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						                                                Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2011 Third Quarterly Report

   Stock Code:200468                          Short Form of the Stock: NJTEL B                           Notice No.: 2011-022

             Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.
                     2011 Third Quarterly Report

§1 Important notice

      1.1   The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, the directors, supervisors and senior
management of the Company hereby confirm that there are no factitious record, misleading statements
or material omissions in this report, and collectively and individually accepts full responsibility for the
truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the whole contents.
      1.2   The financial report of the third quarter was not audited by a public accounting firm.
      1.3   Chairman of the BOD Mr. Sun Liang, General Manager Mr. Kong Shanyou, and Chief
Accountant Mr. Shi Lian hereby confirm that the financial report in this report is truthful and complete.
      1.4   This report is prepared both in Chinese and in English. In case of any inconsistency between
the two versions, the Chinese version should prevail.

§2      Company Profile

2.1 Main accounting data and financial indicators( expressed in RMB Yuan)
                                                             30 Sep. 2011               31 Dec. 2010      Increase/decrease (%)
             Total assets(Yuan)                         1,902,843,686.29             1,582,643,987.41                       20.23%
 Equity attributable to shareholders of the
                                                            369,185,342.74             360,616,964.74                        2.38%
           listed company(Yuan)
                Share capital                               215,000,000.00             215,000,000.00                        0.00%
  Net assets per share attributable to
shareholders of the listed company(Yuan                               1.717                      1.677                       2.39%
               per share)

                                                                      Increase/decrease                           Increase/decrease
                                                                        over the same                               over the same
                                               Jul.-Sep. 2011                               Jan. – Sep. 2011
                                                                         period of last                              period of last
                                                                           year(%)                                     year(%)
        Total operating income(Yuan)            586,366,046.19                    16.77%    1,753,432,763.66                29.13%
 Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                    632,151.51                    -91.51%       8,286,298.04                -47.23%
        the listed company(Yuan)
      Net cash generated from operating
                                                        -                     -               -74,317,507.51                68.03%
    Net cash generated from operating
                                                        -                     -                          -0.346             68.02%
   activities per share (Yuan per share)
Basic earnings per share (Yuan per share)                     0.003               -91.43%                0.039              -46.58%
  Diluted earnings per share (Yuan per
                                                              0.003               -91.43%                0.039              -46.58%
 Weighted average return on net assets
                                                              0.17%                -1.97%                2.27%               -2.33%
 Weighted average return on net assets
 after deducting non-recurrent profits or                     0.08%                -2.05%                2.01%               -2.35%
               losses (%)

                                                                       From year-beginning to the end
               Items of non-recurrent gains or losses                                                                Note
                                                                           of the reporting period
Gains/losses from disposal of non-current assets                                              15,377.59

                                                Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2011 Third Quarterly Report

Government subsidies accounted into current profit/loss, except
the continuous ration subsidies directly related to the normal                            865,124.05
operations and stipulated by the government
Profit and loss of debt restructure                                                       107,044.31
Net amount of other non-operating profit and expenses excluding
items above
Influenced amount of minority interest                                                   -482,047.41
Influenced amount of income tax                                                           -73,298.85
                                Total                                                     956,893.22              -

2.2 Total number of shareholders and top ten shareholders not subject to sale prohibition at the
end of the reporting period

 Total number of shareholders at the end of
           the reporting period
                                         Top ten shareholders of tradable shares
Shareholder                                     Holding of tradable shares at                     Share type
                                               the end of the reporting period
CHAN KEUNG                                               1,289,600               Domestically-listed shares in foreign currency
Wang Feifei                                               588,008                Domestically-listed shares in foreign currency
Shu Jianping                                              500,500                Domestically-listed shares in foreign currency
Gu Feng                                                   442,400                Domestically-listed shares in foreign currency
Chen Chaofan                                              416,979                Domestically-listed shares in foreign currency
Yan Zengqing                                              399,806                Domestically-listed shares in foreign currency
Long Jianqiu                                              340,000                Domestically-listed shares in foreign currency
Zhao Guanghui                                             331,650                Domestically-listed shares in foreign currency
Liu Xiaoqi                                                318,261                Domestically-listed shares in foreign currency
Chen Ren                                                  310,000                Domestically-listed shares in foreign currency

§3 Significant events

3.1 Substantial changes in main items on the financial statements and main financial indicators,
and explanation on the reason of the changes
√applicable   □inapplicable

                                                                                     Change(%     Reason     of   a   substantial
 Item                    30 Sep. 2011         31 Dec. 2010        Change(Yuan)
                                                                                             )    change
                                                                                                  Sales scale was expanded and
 Accounts                                                                                         receivable payment from
                       710,681,251.01     537,895,136.38          172,786,114.63        32.12%
 receivable                                                                                       customers within credit period
                                                                                                  was increased.
                                                                                                  Inventory circulation was
 Inventory             520,431,664.67     328,533,395.99          191,898,268.68        58.41%    increased as production and
                                                                                                  sales scale expanded.
                                                                                                  Purchase of materials
                                                                                                  increased as production scale
                       840,779,560.57     581,633,610.57          259,145,950.00        44.55%    expanded, and balance of
                                                                                                  payment payable to suppliers
                                                                                                  By sending goods to customers
 Advances from
                         37,477,973.85        82,459,973.00       -44,981,999.15       -54.55%    in the period, prepayment by
                                                                                                  customers in previous period

                                              Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2011 Third Quarterly Report

                                                                                             was recognized as revenue
                                                                                             from sales of goods
                                                                                             At the end of the reporting
                                                                                             period, the balance of input tax
 Taxes payable          -16,260,290.90       9,130,272.74       -25,390,563.64   -278.09%
                                                                                             to be deducted was larger than
                                                                                             output tax.
                       Jan.-Sep. 2011      Jan.-Sep. 2010                                )
                                                                                             Because of a substantial
 Total operating                                                                             increase of sales scale, costs
                     1,736,863,352.10    1,331,047,458.88       405,815,893.22     30.49%
 Cost                                                                                        and expenses went up in
                                                                                             different ranges.
                                                                                             As sales scale expanded,
                                                                                             marketing expenses, after-sale
                       105,606,479.22      77,434,278.35         28,172,200.87     36.38%    service expenses, salaries,
                                                                                             transportation charges and
                                                                                             travelling expenses increased
                                                                                             Increase of bank loan and rising
                         22,239,129.73     12,594,499.11          9,644,630.62     76.58%    of bank loan interest rates
                                                                                             made interest costs grow.
                                                                                             As sales scale expanded and
 Net        profit                                                                           market competition got fierce,
 attributable to                                                                             sales expenses increased
 owners of the            8,286,298.04     15,702,386.18         -7,416,088.14    -47.23%    substantially, and costs in
 parent                                                                                      material, labor and financing all
 company                                                                                     went up, which resulted in a
                                                                                             decrease of profit.
                                                                                             The Company strengthened
                                                                                             work on withdraw of accounts
 Net Cash flow
                                                                                             receivable , and payment from
 from operating         -74,317,507.51    -232,471,091.11       158,153,583.60     68.03%
                                                                                             customers in the reporting
                                                                                             period was larger than that of
                                                                                             the same period of last year.
                                                                                             The Company paid 2 million
 Net Cash flow                                                                               dollars to establish Nanjing
 from investing         -10,649,211.66     -23,007,179.97        12,357,968.31     53.71%    Putian Optical Network Co.,
 activities                                                                                  Ltd. last year. There were no
                                                                                             such expenses in this period.
 Net Cash flow
                                                                                             Bank loan increased in the
 from financing          -2,183,853.91     -19,900,402.11        17,716,548.20     89.03%
                                                                                             reporting period.

3.2 Progress of significant events as well as analysis of its effect and solution plan
□applicable   √inapplicable

3.2.1 Being issued a non-standard auditor’s opinion

□applicable   √inapplicable

3.2.2 Fund provided by the Company to its controlling shareholder or related parties of the controlling
shareholder, and guaranty provided by the Company in violation of prescriptive procedures

□applicable   √inapplicable

3.2.3 Signing and implementation of significant contracts that are related to routine operations

□applicable   √inapplicable

                                            Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2011 Third Quarterly Report

3.2.4 Other issues

□applicable   √inapplicable

3.3 Fulfillment of commitment made by the Company, shareholders or the effective controller
□applicable   √inapplicable

3.4 Caution and explanation on a forecasted accumulated net loss for the period from the
year-beginning to the end of the next reporting period or a material change in net profit
compared with the same period of last year
□applicable   √inapplicable

3.5 Other significant events to be necessarily stated

3.5.1 Securities investment
□applicable √ inapplicable

3.5.2 Reception of investigation, communication and interview during the reporting period
   In the reporting period, the Company did not receive on-site investigation, telephone communication and written
enquiry from investors.

3.6 Derivative investment

□applicable   √inapplicable

3.6.1 Holding of derivative investment products at the end of the reporting period

□applicable   √inapplicable

                                                                             Board of Directors
                                                       Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.
                                                                              25 October 2011
