shenzhen       Commercial             1,080         -    100.00%      100.00%            common control
      Sinopharm Holding
         Guoda Pharmacy                                                                                                         Business combinations
         Guangzhou Chain                                                                                                        involving entities under
         Co., Ltd.             Guangzhou      Guangzhou      Commercial               200         -    100.00%      100.00%            common control
      Shanghai Guodong
         Chinese Traditional                                                                                                    Business combinations
         Medicine Clinic                                                                                                        involving entities under
         Co., Ltd.              Shanghai       Shanghai     Medical clinic             20         -    100.00%      100.00%            common control
      Shanghai Guoda
         Dongxin Pharmacy                                                                                                       Business combinations
         Chain Store Co.,                                                                                                       involving entities under
         Ltd.                   Shanghai       Shanghai      Commercial                30         -    100.00%      100.00%            common control

                                            Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                                For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                                 (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

VII       Interests in other entities (Continued)

1.       Interests in subsidiaries (Continued)

(1)       The composition of the Group (Continued)

Subsidiaries                         Principal place of        Place of     Nature of     Registered      Shareholding         Voting             Ways of
                                             business     establishment     business          capital                        proportion         acquisition
                                                                                        (RMB‘0,000)    Direct    Indirect

Shanghai Yutaitang Chinese                                                                                                                involving entities
   Traditional Medicine Clinic                                                                                                              under common
   Co., Ltd.                                Shanghai          Shanghai    Commercial             100         -   100.00%      100.00%               control
                                                                                                                                          involving entities
Sanhe Liyang Golden Elephant                                                                                                                under common
   Pharmacy Co., Ltd.                        Langfang         Langfang    Commercial               1         -   100.00%      100.00%               control

Xiaoyi Guoda Wanmin                                                                                                                       involving entities
   Baicaotang Pharmacy Chain                                                                                                                under common
   Store Co., Ltd.                              Xiaoyi           Xiaoyi   Commercial          622.22         -    70.00%       70.00%               control

Sinopharm Holding Guoda                                                                                                                   involving entities
   Pharmacy Hulun Buir Co.,                                                                                                                 under common
   Ltd.                                    Hulun Buir        Hulun Buir   Commercial            1000         -    51.00%       51.00%               control

                                                                                                                                          involving entities
                                                                                                                                            under common
ForMe Xuhui                                 Shanghai          Shanghai    Commercial              25         -   100.00%      100.00%               control
Sinopharm Holding Ulanqab Co.,
   Ltd.                                       Ulanqab          Ulanqab    Commercial             500         -    60.00%       60.00%       Establishment

                                                                                                                                          involving entities
Sinopharm Guoda Pharmacy                                                                                                                    under common
   Qinhuangdao Chain Co., Ltd.          Qinhuangdao       Qinhuangdao     Commercial             300         -       51%          51%               control

Taishan Sinopharm Holding                                                                                                                 involving entities
    Guoda Qunkang Pharmacy                                                                                                                  under common
    Chain Store Co., Ltd.                     Taishan          Taishan    Commercial             990         -    70.00%       70.00%               control

                                                                                                                                          involving entities
Beijing Golden Elephant Fuxing                                                                                                              under common
    Technology Co., Ltd.                       Beijing          Beijing   Commercial             100         -    80.00%       80.00%               control

                                                                                                                                          involving entities
Sinopharm Lerentang                                                                                                                         under common
   Shijiazhuang Pharmaceutical           Shijiazhuang     Shijiazhuang    Commercial             200         -   100.00%      100.00%               control

                                       Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                           For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                            (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

VII.     Interests in other entities (Continued)

1.      Interests in subsidiaries (Continued)

(1)      The composition of the Group (Continued)

Subsidiaries                     Principal place        Place of     Nature of   Registered capital     Shareholding         Voting           Ways of
                                    of business    establishment     business         (RMB‘0,000)                         proportion       acquisition
                                                                                                      Direct    Indirect

Sinopharm Holding Guoda Drug
   Store Manchuria Co., Ltd.         Manchuria        Manchuria    Commercial                   50         -   51.00%        51.00%     Establishment
Sinopharm Guoda Drug Store
   Anshan Chain Co., Ltd.               Anshan          Anshan     Commercial                  600         -   51.00%        51.00%     Establishment
Sinopharm Holding Guoda
   Yongsheng Drug Store
   (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.             Shanghai         Shanghai    Commercial                   80         -   55.00%        55.00%     Establishment
Sanhe Lixin Golden Elephant
                                      Langfang         Langfang
   Drugstore Co., Ltd.                                             Commercial                    1         -   100.00%      100.00%     Establishment
Sinopharm Holding Foshan
   Medical Consumables                  Foshan          Foshan
   Supply Chain Co., Ltd.(c)                                     Commercial                  800         -   70.00%        70.00%     Establishment
Sinopharm Holding Medical
   Supply Chain Service                Nanning          Nanning
   (Guangxi) Co., Ltd.(d)                                        Commercial                 2000         -   30.60%        30.60%     Establishment
Guoda Haohai(e)                     Shanghai         Shanghai
                                                                   Commercial                   80         -   51.00%        51.00%     Establishment
Baiyi Pharmacy(f)                    Nanning          Nanning
                                                                   Commercial                  200         -   51.00%        51.00%     Establishment
Sinopharm Hezhou(g)                  Hezhou           Hezhou
                                                                   Commercial                 1000         -   100.00%      100.00%     Establishment
Guoda Zhengzhou (h)               Zhengzhou        Zhengzhou
                                                                   Commercial                 2000         -   60.00%        60.00%     Establishment
Guoda Ruijing(i)                    Shanghai         Shanghai
                                                                   Commercial                   80         -   55.00%        55.00%     Establishment
Guoda Fujian(j)                       Xiamen          Xiamen
                                                                   Commercial                 1500         -   100.00%      100.00%     Establishment
Sinopharm Qinzhou (k)                Qinzhou          Qinzhou
                                                                   Commercial                 1000         -   100.00%      100.00%     Establishment
Sinopharm Hechi (l)                     Hechi           Hechi
                                                                   Commercial                 1000         -   100.00%      100.00%     Establishment

Sinopharm Huadu (m)               Guangzhou        Guangzhou     Commercial                 1000         -   70.00%        70.00%           involving
                                                                                                                                           entities not
                                                                                                                                        under common

Shanxi Zhongao(n)                    Taiyuan          Taiyuan    Commercial                 1000         -   100.00%      100.00%           involving
                                                                                                                                           entities not
                                                                                                                                        under common

Taiyuan Tongxinli (o)                Taiyuan          Taiyuan    Commercial                  560         -   100.00%      100.00%           involving
                                                                                                                                           entities not
                                                                                                                                        under common

                             Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                   (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

VII   Interests in other entities (Continued)

1.   Interests in subsidiaries (Continued)

(1)   The composition of the Group (Continued)

(a) On 13 March 2019, Sinopharm Jiangmen was renamed as “Sinopharm Holding (Jiangmen) Co., Ltd.”
(b) Sinopharm Guoda brought in WBA investor in the form of increasing capital of RMB2.77 billion. Sinopharm
        Guoda had become an enterprise with foreign investor. Industrial and commercial registration was
        changed on 28 June 2018. Registered capital of Sinopharm Guoda is RMB1,680,000,000.00, which
        includes 60% equity amounting to RMB1,010,000,000.00 contributed by the Company, and a 40% equity
        amounting to RMB670,000,000.00 contributed by WBA investor. The delivery procedures were completed
        on 4 July 2018. By 16 July 2018, all the additional funds were received. According to the agreement, the
        Company still has controlling interest in Sinopharm Guoda, and WBA investor became a non-controlling

(c) On 30 January 2018, the Group and Shenzhen Qingniu Medical Investment Co., Ltd. accumulatively
        invested RMB5,600,000.00 and RMB2,400,000, respectively, to set up Sinopharm Holding Foshan
        Medical Consumables Supply Chain Co., Ltd.

(d) On 4 January 2018, the Group, Guorun Medical Supply Chain Service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (“Guorun
        medical”) and Guangxi Deyiyuan Medical Investment Center (Limited partnership) jointly established
        Sinopharm Holding Medical Supply Chain Service (Guangxi) Co., Ltd., and accumulatively invested
        RMB6,120,000.00, RMB5,880,000.00 and RMB8,000,000.00, respectively. Guorun medical entrusted the
        Group with its voting rights, the Group now holds 60% voting rights of Sinopharm Holding Medical Supply
        Chain Service (Guangxi) Co., Ltd.

(e) On 18 January 2018, the Group and Shanghai Linhong Medical instrument Co., Ltd. jointly established
        Guoda Haohai, accumulatively invested RMB408,000.00 and RMB392,000.00, respectively. As of the end
        of 2018, Shanghai Linhong Medical instrument Co., Ltd. has invested RMB392,000.00, and the Group
        completed the payment transaction on 15 Feburary 2019.

(f) On 24 April 2018, the Group and Baise Jianan Pharmaceutical Chain Co., Ltd. accumulatively invested
        RMB1,020,000.00 and RMB980,000, respectively, to set up Baiyi Pharmacy. After the establishment, the
        Group held 51% of equity interest in Baiyi Pharmacy.

(g) On 23 April 2018, the Group invested RMB10,000,000.00 to set up Sinopharm Holding Hezhou Co., Ltd.
        As at the end of 2018, the Group invested RMB3,000,000.00.

(h) On 12 August 2018, the Group and Henan Wanxitang Pharmacy Co., Ltd. (“Henan Wanxitang”)
        accumulatively invested RMB12,000,000.00 and RMB8,000,000.00, respectively to set up Guoda
        Zhengzhou. By the end of 2018, the Group invested RMB12,000,000.00 and Henan Wanxitang invested

                             Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                               For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                   (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

VII   Interests in other entities (Continued)

1.   Interests in subsidiaries (Continued)

(1)   The composition of the Group (Continued)

(i) On 21 September 2019, the Group and Shanghai Runjian Technology Co., Ltd. jointly established
        Sinopharm Guoda Shanghai Ruijing Pharmacy Co., Ltd., and accumulatively invested RMB440,000.00
        and RMB360,000.00, respectively. After establishment, the Group holds 55% of its equity. By the end of
        2018, payment has been completed.

(j) On 8 August 2018, the Group invested RMB15,000,000.00 to set up Guoda Fujian. After the
        establishment, the Company held 100% of equity interest in Guoda Fujian.

(k) On 16 March 2018, the Group established Sinopharm Qinzhou, and the subscription of registered capital
        is RMB10,000,000.00. By the end of 2018, RMB1,500,000 has been paid.

(l) On 28 Feburary 2018, the Group established Sinopharm Hechi, and the subscription of registered capital
        is RMB10,000,000.00. By the end of 2018, RMB1,500,000 has been paid.

(m) In April 2018, the Group acquired a 70% stake in Guangzhou Suihuahong Medicine Co., Ltd. for
        RMB16,380,000.00 to constitute a business combination involving enterprises not under common control.
        Afterwards, Guangzhou Suihuahong Medicine Co., Ltd. changed its name to Sinopharm Huadu. The
        acquisition was completed on 30 April 2018 and included in the consolidation scope of the Company.

(n) In September 2018, the Group acquired a 100% stake in Shanxi Zhongao from Qiao Sanjiang and Li Huili
        for RMB450,651.60 to constitute a business combination involving enterprises not under common control.
        The acquisition was completed on 6th September 2018 and included in the consolidation scope of the

(o) The Group has acquired a 100% equity in Taiyuan Tongxinli for RMB3.39million from Beijing equity
        exchange in November 2018, which forms a business combination not involving enterprises under
        common control. Afterwards, Taiyuan Tongxinli becomes a wholly-owned subsidiary by the Group. This
        acquisition was completed on 20 November 2018, Taiyuan Tongxinli is now within the consolidation scope.

                                 Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                   For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                      (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

VII     Interests in other entities (Continued)

1.     Interests in subsidiaries (Continued)

         Details of the Group’s subsidiaries that have material non-controlling interests are set out below:
                              Percentage of            Profit/(Loss)                           Accumulated balances
                              equity interest           for this year   Dividend paid to                             of
                                     held by          attributable to    non-controlling      non-controlling interests
                             non-controlling         non-controlling       shareholders              at the date of the
                                shareholders          shareholders                                       balance sheet
                                                               (RMB)                 (RMB)                      (RMB)
          Guoda                      40.00%          37,217,681.23                       -           1,683,633,057.85
         The major financial information of the subsidiaries in the table above is stated below. These amounts are
         before elimination:
                                                                                                   Sinopharm Guoda


       Current assets                                                                                7,467,662,962.46

       Non-current assets                                                                            1,567,755,313.41

       Total assets                                                                                  9,035,418,275.87

       Current liabilities                                                                           3,994,471,884.62

       Non-current liabilities                                                                           64,729,132.20

       Total liabilities                                                                             4,059,201,016.82

       Operating revenue                                                                            10,878,025,717.94
       Net profit                                                                                      301,751,569.69
       Total comprehensive income                                                                      301,751,569.69

       Net cash flows from operating activities                                                        469,094,341.78

2. Transaction resulting in changes in proportion of owners’ equity but without an impact on
    the control of a subsidiary
      In 2018, Sinopharm Guoda brought in WBA investor in the form of increasing capital of RMB2.77 billion.
      According to the agreement, the Group is still in control and WBA investor becomes non-controlling

                               Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                    For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                    (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

VIIInterests in other entities (Continued)

3.    Interests in associates

                                   Principal place        Place of       Nature of
                                      of business    incorporation       business                           Accounting
                                                                                      Direct     Indirect

      Shenzhen Main Luck
        Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
        ("Main Luck
        Pharmaceutical ")              Shenzhen        Shenzhen      Manufacturing    35.19             -       Equity
      Sinopharm Group Zhijun
        (Suzhou) Pharmaceutical
        Co., Ltd.                         Suzhou          Suzhou     Manufacturing    33.00             -       Equity
      Sinopharm Group Zhijun
        Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.       Shenzhen        Shenzhen      Manufacturing    49.00             -       Equity
      Shenzhen Zhijun
        Pharmaceutical Trade
        Co., Ltd.                      Shenzhen        Shenzhen        Commercial     49.00             -       Equity
      Sinopharm Group Zhijun
        (Shenzhen) Pingshan
        Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.       Shenzhen        Shenzhen      Manufacturing    49.00             -       Equity
      Shyndec Pharma                   Shanghai        Shanghai      Manufacturing    16.28             -       Equity
      Shanghai Dingqun                 Shanghai        Shanghai                        2.53             -       Equity
      Shanghai Beiyi Guoda
        pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.         Shanghai        Shanghai       Commercial          -       26.00        Equity
      Shanghai Liyi Pharmacy
        Co., Ltd                        Shanghai        Shanghai       Commercial          -       35.00        Equity
      Sinopharm Jienuo Medical
        Treatment Service
        Guangdong Co., Ltd.           Guangzhou       Guangzhou        Commercial          -       29.00        Equity
      Dongyuan accord
        pharmaceutical chain
        Co., Ltd.                        Heyuan           Heyuan       Commercial          -       45.00        Equity

      Shyndec Pharma is an important associate as it is a strategic partner of the Group and is
      engaged in the production and sale of pharmaceutical products, and the Group adopted the
      equity method of accounting.

                                Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                  For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                    (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

VII   Interests in other entities (Continued)

3.    Interests in associates (Continued)

      The following table illustrates the summarised financial information in respect of Shyndec Pharma:

                                                                     2018                       2017

      Current assets                                    8,470,191,403.19           6,919,923,607.58
      Non-current assets                                7,993,673,189.70           8,250,667,440.18

      Total assets                                     16,463,864,592.89          15,170,591,047.76

      Current liabilities                               6,568,480,863.79           5,390,426,266.96
      Non-current liabilities                           1,452,099,931.65           2,132,391,027.26

      Total liabilities                                 8,020,580,795.44           7,522,817,294.22

      Non-controlling interests                         1,637,029,480.44           1,474,395,375.11
      Shareholders’ equity attributable to
        shareholders of the parent
        company                                         6,806,254,317.01           6,173,378,378.43

      Group’s share of net assets by
        proportion of ownership interests               1,098,566,852.51             979,174,050.62

      Carrying amount of the investment                 1,098,566,852.51             979,174,050.62

      Operating revenue                                11,320,781,393.69           8,517,753,726.31
      Income taxes                                        223,956,645.87             135,212,306.15
      Net profit                                        1,069,979,572.65             818,572,126.27
      Total comprehensive income                        1,069,979,572.65             818,572,126.27
      Dividend received                                     8,448,213.90              22,468,818.31

                                Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                  For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                     (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

VII     Interests in other entities (Continued)

3.      Interests in associates (Continued)

       The following table illustrates the summarised financial information in respect of Zhijun Medicine:

                                                                         2018                      2017

      Current assets                                        1,111,485,098.64            932,859,067.11
      Non-current assets                                      298,610,691.12            313,204,003.03

      Total assets                                          1,410,095,789.76          1,246,063,070.14

      Current liabilities                                     659,931,220.07            623,252,398.32
      Non-current liabilities                                  24,953,965.28             28,845,526.50

      Total liabilities                                       684,885,185.35            652,097,924.82

      Shareholders’ equity attributable to
        shareholders of the parent company                    725,210,604.41            593,965,145.32

      Group’s share of net assets by proportion
        of ownership interests                                355,353,196.15            291,042,921.20

      Carrying amount of the investment                       355,353,196.15            291,042,921.20

      Operating revenue                                     1,762,587,352.62          1,244,330,047.58
      Income taxes                                             36,760,959.44             35,301,145.94
      Net profit                                              249,839,856.17            237,188,794.15
      Total comprehensive income                              249,839,856.17            237,188,794.15
      Dividend received                                        58,111,254.57                         -

                                        Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                           For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                              (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

VIII        Risks related to financial instruments

 1.         Classification of financial instruments
            The carrying amounts of each category of financial instruments as at the date of financial
            position are as follows:


                                 Financial assets at                          Financial assets at fair value through
                                           fair value   Financial assets at          other comprehensive income
      Financial assets              through profit or                                                                                  Total
                                                            amortised cost
                                        Mandatorily                                 Mandatorily
                                            required                                  required

      Cash and cash
         equivalents                                -    8,089,781,304.56                      -                  -      8,089,781,304.56
      Notes receivable
         and trade
         receivables                                -   10,126,398,302.15       567,775,275.40                    -     10,694,173,577.55
      Other receivables                             -      643,493,359.32                    -                    -        643,493,359.32
      Other non-current
         financial assets           140,000,000.00                        -                    -                  -        140,000,000.00
      Equity investments
         designated at
         fair value
         through other
         income                                     -                     -                    -    13,685,760.00            13,685,760.00

                                    140,000,000.00      18,859,672,966.03       567,775,275.40      13,685,760.00       19,581,134,001.43

      Financial liabilities                                                                         Financial liabilities at amortised cost

      Short-term borrowings                                                                                             2,597,652,702.43
      Notes payables and trade payables                                                                                 9,885,291,642.97
      Other payables                                                                                                    1,539,436,971.93
      Current portion of non-current liabilities                                                                            5,861,324.37
      Long-term borrowings                                                                                                 31,600,000.00
      Long-term payables                                                                                                    3,763,978.52


                                Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                   For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                       (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

VIII        Risks related to financial instruments (Continued)

1.     Classification of financial instruments (Continued)


                                             Borrowings and      Available-for-sale
     Financial assets                                                                                Total
                                                 receivables      financial assets

     Cash and cash equivalents              4,191,655,438.51                      -     4,191,655,438.51
     Notes receivable and trade
       receivables                          9,093,607,443.96                      -     9,093,607,443.96
     Other receivables                        657,932,499.65                      -       657,932,499.65
     Available-for-sale financial
      assets                                                 -      13,685,760.00          13,685,760.00

                                           13,943,195,382.12        13,685,760.00      13,956,881,142.12

     Financial liabilities                                                      Other financial liabilities

     Short-term borrowings                                                              1,561,354,521.64
     Notes payable and trade payables                                                  8,876,658,828.52
     Other payables                                                                    1,030,329,660.02
     Current portion of non-current liabilities                                             5,434,770.70
     Long-term borrowings                                                                  31,600,000.00
     Long-term payables                                                                     9,332,537.14


2.          Transfer of financial assets

            Transferred financial assets that are not derecognized in their entirety

            As at 31 December 2018, the Group had endorsed commercial bills receivable (the "Endorsed
            Bills") to certain of its suppliers in order to settle trade payables due to such suppliers of RMB
            301,416.00 (31 December 2017: nil). During the year, the Group operated a number of
            discounting business through several banks in China. At 31 December 2018, the carrying value
            thereof was RMB170,013,427.11 (31 December 2017: RMB147,715,527.67). In the opinion of
            the directors, the Group has retained the substantial risks and rewards, which include default
            risks relating to such Endorsed Bills, and accordingly, it continued to recognize the full carrying
            amounts of the Endorsed Bills and the associated trade payables settled. Subsequent to the
            Endorsement, the Group did not retain any rights of the use of the Endorsed Bills, including the
            sales, transfer or pledge of the Endorsed Bills to any other third parties. As at 31 December
            2018, the carrying value of trade payables settled by the Group totalled RMB170,314,843.11
            (31 December 2017: RMB147,715,527.67).

                           Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                             For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                 (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

VIII   Risks related to financial instruments (Continued)

2.     Transfer of financial assets (Continued)

       Transferred financial assets that are derecognized in their entirety in which continuing
       involvement exists

       As at 31 December 2018, the Group had endorsed commercial bills receivable (the "Endorsed
       Bills") to certain of its suppliers in order to settle trade payables due to such suppliers of
       RMB568,118,674.84 (31 December 2017: RMB667,900,939.97). During the year, the Group
       operated a number of discounting business through several banks in China. At 31 December
       2018, the carrying value thereof was RMB705,143,849.35 (31 December 2017:
       RMB367,011,030.59). The derecognized bills had a maturity of 1 to 12 months at the end of the
       reporting period. In accordance with the Law of Negotiable Instruments, the holders of the
       derecognized bills have a right of recourse against the Group if the accepting banks default (the
       “Continuing Involvement”). In the opinion of the directors, the Group has transferred
       substantially all risks and rewards relating to the derecognized bills. Accordingly, it has
       derecognized the full carrying amounts of the derecognized bills and the associated trade
       payables. The maximum exposure to loss from the Group's Continuing Involvement in the
       derecognized bills and the undiscounted cash flows to repurchase these derecognized bills is
       equal to their carrying amounts. In the opinion of the directors, the fair values of the Group’s
       Continuing Involvement in the derecognized bills are not significant.

       During 2018, the Group has not recognized any gain or loss on the date of transfer. No gain or
       loss was recognized from derecognized financial assets in which the Continuing Involvement
       exists, both during the year or cumulatively.

       During 2018, the Group has not recognized any gain or loss on the date of transfer of the
       derecognized bills. No gains or losses were recognized from the Continuing Involvement, both
       during the year or cumulatively.

       As part of its normal business, the Group entered into an trade receivable factoring
       arrangement (the “Arrangement”) without recourse and transferred certain trade receivables to
       a bank. In the opinion of the directors, the Group has transferred substantially all risks and
       rewards under the arrangement. Accordingly, it has derecognized the full carrying amounts of
       the associated trade receivables. The original carrying value of the derecognized trade
       receivables transferred under the Arrangement that have not been settled as at 31 December
       2018 amounted to RMB827,745,640.19 (31 December 2017: RMB525,614,331.67).

                            Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                               For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                     (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

VIII    Risks related to financial instruments (Continued)

3.     Risks of financial instruments

       The Group's principal financial instruments comprise bank borrowings and cash and short term
       deposits. The main purpose of these financial instruments is to raise finance for the Group's
       operations. The Group has various other financial assets and liabilities such as trade receivables
       and trade payables, which arise directly from its operations.

       The Company’s board of directors are responsible for planning and establishing the risk
       management framework of the Group, formulating risk management policies and related
       guidelines of the Group and supervising the implementation of risk management measures. The
       Group has already developed risk management policies to identify and analyse the risks faced
       by the Group, which have clearly identified specific risks, covering a lot of aspects such as
       market risk, credit risk and liquidity risk management. The Group regularly assesses the market
       environment and changes in the Group’s business activities to determine whether or not to
       update the risk management policies and systems. The risk management of the Group shall be
       conducted by the operations and management department according to the policy approved by
       the Company’s management. The operations and management department identifies, evaluates
       and avoids related risks by means of close cooperation with other business units of the Group.

       To avoid the risk concentrating on a single industry, a specific area or a specific counterparty, the
       Group spreads financial instruments risk with diversified investments and business portfolio.

       Credit risk

       The Group only trades with recognised and creditworthy third parties. It is the Group’s policy that
       all customers who wish to trade on credit terms are subject to credit verification procedures. In
       addition, receivable balances are monitored on an ongoing basis and the Group’s exposure to
       bad debts is not significant. For transactions that are not denominated in the functional currency
       of the relevant operating unit, the Group does not offer credit terms without the special approval
       of the credit control department of the Group.

       Since cash and bank balances, bank acceptance bills receivable and derivative financial
       instruments are placed in the well-established banks with high credit ratings, the credit risk of
       these financial instruments is lower.

       The other financial instruments of the Group include cash and bank and other receivables. The
       credit risk of these financial assets result from default of counterparty. The maximum credit
       exposure equals to the book value of these instruments.

                             Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                    (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

VIII     Risks related to financial instruments (Continued)

3.       Risks of financial instruments

        Credit risk (Continued)

        The Group applies standard credit clause for sale of goods to customers, at the same time
        purchase other goods from some of the major customers. Disclosures regarding maximum credit
        exposure on trade receivables are as follows:

                                                                            2018                      2017

       Trade receivable book value                             10,733,695,012.29         9,137,532,909.37
       Less: Bad debt provision                                   (39,521,434.74)          (43,925,465.41)

       Carrying value                                          10,694,173,577.55         9,093,607,443.96

       Amount payable to customer

       The Group has agreement with customers stating that only in the circumstances of default in
       payment from the customer, can the Group use the payable balance of the same customer to
       offset receivables. Therefore, at every balance sheet date, the maximum credit risk exposure of
       the Group is the total amount of trade receivables less bad debt provision. Since payables cannot
       be offset within the balance sheet, the maximum credit risk exposure is without deducting the
       customer payable balance.

       Since the Group trades only with recognised and creditworthy third parties, there is no requirement
       for collateral. Credit risks are managed by customer/counterparty, by geographical region and by
       industry sector. There are no significant concentrations of credit risk within the Group as the
       customer bases of the Group’s trade receivables are widely dispersed in different sectors and
       industries. The Group does not hold any collateral or other credit enhancements over its trade
       receivable balances.

                               Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                  For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                      (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

VIII       Risks related to financial instruments (Continued)

4.         Risks of financial instruments

           Credit risk (Continued)

       Determination of significant increase in credit risk
       At each reporting date, the group determines whether the credit risk of a financial asset has
       increased significantly since initial recognition. When determining whether the credit risk of a
       financial asset has increased significantly since initial recognition, the Group considers reasonable
       and supportable information that is relevant and available without undue cost or effort. This
       includes both quantitative and qualitative information analysis, based on the Group’s historical
       experience and informed credit assessment and including forward-looking information. In order to
       determine the change of expected default risk during the financial instrument’s entire lifetime, the
       Group compares the default risk of financial instrument on the balance sheet date and on the
       initial recognition date base on a single financial instrument or financial instrument portfolio with
       similar default risk.

       The Group determines that the credit risk tof financial assets has significantly increased when one
       or more quantitative or qualitative criteria are met:
        - quantitative criteria are mainly probability of default increasing more than a given % since
           initial recognition;
        - qualitative criteria are mainly significant detrimental changes in the borrower’s operating or
           financial conditions and early warning customer lists.
       -     The upper criteria is 30 days the borrowers default.
       Definition of credit-impaired financial assets
       In assessing whether a financial asset is credit-impaired, the Group considers both quantitative
       and qualitative information in line with internal credit risk management. The Group assesses
       whether a financial asset is credit-impaired by considering the following factors:
        - significant financial difficulty of the borrower or issuer;
        - a breach of contract such as a default or past due event;
        - the lender(s) of the borrower, for economic or contractual reasons relating to the borrower’s
            financial difficulty, having granted to the borrower concession(s) that the lender(s) would not
            otherwise consider;
        - it is becoming probable that the borrower will enter bankruptcy or other financial
        - the disappearance of an active market for security because of financial difficulties;
        - financial assets purchased or sourced at large discounts indicating that credit losses have

                            Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                               For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                   (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

VIII    Risks related to financial instruments (Continued)

5.     Risks of financial instruments

       Credit risk (Continued)

       The impairment of financial assets may not be necessarily due to a single disparate event. The
       combined effects of multiple events may result in financial assets being credit-impaired.

       Parameter of the expected credit loss model
       Based on whether there is a significant increase in credit risk and whether the financial assets
       are credit-impaired, the Group recognizes impairment allowance for different assets using either
       12-month expected credit losses or lifetime expected credit losses. The measurement of the ECL
       model is a function of the probability of default, the loss given default (i.e. the magnitude of the
       loss if there is a default) and the exposure at default. The Group establishes the model by
       considering the quantitative analysis of historical statistics such as counterparty rating, the
       guarantee method, collateral category, repayment method, and also forward-looking information.
       - The probability of default is the probability that the debtor will not be able to meet its
            repayment obligations within the following 12 months or throughout the remaining duration.
            To reflect the macro-economic environment conditions, the Group’s assessment of the
            probability of default is based on the calculation of the ECL model adjusted by forward-
            looking information.
       - The loss given default (i.e. the magnitude of the loss if there is a default) refers to the
            Group's expectation of the extent of the loss of default risk exposure. The loss given default
            varies depending on the type of counterparty, the way and priority of recourse, and the type
            of collateral. The loss given default is the percentage of the risk exposure loss at the time of
            default, calculated on the basis of the next 12 months or the entire duration.
       - The exposure at default refers to the amount that the Group should be repaid in the event of
            default in the next 12 months or throughout the remaining period.
       Forward-looking information
       The assessment of a significant increase in credit risk and the calculation of the ECL both involve
       forward-looking information. The Group recognizes key economic ratios that influence credit risk
       and ECL by historical data analysis.
       As at December 31 2018, there was no evidence of significant increase in credit risk (31
       December 2017: nil).

                                              CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CORPORATION LTD.
                                                          Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                                               For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                                                 (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

VIII    Risks related to financial instruments (Continued)

3.      Risks of financial instruments (Continued)

       Liquidity risk

       The maturity analysis of the Group's financial liabilities as at the end of the reporting period, based on the contractual undiscounted cash flows, is as follows:

                                                                                           31 December 2018
                                               Within 1 year            1 to 2 years          2 to 5 years       Above 5 years                                 Total

       Short-term borrowings               2,630,711,888.42                        -                     -                    -                     2,630,711,888.42
       Notes and trade receivables         9,885,291,642.97                        -                     -                    -                     9,885,291,642.97
       Other payables                      1,539,436,971.93                        -                     -                    -                     1,539,436,971.93
       Current portion of non-current
        abilities                              8,597,768.02                        -                     -                    -                         8,597,768.02
       Long-term payables                                  -           4,424,279.85           563,159.02                      -                         4,987,438.87
       Long-term borrowings                                -         32,043,003.47                       -                                             32,043,003.47

                                          14,064,038,271.34          36,467,283.32            563,159.02                      -                   14,101,068,713.68

                                            CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CORPORATION LTD.
                                                         Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                                           For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                                              (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

VIII    Risks related to financial instruments (Continued)

3.      Risks of financial instruments (Continued)

        Liquidity risk (Continued)

       The maturity analysis of the Group's financial liabilities as at the end of the reporting period, based on the contractual undiscounted cash flows, is as
       follows (Continued):
                                                                                                  31 December 2017
                                                         Within 1 year          1 to 2 years          2 to 5 years      Above 5 years                     Total

       Short-term borrowings                          1,574,233,015.06                   -                    -                      -       1,574,233,015.06
       Notes and trade receivables                    8,876,658,828.52                   -                    -                      -       8,876,658,828.52
       Other payables                                 1,030,329,660.02                   -                    -                      -       1,030,329,660.02
       Current portion of non-current                                                    -                    -                      -
         liabilities                                      8,597,768.02                                                                           8,597,768.02
       Long-term payables                                            -       7,304,197.88        4,987,438.87                        -          12,291,636.75
       Long-term borrowings                                          -       1,293,570.14       32,043,003.47                                   33,336,573.61

                                                     11,489,819,271.62       8,597,768.02       37,030,442.34                        -      11,535,447,481.98

        Notes to financial statements (Continued)
          For the Year ended 31 December 2018
 (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

                              Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                 For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                       (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

VIII       Risks related to financial instruments (Continued)

6.     Market risk

       Interest rate risk

       The Group's interest rate risk arises from long-term borrowings from banks. Financial liabilities
       issued at floating rates expose the Group to cash flow interest rate risk. Financial liabilities issued
       at fixed rates expose the Group to fair value interest rate risk. The Group determines the relative
       proportions of its fixed rate and floating rate contracts depending on the prevailing market
       conditions. As at 31 December 2018, if the floating interest rates of the long-term interest-bearing
       borrowings increase or decrease by 50 base points, while other factors do not change, the Group’s
       net income will decrease or increase by RMB118,500.00 (31 December 2017: if the floating interest
       rates of the long-term interest-bearing borrowings increase or decrease by 50 base points, while
       other factors do not change, the Group’s net income will increase or decrease by RMB118,500.00).

       Increases in interest rates will increase the cost of new borrowings and the interest expenses with
       respect to the Group’s outstanding floating rate borrowings, and therefore could have a material
       adverse effect on the Group’s financial position. The Group’s finance department at its
       headquarters continuously monitors the interest rate position of the Group and makes decisions
       with reference to the latest market conditions. The Group may enter into interest rate swap
       agreements to mitigate its exposure to interest rate risk. During 2018 and 2017, the Group did not
       enter into any interest rate swap agreements.

       For the year ended 31 December 2018, the Group had long-term interest-bearing borrowings with
       floating interest rates amounting to RMB31,600,000.00 (31 December 2017: RMB31,600,000.00).

       Currency risk

       The Group’s major operational activities are carried out in Mainland China and a majority of the
       transactions are denominated in RMB. The Group is exposed to foreign exchange risk arising from
       the recognized assets and liabilities, and future transactions denominated in foreign currencies,
       primarily with respect to United States dollars and Hong Kong dollars. The Group’s finance
       department at its headquarters is responsible for monitoring the amounts of assets and liabilities,
       and transactions denominated in foreign currencies. The Group may consider entering into forward
       exchange contracts or currency swap contracts to mitigate the foreign exchange risk.

                              Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                 For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                       (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

VIII      Risks related to financial instruments (Continued)

7.     Capital management

       The Company’s primary objective for managing capital is to ensure that it maintains a strong credit
       rating and healthy capital ratio in order to support its business, maximize shareholders’ value and
       benefit related parties. Management also aims to maintain a capital structure that ensures the
       lowest cost of capital available to the entity.

       Management adjusts the capital structure through adjusting dividend payments to shareholders,
       returning capital to shareholders, issuing new shares or selling assets to reduce debts.

       The Group’s total capital is the total shareholders’ equity in the balance sheet. The Group does not
       adopt an asset ratio as a compulsory factor to govern capital investment.

       The gearing ratios of the Group as at the end of the reporting periods were as follows:

                                                                         2018                        2017

       Gearing ratio                                                  51.93%                      55.57%

                              Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                   (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IX Disclosure of fair value

1.   Assets and liabilities at fair value
                                            Input applied in the measurement of fair value
                                               Quoted              Significant        Significant                    Total
                                              prices in           observable      unobservable
                                                 active                inputs              inputs
                                               Level 1                Level 2            Level 3

     Continuous measurement of
     fair value
     Notes receivable                                 -       567,775,275.40                    -           567,775,275.40
     Other investment in equity                       -                                         -
       instruments                                             13,685,760.00                                 13,685,760.00
     Other non-current financial
       assets                                         -                          140,000,000.00             140,000,000.00

                                                      -       581,461,035.40     140,000,000.00             721,461,035.40

                                              Input applied in the measurement of fair value
                                                  Quoted             Significant       Significant                   Total
                                                 prices in          observable     unobservable
                                                    active               inputs            inputs
                                                  Level 1              Level 2            Level 3

     Continuous measurement of fair
     Available-for-sale financial                               13,685,760.00
     assets                                               -                                         -        13,685,760.00

2.   Assets and liabilities disclosed at fair value
                                        Input applied in the measurement of fair value
                                            Quoted            Significant       Significant                           Total
                                           prices in         observable     unobservable
                                              active              inputs             inputs
                                            Level 1              Level 2           Level 3

     Long-term borrowings                             -       31,600,000.00                             -    31,600,000.00

                                 Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                    For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                      (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IX Disclosure of fair value (Continued)

2.      Assets and liabilities disclosed at fair value (Continued)
                                      Input applied in the measurement of fair value
                                    Quoted prices in         Significant          Significant                  Total
                                     active markets observable inputs          unobservable
                                             Level 1            Level 2              Level 3

     Long-term borrowings                           -        31,600,000.00                     -      31,600,000.00

3. Estimation of fair value
      The following are book value and fair value of financial instruments of the Group excluding those that has
      immaterial different in book value and fair value:

                                 31 December 2018                  1 January 2018                   31 December 2917
                               Book value     Fair value        Book value       Fair value        Book value     Fair value

     Financial liabilities
     Long-term borrowings    31,600,000.00   31,600,000.00    31,600,000.00   31,600,000.00   31,600,000.00    31,600,000.00

      Management has assessed that the fair values of cash and cash equivalents, notes receivable, trade
      receivables, other receivables, short-term borrowings, notes payable, trade payables, other payables, and
      other current assets and liabilities, and current liabilities approximate to their carrying amounts largely due to
      the short remaining maturities of these instruments.

      The financial controller of the Group takes the responsibility to formulate policies and procedures related to
      financial instrument fair value measurements and directly reports to the CFO and the audit committee. On
      each balance sheet date, the financial department analyses the variation of the fair vule of financial
      instruments and determines the inputs applicable to valuation. The valuation is required to be approved by the

      The fair values of financial assets and liabilities are the amount at which the instrument could be exchanged
      or debts could be settled in an arm’s length transaction between knowledgeable and willing parties, other than
      in a forced or liquidation sale. The following methods and assumptions were used to estimate the fair values.

      The fair values of short-term and long-term borrowings, and long-term payables have been calculated by
      discounting the expected future cash flows using market rates of return currently available for other financial
      instruments with similar terms, credit risk and remaining maturities. As at 31 December 2018, the Group’s
      own non-performance risk for short-term and long-term borrowings was assessed to be insignificant.

      For an equity instrument of listed entities, the market price is used to determine fair value. For an equity
      instrument of non-listed entities, the market comparable company model is used to estimate fair value. The
      Group believes that estimated fair value by the valuation method is rational, and also the most sufficient value
      at the balance sheet date.

4. Unobservable inputs
      A financial instrument that is measured at fair value with measurement of level 3 is insensitive to reasonable
      fluctuation of the unobservable inputs.

                                    Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                       For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                        (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

IX     Disclosure of fair value (Continued)

5. Transfers between levels of fair value measurement
    During the year, there were no transfers of fair value measurements between Level 1 and Level 2.

X      Related party relationships and transactions

1.     Parent

                                                                                                         Proportion of    Proportion of
                                                                                            Share           ownership     voting power
                    Registered                                                              capital     interest in the          in the
                      address                                 Nature of business      (RMB’0,000)          Company          Company

                                      Industrial investment holding, trustee of a
                                               pharmaceutical enterprise, asset
     Sinopharm                           reorganization, distribution and retail of
         Group        Shanghai      medicines and pharmaceutical products, etc.        297,165.62             56.06%           56.06%

       The ultimate controlling party of the Company is CNPGC.

2.     Subsidiaries

       Refer to Note VII (1) for details of subsidiaries.

3.     Associates

        Refer to Note VII (2) for details of associates.

4.     Other related parties

        Company name                                                                                  Related party relationships
        Sinopharm Shantou Jinshi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                                    Controlled by CNPGC
        Huayi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                                                       Controlled by CNPGC
        Beijing Huamiao Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                                             Controlled by CNPGC
        Sichuan Jiangyouzhongbafuzi Technology Development Co., Ltd.                                         Controlled by CNPGC
        Guizhou Tongjitang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                                          Controlled by CNPGC
        Anhui Jingfang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                                              Controlled by CNPGC
        Guangdong Medi-World Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                                        Controlled by CNPGC
        Sinopharm Fengliaoxing (Foshan) Medicines Co., Ltd.                                                  Controlled by CNPGC
        Shandong Lu Ya Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                                              Controlled by CNPGC
        Foshan Fengliaoxing Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                                         Controlled by CNPGC
        Winteam Pharmaceutical Group Ltd.                                                                    Controlled by CNPGC
        Chengdu Rongsheng Pharmacy Co., Ltd.                                                                 Controlled by CNPGC
        Lanzhou Institute of Biological Products Co., Ltd.                                                   Controlled by CNPGC
        Lanzhou Biotechnology Development Co., Ltd.                                                          Controlled by CNPGC
        Shanghai Shangsheng Biological Products Co., Ltd.                                                    Controlled by CNPGC
        Shantou Jinshi Powder Injection Co., Ltd.                                                            Controlled by CNPGC

                                  Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                      For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                      (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

X    Related party relationships and transactions (Continued)
4.   Other related parties (Continued)

     Company name                                                               Related party relationships
     Chengdu Institute of Biological Products Co.,Ltd.                                 Controlled by CNPGC
     China National Pharmaceutical Industry Co., Ltd.                                  Controlled by CNPGC
     Sinopharm Weiqida Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                        Controlled by CNPGC
     Sinopharm Xinjiang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                       Controlled by CNPGC
     Shanghai Modern Hasen (Shangqiu) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                         Controlled by CNPGC
     Shanghai Shyndec Pharmaceutical Marketing Co., Ltd.                               Controlled by CNPGC
     Sinopharm Group Rongsheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                Controlled by CNPGC
     Wuhan Zhonglian Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd.                                    Controlled by CNPGC
     The Fourth Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. of Zhonglian Group                            Controlled by CNPGC
     Sinopharm Chuan Kang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                     Controlled by CNPGC
     China National Pharmaceutical Foreign Trade Corporation                           Controlled by CNPGC
     Sinopharm Group Yibin Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd.                                   Controlled by CNPGC
     Sinopharm Yixin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                          Controlled by CNPGC
     Sinopharm Holding Sanyi Medicine (Wuhu) Co., Ltd.                                 Controlled by CNPGC
     Sinopharm Wuhan blood products Co., Ltd.                                          Controlled by CNPGC
     Fujian Chentian Jinling Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                  Controlled by CNPGC
     Beijing Huasheng Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Development Co., Ltd.               Controlled by CNPGC

     Sinopharm Group Chengdu Xinlibang Biological Products Co., Ltd.                   Controlled by CNPGC

     Foshan Dezhong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                           Controlled by CNPGC

     Guizhou Longlife Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                         Controlled by CNPGC
     Sinopharm Fengliaoxing Medical Hospital Co., Ltd.                                 Controlled by CNPGC
     Sinopharm Group Fengliaoxing Traditional Chinese Medical Center Foshan
      Nanhai Co., Ltd.                                                                 Controlled by CNPGC
     Beijing Institute of Biological Products Co., Ltd.                                Controlled by CNPGC
     Group Financial Co.                                                               Controlled by CNPGC
     Sinopharm Group Guizhou Blood Products Co., Ltd.                                  Controlled by CNPGC
     China National of Traditional&Herbal Medicine Co., Ltd.                           Controlled by CNPGC
     Sinopharm Chongqing Pharmaceutical and Medical Industry Design Institute          Controlled by CNPGC
     Sinopharm ShanXi Ruifulai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                 Associate of CNPGC
     China Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                              Associate of CNPGC

     Fresenius Kabi Huarui Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd.                                    Associate of CNPGC

                                 Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                    For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                     (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

X    Related party relationships and transactions (Continued)

4.   Other related parties (Continued)

     Company name                                                             Related party relationships
     Qinghai Pharmaceutical Factory Co., Ltd.                                         Associate of CNPGC
     Jingfukang Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd.                                        Associate of CNPGC
     Shanghai SinoMed Medicine Co., Ltd.                                              Associate of CNPGC
     Changchun Changsheng Gene Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                               Associate of CNPGC
     Sinopharm Holding Shanxi Co., Ltd.                                      Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Holding Shanxi Instrument Branch Co., Ltd.                    Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Group Southwest Medicine Co., Ltd.                            Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Holding Tianjin Co., Ltd.                                     Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Group (Tianjin) Eastern Bokang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.       Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Holding Biopharmaceutical (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.                 Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Holding Zhihuiminsheng (Tianjin) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.     Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Holding Shenyang Co., Ltd.                                    Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Holding Dalian Co., Ltd.                                      Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Holding Jinzhou Co., Ltd.                                     Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Group Shanxi Co., Ltd.                                        Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Holding Shanxi Co., Ltd.                                      Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Holding Shanxi Lvliang Co., Ltd.                              Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Holding Shanxi Jinzhong Co., Ltd.                             Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Holding Shanxi Jincheng Co., Ltd.                             Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Holding Shanxi Mingdikang Medicine Co., Ltd.                  Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Holding Shanxi Zhidekang Medicine Co., Ltd.                   Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Holding Hunan Co., Ltd.                                       Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Holding Yongzhou Co., Ltd.                                    Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     China National Medicines Co., Ltd.                                      Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Group Guorui Medicine Co., Ltd.                               Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Prospect Dentech (Beijing) Co., Ltd.                          Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Holding Beijing Kangchen Bio-Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.         Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Holding Beijing Co., Ltd.                                     Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Holding Beijing Tianxing Puxin Biological Medical Co., Ltd.   Controlled by Sinopharm Group

                                Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                   For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                     (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

X    Related party relationships and transactions (Continued)

4.   Other related parties (Continued)
      Company name                                                                Related party relationships
      Sinopharm holdings Beijing huahong co., Ltd                                Controlled by Sinopharm Group

      Sinopharm Holding Zhejiang Co., Ltd.                                       Controlled by Sinopharm Group

      Sinopharm Holding Jinhua Co., Ltd.                                         Controlled by Sinopharm Group
      Sinopharm Holding Sub Marketing Center Co., Ltd.                           Controlled by Sinopharm Group

      Sinopharm Holding Henan Co., Ltd.                                          Controlled by Sinopharm Group

      Sinopharm Holding Pingdingshan Co., Ltd.                                   Controlled by Sinopharm Group
      Sinopharm Holding Anhui Co., Ltd.                                          Controlled by Sinopharm Group

      Sinopharm Holding Fuzhou Co., Ltd.                                         Controlled by Sinopharm Group

      Sinopharm Holding Shandong Co., Ltd.                                       Controlled by Sinopharm Group
      Sinopharm Holding Yantai Co., Ltd.                                         Controlled by Sinopharm Group

      Sinopharm Holding Lunan Co., Ltd.                                          Controlled by Sinopharm Group

      Sinopharm Holding Rizhao Co., Ltd.                                         Controlled by Sinopharm Group
      Sinopharm Holding Jinan Co., Ltd.                                          Controlled by Sinopharm Group

      Sinopharm Holding Dezhou Co., Ltd.                                         Controlled by Sinopharm Group

      Sinopharm Holding Hainan Co., Ltd.                                         Controlled by Sinopharm Group

      Sinopharm Holding Hainan Hongyi Co., Ltd.                                  Controlled by Sinopharm Group

      Sinopharm Holding Fujian Co., Ltd.                                         Controlled by Sinopharm Group

      Sinopharm Holding Putian Co., Ltd.                                         Controlled by Sinopharm Group

      Sinopharm Holding Zhangzhou Co., Ltd.                                      Controlled by Sinopharm Group

      Sinopharm Holding Quanzhou Co., Ltd.                                       Controlled by Sinopharm Group

      Sinopharm Holding Xiamen Co., Ltd.                                         Controlled by Sinopharm Group

      Sinopharm Holding Ningxia Co., Ltd.                                        Controlled by Sinopharm Group

      Sinopharm Holding Guizhou Co., Ltd.                                        Controlled by Sinopharm Group

      Sinopharm Holding Inner Mongolia Co., Ltd.                                 Controlled by Sinopharm Group

      Sinopharm Holding Tongliao Co., Ltd.                                       Controlled by Sinopharm Group

      Sinopharm Holding Ulanqab Co., Ltd.                                        Controlled by Sinopharm Group
      Sinopharm Holding Hulun Buir Co., Ltd.                                     Controlled by Sinopharm Group

      Sinopharm Holding Ordos Co., Ltd.                                          Controlled by Sinopharm Group
      Sinopharm Group Xinjiang Special Drugs National Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.   Controlled by Sinopharm Group

      Sinopharm Holding Xinjiang Xinte Karamay Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.          Controlled by Sinopharm Group

                               Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                  For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                    (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

X    Related party relationships and transactions (Continued)

4.   Other related parties (Continued)

     Company name                                                                 Related party relationships
     Sinopharm Holding Xinjiang Special Drugs Kashgar Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.   Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Holding Xinjiang Special Drugs Western Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.   Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Holding Shanghai Likang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                  Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Shanghai Meitai Medical Instruments Co., Ltd.                               Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Holding Jiangsu Co., Ltd.                                         Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Holding Yangzhou Co., Ltd.                                        Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Holding Yangzhou Biological Products Co., Ltd.                    Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Holding Taizhou Co., Ltd.                                         Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Holding Yangzhou Medical Treatment Equipment Co., Ltd.            Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Holding Suzhou Co., Ltd.                                          Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Holding Wuxi Co., Ltd.                                            Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Holding Lianyungang Co., Ltd.                                     Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Holding Nanjing Wende Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.                     Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Holding Changzhou Co., Ltd.                                       Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Holding Changzhou Medical Logistics Center Co., Ltd.              Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Holding Yancheng Co., Ltd.                                        Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Lingyun Biopharmaceutical (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.                    Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Holding Heilongjiang Co., Ltd.                                    Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Le-Ren-Tang Medicine Co., Ltd.                                    Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Lerentang Hebei Medical Instrument Trade Co., Ltd.                Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Holding Lerentang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                        Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Lerentang Qinhuangdao Medicine Co., Ltd.                          Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Lerentang Shijiazhuang Medicine Co., Ltd.                         Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Lerentang Tangshan Medicine Co., Ltd.                             Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Holding Donghong Medical (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.                     Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Shanghai Merro Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                     Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Xingsha Pharmaceuticals (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.                        Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Sichuan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                  Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Holding Dalian Hecheng Co., Ltd.                                  Controlled by Sinopharm Group

                                Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                   For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                     (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

X    Related party relationships and transactions (Continued)

4.    Other related parties (Continued)

     Company name                                                                    Related party relationships
     Sinopharm Holding Changsha Co., Ltd.                                           Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Pudong New Area of Shanghai Pharmaceutical Medicine Ltd.                       Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm (Guangzhou) Medical Equipment Co., Ltd.                              Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Holding Tianjin Distribution Center Co., Ltd.                        Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Holding Chengdu Co., Ltd.                                            Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Fujian Medical Examination Co., Ltd.                                 Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     China National Scientific Instruments & Materials Imp/Exp Shenzhen Co., Ltd.   Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Holding Hubei New & Special Medicines Co., Ltd.                      Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Holding Hubei Co., Ltd.                                              Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Beijing Tongyu Information Technology Co., Ltd.                                Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Holding Jiangxi Co., Ltd.                                            Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Holding Xinjiang New & Special Gingsen Antler Medical Co., Ltd.      Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Group Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd.                                     Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Hebei Medical Instrument Co., Ltd.                                   Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Holding Tianjin North Medicine Co., Ltd.                             Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Holding Nanping Newforce Co., Ltd.                                   Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Group Shanghai Medicine Device Co., Ltd.                             Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Holding Chongqing Co., Ltd.                                          Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Holding Tianjin Binhai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                      Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Group Medicine Logistic Co., Ltd.                                    Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Group Medicine Logistic Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Branch                   Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     China National Pharmaceutical Logistics Co., Ltd.                              Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Shanghai Tongyu Information Technology Co., Ltd.                               Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Holding Huangshi Co., Ltd.                                           Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Holding Hubei Hongyuan Co., Ltd.                                     Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Holding Jiaozuo Co., Ltd.                                            Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Holding Xinxiang Co., Ltd.                                           Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Holding Wuhu Co., Ltd.                                               Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Holding Lu'an Co., Ltd.                                              Controlled by Sinopharm Group

                                Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                   For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                     (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

X    Related party relationships and transactions (Continued)

4.    Other related parties (Continued)

     Company name                                                               Related party relationships
     Sinopharm Holding Suzhou Co., Ltd.                                        Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Holding Jining Co., Ltd.                                        Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Holding Liaocheng Co., Ltd.                                     Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Holding Yunnan Co., Ltd.                                        Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Holding Honghe Co., Ltd.                                        Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Holding Chuxiong Co., Ltd.                                      Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Yuxi Sinopharm Medicine Co., Ltd.                                         Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Guanai Yuankang Pharmacy (Haikou) Co., Ltd.                     Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Holding Gansu Co., Ltd.                                         Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Holding Longyan Co., Ltd.                                       Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Holding Ningde Co., Ltd.                                        Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Holding Nanchang Chain Store Co., Ltd.                          Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Holding Tongren Co., Ltd.                                       Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Holding Zunyi Co., Ltd.                                         Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Holding Guizhou Medical Equiment Co., Ltd.                      Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Holding Jilin Co., Ltd.                                         Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Holding Jilin Chain Store Co., Ltd.                             Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Holding Siping Co., Ltd.                                        Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Holding Wenzhou Co., Ltd.                                       Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Holding Nantong Co., Ltd.                                       Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Holding Huaian Co., Ltd.                                        Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Holding Xuzhou Co., Ltd.                                        Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Lerentang Hengshui Medicine Co., Ltd.                           Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Lerentang Baoding Medicine Co., Ltd.                            Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Holding Qinghai Co., Ltd.                                       Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Holding Hongrun Medical Business Service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.   Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Medical Instrument Guizhou Qiannan Co., Ltd.                    Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Group Guangdong Medicine Device Co., Ltd.                       Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Zhuhai Medical Instrument Co., Ltd.                             Controlled by Sinopharm Group

                                Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                     For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                    (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

X    Related party relationships and transactions (Continued)

4.    Other related parties (Continued)

     Company name                                                              Related party relationships
     Sinopharm Medical Instrument Foshan Co., Ltd.                            Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Fujian Sinopharm Medical Instrument Co., Ltd.                            Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Nanping Medical Instrument Co., Ltd.                           Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Group Guangxi Medical Equipment Co., Ltd.                      Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Holding Ganzhou Co., Ltd.                                      Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Holding Xiangyang Co., Ltd.                                    Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Xinxiang Chain Store Co., Ltd.                                 Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Holding Chongqing Ruimin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.              Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Lerentang Zhangjiakou Medicine Co., Ltd.                       Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Holding Pingliang Co., Ltd.                                    Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Holding Deyang Co., Ltd.                                       Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Guangdong Medical Examination Co., Ltd.                        Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Holding Hunan Weian Pharmacy Medicine Chain Company Limited    Controlled by Sinopharm Group

     Sinopharm Group Shanghai Co., Ltd.                                       Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Beijing Sinopharm Tianyuan Real Estate & Property Management Co., Ltd.   Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Xinjiang Baitong Property Service Co., Ltd.                              Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Group Xinjiang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                        Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Guorun medical                                                           Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Xinjiang Korla Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                        Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Holding Huaideju Pharmaceutical (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.             Controlled by Sinopharm Group
     Yichang Humanwell Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                               Associate of Sinopharm Group
     Hutchison Whampoa Sinopharm Pharmaceuticals (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.         Associate of Sinopharm Group
     Jiangsu Lianhuan Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.                                 Associate of Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Health Online Co., Ltd.                                        Associate of Sinopharm Group
     Shanghai Guoda Lingyun Pharmacy Co., Ltd.                                Associate of Sinopharm Group
     Hubei Medical Group Co., Ltd.                                            Associate of Sinopharm Group
     Sichuan Kang Daxin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                              Associate of Sinopharm Group
     Ningbo Meishan bonded port area Qiling equity investment center LP       Associate of Sinopharm Group
     Sinopharm Holding Financing Lease Co., Ltd.                              Associate of Sinopharm Group
                                                                                    Subsidiary of Main Luck
     Shenzhen Wanwei Medicine Trading Co., Ltd.                                              Pharmaceutical

     Chongqing Yaoyou Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                    Subsidiary of Fosun Pharm

     Sichuan Hexin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                       Subsidiary of Fosun Pharm

     Guilin South pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                        Subsidiary of Fosun Pharm

                                Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                     For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                    (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

X    Related party relationships and transactions (Continued)

4.    Other related parties (Continued)

     Company Name                                                                      Related party relationships
     Shanghai Chaohui Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                        Subsidiary of Fosun Pharm
     Tibet Yaoyou Medicines Co.,Ltd.                                                  Subsidiary of Fosun Pharm
     Shenyang Hongqi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                         Subsidiary of Fosun Pharm
     Jiangsu Wanbang Pharmacy Marketing Co., Ltd.                                     Subsidiary of Fosun Pharm
     Chongqing Haisiman Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                      Subsidiary of Fosun Pharm
     Jinzhou AoHong Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd.                                         Subsidiary of Fosun Pharm
     Hunan Dongting Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                          Subsidiary of Fosun Pharm
     Jiangsu Huanghe Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                         Subsidiary of Fosun Pharm
     Suzhou Erye Pharmaceutical Limited Company                                       Subsidiary of Fosun Pharm
     Jiangsu Fuxing Pharmaceutical Trading Co., Ltd                                   Subsidiary of Fosun Pharm
     Jiangxi Erye Medicine Marketing Co., Ltd.                                        Subsidiary of Fosun Pharm
     Shanghai Transfusion Technology Co., Ltd.                                        Subsidiary of Fosun Pharm
     Foshan Chancheng District Central Hospital                                       Subsidiary of Fosun Pharm
     Foshan Chanyixing Medicine Development Co Ltd.                                   Subsidiary of Fosun Pharm
     Foshan Chancheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                        Subsidiary of Fosun Pharm
     Shenzhen Qianda Medical Beauty Clinic                                            Subsidiary of Fosun Pharm
     Shenzhen Heng Sheng Hosital                                                      Subsidiary of Fosun Pharm
     Foshan Shunde District Lecong Supply and Marketing group
      Shunketang Medicine Co., Ltd.                                                   Subsidiary of Fosun Pharm
     Beijing Golden Elephant Fosun Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.               Non-controlling interest of a subsidiary
     Henan Wanxitang                                                      Non-controlling interest of a subsidiary
     Shenyang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                    Non-controlling interest of a subsidiary
     Lerentang Investment Group Co., Ltd.                                 Non-controlling interest of a subsidiary
     Pingdingshan Pusheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                        Non-controlling interest of a subsidiary
     Hunan Minshengtang Investment Co., Ltd.                              Non-controlling interest of a subsidiary
     Linyi Medical Group Co., Ltd.                                        Non-controlling interest of a subsidiary
     Guangdong Jiyuantang Development Co., Ltd.                           Non-controlling interest of a subsidiary
     Zhang Zhenfang                                                       Non-controlling interest of a subsidiary
     Hangzhou Xihu Business Group Corporation                             Non-controlling interest of a subsidiary
     Shenzhen Jiufeng Investment Co., Ltd.                                Non-controlling interest of a subsidiary
     Taishan Qunkang Pharmacy Co., Ltd.                                   Non-controlling interest of a subsidiary
     Heyuan Mairui Trading Co., Ltd.                                      Non-controlling interest of a subsidiary
                                                                        Controlled by non-controlling interest of a
     Nanjing Yuanguang Trading Co., Ltd.                                                                subsidiary
     Shaoguan Wujiang District Muyang Medicine Information Consultant   Controlled by non-controlling interest of a
      Co., Ltd.                                                                                         subsidiary
                                                                        Controlled by non-controlling interest of a
     Taishan Xiangranhui Trade Co., Ltd                                                                 subsidiary
                                                                          Family member of the non-controlling
     Gu Jinhua                                                                        shareholder of a subsidiary
     Gu Haiqun                                                            Non-controlling interest of a subsidiary
                                                                         Controller of non-controlling interest of a
     Wang Yang                                                                                           subsidiary

                                  Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                     For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                      (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

X     Related party relationships and transactions (Continued)

5.    Major transactions between the Group and its related parties

(1)    Related party transactions – goods and services

       Purchase of goods and receiving of services from related parties
                                                                                        2018           2017
                                                                                 (RMB’0,000)   (RMB’0,000)

      Sinopharm Holding Sub Marketing Center Co., Ltd.                            102,842.49     101,744.54

      China National Medicines Co., Ltd.                                           47,447.25      38,102.01

      Sinopharm Holding Shanxi Co., Ltd.                                           30,206.49      22,720.93

      Sinopharm Holding Shanxi Co., Ltd.                                           17,803.27      15,849.65
      Sinopharm Lingyun Biopharmaceutical (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.                     17,772.72      21,237.87
      Sinopharm Le-Ren-Tang Medicine Co., Ltd.                                     15,730.42      15,540.66
      Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd.                                                    15,674.01      47,891.45
      Fresenius Kabi Huarui Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd.                              13,492.91      16,178.69

      Sinopharm Holding Shenyang Co., Ltd.                                         12,615.36      10,902.50

      Jiangsu Wanbang Pharmacy Marketing Co., Ltd.                                 10,590.47       7,288.02

      Lanzhou Institute of Biological Products Co., Ltd.                            8,556.00       6,978.00

      Sinopharm Group Xinjiang Special Drugs National Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.      7,968.25       6,890.74

      Sinopharm Holding Lunan Co., Ltd.                                             7,867.79       5,007.91

      Chongqing Yaoyou Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                     5,425.64       3,529.40

      Sinopharm Holding Yangzhou Co., Ltd.                                          5,080.96       4,561.71

      Jinzhou AoHong Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd.                                      4,655.26               -

      Sinopharm Holding Beijing Co., Ltd.                                           4,166.01       4,502.72

      Sinopharm Holding Inner Mongolia Co., Ltd.                                    3,765.52       3,428.82

      Shenzhen Main Luck Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                   3,664.44       3,815.55

      Winteam Pharmaceutical Group Ltd.                                             3,425.51       2,037.17

      Sinopharm Holding Lerentang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                          3,425.05       2,865.65

      Sinopharm Holding Pingdingshan Co., Ltd.                                      2,966.11       3,494.08

      Sinopharm Holding Hunan Co., Ltd.                                             2,753.14       1,859.99

      Sinopharm Holding Jiangsu Co., Ltd.                                           2,478.08       2,774.47

      Shenzhen Wanwei Medicine Trading Co., Ltd.                                    2,360.76       2,617.88

      Sinopharm Holding Fujian Co., Ltd.                                            2,235.91       2,748.83

      Suzhou Erye Pharmaceutical Limited Company                                    2,097.57               -

      Sinopharm Lerentang Shijiazhuang Medicine Co., Ltd.                           1,927.59       2,274.90

      Tibet Yaoyou Medicines Co.,Ltd.                                               1,863.03               -

X.     Related party relationships and transactions (Continued)

                                Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                   For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                    (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

5.   Major transactions between the Group and its related parties (Continued)

(1) Related party transactions – goods and services (Continued)

     Purchase of goods and receiving of services from related parties (Continued)

                                                                                        2018           2017

                                                                                 (RMB’0,000)   (RMB’0,000)

     Sinopharm (Guangzhou) Medical Equipment Co., Ltd.                              1,732.81               -
     Sinopharm Holding Xiamen Co., Ltd.                                             1,641.68       2,566.00
     Sinopharm Group (Shenzhen) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                            1,550.59         458.11
     Chengdu Rongsheng Pharmacy Co., Ltd.                                           1,544.99       2,515.11
     Sinopharm Holding Shanxi Instrument Branch Co., Ltd.                           1,523.54         906.15
     Sinopharm Group Zhijun (Shenzhen) PingShan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.            1,485.99         809.83
     Lanzhou Biological Technology Development Co., Ltd.                            1,380.00               -
     China National Pharmaceutical Foreign Trade Corporation                        1,376.71         613.18
     Sinopharm Group Medicine Logistic Co., Ltd.                                    1,374.70       1,511.51
     Sinopharm Holding Henan Co., Ltd.                                              1,345.69         643.91
     Sinopharm Holding Ningxia Co., Ltd.                                            1,303.98       1,260.94
     Sinopharm Health Online Co., Ltd.                                              1,269.85         952.00
     Shanghai Shangsheng Biological Products Co., Ltd.                              1,225.55         885.46
     Sinopharm Holding Suzhou Co., Ltd.                                             1,123.00         972.81

     Sinopharm Holding Changzhou Medical Logistics Center Co., Ltd.                 1,094.70       1,252.80

     Sinopharm Chuan Kang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                  1,063.26         243.68
     Yichang Humanwell Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                       988.76         881.03

     Sinopharm Holding Xinjiang Special Drugs Western Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.        961.00         790.45
     Sinopharm Xingsha Pharmaceuticals (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.                             958.22         186.16
     Sinopharm Holding Fuzhou Co., Ltd.                                               843.89         942.42
     Sinopharm Group Guorui Medicine Co., Ltd.                                        815.71          82.70
     China Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                            809.96         571.64
     Sichuan Hexin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                           808.33          (0.03)
     Sinopharm Holding Beijing Huahong Co., Ltd.                                      650.29         879.99
     Jiangxi Erye Medicine Marketing Co., Ltd.                                        636.00               -
     Sinopharm Holding Jinan Co., Ltd.                                                618.89         404.98

                                Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                   For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                     (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

X.   Related party relationships and transactions (Continued)

5.   Major transactions between the Group and its related parties (Continued)

(1) Related party transactions – goods and services (Continued)
     Purchase of goods and receiving of services from related parties (Continued)

                                                                                2018           2017

                                                                         (RMB’0,000)   (RMB’0,000)
     Sinopharm Holding Shanghai Likang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                              575.07         370.93
     Shyndec Pharma
                                                                              545.56          86.51
     Sinopharm Yixin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                              542.65               -
     Jiangsu Lianhuan Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
                                                                              538.61               -
     Sinopharm Holding Changzhou Co., Ltd.
                                                                              519.14         877.84
     Sinopharm Holding Wuxi Co., Ltd.
                                                                              501.02         365.10
     Sinopharm Holding Beijing Kangchen Bio-Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                              492.19         864.11
     Pudong New Area of Shanghai Pharmaceutical Medicine Ltd.
                                                                              459.70         372.16
     Sinopharm Group Rongsheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                              399.79          78.21
     Sinopharm Holding Jinzhou Co., Ltd.                                      386.83         260.33
     Sinopharm Holding Shandong Co., Ltd.
                                                                              382.90               -
     Shantou Jinshi Powder Injection Co., Ltd.
                                                                              374.45           0.25
     Shenyang Hongqi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                              356.58         173.38
     Sinopharm Lerentang Hebei Medical Instrument Trade Co., Ltd.
                                                                              353.38         403.31
     Sinopharm Holding Xinjiang Xinte Karamay Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                              344.11         221.06
     Guizhou Tongjitang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                              324.11         252.37
     Foshan Fengliaoxing Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                              295.73         170.25
     Shandong Lu Ya Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                              290.93         741.87
     Beijing Golden Elephant Fosun Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                              289.84         360.29
     Shanghai Merro Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                              265.31       1,098.20
     Shanghai Beiyi Guoda pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
                                                                              249.14         273.26
     Sinopharm Holding Yancheng Co., Ltd.
                                                                              248.87         248.55
     Sinopharm Holding Heilongjiang Co., Ltd.                                 220.67               -
     Shanghai Chaohui Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                              216.02               -
     Sinopharm Group (Tianjin) Eastern Bokang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                              205.84         291.59
     Hutchison Whampoa Sinopharm Pharmaceuticals (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
                                                                              204.05         104.40
     Shanghai Shyndec Pharmaceutical Marketing Co., Ltd.
                                                                              179.93         227.57
     Sinopharm Holding Shanxi Jinzhong Co., Ltd.
                                                                              179.83               -

                                Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                   For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                    (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

X.   Related party relationships and transactions (Continued)

5.   Major transactions between the Group and its related parties (Continued)

(1) Related party transactions – goods and services (Continued)
     Purchase of goods and receiving of services from related parties (Continued)

                                                                                  2018           2017

                                                                           (RMB’0,000)   (RMB’0,000)
     Sinopharm Holding Putian Co., Ltd.                                         173.77         212.86
     Sinopharm Holding Tongliao Co., Ltd.                                       172.34          87.00
     Shanghai Meitai Medical Instruments Co., Ltd.                              166.41               -
     Sinopharm Holding Tianjin Co., Ltd.                                        163.00         799.37
     Guangdong Medi-World Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                              160.50          39.88
     Huayi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                             159.06               -
     Sinopharm Holding Zhihuiminsheng (Tianjin) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.        153.65               -
     Sinopharm Holding Dalian Co., Ltd.                                         146.37         238.38
     Jingfukang Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd.                                  144.26               -
     Shanghai Tongyu Information Technology Co., Ltd.                           142.34         174.25
     Jiangsu Fuxing Pharmaceutical Trading Co., Ltd                             134.98          17.76
     Sinopharm Holding Hulun Buir Co., Ltd.                                     134.06       2,552.36
     Sinopharm Holding Yantai Co., Ltd.                                         130.34               -
     Sinopharm Holding Anhui Co., Ltd.                                          125.53          59.02
     Shanghai Modern Hasen (Shangqiu) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                  118.51               -
     Sinopharm Group Southwest Medicine Co., Ltd.                               116.31           5.08
     Sinopharm Holding Donghong Medical (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.                    115.92         198.58
     Sinopharm Holding Kashi New & Special Drugs Co., Ltd.                      113.90          91.65
     Wuhan Zhonglian Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd.                             107.89         136.59
     China National Pharmaceutical Industry Co., Ltd.                           107.14          37.39
     Sinopharm Holding Lianyungang Co., Ltd.                                     98.55               -
     Anhui Jingfang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                     92.62         103.19
     Sinopharm Lerentang Qinhuangdao Medicine Co., Ltd.                          91.62          94.47
     Hunan Dongting Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                     91.25          41.31
     Sinopharm Weiqida Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                  89.28               -
     Sinopharm Group Yibin Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd.                             81.80           1.22
     Sinopharm Holding Quanzhou Co., Ltd.                                        79.67         152.62
     Sinopharm Holding Changsha Co., Ltd.                                        73.39          50.72

                                Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                    For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                     (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

X.   Related party relationships and transactions (Continued)

5.   Major transactions between the Group and its related parties (Continued)

(1) Related party transactions – goods and services (Continued)
     Purchase of goods and receiving of services from related parties (Continued)

                                                                                    2018           2017
                                                                             (RMB’0,000)   (RMB’0,000)
     Chengdu Institute of Biological Products Co.,Ltd.                             66.32               -
     Guilin South pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                         61.69               -
     Fujian Chentian Jinling Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                              60.62               -
     Sinopharm Shantou Jinshi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                             57.34           6.21
     Sinopharm Holding Zhejiang Co., Ltd.                                          44.13               -
     Sinopharm Holding Beijing Tianxing Puxin Biological Medical Co., Ltd.         42.10          16.28
     Sinopharm Holding Dezhou Co., Ltd.                                            36.03          44.25
     Sinopharm Holding Ulanqab Co., Ltd.                                           35.33          32.21
     Sinopharm Xinjiang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                   34.82           7.38
     Sinopharm Holding Yangzhou Biological Products Co., Ltd.                      33.60               -
     Sinopharm Holding Biopharmaceutical (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.                       33.25           5.04
     Sinopharm Holding Dalian Hecheng Co., Ltd.                                    33.17           3.29
     Sinopharm Group Shanxi Co., Ltd.                                              32.67         118.75
     Shanghai SinoMed Medicine Co., Ltd.                                           31.93               -
     Jiangsu Huanghe Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                      28.64               -
     Sinopharm Holding Rizhao Co., Ltd.                                            24.76         267.85
     Sinopharm Holding Hainan Co., Ltd.                                            24.14               -
     Sichuan Jiangyouzhongbafuzi Technology Development Co., Ltd.                  17.44           5.62
     Sinopharm Wuhan blood products Co., Ltd.                                      17.04               -
     Sinopharm Holding Taizhou Co., Ltd.                                           16.31          16.76
     Sinopharm Holding Nanjing Wende Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.                       15.28               -
     Henan Wanxitang                                                               13.03               -
     Sinopharm Holding Shanxi Zhidekang Medicine Co., Ltd.                         12.86               -
     Qinghai Pharmaceutical Factory Co., Ltd.                                      12.51               -
     The Fourth Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. of Zhonglian Group                        11.88          21.35
     China National Pharmaceutical Logistics Co., Ltd.                              9.08           6.71
     Sinopharm Holding Sanyi Medicine (Wuhu) Co., Ltd.                              8.20          25.23
     Sinopharm Holding Guizhou Co., Ltd.                                            7.37               -

                                Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                   For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                     (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

X.   Related party relationships and transactions (Continued)

5.   Major transactions between the Group and its related parties (Continued)

(1) Related party transactions – goods and services (Continued)

     Purchase of goods and receiving of services from related parties (Continued)

                                                                                           2018           2017

                                                                                    (RMB’0,000)   (RMB’0,000)
     Sinopharm Holding Shanxi Lvliang Co., Ltd.
                                                                                           5.76               -
     Sinopharm ShanXi Ruifulai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                                           5.32           5.39
     Sinopharm Holding Yangzhou Medical Treatment Equipment Co., Ltd.
                                                                                           5.23               -
     Sinopharm Lerentang Tangshan Medicine Co., Ltd.
                                                                                           4.76           5.23
     Sinopharm Holding Yongzhou Co., Ltd.
                                                                                           3.72           3.84

     Chongqing Haisiman Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                           3.29       3,157.33
     Sinopharm Holding Hainan Hongyi Co., Ltd.
                                                                                           3.15               -
     Sinopharm Fengliaoxing (Foshan) Medicines Co., Ltd.
                                                                                           2.86               -
     Sinopharm Holding Shanxi Mingdikang Medicine Co., Ltd.
                                                                                           2.72               -
     Sinopharm Holding Shanxi Jincheng Co., Ltd.
                                                                                           2.42               -
     Sinopharm Group Medicine Logistic Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Branch
                                                                                           1.61               -
     Sinopharm Holding Zhangzhou Co., Ltd.
                                                                                           1.20               -
     Sinopharm Prospect Dentech (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
                                                                                           1.04           0.56
     Sinopharm Holding Tianjin Binhai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                                           0.71               -
     Zhijun Suzhou
                                                                                           0.30           0.14
     Beijing Huamiao Traditional Chinese Medicine Technology and Project
     Development Centre                                                                    0.26               -

     Sinopharm Group Sichuan Medicines Co., Ltd.                                           0.24               -

     Shenzhen Zhijun Pharmaceutical Trade Co., Ltd.                                        0.03               -

     Sinopharm Holding Tianjin Distribution Center Co., Ltd.                                   -        145.06

     Sinopharm Holding Chengdu Co., Ltd.                                                       -        124.80

     Sinopharm Fujian Medical Examination Co., Ltd.                                            -         68.04

     Guizhou Longlife Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                                 -         64.81

     China National Scientific Instruments & Materials Imp/Exp Shenzhen Co., Ltd.              -         57.42

     Beijing Huasheng Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Development Co., Ltd.                       -         40.04

     Sinopharm Holding Hubei New & Special Medicines Co., Ltd.                                 -         34.38

                               Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                  For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                    (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

X.   Related party relationships and transactions (Continued)

5.   Major transactions between the Group and its related parties (Continued)

(1) Related party transactions – goods and services (Continued)

     Purchase of goods and receiving of services from related parties (Continued)

                                                                                        2018           2017

                                                                                 (RMB’0,000)   (RMB’0,000)
     Sinopharm Holding Hubei Co., Ltd.
                                                                                            -         27.50
     Shanghai Transfusion Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                                            -         21.50
     Beijing Tongyu Information Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                                            -         17.54
     Sinopharm Holding Jiangxi Co., Ltd.
                                                                                            -         15.93
     Sinopharm Group Chengdu Xinlibang Biological Products Co., Ltd.
                                                                                            -         10.56
     Sinopharm Holding Xinjiang New & Special Gingsen Antler Medical Co., Ltd.
                                                                                            -         10.17
     Sinopharm Group Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd.
                                                                                            -          9.23
     Sinopharm Hebei Medical Instrument Co., Ltd.
                                                                                            -          4.72
     Sinopharm Holding Tianjin North Medicine Co., Ltd.
                                                                                            -          4.67
     Sinopharm Holding Nanping Newforce Co., Ltd.
                                                                                            -          3.61
     Foshan Dezhong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                                            -          3.46
     Sinopharm Group Shanghai Medicine Device Co., Ltd.
                                                                                            -          3.14
     Sinopharm Holding Jinhua Co., Ltd.
                                                                                            -          3.09
     Sinopharm Holding Chongqing Co., Ltd.
                                                                                            -          0.92
     Sinopharm Holding Ordos Co., Ltd.
                                                                                       (1.38)          4.76

                                                                                  405,277.59     394,534.98

                                Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                   For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                    (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

X.   Related party relationships and transactions (Continued)

5.   Major transactions between the Group and its related parties (Continued)

(1) Related party transactions – goods and services (Continued)
     Sale of goods and rendering of services
                                                                                        2018           2017
                                                                                 (RMB’0,000)   (RMB’0,000)
     Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                                   13,127.67       2,920.98
     Shanghai Beiyi Guoda pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
                                                                                    9,917.50      12,310.89
     Foshan Chancheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                                    8,713.35       6,961.50
     Sinopharm Holding Hainan Co., Ltd.
                                                                                    6,157.07       6,641.94
     Sinopharm Holding Hainan Hongyi Co., Ltd.
                                                                                    4,734.71       5,221.78
     Sinopharm Holding Sub Marketing Center Co., Ltd.
                                                                                    2,234.24       2,311.90
     Sinopharm Group Xinjiang Special Drugs National Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                                    2,222.76       2,998.11
     Beijing Golden Elephant Fosun Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                                    2,069.07       2,441.19
     Sinopharm Holding Wenzhou Co., Ltd.
                                                                                    2,052.01       2,801.62
     Pudong New Area of Shanghai Pharmaceutical Medicine Ltd.
                                                                                    1,952.87       1,909.51
     Sinopharm Holding Beijing Huahong Co., Ltd.
                                                                                    1,921.41       2,599.43
     Sinopharm Lingyun Biopharmaceutical (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
                                                                                    1,903.16         467.21
     Sinopharm Zhuhai Medical Instrument Co., Ltd.
                                                                                    1,736.10           1.14
     Shenzhen Heng Sheng Hosital
                                                                                    1,711.70               -
     Sinopharm Holding Henan Co., Ltd.
                                                                                    1,684.79       2,707.85
     Sinopharm Group Southwest Medicine Co., Ltd.
                                                                                    1,657.77       1,975.09
     Sinopharm Holding Nantong Co., Ltd.
                                                                                    1,608.96       2,274.99
     Sinopharm Le-Ren-Tang Medicine Co., Ltd.
                                                                                    1,596.99       4,070.87
     Sinopharm Sichuan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                                    1,545.73       4,466.51
     Sinopharm Holding Beijing Co., Ltd.
                                                                                    1,441.53       4,672.13
     Sinopharm Group (Tianjin) Eastern Bokang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                                    1,225.58       3,978.45
     Sinopharm Holding Shandong Co., Ltd.
                                                                                    1,078.15       5,315.11
     China National Medicines Co., Ltd.
                                                                                    1,023.03       1,269.66
     Foshan Chancheng District Central Hospital
                                                                                      947.72         777.97
     Sinopharm Holding Yunnan Co., Ltd.
                                                                                      770.29       2,396.95
     Sinopharm Holding Xinjiang Special Drugs Western Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                                      740.10         447.12
     Sinopharm Holding Yangzhou Co., Ltd.
                                                                                      725.68         988.43
     Sinopharm Holding Shanxi Co., Ltd.
                                                                                      580.44         343.72
     Sinopharm Holding Hubei Co., Ltd.
                                                                                      518.05       5,641.21
     Foshan Chanyixing Medicine Development Co Ltd.
                                                                                      432.38         287.00
     Sinopharm Holding Jilin Co., Ltd.
                                                                                      432.10         420.33
     Sinopharm Holding Shanghai Likang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                                      411.91          12.45

X.   Related party relationships and transactions (Continued)

5.   Major transactions between the Group and its related parties (Continued)
                               Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                  For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                    (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

(1) Related party transactions – goods and services (Continued)

     Sale of goods and rendering of services

                                                                           2018            2017
                                                                    (RMB’0,000)    (RMB’0,000)
     Shanghai Liyi Drug Store Co., Ltd                                     343.80        225.13
     Shanghai Merro Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                           323.19        529.23
     Sinopharm Holding Fujian Co., Ltd.
                                                                           302.61        469.70
     Sinopharm Holding Anhui Co., Ltd.
                                                                           255.38        120.77
     Sinopharm Holding Hunan Co., Ltd.
                                                                           253.22        391.75
     Sinopharm Holding Dalian Co., Ltd.
                                                                           242.63        218.46
     Sinopharm Holding Guizhou Co., Ltd.
                                                                           236.34        708.51
     Sinopharm Holding Gansu Co., Ltd.
                                                                           214.52        455.43
     Sinopharm Holding Tianjin Co., Ltd.
                                                                           208.79      1,146.02
     Sinopharm Holding Shanxi Co., Ltd.
                                                                           190.23        774.50
     Sinopharm Group Zhijun(Shenzhen) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                           186.77         65.11
     Yuxi Sinopharm Medicine Co., Ltd.
                                                                           157.01         24.96
     Sinopharm Holding Chengdu Co., Ltd.
                                                                            97.59        171.42
     Sinopharm Holding Zhejiang Co., Ltd.
                                                                            92.13        899.68
     Shanghai Guoda Lingyun Pharmacy Co., Ltd.
                                                                            85.74        163.77
     Sinopharm Holding Wuxi Co., Ltd.
                                                                            84.68         53.75
     Sinopharm Holding Shenyang Co., Ltd.
                                                                            79.41        415.35
     Sinopharm Holding Dalian Hecheng Co., Ltd.
                                                                            77.07        106.35
     Sinopharm Group Shanxi Co., Ltd.
                                                                            72.08        102.04
     Sinopharm Holding Ningxia Co., Ltd.
                                                                            71.31      1,031.39
     Sinopharm Holding Jiangxi Co., Ltd.
                                                                            69.07        123.41
     Sinopharm Holding Donghong Medical (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
                                                                            68.89         47.12
     Sinopharm Group Medicine Logistic Co., Ltd.
                                                                            65.21        156.84
     Shenzhen Zhijun Pharmaceutical Trade Co., Ltd.
                                                                            57.14          1.96
     Sinopharm Group Zhijun (Shenzhen) PingShan Pharmaceutical
     Co., Ltd.                                                              45.82         26.29
     Sinopharm Holding Changzhou Co., Ltd.
                                                                            43.58        191.15
     Sinopharm Holding Qinghai Co., Ltd.
                                                                            41.59        194.00

                               Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                  For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                    (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

X.   Related party relationships and transactions (Continued)

5.   Major transactions between the Group and its related parties (Continued)

(1) Related party transactions – goods and services (Continued)
     Sale of goods and rendering of services

                                                                                2018            2017
                                                                         (RMB’0,000)   (RMB’0,000)
     Sinopharm Holding Changzhou Medical Logistics Center Co., Ltd.             40.59          44.11
     Sinopharm Holding Wuhu Co., Ltd.
                                                                                40.22         10.80
     Sinopharm Holding Zunyi Co., Ltd.
                                                                                35.43              -
     Sinopharm Holding Heilongjiang Co., Ltd.
                                                                                35.21        341.74
     Sinopharm Holding Inner Mongolia Co., Ltd.
                                                                                29.70         72.68
     Sinopharm Holding Yongzhou Co., Ltd.
                                                                                28.54         25.71
     Sinopharm Holding Chongqing Co., Ltd.
                                                                                28.21         23.62
     Sinopharm Holding Ulanqab Co., Ltd.
                                                                                27.10          9.29
     Sinopharm Holding Tianjin North Medicine Co., Ltd.
                                                                                26.69              -
     Sinopharm Holding Jiaozuo Co., Ltd.
                                                                                24.79              -
     Sinopharm Holding Ningde Co., Ltd.
                                                                                23.88         50.41
     Sinopharm Holding Guizhou Medical Equiment Co., Ltd.
                                                                                19.15              -
     Sinopharm Holding Hubei Hongyuan Co., Ltd.
                                                                                18.54              -
     Sinopharm Holding Jilin Chain Store Co., Ltd.
                                                                                18.32              -
     Shenzhen Qianda Medical Beauty Clinic
                                                                                17.73              -
     Sinopharm Holding Nanping Newforce Co., Ltd.
                                                                                16.91         38.97
     Sinopharm Holding Tongren Co., Ltd.
                                                                                16.66              -
     Sinopharm Holding Putian Co., Ltd.
                                                                                15.06         92.30
     Sinopharm Holding Honghe Co., Ltd.
                                                                                13.47              -
     Sinopharm Holding Huaian Co., Ltd.
                                                                                12.87         67.17
     Sinopharm Holding Suzhou Co., Ltd.
                                                                                12.84          2.44
     Sinopharm Holding Lu'an Co., Ltd.
                                                                                12.84          4.87
     Sinopharm Fengliaoxing Medical Hospital Co., Ltd.
                                                                                10.65          7.36
     Sinopharm Jienuo Medical Treatment Service Guangdong Co., Ltd.
                                                                                10.38          3.30
     Sinopharm Holding Longyan Co., Ltd.
                                                                                 9.09         18.30
     Fresenius Kabi Huarui Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd.
                                                                                 8.01         12.31

                               Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                  For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                    (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

X.   Related party relationships and transactions (Continued)

5.   Major transactions between the Group and its related parties (Continued)

(1) Related party transactions – goods and services (Continued)

     Sale of goods and rendering of services
                                                                            2018           2017
                                                                     (RMB’0,000)   (RMB’0,000)
     Sinopharm Holding Xinxiang Co., Ltd.
                                                                            7.76               -
     Sinopharm Medical Instrument Guizhou Qiannan Co., Ltd.
                                                                            6.65               -
     Sinopharm Holding Siping Co., Ltd.
                                                                            5.65               -
     Sinopharm Holding Fuzhou Co., Ltd.
                                                                            5.08       1,108.68
     Sinopharm Holding Huangshi Co., Ltd.
                                                                            4.52          13.51
     Sinopharm Holding Chuxiong Co., Ltd.
                                                                            3.84               -
     Sinopharm Holding Hulun Buir Co., Ltd.
                                                                            3.79         722.69
     Sinopharm Holding Xuzhou Co., Ltd.
                                                                            3.39               -
     Sinopharm Group Guangxi Medical Equipment Co., Ltd.
                                                                            3.16               -
     Sinopharm Holding Liaocheng Co., Ltd.
                                                                            2.60               -
     Sinopharm Holding Hongrun Medical Business Service
     (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.                                                   2.26               -
     Sinopharm Holding Jining Co., Ltd.
                                                                            1.90               -
     Fujian Sinopharm Medical Instrument Co., Ltd.
                                                                            1.84               -
     Sinopharm Lerentang Baoding Medicine Co., Ltd.
                                                                            1.30               -
     Sinopharm Guanai Yuankang Pharmacy (Haikou) Co., Ltd.
                                                                            1.24               -
     Sinopharm Lerentang Hengshui Medicine Co., Ltd.
                                                                            1.21               -
     Foshan Shunde District Lecong Supply and Marketing group
     Shunketang Medicine Co., Ltd.                                          1.14               -
     Guizhou Tongjitang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                            1.12               -
     Sinopharm Holding Fengliaoxing (Foshan) Traditional & Herbal
     Medicine Co., Ltd.                                                     1.07               -
     Sinopharm Medical Instrument Foshan Co., Ltd.
                                                                            1.03               -
     Sinopharm Group Guangdong Medicine Device Co., Ltd.
                                                                            0.97          73.42
     Sinopharm Nanping Medical Instrument Co., Ltd.
                                                                            0.93               -
     China National Scientific Instruments & Materials Imp/Exp
     Shenzhen Co., Ltd.                                                     0.63          12.18
     Sinopharm Holding Nanchang Chain Store Co., Ltd.
                                                                            0.54               -
     Winteam Pharmaceutical Group Ltd.
                                                                            0.20           0.71
     Sinopharm Group Fengliaoxing Traditional Chinese Medical
     Center Foshan Nanhai Co., Ltd.                                         0.15               -

                               Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                  For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                    (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

X.   Related party relationships and transactions (Continued)

5.   Major transactions between the Group and its related parties (Continued)

(1) Related party transactions – goods and services (Continued)
     Sale of goods and rendering of services

                                                                                    2018           2017
                                                                             (RMB’0,000)   (RMB’0,000)
     Sinopharm Holding Shanxi Instrument Branch Co., Ltd.                            0.11           2.28
     Jiangsu Wanbang Pharmaceutical Marketing & Distribution Co., Ltd.
                                                                                    0.09               -
     Sinopharm Holding Biopharmaceutical (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.
                                                                                    0.01               -
     Sinopharm (Guangzhou) Medical Equipment Co., Ltd.
                                                                                        -     22,418.89
     Sinopharm Holding Beijing Tianxing Puxin Biological Medical Co., Ltd.
                                                                                        -        118.89
     Hubei Medical Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                                        -         59.46
     Sinopharm Holding Zhangzhou Co., Ltd.
                                                                                        -         57.47
     Sinopharm Holding Changsha Co., Ltd.
                                                                                        -         28.32
     China Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                                        -         15.38
     Sinopharm Holding Ganzhou Co., Ltd.
                                                                                        -         14.67
     Sinopharm Holding Xiangyang Co., Ltd.
                                                                                        -         11.87
     Sinopharm Xinxiang Chain Store Co., Ltd.
                                                                                        -         11.72
     Shenzhen Wanwei Medicine Trading Co., Ltd.
                                                                                        -          3.88
     Sichuan Kang Daxin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                                        -          3.32
     China National Pharmaceutical Group Corporation
                                                                                        -          1.90
     Shenzhen Main Luck Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                                        -          1.83
     Sinopharm Holding Chongqing Ruimin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                                        -          1.69
     Sinopharm Lerentang Zhangjiakou Medicine Co., Ltd.
                                                                                        -          1.23
     Sinopharm Health Online Co., Ltd.
                                                                                        -          1.07
     Beijing Beishengyan Biological Products Co., Ltd.
                                                                                        -          0.77
     Sinopharm Holding Pingliang Co., Ltd.
                                                                                        -          0.65
     Sinopharm Holding Deyang Co., Ltd.
                                                                                        -          0.62
     Sinopharm Holding Xiamen Co., Ltd.
                                                                                        -          0.19
     Sinopharm Guangdong Medical Examination Co., Ltd.
                                                                                        -          0.08
     Sinopharm Holding Quanzhou Co., Ltd.
                                                                                   (0.86)        217.20
     Hutchison Whampoa Sinopharm Pharmaceuticals (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
                                                                                   (1.44)         37.94
     Sinopharm Holding Lunan Co., Ltd.                                            (12.68)         95.09

                                                                              83,442.70     126,310.11

                                Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                   For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                       (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

X.    Related party relationships and transactions (Continued)

5.    Major transactions between the Group and its related parties (Continued)
(2)   Related party asset trusteeship


                                                            Beginning                                              Trusteeship
                               Type of an asset under          date of   Ending date of       Pricing basis for        income
                                           trusteeship    trusteeship       trusteeship    trusteeship income       recognized

      Ningbo Meishan
      bonded port area
      Qiling equity                 Other asset under        15 June        31 December           Trusteeship
      investment center LP                 trusteeship          2018               2020            agreement             51.69

(3)   Related party transactions - leases
      As the lessor

                                                                 Type of
                                                                              Income from leases in    Income from leases in
                                                            assets under
                                                                                  2018 (RMB‘0,000)        2017 (RMB‘0,000)

      Sinopharm Group Zhijun (Shenzhen)                          Building
        Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                                            120.76                    98.86
      Shenzhen Zhijun Pharmaceutical Trade Co., Ltd.             Building
                                                                                             57.14                    31.62
      Sinopharm Holding Hunan Weian Pharmacy                     Building
      Medicine Chain Company Limited.                                                        17.01                         -
      China National Medicines Co., Ltd.                         Building
                                                                                              4.57                     4.57
      Sinopharm Group Medicine Logistic Co., Ltd.             Equipment
                                                                                                  -                   15.40
      Sinopharm Holding Sub Marketing Center Co., Ltd.           Building                         -                    4.57

                                                                                            199.48                   155.02

       As the lessee
                                                                 Type of
                                                                              Expenses from leases     Expenses from leases
                                                            assets under
                                                                               in 2018 (RMB‘0,000)     in 2017 (RMB‘0,000)

      Beijing Golden Elephant Fosun Pharmaceutical Co.,          Building
        Ltd.                                                                               1,092.38                  909.64
      Shenyang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                                     762.69                   616.14
      Sinopharm Group Medicine Logistic Co., Ltd.             Equipment                     750.00                   778.86
      China National Pharmaceutical Group Shanghai              Building
       Co., Ltd.                                                                            747.27                   671.06
      Sinopharm Group Xinjiang Special Drugs National            Building
       Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                                             732.78                   853.74
      Sinopharm Group Medicine Logistic Co., Ltd.                                           708.00                   708.00
      Lerentang Investment Group Co., Ltd.                                                  540.00                   511.19
      Pingdingshan Pusheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                         481.11                   479.75

                                      Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                        For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                       (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

X.     Related party relationships and transactions (Continued)

5.     Major transactions between the Group and its related parties (Continued)

(3)    Related party transactions - leases

       As the lessee (continued)

                                                                           Expenses from    Expenses from
                                                          Type of assets   leases in 2018   leases in 2017
                                                           under leases      (RMB‘0,000)     (RMB‘0,000)
      Hunan Minshengtang Investment Co., Ltd.                   Building          453.25           309.67
      Linyi Medical Group Co., Ltd.                             Building          384.50           406.10
      Sinopharm Holding Yangzhou Co., Ltd.                      Building          372.57           372.57
      Guangdong Jiyuantang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.             Building          193.15           120.59
      Nanjing Yuanguang Trading Co., Ltd.                       Building          169.97           157.72
      Shaoguan Wujiang District Muyang Medicine
       Information Consultant Co., Ltd.                         Building           94.03            94.03
      Taishan Xiangranhui Trade Co., Ltd.                       Building           91.13            85.04
      Zhang Zhenfang                                            Building           80.50            80.50
      Sinopharm Holding Shanxi Co., Ltd.                        Building           62.74            59.84
      Wang Yang                                                 Building           52.57            52.57
      Sinopharm Holding Beijing Co., Ltd.                       Building           52.46            45.32
      Sinopharm Holding Kashi New & Special Drugs Co.,
       Ltd.                                                     Building           46.94            46.94
      Sinopharm Holding Xinjiang Xinte Karamay
       Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                 Building           36.85            36.85
      Gu Jinhua                                                 Building           35.76            35.76
      Beijing Sinopharm Tianyuan Real Estate & Property
       Management Co., Ltd.                                     Building           30.84            50.09
      China National Medicines Co., Ltd.                        Building           30.38            35.71
      Hangzhou Xihu Business Group Corporation                  Building           26.56            25.30
      Shenzhen Jiufeng Investment Co., Ltd.                     Building           25.59            21.00
      Sinopharm Xinjiang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.               Building           24.71            25.52
      Gu Haiqun                                                 Building           17.45                 -
      Sinopharm Guoda Taishan Qunkang Pharmacy
       Chain Store Co., Ltd.                                 Equipment             14.85                 -
      Xinjiang Baitong Property Service Co., Ltd.               Building           10.82             7.82
      Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd.                                 Building            6.54            51.98
      Sinopharm Holding Fujian Co., Ltd.                        Building            1.31             0.48
      Taishan Qunkang Pharmacy Co., Ltd.                        Building                -           15.74
      Sinopharm Group Xinjiang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.         Building                -            2.70

                                                                                8,129.70         7,668.22

                             Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                      (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

X.    Related party relationships and transactions (Continued)

5.    Major transactions between the Group and its related parties (Continued)

(4) Related party transactions - guarantees

     The Group has no related party guarantees not yet fulfilled this year and in 2017.

(5) Related party transactions – borrowings and lendings


           2018                            Category    (RMB‘0,000)            Inception                      Maturity

                              Discount on commercial                    6 February 2018-21
     Group Financial Co.            acceptance notes        56,552.71      December 2018     25 March 2018-31 May 2019
                                    Discount on bank                       23 May 2018-29
     Group Financial Co.            acceptance notes        12,435.12      November 2018      12 June 2018-12 May 2019
     China National
      Pharmaceutical Group
      Corporation              Long-term borrowings          3,160.00         24 May 2017                  24 May 2020

     Guorun medical            Short-term borrowings          320.00         27 June 2018               18 October 2018


           2017                            Category    (RMB‘0,000)            Inception                      Maturity

                              Discount on commercial                    19 January 2017-22
     Group Financial Co.            acceptance notes        48,244.70       December 2017    25 March 2017-30 April 2018
                                    Discount on bank                    22 January 2017-21      6 March 2017-31 January
     Group Financial Co.            acceptance notes        22,580.26         August 2017                           2018
     China National
      Pharmaceutical Group
      Corporation              Long-term borrowings          3,160.00         24 May 2017                  24 May 2020


                                   Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                       For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                      (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

X.    Related party relationships and transactions (Continued)

5.    Major transactions between the Group and its related parties (Continued)

(5) Related party transactions – borrowings and lendings (Continued)


     Fund lending
     2018                                        Category        (RMB‘0,000)                            Inception                    Maturity

     Zhijun Suzhou                         Entrusted Loan              4,400.00                 26 January 2018                 25 January 2019

     Fund lending
     2017                                        Category        (RMB‘0,000)                            Inception                    Maturity

     Zhijun Suzhou                         Entrusted Loan              4,400.00                  4 January 2017                  4 January 2018

(6) Related party asset transfer

                                                                                                                       2018           2017
                                                                                     Type of transaction
                                                                                                                (RMB‘0,000)   (RMB‘0,000)

     Sinopharm Holding Tianjin Binhai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                Purchase of a fixed asset                43.07        397.39

     Shanghai Tongyu Information Technology Co., Ltd.                     Purchase of a intangible asset               28.30         77.13

     Sinopharm Holding Tianjin Binhai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.      Purchase of construction in progress                   -         33.42

                                                                                                                       71.37        507.94

                              Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                 For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                      (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

X.    Related party relationships and transactions (Continued)

5.    Major transactions between the Group and its related parties (Continued)

(7)   Other related party transactions

       Remuneration for key management personnel

                                                                                        2018           2017
                                                                                 (RMB‘0,000)   (RMB‘0,000)

                                                                                    1,211.25       1,182.00

       Interest expense

                                                                                       2018           2017
      Related party                                                 Category      RMB‘0,000     RMB‘0,000

                                                           Payment of notes
       Group Financial Co.                                  discount interest         649.32         722.46
                                                        Payment of financing
       Sinopharm Holding Financing Lease Co., Ltd.             lease interest         114.13         158.23
                                                         Accounts receivable
                                                            factoring interest
       Sinopharm Holding Financing Lease Co., Ltd.                   payable          273.04               -
       China National Pharmaceutical Group
         Corporation                                 Payment of loan interest         129.36         132.97
                                                       Interest on short-term
       Guorun medical                                             borrowings            5.07               -
      Group Financial Co.                            Payment of loan interest               -         68.86

                                                                                    1,170.92       1,082.52

      Interest income

                                                                                       2018           2017
      Related party                                                 Category      RMB‘0,000     RMB‘0,000
      Sinopharm Group Zhijun (Shenzhen)
        Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                      Entrusted loan interest         324.69         190.75

      Group Financial Co.                                    Deposit interest          57.27          49.36
                                                     Interest income of land
      Shyndec Pharma                                                 deposit                -          4.76

                                                                                      381.96         244.87

      Accounts receivable factoring

                                                                                       2018           2017
                                                                                  RMB‘0,000     RMB‘0,000

      Sinopharm Holding Financing Lease Co., Ltd.                                  21,436.14              -

                                 Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                    For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                     (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

X.    Related party relationships and transactions (Continued)

5.   Major transactions between the Group and its related parties (Continued)
     Notes (RMB‘0,000):

      (1) Related party transactions - sale of goods and rendering of services

             (a)   During the current year, the Group purchased goods from related parties at the market price amounting to
                   RMB402,230.16 (2017: RMB391,610.70).
             (b)   During the current year, the related parties rendered services to the Group at the market price amounting to
                   RMB3,047.43 (2017: RMB2,924.28).
             (c)   During the current year, the Group sold goods to related parties at the market price amounting to RMB
                   82,255.02 (2017: RMB124,942.19).
             (d)   During the current year, the Group rendered services to related parties at the market price amounting to
                   RMB1,187.68 (2017: RMB1,367.92).

      (2) Asset trusteeship
                  In 2018, the Group invested in Jinlin Tianhe Medicine Technology Co., Ltd. through trusteeship with Ningbo
                  Meishan bonded port area Qiling equity investment center LP, and according to the management right
                  trusteeship agreement, the Group recognized trusteeship revenue of RMB51.69 (2017: nil).

      (3) Related party transactions - leases
             (a)   During the current year, the Group leased buildings and equipment to related parties and recognized income
                   of RMB199.48 (2017: RMB155.02) according to the agreements.
             (b)   During the current year, the Group leased buildings and equipment from related parties and an expense of
                   RMB 8,129.70 (2017: RMB7,668.22) was incurred according to the lease.

      (4) Related party transactions - guarantees
             (a)   During the current year, the Group had no related party guarantees that are not yet completed.

      (5) Related party transactions - borrowings
             (a) During the current year, the Group borrowed RMB72,467.83 at annual interest rates ranging from 3.70% to
                  5.40% from related parties (2017: RMB73,984.96 at rates ranging from 3.90% to 5.30%).
             (b) During the current year, the Group lent RMB4,400 to related parties at an annual interest rate of 8.00% (2017:
                  RMB4,400 to related parties at an annual interest rate of 4.57%).
      (6) Related party transactions - asset transfer

             (a)   During the current year, the Group purchased long-term assets from related parties at a negotiated price
                   amounting to RMB71.37 (2017: RMB 507.94).
             (b)   During the current year, the Group has not sold any long-term assets to related parties (2017: nil).

      (7) Other major related party transactions

             (a)   During the current year, the Group incurred emoluments (including those paid in cash, in kind and in other
                   forms) for key management personnel with an amount of RMB 1,211.25 (2017: RMB 1,182.00 ).
             (b)   During the current year, the Group has paid borrowing interest, entrusted loan interest, etc. to related parties
                   in the amount of RMB1,170.92 (2017: RMB1,082.52 )
             (c)   During the current year, the Group has received deposit interest from related parties in the amount of RMB
                   381.96 (2017: RMB244.87 ).

                                     Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                          For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                       (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

X.    Related party relationships and transactions (Continued)

6.   Commitments between the Group and related parties
                                                                                       2018         2017
                                                                                  RMB‘0,000   RMB‘0,000

     As lessee
     China National Pharmaceutical Group Shanghai Co., Ltd.                         4,552.56     4,032.80
     Shenyang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                              3,250.00      700.00

     Beijing Golden Elephant Fosun Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                         1,433.00     2,580.00

     Linyi Medical Group Co., Ltd.                                                   880.35       429.97

     Guangdong Jiyuantang Development Co., Ltd.                                      854.72             -
     Sinopharm Holding Yangzhou Co., Ltd.                                            782.40      1,173.60
     Hunan Minshengtang Investment Co., Ltd.                                         699.98       841.86
     Lerentang Investment Group Co., Ltd.                                            677.00       527.00
     Pingdingshan Pusheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                   505.16       162.11
     Nanjing Yuanguang Trading Co., Ltd.                                             297.00       463.09
     Taishan Xiangranhui Trade Co., Ltd                                              270.41       527.54
     Gu Jinhua                                                                       257.05       289.06

     Sinopharm Group Xinjiang Special Drugs National Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.        234.47       877.80

     Shaoguan Wujiang District Muyang Medicine Information Consultant Co., Ltd.      161.25       263.09

     Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd.                                                       121.29       173.28

     Sinopharm Holding Beijing Co., Ltd.                                             120.00       166.42

     Gu Haiqun                                                                         87.81            -

     Zhang Zhenfang                                                                    80.50        80.50
     Beijing Sinopharm Tianyuan Real Estate & Property Management Co., Ltd.            71.22            -
     China National Medicines Co., Ltd.                                                63.00        94.50

     Hangzhou Xihu Business Group Corporation                                          60.04        87.93
     Wang Yang                                                                         55.20      110.40

     Shenzhen Jiufeng Investment Co., Ltd.                                             55.00        78.00

     Sinopharm Holding Xinjiang Xinte Karamay Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                 48.44        45.31

     Taishan Qunkang Pharmacy Co., Ltd.                                                43.42        53.36

     Sinopharm Holding Kashi New & Special Drugs Co., Ltd.                             41.23        52.89

     Sinopharm Xinjiang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                       13.78        40.69

     Xinjiang Baitong Property Service Co., Ltd.                                        9.66            -

     Sinopharm Holding Fujian Co., Ltd.                                                 1.38         2.65

     Sinopharm Holding Shanxi Co., Ltd.                                                    -        49.14

                                                                                   15,727.32    13,902.99

                             Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                  (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

X.   Related party relationships and transactions (Continued)

6.   Commitments between the Group and related parties (Continued)

                                                                   2018            2017
                                                              RMB‘0,000      RMB‘0,000

     As lessor
     Zhijun Medicine
                                                                 111.67           35.14
     Sinopharm Holding Hunan Weian Pharmacy
       Medicine Chain Company Limited.                            56.08                -
     Zhijun Trade
                                                                  28.57           28.57
     Sinopharm Group Medicine Logistic Co., Ltd.
                                                                       -          16.94

                                                                 196.32           80.65

                                Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                      For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                     (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

X. Related party relationships and transactions (Continued)

7. Amounts due from related parties

                                                          2018                             2017
                                                       RMB‘0,000                       RMB‘0,000
                                                    Amount      Provision for bad   Amount       Provision for
 Trade receivables                                                          debts                  bad debts
 Foshan Chancheng Pharmaceutical Co.,
   Ltd.                                            3,988.81                23.50    2,193.41            17.54
 Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd.
                                                   3,226.31                     -   1,536.95                 -
 Shanghai Beiyi Guoda pharmaceutical Co.
   Ltd.                                            1,196.65                     -   1,789.72                 -
 Sinopharm Holding Hainan Co., Ltd.
                                                     660.76                     -   1,421.52                 -
 Sinopharm Health Online Co., Ltd.
                                                     654.36                     -    942.23                  -
 Beijing Golden Elephant Fosun
   Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                          537.29                     -    880.99                  -
 Sinopharm Holding Hainan Hongyi Co., Ltd.
                                                     537.01                     -    809.20                  -
 Sinopharm Group Southwest Medicine Co.,
   Ltd.                                              509.09                     -      1.66                  -
 Sinopharm Holding Beijing Huahong Co.,
   Ltd.                                              400.96                     -     50.68                  -
 Sinopharm Lingyun Biopharmaceutical
   (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.                              398.65                     -    215.80                  -
 Pudong New Area of Shanghai
   Pharmaceutical Medicine Ltd.                      383.93                     -    737.09                  -
 Sinopharm Le-Ren-Tang Medicine Co., Ltd.
                                                     314.32                     -    363.73                  -
 Shenzhen Heng Sheng Hosital
                                                     267.49                     -          -                 -
 Foshan Chancheng District Central Hospital
                                                     244.04                 1.28     252.92              1.27
 Foshan Chanyixing Medicine Development
   Co Ltd.                                           174.38                 0.94      67.37              0.24
 Sinopharm Holding Xinjiang Special Drugs
   Western Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                  170.43                     -     38.06                  -
 Sinopharm Holding Jilin Co., Ltd.
                                                     149.97                     -     56.57                  -
 China National Medicines Co., Ltd.
                                                     145.42                     -    267.63                  -
 Sinopharm Holding Wenzhou Co., Ltd.
                                                     126.16                     -    115.83                  -
 Sinopharm Holding Shanghai Likang
   Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                          117.86                     -     13.07                  -
 Sinopharm Sichuan Pharmaceutical Co.,
   Ltd.                                              108.19                     -     66.30                  -
 Sinopharm Holding Henan Co., Ltd.
                                                     103.63                     -    115.48                  -
 Sinopharm Holding Shanxi Co., Ltd.
                                                     102.87                     -    120.09                  -
 Sinopharm Group (Tianjin) Eastern Bokang
   Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                           98.65                     -    100.57                  -
 Sinopharm Holding Beijing Co., Ltd.
                                                      88.88                     -      9.00                  -
 Shanghai Merro Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                      88.45                     -     61.27                  -
 Sinopharm Group Xinjiang Special Drugs
   National Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                  77.25                     -    432.31                  -
 Sinopharm Holding Hunan Co., Ltd.
                                                      56.93                     -      4.40                  -
 Sinopharm Holding Yangzhou Co., Ltd.
                                                      54.03                     -    129.61                  -

                                    Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                      For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                      (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

X.    Related party relationships and transactions (Continued)

7.    Amounts due from related parties (Continued)

                                                         2018                        2017
                                                      RMB‘0,000                  RMB‘0,000
                                                    Amount Provision for bad    Amount Provision for bad
Trade receivables (continued)                                          debts                       debts
Sinopharm Holding Anhui Co., Ltd.
                                                      22.14                -      3.36                 -
Sinopharm Holding Shandong Co., Ltd.
                                                      21.10                -     58.81                 -
Sinopharm Holding Tianjin Co., Ltd.
                                                      20.04                -     13.56                 -
Yuxi Sinopharm Medicine Co., Ltd.
                                                      18.25                -     14.60                 -
Sinopharm Holding Gansu Co., Ltd.
                                                      17.69                -          -                -
Sinopharm Holding Donghong Medical
  (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.                                16.46                -     12.50                 -
Sinopharm Holding Wuxi Co., Ltd.
                                                      15.76                -      6.12                 -
Sinopharm Holding Changzhou Medical
  Logistics Center Co., Ltd.                          14.46                -      6.77                 -
Sinopharm Holding Dalian Co., Ltd.
                                                      14.43                -     54.15                 -
Sinopharm Group Medicine Logistic Co., Ltd.
                                                      13.97                -     18.92                 -
Sinopharm Holding Dalian Hecheng Co., Ltd.
                                                      12.67                -     16.89                 -
Sinopharm Holding Shenyang Co., Ltd.
                                                      12.31                -          -                -
Guangdong Jie Nuo
                                                      12.04                -          -                -
Sinopharm Holding Qinghai Co., Ltd.                    9.63                -      2.73                 -
Sinopharm Group Tianjin North Co., Ltd.
                                                       9.14                -          -                -
Sinopharm Holding Inner Mongolia Co., Ltd.
                                                       9.02                -          -                -
Shanghai Liyi Drug Store Co., Ltd
                                                       7.64                -      3.56                 -
Sinopharm Holding Shanxi Co., Ltd.
                                                       6.84                -      3.65                 -
Sinopharm Holding Hubei Co., Ltd.
                                                       6.83                -    274.90                 -
Sinopharm Holding Nantong Co., Ltd.
                                                       6.65                -    170.41                 -
Hubei Medical Group Co., Ltd.
                                                       6.20                -     11.37                 -
Sinopharm Group Shanxi Co., Ltd.
                                                       5.85                -     12.75                 -
Sinopharm Holding Heilongjiang Co., Ltd.
                                                       5.00                -      5.00                 -
Sinopharm Group Zhijun (Shenzhen)
  PingShan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                    3.96                -      2.00                 -
Sinopharm Holding Xuzhou Co., Ltd.
                                                       3.49                -          -                -
Sinopharm Holding Yunnan Co., Ltd.
                                                       2.77                -    103.54                 -
Shanghai Guoda Lingyun Pharmacy Co., Ltd.
                                                       1.75                -     27.02                 -
Sinopharm Fengliaoxing Medical Hospital Co.,
  Ltd.                                                 1.68             0.01      0.46                 -

                                 Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                      For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                     (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

X.     Related party relationships and transactions (Continued)

7.    Amounts due from related parties (Continued)

                                                         2018                       2017
                                                      RMB‘0,000                 RMB‘0,000
                                                   Amount Provision for bad    Amount Provision for bad
Trade receivables (continued)
                                                                      debts                       debts
Sinopharm Holding Guizhou Co., Ltd.
                                                      1.60                -      17.10                -
Sinopharm Medical Instrument Foshan Co., Ltd.         1.19                -           -               -
Sinopharm Xinxiang Chain Store Co., Ltd.
                                                      0.21                -       2.01                -
Sinopharm Guanai Yuankang Pharmacy
  (Haikou) Co., Ltd.                                  0.15                -           -               -
Sinopharm Holding Hongrun Medical Business
  Service (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.                        0.13                -           -               -
Sinopharm Group Zhijun (Shenzhen)
  Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                            0.11                -       0.68                -
Sinopharm Group Fengliaoxing Traditional
  Chinese Medical Center Foshan Nanhai Co.,
  Ltd.                                                0.07                -           -               -
Sinopharm Holding Sub Marketing Center Co.,
  Ltd.                                                    -               -     280.45                -
Sinopharm Holding Ningxia Co., Ltd.
                                                          -               -     110.50                -
Sinopharm Holding Hulun Buir Co., Ltd.
                                                          -               -      98.28                -
Sinopharm Holding Zhejiang Co., Ltd.
                                                          -               -      71.64                -
Sinopharm Holding Changzhou Co., Ltd.
                                                          -               -      48.33                -
Sinopharm Holding Fujian Co., Ltd.
                                                          -               -      18.01                -
Sinopharm Holding Beijing Tianxing Puxin
  Biological Medical Co., Ltd.                            -               -      15.55                -
Sinopharm Holding Chengdu Co., Ltd.
                                                          -               -      14.48                -
Sinopharm Holding Jiangxi Co., Ltd.
                                                          -               -      12.96                -
Hutchison Whampoa Sinopharm
  Pharmaceuticals (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.                    -               -       7.30                -
Linyi Medical Group Co., Ltd.
                                                          -               -       0.25                -
China National Pharmaceutical Foreign Trade
 Corporation                                              -               -       0.13                -

                                                  15,284.00           25.73   14,314.20           19.05

                                    Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                      For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                      (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

X.     Related party relationships and transactions (Continued)

7.    Amounts due from related parties (Continued)

                                                         2018                        2017
                                                      RMB‘0,000                  RMB‘0,000
                                                    Amount Provision for bad    Amount Provision for bad
Notes receivable                                                       debts                       debts

Sinopharm Holding Financing Lease Co., Ltd.        20,245.61               -           -               -
Sinopharm Holding Hainan Co., Ltd.
                                                    1,203.54               -     365.09                -
Sinopharm Holding Hainan Hongyi Co., Ltd.
                                                    1023.45                -           -               -
Sinopharm Holding Sub Marketing Center Co.,
  Ltd.                                               314.44                -           -               -
Sinopharm Holding Shandong Co., Ltd.
                                                     124.17                -           -               -
Sinopharm Holding Lerentang Pharmaceutical
  Co., Ltd.                                          114.84                -           -               -
Sinopharm Group Shanxi Co., Ltd.
                                                     107.79                -           -               -
Sinopharm Holding Henan Co., Ltd.
                                                     103.26                -     150.00                -
Sinopharm Holding Shenyang Co., Ltd.
                                                      42.25                -           -               -
Sinopharm Holding Fujian Co., Ltd.
                                                      40.00                -           -               -
Sinopharm Holding Anhuii Co., Ltd.
                                                      39.01                -           -               -
Sinopharm Holding Shanxi Co., Ltd.
                                                      35.95                -      50.00                -
Sinopharm Holding Jilin Co., Ltd.
                                                      27.41                -           -               -
Sinopharm Holding Chengdu Co., Ltd.
                                                      20.13                -           -               -
Sinopharm Holding Ningxia Co., Ltd.
                                                      17.66                -           -               -
Sinopharm Holding Gansu Co., Ltd.
                                                      16.32                -           -               -
Foshan Chancheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                           -               -     814.96                -
Sinopharm Holding Nantong Co., Ltd.
                                                           -               -     224.00                -
Sinopharm Group (Tianjin) Eastern Bokang
  Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                 -               -      16.16                -
Sinopharm Holding Inner Mongolia Co., Ltd.
                                                           -               -      13.62                -
Sinopharm Holding Dalian Hecheng Co., Ltd.
                                                           -               -      11.69                -

                                                  23,475.83                -    1,645.52               -

                                 Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                      For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                       (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

X.      Related party relationships and transactions (Continued)

 7.    Amounts due from related parties (Continued)

                                                       2018                              2017
                                                     RMB‘0,000                       RMB‘0,000
                                                   Amount      Provision for        Amount     Provision for
 Other receivables                                               bad debts                       bad debts
 Sinopharm Group Zhijun (Suzhou)
   Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                        4,400.00                -        4,400.00               -
 Shyndec Pharma                                     791.34                 -       12,518.17               -
 Sinopharm Group Medicine Logistic Co., Ltd.        249.42                 -            139.88             -
 Henan Wanxitang                                    109.90                 -                 -             -
 Sinopharm Group Zhijun (Shenzhen)
   Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                          10.98             0.06               1.71         0.03
 Sinopharm Group Xinjiang Special Drugs
   National Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                 10.00                 -             10.00             -
 Sinopharm Health Online Co., Ltd.                    8.18                 -            107.14             -
 Sinopharm Lerentang Hebei Medical
   Instrument Trade Co., Ltd.                         4.85                 -              4.85             -
 Sinopharm Holding Jiaozuo Co., Ltd.
                                                      3.02                 -                 -             -
 Sinopharm Group Medicine Logistic Co., Ltd.
   Guangzhou Branch                                   1.87                 -                 -             -
 Sinopharm Holding Fujian Co., Ltd.
                                                      0.55                 -                 -             -
 Wuhan Zhonglian Pharmaceutical Group Co.,
   Ltd.                                               0.50             0.10               0.50         0.05
 Sinopharm Holding Shanxi Co., Ltd.                       -                -             10.00             -

                                                   5,590.61            0.16        17,192.25           0.08

Interest receivable
                                                                                2018                     2017
                                                                           RMB‘0,000               RMB‘0,000

Zhijun Suzhou                                                                  184.66                     6.14

                                                       2018                              2017
                                                     RMB‘0,000                       RMB‘0,000
                                                               Provision for                   Provision for
                                                   Amount        bad debts          Amount       bad debts

 Advances to suppliers
 Sinopharm Holding Shanxi Co., Ltd.
                                                    389.10                 -            550.24             -
 Hunan Minshengtang Investment Co., Ltd.            334.93                 -            267.04             -
 Sinopharm Holding Shanxi Co., Ltd.                 333.03                 -             28.80             -
 Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd.                          230.83                 -            196.35             -
 Sinopharm Group Xinjiang Special Drugs
   National Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                164.33                 -            202.50             -
 Chengdu Rongsheng Pharmacy Co., Ltd.               141.66                 -              0.06             -
 Chongqing Yaoyou Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.           93.13                 -                 -             -
 Linyi Medical Group Co., Ltd.                       77.54                 -                 -             -
 Jiangxi Erye Medicine Marketing Co., Ltd.           72.98                 -                 -             -

                                        Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                           For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                          (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

X.     Related party relationships and transactions (Continued)

7.     Amounts due from related parties (Continued)

                                                                                 2018                           2017
                                                                           RMB‘0,000                     RMB‘0,000
                                                            Amount   Provision for bad   Amount     Provision for bad
Advances to suppliers (continued)                                                debts                          debts
Sinopharm Holding Shanxi Lvliang Co., Ltd.                   66.00                   -          -                   -

Pharmaceutical Marketing Co., Ltd.                           60.94                   -          -                   -

Sinopharm Group Guizhou Blood Products Co., Ltd.             53.60                   -          -                   -
Sinopharm Group Chuankang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.           34.68                   -          -                   -

Sinopharm Xinjiang Korla Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.            28.25                   -     26.44                    -

Shenyang Hongqi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                     23.72                   -          -                   -

Guizhou Tongjitang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                  22.72                   -          -                   -
Nanjing Yuanguang Trading Co., Ltd.                          16.97                   -     16.82                    -

Zhijun Medicine                                              13.94                   -          -                   -

Sinopharm Holding Beijing Co., Ltd.                          12.38                   -     11.75                    -
Shanghai Modern Hasen (Shangqiu) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.    10.35                   -          -                   -
Beijing Sinopharm Tianyuan Real Estate & Property
  Management Co., Ltd.                                        7.89                   -          -                   -
China National Medicines Co., Ltd.                            7.88                   -     18.30                    -

Shyndec Pharma                                                5.78                   -          -                   -

Chengdu Institute of Biological Products Co.,Ltd.             4.87                   -          -                   -

Anhui Jingfang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                       4.56                   -          -                   -

Sinopharm Xinjiang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                   4.54                   -      4.27                    -

Taishan Xiangranhui Trade Co., Ltd.                           3.95                   -          -                   -

Xinjiang Baitong Property Service Co., Ltd.                   1.69                   -      1.09                    -

Jinzhou AoHong Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd.                      1.65                   -   2,013.70                   -

Sinopharm Group Yibin Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd.               1.57                   -          -                   -
Guilin South pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                         1.10                   -      2.00                    -
Winteam Pharmaceutical Group Ltd.                             0.93                   -      1.92                    -
Sinopharm Xingsha Pharmaceuticals (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.          0.18                   -          -                   -
Sinopharm Group Luya (Shandong) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.      0.14                   -          -                   -
Fresenius Kabi Huarui Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd.               0.12                   -          -                   -
Sinopharm Holding Fujian Co., Ltd.                            0.02                   -      0.55                    -
Jiangsu Fuxing Pharmaceutical Trading Co., Ltd                0.01                   -         -                    -
                                                                 -                   -    133.49                    -
Sinopharm Holding Shenyang Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Shangsheng Biological Products Co., Ltd.                -                   -    127.13                    -
Sinopharm Group Guorui Medicine Co., Ltd.                        -                   -     27.91                    -
Gu Jinhua                                                        -                   -      7.84                    -
Sinopharm Holding Kashi New & Special Drugs Co., Ltd.            -                   -      2.52                    -
Sinopharm Holding Suzhou Co., Ltd.                               -                   -      0.77                    -

                                     Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                       For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                       (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

X.     Related party relationships and transactions (Continued)

 7.    Amounts due from related parties (Continued)
                                                                2018                           2017
                                                            RMB‘0,000                      RMB‘0,000
                                                         Amount    Provision for bad    Amount   Provision for bad
 Advances to suppliers (continued)                                             debts                         debts
 Sinopharm Holding Yangzhou Co., Ltd.                          -                   -      0.41                   -
 Sinopharm Holding Hunan Co., Ltd.                             -                   -      0.31                   -
 Sinopharm Holding Tianjin Distribution Center Co.,
 Ltd.                                                          -                   -      0.17                   -
 Sinopharm Holding Sub Marketing Center Co., Ltd.              -                   -      0.10                   -
 Sinopharm Group Zhijun (Shenzhen) PingShan
 Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                      -                   -      0.02                   -

                                                       2,227.96                    -   3,642.50                  -

Other non-current assets                                                       2018                           2017
                                                                          RMB‘0,000                     RMB‘0,000
Hunan Minshengtang Investment Co., Ltd.                                      351.92                               -

 Amounts due from related parties are interest-free, unsecured with no fixed term on repayment, except that notes
 receivable from related parties have fixed terms of repayment.

                                 Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                   For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                     (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

X.   Related party relationships and transactions (Continued)

8.   Amounts due to related parties

                                                                                     2018         2017
                                                                                RMB‘0,000   RMB‘0,000
     Trade payables
     Sinopharm Holding Sub Marketing Center Co., Ltd.
                                                                                 10,426.28   14,390.85
     China National Medicines Co., Ltd.
                                                                                  4,835.29     2,836.25
     Sinopharm Group Xinjiang Special Drugs National Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                                  1,825.99     1,974.28
     Jiangsu Wanbang Pharmacy Marketing Co., Ltd.
                                                                                  1,503.86     1,000.33
     Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                                  1,373.23     4,520.40
     Fresenius Kabi Huarui Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd.
                                                                                  1,047.00     1,600.39
     Shenzhen Main Luck Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                                   856.57       652.05
     Sinopharm Holding Lerentang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                                   840.23       779.69
     Tibet Yaoyou Medicines Co.,Ltd.
                                                                                   834.66             -
     Sinopharm Holding Yangzhou Co., Ltd.
                                                                                   763.04       598.71
     Sinopharm Holding Beijing Co., Ltd.
                                                                                   747.80       114.89
     Sinopharm Holding Jiangsu Co., Ltd.
                                                                                   674.53       773.08
     Sinopharm Holding Shanxi Instrument Branch Co., Ltd.
                                                                                   630.92       408.96
     Winteam Pharmaceutical Group Ltd.
                                                                                   629.45       129.10
     Sinopharm Holding Fujian Co., Ltd.
                                                                                   448.46       371.76
     Shenzhen Wanwei Medicine Trading Co., Ltd.
                                                                                   421.91       424.01
     Sinopharm Holding Shenyang Co., Ltd.
                                                                                   401.60             -
     Sinopharm Holding Pingdingshan Co., Ltd.
                                                                                   360.33       817.83
     Sinopharm Group Zhijun (Shenzhen) PingShan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                                   355.05       135.06
     Chongqing Yaoyou Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                                   350.68       545.00
     Sinopharm Holding Changzhou Medical Logistics Center Co., Ltd.
                                                                                   308.04       279.27
     Sinopharm Holding Ningxia Co., Ltd.
                                                                                   300.77       280.94
     Sinopharm Group Zhijun(Shenzhen) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                                   292.21       114.17
     Jinzhou AoHong Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd.
                                                                                   242.29             -
     Sinopharm Holding Inner Mongolia Co., Ltd.
                                                                                   222.59       266.45
     Henan Wanxitang
                                                                                   205.36             -
     Chengdu Rongsheng Pharmacy Co., Ltd.
                                                                                   194.73             -
     Yichang Humanwell Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                                   193.61       262.01
     Sinopharm Holding Suzhou Co., Ltd.
                                                                                   187.18        65.70
     Sinopharm Holding Shanghai Likang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                                   175.52        49.50
     Sinopharm Holding Xiamen Co., Ltd.
                                                                                   171.08       400.65
     China Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                                   157.17       107.38
     Sinopharm Lerentang Hebei Medical Instrument Trade Co., Ltd.
                                                                                   151.90       170.81
     Sinopharm Holding Beijing Huahong Co., Ltd.
                                                                                   149.86       127.75

                               Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                  For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                   (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

X.   Related party relationships and transactions (Continued)

8.   Amounts due to related parties (Continued)

                                                                                      2018         2017
                                                                                 RMB‘0,000   RMB‘0,000
     Trade payables (continued)
     Sinopharm Holding Changzhou Co., Ltd.
                                                                                    148.46        15.63
     Sinopharm Holding Henan Co., Ltd.
                                                                                    144.12       152.65
     Jiangsu Lianhuan Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.
                                                                                    132.13             -
     Foshan Fengliaoxing Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                                    125.43       138.01
     Shenyang Hongqi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                                    119.18        39.48
     Sinopharm Holding Xinjiang Xinte Karamay Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                                    113.38        48.24
     Sinopharm Group Guorui Medicine Co., Ltd.
                                                                                    105.71          3.46
     Beijing Golden Elephant Fosun Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                                    105.07        15.03
     Sinopharm Xingsha Pharmaceuticals (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.
                                                                                     96.69        80.36
     Huayi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                                     96.14             -
     Sinopharm Holding Shanxi Co., Ltd.
                                                                                     94.51        24.45
     Sinopharm Holding Heilongjiang Co., Ltd.
                                                                                     92.21             -
     Sinopharm Holding Beijing Kangchen Bio-Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                                     91.72       109.58
     Sinopharm Holding Tongliao Co., Ltd.
                                                                                     87.26        44.09
     Sinopharm Holding Xinjiang Special Drugs Western Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                                     79.54        32.18
     Wuhan Zhonglian Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                                     56.05        52.68
     Jiangsu Fuxing Pharmaceutical Trading Co., Ltd
                                                                                     54.91        18.38
     Sinopharm Holding Jinzhou Co., Ltd.
                                                                                     53.10        52.02
     Shyndec Pharma
                                                                                     51.15          1.28
     Fujian Chentian Jinling Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                                     50.56             -
     Sinopharm Holding Wuxi Co., Ltd.
                                                                                     49.27        23.49
     Sinopharm Xinjiang Korla Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                                     47.25             -
     Sichuan Hexin Medicine Co., Ltd.
                                                                                     45.45             -
     Sinopharm Group Rongsheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                                     39.89        19.73
     Beijing Huamiao Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                                     37.21        33.99
     Chengdu Institute of Biological Products Co.,Ltd.
                                                                                     37.08             -
     Sinopharm Holding Hulun Buir Co., Ltd.
                                                                                     36.44       290.22
     China National Pharmaceutical Industry Co., Ltd.
                                                                                     36.38          5.23
     Shanghai Transfusion Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                                     35.21        25.15
     Sinopharm Holding Kashi New & Special Drugs Co., Ltd.
                                                                                     35.07        15.55
     Guizhou Tongjitang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                                     34.28        55.75
     Sinopharm Holding Fuzhou Co., Ltd.
                                                                                     32.87        99.60
     Shanghai Chaohui Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                                     31.18          0.89
     Guangdong Medi-World Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
                                                                                     29.76        24.88

                                 Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                    For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                     (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

X.   Related party relationships and transactions (Continued)

8.   Amounts due to related parties (Continued)

                                                                              2018         2017
                                                                         RMB‘0,000   RMB‘0,000
      Trade payables (continued)
      Suzhou Erye Pharmaceutical Limited Company                             27.83             -
      Sinopharm Holding Lianyungang Co., Ltd.                                27.61             -
      Hunan Dongting Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                26.54        11.01
      Jiangxi Erye Medicine Marketing Co., Ltd.                              26.26             -
      Jiangsu Huanghe Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                               26.12          5.33
      Hutchison Whampoa Sinopharm Pharmaceuticals (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.       25.51        36.39
      Shantou Jinshi Powder Injection Co., Ltd.                              24.54             -
      Sinopharm Holding Dezhou Co., Ltd.                                     23.36        23.94
      Sinopharm Holding Donghong Medical (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.                21.30          4.61
      Sinopharm Group Southwest Medicine Co., Ltd.                           19.50             -
      Sinopharm Holding Yancheng Co., Ltd.                                   19.02          0.10
      Sinopharm Holding Jinan Co., Ltd.                                      18.93          7.17
      Jingfukang Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd.                              18.44             -
      Sinopharm Lerentang Shijiazhuang Medicine Co., Ltd.                    18.37       210.66
      Sinopharm Holding Dalian Co., Ltd.                                     18.25          8.02
      Lanzhou Institute of Biological Products Co., Ltd.                     18.00             -
      Sinopharm Yixin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                               17.59             -
      Sinopharm Wuhan blood products Co., Ltd.                               17.04             -
      Sinopharm Lingyun Biopharmaceutical (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.               16.55      3,750.48
      Anhui Jingfang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                16.52        27.53
      Sinopharm Group Yibin Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd.                        15.00          2.30
      Sinopharm Holding Shanxi Zhidekang Medicine Co., Ltd.                  14.00             -
      China National Pharmaceutical Foreign Trade Corporation                12.29       203.51
      Sinopharm Shantou Jinshi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                      10.27          5.53
      Sinopharm Holding Nanjing Wende Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.                10.24             -
      Sinopharm Holding Taizhou Co., Ltd.                                      9.95         9.50
      Foshan Dezhong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                  9.88         9.88
      The Fourth Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. of Zhonglian Group                   9.71         7.71
      Shanghai SinoMed Medicine Co., Ltd.                                      9.26            -
      Pudong New Area of Shanghai Pharmaceutical Medicine Ltd.                 9.15       79.84
      Shanghai Merro Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                  9.03       31.16

                                Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                   For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                    (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

X.   Related party relationships and transactions (Continued)

8.   Amounts due to related parties (Continued)

                                                                                   2018         2017
                                                                              RMB‘0,000   RMB‘0,000
      Trade payables (continued)
      Sinopharm Holding Beijing Tianxing Puxin Biological Medical Co., Ltd.         8.45         4.24
      Sichuan Jiangyouzhongbafuzi Technology Development Co., Ltd.                  8.00         0.86
      Sinopharm Holding Hainan Co., Ltd.                                            7.27            -
      Sinopharm Holding Lunan Co., Ltd.                                             7.16       15.29
      Sinopharm ShanXi Ruifulai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                            6.31         6.31
      Sinopharm Holding Quanzhou Co., Ltd.                                          6.29       10.70
      Sinopharm Holding Ulanqab Co., Ltd.                                           6.12       13.36
      Sinopharm Holding Zhejiang Co., Ltd.                                          5.85         5.55
      Shanghai Modern Hasen (Shangqiu) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                     5.71         3.09
      Sinopharm Holding Yangzhou Medical Treatment Equipment Co., Ltd.              5.59            -
      Shandong Lu Ya Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                       5.28      150.75
      Sinopharm Holding Yangzhou Biological Products Co., Ltd.                      5.02         2.49
      Qinghai Pharmaceutical Factory Co., Ltd.                                      3.30            -
      Sinopharm Holding Shanxi Mingdikang Medicine Co., Ltd.                        2.72            -
      Sinopharm Holding Sanyi Medicine (Wuhu) Co., Ltd.                             2.55         7.44
      Sinopharm Holding Biopharmaceutical (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.                       2.05         2.05
      Sinopharm Holding Yongzhou Co., Ltd.                                          1.99         3.02
      Sinopharm Holding Anhui Co., Ltd.                                             1.86            -
      Sinopharm Group Shanghai Medicine Device Co., Ltd.                            1.66         1.66
      Sinopharm Holding Liaocheng Co., Ltd.                                         1.62         1.62
      Sinopharm Holding Tianjin Co., Ltd.                                           1.56         8.86
      Sinopharm Holding Shandong Co., Ltd.                                          1.09            -
      Sinopharm Holding Rizhao Co., Ltd.                                            1.02            -
      Sinopharm Xinjiang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                   0.97         2.77
      Sinopharm Holding Hunan Co., Ltd.                                             0.77       14.86
      Sinopharm Holding Putian Co., Ltd.                                            0.71       14.98
      Sinopharm Holding Zhangzhou Co., Ltd.                                         0.55            -
      Sinopharm Holding Shanxi Jincheng Co., Ltd.                                   0.38            -
      Sinopharm Group Sichuan Medicines Co., Ltd.                                   0.27            -
      Sinopharm Holding Ordos Co., Ltd.                                             0.18         5.56

                                 Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                    For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                      (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

X.   Related party relationships and transactions (Continued)

8.   Amounts due to related parties (Continued)

                                                                                      2018         2017
                                                                                 RMB‘0,000   RMB‘0,000
      Trade payables (continued)
      Changchun Changsheng Gene Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                               0.15         1.42
      Sinopharm Prospect Dentech (Beijing) Co., Ltd.                                   0.15         0.12
      Guilin South pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                            0.12         0.12
      Sinopharm Holding Huaideju Pharmaceutical (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.                     0.11         0.11
      Beijing Huasheng Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Development Co., Ltd.              0.06         0.06
      Shenzhen Zhijun Pharmaceutical Trade Co., Ltd.                                   0.05         0.05
      Shanghai Shyndec Pharmaceutical Marketing Co., Ltd.                              0.01       56.64
      Chongqing Haisiman Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                      0.01       43.84
      Sinopharm Fengliaoxing (Foshan) Medicines Co., Ltd.                              0.01         0.01
      Sinopharm Holding Chengdu Co., Ltd.                                                 -       10.41
      Guizhou Longlife Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                           -       10.36
      Sinopharm Holding Jiangxi Co., Ltd.                                                 -         3.04
      Sinopharm Holding Tianjin North Medicine Co., Ltd.                                  -         1.93
      Sinopharm Hebei Medical Instrument Co., Ltd.                                        -         0.36
      Sinopharm Holding Chongqing Co., Ltd.                                               -         0.01

                                                                                  35,352.88    40,457.88

                                                                                      2018         2017
                                                                                 RMB‘0,000   RMB‘0,000
      Notes payable
      Sinopharm Holding Sub Marketing Center Co., Ltd.                            23,006.74     9,132.03
      Sinopharm Holding Shenyang Co., Ltd.                                         7,689.40     4,021.54
      Sinopharm Holding Shanxi Co., Ltd.                                           6,792.66     9,682.92
      China National Medicines Co., Ltd.                                           2,665.46      822.34
      Sinopharm Le-Ren-Tang Medicine Co., Ltd.                                     2,207.62     2,037.61
      Sinopharm Holding Inner Mongolia Co., Ltd.                                   2,045.98            -
      Sinopharm Holding Shanxi Co., Ltd.                                           1,834.00     2,993.17
      Sinopharm Holding Lerentang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                         1,465.05      266.94
      Sinopharm Group Xinjiang Special Drugs National Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.     1,388.77            -
      Sinopharm Holding Lunan Co., Ltd.                                             859.63             -
      Sinopharm Lerentang Shijiazhuang Medicine Co., Ltd.                           814.83       418.00
      Sinopharm Holding Fujian Co., Ltd.                                            701.10       629.45
      Lanzhou Institute of Biological Products Co., Ltd.                            623.62      2,160.00
      Chongqing Yaoyou Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                     553.83       672.23
      Sinopharm Holding Xiamen Co., Ltd.                                            536.20       857.37

                                 Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                   For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                    (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

X.   Related party relationships and transactions (Continued)

8.   Amounts due to related parties (Continued)

                                                                                       2018         2017
                                                                                  RMB‘0,000   RMB‘0,000
     Notes payable (continued)
     Jiangsu Wanbang Pharmacy Marketing Co., Ltd.                                    481.74       220.77
     Sinopharm Holding Hunan Co., Ltd.                                               311.41            -
     Lanzhou Biological Technology Development Co., Ltd.                             300.00             -
     Main Luck Pharmaceutical                                                        287.74             -
     Chengdu Rongsheng Pharmacy Co., Ltd.                                            267.35       176.00
     Shenzhen Wanwei Medicine Trading Co., Ltd.                                      240.24       149.57
     Sinopharm Holding Shanxi Instrument Branch Co., Ltd.                            198.12       205.14
     Sinopharm Holding Jinan Co., Ltd.                                               188.00        24.00
     China OTSUKA Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                           179.36             -
     Sinopharm Holding Jinzhou Co., Ltd.                                             161.13        64.74
     Sinopharm Holding Ningxia Co., Ltd.                                             141.38       170.00
     Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd.                                                       118.36      6,068.19
     Sinopharm Holding Changzhou Medical Logistics Center Co., Ltd.                  100.00             -
     Sinopharm Holding Dalian Co., Ltd.                                               95.02        29.51
     Sinopharm Holding Yangzhou Co., Ltd.                                             62.65            -
     Sinopharm Holding Putian Co., Ltd.                                               61.45        59.41
     Shenyang Hongqi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                         60.22        78.00
     Sinopharm Group Guizhou Blood Products Co., Ltd.                                 53.60             -
     Jiangsu Lianhuan Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.                                         52.21             -
     Shanghai Blood Transfusion Technology Co., Ltd.                                  50.30             -
     Shyndec Pharma                                                                   47.58             -
     Sinopharm Yixin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                         39.41             -
     Sinopharm Xingsha Pharmaceuticals (Xiamen) Co., Ltd.                             35.66             -
     Sinopharm Group Zhijun(Shenzhen) Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                        32.57        12.33
     Sinopharm Holding Fengliaoxing (Foshan) Traditional & Herbal Medicine Co.,
       Ltd.                                                                           32.03             -
     Chongqing Haisiman Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                      27.57       355.69
     Sinopharm Group Rongsheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                               22.33        17.01
     Sinopharm Holding Quanzhou Co., Ltd.                                             17.09        45.70
     Jingfukang Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd.                                        15.11             -
     Winteam Pharmaceutical Group Ltd.                                                11.13          6.85
     Fujian Chentian Jinling Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                 10.06             -
     Sinopharm Holding Heilongjiang Co., Ltd.                                           3.13            -
     Guizhou Tongjitang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                           -       98.03
     Anhui Jingfang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                               -       34.83
     Sinopharm Group Zhijun (Shenzhen) PingShan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                   -       15.78

                                                                                   56,888.84    41,525.15

                                 Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                     For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                      (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

X.   Related party relationships and transactions (Continued)

8.   Amounts due to related parties (Continued)
                                                                                         2018         2017
                                                                                    RMB‘0,000   RMB‘0,000
     Other payables

     Shanghai Dingqun                                                                 1,000.00            -
     Sinopharm Chongqing Pharmaceutical and Medical Industry Design Institute          594.30             -
     Sinopharm Holding Financing Lease Co., Ltd.                                       442.50             -
     Shenyang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                                 441.92       609.25
     Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd.                                                         370.64        58.40
     Zhang Zhenfang                                                                    231.00       150.50
     Sinopharm Group Medicine Logistic Co., Ltd.                                       227.83       412.88
     Sinopharm Group Shanghai Co., Ltd.                                                166.04             -
     China National of Traditional&Herbal Medicine Co., Ltd.                           130.00       130.00
     Pingdingshan Pusheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                     124.64       123.58
     Heyuan Mairui Trading Co., Ltd.                                                    67.24             -
     Shanghai Beiyi Guoda pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.                                       56.62        49.67
     Sinopharm Holding Tianjin Binhai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                          33.98       113.73
     Shyndec Pharma                                                                     32.80        50.35
     Linyi Medical Group Co., Ltd.                                                        5.14       86.21
     Sinopharm Group Xinjiang Special Drugs National Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.             4.18       46.64
     Sinopharm Holding Sub Marketing Center Co., Ltd.                                     3.78         3.78
     Sinopharm Holding Hunan Weian Pharmacy Medicine Chain Company Limited                3.00         0.69
     Sinopharm Group Medicine Logistic Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Branch                         1.87            -
     China National Pharmaceutical Logistics Co., Ltd.                                    1.03         0.74
     Lerentang Investment Group Co., Ltd.                                                    -      302.78
     Beijing Golden Elephant Fosun Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                  -       20.00
     Shenzhen Jiufeng Investment Co., Ltd.                                                   -       18.00
     China National Scientific Instruments & Materials Imp/Exp Shenzhen Co., Ltd.            -         3.75

                                                                                      3,938.51     2,180.95

                                 Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                     For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                     (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

X.   Related party relationships and transactions (Continued)

8.   Amounts due to related parties (Continued)

                                                                                    2018         2017
                                                                               RMB‘0,000   RMB‘0,000
     Advances from customers

     Sinopharm Sichuan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.                                   112.31        73.96
     Sinopharm Health Online Co., Ltd.                                             41.61             -
     Sinopharm Holding Nantong Co., Ltd.                                           14.32             -
     Sinopharm Holding Hunan Co., Ltd.                                               8.78        7.74
     Sinopharm Holding Hunan Weian Pharmacy Medicine Chain Company Ltimited.         6.73            -
     Sinopharm Holding Jiangxi Co., Ltd.                                             3.43            -
     Sinopharm Holding Inner Mongolia Co., Ltd.                                      2.30            -
     Sinopharm Hulunbuir Co., Ltd.                                                   2.12            -
     Sinopharm Holding Yunnan Co., Ltd.                                              1.19            -
     Sinopharm Holding Quanzhou Co., Ltd.                                            1.01            -
     Sinopharm Zhuhai Medical Instrument Co., Ltd.                                   0.37        1.15
     Sinopharm Group Guangdong Medicine Device Co., Ltd.                             0.16            -
     China National Pharmaceutical Foreign Trade Corporation                         0.15     1,250.54
     Sinopharm Holding Chengdu Co., Ltd.                                             0.09        0.13
     Sinopharm Holding Chongqing Co., Ltd.                                           0.08        0.08
     Sinopharm Medical Instrument Guizhou Qiannan Co., Ltd.                          0.01            -
     Sinopharm Group Southwest Medicine Co., Ltd.                                       -       67.67
     Sinopharm Holding Nanping Newforce Co., Ltd.                                       -       29.58
     Sinopharm Holding Shenyang Co., Ltd.                                               -        1.01
     Sinopharm Holding Suzhou Co., Ltd.                                                 -        0.77
     Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd.                                                          -        2.13
     Sinopharm Holding Gansu Co., Ltd.                                                  -        2.89
     Sinopharm Holding Qinghai Co., Ltd.                                                -        0.35
     Sinopharm Holding Beijing Co., Ltd.                                                -      234.91
     Sinopharm Holding Shandong Co., Ltd.                                               -      251.57
     Sinopharm Holding Lunan Co., Ltd.                                                  -        6.28

                                                                                  194.66      1,930.76

                                      Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                        For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                       (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

X.    Related party relationships and transactions (Continued)

8.   Amounts due to related parties (Continued)

                                                                                             2018          2017
                                                                                        RMB‘0,000    RMB‘0,000

      Interest payable
      China National Pharmaceutical Group Corporation                                          3.90         3.90

      Entrusted borrowings
      China National Pharmaceutical Group Corporation (Note)                              3,160.00      3,160.00

      Note: Sinopharm Group Co. entrusted Group Financial Co. with this borrowing to the Group.

      Short-term borrowings
      Group Financial Co.                                                                12,242.64    14,771.55

      Other non-current liabilities

      Sinopharm Group                                                                     3,506.17     3,506.17

      Current portion of long-term borrowings

      Sinopharm Holding Financing Lease Co., Ltd.                                           586.13       543.48

      Long-term payables

      Sinopharm Holding Financing Lease Co., Ltd.                                           376.40       933.25

     Amounts due to related parties were interest-free and unsecured, with no fixed terms of repayment.

9.   Cash deposit with a related party

                                                                                       2018                   2017
                                                                                  RMB‘0,000             RMB‘0,000

     Group Financial Co.                                                              212.54              15,674.09

     In years 2018 and 2017, the interest rates for the deposit ranged from 0.35% to 1.15% above the
     benchmark interest rate.

                          Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                             For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

XI.   Commitments and contingencies

1.    Commitments

      (1)     Capital commitments

              Capital expenditures contracted for at the balance sheet date but not recognized in the balance
              sheet are analyzed as follows:
                                                                31 December 2018            31 December 2017
                                                                         RMB‘0,000                  RMB‘0,000

              Capital commitments                                             42.16                      600.45
              Investment commitments (Note)                                6,000.00                   14,000.00

                                                                           6,042.16                   14,600.45

      Note:   According to the Sinopharm Holding document [Sinopharm Zongtou[2017]No.97], the Company
              can subscribe fund shares from Ningbo Meishan bonded port area Qiling equity investment
              center LP with RMB200 million to indirectly subscribe to the industry fund. The investors
              contribute year by year in batch. The fund manager will send out payment notification to investors
              according to the actual progress of the project and the investors will commit to complete the
              payment in 3 years. 30% was paid in 2017, amounting to RMB60 million, and 40% was paid in
              2018, amounting to RMB80 million. The remaining payment amount is RMB60 million.

      (2)     Operating lease commitments

              The future minimum lease payments due under the signed irrevocable operating lease contracts
              are summarized as follows:

                                                              31 December 2018              31 December 2017
                                                                      RMB‘0,000                     RMB‘0,000

              Within one year                                          43,365.94                      49,860.66
              Between 1 and 2 years                                    37,635.38                      39,575.48
              Between 2 and 3 years                                    31,071.82                      29,537.37
              Over 3 years                                             37,142.17                      51,138.78

                                                                      149,215.31                    170,112.29
2. Contingencies

       As of the balance sheet date, there were no contingencies that the Group was required to

                            Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                              For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                  (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

XII.     Events after the balance sheet date

        Pursuant to the resolution of the General Meeting of the Shareholders on 23 April 2019, the
        Company paid a cash dividend of RMB4.00 for every 10 shares to all shareholders. Calculated
        on the basis of 428,126,983 shares in issue, with an aggregate amount of RMB171,250,793.20.
        This resolution had yet to be approved by the shareholders’ meeting.

XIII.    Other significant events

1.      Segment reporting
        Operating segments

        For management purposes, the Group is organized into business units based on its products
        and services and has three reportable operating segments as follows:

        a) The Head Office, which is mainly engaged in the investment and management of
        b) Pharmaceutical distribution segment, which is mainly engaged in the distribution of medicine
        and pharmaceutical products to customers;
        c) Retail pharmacy segment, which is the management of the operation of Guoda Pharmacy;

        Management monitors the results of the Group’s operating segments separately for the purpose
        of making decisions about resource allocation and performance assessment. Segment
        performance is evaluated based on reportable segment profit, which is a measurement of
        adjusted profit before tax. The adjusted profit before tax is measured consistently with the
        Group’s profit before tax except that finance costs, dividend income, non-operating income,
        non-operating expense, investment income, as well as the Head Office and corporate expenses
        are excluded from such measurement.

        Inter-segment sales and transfers are transacted with reference to the selling prices used in the
        transactions carried out with third parties at the then prevailing market prices.

                                                     CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CORPORATION LTD.
                                                                    Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                                                      For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                                                        (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

XIII         Other significant events (Continued)
1.           Segment reporting (Continued)
             Operating segments (Continued)

             Operating segment information as at and for the year ended 31 December 2018 is as follows:

                                                      Head Office         Pharmaceutical distribution       Retail Pharmacy    Elimination between segments                   Total

Operating revenue                                    9,273,843.07                 32,757,389,882.07       10,878,025,717.94                 (522,303,921.85)     43,122,385,521.23
Incl: Revenue from external
   customers                                         7,639,065.85                 32,237,174,455.73       10,877,571,999.65                                 -    43,122,385,521.23
Revenue from inter-segment
   transactions                                      1,634,777.22                    520,215,426.34              453,718.29                 (522,303,921.85)                      -
Interest income                                    86,156,915.62                      36,903,104.11           42,112,312.72                  (84,052,825.82)         81,119,506.63
Interest expense                                  (24,418,425.35)                  (254,353,316.36)            (537,310.58)                    84,052,825.82      (195,256,226.47)
Share of profits of associates                    319,909,375.15                      (1,700,728.31)           1,695,243.63                                 -       319,903,890.47
Asset impairment                                                -                     (2,029,159.28)           (715,446.08)                                 -        (2,744,605.36)
Credit impairment losses                                3,348.72                         903,349.81           (1,205,178.08)                                -          (298,479.55)
Depreciation and amortization                      (1,214,260.43)                    (70,320,317.76)       (134,575,834.22)                                 -     (206,110,412.41)
Gross profit                                      693,877,930.80                     935,088,852.44          410,585,068.82                 (360,622,494.53)      1,678,929,357.53
Income taxes                                       (2,797,055.83)                  (218,867,690.72)        (108,833,499.13)                                 -     (330,498,245.68)
Net profit                                        691,080,874.97                     716,221,161.72          301,751,569.69                 (360,622,494.53)      1,348,431,111.85

Total assets                                    11,206,677,509.70                 18,246,104,939.73        9,035,418,275.87                (9,557,900,205.33)    28,930,300,519.97
Total liabilities                              (2,203,816,484.92)               (12,743,275,454.62)       (4,059,201,016.82)                3,981,768,929.44    (15,024,524,026.92)

Long-term equity investments in
  associates                                     1,861,606,283.58                      6,802,156.19          11,985,346.33                                  -     1,880,393,786.10

Accrual of other non-current assets
   except long-term equity
   investments                                     78,652,882.95                      34,828,145.45          68,564,604.37                                  -     182,045,632.77

                                                    CHINA NATIONAL ACCORD MEDICINES CORPORATION LTD.
                                                                      Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                                                        For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                                                       (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

XIII         Other significant events (Continued)
1.           Segment reporting (Continued)
             Operating segments (Continued)

             Operating segment information as at and for the year ended 31 December 2017 is as follows:

                                                       Head Office          Pharmaceutical distribution      Retail Pharmacy   Elimination between segments                 Total

Operating revenue                                     8,375,742.95                  31,521,345,695.17     10,030,768,869.22                (297,096,879.93)    41,263,393,427.41
Incl: Revenue from external customers                 7,021,273.74                  31,225,603,284.45     10,030,768,869.22                               -    41,263,393,427.41
Revenue from inter-segment transactions               1,354,469.21                     295,742,410.72                      -               (297,096,879.93)                     -
Interest income                                      78,376,603.70                      18,691,863.52         10,604,984.72                 (72,661,252.46)        35,012,199.48
Interest expense                                    (11,006,890.78)                  (193,254,315.97)         (4,232,925.04)                 72,661,252.46      (135,832,879.33)
Share of profits of associates                      263,091,955.14                        (939,857.11)         1,673,736.53                               -       263,825,834.56
Asset impairment                                      (146,475.86)                      (3,552,384.94)         1,228,164.06                               -        (2,470,696.74)
Depreciation and amortization                        (1,147,598.64)                    (64,987,392.18)     (113,674,431.89)                               -     (179,809,422.71)
Gross profit                                        621,606,951.14                     837,969,445.75        360,840,066.95                (354,387,490.03)     1,466,028,973.81
Income taxes                                        (12,769,846.38)                  (197,854,401.55)       (98,665,879.79)                               -     (309,290,127.72)
Net profit                                          608,837,104.76                     640,115,044.20        262,174,187.16                (354,387,490.03)     1,156,738,846.09

Total assets                                     10,764,738,889.92                  15,163,227,958.07      5,468,132,363.83              (9,052,455,684.05)    22,343,643,527.77
Total liabilities                                (2,423,748,087.76)               (10,185,768,194.29)     (3,514,929,235.96)              3,708,304,747.38    (12,416,140,770.63)

Long-term equity investments in associates        1,631,826,385.89                       8,502,884.50         10,290,102.70                               -     1,650,619,373.09

Accrual of other non-current assets except
   long-term equity investments                      61,523,479.15                      19,193,113.59         76,785,603.09                               -       157,502,195.83

                            Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                              For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                  (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

XIII   Other significant events (Continued)

2.     Leases

        As the lessor

       Refer to Note V (12) for details of fixed assets leased out as operation leases.

       As the lessee

       Finance leases: At 31 December 2018, the balance of the unrecognized finance charge was
       RMB 840,006.58 (2017: RMB1,981,269.40), which was amortized using the effective interest
       rate method over each reporting period within the lease term. According to the leases entered
       into with the lessors, the minimum lease payments under non-cancellable leases are presented
       as follows:

                                                                       2018                       2017

        Less than 1 year (Including 1 year)                    7,304,197.88                7,304,197.93
        1 to 2 years (Including 2 years)                       4,424,279.85                7,304,197.93
        2 to 3 years (Including 3 years)                         563,159.02                4,575,859.90
        Over 3 years                                                      -                  411,578.82

                                                              12,291,636.75               19,595,834.58

        Fixed assets under finance leases, see Note V (12).

                                Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                   For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                       (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

XIV   Notes to key items of the company financial statements
1.    Notes receivable and trade receivables
                                                               31 December 2018                                31 December 2017

       Notes receivable                                             63,870,980.39                                 64,799,618.07
       Trade receivables                                           631,236,593.94                                480,467,760.92

                                                                   695,107,574.33                                545,267,378.99

       Notes receivable

                                                               31 December 2018                                31 December 2017

       Trade acceptance notes                                       34,154,774.75                                 47,539,487.69
       Bank acceptance notes                                        29,716,205.64                                 17,260,130.38

                                                                    63,870,980.39                                 64,799,618.07

                                              31 December 2018                                    31 December 2017
                                           Derecognized   Not Derecognized                   Derecognized Not Derecognized

       Trade acceptance notes                          -                         -                         -                   -
       Bank acceptance notes                47,235,156.38                        -                         -                   -

                                            47,235,156.38                        -                         -                   -

        As at 31 December 2018 and 31 December 2017, no notes were converted into accounts receivable due to the
        drawer’s inability to settle the notes on the maturity date.

       Trade receivables

       The credit period for trade receivables normally ranges from 0 to 90 days. Trade receivables are interest-free.

       The aging of trade receivables and the related provision for bad debts is analyzed below:

                                        31 December 2018                                        31 December 2017
                                          Amount Provision for bad debts                      Amount    Provision for bad debts

       Within 1 year               631,236,593.94                            -        480,467,760.92                            -
       1 to 2 years                             -                            -                     -                            -
       2 to 3 years                             -                            -            117,320.70                 (117,320.70)

                                   631,236,593.94                            -        480,585,081.62                 (117,320.70)

       Changes in provision for bad debts are presented as follows:

                                                          Opening balance            Written off in the year     Closing balance

       2018                                                     117,320.70                    (117,320.70)                     -

       2017                                                     117,320.70                                 -         117,320.70

                                     Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                           For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                         (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)
XIV        Notes to key items of the company financial statements (Continued)

1.        Notes receivable and trade receivables (Continued)

     Trade receivables (Continued)

      Carrying amount of trade receivables that affected the changes in provision this year is as follows:

                                                                                     31 December 2018
                                                                   Carrying amount                              Bad debt provisions
                                                                       Amount        Porportion                    Amount        Porportion

     Items for which provision for bad debt
        is recognized by group (credit risk
        characteristics)                                       613,389,652.64          97.17%                             -            0.00%
     Items for which provision for bad debt
        is recognised separately                                17,846,941.30            2.83%                            -            0.00%

                                                               631,236,593.94         100.00%                             -            0.00%

                                                                                      31 December 2017
                                                                   Carrying amount                               Bad debt provisions
                                                                    Amount           Proportion                    Amount           Proportion

     Items for which provision for bad
       debt is recognized by group (aging)                  480,467,760.92             99.98%                             -                    -
     Not individually significant Items for
        which provision for bad debt is
        recognized separately                                   117,320.70               0.02%             (117,320.70)               100.00%

                                                            480,585,081.62            100.00%              (117,320.70)                 0.02%

                                          31 December 2018                                         31 December 2017
                             Estimated            Expected       credit loss in
                         default amount     credit loss rate    entire lifetime         Amount     Proportion        Provision for bad debts

       Within 1 year     613,389,652.64             0.00%                     -   480,467,760.92      0.00%                                -

                                 Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                   For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                      (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

XIV     Notes to key items of the company financial statements (Continued)

1.      Notes receivable and trade receivables (Continued)

         Trade receivables (Continued)

      The actual write-off trade receivables in 2018 are analyzed as follows

                                                                                                      Occured by
                                                                                            transactions between
                                      Nature           Amount                  Reason               related partry

      Client A             Payment for goods       116,855.40       Non-recoverable                               No
      Client B             Payment for goods           465.30       Non-recoverable                               No


      In 2018, the Company factored a small portion of trade receivables at amortised cost to financial
      insititutions. The amount of trade receivables derecognized is RMB145,129,500.06, amount of loss
      recognised through financial expense is RMB1,527,611.20.

      As at 31 December 2018, the top five trade receivables by customer are as follows:
                                                                           Bad debt provision     % of the total trade
                                                                 Amount              amount              receivables

      Top 1 Account receivable                             56,790,226.23                    -                  9.00%
      Top 2 Account receivable                             49,842,887.24                    -                  7.90%
      Top 3 Account receivable                             48,119,276.57                    -                  7.62%
      Top 4 Account receivable                             39,009,115.37                    -                  6.18%
      Top 5 Account receivable                             25,049,643.33                    -                  3.97%

                                                          218,811,148.74                    -                34.67%

      As at 31 December 2017, the top five trade receivables by customer are as follows:
                                                                           Bad debt provision     % of the total trade
                                                                 Amount              amount              receivables

      Top 1 Account receivable                             24,643,967.32                    -                  5.13%
      Top 2 Account receivable                             21,996,337.82                    -                  4.58%
      Top 3 Account receivable                             19,000,801.45                    -                  3.95%
      Top 4 Account receivable                             16,314,089.41                    -                  3.40%
      Top 5 Account receivable                             14,585,666.08                    -                  3.03%

                                                           96,540,862.08                    -                20.09%

                                      Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                        For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                        (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

XIV       Notes to key items of the company financial statements (Continued)

2.        Other receivables

                                                                    31 December 2018          31 December 2017

      Interest receivable                                                 7,550,877.07             1,844,294.10
      Other receivables                                               1,534,430,006.43         1,516,037,945.71

                                                                      1,541,980,883.50         1,517,882,239.81

        Interest receivable

                                                                      31 December 2018        31 December 2017

      Deposits                                                              3,697,083.33                      -
      Entrusted borrowings                                                  3,853,793.74           1,844,294.10

                                                                            7,550,877.07           1,844,294.10

      There was no interest receivable past due this year.
      Other receivable

      The other receivables by category are listed below:
                                                                       31 December 2018       31 December 2017

      Amounts due from subsidiaries                                      1,469,192,387.91       1,324,203,206.47
      Receivable from equity transaction                                     8,980,000.00           8,980,000.00
      Deposit                                                                1,449,978.94           1,864,394.68
      Others                                                                63,817,941.16         190,984,334.86

                                                                       1,543,440,308.01         1.526.031.936.01

      Less: provision for bad debts                                         (9,010,301.58)        (9,993,990.30)

                                                                       1,534,430,006.43         1,516,037,945.71

      The aging of other receivables and related provision for bad debts is analyzed below:

                                                                       31 December 2018       31 December 2017

      Within 1 year                                                      1,526,170,858.55       1,460,168,464.26
      1 to 2 years                                                           8,167,507.65          55,703,411.59
      2 to 3 years                                                              67,906.60             168,407.25
      Over 3 years                                                           9,034,035.21           9,991,652.91

                                                                         1,543,440,308.01       1,526,031,936.01

                                         Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                             For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                           (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

XIV Notes to key items of the company financial statements (Continued)
2. Other receivables (Continued)

      The changes in bad debt provision for other receivables based on the entire lifetime expected credit
      losses are as follows:

                                                                Entire lifetime expected credit              Entire lifetime expected
                                                                                         losses                           credit losses                Total
                                                                         (Individually assessed)              (Collectively assessed)

Balance at 1 January 2018                                                       9,973,703.95                              20,286.35             9,993,990.30
Balance at 1 January 2018 during the period                                                -                                       -                       -
  --Transfer to the Stage 2                                                                -                                       -                       -
  --Transfer to the Stage 3                                                                -                                       -                       -
  --Reverse to the Stage 2                                                                 -                                       -                       -
  --Reverse to the Stage 1                                                                 -                                       -                       -
Provisions during the period                                                               -                              14,505.33                14,505.33
Reversal during the period                                                      (993,703.95)                              (4,490.10)            (998,194.05)
Write-back during the period                                                               -                                       -                       -
Write-off during the period                                                                -                                       -                       -
Other                                                                                      -                                       -                       -

                                                                                8,980,000.00                              30,301.58             9,010,301.58

                                                                                                     31 December 2017
                                                                            Carrying amount                                     Bad debt provision

                                                                                Amount                   %                             Amount             %

      Individually significant and subject to separate
       impairment assessment                                            134,161,658.92               8.79%                   (8,980,000.00)           6.69%
      Receivable accounts with similar credit risk                    1,390,860,253.14              91.14%                      (20,286.35)           0.00%
      Individually not significant but individually evaluated
       for impairment                                                      1,010,023.95             0.07%                      (993,703.95)          98.38%

                                                                      1,526,031,936.01             100.00%                   (9,993,990.30)           0.65%

                              Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                 For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                    (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

XIV Notes to key items of the company financial statements (Continued)
2. Other receivables (Continued)

    As at 31 December 2017, impairment provision for other receivables which are individually significant is
    analyzed as follows:

                                                                     Bad debt                             Assessment for
                                                 Amount              provision              Rate              impairment

                                                                                                      Other receivable
                                                                                                        from a related
                                                                                                              party, no
                                                                                                         uncertainty in
    Mordern Pharma                       125,181,658.92                       -                 -        recoverability

    Shenzhen Yinghai Technology                                                                            Uncertainty in
      Investment Co., Ltd.                 8,980,000.00         (8,980,000.00)          100.00%            recoverability

                                         134,161,658.92         (8,980,000.00)            6.69%

    Provisions for impairment of the receivables which have similar credit risk are analyzed below:

                                                                               31 December 2017
                                                                  Carrying amount        Bad debt provision
                                                                           Amount       Amount              Rate

       Within 1 year                                             1,390,627,820.33                     -                 -
       1 to 2 years                                                     62,396.60          3,119.83                5.00%
       2 to 3 years                                                    168,407.25         16,840.73               10.00%
       Over 3 years                                                      1,628.96            325.79               20.00%

                                                                 1,390,860,253.14         20,286.35                0.00%

                                Notes to financial statements (Continued)
                                   For the Year ended 31 December 2018
                    (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

XIV Notes to key items of the company financial statements (Continued)
  2. Other receivabls (Continued)

      As at 31 December 2018, the accumulated top five other receivables by analysis by customer
      are analysed below:
                                                                                                % of the
                                                                                                   other       Bad debt
                                            Nature           Amount                Aging      receivable       provision

      Sinopharm Guangxi             Entrusted loans    201,000,000.00    Within 1 year           13.02%                -
      Sinopharm Yuexing             Entrusted loans    190,700,000.00    Within 1 year           12.36%                -
      Sinopharm Dongguan            Entrusted loans    131,000,000.00    Within 1 year            8.49%                -
      Sinopharm Zhangjiang          Entrusted loans    124,000,000.00    Within 1 year            8.03%                -
      Sinopharm Meizhou             Entrusted loans     76,700,000.00    Within 1 year            4.97%                -

                                                       723,400,000,00                            46.87%                -

       As at 31 December 2017, the accumulated top five other receivables by analysis by customer
       are analysed below:
                                                                                              % of the total
                                                                                                      other      Bad debt
                                             Nature            Amount                Aging     receivables       provision

       Sinopharm Yuexing             Entrusted loans    162,700,000.00        Within 1 year         10.66%                 -
       Sinopharm                                                              Within 1 year
       Zhangjiang                    Entrusted loans    157,000,000.00                              10.29%                 -
       South Pharm & Trade           Entrusted loans    150,000,000.00        Within 1 year          9.83%                 -
                                          Pingshan                            Within 2 year
       Modern Pharma                   Project fund     125,181,658.92                               8.20%                 -
       Sinopharm Dongguan            Entrusted loans    121,000,000.00        Within 1 year          7.93%                 -

                                                        715,881,658.92                              46.91%                 -

  3. Long-term equity investments
                                                         31 December 2018                         31 December 2017

       Investments in subsidiaries (a)                     5,594,679,427.58                         5,594,679,427.58
       Investments in associates (b)                       1,878,157,264.66                         1,625,556,656.98

                                                           7,472,836,692.24                         7,220,236,084.56

       Less: Provision for impairment of
         long-term equity investments                       (39,930,000.00)                          (39,930,000.00)

                                                           7,432,906,692.24                         7,180,306,084.56


                                         Notes to financial statements (Continued)

                                            For the Year ended 31 December 2018

                           (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

XIV Notes to key items of the company financial statements (Continued)
3.       Long-term equity investments (Continued)
(a)      Subsidiaries

                                                Original                          Increases in                             Equity interest   Voting rights
                                                                  1-Jan-18                                  31-Dec-18
                                         investment cost                        investment cost                                  held (%)        held (%)

 Sinopharm Jianming                       45,054,911.04      60,054,911.04      -                       60,054,911.04                100              100

 Sinopharm Shenzhen Material               5,400,000.00      15,450,875.93      -                       15,450,875.93                100              100

 Shenzhen Logistics                          900,000.00       5,019,062.68      -                        5,019,062.68                100              100

 Sinopharm Guangzhou                      58,283,114.68     1,565,440,323.63    2,023,249,393.17    3,588,689,716.80                 100              100

 Sinopharm Hengxing                        8,421,544.08      91,763,288.00      -91,763,288.00                       -               100              100

 Sinopharm Liuzhou                        21,407,965.79      21,407,965.79      -21,407,965.79                       -                 51              51

 Sinopharm Dongguan                        2,742,000.00      72,942,000.00      -72,942,000.00                       -               100              100

 Huixin Investment                       109,416,937.72      64,416,937.72      -64,416,937.72                       -               100              100

 Guangdong Logistics                       1,269,502.30      13,596,006.21      -13,596,006.21                       -               100              100
 Sinopharm Yuexing                        16,459,326.27     243,459,326.27                                           -               100              100
 Sinopharm Foshan                          6,995,065.51      45,995,065.51      -45,995,065.51                       -               100              100

 Sinopharm Guangxi                        33,048,985.28     504,048,985.28      21,407,965.79       525,456,951.07                   100              100
 Sinopharm Zhanjiang                       1,369,864.65     131,769,864.65                                           -               100              100
 Sinopharm Yanfeng                        38,207,800.00      38,207,800.00      -                       38,207,800.00                  51              51

 Sinopharm Meizhou                         4,481,900.00      51,281,900.00      -51,281,900.00                       -               100              100

 Sinopharm Huizhou                        20,939,177.19      36,644,200.00      -36,644,200.00                       -               100              100

 Sinopharm Zhaoqing                        5,060,000.00      43,060,000.00      -43,060,000.00                       -               100              100

 Sinopharm Jiangmen                       56,000,000.00     106,000,000.00                                           -               100              100

 Sinopharm Zhongshan                      10,000,000.00      30,000,000.00      -30,000,000.00                       -               100              100

 Sinopharm Shaoguan                       13,580,000.00      13,580,000.00      -13,580,000.00                       -                 70              70

 Sinopharm Shantou                         7,490,000.00      23,990,000.00      -23,990,000.00                       -               100              100

 Guangdong South Pharmaceutical                                                 -
                                         401,922,976.68     401,922,987.18                                           -               100              100
 Foreign Trade Co., Ltd.                                                        401,922,987.18

 Guangdong     Uptodate   &    Special                                          -
                                         144,682,822.34     144,682,822.34                                           -               100              100
 Medicines                                                                      144,682,822.34

 Guoda Pharmacy                           1,361,800,110.06 1,361,800,110.06     -                   1,361,800,110.06                  100             100
 Foshan Nanhai Medicine Co., Ltd.                                                                   -                                 100             100
                                           462,682,298.01     462,682,298.01    462,682,298.01
 Sinopharm Maoming                                                                                  -                                 100             100
                                            8,300,000.00       8,300,000.00         -8,300,000.00
 Sinopharm Zhuhai                                                                                   -                                 100             100
                                           10,362,740.00      37,162,697.28     -37,162,697.28
                                                             5,594,679,427.58                           5,594,679,427.58               -


                               Notes to financial statements (Continued)

                                   For the Year ended 31 December 2017

                   (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

XIV Notes to key items of the company financial statements (Continued)
 3.     Long-term equity investments (Continued)

(b)   Associates
                                                              Profit or loss
                    At beginning of the                          under the         Dividend                                               Provision for
                                            Investment                                              changes in   At end of the year
                                  year                               equity        declared                                                impairment
                                                                                                                                          at end of the
                    (Carrying amount)                                                                                 (Book value)
                                                              Note XVI(5)
Main Luck
                       239,046,738.14                -    79,054,915.54        -52,785,000.00                -     265,316,653.68     -
Zhijun Suzhou           39,930,000.00                -    -                               -                  -                    -   -39,930,000.00
Zhijun Medicine        291,042,921.20                -    122,421,529.52       -58,111,254.57                -     355,353,196.15     -
Zhijun Trade             7,676,142.69                -    1,719,647.21          -664,795.03                  -       8,730,994.87     -
Pingshan                                                                                  -
                        68,686,804.33                -    27,325,603.71                                      -      86,292,927.33     -
Medicine                                                                       9,719,480.71
Shyndec Pharma         979,174,050.62                -    108,241,749.04                        19,599,266.75    1,098,566,852.51     -
                                      -   20,000,000.00   3,966,640.12                    -     -                   23,966,640.12     -

                     1,625,556,656.98     20,000,000.00   342,730,085.14       -129,728,744.2119,599,266.75      1,838,227,264.66     -39,930,000.00


                            Notes to financial statements (Continued)

                               For the Year ended 31 December 2017

                    (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

XIV Notes to key items of the company financial statements (Continued)
  3. Long-term equity investments (Continued)

 (i)   On May 2018, the Company jointly established Shanghai Dingqun with Ningbo Meishan
         bonded port area Qiling equity investment center LP, subscribing 2.53% and 97.47%
         shareholdings, respectively. According to the Articles of Association, the board of directors of
         Shanghai Dingqun consisted of three directors and one of them was appointed by our
         Company. Each director shall represent one vote on the board’s decisions, which shall be
         adopted if they are voted for by a simple majority of all the members of the board. Therefore,
         the Company has significant influence over Shanghai Dingqun, and thus it is considered as an
         associate of the Company.

  4. Sales and cost of sales
                                             2018                                        2017
                                        Revenue                 Cost               Revenue                  Cost

    Main operations             3,462,663,349.53    3,306,117,780.86       3,334,525,451.83      3,205,231,939.72
    Other operating                18,783,527.40       11,450,860.13          12,301,689.25          6,436,707.30

                                3,481,446,876.93    3,317,568,640.99       3,346,827,141.08      3,211,668,647.02
    Revenue from and cost of main operations

    Revenue from and cost of main operations analyzed by industry are set out below:

                                           2018                                          2017
                             Revenue from             Cost of main         Revenue from              Cost of main
                            main operations            operations         main operations             operations

    Medical wholesale
     and retail           3,462,663,349.53        3,306,117,780.86       3,334,525,451.83        3,205,231,939.72

    Other operating income and expenses

    Other operating income and expenses analyzed by industry are set out below:

                                           2018                                           2017
                            Other operating        Other operating         Other operating        Other operating
                                    income                    cost                 income                    cost

    Rental income              8,866,469.65          1,873,143.18            6,626,331.17             807,977.46
    Rendering of
      services                 8,798,227.83          8,131,512.38            4,616,650.60           4,529,535.37
    Others                     1,118,829.92          1,446,204.57            1,058,707.48           1,099,194.47

                              18,783,527.40         11,450,860.13           12,301,689.25           6,436,707.30


                           Notes to financial statements (Continued)

                              For the Year ended 31 December 2017

                 (All amounts in Renminbi “RMB” unless otherwise stated)

XIV Notes to key items of the company financial statements (Continued)

  4. Sales and cost of sales (Continued)

      Breakdown of operating revenue and cost by type of product:

                                         2018                                       2017
                                   Revenue                  Cost              Revenue                   Cost

      Medicines           3,368,695,671.79      3,218,415,198.43     3,260,604,951.00         69,473,875.85
      Medical appliance      93,967,677.74         87,702,582.43        73,920,500.83      1,040,629,765.23
      Other                  18,783,527.40         11,450,860.13        12,301,689.25      2,101,565,005.94

                          3,481,446,876.93      3,317,568,640.99     3,346,827,141.08      3,211,668,647.02

      All sales revenue was domestic for the year 2018.

      Revenue and cost of main operations

      Timing of revenue recognition
        Revenue recognised at a point in time
           Sales of goods                                                                3,462,663,349.53
        Revenue recognised within a time period
           Providing services                                                                 9,917,057.75
           Rental income                                                                      8,866,469.65


     In 2018, the Company has recognised contract liabilities in total of RMB4,182,083.40 through the sale of
     goods and provision of services. Information about the Company’s obligations are as follows:
     The Company recognises revenue when goods are delivered, and will receive payment within 30-210
     The Company recognises revenue after providing services, and will receive payment within 30-210 days.
     The expected revenue recognition time for the Company’s contract obligations above is 2019.

  5. Investment income
                                                                        2018                            2017

     Gain on long-term equity investments
      under the cost method                                  361,514,454.31                 354,422,188.02
     Gain on long-term equity investments
      under the equity method (Note
      XIV(3)(b))                                             342,730,085.14                 286,535,212.21

                                                             704,244,539.45                 640,957,400.23

Supplementary information to financial statements

1.     Schedule of non-recurring profit or loss

                                                                                                  Amount for 2018

Gains and losses on disposal of non-current assets,
  including write-off of an accrued asset impairment                                                 7,048,337.10
Government grants recognized in the income statement for the current year, except for those
  closely related to the ordinary operation of the Company which the Group enjoyed
  constantly according to the allotment standards or quantitative criteria of the country           30,098,383.86
The investment cost of an enterprise to acquire a subsidiary, an associate and a joint venture,
  which is less than profits derived from the fair value of the identifiable net assets of the
  invested unit when investing                                                                            729.29
Reversal of bad debt provision for trade receivables that were tested for
  impairment individually                                                                            5,301,091.66
Profit or loss from outward entrusted loans                                                          3,246,925.69
Revenue from a trustee operation                                                                       516,929.44
Non-operating income and expenses other than the aforesaid items                                     5,069,438.37
Other                                                                                                1,445,926.01


Impact on income tax                                                                              (12,137,071.11)
Impact on non-controlling interests after tax                                                      (5,820,221.92)


Basis for preparation of the detailed list of non-recurring profit or loss items:

Under the requirements in Explanatory announcement No. 1 on information disclosure by companies
offering securities to the public – non-recurring profit or loss (2008) (“Explanatory announcement
No.1”) from the CSRC, non-recurring profit or loss refers to those arising from transactions and
events that are not directly relevant to ordinary business, or that are relevant to ordinary business, but
are so extraordinary that would have an influence on users of financial statements making proper
judgements on the performance and profitability of an enterprise.

Supplementary information to financial statements (Continued)

 2.     Return on equity (“ROE”) and earnings per share (“EPS”)

                                                                                          Basic EPS
                                                                        average ROE
                                                                                       Basic (Note 1)


 Net profit attributable to the ordinary shareholders of the parent
                                                                               11.56            2.83
 Net profit after deducting non-recurring profit or loss attributable
     to the Company’s ordinary shareholders of the parent
                                                                               11.22            2.75


 Net profit attributable to the ordinary shareholders of the parent            11.91            2.47
 Net profit after deducting non-recurring profit or loss attributable
     to the ordinary shareholders of the parent
                                                                               11.66            2.42

The above-mentioned return on net assets and earnings per share were calculated according to the
Information Disclosure and Presentation Rules for Companies Making Public Offering of Securities No.9
– Calculation and Disclosure of Return on Net Assets and Earnings Per Share (revision 2010) issued by
the CSRC.

Note 1: There were no potential dilutive ordinary shares for the year ended 31 December 2018 (2017:
       Nil) and hence no presentation of diluted EPS were provided.

                Section XII. Documents Available for Reference

1. Accounting Statements carried with the signature and seals of legal representative, chief financial officer
and person in charge of accounting;
2.Original auditing report with seal of the CPA and signature & seal of the registration accountant;
3. Original text of all documents of the Company as well as manuscript of the announcement disclosed in
reporting period on Securities Times, China Securities Journal and Hong Kong Commercial Daily appointed
by the CSRC;
4. Original text of the annual report with signature of the Chairman;
5. The Place Where the document placed: Office of Secretariat of the Board of Directors, Sinopharm Accord
Bldg., No. 15, Ba Gua Si Road, Futian District, Shenzhen

                                                    China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd
                                                                 Legal representative: Lin Zhaoxiong
                                                                                        25 April 2019
