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                        Stock Code: 000028/200028                                                       Notice No.: 2021-37

Short Form of the Stock: Sinopharm Accord /Accord B

                             China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                    The Third Quarterly Report for 2021

    The Company and whole members of the BOD guarantee that the information disclosed is true,
    accurate and complete, and there are no any fictitious records, misleading statements or
    important omissions.
Important content reminder:
1. Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, all directors, supervisors and senior executives of China National
Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Company) hereby confirm that there are no any
fictitious statements, misleading statements, or important omissions carried in this report, and shall take all
responsibilities, individual and/or joint, for the reality, accuracy and completion of the whole contents.
2. Principal of the Company, Person in Charge of Accounting Works and Person in Charge of Accounting Organ
(Accounting Officer) hereby confirm that the Financial Report of the Third Quarterly Report is authentic, accurate
and complete.
3. Whether the Third Quarterly Report has been audited or not

□Yes       √No

I. Main financial data

(i) Main accounting data and financial indexes

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data or not
□Yes √No
                                                                                                 Increase/decrease from
                                                      Increase/decrease in
                                                                                                       year-begin to
                                                      the period compared    Year-begin to
                                 Current period                                                   period-end compared
                                                      with the same period    period-end
                                                                                                  with the same period
                                                      of the previous year
                                                                                                   of the previous year
    Operating income
                                  17,046,925,131.18                  8.51%   50,210,017,018.57                 17.09%

    Net profit attributable
    to shareholders of the          332,710,261.54                  -6.05%    1,074,155,274.79                   7.68%
    listed company (RMB)

    Net profit attributable
                                    323,929,049.31                  -8.58%    1,044,883,457.53                   6.48%
    to shareholders of the

    listed company after
    non-recurring gains
    and losses (RMB)

    Net cash flow from
    operating activities                       ——                       ——                     1,420,066,537.79                        -28.40%

    Basic earnings per
                                                          0.78                    -6.02%                         2.51                       7.73%
    share (RMB/Share)

    Diluted earnings per
                                                          0.78                    -6.02%                         2.51                       7.73%
    share (RMB/Share)

    Weighted average ROE                                           0.36 percentage point                                   0.05 percentage point
                                                      2.29%                                                    7.51%
                                                                                  down                                                    down
                                       At the end of the                                       Increase/decrease at the period-end compared
                                                                  At the end of last year
                                       reporting period                                                with the end of the previous year

    Total assets (RMB)                  44,855,599,672.17             39,594,533,471.65                                                    13.29%
    Net assets attributable
    to shareholder of listed            14,679,445,950.04             13,948,322,652.33                                                     5.24%
    company (RMB)

(ii) Items and amounts of non-recurring profit (gains)/losses

√ Applicable     □    Not applicable
                                                                                                                                            In RMB
                                                                                       Amount from
                                                                  Amount for the       year-begin to                       Note

    Gains/losses from the disposal of non-current asset
                                                                                                          Mainly the gains of disposal of the
    (including    the      write-off    that    accrued     for      1,412,736.93           610,707.82    right-of-use assets from store lease
    impairment of assets)                                                                                 surrender.

    Governmental subsidy reckoned into current
    gains/losses (not including the subsidy enjoyed in                                                    Mainly the various special subsidies
                                                                   14,898,997.98       50,262,339.66      and tax rebates received in the
    quota or ration according to national standards,
    which are closely relevant to enterprise’s business)
    When     an   enterprise     acquires      a   subsidiary,
    associated enterprise       and joint venture, the
    investment cost is less than the income generated                                       578,610.41
    by the fair value of the identifiable net assets of the
    invested entity

    Switch back of provision for depreciation of
    account receivable and contract assets that are                     10,000.00            98,994.76
    individually tested for impairment

                                                                                                Mainly the non-operating income
                                                                                                arising from write off funds that do
    Other non-operating income and expenditure
                                                                                                not need to be paid, and
                                                             -3,156,204.15      4,384,579.81
    except for the aforementioned items                                                         non-operating expenses arising from
                                                                                                public welfare donation expenses,
                                                                                                payment of fines and late fees.
    Other   gains/losses   satisfy     a   definition   of
                                                               673,726.22       2,391,162.12
    extraordinary gains/losses
    Less: impact on income tax                                 453,104.34      13,415,430.35
         Impact on minority shareholders’ equity
                                                             4,604,940.41      15,639,146.97
    Total                                                    8,781,212.23      29,271,817.26                       --
Other gain/loss items that qualified the definition of non-recurring profit (gains)/losses:
□ Applicable      √ Not applicable
The Company does not have other gain/loss items that qualified the definition of non-recurring profit (gains)/losses
Explanation on those non-recurring gain/loss listed in the “Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering
Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss” defined as recurring gain/loss
□ Applicable      √ Not applicable
The Company does not have the non-recurring gain/loss listed in the “Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for
Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss” defined as recurring gain/loss

(iii) Particulars about changes in items of main accounting data and financial index and explanations of

√ Applicable □Not applicable
(1) Accounts receivable: has an increase of 4,572.2236 million yuan from the beginning of the period with a growth rate of 33.13%,
mainly because the account receivable increase with the expansion of sales in the period, as well as the delay appropriation from medical
insurance and increase in turnover days of account receivable;
(2) Receivable financing: has a decrease of 657.8605 million yuan from the beginning of the period with a growth rate of -46.82%,
mainly because the discounted bank acceptance increased in the period;

(3) Contract assets: has an increase of 6.1211 million yuan from the beginning of the period with a growth rate of 40.33%, ma inly
because as the sales of equipment increase, the receivable quality margin for equipment business increases accordingly;
(4) Construction in progress: has an increase of 30.8528 million yuan from the beginning of the period with a growth rate of 66.16%,
mainly due to the increase of investment for ERP system construction;

(5)Short-term borrowings: has an increase of 1,668.7105 million yuan from the beginning of the period with a growth rate of 103.51%,
mainly due to the increase in invoice financing of account payable;
(6) Accounts payable: has an increase of 3,049.7387 million yuan from the beginning of the period with a growth rate of 39.62%, mainly
because as the growth of business, the purchasing volume and account payable increased accordingly;
(7) Receipts in advance: has an increase of 4.8947 million yuan from the beginning of the period with a growth rate of 39.63%, mainly
because the lease payments received in advance increased;
(8) Interest payable: has a decrease of 22.1891 million yuan from the beginning of the period with a growth rate of -62.38%, mainly
because as the decrease of non-recourse factoring financing for account receivable, interest payable decreases accordingly;
(9) Dividend payable: has an increase of 24.1576 million yuan from the beginning of the period with a growth rate of 378.09%, mainly
because the accrual of dividend payable to minority shareholders increased;

(10)Long-term borrowings: as an increase of 29.9966 million yuan from the beginning of the period with a growth rate of 94.81%,
mainly due to obtaining the long-term credit loans of dedicated equity acquisition;

(11) Finance costs: has a year-on-year increase of 78.9280million yuan with a growth rate of 91.05%, mainly because in 2020, the
Company has a large-scale acquisitions, and the corresponding consideration for equity acquisition are paid successively, the interest
income from deposit declined on a year-on-year basis;
(12) Other incomes: has a year-on-year increase of 23.2876 million yuan with a growth rate of 50.42%, mainly because various special
subsidies and tax relief received in the period increased on a year-on-year basis;
(13) Impairment losses: has a year-on-year decrease of 6.6624 million yuan with a growth rate of -119.34%, mainly due to the reversal of
inventory falling price reserves in the period;
(14) Gains on disposal of assets: has a year-on-year decrease of 6.3585 million yuan with a growth rate of -86.83%, mainly because the
gains on disposal of right-to-use assets arising from off-lease retail stores declined on a year-on-year basis;
(15) Non-operating income: has a year-on-year increase of 6.4051 million yuan with a growth rate of 65.50%, mainly because the
account payable that do not need to be paid are written off in the period;
(16) Non-operating expenses: has a year-on-year decrease of 10.8463 million yuan with a growth rate of -53.18%, mainly because a
large amount of litigation compensation occurred in the same period of the previous year;
(17) Other cash receipts relating to operating activities: has a year-on-year decrease of 664.6786 million yuan with a growth rate of
-54.65%, mainly because the special reserve funds received in the period declined on a year-on-year basis;
(18) Cash payments to and on behalf of employees: has a year-on-year increase of 576.5452 million yuan with a growth rate of 30.13%,
mainly because the new enterprise consolidated in second half of 2020 made the cash paid to and for the employees increased in the
period, and as the expansion of the Company, new pharmacies and number of employees increased, the labor costs are rising rig idly;
(19) Cash receipts from returns of investments: has a year-on-year decrease of 16.0302 million yuan with a growth rate of -84.25%,
mainly because the investment project withdrawal payment received from Sinopharm Zhongjin Medical Industry Fund declined on a
year-on-year basis;
(20) Cash received from returns on investments: has a year-on-year decrease of 135.7757 million yuan with a growth rate of -85.09%,
mainly because the dividends received from investment in associated enterprise declined on a year-on-year basis;
(21) Net cash receipts from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other lo ng-term assets: has a year-on-year decrease of
4.5941million yuan with a growth rate of -87.10%, mainly because the cash received from disposal of fixed assets decreased on a
year-on-year basis;

(22) Other cash receipts relating to investing activities: has a year-on-year decrease of 21.9850 million yuan with a growth rate of
-99.75%, mainly because in the same period of previous year, subsidiary of the Company - Sinopharm Holding Guoda Drugstore Co.,
Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Guoda Drugstore) consolidated the subsidiary - Pudong New Area of Shanghai Pharmaceutical Medicine
Ltd under the same control, the balance of cash pool originally collected to its former parent company Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd are
received, and there is no such event occurred in the period;
(23) Total cash inflows from investing activities: has a year-on-year decrease of 178.3851 million yuan with a growth rate of -86.63%,
mainly because the dividends received from investment in associated enterprise declined on a year-on-year basis;
(24) Cash payments for investments: has a year-on-year increase of 87.8213 million yuan with a growth rate of 309.12%, mainly because
the fees for store exchange paid by subsidiary Guoda Drugstore in the period increased on a year-on-year basis;
(25) Net cash payments for acquisition of subsidiaries and other business units: has a year-on-year decrease of 2,283.6644 million yuan
with a growth rate of -95.77%, mainly because compared with same period of last year, the account of subsidiary acquisition paid by the
subsidiary Guoda Drugstore in the period declined;
(26) Cash payments related to other investing activities: has a year-on-year decrease of 5.00 million yuan with a growth rate of -100.00%,
mainly due to the payment of long-term deposits in the same period of last year, and there was no such event occurred in the period;
(27) Total cash outflows from investing activities: has a year-on-year decrease of 2,147.3163 million yuan with a growth rate of -82.37%,
mainly because compared with same period of last year, the account of subsidiary acquisition paid by the subsidiary Guoda Drugstore in
the period declined;
(28) Net cash flows from investing activities: has a year-on-year increase of 1,968.9313 million yuan with a growth rate of 82.00%,

mainly because compared with same period of last year, the account of subsidiary acquisition paid by the subsidiary Guoda Drugstore in
the period declined;
(29) Cash proceeds from investments by others: has a year-on-year increase of 17.2061 million yuan with a growth rate of 100.00%,
mainly because received the investment from minorities in the period, and there was no such event occurred in the same period of the
previous year;

(30) Other cash receipts relating to financing activities: has a year-on-year decrease of 215.6720 million yuan with a growth rate of
-67.47%, mainly due to the decrease in borrowing received from minority shareholders in the period, and the mature money order
deposit collected in the period decline on a year-on-year basis;
(31) Cash repayments for debts: has a year-on-year increase of 673.5614 million yuan with a growth rate of 214.85%, mainly due to the
increase in repayment of loans in the period;
(32)Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents: has a year-on-year increase of 0.4410 million yuan with a
growth rate of 879.85%, mainly due to the impact of exchange rate movements;
(33) Net increase of cash and cash equivalents: has a year-on-year increase of 1,082.7871 million yuan with a growth rate of 59.59%,
mainly because compared with same period of last year, the account of subsidiary acquisition paid by the subsidiary Guoda Dru gstore in
the period declined;
(34) Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year: has a year-on-year decrease of 3,020.9579 million yuan with a growth rate of
-35.85%, mainly because in 2020, the Company have large-scale acquisitions, and corresponding consideration of equity acquisition are
paid successively, resulting in a decline in balance of cash and cash equiva lents at the beginning of the year.

II. Shareholders Information

(i) Total number of common shareholders and preference shareholders with voting rights recovered and top
ten common shareholders

                                                                                                                                  In Share
                                                                          Total preference
                                                                          shareholders with voting
    Total common shareholders at the
                                                               45,126     rights recovered at end of                                     0
    end of report period
                                                                          reporting period (if
                                                          Top ten shareholders
                                                                                   Amount of            Information of shares pledged,
    Shareholder’s        Nature of       Proportion of        Amount of
                                                                                    restricted                 tagged or frozen
         name            shareholder       shares held         shares held
                                                                                   shares held         State of share       Amount
    Sinopharm          State-owned
                                                 56.06%         239,999,991           5,505,770
    Group Co., Ltd.    legal person
    UMBRELLA                                      2.52%            10,802,495
    FUND PLC -
    Hong Kong
    Securities         Foreign
                                                  1.96%             8,384,966
    Clearing           corporation
    Company Ltd
    China National     State-owned
                                                  1.24%             5,323,043
    Pharmaceutical     legal person

    Foreign Trade
    National Social    Domestic non
    Security Fund-     state-owned              1.06%           4,530,032
    portfolio 413      corporation
    FIDELITY FD        Foreign
                                                0.78%           3,358,761
    - CHINA            corporation
    CPIC Fund-
    China Pacific
    Life Insurance
    Co., Lt. -
    -CPIC fund         Domestic non
    PICC Stock         state-owned              0.70%           2,976,701
    Relative           corporation
    Management         Foreign
                                                0.54%           2,308,237
    (Hong Kong)        corporation
    Limited -
    Client’s fund
    MARKETS                                     0.40%           1,697,229
    Desheng Small
                       Domestic non
                       state-owned              0.38%           1,632,000
                                         Top ten shareholders with unrestricted shares held

           Shareholder’s name                  Amount of unrestricted shares held                      Type of shares
                                                                                                    Type            Amount
                                                                                               RMB ordinary
    Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd.                                                   234,494,221                        234,494,221
    GLOBAL UMBRELLA FUND                                                                       Domestic listed
                                                                                  10,802,495                         10,802,495
    PLC - FSSA CHINA GROWTH                                                                    foreign shares
    Hong Kong Securities Clearing                                                              RMB ordinary
                                                                                   8,384,966                             8,384,966
    Company Ltd                                                                                shares
    China National Pharmaceutical                                                              RMB ordinary
                                                                                   5,323,043                             5,323,043
    Foreign Trade Corp.                                                                        shares
    National Social Security Fund-                                                             RMB ordinary
                                                                                   4,530,032                             4,530,032
    portfolio 413                                                                              shares
    BBH BOS S/A FIDELITY FD -                                                                  Domestic listed
                                                                                   3,358,761                             3,358,761
    CHINA FOCUS FD                                                                             foreign shares
    CPIC Fund- China Pacific Life                                                              RMB ordinary
                                                                                   2,976,701                             2,976,701
    Insurance Co., Lt. - participating                                                         shares

    insurance -CPIC fund PICC Stock
    Relative Income (guaranteed
    bonus)single asset management
    Fidelity Investment Management
                                                                                                   RMB ordinary
    (Hong Kong) Limited - Client’s                                                   2,308,237                             2,308,237
                                                                                                   Domestic listed
    MARKETS STOCK INDEX                                                               1,697,229                             1,697,229
                                                                                                   foreign shares
    ICBC- CPIC Desheng Small
                                                                                                   RMB ordinary
    Selected Securities Investment                                                    1,632,000                             1,632,000
                                            Sinopharm Group Co., Ltd. and China National Pharmaceutical Foreign Trade Corporation
    Explanation         on     associated   have the same actual controller, which is China National Pharmaceutical Group
    relationship among the aforesaid        Corporation. It is unknown that there exists no associated relationship or belongs to the
    shareholders                            consistent actionist among the other tradable shareholders regulated by the Management
                                            Measure of Information Disclosure on Change of Shareholding for Listed Companies.

(ii) Total shareholders with preferred stock held and shares held by top ten shareholders with preferred stock

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

III. Other significant events

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

IV. Quarterly financial statements

(i) Financial statement

1. Consolidate balance sheet

Prepared by China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                                                                                                               In RMB
                        Item                              September 30, 2021                          December 31, 2020
    Current assets:
         Cash and bank balances                                        5,030,550,238.21                               5,998,204,295.87
         Settlement provisions
         Capital lent
         Trading financial assets
         Derivative financial assets
         Notes receivable                                                486,665,614.67                                622,115,477.04
         Accounts receivable                                          18,372,194,576.17                              13,799,971,014.22
         Receivable financing                                            747,127,225.28                               1,404,987,700.38
         Advances to suppliers                                           577,047,357.55                                480,313,574.71
         Insurance receivable
         Reinsurance receivables
         Contract reserve of reinsurance

           Other receivables                      588,663,715.06      535,228,747.69
             Including: Interest receivable
                          Dividend receivable
         Buying back the sale of financial
           Inventories                           7,731,292,407.49    6,285,010,674.46
           Contract assets                         21,298,841.34       15,177,731.64
           Assets held for sale
           Non-current asset due within one
           Other current assets                   117,800,222.89      121,082,863.45
    Total current assets                        33,672,640,198.66   29,262,092,079.46
    Non-current assets:
           Loans and payments on behalf
           Debt investment
           Other debt investment
           Long-term account receivable
           Long-term equity investments          2,506,592,540.54    2,287,019,627.99
         Other equity instruments
                                                   99,488,340.28       99,488,340.28
         Other non-current financial
                                                  135,974,908.51      120,972,350.24
           Investment properties                  115,666,257.13      127,444,379.94
           Fixed assets                           846,208,850.06      854,191,083.27
           Construction in progress                77,483,997.80       46,631,190.23
           Productive biological asset
           Oil and gas asset
           Right-of-use assets                   2,602,364,849.90    2,356,952,392.99
           Intangible assets                      738,312,505.33      734,345,179.40
        Expense on Research and
           Goodwill                              2,932,001,316.63    2,747,375,281.11
           Long-term prepaid expenses             547,554,650.71      457,705,276.09
           Deferred tax assets                    109,492,207.51       92,118,767.81
           Other non-current assets               471,819,049.11      408,197,522.84
    Total non-current assets t                  11,182,959,473.51   10,332,441,392.19
    Total assets                                44,855,599,672.17   39,594,533,471.65
    Current liabilities:
      Short-term borrowings                      3,280,897,558.10    1,612,187,020.12
           Loan from central bank
           Capital borrowed
           Trading financial liability
           Derivative financial liability
           Notes payable                         7,348,840,877.78    7,520,165,274.69
           Accounts payable                     10,747,189,833.18    7,697,451,142.50
           Receipts in advance                     17,247,134.79       12,352,466.64
           Contract liabilities                   326,085,220.43      368,600,357.14
           Selling financial asset of

        Absorbing deposit and interbank
         Security trading of agency
         Security sales of agency
         Employee benefits payable             277,589,432.45      357,212,047.10
         Tax payable                           278,421,837.51      316,867,149.16
         Other payables                       1,499,776,310.73    1,599,166,881.14
             Including: Interest payable        13,383,522.61       35,572,620.82
                         Dividend payable       30,546,882.17         6,389,320.96
       Commission charge and
    commission payable
         Reinsurance payable
         Liability held for sale
         Non-current liabilities due
                                               815,092,369.38      748,732,059.89
    within one year
         Other current liabilities              20,574,820.83       24,787,078.55
    Total current liabilities                24,611,715,395.18   20,257,521,476.93
    Non-current liabilities:
         Insurance contract reserve
         Long-term borrowings                   61,633,794.44       31,637,173.89
         Bonds payable
             Including: Preferred stock
                         Perpetual capital
         Lease liabilities                    1,414,900,980.86    1,303,054,163.90
         Long-term payables                       6,938,189.00        6,938,189.00
        Long-term employee benefits
                                                  1,262,000.00        1,319,000.00
         Provisions                             68,663,166.79       68,808,166.79
         Deferred income                        88,319,436.13       89,843,583.37
         Deferred tax liabilities              192,406,210.58      205,921,408.66
         Other non-current liabilities         611,494,372.76      740,862,989.59
    Total non-current liabilities             2,445,618,150.56    2,448,384,675.20
    Total liabilities                        27,057,333,545.74   22,705,906,152.13
         Share capital                         428,126,983.00      428,126,983.00
         Other equity instrument
             Including: Preferred stock
                         Perpetual capital
    Capital surplus                           4,371,864,522.76    4,372,504,053.72
         Less: Inventory shares
         Other comprehensive income             38,592,158.00       38,483,017.72
         Reasonable reserve
         Surplus reserve                       214,063,491.50      214,063,491.50
         Provision of general risk
         Retained earnings                    9,626,798,794.78    8,895,145,106.39

 Total equity attributable to owners of
                                                      14,679,445,950.04            13,948,322,652.33
 the parent
      Non-controlling interests                        3,118,820,176.39             2,940,304,667.19
 Total equity                                         17,798,266,126.43            16,888,627,319.52
 Total liabilities and equity                         44,855,599,672.17            39,594,533,471.65

Legal Representative: Lin Zhaoxiong

Financial controller: Gu Guolin

Head of Accounting Department: Wang Ying

2. Consolidated Profit Statement (from the year-begin to the period-end)

                                                                                               In RMB

                    Item                     Current period                Last period
 I. Total operating income                            50,210,017,018.57            42,880,505,125.63
      Including: Operating revenue                    50,210,017,018.57            42,880,505,125.63
                   Interest income
                   Insurance gained
               Commission charge
 and commission income
 II. Total operating cost                             48,889,105,650.99            41,581,721,662.96
      Including: Operating costs                      44,355,137,220.69            37,944,504,626.84
                   Interest expense
            Commission charge and
 commission expense
                Cash surrender value
            Net amount of expense of
              Net amount of withdrawal
 of insurance contract reserve
              Bonus expense of
 guarantee slip
                Reinsurance expense
                Tax and surcharges                       118,668,192.68                  110,209,795.96
                Selling expenses                       3,489,636,134.44             2,749,994,678.55
                Administrative expenses                  760,050,554.53                  690,327,040.05
                R&D expense
                Finance costs                            165,613,548.65                   86,685,521.56
                  Including: Interest
                                                         221,745,036.68                  202,695,852.03
                                                          58,695,611.60                  112,936,201.56
      Add: other incomes                                  69,475,290.52                   46,187,696.54
            Investment income (Loss is
                                                         232,226,696.90                  211,950,494.51
 listed with “-”)
          Including: Investment
                                                         237,971,923.43                  247,559,119.49
 income from associates
                      Income from the                    -11,674,941.64                  -40,767,172.72

 derecognition of financial assets
 measured at amortised cost (Loss is
 listed with “-”)
            Exchange income (Loss is
 listed with “-”)
          Net exposure hedging
 income (Loss is listed with “-”)
           Income from change of fair
 value (Loss is listed with “-”)
            Credit impairment losses/
                                                  -31,552,326.70     -29,083,726.06
 (Loss is listed with “-”)
            Impairment losses (Loss is
                                                   1,079,690.03       -5,582,665.20
 listed with “-”)
           Gain on disposal of assets
                                                     964,385.82       7,322,907.21
 (Loss is listed with “-”)
 III. Operating profits (Loss is listed
                                                1,593,105,104.15   1,529,578,169.67
 with “-”)
       Add: Non-operating income                  16,183,608.97       9,778,532.18
       Less: Non-operatingexpenses                 9,550,290.33      20,396,541.07
 IV. Total profit (Loss is listed with “-”)   1,599,738,422.79   1,518,960,160.78
       Less: Income tax expenses                 328,358,528.63     297,799,939.72
 V. Net profit (Net loss is listed with
                                                1,271,379,894.16   1,221,160,221.06
     (i) Classify by business continuity
      1. Profit or loss from continuing
                                                1,271,379,894.16   1,221,160,221.06
 operations (net loss listed with ‘-”)
       2.termination of net profit (net
 loss listed with ‘-”)
     (ii) Classify by ownership
       1. Owners of the parent                  1,074,155,274.79    997,585,746.42
       2. Non-controlling interests              197,224,619.37     223,574,474.64
 VI. Other comprehensive income, net
                                                     109,140.28         143,939.42
 of tax
    Other comprehensive income, net of
                                                     109,140.28         143,939.42
 tax, attributable to owners of the parent
      (i) Other comprehensive income
 items which will not be reclassified
 subsequently to profit of loss
              1.Changes of the defined
 benefit plans that re-measured
              2.Other comprehensive
 income under equity method that
 cannot be transfer to gain/loss
             3.Change of fair value of
 investment in other equity instrument
              4.Fair value change of
 enterprise's credit risk
               5. Other
       (ii) Other comprehensive income
                                                     109,140.28         143,939.42
 that will be reclassified to profit or loss
             1. Other comprehensive
 income using the equity method that                 109,140.28         143,939.42
 may be reclassified to profit or loss
               2.Change of fair value of

 other debt investment
              3.Amount of financial
 assets re-classify to other
 comprehensive income
              4.Credit impairment
 provision for other debt investment
               5.Cash flow hedging
              6.Translation differences
 arising on translation of foreign
 currency financial statements
    Net after-tax of other comprehensive
 income attributable to minority
 VII. Total comprehensive income                                   1,271,489,034.44                             1,221,304,160.48
       Total comprehensive income
                                                                   1,074,264,415.07                               997,729,685.84
 attributable to owners of the parent
       Total comprehensive income
                                                                     197,224,619.37                               223,574,474.64
 attributable to non-controlling interests
 VIII. Earnings per share:
        (i) Basic earnings per share                                            2.51                                         2.33
        (ii) Diluted earnings per share                                         2.51                                         2.33
Enterprise combine under the same control in the Period, the combined party realized net profit of 0.00 Yuan before combination, and
realized 0.00 Yuan at last period for combined party

Legal Representative: Lin Zhaoxiong

Financial controller: Gu Guolin

Head of Accounting Department: Wang Ying

3. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement (from the year-begin to the period-end)

                                                                                                                            In RMB
                      Item                                Current period                               Last period
 I. Cash flows from operating activities:
      Cash received from sales of good or
                                                                  50,434,425,085.34                            42,418,077,097.10
 rendering of services
      Net increase of customer deposit and
 interbank deposit
         Net increase of loan from central
     Net increase of capital borrowed
 from other financial institution
      Cash received from original
 insurance contract fee
      Net cash received from reinsurance
      Net increase of insured savings and
    Cash received from interest,
 commission charge and commission
        Net increase of capital borrowed

      Net increase of returned business
      Net cash received by agents in sale
 and purchase of securities
      Receipts of taxes and surcharges
                                                  9,785,028.42      10,784,614.07
      Other cash receipts relating to
                                               551,569,390.53     1,216,248,037.55
 operating activities
 Total cash inflows from operating
                                             50,995,779,504.29   43,645,109,748.72
      Cash payments for goods and
                                             44,590,896,502.94   37,533,521,802.87
     Net increase of customer loans and
     Net increase of deposits in central
 bank and interbank
      Cash paid for original insurance
 contract compensation
        Net increase of capital lent
      Cash paid for interest, commission
 charge and commission
        Cash paid for bonus of guarantee
     Cash payments to and on behalf of
                                              2,490,251,009.84    1,913,705,773.98
      Payments of all types of taxes and
                                              1,163,054,174.01    1,148,433,266.37
      Other cash payments relating to
                                              1,331,511,279.71    1,066,101,719.26
 operating activities
 Total cash outflows from operating
                                             49,575,712,966.50   41,661,762,562.48
 Net cash flows from operating activities     1,420,066,537.79    1,983,347,186.24
 II. Cash flows from investing activities:
      Cash receipts from returns of
                                                  2,997,441.73      19,027,649.76
      Cash received from returns on
                                                23,798,335.31      159,574,046.42
      Net cash receipts from disposal of
 fixed assets, intangible assets and other         680,564.38         5,274,705.47
 long-term assets
      Net cash received from disposal of
 subsidiaries and other units
 Other cash receipts relating to investing
                                                    54,984.60       22,040,000.00
 Total cash inflows from investing
                                                27,531,326.02      205,916,401.65
 Cash payments to acquire fixed assets,
 intangible assets and other long-term         242,406,946.82      188,880,164.05
 Cash payments for investments                 116,231,775.64       28,410,468.41
        Net increase of mortgaged loans
      Net cash payments for acquisition of
                                               100,950,637.41     2,384,615,064.76
 subsidiaries and other business units
        Cash payments related to other                                5,000,000.00

 investing activities
 Total cash outflows from investing
                                                                  459,589,359.87                  2,606,905,697.22

 Net cash flows from investing activities                        -432,058,033.85                 -2,400,989,295.57

 III. Cash flows from financing activities
      Cash proceeds from investments by
      Incl: Cash receipts from capital
 contributions from non-controlling                                17,206,123.00
 interests of subsidiaries
      Cash receipts from borrowings                               922,684,894.52                    801,520,037.57
      Other cash receipts relating to
                                                                  103,972,601.77                    319,644,627.50
 financing activities
 Total cash inflows from financing
                                                                1,043,863,619.29                  1,121,164,665.07
      Cash repayments for debts                                   987,061,372.10                    313,500,000.00
      Cash payments for distribution of
                                                                  601,040,337.18                    545,931,923.60
 dividends or profit and interest expenses
   Incl: Dividends or profit paid to
 non-controlling shareholders of                                   54,850,818.34                     62,338,791.80
      Other cash payments relating to
                                                                1,178,389,883.78                  1,661,056,163.63
 financing activities
 Total cash outflows from financing
                                                                2,766,491,593.06                  2,520,488,087.23
 Net cash flows from financing activities                       -1,722,627,973.77                -1,399,323,422.16
 IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate
                                                                      390,912.15                            -50,126.70
 changes on cash and cash equivalents
 V. Net increase of cash and cash
                                                                 -734,228,557.68                 -1,817,015,658.19
      Add: Cash and cash equivalents at
                                                                5,405,113,257.99                  8,426,071,170.16
 beginning of the year
 VI. Cash and cash equivalents at end of
                                                                4,670,884,700.31                  6,609,055,511.97

(ii) Explanation on financial statement adjustment

1. Financial statement adjustment at the beginning of the first year when implementation of new leasing
standards from 2021

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Retrospective adjustment of the comparative data for initial implementation of new leasing standards from

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

(iii) Audit report

Whether the 3rd quarterly report has been audited or not
□Yes √ No
The 3rd quarterly report of the Company has not been audited.
                                                                                    Board of Directors of

     China National Accord Medicines Corporation Ltd.
                                  20 October 2021