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                                             Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.

             2020 Annual Report

                 April 2021

                                         Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

      Section I. Important Notice, Contents and Interpretation

Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, all directors, supervisors and senior
executives of Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred
to as the Company) hereby confirm that there are no any fictitious statements,
misleading statements, or important omissions carried in this report, and shall
take all responsibilities, individual and/or joint, for the reality, accuracy and
completion of the whole contents.
Wang Wenkui, Principal of the Company, Wang Huilin, person in charge of
accounting works and Tang Yiqiao, person in charge of accounting organ
(accounting principal) hereby confirm that the Financial Report of 2020 Annual
Report is authentic, accurate and complete.

All directors are attend the Meeting for Report deliberation.

Concerning the forward-looking statements with development strategy,
operation plans and targets involved in the Report, they do not constitute a
substantial commitment for investors. Investors are advised to exercise caution
of investment risks.

Investors’ attention is requested to see the risk factors that the Company may be

faced in its future development which has been analyzed in the “Section IV

Discussion and Analysis of Operation” in this report.

The Company has no plans of cash dividend distributed, no bonus shares and

has no share converted from capital reserve either.

                                                                      Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report


Section I Important Notice, Contents and Interpretation ..................................................................... 2

Section II Company Profile and Main Financial Indexes .................................................................... 5

Section III Summary of Company Business ...................................................................................... 10

Section IV Discussion and Analysis of Operation ............................................................................. 14

Section V Important Events ............................................................................................................... 38

Section VI Changes in shares and particular about shareholders ...................................................... 78

Section VII Preferred Stock ............................................................................................................... 85

Section VIII Convertible Bonds.........................................................................................................86

Section IX Particulars about Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives ..................................... 87

Section X Corporate Governance .................................................................................................... 101

Section XI Corporate Bonds.............................................................................................................108

Section XII Financial Report ........................................................................................................... 109

Section XIII Documents available for reference.............................................................................. 208

                                                           Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report


                    Items              Refers to                                    Contents

CSRC                                   Refers to China Securities Regulatory Commission

SZ Stock Exchange                      Refers to Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Potevio                                Refers to China Potevio (controlling shareholder of the Company)

The Company, Company, Nanjing Putian   Refers to Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.

                                                   Nanjing Southern Telecom Co., Ltd(controlling subsidiary of the
Southern Telecom                       Refers to

                                                   Nanjing Putian Telege Intelligent Building Ltd (controlling subsidiary of
Telege Building                        Refers to
                                                   the Company)

                                                   Nanjing Putian Datang Information Electronic Co., Ltd.(controlling
Datang Electronic                      Refers to
                                                   subsidiary of the Company)

Reporting period                       Refers to Year of 2020

                                                                 Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

           Section II Company Profile and Main Financial Indexes

I. Company information

Short form of the stock       NJ TEL B                                Stock code                  200468

Stock exchange for listing    Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Name of the Company (in

Short form of the Company
(in Chinese)

Foreign name of the
                              Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.
Company(if applicable)

Legal representative          Wang Wenkui

                              No. 58 Qinhuai Road, Jiangning Economics and Technology Development Zone, Nanjing, Jiangsu
Registrations add.

Code for registrations add    211100

                              Putian Technology Pioneer Park, No.8 Fenghui Avenue, Yuhuatai District, Nanjing, Jiangsu
Offices add.

Codes for office add.         210039

Company’s Internet Web Site www.postel.com.cn

E-mail                        securities@postel.com.cn

II. Person/Way to contact

                                                    Secretary of the Board                     Rep. of security affairs

Name                                      Li Jing                                    Xiao Hong

                                          Putian Technology Pioneer Park, No.8       Putian Technology Pioneer Park, No.8
Contact address                           Fenghui Avenue, Yuhuatai District,         Fenghui Avenue, Yuhuatai District,
                                          Nanjing, Jiangsu Province                  Nanjing, Jiangsu Province

Tel.                                      86-25-69675809                             86-25-69675865

Fax.                                      86-25-52416518                             86-25-52416518

E-mail                                    lijing@postel.com.cn                       xiaohong@postel.com.cn

III. Information disclosure and preparation place

Newspaper appointed for information disclosure        Securities Times; Hong Kong Commercial Daily

                                                                            Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

Website for annual report publish appointed by CSRC www.cninfo.com.cn

Preparation place for annual report                            Office of the BOD

IV. Registration changes of the Company

Organization code                                  91320000134878054G

Changes of main business since listing (if
                                                   No change

                                                   The original controlling shareholder of the Company was China Putian Corporation. In
Previous        changes      for     controlling
                                                   2005, China Putian Corporation transferred all the holding shares free to China Potevio.
shareholders (if applicable)
                                                   The controlling shareholder of the Company changed to China Potevio.

V. Other relevant information

CPA engaged by the Company

Name of CPA                              Pan-China Certified Public Accountants (LLP)

                                         17/F, Tower B, Beijing International Building, No. 18, Nandajie Jia, ZOL, Haidian District,
Offices add. for CPA

Signing accountant                       Jin Jingyu, Zhang Jinghui
Sponsor engaged by the Company for performing continuous supervision duties in reporting period

□ Applicable    √ Not applicable
Financial adviser engaged by the Company for performing continuous supervision duties in reporting period

√ Applicable    □ Not applicable

                                      Office address of the financial
         Financial adviser                                                     Financial adviser sponsor    Continuous supervision period

                                     North    Block,       Time    Square
                                     Excellence (Phase II), No.8
CITIC Securities Co., Ltd.           Zhongxin       3rd    Road,   Futian Yang Xiao, Yang Zhenrui          2020.12.31-2021.12.31
                                     District, Shenzhen, Guangdong

VI. Main accounting data and financial indexes

Whether it has retroactive adjustment or re-statement on previous accounting data or not
□ Yes   √No

                                                                                                 Changes   (+,-)
                                                    2020                       2019            compared with the            2018
                                                                                                  previous year

Operating revenue (RMB)                         1,025,243,815.83            1,338,284,194.21               -23.39%       1,995,627,772.60

                                                                         Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

Net       profit      attributable      to
shareholders         of    the       listed        21,964,552.84          -169,088,516.69                 112.99%             5,859,214.84

Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed Company
                                                 -154,393,042.76          -171,904,933.41                 10.19%          -21,461,955.87
after deducting non-recurring gains
and losses(RMB)

Net cash flow arising from
                                                   88,145,348.87            22,686,114.91                 288.54%        -155,418,733.83
operating activities (RMB)

Basic       earnings       per       share
                                                             0.10                   -0.79                 112.66%                     0.03

Diluted earnings per share
                                                             0.10                   -0.79                 112.66%                     0.03

Weighted average ROE                                       12.29%                -66.55%                  78.84%                    1.66%

                                                                                              Changes     (+,-)
                                                                                             compared with the
                                              Year-end of 2020      Year-end of 2019                                 Year-end of 2018
                                                                                            year-end of previous

Total assets (RMB)                              1,167,608,410.82         1,652,005,519.44                 -29.32%       2,120,744,292.41

Net       assets      attributable      to
shareholder of listed Company                     189,624,160.92          169,543,106.29                   11.84%         355,289,728.24

The lower of the company’s net profit before or after deduction of non-recurring profit (gain)/loss for the last three financial years is
negative, and the audit report for the latest year indicates that there is uncertainty about the company’s ability to continue as a going
□Yes   √No
The lower of the net profit before or after deduction of non-recurring profit (gain)/loss is negative
√Yes   □No

                   Item                             2020                             2019                              Note

Operating revenue (RMB)                               1,025,243,815.83                 1,338,284,194.21 -

Deduction amount from
                                                        10,262,253.21                       9,372,750.09 -
operating revenue (RMB)

Amount after deduction (RMB)                          1,014,981,562.62                 1,328,911,444.12 -

VII. Difference of the accounting data under accounting rules in and out of China

1. Difference of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report, under both IAS (International
Accounting Standards) and Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)

□ Applicable √ Not applicable

                                                                           Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

The Company had no difference of the net profit or net assets disclosed in financial report, under either IAS (International
Accounting Standards) or Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) in the period.

2. Difference of the net profit and net assets disclosed in financial report, under both foreign accounting
rules and Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles)

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company had no difference of the net profit or net assets disclosed in financial report, under either foreign accounting rules or
Chinese GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) in the period.

VIII. Quarterly main financial index

                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                                                     Q1                       Q2                     Q3                    Q4

Operating revenue                                151,862,432.34             253,310,371.28         257,967,139.46        362,103,872.75

Net     profit      attributable      to
                                                 -30,609,179.61              -28,247,674.42         -1,190,034.23         82,011,441.10
shareholders of the listed Company

Net profit attributable to
shareholders of the listed Company
                                                 -33,044,537.66              -30,562,957.49         -5,633,894.62        -85,151,652.99
after deducting non-recurring gains
and losses

Net cash flow arising from
                                                 -19,005,983.54               36,658,701.57          6,656,073.35         63,836,557.49
operating activities

Whether there are significant differences between the above-mentioned financial index or its total number and the relevant financial
index disclosed in the Company’s quarterly report and semi-annual report
□Yes   √ No

IX. Items and amounts of extraordinary profit (gains)/loss

√ Applicable    □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                 In RMB

                       Item                                 2020                   2019               2018                Note
Gains/losses      from       the   disposal    of
non-current asset (including the write-off                171,454,257.57            119,033.08      33,483,456.05
that accrued for impairment of assets)
Governmental subsidy reckoned into current
gains/losses (not including the subsidy
enjoyed in quota or ration according to                     6,456,622.79           4,265,247.47      8,554,841.22
national     standards,   which      are   closely
relevant to enterprise’s business)

Other non-operating revenue and
                                                            1,135,543.03           -185,497.35        -165,751.16
expenditure except for the aforementioned

                                                                      Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report


Payable unable to paid                                                        362,546.35         1,332,427.34

Less: impact on revenue tax                             122,246.44            154,871.99         5,400,947.05

     Impact on minority shareholders’
                                                       2,566,581.35          1,590,040.84       10,482,855.69
equity (post-tax)

Total                                               176,357,595.60           2,816,416.72       27,321,170.71              --

Concerning the extraordinary profit (gain)/loss defined by Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies
Offering Their Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, and the items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according to
the lists of extraordinary profit (gain)/loss in Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their
Securities to the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss, explain reasons
□ Applicable    √ Not applicable
In reporting period, the Company has no particular about items defined as recurring profit (gain)/loss according to the lists of
extraordinary profit (gain)/loss in Q&A Announcement No.1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to
the Public --- Extraordinary Profit/loss

                                                          Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

                     Section III Summary of Company Business

I. Main businesses of the Company in the reporting period

As one of the important product and solution providers in the domestic information and communication field, the
company adheres to the "product + solution + service" strategy, and continuously accelerates product innovation,
industrial structure adjustment, transformation and upgrading. The main business of the company and its
subsidiaries involves optical communication networks, wireless communication networks, data applications,
industrial electric and other fields, including optical distribution networks and communication supporting overall
solutions (ODN overall solutions, optical network intelligent solutions, energy-saving data centre solutions),
multimedia communication and application solutions, building intelligent integrated solutions, industrial
intelligent power distribution systems, solar street light control systems, etc. Customers include domestic telecom
operators, China Tower and industry customers in government, finance, power, medical and other fields.

The company’s optical distribution network and communication supporting overall solutions can be used for
domestic communication network construction, broadcasting and television network transformation, high-speed
rail communication construction, urban metro construction, e-commerce industry, etc.; and the data center
products are widely used in data center construction projects of operators, internet and other enterprises; the
subsidiary Nanjing Southern Telecom Co., Ltd. can provide remote collaboration application solutions for the
large and medium-sized industry customers in the fields of government, finance, medical care, and education, and
so on; the subsidiary Nanjing Putian Telege Intelligent Building Ltd. mainly provides customers with
mid-to-high-end integrated wiring and intelligent application solutions; subsidiary Nanjing Nanman Electrics Co., Ltd.
is oriented towards rail transit, airports, ports and other industrial sites and provides industrial intelligent power
distribution products; the subsidiary Nanjing Putian Datang Information Electronic Co., Ltd. mainly provides
customers with solar street lamp controllers and Internet of Things street lamp monitoring systems, etc.

The company mainly obtains business opportunities by participating in project bidding, designs plans, produces or
purchases equipment required by customers according to project requirements, and is responsible for installation
and debugging, and realizes profits after deducting costs in accordance with the contract price. The company's
operating results are mainly affected by factors such as capital expenditures by telecom operators and industry
customers, information input and bidding results, fluctuations in raw material prices and other cost changes.

The company has a complete industrial chain structure, has good R&D, production, and marketing capabilities,
and has established good brand strength and influence in the industry market and the operator market. The
company is now a member unit of the Jiangsu Information Innovation Industry Alliance and a member unit of the
Information Technology Application Innovation Working Committee of the China Electronics Standardization

                                                             Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

Association, and has the qualification of Huawei intelligent collaboration first-level distributor. During the
reporting period, Telege Building participated in the formulation and revision of six industry standards, including
the national standard for generic cabling of IEC11801 and the "Data Center Infrastructure Construction and
Acceptance Specification", and was awarded the "Top Ten Generic Cabling Brands" for the sixteenth consecutive
year; "e Cloud. e Horizon Mo-Cloud" of Southern Telecom won the "Outstanding Innovation Application
Industry Leadership Award" selected by the Posts and Telecommunications News in 2019. During the reporting
period, the company actively deployed Huawei videoconferencing business and strengthened the cultivation of
new businesses such as independent management software.

II. Major changes in main assets

1. Major changes in main assets

                Major assets                                           Note of major changes

                                    The 49.64% equity of joint stock corporation-Putian High-Tech Co., Ltd. and the 100%
Equity assets                       equity of controlling subsidiary -Nanjing Putian Information Technology Co., Ltd were
                                    transferred by the Company in the reporting period.

                                    Fixed assets at the end of the reporting period were 100.16 million Yuan, a decrease of
Fixed assets                        10.56 million Yuan from the beginning of the period, and mainly due to the disposal of
                                    the No.1 Putian Road and Beijing property during the reporting period.

                                    Amount at the end of the reporting period was 21.26 million Yuan, a decrease of 7.12
Intangible assets                   million Yuan from the beginning of the period, mainly due to the land use right of No.1
                                    Putian Road was transferred by the Company during the reporting period.

                                    Amount at the end of the reporting period was 22.45 million Yuan, an increase of 9.41
Construction in progress            million Yuan from the beginning of the period, mainly due to the input for construction
                                    project of R&D center from subsidiary Datang Electronic during the reporting period.

                                    Amount at the end of the reporting period was 17.03 million Yuan, a decrease of 42.62
Note receivable                     million Yuan from the beginning of the period, mainly due to the transfer of endorsement
                                    of bill during the reporting period.

                                    Amount at the end of the reporting period was 32.59 million Yuan, an increase of 28.77
Receivable financing                million Yuan from the beginning of the period, mainly due to the bank acceptance
                                    received during the reporting period.

                                    Advance payment at the end of the reporting period was 19.62 million Yuan, a decrease
Advance payment                     of 14.14 million Yuan from the beginning of the period. Due to the strengthened control
                                    over advance payment, the purchases with advance payment declined in the Period.

                                    Amount at the end of the reporting period was 4.27 million Yuan, a decrease of 3.54
Investment real estate
                                    million Yuan from the beginning of the period, mainly declined for combination.

                                                          Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

2. Main overseas assets

□ Applicable   √ Not applicable

III. Core Competitiveness Analysis

As a state-owned holding information and communication device manufacturer, the company attaches great
importance to industrial development, continues to carry out market expansion and product innovation, has a
complete industrial chain and mature market network, has strong R&D, production, and marketing capabilities,
and has strong comprehensive competitiveness.
1. Marketing ability
The company has mature market networks, serves the operators and industry customers in the government, rail
transit, finance, medical, power, internet companies and others over a long period of time, and has rich industry
2. Product competitiveness
The company insists on being market-oriented, strengthening and optimizing its leading products, actively
developing new products, and constantly improving its innovation capabilities.
The company has high technology and product advantages in wiring products. It has developed a series of optical
network connection products that have obtained a number of national invention patents, and is a supplier of strong
brand influence in the field of domestic optical fiber communication network connection products. Prefabricated
steel structure data center products can quickly build data center modules for use in the construction of data center
computer rooms, and perform on-site integration of various equipment in the production area to achieve integrated
delivery. Access products have good performance in wired access networks, optical transmission networks,
wireless access networks, etc., and are ranked among the "Top Ten Most Competitive Enterprises in China's
Optical Transmission and Network Access Equipment" throughout the year. The company's computing industry
products are produced and developed based on Huawei Kunpeng platform, and the performance indicators have
reached the high-end level of imported products, and have been recognized by the country, the Ministry of
Industry and Information Technology, multiple provinces and cities, telecom operators, and finance and other
industries. The subsidiary, Southern Telecom, has focused on video communication applications for more than 20
years, and has accumulated rich market channels and customer resources, as well as differentiated product and
program design capabilities, its self-developed products have been recognized by large industry customers. The
complete set of electrical products of the subsidiary, Nanman Company, are widely used in airports, wharves, rail
transit and other industries, and has accumulated rich customer resources and industry experience, and can
provide customers with complete sets of products and solutions for individual needs. Telege Building is
positioned in the high-end market for cabling system, and its products serve the Beijing Winter Olympics,
domestically produced large aircraft and other key projects, and it is actively developing new products such as a
new generation of intelligent cabling systems and integrated cabling management platforms.
3. Brand influence
The company is an information and communication enterprise under the central state-owned enterprise, and

                                                      Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

communication products with Putian brand have a strong brand influence in the field of domestic optical fiber
communication network connection products. The integrated cabling products of Telege Building are well-known
brand products in Jiangsu Province, a famous trademark of the province, and have been ranked among the top ten
domestic cabling system brands for more than ten consecutive years. The video conferencing product series of
Southern Telecom have a high reputation in China.

                                                          Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

                  Section IV Discussion and Analysis of Operation

1. Introduction
In 2020, due to the comprehensive impact of the COVID-19 epidemic and market competition, the company’s
operations faced severe challenges. The company focused on its annual operating tasks, adhered to ―pragmatic,
trustworthy, service, and win-win‖, and focused on ―transformation and reform‖. When preventing and
controlling the epidemic, we adhered to the general keynote of seeking progress while maintaining stability,
adhered to customer-centric, market-oriented, and centered on the main business of the industry, focused on gross
profit margin and cash flow management, deepened reform and innovation, and increased inventory revitalization.
The company's overall operation has been stable. In 2020, the Company achieved an operating revenue of 1.025
billion Yuan with 23.39% down on a y-o-y basis, the net profit attributable to shareholder of listed company
amounted to 21.9646 million Yuan.

In terms of industrial development, the company adhered to the business philosophy of "being practical", with the
primary goal of improving gross profit margin and improving operating cash flow, relied on industry, focused on
main business and unswervingly make the industry more solid, stronger and better.

The company focused on the main business of communications, paid close attention to the key industries, and
actively explored the transformation of traditional industries into data center businesses. In the early stage of the
epidemic, the company overcame numerous difficulties and cooperated with partners to build Tencent Dongsheng
Cloud Computing Data Center, completed the rapid assembly of multiple T-blocks, and realized the modular
prefabrication of the entire data center. The data center product successfully won the bid for the cabinet
supporting project of the second phase of the cloud computing base of China Telecom Chongqing Branch, and
supplied the micro-module data room of Henan Zhongtian Group and the module room of the Commission for
Discipline Inspection of Qingshan District, Baotou. Participated in the construction of Nanjing Telecom,
Changzhou International Data Center, machine room of Qixia Broadcasting and Television, machine room of
Taizhou Broadcasting and Television and other projects, and won praise from customers. Traditional wiring
products have won bids in many operator projects such as telecommunications, broadcasting and television, and
towers. The new product "Intelligent Manhole Cover Based on NB IoT" won the bid for the Beijing Unicom
project and completed the prototype pilot. In addition, the company has completed the upgrading and
transformation of some processing equipment, which has improved its independent production and manufacturing

During the reporting period, the COVID-19 epidemic forced the development of remote office systems, and
competition in the domestic video conferencing industry further intensified. The company strived to promote the
diversified development of its video business and actively deployed Huawei video business. The company became
the first-level distributor of Huawei's intelligent safeguard system, and Southern Telecom obtained the gold

                                                         Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

distributor qualification for Huawei's smart screen in Jiangsu area. Ruijing Information Release System passed the
compatibility test of Huawei Taishan server. Ruizhi video conference management system has become a joint
solution of Huawei ISV, which can support single Huawei platform and POLY+Huawei platform. At the same
time, by strengthening cooperation with business platform manufacturers, the company promoted independent
products, and strived to seek business breakthroughs in advantageous industries such as government, medical
treatment, and finance.

According to market demand, the company accelerated the upgrading of cabling products. Telege Building has
got the certification of "Nanjing Enterprise Technology Engineering Center", completed the research and
development of a new generation of intelligent cabling system and integrated cabling management platform and
small batch trial production, and completed the research and development of optical cabling products such as
Siemens data modules. Kept up with the military, transportation, finance, urban exhibition halls and other industry
markets, six types of unshielded cables won the bids of Huaqiang Group, China Construction Bank Shenzhen
Branch and other projects; optical products won the bids of China Railway Main Data Center Computer Room
and National Convention and Exhibition Center projects; intelligent display products won the bids of Nari Group,
Lukou Convention and Exhibition Center and other projects.

Electrical complete sets of products continued to deepen the rail transit industry. Nanman Company successfully
signed Nanjing Metro Line 7, Tianjin Metro Line 4, Hefei Metro Line 4, Changzhou Metro Line 2 and other
projects, and strived to expand the social project market, and completed the construction of the integrated pipe
gallery project in the hub area of Xiong’an Station and the pipe gallery project of Malaysian aluminum plant,
which was of positive significance to Nanman Electric's brand building and market development of "intelligent
power distribution integrated solutions".

Datang Electronics has been striving to carry out the strategic transformation to an "Internet of Things
technology-based enterprise", and on the premise of stabilizing the existing OEM business and the sales of solar
street light controllers, it has launched mains supply single light controllers, smart power supplies, smart cruise
terminals, and a series of IoT products. The mains supply smart street light management cloud platform and the
solar smart street light management cloud platform have entered the testing and verification stage.

In order to expand the company's business coverage and further optimize the industrial layout, the company
established a wholly-owned subsidiary Puhua Company in Chongqing. The company undertakes the computing
business authorized by Potevio, and at the same time serves as the southwestern market expansion unit of Nanjing
Putian's data center, video conferencing and other existing products. At the same time, it carries out the
Chongqing government cloud project in cooperation with Huawei. Under the authorization of Potevio, it has
gradually entered the information technology application innovation market and actively cultivated new economic
growth points for the company. In September, Potevio's "Pusheng" series of Kunpeng server products were

                                                                     Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

officially released at the Smart China Expo. During the reporting period, integrators have been connected to
promote the implementation of the information technology application innovation project.

During the epidemic, Southern Telecom and its partners opened some free video conference rooms at appropriate
times to help medical institutions, government agencies, enterprises and public institutions quickly carry out
remote real-time collaboration. After resumption of work, it has further focused on customer needs, and increased
the flow of customers on the "cloud" and the secondary development, gave full play to the advantages of
differentiation, and strived to make the business bigger and stronger.

In terms of business management, in the face of the complex and changeable business situation in 2020 and
unprecedented operating pressures, while doing a good job in the prevention and control of the epidemic, the
company adhered to the business philosophy of leading a thrifty life and leading a hard life, insisted on problem
orientation, increased the collection of the two funds, speeded up the revitalization of resources, and improved
internal control management by doing a good job in deepening reform and adjustment. The company continued to
increase the reform and adjustment of operating entities; speeded up asset revitalization, improved operating
resources, and released operating cash flow; strengthened financial management and gave full play to the core role
of financial management in operating activities; adhered to the rule of law to prevent legal risks; deepened the
management of losses, promoted the improvement of quality and efficiency; solidly promoted the governance of
loss-making entities, and actively carried out the work of turning losses and increasing profits by adjusting the
industrial structure and strengthening operation management; consolidated basic management and improved the
level of lean management.

During the reporting period, the COVID-19 epidemic and macro market environment had a certain adverse impact
on the Company’s business. In addition, in order to adapt to the market changes, the company took the initiative to
adjust the industrial structure, sales revenue declined form a year earlier.During the reporting period, the net profit
attributable to shareholder of listed company amounted to 21.9646 million Yuan, the impact of non-recurring
gains/losses on net income was 176.3576 million Yuan, mainly includes the income from disposal of non-current
assets of 171.4543 million Yuan, that is transfer the subordinate enterprise’s equity and land properties.

II. Main business analysis

1. Introduction

See the ―I-Introduction‖ in ―Discussion and Analysis of Operation‖

2. Revenue and cost

(1) Constitute of operation revenue

                                                                                                                           In RMB

                                                                Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

                                    2020                                         2019
                                         Ratio in operation                           Ratio in operation
                        Amount                                        Amount                                    y-o-y (+,-)
                                              revenue                                      revenue

Total operation
                      1,025,243,815.83                  100%       1,338,284,194.21                  100%              -23.39%


industry -Main         904,601,845.11               88.23%         1,191,168,506.75              89.01%                -24.06%
business revenue

industry -Other         21,885,890.12                   2.13%         19,282,451.91                  1.44%              13.50%
business revenue

Electrical industry
-Main business          96,477,794.59                   9.41%        125,526,053.59                  9.38%             -23.14%

Electrical industry
-Other business          2,278,286.01                   0.22%          2,307,181.96                  0.17%               -1.25%


Video conference
products- main         314,877,571.26               30.71%           365,004,501.66              27.27%                -13.73%
business revenue

General cabling
products- main         357,130,844.30               34.83%           359,232,741.86              26.84%                  -0.59%
business revenue

                        96,477,794.59                   9.41%        125,526,053.59                  9.38%             -23.14%
business revenue

Private network
                                                                     186,594,827.60              13.94%               -100.00%
products -main
business revenue

Wiring and other
products-main          287,776,479.36               28.07%           316,048,396.10              23.62%                  -8.95%
business revenue

Interior offset         -55,183,049.81               -5.38%          -35,711,960.47               -2.67%               -54.52%

Other business
                        24,164,176.13                   2.36%         21,589,633.87                  1.61%              11.92%

                                                                    Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report


Domestic area-main
                            1,001,079,639.70               97.64%       1,316,427,546.22                 98.37%                -23.95%
business revenue

Domestic area
-Other business                24,164,176.13                2.36%          21,589,633.87                   1.61%                11.92%

Abroad -main
                                                                                267,014.12                 0.02%             -100.00%
business revenue

Note: Reasons on declined of the main business revenue from private network communication: settlement mode of the business has
changed. In the previous year, according to clients requirements, the Company was responsible for all procurement and production,
and collected payments for selling product to the customers, resulting in a main business revenue; during the reporting period, only
processing fees were used for settlement, resulting in other business revenue of 2.88 million Yuan.

(2) About the industries, products, or regions accounting for over 10% of the Company’s operating income
or operating profit

√ Applicable    □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                In RMB

                                                                                Increase/decrease Increase/decrease Increase/decrease
                                         Operating cost    Gross profit ratio     of operating     of operating cost   of gross profit
                                                                                 revenue y-o-y          y-o-y           ratio y-o-y


industry -Main         904,601,845.11    752,689,972.46              16.79%             -24.06%             -22.43%             -1.75%
business revenue

industry -Other         21,885,890.12     21,097,941.35               3.60%              13.50%             34.56%             -15.09%
business revenue

industry -Main          96,477,794.59     71,403,862.96              25.99%             -23.14%             -28.68%              5.75%
business revenue

industry -Other           2,278,286.01      1,714,165.72             24.76%               -1.25%              7.32%             -6.01%
business revenue


Main business
                       314,877,571.26    260,805,089.88              17.17%             -13.73%              -9.15%             -4.18%

Main business          357,130,844.30    277,322,277.49              22.35%               -0.59%              3.64%             -3.16%

                                                                   Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

cabling products

Main business
                         96,477,794.59       71,403,862.96          25.99%            -23.14%             -28.68%              5.75%
age distribution

Main business
                        287,776,479.36    268,702,106.80             6.63%              -8.95%              0.69%             -8.93%
and other

Interior offset          -55,183,049.81   -54,139,501.71             1.89%            -54.52%             -56.32%             -1.13%

other business
                         24,164,176.13       22,812,107.07           5.60%             11.92%             32.04%             -14.38%


area-main             1,001,079,639.70    824,093,835.42            17.68%            -23.95%             -23.01%             -1.01%
business revenue

area-other               24,164,176.13       22,812,107.07           5.60%             11.92%             32.04%             -14.38%
business revenue

Under circumstances of adjustment in reporting period for statistic scope of main business data, adjusted main business based on
latest one year’s scope of period-end
□ Applicable     √ Not applicable

(3) Income from physical sales larger than income from labors

√ Yes       □ No

         Industries              Item                 Unit                 2020                    2019
                                                                                                                     y-o-y (+,-)

                         Sales volume          Yuan                      926,487,735.23      1,210,450,958.66                -23.46%
                         Production volume     Yuan                      911,308,352.71      1,133,076,301.85                -26.42%
                         Inventory             Yuan                      150,760,796.17          165,940,178.69               -9.15%

                         Sales volume          Yuan                        98,756,080.6          127,833,235.55              -22.75%

Electrical industry      Production volume     Yuan                      104,180,149.27          127,632,545.94              -18.37%

                         Inventory             Yuan                       48,881,176.15           43,457,107.48              12.48%

Note: due to the variety of products, the measurement unit is difficult to unify, the sales volume, production volume and inventory are
expressed by the amount.

Reasons for y-o-y relevant data with over 30% changes

                                                                   Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

□ Applicable     √ Not applicable

(4) Fulfillment of the Company’s signed significant sales contracts up to this reporting period

□ Applicable     √ Not applicable

(5) Constitute of operation cost

Industry classification
                                                                                                                                In RMB

                                                       2020                                  2019
    Industries                Item                        Ratio in operation                     Ratio in operation
                                           Amount                                 Amount                                y-o-y (+,-)
                                                                 cost                                  cost

                      Main business
                      cost-Cost of raw
                      material           694,748,624.13             82.03%      900,740,417.31             82.81%              -22.87%

Communication         Main business
                                          57,941,348.33                 6.84%    69,633,948.53                6.40%            -16.79%
industry              cost- other

Communication         Other business
                                          21,097,941.35                 2.49%    15,679,501.63                1.44%            34.56%
industry              cost

                      Main business
                      cost-Cost of raw
                      material            63,426,773.23                 7.49%    89,556,252.70                8.23%            -29.18%

Electrical            Main business
                                           7,977,089.73                 0.94%    10,567,001.31                0.97%            -24.51%
industry              cost- other

Electrical            Other business
                                           1,714,165.72                 0.20%     1,597,245.18                0.15%              7.32%
industry              cost

Total                 Operation cost     846,905,942.49            100.00% 1,087,774,366.66               100.00%              -22.14%


(6) Whether the changes in the scope of consolidation in Reporting Period

√Yes      □No
Found more in the part of ―Change of Consolidation Scope‖ carried in Notes to Financial Statements in the full-text of the annual

                                                               Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

(7)Major changes or adjustment in business, product or service of the Company in Reporting Period

□ Applicable    √ Not applicable

(8) Major sales and main suppliers

Major sales client of the Company

Total top five clients in sales (RMB)                                                                          107,212,081.24

Proportion in total annual sales volume for top five clients                                                           10.46%

Sales of related parties in annual sales from top five

Information of top five clients of the Company

    Serial                        Name                         Sales (RMB)               Proportion in total annual sales

1            No.1                                                     31,127,043.42                                     3.04%

2            No.2                                                     20,589,728.71                                     2.01%

3            No.3                                                     19,144,261.54                                     1.87%

4            No.4                                                     18,648,861.29                                     1.82%

5            No.5                                                     17,702,186.29                                     1.73%

Total                                --                              107,212,081.24                                    10.46%

Other situation of main clients
□ Applicable    √ Not applicable

Main suppliers of the Company

Total purchase amount from top five suppliers (RMB)                                                            209,490,067.16

Proportion in total annual purchase amount for top five

Purchase of related parties in annual amount from top five

Information of top five suppliers of the Company

    Serial                        Supplier                     Sales (RMB)               Proportion in total annual sales

1               No.1                                                  56,196,018.53                                     7.41%

2               No.2                                                  48,057,599.10                                     6.34%

3               No.3                                                  45,246,191.76                                     5.97%

4               No.4                                                  34,022,889.05                                     4.49%

5               No.5                                                  25,967,368.72                                     3.42%

                                                                    Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

Total                               --                                    209,490,067.16                                        27.63%

Other notes of main suppliers of the Company
□ Applicable   √ Not applicable

3. Expenses

                                                                                                                                  In RMB

                                     2020                 2019                                          Note of major changes
                                                                             y-o-y (+,-)

                                                                                              Main reasons for major declined from a
                                                                                              year earlier: implemented new revenue
                                                                                              standards in the year, the ―freight‖ are
                                                                                              no longer included under the item of
                                                                                              ―Sales expenses‖; sales scale declined
Sales expense                       101,208,835.79      146,879,432.92             -31.09% on a y-o-y basis, the staff reduced, and
                                                                                              at the same time, employees enjoyed
                                                                                              the      national    social     insurance
                                                                                              preferential policies due to the the
                                                                                              epidemic, their salaries declined from a
                                                                                              year earlier.

Management expense                   75,477,706.26       87,447,829.68             -13.69%

Financial expense                    27,074,088.99       30,575,151.90              -11.45%

                                                                                              The staff reduced, and at the same
                                                                                              time, employees enjoyed the national
R&D expenses                         46,319,505.38       71,178,941.51             -34.93% social insurance preferential policies
                                                                                              due to the the epidemic, their salaries
                                                                                              declined from a year earlier.

4. Investment in R&D

√ Applicable   □ Not applicable
The company insisted on being market-oriented, actively developed new products and improved its technical level. During the
reporting period, the company newly increased 8 invention patents and 13 utility models; 5 scientific and technological research and
development projects passed the evaluation by experts of the municipal government, and were confirmed by the Nanjing Municipal
Government to enjoy relevant tax policies. During the reporting period, the company carried out the development of intelligent
precision monitoring units for distribution equipment for communications, outdoor shelter for FRP communication systems, outdoor
integrated water quality monitoring stations, 8 categories of cabling systems, 400G optical fiber cabling systems and other products.

R&D investment of the Company

                                                2020                             2019                         Change ratio(+/-)

Number of R&D (people)                                        332                                381                            -12.86%

                                                                    Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

Ratio of number of R&D                                   28.97%                              28.18%                           0.79%

R&D investment (Yuan)                              46,319,505.38                    71,178,941.51                        -34.93%

R&D investment accounted for
                                                           4.52%                             5.32%                        -0.80%
R&D income

R&D investment capitalization
                                                             0.00                              0.00                           0.00%

Capitalization R&D investment
                                                           0.00%                             0.00%                            0.00%
accounted for R&D investment

The reason of great changes in the proportion of total R&D investment accounted for operation income than last year
□ Applicable    √ Not applicable

Reason for the great change in R&D investment capitalization rate and rational description
□ Applicable    √ Not applicable

5. Cash flow

                                                                                                                           In RMB

                Item                          2020                              2019                    Y-o-y changes (+,-)

Subtotal of cash in-flow from
                                                1,207,247,116.07                 1,349,310,377.01                        -10.53%
operation activity

Subtotal of cash out-flow from
                                                1,119,101,767.20                 1,326,624,262.10                        -15.64%
operation activity

Net cash flow arising from
                                                   88,145,348.87                    22,686,114.91                        288.54%
operating activities

Subtotal of cash in-flow from
                                                  360,865,263.81                       2,081,423.80                   17,237.42%
investment activity

Subtotal of cash out-flow from
                                                   15,963,551.12                    14,544,973.78                             9.75%
investment activity

Net cash flow from investment
                                                  344,901,712.69                    -12,463,549.98                     2,867.28%

Subtotal of cash in-flow from
                                                  188,998,007.80                   547,594,317.72                        -65.49%
financing activity

Subtotal of cash out-flow from
                                                  660,669,001.36                   550,423,917.30                         20.03%
financing activity

Net cash flow from financing
                                                 -471,670,993.56                     -2,829,599.58                    -16,569.18%

Net increased amount of cash
                                                  -38,721,119.73                       7,414,549.18                     -622.23%
and cash equivalent

Main reasons for y-o-y major changes in aspect of relevant data

                                                                       Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

√ Applicable   □ Not applicable
During the reporting period, the net cash flow arising from operating activities has a significant y-o-y increase, mainly because the
Company strive to overcome the adverse impact of epidemic, strengthen the management of fund collection, strictly controls all
expenses and expenditures to reducing the costs and increasing efficiency.
Cash in-flow from investment activities and the net cash flow from investment activity are increased from a year earlier with major
amount, mainly because during the reporting period, the cash received from land property and subordinate enterprise disposal have
a significant increased on a y-o-y basis.
Cash in-flow from financing activities and net cash flow from financing activity are declined from a year earlier with major amount,
mainly because the loans in the reporting period declined from a year earlier and repayment of bank loans in the Period.
Net increased amount of cash and cash equivalent has a significant decrease from a year earlier, mainly because the net cash flow
from financing activity declined on a y-o-y basis dramatically.

Reasons of major difference between the cash flow of operation activity in report period and net profit of the Company
□ Applicable   √ Not applicable

III. Analysis of the non-main business

√ Applicable   □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                     In RMB

                               Amount                Ratio in total profit        Cause of formation           Whether be sustainable (N/Y)

                                                                             Income from disposal of
                                                                             long-term equity investment
                                                                             and transferred the equity of
Investment income                   93,175,109.94                206.23%                                       N
                                                                             joint stock companies and
                                                                             controlling        subsidiaries
                                                                             during the reporting period

                                                                             The bad debt loss of account
Credit impairment
                                    -41,615,815.85                -92.11% receivable           and    other N

Assets impairment
                                    -14,421,937.22                -31.92% Loss on inventory valuation N

                                                                             The income from disposal of
Income from assets                                                           fixed assets and intangible
                                    72,556,988.01                160.60%                                       N
   disposal                                                                  assets from land and real
                                                                             estate disposal

IV. Analysis of assets and liability

1. Major changes of assets composition

                                                                            Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

Implement the new revenue standards or new lease standards for the first time since 2020, and adjusted relevant items of financial
statement at beginning of the year
                                                                                                                                        In RMB

                             Year-end of 2020                   Year-begin of 2020          Ratio
                                          Ratio in total                    Ratio in total changes             Notes of major changes
                          Amount                              Amount
                                             assets                            assets        (+,-)

Monetary fund                                    17.97% 261,270,033.28            15.82%     2.15%

Account                 493,992,403.4
                                                 42.31% 697,656,063.96            42.23%     0.08%
receivable                            9

Inventory                                        17.10% 209,397,286.17            12.68%     4.42%

Investment real
                         4,267,013.35             0.37%      7,810,210.00           0.47%   -0.10%

Long-term equity
                        10,422,056.96             0.89% 181,762,383.50            11.00%    -10.11%

Fix assets                                        8.58% 110,722,102.52              6.70%    1.88%

Construction      in
                        22,454,792.27             1.92% 13,048,701.59               0.79%    1.13%

                                                                                                      Repay the loans during the reporting
Short-term loans        65,000,000.00             5.57% 451,915,948.50            27.36% -21.79%

Long-term loans                                   0.00%                             0.00%    0.00%

2. Assets and liability measured by fair value

√ Applicable    □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                        In RMB

                                                       fair value      Impairment      Amount        Sales amount
                    Opening          of fair value                                                                     Other       Ending
     Item                                               changes        accrued in    purchased in     in current
                       number       changes in the                                                                    changes      number
                                                      included in   current period current period       period


1.Receivable                                                                                                                     32,594,702.
financing                                                                                                                                    60

2.Other equity         741,953.00                                                                                                 741,953.00

                                                                     Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report


Total               4,563,503.77

                             0.00                                                                                                      0.00

Other changes
Whether there are significant changes in the measurement attributes of the major assets during the reporting period
□Yes     √No

3. The assets rights restricted till end of the period

Assets with ownership or usage rights restricted:
                      Item                              Book value at period –end                         Restriction reason
Monetary funds                                                                39,647,679.34       Note margin and guarantee margin
Monetary funds                                                                   139,284.75         Bank freeze involving litigation
Fixed assets                                                                  10,352,538.63                  Mortgage loan
Intangible assets                                                              3,665,962.99                  Mortgage loan
  Total                                                                       53,805,465.71
Saved as disclosed above, the Company pledged its stock rights of 4.8 million Yuan (40% equity in total) in the subsidiary Nanjing
Putian Telege Intelligent Building Ltd., stock rights of 33.17 million Yuan (96.99% equity in total) in the subsidiary Nanjing
Southern Telecom Co., Ltd., stock rights of 5.07 million Yuan (50.7 % equity in total)in the subsidiary Nanjing Putian Changle
Telecommunication Equipment Co., Ltd., and stock rights of 7.8 million Yuan (78% equity in total) in Nanjing Putian Network Co.,
Ltd pledge to the parent Company for entrusting the loan from Bank of Beijing, and handled the Company's equity registration
respectively at Market Supervision Administration in Jiangning District, Hi-Tech Industry District, Yuhuatai District and Qinghuai
District of Nanjing City. Transfer of the stock rights of the aforesaid subsidiaries are restricted before the pledge being lifted.

V. Investment

1. Overall situation

√ Applicable    □ Not applicable

                                                Investment in the same period of last year
    Investment in the reporting (RMB)                                                                          Changes
                                                                 ( RMB)

                                15,508,722.61                                12,710,363.19                                        22.02%

2. The major equity investment obtained in the reporting period

√ Applicable    □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                                      In RMB

                                                                            Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

                                                                                             Progres           Profit/l Whethe
Investe                           Amoun                                                      s as of Expecte oss on            r                Disclos
            Main                            Shareh                       Investm                                                     Disclos
      d                Investm      t                Capital                       Product     the      d      investm involve                    ure
           busines                          olding             Partner     ent                                                       ure date
enterpri               ent way investe                source                         type    balance earning ent for       d in a                index
                 s                           ratio                        term                                                       (If any)
   se                               d                                                         sheet     s        the       lawsuit              (If any)
                                                                                               date            period      (Y/N)

                                                                                             hed in                                             The
                                                                                             July                                               ―Annou
           Informa                                                                           2020                                               ncemen
           tion                                                                              with a                                             t on
           system                                                                            subscri                                            Investm
           integrat                                                                          bed                                                ent in
           ion                                                                               capital                                            the
Inform                 Newly
           services               2,000,0 100.00 Own                                         of 50             8,539.5               2020-0 Establis
ation                  establis                                N/A       10-year -                                         N
           and                     00.00           % funds                                   million                   4             7-09       hment
Technol                hed
           cloud                                                                             Yuan,                                              of a
           comput                                                                            and the                                            Wholly
           ing                                                                               paid-in                                            -owned
           busines                                                                           capital                                            Subsidi
           s etc.                                                                            of 2                                               ary‖ on
                                                                                             million                                            Juchao
                                                                                             Yuan in                                            Website

                                  2,000,0                                                                      8,539.5
Total         --          --                  --        --       --        --         --        --      0.00                   --       --            --
                                   00.00                                                                               4

3. The major non-equity investment doing in the reporting period

□ Applicable        √ Not applicable

4. Financial assets investment

(1) Securities investment
□ Applicable         √ Not applicable
The Company had no securities investment in the reporting period.

(2) Derivative investment

□ Applicable         √ Not applicable
The Company has no derivatives investment in the Period

                                                                                      Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

5. Application of raised proceeds

□ Applicable      √ Not applicable
The Company had no application of raised proceeds in the reporting period.

VI. Sales of major assets and equity

1. Sales of major assets

√ Applicable     □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                         r the
                                                                   Ratio                                                                entation
                                           uted by
                                                                   of net                                                                is on
                                             the                                                                 Whethe Whethe
                                                                   profit                             Associa                           schedul
                                            assets                                                                r the     r all the
                                                                   contrib                              tion                             e, and
                                            to the                                                               propert claims
                                                         Impact uted by                                with                              if not,
                                            listed                                        Whethe                 y rights       and
                             Trading                     of the     asset                               the                                 the
                                           compan                                         r it is a               of the     debts
                               price                     sale on sales to Pricing                     counter                           reasons              Disclos
Counter Dispose Selling                    y from                                         related                 asses     involve
                                (10                        the      the        principl                -party                               and    Disclos       ure
 -party d assets      date                   the                                          transact               involve d have
                             thousan                     compan     total            es               (applica                          measur ure date index
                                           beginni                                            ion                d have      been
                             d Yuan)                     y (Note    net                                ble to                               es
                                            ng of                                          (Y/N)                 all been    fully
                                                           3)      profit                             related                            taken
                                             the                                                                 transfer transfer
                                                                     of                               transact                          by the
                                           period                                                                  red          red
                                                                   listed                              ions)                            compan
                                            to the                                                               (Y/N)       (Y/N)
                                                                   compan                                                               y shall
                                           date of
                                                                     ies                                                                    be
                                           sale (10
                                           d Yuan)

                                                           Inco                                                                                              ―Propos
                                                           me                                                                                                al of
                                                           from                Listed                 Have                                                   Major
ion and Land
                                                           asset               for                    the                                                    Assets
Entrepr propert
                                                           s                   transfer               same                                                   Sale‖pu
eneursh y of the 2020.1       11,038.                              273.94                                                                          2020-1
                                                     0     dispo               based      Y           controll Y            Y           Y                    blished
ip        No. 1     2.24              36                                   %                                                                       0-14
                                                           sal                 on                     ing                                                    on
Manag Putian
                                                           are                 apprais                shareho                                                Juchao
ement     Road
                                                           recog               al value               lder                                                   Website
                                                           nized                                                                                             ;
                                                           as                                                                                                ―Major
                                                           60.1                                                                                              Assets

                                                                           Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

                                                    703                                                                           Sale
                                                    milli                                                                         and
                                                    on                                                                            Report
                                                    yuan                                                                          on

                                                  Income                                                                          ncemen
                                                  from                                                                            t on the
Lianyu                                            assets                                                                          Assets
ngang                                             disposa                                                                         Transfe
          Propert                                                    transfer
Yihan               2020.1                        l are                                                                 2020-0 r by
          y in                  1,172.4      0                26.71% based      N       N/A       Y        Y     Y
Service             2.28                          recogni                                                               1-18      Listing
          Beijing                                                    on
Co.,                                              zed as                                                                          ‖
Ltd.                                              5.8669                                                                          publish
                                                                     al value
                                                  million                                                                         ed on
                                                  Yuan                                                                            Juchao

                                                  Income                                                                          ncemen
                                                  from                                                                            t on the
                                                  assets                                                                          Assets
                                                  disposa                                                                         Transfe
          Propert                                                    transfer
                    2020.7.                       l are                                                                 2020-0 r by
Jin Xu y in                      1,170       0                30.92% based      N       N/A       Y        Y     Y
                    27                            recogni                                                               1-18      Listing
          Beijing                                                    on
                                                  zed as                                                                          ‖
                                                  6.7923                                                                          publish
                                                                     al value
                                                  million                                                                         ed on
                                                  Yuan                                                                            Juchao

2. Sales of major equity

√ Applicable    □ Not applicable

Counter Dispose Selling Trading             Net       Impact Ratio of Pricing Whether Associat Whether Whether Disclos Disclos
 -party d equity         date      price   profit         of the   net     principl   it is a   ion with   the   the   ure date        ure

                                                                            Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

                                (10        contribu sale on      profit           es   related        the     equity implem                 index
                              thousan ted by            the     contribu               transacti counter- involve entation
                              d Yuan)        the      compan ted by                        on     party      d have        is on
                                           equity        y       equity                 (Y/N)                all been schedul
                                            to the              sales to                                     transferr e, and if
                                            listed              the total                                        ed    not, the
                                           compan                 net                                         (Y/N)    reasons
                                           y from               profit of                                                  and
                                             the                 listed                                                measure
                                           beginni              compani                                                s taken
                                            ng of                  es                                                   by the
                                             the                                                                       compan
                                           period                                                                       y shall
                                            to the                                                                          be
                                           date of                                                                     explaine
                                           sale (10                                                                         d
                                           d Yuan)

                                                                                                                                           al of
           49.64%                                                                                                                          Sale‖pu
           equity                                                                                                                          blished
Putian                                                Incomes
           of the                                                                                                                          on
Innovati                                              from                  Listed               Have
           joint                                                                                                                           Juchao
on and                                                investm               for                  the
           stock                                                                                                                           Website;
Entrepre                                              ent are               transfer             same
           enterpri 2020-12 22,749.                              277.87                                                            2020-10 ―Major
neurship                                   -960.91 recogniz                 based      Y         controlli Y           Y
           se -       -28             22                                %                                                          -14     Assets
Manage                                                ed as                 on                   ng
           Putian                                                                                                                          Sale and
ment                                                  61.0321               appraisa             sharehol
           High-te                                                                                                                         Report
Co.,                                                  million               l value              der
           ch                                                                                                                              on
Ltd.                                                  yuan
           Industry                                                                                                                        Related
           Co., Ltd                                                                                                                        Transact
                                                                                                                                           dated 27
                                                                                                                                           er 2020

Putian     100%                                       Incomes                                    Have                                      ‖Annou
Innovati equity       2020-12 4,343.1                 from       192.97 Assesse                  the                               2020-12 ncement
                                           -167.55                                     Y                     Y         Y
on and     of the     -25             6               investm           % d value                same                              -10     on the
Entrepre subsidia                                     ent are                                    controlli                                 Related

                                                                       Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

neurship ry -                                      recogniz                              ng                                          Transact
Manage Nanjing                                     ed as                                 sharehol                                    ions of
ment       Putian                                  42.3852                               der                                         Subsidia
Co.,       Informa                                 million                                                                           ry’s
Ltd.       tion                                    yuan                                                                              Equity
           Technol                                                                                                                   Transfer
           ogy Co.,                                                                                                                   ‖
           Ltd.                                                                                                                      publishe
                                                                                                                                     d on

VII. Analysis of main holding Company and joint stock companies

√ Applicable     □ Not applicable
Particular about main subsidiaries and stock-jointly companies net profit over 10%
                                                                                                                                       In RMB

  Company                               Main        Register                                      Operating       Operating
                       Type                                       Total assets   Net assets                                       Net profit
       name                            business      capital                                      revenue           profit

Southern                                                          267,796,243. 87,455,194.4 315,258,523.
                  Subsidiary      on and          34.20 million                                                  7,284,552.26 7,996,426.60
Telecom Co.,                                                                51                9             64

Nanjing                           development,
Putian Telege                     production                      258,488,425. 88,697,524.0 360,582,564. 30,942,511.8 22,815,831.9
                  Subsidiary                      20 million
Intelligent                       and sales of                              79                8             08                8                0
Building Ltd                      the building

                                  and sales of
Nanjing                           the software
Putian                            of                              25,252,856.6 23,140,748.0
                  Subsidiary                      10 million                                      697,647.49      415,312.45      415,312.45
Network Co.,                      communicati                                1                3
Ltd.                              on, network

                                                                  Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

                              out-door and                    54,297,323.1 31,962,497.1 45,193,624.5
Telecommuni Subsidiary                        10 million                                                159,435.36    159,435.36
                              machinery                                 4              1          4
Co., Ltd.
                              and sales of
                              on electrical

                              Export and
                              import of
                              equipment,      HKD 2                          -18,180,366.
cations          Subsidiary                                   3,873,042.82                      0.00     -45,645.63   -45,645.63
                              Hi-tech R & million                                     48
(H.K.) Co.,
                              D and

                              R & D and
                              sales of the
                              assembly,                                      -2,476,948.6
cation           Subsidiary                   5 million       4,565,803.72                  4,000.01 -429,435.40 -429,435.40
                              electronic                                               0
                              products and

Nanjing                       and sales of
Nanman                        industrial                      195,003,137. 51,849,735.6 98,756,080.6
                 Subsidiary                   41.14 million                                            1,912,256.52 1,908,368.07
Electrics Co.,                intelligent                              30              8          0
Ltd.                          distribution

Nanjing                       R&D,
                                                              51,899,779.4 31,295,272.0 36,384,724.2
Putian           Subsidiary   manufacture 10 million                                                   1,832,744.82 2,182,392.18
                                                                        7              8          0
Datang                        and sales of

                                                                         Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

Information                     solar
Electronic                      controller,
Co., Ltd.                       and
                                production &
                                business of

                                software and
                                hardware and
                                manufacture                     10,627,133.6                       18,462,941.7
Information     Subsidiary                       50 million                        2,008,539.54                      28,539.54      8,539.54
                                of the cloud                                   6                               1
Co., Ltd.
                                and internet
                                devices, big
                                data services
                                and software

Particular about subsidiaries acquired or disposed in reporting period
√ Applicable   □ Not applicable

                                                Method of acquisition and disposal during          Impact on overall production operations
                                                           the reporting period                                    and results

Nanjing Bada Telecommunications
                                                Closed for liquidation                            No significant impact
Equipment Co., Ltd.

Nanjing Putian Wangzhi Electronic Co.,
                                                Merger by absorption                              No significant impact

Nanjing Putian Information Technology                                                             Incomes from investment are recognized as
                                                100% equity transferred
Co., Ltd.                                                                                         42,385,183.68 Yuan

Chongqing Puhua Information Technology                                                            Achieved net profit of 8,539.54 Yuan in the
                                                Newly established
Co., Ltd.                                                                                         Year

                                                          Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

Information note

VIII. Structured vehicle controlled by the Company

□ Applicable   √ Not applicable

IX. Future Development Prospects

From the perspective of industry policy, our country has always attached great importance to the development of
the communications industry, and the communications industry has been strongly supported and encouraged.
Relevant government departments have issued a series of policies to encourage industry and policies to support
regional development, which have a positive impact on the development of the industry. In May 2020, the
"Government Work Report 2020" mentioned strengthening the construction of new infrastructure, developing a
new generation of information networks, expanding 5G applications, building charging piles, promoting new
energy vehicles, stimulating new consumer demand, and assisting industrial upgrading. In March 2020, the
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued a notice on accelerating the development of 5G. It is
required to comprehensively promote 5G network construction, application promotion, technological development
and security assurance, and give full play to the scale effect and leading role of the new 5G infrastructure to
support high-quality economic development, speed up the deployment of 5G network construction and speed up
the progress of 5G network construction. Industry policies provide an important guarantee for the future
development of the company's communications industry.

From the perspective of the company’s product development trend, traditional wiring products need to focus on
the main communications industry, focus on key industries, and actively explore the transformation of traditional
wiring industry to data center business. The wiring industry will focus on participating in rail transit, data center
construction, and military, power, aerospace, government and other industry users. In the future, access products
will focus on participating in projects for users in the power, public security, and transportation and other
industries. As the basis of network transmission, cabling products are necessary infrastructure for the construction
of various industries. In the future, our country's guidance on 5G, manufacturing upgrades, new infrastructure,
artificial intelligence and other policies will have a huge impact on the development of cabling. The complete set
of electrical products will adhere to a market strategy that runs through the track, realize value transfer around
general contractors, design institutes and strategic partners, and create a win-win situation. Computing products
will rely on rich R&D and adaptation capabilities to focus on gathering applications, integrating industries,
creating a complete Putian Kunpeng business ecosystem, and strive to provide users with a full range of domestic
product solutions. In the future, video conferencing products can fully integrate and innovate with business
systems according to the needs of enterprises.

Business plan for the next year:

                                                           Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

2021 is the first year of the "14th Five-Year Plan". Under the leadership of the board of directors, the company
will continue to deepen reform and innovation, prevent and resolve risks, focus on key industries, and seek
In terms of industrial development, the company will adhere to the customer-centered and market-oriented
business philosophy, with a three-year rolling strategic plan as the starting point, further clarify development ideas,
focus on industry, focus on the main business, and clarify the positioning goals and key tasks of industrial
development; formulate tasks and measures that can be implemented, evaluated, and assessed, so as to plan for the
future development of the company and lead the direction.

The company will rely on the existing industrial foundation, actively integrate relevant advantageous resources
within the company, seize the development opportunities of 5G and "new infrastructure", actively integrate and
take active actions. In terms of information and communication, we will deepen the construction of data centers,
pay attention to data room construction projects and personalized overall solutions, make every effort to focus on
the construction of key markets and major projects, and strive to enter the procurement directory of well-known
companies such as Ali, Tencent, and Huawei; continue to improve independent production and manufacturing
capacity. Keep up with the new networking requirements of 5G, continue to optimize traditional products such as
outdoor communication cabinets and outdoor communication equipment rooms, and enrich the IoT series
products, and strive to complete the design and development of FRP outdoor mini cabinets and other products. In
terms of video conferencing business, it focuses on tracking the upgrade business needs of original superior
customers, pays close attention on key projects, and strives to form model cases of Potevio products that break
through the industry. In terms of integrated cabling products, we will strive to seize the development opportunities
of high-end cabling localization, increase the research and development of new products, complete the market
launch of a new generation of intelligent cabling systems and integrated cabling management platforms, the
approval of cloud cabling system products, and the solutions for copper cables fast line-tracking system. In terms
of complete electrical products, we will continue to penetrate the rail transit field, do in-depth marketing, maintain
the market share of low-voltage distribution boxes (cabinet), and increase tracking in the field of socket boxes,
and strive to seek breakthroughs in fields other than airports, ports, pipe gallery and other rail transits. Continue to
improve new products such as mains smart power supplies and smart cruise ships, and actively promote
solar/mains smart street lighting systems and smart cruise cloud platforms. Strive to achieve new breakthroughs in
new businesses. Puhua Company will actively participate in government localization substitution and government
cloud projects, and strive to achieve a certain scale of project implementation of server products in the
government and non-government markets. At the same time, it also plans to vigorously expand other businesses
such as multimedia and data centers in Chongqing to enrich project cases and increase sales revenue.

In terms of operation and management, the company will focus on the main channel business and explore "new
increment". Continue to increase reform and adjustment efforts, release accumulated resources, and at the same
time strive to explore the future main business and incremental development direction, promote the optimization
of the company's industrial structure, and make new breakthroughs in business development. The company will

                                                             Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

continue to adhere to the financial-centric operating activities management, adhere to the management and control
of capital use, actively strive for resources from all parties, and strive to ensure the stability of the company’s
operating cash flow; optimize the accounting and evaluation mechanism of the business unit; continue to increase
the design optimization of the company’s internal control system, and strengthen the execution and verification;
continue to carry out loss management work, and solve problems in development. Continue to advance the work
of improving quality and efficiency. Strengthen budget control, further strengthen cost and expense management,
and effectively promote cost reduction and efficiency enhancement. Strengthen risk prevention and take strict
precautions against various business risks. Intensify the reform of the assessment and incentive system, strengthen
the training of talents, and improve per capital benefits.

Maintain the current business and complete the capital needs of the investment project under construction:
In 2021, the company will mainly obtain the required circulating funds by dispatching its own funds and financing
to financial institutions. It is estimated that the financing scale will be around 250 million Yuan in 2021.

Risks the Company may face in the future development:
1. Cycle risk of communication industry
The Company is mainly engaged in the manufacture and sales of communications products, customers include
several major telecom operators in China. The establishment and adjustment of network construction period and
investment plan of the operators have a significant impact on the operation of the Company and bring the industry
cycle risk.

The Company will continue to further integrate quality resources, accelerate industry upgrade, expand industry
market and improve industry profitability.

2.Technology R&D risk
The telecommunication industry is experiencing rapid change of technology development and product upgrade.
Therefore, the Company’s business operation will be adversely affected if it cannot adapt to market change, lag
behind in the technology reform or the developed products do not satisfy market demands.
The Company will actively follow up the latest development trend of industrial technology, develop and introduce
technology based on market requirements, focus on organization, planning and management of product
development and expand development of new products, aiming to maintaining the leading position in terms of

3.Market competition risk
The industry in which the Company operates is highly competitive with substantial market players. Besides,
customers, such as various operators, continue to adopt centralized procurement policy which led to very furious
market competition. Benefiting from long-term operation, the Company has accumulated certain competitive

                                                                Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

advantages in terms of brand, technology, quality and marketing. If our products fail to cater for the market
variation in future, we may lose the existing advantages in market competition.

The Company will continue to capitalize on the existing advantages to consolidate traditional market while
expanding special network and industry markets actively, and accelerate the transformation and upgrading of
industries and foster strategic emerging industries. Through continuous cost control and scientific innovation, it
continues to improve production and research capability, which leads to rapid development of the new products
and enables the Company to maintain and improve profitability.

4. Cash flow shortage risk
Products of the Company are used in operator network construction, subway construction and other projects.
Affected by project completion cycle and long approval process, sales return cycle is longer and the cash flow
pressure is greater.

The Company insists on budget management of funds, prepare capital collection plan and capital payment budget
to ensure dynamic balance of cash flow. Besides, it increases management on inventory and trade receivables,
reinforces performance assessment, urges prompt collection of goods payment, strengthens inventory
management and reduced capital occupation. Adhering to the basic control principle of ―pay-as-you-go‖ and
management the funds strictly; obtain liquidity financing from the banks and other financial institutions

X. Reception of research, communication and interview

1. In the report period, reception of research, communication and interview

□ Applicable   √ Not applicable
No reception of research, communication and interview occurred in the period

                                                                            Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

                                           Section V. Important Events

I. Profit distribution plan of common stock and capitalizing of common reserves plan

Formulation, Implementation and Adjustment of common stock Profit Distribution Policy Especially Cash Dividend policy during
the Reporting Period
□ Applicable   √ Not applicable

Profit distribution plan (pre-plan) of common stock and capitalizing of common reserves plan (pre-plan) in latest three years
(including the reporting period)
The Company did not distribute profits or capital reserve in recent three years.
Cash dividend of common stock in latest three years (including the reporting period)
                                                                                                                                           In RMB

                                                                                                                                    Ratio of the
                                                                                                 Ratio of the
                                                           Ratio of the                                                              total cash
                                       Net profit                                               cash bonus by
                                                          cash bonus in                                                             bonus (other
                                     attributable to                                            other ways in
                                                            net profit                                                             ways included)
                                     common stock                           Proportion for        net profit
                                                          attributable to                                         Total cash        in net profit
                   Amount for        shareholders of                        cash bonus by       attributable to
Year for bonus                                            common stock                                              bonus          attributable to
                 cash bonus (tax listed company                             other ways(i.e. common stock
     shares                                               shareholders of                                         (including       common stock
                    included)              in                                    share          shareholders of
                                                          listed company                                          other ways)      shareholders of
                                     consolidation                            buy-backs)        listed company
                                                           contained in                                                            listed company
                                      statement for                                              contained in
                                                          consolidation                                                             contained in
                                       bonus year                                               consolidation
                                                            statement                                                              consolidation

2020                         0.00 21,964,552.84                    0.00%                 0.00            0.00%              0.00            0.00%

2019                         0.00                                  0.00%                 0.00            0.00%              0.00            0.00%

2018                         0.00      5,859,214.84                0.00%                 0.00            0.00%              0.00            0.00%

The Company gains profits in reporting period and the retained profit of common stock shareholders provided by parent Company is
positive but no plan of cash dividend proposed of common stock
□ Applicable   √ Not applicable

II. Profit distribution plan and capitalizing of common reserves plan for the Period

□ Applicable    √ Not applicable
The Company has no plans of cash dividend distributed, no bonus shares and has no share converted from capital reserve either for
the year.

                                                                             Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

III. Implementation of commitment

1. Commitments that the actual controller, shareholders, related party, buyer and the Company have
fulfilled during the reporting period and have not yet fulfilled by the end of reporting period
√ Applicable   □ Not applicable
                                          Commitment              Type of    Content of Commitment Commitment Implementatio
                                                 party          commitments commitments    date       term         n

Commitments       for    share   merger

Commitments         in     report    of
acquisition or equity change

                                                                                 Content     of
                                                                Commitments commitments
                                          Potevio ;Chin
                                                                on horizontal see           ―2.
                                          a          Putian
                                                                competition,     Specific                                     In normal
                                          Information                                              13 Oct. 2020   Long-term
                                                                related          commitments‖                                performance
                                                                transactions     .          See
                                          Group          Co.,
                                                                and       fund ―Commitment
                                                                occupation       1‖

                                          Potevio ;Chin
                                                                on horizontal
                                          a          Putian                      See
                                                                competition,                                                  In normal
                                          Information                            ―Commitment 13 Oct. 2020        Long-term
                                                                related                                                       performance
                                          Industry                               2‖
                                          Group          Co.,
                                                                and       fund
Commitments in assets reorganization                            occupation

                                          Potevio ;Chin
                                          a Putian                               See
                                                                Other                                                         In normal
                                          Information                            ―Commitment 13 Oct. 2020        Long-term
                                                                commitment                                                    performance
                                          Industry                               3‖
                                          Group Co.,

                                          Xu         Qian;
                                          Wang Wenkui;
                                          Li Tong; Liu
                                          Yun;       Wang Other                                                               In normal
                                                                                 ―Commitment 25 Nov. 2020 Long-term
                                          Jinfeng;       Qin commitment                                                       performance
                                          Zhen;       Tang
                                          Fuxin;         Xie
                                          Manlin;         Du

                                                                     Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

                                     Xiaorong; Jia
                                     Haowen;         Lei
                                     Xu;             Liu
                                     Wang Huilin;
                                     Li Jing

                                     Potevio ;Chin
                                     a          Putian                    See
                                                           Other                                                          In    normal
                                     Information                          ―Commitment 25 Nov. 2020 Long-term
                                                           commitment                                                     performance
                                     Industry                             5‖
                                     Group          Co.,

                                                                                                      Until         the
                                                           Other                                      completion of
                                     China Potevio                        ―Commitment 13 Oct. 2020                       Completed
                                                           commitment                                 this

                                     Xu         Qian;
                                     Wang Wenkui;
                                     Li Tong; Liu
                                     Yun;       Wang
                                     Jinfeng;       Qin
                                     Zhen;          Tang
                                     Fuxin;          Xie
                                                                                                      Until the
                                     Manlin;         Du                   See
                                                           Other                                      completion of
                                     Xiaorong; Jia                        ―Commitment 13 Oct. 2020                       Completed
                                                           commitment                                 this
                                     Haowen;         Lei                  7‖
                                     Xu;             Liu
                                     Wang Huilin;
                                     Li     Jing;    Lv
                                     Dong;          Qiu
                                     Huizhen; Wei

Commitments make in initial public
offering or re-financing

Equity incentive commitment

                                                           Commitments See
Other commitments for medium and                                                                                          In normal
                                     China Potevio on horizontal ―Commitment 8 April 2018            Long-term
small shareholders                                                                                                        performance
                                                           competition,   8‖

                             Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

                and fund

                on horizontal
                competition,                                                In normal
China Potevio                     ―Commitment 8 April 2018   Long-term
                related                                                     performance
                and        fund

                on horizontal
                competition,                                                In normal
China Potevio                     ―Commitment 8 April 2018   Long-term
                related                                                     performance
                and        fund

                on horizontal
China Putian    competition,                                                In normal
                                  ―Commitment 8 April 2018   Long-term
Corporation     related                                                     performance
                and        fund

                on horizontal
China Putian    competition,                                                In normal
                                  ―Commitment 8 April 2018   Long-term
Corporation     related                                                     performance
                and        fund

                on horizontal
China Putian    competition,                                                In normal
                                  ―Commitment 8 April 2018   Long-term
Corporation     related                                                     performance
                and        fund

                                                                     Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

                                         China Putian    Other                                                             In normal
                                                                          ―Commitment 19 June 2018 Long-term
                                         Corporation     commitment                                                        performance

                                                                                                           Share keeping
                                                                          See                              commitment:
                                         China Potevio                    ―Commitment 8 July 2015         within six      Completed
                                                                          15‖                             months since
                                                                                                           8 July 2015

Completed on time(Y/N)                   Y

If the commitment is overdue and not
fully fulfilled, it shall explain the
specific reasons for the incomplete Not applicable
performance and the work plan for the
next step

2. Specific commitments

Commitment 1:
Committed party: China Potevio ; China Putian Information Industry Group Co., Ltd.
Content of commitments:
1. The Company or the companies controlled by the Company will try to minimize the related transactions with Nanjing Putian
Telecommunications Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Nanjing Putian") and its subsidiaries and branches.
 2. Related transactions that cannot be avoided or exist with reasonable grounds will be conducted on an equal and voluntary basis
and in accordance with the principles of fairness, justice, and compensation of equal value. The Company or the companies
controlled by the Company will sign standardized related transaction agreements with Nanjing Putian or its subsidiaries in
accordance with the law, and the transaction prices will be determined at a reasonable price recognized in the market to ensure that
the related transaction price is fair; and perform fair procedures such as related transaction decision-making, vote avoidance, and
disclose information in a timely manner in accordance with relevant laws, rules, regulations, other normative documents and the
articles of association of Nanjing Putian or its subsidiaries, so as to ensure that the legitimate rights and interests of Nanjing Putian or
its subsidiaries and other shareholders of Nanjing Putian will not be harmed through related transactions. .
3. It is guaranteed that it will not require or accept Nanjing Putian or its subsidiaries or branches in any fair market transaction to
provide the Company or the companies controlled by the Company with better conditions than third parties.
4. It is guaranteed that it will exercise corresponding rights and assume corresponding obligations in accordance with the articles of
association of Nanjing Putian and its subsidiaries, and will not use the identity of the controlling shareholder/actual controller to seek
illegitimate interests, or use related transactions to illegally transfer funds and profits of Nanjing Putian or its subsidiaries, and
guarantee not to damage the legitimate rights and interests of other shareholders of Nanjing Putian.
5. If the company violates the above commitments, it will be willing to assume all the responsibilities arising therefrom, and fully
compensate for all direct or indirect losses caused to Nanjing Putian.

Commitment 2:
Committed party: China Potevio ;China Putian Information Industry Group Co., Ltd.
Content of commitments:

                                                                     Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

1. During the period when the Company directly or indirectly holds shares of Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.
(hereinafter referred to as "Nanjing Putian"), it guarantees that it will not use its control relationship over Nanjing Putian to engage in
or participate in activities that harm the interests of Nanjing Putian and its small and medium shareholders.
2. In addition to the above disclosures, in the future, the Company and other companies controlled by the Company will not directly
or indirectly own, manage, control, invest, or engage in any other businesses or projects that are the same as or similar to those
currently carried out or planned in the future by Nanjing Putian and its subsidiaries and branches at home and abroad, nor participate
in the ownership, management, control, or investment of any businesses or projects that are the same as or similar to those currently
carried out or planned in the future by Nanjing Putian and its subsidiaries and branches, nor seek to directly or indirectly engage in
any businesses constitute competition to the businesses currently carried out or planned in the future by Nanjing Putian and its
subsidiaries and branches through joint ventures, cooperation, joint operations with any third party, or lease operations, contract
operations, entrusted management, etc., nor have interests in the above activities. If the Company and other companies controlled by
the Company discover any new business opportunities that constitute or may constitute a direct or indirect competitive relationship
with Nanjing Putian or its holding company’s main business, it will immediately notify Nanjing Putian in writing and urge the
business opportunity to be first provided to Nanjing Putian or its holding company on reasonable and fair terms and conditions.
3. If Nanjing Putian or its holding companies abandon such competitive new business opportunities and the Company and other
companies controlled by the Company engage in such competitive business, Nanjing Putian or its holding companies will have the
right to acquire any equity, assets and other rights and interests in the above-mentioned competitive business from the
above-mentioned entities at any time at one time or in multiples.
4.When the Company and other companies controlled by the Company intend to transfer, sell, lease, license or otherwise transfer or
allow the use of assets and businesses that constitute or may constitute a direct or indirect competitive relationship with the main
business of Nanjing Putian or its holding companies, the Company and other companies controlled by the Company will provide
Nanjing Putian or its holding companies with the right of first refusal, and promise to do its utmost to urge the Company’s
shareholding companies to provide Nanjing Putian or its holding company         with the right of first refusal under the above-mentioned
5. If the Company violates the above commitments, it shall make a total, timely and full compensation for the losses suffered by
Nanjing Putian; all the benefits obtained by the Company due to the violation of the above commitments shall be attributed to
Nanjing Putian.
6. The above commitments will continue to be valid during the period when the Company is the controlling shareholder/actual
controller of the listed company.

Commitment 3:
Committed party: China Potevio ;China Putian Information Industry Group Co., Ltd.

After the completion of this transaction, the Company will strictly abide by the "Company Law", "Securities Law", and relevant
regulations of the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the articles of association to
ensure that Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "listed company") ") shall continue to be
completely separated from the Company and other companies that the Company controls or exerts significant influence in terms of
personnel, assets, finance, organization and business, and maintain the independence of the listed company in terms of personnel,
assets, finance, organization and business. In particular, after the completion of this transaction, the Company will comply with the
regulations of the "Notice on Regulating Fund Transactions between Listed Companies and Related Parties and Issues Concerning
the External Guarantees of Listed Companies" (ZJF (2003) No. 56) and the "Notice of China Securities Regulatory Commission and
China Banking Regulatory Commission on Regulating the External Guarantee Behavior of Listed Companies (ZJF [2005] No. 120),
standardize the external guarantee behavior of the listed company and its subsidiaries, and do not illegally occupy the funds of the
listed company and its subsidiaries.

                                                                    Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

The Company guarantees to strictly fulfill the above-mentioned commitments. In the event that the Company or other companies that
the Company controls or exerts significant influence    violate the above-mentioned commitments and cause damage to the rights and
interests of the listed company, the Company will bear the corresponding compensation liabilities in accordance with the law.

Commitment 4:
Committed party: Xu Qian; Wang Wenkui; Li Tong; Liu Yun; Wang Jinfeng; Qin Zhen; Tang Fuxin; Xie Manlin; Du Xiaorong; Jia
Haowen; Lei Xu; Liu Xiaodong; Wang Huilin; Li Jing
Content of commitments:
In order to ensure that the company's measures to fill the diluted immediate returns can be effectively implemented, all directors and
senior managers of the company have made the following commitments:
(i) I promise not to convey benefits to other units or individuals without compensation or on unfair terms, nor to harm the interests of
the listed company by other means;
(ii) I promise to restrain my position-related consumption behavior;
(iii) I promise not to use the assets of the listed company to engage in investment and consumption activities that have nothing to do
with the performance of my duties;
(iv) I promise to make every effort to urge the remuneration system formulated by the board of directors or the remuneration
committee to be linked to the implementation of the listed company's compensation measures within the scope of my own duties and
(v) If the listed company plans to implement equity incentives in the future, I promise to make every effort to urge the listed
company's planned equity incentive vesting conditions to be linked to the implementation of the compensation measures within the
scope of my own duties and powers;
(vi) From the time when this commitment is issued to the time before the completion of the transaction, if the China Securities
Regulatory Commission makes other new regulatory requirements on the replenishment measures and its commitments, and the
above commitments cannot meet the requirements of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, I promise that the supplementary
commitments will be issued in accordance with the latest regulations of the China Securities Regulatory Commission;
(vii) I promise to fulfill the relevant fill-up and return measures formulated by the listed company and any promises made by me
regarding the fill-up and return measures. If I violate these promises and cause losses to the listed company or investors, I am willing
to bear the liability of indemnity in accordance with the law to the listed company or investors.

Commitment 5:
Committed party: China Potevio ;China Putian Information Industry Group Co., Ltd.
Content of commitments:
1. The Company promises not to exceed its authority to interfere with the operation and management activities of Nanjing Putian
Telecommunications Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Nanjing Putian"), nor infringe on the interests of Nanjing Putian;
2. From the issuance date of this commitment to the time before the completion of the transaction, if the China Securities Regulatory
Commission makes clear provisions on the fill-up and return measures and its commitments, and the above commitments cannot
meet the requirements of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the Company promises to issue a supplementary
commitment in accordance with the regulations of the China Securities Regulatory Commission;
The Company promises to strictly perform the above-mentioned commitments made by it to ensure that the measures for fill-up and
return can be effectively implemented. If the Company violates the above commitments and causes losses to Nanjing Putian or
investors, the Company is willing to bear the compensation responsibilities for Nanjing Putian or investors and the corresponding
penalties imposed by the regulatory authorities in accordance with the law.

                                                                      Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

Commitment 6:
Committed party: China Potevio
Content of commitments: The Company promises that during the period from the issuance of this letter of commitment to the
completion of the transaction, the Company has no intention or plan to reduce its holdings of Nanjing Putian Telecommunications
Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Nanjing Putian"), nor reduce its holdings by any means. If the Company violates this
commitment and causes losses to Nanjing Putian or other investors, the Company promises to assume liability for compensation to
Nanjing Putian or other investors in accordance with the law.

Commitment 7:
Committed party: Xu Qian; Wang Wenkui; Li Tong; Liu Yun; Wang Jinfeng; Qin Zhen; Tang Fuxin; Xie Manlin; Du Xiaorong; Jia
Haowen; Lei Xu; Liu Xiaodong; Wang Huilin; Li Jing; Lv Dong; Qiu Huizhen; Wei Jie

Content of commitments:
I promise that during the period from the issuance of this letter of commitment to the completion of the transaction, the Company has
no intention or plan to reduce its holdings of Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Nanjing
Putian"), nor reduce its holdings by any means. If I violates this commitment and causes losses to Nanjing Putian or other investors, I
promises to assume liability for compensation to Nanjing Putian or other investors in accordance with the law.

Commitment 8:
Committed party: China Potevio
Content of commitments: In view of Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ―Nanjing Putian‖)
intended to apply for resumption of listing to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the Company, as a controlling shareholder of Nanjing
Putian, made the following commitments:

I. Ensure the personnel independence of Nanjing Putian
(1) Ensure that the production and management and public administration (including labour, personnel and wage management, etc.)
of Nanjing Putian are completely independent of the Company and other subordinate companies and enterprises of the Company.
(2) Ensure that the general manager, deputy general manager, chief financial officer, secretary of the board and other senior
management staff of Nanjing Putian work full time in Nanjing Putian and get remuneration from Nanjing Putian, and don’t take part
time jobs in other positions other than directors and supervisors in the Company or other companies and enterprises of the Company,
nor get remuneration from the Company or other companies and enterprises of the Company, and ensure that the financial staff of
Nanjing Putian don’t take part time jobs or get remuneration from the Company or other companies and enterprises of the Company.
(3) Ensure that the candidates recommended by the Company to take up the posts of directors, supervisors and senior management in
Nanjing Putian are checked by legal procedures, the Company does not interfere with the personnel appointment and dismissal
decision made by the board of directors and the general meeting of shareholders of Nanjing Putian.

II. ensure the assets independence and integrity of Nanjing Putian.
(1) Ensure the independence and integrity of the assets of Nanjing Putian and its subsidiaries, and all of these assets are under the
control of Nanjing Putian and its subsidiaries, and are independently owned and operated by Nanjing Putian and its subsidiaries.
 (2) Ensure that the Company and the subordinate companies and enterprises of the Company do not illegally occupy the assets,
funds and other resources of Nanjing Putian.

III. Ensure the business independence of Nanjing Putian.

                                                                   Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

(1) Ensure that Nanjing Putian has independent procurement and sales systems, and has the assets, personnel, qualifications to carry
out independent business activities and the ability to operate independently in the market.
(2) Ensure that the Company and other companies and enterprises affiliated to the Company avoid horizontal competition with
Nanjing Putian and its subsidiaries.
(3) Ensure strict control of related transactions, and minimize the continuous related transactions between Nanjing Putian and its
subsidiaries with the Company and other companies and enterprises under the Company. Eliminate the illegal occupation of funds
and assets of Nanjing Putian, and don’t require Nanjing Putian and its subsidiaries to provide any form of guarantee to the Company
and other companies and enterprises affiliated to the Company. For the unavoidable related transactions, insist on the principle of
―fairness, justice and openness‖, and keep the transaction prices same as the non-related enterprises, and carry out the information
disclosure in a timely manner.
(4) Ensure not to interfere with the major decision-making matters of Nanjing Putian in any way other than the exercise of
shareholders’ rights in accordance with the law through a separate or concerted action, nor affect the independence of Nanjing
Putian’s assets, personnel, finance, organization and business.

IV. ensure the institution independence of Nanjing Putian.
(1) Ensure that Nanjing Putian and its subsidiaries establish and improve the corporate governance structure according to law, and
completely separate from the Company and other companies and enterprises under the Company; ensure that the office facilities and
production and operation sites of Nanjing Putian and its subsidiaries are completely separated from the Company and other
companies and enterprises affiliated to the Company, and there is no situation in which institutions are mixed.
(2) Ensure that Nanjing Putian and its subsidiaries operate independently, and the Company will not directly or indirectly interfere
with the decision-making and operation of Nanjing Putian by surpassing the board of directors and shareholders’ meeting of Nanjing
(3) Ensure that the shareholders’ meeting, board of directors, independent directors, board of supervisors, and senior management
personnel of Nanjing Putian independently exercise their official powers in accordance with laws, regulations, and articles of

V. Ensure the financial independence of Nanjing Putian.
(1) Ensure that Nanjing Putian sets up an independent financial accounting department and has an independent financial accounting
system, and has a standardized and independent financial accounting system and financial management system.
(2) Ensure that Nanjing Putian maintains independence in financial decision-making, the Company and other companies and
enterprises affiliated to the Company do not interfere with the use and dispatch of funds by Nanjing Putian.
(3) Ensure that Nanjing Putian maintains its own independent bank account and does not share a bank account with the Company and
other companies and enterprises under the Company.
(4) Ensure that Nanjing Putian shall pay taxes independently according to law.

The above commitments are valid and cannot be changed or revoked while the Company is a shareholder of Nanjing Putian. If the
above commitments are violated and economic losses are caused to Nanjing Putian, the Company will compensate Nanjing Putian

Commitment 9:
Committed party: China Potevio
Content of commitments:
In view of Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ―Nanjing Putian‖) intended to apply for
resumption of listing to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the Company, as a controlling shareholder of Nanjing Putian, made the
following commitments:

                                                                    Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

(1) do not influence and require Nanjing Putian and its subsidiaries to give rights superior to the third parties in the market in
business cooperation, nor engage in any acts to damage the interests of Nanjing Putian and its subsidiaries by using its controlling
shareholder status at Nanjing Putian.
 (2) Do not influence and require preferential rights to make deals with Nanjing Putian and its subsidiaries by using its controlling
shareholder status at Nanjing Putian.
(3) when conducting necessary and inevitable related transactions, guarantee to conduct according to the principle of marketization
and fair price, and perform the transaction procedures and information disclosure obligations in strict accordance with the relevant
laws, regulations, regulatory documents and the relevant provisions of the articles of association of listed companies, and guarantee
not to damage the legitimate rights and interests of Nanjing Putian and other shareholders through related transactions.

The above commitments are valid and cannot be changed or revoked while the Company is a shareholder of Nanjing Putian. If the
above commitments are violated and economic losses are caused to Nanjing Putian, the Company will compensate Nanjing Putian.

Commitment 10:
Committed party: China Potevio
Content of commitments: In view of Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ―Nanjing Putian‖)
intended to apply for resumption of listing to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the Company, as a controlling shareholder of Nanjing
Putian, made the following commitments:

i.the Company and other related enterprise controlled by the Company have not engaged in any production and business operations
or activities that directly or indirectly compete with Nanjing Putian; and guarantee that they will not engage in any production and
business operations or activities that directly or indirectly compete with Nanjing Putian in the future.
ii.The Company does not own, manage, control, invest or engage in any business or project that is the same or similar to the business
of Nanjing Putian.
iii. If the Company or any related enterprise obtains any business opportunity from any third party that has substantial competition
with the business of Nanjing Putian or may have substantial competition in the future, the Company will immediately notify Nanjing
Putian, and transfers the business opportunity to Nanjing Putian after obtaining the promise from the third party.
iv. The Company will supervise and restrict the production and operation activities of itself and other related enterprises. If the
Company and other related enterprises have products or business the same or similar to those of Nanjing Putian, the Company
promises to take the following measures to resolve:

(1) When Nanjing Putian considers it necessary, the Company and other related enterprises will reduce the holdings until all the
relevant assets and businesses held by the Company and related enterprises are transferred;
(2) When Nanjing Putian considers it necessary, the relevant assets and businesses held by the Company and other related enterprises
may be preferentially acquired through appropriate means;
(3) If the Company and related enterprises have conflicts of interest with Nanjing Putian due to horizontal competition, give priority
to the interests of Nanjing Putian;
(4) Other measures that help avoid horizontal competition.

The above commitments are valid and cannot be changed or revoked while the Company is a shareholder of Nanjing Putian. If the
above commitments are violated and the economic losses are caused to Nanjing Putian, the Company will compensate Nanjing

                                                                     Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

Commitment 11:
Committed party: China Putian Corporation
Content of commitments: In view of Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ―Nanjing Putian‖)
intended to apply for resumption of listing to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the Company, as an actual controller of Nanjing Putian,
made the following commitments:

I. Ensure the personnel independence of Nanjing Putian
(1) Ensure that the production and management and public administration (including labour, personnel and wage management, etc.)
of Nanjing Putian are completely independent of the Company and other subordinate companies and enterprises of the Company.
(2) Ensure that the general manager, deputy general manager, chief financial officer, secretary of the board and other senior
management staff of Nanjing Putian work full time in Nanjing Putian and get remuneration from Nanjing Putian, and don’t take part
time jobs in other positions other than directors and supervisors in the Company or other companies and enterprises of the Company,
nor get remuneration from the Company or other companies and enterprises of the Company, and ensure that the financial staff of
Nanjing Putian don’t take part time jobs or get remuneration from the Company or other companies and enterprises of the Company.
(3) Ensure that the candidates recommended by the Company to take up the posts of directors, supervisors and senior management in
Nanjing Putian are checked by legal procedures, the Company does not interfere with the personnel appointment and dismissal
decision made by the board of directors and the general meeting of shareholders of Nanjing Putian.

II. Ensure the assets independence and integrity of Nanjing Putian
(1) Ensure the independence and integrity of the assets of Nanjing Putian and its subsidiaries, and all of these assets are under the
control of Nanjing Putian and its subsidiaries, and are independently owned and operated by Nanjing Putian and its subsidiaries.
(2) Ensure that the Company and the subordinate companies and enterprises of the Company do not illegally occupy the assets, funds
and other resources of Nanjing Putian.

III. Ensure the business independence of Nanjing Putian.
(1) Ensure that Nanjing Putian has independent procurement and sales systems, and has the assets, personnel, qualifications to carry
out independent business activities and the ability to operate independently in the market.
(2) Ensure that the Company and other companies and enterprises affiliated to the Company avoid horizontal competition with
Nanjing Putian and its subsidiaries.
(3) Ensure strict control of related transactions, and minimize the continuous related transactions between Nanjing Putian and its
subsidiaries with the Company and other companies and enterprises under the Company. Eliminate the illegal occupation of funds
and assets of Nanjing Putian, and don’t require Nanjing Putian and its subsidiaries to provide any form of guarantee to the Company
and other companies and enterprises affiliated to the Company. For the unavoidable related transactions, insist on the principle of
―fairness, justice and openness‖, and keep the transaction prices same as the non-related enterprises, and carry out the information
disclosure in a timely manner.
(4) Ensure not to interfere with the major decision-making matters of Nanjing Putian in any way other than the exercise of
shareholders’ rights in accordance with the law through a separate or concerted action, nor affect the independence of Nanjing
Putian’s assets, personnel, finance, organization and business.
IV. Ensure the institution independence of Nanjing Putian.
(1) Ensure that Nanjing Putian and its subsidiaries establish and improve the corporate governance structure according to law, and
completely separate from the Company and other companies and enterprises under the Company; ensure that the office facilities and
production and operation sites of Nanjing Putian and its subsidiaries are completely separated from the Company and other
companies and enterprises affiliated to the Company, and there is no situation in which institutions are mixed.
(2) Ensure that Nanjing Putian and its subsidiaries operate independently, and the Company will not directly or indirectly interfere

                                                                    Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

with the decision-making and operation of Nanjing Putian by surpassing the board of directors and shareholders’ meeting of Nanjing
(3) Ensure that the shareholders’ meeting, board of directors, independent directors, board of supervisors, and senior management
personnel of Nanjing Putian independently exercise their official powers in accordance with laws, regulations, and articles of

V. Ensure the financial independence of Nanjing Putian
(1) Ensure that Nanjing Putian sets up an independent financial accounting department and has an independent financial accounting
system, and has a standardized and independent financial accounting system and financial management system.
(2) Ensure that Nanjing Putian maintains independence in financial decision-making, the Company and other companies and
enterprises affiliated to the Company do not interfere with the use and dispatch of funds by Nanjing Putian.
 (3) Ensure that Nanjing Putian maintains its own independent bank account and does not share a bank account with the Company
and other companies and enterprises under the Company.
(4) Ensure that Nanjing Putian shall pay taxes independently according to law. The above commitments are valid and cannot be
changed or revoked while the Company is a shareholder of Nanjing Putian. If the above commitments are violated and economic
losses are caused to Nanjing Putian, the Company will compensate Nanjing Putian.

Commitment 12:
Committed party: China Putian Corporation
Content of commitments:
In view of Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ―Nanjing Putian‖) intended to apply for
resumption of listing to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the Company, as a actual controller of Nanjing Putian, made the following

1.do not influence and require Nanjing Putian and its subsidiaries to give rights superior to the third parties in the market in business
cooperation, nor engage in any acts to damage the interests of Nanjing Putian and its subsidiaries by using its actual controller status
at Nanjing Putian;
2.do not influence and require preferential rights to make deals with Nanjing Putian and its subsidiaries by using its actual controller
status at Nanjing Putian;
3. when conducting necessary and inevitable related transactions, guarantee to conduct according to the principle of marketization
and fair price, and perform the transaction procedures and information disclosure obligations in strict accordance with the relevant
laws, regulations, regulatory documents and the relevant provisions of the articles of association of listed companies, and guarantee
not to damage the legitimate rights and interests of Nanjing Putian and other shareholders through related transactions.

The above commitments are valid and cannot be changed or revoked while the Company is a actual controller of Nanjing Putian. If
the above commitments are violated and economic losses are caused to Nanjing Putian, the Company will compensate Nanjing

Commitment 13:
Committed party: China Putian Corporation
Content of commitments:in view of Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ―Nanjing Putian‖)
intended to apply for resumption of listing to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, the Company, as a actual controller of Nanjing Putian,
made the following commitments:
1.the Company and other related enterprise controlled by the Company have not engaged in any production and business operations

                                                                       Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

or activities that directly or indirectly compete with Nanjing Putian; and guarantee that they will not engage in any production and
business operations or activities that directly or indirectly compete with Nanjing Putian in the future.
2. The Company does not own, manage, control, invest or engage in any business or project that is the same or similar to the business
of Nanjing Putian.
3. if the Company or any related enterprise obtains any business opportunity from any third party that has substantial competition
with the business of Nanjing Putian or may have substantial competition in the future, the Company will immediately notify Nanjing
Putian, and transfers the business opportunity to Nanjing Putian after obtaining the promise from the third party.
4. the Company will supervise and restrict the production and operation activities of itself and other related enterprises. If the
Company and other related enterprises have products or business the same or similar to those of Nanjing Putian, the Company
promises to take the following measures to resolve:

(1) When Nanjing Putian considers it necessary, the Company and other related enterprises will reduce the holdings until all the
relevant assets and businesses held by the Company and related enterprises are transferred;
(2) When Nanjing Putian considers it necessary, the relevant assets and businesses held by the Company and other related enterprises
may be preferentially acquired through appropriate means;
(3) If the Company and related enterprises have conflicts of interest with Nanjing Putian due to horizontal competition, give priority
to the interests of Nanjing Putian;
(4) Other measures that help avoid horizontal competition. The above commitments are valid and cannot be changed or revoked
while the Company is a shareholder of Nanjing Putian. If the above commitments are violated and the economic losses are caused to
Nanjing Putian, the Company will compensate Nanjing Putian.

Commitment 14:
Committed party: China Putian Corporation
Content of commitments:The Group makes statements and commitments regarding the business condition and future development
planning of the private network communications business of Nanjing Putian, and the operations of the Group and other enterprises
controlled by the Group (other than Nanjing Putian and its controlled enterprises) as follows:
In order to optimize the internal resources allocation of the group, make full use of the business capability of Nanjing Putian, starting
from 2016, the Group will convert the private network communication products originally purchased by China Potevio (hereinafter
referred to as ―Potevio‖), a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Group, into commissioning Nanjing Putian for production. The Group’s
private network communication business which was originally a trade-oriented business and was purchased by Potevio from external
suppliers to sell has successfully transformed into an independent processing and production business in 2016, and the current
business model is that Potevio obtains orders from customers, and then signs entrusted production contracts with Nanjing Putian and
its subsidiary Nanfang branch, and Nanjing Putian is responsible for the specific production. At present, the customer of Potevio is
Fushen Industrial Co., Ltd., and the annual order amount of the existing model products remains above 500 million Yuan, and it is
predicted that there will be a stable demand period of 3 to 5 years.

The Group promises to take Nanjing Putian as the business entity of the private network communication services, including but not
limited to:
1. Nanjing Putian is the military-civilian integration industrial base of the Group, and is the only production entity of the existing
product multi-mesh cloud data processing communication equipment and related military-civilian integration project (i.e. the private
network communication service signified in this commitment), which is exclusive;

2. The Group promises to gradually integrate the complete business processes and related resources of the private network
communication business, including the sales link, into Nanjing Putian within three years; if relevant business resources cannot be

                                                                    Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

integrated into Nanjing Putian due to external factors, for example, downstream customers have special requirements for the direct
partner’s subject qualification (for example, must be non-foreign-invested enterprises), the Group will cooperate with Nanjing Putian
to carry out related business in accordance with the requirements of relevant laws and regulations, that is, to undertake related
business in the name of the Group or its subsidiaries, and Nanjing Putian is responsible for the actual operation.

The above commitments shall take effect on the date of signing this commitment, and shall remain in force and irrevocable during
the period of existence of Nanjing Putian and during the period that the Group is deemed to be a related person whom is not allowed
to engage in the same or similar business with the private network communication business of Nanjing Putian in accordance with
relevant regulations. If the above commitment proved to be untrue or not complied with, all the benefits obtained by the Group in
violation of the commitment shall be owned by Nanjing Putian, and the Group will compensate Nanjing Putian for all direct and
indirect losses and bear corresponding legal liabilities.

Commitment 15:
Committed party: China Potevio
Content of commitments:In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of all types of investors, China Potevio (hereinafter
referred to as ―Potevio‖), as the controlling shareholder of NJ TEL B (200468), now makes the following commitments:
i. Potevio, as a responsible controlling shareholder, starting from July 8, 2015, will not reduce the company’s stock within the next
six months.
ii. At present, NJ TEL B has stable operations and its main business is running normally. Potevio will continue to promote the
transformation and upgrading and structural adjustment of listed companies by asset restructuring and optimizing allocation of
resources so as to vigorously improve the quality of listed companies.
iii. Potevio will accelerate the long-term mechanism of improving the return of investors in listed companies, and improve the
operation quality and profitability of listed companies so as to continuously improve investor returns.

3. Concerning assets or project of the Company, which has profit forecast, and reporting period still in
forecasting period, explain reasons of reaching the original profit forecast

□ Applicable   √ Not applicable

IV. Non-operational fund occupation from controlling shareholders and its related party

□ Applicable   √ Not applicable
No non-operational fund occupation from controlling shareholders and its related party in period.

V. Explanation from Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee and Independent Directors
(if applicable) for “Modified Audit Report” that issued by CPA

□ Applicable   √ Not applicable

VI. Particulars about the changes in aspect of accounting policy, estimates and calculation
method compared with the financial report of last year

√ Applicable   □ Not applicable

                                                                         Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

Changes in accounting policies caused by changes in Accounting Standards for Business Enterprise
1. The Company implemented the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprise No.14- Revenue (hereinafter referred to as New
Revenue Standard) that revised by Ministry of Finance since 1 Jan. 2020. According to the provisions of the relevant old and new
standards, the information of comparable periods is not adjusted. The cumulative impact of the implementation of new standards on
the first implementation date is retrospectively adjusted to the amount of retained earnings at the beginning of the reporting period
and other related items in the financial statement.

Main impact of the implementation of new revenue standards on the Company’s financial statement dated 1 Jan.
   Item                                                                               Balance Sheet
                                                 2019-12-31                Impact of new revenue standard                   2020-1-1
Account received in advance                                22,148,080.67                      -22,148,080.67
Contract liability                                                                            19,600,071.39                       19,600,071.39
Other current liability                                                                         2,548,009.28                       2,548,009.28

2. Since 1 Jan. 2020, the company has implemented the Interpretation of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprise No.13 issued
by the Ministry of Finance in 2019, and change of the accounting policy is accounted for using the future application method.

VII. Major accounting errors within reporting period that needs retrospective restatement

□ Applicable        √ Not applicable
No major accounting errors within reporting period that needs retrospective restatement for the Company in the period.

VIII. Compare with last year’s financial report; explain changes in consolidation statement’s

√ Applicable       □ Not applicable

(i) Disposal of subsidiaries
Loss of control upon a single disposal of an investment in a subsidiary
                                                                                                               The difference between the
                                                                                             Basis for
                                             Share ratio                                                     disposal price and share of the
                                                            Equity                       determining the
                          Equity disposal with equity                 Time-point of                          net assets of the subsidiary at
       Subsidiary                                          disposal                        time-point at
                               price          disposed                the control lost                         the consolidated financial
                                                           method                        which the control
                                                (%)                                                          statement corresponding to the
                                                                                              is lost
                                                                                                               disposal of the investment
Nanjing Putian               43,431,600.00       100.00 Transfer       2020-12-25           Completed                        42,385,183.68
Information                                                                                industrial &
Technology Co.,                                                                            commercial
Ltd.                                                                                         changes

(ii) Change in consolidation scope for other reasons
1. Increase in scope of consolidation

                                                                    Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

   Company                    Way of the equity       Time-point of the equity         Contribution amount          Contribution ratio
                                   acquired                   acquired
Chongqing             Puhua     Establishment                2020-7-10                     2,000,000.00                 100.00%
Information    Technology
Co., Ltd.

2.Decrease in scope of consolidation
   Company                    Way of the equity       Time-point of the equity         Net assets on disposal      Net profit from the
                                   disposed                   disposed                         date             beginning of the period to
                                                                                                                   the date of disposal
Nanjing Putian Wangzhi Cancel for liquidation                2020-12-31                                                        754,205.54
Electronic Co., Ltd
Nanjing               Bada Cancel for liquidation            2020-12-31                                                      4,301,547.02
Equipment Co., Ltd.

IX. Appointment and non-reappointment (dismissal) of CPA

Accounting firm appointed

Name of domestic accounting firm                                    Pan-China Certified Public Accountants (LLP)

Remuneration for domestic accounting firm (in 10 thousand

Continuous life of auditing service for domestic accounting firm 7

Name of domestic CPA                                                Jin Jingyu, Zhang Jinghui

Continuous service years from domestic CPA                          5 years, 2 years
Re-appointed accounting firms in this period

□ Yes √ No

Appointment of internal control auditing accounting firm, financial consultant or sponsor

√Applicable   □ Not applicable

Pan-China Certified Public Accountants (LLP) was engaged as audit institute of internal control for the Company of 2020, auditing
fee for internal control was 0.32 million Yuan.

During the reporting period, the company engaged CITIC Securities Co., Ltd as an independent financial adviser due to the major
assets restructuring, the financial adviser fee was 1.5 million Yuan.

                                                                             Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

X. Particular about delisting after annual report disclosed

□ Applicable      √ Not applicable

XI. Bankruptcy reorganization

□ Applicable       √ Not applicable
No bankruptcy reorganization for the Company in reporting period

XII. Significant lawsuits and arbitration of the Company

√ Applicable      □ Not applicable

                             Amount                                              Outcome and
                                             Whether a
        Lawsuits           involved (10                                           impact of           Judgment      Disclosure       Disclosure
                                          accrual liability       Progress
       (arbitration)        thousand                                              litigation         enforcement       date            index
                                            resulted (Y/N)
                              Yuan)                                              (arbitration)

                                                                                                                                 ―Notice on
Nanjing          Putian
                                                                             No significant                                      Lawsuits‖
                                                                             impact on the                                       and Progress
Co., Ltd bring a suit                                         Settlement
                               5,343.58 N                                    current profit or   -                 2020-01-14    of the
against         Beijing                                       withdrawal
                                                                             profit after the                                    Material
UniStrong Co., Ltd
                                                                             period                                              Lawsuits
for contract dispute
                                                                                                                                 (Notice No.:
                                                                                                                                 2020-005) on
                                                                                                                                 23 Jan. 2020.

Other lawsuits and
arbitration:                   3,946.73 -                     -              -                   -                               -

Case of Sale and
purchase        contract
dispute-        Nanjing
                                                                             No significant                                      ―Announcem
                                                                             impact on the                                       ent on
Telecommunications                                            Settlement
                                 238.04 N                                    current profit or   -                 2020-08-12    Cumulative
Co., Ltd bring a suit                                         withdrawal
                                                                             profit after the                                    Litigation‖
against         Jiangsu
                                                                             period                                              (Notice No.:
Xinxin          Jiayuan
Network Tech. Co.,

Case of Sale and                  12.58 N                     Settlement No significant          -                 2020-08-12

                                                        Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

purchase        contract                 withdrawal impact on the                                      ―Announcem
dispute-        Nanjing                                 current profit or                              ent on
Putian                                                  profit after the                               Cumulative
Communications                                          period                                         Litigation‖
Co., Ltd. bring a suit                                                                                 (Notice No.:
against Great Wall                                                                                     2020-043)
Broadband Network
Service       Co.,     Ltd.
Shantou Branch

Case                     of
contract dispute -
Jiangsu Huichuang
Science                and                              No significant                                 ―Announcem
Education                                               impact on the                                  ent on
Development            Co.,    46.52 N   Judged         current profit or                 2020-08-12   Cumulative
Ltd. bring a suit                                       profit after the                               Litigation‖
against         Nanjing                                 period                                         (Notice No.:
Putian                                                                                                 2020-043)
Company Ltd

Case of Sale and
purchase        contract
                                                        No significant                                 ―Announcem
dispute-        Huaxun
                                                        impact on the                                  ent on
Ark Co., Ltd. bring                                                         Execution
                              218.07 N   Judged         current profit or                 2020-08-12   Cumulative
a      suit      against                                                    completed
                                                        profit after the                               Litigation‖
Nanjing              Putian
                                                        period                                         (Notice No.:
Co., Ltd.

Case       of        Labor                              No significant                                 ―Announcem
dispute- Gu Ming'e                                      impact on the                                  ent on
                                         Mediated                           Execution
bring a suit against             7.6 N                  current profit or                 2020-08-12   Cumulative
                                         case closure                       completed
Nanjing              Putian                             profit after the                               Litigation‖
Network Co., Ltd.                                       period                                         (Notice No.:

Case of Sale and
                                                        No significant
purchase        contract                                                                               ―Announcem
                                                        impact on the
dispute-Nanjing                          Mediated                           Execution                  ent on
                               57.12 N                  current profit or                 2020-08-12
Caiqian Technology                       case closure                       completed                  Cumulative
                                                        profit after the
Co., Ltd. bring a suit                                                                                 Litigation‖
against         Nanjing                                                                                (Notice No.:

                                                        Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

Putian                                                                                                 2020-043)
Co., Ltd.

Case       of      Unjust
enrichment dispute-
Nanjing             Putian
                                                                                                       ent on
Telege          Intelligent              Trial in
                                3.38 N                  Pending             -             2020-08-12   Cumulative
Building Ltd bring a                     progress
suit               against
                                                                                                       (Notice No.:
Wenzhou             Dayao
Hardware Co., Ltd

Case of Sale and
purchase          contract
dispute-          Nanjing
Putian                                                  No significant                                 ―Announcem
Telecommunication                                       impact on the                                  ent on
                                         Mediated                           Execution
Technology                     60.16 N                  current profit or                 2020-08-12   Cumulative
                                         case closure                       completed
Company Ltd. bring                                      profit after the                               Litigation‖
a      suit        against                              period                                         (Notice No.:
Guangzhou Jingxin                                                                                      2020-043)
Equipment Co., Ltd.

Case of Sale and
purchase          contract
                                                        No significant                                 ―Announcem
dispute-           Jiangsu
                                                        impact on the                                  ent on
Huaqiang            Power                Mediated                           Execution
                              103.99 N                  current profit or                 2020-08-12   Cumulative
Equipment Co., Ltd.                      case closure                       completed
                                                        profit after the                               Litigation‖
bring a suit against
                                                        period                                         (Notice No.:
Nanjing         Mennekes
Electric Co., Ltd.

Case of Sale and
purchase          contract
dispute-         Zhejiang                               No significant                                 ―Announcem
Dahua       Technology                                  impact on the                                  ent on
                                         Mediated                           Execution
Co., Ltd. bring a suit         183.3 N                  current profit or                 2020-08-12   Cumulative
                                         case closure                       completed
against           Nanjing                               profit after the                               Litigation‖
Putian                                                  period                                         (Notice No.:
Communications                                                                                         2020-043)
Co., Ltd.

Case of Sale and                                        No significant
purchase          contract               Mediated       impact on the       Execution                  ―Announcem
                              280.05 N                                                    2020-08-12
dispute-          Nanjing                case closure current profit or     completed                  ent on
Shengping                                               profit after the                               Cumulative

                                                      Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

Communication                                         period                                         Litigation‖
Equipment Co., Ltd.                                                                                  (Notice No.:
bring a suit against                                                                                 2020-043)
Nanjing            Putian
Co., Ltd.

Case       of     Project
contract dispute -
Nanjing         Southern                              No significant                                 ―Announcem
Telecom Co., Ltd                                      impact on the                                  ent on
bring a suit against        151.83 N                  current profit or   -             2020-08-12   Cumulative
Chongqing           New                               profit after the                               Litigation‖
Oupeng          Education                             period                                         (Notice No.:
City      Management                                                                                 2020-043)
Co., Ltd.

Case of Sale and
purchase         contract
dispute-         Nanjing
Gerong                                                No significant                                 ―Announcem
Optoelectronics                                       impact on the                                  ent on
                                       Mediated                           Execution
Technology           Co.,     8.34 N                  current profit or                 2020-08-12   Cumulative
                                       case closure                       completed
Ltd. bring a suit                                     profit after the                               Litigation‖
against          Nanjing                              period                                         (Notice No.:
Putian                                                                                               2020-043)
Co., Ltd.

Case of Sale and
purchase         contract
dispute-         Nanjing                              No significant                                 ―Announcem
Southern         Telecom                              impact on the                                  ent on
                                       Mediated                           Execution
Co., Ltd bring a suit       180.46 N                  current profit or                 2020-08-12   Cumulative
                                       case closure                       completed
against Guangzhou                                     profit after the                               Litigation‖
Futeng Information                                    period                                         (Notice No.:
Technology           Co.,                                                                            2020-043)

Case of Sale and
purchase         contract
                                                      No significant                                 ―Announcem
dispute-         Nanjing
                                                      impact on the                                  ent on
Putian             Telege              Mediated                           Execution
                              3.98 N                  current profit or                 2020-08-12   Cumulative
Intelligent Building                   case closure                       completed
                                                      profit after the                               Litigation‖
Ltd. bring a suit
                                                      period                                         (Notice No.:
against         Shanghai
Zhuibo Electric Co.,

                                                     Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report


Case of Sale and
purchase       contract
dispute-       Nanjing
Putian             Telege                            No significant                                 ―Announcem
Intelligent Building                                 impact on the                                  ent on
Ltd. bring a suit            4.98 N                  current profit or   -             2020-08-12   Cumulative
against Anqing City                                  profit after the                               Litigation‖
Guangcai       Market                                period                                         (Notice No.:
Changshun                                                                                           2020-043)
Equipment Firm

Case of Sale and
purchase       contract
dispute-      Shanghai
                                                     No significant                                 ―Announcem
                                                     impact on the                                  ent on
Optical-Electrical                    Mediated                           Execution
                            42.23 N                  current profit or                 2020-08-12   Cumulative
Technology Co., Ltd                   case closure                       completed
                                                     profit after the                               Litigation‖
bring a suit against
                                                     period                                         (Notice No.:
Nanjing            Putian
Co., Ltd.

Case of Sale and
purchase       contract
dispute-       Nanjing
                                                     No significant                                 ―Announcem
Great Road Optics
                                                     impact on the                                  ent on
Electronics         Tech.             Mediated                           Execution
                            29.58 N                  current profit or                 2020-08-12   Cumulative
Co., Ltd. bring a suit                case closure                       completed
                                                     profit after the                               Litigation‖
against        Nanjing
                                                     period                                         (Notice No.:
Co., Ltd.

Case of Sale and
purchase       contract
dispute-       Nanjing
                                                     No significant                                 ―Announcem
                                                     impact on the                                  ent on
Communications                        Settlement
                            28.09 N                  current profit or   -             2020-08-12   Cumulative
Co., Ltd. bring a suit                withdrawal
                                                     profit after the                               Litigation‖
against Great Wall
                                                     period                                         (Notice No.:
Broadband Network
Service     Co.,     Ltd.
Suzhou Branch

Case of Sale and             26.8 N   Settlement No significant          -             2020-08-12

                                                     Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

purchase       contract                 withdrawal impact on the                                    ―Announcem
dispute-       Nanjing                               current profit or                              ent on
Putian                                               profit after the                               Cumulative
Communications                                       period                                         Litigation‖
Co., Ltd. bring a suit                                                                              (Notice No.:
against Great Wall                                                                                  2020-043)
Broadband Network
Service      Co.,     Ltd.
Luoyang Branch

Case of Sale and
purchase       contract
dispute-       Nanjing
                                                     No significant                                 ―Announcem
                                                     impact on the                                  ent on
Electrical                              Settlement
                                10 N                 current profit or   -             2020-08-12   Cumulative
Equipment Co., Ltd                      withdrawal
                                                     profit after the                               Litigation‖
bring a suit against
                                                     period                                         (Notice No.:
Nanjing             Putian
Co., Ltd.

Case of Sale and
purchase       contract
dispute-       Nanjing                               No significant                                 ―Announcem
Chuanggan                                            impact on the                                  ent on
Technology Co., Ltd            9.75 N                current profit or   -             2020-08-12   Cumulative
bring a suit against                                 profit after the                               Litigation‖
Nanjing             Putian                           period                                         (Notice No.:
Communications                                                                                      2020-043)
Co., Ltd.

Dispute cases that
damage the interest
of            creditors-
                                                                                                    ent on
Nanjing             Putian
                                        Trial in                                                    Cumulative
Communications               263.72 N                Pending             -             2020-12-30
                                        progress                                                    Litigation‖
Co., Ltd. bring a suit
                                                                                                    (Notice No.:
against Yu Yumei,
Peng      Xiong       and
Peng Shikui

Case of Sale and                                                                                    ―Announcem
                                                     No significant
purchase       contract                                                                             ent on
                                                     impact on the
dispute-        Beijing                 Settlement                                                  Cumulative
                             142.05 N                current profit or   -             2020-12-30
Xinjie        Zhonghe                   withdrawal                                                  Litigation‖
                                                     profit after the
Intelligent                                                                                         (Notice No.:
Technology            Co.,                                                                          2020-080)

                                                     Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

Ltd. bring a suit
against         Nanjing
Co., Ltd

Labor dispute case-
Wu Yunfei bring a
                                                                                                    ent on
suit against Nanjing
                                      Trial in                                                      Cumulative
Putian                      10.89 N                  Pending             -             2020-12-30
                                      progress                                                      Litigation‖
                                                                                                    (Notice No.:
Company Ltd.

Case       of     Labor                                                                             ―Announcem
dispute- Zhang Wei                                                                                  ent on
bring a suit against                  Trial in                                                      Cumulative
                            52.96 N                  Pending             -             2020-12-30
Nanjing          Putian               progress                                                      Litigation‖
Communications                                                                                      (Notice No.:
Co., Ltd                                                                                            2020-080)

Case       of     Labor                                                                             ―Announcem
                                                     No significant
dispute- Ma Wenbin                                                                                  ent on
                                                     impact on the
bring a suit against                  Settlement                                                    Cumulative
                             5.07 N                  current profit or   -             2020-12-30
Nanjing          Putian               withdrawal                                                    Litigation‖
                                                     profit after the
Communications                                                                                      (Notice No.:
Co., Ltd                                                                                            2020-080)

Case of Sale and
purchase        contract                                                                            ―Announcem
                                                     No significant
dispute-        Nanjing                                                                             ent on
                                                     impact on the
Mennekes Co., Ltd.                    Mediated                           Execution                  Cumulative
                           213.22 N                  current profit or                 2020-12-30
bring a suit against                  case closure                       completed                  Litigation‖
                                                     profit after the
Xi’an          Tongrui                                                                             (Notice No.:
Electron Mechanical                                                                                 2020-080)
Equipment Co., Ltd.

Case of Sale and
purchase        contract
dispute-         Hubei                               No significant
                                                                                                    ent on
Jassonfiber       Tech.                              impact on the
                                      Mediated                           Execution                  Cumulative
Co., Ltd bring a suit       81.93 N                  current profit or                 2020-12-30
                                      case closure                       completed                  Litigation‖
against         Nanjing                              profit after the
                                                                                                    (Notice No.:
Putian                                               period
Co., Ltd

Case       of     Labor     23.95 N   Trial in       Pending             -             2020-12-30   ―Announcem

                                                        Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

dispute-             Chen                progress                                                      ent on
Yumei bring a suit                                                                                     Cumulative
against          Nanjing                                                                               Litigation‖
Putian                                                                                                 (Notice No.:
Communications                                                                                         2020-080)
Co., Ltd

Contracting dispute
case - Zheng Qiang,                                                                                    ―Announcem
Wu     Wengao          and                                                                             ent on
Jiang Mingwei bring                      Trial in                                                      Cumulative
                              184.54 N                  Pending             -             2020-12-30
a      suit         against              progress                                                      Litigation‖
Nanjing             Putian                                                                             (Notice No.:
Communications                                                                                         2020-080)
Co., Ltd

Case       of        Labor                                                                             ―Announcem
dispute- Li Qi bring                                                                                   ent on
a      suit         against              Trial in                                                      Cumulative
                              480.73 N                  Pending             -             2020-12-30
Nanjing             Putian               progress                                                      Litigation‖
Communications                                                                                         (Notice No.:
Co., Ltd                                                                                               2020-080)

Case of Sale and
purchase         contract
dispute-         Nanjing
Southern        Telecom
Co., Ltd bring a suit                                   No significant
                                                                                                       ent on
against       the     Geju                              impact on the
                                         Mediated                           Execution                  Cumulative
Business Education            691.58 N                  current profit or                 2020-12-30
                                         case closure                       completed                  Litigation‖
Technology                                              profit after the
                                                                                                       (Notice No.:
(Shenzhen) Co., Ltd                                     period
and    Beijing        Geju
Business            Online
Technology            Co.,

Case of Sale and
purchase         contract
dispute-        Shanghai                                                                               ―Announcem
                                                        No significant
Haiheng Intelligent                                                                                    ent on
                                                        impact on the
Culture Technology                       Mediated                           Execution                  Cumulative
                               21.95 N                  current profit or                 2020-12-30
Co., Ltd bring a suit                    case closure                       completed                  Litigation‖
                                                        profit after the
against          Nanjing                                                                               (Notice No.:
Putian                                                                                                 2020-080)
Co., Ltd.

                                                                               Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

Case of Sale and
purchase        contract
dispute-        Jiangsu
                                                                                                                                                     ent on
Datang          Electric
                                                                Trial in                                                                             Cumulative
Technology Co., Ltd                 67.29 N                                    Pending                    -                     2020-12-30
                                                                progress                                                                             Litigation‖
bring a suit against
                                                                                                                                                     (Notice No.:
Nanjing            Putian
Co., Ltd.

XIII. Penalty and rectification

□ Applicable      √ Not applicable
There are no penalty and rectification in the reporting period

XIV. Integrity of the Company and its controlling shareholders and actual controllers

□ Applicable      √ Not applicable

XV. Implementation of the Company’s stock incentive plan, employee stock ownership plan
or other employee incentives

□ Applicable      √ Not applicable
During the reporting period, the Company has no stock incentive plan, employee stock ownership plan or other employee incentives
that have not been implemented.

XVI. Major related transaction

1. Related transaction with routine operation concerned

√ Applicable      □ Not applicable

                                                                                   Proporti                   Whethe               Market
                                                                     Trading on in the                          r to               price of
                            Related Related                                                   transacti                 Means
 Related     Related                          Pricing                amount amount                            exceed               similar                    Disclos
                        transacti transacti              Dealing                                 on                        of                  Disclos
transactio relations                          principl                (in 10        of the                      the                transacti                    ure
                              on       on                 price                               amount                    paymen                 ure date
 n parties      hip                              e                   thousan        same                      approve                 on                      index
                             type   content                                                    (in 10                      ts
                                                                     d Yuan) transacti                           d                 availabl
                                                                                     on                       amount                  e
                                                                                              d Yuan)

             Controll Purchas                                                                                                                              Notice
China        ing        e of        Telecom Market                                                                      Bank                   2020-04 on
                                                         0.00                  0    0.00% 10,800 N                                 0.00
Potevio      sharehol products product price                                                                            transfer               -28         Forecas
             der        and                                                                                                                                t of

                                                                  Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

                      receipt                                                                                              Routine
                      of                                                                                                   Related
                      services                                                                                             Transac
                      from                                                                                                 tion for
                      related                                                                                              2020
                      parties                                                                                              publish
                                                                                                                           ed on

Other        Other    Purchas
enterprise subsidia e of
controlled ry         products
by China enterpri and
Putian       se       receipt    Telecom Market                                              Bank                2020-04
                                                  171.99 171.99      0.23%      500 N                   171.99             same as
Informati controll of            product price                                               transfer            -28
on           ed by    services
Industry     actual   from
Group        controll related
Co., Ltd. er          parties

-Includin Subsidia e of
g:           ry       products
Nanjing      enterpri and
Putian       se of    receipt    Telecom Market                                              Bank                2020-04
                                                  165.13   165.13    0.22%          N                   165.13             same as
Honyar       controlli of        product price                                               transfer            -28
Electrics ng          services
Tech. Co., sharehol from
Ltd          der      related

             Subsidia e of
             ry       products
g: Potevio
             enterpri and
Informati                                                                                                                  The
             se of    receipt    Telecom Market                                              Bank                2020-04
on                                                6.86       6.86    0.01%          N                   6.86               same as
             controlli of        product price                                               transfer            -28
Technolo                                                                                                                   above
             ng       services
gy Co.,
             sharehol from
             der      related

             Controll Sales of
China        ing      products Telecom Market                                                Bank                2020-04
                                                  175.96   175.96    0.17%    2,500 N                   175.96             same as
Potevio      sharehol and        product price                                               transfer            -28
             der      provisio

                                                                     Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

                         n of

                         Sales of
Putian       enterpri
                         provisio                                                                                             The
Communi se of                       Telecom Market                                              Bank                2020-04
                         n of                        104.07   104.07    0.10%    2,000 N                   104.07             same as
cations      controlli              product price                                               transfer            -28
                         services                                                                                             above
Co., Ltd. ng

                         Sales of
enterprise Other
controlled subsidia
by China ry
                         provisio                                                                                             The
Putian       enterpri               Telecom Market                                              Bank                2020-04
                         n of                        289.15 289.15      0.28%      800 N                   289.15             same as
Informati se of                     product price                                               transfer            -28
                         services                                                                                             above
on           actual
Industry     controll
Group        er
Co., Ltd.

                         Sales of
             Subsidia products
g: Beijing
             ry          and
             enterpri provisio                                                                                                The
Desheng                             Telecom Market                                              Bank                2020-04
             se of       n of                        192.32   192.32    0.19%          N                   192.32             same as
Technolo                            product price                                               transfer            -28
             actual      services                                                                                             above
             controll to
             er          related
Co., ltd

                         Sales of
-Includin                products
g: Potevio               and
Informati                provisio                                                                                             The
             se of                  Telecom Market                                              Bank                2020-04
on                       n of                        33.2       33.2    0.03%          N                   33.2               same as
             controlli              product price                                               transfer            -28
Technolo                 services                                                                                             above
gy Co.,                  to
Ltd.                     related

-Includin Subsidia Sales of Telecom Market 4.13                 4.13    0.00%          N        Bank       4.13     2020-04 The

                                                                 Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

g: Putian ry             products product price                                             transfer           -28       same as
Kechuang enterpri and                                                                                                    above
Industry     se of       provisio
Co., Ltd     actual      n of
             controll services
             er          to

                         Sales of
-Includin                provisio                                                                                        The
             se of                  Telecom Market                                          Bank               2020-04
g:                       n of                        27.35   27.35   0.03%         N                   27.35             same as
             controlli              product price                                           transfer           -28
Eastcom                  services                                                                                        above

-Includin                Sales of
g: Beijing               products
Potian                   and
Taili                    provisio                                                                                        The
             se of                  Telecom Market                                          Bank               2020-04
Communi                  n of                        0.17     0.17   0.00%         N                   0.17              same as
             controlli              product price                                           transfer           -28
cation                   services                                                                                        above
Technolo                 to
gy Co.,                  related
ltd.                     parties

                         Sales of
-Includin                products
g: Putian                and
Eastern                  provisio                                                                                        The
             se of                  Telecom Market                                          Bank               2020-04
Communi                  n of                        2.26     2.26   0.00%         N                   2.26              same as
             controlli              product price                                           transfer           -28
cations                  services                                                                                        above
Group                    to
Co., Ltd.                related

             Subsidia Sales of
             ry          products
             enterpri and
g: Potevio                                                                                                               The
             se of       provisio Telecom Market                                            Bank               2020-04
New                                                  29.72   29.72   0.03%         N                   29.72             same as
             controlli n of         product price                                           transfer           -28
Energy                                                                                                                   above
             ng          services
Co., Ltd.
             sharehol to
             der         related

                                                                                     Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report


                        Lease of
Putian                  properti
            enterpri                   Rent and                                                                                                               The
Hi-Tech                 es and                       Market                                                           Bank                       2020-04
            se of                      Property                   79.61        79.61 33.66%          100 N                       79.61                        same as
Industry                receipt                      price                                                            transfer                   -28
            actual                     Fee                                                                                                                    above
Co., Ltd                of

Total                                                     --         --       820.78      --      16,700     --          --            --              --         --

Details of major sold-out order sent

                                                     It is estimated that routine related transactions occurred in 2020 will not exceed 167 million
                                                     Yuan (of which, the amount purchase of products and receipt of services from related
The actual implementation of routine parties will not be more than 113 million Yuan, sales of products and provision of services
related transactions that is about to to related parties will not be more than 53 million Yuan, paying rentals and relevant service
occurred in the Period with total costs to related party will not be more than one million Yuan); the related transaction
amount estimated by category (if actually occurred amounted as 8.2078 million Yuan (of which, 1.7199 million Yuan from
applicable)                                          purchasing goods and receiving labor service, 5.6918 million Yuan from sales of product
                                                     and provide labor services, rental and property expenses amounted as 0.7961 million Yuan)
                                                     in total that not more than expected at beginning of the year.

Reason     for   the      great       difference
between    trade      price     and      market -
reference price (if applicable)

2. Related transactions by assets acquisition and sold

√ Applicable    □ Not applicable

                                                                          Carrying Appraised
                                                                          value of     value of                            Trading
                              Type of        Content                                              Transfer
                                                                          the assets the assets                           gains/loss
 Related      Associati       related        of related        Pricing                            price (10 Settlemen                       Disclosur Disclosur
                                                                          transferre transferre                               es (10
   party         on        transactio transactio principle                                        thousand        t                          e date          e index
                                                                            d (10       d (10                             thousand
                                  n              n                                                 Yuan)
                                                                          thousand thousand                                   Yuan)
                                                                           Yuan)        Yuan)

Putian      Subsidiar                     49.64%           Listed for                                                                                       The
Innovatio y of the                        equity of transfer                                                                                                ―Proposal
                              Sale of                                                                                                       2020-10-
n and       controllin                    the joint        based on       16,860.48 22,749.22 22,749.22 In cash               6,103.21                      of Major
                               equity                                                                                                       14
Entrepren g                               stock            appraisal                                                                                        Assets
eurship     sharehold                     enterprise value                                                                                                  Sale‖publ

                                                                    Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

Managem er                         - Putian                                                                             ished on
ent Co.,                           High-tech                                                                            Juchao
Ltd.                               Industry                                                                             Website;
                                   Co., Ltd                                                                             ―Major
                                                                                                                        Sale and
                                                                                                                        Report on
                                                                                                                        dated 27
                                                                                                                        r 2020

                                   equity of
Putian                                                                                                                  on the
Innovatio Subsidiar                                                                                                     Related
n and      y of the                                                                                                     Transacti
                                   - Nanjing Base on
Entrepren controllin Sale of                                                                                   2020-12- ons of
                                   Putian       appraised    150.67 4,343.16 4,343.16 In cash       4,238.52
eurship    g          equity                                                                                   10       Subsidiar
                                   Informati value
Managem sharehold                                                                                                       y’s Equity
ent Co.,   er                                                                                                           Transfer ‖
Ltd.                                                                                                                    published
                                   gy Co.,
                                                                                                                        on Juchao

                                                                                                                        of Major
Putian                                                                                                                  ished on
                                   land use
Innovatio Subsidiar                                                                                                     Juchao
                                   rights and Listed for
n and      y of the   Sales of                                                                                          Website;
                                   structures transfer
Entrepren controllin land use                                                                                  2020-10- ―Major
                                   on the       based on    1,061.01 11,038.36 11,038.36 In cash    6,017.03
eurship    g          rights and                                                                               14       Assets
                                   ground at appraisal
Managem sharehold buildings                                                                                             Sale and
                                   No.1         value
ent Co.,   er                                                                                                           Report on
Ltd.                                                                                                                    Related
                                                                                                                        dated 27

                                                                      Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

                                                                                                                           r 2020

Reasons for large differences between the
transfer price and carrying value or Not applicable
appraisal value (if any)

Impact on operating results and financial The above matters have a gains from assets disposal and investment earnings of
status of the Company                            163.5876 million yuan in total.

If   relevant      transaction    involves   a
performance agreement, the performance Not applicable
realization during the reporting period

3. Main related transactions of mutual investment outside

□ Applicable      √ Not applicable
No main related transactions of mutual investment outside for the Company in reporting period

4. Contact of related credit and debt

√ Applicable     □ Not applicable
Whether the Company had non-operating contact of related credit and debt
□ Yes          √ No
The Company had no non-operating contact of related credit and debt in the reporting period.

5. Other related transactions

√ Applicable     □ Not applicable
The Company applied for entrusted loan from controlling shareholder- China Potevio in the reporting period

Website for temporary disclosure of the major connected transaction

                   Announcement                              Date of disclosure                   Website for disclosure

Relation Transaction of Applying Entrust Loan
                                                    2020-03-28                         Juchao Website:www.cninfo.com.cn
from Controlling Shareholder

Relation Transaction of Applying Entrust Loan
                                                    2020-05-20                         Juchao Website:www.cninfo.com.cn
from Controlling Shareholder

XVII. Significant contract and implementations

1. Trusteeship, contract and leasing

(1) Trusteeship

□ Applicable      √ Not applicable
No trusteeship for the Company in reporting period

                                                                    Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

(2) Contract

□ Applicable    √ Not applicable
No contract for the Company in reporting period

(3) Leasing

√ Applicable    □ Not applicable
Explanation on leasing
During the reporting period, the company and its subsidiaries incurred rental fee and property fee of 2.37 million yuan, and recognized
rental income of 1.52 million yuan.
Items that bringing gain/loss to the Company more than 10% of the total profits in reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No items generated over 10% gains/losses in total profit in reporting period for the Company

2. Major guarantees

√ Applicable   □ Not applicable

(1) Guarantees

                                                                                                                    In 10 thousand Yuan

                   Particulars about the external guarantee of the Company (Barring the guarantee for subsidiaries)

                                                                                                                                e for
                    Announce                                            Actual                                  Implemen
Name of the Company                   Guarantee    Actual date of                   Guarantee      Guarantee
                       ment                                            guarantee                                             related
    guaranteed                          limit       happening                         type           term       ted (Y/N)
                    disclosure                                           limit

                                           Guarantee of the Company for the subsidiaries

                                                                                                                                e for
                    Announce                                            Actual                                  Implemen
Name of the Company                   Guarantee    Actual date of                   Guarantee      Guarantee
                       ment                                            guarantee                                             related
    guaranteed                          limit       happening                         type           term       ted (Y/N)
                    disclosure                                           limit

Nanjing Southern         May 30,                                                                 2020.3.18-20
                                            7,500 March 18, 2020            1,000 liability                     Y           N
Telecom Co., Ltd         2019                                                                    20.12.11

Nanjing Southern         May 30,                                                                 2020.4.17-20
                                            7,500 April 17, 2020            1,000 liability                     N           N
Telecom Co., Ltd         2019                                                                    21.1.8

Nanjing Southern         May 30,            7,500 April 17, 2020            1,000 Jointly        2020.4.17-20 N             N

                                                                      Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

Telecom Co., Ltd        2019                                                          liability     21.4.17

Nanjing Southern        April 28,                                                                   2020.5.12-20
                                            7,500 May 12, 2020                 1,000 liability                     Y           N
Telecom Co., Ltd        2020                                                                        20.11.12
                                                                    Total amount of actual
Total amount of approving
                                                                    occurred guarantee for
guarantee for subsidiaries in report                         11,900                                                                  4,000
                                                                    subsidiaries in report period
period (B1)
                                                                    Total balance of actual
Total    amount      of   approved
                                                                    guarantee for subsidiaries at
guarantee for subsidiaries at the                            11,900                                                                  2,000
                                                                    the end of reporting period
end of reporting period (B3)
                                             Guarantee of the subsidiary for subsidiaries

                                                                                                                                   e for
                    Announce                                              Actual                                   Implemen
Name of the Company            Guarantee            Actual date of                     Guarantee     Guarantee
                       ment                                              guarantee                                              related
    guaranteed                   limit               happening                           type          term        ted (Y/N)
                    disclosure                                             limit

                       Total amount of guarantee of the Company (total of three above mentioned guarantee)

Total amount of approving                                              Total amount of actual
guarantee in report period                                   11,900 occurred guarantee in report                                     4,000
(A1+B1+C1)                                                             period (A2+B2+C2)

Total amount of approved                                               Total balance of actual
guarantee at the end of report                               11,900 guarantee at the end of                                          2,000
period (A3+B3+C3)                                                      report period (A4+B4+C4)

The proportion of the total amount of actually guarantee in the net
assets of the Company (that is A4+ B4+C4)

Amount of guarantee for shareholders, actual controller and its
related parties (D)

The debts guarantee amount provided for the guaranteed parties
whose assets-liability ratio exceed 70% directly or indirectly (E)

Proportion of total amount of guarantee in net assets of the
Company exceed 50% (F)

Total amount of the aforesaid three guarantees (D+E+F)                                                                               2,000
Explanations on possibly bearing joint and several liquidating
responsibilities for undue guarantees (if applicable)

Explanations on external guarantee against regulated procedures
(if applicable)

Explanation on guarantee with composite way

                                                                  Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

(2) Guarantee outside against the regulation

□Applicable √Not applicable
No guarantee outside against the regulation in Period.

3. Entrust others to cash asset management

(1) Trust financing

□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company had no trust financing in the reporting period.

(2) Entrusted loans

□ Applicable    √ Not applicable
The Company had no entrusted loans in the reporting period.

4. Major contracts for daily operations

□ Applicable    √ Not applicable

5. Other material contracts

□ Applicable    √ Not applicable
No other material contracts for the Company in reporting period

XVIII. Social responsibility

1. Performance of social responsibility

Based on the communications industry, the company adheres to independent innovation, continuously promotes
the sustainable development of itself and society, and fulfills its responsibilities and obligations to society,
shareholders, employees and other interested parties.
The company continuously improves and optimizes corporate governance, earnestly fulfills its obligation of
information disclosure, ensures shareholders’ right to know, right to participate and right to vote on major matters
of the company, and guarantees the legitimate rights and interests of all shareholders.
The company attaches great importance to quality, environment and occupational safety and health management.
It has passed GB/T19001-2016 quality management system certification, GB/T24001-2016 environmental
management system certification, and GB/T28001-2011 occupational health and safety management system
certification, and constantly strives to promote environmental protection and sustainable development.
The company strictly abides by the Labor Law, Labor Contract Law and other laws and regulations, always
adheres to the people-oriented core values, attaches great importance to the value of employees, cares about the

                                                                    Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

work, life, health and safety of employees, effectively protects the rights and interests of employees, enhances the
cohesion of the company, devotes to the realization of the joint development vision of the company and its
The company has always kept in mind the mission and responsibility of the central enterprise and is enthusiastic
about devoting itself to social welfare undertakings. Do a good job in targeted poverty alleviation, and have
participated in the ―Spring Bud Project‖ of China Children and Teenagers’ Fund, Nanjing City Charity ―One Day
Donation‖ and other charitable assistance and donations and public welfare activities for many years. The
company’s youth commonweal organization ―Blue Dandelion‖ volunteer service team was rated as ―Top Ten
Volunteer Organizations‖ by the Nanjing Youth League Committee.
The company has always been honest and trustworthy, operating in accordance with the law, actively building
partnerships with suppliers, customers, banks and other relevant stakeholders, respecting the legitimate rights and
interests of stakeholders, focusing on communication and coordination with various stakeholders, and achieving a
win-win situation of the company and stakeholders, and promoting the company’s sustained and steady

2. Precise poverty alleviation social responsibility

(1) Precise poverty alleviation plan

The company will implement the work arrangements of the party committee of the group and the party committee of the Nanjing
Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, earnestly fulfill its social responsibilities, and actively participate in
targeted poverty alleviation.

(2) Summary of annual precise poverty alleviation

During the reporting period, the company further implemented the "Party Building and Joint Construction Agreement" signed with
the Jianshe Township Committee of Dari County, Qinghai in accordance with the deployment of the party committee of the group
company. Continued to effectively assist Molihua Village in Liuhe District, and fulfill the social responsibilities of central enterprises.
Earnestly implemented the work deployment of the group company's party committee on fixed-point poverty alleviation and pairing
assistance, and purchased a total of 60,000 yuan of agricultural products from poverty alleviation areas to help fight poverty.

(3) Results of the poverty

                      Target                        Measurement unit                       Numbers/ implementation

i. Overall                                                 ——                                       ——

                                                      In 10 thousand
   Including: 1. Capital                                                                                                               6

ii. Invested by specific project                           ——                                       ——

   1. Industrial development poverty                       ——                                       ——

   2. Transfer employment                                  ——                                       ——

                                                                     Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

   3.Relocation the poor                                   ——                                      ——

   4.Education poverty                                     ——                                      ——

   5.Health poverty alleviation                            ——                                      ——

   6.Ecological protection and poverty
                                                           ——                                      ——

   7.Fallback protection                                   ——                                      ——

   8.Social poverty alleviation                            ——                                      ——

   9. Other item                                           ——                                      ——

                                                      In 10 thousand
                9.2. Investment amount                                                                                             6

iii. Awards (content and grade)                            ——                                      ——

(4) Follow-up of precise poverty alleviation

In 2021, the company will actively fulfill its poverty alleviation responsibilities, maintain normalized assistance cooperation with
Molihua Village, and at the same time actively participate in Putian Group's poverty alleviation linkage and consumption poverty
alleviation work for Dari County, so as to gather intelligence, gather strength, and win the tough battle against poverty.

3. Environmental protection

The listed Company and its subsidiary whether belongs to the key sewage units released from environmental protection department

□ Yes √ No
The listed Company and its subsidiary did not belongs to the key sewage units released from environmental protection department

XIX. Explanation on other significant events

√ Applicable     □ Not applicable
Index of the material events that disclosed in reporting period:

                          Event                                Disclosure date         Index of information on appointed website
Notice on major litigation                                         2020.1.14           Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

Notice on Resolution of 30th Session of 7th BOD                    2020.1.18           Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

Notice on the transfer of assets by listing                        2020.1.18           Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

Notice on Change the Continuous Supervision                        2020.1.22           Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
Sponsor Representative
Notice on the progress of major litigation matters                 2020.1.23           Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

2019 annual performance forecast                                   2020.1.23           Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

                                                      Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

Notice on Resolution of 31st Session of 7th BOD     2020.3.10         Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

Notice on the progress of listing and transfer of   2020.3.10         Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
Notice on liquidation and closure of subsidiaries   2020.3.10         Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

Notice on obtain Government Subsidies               2020.3.14         Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

Notice on the progress of guarantees for holding    2020.3.18         Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
Notice on Resolution of 32th Session of 7th BOD     2020.3.28         Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

Notice on Related Transaction of Applying for       2020.3.28         Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
Entrust Loans to Controlling Shareholder
Notice on Resolution of 33th Session of 7th BOD     2020.4.8          Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

Notice on the resignation of senior managers        2020.4.8          Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

Preliminary Earnings Estimate for 2019              2020.4.15         Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

Performance Forecast for Q1 of 2020                 2020.4.15         Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

Notice on the progress of guarantees for holding    2020.4.22         Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
Notice on Resolution of 34th Session of 7th BOD     2020.4.28         Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

Notice on Resolution of 14th Session of 7th         2020.4.28         Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
Supervisory Committee
Summary of Annual Report 2019                       2020.4.28         Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

Notice on Provision for Impairment of Assets for    2020.4.28         Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
Notice on Guarantee for Controlling Subsidiary      2020.4.28         Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

Notice of the Forecast for Routine Related          2020.4.28         Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
Transaction for year of 2020
Text of First Quarterly Report 2020                 2020.4.29         Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

Notice on the progress of listing and transfer of   2020.5.9          Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
Notice on convening the 2019 annual performance     2020.5.20         Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
online briefing
Notice on the progress of guarantees for holding    2020.5.20         Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
Notice on Resolution of 36th Session of 7th BOD     2020.5.20         Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

Notice on Related Transaction of Applying for       2020.5.20         Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
Entrust Loans to Controlling Shareholder
Notice on Convening the AGM of 2019                 2020.5.20         Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

Suggestive notice on planning a major asset         2020.6.4          Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

                                                            Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

Notice on Resolution of AGM of 2019                       2020.6.11         Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

Notice on the progress of planning a major asset          2020.6.18         Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
Notice on Resolution of 37th Session of 7th BOD           2020.6.29         Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

Notice on the progress of planning a major asset          2020.7.6         Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
Notice on Resolution of 38th Session of 7th BOD            2020.7.9         Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

Notice on the establishment of wholly-owned                2020.7.9         Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
Performance Forecast for Semi-Annual of 2020              2020.7.15         Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

Notice on the progress of investing in the                2020.7.17         Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
establishment of a wholly-owned subsidiary
Notice on the progress of planning a major asset          2020.7.20         Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
Notice on the progress of planning a major asset           2020.8.3         Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
Notice on cumulative lawsuits                             2020.8.12         Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

Notice on the progress of planning a major asset          2020.8.17         Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
Notice on Resolution of 39th Session of 7th BOD           2020.8.25         Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

Summary of Semi-Annual Report of 2020                     2020.8.25         Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

Notice on Change of Accounting Policy                     2020.8.25         Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

Notice on the progress of planning a major asset          2020.8.31         Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
Notice on the progress of planning a major asset          2020.9.14         Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
reorganization and adjustments of the reorganization
Notice on Resolution of 40th Session of 7th BOD           2020.9.25         Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

Notice on the progress of planning a major asset          2020.9.28         Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
Notice on Resolution of 41th Session of 7th BOD           2020.10.14        Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

Notice on Resolution of 17th Session of 7th               2020.10.14        Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
Supervisory Committee
Plan on Sales of Major Asset (summary)                    2020.10.14        Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

Notice on the listing and transfer of related assets on   2020.10.14        Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
the Beijing Equity Exchange
Notice on general risk warning of major asset             2020.10.14        Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

                                                              Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

Performance Forecast of 3Q of 2020                          2020.10.15        Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

Text of 3Q report of 2020                                   2020.10.31        Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

Notice on the progress after the disclosure of the          2020.11.13        Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
major asset reorganization plan
Notice on Resolution of 43th Session of 7th BOD             2020.11.17        Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

Notice on the acquisition of the equity from                2020.11.17        Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
subsidiaries and the absorption and merger of
Notice   on    Convening      the     1st   Extraordinary   2020.11.17        Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
Shareholders General Meeting of 2020
Notice on Resolution of 44th Session of 7th BOD             2020.11.27        Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

Notice on Resolution of 19th Session of 7th                 2020.11.27        Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
Supervisory Committee
Sales of Major Assets and Summary of the Report             2020.11.27        Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
(Draft) on Related Party Transactions
Notice   on    Convening      the    2nd    Extraordinary   2020.11.27        Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
Shareholders General Meeting of 2020
Notice   on    Convening      the     1st   Extraordinary   2020.12.4         Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
Shareholders General Meeting of 2020
Self-examination report on the purchase and sale of         2020.12.10        Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
the company’s stocks by insiders related to major
asset reorganization
Notice on the reappointment of Certified Public             2020.12.10        Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
Notice on Resolution of 45th Session of 7th BOD             2020.12.10        Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

Notice on Related-Party Transactions on Transfer of         2020.12.10        Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
Equity in Subsidiaries
Notice   on    Convening      the    3rd    Extraordinary   2020.12.10        Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
Shareholders General Meeting of 2020
Notice on the postponement of reply to the                  2020.12.10        Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
reorganization inquiry letter of the Shenzhen Stock
Notice on the Reply to the "Inquiry Letter on the           2020.12.12        Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
Reorganization           of         Nanjing       Putian
Telecommunications Co., Ltd." by the Shenzhen
Stock Exchange
Sales of Major Assets and Summary of the Report             2020.12.12        Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
(Draft) on Related Party Transactions
Notice on the revision of the Sales of Major Assets         2020.12.12        Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
and Summary of the Report (Draft) on Related Party

                                                             Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

Notice on the progress of the transfer of the equity of    2020.12.12        Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
the subsidiary
Notice   on      Convening    the    2nd   Extraordinary   2020.12.24        Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
Shareholders General Meeting of 2020
Notice    on     Resolution   of     3rd   Extraordinary   2020.12.26        Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)
Shareholders General Meeting of 2020
Notice on cumulative lawsuits                              2020.12.30        Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

Notice on the progress of listing and transfer of assets   2020.12.30        Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

XX. Significant event of subsidiary of the Company

□ Applicable    √ Not applicable

                                                                Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

 Section VI. Changes in Shares and Particular about Shareholders

I. Changes in shares

1. Changes in shares

                                                                                                                          In Share
                             Before the Change              Increase/Decrease in the Change (+, -)           After the Change
                                                                Bonus      tion of                                      Proportio
                             Amount Proportion     shares                              Others    Subtotal   Amount
                                                                shares      public                                         n
                             115,000,0                                                                      115,000,0
I. Unlisted shares                       53.49%                                                                           53.49%
                                   00                                                                             00

                             115,000,0                                                                      115,000,0
1. Sponsor’s shares                     53.49%                                                                           53.49%
                                   00                                                                             00

Including: state-owned       115,000,0                                                                      115,000,0
                                         53.49%                                                                           53.49%
shares                             00                                                                             00

            Domestic legal
person’s shares

            Overseas legal
person’s shares


  2. Recruitment
corporation shares

  3. Internal employee

  4. Preferred shares or

                             100,000,0                                                                      100,000,0
II. Listed tradable shares               46.51%                                                                           46.51%
                                   00                                                                             00

1. RMB ordinary shares

2. Domestically listed       100,000,0                                                                      100,000,0
                                         46.51%                                                                           46.51%
foreign shares                     00                                                                             00

3. Overseas listed foreign

4. Others

III. Total shares            215,000,0   100.00%                                                            215,000,0 100.00%

                                                                  Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

                                        00                                                                              00

Reasons for share changed
□ Applicable   √ Not applicable
Approval of share changed
□ Applicable   √ Not applicable
Ownership transfer of share changes
□ Applicable   √ Not applicable
Progress of share repurchase
□ Applicable   √ Not applicable
Implementation progress of reducing holdings of repurchase shares by centralized bidding
□ Applicable   √ Not applicable
Influence on the basic EPS and diluted EPS as well as other financial indexes of net assets per share attributable to common
shareholders of Company in latest year and period
□ Applicable   √ Not applicable
Other information necessary to disclose or need to disclosed under requirement from security regulators
□ Applicable   √ Not applicable

2. Changes of restricted shares

□ Applicable   √ Not applicable

II. Securities issuance and listing

1. Security offering (without preferred stock) in Reporting Period

□ Applicable   √ Not applicable

2. Changes of total shares and shareholders structure as well as explanation on changes of assets and
liability structure

□ Applicable   √ Not applicable

3. Current internal staff shares

□ Applicable   √ Not applicable

III. Shareholder and actual controller of the Company

1. Amount of shareholders of the Company and particulars about shares holding

                                                                                                                             In Share

Total common                        Total common                     Total preference                Total preference
                            8,388                            8,346                               0                                0
stock                               stock                            shareholders                    shareholders

                                                                        Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

shareholders in                    shareholders at                           with voting                          with voting
reporting                          end of last month                         rights recovered                     rights recovered
period-end                         before annual                             at end of                            at end of last
                                   report disclosed                          reporting period                     month before
                                                                             (if applicable)                      annual report
                                                                             (see note 8)                         disclosed (if
                                                                                                                  applicable) (see
                                                                                                                  note 8)

                             Particulars about shares held above 5% by shareholders or top ten shareholders

                                                      Total                                                   Number of share pledged/frozen
                                                  sharehol                                   Amount
                                        Proportio           Changes      of
  Full name of         Nature of          n of     ders at                                   of listed
                                                            in report lock-up
  Shareholders        shareholder        shares the end                                       shares       State of share            Amount
                                          held               period    shares
                                                  of report                                    held

                    State-owned                      115,000,                 115,000,
China Potevio                             53.49%                  -                                    0
                    corporation                          000                       000

                    Foreign                          6,386,82
HongYuan (H.K.)                            2.97%                  740,320                0 6,386,820
                    corporation                               0

SECURITIES(H        Foreign                          5,379,11
                                           2.50%                  -101,000               0 5,379,114
ONGKONG)            corporation                               4

                    Domestic nature                  2,449,73
Zheng Enyue                                1.14%                  -                      0 2,449,739
                    person                                    9

                    Domestic nature                  2,007,11
Sun Huiming                                0.93%                  -                      0 2,007,110
                    person                                    0

                    Domestic nature                  1,871,37
Gu Jinhua                                  0.87%                  -                      0 1,871,371
                    person                                    1

Guosen Securities
                    Foreign                          1,828,68
(H.K.) Broker                              0.85%                  -73,200                0 1,828,682
                    corporation                               2
Co., Ltd.

                    Foreign                          1,266,94
SECURITIES                                 0.59%                  -200,000               0 1,266,945
                    corporation                               5

                    Domestic nature
Xiang Yan                                  0.42% 905,602 -5,000                          0    905,602

                    Domestic nature
Zhen Hongquan                              0.42% 905,600 56,400                          0    905,600

                                                                    Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

Strategy investors or general legal
person becomes top 10 shareholders
due to rights issued (if applicable)
(see note3)

Explanation        on         associated Among the top ten shareholders, China Potevio Company Limited is neither a related party
relationship or concerted action nor a person acting in concert with the others. It’s unknown by the Company whether there
among the aforesaid shareholders        are related parties or persons acting in concert among the other shareholders.

Description of the above
shareholders in relation to
delegate/entrusted voting rights and
abstention from voting rights

                                            Top 10 shareholders with circulation shares held

                                                                                                                Type of shares
         Shareholders’ name             Amount of listed shares held at end of the Period
                                                                                                     Type                  Amount

Shenwan HongYuan (H.K.) Limited                                                   6,386,820 listed foreign                       6,386,820

GUOTAI JUNAN                                                                                   Domestically
SECURITIES(HONGKONG)                                                              5,379,114 listed foreign                       5,379,114
LIMITED                                                                                        shares

Zheng Enyue                                                                       2,449,739 listed foreign                       2,449,739

Sun Huiming                                                                       2,007,110 listed foreign                       2,007,110

Gu Jinhua                                                                         1,871,371 listed foreign                       1,871,371

Guosen Securities (H.K.) Broker
                                                                                  1,828,682 listed foreign                       1,828,682
Co., Ltd.

BOCI SECURITIES LIMITED                                                           1,266,945 listed foreign                       1,266,945

Xiang Yan                                                                           905,602 listed foreign                        905,602

Zhen Hongquan                                                                       905,600                                       905,600
                                                                                               listed foreign

                                                                    Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report


Liang Wei                                                                          772,800 listed foreign                         772,800

Expiation on associated relationship
or consistent actors within the top 10
                                         It’s unknown by the Company whether there are related parties or persons acting in concert
un-restrict shareholders and between
                                         among the above mentioned shareholders.
top 10 un-restrict shareholders and
top 10 shareholders

Explanation      on      shareholders
involving margin business about top
ten common stock shareholders with N/A
un-restrict shares held(if applicable)
(see note4)

Whether top ten common stock shareholders or top ten common stock shareholders with un-restrict shares held have a buy-back
agreement dealing in reporting period
□ Yes √ No
The top ten common stock shareholders or top ten common stock shareholders with un-restrict shares held of the Company have no
buy-back agreement dealing in reporting period.

2. Controlling shareholder of the Company

Nature of controlling shareholders: central state-owned holding
Type of controlling shareholders: legal person
                                Legal person/person
    Controlling shareholder                               Date of foundation       Organization code         Main operation business
                                in charge of the unit

                                                                                                            Potevio is a large central
                                                                                                            enterprise    under      direct
                                                                                                            administration               of
                                                                                                            State-owned              Assets
                                                                                                            Supervision                and
                                                                                                            Commission of the State
                                                                                                            Council,      focusing      on
China Potevio                   Lv Weiping              July 23, 2003          91110000710931555N
                                                                                                            manufacture and trading of
                                                                                                            products,             relevant
                                                                                                            technology    research     and
                                                                                                            services.    The   operation
                                                                                                            scope covers information

                                                                        Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

                                                                                                           broadcasting,          industrial
                                                                                                           information,           financial
                                                                                                           electrics and new energy.

Equity          of        other
                                    Domestic and overseas listed companies directly controlled includes Shanghai Potevio Co., Ltd.,
domestic/oversea          listed
                                    Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd., Chengdu Potevio Cable Co., Ltd.; Domestic and
Company         control        by
                                    overseas listed companies indirectly controlled includes Eastern Communications Co., Ltd.,
controlling    shareholder     as
                                    Eastcom Peace Smart Card Co., Ltd., the Company takes no stake in domestic and overseas listed
well as stock-joint in report

Changes of controlling shareholders in reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
The Company had no changes of controlling shareholders in reporting period

3. Actual controller and person acting in concert of the Company

Nature of actual controller: central state-owned assets management
Type of actual controller: legal person
Actual controlling shareholders person/person in Date of foundation              Organization code        Main operation business
                                       charge of the unit

                                                                                                      A large central enterprise under
                                                                                                      direct      administration           of
                                                                                                      State-owned Assets Supervision
                                                                                                      and Administration Commission
                                                                                                      of the State Council, focusing on
                                                                                                      manufacture       and     trading    of
                                                                                                      information telecommunication
China Putian Corporation               Lv Weiping           March 29, 1980    9111000010000157XE
                                                                                                      products, relevant technology
                                                                                                      research    and     services.       The
                                                                                                      operation         scope         covers
                                                                                                      information telecommunication,
                                                                                                      broadcasting,               industrial
                                                                                                      information, financial electrics
                                                                                                      and new energy.

                                       No domestic and overseas listed Company directly controlled and held by the Company. Domestic
Equity    of    domestic/oversea
                                       and overseas listed Company indirectly controlled by China Potevio includes Nanjing Putian
listed   Company     control      by
                                       Telecommunications Co., Ltd., Chengdu Putian Telecommunications Cable Co., Ltd, Eastern
actual controller in report period
                                       Communications Co., Ltd. and Eastcom Peace Smart Card Co., Ltd.

Changes of actual controller in reporting period
□ Applicable √ Not applicable
No changes of actual controllers for the Company in reporting period.

                                                                   Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

Property right and controlling relationship between the actual controller and the Company is as follow:

                State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council


                                         China Putian Corporation


                                                   China Potevio


                                    Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.

Actual controller controlling the Company by entrust or other assets management

□ Applicable   √ Not applicable

4. Particulars about other legal person shareholders with over 10% shares held

□ Applicable   √ Not applicable

5. Limitation and reducing the holdings of shares of controlling shareholders, actual controllers,
restructuring side and other commitment subjects

□ Applicable   √ Not applicable

                                                      Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

                                     Section VII. Preferred Stock

□ Applicable   √ Not applicable
The Company had no preferred stock in the reporting

                                                     Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

                                    Section VIII. Convertible Bonds

□ Applicable   √ Not applicable
The Company had no convertible bonds in the Period

                                                                         Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

           Section IX. Particulars about Directors, Supervisors, Senior
                                                Executives and Employees

I. Changes of shares held by directors, supervisors and senior executives

                                                                                                  Amount     Amount
                                                                                     Shares                                   Shares
                                                                                                  of shares of shares
                                                               Start                held at                       Other       held at
                        Working                                          End date            increased decreased
                                         Sex                  dated of
               Title                              Age                    of office period-be                     changes period-en
  Name                    status        (M/F)                  office                          in this  in this
                                                               term                   gin                        (share)     d
                                                                                               period   period
                                                                                    (Share)                               (Share)
                                                                                              (Share) (Share)

                        Currently                            August
Xu Qian    (President               M                   58                                    0          0          0     0             0
                        in office                            23, 2013

Wang                    Currently                            January
           Director                 M                   46                                    0          0          0     0             0
Wenkui                  in office                            21, 2019

Wang       Deputy       Currently                            April 19,
                                    M                   46                                    0          0          0     0             0
Wenkui     President in office                               2019

                        Currently                            August
Li Tong    Director                 M                   50                                    0          0          0     0             0
                        in office                            27, 2019

                        Currently                            August
Liu Yun    Director                 F                   47                                    0          0          0     0             0
                        in office                            27, 2019

                        Currently                            August
Qin Zhen Director                   M                   52                                    0          0          0     0             0
                        in office                            23, 2017

Wang                    Currently                            August
           Director                 F                   50                                    0          0          0     0             0
Jinfeng                 in office                            23, 2017

Tang                    Currently                            August
           ent                      F                   64                                    0          0          0     0             0
Fuxin                   in office                            23, 2017

Xie                     Currently                            August
           ent                      M                   57                                    0          0          0     0             0
Manlin                  in office                            23, 2017

Du                      Currently                            August
           ent                      F                   52                                    0          0          0     0             0
Xiaorong                in office                            23, 2017

           Superviso Currently                               August
Lv Dong                             M                   49                                    0          0          0     0             0
           r            in office                            27, 2019

           Chairman Currently                                August
Lv Dong                             M                   49                                    0          0          0     0             0
           of the       in office                            28, 2019

                                                                            Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report


           Superviso Currently                                 August
Wei Jie                             F                     43                                     0            0         0       0           0
           r           in office                               27, 2019

Qiu        Superviso Currently                                 August
                                    F                     47                                     0            0         0       0           0
Huizhen    r           in office                               23, 2017

Wang                   Currently                               January 4,
           GM                       M                     46                                     0            0         0       0           0
Wenkui                 in office                               2019

           Deputy      Currently                               August
Qin Zhen                            M                     52                                     0            0         0       0           0
           GM          in office                               26, 2016

Jia        Deputy      Currently                               June 29,
                                    F                     40                                     0            0         0       0           0
Haowen     GM          in office                               2018

           Deputy      Currently                               May 29,
Lei Xu                              M                     52                                     0            0         0       0           0
           GM          in office                               2019

Wang                   Currently                               August
           Accounta                 M                     53                                     0            0         0       0           0
Huailin                in office                               29, 2019

Liu        General     Currently                               April 20,
                                    F                     49                                     0            0         0       0           0
Xiaodong counsel       in office                               2018

                       Currently                               August
Li Jing    of the                   F                     45                                     0            0         0       0           0
                       in office                               23, 2017

Cao        Deputy      Office                                  August       April 7,
                                    M                     45                                     0            0         0       0           0
Xurong     GM          leaving                                 29, 2019 2020

Total           --         --           --           --            --           --               0            0         0       0           0

II. Changes of directors, supervisors and senior executives

√ Applicable   □ Not applicable

        Name              Title               Type                      Date                                  Reasons

                                                                                     Resigned by deputy general manager after approval by
Cao Xurong           Deputy GM          Office leaving         April 7, 2020
                                                                                     the board of directors

III. Post-holding

Professional background, major working experience and present main responsibilities in Company of directors, supervisors and
senior executive at the present
Xu Qian (Male), born in 1962, a senior executive getting a MBA. He joints the work in 1984, and worked as engineer of the

                                                                  Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

communication equipment dept. in China P&T Appliances from August 1984 to July 1993; a deputy GM of communication device
department in China P&T Appliances from July 1993 to July 1994; deputy GM of China P&T Appliances Beijing Company from
July 1994 to July 1995 and GM from July 1995 to March 1998; vice-secretary (secondment for getting experience) of CPC Lankao
County Committee, Henan Province from March 1998 to March 1999; GM assistant of China P&T Appliances from March 1999 to
August 2000; deputy GM of China P&T Appliances from August 2000 to February 2002 and deputy GM of China P&T Appliances
Group from February 2002 to June 2003; Party members and deputy GM in China P&T Appliances Group from June 2003 to April
2009; Party members and deputy GM of the China Potevio from April 2009 to December 2017; senior vice president (concurrently)
of China Potevio Company Limited and GM (concurrently) of communications industry business from June 2009 to May 2016; party
secretary of the Company from May 2013 to June 2016; he serves as president (concurrently) of China Potevio Company Limited
since May 2016; he serves as Standing committee of the Party Committee and Deputy GM of China Potevio from December 2017 to
December 2020; and he also serves as Standing committee of the Party Committee and Deputy GM of China Potevio since December
Mr. Xu Qian holds a concurrent post as Director and President of the Company since August 2013.

Wang Wenkui, male, born in 1974, bachelor of engineering, joined in work in 1996. From July 1996 to December 2002, he served as
the deputy manager and WCDMA project manager of WCDMA project department of the Network Communication Research Institute
of Eastcom Co., Ltd.; from December 2002 of to August 2004, he served as the manager of WCDMA Project Department of the
Network Communication Research Institute of Eastcom Co., Ltd.; from August 2004 to December 2007, he was dispatched and
appointed as the deputy general manager of Hangzhou Sanxing Eastcom Network Technology Co., Ltd. by the Investment
Management Department of Eastcom Co., Ltd.; from December 2007 to November 2009, he served as the deputy general manager of
Trunked Radio Business Division of Eastcom Co., Ltd.; from November 2009 to April 2012, he served as the general manager of
Manufacturing Business Division of Eastcom Co., Ltd.; from April 2012 to June 2015, he served as the vice president and the general
manager of Manufacturing Business Division (concurrently) of Eastcom Co., Ltd.; from June 2015 to December 2018, he served as the
vice president and the general manager of Financial Business Division (concurrently) of Eastcom Co., Ltd.; since January 2019, he has
been serving as the general manager of Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.
Mr. Wang Wenkui holds a concurrent post as Director of the Company since January 2019 (serve as vice chairman of t he Company
since April 2019).

Li Tong, male, born in 1970, master of business administration, joined the work in 1993. He worked in the Enterprise Management
Department of China Posts and Telecommunications Industry Corporation from July 1993 to September 1999; he successively served
as Director and deputy general manager of the Enterprise Management Department, deputy director of Corporate Restructuring
Office, and concurrently deputy general manager of Corporate Development Division and manager of Corporate Operations
Department I of China Potevio Information Industry Group Corporation from September 1999 to November 2005; from November
2005 to December 2007, he served as deputy general manager of Corporate Development Division and manager of Corporate
Operations Department I, and deputy general manager of Corporate Development Division of China Potevio Information Industry
Co., Ltd.; from December 2007 to December 2011, he served as general manager of Nanjing Putian Communication Technology
Industrial Park Co., Ltd.; from May 2011 to December 2011, he concurrently served as deputy general manager, deputy secretary of
the Party Committee, and secretary of the Discipline Inspection Committee of Nanjing Putian Communication Co., Ltd. (August
2011); he served as party secretary and deputy general manager (concurrently) of Nanjing Putian Communication Co., Ltd. from
December 2011 to May 2013; and served as general manager of the Audit and Supervision Legal Department of China Potevio
Information Industry Co., Ltd. from May 2013 to May 2014; from May 2014 to March 2015, he served as the deputy leader of the
Discipline Inspection Group of the Leading Party Group of China Potevio Information Industry Group Corporation, and general
manager (concurrently) of the Audit and Supervision Legal Department of China Potevio Information Industry Co., Ltd.; from March
2015 to December 2017, he served as the director of the General Manager Office of China Potevio Information Industry Group

                                                                  Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

Corporation, the general manager of the General Affairs Department of China Potevio Information Industry Co., Ltd., and the deputy
leader of the Discipline Inspection Group of the Leading Party Group of the Group; from December 2017 to October 2018, he served
as secretary of the Board of Directors, and concurrently director of the General Office and director of the General Manager (President)
Office (Board Office) of China Potevio Information Industry Group Corporation (China Potevio Information Industry Co., Ltd.);
from October 2018 to November 2019, he served as secretary of the Board of Directors, and concurrently director of the General
Office and director of the Board Office of China Potevio Information Industry Group Corporation (China Potevio Information
Industry Co., Ltd.); from November 2019 to September 2020, he has been serving as secretary of the Board of Directors, and
concurrently general manager of the General Management Department and director of the Board Office of China Potevio Information
Industry Group Corporation (China Potevio Information Industry Co., Ltd.); from September 2020 to the present, he has been serving
as Assistant to General Manager of China Potevio Information Industry Group Corporation, and secretary of the Board of Directors,
and concurrently general manager of the General Management Department and director of the Board Office of China Potevio
Information Industry Group Corporation (China Potevio Information Industry Co., Ltd.).

Mr. Li Tong holds a concurrent post as Director of the Company from May 2006 to August 2017; holds a concurrent post as Director
of the Company since August 2019.

Liu Yun, female, born in 1973, master of economics, joined work in 1997. She worked in the Office and Finance Department of
China National Textiles Import and Export Corporation from April 1997 to January 2002; she served as assistant general manager of
Investment Department of China National Textiles Import and Export Corporation from January 2002 to June 2004; from June 2004
to October 2006, she served as assistant general manager of Chinatex International Apparel Co., Ltd.; from October 2006 to April
2007, she served as the financial director of the Preparation Office of the Infolex LLc Beijing Office; from April 2007 to October
2013, she successively served as the investment management supervisor and the investment management manager of Enterprise
Development Department of China Potevio Information Industry Co., Ltd.; from October 2013 to October 2018, she successively
served as the assistant general manager and deputy general manager (October 2016) of Enterprise Development Department of China
Potevio Information Industry Co., Ltd.; from October 2018 to June 2019, she served as the deputy general manager of Putian
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Management Co., Ltd.; from June 2019 to the present, she has been the general manager of the
Enterprise Operation Department of China Potevio Information Industry Group Corporation.

Ms. Liu Yun holds a concurrent post as Director of the Company from August 2007 to January 2019; holds a concurrent post as
Director of the Company since August 2019.

Qin Zhen (Male), born in 1969, bachelor of engineering, major in administrative engineering. He worked in 1990 and successively
worked as the production office scheduling and department assistant in Nanjing Communication Equipment Plant from August 1990
to January 1999; he worked as the deputy GM and deputy secretary of the Party branch in wiring Company of Nanjing Putian
Telecommunication Co., Ltd. from January 1999 to March 2001; and served as deputy director of the enterprise development dept.
and enterprise management dept. and director of the enterprise management dept. in Nanjing Putian Telecommunication Co., Ltd.
and GM of the Putian Industrial Co., Ltd. from March 2001 to January 2006; served as deputy GM in network cabinet division of the
Company from January 2006 to November 2006; he served as GM in Putian manufacturing department and party branch secretary of
the Company from November 2006 to March 2012; the director of party committee of the Company from March 2012 and August
2015; serves as deputy chairman of the labor union in the Company from May 2012 to March 2013 an acted as GM assistant from
March 2013 to September 2016; now he serves as deputy GM of the Company since September 2016.

Mr. Qin Zhen holds a concurrent post as Director of the Company since August 2017.

Wang Jinfeng (Female), born in 1970, bachelor of economics, started her career in 1993. Ms. Wang worked as the accountant of the
financial department of Beijing Posts and Telecommunications Equipment Factory from August 1993 to April 1995; she served as

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the accounting officer of the marketing center of Beijing Posts and Telecommunications Equipment Factory from April 1995 to
February 2002; she held the position of financial accounting manager of Beijing Capitek Co. Ltd. from March 2002 to April 2005;
Ms. Wang successively served as the financial manager of terminal services, agency services, agency and telecommunications
services of China Potevio Company Limited from April 2005 to November 2013; she has worked as the assistant of the general
manager of financial department of China Potevio Company Limited from November 2013 to December 2017, she has worked as the
deputy general manager of financial department of China Potevio Company Limited from December 2017 to July 2020; she has
worked as the deputy general manager of financial department of China Potevio Information Industry Group Corporation, and CFO
of Potevio Information Technology (Chongqing) Co., Ltd. from July 2020 to the present.
Ms. Wang Jinfeng holds a concurrent post as Director of the Company since August 2017.

Tang Fuxin (Female), born in 1956, obtaining a master's degree, a senior accountant, started her career in 1975. Ms. Tang worked at
the countryside in Shunyi Beijing from March 1975 to December 1976; she successively served as an accountant of financial division
and the deputy director of inspection division of the original ministry of posts and telecommunications from September 1976 to
October 1998; she served as the manager of planning financial department of the original Guoxin Paging Co., Ltd. from October
1998 to July 2000; she worked as the vice general manager of financial department of China United Communications Limited from
July 2000 to September 2001; she served as the vice general manger of financial department of China United Communications
Limited from September 2001 to March 2005; Ms. Tang held the position of general manager of the financial department of China
United Communications Limited from March 2005 to February 2006; she served as the general manager of auditing department of
China United Communications Limited from February 2006 to April 2011; she worked as the senior manager of auditing department
of China United Communications Limited from April 2011 to February 2016.
Ms. Tang Fuxin holds a concurrent post as independent director of the Company since August 2017.

Xie Manlin (Male), born in 1963, Master of laws. He worked in 1986, and in the Nanjing Second Laws Firm from August 1986 to
September 1989; he worked in Nanjing Jinling Laws Firm from October 1989 to October 1994; and serves as director of Jiangsu Xie
Manlin Laws Firm since December 1994.
Mr. Xie Manlin holds a concurrent post as independent director of the Company since August 2017.

Du Xiaorong (Female), born in 1968, doctor of management, major in technical economy and management, started her career in
1989. Ms. Du worked as an assistant teacher at the management department of Hohai University from July 1989 to March 1995; she
served as a lecturer of International Business School of Hohai University from April 1995 to March 2001; Ms. Du worked as an
associate professor of Business School of Hohai University from April 2001 to March 2002; Ms. Du was put on field practice at
Taihu Basin Administration and worked as the assistant of the director of planning department from April 2002 to April 2003; She
served as an assistant professor of Business School and the deputy director of Chrematistics Department of Hohai University from
May 2003 to December 2003 ;She served as an assistant professor of Business School as well as the director of Chrematistics
Department of Hohai University from January 2004 to May 2008; she worked as a professor of Business School and director of
Chrematistics Department of Hohai University from June 2008 to September 2010; Ms. Du also worked as a professor and the
director of Finance Department of Business School of Hohai University from October 2010 to May 2013; She also serves as a
professor and Head of Accounting Dept. of Hohai University since June 2013
Ms. Du Xiaorong holds a concurrent post as independent director of the Company since August 2017.

Lv Dong, male, born in 1971, master of management, joined the work in 1995. From August 1995 to December 1999, he served as an
accounting accountant of the Finance Office of Beijing Power Equipment Group Co., Ltd.; from December 1999 to October 2000, he

                                                                  Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

served as the auditor of the Audit Branch of North China Power Bureau; from October 2000 to October 2001, he was seconded to the
13th Office of the Board of Supervisors of the Central Enterprise Work Committee; he acted as the project manager of Tianhua
Certified Public Accountants from October 2001 to February 2002; he acted as the auditor of the Audit Department of China Potevio
Information Industry Group Corporation from February 2002 to April 2006; from April 2006 to September 2011, he served as the
audit business manager and deputy manager (May 2010) of the Audit Department of China Potevio Information Industry Co., Ltd.;
from September 2011 to July 2017, he served as the manager of the Audit Department and the Audit and Supervision Legal
Department of China Potevio Information Industry Co., Ltd.; from July 2017 to October 2018, he served as the deputy general
manager of the Audit and Supervision Legal Department and the manager of the Audit Department (concurrently) of China Potevio
Information Industry Co., Ltd.; from October 2018 to the present , he has been serving as the deputy general manager of the Audit
Department of China Potevio Information Industry Group Corporation.

Mr. Lv Dong holds a concurrent post as supervisor, chairman of the Supervisory Committee in the Company since August 2019.

Wei Jie, female, born in 1977, master of law, joined work in 2001. From July 2001 to September 2002, she served as a legal specialist
of Beijing Urban Construction First Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.; from October 2005 to October 2018, he successively served
as a lawyer and chief lawyer of the Legal Affairs Department of the Comprehensive Management Department, and a supervisor
lawyer, senior lawyer, legal manager (June 2016) of the Audit and Supervision Legal Department of China Potevio Information
Industry Co., Ltd.; from October 2018 to November 2019, she served as the director of the Discipline Inspection Case Review Office
of the Legal Risk Control Department of China Potevio Information Industry Group Corporation; from November 2019 to the
present, she has been serving as the legal manager of the Legal Risk Control Department of China Potevio Information Industry
Group Corporation.

Ms. Wei Jie holds a concurrent post as supervisor in the Company since August 2019.

Qiu Huizhen (Female), born in 1973, bachelor of economics. She commenced to work in 1997, with details as follows: successively
served as the female director and secretary of the Youth League Committee in Shaokou Village Government, Wan’an County,
Jiangxi Province from July 1997 to January 2000; served as the cost accountant and the CFO in the finance department of Nanjing
Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd from February 2000 to October 2004; the deputy director of the HR department of Nanjing
Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd from November 2004 to November 2005; successively served as the deputy director and
director of the finance department of Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd from December 2005 to September 2016, she
serves as director of the department of audit, supervision and law of Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd since October

Ms. Qiu Huizhen holds a concurrent post as the staff representative supervisor of the Company since August 2017.

Senior Executives:
GM Mr. Wang Wenkui found in the introduction in Director.

Deputy GM Mr. Qin Zhen found in the introduction in Director.

Jia Haowen (female) born in 1980, bachelor of management, joined in work in 2002, worked on administrative management and sales
at Shanghai Xinhaoshi Real Estate Company from July 2002 to March 2004; from April 2004 to April 2007, she served as the
confidential secretary and secretary of the President Office of Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.; from April 2007 to
February 2008, she successively served as the assistant director of the General Management Department and the assistant director of
the Human Resources Department of Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.; from February 2008 to October 2009, she served
as the deputy director of Human Resources Department of Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.; from October 2009 to March

                                                                  Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

2012, she served as the director of Human Resources Department of Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.; from March 2012
to August 2012, she served as the director of the General Management Department and the director of Human Resources Department
of Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.; from August 2012 to June 2013, she served as the director of the General
Management Department of Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. (during the period, from May 2012 to May 2013), she was
studying in the class for further studies as a business administration major at the Graduate School of Tsinghua University); from June
2013 to November 2014, she served as the assistant general manager and the director of General Management Department of Nanjing
Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.; from November 2014 to August 2015, she served as the assistant general manager and the
director of General Management Department and the director of Multimedia Application Industry Department of Nanjing Putian
Telecommunications Co., Ltd.; from August 2015 to September 2016, she served as the assistant general manager and the director of
Multimedia Application Industry Department of Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.; from September 2016 to November
2017, she served as the assistant general manager of Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.; since November 2017, she has
been serving as a member of the party committee and the assistant general manager of Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.;
and since July 2018, she has been serving as the deputy general manager of Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.

Lei Xu, male, born in 1968, Doctor of Engineering, joined work in 1989. He worked in Wuhan Changjiang Transformer Factory from
July 1989 to July 1992, served as a product quality inspector; from July 1995 to October 2005, he worked at Harbin University of
Science and Technology, engaged in teaching and scientific research; from November 2005 to July 2008, he worked at Putian
Information Technology Research Institute, served as a physical layer algorithm research engineer of the Wireless Access Technology
Department of the 4G Project Department; from August 2008 to December 2013, he worked at Putian Information Technology
Research Institute Co., Ltd., and served as the manager of the System Planning Department/Wireless Access Technology Department;
from January 2014 to June 2016, he worked at Putian Information Technology Co., Ltd. and served as the standards and national
special director; from July 2016 to December 2017, he worked at Putian Information Technology Co., Ltd. as the product director of
the 5th Marketing Department (information security product lines); from January 2018 to December 2018, he worked in Yingtan City,
Jiangxi Province as an assistant to the mayor (taking a temporary post); from January 2019 to April 2019, he worked at Putian
Information Technology Co., Ltd. as the product director of the 5th Marketing Department (information security product lines); from
May 2019 to the present, he has been serving as deputy general manager of Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.

Wang Huailin, male, born in 1967, master of engineering, senior accountant, started working in 1991. He worked as a teacher at
Funan Normal College in Anhui Province from July 1991 to September 1995; from July 1998 to December 1999, he worked as an
employee of the Finance Department of Eastcom Co., Ltd.; from December 1999 to July 2001, he served as the financial manager of
the Electronic Equipment Department of Eastcom Co., Ltd.; from July 2001 to July 2005, he served as the financial director of
Hangzhou Lingtong Electronic Equipment Co., Ltd.; from July 2005 to March 2011, he served as the financial controller of Hefei
Dongxin Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.; from March 2011 to April 2012, he successively served as deputy general manager of
the Financial Department of Putian Eastcom Group Co., Ltd., and financial director of Hefei Dongxin Real Estate Development Co.,
Ltd.; from March 2012 to April 2012, he served as a committee member of Discipline Inspection Commission and deputy general
manager of Finance Department of Putian Eastcom Group Co., Ltd., and chief financial officer of Hefei Dongxin Real Estate
Development Co., Ltd.; from April 2012 to October 2018, he served as a committee member of Discipline Inspection Commission
and general manager of Finance Department of Putian Eastcom Group Co., Ltd., and concurrently chief financial officer of Hefei
Dongxin Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.; from October 2018 to August 2019, he served as a committee member of Discipline
Inspection Commission and general manager of Finance Department of Putian Eastcom Group Co., Ltd.; from August 2019 to the
present, he has been serving as chief accountant of Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.

Liu Xiaodong (female) born in 1971, bachelor of economics, joined in work in 1995, served as the Company’s accountant, auditor,
deputy director of the audit department, deputy director of the Audit and Supervision Department. From April 2006 to September 2016,

                                                                 Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

she served as the head of the Audit and Supervision Department, and the head of the Audit Law Department, and the head of the Audit
and Supervision Law Department of Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. From July 2007 to July 2016, she served as the
deputy secretary of the Disciplinary Inspection Committee of Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. From May 2009 to August
2017, she served as the employee supervisor of Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. Since June 2013, she has been serving as
the general counsel of Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. Since July 2016, she has been serving as the deputy secretary of
the Party Committee and the secretary of the Disciplinary Inspection Committee and the chairman of the Labor Union of Nanjing
Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.

Li Jing (Female), born in 1975, master of management. She commenced to work in 1996, with details as follows: worked as the
secretary and customs declaring in Nanjing Mennekes from August 1996 to March 1998; worked as the buyer and industrial officer
of Nanjing Potevio Computer Co., Ltd from March 1998 to August 2001; served as the investment management officer and deputy
director of the corporate development department of Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd from August 2001 to August 2015;
serves as the director of the strategic investment department of Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd since August 2015 and
GM assistant and secretary of the Board of Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd since August 2017.

Post-holding in shareholder’s unit

√ Applicable   □ Not applicable

                                                              Position in
                                                                               Start dated of   End date of   remuneration from
     Name                 Name of shareholder’s unit        shareholder’s
                                                                                office term     office term    shareholder’s unit
                                                                unit n

Xu Qian          China Potevio                              President         May 5, 2016                     Y

Xu Qian          China Potevio                                                May 19, 2011                    Y
                                                            member of
                                                            the executive

                                                            Deputy GM
                                                                              December 13,
Wang Jinfeng     China Potevio                              of Finance                                        Y

                                                            Secretary of
                                                            the board of
                                                            manager of
                                                                              November 9,
Li Tong          China Potevio                              general                                           N
                                                            and director
                                                            of the office
                                                            of the board

                                                                  Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

                                                              of directors

                                                                              December 30,
Li Tong           China Potevio                               Director                                         N

                                                                              December 30,
Lv Dong           China Potevio                               Supervisor                                       N

Post-holding in
shareholder’s    China Potevio is the company's controlling shareholder.

Post-holding in other unit
√ Applicable    □ Not applicable

                                                                Position in     Start dated of End date of office    remuneration
       Name                    Name of other units
                                                                 other unit      office term         term         from other unit

                                                                              December 27,
Xu Qian            China Potevio Company Limited               Deputy GM                                         N

                                                               committee of
                                                                              December 13,
Xu Qian            China Potevio Company Limited               the Party                                         N
                                                               Deputy GM

                                                               Director,      October 23,
Xu Qian            Potevio Guomai Networks Ltd.                                                                  N
                                                               President      2012

                   Beijig Putian Taili Communication           Director,
Xu Qian                                                                       June 11, 2015                      N
                   Technology Co., Ltd.                        President

                                                               Director,      November 20,
Xu Qian            Shanghai Potevio Co., Ltd.                                                                    N
                                                               President      2015

                   Putian Eastern Communications Group Co., Director,
Xu Qian                                                                       May 30, 2016                       N
                   Ltd.                                        President

Xu Qian            Hangzhou Honyar Electric Co., Ltd.                         June 28, 2017   March 16, 2021     N

                                                               Executive      December 30,
Xu Qian            Putian International Trade Co., Ltd.
                                                               director       2019

                                                               Secretary of
                                                               the board of
                                                                              November 09,
Li Tong            China Potevio Company Limited               general                                           Y
                                                               manager of

                                                             Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

                                                          and director
                                                          of the office
                                                          of the board
                                                          of directors

                                                                          September 17,
Li Tong        China Potevio Company Limited              General

                                                          Manager of
Liu Yun        China Potevio Company Limited              Enterprise      June 28, 2019                 Y

               Shanghai Putian Kechuang Electronic Co.,   Director
Liu Yun                                                                   July 9, 2015                  N

Liu Yun        Hangzhou Honyar Electric Co., Ltd.         Director        July 7, 2016                  N

                                                          Director        January 13,
Liu Yun        Chengdu Putian Cable Co., Ltd.                                                           N

                                                          Director        February 28,
Liu Yun        Putian Logistics Technology Co., Ltd.                                                    N

Liu Yun        Potevio New Energy Co., Ltd                Director        April 13, 2018                N

                                                          Director        December 1,
Qin Zhen       Putian Hi-Tech Industry Co., Ltd                                                         N

               Beijig Putian Taili Communication          Director
Wang Jinfeng                                                              June 19, 2015                 N
               Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                          Director        December 21,
Wang Jinfeng   Puxing Mobile Telecom Equipment Ltd                                                      N

               Potevio Information Technology
Wang Jinfeng                                              CFO             July 21, 2020                 N
               (Chongqing) Co., Ltd.

                                                                          December 1,
Xie Manlin     Jiangsu Xie Manlin Laws Firm               Executive                                     Y

                                                          Independent     August 26,
Xie Manlin     Saurer Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.                                                  Y
                                                          director        2017

                                                          Head of
Du Xiaorong    Business School of Hohai University                        June 15, 2013                 Y

                                                          Deputy GM       October 29,
Lv Dong        China Potevio Company Limited                                                            Y
                                                          of Audit Dept. 2018

                                                                    Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

Lv Dong           Wuhan Putian Power Co., Ltd.                Supervisor      May 24, 2016                       N

Lv Dong           Jingdezhen Putian Technology Co., Ltd.      Supervisor      June 16, 2015                      N

                  Puxing Mobile Communication Equipment                       December 21,
Lv Dong                                                       Supervisor                                         N
                  Co., Ltd                                                    2015

                  Putian Information Engineering Design
Lv Dong                                                       Supervisor      August 4, 2016                     N
                  Service Co., Ltd.

                                                              Chairman of
                  Beijig Putian Taili Communication
Lv Dong                                                       the             July 11, 2018                      N
                  Technology Co., Ltd.

Lv Dong           Putian International Trade Co., Ltd.        Supervisor      July 11, 2018                      N

                                                              Chairman of
Lv Dong           Chengdu Putian Cable Co., Ltd.                              June 24, 2020                      N

                                                              Manager of
                                                                              November 14,
Wei Jie           China Potevio Company Limited               Legal Risk                                         Y

Wei Jie           Putian Yintong Payment Co., Ltd.            Supervisor      May 17, 2016                       N

                  Putian Guomai Network Technology Co.,                       December 2,
Wei Jie                                                       Supervisor                                         N
                  Ltd.                                                        2016

                  Potevio Information Technology
Wei Jie                                                       Supervisor      July 21, 2020                      N
                  (Chongqing) Co., Ltd.

                  Hangzhou Dongxin Photoelectric                              December 11,
Wang Huailin                                                  Supervisor                                         N
                  Technology Co., Ltd.                                        2015

                                                                              November 9,
Liu Xiaodong      Putian Hi-Tech Industry Co., Ltd            Supervisor                                         N

Note of
post-holding in Among the other units mentioned above, China Potevio Company Limited is the actual controller of the Company.
other unit

Punishment of securities regulatory authority in recent three years to the Company’s current and outgoing directors, supervisors and
senior management during the reporting period
√ Applicable   □ Not applicable
In 2019, as a current chairman of Shanghai Putian, Mr. Xu Qian was warned and fined 50,000 yuan by CSRC for the information
disclosure of Shanghai Putian.

                                                                  Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

IV. Remuneration for directors, supervisors and senior executives

Decision-making procedures, recognition basis and payment for directors, supervisors and senior executives

The Company has not paid directors and supervisors, the directors and supervisors get paid as the Company's administrative duties.
The independent directors receive the allowance in the Company, while subsidiary standard is determined by the general meeting of
shareholders. Senior management personnel salary standard and assessment methods are decided by the board of directors.

The Company implements performance salary system on senior management, making evaluation and paying compensation according
to the completion of the production and operation as well as performance of the senior management personnel.

Remuneration for directors, supervisors and senior executives in reporting period
                                                                                                                   In 10 thousand Yuan

                                                                                                     Total               Whether
                                                                                                 remuneration          remuneration
      Name                Title           Sex (M/F)             Age                            obtained from the       obtained from
                                                                                               Company (before       related party of
                                                                                                    taxes)             the Company

                   Director                                                  Currently in
Xu Qian                               M                                 58                                         Y
                   (President)                                               office

                   Director (deputy                                          Currently in
Wang Wenkui                           M                                 46                                         N
                   president )                                               office

                                                                             Currently in
Li Tong            Director           M                                 50                                         Y

                                                                             Currently in
Liu Yun            Director           F                                 47                                         Y

                                                                             Currently in
Qin Zhen           Director           M                                 52                                         N

                                                                             Currently in
Wang Jinfeng       Director           F                                 50                                         Y

                   Independent                                               Currently in
Tang Fuxin                            F                                 64                                      9N
                   Director                                                  office

                   Independent                                               Currently in
Xie Manlin                            M                                 57                                      9N
                   Director                                                  office

                   Independent                                               Currently in
Du Xiaorong                           F                                 52                                      9N
                   Director                                                  office

                   (Chairman of the                                          Currently in
Lv Dong                               M                                 49                                         Y
                   Supervisory                                               office

                                                                   Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

                                                                               Currently in
Wei Jie              Supervisor         F                                 43                                        Y

                                                                               Currently in
Qiu Huizhen          Supervisor         F                                 47                                19.16 N

                                                                               Currently in
Wang Wenkui          GM                 M                                 46                                 66.5 N

                                                                               Currently in
Qin Zhen             Deputy GM          M                                 52                                27.49 N

                                                                               Currently in
Jia Haowen           Deputy GM          F                                 40                                30.16 N

                                                                               Currently in
Lei Xu               Deputy GM          M                                 52                                24.98 N

                                                                               Currently in
Wang Huailin         Chief Accountant M                                   53                                34.87 N

                                                                               Currently in
Liu Xiaodong         General counsel    F                                 49                                25.66 N

                     Secretary of the                                          Currently in
Li Jing                                 F                                 45                                25.44 N
                     Board                                                     office

Cao Xurong           Deputy GM          M                                 45 Office leaving                  7.99 N

Total                        --                 --                --                    --                 289.25            --

Delegated equity incentive for directors, supervisors and senior executives in reporting period
□ Applicable    √ Not applicable

V. Particulars of workforce

1. Number of staff, professional composition and education background

The number of On-the-job staff of the parent Company (people)                                                                      412

The number of On-the-job staff of major subsidiaries (people)                                                                      734

The total number of on-the-job staff (people)                                                                                     1,146

Total number of staff receiving remuneration in the current
period (people)

The number of the retired staff of the parent Company and the
major subsidiaries bearing the expenses (people)

                                                       Professional composition

                Category of professional composition                           Number of professional composition (people)

Production staff                                                                                                                   285
Salesman                                                                                                                           380

                                                                    Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

Technical staff                                                                                                                    332

Financial staff                                                                                                                      30

Administrative staff                                                                                                               119

Total                                                                                                                            1,146

                                                        Education background

Category of education                                               Number (people)

Master’s degree above                                                                                                               27

Bachelor                                                                                                                           465

Junior college                                                                                                                     415

High School and above                                                                                                              239

Total                                                                                                                            1,146

2. Remuneration policy

The company strictly implements the national, provincial and municipal laws and regulations, and normatively implemented the
distribution and payment of compensation and benefits. In order to further mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of the
employees, the company implements an efficiency-oriented, performance-based compensation distribution mechanism, and formulates
salary and performance appraisal methods for different positions according to their different characteristics, and at the same time, pays
five insurances and one housing fund and enterprise annuities according to relevant national regulations.

3. Training programs

The company always adheres to the people-oriented development concept, continuously carries out employee training, and establishes
and continuously improves the matching training system according to the company’s development needs, and improves the quality of
the staff. At the same time, the company attaches great importance to the improvement of employees' comprehensive capabilities and
closely follows the development trend of the industry, we will continue to innovate talent training methods, pay attention to the
cultivation of compound talents, rationally arrange flexible learning methods, strengthen training in layers and grades, formulate annual
training plans, and do a good job in talent reserves and cultivation of young cadres for the company to implement innovation

4. Labor outsourcing

□ Applicable     √ Not applicable

                                                                   Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

                                  Section X. Corporate Governance

I. Corporate governance of the Company

By strictly followed requirement of relevant laws, regulations and regulatory documents of Company Law, Securities Laws, Rules of
Corporate Governance for Listed Company, Rules of Stock Listing in Main Board of Shenzhen Stock Exchange as well as
requirement of relevant documents from CSRC and Shenzhen Stock Exchange, combined with the actual situation of the company,
the Company constantly improve structure of the corporate governance, standardize company operations and improve corporate

The company has constructed a "three meetings and one management" governance structure composed of the general meeting of
shareholders, the board of directors, the board of supervisors and the management, which clearly defines powers and responsibilities,
performs their own duties and coordinates operations. The company has established a set of reasonable internal systems and has been
continuously improving to improve the company's standard operation level.

The company convenes the general meeting of shareholders by strictly abiding by the requirements of "Company Law", "Stock
Listing Rules of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange", "General Meeting Rules of the Listed Company", and "Articles of Association",
provides all shareholders with an online voting method to ensure that all shareholders have the right to participate in and make
decisions on major decision-making matters of the company.

The number and staff composition of the company’s board of directors comply with the requirements of laws and regulations.
Directors can abide by laws, regulations and relevant provisions of the articles of association, perform their duties faithfully,
diligently, and cautiously, attend the board meetings seriously, pay attention to the company’s production and operations, and express
opinions on matters under discussion, ensure the efficient operation and scientific decision-making of the board of directors, directors
can actively participate in relevant training and understand the rights, obligations and responsibilities of directors. The convening of
the board meetings has been legal and standardized.

The company’s board of supervisors has a reasonable staff structure, and the supervisors have corresponding professional knowledge
and work experience. The board of supervisors is able to operate independently and earnestly perform its duties in an attitude of
being responsible to all shareholders, and supervise the legality and compliance of major matters such as the duty performance of the
company’s directors and senior managers, the internal control of the company, and related transactions in accordance with the law,
and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the company and all shareholders.

The company and the controlling shareholder are independent in terms of personnel, assets, finance, organization, and business, with
independent accounting and independent responsibility and risk. The controlling shareholders follow the code of conduct, and do not
directly or indirectly interfere with the company’s decision-making and business activities beyond the general meeting of
shareholders. There is no such case that company provides guarantees for controlling shareholders and their affiliates, or the
controlling shareholders occupy the company's funds for non-operating purposes.

The company is able to disclose information in a true, accurate, complete, timely and fair manner in strict accordance with the
"Securities Law" and the relevant regulations of the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange to

                                                                      Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

protect investors' right to know.

The company respects and safeguards the legitimate rights and interests of banks and other stakeholders such as creditors, employees,
customers, suppliers, etc.,, attaches importance to active cooperation with relevant stakeholders, and jointly promotes the company's
sustainable and healthy development. The company actively implements the concept of green development, attaches importance to
pollution prevention and resource conservation, actively participates in public welfare undertakings, earnestly carries out poverty
alleviation work, and fulfills social responsibilities.

Is there any difference between the actual condition of corporate governance and relevant regulations about corporate governance for
listed Company from CSRC
□Yes √ No
There are no differences between the actual condition of corporate governance and relevant regulations about corporate governance
for listed Company from CSRC.

II. Independence of a Company relative to its controlling shareholder in business, personnel,
assets, institution and finance

Personnel: The company’s personnel are independent of the controlling shareholders, and the senior executives do not hold any
administrative positions other than directors and supervisors in the controlling shareholders.
Assets: The company’s assets are independent with clear ownership, and are independent of controlling shareholders, actual
controllers and other related parties.
Finance: The company has an independent financial department, and has established a sound financial and accounting management
system for independent account opening, independent taxation, and independent financial decision-making and independent
Institution: The company's board of directors, board of supervisors and other internal institutions operate independently and exercise
their powers independently.
Business: The company has a complete system of production, supply, and sales. The business is independent of the controlling
shareholder and actual controller, and it has an independent and complete business system and independent operation capabilities.

III. Horizontal competition

□ Applicable   √ Not applicable

IV. In the report period, the Company held AGM and extraordinary shareholders’ general

1. Shareholders’ General Meeting in the report period

                                                  Ratio of investor
 Session of meeting             Type                                     Meeting date       Date of disclosure    Index of disclosure

                                                                                                                 Resolution Notice of
Annual General
                        AGM                                  53.91% June 10, 2020         June 11, 2020          AGM of 2019 on
Meeting 2019
                                                                                                                 Juchao Website

                                                                            Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

                                                                                                                            Resolution Notice of
First Extraordinary                                                                                                         First Extraordinary
Shareholders                                                                                                                Shareholders
                         Shareholders                            54.08% December 3, 2020             December 4, 2020
General Meeting of                                                                                                          General Meeting of
                         General Meeting
2020                                                                                                                        2020 on Juchao

                                                                                                                            Resolution Notice of
Second                                                                                                                      Second
Extraordinary            Extraordinary                                                                                      Extraordinary
Shareholders             Shareholders                            54.01% December 23, 2020            December 24, 2020      Shareholders
General Meeting of       General Meeting                                                                                    General Meeting of
2020                                                                                                                        2020 on Juchao

                                                                                                                            Resolution Notice of
Third Extraordinary
                         Extraordinary                                                                                      Extraordinary
                         Shareholders                            54.10% December 25, 2020            December 26, 2020      Shareholders
General Meeting of
                         General Meeting                                                                                    General Meeting of
                                                                                                                            2020 on Juchao

2. Request for extraordinary general meeting by preferred stockholders whose voting rights restore

□ Applicable     √ Not applicable

V. Responsibility performance of independent directors

1. The attending of independent directors to Board Meeting and shareholders general meeting

                       The attending of independent directors to Board Meeting and shareholders general meeting

                          Times of                                                                                   Absent the       Times of
                                            Times of           Times of          Times of
                       Board meeting                                                                Times of     Board Meeting       presence on
   Independent                             Presence on       attending by        entrusted
                        supposed to                                                                Absence in    for the second      shareholders
       director                             the Board        communicatio       presence in
                        attend in the                                                             Board Meeting time in a row          general
                                            Meeting               n            Board Meeting
                        report period                                                                                  (Y/N)           meeting

Tang Fuxin                            16                 0                16                  0                 0N                                  0

Xie Manlin                            16                 0                16                  0                 0N                                  0

Du Xiaorong                           16                 0                16                  0                 0N                                  3
Explanation of absent the Board Meeting for the second time in a row-

                                                                   Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

2. Objection for relevant events from independent directors

Independent directors come up with objection about Company’s relevant matters
□Yes √No

Independent directors has no objections for relevant events in reporting period

3. Other explanation about responsibility performance of independent directors

The opinions from independent directors have been adopted
√ Yes □ No

Explanation on advice that accepted/not accepted from independent directors
During the reporting period, the company’s independent directors conscientiously performed their duties as independent directors in
strict accordance with the China Securities Regulatory Commission’s "Guidelines for the Governance of Listed Companies", the
Shenzhen Stock Exchange’s "Guidelines for the Normative Operation of Listed Companies" and other relevant laws and regulations,
and the relevant provisions of the "Articles of Association", attended the company’s board meetings and shareholders’ meetings on
time, carefully reviewed various proposals, actively strengthened communication with the company’s management, paid attention to
the company’s operations, used their own professional knowledge and participated in major business decisions, issued independent
directors’ opinions on major matters such as the company’s related transactions, engagement of audit institutions, and senior
management changes, etc., and put forward professional suggestions on the company’s business strategy and standardized operation,
which played an active role in the standardized operation and scientific decision-making of the board of directors, and safeguarded
the overall interests of the company and all shareholders, especially the legitimate rights and interests of small and medium

VI. Duty performance of the special committees under the board during the reporting period

In 2020, the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors deliberated on major events as previous periodic reports and the appointment
of audit institution as well as submit the proposal to the Board; in accordance with the relevant provisions of Annual Report Working
Rules of the Audit Committee, actively performed their duties in the annual report auditing process, made audit opinions on the
financial statements, supervised and urged the accounting firm to complete the auditing work.

The Remuneration and Appraisal Committee of the Board of Directors reviewed and made audit opinions on the remuneration of the
directors, supervisors and senior executives disclosed in the annual report in accordance with relevant provisions.

VII. Works from Supervisory Committee

The Company has risks in reporting period that found in supervisory activity from supervisory committee
□ Yes √ No
Supervisory committee has no objection about supervision events in reporting period

VIII. Examination and incentives of senior management

The Company exercise performance year-income system for senior executives carries on appraisals and paying remuneration to
senior executives based on operation target and performance of target implementation of senior executives.

                                                                          Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

IX. Internal Control

1. Details of major defects in IC appraisal report that found in reporting period

□ Yes   √ No

2. Appraisal Report of Internal Control

Disclosure date of full internal control
                                             April 20, 2021
evaluation report

Disclosure index of full internal control Appraisal report of internal control for year of 2020 of Nanjing Putian
evaluation report                            Telecommunications Co., Ltd. published on Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

The ratio of the total assets of units
included in the scope of evaluation
accounting for the total assets on the                                                                                                   100.00%
Company's        consolidated    financial

The ratio of the operating income of units
included in the scope of evaluation
accounting for the operating income on the                                                                                               100.00%
Company's        consolidated    financial

                                                      Defects Evaluation Standards

                    Category                                Financial Reports                                  Non-financial Reports

                                             Indicators for material defect of internal Indicators for material defect of internal
                                             control in financial report: invalid control control                in      non-financial    report:
                                             environment;         fraud     by     our      directors, decision-making     procedures    lead   to
                                             supervisors and senior management, which material faults; lack of system control or
                                             brings     significant        loss     and      negative system void for major business, and lack
                                             influences to the Company; external auditor of                effective     compensation    control;
                                             finds material misstatement which is not first serious loss of senior management and
                                             found by the Company; the board of senior technicians; assessment results of
                                             directors or the authorized body and internal internal             control,    especially   material
Qualitative criteria
                                             audit department conduct invalid supervision defects, are not rectified; other situations
                                             over our internal control. Indicators for that would materially and adversely
                                             major defect of internal control in financial affect the Company. Indicators for major
                                             report: not select and apply accounting defect of internal control in non-financial
                                             policies     under     the     generally       accepted report: decision-making procedures lead
                                             accounting       principles;          not      establish to general fault; defects exist in major
                                             anti-fraud     procedures            and     controlling business systems; serous loss of key
                                             measures;      not     establish           corresponding staff; assessment results of internal
                                             controlling    system         or     not      implement control, especially major defects, are not

                                                                            Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

                                                corresponding          compensation          control   in rectified; other situations that would
                                                connection with accounting for abnormal or relatively materially and adversely affect
                                                special transactions; one or more defects the Company. Indicators for general
                                                exist in control of ending financial reports defect of internal control in non-financial
                                                and there is no assurance that financial report:                            low        efficiency        of
                                                statement        prepared        correspondingly       is decision-making          procedures;       defects
                                                truthful and accurate. General defect: other exist in general business systems; serious
                                                internal control defects that do not constitute loss of general staff; general defects are
                                                material or major defects.                                 not rectified.

                                                Any of the following situations may be
                                                viewed      as        material     defect:     potential
                                                misstatement of total profit ≥ 5% of total
                                                profit; potential misstatement of total assets
                                                ≥ 1% of total assets; potential misstatement
                                                of operating income ≥ 1% of total operating
                                                income. Any of the following situation may
                                                                                                           Major deficiencies: the amount of direct
                                                be viewed as major defect: 3% of total profit
                                                                                                           property loss is or more than 10 million
                                                ≤ potential misstatement of total profit<
                                                                                                           Yuan;     Significant      deficiencies:     the
                                                5% of total profit; 0.5% of total assets ≤
                                                                                                           amount of direct property loss is between
Quantitative standard                           potential misstatement of total assets < 1%
                                                                                                           5 million Yuan and 10 million Yuan (5
                                                of total assets; :0.5% of total operating
                                                                                                           million    Yuan         included);    Common
                                                income ≤ potential misstatement of operating
                                                                                                           deficiencies:     the     amount     of    direct
                                                income < 1% of total operating income.
                                                                                                           property loss is less than 5 million Yuan.
                                                Any of the following situation may be
                                                viewed      as        general     defect:      potential
                                                misstatement of total profit<3% of total
                                                profit; potential misstatement of total assets
                                                < 0.5%          of      total     assets;     potential
                                                misstatement of operating income < 0.5%
                                                of total operating income.

Amount of significant defects in financial

Amount      of     significant   defects   in
non-financial reports

Amount of important defects in financial

Amount      of     important     defects   in
non-financial reports

X. Auditing report of internal control

√ Applicable    □ Not applicable

                                                                    Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

                                             Deliberations in Internal Control Audit Report

We believe that according to relevant regulations and Basic Norms of Internal Control, the Company maintained an efficiency
internal control of financial report dated 31st December 2020, in all material aspects.

Disclosure details of audit report of
internal control

Disclosure date of audit report of
                                        April 20, 2021
internal control (full-text)

Index of audit report of internal Audit report of internal control for year of 2020 of Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co.,
control (full-text)                     Ltd. published on Juchao Website (www.cninfo.com.cn)

Opinion type of auditing report of
                                        Standard unqualified

whether the non-financial report
had major defects

Carried out modified opinion for internal control audit report from CPA
□Yes √ No
The internal control audit report, issued by CPA, has concerted opinion with self-evaluation report, issued from the Board
√ Yes □ No

                                                                     Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

                                        Section XI. Corporate Bond

Whether the Company has a corporation bonds that issuance publicly and listed on stock exchange and without due on the date when
annual report approved for released or fail to cash in full on due

                                          Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

                               Section XII. Financial Report

I. Audit report

Type of audit opinion                                          Standard unqualified

Signing date of audit report                                   April 16, 2021

Name of audit institute                                        Pan-China Certified Public Accountants (LLP)

Serial of Auditing Report                                      Pan-China Shen (2021) No.1-914

Name of CPA                                                    Jin Jingyu, Zhang Jinghui

                                           Auditor’s Report

                                    Auditor’s Report
                                      PCCPAAR [2021] No. 1-914

To the Shareholders of Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.:

I. Audit Opinion
We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Nanjing Putian
Telecommunications Co., Ltd. (the ―Company‖), which comprise the consolidated
and parent company balance sheets as at December 31, 2020, the consolidated and
parent company income statements, the consolidated and parent company cash flow
statements, and the consolidated and parent company statements of changes in equity
for the year then ended, as well as notes to financial statements.

In our opinion, the attached financial statements present fairly, in all material respects,
the financial position of the Company as at December 31, 2020, and of its financial
performance and its cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with China
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises.

II. Basis for Audit Opinion
We conducted our audit in accordance with China Standards on Auditing. Our
responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Certified Public
Accountant’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial Statements section of our
report. We are independent of the Company in accordance with the China Code of
Ethics for Certified Public Accountants, and we have fulfilled other ethical

                                     Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

responsibilities. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and
appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.

                                     Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report
III. Key Audit Matters
Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgment, were of most
significance in our audit of the financial statements of the current period. These
matters were addressed in the context of our audit of the financial statements as a
whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and we do not express a separate opinion
on these matters.

(I) Revenue recognition
1. Key audit matters
Please refer to section III(XXIV) and V(II) of the notes to the financial statements for

The Company is mainly engaged in telecommunication equipment manufacture. In
2020, the operating revenue amounted to 1,019,906,425.58 yuan, of which,
995,742,249.45 yuan was from telecommunication equipment manufacture,
accounting for 97.63%.

As operating revenue is one of the key performance indicators of the Company, there
might be inherent risks that the Company’s management (the ―Management‖) adopts
inappropriate revenue recognition to achieve specific goals or expectations, and
revenue recognition involves complicated information system and significant
judgment of the Management, we have identified revenue recognition as a key audit

2. Responsive audit procedures
Our main audit procedures for revenue recognition are as follows:
(1) We obtained understandings of key internal controls related to revenue recognition,
assessed the design of these controls, determined whether they had been executed, and
tested the effectiveness of the operation;

(2) We tested the general control of information system and application control related
to revenue recognition process;

(3) We checked sale contracts, obtained understandings of main contractual terms or
conditions, and assessed whether the revenue recognition method was appropriate;

(4) We performed analysis procedure on operating revenue and gross margin by
month, product, client, etc., so as to identify whether there are significant or abnormal
fluctuations and find out the reason of fluctuations;
                                      Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report
(5) For revenue from domestic sales, we checked supporting documents related to
revenue recognition by sampling method, including sales contracts, orders, sales
invoices, delivery lists, delivery orders, client acceptance receipts, etc.;

(6) We performed confirmation procedures on current sales amount by sampling
method in combination with confirmation procedure of accounts receivable;

(7) We performed cut-off tests on the operating revenue recognized around the
balance sheet date, and assessed whether the operating revenue was recognized in the
appropriate period;

(8) We obtained sales return records subsequent to the balance sheet date and checked
whether there was revenue not eligible for recognition at the balance sheet date;

(9) We checked whether information related to operating revenue had been presented
appropriately in the financial statements.

(II) Impairment of accounts receivable
1. Key audit matters
Please refer to section III(X) and V(I) of the notes to the financial statements for

As of December 31, 2020, the book balance of accounts receivable amounted to
650,115,822.75 yuan, with provision for bad debts of 173,255,619.73 yuan, and the
carrying amount amounted to 476,860,203.02 yuan.

Based on credit risk features of accounts receivable, the Management measures the
provision for bad debts at the amount of expected credit losses during the whole life,
either on an individual basis or on a collective basis. For accounts receivable with
expected credit losses measured on an individual basis, the Management estimates the
expected cash flows, so as to identify the provision for bad debts to be accrued, based
on a comprehensive consideration of information with reasonableness and evidence,
which is related to the past events, the current situation and the forecast of future
economic conditions. For accounts receivable with expected credit losses measured on
a collective basis, the Management classifies portfolios on the basis of ages, adjusts
them based on historical credit risk loss experience and forward-looking estimations,
prepares the comparison table of ages and expected credit loss rate of accounts
receivable, so as to calculate the provision for bad debts to be accrued.

As the amount of accounts receivable is significant and the impairment involves
                                    Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report
significant judgment of the Management, we have identified impairment of accounts
receivable as a key audit matter.

2. Responsive audit procedures
Our main audit procedures for impairment of accounts receivable are as follows:
(1) We obtained understandings of key internal controls related to impairment of
accounts receivable, assessed the design of these controls, determined whether they
had been executed, and tested the effectiveness of their operation;

(2) We reviewed the accounts receivable with provision for bad debts made in
previous periods for their subsequent write-off or reversal, and assessed the accuracy
of historical estimations made by the Management;

(3) We reviewed the consideration of the Management on credit risk assessment and
objective evidence, and assessed whether the credit risk features of accounts
receivable had been appropriately identified by the Management;

(4) For accounts receivable with expected credit losses measured on an individual
basis, we obtained and checked the Management’s estimations on the expected future
cash flows, assessed the reasonableness of key assumptions and the accuracy of data
adopted in the estimations and checked them with acquired external evidence;

(5) For accounts receivable with expected credit losses measured on a collective basis,
we assessed the reasonableness of portfolio classification on the basis of credit risk
features; we assessed the reasonableness of the comparison table of ages and expected
credit loss rate of accounts receivable prepared by the Management based on the
historical credit loss experience of portfolios with similar credit risk features and
forward-looking estimations; we tested the accuracy and completeness of data used by
the Management (including ages, historical loss rate, migration rate, etc.) and whether
the calculation of provision for bad debts was accurate;

(6) We checked the subsequent collection of accounts receivable and assessed the
reasonableness of provision for bad debts made by the Management;

(7) We checked whether information related to impairment of accounts receivable had
been presented appropriately in the financial statements.

(IV) Net realizable value of inventories
1. Key audit matters
Please refer to section III(XI) and V(I) of the notes to the financial statements for
                                     Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

As of December 31, 2020, the book balance of inventories amounted to
257,175,833.90 yuan, with provision for bad debts of 54,413,314.47 yuan, and the
carrying amount amounted to 202,762,519.43 yuan.

At the balance sheet date, inventories are measured at the lower of cost and net
realizable value, with provisions for inventory write-down made on the excess of its
cost over the net realizable value on a collective basis/on an individual basis. Based
on the Management’s consideration over purposes that the inventories were held for,
the estimated selling price is determined based on historical selling price, actual
selling price, contractual selling price, market price of identical or similar products,
future market trend, etc., and the net realizable value of these inventories is
determined based on the amount of the estimated selling price less the cost to be
incurred upon completion, estimated selling expenses and relevant taxes and

As the amount of inventories is significant and determination of net realizable value
involves significant judgment of the Management, we have identified net realizable
value of inventories as a key audit matter.

2. Responsive audit procedures
Our main audit procedures for net realizable value of inventories are as follows:
(1) We obtained understandings of key internal controls related to net realizable value
of inventories, assessed the design of these controls, determined whether they had
been executed, and tested the effectiveness of their operation;

(2) We reviewed the net realizable value estimated by the Management in previous
years and the actual operating results, and assessed the accuracy of the Management’s
historical estimations;

(3) We reviewed the estimation on selling price made by the Management by
sampling method and compared the estimated selling price with historical data,
subsequent situation, market information, etc.;

(4) We assessed the reasonableness of estimation on cost to be incurred upon
completion, selling expenses and relevant taxes and surcharges made by the

(5) We tested whether the calculation of net realizable value of inventories made by
                                    Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report
the Management was accurate;

(6) We checked whether there existed situations such as inventories with long stock
age and obsolete model, decline in production, fluctuation of production cost or
selling price, change in technology or market needs, etc. in combination with
stocktaking, and assessed whether the net realizable value of inventories was
reasonably estimated by the Management;

(7) We checked whether information related to net realizable value of inventories had
been presented appropriately in the financial statements.

IV. Other Information
The Company’s management (the ―Management‖) is responsible for the other
information. The other information comprises the information included in the
Company’s annual report, but does not include the financial statements and our
auditor’s report thereon.

Our opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and we
do not express any form of assurance conclusion thereon.

In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read
the other information and, in doing so, consider whether the other information is
materially inconsistent with the financial statements or our knowledge obtained in the
audit or otherwise appears to be materially misstated.

If, based on the work we have performed, we conclude that there is a material
misstatement of the other information, we are required to report that fact. We have
nothing to report in this regard.

V. Responsibilities of the Management and Those Charged with Governance for
the Financial Statements
The Management is responsible for preparing and presenting fairly the financial
statements in accordance with China Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises,
as well as designing, implementing and maintaining internal control relevant to the
preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether
due to fraud or error.

In preparing the financial statements, the Management is responsible for assessing the

                                      Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report
Company’s ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters
related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting unless the
Management either intends to liquidate the Company or to cease operations, or has no
realistic alternative but to do so.

Those charged with governance are responsible for overseeing the Company’s
financial reporting process.

VI. Certified Public Accountant’s Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial
Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or
error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes our opinion. Reasonable assurance
is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in
accordance with China Standards on Auditing will always detect a material
misstatement when it exists. Misstatement can arise from fraud or error and are
considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be
expected to influence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these
financial statements.

We exercise professional judgment and maintain professional skepticism throughout
the audit performed in accordance with China Standards on Auditing. We also:
(I) Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements,
whether due to fraud or error, design and perform audit procedures responsive to those
risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for
our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from fraud is
higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery,
intentional omissions, misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.

(II) Obtain an understanding of internal control relevant to the audit in order to design
audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances.

(III) Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness
of accounting estimates and related disclosures made by the Management.

(IV) Conclude on the appropriateness of the Management’s use of the going concern
basis of accounting and, based on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material
uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast significant doubt on the
Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material
                                      Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report
uncertainty exists, we are required to draw attention in our auditor’s report to the
related disclosures in the financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, to
modify our opinion. Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to
the date of our auditor’s report. However, future events or conditions may cause the
Company to cease to continue as a going concern.

(V) Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements,
and whether the financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events
in a manner that achieves fair presentation.

(VI) Obtain sufficient and appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial
information of the entities or business activities within the Company to express an
opinion on the financial statements. We are responsible for the direction, supervision
and performance of the group audit. We remain sole responsibility for our audit

We communicate with those charged with governance regarding the planned audit
scope, time schedule and significant audit findings, including any deficiencies in
internal control of concern that we identify during our audit.

We also provide those charged with governance with a statement that we have
complied with relevant ethical requirements regarding independence, and to
communicate with them all relationships and other matters that may reasonably be
thought to bear on our independence, and where applicable, related safeguards.

From the matters communicated with those charged with governance, we determine
those matters that were of most significance in the audit of the financial statements of
the current period and are therefore the key audit matters. We describe these matters
in our auditor’s report unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure about the
matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances, we determine that a matter should
not be communicated in our report because the adverse consequences of doing so
would reasonably be expected to outweigh the public interest benefits of such

Pan-China Certified Public Accountants (LLP)   Chinese CPA: Jin Jingyu
     (Special General Partnership)

                                                Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

     ChinaHangzhou                                Chinese CPA: Zhang Jinghui

     16 April 2021

II. Financial Statement

Statement in Financial Notes are carried in RMB/CNY

The auditor’s report and the accompanying financial statements are English translations of the Chinese auditor’s
report and statutory financial statements prepared under accounting principles and practices generally accepted
in the People’s Republic of China. These financial statements are not intended to present the financial position and
results of operations and cash flows in accordance with accounting principles and practices generally accepted in
other countries and jurisdictions. In case the English version does not conform to the Chinese version, the Chinese
version prevails.

                                           Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report
Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.
Consolidated balance sheet as at December 31, 2020
(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)
                          Assets                              Closing balance         Opening balance
Current assets:
  Cash and bank balances                              1           209,849,710.96         261,270,033.28
  Settlement funds
  Loans to other banks
  Held-for-trading financial assets
  Derivative financial assets
  Notes receivable                                    2            17,029,051.04           59,653,053.58
  Accounts receivable                                 3           493,992,403.49         697,656,063.96
  Receivables financing                               4            32,594,702.60            3,821,550.77
  Advances paid                                       5            19,616,348.65           33,759,523.09
  Premiums receivable
  Reinsurance accounts receivable
  Reinsurance reserve receivable
  Other receivables                                   6            16,911,790.31           28,110,390.53
  Financial assets under reverse repo
  Inventories                                         7           199,641,972.32         209,397,286.17
  Contract assets
  Assets classified as held for sale
  Non-current assets due within one year
  Other current assets                                8            13,126,022.08           11,610,245.99
                    Total current assets                        1,002,762,001.45        1,305,278,147.37
Non-current assets:
  Loans and advances paid
  Debt investments
  Other debt investments
  Long-term receivables
  Long-term equity investments                        9            10,422,056.96         181,762,383.50
  Other equity instrument investments                10               741,953.00             741,953.00
  Other non-current financial assets
  Investment property                                11             4,267,013.35            7,810,210.00
  Fixed assets                                       12           100,158,063.58         110,722,102.52
  Construction in progress                           13            22,454,792.27           13,048,701.59
  Productive biological assets
  Oil & gas assets
  Right-of-use assets
  Intangible assets                                  14            21,261,119.40           28,381,246.28
  Development expenditures
  Long-term prepayments                              15             5,541,410.81            4,260,775.18
  Deferred tax assets                                16
  Other non-current assets
                           Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report
Total non-current assets                          164,846,409.37         346,727,372.07
      Total assets                              1,167,608,410.82        1,652,005,519.44

                                                       Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.
Consolidated balance sheet as at December 31, 2020 (continued)
(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)
                           Liabilities & Equity                             Closing balance        Opening balance
Current liabilities:
  Short-term borrowings                                          17               65,000,000.00         451,915,948.50
  Central bank loans
  Loans from other banks
  Held-for-trading financial liabilities
  Derivative financial liabilities
  Notes payable                                                  18               76,135,010.10          81,784,929.91
  Accounts payable                                               19              604,765,586.00         679,428,580.08
  Advances received                                              20                                      22,148,080.67
  Contract liabilities                                           21               28,518,252.40
  Financial liabilities under repo
  Absorbing deposit and interbank deposit
  Deposit for agency security transaction
  Deposit for agency security underwriting
  Employee benefits payable                                      22               17,362,878.28          21,602,707.70
  Taxes and rates payable                                        23                8,707,248.67            4,125,566.60
  Other payables                                                 24               53,759,120.63          61,246,678.81
  Handling fee and commission payable
  Reinsurance accounts payable
  Liabilities classified as held for sale
  Non-current liabilities due within one year                    25                9,181,720.08          10,820,807.35
  Other current liabilities                                      26                3,707,372.81
                         Total current liabilities                               867,137,188.97        1,333,073,299.62
Non-current liabilities:
  Insurance policy reserve
  Long-term borrowings
  Bonds payable
    Including: Preferred shares
             Perpetual bonds
  Lease liabilities
  Long-term payables                                             27                4,036,160.05          12,827,205.03
  Long-term employee benefits payable
  Deferred income                                                28                                        6,004,873.00
  Deferred tax liabilities
  Other non-current liabilities
                       Total non-current liabilities                               4,036,160.05          18,832,078.03
                              Total liabilities                                  871,173,349.02        1,351,905,377.65
  Share capital/Paid-in capital                                  29              215,000,000.00         215,000,000.00
  Other equity instruments
    Including: Preferred shares
             Perpetual bonds
  Capital reserve                                                30              183,568,842.44         185,374,533.85
  Less: Treasury shares
  Other comprehensive income                                     31                -6,853,931.65          -6,776,124.85
                                                  Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report
Special reserve
Surplus reserve                                             32                 589,559.77             589,559.77
General risk reserve
Undistributed profit                                        33             -202,680,309.64        -224,644,862.48
Total equity attributable to the parent company                            189,624,160.92          169,543,106.29
Non-controlling interest                                                   106,810,900.88          130,557,035.50
                           Total equity                                    296,435,061.80          300,100,141.79
                   Total liabilities & equity                             1,167,608,410.82       1,652,005,519.44

                                             Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.
Parent company balance sheet as at December 31, 2020
(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)
                           Assets                               Closing balance         Opening balance
Current assets:
  Cash and bank balances                                             57,345,349.24           75,513,546.51
  Held-for-trading financial assets
  Derivative financial assets
  Notes receivable                                                    1,190,734.45            2,180,607.60
  Accounts receivable                                   1           218,887,318.18         415,997,318.07
  Receivables financing                                                                       2,307,438.00
  Advances paid                                                    10,138,293.79             13,234,147.98
  Other receivables                                     2          50,275,151.96             26,761,817.07
  Inventories                                                      80,454,321.56             73,809,627.64
  Contract assets
  Assets classified as held for sale
  Non-current assets due within one year
  Other current assets                                                7,516,579.06            2,778,241.54
                    Total current assets                            425,807,748.24         612,582,744.41
Non-current assets:
  Debt investments
  Other debt investments
  Long-term receivables
  Long-term equity investments                          3           123,831,124.60         333,070,134.14
  Other equity instrument investments                                   741,953.00             741,953.00
  Other non-current financial assets
  Investment property
  Fixed assets                                                       45,117,637.57           52,382,989.60
  Construction in progress
  Productive biological assets
  Oil & gas assets
  Right-of-use assets
  Intangible assets                                                   5,006,099.13           11,557,138.68
  Development expenditures
  Long-term prepayments                                               4,461,404.63            3,129,023.74
  Deferred tax assets
  Other non-current assets
                  Total non-current assets                          179,158,218.93         400,881,239.16
                         Total assets                               604,965,967.17        1,013,463,983.57

                                                Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.
Parent company balance sheet as at December 31, 2020 (continued)
(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)
                       Liabilities & Equity                        Closing balance         Opening balance
Current liabilities:
  Short-term borrowings                                                 30,000,000.00         371,812,627.72
  Held-for-trading financial liabilities
  Derivative financial liabilities
  Notes payable                                                       76,135,010.10           81,784,929.91
  Accounts payable                                                   214,453,536.53          274,182,241.12
  Advances received                                                                            7,517,427.53
  Contract liabilities                                                14,109,283.43
  Employee benefits payable                                             7,931,673.97           8,135,211.34
  Taxes and rates payable                                                 115,233.85             199,408.61
  Other payables                                                     164,586,605.64          213,090,147.71
  Liabilities classified as held for sale
  Non-current liabilities due within one year                            9,181,720.08           10,820,807.35
  Other current liabilities                                              1,834,206.85
                  Total current liabilities                            518,347,270.45         967,542,801.29
Non-current liabilities:
  Long-term borrowings
  Bonds payable
   Including: Preferred shares
                Perpetual bonds
  Lease liabilities
  Long-term payables                                                     4,036,160.05           12,827,205.03
  Long-term employee benefits payable
  Deferred income                                                                                1,000,000.00
  Deferred tax liabilities
  Other non-current liabilities
               Total non-current liabilities                             4,036,160.05           13,827,205.03
                         Total liabilities                             522,383,430.50         981,370,006.32
  Share capital/Paid-in capital                                        215,000,000.00         215,000,000.00
  Other equity instruments
   Including: Preferred shares
                Perpetual bonds
  Capital reserve                                                      158,864,042.34         172,417,299.81
  Less: Treasury shares
  Other comprehensive income                                            -1,854,910.00           -1,854,910.00
  Special reserve
  Surplus reserve                                                          589,559.76             589,559.76
  Undistributed profit                                                -290,016,155.43         -354,057,972.32

                             Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report
      Total equity                                   82,582,536.67           32,093,977.25
Total liabilities & equity                          604,965,967.17        1,013,463,983.57

                                                                      Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report
Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.
Consolidated income statement for the year ended December 31, 2020
(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)
                                                                                            Note    Current period      Preceding period
                                                                                            No.      cumulative           comparative

I. Total operating revenue                                                                           1,025,243,815.83     1,338,284,194.21

Including: Operating revenue                                                                 1       1,025,243,815.83     1,338,284,194.21

    Interest income

    Premium earned

    Revenue from handling charges and commission

II. Total operating cost                                                                             1,099,375,113.92     1,432,157,541.99

Including: Operating cost                                                                    1         846,905,942.49     1,087,774,366.66
    Interest expenses

    Handling charges and commission expenditures

    Surrender value
    Net payment of insurance claims

    Net provision of insurance policy reserve

    Premium bonus expenditures
    Reinsurance expenses

    Taxes and surcharges                                                                     2           5,849,160.81         8,301,819.32

    Selling expenses                                                                         3         101,208,835.79       146,879,432.92
    Administrative expenses                                                                  4          75,477,706.26        87,447,829.68
    R&D expenses                                                                             5          46,319,505.38        71,178,941.51
    Financial expenses                                                                       6          27,074,088.99        30,575,151.90

    Including: Interest expenses                                                                        28,568,012.81        30,200,892.97

                Interest income                                                                          1,758,180.41         1,475,350.85
Add: Other income                                                                            7          10,988,973.73         7,894,918.90

    Investment income (or less: losses)                                                      8          93,175,109.94          -297,833.76
    Including: Investment income from associates and joint ventures                                     -4,769,983.62          -297,833.76

    Gains from derecognition of financial assets at amortized cost                                        -952,176.00
    Gains on foreign exchange (or less: losses)
    Gains on net exposure to hedging risk (or less: losses)

    Gains on changes in fair value (or less: losses)

    Credit impairment loss                                                                   9         -41,615,815.85       -53,458,859.20

    Assets impairment loss                                                                  10         -14,421,937.22       -19,577,005.54

    Gains on asset disposal (or less: losses)                                               11          72,556,988.01           119,033.08

III. Operating profit (or less: losses)                                                                 43,091,894.72      -159,193,094.30

Add: Non-operating revenue                                                                  12           4,301,614.63         1,900,048.84
Less: Non-operating expenditures                                                            13           2,213,895.60           368,099.84
IV. Profit before tax (or less: total loss)                                                             45,179,613.75      -157,661,145.30

Less: Income tax                                                                            14           7,504,586.94         1,279,314.02

V. Net profit (or less: net loss)                                                                       37,675,026.81      -158,940,459.32

(I) Categorized by the continuity of operations
     1. Net profit from continuing operations (or less: net loss)                                       37,675,026.81      -158,940,459.32

     2. Net profit from discontinued operations (or less: net loss)

(II) Categorized by the portion of equity ownership

    1. Net profit attributable to owners of parent company (or less: net loss)                          21,964,552.84      -169,088,516.69
    2. Net profit attributable to non-controlling shareholders (or less: net loss)                      15,710,473.97        10,148,057.37

VI. Other comprehensive income after tax                                                                   -77,806.80            29,304.15
Items attributable to the owners of the parent company                                                     -77,806.80            26,373.73

(I) Not to be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss

    1. Changes in remeasurement on the net defined benefit plan

    2. Items under equity method that will not be reclassified to profit or loss
    3. Changes in fair value of other equity instrument investments

    4. Changes in fair value of own credit risk

    5. Others

                                                                   Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report
(II) To be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss                                                 -77,806.80         26,373.73

    1. Items under equity method that may be reclassified to profit or loss

    2. Changes in fair value of other debt investments
    3. Profit or loss from reclassification of financial assets into other comprehensive income

    4. Provision for credit impairment of other debt investments

    5. Cash flow hedging reserve
    6. Translation reserve                                                                             -77,806.80         26,373.73

    7. Others

Items attributable to non-controlling shareholders                                                                         2,930.42
VII. Total comprehensive income                                                                     37,597,220.01    -158,911,155.17

    Items attributable to the owners of the parent company                                          21,886,746.04    -169,062,142.96
    Items attributable to non-controlling shareholders                                              15,710,473.97     10,150,987.79

VIII. Earnings per share (EPS):

(I) Basic EPS (yuan per share)                                                                               0.10              -0.79
(II) Diluted EPS (yuan per share)                                                                            0.10              -0.79

                                                             Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.
Parent company income statement for the year ended December 31, 2020
(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)
                                                                                   Note   Current period     Preceding period
                                                                                   No.     cumulative          comparative
I. Operating revenue                                                                1       204,317,900.56     433,903,979.88
Less: Operating cost                                                                1       199,201,858.68     397,437,511.55
    Taxes and surcharges                                                                       902,601.86         1,804,317.52
    Selling expenses                                                                         39,753,159.16      54,675,166.60
    Administrative expenses                                                                  44,093,681.35      45,037,899.50
    R&D expenses                                                                              6,647,759.39      14,913,248.49
    Financial expenses                                                                       29,762,090.06       27,811,135.49
    Including: Interest expenses                                                             31,156,701.57      27,271,764.56
                Interest income                                                               1,497,839.93         849,413.36
Add: Other income                                                                             2,360,474.80         300,000.00
    Investment income (or less: losses)                                             2       156,256,067.52        8,855,566.24
    Including: Investment income from associates and joint ventures                          -4,769,983.62         -297,833.76
    Gains from derecognition of financial assets at amortized cost                             -952,176.00
    Gains on net exposure to hedging risk (or less: losses)
    Gains on changes in fair value (or less: losses)
    Credit impairment loss                                                                  -35,754,696.75      -49,787,168.46
    Assets impairment loss                                                                  -13,427,856.98      -17,419,090.93
    Gains on asset disposal (or less: losses)                                                72,730,654.86           21,631.63
II. Operating profit (or less: losses)                                                       66,121,393.51     -165,804,360.79
Add: Non-operating revenue                                                                     100,621.81          938,797.01
Less: Non-operating expenditures                                                              2,180,198.43         366,483.43
III. Profit before tax (or less: total loss)                                                 64,041,816.89     -165,232,047.21
Less: Income tax
IV. Net profit (or less: net loss)                                                           64,041,816.89     -165,232,047.21
(I) Net profit from continuing operations (or less: net loss)                                64,041,816.89     -165,232,047.21
(II) Net profit from discontinued operations (or less: net loss)
V. Other comprehensive income after tax
(I) Not to be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
    1. Changes in remeasurement on the net defined benefit plan
    2. Items under equity method that will not be reclassified to profit or loss
    3. Changes in fair value of other equity instrument investments
    4. Changes in fair value of own credit risk
    5. Others
(II) To be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss
    1. Items under equity method that may be reclassified to profit or loss
    2. Changes in fair value of other debt investments
    3. Profit or loss from reclassification of financial assets into other
    comprehensive income
    4. Provision for credit impairment of other debt investments
    5. Cash flow hedging reserve
    6. Translation reserve
    7. Others
VI. Total comprehensive income                                                               64,041,816.89     -165,232,047.21
VII. Earnings per share (EPS):
(I) Basic EPS (yuan per share)
(II) Diluted EPS (yuan per share)

                                                            Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report
Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.
Consolidated cash flow statement for the year ended December 31, 2020
(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)
                                                                                     Note   Current period     Preceding period
                                                                                     No.     cumulative          comparative
I. Cash flows from operating activities:
  Cash receipts from sale of goods or rendering of services                                 1,186,849,798.95    1,312,359,448.24
  Net increase of client deposit and interbank deposit
  Net increase of central bank loans
  Net increase of loans from other financial institutions
  Cash receipts from original insurance contract premium
  Net cash receipts from reinsurance
  Net increase of policy-holder deposit and investment
  Cash receipts from interest, handling charges and commission
  Net increase of loans from others
  Net increase of repurchase
  Net cash receipts from agency security transaction
  Receipts of tax refund                                                                        4,611,350.90       12,067,911.19
  Other cash receipts related to operating activities                                 1       15,785,966.22       24,883,017.58
      Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities                                    1,207,247,116.07    1,349,310,377.01
  Cash payments for goods purchased and services received                                    819,268,501.77      901,941,126.87
  Net increase of loans and advances to clients
  Net increase of central bank deposit and interbank deposit
  Cash payments for insurance indemnities of original insurance contracts
  Net increase of loans to others
  Cash payments for interest, handling charges and commission
  Cash payments for policy bonus
  Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                                                    177,936,827.34      241,604,857.64
  Cash payments for taxes and rates                                                           44,630,285.36       70,058,938.01
  Other cash payments related to operating activities                                 2       77,266,152.73      113,019,339.58
      Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities                                   1,119,101,767.20    1,326,624,262.10
          Net cash flows from operating activities                                            88,145,348.87        22,686,114.91
II. Cash flows from investing activities:
  Cash receipts from withdrawal of investments                                               227,492,228.00         1,183,862.97
  Cash receipts from investment income
  Net cash receipts from the disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                                                                                              90,389,036.16          897,560.83
   long-term assets
  Net cash receipts from the disposal of subsidiaries & other business units                  42,983,999.65
  Other cash receipts related to investing activities
      Subtotal of cash inflows from investing activities                                     360,865,263.81         2,081,423.80
  Cash payments for the acquisition of fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                                                                                              15,963,551.12       14,544,973.78
   long-term assets
  Cash payments for investments
  Net increase of pledged borrowings
  Net cash payments for the acquisition of subsidiaries & other business units
  Other cash payments related to investing activities
     Subtotal of cash outflows from investing activities                                      15,963,551.12       14,544,973.78
          Net cash flows from investing activities                                           344,901,712.69       -12,463,549.98
III. Cash flows from financing activities:
  Cash receipts from absorbing investments
  Including: Cash received by subsidiaries from non-controlling shareholders as
  Cash receipts from borrowings                                                              184,998,007.80      517,594,317.72
                                                           Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report
                                                                                     Note   Current period     Preceding period
                                                                                     No.     cumulative          comparative
  Other cash receipts related to financing activities                                 3         4,000,000.00      30,000,000.00
     Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities                                      188,998,007.80      547,594,317.72
  Cash payments for the repayment of borrowings                                              571,395,742.19      511,267,000.00
  Cash payments for distribution of dividends or profits and for interest expenses            78,843,126.92       30,076,595.52
  Including: Cash paid by subsidiaries to non-controlling shareholders as dividend
    or profit
  Other cash payments related to financing activities                                 4       10,430,132.25         9,080,321.78
     Subtotal of cash outflows from financing activities                                     660,669,001.36      550,423,917.30
          Net cash flows from financing activities                                          -471,670,993.56        -2,829,599.58
IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash & cash equivalents                            -97,187.73           21,583.83
V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                                  -38,721,119.73        7,414,549.18
 Add: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents                                           208,783,866.60      201,369,317.42
VI. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                                             170,062,746.87      208,783,866.60

                                                  Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.
Parent company cash flow statement for the year ended December 31, 2020
(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)
                                                                        Note   Current period    Preceding period
                                                                        No.     cumulative         comparative
I. Cash flows from operating activities:
Cash receipts from sale of goods and rendering of services                     354,206,107.38     343,169,578.37
Receipts of tax refund                                                              97,559.18       5,765,754.44
Other cash receipts related to operating activities                             21,367,785.41      39,495,085.12
  Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities                           375,671,451.97     388,430,417.93
Cash payments for goods purchased and services received                        244,301,702.01     250,742,210.91
Cash paid to and on behalf of employees                                         61,739,154.02      92,940,344.78
Cash payments for taxes and rates                                                 7,181,904.61     20,457,454.33
Other cash payments related to operating activities                            118,640,184.23      39,907,351.71
  Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities                          431,862,944.88     404,047,361.73
     Net cash flows from operating activities                                   -56,191,492.91    -15,616,943.80
II. Cash flows from investing activities:
 Cash receipts from withdrawal of investments                                  266,658,637.16
 Cash receipts from investment income                                           82,727,700.00       9,153,400.00
 Net cash receipts from the disposal of fixed assets, intangible
                                                                                90,196,791.73         398,588.81
  assets and other long-term assets
 Net cash receipts from the disposal of subsidiaries & other
  business units
 Other cash receipts related to investing activities
   Subtotal of cash inflows from investing activities                          439,583,128.89       9,551,988.81
 Cash payments for the acquisition of fixed assets, intangible assets
                                                                                  3,437,576.27      2,030,956.24
  and other long-term assets
 Cash payments for investments                                                    2,000,000.00
 Net cash payments for the acquisition of subsidiaries & other
  business units
 Other cash payments related to investing activities
   Subtotal of cash outflows from investing activities                            5,437,576.27      2,030,956.24
     Net cash flows from investing activities                                  434,145,552.62       7,521,032.57
III. Cash flows from financing activities:
 Cash receipts from absorbing investments
 Cash receipts from borrowings                                                 109,998,007.80     417,594,317.72
 Other cash receipts related to financing activities                              4,000,000.00     30,000,000.00
   Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities                          113,998,007.80     447,594,317.72
 Cash payments for the repayment of borrowings                                 451,335,325.52     401,257,000.00
 Cash payments for distribution of dividends or profits and for
                                                                                 31,632,011.57     27,192,787.89
   interest expenses
 Other cash payments related to financing activities                            10,430,132.25       9,080,321.78
   Subtotal of cash outflows from financing activities                         493,397,469.34     437,530,109.67
     Net cash flows from financing activities                                  -379,399,461.54     10,064,208.05
IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash
V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                     -1,445,401.83      1,982,073.98
Add: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents                               25,794,743.17      23,812,669.19
                                               Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report
                                                                   Note    Current period   Preceding period
                                                                   No.      cumulative        comparative
VI. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                            24,349,341.34      25,794,743.17

                                                                                                                                                       Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report
  Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.
  Consolidated statement of changes in equity for the year ended December 31, 2020
  (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)
                                                                                                                                 Current period cumulative
                                                                                                         Equity attributable to parent company
                      Items                                            Other equity instruments                                                                                                            Non-controlling
                                                                                                                       Less:       Other                                                                                      Total equity
                                                   Share capital/                                                                            Special          Surplus     General risk    Undistributed       interest
                                                                     Preferred Perpetual
                                                                                                    Capital reserve   Treasury comprehensive reserve                        reserve          profit
                                                   Paid-in capital                         Others                                 income                      reserve
                                                                      shares    bonds                                  shares

I. Balance at the end of prior year                215,000,000.00                                   185,374,533.85               -6,776,124.85               589,559.77                  -224,644,862.48   130,557,035.50    300,100,141.79

Add: Cumulative changes of accounting
  Error correction of prior period
  Business combination under common
II. Balance at the beginning of current year       215,000,000.00                                   185,374,533.85               -6,776,124.85               589,559.77                  -224,644,862.48   130,557,035.50    300,100,141.79
III. Current period increase (or less: decrease)                                                     -1,805,691.41                  -77,806.80                                            21,964,552.84     -23,746,134.62    -3,665,079.99
(I) Total comprehensive income                                                                                                      -77,806.80                                            21,964,552.84     15,710,473.97     37,597,220.01
(II) Capital contributed or withdrawn by
                                                                                                     -1,805,691.41                                                                                            1,805,691.41
1. Ordinary shares contributed by owners
2. Capital contributed by holders of other
equity instruments
3. Amount of share-based payment included
in equity
4. Others                                                                                            -1,805,691.41                                                                                            1,805,691.41
(III) Profit distribution                                                                                                                                                                                   -41,262,300.00   -41,262,300.00
1. Appropriation of surplus reserve
2. Appropriation of general risk reserve
3. Appropriation of profit to owners                                                                                                                                                                        -41,262,300.00   -41,262,300.00
4. Others
(IV) Internal carry-over within equity
1. Transfer of capital reserve to capital
2. Transfer of surplus reserve to capital
3. Surplus reserve to cover losses

                                                                                                                                                 Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report
                                                                                                                           Current period cumulative
                                                                                                   Equity attributable to parent company
                      Items                                      Other equity instruments                                                                                                            Non-controlling
                                                                                                                 Less:       Other                                                                                      Total equity
                                             Share capital/                                                                            Special          Surplus     General risk    Undistributed       interest
                                                                                              Capital reserve   Treasury comprehensive reserve
                                             Paid-in capital   Preferred Perpetual   Others                                                             reserve       reserve          profit
                                                                                                                 shares     income
                                                                shares    bonds
4. Changes in defined benefit plan carried
over to retained earnings
5. Other comprehensive income carried over
to retained earnings
6. Others
(V) Special reserve
1. Appropriation of current period
2. Application of current period
(VI) Others
IV. Balance at the end of current period     215,000,000.00                                   183,568,842.44               -6,853,931.65               589,559.77                  -202,680,309.64   106,810,900.88    296,435,061.80

                                                                                                                                                      Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report
       Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.
       Consolidated statement of changes in equity for the year ended December 31, 2020 (continued)
       (Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)
                                                                                                                                Preceding period comparative
                                                                                                          Equity attributable to parent company
                            Items                                         Other equity instruments                                                                                                   Non-controlling
                                                                                                                          Less:       Other                              General                                        Total equity
                                                      Share capital/                                                                            Special        Surplus              Undistributed       interest
                                                                        Preferred Perpetual
                                                                                                       Capital reserve   Treasury comprehensive reserve                    risk
                                                      Paid-in capital                         Others                                 income                    reserve   reserve
                                                                         shares    bonds                                  shares

I. Balance at the end of prior year                   215,000,000.00                                   185,374,533.85              -4,947,588.58           589,559.77               -40,726,776.80   132,707,742.04    487,997,470.28

Add: Cumulative changes of accounting policies                                                                                     -1,854,910.00                                    -14,829,568.99     -1,781,094.33   -18,465,573.32
  Error correction of prior period
  Business combination under common control
II. Balance at the beginning of current year          215,000,000.00                                   185,374,533.85              -6,802,498.58           589,559.77               -55,556,345.79   130,926,647.71    469,531,896.96
III. Current period increase (or less: decrease)                                                                                       26,373.73                                   -169,088,516.69       -369,612.21 -169,431,755.17
(I) Total comprehensive income                                                                                                         26,373.73                                   -169,088,516.69    10,150,987.79 -158,911,155.17
(II) Capital contributed or withdrawn by owners
1. Ordinary shares contributed by owners
2. Capital contributed by holders of other equity
3. Amount of share-based payment included in equity
4. Others
(III) Profit distribution                                                                                                                                                                             -10,520,600.00   -10,520,600.00
1. Appropriation of surplus reserve
2. Appropriation of general risk reserve
3. Appropriation of profit to owners                                                                                                                                                                  -10,520,600.00   -10,520,600.00
4. Others
(IV) Internal carry-over within equity
1. Transfer of capital reserve to capital
2. Transfer of surplus reserve to capital
3. Surplus reserve to cover losses
4. Changes in defined benefit plan carried over to
retained earnings

5. Other comprehensive income carried over to
                                                                                                                                           Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report
                                                                                                                     Preceding period comparative
                                                                                               Equity attributable to parent company
                        Items                                  Other equity instruments                                                                                                   Non-controlling
                                                                                                               Less:       Other                              General                                        Total equity
                                           Share capital/                                                                            Special        Surplus              Undistributed       interest
                                                                                            Capital reserve   Treasury comprehensive reserve                    risk
                                           Paid-in capital   Preferred Perpetual   Others                                                           reserve                 profit
                                                                                                               shares     income                              reserve
                                                              shares    bonds
retained earnings
6. Others
(V) Special reserve
1. Appropriation of current period
2. Application of current period
(VI) Others
IV. Balance at the end of current period   215,000,000.00                                   185,374,533.85              -6,776,124.85           589,559.77              -224,644,862.48   130,557,035.50    300,100,141.79

                                                                                                                                                 Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.
Parent company statement of changes in equity for the year ended December 31, 2020
(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)
                                                                                                                               Current period cumulative
                                                                              Other equity instruments                            Less:          Other
                            Items                        Share capital/                                                                                      Special                     Undistributed
                                                                           Preferred   Perpetual             Capital reserve     Treasury    comprehensive             Surplus reserve                   Total equity
                                                         Paid-in capital                            Others                                                   reserve                        profit
                                                                            shares      bonds                                     shares        income

I. Balance at the end of prior year                      215,000,000.00                                      172,417,299.81                  -1,854,910.00                 589,559.76 -354,057,972.32    32,093,977.25
Add: Cumulative changes of accounting policies
    Error correction of prior period
II. Balance at the beginning of current year             215,000,000.00                                      172,417,299.81                  -1,854,910.00                 589,559.76 -354,057,972.32    32,093,977.25
III. Current period increase (or less: decrease)                                                             -13,553,257.47                                                              64,041,816.89   50,488,559.42
(I) Total comprehensive income                                                                                                                                                           64,041,816.89   64,041,816.89
(II) Capital contributed or withdrawn by owners                                                              -13,553,257.47                                                                              -13,553,257.47
1. Ordinary shares contributed by owners
2. Capital contributed by holders of other equity
3. Amount of share-based payment included in equity
4. Others
(III) Profit distribution
1. Appropriation of surplus reserve
2. Appropriation of profit to owners
3. Others
(IV) Internal carry-over within equity
1. Transfer of capital reserve to capital
2. Transfer of surplus reserve to capital
3. Surplus reserve to cover losses
4. Changes in defined benefit plan carried over to
retained earnings
5. Other comprehensive income carried over to retained
6. Others
(V) Special reserve
                                                                                Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report
1. Appropriation of current period
2. Application of current period
(VI) Others
IV. Balance at the end of current period   215,000,000.00   158,864,042.34   -1,854,910.00              589,559.76 -290,016,155.43   82,582,536.67

                                                                                                                                               Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.
Parent company statement of changes in equity for the year ended December 31, 2020 (continued)
(Expressed in Renminbi Yuan)
                                                                                                                           Preceding period comparative
                                                                                Other equity instruments                          Less:       Other
                            Items                        Share capital/                                                                                                                    Undistributed
                                                                           Preferred    Perpetual              Capital reserve   Treasury comprehensive Special reserve Surplus reserve                      Total equity
                                                         Paid-in capital                              Others                                                                                  profit
                                                                            shares       bonds                                    shares     income

I. Balance at the end of prior year                      215,000,000.00                                        172,417,299.81                                               589,559.76 -180,137,921.22      207,868,938.35
Add: Cumulative changes of accounting policies                                                                                             -1,854,910.00                                    -8,688,003.89   -10,542,913.89
    Error correction of prior period
II. Balance at the beginning of current year             215,000,000.00                                        172,417,299.81              -1,854,910.00                    589,559.76    -188,825,925.11   197,326,024.46
III. Current period increase (or less: decrease)                                                                                                                                          -165,232,047.21 -165,232,047.21
(I) Total comprehensive income                                                                                                                                                            -165,232,047.21 -165,232,047.21
(II) Capital contributed or withdrawn by owners
1. Ordinary shares contributed by owners
2. Capital contributed by holders of other equity
3. Amount of share-based payment included in equity
4. Others
(III) Profit distribution
1. Appropriation of surplus reserve
2. Appropriation of profit to owners
3. Others
(IV) Internal carry-over within equity
1. Transfer of capital reserve to capital
2. Transfer of surplus reserve to capital
3. Surplus reserve to cover losses
4. Changes in defined benefit plan carried over to
retained earnings
5. Other comprehensive income carried over to retained
6. Others
(V) Special reserve
                                                                                                                Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report
1. Appropriation of current period
2. Application of current period
(VI) Others
IV. Balance at the end of current period   215,000,000.00                                   172,417,299.81   -1,854,910.00                589,559.76 -354,057,972.32   32,093,977.25

[Wang Wenkui]                                               [Wang Huailin]                                            [Tang Yiqiao]
[Legal representative]                                      [Officer in charge of accounting]                         [Head of accounting department]
(Signature and stamp)                                       (Signature and stamp)                                     (Signature and stamp)

                                                                     Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

                                   Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.
                                               Notes to Financial Statements
                                               For the year ended December 31, 2020

                                                                                                          Monetary unit: RMB Yuan

I. Company profile
Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. (the ―Company‖), whose predecessor is Nanjing Telecommunication Facility Factory,
was established as a limited liability company through financing under the approval of National Economic Institutional Reform
Commission with document of approval numbered TGS [1997] 28 dated March 21, 1997. The Company is headquartered in Nanjing
City, Jiangsu Province. Currently it holds a business license with unified social credit code of 91320000134878054G, with registered
capital of 215,000,000.00 yuan, total share of 215,000,000.00 shares, with par value of 1 yuan per share. Among them, 115,000,000
shares are state-owned legal person shares, and 100,000,000 shares are B shares. The Company was listed on the Shenzhen Stock
Exchange on May 22, 1997.

The Company belongs to telecommunication equipment manufacture industry and is mainly engaged in R&D, production, and sale
of data, wire and wireless telecommunication equipment, distribution and allocation of layout of telecommunication product,
multimedia computer, digital television, vehicle electronics and conference video system. The main services rendered by the
Company include installation and maintenance equipment, communication information network and computer information system
projects design, and systems integration and related consultancy service.

The financial statements have been deliberated and approved for issue by the Board of Directors dated April 16, 2021.

The Company has brought 9 subsidiaries including Nanjing Southern Telecom Co., Ltd, and Nanjing Putian Telege Intelligent
Building Co., Ltd. etc. into the consolidated scope. Please refer to notes of VII for details.

II. Preparation basis of the financial statements
(I) Preparation basis
The financial statements have been prepared on the basis of going concern.

(II) Assessment of the ability to continue as a going concern
The Company has no events or conditions that may cast significant doubts upon the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern
within the 12 months after the balance sheet date.
III. Significant accounting policies and estimates
Important note:
The Company has set up accounting policies and estimates on transactions or events such as impairment of financial instruments,
depreciation of fixed assets, depreciation of right-of-use assets, amortization of intangible assets, and revenue recognition, etc. based
on the Company’s actual production and operation features.
(I) Statement of compliance
The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of China Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises (CASBEs), and present truly and completely the financial position, results of operations and cash flows of the Company.

                                                                       Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

(II) Accounting period
The accounting year of the Company runs from January 1 to December 31 under the Gregorian calendar.

(III) Operating cycle
The Company has a relatively short operating cycle for its business, an asset or a liability is classified as current if it is expected to be
realized or due within 12 months.

(IV) Functional currency
The Company’s functional currency is Renminbi (RMB) Yuan.

(V) Accounting treatments of business combination under and not under common control
1. Accounting treatment of business combination under common control
Assets and liabilities arising from business combination are measured at carrying amount of the combined party included in the
consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controlling party at the combination date. Difference between carrying amount of
the equity of the combined party included in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controlling party and that of the
combination consideration or total par value of shares issued is adjusted to capital reserve, if the balance of capital reserve is
insufficient to offset, any excess is adjusted to retained earnings.

2. Accounting treatment of business combination not under common control
When combination cost is in excess of the fair value of identifiable net assets obtained from the acquiree at the acquisition date, the
excess is recognized as goodwill; otherwise, the fair value of identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities, and the
measurement of the combination cost are reviewed, then the difference is recognized in profit or loss.

(VI) Compilation method of consolidated financial statements

The parent company brings all its controlled subsidiaries into the consolidation scope. The consolidated financial
statements are compiled by the parent company according to ―CASBE 33 – Consolidated Financial Statements‖, based
on relevant information and the financial statements of the parent company and its subsidiaries.

(VII) Classification of joint arrangements and accounting treatment of joint operations

1. Joint arrangements include joint operations and joint ventures.

2. When the Company is a joint operator of a joint operation, it recognizes the following items in relation to its interest
in a joint operation:
(1) its assets, including its share of any assets held jointly;

(2) its liabilities, including its share of any liabilities incurred jointly;

(3) its revenue from the sale of its share of the output arising from the joint operation;

(4) its share of the revenue from the sales of the assets by the joint operation; and

(5) its expenses, including its share of any expenses incurred jointly.

(VIII) Recognition criteria of cash and cash equivalents

Cash as presented in cash flow statement refers to cash on hand and deposit on demand for payment. Cash equivalents
refer to short-term, highly liquid investments that can be readily converted to cash and that are subject to an
insignificant risk of changes in value.

(IX) Foreign currency translation

                                                                   Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

1. Translation of transactions denominated in foreign currency

Transactions denominated in foreign currency are translated into RMB yuan at the spot exchange rate at the transaction
date at initial recognition. At the balance sheet date, monetary items denominated in foreign currency are translated at
the spot exchange rate at the balance sheet date with difference, except for those arising from the principal and interest
of exclusive borrowings eligible for capitalization, included in profit or loss; non-cash items carried at historical costs
are translated at the spot exchange rate at the transaction date, with the RMB amounts unchanged; non-cash items
carried at fair value in foreign currency are translated at the spot exchange rate at the date when the fair value was
determined, with difference included in profit or loss or other comprehensive income.

2. Translation of financial statements measured in foreign currency

The assets and liabilities in the balance sheet are translated into RMB at the spot rate at the balance sheet date; the
equity items, other than undistributed profit, are translated at the spot rate at the transaction date; the revenues and
expenses in the income statement are translated into RMB at the spot exchange rate at the transaction date. The
difference arising from the aforementioned foreign currency translation is included in other comprehensive income.

(X) Financial instruments
1. Classification of financial assets and financial liabilities

Financial assets are classified into the following three categories when initially recognized: (1) financial assets at
amortized cost; (2) financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income; (3) financial assets at fair value
through profit or loss.

Financial liabilities are classified into the following four categories when initially recognized: (1) financial liabilities at
fair value through profit or loss; (2) financial liabilities that arise when a transfer of a financial asset does not qualify for
derecognition or when the continuing involvement approach applies; (3) financial guarantee contracts not fall within the
above categories (1) and (2), and commitments to provide a loan at a below-market interest rate, which do not fall
within the above category (1); (4) financial liabilities at amortized cost.

2. Recognition criteria, measurement method and derecognition condition of financial assets and financial liabilities
(1) Recognition criteria and measurement method of financial assets and financial liabilities

When the Company becomes a party to a financial instrument, it is recognized as a financial asset or financial liability.
The financial assets and financial liabilities initially recognized by the Company are measured at fair value; for the
financial assets and liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, the transaction expenses thereof are directly included
in profit or loss; for other categories of financial assets and financial liabilities, the transaction expenses thereof are
included into the initially recognized amount. However, at initial recognition, for accounts receivable that do not
contain a significant financing component or contracts in which the financing components with associated period less
than one year are not considered, the Company measures at their transaction price in accordance with ―CASBE 14 –

(2) Subsequent measurement of financial assets
1) Financial assets measured at amortized cost
The Company measures its financial assets at the amortized costs using effective interest method. Gains or losses on
financial assets that are measured at amortized cost and are not part of hedging relationships shall be included into profit
or loss when the financial assets are derecognized, reclassified, amortized using effective interest method or recognized

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with impairment loss.

2) Debt instrument investments at fair value through other comprehensive income
The Company measures its debt instrument investments at fair value. Interests, impairment gains or losses, and gains
and losses on foreign exchange that calculated using effective interest method shall be included into profit or loss, while
other gains or losses are included into other comprehensive income. Accumulated gains or losses that initially
recognized as other comprehensive income should be transferred out into profit or loss when the financial assets are

3) Equity instrument investments at fair value through other comprehensive income
The Company measures its equity instrument investments at fair value. Dividends obtained (other than those as part of
investment cost recovery) shall be included into profit or loss, while other gains or losses are included into other
comprehensive income. Accumulated gains or losses that initially recognized as other comprehensive income should be
transferred out into retained earnings when the financial assets are derecognized.

4) Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
The Company measures its financial assets at fair value. Gains or losses arising from changes in fair value (including
interests and dividends) shall be included into profit or loss, except for financial assets that are part of hedging

(3) Subsequent measurement of financial liabilities
1) Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss
Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss include held-for-trading financial liabilities (including derivatives
that are liabilities) and financial liabilities designated as at fair value through profit or loss. The Company measures
such kind of liabilities at fair value. The amount of changes in the fair value of the financial liabilities that are
attributable to changes in the Company’s own credit risk shall be included into other comprehensive income, unless
such treatment would create or enlarge accounting mismatches in profit or loss. Other gains or losses on those financial
liabilities (including interests, changes in fair value that are attributable to reasons other than changes in the Company’s
own credit risk) shall be included into profit or loss, except for financial liabilities that are part of hedging relationships.
Accumulated gains or losses that originally recognized as other comprehensive income should be transferred out into
retained earnings when the financial liabilities are derecognized.

2) Financial liabilities that arise when a transfer of a financial asset does not qualify for derecognition or when the
continuing involvement approach applies
The Company measures its financial liabilities in accordance with ―CASBE 23 – Transfer of Financial Assets‖.

3) Financial guarantee contracts not fall within the above categories 1) and 2), and commitments to provide a loan at a
below-market interest rate, which do not fall within the above category 1)
The Company measures its financial liabilities at the higher of: a. the amount of loss allowances in accordance with
impairment requirements of financial instruments; b. the amount initially recognized less the amount of accumulated
amortization recognized in accordance with ―CASBE 14 – Revenues‖.

4) Financial liabilities at amortized cost
The Company measures its financial liabilities at amortized cost using effective interest method. Gains or losses on

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financial liabilities that are measured at amortized cost and are not part of hedging relationships shall be included into
profit or loss when the financial liabilities are derecognized and amortized using effective interest method.

(4) Derecognition of financial assets and financial liabilities
1) Financial assets are derecognized when:
a. the contractual rights to the cash flows from the financial assets expire; or

b. the financial assets have been transferred and the transfer qualifies for derecognition in accordance with ―CASBE 23 – Transfer of
Financial Assets‖.

2) Only when the underlying present obligations of a financial liability are relieved totally or partly may the financial liability be
derecognized accordingly.

3. Recognition criteria and measurement method of financial assets transfer

Where the Company has transferred substantially all of the risks and rewards related to the ownership of the financial
asset, it derecognizes the financial asset, and any right or liability arising from such transfer is recognized independently
as an asset or a liability. If it retained substantially all of the risks and rewards related to the ownership of the financial
asset, it continues recognizing the financial asset. Where the Company does not transfer or retain substantially all of the
risks and rewards related to the ownership of a financial asset, it is dealt with according to the circumstances as follows
respectively: (1) if the Company does not retain its control over the financial asset, it derecognizes the financial asset,
and any right or liability arising from such transfer is recognized independently as an asset or a liability; (2) if the
Company retains its control over the financial asset, according to the extent of its continuing involvement in the
transferred financial asset, it recognizes the related financial asset and recognizes the relevant liability accordingly.

If the transfer of an entire financial asset satisfies the conditions for derecognition, the difference between the amounts
of the following two items are included in profit or loss: (1) the carrying amount of the transferred financial asset as of
the date of derecognition; (2) the sum of consideration received from the transfer of the financial asset, and the
accumulative amount of the changes of the fair value originally included in other comprehensive income proportionate
to the transferred financial asset (financial assets transferred refer to debt instrument investments at fair value through
other comprehensive income). If the transfer of financial asset partially satisfies the conditions to derecognition, the
entire carrying amount of the transferred financial asset is, between the portion which is derecognized and the portion
which is not, apportioned according to their respective relative fair value, and the difference between the amounts of the
following two items are included into profit or loss: (1) the carrying amount of the portion which is derecognized; (2)
the sum of consideration of the portion which is derecognized, and the portion of the accumulative amount of the
changes in the fair value originally included in other comprehensive income which is corresponding to the portion
which is derecognized (financial assets transferred refer to debt instrument investments at fair value through other
comprehensive income).

4. Fair value determination method of financial assets and liabilities
The Company uses valuation techniques that are appropriate in the circumstances and for which sufficient data are available to
measure fair value. The inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value are arranged in the following hierarchy and used
(1) Level 1 inputs are unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities that the Company can access at the
measurement date.

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(2) Level 2 inputs are inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either
directly or indirectly. Level 2 inputs include: quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities in active markets; quoted prices for
identical or similar assets or liabilities in markets that are not active; inputs other than quoted prices that are observable for the asset
or liability, for example, interest rates and yield curves observable at commonly quoted intervals; market-corroborated inputs;

(3) Level 3 inputs are unobservable inputs for the asset or liability. Level 3 inputs include interest rate that is not observable and
cannot be corroborated by observable market data at commonly quoted intervals, historical volatility, future cash flows to be paid to
fulfill the disposal obligation assumed in business combination, and financial forecast developed using the Company’s own data, etc.

5. Impairment of financial instruments
(1) Measurement and accounting treatment
The Company, on the basis of expected credit loss, recognizes loss allowances of financial assets at amortized cost, debt instrument
investments, contract assets or leases receivable at fair value through other comprehensive income, loan commitments other than
financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, financial guarantee contracts not belong to financial liabilities at fair value
through profit or loss or financial liabilities that arise when a transfer of a financial asset does not qualify for derecognition or when
the continuing involvement approach applies.

Expected credit losses refer to the weighted average of credit losses with the respective risks of a default occurring as the weights.
Credit loss refers to the difference between all contractual cash flows that are due to the Company in accordance with the contract
and all the cash flows that the Company expects to receive (i.e. all cash shortfalls), discounted at the original effective interest rate.
Among which, purchased or originated credit-impaired financial assets are discounted at the credit-adjusted effective interest rate.

At the balance sheet date, the Company shall only recognize the cumulative changes in the lifetime expected credit losses since initial
recognition as a loss allowance for purchased or originated credit-impaired financial assets.

For accounts receivable and contract assets that do not contain a significant financing component or financing components in
contracts with associated period less than one year that are not considered by the Company, which result from transactions as
regulated in ―CASBE 14 – Revenues‖, the Company chooses simplified approach to measure the loss allowance at an amount equal
to lifetime expected credit losses.

For lease receivables, accounts receivable and contract assets that result from transactions as regulated in ―CASBE 14 – Revenues‖
and contain a significant financing component, the Company chooses simplified approach to measure the loss allowance at an
amount equal to lifetime expected credit losses.

For financial assets other than the above, on each balance sheet date, the Company shall assess whether the credit risk on the
financial instrument has increased significantly since initial recognition. The Company shall measure the loss allowance for the
financial instrument at an amount equal to the lifetime expected credit losses if the credit risk on that financial instrument has
increased significantly since initial recognition; otherwise, the Company shall measure the loss allowance for that financial
instrument at an amount equal to 12-month expected credit loss.

Considering reasonable and supportable forward-looking information, the Company compares the risk of a default occurring on the
financial instrument as at the balance sheet date with the risk of a default occurring on the financial instrument as at the date of initial
recognition, so as to assess whether the credit risk on the financial instrument has increased significantly since initial recognition.

The Company may assume that the credit risk on a financial instrument has not increased significantly since initial recognition if the
financial instrument is determined to have relatively low credit risk at the balance sheet date.

The Company shall estimate expected credit risk and measure expected credit losses on an individual or a collective basis. When the
Company adopts the collective basis, financial instruments are grouped with similar credit risk features.

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The Company shall remeasure expected credit loss on each balance sheet date, and increased or reversed amounts of loss allowance
arising therefrom shall be included into profit or loss as impairment losses or gains. For a financial asset measured at amortized cost,
the loss allowance reduces the carrying amount of such financial asset presented in the balance sheet; for a debt investment measured
at fair value through other comprehensive income, the loss allowance shall be recognized in other comprehensive income and shall
not reduce the carrying amount of such financial asset.

(2) Financial instruments with expected credit risk assessed and expected credit losses measured on a collective basis

   Items                                             Basis for determination of        Method for measuring expected
                                                              portfolio                         credit loss
 Other receivables – Portfolio grouped with                                          Based on historical credit loss
 consolidated related parties                                                         experience, the current situation
 Other receivables – Portfolio grouped with                                          and the forecast of future
 deposit receivables                                       Nature of receivables      economic conditions, calculate
                                                                                      expected credit loss through
 Other receivables – Portfolio grouped with
                                                                                      exposure at default and 12-month
 export tax rebate
                                                                                      or lifetime expected credit loss
 Other receivables – Other portfolio                                                 rate.

(3) Accounts receivable and contract assets with expected credit losses measured on a collective basis
1) Specific portfolios and method for measuring expected credit loss

    Items                                  Basis for determination of        Method for measuring expected credit loss
 Bank acceptance receivable                                                 Based on historical credit loss experience,
                                                                            the current situation and the forecast of
                                                 Type of notes              future economic conditions, calculate
 Trade acceptance receivable                                                expected credit loss through exposure at
                                                                            default and lifetime expected credit loss
                                                                            Based on historical credit loss experience,
 Accounts receivable –Portfolio                                            the current situation and the forecast of
                                                                            future economic conditions, prepare the
 grouped with consolidated related        Consolidated related parties      comparison table of overdue ages and
 parties                                                                    lifetime expected credit loss rate of accounts
                                                                            receivable, so as to calculate expected credit
                                                                            Based on historical credit loss experience,
                                                                            the current situation and the forecast of
 Accounts receivable – Portfolio
                                                     Aging                  future economic conditions, calculate
 Aging                                                                      expected credit loss through aging of
                                                                            receivables and lifetime expected credit loss

2) Accounts receivable – comparison table of ages and lifetime expected credit loss rate of portfolio grouped with ages

   Ages                                                                 Expected credit loss rate (%)

 Within 1 year (inclusive, the same hereinafter)                                   1.00

 1-2 years                                                                          5.00

 2-3 years                                                                         10.00

 3-4 years                                                                         30.00

 4-5 years                                                                         50.00

 Over 5 years                                                                      100.00

6. Offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities

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Financial assets and financial liabilities are presented separately in the balance sheet and are not offset. However, the Company
offsets a financial asset and a financial liability and presents the net amount in the balance sheet when, and only when, the Company:
(a) currently has a legally enforceable right to set off the recognized amounts; and (b) intends either to settle on a net basis, or to
realize the asset and settle the liability simultaneously.

For a transfer of a financial asset that does not qualify for derecognition, the Company does not offset the transferred asset and the
associated liability.
(XI) Inventories
1. Classification of inventories
Inventories include finished goods or goods held for sale in the ordinary course of business, work in process in the process of
production, and materials or supplies etc. to be consumed in the production process or in the rendering of services.

2. Accounting method for dispatching inventories:
Inventories dispatched from storage are accounted for with weighted average method.

3. Basis for determining net realizable value
At the balance sheet date, inventories are measured at the lower of cost and net realizable value; provisions for inventory write-down
are made on the excess of its cost over the net realizable value. The net realizable value of inventories held for sale is determined
based on the amount of the estimated selling price less the estimated selling expenses and relevant taxes and surcharges in the
ordinary course of business; the net realizable value of materials to be processed is determined based on the amount of the estimated
selling price less the estimated costs of completion, selling expenses and relevant taxes and surcharges in the ordinary course of
business; at the balance sheet date, when only part of the same item of inventories have agreed price, their net realizable value is
determined separately and is compared with their costs to set the provision for inventory write-down to be made or reversed.

4. Inventory system
Perpetual inventory method is adopted.

5. Amortization method of low-value consumables and packages
(1) Low-value consumables
Low-value consumables are amortized with one-off method.

(2) Packages
Packages are amortized with one-off method.

(XII) Contract costs
Assets related to contract costs including costs of obtaining a contract and costs to fulfil a contract.

The Company recognizes as an asset the incremental costs of obtaining a contract if those costs are expected to be recovered.

If the costs incurred in fulfilling a contract are not within the scope of standards related to inventories, fixed assets or intangible
assets, etc., the Company shall recognize the costs to fulfil a contract as an asset if all the following criteria are satisfied:
1. The costs relate directly to a contract or to an anticipated contract, including direct labor, direct materials, manufacturing overhead
cost (or similar cost), cost that are explicitly chargeable to the customer under the contract, and other costs that are only related to the

2. The costs enhance resources of the Company that will be used in satisfying performance obligations in the future; and

3. The costs are expected to be recovered.

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An asset related to contract costs shall be amortized on a systematic basis that is consistent with related goods or services, with
amortization included into profit or loss.

The Company shall make provision for impairment and recognize an impairment loss to the extent that the carrying amount of an
asset related to contract costs exceeds the remaining amount of consideration that the Company expects to receive in exchange for the
goods or services to which the asset relates less the costs expected to be incurred. The Company shall recognize a reversal of an
impairment loss previously recognized in profit or loss when the impairment conditions no longer exist or have improved. The
carrying amount of the asset after the reversal shall not exceed the amount that would have been determined on the reversal date if no
provision for impairment had been made previously.

(XIII) Non-current assets or disposal groups classified as held for sale
1. Classification of non-current assets or disposal groups as held for sale
Non-current assets or disposal groups are accounted for as held for sale when the following conditions are all met: a. the asset must
be available for immediate sale in its present condition subject to terms that are usual and customary for sales of such assets or
disposal groups; b. its sales must be highly probable, i.e., the Company has made a decision on the sale plan and has obtained a firm
purchase commitment, and the sale is expected to be completed within one year.

When the Company acquires a non-current asset or disposal group with a view to resale, it shall classify the non-current asset or
disposal group as held for sale at the acquisition date only if the requirement of ―expected to be completed within one year‖ is met at
that date and it is highly probable that other criteria for held for sale will be met within a short period (usually within three months).

An asset or a disposal group is still accounted for as held for sale when the Company remains committed to its plan to sell the asset or
disposal group in the circumstance that non-related party transactions fail to be completed within one year due to one of the
following reasons: a. a buyer or others unexpectedly set conditions that will extend the sale period, while the Company has taken
timely actions to respond to the conditions and expects a favorable resolution of the delaying factors within one year since the setting;
(2) a non-current asset or disposal group classified as held for sale fails to be sold within one year due to rare cases, and the Company
has taken action necessary to respond to the circumstances during the initial one-year period and the criteria for held for sale are met.

2. Measurement of non-current assets or disposal groups as held for sale
(1) Initial measurement and subsequent measurement
For initial measurement and subsequent measurement as at the balance sheet date of a non-current asset or disposal group as held for
sale, where the carrying amount is higher than the fair value less costs to sell, the carrying amount is written down to the fair value
less costs to sell, and the write-down is recognized in profit or loss as assets impairment loss, meanwhile, provision for impairment of
assets as held for sale shall be made.

For a non-current asset or disposal group classified as held for sale at the acquisition date, the asset or disposal group is measured on
initial recognition at the lower of its initial measurement amount had it not been so classified and fair value less costs to sell. Apart
from the non-current asset or disposal group acquired through business combination, the difference arising from the initial
recognition of a non-current asset or disposal group at the fair value less costs to sell shall be included into profit or loss.

The assets impairment loss recognized for a disposal group as held for sale shall reduce the carrying amount of goodwill in the
disposal group first, and then reduce its carrying amount based on the proportion of each non-current asset’s carrying amount in the
disposal group.

No provision for depreciation or amortization shall be made on non-current assets as held for sale or non-current assets in disposal
groups as held for sale, while interest and other expenses attributable to the liabilities of a disposal group as held for sale shall
continue to be recognized.

(2) Reversal of assets impairment loss

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When there is a subsequent increase in fair value less costs to sell of a non-current asset as held for sale at the balance sheet date, the
write-down shall be recovered, and shall be reversed not in excess of the impairment loss that has been recognized after the
non-current asset was classified as held for sale. The reversal shall be included into profit or loss. Assets impairment loss that has
been recognized before the classification is not reversed.

When there is a subsequent increase in fair value less costs to sell of a disposal group as held for sale at the balance sheet date, the
write-down shall be recovered, and shall be reversed not in excess of the non-current assets impairment loss that has been recognized
after the disposal group was classified as held for sale. The reversal shall be included into profit or loss. The reduced carrying amount
of goodwill and non-current assets impairment loss that has been recognized before the classification is not reversed.

For the subsequent reversal of the impairment loss that has been recognized in a disposal group as held for sale, the carrying amount
is increased based on the proportion of carrying amount of each non-current asset (excluding goodwill) in the disposal group.

(3) Non-current asset or disposal group that is no longer classified as held for sale and derecognized
A non-current asset or disposal group that does not met criteria for held for sale and no longer classified as held for sale, or a
non-current asset that removed from a disposal group as held for sale shall be measured at the lower of: a. its carrying amount before
it was classified as held for sale, adjusted for any depreciation, amortization or impairment that would have been recognized had it
not been classified as held for sale; and b. its recoverable amount.

When a non-current asset or disposal group classified as held for sale is derecognized, unrecognized gains or losses shall be included
into profit or loss.

(XIV) Long-term equity investments
1. Judgment of joint control and significant influence
Joint control is the contractually agreed sharing of control of an arrangement, which exists only when decisions about the relevant
activities require the unanimous consent of the parties sharing control. Significant influence is the power to participate in the
financial and operating policy decisions of the investee but is not control or joint control of these policies.

2. Determination of investment cost
(1) For business combination under common control, if the consideration of the combining party is that it makes payment in cash,
transfers non-cash assets, assumes its liabilities or issues equity securities, on the date of combination, it regards the share of the
carrying amount of the equity of the combined party included in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controlling
party as the initial cost of the investment. The difference between the initial cost of the long-term equity investments and the carrying
amount of the combination consideration paid or the par value of shares issued offsets capital reserve; if the balance of capital reserve
is insufficient to offset, any excess is adjusted to retained earnings.

When long-term equity investments are obtained through business combination under common control achieved in stages, the
Company determines whether it is a ―bundled transaction‖. If it is a ―bundled transaction‖, stages as a whole are considered as one
transaction in accounting treatment. If it is not a ―bundled transaction‖, on the date of combination, investment cost is initially
recognized at the share of the carrying amount of net assets of the combined party included the consolidated financial statements of
the ultimate controlling party. The difference between the initial investment cost of long-term equity investments at the acquisition
date and the carrying amount of the previously held long-term equity investments plus the carrying amount of the consideration paid
for the newly acquired equity is adjusted to capital reserve; if the balance of capital reserve is insufficient to offset, any excess is
adjusted to retained earnings.

(2) For business combination not under common control, investment cost is initially recognized at the acquisition-date fair value of
considerations paid.

When long-term equity investments are obtained through business combination not under common control achieved in stages, the

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Company determined whether they are stand-alone financial statements or consolidated financial statements in accounting treatment:
1) In the case of stand-alone financial statements, investment cost is initially recognized at the carrying amount of the previously held
long-term equity investments plus the carrying amount of the consideration paid for the newly acquired equity.

2) In the case of consolidated financial statements, the Company determines whether it is a ―bundled transaction‖. If it is a ―bundled
transaction‖, stages as a whole are considered as one transaction in accounting treatment. If it is not a ―bundled transaction‖, the
carrying amount of the acquirer’s previously held equity interest in the acquiree is remeasured at the acquisition-date fair value, and
the difference between the fair value and the carrying amount is recognized in investment income; when the acquirer’s previously
held equity interest in the acquiree involves other comprehensive income under equity method, the related other comprehensive
income is reclassified as income for the acquisition period, excluding other comprehensive income arising from changes in net
liabilities or assets from remeasurement of defined benefit plan of the acquiree.

(3) Long-term equity investments obtained through ways other than business combination: the initial cost of a long-term equity
investment obtained by making payment in cash is the purchase cost which is actually paid; that obtained on the basis of issuing
equity securities is the fair value of the equity securities issued; that obtained through debt restructuring is determined according to
―CASBE 12 – Debt Restructuring‖; and that obtained through non-cash assets exchange is determined according to ―CASBE 7 –
Non-cash Assets Exchange‖.

3. Subsequent measurement and recognition method of profit or loss
For long-term equity investments with control relationship, it is accounted for with cost method; for long-term equity investments
with joint control or significant influence relationship, it is accounted for with equity method.

4. Disposal of a subsidiary in stages resulting in the Company’s loss of control
(1) Stand-alone financial statements
The difference between the carrying amount of the disposed equity and the consideration obtained thereof is recognized in profit or
loss. If the disposal does not result in the Company’s loss of significant influence or joint control, the remained equity is accounted
for with equity method; however, if the disposal results in the Company’s loss of control, joint control, or significant influence, the
remained equity is accounted for according to ―CASBE 22 – Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement‖.

(2) Consolidated financial statements
1) Disposal of a subsidiary in stages not qualified as ―bundled transaction‖ resulting in the Company’s loss of control
Before the Company’s loss of control, the difference between the disposal consideration and the proportionate share of net assets in
the disposed subsidiary from acquisition date or combination date to the disposal date is adjusted to capital reserve (capital premium),
if the balance of capital reserve is insufficient to offset, any excess is adjusted to retained earnings.

When the Company loses control, the remained equity is remeasured at the loss-of-control-date fair value. The aggregated value of
disposal consideration and the fair value of the remained equity, less the share of net assets in the disposed subsidiary held before the
disposal from the acquisition date or combination date to the disposal date is recognized in investment income in the period when the
Company loses control over such subsidiary, and meanwhile goodwill is offset correspondingly. Other comprehensive income related
to equity investments in former subsidiary is reclassified as investment income upon the Company’s loss of control.

2) Disposal of a subsidiary in stages qualified as ―bundled transaction‖ resulting in the Company’s loss of control
In case of ―bundled transaction‖, stages as a whole are considered as one transaction resulting in loss of control in accounting
treatment. However, before the Company loses control, the difference between the disposal consideration at each stage and the
proportionate share of net assets in the disposed subsidiary is recognized as other comprehensive income at the consolidated financial
statements and reclassified as profit or loss in the period when the Company loses control over such subsidiary.

(XV) Investment property

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1. Investment property includes land use right of leased-out property and of property held for capital appreciation and buildings that
have been leased out.

2. The initial measurement of investment property is based on its cost, and subsequent measurement is made using the cost model,
the depreciation or amortization method is the same as that of fixed assets and intangible assets.

(XVI) Fixed assets
1. Recognition principles of fixed assets
Fixed assets are tangible assets held for use in the production of goods or rendering of services, for rental to others, or for
administrative purposes, and expected to be used during more than one accounting year. Fixed assets are recognized if, and only if, it
is probable that future economic benefits associated with the assets will flow to the Company and the cost of the assets can be
measured reliably.

2. Depreciation method of different categories of fixed assets

                                                                              Estimated residual         Annual
   Categories                                                 Useful life
                                  Depreciation method                          value proportion        depreciation
                                                                                     (%)                 rate (%)
 Buildings and structures         Straight-line method           15-35                3.00              2.77-6.47

 Machinery                        Straight-line method           10-15                3.00              6.47-9.70

 Transport facilities             Straight-line method            6-8                 3.00             12.13-16.17

 Electronic equipment             Straight-line method           4-11                 3.00              8.82-24.25

 Other equipment                  Straight-line method           4-11                 3.00              8.82-24.25

(XVII) Construction in progress
1. Construction in progress is recognized if, and only if, it is probable that future economic benefits associated with the item will flow
to the Company, and the cost of the item can be measured reliably. Construction in progress is measured at the actual cost incurred to
reach its designed usable conditions.

2. Construction in progress is transferred into fixed assets at its actual cost when it reaches the designed usable conditions. When the
auditing of the construction in progress was not finished while reaching the designed usable conditions, it is transferred to fixed
assets using estimated value first, and then adjusted accordingly when the actual cost is settled, but the accumulated depreciation is
not to be adjusted retrospectively.

(XVIII) Intangible assets
1. Intangible assets include land use right, patent right and non-patented technology etc. The initial measurement of intangible assets
is based on its cost.

2. For intangible assets with finite useful lives, their amortization amounts are amortized within their useful lives systematically and
reasonably, if it is unable to determine the expected realization pattern reliably, intangible assets are amortized by the straight-line
method with details as follows:

   Items                                      Amortization period (years)

 Software                                                 3-10

 patent     right    and    non-patented

 land use right                                          40-50

3. Expenditures on the research phase of an internal project are recognized as profit or loss when they are incurred. An intangible

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asset arising from the development phase of an internal project is recognized if the Company can demonstrate all of the followings:
(1) the technical feasibility of completing the intangible asset so that it will be available for use or sale; (2) its intention to complete
the intangible asset and use or sell it; (3) how the intangible asset will generate probable future economic benefits, among other
things, the Company can demonstrate the existence of a market for the output of the intangible asset or the intangible asset itself or, if
it is to be used internally, the usefulness of the intangible asset; (4) the availability of adequate technical, financial and other
resources to complete the development and to use or sell the intangible asset; and (5) its ability to measure reliably the expenditure
attributable to the intangible asset during its development.

(XIX) Impairment of part of long-term assets

For long-term assets such as long-term equity investments, investment property at cost model, fixed assets, construction
in progress, productive biological assets at cost model, oil and gas assets, right-of-use assets, intangible assets with
finite useful lives, etc., if at the balance sheet date there is indication of impairment, the recoverable amount is to be
estimated. For goodwill recognized in business combination and intangible assets with indefinite useful lives, no matter
whether there is indication of impairment, impairment test is performed annually. Impairment test on goodwill is
performed on related asset group or asset group portfolio.

When the recoverable amount of such long-term assets is lower than their carrying amount, the difference is recognized as provision
for assets impairment through profit or loss.

(XX) Long-term prepayments
Long-term prepayments are expenses that have been recognized but with amortization period over one year (excluding one year).
They are recorded with actual cost, and evenly amortized within the beneficiary period or stipulated period. If items of long-term
prepayments fail to be beneficial to the following accounting periods, residual values of such items are included in profit or loss.

(XXI) Employee benefits
1.Employee benefits include short-term employee benefits, post-employment benefits, termination benefits and other long-term
employee benefits.

2. Short-term employee benefits
The Company recognizes, in the accounting period in which an employee provides service, short-term employee benefits actually
incurred as liabilities, with a corresponding charge to profit or loss or the cost of a relevant asset.

3. Post-employment benefits
The Company classifies post-employment benefit plans as either defined contribution plans or defined benefit plans.

(1) The Company recognizes in the accounting period in which an employee provides service the contribution payable to a defined
contribution plan as a liability, with a corresponding charge to profit or loss or the cost of a relevant asset.

(2) Accounting treatment by the Company for defined benefit plan usually involves the following steps:
1) In accordance with the projected unit credit method, using unbiased and mutually compatible actuarial assumptions to estimate
related demographic variables and financial variables, measure the obligations under the defined benefit plan, and determine the
periods to which the obligations are attributed. Meanwhile, the Company discounts obligations under the defined benefit plan to
determine the present value of the defined benefit plan obligations and the current service cost;

2) When a defined benefit plan has assets, the Company recognizes the deficit or surplus by deducting the fair value of defined
benefit plan assets from the present value of the defined benefit plan obligation as a net defined benefit plan liability or net defined
benefit plan asset. When a defined benefit plan has a surplus, the Company measures the net defined benefit plan asset at the lower of
the surplus in the defined benefit plan and the asset ceiling;

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3) At the end of the period, the Company recognizes the following components of employee benefits cost arising from defined
benefit plan: a. service cost; b. net interest on the net defined benefit plan liability (asset); and c. changes as a result of
remeasurement of the net defined benefit liability (asset). Item a and item b are recognized in profit or loss or the cost of a relevant
asset. Item c is recognized in other comprehensive income and is not to be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss. However, the
Company may transfer those amounts recognized in other comprehensive income within equity.

4. Termination benefits
Termination benefits provided to employees are recognized as an employee benefit liability for termination benefits, with a
corresponding charge to profit or loss at the earlier of the following dates: a. when the Company cannot unilaterally withdraw the
offer of termination benefits because of an employment termination plan or a curtailment proposal; or b. when the Company
recognizes cost or expenses related to a restructuring that involves the payment of termination benefits.

5. Other long-term employee benefits
When other long-term employee benefits provided to the employees satisfied the conditions for classifying as a defined contribution
plan, those benefits are accounted for in accordance with the requirements relating to defined contribution plan, while other benefits
are accounted for in accordance with the requirements relating to defined benefit plan. The Company recognizes the cost of employee
benefits arising from other long-term employee benefits as the followings: a. service cost; b. net interest on the net liability or net
assets of other long-term employee benefits; and c. changes as a result of remeasurement of the net liability or net assets of other
long-term employee benefits. As a practical expedient, the net total of the aforesaid amounts is recognized in profit or loss or
included in the cost of a relevant asset.

(XXII) Provisions

1. Provisions are recognized when fulfilling the present obligations arising from contingencies such as providing
guarantee for other parties, litigation, products quality guarantee, onerous contract, etc., may cause the outflow of the
economic benefit and such obligations can be reliably measured.

2. The initial measurement of provisions is based on the best estimated expenditures required in fulfilling the present
obligations, and its carrying amount is reviewed at the balance sheet date.

(XXIII) Revenue

1. Revenue recognition principles
At contract inception, the Company shall assess the contracts and shall identify each performance obligation in the
contracts, and determine whether the performance obligation should be satisfied over time or at a point in time.

The Company satisfies a performance obligation over time if one of the following criteria is met, otherwise, the
performance obligation is satisfied at a point in time: (1) the customer simultaneously receives and consumes the
economic benefits provided by the Company’s performance as the Company performs; (2) the customer can control
goods as they are created by the Company’s performance; (3) goods created during the Company’s performance                      have
irreplaceable uses and the Company has an enforceable right to receive the payments for performance completed to date
during the whole contract period.

For each performance obligation satisfied over time, the Company shall recognize revenue over time by measuring the
progress towards complete satisfaction of that performance obligation. In the circumstance that the progress cannot be
measured reasonably, but the costs incurred in satisfying the performance obligation are expected to be recovered, the
Company shall recognize revenue only to the extent of the costs incurred until it can reasonably measure the progress.
For each performance obligation satisfied at a point in time, the Company shall recognize revenue at the time point that

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the client obtains control of relevant goods or services. To determine whether the customer has obtained control of
goods, the Company shall consider the following indications: (1) the Company has a present right to payment for the
goods, i.e., the customer is presently obliged to pay for the goods; (2) the Company has transferred the legal title of the
goods to the customer, i.e., the customer has legal title to the goods; (3) the Company has transferred physical
possession of the goods to the client, i.e., the customer has physically possessed the goods; (4) the Company has
transferred significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods to the client, i.e., the customer has obtained
significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods; (5) the customer has accepted the goods; (6) other evidence
indicating the customer has obtained control over the goods.

2. Revenue measurement principle
(1) Revenue is measured at the amount of the transaction price that is allocated to each performance obligation. The
transaction price is the amount of consideration to which the Company expects to be entitled in exchange for
transferring goods or services to a customer, excluding amounts collected on behalf of third parties and those expected
to be refunded to the customer.

(2) If the consideration promised in a contract includes a variable amount, the Company shall confirm the best estimate
of variable consideration at expected value or the most likely amount. However, the transaction price that includes the
amount of variable consideration only to the extent that it is high probable that a significant reversal in the amount of
cumulative revenue recognized will not occur when the uncertainty associated with the variable consideration is
subsequently resolved.

(3) In the circumstance that the contract contains a significant financing component, the Company shall determine the
transaction price based on the price that a customer would have paid for if the customer had paid cash for obtaining
control over those goods or services. The difference between the transaction price and the amount of promised
consideration is amortized under effective interest method over contractual period. The effects of a significant financing
component shall not be considered if the Company expects, at the contract inception, that the period between when the
customer obtains control over goods or services and when the customer pays consideration will be one year or less.

(4) For contracts containing two or more performance obligations, the Company shall determine the stand-alone selling
price at contract inception of the distinct good underlying each performance obligation and allocate the transaction price
to each performance obligation on a relative stand-alone selling price basis.

3. Revenue recognition method
The Company’s main product is the Video conference products, integrated wiring products, low voltage distribution
products, private network communication products, wiring products and other products. The above-mentioned product
sales business of the company belongs to the performance obligation performed at a certain time point, and the revenue
is recognized when the customer collects, has collected the price or obtained the right to collect and the relevant
economic benefits are likely to flow in.

(XXIV) Government grants
1. Government grants shall be recognized if, and only if, the following conditions are all met: (1) the Company will comply with the
conditions attaching to the grants; (2) the grants will be received. Monetary government grants are measured at the amount received
or receivable. Non-monetary government grants are measured at fair value, and can be measured at nominal amount in the
circumstance that fair value cannot be assessed.

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2. Government grants related to assets
Government grants related to assets are government grants with which the Company constructs or otherwise acquires long-term
assets under requirements of government. In the circumstances that there is no specific government requirement, the Company shall
determine based on the primary condition to acquire the grants, and government grants related to assets are government grants whose
primary condition is to construct or otherwise acquire long-term assets. They offset carrying amount of relevant assets, or they are
recognized as deferred income. If recognized as deferred income, they are included in profit or loss on a systematic basis over the
useful lives of the relevant assets. Those measured at notional amount are directly included into profit or loss. For assets sold,
transferred, disposed or damaged within the useful lives, balance of unamortized deferred income is transferred into profit or loss of
the period in which the disposal occurred.

3. Government grants related to income
Government grants related to income are government grants other than those related to assets. For government grants that contain
both parts related to assets and parts related to income, in which those two parts are blurred, they are thus collectively classified as
government grants related to income. For government grants related to income used for compensating the related future cost,
expenses or losses, they are recognized as deferred income and included in profit or loss or used to offset relevant cost during the
period in which the relevant cost, expenses or losses are recognized; for government grants related to income used for compensating
the related cost, expenses or losses incurred to the Company, they are directly included in profit or loss or used to offset relevant cost.

4. Government grants related to the ordinary course of business shall be included into other income or used to offset
relevant cost based on business nature, while those not related to the ordinary course of business shall be included into
non-operating revenue or expenditures.

(XXV) Contract assets, contract liabilities
The Company presents contract assets or contract liabilities in the balance sheet based on the relationship between its performance
obligations and customers’ payments. Contract assets and contract liabilities under the same contract shall offset each other and be
presented on a net basis.

The Company presents an unconditional right to consideration (i.e., only the passage of time is required before the consideration is
due) as a receivable, and presents a right to consideration in exchange for goods that it has transferred to a customer (which is
conditional on something other than the passage of time) as a contract asset.

The Company presents an obligation to transfer goods to a customer for which the Company has received consideration (or the
amount is due) from the customer as a contract liability.

(XXVI) Deferred income tax assets and liabilities

1. Deferred tax assets or deferred tax liabilities are calculated and recognized based on the difference between the
carrying amount and tax base of assets and liabilities (and the difference of the carrying amount and tax base of items
not recognized as assets and liabilities but with their tax base being able to be determined according to tax laws) and in
accordance with the tax rate applicable to the period during which the assets are expected to be recovered or the
liabilities are expected to be settled.

2. A deferred tax asset is recognized to the extent of the amount of the taxable income, which it is most likely to obtain
and which can be deducted from the deductible temporary difference. At the balance sheet date, if there is any exact
evidence that it is probable that future taxable income will be available against which deductible temporary differences
can be utilized, the deferred tax assets unrecognized in prior periods are recognized.

3. At the balance sheet date, the carrying amount of deferred tax assets is reviewed. The carrying amount of a deferred

                                                              Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

tax asset is reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable income will be available to allow the
benefit of the deferred tax asset to be utilized. Such reduction is subsequently reversed to the extent that it becomes
probable that sufficient taxable income will be available.

4. The income tax and deferred tax for the period are treated as income tax expenses or income through profit or loss,
excluding those arising from the following circumstances: (a) business combination; and (b) the transactions or items
directly recognized in equity.

(XXVII) Leases

1. Identification of a lease
At inception of a contract, the Company assesses whether the contract is, or contains, a lease. A contract is, or contains,
a lease if the contract conveys the right to control the use of an identified asset for a period of time in exchange for
consideration. To assess whether a contract conveys the right to control the use of an identified asset for a period of
time, the Company assesses whether, throughout the period of use, the customer has both of the following: (a) the right
to obtain substantially all of the economic benefits from use of the identified asset; and (b) the right to direct the use of
the identified asset.

2. Identification of separate leases
1) Operating leases
When the Company is the lessee, lease payments are recognized as cost or profit or loss with straight-line
method/unit-of-production method over the lease term. Initial expenses are recognized directly into profit or loss.
Contingent rents are charged as profit or loss in the periods in which they are incurred.

When the Company is the lessor, lease income is recognized as profit or loss with straight-line
method/unit-of-production method over the lease term. Initial expenses, other than those with material amount and
eligible for capitalization which are recognized as profit or loss by installments, are recognized directly as profit or loss.
Contingent rents are charged as profit or loss in the periods in which they are incurred.

2) Finance leases
When the Company is the lessee, at the commencement of the lease term, lessees recognize finance leases as assets and
liabilities in their balance sheets at amounts equal to the lower of fair value of the leased property and the present value
of the minimum lease payments, each determined at the inception of the lease, and recognize the minimum lease
payments as the entering value of long-term payable, and treat the difference of the two as unrecognized finance
expense. Any initial direct costs of the lessee are added to the amount recognized as an asset. The effective interest
method is used to recognize finance expense of the period during the lease term.

When the Company is the lessor, at the commencement of the lease, lessor recognizes the aggregate of minimum lease
receipts and initial direct costs, each determined at the inception of the lease, as the entering value of finance lease
receivables, and recognize the unguaranteed residual value at the same time. The difference between the aggregate of
the minimum lease receipts, the initial direct costs and the unguaranteed residual value, and the sum of their present
values is recognized as unrealized finance income. The effective interest method is used to recognize finance income of
the period during the lease term.

(XXVIII) Segment reporting

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Operating segments are determined based on the structure of the Company’s internal organization, management requirements and
internal reporting system. An operating segment is a component of the Company:
(1) that engages in business activities from which it may earn revenues and incur expenses;

(2) whose financial performance is regularly reviewed by the Management to make decisions about resource to be allocated to the
segment and to assess its performance; and

(3) for which accounting information regarding financial position, financial performance and cash flows is available through analysis.

(XXIX) Significant changes in accounting policies and estimates
1. Significant changes in accounting policies
(1) Changes in accounting policies arising from changes in CASBEs
1) The company has adopted the accounting standards for Business Enterprises No. 14 - Revenue (hereinafter referred to as the new
revenue standards) revised by the Ministry of finance from January 1, 2020. According to the relevant provisions on the connection
between the new and old standards, the information of the comparable period will not be adjusted, and the cumulative impact of the
implementation of the new standards on the first implementation date will retroactively adjust the amount of retained earnings and
other related items in the financial statements at the beginning of the reporting period.

①The main impact of the implementation of the new revenue standard on the company's financial statements as of January 1, 2020 is
as follows:

                                                                                Balance sheet
                                                                   Effect due to revised financial
                                         Dec. 31, 2019                                                             Jan. 1, 2020
                                                                        instrument standard
 Advance received                            22,148,080.67                          -22,148,080.67
 Contract liabilities                                                                19,600,071.39                      19,600,071.39
 Other current liabilities                                                             2,548,009.28                      2,548,009.28
(2) The Company has adopted ―Interpretation of China Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 13‖ since Jan 1, 2020, and
the change of accounting policy is applicable to prospective application method.

2. Significant changes in accounting estimates


IV. Taxes
(I)    Main taxes and tax rates
      Taxes                                                  Tax bases                                 Tax rates

 Value-added tax (VAT)               The taxable revenue from sales of goods or
                                     rendering of services
                                     For housing property levied on the basis of price,
                                     housing property tax is levied at the rate of 1.2% of
 Housing property tax                the balance after deducting 30% of the cost; for
                                     housing property levied on the basis of rent, housing
                                     property tax is levied at the rate of 12% of rent
 Urban maintenance and               Turnover tax payable                                                7%
 construction tax
 Education surcharge                 Turnover tax payable                                                3%

                                                                 Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

   Taxes                                                 Tax bases                            Tax rates

 Local education surcharge        Turnover tax payable                                           2%
 Enterprise income tax            Taxable income                                         15%、16.5%、25%

Different enterprise income tax rates applicable to different taxpayers:
   Taxpayers                                                  Income tax rate

 The Company                                                         15%

 Nanjing Putian Changle
 Telecommunications Equipment Co.,                                   15%
 Nanjing Putian Datang Information                                   15%
 Electronic Co., Ltd.
 Putian Telecommunications (H.K.) Co.,                               16.5%
 Taxpayers other than the                                            25%

(II) Tax preferential policies
The Company obtained high-tech enterprise certificate in December, 2018, valid for 3 years. It is subject to the
enterprise income tax at a rate of 15%

The subsidiary, Nanjing Putian Changle Telecommunications Equipment Co., Ltd., obtained high-tech enterprise
certificate in October, 2018, valid for 3 years. It is subject to the enterprise income tax at a rate of 15%.

The subsidiary, Nanjing Putian Datang Information Electronic Co., Ltd., obtained high-tech enterprise certificate in
November, 2018, valid for 3 years. It is subject to the enterprise income tax at a rate of 15%.

The subsidiaries, Nanjing Putian Datang Information Electronic Co., Ltd. and Nanjing Putian Telecommunication
Technology Co., Ltd., were certified as software enterprises, and some of the software products produced by Nanjing
Southern Telecom Co., Ltd and Nanjing Putian Network Co., Ltd. are entitled to enjoy the preferential tax policy of
VAT refund upon collection in accordance with the provisions of Cai Shui [2011] No.100.

V. Notes to items of consolidated financial statements
Remarks: ―Opening balance‖ in the report refers to the data on January 1, 2020 after the year-end balance of the
financial statements is adjusted according to the new income standard.
(I) Notes to items of the consolidated balance sheet
1. Cash and bank balances
(1) Details
   Items                                                         Closing balance             Opening balance

 Cash on hand                                                            2,229.39                  2,273.88
 Cash in bank                                                  170,060,517.48               208,781,592.72
 Other cash and bank balances                                    39,786,964.09               52,486,166.68
   Total                                                       209,849,710.96               261,270,033.28

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(2) Details of other cash and bank balances
   Items                                                    Closing balance                     Opening balance

 Bank acceptance deposit                                     29,219,480.00                        36,000,000.00
 deposit for L/G                                             10,428,199.34                        16,477,961.78
 Others                                                            139,284.75                          8,204.90
   Total                                                     39,786,964.09                        52,486,166.68
Other cash and bank balances are restricted funds.

2. Notes receivable
(1) Details
1) Details on categories
                                                                  Closing balance

                                         Book balance                  Provision for bad
                                                                                 Provisio          Carrying
                                     Amount          % to total       Amount         n             amount
                                                                                  on (%)
 Receivables with provision
 for bad debts made on an
 individual basis
 Including: Bank acceptance
              Trade acceptance
 Receivables with provision
 for bad debts made on a           17,714,790.57         100.00      685,739.53          3.87     17,029,051.04
 collective basis
 Including: Bank acceptance         4,000,000.00          22.58                                    4,000,000.00

              Trade acceptance     13,714,790.57          77.42      685,739.53          5.00     13,029,051.04

   Total                           17,714,790.57         100.00      685,739.53          3.87     17,029,051.04


                                                                  Opening balance

                                          Book balance                 Provision for bad
   Categories                                                                debts
                                                                                    Provision Carrying amount
                                      Amount         % to total       Amount        proportion
 Receivables with provision for
 bad debts made on an individual
 Including: Bank acceptance
              Trade acceptance
 Receivables with provision for
 bad debts made on a collective    59,976,824.10         100.00      323,770.52          0.54     59,653,053.58

                                                                      Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

                                                                         Opening balance

                                                 Book balance                   Provision for bad
   Categories                                                                         debts
                                                                                              Provision Carrying amount
                                           Amount           % to total         Amount         proportion
 Including: Bank acceptance             53,501,413.64               89.20                                     53,501,413.64

              Trade acceptance            6,475,410.46              10.80    323,770.52                5.00       6,151,639.94

   Total                                59,976,824.10            100.00      323,770.52                0.54   59,653,053.58

(2) Changes in provision for bad debts
1) Details
                                                Increase                               Decrease
   Items             Opening                                                                                         Closing
                     balance         Accrual      Recovery      Others      Reversal       Write-off     Others      balance
 collective        323,770.52      361,969.01                                                                      685,739.53
   Subtotal        323,770.52      361,969.01                                                                      685,739.53

 (3) Endorsed or discounted but undue notes at the balance sheet date
    Items                                  Closing balance derecognized            Closing balance not yet derecognized
 Bank acceptance                                                3,001,879.22

 Trade acceptance                                               8,555,865.91

    Subtotal                                                   11,557,745.13

Due to the fact that the acceptor of bank acceptance is commercial bank, which is of high credit level, there is very little possibility of
failure in recoverability when it is due. Based on this fact, the Company derecognized the endorsed or discounted bank acceptance.
However, if any bank acceptance is not recoverable when it is due, the Company still holds joint liability on such acceptance,
according to the China Commercial Instrument Law.

3. Accounts receivable
(1) Details
1) Details on categories

                                                                         Closing balance

   Categories                               Book balance                    Provision for bad debts
                                       Amount          % to total           Amount    Provision                    amount
                                                                                    proportion (%)
 Receivables with provision         59,944,074.91            9.14     59,944,074.91       100.00
 made on an individual basis
                                    595,708,348.2                     101,715,944.7                           493,992,403.4
 Receivables with provision                                 90.86                                  17.07
 made on a collective basis                       4                                    5                                       9

                                    655,652,423.1                     161,660,019.6                           493,992,403.4
   Total                                                   100.00                                  24.66
                                                  5                                    6                                       9


                                                                     Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

                                                                     Opening balance

   Categories                              Book balance                 Provision for bad debts
                                                                                                         Carrying amount
                                        Amount        % to total        Amount           Provision
                                                                                       proportion (%)
 Receivables with provision       31,829,378.66             3.86     31,411,610.66               98.69       417,768.00
 made on an individual basis
                                  792,139,948.9                                                           697,238,295.9
 Receivables with provision                                96.14     94,901,652.95               11.98
 made on a collective basis                       1                                                                    6

                                  823,969,327.5                      126,313,263.6                        697,656,063.9
   Total                                                  100.00                                 15.33
                                                  7                                1                                   6

2) Accounts receivable with provision made on an individual basis

   Debtors                                  Book balance           Provision for                           Reasons
                                                                    bad debts
 Dongpo Xi Laos Co., Ltd.                    19,708,086.54         19,708,086.54        100.00       Unable to recover

 Mr. Xu                                      17,591,683.74         17,591,683.74        100.00       Unable to recover

 China Tower Corporation Ltd.                13,819,926.92         13,819,926.92        100.00       Unable to recover

 Nanjing Zhengqian Communication              5,356,181.55          5,356,181.55        100.00       Unable to recover
 Technology Co., Ltd
 Nanjing Aerte photoelectric Co., Ltd         3,468,196.16          3,468,196.16        100.00       Unable to recover

   Subtotal                                  59,944,074.91         59,944,074.91        100.00

3) Accounts receivable with provision for bad debts made on age analysis

                                                             Closing balance
                            Book balance               Provision for bad debts             Provision proportion (%)
 Within 1 year                  280,933,599.49                        2,809,335.99                                   1.00

 1-2 years                       93,801,198.04                        4,690,059.91                                   5.00

 2-3 years                      105,548,507.89                       10,554,850.79                                10.00

 3-4 years                       36,396,131.90                       10,918,839.57                                30.00

 4-5 years                       12,572,104.87                        6,286,052.44                                50.00

 Over 5 years                    66,456,806.05                       66,456,806.05                              100.00

   Subtotal                     595,708,348.24                      101,715,944.75                                17.07

(2) Changes in provision for bad debts

   Items                                         Opening
                                                 balance               Accrual             Recovery           Others

 Receivables with provision made                 31,411,610.66         28,532,464.25
 on an individual basis
 Receivables with provision                      94,901,652.95          8,225,713.17
 made on a collective basis

                                                                         Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

   Subtotal                                       126,313,263.61           36,758,177.42


   Items                                                                                                Closing balance
                                               Reversal           Write-off           Others

 Receivables with provision                                                                                    59,944,074.91
 made on an individual basis
 Receivables with provision                    1,085,901.45                           325,519.92              101,715,944.75
 made on a collective basis
   Subtotal                                    1,085,901.45                           325,519.92              161,660,019.66

(3) Details of the top 5 debtors with largest balances

                                                                          Proportion to the total
   Debtors                                          Book balance                                            Provision for bad
                                                                           balance of accounts
                                                                             receivable (%)

 Dongpo Xi Laos Co., Ltd.                            19,708,086.54                               3.01          19,708,086.54

 Mr. Xu                                              17,591,683.74                               2.68          17,591,683.74

 Shenzhen Yunshi Haitong                             14,474,552.00                               2.21             144,745.52
 Technology Co., Ltd
 Hegang branch of China Tower                        13,819,926.92                               2.11          13,819,926.92
 Co., Ltd
 Nanjing yuanzun
 Electromechanical Equipment Co.,                    12,362,665.79                               1.89           2,353,301.27
   Subtotal                                          77,956,914.99                              11.90          53,617,743.99

4. Receivables financing
(1) Details
1) Details on categories

                                                                   Closing balance
                                                 Interest     Interest      Changes in         Carrying          Provision for
                           Initial cost
                                               adjustment     accrued        fair value        amount             impairment
 Bank acceptance        32,594,702.60                                                        32,594,702.60

   Total                32,594,702.60                                                        32,594,702.60


                                                                             Opening balance
                                                       Interest           Interest        Changes in fair        Carrying        Provision for
                                Initial cost
                                                     adjustment           accrued             value              amount           impairment
 Bank acceptance                 3,821,550.77                                                                   3,821,550.77

   Total                         3,821,550.77                                                                   3,821,550.77

2) Receivables financing with provision for impairment made on a collective basis

                                                                          Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

                                                                          Closing balance
                                            Book balance                   Provision for              Provision proportion
                                                                            impairment                        (%)
  Bank acceptance                                 32,594,702.60
    Subtotal                                      32,594,702.60

(2) Endorsed or discounted but undue notes at the balance sheet date

     Items                                                   Closing balance derecognized

  Bank acceptance                                                                   53,633,327.45

     Subtotal                                                                       53,633,327.45

Due to the fact that the acceptor of bank acceptance is commercial bank, which is of high credit level, there is very little possibility of
failure in recoverability when it is due. Based on this fact, the Company derecognized the endorsed or discounted bank acceptance.
However, if any bank acceptance is not recoverable when it is due, the Company still holds joint liability on such acceptance,
according to the China Commercial Instrument Law.

5. Advances paid
(1) Age analysis
1) Details

                                   Closing balance                                          Opening balance
                                  % to    Provision for                                    % to    Provision for
                Book balance                            Carrying amount   Book balance                           Carrying amount
                                  total    impairment                                      total    impairment
Within 1 year   12,509,089.32     63.77                  12,509,089.32    22,726,145.30    67.32                  22,726,145.30

1-2 years          3,743,667.83   19.08                   3,743,667.83     7,774,347.45    23.03                   7,774,347.45

2-3 years          2,247,435.21   11.46                   2,247,435.21     1,297,653.28     3.84                   1,297,653.28

Over 3 years       1,116,156.29    5.69                   1,116,156.29     1,961,377.06     5.81                   1,961,377.06

                                  100.0                                                    100.0
  Total         19,616,348.65                            19,616,348.65    33,759,523.09                           33,759,523.09
                                      0                                                        0

(2) Details of the top 5 debtors with largest balances

                                                                                                     Proportion to the total
    Debtors                                                                   Book balance            balance of advances
                                                                                                           paid (%)
  Hunan Baode Ziqiang Computer Co., Ltd                                          3,331,422.00                           16.98
  Huawei Technology Co., Ltd                                                     1,547,169.75                             7.89
  Nanjing xinju Construction Co., Ltd                                              720,000.00                             3.67
  Jiangsu Zhizhen optoelectronics Co., Ltd                                         683,755.60                             3.49
  Fuzhou Yunfeng Communication Technology Co., Ltd                                 584,467.03                             2.98
    Subtotal                                                                     6,866,814.38                           35.01

6. Other receivables
(1) Details

                                                                     Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

1) Details on categories

                                                                      Closing balance

                                             Book balance                Provision for bad debts
                                          Amount          % to           Amount                              amount
 Receivables with provision made
                                       28,912,122.71        51.88      28,912,122.71        100.00
 on an individual basis
 Receivables with provision made
                                       26,817,237.74        48.12       9,905,447.43             36.94     16,911,790.31
 on a collective basis
   Total                               55,729,360.45      100.00       38,817,570.14             69.65     16,911,790.31

                                                                      Opening balance

                                             Book balance                Provision for bad debts
                                          Amount          % to           Amount                              amount
 Receivables with provision made
                                       28,912,122.71        45.55      28,912,122.71        100.00
 on an individual basis
 Receivables with provision made
                                       34,563,137.22        54.45       6,452,746.69             18.67     28,110,390.53
 on a collective basis
   Total                               63,475,259.93      100.00       35,364,869.40             55.71     28,110,390.53

2) Other receivables with provision made on an individual basis

   Debtors                       Book balance        Provision for bad            Provision                Reasons for
                                                           debts                proportion (%)           provision made
 Beijing Likangpu
 Communication                     28,912,122.71        28,912,122.71                    100.00      Unable to recover
 Equipment Co., Ltd.
   Subtotal                        28,912,122.71        28,912,122.71                    100.00

3) Other receivables with provision made on a collective basis
                                                                      Closing balance
                                      Book balance        Provision for bad debts          Provision proportion (%)

 Portfolio-Financing margin             1,578,947.37
 Portfolio-Others                      25,238,290.37                    9,905,447.43                               39.25
   Subtotal                            26,817,237.74                    9,905,447.43                               36.94

(2) Age analysis

   Ages                                              Closing book balance                        Opening book balance

 Within 1 year                                                   6,470,106.41                               17,480,990.19
 1-2 years                                                       6,515,139.65                                9,297,587.45
 2-3 years                                                       4,733,535.99                                2,517,678.34

                                                                     Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

 3-4 years                                                      3,610,856.13                             1,673,457.97
 4-5 years                                                      1,448,923.00                               733,113.00
 Over 5 years                                                  32,950,799.27                            31,772,432.98
   Subtotal                                                    55,729,360.45                            63,475,259.93

(3) Changes in provision for bad debts
1) Details

                                         Phase I               Phase II              Phase III
   Items                              12 month            Lifetime expected Lifetime expected               Subtotal
                                       expected          credit losses (credit credit losses (credit
                                     credit losses          not impaired)           impaired)
 Opening balance                         1,185,865.45                                 34,179,003.95        35,364,869.40
 Opening balance in the
 current period
 --Transferred to phase II
 --Transferred to phase III            -1,937,398.16                                    1,937,398.16
 --Reversed to phase II
 --Reversed to phase I
 Provision made in the
                                         2,601,194.90                                   1,894,474.52        4,495,669.42
 current period
 Provision recovered in
 current period
 Provision reversed in
 current period
 Provision written off in
 current period
 Retranslation                                                                                298.23              298.23
 Decrease due to business
                                         1,042,670.45                                                       1,042,670.45
 Closing balance                          806,991.74                                  38,010,578.40        38,817,570.14
(4) Other receivables categorized by nature

    Nature of receivables                                        Closing balance                     Opening balance

 Temporary payment receivable                                      35,152,407.81                        36,848,648.68
 Security deposit                                                  16,515,511.45                        23,681,938.64

 Imprest                                                             1,471,813.99                        1,499,462.35
 Others                                                              2,589,627.20                        1,445,210.26
    Total                                                          55,729,360.45                        63,475,259.93

(5) Details of the top 5 debtors with largest balances

                                                                                 Proportion to the
   Debtors                         Nature of                           Ages                             Provision for
                                                     Book balance              total balance of other
                                  receivables                                                            bad debts
                                                                                  receivables (%)
 Beijing Likangpu                  Temporary                            Over
                                                     28,912,122.71                           51.88      28,912,122.71
 Communication                      payment                              5

                                                                              Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

                                                                                           Proportion to the
          Debtors                         Nature of                             Ages                              Provision for
                                                             Book balance                total balance of other
                                         receivables                                                               bad debts
                                                                                            receivables (%)
      Equipment Co., Ltd.                receivable                             years
      China Potevio                                                              2-5
                                      Security deposit        1,958,000.00                               3.51      1,046,900.00
      Information Industry Inc.                                                 years
                                      Security deposit
      Far East International                                                     1-2
                                        for financial         1,578,947.37                               2.83
      Leasing Co.,Ltd.                                                          years
      Construction headquarters
      of Shenzhen Metro Group         Security deposit        1,490,768.10                               2.68         74,538.41
      Co., Ltd
      Potevio Information             Security deposit                           2-3
                                                              1,203,052.00                               2.16         60,152.60
      Technology Co., Ltd.                                                      years
        Subtotal                                            35,142,890.18                              63.06      30,093,713.72

    7. Inventories
    (1) Details

                                          Closing balance                                          Opening balance
                                           Provision for         Carrying                            Provision for        Carrying
                         Book balance                                             Book balance
                                            write-down           amount                               write-down          amount
Raw materials            32,804,463.00       5,678,761.14     27,125,701.86       33,932,185.24       3,232,000.61      30,700,184.63
Work in process          13,266,680.85                        13,266,680.85       11,050,997.83                         11,050,997.83
Goods on hand            86,350,107.31     18,772,268.10      67,577,839.21       74,186,943.04      17,585,934.82      56,601,008.22
Goods dispatched       118,443,146.03      29,157,593.24      89,285,552.79 129,012,025.69           20,346,372.53 108,665,653.16
Products on
                                                                                   3,184,134.32         804,691.99       2,379,442.33
consignment for           3,190,889.60        804,691.99        2,386,197.61
  Total                254,055,286.79      54,413,314.47 199,641,972.32 251,366,286.12               41,968,999.95 209,397,286.17

    (2) Provision for inventory write-down
    1) Details

                                                          Increase                        Decrease
 Items                         Opening
                                                                                 Reversal or                      Closing balance
                               balance            Accrual            Others                          Others
Raw materials                 3,232,000.61      2,446,760.53                                                          5,678,761.14
Goods on hand                17,585,934.82      2,610,079.84                           6,666.66 1,417,079.90         18,772,268.10
Goods dispatched             20,346,372.53      9,365,096.85                       527,259.00        26,617.14       29,157,593.24
Products on
                                804,691.99                                                                             804,691.99
consignment for sales
  Subtotal                   41,968,999.95     14,421,937.22                       533,925.66 1,443,697.04           54,413,314.47
    2) Specific basis for determining net realizable value and reversal or write off of inventory depreciation reserves in the current period

                                                                                                        Reasons for write off of
  Items             Specific basis for determining net         Reasons for reversal of inventory
                                                                                                        inventory depreciation
                             realizable value                       depreciation reserves
                The estimated selling price of relevant
                                                             The NRV of inventory with provision          The inventory with
Raw              finished products minus the estimated
                                                               for inventory depreciation in the        provision has been sold
materials         cost to completion, estimated selling
                                                                     previous period increased            in the current period
                      expenses and relevant taxes

                                                                             Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

                                                                                                          Reasons for write off of
 Items              Specific basis for determining net          Reasons for reversal of inventory
                                                                                                          inventory depreciation
                             realizable value                        depreciation reserves
                 In the normal production and operation
            process, the net realizable value of the The NRV of inventory with provision                    The inventory with
           inventory is determined by the estimated    for inventory depreciation in the                  provision has been sold
           selling price minus the estimated selling       previous period increased                       in the current period
                       expenses and relevant taxes

                 In the normal production and operation
                 process, the net realizable value of the     The NRV of inventory with provision           The inventory with
Goods on
              inventory is determined by the estimated          for inventory depreciation in the         provision has been sold
              selling price minus the estimated selling            previous period increased               in the current period
                       expenses and relevant taxes

    8. Other current assets

         Items                                              Closing balance                       Opening balance

       Input VAT to be credited                                      11,568,247.65                                10,632,374.23

       Prepaid income tax                                              1,557,774.43                                 977,871.76
         Total                                                       13,126,022.08                                11,610,245.99

    9. Long-term equity investments
    (1) Categories

                                          Closing balance                                       Opening balance
                                           Provision for        Carrying                         Provision for      Carrying
                         Book balance                                           Book balance
                                            impairment           amount                           impairment         amount
                         10,422,056.96                       10,422,056.96      10,422,067.61                     10,422,067.61
       in associates
       in joint                                                               171,340,315.89                     171,340,315.89
         Total           10,422,056.96                       10,422,056.96 181,762,383.50                        181,762,383.50

    (2) Details

         Investees              Opening
                                                                                   Investment income
                                balance        Investments        Investments                         Adjustment in other
                                                                                    recognized under
                                                increased          decreased                         comprehensive income
                                                                                      equity method
       Joint ventures

       Potevio Optical
                             10,422,067.61                                                       -10.65
       Network Co.,

       Subtotal              10,422,067.61                                                       -10.65

                                                                    Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

   Investees           Opening
                                                                         Investment income
                       balance         Investments       Investments                        Adjustment in other
                                                                          recognized under
                                        increased         decreased                        comprehensive income
                                                                            equity method
 Potevio Hi-tech
 Industry Co.,     171,340,315.89                      166,460,142.12        -4,769,972.97

 Subtotal          171,340,315.89                      166,460,142.12        -4,769,972.97
   Total           181,762,383.50                      166,460,142.12        -4,769,983.62

                                          Increase/Decrease                                       Closing
  Investees                                                                                      balance of
                                                                               Closing balance
                    Changes in       Cash dividend/Profit Provision for Others                 provision for
                    other equity    declared for distribution impairment                        impairment
 Joint ventures

 Potevio Optical
 Network Co.,

 Subtotal                                                                           10,422,056.96

 Potevio Hi-tech
 Industry Co.,                                 110,200.80

 Subtotal                                      110,200.80
   Total                                       110,200.80                           10,422,056.96

10. Other equity instrument investments

                                                                                    Accumulated amount of gains
                                                                                   or losses transferred from other
   Items                                    Closing       Opening       Dividend      comprehensive income to
                                            balance       balance        income           retained earnings
                                                                                        Amount         Reasons

 Nanjing Yuhua Electroplating Factory     420,915.00     420,915.00
 Hangzhou Honyar Electrical Co.,Ltd.      321,038.00     321,038.00
 Beijing Likangpu Communication
 Equipment Co., Ltd.

   Subtotal                               741,953.00     741,953.00
Note: The investment in Nanjing Yuhua Electroplating Factory, Hangzhou Honyar Electrical Co.,Ltd. and Beijing Likong
Communication Equipment Co., Ltd. are classified as other equity instrument investments, the Company measured it at fair value
through other comprehensive income.

                                                                              Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

         11. Investment property
         (1) Details

              Items                                     Buildings and structures    Land use right             Total


                Opening balance                                 18,646,397.35             3,642,147.87       22,288,545.22

                1) Acquisition

                Decrease                                          6,390,269.42            3,642,147.87       10,032,417.29
                1) Disposal                                       6,390,269.42            3,642,147.87       10,032,417.29
                Closing balance                                 12,256,127.93                                12,256,127.93
             Accumulated depreciation and
                Opening balance                                 10,631,422.07             2,004,495.15       12,635,917.22
                Increase                                            466,943.34             119,960.64           586,903.98
                1) Accrual or amortization                          466,943.34             119,960.64           586,903.98
                Decrease                                          3,109,250.83            2,124,455.79         5,233,706.62
                1) Disposal                                       3,109,250.83            2,124,455.79         5,233,706.62
                Closing balance                                   7,989,114.58                                 7,989,114.58
             Provision for impairment

                Opening balance                                   1,842,418.00                                 1,842,418.00

                 1) Accrual

                Decrease                                          1,842,418.00                                 1,842,418.00
                1) Disposal                                       1,842,418.00                                 1,842,418.00
                Closing balance

             Carrying amount

                Closing balance                                   4,267,013.35                                 4,267,013.35
                Opening balance                                   6,172,557.28            1,637,652.72         7,810,210.00

         12. Fixed assets
         (1) Details

 Items                                  Buildings and      General          Transport       Electronic
                                                                                                          Other equipment        Total
                                         structures       equipment         facilities      equipment

  Opening balance                   152,574,361.56       37,939,347.17    10,484,109.76    6,197,841.71    45,833,527.80 253,029,188.00
  Increase                                 288,234.03     2,294,930.67        55,719.34      686,300.79       525,299.84      3,850,484.67

                                                                            Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

 Items                              Buildings and       General         Transport         Electronic
                                                                                                          Other equipment       Total
                                     structures        equipment        facilities        equipment
   1) Acquisition                       288,234.03    2,294,930.67           55,719.34    686,300.79          525,299.84     3,850,484.67
   2) Transferred in from
   construction in progress
   3) Retranslation
    Decrease                        18,199,232.22     6,101,859.19     2,652,680.50      4,577,467.96       1,530,030.73    33,061,270.60
    1) Disposal/Scrapping           18,199,232.22     6,101,859.19     2,448,994.93      4,526,955.99       1,530,030.73    32,807,073.06
    2) Business combination                                                 203,685.57      49,818.72                         253,504.29
    3) Retranslation                                                                             693.25                           693.25
    Closing balance                134,663,363.37    34,132,418.65     7,887,148.60      2,306,674.54      44,828,796.91 223,818,402.07

Accumulated depreciation
    Opening balance                 55,665,186.61    28,338,902.22     9,509,087.57      5,989,836.61      42,067,246.89 141,570,259.90
    Increase                          5,184,316.29    2,208,930.99          134,422.20    587,732.21          264,527.55     8,379,929.24
    1) Accrual                        5,184,316.29    2,208,930.99          134,422.20    587,732.21          264,527.55     8,379,929.24
    2) Retranslation

    Decrease                        13,000,024.59     5,530,136.72     2,553,862.29      4,460,085.41       1,471,704.20    27,015,813.21
    1) Disposal/Scrapping           13,000,024.59     5,530,136.72     2,356,287.09      4,412,056.30       1,471,704.20    26,770,208.90
    2) Business combination                                                 197,575.20      47,335.86                         244,911.06
    3) Retranslation                                                                             693.25                           693.25
    Closing balance                 47,849,478.31    25,017,696.49     7,089,647.48      2,117,483.41      40,860,070.24 122,934,375.93

Provision for impairment
   Opening balance                      539,124.00         10,863.02                        11,048.35         175,790.21      736,825.58

   Decrease                                                10,863.02                                                           10,863.02
   Closing balance                      539,124.00                                          11,048.35         175,790.21      725,962.56
Carrying amount

   Closing balance                  86,274,761.06     9,114,722.16          797,501.12    178,142.78        3,792,936.46 100,158,063.58
   Opening balance                  96,370,050.95     9,589,581.93          975,022.19    196,956.75        3,590,490.70 110,722,102.52

         2) Fixed assets temporarily idle

               Items                          Cost           Accumulated        Provision for
                                                                                                 Carrying amount Remarks
                                                             depreciation        impairment
           General equipment                2,466,884.50       2,265,898.17          11,048.35       189,937.98
           Transport facilities              987,277.01         944,682.45                             42,594.56
           Electronic equipment              433,603.93         413,182.23                             20,421.70
           Other equipment                  1,574,539.55       1,287,852.76       175,408.71           111,278.08

                                                                         Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

    Items                               Cost           Accumulated           Provision for
                                                                                              Carrying amount Remarks
                                                       depreciation           impairment
    Subtotal                         5,462,304.99          4,911,615.61        186,457.06          364,232.32

3) Fixed assets with certificate of titles being unsettled

    Items                                               Carrying amount                      Reasons for unsettlement

 Buildings and structures                                            31,449,073.42               Unable to handle

    Subtotal                                                         31,449,073.42

13. Construction in progress
(1) Details

                                         Closing balance                                     Opening balance
  Projects                                 Provision                                             Provision
                                                              Carrying                              for          Carrying
                        Book balance          for                             Book balance
                                                              amount                             impairme        amount
Nanjing Putian                                                                                       nt
Datang Information
Electronics Co.,
                        21,300,309.31                        21,300,309.31    12,738,203.48                    12,738,203.48
Ltd. Product

Others                    1,154,482.96                        1,154,482.96          310,498.11                    310,498.11

  Total                 22,454,792.27                        22,454,792.27    13,048,701.59                    13,048,701.59

2) Changes in significant projects

    Projects                      Budgets                                Increase       Transferred to   Closing balance
                                                  Opening balance
                                                                                         fixed assets
 Nanjing Putian Datang
 Information Electronics
                               30,000,000.00       12,738,203.48     8,562,105.83                            21,300,309.31
 Co., Ltd. Product
 Development Center

    Subtotal                   30,000,000.00       12,738,203.48     8,562,105.83                            21,300,309.31

                                      Completio Accumulated        Amount of
                          Accumulate      n                                                     Annual
Projects                                           amount of     borrowing cost                                    Fund
                           d input to percentage                                             capitalization
                                                 borrowing cost capitalization in                                 source
                          budget (%)                                                           rate (%)
                                         (%)      capitalization current period
 Nanjing Putian
 Datang Information
 Electronics Co.,                                                                                               Self-owned
                                90.00          90.00
 Ltd. Product                                                                                                      fund

 Subtotal                       90.00          90.00

                                                                       Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

14. Intangible assets
(1) Details

    Items                                           Land use right              Software                 Total


     Opening balance                                    34,638,346.69            11,978,112.74         46,616,459.43
     Increase                                                                          39,867.26           39,867.26
     1) Acquisition                                                                    39,867.26           39,867.26

     2) Internal research and development
     Decrease                                            7,982,299.86             1,097,822.60          9,080,122.46
    1) Disposal                                          7,982,299.86             1,097,822.60          9,080,122.46
     Closing balance                                    26,656,046.83            10,920,157.40         37,576,204.23

 Accumulated amortization
     Opening balance                                     7,727,958.57            10,507,254.58         18,235,213.15
     Increase                                              843,443.88               392,839.28          1,236,283.16
     1) Accrual                                            843,443.88               392,839.28          1,236,283.16
     Decrease                                            2,058,588.88             1,097,822.60          3,156,411.48
    1) Disposal                                          2,058,588.88             1,097,822.60          3,156,411.48
     Closing balance                                     6,512,813.57             9,802,271.26         16,315,084.83
 Carrying amount

     Closing balance                                    20,143,233.26             1,117,886.14         21,261,119.40
     Opening balance                                    26,910,388.12             1,470,858.16         28,381,246.28
(1) Land use right with certificate of titles being unsettled

   Items                                                   Carrying amount                 Reasons for unsettlement

 Land use right                                                         4,525,451.23                Unable to handle

    Subtotal                                                            4,525,451.23

15. Long-term prepayments
(1) Details

   Items                           Opening balance              Increase       Amortization        Closing balance

 Renovation expenditure                   4,260,775.18          3,083,600.09     1,802,964.46            5,541,410.81

   Total                                  4,260,775.18          3,083,600.09     1,802,964.46         5,541,410.81

16. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities
(1) Details of unrecognized deferred tax assets

                                                                   Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

   Items                                                     Closing balance                 Opening balance
 Deductible temporary difference                                259,762,732.16                  212,555,020.06
 Deductible losses                                              145,604,016.49                  208,426,046.76
   Subtotal                                                     405,366,748.65                  420,981,066.82

(2) Maturity years of deductible losses of unrecognized deferred tax assets

   Maturity years                Closing balance              Opening balance                 Remarks
 Year 2020                                                             42,593,678.81
 Year 2021                                5,554,380.47                 29,308,451.67
 Year 2022                                4,443,610.43                  4,443,610.43
 Year 2023                               18,084,226.36                 18,084,226.36
 Year 2024                              113,996,079.49                113,996,079.49
 Year 2025                                3,525,719.74
   Subtotal                             145,604,016.49                208,426,046.76

17. Short-term borrowings
(1) Details

    Items                                                      Closing balance                 Opening balance

 Pledged borrowings                                                                             276,812,627.72
 Mortgaged borrowings                                            15,000,000.00                    65,042,904.11
 Secured borrowings                                              50,000,000.00                  110,060,416.67
    Total                                                        65,000,000.00                  451,915,948.50

18. Notes payable
(1) Details

    Items                                                        Closing balance             Opening balance
 Bank acceptance                                                     57,636,900.00                72,000,000.00
 Trade acceptance                                                    18,498,110.10                 9,784,929.91
    Total                                                            76,135,010.10                81,784,929.91

19. Accounts payable
(1) Details

   Items                                                           Closing balance             Opening balance

 Procurement of materials                                           603,045,038.32              679,428,580.08
 Project payment                                                      1,720,547.68
   Total                                                            604,765,586.00              679,428,580.08

                                                                   Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

(2) Significant accounts payable with age over one year

   Items                                                        Closing balance         Reasons for unsettlement

 POLYCOM         communications technology (Beijing)
                                                                       24,545,645.78          Not yet settled

 Nanjing Xingping Industrial Co., Ltd                                  20,868,248.11          Not yet settled

 SEI-Nanjing Potevio Optical Network Co., Ltd.                         18,899,974.96          Not yet settled

 Jiangsu Sainty Machinery IMP.&Co.,Ltd.                                16,642,003.33          Not yet settled

 China Potevio Information Industry Inc.                               16,314,294.20          Not yet settled

   Subtotal                                                            97,270,166.38

20. Advances received
(1) Details

   Items                                                           Closing balance           Opening balance[Note]

 Payment for goods

Note: Please refer to note III (XXVIII) 1 (1) 1) of the financial statements for the difference between the opening balance and the end
of the previous year.

21. Contract liabilities
(1) Details

   Items                                                     Closing balance             Opening balance[Note]

 Payment for goods                                                     28,518,252.40                 19,600,071.39
   Total                                                               28,518,252.40                 19,600,071.39
Note: Please refer to note III (XXVIII) 1 (1) 1) of the financial statements for the difference between the opening balance and the end
of the previous year.

22. Employee benefits payable
(1) Details

   Items                                Opening             Increase              Decrease         Closing balance
 Short-term employee benefits        21,602,707.70        170,982,560.73        175,222,390.15        17,362,878.28
 Post-employment benefits -
                                                            7,033,468.50          7,033,468.50
 defined contribution plan
   Total                             21,602,707.70        178,016,029.23        182,255,858.65        17,362,878.28

(2) Details of short-term employee benefits

 Items                                   Opening              Increase             Decrease          Closing balance
Wage, bonus, allowance and
                                        11,209,937.62       122,927,261.78        129,463,399.15         4,673,800.25

                                                                 Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

 Items                                      Opening         Increase             Decrease             Closing balance
Employee welfare fund                                        8,595,660.73            8,595,660.73
Social insurance premium                                    10,725,435.17        10,725,435.17

Including: Medicare premium                                  9,866,290.18            9,866,290.18
   Occupational injuries
                                                                40,647.57              40,647.57
   Maternity premium                                          818,497.42              818,497.42
Housing provident fund                       156,533.23     12,093,373.14            8,955,350.63        3,294,555.74
Trade union fund and employee
                                           10,215,560.09      522,976.40             1,359,010.73        9,379,525.76
education fund
Compensation for termination of
                                                             6,464,311.30            6,464,311.30
labor relations
Others                                        20,676.76      9,653,542.21            9,659,222.44          14,996.53
 Subtotal                                  21,602,707.70   170,982,560.73       175,222,390.15         17,362,878.28

(3) Details of defined contribution plan

   Items                                      Opening        Increase           Decrease            Closing balance
 Basic endowment insurance
                                                             4,756,406.04       4,756,406.04
 Unemployment insurance
                                                              513,473.53             513,473.53
 Company annuity payment                                     1,763,588.93       1,763,588.93
   Subtotal                                                  7,033,468.50       7,033,468.50

23. Taxes and rates payable

   Items                                                         Closing balance                    Opening balance

 VAT                                                                2,356,409.61                       1,385,203.91
 Enterprise income tax                                              5,300,903.29                       1,605,203.32

 Individual income tax                                                  167,893.85                        90,009.67
 Urban maintenance and construction tax                                 336,089.22                      446,279.63
 Housing property tax                                                   207,909.01                      222,050.55
 Land use tax                                                            83,316.67                        83,316.67
 Education surcharge                                                    237,921.18                      287,880.75
 Other tax                                                               16,805.84                         5,622.10
   Total                                                            8,707,248.67                       4,125,566.60

24. Other payables
(1) Details

   Items                                                         Closing balance                    Opening balance

                                                                   Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

   Items                                                           Closing balance                Opening balance

 Dividend payable                                                     4,044,213.38                   12,538,813.38
 Other payables                                                      49,714,907.25                   48,707,865.43
   Total                                                             53,759,120.63                   61,246,678.81

(2) Dividend payable

    Items                                                        Closing balance               Opening balance
 Dividend of ordinary shares                                          4,044,213.38                   12,538,813.38
    Subtotal                                                          4,044,213.38                   12,538,813.38
(3) Other payables

    Items                                                          Closing balance                Opening balance

 Temporary receipts payable                                          25,326,626.30                   28,413,293.97
 Unsettled installation cost                                          6,106,864.43                    6,405,205.17
 Deposits                                                             6,497,152.88                    6,942,844.36
 Operating expenses                                                   9,314,827.00                    2,184,841.28
 Others                                                               2,469,436.64                    4,761,680.65
    Subtotal/Total                                                   49,714,907.25                   48,707,865.43

25. Non-current liabilities due within one year

   Items                                                           Closing balance               Opening balance

 Long-term payables due within one year                               9,181,720.08                   10,820,807.35
   Total                                                              9,181,720.08                   10,820,807.35

26. Other current liabilities

   Items                                                         Closing balance        Opening balance[Note]
 VAT collected in advance                                             3,707,372.81                    2,548,009.28
    Total                                                             3,707,372.81                    2,548,009.28
Note: Please refer to note III (XXVIII) 1 (1) 1) of the financial statements for the difference between the opening balance and the end
of the previous year.

27. Long-term payables

    Items                                                          Closing balance                Opening balance

 Finance lease                                                        4,036,160.05                   12,827,205.03
    Total                                                             4,036,160.05                   12,827,205.03

28. Deferred income

                                                                       Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

   Items                      Opening balance             Increase                 Decrease           Closing balance

 Government grants                   6,004,873.00                                  6,004,873.00

   Total                             6,004,873.00                                  6,004,873.00

Note: Please refer to section V (IV) 3 of notes to financial statements for details on grants included into profit or loss.

29. Share capital

   Items                 Opening
                                          Issue of                   Reserve                                Closing balance
                         balance                        Bonus                      Others     Subtotal
                                            new                    transferred
                                           shares                   to shares
   Total shares       215,000,000.00                                                                         215,000,000.00

30. Capital reserve

   Items                           Opening balance            Increase               Decrease              Closing balance

 Share premium                         139,592,332.04                                1,805,691.41            137,786,640.63
 Other capital reserve                  45,782,201.81                                                         45,782,201.81
   Total                               185,374,533.85                                1,805,691.41            183,568,842.44
Note: In this year, the company purchased minority shareholders' equity of the subsidiary Putian Communication (Hong Kong) Co.,
Ltd. The difference between the purchase price and the net assets of the subsidiary offset the capital reserve by 1,805,691.41 yuan.

31. Other comprehensive income (OCI)

                                                                                 Current period cumulative                      Closing
        Items                                    Opening         Current period
                                                 balance                         Less: Attributable Attributable to
                                                                                Income to parent non-controllin
                                                                 before income
                                                                                  tax   company g shareholders
      Items not to be reclassified
                                              -6,776,124.85        -77,806.80                 -77,806.80                     -6,853,931.65
      subsequently to profit or loss
      Including: Translation reserves         -4,921,214.85        -77,806.80                 -77,806.80                     -4,999,021.65
           Reclassified financial assets to
                                              -1,854,910.00                                                                  -1,854,910.00
        Total                                 -6,776,124.85        -77,806.80                 -77,806.80                     -6,853,931.65

32. Surplus reserve

   Items                           Opening balance          Increase                  Decrease             Closing balance

 Statutory surplus reserve               589,559.77                                                              589,559.77
   Total                                 589,559.77                                                              589,559.77

33. Undistributed profit

                                                                             Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

         (1) Details

             Items                                                              Current period            Preceding period
                                                                                   cumulative                 comparative
          Balance before adjustment at the end of preceding period              -224,644,862.48                -40,726,776.80

          Add: Increase due to adjustment (or less: decrease)                                                  -14,829,568.99
          Opening balance after adjustment                                      -224,644,862.48                -55,556,345.79
          Add: Net profit attributable to owners of the parent
                                                                                    21,964,552.84            -169,088,516.69
          Less: Appropriation of statutory surplus reserve

               Dividend payable on ordinary shares

          Closing balance                                                       -202,680,309.64              -224,644,862.48

         (II) Notes to items of the consolidated income statement
         1. Operating revenue/Operating cost
         (1) Details

                                               Current period cumulative                  Preceding period comparative
                                             Revenue                  Cost                Revenue                 Cost

          Main operations                1,001,079,639.70        824,093,835.42        1,316,694,560.34      1,070,497,619.85
          Other operations                   24,164,176.13          22,812,107.07         21,589,633.87        17,276,746.81
            Total                        1,025,243,815.83        846,905,942.49        1,338,284,194.21      1,087,774,366.66
         (2) Breakdown of revenue by main categories

                                             Video                           Low voltage
 Reportable segments                     conference                           distribution          Others            Subtotal
                                           products                            products

Revenue recognition time

 Goods (transferred at a point in
                                       305,265,930.73 355,509,173.22         96,477,794.59 267,990,917.29         1,025,243,815.83

 Services (rendered over time)

 Total                                 305,265,930.73 355,509,173.22         96,477,794.59 267,990,917.29         1,025,243,815.83

         2. Taxes and surcharges

            Items                                         Current period cumulative            Preceding period comparative

          Urban maintenance and
                                                                        1,809,453.62                             3,276,155.79
          construction tax
          Education surcharge                                           1,276,393.76                             2,311,072.67
          Housing property tax                                          1,546,447.85                             1,462,422.80
          Land use tax                                                    568,336.87                              547,177.81
          Other tax                                                       648,528.71                              704,990.25

                                                      Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

   Items                              Current period cumulative       Preceding period comparative

   Total                                          5,849,160.81                        8,301,819.32

3. Selling expenses

   Items                              Current period cumulative       Preceding period comparative

 Employee benefits                               57,079,555.56                       77,048,927.73
 Business entertainment                          14,810,790.03                       17,114,142.33
 Travelling expenses                              8,320,143.23                       13,819,057.87
 Office expenses                                  4,918,392.62                        5,560,856.53
 Sales service charges                            8,246,112.93                        1,038,155.51
 Equipment maintain fees                            626,909.61                           53,959.44
 Conference expenses                                459,420.68                        1,525,458.07
 Promotion expenses                                 446,883.59                        1,155,792.65
 Transport fees                                                                      19,665,748.31
 Others                                           6,300,627.54                        9,897,334.48
   Total                                        101,208,835.79                     146,879,432.92

4. Administrative expenses

   Items                               Current period cumulative      Preceding period comparative

 Employee benefits                                 48,670,243.18                     55,926,241.69
 Depreciation and amortization                      6,774,510.66                      6,887,635.80
 Consulting, intermediary and legal
                                                    5,956,557.06                      5,448,016.21
 Office expenses                                    3,264,199.44                      4,275,357.00
 Lease expenses                                     2,365,498.74                      3,131,821.43
 Loss from shutdown                                 1,903,415.67
 Business entertainment                             1,395,310.80                      2,253,298.18
 Travelling expense                                   750,329.40                      1,461,187.42
 Funding for Party Building                           608,575.64                      1,213,551.34
 Others                                             3,789,065.67                      6,850,720.61
   Total                                           75,477,706.26                     87,447,829.68

5. R&D expenses

   Items                              Current period cumulative       Preceding period comparative

 Employee benefits                               36,932,589.17                       55,575,661.68

                                                                   Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

   Items                                          Current period cumulative          Preceding period comparative

 Travelling expenses                                           1,764,237.57                            3,433,025.78
 Depreciation and amortization                                 1,427,264.34                            1,555,336.33
 Material use                                                  1,277,981.90                            3,270,507.03
 Intermediate test fee                                          224,424.47                               600,097.91
 Commissioned development                                                                                841,669.70
 Others                                                        4,693,007.93                            5,902,643.08
   Total                                                     46,319,505.38                           71,178,941.51

6. Financial expenses

   Items                                          Current period cumulative          Preceding period comparative

 Interest expenditures                                       28,568,012.81                           30,200,892.97
 Less: Interest income                                         1,758,180.41                            1,475,350.85
 Losses on foreign exchange                                      19,380.93                                 7,720.32
 Financial institution fees                                     216,787.73                               692,502.67
 Financing fee                                                                                         1,149,386.79
 Others                                                          28,087.93
   Total                                                     27,074,088.99                           30,575,151.90

7. Other income

   Items                         Current period           Preceding period               Amount included in
                                  cumulative                comparative               non-recurring profit or loss
 Government grants
                                     10,953,444.48                7,894,918.90                         6,456,622.79
 related to income [Note]
 Service charge of
 personal income tax
   Total                             10,988,973.73                7,894,918.90                         6,456,622.79
Note: Please refer to section V (IV) 3 of the notes to financial statements for details on government grants included into other

8. Investment income

                                                                          Current period           Preceding period
                                                                               cumulative               comparative

 Investment income from disposal of long-term equity
 Investment income from long-term equity investments under
                                                                             -4,769,983.62              -297,833.76
 equity method
 Investment income from derecognition of financial assets at
 amortized cost
   Total                                                                  93,175,109.94                 -297,833.76

                                                                Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

9. Credit impairment loss

  Items                                        Current period cumulative           Preceding period comparative

Bad debt loss of notes receivable                             -361,969.01                           -323,770.52

Bad debt loss of accounts receivable                        -36,758,177.42                       -54,184,559.30

Bad debt loss of other receivables                           -4,495,669.42                         1,049,470.62
  Total                                                     -41,615,815.85                       -53,458,859.20

10. Assets impairment loss

    Items                                    Current period cumulative             Preceding period comparative

 Inventory write-down loss                               -14,421,937.22                          -19,577,005.54
    Total                                                -14,421,937.22                          -19,577,005.54

11. Gains on asset disposal

                                                                                         Amount included in
    Items                               Current period          Preceding period
                                                                                        non-recurring profit or
                                         cumulative               comparative
 Gains on disposal of fixed assets          78,480,698.99                 119,033.08              78,480,698.99
 Gains on disposal of intangible
                                            -5,923,710.98                                         -5,923,710.98
    Total                                   72,556,988.01                 119,033.08              72,556,988.01

12. Non-operating revenue

                                                                                         Amount included in
    Items                              Current period         Preceding period
                                                                                        non-recurring profit or
                                        cumulative              comparative                      loss
 Unpaid employee benefits                   3,337,422.56                                           3,337,422.56
 Unpaid payables                              436,331.11               362,546.35                    436,331.11
 Penalty income                               164,707.10                  63,385.71                  164,707.10
 Government grants                                                   1,354,900.00
 Others                                       363,153.86               119,216.78                    363,153.86
    Total                                   4,301,614.63             1,900,048.84                  4,301,614.63

13. Non-operating expenditures

                                                                                         Amount included in
    Items                              Current period         Preceding period
                                                                                        non-recurring profit or
                                        cumulative              comparative                      loss
 Penalty expenditures                       2,161,289.87               343,083.03                  2,161,289.87
 Donation expenditures                          2,000.00                                               2,000.00

                                                                     Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

                                                                                              Amount included in
   Items                                   Current period          Preceding period
                                                                                             non-recurring profit or
                                            cumulative               comparative                      loss
 Others                                              50,605.73                  25,016.81                  50,605.73
   Total                                          2,213,895.60             368,099.84                   2,213,895.60

14. Income tax expenses
(1) Details

   Items                                      Current period cumulative            Preceding period comparative
 Current period income tax
                                                                 7,504,586.94                           1,279,314.02
   Total                                                         7,504,586.94                           1,279,314.02

(2) Reconciliation of accounting profit to income tax expenses

   Items                                                                  Current period            Preceding period
                                                                             cumulative                 comparative
 Profit before tax                                                        45,179,613.75              -157,661,145.30
 Income tax expenses based on tax rate applicable
                                                                           6,776,942.06               -23,649,171.79
 to the parent company
 Effect of different tax rate applicable to
                                                                           4,607,902.23                  -626,836.21
 Effect of prior income tax reconciliation                                  -707,905.89                   498,379.34
 Effect of non-deductible costs, expenses and
                                                                           3,650,934.31                 3,456,216.58
 Utilization of deductible losses not previously
 recognized as deferred tax assets
 Effect of deducible temporary differences or
 deductible losses not recognized as deferred tax                               110,437.79                110,437.79
 Effect of deducible temporary differences or
                                                                           9,274,215.07                31,109,797.60
 deductible losses not recognized
 Deduction of R&D expenditures                                             -6,363,766.98               -9,619,509.29
 Income tax expenses                                                       7,504,586.94                 1,279,314.02

(III) Notes to items of the consolidated cash flow statement
1. Other cash receipts related to operating activities

   Items                                           Current period cumulative            Preceding period comparative

 Government grants                                               4,248,205.97                           2,973,805.47
 Interest income                                                 1,758,180.41                           1,475,350.85
 Intercourse                                                     3,166,427.19                          14,077,394.69
 Others                                                          6,613,152.65                           6,356,466.57
   Total                                                       15,785,966.22                           24,883,017.58

2. Other cash payments related to operating activities

                                                                      Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

   Items                                           Current period cumulative            Preceding period comparative

 Selling and Administrative
                                                                 67,899,682.41                       110,042,009.33
 expenses paid in cash
 Intercourse                                                      9,235,390.47                         2,969,125.35
 Others                                                            131,079.85                              8,204.90
   Total                                                         77,266,152.73                       113,019,339.58

3. Other cash receipts related to financing activities

   Items                                           Current period cumulative            Preceding period comparative

 Financial lease payments
 Security of finance lease
   Total                                                          4,000,000.00                        30,000,000.00

4. Other cash payments related to financing activities

   Items                                           Current period cumulative            Preceding period comparative

 Installment financing lease
                                                                 10,430,132.25                         7,930,934.99
 Payment of financing handling
   Total                                                         10,430,132.25                         9,080,321.78

5. Supplement information to the cash flow statement
(1) Supplement information to the cash flow statement

 Supplement information                                                      Current period         Preceding period
                                                                                cumulative              comparative
 (1) Reconciliation of net profit to cash flow from operating
 Net profit                                                                  37,675,026.81          -158,940,459.32
 Add: Provision for assets impairment loss                                   13,888,011.56            16,620,515.26

       Provision for credit impairment loss                                  41,615,815.85            53,458,859.20
       Depreciation of fixed assets, oil and gas assets,
                                                                                 8,846,872.58          9,832,586.60
       productive biological assets
      Amortization of intangible assets                                          1,356,243.79          2,024,313.13
      Amortization of long-term prepayments                                      1,802,964.46          1,734,208.58
       Loss on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and
                                                                            -72,556,988.01              -119,033.08
       other long-term assets (Less: gains)
      Fixed assets retirement loss (Less: gains)

       Gains from derecognition of financial assets at
       amortized cost
      Losses on changes in fair value (Less: gains)

                                                                    Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

 Supplement information                                                    Current period       Preceding period
                                                                              cumulative            comparative
      Financial expenses (Less: gains)                                     28,587,393.74           31,358,000.08
      Investment losses (Less: gains)                                     -94,127,285.94              297,833.76
      Decrease of deferred tax assets (Less: increase)

       Increase of deferred tax liabilities (Less: decrease)
      Decrease of inventories (Less: increase)                             -4,132,697.71           60,954,831.16

       Decrease of operating receivables (Less: increase)                 205,597,222.73          326,109,564.75
      Increase of operating payables (Less: decrease)                     -79,053,430.99         -320,645,105.21
      Others                                                               -2,305,976.00
 Net cash flows from operating activities                                  88,145,348.87           22,686,114.91
 (2) Significant investing and financing activities not related
 to cash receipts and payments:
      Conversion of debt into capital

      Convertible bonds due within one year

      Fixed assets leased in under finance leases

 (3) Net changes in cash and cash equivalents:

      Cash at the end of the period                                       170,062,746.87          208,783,866.60
      Less: Cash at the beginning of the period                           208,783,866.60          201,369,317.42
      Add: Cash equivalents at the end of the period

       Less: Cash equivalents at the beginning of the period
 Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                                -38,721,119.73            7,414,549.18
(2) Composition of cash and cash equivalents

   Items                                                                 Closing balance        Opening balance

 1) Cash                                                                  170,062,746.87          208,783,866.60
 Including: Cash on hand                                                        2,229.39                2,273.88
               Cash in bank on demand for payment                         170,060,517.48          208,781,592.72
 2) Cash equivalents

 3) Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period                    170,062,746.87          208,783,866.60
(3) Net cash receipts from disposal of subsidiaries in current period

   Items                                                                                Current period cumulative

 Cash and cash equivalents received in current period for subsidiary
 disposal in current period
   Including: Nanjing Putian Information Technology Co., Ltd.                                      43,431,600.00
 Less: Cash and cash equivalents held by subsidiaries on which the
 Company lost control
   Including: Nanjing Putian Information Technology Co., Ltd.                                         447,600.35

                                                                       Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

   Items                                                                                       Current period cumulative

 Add: Cash and cash equivalents received in current period for subsidiary
 disposal in prior periods
   Including: Nanjing Putian Information Technology Co., Ltd.

 Net cash receipts from disposal of subsidiaries in current period                                        42,983,999.65
(4) Amount of endorsed commercial acceptance not involving cash receipts and payments

   Items                                                Current period cumulative        Preceding period comparative

 Amount of endorsed commercial
                                                                   159,593,293.14                        153,041,789.44
 Including: Payment for goods                                      159,443,293.14                        152,290,789.44
              Payment for acquisition of
              long-term assets, such as                               150,000.00                                751,000.00

(IV) Others
1. Assets with title or use right restrictions

   Items                                                Closing carrying amount            Reasons for restrictions

                                                                                         Deposit for acceptance and
 Cash and bank balances                                              39,647,679.34
                                                                                                deposit for L/G

 Cash and bank balances                                                 139,284.75      Bank freeze due to litigation

 Fixed assets                                                        10,352,538.63         Mortgaged borrowings

 Intangible assets                                                     3,665,962.99        Mortgaged borrowings

   Total                                                             53,805,465.71

(2) Other remarks
We remind users of financial statements that, apart from the above assets with title or use right restrictions, in order to entrust the
parent company to apply for loans from Bank of Beijing, Jiangning Sub-branch, the Company pledged its holding equities to the
parent company, which include equity of Nanjing Southern Telecom Co., Ltd. 33.17 million yuan, equity of Nanjing Putian Telege
Intelligent Building Co., Ltd. 4.80 million yuan, equity of Nanjing Putian Changle Telecommunications Equipment Co., Ltd. 5.07
million yuan, equity of Nanjing Putian Wangzhi Electronic Co., Ltd. 60.43 million yuan, equity of Nanjing Putian Network Co., Ltd.
7.80 million yuan. The Company has registered the equity pledge at Nanjing Jiangning Market Supervision Administration. Those
equities are with use restrictions before released.

2. Monetary items in foreign currencies

   Items                                 Closing balance in             Exchange rate            RMB equivalent at the
                                         foreign currencies                                        end of the period
 Cash and bank balances                          --                           --                           --

   Including: USD                                     635,347.49                      6.5249               4,145,578.84
               EUR                                       522.27                       8.0250                      4,191.22
               GBP                                       208.79                       8.8903                      1,856.21
               HKD                                    567,899.15                    0.84164                     477,966.64

                                                                                       Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

             3. Government grants
             1) Government grants related to income and used to compensate future relevant costs, expenses or losses

                                     Opening                                       Reduction
  Items                             balance of      Increase                       caused by        Closing balance of      Related to
                                                                  in other
                                     deferred                                       business         deferred income       asset/income
                                     income                                       combination
Science and technology
development plan and                                                                                                        related to
                                   1,000,000.00                  1,000,000.00
science and technology                                                                                                       income
funding target subsidies

Compensation for zombie                                                                                                     related to
                                   5,004,873.00                  1,305,976.00     3,698,897.00
enterprise                                                                                                                   income

  Subtotal                         6,004,873.00                  2,305,976.00     3,698,897.00

             2) Government grants related to income and used to compensate incurred relevant costs, expenses or losses

          Items                                  Amounts              Presented under                         Remarks

     VAT refund                                   4,399,262.51          Other income        Cai Shui [2011] No.100

     Special fund                                 2,070,000.00          Other income        CZ [2019] No.13

     Stable subsidy                                667,423.08           Other income        Nanjing social insurance management center
                                                                                            Subsidy from Finance Bureau of Qinhuai
     Rewards of R&D                                572,000.00           Other income        District, Nanjing development and Reform
     Subsidies for industrial                                                               Government subsidy policy of Zhonghuamen
     transformation and                            300,000.00           Other income        Office of Nanjing Qinhuai District People's
     upgrading                                                                              Government
     Rewards of technology                                              Other income        Subsidy from Jiangning District Finance
     development                                                                            Bureau of Nanjing
     Special fund for industrial                                        Other income        Nanjing Yuhua Economic Development Zone
     development                                                                            Management Committee
     Others                                        438,782.89           Other income

          Subtotal                                8,647,468.48
             The amount of government subsidies included in the current profits and losses is 10,953,444.48yuan.

             VI. Changes in the consolidation scope
             (I) Disposal of subsidiaries
             1. One-time disposal involving loss of control over a subsidiary

                                                                                                                        Difference between
                                                           Equity                                                    disposal consideration and
                                                                          Equity                   Determination
                  Subsidiaries        Equity disposal     disposal                Loss of control                   net assets attributable to the
                                                                         disposal                 basis for loss of
                                       consideration     proportion                    date                               Company at the
                                                                         method                     control date
                                                            (%)                                                        consolidated financial
                                                                                                                          statements level
                     Nanjing                                                                       Completion of
                     Putian           43,431,600.00            100.00    transfer                     business                    42,385,183.68
                     Information                                                    25, 2020        registration
                     Technology                                                                        change

                                                                    Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

                                                                                                       Difference between
                                             Equity                                                 disposal consideration and
                                                         Equity                   Determination
     Subsidiaries      Equity disposal      disposal             Loss of control                   net assets attributable to the
                                                        disposal                 basis for loss of
                        consideration      proportion                 date                               Company at the
                                                        method                     control date
                                              (%)                                                     consolidated financial
                                                                                                         statements level
      Co., Ltd.

(II) Changes in the consolidation scope due to other reasons
1. Entities brought into the consolidation scope

                                 Equity                                                            Capital
   Entities                                         Equity acquisition         Capital
                               acquisition                                                       contribution
                                                           date              contribution
                                 method                                                         proportion (%)
 Chongqing Puhua
 Information                      Set up                   July 10, 2020       2,000,000.00              100.00%
 Technology Co., Ltd
2. Entities excluded from the consolidation scope

                                                                                  Net profit from the
   Entities                    Equity disposal                      Disposal-date
                                               Equity disposal date               period beginning to
                                  method                             net assets
                                                                                   the disposal date
 Nanjing Putian
                               Liquidation and
 Wangzhi Electronic
                                                        December 31, 2020                              754,205.54
 Co., Ltd.
 Nanjing Bada
                               Liquidation and
                                                        December 31, 2020                             4,301,547.02
 Equipment Co., Ltd.

VII. Interest in other entities

(I) Interest in subsidiaries
1. Composition of subsidiaries
(1) Basis information

                                    Main                                            Holding
   Subsidiaries                               Place of           Business        proportion (%) Acquisition
                                            registration          nature         Direct Indirect method
 Nanjing Putian Changle
                                  Nanjing          Nanjing     Manufacture         50.70
 Telecommunications                                                                                       Set up
                                   City             City
 Equipment Co., Ltd.
 Nanjing Putian Telege            Nanjing          Nanjing     Manufacture         45.77                  Set up
 Intelligent Building Ltd.         City             City
 Nanjing Southern                 Nanjing          Nanjing     Manufacture         96.99       3.01       Set up
 Telecom Co., Ltd                  City             City
                                                                                                        not under
 Nanjing Nanman                   Nanjing          Nanjing     Manufacture         75.00                the same
 Electrics Co., Ltd.               City             City
 Nanjing Putian                   Nanjing          Nanjing     Manufacture         78.00                  Set up
 Network Co., Ltd.                 City             City
 Nanjing Putian Datang                                                                                  not under
                                  Nanjing          Nanjing     Manufacture         40.00
 Information Electronic                                                                                 the same
                                   City             City
 Co., Ltd.                                                                                               control
 Nanjing Putian
                                  Nanjing          Nanjing     Manufacture         70.00
 Communication                                                                                            Set up
                                   City             City
 Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                      Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

                                       Main                                             Holding
        Subsidiaries                             Place of           Business         proportion (%) Acquisition
                                               registration          nature          Direct Indirect method
      Putian Communications            Hong       Hong              Trading          100.00                     Set up
      (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.            Kong       Kong
      Chongqing Puhua
                                     Chongqi      Chongqin Manufacture               100.00
      Information                                                                                               Set up
                                     ng City       g City
      Technology Co., Ltd
    (2) Other remarks

    Remarks on inconsistency between holding proportion owned and voting rights proportion owned in subsidiaries
    a. The Company holds 45.767% of voting rights in Nanjing Putian Telege Intelligent Building Ltd., the other voting
    rights are decentralized. The Company has over half member of the Board of Directors, and it not only controls this
    company but also has a privileged variable return by taking part in Nanjing Putian Telege Intelligent Building Ltd’s
    related activity. The Company has the ability to impact the amount of return and control over Nanjing Putian Telege
    Intelligent Building Ltd.
    b. The Company holds 40% equity of Nanjing Putian Datang Information Electronic Co., Ltd. The Company signed the
    agreement with Yan yaoming, a shareholder of Nanjing Putian Datang Information Electronic Co., Ltd., to exercise his
    21% right to vote. The agreement is valid during the period of the existence of Nanjing Putian Datang Information
    Electronic Co., Ltd. The Company has 61% of the voting right during the existence period of Nanjing Putian Datang
    Information Electronic Co., Ltd.

    2. Significant not wholly-owned subsidiaries
    (1) Details
                           Holding proportion Non-controlling Dividend declared Closing balance of
        Subsidiaries       of non-controlling shareholders’ profit to non-controlling non-controlling
                              shareholders          or loss            shareholders       interest
      Nanjing Putian
      Telege                             54.23%         12,373,025.64         32,538,000.00             48,100,667.31
      Building Ltd.

    3. Main financial information of significant not wholly-owned subsidiaries
    (1) Assets and liabilities
                                                                Closing balance
                           Current        Non-current       Total assets                          Non-current
                                                                           Current liabilities                 Total liabilities
                            assets          assets                                                 liabilities
Nanjing Putian
Telege Intelligent      222,552,329.22   35,936,096.57 258,488,425.79       169,790,901.71                      169,790,901.71
Building Ltd.
                                                                 Opening balance
                           Current        Non-current       Total assets        Current          Non-current
                                                                                                                Total liabilities
                            assets          assets                             liabilities        liabilities
Nanjing Putian
Telege Intelligent      272,941,946.26   35,035,874.45 307,977,820.71 182,096,128.53                            182,096,128.53
Building Ltd.

    (2) Profit or loss and cash flows

                                                                                Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

                                   Current period cumulative                                     Preceding period comparative
Subsidiaries                                        Total     Cash flows from                                       Total       Cash flows
                       Operating                                                  Operating
                                   Net profit   comprehensive    operating                         Net profit   comprehensive from operating
                        revenue                                                    revenue
                                                   income        activities                                        income        activities
Nanjing Putian
Telege            360,582,564.08 22,815,831.90 22,815,831.90   72,157,846.79 362,262,442.89 23,336,955.05 23,336,955.05 57,350,651.98
Building Ltd.

       (II) Interest in joint venture or associates
       1. Aggregated financial information of insignificant joint ventures and associates

               Items                                            Closing balance/Current Opening balance/Preceding
                                                                   period cumulative       period comparative
         Joint ventures
                 Total carrying amount of investments                           10,422,056.96                         10,422,067.61

              Proportionate shares in the following
                  Net profit                                                            -10.65                          -706,250.73

                        Total comprehensive income                                      -10.65                          -706,250.73

                 Total carrying amount of investments
              Proportionate shares in the following
                  Net profit
                        Total comprehensive income

       VIII. Risks related to financial instruments
       The Company aims to seek the appropriate balance between the risks and benefits from its use of financial instruments and to
       mitigate the adverse effects that the risks of financial instruments have on the Company’s financial performance. Based on such
       objectives, the Company’s risk management policies are established to identify and analyze the risks faced by the Company, to set
       appropriate risk limits and controls, and to monitor risks and adherence to limits.

       The Company has exposure to the following risks from its use of financial instruments, which mainly include: credit risk, liquidity
       risk, and market risk. Management have deliberated and approved policies concerning such risks, and details are:
       (I) Credit risk
       Credit risk is the risk that one party to a financial instrument will cause a financial loss for the other party by failing to discharge an

       1. Credit risk management practice
       (1) Evaluation method of credit risk
       At each reporting date, the Company assesses whether the credit risk on a financial instrument has increased significantly since initial
       recognition. When assessing whether the credit risk has increased significantly since initial recognition, the Company takes into
       account reasonable and supportable information, which is available without undue cost or effort, including qualitative and
       quantitative analysis based on historical data, external credit risk rating, and forward-looking information. The Company determines
       the changes in default risk of financial instruments during the estimated lifetime through comparison of the default risk at the balance
       sheet date and the initial recognition date, on an individual basis or a collective basis.

                                                                      Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

The Company considers the credit risk on a financial instrument has increased significantly when one or more of the following
qualitative and quantitative standards are met:
1) Quantitative standard mainly relates to the scenario in which, on the balance sheet date, the probability of default in the remaining
lifetime has risen by more than a certain percentage compared with the initial recognition;

2) Qualitative standard mainly relates to significant adverse changes in the debtor’s operation or financial position, present or
expected changes in technology, market, economy or legal environment that will have significant adverse impact on the debtor’s
repayment ability;

(2) Definition of default and credit-impaired asset
A financial asset is credit-impaired when one or more following events have occurred:
1) significant financial difficulty of the debtor;

2) a breach of binding clause of contract;

3) it is very likely that the debtor will enter bankruptcy or other financial reorganization;

4) the creditor of the debtor, for economic or contractual reasons relating to the debtor’s financial difficulty, having granted to the
debtor a concession(s) that the creditor would not otherwise consider.

2. Measurement of expected credit losses
The key factors in the measurement of expected credit loss include the probability of default, loss rate of default, and exposure to
default risk.

3. Please refer to note V(I)2(2);V(I)3(2); V(I)6(3) on the reconciliation table of opening balance and closing balance of provision for

losses of financial instrument.

4. Exposure to credit risk and concentration of credit risk
The Company’s credit risk is primarily attributable to cash and bank balances and receivables. In order to control such risks, the
Company has taken the following measures:
(1) Cash and bank balances
The Company deposits its bank balances and other cash and bank balances in financial institutions with relatively high credit levels,
hence, its credit risk is relatively low.

(2) Receivables
The Company performs credit assessment on customers who uses credit settlement on a regular/continuous basis. The Company
selects credible and well-reputed customers based on credit assessment result, and conducts ongoing monitoring on receivables, to
avoid significant risks in bad debts.

As the Company only conducts business with credible and well-reputed third parties, normally, does not obtain collateral from
customers. Normally, the Group does not obtain collateral from customers. The Company manages credit risk aggregated by
customers. As of December 31, 2020, the Company has certain concentration of credit risk, and 11.90% (December 31, 2019:
17.05%) of the total accounts receivable was due from the five largest customers of the Company. The Company held no collateral or
other credit enhancement on balance of receivables.

The maximum amount of exposure to credit risk of the Company is the carrying amount of each financial asset on the balance sheet.

                                                                      Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

(II) Liquidity risk
Liquidity risk is the risk that the Company may encounter deficiency of funds in meeting obligations associated with cash or other
financial assets settlement, which is possibly attributable to failure in selling financial assets at fair value on a timely basis, or failure
in collecting liabilities from counterparts of contracts, or early redemption of debts, or failure in achieving estimated cash flows.

In order to control such risk, the Company utilized financing tools such as notes settlement, bank borrowings, etc. and adopts long
and short financing methods to optimizing financing structures, and finally maintains a balance between financing sustainability and
flexibility. The Company has obtained credit limit from several commercial banks to meet working capital requirements and

Financial instruments classified based on remaining time period till maturity

                                                                Closing balance
                                                Contract amount                                 1-3 years        Over 3
                           Carrying amount                               Within 1 year
                                               not yet discounted                                                years
 Bank borrowings              65,000,000.00         66,950,000.00          66,950,000.00
 Notes payable                76,135,010.10         76,135,010.10          76,135,010.10
 Accounts payable           604,765,586.00        604,765,586.00         604,765,586.00
 Other payable                49,714,907.25         49,714,907.25          49,714,907.25
 Long-term payable            13,217,880.13         13,614,416.53           9,457,171.68       4,157,244.85
   Subtotal                 808,833,383.48        811,179,919.88         807,022,675.03        4,157,244.85

                                                                Opening balance
                                                Contract amount                                 1-3 years        Over 3
                           Carrying amount                               Within 1 year
                                               not yet discounted                                                years
 Bank borrowings            451,915,948.50        465,473,426.95         465,473,426.95
 Notes payable                81,784,929.91         81,784,929.91          81,784,929.91
 Accounts payable           679,428,580.08        679,428,580.08         679,428,580.08
 Other payable                48,707,865.43         48,707,865.43          48,707,865.43
 Long-term payable            23,648,012.38         24,357,452.75          11,145,431.57     13,212,021.18
   Subtotal                1,285,485,336.30     1,299,752,255.12       1,286,540,233.94      13,212,021.18
(III) Market risk
Market risk is the risk that the Company may encounter fluctuation in fair value of financial instruments or future cash
flows due to changes in market price.
1. Interest risk
Interest risk is the risk that an enterprise may encounter fluctuation in fair value of financial instruments or future cash flows due to
changes in market interest. The Company’s fair value interest risks arise from fixed-rate financial instruments, while the cash flow
interest risks arise from floating interest financial instruments. The Company determines the proportion of fixed-rate financial
instruments and floating interest rate financial instruments based on the market environment, and maintains a proper financial
instruments portfolio through regular review and monitoring. The Company’s interest risk relates mainly to bank borrowings with
floating interest rate.

2. Foreign currency risk

                                                                      Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

Foreign currency risk is the risk arising from changes in fair value or future cash flows of financial instrument resulted from changes
in exchange rate. The Company’s foreign currency risk relates mainly to foreign currency monetary assets and liabilities.

Please refer to notes to financial statements for details in foreign currency financial assets and liabilities at the end of the period.

IX. Fair value disclosure

(I) Details of fair value of assets and liabilities at fair value at the balance sheet date
                                                              Fair value as of the balance sheet date
  Items                                        Level 1 fair Level 2 fair              Level 3 fair
                                                  value       value                      value                 Total
                                               measurement measurement                measurement
Recurring fair value measurement
 1. Receivables financing                                                              32,594,702.60        32,594,702.60
 2. Other equity instrument
                                                                                           741,953.00          741,953.00
Total assets at recurring fair value
                                                                                       33,336,655.60        33,336,655.60
(II) Valuation technique(s) and key input(s) for level 3 fair value at recurring and non-recurring fair measurement
1. For notes receivable, measured at par value.
2. For other equity instrument investments including Nanjing Yuhua Electroplating Factory and Hangzhou Honyar
Electrical Co.,Ltd., due to no changes of operating environment and conditions and financial conditions of the invested
enterprises, the Company measured at investment cost.
3. For other equity instrument investments including Beijing Likangpu Communication Equipment Co., Ltd., due to
deterioration of operating environment and conditions and financial conditions of the invested enterprises, the Company
measured at zero value.

X. Related party relationships and transactions
(I) Related party relationships

1. Parent company
(1) Details
       Parent                                                                                          Voting right
                                                   Business                              proportion
                      Place of registration                       Registered capital                 proportion over
    company                                         nature                                over the
                                                                                                    the Company (%)
                                                                                        Company (%)
                    No.2 Tudi 2 Road,
 China Potevio
                    Zhongguan Village            Information
 Information                                                       1,903,050,000.00          53.49              53.49
                    Economy Zone, Haidian        industry
 Industry Inc
                    District, Beijing
The Company’s ultimate controlling party is China POTEVIO Corporation Limited..

2. Please refer to section VII of notes to financial statements for details on the Company’s subsidiaries.

3. Joint ventures and associates of the Company
(1) Joint ventures and associates of the Company
Please refer to section VII of notes to financial statements for details on the Company’s significant joint ventures and

                                                             Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

associates. Details of other joint ventures or associates carrying out related party transactions with the Company in
current period or in preceding period but with balance in current period are as follows:
   Joint ventures or associates            Relationships with the Company

 SEI-Nanjing Potevio Optical                       Joint ventures
 Network Co., Ltd.

4. Other related parties of the Company
(1) Details
   Related parties                                            Relationships with the Company

 Nanjing Putian Information Technology                  An affiliated company of the ultimate
 Co., Ltd.                                                         controlling party
                                                        An affiliated company of the ultimate
 Potevio Hi-tech Industry Co., Ltd.
                                                                   controlling party
 Potevio innovation and Entrepreneurship                An affiliated company of the ultimate
 Management Co., Ltd                                               controlling party
 Nanjing Honyar Electrical Technology Co.,              An affiliated company of the ultimate
 Ltd.                                                              controlling party
                                                        An affiliated company of the ultimate
 Nanjing Honyar Electrical Co., Ltd.
                                                                   controlling party
 Shanghai Potevio Post and                              An affiliated company of the ultimate
 Telecommunications Technology Co., Ltd.                           controlling party

 Beijing Potevio Taili Communications                   An affiliated company of the ultimate
 Technology Co., Ltd.                                              controlling party

 Hangzhou Honyar Dongbei Photoelectric                  An affiliated company of the ultimate
 Technology Co., Ltd.                                              controlling party
 Shanghai Potevio Network Technology                   An affiliated company of the ultimate
 Co., Ltd.                                                        controlling party
                                                       An affiliated company of the ultimate
 POTEVIO Telecommunications Co., Ltd.
                                                                  controlling party
                                                       An affiliated company of the ultimate
 Potevio Information Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                  controlling party
 Beijing Likangpu Communication                        An affiliated company of the ultimate
 Equipment Co., Ltd.                                              controlling party
 Mennekes Electric Industrial(China) Co.,            Minority shareholders of subsidiaries of the
 Ltd.                                                                 company
                                                       An affiliated company of the ultimate
 Potevio Heping Technology Co., Ltd.
                                                                  controlling party
                                                       An affiliated company of the ultimate
 Hangzhou Honyar Electrical Co.,Ltd.
                                                                  controlling party
                                                       An affiliated company of the ultimate
 Potevio International Trading Co., Ltd.
                                                                  controlling party
 Chengdu Putian Telecommunications                      An affiliated company of the ultimate
 Cable Co.,Ltd.                                                    controlling party
                                                        An affiliated company of the ultimate
 Eastern Communications Inc.
                                                                   controlling party
                                                        An affiliated company of the ultimate
 Potevio Eastern Communications Co.,Ltd.
                                                                   controlling party
 Potevio Science & Technology Industrial                An affiliated company of the ultimate
 Co., Ltd.                                                         controlling party

                                                                     Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

   Related parties                                                   Relationships with the Company

 Tianjin Potevio Innovation and                                An affiliated company of the ultimate
 Entrepreneur Technology Co., Ltd.                                        controlling party
 Beijing Potevio Desheng Technology                            An affiliated company of the ultimate
 Incubator Co., Ltd                                                       controlling party
                                                               An affiliated company of the ultimate
 Putian New Energy (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
                                                                          controlling party
                                                               An affiliated company of the ultimate
 Wuhan Putian New Energy Co., Ltd
                                                                          controlling party

(II) Related party transactions
1. Purchase and sale of goods, rendering and receiving of services
(1) Details
1) Purchase of goods and receiving of services

   Related parties                Content of transaction                                        Preceding period
                                                              Current period cumulative
 Nanjing Potevio
 Honyar Electrical                                                         1,651,259.37                 134,874.07
 Technology Co., Ltd.
 Potevio Information              Telecommunication
                                                                              68,584.07                   22,123.89
 Technology Co., Ltd.                  products
2) Sale of goods and rendering of services

   Related parties                               Content of transaction      Current period       Preceding period
                                                                              cumulative            comparative
 Potevio Information Technology                Telecommunication
                                                                                  331,975.44           5,475,549.68
 Co., Ltd.                                          products
 China Potevio Information                     Telecommunication
                                                                                 1,759,578.23       191,688,219.39
 Industry Inc.                                      products
 Beijing Potevio Taili
 Communications Technology Co.,                                                      1,725.66             31,310.35
 Hangzhou Honyar Electrical                    Telecommunication
 Co.,Ltd.                                           products
 Eastern Communications Inc.                                                      273,476.12              14,641.59
 Potevio Eastern Communications                Telecommunication
                                                                                    22,641.51             16,300.00
 Co.,Ltd.                                           products
 Potevio Science & Technology                  Telecommunication
                                                                                    41,299.97           602,734.41
 Industrial Co., Ltd.                               products
 Potevio Telecommunications Co.,               Telecommunication
                                                                                 1,040,734.52          4,278,714.91
 Ltd.                                               products
 Beijing Potevio Desheng                       Telecommunication
 Technology Incubator Co., Ltd                      products
 Wuhan Putian New Energy Co.,                  Telecommunication
 Ltd                                                products

2. Related party leases
(1) Details
1) The Company as the lessee

                                                                            Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

          Lessors                                                 Lease expenses for             Lease expenses for the
                                     Types of asset leased
                                                                    current period                 preceding period
       Potevio Hi-tech
                                     Land and buildings                      796,113.90                         2,170,165.03
       Industry Co., Ltd.

      3. Related party guarantees
      (1) Details
      1) The Company and its subsidiaries as guarantors

          Guaranteed parties               Amount            Commencement          Maturity date      Whether the guarantee is
                                          guaranteed             date                                         mature
       Nanjing Southern                    10,000,000.00            2020/4/17              2021/1/8             No
       Telecom Co., Ltd
       Nanjing Southern                    10,000,000.00            2020/4/17             2021/4/17             No
       Telecom Co., Ltd
      2) The Company and its subsidiaries as guaranteed parties

          Guarantors                       Amount            Commencement          Maturity date      Whether the guarantee is
                                          guaranteed             date                                         mature
       China Potevio
       Information Industry                50,000,000.00             2019/6/5             2020/5/14             Yes
       China Potevio
       Information Industry                30,000,000.00             2020/1/3              2021/1/3             No
       China Potevio
       Information Industry                50,000,000.00           2020/10/19            2021/10/19             No

      4. Call loans between related parties

          Entrusted loans and interest expenses
                                                        Current period cumulative           Preceding period comparative
       with parent company

       Entrusted loans                                                                                       262,000,000.00
       Entrusted interest expenses                                       12,867,202.78                         13,560,288.33

      5. Assets transfer and debt restructuring of the related parties

 Related parties            Content of related party                                                                       Preceding period
                                                                 Pricing basis            Current period cumulative
                                 transactions                                                                                comparative
Potevio innovation
and Entrepreneurship             Equity transfer               Evaluation value                       227,492,228.00             61,032,085.88
Management Co.,
Potevio innovation
and Entrepreneurship             Equity transfer               Evaluation value                        43,431,600.00             42,385,183.68
Management Co.,
Potevio innovation
and Entrepreneurship             Assets transfer               Evaluation value                       110,383,600.00             60,170,295.26
Management Co.,
      (1) The company transferred its 49.64% equity of Potevio Hi-tech Industry Co., Ltd. to Potevio Innovation and Entrepreneur

                                                                 Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

Technology Co., Ltd. at a price of 227.49 million yuan, and the investment income confirmed in this transaction was 61.03 million
yuan. The transaction was appraised by Beijing zhongtianhua Assets Appraisal Co., Ltd. and the appraisal report of Zhongzi
Pingbaozi [2020] No. 10888 was issued. The 100% equity value of Putian hi tech Industry Co., Ltd. appraised is 458.28 million yuan,
and the corresponding 49.64% equity value is 227.49 million yuan. As of December 23, 2020, the company has received all the
above transfer price.
(2) The company transferred its 100.00% equity of Nanjing Putian Information Technology Co., Ltd. to Potevio Innovation and
Entrepreneur Technology Co., Ltd. at a price of 43.43 million yuan, and the investment income confirmed in this transaction was
42.39 million yuan. The transaction was evaluated by China Capital Asset Appraisal Co., Ltd. and issued the appraisal report of
Zhongzi Pingbaozi [2020] No. 412. The 100.00% equity value of Putian hi tech Industry Co., Ltd. was 43.43 million yuan. As of
December 23, 2020, the company has received all the above transfer price.
(3) The company transferred the land and real estate of No. 1 Putian road held by it to Potevio Innovation and Entrepreneur
Technology Co., Ltd. at a price of 110.38 million yuan, and the asset disposal income of 60.17 million yuan was confirmed in this
transaction. The transaction was evaluated by Beijing Zhongtianhua Assets Appraisal Co., Ltd. and issued the appraisal report of
Zhongzi Pingbaozi [2020] No. 10887. The estimated value of the land and real estate of No. 1 Putian Road is RMB 110.38 million
yuan. As of December 23, 2020, the company has received all the above transfer prices.

6. Key management’s emoluments

    Items                                         Current period cumulative        Preceding period comparative

 Key management’s emoluments                                 2,430,976.00                          1,796,209.00

(III) Balance due to or from related parties
1. Balance due from related parties

                                                     Closing balance                      Opening balance
   Items                Related parties
                                               Book balance     Provision for    Book balance       Provision for
                                                                 bad debts                           bad debts
                 China Potevio
                                               5,890,775.42     2,761,564.47     12,500,971.72      2,537,197.33
                 Information Industry Inc.
                 Potevio Information
                                               6,900,298.36       536,650.66     14,018,807.64        525,759.59
                 Technology Co., Ltd.
                 Shanghai Potevio
                 Network Technology Co.,         536,319.70       132,831.97        536,319.70        110,415.99
                 Shanghai Potevio Post
                                               8,755,534.00     8,755,534.00      8,755,534.00      8,755,534.00
                 and Technology Co., Ltd.
                 Eastern Communications
                                                  20,659.60            206.60        20,659.60              371.18
                 Potevio Eastern
                                                                                    127,974.15           3,182.80
                 Communications Co.,Ltd.
                 Telecommunications Co.,       4,317,924.00       168,855.00      5,193,281.30         84,350.07
                 Tianjin Potevio
                 Innovation and
                                                   4,546.26            454.63            4,546.26           227.31
                 Entrepreneur Technology
                 Co., Ltd.
                 Beijing Potevio Desheng
                 Technology Incubator            107,164.50          1,071.65
                 Co., Ltd

                                                                   Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

                                                         Closing balance                    Opening balance
   Items               Related parties
                                                  Book balance    Provision for     Book balance      Provision for
                                                                   bad debts                           bad debts
                 Potevio Company
                                                                                       629,899.32       311,049.45
 Subtotal                                         26,533,221.84   12,357,168.98    41,787,993.69      12,328,087.72
                 Potevio Heping
                 Technology Co., Ltd.
                 China Potevio
                 Information Industry Inc.
 Subtotal                                           420,000.00                         436,294.00
                 China Potevio
                                                   2,245,100.00    1,062,255.00       1,958,000.00      496,900.00
                 Information Industry Inc.
                 Potevio Eastern
                                                                                        30,000.00          1,500.00
                 Communications Co.,Ltd.
                 Potevio Information
                                                   1,203,052.00       60,152.60       1,203,052.00       60,152.60
                 Technology Co., Ltd.
                 Putian New Energy
                                                                                           1,150.06           57.50
                 (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
   Subtotal                                        3,448,152.00    1,122,407.60       3,192,202.06      558,610.10

2. Balance due to related parties

   Items                        Related parties                     Closing balance             Opening balance

                   SEI-Nanjing Potevio Optical Network
                                                                           20,220,725.66              20,530,725.66
                   Co., Ltd.
                   China Potevio Information Industry Inc.                 18,332,258.02              19,641,228.50
                   Nanjing Potevio Honyar Electrical Co.,
                   Shanghai Potevio Network Technology
                                                                               11,685.00                  11,685.00
                   Co., Ltd.
                   Mennekes Electric Industrial(China)
                   Co., Ltd.
                   Potevio Hi-tech Industry Co., Ltd.                         25,000.00                  25,000.00
                   Nanjing Potevio Honyar Electrical
                   Technology Co., Ltd.
 Subtotal                                                                  38,589,668.68              46,096,923.24
                   China Potevio Information Industry Inc.                  4,690,537.30               2,708,112.86

                   Potevio Company Limited.                                   13,239.48

                   Wuhan Putian New Energy Co., Ltd                           12,120.00

 Subtotal                                                                   4,715,896.78               2,708,112.86
                   SEI-Nanjing Potevio Optical Network
                   Co., Ltd.
                   Potevio Hi-tech Industry Co., Ltd.                       3,588,281.58               3,535,518.07

                                                                       Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

   Items                           Related parties                     Closing balance               Opening balance

                       Potevio Information Technology Co.,
                                                                                  555,000.00                 400,000.00
                       Potevio Telecommunications Co., Ltd.                       200,000.00                 200,000.00

                       China Potevio Information Industry Inc.                                               475,310.00

                       Potevio Company Limited.                                  9,580,000.00             14,580,000.00

 Subtotal                                                                       13,923,281.58             19,273,828.07

XI. Commitments and contingencies
(I) Significant commitments
(II) Contingencies

XII. Events after the balance sheet date

XIII. Other significant events
(I) Segment information
1. Identification basis for reportable segments
Reportable segments are identified based on operating segments which are determined based on the structure of the Company’s
internal organization, management requirements and internal reporting system. The Company identified reportable segments based
on products, which include video conferencing products, generic cable products, electrical products, wiring products, and other
products. Assets and liabilities shared by different segments are allocated pro rata among segments.
The Company identified reportable segments based on products, assets and liabilities of each segment are the actual amount of its
proportion in assets and liabilities, and revenue from main operations and cost of main operations are those generated or incurred by
each product segment.
2. Financial information of reportable segments
Products segment

      Items                                   Generic cable        Electrical      Wiring products    Inter-segment          Total
                                                products           products                             offsetting
   Revenue from
                           314,877,571.26 357,130,844.30         96,477,794.59 287,776,479.36         -55,183,049.81 1,001,079,639.70
   main operations
   Cost of main
                           260,805,089.88 277,322,277.49         71,403,862.96 268,702,106.80         -54,139,501.71      824,093,835.42
   Total assets            267,796,243.51 258,488,425.79 195,003,137.30 755,481,906.59 -309,161,302.37 1,167,608,410.82

   Total liabilities       180,341,049.02 169,790,901.71 143,153,401.62 605,149,628.24 -227,261,631.57                    871,173,349.02

XIV. Notes to items of parent company financial statements
(I) Notes to items of parent company balance sheet
1. Accounts receivable

                                                                     Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

(1) Details
1) Details on categories

                                                                     Closing balance

   Categories                            Book balance                   Provision for bad debts
                                                                                                        Carrying amount
                                      Amount          % to total        Amount           Provision
                                                                                       proportion (%)
 Receivables with provision
                                    59,944,074.91        17.44       59,944,074.91           100.00
 made on an individual basis
 Receivables with provision
                                   283,799,350.56        82.56       64,912,032.38              22.87 218,887,318.18
 made on a collective basis
   Total                           343,743,425.47       100.00 124,856,107.29                   36.32 218,887,318.18

                                                                     Opening balance

   Categories                           Book balance                  Provision for bad debts
                                                                                                      Carrying amount
                                     Amount         % to total        Amount         Provision
                                                                                   proportion (%)
 Receivables with provision
                                  31,829,378.66          6.28      31,411,610.66             98.69          417,768.00
 made on an individual basis
 Receivables with provision
                                 475,258,345.40        93.72       59,678,795.33             12.56      415,579,550.07
 made on a collective basis
   Total                         507,087,724.06       100.00       91,090,405.99             17.96      415,997,318.07

2) Accounts receivable with provision made on an individual basis

   Debtors                       Book balance        Provision for bad           Provision              Reasons for
                                                           debts               proportion (%)         provision made
 Dongpo Xi Laos Co., Ltd.         19,708,086.54          19,708,086.54                   100.00      Unable to collect

 Mr. Xu                           17,591,683.74          17,591,683.74                   100.00      Unable to collect

 China Tower Corporation                                                                             Unable to collect
                                  13,819,926.92          13,819,926.92                   100.00
 Nanjing Zhengqian
 Communication Technology          5,356,181.55           5,356,181.55                   100.00      Unable to collect
 Co., Ltd
 Nanjing Aerte photoelectric                                                                         Unable to collect
                                   3,468,196.16           3,468,196.16                   100.00
 Co., Ltd
   Subtotal                       59,944,074.91          59,944,074.91                   100.00

3) Accounts receivable with provision for bad debts made on an age analysis

                                                                       Closing balance
                                                                                                 Provision proportion
                                          Book balance             Provision for bad debts
 Within 1 year                                96,982,273.63                    969,822.74                         1.00
 1-2 years                                    44,989,354.77                  2,249,467.74                         5.00
 2-3 years                                    71,183,792.40                  7,118,379.24                        10.00
 3-4 years                                    17,541,941.61                  5,262,582.48                        30.00
 4-5 years                                      7,155,905.31                 3,577,952.66                        50.00

                                                                            Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

                                                                              Closing balance
                                                                                                         Provision proportion
                                                Book balance              Provision for bad debts
     Over 5 years                                    45,733,827.52                 45,733,827.52                         100.00
         Subtotal                                   283,587,095.24                 64,912,032.38                          22.89
    (2) Changes in provision for bad debts

                                                  Increase                                Decrease
 Items                Opening                                                                                           Closing
                      balance         Accrual        Recovery     Others       Reversal     Write-off    Others         balance
with provision
                 31,411,610.66      28,532,464.25                                                                    59,944,074.91
made on an
individual basis
with provision
                 59,678,795.33       5,233,237.05                                                                    64,912,032.38
made on a
collective basis
  Subtotal       91,090,405.99      33,765,701.30                                                                   124,856,107.29
    (3) Details of the top 5 debtors with largest balances

                                                                             Proportion to the total
         Debtors                                     Book balance                                          Provision for bad
                                                                              balance of accounts
                                                                                receivable (%)
     Dongpo Xi Laos Co., Ltd.                         19,708,086.54                              5.73             19,708,086.54

     Mr. Xu                                           17,591,683.74                              5.12             17,591,683.74
     Hegang branch of China Tower Co.,
                                                      13,819,926.92                              4.02             13,819,926.92
     Nanjing yuanzun Electromechanical
                                                      12,362,665.79                              3.60              2,353,301.27
     Equipment Co., Ltd
     Shenzhen Zhongchuang Electric
                                                      11,171,751.30                              3.25              1,117,175.13
     Measurement Technology Co., Ltd
         Subtotal                                     74,654,114.29                             21.72             54,590,173.60

    2. Other receivables
    (1) Details
    1) Details on categories

                                                                             Closing balance

         Categories                             Book balance                   Provision for bad debts
                                             Amount          % to total        Amount          Provision            amount
                                                                                             proportion (%)
     Receivables with provision made
                                          33,010,009.04         36.68       33,010,009.04              100.00
     on an individual basis
     Receivables with provision
                                          56,983,224.19         63.32        6,708,072.23               11.77     50,275,151.96
     made on a collective basis
         Total                            89,993,233.23        100.00       39,718,081.27               44.13     50,275,151.96

         Categories                                                          Opening balance

                                                                       Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

                                             Book balance                 Provision for bad debts
                                          Amount        % to total        Amount           Provision         amount
                                                                                         proportion (%)
 Receivables with provision made
                                     33,010,009.04          51.27      33,010,009.04           100.00
 on an individual basis
 Receivables with provision
                                     31,371,561.56          48.73       4,609,744.49             14.69     26,761,817.07
 made on a collective basis
   Total                             64,381,570.60        100.00       37,619,753.53             58.43     26,761,817.07

2) Other receivables with provision made on an individual basis

   Debtors                         Book balance           Provision for bad                                Reasons for
                                                                debts                                    provision made
 Beijing Likangpu
 Communication Equipment             28,912,122.71             28,912,122.71               100.00     Unable to collect
 Co., Ltd.
 Putian Communications                                                                                Unable to collect
                                         4,097,886.33           4,097,886.33               100.00
 (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.
   Subtotal                          33,010,009.04             33,010,009.04               100.00

3) Other receivables with provision made on a collective basis

                                                                Closing balance
                               Book balance                 Provision for bad debts          Provision proportion (%)

 Portfolio-Other                     58,864,402.62                       10,168,198.03                             17.27
   Subtotal                          60,443,349.99                       10,168,198.03                             16.82

(2) Ages

   Items                                                 Closing book balance                      Opening book balance

 Within 1 year                                                   38,298,614.15                             16,695,643.58
 1-2 years                                                           5,217,214.31                           9,027,575.59
 2-3 years                                                           7,373,694.63                           1,742,931.56
 3-4 years                                                           1,648,262.87                           1,528,457.97
 4-5 years                                                           1,321,643.00                             563,113.00
 Over 5 years                                                    36,133,804.27                             34,823,848.90
   Subtotal/Total                                                89,993,233.23                             64,381,570.60
(3) Changes in provision for bad debts

                                     Phase I                Phase II                   Phase III
   Items                            12 month Lifetime expected Lifetime expected                               Subtotal
                                     expected credit losses (credit credit losses (credit
                                   credit losses not impaired)           impaired)
 Opening balance                         704,333.65                                     36,915,419.88          37,619,753.53
 Opening balance in
 current period

                                                                     Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

                                         Phase I              Phase II              Phase III
   Items                             12 month Lifetime expected Lifetime expected                             Subtotal
                                      expected credit losses (credit credit losses (credit
                                    credit losses not impaired)           impaired)
 --Transferred to phase II
 --Transferred to phase III              -119,804.90                                       119,804.90
 --Reversed to phase II
 --Reversed to phase I
 Provision made in current
                                        -103,624.17                                    2,201,951.91            2,098,327.74
 Provision recovered in
 current period
 Provision reversed in
 current period
 Provision written off in
 current period
 Other changes
 Closing balance                         480,904.58                                  39,237,176.69            39,718,081.27
(4) Other receivables categorized by nature

    Nature of receivables                                                Closing balance                Opening balance

 Temporary advance payment receivable                                      76,617,770.01                  47,366,428.11
 Deposit as security                                                       10,992,593.44                  15,794,589.88

 Travel reserve fund                                                          796,798.91                     630,902.93
 Others                                                                     1,586,070.87                     589,649.68
    Total                                                                  89,993,233.23                  64,381,570.60
(5) Details of the top 5 debtors with largest balances

                                                                                  Proportion to the
   Debtors                  Nature of         Book balance          Ages                                   Provision for
                                                                                total balance of other
                           receivables                                                                       bad debts
                                                                                   receivables (%)
 Beijing Likangpu
                            advance                             Over 5 years
 Communication                                28,912,122.71                                    32.13      28,912,122.71
 Equipment Co., Ltd.
 China Potevio
                            Deposit as                            2-5 years
 Information                                   1,958,000.00                                      2.18      1,046,900.00
 Industry Inc.
 Far East
                            Financing                             1-2 years
 International                                 1,578,947.37                                      1.75                      -
 Leasing Co.,Ltd.
 Potevio Information
                            Deposit as                            2-3years
 Technology Co.,                               1,203,052.00                                      1.34         60,152.60
 Nanjing Putian
                            Deposit as                            1-5 years
 Communication                                  794,451.12                                       0.88        624,226.14
 Industry Co., Ltd
   Subtotal                                   34,446,573.20                                    38.28      30,643,401.45

3. Long-term equity investments

                                                                               Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

          (1) Details

                                            Closing balance                                     Opening balance
                                             Provision for      Carrying                          Provision for      Carrying
                            Book balance                                        Book balance
                                              impairment         amount                            impairment         amount
        Investments in
                       115,319,587.64        1,910,520.00 113,409,067.64       153,218,270.64     1,910,520.00 151,307,750.64
        Investments in
        associates and  10,422,056.96                         10,422,056.96    181,762,383.50                     181,762,383.50
        joint ventures
           Total       125,741,644.60        1,910,520.00 123,831,124.60       334,980,654.14     1,910,520.00 333,070,134.14

          (2) Investments in subsidiaries

                                                                                                          Provision for
                                                                                                                         Closing balance
  Investees                       Opening balance        Increase          Decrease    Closing balance     impairment
                                                                                                                         of provision for
                                                                                                         made in current
Nanjing Putian Changle
Telecommunications                   2,610,457.00                                        2,610,457.00
Equipment Co., Ltd.
Nanjing Putian Telege
                                     3,320,003.45                                        3,320,003.45
Intelligent Building Ltd.
Nanjing Southern Telecom Co.,
                                    33,175,148.00                                       33,175,148.00
Nanjing Nanman Electrics Co.,
                                    57,831,011.71                                       57,831,011.71
Nanjing Putian Network Co.,
                                     7,741,140.41                                        7,741,140.41
Nanjing Putian Datang
Information Electronic Co.,          5,436,797.07                                        5,436,797.07
Nanjing Putian
Telecommunication                    1,294,510.00                                        1,294,510.00
Technology Co., Ltd.
Nanjing Putian Wangzhi
                                    20,428,683.00     3,412,266.00    23,840,949.00
Electronic Co., Ltd.
Nanjing Bada Communication
                                     5,610,000.00                       5,610,000.00
Equipment Co., Ltd.
Nanjing Putian Information
                                    13,860,000.00                     13,860,000.00
Technology Co., Ltd.*
Putian Telecommunications
                                     1,910,520.00                                        1,910,520.00                        1,910,520.00
(H.K.) Co., Ltd.
Chongqing Puhua Information
                                                      2,000,000.00                       2,000,000.00
Technology Co., Ltd
   Subtotal                        153,218,270.64     5,412,266.00    43,310,949.00 115,319,587.64                           1,910,520.00

          (3) Investments in associates and joint ventures

          Investees             Opening balance                                          Investment income Adjustment in other
                                                     Investments        Investments
                                                                                          recognized under   comprehensive
                                                      increased          decreased
                                                                                            equity method        income
        Joint ventures

        SEI-Nanjing Potevio
        Optical Network Co.,      10,422,067.61                                                       -10.65

                                                                        Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

  Investees             Opening balance                                              Investment income Adjustment in other
                                             Investments        Investments
                                                                                      recognized under   comprehensive
                                              increased          decreased
                                                                                        equity method        income
  Subtotal                10,422,067.61                                                         -10.65

Potevio Hi-tech
                         171,340,315.89                        166,460,142.12            -4,769,972.97
Industry Co., Ltd.
  Subtotal               171,340,315.89                        166,460,142.12            -4,769,972.97
  Total                  181,762,383.50                        166,460,142.12            -4,769,972.97

      Investees                                  Cash                                                      balance of
                                                                                         Closing balance
                          Changes in        dividend/Profit Provision for                                provision for
                                                                              Others                      impairment
                          other equity       declared for    impairment
   Joint ventures

   Potevio Optical                                                                        10,422,056.96
   Network Co., Ltd.
      Subtotal                                                                            10,422,056.96

   Potevio Hi-tech
   Industry Co., Ltd.
      Subtotal                                 110,200.80
      Total                                    110,200.80                                 10,422,056.96

  (II) Notes to items of the parent company income statement
  1. Operating revenue/Operating cost
                                         Current period cumulative                    Preceding period comparative
                                     Revenue                  Cost                    Revenue                Cost

   Main operations                189,850,952.52           182,844,309.33        421,674,918.84           386,876,567.34
   Other operations                 14,466,948.04           16,357,549.35            12,229,061.04         10,560,944.21
      Total                       204,317,900.56           199,201,858.68        433,903,979.88           397,437,511.55

  2. Investment income
      Items                                           Current period cumulative            Preceding period comparative

   Investment income from long-term
   equity investments under cost                                  82,727,700.00                             9,153,400.00
   Investment income from long-term
                                                                     -4,769,983.62                          -297,833.76
   equity investments under equity

                                                                     Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

    Items                                           Current period cumulative            Preceding period comparative

 Gains on disposal of long-term
 equity investments
 Gains from derecognition of
 financial assets at amortized cost
    Total                                                      156,256,067.52                              8,855,566.24

XV. Other supplementary information
(I) Non-recurring profit or loss
1. Schedule of non-recurring profit or loss
(1) Details

    Items                                                                             Amount                Remarks
 Gains on disposal of non-current assets, including write-off
  of provision for impairment
 Government grants included in profit or loss (excluding
  those closely related to operating activities of the
  Company, satisfying government policies and                                             6,456,622.79
  regulations, and continuously enjoyed with certain
  quantity/quota based on certain standards)
 Other non-operating revenue or expenditures                                              1,135,543.03
   Subtotal                                                                             179,046,423.39
 Less: Enterprise income tax affected                                                      122,246.44
       Non-controlling interest affected (after tax)                                      2,566,581.35
 Net non-recurring profit or loss attributable to shareholders
 of the parent company

1. Details

                                                                                         EPS (yuan/share)
   Profit of the reporting period                   Weighted average
                                                      RONA (%)                      Basic EPS            Diluted EPS
 Net profit attributable to shareholders
                                                                      12.29                 0.1022              0.1022
 of ordinary shares
 Net profit attributable to shareholders
 of ordinary shares after deducting                                  -86.41                -0.7181              -0.7181
 non-recurring profit or loss
2. Calculation process of weighted average RONA

   Items                                                                      Symbols                Current period
 Net profit attributable to shareholders of ordinary shares                     A                         21,964,552.84
 Non-recurring profit or loss                                                   B                        176,357,595.60
 Net profit attributable to shareholders of ordinary shares after             C=A-B                    -154,393,042.76
 deducting non-recurring profit or loss
 Opening balance of net assets attributable to shareholders of                  D
 ordinary shares

                                                                    Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

   Items                                                                  Symbols              Current period
 Net assets attributable to shareholders of ordinary shares
 increased due to offering of new shares or conversion of                    E
 debts into shares
 Number of months counting from the next month when the                      F                      1,805,691.41
 net assets were increased to the end of the reporting period
 Net assets attributable to shareholders of ordinary shares
 decreased due to share repurchase or cash dividends                         G                             12.00
 Number of months counting from the next month when the                      H                        -77,806.80
 net assets were decreased to the end of the reporting period
                   Retranslation                                              J                             6.00

 Others            Number of months counting from the next
                   month when other net assets were increased                K                             12.00
                   or decreased to the end of the reporting
 Number of months in the reporting period                                    K                   178,680,787.90

 Weighted average net assets                                             L= D+A/2+
 Weighted average RONA                                                    M=A/L                           -86.41
3. Calculation process of basic EPS and diluted EPS

(1) Calculation process of basic EPS

   Items                                                                  Symbols              Current period
 Net profit attributable to shareholders of ordinary shares                  A                     21,964,552.84
 Non-recurring profit or loss                                                B                   176,357,595.60
 Net profit attributable to shareholders of ordinary shares after          C=A-B                 -154,393,042.76
 deducting non-recurring profit or loss
 Opening balance of total shares                                             D                   215,000,000.00
 Number of shares increased due to conversion of reserve to                  E
 share capital or share dividend appropriation
 Number of shares increased due to offering of new shares or                 F
 conversion of debts into shares
 Number of months counting from the next month when the                      G
 share was increased to the end of the reporting period
 Number of shares decreased due to share repurchase                          H

 Number of months counting from the next month when the                       I
 share was decreased to the end of the reporting period
 Number of shares decreased in the reporting period                           J

 Number of months in the reporting period                                    K                             12.00

 Weighted average of outstanding ordinary shares                    L=D+E+F×G/K-H×I/
 Basic EPS                                                                M=A/L                           0.1022

 Basic EPS after deducting non-recurring profit or loss                    N=C/L                         -0.7181
Calculation process of diluted EPS is the same as calculation process of basic EPS.

                                                         Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2020 Annual Report

               Section XIII. Documents Available for Reference

(i) Accounting statement bearing signature and seal of the legal representative, person in charge of accounting
works and person in charge of accounting institution of the Company
(ii) Original auditing report bearing seal of CPAs and signature and seal of CPA.
(iii) Text of notice and original draft that public on website appointed by CSRC within report period.

                                                                            Board of Directors of
                                                            Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.
                                                                                  20 April 2021
