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						                          Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2012 First Quarterly Report (Full Text)

          Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.
                2012 First Quarterly Report (Full Text)

    §1 Important notice

          1.1 The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, the directors, supervisors
    and senior management of the Company hereby confirm that there are no factitious
    record, misleading statements or material omissions in this report, and collectively and
    individually accepts full responsibility for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of
    the whole contents.
          1.2 The financial report for the first quarter of 2012 was not audited by a public
    accounting firm.
          1.3 Chairman of the BOD Mr. Sun Liang, General Manager Ms. Wang Hong, and
    Chief Accountant Mr. Shi Lian hereby confirm that the financial report in this report is
    truthful and complete.
          1.4 This report is prepared both in Chinese and in English. In case of any
    inconsistency between the two versions, the Chinese version should prevail.

    §2     Company Profile

    2.1    Main accounting data and financial indexes

                                        End of the reporting period           End of Last year          Change (%)
        Total assets(RMB)                         2,123,210,913.61            2,050,755,987.18               3.53%
Total equity attributable to owners
                                                   372,684,708.96               372,273,328.48                  0.11%
  of the parent company(RMB)
           Share capital                           215,000,000.00               215,000,000.00                  0.00%
Net assets attributable to owners
    of the listed company per                                  1.733                      1.732                 0.06%
                                                  Reporting period      Same period of last year         Change (%)
  Total operating income(RMB)                      655,576,783.23              539,970,982.36               21.41%
Net profit attributable to the owners
                                                        411,380.61                 3,414,109.64             -87.95%
     of listed company(RMB)
Net cash generated from operating
                                                   -117,078,886.22              -127,042,011.38                 7.84%
Net cash generated from operating
                                                               -0.545                    -0.591                 7.78%
 activities per share(RMB/Share)
         Basic earnings per
                                                               0.002                      0.016             -87.50%
        Diluted earnings per
                                                               0.002                      0.016             -87.50%
    Weighted average ROE(%)                                    0.11%                     0.94%                  -0.83%
  Weighted average ROE after
      deducting non-recurring                                  0.06%                     0.79%                  -0.73%

                             Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2012 First Quarterly Report (Full Text)

                                                                           From year-beginning to       Note(if applicable)
                    Items of non-recurring gains or losses                 the end of the reporting
   Profit and loss of non-current assets disposal                                        40,168.16
   Net amount of other non-operating profit and expenses excluding
   items above
   Influenced amount of income tax                                                      -114,993.01
   Influenced amount of minority interest                                                -99,025.92
                                    Total                                                178,887.94

       2.2 Total number of shareholders and top ten shareholders of tradable shares at
       the end of the reporting period

    Total number of shareholders at the end of
               the reporting period
                                         Top ten shareholders of tradable shares
   Shareholder                                   Holding of tradable shares at the end                Share type
                                                        of the reporting period
                                                                                             Domestically listed foreign
   CHAN KEUNG                                                                 1,289,600
                                                                                                 currency share
                                                                                             Domestically listed foreign
   Wang Feifei                                                                     588,008
                                                                                                 currency share
                                                                                             Domestically listed foreign
   Shu Jianping                                                                    500,500
                                                                                                 currency share
                                                                                             Domestically listed foreign
   Gu Feng                                                                         442,400
                                                                                                 currency share
                                                                                             Domestically listed foreign
   Chen Chaofan                                                                    416,979
                                                                                                 currency share
                                                                                             Domestically listed foreign
   Yan Zengqing                                                                    399,806
                                                                                                 currency share
                                                                                             Domestically listed foreign
   Long Jianqiu                                                                    340,000
                                                                                                 currency share
                                                                                             Domestically listed foreign
   Zhao Guanghui                                                                   331,650
                                                                                                 currency share
                                                                                             Domestically listed foreign
   Liu Xiaoqi                                                                      318,261
                                                                                                 currency share
                                                                                             Domestically listed foreign
   Chen Ren                                                                        310,000
                                                                                                 currency share

       §3 Significant events

       3.1 Material changes in main items on the financial statements and main financial
       indicators, and explanation on the reason of the changes

       √applicable     □inapplicable
                                                                                                      Unit: CNY
                      At the end of the   At the beginning        Change(Yuan)      Change(%)      Main reason for a substantial
Item                   reporting period    of the reporting                                                  change
Notes receivable                                                                                 Notes receivable at the end of
                         5,292,862.86      12,863,723.59           -7,570,860.73       -58.85%   last year was accepted on due
                                                                                                 in the reporting period.
Advances     from                                                                                Payment by customers in
customers                                                                                        advance in previous periods
                        52,438,422.41      87,763,330.36          -35,324,907.95       -40.25%   was recognized as revenue
                                                                                                 after goods was delivered in the
                                                                                                 reporting period.

                              Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2012 First Quarterly Report (Full Text)

Taxes payable                                                                                   At the end of the reporting
                                                                                                period, the balance of input tax
                         -9,988,121.95      15,773,935.97        -25,762,057.92     -163.32%
                                                                                                to be deducted was larger than
                                                                                                output tax.
Item                    Jan. – Mar. 20    Jan. – Mar. 20       Change(Yuan)     Change(%)       Main reason for a substantial
                                     12                 11                                                    change
Administration                                                                                  Some subsidiaries strengthened
expense                                                                                         work on           research and
                         32,551,173.14      24,136,217.73         8,414,955.41        34.86%
                                                                                                development, thus expenses of
                                                                                                technology research increased.
Investment                                                                                      Profit from invested subsidiaries
                            431,759.36         731,956.54          -300,197.18       -41.01%
income                                                                                          went down.
Operational profit                                                                              The growth margin of costs and
                          2,300,949.41       5,593,534.89         -3,292,585.48      -58.86%    expenses was higher than that
                                                                                                of sales revenue.
Income tax                                                                                      Profit of the current period
                            248,576.25         556,669.16          -308,092.91       -55.35%
Net            profit
                                                                                                The growth margin of costs and
attributable to the
                            411,380.61       3,414,109.64         -3,002,729.03      -87.95%    expenses was higher than that
owners of parent
                                                                                                of sales revenue.
Net cash flow                                                                                   Amount of investment on fixed
from       investing     -3,998,420.13       -2,170,673.75        -1,827,746.38      -84.20%    assets was larger than that of
activities                                                                                      the same period of last year.
Net cash flow
                                                                                                Some bank loan was paid on
from       financing     -2,383,864.50      18,987,203.28        -21,371,067.78     -112.56%
                                                                                                due in the reporting period..

        3.2 Progress of significant events as well as analysis of its effect and solution plan

        3.2.1 Being issued a non-standard auditor’s opinion

        □applicable √inapplicable

        3.2.2 Fund provided by the Company to its controlling shareholder or related parties of
        the controlling shareholder, and guaranty provided by the Company in violation of
        prescriptive procedures

        □applicable √inapplicable

        3.2.3 Signing and implementation of significant contracts that are related to routine

        □applicable √inapplicable

        3.2.4 Other issues

        □applicable √inapplicable

        3.3 Commitment of the Company, shareholders or the effective controller, and
        fulfillment of the commitment

        □applicable √inapplicable

                 Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2012 First Quarterly Report (Full Text)

3.4 Caution and explanation on a forecasted accumulated net loss for the period
from the year-beginning to the end of the next reporting period or a material
change in net profit compared with the same period of last year

□applicable √inapplicable

3.5 Other significant events

3.5.1 Securities investment
□applicable √ inapplicable

3.5.2 Reception of investigation, communication and interview during the reporting
In the reporting period, the Company did not receive on-site investigation, telephone
communication and written enquiry from investors.

3.6 Derivative investment

□applicable √inapplicable

3.6.1 Holding of derivative investment products at the end of the reporting period

□applicable √inapplicable

§4 Appendix

                          Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2012 First Quarterly Report (Full Text)

      4.1 Balance Sheet
 Prepared by Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.          31 March 2012              Unit: CNY

                                             At the end of the current period     At the beginning of the current period
                                            Consolidated       Parent Company       Consolidated       Parent Company
Current asset:
     Monetary funds                         228,965,623.64      151,362,183.07      312,420,215.59       195,625,750.23
     Settlement provision
     Capital lent
     Tradable financial assets
     Notes receivable                         5,292,862.86          985,447.00       12,863,723.59         3,938,705.00
     Accounts receivable                    861,119,454.27      585,780,430.39      736,141,568.31       489,450,457.03
     Advances to suplliers                   44,031,421.33       40,119,953.01       37,630,280.44        27,748,693.01
     Insurance receivable
     Reinsurance receivable
     Contract reserve of reinsurance
     Interest receivable
     Dividends receivable
     Other receivables                       52,159,053.71       69,623,059.05       55,323,271.93        87,821,794.78
     Purchase restituted finance asset
     Inventories                            587,450,569.15      312,884,593.92      552,349,491.53       283,735,577.58
     Non-current asset due in year
     Other current assets
Total current asset                        1,779,018,984.96   1,160,755,666.44    1,706,728,551.39     1,088,320,977.63
Non-current assets
     Granted loans and advances
     Available-for-sale financial assets
     Held-to-maturity investments
     Long-term accounts receivable
     Long-term equity investments           207,047,899.14      372,419,504.76      206,616,139.78       371,987,745.40
     Investment property                      4,762,571.97                            4,814,179.95
     Fixed assets                            99,747,518.18       32,394,834.64      102,151,733.16        32,993,773.68
     Construction in progress                12,509,404.43          751,823.54       10,062,821.54           743,162.49
     Construction materials
     Fixed assets held for disposal
     Productive biological assets
     Petrol asstest
     Intangible assets                       20,124,534.93        5,115,313.58       20,382,561.36         5,344,581.09
     Development costs
     Long-term prepayment
     Differed income tax asset
     Other non-current assets
Total non-current assets                     344,191,928.65     410,681,476.52      344,027,435.79       411,069,262.66
Total assets                               2,123,210,913.61   1,571,437,142.96    2,050,755,987.18     1,499,390,240.29

Legal person representative:Sun Liang         Financial controller: Wang Hong          Accountant officer: Shi Lian

                                 Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2012 First Quarterly Report (Full Text)

         4.1 Balance Sheet (continued)
   Prepared by Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.               31 March 2012              Unit: CNY

                                                 At the end of the current period       At the beginning of the current period
                                                Consolidated       Parent Company        Consolidated        Parent Company
Current liabilities
     Short-term loans                            517,300,000.00      335,000,000.00       511,500,000.00        335,000,000.00
     Loan from Central Bank
     Deposit received and hold for
     Capital borrowed
     Tradable financial liabilities
     Notes payable                                 40,681,089.45     120,681,089.45           262,091.29         80,262,091.29
     Accounts payable                           1,005,189,566.00     616,582,974.02       906,751,164.90        529,289,003.74
     Advances from customers                       52,438,422.41      13,563,311.87        87,763,330.36         27,009,137.51
     Selling       financial    asset      of
     Commission            charge        and
commission payable
     Accrued payroll                              15,067,149.74         5,539,026.35       14,914,260.59          5,715,497.61
     Tax payable                                  -9,988,121.95        -2,042,847.83       15,773,935.97         10,002,772.65
     Interest payable
     Dividends payable                                                                      1,344,198.22
     Other payables                               41,073,856.46      183,764,345.94        53,443,334.25        207,378,257.20
     Reinsurance payables
     Insurance contract reserve
     Security trading of agency
     Security sales of agency
     Non-current liability due in year
     Other current liabilities
Total current liabilities                       1,661,761,962.11   1,273,087,899.80     1,591,752,315.58     1,194,656,760.00
Non-current liabilities
     Long-term borrowings
     Bonds payable
     Long-term payables                                80,118.00           80,118.00            80,118.00              80,118.00
     Special payables
     Estimated liabilities
     Differed income tax liabilities
     Other non-recurrent liabilities
Total non-current liabilities                          80,118.00          80,118.00            80,118.00            80,118.00
Total liabilities                               1,661,842,080.11   1,273,168,017.80     1,591,832,433.58     1,194,736,878.00
Owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity)
     Paid-in capital (or share capital)          215,000,000.00      215,000,000.00       215,000,000.00        215,000,000.00
     Capital reserves                            185,374,533.85      172,417,299.81       185,374,533.85        172,417,299.81
     Less: Treasury stock
     Reasonable reserve
     Surplus reserve                                 589,559.77          589,559.76            589,559.77           589,559.76
     Provision of general risk
     Undistributed profit                         -24,511,638.32     -89,737,734.41        -24,923,018.93       -83,353,497.28
     Balance difference of foreign
                                                   -3,767,746.34                            -3,767,746.21
currency translation
Total equity attributable to owners of the
                                                 372,684,708.96      298,269,125.16       372,273,328.48        304,653,362.29
parent company
Minor interests                                    88,684,124.54                           86,650,225.12
Total owners’ equity                             461,368,833.50     298,269,125.16       458,923,553.60       304,653,362.29
Total of liabilities and owners’ equity        2,123,210,913.61   1,571,437,142.96     2,050,755,987.18     1,499,390,240.29

  Legal person representative:Sun Liang              Financial controller: Wang Hong          Accountant officer: Shi Lian

                                  Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2012 First Quarterly Report (Full Text)

          4.2 Income statement
   Prepared by Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.                 January to March 2012        Unit: CNY

                                                             Current Period                  Same Period of Last Year
                                                    Consolidated      Parent Company      Consolidated    Parent Company
I. Total operating income                           655,576,783.23      436,610,547.81    539,970,982.36     357,144,907.81
Incl. operating income                              655,576,783.23      436,610,547.81    539,970,982.36     357,144,907.81
         Interest income
         Insurance gained
         Commission charge and commission
II. Total operating cost                            653,707,593.18     443,326,212.46      535,109,404.01      361,305,251.00
Incl. operating cost                                570,428,831.36     401,684,275.46      468,306,601.68      324,955,390.09
         Interest expense
         Commission charge and commission
         Cash surrender value
         Net      amount      of   expense     of
         Net amount of withdrawal of
insurance contract reserve
         Bonus expense of guarantee slip
         Reinsurance expenses
         Operating tax and extras                     2,159,611.23          634,230.09       1,999,837.29           592,574.90
         Sales expense                               42,421,402.12       24,076,417.35      35,938,345.21        21,091,746.74
         Administration expense                      32,551,173.14       11,942,207.95      24,136,217.73        10,444,682.98
         Financial expenses                           6,146,575.33        4,989,081.61       4,728,402.10         4,220,856.29
         Losses of devaluation of asset
Plus: Gains from change of fair value
(“-“ for loss)
         Investment income (“-“ for loss)             431,759.36          431,759.36         731,956.54         5,308,656.54
            Incl.   Investment      income    on
affiliated Company and joint ventureand                 431,759.36          431,759.36         731,956.54           731,956.54
joint venture
         Gains from currency exchange
(“-“ for loss)
III. Operational profit (“-“ for loss)              2,300,949.41       -6,283,905.29        5,593,534.89        1,148,313.35
Plus: Non-operating income                              597,350.71          104,112.00        1,036,908.51           70,518.94
Less: Non-operating expenses                            204,443.84          204,443.84           24,934.83           22,498.05
             Incl. Loss from disposal of
                                                           2,943.84           2,943.84              322.33              322.33
non-current assets
IV. Total profit (“-“ for loss)                     2,693,856.28       -6,384,237.13        6,605,508.57        1,196,334.24
Less: Income tax                                        248,576.25                              556,669.16
V. Net profit (“-“ for net loss)                    2,445,280.03       -6,384,237.13        6,048,839.41        1,196,334.24
    Net profit attributable to the owners of
                                                        411,380.61       -6,384,237.13        3,414,109.64        1,196,334.24
parent company
    Minority shareholders’ gains and losses          2,033,899.42                            2,634,729.77
VI. Earnings per share:
         (I) Basic earnings per share                        0.002              -0.030               0.016               0.006
       (II) Diluted earnings per share                       0.002              -0.030               0.016               0.006
VII. Other comprehensive income                              -0.13                                3,589.17
VIII. Total comprehensive income                      2,445,279.90       -6,384,237.13        6,052,428.58        1,196,334.24
Total          comprehensive              income
                                                        411,380.48       -6,384,237.13        3,417,698.81        1,196,334.24
attributable to owners of parent company
Total          comprehensive              income
                                                      2,033,899.42                            2,634,729.77
attributable to minority shareholders

  Legal person representative:Sun Liang                Financial controller: Wang Hong        Accountant officer: Shi Lian

                                      Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2012 First Quarterly Report (Full Text)

           4.3 Cash Flow Statement

     Prepared by Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.                       January to March 2012          Unit: CNY

                                                                        Current Period                   Same Period of Last Year
                                                              Consolidated        Parent Company     Consolidated      Parent Company
I.   Net cash flow from operating activities
     Cash received from sales of products and providing
                                                               603,011,268.75       368,000,442.88    474,557,989.19     302,341,035.08
of services
      Net increase of customer deposit and inter-bank
      Net increase of loans from central bank
     Net increase of inter-bank loans from other
financial institutions
      Cash received against original insurance contract
      Net cash received from reinsurance business
      Net increase of client deposit and investment
      Net increase of trade financial asset disposal
      Cash received as interest, processing fee and
      Net increase of inter-bank fund received
      Net increase of repurchasing business
      Refunds of taxes                                             180,881.74                             441,259.39
      Other cash received from operating activities              3,107,715.58        33,141,689.32      3,627,156.47      31,930,649.57
          Sub-total of cash inflow from operating
                                                               606,299,866.07       401,142,132.20    478,626,405.05     334,271,684.65
      Cash paid for goods and services                         600,953,054.03       402,900,221.38    497,437,805.87     319,817,799.57
      Net increase of client trade and advance
      Net increase of savings in central bank and
brother company
      Cash paid for original insurance contract
      Cash paid for interest, commission charge and
      Cash paid for bonus of guarantee slip
      Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                   46,086,039.54        22,271,469.00     35,679,381.62      20,020,750.87
      Payments of all types of taxes                            34,862,252.72        14,724,860.36     31,312,815.30      17,079,969.70
      Other cash payments relating to operating
                                                                41,477,406.00        38,851,844.86     41,238,413.64      42,762,280.70
           Sub-total of cash outflow from operating
                                                               723,378,752.29       478,748,395.60    605,668,416.43     399,680,800.84
             Net Cash flow from operating activities           -117,078,886.22      -77,606,263.40    -127,042,011.38     -65,409,116.19
II. Cash flow from investing activities
      Cash received from recovering investment
      Cash received from investment income                                                                                    4,576,700.00
      Net cash retrieved from disposal of fixed assets,
intangible assets, and other long-term assets
      Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or
other operational units
      Other cash received concerning investing
           Sub-total of cash inflow from investing
      Cash paid for purchasing fixed, intangible and
                                                                 3,998,420.13           962,055.00      2,170,673.75          1,203,204.64
other long-term assets
      Cash paid for investment
      Net increase of mortgaged loans
      Net cash received from subsidiaries and other
operational units
      Cash paid for other investing activities
        Sub-total of cash outflow from investing
                                                                 3,998,420.13           962,055.00      2,170,673.75          1,203,204.64
            Net cash flow from investing activities              -3,998,420.13         -962,055.00      -2,170,673.75         3,373,495.36
III. Cash flow from financing activities
      Cash received from absorbing investment
      Incl. Cash received from absorbing minority
shareholders’ investment by subsidiaries
      Cash received from loans                                  56,000,000.00        20,000,000.00     65,000,000.00      15,000,000.00
      Cash received from bond placing
      Other cash received concerning financing
          Subtotal of cash inflow from financing activities     56,000,000.00        20,000,000.00     65,000,000.00      15,000,000.00
      Cash paid for settling debts                              50,200,000.00        20,000,000.00     36,000,000.00      16,000,000.00
      Cash paid for dividend and profit distributing or          8,183,864.50         5,696,875.34     10,012,796.72       4,718,872.22

                                  Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2012 First Quarterly Report (Full Text)

interest paying
     Incl. Dividend and profit of minority shareholder
                                                            1,344,198.22                        4,738,640.00
paid by subsidiaries
     Cash paid for other financing activities
        Subtotal of cash outflow due to financing
                                                           58,383,864.50     25,696,875.34     46,012,796.72      20,718,872.22
           Net cash flow from financing activities         -2,383,864.50      -5,696,875.34    18,987,203.28       -5,718,872.22
IV. Influence of exchange rate alternation on cash and
                                                                6,578.90          1,626.58
cash equivalents
V. Net increase of cash and cash equivalents             -123,454,591.95     -84,263,567.16   -110,225,481.85     -67,754,493.05
     Plus: Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the
                                                          310,453,749.89    193,897,034.53    291,447,011.87     185,951,591.96
beginning of term
VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of
                                                          186,999,157.94    109,633,467.37    181,221,530.02     118,197,098.91

  Legal person representative:Sun Liang                 Financial controller: Wang Hong        Accountant officer: Shi Lian

                  Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2012 First Quarterly Report (Full Text)

4.4 Auditor’s report

Auditor’s opinion: Not audited.

                                                           Board of Directors
                                    Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.
                                                                  26 April 2012
