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                                                                                Consolidated balance sheet
Preparation unit:Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.       2022/6/30                                              Unit:RMB

                                       Item                              Notes            2022/6/30                2021/12/31

Current assets:
    Cash and bank balances                                               V(1)                   131,450,037.72           188,665,530.37
    Held-for-trading financial assets                                    V(2)                                             20,000,000.00
    Derivative financial assets
    Notes receivable                                                     V(3)                     8,852,901.01            13,703,192.38
    Accounts receivable                                                  V(4)                   393,215,904.17           334,586,551.93
    Receivables financing                                                V(5)                    16,350,913.52            40,852,223.88
    Advances paid                                                        V(6)                    26,337,161.83            22,645,816.66
    Other receivable                                                     V(7)                    13,660,160.59            16,628,195.17
      Including: Interest receivable
        dividend receivable
    Inventories                                                          V(8)                   178,263,171.37           186,531,565.70
    Contract assets
    assets hold available for sale
    Non-current assets due within one year
    Other current assets                                                 V(9)                     4,784,402.16             7,763,000.07
                             Total current assets                                               772,914,652.37           831,376,076.16
Non-current assets:
    Debt investment
    Other debt investment
    Long-term receivable
    Long-term equity investments                                         V(10)                   10,422,192.16            10,422,193.15
    Other equity instrument investments                                  V(11)                        741,953.00                741,953.00
    Other non-current financial assets
    Investment property                                                  V(12)                    6,510,352.16             6,854,891.51
    Fixed assets                                                         V(13)                  114,216,914.49           117,801,156.71
    Construction in progress                                             V(14)                    1,182,171.32                  292,996.23
    Productive biological assets
    Oil and gas asset
 Right-of-use asset
    Intangible assets                                                    V(15)                   20,584,978.06            21,108,747.48
    Development expenditure
    Long-term prepayments                                                V(16)                    4,253,353.84             4,973,968.20
    Deferred tax assets                                                  V(17)
    Other non-current assets
                           Total non-current assets                                             157,911,915.03           162,195,906.28
                                  Total assets                                                  930,826,567.40           993,571,982.44

Legal Representative:                   Accounting Director:        Accounting Manager:

                              Consolidated balance sheet (continued)
Preparation unit:Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.2022/6/30                                              Unit:RMB
                               Item                                      Notes           2022/6/30             2021/12/31
Current liabilities:
    Short-term borrowings                                                V(18)             226,300,000.00         199,000,000.00
    Transactional financial liabilities
    Derivative financial liabilities
    Notes payable                                                        V(19)               1,250,000.00           1,251,741.17
    Accounts payable                                                     V(20)             478,365,312.80         538,363,742.94
    Advances received
    Contract liabilities                                                 V(21)                 19,029,759.47       18,884,024.60
    Employee benefits payable                                            V(22)                 17,810,279.35       19,445,171.68
    Taxes payable                                                        V(23)                  6,251,609.62        2,881,067.35
    Other payable                                                        V(24)                 66,204,911.49       64,006,795.08
       Including: Interest payable
         dividend payable                                                                      12,538,813.38        2,142,213.38
    Liability hold for sale
    Non-current liabilities due within one year                          V(25)                                      2,656,474.95
    Other current liabilities                                            V(26)               1,520,821.27           2,454,923.31
                     Total current liability                                               816,732,694.00         848,943,941.08
Non-current liability:
    Long-term borrowings
    Bonds payable
       Including: preferred shares
           Perpetual bond
 Lease liability
    Long-term payable
    Long-term employee compensation payable
    Deferred income
    Deferred income tax liabilities
    Other non-current liability
                   Total non-current liability
                          Total liability                                                  816,732,694.00         848,943,941.08
Owners' equity (or shareholders' equity):
    Share capital                                                        V(27)             215,000,000.00         215,000,000.00
    Other equity instrument
       Including: preferred shares
           Perpetual bond
    Capital reserve                                                      V(28)             197,864,174.08         197,864,174.08
    Less: treasury stocks
    Other comprehensive income (OCI)                                     V(29)                 -1,854,910.00       -6,819,637.82
    Special reserves
    Surplus reserve                                                      V(30)                  589,559.77            589,559.77
    Undistributed profit                                                 V(31)             -369,157,980.67       -341,446,683.34
Total owner's equity (or shareholders' equity) attributable to
                                                                                               42,440,843.18       65,187,412.69
                       the parent company
 Minority shareholders' equity                                                              71,653,030.22          79,440,628.67
        Total owner's equity (or shareholders' equity)                                     114,093,873.40         144,628,041.36
Total liabilities and owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity)                           930,826,567.40         993,571,982.44
Legal Representative:             Accounting Director:                   Accounting Manager:

                                          Parent Company Balance Sheet
Preparation unit:Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.2022/6/30                                         Unit:RMB

                              Item                               Notes            2022/6/30              2021/12/31

Current assets:
    Cash and bank balances                                                               16,061,627.27        36,485,015.68
    Held-for-trading financial assets
    Derivative financial assets
    Notes receivable                                                                       649,152.10            390,277.10
    Accounts receivable                                          XII(I)                 113,129,555.87       124,745,572.67
    Receivables financing                                                                 1,981,223.66         2,756,775.53
    Advances paid                                                                        14,592,117.77        15,353,338.77
    Other receivable                                             XII(II)                 35,351,146.99        28,544,036.00
      Including: Interest receivable
        dividend receivable                                                                600,000.00            600,000.00
    Inventories                                                                          48,766,852.21        48,126,590.30
    Contract assets
    assets hold available for sale
    Non-current assets due within one year
    Other current assets                                                                  1,004,041.49           379,332.63
                      Total current assets                                              231,535,717.36       256,780,938.68
Non-current assets:
    Debt investment
    Other debt investment
    Long-term receivable
    Long-term equity investments                                 XII(III)               123,831,260.80       123,831,261.79
    Other equity instrument investment                                                     741,953.00            741,953.00
    Other non-current financial assets
    Investment property
    Fixed assets                                                                         42,350,211.62        43,878,403.96
    Construction in progress
    Productive biological assets
    Oil and gas asset
      Right-of-use asset
    Intangible assets                                                                     4,463,053.85         4,644,068.97
    Development expenditure
    Long-term prepayments                                                                 3,620,874.07         4,192,313.07
    Deferred tax assets
    Other non-current assets
                   Total non-current assets                                             175,007,353.34       177,288,000.79
                           Total assets                                                 406,543,070.70       434,068,939.47

Legal Representative:              Accounting Director:           Accounting Manager:

                                Parent Company Balance Sheet (Continued)
Preparation unit:Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.2022/6/30                                             Unit:RMB

                                Item                                Notes           2022/6/30                2021/12/31
Current liabilities:
    Short-term borrowings                                                                  145,000,000.00        145,000,000.00
    Transactional financial liabilities
    Derivative financial liabilities
    Notes payable                                                                             1,250,000.00          1,251,741.17
    Accounts payable                                                                       153,233,196.52        170,302,775.78
    Advances received
    Contract liabilities                                                                      9,919,214.76          7,311,902.06
    Employee benefits payable                                                                 7,699,834.71          9,250,482.99
    Taxes payable                                                                              440,469.45             57,506.75
    Other payables                                                                         149,057,443.51        141,386,167.51
       Including: Interest payable
         dividend payable
    Liability hold for sale
    Non-current liabilities due within one year                                                                     2,656,474.95
    Other current liabilities                                                                  340,274.44            950,547.38
                      Total current liability                                              466,940,433.39        478,167,598.59
Non-current liability:
    Long-term borrowings
    Bonds payable
       Including: preferred shares
          Perpetual bond
 Lease liability
    Long-term payable
    Long-term employee compensation payable
    Deferred income
    Deferred income tax liabilities
    Other non-current liability
                   Total non-current liability
                           Total liability                                                 466,940,433.39        478,167,598.59
Owners' equity (or shareholders' equity):
    Share capital                                                                          215,000,000.00        215,000,000.00
    Other equity instrument
       Including: preferred shares
          Perpetual bond
    Capital reserve                                                                        158,864,042.34        158,864,042.34
    Less: treasury stocks
    Other comprehensive income (OCI)                                                         -1,854,910.00         -1,854,910.00
    Special reserves
    Surplus reserve                                                                            589,559.76            589,559.76
    Undistributed profit                                                                   -432,996,054.79       -416,697,351.22
        Total owner's equity (or shareholders' equity)                                      -60,397,362.69        -44,098,659.12
Total liabilities and owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity)                           406,543,070.70        434,068,939.47

Legal Representative:               Accounting Director:             Accounting Manager:

                                                       Consolidated Income Statement
Preparation unit:Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.                        From January to June 2022                                      Unit:RMB
                                                                                                                 Current period           Preceding period
                                           Item                                            Notes
                                                                                                                  cumulative                comparative
I. Operating revenue                                                                       V(32)                       407,312,616.35             451,878,610.43
  Less:Operating cost                                                                     V(32)                       323,444,209.14             357,433,868.99
     Taxes and surcharges                                                                  V(33)                          2,360,382.34              2,771,656.02
     Selling expenses                                                                      V(34)                         40,632,210.06             49,061,292.58
     Administrative expenses                                                               V(35)                         28,299,430.10             29,720,592.42
     R&D expenses                                                                          V(36)                         23,642,718.55             29,747,490.78
     Financial expenses                                                                    V(37)                          4,638,360.06              2,565,937.64
        Including:Interst expense                                                                                         5,291,794.15              2,798,625.53
            Interst income                                                                                                 779,954.73                410,149.62
   Add: other income                                                                       V(38)                          1,075,367.01              1,192,018.97
      Investment income (losses are listed with "-")                                       V(39)                         -5,753,130.77                       -1.19

        Including: investment income from associates and joint ventures                                                           -0.99                      -1.19

         Derecognition income of financial assets measured at amortized cost
     Net exposure hedging gain (loss are listed with "-")
     Gains from changes in fair value (losses are listed with "-")
     Credit impairment loss (losses are listed with "-")                                   V(40)                         -3,623,776.05             -2,408,210.40
     Assets impairment loss(losses are listed with "-")                                    V(41)                             -9,993.42
     Gain on assets disposal (loss are listed with "-")                                    V(42)                            59,868.36                  15,829.32
II. Operating profit(loss show as “-”)                                                                             -23,956,358.77            -20,622,591.30
  Plus: non-operating revenue                                                              V(43)                          2,742,228.49                 56,934.58
  Less: non-operating expenditures                                                         V(44)                            23,319.82                  61,544.99
III. Total profit (total loss is listed with "-")                                                                       -21,237,450.10            -20,627,201.71
  Deduct: income tax expense                                                               V(45)                          3,414,845.68              4,521,812.72
IV. Net profit (net loss is listed with "-")                                                                            -24,652,295.78            -25,149,014.43
(1) Classified by business continuity:
   1.Net profits from continuing operations                                                                             -24,652,295.78            -25,149,014.43
   2.Discontinued operating net profit
(2) Classified by ownership:
      1.Net profits belong to the parent company's owner                                                                -27,711,297.33            -29,593,867.19
      2.Minority shareholder gains and losses                                                                             3,059,001.55              4,444,852.76
V. Net after-tax of other comprehensive income                                                                            4,964,727.82               961,946.58
 (1) Net after-tax amount of other comprehensive income attributable to owners of
                                                                                                                          4,964,727.82               961,946.58
the parent company

 1) Other comprehensive income that cannot be reclassified into profit and loss

   1.Re-measurement of changes in defined benefit plans
   2.Other comprehensive income that cannot be transferred to profit or loss
under the equity method
   3.Changes in the fair value of other equity instrument investments
   4.Changes in fair value of the enterprise's own credit risk
  2) Other comprehensive income that will be reclassified into profit and loss                                            4,964,727.82               961,946.58
    1.Other comprehensive income that can be converted to profit or loss under the
equity method
   2.Changes in the fair value of other debt investments
   3.Amount of financial assets reclassified and included in other comprehensive
   4.Other debt investment credit impairment reserves
   5.Cash flow hedge reserve (the effective part of cash flow hedge gains and
   6.Translation difference of foreign currency financial statements                                                      4,964,727.82               961,946.58
(2) Net after-tax amount of other comprehensive income attributable to minority
VI. Total comprehensive income                                                                                          -19,687,567.96            -24,187,067.85
  (1) Total comprehensive income attributable to owners of the parent                                                   -22,746,569.51            -28,631,920.61
 (2) Total comprehensive income attributable to minority shareholders                                                     3,059,001.55              4,444,852.76
VII. Earnings per share
(1) Basic earnings per share                                                                                                      -0.13                      -0.14
(2) Diluted earnings per share                                                                                                    -0.13                      -0.14
Legal Representative:               Accounting Director:                Accounting Manager:

                                                    Parent company income statement
Preparation unit:Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.                       From January to June 2022                              Unit:RMB
                                                                                                          Current period           Preceding period
                                           Item                                          Notes
                                                                                                           cumulative                comparative
I. Operating revenue                                                                   XII(IV)                50,038,373.04             63,611,201.65
  Less:Operating cost                                                                 XII(IV)                46,478,802.30             59,096,001.19
     Taxes and surcharges                                                                                          470,537.41                891,562.48
     Selling expenses                                                                                            7,634,487.51             14,093,441.48
     Administrative expenses                                                                                    13,590,533.21             14,173,902.23
     R&D expenses                                                                                                2,099,006.16              4,771,057.66
     Financial expenses                                                                                          3,082,696.98              1,549,446.67
        Including:Interst expense                                                                                                          1,997,776.76
            Interst income                                                                                                                   498,022.08
   Add: other income                                                                                                                         232,500.00
      Investment income (losses are listed with "-")                                   XII(V)                  9,275,567.95              9,153,398.81
        Including: investment income from associates and joint ventures                                                    -0.99                  -1.19
         Derecognition income of financial assets measured at amortized cost
     Net exposure hedging gain (loss are listed with "-")
     Gains from changes in fair value (losses are listed with "-")
     Credit impairment loss (losses are listed with "-")                                                         -2,247,159.32               -55,949.44
     Assets impairment loss(losses are listed with "-")                                                              -9,993.42
     Gain on assets disposal (loss are listed with "-")                                                             11,078.62                 15,829.32
II. Operating profit(loss show as “-”)                                                                     -16,288,196.70           -21,618,431.37
  Plus: non-operating revenue                                                                                              0.30               22,004.66
  Less: non-operating expenditures                                                                                  10,507.17                 58,703.08
III. Total profit (total loss is listed with "-")                                                               -16,298,703.57           -21,655,129.79
  Deduct: income tax expense
IV. Net profit (net loss is listed with "-")                                                                    -16,298,703.57           -21,655,129.79
   (1) Net profits from continuing operations                                                                   -16,298,703.57           -21,655,129.79
   (2) Discontinued operating net profit
V.Other comprehensive income net of tax
(1) Comprehensive income not to be reclassified to profit or loss
     1. Changes in remeasurement of defined benefit obligations
     2. Other comprehensive income not to be reclassified to profit or loss in
     equity method
     3. Fair value changes in other equity instrument investments
     4. Fair value changes in the enterprise's own credit risk
(2) Comprehensive income to be reclassified to profit or loss
     1. Other comprehensive income to be reclassified to profit or loss in equity
     2. Gain or loss from fair value changes of other debt instruments
    3.Amount of financial assets reclassified and included in other comprehensive
     4. Credit impairment provision of other debt investment
    5.Cash flow hedge reserve (the effective part of cash flow hedge gains and
    6.Translation difference of foreign currency financial statements
VI. Total comprehensive income                                                                                  -16,298,703.57           -21,655,129.79
VII. Earnings per share:
     (1) Basic earnings per share
     (2) Diluted earnings per share
Legal Representative:               Accounting Director:              Accounting Manager:

                                            Consolidated statement of cash flow
Preparation unit:Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.                 From January to June 2022                               Unit:RMB
                                                                                                      Current period         Preceding period
                                    Item                                           Notes
                                                                                                       cumulative              comparative
I. Cash flow from operating activities:
     Cash received from the sale of goods and the provision of labor
                                                                                                            363,970,444.16          420,252,617.33
     Tax Refund                                                                                               2,247,311.40            1,054,350.93
    Other cash received relating to operating activities                            V(46)                    30,412,910.74           14,468,443.28
             Subtotal of cash inflow from operating activities                                              396,630,666.30          435,775,411.54
    Cash paid for purchasing goods and receiving labor services                                             329,573,224.21          373,073,984.06
    Cash paid to and for employees                                                                           96,370,956.21           95,944,470.91
    Various taxes and fees paid                                                                              12,364,394.53           22,940,276.09
    Other cash payments related to operating activities                             V(46)                    54,186,088.91           60,538,953.63
            Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities                                             492,494,663.86          552,497,684.69
                  Net cash flow from operating activities                                                   -95,863,997.56         -116,722,273.15
II. Cash flow from investment activities:
    Cash received from investment                                                                            20,000,000.00
    Cash received from investment income                                                                        337,205.48
    Net cash received from the disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets
                                                                                                                 71,200.00               31,890.00
    and other long-term assets
    Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other business
    Other cash received relating to investing activities
             Subtotal of cash inflows from investing activities                                              20,408,405.48               31,890.00
    Cash paid for the purchase and construction of fixed assets, intangible
                                                                                                              1,427,941.67            3,324,429.34
    assets and other long-term assets
    Cash Investment
    Net cash paid for acquiring subsidiaries and other business units
    Other cash paid relating to investing activities
            Subtotal of cash outflows from investing activities                                               1,427,941.67            3,324,429.34
                  Net cash flows from investing activities                                                   18,980,463.81           -3,292,539.34
III. Cash flow from financing activities:
    Absorb cash received from investment
     Including: cash received by the subsidiary from absorbing minority
    shareholders' investment
    Cash received from borrowing                                                                             45,900,000.00          140,500,000.00
    Other cash receipts related to financing activities
             Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities                                              45,900,000.00          140,500,000.00
    Cash paid for debt repayment                                                                             18,600,000.00           70,057,921.04
    Cash paid for dividends, profits, or interest payments                                                    6,123,632.11            7,991,968.37
     Including: dividends and profits paid by subsidiaries to minority
    Other cash payments related to financing activities                             V(46)                     1,138,717.12           39,813,078.92
            Subtotal of cash outflows from financing activities                                              25,862,349.23          117,862,968.33
                  Net cash flow from financing activities                                                    20,037,650.77           22,637,031.67
IV. The impact of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents                                             19,186.31              424,532.65
V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                                                -56,826,696.67          -96,953,248.17
Add: the balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the
                                                                                                            180,459,070.86          170,062,746.87
VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period                                           123,632,374.19           73,109,498.70

Legal Representative:             Accounting Director:                 Accounting Manager:

                                            Statement of cash flow of Parent Co.
Preparation unit:Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.                From January to June 2022                             Unit:RMB
                                                                                                  Current period          Preceding period
                                   Item                                          Notes
                                                                                                   cumulative               comparative
I. Cash flow from operating activities:
     Cash received from the sale of goods and the provision of labor
                                                                                                          64,382,978.54           75,606,543.56
     Tax Refund                                                                                            1,333,269.39               18,754.29
    Other cash received relating to operating activities                                                  15,236,826.00           38,473,620.39
             Subtotal of cash inflow from operating activities                                            80,953,073.93          114,098,918.24
    Cash paid for purchasing goods and receiving labor services                                           55,493,018.43           69,851,073.79
    Cash paid to and for employees                                                                        32,894,116.80           31,619,733.53
    Various taxes and fees paid                                                                            1,139,849.38            1,076,610.70
    Other cash payments related to operating activities                                                   16,633,930.15           50,209,315.10
           Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities                                           106,160,914.76          152,756,733.12
                 Net cash flow from operating activities                                                 -25,207,840.83           -38,657,814.88
II. Cash flow from investment activities:
    Cash received from investment
    Cash received from investment income                                                                   9,153,400.00            4,500,000.00
    Net cash received from the disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets
    and other long-term assets
    Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other business
    Other cash received relating to investing activities
            Subtotal of cash inflows from investing activities                                             9,153,400.00            4,531,890.00
    Cash paid for the purchase and construction of fixed assets,
    intangible assets and other long-term assets
    Cash Investment
    Net cash paid for acquiring subsidiaries and other business units
    Other cash paid relating to investing activities
            Subtotal of cash outflows from investing activities                                                1,000.00
                 Net cash flows from investing activities                                                  9,152,400.00            4,531,890.00
III. Cash flow from financing activities:
    Absorb cash received from investment
    Cash received from borrowing                                                                                                  95,000,000.00
    Other cash receipts related to financing activities                                                    1,000,000.00
            Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities                                             1,000,000.00           95,000,000.00
    Cash paid for debt repayment                                                                                                  35,057,921.04
    Cash paid for dividends, profits, or interest payments                                                 3,492,768.06              729,270.76
    Other cash payments related to financing activities                                                    1,738,717.12           41,391,500.00
           Subtotal of cash outflows from financing activities                                             5,231,485.18           77,178,691.80
                 Net cash flow from financing activities                                                  -4,231,485.18           17,821,308.20
IV. The impact of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents                                          18,860.82
V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                                             -20,268,065.19           -16,304,616.68
Add: the balance of cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the
                                                                                                          33,541,475.85           24,349,341.34
VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period                                         13,273,410.66            8,044,724.66

Legal Representative:             Accounting Director:                 Accounting Manager:

                                                                                                                     Consolidated statement of change of equity
Preparation unit:Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.                                                                                    From January to June 2022                                                                                                               Unit:RMB

                                                                                                                                                                       Current period
                                                                                                                                      Equity attributable to parent company
                            Item                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Minority
                                                                                          Other equity instruments                                                    Other                                                                                                      Total owner's equity
                                                        Paid-in capital (or                                                                      Less: treasury                          Special   Surplus                                               shareholders' equity
                                                                              Preferred stock Perpetual bond                 Capital reserve                      comprehensive                                 undistributed profit   Subtotal
                                                             equity)                                                 other                          stocks                              reserves   reserve

I. Balance at the end of the previous year                  215,000,000.00                                                      197,864,174.08                       -6,819,637.82                 589,559.77        -341,446,683.34    65,187,412.69           79,440,628.67          144,628,041.36

  Add: Accounting policy changes
    Correction of previous errors

         Merger of enterprises under the same control

II. Balance at the beginning of the year                    215,000,000.00                                                      197,864,174.08                       -6,819,637.82                 589,559.77        -341,446,683.34    65,187,412.69           79,440,628.67          144,628,041.36
III. The amount of increase or decrease in this year
                                                                                                                                                                      4,964,727.82                                    -27,711,297.33    -22,746,569.51           -7,787,598.45          -30,534,167.96
(decrease is listed with "-")
  (1) Total comprehensive income                                                                                                                                      4,964,727.82                                    -27,711,297.33    -22,746,569.51           3,059,001.55           -19,687,567.96
 (2) Owner's investment and reduction of capital

    1. Ordinary shares invested by the owner
    2. Capital invested by holders of other equity
    3. The amount of share-based payment included
    in owner's equity
    4. Other
 (3) Profit distribution                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        -10,846,600.00          -10,846,600.00
  1. Withdraw surplus reserve
  2. Distribution to owners (or shareholders)                                                                                                                                                                                                                   -10,846,600.00          -10,846,600.00
  3. Others
 (4) Internal transfer of owners' equity
   1. Conversion of capital reserve into capital (or
share capital)
   2. Conversion of surplus reserves into capital (or
   3. Surplus reserves make up for losses
   4. Carryover of retained earnings from changes in
the defined benefit plan
 5. Other comprehensive income carried forward to
retained earnings
   6. Other
 (5) Special reserve
  1. Withdraw special reserves
  2. Use special reserves
 (6) Others
IV. Balance at the end of the period                        215,000,000.00                                                      197,864,174.08                       -1,854,910.00                 589,559.77        -369,157,980.67    42,440,843.18           71,653,030.22          114,093,873.40

Legal Representative:                                         Accounting Director:                                           Accounting Manager:

                                                                                                      Consolidated statement of change of equity(Continued)
Preparation unit:Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.                                                                                  From January to June 2022                                                                                                               Unit:RMB

                                                                                                                                                                         Preceding period
                                                                                                                                      Equity attributable to parent company
                            Item                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Minority
                                                                                        Other equity instruments                                                       Other                                                                                                   Total owner's equity
                                                        Paid-in capital (or                                                                   Less: treasury                           Special   Surplus                                               shareholders' equity
                                                                                                                           Capital reserve                      comprehensive                                 undistributed profit   Subtotal
                                                             equity)          Preferred stock   Perpetual bond     other                           stocks                             reserves   reserve
I. Balance at the end of the previous year                  215,000,000.00                                                   183,568,842.44                           -6,853,931.65              589,559.77        -202,680,309.64    189,624,160.92         106,810,900.88          296,435,061.80
  Add: Accounting policy changes
    Correction of previous errors
         Merger of enterprises under the same control
II. Balance at the beginning of the year                    215,000,000.00                                                    183,568,842.44                         -6,853,931.65               589,559.77        -202,680,309.64    189,624,160.92         106,810,900.88          296,435,061.80
III. The amount of increase or decrease in this year
                                                                                                                               12,717,639.48                            961,946.58                                  -29,593,867.19    -15,914,281.13          -19,119,387.72          -35,033,668.85
(decrease is listed with "-")
  (1) Total comprehensive income                                                                                                                                        961,946.58                                  -29,593,867.19    -28,631,920.61           4,444,852.76           -24,187,067.85
 (2) Owner's investment and reduction of capital                                                                               12,717,639.48                                                                                           12,717,639.48          -12,717,640.48                   -1.00
    1. Ordinary shares invested by the owner
    2. Capital invested by holders of other equity
    3. The amount of share-based payment included
    in owner's equity
    4. Other                                                                                                                   12,717,639.48                                                                                           12,717,639.48          -12,717,640.48                   -1.00
 (3) Profit distribution                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      -10,846,600.00          -10,846,600.00
  1. Withdraw surplus reserve
  2. Distribution to owners (or shareholders)                                                                                                                                                                                                                 -10,846,600.00          -10,846,600.00
  3. Others
 (4) Internal transfer of owners' equity
   1. Conversion of capital reserve into capital (or
share capital)
   2. Conversion of surplus reserves into capital (or
   3. Surplus reserves make up for losses
   4. Carryover of retained earnings from changes in
the defined benefit plan
 5. Other comprehensive income carried forward to
retained earnings
   6. Other
 (5) Special reserve
  1. Withdraw special reserves
  2. Use special reserves
 (6) Others
IV. Balance at the end of the period                        215,000,000.00                                                    196,286,481.92                         -5,891,985.07               589,559.77        -232,274,176.83    173,709,879.79          87,691,513.16          261,401,392.95

Legal Representative:                                         Accounting Director:                                           Accounting Manager:

                                                                                                                                                - 10 -
                                                                                         Consolidated statement of change of equity of Parent Co.
Preparation unit:Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.                                                                From January to June 2022                                                                                                            Unit:RMB

                                                                                                                                                         Current period
                            Item                                                         Other equity instruments                                                          Other
                                                        Paid-in capital (or                                                                         Less: treasury
                                                                                                                                Capital reserve                       comprehensive       Special reserves   Surplus reserve    undistributed profit    Total owner's equity
                                                             equity)          Preferred stock    Perpetual bond     other                              stocks
I. Balance at the end of the previous year                  215,000,000.00                                                         158,864,042.34                         -1,854,910.00                            589,559.76         -416,697,351.22           -44,098,659.12
  Add: Accounting policy changes
    Correction of previous errors
II. Balance at the beginning of the year                    215,000,000.00                                                         158,864,042.34                         -1,854,910.00                            589,559.76         -416,697,351.22           -44,098,659.12
III. The amount of increase or decrease in this year
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       -16,298,703.57           -16,298,703.57
(decrease is listed with "-")
 (1) Total comprehensive income                                                                                                                                                                                                        -16,298,703.57           -16,298,703.57
 (2) Owner's investment and reduction of capital
    1. Ordinary shares invested by the owner
    2. Capital invested by holders of other equity
    3. The amount of share-based payment included
    in owner's equity
    4. Other
 (3) Profit distribution
  1. Withdraw surplus reserve
  2. Distribution to owners (or shareholders)
  3. Others
 (4) Internal transfer of owners' equity
   1. Conversion of capital reserve into capital (or
share capital)
   2. Conversion of surplus reserves into capital (or
   3. Surplus reserves make up for losses
   4. Carryover of retained earnings from changes in
the defined benefit plan
 5. Other comprehensive income carried forward to
retained earnings
   6. Other
 (5) Special reserve
  1. Withdraw special reserves
  2. Use special reserves
 (6) Others
IV. Balance at the end of the period                        215,000,000.00                                                         158,864,042.34                         -1,854,910.00                            589,559.76         -432,996,054.79           -60,397,362.69

Legal Representative:                                         Accounting Director:                                          Accounting Manager:

                                                                                                                                  - 11 -
                                                                              Consolidated statement of change of equity of Parent Co.(Continued)
Preparation unit:Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.                                                                From January to June 2022                                                                                                               Unit:RMB

                                                                                                                                                         Preceding period

                            Item                                                          Other equity instruments                                                       Other
                                                        Paid-in capital (or                                                                        Less: treasury
                                                                              Preferred stock     Perpetual bond               Capital reserve                       comprehensive          Special reserves   Surplus reserve    undistributed profit     Total owner's equity
                                                             equity)                                                 other                            stocks
I. Balance at the end of the previous year                 215,000,000.00                                                         158,864,042.34                            -1,854,910.00                            589,559.76         -290,016,155.43             82,582,536.67
  Add: Accounting policy changes
    Correction of previous errors
II. Balance at the beginning of the year                   215,000,000.00                                                         158,864,042.34                            -1,854,910.00                            589,559.76         -290,016,155.43             82,582,536.67
III. The amount of increase or decrease in this year
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          -21,655,129.79           -21,655,129.79
(decrease is listed with "-")
  (1) Total comprehensive income                                                                                                                                                                                                          -21,655,129.79           -21,655,129.79
 (2) Owner's investment and reduction of capital
    1. Ordinary shares invested by the owner
    2. Capital invested by holders of other equity
    3. The amount of share-based payment included
    in owner's equity
    4. Other
 (3) Profit distribution
  1. Withdraw surplus reserve
  2. Distribution to owners (or shareholders)
  3. Others
 (4) Internal transfer of owners' equity
   1. Conversion of capital reserve into capital (or
share capital)
   2. Conversion of surplus reserves into capital (or
   3. Surplus reserves make up for losses
   4. Carryover of retained earnings from changes in
the defined benefit plan
 5. Other comprehensive income carried forward to
retained earnings
   6. Other
 (5) Special reserve
  1. Withdraw special reserves
  2. Use special reserves
 (6) Others
IV. Balance at the end of the period                       215,000,000.00                                                         158,864,042.34                            -1,854,910.00                            589,559.76         -311,671,285.22             60,927,406.88

Legal Representative:                                          Accounting Director:                                          Accounting Manager:

                                                                                                                                 - 12 -
          Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.
                 Notes to Financial Statements
                                                         Monetary unit: RMB Yuan
     I.       Company profile
    Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. (the “Company”), whose predecessor is Nanjing

Telecommunication Facility Factory, was established as a limited liability company through

financing under the approval of National Economic Institutional Reform Commission with

document of approval numbered TGS [1997] 28 dated March 21, 1997. The Company is

headquartered in Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province. Currently it holds a business license with unified

social credit code of 91320000134878054G, with registered capital of 215,000,000.00 yuan, total

share of 215,000,000.00 shares, with par value of 1 yuan per share. Among them, 115,000,000 shares

are state-owned legal person shares, and 100,000,000 shares are B shares. The Company was listed

on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on May 22, 1997.

    The Company belongs to telecommunication equipment manufacture industry and is mainly

engaged in R&D, production, and sale of data, wire and wireless telecommunication equipment,

distribution and allocation of layout of telecommunication product, multimedia computer, digital

television, vehicle electronics and conference video system. R & D, manufacturing and sales of new

energy vehicle charging products and their accessories (including electric vehicle charger charging

module, charging station system, split charging cabinet, outdoor integrated pile, various AC and DC

charging piles and other accessories); Design and sales of new energy charging and discharging

overall solutions; Electric vehicle charging operation and maintenance. R & D and sales of software

and intelligent software platform. Smart city, smart elderly care and other industry information

services. R & D, manufacturing, sales, installation and service of video equipment and video

conference system. Agent sales of communication modified vehicles (excluding wholesale), and

provide corresponding after-sales service. Design, system integration and related consulting services

of communication information network engineering and computer information system engineering.

Design, construction, installation and service of building intelligent system engineering. Lease of

self owned assets such as houses and equipment.

    The financial statements have been deliberated and approved for issue by the Board of
                                                - 13 -
Directors dated August 19, 2022.

     The Company has brought 8 subsidiaries including Nanjing Southern Telecom Co., Ltd, and

Nanjing PutianTelege Intelligent Building Co., Ltd. etc. into the consolidated scope. Please refer to

notes of VI and VII for details.

     II. Preparation basis of the financial statements
     (I) Preparation basis

     The financial statements of the Company are prepared on the basis of going concern, based on

actual transactions and events, in accordance with the Accounting Standards for Business

Enterprises-Basic Standards and specific Accounting Standards promulgated by the Ministry of

Finance (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises")

and based on the important accounting policies and accounting estimates described below.

     (II) Assessment of the ability to continue as a going concern

     The Company has no events or conditions that may cast significant doubts upon the Company’s

ability to continue as a going concern within the 12 months after the balance sheet date.

     III. Significant accounting policies and estimates
     Important note: The Company has formulated specific accounting policies and estimates for

transactions or matters such as impairment of financial instruments, depreciation of fixed assets,

amortization of intangible assets and revenue recognition according to the actual characteristics of

production and operation.

     (I)      Statement of compliance

     The financial statements prepared by the Company comply with the requirements of the

Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and truly and completely reflect the financial

position of the Company as of June 30, 2022, the operating results and cash flows of the year from

January to June 2022 and other relevant information.

     (II)     Accounting period

     The accounting year of the Company runs from January 1 to December 31 under the Gregorian


     (III)    Operating cycle

     The Company has a relatively short operating cycle for its business, an asset or a liability is
                                                 - 14 -
classified as current if it is expected to be realized or due within 12 months.

     (IV)     Functional currency

     The Company’s functional currency is Renminbi (RMB) Yuan.

     (V) Accounting treatments of business combination under and not under common control

     1. Accounting treatment of business combination under common control

     Of a long-term equity investment under the same control enterprise merger form combined

party to pay in cash, transfers non-cash assets or bear debt, as a merger of consideration, the

company owners' equity on the combining date according to the combined party on the final the

share of the book value of the control side of the consolidated financial statements as the initial cost

of the long-term equity investment. If the merging party issues equity instruments as the merger

consideration, the total par value of the issued shares shall be used as the share capital. The

difference between the initial investment cost of long-term equity investment and the book value of

the combined consideration (or the total face value of the issued shares) shall be adjusted to the

capital reserve; If the capital reserve is insufficient to offset, the retained earnings shall be adjusted.

     2. Accounting treatment of business combination not under common control

     For business combinations not under the same control, the merger cost is the sum of the fair

value of the assets paid by the purchaser, the liabilities incurred or assumed and the equity securities

issued by the purchaser on the purchase date in order to gain control over the acquired purchaser.

The identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities of the purchased party that are acquired in

a business combination under different control and meet the recognition conditions shall be

measured at fair value on the purchase date. The difference between the buyer's cost of the merger

and the fair value share of the identifiable net assets of the acquiree obtained in the merger is

reflected as the value of goodwill. If the merger cost is less than the fair value share of the

identifiable net assets of the acquiree obtained in the merger, the difference between the merger cost

and the fair value share of the identifiable net assets of the acquiree obtained in the merger shall be

included in the non-operating income of the current period.

     (VI)     Compilation method of consolidated financial statements

     The parent company brings all its controlled subsidiaries into the consolidation scope. The

consolidated financial statements are compiled by the parent company according to “CASBE 33 –
                                                    - 15 -
Consolidated Financial Statements”, based on relevant information and the financial statements of

the parent company and its subsidiaries.

     (VII) Classification of joint arrangements and accounting treatment of joint operations

     1. Classification of joint venture arrangements

     Joint venture arrangement is divided into joint venture and joint venture. If the joint venture

arrangement is not reached by a single entity, it shall be classified as joint operation. A separate

subject refers to a subject with a separate identifiable financial structure, including a separate legal

entity and a subject without legal entity qualification but recognized by law. A joint venture

arrangement through a separate entity, usually classified as a joint venture. Where the rights and

obligations of the party under the joint venture arrangement have changed due to changes in relevant

facts and circumstances, the party shall reassess the classification of the joint venture arrangement.

     2. Accounting for joint operations

      As a participant in the joint operation, the Company shall recognize the following items related

to the share of interests in the joint operation and conduct accounting treatment in accordance with

the relevant accounting standards for enterprises: recognize the assets or liabilities held separately

and recognize the assets or liabilities held jointly according to the share; Recognize the revenue

generated from the sale of the share of output enjoyed by the joint operation; To recognize the

revenue generated by the sale of the output of the joint operation according to its share; Recognize

expenses incurred separately and expenses incurred in joint operations by share.

     The Company is a participant without joint control over the joint operation. If the company

enjoys the relevant assets of the joint operation and bears the relevant liabilities of the joint operation,

it shall conduct accounting treatment according to the provisions of the joint operation participant;

Otherwise, according to the provisions of the relevant enterprise accounting standards for accounting


     3. Accounting treatment of joint venture

     The company is the joint venture party, in accordance with the "Accounting Standards for

Enterprises No. 2 - Long-term Equity investment" for the joint venture investment accounting

treatment; The Company is not a joint venture party, according to the extent of the impact on the

joint venture accounting treatment.
                                                   - 16 -
     (VIII)   Recognition criteria of cash and cash equivalents

     Cash as presented in cash flow statement refers to cash on hand and deposit on demand for

payment. Cash equivalents refer to short-term, highly liquid investments that can be readily

converted to cash and that are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.

     (IX) Foreign currency translation

     1. Translation of foreign currency business

     When a foreign currency transaction is initially recognized, it shall be converted into RMB

amount at the spot rate on the date of transaction. On the balance sheet date, foreign currency

monetary items shall be converted at the spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date. The exchange

difference due to different exchange rates shall be recorded into current profit and loss, except for

the exchange difference of principal and interest of foreign currency special borrowings related to

the purchase and construction of assets eligible for capitalization. Foreign currency non-monetary

items measured at historical cost shall still be converted at the spot exchange rate on the date of

transaction without changing the RMB amount; Foreign currency non-monetary items measured at

fair value shall be converted at the spot exchange rate on the date of determination of fair value, and

the difference shall be included in current profits and losses or other comprehensive income.

     2. Translation of financial statements measured in foreign currency

     The assets and liabilities in the balance sheet are translated into RMB at the spot rate at the

balance sheet date; the equity items, other than undistributed profit, are translated at the spot rate at

the transaction date; the revenues and expenses in the income statement are translated into RMB at

the spot exchange rate at the transaction date. The difference arising from the aforementioned

foreign currency translation is included in other comprehensive income.
     (X) Financial instruments

     1. Classification of financial assets and financial liabilities

     Financial assets are classified into the following three categories when initially recognized: (1)

financial assets at amortized cost; (2) financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive

income; (3) financial assets at fair value through profit or loss.

     Financial liabilities are classified into the following four categories when initially recognized:

(1) 17 financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss; (2) financial liabilities that arise when a

                                                    - 17 -
transfer of a financial asset does not qualify for derecognition or when the continuing involvement

approach applies; (3) financial guarantee contracts not fall within the above categories (1) and (2),

and commitments to provide a loan at a below-market interest rate, which do not fall within the

above category (1); (4) financial liabilities at amortized cost.

     2. Recognition criteria, measurement method and derecognition condition of financial assets

and financial liabilities

     (1) Recognition criteria and measurement method of financial assets and financial liabilities

     When the Company becomes a party to a financial instrument, it is recognized as a financial

asset or financial liability. The financial assets and financial liabilities initially recognized by the

Company are measured at fair value; for the financial assets and liabilities at fair value through profit

or loss, the transaction expenses thereof are directly included in profit or loss; for other categories of

financial assets and financial liabilities, the transaction expenses thereof are included into the

initially recognized amount. However, at initial recognition, for accounts receivable that do not

contain a significant financing component or contracts in which the financing components with

associated period less than one year are not considered, the Company measures at their transaction

price in accordance with “CASBE 14 – Revenues”.

     (2) Subsequent measurement of financial assets

     1) Financial assets measured at amortized cost The Company measures its financial assets at the

amortized costs using effective interest method. Gains or losses on financial assets that are measured

at amortized cost and are not part of hedging relationships shall be included into profit or loss when

the financial assets are derecognized, reclassified, amortized using effective interest method or

recognized with impairment loss.

     2) Debt instrument investments at fair value through other comprehensive income The

Company measures its debt instrument investments at fair value. Interests, impairment gains or

losses, and gains and losses on foreign exchange that calculated using effective interest method shall

be included into profit or loss, while other gains or losses are included into other comprehensive

income. Accumulated gains or losses that initially recognized as other comprehensive income should

be transferred out into profit or loss when the financial assets are derecognized.

                                                   - 18 -
     3) Equity instrument investments at fair value through other comprehensive income The

Company measures its equity instrument investments at fair value. Dividends obtained (other than

those as part of investment cost recovery) shall be included into profit or loss, while other gains or

losses are included into other comprehensive income. Accumulated gains or losses that initially

recognized as other comprehensive income should be transferred out into retained earnings when the

financial assets are derecognized.

     4) Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co.,

Ltd. 2021 Annual Report 136 The Company measures its financial assets at fair value. Gains or

losses arising from changes in fair value (including interests and dividends) shall be included into

profit or loss, except for financial assets that are part of hedging relationships.

     (3) Subsequent measurement of financial liabilities

     1) Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss Financial liabilities at fair value

through profit or loss include held-for-trading financial liabilities (including derivatives that are

liabilities) and financial liabilities designated as at fair value through profit or loss. The Company

measures such kind of liabilities at fair value. The amount of changes in the fair value of the

financial liabilities that are attributable to changes in the Company’s own credit risk shall be

included into other comprehensive income, unless such treatment would create or enlarge accounting

mismatches in profit or loss. Other gains or losses on those financial liabilities (including interests,

changes in fair value that are attributable to reasons other than changes in the Company’s own credit

risk) shall be included into profit or loss, except for financial liabilities that are part of hedging

relationships. Accumulated gains or losses that originally recognized as other comprehensive income

should be transferred out into retained earnings when the financial liabilities are derecognized.

     2) Financial liabilities that arise when a transfer of a financial asset does not qualify for

derecognition or when the continuing involvement approach applies The Company measures its

financial liabilities in accordance with “CASBE 23 – Transfer of Financial Assets”.

     3) Financial guarantee contracts not fall within the above categories 1) and 2), and

commitments to provide a loan at a below-market interest rate, which do not fall within the above

category 1) The Company measures its financial liabilities at the higher of: a. the amount of loss

                                                   - 19 -
allowances in accordance with impairment requirements of financial instruments; b. the amount

initially recognized less the amount of accumulated amortization recognized in accordance with

“CASBE 14 – Revenues”.

     4) Financial liabilities at amortized cost The Company measures its financial liabilities at

amortized cost using effective interest method. Gains or losses on financial liabilities that are

measured at amortized cost and are not part of hedging relationships shall be included into profit or

loss when the financial liabilities are derecognized and amortized using effective interest method.

     (4) Derecognition of financial assets and financial liabilities

     1) Financial assets are derecognized when:

     a. the contractual rights to the cash flows from the financial assets expire;

     b. the financial assets have been transferred and the transfer qualifies for derecognition in

accordance with “CASBE 23 – Transfer of Financial Assets”.

     2) Only when the underlying present obligations of a financial liability are relieved totally or

partly may the financial liability be derecognized accordingly.

     3. Recognition criteria and measurement method of financial assets transfer

     Where the Company has transferred substantially all of the risks and rewards related to the

ownership of the financial asset, it derecognizes the financial asset, and any right or liability arising

from such transfer is recognized independently as an asset or a liability. If it retained substantially all

of the risks and rewards related to the ownership of the financial asset, it continues recognizing the

financial asset. Where the Company does not transfer or retain substantially all of the risks and

rewards related to the ownership of a financial asset, it is dealt with according to the circumstances

as follows respectively: (1) if the Company does not retain its control over the financial asset, it

derecognizes the financial asset, and any right or liability arising from such transfer is recognized

independently as an asset or a liability; (2) if the Company retains its control over the financial asset,

according to the extent of its continuing involvement in the transferred financial asset, it recognizes

the related financial asset and recognizes the relevant liability accordingly.

     If the transfer of an entire financial asset satisfies the conditions for derecognition, the

difference between the amounts of the following two items are included in profit or loss: (1) the

                                                   - 20 -
carrying amount of the transferred financial asset as of the date of derecognition; (2) the sum of

consideration received from the transfer of the financial asset, and the accumulative amount of the

changes of the fair value originally included in other comprehensive income proportionate to the

transferred financial asset (financial assets transferred refer to debt instrument investments at fair

value through other comprehensive income). If the transfer of financial asset partially satisfies the

conditions to derecognition, the entire carrying amount of the transferred financial asset is, between

the portion which is derecognized and the portion which is not, apportioned according to their

respective relative fair value, and the difference between the amounts of the following two items are

included into profit or loss: (1) the carrying amount of the portion which is derecognized; (2) the

sum of consideration of the portion which is derecognized, and the portion of the accumulative

amount of the changes in the fair value originally included in other comprehensive income which is

corresponding to the portion which is derecognized (financial assets transferred refer to debt

instrument investments at fair value through other comprehensive income).

     4. Fair value determination method of financial assets and liabilities

     The Company uses valuation techniques that are appropriate in the circumstances and for which

sufficient data are available to measure fair value. The inputs to valuation techniques used to

measure fair value are arranged in the following hierarchy and used accordingly:

     (1) Level 1 inputs are unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or

liabilities that the Company can access at the measurement date.

     (2) Level 2 inputs are inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are

observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly. Level 2 inputs include: quoted prices

for similar assets or liabilities in active Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual

Report 138 markets; quoted prices for identical or similar assets or liabilities in markets that are not

active; inputs other than quoted prices that are observable for the asset or liability, for example,

interest rates and yield curves observable at commonly quoted intervals; market-corroborated inputs;

     (3) Level 3 inputs are unobservable inputs for the asset or liability. Level 3 inputs include

interest rate that is not observable and cannot be corroborated by observable market data at

commonly quoted intervals, historical volatility, future cash flows to be paid to fulfill the disposal

                                                   - 21 -
obligation assumed in business combination, and financial forecast developed using the Company’s

own data, etc.

     5. Impairment of financial instruments

     (1) Measurement and accounting treatment

     The Company, on the basis of expected credit loss, recognizes loss allowances of financial

assets at amortized cost, debt instrument investments, contract assets or leases receivable at fair

value through other comprehensive income, loan commitments other than financial liabilities at fair

value through profit or loss, financial guarantee contracts not belong to financial liabilities at fair

value through profit or loss or financial liabilities that arise when a transfer of a financial asset does

not qualify for derecognition or when the continuing involvement approach applies.

     Expected credit losses refer to the weighted average of credit losses with the respective risks of

a default occurring as the weights. Credit loss refers to the difference between all contractual cash

flows that are due to the Company in accordance with the contract and all the cash flows that the

Company expects to receive (i.e. all cash shortfalls), discounted at the original effective interest rate.

Among which, purchased or originated credit-impaired financial assets are discounted at the credit-

adjusted effective interest rate.

     At the balance sheet date, the Company shall only recognize the cumulative changes in the

lifetime expected credit losses since initial recognition as a loss allowance for purchased or

originated credit-impaired financial assets.

     For accounts receivable and contract assets that do not contain a significant financing

component or financing components in contracts with associated period less than one year that are

not considered by the Company, which result from transactions as regulated in ―CASBE 14 –

Revenues‖, the Company chooses simplified approach to measure the loss allowance at an amount

equal to lifetime expected credit losses.

     For financial assets other than the above, on each balance sheet date, the Company shall assess

whether the credit risk on the financial instrument has increased significantly since initial

recognition. The Company shall measure the loss allowance for the financial instrument at an

amount equal to the lifetime expected credit losses if the credit risk on that financial instrument has

                                                  - 22 -
increased significantly since initial recognition; otherwise, the Company shall measure the loss

allowance for that financial instrument at an amount equal to 12-month expected credit loss.

     Considering reasonable and supportable forward-looking information, the Company compares

the risk of a default occurring on the financial instrument as at the balance sheet date with the risk of

a default occurring on the financial instrument as at the date of initial recognition, so as to assess

whether the credit risk on the financial instrument has increased significantly since initial


     The Company may assume that the credit risk on a financial instrument has not increased

significantly since initial recognition if the financial instrument is determined to have relatively low

credit risk at the balance sheet date.

     The Company shall estimate expected credit risk and measure expected credit losses on an

individual or a collective basis. When the Company adopts the collective basis, financial instruments

are grouped with similar credit risk features.

     The Company shall remeasure expected credit loss on each balance sheet date, and increased or

reversed amounts of loss allowance arising therefrom shall be included into profit or loss as

impairment losses or gains. For a financial asset measured at amortized cost, the loss allowance

reduces the carrying amount of such financial asset presented in the balance sheet; for a debt

investment measured at fair value through other comprehensive income, the loss allowance shall be

recognized in other comprehensive income and shall not reduce the carrying amount of such

financial asset.

     (2) Financial instruments with expected credit risk assessed and expected credit losses

measured on a collective basis
                                                     Basis for
                                                                     Method for measuring expected credit
 Items                                           determination of
 Other receivables – Portfolio grouped with
 consolidated related parties                                       Based on historical credit loss
                                                                    experience, the current situation and the
 Other receivables – Portfolio grouped with
                                                    Nature of       forecast of future economic conditions,
 deposit receivables
                                                   receivables      calculate expected credit loss through
 Other receivables – Portfolio grouped with
                                                                    exposure at default and 12-month or
 export tax rebate
                                                                    lifetime expected credit loss rate.
 Other receivables – Other portfolio

     (3) Accounts receivable and contract assets with expected credit losses measured on a collective


                                                    - 23 -
     1) Specific portfolios and method for measuring expected credit loss
  Items                                      Basis for                   Method for measuring expected credit loss
                                      determination of
Bank acceptance receivable                                         Based on historical credit loss experience, the current
                                                                   situation and the forecast of future economic
                                   Type of notes                   conditions, calculate expected credit loss through
Trade acceptance receivable                                        exposure at default and lifetime expected credit loss
                                                                   Based on historical credit loss experience, the current
Accounts receivable –Portfolio    Consolidated          related   situation and the forecast of future economic
grouped with consolidated                                          conditions, prepare the comparison table of overdue
related parties                                                    ages and lifetime expected credit loss rate of accounts
                                                                   receivable, so as to calculate expected credit loss.
                                                                   Based on historical credit loss experience, the current
                                                                   situation and the forecast of future economic
Accounts receivable – Portfolio   Aging                           conditions, calculate expected credit loss through
                                                                   aging of receivables and lifetime expected credit loss

     2) Accounts receivable – comparison table of ages and lifetime expected credit loss rate of

portfolio grouped with ages
                          Ages                                                 Expected credit loss rate (%)
Within 1 year (inclusive, the same hereinafter)                                             1.00
1-2 years                                                                                   5.00
2-3 years                                                                                  10.00
3-4 years                                                                                  30.00
4-5 years                                                                                  50.00
Over 5 years                                                                               100.00

     6. Offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities

     Financial assets and financial liabilities are presented separately in the balance sheet and are not

offset. However, the Company offsets a financial asset and a financial liability and presents the net

amount in the balance sheet when, and only when, the Company: (a) currently has a legally

enforceable right to set off the recognized amounts; and (b) intends either to settle on a net basis, or

to realize the asset and settle the liability simultaneously.

     For a transfer of a financial asset that does not qualify for derecognition, the Company does not

offset the transferred asset and the associated liability.

     (XI) Inventories

     1. Classification of inventories

     Inventories include finished goods or goods held for sale in the ordinary course of business,

                                                              - 24 -
work in process in the process of production, and materials or supplies etc. to be consumed in the

production process or in the rendering of services.

     2. Accounting method for dispatching inventories:

     Inventories dispatched from storage are accounted for with weighted average method.

     3. Basis for determining net realizable value

     At the balance sheet date, inventories are measured at the lower of cost and net realizable value;

provisions for inventory write-down are made on the excess of its cost over the net realizable value.

The net realizable value of inventories held for sale is determined based on the amount of the

estimated selling price less the estimated selling expenses and relevant taxes and surcharges in the

ordinary course of business; the net realizable value of materials to be processed is determined based

on the amount of the estimated selling price less the estimated costs of completion, selling expenses

and relevant taxes and surcharges in the ordinary course of business; at the balance sheet date, when

only part of the same item of inventories have agreed price, their net realizable value is determined

separately and is compared with their costs to set the provision for inventory write-down to be made

or reversed.

     4. Inventory system

     Perpetual inventory method is adopted.

     5. Amortization method of low-value consumables and packages

     (1) Low-value consumables

     Low-value consumables are amortized with one-off method.

     (2) Packages

     Packages are amortized with one-off method.

     (XII)     Contract assets and contract liabilities

     1. Contract assets
     The Company presents as a contractual asset the right to receive consideration for goods or

services transferred to the Customer, subject to factors other than the passage of time. Provision for

impairment of contracted assets shall be made according to the expected credit loss method of

financial instruments. For contract assets that do not contain a material financing component, the

Company adopts a simplified method to measure loss provisions. For contract assets that contain

                                                  - 25 -
significant financing components, the Company measures loss provisions in accordance with the

general method.

     In case of impairment loss on contract assets, "asset impairment loss" shall be debited

according to the amount to be written down, and the impairment provision for contract assets shall

be credited; The reverse entry is made when the asset impairment provision has been transferred


     2. Contract liabilities
     Obligations of the Company to transfer goods or services to the Customer for consideration

received or receivable from the customer shall be listed as contractual liabilities.

     The Company presents contractual assets and contractual liabilities under the same contract on

a net basis.

 (XIII)   Long-term equity investments

     1. Initial investment cost determination

     For the long-term equity investment obtained from the enterprise merger, if the enterprise

merger is under the same control, the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment shall

be taken as the share of the owner's equity of the merged party in the book value of the final

controlling party's consolidated financial statements on the merger date; In the case of enterprise

merger not under the same control, the initial investment cost of long-term equity investment shall

be taken as the merger cost determined on the purchase date; For long-term equity investment

obtained by cash payment, the initial investment cost is the actual purchase price paid; For the long-

term equity investment obtained by issuing equity securities, the initial investment cost shall be the

fair value of the equity securities issued; The initial cost of long-term equity investment obtained

through debt restructuring shall be determined in accordance with the relevant provisions of

Accounting Standards for Enterprises “CASBE 12 – Debt Restructuring”; For long-term equity

investment obtained by exchange of non-monetary assets, the initial investment cost shall be

determined in accordance with relevant provisions of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises

“CASBE 7 – Non-cash Assets Exchange”.

     2. Subsequent measurement and recognition method of profit or loss

     For long-term equity investments with control relationship, it is accounted for with cost method;
                                                  - 26 -
for long-term equity investments with joint control or significant influence relationship, it is

accounted for with equity method. The company for equity investment consortium, one part of

through risk investment institutions, mutual funds, trust companies or similar subject, including cast

the insurance fund, indirect holding, whether the above subject has a significant influence on this

part of the investment, the company in accordance with the accounting standards for enterprises

“CASBE 22 – Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement”, and the rest of the equity

method accounting.

     3. Determine the basis of joint control and significant influence on the invested entity

     Of the invested entity has joint control, refers to an arrangement returns have a significant

impact on activity must go through the participants agreed to share control decisions, including the

sale and purchase of goods or services, financial assets management, purchase and disposal of the

assets, research and development activities, and financing activities, etc.; Having a significant

influence on the invested entity refers to having a significant influence when holding more than 20%

to 50% of the voting capital of the invested entity. Or, although less than 20%, has a significant

impact if one of the following conditions is met: representation on the board of directors or a similar

authority of the invested entity; To participate in the policy making process of the investee;

Dispatching management personnel to the invested units; The invested entity relies on the

technology or technical data of the investment company; Having important transactions with the

invested units.

 (XIV) Investment property

     Investment property includes land use right of leased-out property and buildings that have been

leased out. The initial measurement of investment property is based on its cost, and subsequent

measurement is made using the cost model, the depreciation or amortization method is the same as

that of fixed assets.

 (XV)     Fixed assets

     1. Recognition principles of fixed assets

     Fixed assets are tangible assets held for use in the production of goods or rendering of services,

for rental to others, or for administrative purposes, and expected to be used during more than one

accounting year. Fixed assets are recognized if, and only if, it is probable that future economic
                                                 - 27 -
 benefits associated with the assets will flow to the Company and the cost of the assets can be

 measured reliably.

        2.Depreciation method of different categories of fixed assets

        The company's fixed assets are mainly divided into: buildings and structures, machinery,

 electronic equipment, transport facilities, etc. The depreciation method adopts the average life

 method. The service life and estimated net salvage value of fixed assets shall be determined

 according to the nature and usage of various types of fixed assets. At the end of the year, the service

 life, estimated net salvage value and depreciation method of the fixed assets shall be rechecked. If

 there is any difference from the original estimate, corresponding adjustment shall be made. In

 addition to the fixed assets that have been fully depreciated but are still in use and the land that is

 separately priced and recorded, the Company will calculate and depreciate all the fixed assets.
                                                                  Estimated residual value   Annual depreciation rate
         Categories                Useful life (years)
                                                                      proportion (%)                  (%)
Buildings and structures                 15-35                              3.00                    2.77-6.47
Machinery                                10-15                              3.00                    6.47-9.70
Electronic equipment                      4-11                              3.00                    8.82-24.25
Transport facilities                      6-8                               3.00                   12.13-16.17
Other equipment                           4-11                              3.00                    8.82-24.25

   (XVI) Construction in progress
        1. Construction in progress is recognized if, and only if, it is probable that future economic

 benefits associated with the item will flow to the Company, and the cost of the item can be measured

 reliably. Construction in progress is measured at the actual cost incurred to reach its designed usable


        2. Construction in progress is transferred into fixed assets at its actual cost when it reaches the

 designed usable conditions. When the auditing of the construction in progress was not finished while

 reaching the designed usable conditions, it is transferred to fixed assets using estimated value first,

 and then adjusted accordingly when the actual cost is settled, but the accumulated depreciation is not

 to be adjusted retrospectively.

   (XVII) Intangible assets

        1. The valuation method of intangible assets

                                                         - 28 -
     The Company's intangible assets are initially measured at cost. The purchased intangible assets

shall be regarded as the actual cost according to the actual price paid and related expenses. The

actual cost of intangible assets invested by investors shall be determined according to the value

stipulated in the investment contract or agreement, but if the value stipulated in the contract or

agreement is unfair, the actual cost shall be determined according to the fair value. For self-

developed intangible assets, the cost shall be the total amount of expenses incurred before reaching

the intended use.

     The Company's subsequent measurement methods for intangible assets are as follows:

Intangible assets with limited service life shall be amortized by the straight-line method, and the

service life and amortization method of intangible assets shall be rechecked at the end of the year. If

there is any difference from the original estimate, corresponding adjustment shall be made;

Intangible assets with uncertain service life are not amortized, but at the end of the year, the service

life shall be rechecked. When there is conclusive evidence that the service life is limited, the service

life shall be estimated and amortized according to the straight-line method.

     Intangible assets with limited useful life are amortized as follows:
                 Items                  Amortization period (years)            Amortization method
Software                                           3-10                        straight-line method
patent right      and    non-patented
                                                   5-10                        straight-line method
land use right                                    40-50                        straight-line method

     2. The judgment basis of uncertain service life

     The Company will not be able to foresee the period of time that the asset will bring economic

benefits to the Company, or the intangible assets with uncertain service life are identified as

intangible assets with uncertain service life. The judgment basis of uncertain service life is: it comes

from contractual rights or other legal rights, but the contract or legal provisions do not specify the

service life; Based on the industry situation or relevant experts' arguments, it is still impossible to

judge the period when intangible assets bring economic benefits to the company.

     At the end of each year, the service life of intangible assets with uncertain service life is

reviewed, mainly in a bottom-up way. The departments related to the use of intangible assets

conduct basic review to evaluate whether the judgment basis of uncertain service life has changed.

                                                 - 29 -
     3. Specific criteria for research and development stages of internal research and development

projects, as well as specific criteria for development stage expenditures to meet the capitalization


     Expenditure in the research phase of internal research and development projects shall be

recorded into current profits and losses when incurred; The expenditure in the development stage

shall be transferred to the accounting of intangible assets if it meets the conditions of being

recognized as intangible assets.

 (XVIII) Impairment of part of long-term assets

     If long-term equity investment, investment real estate measured by the cost model, fixed assets,

intangible assets of construction in progress and other long-term assets show signs of impairment on

the balance sheet date, the impairment test shall be conducted. If the result of the impairment test

shows that the recoverable amount of the asset is lower than its carrying value, the impairment

reserve shall be calculated and booked into the impairment loss according to the difference.

     The recoverable amount is the higher between the net fair value of the asset less the disposal

charge and the present value of the expected future cash flows of the asset. If it is difficult to

estimate the recoverable amount of a single asset, the recoverable amount of the asset group shall be

determined based on the asset group to which the asset belongs. An asset group is the smallest set of

assets that can independently generate cash inflows.

     Goodwill shown separately in the financial statements, regardless of whether there is evidence

of impairment, shall be tested for impairment at least annually. In the impairment test, the carrying

value of goodwill is apportion to the group of assets or combination of asset groups expected to

benefit from the synergies of the business combination. If the test results show that the recoverable

amount of the asset group or the asset group combination containing the apportion of goodwill is

lower than its carrying value, the corresponding impairment loss shall be recognized. The amount of

impairment loss shall first offset the book value of goodwill apportion to the asset group or asset

group combination, and then offset the book value of other assets in proportion to the proportion of

the book value of assets other than goodwill in the asset group or asset group combination.

     Once the above-mentioned asset impairment loss is recognized, the part whose value can be

recovered shall not be transferred back in the following period.
                                                 - 30 -
 (XIX) Long-term prepayments

     Long-term prepayments are expenses that have been recognized but with amortization period

over one year (excluding one year). They are recorded with actual cost, and evenly amortized within

the beneficiary period or stipulated period. If items of long-term prepayments fail to be beneficial to

the following accounting periods, residual values of such items are included in profit or loss.

 (XX)     Employee benefits

     Employee benefits refers to various forms of remuneration or compensation provided by the

Company for obtaining services provided by employees or for terminating labor relations. Employee

benefits include short-term employee benefits, post-employment benefits, termination benefits and

other long-term employee benefits.

     1. Short-term employee benefits

     During the accounting period when employees provide services for the company, the actual

short-term compensation is recognized as liabilities and booked into the current profits and losses,

except for those required or allowed to be booked into the cost of assets by the accounting standards

for enterprises. The employee welfare expense incurred by the Company shall be included in the

current profit and loss or the cost of relevant assets according to the actual amount when it is actually

incurred. If the employee welfare fee is non-monetary welfare, it shall be measured at fair value. The

company for the medical treatment insurance premium of worker pay, inductrial injury insurance,

birth insurance premium of social insurance premiums and housing accumulation fund, and

according to the rules extraction of the trade union and employee education funds and provide

services in the workers of the accounting period, according to the provisions stipulated in the basic

and provision ratio calculate and determine the corresponding compensation amount, and confirm

corresponding liabilities, Include current profit or loss or related asset cost.

     2. Post-employment benefits

     During the accounting period when employees provide services, the payable amount calculated

according to the set depository plan shall be recognized as liabilities and recorded into the current

profit and loss or the cost of relevant assets. According to the formula determined by the expected

cumulative benefit unit method, the welfare obligation arising from the set benefit plan shall be

attributed to the period of service provided by the employee, and shall be included in the current
                                                   - 31 -
profit and loss or the cost of relevant assets.

     3. Termination benefits

     Termination benefits provided to employees are recognized as an employee benefit liability for

termination benefits, with a corresponding charge to profit or loss at the earlier of the following

dates: a. when the Company cannot unilaterally withdraw the offer of termination benefits because

of an employment termination plan or a curtailment proposal; or b. when the Company recognizes

cost or expenses related to a restructuring that involves the payment of termination benefits.

     4. Other long-term employee benefits

     Other long-term employee benefits provided by the company to the employees that meet the

conditions for setting up an escrow plan shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions on

setting up an escrow plan; In addition, identify and measure other long-term employee benefit net

liabilities or net assets according to the relevant provisions of the defined benefit plan.

 (XXI) Provisions

     An obligation related to a contingent event is recognized as a projected liability when it is a

current obligation undertaken by the Company and the performance of the obligation is likely to

result in an outflow of economic benefits and the amount of the obligation can be measured reliably.

The Company shall make initial measurement according to the best estimate of the expenditure

required to fulfill the relevant current obligations. If there exists a continuous range of expenditure

required and various outcomes within the range are equally likely to occur, the best estimate shall be

determined as the intermediate value within the range; If more than one project is involved, calculate

the best estimate based on the various possible outcomes and the associated probabilities.

     On the balance sheet date, the book value of the projected liabilities shall be reviewed. If there

is conclusive evidence that the book value does not truly reflect the current best estimate, the book

value shall be adjusted according to the current best estimate.

 (XXII) Revenue
     1. Revenue recognition principles

     At contract inception, the Company shall assess the contracts and shall identify each

performance obligation in the contracts, and determine whether the performance obligation should

be satisfied over time or at a point in time.

                                                   - 32 -
     The Company satisfies a performance obligation over time if one of the following criteria is

met, otherwise, the performance obligation is satisfied at a point in time: (1) the customer

simultaneously receives and consumes the economic benefits provided by the Company’s

performance as the Company performs; (2) the customer can control goods as they are created by the

Company’s performance; (3) goods created during the Company’s performance have irreplaceable

uses and the Company has an enforceable right to receive the payments for performance completed

to date during the whole contract period.

     For each performance obligation satisfied over time, the Company shall recognize revenue over

time by measuring the progress towards complete satisfaction of that performance obligation. In the

circumstance that the progress cannot be measured reasonably, but the costs incurred in satisfying

the performance obligation are expected to be recovered, the Company shall recognize revenue only

to the extent of the costs incurred until it can reasonably measure the progress. For each performance

obligation satisfied at a point in time, the Company shall recognize revenue at the time point that the

client obtains control of relevant goods or services. To determine whether the customer has obtained

control of goods, the Company shall consider the following indications: (1) the Company has a

present right to payment for the goods, i.e., the customer is presently obliged to pay for the goods; (2)

the Company has transferred the legal title of the goods to the customer, i.e., the customer has legal

title to the goods; (3) the Company has transferred physical possession of the goods to the client, i.e.,

the customer has physically possessed the goods; (4) the Company has transferred significant risks

and rewards of ownership of the goods to the client, i.e., the customer has obtained significant risks

and rewards of ownership of the goods; (5) the customer has accepted the goods; (6) other evidence

indicating the customer has obtained control over the goods.

     2. Revenue measurement principle

     (1) Revenue is measured at the amount of the transaction price that is allocated to each

performance obligation. The transaction price is the amount of consideration to which the Company

expects to be entitled in exchange for transferring goods or services to a customer, excluding

amounts collected on behalf of third parties and those expected to be refunded to the customer.

     (2) If the consideration promised in a contract includes a variable amount, the Company shall

                                                  - 33 -
confirm the best estimate of variable consideration at expected value or the most likely amount.

However, the transaction price that includes the amount of variable consideration only to the extent

that it is high probable that a significant reversal in the amount of cumulative revenue recognized

will not occur when the uncertainty associated with the variable consideration is subsequently


     (3) In the circumstance that the contract contains a significant financing component, the

Company shall determine the transaction price based on the price that a customer would have paid

for if the customer had paid cash for obtaining control over those goods or services. The difference

between the transaction price and the amount of promised consideration is amortized under effective

interest method over contractual period. The effects of a significant financing component shall not be

considered if the Company expects, at the contract inception, that the period between when the

customer obtains control over goods or services and when the customer pays consideration will be

one year or less.

     (4) For contracts containing two or more performance obligations, the Company shall

determine the stand-alone selling price at contract inception of the distinct good underlying each

performance obligation and allocate the transaction price to each performance obligation on a

relative stand-alone selling price basis.

     3. Revenue recognition method

     The Company’s main product is the Video conference products, integrated wiring products, low

voltage distribution products, wiring products and other products. The above-mentioned product

sales business of the company belongs to the performance obligation performed at a certain time

point, and the revenue is recognized when the customer collects, has collected the price or obtained

the right to collect and the relevant economic benefits are likely to flow in.

 (XXIII) Contract cost

   The contract cost of the Company includes the incremental cost incurred to obtain the contract

and the contract performance cost. Incremental costs incurred to acquire a contract (" contract

acquisition costs ") are costs that would not have been incurred otherwise. If the cost is expected to

be recovered, the Company will recognize it as a contract acquisition cost as an asset.

                                                  - 34 -
   The cost incurred by the Company to perform the contract, which does not fall within the scope

of accounting standards for enterprises such as inventory and meets the following conditions at the

same time, shall be recognized as an asset as the contract performance cost:

     1. The costs are directly related to a current or expected contract and include direct labor, direct

materials, manufacturing expenses (or similar expenses), costs expressly borne by the User and other

costs incurred solely as a result of the contract;

     2. The cost increases the Company's resources for future performance obligations;

     3.This cost is expected to be recovered.

     The Company will recognize the contract performance costs as assets, the amortization period

of the initial recognition does not exceed one year or a normal business cycle, in the balance sheet

into the "inventory" item; If the amortization period is more than one year or one normal operating

cycle at the time of initial recognition, "other non-current assets" will be included in the balance


     The Company shall record the acquired costs of contracts recognized as assets into the "other

current assets" item in the balance sheet if the amortization period at the initial recognition does not

exceed one year or one normal operating cycle. If the amortization period is more than one year or

one normal operating cycle at the time of initial recognition, "other non-current assets" will be

included in the balance sheet.

     The Company amortizes the assets recognized for contract acquisition cost and contract

performance cost (hereinafter referred to as "assets related to contract cost") on the same basis as the

commodity revenue recognized for the assets and records them into the current profit and loss. If the

amortization period of the asset formed by the incremental cost of acquiring the contract does not

exceed one year, it shall be included in the current profit and loss at the time of occurrence.

     If the carrying value of the asset related to the contract cost is higher than the difference

between the following two items, the Company will calculate and withdraw the excess part of the

impairment reserve and recognize it as the asset impairment loss:

     1. The remaining consideration expected to be obtained from the transfer of commodities

related to the asset;

     2.Estimate the cost to be incurred for the transfer of the related goods.
                                                     - 35 -
     If the difference between the foregoing two items is higher than the carrying value of the asset

due to the change of the factors of impairment in the previous period, it shall revert to the original

provision for asset impairment and be included in the current profit and loss, provided that the

carrying value of the asset after the reversal shall not exceed the carrying value of the asset on the

date of reversal assuming no provision for impairment.

 (XXIV) Government grants

     1. Types of government subsidies and accounting treatment

     Government subsidy refers to the monetary assets or non-monetary assets that the Company

obtains free of charge from the government (but does not include the capital invested by the

government as the owner). If the government subsidy is a monetary asset, it shall be measured

according to the amount received or receivable. Where government subsidies are non-monetary

assets, they shall be measured at fair value; If the fair value cannot be obtained reliably, it shall be

measured according to the nominal amount.

     Government subsidies related to daily activities shall be included in other income according to

the economic business essence. Government subsidies unrelated to daily activities shall be included

in non-operating income.

     Government documents clearly stipulate that government subsidies for the purchase and

construction of long-term assets or the formation of long-term assets by other means shall be

recognized as government subsidies related to assets. If the government documents do not specify

the object of subsidy, and long-term assets can be formed, the part of government subsidy

corresponding to the value of the asset shall be regarded as the government subsidy related to the

asset, and the rest shall be regarded as the government subsidy related to the income. It is difficult to

distinguish between government subsidies as a whole as government subsidies related to benefits.

Government subsidies related to assets are recognized as deferred income. The amount recognized as

deferred income shall be recorded into current profits and losses in a reasonable and systematic

manner during the useful life of the relevant asset.

     Government subsidies other than those related to assets shall be recognized as government

subsidies related to earnings. If the government subsidies related to earnings are used to compensate

the relevant expenses or losses of the enterprise in the subsequent period, they shall be recognized as
                                                  - 36 -
deferred earnings and recorded into the current profit and loss during the period when the relevant

expenses are recognized. If it is used to compensate the relevant expenses or losses already incurred

by the enterprise, it shall be directly recorded into the current profit and loss.

     If the company obtains a policy preferential loan discount interest, and the finance allocates the

discount interest funds to the lending bank, and the lending bank provides the loan to the Company

at the policy preferential interest rate, the actual amount of the loan is taken as the recorded value of

the loan, and the relevant borrowing costs are calculated according to the loan principal and the

policy preferential interest rate; If the finance directly appropriates the discount interest funds to the

Company, the Company will offset the corresponding discount interest against the relevant

borrowing costs.

     2. Confirmation of government subsidies

     Government grants are recognized when the conditions attached to government grants are met

and can be received. The government subsidy measured according to the amount receivable shall be

confirmed at the end of the period when there is solid evidence that it can meet the relevant

conditions stipulated in the financial support policy and is expected to receive the financial support

funds. Government subsidies other than those measured according to the amount receivable shall be

recognized when the amount of subsidies is actually received.

 (XXV) Deferred income tax assets and liabilities

     1. Deferred tax assets or deferred tax liabilities are calculated and recognized based on the

difference between the carrying amount and tax base of assets and liabilities (and the difference of

the carrying amount and tax base of items not recognized as assets and liabilities but with their tax

base being able to be determined according to tax laws) and in accordance with the tax rate

applicable to the period during which the assets are expected to be recovered or the liabilities are

expected to be settled.

     2. A deferred tax asset is recognized to the extent of the amount of the taxable income, which it

is most likely to obtain and which can be deducted from the deductible temporary difference. At the

balance sheet date, if there is any exact evidence that it is probable that future taxable income will be

available against which deductible temporary differences can be utilized, the deferred tax assets

unrecognized in prior periods are recognized.
                                                   - 37 -
     3.Recognize deferred tax liabilities for taxable temporary differences related to investments in

subsidiaries and associates, unless the Company has control over the timing of the reversal of the

temporary differences and it is likely that the reversal will not occur in the foreseeable future. For

deductible temporary differences related to investments in subsidiaries and associates, deferred tax

assets are recognized when such temporary differences are likely to be reversed in the foreseeable

future and the amount of taxable income used to offset the deductible temporary differences is likely

to be obtained in the future.

 (XXVI) Leases

     1. Accounting treatment of leased assets

     On the commencement date of the lease term, the Company recognizes the right to use assets

and lease liabilities for leases other than short-term leases and leases of low-value assets, and

recognizes depreciation expense and interest expense, respectively, during the lease term.

     The Company uses the straight-line method for each period of the lease term to charge lease

payments for short-term leases and leases for low-value assets to current expenses.
     (1)Right-of-use asset

     The right-of-use asset is initially measured at cost, which includes: 1) the initial measurement

amount of the lease liability; 2) the lease payments made on or before the start date of the lease term,

if there is a lease incentive, deduct the amount of the lease incentive already enjoyed ; 3) Initial

direct costs incurred by the lessee; 4) The lessee is expected to incur costs to dismantle and remove

the leased asset, restore the site where the leased asset is located, or restore the leased asset to the

state agreed upon in the lease terms

     The company depreciates right-of-use assets on a straight-line basis. If it can be reasonably

determined that the ownership of the leased asset will be obtained at the expiration of the lease term,

the company shall accrue depreciation over the remaining useful life of the leased asset. If it cannot

be reasonably determined that the ownership of the leased asset can be obtained when the lease term

expires, the company shall accrue depreciation within the shorter of the lease term and the remaining

useful life of the leased asset.

     In accordance with the Accounting Standards for Enterprises “ CASBE 8 - Asset Impairment”,

the company determines whether the assets used for use have been impaired and carries out
                                                 - 38 -
accounting treatment.
     (2)Lease liability

     The lease liability is initially measured at the present value of the outstanding lease payments

on the commencement date of the lease term. The lease payment amount includes: 1) the fixed

payment amount (including the substantial fixed payment amount). If there is a lease incentive, the

lease incentive related amount shall be deducted; 2) variable lease payments depending on the index

or ratio; 3) the amount expected to be paid according to the security residual value provided by the

lessee; 4) the exercise price of the purchase option, the premise is that the lessee is reasonable to

determine the exercise of the option; 5) Payment for exercising the option to terminate the lease,

provided that the lease term reflects that the lessee will exercise the option to terminate the lease;

     The Company uses the lease embedded interest rate as the discount rate; If it is impossible to

reasonably determine the interest rate embedded in the lease, the incremental borrowing rate of the

Company shall be used as the discount rate. The Company calculates the interest expense of the

lease liability in each period of the lease term at a fixed periodic interest rate and records it as a

financial expense. The cyclical rate refers to the discount rate or the revised discount rate adopted by

the Company.

     Variable lease payments that are not included in the measurement of lease liabilities are

recorded in current profit and loss when they are actually incurred.

     If the Company changes the evaluation result of the option to renew the lease, terminate the

lease or purchase the lease, it will re-measure the lease liability according to the present value

calculated by the changed lease payment amount and the revised discount rate, and adjust the book

value of the right asset accordingly. In the event of a change in the actual lease payment, the

estimated payable amount of the guarantee residual or the variable lease payment depending on the

index or ratio, the lease liability shall be re-measured according to the present value calculated by

the changed lease payment and the original discount rate, and the carrying value of the right asset

shall be adjusted accordingly.

     2. Accounting treatment of leased assets
     (1)Operating lease accounting treatment

     In each period of the lease term, the Company adopts the straight-line method to recognize the
                                                  - 39 -
lease receipts from the operating leases as rental income. The Company capitalizes the initial direct

expenses incurred in connection with the operating lease and stages them into current earnings

during the lease term on the same basis of recognition as rental income.
     (2)Accounting treatment of finance lease

     On the lease commencement date, the Company recognizes the difference between the sum of

the financial lease receivable, the unguaranteed residual value and its present value as unrealized

financing income, and recognizes it as lease income in each period in which the rent is received in

the future. The initial direct expenses incurred by the Company in connection with the leasing

transaction are included in the initial recorded value of the finance lease receivable.

 (XXVII)         Held for Sale and discontinued operations

     The Company classifies non-current assets or disposal groups that simultaneously meet the

following conditions into the holding for Sale category: first, in accordance with the practice of

selling such assets or disposal groups in similar transactions, they can be sold immediately under

current conditions; Second, a sale is highly likely to occur, that is, the company has made a decision

on a sale plan and obtained firm purchase commitments, and the sale is expected to be completed

within a year. If the relevant regulations require the approval of the relevant authority or regulatory

department before the enterprise can be sold, the approval shall have been obtained.

     Initial measurement or on the balance sheet date to measure hold illiquid assets for sale or

disposal of the group, its book value is higher than the fair value minus the net amount after sale cost,

book value shall be written down to fair value minus the net amount after selling fees, the amount of

write-down shall be recognized as asset impairment losses recorded into the profits and losses of the

current, the provision for assets impairment provision holds for sale at the same time.

     Non-current assets held for sale in the balance sheet or assets in the disposal group held for sale

are listed as assets held for sale, and liabilities in the disposal group held for sale are listed as

liabilities held for sale.

     A discontinued operation is a separately distinguishable component that meets one of the

following conditions and has been disposed of by the Company or is classified by the Company as

being held for sale:

     1.The component represents a separate principal business or a separate principal area of
                                                  - 40 -

     2.The component is part of an associated plan to dispose of a separate principal business or a

separate principal territory of operations;

     3.This component is a subsidiary acquired exclusively for resale.

 (XXVIII)        Other significant accounting policies and estimates

     Including but not limited to: Termination of business confirmation standard, the accounting

methods, adopting the hedging accounting basis and accounting methods, hedging effectiveness

evaluation methods, the company's risk management strategy and how to apply the strategies to

manage risk, accounting methods related to repurchase shares, asset securitization business

accounting methods and so on.

     Explanation of major changes in accounting policies and accounting estimates:

     There are no changes in accounting policies and estimates during the current period;

      IV. Taxes
     (I) Main taxes and tax rates
      Taxes                                          Tax bases                                      Tax rates
                    The output tax shall be calculated on the basis of the sales of goods and
Value-added   tax   taxable service income calculated in accordance with the provisions of
(VAT)               the tax law. After deducting the input tax allowed to be deducted in the
                    current period, the balance shall be the VAT payable.
                    For housing property levied on the basis of price, housing property tax
Housing property    is levied at the rate of 1.2% of the balance after deducting 30% of the
tax                 cost; for housing property levied on the basis of rent, housing property
                    tax is levied at the rate of 12% of rent revenue.
maintenance and     Turnover tax payable                                                               7%
construction tax
                    Turnover tax payable                                                               3%
Local education
                    Turnover tax payable                                                               2%
                    Taxable income                                                              15%、16.5%、25%
income tax

                    Taxpayers                                                 Income tax rate
The Company                                                                         25%
Nanjing PutianTelege Intelligent Building Co., Ltd                                  15%
Nanjing PutianDatang Information Electronic Co.,
Putian Telecommunications (H.K.) Co., Ltd.                                         16.5%

                                                        - 41 -
                   Taxpayers                                             Income tax rate
Taxpayers other than the above-mentioned                                      25%

     (II) Tax preferential policies
     1. Nanjing PutianTelege Intelligent Building Co., Ltd obtained high-tech enterprise certificate

in November, 2021, valid for 3 years. From 2021 to 2023, the enterprise income tax shall be paid at

the reduced tax rate of 15%.

     2. The subsidiary, Nanjing PutianDatang Information Electronic Co., Ltd., obtained high-tech

enterprise certificate in November, 2021, valid for 3 years. From 2021 to 2023, the enterprise income

tax shall be paid at the reduced tax rate of 15%.

     3. The seventh branch of the subsidiary Nanjing communication equipment factory is a social

welfare enterprise, which complies with the provisions of GuoShuiFa [2007] No. 067 and enjoys the

preferential tax policies of immediate collection and refund of value-added tax and plus deduction of

wages of the disabled.

     4. The subsidiaries, Nanjing PutianDatang Information Electronic Co., Ltd. awere certified as

software enterprises, and some of the software products produced by Nanjing South

Telecommunications Company Limited and Nanjing Putian Network Co., Ltd. are entitled to enjoy

the preferential tax policy of VAT refund upon collection in accordance with the provisions of

CaiShui [2011] No.100.

      V. Notes to items of consolidated financial statements
Remarks: “Opening balance” in the report refers to the data on January 1, 2022, “Closing balance”

refers to the data on January 1, 2022, “Current period cumulative” refers to the data on January 1,

2022 to June 30, 2022, “Preceding period comparative” refers to the data on January 1, 2021 to June

30, 2021.

     1. Cash and bank balances

     (1) Details

               Items                           Closing balance                        Opening balance
Cash on hand                                                        343.39                              343.39
Cash in bank                                                 123,632,030.80                     180,458,727.47

                                                    - 42 -
                  Items                             Closing balance                           Opening balance
Other cash and bank balances                                       7,817,663.53                           8,206,459.51
                  Total                                         131,450,037.72                          188,665,530.37
  Including: Total amount deposited

     (2) Centralized management of funds

     1) The company implements centralized and unified management of the funds of the parent

company and member units through the internal financial company.

     2) Amounts and Circumstances Listed as " monetary funds "

                           Items                               Closing balance                        Note

Funds listed as "monetary funds" and deposited in
the finance company

     (3) Details of other cash and bank balances

                                Items                                 Closing balance             Opening balance

Bank acceptance deposit

deposit for L/G                                                             7,761,951.05                  8,205,628.07

Others                                                                            55,712.48                     831.44

                              Total                                         7,817,663.53                  8,206,459.51

     2. Held-for-trading financial assets

                  Items                             Closing balance                           Opening balance
1. Financial assets classified as
financial assets measured at fair value
and whose changes are included in
current profits and losses
Including: Debt Instrument Investment
         Equity instrument investment
         Others                                                                                          20,000,000.00
                   Total                                                                                 20,000,000.00

     3.      Notes receivable

                  Items                             Closing balance                           Opening balance
Bank acceptance
Trade acceptance                                                    9,318,843.17                         14,424,413.04
Less: Provision for bad debts                                         465,942.16                             721,220.66
                   Total                                            8,852,901.01                         13,703,192.38

     (1) Details

                                                      - 43 -
     1) Details on categories

                                                                         Closing balance

  Categories                                  Book balance                  Provision for bad debts
                                                                                                            Carrying amount
                                          Amount           % to total       Amount
                                                                                           proportion (%)
Receivables with provision for
bad debts made on a collective            9,318,843.17      100.00           465,942.16        5.00             8,852,901.01
Including: Bank acceptance

Trade acceptance                          9,318,843.17      100.00           465,942.16        5.00             8,852,901.01

               Total                      9,318,843.17      100.00           465,942.16        5.00             8,852,901.01


                                                                         Opening balance

  Categories                                  Book balance                   Provision for bad debts
                                                                                                            Carrying amount
                                          Amount           % to total        Amount
                                                                                           proportion (%)
Receivables with provision for
bad debts made on a collective        14,424,413.04         100.00           721,220.66         5.00           13,703,192.38
Including: Bank acceptance

Trade acceptance                      14,424,413.04         100.00           721,220.66         5.00           13,703,192.38

                  Total               14,424,413.04         100.00           721,220.66         5.00           13,703,192.38

     2) Notes receivable with bad debt provision in combination

                                                                     Closing balance
                                  Book balance                Provision for bad debts          Provision proportion (%)

bank        acceptance
Trade       acceptance
                                          9,318,843.17                       465,942.16                              5.00

          Total                           9,318,843.17                       465,942.16                              5.00

     (2) Changes in provision for bad debts

                                                         Increase                          Decrease
  Items                                                                                                       Closing balance
                          balance                                                             Write-
                                              Accrual      Recovery Others Reversal                  Others

Bank acceptance

Trade acceptance             721,220.66      -255,278.50                                                          465,942.16

                                                           - 44 -
                                                           Increase                            Decrease
  Items                                                                                                            Closing balance
                                 balance                                                          Write-
                                                 Accrual       Recovery Others Reversal                  Others

           Total                 721,220.66      -255,278.50                                                           465,942.16

      (3) The company's pledged/converted receivables/endorsed or discounted notes receivable that

are outstanding at the balance sheet date at the end of the period
                                                                                The confirmation               The amount of
                                                                                   amount is                 confirmation is not
           Items                   Has pledged         receivable have
                                                                                terminated at the         terminated at the end of
                                                       been transferred
                                                                                end of the period                the period
Bank acceptance                                                                          28,273,659.99
Trade acceptance                                                                          4,954,487.77
           Total                                                                         33,228,147.76

      Due to the fact that the acceptor of bank acceptance is commercial bank, which is of high credit

level, there is very little possibility of failure in recoverability when it is due. Based on this fact, the

Company derecognized the endorsed or discounted bank acceptance. However, if any bank

acceptance is not recoverable when it is due, the Company still holds joint liability on such

acceptance, according to the China Commercial Instrument Law.

      4.       Accounts receivable

      (1) Disclosure according to aging

                   Ages                                  Closing balance                             Opening balance
Within 1 year                                                           249,010,768.26                             174,417,246.90
1 to 2 years                                                             61,413,580.25                              67,930,584.61
2 to 3 years                                                             42,717,695.97                              58,467,779.79
3 to 4 years                                                             62,800,260.76                              85,170,507.83
4 to 5 years                                                             57,914,563.11                              32,639,651.27
Over 5 years                                                            114,195,805.17                             112,796,028.54
Less: Allowance            for    doubtful
                                                                        194,836,769.35                             196,835,247.01
                   Total                                                393,215,904.17                             334,586,551.93

      (2) According to the bad debt calculation and withdrawal method classification disclosure

                                                                                   Closing balance
                                                                Book balance                         Provision for bad debts
                                                           Amount               % to total           Amount           proportion

                                                               - 45 -
                                                                                        Closing balance
                                                                     Book balance                        Provision for bad debts
                                                             Amount                 % to total           Amount            proportion
Receivables with provision made on an
                                                              78,997,376.62            13.43            78,997,376.62          100.00
individual basis
Receivables with provision made on a
                                                             509,055,296.90            86.57           115,839,392.73          22.76
collective basis
                       Total                                 588,052,673.52            100.00          194,836,769.35          33.13

                                                                                       Opening balance
                                                                     Book balance                        Provision for bad debts
                                                             Amount                 % to total          Amount             proportion
Receivables with provision made on an
                                                               78,379,779.60           14.75            78,379,779.60          100.00
individual basis
Receivables with provision made on a
                                                             453,042,019.34            85.25           118,455,467.41          26.15
collective basis
                       Total                                 531,421,798.94            100.00          196,835,247.01          37.04

        1)Accounts receivable with provision made on an individual basis
                                     Book            Provision for
           Debtors                                                                 Ages               proportion         Reasons
                                    balance           bad debts
Dongpo Xi Laos Co.,                                                                                                  Unable
                                  19,708,086.54      19,708,086.54     4 to 5 years                     100.00
Ltd.                                                                                                                 to recover
                                                                                                                     Unable             to
Mr. Xu                            17,591,683.74      17,591,683.74     Over 5 years                     100.00
China            Tower                                                                                               Unable             to
                                  13,819,926.92      13,819,926.92     Over 5 years                     100.00
Corporation Ltd.                                                                                                     recover
                                                                       2-3years 539,740.00;
Jilin Lidi Information                                                                                               Unable             to
                                   5,999,750.00       5,999,750.00     3-4years 4466,240.00;           100.00
Technology Co., Ltd                                                                                                  recover
                                                                       4-5years 993,770.00
China          Railway
                                                                       4-5years 3,114,600.94;
Communication Signal                                                                                                 Unable             to
                                   5,241,400.50       5,241,400.50     Over 5 years                     100.00
Shanghai    Engineering                                                                                              recover
Group Co., Ltd                                                         2,126,799.56
                                                                                                                     Unable             to
Other                             16,636,528.92      16,636,528.92     2-5 years                        100.00
            Total                 78,997,376.62      78,997,376.62

        2)Accounts receivable with provision made on an collective basis

        ①Combination 1: Aging combination

                                     Closing balance                                              Opening balance
    Ages                                  Provision                                                     Provision
                                                            Provision for                                               Provision for
                     Book balance         proportion                               Book balance         proportion
                                                             bad debts                                                    bad debts
                                             (%)                                                           (%)
Within      1
                      249,010,768.26          1.00           2,489,940.87           174,417,246.90         1.00           1,744,172.48
1    to     2          60,967,653.85          5.00           3,048,382.69             64,013,020.08        5.00           3,200,651.00

                                                                - 46 -
                                Closing balance                                          Opening balance
   Ages                              Provision                                               Provision
                                                      Provision for                                         Provision for
                 Book balance        proportion                          Book balance        proportion
                                                       bad debts                                              bad debts
                                        (%)                                                     (%)
2 to        3
                   37,012,641.09       10.00           3,701,264.11       56,234,363.04            10.00     5,623,436.30
3 to        4
                   57,053,501.02       30.00          17,116,050.31       54,651,481.02            30.00    16,395,444.32
4 to        5
                   31,053,955.86       50.00          15,526,977.93       24,468,289.98            50.00    12,234,144.99
Over        5
                   73,956,776.82       100.00         73,956,776.82       79,257,618.32           100.00    79,257,618.32
  Total           509,055,296.90                  115,839,392.73         453,042,019.34                    118,455,467.41

        (3) Bad debt provision

                                                          Change in current period
                     Opening                                                Cancel                            Closing
 Categories                                              To withdraw                              Other
                     balance            Accrual                              after                            balance
                                                         or turn back                            changes
                     78,379,779.60     1,094,570.18         476,973.16                                      78,997,376.62
made on an
                    118,455,467.41     2,297,977.96                       4,914,052.64                     115,839,392.73
made on a
    Total           196,835,247.01     3,392,548.14         476,973.16    4,914,052.64                     194,836,769.35

        (4) Accounts receivable actually written off in the current period

        The amount of accounts receivable actually written off in this period is RMB 4,914,052.64.

        (5) Details of the top 5 debtors with largest balances
                                                                              Proportion to the total
                                                                                                           Provision for
                    Debtors                              Book balance          balance of accounts
                                                                                                             bad debts
                                                                                 receivable (%)
Dongpo Xi Laos Co., Ltd.                                      19,708,086.54               3.35              19,708,086.54
Mr. Xu                                                        17,591,683.74               2.99              17,591,683.74
Hegang branch of China Tower Co., Ltd                         13,819,926.92               2.35              13,819,926.92
Shanghai Zhouluo Information Technology
                                                              11,401,797.72               1.94                 114,017.98
Co., LTD
Shanghai Zicheng Information Technology
                                                              10,968,853.78               1.87                 109,688.54
Development Co., LTD
                     Total                                    73,490,348.70              12.50              51,343,403.72

        5. Receivables financing

                                                          - 47 -
             Items                            Closing balance                                    Opening balance
Notes    receivable(Bank
                                                                 16,350,913.52                                     40,852,223.88

        6. Advances paid

        (1) Age analysis

                                           Closing balance                                     Opening balance
                                  Amount                 % to total                   Amount                   % to total
Within 1 year                      18,403,300.08             69.88                     18,003,886.43               79.50
1-2 years                           3,811,347.66             14.47                          804,044.95              3.55
2-3 years                            759,733.98               2.88                      1,446,243.44                6.39
Over 3 years                        3,362,780.11             12.77                      2,391,641.84               10.56
          Total                    26,337,161.83             100.00                    22,645,816.66               100.00

        (2) Details of the top 5 debtors with largest balances
                                                                                               Proportion to the total balance
                      Debtors                                  Closing balance
                                                                                                   of advances paid (%)
Huawei Technology Co., Ltd                                                   4,072,729.45                  15.46

QSTECH Co., Ltd                                                              2,596,500.00                   9.86

Jiangsu Shuntian International Group Machiner
                                                                             1,425,683.28                   5.41
y Import and Export Co., Ltd
GuizhouTianguangShian Technology Co., Ltd                                     750,000.00                    2.85
Zhejiang Narada Power Source Co.,Ltd.                                         580,000.00                    2.20
                          Total                                             9,424,912.73                   35.78

        7.    Other receivable

                  Items                              Closing balance                              Opening balance
Interest receivable
Dividends receivable
Other receivables                                                     55,553,203.47                                57,562,392.95
Less: Allowance for doubtful
                                                                      41,893,042.88                                40,934,197.78
                  Total                                               13,660,160.59                                16,628,195.17

        (1)Other receivables categorized by nature

               Categories                            Closing balance                              Opening balance

Provisional payment receivable                                        33,438,013.07                                40,950,602.33

Deposit                                                               15,715,712.29                                12,054,412.80

Travel allowance                                                        804,416.99                                    905,189.12
Other                                                                  5,595,061.12                                 3,652,188.70

                                                             - 48 -
               Categories                           Closing balance                             Opening balance
Less: Allowance          for   doubtful
                                                                    41,893,042.88                            40,934,197.78
                 Total                                              13,660,160.59                            16,628,195.17

      (2)Age analysis

                 Ages                               Closing balance                             Opening balance
Within 1 year                                                        7,222,466.40                             7,008,502.69
1 to 2 years                                                         2,507,508.77                             2,850,719.97
2 to 3 years                                                         4,276,955.97                             5,231,249.14
3 to 4 years                                                         1,575,812.53                             4,606,299.15
4 to 5 years                                                         4,538,837.99                             3,549,119.02
Over 5 years                                                        35,431,621.81                            34,316,502.98
Less: Allowance          for   doubtful
                                                                    41,893,042.88                            40,934,197.78
                 Total                                              13,660,160.59                            16,628,195.17

      (3)Changes in provision for bad debts

                                Phase I                 Phase II                     Phase III
        Items               12-month            Lifetime expected credit                                          Total
                                                                              Lifetime expected credit
                            expected credit     losses    (credit    not
                                                                              losses (credit impaired)
                            losses              impaired)
Opening balance                   648,426.35                                              40,285,771.43      40,934,197.78
Opening balance in
                                  648,426.35                                              40,285,771.43      40,934,197.78
the current period
--Transferred      to
phase II
--Transferred      to
phase III
--Reversed to phase
--Reversed to phase I
Provision made in
                                  436,320.20                                                527,159.37            963,479.57
the current period
Provision recovered
in current period
Provision written off
                                                                                                 4,634.47           4,634.47
in current period
Other changes
Closing balance                  1,084,746.55                                             40,808,296.33      41,893,042.88

      (4)Other receivables for which the provision for bad debts is withdrawn individually at the

end of the period
                                                                                Proportion of
  Debtors                       Book balance        Provision for bad debt                                  Reasons
                                                                               withdrawal (%)
Beijing Likangpu                                                                                     The other party is
                                    28,912,122.71           28,912,122.71                 100.00
Telecommunications                                                                                   bankrupt and unable

                                                           - 49 -
Equipment Co.,Ltd.                                                                                        to settle

     (5)Bad debt provision

                                                          Change in current period
                     Opening                                                    Cancel                                  Closing
 Portfolios                                             To withdraw or                             Other
                     balance          Accrual                                    after                                  balance
                                                          turn back                               changes
                  40,934,197.78        963,479.57                                4,634.47                             41,893,042.88

     (6)Other receivables actually written off in the current period

     The amount of other receivables actually written off in this period is RMB 4,634.47.

     (7)Details of the top 5 debtors with largest balances
                                                                                               Proportion to
                         Nature of          Closing                                          the total balance     Provision for
     Debtors                                                           Ages
                        receivables         balance                                               of other           bad debts
                                                                                              receivables (%)
Beijing Likangpu
                         payment         28,912,122.71     Over 5 years                           52.04               28,912,122.71
Equipment Co.,
                                                           1-2 years 307,100.00;
China Potevio Co         Security
                                          2,245,100.00     4-5 years 938,000.00;                  4.04                1,953,355.00
mpany Limited                                              Over 5 years 1,000,000.00
headquarters   of        Security
                                          1,490,768.10     2-3 years                               2.68                  74,538.41
Shenzhen Metro           deposit
Group Co., Ltd
Beijing PutianKec       Temporary
                                                           3-4 years 179,184.19;
huang Industry C         payment            805,545.63                                             1.45                 805,545.63
                        receivable                         Over 5 years 626,361.44
Beijing  Lekang
Real      Estate
                           Rent             528,796.29     Within 1 ywar                           0.95                  26,439.81
      Total                              33,982,332.73                                            61.16               31,772,001.56

      8. Inventories

     (1) Details

                                      Closing balance                                            Opening balance
     Items                             Provision for         Carrying                              Provision for          Carrying
                     Book balance                                             Book balance
                                        write-down           amount                                 write-down            amount
Raw materials         29,376,393.70      9,134,918.13      20,241,475.57       31,234,604.53        9,134,918.13         22,099,686.40
Work in process        9,599,855.21      2,797,339.41       6,802,515.80        13,606,311.30       2,797,339.41         10,808,971.89
Goods on hand         87,686,775.05     39,786,254.55      47,900,520.50       79,928,818.55       40,226,500.64         39,702,317.91
                     159,022,834.50     58,758,181.09     100,264,653.41      172,240,715.25       58,758,181.09        113,482,534.16
Products     on
                       1,289,862.42       804,691.99          485,170.43         1,242,747.33         804,691.99            438,055.34
consignment for

                                                           - 50 -
                                            Closing balance                                         Opening balance
        Items                                Provision for         Carrying                           Provision for         Carrying
                         Book balance                                              Book balance
                                              write-down           amount                              write-down           amount
                             2,568,835.66                         2,568,835.66
performance cost
        Total            289,544,556.54      111,281,385.17     178,263,171.37     298,253,196.96     111,721,631.26     186,531,565.70

        (2) The increase or decrease of the inventory decline reserve and the impairment reserve of

                contract performance cost

                                                        Increase Decrease                Increase Decrease
                                    Opening                                                                              Closing
             Items                                                                    Reversal or
                                    balance            Accrual            Others                        Others           balance
Raw materials                        9,134,918.13                                                                        9,134,918.13
Work in process                      2,797,339.41                                                                        2,797,339.41
Goods on hand                       40,226,500.64        9,993.42                        450,239.51                    39,786,254.55
Goods dispatched                    58,758,181.09                                                                      58,758,181.09
Products             on
                                       804,691.99                                                                         804,691.99
consignment for sales
             Total                 111,721,631.26        9,993.42                        450,239.51                    111,281,385.17

        9.      Other current assets

                     Items                                   Closing balance                           Opening balance
Input VAT to be credited                                                      4,257,909.13                              5,526,501.01
Prepaid income tax                                                             526,493.03                               2,236,499.06
                     Total                                                    4,784,402.16                              7,763,000.07

                                                                 - 51 -
     10. Long-term equity investments

                                                                             Investment                                                                                            Closing
                                                                               income        Adjustment in                    Cash                                                balance of
                                                                                                              Changes                       Provision              Closing
         Investees            Opening balance    Investments   Investments   recognized          other                   dividend/Profit                                          provision
                                                                                                              in other                         for      Others     balance
                                                  increased     decreased       under        comprehensive                declared for                                                for
                                                                                                               equity                      impairment                            impairment
                                                                                equity          income                     distribution
I.       Joint ventures          10,422,193.15                                     -0.99                                                                         10,422,192.16
SEI-Nanjing Potevio Optical
                                 10,422,193.15                                     -0.99                                                                         10,422,192.16
Network Co., Ltd

                                                                                           - 52 -
         11. Other equity instrument investments
                                                                                                   The reason
                                                                                                  designated as
                                                                                      of other
                                                                                                  measurement           Other
                                                                The                                at fair value    comprehensiv
                                                                           The          ensive
                      Closing        Opening      Dividend    cumulat                                 and its        e income is
       Items                                       income       ive
                                                                        cumulative     income
                                                                                                      change        transferred to
                      balance        balance                               loss      transferre
                                                               gains                               included in         retained
                                                                                         d to
                                                                                                       other           earnings
                                                                                                    e income
                     420,915.00      420,915.00
ng Factory
                     321,038.00      321,038.00
Co., Ltd.
       Total         741,953.00      741,953.00

Note: The investment in Nanjing Yuhua Electroplating Factory, Hangzhou Honyar Electrical Co.,Ltd.

and Beijing Likong Communication Equipment Co., Ltd. are classified as other equity instrument

investments, the Company measured it at fair value through other comprehensive income.

          12. Investment property

         (1) Investment real estate measured at cost

                                     Items                                             Buildings and structures
I.             Original book value
       1. Opening balance                                                                                          18,619,150.97
       2. Increase
       3. Decrease
       4. Closing balance                                                                                          18,619,150.97
II.            Accumulated depreciation and amortization
        1. Opening balance                                                                                         11,764,259.46
        2. Increase                                                                                                  344,539.35
       (1) Accrual or amortization                                                                                   344,539.35
        3. Decrease
        4. Closing balance                                                                                         12,108,798.81
III.           Provision for impairment
IV.            Carrying amount

                                                             - 53 -
                                  Items                                                      Buildings and structures
   1. Closing balance                                                                                               6,510,352.16
   2. Opening balance                                                                                               6,854,891.51

      13. Fixed assets

               Categories                                 Closing balance                            Opening balance
Fixed assets                                                          114,942,877.05                              118,527,119.27
Liquidation of fixed assets
Less: Impairment provision                                                  725,962.56                                  725,962.56
                  Total                                               114,216,914.49                              117,801,156.71

      (1) Fixed assets

                    Buildings and         Machinery          Transport        Electronic           Other
    Items                                                                                                               Total
                     structures           equipment          facilities       equipment          equipment
I.   Original
book value
1.   Opening
                    152,200,686.89        30,115,555.70      5,415,208.27     1,414,872.09      45,611,587.89     234,757,910.84
2. Increase               494,509.29        145,575.23         61,769.91       123,888.06            6,123.89           831,866.38
(1) Acquisiti
                          494,509.29        145,575.23         61,769.91       123,888.06            6,123.89           831,866.38
3. Decrease                                 418,803.44        587,726.73        16,195.28                           1,022,725.45
(1) Disposal
     /Scrappi                               418,803.44        587,726.73        16,195.28                           1,022,725.45
4.     Closing
                    152,695,196.18        29,842,327.49      4,889,251.45     1,522,564.87      45,617,711.78     234,567,051.77
1.    Opening
                     50,053,754.10        20,331,298.78      5,007,942.84         6,995.65      40,830,800.20     116,230,791.57
2. Increase           2,780,682.03          773,963.11         55,043.13       518,917.40          252,424.39       4,381,030.06
(1) Acquisiti
                      2,780,682.03          773,963.11         55,043.13       518,917.40          252,424.39       4,381,030.06
3. Decrease                                 406,239.33        565,498.80        15,908.78                               987,646.91
(1) Disposal
      /Scrappi                              406,239.33        565,498.80        15,908.78                               987,646.91
4.      Closing
                     52,834,436.13        20,699,022.56      4,497,487.17      510,004.27       41,083,224.59     119,624,174.72
1.     Opening
                          539,124.00                                             11,048.35         175,790.21           725,962.56
2. Increase
3. Decrease

                                                              - 54 -
                  Buildings and          Machinery           Transport         Electronic            Other
    Items                                                                                                               Total
                   structures            equipment           facilities        equipment           equipment
4.    Closing
                        539,124.00                                                11,048.35          175,790.21             725,962.56
IV. Carrying
1.    Closing
                    99,321,636.05          9,143,304.93       391,764.28       1,001,512.25        4,358,696.98      114,216,914.49
2.   Opening
                  101,607,808.79           9,784,256.92       407,265.43       1,396,828.09        4,604,997.48      117,801,156.71

      2)Fixed assets temporarily idle
                        Original book          Accumulated            Provision for
     Items                                                                                  Carrying amount           Remarks
                            value              depreciation            impairment
                              191,485.00            176,039.10                12,248.35               3,197.55
                              331,100.00            330,020.00                                        1,080.00
Other equipment               370,885.18            184,349.93               175,408.71              11,126.54
      Total                   893,470.18            690,409.03               187,657.06              15,404.09

     3)Fixed assets with certificate of titles being unsettled

                Items                                     Carrying amount                       Reasons for unsettlement

Buildings and structures                                                  35,460,964.00   Unable to handle

      14. Construction in progress

              Categories                                  Closing balance                              Opening balance
Construction in progress project                                           1,182,171.32                                     292,996.23
Engineering materials
Less: Impairment provision
                Total                                                      1,182,171.32                                     292,996.23

      (1)Basic information of construction projects in progress

                                       Closing balance                                         Opening balance
     Items                              Provision for         Carrying                              Provision for      Carrying
                    Book balance                                                Book balance
                                         impairment           amount                                 impairment        amount
     Others             1,182,171.32                          1,182,171.32            292,996.23                            292,996.23

      15. Intangible assets

      (1) Details

               Items                             Land use right                     Software                        Total
I. Original book value
1. Opening balance                                          26,656,046.83             11,740,157.40                   38,396,204.23
2. Increase
3. Decrease

                                                              - 55 -
                Items                          Land use right                 Software                      Total
4. Closing balance                                     26,656,046.83            11,740,157.40                 38,396,204.23
II.Accumulated depreciation
1. Opening balance                                      7,147,103.23            10,140,353.52                 17,287,456.75
2. Increase                                                 317,144.71              206,624.71                      523,769.42
   (1) Acquisition                                          317,144.71              206,624.71                      523,769.42
3. Decrease
4. Closing balance                                      7,464,247.94            10,346,978.23                 17,811,226.17
III.Provision for impairment
4. Closing balance
IV. Carrying amount
1. Closing balance                                     19,191,798.89             1,393,179.17                 20,584,978.06
2. Opening balance                                     19,508,943.60             1,599,803.88                 21,108,747.48

      16. Long-term prepayments

        Items           Opening balance          Increase            Amortization        Other decrease    Closing balance
                               4,973,968.20                               720,614.36                           4,253,353.84

      17. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities

      (1) Details of unrecognized deferred tax assets

                        Items                                        Closing balance                  Opening balance
Deductible temporary difference                                              349,203,102.12                  350,212,296.71
Deductible losses                                                            206,756,188.18                  247,021,502.77
                        Total                                                555,959,290.30                  597,233,799.48

      (2) Maturity years of deductible losses of unrecognized deferred tax assets

            Maturity years                    Closing balance              Opening balance                  Remarks
Year 2021                                                                              3,321,233.55
Year 2022                                             6,340,354.15                     6,340,354.15
Year 2023                                             6,027,849.77                     6,538,713.94
Year 2024                                          108,499,154.28                   110,600,873.27
Year 2025                                             3,031,582.45                     5,019,673.59
Year 2026                                           69,795,534.87                   115,200,654.27
Year 2029                                             1,622,476.49
Year 2030                                             1,188,328.53
Year 2031                                           10,250,907.64
                Total                              206,756,188.18                   247,021,502.77

                                                         - 56 -
      18. Short-term borrowings

      (1) Details

       Borrowing conditions                     Closing balance                  Opening balance
Mortgaged borrowings                                         51,300,000.00                    24,000,000.00
Secured borrowings                                          175,000,000.00                   175,000,000.00
                  Total                                     226,300,000.00                   199,000,000.00

      19. Notes payable

                  Items                         Closing balance                 Opening balance

Bank acceptance

Trade acceptance                                             1,250,000.00                      1,251,741.17

                  Total                                      1,250,000.00                      1,251,741.17

      20. Accounts payable

      (1) Classification by nature of payment

                  Items                         Closing balance                 Opening balance

Procurement of materials                                   476,735,856.31                    536,734,286.45

Project payment                                              1,629,456.49                      1,629,456.49

                  Total                                    478,365,312.80                    538,363,742.94

      (2) Significant accounts payable with age over one year

              Name of creditor                      Closing balance          Reasons for unsettlement
Nanjing Xingping Industrial Co., Ltd                        21,139,620.66           Not yet settled
SEI-Nanjing Putian Optical Network Co., Ltd.                20,568,725.66           Not yet settled

China Potevio Company Limited                               18,016,137.43           Not yet settled

Jiangsu Lexi Technology Co.,Ltd.                            11,459,040.40           Not yet settled
Nanjing Xinyongda Electrical Co.,Ltd.                        9,024,387.55           Not yet settled
Xi'an Huasheng Communication Co., Ltd                        6,205,219.93           Not yet settled

MENNEKES Industrial Electric(Nanjing)Co.,L
                                                             6,073,776.29           Not yet settled
                      Total                                 92,486,907.92

      21. Contract liabilities

               Items                           Closing balance                  Opening balance

Payment for goods                                          19,029,759.47                      18,884,024.60

      22. Employee benefits payable

                                                  - 57 -
      (1) Details
                                                Opening                                              Closing
                    Items                                        Increase         Decrease
                                                balance                                              balance
Short-term employee benefits                   17,922,220.68    78,860,644.34    78,972,585.67      17,810,279.35
Post-employment       benefits   -   defined
                                                                11,205,099.07    11,205,099.07
contribution plan
Termination benefits                            1,522,951.00     1,432,551.50     2,955,502.50
Other benefits due within one year
                    Total                      19,445,171.68    91,498,294.91    93,133,187.24      17,810,279.35

      (2) Details of short-term employee benefits
                    Items                                        Increase         Decrease       Closing balance
Wage, bonus, allowance and subsidy              3,625,349.25    59,624,759.29    59,624,759.29       3,625,349.25
Employee welfare fund                                            4,028,741.93     4,011,925.71           16,816.22
Social insurance premium                                         5,029,950.01     5,029,950.01
Including: Medicare premium                                      4,709,194.46     4,709,194.46
Occupational injuries premium                                      320,755.55      320,755.55
Housing provident fund                          3,294,519.74     4,989,054.27     4,990,788.27       3,292,785.74
Trade union fund and employee
                                               10,987,355.16       866,256.53      993,280.08       10,860,331.61
education fund
Short-term absences from work with
Short-term profit sharing plan
Others                                            14,996.53      4,321,882.31     4,321,882.31           14,996.53
                    Total                      17,922,220.68    78,860,644.34    78,972,585.67      17,810,279.35

      (3) Details of defined contribution plan
                    Items                                        Increase         Decrease       Closing balance
Basic endowment insurance premium                                10,292,520.87   10,292,520.87
Unemployment insurance premium                                     437,601.29      437,601.29
Company annuity payment                                            474,976.91      474,976.91
                    Total                                        11,205,099.07   11,205,099.07


                    Items                            Closing balance                   Opening balance
VAT                                                            3,531,4920.06                         1,007,843.11
Enterprise income tax                                           1,343,958.62                          774,605.96
Individual income tax                                             344,984.34                          298,962.05
Urban maintenance and construction tax                            414,851.23                          166,309.25

                                                     - 58 -
                    Items                       Closing balance                  Opening balance
Housing property tax                                            238,820.33                        409,138.78
Land use tax                                                     81,754.17                         83,316.67
Education surcharge&local education
                                                                294,179.77                        116,649.03
Other tax                                                         1,571.10                         24,242.50
                    Total                                   6,251,609.62                        2,881,067.35

      24. Other payables

                    Items                       Closing balance                  Opening balance
Interest payable
Dividend payable                                           12,538,813.38                        2,142,213.38
Other payables                                             53,666,098.11                    61,864,581.70
                    Total                                  66,204,911.49                    64,006,795.08

      (1) Dividend payable

                   Items                       Closing balance                   Opening balance
Dividend of ordinary shares                                 12,538,813.38                       2,142,213.38

      (2) Other payables

                   Items                       Closing balance                   Opening balance
Temporary receipts payable                                 34,066,785.90                    42,582,100.22
Unsettled installation cost                                    7,038,775.64                     7,085,494.06
Deposits                                                       4,276,809.64                     4,797,260.63
Operating expenses                                             6,788,982.49                     4,643,277.05
Others                                                         1,494,744.44                     2,756,449.74
                   Total                                    53,666,098.11                   61,864,581.70

      25.Non-current liabilities due within one year

                   Items                       Closing balance                  Opening balance
Long-term payables due within one year                                                          2,656,474.95

      26. Other current liabilities

                   Items                     Closing balance                  Opening balance
VAT collected in advance                                 1,520,821.27                      2,454,923.31

      27. Share capital

      Items                Opening                     Movements                                 Closing

                                                - 59 -
                         balance      Issue of                   Reserve                                balance
                                        new                   transferred to   Others   Subtotal
                                       shares                     shares
Total shares            215,000,000                                                                    215,000,000

       28.Capital reserve

                Items                  Opening balance         Increase          Decrease          Closing balance

Share premium                             137,786,640.63                                             137,786,640.63
Other capital reserve                      60,077,533.45                                              60,077,533.45
                Total                     197,864,174.08                                             197,864,174.08

                                                     - 60 -
        29. Other comprehensive income (OCI)
                                                                                                          Current period cumulative
                                                                                    Less: Other                Less: Other
                                              Opening         Current period      comprehensive          comprehensive income                                                        Closing
                  Items                                                                                                                            Attributable   Attributable to
                                              balance          cumulative          income in the        recorded in the previous         Less:                                       balance
                                                                                                                                                    to parent     non-controllin
                                                              before income     previous period is       period is transferred to     Income tax
                                                                                                                                                    company       g shareholders
                                                                   tax         transferred to profit     retained income in the
                                                                                      and loss                current period
II.   Other      comprehensive      income
reclassified into profit and loss
Including: The amount of financial assets
     reclassified          into       other   -1,854,910.00                                                                                                                         -1,854,910.00
     comprehensive income
      Differences in translation of foreign
                                              -4,964,727.82                             -4,964,727.82                                              4,964,727.82
      currency financial statements
Total                                         -6,819,637.82                             -4,964,727.82                                              4,964,727.82                     -1,854,910.00

                                                                                             - 61 -
     30. Surplus reserve

            Items                 Opening balance            Increase                Decrease                 Closing balance
Statutory            surplus
                                         589,559.77                                                                  589,559.77

     31. Undistributed profit
                                                                                                         Preceding period
                               Items                              Current period cumulative
Balance before adjustment at the end of preceding period                          -341,446,683.34                -202,680,309.64
Add: Increase due to adjustment (or less: decrease)
Opening balance after adjustment                                                  -341,446,683.34                -202,680,309.64
Add: Net profit attributable to owners of the parent
                                                                                   -27,711,297.33                 -29,593,867.19
Less: Appropriation of statutory surplus reserve
     Dividend payable on ordinary shares
Closing balance                                                                   -369,157,980.67                -232,274,176.83

     32. Operating revenue/Operating cost

     (1) Details
                                            Current period cumulative                    Preceding period comparative
                                           Revenue              Cost                     Revenue              Cost
I.Main operations                         399,867,521.60         317,772,069.20        441,387,294.27           348,603,700.69
II.Other operations                         7,445,094.75           5,672,139.94          10,491,316.16             8,830,168.30
               Total                      407,312,616.35         323,444,209.14        451,878,610.43           357,433,868.99

     (2) Operating income in the current period is classified according to the time of revenue

                                      Video                             Low voltage               Wiring
   Revenue recognition                                  Integrated
                                   conferencing                         distribution           products and           Total
     method (time)                                    wiring product
                                     products                            products                 others
Confirm at sceratin point
                                   122,377,125.65     178,241,799.05     45,768,753.23         60,924,938.42     407,312,616.35
of time
Confirm in a certain period
of time
             Total                 122,377,125.65     178,241,799.05     45,768,753.23         60,924,938.42     407,312,616.35

       33. Taxes and surcharges
                                                                                                      Preceding period
                          Items                               Current period cumulative
Urban maintenance and construction tax                                            886,803.62                         950,147.23
Education surcharge&local education surcharge                                     633,135.16                         678,676.61
Housing property tax                                                              510,691.74                         632,407.41
Land use tax                                                                      241,844.10                         253,268.80

                                                           - 62 -
                                                                       Preceding period
                         Items           Current period cumulative
Other tax                                                  87,907.72              257,155.97
                         Total                          2,360,382.34             2,771,656.02

         34. Selling expenses
                                                                       Preceding period
                         Items           Current period cumulative
Employee benefits                                      28,150,107.87            30,657,820.79
Transport and damage to transport                           2,789.81                 2,617.00
Business entertainment                                  5,453,239.19             7,320,086.73
Travelling expenses                                     1,715,412.46             3,593,668.46
Office expenses                                           403,205.74              757,905.79
Sales service charges                                   1,726,174.39             1,983,529.10
Promotion expenses                                        638,232.78              645,814.35
Conference expenses                                        61,939.66              561,693.48
Equipment maintain fees                                   149,510.58                 7,719.09
Others                                                  2,331,597.58             3,530,437.79
                         Total                         40,632,210.06            49,061,292.58

         35. Administrative expenses
                                                                       Preceding period
                         Items           Current period cumulative
Employee benefits                                      20,644,875.51            20,500,482.96
Consulting and intermediary fees                        1,038,068.26             1,179,882.32
Depreciation and amortization                           3,088,563.05             3,134,154.50
Office expenses                                         1,505,366.57             1,128,158.97
Lease expenses                                            284,527.03              382,999.62
Travelling expense                                        197,659.84              500,872.73
Business entertainment                                    400,308.41              712,793.82
Funding for Party Building                                208,638.07              214,223.66
Others                                                    931,423.36             1,967,023.84
                         Total                         28,299,430.10            29,720,592.42

         36. R&D expenses
                                                                       Preceding period
                         Items           Current period cumulative
Employee benefits                                      20,115,664.25            24,333,843.32
Intermediate test fee                                   1,182,015.12             1,431,006.18
Travelling expenses                                        49,288.12              865,144.33
Material use                                              364,611.56              684,146.16

                                       - 63 -
                                                                                               Preceding period
                        Items                           Current period cumulative
Depreciation and amortization                                            817,844.36                         605,021.78
Commissioned development                                                  19,150.94
Others                                                                  1,094,144.20                       1,828,329.01
                         Total                                         23,642,718.55                     29,747,490.78

      37. Financial expenses
                                                                                               Preceding period
                        Items                           Current period cumulative
Interest expenditures                                                   5,291,794.15                       2,798,625.53
Less: Interest income                                                    779,954.73                         410,149.62
Losses on foreign exchange
Less: gain on foreign exchange                                            19,186.31                         104,172.86
Financial institution fees                                               145,706.95                         281,634.59
                         Total                                          4,638,360.06                       2,565,937.64

      38. Other income
                                     Current period             Preceding period           Related to assets/Related to
                                      cumulative                  comparative                       earnings
VAT    will      be     refunded
                                             882,872.52                   831,873.19           Related to earnings
Enterprises declare subsidies                  75,000.00                                       Related to earnings
2021 Jiangning District rescue
eight     freight      subsidy                 70,587.00                                       Related to earnings
development zone supporting
Employee training subsidy                      30,802.84                  244,700.00           Related to earnings
Others                                         16,104.65                  112,345.78           Related to earnings
Double prevention mechanism
construction standard enterprise                                            3,100.00           Related to earnings
              Total                         1,075,367.01                1,192,018.97

      39. Investment income
                                                                                                Preceding period
                             Items                         Current period cumulative
Long-term equity investment income calculated by the
                                                                                   -0.99                           -1.19
equity method
Investment income from disposal of long-term equity
Investment income from the disposal of trading
financial assets
Others                                                                       -4,791.06
                             Total                                       -5,753,130.77                             -1.19

      40. Credit impairment loss

                                                      - 64 -
                                                                                                 Preceding period
                          Items                               Current period cumulative
Bad debt loss of notes receivable                                              255,278.50                   -355,632.18
Bad debt loss of accounts receivable                                        -2,915,574.98                 -2,426,050.63
Bad debt loss of other receivables                                            -963,479.57                   373,472.41
                          Total                                             -3,623,776.05                 -2,408,210.40

     41. Assets impairment loss
                                                                                                 Preceding period
                          Items                               Current period cumulative
Inventory write-down loss                                                       -9,993.42

     42. Gains on asset disposal
                                                                                                 Preceding period
                          Items                               Current period cumulative
Gains on disposal of fixed assets                                               59,868.36                    15,829.32

     43. Non-operating revenue
                                       Current period               Preceding period         Amount included in non-
                                        cumulative                    comparative             recurring profit or loss
Unpaid payables                                2,603,295.76                                               2,603,295.76
Penalty income                                  120,062.99                       5,000.00                  120,062.99
Others                                           18,869.74                      51,934.58                    18,869.74
              Total                            2,742,228.49                     56,934.58                 2,742,228.49

     44. Non-operating expenditures
                                       Current period               Preceding period         Amount included in non-
                                        cumulative                    comparative             recurring profit or loss
Donation expenditures                                                             2,000.00
Non-current assets damage and
                                                 12,812.65                                                   12,812.65
scrap loss
Penalty expenditures                              2,000.00                                                     2,000.00
Others                                            8,507.17                      59,544.99                      8,507.17
             Total                               23,319.82                      61,544.99                    23,319.82

     45. Income tax expenses

     (1) Details
                                                                                               Preceding period
                       Items                            Current period cumulative
Current income tax expense calculated in
accordance with the tax law and relevant                                  1,169,067.15                     4,521,812.72
Deferred income tax expense
Others                                                                    2,245,778.53

                                                        - 65 -
                                                                                                   Preceding period
                      Items                               Current period cumulative
                       Total                                               3,414,845.68                      4,521,812.72

      (2) Accounting profit and income tax expense adjustment process

                               Items                                                      Amount

Profit before tax                                                                                          -21,237,450.10
Income tax expenses based on tax rate applicable to the
parent company
Effect of different tax rate applicable to subsidiaries                                                     -2,543,364.88

Effect of prior income tax reconciliation                                                                    2,245,778.54

The effect of non-taxable income

The impact of non-deductible costs, expenses and losses                                                        679,774.89
The effect of deductible temporary differences or
deductible losses of deferred tax assets not recognized in                                                  -3,021,480.44
the previous period
The effect of deductible temporary differences or
deductible losses on deferred tax assets was not recognized                                                 14,109,788.35
in the current period
Deduction of R&D expenditures                                                                               -2,746,288.25

Income tax expenses                                                                                          3,414,845.68

      46. Statement of cash flows

      (1) Other cash receipts related to operating activities
                                                                                                    Preceding period
                          Items                               Current period cumulative
Government grants                                                               667,089.45                   1,192,018.97
Interest income                                                                 743,957.45                     410,149.62
Incomings and outgoings                                                      28,296,437.67                  11,932,139.16
Others                                                                          705,426.17                     934,135.53
                          Total                                              30,412,910.74                  14,468,443.28

      (2) Other cash payments related to operating activities
                                                                                                    Preceding period
                          Items                               Current period cumulative
Out-of-pocket expenses                                                       31,053,868.58                  33,193,862.80
Incomings and outgoings                                                      22,452,728.53                  26,882,349.43
Others                                                                          679,491.80                     462,741.40
                          Total                                              54,186,088.91                  60,538,953.63

      (3) Other cashpayments related to financing activities
                                                                                                    Preceding period
                          Items                               Current period cumulative

                                                          - 66 -
                                                                                               Preceding period
                          Items                               Current period cumulative
Installment financing lease payments                                         1,138,717.12             39,813,078.92

      47. Supplement information to the cash flow statement

      (1) Supplement information to the cash flow statement
                                                                         Current period         Preceding period
                                                                          cumulative              comparative
I. Reconciliation of net profit to cash flow from operating
Net profit                                                                    -24,652,295.78          -25,149,014.43

Add: Provision for credit impairment loss                                      3,623,776.05            2,408,210.40

     Provision for assets impairment loss                                          9,993.42
     Depreciation of fixed assets, depletion of oil and gas assets,
depreciation of productive biological assets, and depreciation of              4,725,569.41            3,919,944.42
investment real estate
     Depreciation of right-of-use assets

     Amortization of intangible assets                                           523,769.42              482,769.28

     Amortization of long-term prepayments                                       720,614.36              880,943.69
     Loss on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                                                                                  -59,868.36              -15,829.32
     long-term assets (Less: gains)
     Fixed assets retirement loss (Less: gains)                                   12,812.65

     Net exposure hedge loss (Less: gains)

     Losses on changes in fair value (Less: gains)

     Financial expenses (Less: gains)                                          5,291,794.15            2,798,625.53

     Investment losses (Less: gains)                                           5,753,130.77                       1.19

     Decrease of deferred tax assets (Less: increase)

     Increase of deferred tax liabilities (Less: decrease)

     Decrease of inventories (Less: increase)                                  8,708,640.42           27,228,422.89

     Decrease of operating receivables (Less: increase)                       -84,356,904.37         -106,583,908.66

     Increase of operating payables (Less: decrease)                          -16,165,029.70          -22,692,438.14


Net cash flows from operating activities                                      -95,863,997.56         -116,722,273.15
II. Significant investing and financing activities not related to
cash receipts and payments:
Conversion of debt into capital

Convertible bonds due within one year

Fixed assets leased in under finance leases

                                                         - 67 -
                                                                           Current period             Preceding period
                                                                            cumulative                  comparative
III. Net changes in cash and cash equivalents:

Cash at the end of the period                                                   123,632,374.19                73,109,498.70

Less: Cash at the beginning of the period                                       180,459,070.86              170,062,746.87

Add: Cash equivalents at the end of the period

Less: Cash equivalents at the beginning of the period

Net increase of cash and cash equivalents                                       -56,826,696.67                -96,953,248.17

      (2) Cash and cash equivalents
                                                                            Current period             Preceding period
                                                                             cumulative                  comparative
I. Cash                                                                          123,632,374.19             180,459,070.86
Including: Cash on hand                                                                 343.39                         343.39
Cash in bank on demand for payment                                               123,632,030.80             180,458,727.47
Other monetary funds readily available for payment
Money deposited with a central bank that can be used for
Deposit of interbank funds
Interbank debits
II. Cash equivalents
Including: bond investments maturing within three months
III. Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period                          123,632,374.19             180,459,070.86
Including: restricted use of cash and cash equivalents by the
parent company or subsidiaries within the Group

      48. Assets with title or use right restrictions

            Items                           Closing carrying amount                         Reasons for restrictions
Cash and bank balances                                                7,817,663.53   Performance bond and litigation
Fixed assets                                                       58,016,211.48                   Mortgage
Intangible assets                                                  15,116,581.08                   Mortgage
Investment property                                                   6,359,779.69                 Mortgage
            Total                                                  87,310,235.78

Note: We remind users of financial statements that, apart from the above assets with title or use right restrictions, in

order to entrust the parent company to apply for loans from Bank of Beijing, Jiangning Sub-branch, the Company

pledged its holding equities to the parent company, which include equity of Nanjing South Telecommunications Co

Ltd. 33.17 million yuan(96.99% shares of stock equity), equity of Nanjing PutianTelege Intelligent Building Co., Ltd.

4.80 million yuan(40% shares of stock equity), equity of Nanjing PutianChangle Telecommunications Equipment Co.,

Ltd. 5.07 million yuan(50.7% shares of stock equity), equity of Nanjing Putian Network Co., Ltd. 7.80 million

yuan(78% shares of stock equity). The Company has registered the equity pledge at Nanjing Jiangning Market

                                                          - 68 -
Supervision Administration. Those equities are with use restrictions before released.

     49. Monetary items in foreign currencies

     (1) Monetary items in foreign currencies
                                          Closing balance in                                      RMB equivalent at the
               Items                                                    Exchange rate
                                          foreign currencies                                      end of the period
Cash and bank balances
Including: USD                                        104,948.22                        6.7114                704,349.48

      VI. Changes in the consolidation scope
     In this period, the scope of merger is reduced by 1, and the subsidiary Putian Communication

(Hong Kong) Co., LTD has been cancelled. Since May, this period is no longer included in the scope

of merger. For details, see Note XII (3) Notes on long-term equity Investment of the parent company.

      VII. Interest in other entities
     (I) Interest in subsidiaries

     1. Composition of subsidiaries

                                            Main                            Holding proportion (%)
                             Place of                      Business                                         Acquisition
     Subsidiaries                         operating
                           registration                     nature           Direct              Indirect    Method
Nanjing PutianChangle
                             Nanjing       Nanjing
Telecommunications                                       Manufacture          50.70                           Set up
                              City          City
Equipment Co., Ltd.
Nanjing PutianTelege
                             Nanjing       Nanjing
Intelligent Building                                     Manufacture          45.77                           Set up
                              City          City
Nanjing South
                             Nanjing       Nanjing
Telecommunications                                       Manufacture          96.99               3.01        Set up
                              City          City
Company Limited
                                                                                                            Merger of
Nanjing         Nanman       Nanjing       Nanjing
                                                         Manufacture         100.00                            under
Electrics Co., Ltd.           City          City
Nanjing Putian               Nanjing       Nanjing
                                                         Manufacture          78.00                           Set up
Network Co., Ltd.             City          City
                                                                                                            Merger of
Nanjing PutianDatang                                                                                        enterprises
                             Nanjing       Nanjing
Information Electronic                                   Manufacture          40.00                            under
                              City          City
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                    different

                                                       - 69 -
     Subsidiaries            Place of       Main           Business         Holding proportion (%)        Acquisition
                           registration   operating         nature                                         Method
Nanjing Putian                              place
                             Nanjing       Nanjing
Communication                                            Manufacture          70.00                          Set up
                               City         City
Technology Co., Ltd.
                           Chongqing      Chongqing
Chongqing       Puhua
                              City           City
Information                                              Manufacture         100.00                          Set up
                           Chongqin       Chongqin
Technology Co., Ltd
                             g City         g City

     Remarks on inconsistency between holding proportion owned and voting rights proportion owned in subsidiaries

     a. The Company holds 45.767% of voting rights in Nanjing PutianTelege Intelligent Building Ltd., the other

voting rights are decentralized. The Company has over half member of the Board of Directors, and it not only

controls this company but also has a privileged variable return by taking part in Nanjing PutianTelege Intelligent

Building Ltd’s related activity. The Company has the ability to impact the amount of return and control over Nanjing

PutianTelege Intelligent Building Ltd.

     b. The company holds Nanjing PutianDatang Information Electronics Co., LTD. 40% equity, the company in

Nanjing PutianDatang information electronics Co., LTD. As the number of board members more than half of the

company's board of directors, has the power of Nanjing PutianDatang information Electronics Co., LTD., Be able to

enjoy variable returns by participating in relevant activities of Nanjing PutianDatang Information Electronics Co.,

LTD., and have the ability to influence the amount of returns by using the power of Nanjing PutianDatang

Information Electronics Co., LTD., and be able to control Nanjing PutianDatang Information Electronics Co., LTD.

                                                       - 70 -
        2. Significant not wholly-owned subsidiaries
The serial                                                Holding proportion of non-              Non-controlling shareholders’           Dividend declared to non-                Closing balance of non-
 number                                                    controlling shareholders                      profit or loss                     controlling shareholders                  controlling interest
             Nanjing PutianTelege Intelligent
    1                                                                54.23%                                             6,269,143.26                          10,846,600.00                           48,135,226.19
             Building Ltd.

        3. Main financial information of significant not wholly-owned subsidiaries
                                                      Closing balance                                                                                       Opening balance
                                                                                       Non-                                                                                                Non-
Subsidiaries         Current        Non-current                        Current        current           Total            Current       Non-current                         Current        current          Total
                                                   Total assets                                                                                         Total assets
                      assets          assets                          liabilities    liabilitie      liabilities          assets         assets                           liabilities    liabilitie     liabilities
                                                                                         s                                                                                                   s
                   233,489,731.1    35,880,808.2   269,370,539.4     180,609,288.8                  180,609,288.8      211,702,890.6   35,559,085.8     247,261,976.4   150,061,012.1                 150,061,012.1
e Intelligent
                               9               3               2                 0                              0                  2              4                 6               4                             4

                                                      Current period cumulative                                                                        Preceding period comparative

    Subsidiaries                                                            Total                                                                                            Total
                                                                                               Cash inflow from                                                                                Cash inflow from
                         Operating revenue         Net profit           comprehensive                                     Operating revenue           Net profit         comprehensive
                                                                                              operating activities                                                                            operating activities
                                                                           income                                                                                           income
                               179,185,572.36        11,560,286.29            11,560,286.29           -54,336,160.51          199,671,487.21           13,604,585.72          13,604,585.72           -52,546,951.98
Building Ltd.

                                                                                                      - 71 -
      (II) Interest in joint venture or associates

      1. Aggregated financial information of insignificant joint ventures and associates
                                               Closing balance/Current        Opening balance/Preceding period
                                                  period cumulative                     comparative
I.Joint ventures
Total carrying amount of investments                          10,422,192.16                       10,422,193.15
Proportionate shares in the following items:
Net profit                                                            -0.99                                2.38
Other comprehensive income                                            -0.99                                2.38
Total comprehensive income
II.Associated enterprises
Total carrying amount of investments
Proportionate shares in the following items:
Net profit
Other comprehensive income
Total comprehensive income

      VIII. Risks related to financial instruments
      The Company aims to seek the appropriate balance between the risks and benefits from its use

of financial instruments and to mitigate the adverse effects that the risks of financial instruments

have on the Company’s financial performance. Based on such objectives, the Company’s risk

management policies are established to identify and analyze the risks faced by the Company, to set

appropriate risk limits and controls, and to monitor risks and adherence to limits.

      The Company has exposure to the following risks from its use of financial instruments, which

mainly include: credit risk, liquidity risk, and market risk. Management have deliberated and

approved policies concerning such risks, and details are:

      (I) Credit risk

      Credit risk is the risk that one party to a financial instrument will cause a financial loss for the

other party by failing to discharge an obligation.

      1. Credit risk management practice

      (1) Evaluation method of credit risk

      At each reporting date, the Company assesses whether the credit risk on a financial instrument

                                                     - 72 -
has increased significantly since initial recognition. When assessing whether the credit risk has

increased significantly since initial recognition, the Company takes into account reasonable and

supportable information, which is available without undue cost or effort, including qualitative and

quantitative analysis based on historical data, external credit risk rating, and forward-looking

information. The Company determines the changes in default risk of financial instruments during the

estimated lifetime through comparison of the default risk at the balance sheet date and the initial

recognition date, on an individual basis or a collective basis.

     The Company considers the credit risk on a financial instrument has increased significantly

when one or more of the following qualitative and quantitative standards are met:

     1) Quantitative standard mainly relates to the scenario in which, on the balance sheet date, the

probability of default in the remaining lifetime has risen by more than a certain percentage compared

with the initial recognition;

     2) Qualitative standard mainly relates to significant adverse changes in the debtor’s operation or

financial position, present or expected changes in technology, market, economy or legal environment

that will have significant adverse impact on the debtor’s repayment ability;

     (2) Definition of default and credit-impaired asset

     The Company defines a financial asset as in default when the financial instrument meets one or

more of the following criteria, which are consistent with the definition of credit impairment incurred:

     1) significant financial difficulty of the debtor;

     2) a breach of binding clause of contract;

     3) it is very likely that the debtor will enter bankruptcy or other financial reorganization;

     4) the creditor of the debtor, for economic or contractual reasons relating to the debtor’s

financial difficulty, having granted to the debtor a concession(s) that the creditor would not

otherwise consider.

     2. Measurement of expected credit losses

     The key factors in the measurement of expected credit loss include the probability of default,

loss rate of default, and exposure to default risk.

     3. The beginning balance and ending balance of loss provision for financial instruments are

                                                  - 73 -
detailed in Notes V(3), V(4) and V(7) to these financial statements.

     4. Exposure to credit risk and concentration of credit risk

     The Company’s credit risk is primarily attributable to cash and bank balances and receivables.

In order to control such risks, the Company has taken the following measures:

     (1) Cash and bank balances

     The Company deposits its bank balances and other cash and bank balances in financial

institutions with relatively high credit levels, hence, its credit risk is relatively low.

     (2) Receivables

     The Company performs credit assessment on customers who uses credit settlement on a

regular/continuous basis. The Company selects credible and well-reputed customers based on credit

assessment result, and conducts ongoing monitoring on receivables, to avoid significant risks in bad


     As the Company's accounts receivable risk points are distributed across multiple partners and

multiple customers, 12.50% of the Company's accounts receivable as of June 30, 2022 (June 30,

2021:11.43%) originated from the top five customers with balances, and the Company does not have

significant credit concentration risk.

     The maximum amount of exposure to credit risk of the Company is the carrying amount of each

financial asset on the balance sheet.

     (II) Liquidity risk

     Liquidity risk is the risk that the Company may encounter deficiency of funds in meeting

obligations associated with cash or other financial assets settlement, which is possibly attributable to

failure in selling financial assets at fair value on a timely basis, or failure in collecting liabilities from

counterparts of contracts, or early redemption of debts, or failure in achieving estimated cash flows.

     In order to control such risk, the Company utilized financing tools such as notes settlement,

bank borrowings, etc. and adopts long and short financing methods to optimizing financing

structures, and finally maintains a balance between financing sustainability and flexibility. The

Company has obtained credit limit from several commercial Nanjing Putian Telecommunications

Co., Ltd. 2021 Annual Report 187 banks to meet working capital requirements and expenditures.

                                                   - 74 -
     Financial instruments classified based on remaining time period till maturity
                                                           Closing balance
  Items              Carrying         Contract amount
                                                               Within 1 year      1-3 years   Over 3 years
                     amount          not yet discounted
                    226,300,000.00       226,300,000.00          226,300,000.00
Notes payable         1,250,000.00          1,250,000.00           1,250,000.00
                    478,365,312.80       478,365,312.80          478,365,312.80
Other payable        66,204,911.49         66,204,911.49          66,204,911.49
liabilities   due
within one year
     Subtotal       772,120,224.29       772,120,224.29          772,120,224.29


                                                           Opening balance
  Items              Carrying         Contract amount
                                                              Within 1 year       1-3 years   Over 3 years
                     amount          not yet discounted
                    199,000,000.00       203,055,109.72          203,055,109.72
Notes payable         1,251,741.17         1,251,741.17            1,251,741.17
                    538,363,742.94       538,363,742.94          538,363,742.94
Other payable        64,006,795.08        64,006,795.08           64,006,795.08
liabilities  due      2,656,474.95         2,717,664.49            2,717,664.49
within one year
    Subtotal        805,278,754.14       809,395,053.40          809,395,053.40

     (III) Market risk

     Market risk is the risk that the Company may encounter fluctuation in fair value of financial

instruments or future cash flows due to changes in market price.

     1. Interest risk

     Interest risk is the risk that an enterprise may encounter fluctuation in fair value of financial

instruments or future cash flows due to changes in market interest. The Company’s fair value interest

risks arise from fixed-rate financial instruments, while the cash flow interest risks arise from floating

interest financial instruments. The Company determines the proportion of fixed-rate financial

instruments and floating interest rate financial instruments based on the market environment, and

                                                   - 75 -
maintains a proper financial instruments portfolio through regular review and monitoring. The

Company’s interest risk relates mainly to bank borrowings with floating interest rate

     2. Foreign currency risk
     Foreign exchange risk refers to the risk that the fair value or future cash flow of a financial

instrument may fluctuate due to changes in foreign exchange rates. The Company operates in

mainland China and its main activities are denominated in renminbi, so the Company's exposure to

foreign exchange movements is not material. The Company's foreign currency monetary assets and

liabilities at the end of the period are detailed in the relevant notes to the financial statements.

      IX. Fair value
     (I) Details of fair value of assets and liabilities at fair value at the balance sheet date
                                         Level 1 fair      Level 2 fair      Level 3 fair
                 Items                      value             value             value          Closing balance
                                         measurement       measurement       measurement
I. Recurring fair value measurement
  1. Held-for-trading financial assets
  2. Receivables financing                                                     16,350,913.52       16,350,913.52
  3.    Other     equity    instrument
                                                                                 741,953.00          741,953.00
  Total assets at recurring fair value
                                                                               17,092,866.52       17,092,866.52

     (II) Valuation technique(s) and key input(s) for level 3 fair value at recurring and non-recurring

fair measurement

     1. For notes receivable, measured at par value.

     2. For other equity instrument investments including Nanjing Yuhua Electroplating Factory and

Hangzhou Honyar Electrical Co.,Ltd., due to no changes of operating environment and conditions

and financial conditions of the invested enterprises, the Company measured at investment cost.

     3. For other equity instrument investments including Beijing Likangpu Communication

Equipment Co., Ltd., due to deterioration of operating environment and conditions and financial

conditions of the invested enterprises, the Company measured at zero value.

      X. Related party relationships and transactions
     (I) Parent company

                                                  - 76 -
                                                                capital                             Voting right
                                                 Business                                           proportion
Parent company          Place of registration                    (Ten         proportion over
                                                  nature                                             over the
                                                               thousand       the Company (%)
                                                                                                   Company (%)
                        No.2 Tudi 2 Road,
 China Potevio
                        Zhongguan Village       Information
  Company                                                      190,305.00           53.49               53.49
                      Economy Zone, Haidian       industry
                         District, Beijing

     (II) Status of the Company's subsidiaries

     See Note "VII. Interests in Other Entities" for details.

     (III) Joint ventures and associates of the Company

     For the important joint ventures or associates of the enterprise, see Note "VII. Interests in Other

Entities", other joint ventures or associates that have related party transactions with the Company in

the current period, or have a balance of related party transactions with the Company in the previous


          Joint ventures or associates                          Relationships with the Company
SEI-Nanjing Putian Optical Network Co., Ltd.                             Joint ventures

     (IV) Other related parties of the Company

                 Related parties                                Relationships with the Company
Beijing     PutianTaili  Telecommunications
                                                     An affiliated company of the ultimate controlling party
Technology Co.,Ltd.
Beijing taiko information system technology
                                                     An affiliated company of the ultimate controlling party
corporation limited
Eastern Communications Co.,Ltd.                      An affiliated company of the ultimate controlling party

Hangzhou Hikvision Science & Technology              An affiliated company of the ultimate controlling party

Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co.,Lt
                                                     An affiliated company of the ultimate controlling party
Hebei Far-East Communication System
                                                     An affiliated company of the ultimate controlling party
Engineering Co.,Ltd.
Nanjing Rail Transit System Engineering Co.,
                                                     An affiliated company of the ultimate controlling party
Nanjing Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd        An affiliated company of the ultimate controlling party
Nanjing Postel Swanking Electrical Appliance
                                                     An affiliated company of the ultimate controlling party
Technical Co.,Ltd
Nanjing Putian Information Technology Co.,Lt
                                                     An affiliated company of the ultimate controlling party
                                                     An affiliated company of the ultimate controlling party
GROUP Co.,Ltd.
Nanjing Putian Communication Technology Ind
                                                     An affiliated company of the ultimate controlling party
ustrial Park Co.,Ltd.
Putian Rail Transit Technology (Shanghai) Co.
                                                     An affiliated company of the ultimate controlling party

                                                   - 77 -
                Related parties                                       Relationships with the Company

Potevio Telecommunications Co.,Ltd.                        An affiliated company of the ultimate controlling party

Putian Information Technology Institute Co.,Lt
                                                           An affiliated company of the ultimate controlling party
Shanghai Potevio Network Technoligies Limite
                                                           An affiliated company of the ultimate controlling party
Shanghai PotevioCo.,Ltd.                                   An affiliated company of the ultimate controlling party
Anhui Sun Create Electronics Co.,Ltd.                      An affiliated company of the ultimate controlling party

Gemplus(Tianjin)New Technologies Co.,Ltd.                  An affiliated company of the ultimate controlling party
Wuhan Putian New Energy Co., Ltd                           An affiliated company of the ultimate controlling party
                                                           An affiliated company of the ultimate controlling party
GROUP Co.,Ltd.
China Electronics Laisi Information System
                                                           An affiliated company of the ultimate controlling party
Co., Ltd.
CETC Finance Co., Ltd.                                     An affiliated company of the ultimate controlling party
The 28th Research Institute of China
                                                           An affiliated company of the ultimate controlling party
Electronics Technology Group Co., Ltd
The 23rd       Research Institute of China
                                                           An affiliated company of the ultimate controlling party
Electronics Technology Group Co., Ltd
China Putian Corporation Co.,ltd.                          An affiliated company of the ultimate controlling party
Nanjing    branch      of      China        Key
                                                           An affiliated company of the ultimate controlling party
System&Integrated Circuit Co.,ltd.

     (V) Related party transactions

     1. Purchase and sale of goods, rendering and receiving of services
                                            Type of            Content of         Current period      Preceding period
          Related parties
                                          transaction          transaction         cumulative           comparative
Purchase goods and accept labor
Nanjing     Hikvision    Digital                                  Telecom
                                        Purchase goods                                   140,931.84
Technology Co., Ltd                                               products
                                        Purchase goods
Nanjing Postel Swanking Electrical                              Goods and
                                        and accept labor                                  30,796.47          175,207.98
Appliance Technical Co.,Ltd                                      Services
China Potevio Company Limited           Purchase goods                                                       371,681.42
Nanjing Putian Communication
                                         Accept labor
Technology      Industrial   Park                                  labor                                     129,056.58
   Selling goods and providing
The 28th Research Institute of
China Electronics Technology             Selling goods         Selling goods           1,420,289.21
Group Co., Ltd
Hebei Far-East Communication Sy
                                         Selling goods         Selling goods             783,202.90
stem Engineering Co.,Ltd.
Putian Rail Transit Technology
                                         Selling goods         Selling goods             309,784.08
(Shanghai) Co. LTD
Nanjing branch of China Key
                                         Selling goods         Selling goods              51,745.91
System&Integrated Circuit Co.,ltd.

                                                         - 78 -
                                             Type of           Content of            Current period      Preceding period
          Related parties
                                           transaction         transaction            cumulative           comparative
CETC           EASTCOM                                        Terminal and
COMMUNICATIONS   GROUP                    Selling goods         supporting                   25,809.65           22,641.51
Co.,Ltd.                                                         facilities
                                         Selling goods        Selling goods
Nanjing Postel Swanking Electrical
                                         and providing        and providing                  10,619.47          175,207.98
Appliance Technical Co.,Ltd
                                           services              services
Nanjing Putian Communication Te            Providing           Providing
                                                                                              4,424.78          129,056.58
                                            services            services
chnology Industrial Park Co.,Ltd.
                                                              Terminal and
Beijing PutianTaili Telecommunica
                                          Selling goods        supporting                     3,150.44
tions Technology Co.,Ltd.                                       facilities
China       Electronics      Laisi
                                          Selling goods       Selling goods                    592.04
Information System Co., Ltd.
PUTIAN                 EASTCOM
COMMUNICATIONS            GROUP           Selling goods                                                       1,034,151.45
China Potevio Company Limited             Selling goods                                                         384,300.86
Wuhan Putian New Energy Co.,                                       Telecom
                                          Selling goods                                                          16,088.49
Ltd                                                                products

     2. Related party leases
                                                                                 Lease income \ Lease income and
                                                               Status of leased     expenses         expenses
        Name of lessor                  Name of Lessee
                                                                    assets      recognized in the confirmed in the
                                                                                  current period  previous period
Nanjing Putian Communication        Nanjing Communication
Technology Industrial Park          Equipment Factory No.7     Office building              306,153.66          268,423.40
Co.,Ltd.                            Branch
Nanjing Southern Telecom
                                    Nanjing LopuCo.,Ltd.       Office building              197,619.05

     3. Related party guarantees
                                                                                                          Whether the
                                              Amount          Commencement
   Guarantees            Guarantors                                                  Maturity date        guarantee is
                                             guaranteed           date
                   Nanjing   Southern
  The company                                 20,000,000.00          2021/11/12            2025/7/22           No
                   Telecom Co.,Ltd
                   Nanjing   Southern
  The company                                 10,000,000.00          2022/02/23           2025/11/16           No
                   Telecom Co.,Ltd

     4. Key management’s emoluments

                Items                            Current period cumulative                Preceding period comparative
Key management’s emoluments                                          1,329,391.00                            1,306,373.00

     5. Related party entrusted loan and interest expense
Entrusted loan and interest expense with parent company             Current period               Preceding period
Principal balance of entrusted loan                                      145,000,000.00                   95,000,000.00
Interest payments on entrusted loans                                       3,605,336.12                    1,286,777.78

     6. On June 30, 2022, the Company deposited funds with China Electronic Technology Finance

Co., LTDwith a balance of RMB 8,275,421.66, all of which were bank deposits, and generated

                                                          - 79 -
deposit interest income of RMB 39,861.20 during the reporting period.

     (VI) Balance due to or from related parties

     1. Balance due from related parties

                                                     Closing balance                    Opening balance
   Items             Related parties             Book          Provision for                       Provision for bad
                                                                                  Book balance
                                                balance         bad debts                                debts
 Cash and
              China Electronic Technology
                                                8,275,421.66                        7,151,551.17
              Finance Co., Ltd
              Shanghai PotevioCo.,Ltd.          9,158,900.29      9,158,900.29      8,755,534.00        8,755,534.00

              Hebei Far-East Communicatio
                                                7,931,257.03        101,432.57      7,954,628.78          210,528.84
              n System Engineering Co.,Ltd.
              China    Potevio    Company
                                                5,519,204.83      3,352,438.48      5,519,204.83        3,339,327.20
              Putian Information Technology
                                                6,065,598.36      1,944,396.29      6,065,598.36        1,321,517.31
               Institute Co.,Ltd.
              Potevio Telecommunications
                                                4,317,924.00      1,060,171.20      4,317,924.00          372,990.90
              Nanjing Rail Transit System
                                                 905,040.41            9,050.40       905,040.41            9,050.40
              Engineering Co., Ltd
              The 28th Research Institute of
              China Electronics Technology       505,770.00            5,057.70
              Group Co., Ltd
              Putian Rail Transit Technology
                                                 433,840.80            4,338.41
              (Shanghai) Co. LTD
              Anhui Sun Create Electronics
                                                 183,262.43            8,388.89       183,262.43            8,388.89
              Nanjing branch of China Key
              System&Integrated      Circuit       58,472.88            584.73         26,373.10              263.73
              Nanjing Postel Swanking
              Electrical Appliance Technical       12,000.00            120.00
              China      Electronics   Laisi
                                                     669.00               6.69
              Information System Co., Ltd.
              Eastern       Communications
                                                                                       19,100.00              315.00
              Gemplus(Tianjin)New Technol
                                                                                        4,546.26            1,363.88
              ogies Co.,Ltd.
              Beijing taiko information
              system technology corporation                                           182,680.00           18,268.00
  Subtotal                                     35,091,940.03     15,644,885.65     33,933,892.17       14,037,548.15

                                                 - 80 -
                                                            Closing balance                         Opening balance
   Items                  Related parties               Book          Provision for                            Provision for bad
                                                                                          Book balance
                                                       balance         bad debts                                     debts
                 Hangzhou Hikvision Science
                                                           6,850.00                                 6,850.00
                 & Technology
                 Hangzhou Hikvision Digital
                 Technology Co.,Ltd.

  Subtotal                                                 7,466.00                                 6,850.00

                 Beijing Likangpu Telecommun
                                                      28,912,122.71     28,912,122.71       28,912,122.71          28,912,122.71
                 ications Equipment Co.,Ltd.
                 China     Potevio   Company
                                                       2,245,100.00      1,953,355.00        2,245,100.00           1,953,355.00
                 Putian Information Technology
                                                        367,800.00         367,800.00          367,800.00             367,800.00
                 Institute Co.,Ltd.
                 Nanjing Hikvision Digital
                                                         80,000.00            4,000.00          80,000.00               4,000.00
                 Technology Co., Ltd
                 The 23rd Research Institute of
                 China Electronics Technology                                                   67,400.00               3,370.00
                 Group Co., Ltd
Subtotal                                              31,605,022.71     31,237,277.71       31,672,422.71          31,240,647.71
    Total                                             74,979,850.40     46,882,163.36       72,764,716.05          45,278,195.86

     2. Balance due to related parties

     Items                          Related parties                      Closing balance                 Opening balance
                   SEI-Nanjing Putian Optical Network Co.,
                                                                                20,568,725.66                     20,258,725.66
                   China Potevio Company Limited                                18,016,137.43                     18,016,137.43
                   Nanjing Hikvision Digital Technology Co.,
                   Nanjing Putian Communication Technology
                                                                                       25,000.00                      25,000.00
                   Industrial Park Co.,Ltd.
                   Nanjing     Postel    Swanking  Electrical
                                                                                         1,200.00                     19,580.00
                   Appliance Technical Co.,Ltd
    Subtotal                                                                    38,683,900.99                     38,319,443.09
                   China Potevio Company Limited                                  4,690,537.30                     4,703,127.30
                   China Putian Corporation Co.,ltd.                                   13,239.48
    Subtotal                                                                      4,703,776.78                     4,703,127.30
Other payables
                   Nanjing Putian Communication Technology
                                                                                  3,700,486.23                     3,805,596.06
                   Industrial Park Co.,Ltd.
                   Putian Information Technology Institute Co.,
                                                                                      400,000.00                     400,000.00
                   Potevio Telecommunications Co.,Ltd.                                200,000.00                     200,000.00

                                                        - 81 -
    Items                       Related parties                Closing balance       Opening balance
                  China Putian Corporation Co.,ltd.                   7,430,000.00          9,580,000.00
                  China Potevio Company Limited                                              231,015.28

                  Nanjing Putian Information Technology Co.,
                                                                      2,758,432.56          3,042,825.53
                  SEI-Nanjing Putian Optical Network Co., Lt
   Subtotal                                                          14,571,918.79         17,259,436.87
                  China Potevio Company Limited                     145,000,000.00        145,000,000.00
   Subtotal                                                         145,000,000.00        145,000,000.00

       XI. Commitments and contingencies
     (I)     Commitments

     As of June 30, 2022, the Company has no material commitments to disclose.

     (II) Contingencies

     As of June 30, 2022, the Company had no material contingencies to disclose.

     (III) Segment reports

     1. Identification basis for reportable segments

     Reportable segments are identified based on operating segments which are determined based on

the structure of the Company’s internal organization, management requirements and internal

reporting system. The Company identified reportable segments based on products, which include

video conferencing products, integrated wiring product, electrical products, wiring products, and

other products. Assets and liabilities shared by different segments are allocated pro rata among


     The Company identified reportable segments based on products, assets and liabilities of each

segment are the actual amount of its proportion in assets and liabilities, and revenue from main

operations and cost of main operations are those generated or incurred by each product segment.

     2. Financial information of reportable segments

           Products segment

                                                      - 82 -
                   Video            Integrated     Low voltage           Wiring
   Items        conferencing          wiring       distribution       products and                               Total
                  products           product        products             others
from main       128,489,658.29    176,444,873.16    45,182,846.39     66,705,896.70      -16,955,752.94      399,867,521.60
Cost of
main             98,361,695.45    137,424,676.29    35,374,348.50     63,510,979.52      -16,899,630.56      317,772,069.20
Total assets    274,255,088.36    269,370,539.42   194,710,431.55    494,861,012.64     -302,370,504.57      930,826,567.40
                174,573,731.61    180,609,288.80   140,991,411.91    509,735,961.19     -189,177,699.51      816,732,694.00

       XII. Notes to items of parent company financial statements
         (I) Accounts receivable

      1.Disclosure according to aging

                Ages                               Closing balance                           Opening balance
Within 1 year                                                     39,839,142.63                            52,993,552.29
1 to 2 years                                                      28,064,270.46                            23,708,195.98
2 to 3 years                                                      18,067,544.84                            22,670,878.34
3 to 4 years                                                      36,389,971.54                            64,972,433.60
4 to 5 years                                                      43,202,669.52                            17,956,808.59
Over 5 years                                                      98,092,114.97                            91,555,641.94
Less: Allowance         for    doubtful
                                                                150,526,158.09                            149,111,938.07
                Total                                           113,129,555.87                            124,745,572.67

      2. According to the bad debt calculation and withdrawal method classification disclosure

                                                                           Closing balance
                                                          Book balance                   Provision for bad debts
                                                                             % to
                                                       Amount                            Amount             proportion
Receivables with provision made on an
                                                          69,599,335.93      26.40       69,599,335.93         100.00
individual basis
Receivables with provision made on a
                                                        194,056,378.03       73.60       80,926,822.16         41.70
collective basis
Among them: Combination 1: aging
                                                        191,084,844.85       98.47       80,926,822.16         42.35
Combination 2: Receivables within the
                                                           2,971,533.18      1.53
consolidated range
                    Total                               263,655,713.96      100.00      150,526,158.09         57.09

                                                                           Opening balance
                                                          Book balance                   Provision for bad debts

                                                       - 83 -
                                                                                      % to
                                                            Amount                                  Amount             proportion
Receivables with provision made on an
                                                               70,076,309.09          25.59         70,076,309.09        100.00
individual basis
Receivables with provision made on a
                                                              203,781,201.65          74.41         79,035,628.98        38.78
collective basis
Among them: Combination 1: aging
                                                              202,113,852.99          99.18         79,035,628.98        39.10
Combination2: Receivables within the
                                                                   1,667,348.66        0.82
consolidated range
                     Total                                    273,857,510.74          100.00       149,111,938.07        54.45

     (1)Receivables with provision made on an individual basis
                                     Book          Provision for
          Debtors                                                                 Ages             proportion         Reasons
                                    balance         bad debts
Dongpo Xi Laos Co.,                                                                                              Unable      to
                                19,708,086.54      19,708,086.54      4-5 years                      100.00
Ltd.                                                                                                                    recover
                                                                                                                 Unable      to
Mr. Xu                          17,591,683.74      17,591,683.74      Over 5 years                   100.00
China Tower Corporation                                                                                          Unable      to
                                13,819,926.92      13,819,926.92      Over 5 years                   100.00
Limited                                                                                                                 recover
China          Railway                                                4-5 years                                  Unable      to
Signal&Communication                                                  3114,600.94;                                     recover
                                 5,241,400.50       5,241,400.50                                     100.00
Shanghai    Engineering                                               Over 5 years
Bureau Group Co.,Ltd.                                                 2,126,799.56
                                                                                                                 Unable         to
Others                          13,238,238.23      13,238,238.23      2-5 years                      100.00
           Total                69,599,335.93      69,599,335.93

     (2)Receivables with provision made on a collective basis

     ①Combination 1: Aging combination

                                 Closing balance                                               Opening balance
  Ages                                Provision                                                    Provision
                                                       Provision for                                                Provision for
               Book balance           proportion                             Book balance          proportion
                                                        bad debts                                                     bad debts
                                         (%)                                                          (%)
Within 1
                    37,193,471.77        1.00              371,934.72             51,326,203.63       1.00              513,262.04
1 to 2
                    27,504,737.06        5.00             1,375,236.85            19,790,631.45       5.00              989,531.57
2 to 3
                    14,595,906.71        10.00            1,459,590.67            22,670,878.34      10.00            2,267,087.83
3 to 4
                    35,509,240.24        30.00          10,652,772.07             39,529,690.55      30.00           11,858,907.17
4 to 5
                    18,428,402.45        50.00            9,214,201.23            10,779,217.30      50.00            5,389,608.65
Over 5
                    57,853,086.62       100.00          57,853,086.62             58,017,231.72      100.00          58,017,231.72
  Total            191,084,844.85                       80,926,822.16             202,113,852.99                     79,035,628.98

     3. Bad debt provision

                                                            Change in current period
                      Opening                                                                                          Closing
 Categories                                              To withdraw or              Cancel          Other
                      balance            Accrual                                                                       balance
                                                            turn back                 after         changes

                                                            - 84 -
                    70,076,309.09                          476,973.16                                         69,599,335.93
made on an
                    79,035,628.98   1,891,193.18                                                              80,926,822.16
made on a
    Total        149,111,938.07     1,891,193.18           476,973.16                                        150,526,158.09

      4. Details of the top 5 debtors with largest balances
                                                                                    Proportion to
                                                                                  the total balance      Provision for bad
                      Debtors                           Book balance
                                                                                     of accounts               debts
                                                                                   receivable (%)
Mr. Xu                                                        17,591,683.74              6.67                 17,591,683.74
Dongpo Xi Laos Co., Ltd.                                      19,708,086.54              7.47                 19,708,086.54
China Tower Corporation Limited                               13,819,926.92              5.24                 13,819,926.92

Shanghai PotevioCo.,Ltd.                                        9,158,900.29             3.47                     9,158,900.29

Liantong Henan Branch                                           8,828,589.22             3.35                     5,794,725.99
                       Total                                  69,107,186.71              26.20                66,073,323.48

      (II) Other receivable

               Items                               Closing balance                               Opening balance
Interest receivable
Dividends receivable                                                 600,000.00                                    600,000.00
Other receivables                                               73,812,499.38                                 68,372,223.81
Less: Allowance for doubtful
                                                                39,061,352.39                                 40,428,187.81
               Total                                            35,351,146.99                                 28,544,036.00

      1. Dividends receivable


            Items                           Closing balance                                     Opening balance
Common stock dividend                                          600,000.00                                          600,000.00

      2. Other receivable

      (1)Other receivable categorized by nature

            Items                           Closing balance                                     Opening balance
Temporary              payment                              62,014,085.90                                     58,684,606.32

                                                       - 85 -
               Items                         Closing balance                               Opening balance

Deposit                                                        7,628,917.30                                  6,554,054.67
Travel allowance                                                589,016.07                                    691,088.20
Others                                                         3,580,480.11                                  2,442,474.62
Less: Allowance for doubtful
                                                              39,061,352.39                              40,428,187.81
               Total                                          34,751,146.99                              27,944,036.00

      (2)Age analysis

               Ages                          Closing balance                               Opening balance
Within 1 year                                                 12,027,410.93                              21,361,891.68
1 to 2 years                                                  19,517,402.86                                  2,121,917.36
2 to 3 years                                                   1,803,847.29                                  4,335,634.46
3 to 4 years                                                   2,744,287.09                                  3,821,379.29
4 to 5 years                                                   3,313,799.91                                  1,493,262.87
Over 5 years                                                  34,405,751.30                              35,238,138.15
Less: Allowance for doubtful
                                                              39,061,352.39                              40,428,187.81
               Total                                          34,751,146.99                              27,944,036.00

      (3)Changes in provision for bad debts

                           Phase I                 Phase II                    Phase III
         Items          12-month           Lifetime expected credit                                          Total
                                                                        Lifetime expected credit
                        expected credit    losses    (credit    not
                                                                        losses (credit impaired)
                        losses             impaired)
Opening balance              250,754.64                                            40,177,433.17         40,428,187.81
Opening balance in
                             250,754.64                                            40,177,433.17         40,428,187.81
the current period
--Transferred      to
phase II
--Transferred      to
phase III
--Reversed to phase
--Reversed to phase
Provision made in
                               13,497.15                                              805,817.15              819,314.30
the current period
Provision recovered
in current period
Provision written off
                                                                                    2,186,149.72             2,186,149.72
in current period
Other changes
Closing balance              264,251.79                                            38,797,100.60         39,061,352.39

      (4)Other receivables for which the provision for bad debts is withdrawn individually at the

                                                      - 86 -
end of the period
                                                                                    Proportion of
       Debtors                 Book balance           Provision for bad debt                                    Reasons
                                                                                   withdrawal (%)
Beijing Likangpu                                                                                          The other party is
Telecommunications                  28,912,122.71             28,912,122.71                      100.00   bankrupt and unable
Equipment Co.,Ltd.                                                                                        to settle

     (5)Bad debt provision

                                                           Change in current period
                     Opening                                                     Cancel                             Closing
 Categories                                              To withdraw or                             Other
                     balance             Accrual                                  after                             balance
                                                           turn back                               changes
                    40,428,187.81        819,314.30                            2,186,149.72                      39,061,352.39

     (6)Other receivables actually written off in the current period

     The amount of other receivables actually written off in this period is 2,186,149.72 yuan.

     (7)Details of the top 5 debtors with largest balances
                                                                                         Proportion to
                                                                                            the total
                            Nature of          Closing                                     balance of        Provision for bad
      Debtors                                                         Ages
                           receivables         balance                                        other                debts
Beijing    Likangpu        Temporary
Telecommunications          payment          28,912,122.71    Over 5 years                     39.17             28,912,122.71
Equipment Co.,Ltd.         receivable
Nanjing      Nanman         Security
                                             26,867,500.00    Within 1 year                    36.40
Electric Co., LTD            deposit
                                                              Within 1
                                                              1-2 years
NANJING PUTIAN                                                504,197.5;
                           Rent, water                        2-3 years
TELECOMMUNIC                                  2,862,862.93                                      3.88
                          and electricity                     404,315.31;
ATIONS CO.,LTD.                                               3-4 years
                                                              4-5 years
                                                              4-5 years
China     Potevio            Security                         938,000.00;
                                              1,938,000.00                                      2.63               1,938,000.00
Company Limited              deposit                          Over 5 years
                                                              3-4 years
Beijing                    Temporary
PutianKechuang              payment            805,545.63                                       1.09                805,545.63
                                                              Over 5 years
Industry Co.,Ltd.          receivable
       Total                                 61,386,031.27                                     83.17             31,655,668.34

     (III) Long-term equity investments

     Items                          Closing balance                                           Opening balance

                                                           - 87 -
                                               for          Carrying                                             Carrying
                       Book balance                                         Book balance           for
                                            impairme        amount                                               amount
Investments in
                       113,409,068.64                     113,409,068.64    115,319,588.64     1,910,520.00   113,409,068.64
Investments in
associates and           10,422,192.16                     10,422,192.16     10,422,193.15                     10,422,193.15
joint ventures
     Total             123,831,260.80                     123,831,260.80    125,741,781.79     1,910,520.00   123,831,261.79

        1. Investments in subsidiaries
                                                                                                                   balance of
                                           Opening                                   Closing        impairment
             Investees                                    Increase     Decrease                                    provision
                                           balance                                   balance          made in
Nanjing          PutianChangle
Telecommunications                         2,610,457.00                             2,610,457.00
Equipment Co., Ltd.
Nanjing            PutianTelege
                                           3,320,003.45                             3,320,003.45
Intelligent Building Co., Ltd
Nanjing Southern Telecom
                                         33,175,148.00                            33,175,148.00
Nanjing Nanman Electrics Co.,
                                         57,831,012.71                            57,831,012.71
Nanjing      Putian    Network
                                           7,741,140.41                             7,741,140.41
Nanjing           PutianDatang
Information Electronics Co                 5,436,797.07                             5,436,797.07
NANJING                PUTIAN
TELECOMMUNICATIONS                         1,294,510.00                             1,294,510.00
Chongqing Puhua Information
                                           2,000,000.00                             2,000,000.00
Technology Co., Ltd
               Total                     113,409,068.64                           113,409,068.64

  Note: The deregistration of POSTEL TELECOMMUNICATIONS (H.K.) CO. LIMITED was completed in May


                                                             - 88 -
     2. Investments in associates and joint ventures

                   Opening                                      Investment       Adjustment in                        Cash                                 Closing         balance of
  Investees                                                                                                                         Provision
                   balance       Investments   Investments        income             other        Changes in     dividend/Profit                           balance       provision for
                                                                                                                                       for      Others                    impairment
                                  increased     decreased    recognized under    comprehensive    other equity    declared for
                                                               equity method        income                         distribution
I.       Joint
                 10,422,193.15                                           -0.99                                                                           10,422,192.16
Putian Optical
                 10,422,193.15                                           -0.99                                                                           10,422,192.16
Network Co.,

                                                                                        - 89 -
      (IV) Operating revenue/Operating cost

      1. Operating income and operating costs are classified by major categories

                                          Current period cumulative                     Preceding period comparative
                                        Revenue                   Cost                  Revenue                      Cost
I.Main operations                        48,561,617.50         44,909,870.82             57,592,825.38          53,102,335.86
II.Other operations                       1,476,755.54            1,568,931.48            6,018,376.27          5,993,665.33
             Total                       50,038,373.04         46,478,802.30             63,611,201.65         59,096,001.19

      2. Operating income in the current period is classified according to the time of revenue

                                    Video                                Low voltage          Wiring
   Revenue recognition                              Integrated
                                 conferencing                            distribution      products and              Total
     method (time)                                wiring product
                                   products                               products            others
Confirm at sceratin point
                                                                                           50,038,373.04        50,038,373.04
of time
Confirm in a certain period
of time
           Total                                                                           50,038,373.04        50,038,373.04

      (V) Investment income
                                                                                                    Preceding period
                         Items                              Current period cumulative
Investment income from long-term equity investments
                                                                               9,153,400.00                     9,153,400.00
under cost method
Investment income from long-term equity investments
                                                                                        -0.99                               -1.19
under equity method
Others                                                                           122,168.94
                         Total                                                 9,275,567.95                     9,153,398.81

      XIII. Other supplementary information
      (I) Schedule of non-recurring profit or loss

                                       Items                                                      Amount               Remarks
1. Profit and loss on disposal of non-current assets, including the write-off part of
the asset impairment provision
2. Approval beyond authority, or without formal approval documents, or incidental
tax refund, reduction and exemption
3. Government subsidies included in the current profit and loss (closely related to
the business of the enterprise, except those enjoyed in accordance with the national                 192,494.49
unified standard quota or quantitative government subsidies)
4. Capital occupancy fee charged to a non-financial enterprise that is included in
the current profit and loss
5. When the investment cost of a subsidiary, joint venture or associates is less than
that of the investment, an enterprise shall enjoy the income generated from the fair
value of the identifiable net assets of the invested entity
6. Non - monetary assets exchange gains and losses
7. Gains or losses from investing or managing assets on behalf of others

                                                         - 90 -
                                          Items                                                 Amount               Remarks
8. Provisions for impairment of assets due to force majeure factors, such as natural
9. Debt restructuring gains and losses                                                                  -4,791.06
10. Enterprise restructuring expenses, such as placement of staff expenses,
integration costs, etc
11. A gain or loss in excess of fair value resulting from a transaction at an
appreciably unfair price
12. The net profit and loss of the subsidiary from the beginning of the period to the
merger date arising from the merger of enterprises under the same control
13. Gains and losses arising from contingencies unrelated to the normal operation
of the company's business
14. In addition to the normal business of the company effective hedging related
business, tradable financial assets, and other illiquid financial assets, derivative
financial assets, changes in the fair value of the tradable financial liabilities have
profit and loss, as well as the disposal of tradable financial assets, other illiquid
financial assets, creditor's rights investment, transactional financial liabilities and
other derivative financial liabilities of investment returns
15. The receivables and contract assets for which impairment tests are carried out
separately will be transferred back
16. Gains and losses from entrusted loans
17. Profits and losses arising from changes in the fair value of investment real
estate that are measured using the fair value model
18. The impact of one-time adjustment on current profit and loss according to
taxation, accounting and other laws and regulations
19. Custodial fee income obtained from entrusted operation
20. Other non-operating income and expenses other than those described above                      2,718,908.67
21. Other profit and loss items that meet the definition of non-recurring profit and
22. Impact of income tax                                                                               -82,712.65
23. Amount of influence of minority shareholders                                                      -293,256.52
                                          Total                                                  -3,157,828.42

Note: Otheritemsthatmeet the definition of non-recurring profitandloss are mainly the translation of

the accumulated foreign currency statements of the liquidation subsidiary in Hong Kong.

      (II) Return on net assets(RONA) and earnings per share(EPS)

                                                      Weighted average                    EPS (yuan/share)
         Profit of the reporting period                 RONA (%)                   Basic EPS           Diluted EPS
                                                     Current     Preceding     Current    Preceding      Current     Preceding
                                                     period        period      period       period       period       period
Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                       -51.49       -16.14        -0.13       -0.14         -0.13       -0.14
ordinary shares
Net profit attributable to shareholders of
ordinary shares after deducting non-recurring          -45.63       -16.29        -0.11       -0.14          -0.11      -0.14
profit or loss

                                                                   Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                         19August 2022

                                                         - 91 -