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						                                                         Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd..2012 Third Quarterly Report

         Stock Code:200468                      Short Form of the Stock: NJTEL B                       Notice No.: 2012-026

               Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd..
                       2012 Third Quarterly Report

I. Important notice
   The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, the directors, supervisors and senior
management of the Company hereby confirm that there are no factitious record, misleading statements
or material omissions in this report, and collectively and individually accepts full responsibility for the
truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the whole contents.
   All directors have attended the meeting for deliberation and approval for the quarterly report.
   The financial report of the third quarter was not audited by a public accounting firm.
   Chairman of the BOD Mr. Sun Liang, General Manager Ms. Wang Hong, and Chief Accountant Mr. Shi
Lian hereby confirm that the financial report in this report is truthful and complete.
   This report is prepared both in Chinese and in English. In case of any inconsistency between the two
versions, the Chinese version should prevail.

II. Company Information
I.      Main accounting data and financial indicators

Whether retroactive adjusted on previous financial report or not
□Yes    √ No □non-application
                                         30 Sep.2012                        31 Dec. 2011              Increase/decrease (%)
        Total assets(Yuan)                   2,174,858,639.95                 2,050,755,987.18                             6.05%
       Equity attributable to
     shareholders of the listed                377,248,770.69                   372,273,328.48                             1.34%
           Share capital                       215,000,000.00                   215,000,000.00                                0%
    Net assets per share
attributable to shareholders
                                                              1.755                         1.732                          1.33%
of the listed company(Yuan
          per share)
                                                          Increase/decrease                                   Increase/decrease
                                     Jul.-Sep. 2012      over the same period        Jan. – Sep. 2012       over the same period
                                                            of last year(%)                                     of last year(%)
          Total operating
                                        671,593,111.53                     14.53%     2,021,556,294.35                    15.29%
      Net profit attributable to
     shareholders of the listed          -1,062,761.03                    -268.12%          4,975,442.34                 -39.96%
     Net cash generated from
                                --                       --                                -41,730,141.16                 43.85%
     operating activities(Yuan)
     Net cash generated from
      operating activities per --                        --                                         -0.194                43.93%
      share (Yuan per share)
     Basic earnings per share
                                                -0.005                    -266.67%                  0.023                -41.03%
        (Yuan per share)
 Diluted earnings per share                     -0.005                    -266.67%                  0.023                -41.03%

                                                 Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd..2012 Third Quarterly Report

     (Yuan per share)
 Weighted average return
                                        -0.28%                  -0.45%                 1.33%                   -0.94%
    on net assets (%)
 Weighted average return
    on net assets after
                                        -0.54%                  -0.62%                 0.99%                   -1.02%
 deducting non-recurrent
   profits or losses (%)
Item and amount with non-recurring gains/losses deducted
√Applicable □Non-applicable

                                                       Amount (Jan. –
                        Items                                                                 Note
                                                      Sep. 2012) (Yuan)
Gains and losses from disposal of non-current
Tax refund or exemption out of authorization,
with absence of official approval document or                 305,000.00
Governmental subsidy calculated into current
gains and losses(while closely related with the
normal business of the Company, excluding the
fixed-amount or fixed-proportion governmental
subsidy according to the unified national
Fund occupation expenses received from
non-financial enterprises that reckon into
current gains/losses
Income occurred when investment cost paid by
enterprise for obtaining subsidiaries,
associates and joint ventures are lower than
its share in fair value of net realizable assets of
invested units
Gains and losses from exchange of
non-monetary assets
Gains and losses from entrusted investment or
management assets
Various asset impairment reserve provided for
force majeure, such as natural disaster
Gains/losses from debt reorganization                            1,030.00
Reorganization expenses, such as expenditure
for allocation of employees and integration fee
Gains and losses from excess of transaction
which are conducted on a non-fair-valued basis
over its fair value
Current net gains and losses of subsidiaries
occurred from combination under the same
control commencing from period-begin to
combination date
Gains and losses from contingent events which
has no relation with normal business of the
Gains and losses from change of fair values of
held-for-transaction financial assets and

                                                     Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd..2012 Third Quarterly Report

financial liabilities except for the effective
hedge business related to normal business of
the Company, and investment income from
disposal of transactional financial assets and
liabilities and financial assets available for sale
Reversal of impairment reserve for account
receivable with separate impairment testing
gains/ losses from external entrustment loans
Gains and losses arising from change of fair
value of investment properties whose follow-up
measurement are at fair value
Affect upon current gains/losses arising from
the one-off adjustment in subject to
requirement of laws and rules in relation to
taxation and accounting
Income from entrusted custody operation
Other non-operating income and expenditure
except the abovementioned                                           669,497.94
Other item that satisfied the definition of
non-recurring gains and losses
Influenced amount of minority shareholders’
Impact on income tax                                                -342,130.43

Total                                                              1,254,222.91                     --
Explanation on “Other item that satisfied the definition of non-recurring gains and losses” and defined
non-recurring gains and losses as recurring gain/loss according to natures and characteristic of
self-operation status
                                Amount involved
           Item                                                                        Note

II.   Total number of shareholders and top ten shareholders at the end of the reporting period

Total number of shareholders
at the end of the reporting                                                                                         13,735
                                        Top ten shareholders of tradable shares
Shareholder                    Holding of tradable shares at                      Share type and amount
                                 the end of the reporting
                                           period                         Type                           Amount
Shanghai Wanguo Securities
                                                  4,459,015              B-share                                  4,459,015
SECURITIES(HONGKONG)                              2,403,412              B-share                                  2,403,412
CHAN KEUNG                                        1,289,600              B-share                                  1,289,600
Wang Feifei                                         588,008              B-share                                   588,008
Shu Jianping                                        500,500              B-share                                   500,500
Zhang Xiufang                                       456,988              B-share                                   456,988

                                                     Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd..2012 Third Quarterly Report

Gu Feng                                             442,400              B-share                                     442,400
Cai Xilong                                          427,855              B-share                                     427,855
Yan Zengqing                                        399,806              B-share                                     399,806
Long Jianqiu                                        340,000              B-share                                     340,000
Explanation of shareholders -

III. Significant issues
I. Substantial changes in main items on the financial statements and main financial indicators,
and explanation on the reason of the changes
√applicable   □inapplicable

                                                                                                 Reason     of   a    substantial
 Item                      30 Sep. 2012      31 Dec. 2011         Change(Yuan)     Change(%)
                                                                                                 Banking acceptance notes at
 Notes receivable           8,526,015.83     12,863,723.59         -4,337,707.76      -33.72%    year-beginning were settled in
                                                                                                 the reporting period.
                                                                                                 Construction of plant and
 Construction       in
                           15,052,795.17     10,062,821.54         4,989,973.63       49.59%     storage house in the reporting
                                                                                                 The       Company        opened
 Notes payable             79,625,044.36        262,091.29        79,362,953.07    30280.65%     commercial acceptance notes
                                                                                                 in the reporting period.
                                                                                                 By     sending     goods  to
                                                                                                 customers in the period,
 Advances from                                                                                   prepayment by customers in
                           57,563,771.37     87,763,330.36        -30,199,558.99      -34.41%
 customers                                                                                       previous       period    was
                                                                                                 recognized as revenue from
                                                                                                 sales of goods
                                                                                                 At the end of the reporting
                                                                                                 period, the balance of input tax
 Taxes payable                  -60,116.07   15,773,935.97        -15,834,052.04    -100.38%
                                                                                                 to be deducted was larger than
                                                                                                 output tax
                                                                                                 Some subsidiaries of the
                                                                                                 Company       haven’t  paid
 Dividends payable          2,181,334.40      1,344,198.22           837,136.18       62.28%
                                                                                                 dividend   to   their  minor
                         Jan.-Sep. 2012      Jan.-Sep. 2011       Change(Yuan)     Change(%)
 Operating tax and                                                                               Taxes were increased as sales
                            8,173,205.74      4,993,841.41         3,179,364.33       63.67%
 extras                                                                                          revenues grew.
                                                                                                 Due to an increase of
                                                                                                 percentage of equity in the
                                                                                                 subsidiary Nanjing Mennekes
                                                                                                 Electric Appliances Co., Ltd,
 Investment                                                                                      there was a change of
                            2,924,840.07      5,061,610.08         -2,136,770.01      -42.22%
 income                                                                                          accounting method from equity
                                                                                                 method into cost method, and
                                                                                                 the     investment    income
                                                                                                 recognized from the subsidiary
                                                                                                 was therefore decreased.
                                                                                                 Gains from fixed assets
                                                                                                 disposal and tax refund were
                            2,627,717.19      1,638,261.54           989,455.65       60.40%
 Non-operating                                                                                   higher than that of the same
 income                                                                                          period of last year.
   Non-operating                532,549.95      126,022.06           406,527.89      322.58%     There is an increase of
 expenses                                                                                        compensation payout in the

                                                     Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd..2012 Third Quarterly Report

                                                                                                 reporting period.
 Net          profit
                                                                                                 Growth margin of costs and
 attributable    to
                            4,975,442.34      8,286,298.04       -3,310,855.70        -39.96%    expenditures outpaced that of
 owners of the
                                                                                                 sales revenue.
 parent company
                                                                                                 With an increase of sales,
 Net Cash flow
                                                                                                 payment from customers were
 from       operating     -41,730,141.16    -74,317,507.51       32,587,366.35        43.85%
                                                                                                 larger than the same period of
                                                                                                 last year.
 Net Cash flow                                                                                   Interest     expenses         and
 from       financing      -3,630,880.10     -2,183,853.91       -1,447,026.19        -66.26%    dividends      distributed     by
 activities                                                                                      subsidiaries increased.

II. Progress of significant issues as well as analysis of their effect and solution plan

1.Being issued a non-standard auditor’s opinion

□applicable   √inapplicable

2. Fund provided by the Company to its controlling shareholder or related parties of the
controlling shareholder, and guaranty provided by the Company in violation of prescriptive

□applicable   √inapplicable

3. Signing and implementation of significant contracts that are related to routine operations

□applicable   √inapplicable

4.Other issues

√applicable □inapplicable
On 12 July 2012, resolution about transferring 17.79% equity interests respectively in Shanghai Yulong Biology Science &
Technology Co., Ltd. and Qufu Yulong Biology Science & Technology Co., Ltd. was approved at the 1st extraordinary
general meeting for 2012. The price of such equity transfer was based by reference to the valuation price of shareholder’s
equity concerning such transferred equity interests held by the Company. The price for sale was not less than RMB40,
657,400, including RMB25, 039,700 and RMB15, 617,700 for Shanghai Yulong and Qufu Yulong respectively. The
Company traded the 17.79% equity interests respectively in Shanghai Yulong and Qufu Yulong by listing on Shanghai
United Property Exchange on 19 July 2012, with price of RMB25, 039,800 and RMB15, 617,800. There is no intent
transferee till now and the listing is going on.

III. Commitment made by the Company or shareholders owning over 5 percent of capital shares
during the reporting period

□applicable   √inapplicable

IV. Forecast of operating results of the year 2012

Caution and explanation on a forecasted accumulated net loss for the period from the year-beginning to the end of the
next reporting period or a material change in net profit compared with the same period of last year
□applicable √inapplicable

                                                    Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd..2012 Third Quarterly Report

V. Other significant issues necessary to be stated

1. Securities investment

□applicable   √inapplicable

2. Derivative investment

□applicable   √inapplicable

3. Holding of derivative investment products at the end of the reporting period

□applicable   √inapplicable

4. Registration form of receiving research, communication and interview in the report period

                                                                                                     Content discussed
       Date                     Place         Way                  Type                Object         and documents
                                                                                                    Inquiring about the
26 July 2012         In the Company     On telephone       Individual           Individual investor conditions of the
                                                                                                    Inquiring about the
                                                                                                    progress of the
19 September
                     In the Company     On telephone       Individual           Individual investor share    trade   of

5. Issuing of corporate bond

Whether issued corporate bond
□ Yes √ No
                                                                                   Chairman of the BOD: Sun Liang
                                                                         Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.
                                                                     Approval dated by the Board: 24 October 2012
