Shenzhen Textile(Holdings) Co., Ltd. The First Quarterly Report 2017 Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. The First Quarterly Report 2017 April 2017 1 Shenzhen Textile(Holdings) Co., Ltd. The First Quarterly Report 2017 1 Important Notice The Board of Directors ,Supervisory Committee, all directors, supervisors and senior executives of the Company hereby guarantees that there are no misstatement, misleading representation or important omissions in this report and shall assume joint and several liability for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the contents hereof. All the directors attended the board meeting for reviewing the Quarterly Report. Mr.Zhu Jun, Person in charge of the Company, Mr. Zhu Jun, Chief financial officer and the Mr. Mu Linying Jun, the person in charge of the accounting department (the person in charge of the accounting )hereby confirm the authenticity and completeness of the financial report enclosed in this Quarterly Report . This Report has been prepared in both Chinese and English , In case any discrepancy , the Chinese version shall prevail. 2 Shenzhen Textile(Holdings) Co., Ltd. The First Quarterly Report 2017 II. Basic Information of the Company I. Main financial data and financial index Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data for accounting policy changed and accounting error correction or not. □ Yes √ No Changes of this period over This period Same period of last year same period of last year (%) Operating income(RMB) 272,392,669.11 262,310,373.65 3.84% Net profit attributable to the shareholders 4,302,137.37 -10,246,461.60 141.99% of the listed company(RMB) Net profit after deducting of non-recurring gain/loss attributable to the shareholders of -2,285,765.61 -11,444,624.15 80.03% listed company(RMB) Cash flow generated by business operation, -185,774,958.96 -23,635,239.84 686.01% net(RMB) Basic earning per share(RMB/Share) 0.0085 -0.020 142.50% Diluted gains per 0.0085 -0.020 142.50% share(RMB/Share)(RMB/Share) Weighted average return on equity(%) 0.13% -0.47% 0.60% Changes of this period-end End of this period End of last period over same period-end of last year(%) Gross assets(RMB) 4,137,910,846.36 4,119,586,266.47 0.44% Net assets attributable to the shareholders 2,343,643,908.47 2,339,554,176.31 0.17% of the listed company(RMB) Items and amount of non-current gains and losses √ Applicable □ Not applicable In RMB Amount (Year-beginning to Items Notes the end of the report period.) Non-current asset disposal gain/loss(including the write-off part -3,182.59 for which assets impairment provision is made) 3 Shenzhen Textile(Holdings) Co., Ltd. The First Quarterly Report 2017 Special assistance fund of 300,000 yuan and finance discount of 60,486.12 yuan are raised for the II-phase reorganization and expansion. 324,999.99 yuan as fiscal assistance is raised for Pingshan project. The narrow range allowance for the first-phase project is 125,000.01 yuan. Amortization of polarizing material engineering lab is 125,000.01 yuan. The grant for Govemment subsidy recognized in current gain and imported equipment and loss(excluding those closely related to the Company’s business 3,974,855.70 technology is 43,772.55 yuan. and granted under the state’s policies) Supporting funds toward strategic emerging industry from NDRC is 12,500.01 yuan. Fiscal allowance for innovative entrepreneurship of first-phase project is 12,500.01 yuan. Fiscal allowance for encouraging to bring in advanced technology from Shenzhen municipal government is 3,597.00 yuan. The grant from municipal R&D center is 75,000.00 yuan;Enterprise R & D subsidy of RMB 2,892,000.00. Profit /loss on entrusting others with investments or asset Earnings from wealth 7,008,333.33 management management products Other non-operating income and expenditure except for the 502.00 aforementioned items Less: Amount of influence of income tax -670.15 Amount of influence of minority interests(After tax) 4,393,275.61 Total 6,587,902.98 -- For the Company’s non-recurring gain/loss items as defined in the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on information disclosure for Companies Offering their Securities to the Public-Non-recurring Gains and Losses and its non-recurring gain/loss items as illustrated in the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on information Disclosure for Companies offering their securities to the public-non-recurring Gains and losses which have been defined as recurring gains and losses, it is necessary to explain the reason. □ Applicable√ Not applicable None of Non-recurring gain /loss items recognized as recurring gain /loss/items as defined by the information 4 Shenzhen Textile(Holdings) Co., Ltd. The First Quarterly Report 2017 disclosure explanatory Announcement No.1- Non –recurring gain/loss in the report period. II. Total Shareholders and Shares Held by Top Ten Shareholders at the End of the Reporting Period 1. About Total Common Shareholders, Total Preference Shareholders with the Voting Power Recovered and the Shares Held by Top Ten Common Shareholders In shares Total preference shareholders Total number of common with the voting power 43,531 0 shareholders at the period-end recovered at the end of the reporting period(if any) Shares held by the top 10 shareholders Amount of Pledging or freezing Properties of Share tradable shares Shareholder name Quantity Status of the shareholder proportion % with Conditional Quantity shares held Shenzhen Investment State-owned legal 46.21% 234,069,436 0 Holdings Co., person Ltd. Shenzhen Shenchao State-owned Technology 3.18% 16,129,032 0 Legal person Investment Co., Ltd. Qianhai Life insurance Co., Other 1.24% 6,267,916 0 Ltd.-Self funds Huatai Portfolio Anhui Guofu Industrial Domestic non Investment Funds State-owned 0.67% 3,408,341 0 Mangement Co., Legal person Ltd. Domestic Nature Sun Huiming 0.48% 2,443,526 0 person MORGAN Overseas legal STANLEY & 0.33% 1,653,914 0 person CO. 5 Shenzhen Textile(Holdings) Co., Ltd. The First Quarterly Report 2017 INTERNATION AL PLC Domestic Natural Wang Mincang 0.27% 1,387,436 0 person Domestic Natural Zhu Ye 0.25% 1,245,145 0 person Domestic Natural He Zhijian 0.20% 1,014,425 0 person Central Huijin Asset State-owned 0.19% 958,300 0 Management Co., Legal person Ltd. Shares held by the Top 10 Shareholders of Non-restricted shares Share type Shareholders’ Names Number of the non-restricted shares held Share type Quantity Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., RMB Common 234,069,436 234,069,436 Ltd. shares Shenzhen Shenchao Technology RMB Common 16,129,032 16,129,032 Investment Co., Ltd. shares Qianhai Life insurance Co., Ltd.- RMB Common 6,267,916 6,267,916 Self funds Huatai Portfolio shares Anhui Guofu Industrial Investment RMB Common 3,408,341 3,408,341 Funds Mangement Co., Ltd. shares Foreign shares placed in Sun Huiming 2,443,526 2,443,526 domestic exchange Foreign shares MORGAN STANLEY & CO. placed in 1,653,914 1,653,914 INTERNATIONAL PLC domestic exchange RMB Common Wang Mincang 1,387,436 1,387,436 shares RMB Common Zhu Ye 1,245,145 1,245,145 shares RMB Common He Zhijian 1,014,425 1,014,425 shares Central Huijin Asset Management RMB Common 958,300 958,300 Co., Ltd. shares 6 Shenzhen Textile(Holdings) Co., Ltd. The First Quarterly Report 2017 Shenzhen Shenchao Technology Investment Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Shenzhen Investment Holding Co., Ltd. and a person taking concerted action. Except this, the Explanation on associated Company did not whether there is relationship between the top ten shareholders holding relationship or concerted action of non-restricted negotiable shares and between the top ten shareholders holding non-restricted the above shareholders negotiable shares and the top 10 shareholders or whether they are persons taking concerted action defined in Regulations on Disclosure of Information about Shareholding of Shareholders of Listed Companies. Note to the top 10 common stockholders involved in margin The Company Shareholder Zhu Ye holds 1,245,145 shares of the Company through stock financing & securities lending (If account with credit transaction and guarantee of Guolian Securities Co.,Ltd. any) Whether top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held have a buy-back agreement dealing in reporting period. □ Yes √ No The top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held of the Company have no buy –back agreement dealing in reporting period. 2.Total number of preferred shareholders and shareholding of top 10 preferred shareholders by the end of the report period □ Applicable √Not applicable 7 Shenzhen Textile(Holdings) Co., Ltd. The First Quarterly Report 2017 III Significant Events I. Major changes of main accounting statement items and financial indicators in the reporting period, as well as reasons for the changes √ Applicable □ Not applicable 1.The ending balance of Prepayments increased by RMB 222.7477 million and 3,288.60% over beginning of period,Mainly due to the increase in the volume of trade in the current period; 2.The ending balance of Other current account decreased by RMB 485.0432 million and 33.97% over beginning of period,Mainly due to the recovery of financial funds due; 3. The ending balance of Construction in progress increased by RMB 108.0318 million and 90.17% over beginning of period,Mainly due to the construction of the polarizer Phase II line 6 project; 4.The ending balance of Other non-current assets increased by RMB400 million over beginning of period,Mainly due to the addition of more than one year financial funds; 5. The ending balance of short-term loans increased by RMB5.6508million and 45.81% over beginning of period,、Mainly due to the increase in short-term bank loans; 6. The ending balance of Advance payment increased by RMB 32.8106 million and 108.30% over beginning of period, Mainly due to the increase in the volume of trade in the current period; 7.The ending balance of Employee benefits payable decreased by RMB8.2258 million and 30.04% over beginning of period,Mainly due to pay the staff due to the previous year; 8. Financial expenses in current period decreased by RMB 5.8706 million and 275.57% Year on Year, Mainly due to the yen exchange rate appreciation narrowed year on year. 9. Impairment loss of assets in current period increased by RMB1.7794 million and 46.88% year on year,Mainly due to the increase in the provision for depreciation of the polarizer inventory; 10. Investment Income in current period increased by RMB7.8167 million and 1,838.66% year on year, Mainly due to the increase in entrusted financial income; 11. Non-operational income in current period increased by RMB2.76 million and 227.09% year on year,Mainly due to the increase in government subsidies; 12. The net cash flows from operating activities in current period decreased by RMB185.775 million and 686.01% year on year,Mainly due to the increase in advances in trade activities; 13. The net cash flows from investing activities in current period increased by RMB51.9535 million and 78.48% year on year,Mainly due to the current period to recover the due trust; 14. The net cash flows from Financing activities in current period increased by RMB26.9838 million and 122.59% year on year,Mainly due to the decrease in repayment of borrowings in the current period. II. The progress of significant events and influence, as well as the analysis and explanation on resolving proposal. √Applicable □Not applicable (1) Subsidiary Shengbo Optoelectronic capital increase to introduce strategic investors January 2017, a subsidiary of Shenzhen Shengbo Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. to increase investment in the introduction of strategic investors, has completed the capital increase after the change of business 8 Shenzhen Textile(Holdings) Co., Ltd. The First Quarterly Report 2017 registration procedures. (2) TFT-LCD polarizer II line 6 project progress Phase II Line 6 project in accordance with the construction schedule, has completed the second allocation of procurement projects with the tender, the main equipment is installed and secondary with the project. The total investment of the second phase of the project was RMB 391.3458 million, accounting for 55.88% of the total investment of RMB 700.34 million after the change. Description of the website for disclosing Overview of material matters Date of disclosing provisional announcements Shengbo Optoelectronic has completed the capital increase after the business January 17,2017 (Announcement No.2017-06) registration III. Commitments finished in implementation by the Company, shareholders, actual controller, acquirer, directors, supervisors, senior executives or other related parties in the reporting period and commitments unfinished in implementation at the end of the reporting period □Applicable √Not applicable The company has no commitments completed in period and those without completed till lend of the period from actual controller, shareholders, related parties, purchaser and companies. IV.Prediction of Business performance for January- June 2017 Estimation of accumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of next report period to be loss probably or the warning of its material change compared with the corresponding period of the last year and explanation of reason. □ Applicable √ Not applicable V. Investment in securities □ Applicable √ Not applicable No securities investment in period. VI. Investments in derivatives □ Applicable √ Not applicable There is no derivative investment during the report period. 9 Shenzhen Textile(Holdings) Co., Ltd. The First Quarterly Report 2017 VII. The registration form of acceptance of investigation, communication and interview in the report period for future reference □ Applicable √ Not applicable The Period has no research, communication and written inquiry from the investors in the report period. VIII. External guarantee get out of line □ Applicable √Not applicable The Company has no external guarantee get out of the line in the Period IX. Controlling shareholder and its related parties occupying non-business capital of the listed company □ Applicable √Not applicable There are no controlling shareholder and its related parties occupying non-business capital of the listed company in Period 10 Shenzhen Textile(Holdings) Co., Ltd. The First Quarterly Report 2017 IV. Financial Statement I. Financial statement 1. Consolidated balance sheet Prepared by:Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. March 31,2017 In RMB Items At the end of term Beginning of term Current asset: Monetary fund 738,624,384.64 933,856,912.73 Settlement provision Outgoing call loan Financial assets measured at fair value with variations accounted into current income account Derivative financial assets Bill receivable 37,337,584.61 41,908,315.45 Account receivable 181,957,788.09 220,222,019.41 Prepayments 229,521,056.30 6,773,323.14 Insurance receivable Reinsurance receivable Provisions of Reinsurance contracts receivable Interest receivable 8,180,059.37 6,652,883.11 Dividend receivable Other account receivable 64,957,026.72 67,272,556.72 Repurchasing of financial assets Inventories 314,653,546.75 283,371,714.07 Assets held for sales Non-current asset due in 1 year Other current asset 943,000,000.00 1,428,043,157.76 Total of current assets 2,518,231,446.48 2,988,100,882.39 11 Shenzhen Textile(Holdings) Co., Ltd. The First Quarterly Report 2017 Non-current assets: Loans and payment on other’s behalf disbursed Disposable financial asset 41,486,919.32 41,565,777.96 Expired investment in possess Long-term receivable Long term share equity investment 25,229,534.97 24,849,311.00 Property investment 177,350,769.65 179,324,547.77 Fixed assets 705,570,245.82 723,685,287.56 Construction in progress 227,836,059.45 119,804,231.43 Engineering material Fixed asset disposal Production physical assets Gas & petrol Intangible assets 39,745,451.59 39,698,654.32 R & D petrol Goodwill Long-germ expenses to be amortized 899,144.15 973,081.68 Deferred income tax asset 1,561,274.93 1,584,492.36 Other non-current asset 400,000,000.00 Total of non-current assets 1,619,679,399.88 1,131,485,384.08 Total of assets 4,137,910,846.36 4,119,586,266.47 Current liabilities Short-term loans 17,986,506.66 12,335,695.77 Loan from Central Bank Deposit received and hold for others Call loan received Financial liabilities measured at fair value with variations accounted into current income account Derivative financial liabilities Bill payable Account payable 166,127,454.63 175,461,715.72 Advance payment 63,108,081.14 30,297,446.49 Selling of repurchased financial assets 12 Shenzhen Textile(Holdings) Co., Ltd. The First Quarterly Report 2017 Fees and commissions receivable Employees’ wage payable 19,153,898.66 27,379,719.86 Tax payable 14,632,736.93 13,995,726.19 Interest payable 43,567,031.45 42,842,605.52 Dividend payable Other account payable 143,377,945.75 147,108,590.19 Reinsurance fee payable Insurance contract provision Entrusted trading of securities Entrusted selling of securities Liabilities held for sales Non-current liability due in 1 year 40,000,000.00 40,000,000.00 Other current liability Total of current liability 507,953,655.22 489,421,499.74 Non-current liabilities: Long-term loan 80,000,000.00 80,000,000.00 Bond payable Including:preferred stock Sustainable debt Long-term payable Long-term payable employees’s remuneration Special payable Expected liabilities Deferred income 108,962,928.92 110,045,784.62 Deferred income tax liability Other non-current liabilities Total non-current liabilities 188,962,928.92 190,045,784.62 Total of liability 696,916,584.14 679,467,284.36 Owners’ equity Share capital 506,521,849.00 506,521,849.00 Other equity instrument Including:preferred stock Sustainable debt 13 Shenzhen Textile(Holdings) Co., Ltd. The First Quarterly Report 2017 Capital reserves 1,837,205,251.95 1,837,205,251.95 Less:Shares in stock Other comprehensive income 3,179,816.86 3,392,222.07 Special reserves Surplus reserves 73,710,682.05 73,710,682.05 Common risk provision Undistributed profit -76,973,691.39 -81,275,828.76 Total of owner’s equity belong to the 2,343,643,908.47 2,339,554,176.31 parent company Minority shareholders’ equity 1,097,350,353.75 1,100,564,805.80 Total of owners’ equity 3,440,994,262.22 3,440,118,982.11 Total of liabilities and owners’ equity 4,137,910,846.36 4,119,586,266.47 Legal Representative: Zhu Jun Person in charge of accounting:Zhu Jun Accounting Dept Leader: Mu Linying 2.Parent Company Balance Sheet In RMB Items At the end of term Beginning of term Current asset: Monetary fund 380,775,729.32 440,685,610.11 Financial assets measured at fair value with variations accounted into current income account Derivative financial assets Bill receivable 1,800,000.00 1,000,000.00 Account receivable 597,961.36 492,974.01 Prepayments 4,500.00 120,000.00 Interest receivable 5,815,397.63 3,218,526.94 Dividend receivable Other account receivable 10,678,138.49 12,524,256.75 Inventories Assets held for sales Non-current asset due in 1 year Other current asset 100,000,000.00 30,000,000.00 Total of current assets 499,671,726.80 488,041,367.81 14 Shenzhen Textile(Holdings) Co., Ltd. The First Quarterly Report 2017 Non-current assets: Disposable financial asset 39,986,919.32 40,065,777.96 Expired investment in possess Long-term receivable Long term share equity investment 1,989,453,301.58 1,989,073,077.61 Property investment 170,423,443.76 172,279,313.75 Fixed assets 26,997,031.19 27,403,189.39 Construction in progress Engineering material Fixed asset disposal Production physical assets Gas & petrol Intangible assets 1,616,503.86 1,345,846.59 R & D petrol Goodwill Long-germ expenses to be amortized Deferred income tax asset 1,899,928.67 1,919,804.30 Other non-current asset Total of non-current assets 2,230,377,128.38 2,232,087,009.60 Total of assets 2,730,048,855.18 2,720,128,377.41 Current liabilities Short-term loans Financial liabilities measured at fair value with variations accounted into current income account Derivative financial liabilities Bill payable Account payable 411,743.57 411,743.57 Advance payment 639,024.58 639,024.58 Employees’ wage payable 4,843,698.39 6,533,138.24 Tax payable 5,405,248.08 4,398,387.25 Interest payable Dividend payable Other account payable 122,631,522.15 120,954,892.58 Classified as held for sale debt 15 Shenzhen Textile(Holdings) Co., Ltd. The First Quarterly Report 2017 Non-current liability due in 1 year Other current liability Total of current liability 133,931,236.77 132,937,186.22 Non-current liabilities: Long-term loan Bond payable Including:preferred stock Sustainable debt Long-term payable Long-term payable to employees Special payable Expected liabilities Deferred income Deferred income tax liability Other non-current liabilities Total of Non-current liabilities Total of liability 133,931,236.77 132,937,186.22 Owners’ equity Share capital 506,521,849.00 506,521,849.00 Other equity instrument Including:preferred stock Sustainable debt Capital reserves 1,576,547,075.96 1,576,547,075.96 Less:Shares in stock Other comprehensive income 3,179,816.86 3,392,222.07 Special reserves Surplus reserves 73,710,682.05 73,710,682.05 Undistributed profit 436,158,194.54 427,019,362.11 Total of owners’ equity 2,596,117,618.41 2,587,191,191.19 Total of liabilities and owners’ equity 2,730,048,855.18 2,720,128,377.41 3.Consolidated Income statement In RMB 16 Shenzhen Textile(Holdings) Co., Ltd. The First Quarterly Report 2017 Items Amount in this period Amount in last period I. Income from the key business 272,392,669.11 262,310,373.65 Incl:Business income 272,392,669.11 262,310,373.65 Interest income Insurance fee earned Fee and commission received II. Total business cost 280,214,579.88 270,805,851.81 Incl:Business cost 253,475,015.89 238,744,912.33 Interest expense Fee and commission paid Insurance discharge payment Net claim amount paid Net amount provided as insurance contract reserves Insurance policy dividend paid Reinsurance expenses Business tax and surcharge 2,585,948.73 1,857,241.99 Sales expense 2,133,505.40 2,131,423.67 Administrative expense 20,188,494.12 22,149,397.07 Financial expenses -3,743,353.85 2,127,257.76 Asset impairment loss 5,574,969.60 3,795,618.99 Add:Gains from change of fir value (“-”for loss) Investment gain(“-”for loss) 8,241,818.53 425,128.98 Incl: investment gains from affiliates 533,097.00 425,128.98 Gains from currency exchange(“-”for loss) III. Operational profit(“-”for loss) 419,907.76 -8,070,349.18 Add :Non-operational income 3,975,357.70 1,215,355.70 Including:Income from disposal of non-current assets Less:Non business expenses 3,182.59 20,563.54 Incl:Loss from disposal of non-current 3,182.59 20,504.69 assets IV.Total profit(“-”for loss) 4,392,082.87 -6,875,557.02 17 Shenzhen Textile(Holdings) Co., Ltd. The First Quarterly Report 2017 Less:Income tax expenses 3,304,397.55 3,370,904.58 V. Net profit 1,087,685.32 -10,246,461.60 Net profit attributable to the owners of 4,302,137.37 -10,246,461.60 parent company Minority shareholders’ equity -3,214,452.05 VI. Other comprehensive income -212,405.21 -2,064,954.32 Net of profit of other comprehensive inco me attributable to owners of the parent co -212,405.21 -2,064,954.32 mpany. (I)Other comprehensive income items that will not be reclassified into gains/losses in the subsequent accounting period 1.Re-measurement of defined benefit pla ns of changes in net debt or net assets 2.Other comprehensive income under the equity method investee can not be reclass ified into profit or loss. (II) Other comprehensive income that will be -212,405.21 -2,064,954.32 reclassified into profit or loss. 1.Other comprehensive income under the equity method investee can be reclassifie d into profit or loss. 2.Gains and losses from changes in fair v -59,143.98 -1,951,751.34 alue available for sale financial assets 3.Held-to-maturity investments reclassifi ed to gains and losses of available for sal e financial assets 4.The effective portion of cash flow hedg es and losses 5.Translation differences in currency fina -153,261.23 -113,202.98 ncial statements 6.Other Net of profit of other comprehensive inco me attributable to Minority shareholders’ equity VII. Total comprehensive income 875,280.11 -12,311,415.92 18 Shenzhen Textile(Holdings) Co., Ltd. The First Quarterly Report 2017 Total comprehensive income attributable 4,089,732.16 -12,311,415.92 to the owner of the parent company Total comprehensive income -3,214,452.05 attributable minority shareholders VIII. Earnings per share (I)Basic earnings per share 0.0085 -0.020 (II)Diluted earnings per share 0.0085 -0.020 Legal Representative: Zhu Jun Person in charge of accounting:Zhu Jun Accounting Dept Leader: Mu Linying 4. Income statement of the Parent Company In RMB Items Amount in this period Amount in last period I. Income from the key business 16,073,030.51 15,990,369.16 Less:Business cost 2,894,005.19 2,631,807.52 Business tax and surcharge 689,044.98 1,339,845.67 Sales expense Administrative expense 4,867,158.87 4,850,781.01 Financial expenses -2,994,195.81 -4,844,617.14 Asset impairment loss -158,361.17 3,608.32 Add:Gains from change of fir value (“-”for loss) Investment gain(“-”for loss) 1,233,485.20 425,128.98 Incl: investment gains from affiliates 533,097.00 425,128.98 II. Operational profit(“-”for loss) 12,008,863.65 12,434,072.76 Add :Non-operational income Including:Income from disposal of non-current assets Less:Non business expenses 1,582.15 13,422.71 Incl:Loss from disposal of non-current 1,582.15 13,422.71 assets III.Total profit(“-”for loss) 12,007,281.50 12,420,650.05 Less:Income tax expenses 2,868,449.07 2,998,880.27 IV. Net profit(“-”for net loss) 9,138,832.43 9,421,769.78 V.Net of profit of other comprehensive i -212,405.21 -2,064,954.32 ncome 19 Shenzhen Textile(Holdings) Co., Ltd. The First Quarterly Report 2017 (I)Other comprehensive income items that will not be reclassified into gains/losses in the subsequent accounting period 1.Re-measurement of defined benefit pl ans of changes in net debt or net assets 2.Other comprehensive income under th e equity method investee can not be recl assified into profit or loss. ( II ) Other comprehensive income that will b -212,405.21 -2,064,954.32 e reclassified into profit or loss. 1.Other comprehensive income under th e equity method investee can be reclassi fied into profit or loss. 2.Gains and losses from changes in fair -59,143.98 -1,951,751.34 value available for sale financial assets 3.Held-to-maturity investments reclassif ied to gains and losses of available for s ale financial assets 4.The effective portion of cash flow hed ges and losses 5.Translation differences in currency fin -153,261.23 -113,202.98 ancial statements 6.Other VI. Total comprehensive income 8,926,427.22 7,356,815.46 VII. Earnings per share: (I)Basic earnings per share (II)Diluted earnings per share 5. Consolidated Cash flow statement In RMB Items Amount in this period Amount in last period I.Cash flows from operating activities Cash received from sales of goods or 332,997,897.84 282,077,183.98 rending of services Net increase of customer deposits 20 Shenzhen Textile(Holdings) Co., Ltd. The First Quarterly Report 2017 and capital kept for brother company Net increase of loans from central bank Net increase of inter-bank loans from other financial bodies Cash received against original insurance contract Net cash received from reinsurance business Net increase of client deposit and investment Net increase of the financial assets that are measured at fair value and whose movement is counted to the current gain and loss Cash received as interest, processing fee and commission Net increase of inter-bank fund received Net increase of repurchasing business Tax returned 16,312,968.63 23,406,358.83 Other cash received from business 27,659,546.06 6,956,677.38 operation Sub-total of cash inflow 376,970,412.53 312,440,220.19 Cash paid for purchasing of 468,216,518.39 267,500,872.97 merchandise and services Net increase of client trade and advance Net increase of savings n central bank and brother company Cash paid for original contract claim Cash paid for interest, processing fee and commission Cash paid for policy dividend Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs 37,100,889.42 36,779,440.93 Taxes paid 23,364,848.38 8,357,518.72 Other cash paid for business activities 34,063,115.30 23,437,627.41 Sub-total of cash outflow from 562,745,371.49 336,075,460.03 business activities 21 Shenzhen Textile(Holdings) Co., Ltd. The First Quarterly Report 2017 Cash flow generated by business -185,774,958.96 -23,635,239.84 operation, net II.Cash flow generated by investing Cash received from investment retrieving Cash received as investment gains 8,456,069.65 Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and 230.00 110.00 other long-term assets Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other operational units Other investment-related cash received 1,450,000,000.00 Sub-total of cash inflow due to 1,458,456,299.65 110.00 investment activities Cash paid for construction of fixed assets, intangible assets and other 107,695,577.41 66,196,756.21 long-term assets Cash paid as investment Net increase of loan against pledge Net cash received from subsidiaries and other operational units Other cash paid for investment 1,365,003,820.51 activities Sub-total of cash outflow due to 1,472,699,397.92 66,196,756.21 investment activities Net cash flow generated by investment -14,243,098.27 -66,196,646.21 III.Cash flow generated by financing Cash received as investment Incl: Cash received as investment from minor shareholders Cash received as loans 17,429,437.87 178,515,198.46 Cash received from bond placing Other financing –related ash received 6.38 Sub-total of cash inflow from financing 17,429,437.87 178,515,204.84 activities Cash to repay debts 12,456,518.01 200,526,057.88 Cash paid as dividend, profit, or 22 Shenzhen Textile(Holdings) Co., Ltd. The First Quarterly Report 2017 interests Incl: Dividend and profit paid by subsidiaries to minor shareholders Other cash paid for financing activities Sub-total of cash outflow due to 12,456,518.01 200,526,057.88 financing activities Net cash flow generated by financing 4,972,919.86 -22,010,853.04 IV. Influence of exchange rate alternation on cash and cash -187,390.72 516,485.66 equivalents V.Net increase of cash and cash -195,232,528.09 -111,326,253.43 equivalents Add: balance of cash and cash 930,114,436.57 748,658,875.60 equivalents at the beginning of term VI ..Balance of cash and cash 734,881,908.48 637,332,622.17 equivalents at the end of term 6. Cash Flow Statement of the Parent Company In RMB Items Amount in this period Amount in last period I.Cash flows from operating activities Cash received from sales of goods or 16,476,892.65 15,537,748.34 rending of services Tax returned Other cash received from business 2,938,581.55 3,691,691.07 operation Sub-total of cash inflow 19,415,474.20 19,229,439.41 Cash paid for purchasing of 793,419.49 852,163.87 merchandise and services Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs 4,778,841.65 5,890,930.96 Taxes paid 3,411,930.91 5,807,699.10 Other cash paid for business activities 1,548,739.26 723,461.72 Sub-total of cash outflow from 10,532,931.31 13,274,255.65 business activities Cash flow generated by business 8,882,542.89 5,955,183.76 operation, net II.Cash flow generated by investing 23 Shenzhen Textile(Holdings) Co., Ltd. The First Quarterly Report 2017 Cash received from investment retrieving Cash received as investment gains 1,447,736.32 7,798,378.51 Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets, and other long-term assets Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other operational units Other investment-related cash received Sub-total of cash inflow due to 1,447,736.32 7,798,378.51 investment activities Cash paid for construction of fixed assets, intangible assets 240,160.00 2,816,314.89 and other long-term assets Cash paid as investment Net cash received from subsidiaries and other operational units Other cash paid for investment 70,000,000.00 activities Sub-total of cash outflow due to 70,240,160.00 2,816,314.89 investment activities Net cash flow generated by investment -68,792,423.68 4,982,063.62 III.Cash flow generated by financing Cash received as investment Cash received as loans Cash received from bond placing 6.38 Other financing –related ash received Sub-total of cash inflow from 6.38 financing activities Cash to repay debts Cash paid as dividend, profit, or interests Other cash paid for financing activities Sub-total of cash outflow due to financing activities Net cash flow generated by financing 6.38 IV. Influence of exchange rate 24 Shenzhen Textile(Holdings) Co., Ltd. The First Quarterly Report 2017 alternation on cash and cash equivalents V.Net increase of cash and cash -59,909,880.79 10,937,253.76 equivalents Add: balance of cash and cash 440,685,610.11 271,582,749.03 equivalents at the beginning of term VI ..Balance of cash and cash 380,775,729.32 282,520,002.79 equivalents at the end of term II. Auditor’ report Is the First Quarterly Report be audited? □ Yes √No The First Quarterly report is not audited. The Board of Directors of Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. April 29,2017 25