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                        Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd.

        2020 Annual Report

            March 2020
     Chapter 1: Important Notice, Table of Contents and Definitions

     The Board of Directors , Supervisory Committee, All Directors, Supervisors and Senior executives of the
Company hereby guarantees that there are no misstatement, misleading representation or important omissions in
this report and shall assume joint and several liability for the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the
contents hereof.

     Ms.Zhang Jian, The Company leader, Mr. He Fei, Person in charge of accounting works, Ms. Zhu
Jingjing ,the person in charge of the accounting department (the person in charge of the accounting hereby
confirm the authenticity and completeness of the financial report enclosed in this annual report.

     All the directors attended the board meeting for the review of this Report.

     The company’s profit distribution plan approved by the board of directors this time is: based on 507,772,279
shares, a cash dividend of 0.3 yuan (tax included) will be distributed to all shareholders for every 10 shares, and 0
shares (tax included) will be given as bonus shares. The capital reserve will not be converted into share capital.
                                           Table of Contents

I.Important Notice, Table of contents and Definitions

II. Basic Information of the Company and Financial index

III. Outline of Company Business

IV. Management’s Discussion and Analysis

V. Important Events

VI. Change of share capital and shareholding of Principal Shareholders

VII. Situation of the Preferred Shares

VIII. Information about convertible corporate bonds

IX. Information about Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives

X. Administrative structure

XI. Corporate Bond

XII. Financial Report

XIII. Documents available for inspection

              Terms to be defined                                              Definition

Company/The Company/ Shen Textile                   Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd

Articles of Association                             Articles of Association of Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd
Actual controller / National Assets Regulatory
                                                    National   Assets    Regulatory    Commission      of   Shenzhen
Commission of Shenzhen Municipal People's
                                                    Municipal People's Government
The      Controlling      shareholder/   Shenzhen
                                                    Shenzhen Investment Holding Co., Ltd.
Investment Holding Co., Ltd.
Shenchao Technology                                 Shenzhen Shenchao Technology Investment Co., Ltd.
SAPO Photoelectric                                  Shenzhen SAPO Photoelectric Co., Ltd.
Jinjiang Group                                      Hangzhou Jinjiang Group Co., Ltd.

Jinhang Investment                                  Hangzhou Jinhang Equity Investment Fund Partnership (LP)

Nitto Denko                                         Nitto Denko Corporation
Kunshan Zhiqimei                                    Kunshan Zhiqimei Material Technology Co., Ltd.
Guanhua Company                                     Shenzhen Guanhua Printing & Dyeing Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Xieli                                      Shenzhen Xieli Automobile Enterprise Co., Ltd.
Covid-19                                            Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Outbreak
Line 6                                              TFT-LCD polarizer II phase Line 6 project
Line 7                                              Industrialization project of polaroid for super large size TV
Company Law                                         Company Law of the People’s Republic of China
Securities Law                                      Securities Law of the People’s Republic of China
The Report                                          2020 Annual Report
   Chapter 2: Basic Information of the Company and Financial index

I.Company Information
Stock abbreviation                 Shen Textile A ,Shen Textile B Stock code             000045,200045
Stock exchange for listing         Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Name in Chinese                    深圳市纺织(集团)股份有限公司
Chinese abbreviation (If any)      深纺织
English name (If any)              SHENZHEN TEXTILE (HOLDINGS) CO.,LTD
English abbreviation (If any)      STHC
Legal Representative               Zhang Jian
Registered address                 6/F, Shenfang Building, No.3 Huaqiang North Road, Futian District, Shenzhen
Postal code of the Registered
Office Address                     6/F, Shenfang Building, No.3 Huaqiang North Road, Futian District, Shenzhen
Postal code of the office address 518031
Internet Web Site                  http://www.chinasthc.com
E-mail                             szfzjt@chinasthc.com

Ⅱ.Contact person and contact manner
                    Board secretary                                Securities affairs Representative
Name                Jiang Peng                                     Li Zhenyu
                    6/F, Shenfang Building, No.3 Huaqiang North 6/F, Shenfang Building, No.3 Huaqiang North
Contact address
                    Road, Futian District, Shenzhen                Road, Futian District, Shenzhen
Tel                 0755-83776043                                  0755-83776043
Fax                 0755-83776139                                  0755-83776139
E-mail              jiangp@chinasthc.com                           lizy@chinasthc.com

Ⅲ. Information disclosure and placed
Newspapers selected by the Company for Securities             Times,   China   Securities,   Shanghai   Securities
information disclosure                          Daily ,Securities Daily and Hongkong Commercial Daily.
Internet website designated by CSRC for
publishing the Annual report of the Company
The place where the Annual report is prepared
                                                    Secretarial office of the Board
and placed

Ⅳ.Changes in Registration
Organization Code            19217374-9
                             In July 2012, The business scope of the company is changed to "production, textiles
                             processing, knitwear, clothing, upholstery fabrics, belts, trademark bands, handicrafts
                             (without restrictions); general merchandise, the special equipment of the textile
                             industry, textile equipment and accessories, instruments, standard parts, raw textile
                             materials, dyes, electronic products, chemical products, mechanical and electrical
                             equipment, light industrial products, office supplies and domestic trade (excluding the
                             franchise, the control and the monopoly of goods) ; operation of import and export
Changes in principal
business activities since
                             In December 2018, approved by Shenzhen Market Supervisory Authority, the
listing (if any)
                             company's business scope was changed to: production and operation of polarizers and
                             other optical film products; hotel and property leasing and management; production and
                             processing of textiles, knitwear, clothing, and decorative fabrics , Belts, trademark belts,
                             handicrafts (excluding restricted items); department stores, special equipment for the
                             textile industry, textile equipment and accessories, meters, standard parts, textile raw
                             materials, dyes, electronic products, chemical products, electromechanical equipment,
                             textile products, office Supplies and domestic trade (excluding franchise, control, and
                             monopoly commodities); import and export business.

                             In October 2004,In accordance with the Decision on Establishing Shenzhen Investment
                             Holdings Co., Ltd. issued by State-owned Assets Administration Committee of
Changes        is      the
                             Shenzhen Municipal People's Government (Shen Guo Zi Wei (2004) No. 223
controlling shareholder
                             Document), Shenzhen Investment Management Co., Ltd., the controlling shareholder of
in the past (is any)
                             the Company, and Shenzhen Construction Holding Company and Shenzhen Commerce
                             and Trade Holding Company merged into Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd.

Ⅴ. Other Relevant Information
CPAs engaged
Name of the CPAs                    Grant Thornton International Ltd(Special Geneaal Partnership)
Office address:                    5/F, Scitech Plaza, 22 Jianguomenwai Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Names of the Certified Public
                                    Cheng Zhiyao, Li Yao
Accountants as the signatories

The sponsor performing persist ant supervision duties engaged by the Company in the reporting period.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The sponsor performing persist ant supervision duties engaged by the Company in the reporting period.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VI.Summary of Accounting data and Financial index
May the Company make retroactive adjustment or restatement of the accounting data of the previous years

□ Yes √ No

                                                     2020              2019           Changed over last year(%)       2018

Operating income(RMB)                         2,108,964,687.80 2,158,184,855.71                         -2.28%     1,272,356,771.34

Net profit attributable to the shareholders
                                                  37,267,995.74      19,679,910.43                       89.37%        -22,980,624.93
of the listed company(RMB)

Net profit after deducting of non-recurring
gain/loss attributable to the shareholders of     18,084,607.04     -41,179,849.56                      143.92%        -65,404,429.81
listed company(RMB)

Cash flow generated by business operation,
                                                   1,930,932.76     383,145,788.50                      -99.50%      -460,494,321.15

Basic earning per share(RMB/Share)                           0.07              0.04                      75.00%                 -0.04

Diluted gains per
                                                             0.07              0.04                      75.00%                 -0.04

Weighted average ROE(%)                                     1.36%             0.75%                       0.61%               -0.96%

                                                     2020              2019           Changed over last year(%)       2018

Gross assets(RMB)                             4,969,547,552.23 4,531,399,885.99                         9.67%      4,619,203,416.79

Net assets attributable to shareholders of
                                                2,766,234,174.39 2,727,764,144.36                         1.41%      2,373,329,991.86
the listed company(RMB)

VII.The differences between domestic and international accounting


1.Simultaneously pursuant to both Chinese accounting standards and international accounting standards disclosed
in the financial reports of differences in net income and net assets.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

2. Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under overseas and Chinese
accounting standards.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VIII.Main Financial Index by Quarters
                                                     First quarter      Second quarter      Third quarter          Fourth quarter
Operating income                                    384,038,897.58 472,274,451.16           616,632,602.23 636,018,736.83
Net profit attributable to the shareholders
                                                     -5,827,092.54         6,546,827.28      24,726,413.83          11,821,847.17
of the listed company
Net profit after deducting of
non-recurring gain/loss attributable to the          -9,495,160.00         2,377,214.57      20,780,909.95            4,421,642.52
shareholders of listed company
Net Cash flow generated by business
                                                    -84,585,231.55       -51,034,243.68      85,768,341.55          51,782,066.44

Whether significant variances exist between the above financial index or the index with its sum and the financial
index of the quarterly report as well as semi-annual report index disclosed by the Company.

□ Yes √No

IX.Items and amount of non-current gains and losses
√Applicable □ Not applicable

Items                                             Amount (2020) Amount (2019) Amount (2018) Notes

Non-current asset disposal gain/loss(including

the write-off part for which assets impairment        273,229.58     54,895,878.65      -97,477.14

provision is made)

Govemment subsidy recognized in current gain                                                         Mainly due to recognize other

and loss(excluding those closely related to the                                                      income from government
                                                   29,506,252.69     27,547,902.92   17,228,202.21
Company’s business and granted under the                                                            subsidies related to the main

state’s policies)                                                                                   business.

Gain/loss on entrusting others with investment
                                                     1,037,735.85                    52,271,862.25
or asset management

Switch back of provision for depreciation of

account receivable which was singly taken                              469,470.61

depreciation test.

Other non-recurring Gains/loss items                 1,310,556.26     4,582,973.27    1,143,552.02

Less :Influenced amount of income tax                  53,313.37     13,886,055.96       48,007.18
Influenced amount of minor shareholders’
                                            11,853,336.46   12,750,409.50   28,074,327.28
equity (after tax)

Total                                       19,183,388.70   60,859,759.99   42,423,804.88 --

For the Company’s non-recurring gain/loss items as defined in the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on
information disclosure for Companies Offering their Securities to the Public-Non-recurring Gains and Losses and
its non-recurring gain/loss items as illustrated in the Explanatory Announcement No.1 on information Disclosure
for Companies offering their securities to the public-non-recurring Gains and losses which have been defined as
recurring gains and losses, it is necessary to explain the reason.

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

None of Non-recurring gain /loss items recorgnized as recurring gain /loss/items as defined by the information
disclosure explanatory Announcement No.1- Non –recurring gain/loss in the report period.
                                   Chapter 3: Business Profile

I. Main Business the Company is Engaged in During the Report Period
1. Main Business the Company
     The company's main business covered such the high and new technology industry as represented by LCD
polarizer, its own property management business and the retained business of high-end textile and garment.

      During the reporting period, the company's main business did not have big change. Firstly, The company
adjusted its marketing strategy, optimized its customer and product structure, and successfully completed the
introduction and mass production of multiple projects for panel customers such as LGD, Huaxing Optoelectronics,
Huike, and Sharp to further enhance its anti-risk and profitability capabilities. Secondly, Actively promote cost
reduction and quality improvement, reduce costs through various measures such as increasing machine speed,
equipment and technological transformation, upgrading the level of automation in the back-end, and broadening
procurement channels, while taking into account the improvement of product quality. Thirdly, actively respond to
the COVID-19, overcome the adverse effects, and make every effort to promote the construction of the
ultra-large-size TV polarizer industrialization project (line 7). The line 7 project was affected by the epidemic and
resumed work in mid-March 2020. The company adopted strict control of the epidemic Measures such as
prevention and control, actively coordinating the entry of Japanese technical personnel into the factory, and
formulating a special assessment plan for the construction of Line 7 projects to accelerate the progress of the
project to the greatest extent.. Fourthly, in order to jointly respond to the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic
and actively fulfill social responsibilities, the company and its wholly-owned enterprises responded to the call of
the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee and the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration
Commission to reduce or exempt some tenants of self-owned properties (except residential properties) for 3
months . Fifthly, the textile industry makes full use of my country's advantages of effective epidemic prevention
and control and early resumption of work and production, actively seizing market share, and achieving both
growth in operating income and net profit. Sixthly, in order to improve the company's overall asset operation
capability and revitalize the stock assets, the company implements transfer and liquidation work for the poorly
managed shareholding companies, and concentrates on the development of the polarizer business. Seventhly,
implement the epidemic prevention and control work, pay attention to safe and green production, the company has
set up a special class for epidemic prevention and control, and formed an efficient epidemic prevention work
mechanism with division of responsibility, layer-by-layer transmission, and coordination to ensure the
implementation of various deployment measures, centralized rectification, and focus Investigate safety and
environmental issues, promote the safe and stable development of enterprises, and actively fulfill social
2. The company's main products and uses
      Polarizers are the upstream raw material of LCD panels and one of the key basic materials in the flat panel
display industry. They are widely used in smart phones, tablet computers, TVs and other LCD panels, OLED
display panels, as well as filters for instruments, sunglasses, and photographic equipment. Many fields such as
light microscopy. The company currently has 6 mass-produced polarizer production lines. The products cover TN,
STN, TFT, OLED, 3D, dye films, optical films for touch screens and other fields. They are mainly used in TV, NB,
navigator, Monitor, automotive, industrial control, Instruments, smart phones, wearable devices, 3D glasses,
sunglasses and other products, the company has become a mainstream panel company such as Huaxing
Optoelectronics, BOE, Sharp, LGD, Shenzhen Tianma, Huike, etc. by continuously strengthening sales channel
expansion and building its own brand. Qualified suppliers.

    The Company's main products made in each polarizer production line and their application are as follows:

      Line            Place         Product breadth          Planned capacity              Main products
      Line 1         Pingshan           500mm                   600,000 m2               TN/STN/ dye film
      Line 2         Pingshan           500mm                 1.2 million m2              TN/STN/CSTN
      Line 3         Pingshan           650mm                  1 million m2                    TFT
      Line 4         Pingshan           1490mm                 6 million m2                    TFT
      Line 5         Pingshan           650mm                  2 million m2                    TFT
      Line 6         Pingshan           1490mm                 10 million m2                TFT/OLED
      Line 7         Pingshan           2500mm                 32 million m2                TFT/OLED

3. Company's business model
     The polarizer industry has gradually shifted from a traditional business model of R&D, production, and sales
to a customer-centric, joint research and development, and comprehensive service business model. By
understanding customer needs, joint research and develop, manage high-standard production, manufacture
high-quality products, use advanced polarizer roll and attaching equipment to cooperate with downstream panel
manufacturers' production lines, reduce production links, reduce production and transportation costs, and create
value for customers, win-win.

4. Major factors for driving the Company's performance
    Refer to "III. Analysis on core competitiveness" in this section for details.

5. Development stage and periodic characteristics of the industry where the Company is
involved and the Company's position in the industry
    Refer to "IX. Company's outlook for future development" in Section IV for details.

     In the future, the company will rely on more than 20 years of industrial operation experience and location
advantages to continue to deepen the reform of mixed ownership and strengthen strategic cooperation. Through
the integration of industrial resources, improve production technology and management level; at the same time,
seize market opportunities, make every effort to promote the construction of ultra-wide polarizer production line,
and seize the high-margin ultra-large-size LCD TV polarizer product market; make polarizers well The industry
also extends to other flat-panel display-related optical film industries, and then becomes stronger, bigger and

II. Major Changes in Main Assets
1. Major Changes in Main Assets

Main assets               Major changes

Equity assets             No major changes
Fixed assets              No major changes
Intangible assets          No major changes
                           Construction in progress increased by 46,188.39 million yuan year on year, with an
Construction in process increase of 54.99%, mainly due to the increase in construction investment in progress
                           of the polarizer industrialization project for ultra-large television (Line 7).
                           Monetary funds decreased by 6,041.32 million yuan year on year,with a decrease of
                           14.75%, mainly due to: firstly, the investment in the construction of Line 7 of the
Monetary funds
                           polarizer industrialization project for ultra-large TV; Secondly, the purchase of
                           financial products.
                           Trading financial assets decreased by 14,538.27 million yuan year on year, with an
                           decrease of 17.52%, mainly due to the decrease in investing the purchase of financial
                           products. Trading financial assets
                           Notes receivable decreased by 2,361.09 million yuan year on year ,with an decrease of
Notes receivable           58.41%, mainly due to the Banker's acceptance according to the management needs of
                           reclassification adjustment for receivables financing.
                           repayments Increased by 18,198.52 million yuan year on year, with a Increase of
Account receivable
                           49.81%, mainly due to the Increase in sales of polarizer.
                           Receivables financing increased by 8,411.77 million yuan year on year, with an
Receivables financing      increase of 460.05%, mainly due to the significantly increase in                  customer of
                           acceptance and settlement this year.
                           Interest receivable decreased by 761 million yuan year on year, with an decrease of
Interest receivable        100%,mainly due to the reclassification of Interest receivable to Trading financial
                           assets under the new financial instrument standards for the first time.
                           Other current assets decreased by 6,338.29 million yuan year on year, with a decrease
Other current assets
                           of 45.01%, mainly due to the reduction of uncertified VAT to be deducted.
                           Inventory increased by 8,912.9 million yuan, with a Increase of 22.75%, mainly due to
                           the need for the preparation of polarizer.
2. Main Conditions of Overseas Assets
□ Applicable   √ Not applicable

III.      Analysis On core Competitiveness
     (1) Technology advantages. SAPO Photoelectric is the first domestic national high-tech company which
entered into the R&D and production of the polarizer,We are one of the largest, most technical and professional
polarizer R&D teams in the country and has more than 20 years of operating experience in the polarizer industry.
Products include TN-type, STN-type, IPS-TFT-type, VA-TFT-type,OLED, vehicle-mounted industrial display,
flexible display, 3D stereo and polarizer for sunglasses, and optical film for touch screens, etc., We have
proprietary technology for polarizers and new intellectual property rights for various new products. By the end of
the reporting period, the company applied for 107 invention patents and was authorized with 79 items, among
which: 32 domestic invention patents(14 patents got authorized); 68 domestic utility model patents(61 patents got
authorized); 1 overseas invention patent(0 patents got authorized); 6 overseas utility model patents(4 patents got
authorized). There were 4 national standards and 2 industrial standards that were developed by the company are
approved and then will be implemented. The company, possessing the two technology platforms “ Shenzhen
polarizing materials and engineering laboratory" and "Municipal research and development center", focused on
the R&D and the industrialization of the core production technology of LCD polarizer, the developing and
industrialization of the new products of OLED polarizer and the “domestication” research on the production
materials of polarizer. Through the introduction of various types of sophisticated testing equipments to perfect the
test means of small-scale test and medium-scale test, further by improving the incentive system of research and
development and building the collaborative innovation platform of“Industry-Study-Research-Utilization”and so
forth means, the company comprehensively enhanced the level of research and development.

     (2) Talents advantages. The Company has a polarizer management team and a team of senior technicians
with strong technical ability, long-term cooperation, rich experience and international vision. Through open
market selection, the Company has hired professional senior management personnel, built a team of professional
managers, cultivated a professional manager culture and enhanced the core competitiveness of the enterprise. The
Company has established a technical cooperation relationship with Nitto Denko Corporation, a world-class
polarizer manufacturer, to learn advanced polarizer production management concepts. Meanwhile, the Company
has accumulated technical experience through independent innovation, improved its core competitiveness, and
gradually accumulated its own advantages in brand, technology, operation and management. Through improving
the salary assessment management system, enriching the connotation of learning-based organizations, and
implementing institutional and cultural construction such as medium-term and long-term incentive and restraint
mechanisms, the Company has deeply bound the interests of employees with the Company, and fully stimulated
the subjective initiative of talents.

     In 2019, in order to improve the operating conditions of SSAPO Photoelectric, a subsidiary of the Company,
further promote the implementation of specialization, professionalization and marketization of management
personnel and optimize the management team, SAPO Photoelectric openly organized market-oriented selection of
management teams for talents of the whole society in accordance with the relevant spirit of Shenzhen Municipal
State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission regarding the promotion of professional
manager team construction and in combination with the management situation of SAPO Photoelectric. As of the
end of this reporting period, SAPO Photoelectric has completed the organization registration, qualification
examination and interview selection of the marketing selection management team. The 3 professional managers
selected in the market have been deployed for post in January 2020.

     (3) Market advantages. The company has good customer groups not only in domestic market but in foreign
market, compared with foreign advanced counterparts, the biggest advantage lies in the localization for supporting,
close to the panel market, as well as the strong support of the national policy. In terms of market demand, with the
mass production of the 10.5/11-generation TFT-LCD panel production lines under construction and planned for
the next few years, the production capacity of high-generation TFT-LCD panels in mainland China will increase
significantly in the next few years, the corresponding domestic polaroid film market demand has also increased,
and the domestic market is the most important market for polaroid manufacturers, especially in the large-size
polarizer market. Mainland polarizer manufacturers will usher in important industry opportunities; in terms of
market development, the company takes production material control as the core, technology services as the guide,
customer needs as the focus, organically combines production and sales, establishes a rapid response mechanism,
fully exploits localization advantages, and uses its own accumulated technology and talents, does a good job of
peer-to-peer professional services, forms a stable supply chain and increases market share.

     (4) Quality advantages. The company always adhered to the quality policy of "Satisfying customer demands
and pursuing excellent quality" and focused on product quality control. The company strictly controls product
performance indicators, standardizes inspection standards for incoming materials, starts with quality improvement
and consumption reduction, and achieves simultaneous increase in output and quality; through the introduction of
a modern quality management system, the products have passed ISO9001 Quality Management System and
ISO14001 Environmental Management System, OHSAS18000 Occupational Health and Safety Management
System, QCO80000 System Certification; the product is tested by SGS and meets the environmental
protection ,The company had increased the automatic detecting and marking equipments in the beginning section
and the ending section, strictly controlled the product quality and improved the product utilization rate and
product management efficiency.

      (5) Management advantages. SAPO Photoelectric has accumulated rich management experiences in more
than 20 years in the manufacturing of polarizer, possessing the home most advanced control technology of the
production management process of the polarizer and quality management technology and the stable raw material
procurement channel so forth management systems. The company had carried out comprehensive benchmarking
work, organized the management personnel to learn advanced experiences from customers and peers to force the
elevation of management ability, and drew on the foreign company ’ s management experiences of polarizer,
optimized the company's organizational structure, reduced the managerial hierarchy and further enhanced the
company's management efficiency. After the introduction of the strategic investor, Through close cooperation with
Jinjiang Group, we complement each other's strengths, absorb the vitality of private enterprises, continue to
implement advanced management systems, reasonable incentive mechanisms, etc., improve the efficiency of
decision-making, enhance the speed of market response, improve the research and development incentive system,
and also realize the deep integration of the value of the company and its employees and stimulates the new vitality
of the business.

     (6) Policy advantages. Polarizer is seen as an essential part of the panel display industry and SAPO
Photoelectric in its development has promoted the supply capacity of national polarizers, greatly lowered the
dependence of national panel enterprises on imported polarizers, and safeguarded the national panel industry,
which serves as a good facilitator to enhancing the overall competitiveness of China's panel industry chain and
coordinated development of the whole industry chain of the panel display industry cluster in Shenzhen.
Recognized as a national high-tech enterprise, the Company is entitled to the preferential policy for duty-free
import of own productive raw materials that cannot be produced at home and frequently gained national,
provincial and municipal policy and financial support in its polarizer projects. Meanwhile, the Company tightened
supplier management, improved its overall purchasing strategy, and downsized suppliers while introducing a
competitive mechanism, wherein focus was given to introduction of new materials at a competitive price, to
further lower its production cost and improve its product competitiveness.
              Chapter 4: Management’s Discussion and Analysis

I. General
     In 2020, in the face of the adverse impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, the company did its best to prevent
and control the epidemic and resume work and production, strive to reduce losses and increase profits in the main
work of polarizer, speed up the construction of Line 7 project, respond to the call of the municipal party
committee and government, the municipal State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission and
Shenzhen Investment Control, and reduce rent and fees to support the real economy to overcome difficulties.

      In 2020, the company achieved operating income of 2.109 billion yuan, 2.28% less than the same period last
year; The total profit was 51,218,900 yuan, an increase of 437.31% over the same period last year; Net profit
attributable to shareholders of the listed company was 36.93338 million yuan, an increase of 87.67% over the
same period last year. Revenues fall modestly from last year , the main reason is to jointly cope with COVID - 19
outbreak, actively fulfill the social responsibility, the company and its wholly owned enterprises response to the
call of shenzhen municipal party committee municipal government and the state-owned assets supervision and
administration, breaks its own property (in addition to residential property) of a part of the tenant: 3 months this
year, the rental income fell during the reporting period; Second, during this reporting period, the subsidiary SAPO
Photoelectri did not carry out trade business, and the income from trade business decreased compared with the
same period last year. the main reason of the net profit year-on-year growth of Attributable to shareholders of
listed companies is benefit from improving of two to four quarter polaroid 2020 market conditions, adjustment
effect of SAPO Photoelectri orders for products structure is remarkable, capacity has improved, the average gross
margin level has improved, main business of polarizer turned a loss into a profit this year.

     Review of the company's key works carried out in 2020 as follows:

1. main business of polarizer turned a loss into a profit
     In 2020 , first, the company will adjust its marketing strategy, optimize its customer and product structure,
and successfully complete the introduction and mass production of multiple projects for panel customers such as
LGD, Huaxing Optoelectronics, Huike, and Sharp, to further improve anti-risk and profitability; Second, the
company actively promotes cost reduction and quality improvement, reducing costs and improving product
quality through a number of measures such as increasing machine speed, equipment and technological
transformation, upgrading the level of automation in the back-end, and broadening procurement channels, while
also improving product quality; third, increasing talent Recruitment efforts, reforming the salary structure, and
stimulating the vitality of employees..

      Meanwhile, the Company continued to explore R&D innovation and intensify the development of
independent intellectual property rights. Its research and development were combined with the actual market
conditions to carry out product development and market promotion and import, so as to improve product
performance. In 2020,, we carried out R&D and import of a variety of coating adhesive materials, key technology
processes, and new products, totaling 13 items. we applied for 8 patents, including 2 invention patents and 6
utility model patents, obtained 4 authorized patents, including 3 invention patents and 1 utility model patent.
2. The profitability of the textile business rose steadily, property companies responded to the
call for rent reduction and exemption.
      At the beginning of 2020, due to the impact of the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic, my country's
textile and garment industry exports were blocked. The company took the initiative to overcome labor shortages
and other difficulties, and took full advantage of my country's effective epidemic prevention and control and early
resumption of production to actively seize market share and achieve both growth in operating income and net

    In 2020, the company actively responded to the call of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal
Government, fulfilled its social responsibilities, implemented property rent reduction measures, and reduced or
exempted eligible tenants from rent for three months.

3. Actively promote the construction of the industrialization project of ultra-large-size TV
     At the beginning of 2020, the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic had a certain impact on the company’s
construction of the company’s ultra-large-size TV polarizer industrialization project (hereinafter referred to as
"Line 7"). The company actively responded to it. While doing a good job in epidemic prevention, the company
actively cooperated with the government. Departmental communication, one is to promote the full resumption of
work of the Line 7 project on March 12, 2020, the other is to overcome difficulties and to promote two groups of
Japanese technicians to arrive at the factory, and the third is that the company has formulated a special assessment
plan for the line 7 project to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of project personnel And initiative. Through the
implementation of various measures, the project construction progress will be accelerated to the greatest extent.

     As of December 31, 2020, the civil engineering of the Line 7 project has basically been completed, and the
preliminary acceptance of the clean area of the main production workshop has been completed; in terms of
process equipment, the main equipment such as the extension machine, the coating machine, and the
anti-checking machine has been installed and commissioned In the stage, the overall commissioning will be
completed in late March 2021 and enter trial production.

4. Effectively organize epidemic prevention and control, production safety, stable and orderly
     During the reporting period, the company first strengthened organization and leadership to effectively
prevent and control the epidemic. A special class for epidemic prevention and control has been set up to refine the
division of responsibilities, form an efficient epidemic prevention work mechanism with division of responsibility,
layer-by-layer transmission, and coordination, and weave a network of epidemic prevention responsibility to
ensure that various deployment measures are implemented to effectively protect the lives of employees. The
second is to increase investment in environmental protection, and production is safety,stable and orderly. The
company pays attention to environmental protection and safety, continuously increases safety investment, and at
the same time fully implements the regulations on the main responsibility of production safety for production and
business units.

5. Strengthened safety awareness and earnestly well ensured safety and environmental
     In 2020, the company’s party committee, under the correct leadership of the municipal SASAC party
committee and the investment control company’s party committee, will thoroughly study and implement Xi
Jinping’s thoughts on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. General Secretary Xi Jinping will
attend the 40th anniversary celebration of the establishment of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone and inspect
Guangdong and Shenzhen. The spirit of the speech and important instructions and the spirit of the Fifth Plenary
Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, resolutely implement the feedback from
the inspections of the superior party committee, and carry out the party member education "five one" project
activities and the "one enterprise, one brand" party building innovation activities, and actively give full play to all
levels The role of party organizations and party members in epidemic prevention and control and resumption of
work and production provides a strong guarantee for the reform, development and stability of enterprises..

II. Main business analysis
1. General
Refer to relevant contents of “1.Summarization” in “Discussion and Analysis of Management”.

2. Revenue and cost
     (1) Component of Business Income

                                       2020                              2019                            Increase
                                       Amount                Proportion Amount              Proportion /decrease
Total operating revenue                 2,108,964,687.80         100% 2,158,184,855.71            100%       -2.28%
On Industry
Manufacturing                           2,012,255,019.03        95.41% 1,475,804,647.66         68.38%       36.35%
Lease and Management of Property           85,177,866.03         4.04%     106,372,055.25        4.93%      -19.92%
Domestic and foreign trade                            0.00       0.00%     517,020,991.54       23.96%     -100.00%
Other                                      11,531,802.74         0.55%      58,987,161.26        2.73%      -80.45%
On Products
Lease and Management of Property           85,177,866.03         4.04%     106,372,055.25        4.93%      -19.92%
Textile                                    60,503,325.78         2.87%      46,047,351.10        2.13%       31.39%
Polarizer sheet                         1,951,751,693.25        92.55% 1,429,757,296.56         66.25%       36.51%
Trade                                                 0.00       0.00%     517,020,991.54       23.96%     -100.00%
Other                                      11,531,802.74         0.55%      58,987,161.26        2.73%      -80.45%
Domestic                                1,768,190,864.75        83.84% 1,981,314,469.39         91.80%      -10.76%
Overseas                                  340,773,823.05        16.16%     176,870,386.32        8.20%       92.67%

     (2) Situation of Industry, Product and District Occupying the Company’s Business Income and Operating
Profit with Profit over 10%

√Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                        Increase/decrea Increase/decrea
                                                                                                                se    of    gross
                                                                        se of revenue se of business
                                                             Gross                                              profit rate over
                                                                        in    the     same cost over the
                    Turnover            Operation cost       profit                                             the          same
                                                                        period of the same period of
                                                             rate(%)                                            period of the
                                                                        previous             previous    year
                                                                                                                previous     year
                                                                        year(%)              (%)
On Industry
Manufacturing 2,012,255,019.03 1,786,199,780.24                11.23%               36.35%            26.85%                6.65%
Lease         and      85,177,866.03         21,892,925.24     74.30%           -19.92%               -9.26%               -3.02%
of Property
On Products
Polarizer sheet 1,951,751,693.25 1,737,733,572.46              10.97%               36.51%            26.94%                6.72%
Lease         and      85,177,866.03         21,892,925.24     74.30%           -19.92%               -9.26%               -3.02%
of Property
Textile                60,503,325.78         48,466,207.78     19.89%               31.39%            23.74%                4.95%
Domestic            1,768,190,864.75 1,532,415,314.75          13.33%           -10.76%              -12.53%                1.75%
Overseas              340,773,823.05        281,883,080.27     17.28%               92.67%            71.83%               10.03%

Under circumstances of adjustment in reporting period for statistic scope of main business data, adjusted main
business based on latest on year’s scope of period-end.

□ Applicable     √Not applicable

     (3) Whether the Company’s Physical Sales Income Exceeded Service Income

√ Yes    □ No

Classification      Items            Unit                      2020                   2019                    Changes
                    Sales            (0000’ square meters)              2,131.28                   1,797.1                18.60%
Polarizer sheet Production           (0000’ square meters)              2,124.96                  1,806.66                17.62%
                    Stock            (0000’ square meters)                  121.69                 128.01                 -4.94%
                    Sales            0000’ pieces                             358                      257                39.30%
Knitted clothing Production          0000’ pieces                             385                      261                47.51%
                    Stock            0000’ pieces                              80                       53                50.94%

Explanation for a year-on –year change of over 30%
√Applicable □ Not applicable

The production volume of polarizers was 62.73% and the Sales volume increased by 62.73%, TFT-LCD Phase II
Line 6 was put into production in the second half of 2018. The production capacity was released in the same year,
with a year-on-year increase on sales volume.

    (4) Degree of Performance of the Significant Sales Contract Signed up to this Report Period

□ Applicable √Not applicable

    (5) Component of business cost

                                            Industry and product classification
                                                                                                                       In RMB
                                           2020                                  2019
                                                                 Proportion in                   Proportion in
Industry                Items                                                                                     Decrease
                                           Amount                the operating Amount            the operating
                                                                 costs (%)                       costs (%)
                        Polarizer sheet, 1,786,199,780.24              98.45% 1,408,148,827.           71.35%       26.85%
                        Knitted clothing                                                    10
Lease             and                         21,892,925.24             1.21% 24,128,173.53             1.22%          -9.26%
Management         of
Domestic          and Polarizer sheet,                   0.00           0.00% 483,603,729.67           24.50% -100.00%
foreign trade           Textile
Other                   Other                     6,205,689.54          0.34% 57,614,878.05             2.92%      -89.23%

                                                                                                                       In RMB
                                            2020                                 2019
Classification of                                                  Proportion                      Proportion
                    Items                                                                                         Decrease(
products                                    Amount                 in operation Amount             in operation
                                                                   costs(%)                        costs(%)
Polarizer sheet     Direct materials         1,469,077,219.74          80.97%                           55.46%      34.23%
Polarizer sheet     Direct labor                  50,884,076.28          2.80%     46,306,446.19         2.35%          9.89%
Polarizer sheet     Power costs                   44,834,128.46          2.47%     46,800,313.93         2.37%         -4.20%
Polarizer sheet     Manufacturing costs       172,598,639.68             9.51% 181,388,859.24            9.19%         -4.85%
Knitted clothing Direct materials                 30,107,965.70          1.66%     20,014,843.33         1.01%      50.43%
Knitted clothing Direct labor               10,388,237.67          0.57%     9,480,251.60        0.48%      9.58%
Knitted clothing Power costs                  1,256,258.98         0.07%     1,370,323.40        0.07%      -8.32%
Knitted clothing Manufacturing costs          7,251,535.16         0.40%     8,301,545.82        0.42% -12.65%

     (6) Whether Changes Occurred in Consolidation Scope in the Report Period

√Yes   □No

As of December 31, 2020, the company has included 8 subsidiaries in the scope of consolidation. For details,
please refer to Section 12-9, 1 "Equity in Subsidiaries" of this report. The scope of the company's consolidation
this year increased by one household compared to the previous year. For details, please refer to Section 12-8, 5
"Changes in Consolidation Scope for Other Reasons" of this report.

   (7) Relevant Situation of Significant Changes or Adjustment of the Business, Product or Service in the
Company’s Report Period

□ Applicable   √Not applicable

     (8) Situation of Main Customers and Main Supplier

Information of Main Customers

Total sales amount to top 5 customers (RMB)                                                      1,347,057,923.29
Proportion of sales to top 5 customers in the annual sales(%)                                              63.86%
Proportion of the sales volume to the top five customers in the total                                       5.24%
sales to the related parties in the year

Information of the Company’s top 5 customers

No       Name                              Amount(RMB)                          Proportion(%)
1        Customer 1                                           760,941,270.04                               36.08%
2        Customer 2                                           173,448,174.15                                8.22%
3        Customer 3                                           172,152,298.18                                8.16%
4        Customer 4                                           129,970,966.64                                6.16%
5        Customer 5                                           110,545,214.28                                5.24%
Total    --                                                  1,347,057,923.29                              63.86%

Other Note:

√Applicable    □Not applicable

    In the report period, the Company bore a relation with the Third biggest client of the top five clients but the
Company's directors, supervisors, senior executives, key management and technical personnel, shareholders with
more than 5% of shares, actual controllers and other related parties had no direct or indirect rights or interests in
any key client.
Principal suppliers

Total purchase of top 5 Suppliers(RMB)                                                               725,936,071.57
Percentage of total purchase of top 5 suppliers In total annual purchase(%)                                     43.16%
Proportion of purchase amount from the top 5 suppliers in the total purchase
amount from the related parties in the year

Information about the top 5 suppliers

No         Name                                    Amount(RMB)                 Proportion
1          Supplier 1                                           204,282,036.36                                  12.14%
2          Supplier 2                                           153,042,316.73                                   9.10%
3          Supplier 3                                           147,346,299.63                                   8.76%
4          Supplier 4                                           112,838,305.95                                   6.71%
5          Supplier 5                                           108,427,112.90                                   6.45%
Total      --                                                   725,936,071.57                                  43.16%

Other Notes:

√Applicable      □Not applicable

     In the report period, the Company bore a relation with the first suppliers of the top five suppliers but the
Company's directors,and the directors, supervisors and senior management, core technical staff, shareholders with
holding of more than 5% stocks, actual controllers and other affiliated parties do not have direct or indirect equity
of the major suppliers.
3. Expenses
                                                                                                                In RMB
                      2020               2019            Increase/Decrease(%) Notes
Sale expenses                                                                  Main reason is that the increase in the
                                                                               proportion     of   sales   of   channel
                                                                               vendors has led to an increase in
                                                                               service commissions year-on-year,
                       28,644,230.87 20,785,078.66                    37.81%
                                                                               and the increase in long-distance
                                                                               sales and improved transportation
                                                                               conditions have led to an increase in
                                                                               transportation costs.
Administration         105,094,934.3
                                         96,870,842.37                 8.49%
expenses                             6
                                                                          Mainly due to the exchange loss
Financial expenses     8,287,888.28 15,862,799.64               -47.75%
                                                                          increased year-on-year.
R & D cost            67,160,964.22 53,178,714.33                26.29%
4. R& D Expenses
√Applicable □ Not applicable

In 2020, the R&D Department will carry out a total of 13 R&D projects, involving the development and research
of IPS-PET, NR01 (TV and commercial display), IPS-05, MNT, wide-format IPS 06 and other products, and has
achieved fruitful results.

1、 Multi-size commercial display/MNT products have been verified by multiple clients to achieve mass

2、 The 55-inch TV realized the first mass production supply in the L and H company, and the 65-inch TV
realized the mass production supply in the C company;

3、 The IPS 05 blind hole project was verified by the head module factory and mass production was realized;

4、 The IPS 06 product was successfully imported into the client to achieve mass production.

Situation of Research and Development Input by the Company

                                                        2020              2019             Increase/Decrease(%)
Number of Research and Development persons (persons)                169             163                  3.68%
Proportion of Research and Development persons                  12.34%           12.18%                  0.16%
Amount of Research and Development Investment
                                                          67,160,964.22 53,178,714.33                   26.29%
( RMB)
Proportion of Research and Development Investment of
                                                                 3.18%            2.46%                  0.72%
Operation Revenue
Amount of Research and Development Investment
                                                                   0.00             0.00                 0.00%
Capitalization ( RMB)
Proportion of Capitalization Research and Development
                                                                 0.00%            0.00%                  0.00%
Investment of Research and Development Investment

The Reason of the Prominent Change in Total Amount of Research and Development Input Occupying the
Business Income Year on Year

□ Applicable   √ Not applicable

Explanation of the Reason for Substantial Changes in the Research and Development Input’s Capitalization Rate
and Its Reasonableness

□ Applicable   √ Not applicable

5. Cash Flow
                                                                                                         In RMB
Items                                                  2019                  2018                Increase/Decrease(%)
Subtotal of cash inflow received from operation
                                                       2,067,129,172.79 2,339,186,620.64                     -11.63%
Subtotal of cash outflow received from operation
                                                       2,065,198,240.03 1,956,040,832.14                       5.58%
Net cash flow arising from operating activities               1,930,932.76     383,145,788.50                -99.50%
Subtotal of cash inflow received from investing
                                                       3,253,008,414.70 4,231,006,091.64                     -23.12%
Subtotal of cash outflow for investment activities     3,572,079,379.14 5,175,229,656.48                     -30.98%
Net cash flow arising from investment activities        -319,070,964.44        -944,223,564.84                66.21%
Subtotal cash inflow received from financing
                                                         342,660,000.00        289,808,607.92                 18.24%
Subtotal cash outflow for financing activities            12,855,758.88        593,817,393.81                -97.84%
Net cash flow arising from financing activities          329,804,241.12        -304,008,785.89              208.49%
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                     9,690,648.77     -864,927,647.04              101.12%

Note to the year-on-year change of the relevant data

√Applicable    □Not applicable

     (1) The net cash flow from operating activities decreased by RMB 385,226,262.651compared with the
previous period, a decrease of100.54%, It was mainly due to the recovery of trade receivables in the previous year.

     (2) The net cash flow from investment activities increased by RMB-625,152,600.40 from the previous
period, a increase of 66.21%, It was mainly due to the investment in the construction of Line 7 project and the
purchase and financing of idle funds.

     (3) The net cash flow from financing activities increased byRMB -633,813,027.01 from the previous period,
a increase of 208.49%, It was mainly due to repayment of loans and interest from last year, not this year.

Notes to the big difference between cash flow from operating activities and net profit in the reporting year

√Applicable    □Not applicable

     During the reporting period, the net cash flow from the Company's operating activities was
-2,080,474.11yuan.The net profit in the consolidated statement of the company was43,015,090.66 yuan, with
significant difference between the two, mainly due to use of credit sales in the form of sales. The difference
During the reporting period between the net cash flow generated by the company's operating activities and the net
profit of the consolidated statement is detailed in Section 12, VII, 79 (1) "Supplementary Information on Cash
Flow Statement" of this report.

III. Analysis of Non-core Business
√ Applicable   □Not applicable
                                                                                                                       In RMB
                                        Proportion in
                  Amount                                Explanation of cause                     Sustainable (yes or no)
                                        total profit
                                                        The dividends, contract fees and
Investment                                              interest on structured deposits from
                       22,599,670.74           43.71%                                            Have the sustainability
income                                                  participating      enterprises    were
fair     value
                                                        Mainly due to the changes in the
                        2,687,518.74            5.20% non-current financial assets and fair Have the sustainability
profit       or
                                                        value of the structured deposits.
                       -72,412,477.63        -140.06% Loss of inventory price falling,           Have the sustainability
of assets
                                                        Mainly due to social security return
                        1,445,662.38            2.80% and other payables that do not need Not sustainable.
ng income
                                                        to be paid.
Non-operati                                             Mainly non-current assets damage
                           138,421.27           0.27%                                            Not sustainable.
ng expenses                                             and scrap losses
                       29,506,252.69           57.07% Mainly government subsidies                Have the sustainability

IV. Condition of Asset and Liabilities
1. Condition of Asset Causing Significant Change
                                                                                                                       In RMB
                  End of 2020                End of 2019
                                Proportion                Proportion
                                                                         increase/de Notes to the significant change
                  Amount        in the total Amount       in the total
                                assets(%)                 assets(%)
Monetary          279,087,23                 409,564,84
                                    5.62%                      9.04%         -3.42%
fund                    6.95                       7.52
Accounts          547,310,21                 365,325,02
                                   11.01%                      8.06%          2.95%
receivable              7.90                       9.38
                  480,847,58                 391,717,93
Inventories                         9.68%                      8.64%          1.04%
                        1.44                       5.12
Investment       110,572,47                     112,730,32
                                       2.23%                         2.49%       -0.26%
real estate              1.92                         0.90
                147,929,13                      152,209,92
equity                                 2.98%                         3.36%       -0.38%
                         7.23                         9.72
                790,183,90                      903,229,07
Fixed assets                       15.90%                        19.93%          -4.03%
                         5.38                         7.83
Constructio 1,301,750,1                         839,866,27                                Mainly     due      to     the   construction
                                   26.19%                        18.53%           7.66%
n in process            41.12                         5.92                                investment of Line 7 projects.
Long-term       343,100,17                                                                Mainly due to borrowing of loans for
                                       6.90%          0.00           0.00%        6.90%
loans                    4.35                                                             Line 7 project this year.
                684,617,26                      830,000,00                                Mainly due to the decrease in
financing                          13.78%                        18.32%          -4.54%
                         0.06                         0.00                                structural deposits this year.
2.Asset and Liabilities Measured by Fair Value
√ Applicable    □Not applicable

                                                                                                                                In RMB
                                       Gain/loss     Cumulati
                                       on        fair ve      fair
                                                                     nt         Purchased         Sold amount
                      Amount      at value           value                                                                    Amount
                                                                     provision amount in the in                the Other
Item                  year             change      in change                                                                  at year
                                                                     s in the reporting           reporting          change
                      beginning        the           recorded                                                                 end
                                                                     reporting period             period
                                       reporting     into
                                       period        equity
Financial assets
1.        Financial
assets measured
at     fair   value
                      830,000,000.                                              2,938,080,684 3,084,000,00                    684,617
through profit or                       536,575.34
                                  00                                                        .72               0.00             ,260.06
loss (excluding
financial assets)
4.Other equity
                      248,781,946.                   3,560,467                                                       -54,260, 190,607
Instrument                                                                                        7,474,900.00
                                  73                           .08                                                    086.27 ,427.54
Subtotal        of 1,078,781,94                     3,560,467    2,938,080,684 3,091,474,90 -54,260, 875,224
financial assets              6.73                        .08                .72          0.00 086.27 ,687.60
                                                                                                30,650, 30,650,
                                                                                                943.40 943.40
Financial            1,078,781,94                   3,560,467    2,938,080,684 152,857,639. -23,609, 905,875
Liability                     6.73                        .08                .72            94 142.87 ,631.00

Other change

According to the relevant provisions of the new financial instrument standards on the classification of financial
assets, the investment of RMB 28,500,000.00 in Changxing Junying Equity Investment Partnership (Limited
Partnership) was reclassified to the subject of "other non-current financial assets"; due to Shenzhen Xieli
Automobile Enterprise Co., Ltd. It has been cancelled and will hold 25,760,086.27 yuan of equity in the company
for write-off.

□Yes √No

3.estricted asset rights as of the end of this Reporting Period
Subsidiary SAPO Photoelectric uses part of its self-owned properties to apply for a mortgage loan from a
syndicate with Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch as the lead bank, and the company provides
guarantees for the mortgage loan. For details, please refer to http://www.cninfo.com.cn .cninfo.com.cn)
"Announcement on the Company's Application for Bank Mortgage Guarantees for Subsidiaries" (No. 2020-19),
"Announcement on the Progress of the Company Providing Guarantees for Subsidiaries" (No. 2020-46)

V. Investment situation
1. General
□Applicable    √Not applicable

2.Condition of Acquiring Significant Share Right Investment during the Report Period
□Applicable    √Not applicable

3.Situation of the Significant Non-equity Investment Undergoing in the Report Period
□ Applicable      √ Not applicable

4.Investment of Financial Asset

      (1) Securities investment

 Applicable        √ Not applicable


      (2) Investment in Derivatives

□ Applicable      √ Not applicable

5.Application of the raised capital
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

      (1) General application of the raised funds

√ Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                             In RMB10,000

                                                                    Accumul Proportio
                                                       of raised                             Total               Amount
                                                                    ative      n      of              Use and
                                   Total               capital of                          Amount                 of the
                                                                    amount raised
                                  Amount                 which                               of the   Whereab    Raised
                                               Total                of raised capital of
                    Total         of the                   the                              Unused    outs of      Fund
 Year of    Way of                            amount                capital of which
                    raised        Raised                purpose                             Raised      the     with over
 Raising    Raising                          of Raised              which      the
                    capital        Fund                   was                              Fund at    Unused    2 Years’
                                               Funds                the        purpose
                                  Used at              changed                                the     Raised      Idling
                                                                    purpose has been
                                    the                  in the                             Current    Fund
                                                                    has been changed
                                                         report                             Period
                                                                    changed (%)

                                                                                                    in the
           Non-publ                          76,261.4               30,927.2                        special
2013                96,175.1        290.94                      0               32.16%        1,224                    0
           ic issue                                 4                      2                        account
                                                                                                    for the

                                             76,261.4               30,927.2
Total           --     96,175.1     290.94                      0               32.16%        1,224     --             0
                                                    4                      2

                                              Note to use of raised capital

During the reporting period, the Company actually used the raised funds of 290.94 million yuan, and the
accumulated use of raised funds was76,261.44 million yuan, of which 272.65 million yuan of raised funds was
actually used for the second phase of the line 6 project of TFT-LCD polarizer-and the accumulated use of raised
funds for it was35,266.34 million yuan; the actual use of the raised funds for the 7th line project was 18.29
million yuan, with the accumulated use of raised funds for it was 40,995.10 million yuan.

      (2) Promised projects of raised capital

√ Applicable   □ Not applicable

                                                                                                             In RMB10,000
                                                                  Accumu                  Date
                                                                     lated                when
                                  Total                            amount                  the                            Has any
                     Project                                                 progress
                                 raised      Total     Amount     invested               project    Benefit    Has the    material
                    changed                                                   ended
    Committed                    capital   investm     invested     at the                 has      realized   predicte    change
                    (includi                                                    the
investment projects             invested   ent after     in the     end of              reached      in the    d result     taken
                       ng                                                    reportin
  and investment                   as      adjustm     reportin       the                  the      reportin      be      place in
                     partial                                                     g
                                committ     ent (1)    g period   reportin              predicte    g period   realized   feasibili
                    change)                                                   period(
                                   ed                                  g                    d                                 ty
                                                                  period(2              applicab
                                                                       )                le status

Committed investment projects

project of polarizer            96,175.               35,266.        June                           -3,912.8
                     Yes                70,034 272.65         50.36%                                         No           Yes
sheet for TFT-LCD                    1                    34         7,2018                                8
(Line 6)

The utilization of
the surplus raised                                             40,995.
                      No                                 18.29                                                 applicab No
funds(Line 7                                                        1

Subtotal of
                                96,175.               76,261.                                       -3,912.8
committed                  --           70,034 290.94                           --         --                     --         --
                                     1                    44                                               8
investment projects

Subtotal of committed investment projects


                                96,175.               76,261.                                       -3,912.8
Total                      --           70,034 290.94                           --         --                     --         --
                                     1                    44                                               8

Situation about not
coming up to
schemed progress
                    Not applicable
or expected revenue
and the reason ( in
specific project)
                      According to the latest situation of the industry development, the original second phase
                      construction scheme of the TFT-LCD polarizer was optimized, and then according to the
                      results concluded by the experts, the company decided to continue to promote the
                      construction of the No.6 line project. At the same time, in the light of there was a large
                      funds gap between the actual raised capital and the planned raised capital for the second
Notes to significant
                      phase project, then by comprehensive considerations of the company’s production line
change in feasibility
                      scale and the operation pressure, the company decided to terminate the project of No.7 line,
of the project
                      and the corresponding amount of funds of 309.2722 million yuan(including interests) for
                      No.7 line project shall be changed for permanently supplementing the liquidity. The
                      Proposal on Alteration of the Use of Part of the Raised Capital for the Second Phase Project
                      of TFT-LCD Polarizer was examined and approved in the 2015 annual shareholder meeting
                      on April 21, 2016..

Amount,              Not applicable
application and
application progress
of the unbooked

About the change of Not applicable
the implementation
site of the projects
invested with the

Adjustment of the    Not applicable
way of investment
funded by raised

About the initial    Not applicable
investment in the
projects planned to
be invested with the
proceeds and the

Using the idle     Not applicable
proceeds to
supplement the
working capital on
temporary basis

                    On August 31, 2018, in the company's second extraordinary shareholders’ meeting of
                    2018, the “Proposal on the Use of Surplus Raised Funds to Invest in the Large-scale TV
                    Polarizer Industrialization Project (Line 7)” was reviewed and approved, agreeing to
                    continue to deposit 134.7172 million yuan in the original special account of raised funds for
                    the follow-up expenditure of line 6 project and the remaining surplus raised funds shall be
                    used for the investment of line 7 project, with the amount shall be subject to the interest
                    settlement of the bank on the day the funds are transferred out. According to the use
                    arrangement for the surplus raised funds, on November 12, 2018, the Company transferred
                    the surplus raised funds for the No. 6 line project by 405.8311 million yuan to the newly
                    opened special account of raised funds for project of Line 7, which will be used for the
                    ultra-large-size TV polarizer industrialization project (Line 7), and as of November 12,
Balance of the      2018, the balance of the special account for raised funds of line 6 was 80.3569 million
proceeds in process yuan. The reasons for the surplus of the raised funds were as follows: 1. the interest income
of project          and the investment income of the bank wealth management products were generated during
implementation and the deposit of the raised funds; 2.to grasp the opportunity of the rapid development of the
the cause           domestic polarizer industry and accelerate the construction of the No. 6 line project, the
                    Company had in advance invested some funds in the second phase of the polarizer project
                    of Line 6, and in view of the fact that the funds raised at the time were in place, as there
                    was a large funding gap between the actual raised funds and the planned and the original
                    investment project needed to be re-demonstrated, the Company did not replace the advance
                    investment in time after the raised funds were received; 3. the second phase of the polarizer
                    project was subsidized by the National Development and Reform Commission and the
                    Shenzhen Municipal Government after the project was established ,which had been all put
                    into the project construction according to the requirements, thereby reduced the investment
                    of the raised funds accordingly; 4. to ensure the original investment project to have a good
                    market prospect and profitability, the Company optimized the construction plan of the
                    original raised-funds investment project of No. 6 line, and it adopted the cost control,
                    optimized the production process and took other measures to achieve reasonable savings
                    under the premise of ensuring the original design and technical conditions of the project.

                     As of December 31, 2020, the balance of the special account for raised funds was 12.24
About application
                     million yuan, of which 12,237,500 yuan was deposited in the special account for funds
and status of the
                     raised for line 6 projects, and 0.25 million yuan was deposited in the special account for
proceeds unused
                     funds raised for line 7 projects.
                      As of December 31, 2020, the cumulative investment of Phase 2 Line 6 project was
Problems existing 699.5442 million yuan, accounting for 99.89% of the total investment of 700.34 million
in application of the yuan after the change, of which the actual paid investment was 689,428,400 yuan (using
proceeds and the      raised funds of 352.6634 million yuan, using its own Capital and government funds
information           336,765 million yuan). As of December 31, 2020, the accumulated contract value of the
disclosure or other Line 7 project was 1.628,631,700 yuan, and the actual payment was 1,468,765,700 yuan
issues                (using raised funds of 409,951,100 yuan, using self-owned funds and government funds of
                      1,058,814,700 yuan).

       (3) Changes of raised funds projects

□ Applicable     √ Not applicable


VI. Significant Asset and Right Offering
1. Situation of Significant Asset Sale
□ Applicable √ Not applicable


2. Situation of Substantial Stake Sale
□ Applicable √Not applicable

VII. Analysis of the Main Share Holding Companies and Share

Participating Companies
√ Applicable     □ Not applicable

Situation of Main Subsidiaries and the Joint-stock Company with over 10% net profit influencing to the Company

                                                                                                                 In RMB
Company         Company      Sectors    Registered                                             Operating
                                                       Total assets Net assets Turnover                      Net Profit
Name            type         engaged in capital                                                profit
Lisi                         Domestic
Industrial                   trade,      2,360,000. 30,938,547 24,519,148 6,951,857. 2,233,445. 2,141,270.
Developme                    Lease                00           .89        .66             86            59            87
Co., Ltd.
                            ation,            10,005,300 24,454,466 20,083,112 9,003,811. 2,644,133. 2,384,485.
Huaqiang       Subsidiary
                            business                 .00        .85        .54         17           99         24
Property                                      1,600,400. 11,679,454. 4,432,647. 15,328,717
               Subsidiary   manageme                                                         533,169.50 498,101.05
Manageme                                             00         92          95         .06
nt Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen                    of        fully
Beauty                      electronic
                                              13,000,000 39,107,997 18,372,348 60,503,325 2,119,203. 2,045,056.
Century        Subsidiary   jacquard
                                                     .00        .35        .27         .78          22         52
Garment                     knitting
Co., Ltd.                   whole
SAPO                        Production
                                              583,333,33 3,669,743, 2,792,318, 1,954,299, 9,932,052. 10,777,938
Photoelectr Subsidiary      and       sales
                                                   3. 00    743.06      431.95     219.22           86         .39
ic Co., Ltd.                of polarizer
                            import and 5,000,000. 28,781,153 9,336,438.                      -257,812.9 -324,417.5
Import      & Subsidiary                                                             0.00
                            export                   00         .62         49                       0          8
export Co.,
                            Sales       of HKD10,00 8,059,134. 5,865,258. 3,947,190. -440,853.3 -440,853.3
(HK)Co., Subsidiary
                            polarizer                 0         16          97         95            4          4

Acquirement and disposal of subsidiaries in the Reporting period

□ Applicable √ Not applicable


     The financial data of SAPO Photoelectric mentioned in the table above are the financial statements data of its
parent company and non-consolidated statements data. Shenzhen Shenzhen Textile Importand Export Co., Ltd.
and Shengbo Photoelectric Company Limited are SAPO Photoelectric. The fluctuation of subsidiary SAPO
Photoelectric Performance and the reasons for its change are described in detail in Section IV Operating Situation
Discussions and Analysis and Section V Important Matters. Section III: Performance of Commitments. The
commitment made by shareholders and counterparties in reporting annual operating performance.
VIII. Special purpose vehicle controlled by the Company
□ Applicable   √ Not applicable

IX. Prospect for future development of the Company
1. The Development Trend of the Industry
     In recent years, the new display industry in Mainland China has maintained positive growth. The overall
growth rate has surpassed the global industrial growth rate for many consecutive years. The industrial structure
has been continuously improved, and the market’s competitiveness has steadily improved. Relying on multiple
TFT-LCD panel production lines, China has entered full production. The LCD panel industry in mainland China
ranks first in the world in terms of revenue and shipment area. Compared with the rapid development of the new
display industry in mainland China, overseas manufacturers have chosen to gradually shrink and withdraw.
Samsung Display and LGD have announced that they will gradually shut down LCD panel production lines. LG
Chem sold its LCD polarizer business. With the withdrawal of foreign manufacturers and the transfer of
high-quality industrial assets to mainland China, the focus of the new display industry is accelerating to
concentrate in mainland China.
    Overall, the development of my country's new display industry has shifted from the stage of large-scale new
production lines to the stage of completion and shipment. Polarizers are widely used in new display fields, and to
a large extent determine the performance of new display products. The continuous growth of panel manufacturers
in mainland China has led to a substantial increase in the demand for polarizers. According to the statistics of the
industry's authoritative consulting organization IHS, it is expected that the market demand for polarizers in
mainland China will rapidly increase from 280 million square meters in 2018 to 2023. 465 million square meters,
the market demand for polarizers is growing rapidly. It is a good development opportunity for mainland polarizer
manufacturers who have market advantages, policy advantages, and geographic advantages.
   At present, the global polarizer industry is mainly composed of three echelons. The first echelon is firmly held
by major manufacturers in Japan and South Korea; the second echelon is mainly composed of some well-known
companies in Japan and South Korea and Taiwanese enterprises in my country; the company is in the third
echelon. It is the most important domestic polarizer R&D, production and sales enterprise.
2. The company's development strategy
     2021 is a crucial year for the company's polarizer line 7 project, and it is also a year of opportunity for the
company to seize the market window period. Facing the complex market environment, opportunities and
challenges coexist, only by unity and forge ahead can we maintain progress and development in the fierce

      The main business must continue to improve profitability. First, continue to increase the adjustment of
customer structure and product structure, and increase the proportion of high value-added products; second, seek
breakthroughs in product research and development in the mid-to-high-end market; third, further improve product
quality and Production efficiency; Fourth, continue to promote cost and cost reduction; Fifth, shorten the climbing
period of Line 7 and strictly control the time nodes to ensure the smooth realization of mass production of Line 7
and increase the company's market share. Textile enterprises continue to reform and innovate and maintain
profitability. Property enterprises strengthened their service work and continued to generate revenue and increase
efficiency. Strengthen the construction of talents, improve technical capabilities, and enhance R&D and
innovation capabilities; continue to deepen reforms to stimulate corporate vitality; constantly focus on safety
production, strengthen party style and clean government, and thoroughly implement the "two studies and one
work" learning and education system to normalize and strengthen Responsibility. Fully complete various tasks in
2021, and strive to realize the company's sustainable and healthy business development.

3. Possible risks
     (1) Macroeconomic Risks

      In 2020, under the huge impact of the new coronavirus pneumonia epidemic, the global economy will be in a
severe recession; in 2021, the development of the epidemic will still be uncertain, and the global economy will
still be shrouded in the haze of the epidemic. Looking forward to 2021, the country will continue to maintain
economic stability, focus on demand-side management, and insist on expanding domestic demand. The first is to
further stimulate consumption potential; the second is to stimulate the investment vitality of the whole society; the
third is to promote employment and improve social security; and the fourth is to optimize the income distribution
structure and expand Middle-income group. Faced with the increasingly complex international environment and
the intensified competition among countries in the industrial chain and supply chain, the state proposes to
"strengthen national strategic scientific and technological strength" and "enhance the independent controllability
of the industrial chain supply chain" to give full play to enterprises in technological innovation. The main role of
the. As an important part of the electronic information industry, the industry in which the company is located will
be strongly supported by national policies, but it cannot be ruled out that unpredictable fluctuations in the macro
economy may pose risks to the company's performance..

     (2) Market risks

      The polarizer industry is an important part of China's future manufacturing development. The demand for
display panels and the development of corresponding technologies are changing with each passing day. The
domestic substitution process of the polarizer industry is underway. With the gradual mass production of the 10.5
generation line, the super-large size market New changes will be ushered in. If the company’s technology and
products cannot respond to the needs of the application field in time, the wide-format polarizer products and
applications fall short of expectations, or the intensified market competition causes the price of display products to
fall, and the pressure of price cuts is transmitted upwards to the polarizer market. Will have an adverse effect on
the company.

     (3) Raw-material risks

     The core patents of polarizer terminal materials have high technical barriers and are basically monopolized
by foreign manufacturers. Patents are the main reason for restricting the localization of luminescent materials. At
present, the key raw materials PVA film and TAC film required for the manufacture of polarizers are basically
owned by Japanese companies. Monopoly, the upstream supporting raw material production line and production
technology are constrained by the Japanese side. Compared with the complete industrial chain model of
international manufacturers from upstream raw materials to polarizers to display panels, the company does not
have the corresponding complete industrial supporting facilities and is temporarily unable to make full use of the
industry. Integration effect, and the price of the main membrane materials is affected by the production capacity of
suppliers, market demand and the yen exchange rate, which affects the unit cost of the company’s products.
4. The key work in 2021
     (1) Continue to improve the profitability of the main business

     One is to continue to increase the adjustment of customer structure and product structure to increase the
proportion of high value-added products; the second is to seek breakthroughs in the mid-to-high-end market for
product research and development; the third is to further improve product quality and production efficiency; the
fourth is to continue to promote cost reduction Reduce fees; Fifth, continue to attract outstanding talents to join;
Sixth, strengthen comprehensive risk management, improve risk control and response capabilities, and further
ensure safe, steady and sustainable development.

     (2) Shorten the climbing period of Line 7 and realize production as soon as possible

     With the cooperation of the partner Jinjiang Group, actively promote the technical collaboration with
Kunshan Zhimei Material Technology Co., Ltd., earnestly learn from the technical team about equipment
debugging, production operation, operation management and other experience, and strengthen the production with
Nitto Denko Co., Ltd. Manufacturing technology exchanges, shortened the ramp-up period of Line 7, strictly
controlled time nodes, ensured the smooth realization of mass production of Line 7, and increased the company's
market share.

     (3) Ensure stable growth of the property business and provide effective support for the company's

     Property companies closely follow the changes in the surrounding business conditions of the property,
operate around the rental rate and capital recovery rate, overcome the age of the property, poor conditions, and
outdated facilities, continue to tap the potential to increase efficiency, improve service levels, and improve
operating efficiency

     (4) Continue to explore and deepen the reform and development path, optimize the system and mechanism

     The cooperation period between the company and Jinjiang Group has expired for three years. Based on the
original intention of cooperation and win-win, we must continue to deepen the reform and development path, and
further explore the implementation of market-oriented mechanisms under the mixed ownership model to achieve
the reform goal of "mixing and reforming" . Continue to promote Shengbo Optoelectronics' operation
improvement, management optimization and market-oriented mechanism establishment, optimize the corporate
governance structure, establish a sound system of checks and balances of rights and responsibilities, effectively
play a supervisory role, and strengthen risk prevention capabilities.

     (5)   Strengthen the construction of talent echelon and enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises

     At present, the company is in a critical period of deepening reform and development. The business is
developing rapidly and the existing talent pool is insufficient. It is necessary to continuously improve the quality
of the existing talent team. According to the company's future development strategy, continue to optimize and
improve the company's professional and technical rank evaluations. System and incentive system, through various
forms of training to increase the incentive and cultivation of key reserve talents, improve the stability and
enthusiasm of key reserve talents, and gradually establish a reserve talent echelon for each key position of the
company, so as to continuously improve the core competitiveness of the company. Sustainable development

     (6) Do a good job in safe production and maintain the harmony and stability of the enterprise

    The company’s production safety task is very arduous, and the company must tighten the “string” of
production safety at all times and do a good job in ensuring production safety. The company will regularly carry
out large-scale safety inspections, comprehensively inspect the implementation of the safety production
responsibility system, safety production regulations, standard procedures, hidden danger investigation and
rectification and emergency management, and formulate and implement effective rectification measures to
eliminate potential safety hazards.

     (7) Strengthen party building and innovating enterprise culture

     The company’s party committee will continue to carry out in-depth "two studies and one work" special
education activities, strictly implement the "three meetings and one lesson" system, and strengthen the
construction of the party building system and the building of party members. Earnestly implement the "two
responsibilities" and pay close attention to the construction of party style and clean government. The Disciplinary
Committee of the company must earnestly perform its duties of supervision and execution of discipline and
accountability, and strengthen the integrity of the enterprise.

X. Particulars about researches, visits and interviews received in this

reporting period
1. Particulars about researches, visits and interviews received in this reporting period
Applicable √ □ Not applicable

                                                                                 The main
                                                                              content of the
                                                                                             Index of the basic
  Reception       Reception       The wany of Object type of     Reception    discussion and
                                                                                              situation of the
    time            place          reception    reception         person            the

                                                                                              For details, please
                                                                                              refer to the "000045
                                                                                              Shenzhen Textile A
                                                                               main business,
              Meeting room                                                                    Research Activity
                                                               Founder         line 7 project
              on the sixth                                                                    Information
June 24, 2020              Field research agency               Securities Co., construction
              floor of the                                                                    20200628" (No.
                                                               Ltd             progress,
              company                                                                         2020-01) by the
                                                                               plans, etc.

                                                                              The            For details, please
                                                               Rongjie        company’s     refer to the
             Meeting room                                                     main business, "Investor Relations
December 24, on the sixth                                                     line 7 project Activity Record
                          Field research others                Holding
2020         floor of the                                                     construction Form on December
                                                               Group Co.,
             company                                                          progress,      24, 2020" (No.
                                                                              future         2020-02) by the
                                                                              development company
                                           plans, etc.   http://www.cninfo.c

Number of receptions                                                       2

Number of reception institutions                                           1

Number of individuals received                                             0

Number of other objects received                                           1

Whether to disclose, disclose or divulge
undisclosed material information

                                    Chapter 5: Important Events

I. Specification of profit distribution of common shares and capitalizing of

common reserves
     Formulation, implementation and adjustment of profit distribution policy of common shares especially cash
dividend policy during the reporting period

□ Applicable   √ Not applicable

      The profit distribution preplan or proposal and the preplan or proposal of conversion of the capital reserve
into share capital in the past three years(with the reporting period inclusive):

      The company’s 2020 profit distribution plan is: based on the company’s total share capital of 507,772,279
shares as of December 31, 2020, a cash dividend of RMB 0.30 (including tax) will be distributed to all
shareholders for every 10 shares, and a total cash dividend of RMB 15,233,168.37 (including tax) will be
distributed. Tax), the remaining undistributed profits will be carried forward to the next year; no bonus shares will
be given, and no capital reserve will be converted into share capital.

       If the total share capital of the company changes due to factors such as the repurchase and cancellation of
restricted stocks before the implementation of the distribution plan, the total share capital on the equity
registration date when the distribution plan is implemented in the future will be used as the base, and a cash
dividend of RMB 0.30 will be distributed to all shareholders for every 10 shares. (Tax included), the specific
amount is subject to actual distribution. The company's shares held by the company do not participate in the profit

     Dividend distribution of the latest three years

                                                                                                            In RMB
                                                                                                   Ratio of the
                                                                       Ratio of the
                                                                                                   total cash
                                              Ratio of the             cash bonus
                                                                                                   bonus (other
                          Net profit           cash bonus              by other
                         attributable         in net profit            ways in net
                                                            Proportion profit                      included) in
                         to common            attributable                                         net profit
                                                             for cash attributable Total cash
             Amount for      stock            to common                                            attributable
Year for                                                     bonus by to common bonus(other
                cash    shareholders              stock                                            to common
                                                               other   stock         ways
bonus shares bonus(tax     of listed         shareholders                                          stock
                                                             ways(i.e. shareholders
              included) company in               of listed                            included)    shareholders
                                                               share   of listed
                        consolidation           company                                            of listed
                                                            buy-backs) company
                        statement for         contained in                                         company
                         bonus year          consolidation             contained in
                                                                                                   contained in
                                                statement              consolidation

                15,233,168.3 36,933,796.2         41.24%          0.00       0.00% 15,233,168.3         41.24%
                           7            6                                                     7

                        0.00 19,679,910.4          0.00%          0.00       0.00%          0.00         0.00%

                        0.00 -22,980,624.          0.00%          0.00       0.00%          0.00         0.00%

In the reporting period, both the Company’s profit and the parent company’s retained earnings were positive
however not cash dividend distribution proposal has been put forward.

□Applicable√ Not applicable

II. Profit distribution plan and capitalizing of common reserves plan for

the Period
√ Applicable   □ Not applicable

Number of bonus shares for every 10 shares

Dividends per 10 shares (RBM) (tax

The share capital base of the distribution
plan (shares)
Cash dividend amount (RMB) (tax

Cash dividend amount in other ways (such
as share repurchase) (RMB)

Total cash dividends (including other
methods) (RMB)

Distributable profit (RBM)                                                                                33,056,666.16

The ratio of total cash dividends (including
other methods) to total profit distribution

                                            Situation of this cash dividend

      When the company's development stage is in the growth period and there are major capital expenditure
arrangements, when the profit distribution is carried out, the proportion of cash dividends in this profit
distribution should be at least 20%

                   Detailed explanation of the profit distribution or capital reserve transfer plan

III. Commitments to fulfill the situation
1. The fulfilled commitments in the reporting period and under-fulfillment commitments by
the end of the reporting period made by the company, shareholder, actual controller, acquirer,
director, supervisor, senior management personnel and other related parities.
√ Applicable   □ Not applicable

                                                                                            Time of
                     Commit                                                                           Period of
                                                                                            making                Fulfillm
Commitment           ment        Type Contents                                                        commit
                                                                                            commit                ent
                     maker                                                                            ment
                                       As Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd.,
                                       the controlling shareholder of the company,
                                 Share committed when the restricted-for-sale shares
                                 reduct from the shares restructuring were listed for                 Sustaine Under
Commitment       on Investme                                                                August
                                 ion   circulation in the market: i. if they plan to sell             d      and Fulfillm
share reform         nt                                                                     4, 2006
                                 comm the shares through the securities exchange                      effective ent
                                 itment system in the future, and the decrease of the
                     Co., Ltd.
                                       shares they hold reaches 5% within 6 months
                                       after the first decrease, they will disclose an
                                               announcement indicating the sale through the
                                               company within two trading days before the
                                               first decrease; ii. They shall strictly observe
                                               the      “      Guidelines        on     Transfer     of
                                               Restricted-for-sale Original Shares of Listed
                                               Companies”and the provisions of the relevant
                                               business        principles    of    Shenzhen        Stock
Commitment          in
the        acquisition
report or the report
on equity changes
Commitment made
upon   the      assets
                                               Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd.
                                               signed a        “ Letter of Commitment and
                                               Statement         on    Horizontal            Competition
                                               Avoidance ”           when the company issued
                                     nts on
                                               non-public stocks in 2009. Pursuant to the
                                               Letter     of     Commitment            and    Statement,
                                               Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. and
                         Shenzhe               its wholly owned subsidiary, subsidiaries
                         n                     under control or any other companies that
Commitments                          ,                                                                     October Sustaine Under
                         Investme              have actual control of it shall not be involved
made            upon                 relate                                                                9,      d    and Fulfillm
                         nt                    in the business the same as or similar to those
issuance                             d                                                                     2009    effective ent
                         Holdings              Shenzhen Textile currently or will run in the
                         Co., Ltd.             future, or any businesses or activities that may
                                               constitute direct or indirect competition with
                                               Shenzhen Textile; if               the operations of
                                               Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. and
                                               its wholly owned subsidiaries, subsidiaries
                                               under control or other companies that have
                                               actual control of it compete with Shenzhen
                                               Textile in the same industry or contradict the
                      interest of the issuer in the future, Shenzhen
                      Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. shall urge such
                      companies to sell the equity, assets or
                      business to Shenzhen Textile or a third party;
                      when the horizontal competition may occur
                      due to the business expansion concurrently
                      necessary for Shenzhen Investment Holdings
                      Co., Ltd. and its wholly owned subsidiaries,
                      subsidiaries under control or other companies
                      that have actual control of it and Shenzhen
                      Textile, Shenzhen Textile shall have priority.
                      The    commitments          during         the    period
                      non-public issuance in 2012: 1. Shenzhen
                      Investment Holdings, as the controlling
                      shareholder of Shenzhen Textile, currently
                      hasn't the production and business activities of
                      inter-industry competition with Shenzhen
            nts on
                      Textile or its share-holding subsidiary. 2.
                      Shenzhen     Investment       Holdings           and   its
                      share-holding subsidiaries or other enterprises
Shenzhe               owned the actual control rights can't be
n                     directly and indirectly on behalf of any
            ,                                                                      Sustaine Under
Investme              person, company or unit to engage in the July 14,
            relate                                                                 d    and Fulfillm
nt                    same or similar business in any districts in the 2012
            d                                                                      effective ent
Holdings              future by the form of share-holding, equity
Co., Ltd.             participation,   joint     venture,        cooperation,
                      partnership, contract, lease, etc., and ensure
                      not to use the controlling shareholder's status
                      to damage the legitimate rights and interests
                      of Shenzhen Textile and other shareholders, or
                      to gain the additional benefits. 3. If there will
                      be the situation of inter-industry competition
                      with    Shenzhen         Textile     for     Shenzhen
                      Investment Holdings and its share-holding
                      subsidiaries or other enterprises owned the
                                               actual control rights in the future, Shenzhen
                                               Investment Holdings will promote the related
                                               enterprises   to    avoid   the   inter-industry
                                               competition through the transfer of equity,
                                               assets, business and other ways. 4. Above
                                               commitments will be continuously effective
                                               and irrevocable during Shenzhen Investment
                                               Holdings as the controlling shareholder of
                                               Shenzhen Textile or indirectly controlling
                                               Shenzhen Textile.
                                               1.The company undertakes not to provide
                                               loans, loan guarantees, and any other forms of
                        Shenzhe                financial assistance to the incentive objects
                        n                      for obtaining the restricted stocks in the
                                      Other                                                       Novemb Decembe Under
Equity     incentive Textile(                  incentive plan; 2. The company undertakes
                                      comm                                                        er      r       Fulfillm
commitment              Holdings               that there is no circumstance that the stock
                                      itment                                                      27,2017 27,2021 ent
                        )      Co.,            incentive shall be prohibited as stipulated in
                        Ltd.                   the provisions of Article 7 of the “Measures
                                               for the Management of Stock Incentives of
                                               Listed Companies”.
made to minority
Executed timely or
If               the
failed to complete
the        execution
when        expired, Not applicable
should specifically
explain the reasons
of      unfulfillment
and the net stage
of     the   working
2. The existence of the company's assets or projects earnings forecasts and earnings reporting
period is still in the forecast period, the company has assets or projects meet the original
profit forecast made and the reasons explained
□Applicable √Not applicable

IV. Particulars about the non-operating occupation of funds by the

controlling shareholder
□ Applicable   √ Not applicable

No non-operating occupation from controlling shareholders and its related party in the period.

V. Explanation of the Supervisory Committee and Independent Directors

(If applicable)on the Qualified Auditor’s Report Issued by the CPAs.
□ Applicable √ Not applicable

VI. Explain change of the accounting policy, accounting estimate and

measurement methods as compared with the financial reporting of last

√ Applicable □Not applicable

1. Changes in accounting policies
(1) Overview of changes in accounting policies

1. Reason for change

     The Ministry of Finance of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the "Ministry of
Finance") revised and issued the "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 14-Revenue" (Cai Kuai
[2017] No. 22) (hereinafter referred to as the "New Revenue Standards") on July 5, 2017 ); On September 19,
2019, the "Notice on Revising and Issuing the Format of Consolidated Financial Statements (2019 Edition)" (Cai
Kuai [2019] No. 16) and the "Notice on Revising and Issuing the Format of General Enterprise Financial
Statements for 2019" were issued on September 19, 2019. (Cai Kuai [2019] No. 6) Supporting implementation.

     According to the regulations, the company shall implement the "Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises No. 14-Revenue" from January 1, 2020, and the "Notice on Revising and Issuing the Format of
Consolidated Financial Statements (2019 Edition)" shall be implemented from the date of issuance.

2. Accounting policies before and now
     Before this change, the company implemented the "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises-Basic
Standards" issued by the Ministry of Finance and various specific accounting standards, guidelines for the
application of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, an Interpretation Announcement of the
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and other relevant regulations.

     After this accounting policy change, the company will implement the "Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises No. 14-Revenue" (Cai Kuai [2017] No. 22) from January 1, 2020; the company's 2019 financial
statements and subsequent financial statements will be Implement the "Notice on Revising and Issuing the Format
of Consolidated Financial Statements (2019 Edition)" (Cai Kuai [2019] No. 16).

     Except for the above-mentioned changes in accounting policies, other unchanged parts are still in accordance
with the "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises-Basic Standards" issued by the Ministry of Finance in
the previous period and various specific accounting standards, guidelines for the application of Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises, Interpretation Announcements on Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises, and other relevant regulations carried out.

(2) The main content of this accounting policy change

1. The main changes to the new revenue standards:

①Incorporate the current revenue and construction contract standards into a unified revenue recognition model;

② Use the transfer of control rights instead of the transfer of risk rewards as the criterion for determining the
timing of revenue recognition, and introduce a five-step model of revenue recognition and measurement;

3   Provide clearer guidance on the accounting treatment of contracts that include multiple transaction

4    Clear regulations are given for the revenue recognition and measurement of certain specific transactions (or

2. The main content of financial statement format adjustment:

In accordance with the requirements of Caikuai [2019] No. 6 and Caikuai [2019] No. 16, the company adjusted
the listing of the following financial statement items and adjusted the comparative data for comparable accounting
periods accordingly:

(1) Balance sheet

① The "Notes Receivable and Accounts Receivable" item is split into "Notes Receivable" and "Accounts
Receivable" items;

② The "Notes Payable and Accounts Payable" item is split into "Notes Payable" and "Accounts Payable" items;

③ Newly added items such as "receivable financing", "right to use assets", "lease liabilities", and "special

(2) Income statement

① Adjust the item of "minus: asset impairment loss" to "plus: asset impairment loss (losses are listed with "—")";

② Under the "Investment income" line item, the line item "Including: the financial asset derecognition income
measured at amortized cost" has been added;
③ Adjusted the presentation order of the line items of "asset impairment loss" and "credit impairment loss".

(3) Cash flow statement

The line items such as "net increase in financial assets held for trading purposes" and "cash received from
issuance of bonds" in the original consolidated cash flow statement were deleted.

(4) Owner's equity table

Newly added "special reserve" line items and column items.

(3) The impact of this accounting policy change on the company

1. In accordance with the transitional provisions of the old and new standards, the company will implement the
new revenue standards from January 1, 2020, and adjust the initial retained earnings and the amount of other
related items in the financial statements based on the cumulative impact of the first implementation of the
standards. To adjust. The implementation of the new revenue standard is not expected to have a significant impact
on the company's operating results, nor will it cause a significant change in the company's revenue recognition
method, and will not have a significant impact on the financial statements.

2. The adjustment of the financial statement format only affects the financial statement format and the
presentation of some subjects, does not involve retrospective adjustments in previous years, and does not affect
the company's net assets, net profit and other related financial indicators

VII. Explain retrospective restatement due to correction of significant

accounting errors in the reporting period
□Applicable √ Not applicable

No major accounting errors within reporting period that needs retrospective restatement for the Company in the

VIII. Explain change of the consolidation scope as compared with the

financial reporting of last year.
√Applicable   □ Not applicable

As of December 31, 2020, the company has included 7 subsidiaries in the scope of consolidation. For details,
please refer to Section 12-9, 1 "Equity in Subsidiaries" of this report. The scope of the company’s consolidation
this year has increased by one household compared to the previous year. For details, please refer to Section 12-8, 5
"Changes in Consolidation Scope for Other Reasons" of this report.

IX. Engagement/Disengagement of CPAs
CPAs currently engaged
                                                                    Grant Thornton International Ltd ( Special
Name of the domestic CPAs
                                                                    General Partnership)
Remuneration for domestic accounting firm (RMB10,000)               82.5
Continuous life of auditing service for domestic accounting firm 0
Name of domestic CPA                                                Cheng Zhifang,Li Yao
Continuous fixed number of year for the auditing service
provided by CPA in domestic CPA Firms

Has the CPAs been changed in the current period

 √ Yes   □ No

 Has to reappoint an accounting firm during the audit

 □Yes    √ No

 Has fulfilled the approval procedures when the replacement accounting company

 √ Yes   □ No

 A detailed explanation of the reappointment and change of accounting company:

      The company’s original annual financial statements and internal control audit agency, Peking Certified
Public Accountants (Special General Partnership), has provided audit services for the company for 9 consecutive
years and insisted on independent auditing during the practice. Principles, reflect the company’s financial status
objectively, fairly and fairly, earnestly perform the duties of the audit agency, and safeguard the interests of the
company and all shareholders.

      According to the "Interim Regulations on Auditing the Annual Financial Statements of State-owned
Enterprises in Shenzhen", based on the independence, objectivity and fairness of the audit work, the company
decided not to re-appoint Peking Certified Public Accountants as the annual financial account after
communicating with Peking Certified Public Accountants in advance. The report and internal control audit agency,
Peking Certified Public Accountants clearly understands this matter and expresses its understanding.

       The company held the 31st meeting of the seventh board of directors on August 18, 2020, and held the 2020
third extraordinary general meeting of shareholders on September 22, 2020. The "Proposal on the Appointment of
Audit Institutions for 2020" was reviewed and approved. , Agreed to appoint Grant Thornton Certified Public
Accountants (Special General Partnership) (hereinafter referred to as "Grant Thornton") as the company’s 2020
financial statements and internal control audit service agency. The total annual audit fee is 828,000 yuan (tax
included). The actual situation of the audit business and with reference to the charging standards of the audit
industry, negotiated with Grant Thornton to determine the itemized expenses of the financial statements and
internal control audit business, and signed relevant agreements and documents.

Description of the CPAs, financial adviser or sponsor engaged for internal control auditing

√Applicable □Not applicable

During the reporting period, the company engaged Grant Thornton International Ltd (Special General Partnership)
as the company's internal control audit agency for 2020, with an audit remuneration of RMB 820,000 (including
travel expenses and other expenses). The actual situation of the audit business and with reference to the charging
standards of the audit industry, negotiated with Grant Thornton to determine the itemized expenses of the
financial statements and internal control audit business, and signed relevant agreements and documents.

X. Situation of Facing Listing Suspension and Listing Termination after

the Disclosure of the Yearly Report
□Applicable √ Not applicable

XI. Bankruptcy reorganization
□Applicable √ Not applicable

No bankruptcy reorganization for the Company in reporting period.

XII. Significant lawsuits and arbitrations of the Company
√Applicable   □ Not applicable

                    Amount                                                  Implementati
                                   Whether to Litigation     Litigation
Basic situation of involved                                                       on of
                                      form     (arbitratio (arbitration)                   Disclosure Disclosure
    litigation        (ten                                                     litigation
                                   estimated       n)     trial results and                   date      Index
  (arbitration)    thousand                                                  (arbitration)
                                   liabilities  progress       impact
                     yuan)                                                    judgments

                                               The                                                     For details,
                                                             In view of the
                                               arbitration                                             please refer
For the                                                      company's
                                               case was                                                to the
company's                                                    involvement in
                                               heard at                                                company's
matters involving                                            this arbitration
                                               the                                                     disclosure
arbitration and                                              and the
                                               Seventh                          As of the              on March
compensation of                                              uncertainty of
                                               Arbitratio                       disclosure             11, 2020,
its subsidiaries'                                            the results of
                                               n Tribunal                       date of this           March 28,
performance                                                  the arbitration,
                                               of the                           announcemen            2020,
commitments in                                               Jinjiang                        March 11, November
                     24,478.38 No              Court of                         t, the
2019, please refer                                           Group's                         2020
                                               Arbitratio                       arbitration            5, 2020,
to "20. Major                                                unfulfilled
                                               n at the                         has not yet            and
Subsidiaries of                                              commitment to
                                               office of                        been                   December
the Company" in                                              the company's
                                               the                              awarded.               17, 2020.
"Section V                                                   subsidiary
                                               Shenzhen                                                “Announce
Important                                                    Shengbo
                                               Stock                                                   ment on the
Matters" of this                                             Optoelectronic
                                               Exchange                                                Company’s
report.                                                      s for the 2019
                                               at 9:30 on                                              Involvemen
                                               December                                                t in
                                                             performance is
                                               1, 2020.                                                Arbitration
                                               As of the uncertain.                              ” (No.
                                               disclosure                                        2020-07),
                                               date of                                           “Announce
                                               this                                              ment on the
                                               announce                                          Company’s
                                               ment, the                                         Progress in
                                               arbitration                                       Arbitration
                                               has not                                           ” (No.
                                               yet been                                          2020-21),
                                               awarded.                                          “Announce
                                                                                                 ment on the
                                                                                                 Progress in
                                                                                                 “About the
                                                                                                 Progress in
                                                                                                 ment on

XIII. Situation of Punishment and Rectification
□Applicable   √ Not applicable

No penalty and rectification for the Company in reporting period.

XIV. Credit Condition of the Company and its Controlling Shareholders

and Actual Controllers
√Applicable □ Not applicable

During reporting period, there was no effective judgment of a court and large amount of debt maturity that the

company, its controlling shareholders and actual controller failed to perform or pay off.
XV. Implementation Situation of Stock Incentive Plan of the Company,

Employee Stock Ownership Plan or Other Employee Incentive Measures
√Applicable □ Not applicable

1. Formulation of Restricted Stock Incentive Plan
     On November 27, 2017, the Proposal on the Company's Implementation Measures of Evaluation for the 2017
Restricted Stock Incentive Plan (Draft) and summary and the Proposal on the Company's Implementation
Measures of Evaluation for the 2017 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan was examined and approved in the 7th board
meeting of the company ’ s 7th session board of directors, and related proposals agreed to fulfill the relevant
procedures and related proposals agreed to fulfill the relevant procedures

     On December 11, 2017, the SASAC agreed in principle to implement the restricted stock incentive plan.

    On December 14, 2017, the company held the third extraordinary shareholders' general meeting in 2017,
which reviewed and approved the Proposal on the Company's Implementation Measures of Evaluation for the
2017 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan (Draft) and summary and Proposal on the Company's Implementation
Measures of Evaluation for the 2017 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan and other issues.

2. Information on granting the restricted stock
     On December 14, 2017, the company held the 8th meeting of the 7th Board of Directors, which reviewed and
approved the “Proposal on Adjusting the List of Incentive Objects and Granting Quantity of the 2017 Restricted
Stock Incentive Plan” and the “Proposal on Granting the Restricted Stocks to Incentive Objects” The restricted
shares actually granted by this stock incentive plan totaled 4,752,300 shares, and 119 incentive objects were
granted, with the granting price was 5.73 yuan per share.

    On December 27, 2017, the company’s restricted stock completed the grant registration formalities at China
Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Shenzhen Branch.

3. Progress of restricted stock
     (1) Regarding the repurchase and cancellation of some restricted stocks, i.e. the repurchase and cancellation
     of restricted stocks in Phase II and held by 3 original incentive objects

      On June 4, 2019, the Company convened the 19th meeting of the 7th board of directors and the 13th meeting
of the 7th board of supervisors to consider and pass the Proposal on Repurchase and Cancellation of Some
Restricted Share, agreeing to repurchase and cancel the 1,877,720 restricted shares held by the Company for 116
incentive objects at a repurchase price of 5.92 yuan/share, which did not meet the conditions for lifting the
restriction on sale in phase I. The buyback price of 5.73 yuan per share was used to cancel 58,000 restricted shares
held by 3 original incentive subjects who left the company for personal reasons, and a total of 1,935,720 restricted
shares were repurchased and canceled.

      On June 26, 2019, the Company held its 2018 annual shareholders' meeting to consider and pass the Proposal
on Repurchase and Cancellation of Some Restricted Shares, agreeing to repurchase and cancel the 1,877,720
restricted shares held by 116 incentive objects at a repurchase price of 5.92 yuan per share in phase I and 58,000
restricted shares held by 3 original incentive objects who left the company for personal reasons at a repurchase
price of 5.73 yuan per share, and a total of 1,935,720 restricted shares were repurchased and canceled.
    On September 12, 2019, the above-mentioned restricted stock companies completed the repurchase and
cancellation procedures in Shenzhen Branch of China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited.

    On September 12, 2019, the above-mentioned restricted stock companies completed the repurchase and
cancellation procedures in Shenzhen Branch of China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited.

     (2) Regarding the repurchase and cancellation of some restricted stocks, i.e. the repurchase and cancellation
     of restricted stocks held by 3 original incentive objects

     On December 30, 2019, the Company held the 25th meeting of the 7th board of directors and the 17th
meeting of the 7th board of supervisors to consider and pass the Proposal on Repurchase and Cancellation of
Some Restricted Shares, agreeing that the company will repurchase and cancel 69,900 restricted shares held by 3
original incentive objects who left the company for personal reasons at a repurchase price of 5.73 yuan per share.

     On January 16, 2020, the Company convened the first extraordinary shareholders' meeting in 2020 to
consider and pass the Proposal on Repurchase and Cancellation of Some Restricted Shares and agreed to
repurchase and cancel 69,900 shares of restricted shares held by 3 original incentive objects who left the company
for personal reasons at a repurchase price of 5.73 yuan per share.

    On November 12, 2020, the company completed the repurchase and cancellation procedures of the
above-mentioned restricted stocks at the Shenzhen Branch of China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd.

     (3)Regarding the repurchase and cancellation of some restricted stocks and the second phase of the
repurchase and cancellation and the restricted stocks held by 3 original incentive objects

      On March 12, 2020, the company held the 27th meeting of the seventh board of directors and the 19th
meeting of the seventh board of supervisors. A total of 1,313,340 restricted stocks held by the incentive objects
that did not meet the conditions for lifting the restriction on the second phase were repurchased and cancelled. The
repurchase price was calculated as the grant price of 5.73 yuan/share plus the interest on bank deposits during the
same period; the company agreed to the 3 Incentives who have resigned due to personal reasons, a total of
120,000 restricted stocks that have been granted but have not been lifted, will be repurchased and cancelled at a
repurchase price of 5.73 yuan per share; in summary, a total of 1,433,340 restricted stocks have been repurchased
Purchase cancellation.

      On April 3, 2020, the company convened the second extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2020
to consider and pass the "Proposal on Repurchase and Cancellation of Certain Restricted Stocks", and agreed that
the company's holding of 110 incentive objects for the second phase did not reach the lifting limit A total of
1,313,340 restricted stocks subject to sales conditions will be repurchased and cancelled at a repurchase price of
6.01 yuan/share; the company agrees to repurchase a total of 120,000 restricted stocks that have been granted but
not yet lifted by 3 resignation incentive objects. Cancellation, the repurchase price is 5.73 yuan/share. It is agreed
that the company will repurchase and cancel all the 120,000 restricted stocks that have been granted but not yet
lifted from the sales restrictions for the 3 resignation incentive objects, at a repurchase price of 5.73 yuan per

    On November 12, 2020, the company completed the repurchase and cancellation procedures of the
above-mentioned restricted stocks at the Shenzhen Branch of China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd.

     (4) Regarding the repurchase and cancellation of some restricted stocks and the repurchase and cancellation
of restricted stocks held by 6 original incentive objects
     On June 8, 2020, the company held the 30th meeting of the 7th Board of Directors and the 21st meeting of
the 7th Board of Supervisors. The board of directors deliberated and approved the "Proposal on Repurchase and
Cancellation of Some Restricted Stocks", and plans to repurchase and cancel the 57,150 restricted shares held by
the 5 original incentive objects who resigned due to personal reasons, at a repurchase price of RMB 5.73 per
share ; It is proposed to repurchase and cancel 5,760 restricted stocks held by a former incentive object who
resigned due to retirement reasons, at a repurchase price of 6.14 yuan per share.

     On June 29, 2020, the company held the 2019 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to consider and pass
the "Proposal on Repurchase and Cancellation of Some Restricted Stocks", agreeing to the company's restriction
on the total of 57,150 shares held by the five original incentive objects who resigned due to personal reasons.
Repurchase and cancellation of sexual shares at a repurchase price of 5.73 yuan/share; agree to the company’s
repurchase and cancellation of 5,760 restricted stocks held by a retired original incentive object, at a repurchase
price of 6.14 yuan/share, total repurchase and cancellation 62,910 restricted shares.

    On November 12, 2020, the company completed the repurchase and cancellation procedures of the
above-mentioned restricted stocks at the Shenzhen Branch of China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd.

    (5) Matters concerning the repurchase and cancellation of some restricted stocks and the repurchase and
cancellation of restricted stocks held by 2 original incentive objects

      On January 15, 2021, the company held the 35th meeting of the 7th Board of Directors and the 25th meeting
of the 7th Board of Supervisors. The board of directors deliberated and approved the "Proposal on Repurchase and
Cancellation of Some Restricted Stocks", which intends to repurchase and cancel 7,950 restricted stocks held by
an original incentive object who resigned due to personal reasons, at a repurchase price of RMB 5.73 per share; It
is proposed to repurchase and cancel the 6,000 restricted shares held by a retired incentive object at a price of 6.23
yuan per share.

     On February 2, 2021, the company held the first extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2021 to
consider and pass the "Proposal on Repurchase and Cancellation of Certain Restricted Stocks", agreeing to the
company's total holdings of 1 original incentive object who resigned due to personal reasons 7,950 restricted
stocks were repurchased and cancelled at a repurchase price of 5.73 yuan/share; agreed that the company would
repurchase and cancel 6,000 restricted stocks held by a retired incentive object at a repurchase price of 6.14
yuan/share, in total 13,950 restricted stocks were repurchased and cancelled.

     As of the disclosure date of this report, the company has not completed the repurchase and cancellation
procedures of the above-mentioned restricted stocks in the Shenzhen Branch of China Securities Depository and
Clearing Co., Ltd.

     (6) Regarding the repurchase and cancellation of some restricted stocks and the repurchase and cancellation
of the third phase of restricted stocks

      On March 10, 2021, the company held the second meeting of the eighth board of directors and the second
meeting of the eighth board of supervisors. The "Proposal on Repurchase and Cancellation of Certain Restricted
Stocks" was reviewed and passed, and the company agreed to provide incentives to 102 A total of 1,236,480
restricted stocks held in the third period that did not meet the conditions for lifting the restrictions were
repurchased and cancelled. The repurchase price was calculated as the grant price of RMB 5.73 per share plus the
interest on bank deposits during the same period.

     This matter still needs to be submitted to the company's 2020 annual general meeting of shareholders for
review and approval, and it needs to be approved by more than 2/3 of the voting rights held by shareholders
attending the meeting.

XVI. Material related transactions
1. Related transactions in connection with daily operation
√Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                           er over
                                      Princip                      g limit                   Market
                                                                             the                             Index
                        Subject         le of       Amou                                      price
                                                            Ratio approv                              Date     of
                        s of the      pricing Price nt of                  approv Way of        of
Related Relatio Type of                                       in                                       of inform
                        related          the    of   trade                         payme     similar
parties nship     trade                                    similar ed                                disclos ation
                        transac       related trade RMB1                      ed     nt       trade
                                                            trades (RM                                ure disclos
                          tions       transac       0,000)                                   availab
                                                                           limited                            ure
                                       tions                        B’                         le
                                                                            or not
           Jingjia             se of
           ng        Purcha    optical
           Group'    se of     film
i                                      Market Agree
           s         produc    product               20,428 12.14                     Transf 20428.
Material                               Princip ment               26,744 No
           shareh    ts from   s and                      .2   %                      er     2
s                                      le      price
           olding    related   relevan
           compa     parties   t
ogy Co.,
           ny                  materia

           Jingjia             se of
           ng                  optical
Zhiqime              Sale of
           Group'              film
i                    goods             Market Agree
           s                   product                 11,054                         Transf 11054.
Material             to                Princip ment           5.24% 14,937 No
           shareh              s and                      .52                         er     52
s                    related           le      price
           olding              relevan
Technol              parties
           compa               t
ogy Co.,
           ny                  materia

Total                                    --      --             --   41,681    --       --     --     --      --

Details of any sales return of a
                                      Not applicable
large amount
Give the actual situation in the
report period where a forecast
had been made for the total
                                 Normal performance
amounts of routine related-party
transactions by type to occur in
the current period(if any)

Reason for any significant
difference between the
                                 Not applicable
transaction price and the market
reference price (if applicable)

2. Related-party transactions arising from asset acquisition or sold
□Applicable √Not applicable

During the reporting period, there were no related transactions involving the acquisition or sale of assets or equity.

3. Related-party transitions with joint investments
□Applicable √ Not applicable

No main related transactions of joint investment outside for the Company in reporting period.

4. Credits and liabilities with related parties
√Applicable    □Not applicable

Was there any non-operating credit or liability with any related party?

√ Yes   □No

Due from related parties

                                   Does                        Amount
                                                    increased                                 Interest in
                                there exist                   recovered
                                            Opening amount in                                     the     Ending
                                non-opera                       in the
 Related    Relations Causes of             balance    the                         Interest    reporting balance
                                   tion                       reporting
 parties       hip    formation              (RMB reporting                          rate      period(R (RMB10,0
                                  capital                      period(R
                                            10,000)   period                                  MB10,00      00)
                                occupancy                     MB10,00
                                                     (RMB                                         0)
                                     ?                            0)

Shenzhen                                            40.48         110      40.48                                 110
Dailishi Sharing
                  t        No
Underwea company
r Co., Ltd.
Anhui                                               180                                                      180
Huapeng Joint            Investmen
Textile   venture        t dividend
Co., Ltd.

Kunshan                                        5,389.38 12,491.61 15,793.07                             2,087.92
Materials               Sale
             shareholdi            No
Technolo                products
gy Co.,

          The                                      73.3     167.92      183.05                             58.17
          of the
          Company Sale
Microelec                          Yes
          was Vice products
Co., Ltd.
          of the

Influence of the
related rights of      During the reporting period, the creditor's rights of related parties were formed by normal
credit and liabilities production, operation and investment activities. There was no financial risk caused by the
upon the company’s occupation of funds by related parties, nor was there any damage to the company's
operation results and interests caused by unfair prices of related transactions.
financial position

Due to related parties

                                                 newly                                   Interest in
                                                                repaid in                              Ending
                                      Opening increased                                      the
   Related     Relationshi Causes of                               the        Interest                 balance
                                     balance(R   in the                                   reporting
   parties          p      formation                            reporting       rate                 (RMB10,00
                                     MB10,000) reporting                                 period(RM
                                                               period(RM                                  0)
                                               period(RM                                  B10,000)

Materials                  Purchase       5,624.5 23,024.21 25,069.95                                   3,578.76
               g company
Co., Ltd.
Xinfang       Sharing      Current
                                             24.48                                                          24.48
Knitting      company      amount
Co., Ltd.

            Sharing        Current
Printing &                                  158.09                                                        158.09
            company        amount
Co., Ltd.

              Sharing      Current
International                               121.67         5.04        12.4                               114.31
              company      amount
Co., Ltd.

           Sharing         Current
(HK)Co.,                                    31.5                                                           31.5
           company         amount

            Sharing        Current
Pringing &                                  381.11                                                        381.12
            company        amount
Dyeing Co.,

            Sharing        Current
Pringing &                                  381.11
            company        amount
Dyeing Co.,

Influence of the related
rights of credit and
                           During the reporting period, the debts of related party was caused by normal
liabilities upon the
                           production and operation activities, and there was no act damaging the interests of the
company’s operation
                           Company and its shareholders.
results and financial

5. Other significant related-party transactions
□ Applicable √Not applicable

XVII. Particulars about significant contracts and their fulfillment
1. Particulars about trusteeship, contract and lease
    (1) Trusteeship

    □Applicable √ Not applicable

    No trusteeship, contract or leasing for the Company in reporting period.

    (2) Contract

    □ Applicable √ Not applicable

    No any contract for the Company in the reporting period.

    (3) Lease

    □Applicable √ Not applicable

    No any lease for the Company in the reporting period..

2. Guarantees
    √Applicable □Not applicable

(1)Guarantee situation


          The company and its subsidiaries’ external guarantees (excluding guarantees to subsidiaries)

                  e date of
                                                                                                      it is a
                                                             Actual                         Has it related
Name of guarantee announce guarantee                                     Type of Guarantee
                                             Actual date    guarantee                        been     party
     object        ment of amount                                       guarantee period
                                                             amount                        fulfilled guarante

                                      The company's guarantees to subsidiaries

                  e date of                                                                           it is a
                     the                                     Actual                         Has it related
Name of guarantee           guarantee                                    Type of Guarantee
                  announce amount            Actual date    guarantee                        been     party
     object                                                             guarantee period
                   ment of                                   amount                        fulfilled guarante
                     the                                                                                 e

                                                                                     2 years
                                                                                     from the
                                                                                     date of the
                    March 18,                                                        agreement
SAPO Co., Ltd.                      48,000                    27,412.8 liability                 No     No
                    2020                                                             to the
                                                                                     expiry date
                                                                                     of the
                                                                                     actual loan
                                                                                     e period

The total amount of                                       Total actual amount of
guarantees approved for                                   guarantees to
                                                   48,000                                               27,412.8
subsidiaries during the                                   subsidiaries during the
reporting period(B1)                                    reporting period(B2)

                                                          The total balance of
The total amount of
                                                          actual guarantees to
guarantees to subsidiaries
                                                   48,000 subsidiaries at the end                       27,412.8
approved at the end of the
                                                          of the reporting period
reporting period(B3)

                                     subsidiaries's guarantees to The company

                  e date of
                                                                                                          it is a
                                                             Actual                             Has it related
Name of guarantee announce guarantee                                      Type of    Guarantee
                                             Actual date    guarantee                            been     party
     object        ment of amount                                        guarantee    period
                                                             amount                            fulfilled guarante

                             Total company guarantee(the total of the first three items)

                                                          The total amount of
Total approved guarantee                                  guarantees actually
amount during the reporting                        48,000 occurred during the                           27,412.8
period(A1+B1+C1)                                        reporting period
                                                           Total actual guarantee
The total amount of approved
                                                           balance at the end of
guarantees at the end of the                        48,000                                             27,412.8
                                                           the reporting period
reporting period(A3+B3+C3)

The actual total guarantee(即 A4+B4+C4)as a
percentage of the company’s net assets

Among them:

The balance of guarantees provided for shareholders,
actual controllers and their related parties (D)

The balance of debt guarantee provided directly or
indirectly for the guaranteed object whose asset-liability                                                    0
ratio exceeds 70% (E)

The amount of the total guarantee exceeding 50% of the
net assets (F)

The total amount of the above three guarantees (D+E+F)                                                        0

Description of the specific circumstances of the use of composite guarantees

(2)Violation of external guarantees

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

    During the reporting period, the company had no violations of external guarantees.

3. Situation of Entrusting Others for Managing Spot Asset

    (1) Situation of Entrusted Finance

    √ Applicable □Not applicable

    Overview of entrusted wealth-management during the reporting period

                                                                                                   In RMB 10,000
                         Source of funds for entrusted The     Occurred   Amount    of Undue   Un-recovered of
Specific type
                         financial management         Entrusted Wealth-management balance overdue amount
Bank         financial
                         Self fund                    77,900                          30,000   0
Bank         financial
                         Self fund                 66,000                            57,000   0
Total                                              478,000                           143,900 87,000

The detailed information of entrusted wealth-management with significant amount or low safety, poor liquidity or
high risk with no promise of principal

√ Applicable □Not applicable

                                                                                                    In RMB10,000

Name Type Prod Amou Capit Start Expir         Fund    Meth Refer Expe     Actua The Amo Whet Whet Sum
of     of     uct nt al    Date y             s       od of ence cted     l      actual unt her her mary
Trust Truste Type    Sourc      Date          Alloc   Rewa Annu Inco      profit recov of    passe there of
ee     e             e                        ation   rd    alized me     and ery of provi d the is       event
Orga Organ                                            Deter Rate (if      loss profit sion statut any s and
nizati izatio                                         minat of     any)   durin and for ory entru relate
on (or n(or                                           ion Retur           g the loss impai proce sted d
Trust Truste                                                n             report durin rment dure finan searc
ee     e)                                                                 ing g the (if            cial h
Name                                                                      perio report any)        plan index
)                                                                         d      ing               in the (if
                                                                                 perio             futur any)
                                                                                 d                 e
China                                                          3.85   539 539.5
Merc                                                             %            4
                                          Bank                                    Rede
Ltd.S      Struc             Febru                    Due
                                   Augu finan                                     mptio              Not
henzh      ture         Self ary                      paymen
      Bank       28,000            st 03, cial                                    n at        Yes    appli
en         Depo         Fund 05,                      t at a
                                   2020 produ                                     matur              cable
Shenf      sit               2020                     time
                                          cts                                     ity
China                                                                       233.5 233.5 Rede      Yes   Not
Merc                                                                            7     7 mptio           appli
hants                                                                                   n at            cable
Bank                                                                                    matur
Co.,                                                                                    ity
Ltd.S      Struc                             Septe         Due
                             Mar                   finan
henzh      ture         Self                 mber          paymen    3.85
      Bank       12,000      12,20                 cial
en         Depo         Fund                 14,           t at a      %
                             20                    produ
Shenf      sit                               2020          time

ern                                     Publi
                            Septe                          tion on
Fund fund Mon                     Marc c                                             Not                Not
                       Self mber                           T day,    2.95
Mana comp etary 12,000            h 10, fund                              38.4 37.72 expir        Yes   appli
                       Fund 08,                            arrival     %
geme any Fund                     2021 produ                                         ed                 cable
                            2020                           on T+1
nt                                      cts

China                                  Septe Marc Publi    Rede      2.95                 Not     Yes   Not
South                                  mber h 10, c        mptio       %                  expir         appli
ern                                    15, 2021 fund       n on                           ed            cable
Fund fund Mon                          2020       produ    T
Mana comp etary 22,000                            cts      day,
geme any Fund                                              arriva
nt                                                         l on
Co.,                                                       T+1
Ltd.                                                       day

                                                                            772.5 773.1
Total                82,500       --    --    --    --        --     --                     --     --     --    --
                                                                                7     1

Entrusted financing appears to be unable to recover the principal or there may be other circumstances that may
result in impairment

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
        (2) Situation of Entrusted Loans

        □ Applicable √ Not applicable

        No any Entrusted loans for the Company in the reporting period..

4. Other significant contract
√ Applicable □Not applicable

Compan Compan Contract Contract Book                 Assessed Appraisa Base              Pricing   Transacti Whether Connecti Executio Date       of Disclosur
y Name y         Name Object   Signing   Value of Value of l Agency Date           of Principle on Price A             on       n          Disclosur e Index
of      the of     the         Date      the         the            Name (If Assessm               (RMB10, Related     Relation Conditio e
Party      Other                         Assets      Assets         Any)    ent    (if             000)     Traction            n As Of
Making     Party of                      Involved Involved                  any)                                                The End
the        the                           by       the by      the                                                               Of   The
contract   Contract                      Contract Contract                                                                      Reportin
                                         (RMB10, (RMB10,                                                                        g Period
                                         000)     (If 000)
          Hangz     Nitto     Nove                                              With      In       Nove
SAPO      hou       Denko     mber                           Consi              no        norma    mber
Photo     Jinjian   provid    6,                             dering             associ    l        7,
electri   g         es        2017                           the                ation     perfor   2017
          Group     polari                                                      relatio   mance
c                                                            formul
          Co.,      zer                                                         nship
          Ltd.,     manuf                                    ation              with
          Kunsh     acturi                                   of                 the
          an        ng                                       marke              compa
          Zhiqi     techno                                                      ny
          mei       logy                                     t price
          Materi    and                                      and
          al        related                                  techni
          Techn     corpor                                                                                www.c
          ology     ation.                                   cal
          Co.,                                               servic
          Ltd.,                                              e
          Japan                                                                                           (Anno
          Nitto                                                                                           uncem
          Denko                                              , the
          Corpo                               No             final 86,900 No
          ration                                                                                          No. :2
                                                             on the

XVIII. Social responsibilities
1. Performance of poverty relieving responsibilities
     (1) The protection of shareholder’s rights and interests

     During the reporting period, the company operated with in accordance with laws and strictly conformed to
the requirements of laws and regulations such as The Company Law, The Securities Law and Corporate
Governance Guidelines for Listed Companies, and the company continuously perfected the governance structure
and further standardized the operation of the company. Adhered to the core system constituted by shareholders'
meeting, board of directors, board of supervisors and the independent director system, further improved the
corporate governance structure and the management system, constantly improved the company's internal control
system in the process of business management, adopted effective measures to prevent operational risks and
soundly safeguarded and protected the rights and interests of shareholders to lay a solid foundation for the
company's healthy, sustainable development. Independent directors have paid close attention to the company's
operation, put forward many valuable professional suggestions for the company's daily operation and key
concerns, and played an important role in improving the company's supervision mechanism and protecting the
legitimate rights and interests of the company and all shareholders.

     The company strictly enforces information disclosure obligations in accordance with the law, and truthfully,
accurately, completely, timely, and fairly discloses information that has a significant impact on investment
decisions, the disclosure content is concise and easy to understand, and fully reveals risks, facilitates access for all
shareholders. And according to regulatory requirements, the company further sort out and improve relevant
systems and improve the quality of information disclosure.

     During the reporting period, the company further improved information disclosure and information
transparency, strictly fulfilled the obligation of information disclosure in accordance with regulatory requirements,
communicated and communicated with investors through multiple channels, answered questions raised by
investors in a timely manner, improved information transparency, and cooperated with regulatory authorities and
at the same time, cooperated with the regulatory authorities to purify the market space, safeguard the interests of
investors, especially small and medium-sized investors, and achieve positive interaction and harmonious (2) The
protection of legal right of staff

     (2) The protection of legal right of staff

      Subject to the enterprise development strategy, the Company worked out a compliance, legitimate, scientific
and reasonable human resources management system. The Company established a labor relation with each
employee by concluding an employment contract and made necessary management on employees pursuant to
Labor Law and relevant management regulations in the Company. The Company formulated assessment
management systems separately geared to senior executives, middle management and regular employees and
established a systematic and standardized performance assessment and evaluation system for a comprehensive,
objective, fair and accurate assessment on all the employees regarding performance of duties and completion of
tasks, results of which were seen as the basis for determination of the employee compensation, reward or
punishment and appointment.
    In 2020, the company strives to create a good corporate culture atmosphere, strengthen employee
psychological care, During the new crown pneumonia epidemic, through online communication and
communication between group executives and employees returning to Shenzhen from key epidemic areas, we care
about and care for employees returning to Shenzhen from key epidemic areas, listen to the true voices of
employees, and enhance employees' sense of ownership and belonging; at the same time, In order to understand
the ideological status of grassroots employees by the group leaders, and to better care for and help employees
grow into talents, SAPO Photoelectric organized a symposium on the theme of "growth, struggle, dedication, and
dedication" organized by employee representatives of recent graduates who have joined the company in recent

    At the same time, the company has newly revised the " Shenzhen Textile Group Cadre Selection and
Appointment Management System", " Shenzhen Textile Group Training Management System", " Shenzhen
Textile Group's New Employees' Salary Adjustment Management Measures for One Year", "Shenzhen Textile
Group's Interim Measures for Annual Advanced Selection", etc. Nine human resources management systems have
optimized and improved the company’s human resources related work such as personnel training, performance
compensation management, and training management. Actively guide and assist subordinate companies to
promote various human resource management standards, and according to the actual conditions of each company,
guide each company to complete the salary reform, and make reasonable adjustments to the salary level of
employees. Strengthen the scientific and standardization of human resource management, avoid labor risks,
improve the level of human resource management, and further mobilize the enthusiasm of employees

    (3) The protection of environment

       Building a modern "green enterprise" with effort is a permanent responsibility which the Company keeps
taking. For that end, the Company holds firm to building a green and recycled industry chain throughout the entire
process to realize green and recycling economy in real means and improves quality of environment surrounding
the Company to facilitate its production. In the report period, the Company's out-of-boundary noise, industrial
waste water and gas emission passed the surveillance of the environmental protection administration and met
standard requirements in relevant laws and regulations. In the report period, through a rotary RTO treatment
process, more than 99% of VOCs were removed from the Company's organic waste gas and on the ground of
up-to-standard emission, the Company further reduced emission of pollutants to practically fulfill the social
responsibility as a listed company and inflicted no major environmental protection accident. Furthermore, the
Company advocated for green office with effort and carried out environmental protection publicity and education
activities in a variety of forms to enhance the energy-saving and emission reduction awareness among employees
and coordinate production & operation and environmental protection in production to fulfill its social
responsibility literally.
    (4) The protection of consumer rights and interests

     The company always sticks to the core values of "honesty, responsibility first". As the responsibility to the
customer is the source of enterprise value, the company committed to provide customers with professional,
personalized, full range of products and services.Sustainable customer-oriented service and impeccable product
quality motive our performance and sustainable development and guarantee long-term customers. And our
long-term partnership is established on the basis of initiative attention, quick responding and sincere care to
     In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on
epidemic prevention and control, and fully implement the major decisions of the Party Central Committee and the
State Council, the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government issued on February 7 the
Several Difficult Measures." In order to jointly respond to the epidemic, actively perform social responsibilities,
accelerate the implementation of the municipal party committee and municipal government’s decision and
deployment, and comprehensively consider the negative impact of the recent epidemic on property tenants, the
company actively responded to the call of the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee and the State-owned Assets
Supervision and Administration Commission, and formulated the company and its affiliates. The implementation
plan for rent reduction and exemption of self-owned properties of funded enterprises, to overcome difficulties
with customers, bravely assume the social responsibilities of state-owned enterprises, and help win the battle
against epidemic prevention and control.
2. Execution of social responsibility of targeted poverty alleviation
    (1) Precision poverty alleviation program
     The company has no precise social responsibility for poverty alleviation in theperiodand bas no follow-up
plan either.

    (2) Annual precision poverty alleviation
      (3) Accuracy of poverty alleviation

                           Index                              Measurement unit             Quantity / Status

I. General situation                                                 ——                       ——

II. Breakdown Input                                                  ——                       ——

1. Poverty alleviation by industrial development                     ——                       ——

2. Poverty alleviation by transfer employment                        ——                       ——

3. Poverty alleviation by relocation                                 ——                       ——

4. Educational poverty alleviation                                   ——                       ——

5. Health poverty alleviation                                        ——                       ——

6. Ecological protection poverty alleviation                         ——                       ——

7. Guarantee of all the details                                      ——                       ——

8. Social poverty alleviation                                        ——                       ——

9. Other projects                                                    ——                       ——

III. Awards (Content and level)                                      ——                       ——

      (4) Subsequent targeted poverty alleviation program

3. Information on environmental protection
The Listed Company and its subsidiary whether belongs to the key sewage units released from environmental
protection department


                                               Emission               Implemen
Company pollutant
                              Emission         port        Emission ted                    Verified    Excessive
or         and       Emission                                                   Total
                              port             distributio concentrat pollutant            total       emission
subsidiary specific way                                                         emission
                              number           n           ion        emission             emission    condition
name       pollutant
                                               condition              standards
                                              port is
SAPO                                          located on
            methane Altitude                              <100mg/ 120mg/m
Photoelect                         2          the east                    840kg/d        1728kg/d No
            total    emission                             m3      3
ric                                           side of the
                                              roof of
                                              No. 1

SAPO       Waste       channel                Southeast
Photoelect water:     discharge 1            side of    <60mg/L 70mg/L       37.5804t/a 43.8438t/a No
ric        COD         after                  plant area

Prevention and control of pollution facilities construction and operation

     The waste gas treatment facility adopted the RTO waste gas regenerative incineration process of SAPO
Photoelectric. which can fully meet the emission requirements of discharge gas. The removal rate of organic waste
gas VOCs reached more than 99%,Meanwhile, the equipment adopted the imported thermal storage material, with
the heat storage effect reached 90%, so that the equipment operation had low energy consumption; after RTO
treatment, the exhaust gas produced by the production process can meet the discharge standard.
     The wastewater treatment facility of SAPO Photoelectric has improved the Fenton system in the early stage,
and currently adopts the wastewater treatment process of UASB anaerobic + aerobic + MBR membrane +
coagulation sedimentation. The process has strong impact resistance, stable system operation, low energy
consumption, low maintenance and operation cost, high degree of automation, and good wastewater treatment
effluent effect. The waste water produced in the production process can meet the environmental protection
requirements of standard discharge after being treated by waste water treatment facilities.

    Situation of Construction project environmental impact assessment and other environmental protection
administrative licenses

     The Company complied with relevant environmental protection regulations at such three stages as project
design, construction and operation and obtained environmental protection approvals needed at each corresponding
stage including EIA report, EIA approval, environmental protection acceptance decision and emission permit
among others.

Emergency Plan for Emergency Environmental Incidents

     According to the actual situation of the company, the preparation of the emergency plan for emergency
environmental incidents was completed, and an emergency environmental emergency plan filing application

Environmental Self-Monitoring Program

     Surveillance done subject to surveillance requirements made by the surveillance station and operation needs
of all systems of SAPO Photoelectric,the specific monitoring programs are as follows: organic exhaust gas is 8
times per year (2 per quarter), wastewater discharge is 4 times per year (once per quarter), boiler exhaust gas is 2
times per year (once every six months), and canteen fume is 2 times per year (once every six months), the noise at
the plant boundary is 2 times per year (once every six months).

Other Environmental Information That Should Be Disclosed


Other Environmental Related Information


XIX. Other material events
√ Applicable □ Not applicable

1. Progress of polarizer industrialization project for ultra-large TV (Line 7)
     In order to meet the funding needs for the construction of the Line 7 project, the 28th meeting of the seventh
board of directors of the company reviewed and approved the "Proposal on Subsidiaries Applying for Mortgage
Loans from Banks" and "Proposal on Providing Guarantees for Subsidiaries' Mortgage ,The Second Extraordinary
General Meeting of Shareholders in 2020 reviewed and passed the "Proposal on Providing Guarantees for
Subsidiary Mortgage Loans", and agreed that its subsidiary SAPO Photoelectric will apply for 80,000 thousand
yuan from lead Bank such as Communications Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch for some of its self-owned properties.
This fixed asset loan does not exceed 8 years .The specific terms and term are subject to the actual signed loan
contract; it is agreed that the company will provide joint liability guarantee for the above-mentioned loan at a 60%
shareholding ratio, and exempt it from paying the company The company’s legal representative or its authorized
representative shall be authorized to handle the above-mentioned guarantee matters on behalf of the company and
sign the guarantee contract and any other documents related to this guarantee; agree that the company and the
other guarantor Jinjiang Group shall conduct joint and several guarantee related issues Agreement stipulated. For
details, please refer to Announcement Nos. 2020-18, 2020-19 and 2020-22 of the company on
www.cninfo.com.cn (http://www.cninfo.com.cn).

     As of the disclosure date of this report, Line 7 project has completed the main plant roof capping and
extension machine equipment manufacturing. Affected by the novel coronavirus pneumonia epidemic, due to
shortages of labor, insufficient supply of engineering materials and equipment, and transportation restrictions, the
Line 7 project will not be fully resumed until mid-March 2020. The company further strengthened the monitoring
and management of budget, progress, quality and other aspects, and rearranged the construction time nodes. As of
December 31, 2020, the civil engineering of the line 7 project has basically been completed, and the clean area of
the main production workshop has completed preliminary acceptance ; In terms of process equipment, main
equipment such as extension machines, coating machines, and anti-detection machines have been installed and
entered the commissioning stage. The overall commissioning will be completed in late March 2021 and enter trial

     During the reporting period, the company, after prudential evaluation, invested an additional RMB 147.2
million in the construction of 1 RTP production line and 2 RTS production lines in the No. 7 line project. The
source of funds was its own funds and bank loans. The main reasons for this increase in investment are to meet the
needs of downstream panel customers and enhance the depth of customer cooperation; the second is to help
improve the overall production efficiency of Line 7 project, simplify the production process, and effectively
reduce production costs; third, to further improve Enterprise competitiveness provides guarantee for the successful
operation of Line 7 project. For the above details, please refer to the "Announcement on the Increase of
Investment and Construction Progress in the Industrialization Project of Polarizers for Super Large TVs (Line 7)"
by Juchao Information Network (http://www.cninfo.com.cn) on April 30, 2020. (No. 2020-25). As of the
disclosure date of this report, the company has built 1 RTP production line, and RTP equipment production is in
progress. It is expected to achieve mass production in the third quarter of 2021; 1 RTS production line is already
under construction, and it is expected to be achieved in the third quarter of 2021. Mass production.

    As of December 31, 2020, the cumulative investment contract value of the Line 7 project was 1.628,631,700
yuan, and the actual payment was 1,468,765,700 yuan (using raised funds of 409,951,100 yuan, using self-owned
funds and government funds of 1,058,114,700 yuan).

2. Progress of Renting of Guanhua Building
      In order to further revitalize the company’s stock assets, concentrate resources on the main business, and
stimulate the vitality of the company, the “Regarding the Transfer of Shenzhen Guanhua Printing and Dyeing Co.,
Ltd. The “Proposal of 50.16% of the Company’s Equity” agrees that the company will transfer the 50.16% equity
of Guanhua Company held by the company by public listing in Shenzhen United Property Rights Exchange at a
price no less than RMB 340,468,300 as the assessment result approved by the state-owned asset management
department. However, due to market reasons and changes in relevant circumstances, after the company’s
comprehensive consideration, Guanhua’s equity was not listed on the Shenzhen United Assets and Equity
Exchange. The company originally planned to combine it according to market conditions during the validity
period of the target equity evaluation report (August 30, 2020). The company actually chooses the opportunity to
list on the market. For the details of the above specific situation, please refer to the company's announcement No.
2019-55, 2019-63, and 2019-71 on the Juchao Information Network (http://www.cninfo.com.cn).

      Due to market reasons and changes in relevant circumstances, the company did not publicly list and transfer
the equity of the target company on the Shenzhen United Assets and Equity Exchange. As of the disclosure date of
this report, the evaluation report of Guanhua Company has passed its validity period (valid until August 30, 2020).
If the equity transfer continues to be implemented, a new asset evaluation will be required. In view of the market
reasons affected by the new crown pneumonia epidemic this year, combined with the company's actual operating
conditions, the company, after careful consideration, intends to terminate the transfer of 50.16% of Guanhua's
equity. The company held the 33rd meeting of the seventh board of directors on October 29, 2020, and held the
first extraordinary general meeting of 2021 on February 2, 2021. It reviewed and approved the ``Regarding the
termination of the transfer of Shenzhen Guanhua Printing and Dyeing Co., Ltd. "The Proposal on 50.16% of the
Company’s Equity" agrees that the company will terminate the public listing and transfer of 50.16% of the equity
of Shenzhen Guanhua Printing and Dyeing Co., Ltd. in accordance with market changes and actual operating
conditions. For the above content, please refer to http: //www.cninfo.com.cn) "Announcement on Terminating the
Transfer of 50.16% Equity of Shenzhen Guanhua Printing and Dyeing Co., Ltd." (No. 2020-49).

3. The disposal of assets of the joint venture company Xieli Automobile Co., Ltd.
     Shenzhen Xieli Automobile Enterprise Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Shenzhen Xieli") is a
Sino-foreign joint venture invested and established by the company and Hong Kong Xieli Maintenance Company
in 1981, with a registered capital of 3.12 million yuan, and the company holds 50% of the equity. The company's
operating period ended in 2008, and its business license was revoked in 2014. The company's main asset is real
estate. Up to now, the company has received RMB 25.76 million. This matter has no impact on the company’s
profit and loss. The company still needs to negotiate with other shareholders regarding the property under the
name of Shenzhen Xieli, and promote the resolution of related issues. The company will promptly follow the
follow-up progress. Fulfill information disclosure obligations.

XX. Material events of subsidiaries
√ Applicable □Not applicable

1. Matters concerning the company's arbitration and compensation for its subsidiaries'
performance commitments in 2019
     On March 9, 2020, the company received the 2020 Shen Guozhong Acceptance No. 452-2 "Arbitration
Notice" from the Shenzhen International Arbitration Court and the "Arbitration Application" submitted by
Hangzhou Jinjiang Group Co., Ltd. as the applicant. The respondent of the arbitration matter, Hangzhou Jinjiang
Group Co., Ltd. filed an arbitration request: 1. The award made the following changes to the "Cooperation
Agreement": (1) The original Article 3.1 of the "Cooperation Agreement" was deleted, and the relevant unfulfilled
rights and obligations were no longer fulfilled. (2) Delete the original Article 6.4 of the Cooperation Agreement,
and the relevant unfulfilled rights and obligations will no longer be fulfilled; 2. The ruling that the respondent
shall bear the arbitration fees in this case and the actual expenses of the arbitration tribunal. The applicant reserves
the right to further modify the arbitration request. For details, please refer to the "Announcement on the
Company's       Involvement        in    Arbitration"     (No.2020-07)      of     Juchao     Information      Network

     On March 26, 2020, the company received the 2020 Shenzhen International Arbitration Court No. 452-3
"Notice on Extending the Time Limit for Appointment of Arbitrators" from the Shenzhen Court of International
Arbitration. Due to the complex disputes in this case and the special epidemic background, the claimant needed
extra time to negotiate and communicate the procedural matters of this case with the respondent, so it applied to
the Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration to extend the time limit for appointing arbitrators in this case. The
Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration considers that the claimant’s request is reasonable, and both parties
are requested to notify the Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration in writing of the result of the appointment
of the arbitrator before March 30, 2020. Therefore, the company will postpone the appointment of arbitrators
within 15 days after receiving the notice of arbitration on March 9, 2020 until the appointment of arbitrators
before March 30, 2020, and notify the Shenzhen International Arbitration Court of the result in writing. For details,
please refer to the "Announcement on the Company's Progress Involving Arbitration" (No. 2020-21) on the
company's Juchao Information Network (http://www.cninfo.com.cn).

      On April 17, 2020, the company received the 2020 Shenzhen International Arbitration Court No. 452-4
"Notice of Arbitration Tribunal Composition" from Shenzhen International Arbitration Court. Both parties to the
arbitration have selected arbitration in accordance with the arbitration procedures before March 30, 2020. The
Shenzhen Court of International Arbitration was notified in writing of the results of the arbitrators, each
appointing an arbitrator and jointly appointing a chief arbitrator. On April 16, 2020, the arbitration tribunal to hear
the case was formed.

      On December 1, 2020, the arbitration case was heard in the Seventh Arbitration Tribunal of the Court of
Arbitration located at the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. As of the disclosure date of this announcement, the
arbitration has not yet been awarded. In view of the company's involvement in the aforementioned arbitration
matters and the uncertainty of the arbitration results, Jinjiang Group's unfulfilled commitment to the company's
subsidiary SAPO SAPO Photoelectric for 2019 performance is uncertain. The company will continue to pay
attention to the follow-up progress of this arbitration and timely perform its information disclosure obligations.

2. Progress in subsidiaries participating in the establishment of industrial funds
      On November 16, 2017, the company's controlling subsidiary SAPO Photoelectric signed the Changxing
Junying Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) Agreement                 with the fund manager Huizhi
Investment Management Co., Ltd, general partner Jinxin Investment Co., Ltd and other limited partners, and
co-sponsored the establishment of an industrial fund, focusing on the optical film industry chain related projects
related to the company's main business, with a fund size of 50 million yuan. SAPO Photoelectric, as one of the
limited partners of the industrial fund, subscribed for a capital contribution of 28.5 million yuan.

     For details Juchao Website:(http://www.cninfo.com.cn. (Announcement No.2017--55).

     On February 10, 2018, Changxing Junying Equity Investment Partnership completed the industrial and
commercial registration and completed the private equity investment fund registration on February 8, 2018. For
details Juchao Website:(http://www.cninfo.com.cn. (Announcement No.2018--05).

   As of December 31, 2019, Changxing Junying had accumulated 3 investment projects with a total investment
of 42 million yuan. The profit during the reporting period was 2,150,900 yuan.

                                                                                                   Fund contribution
    No                                   Name                                    Investment
                                                                                                   (RMB 10,000)

    1             Shenzhen Kaichuang Shijia Technology Co., Ltd.                Optical Film             1,400

    2            Shenzhen Shenfuyu Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.              Optical Film             1,300

    3        Shenzhen Hengbaoshun Technology Development Co., Ltd.              Optical Film             1,500

3. Provision of guarantees for subsidiaries to apply for bank mortgages
      In order to meet the capital requirements for the construction of the polarizer industrialization
project (line 7) for super-large TVs, the 28th meeting of the seventh board of directors of the
company deliberated and approved the "Proposal on Subsidiaries Applying for Mortgage Loans
from Banks" and "About The Proposal on Providing Guarantees for Subsidiaries' Mortgage Loans,
the Proposal on Providing Guarantees for Subsidiaries' Mortgage Loans Deliberated and Passed by
the Second Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in 2020, the 34th Meeting of the
Seventh Board of Directors, and the first interim meeting in 2021 The general meeting of
shareholders reviewed and approved the "Proposal on Clarifying the "Proposal on Providing
Guarantees for Subsidiary Mortgage Loans" and the scope of guarantees in the resolution", and
agreed that the subsidiary SAPO Photoelectric will use some of its self-owned properties to take the
Bank of Communications Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch as the lead The bank’s syndicated application
for a fixed asset loan of RMB 80 million with a term of no more than 8 years is based on the
"Oversized TV Polarizer Industrialization Project (Line 7) Syndicated Loan" and "Oversized TV"
signed by SAPO Photoelectric and the lender. "The Mortgage Contract of Syndicated Loan for
Polarizer Industrialization Project (Line 7)" shall prevail;
     Agreed to provide a joint liability guarantee for 60% of the total debts of the subsidiary SAPO
Photoelectric under the above-mentioned project loan to the above-mentioned syndicate. The
principal amount of the secured creditor's rights is RMB 480 million, and the legal representative of
the company or its authorized representative is authorized to represent the company Handle the
above guarantee matters and sign the guarantee contract and any other documents related to this
guarantee. For details, please refer to the company's announcements No. 2020-18, 2020-19,
2020-22, 2020-52, and 2021-11 on www.cninfo.com.cn. As of the date of the disclosure of this
report, the company has signed the "Guarantee Contract for Syndicated Loans for the
Industrialization Project of Polarizers for Ultra-Large TVs (Line 7)" with Bank of Communications
Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch, the guarantee agent of the syndicate. For details, please refer to the
"Announcement on the Company's Progress in Providing Guarantees to Subsidiaries" (No. 2020-46)
on October 24, 2020, http://www.cninfo.com.cn.

   Chapter 6: Change of share capital and shareholding of Principal


I. Changes in share capital
1. Changes in share capital
                                                                                                      In Shares

                          Before the change          Increase/decrease(+,-)              After the Change

                          Amount Proporti                     Capitaliz
                                    on          Share         ation of
                                                       Bonus                                          Proporti
                                              allotmen        common Other       Subtotal Quantity
                                                       shares                                            on
                                                  t            reserve

1.Shares with conditional 2,893,83                                    -1,567,4 -1,567,4 1,326,40
                                     0.57%                                                              0.25%
subscription                     0                                         25       25         5

1.State -owned shares            0   0.00%                                   0          0         0     0.00%

2. State-owned legal
                                 0   0.00%                                   0          0         0     0.00%
person shares

                          2,893,83                                    -1,567,4 -1,567,4 1,326,40
3.Other domestic shares              0.57%                                                              0.25%
                                 0                                         25       25         5

Incl:Domestic legal
                                 0   0.00%                                   0          0         0     0.00%
person shares
Domestic Natural Person 2,893,83                                             -1,567,4 -1,567,4 1,326,40
                                          0.57%                                                              0.25%
shares                         0                                                  25       25         5

4.Foreign share                      0    0.00%                                     0         0         0    0.00%

Incl:Foreign legal person
                                     0    0.00%                                     0         0         0    0.00%

     Foreign Natural
                                     0    0.00%                                     0         0         0    0.00%
Person shares

II.Shares with
                               506,444,                                                           506,445,
unconditional                           99.43%                                  1,275     1,275            99.75%
                                   599                                                                874

1.Common shares in             457,016,                                                           457,017,
                                        89.73%                                  1,275     1,275            90.02%
RMB                                599                                                                874

2.Foreign shares in            49,428,0                                                           49,428,0
                                          9.70%                                     0         0              9.74%
domestic market                     00                                                                  00

3. Foreign shares in
                                     0    0.00%                                     0         0         0    0.00%
foreignc market

4.Other                              0    0.00%                                     0         0         0    0.00%

                               509,338,                                      -1,566,1 -1,566,1 507,772,      100.00
III. Total of capital shares            100.00%
                                   429                                            50       50      279           %

Reasons for share changed

√ Applicable □Not applicable

      The company’s performance in 2020 did not meet the conditions for the release of the second sale restriction
period stipulated in the 2017 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan, according to the company’s Restricted Stock
Incentive Plan in 2017,Chapter VIII of the restricted stock grant conditions And the conditions for lifting the sales
restriction ,If the conditions for lifting the sales restriction in the current period are not met, the company will
repurchase the restricted stocks that can be released for the current year and cancel them in accordance with the
provisions of this plan. The second phase held by the company for 116 incentive objects The 1,313,340 restricted
stocks that did not meet the conditions for lifting the restrictions were repurchased and cancelled. Secondly ,The
company’s original incentive targets, including 11 people who resigned due to personal reasons, including Liao
Zhichao, Xu Kai, Xu Liqun, Zhang Yonggang, Xiong Sheng, Yuan Rubing, Xie Fengzhen, Xu Weiwen, Pu
Xueying, Liu Shuhong, and Qin Wei. According to the relevant provisions of the Incentive Plan (Draft), the
above-mentioned personnel no longer meet the incentive conditions, and the company shall repurchase and cancel
the 247,050 restricted stocks that have been granted but not yet lifted. Thirdly, the company’s original incentive
object, Yang Jianjun, retires. According to the company’s "2017 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan", this person no
longer meets the incentive conditions, and the company has granted 5,760 restricted stocks that have not been
lifted. Cancellation of repurchase. In summary, a total of 1,566,150 restricted stocks were repurchased and
cancelled. For details, please refer to the "Announcement on Repurchase and Cancellation of Certain Restricted
Stocks" (No. 2019-75, 2020-17, 2020-30) of the company on www.cninfo.com.cn. On November 12, 2020, the
company completed the repurchase and cancellation procedures of the above-mentioned restricted stocks at the
Shenzhen Branch of China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited. For details, please refer to
www.cninfo.com (http://www.cninfo.com). .cn) "Announcement on Completion of Repurchase and Cancellation
of Certain Restricted Stocks" (No. 2020-51) of the company.

     In addition, the company's shares held by Zhang Xiaodong, the company's former employee supervisor, were
partially unlocked during the reporting period, and 1,275 shares of shares not subject to sales restrictions were

Approval of Change of Shares

√ Applicable □Not applicable

      Regarding the transfer of the above-mentioned restricted stocks, Grant Thornton International Ltd (special
general partnership) conducted an inspection on the above-mentioned repurchase and cancellation of some
restricted stocks and issued 07552020090097235311 Capital Verification Report. The company has issued a report
on November 12, 2020. The Shenzhen Branch of China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited
completed the repurchase cancellation procedures. For details Juchao Website: ( http://www.cninfo.com.cn.,
Company "Announcement on Completion of Repurchase and Cancellation of Certain Restricted
Stocks" ,Announcement No. 2020-51).

Ownership transfer of share changes

√ Applicable □Not applicable

     Regarding the transfer of the above restricted stocks, ShineWing Accounting Firm (special general
partnership) verified some restricted stocks cancelled by the above repurchase and issued the capital verification
report XYZH/2019SZA20370. The Company completed the repurchase and cancellation procedures in Shenzhen
branch of China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd on September 12, 2019. For details Juchao Website:
(http://www.cninfo.com.cn. (Announcement No.2019--42).

Progress on any share repurchase:

√ Applicable □Not applicable

   For details, please refer to Section V, "XV. Implementation of the Company's Equity Incentive Plan,
Employee Stock Ownership Plan or Other Employee Incentive Measures (III) Progress of Restricted Stock".

Progress on reducing the repurchased shares by means of centralized bidding:

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

Influence on the basic EPS and diluted EPS as well as other financial indexes of net assets per share attributable to
common shareholders of Company in latest year and period

√ Applicable □Not applicable

     After the Company repurchased and cancelled some restricted stocks, the total capital of the Company was
changed from 509,338,429 shares to 507,772,279 shares. The impact of this share change on the Company's
financial indicators such as basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share, net assets per share
attributable to the company's common shareholders in the latest year and period is as follows:

Items                                        Year 2019                                              Year 2020

                                             According      to    the According to the new According to the new
                                             original capital          capital                      capital

Basic earnings per share (yuan/share)                                  0.04                         0.07

Diluted earnings per share                                             0.04                         0.07

Net assets per share                                                   5.36                         5.45

Other information necessary to disclose for the company or need to disclosed under requirement from security

□ Applicable √Not applicable

2. Change of shares with limited sales condition
√ Applicable □Not applicable

                    Number of         Increase the    Number of         Number of
                     restricted        number of       restricted       restricted
   Name of                                                                                Reasons for
                   shares at the        restricted  shares lifted in   shares at the                          Release date
  Shareholder                                                                            restricted sale
                   beginning of       shares in the   the current       end of the
                    the period       current period      period           period

Zhang Xiaodong               5,250            1,275                0             3,975                     Jan 1, 2020
                                                                                         lock stocks

Total                        5,250            1,275                0             3,975         --                  --

II. Issuing and listing
1. Explanation of the Situation of the Security Issue(No Preferred Shares) in the Report
□ Applicable √Not applicable

2. Change of asset and liability structure caused by change of total capital shares and
√Applicable □ Not applicable

For details, please refer to Section 5 "15. Implementation of the company's equity incentive plan, employee stock
ownership plan or other employee incentive measures (3) Progress of restricted stocks".
3. About the existing employees’ shares
□Applicable √Not applicable

III. Shareholders and actual controlling shareholder
1. Number of shareholders and shareholding
                                                                                                      In Shares

                                                                                     preferred sha
Total number                Total                      The total numbe               reholders at
of common                   shareholders at            r of preferred sh             the end of the
shareholders                the end of the             areholders votin              month from
at the end of        29,622 month from          28,741 g rights restored           0 the date of            0
the                         the date of                 at period-end(if             disclosing the
reporting                   disclosing the             any)(See Notes                annual
period                      annual report              8)                            report(if
                                                                                     Notes 8)

                 Particulars about shares held above 5% by shareholders or top ten shareholders

                                           Number                     Amount         Number of share
                                  Proporti                  Amount
                                              of   Changes               of           pledged/frozen
  Shareholders                      on of                      of
                    Nature of               shares    in              un-restri
                                   shares                   restricte
                   shareholder             held at reportin             cted
                                    held                    d shares
                                           period g period             shares State of share     Amount
                                  (%)                       held
                                             -end                       held

Shenzhen                          46.10% 234,069 0                     234,069,
Investment       State-owned                ,436                           436
Holdings Co.,    legal person

Shenzhen                            3.18% 16,129, 0                    16,129,0
Shenchao        State-owned                  032                             32
Investment Co., Legal person

                 Domestic           0.64% 3,224,7 0                    3,224,76
Sun Minghui
                 Nature person                67                              7

                 Domestic           0.56% 2,823,0 224996               2,823,06
Su Weipeng
                 Nature person                66 6                            6
                Domestic           0.49% 2,509,1 230910                2,509,10
Chen Xiaobao
                Nature person                00 0                             0

                Domestic           0.45% 2,277,7 227770                2,277,70
Deng Yan
                Nature person                00 0                             0

                Domestic           0.35% 1,765,3 176530                1,765,30
Shen Zhenxing
                Nature person                00 0                             0

                Domestic           0.33% 1,678,0 141240                1,678,00
Wang Zhongjin
                Nature person                00 0                             0

                Domestic           0.32% 1,612,5 161259                1,612,59
Hou Xiulan
                Nature person                91 1                             1

                Domestic           0.31% 1,598,7 452097                1,598,79
Li Zengmou
                Nature person                97                               7

Strategy investors or general
legal person becomes top 10
shareholders due to rights issued
(if applicable)(See Notes 3)

                                 Shenzhen Shenchao Technology Investment Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned
                                 subsidiary of Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd., According to the
                                 decision of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration
                                 Commission of Shenzhen Municipal People's Government, Shenzhen
                                 Shenchao Technology Investment Co., Ltd was transferred to Shenzhen Major
                                 Industrial Investment Group Co., Ltd in June 2019. After the completion of
                                 the transfer, Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd., the controlling
                                 shareholder of the company, no longer holds the equity of Shenzhen Shenchao
Explanation on shareholders
                                 Technology Investment Co., Ltd., and Shenzhen Shenchao Technology
participating in the margin
                                 Investment Co., Ltd. is changed to a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Industrial
trading business
                                 Investment Group. Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen
                                 Shenchao Technology Investment Co., Ltd. no longer constitute a concerted
                                 person relationship.Except this, the Company did not whether there is
                                 relationship between the top ten shareholders holding non-restricted
                                 negotiable shares and between the top ten shareholders holding non-restricted
                                 negotiable shares and the top 10 shareholders or whether they are persons
                                 taking concerted action defined in Regulations on Disclosure of Information
                                 about Shareholding of Shareholders of Listed Companies.

                          Shareholding of top 10 shareholders of unrestricted shares

    Name of the shareholder      Quantity of unrestricted shares held at the end          Share type
                               of the reporting period                  Share type    Quantity

Shenzhen Investment Holdings                                          Common
                                                     234,069,436                      234,069,436
Co., Ltd.                                                             shares in RMB

Shenzhen Shenchao Technology                                          Common
                                                         16,129,032                    16,129,032
Investment Co., Ltd.                                                  shares in RMB

Sun Huiming                                               3,224,767                     3,224,767
                                                                      shares in RMB

                                                                    Foreign shares
Su Weipeng                                                2,823,066 in domestic         2,823,066

Chen Xiaobao                                              2,509,100                     2,509,100
                                                                      shares in RMB

Deng Yan                                                  2,277,700                     2,277,700
                                                                      shares in RMB

Shen Zhenxing                                             1,765,300                     1,765,300
                                                                      shares in RMB

Wang Zhongjing                                            1,678,000                     1,678,000
                                                                      shares in RMB

Hou Xiulan                                                1,612,591                     1,612,591
                                                                      shares in RMB

Li Zengmou                                                1,598,797                     1,598,797
                                                                      shares in RMB
                                  Shenzhen Shenchao Technology Investment Co., Ltd. is a wholly-owned
                                  subsidiary of Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd., According to the
                                  decision of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration
                                  Commission of Shenzhen Municipal People's Government, Shenzhen
                                  Shenchao Technology Investment Co., Ltd was transferred to Shenzhen Major
Explanation on associated         Industrial Investment Group Co., Ltd in June 2019. After the completion of
relationship or consistent action the transfer, Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd., the controlling
among the top 10 shareholders of shareholder of the company, no longer holds the equity of Shenzhen Shenchao
non-restricted negotiable shares Technology Investment Co., Ltd., and Shenzhen Shenchao Technology
and that between the top 10       Investment Co., Ltd. is changed to a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Industrial
shareholders of non-restricted    Investment Group. Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen
negotiable shares and top 10      Shenchao Technology Investment Co., Ltd. no longer constitute a concerted
shareholders                      person relationship.Except this, the Company did not whether there is
                                  relationship between the top ten shareholders holding non-restricted
                                  negotiable shares and between the top ten shareholders holding non-restricted
                                  negotiable shares and the top 10 shareholders or whether they are persons
                                  taking concerted action defined in Regulations on Disclosure of Information
                                  about Shareholding of Shareholders of Listed Companies.

Explanation on shareholders
participating in the margin       Company shareholder Chen Xiaobao holds 2,332,700 shares through a credit
trading business(if any )(See     transaction secured securities account.
Notes 4)

Whether top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held have a
buy-back agreement dealing in reporting period.

□ Yes √ No

The top ten common shareholders or top ten common shareholders with un-restrict shares held of the Company
have no buy –back agreement dealing in reporting period.

2. Controlling shareholder
Nature of Controlling Shareholders: Local state holding

Type of Controlling Shareholders: Legal person

   Name of the         Legal
                                      Date of      Organization
   Controlling     representative/                                         Principal business activities
                                   incorporation      code
   shareholder         Leader
                                                                  Investment and acquisition of financial and
                                                                  similar financial stock rights such as bank,
                                                                  security, insurance, fund and guarantee;
                                                                  Engage in real estate development and
                                                                  management business within the limit of
                                                                  legally-acquired land use right; Carry out
                                                                  investment and service in the field of
                                                                  strategic emerging industry; Carry out
Shenzhen                                                          investment, operation and management of
                   Wang             October
Investment                                          76756642-1    state-owned stocks of wholly-owned, holding
                   Yongjian         13,2004
Holdings Co., Ltd.                                                and joint-stock company by reorganization &
                                                                  integration, capital operation and asset
                                                                  disposal; Other businesses undertaken by
                                                                  authorization of municipal SASAC(State
                                                                  Asset Supervision and Administration
                                                                  Commission) (If the above business scope
                                                                  needs to be approved according to national
                                                                  regulations, the business can only be
                                                                  operated after the approval is obtained).

                    Shen Property A(000011),Quantity of shares 339.45 million,Shareholding ratio:56.96%;
                    SPGA(000029),Quantity of shares 642.28 million,Shareholding ratio:63.55%;Shen
                    Universe A(000023),Quantity of shares 9.59 million,shareholding ratio:6.91%;Pingan
Equity of other     (601318),Quantity of shares 962.72 million,shareholding ratio:5.27%;Guosen Seurities
domestic/foreign    (002736),Quantity of shares 3223.11 million,shareholding ratio:33.53%;Guotai Junan
listed              (601211),Quantity of shares 609.24 million,H shareholding ratio:103.37%,Total
company with        shareholding ratio :8.00%;Telling holding(000829),Quantity of shares 195.03 million,
share               shareholding ratio:18.8%;Shenzhen International(00152),Quantity of shares:952.01
controlling and     million,shareholding ratio:44.04%;Beauty Star(002243),Quantity of shares:604082
share               million,shareholding ratio:51.93%; Hopewell Highway (00737),Quantity of shares:
participation by    2213.45 million,shareholding ratio:71.83%; Infinova(002528),Quantity of shares:315.83
                    million,shareholding ratio:26.35%; Eternal Asia(002183),Quantity of shares:388.45
                    million,shareholding ratio:18.3%;Shen Enerty(000027),Quantity of shares:5.64 million,
shareholder in
                    shareholding ratio:0.14%;Bank Communication(601328)Quantity of shares:9.52 million,
reporting period
                    shareholding ratio:0.01%;Tehan Ecological (300197)Quantity of shares:113.98 million,

                    shareholding ratio:4.86%and CHINA VANKE(02202)Quantity of shares:77.278 million,

                    shareholding ratio:0.68%.

Change of the actual controller in the reporting period

□Applicable √Not applicable

3. Information about the controlling shareholder of the Company
Actual controller nature: Local state owned assets management

Actual controller type: Legal person

  Name of the controlling    representative/       Date of
                                                                 Organization code Principal business activities
      shareholder               person in       establishment

                                                                                     Performing the
                                                                                     responsibilities of investors
State-owned Assets
                                                                                     on behalf of the state and
Regulatory Commission of
                         Yu Gang               July 31,2004     K3172806-7           supervising and managing
Shenzhen Municipal
                                                                                     state-owned assets
People's Government
                                                                                     according to authorization
                                                                                     and law.

Equity of other
domestic/foreign listed
company with share           Except for Shenzhen Holdings Co., Ltd., the holding shareholder of the company,
controlling and share
                             other domestic and foreign listed companies of the equity held by the actual
participation by
                             controller haven’ been shown in the list of the top ten shareholders of the company.
controlling shareholder in
reporting period

Changes of the actual controller in the reporting period

□Applicable √Not applicable

No Changes of the actual controller in the reporting period

Block Diagram of the ownership and control relations between the company and the actual controller
The actual controller controls the company by means of trust or managing the assets in other way

□Applicable √Not applicable

4. Particulars about other legal person shareholders with over 10% share held
□Applicable   √Not applicable

5. Situation of Share Limitation Reduction of Controlling Shareholders, Actual Controllers,
Restructuring Party and Other Commitment Subjects
□Applicable   √Not applicable
                    Chapter 7: Situation of the Preferred Shares

□ Applicable √Not applicable

The Company had no preferred shares in the reporting period.
         Chapter 8: Information about convertible corporate bonds

□ Applicable √Not applicable

During the reporting period, the company did not have convertible corporate bonds.
    Chapter 9: Information about Directors, Supervisors and Senior


I. Change in shares held by directors, supervisors and senior executives
                                                                      Amount      Amount
                                                                          of         of
                                                            Shares                                     Shares
                                                                       shares      shares     Other
                                                            held at                                    held at
                                           Starting Expiry            increase    decrease   changes
        Position Office                                       the                                        the
 Name                       Sex     Age    date of date of             d at the   d at the   increase
           s     status                                    year-beg                                   year-geg
                                            tenure tenure             reportin    reportin   /decreas
                                                           in(share                                   in(share
                                                                          g           g          e
                                                               )                                          )
                                                                      period(s    period(s
                                                                        hare)       hare)

Zhang   Secretar                                 Februar
                 In office Female     41 y                       0           0          0          0        0
Jian    y of the                                 y 9,2024

        ry of
Zhu                                        July    Februar
        ttee, In office Male         56                    174,000          0     40,500              133,500
Meizhu                                     19,2017 y 9,2024
        ry of
Ning    ttee                                  Februar
                In office Male     45 er                   73,200   0   36,600   36,600
Maozai and                                    y 9,2024
        ry of

Yin                                           Februar
         Director In office Male   46 y                        0    0       0        0
Kefei                                         y 9,2024

         ,                              January Februar
He Fei            In office Male   43                          0    0       0        0
                                        16,2020 y 9,2024

Sun                                           Februar
        Director In office Male    39 y                        0    0       0        0
Minghui                                       y 9,2024

He                                      July    Februar
       dent     In office Male     58                          0    0       0        0
Zuowen                                  19,2017 y 9,2024

Cai     Indepen
                                        July    Februar
Yuanqin dent     In office Male    51                          0    0       0        0
                                        19,2017 y 9,2024
g       Director

Wang                                    January Februar
         dent     In office Male   37                          0    0       0        0
Kai                                     16,2020 y 9,2024
         n of the
         supervis                          January Februar
Ma Yi             In office Male      54                          0    0       0        0
         ory                               16,2020 y 9,2024

Yuan   lders'                              January Februar
                In office Male        40                          0    0       0        0
Shuwen Supervis                            16,2020 y 9,2024

Zhan     lders'                                  Februar
                  In office Female    51 y                    33,600   0   16,800   16,800
Lumei    Supervis                                y 9,2024

Le       Deputy                            April   Februar
                In office Male        57                      73,200   0   36,600   36,600
Kunjui   GM                                28,2017 y 9,2024

Liu     Deputy                             July    Februar
               In office Male         56                      76,200   0   36,600   39,600
Honglei GM                                 19,2017 y 9,2024

Jiang    y to the                          January Februar
                   In office Female   50                      60,000   0   30,000   30,000
Peng     board of                          16,2015 y 9,2024

        Board                                    Februar
                Dimissi                  January
Zhu Jun chairma         Male          57         y            82,200   0   41,100   41,100
                on                       16,2015
        n                                        10,2021

Huang             Dimissi                July
         Director         Male        46         y                0    0       0        0
Yu                on                     19,2017

                                         Septemb Februar
Wang              Dimissi
         Director         Male        48 er      y                0    0       0        0
Chuan             on
                                         1,2018 10,2021

He                Dimissi                  August January
         dent             Male        68                          0    0       0        0
Qiang             on                       16,2013 16,2020
        n of the
Wang supervis Dimissi                                    May     January
                      Male                          52                              0        0         0                 0
Weixing ory      on                                      20,2015 16,2020

           lders'   Dimissi                              June    January
Li Lei                      Male                    45                              0        0         0                 0
           Supervis on                                   26,2019 16,2020

Zhang                                                               Februar
           ee    Dimissi                               August
Xiaodon                  Male                       45                 y        5,300        0         0             5,300
        supervis   on                                  9,2013
g                                                                   10,2021

合计          --          --      --           --           --          --    577,700        0 238,200          0 339,500

II. Change in shares held by directors, supervisors and senior executives
√ Applicable □Not applicable

   Name            Positions          Types                      Date                            Reason

              Board            Left for term
 Zhu Jun                                             February 10,2021         The term of office expires.
              chairman         expiration

                               Left for term
 Huang Yu     Director                               February 10,2021         The term of office expires.

 Wang                          Left for term
              Director                               February 10,2021         The term of office expires.
 Chuan                         expiration

              Independen       Left for term
 He Qiang                                            January 16,2020          The term of office expires.
              t Director       expiration

              Independen                                                      The former independent director Left for
 Wang Kai                      Elected               January 16,2020
              t Director                                                      term expiration

 Wang         of the
                               Left                  January 16,2020          Job change
 Weixing      supervisory
                of the                                            The former chairman of the board of
 Ma Yi                        Elected         January 16,2020
                supervisory                                       supervisors leaves office

 Li Lei         s'            Left            January 16,2020     Job change

 Yuan                                                             The former Shareholders' Supervisors
                s'            Elected         January 16,2020
 Shuwen                                                           Leaves office

 Zhang          Employee      Left for term
                                              February 10,2021    The term of office expires.
 Xiaodong       supervisor    expiration

 Zhan           Employee                                          The former employee supervisor Left for
                              Elected         February 10,2021
 Lumei          supervisor                                        term expiration

III.Posts holding
Professional background, work experience and main duties in the Company of existing directors, supervisors and
senior management

 (1) Director

     Zhang Jian, female, born in June 1979, master's degree, member of the Communist Party of China. She has
served as an office clerk of the marketing department of Shenzhen Postal Savings and Foreign Exchange
Reserves Bureau, deputy director of the Finance Department of Shenzhen Development and Reform
Commission (formerly Shenzhen Development and Reform Bureau), Senior Staff Member, Principal Staff
Member and Deputy Director of the Industrial Coordination Department of Shenzhen Development and Reform
Commission, Deputy Director of the Economic System Reform Department of Shenzhen Development and
Reform Commission, and Party Member and Deputy General Manager of Shenzhen Kunpeng Equity
Investment Management Co., Ltd. She is currently Party Secretary and Chairman of the Company, and
concurrently serves as Party Committee Member, Deputy General Manager and Secretary of the Board of
Directors of Shenzhen SEG Group Co.,Ltd., Director of Shenzhen SEG Co., Ltd., Vice Chairman of Shenzhen
Huakong SEG Co., Ltd., Chairman of Shenzhen Daming Electronics Co., Ltd., Chairman of Shenzhen SEG
High-tech Investment Co., Ltd. and Chairman of SEG (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.
    Zhu Meizhu, Male, Born in 1964, Master degree, Senior engineer, once served successively as chief Deputy
general Manager of Enterprise Management Dept of the Company, Director of R& D Center, Assistant General
Manager and Deputy General Manager, He serves as director and General Manager of the Company, and Board
Chairman of SAPO Photoelectric Co., Ltd.

     Ning Maozai, male, born in 1975, bachelor degree, senior administration engineer, Chinese Communist Party
member; he has served successively as the office clerk of Shenzhen Guomao Automobile Industry Co., Ltd, the
clerk, principal staff member, associate director and director of party-mass office of Shenzhen Property
Development (Group) Corp. and hold a concurrent post of deputy human resource Deputy manager and manager;
At present he holds the position of company director, deputy party secretary and secretary of Discipline Inspection
Committee of the Company.

    Yin Kefei, male, born in July 1974, master degree, engineer, member of the Communist Party of China. He
has served as Technician and Deputy Director of Customer Service Center of Pipeline Gas Branch of Shenzhen
Gas Group Co., Ltd.; Deputy Director, Director of Civil Service Department and Director of General Office of
Pipeline Gas Customer Service Branch of Shenzhen Gas Group Co., Ltd.; Deputy General Manager of Shenzhen
Gas Group Co., Ltd. Ganzhou Shenran Natural Gas Co., Ltd.; Member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of
the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, and
concurrently the Vice Chairman of Dongguan Water Investment Group Co., Ltd.; Deputy Secretary-General of
Dongguan Municipal Government of Guangdong Province, Party Secretary and Director of Dongguan Municipal
Government Liaison Office in Beijing, and concurrently Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Dongguan
Biotechnology Industry Development Co., Ltd.; Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Director and General
Manager of Dongguan Financial Holding Group Co., Ltd., concurrently Director of Dongguan Bank and Director
of Dongguan Asset Management Company; He is currently the Deputy General Manager of Shenzhen Investment
Holdings Co., Ltd. and Director of the Company.
      He Fei, male, born in February 1978, master's degree, member of Communist Party of China, Chinese
certified public accountant, accountant. He successively served as accountant of the Planning and Finance
Department of Shenzhen Gas Group Co., Ltd., accountant of the Finance Department of Shenzhen Gas Investment
Co., Ltd., which is affiliated to Shenzhen Gas Group Co., Ltd., and manager of the Finance Department of Hubei
Shengjie Clean Energy Co., Ltd., which is affiliated to Shenzhen Gas Investment Co., Ltd.; Director of General
Finance Department of Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center Management Co., Ltd.; Vice Director of
Finance Department (Settlement Center) of Shenzhen Investment Holding Co., Ltd. Currently, he is the company
director and chief financial officer of the company and Supervisor of SAPO Photoelectric Co., Ltd.

     Sun Minghui, male, born in September 1981, master degree, accountant, member of the Communist Party of
China. He has served as Staff Member of the Finance Department of Shenzhen Energy Finance Co., Ltd. and the
Financial Management Department of Shenzhen Energy Group Co., Ltd., Finance Management Director of the
Financial Budget Department of Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd., Senior Director of the Finance
Department and the Board Office, and Deputy Director of the Finance Department (Settlement Center). He is
currently the Director of Finance Department (Settlement Center) of Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. and
Director of the Company.
     He Zuowen, male, born in 1962, MBA, associate professor in accountancy, charted certified accountant and
certified tax agent in securities and futures industry. At present he acts as a partner of Da Hua Certified Public
Accountants(Special General Partnership) and secretary of Party General Branch of Shenzhen Branch, meanwhile
he holds the position of chairman of Shenzhen Tianye Certified Tax Agents Limited Corporation, consultancy
expert of Internal Control Standard Committee of the Ministry of Treasury, judge of Guangdong Senior
Accountant Evaluation Committee, member of CPC Shenzhen Social Organization Disciplinary Examination
Committee, deputy secretary & secretary of Discipline Inspection Commission of CPC Shenzhen CPA Industry
Board, director of Shenzhen Certified Tax Agents Association and independent director of Shenzhen JPT
OPTO-ELECTRONICS Co., Ltd., Independent director of Shenzhen Yirui Biology Co., Ltd., the Company's
independent directors,Independent director of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Real Estate (Group) Co., Ltd.,
and Independent Director of the Company.
     Cai Yuanqing, born in 1969, Doctor of Laws of Hiroshima University, professor of Law School of Shenzhen
University, director of Company Law Research Center and GSI(Graduate Student Instructor); Meanwhile, he acts
as an arbitrator of Shenzhen Arbitration Commission ,independent director of Shenzhen Rongda Photosensitive
Science & Technology Co., Ltd., Independent director of Shenzhen Oufei Technology Co., Ltd., Independent
director of Ogilvy Medical Supplies Co., ltd. and independent directors of the Company.

    Wang Kai, male, born in 1983, Ph.D. of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Member of the
Communist Party of China, associate professor and researcher of Southern University of Science and Technology
Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, and Outstanding Young Man of Guangdong Province. He
has served as a member of the Technical Committee of Beijing Branch of Society for Information Display (SID), a
member of the National Standardization Technical Committee of Flat Panel Display Devices, Deputy Director of
the Key Laboratory of Energy Conversion and Storage Technology of the Ministry of Education, and Deputy
Director of the Key Laboratory of Quantum Dot Advanced Display and Lighting in Guangdong Universities, and
independent director of the Company.


     Ma Yi, male, born in 1966, bachelor's degree, member of Communist Party of China, assistant economist.
He has successively served as a cadre of the automobile manufacturing and distribution plant of Hainan
automobile transportation corporation, director of the Business Department, assistant to the general manager and
manager of the Transportation Department of Shenzhen Shenjiu International Logistics Co., Ltd. Guangzhou
Branch, operation director of Cosco Logistics Guangzhou Antaida Logistics Co., Ltd., general manager of
Shenzhen Shenjiu International Logistics Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Branch, director of Planning and Development
Department, director assistant, chief of Futian station, deputy secretary of the Party Committee, director and
general manager of Shenzhen highway passenger and freight transportation service center. He is the current
chairman of the board of supervisors of the company.

      Yuan Shuwen, male, born in 1980, master's degree. He has successively served as chief of Shigu
management station of Hengshan county rural management bureau, financial director of Shenzhen Fengcheng
Iron Wire Products Co., Ltd., project manager of Shenzhen branch of BDO Accounting Firm Co., Ltd., general
ledger accountant of Shenzhen Zhenye (Group) Co., Ltd., director of Financial Budget Department and senior
director of Assessment and Distribution Department of Shenzhen Investment Holding Co., Ltd. Currently, he is
vice director of Assessment and Distribution Department of Shenzhen Investment Holding Co., Ltd. and
supervisor of the Company.

     Zhan Lumei, female, born in June 1969, college degree, Senior Labor Relations Coordinator, Senior Career
Instructor, member of the Communist Party of China. She has served as the Administrative Personnel Director of
Shenzhen Hualang Garment Co., Ltd., Director and Manager of the Human Resources Department of the
Company. Currently, she is the vice chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions, Director of the Party-mass Work
Department, and Chairman of the Trade Union and the Employee Supervisor of the Company.
(3)Senior Executives

    Le Kunjiu, male, born in 1963, bachelor degree economist professional title and CPC member; he has served
successively as the loan officer of the finance department of Zhejiang Ningbo International Trust and Investment
Corporation, deputy director and director of the finance department of CITIC Group Corporation, Ningbo Branch,
manager of the research department of Hainan Fudao Asset Management Co., Ltd, assistant manager of Shenzhen
Leaguer Venture Capital Co., Ltd, vice president & chief financial officer of Shenzhen Leaguer Digital Television
Co., Ltd, chairman & general manager of Shenzhen Oriscape Electronic Co., Ltd, vice president of Shenzhen
International Technology Transfer Center, Tsinghua University, associate director of the industrial funds
preparatory office of Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd and Deputy general manager of Shentou Education;
At present he acts as Deputy General Manager of the Company, and Director of SAPO Photoelectric Co., Ltd.

     Liu Honglei, male, born in 1964, bachelor degree and CPC member, Senior engineer, He has served
Technician , Work director, Deputy director of office of First film factory of Ministry of Chemical
Engineering,Director of personnel Education Dept of Education Department of China Lekai Film Group, he has
served as the deputy general manager and general manager of SAPO Photoelectric Co., Ltd from June 2012 to
May 2013 and the head of the party-mass work department and the manager of the business management
department of Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd; At present he holds the position of deputy general manager
of the company. He is also the secretary and director of the party branch of Shenzhen SAPO Photoelectric
Technology Co., Ltd.

     Jiang Peng, Female, born in 1970, Bachelor Degree, member of communist party, She has served as a Clerk
and Deputy Section Chief of the office of Shandong Aquatic Enterprise Group Corporation, Section Chief of the
Office of the Board of Directors of Shandong Zhonglu Ocean Fishery Co., Ltd., Deputy Director and Securities
Affairs Representative. served as officer of the Secretary Office of Shandong Fishery Group Co.,Ltd., Deputy
Director of the Secretary office and Securities affairs Representative of Shandong Zhonglu Oceanic Fisheries Co.,
Ltd., Securities Representative of Huafu Holding Co., Ltd., Securities affairs representative and Officer of the
Secretariat of the Board of the Company, now serves as the secretary of the Board of the Company.

Office taking in shareholder companies

√Applicable □Not applicable

                                                                                                Does he /she
                                                                                     Expiry        receive
 of the
                 Names of the            Titles engaged in     Sharing date of       date of    remuneration
                 shareholders            the shareholders        office term         office     or allowance
  s in
                                                                                      term        from the

 Yin       Shenzhen Investment
                                         Deputy GM           January 11,2021                   Yes
 Kefei     Holdings Co., Ltd.

                                         Director of
           Shenzhen Investment           Financial
 Mingh                                                       November 11,2020                  Yes
           Holdings Co., Ltd.            Dept( Clearing

 Yuan                                    Deputy Director
           Shenzhen Investment           of discipline
 Shuwe                                                       September 18,2017                 Yes
           Holdings Co., Ltd.            Inspection &

Offices taken in other organizations

√Applicable □Not applicable

Name of                                         engaged
the                                              in the    Starting date of    Expiry date of
                Name of other organizations                                                        on or
persons                                           other      office term        office term
in office                                       organiza
                                                                                                from other

Sun         Meizhou Shenmei Youyi Building
                                                Director   January 13,2014    June 18,2020      No
Minghui     Co., Ltd.

Sun         China Nanshan Development           Supervis
                                                           October 17,2017                      No
Minghui     (Group) Co., Ltd.                   or

            Shenzhen Highway Passenger &
Sun                                             Supervis
            Cargo Transportation Service                   June 16,2017                         No
Minghui                                         or
            Center Co., Ltd.

Sun                                             Supervis
            CASTD                                          June 27,2017                         No
Minghui                                         or

Sun         ULTRARICH INTERNATIONAL                        November
                                                Director                                        No
Minghui     LIMITED                                        11,2020

Sun         Shenzhen Special Economic Zone                 November
                                                Director                                        No
Minghui     Real Estate (Group) Co., Ltd.                  11,2020

Sun         Southern Asset Management Co.,      Supervis   November
Minghui     Ltd.                                or         11,2020

Sun         Hubei Shentoukong Investment                   November
                                                Director                                        No
Minghui     Development Co., Ltd.                          11,2020

Sun         Shenzhen Textile(Holdings) Co.,
                                                Director   January 25,2021                      No
Minghui     Ltd.

Yuan        Shenzhen International Tendering    Supervis
                                                           October 22,2017    June 10,2020      No
Shuwen      Co., Ltd.                           or
Yuan       Shenzhen Textile(Holdings) Co.,         Supervis    September
Shuwen     Ltd.                                    or          27,2019

Punishments to the current and leaving board directors, supervisors and senior managers during the report period
by securities regulators in the recent three years

□ Applicable   √Not applicable

IV. Remuneration to directors, supervisors and senior executives
Decision-making procedures, basis for determination and actual payment of the remuneration to directors ,
supervisors and senior executives

     In the report period, The remuneration of directors and senior management paid by the company is
determined by “Director Compensation Management System” and “Executive Compensation Management and
Evaluation System ” , the remuneration of independent directors is determined as per the resolution of
shareholders’meeting, and the remuneration of supervisors paid by the company is determined by their position
held in the company.

     Remuneration to directors, supervisors and senior executives in the reporting period

                                                                                                   In RMB10,000

                                                                                  Total               actually
                                                                 Office       remuneration        receives at the
  Name                 Positions             Sex       Age
                                                                 status       received from         end of the
                                                                             the shareholder         reporting

 Zhang      Board chairman,Secretary
                                           Female         41   In Office                     0    No
 Jian       of the party committee

            Deputy Secretary of the
            Party committee,Director,     Male           56   In office                    122   No
            General Manger

            Director, Deputy Secretary
 Ning       of the Party committee and
                                           Male           45   In Office                    102   No
 Maozai     Secretary of the
            Commission for Discipline

            Director                       Male           46   In Office                          Yes

 He Fei     Director, CFO                  Male           43   In office                     90   No
Minghu    Director                      Male     39   In Office         Yes

          Independent Director          Male     58   In Office    12   Yes

Yuanqin   Independent Director          Male     51   In office    12   No

          Independent Director          Male     37   In Office    12   No

          Chairman of the supervisory
Ma Yi                                   Male     54   In Office    97   No

          Shareholders' Supervisors     Male     40   In office    0    Yes

          Employee supervisor           Female   51   In Office         No

          Deputy GM                     Male     57   In Office   109   No

          Deputy GM                     Male     56   In office   103   No

Jiang     Secretary to the board of
                                        Female   50   In Office    92   No
Peng      directors

Zhu Jun   Board chairman                Male     57   Dimission   125   No

          Director                      Male     46   Dimission    0    Yes

          Director                      Male     48   Dimission    0    Yes

          Independent Director          Male     68   Dimission   0.5   No

Wang      Chairman of the supervisory
                                        Male     52   Dimission    0    No
Weixing   committee
 Li Lei     Shareholders' Supervisors        Male           45   Dimission                    0    Yes

 Xiaodo     Employee supervisor              Male           45   Dimission                    41   Yes

 Total                    --                    --        --         --                   917.5          --

Note: (1) In 2020, the remuneration of the Company's executive includes deferred remuneration from 2017 to
2018; (2) He Zuowen, an independent director of the company, also serves as an independent director of Shenzhen
Special Economic Zone Real Estate (Group) Co., Ltd., and receives an independent director's allowance from
Shenzhen Properties Group, which is a holding subsidiary controlled by Shenzhen Investment Holdings, the
controlling shareholder of the Company, and is a related party of the Company.

Incentive equity to directors, supervisors or/and senior executives in the reporting period

□Applicable√ Not applicable

V. Particulars about employees.
1. Staff jobs, education, job title number and proportion refer to the following pie chart:
 Number of in-service staff of the parent company

 Number of in-service staff of the main subsidiaries

 Total number of the in-service staff(person)                                                               1,369

 Total number of staff receiving remuneration in the
 current period(person)

 The number of the parent company and the main
 subsidiary’s retired staffs who need to bear the cost                                                           0


          Classified according by Professions                             Number of persons(person)

                       Production                                                                               996

                          Sales                                                                                  33

                        Technical                                                                               204
                        Financial                                                                           35

                     Administrative                                                                        101

 Total                                                                                                  1,369


     Classified according by education background                    Number of persons(person)

                 Postgraduate or above                                                                      36

                       Universities                                                                        240

                        Colleges                                                                           114

                  Mid-school or below                                                                      979

 Total                                                                                                  1,369

2. Remuneration policies
     In 2020, the Company carried out management for employees’ compensation in strict accordance with the
state’s relevant laws and regulations and guaranteed the fairness and reasonability of the compensation, which
offered relevant rewards and incentives to the employees, accelerate them to jointly develop with the Company ,
and simultaneously reflected humanistic care of the Company.
3.Training plan
     Combining with the company's development strategy, we will continuously strengthen the company's
personnel training system to help the joint development of both the employees and the Company. In 2020, on the
basis of the original training work, we will help employees open up new horizons of learning from multiple
dimensions and promote employees to apply theory to practical work. First, promote internal and external learning,
communication and carry forward the culture of "passing on, helping and guiding", and share diversified contents
through "deep spinning lecture hall"; Second, add a variety of refined courses and upgrade the platform of
"Shenzhen Textile Group Network College"; Third, innovate online knowledge contest to welcome the 40th
anniversary of the establishment of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone.
4. Outsourcing situation
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
                           Chapter 10: Administrative structure

I. Basic state of corporate governance
     During the reporting period, the Company operated in strict accordance with the requirements of relevant
laws, regulations and normative documents such as Company Law, Securities Law, Guidelines for the
Standardized Operation of Listed Companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange and Code for the Governance of Listed
Companies, and strengthened risk management and control to ensure the healthy and stable development of the
Company. At present, the Company maintains basically sound governance systems, standardized operation, and
complete corporate governance structure, and meets the requirements of the regulatory documents on the
governance of listed companies issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission.

      In 2020, company held a total of 4 general meetings, convened general meetings, standardized voting
procedures to safeguard the effectiveness and legality in strict accordance with the regulations and requirements of
Corporation Law, Articles of Corporation and Rule of Procedure of Shareholders' Meeting. Companies actively
protected the voting rights of minority investors, and general meetings were convened in the form of live network
to adequately assure small investors of their rights to exercise.

     In 2020, the board of directors held 9 meetings, and the convening and voting procedures were all conducted
in strict accordance with the Articles of Corporation and Rule of Procedure of Shareholders' Meeting. All the
directors performed directors ' duties, exercise directors ’     rights, attended related meetings and actively
participated in the training and became familiar with relevant laws and regulations with serious, diligent and
honest attitudes. Independent directors independently performed their duties in strict accordance with Articles of
Corporation, The independent director system and other relevant laws and regulations, expressed fully their
independent opinions on corporate operation, decision-making, and important matters, etc. Strategy, audit,
remuneration, evaluation, nomination committees were established under board of directors, all committees
functioned properly, and performed duties such as internal audits, compensation assessment, nomination of senior
management personnel, and provided scientific and professional advisory opinions for board of directors ’

        In 2020, the board of supervisors held 7 meetings. The board of supervisors strictly followed the
requirements of Articles of Corporation and Rules of procedure of the board of supervisors and other relevant
laws and regulations, supervised the legal compliance of the duties performed by company's financial personnel
and directors, managers and other senior management personnel in the aim of maintaining the legitimate rights
and interests of the company and its shareholders. All the supervisors fulfilled their obligations, exercised their
rights according to the laws. The convening and voting procedures of the board of supervisors were legal, and the
resolutions were legal and valid. The establishment and implementation of board of supervisors played an active
role in improving corporate governance structure and regulating corporate operations.

        In 2020, we further increased information transparency, accomplished investors ’ protection and
propaganda work. In the reporting period, except disclosing information in a real accurate, timely, fair and
complete manner in accordance with the regulatory requirements,
    Moreover, the Company carried out the special work Blue Sky Action according to Notification on

Implementing Special Work where Investors Protect Blue Sky Action published by Shenzhen Securities Bureau to
enhance the quality of information disclosure as the key point, to continuously perfect the communication
mechanism and to promote the normative development of the Company. Meanwhile, the Company continued to
perfect the voting mechanism for minority investors. In 2018, the minority investors ’ voting was counted
separately at each of the two shareholder ’ s meetings, and whose result was disclosed at the decision
announcement at the shareholder ’ s meeting, which fully guaranteed the execution of power of the minority
     Moreover, the Company carried out the special work Blue Sky Action according to Notification on
Implementing Special Work where Investors Protect Blue Sky Action published by Shenzhen Securities Bureau to
enhance the quality of information disclosure as the key point, to continuously perfect the communication
mechanism and to promote the normative development of the Company. various platforms were made full use of,
such as telephone, e-mail, website, especially the interactive platform of investors in Shenzhen Stock Exchange,
solved questions brought by investors, and communicated with medium and small investors interactively, and
ensure all the investors obtained equal opportunities for informal access. Meanwhile, in the aim of improving the
transparency of listed companies, company accepted investors ’ on-site investigation to have comprehensive
understandings of the company's business situation through face-to-face communication with management, also
urged the company established a responsibility to return on investors, improved and enhanced the corporate
governance standards. Meanwhile, the Company continued to perfect the voting mechanism for
minority investors. In 2020, the minority investors’ voting was counted separately at each of the 4 shareholder’
s meetings, and whose result was disclosed at the decision announcement at the shareholder’s meeting, which
fully guaranteed the execution of power of the minority investors.
In 2020, according to the State Council's Opinions on Further Improving the Quality of Listed Companies (GF
[2020] No.14) and the Shenzhen Securities Regulatory Bureau's Notice on Promoting Listed Companies in
Jurisdiction to Implement Main Responsibilities, Improve Governance Level and Achieve High Quality
Development (SZJGS Zi [2020] No.128), the Company actively formulated self-inspection work plans, organized
directors, supervisors and senior management personnel of the Company and important subsidiaries to carry out
special study, set up special working groups to implement self-inspection, found out potential risks and
outstanding problems that restrict the quality improvement of the Company, and formulated feasible follow-up
rectification plans. The Company has reported the Self-inspection Report and Rectification Plan on Implementing
Main Responsibility, Improving Governance Level and Achieving High-quality Development to Shenzhen
Securities Regulatory Bureau, and will push forward the quality improvement of listed companies according to the
above rectification plan.

Does there exist any difference in compliance with the corporate governance , the PRC Company Law and the
relevant provisions of CSRC,

√ Yes □No

There exist no difference in compliance with the corporate governance , the PRC Company Law and the relevant
provisions of CSRC.

    Shenzhen Investment Holdings Co., Ltd., the holding shareholder of the company, is a Shenzhen SASAC
enterprise. The company has complied with the relevant provisions on the state-owned asset management of
holding shareholders to report non-public information to holding shareholders, mainly including: Letters
submitted monthly index table; fee schedule during the reporting, financial assets table, summary quarterly
deposits and borrowings and financing. In order to strengthen the management of non-public information, the
company has strictly controlled the scope of learners, standardized the process of information delivery and strictly
implemented as per the “Management System on Learner of Insider Information”, took practical measures to
prevent inside information leaks and insider trading.

In addition, there is no difference among the governance of the company, “Company Law” and the relevant
provisions of China Securities Regulatory Commission.

II. Independence and Completeness in business, personnel , assets,

organization and finance
     The code of conduct of the controlling shareholders of the company did not go beyond the general meetings
directly or indirectly to interfere with the decision-making and business activities, the company had independent
and complete business and autonomous operation capacity , achieved “ five point separation ” in respect of
personnel, financial, asset, agencies, business.

III. Competition situations of the industry
□ Applicable √ Not Applicable

IV. Annual General Meeting and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meetings

in the Reporting Period
1.Annual General Meeting
     Sessions          Type        participation    Meeting Date                          Disclosure index

 The first
 provisional                                                                        (http://www.cninfo.com.c
                    shareholde                      January         January
 shareholders’                           49.17%                                    n)Announcement
                    rs’                            16,2020         17,2020
 General                                                                            No.:2020-01
 meeting in 2020

 The second
 provisional                                                                        (http://www.cninfo.com.c
 shareholders’                           49.13%    April 3,2020    April 4,2020    n)Announcement
 General                                                                            No.:2020-22
 meeting in 2020

 Annual General     Sharehold             49.14%    June 29,2020    June 30,2021    (http://www.cninfo.com.c
 Meeting of         ers’                                                           n)Announcement

 2019               General                                                         No.:2020-32

 The second
 provisional                                                                        (http://www.cninfo.com.c
                    shareholde                      September         September
 shareholders’                            49.13%                                   n)Announcement
                    rs’                            22,2020           23,2020
 General                                                                            No.:2020-44
 meeting in 2020

2. Request for extraordinary general meeting by preferred stockholders whose voting rights
□ Applicable √Not applicable

V. Responsibility performance of independent directors in report period
1. The attending of independent directors to board meetings and shareholders ’ general
                                     The attending of independent directors

              Number of                      Number                                                       of
                Board                           of      Number of                     Failure to      attendanc
 Indepen                      Number of
               meetings                     meetings    attendance     Number     personally attend      e at
   dent                           spot
             necessary to                   attended        s by          of       board meetings      general
 Director                     attendance
            be attended in                      by      representa     absence      successively      meetings
    s                               s
            the reporting                   Communi         tive                   twice (Yes/No)         of
                period                        cation                                                  sharehold

                         9             1            8             0           0   No                          4

 Yuanqin                 9             1            8             0           0   No                          4

                         9             1            8             0           0   No                          4

2.Objection of independent directors on some relevant issues
Objection of independent directors on some relevant issues

□ Yes   √No

Independent directors proposed no objection against the relevant matters in the reporting period.
3. Other notes to duty performance of independent directors
Has an independent director’s advice to the Company been accepted

√ Yes □No

Explanation on acceptance of or failure to accept an independent director’s advice to the Company.

     During the reporting period, the Company's independent directors conscientiously performed their duties in
accordance with the requirements of regulatory laws and regulations and the company's Independent Director
      (1)Attend the board of directors convened by the Company on time and attend the shareholders' meeting
and other relevant meetings. Before the meeting, the independent directors carefully reviewed the meeting
materials, made full use of their professional advantages and business management experience, and put forward
reasonable opinions and suggestions on the proposal. They also expressed independent opinions on related parties'
fund occupation, internal control, changes in accounting policies, profit distribution, appointment of audit
institutions, appointment of directors and independent directors, appointment of senior management personnel,
use of idle raised funds, cash management of self-owned funds, related party transactions, repurchase and
cancellation of some restricted stocks, insurance of directors, supervisors and senior management personnel,
signing of the Payment Agreement for the Performance Commitment Compensation for 2018 and equity transfer,
giving full play to the guidance and supervision role of independent directors.

     (2)The independent directors actively participated in the work of the board’s special committee, and gave
independent comments for events involved with the Company’s periodical report, duty performance and further
employment of annual audit institution, self-assessment report of internal control, To express opinions on such
matters as nomination of candidates for directors, which factually maintained the interest of the Company and the
shareholders’, especially the public shareholder’s, and which benefited the board’s core function at corporate
     ( 3 ) It kept communication with the management of the Company, listened to the reports of relevant
personnel in detail, and focused on the trade, trust financing, fund investment operation of subsidiary SAPO
Photoelectric during 2017-2018, performance commitment compensation matters of subsidiary SAPO
Photoelectric, polarizer industrialization project for super-large TV, entrusted financing and daily related
transactions with some of its own funds, so as to timely understand and master the progress of major issues of the

      ( 4 ) The Company checked management and use of funds raised and supervised compensation and
performance of duties of directors and senior executives, commitments of the Company and related parties and
their performance to practically safeguard the interest of the Company as a whole and prevent any harm on
legitimate rights and interests of minority shareholders.

VI. Duty Performance of Special Committees under the Board of Directors

in the Reporting Period
    The independent directors of the company are the key members of all professional committees of the Board
of Directors, and are in the majority and the conveners of Audit Committee, Remuneration and Appraisal
Committee and Nomination Committee. Also, all the three independent directors can attend the daily meeting held

by every special committee on time.

     (I) Audit Committee: During the reporting period, the Audit Committee held meetings and formed
resolutions on internal audit work plans and reports, hiring audit institutions, the Company's production and
operation and financial status, financial final accounts reports, profit distribution plans, fund raising reports,
internal control self-evaluation reports, and proposals for hiring audit institutions;
     (II) Remuneration and Appraisal Committee: The Remuneration and Appraisal Committee held meetings and
formed resolutions on the issue of repurchase and cancellation of some restricted stocks and the remuneration
appraisal of senior managers of the Company in 2019.

VII. Work of the supervisory Committee

Did the supervisory Committee find any risk existing in performing the supervision activities in the reporting

□Yes    √No

The supervisory Committee has no objection opinion any matters under supervision in the reporting period

VIII. Assessment and incentive Mechanism for Senior executives

     The company complies with “Executive Compensation Management and Evaluation System” to conduct
the evaluation for the accomplishment of annual work of the senior executives. The salaries of the senior
executives are determined according to the duty scope, post value, individual ability, wages level on the market,
economic profits of the company and operation goal accomplishment of senior executives with adhering to the
principle of market orientation, responsibility with unified right, and incentive and equal restriction. According to
the actual situation of the Company, the 2020 annual senior management assessment plan will be implemented
from March to June 2021.

IX. Internal control situations

1.Specific situations on major defects of internal control discovered during report period
√ Yes   □No

  About the significant Defects of the internal control found in the internal control self-assessment report in the
                                                  reporting period

 The identification and rectification of deficiency of the internal control:
 1. The identification and rectification of deficiency of the internal control in the financial statement
 In accordance with above identification standard of deficiency of the internal control in the financial statement,
 there is no the serious and important deficiency of internal control in the financial statement during the
 reporting period.
 2.The identification and rectification of deficiency of the internal control except for that of the financial
 statement in accordance with above identification standard of deficiency of the internal control except for that
 of the financial statement, there is no the serious and important deficiency of internal control except for that of
 the financial statement during the reporting period.

2.Self-evaluation report on internal control
 Disclosure date of appraisal
                                   March 12,2021
 report on internal control

Disclosure index of appraisal      Juchao Website:(http://www.cninfo.com.cn), Self-evaluation report of
report on internal control         internal control in 2020

Proportion of total unit assets
covered by appraisal in the
total assets of the consolidated                                                                         100.00%
financial statements of the

Proportion of total unit
incomes covered by appraisal
in the total business incomes                                                                            100.00%
of the consolidated financial
statements of the company

                                         Standards of Defects Evaluation

           Category                            Financial Report                       Non-financial Report

                                                                                In the following circumstances,
                                                                                the company was identified as
                                                                                existing non-financial –
                                                                                reporting related significant
                                   The defects related to financial reports
                                                                                defects of internal controlling
                                   were divided into general defects,
                                   important defects and significant defects
                                   according to their severity. Significant     The business activities of the
                                   defects referred to one or multiple          company seriously violated
                                   combinations of controlling defects,         national laws and regulations; (2)
                                   which may lead to serious deviation          The decision-making process of
                                   from the controlling objectives.             "Three-Importance& One-Large"
                                   Important defects referred to one or         were unscientific, leading to
Qualitative standard
                                   multiple combinations of controlling         major decision errors, and
                                   defects, and their severity and economic     causing major property loses to
                                   consequences were below significant          the company; (3) Massive loss of
                                   defects, but they could still lead to        key posts or technology talents;
                                   serious deviation from the controlling       (4) The controlling system
                                   objectives. General defects referred to      involving important business
                                   other internal controlling defects which     fields of the company failed; (5)
                                   couldn't constitute significant defects or   It Caused serious negative effects
                                   important defects.                           on business of the company, and
                                                                                the effects couldn’t be
                                                                                eliminated; (6) The evaluation
                                                                                results of internal control were
                                                                                significant defects, and couldn’t
                                                                           get effective rectification.
                                                                           Important defects referred to one
                                                                           or multiple combinations of
                                                                           controlling defects, and their
                                                                           severity and economic
                                                                           consequences were below
                                                                           significant defects, but they
                                                                           could still lead to serious
                                                                           deviation from the controlling
                                                                           objectives. General defects
                                                                           referred to other internal
                                                                           controlling defects which
                                                                           couldn't constitute significant
                                                                           defects or important defects.

                              Misstatement amount of financial
                              statement fell into the following
                              intervals: significant defects:
                              Misstatement amount ≥ 1.5% of total
                              revenue; Misstatement amount ≥ 10% of
                              gross profit; Misstatement amount ≥ 1%
                              of total asset; Misstatement amount ≥
                              5% of net asset. significant defects: 0.5%
                              of Total revenue ≤Misstatement amount
                              < 1.5% of total revenue; 5% of gross
                              profit ≤Misstatement amount < 10% of
Quantitative criteria         gross profit; 0.5% of Total asset            Not applicable
                              ≤Misstatement amount < 1% of total
                              revenue; 3% of Net assets ≤Misstatement
                              amount < 5% of net assets. General
                              defects:0% of total revenue <
                              Misstatement amount<0.5% of Total
                              revenue; 2% of gross profit <
                              Misstatement amount<5% of total
                              profit; 0% of total assets <
                              Misstatement amount<0.5 of total
                              assets; 0% of net assets <Misstatement
                              amount<3% of net assets.

Number of major defects in
financial reporting(a)

Number of major defects in
non financial reporting (a)

 Number of important defects
 in financial reporting(a)

 Number of important defects
 in non financial reporting(a)

X. Internal Control audit report
√ Applicable □Not applicable

                                 Review opinions in the internal control audit report

 To all shareholders of Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd.:
 According to the relevant requirements of the “Audit Guideline of Enterprise Internal Control” and the
 Chinese CPA criteria, the company has audited the effectiveness of internal control of the financial statement
 of Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd. (Shenzhen Textile) at the date of December 31, 2020.
 1. The responsibility of enterprise for the internal control. According to the provisions of “Fundamental Norms
 for Enterprise Internal Control”, “Operation Guideline of Enterprise Internal Control” and “Evaluation
 Guideline of Enterprise Internal Control”, the company has established, perfected and effectively implemented
 the internal control, and made an evaluation for its effectiveness, which are the responsibilities of the Board of
 Directors of Shenzhen Textile.
 2. The responsibility of CPA. The company shall be responsible for the expression of audit opinions on the
 effectiveness of internal control in the financial statement and the disclosure of serious deficiency of internal
 control except for the financial statement on the basis of the implementation of audit.
 3. The inherent limitation of internal control. There is the possibility of unpreventable errors. In addition, due
 to the change of situation, the inappropriate internal control is maybe shown, or the control policy and the
 abidance of procedure can be reduced. Based on the audit results of internal control, the future internal control
 is expected to have a certain risk.
 4. The audit opinions of internal control in the financial statement. The company believes that Shenzhen
 Textile has maintained the effective internal control of the financial statement in all the major aspects
 according to “Fundamental Norms for Enterprise Internal Control” and the relevant provisions on December
 31, 2020.

 Grant Thornton International      Ltd.(Special General Partnership)

                                             Chinese C.P.A.       Chen Zhifang

                                          Chinese C.P.A.         Li Yao

 March 10, 2021

 Disclosure date of audit report    Disclosure

 of internal control (full-text)

 Index of audit report of
                                     March 12,2021
 internal control (full-text)

                                     Juchao Website:(http://www.cninfo.com.cn);Audit report of internal control
 Internal audit report’s opinion
                                     of the Company

 Type of audit report on
                                     Unqualified auditor’s report
 internal control

 Whether there is significant
  defection non-financial            No

Has the CPAs issued a qualified auditor’s report of internal control .

□ Yes √No

Does the internal control audit report issued by the CPAs agree with the self-assessment report of the Board of

√Yes □No

                                    Chapter 11: Corporation bonds

Whether or not the Company public offering corporation bonds in stock exchange, which undue or without
payment in full at maturity on the approval date for annual report disclosed


                                 Chapter 12: Financial Report

I. Audit report
 Type of audit opinion                                    Standard Unqualified opinion

 Type of audit opinion                                    March 10,2021

                                                          Grant Thornton International     Ltd.(Special General
 Name of audit firm

 The audit report number                                  Zi Tong Shen Zi(2021)No.:110ASXXXX

 Name of the certified accountants                        Chen Zhifang, Li Yao

To all shareholders of Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd.:

I. Opinion

     We have audited the financial statements of Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd . (hereinafter referred to as
"the Company"), which comprise the balance sheet as at December 31, 2020, and the income statement, the
statement of cash flows and the statement of changes in owners' equity for the year then ended and notes to the
financial statements.

    In our opinion, the attached financial statements are prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and present fairly the financial position of the Company as at
December 31, 2020 and its operating results and cash flows for the year then ended.

II. Basis for Our Opinion

We conducted our audit in accordance with the Auditing Standards for Certified Public Accountants in China. Our
responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the
Financial Statements section of our report. According to the Code of Ethics for Chinese CPA, we are independent
of the Company in accordance with the Code of Ethics for Chinese CPA and we have fulfilled our other ethical
responsibilities in accordance with these requirements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is
sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.

III. Key Audit Matters

     Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgment, were of most significance in our audit
of the financial statements of the current period. These matters were addressed in the context of our audit of the
financial statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate opinion on
these matters.

  (1) Recognition of revenue

     Please refer to Note III, 26 and Note V, 35 to the financial statement for details of the relevant information

     1.Description of matters

      The operating income of Shenzhen Textile in 2020 was RMB 2,108,964,700, of which the main business
income was RMB 2,097,432,900, accounting for 99.45%. As revenue is one of the key performance indicators of
Shenzhen Textile, there is inherent risk that the Company's management manipulates revenue recognition in order
to achieve specific goals or expectations, and since the main business income is large, we identify revenue
recognition as a key audit item.
      2. Response to the audit
      For revenue recognition, we mainly implemented the following audit procedures:
      (1) Understand, evaluate and test the design effectiveness and operation effectiveness of internal control
related to sales revenue cycle;
      (2) Obtain the main sales contracts according to the products and business types, check the relevant clauses
related to revenue recognition, and interview the management to evaluate whether the revenue recognition meets
the requirements of accounting standards;
      (3) Implement analytical procedures, compare the changes of income between this year and last year
according to product types, observe the fluctuations of income between months and the changes of important
customers in this period, and analyze the rationality of income changes based on factors such as the company's
production capacity, market expansion and industry trends;
      (4) Perform detailed tests to check whether the basis related to sales revenue recognition is sufficient,
including checking sales contracts or performing detailed tests, including checking sales contracts or orders,
delivery orders, customs declarations and other supporting documents, evaluate the authenticity and accuracy of
revenue recognition, and evaluate the authenticity and accuracy of revenue recognition;
      (5) Perform cut-off test to evaluate whether income is recorded in the proper accounting period;
      (6) Select samples from major customers on this recognition procedures, and perform alternative tests on the
non-replied parts to judge the authenticity of sales revenue.

(2) Inventory falling price reserves

Please refer to Note III, 12 and Note V, 8 to the financial statement for details of the relevant information

     1.Description of matters

As of December 31, 2020, the balance of inventory depreciation reserve of Shenzhen Textile is RMB 75,474,600.
As the inventory depreciation reserve and its changes have a significant influence on the financial statements, the
determination of the net realizable value of inventory involves the major judgment and estimation of the
management, so we identify the inventory depreciation reserve as a key audit item.

     2. Response to the audit

     The audit process implemented for inventory falling price reserves includes mainly:

     (1) Understand, evaluate and test the design and operation effectiveness of internal control related to
inventory depreciation reserve;
     (2) Understand and evaluate the appropriateness of the Company's accrual policy for inventory depreciation
     (3) Understand and inquire about inventory storage location and inventory accounting method, and determine
the scope of inventory supervision; Implement inventory supervision procedures to check whether the inventory is
damaged, obsolete, outdated, defective, etc.;
     (4) Obtain the inventory year-end inventory age list, and carry out analytical review of inventory age
according to the status of products to analyze whether the inventory depreciation reserve is reasonable;
     (5) Review and evaluate the rationality of the major estimates made by the management when determining
the net realizable value;
     (6) Obtain the calculation table of inventory depreciation reserve, check whether the accrual of inventory
depreciation reserve is implemented according to relevant accounting policies, and recalculate the inventory
depreciation reserve; Check the changes of inventory depreciation accrued in previous years, evaluate the
rationality of estimated selling price and estimated related taxes and fees as key parameters of net realizable value,
review the sufficiency of basis of estimated selling price, and analyze the rationality of inventory depreciation
IV. Other information
     The management of the Company is responsible for the other information. The other information comprises
information of the Company's annual report in 2019, but excludes the financial statements and our auditor's report.
Our opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and we do not and will not express
any form of assurance conclusion thereon.
In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other information
identified above and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the
financial statements or our knowledge obtained in the audit, or otherwise appears to be materially misstated.

     If, based on the work we have performed on the other information that we obtained prior to the date of this
auditor's report, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other information, we are required to
report that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard

V. Responsibilities of Management and Those Charged with Governance for the Financial Statements

The Company's management is responsible for preparing the financial statements in accordance with the
requirements of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises to achieve a fair presentation, and for designing,
implementing and maintaining internal control that is necessary to ensure that the financial statements are free
from material misstatements, whether due to frauds or errors.
In preparing the financial statements, management of the Company is responsible for assessing the Company's
ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing matters related to going concern and using the going concern
basis of accounting unless management either intends to liquidate the Company or to cease operations, or has no
realistic alternative but to do so.

     Those charged with governance are responsible for overseeing the Company's financial reporting process.

VI. Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements
Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from
material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor's report that includes our opinion.
Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance
with the audit standards will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from
fraud or error and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to
influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial statements.

     As part of an audit in accordance with ISAs, we exercise professional judgment and maintain professional
scepticism throughout the audit. We also:

     (1) Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or
error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient
and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from
fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, omissions,
misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.

     (2) Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design audit procedures that
are appropriate in the circumstances.

     (3) Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates
and related disclosures made by management of the Company.
     (4) Conclude on the appropriateness of using the going concern assumption by the management of the
Company, and conclude, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to
events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the Company's ability to continue as a going concern. If we
conclude that a material uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in our auditor's report to the related
disclosures in the financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to modify our opinion. Our
conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor's report. However, future events
or conditions may cause the Company to cease to continue as a going concern.
     (5) Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements, including the
disclosures, and whether the financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that
achieves fair presentation.
     (6) Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entities or business
activities within the Company to express an opinion on the financial statements and bear all liability for the
     We communicate with those charged with governance regarding, among other matters, the planned scope and
timing of the audit and significant audit matters, including any significant deficiencies in internal control that we
identify during our audit.
     We also provide those charged with governance with a statement that we have complied with relevant ethical
requirements regarding independence, and to communicate with them all relationships and other matters that may
reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, and where applicable, related safeguards.
From the matters communicated with those charged with governance, we determine those matters that were of
most significance in the audit of the financial statements of the current period and are therefore the key audit
     We describe these matters in our auditor's report unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure about
the matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances, we determine that a matter should not be communicated in
our report because the adverse consequences of doing so would reasonably be expected to outweigh the public
interest benefits of such communication.

     Grant Thornton International    Ltd.(Special General Partnership)

                                        Chinese C.P.A.         Chen Zhifang(Project Partner)

                                       Chinese C.P.A.           Li Yao
     March 10,2021

    Beijing China

II. Financial Statements
Statement in Financial Notes are carried in RMB/CNY

1. Consolidated balance sheet

Prepared by: Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd.

                                              December 31,2019

                                                                                               In RMB

              Items                        December 31,2020                 December 31,2019

 Current asset:

          Monetary fund                                279,087,236.95                 409,564,847.52

       Settlement provision

 Outgoing call loan

 Transactional financial assets                        684,617,260.06                 830,000,000.00

   Derivative financial assets

   Note receivable                                          16,813,657.28              40,424,601.97

      Account receivable                               547,310,217.90                 365,325,029.38

      Financing of receivables                         102,051,314.08                  17,933,597.98

           Prepayments                                      16,902,516.39              18,445,857.53

       Insurance receivable

     Reinsurance receivable

 Provisions of Reinsurance
 contracts receivable

      Other account receivable                               5,265,002.71              12,440,761.13

     Including:Interest                                      7,610,043.19

               Dividend receivable

         Repurchasing of financial

     Inventories                      480,847,581.44        391,717,935.12

     Contract assets

     Assets held for sales

Non-current asset due within 1

     Other current asset                   77,482,083.47    140,821,609.72

Total of current assets              2,210,376,870.28      2,226,674,240.35

Non-current assets:

Loans and payment on other’s
behalf disbursed

Creditor's right investment

  Other Creditor's

  Long-term receivable

  Long term share equity              147,929,137.23        152,209,929.72

  Other equity instruments            190,607,427.54        248,781,946.73

Other non-current financial                30,650,943.40

  Real estate investment              110,572,471.92        112,730,320.90

     Fixed assets                     790,183,905.38        903,229,077.83

Construction in progress             1,301,750,141.12       839,866,275.92

     Production physical assets

     Oil & gas assets

     Use right assets

     Intangible assets                      36,048,978.91     36,517,996.34

  Development expenses


Long-germ      expenses     to   be          2,876,561.53      2,692,750.67

  Deferred income tax asset                  5,243,425.26      5,618,026.43

  Other non-current asset              143,307,689.66          3,079,321.10

Total of non-current assets           2,759,170,681.95      2,304,725,645.64

Total of assets                       4,969,547,552.23      4,531,399,885.99

Current liabilities

  Short-term loans

 Loan from Central Bank

  Borrowing funds

      Transactional financial

         Derivative financial

        Notes payable

     Account payable                   329,468,601.90        241,297,770.64

     Advance receipts                        3,542,394.33     30,530,117.62

     Contract liabilities                     279,631.27

  Selling of repurchased
financial assets

Deposit taking and interbank

 Entrusted trading of securities

Entrusted selling of securities

 Employees’ wage payable                55,642,549.53    38,556,180.20

 Tax payable                             12,198,522.02    22,545,550.33

        Other account payable       156,118,440.42       152,645,780.14

     Including:Interest payable

             Dividend payable

    Fees and commissions

     Reinsurance fee payable

     Liabilities held for sales

Non-current liability due within
1 year

Other current liability

Total of current liability          557,250,139.47       485,575,398.93

Non-current liabilities:

Reserve fund for insurance

  Long-term loan                    343,100,174.35

 Bond payable

  Including:preferred stock

  Sustainable debt

        Lease liability

    Long-term payable

Long-term remuneration
payable to staff

 Expected liabilities

     Deferred income               110,740,322.21        121,264,571.22

  Deferred income tax liability         59,141,666.58     69,944,345.66

Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities      512,982,163.14        191,208,916.88

Total of liability                1,070,232,302.61       676,784,315.81

Owners’ equity

  Share capital                    507,772,279.00        509,338,429.00

  Other equity instruments

  Including:preferred stock

  Sustainable debt

 Capital reserves                 1,967,514,358.53      1,974,922,248.03

  Less:Shares in stock                  7,525,438.20     16,139,003.40

Other comprehensive income         116,605,932.42        119,737,783.31

     Special reserve

  Surplus reserves                      94,954,652.14     90,596,923.39

Common risk provision

Retained profit                         86,912,390.50     49,307,764.03

Total of owner’s equity belong   2,766,234,174.39      2,727,764,144.36
to the parent company

Minority shareholders’ equity    1,133,081,075.23      1,126,851,425.82

 Total of owners’ equity                            3,899,315,249.62            3,854,615,570.18

 Total of liabilities and owners’                   4,969,547,552.23            4,531,399,885.99

Legal Representative: Zhang Jian

Person-in-charge of the accounting work:He Fei

Person-in -charge of the accounting organ:Zhu Jingjing

2.Parent Company Balance Sheet

                                                                                            In RMB

              Items                        December 31,2020              December 31,2019

 Current asset:

 Monetary fund                                       113,560,327.21               27,979,338.37

 Transactional financial assets                      514,277,000.82              650,000,000.00

   Derivative financial assets

      Note receivable

      Account receivable                                  1,461,400.20               522,931.04

 Financing of receivables

      Prepayments                                           18,706.17                768,099.94

   Other account receivable                               7,450,934.40            17,039,506.00


      Dividend receivable

      Inventories                                             8,808.00

      Contract assets

      Assets held for sales

Non-current asset due within 1

     Other current asset

Total of current assets               636,777,176.80       696,309,875.35

Non-current assets:

Creditor's right investment

  Other Creditor's

  Long-term receivable

  Long term share equity
                                     2,103,977,343.32    2,102,430,511.88

Other equity instruments
                                      177,142,433.45       206,816,952.64

Other non-current financial

Real estate investment                101,644,481.93       107,199,622.80

  Fixed assets                         21,876,099.34       25,500,695.77

 Construction in progress                                      19,552.00

     Production physical assets

     Oil & gas assets

     Use right assets

     Intangible assets                      492,923.62         659,937.75

  Development expenses


Long-germ     expenses     to   be                             800,858.17

  Deferred income tax asset              5,097,360.00       5,466,478.06

  Other non-current asset            96,871,196.43

Total of non-current assets        2,507,101,838.09    2,448,894,609.07

Total of assets                    3,143,879,014.89    3,145,204,484.42

Current liabilities

     Short-term loans

      Transactional financial

         Derivative financial

     Note payable

     Account payable                      411,743.57         411,743.57

  Advance receipts                        639,024.58      2,878,936.58

     Contract Liabilities              2,236,912.00

 Employees’ wage payable            14,824,723.81       11,910,175.11

 Tax payable                         11,497,591.21       20,801,961.18

        Other account payable        95,023,378.12       119,984,209.60

     Including:Interest payable

             Dividend payable

     Liabilities held for sales

Non-current liability due within
1 year

Other current liability

Total of current liability          124,633,373.29       155,987,026.04

Non-current liabilities:

  Long-term loan

 Bond payable

  Including:preferred stock

  Sustainable debt

           Lease liability

     Long-term payable

Long-term remuneration
payable to staff

 Expected liabilities

     Deferred income                     500,000.00         600,000.00

  Deferred income tax liability     56,150,418.06       66,953,097.14

Other non-current liabilities

Total non-current liabilities       56,650,418.06       67,553,097.14

Total of liability                 181,283,791.35       223,540,123.18

Owners’ equity

  Share capital                    507,772,279.00       509,338,429.00

  Other equity instruments

  Including:preferred stock

  Sustainable debt

  Capital reserves                1,583,307,509.86    1,589,869,499.36

  Less:Shares in stock               7,525,438.20      16,139,003.40

Other comprehensive income          91,494,901.23       110,764,037.74

     Special reserve

  Surplus reserves                  94,954,652.14       90,596,923.39

     Retained profit               692,591,319.51       637,234,475.15

 Total of owners’ equity                          2,962,595,223.54              2,921,664,361.24

 Total of liabilities and owners’
                                                   3,143,879,014.89              3,145,204,484.42

3.Consolidated Income statement

                                                                                              In RMB

                           Items                              Year 2020           Year 2019

             I. Income from the key business                  2,108,964,687.80     2,158,184,855.71

                  Incl:Business income                       2,108,964,687.80     2,158,184,855.71

                       Interest income

                   Insurance fee earned

               Fee and commission received

 II. Total business cost                                      2,030,833,538.40     2,168,659,186.75

 Incl:Business cost                                          1,814,298,395.02     1,973,495,608.35

       Interest expense

  Fee and commission paid

    Insurance discharge payment

   Net claim amount paid

 Net amount of withdrawal of insurance contract reserve

 Insurance policy dividend paid

   Reinsurance expenses

      Business tax and surcharge                                 7,347,125.65         8,466,143.40

      Sales expense                                             28,644,230.87        20,785,078.66

  Administrative expense                                       105,094,934.36        96,870,842.37

            R & D costs                                    67,160,964.22    53,178,714.33

     Financial expenses                                     8,287,888.28    15,862,799.64

     Including:Interest expense                              234,815.67     4,893,018.58

                   Interest income                          3,702,735.59     8,593,894.58

  Add: Other income                                        29,506,252.69    27,547,902.92

Investment gain(“-”for loss)                           22,599,670.74    78,038,530.25

  Incl: investment gains from affiliates                    -3,446,613.86    -7,404,083.27

  Financial assets measured at amortized cost cease to
be recognized as income

       Gains from currency exchange

     Net exposure hedging income

       Changing income of fair value                        2,687,518.74

       Credit impairment loss                              -10,394,533.65    7,005,890.93

     Impairment loss of assets                             -72,412,477.63   -97,172,532.71

  Assets disposal income                                      276,544.73         3,967.97

III. Operational profit(“-”for loss)                   50,394,125.02     4,949,428.32

  Add :Non-operational income                              1,445,662.38     5,003,548.34

  Less: Non-operating expense                                 138,421.27       420,575.07

IV. Total    profit(“-”for loss)                         51,701,366.13     9,532,401.59

  Less:Income tax expenses                                 8,203,720.98    28,059,080.22

V. Net profit                                              43,497,645.15    -18,526,678.63

  (I) Classification by business continuity

1.Net continuing operating profit                          43,497,645.15    -18,526,678.63

2.Termination of operating net profit

  (II) Classification by ownership

1.Net profit attributable to the owners of parent             37,267,995.74   19,679,910.43

2.Minority shareholders’ equity                               6,229,649.41   -38,206,589.06

VI. Net after-tax of other comprehensive income               -3,131,850.89   -52,500,997.28

                                                              -3,131,850.89   -52,500,997.28
Net of profit of other comprehensive income attributabl
e to owners of the parent company.

(I)Other comprehensive income items that will not be        -2,815,824.67   -52,715,913.64
reclassified into gains/losses in the subsequent
accounting period

1.Re-measurement of defined benefit plans of changes i
n net debt or net assets

2.Other comprehensive income under the equity metho
d investee can not be reclassified into profit or loss.

3. Changes in the fair value of investments in other          -2,815,824.67   -52,715,913.64
equity instruments

4. Changes in the fair value of the company’s credit


     (II)                                                     -316,026.22      214,916.36

Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified in
to profit or loss.

1.Other comprehensive income under the equity metho
d investee can be reclassified into profit or loss.

2. Changes in the fair value of investments in other debt

3. Other comprehensive income arising from the
reclassification of financial assets

 4.Allowance for credit impairments in investments in
 other debt obligations

 5. Reserve for cash flow hedges

 6.Translation differences in currency financial statemen         -316,026.22         214,916.36


 Net of profit of other comprehensive income attributabl
 e to Minority shareholders’ equity

 VII. Total comprehensive income                                40,365,794.26      -71,027,675.91

 Total comprehensive income attributable to the owner           34,136,144.85      -32,821,086.85
 of the parent company

  Total comprehensive income attributable minority               6,229,649.41      -38,206,589.06

 VIII. Earnings per share

 (I)Basic earnings per share                                            0.07                0.04

  (II)Diluted earnings per share                                          0.07                0.04

Legal Representative: Zhang Jian

Person-in-charge of the accounting work:He Fei

Person-in -charge of the accounting organ:Zhu Jingjing

4. Income statement of the Parent Company

                                                                                             In RMB

                            Items                             Year 2020          Year 2019

             I. Income from the key business                    61,296,888.21     123,585,753.10

                   Incl:Business cost                          10,666,274.44      60,654,551.98

               Business tax and surcharge                        2,435,257.11       3,088,345.17

                     Sales expense

                 Administrative expense                     38,680,586.21   38,275,813.43

          R & D expense

     Financial expenses                                     -1,020,628.37   -2,114,743.82

       Including:Interest expenses                            13,780.96      476,191.57

          Interest income                                    1,012,329.64    2,611,348.37

  Add:Other income                                           117,006.72      106,720.83

  Investment gain(“-”for loss)                          35,656,479.65   68,053,467.35

Including: investment gains from affiliates                 -3,446,613.86   -7,404,083.27

Financial assets measured at amortized cost cease to be
recognized as income

       Net exposure hedging income

       Changing income of fair value                          392,767.12

       Credit impairment loss                                 -799,858.92     -194,490.83

     Impairment loss of assets                                 -95,343.40

  Assets disposal income                                      286,963.56          280.00

II. Operational profit(“-”for loss)                     46,093,413.55   91,647,763.69

     Add :Non-operational income                             562,910.99      146,868.07

  Less:Non -operational expenses                              27,244.40

III. Total profit(“-”for loss)                            46,629,080.14   91,794,631.76

     Less:Income tax expenses                               7,746,152.13   25,628,936.32

IV. Net profit                                              38,882,928.01   66,165,695.44

1.Net continuing operating profit                           38,882,928.01   66,165,695.44

2.Termination of operating net profit

V. Net after-tax of other comprehensive income                -3,131,850.89   -52,500,997.28

(I)Other comprehensive income items that will not be        -2,815,824.67   -52,715,913.64
reclassified into gains/losses in the subsequent
accounting period

1.Re-measurement of defined benefit plans of changes i
n net debt or net assets

2.Other comprehensive income under the equity method
 investee can not be reclassified into profit or loss.

3. Changes in the fair value of investments in other          -2,815,824.67   -52,715,913.64
equity instruments

4. Changes in the fair value of the company’s credit


                                                                -316,026.22      214,916.36
(II)Other comprehensive income that will be reclassifie
d into profit or loss

1.Other comprehensive income under the equity method
 investee can be reclassified into profit or loss.

2. Changes in the fair value of investments in other debt

3. Other comprehensive income arising from the
reclassification of financial assets

4.Allowance for credit impairments in investments in
other debt obligations

5. Reserve for cash flow hedges

6.Translation differences in currency financial statement       -316,026.22      214,916.36


VI. Total comprehensive income                                35,751,077.12   13,664,698.16

 VII. Earnings per share

 (I)Basic earnings per share

  (II)Diluted earnings per share

5. Consolidated Cash flow statement

                                                                                           In RMB

                            Items                              Year 2020          Year 2019

 I.Cash flows from operating activities

 Cash received from sales of goods or rending of services      1,827,292,276.43   2,239,603,149.40

  Net increase of customer deposits and capital kept for
 brother company

 Net increase of loans from central bank

 Net increase of inter-bank loans from other financial

 Cash received against original insurance contract

 Net cash received from reinsurance business

 Net increase of client deposit and investment

   Cash received from interest, commission charge and

 Net increase of inter-bank fund received

 Net increase of repurchasing business

   Net cash received by agent in securities trading

    Tax returned                                                116,428,895.93      37,887,179.50

 Other cash received from business operation                    123,408,000.43      61,696,291.74

    Sub-total of cash inflow                                   2,067,129,172.79   2,339,186,620.64

Cash paid for purchasing of merchandise and services            1,742,576,211.51   1,664,396,359.07

Net increase of client trade and advance

Net increase of savings in central bank and brother

  Cash paid for original contract claim

  Net increase in financial assets held for trading purposes

  Net increase for Outgoing call loan

 Cash paid for interest, processing fee and commission

Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs                           181,692,353.93     163,768,856.39

 Taxes paid                                                       43,712,017.07      31,514,698.29

Other cash paid for business activities                           97,217,657.52      96,360,918.39

Sub-total of cash outflow from business activities              2,065,198,240.03   1,956,040,832.14

Net cash generated from /used in operating activities              1,930,932.76     383,145,788.50

II. Cash flow generated by investing

Cash received from investment retrieving                           6,437,640.00      60,428,769.00

Cash received as investment gains                                  2,908,856.94       5,821,323.94

Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets, intangible       2,800,914.39         298,580.00
assets, and other long-term assets

Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other
operational units

Other investment-related cash received                          3,240,861,003.37   4,164,457,418.70

Sub-total of cash inflow due to investment activities           3,253,008,414.70   4,231,006,091.64

Cash paid for construction of fixed assets, intangible assets    564,014,103.94     618,799,656.48
    and other long-term assets

Cash paid as investment

Net increase of loan against pledge

Net cash received from subsidiaries and other operational

Other cash paid for investment activities                      3,008,065,275.20   4,556,430,000.00

Sub-total of cash outflow due to investment activities         3,572,079,379.14   5,175,229,656.48

Net cash flow generated by investment                          -319,070,964.44    -944,223,564.84

III.Cash flow generated by financing

Cash received as investment

Including: Cash received as investment from minor

  Cash received as loans                                        342,660,000.00      86,033,453.75

Other financing –related cash received                                            203,775,154.17

Sub-total of cash inflow from financing activities              342,660,000.00     289,808,607.92

Cash to repay debts                                                                536,552,100.76

Cash paid as dividend, profit, or interests                        3,511,622.58     43,473,617.45

Including: Dividend and profit paid by subsidiaries to
minor shareholders

Other cash paid for financing activities                          9,344,136.30      13,791,675.60

Sub-total of cash outflow due to financing activities            12,855,758.88     593,817,393.81

Net cash flow generated by financing                            329,804,241.12    -304,008,785.89

IV. Influence of exchange rate alternation on cash and cash       -2,973,560.67        158,915.19

V.Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                       9,690,648.77    -864,927,647.04

Add: balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning      268,646,588.18    1,133,574,235.22
of term

VI ..Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of         278,337,236.95     268,646,588.18


6. Cash Flow Statement of the Parent Company

                                                                                             In RMB

                             Items                                Year 2020          Year 2019

 I.Cash flows from operating activities

 Cash received from sales of goods or rending of services          64,167,036.73     76,051,827.26

  Tax returned

 Other cash received from business operation                       6,524,378.62      16,144,244.57

 Sub-total of cash inflow                                          70,691,415.35     92,196,071.83

 Cash paid for purchasing of merchandise and services              4,462,365.49       5,479,277.51

 Cash paid to staffs or paid for staffs                            27,619,751.65     22,463,068.76

 Taxes paid                                                        34,788,061.46     20,712,126.49

 Other cash paid for business activities                           8,944,859.88      25,827,850.33

 Sub-total of cash outflow from business activities                75,815,038.48     74,482,323.09

 Net cash generated from /used in operating activities             -5,123,623.13     17,713,748.74

 II. Cash flow generated by investing

 Cash received from investment retrieving                          6,437,640.00      72,428,769.00

 Cash received as investment gains                                 1,957,306.47       2,715,003.90

 Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets, intangible
                                                                   2,759,267.00          34,500.00
 assets, and other long-term assets

 Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other
 operational units

 Other investment-related cash received                         1,623,459,188.57   1,448,303,833.93

  Sub-total of cash inflow due to investment activities         1,634,613,402.04   1,523,482,106.83

Cash paid for construction of fixed assets, intangible assets
                                                                   2,528,077.97      10,991,096.71
    and other long-term assets

     Cash paid as investment                                       3,555,968.96

Net cash received from subsidiaries and other operational

Other cash paid for investment activities                       1,530,015,275.20   1,580,000,000.00

Sub-total of cash outflow     due to investment activities      1,536,099,322.13   1,590,991,096.71

Net cash flow generated by investment                              98,514,079.91     -67,508,989.88

III. Cash flow generated by financing

  Cash received as investment

     Cash received as loans

Other financing –related ash received                             6,545,900.00       3,806,454.17

 Sub-total of cash inflow from financing activities                6,545,900.00       3,806,454.17

  Cash to repay debts

Cash paid as dividend, profit, or interests                            11,231.64         356,766.80

Other cash paid for financing activities                           14,344,136.30     11,091,675.60

 Sub-total of cash outflow due to financing activities             14,355,367.94     11,448,442.40

Net cash flow generated by financing                               -7,809,467.94     -7,641,988.23

IV. Influence of exchange rate alternation on cash and cash

V.Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                        85,580,988.84     -57,437,229.37

Add: balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning
                                                                   27,979,338.37     85,416,567.74
of term

VI ..Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of
                                                                  113,560,327.21     27,979,338.37

7. Consolidated Statement on Change in Owners’ Equity

Amount in this period
                                                                                                     In RMB

                                                           Year 2020

                             Owner’s equity Attributable to the Parent Company

                           Other                                          C
                          Equity                                           o
                        instrument                                        m
                                                    Oth                                          Min
                                                             Sp           m                               Total
                                             Les      er                                          or
                                                             eci           o                                of
    Items                                      s:    Co                        Ret    O          shar
                Sha     Pr           Capi                    ali   Sur     n                              own
                                             Sha    mpr                        aine   t          ehol
                 re     ef   Su       tal                    ze    plus   ri              Subt             ers’
                                   O          res    ehe                         d    h          ders’
                Cap     er   sta     reser                    d    rese   sk              otal            equit
                                   t           in   nsiv                       prof   e          equit
                ital    re   in       ves                    res   rves   pr                                y
                                   h         stoc     e                         it    r            y
                        d    ab                               er           o
                                   e            k   Inco
                        st    le                             ve           vi
                                   r                 me
                        oc   de                                           si
                        k    bt                                            o

                509                   1,97   16,    119            90,         49,        2,72   1,12     3,85
I .Balance at   ,33                   4,92   139    ,73            596         307        7,76   6,85     4,61
the end of      8,4                   2,24   ,00    7,7            ,92         ,76        4,14   1,42     5,57
last year       29.                   8.03   3.4    83.            3.3         4.0        4.36   5.82     0.18
                 00                            0     31              9           3

Add: Change

of previous

Merger of


                509                   1,97   16,    119            90,         49,        2,72   1,12     3,85
II.Balance at   ,33                   4,92   139    ,73            596         307        7,76   6,85     4,61
                8,4                   2,24   ,00    7,7            ,92         ,76        4,14   1,42     5,57
beginning of
current year    29.                   8.03   3.4    83.            3.3         4.0        4.36   5.82     0.18
                 00                            0     31              9           3

                 -1,   -7,4   -8,   -3,   4,3   37,   38,4   6,22   44,6
III .Changed     566   07,8   613   131   57,   604   70,0   9,64   99,6
in the current   ,15   89.5   ,56   ,85   728   ,62   30.0   9.41   79.4
year             0.0      0   5.2   0.8   .75   6.4      3             4
                   0            0     9           7

                                    1,5         37,   38,8   6,22   45,0
(1)Total                          62,         267   30,5   9,64   60,1
comprehensi                         508         ,99   04.3   9.41   53.7
ve income                           .59         5.7      3             4

(II)           -1,   -7,4   -8,                     -360          -360
Investment       566   07,8   613                     ,474          ,474
or               ,15   89.5   ,56                      .30           .30
decreasing       0.0      0   5.2
of capital by
                   0            0

Shares invest
ed by shareh

2.Holders of
 other equity
instruments i
nvested capit

of shares
paid and
accounted as

                 -1,   -7,4   -8,                     -360          -360
                 566   07,8   613                     ,474          ,474
4.Other         ,15   89.5   ,56                      .30           .30
                 0.0      0   5.2
                   0            0

                                          3,8   -3,
                                          88,   888
                                          292   ,29
                                          .80   2.8

1.Providing                               3,8   -3,
of surplus                                88,   888
reserves                                  292   ,29

                      .80   2.8

of common

to the
owners (or


                -4,   469   4,2
(IV) Internal   694   ,43   24,
                ,35   5.9   923
of owners’
equity          9.4     5   .53

of capital
reserves (or
to capital

of surplus
reserves (or
to capital

up losses by
amount of
benefit plans
that carry

5.Other        -4,   469   4,2
comprehensi     694   ,43   24,
ve income       ,35   5.9   923
carry-over      9.4

retained                                               8                5         .53


(V). Special

1. Provided
this year

2.Used this


                  507                 1,96    7,5    116            94,           86,        2,76    1,13     3,89
IV. Balance       ,77                 7,51    25,    ,60            954           912        6,23    3,08     9,31
at the end of     2,2                 4,35    438    5,9            ,65           ,39        4,17    1,07     5,24
this term         79.                 8.53    .20    32.            2.1           0.5        4.39    5.23     9.62
                   00                                 42              4             0

Amount in last year


                                                            Year 2019

                              Owner’s equity Attributable to the Parent Company

                                                     Oth                     o                       Min
                         instrument                           Sp                                              Tota
                                              Les     er                    m                         or
                                                              eci   Sur                                       l of
    Items                                       s:    Co                    m     Ret    O           shar
                  Sha    Pr           Capi                    ali   plu                                       own
                                              Sha    mpr                    on    aine   t           ehol
                   re    ef            tal                    ze     s                       Subt             ers’
                              Su    O          res   ehe                    ris    d     h           ders’
                  Cap    er           rese                     d    res                      otal             equi
                              sta   t           in   nsiv                    k    prof   e           equi
                  ital   re           rves                    res   erv                                        ty
                              ina   h         stoc     e                    pr     it    r            ty
                         d                                     er    es
                              ble   e           k    Inc                    ov
                         st                                   ve
                               de   r                ome                    isi
                               bt                                           on

                  511,                         27,                   80,          -57,
                                       1,86            1,3                                    2,37   1,08     3,45
I .Balance at     274                         230                   004           774
                                       5,71            39,                                    3,32   6,15     9,48
the end of last    ,14                         ,67                   ,80           ,47
                                       6,98           208                                     9,99   0,53     0,52
year               9.0                         9.0                   3.2           3.4
                                       3.63            .41                                    1.86   4.88     6.74
                     0                           0                     3             1

Add: Change                                           170            3,9           35,        210,            210,
    of                                                 ,89           75,          779         655,            655,
    accounti                                           9,5          550            ,95        078.            078.

     ng                                72.    .61    5.5     32            32
     policy                             18             3

Correcting of

Merger of
entities under


                 511,           27,    172     83,   -21,
II.Balance at           1,86                                2,58   1,08   3,67
                 274           230      ,23   980    994
the beginning           5,71                                3,98   6,15   0,13
                  ,14           ,67     8,7    ,35    ,51
of current              6,98                                5,07   0,53   5,60
                  9.0           9.0     80.    3.8    7.8
year                    3.63                                0.18   4.88   5.06
                    0             0      59      4      8

                               -11,    -52,           71,
                 -1,9   109,                   6,6          143,   40,7   184,
III .Changed                   091     500           302
                  35,   205,                   16,          779,   00,8   479,
in the current                  ,67     ,99           ,28
                 720    264.                  569           074.   90.9   965.
year                            5.6     7.2           1.9
                  .00    40                    .55           18       4    12
                                  0       8             1

                                        5,7                 25,4   -38,   -12,
(1)Total                                           679
                                        37,                 17,8   206,   788,
comprehensiv                                          ,91
                                       943                  54.1   589.   734.
e income                                              0.4
                                        .75                    8     06    88

(II)                         -11,
                 -1,9   -9,1
Investment or                  091
                  35,   55,9
decreasing of                   ,67
                 720    55.6
capital by                      5.6
                  .00      0
owners                            0

1.Ordinary S
hares invested
 by sharehold

2.Holders of
other equity i
nstruments in
vested capital

3.Amount of
shares paid
accounted as

                  -1,9   -9,1
                   35,   55,9
4.Other                         ,67
                  720    55.6
                   .00      0

                                                6,6   -6,6
(III)Profit                                   16,    16,
allotment                                      569    569
                                                .55    .55

                                                6,6   -6,6
                                                16,    16,
of surplus
                                               569    569
                                                .55    .55

of common

to the owners


                                        -58,           58,
(IV) Internal
                                        238           238
                                         ,94           ,94
of owners’
                                         1.0           1.0
                                           3             3

of capital
reserves (or to

of surplus
reserves (or to

3.Making up
losses by

amount of

benefit plans
that carry

                                                             -58,                           58,
comprehensiv                                                 238                           238
e income
                                                              ,94                           ,94
                                                              1.0                           1.0
retained                                                        3                             3


(V). Special

1. Provided
this year

2.Used this

                                           118,                                                      118,     78,9    197,
                                           361,                                                      361,     07,4    268,
                                           220.                                                      220.     80.0    700.
                                            00                                                        00         0     00

                    509                               16,   119,            90,             49,
                                           1,97                                                      2,72     1,12    3,85
IV. Balance at       ,33                             139    737            596             307
                                           4,92                                                      7,76     6,85    4,61
the end of this      8,4                              ,00    ,78            ,92             ,76
                                           2,24                                                      4,14     1,42    5,57
term                 29.                              3.4    3.3            3.3             4.0
                                           8.03                                                      4.36     5.82    0.18
                      00                                0      1              9               3

8.Statement of change in owner’s Equity of the Parent Company

Amount in this period

                                                                     Year 2020

                                   Other Equity
                                    instrument                             Other
                                                                                   Spe                                Total
                                                      Capita      Less:    Com               Surp
       Items               Share                                                   ciali             Retai    O        of
                                   Pre                   l        Shar     prehe              lus
                           capit                                                   zed                ned     th     owner
                                   fer   Sust   O     reserv      es in    nsive             reser
                            al                                                     rese              profit   er       s’
                                   red   aina   th      es        stock    Inco               ves
                                                                                   rve                               equity
                                   sto    ble   er                          me
                                    ck   debt

                           509,3                      1,589,        16,1   110,7              90,5   637,2           2,921,
I.Balance     at   the
                           38,42                       869,4        39,0   64,03              96,9   34,47            664,3
end of last year       9.00    99.36    03.4     7.74    23.3    5.15   61.24
                                           0                9

Add: Change of

Correcting      of
previous errors


                      509,3    1,589,   16,1    110,7    90,5   637,2   2,921,
II. Balance at the
                      38,42     869,4   39,0    64,03    96,9   34,47    664,3
beginning       of
                       9.00     99.36   03.4     7.74    23.3    5.15    61.24
current year                               0                9

                      -1,56    -6,561   -8,61   -3,13    4,35   39,21    40,93
III .Changed in the
                      6,150    ,989.5    3,56   1,850    7,72   9,558   0,862.
current year
                         .00        0    5.20      .89   8.75     .74       30

(I)Total                                      1,562           38,88    40,44
comprehensive                                    ,508.          2,928   5,436.
income                                             59             .01       60

(II) Investment or    -1,56    -7,407   -8,61                           -360,4
decreasing of         6,150    ,889.5    3,56                            74.30
capital by owners        .00        0    5.20

1.Ordinary Shares
 invested by shareh

2.Holders of other
 equity instruments
invested capital

3.Amount of
shares paid and
accounted as
owners’ equity

                      -1,56    -7,407   -8,61                           -360,4
4.Other              6,150    ,889.5    3,56                            74.30
                         .00        0    5.20

                                                         3,88   -3,88
                                                         8,29   8,292
                                                         2.80     .80

                                                         3,88   -3,88
1.Providing of
                                                         8,29   8,292
surplus reserves
                                                         2.80     .80

2.Allotment to the
owners (or


(IV) Internal                                  -4,69    469,   4,224
transferring of                                4,359    435.    ,923.
owners’ equity                                   .48    95        53

1. Capitalizing of
capital reserves (or
to capital shares)

2. Capitalizing of
surplus reserves
(or to capital

3.Making up
losses by surplus
4.Change amount
of defined benefit
plans that carry
Retained earnings

5.Other                                       -4,69    469,   4,224
comprehensive                                  4,359    435.    ,923.
income carry-over                                 .48    95        53
retained earnings


(V) Special

1. Provided this

2.Used this term

                               845,9                                    845,9
                               00.00                                    00.00

                       507,7   1,583,   7,52   107,6    94,9   676,4    2,962,
IV. Balance at the     72,27    307,5   5,43   32,18    54,6   54,03     595,2
end of this term        9.00    09.86   8.20    6.85    52.1    3.89     23.54

Amount in last year
                                                                                                        In RMB

                                                            Year 2019

                               Other Equity
                                                                           Spe                            Total
                                                 Capit    Less:   Com             Surp
      Items           Share                                                cial           Retai    O       of
                               Pre                 al     Shar    prehe            lus
                      Capit          Sus                                   ized            ned     th    owner
                               fer          O    reserv   es in   nsive           reser
                       al            tain                                  rese           profit   er      s’
                               red          th     es     stock   Inco             ves
                                     able                                   rve                          equity
                               sto          er                     me
                               ck    deb

                                                           27,2                   80,0
                      511,2                      1,599,           1,339                   483,6          2,648,
I. Balance at the                                          30,6                   04,8
                      74,14                      025,4             ,208.                  66,45           079,3
end of last year                                           79.0                   03.2
                       9.00                      54.96               41                    2.70           89.30
                                                              0                      3

Add: Change of                                                    161,9           3,97    35,77           201,6
    accounting                                                    25,82           5,55    9,955           81,33
    policy                                                         6.61           0.61       .53           2.75

Correcting      of
previous errors


                                                           27,2                   83,9
II. Balance at the    511,2                      1,599,           163,2                   519,4          2,849,
                                                           30,6                   80,3
beginning       of    74,14                      025,4            65,03                   46,40           760,7
                                                           79.0                   53.8
current year           9.00                      54.96             5.02                    8.23           22.05
                                                              0                      4

                      -1,93                      -9,155           -52,5           6,61    117,7           71,90
III. Changed in the                                        91,6
                      5,720                      ,955.6           00,99           6,56    88,06          3,639.
current year                                               75.6
                         .00                          0            7.28           9.55     6.92              19

(I)Total                                                        5,737                   66,16           71,90
comprehensive                                                      ,943.                  5,695          3,639.
income                                                               75                      .44             19

(II) Investment or    -1,93                      -9,155
decreasing of         5,720                      ,955.6
capital by owners        .00                          0

1.Ordinary Shares
 invested by shareh

2.Holders of other
 equity instruments

invested capital

3.Amount of
shares paid and
accounted as
owners’ equity

                       -1,93    -9,155
4.Other               5,720    ,955.6
                          .00        0

                                                         6,61   -6,61
                                                         6,56   6,569
                                                         9.55      .55

                                                         6,61   -6,61
1.Providing of
                                                         6,56   6,569
surplus reserves
                                                         9.55      .55

2.Allotment to the
owners (or


(IV) Internal                                    -58,2          58,23
transferring of                                  38,94          8,941
owners’ equity                                   1.03             .03

1. Capitalizing of
capital reserves (or
to capital shares)

2. Capitalizing of
surplus reserves
(or to capital

3.Making up
losses by surplus
4.Change amount
of defined benefit
plans that carry
Retained earnings

                                                 -58,2          58,23
comprehensive                                    38,94          8,941
income carry-over
                                                  1.03             .03
retained earnings


(V) Special

1. Provided this

2.Used this term


                                                          16,1                   90,5
                      509,3                     1,589,           110,7                   637,2        2,921,
IV. Balance at the                                        39,0                   96,9
                      38,42                     869,4            64,03                   34,47         664,3
end of this term                                          03.4                   23.3
                       9.00                     99.36             7.74                    5.15         61.24
                                                             0                      9

III. Basic Information of the Company

(1)Company Profile
      Shenzhen Textile (Group) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Company" or "the Company") is a
joint-stock company registered in Guangdong Province with a registered capital of RMB 511.274149
million and a unified social credit code of 91440300192173749Y. The Company has publicly issued RMB
common shares (A shares) and domestic listed foreign shares (B shares) to the public at home and abroad,
and listed and traded them. The Company is headquartered address are 6/F,Shenfang Building, No.3
Huaqiang Road. North, Futian District, Shenzhen.
      The company was previously the Shenzhen Textile Industry Company, on April 13, 1994, approved by
the Letter(1994)No.15 issued by Shenzhen Municipal People's Government, the Company was restructured
and named as Shenzhen Textile (Group) Co., Ltd. ,As of December 31, 2020, the Company has issued a
total of 507,772,279.00 shares.
    The Company has established the corporate governance structure of General Meeting of Shareholders,
Board of Directors and Board of Supervisors, and currently has the Board Office, Office, Strategic
Development Department, Operation and Management Department, Finance Department, Audit
Department, Human Resources Department and other departments.
     The Company is mainly engaged in high-tech industry focusing on R&D, production and marketing of
polarizers for liquid crystal display, management of properties in bustling business districts of Shenzhen
and reserved high-class textile and garment business.
     The financial statements have been authorized for issuance of the 2n meeting of the 8th Board of
Directors of the Group on March 10,2021.
(2)Scope of consolidated financial statements
     As of December 31, 2020, A total of 8 subsidiaries of the Company are included in the scope of
consolidation. For details, please refer to Note VII "Rights and Interests in Other Subjects". The
consolidation scope of the Company this year has increased by one compared with the previous year. For
details, please refer to Note VI "Change of Consolidation Scope".

IV. Basic for the preparation of financial statements

     The financial statements are prepared in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises promulgated by the Ministry of Finance and its application guidelines, interpretations and other
relevant provisions (collectively referred to as the "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises"). In
addition, the Company also disclosed relevant financial information in accordance with the Rules No.15 for
the Information Disclosure and Compilation of Companies Offering Securities Public Issuance - General
Provisions on Financial Report (revised in 2014) issued by China Securities Regulatory Commission.
 The financial statements are presented on the basis of going concern.
  The accounting of the Company is based on accrual basis. Except for some financial instruments, the
financial statements are based on historical costs. In case of asset impairment, impairment provision shall
be made in accordance with relevant regulations.

VII. Important accounting policies and estimations

     According to its own production and operation characteristics, the Company determines the policies of
depreciation of fixed assets, amortization of intangible assets and revenue recognition. See Note III. 16, III.
19 and III. 26 for specific accounting policies.
1.Statement on complying with corporate accounting standards
This financial statement conforms to the requirements of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises,
and truly and completely reflects the combination and financial status of the Company on December 31,
2020, as well as the combination and operating results and cash flow of the Company in 2020.
2.Fiscal Year
The Company adopts the Gregorian calendar year commencing on January 1 and ending on December 31
as the fiscal year.

3. Operating cycle
The operating cycle of the Company is 12 months.

4. Accounting standard money
 The Company and its domestic subsidiaries use RMB as their bookkeeping base currency. The overseas
subsidiaries of the Company determine RMB as their bookkeeping base currency according to the currency
in the main economic environment in which they operate. The currency used by the Company in preparing
the financial statements is RMB.

5. Accounting process method of enterprise consolidation under same and different controlling.
(1)Enterprise merger under same control
     For business combination under the same control, the assets and liabilities of the combined party
acquired by the merging party during the combination shall be measured according to the book value of the
combined party in the consolidated financial statements of the final controlling party on the combination
date, except for the adjustment due to different accounting policies. The difference between the book value
of the combination consideration and the book value of the net assets obtained in the combination adjusts
the capital reserve. If the capital reserve is insufficient to offset, the retained earnings will be adjusted.
     Business combination under the same control shall be achieved step by step through multiple
     In individual financial statements, the share of the book value of the net assets of the combined party
in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controlling party shall be taken as the initial
investment cost of the investment on the combination day calculated by the shareholding ratio on the
combination day; Adjust the capital reserve for the difference between the initial investment cost and the
book value of the investment held before the combination plus the book value of the consideration paid on
the new day of the combination. If the capital reserve is insufficient to offset, adjust the retained earnings.
     In the consolidated financial statements, the assets and liabilities of the combined party acquired by
the merging party in the combination shall be measured according to the book value in the consolidated

financial statements of the ultimate controlling party on the combination date, except for the adjustment
due to different accounting policies; The difference between the book value of the investment held before
the combination plus the book value of the consideration paid on the new day of the combination and the
book value of the net assets obtained during the combination will be adjusted for capital reserve. If the
capital reserve is insufficient to offset, the retained earnings will be adjusted. For the long-term equity
investment held by the merging party before obtaining the control right of the combined party, the relevant
profits and losses, other comprehensive income and other changes in owner's equity have been recognized
from the date of obtaining the original equity and the date when the merging party and the combined party
are under the same final control to the combination date, and the initial retained earnings or current profits
and losses during the comparative report period shall be offset respectively.
(2) Business combination involving entities not under common control
      For business combination not under the same control, the combination cost refers to the assets paid,
liabilities incurred or assumed, and fair value of the issued equity securities in order to gain control over the
acquiree on the acquisition date. On the acquisition date, the acquired assets, liabilities and contingent
liabilities of the acquiree are recognized at fair value.
     The difference between the combination cost and the fair value share of identifiable net assets
acquired in the combination is recognized as goodwill, and the accumulated impairment provision is
deducted by cost for subsequent measurement; The difference between the combination cost and the fair
value share of identifiable net assets acquired by the acquiree in the combination shall be recorded into the
current profits and losses after review.
      Business combination under the same control shall be achieved step by step through multiple
      In individual financial statements, the sum of the book value of the equity investment held by the
acquiree before the acquisition date and the new investment cost on the acquisition date is taken as the
initial investment cost of the investment. Other comprehensive income recognized by the equity investment
held before the acquisition date due to accounting by the equity method is not treated on the acquisition
date, and accounting treatment is carried out on the same basis as that of the investee's direct disposal of
related assets or liabilities; The owner's equity recognized due to the change of owner's equity of the
investee except net profit and loss, other comprehensive income and profit distribution shall be transferred
to the current profit and loss during the disposal period when the investment is disposed. If the equity
investment held before the acquisition date is measured by fair value, the accumulated changes in fair value
originally included in other comprehensive income will be transferred to the current profits and losses
when accounting by cost method.
      In the consolidated financial statements, the consolidated cost is the sum of the consideration paid on
the acquisition date and the fair value of the equity of the acquiree held before the acquisition date on the
acquisition date. The equity of the acquiree held before the acquisition date shall be re-measured according
to the fair value of the equity on the acquisition date, and the difference between the fair value and its book
value shall be included in the current income; Equity of the acquiree held before the acquisition date
involves other comprehensive income, and other changes in owner's equity are converted into current
income on the acquisition date, except for other comprehensive income arising from the remeasurement of
net liabilities or changes in net assets of the set income plan by the investee.
     (3) Treatment of transaction costs in business combination
     Intermediary expenses such as auditing, legal services, evaluation and consultation, and other related
management expenses incurred for business combination are included in the current profits and losses
when they occur. Transaction costs of equity securities or debt securities issued as combination
consideration are included in the initial recognition amount of equity securities or debt securities.
6 Compilation method of consolidated financial statements
(1)The scope of consolidation
    The consolidation scope of consolidated financial statements is determined on the basis of control.
Control refers to that the company has the power over the investee, enjoys variable returns by participating

in the related activities of the investee, and has the ability to use the power over the investee to affect its
return amount. Subsidiaries refer to subjects controlled by the Company (including enterprises, divisible
parts of investee, structured subjects, etc.).
     The consolidation scope of consolidated financial statements is determined on the basis of control.
Control refers to that the company has the power over the investee, enjoys variable returns by participating
in the related activities of the investee, and has the ability to use the power over the investee to affect its
return amount. Subsidiaries refer to subjects controlled by the Company (including enterprises, divisible
parts of investee, structured subjects, etc.).
     (2) Compilation method of consolidated financial statements
     The consolidated financial statements are based on the financial statements of the Company and its
subsidiaries, and are prepared by the Company according to other relevant information. When preparing the
consolidated financial statements, the accounting policies and accounting period requirements of the
Company and its subsidiaries are consistent, and major transactions and current balances between
companies are offset.
During the reporting period, the subsidiaries and businesses increased due to the business combination
under the same control shall be deemed to be included in the consolidation scope of the Company from the
date when they are controlled by the ultimate controller, and their operating results and cash flows from the
date when they are controlled by the ultimate controller shall be included in the consolidated income
statement and the consolidated cash flow statement respectively.
      During the reporting period, the income, expenses and profits of subsidiaries and businesses increased
from the acquisition date to the end of the reporting period due to business combination not under the same
control during the reporting period are included in the consolidated income statement, and their cash flows
are included in the consolidated cash flow statement.
     The part of shareholders' equity of subsidiaries that is not owned by the Company is listed separately
as minority shareholders' equity in the consolidated balance sheet; The share of minority shareholders'
equity in the current net profit and loss of subsidiaries is listed as "minority shareholders' profit and loss"
under the net profit item in the consolidated income statement. If the loss of subsidiary shared by minority
shareholders exceeds the share enjoyed by minority shareholders in the initial owner's equity of such
subsidiary, the balance still offsets minority shareholders' equity.
     (3) Acquisition of minority shareholders' equity of subsidiaries
     The capital reserve in the consolidated balance sheet shall be adjusted for the difference between the
newly acquired long-term equity investment cost due to the acquisition of minority shares and the share of
net assets continuously calculated by subsidiaries from the acquisition date or combination date, and the
difference between the disposal price obtained from partial disposal of equity investment in subsidiaries
without losing control and the share of net assets continuously calculated by subsidiaries from the
acquisition date or combination date corresponding to the disposal of long-term equity investment. If the
capital reserve is insufficient to offset, the retained earnings shall be adjusted.
     (4) Treatment of losing control over subsidiaries
     If the control over the original subsidiary is lost due to the disposal of part of the equity investment or
other reasons, the remaining equity shall be re-measured according to its fair value on the date of loss of
control; The sum of the consideration obtained from the disposal of equity and the fair value of remaining
equity, minus the sum of the share of the original subsidiary's book value of net assets calculated
continuously from the acquisition date and goodwill calculated according to the original shareholding ratio,
and the difference formed is included in the investment income of the current period of loss of control.
      Other comprehensive income related to the original subsidiary's equity investment will be transferred
to the current profits and losses when the control right is lost, except for other comprehensive income
generated by the investee's remeasurement of the net liabilities or changes in net assets of the set income

7.Joint venture arrangements classification and Co-operation accounting treatment
     Joint venture arrangement refers to an arrangement under the joint control of two or more participants.
The joint venture arrangement of the Company is divided into joint operation and joint venture.
     (1) Joint operation
      Joint operation refers to the joint venture arrangement in which the Company is entitled to the assets
related to the arrangement and bears the liabilities related to the arrangement.
     The Company recognizes the following items related to the share of interests in joint operation, and
carries out accounting treatment in accordance with the relevant accounting standards for business
     A. Recognize assets held separately and assets held jointly according to their shares;
    B. Recognize the liabilities undertaken separately, and recognize the liabilities jointly undertaken
according to their shares;
     C. Recognize the income generated from the sale of its share of joint operating output;
     D. Recognize the income generated by the sale of output from joint operation according to their
    E. Recognize the expenses incurred separately, and recognize the expenses incurred in joint operation
according to their shares.
     (2) Joint venture
     A joint venture refers to a joint venture arrangement in which the Company only has rights to the net
assets of the arrangement.
    The Company shall carry out accounting treatment on the investment of the joint venture in
accordance with the provisions on accounting of long-term equity investment by the equity method.

8.Recognition Standard of Cash & Cash Equivalents
     Cash refers to cash on hand and deposits that can be used for payment at any time. Cash equivalents
refer to investments held by the Company with short term, strong liquidity, easy conversion into known
cash and little risk of value change.
9.Foreign currency transaction
     In case of foreign currency business of the Company, the exchange rate determined by a systematic
and reasonable method which is similar to the spot exchange rate on the transaction date shall be used to
convert it into the bookkeeping base currency amount.
     Balance sheet date: foreign currency monetary items shall be converted at the spot exchange rate on
the balance sheet date. Exchange differences arising from the difference between the spot exchange rate on
the balance sheet date and the spot exchange rate at the time of initial recognition or the previous balance
sheet date are included in the current profits and losses; For foreign currency non-monetary items measured
at historical cost, the spot exchange rate on the transaction date is still adopted; Foreign currency
non-monetary items measured at fair value are converted at the spot exchange rate on the fair value
determination date, and the difference between the converted bookkeeping base currency amount and the
original bookkeeping base currency amount is included in the current profits and losses.
10.Financial instruments
     Financial instruments refer to contracts that form financial assets of one party and financial liabilities
or equity instruments of other parties.
     (1) Recognition and derecognition of financial instruments
      When the Company becomes a party to a financial instrument contract, a financial asset or financial
liability is recognized.
     Financial assets that meet one of the following conditions shall be derecognized:
     ① Termination of the contractual right to receive cash flow from the financial asset;

     ② The financial asset has been transferred and the following conditions for derecognition of financial
asset transfer are met.
      If all or part of the current obligations of a financial liability have been discharged, the financial
liability or part of it shall be derecognized. If the Company (debtor) signs an agreement with the creditor to
replace the existing financial liabilities by assuming new financial liabilities, and the contract terms of the
new financial liabilities are substantially different from those of the existing financial liabilities, the
existing financial liabilities shall be derecognized and the new financial liabilities shall be recognized at the
same time.
     When trading the financial assets in a conventional way, accounting recognition and derecognition
shall be carried out according to the trading day.
     (2) Classification and measurement of financial assets
     According to the business model of managing financial assets and the contractual cash flow
characteristics of financial assets, the Company divides financial assets into the following three categories:
financial assets measured at amortized cost, financial assets measured at fair value with changes included in
other comprehensive income, and financial assets measured at fair value with changes included in current
profits and losses.
     Financial assets measured at amortized cost

     The Company classifies the financial assets that meet the following conditions and are not designated
to be measured at fair value with changes included in current profits and losses as financial assets measured
at amortized cost:
     The Company's business model of managing such financial assets is to collect contract cash flow as
the goal;
     According to the contract terms of the financial asset, the cash flow generated on a specific date is
only the payment of principal and interest based on the unpaid principal amount.
     After initial recognition, such financial assets are measured in amortized cost by the effective interest
rate method. Gains or losses arising from financial assets measured in amortized cost that are not part of
any hedging relationship are included in current profits and losses when derecognition, amortization
according to the effective interest rate method, or impairment recognition.
     Financial assets measured at fair value and changes included in other comprehensive income

      The Company classifies financial assets that meet the following conditions and are not designated to
be measured at fair value with changes included in current profits and losses as financial assets measured at
fair value with changes included in other comprehensive income
     The company's business model of managing the financial assets aims at both collecting contract cash
flow and selling the financial assets.
     According to the contract terms of the financial asset, the cash flow generated on a specific date is
only the payment of principal and interest based on the unpaid principal amount.
     After initial recognition, the fair value of such financial assets is subsequently measured. Interest,
impairment losses or gains and exchange gains and losses calculated by the effective interest rate method
are included in the current profits and losses, while other gains or losses are included in other
comprehensive income. Upon termination of recognition, the accumulated gains or losses previously
included in other comprehensive income shall be transferred out of other comprehensive income and
included in current profits and losses.
     Financial assets measured at fair value with changes included in current profits and losses

     Except for the above financial assets measured at amortized cost and at fair value with changes
included in other comprehensive income, the Company classifies all other financial assets as financial
assets measured at fair value with changes included in current profits and losses. At the time of initial
recognition, in order to eliminate or significantly reduce accounting mismatch, the Company irrevocably
designated some financial assets that should have been measured at amortized cost or at fair value with
changes included in other comprehensive income as financial assets measured at fair value with changes
included in current profits and losses.
     After initial recognition, the financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value, and the resulting
gains or losses (including interest and dividend income) are included in the current profits and losses,
unless the financial assets are part of the hedging relationship.
      However, for non-trading equity instrument investments, the Company can irrevocably designate them
as financial assets measured at fair value with changes included in other comprehensive income upon initial
recognition. The designation is made on the basis of a single investment, and the relevant investment
conforms to the definition of equity instruments from the perspective of the issuer.
      After initial recognition, the fair value of such financial assets is subsequently measured. Dividend
income that meets the requirements is included in profit or loss, and other gains or losses and changes in
fair value are included in other comprehensive income. Upon termination of recognition, the accumulated
gains or losses previously included in other comprehensive income shall be transferred out of other
comprehensive income and included in retained income.
     The business model of managing financial asset refers to how the Company manages financial assets
to generate cash flow. The business model determines whether the cash flow of financial assets managed by
the Company comes from contract cash flow, sale of financial assets or both. The Company determines the
business model of managing financial assets based on objective facts and specific business objectives of
managing financial assets decided by key management personnel.
      The Company evaluates the contractual cash flow characteristics of financial assets to determine
whether the contractual cash flow generated by related financial assets on a specific date is only the
payment of principal and interest based on the unpaid principal amount. Where, the principal refers to the
fair value of financial assets at initial recognition; Interest includes consideration for the time value of
money, credit risk related to the unpaid principal amount in a specific period, and other basic borrowing
risks, costs and profits. In addition, the Company evaluates the contract clauses that may cause changes in
the time distribution or amount of cash flow of financial assets contracts to determine whether they meet
the requirements of the above-mentioned contract cash flow characteristics.
     Only when the Company changes its business model for managing financial assets, all affected
financial assets shall be reclassified on the first day of the first reporting period after the business model
changes, otherwise, financial assets shall not be reclassified after initial recognition.
      Financial assets are measured at fair value upon initial recognition. For financial assets measured at
fair value, whose changes are included in current profits and losses, relevant transaction costs are directly
included in current profits and losses; For other types of financial assets, relevant transaction costs are
included in the initial recognition amount. Accounts receivable arising from the sale of products or the
provision of labor services that do not include or take into account significant financing components are
initially recognized by the Company in accordance with the amount of consideration that the Company is
expected to be entitled to receive.
     (3) Classification and measurement of financial liabilities
     At initial recognition, the financial liabilities of the Company are classified into: financial liabilities
measured at fair value with changes included in current profits and losses, and financial liabilities measured
at amortized cost. For financial liabilities that are not classified as measured at fair value with changes
included in current profits and losses, relevant transaction costs are included in their initial recognition
     Financial liabilities measured at fair value with changes included in the current profits and losses
     Financial liabilities measured at fair value with changes included in current profits and losses include

transactional financial liabilities and financial liabilities designated at fair value at initial recognition with
changes included in current profits and losses. Such financial liabilities are subsequently measured
according to fair value, and the gains or losses caused by changes in fair value and dividends and interest
expenses related to such financial liabilities are included in current profits and losses.
     Financial liabilities measured in amortized cost
     Other financial liabilities are subsequently measured according to the amortized cost by the effective
interest rate method, and the gains or losses arising from derecognition or amortization are included in the
current profits and losses.
     Distinction between financial liabilities and equity instruments
     Financial liabilities refer to liabilities that meet one of the following conditions:
     ① Contract obligation to deliver cash or other financial assets to other parties.

    ② The contractual obligation to exchange financial assets or financial liabilities with other parties
under potential unfavorable conditions.
     ③ Non-derivative contracts that need to be settled or can be settled by the enterprise's own equity
instruments in the future, for which the enterprise will deliver a variable number of its own equity
instruments according to this contract.
     ④ Derivative contracts that need to be settled or can be settled by the enterprise's own equity
instruments in the future, except for derivative contracts that exchange a fixed amount of its own equity
instruments for a fixed amount of cash or other financial assets.
     Equity instruments refer to contracts that can prove ownership of an enterprise's residual equity in
assets after deducting all liabilities.
     If the Company can't unconditionally avoid delivering cash or other financial assets to fulfill a
contractual obligation, the contractual obligation meets the definition of financial liabilities.
      If a financial instrument needs to be settled or can be settled by the Company's own equity instrument,
it shall be considered whether its own equity instrument used to settle the instrument is a substitute for cash
or other financial assets, or it is to enable the holder of such instrument to be entitled to the remaining
equity in the assets after all liabilities are deducted by the issuer. In the former case, the instrument is the
financial liability of the Company; In the latter case, the instrument is the equity instrument of the
     (4) Derivative financial instruments and embedded derivative instruments
     Initially, it is measured at the fair value on the day when the derivative transaction contract is signed,
and then measured at its fair value. Derivative financial instruments with positive fair value are recognized
as an asset, while those with negative fair value are regarded as an liability. Any gains or losses arising
from changes in fair value that do not meet the requirements of hedge accounting are directly included in
the current profits and losses.
      For mixed instruments including embedded derivative, if the main contract is financial assets, the
relevant provisions of financial asset classification shall apply to the mixed instruments as a whole. If the
main contract is not a financial asset, and the mixed instrument is not measured at fair value with changes
included in the current profits and losses for accounting treatment, the embedded derivative is not closely
related to the main contract in terms of economic characteristics and risks, and has the same conditions as
the embedded derivative, and if the independent instrument meets the definition of derivative, the
embedded derivative is split from the mixed instrument and treated as a separate derivative financial
instrument. If the embedded derivative cannot be separately measured at the time of acquisition or on the
subsequent balance sheet date, the mixed instruments as a whole are designated as financial assets or
financial liabilities measured at fair value with changes included in the current profits and losses.
     (5) Fair value of financial instruments

      See Note III. 11 for the determination method of the fair value of financial assets and financial
     (6) Impairment of financial assets
     Based on the expected credit loss, the Company will carry out impairment accounting treatment on the
following items and recognize the loss reserve:
     ① Financial assets measured at amortized cost;

    ② Receivables and debt investments measured at fair value and included in other comprehensive
     ③ Lease receivables;

     ④ Financial guarantee contracts (except those which are measured at fair value with changes
included in current profits and losses, in which the transfer of financial assets does not meet the conditions
for derecognition, or those formed by continuing to involve the transferred financial assets).
     Measurement of expected credit loss
     Expected credit loss refers to the weighted average of the credit losses of financial instruments
weighted by the risk of default. Credit loss refers to the difference between the cash flow of all contracts
discounted according to the original real interest rate and the expected cash flow of all contracts receivable
according to the contract, that is, the present value of all cash shortages.
     The Company takes into account reasonable and reliable information on historical events, current
situation and future economic situation forecasts, and uses the risk of default as the weight to calculate the
probability weighted amount of the present value of the difference between the cash flow receivable from
the contract and the cash flow expected to be received to recognize the expected credit loss.
       The Company separately measures the expected credit losses of financial instruments at different
stages. If the credit risk of financial instruments has not increased significantly since the initial recognition,
it is in the first stage. The Company measures the loss reserve according to the expected credit loss in the
next 12 months; If the credit risk of a financial instrument has increased significantly since its initial
recognition but no credit impairment has occurred, it is in the second stage. The Company measures the
loss reserve according to the expected credit loss of the instrument throughout the duration; If a financial
instrument has suffered credit impairment since its initial recognition, it is in the third stage. The Company
measures the loss reserve according to the expected credit loss of the instrument throughout the duration.
      For financial instruments with low credit risk on the balance sheet date, the Company assumes that
their credit risk has not increased significantly since the initial recognition, and measures the loss reserve
according to the expected credit loss in the next 12 months.
     The expected credit loss in the whole duration refers to the expected credit loss caused by all possible
default events in the whole expected duration of financial instruments. The expected credit loss in the next
12 months refers to the expected credit loss caused by the financial instrument default event that may occur
within 12 months after the balance sheet date (or within the expected duration if the expected duration of
the financial instrument is less than 12 months), which is a part of the expected credit loss in the whole
     When measuring the expected credit loss, the longest period that the Company needs to consider is the
longest contract period during which the enterprise is subject to credit risk (including the option to renew
the contract).
      For financial instruments in the first and second stages and with low credit risk, the Company
calculates interest income based on the book balance before deducting impairment provisions and the
actual interest rate. For financial instruments in the third stage, the interest income shall be calculated
according to their book balance minus the amortized cost after impairment provision and the actual interest
     For notes receivable and accounts receivable, regardless of whether there is significant financing
component, the Company always measures the loss reserve according to the amount equivalent to the
expected credit loss in the whole duration.
     When a single financial asset cannot evaluate the expected credit loss information at a reasonable cost,
the Company divides the notes receivable and accounts receivable into portfolios according to the credit
risk characteristics, calculates the expected credit loss on the basis of the combinations, and determines the
combination on the following basis:
   A. Notes receivable
    Notes receivable portfolio 1: bank acceptance bill
    Notes receivable portfolio 2: commercial acceptance bill
    B. Accounts receivable
    Accounts receivable portfolio 1: polarizer sales receivable
    Accounts receivable portfolio 2: textile and garment sales receivable
    Accounts receivable portfolio 3: operating funds receivable from self-own property
    Accounts receivable portfolio 4: other receivables
     For notes receivable divided into portfolios, the Company refers to the historical credit loss experience,
and calculates the expected credit loss through the default risk exposure and the expected credit loss rate of
the whole duration based on the current situation and forecasts the future economic situation.
    For accounts receivable divided into combinations, the Company refers to the historical credit loss
experience, combines the current situation with the forecast of future economic situation, compiles a
comparison table of aging/overdue days of accounts receivable and the expected credit loss rate for the
whole duration, and calculates the expected credit loss.
      Other receivables
     The Company classifies other receivables into several combinations according to the credit risk
characteristics, and calculates the expected credit losses based on the portfolios. The basis for determining
the portfolio is as follows:
      Other receivables portfolio: aging portfolio
     For other receivables classified as portfolios, the Company calculates the expected credit loss through
the default risk exposure and the expected credit loss rate in the next 12 months or the whole duration.
      Debt investment and other debt investment
    For creditor's rights investment and other creditor's rights investment, the Company calculates the
expected credit loss according to the nature of the investment, the counterparty and various types of risk
exposure and based on the expected credit loss rate in the next 12 months or the whole duration.
      Evaluation of significant increase in credit risk
     By comparing the risk of default of financial instruments on the balance sheet date with the risk of
default on the initial recognition date, the Company determines the relative change of default risk of
financial instruments in the expected duration, and evaluates whether the credit risk of financial
instruments has increased significantly since initial recognition.
     When determining whether the credit risk has increased significantly since the initial recognition, the
company considers to obtain reasonable and reliable information without unnecessary extra costs or efforts,
including forward-looking information. Information considered by the Company includes:
      The debtor fails to pay the principal and interest according to the expiration date of the contract;
       Serious deterioration of external or internal credit rating (if any) of financial instruments that has
      occurred or is expected;

      Serious deterioration of the debtor's operating results that has occurred or is expected;
      Changes in existing or expected technology, market, economic or legal environment, and significant
     adverse effects on the debtor's repayment ability of the Company.
     According to the nature of financial instruments, the Company assesses whether credit risks have
     increased significantly on the basis of individual financial instruments or financial instrument
     portfolios. When evaluating on the basis of financial instrument portfolio, the Company can classify
     financial instruments based on common credit risk characteristics, such as overdue information and
     credit risk rating.
     Financial assets with credit impairment
     On the balance sheet date, the Company evaluates whether the financial assets measured at amortized
cost and the creditor's rights investments measured at fair value with changes included in other
comprehensive income have suffered credit impairment. When one or more events that adversely affect the
expected future cash flow of a financial asset occur, the financial asset becomes a financial asset with credit
impairment. Evidence of credit impairment of financial assets includes the following observable
     The issuer or debtor has major financial difficulties;
     The debtor violates the contract, such as default or overdue payment of interest or principal;
     The Company gives concessions that the debtor will not make under any other circumstances due to
     economic or contractual considerations related to the debtor's financial difficulties;
     The debtor is likely to go bankrupt or undergo other financial restructuring;
     The financial difficulties of the issuer or debtor cause the active market of the financial assets to
     Presentation of expected credit loss provision
     In order to reflect the change of credit risk of financial instruments after initial recognition, the
Company re-measures the expected credit loss on each balance sheet date, and the resulting increase or
reversal amount of loss reserve shall be included in the current profits and losses as impairment losses or
gains. For financial assets measured in amortized cost, the loss reserve shall be offset against the book
value of the financial assets listed in the balance sheet; For creditor's rights investments measured at fair
value with changes included in other comprehensive income, the Company recognizes its loss reserve in
other comprehensive income, which does not offset the book value of the financial asset.
Cancel after verification

      If the Company no longer reasonably expects the contract cash flow of financial assets to be fully or
partially recovered, it will directly write down the book balance of the financial assets. This write-down
constitutes the derecognition of related financial assets. It usually happens when the Company determines
that the debtor has no assets or income sources to generate enough cash flow to repay the amount to be
written down. However, according to the Company's procedures for recovering the due amount, the
written-down financial assets may still be affected by the implementation activities.
     If the written-down financial assets are recovered later, they will be included in profits and losses of
the current recovery period as the reversal of impairment losses.
(7) Transfer of financial assets
     Transfer of financial assets refers to the transfer or delivery of financial assets to another party
(transferee) other than the issuer of the financial assets.
      If the company has transferred almost all risks and rewards in the ownership of the financial asset to
the transferee, the recognition of the financial asset shall be terminated; If almost all risks and rewards on
the ownership of a financial asset are retained, the financial asset shall not be derecognized.
     If the Company has neither transferred nor retained almost all risks and rewards in the ownership of
financial assets, it shall be dealt with as follows: if the control of the financial assets is abandoned, the
financial assets shall be derecognized and the resulting assets and liabilities shall be recognized; If the
control of the financial assets is not abandoned, the relevant financial assets shall be recognized according
to the extent of their continued involvement in the transferred financial assets, and the relevant liabilities
shall be recognized accordingly.
(8) Offset of financial assets and financial liabilities
      When the Company has the legal right to offset the recognized financial assets and financial liabilities,
which can be enforced at present, and the Company plans to settle by net amount or at the same time
realize such financial assets and pay off such financial liabilities, the financial assets and financial liabilities
are listed in the balance sheet with the amount after offset. In addition, financial assets and financial
liabilities are listed separately in the balance sheet and will not be offset against each other.
11.Fair value measurement
     Fair value refers to the price that a market participant must pay to sell or transfer a liability in an
orderly transaction that occurs on the measurement date.
      The Company measures related assets or liabilities at fair value, assuming that the orderly transaction
of selling assets or transferring liabilities is conducted in the main market of related assets or liabilities; If
there is no major market, the Company assumes that the transaction will be conducted in the most favorable
market of related assets or liabilities. The main market (or the most favorable market) is the trading market
that the Company can enter on the measurement day. The Company adopts the assumptions used by market
participants to maximize their economic benefits when pricing the assets or liabilities.
     If there are financial assets or financial liabilities in an active market, the fair value of the financial
assets or financial liabilities shall be determined by the quotation in the active market by the Company. For
financial instruments with active market, the Company adopts valuation technology to determine their fair
     When measuring non-financial assets at fair value, the ability of market participants to apply the assets
for the best purpose to generate economic benefits or the ability to sell the assets to other market
participants for the best purpose to generate economic benefits shall be considered.
     The Company adopts the valuation technology which is applicable in the current situation and
supported by sufficient available data and other information, and gives priority to the relevant observable
input values, and only uses the unobservable input values when the observable input values are unavailable
or impractical.
      For assets and liabilities measured or disclosed at fair value in financial statements, the fair value level
is determined according to the lowest level input value which is of great significance to fair value
measurement as a whole: The first-level input value is the unadjusted quotation of the same assets or
liabilities that can be obtained on the measurement date in an active market; The second-level input value is
directly or indirectly observable input value of related assets or liabilities except the first-level input value;
The third-level input value is the unobservable input value of related assets or liabilities.
     On each balance sheet date, the Company reassesses the assets and liabilities recognized in the
financial statements that are continuously measured at fair value to determine whether there is a conversion
between the fair value measurement levels.
     (1)Investories class
    The Company's inventory includes raw materials, in-process products, low-value consumables,
packaging materials, inventory goods, and issued goods.
     (2) Pricing method of issued inventory
    The Company's inventory is priced at the actual cost when it is acquired. The weighted average
method is adopted when raw materials and inventory goods are issued.
    (3) Determination basis of net realizable value of inventory and accrual method of inventory
depreciation reserve

     The net realizable value of inventory is the estimated selling price of inventory minus the estimated
costs to be incurred upon completion, estimated sales expenses and related taxes. For determination of the
net realizable value of inventories, the solid evidence shall serve as the basis, and the purpose of holding
inventories and the influence of events after the balance sheet date shall be considered.
     On the balance sheet date, if the inventory cost is higher than its net realizable value, inventory
depreciation reserve shall be made. The Company usually accrues the inventory depreciation reserve
according to individual inventory items. On the balance sheet date, if the influencing factors of previous
inventory value written down have disappeared, the inventory depreciation reserve will be returned within
the originally accrued amount.
     (4) Inventory system of inventory
     Perpetual inventory system is adopted for the Company's inventory system.
     (5) Amortization method of low-value consumables and packaging materials
    Low-value consumables and packaging materials of the Company are amortized by one-time write-off
13.Held for sale and discontinuing operation
     (1) Classification and measurement of non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale
      When the book value of a non-current asset or disposal group is recovered by the Company mainly by
selling it (including the exchange of non-monetary assets with commercial nation) rather than continuously
using it, the non-current asset or disposal group is classified as held for sale.
     The above-mentioned non-current assets do not include investment real estate measured by fair value
model, biological assets measured by net amount of fair value minus selling expenses, assets formed by
employee compensation, financial assets, deferred income tax assets and rights arising from insurance
     The disposal group refers to a group of assets disposed of together by sale or other means in a
transaction as a whole, and liabilities directly related to these assets transferred in the transaction. Under
certain circumstances, the disposal group includes goodwill obtained in business combination, etc.
     Meanwhile, non-current assets or disposal groups that meet the following conditions are classified as
held-for-sale: according to the practice of selling such assets or disposal groups in similar transactions, the
non-current assets or disposal groups can be sold immediately under the current situation; The sale is very
likely to happen, that is, a resolution has been made on a sale plan and a certain purchase commitment has
been obtained, and it is expected that the sale will be completed within one year. If the control over
subsidiaries is lost due to the sale of investments in subsidiaries, whether or not the Company retains part
of the equity investments after the sale, when the investment in subsidiaries to be sold meets the
classification conditions of holding for sale, the investment in subsidiaries will be classified as held-for-sale
as a whole in individual financial statements, and all assets and liabilities of subsidiaries will be classified
as held-for-sale in consolidated financial statements.
     When the non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale are initially measured or re-measured on
the balance sheet date, the difference between the book value and the net amount after deduction of the
sales expenses from the fair value is recognized as the asset impairment loss. For the amount of asset
impairment loss recognized by the disposal group held for sale, the book value of goodwill in the disposal
group is offset first, and then the book value of non-current assets in the disposal group is offset
     If the net amount of non-current assets held for sale or disposal group's fair value minus sales
expenses increases on the subsequent balance sheet date, the previously written-down amount will be
restored and reversed within the amount of asset impairment loss recognized after being classified as
held-for-sale, and the reversed amount will be included in the current profits and losses. The book value of
offset goodwill shall not be reversed.
     Non-current assets held for sale and assets in disposal group held for sale are not depreciated or

amortized; Interest and other expenses of liabilities in disposal group held for sale continue to be
recognized. All or part of the investments of associated enterprises or joint ventures classified as held for
sale shall be accounted for by the equity method for those classified as held for sale, while those retained
(not classified as held for sale) shall continue to be accounted for by the equity method; When the
Company loses significant influence on the associated enterprises and joint ventures due to the sale, it shall
stop using the equity method.
    If a certain non-current asset or disposal group is classified as held-for-sale, but the classification
conditions of held-for-sale are no longer met, the Company will stop classifying it as held-for-sale and
measure it according to the lower of the following two amounts:
     ① The book value of the asset or disposal group before it is classified as held-for-sale, and the
amount adjusted according to the depreciation, amortization or impairment that should have been
recognized without being classified as held-for-sale;
     ② Recoverable amount.
     (2) Discontinuing operation
     Discontinuing operation refers to the components that have been disposed of by the Company or
classified as held-for-sale by the Company and can be distinguished separately, which meet one of the
following conditions:
     ① Such component represents an independent main business or a separate main business area.

     ② Such component is part of an associated plan to dispose an independent main business or a
separate main business area.
     ③ Such component is a subsidiary acquired for resale.
     (3) Presentation
     In the balance sheet, the Company presents the non-current assets held for sale or the assets in the
disposal group held for sale as "assets held for sale", and presents the liabilities in the disposal group held
for sale as "liabilities held for sale".
     The Company separately presents the profit and loss from continuing operations and the profit and
loss from discontinuing operations in the income statement. For non-current assets or disposal groups held
for sale that do not meet the definition of discontinuing operation, the impairment loss, reversal amount and
disposal profit and loss are presented as the profit and loss of continuing operations. Operating profit and
loss and disposal profit and loss such as impairment loss and reversal amount of discontinuing operation
are presented as discontinuing operation profits and losses.
     A disposal group that intends to terminate its use instead of selling and meets the conditions of
relevant components in the definition of discontinuing operation shall be presented as discontinuing
operation from the date when it ceases to use.
     For the discontinuing operation reported in the current period, in the current financial statements, the
information originally presented as the profits and losses of continuing operation is re-presented as the
profits and losses of discontinuing operation in the comparable accounting period. If the discontinuing
operation no longer meets the classification conditions of holding for sale, the information originally
presented as the profits and losses of discontinuing operation in the current financial statements will be
presented again as the profits and losses of continuing operation in the comparable accounting period.
14.Long-term equity investments
     Long-term equity investment includes equity investment in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associated
enterprises. If the Company can exert significant influence on the investee, it is an associated enterprise of
the Company.
     (1) Determination of initial investment cost

     Long-term equity investment forming business combination: the long-term equity investment obtained
by business combination under the same control shall be taken as the investment cost according to the book
value share of the owner's equity of the combined party in the consolidated financial statements of the final
controlling party on the combination date; Long-term equity investment obtained by business combination
not under the same control shall be regarded as the investment cost of long-term equity investment
according to the combination cost.
      For long-term equity investment obtained by other means: For long-term equity investment obtained
by payment in cash, the actual purchase price is taken as the initial investment cost; For long-term equity
investment obtained by issuing equity securities, the fair value of issuing equity securities is taken as the
initial investment cost.
     (2) Subsequent measurement and profit and loss recognition method
     Investment in subsidiaries shall be accounted by cost method, unless the investment meets the
conditions of holding for sale; Investment in associated enterprises and joint ventures shall be accounted
for by equity method.
     For the long-term equity investment calculated by the cost method, except for the cash dividends or
profits that have been declared but not yet issued and that included in the actual payment or consideration,
the cash dividends or profits declared and distributed by the investee are recognized as investment income
and included in the current profits and losses.
     If the initial investment cost of long-term equity investment accounted by equity method is greater
than the fair value share of identifiable net assets of the investee, the investment cost of long-term equity
investment shall not be adjusted; If the initial investment cost is less than the fair value share of the
identifiable net assets of the investee at the time of investment, the book value of the long-term equity
investment shall be adjusted, and the difference shall be included in the profit and loss of the current
investment period.
      In case of accounting by equity method, the investment income and other comprehensive income are
recognized respectively according to the share of net profits and losses and other comprehensive income
realized by the investee, and the book value of long-term equity investment is adjusted at the same time;
According to the profit or cash dividend declared and distributed by the investee, the part to be entitled to
shall be calculated, and the book value of long-term equity investment shall be reduced correspondingly;
The investee adjusts the book value of long-term equity investment for other changes in owner's equity
except net profits and losses, other comprehensive income and profit distribution and includes them in
capital reserve (other capital reserve). When recognizing the share of the net profit and loss of the investee,
the fair value of identifiable assets of the investee at the time of investment is taken as the basis, and the net
profit of the investee is recognized after adjustment according to the accounting policies and accounting
periods of the Company.
     If it can exert significant influence on the investee due to additional investment or implement joint
control but does not constitute control, on the conversion date, the sum of the fair value of the original
equity plus the new investment cost shall be taken as the initial investment cost calculated by the equity
method instead. The difference between the fair value and book value of the original equity on the
conversion date, as well as the accumulated fair value changes originally included in other comprehensive
income, are transferred to the current profits and losses accounted for by the equity method.
     If the joint control or significant influence on the investee is lost due to the disposal of some equity
investments, the remaining equity after disposal shall be accounted for according to Accounting Standards
for Business Enterprises No.22-Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments on the date of loss
of joint control or significant influence, and the difference between fair value and book value shall be
included in the current profits and losses. Other comprehensive income recognized by the original equity
investment due to the adoption of the equity method shall be accounted for on the same basis as the direct
disposal of related assets or liabilities by the investee when the equity method is terminated; Changes in
other owners' equity related to the original equity investment are transferred into current profits and losses.
    If the control over the investee is lost due to the disposal of part of equity investment, and the
remaining equity after disposal can jointly control or exert significant influence on the investee, it shall be

accounted for according to the equity method instead, and the remaining equity shall be regarded as being
adjusted by the equity method when it is acquired; If the remaining equity after disposal cannot exercise
joint control or exert significant influence on the investee, it shall be accounted for according to the
relevant provisions of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.22-Recognition and Measurement
of Financial Instruments, and the difference between its fair value and book value on the date of loss of
control shall be included in the current profits and losses.
     If the Company's shareholding ratio decreases due to capital increase of other investors, causing loss
of control, but it can exercise joint control or exert significant influence on the investee, the share of net
assets increased by the investee due to capital increase and share expansion shall be recognized according
to the new shareholding ratio, and the difference between the original book value of long-term equity
investment corresponding to the decreased shareholding ratio shall be included in the current profits and
losses; Then, according to the new shareholding ratio, it is regarded as being adjusted by the equity method
when the investment is obtained.
     For unrealized internal transaction gains and losses between the Company and its associated
enterprises and joint ventures, the portion attributable to the Company shall be calculated according to the
shareholding ratio, and investment gains and losses shall be recognized on the basis of offset. However, if
the unrealized internal transaction losses between the Company and the investee are the impairment losses
of the transferred assets, they will not be offset.
     (3) Basis for determination of joint control and significant influence on the investee
      Joint control refers to the common control of an arrangement in accordance with the relevant
agreement, and the relevant activities of such arrangement must be unanimously agreed by the participants
who share the control rights before any decision is made. When judging whether there is common control,
firstly, judge whether all participants or a combination of participants collectively control the arrangement,
and secondly, judge whether the decision-making of activities related to the arrangement must be
unanimously agreed by the participants who collectively control the arrangement. If all participants or a
group of participants must act in concert to decide the relevant activities of an arrangement, it is considered
that all participants or a group of participants collectively control the arrangement; If two or more
participants can collectively control an arrangement, it does not constitute joint control. When judging
whether it is joint control, the protective rights entitled to are not considered.
     Significant influence means that the investor has the right to participate in the decision-making on the
financial and operating policies of the investee, but cannot control or jointly control the formulation of
these policies with other parties. When determining whether it can exert significant influence on the
investee, the influence of the voting shares of the investee directly or indirectly held by the investor and the
current executable potential voting rights held by the investor and other parties shall be considered,
including the influence of the current convertible warrants, share options and convertible corporate bonds
issued by the investee.
     When the Company directly or indirectly owns more than 20% (including 20%) but less than 50% of
the voting shares of the investee, it is generally considered to have a significant influence on the investee,
unless there is clear evidence that it cannot participate in the production and operation decisions of the
investee under such circumstances, in which case it does not have a significant influence; When the
Company owns less than 20% (excluding) of the voting shares of the investee, it is generally not considered
to have a significant influence on the investee, unless there is clear evidence that it can participate in the
production and operation decisions of the investee under such circumstances, in which case it has a
significant influence.
     (4) Equity investment held for sale
     If all or part of the equity investment in an associated enterprise or joint venture is classified as assets
held for sale, please refer to Note III. 13 for relevant accounting treatment.
     For the remaining equity investments that are not classified as assets held for sale, the equity method
is adopted for accounting treatment.
     If the equity investment in an associated enterprise or joint venture that has been classified as held for

sale no longer meets the classification conditions of assets held for sale, the equity method shall be used for
retrospective adjustment from the date that it is classified as assets held for sale.
     (5) Test method for impairment and accrual method for impairment provision
     For investment in subsidiaries, associated enterprises and joint ventures, please refer to Note III. 21 for
the accrual method for impairment provision.
15.Investment real estate
     Investment real estate refers to real estate held for rent or capital appreciation, or both. The Company's
investment real estate includes leased land use rights, land use rights transferred after holding and preparing
for appreciation, and leased buildings.
     The Company's investment real estate is initially measured according to the cost at the time of
acquisition, and depreciation or amortization is accrued on schedule according to the relevant provisions of
fixed assets or intangible assets.
     For investment real estate that is subsequently measured by cost model, please refer to Note III. 21 for
the accrual method of asset impairment.
     The difference between the disposal income from the sale, transfer, scrapping or damage of investment
real estate after deduction of its book value and related taxes shall be included in the current profits and
16.Fixed assets
     (1) Recognition conditions of fixed assets
     The Company's fixed assets refer to tangible assets held for the production of commodities, provision
of labor services, leasing or operation and management, with a service life exceeding one fiscal year.
     Only when the economic benefits related to the fixed assets are likely to flow into the enterprise and
the cost of the fixed assets can be measured reliably, can the fixed assets be recognized.
    The fixed assets of the Company are initially measured according to the actual cost at the time of
     (2) Depreciation methods of various fixed assets
     The Company adopts the life average method to accrue depreciation. Depreciation of fixed assets
begins when they reach the intended usable state, and stops when they are derecognized or classified as
non-current assets held for sale. Without considering the impairment provision, according to the category,
estimated service life and estimated residual value of fixed assets, the Company determines the annual
depreciation rate of various fixed assets as follows:

                                                                   Estimated residual
              Category              Expected useful life(Year)                            Depreciation

  House and Building-- Production               35                       4.00                   2.74

  House and Building-Non-                       40                       4.00                   2.40
  Decoration of Fixed assets                    10                                             10.00

  Machinery and equipment                     10-14                      4.00                9.60-6.86

  Transportation equipment                      8                        4.00                  12.00

  Electronic equipment                          8                        4.00                  12.00

  Other equipment                               8                        4.00                  12.00

    For the fixed assets with the impairment provision withdrawn, the accumulative amount of the
withdrawn fixed assets impairment provision shall be also deducted to calculate and determine the rate of
     (3) See Note III. 21 for the impairment test method and accrual method for impairment provision of
fixed assets.
   (4) Identification basis, valuation method and depreciation method of fixed assets leased by financing
    Fixed assets leased by the Company shall be recognized as fixed assets acquired under finance leases
when they meet one or more of the following criteria:
   ① Upon expiration of the lease term, the ownership of the leased assets shall be transferred to the
     ② The Company has the option right to purchase the leased assets, and the concluded purchase price
is expected to be far lower than the fair value of the leased assets when exercising the option right.
Therefore, the exercise of this option right by the Company can be determined reasonably on the starting
date of the lease.
     ③ Even though the ownership of the assets is not transferred, the lease term accounts for most of the
service life of the leased assets.
    ④ The present value of the minimum lease payment of the Company on the lease start date is almost
equal to the fair value of the leased assets on the lease start date.
    ⑤ In case of special properties of the leased assets and no large alteration, only the Company can use
     Fixed assets leased by finance lease shall be recorded at the lower of the fair value of the leased assets
on the lease start date and the present value of the minimum lease payment. The minimum lease payment is
taken as the recorded value of long-term payables, and the difference is taken as unrecognized financing
expenses. Initial direct expenses such as handling fees, attorney fees, travel expenses, stamp duty, etc.,
which occur during the lease negotiation and signing of the lease contract, are included in the value of the
leased assets. Unrecognized financing expenses are amortized by the effective interest rate method in each
period of the lease term.
     Fixed assets leased by financing shall be depreciated by adopting policies consistent with the
self-owned fixed assets. If it can be reasonably determined that the ownership of the leased asset will be
acquired upon the expiration of the lease term, depreciation shall be accrued within the serviceable life of
the leased asset; If it is impossible to reasonably determine that the ownership of the leased asset can be
acquired at the expiration of the lease term, depreciation shall be accrued within the shorter of the lease
term and the serviceable life of the leased asset.
    (5) At the end of each year, the Company rechecks the service life, estimated net salvage value and
depreciation method of fixed assets.
     If the estimated service life is different from the original estimate, the service life of fixed assets shall
be adjusted; If the estimated net salvage value is different from the original estimate, the estimated net
salvage value shall be adjusted.
     (6) Major repair cost
     The major repair cost incurred by the Company in carrying out regular inspections of fixed assets, if
there is conclusive evidence showing that they meet the conditions for recognition of fixed assets, shall be
included in the cost of fixed assets, while those that do not meet the conditions for recognition of fixed
assets shall be included in the profits and losses of the current period. Fixed assets shall be depreciated
during the interval between regular overhaul.
17.Construction in progress
     The cost of construction in progress of the Company is determined according to the actual project

expenditure, including all necessary project expenditures incurred during the construction period,
borrowing costs that should be capitalized before the project reaches the intended usable state, and other
related expenses.
     Construction in progress is transferred to fixed assets when it reaches the scheduled usable state.
     See Note III. 21 for the method of depreciation of assets in construction in progress.
18.Borrowing costs
     (1) Recognition principle of capitalization of borrowing costs
     If the borrowing costs incurred by the Company can be directly attributed to the purchase,
construction or production of assets that meet the capitalization conditions, they will be capitalized and
included in the relevant asset costs; Other borrowing costs, when incurred, are recognized as expenses
according to the amount incurred, and included in current profits and losses. Borrowing costs shall be
capitalized if they meet the following conditions at the same time:
     ① Asset expenditure has already occurred, including the expenditure incurred in the form of payment
in cash, transfer of non-cash assets or assumption of interest-bearing debts for the purchase, construction or
production of assets that meet the capitalization conditions;
     ② Borrowing costs have already occurred;

     ③ The purchase, construction or production activities necessary to make the assets reach the intended
usable or saleable state have started.
     (2) Capitalization period of borrowing costs
     Capitalization of borrowing costs shall be stopped when assets eligible for capitalization acquired,
constructed or produced by the Company reach the intended usable or saleable state. Borrowing costs
incurred after the assets in line with the capitalization conditions reach the intended usable or saleable state
shall be recognized as expenses according to the amount incurred when they occur, and shall be included in
current profits and losses.
     If the assets that meet the capitalization conditions are abnormally interrupted in the process of
purchase, construction or production, and the interruption lasts exceeds 3 months, the capitalization of
borrowing costs shall be suspended; Borrowing costs during normal interruption period continue to be
     (3) Capitalization rate of borrowing costs and calculation method of capitalization amount
     The interest expenses actually incurred in the current period of special borrowing shall be capitalized
after deducting the interest income from the unused borrowing funds deposited in the bank or the
investment income from temporary investment; The capitalization amount of general borrowings is
determined by multiplying the weighted average of the accumulated asset expenditure over the special loan
by the capitalization rate of the occupied general borrowings. Capitalization rate is calculated and
determined according to the weighted average interest rate of general borrowings.
     During the capitalization period, all the exchange differences of special borrowings in foreign
currency are capitalized; Exchange differences of general borrowings in foreign currency are included in
current profits and losses.
19.Intangible assets
     The intangible assets of the Company include land use rights, proprietary technology and software.
     Intangible assets are initially measured at cost, and their service life is analyzed and judged when they
are acquired. If the service life is limited, the intangible assets shall be amortized within the expected
service life by the amortization method that can reflect the expected realization mode of the economic
benefits related to the assets from the time when they are available for use; If it is impossible to reliably
determine the expected realization mode, they shall be amortized by straight-line method; Intangible asset\s
with uncertain service life are not amortized.
Amortization methods of intangible assets with limited service life are as follows:

           Items            Useful life(year)           Amortization method                  Notes

Land use right                      50                          Straight

Special technoloogy                 15                          Straight

Software                            5                           Straight

     At the end of each year, the Company rechecks the service life and amortization method of intangible
assets with limited service life, adjusts the original estimate if it is different from the previous estimate, and
handles the change according to the accounting estimate.
     On the balance sheet date, if it is estimated that an intangible asset can no longer bring future
economic benefits to the enterprise, all the book value of the intangible asset will be transferred to the
current profits and losses.
     See Note III. 21 for the method of depreciation of intangible assets.
20.Research and development expenditure
      The Company divides the expenditure of internal research and development projects into expenditures
in research stage and expenditures in development stage.
     Expenditures in research stage are included in current profits and losses when they occurs.
     Expenditures in development stage can only be capitalized if they meet the following conditions: it is
technically feasible to complete the intangible assets so that they can be used or sold; There is the intention
to complete the intangible assets and use or sell them; The ways in which intangible assets generate
economic benefits, including those that can prove the existence of market for products produced by the
intangible assets or the existence of market for the intangible assets themselves, and that for the intangible
assets that will be used internally, their usefulness can be proved; There are sufficient technical, financial
and other resources to complete the development of the intangible assets and the ability to use or sell the
intangible assets; Expenditures attributable to the development stage of the intangible assets can be
measured reliably. Development expenditures that do not meet the above conditions are included in current
profits and losses.
     The research and development project of the Company will enter the development stage after the
above conditions are met and a project is approved through technical feasibility and economic feasibility
     Capitalized expenditures in development stage are listed as development expenditures on the balance
sheet, and are converted into intangible assets from the date when the project reaches the intended purpose.
21. Assets Impairment
     The asset impairment of long-term equity investment of subsidiaries, associated enterprises and joint
ventures, investment real estate, fixed assets, construction in progress, intangible assets, goodwill, etc.
(except inventory, investment real estate measured according to fair value model, deferred income tax
assets and financial assets) shall be determined according to the following methods:
     On the balance sheet date, judge whether there is any sign of possible impairment of assets. If there is
any sign of impairment, the Company will estimate its recoverable amount and conduct impairment test.
The goodwill formed by business combination, intangible assets with uncertain service life and intangible
assets that have not yet reached the usable state are tested for impairment every year regardless of whether
there is any sign of impairment.
     The recoverable amount is determined according to the higher of the net amount of the fair value of
the asset minus the disposal expenses and the present value of the estimated future cash flow of the asset.
The Company estimates its recoverable amount on the basis of individual assets; If it is difficult to estimate

the recoverable amount of a single asset, the recoverable amount of the asset group shall be determined
based on the asset group to which the asset belongs. The identification of asset group is based on whether
the main cash inflow generated by asset group is independent of cash inflow of other assets or asset groups.
     When the recoverable amount of an asset or asset group is lower than its book value, the Company
will write down its book value to the recoverable amount, and the written-down amount will be included in
the current profits and losses, and the corresponding asset impairment provision will be accrued at the same
     As far as the impairment test of goodwill is concerned, the book value of goodwill formed by business
combination is amortized to relevant asset groups according to a reasonable method from the acquisition
date; If it is difficult to amortize to the related asset group, it shall be amortized to the related asset group
portfolio. The related asset group or asset group portfolio is one that can benefit from the synergy effect of
business combination, and is not larger than the reporting segment determined by the Company.
      In the impairment test, if there are signs of impairment in the asset group or asset group portfolio
related to goodwill, firstly, the asset group or asset group portfolio without goodwill shall be tested for
impairment, the recoverable amount shall be calculated, and the corresponding impairment loss shall be
recognized. Then impairment test shall be carried out on the asset group or asset group portfolio containing
goodwill, and its book value shall be compared with the recoverable amount. If the recoverable amount is
lower than the book value, the impairment loss of goodwill shall be recognized.
     Once the asset impairment loss is recognized, it will not be reversed in future accounting periods.
22.Long-term deferred expenses
     The long-term deferred expenses incurred by the Company are priced at actual cost and amortized
equally according to the expected benefit period. For long-term deferred expense items that cannot benefit
future accounting periods, all their amortized values are included in current profits and losses.
23. remuneration
     (1) Scope of employee remuneration
     Employee compensation refers to various forms of remuneration or compensation given by enterprises
to obtain services provided by employees or to terminate labor relations. Employee remuneration includes
short-term salary, post-employment benefits, dismissal benefits and other long-term employee benefits.
Benefits provided by enterprises to spouses, children, dependents, family dependants of deceased
employees and other beneficiaries are also employee remuneration.
    According to liquidity, employee remuneration is listed in the "Payable Employee Remuneration" and
"Long-term Payable Employee Remuneration" in the balance sheet.
     (2) Short term remuneration
      During the accounting period when employees provide services, the Company recognizes the actual
wages, bonuses, social insurance premiums such as medical insurance premiums, work-related injury
insurance premiums and maternity insurance premiums paid for employees and housing provident funds as
liabilities, and includes them in current profits and losses or related asset costs. If the liability is not
expected to be fully paid within twelve months after the end of the annual reporting period when
employees provide relevant services, and the financial impact is significant, the liability will be measured
at the discounted amount.
     (3) Post-employment benefits
     After-service benefit plan includes defined contribution plan and defined benefit plans. Where the set
deposit plan refers to the post-employment benefits plan in which the enterprise no longer undertakes
further payment obligations after paying fixed fees to independent funds; Set benefit plan refers to the
post-employment benefits plan except the set deposit plan.
     Set deposit plan
     The set deposit plan includes basic old-age insurance, unemployment insurance and enterprise annuity

plan, etc.
     In addition to the basic old-age insurance, the Company establishes an enterprise annuity plan
     ("annuity plan") according to the relevant policies of the national enterprise annuity system, and
     employees can voluntarily participate in the annuity plan. Moreover, the Company has no other
     significant social security commitments for employees.
      During the accounting period when employees provide services, the amount that should be paid
according to the set deposit plan is recognized as a liability and included in the current profits and losses or
related asset costs.
     Set benefit plan
     For set benefit plans, an actuarial valuation is conducted by an independent actuary on the annual
balance sheet date, and the cost of benefit provision is determined by the expected cumulative benefit unit
method. The employee remuneration cost caused by set benefit plans of the Company includes the
following components:
     ① Service cost, including current service cost, past service cost and settlement gain or loss. Where:
the current service cost refers to the increase of the present value of set benefit plan obligations caused by
the employees providing services in the current period; Past service cost refers to the increase or decrease
of the present value of set benefit plan obligations related to employee service in previous period caused by
the modification of set benefit plans.
     ② The net interest of set benefit plan's net liabilities or net assets, including interest income of
planned assets, interest expense of set benefit plan obligations and interest affected by asset ceiling.
     ③ Changes arising from remeasurement of net liabilities or net assets of set benefit plans.
     Unless other accounting standards require or allow employee benefit costs to be included in asset costs,
the Company will include the above items ① and ② in current profits and losses; Include item ③ in
other comprehensive income and such item will not be transferred back to profit or loss in the subsequent
accounting period. When the original set benefit plan is terminated, all the parts originally included in other
comprehensive income will be carried forward to undistributed profits within the scope of equity.
     (4) Dismissal benefits
      If the Company provides dismissal benefits to employees, the employee remuneration liabilities
arising from the dismissal benefits shall be recognized and included in the current profits and losses on the
earlier of the following dates: When the Company cannot unilaterally withdraw the dismissal benefits
provided by the termination of labor relations plan or layoff proposal; When the Company recognizes the
costs or expenses related to the reorganization involving the payment of dismissal benefits.
      If the employee's internal retirement plan is implemented, the economic compensation before the
official retirement date is the dismissal benefit. From the day when the employee stops providing services
to the normal retirement date, the wages of the retired employees and the social insurance premiums paid
will be included in the current profits and losses at one time. Economic compensation after the official
retirement date (such as normal pension) shall be treated as post-employment benefits.
     (5) Other long-term benefits
     If other long-term employee benefits provided by the Company to employees meet the conditions for
the set deposit plan, they shall be handled in accordance with the above-mentioned relevant provisions on
the set deposit plan. If it meets the set benefit plans, it shall be handled in accordance with the
above-mentioned relevant regulations on set benefit plans, but the part of the related employee
remuneration cost, which is "the change caused by remeasurement of set benefit plan's net liabilities or net
assets", shall be included in the current profits and losses or related asset costs.
24. Estimated Liabilities
   If the obligation related to contingencies meets the following conditions at the same time, the
Company will recognize it as estimated liabilities:

     (1) Such obligation is the current obligation undertaken by the Company;
   (2) The performance of such obligation is likely to lead to the outflow of economic benefits from the
     (3) The amount of such obligation can be measured reliably.
      Estimated liabilities are initially measured according to the best estimate of expenditure required to
fulfill relevant current obligations, and factors such as risks, uncertainties and time value of money related
to contingencies are comprehensively considered. If the time value of money has great influence, the best
estimate is determined by discounting the related future cash outflow. The Company rechecks the book
value of the estimated liabilities on the balance sheet date, and adjusts the book value to reflect the current
best estimate.
    If all or part of the expenses required to pay off the recognized estimated liabilities are expected to be
compensated by a third party or other parties, the compensation amount can only be recognized as an asset
when it is basically confirmed that it can be received. The recognized compensation amount shall not
exceed the book value of the recognized liabilities.
25.Share-based payment and equity instruments
     (1) Types of share-based payment
     The share-based payment of the Company is divided into equity-settled share-based payment and
cash-settled share-based payment.
     (2) Method for determining fair value of equity instruments
     The fair value of equity instruments such as options granted by the Company with active market is
determined according to the quoted price in the active market. The fair value of granted equity instruments
such as options without active market is determined by option pricing model. The selected option pricing
model considers the following factors: A. The exercise price of options; B. The validity period of the option;
C. The current price of the underlying shares; D. Estimated volatility of share price; E. Expected dividend
of shares; F. Risk-free interest rate within the validity period of the option.
     (3) Basis for determining the best estimation of feasible equity instruments
      On each balance sheet date during the waiting period, the Company makes the best estimate based on
the latest available follow-up information such as changes in the number of employees with feasible rights,
and revises the estimated number of equity instruments with feasible rights. On the vesting date, the final
estimated number of vesting rights and interests instruments shall be consistent with the actual number of
vesting rights.
    (4) Accounting treatment related to implementation, modification and termination of share-based
payment plan
      Equity-settled share-based payment is measured at the fair value of equity instruments granted to
employees. If the right is exercised immediately after the grant, the relevant costs or expenses shall be
included in the fair value of equity instruments on the grant date, and the capital reserve shall be increased
accordingly. If the rights can be exercised only after the services within the waiting period are completed or
the specified performance conditions are met, on each balance sheet date within the waiting period, based
on the best estimate of the number of equity instruments available, the services obtained in the current
period shall be included in the relevant costs or expenses and capital reserve according to the fair value on
the grant date of equity instruments. After the vesting date, the recognized related costs or expenses and the
total owner's equity will not be adjusted.
      Equity-settled share-based payment shall be measured according to the fair value of liabilities
calculated and determined on the basis of shares or other equity instruments undertaken by the Company. If
the right is exercised immediately after the grant, the fair value of the liabilities assumed by the Company
shall be included in the relevant costs or expenses on the grant date, and the liabilities shall be increased
accordingly. For cash-settled share-based payment that is feasible only after the service within the waiting
period is completed or the specified performance conditions are met, on each balance sheet date within the

waiting period, based on the best estimation of the feasibility and according to the fair value of the
liabilities assumed by the Company, the services obtained in the current period are included in the costs or
expenses and corresponding liabilities. On each balance sheet date and settlement date before the
settlement of related liabilities, the fair value of liabilities shall be re-measured, and the changes shall be
included in the current profits and losses.
     When the Company modifies the share-based payment plan, if the fair value of the granted equity
instruments is increased by modification, the increase of the services obtained shall be recognized
according to the increase of the fair value of the equity instruments; If the number of granted equity
instruments is increased by modification, the fair value of the increased equity instruments will be
recognized as the increase in services obtained accordingly. The increase of fair value of equity instruments
refers to the difference between the fair values of equity instruments before and after modification on the
modification date. If the total fair value of share-based payment is reduced by modification or the terms and
conditions of the share-based payment plan are modified in other ways that are unfavorable to employees,
the accounting treatment of the obtained services will continue, as if with no changes unless the Company
cancels some or all of the granted equity instruments.
     During the waiting period, if the granted equity instruments are cancelled (except those cancelled due
to non-market conditions that do not meet the feasible rights conditions), the Company will treat the
cancellation of the granted equity instruments as an accelerated exercise, and immediately record the
amount to be recognized in the remaining waiting period into the current profits and losses, and recognize
the capital reserve at the same time. If the employee or other party can choose to meet the non-feasible
right condition but fails to meet it during the waiting period, the Company will treat it as a cancellation for
granting equity instruments.
     ① Distinction between financial liabilities and equity instruments
     According to the contract terms of the issued financial instruments and their economic essence, not
only in legal form, but also in combination with the definitions of financial assets, financial liabilities and
equity instruments, the Company classifies the financial instruments or their components as financial assets,
financial liabilities or equity instruments at the time of initial recognition.
     ② Accounting treatment of other financial instruments such as preferred shares and perpetual bonds
      The financial instruments issued by the Company are initially recognized and measured according to
the financial instrument standards; After that, interest is accrued or dividends are distributed on each
balance sheet date, which shall be handled according to relevant accounting standards for specific
enterprises. That is, to determine the accounting treatment of interest expense or dividend distribution of
such instrument based on the classification of issued financial instruments. For financial instruments
classified as equity instruments, their interest expenses or dividend distribution are regarded as the profit
distribution of the Company, and their repurchase and cancellation are treated as changes in equity; For
financial instruments classified as financial liabilities, the interest expense or dividend distribution shall be
treated according to the borrowing costs in principle, and the profit or loss arising from repurchase or
redemption shall be included in the current profits and losses.
      When the Company issues financial instruments, the transaction expenses such as handling fees and
commissions, which are classified as debt instruments and measured in amortized cost, are included in the
initial measurement amount of the issued instruments; If it is classified as an equity instrument, it will be
deducted from equity.
26. Revenue
     (1) General principles
    The Company has fulfilled the performance obligation in the contract, that is, to recognize the revenue
when the customer obtains the control right of related goods or services.
     If the contract contains two or more performance obligations, the Company will amortize the
transaction price to each individual performance obligation according to the relative proportion of the
individual selling price of the goods or services promised by each individual performance obligation on the
contract start date, and measure the income according to the transaction price amortized to each individual
performance obligation.
     When one of the following conditions is met, the Company will fulfill its performance obligations
within a certain period of time; Otherwise, it performs the performance obligation at a certain time:
      ① The customer obtains and consumes the economic benefits brought by the Company's performance
at the same time of the its performance.
     ② Customers can control the goods under construction during the performance of the Company.

     ③ The commodities produced during the performance of the Company have irreplaceable uses, and
the Company has the right to collect payment for the performance part accumulated so far during the whole
contract period.
     For the performance obligations performed within a certain period of time, the Company recognizes
the income according to the performance progress within that period. If the performance progress cannot be
reasonably determined, and the cost incurred of the Company is expected to be compensated, the income
shall be recognized according to the amount of the cost incurred until the performance progress can be
reasonably determined.
     For obligations performed at a certain time, the Company shall recognize the income at the time when
the customer obtains control of the relevant goods or services. When judging whether a customer has
obtained control of goods or services, the Company will consider the following signs:
     ① The Company has the current right to receive payment for the goods or services, that is, the
customer has the current payment obligation for the goods or services.
     ② The Company has transferred the legal ownership of the goods to the customer, that is, the
customer has the legal ownership of the goods.
    ③ The Company has transferred the physical goods to the customer, that is, the customer has
physically taken possession of the goods.
     ④ The Company has transferred the main risks and rewards on the ownership of the goods to the
customer, that is, the customer has obtained the main risks and rewards on the ownership of the goods.
⑤ The customer has accepted the goods.

     ⑥ Other signs that the customer has obtained control of the goods.
     The Company has transferred goods or services to customers and has the right to receive consideration
(and the right depends on other factors except the passage of time) as contract assets, and the contract
assets are depreciated on the basis of expected credit losses. The right of the Company to collect
consideration from customers unconditionally (only depending on the passage of time) is listed as
receivables. The obligation of the Company to transfer goods or services to customers for received or
receivable consideration from customers shall be regarded as a contractual liability.
   Contract assets and contract liabilities under the same contract are listed in net amount. If the net amount
is debit balance, they are listed in "Contract Assets" or "Other Non-current Assets" according to their
liquidity; If the net amount is the credit balance, it shall be listed in "Contract Liabilities" or "Other
Non-current Liabilities" according to its liquidity.
     (2) Specific method
     The specific method of revenue recognition of the Company is as follows:
     Polarizer/Textile and garment sales contract:
    Domestic sales: When the goods are delivered to the customer and the customer has accepted the
goods, the customer obtains the control of the goods, and the Company recognizes the revenue.
     Export: A. When the customer receives goods in China, the revenue recognition is the same as

 "Revenue Recognition for Domestic Sales"; B. When the delivery place of customer is outside the country,
 the Company mainly adopts FOB. When the goods are delivered from the warehouse and have been
 exported for customs declaration, the Company recognizes the revenue.
      Revenue from property/accommodation services:
      In the process of property/accommodation service provision, the Company recognizes revenue by
27.Contract costs
      Contract costs include incremental costs incurred for obtaining contracts and contract performance
      The incremental cost incurred for obtaining the contract refers to the cost that the Company will not
 incur without obtaining the contract (such as sales commission, etc.). If the cost is expected to be recovered,
 the Company will recognize it as the contract acquisition cost as an asset. Other expenses incurred by the
 Company to obtain the contract except the incremental cost expected to be recovered are included in the
 current profits and losses when incurred.
      If the cost incurred for the performance of the contract does not fall within the scope of other
 accounting standards for enterprises such as inventory and meets the following conditions at the same time,
 the Company will recognize it as the contract performance cost as an asset:
      ① Such cost is directly related to a current or expected contract, including direct labor, direct
 materials, manufacturing expenses (or similar expenses), costs clearly borne by the customer, and other
 costs incurred only due to this contract;
      ② Such cost increases the resources of the Company for fulfilling its performance obligations in the
      ③ The cost is expected to be recovered.
      Assets recognized by contract acquisition cost and assets recognized by contract performance cost
 (hereinafter referred to as "Assets Related to Contract Cost") shall be amortized on the same basis as the
 revenue recognition of goods or services related to the assets, and shall be included in current profits and
      When the book value of the assets related to the contract cost is higher than the difference between the
 following two items, the Company will accrue impairment provision of the excess and recognize it as the
 asset impairment loss:
      ① The remaining consideration expected to be obtained by the Company due to the transfer of goods
 or services related to the asset;
      ② The estimated cost to be incurred for transferring the related goods or services.
      The contract performance cost recognized as an asset shall be amortized for no more than one year or
 one normal business cycle at the time of initial recognition, which shall be listed in "Inventory", and the
 amortization period for more than one year or one normal business cycle at the time of initial recognition
 shall be listed in "Other Non-current Assets".
       The contract acquisition cost recognized as an asset shall be amortized for no more than one year or
 one normal business cycle at initial recognition, and shall be listed in "Other Current Assets". The
 amortization period for initial recognition shall exceed one year or one normal business cycle, and shall be
 listed in "Other Non-current Assets".
28.Government subsidy
      Government subsidies are recognized when they meet the conditions attached to government subsidies
 and can be received.
      Government subsidies for monetary assets shall be measured according to the amount received or

 receivable. Government subsidies for non-monetary assets are measured at fair value; If the fair value
 cannot be obtained reliably, it shall be measured according to the nominal amount RMB 1.
       Government subsidies related to assets refer to government subsidies obtained by the Company for
 purchasing and building or forming long-term assets in other ways; In addition, as a government subsidy
 related to income.
       Where the government documents do not specify the object of the subsidy, and the subsidy can form
 long-term assets, the part of the government subsidies corresponding to the value of the assets shall be
 regarded as the government subsidy related to the assets, and the rest shall be regarded as the government
 subsidies related to the income; where it is difficult to be distinguished, government subsidies as a whole
 are treated as income-related government subsidies.
       Government subsidies related to assets offset the book value of related assets, or are recognized as
 deferred income and included in profits and losses by stages according to a reasonable and systematic
 method within the service life of related assets. Government subsidies related to income, which are used to
 compensate related costs or losses that have occurred, are included in current profits and losses or offset
 related costs; If used to compensate related costs or losses in later periods, they will be included in the
 deferred income, and included in the current profits and losses or offset related costs during the recognition
 period of related costs or losses. Government subsidies measured in nominal amount are directly included
 in current profits and losses. The Company adopts a consistent approach to the same or similar government
 subsidy business.
      Government subsidies related to daily activities are included in other income or offset related costs
 according to the nature of economic business. Government subsidies irrelevant to routine activities shall be
 included into the non-operating receipt and disbursement.
      When the recognized government subsidy needs to be returned, if the book value of related assets is
 offset during initial recognition, the book value of assets will be adjusted; If there is a relevant deferred
 income balance, the book balance of the relevant deferred income will be offset, and the excess will be
 included in the current profits and losses; In other cases, it is directly included in the current profits and
      For the discount interest of preferential policy loans, if the finance allocates the discount interest funds
 to the lending bank, the actually received loan amount is taken as the recorded value of the loan, and the
 borrowing costs are calculated according to the loan principal and preferential policy interest rate. If the
 finance directly allocates the discount interest funds to the Company, the discount interest will offset the
 borrowing costs.
29.The Deferred Tax Assets / The deferred Tax Liabilities
     Income tax includes current income tax and deferred income tax. Except for adjusted goodwill arising
 from business combination or deferred income tax related to transactions or matters directly included in
 owner's equity, they are all included in current profits and losses as income tax expenses.
      According to the temporary difference between the book value of assets and liabilities and the tax
 basis on the balance sheet date, the Company adopts the balance sheet liability method to confirm deferred
 income tax.
      All taxable temporary differences are recognized as related deferred income tax liabilities, unless the
 taxable temporary differences are generated in the following transactions:
      (1) Initial recognition of goodwill, or the initial recognition of assets or liabilities arising from
 transactions with the following characteristics: the transaction is not a business combination, and the
 transaction does not affect accounting profits or taxable income when it occurs;
      (2) For taxable temporary differences related to investments of subsidiaries, joint ventures and
 associated enterprises, the time for the temporary differences to be reversed can be controlled and the
 temporary differences will probably not be reversed in the foreseeable future.
       For deductible temporary differences, deductible losses and tax deductions that can be carried forward
 to later years, the Company shall recognize the deferred income tax assets arising therefrom to the extent
that it is likely to obtain the future taxable income used to offset the deductible temporary differences,
deductible losses and tax deductions, unless the deductible temporary differences are generated in the
following transactions:
    (1) The transaction is not a business combination, and it does not affect accounting profit or taxable
income when the transaction occurs;
     (2) For deductible temporary differences related to investments of subsidiaries, joint ventures and
associated enterprises, corresponding deferred income tax assets are recognized if the following conditions
are met at the same time: temporary differences are likely to be reversed in the foreseeable future, and
taxable income used to offset the deductible temporary differences is likely to be obtained in the future.
      On the balance sheet date, the Company measures deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax
liabilities according to the applicable tax rate during the expected period of recovering the assets or paying
off the liabilities, and reflects the income tax impact of the expected way of recovering the assets or paying
off the liabilities on the balance sheet date.
     On the balance sheet date, the Company rechecks the book value of deferred income tax assets. If it is
unlikely that sufficient taxable income will be obtained in the future period to offset the benefits of deferred
income tax assets, the book value of deferred income tax assets will be written down. When sufficient
taxable income is likely to be obtained, the written-down amount shall be reversed.
30.Operating lease and financing lease
     The Company recognizes the leases that have substantially transferred all risks and rewards related to
asset ownership as financial leases, and other leases except financial leases as operating leases.
     (1) The Company serves as the lessor
     In the financial lease, at the beginning date of the lease term, the Company takes the sum of the
minimum lease payment and the initial direct expenses as the recorded value of the financial lease
receivable, and records the unsecured residual value; The difference between the sum of the minimum lease
payment amount, initial direct expenses and unsecured residual value and its present value is recognized as
unrealized financing income. For the unrealized financing income, the current financing income shall be
calculated and recognized as per the effective interest method in all periods within the lease term.
      For the rent in the operating lease, the Company recognizes the current profits and losses according to
the straight-line method in each period of the lease term. The initial direct expenses incurred are included in
current profits and losses.
     (2) The Company serves as the lessee
      In financial leasing, at the beginning date of the lease term, the Company take the lower of the fair
value of leased assets and the present value of the minimum lease payment as the recorded value of leased
assets, and the minimum lease payment as the recorded value of long-term payables, and the difference
between them as unrecognized financing expenses. The initial direct cost shall be included into the value of
the leased assets. For the unrecognized financing cost, the current financing cost shall be calculated and
recognized as per the effective interest method in all periods within the lease term. The Company adopts
the depreciation policy consistent with that of the self-owned fixed assets to withdraw the depreciation of
the leased assets.
     The rent in the operating lease is included in the relevant asset cost or current profits and losses by the
Company according to the straight-line method in each period of the lease term; The initial direct expenses
incurred are included in current profits and losses.
     (3) Rent concession caused by COVID-19 outbreak
     For rent concessions such as rent reduction or exemption and deferred payment reached between the
Company and the lessee on the existing lease contract directly caused by the COVID-19 outbreak, and the
following conditions are met, the Company adopts simplified methods for leasing houses and buildings:
     ① The lease consideration after concession is reduced or basically unchanged compared with that

before concession, in which the lease consideration is not discounted or is discounted at the discount rate
before concession;
     ② After comprehensive consideration of qualitative and quantitative factors, it is determined that
there is no significant change in other terms and conditions of the lease.
     The Company does not evaluate whether there is any lease change.
     When the Company serves as the lessor, for operating lease, the Company continues to recognize the
original contract rent as lease revenue in the same way as before the concession. In case of rent reduction or
exemption, the Company will take the reduced rent as contingent rent and offset the lease revenue during
the reduction or exemption period. In case of rent reduction or exemption, the Company will take the
reduced rent as contingent rent, and when the concession agreement is reached and other rights to collect
the original rent are waived, the original recognized lease revenue will be offset.
31.Share repurchase
     The repurchased shares of the Company shall be managed as treasury shares before cancellation or
transfer, and all expenses for repurchased shares shall be converted into treasury shares cost. Where the
consideration and transaction costs paid in share repurchase reduce the owner's equity, when repurchasing,
transferring or canceling the Company's shares, the gains or losses are not recognized.
     Transfer of treasury stock shall be included in the capital reserve according to the difference between
the actually received amount and the book amount of the treasury stock. If the capital reserve is insufficient
to offset, the surplus reserve and undistributed profits shall be offset. For write-off of treasury stocks,
reduce capital stock according to par value and number of cancelled stocks, and write off capital reserve
according to the difference between book balance and par value of cancelled treasury stocks. If capital
reserve is insufficient to write off, write off surplus reserve and undistributed profits.
32.Restricted stocks
     In the equity incentive plan, the Company grants restricted stocks to the incentive object, and the
incentive object subscribes for stocks first. If the unlocking conditions specified in the equity incentive plan
are not met later, the Company will repurchase the stocks at the price agreed in advance. If the restricted
stocks issued to employees have gone through the registration and other capital increase procedures
according to relevant regulations, on the grant date, the Company will recognize the capital stock and
capital reserve (capital stock premium) according to the share subscription payment by employees; At the
same time, the treasury stocks and other payables are recognized for repurchase obligations.
33.Significant accounting judgments and estimates
     Based on historical experience and other factors, including reasonable expectations for future events,
the Company continuously evaluates the important accounting estimates and key assumptions adopted.
Important accounting estimates and key assumptions that are likely to cause significant adjustment risks to
the book value of assets and liabilities in the next fiscal year are listed as follows:
     Classification of financial assets
     The major judgments involved in determining the classification of financial assets by the Company
include the analysis of business model and contract cash flow characteristics.
     The Company determines the business model of managing financial assets at the level of financial
asset portfolio. The factors considered include the way of evaluating and reporting the financial asset
performance to key managers, the risks affecting the financial asset performance and their management
methods, and the way of getting remuneration for relevant business managers.
     When evaluating whether the contractual cash flow of financial assets is consistent with the basic loan
arrangement, the Company focuses on the following main judgments: Whether the time distribution or
amount of the principal may change during the duration due to prepayment and other reasons; Whether
interest only includes the time value of money, credit risk, other basic borrowing risks, and consideration
with costs and profits. For example, whether the prepayment amount only reflects the unpaid principal and
interest based on the unpaid principal, and the reasonable compensation paid for the early termination of

the contract.
     Measurement of expected credit loss of accounts receivable
     The Company calculates the expected credit loss of accounts receivable through the default risk
exposure and expected credit loss rate of accounts receivable, and determines the expected credit loss rate
based on the default probability and loss given default. The Company uses internal historical credit loss
experience and other data to determine the expected credit loss rate, and adjusts the historical data based on
the current situation and forward-looking information. When considering forward-looking information, the
indicators used by the Company include the risk of economic downturn, and changes in external market
environment, technical environment and customer conditions. The Company regularly monitors and
rechecks the assumptions related to the calculation of expected credit losses.
     Deferred income tax assets
     Deferred income tax assets shall be recognized for all unused tax losses to the extent that it is likely
that there will be enough taxable profits to offset the losses. It requires a lot of judgments from the
management to estimate the time and amount of future taxable profits, and to determine the amount of
deferred income tax assets that should be recognized based on the tax planning strategies.
     Determination of fair value of unlisted equity investment
     The fair value of unlisted equity investment is the estimated future cash flow discounted according to
the current discount rate of items with similar terms and risk characteristics. This valuation requires the
Company to estimate the expected future cash flow and discount rate, so it is uncertain. Under limited
circumstances, if the information used to determine fair value is insufficient, or the possible estimated
amount of fair value is widely distributed, and the cost represents the best estimate of fair value within the
range, such cost can represent its proper estimate of fair value within the distribution range.

34.Changes in important accounting policies and accounting estimates
     (1) Changes in important accounting policies
     ① New income standards
     The Ministry of Finance promulgated the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
No.14-Income (Revised) in 2017 (hereinafter referred to as the "New Income Standards"). The Company
implemented such Standards from January 1, 2020 after deliberation and approval by the 27th meeting of
the Seventh Board of Directors, and adjusted the relevant contents of accounting policies.
     The Company has fulfilled the performance obligation in the contract, that is, to recognize the revenue
when the customer obtains the control right of related goods or services. When certain conditions are met,
the Company will perform its performance obligations within a certain period of time; Otherwise, it will
perform its performance obligations at a certain time. If the contract contains two or more performance
obligations, the Company will amortize the transaction price to each individual performance obligation
according to the relative proportion of the individual selling price of the goods or services promised by
each individual performance obligation on the contract start date, and measure the revenue according to the
transaction price amortized to each individual performance obligation.
     The Company has adjusted the relevant accounting policies according to the specific provisions on
specific matters or transactions in the new income standards.
      The Company has transferred goods to customers and has the right to receive consideration, and such
right is listed as contract assets depending on other factors except the passage of time. The Company's
obligation to transfer goods to customers for received or receivable consideration from customers is listed
as a contractual liability.
     According to the cumulative impact of the first implementation of the New Income Standards, the
Company adjusted the amount of retained earnings and other related items in the financial statements at the
beginning of 2020, but did not adjust the data of the comparative financial statements. The Company only
adjusted its retained earnings at the beginning of 2020 and the amount of other related items in the financial

statements for the cumulative impact of unfinished contracts on January 1, 2020. Due to the
implementation of the New Income Standards, the Company reclassified the advance receipts related to the
sales of goods and the provision of labor services as contract liabilities.

                                                                                                      Affected amount
Contents and causes of changes in accounting policies               Affected report items
                                                                                                            (January 1, 2020)

Due to the implementation of the New Income Standards, the       Contract liabilities                           2,349,448.90
Company reclassified the advance receipts related to the
sales of goods and the provision of labor services as contract
                                                                 Advance receipts                              -2,349,448.90

     Compared with the original income standards, the impact of implementing the New Income Standards
on related items in the 2020 financial statements is as follows:

Affected balance sheet items                                                             Affected amount

                                                                                        December 31, 2020
Contract liabilities                                                                                            2,511,466.76

Advance receipts                                                                                               -2,511,466.76

Affected income statement items                                                                              Affected amoun

                                                                                                                  Year 2020t

       ② Interpretation of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.13
    In December 2019, the Ministry of Finance issued the Interpretation of Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises No.13 (CS [2019] No.21) (hereinafter referred to as "Interpretation No.13").
Interpretation No.13 revised the three elements constituting the business, refined the judgment conditions
of the business, and introduced the method of "concentration test" to the acquirer of business combination
not under the same control when judging whether the acquired operating activities or asset portfolios
constitute a business.
      Interpretation No.13 clarifies that the related parties of an enterprise include joint ventures or
associated enterprises of other common member units (including parent companies and subsidiaries) of the
enterprise to which the enterprise is affiliated, and joint ventures or associated enterprises of investors who
jointly control the enterprise.
     Interpretation No.13 will be implemented as of January 1, 2020, and the Company will adopt the
future applicable law for accounting treatment of the above changes in accounting policies.
     The adoption of Interpretation No.13 has no significant impact on the financial position, operating
results and related party disclosure of the Company.
     ③ In June 2020, the Ministry of Finance issued the Notice on Printing and Distributing the
"Accounting Treatment Regulations for Rent Concessions Due to COVID-19" (CS [2020] No.10), which
allows a simplified method for rent concessions due to COVID-19 according to the accounting treatment
      The Company has adopted the simplified method in the accounting treatment regulations (see Notes
III. 30. (3)) for the rent concessions related to the house lease since January 1, 2020, and recorded the
relevant rent concessions into profit and loss during the concession period or when the relevant rights and
obligations are released and abandoned when the concession agreement is reached. The amount of impact
   of the simplified method on the current profit is RMB 10,113,923.47.
      The above simplified treatment method is not applicable to the rent concessions occurred for the
   Company before January 1, 2020.
       (2)Changes in accounting estimates

     (3) Adjustments to the Financial Statements at the Beginning of the First Execution Year of any New
   Standards Governing Financial Instruments, Revenue or Leases
                                             Consolidated balance sheet

                                                                                                 Amount involved
   Items                                      December 31,2019            January 1,2020
                                                                                                 in the adjustment

   Current asset:

       Monetary fund                                409,564,847.52              409,564,847.52

       Transactional financial assets               830,000,000.00              830,000,000.00

       Derivative financial assets

         Notes receivable                            40,424,601.97               40,424,601.97

            Account receivable                      365,325,029.38              365,325,029.38

         Financing of receivables                    17,933,597.98               17,933,597.98

       Prepayments                                   18,445,857.53               18,445,857.53

       Other account receivable                      12,440,761.13               12,440,761.13

       Including:Interest receivable                 7,610,043.19                7,610,043.19

                   Dividend receivable

            Inventories                             391,717,935.12              391,717,935.12

            Contract assets

            Assets held for sales

       Non-current asset due within 1 year

            Other current asset                     140,821,609.72              140,821,609.72

         Total of current assets                   2,226,674,240.35           2,226,674,240.35

   Non-current assets:

       Creditor's right investment

       Other investment on bonds

         Long-term receivable

                                                                                      Amount involved
Items                                   December 31,2019       January 1,2020
                                                                                      in the adjustment

  Net assets for defined benefit plan

  Long term share equity investment           152,209,929.72         152,209,929.72

  Other equity instruments investment         248,781,946.73         248,781,946.73

  Other non-current financial assets

     Real estate investment                   112,730,320.90         112,730,320.90

        Fixed assets                          903,229,077.83         903,229,077.83

  Construction in progress                    839,866,275.92         839,866,275.92

  Production physical assets

        Oil & gas assets

        Intangible assets                      36,517,996.34          36,517,996.34

     Development expenses


  Long-germ expenses to be amortized            2,692,750.67           2,692,750.67

  Deferred income tax asset                     5,618,026.43           5,618,026.43

     Other non-current asset                    3,079,321.10           3,079,321.10

     Total of non-current assets            2,304,725,645.64       2,304,725,645.64

        Total of assets                     4,531,399,885.99       4,531,399,885.99

Current liabilities

     Short-term loans

  Transactional financial liabilities

  Derivative financial liabilities

          Notes payable

        Account payable                       241,297,770.64         241,297,770.64

        Advance receipts                       30,530,117.62          28,180,668.72       -2,349,448.90

        Contract liabilities                                           2,349,448.90       2,349,448.90

  Employees’ wage payable                     38,556,180.20          38,556,180.20

    Tax payable                                22,545,550.33          22,545,550.33

                                                                                          Amount involved
Items                                       December 31,2019       January 1,2020
                                                                                          in the adjustment

     Other account payable                        152,645,780.14         152,645,780.14

  Including:Interest payable

                 Dividend payable

  Liabilities held for sales

  Non-current liability due within 1 year

  Other current liability

     Total of current liability                   485,575,398.93         485,575,398.93

Non-current liabilities:

     Long-term loan

   Bond payable

  Including:preferred stock

               Sustainable debt

        Long-term payable

   Long-term remuneration payable to

   Expected liabilities

         Deferred income                          121,264,571.22         121,264,571.22

  Deferred income tax liability                    69,944,345.66          69,944,345.66

  Other non-current liabilities

     Total non-current liabilities                191,208,916.88         191,208,916.88

         Total of liability                       676,784,315.81         676,784,315.81

Owners’ equity:

     Share capital                                509,338,429.00         509,338,429.00

     Other equity instruments

  Including:preferred stock

               Sustainable debt

   Capital reserves                             1,974,922,248.03       1,974,922,248.03

                                                                                               Amount involved
Items                                       December 31,2019         January 1,2020
                                                                                               in the adjustment

    Less:Shares in stock                          16,139,003.40              16,139,003.40

  Other comprehensive income                      119,737,783.31             119,737,783.31

        Special reserve

    Surplus reserves                               90,596,923.39              90,596,923.39

                                                   49,307,764.03              49,307,764.03
  Retained profit

  Total of owner’s equity belong to the
                                                2,727,764,144.36            2,727,764,144.36
parent company

  Minority shareholders’ equity                1,126,851,425.82            1,126,851,425.82

        Total of owners’ equity                3,854,615,570.18            3,854,615,570.18

Total of liabilities and owners’ equity        4,531,399,885.99            4,531,399,885.99

                                           Parent Company Balance Sheet

                                                                                               Amount involved
                    Items                      2019.12.31                 2020.01.01
                                                                                               in the adjustment

Current asset:

  Monetary fund                                    27,979,338.37               27,979,338.37

  Transactional financial assets                  650,000,000.00              650,000,000.00

    Derivative financial assets

        Notes receivable

        Account receivable                            522,931.04                 522,931.04

  Financing of receivables

        Prepayments                                   768,099.94                 768,099.94

    Other account receivable                       17,039,506.00               17,039,506.00

  Including:Interest receivable                    7,329,228.31                7,329,228.31

          Dividend receivable


        Assets held for sales

  Non-current asset due within 1 year

                                                                                  Amount involved
                      Items             2019.12.31           2020.01.01
                                                                                  in the adjustment

        Other current asset

     Total of current assets               696,309,875.35        696,309,875.35

Non-current assets:

  Creditor's right investment

     Other investment on bonds

  Long-term receivable

  Net assets for defined benefit plan

  Long term share equity investment       2,102,430,511.88     2,102,430,511.88

  Other equity instruments investment      206,816,952.64        206,816,952.64

  Other non-current financial assets

  Real estate investment                   107,199,622.80        107,199,622.80

     Fixed assets                           25,500,695.77         25,500,695.77

  Construction in progress                      19,552.00             19,552.00

  Production physical assets

        Oil & gas assets

        Intangible assets                      659,937.75           659,937.75

     Development expenses


  Long-germ expenses to be amortized           800,858.17           800,858.17

  Deferred income tax asset                  5,466,478.06          5,466,478.06

     Other non-current asset

     Total of non-current assets         2,448,894,609.07      2,448,894,609.07

        Total of assets                  3,145,204,484.42      3,145,204,484.42

Current liabilities

        Short-term loans

  Transactional financial liabilities

   Derivative financial liabilities

                                                                                Amount involved
                  Items                2019.12.31          2020.01.01
                                                                                in the adjustment

        Notes payable

       Account payable                        411,743.57           411,743.57

     Advance receipts                       2,878,936.58          639,024.58       -2,239,912.00

       Contract Liabilities                                     -2,239,912.00       2,239,912.00

   Employees’ wage payable                11,910,175.11        11,910,175.11

   Tax payable                             20,801,961.18        20,801,961.18

   Other account payable                  119,984,209.60       119,984,209.60

  Including:Interest payable

          Dividend payable

  Liabilities held for sales

  Non-current liability due within 1

  Other current liability

     Total of current liability           155,987,026.04       155,987,026.04

Non-current liabilities:

     Long-term loan

   Bond payable

  Including:preferred stock

              Sustainable debt

       Long-term payable

   Long-term remuneration payable to

   Expected liabilities

       Deferred income                        600,000.00          600,000.00

  Deferred income tax liability            66,953,097.14        66,953,097.14

  Other non-current liabilities

     Total non-current liabilities         67,553,097.14        67,553,097.14

       Total of liability                 223,540,123.18       223,540,123.18

                                                                                                      Amount involved
                  Items                             2019.12.31                  2020.01.01
                                                                                                      in the adjustment

Owners’ equity

      Share capital                                     509,338,429.00              509,338,429.00

      Other equity instruments

  Including:preferred stock

              Sustainable debt

      Capital reserves                                1,589,869,499.36            1,589,869,499.36

                                                            16,139,003.40            16,139,003.40
      Less:Shares in stock

  Other comprehensive income                            110,764,037.74              110,764,037.74

        Special reserve

      Surplus reserves                                      90,596,923.39            90,596,923.39

        Retained profit                                 637,234,475.15              637,234,475.15

        Total of owners’ equity                      2,921,664,361.24            2,921,664,361.24

Total of liabilities and owners’ equity              3,145,204,484.42            3,145,204,484.42

IV. Taxes of the Company
1. Main taxes categories and tax rate

Taxes                                      Tax references                                            Applicable tax rates

VAT                                        The taxable turnover                                             13,6,5

City construction tax                      Turnover tax to be paid allowances                                       7

Education surcharge                        Turnover tax to be paid allowances                                       3

Local education surcharge                  Turnover tax to be paid allowances                                       2

Business income tax                        Taxable income                                        25,20,16.5,15

Name of taxpayer                                                                                        Income tax rates

Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd                                                                             25%

Shenzhen Lisi Industrial Co., Ltd.                                                                               20%

Shenfang Property Management Co., Ltd.                                                                20%

Shenfang Property Management Co., Ltd.                                                                20%

Shenzhen Huaqiang Hotel                                                                               20%

Shenzhen Beauty Century Garment Co., Ltd.                                                             20%

SAPO Photoelectric Co., Ltd.                                                                          15%

Shenzhen Shenfang Imports & Exports Co., Ltd.                                                         25%

Shengtou (HK)Co., Ltd.                                                                            16.5%

2. Tax preference and approval file
      In accordance with relevant provisions of the Notice of Ministry of Finance, General Administration o
f Customs and State Taxation Administration Regarding Tax Preference Policies for Further Supporting the
 Development of New-type Display Device Industry (Cai Guan Shui (2016) No. 62), Shenzhen Shengbo O
ptoelectronic Technology Co., Ltd. manufactured key materials and parts for the upstream industry of new-t
ype display devices including colorful light filter coating and polarizer sheet that comply with the planning
for independent development of domestic industries may enjoy the preferential policies of exemption from
import tariff for the import of raw materials and consumables for the purpose of self use and production tha
t can not be produced domestically from January 1, 2016 and December 31, 2020.
      SAPO Photoelectric Co., Ltd.         the subsidiary company of our company, has been qualified as
national high-tech enterprise since 2019 ,High-tech and enterprise certificate No.: GR201944205666 ,The
certificate is valid for three years, The enterprise income tax rate of this year is 15%.
      Shenzhen Beauty Century Garment Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Huaqiang Hotel Garment Co., Ltd. and
Shenzhen Lisi Industrial Development Co., Ltd., subsidiaries of the Company, are all small and low-profit
enterprises as stipulated in the Notice of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation
on Implementing Inclusive Tax Concession Policy for Small and Micro Enterprises (CS [2019] No.13). For
the part of the taxable income of this year that does not exceed RMB 1 million, the taxable income is
reduced to 25%, and the enterprise income tax is paid at a rate of 20%; For the taxable income of this year
that exceeds RMB 1 million but does not exceed RMB 3 million, the taxable income is reduced to 50% and
the enterprise income tax is paid at a rate of 20%.

V. Notes of consolidated financial statement
1.Monetary Capital

Items                                                                2020.12.31                   2019.12.31

Cash at hand                                                           4,127.10                    11,091.94

Bank deposit                                                     271,085,025.10               272,366,495.29

Other monetary funds                                               7,998,084.75               137,187,260.29

Total                                                            279,087,236.95               409,564,847.52

  Including : The total amount of deposit abroad                   7,829,822.78                  3,272,384.31

      Note: At the end of the period, RMB 750,000.00 of other monetary funds of the Company is the L/C
security deposit, except for which there is no mortgage, pledge or freezing, or money deposited abroad with
restricted repatriation.

2. Transactional financial assets

Items                                                                           2020.12.31                              2019.12.31

Structure deposit                                                            200,536,575.34                      830,000,000.00

Monetary funds                                                               484,080,684.72                                        --

Total                                                                        684,617,260.06                      830,000,000.00

3. Notes receivable

                                         2020.12.31                                                2019.12.31
                                           Bad debt                                                 Bad debt
                 Book balance                                 Book value      Book balance                              Book value
                                           provision                                                provision

                                    --            --                    --       40,424,601.97             --      40,424,601.97

acceptance          16,898,148.02          84,490.74    16,813,657.28                         --           --                      --

Total                16,898,148.02         84,490.74        16,813,657.28        40,424,601.97             --      40,424,601.97


(1) The company has no Notes receivable pledged.

                                               Amount of recognition termination at      Amount of not terminated recognition
                                                                    the period-end                          at the period-end

Bank acceptance                                                       60,260,489.10                                           --

(2) At the end of the period, the Company has no bills transferred to accounts receivable due to the
    drawer's non-performance
(3)     Classification by accrual method for bad debts

                                         2020.12.31                                                2019.12.31

                                                Bad debt                                                    Bad debt
                     Book balance                                                  Book balance
                                                provision                                                   provision

                                                Expecte Book value                                                          value
                             Proportion(         d credit                                 Proportion( Amou
               Amount                    Amount                                Amount                      loss rate
                                 %)             loss rate                                     %)       nt

Bad debt
is accrued
according                  --           --         --      --             --            --              --     --             --      --

Bad debt
is accrued


Commercial        16,898,148.                84,490.7           16,813,657.2
                                   100.00                0.50                           --              --     --       --            --
acceptance                02                        4                     8-

Bank                                                                           40,424,601.                                   40,424,601.
                           --           --         --      --             --                        100.00     --       --
acceptance                                                                             97                                            97

                  16,898,148.                84,490.7           16,813,657.2 40,424,601.                                     40,424,601.
Total                              100.00                0.50                                       100.00     --       --
                          02                        4                      8         97                                              97

Accrual of bad debt provision by portfolio:
Portfolio accrual items: commercial acceptance bills

                                        2020.12.31                                                    2019.12.31

Name                                                           Expected                                                    Expected
                                             Bad-debt                               Notes              Bad-debt
                     Notes receivable                       credit loss rate                                            credit loss rate
                                             provision                            receivable           provision
                                                                  (%)                                                         (%)

                       16,898,148.02           84,490.74                0.50                   --                  --                 --
acceptance bill

(4) Bad debt provision accrued, recovered or reversed in the current period

                                                                                                                   Amount of bad-debt


Current accrual                                                                                                               84,490.74

2020.12.31                                                                                                                    84,490.74

(6) There is no actual write-off of notes receivable in the current period
4. Account receivable
(1)Disclosure by aging

Aging                                                                    2020.12.31                                     2019.12.31

Within 1 year                                                        567,264,103.99                               382,065,942.05

1-2 years                                                               6,063,040.66                                  813,122.40

2-3 years                                                                103,011.28                                       1,076.93

3-4 years                                                                    389.73                                       6,728.70

4-5 years                                                                   6,728.70                                4,636,402.32

Over 5 years                                                           12,483,245.35                                7,930,426.56

Subtotal                                                             585,920,519.71                               395,453,698.96

Less:Bad debt provision                                               38,610,301.81                               30,128,669.58

Total                                                                547,310,217.90                               365,325,029.38

(2)Disclosure by classification according to the bad debt accrual method

                                 2020.12.31                                                    2019.12.31

                Book balance                                                 Book balance          Bad-debt provision

Types                                               Expect                                                       Expect
                                                      ed Book value                                              ed     Book value
                         Proportion                 credit                             Proportion                credit
            Amount                     Amount                             Amount                  Amount
                            (%)                      loss                              (%)                       loss
                                                     rate                                                        rate
                                                     (%)                                                         (%)

on    is
accrued 20,641,002.                   13,552,865                    12,753,137.                    10,823,862             1,929,275.2
                               3.52                     7,088,136.9                         3.22                  84.87
accordi         24                            .25 65.66                     41                             .18                      3
ng to

on    is
         565,279,51                   25,057,436             540,222,08 382,700,56                 19,304,807             363,395,75
accrued                       96.48                   4.43                                 96.78                   5.04
               7.47                           .56                  0.90       1.55                         .40                  4.15
ng to

            585,920,51                38,610,301             547,310,21 395,453,69                 30,128,669             365,325,02
Total                       100.00                    6.59                                100.00                   7.62
                  9.71                        .81                  7.89       8.96                         .58                  9.38

Accrual of bad debt provision by single item::

             Unit name                                                         2020.12.31

                                      Book balane                              credit loss              Accrual reason
                                                                                rate (%)

                                                                                               There is a dispute between the
                                                                                               two parties that the net recovery
Dongguan Xiangteng New                                                                         after deducting the amount
                                        6,961,050.25           397,710.96             5.71
Material Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                  payable is extremely unlikely
                                                                                               and bad debts have been fully
                                                                                               accrued on the net portion

                                                                                               The credit period is exceeded by
Dongguan Yaxing
                                        2,797,016.81         2,797,016.81          100.00      a long time, and the possibility
Semiconductor Co., Ltd.
                                                                                               of recovery is extremely slim

                                                                                               The credit period is exceeded by
Dongguan Fair LCD Co., Ltd.             1,698,449.31         1,698,449.31          100.00      a long time, and the possibility
                                                                                               of recovery is extremely slim

                                                                                               The credit period is exceeded by
Guangdong Ruili Baolai
                                        1,298,965.36         1,298,965.36          100.00      a long time, and the possibility
Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                                               of recovery is extremely slim

                                                                                               The credit period is exceeded by
Jiangsu Xiangteng New Material
                                        1,049,595.40           524,797.70            50.00     a long time, and the possibility
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                               of recovery is extremely slim

                                                                                               The credit period is exceeded by
Total of other individual accrual
                                        6,835,925.11         6,835,925.11          100.00      a long time, and the possibility
                                                                                               of recovery is extremely slim

Total                                  20,641,002.24        13,552,865.25            65.66

     Accrual of bad debt provision by portfolio:

Portfolio accrual items:

                                      2020.12.31                                                 2019.12.31

                                                             Expected                                               Expected
                  Receivable        Bad-debt provision       credit loss        Receivable                          credit loss
                                                              rate (%)                                               rate (%)

Within      1
                 564,591,259.21           24,862,108.87              4.40     382,032,402.05     19,101,620.10              5.00

1-2 years            688,258.26              195,327.69             28.38        668,159.50         203,187.30             30.41

Total            565,279,517.47           25,057,436.56              4.43     382,700,561.55     19,304,807.40              5.04

(3) Bad debt provision accrued, recovered or reversed in the current period

                                                                                                 Amount of bad-debt provision

2019.12.31                                                                                                        30,128,669.58

Adjustment amount for the first implementation of the New Income Standards

2020.01.01                                                                                                         30,128,669.58

Current accrual                                                                                                     8,481,632.23

Withdrawal or reversal in current period                                                                                      --

2020.12.31                                                                                                         38,610,301.81

(4) There is no account receivable actually written off in the current period
(5) The top five units of the closing balance of accounts receivable collected by the arrears

                                                                                Proportion of total
                    Nature of           Other receivable                        closing balance of
Unit name                                                        Aging                                         provision
                    payment              closing balance                         other receivables
                                                                                                         Closing balance

     Top 1            Goods                132,428,291.01    Within 1 year           22.60%                5,840,087.63

     Top 2            Goods                 68,516,402.40    Within 1 year           11.69%                3,021,573.35

     Top 3            Goods                 51,794,178.25    Within 1 year            8.84%                2,284,123.26

     Top 4            Goods                 39,315,045.56    Within 1 year            6.71%                1,733,793.51

     Top 5            Goods                 38,777,319.65    Within 1 year            6.62%                1,710,079.80

     Total              --                 330,831,236.87                 --                 56.46%       14,589,657.55

(6)No account receivable which terminate the recognition owning to the transfer of the financial assets
(7)The amount of the assets and liabilities formed by the transfer and the continues involvement of
accounts receivable
5.Receivable financing

 Items                                                                          2020.12.31                          2019.12.31

 Notes receivable                                                          102,051,314.08                        17,933,597.98

      Some subsidiaries of the Company discount and endorse some bank acceptance bills according to the
needs of their daily fund management, therefore the bank acceptance bills of the subsidiaries are classified
as financial assets measured at fair value with changes included in other comprehensive income.
      There is no single bank acceptance bill with impairment provision of the Company. On December 31,
2020, the Company considered that there was no significant credit risk in the bank acceptance bills held by
it, and there would be no significant loss due to bank default.
(1) Disclosure by age

                                              2020.12.31                                              2019.12.31
                                     Amount                  Proportion%                        Amount             Proportion%

Within 1 year              14,934,263.03                88.35       16,750,558.60                90.82

1-2 years                    557,043.06                  3.30          729,266.20                 3.95

2-3 years                    540,748.42                  3.20           15,494.14                 0.08

Over 3 years                 870,461.88                  5.15          950,538.59                 5.15

Total                      16,902,516.39               100.00       18,445,857.53               100.00

    Note: As of December 31, 2020, there is no large prepayment for more than 1 year in the balance of
(2) The top five ending balances of prepayments collected according to prepaid objects totaled RMB
12,005,147.74, accounting for 71.03% of the total closing balances of prepayments
7.Other receivale

Items                                         2020.12.31                                    2019.12.31

Interest receivable                                        --                              7,610,043.19

Other receivavble                              5,265,002.71                                4,830,717.94

Total                                          5,265,002.71                               12,440,761.13

(1)Interest receivable
①Category of interest receivable

Items                                         2020.12.31                                    2019.12.31

Fixed deposit                                              --                               109,425.24

Structure deposit                                          --                              7,500,617.95

Subtotal                                                   --                              7,610,043.19

Less:Bad debt provision                                   --                                           --

Total                                                      --                              7,610,043.19

(2)Other receivable
1    Category of interest receivable

Aging                                          2020.12.31                                 2019.12.31

Within 1 year                                 5,011,410.31                               2,250,037.41

1-2 years                                      550,486.21                                1,213,773.48

2-3 years                                      697,124.67                                 647,494.79

3-4 years                                      173,007.52                                1,837,174.29

4-5 years                                     1,802,920.64                               1,015,782.04

Over 5 years                                 14,827,417.02                              13,835,408.91

Subtotal                                               23,062,366.37                                          20,799,670.92

Less:Bad debt provision                               17,797,363.66                                          15,968,952.98

Total                                                   5,265,002.71                                            4,830,717.94

2   Other accounts receivable classified by the nature of accounts

                                                           2020.12.31                                               2019.12.31
                                                         Book balance                                            Book Balance

Export rebate                                            1,658,146.29                                             1,191,949.50

Unit account                                            16,369,395.10                                            15,674,175.33

Deposit                                                  2,585,585.87                                             2,435,689.74

Reserve fund and staff
                                                           379,477.97                                               428,019.47

Other                                                    2,069,761.14                                             1,069,836.88

Subtotal                                                23,062,366.37                                            20,799,670.92

Less:Bad debt provision                                17,797,363.66                                            15,968,952.98

Total                                                    5,265,002.71                                             4,830,717.94

3   Bad-debt provision
At the end of the period, bad debt provision in the first stage:

Types                                            Book Balance     Bad-debt provision                               Book value

Bad debt provision accrued by aging
                                                 5,838,599.72               573,597.01                            5,265,002.71

Total                                            5,838,599.72               573,597.01                            5,265,002.71

     At the end of the period, the Company does not have interest receivable, dividend receivable and other
receivables in the second stage;
        At the end of the period, bad debt provision in the third stage:

Types                               Book Balance      Bad-debt provision        Book value                             Reason

Bad debt provision is accrued                                                                    Long aging and low possibility
                                    17,223,766.65         17,223,766.65                     --
according to individual items                                                                                      of recovery

Total                               17,223,766.65         17,223,766.65                     --

        On December 31, 2019, bad debt provisions are as follows:
        Bad debt provision in the first stage:

Types                                Book Balance                      Bad-debt provision                          Book value

Bad debt accrued by aging
                                       6,406,385.55                          1,575,667.61                             4,830,717.94

Total                                  6,406,385.55                          1,575,667.61                             4,830,717.94

     As of December 31, 2019, the Company has no interest receivable, dividend receivable and other
receivables in the second stage.As of December 31, 2019,,Bad debt provision in the third stage:

Types                               Book Balance Bad-debt provision         Book value                                   Reason

Bad debt provision is accrued                                                                 Long aging and low possibility of
                              14,393,285.37              14,393,285.37                  --
according to individual items                                                                                        recovery

Total                               14,393,285.37        14,393,285.37                  --

4    Bad debt provision accrued, recovered or reversed in the current period

                                               Stage 1                 Stage 2                     Stage 3

                                                                                               Expected credit
Bad debt provision                        Expected credit        Expected credit loss        losses for the entire        Total
                                          losses over the        over life (no credit          duration (credit
                                          next 12 months            impairment)                  impairment

Balance as at December 31,2019                1,575,667.61                         --              14,393,285.37      15,968,952.98

Balance as at December 31,2019In
                                                            --                     --                            --                  --

——Transfer to stage II                                    --                     --                            --                  --

——Transfer to stage III                    -1,059,367.39                         --               1,059,367.39                     --

——Transfer to stage II                                    --                     --                            --                  --

——Transfer to stage I                                     --                     --                            --                  --

Provision in the current period                     57,296.79                      --               1,771,113.89       1,828,410.68

Turn back in the current period                             --                     --                            --                  --

Reseller in the current period                              --                     --                            --                  --

Write - off in the current period                           --                     --                            --                  --

Other                                                       --                     --                            --                  --

Balance as at December 31,2020                  573,597.01                         --              17,223,766.65      17,797,363.66

⑤Other account receivables actually cancel after write-off :Nil

⑥Top 5 of the closing balance of the other accounts receivable collected according to the arrears party

                                                                                   Portion in total                Bad debt
   Name                Nature          Year-end balance           Age                   other                   provision of
                                                                                   receivables(%)                  year-end
   Top 1             Unit account        11,389,044.60         Over 5 years            49.38%                11,389,044.60

   Top 2             Unit account         1,800,000.00          4-5 years               7.80%                  1,800,000.00

   Top 3             Unit account         1,100,000.00        Within 1 year             4.77%                     55,000.00

   Top 4             Unit account         1,018,295.37        1-2 years,2-3            4.42%                   349,497.32
                                                              years,3-4 years

   Top 5               Deposit              980,461.06         Over 5 years             4.25%                   980,461.06

   Total                  --             16,287,801.03              --                 70.63%                14,574,002.98

  ⑦No Accounts receivable involved with government subsidies

  ⑧ No other account receivable which terminate the recognition owning to the transfer of the financial
  ⑨ The amount of the assets and liabilities formed by the no transfer and the continues involvement of
other accounts receivable
  (1)Inventories types

                                       2020.12.31                                                2019.12.31

  Items                 Book balance    Provision for         Book value        Book balance          Provision for      Book value
                                           bad debts                                                     bad debts

  Raw materials       258,191,196.82   13,788,646.60 244,402,550.22           212,371,911.48     31,148,714.05 181,223,197.43

                      132,780,479.72   43,914,789.90      88,865,689.82 135,636,148.29           53,692,060.27        81,944,088.02

  Finished product      2,715,845.96                --     2,715,845.96          5,962,105.18                    --    5,962,105.18

                      131,069,647.77   14,613,640.62     116,456,007.15 130,209,635.92           36,196,938.50        94,012,697.42

  Goods in transit        524,698.46                --        524,698.46         1,618,894.41            48,491.27     1,570,403.14

                       31,040,280.45    3,157,490.62      27,882,789.83         30,643,409.60         3,637,965.67    27,005,443.93

  Total               556,322,149.18   75,474,567.74 480,847,581.44 516,442,104.88 124,724,169.76 391,717,935.12

  (2)Inventory Impairment provision

                                       Increased in current               Decreased in current period
  Items                   2020.01.01                                                                                   2020.12.31
                                        Provision          Other         Transferred back        Other

Raw materials       31,148,714.05        3,666,817.13              --     21,026,884.58                  --      13,788,646.60

Finished product    53,692,060.27       27,366,959.59              --     37,144,229.96                  --      43,914,789.90

                    36,196,938.50       34,909,052.14              --     56,492,350.02                  --      14,613,640.62

Goods in transit          48,491.27                  --            --          48,491.27                 --                   --

                        3,637,965.67                 --            --        480,475.05                  --        3,157,490.62

Total              124,724,169.76       65,942,828.86              --    115,192,430.88                  --      75,474,567.74

Inventory Impairment provision(Continue)

                                 Specific basis for determining the net realizable         Reversal or resale in current period
Items                            value/remaining consideration and the cost to be
                                                     incurred                              Reason for provision for inventor

Raw materials                    Net realizable value is lower than inventory cost                Use of relevant materials

Finished product                 Net realizable value is lower than inventory cost         Sales of related finished products

Semi-finished product
                                 Net realizable value is lower than inventory cost      Sales of related semi-finished products

Goods in transit                 Net realizable value is lower than inventory cost         Sales of related finished products

                                                                                            Collection of relevant consigned
Commissioned materials           Net realizable value is lower than inventory cost
                                                                                                  processing materials

9.Other current assets

 Items                                                                               2020.12.31                       2019.12.31

 After the deduction of input VAT                                              77,482,083.47                      140,821,609.72

 Total                                                                         77,482,083.47                      140,821,609.72

10.Long-term equity investment

                                                                         an         Cash
                                                                                            With                        bala
                                                  Investment             ge         bonu
                                      Addi                                                  draw                         nce
                                            Neg profit and                s          s or
                                      tiona                  Adjustment of                  al of                         of
 Investees             2019.12.31           ative    loss                           profi                  2020.12.31
                                         l                     of other                     impa Ot                   impa
                                            inve recognized              ot           ts
                                       inve                  comprehensi he                 irme her                   irme
                                            stme under the                          anno
                                      stme                    ve income                       nt                          nt
                                              nt    equity                r         unce
                                        nt                                                  prov                       prov
                                                    method               eq          d to
                                                                                            ision                     ision
                                                                         uit        issue

 I. Joint venture
 Anhui Huapeng        10,098,833.                698,189.3                                             10,797,023.14
 Textile Co.,Ltd.     77                                 7
 Shenzhen                                                                                              127,906,165.1
 Guanhua              129,623,072                -1,716,907                                                        7
 Printing &           .69                               .52
 Dyeing Co., Ltd.
                      139,721,906                -1,018,718                                            138,703,188.3
                      .46                               .15                                                        1
 2.      Affiliated
 Changlianfa          2,450,676.1                255,586.2
 Printing        &    4                                  4
 dyeing Company
 Jordan Garment                                  -904,422.9
                      902,269.19                                  2,153.80
 Factory                                                  9
 Hongkong Yehui
                      9,135,077.9                -2,297,211     -318,180.0
 International Co.,                                                                                     6,519,686.54
                      3                                 .37              2
                      12,488,023.                -2,946,048     -316,026.2
 Subtotal                                                                                               9,225,948.92
                      26                                .12              2
                      152,209,929                -3,964,766     -316,026.2                             147,929,137.2
                      .72                               .27              2                                         3

11. Other equity instruments investment

 Items                                                                        2020.12.31                     2019.12.31

 FUAO(000030)                                                           10,129,390.84                     6,568,923.76

 Shenzhen Dailishi Underwear Co., Ltd.                                    12,315,939.61                    12,315,939.61

 Union Development Group Co., Ltd.                                       152,469,200.00                  152,469,200.00

 Shenzhen Xiangjiang Trade Co., Ltd.                                                   --                   7,474,900.00

 Shenzhen Xinfang Knitting Co., Ltd.                                         2,227,903.00                   2,227,903.00

 Jintian Industry(Group)Co., Ltd.                                                    --                              --

 Shenzhen Jiafeng Textile Industry Co., ltd.                                           --                              --

 Shenzhen Xieli Auto Co., Ltd.                                                         --                  25,760,086.27

 Shenzhen South Textile Co., Ltd.                                         13,464,994.09                    13,464,994.09

 Changxing Junying Investment Partnership                                           --                    28,500,000.00

 Total                                                                190,607,427.54                     248,781,946.73

     As the above items are investments that the Company plans to hold for a long time for strategic
purposes, the Company designates them as financial assets measured at fair value with changes included in
other comprehensive income.

                                                                                     Amount of other
                                Recognized                                            comprehensive
                                                 Accumulating      Accumulating
Items                            dividend                                                 income             Reason
                                                   income             losses
                                  income                                               transferred to
                                                                                     retained earnings

Fuao(000030)                    234,604.42        1,188,792.53

Shenzhen          Dailishi
                                1,037,735.85        9,756,083.35
Underwear Co., Ltd.

Union        Development
                                  208,000.00     149,869,200.00
Group Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen        Xiangjiang
                                  358,702.05        7,314,900.00                         4,694,359.48           Disposal
Trade Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen           Xinfang
                                  156,000.00        1,703,903.00
Knitting Co., Ltd.

Jintian Industry(Group)
Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Jiafeng Textile
Industry Co., ltd.

Shenzhen Xieli Auto Co.,
                                                  21,516,380.83                                                 Disposal

Shenzhen South Textile
                                  951,550.47       11,964,994.09
Co., Ltd.

12. Other non-current financial assets

 Types                                                                            2020.12.31                2019.12.31

  Financial assets measured at fair value with changes
                                                                             30,650,943.40                            --
  included in current profits and losses
 Total                                                                      30,650,943.40                             --

13. Investment real estate
(1) Investment real estate adopted the cost measurement mode

Items                                                                                                    House, Building

I. Original price

             1.2019.12.31                                                                                           257,183,260.74

             2. Increase in the current period                                                                         4,559,679.79

             (1) Purchase                                                                                              4,559,679.79

             3.Decreased amount of the period                                                                                      --

              4.2020.12.31                                                                                          261,742,940.53

          II.Accumulated amortization

              1.2019.12.31                                                                                          144,452,939.84

              2.Increased amount of the period                                                                         6,717,528.77

                  (1) Withdrawal                                                                                       6,717,528.77

              3.Decreased amount of the period                                                                                     --

              4.2020.12.31                                                                                          151,170,468.61

          IV.Book value

             1.Book value at period -end                                                                            110,572,471.92

             2.Book value at period-beginning                                                                       112,730,320.90

          (2) Fixed assets without property right certificate

                                                                                                    Reasons for failing to obtain the
          Items                                                               Book value
                                                                                                          property right certificate

                                                                                                Unable to apply for warrants due to
          House, Building                                                  11,115,759.53
                                                                                                                  historical reasons

        14. Fixed assets

          Items                                                                        2020.12.31                        2019.12.31

          Fixed assets                                                           790,183,905.38                     903,229,077.83

          Total                                                                  790,183,905.38                     903,229,077.83

          1.Fixed assets

                                   Houses &
Items                                            Machinery equipment Transportations     Other equipment                      Total

I.Original price

    1.2019.12.31              548,661,452.06   1,017,917,028.03 10,160,884.32   39,760,701.71   1,616,500,066.12

     2.Increased amount of
                                 105,312.66       1,971,675.05   1,721,088.34    3,144,439.59      6,942,515.64
the period

    (1) Purchase                 105,312.66       1,971,675.05   1,721,088.34    3,144,439.59      6,942,515.64

       3.Decreased amount
                                2,869,833.47      2,195,270.12     502,243.58     484,468.16       6,051,815.33
of the period

    (1)Disposal               2,759,267.00      2,090,183.17     500,725.00     439,068.16       5,789,243.33

    (2)Other                   110,566.47         105,086.95       1,518.58      45,400.00         262,572.00

    4.2020.12.31              545,896,931.25   1,017,693,432.96 11,379,729.08   42,420,673.14   1,617,390,766.43

II.        Accumulated

    1.2019.12.31              140,171,992.87    545,911,130.40   2,841,269.42   24,225,958.94    713,150,351.63

     2.Increased amount of
                           20,033,362.68         86,571,277.07     855,148.09    3,262,794.71    110,722,582.55
the period (1) Withdrawal

    (1) Withdrawal             20,033,362.68     86,571,277.07     855,148.09    3,262,794.71    110,722,582.55


     3.Decrease    in   the
                                 286,963.56       1,964,902.60     479,386.65     404,469.05       3,135,721.86
reporting period

    (1)Disposal                286,963.56         1,964,902.60      479,386.65      404,469.05      3,135,721.86


    4.2020.12.31              159,918,391.99      630,517,504.87     3,217,030.86   27,084,284.60   820,737,212.32

III.          Impairment

    1.2019.12.31                 120,636.66                   --               --              --      120,636.66

     2.Increase    in   the
                                          --        6,373,080.81               --      96,567.92      6,469,648.73
reporting period

    (1)Withdrawal                         --        6,373,080.81               --      96,567.92      6,469,648.73

    (2)Other                            --                  --               --              --               --

     3.Decrease    in   the
                                 120,636.66                   --               --              --      120,636.66
reporting period

    (1)Disposal                         --                  --               --              --               --

    (2)Other                   120,636.66                   --               --              --      120,636.66

    4.2020.12.31                          --        6,373,080.81               --      96,567.92      6,469,648.73

IV. Book value

                              385,978,539.26      380,802,847.28     8,162,698.22   15,239,820.62   790,183,905.38

                              408,368,822.53      472,005,897.63     7,319,614.90   15,534,742.77   903,229,077.83

               (2) Fixed assets without property right certificate

                                                                                       Reasons for failing to obtain the property
Items                                                            Book value                          right certific

                                                                                          Unable to apply for warrants due to
Houses and buildings                                                 21,195,008.77
                                                                                       historical reasons

15. Construction in progress

Items                                                               2020.12.31                                          2019.12.31

Construction in progress                                   1,301,750,141.12                                         839,866,275.92

Total                                                      1,301,750,141.12                                         839,866,275.92

(1)Construction in progress(1) List of construction in progress

                                      2020.12.31                                                  2019.12.31
Items                      Book balance     Provision   Book Net value            Book balance       Provision        Book Net value
                                                  for                                                      for
                                          devaluation                                              devaluation
on project of
polaroid for
                     1,301,693,689.12              -- 1,301,693,689.12           839,443,318.50                --     839,443,318.50
super     large
size TV

(Line 7)
Other                         56,452.00            --        56,452.00              422,957.42                 --        422,957.42

Total                1,301,750,141.12              -- 1,301,750,141.12           839,866,275.92                --     839,866,275.92

(2)Changes of significant construction in progress

                                                       Transfer        Capitalisation      Current
                                      Increase at this   red to Other     of interest                    Capitalis
                                                                                           amount         ation of
Name               2019.12.31                                   decrea                                                       2020.12.31
                                              period      fixed     se accumulated
                                                                                                 of      ratio(%)
                                                         assets              balance capitalization
                                                                                        of interest

on project of
polaroid        839,443,318.50       462,250,370.62         --       --   3,940,565.29    3,940,565.29          4.41 1,301,693,689.12
  for    super
large size TV
Total             839,443,318.50     462,250,370.62         --       --   3,940,565.29    3,940,565.29     4.41        1,301,693,689.12

Changes of significant construction in progress(Continuous)

                             Budget           Proportion(%)               Progress of work                 Source of funds

                                                                Basic     completion       of    civil
                                                                engineering, primary acceptance of
                                                                clean area of main production
 Industrialization                                              workshop; process         equipment,
 project           of                                           extension       machine,       coating
 polaroid                                                       machine,       counter      inspection
                        187,477.00 million        78.34%                                                        Self
                                                                machine and other main equipment
  for super large                                               have been installed and completed
 size TV (Line 7)                                               and into the commissioning stage,
                                                                the overall commissioning is
                                                                expected to be completed in March
                                                                2021 into trial production

 Total                  187,477.00 million        78.34%

16. Intangible assets

 (1) Information

Items                                        Land use right          Software             Patent right             Total

I. Original price

     1.2019.12.31                              48,258,239.00         2,936,607.54          11,825,200.00         63,020,046.54

     2.Increase in the current period

(1) Purchase                                                         1,143,346.16                                 1,143,346.16

   3.Decreased amount of the period

    4.2020.12.31                               48,258,239.00         4,079,953.70          11,825,200.00         64,163,392.70

II.Accumulated amortization

1.2019.12.31                                   12,591,751.27         2,085,098.93          11,825,200.00         26,502,050.20

     2. Increase in the current period

   (1) Withdrawal                                 895,440.00           716,923.59                                 1,612,363.59

3.Decreased amount of the period

4. 2020.12.31                                  13,487,191.27         2,802,022.52          11,825,200.00         28,114,413.79

III. Impairment provision


    2. Increase in the current period

3.Decreased amount of the period


4. Book value

    1.2020.12.31Book value                    34,771,047.73           1,277,931.18                        --       36,048,978.91

    2.2019.12.31 Book value                   35,666,487.73            851,508.61                         --       36,517,996.34

17. Goodwill
(1) Original book value of goodwill

Name of the investees or the
                                               2019.12.31           Increase                Decrease                 2020.12.31
events formed goodwill

SAPO Photoelectric                           9,614,758.55                                                           9,614,758.55

Shenzhen      Beauty Century                 2,167,341.21                                                           2,167,341.21
Garment Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Shenfang Import and                    82,246.61                                                             82,246.61
Export Co., Ltd.
Total                                       11,864,346.37                                                          11,864,346.37

(2)Impairment of goodwill

                                                               Increased at this       .Decreased at this
Investee                                       2019.12.31                                                            2020.12.31
                                                                    period                  period

SAPO Photoelectric                           9,614,758.55                                                           9,614,758.55

Shenzhen      Beauty Century                 2,167,341.21                                                           2,167,341.21
Garment Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Shenfang Import and                    82,246.61                                                             82,246.61
Export Co., Ltd.
Total                                       11,864,346.37                                                          11,864,346.37

18. Long term amortize expenses

                                                                               Decreased at this period

                                                        Increase in    Amortized
Items                                    2019.12.31                                                                  2020.12.31
                                                        this period    expenses                   Other loss

Decoration fee                            96,994.84      40,000.00              25,452.99                            111,541.85

Renovation fee                          1,595,771.58                           330,816.84                           1,264,954.74

                                         999,984.25     726,329.58             226,248.89                           1,500,064.94

Total                                   2,692,750.67    766,329.58             582,518.72                           2,876,561.53

19. Deferred income tax assets/deferred income tax liabilities
(1)Details of the un-recognized deferred income tax assets

                                                 2020.12.31                                           2019.12.31

Items                                                                                         Deductible             Deferred
                                  Deductible temporary
                                                          Deferred income tax assets          temporary            income tax
                                                                                               difference              assets

Deferred income tax assets

Assets      depreciation                 18,865,669.84                 4,709,761.70        17,933,263.39      4,478,077.03
Unattained      internal                  2,413,307.05                   361,996.06         2,502,421.73           375,363.26
sales profits
Changes in fair value                                --                           --        2,371,674.55           592,918.64
of investments in other
equity instruments

Restricted        stock
                                            686,670.00                   171,667.50          686,670.00            171,667.50
repurchase interest

Subtotal                                 21,965,646.89                 5,243,425.26        23,494,029.67      5,618,026.43

Deferred income tax liabilities

The          difference
between the initial
recognition cost and                     62,083,693.36                15,520,923.34        77,651,921.36     19,412,980.34
tax base of long-term
equity investment

Changes in fair value
                                       174,482,972.97                 43,620,743.24      202,125,461.26      50,531,365.32
of investments in other
equity instruments
Total                                  236,566,666.33                 59,141,666.58      279,777,382.62      69,944,345.66

(2)Details of the un-recognized deferred income tax liabilities

Items                                                                2020.12.31                                    2019.12.31

Deductible temporary difference                                  122,887,462.20                             156,410,415.69

Deductible loss                                                  682,013,840.25                             605,506,184.05

Total                                                            804,901,302.45                             761,916,599.74

(3)Deductible losses of the un-recognized deferred income tax asset will expire in the following years

Year                                             2020.12.31                             2019.12.31                    Remark

2021                                                      --                           1,128,868.47

2023                                         129,226,944.33                       129,226,944.33

2024                                         148,095,898.11                       148,095,898.11

2025                                          83,287,153.64                        83,287,153.64

2026                                          120,820,767.06                      120,820,767.06

2028                                           22,594,586.97                       22,594,586.97

2029                                          100,351,965.47                      100,351,965.47

2030                                           77,636,524.67                               ——

Total                                         682,013,840.25                      605,506,184.05

20 .Other non-current assets

Items                                                                            2020.12.31           2019.12.31

                   Advance payment for
                                                                               47,483,219.83         3,079,321.10
equipment fund

Certificate of deposit for more than 1 year                                    70,064,383.56                   --

Other                                                                          25,760,086.27                   --

Total                                                                       143,307,689.66           3,079,321.10

21. Accounts payable

Items                                                              2020.12.31                         2019.12.31

Within 1 year                                                   325,354,275.46                     238,370,055.75

1-2 years                                                         1,912,000.86                        196,392.86

2-3 years                                                            96,543.25                       1,691,830.35

3-4 years                                                         1,093,369.87                          37,402.40

4-5 years                                                            37,402.40                          35,075.05

Over 5 years                                                       975,010.06                         967,014.23

Total                                                           329,468,601.90                     241,297,770.64

No Significant accounts payable that aged over one year

22.Advance account

Items                                                              2020.12.31                         2019.12.31

Within 1 year                                                      671,534.26                       29,824,350.33

1-2 years                                                                   --                          16,004.11

2-3 years                                                                   --                          30,171.98

Over 3 years                                                       639,024.58                         659,591.20

Total                                                             1,310,558.84                      30,530,117.62

23.Contract liabilities

Items                                                             2020.12.31                          2019.12.31

 Goods                                                            200,000.00                                      --

 Rent received in advance                                       2,311,466.76                                      --

 Less:Contractual liabilities
 charged to other non-current                                                --                                   --

 Total                                                          2,511,466.76                                      --

 24.Payable Employee wage

                                                         Increase in this         Decrease in this
 Items                               2019.12.31                                                           2020.12.31
                                                                   period                  period

 Short-term      employee
                                   38,556,180.20         188,713,147.25            171,626,777.92      55,642,549.53

 Post-employment benefits                     --              7,080,075.35           7,080,075.35                 --

 Termination benefit                          --              2,985,500.66           2,985,500.66                 --

 Total                             38,556,180.20         199,149,610.77            181,692,353.93      55,642,549.53

(1)Short-term remuneration

                                                               Increase in this     Decrease in this
 Items                                    2019.12.31                                                     2020.12.31
                                                                        period                period

 Wages, bonuses, allowances and        36,751,528.90           169,798,753.71        153,256,730.67    53,293,551.94
 Employee welfare                                  --             6,351,145.22          6,310,052.02      41,093.20

  Social insurance premiums                        --             2,682,417.92          2,682,417.92              --

 Including:1.Medical insurance                    --             2,220,227.06          2,220,227.06              --

         2.Maternity insurance                     --               100,867.74            100,867.74              --

         3.Work injury insurance                   --               324,403.12            324,403.12              --

         4.Supplementary medical
                                                   --                36,920.00              36,920.00                --

Public reserves for housing                        --             6,020,759.24           6,020,759.24                --

.Union funds and staff education
                                       1,804,651.30               3,860,071.16           3,356,818.07    2,307,904.39

                              Total   38,556,180.20            188,713,147.25          171,626,777.92   55,642,549.53

(2)Defined contribution plans listed

                                                         Increase in this period   Decrease in this
Items                                 2019.12.31                                                        2020.12.31

After-service benefits                              --            7,080,075.35           7,080,075.35                --

1. Basic old-age insurance premiums                 --                                                               --
                                                                  4,962,621.48           4,962,621.48

                                                    --                                                               --
         2.Unemployment insurance                                   168,614.71            168,614.71

                                                    --                                                               --
         3. Annuity payment                                       1,948,839.16           1,948,839.16

Total                                               --            7,080,075.35           7,080,075.35                --

25.Tax Payable

 Items                                                                    2020.12.31                      2019.12.31

Enterprise Income tax                                                   11,219,726.43                    18,567,808.63

Individual Income tax                                                      469,169.71                       441,485.02

VAT                                                                        286,928.75                     2,992,712.57

House property Tax                                                         102,146.02                       127,685.17

City Construction tax                                                        48,751.30                      209,489.81

Education surcharge                                                          33,386.49                      149,635.58

Stamp tax                                                                    36,370.02                       54,690.21

Land use tax                                                                  2,043.30                        2,043.34

 Total                                                                  12,198,522.02                    22,545,550.33

26.Other payable

Items                                                                2020.12.31                                    2019.12.31

Other payable                                                  156,118,440.42                                   152,645,780.14

Total                                                          156,118,440.42                                   152,645,780.14

(1)Other payable

Items                                                                    2020.12.31                                2019.12.31

Project equipment funds                                               32,713,413.76                              36,025,975.90

Unit current                                                          48,394,939.72                              51,891,693.06

Deposit                                                               36,130,306.12                              27,258,145.87

Restrictive     stock       repurchase
                                                                       7,844,373.00                              16,825,673.40

Other                                                                 31,035,407.82                              20,644,291.91

Total                                                                156,118,440.42                             152,645,780.14

27.Long-term borrowings

                                                                       Interest rate                               Interest rate
Items                                         2020.12.31                                      2019.12.31
                                                                           interval                                    interval

                                                                            4.41%                      --                     --
Mortgage+Deposit                         343,100,174.35

Subtotal                                 343,100,174.35                           --                   --                     --
                                                                                                       --                     --
Less : Long-term borrowings due
within 1 year                                             --                      --

Total                                    343,100,174.35                           --                   --                     --

28.Deferred income

                          2019.12.31      Increase at this       Decrease at this             2020.12.31               Reason
                    121,264,571.22           1,710,000.00            12,234,249.01         110,740,322.21

Note: See Note XIV. 2, Government Subsidies for details of government subsidies included in deferred income.

29.Stock capital

Items                   2019.12.31 Issuance Bonus              Changed(+,-)
                                                          Capitalization                                           2020.12.31
                                    of new                     of             Other                  Subtotal

Total shares       509,338,429.00                                          -1,566,150.00        -1,566,150.00 507,772,279.00

Note: This year, 1,566,150.00 restricted shares which have been granted but not unlocked have been repurchased and
cancelled, and the share capital has been reduced by RMB 1,566,150.00, which has been verified by the same accounting

firm (special general partnership), and the capital verification report (ZTY Zi (2020) No. 441ZC00334) was issued on
September 11, 2020.

30.Capital reserve
                                                      Increase in the current         Decrease in the current

Items                                  2019.12.31                           period                      period                    2020.12.31

Share premium                     1,839,805,031.94                               --             7,407,889.50           1,832,397,142.4443

Other                              135,117,216.09                                --                          --            135,117,216.09

Total                             1,974,922,248.03                               --             7,407,889.50             1,967,514,358.53

Note: The change of capital stock premium in the current period is from the repurchase and cancellation of some restricted
stocks granted by the Company's restricted stock incentive plan in 2017.

31. Treasury stock
                                                                   Increase in the         Decrease in the
                                                                       current                current

Items                                 2019.12.31                                                                         2020.12.31
                                                                       period                  period

Treasury stock                         16,139,003.40                                 --        8,613,565.20                     7,525,438.20

Note: The change of capital stock premium in the current period is from the repurchase and cancellation of some restricted
stocks granted by the Company's restricted stock incentive plan in 2017.

32.Other Comprehensive incom

                                                                   Amount of current period

                                                     transferr                                                           Aft
                                                        ed into                                                          er-t
                                                          profit        Less:Prior                                       ax
                                                      and loss                 period                                    attr
                                                          in the         included in                                     ibu      2020.12.3
     Items                              Amount          current                 other       Less:        After-tax        te             1
                                        incurred         period           composite        Income       attribute to       to
                                          before            that              income           tax       the parent       mi
                                     income tax      recognie             transfer to     expenses        company        nor
                                                          d into             retained                                     ity
                                                           other      income in the                                      sha
                                                     compreh          current period                                     reh
                                                         ensive                                                          old
                                                       income                                                              er
                                                       in prior

1.         Other
income      that   118,183,658     -1,925,707.9                                           890,116.   -18,953,110.                 99,230,54
cannot        be                                                      16,137,285.62                                        --
                            .54               2                                                75             29                       8.25
reclassified in
the loss and
gain in the


Changes in fair
value        of
                    118,183,658    -1,925,707.9                                 890,116.        -18,953,110.            99,230,54
investments in                                               16,137,285.62                                        --
                             .54              2                                      75                  29                  8.25
other    equity

                    1,554,124.7                                                                                         1,238,098
reclassifiable                     -316,026.22                             --             --    -316,026.22       --
                              7                                                                                               .55
to profit or loss
in subsequent

differences of
                    1,554,124.7                                                                                         1,238,098
financial                          -316,026.22                             --             --    -316,026.22       --
                              7                                                                                               .55


Total of other
                    119,737,783    -2,241,734.1                                 890,116.        -19,269,136.            100,468,6
comprehensive                                                16,137,285.62                                        --
                             .31              4                                      75                  51                 46.80

33. Surplus reserves

                                                                          Increase in the          Decrease in
Items                    2019.12.31     Adjustment        2020.01.01       current period           the current        2020.12.31

Statutory surplus
                      90,596,923.39               --                --     4,346,566.05                           94,943,489.44

34.Retained profits

                                                                            Amount of              Amount of
                                                                         current period        previous period
 Items                                                                                                            Proportion%

 Before adjustments: Retained profits at the period end                  49,307,764.03         -57,774,473.41                 --

 Adjustment: Total unappropriated profits at the beginning of the
                                                                                     --         35,779,955.53                 --

 After adjustments: Retained profits at the period beginning               49,307,764.03         -21,994,517.88               --

 Add: Net profit attributable to owners of the Company for the
                                                                           37,267,995.74          19,679,910.43               --

 Other consolidated earnings carried forward to retained earnings          20,362,209.15          58,238,941.03               --
 for the current year

 Less: Appropriation to statutory surplus reserve                              3,888,292.80        6,616,569.55             10%

 Retained profits at the period end                                      103,049,676.12           49,307,764.03               --

35.Business income, Business cost
(1) Business income, Business cost

                                      Amount of current period                            Amount of previous period
                                          Income                       Cost                     Income                     Cost

 Main business cost
                               2,097,432,885.06        1,808,092,705.48             2,099,197,694.45          1,915,880,730.30

 Other business cost
                                  11,531,802.74            6,205,689.54                58,987,161.26              57,614,878.05

 Total                         2,108,964,687.80        1,814,298,395.02             2,158,184,855.71          1,973,495,608.35

(2)Main business(Industry)

                                      Amount of current period                                Amount of previous period
                              Business income              Business cost               Business income               Business cost

Domestic and foreign
                                              --                          --             517,020,991.54             483,603,729.67

Manufacturing                  2,012,255,019.03          1,786,199,780.24               1,475,804,647.66          1,408,148,827.10

Property   management,
                                  85,177,866.03                21,892,925.24             106,372,055.25              24,128,173.53

Subtotal                       2,097,432,885.06          1,808,092,705.48               2,099,197,694.45          1,915,880,730.30

(3)Main business(Production)

                                      Amount of current period                                Amount of previous period
                              Business income              Business cost               Business income               Business cost

Property   and    rental
                                 85,177,866.03           21,892,925.24                106,372,055.25          24,128,173.53

Textile income                   60,503,325.78           48,466,207.78                 46,047,351.10          39,166,964.15

Polaroid income               1,951,751,693.25        1,737,733,572.46           1,429,757,296.56          1,368,981,862.95

Trade income                                  --                        --            517,020,991.54         483,603,729.67

Subtotal                      2,097,432,885.06        1,808,092,705.48           2,099,197,694.45          1,915,880,730.30

(4)Main Business(Area)

                                   Amount of current period                             Amount of previous period
                           Business income              Business cost           Business income                Business cost

Domestic                   1,756,659,062.01         1,526,209,625.21           1,922,327,308.13            1,751,836,922.09

Oversea                     340,773,823.05            281,883,080.27             176,870,386.32              164,043,808.21

Total                      2,097,432,885.06         1,808,092,705.48           2,099,197,694.45            1,915,880,730.30

36.Business tax and subjoin

                                                        Amount of current period                   Amount of previous period

House taxes                                                        4,338,584.18                                 5,772,193.68

Urban construction tax                                                  718,695.23                                  665,327.79

Education surcharge                                                     517,483.70                                  477,821.51

Other                                                              1,772,362.54                                 1,550,800.42

Total                                                     7,347,125.65                                          8,466,143.40

37.Sales expenses

                                                        Amount of current period                   Amount of previous period

 Wage                                                              12,958,215.67                                3,900,045.35

 Transportation changes                                                          --                             6,328,597.94

 Business expenses                                                      668,407.23                                  380,985.91

 Sell                                                              12,697,476.62                                3,077,231.50

 Other                                                              2,320,131.35                                7,098,217.96

 Total                                                             28,644,230.87                               20,785,078.66

Note: The increase in sales expenses and wages this year is mainly due to the department adjustment of the
Company and the better benefit of the subsidiary SAPO Photoelectric; The increase of sales service fee is
mainly due to the increase of new customers, which leads to the increase of new agents.

38.Administrative expenses

                                  Amount of current period   Amount of previous period

 Wage                                       74,848,348.24               57,632,391.81

 Depreciation of fixed assets                9,794,203.66               11,714,741.86

 Water and electricity                       2,576,447.96                2,736,839.25

 Intermediary organ                          3,271,775.61                6,188,892.57

 Intangible assets amortization                                          1,362,819.51

 Travel expenses                               408,221.21                1,506,687.67

 Office expenses                               946,055.89                  878,072.35

 Business entertainment                                                    922,668.63

 Lawsuit expenses                              144,161.32                  327,254.72

 Repair charge                               1,366,609.60                2,030,445.26

 Property insurance                            380,689.81                  483,245.82

 Other                                       9,130,603.38               11,086,782.92

 Total                                     105,094,934.36               96,870,842.37

39.R & D costs

                                  Amount of current period   Amount of previous period

 Wage                                       13,177,489.03               13,430,653.87

 Material                                   49,679,847.18               34,839,486.54

 Depreciation                                2,984,978.79                2,782,174.41

 Fuel & Power                                1,017,795.21                1,447,036.66

 Travel expenses                               226,949.44                  356,165.02

 Other                                          73,904.57                  323,197.83

 Total                                      67,160,964.22               53,178,714.33

40.Financial Expenses

                                  Amount of current period   Amount of previous period

Interest expenses                            4,175,380.96                4,893,018.58

  Less:Interest Capitalization                                        3,940,565.29

Interest income                                                       -3,702,735.59                             -8,593,894.58

Exchange loss                                                          8,108,404.80                             16,760,131.65

Fees and other                                                         3,647,403.40                              2,803,543.99

Total                                                                  8,287,888.28                             15,862,799.64

41.Other income

                                                                                         Amount incurred in Related to assets/
Subsidy items (source of other income)                      Amount incurred in current
                                                                                           previous period Related to

Amortization of textile special funds                                      142,857.16           142,857.16
                                                                                                             Related to assets

Amortization of subsidy funds for industrialization items
                                                                         1,300,000.00         1,300,000.00 Related to assets
of TFT-LCD polarizer 销

Amortization of subsidy funds for narrow line (Line 5) of
                                                                           500,000.00           500,000.00 Related to assets
TFT-LCD polarizer phase I project

Amortization for purchasing imported equipment and
                                                                           175,090.20           175,090.20 Related to assets
technical subsidies

Amortization of innovation and venture funds for
                                                                            50,000.00            50,000.00 Related to assets
TFT-LCD polarizer phase I project

Amortization of innovation and venture funds in Shenzhen
                                                                            50,000.00            50,000.00 Related to assets
polarized materials and technology engineering laboratory

Amortization of polarized materials       and   technical
                                                                           500,000.00           500,000.00 Related to assets
engineering laboratory in Shenzhen

Amortization of subsidy funds for technical center
                                                                           300,000.00           300,000.00 Related to assets

Amortization of subsidy funds for introducing advanced
                                                                            14,388.10            14,388.10 Related to assets

Amortization of local supporting funds for TFT-LCD
                                                                         1,500,000.00         1,500,000.00 Related to assets
polarizer phase II project (Line 6)

Amortization of innovation and venture funds for
                                                                       50,000.00      50,000.00 Related to assets
TFT-LCD polarizer phase II project (Line 6)

Amortization of subsidy funds for key technology R&D
                                                                      500,000.00     500,000.00 Related to assets
equipment of optical compensation film for polarizer

Amortization of national subsidy for TFT-LCD polarizer
                                                                     1,000,000.00   1,000,000.00 Related to assets
phase II project (Line 6)

Amortization of funds for pilot projects of regional
agglomeration development of strategic emerging                      2,500,000.00   2,500,000.00 Related to assets
industries in Guangdong Province

Amortization of subsidies for new production lines and
purchased equipment in the phase II project of polarizer             3,000,000.00   3,000,000.00 Related to assets

Amortization of      subsidy     funds   for   energy-saving
                                                                       29,642.93      29,642.93 Related to assets

Amortization of subsidy funds for old elevator renovation             142,255.72     142,255.72 Related to assets

Special fund subsidies for improving the quality of
                                                                      468,931.57              --   Related to assets
atmospheric environment in Shenzhen

2020 Subsidy for special technical transformation
investment project of multiplication by technical                      11,083.33              -- Related to assets

                                                                                                         Related to
Subsidy for post stabilization                                        160,712.86     174,114.77

Sewage fee refund                                                     597,362.55              --         Related to
Tax bureau fee refund                                                  24,898.73     416,818.25          Related to
Subsidy for cost reduction of industrial and commercial                                                  Related to
                                                                     6,952,943.71   6,486,248.28
electricity in Shenzhen                                                                                    Income

Maternity allowance returned to the employees by Social                                         Related to
                                                                      32,609.51            --
Security Bureau                                                                                   Income

                                                                                                Related to
Insurance premium refund by Social Security Bureau                        1,815                   Income

Second batch of epidemic grants from Pingshan District                                          Related to
                                                                            759                   Income
Finance Bureau

Water saving carrier award fund from Shenzhen Water                                             Related to
                                                                     374,102.00            --
Affairs Bureau in 2019                                                                            Income

Harmonious labor relations enterprise incentive fund from                                       Related to
                                                                    1,000,000.00           --
Shenzhen Pingshan District Finance Bureau in 2018                                                 Income

Enterprise R&D Funds from Shenzhen Science and                                                  Related to
                                                                    1,278,000.00           --
Technology Innovation Committee in 2018                                                           Income

High-tech enterprise certification award from Pingshan
                                                                                                Related to
District Science and Technology Innovation Bureau in                  50,000.00            --

Subsidies for working in lieu of by training in Pingshan                                        Related to
                                                                    1,645,500.00           --
District                                                                                          Income

Trial post training subsidy of Human Resources Bureau of                                        Related to
                                                                     111,600.00            --
Pingshan District, Shenzhen City                                                                  Income

2020 Pingshan district foreign trade stable growth funds of                                     Related to
                                                                    1,200,000.00   360,000.00
the Financial Bureau of Pingshan District, Shenzhen City                                          Income

Received refund of unemployment benefits from the social                                        Related to
                                                                    2,709,874.84           --
security bureau to the enterprises affected by the epidemic                                       Income

The second batch of patent grants from the Market                                               Related to
                                                                       9,000.00            --
Supervision Administration in 2018                                                                Income

                                                                                            Related to
Government subsidies for epidemic protection articles            10,000.00             --

                                                                                            Related to
Cultural tourism stabilization support subsidy                  100,000.00             --

The first batch of special funds for scientific and                                         Related to
                                                                966,000.00             --
technological innovation in 2019                                                              Income

Received subsidies from the Public Employment Service                                       Related to
                                                                  1,425.20             --
Center to help enterprises stabilize their posts                                              Income

Received the award for epidemic prevention effect from                                      Related to
                                                                 20,000.00             --
the Bureau of Industry and Information Technology                                             Income

Received epidemic prevention subsidy from the Housing
                                                                                            Related to
and Construction Bureau of Luohu District, Shenzhen for           5,638.00             --
#145 residential building on Fenghuang Road

Received epidemic prevention subsidy from Shenzhen
Luohu District Housing and Construction Bureau for                                          Related to
                                                                  8,531.45             --
Shenzhen Textile Courtyard at No.52 Tianbei Second                                            Income

                                                                                            Related to
Halved urban construction tax and surcharges                      1,047.51             --

Halved stamp duty                                                  183.32              --   Related to
                                                                                            Related to
Epidemic prevention subsidy in Luohu District                    10,000.00             --

Shenzhen standard special funds                                         --    360,000.00    Related to
                                                                                            Related to
The first batch of premium subsidies for new materials                  --   4,806,400.00

Cuizhu Street 2018 old residential property management                                      Related to
                                                                        --     30,000.00
support project qualified property Tianbei courtyard                                          Income

The second batch of enterprise R&D subsidy funds of                                         Related to
                                                                        --   1,935,000.00
Shenzhen Municipal Finance Committee                                                          Income

Other                                                                   --     25,087.51    Related to

National subsidy fund for special project               of
                                                                                     --        1,000,000.00 Related to assets
industrialization of new flat panel display devices

Matching    funds      for    high-tech   industrialization                                                         Related to
                                                                                     --          200,000.00
demonstration projects                                                                                                income

Total                                                                   29,506,252.69         27,547,902.92

42. Investment income

Items                                                                    Amount of this period        Amount of last period

Long-term equity investment returns accounted for by equity
                                                                                   -3,446,613.86                -7,404,083.27

Investment income from the disposal of long-term equity
                                                                                                 --             55,481,817.13

Dividend income earned during investment holdings in other equity
                                                                                    2,946,592.79                 4,654,009.67

structured deposit interest                                                        18,231,107.84                25,306,786.72

Interest income on term deposits over 1 year                                            853,205.47

Net monetary gains                                                                  4,015,378.50                              --

Total                                                                              22,599,670.74                78,038,530.25

43. Income from change in income fair value

Sources of income from changes in fair value                        Amount of this period                Amount of last period

Other non-current financial assets

Where: Financial assets measured at fair value with
                                                                            2,687,518.74                                      --
changes included in current profits and losses

Total                                                                       2,687,518.74                                      --

44. Credit impairment loss

Items                                                           Amount of this period                   Amount of last period

Lossof bad debt notes receivable                                            -84,490.74

Loss of bad debts account receivable                                     -8,481,632.23                           6,929,467.72

Other                                                                    -1,828,410.68                             76,423.21

 Total                                                                  -10,394,533.65                          7,005,890.93

 45. Losses from asset impairment

 Items                                                         Amount of this period                   Amount of last period

 Loss of inventory price                                                -65,942,828.90                        -97,172,532.71

 Loss on impairment of fixed assets                                      -6,469,648.73                                      --

 Total                                                                  -72,412,477.63                        -97,172,532.71

 46. Asset disposal income

 Items                                                                 Amount of current period Amount of previous period

 Gains& losses on the disposal of fixed assets                                       276,544.73                      3,967.97

 47. Non-Operation income

                                                                            Amount of previous          Amount included in
 Items                                      Amount of current period                                 non-recurrent gains and
                                                                                                          losses for the year

 Loss of end-of-life gains on non-current
                                                                  --                     39,823.01                         --

 Insurance compensation                                           --               4,033,846.00                            --

 Payable without payment                               1,371,678.99                  597,578.12                1,371,678.99

 Other                                                    73,983.39                  332,301.21                   73,983.39

 Total                                                 1,445,662.38                5,003,548.34                1,445,662.38

 48.Non-current expenses

                                                                                                     Amount included in
Items                                       Amount of current period Amount of previous period
                                                                                                      gains and losses for the

Non-current asset Disposition loss                         3,315.15                  414,453.28                     3,315.15

Fine expenses                                            115,314.20                       6,000.00                115,314.20

Other                                                     19,791.92                         121.79                 19,791.92

Total                                                    138,421.27                  420,575.07                   138,421.27

 49.Income tax expenses
 (1)Income tax expenses

 Items                                                                 Amount of current period      Amount of previous period

 Current income tax calculated according to tax law and
                                                                                  8,422,038.43                  28,069,828.99
relevant regulations

 Deferred income tax expense                                                       -218,317.45                     -10,748.77

 Total                                                                            8,203,720.98                  28,059,080.22

 (2) The relationship between income tax expense and total profit is as follows:

                                                                          Amount of current period   Amount of previous period

 Total profits                                                                      51,701,366.13                9,532,401.59

 Income tax expenses calculated at the applicable tax rate
                                                                                    12,925,341.53                2,383,100.40
 (total profit *25%)

 Influence of different tax rates applied by some subsidiaries                       -1,928,531.95               9,445,356.09

 Adjustment of current income tax in previous periods                                   21,090.96                  178,201.63

 Profit and loss of joint ventures and associated enterprises
                                                                                       991,191.57                3,794,799.87
 accounted by equity method

 Income not subject to tax                                                            -630,419.57                 -322,906.47

 Non-deductible costs, expenses and losses                                             295,317.96                  221,237.56

 The influence of tax rate change on the balance of deferred
                                                                                         -1,222.02                   5,458.59
 income tax at the beginning

 Tax impact by the unrecognized deductible losses and
                                                                                      -173,798.62                 -775,053.15
 deductible temporary differences in previous years

 Tax impact of unrecognized deductible losses and
                                                                                     5,073,772.21               19,522,497.03
 deductible temporary differences

Tax impact of research and development fee plus deduction                     -7,555,608.48                 -5,982,605.36

Income tax fee reduction and exemption                                         -813,412.61                    -411,005.97

Income tax fee                                                                8,203,720.98                 28,059,080.22

50. Supplementary information to cash flow statement
(1) Other cash received relevant to operating activities

 Items                                                            Amount of current           Amount of previous period
 Letter of Credit Deposit                                           95,971,397.61                        32,712,277.24

 Interest income and other                                            3,812,160.83                        9,787,432.90

 Government Subsidy                                                  10,319,059.97                        8,107,420.53

 Current account                                                      4,476,707.73                        7,629,683.54

 Other                                                                4,817,267.42                        3,459,477.53

 Total                                                              119,396,593.56                       61,696,291.74

(2).Other cash paid related to operating activities

 Items                                                             Amount of current period         Amount of previous
 Letter of Credit Deposit                                                     50,257,183.69             42,928,583.04

 Cash charges                                                                 37,855,834.17              39,178,178.19

 Other                                                                         9,104,639.66              14,254,157.16

 Total                                                                        97,217,657.52              96,360,918.39

(3)Other Cash received related to investment activities

                                                                   Amount of current period         Amount of previous
 Items                                                                                                          period

 Structured deposits, financial products, principal and
                                                                           3,112,161,370.37           4,093,427,051.70

 L/C margin for purchase of line 7 equipment                                126,799,633.00               71,030,367.00

 Credit deposit for non-Line 7 equipment                                       1,900,000.00                          --

 Total                                                                     3,240,861,003.37           4,164,457,418.70

(4).Cash paid related to other investment activities

 Items                                                             Amount of current period         Amount of previous

 Structured deposits, financial products, principal and                       3,004,000,000.00            4,360,000,000.00

 L/C margin for purchase of line 7 equipment                                      2,150,000.00             196,430,000.00

 Credit deposit for non-Line 7 equipment                                          1,900,000.00                          --

 Stock transaction cost                                                              15,275.20                          --

 Total                                                                        3,008,065,275.20            4,556,430,000.00

(5)Other cash received in relation to financing activities

                                                                       Amount of current period        Amount of previous
 Items                                                                                                             period

 Performance compensation                                                                    --            197,268,700.00

 Borrowing funds                                                                             --               6,506,454.17

 Total                                                                                       --            203,775,154.17

(6)Cash paid related with financing activities

                                                                       Amount of current period        Amount of previous
 Items                                                                                                             period

 Restricted stock of stock repurchase incentive object                            9,344,136.30               11,091,675.60

 Borrowing funds                                                                                              2,700,000.00

 Total                                                                            9,344,136.30               13,791,675.60

51.Supplement Information for cash flow statement
(1)Supplement Information for cash flow statement
Supplement Information
                                                                       Amount of current period   Amount of previous period

I. Adjusting net profit to cash flow from operating activities

Net profit
                                                                                 43,497,645.15              -18,526,678.63
Add: Impairment loss provision of assets

                                                                                 72,412,477.63               97,172,532.71

Credit impairment losses                                                         10,394,533.65                -7,005,890.93

    Depreciation of fixed assets, oil and gas assets and
                                                                                117,440,111.32              120,272,039.47
consumable biological assets

     Amortization of intangible assets                                  1,612,363.59     1,362,819.51

     Amortization of Long-term deferred expenses                         582,518.72       505,932.97

     Loss on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                                                                         -276,544.73        -3,967.97
long-term deferred assets

     Loss on scrap of fixed assets                                          3,315.15      374,630.27

     Loss on fair value changes                                        -2,687,518.74               --

     Financial cost                                                      455,850.38      4,734,103.39

     Loss on investment                                               -22,599,670.74   -78,038,530.25

     Decrease in deferred income tax assets                              374,601.17       351,508.05

     Increased of deferred income tax liabilities                     -10,802,679.08     1,478,752.30

     Decrease of inventories                                          -39,880,044.30    12,010,403.04

                                                                     -188,437,910.96   289,069,889.61
     Decease of operating receivables

                                                                      15,830,477.68    -40,611,755.04
     Increased of operating Payable
     Other                                                                                         --

Net cash flows arising from operating activities                       -2,080,474.11   383,145,788.50

II. Significant investment and financing activities that without
cash flows:

Debt-to-capital conversion                                                        --               --

Convertible loan due within 1 year                                                --               --

Fixed assets acquired under financial lease                                                    --                         --

3.Movement of cash and cash equivalents:

Ending balance of cash                                                           274,325,830.08              268,646,588.18

Less: Beginning balance of cash equivalents                                      268,646,588.18            1,133,574,235.22

Add:Ending balance of cash equivalents                                                                                   --

Less: Beginning balance of cash equivalents                                                                               --

Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                                            5,679,241.90           -864,927,647.04

(2)Composition of cash and cash equivalents

Items                                                                       Year-end balance        Year-beginning balance

1.   I. Cash                                                               2.         274,325,83      3.        268,646,588.1
                                                                                            0.08                            8
4.   Including:Cash at hand                                                    5.      4,127.10             6.     11,091.94

7.   Demand bank deposit                                                   8.         274,085,02      9.        268,424,080.6
                                                                                             5.1                            7
10. Demand other monetary funds                                            11.        236,677.88            12.    211,415.57

13. II. Cash equivalents                                                                14.    --                   15.        --

                                                                           17.        274,325,83      18.      268,646,588.1
16. III. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the period end
                                                                                            0.08                           8

52. The assets with the ownership or use right restricted

Items                                            Book value at the end of the period                        Restricted reason

Monetary fund                                                           750,000.00                  Letter of Credit margin

Fixed assets                                                        330,744,828.51                                 Mortgage

Intangible assets 产                                                 34,771,047.73                                 Mortgage

Construction in process                                           1,301,880,727.03                                 Mortgage

Total                                                             1,668,146,603.27

53.Foreign currency monetary items
(1)Foreign currency monetary items

                                        Closing foreign currency                                Closing convert to RMB
Items                                                                   Exchange rate
                                                         balance                                                 balance

Monetary funds

Including:USD                                      8,843,259.32                 6.5249                      57,701,382.74

         Yen                                       78,877,109.00            0.063236                          4,987,872.86

         HKD                                          811,727.03                0.84164                        683,181.94

Account receivable

Including:USD                                     18,973,368.14                 6.5249                    123,799,329.78

         HKD                                          278,280.00                0.84164                        234,211.58

Advance payments

Including:USD                                        257,305.00                 6.5249                       1,678,889.39

                Euro                                  805,500.00                  8.025                       6,464,137.50

Other receivable

Including:USD                                         37,399.02                 6.5249                        244,024.87

Account payable

        Including:USD                              4,530,318.93                 6.5249                      29,559,877.99

                Yen                              2,680,544,919.88           0.063236                       169,506,938.56

Other payable

Including:USD                                        676,686.00                 6.5249                       4,415,308.48

HKD                                                 1,986,068.33                0.84164                       1,671,554.55

         Yen                                        3,381,983.93            0.063236                           213,863.14

Euro                                                   22,500.00                  8.025                        180,562.50

VI. Change in consolidation scope
     On August 24, 2020, the Company established Shenzhen Textile Sungang Property Management Co.,
Ltd. with a registered capital of RMB 1,000,000.00, which was included in the consolidation scope in this

VII. Equity in other entity
1. Equity in subsidiary
(1)Constitute of enterprise

                            Main      Registered         Business nature             Share-holding ratio           Acquired
                          operation     place                                      Directly     Indirectly             way
Shenzhen        Lishi                                Domestic trade, Property                                    Establish
                          Shenzhen    Shenzhen                                       100
Industry Development                                     Management

Co., Ltd

Shenzhen     Huaqiang
                            Shenzhen     Shenzhen         restaurants, business              100                           Establish
Shenfang     Property                                                                                                      Establish
                            Shenzhen     Shenzhen        Property Management                 100
Management Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen      Beauty                                       Production of fully                                             Establish
Century Garment Co.,        Shenzhen     Shenzhen          electronic jacquard               100
Ltd.                                                      knitting whole shape
Shenzhen    Shenfang
Sungang      Property       Shenzhen     Shenzhen        Property Management                 100                           Establish
Management Co., Ltd.
SAPO     Photoelectric                                   Operating import and
                            Shenzhen     Shenzhen                                            60                            Purchase
Co., Ltd                                                   export business
Shenzhen    Shenfang                                                                                                       Establish
Import & export Co.,        Shenzhen     Shenzhen         Operating import and                                 100
Ltd.                                                        export business
Shengtou (Hongkong)                                      Production and sales of
                            Hongkong     Hongkong                                                              100         Establish
Co.,Ltd.                                                       polarizer

2.Equity in joint venture arrangement or associated enterprise
(1)Joint venture or associated enterprise

                                                                                   Share-holding ratio               The accounting
Joint     venture     or      Place of      Place of                                                                   treatment of
associated enterprise        operation    registration                                                                investment in
                                                                                  Directly        Indirectly            associates

Joint venture:

Shenzhen   Guanhua
Printing & Dyeing            Shenzhen     Shenzhen        Property leasing         50.16                             Equity method

Anhui Huapeng Textile
                              Anhui         Anhui          Manufacturing           50.00                             Equity method
Co., Ltd.

Associated enterprise

Shenzhen Changlianfa
Printing and dyeing          Shenzhen     Shenzhen        Property leasing         40.25                             Equity method

Jordan            Garment
                              Jordan        Jordan         Manufacturing           35.00                             Equity method

Yehui International Co.,
                            Hongkong      Hongkong         Manufacturing           22.75                             Equity method

(2)Key financial information of significant joint venture or associated enterprise

                                                                 Shenzhen Guanhua Printing & Dyeing Co.,Ltd
                                                                           2020.12.31                                     2019.12.31

Current assets                                                          19,854,144.21                                  10,286,534.45

Non-current assets                                             242,190,971.30                    254,848,270.68

Total asseats                                                  262,045,115.51                    265,134,805.13

Current liabilities                                             12,261,343.60                     10,815,587.15

Non-current liabilities                                         37,356,444.69                     39,522,035.69

Total liabilities                                               49,617,788.29                     50,337,622.84

Net assets                                                     212,427,327.23                    214,797,182.29

including:Minority shareholders' rights                                    --                                  --

    Attributable to shareholders of the parent                 212,427,327.23                    214,797,182.29

Share of net assets calculated by stake                        106,553,547.34                    107,742,266.64


Including:Goodwill                                             21,595,462.44                     21,595,462.44

Unrealized internal transaction gains and losses                            --                                  --

Impairment preparation                                                      --                                  --

Other                                                              285,343.61                           285,343.61

Book value of equity investment in joint                       128,434,353.39                    129,623,072.69


                                                           Shenzhen Guanhua Printing & Dyeing Co.,Ltd

                                                      Amount of current period         Amount of previous period

Operating revenue                                                14,623,800.97                     4,434,022.16

Financial expenses                                                  -39,339.28                          -18,017.22

Income tax expenses                                               -2,118,023.83                    1,624,193.25

Net profit                                                        -3,422,861.88                    -7,457,362.64

Net profit from termination                                                  --                                 --

-Other Comprehensive income                                                  --                                 --

Total comprehensive income                                        -3,422,861.88                    -7,457,362.64

Dividends received from joint ventures this period                           --                                 --

VIII. Risks Related to Financial Instruments
     The Company's main financial instruments include monetary funds, notes receivable, accounts
receivable, receivables financing, other receivables, trading financial assets, investment in other equity

instruments, accounts payable, other payables and long-term loans. Details of various financial instruments
have been disclosed in relevant notes. The risks related to these financial instruments and the risk
management policies adopted by the Company to reduce these risks are as follows. The management of the
Company manages and monitors these risks to ensure that the above risks are controlled within a limited

1. Risk management objectives and policies
      The objective of the Company in risk management is to strike a proper balance between risks and
benefits, and strive to reduce the adverse impact of financial risks on the Company's financial performance.
Based on this risk management objective, the Company has formulated risk management policies to
identify and analyze the risks faced by the Company, set appropriate risk acceptable levels and design
corresponding internal control procedures to monitor the risk level of the Company. The Company will
regularly review these risk management policies and related internal control systems to adapt to changes in
market conditions or business activities of the Company. The internal audit department of the Company
also regularly or randomly checks whether the implementation of the internal control system complies with
the risk management policy.
      The main risks caused by the Company's financial instruments are credit risk, liquidity risk and market
risk (including exchange rate risk, interest rate risk and commodity price risk).
     The Board of Directors is responsible for planning and establishing the Company's risk management
framework, formulating the Company's risk management policies and relevant guidelines, and supervising
the implementation of risk management measures. The Company has formulated risk management policies
to identify and analyze the risks faced by the Company. These risk management policies clearly define
specific risks, covering many aspects such as market risk, credit risk and liquidity risk management. The
Company regularly evaluates changes in the market environment and its business activities to decide
whether to update the risk management policies and systems. The risk management of the Company is
carried out by the Risk Management Committee in accordance with the policies approved by the Board of
Directors. The Risk Management Committee identifies, evaluates and avoids relevant risks through close
cooperation with other business departments of the Company. The internal audit department of the
Company regularly reviews the risk management control and procedures, and reports the review results to
the Audit Committee of the Company.
     The Company disperses the risks of financial instruments through appropriate diversified investment
and business portfolio, and reduces the risks concentrated in a single industry, a specific region or a certain
counterparty by formulating corresponding risk management policies.
     (1) Credit risk
     Credit risk refers to the risk that the counterparty fails to fulfill its contractual obligations, resulting in
financial losses of the Company.
    The Company manages credit risk according to portfolio classification. Credit risks mainly arise from
bank deposits, notes receivable, accounts receivable and other receivables.
    The bank deposits of the Company are mainly deposited in state-owned banks and other large and
medium-sized listed banks, and such bank deposits are not expected to have significant credit risks.
     For notes receivable, accounts receivable, other receivables and long-term receivables, the Company
sets relevant policies to control credit risk exposure. The Company evaluates customers' credit
qualifications based on their financial status, credit records and other factors such as current market
conditions, and sets corresponding credit periods. The Company will regularly monitor customers' credit
records. For customers with bad credit records, the Company will adopt written dunning, shortening of
credit period or cancellation of credit period to ensure that the overall credit risk of the Company is within
the controllable range.
     Debtors of accounts receivable of the Company are customers distributed in different industries and
regions. The Company continuously evaluates the financial status of accounts receivable and purchases
credit guarantee insurance when appropriate.

     The maximum credit risk exposure the company is subject to is the book amount of each financial
asset in the balance sheet. The Company has not provided any other guarantee that may expose the
Company to credit risk.
     Among the accounts receivable of the Company, the accounts receivable of the top five customers
accounted for 56.46% of the total accounts receivable of the Company (in 2019: 65.56%); Among the other
receivables of the Company, the other receivables of the top five companies in arrears accounted for
74.16% of the total other receivables of the Company (in 2019: 75.87%).
        (2) Liquidity risk
     Liquidity risk refers to the risk of shortage of funds when the Company fulfills its obligation to settle
by delivering cash or other financial assets.
     The member companies of the Company are responsible for their own cash management, including
short-term investment of cash surplus and raising loans to meet the estimated cash demand (if the loan
amount exceeds certain preset authorization limits, it needs to be approved by the Board of Directors of the
Company). In addition, the Company will also consider negotiating with suppliers to reduce part of the debt
amount, or obtain funds in advance by selling long-aged accounts receivable, so as to reduce the cash flow
pressure of the Company. The Company's policy is to regularly monitor the short-term and long-term
liquidity demand and whether it meets the requirements of the loan agreement, so as to ensure that
sufficient cash reserves and securities that can be realized at any time are maintained, and at the same time,
to obtain sufficient reserve funds that major financial institutions promise to provide, so as to meet the
short-term and long-term liquidity demand.
     The Company raises working capital through funds generated from business operations and bank and
other loans. On December 31, 2020, the unused bank loan amount of the Company was RMB 456,899,800
(December 31, 2019: not applicable).
     At the end of the period, the financial assets, financial liabilities and off-balance sheet guarantee items
held by the Company are analyzed according to the maturity period of the undiscounted remaining contract
cash flow as follows (In RMB10,000):

                                         Within 1 year     1 year to Within 5 years   Over 5 years         Total

Finance liabilities:

  Account payable                           32,946.86                                                 32,946.86

  Other payable                             13,035.84                                                 13,035.84

  Long-term loans                                   --                  34,310.02               --    34,310.02

Total of Finance liabilities                45,982.70                   34,310.02               --    80,292.72

     At the beginning of the period, the financial assets, financial liabilities and off-balance sheet guarantee
items held by the Company are analyzed according to the maturity period of the undiscounted remaining
contract cash flow as follows (In RMB10,000):

                                         Within 1 year     1 year to Within 5 years   Over 5 years         Total

Finance liabilities:

  Account payable                            24,129.78                           --          --           24,129.78

  Other payable                              15,264.58                           --          --           15,264.58

Total of Finance liabilities                 39,394.36                           --          --           39,394.36

     The amount of financial liabilities disclosed in the above table is the undiscounted contract cash flow,
therefore it may be different from the book amount in the balance sheet.
       (3) Market risk
     Market risk of financial instruments refers to the risk that the fair value or future cash flow of financial
instruments will fluctuate due to market price changes, including interest rate risk, exchange rate risk and
other price risks.
       Interest rate risk
     Interest rate risk refers to the risk that the fair value or future cash flow of financial instruments will
fluctuate due to changes in market interest rates. Interest rate risk can be caused by recognized
interest-bearing financial instruments and unrecognized financial instruments (such as certain loan
      The Company's interest rate risk mainly arises from long-term bank loans. Financial liabilities with
floating interest rate expose the Company to cash flow interest rate risk, while financial liabilities with
fixed interest rate expose the Company to fair value interest rate risk.
     The Company pays close attention to the impact of interest rate changes on its interest rate risk. At
present, the Company has not adopted interest rate hedging policy. However, the management is
responsible for monitoring interest rate risk and will consider hedging significant interest rate risk when
       The interest-bearing financial instruments held by the Company are as follows (In RMB10,000):

Item                                                       Number of this year                    Number of last year

Floating-rate financial instruments

Financial liabilities                                               34,310.02                                      --

Including: long-term loans                                          34,310.02                                      --

    On December 31, 2020, if the borrowing rate calculated by floating interest rate increases or decreases
by 25 basis points, while other factors remain unchanged, the net profit and shareholders' equity of the
Company will decrease or increase by about RMB 857,800 (December 31, 2019: not applicable).
     For financial instruments held on the balance sheet date, which expose the Company to fair value
interest rate risk, the impact of net profit and shareholders' equity in the above sensitivity analysis is the
impact of remeasuring the financial instruments according to the new interest rate, assuming that the
interest rate changes on the balance sheet date. For the floating interest rate non-derivative instruments held
on the balance sheet date, which expose the Company to cash flow interest rate risk, the impact of the
above sensitivity analysis on net profit and shareholders' equity is the impact of the above interest rate
changes on the annual estimated interest expense or income. Last year's analysis was based on the same
assumptions and methods.
       Exchange rate risk

     Exchange rate risk refers to the risk that the fair value or future cash flow of financial instruments will
fluctuate due to the change of foreign exchange rate. Exchange rate risk can be derived from financial
instruments denominated in foreign currencies other than the functional currency.
     Exchange rate risk mainly refers to the impact of foreign exchange rate fluctuations on the financial
position and cash flow of the Company. The ratio of foreign currency assets and liabilities held by the
Company to the total assets and liabilities is not significant. Therefore, the Company believes that the
exchange rate risk it faces is not significant.

2. Capital management
     The objective of the Company's capital management policy is to ensure that the Company can
continue to operate, thereby providing returns to shareholders and benefiting other stakeholders, while
maintaining the best capital structure to reduce the capital cost.
     In order to maintain or adjust the capital structure, the Company may adjust the financing method,
adjust the dividend amount paid to shareholders, return capital to shareholders, issue new shares and other
equity instruments or sell assets to reduce debts.
     The Company monitors the capital structure on the basis of asset-liability ratio (i.e. total liabilities
divided by total assets). On December 31, 2020, the asset-liability ratio of the Company was 21.52%
(December 31, 2019: 14.94%).

IX.Fair value
    According to the input value of the lowest level which is of great significance to the whole
measurement in fair value measurement, the fair value level can be divided into:
       Level I: Quotes of the same assets or liabilities in active markets (unadjusted).
    Level II: Use observable input values other than the market quotation of assets or liabilities in the
Level I directly (i.e. price) or indirectly (i.e. derived from price).
    Level III: Assets or liabilities use any input value that is not based on observable market data
(unobservable input value).
       (1) Items and amounts measured at fair value
     On December 31, 2020, the assets and liabilities measured at fair value are listed as follows according
to the above three levels:

                                          Level I fair                              Level III fair
                                                              Level II fair value
Item                                        value                                      value            Total
                                         measurement                                measurement

I.   Continuous         fair     value

(I) Transactional financial assets                       --                    --   684,617,260.06   684,617,260.06

1. Financial assets measured at fair
   value with changes included in
   current profits and losses
                                                         --                    --   684,617,260.06   684,617,260.06

(II) Receivable financing                               --                    --           102,051,314.08       102,051,314.08

(III) Investment in other equity
                                            10,129,390.84                                  180,478,036.70       190,607,427.54

(V)Other noncurrent financial assets                                                        30,650,943.40           30,650,943.40

Total assets continuously measured
                                            10,129,390.84                                  997,797,554.24       997,797,554.24
at fair value

X. Related parties and related-party transactions
1.Parent company information of the enterprise

                                                                                            The parent                   The parent
                                                                         Registered capitalcompany of                company of the
Name                                                   Nature                           the Company's
                                address                                    (RMB10,000)                                Company’s
                                                                                                  ratio                   vote ratio

                             18/F, Investment    Equity investment ,
Shenzhen Investment         Building, Shennan       Real-estate
                                                                                   2,800,900.00             45.96               45.96
Holdings Co.,Ltd.              Road, Futian       Development and
                            District, Shenzhen       Guarantee

The company is authorized and approved to be state-owned independent company by Shenzhen Government, and it Executes
financial contributor function on state-owned enterprise within authorization scope.

 During the reporting period, the registered capital of the parent company changed as follows:

                                                                                                                           In 10,000

                                        Increase in the current        Decrease in the
 Year-beginning balance                                      period                                          Year-end balance

 RMB 27,649 million                                    36,000.00                      --                        2,800,900.00

2.Subsidiaries of the Company
Details refer to the Note VII-1, Interest in the subsidiary
3. Information on the joint ventures and associated enterprises of the Company
            Details refer to the Note VII-2, Interests in joint ventures or associates

4.Other Related parties information

Other related party                                                                                  Relationship to the Company

Shenzhen Shenchao Technology Investment Co., Ltd.                                             Subject to the same party controls

Shenzhen City Construction and Development (Group) Co., Ltd                                   Subject to the same party controls

                                                                            Chairman of the Board Is the Vice Chairman of the
Shenzhen Tianma Microelectronics Co., Ltd.

Hangzhou Jinjiang Group Co., Ltd.
                                                                      The controlling party of SAPO Photoelectric Shareholder

Lan Xi Jinxin Investment Management Co., Ltd.                              A subsidiary of Hangzhou Jinjiang Group Co., Ltd.

Shengbo (HK)Co., Ltd.                                                 The Company Executives are Director of the company

Zhejiang Hengjie Industry Co., Ltd.                                        A subsidiary of Hangzhou Jinjiang Group Co., Ltd.

Hengmei Photoelectri Co., Ltd.                                             A subsidiary of Hangzhou Jinjiang Group Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Xinfang Knitting Co., Ltd.                                                                          Sharing Company

Shenzhen Dailishi Underwear Co., Ltd.                                                                        Sharing Company

5. Related transactions.
(1)Related transactions on purchasing goods and receiving services

①Acquisition of goods and reception of labor service

Related party                           Content                             Current amount                         Last amount

Hengmei Photoelectri Co., Ltd.          Polarized                            204,282,036.36                     143,888,209.10

②Related transactions on sale goods and receiving services

                                        Content     of     related        Amount of current
Related parties                                                                                     Amount of previous period
                                        transaction                                  period

Shenzhen Tianma Microelectronics
                                        Sales polarizer sheet                  1,485,995.60                       1,444,346.74
Co., Ltd.

Hengmei Photoelectri Co., Ltd.          Polarized                            110,545,214.28                     141,106,466.92

(2)Related-party guarantee
1   Related guarantee

                                                                                                               Whether the guarantee
Guaranteed party                         Amount      Guarantee start date             Guarantee end date
                                                                                                               has been fulfilled

                                                                                      Two years from the
SAPO Photoelectric                342,660,000.00               2020.09.08           expiration of the debt                          No
                                                                                      performance period

(3) Inter-bank lending of capital of related parties:

Related party                                       Amount           Start date        Expiring date                              Note

Borrowing fund::

Shenzhen Guanhua       Printing      &                                                                   The annual lending rate is
                                                3,806,454.17        2019.07.30        Not yet agreed
Dyeing Co., Ltd.                                                                                                           0.30%

(4). Rewards for the key management personnel

Items                                              Amount of current period                       Amount of previous period

Rewards    for    the       key
                                                        8.2102 million                                       6.1638million
management personnel

6. Receivables and payables of related parties


                                                               2020.12.31                                2019.12.31

 Name                Related party                                             Bad debt                                      Bad debt
                                                 Balance of Book                            Balance of Book
                                                                               Provision                                     Provision

                     Shenzhen Tianma
 Account             Microelectronics                 581,696.96              25,652.84           733,038.52             36,651.93

                     Photoelectri        Co.,      20,879,229.37            1,578,235.08      53,893,840.80           2,694,692.04

                     Anhui     Huapeng
 Other receivable                                    1,800,000.00           1,800,000.00        1,800,000.00          1,800,000.00
                     Textile Company

                     Shenzhen Dailishi
 Other receivable                                    1,100,000.00             55,000.00           404,780.23             20,239.01
                     Underwear Co., Ltd


 Name                      Related party                                       2020.12.31                2019.12.31

 Account payable         Hengmei Photoelectri Co., Ltd                       35,787,643.44            56,245,028.58

 Other payable           Shenzhen Xinfang Knitting Co., Ltd.                   244,789.85                244,789.85

                         Shenzhen Changlianfa Printing and
 Other payable                                                                1,580,949.95             1,580,949.95
                         dyeing Co., Ltd.

 Other payable           Yehui International Co.,Ltd.                         1,143,127.81             1,216,719.38

 Other payable 款        SAPO (Hongkong)Co., Ltd.                            315,000.00                315,000.00

                         Shenzhen Guanhua          Printing   &
 Other payable                                                                3,811,240.92             3,811,053.20
                         Dyeing Co., Ltd.

XI.Share payment
1.Overall situation of share payment

 Total amount of various equity instruments granted by the

  company during the current period

 Total amount of various equity instruments that the

 company exercises during the period

 Total amount of various equity instruments that
 have expired in the current period

 The scope of executive price of the company’s

 outstanding share options at the end of the period and the remaining term
 of the contract

 The scope of executive price of the company’s other equity instruments
                                                                                             5.73 yuan/share, 1 year
 at the end of the period and the remaining term of the contract

    On December 14, 2017, the company's 3rd Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders in 2017 passed the Proposal

on ‘Shenzhen Textile (Group) Co., Ltd. 2017 Restricted Stock Incentive Plan (Draft) and Abstract’ on December 14, 2017,
the board of directors of the company reviewed and passed the Proposal on Adjusting the List of Incentive Objects of
Restricted Stock Incentive Plans and the Number of Equity Granted of 2017, and the Proposal on Granting Restrictive Shares
to Incentive Objects. On December 14, 2017, the company granted 4,752,300 restricted shares to the incentive object, the
grant price was 5.73 yuan/share. Restrictions shall be lifted at the rate of 40%, 30%, and 30% respectively after 12 months,
24 months, and 36 months after the first transaction date of 24 months after the completion of the registration. The company's
performance assessment for the restricted shares granted each period is as follows:

Restriction lifting period        Performance assessment goals

                                  In 2018, the earnings per share shall be no less than 0.07 yuan, and shall not be lower than
                                  the 75 fractiles level of the comparable listed companies in the same industry; the growth
The first restriction lifting     rate of operating revenue in 2018 compared with 2016 is not less than 70%, and is not
period                            lower than the 75 fractiles level of comparable listed companies in the same industry; in
                                  2018, the proportion of optical film business such as polarizers to operating revenue is no
                                  less than 70%.

                                  In 2019, earnings per share shall be no less than 0.08 yuan, and shall not be lower than the
                                  75 fractiles level of the comparable listed companies in the same industry; the growth rate
The second restriction lifting    of operating revenue in 2019 compared with 2016 is not less than 130%, and is not lower
period                            than the 75 fractiles level of comparable listed companies in the same industry; in 2019,
                                  the proportion of optical film business such as polarizers to operating revenue is not less
                                  than 75%.

                                  In 2020, the earnings per share shall be no less than 0.20 yuan, and shall not be lower than
                                  the 75 fractiles level of comparable listed companies in the same industry; the growth rate
The third restriction lifting     of operating revenue in 2020 is not less than 200% compared to 2016, and is not lower
period                            than the 75 fractiles level of comparable listed companies in the same industry. In 2020,
                                  the proportion of optical film business such as polarizers to operating revenue will be no
                                  less than 80%.

    Note: Earnings per share=net profit/total capital stock attributable to common shareholders of the Company upon
deduction of non-recurring profit and loss.

     On January 16, 2020, the Company convened the first extraordinary shareholders' meeting in 2020 to consider and pass
the Proposal on Repurchase and Cancellation of Some Restricted Shares and agreed to repurchase and cancel 69,900 shares
of restricted shares held by 3 original incentive objects who left the company for personal reasons at a repurchase price of
5.73 yuan per share.

     On March 12, 2020, the 27th meeting of the Seventh Board of Directors of the Company deliberated and approved the
Proposal on Repurchase and Cancellation of Some Restricted Stocks, on which related directors Zhu Jun, Zhu Meizhu and
Ning Maozai avoided voting according to relevant laws, regulations and the Articles of Association of the Company. The
company plans to repurchase and cancel a total of 1,313,340 restricted stocks held by 110 incentive targets that have not
reached the conditions for lifting the restrictions on sales. The repurchase price is calculated at the grant price of RMB
5.73/share plus the bank deposit interest for the same period; A total of 120,000 restricted stocks which have been granted to
the 3 resigned employees but have not yet lifted the restrictions on sale are planned to be repurchased and cancelled, at a
repurchase price of RMB 5.73/share. A total of 1,433,340 restricted stocks were repurchased and cancelled by the Company.
Independent directors of the Company issued independent opinions and lawyers issued legal opinions.
 On April 3, 2020, the Company held the second extraordinary general meeting of shareholders in 2020 to review and
approve the Proposal on Repurchase and Cancellation of Some Restricted Stocks, and agreed that the Company held a total
of 1,313,340 restricted stocks that failed to lift the restrictions on sales in Phase II of 110 incentive objects at a repurchase
price of RMB 6.01/share; It is agreed that the Company will repurchase and cancel a total of 120,000 restricted stocks that
have been granted to the 3 resigned employees but have not yet lifted the restrictions on sale at a repurchase price of RMB
5.73/share, and a total of 1,433,340 restricted stocks will be repurchased and cancelled.
 On June 8, 2020, the Company held the 30th meeting of the Seventh Board of Directors and the 21st meeting of the Seventh
Board of Supervisors. The Board of Directors deliberated and approved the Proposal on Repurchase and Cancellation of
Some Restricted Stocks, and proposed to repurchase and cancel 57,150 restricted stocks held by the 5 original incentive
objects who resigned for personal reasons at a repurchase price of RMB 5.73/share; It is proposed to repurchase and cancel
5,760 restricted stocks held by 1 retired original incentive object at the repurchase price of RMB 6.14/share. Independent
directors of the Company expressed their agreed independent opinions. The Board of Supervisors deliberated and approved
the Proposal on Repurchase and Cancellation of Some Restricted Stocks, verified the number of repurchased and cancelled
stocks and the list of incentive targets, and issued verification opinions, and lawyers issued legal opinions.

     On June 29, 2020, the company held the 2019 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders to deliberate and approve the
Proposal on Repurchase and Cancellation of Some Restricted Stocks, and agreed to repurchase and cancel 57,150 restricted
stocks held by the 5 original incentive objects who resigned for personal reasons at a repurchase price of RMB 5.73/share; It
is agreed to repurchase and cancel 5,760 restricted stocks held by 1 retired original incentive object at the repurchase price of
RMB 6.14/share, and a total of 62,910 restricted stocks will be repurchased and cancelled.

2.Equity-settled share-based payment

Determination method of the fair value of equity instruments on the grant     The closing price of the company's stock on
date                                                                          grant date - grant price

                                                                              On each balance sheet date of the waiting period,
                                                                              it is determined based on the latest information
Determination basis of the number of vesting equity instruments               such as the change in the number of people that
                                                                              can be released from restrictions and the
                                                                              completion of performance indicators

The reasons for the significant difference between the current estimate
and the previous estimate

Equity-settled share-based payment is included in the accumulated
amount of capital reserve

Total amount of fees confirmed by equity-settled share-based payments
in the current period

XII. Commitments
1. Significant commitments
As of December 31,2020,The company does not disclose the pension plan undisclosed matter should exist.

2. Contingency
As of December 31,2020,The company does not disclose the pension plan undisclosed matter should exist.

XIII. Events after balance sheet date
     The Company has no events after the balance sheet date that should be disclosed.

XIV. Other significant events
1. Segment information
     According to the Company's internal organizational structure, management requirements and internal
reporting system, the Company's business includes 4 reporting segments: polarizer, textile, property leasing
and trade. These reporting segments are determined based on the financial information required by the
Company's daily internal management. The management of the Group regularly evaluates the operating
results of these reporting segments, so as to decide to allocate resources to them and evaluate their
performance. Segment profit or loss, assets and liabilities are as follows:

Current period or
                                  Polarizer                                                                              otal
end of current period                         Property lease          Textile        Trade           Offset

                              1,954,299,27    95,691,578.25                                   -1,529,492.13 2,108,964,687.8
Operating income                                               60,503,325.78

Including:      revenue                                                                  --
                              1,954,299,27    94,195,699.39                                              -- 2,108,964,687.8
from             foreign                                       60,469,712.51
transaction                                                                                                               0

        Revenue                                                                          --
from inter-segment                       --    1,495,878.86       33,613.27                   -1,529,492.13                --

Including: revenue 1,954,299,275.90                                                      --
                                              86,707,358.16                                   -4,077,074.78
from main business                                             60,503,325.78                                  2,097,432,885.0
                                                                                         --                   1,814,298,395.0
Operating cost             1,737,374,562.38   28,134,125.79 49,877,951.65                     -1,088,244.80

Including:         main 1,737,374,562.38      21,928,436.25 49,877,951.65                     -1,088,244.80 1,808,092,705.4
business cost

Operating profit              9,491,199.52    39,054,820.16     2,119,203.22    -257,812.90    -371,420.53     50,394,125.02

                                                                                             -1,964,319,763. 4,969,547,552.2
Total assets             3,676,840,413.21 3,190,112,708.3
                                                          38,262,097.35 28,781,153.62                    74                3

                          878,156,778.18 177,919,940.25 20,735,649.08
Total indebtedness                                                          19,444,715.13    -26,024,780.03 1,070,232,302.6

2. Government subsidy
    Government subsidies included in deferred income are subsequently measured by the total amount

                                                       Amount                               carried
                                            New         carried    Others                   forwar
                                          subsidy     forward to                             d into Asset-related/revenue-relat
Subsidy item             2019.12.31                                         2020.12.31
                                        amount in profit or loss Change                      profit             ed
                                        the current in the current   s                      or loss
                                           period       period                               in the

Amortization        of
textile special funds                                                                        Other
                           428,571.41            --    142,857.16      --     285,714.25                 Related to assets

Amortization      of                                                   --
subsidy funds for
industrialization                                                                            Other
                     3,033,333.34                --                         1,733,333.34                 Related to assets
                                                      1,300,000.00                          income
items of TFT-LCD
polarizer 销

Amortization      of                                                   --
subsidy funds for
narrow line (Line 5)                                                                         Other
                     1,500,000.00                --    500,000.00           1,000,000.00                 Related to assets
of        TFT-LCD                                                                           income
polarizer phase I

Amortization      for                                                  --
purchasing imported                                                                          Other
                           501,926.58            --    175,090.20             326,836.38                 Related to assets
equipment        and                                                                        income
technical subsidies

Amortization     of                                                    --
innovation      and
venture funds for          150,000.00            --     50,000.00             100,000.00                 Related to assets
TFT-LCD polarizer
phase I project

Amortization    of                                                     --
innovation     and
venture funds in                                                                             Other
Shenzhen polarized         262,500.00            --     50,000.00             212,500.00                 Related to assets
materials      and


Amortization       of                                     --
polarized materials
and         technical                                                           Other
                      2,625,000.00    --    500,000.00          2,125,000.00            Related to assets
engineering                                                                    income
laboratory         in

Amortization     of                                       --
subsidy funds for                                                               Other
                    1,575,000.00      --    300,000.00          1,275,000.00            Related to assets
technical    center                                                            income

Amortization   of                                         --
subsidy funds for
introducing              43,164.31    --     14,388.10            28,776.21             Related to assets

Amortization      of                                      --
local     supporting
funds for TFT-LCD 12,750,000.00       --                                                Related to assets
                                           1,500,000.00        11,250,000.00 income
polarizer phase II
project (Line 6)

Amortization   of                                         --
innovation    and
venture funds for                                                               Other
                        425,000.00    --     50,000.00           375,000.00             Related to assets
TFT-LCD polarizer                                                              income
phase II project
(Line 6)

Amortization      of                                      --
subsidy funds for
key       technology
R&D equipment of 3,625,000.00         --    500,000.00          3,125,000.00            Related to assets
compensation film
for polarizer

Amortization      of                                      --
national subsidy for
TFT-LCD polarizer 8,500,000.00        --                        7,500,000.00            Related to assets
                                           1,000,000.00                        income
phase II project
(Line 6)

Amortization       of                                     --
funds     for   pilot
projects of regional
development        of 21,250,000.00   --                                                Related to assets
                                           2,500,000.00        18,750,000.00 income
strategic emerging
industries         in

Amortization       of                                     --
subsidies for new
production lines and                                                          Other
purchased             25,500,000.00   --                                                Related to assets
                                           3,000,000.00        22,500,000.00 income
equipment in the
phase II project of
polarizer         for


Amortization   of                                                --
subsidy funds for                                                                      Other
                          56,815.63            --    29,642.93           27,172.70             Related to assets
energy-saving                                                                         income

Amortization      of                                             --
subsidy funds for                                                                      Other
                     1,004,752.95              --   142,255.72          862,497.23             Related to assets
old         elevator                                                                  income

Investment funds in                                              --
the central budget of
industrialization     30,000,000.00            --                                              Related to assets
                                                                      30,000,000.00 income
project           for
super-large       TV
(Line 7)

R&D subsidy for                                                  --
key technologies of
polarizers       for 2,000,000.00              --                      2,000,000.00            Related to assets
ultra-thin IPS smart
phone terminals

Shenzhen Municipal                                               --
Finance Committee
(R&D             key
technologies       of
high-performance      5,000,000.00 1,000,000.0                         6,000,000.00            Related to assets
polarizers        for                        0
large-size   display

Special fund subsidy                                             --
for       improving
environmental        1,033,507.00              --   442,931.57          590,575.43             Related to assets
quality in Shenzhen
-             SAPO

Special      fund
subsidies      for
improving      the
quality         of                                                                     Other
                                  -- 520,000.00      26,000.00   --     494,000.00             Related to assets
atmospheric                                                                           income
environment     in

Subsidy for special
investment project                --                 11,083.33   --     178,916.67             Related to assets
                                       190,000.00                                     income
of multiplication by

                       121,264,571.2 1,710,000.0 12,234,249.0         110,740,322.2
Total                                                            --
                                   2           0            1                     1

3.Other important matters affecting investors' decision-making
        (1) Arbitration between the company and Jinjiang Group
      At the end of 2016, the Company introduced Jinjiang Group as a strategic investor for SAPO
Photoelectric' capital increase and share expansion. The Company, SAPO Photoelectric, Jinjiang Group and
the limited partnership named Hangzhou Jinhang Equity Investment Fund Partnership (Limited Partnership)
(hereinafter referred to as "Jinhang Investment") established by the Jinjiang Group as actual controllers,
signed the Cooperation Agreement. Jinjiang Group made a commitment to the performance of SAPO
Photoelectric from 2017 to 2019 and Jinjiang Group undertook to make up the difference between the
promised net profit and the actual profit in cash if the promised income and net profit were not fulfilled. In
2018 and 2019, Jinjiang Group did not complete its performance commitments as agreed. The performance
compensation company in 2018 has been received in 2019 as agreed, totaling RMB 197,268,700; As for the
performance compensation in 2019, Jinjiang Group believes that it cannot dominate the operation and
management of SAPO Photoelectric, which leads to the failure of the contractual purpose of the
Cooperation Agreement, and applies to Shenzhen International Arbitration Court for arbitration. Request:
① To award the applicant to be exempted from fulfilling the 2019 annual performance compensation
obligation stipulated in Article 3.1 of the Cooperation Agreement, that is, the applicant no longer pays
RMB 244,783,800 to SAPO Photoelectric; ② If the arbitration tribunal finds that it will not support the
first arbitration request mentioned above, then, request an award to rescind Article 3.1 of the Cooperation
Agreement; The respondent shall compensate the applicant RMB 197,268,700 paid by the applicant in
2018; And the respondent shall compensate the applicant for the profit loss of RMB 202,340,700 that it
could have obtained; ③ To award the respondent to bear the arbitration fee and the actual expenses of the
arbitration tribunal. As of the reporting date, the above arbitration has not yet been finalized.
     (2) Undelivered property of Shenzhen Xieli Automobile Enterprise Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as
"Xieli Automobile")
     Shenzhen Xieli Automobile Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Shenzhen Xieli") is a Sino-foreign
joint venture invested by the Company and Hong Kong Xieli Maintenance Co., Ltd in 1981, with a
registered capital of RMB 3.12 million, and 50% equity held by the Company. The business term of the
company ended in 2008 and its business license was revoked in 2014. The main asset of the company is
real estate. In March 2020, the Industrial and Commercial license of Shenzhen Xieli was cancelled, but
how to dispose of three properties under its name needs to be resolved upon further negotiation between
shareholders of both parties.

XV. Notes s of main items in financial reports of parent company
1. Account receivable

 (1)Aging disclosure

Aging                                                        2020.12.31                    2019.12.31

Within 1 year                                                      1,538,316.00                   550,453.73

Less:Bad debt provision                                              76,915.80                    27,522.69

Total                                                              1,461,400.20                   522,931.04

(2)Disclosure by classification according to the bad debt accrual method

Types                         2020.12.31                                          2019.12.31

                                           Bad-debt                                                   Bad-debt
                  Book balance                                                 Book balance
                                           provision                                                  provision
                                              Expecte Book value                                         Expecte          value
                        Proportion(           d credit                  Proportion(                      d credit
             Amount                    Amount                    Amount                           Amount
                            %)                loss rate                 %)                               loss rate
                                                (%)                                                      (%)

Bad debt
accrued 1,538,316.0                    76,915.8            1,461,400.2 550,453.7                  27,522.6               522,931.0
                              100.00                5.00                                 100.00                   5.00
accordin          0                           0                      0         3                         9                       4
g       to
l items

Bad debt provision is accrued according to portfoliosAccrual of bad debt provision by single item::

                                       2020.12.31                                                 2019.12.31

                                                               Expected                                               Expected
                                           Bad-debt                                               Bad-debt
                    Book balane                             credit loss rate    Book balane                        credit loss rate
                                           provision                                              provision
                                                                  (%)                                                    (%)

Within       1
                      1,538,316.00            76,915.80                5.00       550,453.73        27,522.69                 5.00

(3) Bad debt provision accrued, recovered or reversed in the current period

                                                                                                  Amount of bad-debt provision

2019.12.31                                                                                                               27,522.69

Adjustment amount for the first implementation of the New Income Standards                                                        --

2020.01.01                                                                                                               27,522.69

Current accrual                                                                                                          49,393.11

Withdrawal or reversal in current period                                                                                          --

2020.12.31                                                                                                               76,915.80

(4) There is no account receivable actually written off in the current period
(5) The top five units of the closing balance of accounts receivable collected by the arrears

     The total amount of the top five accounts receivable collected by the Company according to the
arrearage party was 1,538,316.00 yuan, accounting for 100% of the total year-end balance of accounts
receivable, and all the top five arrears were rental of houses. The sum of the closing balance of the
corresponding provision for bad debts is 76915.80 yuan

(6)No account receivable which terminate the recognition owning to the transfer of the financial assets

(7)The amount of the assets and liabilities formed by the transfer and the continues involvement of
accounts receivable

2.Other receivale

Items                                               2020.12.31                   2019.12.31

Interest receivable                                              --             7,329,228.31

Other receivavble                                    7,450,934.40               9,710,277.69

Total                                                7,450,934.40             17,039,506.00

(1) Interest receivable

        1   Category of interest receivable

Items                                                  2020.12.31                2019.12.31

Fixed deposit                                                    --                          --

Structure deposit                                                --             7,329,228.31

Subtotal:                                                       --             7,329,228.31

Less:Bad debt provisio                                          --                          --

Total                                                            --             7,329,228.31

(2) Other receivable

        1   Category of Other receivable

Aging                                                2020.12.31                2019.12.31

Within 1 year                                       5,011,410.31              5,143,593.73

1-2 years                                           2,410,316.25              3,828,819.36

2-3 years                                            328,819.35               1,830,359.77

3-4 years                                            454,759.77               1,810,047.30

4-5 years                                           1,800,000.00                        --

Over 5 years                                       12,461,099.73             12,476,252.43

Subtotal                                           23,580,195.11             25,089,072.59

Less:Bad debt provision                           16,129,260.71             15,378,794.90

Total                                               7,450,934.40              9,710,277.69

        2   Other accounts receivable classified by the nature of accounts

                                                   2020.12.31                    2019.12.31
                                                 Book balance                  Book Balance

Export rebate                                     7,175,600.00                  9,366,582.51

Unit account                                         16,369,395.10                                               15,678,175.33

Deposit                                                 10,000.00                                                              --

Other                                                   25,200.01                                                    44,314.75

Subtotal                                             23,580,195.11                                               25,089,072.59

Less:Bad debt provision                             16,129,260.71                                               15,378,794.90

Total                                                 7,450,934.40                                                9,710,277.69

        3   Bad-debt provision
        At the end of the period, bad debt provision in the first stage:

Types                                    Book Balance                Bad-debt provision                             Book value

Bad debt provision accrued by
                                         8,468,948.79                      1,018,014.39                             7,450,934.4
aging portfol

Total                                    8,468,948.79                      1,018,014.39                             7,450,934.4

     At the end of the period, the Company does not have interest receivable, dividend receivable and other
receivables in the second stage;
        At the end of the period, bad debt provision in the third stage:

Types                               Book Balance      Bad-debt provision        Book value                              Reason

Bad debt provision is accrued                                                                   Long aging and low possibility
                                    15,111,246.32         15,111,246.32                    --
according to individual items                                                                   of recovery

Total                               15,111,246.32         15,111,246.32                    --

On December 31, 2019, bad debt provisions are as follows:
Bad debt provision in the first stage:

Types                                Book Balance                     Bad-debt provision                            Book value

Bad debt accrued by aging
                                     10,996,121.64                          1,285,843.95                          9,710,277.69

Total                                10,996,121.64                          1,285,843.95                          9,710,277.69

     As of December 31, 2019, the Company has no interest receivable, dividend receivable and other
receivables in the second stage.
        As of December 31, 2019,Bad debt provision in the third stage:

Types                              Book Balance Bad-debt provision         Book value                                 Reason

Bad debt provision is accrued                                                             Long aging and low possibility of
                              14,092,950.95           14,092,950.95                 --
according to individual items                                                                                    recovery

Total                             14,092,950.95       14,092,950.95                 --

        ④ Bad debt provision accrued, recovered or reversed in the current period

                                              Stage 1                  Stage 2                    Stage 3

                                                                                              Expected credit
Bad debt provision                        Expected credit        Expected credit loss       losses for the entire             Total
                                          losses over the        over life (no credit         duration (credit
                                          next 12 months            impairment)                 impairment

Balance as at December 31,2019                1,285,843.95                            --          14,092,950.95        15,378,794.90

Balance as at December 31,2019In                            --                        --                         --                   --

——Transfer to stage II                                    --                        --                         --                   --

——Transfer to stage III                      -181,045.68                            --                181,045.68                    --

——Transfer to stage II                                    --                        --                         --                   --

——Transfer to stage I                                     --                        --                         --                   --

Provision in the current period                             --                        --                837,249.69        837,249.69

Turn back in the current period                  86,783.88                            --                         --           86,783.88

Reseller in the current period                              --                        --                         --                   --

Write - off in the current period                           --                        --                         --                   --

Other                                                       --                        --                         --                   --

Balance as at December 31,2020                1,018,014.39                            --              15,111,246.32    16,129,260.71

        ⑤Other account receivables actually cancel after write-off :Nil
        ⑥Top 5 of the closing balance of the other accounts receivable collected according to the arrears party

                                                                                   Portion in total               Bad debt
Name                  Nature          Year-end balance           Age                    other                  provision of
                                                                                   receivables(%)                 year-end
 Top 1               Unit account       11,389,044.60              Over 5 years              48.30%          11,389,044.60

 Top 2               Unit account        7,175,600.00       Within 1 year,1-2 years         30.43%                      --

 Top 3               Unit account        1,800,000.00                4-5 years                 7.63%          1,800,000.00

 Top 4               Unit account        1,100,000.00              Within 1 year               4.66%             55,000.00

 Top 5                      Deposit      1,018,295.37       1-2 year,2-3 years,3-4           4.32%            349,497.32

 Total                                  22,482,939.97                                        95.35%          13,593,541.92

        ⑦ No Accounts receivable involved with government subsidies

     ⑧No other account receivable which terminate the recognition owning to the transfer of the financial
     ⑨ The amount of the assets and liabilities formed by the no transfer and the continues involvement of
other accounts receivable

3.Long-term equity investment

                                         2020.12.31                                                2019.12.31
                                             Bad debt                                                Bad debt
                         Book balance                             Book value      Book balance                         Book value
                                             provision                                               provision

Investment to
the                1,972,630,835.39 16,582,629.30          1,956,048,206.09 1,966,803,211.46 16,582,629.30 1,950,220,582.16

Investment to
                        138,703,188.31                       138,703,188.31     139,721,906.46                      139,721,906.46
joint ventures

Investment to

associated                9,225,948.92                           9,225,948.92    12,488,023.26                       12,488,023.26

Total              2,120,559,972.62 16,582,629.30          2,103,977,343.32 2,119,013,141.18 16,582,629.30 2,102,430,511.88

 (1)Investment to the subsidiary

                                                                                                    impairment          Closing
                                                                                                     provision         balance of
Name                             2019.12.31           Increase     Decrease          2020.12.31                       impairment
                                                                                                           in the
                                                                                                       reporting         provision

SAPO Photoelectric        1,924,663,070.03                                      1,924,663,070.03                     14,415,288.09

Shenzhen         Lisi
                              8,073,388.25                                          8,073,388.25
Development      Co.,

Shenzhen   Beauty
Century   Garment            16,864,215.55                                        16,864,215.55                       2,167,341.21
Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Huaqiang
                             15,489,351.08                                        15,489,351.08

Shenfang Property
Management Co.,            1,713,186.55                                         1,713,186.55

Shenfang Sungang
                                           5,827,623.93                         5,827,623.93
Management Co.,

Total                  1,966,803,211.46    5,827,623.93                     1,972,630,835.39                   16,582,629.30

 (2)Investment to joint ventures and associated enterprises

                                                  Increase /decrease in reporting period
                                                                         Ot        Decl                                     ing
                                                                         he        arati       With                        bala
                                          Decr                            r         on         draw                         nce
                                     Add ease                 Adjustment eq         of           n                           of
 Name                  2019.12.31                                                                             2020.12.31
                                     inve d      Gain/loss of  of other  uit       cash        impa Ot                   impa
                                     stme inve   Investment comprehensi y          divi        irme her                   irme
                                       nt stme                ve income ch         dend          nt                          nt
                                            nt                           an        s or        prov                       prov
                                                                         ge        profi       ision                     ision
                                                                          s          t

 I. Joint ventures
 Anhui Huapeng         10,098,833.                698,189.3
 Textile Co.,Ltd.               77                        7

 Guanhua              129,623,072                -1,716,907                                               127,906,165.1
 Printing &           .69                               .52                                                           7
 Dyeing Co., Ltd.

                      139,721,906                -1,018,718                                               138,703,188.3
                              .46                       .15                                                           1
 II.    Associated
 Changlianfa          2,450,676.1                 255,586.2
 Printing      and    4                                   4
 dyeing Company
 Jordan Garnent                                  -904,422.9
                      902,269.19                                 2,153.80
 Factory                                                  9
                      9,135,077.9                -2,297,211    -318,180.0
 International Co.,                                                                                        6,519,686.54
                      3                                 .37             2
                      12,488,023.                -2,946,048    -316,026.2
 Subtotal                                                                                                  9,225,948.92
                      26                                .12             2

                                                 -3,964,766    -316,026.2                                 147,929,137.2
                                                        .27             2                                             3

4.Business income, Business cost

 (1)Business income, Business cost

                                Amount of current period                      Amount of previous period
                                    Income                     Cost               Income                   Cost
 Main business cost           57,649,817.53          7,019,203.76           71,861,233.77           8,340,126.19

 Other business cost           3,647,070.68          3,647,070.68           51,724,519.33          52,314,425.79

 Total                        61,296,888.21         10,666,274.44          123,585,753.10          60,654,551.98

 (2)Main business(Industry)

                                    Amount of current period                         Amount of previous period
                             Business income               Business cost         Business income             Business cost

Property rental                57,649,817.53               7,019,203.76            71,861,233.77              8,340,126.19

 (3)Main business(Production)

                                    Amount of current period                         Amount of previous period
                             Business income               Business cost         Business income             Business cost

Property rental                57,649,817.53               7,019,203.76            71,861,233.77              8,340,126.19

 (4)Main Business(Area)

                                    Amount of current period                         Amount of previous period
                             Business income               Business cost         Business income             Business cost

Shenzhen                       57,649,817.53               7,019,203.76            71,861,233.77              8,340,126.19

5.Investment income

Items                                                           Amount of current period Amount of previous period

Income from long-term equity investment measured by adopting
                                                                           18,304,138.91                           --
the Cost method

Income from long-term equity investment measured by adopting
                                                                           -3,446,613.86             -7,404,083.27
the equity method
Investment income from the disposal of long-term equity
                                                                                    --             55,481,817.13

Dividend income earned during investment holdings in other equity
                                                                         1,995,042.32               1,558,400.13

Structured deposit interest                                             14,919,678.58              18,417,333.36

Net monetary gains                                                       3,884,233.70                          --

Total                                                                   35,656,479.65              68,053,467.35

XVI. Supplement information

1. Particulars about current non-recurring gains and loss

 Items                                                                   Amount                           Notes

 Non-current asset disposal gain/loss                                 273,229.58

 Govemment subsidy recognized in current gain and                                   Mainly due to recognize
                                                                                    other      income      from
 loss(excluding those closely related to the Company’s             29,506,252.69
                                                                                    government subsidies related
 business and granted under the state’s policies)
                                                                                    to the main business.

 Other non-business income and expenditures other than
 the above

 Net amount of non-operating income and expense
 except the aforesaid items

 Other non-recurring Gains/loss items                               31,090,038.53

 Less:Income tax impact on non-current gains & losse                  53,313.37

 Net non-current gains & losses                                     31,036,725.16

 Less : Net impact of non-current gains & losses
 attributable to minority shareholders (after tax)
 Non-current gains & losses attributable to common
 shareholders of the company

2. Return on net asset and earnings per share

                                                                                     Earnings per share

                                                 Weighted average
 Profit of report period                                                  Basic earnings per        Diluted earnings
                                                 returns equity(%)

 Net profit attributable to the Common stock
                                                     1.36                     0.07                             0.07
 shareholders of Company.

 Net profit attributable to the Common stock
 shareholders of Company after deducting of          0.66                     0.04                             0.04
 non-recurring gain/loss.

                                                                               Shenzhen Textile (Holdings) Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                     March 12, 2021