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						Stock Code: 200468                                  Short Form of the Stock: NJ TEL B                                Notice No.: 2014-018

                  Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.
                              Summary of Semi-Annual Report 2014
1. Important Notice

The summary of semi-annual report is excerpted from the full text of the semi-annual report. For the details, investors should
carefully read the full text of the semi-annual report published on Juchao Information website (www.cninfo.com.cn) and Shenzhen
Stock Exchange Website etc., appointed by CSRC.

Company profile
Short form for share                        NJ TEL B                       Code for share                   200468
Listing stock exchange                      Shenzhen Stock Exchange
Contact person and ways                                Secretary of the Board                        Rep. of securities affairs
Name                                        Zhang Shenwei                                   Xiao Hong
Tel.                                        86-25-58962010                                  86-25-58962072
Fax.                                        86-25-52409954                                  86-25-52409954
E-mail                                      zsw@postel.com.cn                               xiaohong@postel.com.cn

2. Main accounting data and Changes of shareholders

(1)Main accounting data

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data for accounting policy changed and accounting
error correction or not
□Yes √ No
                                                                                                               Increase/decrease in this
                                                       Current period            Same period of last year
                                                                                                                   report y-o-y (%)
Operating revenue (RMB)                                   1,173,023,650.25               1,207,557,538.82                           -2.86%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                              -9,418,674.05                   -2,719,217.34                       -246.37%
the listed company(RMB)
Net profit attributable to shareholders of
the listed company after deducting                           -13,163,451.04                   -3,466,018.77                       -279.79%
non-recurring gains and losses(RMB)
Net cash flow arising from operating
                                                             -56,514,782.79                 -135,255,287.95                        58.22%
Basic earnings per share (RMB/Share)                                    -0.044                       -0.013                       -238.46%
Diluted earnings per share (RMB/Share)                                  -0.044                       -0.013                       -238.46%
Weighted average ROE (%)                                            -2.49%                          -0.72%                          -1.77%
                                                                                                               Increase/decrease in this
                                                  End of current period             End of last period        report-end over that of last
                                                                                                                    period-end (%)
Total assets (RMB)                                        2,196,746,550.83               2,107,194,638.89                           4.25%
Net assets attributable to shareholder of
                                                             373,637,925.56                 383,210,520.22                          -2.50%
listed company(RMB)

(2)Particulars about the shares held by the top ten common shareholders

Total common shareholders at

                                  Particulars about the shares held by the top ten common shareholders
                                                                                                               Number of share
                     Nature of        Proportion of   Number of      Number of non-circulation stock           pledged/frozen
                    shareholder        shares held    shares held                held
                                                                                                         State of share   Amount
China Potevio
Company                                     53.49%     115,000,000                       115,000,000
SECURITIES(                                   2.57%      5,531,994                                  0
Shanghai H.K.
Wanguo                                        2.18%      4,693,000                                  0
Sun Huiming                                   0.83%      1,780,610                                  0
                  natural person
Chen Qiang                                    0.60%      1,289,600                                  0
                  natural person
Gao Lingyun                                   0.47%      1,000,000                                  0
                  nature person
Wang Feifei                                   0.27%        584,408                                  0
                  nature person
Hu Jun                                        0.24%        519,150                                  0
                  nature person
Shu Jianping                                  0.23%        500,500                                  0
                  nature person
Duan Ruifeng                                  0.17%        374,100                                  0
                  nature person
Explanation on associated        Among the top ten shareholders, China Potevio Company Limited is neither a related party nor a
relationship among the aforesaid person acting in concert with the others. It’s unknown by the Company whether there are related
shareholders                     parties or persons acting in concert among the other shareholders.
Explanation on shareholders
involving margin business (if        N/A

(3) Particulars about the top ten shareholders with preferred stock held
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No particular about the shareholders with preferred stock held in Period.
(4)Changes of controlling shareholders or actual controller
Changes of controlling shareholders in reporting period
□ Applicable      √ Not applicable
No change of controlling shareholders in reporting period
Changes of actual controller in reporting period
□ Applicable      √ Not applicable
No change of actual controller in reporting period

3. Discussion and analysis of management

The Company is a state-owned communication equipment manufacturing enterprise that mainly engages in the
manufacture and sale of communications equipment; at present, it has 8 operating entities directly under it,

including the wiring systems, the cable systems, the wireless systems, and it also has 12 subsidiaries, including
Nanjing South Telecommunications Company Limited and Nanjing Putian Tianji Building Intelligent Ltd, and its
product range covers optical communications, network communications, multimedia communications and other
fields. During the reporting period, facing the complicated market situation and the difficult business environment,
the company has focused on improving the core competitiveness of the industry by optimizing the product
structure, improving the product competitiveness, strengthening the technological innovation, and promoting the
transformation and upgrading, so that its major industries achieved balanced development trend, and the
production and business remained stable. Affected by the disinvestment of 3G operators and the fierce market
competition, in the first half year, the company has achieved the operating incomes of 1.173 billion Yuan, reduced
by 2.86% on a year-on-year basis, total profits of 185,100 Yuan, reduced by 91.25% on a year-on-year basis, and
net profits attributable to the parent company -9,418,700 Yuan.

Y-o-y chenges on main financial data (In RMB)
                                                                     Changes (+,-)      Scope for
        Item             Jan.-June 2014          Jan.-June 2013                                           Reasons for major changes
                                                                        (RMB)            changed
                                                                                                  Sales declined resulted from operators
Operation revenue          1,173,023,650.25       1,207,557,538.82     -34,533,888.57      -2.86% cuts the investment for broadband and
                                                                                                  3G construction
                                                                                                    Sales declined on a y-o-y basis in the
Operation cost             1,008,242,535.79       1,043,008,171.55     -34,765,635.76      -3.33%
                                                                                                    Market development charges goes up in
Sales   expenses              84,634,467.99          82,273,548.91       2,360,919.08       2.87%
                                                                                                    the Period
                              64,294,527.99          62,829,331.87       1,465,196.12       2.33% Salary growth on a y-o-y basis
                                                                                                  Interest expense increased over same
Financial cost                15,922,237.55          11,488,031.64       4,434,205.91      38.60%
                                                                                                  period of last year
                                                                                                  Profit from subordinate stock-jointly
                                                                                                  company increased, mainly because
                                    227,042.96       -1,883,203.49       2,110,246.45     112.06% joint venture SEI-Nanjing Putian
                                                                                                  Optical Network Co., Ltd. has less
                                                                                                  deficit in the Period
                                                                                                  Financial expenses, human costs and
                                                                                                  market development charges increased,
Operation profit e            -4,150,260.40             788,992.83      -4,939,253.23    -626.02%
                                                                                                  the period expense growth over same
                                                                                                  period of last year
                                                                                                  Consolidation range increased in the
                                                                                                  period, in obtaining subsidiary Nanjing
                                                                                                  Putian Datang Information Electronic
                               4,748,462.85           1,927,667.56       2,820,795.29     146.33% Co., Ltd, the investment cost lower than
                                                                                                  the fair value of recognizable net assets
                                                                                                  attributable to the Company when
                                                                                                  acquiring, that is 3,276,800 Yuan earned
                                                                                                  Profit from part of the subsidiary
Income            tax
                               5,248,812.79           3,597,267.56       1,651,545.23      45.91% increased, than the income tax expenses
Net          profit           -9,418,674.05          -2,719,217.34      -6,699,456.71    -246.37%
attributable    to                                                                                  Revenue from sales declined in the
owners’ of parent                                                                                  Period y-o-y, period expenses increased

4. Matters relevant to financial report

(1) Particulars about the changes in aspect of accounting policy, estimates and calculation method
compared with the financial report of last year’s
□Applicable     √Not applicable
No changes in aspect of accounting policy, estimates and calculation method occurred in the Period

(2) Parriculars about retroactive restatement on major correction for accounting errors in reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No retroactive restatement on major correction for accounting errors in reporting period

 (3) Particulars about the change of consolidation range compared with the financial report of last year’s

√ Applicable □ Not applicable
One enterprise included in combination compared with last year’s:
                            Ratio of        Reasons in
         Name                                                    Closing net assets    Current net profit
                          voting rights consolidation range
Nanjing Putian Datang
                                        controlling rights
Information Electronic 40%                                               22,461,935.59          1,239,203.25
                                        on the enterprise in
Co., Ltd
Note: The Company has more members in the board under the name of Nanjing Putian Datang Information Electronic Co., Ltd
during the Period, and takes majority voting rights in the board

(4) Explanation on “Qualified Opinion” of the Report from CPA by the Board and Supervisory Committee

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                                Board of Directors of
                                                     Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.
                                                                  26 August 2014
