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晨 鸣B:2011年半年度报告(英文版)2011-08-25  


I.     Company Information                                    2

II.    Summary of Financial and Operating Results             3

III.   Changes in Share Capital and Shareholders              5

IV.    Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management           8

V.     Directors’ Report                                    10

VI.    Material Matters                                      20

VII. Unaudited Financial Statements and Notes thereto
      Prepared in Accordance with Accounting
      Standards for Business Enterprises                     29

VIII. Documents Available for Inspection                    141

I. Company Information

1.   Legal Chinese name of the Company:       山东晨鸣纸业集团股份有限公司
     Legal English name of the Company:       SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED
     Abbreviation of the English name:        SCPH

2.   Legal Representative of the Company:     Chen Hongguo

3.   Secretary to the Board of the Company:   Hao Yun
     Company Secretary (Hong Kong):           Poon Shiu Cheong
     Securities Affairs Representatives:      Fan Yingjie
     Correspondence Address:                  No. 595 Shengcheng Road, Shouguang City,
                                              Shandong Province, People’s Republic of China
     Telephone:                               (86)-0536-2158011, (86)-0536-2156488
     Facsimile:                               (86)-0536-2158640
     Email address:                           chenmmingpaper@163.com

4.   Registered Address and Office            No. 595 Shengcheng Road, Shouguang City,
     Address of the Company:                  Shandong Province, People’s Republic of China
     Postal Code:                             262700
     International Website of the Company:    http://www.chenmingpaper.com

5.   Designated Local Newspapers for          China Securities Journal and Hong Kong
     Information Disclosure:                  Commercial Daily
     Designated Website for                   http://www.cninfo.com.cn
     Publication of Interim Report:           http://www.hkex.com.hk
     Places for Inspection of
     the Company’s Interim Report:           Capital operation department of the Company

6.   Stock Information:                       A shares
                                              Shenzhen Stock Exchange
                                              Stock Abbreviation:                                晨鸣纸业
                                              Stock Code:                                         000488
                                              B shares
                                              Shenzhen Stock Exchange
                                              Stock Abbreviation:                                  晨鸣B
                                              Stock Code:                                         200488
                                              H shares
                                              The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited
                                              Stock Abbreviation:                              Chenming Paper
                                              Stock Code:                                          1812

7.   Other Relevant Information:
     Date of Change in Registration of
     the Company:                             27 September 2008
     Registered Address:                      No. 595 Shengcheng Road, Shouguang City,
                                              Shandong Province
     Legal Person Business License
     Registration Number:                     370000400001170
     Taxation Registration Number:            370783613588986

II. Summary of Financial and Operating Results

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                                                                             Increase / decrease
                                                                                                                 as at the end of
                                                                                                                   the reporting
                                                                                                               period compared
                                                                     As at the end of        As at the end       with the end of
     Items                                                      the reporting period     of the prior year   the prior year (%)

     Total assets                                                   39,537,159,503.43   35,077,132,129.98                12.71%

     Equity attributable to equity
      holders of the Company                                        13,400,443,827.34   13,535,785,794.54                -1.00%

     Net assets per share (RMB/share)                                            6.50                6.56                -0.91%

                                                                                                                         for the
                                                                                                               reporting period
                                                                                                     The         compared with
                                                                                           corresponding     the corresponding
                                                                The reporting period            period of          period of the
                                                                  (January to June)        the prior year        prior year (%)

     Operating profit                                                 473,928,647.41      777,353,073.97                -39.03%

     Total profit                                                     593,538,893.05      838,558,409.76                -29.22%

     Net profit attributable to
      equity holders of the Company                                   483,549,691.40      607,868,970.24                -20.45%

     Net profits after extraordinary gains
      or losses attributable to the
      equity holders of the Company                                   382,038,739.41      571,504,710.16                -33.15%

     Basic earnings per share (RMB)                                              0.23                0.29               -20.69%

     Diluted earnings per share (RMB)                                            N/A                 N/A                    N/A

     Weighted average return on net assets                                     3.51%               4.57%       decreased by 1.06
                                                                                                               percentage points

     Net cash flows from operating activities                         737,643,905.04     1,189,723,076.40               -38.00%

     Net cash flows per share from operating activities (RMB)                   0.36                 0.58               -37.93%


                                                                                          Unit: RMB

     Extraordinary gains or losses items                                                 Amount

     Net gains or losses from
      disposal of non-current assets                                                  887,857.74

     Government grants received                                                    125,301,439.93

     Net gains or losses attributable to debt restructuring                        -19,869,972.60

     Gains or losses arising from disposal of subsidiaries                          13,309,163.37

     Gains or losses on change in fair value of consumable biological assets         3,715,429.62

     Non-operating net gains or
      losses other than the above                                                    1,984,493.37

     Effect of extraordinary gains or
      losses on minority shareholders                                               -9,721,125.93

     Effect of extraordinary gains or losses on income tax                         -14,096,333.51

     Total                                                                         101,510,951.99

III. Changes in Share Capital and Shareholders

                                                                                                                                                            (Unit: shares)

                                                                                                  Increase/decrease (+/-) resulting
                                                          Opening balance                      from changes in the reporting period                 Closing balance
                                                                                         Increase in        Release of
                                                        Number                              lock-up         restricted                           Number
                                                       of shares      Percentage             shares            Shares           Sub-total       of shares     Percentage

     I.       Restricted shares                     303,011,972           14.69%             52,300           -643,515          -591,215     302,420,757          14.67%

              1.     State-owned legal
                      person shares                 293,003,657           14.21%                 —                 —                —     293,003,657          14.21%

              2.     Shares held by Senior
                      Management                     10,008,315             0.48%            52,300           -643,515          -591,215       9,417,100              0.46%

     II.      Non-restricted shares                1,759,033,969          85.31%            -52,300           643,515            591,215    1,759,625,184         85.33%

              1.     Renminbi ordinary shares       810,266,484           39.30%            -52,300           643,515            591,215     810,857,699          39.32%

              2.     Domestic listed
                      foreign shares                557,497,485           27.04%                 —                 —                —     557,497,485          27.04%

              3.     Overseas listed
                      foreign shares                391,270,000           18.97%                 —                 —                —     391,270,000          18.97%

     III.     Total number of shares               2,062,045,941         100.00%                 —                 —                —    2,062,045,941        100.00%

      Note:        During the reporting period, the restricted shares held by Senior Management changed by -591,215 shares from 10,008,315 shares to 9,417,100 shares. The
                   reasons for such change were as follows:

     (1)      According to the Practice Guidance for the Management of the Company’s shares held by the directors, supervisors and senior
              management of the listed companies of Shenzhen Stock Exchange(《深圳证券交易所上市公司董事、监事和高级管理人员所持本
              公司股份管理业务操作指南》) the shares held by the existing Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management would be unlocked up
              on the basis of the percentage of 25% of the shares held as at the beginning of each year. During the reporting period, 25% of the
              restricted RMB ordinary shares (A shares) held by four Senior Management members of the Company changed to non-restricted shares
              and amounted to 643,515 shares.

     (2)      During the reporting period, 25% of the non-restricted RMB ordinary shares (A shares) held by a former Senior Management member
              changed to restricted shares and amounted to 52,300 shares;

              As a result, the restricted shares held by Senior Management decreased by a total of 591,215 shares as compared to the end of the prior

   1.   The top ten shareholders and the top ten shareholders of non-restricted shares
        Total number of shareholders           The total number of shareholders was 165,386, of which 134,960 were holders of A shares,
                                               29,805 were holders of B shares and 621 were holders of H shares

        Shareholdings of the top ten shareholders

                                                                                                    Total   Number of       Number of
                                                                                               number of      restricted         shares
        Name of                                Nature of                      Percentage of   shares held   shares held     pledged or
        shareholders                           shareholders                   shareholding       (shares)       (shares)     locked-up

        HKSCC NOMINEES LIMITED                 Overseas                             18.89%    389,532,500             0      Unknown
                                               legal person
                                               (foreign shareholder)

        SHOUGUANG CHENMING HOLDINGS            State-owned legal person             14.21%    293,003,657   293,003,657              0

        PLATINUM ASIA FUND                     Overseas legal person                 2.11%     43,480,377             0      Unknown

        BBH BOS S/A FIDELITY                   Overseas legal person                 1.45%     29,800,890             0      Unknown

        BILL & MELINDA GATES                   Domestic                              1.17%     24,036,202             0      Unknown
         FOUNDATION TRUST                      non-state-owned
                                               legal person

        HTHK-MANULIFE CHINA VALUE FUND         Overseas legal person                 1.11%     22,892,182             0      Unknown

        MANULIFE GLOBAL FUND                   Overseas legal person                 0.99%     20,324,321             0      Unknown

        Bank of Communications – Bosera       Domestic                              0.97%     20,000,000             0      Unknown
         Emerging Growth Stock Securities      non-state-owned
         Investment Fund                       legal person

        China Life Insurance Company Limited   Domestic                              0.91%     18,819,737             0      Unknown
          - Dividend - Individual Dividend     non-state-owned
        °@- 005L - FH002 Shenzhen             legal person

        DRAGON BILLION CHINA                   Overseas                              0.67%     13,853,877             0      Unknown
         MASTER FUND                           legal person

   1.   The top ten shareholders and the top ten shareholders of non-restricted shares (continued)
        Shareholding of the top ten shareholders of non-restricted shares

                                                                                                    Number of
        Name of                                                                                    shares held                   Classes
        shareholders                                                                                   (shares)                of shares

        HKSCC NOMINEES LIMITED                                                                      389,532,500                H shares
        PLATINUM ASIA FUND                                                                           43,480,377                B shares
        BBH BOS S/A FIDELITY FD-CHINA FOCUS FD                                                       29,800,890                B shares
        BILL & MELINDA GATES FOUNDATION TRUST                                                        24,036,202                A shares
        HTHK-MANULIFE CHINA VALUE FUND                                                               22,892,182                B shares
        MANULIFE GLOBAL FUND                                                                         20,324,321                B shares
        Bank of Communications – Bosera Emerging Growth                                             20,000,000                A shares
         Stock Securities Investment Fund
        China Life Insurance Company Limited - Dividend - Individual                                 18,819,737                A shares
        Dividend - 005L - FH002 Shenzhen
        DRAGON BILLION CHINA MASTER FUND                                                             13,853,877                 B shares
        VALUE PARTNERS CLASSIC FUND                                                                   8,143,633                 B shares

        Connected relationship or                     Among the top ten shareholders of the Company, Shouguang Chenming
         concert-party relationship                   Holdings Company Limited, a state-owned legal person shareholder,
         among the above                              is not connected with any of the other shareholders. Save for the above,
         shareholders                                 the Company is not aware of any other shareholders of outstanding shares as aforesaid
                                                      are connected with each other.

   2.   Changes in the Company’s controlling shareholders and beneficial controllers during the reporting period
        The Company’s controlling shareholders and beneficial controllers remained unchanged during the reporting period.

IV. Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

I.   Changes in shareholdings of the Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management
                                                               Shares        Increase of     Decrease of            Shares                  Share options
                                                         held as at the      shares held      shares held        held as at                        held as
                                                            beginning         during the       during the    the end of the    Restricted    at the end of   Reasons
     Name            Position                              of the year    current period   current period   period (shares)   shares held       the period   for change

     Chen Hongguo    Chairman                                6,334,527                0                0         6,334,527     4,750,895                0    —
     Yin Tongyuan    Vice-chairman                           2,423,640                0                0         2,423,640     1,817,730                0    —
     Li Feng         Director, standing deputy general         471,818                0                0           471,818       353,863                0    —
                      manager and sales controller
     Geng Guanglin   Director amd deputy                      437,433                 0                0           437,433       328,075                0    —
                      general manager
     Tan Daocheng    Director                                 185,700                 0                0           185,700       139,275                0    —
     Hou Huancai     Director                                 628,915                 0                0           628,915       471,686                0    —
     Zhou Shaohua    Director                                 123,007                 0                0           123,007        92,255                0    —
     Cui Youping     Director                                       0                 0                0                 0             0                0    —
     Wang Xiaoqun    Director                                       0                 0                0                 0             0                0    —
     Wang Fengrong   Director                                       0                 0                0                 0             0                0    —
     Zhang Zhiyuan   Director                                       0                 0                0                 0             0                0    —
     Wang Aiguo      Director                                       0                 0                0                 0             0                0    —
     Zhang Hong      Director                                       0                 0                0                 0             0                0    —
     Wang Yumei      Director                                       0                 0                0                 0             0                0    —
     Wang Xiangfei   Director                                       0                 0                0                 0             0                0    —
     Gao Junjie      Supervisor                                39,606                 0                0            39,606        29,704                0    —
     Wang Ju         Supervisor                                     0                 0                0                 0             0                0    —
     Yang Hongqin    Supervisor                                     0                 0                0                 0             0                0    —
     Yin Qixiang     Supervisor                                     0                 0                0                 0             0                0    —
     Guo Guangyao    Supervisor                                     0                 0                0                 0             0                0    —
     Wang Baoliang   Deputy general manager                   209,200                 0                0           209,200       209,200                0    Shares held by
                                                                                                                                                               former Senior
                                                                                                                                                               locked up in
                                                                                                                                                               accordance with
                                                                                                                                                               the relevant
                                                                                                                                                               upon leaving
     Li Xueqin       Deputy general manager                   429,348                 0                0           429,348      322,011                 0    —
     Hao Yun         Deputy general manager, secretary        708,441                 0                0           708,441      531,331                 0    —
                      to the Board
     Wang Zaiguo     Deputy general manager                   146,700                 0           36,675           110,025       110,025                0    Restrictions on
                                                                                                                                                               Shares held
                                                                                                                                                               by Senior
     Wang Shihong    Deputy general manager                         0                 0                0                 0             0                0    —
     Zhao Liqun      Deputy general manager                         0                 0                0                 0             0                0    —
     Zhang Yanjun    Deputy general manage                    102,393                 0                0           102,393        76,795                0    —
     Hu Changqing    Deputy general manager                     1,238                 0                0             1,238             0                0    —
     Zhang Chunlin   Deputy general manager                   245,674                 0                0           245,674       184,255                0    —
     Chang Liting    Deputy general manager                         0                 0                0                 0             0                0    —
     Xia Jigang      Deputy general manager                         0                 0                0                 0             0                0    —
     Li Zhenzhong    Deputy general manager                         0                 0                0                 0             0                0    —
     Wang Chunfang   Financial controller                           0                 0                0                 0             0                0    —

  1.   On 30 March 2011, after the consideration of the fifth meeting of the sixth session of the Board, Mr. Wang Baoliang no longer was a
       deputy general manager of the Company due to job change. The Board appointed Mr. Chang Liting, Mr. Xia Jigang and Mr. Li
       Zhenzhong as deputy general managers of the Company due to job requirements.

       For specific details, please refer to the relevant announcements published in China Securities Journal, Hong Kong Commercial Daily
       and on the website of CNINF (http://www.cninfo.com.cn) on 31 March 2011, and the website of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange
       (www.hkex.com.hk) on 30 March 2011.

V. Directors’ Report

I.   Discussion and analysis under Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises:
     The following financial data are extracted from the unaudited financial statements prepared by the Company in accordance with Accounting
     Standards for Business Enterprises. The following discussion and analysis shall be read in conjunction with the financial statements of the
     Company set out in this report and the notes thereto.

     1.   Operations of the Company during the reporting period

          In the first half of 2011, the paper making industry saw shrinking demand due to the macro economic conditionsand lower prices due to
          the new production capacity in operation. During the reporting period, the raw materialprice and the product costs became higher due
          to lower economic growth and China’s prudent monetary policy.During the reporting period, the profitability of the principal activities
          of the Company became weaker as comparedto the corresponding period of the prior year with lower gross profit margin of paper
          products as compared to thecorresponding period of the prior year.

          During the reporting period, the Company completed machine-made paper production of 1.6628 million tonneswith sales volume of
          1.5654 million tonnes, representing a growth of -1.24% and 0.99% as compared to the correspondingperiod of the prior year. Revenue
          from operations amounted to RMB8.917 billion, up 9.06% from the correspondingperiod of the prior year. Operating profit amounted
          to RMB474 million, down 39.03% from the correspondingperiod of the prior year. Net profit attributable to equity holders of the
          Company were RMB484 million, down20.45% from the corresponding period of the prior year mainly due to an decrease in the gross
          profit margin duringthe period as compared to the corresponding period of the prior year resulting from a rise in raw material price.

                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                                         to the
                                                                                January to                 January to             period of the
          Item                                                                   June 2011                 June 2010            prior year (%)

          Revenue from operations                                          8,917,455,355.14         8,176,641,676.99                     9.06%
          Operating profit                                                   473,928,647.41           777,353,073.97                   -39.03%
          Net profit attributable to equity holders of
           the Company                                                      483,549,691.40            607,868,970.24                   -20.45%

          The Company operates in the paper making industry, which is a light industry, and its principal activities are the production and sale of
          machine-made paper and paperboard, paper making raw materials and machinery; and generation and sale of electricity and steam.
          During the reporting period, machine-made paper realised revenue from principal activities of RMB8,186 million, accounting for
          91.80% of the total revenue from operations of the Company.

I.   Discussion and analysis under Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises: (Cont’d)
     2.   Revenue from operations by industry and by product
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB’0000

                                                    Revenue from operations by industry
                                                                                                  Increase/                             decrease in
                                                                                                decrease in         Increase/          gross profit
                                                                                              revenue from        decrease in               margin
                                                                                                 operations       cost of sale           compared
                                                                                                 compared          compared                  to the
                                                                                                     to the             to the      corresponding
                                                                                            corresponding     corresponding               period of
                                         Revenue                                                  period of         period of       the prior year
                                            from                             Gross profit    the prior year    the prior year          (percentage
          By industry or by product    operations    Cost of sales           margin (%)                (%)                (%)               points)

          Machine-made paper           818,616.13      678,465.96                 17.12%            5.59%            11.68%                -4.52%
          Electricity and steam         41,463.35       38,971.82                  6.01%          135.77%           172.48%               -12.66%
          Construction materials        19,470.79       14,590.67                 25.06%           11.98%             1.18%                 8.00%
          Chemical products              3,956.74        3,213.98                 18.77%           21.94%            50.46%               -15.40%
          Others                         8,238.53        3,033.48                 63.18%           96.45%           134.21%                -5.94%

          Total                        891,745.54      738,275.91                 17.21%            9.06%             15.42%               -4.56%

                                                       Principal activities by product

          Light weight coated paper     65,703.30       57,493.22                 12.50%           -4.31%              0.18%               -3.92%
          Duplex press paper           110,354.43       96,522.24                 12.53%           13.19%             22.04%               -6.34%
          Writing paper                 14,482.32       13,201.62                  8.84%          -49.21%            -44.38%               -7.92%
          Copperplate paper            206,012.79      168,074.60                 18.42%           -1.09%              7.26%               -6.35%
          News press paper              77,357.26       67,276.20                 13.03%            6.19%              6.70%               -0.42%
          Paperboard                    27,316.55       25,638.45                  6.14%          -33.18%            -28.62%               -6.01%
          White paper board            121,941.92       94,570.57                 22.45%           15.69%             26.64%               -6.70%

I.   Discussion and analysis under Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises: (Cont’d)
     3.   Breakdown of revenue from operations by geographical segment
                                                                                                 Unit: RMB’0000

                                                                                                in revenue from
                                                                                                            to the
                                                                            Revenue from                period of
          Geographical segment                                                 operations     the prior year (%)

          PRC                                                                  751,569.40                 5.30%
          United States                                                         15,337.01               251.46%
          Hong Kong                                                              5,823.92               -42.94%
          Japan                                                                 10,016.79               -10.90%
          South Africa                                                           4,168.61                -5.36%
          Other overseas areas                                                 104,829.80                42.28%

          Total                                                                891,745.54                  9.06%

I.   Discussion and analysis under Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises: (Cont’d)
     4.   Problems emerged in operations and measures to resolve them
          During the reporting period, the domestic market competition became greater with lower product prices due tonew production capacity
          of the industry in operation. The market demand did not boom due to lower economicgrowth and the reduced expected future demand.
          The profit margin of the Company reduced due to the rise in theraw material price and the fall in product prices.

          The above changes made things difficult for the management to make decision for product sale strategy, purchasing strategy and
          inventory management of the Company. The corresponding measures adopted by the Company included:

          (1)   Timely adjusting its product mix and actively developing the new products with marketability in response tothe change in market
                demand and seeking to keep the inventory level low;

          (2)   Formulating market development strategies, implementing more reasonable sales and pricing strategies andthinking out the
                market planning, thus creating greater benefits for the Company;

          (3)   Taking full advantage of the own low pulp production cost of the Company by effectively controlling the productioncost with
                flexible corresponding measures in response to the change in pulp market price;

          (4)   Strengthening the management of distributors and consolidating the distributor management system to improvethe service of the
                distributors; and organising a major training program for the sales staff and giving the staffof the operations incentives to rapid
                enhance the capabilities of the sales staff;

          (5) Implementing a product differentiation positioning strategy on new project in operation to ensure the productsto rapidly gain market
                share upon operation..

II. Investments during the reporting period
    1.   Use of proceeds
         The Company raised no funds and utilised no proceeds from prior periods during the reporting period.

    2.   Highlights of the major investments not financed by the proceeds during the reporting period
         As at the end of the reporting period, the Company and its controlling subsidiaries made cumulative investment of RMB11,191 million
         mainly for the following five projects:

         (1)   The high-end low weight coated paper project of annual production capacity of 800,000 tonnes

               The high-end low weight coated paper project of annual production capacity of 800,000 tonnes in ShouguangCity was considered
               and approved by the 2009 First Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company. Theplanned total investment amount for this
               project was approximately RMB5.2 billion. The construction of theproject was to last for 18 months. Upon completion, the
               project will realise annual production capacity of800,000 tonnes high-end low weight coated paper. Upon operation, the project
               will, to some extent, increasethe percentage of high-end paper products and enhance the comprehensive competitiveness of the

               The project provided a new source of benefit growth upon the successful trial production in June 2011. Cumulativeinvestment of
               RMB2,890 million was made as of the end of the reporting period.

         (2)   The high-end culture paper project of annual production capacity of 450,000 tonnes

               The high-end culture paper project of annual production capacity of 450,000 tonnes in Zhanjiang, Guangdong was considered
               and approved by the 2008 Annual General Meeting of the Company. The planned total investment amount for this project was
               approximately RMB1.668 billion. The construction of the project was to last for 18 months. Upon completion, the project will
               realise annual production capacity of 450,000 tonnes high-end culture paper and annual profit of approximately RMB189 million.
               Upon operation, the project will, to some extent, increase the percentage of high-end paper products and enhance the
               comprehensive competitiveness of the Company.

               Currently, the civil works of the project were about 95% completed and equipment installation of the project was about 90%
               completed. Cumulative investment of RMB1,687 million was made as of the end of the reporting period. It was expected that the
               project may commence operation by August 2011.

         (3)   The high-end white coated linerboard project of annual production capacity of 600,000 tonnes

               The high-end white coated linerboard project of an annual production capacity of 600,000 tonnes in ShouguangCity was
               considered and approved by the 2009 First Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company. Theplanned total investment amount
               for this project was approximately RMB2.6 billion. The construction of theproject was to last for 18 months. Upon completion,
               the project will realise annual production capacity of600,000 tonnes high-end white coated linerboard paper. Upon operation, the
               project will increase the percentageof high-end paper products and enhance the comprehensive competitiveness of the Company.

               Currently, the civil works of the project were about 70% completed and its masonry structure was 90% completed. Cumulative
               investment of RMB582 million was made as of the end of the reporting period.

II. Investments during the reporting period
    2.   Highlights of the major investments not financed by the proceeds during the reporting period (Cont’d)
         (4)   Research and development centre project

               The construction project of a research and development centre was approved by the Thirteenth Meeting of the Fifth Session of
               the Board. The project’s planned investment amounted to approximately RMB120 million and it was to be completed in 17
               months. Upon completion, the centre will be mainly used for development of new projects and includes technical research
               institutes, technical laboratories, product testing rooms, workstations for post-doctoral technicians, offices, etc.

               Currently, the project was completed and commenced operation in June 2011. Cumulative investment of RMB160 million was
               made as of the end of the reporting period.

         (5)   The bleached sulfate pulp project of annual production capacity of 700,000 tonnes

               The construction of the bleached sulfate pulp project of annual production capacity of 700,000 tonnes was considered and
               approved by the Board of the Company. The planned total investment amount for this project was approximately RMB9.4 billion.
               The construction of the project was to last for three year.

               Currently, the civil works of the project were about 95% completed and equipment installation of the project was about 90%
               completed. Cumulative investment of RMB5,876 million was made as of the end of the reporting period. It was expected that the
               project may commence operation by August 2011.

III. 1.   Analysis of the assets and liabilities of the Company
                                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                                                       As at                    As at
                                                                     30 June             31 December
                                                                  Reasons for
          Items                                                         2011                     2010          Change                change

          Inventory                                          3,666,551,486.97         3,047,078,215.01          20.33%                    (1)
          Other current assets                               1,342,459,344.12           658,572,125.34         103.84%                    (2)
          Construction in progress                          10,261,432,888.00         7,871,512,563.84          30.36%                    (3)
          Construction materials                               203,451,709.86           116,481,086.12          74.67%                    (4)
          Short-term borrowings                              5,906,247,149.54         3,594,157,220.47          64.33%                    (5)
          Bills payable                                      1,324,707,285.74           218,757,186.75         505.56%                    (6)
          Advance receipts                                     250,933,984.66           410,243,554.75         -38.83%                    (7)
          Other payables                                       981,268,512.05           582,052,511.43          68.59%                    (8)
          Other current liabilities                          1,909,713,509.43         3,412,493,915.88         -44.04%                    (9)
          Long-term borrowings                               6,467,134,801.11         4,725,628,719.05          36.85%                   (10)
          Deferred income tax liabilities                                                 1,340,281.66        -100.00%                   (11)

          Explanation on the main reasons leading to the changes:

          (1)   Inventory increased by 20.33% as compared to the beginning of the year mainly due to the higher raw material costs and
                goods-in-stock costs resulting from the rise in raw material price.

          (2)   Other current assets increased by 103.84% as compared to the beginning of the year mainly due to a significant increase in the
                input tax of non-credited value added tax resulting from an increase in the Group’s construction in progress and a significant
                increase in the input tax of the equipment procurement.

          (3)   Construction in progress increased by 30.36% as compared to the beginning of the year mainly due to the investments in the
                copperplate paper project of production capacity of 800,000 tonnes, the Zhanjiang pulp project of production capacity of 700,000
                tonnes and the white coated linerboard project of production capacity of 600,000 tonnes made by the Group.

          (4)   Construction materials increased by 74.67% as compared to the beginning of the year mainly due to investments in construction
                projects made by the Company.

          (5)   Short-term borrowings increased by 64.33% as compared to the beginning of the year mainly due to an increase in short-term
                borrowings upon expiry of short-term debentures of RMB1.5 billion of the Company.

          (6)   Bill payable increased by 505.56% as compared to the beginning of the year mainly due to increased bill payments for loans with
                reasonable use of financing channels by the Company.

          (7)   Advance receipts decreased by 38.83% as compared to the beginning of the year mainly due to an increase in goods delivery with
                less advances on sales during the period.

          (8)   Other payables increased by 68.59% as compared to the beginning of the year mainly due to an increase in bank balances with
                the holding company resulting from some project funds raised through the holding company by the Company.

III. 1.   Analysis of the assets and liabilities of the Company (Cont’d)
          (9)   Other current liabilities decreased by 44.04% as compared to the beginning of the year mainly due to expiry of short-term
                debentures of RMB1.8 billion of the Company during the period.

          (10) Long-term borrowings increased by 36.85% as compared to the beginning of the year mainly due to the increase in some
                long-term borrowings resulting from investments in construction projects.

          (11) Deferred income tax liabilities decreased by 100% as compared to the beginning of the year mainly due to disposal of
                subsidiaries during the year with deferred income tax liabilities incurred on acquisition of subsidiaries during prior years

III. 2.   Analysis and explanation on major year-on-year changes in profit and loss indicators during the
          reporting period
                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                                                                        For the              For the
                                                                    six months           six months
                                                                         ended                ended
                                                                       30 June              30 June                              Reason§r for
          Items                                                           2011                 2010              Change               change

          Business taxes and surcharges                        32,113,269.58         10,397,727.74               208.85%                     (1)
          Finance expenses                                    153,592,178.50        125,739,655.86                22.15%                     (2)
          Loss on impairment of assets                        -21,425,466.16         20,796,487.26              -203.02%                     (3)
          Gain on change in fair value                          3,715,429.62          8,358,094.03               -55.55%                     (4)
          Investment income                                     9,553,661.98          4,324,494.78               120.92%                     (5)
          Non-operating income                                145,947,362.89         67,413,802.58               116.49%                     (6)
          Non-operating expenses                               26,337,117.25          6,208,466.79               324.21%                     (7)
          Total profit                                        589,823,463.43        838,558,409.76               -29.66%                     (8)
          Income tax expenses                                  96,723,898.32        142,479,322.30               -32.11%                     (8)
          Net profit attributable to equity holders
           of the Company                                     483,549,691.40        607,868,970.24               -20.45%                     (8)
          Minority interests                                   13,265,303.33         88,210,117.22               -84.96%                     (8)

          Explanation on the main reasons leading to the changes:

          (1)   Business taxes and surcharges increased by 208.85% as compared to the corresponding period of the prior year mainly due to the
                payment of the urban maintenance and construction tax and education surcharges by foreign-invested enterprises since December

          (2)   Finance expenses increased by 22.15% as compared to the corresponding period of the prior year mainly due to an increase in
                interest expenses as compared to the corresponding period of the prior year resulting from interest rate changes and an increase of

          (3)   Loss on impairment of assets decreased by 203.02% as compared to the corresponding period of the prior year mainly because
                the Company made greater efforts to clear open account receivables outstanding for a long period and eliminated bad debt
                provisions during the period.

          (4)   Gain on change in fair value decreased by 55.55% as compared to the corresponding period of the prior year mainly due to
                change in fair value of timber assets.

          (5)   Investment income increased by 120.92% as compared to the corresponding period of the prior year mainly due to investment
                income on disposal of Heze Chenming Panels Co., Ltd. and Shandong Lin Dun Wood Industry Co., Ltd. during the period.

          (6)   Non-operating income increased by 116.49% as compared to the corresponding period of the prior year mainly due to an increase
                of government grants received during the period.

          (7)   Non-operating expenses increased by 324.21% as compared to the corresponding period of the prior year mainly due to an
                increase in the losses from debt restructuring incurred by the Company during the period.

          (8)   Total profit, income tax expenses, net profit attributable to equity holders of the Company and minority interests decreased as
                compared to the corresponding period of the prior year mainly due to an decrease in the gross profit margin as compared to the
                corresponding period of the prior year resulting from a rise in raw material price.

III. 3.   Cash flows from operating activities of the Company during the reporting period
                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                                                                              For the six               For the six
          Items                                                             months ended             months ended
                                                                            30 June 2011              30 June 2010               Change (%)

          Net cash flows from operating activities                         737,643,905.04          1,189,723,076.40                  -38.00%
          Net cash flows from investment activities                     -2,602,316,539.31         -1,502,481,365.60                  -73.20%
          Net cash flows from financing activities                       1,787,918,250.48           -170,160,445.16                 1150.72%

          Explanation on the main reasons leading to the changes:

          (1)   Cash flows from operating activities decreased as compared to the corresponding period of the prior year mainly due to a
                significant increase in discounted outstanding bills during the period as compared to the corresponding period of the prior year.

          (2)   net cash flows from investment activities decreased as compared to the corresponding period of the prior year mainly due to the
                increased investments in the copperplate paper project of production capacity of 800,000 tonnes, the high-end white coated
                linerboard project of production capacity of 600,000 tonnes and the Zhanjiang pulp project of the Company during the period.

          (3)   Net cash flow from financing activities increased as compared to the corresponding period of the prior year mainly due to project
                investments and an increase in bank borrowings during the period.

    In the second half of the year, the Company will continue to stick to the tasks set at the beginning of the year. While paying attention to
    economic benefits, new project construction and utilisation of new production capacity, the Company will reinforce its market development,
    strengthen its self-innovation capability, save energy consumption and reduce emission by:

    (1)   Exploring the domestic and overseas market to facilitate future development: the Company will implement proactive and reasonable
          marketing strategies and optimise its international marketing network by employing diversified currency settlement and various
          operating models; well prepare for new projects to be in operation; actively make sales planning and expand its sales channels;

    (2)   Accelerating the construction of raw material bases on the basis of the forestry bases in Zhanjiang, Huizhou and Huanggang as the
          planned objective;

    (3)   Strengthening the management of distributors, enhancing the capabilities of the sales staff and strengthening brand promotion;

    (4)   Strengthening internal control and system establishment and improving corporate governance with a view to enhancing its management
          strength and operation quality;

    (5)   Standardising the operation of its technological innovation system, optimising its innovation incentive mechanism, speeding up the
          research and development of the key technologies and firmly establishing its quality and brands;

    (6)   Continuously taking resources saving and environmental protection as strategic objectives in the course of corporate development with
          a view to strengthening energy saving and emission reduction for the purpose of sustainable development.

VI. Material Matters

     1.   Change of personnel
          Please refer to “IV. Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management”.

     2.   Personnel of the Company
          As at 30 June 2011, the Group had 17,985 employees in aggregate, including 10,238 production staff, 866 sales staff, 2,499 technical
          staff, 285 financial staff, 1,398 administrative staff and 2,699 other staff. The remuneration of the employees of the Company includes
          their salaries, bonuses and other fringe benefits. The Company determines different rates of remuneration for different employees based
          on their performance, qualifications, duties and other factors in compliance with the relevant PRC laws and regulations.

     1.   The Company’s corporate governance is generally in compliance with the relevant requirements of China
          Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC)
          Strictly in compliance with the requirements of the relevant laws and regulations of Companies Law ( 公司法》), Securities Law ( 证
          券法》), Code of Corporate Governance for Listed Companies ( 上市公司治理准则》), Rules Governing Listing on Shenzhen Stock
          Exchange (《深圳证券交易所股票上市规则》) and the Articles of Association, the Company continued to optimise its legal person
          governance structure, and established an modern enterprise policy to regulate the operations of the Company.

          The state of governance of the Company is currently in compliance with the requirements under the relevant documents of CSRC.

     2.   Audit committee
          The Audit Committee of the Company had discussed with the management the accounting standards and practices adopted by the
          Company, and had also discussed and reviewed this report, including the financial statements of the Company as at 30 June 2011
          prepared in accordance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises.

   1.   The 2010 profit distribution plan of the Company was considered and approved by the 2010 Annual General Meeting. Based on
        2,062,045,941 shares in the total share capital of the Company, cash bonus of RMB 3.0 was to be paid to all shareholders for every 10
        shares held (tax included, RMB2.70 for every 10 shares held was actually paid to individual shareholders, investment funds and
        Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors holding A shares after tax deduction; and in respect of other A share shareholders, no income
        tax was deducted for tax payment. RMB2.70 for every 10 shares held was actually paid to individual shareholders and non-residential
        enterprises holding B shares). Distribution of cash bonuses under such distribution amounted to RMB619 million
        (RMB618,613,782.30) (tax included).

        For A Shares, the book closure date was 20 June 2011. For B Shares, the book closure date was 23 June 2011. The ex-rights date was
        21 June 2011.

   2.   The 2011 interim profit distribution plan: no profit distribution was proposed to be implemented for the interim period of 2011 and no
        share capital increase by way of transfer from capital reserves would be carried out.

   The Company had no material acquisition and disposal of assets, absorptions and mergers during the reporting period.

   The Company was not subject to any material litigation or arbitration during the reporting period.

   1.   Undertakings made during the reform of conversion and performance of such undertakings

        It was undertaken that shares held by Shouguang Chenming Holdings Co., Ltd., the controlling shareholder of the Company, shall not
        be listed and traded within 48 months from the date of implementation of the reform of conversion. During the reporting period,
        Shouguang Chenming Holdings Co., Ltd. had strictly adhered to such undertakings. The undertakings of the controlling shareholder
        expired on 29 March 2010. The undertakings of the holders of non-tradable shares were fully fulfilled. The relevant procedure for the
        release from sales restriction will be processed upon confirmation from the controlling shareholder regarding such release from sales

   2.   During the reporting period, no shareholders holding 5% (including 5%) or above shares in the Company had made any additional
        undertakings on shares subject to trading moratorium.

   The Company had not entered into any significant contracts during the reporting period.

VIII. External guarantees
    During the reporting period, the Company provided no guarantee to external parties (excluding the guarantees provided to its controlling
    subsidiaries) and did not provide any guarantees against the rules and regulations.

    As at 30 June 2011, the balance of guarantee the Company provided to its controlling subsidiaries amounted to RMB6,165.9418 million
    representing 46.01% of the net assets attributable to equity holders of the Company.

                                                                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB’0000
                                                           External guarantees provided by the Company (excluding guarantees provided for subsidiaries)

                                              Date and number
                                                  of the related
                                                announcement                                       Guarantee                                                                         Guarantee
                                                 disclosing the         Amount of                        date          Guarantee                Type of                Fulfilled       to related
    Name of obligor                          guarantee amount           guarantee            (agreement date)           provided              guarantee    Term         or not?    parties or not

    Total amount of external guarantee                                                            0.00     Total amount of external guarantee provided                                      0.00
     approved during the reporting period (A1)                                                              during the reporting period (A2)
    Total amount of external guarantee approved                                                   0.00     Total balance of external guarantee provided                                     0.00
     as at the end of the reporting period (A3)                                                             as at the end of the reporting period (A4)

                                                                              Guarantees provided by the Company for subsidiaries

                                              Date and number
                                                  of the related
                                                announcement                                       Guarantee                                                                         Guarantee
                                                 disclosing the         Amount of                        date          Guarantee                Type of    Term        Fulfilled       to related
    Name of obligor                          guarantee amount           guarantee            (agreement date)           provided              guarantee    (year)       or not?    parties or not

    Zhanjiang Chenming                    2006-07-27(2006-042)          564,020.00             25 March 2008           351,956.48                 Credit      15             No              No
     Paper Pulp Co., Ltd.

    Zhanjiang Chenming                    2011-03-31(2011-005)          200,000.00                         —                 0.00                Credit       1    The contract             No
     Paper Pulp Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                           had not been

    Jiangxi Chenming Paper                2009-12-16(2009-034)            45,000.00         10 December 2009             45,000.00                Credit       3             No              No
     Co., Ltd.

    Jiangxi Chenming                      2003-03-17(2003-002)          103,600.00          11 December 2003              5,000.00                Credit       3             No              No
     Paper Co., Ltd.

    Huanggang Chenming                    2011-03-31(2011-005)            20,000.00                        —                 0.00                Credit       1    The contract             No
     Arboriculture Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                        had not been

    Huanggang Chenming                    2010-02-25(2010-003)            16,000.00              20 April 2010            2,000.00                Credit       3             No              No
     Arboriculture Co., Ltd.

    Huanggang Chenming                    2010-02-25(2010-003)            16,000.00                8 July 2010            3,000.00                Credit       3             No              No
     Arboriculture Co., Ltd.

    Huanggang Chenming                    2009-05-27(2009-012)            10,000.00               2 June 2009             5,000.00                Credit       3             No              No
     Arboriculture Co., Ltd.

    Wuhan Chenming                        2011-03-31(2011-005)            30,000.00                        —                 0.00                Credit       1    The contract             No
     Hanyang Paper                                                                                                                                                  had not been
     Holdings Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                                   signed

    Shouguang Meilun                      2010-08-25(2010-027)            79,473.00         10 September 2010            77,659.20                Credit       5             No               No
     Paper Co., Ltd.

    Shouguang Meilun                      2010-10-29(2010-034)          600,000.00            14 January 2011            26,471.60                Credit       3             No               No
     Paper Co., Ltd.

    Shouguang Chenming                    2011-03-31(2011-005)            10,000.00                        —                 0.00                Credit       1    The contract              No
     Art Paper Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                            had not been

VIII. External guarantees (continued)
                                                                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB’0000
                                                                                         Guarantees provided by the Company for subsidiaries

                                                 Date and number
                                                     of the related
                                                   announcement                                               Guarantee                                                                Guarantee
                                                    disclosing the            Amount of                             date    Guarantee            Type of     Term        Fulfilled       to related
    Name of obligor                             guarantee amount              guarantee                 (agreement date)     provided          guarantee     (year)       or not?    parties or not

    Jilin Chenming Paper                    2011-03-31(2011-005)                30,000.00                   25 May 2011            0.00           Credit         1             No              No
     Co., Ltd.

    Shandong Chenming                       2011-03-31(2011-005)                20,000.00                            —            0.00           Credit         1    The contract             No
     Paper Group Qihe                                                                                                                                                 had not been
     Paperboard Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                                   signed

    Shandong Chenming                       2010-02-25(2010-003)                20,000.00             16 September 2010            0.00           Credit         1             No              No
     Paper Group Qihe
     Paperboard Co., Ltd.

    Chenming (HK) Limited                   2011-03-31(2011-005)              329,300.00                             —            0.00           Credit         1    The contract             No
                                                                                                                                                                      had not been

    Chenming (HK) Limited                   2010-10-29(2010-034)                50,000.00                  13 April 2011      50,000.00           Credit         3             No               No

    Xianning Chenming                       2011-03-31(2011-005)                10,000.00                            —            0.00           Credit         1    Contract has             No
     Arboriculture Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                             not been

    Shandong Chenming                       2010-10-29(2010-034)              200,000.00                25 February 2011      50,506.90           Credit        0.5            No              No
     Paper Sales Company

    Total amount of guarantee provided for subsidiaries approved during the reporting period (B1)                                                                                      649,300.00

    Total amount of guarantee provided for subsidiaries during the reporting period (B2)                                                                                               230,221.70

    Total amount of guarantee provided for subsidiaries approved as at the end of the reporting period (B3)                                                                          2,337,393.00

    Total balance of guarantee provided for subsidiaries as at the end of the reporting period (B4)                                                                                    616,594.18

                                                              Total amount of guarantee provided by the Company (the sum of the above two main categories)

    Total amount of guarantee approved during the reporting period (A1+B1)                                                                                                             649,300.00

    Total amount of guarantee provided during the reporting period (A2+B2)                                                                                                             230,221.70

    Total amount of guarantee approved as at the end of the reporting period (A3+B3)                                                                                                 2,337,393.00

    Total balance of guarantee provided as at the end of the reporting period (A4+B4)                                                                                                  616,594.18

    Total amount of guarantee provided (A4+B4) as a percentage of the net assets of the Company                                                                                           46.01%

    Of which:

    Amount of guarantee provided for shareholders, beneficial controllers and its related parties (C)                                                                                         0.00

    Amount of guarantee directly or indirectly provided for obligors with gearing ratio over 70% (D)                                                                                   214,637.70

    Total amount of guarantee provided in excess of 50% of net assets (E)                                                                                                                     0.00

    Sum of the above three amount of guarantee (C+D+E)                                                                                                                                 214,637.70

    Explanation on possible joint obligation on outstanding guarantees provided                                                                                                                Nil

  1.   During the reporting period, the Company did not invest in any securities, and the Company did not hold any equity interests in other
       listed companies, unlisted financial institutions or prospective listed companies.

  2.   During the reporting period, except for provision of entrusted loans to controlling subsidiaries of the Company (for details, please refer
       to the financial statements and Note 8 thereto prepared in accordance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises), the
       Company did not appoint any person to manage the Company’s funds during the reporting period or in the preceding reporting period
       which had been carried over to this reporting period. Also, there was no significant custody, subcontracting or lease of the assets
       between the Company and other companies during the reporting period or in the preceding reporting period which had been carried
       over to this reporting period.

  3.   Independent opinion from Independent Directors of the Company concerning utilisation of funds by related parties and external

       After inspection, there was no utilisation of funds of the Company by controlling shareholders and other related parties during the
       reporting period, except for connected transactions between the Company and its controlling subsidiaries and the investees of the
       Company (for details, please refer to the financial statements and Note 8 thereto prepared in accordance with Accounting Standards
       for Business Enterprises). The connected transactions were true and accurate to represent the ordinary connected transactions of the
       Company, which complied with the principle of fair and reasonable, and related requirements of the Companies Law and the Articles
       of Association. The prices of the transactions were true and fair and do not impair the interests of the Company and other shareholders,
       especially the interest of minority shareholders, and non-related shareholders.

       Upon inspection, except for the guarantees provided to controlling subsidiaries during the reporting period (for details, please refer to
       the financial statements and Note 8 thereto prepared in accordance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises), the Company
       had provided RMB0 of external guarantee for the period of and accrued up to 30 June 2011. The Company strictly followed the
       relevant requirements of Notice on Regulation of External Guarantee Provided by Listed Companies (Zheng Jian Fa [2005] No.120)
       《关于规范上市公司对外担保行为的通知》(证监发)[2005]120号, and the Articles of Association to earnestly perform its
       information disclosure obligations in respect of external guarantees and honestly provided information concerning all external
       guarantee matters to the public accountant. During the reporting period, the Company provided guarantee for controlling subsidiaries
       for the ordinary production and operation and reasonable utilisation of the funds of the Company. The decision procedures were legal
       and without prejudice to the interests of the Company and the shareholders of the Company (especially minority shareholders).

X. Reception of research investigations, communications and interviews during the reporting period
                                                                                        Main topics of
    Date of        Place of     Manner of       Parties                                 discussion and
    reception      reception    reception       accommodated                            information provided

    7 January      Zhanjiang,   On-site         Qilu Securities                         Matters including recent
    2011           Guangdong    research                                                development of the industry and
                                investigation                                           development trend in the future,
                                                                                        production and operation of the
                                                                                        Company, as well as strategic

    12 January     Shouguang,   On-site         China International Capital
    2011           Shandong     research        Corporation Limited, PICC Asset
                                investigation   Management Company Limited,

    12 January     Shouguang,   On-site         Polaris International
    2011           Shandong     research        Securities Investment
                                investigation   Trust Co., Ltd.

    27 January     Shouguang,   On-site         First Shanghai Securities Limited
    2011           Shandong     research        of Hong Kong

    17 February    Shouguang,   On-site         Sinolink Securities Co., Ltd.
    2011           Shandong     research        and E Fund Management Co., Ltd.

    24 February    Shouguang,   On-site         Huatai Securities, Guodu Securities,
    2011           Shandong     research        Chongyang Investment, Fortune
                                investigation   Securities, Capital Synergy Invest
                                                Management Co., Ltd.

    4 May 2011     Shouguang,   On-site         Guotai Junan Securities, China Asset
                   Shandong     research        Management Co., Ltd., Union Life
                                investigation   Insurance Co., Ltd.

    5 May 2011     Shouguang,   On-site         Huatai United Securities,
                   Shandong     research        HuaAn Fund Management Co., Ltd.

    9 May 2011     Shouguang,   On-site         英国保诚基金
                   Shandong     research

    10 May 2011    Shouguang,   On-site         Fubon Financial of Taiwan
                   Shandong     research

    11 May 2011    Shouguang,   On-site         Tebon Securities Co., Ltd.
                   Shandong     research        of Shanghai

    20 May 2011    Shouguang,   On-site         Everbright Securities,
                   Shandong     research        First-trust Fund Management Co., Ltd.

    30 June 2011   Shouguang,   On-site         Zeal Asset Management Limited
                   Shandong     research

XI. Index of Information Disclosure in the First Half of 2011
    Date of
    announcement        Subject matter                                       Media for publication

    25 January 2011     Announcement on the Results Express for 2010         B009 of China Securities Journal,
                                                                             D5 of Securities Times,
                                                                             A18 of Hong Kong Commercial Daily

    19 March 2011       Indicative announcement in respect of                B012 of China Securities Journal,
                        receiving incentive funds from the government        A15 of Hong Kong Commercial Daily

    19 March 2011       Announcement in respect of H shares                  http://www.cninfo.com.cn

    31 March 2011       2010 annual report                                   B139 of China Securities Journal,
                                                                             A14 of Hong Kong Commercial Daily

    31 March 2011       Self assessment report on internal control           B139 of China Securities Journal,
                                                                             A14 of Hong Kong Commercial Daily

    31 March 2011       2010 social responsibility report                    B139 of China Securities Journal,
                                                                             A14 of Hong Kong Commercial Daily

    31 March 2011       Special audit report on the use of funds of listed   B139 of China Securities Journal,
                        companies by related parties of the Company          A14 of Hong Kong Commercial Daily

    31 March 2011       Announcement on the resolutions of                   B139 of China Securities Journal,
                        the fifth meeting of the sixth session of            A14 of Hong Kong Commercial Daily
                        the Supervisory Committee                            http://www.cninfo.com.cn

    31 March 2011       Notice of 2010 Annual General Meeting                B139 of China Securities Journal,
                                                                             A14 of Hong Kong Commercial Daily

    31 March 2011       Announcement on the resolutions of                   B139 of China Securities Journal,
                        the fifth meeting of the sixth session of            A14 of Hong Kong Commercial Daily
                        the Board of Directors                               http://www.cninfo.com.cn

    31 March 2011       2010 auditors’ report                               B139 of China Securities Journal,
                                                                             A14 of Hong Kong Commercial Daily

    31 March 2011       2010 annual report summary                           B139 of China Securities Journal,
                                                                             A14 of Hong Kong Commercial Daily

XI. Index of information disclosure in the first half of 2011 (continued)
    Date of
    announcement         Subject matter                                        Media for publication

    31 March 2011        Code of conduct for major shareholders and            B139 of China Securities Journal,
                         beneficial controller and information                 A14 of Hong Kong Commercial Daily
                         enquiry system (March 2011)                           http://www.cninfo.com.cn

    31 March 2011        Internal control on derivatives investments           B139 of China Securities Journal,
                         and information disclosure system                     A14 of Hong Kong Commercial Daily

    31 March 2011        Announcement on lock-up of LIBOR on                   B139 of China Securities Journal,
                         Zhanjiang Chenming US dollar loans                    A14 of Hong Kong Commercial Daily

    31 March 2011        Announcement on handling settlement of                B139 of China Securities Journal,
                         forward foreign exchange + NDF                        A14 of Hong Kong Commercial Daily
                         portfolio operations                                  http://www.cninfo.com.cn

    31 March 2011        Announcement in respect of provision of guarantee     B139 of China Securities Journal,
                         for the general banking facilities being applied by   A14 of Hong Kong Commercial Daily
                         controlling subsidiaries                              http://www.cninfo.com.cn

    31 March 2011        Special report on internal control                    B139 of China Securities Journal,
                                                                               A14 of Hong Kong Commercial Daily

    31 March 2011        Assurance annual report on the use and deposit of     B139 of China Securities Journal,
                         capitals raised by the company                        A14 of Hong Kong Commercial Daily

    31 March 2011        Independent opinion of independent directors on       B139 of China Securities Journal,
                         the self assessment report on internal control of     A14 of Hong Kong Commercial Daily
                         the Company                                           http://www.cninfo.com.cn

    31 March 2011        Independent directors’ report for 2010               B012 of China Securities Journal,
                                                                               A9 of Hong Kong Commercial Daily

    14 April 2011        Announcement in respect of H shares                   http://www.cninfo.com.cn

    15 April 2011        Indicative announcement on issuing notes of           A11 of China Securities Journal,
                         RMB500 million by a wholly-owned subsidiary           A32 of Hong Kong Commercial Daily

    15 April 2011        Announcement in respect of H shares                   A11 of China Securities Journal,
                                                                               A32 of Hong Kong Commercial Daily

XI. Index of information disclosure in the first half of 2011 (continued)
    Date of
    announcement                    Subject matter                                                 Media for publication

    28 April 2011                   Independent opinion of independent directors on                B117 of China Securities Journal,
                                    reappointment of the accounting firm                           A26 of Hong Kong Commercial Daily

    28 April 2011                   Notice in respect of the increased resolutions at              B117 of China Securities Journal,
                                    the 2010 Annual General Meeting                                A26 of Hong Kong Commercial Daily

    28 April 2011                   Announcement on the resolutions of                             B117 of China Securities Journal,
                                    the sixth meeting of the sixth session of                       A26 of Hong Kong Commercial Daily
                                    the Board of Directors                                         http://www.cninfo.com.cn

    28 April 2011                   The full text of 2011 first quarterly report                   B117 of China Securities Journal,
                                                                                                   A26 of Hong Kong Commercial Daily

    28 April 2011                   The main text of 2011 first quarterly report                   B117 of China Securities Journal,
                                                                                                   A26 of Hong Kong Commercial Daily

    28 April 2011                   Announcement in respect of H shares                            B117 of China Securities Journal,
                                                                                                   A26 of Hong Kong Commercial Daily

    19 May 2011                     Legal opinion as witnessed by lawyers on                       B24 of China Securities Journal,
                                    the 2010 Annual General Meeting                                B8 of Hong Kong Commercial Daily

    19 May 2011                     Announcement on the resolution of                              B24 of China Securities Journal,
                                    2010 Annual General Meeting                                    B8 of Hong Kong Commercial Daily

    14 June 2011                    Announcement of dividend payment for 2010                      B018 of China Securities Journal,
                                                                                                   A5 of Hong Kong Commercial Daily

    16 June 2011                    Announcement on approval by                                    http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                    the Issuance Audit Committee of
                                    China Securities Regulatory Commission of
                                    the application for issue of corporate bonds

    30 June 2011                    Announcement on approval by                                    http://www.cninfo.com.cn
                                    China Securities Regulatory Commission of
                                    issue of corporate bonds

    Note: A total of 35 announcements were issued by the Company in the first half year of 2011.

VII. Unaudited Financial Statements and Notes thereto Prepared                                    in
     Accordance with Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises

Consolidated Balance Sheet
As at 30 June 2011

                                       Prepared by: Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings LimitedUnit: RMB

Items                                            Notes          Closing Balance      Opening balance

 Monetary funds                                  VII.1          2,092,372,229.62     1,951,854,940.72
 Held-for-trading financial assets
 Bills receivable                                VII.2          2,907,199,130.35     2,762,389,909.89
 Accounts receivable                             VII.3          2,470,687,488.76     2,122,578,824.27
 Prepayments                                     VII.5            990,222,160.27       924,354,545.55
 Interest receivable
 Dividend receivable
 Other receivables                               VII.4            120,648,508.43       117,634,380.52
 Inventory                                       VII.6          3,666,551,486.97     3,047,078,215.01
 Current assets due within one year              VII.7              5,471,558.96
 Other current assets                            VII.8          1,342,459,344.12       658,572,125.34

 Total current assets                                          13,595,611,907.48    11,584,462,941.30

 Available-for-sale financial assets
 Held-to-maturity investments
 Long-term receivables
 Long-term equity investments                    VII.9             63,446,430.50        67,201,931.89
 Investment properties                           VII.10            23,819,084.05        24,688,212.07
 Fixed assets                                    VII.11        12,755,665,301.97    12,882,358,381.56
 Construction in progress                        VII.12        10,261,432,888.00     7,871,512,563.84
 Construction materials                          VII.13           203,451,709.86       116,481,086.12
 Disposal of fixed assets
 Consumable biological assets                    VII.14          854,627,460.54        726,742,568.44
 Oil and gas assets
 Intangible assets                               VII.15         1,418,157,494.90     1,459,453,227.94
 Development expenditure
 Goodwill                                        VII.16           20,283,787.17         20,283,787.17
 Long-term prepaid expenses                      VII.17          182,267,638.76        176,436,950.42
 Deferred income tax assets                      VII.18          158,395,800.20        147,510,479.23
 Other non-current assets

 Total non-current assets                                      25,941,547,595.95    23,492,669,188.68

TOTAL ASSETS                                                   39,537,159,503.43    35,077,132,129.98

Items                                                              Notes     Closing Balance    Opening balance

 Short-term borrowings                                             VII.21    5,906,247,149.54    3,594,157,220.47
 Held-for-trading financial liabilities
 Bills payable                                                     VII.22    1,324,707,285.74      218,757,186.75
 Accounts payable                                                  VII.23    3,021,214,487.89    2,708,064,676.44
 Advance receipts                                                  VII.24      250,933,984.66      410,243,554.75
 Staff remuneration payables                                       VII.25      136,242,342.77      169,426,660.41
 Taxes payable                                                     VII.26      121,533,605.16      134,029,387.82
 Interest payable
 Dividend payable                                                  VII.27      106,831,703.46
 Other payables                                                    VII.28      981,268,512.05      582,052,511.43
 Non-current liabilities due within one year                       VII.29    1,270,588,281.77    1,432,841,463.15
 Other current liabilities                                         VII.30    1,909,713,509.43    3,412,493,915.88

 Total current liabilities                                                  15,029,280,862.47   12,662,066,577.10

 Long-term borrowings                                              VII.31    6,467,134,801.11    4,725,628,719.05
 Bonds payable                                                     VII.32      490,204,131.56
 Long-term payables
 Special accounts payable
 Estimated liabilities
 Deferred income tax liabilities                                   VII.18                            1,340,281.66
 Other non-current liabilities                                     VII.30    2,432,132,832.15    2,427,897,545.67

 Total non-current liabilities                                               9,389,471,764.82    7,154,866,546.38

TOTAL LIABILITIES                                                           24,418,752,627.29   19,816,933,123.48

 Paid-up capital (or share capital)                                VII.33    2,062,045,941.00    2,062,045,941.00
 Capital reserves                                                  VII.34    6,093,493,004.71    6,093,493,004.71
 Less: Treasury shares
 Special reserves
 Surplus reserves                                                  VII.35    1,046,510,680.99    1,046,510,680.99
 General risk provisions
 Retained profit                                                   VII.36    4,198,667,857.06    4,333,731,947.96
 Foreign currency translation differences                                         -273,656.42            4,219.88
 Total equity attributable to equity holders of the company                 13,400,443,827.34   13,535,785,794.54
 Minority interests                                                          1,717,963,048.80    1,724,413,211.96

 Total owners’ equity                                                      15,118,406,876.14   15,260,199,006.50

TOTAL LIABILITIES AND OWNERS’ EQUITY                                       39,537,159,503.43   35,077,132,129.98

Consolidated Income Statement
January to June 2011

                                                                      Prepared by: Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings LimitedUnit: RMB

                                                                                               Amounts for the      Amounts for the
Items                                                                           Notes           current period        prior period

I.    Total operating revenue                                                                  8,917,455,355.14     8,176,641,676.99
      Including: Operating revenue                                              VII.37         8,917,455,355.14     8,176,641,676.99

II.   Total operating costs                                                                    8,456,795,799.33     7,411,971,191.83
      Including: Operating costs                                                VII.37         7,382,759,124.49     6,396,400,180.14
                 Business taxes and surcharges                                  VII.38            32,113,269.58        10,397,727.74
                 Selling and distribution expenses                              VII.39           438,518,128.62       441,501,879.97
                 General and administrative expenses                            VII.40           471,238,564.30       417,135,260.86
                 Finance expenses                                               VII.41           153,592,178.50       125,739,655.86
                 Loss on impairment of assets                                   VII.44           -21,425,466.16        20,796,487.26
      Add:       Gain on change in fair value (“-” denotes loss)              VII.42             3,715,429.62         8,358,094.03
                 Investment income (“-” denotes loss)                         VII.43             9,553,661.98         4,324,494.78
                 Including: Investment income from associates
                         and joint ventures                                                       -3,755,501.39         4,324,494.78

III. Operating profit (“-” denotes loss)                                                      473,928,647.41        777,353,073.97
     Add:       Non-operating income                                            VII.45          145,947,362.89         67,413,802.58
     Less:      Non-operating expenses                                          VII.46           26,337,117.25          6,208,466.79
                Including: Loss on disposal of non-current assets                                   923,387.79          3,130,585.22

IV. Total profit (“-” denotes total loss)                                                     593,538,893.05        838,558,409.76
    Less:       Income tax expenses                                             VII.47           96,723,898.32        142,479,322.30

V.    Net profit (“-” denotes net loss)                                                       496,814,994.73        696,079,087.46
      Net profit attributable to equity holders of the Company                                  483,549,691.40        607,868,970.24
      Minority interests                                                                         13,265,303.33         88,210,117.22

VI. Earnings per share:
    (I)        Basic earnings per share                                         VII.48                    0.23                  0.29
    (II)       Diluted earnings per share                                       VII.48

VII. Other comprehensive income                                                 VII.49             -277,876.30           -124,067.32

VIII. Total comprehensive income                                                                496,537,118.43        695,955,020.14
      Total comprehensive income attributable to
       equity holders of the Company                                                            483,271,815.10        607,744,902.92
      Total comprehensive income attributable to minority interests                              13,265,303.33         88,210,117.22

Consolidated Cash Flows Statements
January to June 2011

                                                             Prepared by: Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings LimitedUnit: RMB

                                                                                      Amounts for the      Amounts for the
Items                                                                  Notes           current period        prior period

I.    Cash flows from operating activities:
      Cash received from sales of goods
       and rendering of services                                                      7,854,858,051.86     8,396,743,627.10
      Tax rebates received                                                               15,888,429.59         9,564,967.88
      Cash received relating to other operating activities             VII.50           895,946,310.86       149,110,831.59

      Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities                              8,766,692,792.31     8,555,419,426.57

      Cash paid for goods and services                                                5,917,115,598.43     5,928,577,889.61
      Cash paid to and for employees                                                    426,234,308.06       398,614,872.25
      Payments of taxes and surcharges                                                  846,940,819.17       704,611,703.50
      Cash paid relating to other operating activities                 VII.50           838,758,161.61       333,891,884.81

      Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities                             8,029,048,887.27     7,365,696,350.17

      Net cash flows from operating activities                                         737,643,905.04      1,189,723,076.40

II.   Cash flows from investing activities:
      Cash received from investments
      Cash received from investment income
      Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets,
       intangible assets and other long-term assets                                     21,052,642.46         20,129,176.66
      Net cash received from disposal of
       subsidiaries and other business units                                             3,467,152.31
      Cash received relating to other investing activities             VII.50            5,834,492.06

      Subtotal of cash inflows from investing activities                                30,354,286.83         20,129,176.66

      Cash paid for purchase of fixed assets,
       intangible assets and other long-term assets                                   2,632,670,826.14     1,521,600,542.26
      Cash paid on investments                                                                                 1,010,000.00
      Net cash paid for acquisition of
       subsidiaries and other business units
      Cash paid relating to other investing activities                 VII.50

      Subtotal of cash outflows from investing activities                             2,632,670,826.14     1,522,610,542.26

      Net cash flows from investing activities                                       -2,602,316,539.31    -1,502,481,365.60

                                                                                      Amounts for the    Amounts for the
Items                                                                        Notes     current period      prior period

III. Cash flows from financing activities:
     Cash received from capital contribution
     Including: Cash received from minority
                        interest contribution to subsidiaries
                      Cash received from borrowings                                   7,669,027,263.45   2,475,825,316.09
                      Cash received from bond issue
                      Cash received relating to other financing activities             491,750,000.00    2,899,268,303.74

     Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities                               8,160,777,263.45   5,375,093,619.83

     Cash repayments of amounts borrowed                                              3,811,506,924.57   4,713,400,265.77
     Cash paid for dividend and profit
      distribution or interest payment                                                  780,814,563.65    831,853,799.22
     Cash paid relating to other financing activities                                 1,780,537,524.75

     Subtotal of cash outflows from financing activities                              6,372,859,012.97   5,545,254,064.99

     Net cash flows from financing activities                                         1,787,918,250.48   -170,160,445.16

IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate
     changes on cash and cash equivalents                                               -13,615,852.06     -11,859,439.78

V.   Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                               VII.51     -90,370,235.85   -494,778,174.14
     Add: Balance of cash and cash equivalents
              as at the beginning of the period                              VII.51   1,855,235,979.80   2,367,334,202.50

VI. Balance of cash and cash equivalents
     as at the end of the period                                             VII.51   1,764,865,743.95   1,872,556,028.36

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Owners’ Equity
January to June 2011

Prepared by:
Shandong Chenming
Paper Holdings Limited
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                                         Amounts for the current period                                                                                                                                                             Amounts for the prior year
                                                                                                                         Equity attributable to equity holders of the Company                                                                                                                                     Equity attributable to equity holders of the Company
                                                                        Paid-up capital                             Less:                                                  General risk                                                                  Total Paid-up capital                               Less:                                                  General risk                                                                 Total
Items                                                                 (or share capital) Capital reserves Treasury Shares Special reserves Surplus reserves                   provisions    Retained profit       Others Minority interests    owners’ equity (or share capital) Capital reserves Treasury Shares Special reserves Surplus reserves                  provisions    Retained profit       Others Minority interests    owners’ equity

I. Balance as at the
    end of the prior year                                             2,062,045,941.00 6,093,493,004.71                                              1,046,510,680.99                      4,333,731,947.96      4,219.88 1,724,413,211.96 15,260,199,006.50 2,062,045,941.00 6,093,483,801.92                                                 906,929,047.49                      3,928,586,297.55   859,233.72 1,745,156,500.47 14,737,060,822.15
   Add: Accounting policy change
   Corrections of prior period errors

II. Balance as at the beginning of the year                           2,062,045,941.00 6,093,493,004.71                                              1,046,510,680.99                      4,333,731,947.96      4,219.88 1,724,413,211.96 15,260,199,006.50 2,062,045,941.00 6,093,483,801.92                                                 906,929,047.49                      3,928,586,297.55   859,233.72 1,745,156,500.47 14,737,060,822.15

III. Changes in the year
       (“-” denotes decrease)                                                                                                                                                            -135,064,090.90    -277,876.30      -6,450,163.16   -141,792,130.36                             9,202.79                                            139,581,633.50                        405,145,650.41   -855,013.84    -20,743,288.51 523,138,184.35
     (I) Net profit                                                                                                                                                                         483,549,691.40                     13,265,303.33    496,814,994.73                                                                                                                     1,163,341,066.21                  138,317,052.86 1,301,658,119.07

      (II) Other comprehensive income                                                                                                                                                                         -277,876.30                         -277,876.30                                                                                                                                         -855,013.84                        -855,013.84
     Sub-total of (I) and (II) above                                                                                                                                                        483,549,691.40    -277,876.30      13,265,303.33   496,537,118.43                                                                                                                      1,163,341,066.21   -855,013.84    138,317,052.86 1,300,803,105.23

(III) Capital paid in and reduced by owners                                                                                                                                                                                     4,270,551.95      4,270,551.95                             9,202.79                                                                                                                       -19,202.79        -10,000.00
      1. Capital paid in by owners
      2. Amounts of share-based payments
              recognised in owners’ equity
      3. Others                                                                                                                                                                                                                 4,270,551.95      4,270,551.95                             9,202.79                                                                                                                       -19,202.79        -10,000.00

(IV) Profit distribution                                                                                                                                                                   -618,613,782.30                    -23,986,018.44   -642,599,800.74                                                                                 139,581,633.50                      -758,195,415.80                   -159,041,138.58   -777,654,920.88
     1. Transfer to surplus reserves                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           139,581,633.50                      -139,581,633.50
     2. Transfer to general risk provision
     3. Distribution to owners (shareholders)                                                                                                                                              -618,613,782.30                    -23,986,018.44   -642,599,800.74                                                                                                                     -618,613,782.30                   -159,041,138.58   -777,654,920.88
     4. Others

(V) Transfer within owners’ equity
    1. Transfer from capital reserves to capital (or share capital)
    2. Transfer from surplus reserves to capital (or share capital)
    3. Transfer from surplus reserves to make up for losses
    4. Others

(VI) Special reserves
     1. Appropriated in the period
     2. Used in the period

(VII) Others
      1. Others

IV. Balance as at the end
     of the period                                                    2,062,045,941.00 6,093,493,004.71                                              1,046,510,680.99                      4,198,667,857.06   -273,656.42 1,717,963,048.80 15,118,406,876.14 2,062,045,941.00 6,093,493,004.71                                               1,046,510,680.99                      4,333,731,947.96      4,219.88 1,724,413,211.96 15,260,199,006.50

Balance Sheet
As at 30 June 2011

                                          Prepared by: Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings LimitedUnit: RMB

Items                                               Notes          Closing Balance      Opening balance

 Monetary funds                                                     813,573,061.88        704,109,173.25
 Held-for-trading financial assets
 Bills receivable                                                  1,522,839,996.01     1,527,349,378.06
 Accounts receivable                                XIII.1         1,222,422,596.56     1,621,939,553.18
 Prepayments                                                         891,174,260.22       919,638,465.71
 Interest receivable
 Dividend receivable                                                                       25,500,000.00
 Other receivables                                  XIII.2         4,818,831,211.21     4,773,074,610.91
 Inventory                                                         1,060,082,416.36       798,447,611.57
 Non-current assets due within one year                            1,504,190,971.94     1,799,625,759.18
 Other current assets                                                 56,722,886.43

 Total current assets                                             11,889,837,400.61    12,169,684,551.86

 Available-for-sale financial assets
 Entrusted loans                                                    500,000,000.00        500,000,000.00
 Long-term receivables
 Long-term equity investments                       XIII.3         7,673,994,193.38     5,957,887,739.77
 Investment properties                                                23,819,084.05        24,688,212.07
 Fixed assets                                                      4,881,835,825.32     5,162,505,904.23
 Construction in progress                                            873,449,445.99       377,881,973.00
 Construction materials                                               19,564,335.23        18,789,838.50
 Disposal of fixed assets
 Productive biological assets
 Oil and gas assets
 Intangible assets                                                  325,814,026.25        329,934,823.01
 Development expenditure
 Long-term prepaid expenses
 Deferred income tax assets                                          48,153,700.80         60,305,230.74
 Other non-current assets

 Total non-current assets                                         14,346,630,611.02    12,431,993,721.32

TOTAL ASSETS                                                      26,236,468,011.63    24,601,678,273.18

Items                                                 Notes    Closing Balance    Opening balance

 Short-term loans                                              3,938,230,655.64    2,177,183,475.78
 Held-for-trading financial liabilities
 Bills payable                                                 1,228,453,083.63     124,145,654.66
 Accounts payable                                              1,087,586,803.03     995,425,830.59
 Advance receipt                                                 277,247,264.77     284,808,123.90
 Staff remuneration payables                                      86,134,229.11     106,040,498.15
 Taxes payable                                                    13,457,947.58      36,899,207.08
 Interest payable
 Dividend payable                                                106,831,703.46
 Other payables                                                  247,273,946.64      248,170,250.32
 Non-current liabilities due within one year                   1,153,012,000.00    1,360,951,000.00
 Other current liabilities                                     1,899,376,705.05    3,405,958,538.39

 Total current liabilities                                    10,037,604,338.91    8,739,582,578.87

 Long-term borrowings                                          1,307,817,635.94     852,222,735.94
 Bonds payable
 Long-term payables
 Special accounts payable
 Estimated liabilities
 Deferred income tax liabilities
 Other non-current liabilities                                 2,311,802,882.44    2,309,355,287.42

 Total non-current liabilities                                 3,619,620,518.38    3,161,578,023.36

 TOTAL LIABILITIES                                            13,657,224,857.29   11,901,160,602.23

 Paid-up capital (or share capital)                            2,062,045,941.00    2,062,045,941.00
 Capital reserves                                              6,184,215,988.77    6,184,215,988.77
 Less: Treasury shares
 Special reserves
 Surplus reserves                                              1,034,321,099.08    1,034,321,099.08
 General risk provisions
 Retained profit                                               3,298,660,125.49    3,419,934,642.10

 Total owners’ equity (shareholders’ equity)                12,579,243,154.34   12,700,517,670.95

 (SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY)                                      26,236,468,011.63   24,601,678,273.18

Income Statement
January to June 2011

                                                                  Prepared by: Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings LimitedUnit: RMB

                                                                                           Amounts for the      Amounts for the
Items                                                                       Notes           current period        prior period

I.    Operating revenue                                                     XIII.4         4,110,859,712.15     7,103,442,044.05
      Less:   Cost of operations                                            XIII.4         3,325,675,097.46     6,017,146,134.97
              Business tax and surcharges                                                     13,912,091.01         1,746,468.34
              Selling and distribution expenses                                              135,529,408.44       229,508,020.80
              General and administrative expenses                                            211,532,488.08       210,426,747.56
              Finance expenses                                                               125,413,016.82       111,970,947.81
              Loss on impairment of assets                                                   -38,465,504.04        34,949,608.75
      Add:    Gain on change in fair value (“-” denotes loss)                                                     3,870,000.00
              Investment income (“-” denotes loss)                        XIII.5          140,407,977.15        249,697,380.90
               Including: Investment income from
                                  associates and joint ventures                               -3,755,501.39         4,324,494.78

II.   Operating profit (“-” denotes loss)                                                 477,671,091.53        751,261,496.72
      Add:    Non-operating income                                                          100,848,267.10         32,258,682.65
      Less:   Non-operating expenses                                                         22,727,730.47          3,993,753.67
              Including: Loss on disposal of non-current assets                                 443,271.23          1,904,148.67

III. Total profit (“-” denotes total loss)                                                555,791,628.16        779,526,425.70
     Less: Income tax expenses                                                               58,452,362.47         96,332,012.49

IV. Net profit (“-” denotes net loss)                                                     497,339,265.69        683,194,413.21

V.    Other comprehensive income

VI. Total comprehensive income                                                              497,339,265.69        683,194,413.21

Cash Flows Statements
January to June 2011

                                                              Prepared by: Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings LimitedUnit: RMB

                                                                                       Amounts for the      Amounts for the
Items                                                                   Notes           current period        prior period

I.    Cash flows from operating activities:
       Cash received from sales of goods and
        rendering of services                                                          3,651,680,690.25     6,528,632,656.16
       Tax rebates received
       Cash received relating to other operating activities                             127,620,327.96         46,562,110.75

        Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities                             3,779,301,018.21     6,575,194,766.91

        Cash paid for goods and services                                               1,804,333,442.64     4,554,172,766.62
        Cash paid to and for employees                                                   152,867,010.05       130,147,836.04
        Payments of taxes and surcharges                                                 391,818,527.42       446,152,782.46
        Cash paid relating to other operating activities                                -452,537,261.41     1,480,177,671.73

        Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities                            1,896,481,718.70     6,610,651,056.85

        Net cash flows from operating activities                                       1,882,819,299.51       -35,456,289.94

II.   Cash flows from investing activities:
       Cash received from investments                                                   240,022,705.39        296,000,000.00
       Cash received from investment income                                             176,215,492.04        182,607,069.44
       Disposal of fixed assets,
        intangible assets and other long-term assets                                         59,083.56         18,977,755.80
       Cash received relating to other investing activities

        Subtotal of cash inflows from investing activities                              416,297,280.99        497,584,825.24

        Cash paid for purchase of fixed assets,
         intangible assets and other long-term assets                                    276,561,700.64        30,295,440.54
        Cash paid on investments                                                       1,719,533,425.00       535,000,000.00
        Cash paid relating to other investing activities

        Subtotal of cash outflows from investing activities                            1,996,095,125.64       565,295,440.54

        Net cash flows from investing activities                                      -1,579,797,844.65       -67,710,615.30

                                                                           Amounts for the    Amounts for the
Items                                                              Notes    current period      prior period

III. Cash flows from financing activities:
      Cash received from capital contribution
      Cash received from borrowings                                        4,197,471,624.39   1,447,618,522.84
      Cash received from bond issue
      Cash received relating to other financing activities                                    2,875,273,211.00

        Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities                 4,197,471,624.39   4,322,891,733.84

        Cash repayments of amounts borrowed                                2,188,125,261.03   4,068,972,362.27
        Cash paid for dividend and profit distribution
         or interest payment                                                 652,004,766.37    696,143,228.07
        Cash paid relating to other financing activities                   1,708,401,563.04

        Subtotal of cash outflows from financing activities                4,548,531,590.44   4,765,115,590.34

        Net cash flows from financing activities                           -351,059,966.05    -442,223,856.50

IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes
     on cash and cash equivalents                                             -1,249,163.22     -10,495,000.04

V.   Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                               -49,287,674.41   -555,885,761.78
     Add: Balance of cash and cash equivalents
            as at the beginning of the period                               662,209,607.29    1,586,045,998.83

VI. Cash and cash equivalents as at the end of the period                   612,921,932.88    1,030,160,237.05

Statement of Changes in Owners’ Equity
January to June 2011

Prepared by:
Shandong Chenming
Paper Holdings Limited
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                                               Amounts for the current period                                                                                                                              Amounts for the prior year
                                                                                Paid-up capital                                 Less:                                             General risk                                  Total     Paid-up capital                                 Less:                                             General risk                                  Total
Items                                                                         (or share capital)   Capital reserves   Treasury Shares   Special reserves       Surplus reserves    provisions     Retained profit     owners’ equity   (or share capital)   Capital reserves   Treasury Shares   Special reserves       Surplus reserves    provisions     Retained profit     owners’ equity

I. Balance as at the end of the prior year                                    2,062,045,941.00     6,184,215,988.77                                            1,034,321,099.08                  3,419,934,642.10   12,700,517,670.95   2,062,045,941.00     6,184,215,988.77                                              894,739,465.58                  2,782,313,722.90   11,923,315,118.25
   Add: Accounting policy change
   Corrections of prior period errors

II. Balance as at the beginning of the year                                   2,062,045,941.00     6,184,215,988.77                                            1,034,321,099.08                  3,419,934,642.10   12,700,517,670.95   2,062,045,941.00     6,184,215,988.77                                              894,739,465.58                  2,782,313,722.90   11,923,315,118.25

III. Changes in the year (“-” denotes decrease)                                                                                                                                                 -121,274,516.61     -121,274,516.61                                                                                      139,581,633.50                    637,620,919.20      777,202,552.70
     (I) Net profit                                                                                                                                                                                497,339,265.69      497,339,265.69                                                                                                                      1,395,816,335.00    1,395,816,335.00

        (II) Other comprehensive income
              Sub-total of (I) and (II) above                                                                                                                                                     497,339,265.69      497,339,265.69                                                                                                                       1,395,816,335.00    1,395,816,335.00

         (III) Capital paid in and reduced by owners
               1. Capital paid in by owners
               2. Amounts of share-based payments
                       recognised in owners’ equity
               3. Others
        (IV) Profit distribution                                                                                                                                                                  -618,613,782.30     -618,613,782.30                                                                                      139,581,633.50                  -758,195,415.80      -618,613,782.30
               1. Transfer to surplus reserves                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             139,581,633.50                  -139,581,633.50
               2. Transfer to general risk provision
               3. Distribution to owners (shareholders)                                                                                                                                           -618,613,782.30     -618,613,782.30                                                                                                                      -618,613,782.30      -618,613,782.30
               4. Others

        (V) Transfer within owners’ equity
            1. Transfer from capital reserves to capital (or share capital)
            2. Transfer from surplus reserves to capital (or share capital)
            3. Transfer from surplus reserves to make up for losses
            4. Others

        (VI) Special reserves
             1. Appropriated in the period
             2. Used in the period

        (VII) Others
              1. Others

IV. Balance as at the end of the period                                       2,062,045,941.00     6,184,215,988.77                                            1,034,321,099.08                  3,298,660,125.49   12,579,243,154.34   2,062,045,941.00     6,184,215,988.77                                            1,034,321,099.08                  3,419,934,642.10   12,700,517,670.95

Notes to the financial statements from January to June 2011
(All amounts in RMB unless otherwise specified)

I.   General Information of the Company
     Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”), whose predecessor was Shandong Shouguang
     Paper Mill Corporation, was reorganised to become a joint stock limited company by way of private placement in May 1993. In December
     1996, with the approval issued by the Shandong Provincial Government (Lu Gai Zi [1996] Document No. 270) and by the Securities
     Committee of the State Council (Zheng Wei [1996] Document No.59), the Company was reorganised to become a joint stock limited
     company by way of public subscription.

     In May 1997, with the approval issued by the Securities Committee of the State Council ( [1997] Document No. 26), the Company issued
     115 million B Shares in connection with its international offering. B-shares from this issuance were listed on Shenzhen Stock Exchange since
     26 May 1997.

     In September 2000, with the approval issued by China Securities Regulatory Committee (hereinafter referred to as the “CSRC”) (Zheng Jian
     Gong Si Zi [2000] Document No. 151), the Company issued 70 million A Shares. A-shares from this issuance were listed on Shenzhen Stock
     Exchange on 20 November 2000.

     In June 2008, with the approval issued by the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (hereinafter referred to as the “Stock Exchange”), the
     Company issued 355,700,000 H shares. Meanwhile, the relevant state shareholders of the Company performed the reduction of state-owned
     shares, by way of transferring to the National Council for Social Security Fund (the “NSSF Council”) such number of shares held by it,
     representing 35,570,000 shares, which were to be converted into overseas listed foreign shares (H shares). H-shares under the new issue were
     listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on 18 June 2008.

     As at 31 December 2010, the Company has a total of 2,062,045,941 shares.

     The business scope of the Company and its subsidiaries (hereinafter referred as the (“Group”) covers: processing and sale of paper products
     (including machine made paper and paper board), paper making raw materials and machinery; generation and sale of electric power and
     thermal power; forestry, saplings growing, processing and sale of timber; manufacturing, processing and sale of wood products; and
     manufacturing and sale of laminated boards and fortified wooden floorboards.

     Shouguang Chenming Holdings Co., Ltd is the parent company of the Group.

     Shouguang Chenming Holdings Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “Shouguang Chenming Holdings”) was established on 30 December
     2005 by State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Shouguang City which contributed its state-owned shares to set
     up the Company. The China Securities Regulatory Commission finally approved the change in the holder of state-owned Shares of
     Chenming Paper and the change in nature of its equity interests arising from the establishment of Shouguang Chenming Holdings on 14
     August 2006 (Guo Zi Chan Quan [2005] No. 1539) . Since then, the largest shareholder of the Company was changed from State-owned
     Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Shouguang City to Shouguang Chenming Holdings

     The Company’s financial statements were approved by the Board on 25 August 2011.

II. Basis of Preparation of the Financial Statements
     The Company’s financial statements have been prepared based on the going concern assumption. The financial statements have been
     prepared based on actual transactions and events, in accordance with the accounting standards for business enterprises promulgated by the
     Ministry of Finance of PRC in 15 February 2006 and 38 specific accounting standards, the subsequently promulgated application guidelines
     of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, interpretations and other related rules of the Accounting Standards for Business
     Enterprises (hereinafter referred to as “ASBEs”), and the disclosure requirements of the “Regulation on the Preparation of Information
     Disclosures of Companies Issuing Public Shares, No. 15: General Requirements for Financial Reports” (revised in 2010) of China Securities
     Regulatory Commission.

     The Group’s financial statements have been prepared on an accrual basis in accordance with the ASBEs. Except for certain financial
     instruments which are measured at fair value, the financial statements are prepared under the historical cost convention. In the event that
     depreciation of assets occurs, a provision for impairment is made accordingly in accordance with the relevant regulations.

III. Statement of Compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
     The financial statements have been prepared in conformity with the ASBEs, which truly and fully reflect the financial positions of the
     Company and the Group as at 30 June 2011and relevant information such as the operating results and cash flows of the Company and the
     Group of 2011. In addition, the financial statements of the Company also comply with, in all material respects, the disclosure requirements of
     the “Regulation on the Preparation of Information Disclosures of Companies Issuing Public Shares, No. 15: General Requirements for
     Financial Reports” revised by the China Securities Regulatory Commission in 2010 and the notes thereto.

IV. Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates
    1.   Accounting period
         Accounting periods of the Company are divided into annual periods and interim periods. Interim periods refer to reporting periods that
         are shorter than a full fiscal year. The fiscal year of the Company is from 1 January to 31 December of each calendar year.

    2.   Reporting currency
         The Company and its domestic subsidiaries recognise RMB as their reporting currency according to the primary economic environment
         in which they operate. The reporting currency of the Company and its domestic subsidiaries is Renminbi (“RMB”). Overseas
         subsidiaries of the Company recognise U.S. dollar as their reporting currency according to the primary economic environment in which
         these subsidiaries operate. The Group prepares its financial statements in RMB.

    3.   Accounting treatment of business combination
         A business combination refers to the transaction or event to combine two or more separate entities into a single reporting entity.
         Business combination is classified into business combination under common control and business combination not under common

         (1)   Business combination under common control

               A business combination involving enterprises under common control is a business combination in which all of the combining
               enterprises are ultimately controlled by the same party or parties before and after the combination, and that control is not
               transitory. The party that, on the combination date, obtains control of another enterprise participating in the combination is the
               absorbing party, while that other enterprise participating in the combination is a party being absorbed. The combination date is
               the date on which one combining enterprise effectively obtains control of the other combining enterprises.

               Assets and liabilities obtained by the absorbing party are measured at their carrying amount at the combination date as recorded
               by the party being merged. The difference between the carrying amount of the net assets obtained and the carrying amount of the
               consideration paid for the combination (or the aggregate nominal value of shares issued as consideration) is charged to the capital
               reserve (share capital premium). If the capital reserve (share capital premium) is not sufficient to absorb the difference, any
               excess shall be adjusted against retained earnings.

               Cost incurred by the absorbing party that is directly attributable to the business combination shall be charged to profit or loss in
               the period in which they are incurred.

IV. Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates (Cont’d)
    3.   Accounting treatment of business combination (Cont’d)
         (2)   Business combination not under common control

               A business combination not involving enterprises under common control is a business combination in which all of the combining
               enterprises are not ultimately controlled by the same party or parties before and after the combination. For a business
               combination not involving enterprises under common control, the party that, on the acquisition date, obtains control of another
               enterprise participating in the combination is the acquirer, while that other enterprise participating in the combination is the
               acquiree. The acquisition date is the date on which the acquirer effectively obtains control of the acquiree.

               For business combination involving entities not under common control, the cost of a business combination is the aggregate of the
               fair values, on the date of acquisition, of assets given, liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity instruments issued by the
               acquirer to be paid by the acquirer, in exchange for control of the acquire plus agency fee such as audit, legal service and
               evaluation consultation and other management fees charged to the profit or loss for the period when incurred. As equity or bond
               securities are issued by the acquirer as consideration, any attributable transaction cost is included their initial costs. Adjustments
               for cost of combination which are likely to occur and can be measured reliably will be recognised as contingent consideration.
               Subsequent adjustments will impact on the goodwill. Involved or contingent consideration charged to the combination cost
               according to its fair value in the acquisition date, the combined goodwill be will be adjusted if new or addition evidence existed
               about the condition in the acquisition date within twelve months after the acquisition date, which is required to adjust the
               contingent consideration. When the business combination is achieved in stages through a number of exchange transactions, the
               Group re-measures its previously held equity interest in the acquiree on the acquisition date, and the difference between the fair
               value and the net book value is recognised as investment income for the period in the consolidated financial statements of the
               Group, in the meanwhile, the other comprehensive income related to the equity interest of acquiree held before the acquisition
               date is transferred to investment income for the period. The cost of combination is the sum of the fair value of the equity interest
               of the acquiree as at the acquisition date which held before the acquisition date and the fair value of the equity interest of the
               acquiree as at the acquisition date which additional acquired in the acquisition date.

               The combination cost incurred by the acquirer and the identifiable net assets acquired from the combination are measured at their
               fair values. Where the cost of a business combination exceeds the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable
               net assets on the acquisition date, the difference is recognised as goodwill. Where the cost of a business combination is less than
               the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the acquirer shall first reassess the measurement of
               the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities and the measurement of the cost of
               combination. If after such reassessment the cost of combination is still less than the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the
               acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the difference is charged to profit or loss for the period.

               The acquiree’s deductible temporary difference acquired by the acquirer, which is still not yet recognised as it does not satisfy the
               recognition conditions of the deferred income tax assets on the acquisition date. If new or addition information proves that the
               relevant circumstances have already existed on the acquisition date within twelve months after the acquisition date, which
               estimates that the economic benefits incurred from the deductible temporary difference at the acquisition date of acquirer can be
               realised, then the relevant deferred income tax assets will be recognised, and the goodwill will be reduced at the same time, if the
               goodwill is not sufficient be absorbed, any excess shall be recognised as the profit or loss for the period. Except as disclosed
               above, the deferred income tax assets related to the business combination are charged in the profit or loss for the period.

IV. Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates (Cont’d)
    4.   Basis for preparation of consolidated financial statements
         (1)   Principle of determining the scope of consolidated financial statements

               The scope of consolidation of the consolidated financial statements is setermined on the basis of control. The term “control”
               means that the Company has the power to secide an investee’s financial and operating policy. The scope of consolidation
               includes the Company and all of its subsidiaries. A subsidiary is a business or entity controlled by the Company.

         (2)   Basis for preparation of the consolidated financial statements

               Subsidiaries are consolidated from the date on which the Group obtains net assets and the effective control of decision making of
               production and operation and are deconsolidated from the date that such control ceases. For disposal of subsidiaries, the operating
               results and cash flows of such subsidiaries before the date of disposal are properly included into the consolidated income
               statement and consolidated cash flows statements; for disposal of subsidiaries during the reporting period, no adjustment shall be
               made to the opening balance of the consolidated balance sheet. For those subsidiaries acquired through business combination not
               under common control, the operating results and cash flows after the acquisition date have been properly included in the
               consolidated income statements and consolidated cash flows statements. No adjustments shall be made to the opening balance of
               the consolidated balance sheet and the comparative consolidated financial statements amount. For those subsidiaries acquired
               through business combination under common control, the operating results and cash flows from the beginning of the
               consolidation period to the consolidation date are also presented in the consolidated income statement and the consolidated cash
               flows statements. The comparative amounts presented in the consolidated financial statements are also adjusted accordingly.

               The financial statements of the subsidiaries are adjusted in accordance with the accounting policies and accounting period of the
               Company in the preparation of the consolidated financial statements, where the accounting policies and the accounting periods
               are inconsistent between the Company and the subsidiaries. For subsidiaries acquired from business combination not under
               common control, the financial statements of the subisidiaries will be adjusted according to the fair value of the identifiable net

               All intra-group significant balances, transactions and unrealised profit are eliminated in the consolidated financial statements.

               The shareholder s’ equity and the portion of the profit or loss for the period that is not attributable to the Company are presented
               separately under shareholders’ equity and net profit in the consolidated financial statements. The portion of net profit or loss of
               subsidiaries for the period attributable to minority interests is presented in the consolidated income statement under the” net
               profit” line item as “minority interests”. When the amount of loss attributable to the minority shareholders of a subsidiary
               exceeds the minority shareholders’ portion of the opening balance of owners’ equity of the subsidiary, the excess amount shall be
               allocated against minority interests.

    5.   Standards for recognising cash and cash equivalents
         Cash and cash equivalents of the Company include cash on hand, deposits readily available for payment purpose and short-term
         (normally fall due within three months from the date of acquisition) and highly liquid investments held the Company which are readily
         convertible into known amounts of cash and which are subject to insignificant risk of value change.

IV. Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates (Cont’d)
    6.   Foreign currency operations and translation of statements denominated in foreign currency
         (1)   Basis for translation of foreign currency transactions

               The foreign currency transactions of the Company, when initially recognised, are translated into fuctional currency at the
               prevailing spot exchange rate on the date of exchange (usually refers to the middle rate of the exchange rate for the day as quoted
               by the People’s Bank of China, the same below) while the Company’s foreign currency exchange operations and transactions in
               connection with foreign currency exchange shall be translated into functional currency at the exchange rate actually adopted.

         (2)   Basis for translation of foreign currency monetary items and foreign currency non-monetary items

               On the balance sheet date, foreign currency monetary items shall be translated at the spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date.
               All differences are included in the consolidated income statement, except for: (1) the differences arising from foreign currency
               borrowings related to the acquisition or construction of fixed assets which are qualified for capitalisation; and (2) except for other
               carrying amounts of the amortisation costs, the differences arising from changes of the foreign currency items available for sale.

               The foreign currency non-monetary items measured at historical cost shall still be measured by the functional currency translated
               at the spot exchange rate on the date of the transaction. Foreign currency non-monetary items measured at fair value are
               translated at the spot exchange rate on the date of determination of the fair value. The difference between the amounts of
               reporting currency before and after the translation will be treated as changes in fair value (including changes in foreign exchange
               rates) and recognised in profit or loss for the period or recognised as other consolidated income and included in the capital

         (3)   Basis for translation of foreign currency financial statements

               Exchange differences arising from change in exchange rate where the preparation of consolidated financial statements relates to
               overseas operation and foreign currency monetary items materially constitute net investment in overseas operation shall be
               recorded into “translation reserve” in the shareholders’ equity: disposal of overseas operation shall be included into profits and
               losses on disposal in the current period.

               The financial statements denominated in foreign currency of a foreign operation are translated to RMB in comply with the
               following requirement: assets and liabilities on the balance sheet are translated at the spot exchange rate prevailing at the balance
               sheet date; owner’s equity items except for “retained profit” are translated at the spot exchange rates at the dates on which such
               items arose; income and expenses items in the income statement are translated at the spot exchange rate at the date of transaction.
               The retained profit brought forward are reported at the prior year’s closing balance; the retained profit as at the end of the year are
               presented after translated the profit appropriation items; differences between the aggregate of asset and liability items and
               owners’ equity items are recognised as “translation differences arising on the translation of financial statements denominated in
               foreign currencies” in other consolidated income, and presented separately as under owners’ equity items in the balance sheet. On
               disposal of foreign operations and loss of control, exchange differences arising from the translation of financial statements
               denominated in foreign currencies related to the disposed foreign operation which has been included in owners’ equity in the
               balance sheet, shall be transferred to profit or loss in whole or in proportionate share in the period in which the disposal took

               Cash flows dominated in foreign currency or from foreign subsidiaries shall be translated at the spot exchange rate when it incurs.
               Effects arising from changes of exchange rate of cash shall be presented separately in the cash flows statements.

               The opening balance and the prior year’s figures are presented according to the translated amounts of the prior year.

IV. Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates (Cont’d)
    7.   Financial instruments
         (I)   Method of determination of the fair value for financial assets and financial liabilities

               The fair value refers to the amount, at which both willing parties to a fair transaction who are familiar with the condition
               exchange their assets or clear off their debts under fair conditions. Financial instruments exist in an active market. Fair value is
               determined based on the quoted price in such market. An active market refers to where pricing is easily and regularly obtained
               from exchanges, brokers, industrial organisations and price-fixing service organisations, representing the actual price of a market
               transaction that takes place in a fair deal. While financial instruments do not exist in an active market, the fair value is determined
               using valuation techniques. Valuation technologies include reference to be familiar with situation and prices reached in recent
               market transactions entered into by both willing parties, reference to present fair values of similar other financial instruments,
               cash flow discounting method and option pricing models.

         (2)   Classification, recognition and measurement of the financial assets

               By way of buying and selling the financial assets in a regular way, recognition and derecognition are carried out according to the
               accounts on the transaction day. Financial assets are divided into financial assets at fair value through profit or loss,
               held-to-maturity investments, accounts receivable and available for-sale financial assets when they are initially recognised.
               Financial assets and financial liabilities are initially recognised at fair value. For financial assets and financial liabilities classified
               as fair value through profit or loss, relevant transaction costs are directly recognised in profit or loss for the period. For financial
               assets classified as other categories, relevant transaction costs are included in the amount initially recognised.

               ①    Financial assets carried at fair value through profit or loss for the current period

                     They include financial assets held for trading and financial assets designated as at fair value through profit or loss for the
                     current period. The Group’s financial assets at fair value through profit or loss for the current period are all financial assets
                     held for trading.

                     Financial assets may be classified as financial assets held for trading if one of the following conditions is met: (1) the
                     financial assets is acquired or incurred principally for the purpose of selling or repurchasing it in the near term; (2) the
                     financial assets is part of a portfolio of identified financial instruments that are managed together and for which there is
                     objective evidence of a recent pattern of short-term profit-taking; or (3) the financial assets is a derivative, excluding the
                     derivatives designated as effective hedging instruments, the derivatives classified as financial guarantee contract, and the
                     derivatives linked to an equity instrument investment which has no quoted price in an active market nor a reliably measured
                     fair value and are required to be settled through that equity instrument.

                     Financial assets held for trading are subsequently measured at fair value. The gain or loss arising from changes in fair value
                     and dividends and interest income related to such financial assets are charged to profit or loss for the current period.

               ②    Held-to-maturity investments

                     They are non-derivative financial assets with fixed maturity dates and fixed or determinable payments that the Group has
                     positive intent and ability to hold to maturity.

                     Held-to-maturity investments are subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method. Gain or loss
                     on derecognition, impairment or amortisation is recognised through profit or loss for the current period.

                     The effective interest method is a method of calculating the amortised cost of a financial asset and of allocating interest
                     income or expense over each period based on the effective interest of a financial asset or a financial liability (including a
                     group of financial assets or financial liabilities). The effective interest is the rate that discounts future cash flows from the
                     financial asset or financial liability over its expected life or (where appropriate) a shorter period to the carrying amount of
                     the financial asset or financial liability.

                     In calculating the effective interest rate, the Group will estimate the future cash flows (excluding future credit losses) by
                     taking into account all contract terms relating to the financial assets or financial liabilities whilst considering various fees,
                     transaction costs and discounts or premiums which are part of the effective interest rate paid or received between the parties
                     to the financial assets or financial liabilities contracts.

IV. Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates (Cont’d)
    7.   Financial instruments (Cont’d)
         (2)   Classification, recognition and measurement of the financial assets (Cont’d)

               ③    Accounts receivable

                     They are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market.
                     Financial assets, including bills receivable, accounts receivable, interest receivable, dividends receivable and other
                     receivables, are classified as accounts receivable by the Group.

                     The receivables that are formed in sale of goods or rendering of services to external parties, and the receivables, except for
                     the debt instruments quoted in an active market, due to the Company from other entities, including accounts receivable,
                     bills receivable, other receivables, long-term receivables, etc., are initially recognised at the consideration of the contract or
                     agreement to be received from the buyers. Accounts receivable that are of a financing nature are initially recognised at their
                     present value. Upon recovery or disposal of accounts receivable, the difference between the consideration obtained and the
                     carrying amount is charged to profit or loss for the period.

               ④    Available-for-sale financial assets

                     They include non-derivative financial assets that are designated in this category on initial recognition, and the financial
                     assets other than the financial assets at fair value through profit and loss, loans and receivables and held-to-maturity

                     Available-for-sale financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value. The gain or loss on change in fair value are
                     recognised as other comprehensive income and charged to capital reserves, except for impairment loss and exchange
                     differences arising from foreign monetary financial assets and amortised cost which are accounted for through profit or loss
                     for the current period. The financial assets will be transferred out of the financial assets on derecognition and accounted for
                     through profit or loss for the current period.

                     Interests received from available-for-sale financial assets held and the cash dividends declared by the investee are
                     recognised as investment income.

         (3)   Impairment of financial assets

               In addition to financial assets at fair value through profit or loss for the current period, the Group reviews the book value of other
               financial assets at each balance sheet date and provide for impairment where there is objective evidence that financial assets are

               For a financial asset that is individually significant, the Group assesses the asset individually for impairment. For a financial asset
               that is not individually significant, the Group assess the asset individually for impairment or include the asset in a group of
               financial assets with similar credit risk characteristics and collectively assess them for impairment. If it is determined that no
               objective evidence of impairment exists for an individually assessed financial asset, whether the financial asset is individually
               significant or not, the financial asset is included in a group of financial assets with similar credit risk characteristics and
               collectively assessed for impairment. Financial assets for which an impairment loss is individually recognised are not included in
               the collective assessment for impairment.

               ①    Held-to-maturity investments of loans and accounts receivable

                     The carrying amount of financial assets measured as costs or amortised costs are subsequently reduced to the present value
                     discounted from its projected future cash flow. The reduced amount is recognised as impairment loss and recorded as profit
                     or loss for the period. After recognition of the impairment loss from financial assets, if there is objective evidence showing
                     recovery in value of such financial assets impaired and which is related to any event occurring after such recognition, the
                     impairment loss originally recognised shall be reversed to the extent that the carrying value of the financial assets upon
                     reversal will not exceed the amortised cost as at the reversal date assuming there is no provision for impairment.

IV. Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates (Cont’d)
    7.   Financial instruments (Cont’d)
         (3)   Impairment of financial assets (Cont’d)

               ②    Impairment of available-for-sale financial assets

                     When the available-for-sale financial assets impair, the accumulated loss originally included in the capital reserve arising
                     from the decrease in fair value was transferred out from the capital reserve and included in the profit or loss for the period.
                     The accumulated loss that transferred out from the capital reserve is the balance of the acquired initial cost of asset, after
                     deduction of the principal recovered, amortised amounts, current fair value and the impairment loss originally included in
                     the profit or loss.

                     After recognition of the impairment loss, if there is objective evidence showing recovery in value of such financial assets
                     impaired and which is related to any event occurring after such recognition in subsequent periods, the impairment loss
                     originally recognised shall be reversed. The impairment loss reversal of the available-for-sale equity instrument will be
                     recognised as other consolidated income, and the impairment loss reversal of the available-for-sale debt instrument will be
                     included in the profit or loss for the period.

                     When an equity investment that is not quoted in an active market and the fair value of which cannot be measured reliably,
                     or the impairment loss of a derivative financial asset linked to the equity instrument that shall be settled by delivery of that
                     equity instrument, then it will not be reversed.

         (4)   Recognition and measurement of transfers of financial asset

               Financial asset that satisfied any of the following criteria shall be derecognised: ¨ the contract right to recover the cash flows of
               the financial asset has terminated;  the financial asset, along with substantially all the risk and return arising from the ownership
               of the financial asset, has been transferred to the transferee; and  the financial asset has been transferred to the transferee, and
               the transferor has given up the control on such financial asset, though it does not assign maintain substantially all the risk and
               return arising from the ownership of the financial asset.

               When the enitity does not either assign or maintain substantially all the risk and return arising from the ownership of the financial
               asset and does not give up the control on such financial asset, to the extent of its continuous involvement in the financial asset,
               the entity recognises it as a related financial asset and recognises the relevant liability accordingly. The extent of the continuous
               involvement is the extent to which the entity exposes to changes in the value of such financial assets.

               On derecognition of a financial asset, the difference between the following amounts is recognised in profit or loss for the current
               period: the carrying amount and the sum of the consideration received and any accumulated gain or loss that had been recognised
               directly in equity.

               If a part of the financial assets qualifies for derecognition, the carrying amount of the financial asset is allocated between the part
               that continues to be recognised and the part that qualifies for derecognition, based on the fair values of the respective parts. The
               difference between the following amounts is recognised in profit or loss for the period: the sum of the consideration received and
               the carrying amount of the part that qualifies for derecognition and the aforementioned carrying amount.

IV. Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates (Cont’d)
    7.   Financial instruments (Cont’d)
         (5)   Classification and measurement of financial liabilities

               At initial recognition, financial liabilities are classified either as “financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss” or “other
               financial liabilities”. Financial liabilities are initially recognised at fair value. For financial liabilities classified as fair value
               through profit or loss, relevant transaction costs are directly recognised in profit or loss for the period. For financial liabilities
               classified as other categories, relevant transaction costs are included in the amount initially recognised.

               ①    Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss for the period

                     The criteria for a financial liability to be classified as held for trading and designated as at financial liabilities at fair value
                     through profit or loss are the same as those for a financial asset to be classified as held for trading and designated as at
                     financial assets at fair value through profit or loss.

                     Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss for the period are subsequently measured at fair value. The gain or
                     loss arising from changes in fair value and dividends and interest income related to such financial liabilities are included
                     into the current profit or loss.

               ②    Other financial liabilities

                     Derivative financial liabilities which are linked to equity instruments that are not quoted in an active market and the fair
                     value of which cannot be measured reliably measured, and which shall be settled by delivery of equity instruments are
                     subsequently measured at cost. Other financial liabilities are subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective
                     interest method. Gains or losses arising from derecognition or amortisation is recognised in profit or loss for the current

               ③    Financial Guarantee Contracts

                     Financial guarantee contracts other than those designated as financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss are
                     initially recognised at fair value, and shall be subsequently measured at the higher of the following: the amount determined
                     in accordance with Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 13 “Contingencies” and the amount initially
                     recognised less cumulative amortisation recognised in accordance with the principles set out in Accounting Standard for
                     Business Enterprises No. 14 “Revenue”.

         (6)   Derecognition of financial liabilities

               Financial liabilities are derecognised in full or in part only when the present obligation is discharged in full or in part. An
               agreement is entered between the Group (debtor) and a creditor to replace the original financial liabilities with new financial
               liabilities with substantially different terms, derecognise the original financial liabilities as well as recognise the new financial

               When financial liabilities is derecognised in full or in part, the difference between the carrying amount of the financial liabilities
               derecognised and the consideration paid (including transferred non-cash assets or new financial liability) is recognised in profit or
               loss for the current period.

         (7)   Derivative Instruments

               Derivative instruments are initially recognised at fair value on the date on which a derivative contract is entered into and are
               subsequently measured at fair value. Any gains or losses arising from changes in fair value of derivatives are taken directly to
               profit or loss for the period, except for derivative instruments that are designated as hedging instruments and which are highly
               effective in hedging, gains or losses arising from changes in their fair value are taken to the profit or loss for the period in
               accordance with the hedge accounting requirement based on the nature of hedging relationships.

IV. Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates (Cont’d)
    7.   Financial instruments (Cont’d)
         (8)   Offset of Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities

               If the Group owns the legitimate rights of offsetting the recognised financial assets and financial liabilities, which are enforceable
               currently, and the Group plans to realise the financial assets or to clear off the financial liabilities by net amount method, the
               amount of the offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities shall be reported in the balance sheep. Otherwise, financial assets
               and financial liabilities are presented separately in the balance sheet without offsetting.

         (9)   Equity instruments

               Equity instruments are any contract that evidences a residual interest in the assets of an entity after deducting all of its liabilities.
               The transaction fees arising from the issue of equity instruments by one party in the business combination shall be reduced in the
               premium income. If the transaction fees overweight the premium income, it shall be reduced in the retained revenue. For
               remaining equity instruments, the price received during the issue shall be added to shareholder’s equity after reducing the
               transaction fees.

               The distribution (excluding the dividends) to the equity instrument holders by the Group shall reduce the shareholder’s equity.
               The Group shall not recognise the changes of the equity instruments’ fair value.

    8.   Accounts receivable
         Accounts receivable includes accounts receivable and other accounts receivable, etc.

         (1)   Recognition of bad debt provision

               The Group carries out an overall inspection on the carrying amount of accounts receivable on the balance sheet date. Where there
               arises any of the following objective evidences indicating that accounts receivable have been impaired, an impairment provision
               will be made: ¨ a serious financial difficulty occurs to the debtor;  the debtor breaches any of the contractual stipulations (such as
               he fails to pay or delays the payment of interests or the principal);  the debtor will probably go bankrupt or carry out other
               financial reorganisations;  other objective evidences show that the accounts receivable are impaired.

         (2)   Measurement of bad debt provision

               ①    Basis for recognition and measurement of bad debt provision for single item with significant accounts receivable, which is
                     impaired individually for bad debt

                     Accounts receivable of more than RMB1 million is recognised as individually significant accounts receivable by the Group.

                     For accounts receivable that is individually significant, the Group assesses such accounts receivable individually for
                     impairment. If it is determined that no objective evidence of impairment exists for an individually assessed financial asset,
                     the financial asset is included in a group of financial assets with similar credit risk characteristics and collectively assessed
                     for impairment. Accounts receivable for which an impairment loss is individually recognised are not included in a group of
                     accounts receivable with similar credit risk characteristics and collectively assessed for impairment.

IV. Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates (Cont’d)
    8.   Accounts receivable (Cont’d)
         (2)   Measurement of bad debt provision (Cont’d)

               ②   Basis for recognition and measurement of bad debt provision for receivable by credit risk features

                    A.   Basis for determining portfolio of credit risk features

                         In respect of accounts receivable that are individually insignificant and those that are significant but are not impaired
                         upon individual testing, the Group classifies financial assets based on the similarity and relevancy of credit risk
                         features. These credit risks usually reflect debtors’ ability to settle all amounts that fall due based on the contracted
                         terms of the assets, and are relevant to the estimated future cash flows of the inspected assets.

                         Basis for determining different portfolios:

                         Items                                                                     Basis for determining portfolio

                         Account receivable for fewer than                                         Shorter age, fewer risk
                          2 years age (including 2 years)
                         Account receivable for over 2 years age                                   Longer age, greater risk

                    B.   Measurement of determining bad debt provision based on credit risk feature portfolio

                         When an impairment test is performed by means of a group, bad debt provision will be assessed and ascertained
                         according to the structure of the group of accounts receivable and similar credit risk features (debtors’ ability to settle
                         outstanding amounts based on contracted terms), taking into account historical experience and the prevailing
                         economic situations as well as losses that are expected to have been incurred in the group of accounts receivable.

                         Basis for bad debt provision of different portfolio:

                         Items                                                                     Basis of provision

                         Account receivable for fewer than 2 years age                             Analysis by age
                         Account receivable for over 2 years age                                   Analysis by age

                         In respect of portfolio, the measurement of bad debt provision for portfolio is based on analysis by age

                                                                                                               Ratio of                   Ratio of
                                                                                                              accounts             other accounts
                                                                                                            receivable                 receivable
                         Age                                                                             provision (%)              provision (%)

                         Within 1 year (including 1 year, the same below)                                              5                         5
                         1-2 years                                                                                    10                        10
                         2-3 years                                                                                    20                        20
                         Over 3 years                                                                                100                       100

IV. Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates (Cont’d)
    8.   Accounts receivable (Cont’d)
         (2)   Measurement of bad debt provision (Cont’d)

               ③   Insignificant accounts receivable but impaired individually for bad debt

                    The Group conducts impairment tests for the single item with insignificant account receivables but with following features.
                    if there is objective evidence indicating that the accounts receivable is impaired, then impairment loss will be recognised
                    and provision for bad debts according to the difference when the present value of future cash flow is fewer than its carrying
                    amounts: amounts due from associates; accounts receivable with dispute against counterparties or involved in litigation or
                    arbitration; there is obvious objective of the accounts receivable indicated that the debtor is likely to fail to comply with the
                    repayment obligation, etc.

         (3)    Reversal of provision

               If there are evidences indicating that the value of the account receivable is recovered and that recovery is connected to the event
               subsequent to the recognition of the loss, the impairment loss previously recognised will be revered and recorded into profit or
               loss for the period. However, the carrying amount so reversed shall not exceed the amortised cost of the account receivable on the
               date of reversal on the assumption that no impairment loss has been made.

    9.   Inventory
         (1)   Classification of inventories

               Inventories mainly include raw materials, work in progress and finished products, etc.

         (2)   Pricing of inventory received and dispatched

               Inventories are measured at their actual cost when obtained. Cost of an inventory consists of purchase costs, processing costs and
               other costs. When used and dispatched, inventories will be calculated based on the planned cost first, and deviations in cost will
               be apportioned by month end, so that the planned cost will be adjusted to become the actual cost.

         (3)   Recognition of net realisable value of inventory and provision for inventory impairment

               At the balance sheet date, inventories are calculated at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Provision for inventory
               impairment is made when the net realisable value is lower than the cost. Provisions for impairment of inventory shall be made
               according to the amount by which the cost of a single item exceeds its net realisable value.

               After making the provision for inventory impairment, in case the factors causing inventory impairment no longer exists, and the
               net realisable value of an inventory is higher than its book-value, the original provision for inventory impairment shall be
               transferred back and incorporated into the profit or loss for the current period.

               Net realisable value refers to the amount of the estimated price of inventories less the estimated cost incurred upon completion,
               estimated sales expenses and other amounts after tax and levies in daily operation. The realisable value of inventories shall be
               determined on the basis of definite evidence, purpose of holding the inventories and effect of after-balance-sheet-date events.

         (4)   The inventory taking system shall use permanent inventory system/periodic inventory system.

         (5)   Amortisation of low-value consumables and packaging materials

               Low-value consumables are amortised by lump-sum when taken for use. Also, packaging materials are amortised by lump-sum
               when taken for use.

IV. Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates (Cont’d)
    10. Long-term equity investments
        (1)   Determination of initial investment cost

              For a long-term equity investment acquired through a business combination involving enterprises under common control, the
              initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment shall be the absorbing party’s share of the carrying amount of the
              owner’s equity of the party being absorbed at the date of combination. For a long-term equity investment acquired through
              business combination not involving enterprises under common control, the initial investment cost of the long-term equity
              investment acquired shall be the each direct related expenses of acquirer arising from business combination.

              The long-term equity investment acquired through means other than a business combination shall be initially measured at its cost.
              Such cost is depended upon the acquired means of long-term equity investments, which is recognised based on the purchase cost
              actually paid by the Group in cash, the fair value of equity securities issued by the Group, the agreed value of investment contract
              or agreement, the fair value or original carrying amounts of the non-monetary asset exchange transaction which the asset will be
              transferred out of the Group, and the fair value of long-term equity investment itself. The costs, taxes and other necessary
              expenses that are directly attributable to the acquisition of the long-term equity investments are also included in the investment

        (2)   Method for subsequent measurement and profit or loss recognition

              Cost method is used to account for a long-term equity investment where the investor does not have joint control or significant
              influence over the investee, and the investment is not quoted in an active market and its fair value cannot be reliably measured.
              Long-term equity investments with joint control or significant influence on the investee is accounted for using equity method.
              Long-term equity investment without control or joint control or significant influence with a fair value which can be reliably
              measured is accounted for as available-for-sale financial assets.

              In addition, long-term equity investments with control on the investee are accounted for using cost method and record in the
              Company’s financial statements.

              ①   Long-term equity investments accounted for using the cost method

                   Under the cost method, a long-term equity investment is measured at its initial investment cost. Except receiving the actual
                   consideration paid for the investment or the declared but not yet distributed cash dividends or profits which is included in
                   the consideration, investment gains for the period is recognised as the cash dividends or profits declared by the investee.

              ②   Long-term equity investments accounted for using the equity method

                   Under the equity method, where the initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment exceeds the investor’s interest
                   in the fair value of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition date, no adjustment shall be made to the initial
                   investment cost. Where the initial investment cost is less than the investor’s interest in the fair value of the investee’s
                   identifiable net assets at the acquisition date, the difference shall be charged to profit or loss for the current period, and the
                   cost of the long term equity investment shall be adjusted accordingly.

                   Under the equity method, investment gain or loss represents the Group’s share of the net profits or losses made by the
                   investee for the current period. The Group shall recognise its share of the investee’s net profits or losses based on the fair
                   values of the investee’s individual separately identifiable assets at the time of acquisition, after making appropriate
                   adjustments thereto in conformity with the accounting policies and accounting periods of the Group. The unrealised gain or
                   loss from internal transactions entered into between the Group and its associated enterprises and joint ventures is set off
                   according to the shareholding attributable to the Group and accounted for as investment income and loss based such basis.
                   However, the unrealised gain or loss from internal transactions entered into between the Group and its investee is not set up
                   if belonging to impairment loss from assets transferred according to regulations such as “Accounting Standards for
                   Business Enterprises No. 8 “Assets impairment”. In respect of the other consolidated income of investees, the carrying
                   amount of long-term equity investments is accordingly adjusted and recognised as other consolidated income and included
                   in the capital reserves.

                   The Group’s share of net losses of the investee shall be recognised to the extent that the carrying amount of the long-term
                   equity investment together with any long-term interests that in substance form part of the investor’s net investment in the
                   investee are reduced to zero. If the Group has to assume additional obligations, the estimated obligation assumed shall be
                   provided for and charged to the profit or loss as investment loss for the period. Where the investee is making profits in
                   subsequent periods, the Group shall resume recognising its share of profits after setting off against the share of
                   unrecognised losses.

                   If there is debit variation in relation to the long-term equity investments in associates and joint venture held prior to first
                   adoption of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises by the Group on 1 January 2007, the amounts amortised
                   over the original residual term using the straight-line method is included in the profit or loss for the period.

IV. Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates (Cont’d)
    10. Long-term equity investments (Cont’d)
        (2)   Method for subsequent measurement and profit or loss recognition (Cont’d)

              ③    Acquisition of minority interests

                    Upon the preparation of the consolidated financial statements, since acquisition of minority interests increased of long-term
                    equity investment which was compared to fair value of identifiable net assets recognised which are measured based on the
                    continuous measurement since the acquisition date (or combination date) of subsidiaries attributable to the Group calculated
                    according to the proportion of newly acquired shares, the difference of which recognised as adjusted capital surplus, capital
                    surplus insufficient to set off impairment and adjusted retained earnings.

              ④    Disposal of long-term equity investments

                    In these consolidated financial statements, where the parent company disposes of a portion of the long-term equity
                    investments in a subsidiary without a change in control, the difference between disposal cost and disposal of long-term
                    equity investments relative to the net assets of the subsidiary is charged to the owners’ equity. If disposal of a portion of the
                    long-term equity investments in a subsidiary by the parent company results in a change in control, it shall be treated in
                    accordance with the relevant accounting policies as described in Note IV. 4. (2) “Preparation Method of the Consolidated
                    Financial Statements”.

                    On disposal of a long-term equity investment otherwise, the difference between the carrying amount of the investment and
                    the actual consideration paid is recognised through profit or loss in the current period. Where the equity method is adopted,
                    other comprehensive income attributable to the long-term equity investments previously included in shareholders’ equity
                    shall be transferred to through profit or loss in the current period on a pro-rata basis. The remaining equity shall be
                    recognised as the long-term equity investments or other relevant financial assets based on the carrying amount and
                    subsequently measured in accordance with the accounting policies of the foresaid long-term equity investments or financial
                    assets. The retrospective adjustment shall be made in accordance with the relevant provisions if the remaining equity is
                    accounted for using the equity method instead of the cost method.

        (3)   Recognition of having joint control or significant influence over the investee

              The term “control” means that the Group has the power to decide an enterprise’s financial and operating policy, pursuant to
              which, the Group can get the power to obtain benefits from its operating activities. Joint control is the contractually agreed
              sharing of control over an economic activity, which only exists when relevant and important financial affairs and management
              decisions related to such economic activity require sharing of control by investors who unanimously agree upon. Significant
              influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of an enterprise, but to fail to control or joint
              control the formulation of such policies together with other parties. In determining whether there is control or significance
              influence over the investee, potential voting right factors (such as the convertible corporate bonds for the period and the
              exercisable stock warrants for the period of the investee and other invested units held) were taken into account.

        (4)   Impairment test method and impairment provision

              The Group assesses at each balance sheet date whether there is any indication that any long-term equity investments may be
              impaired. If there is any evidence indicating that an asset may be impaired, recoverable amount shall be estimated for the
              individual asset. If the recoverable amount of an asset is less than its carrying amount, the reduction is recognised as an
              impairment loss and charged to profit or loss for the current period. A provision for impairment loss of the asset is recognised

              An impairment loss recognised on long-term equity investments shall not be reversed in a subsequent period.

IV. Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates (Cont’d)
    11. Investment Property
        Investment property refer to real estate held to earn rentals or for capital appreciation, or both including the land use right that have
        been leased out; the land use right that held and will be transferred after appreciation; and the building that have been leased out.
        Investment property is initially measured at cost. Subsequent expenditures related to an investment property shall be included in cost of
        investment property only when the economic benefits associated with the asset will likely flow to the Group and its cost can be
        measured reliably. All other expenditures on investment property shall be included in profit or loss for the current period when

        The Group adopts cost method for subsequent measurement of investment property, which is depreciated or amortised using the same
        policy as that for buildings and land use rights.

        The method for impaired test of investment property and measurement of impairment provision are detailed in Note IV. 17
        “Impairment of non-current non-monetary financial asset”.

        In the event that an owner-occupied property or inventories is converted to an investment property (or vice versa), upon the conversion,
        the property shall be stated at the carrying amount prior to the conversion.

        If an investment property is disposed of or if it withdraws permanently from use and no economic benefit will be obtained from the
        disposal, the recognition of it as an investment property shall be terminated. When an investment property is sold, transferred, retired or
        damaged, the amount of proceeds on disposal of the property net of the carrying amount and related tax and surcharges is recognised in
        profit or loss for the current period.

    12. Fixed assets
        (1)   Conditions for recognition of fixed assets

              Fixed assets are tangible assets that are held for use in the production or supply of goods or services, for rental to others, or for
              administrative purposes; and have a useful life of more than one accounting year.

        (2)   Method for depreciation of different fixed assets

              Fixed assets shall be initially measured at cost and the effect of any expected costs of abandoning the asset at the end of its use.
              Depreciation is provided over their estimated useful lives from the month after they have reached the working condition for their
              intended use using the straight-line method/units-of-production method. The useful life, estimated residual value and annual
              depreciation rate of each category of fixed assets are as follows:

                                                                                    Useful lives of           Estimated             depreciation
              Category                                                               depreciation         residual value                    rate

              Buildings and structures                                                        20-40                 5-10                2.25-4.75
              Machinery and equipment                                                          8-20                 5-10                4.5-11.88
              Transportation equipment                                                          5-8                 5-10              11.25-19.00
              Electronic equipment and others                                                     5                 5-10              18.00-19.00

              Estimated net residual value of a fixed asset is the estimated amount that the Group would currently obtain from disposal of the
              asset, after deducting the estimated costs of disposal, if the asset were already of the stage and in the condition expected at the
              end of its useful life.

        (3)   Impairment testing methods and provision for impairment methods on fixed assets

              The method for impaired test of fixed asset and measurement of impairment provision are detailed in Note IV. 18 “Impairment of
              non-current non-monetary financial asset”.

IV. Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates (Cont’d)
    12. Fixed assets (Cont’d)
         (4)   Recognition basis and measurement method of fixed assets under finance lease

               Leases are classified as finance leases whenever the terms of the lease transfer substantially all the risks and rewards of
               ownership to the lessee. Title may or may not eventually be transferred. The fixed asset leased by the finance lease is used the
               policy consistent with that of proprietary fixed assets for provision of depreciated leased asset. If it can be reasonably determined
               that the ownership of the leased asset can be obtained upon expiration of the lease term, the leased asset shall be depreciated over
               its useful life. If it cannot be reasonably determined that the ownership of the leased asset can be obtained at the expiration of the
               lease term, the leased asset shall be depreciated over the shorter of the lease term or its useful life.

         (5)   Explanation on other matters

               Subsequent expenditures incurred for a fixed asset shall be included in the cost of the fixed asset, only if it is probable that
               economic benefits associated with the asset will flow to the Company and the relevant cost can be measured reliably; meanwhile
               the carrying amount of the replaced part shall be derecognised. Other subsequent expenditures shall be charged to profit or loss
               when incurred.

               When a fixed asset is sold, transferred, retired or damaged, the Group shall recognise the amount of any proceeds on disposal of
               the asset net of the carrying amount and related taxes in profit or loss for the current period.

               The Group reviews the useful life and estimated net residual value of a fixed asset and the depreciation method applied at least at
               each financial year-end. A change in the useful life or estimated net residual value of a fixed asset or the depreciation method
               used shall be accounted for as a change in accounting estimate.

    13. Construction in progress
         Construction in progress is recognised based on the actual construction cost, including all expenditures incurred for construction
         projects, capitalised borrowing costs for the construction in progress before it has reached the working condition for its intended use,
         and other related expenses during the construction period. A construction in progress is transferred to fixed assets when it has reached
         the working condition for its intended use.

         The method for impaired test of construction in progress and measurement of impairment provision are detailed in Note IV. 18
         “Impairment of non-current non-monetary financial asset”.

    14. Borrowing costs
         Borrowing costs include interest, amortisation of discounts or premiums related to borrowings, ancillary costs incurred in connection
         with the arrangement of borrowings, and exchange differences arising from foreign currency borrowings. For borrowing costs that are
         directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset, when expenditures for the asset and borrowing
         costs are being incurred, activities relating to the acquisition, construction or production of the asset that are necessary to prepare the
         asset for its intended use or sale have commenced, such borrowing costs shall be capitalised as part of the cost of that asset; and
         capitalisation shall discontinue when the qualifying asset is ready for its intended use or sale. Other borrowing costs shall be recognised
         as expense in the period in which they are incurred.

         Where funds are borrowed for a specific purpose, the amount of interest to be capitalised shall be the actual interest expense incurred
         on that borrowing for the period less any bank interest earned from depositing the borrowed funds before being used into banks or any
         investment income on the temporary investment of those funds. Where funds are borrowed for general purpose, the Group shall
         determine the amount of interest to be capitalised on such borrowings by applying a capitalisation rate to the weighted average of the
         excess amounts of cumulative expenditures on the asset over and above the amounts of specific-purpose borrowings. The capitalisation
         rate shall be the weighted average of the interest rates applicable to the general-purpose borrowings.

         During the capitalisation period, exchange differences related to the principal and interest on a specific purpose borrowing
         denominated in foreign currency shall be capitalised as part of the cost of the qualifying asset. Exchange differences related to
         general-purpose borrowings denominated in foreign currency shall be included in profit or loss for the current period.

         Qualifying assets are assets (fixed assets, investment property, inventories, etc) that necessarily take a substantial period of time for
         acquisition, construction or production to get ready for their intended use or sale.

         Capitalisation of borrowing costs shall be suspended during periods in which the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying
         asset is interrupted abnormally, when the interruption is for a continuous period of more than 3 months, until the acquisition,
         construction or production of the qualifying asset is resumed.

IV. Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates (Cont’d)
    15. Biological assets
        Consumable biological assets refer to biological assets held for sale or to be harvested as agricultural produce in the future, which
        include growing commercial forests. Consumable biological assets are stated at cost at initial recognition. The cost of self-planting,
        self-cultivating consumable biological assets is the necessary expenses directly attributable to such assets prior to canopy closure,
        including borrowing costs eligible for capitalisation. Subsequent expenses incurred after canopy closure shall be included in profit or
        loss for the current period.

        The cost of consumable biological assets shall, at the time of harvest or disposal, be carried forward at carrying value using the rotation
        age method.

        All the consumable biological assets of the Company are subsequently measured at fair value as they are quoted in an active market
        where the Company can obtain a quoted market price and other information of the same or similar consumable biological assets and
        thus their fair values can be reliably estimated. Changes in fair values shall be recognised as profit or loss in the current period.

    16. Intangible assets
        (1)   Intangible assets

              An intangible asset is an identifiable non-monetary asset without physical substance owned or controlled by the Group.

              An intangible asset shall be initially measured at cost. The expenditures incurred on an intangible asset shall be recognised as
              cost of the intangible asset only if it is probable that economic benefits associated with the asset will flow to the Group and the
              cost of the asset can be measured reliably. Other expenditures on an item asset shall be charged to profit or loss when incurred.

              Land use right acquired shall normally be recognised as an intangible asset. Self-constructed buildings (e.g. plants), related land
              use right and the buildings shall be separately accounted for as an intangible asset and fixed asset. For buildings and structures
              purchased, the purchase consideration shall be allocated among the land use right and the buildings on a reasonable basis. In case
              there is difficulty in making a reasonable allocation, the consideration shall be recognised in full as fixed assets.

              An intangible asset with an infinite useful life shall be stated at cost less estimated net residual value and any accumulated
              impairment loss provision and amortised using the straight-line method//units of production method over its useful life when the
              asset is available for use. Intangible assets with indefinite life are not amortised.

              The Group shall review the useful life of intangible asset with an infinite useful life and the amortisation method applied at least
              at each financial year-end. A change in the useful life or amortisation method used shall be accounted for as a change in
              accounting estimate. For an intangible asset with an indefinite useful life, the Group shall review the useful life of the asset in
              each accounting period. If there is evidence indicating that the useful life of that intangible asset is finite, the Company shall
              estimate the useful life of that asset and apply the accounting policies accordingly.

IV. Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates (Cont’d)
    16. Intangible assets (Cont’d)
         (2)   Research and development expenditure

               Expenditure on internal research and development activities of the Group is categorised into expenditure arising from the
               research phase and expenditure arising from the development phase.

               Expenditure arising from the research phase is recognised as profit or loss in the current period.

               Expenses incurred during the development stage that satisfy the following conditions are recognised as intangible assets, while
               those that do not satisfy the following conditions are accounted for in the profit or loss for the current period:

               ①   it is technically feasible that the intangible asset can be used or sold upon completion;

               ②   there is intention to complete the intangible asset for use or sale;

               ③   the intangible asset can produce economic benefits, including there is evidence that the products produced using the
                    intangible asset has a market or the intangible asset itself has a market; if the intangible asset is for internal use, there is
                    evidence that there exists usage for the intangible asset;

               ④   there is sufficient support in terms of technology, financial resources and other resources in order to complete the
                    development of the intangible asset, and there is capability to use or sell the intangible asset;

               ⑤   the expenses attributable to the development stage of the intangible asset can be measured reliably.

               If the expenses incurred during the research stage and the development stage cannot be distinguished separately, all development
               expenses incurred are accounted for in the profit or loss for the current period.

         (3)   Intangible assets impairment test method and their impairment provision

               The method for impaired test of intangible assets and measurement of impairment provision are detailed in Note IV. 18
               “Impairment of non-current non-monetary financial asset”.

    17. Long-term deferred expenses
         Long-term deferred expenses are expenditures and other expenses which have incurred but that shall be amortised over the current
         period and subsequent periods of more than one year. Long-term deferred expenses are reasonably amortised over the estimated benefit
         period, using the straight-line method or other systems.

IV. Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates (Cont’d)
    18. Non-current non-financial assets impairment
        The Group will judge if there is any indication of impairment as at the balance sheet date in respect of non-current non-financial assets
        such as fixed assets, construction in progress, intangible assets with an infinite useful life, investment properties measured at cost, and
        long-term equity investments in subsidiaries, joint controlled entities and associates. If there is any evidence indicating that an asset
        may be impaired, recoverable amount shall be estimated for impairment test. Goodwill, intangible assets with an indefinite useful life
        and intangible assets beyond working conditions will be tested for impairment annually, regardless of whether there is any indication of

        If the impairment test result shows that the recoverable amount of an asset is less than its carrying amount, the impairment provision
        will be made according to the difference and recognised as an impairment loss. The recoverable amount of an asset is the higher of its
        fair value less costs of disposal and the present value of the future cash flows expected to be derived from the asset. An asset’s fair
        value is the price in a sale agreement in an arm’s length transaction. If there is no sale agreement but the asset is traded in an active
        market, fair value shall be determined based on the bid price. If there is neither sale agreement nor active market for an asset, fair value
        shall be based on the best available information. Costs of disposal are expenses attributable to disposal of the asset, including legal fee,
        relevant tax and surcharges, transportation fee and direct expenses incurred to prepare the asset for its intended sale. The present value
        of the future cash flows expected to be derived from the asset over the course of continued use and final disposal is determined as the
        amount discounted using an appropriately selected discount rate. Provisions for assets impairment shall be made and recognised for the
        individual asset. If it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of the individual asset, the Group shall determine the
        recoverable amount of the asset group to which the asset belongs. The asset group is the smallest group of assets capable of generating
        cash flows independently.

        For the purpose of impairment testing, the carrying amount of goodwill presented separately in the financial statements shall be
        allocated to the asset groups or group of assets benefiting from synergy of business combination. If the recoverable amount is less than
        the carrying amount, the Group shall recognise an impairment loss. The amount of impairment loss shall first reduce the carrying
        amount of any goodwill allocated to the asset group or set of asset groups, and then reduce the carrying amount of other assets (other
        than goodwill) within the asset group or set of asset groups, pro rata on the basis of the carrying amount of each asset.

        An impairment loss recognised on the aforesaid assets shall not be reversed in a subsequent period in respect of the restorable value.

    19. Accrued liabilities
        Obligations pertinent to the contingencies which satisfy the following conditions are recognised as accrued liabilities: (1) The
        obligation is a current obligation borne by the Group; (2) it is likely that an outflow of economic benefits will be resulted from the
        performance of the obligation; and (3) the amount of the obligation can be reliably measured.

        At the balance sheet date, accrued liabilities shall be measured at the best estimate of the necessary expenses required for the
        performance of existing obligations, after taking into account relevant risks, uncertainties, time value of money and other factors
        pertinent to the contingencies.

        If all or some expenses incurred for settlement of accrued liabilities are expected to be borne by the third party, the compensation
        amount shall, on a recoverable basis, be recognised as asset separately, and compensation amount recognised shall not be more than the
        carrying amount of accrued liabilities.

IV. Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates (Cont’d)
    20. Revenue
        (1)   Revenue from sales of goods

              Revenue is recognised when the Company has transferred to the buyer the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the
              goods, retains neither continuing managerial involvement to the degree usually associated with ownership nor effective control
              over the goods sold, will receive the economic benefits associated with the transaction, and can reliably measure the relevant
              amount of revenue and costs.

        (2)   Revenue from the rendering of services

              When the outcome of a transaction involving the rendering of services can be reliably estimated, it shall, on the balance sheet
              date, recognise the revenue from the rendering of services employing the percentage-of-completion method. The completion
              schedule of transaction concerning the rendering of services shall be ascertained according to the proportion of service costs
              incurred to the estimated total costs.

              The outcome of a transaction concerning the rendering of services can be reliably estimated, which shall concurrently satisfy: (1)
              The relevant amount of revenue can be reliably measured; (2) it is probable that the economic benefits will flow into the
              enterprise; (3) the completion schedule of the transaction can be reliably ascertained; and (4) transaction costs incurred and to be
              incurred can be reliably measured.

              When the outcome of a transaction involving the rendering of services cannot be reliably estimated, it shall recognise the revenue
              from the rendering of services based on the cost of rendering services already incurred and expected to be compensated, and the
              cost of rendering services incurred shall be recognised as an expense for the current period. If the cost of rendering services is
              expected not to be compensated, it shall be recognised as an expense.

              When a contract or agreement signed by the Group includes sales of goods and rendering of services, if sales of goods and
              rendering of services can be differentiated and separately measured, they will be recognised respectively. If sales of goods and
              rendering of services cannot be differentiated or cannot be separately measured, they will be recognised as sales of goods in full.

        (3)   Royalty revenue

              Revenue is recognised on an accrual basis under the relevant contracts or agreements.

        (4)   Interest income

              Interest income is measured based on the length of time for which the Group’s cash is used by others and the effective interest

    21. Government grant
        Government grants are transfer of monetary assets or non-monetary assets from the government to the Group at no consideration,
        excluding capital considerations from the government as an owner of the Group. Government grants are classified into government
        grants related to assets and government grants related to income.

        If a government grant is in the form of a transfer of monetary asset, the item shall be measured at the amount received or receivable. If
        a government grant is in the form of a transfer of non-monetary asset, the item shall be measured at fair value. If fair value is not
        reliably determinable, the item shall be measured at a nominal amount and recognised immediately in profit or loss for the current

        A government grant related to an asset shall be recognised as deferred income, and evenly amortised to profit or loss over the useful
        life of the asset. For a government grant related to income, if the grant is a compensation for related expenses or losses to be incurred in
        subsequent periods, the grant shall be recognised as deferred income, and recognised in profit or loss over the periods in which the
        related costs are recognised; if the grant is a compensation for related expenses or losses already incurred, the grant shall be recognised
        immediately in profit or loss for the current period.

        For the repayment of a government grant already recognised, if there is any related deferred income, the repayment shall be off set
        against the carrying amount of the deferred income, and any excess shall be recognised in profit or loss for the current period; if there is
        no related deferred income, the repayment shall be recognised immediately in profit or loss for the current period.

IV. Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates (Cont’d)
    22. Deferred income tax assets / deferred income tax liabilities
        (1)   Current income tax

              At the balance sheet date, current income tax liabilities (or assets) for the current and prior periods shall be measured at the
              amount expected to be paid (or recovered) according to the requirements of tax laws. Taxable profits, which are the basis for
              calculating the current income tax expense, are determined after adjusting the accounting profits before tax for the year in
              accordance with relevant requirements of tax laws.

        (2)   Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities

              Temporary differences arising from the difference between the carrying amount of an asset or liability and its tax base, and the
              difference between the tax base and the carrying amount of those items that are not recognised as assets or liabilities but have a
              tax base that can be determined according to tax laws, shall be recognised as deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax
              liabilities using the balance sheet liability method.

              Deferred income tax liabilities are not recognised for taxable temporary differences related to: the initial recognition of goodwill;
              and the initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction which is neither a business combination nor affects accounting
              profit or taxable profit (or deductible loss) at the time of the transaction. In addition, the Group recognises the corresponding
              deferred income tax liability for taxable temporary differences associated with investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint
              ventures, except when both of the following conditions are satisfied: the Group able to control the timing of the reversal of the
              temporary difference; and it is probable that the temporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future.

              Deferred income tax assets are not recognised for deductible temporary differences related to the initial recognition of an asset or
              liability in a transaction which is neither a business combination nor affects accounting profit or taxable profit (or deductible loss)
              at the time of the transaction. In addition, the Group recognises the corresponding deferred income tax asset for deductible
              temporary differences associated with investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures to the extent that it is probable
              that taxable profits will be available against which the deductible temporary differences can be utilised, except when both of the
              following conditions are satisfied: it is not probable that the temporary difference will reverse in the foreseeable future; and it is
              not probable that taxable profits will be available in the future, against which the temporary difference can be utilised.

              The Company recognises a deferred income tax asset for the carry forward of deductible losses and tax credits to subsequent
              periods, to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profits will be available against which the deductible losses and tax
              credits can be utilised.

              At the balance sheet date, deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are
              expected to apply to the period when the asset is realised or the liability is settled, according to the requirements of tax laws.

              At the balance sheet date, the Company shall review the carrying amount of a deferred income tax asset. If it is probable that
              sufficient taxable profits will not be available in future periods to allow the benefit of the deferred income tax asset to be utilised,
              the carrying amount of the deferred income tax asset shall be reduced. Any such reduction in amount shall be reversed when it
              becomes probable that sufficient taxable profits will be available.

IV. Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates (Cont’d)
    22. Deferred income tax assets / deferred income tax liabilities (Cont’d)
         (3)   Income tax expense

               Income tax expense comprises current income tax expense and deferred income tax expense.

               Current income tax expense (current income tax income) and deferred income tax expense (deferred income tax income) are
               included in profit or loss for the current period, except for: recognised as other comprehensive income or current income tax and
               deferred income tax related to transactions or events that are directly recognised in other comprehensive income or owners’
               equity, which are recognised directly in owners’ equity, and deferred income tax arising from a business combination, which is
               adjusted against the carrying amount of goodwill.

         (4)   Offset of income tax

               After granted the legal rights of net settlement and with the intention to use net settlement or obtain assets, repay debt, the Group,
               at the same time, records the net amount after offsetting its current income tax assets and current income tax liabilities.

               The Group was granted the legal rights of net settlement of current income tax assets and current income tax liabilities. Deferred
               income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities are related to income tax to be paid by the same entity liable to pay tax to the
               same tax collection and management authority or related to different entities liable to pay tax, but the relevant entity liable to pay
               tax is intended to apply net settlement of current income tax assets and liabilities or, at the same time, obtain assets, repay debt
               whenever every deferred income tax assets and liabilities with importance would be reversed in the future, the Group records the
               net amount after offsetting its current income tax assets and current income tax liabilities.

    23. Lease
         Leases are classified as finance leases whenever the terms of the lease transfer substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership to
         the lessee. Title may or may not eventually be transferred. All other leases are classified as operating leases.

         (1)   Operating lease business with the Group recorded as lessee

               Lease payment for operating lease is recognised as related asset cost or profits and losses for the current period using the
               straight-line method over the lease term. The initial direct cost is directly accounted in profit or loss for the current period.
               Contingent rent is recognised as profit or loss for the current period upon occurrence.

         (2)   Operating lease business with the Group recorded as lessor

               Rental income is recognised in profit or loss for the current period using the straight-line method over the lease term. The initial
               direct cost where the amount is larger is capitalised when incurred, and accounted for as profit or loss for the current period on
               the same basis as recognition of rental income over the entire lease period; the initial direct cost where the amount is fewer is
               included in the profit or loss for the period when incurred. Contingent rental is accounted for as profit or loss for the period in
               which it is incurred.

         (3)   The Group as a lessee under a finance lease

               On the lease beginning date, a lessee shall recognise the lower of the fair value of the leased asset on the lease beginning date and
               the present value of the minimum lease payments as the recorded value, and recognise the minimum lease payments as the
               recorded value of long-term accounts payable, and the difference between such amounts shall be determined as unrecognised
               finance charge. The initial direct costs directly attributable to the leased item incurred during the process of lease negotiation and
               execution of the leasing agreement shall be accounted for as the value of the leased asset. The balance of the minimum lease
               payments after deducting the unrecognised financing charge shall be separately presented as long-term liabilities and long-term
               liabilities due within one year.

               The unrecognised financing charge shall be accounted for during the lease period using the effective interest method and
               recognised as financing charge for the period. Contingent rent payments are recognised in the profit and loss for the period when
               actually incurred.

IV. Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates (Cont’d)
    24. Assets held for sale
        If the Group has made a resolution in respect of disposal of a non-current asset and signed an irrevocable transfer agreement with the
        transferee, and such transfer is likely to be completed within one year, this non-current asset shall be accounted for as non-current
        assets held for sale without any depreciation or amortisation provided and calculated at the lower of carrying amount and net amount of
        the fair value less disposal cost. Non-current assets held for sale include individual asset and disposal group. If the group of disposal is
        a set of asset groups and goodwill received from business combination is allocated to such asset groups in accordance with the
        "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.8 "Assets Impairment" or such disposal group is an operation in the asset groups, it
        shall include the goodwill in business combination.

        If an asset or disposal group is classified as held for sale, but fails to meet recognition requirements for non-current assets held for sale,
        it shall no longer be classified as assets held for sale and calculated at the lower of the following two amounts: (i) the carrying amount
        of such asset or disposal group before being classified as assets held for sale subsequent to the adjustment to the originally recognised
        depreciation, amortisation or impairment under the condition that they are not classified as assets held for sale; and (2) the recoverable
        amount at the date on which no future sale is decided.

    25. Employee Benefits
        In the accounting period in which an employee has rendered services, the Group shall recognise the employee benefits payable as a

        The Group participates in social security systems operated by the government. Payments of social security contributions for employees,
        such as premiums or contributions on pensions, medical insurance, payments of housing funds and other social welfare contributions
        shall be included in the cost of related assets or profit or loss for the period in which they are incurred.

        When the Group terminates the employment relationship with employees before the expiry of the employment contracts or provides
        compensation as an offer to encourage employees to accept voluntary redundancy, if the Group has a formal plan for termination of
        employment relationship or has made an offer for voluntary redundancy, which will be implemented immediately, and the Group
        cannot unilaterally withdraw from the termination plan or the redundancy offer, a compensation liability arising from the termination of
        employment relationship with employees should be charged to the profit or loss for the current period.

        An internal retirement plan is accounted for using the same principles as described above. Salaries and social insurance contributions to
        be paid to the internally retired employees by the Group during the period from the date when the employee ceases to provide services
        to the normal retirement date are recognised in profit or loss for the period when the recognition criteria for provisions are met
        (termination benefits).

    26. Changes in Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates
        (1)    Changes in accounting policies


        (2)    Changes in accounting estimates


    27. Corrections on accounting errors in prior periods

IV. Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates (Cont’d)
    28. Critical accounting judgements and estimates
        The Group needs to make judgements, estimates and assumptions as to the carrying amount of statement items which cannot be
        accurately calculated during the application of the Group’s accounting policies. Such judgements, estimates and assumptions are made
        based on the historical experiences of the Group’s management and taking into account other relevant factors, which may affect the
        reported amount of revenue, expenses, assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent liabilities at the balance sheet date. However,
        the outcome from such estimate uncertainties may cause critical adjustment to the carrying amount of assets or liabilities which may be
        affected in the future.

        The Group regularly reviews the aforesaid judgements, estimates and assumptions on the basis of continued operation. A revision to
        accounting estimates is recognised in the period in which the estimate is revised if it only affects that period. A revision is recognised
        in the period of the revision and future periods if it affects both current and future periods.

        At the balance sheet date, the critical areas where Group needs to make judgements, estimates and assumptions as to the items amount
        of financial statements are set out below:

        (1)   Provision for bad debts

              The Group adopts the allowance method to account for bad debt loss under the accounting policies of accounts receivable.
              Impairment of accounts receivable is based on the recoverability of assessed accounts receivable. Given the management’s
              judgement and estimate required for impairment of accounts receivable, the difference between the actual outcome and original
              estimate will affect the carrying amount of accounts receivable and provision and reversal of bad debts of accounts receivable
              during the estimate revision period.

        (2)   Allowance for inventories

              Under the accounting policies of inventories and by measuring at the lower of cost and net realisable value, the Group makes
              allowance for inventories which have costs higher than net realisable value or become obsolete and slow-moving. Write-down of
              inventories to their net realisable values is based on the saleability of the evaluated inventory and their net realisable values.
              Given the management’s judgements and estimates required for inventory impairment on the basis of definite evidence, purpose
              of holding the inventories and other factors, the difference between the actual outcome and original estimate will affect the
              carrying amount of inventories and provision and reversal of bad debts of inventories allowance during the estimate revision

        (3)   Subsequent measurement of biological assets

              The Group has appointed an independent professional valuer to value the fair value of the biological assets. When the valuer
              determines the fair value, the valuation method used by the valuer includes some assumptions. Directors have judged that the
              valuation method reflects the prevailing market conditions.

IV. Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates (Cont’d)
    28. Critical accounting judgements and estimates (Cont’d)
        (4)   Provision for impairment of non-financial non-current assets

              At the balance sheet date, the Group makes its judgement as to whether there is any evidence indicating potential impairment of
              non-current assets other than financial assets. Intangible assets with indefinite useful life shall be tested for impairment when
              there is any indication of impairment in addition to the annual impairment testing.

              Other non-current assets other than financial assets shall be tested for impairment if there is any evidence indicating that their
              carrying amount cannot be recovered. When the carrying amount of an asset or asset groups is higher than the recoverable
              amount, being the higher of its fair value less costs of disposal and the present value of the future cash flows expected to be
              derived from the asset, it indicates impairment.

              The net amount of the fair value less costs of disposal is determined by making reference to the price in a sale agreement in an
              arm’s length transaction or the observable market price less the incremental costs directly attributable to such assets disposal.

              In projecting the present value of the future cash flows, critical judgements shall be made to the output, selling price and relevant
              operating costs of such assets (or asset groups) and the discount rate applied in calculating the discount. In estimating the
              recoverable amount, the Group may adopt all relevant materials including the projections as to the output, selling price and
              relevant operating costs based on reasonable and supportive assumptions.

              The test shall be performed at least once a year as to whether there is any impairment. This requires an estimate for the present
              value of the future cash flows of the asset groups or sets of asset groups to which goodwill is allocated. In estimating the present
              value of the future cash flows, the Group needs to estimate the cash flows generated from the future asset groups or sets of asset
              groups. Meanwhile, the present value of future cash flows is determined using an appropriately selected discount rate.

        (5)   Depreciation and amortisation

              The Group shall provide depreciation and amortisation for investment properties, fixed assets and intangible assets over their
              useful lives and after taking into account of their residual value, using straight-line method. The Group shall regularly review the
              useful lives to determine the amount depreciated and amortised to be accounted for in each reporting period. The useful life is
              determined by the Group according to its previous experience on the similar assets and estimated technical innovation. If there is
              any material change in the previously made estimate, the depreciation and amortisation will be adjusted over the future period.

        (6)   Deferred income tax assets

              It is probable that all unused tax loss will be recognised as the deferred income tax assets to the extent there will be sufficient
              taxable profits against which the deducible loss is available. This requires the Group’s management to apply numerous
              judgements to estimate the time and amount generated from the future taxable profits so as to determine the amount of deferred
              income tax assets with reference to the tax planning strategy.

        (7)   Income tax

              There are some uncertainties in tax treatment and calculation for some transactions of the Group during its ordinary course of
              business. The approval from the tax authority is required for pre-tax expending of some items. Any difference between the final
              recognition outcome of such tax matters and the initially estimated amount will exert an effect on the current income tax and
              deferred income tax during their final recognition period.

V. Taxation
   1.   Main Tax Types and Tax Rates
        Tax type                                                              Basis of taxing                                      Tax Rate

        Value: added tax
        Of which: Product sold in the domestic market                         Sales volume                                               17%
                   Paper core sales, printing                                 Sales volume                                               17%
                   Purchase of barley grass, pampas grass                     Procurement volume                                         13%
                   Purchase of steam power for production use                 Procurement volume                                         13%
                   Purchase of electric power for production use              Procurement volume                                         17%
                   Purchase of sodium silicate, paperboard for                Procurement volume                                         17%
                    production use
                   Purchase of waste paper in the PRC                         Procurement volume                                         10%
                    Coal                                                      Procurement volume                                         17%

        Business tax
        Of which: Repair services                                             Revenue from repair                                         5%
                   Entrusted loans                                            Interests income                                            5%
                   Transportation services                                    Revenue from transportation                                 3%
        Urban maintenance and construction tax                                Amount of value added tax                                 5-7%
                                                                               and business tax paid
        Education surtax                                                      Amount of value added tax and                               3%
                                                                               business tax paid
        Enterprise income tax                                                 Taxable income                                       15%, 25%

   2.   Tax Incentives and Approvals
        Enterprise Income Tax

        Pursuant to the requirements of Law of the People’s Republic of China on Enterprise Income Tax (《中华人民共和国企业所得税
        法》)dated 16 March 2007, the Company is recognised as a high or new technology enterprise which needs the major support of the
        state as approved by State Taxation Administration of Shouguang, Shandong. An enterprise income tax rate of 15% is applicable to the
        Company since 1 January 2009 for three years. The sales branches of the Company were still subject to an enterprise income tax rate of

        Shandong Chenming Xinli Power Co., Ltd. (山东晨鸣新力热电有限公司) a subsidiary of the Company, was established in 2001 as
        a Sino-foreign joint venture and engaged in the business of electric power and thermal power generation. Pursuant to Rule No. 73 of
        “Detailed Rules on the Implementation of the Income Tax Law of The People’s Republic of China for Enterprises with Foreign
        Investment and Foreign Enterprises” (《中华人民共和国外商投资企业和外国企业所得税法实施细则》)and rules under the State
        Council’s Circular on Expanding Application Scope of Income Tax Preferential Treatment on Enterprises with Foreign Investment
        Engaged in Energy or Traffic Infrastructure Projects(《国务院关于扩大外商投资企业从事能源交通基础设施项目税收优惠规定
        使用范围的通知》)(Guo Fa [1999] No. 13), and Guo Shui Han [2002] Document No. 1032 “Written Reply on issues regarding the
        application of preferential enterprise income tax rate to Shandong Chenming Xinli Power Co., Ltd.” from the State Council(《国家税
        务总局关于山东晨鸣新力热电有限公司适用企业所得税率问题的批覆》) Shandong Chenming Xinli Power Co., Ltd. is subject to
        income tax rate of 15%. Pursuant to Guo Fa [2007] Document No. 39 “Circular on Transitional Preferential Enterprise Income Tax
        Policy” issued by the State Council(《国务院关于实施企业所得税过渡优惠政策的通知》) the subsidiary was subject to the income
        tax rate of 24% in 2011.

        Wuhan Chenming Hanyang Paper Holdings Co., Ltd.(武汉晨鸣汉阳纸业股份有限公司) a subsidiary of the Company, was
        transformed into an EFI in April 2005. Pursuant to the Income Tax Law of The People’s Republic of China for Enterprises with
        Foreign Investment and Foreign Enterprises and its implementation rules, and as approved by State Taxation Administration of
        Economic and Technological Development Zone of Wuhan City, the income tax for 2007 was reduced in half. Pursuant to Guo Fa
        [2007] Document No. 39 “Circular on Transitional Preferential Enterprise Income Tax Policy” issued by the State Council(《国务院
        关于实施企业所得税过渡优惠政策的通知》), the subsidiary was subject to the income tax rate of 24% in 2011.

V. Taxation (Cont’d)
    2.   Tax Incentives and Approvals (Cont’d)
         Enterprise Income Tax (Cont’d)

         Jiangxi Chenming Paper Co., Ltd.(江西晨鸣纸业有限责任公司)a subsidiary of the Company, was transformed into an EFI in 2004.
          It engaged in production with a period of operation of more than 10 years as a foreign-investment enterprise. 2009 was the third year
          since it started to make profits. Pursuant to Guo Fa [2007] Document No. 39 “Circular on Transitional Preferential Enterprise Income
          Tax Policy” issued by the State Council(《国务院关于实施企业所得税过渡优惠政策的通知》), the subsidiary was subject to the
          income tax of 12.5% in 2011.

         Pursuant to the ”Revenue Bill 2008” passed by The Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region on 26 June
         2008, Chenming (HK) Limited, a subsidiary of the Company, has been subject to a corporate income tax rate of 16.5% commencing
         2008, and the applicable tax rate for 2011 was 16.5%.

         Except for the above preferential policies, the Company and its remaining subsidiaries are subject to enterprise income tax rate of 25%.

         Value-added Tax (“VAT”) incentives

         Pursuant to the requirements of the “Provisional Regulations on Value-added Tax of the People’s Republic of China” (《中华人民共
         和国增值税暂行条例》)and “Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Provisional Regulations on Value-added Tax of the
         People’s Republic of China” (《中华人民共和国增值税暂行条例实施细则》), with effect from 1 January 2009, general payers of
         VAT may have the input amount incurred from acquiring (including acceptance of donation and investment in kind) or manufacturing
         (including rebuilding, expansion of building and installation) fixed assets deducted from the output amount upon the proof of the
         VAT-specific invoice, special bill of payment of import VAT obtained from the customs and freight settlement voucher.

         Pursuant to Cai Shui [1995] No. 44 “Circular on VAT Exemption for Certain Products Applying Integrated Use of Resources” issued
         by the State Administration of Taxation(《国家税务总局对部分资源综合利用产品免征增值税的通知》), enterprises engaged in
         utilisation of raw materials containing not less than 30% of coal gangue, stone coal, coal ash, bottom ash of coal boiler (excluding blast
         furnace water quenching residue) in the production of building material products shall be exempted from VAT. Wuhan Chenjian
         New-style Wall Materials Co., Ltd.(武汉晨建新型墙体材料有限公司), a subsidiary of the Company, utilises raw materials
         containing above 30% of coal ash in its production. It is thus qualified as an enterprise engaged in the utilisation of waste in production
         and is exempted from VAT in 2011.

         Pursuant to Cai Shui Zi [1995] No. 44 “Circular on VAT Exemption for Certain Products Applying Integrated Use of Resources issued
         by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation”(《财政部、国家税务总局关于对部分资源综合利用产品免征
         增值税问题的通知》)and the relevant requirements of Cai Shui [2001] Document No. 72, Shandong Chenming Panels Co., Ltd. (山
         东晨鸣板材有限责任公司) Qihe Chenming Panels Co., Ltd. (齐河晨鸣板材有限公司) Juancheng Chenming Panels Co., Ltd(鄄
         城晨鸣板材有限公司)and Heze Chenming Panels Co., Ltd.,(河泽晨鸣板材有限责任公司)all being subsidiaries of the Company
         and produce products that applied integrated use of resources, are subject to an immediate VAT refund policy.

VI. Business Combination and Consolidated Financial Statements
            1.            Overview of Subsidiaries
                          (1)   Subsidiaries acquired through establishment or investment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB ’0000

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Setting off of the loss
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        attributable to
                                                                                                                                                                                       Balance of                                                                   Set off the                            the minority
                                                                                                                                                                                   other projects                                                                 profit or loss      shareholders of the subsidiaries
                                                                                                                                                                                              that                                                             of the minority        in the current period from the
                                                                                                                                                                    The actual        constitutes                                                               interests from         owner’s equity of the Company
                                                                                                                                                                    investment    net investment                                                                  the equity of    exceeds the minority shareholders’
Full name                       Subsidiary          Place of        Business        Registered                                      Legal            Organisation    at the end             in the   Shareholding   Voting rights   Whether        Minority       the minority        portion of the opening balance
of subsidiary                   type                Incorporation   Nature             capital   Business activity                  representative   code             of period        subsidiary            (%)             (%)    consolidated   interests          interests    of owners’ equity of the subsidiary

Wuhan Chenming                  Sino-foreign        Wuhan City      Manufacture         21,136   Manufacture and sales of paper     Tan Daocheng     27189235-4         20,283                 —           50.93          50.93    Yes            42,847.53                 —                                       —
 Hanyang Paper                  joint venture                       of paper                      products,the materials of
 Holdings Co., Ltd.                                                                               manufacture of paper
                                                                                                  and machinery

Shandong Chenming               Limited             Qihe,           Manufacture         37,620   Manufacture, processing            Hou Huancai      72074277-4         37,620                 —            100             100    Yes                                      —                                       —
 Paper Group Qihe               liability           Shandong        of paper                      and sales of paperboard
 Paperboard                     company                                                           and packaging paper
 Co., Ltd.

Shandong Chenming               Limited liability   Shouguang,      Electricity          9,955   Manufacture and supply of          孫洪吉           70620711-8         15,781                 —           86.71          86.71    Yes            10,916.39                 —                                       —
 Power Supply                   stock company       Shandong                                      electricity and steam
 Holdings Co., Ltd.

 Yanbian Chenming               Limited liability   Yanji,          Manufacture       8,163.30   Mucilage glue fiber pulp, pulp     桑景高           72958840-0          4,009                 —           76.73          76.73    Yes             4,667.94                 —                                       —
 Paper Co., Ltd.                company             Jilin           of paper                      and machine-made paper

Jiangxi Chenming                Sino-foreign        Nanchang city   Manufacture     USD172.00    Production and processing, etc.    Geng Guanglin    74426460-7         69,755                 —             51              51    Yes            83,277.28                 —                                       —
   Paper Co., Ltd.              joint venture                       of paper           million    of machine-made paper,
                                                                                                  paperboard, paper panel,
                                                                                                  paper products and
                                                                                                  paper-making raw materials

Shouguang Chenming              Limited liability   Shouguang,      Arboriculture        1,059   Development, nurture of fast       德江             73925671-7            720                 —             68              68    Yes               -80.26                 —                                       —
 Tianyuan Arboriculture         company             Shandong                                      growth poplar, forest,
 Co., Ltd.                                                                                        vegetable and fruit

Hailaer Chenming                Limited liability   Hailaer City    Manufacture          1,600   Sales and processing; sales        高子偉           70130836-6          1,200                 —             75              75    Yes             3,201.80                 —                                       —
 Paper Co., Ltd.                company                             of paper                      of machine- made paper
                                                                                                  and pulp paper

Chibi Chenming                  Limited liability   Chibi, Hubei    Manufacture         17,742   Production, processing and sales   陳建明           42203935-3          2,627                 —             51              51    Yes            20,448.55                 —                                       —
 Paper Co., Ltd.                company                             of paper                      of pulp and paper products;
                                                                                                  land transport

Wuhan Chenming                  Limited liability   Wuhan City      Electricity          8,824   Generation and sales               胡建國           72579372-2          4,500                 —             51              51    Yes             8,081.09                 —                                       —
 Qianneng Electric              company                                                           of electricity and steam
 Power Co., Ltd.

VI. Business Combination and Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
             1.            Overview of Subsidiaries (Cont’d)
                           (1)   Subsidiaries acquired through establishment or investment (Cont’d)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB ’0000

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Setting off of the loss
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      attributable to
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Balance of                                                                   Set off the                            the minority
                                                                                                                                                                                                 other projects                                                                 profit or loss      shareholders of the subsidiaries
                                                                                                                                                                                                            that                                                             of the minority        in the current period from the
                                                                                                                                                                                  The actual        constitutes                                                               interests from         owner’s equity of the Company
                                                                                                                                                                                  investment    net investment                                                                  the equity of    exceeds the minority shareholders’
Full name                        Subsidiary          Place of        Business                Registered                                           Legal            Organisation    at the end             in the   Shareholding   Voting rights   Whether        Minority       the minority        portion of the opening balance
of subsidiary                    type                Incorporation   Nature                     capital   Business activity                       representative   code             of period        subsidiary            (%)             (%)    consolidated   interests          interests    of owners’ equity of the subsidiary

Wuhan Chenjian                   Limited liability   Wuhan City      Wall materials               1,000   Production, operation and               學峰             74475404-0            510                 —             51              51    Yes            2,744.12                  —                                       —
 New-style Wall                  company                                                                   sales of aerated fly ash
 Materials Co., ltd.                                                                                       concrete blocks

Shandong Chenming                Sino-foreign        Shouguang,      Electricity             USD11.80     Generation and sales of                 孫洪吉           72073121-5          4,982                 —             51              51    Yes            9,000.93                  —                                       —
 Xinli Power                     joint venture       Shandong                                  million     electricity and steam
  Co., Ltd.

Shouguang Chenming               Limited liability   Shouguang,      Production and                700    Utilisation of ash in the               孫洪吉           73720178-X            700                 —            100             100    Yes              288.36                  —                                       —
 Cement Co., Ltd.                company             Shandong         sales of cement                      production of cement and
                                                                                                            sales of cement

Shandong Chenming                Limited liability   Shouguang,      Production and               3,000   Decorative                              樹森             73816170-8          3,000                 —            100             100    Yes            1,692.07                  —                                       —
 Panels Co., Ltd.                company             Shandong         sales of panels                      board of the layer of laminated
                                                                                                           board, wooden products,
                                                                                                           laminated board and fortified wooden

Shouguang Chenming               Limited liability   Shouguang,      Production and                 50    Production, processing and sales of     樹森             76366212-5             50                 —            100             100    Yes              111.55                  —                                       —
 Floor Board Co., Ltd.           company             Shandong         sales of floor board                 fortified wooden floorboard and
                                                                                                           impregnated paper

Qihe Chenming                    Limited liability   Qihe,           Production and               4,082   Production, processing and sales        樹森             76001404-2          4,082                 —            100             100    Yes                                      —                                       —
 Panels Co., Ltd.                company             Shandong         sales of panels                      of high-density (medium-density)
                                                                                                           fiberboard, decorative panel,
                                                                                                           melamine impregnated paper
                                                                                                           and composite floor

Yangjiang Chenming               Limited liability   Yangjiang,      Arboriculture                 100    Plantation and development              Yin Tongyuan     78487434-6            100                 —            100             100    Yes                                      —                                       —
 Arboriculture                   company             Guangdong                                             of forest, and technology
 Co., Ltd.                                                                                                 consultation of forestry

Zhanjiang Chenming               Limited liability   Zhanjiang,      Arboriculture                 100    Plantation of forest, nutrition         Wang Zaiguo      78298807-5            100                 —            100             100    Yes                                      —                                       —
 Arboriculture Co., Ltd.         company             Guandong                                              and sales of seedling,
                                                                                                           processing and sales of
                                                                                                           timber and processing and sales
                                                                                                           of by-products of timber

VI. Business Combination and Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
            1.          Overview of Subsidiaries (Cont’d)
                        (1)   Subsidiaries acquired through establishment or investment (Cont’d)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB ’0000

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Setting off of the loss
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               attributable to
                                                                                                                                                                                              Balance of                                                                   Set off the                            the minority
                                                                                                                                                                                          other projects                                                                 profit or loss      shareholders of the subsidiaries
                                                                                                                                                                                                     that                                                             of the minority        in the current period from the
                                                                                                                                                                           The actual        constitutes                                                               interests from         owner’s equity of the Company
                                                                                                                                                                           investment    net investment                                                                  the equity of    exceeds the minority shareholders’
Full name                     Subsidiary          Place of        Business           Registered                                        Legal            Organisation        at the end             in the   Shareholding   Voting rights   Whether        Minority       the minority        portion of the opening balance
of subsidiary                 type                Incorporation   Nature                capital   Business activity                    representative   code                 of period        subsidiary            (%)             (%)    consolidated   interests          interests    of owners’ equity of the subsidiary

Jilin Chenming                Limited liability   Jilin City,     Manufacture of       150,000    Processing and sales of              Zhang Chunlin    78298556-0            150,135                 —            100             100    Yes                  —                  —                                       —
 Paper Co., Ltd.              company             Jilin           paper                            machine-made paper,
                                                                                                   paperboard, paper product,
                                                                                                   paper pulp, machinery and
                                                                                                   equipment of manufacture of paper

Juancheng                     Limited liability   Juancheng,      Production and          1,500   Production and sales of              樹森             77872435-X              1,500                 —            100             100    Yes                  —                  —                                       —
 Chenming Panels              company             Shandong         sales of panels                 particle board, decorative
 Co., Ltd.                                                                                         particle board and melamine
                                                                                                   impregnated paper

Shandong Grand                Sino-foreign        Shouguang,      Beverage           USD13.91     Restaurant and beverage services     Xia Guangchun    97529857-8              8,050                 —             70              70    Yes              325.39                  —                                       —
 View Hotel Co., Ltd.         joint venture       Shandong                             million

Zhanjiang Chenming            Limited liability   Zhanjiang,      Arboriculture        250,000    Improvement of plant fodtering,      Yin Tongyuan     77527884-1             80,000                 —            100             100    Yes                                      —                                       —
 Paper Pulp Co., Ltd.         company             Guangdong                                        true planting and soil, research
                                                                                                   of forestry, manufacture,
                                                                                                   production, processing
                                                                                                   and sales of paper pulp etc.

Chenming (HK)                 Limited liability   Hong Kong,      Trade of            USD0.10     Export and import trade of paper     Li Feng          3734927300011080           78                 —            100             100    Yes                                      —                                       —
 Limited                      company             China           paper                million     products and market research

Shouguang Chenming            Limited liability   Shouguang,      Transportation          1,000   Transportation of goods              Chen Hongguo     66015223-7              1,000                 —            100             100    Yes                                      —                                       —
 Modern Logistic              company             Shandong
 Co., Ltd.

Shouguang Chenming            Sino-foreign        Shouguang,      Manufacture        USD20.00     Production and sales of              Yin Tongyuan     79867677-0             11,362                 —             75              75    Yes            5,355.60                  —                                       —
 Art Paper Co., Ltd.          joint venture       Shandong        of paper             million     machine-made paper

Qihe Chenming                 Limited liability   Qihe,           Purchase and              50    Purchase and sales of                汪興             75825591-2                 50                 —            100             100    Yes                                      —                                       —
 Waste Collection             company             Shandong        sales of waste                   wastes and old materials
 Co., Ltd.                                                        and old material

VI. Business Combination and Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
            1.             Overview of Subsidiaries (Cont’d)
                           (1)   Subsidiaries acquired through establishment or investment (Cont’d)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB ’0000

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Setting off of the loss
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            attributable to
                                                                                                                                                                                           Balance of                                                                   Set off the                            the minority
                                                                                                                                                                                       other projects                                                                 profit or loss      shareholders of the subsidiaries
                                                                                                                                                                                                  that                                                             of the minority        in the current period from the
                                                                                                                                                                        The actual        constitutes                                                               interests from         owner’s equity of the Company
                                                                                                                                                                        investment    net investment                                                                  the equity of    exceeds the minority shareholders’
Full name                        Subsidiary          Place of          Business          Registered                                     Legal            Organisation    at the end             in the   Shareholding   Voting rights   Whether        Minority       the minority        portion of the opening balance
of subsidiary                    type                Incorporation     Nature               capital   Business activity                 representative   code             of period        subsidiary            (%)             (%)    consolidated   interests          interests    of owners’ equity of the subsidiary
Jilin Chenming                   Limited liability   Jilin             Purchase and            100    Purchase and sales of wastes      張邦吉           77872731-5            100                 —            100             100    Yes                                      —                                       —
 Waste Collection                company                               sales of waste                  and old materials
 Co., Ltd.                                                             and old mateial
Jilin Chenming                   Limited liability   Jilin             Processing of            60    Processing of machinery,          Zhang Chunlin    66012410-5             60                 —            100             100    Yes                                      —                                       —
 Machinery                       company                               machinery                       manufacture, installation and
 Manufacturing                                                                                         repair of the equipment
 Co., Ltd.                                                                                             of machinery
Nanchang Chenming                Limited liability   Nanchang,         Arboriculture          1,000   Processing and sales of wooden    Geng Guanglin    66204306-9          1,000                 —            100             100    Yes              693.25                  —                                       —
 Arboriculture                   company             Jiangxi                                           finished products,
 Co., Ltd.                                                                                             semi- finished products and
                                                                                                       by-products of timber
Fuyu Chenming                    Limited liability   Fuyu County,      Manufacture of       20,800    Production and sales of           春山             66389298-6         20,800                 —            100             100    Yes                                      —                                       —
 Paper Co., Ltd.                 company             Qiqihar City      paper                           machine-made paper
                                                                                                       and paperboard
Huanggang Chenming               Limited liability   Huanggang         Arboriculture          1,000   Plantation, processing and        Wang Zaiguo      67036898-X          1,000                 —            100             100    Yes                                      —                                       —
 Arboriculture Co., Ltd.         company             City, Hubei                                       sales of forests
Huanggang Chenming               Limited liability   Huanggang City,   Arboriculture          2,000   Operation and acquisition         肖翔             67976586-9          2,000                 —            100             100    Yes                                      —                                       —
 Paper Co., Ltd.                 company             Hubei                                             of forest; establishment
                                                                                                       of paper pulp projects
Xianning Chenming                Limited liability   Xianning,         Arboriculture          1,000   Plantation, processing and        Wang Zaiguo      67975036-8          1,000                 —            100             100    Yes                                      —                                       —
 Arboriculture Co., Ltd.         company             Hubei                                             sales of forests

Shouguang Meilun                 Limited liability   Shouguang,        Manufacture of      150,000    Production and sales of           Yin Tongyuan     69064934-0        150,000                 —            100             100    Yes                                      —                                       —
 Paper Co. Ltd.                  company             Shandong          paper                           machine-made paper
                                                                                                       and paperboard
Shouguang Shun                   Limited liability   Shouguang,        Customs                 150    Business agency of professional   Chen Hongguo     69689781-2            150                 —            100             100    Yes                                      —                                       —
 Da Customs                      company             Shandong          declaration,                    customs declaration and
 Declaration Co,                                                       inspection                      inspection declaration
 Ltd.                                                                  declaration
Wuhan Chenming                   Limited liability   Wuhan,            Real estate            2,000   Development of real estate and    Tan Daocheng     69534385-0          2,000                 —            100             100    Yes              924.37                  —                                       —
 Wan Xing                        company             Hubei                                             sales of commodity house
 Real Estate Co., Ltd.
Shandong Chenming                Limited liability   Shouguang,        Sales of paper       10,000    Sales of machine-made paper,      Chen Hongguo     55222631-5         10,000                               100             100    Yes                                      —                                       —
 Paper Sales                     company             Shandong                                          paperboard and paper
 Company Limited                                                                                        making raw materials

VI. Business Combination and Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
            1.          Overview of Subsidiaries (Cont’d)
                        (2)   Subsidiaries acquired from business combination not under common control

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB ’0000

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Setting off of the loss
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      attributable to
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Balance of                                                                   Set off the                            the minority
                                                                                                                                                                                                 other projects                                                                 profit or loss      shareholders of the subsidiaries
                                                                                                                                                                                                            that                                                             of the minority        in the current period from the
                                                                                                                                                                                  The actual        constitutes                                                               interests from         owner’s equity of the Company
                                                                                                                                                                                  investment    net investment                                                                  the equity of    exceeds the minority shareholders’
Full name                     Subsidiary          Place of        Business                  Registered                                            Legal            Organisation    at the end             in the   Shareholding   Voting rights   Whether        Minority       the minority        portion of the opening balance
of subsidiary                 type                Incorporation   Nature                       capital   Business activity                        representative   code             of period        subsidiary            (%)             (%)    consolidated   interests          interests    of owners’ equity of the subsidiary

Shouguang City                Limited liability   Shouguang,      Purchase and sales of           100    Purchase and sales of waste and          Chen Honguo      77316557-9            100                               100             100    Yes                  —                  —                                       —
 Run Sheng Wasted             company             Shandong        waste and old materials                 obsolete materials
 Paper Recycle
 Co., Ltd.

Wuxie Song Ling               Limited liability   Wuxi City       Manufacture                     501    Sales, cutting and processing            Liu Chunshan     76243145-6             —                               100             100    Yes                  —                  —                                       —
 Paper Co., Ltd.              company                             of paper                                of paper

Shouguang Hongyi              Limited liability   Shouguang,      Packaging                       155    Processing and sales of packaging        Ding Buxun       78077560-7            170                               100             100    Yes                  —                  —                                       —
 Decorative Packaging         company             Shandong                                                Products, indoor and
 Co., Ltd.                                                                                                outdoor decorations

Shouguang Wei Yuan            Limited liability   Shouguang,      Transportation                  393    Transportation of goods,                 Hao Limin        78079463-X            400                               100             100    Yes                  —                  —                                       —
 Logistics Company            company             Shandong                                                maintenance of vehicles,
 Limited                                                                                                  storage and loading of goods,
                                                                                                          international freight agency service

Shouguang Xinyuan             Limited liability   Shouguang,      Coal                            300    Retail of coal, gasoline, construction   Hao Limin        86570424-2            200                               100             100    Yes                  —                  —                                       —
 Coal Co., Ltd.               company             Shandong                                                materials and plumbing parts

VI. Business Combination and Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
    1.   Overview of Subsidiaries (Cont’d)
         (2)   Subsidiaries acquired from business combination not under common control (Cont’d)

               Subsidiaries disposed during the reporting period:

               Heze Chenming Panels Co., Ltd.

               The equity transfer of Heze Chenming Panels Co., Ltd. was completed on 1 April 2011. For details of specific equity transfer and
               the operating results from the beginning of the year to the date of equity transfer of the company, please see Note VII.52.

               Shandong Lin Dun Wood Industry Co., Ltd.

               The equity transfer of Shandong Lin Dun Wood Industry Co., Ltd. was completed on 1 April 2011. For details of specific equity
               transfer and the operating results from the beginning of the year to the date of equity transfer of the company, please see Note

         (3)   The exchange rate of translation of the major statement items of the overseas operating entities

               The reporting currency of the consolidated financial statements of exchange rate of translation translated from Chenming (HK)
               Limited, an overseas controlling subsidiary of the Company, is as follows: all asset and liability items of the balance sheet was
               translated according to the spot exchange rate (i.e. translated according to RMB6.6227: USD1) prevailing at the reporting date;
               all the owner’s equity items were translated according to the spot exchange rate when occurrence, except the “retained profit”
               item. The income and expense items in the income statement shall be translated at the approximate exchange rate of the spot
               exchange rate of the transaction date.

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements
    Unless specified otherwise, the notes to the consolidated financial statements, the “opening balance” and “closing balance” refer to the
    balances as at 31 December 2011 and 30 June 2011 respectively, and the “prior period” and “current period” refer to the period from January
    to June 2010 and the period from January to June 2011 respectively.

    1.   Monetary funds
                                                                     Closing balance                                           Opening balance
                                                       Foreign                                                                                              Foreign
                                                      currency           Exchange           Amount in            Exchange           Amount in              currency
         Items                                        amounts                Rate              RMB                   Rate              RMB                 amounts

         Treasury cash:
          – RMB                                            —                  —         1,325,420.30                 —                  —          1,100,197.18
          – USD                                     30,000.00              6.4716           194,148.00          20,000.00              6.6227            132,454.00

         Cash in Bank:
          – RMB                                            —                  —     1,075,269,034.76                 —                  —      1,546,974,335.41
          – USD                                105,675,339.81              6.4716       683,888,529.86      45,958,441.92              6.6227        304,368,975.24
          – HKD                                    147,138.32              0.8316           122,363.17         759,304.73              0.8509            646,115.18
          – EURO                                   434,372.50              9.3612         4,066,247.86         228,683.68              8.8065          2,013,902.79

         Other monetary funds:
          – RMB                                            —                  —      326,708,251.04                  —                  —        95,802,510.63
          – USD                                    123,327.09              6.4716          798,123.60          123,264.82              6.6227           816,345.94
          – EURO                                        11.86              9.3612              111.03               11.85              8.8065               104.35

         Total                                                                         2,092,372,229.62                                             1,951,854,940.72

         Note:    As at 30 June 2011, the Group’s restricted monetary funds was RMB327,506,485.67 (31 December 2010: RMB96,618,960.62), which contained certificate
                  of the Group’s fixed deposit of RMB22,640,933.48 secured for 6-month bank borrowings of USD3,104,700.00;

    2.   Bills receivable
         (1)     Classification of bills receivable

                                                                                                                             Closing                     Opening
                 Category                                                                                                    balance                     balance

                 Bank acceptance                                                                                 2,907,199,130.35                2,762,389,909.89
                 Commercial acceptance                                                                                         —                              —

                 Total                                                                                           2,907,199,130.35                2,762,389,909.89

                 Note:    (1) As at 30 June 2011, notes with a carrying value of RMB1,975,688,923.44(31 December 2010: RMB1,583,925,454.80) was discounted for
                              short-term borrowings. The Group did not cease to recognise discounted bills.

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
    1.   Monetary funds (Cont’d)
         (2)   Overview of outstanding notes endorsed to other parties at the end of the period (Top 5 amounts)

               Unit of issue                     Date of issue    Date of expiry         Amount        de-recognised         Remarks

               Customer I                        2011-5-24        2011-11-24        12,141,000.00      Yes
               Customer II                       2011-3-6         2011-9-6          12,000,000.00      Yes
               Customer III                      2011-4-28        2011-10-28         8,500,000.00      Yes
               Customer IV                       2011-04-07       2011-10-07         7,000,000.00      No
               Customer V                        2011-4-29        2011-10-27         6,489,415.80      Yes

               Total                                                                46,130,415.80

    3.   Accounts receivable
         (1)   The breakdown of accounts receivable according to classification is as follows

                                                                                         Closing balance
                                                                           Book balance                             Bad debt provision
               Category                                                  Amount         Ratio (%)                 Amount          Ratio (%)

               Single item with significant
                accounts receivable
                provided as single bad debt                      2,453,014,160.61             90.53       197,611,888.88                8.06

               Accounts receivable provided
                as bad debt by category
               Accounts receivable aged
                within two years
                (including two years)                             204,011,464.11                7.53         10,375,630.09              5.09
               Accounts receivable aged
                over two years                                     37,272,172.88                1.37         30,864,632.36             82.81

               Sub-total                                          241,283,636.99                8.90         41,240,262.45             17.09

               Single item without significant
                accounts receivable yet
                provided as single bad debt                        15,401,059.97                0.57           159,217.48               1.03

               Total                                             2,709,698,857.57            100.00       239,011,368.81                8.82

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
    3.   Accounts receivable (Cont’d)
         (1)   The breakdown of accounts receivable according to classification is as follows (Cont’d)

                                                                                      Opening balance
                                                                        Book balance                              Bad debt provision
               Category                                               Amount         Ratio (%)                  Amount          Ratio (%)

               Single item with significant
                accounts receivable
                provided as single bad debt                   2,059,893,496.83               87.36        192,995,370.65             9.37

               Accounts receivable provided
                as bad debt by category
               Accounts receivable aged
                within two years
                (including two years)                          255,673,024.22                10.84         13,138,786.03             5.14
               Accounts receivable aged
                over two years                                  32,119,826.36                 1.36         29,221,227.50            90.98

               Sub-total                                       287,792,850.58                12.20         42,360,013.53            14.72

               Single item without significant
                accounts receivable yet
                provided as single bad debt                     10,247,861.04                 0.44

               Total                                          2,357,934,208.45             100.00         235,355,384.18             9.98

          (2) Accounts receivable stated according to aging

                                                                        Closing balance                               Bad debt
               Items                                                  Amount          Ratio (%)                 Amount         Ratio (%)

               Within 1 year                                  2,559,620,795.96               94.45        112,605,374.91            47.12
               1 to 2 years                                      67,074,449.73                2.48         49,643,439.17            20.77
               2 to 3 years                                       7,801,321.43                0.29          1,560,264.28             0.65
               Over 3 years                                      75,202,290.45                2.78         75,202,290.45            31.46

               Total                                          2,709,698,857.57             100.00         239,011,368.81           100.00

                                                                        Closing balance                               Bad debt
               Items                                                  Amount          Ratio (%)                 Amount         Ratio (%)

               Within 1 year                                  2,223,077,582.95               94.28        120,249,426.99            51.09
               1 to 2 years                                      28,201,927.17                1.20         12,316,780.20             5.23
               2 to 3 years                                      59,631,780.81                2.53         55,766,259.47            23.70
               Over 3 years                                      47,022,917.52                1.99         47,022,917.52            19.98

               Total                                          2,357,934,208.45             100.00         235,355,384.18           100.00

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
    3.   Accounts receivable (Cont’d)
         (3)   Overview of bad debt provision

               (1)   Single item with significant accounts receivable provided as single bad debt

                                                                                                     Percentage of
                     Accounts receivable              Carrying amount     Bad debt provision         provision(%)      Reasons

                     Good payments                     2,453,014,160.61       197,611,888.88                    8.06   Provision
                                                                                                                        according to aging

                     Total                             2,453,014,160.61       197,611,888.88                    8.06

                (2) Single item without significant accounts receivable yet provided as single bad debt

                                                                               Percentage of
                     Accounts receivable                  Book balance         provision(%)     Bad debt provision     Reasons for provision

                     Good payments                        15,401,059.97                 1.03              159,217.48   Some of good
                                                                                                                        payments mainly settled
                                                                                                                        by letter of credit
                                                                                                                        were unrecoverable
                                                                                                                        upon individual

                     Total                                15,401,059.97                 1.03              159,217.48

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
    3.   Accounts receivable (Cont’d)
         (4)   Actual write-off of significant accounts receivable (RMB1 million) during the reporting period

                                           Nature of                                                                         arising from
               Name                        accounts                  Amount of       Reasons for                             connected
                                           receivable                 write-off       write-off                              transaction

               隆信印刷厂(Longxin          Good payments               22,647.24     Smaller amount aged                     No
                 Printing Company)                                                   over 5 year, recovery cost
                                                                                     could not be covered by
                                                                                     proceedings or field recovery

               武汉科文文化纸品            Good payments               22,165.00     Smaller amount aged                     No
                 有限公司(Wuhan                                                      over 5 year, recovery cost
                 Kewen Culture                                                       could not be covered by
                 Paper Co., Ltd.)                                                    proceedings or field recovery

               无锡市张泾复印纸厂          Good payments               11,171.20     Smaller amount aged                     No
                 (Wuxi Zhangjing                                                     over 5 year, recovery cost
                 Copy Paper                                                          could not be covered by
                 Company)                                                            proceedings or field recovery

               武汉南方复印纸制造          Good payments               71,793.29     Business license revoked,               No
                 有限公司(Wuhan                                                      amount aged over 5 years
                 Nanfang Copy
                 Paper Manufacturing
                 Co., Ltd.)

               Total                                                  127,776.73

          (5) There is no outstanding amount within the accounts receivable due from shareholders holding 5% or more (including 5%) in the
              shares of the Company during the reporting period.

         (6)   Top 5 accounts receivable are as follows

                                                                                                                                   Percentage of
                                                                                                                                        the total
                                                                                                                                      balance of
                                       Relationship                                                                                     accounts
               Name                    with the Group                                       Amount                   Aging        receivable (%)

               織(集團) 有限公司     Non-related party                              72,236,412.66         Within 1 year                   2.67
                紙業有限公司           Non-related party                              47,706,660.23          4 to 5 years                   1.76
               湖知音印務有限公司      Non-related party                              36,370,966.95         Within 1 year                   1.34
               廣州兆峰紙業有限公司    Non-related party                              31,901,446.14         Within 1 year                   1.18
               武漢晚報社              Non-related party                              29,467,439.12         Within 1 year                   1.09

               Total                                                                 217,682,925.10                                         8.03

          (7) Overview of accounts receivable of the related parties

               Please refer to Note 9 5. Amounts receivable and payable of the related parties.

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
    3.   Accounts receivable (Cont’d)
         (8)   Accounts receivable denominated in foreign currency stated in original currency and exchange rate are as follows

                                                             Closing balance                                          Opening balance
                                                Amount in                          Translated                       Amount in
               Item                       foreign currency   Exchange rate          into RMB     foreign currency        Exchange rate       into RMB

               USD                           34,696,450.84           6.4716     224,541,551.23      49,294,334.22               6.6227   326,461,587.20

    4.   Other receivables
         (1)   The breakdown of other receivables according to classification is as follows

               Category                                                          Book balance                              Bad debt provisions
                                                                               Amount       Ratio (%)                     Amount         Ratio (%)

               Single item with significant other
                receivables provided as single
                bad debt                                                118,757,952.92                62.58          31,591,075.95              26.60
               Other receivables provided
                as bad debt by category
               Other receivables aged within
                two years (including two years)                          16,058,519.46                  8.46          1,238,483.11                7.71
               Other receivables aged over
                two years                                                47,325,770.16                24.94          36,076,534.23              76.23

               Sub-total                                                 63,384,289.62                  33.4         37,315,017.34              58.87

               Single item without significant
                other receivables yet provided
                as single bad debt                                         7,626,627.79                 4.02            214,268.61                2.81

               Total                                                    189,768,870.33               100.00          69,120,361.90              36.42

               Category                                                          Book balance                              Bad debt provisions
                                                                               Amount       Ratio (%)                     Amount         Ratio (%)

               Single item with significant other
                receivables provided as single
                bad debt                                                154,360,691.65                69.39          61,922,131.27              40.12
               Other receivables provided
                as bad debt by category
               Other receivables aged within
                two years (including two years)                          10,888,111.35                  4.89          1,800,736.15              16.54
               Other receivables aged over
                two years                                                31,710,164.35                14.25          18,690,064.13              58.94

               Sub-total                                                 42,598,275.70                19.15          20,490,800.28              48.10

               Single item without significant
                other receivables yet provided
                as single bad debt                                       25,495,433.35                11.46          22,407,088.63              87.89

               Total                                                    222,454,400.70               100.00         104,820,020.18              47.12

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
    4.   Other receivables (Cont’d)
         (2)   Other receivables stated according to aging

                                                                                 Closing balance                         Bad debt provisions
               Items                                                            Amount        Ratio (%)                 Amount         Ratio (%)

               Within 1 year                                              99,550,825.57               52.46        25,688,640.13              37.17
               1 to 2 years                                                7,479,247.49                3.94           730,743.12               1.06
               2 to 3 years                                               49,474,573.02               26.07         9,436,754.40              13.65
               Over 3 years                                               33,264,224.25               17.53        33,264,224.25              48.12

               Total                                                     189,768,870.33              100.00        69,120,361.90             100.00

                                                                                 Opening balance                         Bad debt provisions
               Items                                                            Amount        Ratio (%)                 Amount         Ratio (%)

               Within 1 year                                             151,664,283.27               68.19        65,207,184.95              62.21
               1 to 2 years                                               17,605,155.37                7.91           696,954.52               0.67
               2 to 3 years                                               17,427,665.73                7.83         3,158,584.38               3.01
               Over 3 years                                               35,757,296.33               16.07        35,757,296.33              34.11

               Total                                                     222,454,400.70              100.00   104,820,020.18                 100.00

          (3) Bad debt provisions

               (1)     Single item with significant other receivables provided as single bad debt

                                                                                 Bad debt            Percentage
                       Other receivables          Carrying amount                provision          of provision      Reason

                       Current accounts              118,757,952.92          23,769,394.62                20.01       Mainly amounts aged
                                                                                                                       over two years

                       Total                         118,757,952.92          23,769,394.62                20.01

                (2) Single item without significant other receivables yet provided as single bad debt

                       Other                                   Book           of provision            Bad debt
                       receivables                           balance                  (%)             provision       Reasons for provision

                       Transfer from                    7,626,627.79                  2.81           214,268.62       Estimated to be
                        prepayments                                                                                   unrecoverable due to
                        of over 2 years                                                                               the passage of a
                                                                                                                      prolonged time

                       Total                            7,626,627.79                  2.81           214,268.62

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
    4.   Other receivables (Cont’d)
         (4)   Actual write-off of accounts receivable during the reporting period

                                                                                                                       arising from
                                           Nature of         Amount of             Reasons for                         connected
               Name                        amounts receivable write-off            write-off                           transactions

               赤壁市市造纸总厂            Borrowings         11,712,750.00        Business license revoked in         No
                 (Chibi City Paper                                                 December 2007 No for over 3 years
                 Making Plant)
               赤壁市市造纸总厂            Advanced              650,957.38        Business license revoked in         No
                 (Chibi City Paper         electricity cost                        December 2007 No for over 3 years
                 Making Plant)
               赤壁市市造纸总厂            Paper cost            780,819.50        Business license revoked in         No
                 (Chibi City Paper                                                 December 2007 No for over 3 years
                 Making Plant)
               赤壁市市造纸总厂            Material cost         245,399.19        Business license revoked in         No
                 (Chibi City Paper                                                 December 2007 No for over 3 years
                 Making Plant)

               Total                                          13,389,926.07

          (5) There is no outstanding amount within the other receivables due from shareholders holding 5% or more (including 5%) in the
              shares of the Company during the reporting period.

         (6)   Top 5 other receivables are as follows

                                                                                                                          Percentage of
                                                                                                                               the total
                                       Relationship with                                                                balance of other
               Name                    the Group                                 Amount                     Aging        receivables %)

               瑞典傑維公司            Non-related party                   22,909,924.97              2 to 3 years                12.07
               濰坊海關                Non-related party                   21,518,713.21            Within 1 year                 11.34
               壽光市人民法院          Non-related party                    9,401,784.78            Within 1 year,                 4.95
                                                                                                      1 to 2 years,
                                                                                                      2 to 3 years
               材有限責任公司          Non-related party                     3,721,142.77           Within 1 year                     1.96
               芬奧斯公司              Non-related party                     2,820,742.72           Within 1 year                     1.49

               Total                                                       60,372,308.45                                          31.81

          (7) Overview of other receivables of the related parties

               Please refer to Note 9 5. Amounts receivable and payable of the related parties.

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
    5.   Prepayments
         (1)   Prepayments stated according to aging

                                                                     Closing balance                                          Opening balance
               Aging                                              Amount          Ratio (%)                               Amount         Ratio (%)

               Within 1 year                               781,452,691.92                      78.92            618,529,456.56                       66.91
               1 to 2 years                                208,769,468.35                      21.08            305,825,088.99                       33.09

               Total                                       990,222,160.27                           100         924,354,545.55                         100

          (2) Top 5 prepayments are set out as follows

                                     Relationship                                             Year of
               Name                  with the Group                         Amount            prepayment                    Reason of outstanding

               化工有限公司          Non-related party              219,141,462.90            Within 1 year                 Prepaid the good
                                                                                                                            payments according
                                                                                                                            to the agreed contract

               黃岡市轄區各村        Non-related party               85,057,088.41            1 to 2 years                  Prepaid the good
                                                                                                                            payments according
                                                                                                                            to the agreed contract

               化工有限公司          Non-related party               34,623,960.69            Within 1 year,                Prepaid the good
                                                                                              1 to 2 years                  payments according
                                                                                                                            to the agreed contract

               有限公司              Non-related party               14,348,554.54            Within 1 year                 Prepaid the good
                                                                                                                            payments according
                                                                                                                            to the agreed contract

               有限公司              Non-related party               13,465,198.95            Within 1 year,                Prepaid the good
                                                                                              1 to 2 years                  payments according
                                                                                                                            to the agreed contract

               Total                                                366,636,265.49

          (3) There is no outstanding amount within the prepayments due from shareholders holding 5% or more (including 5%) in the shares
              of the Company in the reporting period.

         (4)   Other advances denominated in foreign currency stated in original currency and exchange rate are as follows

                                                                 Closing balance                                            Opening balance
                                                   Amount in                          Translated      Amount in                                  Translated
               Items                         foreign currency   Exchange rate          into RMB foreign currency           Exchange rate          into RMB

               USD                              53,422,582.87          6.4716      345,729,587.31         58,981,185.01           6.6227      390,614,694.00
               EURO                              4,826,375.61          9.3612       45,180,667.34          4,878,217.69           8.8065       42,960,024.10

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
    6.   Inventory
         (1)   Inventory categories:

                                                                                               Closing balance
                                                                                Book             Allowance for
               Items                                                          balance               inventories        Carrying amount

               Raw materials                                          1,968,844,573.06               552,446.69         1,968,292,126.37
               Goods-in stock                                           172,965,283.84                                    172,965,283.84
               Goods delivered                                            5,953,280.96                                      5,953,280.96
               Work-in-progress                                       1,519,374,801.07                34,005.27         1,519,340,795.80

               Total                                                  3,667,137,938.93               586,451.96         3,666,551,486.97

                                                                                              Opening balance
                                                                                Book            Allowance for
               Items                                                          balance              inventories         Carrying amount

               Raw materials                                          1,834,652,151.48             3,092,298.90         1,831,559,852.58
               Goods-in stock                                           118,807,317.30                                    118,807,317.30
               Work-in-progress                                       1,101,441,158.39             4,730,113.26         1,096,711,045.13

               Total                                                  3,054,900,627.17             7,822,412.16         3,047,078,215.01

          (2) Changes in allowance for inventories

                                                                         Provision for              Decrease for
                                                          Opening         the current            the current period
               Items                                      balance              period         Reversals       Write-offs Closing balance

               Raw materials                           3,092,298.90                                          2,539,852.21       552,446.69
               Goods-in stock                         4,730,113.26                         3,870,510.42        825,597.57        34,005.27

               Total                                  7,822,412.16                         3,870,510.42      3,365,449.78       586,451.96

          (3) Allowance for inventories and reason for reversal

                                                                                                                             Percentage of
                                                                                                                          the reversal and
                                                                                             Reason of reversal             write-off in the
                                                                                                and write-off of         current period to
                                          Basis of allowance                         allowance for inventories         the closing balance
               Items                      for inventories                                for the current period          of such inventory

               Goods-in-stock                                                Provided impairment was reversed                        0.25%
                                                                          resulting from an improvement in the
                                                                          market price of a portion of the goods

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
    7.   Non-current assets due within one year
         Items                                                       Closing balance       Opening balance    Note

         Other non-current                                              5,471,558.96                          Entrusted loan to Lin
         assets due within one year                                                                           Dun Wood Industry by
         (including entrusted loans)                                                                          Shouguang Panels

         Total                                                          5,471,558.96

    8.   Other current assets
         Items                                                                                 Closing balance    Opening balance

         Non-credited VAT proceeds                                                             1,310,744,482.91      652,018,306.99

         Prepaid enterprise income tax                                                           31,714,861.21         6,553,818.35

         Total                                                                                 1,342,459,344.12      658,572,125.34

    9.   Long-term equity investments
         (1)     Classification of Long-term equity investments

                                                                                   Increase          Decrease
                                                                                     for the            for the            Closing
                 Items                                   Opening balance     current period     current period             balance

                 Investments in associates                  44,170,084.12      -3,755,501.39                          40,414,582.73
                 Other equity investments                   24,950,000.00                                             24,950,000.00
                 Less: Provision for impairment of
                  long equity investments                    1,918,152.23                                              1,918,152.23

                 Total                                      67,201,931.89     -3,755,501.39                           63,446,430.50

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
    9.   Long-term equity investments (Cont’d)
         (2)   The details of long-term equity investments

                                                   Accounting                  Initial                   Opening                 Additions
               Name of investee entity             method                 investment          balance              /deduction                  balance

               Shouguang Liben Paper               Equity method        19,550,000.00    16,680,630.29             -742,942.64         15,937,687.65
                Making Co., Ltd.

               Arjo Wiggins Chenming               Equity method        80,100,000.00    21,651,499.85         -2,960,733.52           18,690,766,33
                Specialty Paper Co., Ltd.

               Qingzhou Chenming                   Equity method          900,000.00       900,000.00                                        900,000.00
                Denaturation Amylum Co., Ltd

               Jiangxi Jiangbao                    Equity method         6,000,000.00     4,937,953.98              -51,825.23          4,886,128.75
                Media Colour Printing Co. Ltd.

               Shandong Paper Making & Printing    Cost method            200,000.00       200,000.00                                        200,000.00
                Enterprises Corporation

               Zhejiang Province Guangyu           Cost method           2,000,000.00     2,000,000.00                                  2,000,000.00
                Media Printing Company Limited

               Jinan Shangyou Commercial           Cost method            350,000.00       350,000.00                                        350,000.00
                Company Limited

               Shouguang Mihe Water                Cost method          20,000,000.00    20,000,000.00                                 20,000,000.00
                Company Limited

               Shanghai Forest & Paper             Cost method           1,400,000.00     1,400,000.00                                  1,400,000.00
                E-Commerce Co., Ltd

               安徽時代物資股份有限公司            Cost method           1,000,000.00     1,000,000.00                                  1,000,000.00

               Total                                                                     69,120,084.12         -3,755,501.39           65,364,582.73

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
    9.   Long-term equity investments (Cont’d)
         (2)   The details of long-term equity investments (Cont’d)

                                                                                                  of the
                                                                                       of shareholding                          Write off
                                                  Percentage of        Percentage of        percentage                        provision of              Cash
                                                    shareholding        voting right         and voting                       impairment     bonuses for
                                                   in the investee   in the investee        right in the   Impairment            for the     the current
               Name of investee entity                 entity (%)         entity (%)    investee entity      provision    current period          period

               Shouguang Liben Paper
                Making Co., Ltd.                            26.40             26.40

               Arjo Wiggins Chenming
                Specialty Paper Co., Ltd.                   30.00             30.00

               Qingzhou Chenming
                Denaturation Amylum Co., Ltd                30.00             30.00                         900,000.00

               Jiangxi Jiangbao
                Media Colour Printing Co. Ltd.              21.16             21.16

               Shandong Paper Making & Printing
                Enterprises Corporation                      2.00               2.00                        200,000.00

               Zhejiang Province Guangyu
                Media Printing Company Limited               9.96               9.96

               Jinan Shangyou Commercial
                Company Limited                              5.00               5.00                        350,000.00

               Shouguang Mihe Water
                Company Limited                             19.46             19.46

               Shanghai Forest & Paper
                E-Commerce Co., Ltd                         14.00             14.00                         468,152.23

               安徽时代物资股份有限公司                     10.00             10.00

               Total                                                                                       1,918,152.23

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
    9.   Long-term equity investments (Cont’d)
         (3)   Investments in associates
               Overview of associates

                                                                                                                                                                                     Percentage           Percentage
                                                                                                                                                                                           of the               of the
                                                                                                                                                                                   shareholding        voting right in
                                                                                                                                                                                           of the        the investee
                                                                                                 Legal                                                      Registered            investee entity               entity
               Name of investee entity      Enterprise type          Registration place          Representative            Business nature                     capital                       (%)                  (%)

               Shouguang Liben Paper        Sino-foreign             Shandong                    Cang Tiantai              Manufacture                      74,070,000                       26.4                 26.4
                Making Co., Ltd.            joint venture                                                                  of paper

               Arjo Wiggins Chenming        Sino-foreign             Shandong                    Tong Chong                Manufacture                     267,368,330                        30                       30
                Specialty Paper Co., Ltd.   joint venture                                                                  of paper

               Qingzhou Chenming            Limited liability        Shandong                    Fang Shiming              Deep                               3,000,000                       30                       30
                Denaturation Amylum          company                                                                       processing
                Co., Ltd.                                                                                                  of starch

               Jiangxi Jiangbao Media       Limited liability        Jiangxi                     Ou Yang                   Printing                         23,140,000                      21.15                21.15
                Colour Printing Co. Ltd.     company

                                                       Total                   Total                          Total net                  Operating                 Net profit
                                                    assets at          liabilities at           asset value               revenue for                    for the
                                                     the end                the end        for the current                the current                              current
               Name of investee entity             of period              of period                 period                     period                    period              Relationship           Organisation No.

               Shouguang Liben Paper           77,298,390.63         16,928,361.68           60,370,028.95            41,865,988.01             -2,814,176.68                Associated             61358854-8
                Making Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                             corporation

               Arjo Wiggins Chenming          336,094,728.15        273,792,173.70           62,302,554.45                6,424,125.51          -9,869,111.72                Associated             78233868-9
                Specialty Paper Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                    corporation

               Jiangxi Jiangbao Media          39,210,770.67         16,108,507.07           23,302,263.60                5,915,745.81               -245,036.56             Associated             79479506-X
                Colour Printing Co. Ltd.                                                                                                                                     corporation

               Qingzhou Chenming                        Its operation was poor and it was fully provided for impairment in prior years                                       Associated             16937769-8
                Denaturation Amylum                                                                                                                                          corporation
                Co., Ltd.

          (4) Details of impairment provision on long-term equity investments

                                                                                                               Increase for the      Decrease for
               Items                                                  Opening balance                           current period the current period                                           Closing balance

               Qingzhou Chenming
                Denaturation Amylum Co., Ltd.                                     900,000.00                                                                                                          900,000.00

               Shandong Paper Making & Printing
                Enterprises Corporation                                           200,000.00                                                                                                          200,000.00

               Jinan Shangyou Commercial Company Limited 350,000.00                                                                                                                                   350,000.00

               Shanghai Forest & Paper E-Commerce Co., Ltd 468,152.23                                                                                                                                 468,152.23

               Total                                                           1,918,152.23                                                                                                         1,918,152.23

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
    10. Investment Properties
        (1)   The details of investment properties

                                                                        Opening           Increase for the     Decrease for the                 Closing
              Items                                                     balance            current period       current period                  balance

              Investment property
               adopting cost
               method for subsequent
               measurement                                         24,688,212.07                                     869,128.02            23,819,084.05
              Less: Provision for
               impairment of long
               investment property                                              —                                           —                      —

              Total                                                24,688,212.07                                     869,128.02            23,819,084.05

        (2)   Investment properties measured at cost

                                                                        Opening           Increase for the      Decrease for the                Closing
              Items balance                                                          current period        current period        balance

              I.      Total original value                         38,291,395.70                                                           38,291,395.70
                      Buildings                                    38,291,395.70                                                           38,291,395.70

              II.     Accumulated
                       depreciation and
                       in total                                    13,603,183.63               869,128.02                                  14,472,311.65

                      Buildings                                    13,603,183.63               869,128.02                                  14,472,311.65

              III.    Impairment provision
                       in total

              IV.     Total carrying
                       amount                                      24,688,212.07                                                           23,819,084.05
                      Buildings                                    24,688,212.07                                                           23,819,084.05

              Note: Depreciation for the current period amounted to RMB869,128.02.

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
    11. Fixed Assets
        (1)   Overview of fixed assets
                                                                                                 Additions               Deductions
                                                                                                     for the                  for the
              Items                                              Opening balance             current period           current period          Closing balance

              I. Total original carrying amount:                 20,401,326,599.38           530,904,774.89           193,049,724.52        20,739,181,649.75
              Of which: Buildings                                 3,489,121,797.39            79,098,767.43            44,893,123.26         3,523,327,441.56
                             Machinery and
                              equipment                          16,187,336,880.50           425,417,289.81           140,002,614.46        16,472,751,555.85
                             Electronic equipment
                              and others                            550,925,327.25             4,515,637.51              4,378,478.24          551,062,486.52
                             Vehicles                               173,942,594.24            21,873,080.14              3,775,508.56          192,040,165.82

              II. Accumulated depreciation                                                       Provision for the current period

              Total accumulated
                depreciation:                                     7,490,186,114.37           582,233,501.25           105,147,107.55         7,967,272,508.06

              Of which:      Buildings                              776,138,764.87            58,871,262.67             13,448,077.90          821,561,949.64
                             Machinery and
                              equipment                           6,325,073,882.19           493,934,160.50             85,182,892.93        6,733,825,149.76
                             Electronic equipment
                              and others                            309,393,625.93            21,745,475.36              3,235,804.99          327,903,296.29
                             Vehicles                                79,579,841.38             7,682,602.72              3,280,331.73           83,982,112.37
              III.Net carrying amount                            12,911,140,485.01                                                          12,771,909,141.69

              Of which:    Buildings                              2,712,983,032.52                                                           2,701,765,491.92
                           Machinery and
                             equipment                            9,862,262,998.31                                                           9,738,926,406.09
                           Electronic equipment
                             and others                             241,531,701.32                                                             223,159,190.23
                           Vehicles                                  94,362,752.86                                                             108,058,053.45
              IV. Total impairment provision                         28,782,103.45                                      12,538,263.73           16,243,839.72

              Of which:     Buildings
                            Machinery and                            28,782,103.45                                      12,538,263.73            16,243,839.72
                            Electronic equipment
                             and others
              V. Net carrying amount                             12,882,358,381.56                                                          12,755,665,301.97

              Of which:     Buildings                             2,712,983,032.52                                                           2,701,765,491.92
                            Machinery and
                             equipment                            9,833,480,894.86                                                           9,722,682,566.37
                            Electronic equipment
                             and others                             241,531,701.32                                                             223,159,190.23
                            Vehicles                                 94,362,752.86                                                             108,058,053.45

              Note: (1)     Depreciation for the current period amounted to RMB 582,233,501.25. RMB 454,255,600.90 was transferred from construction in progress to
                            the original value of fixed assets for the current period.

                      (2)   The reduction of impairment provision for fixed assets of the Company during the period was mainly because Heze Chenming Panels Co., Ltd.
                            was not accounted for on a consolidated basis during the period.

        (2)   Details of restricted fixed assets

              As at 30 June 2011, the titles of buildings and equipment with a carrying value of approximately RMB992,121,278.50 in an
              original value of RMB1,352,124,400.00 (31 December 2010: carrying amount of RMB1,022,544,077.50, original value of
              RMB1,352,124,400.00) and land use rights within intangible assets with a carrying value of RMB70,607,865.32 (31 December
              2010: RMB71,448,435.14) was restricted as the collaterals for a long-term borrowings of RMB103,160,365.17 (31 December
              2010: RMB127,175,683.11) and long-term borrowings due within 1 year of RMB48,600,447.57 (31 December 2010:

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
    11. Fixed Assets (Cont’d)
        (3)   Temporary unused fixed assets

                                                          Original     Accumulated      Impairment        Carrying
              Items                                 carrying value     depreciation       provision          value    Remarks

              Buildings                                 670,752.14        88,459.71                      582,292.43   Suspension
              Machinery and equipment                12,380,330.34     3,515,703.40                    8,864,626.94   Suspension,
              Electrical machinery and others          724,269.87          469,239.76                    255,030.11   Suspension

              Total                                 13,775,352.35      4,073,402.87                    9,701,949.48

         (4) Fixed assets without property right certificates

                                                       Reasons for                           Estimated time
                                                       not yet obtaining                       for obtaining
                                                       property right                        property right
              Items                                    certificates                              certificates     Carrying amount

              Wuhan project                            Self construction                       Being applied           41,834,301.65
              Jilin project                            Self construction in plant              Being applied          192,114,764.50
              Meilun Houshold Paper                    Application after completion             End of 2012            56,648,547.24
               manufacturing plant                      of all Meilun items
               property right certificate
              Property right cerificate (Yanbian)      Assets being acquired                            2011           33,240,500.00
              Pulp sheet manufacturing plant           Not yet decided                                  2012           17,105,609.19

              Total                                                                                                   340,943,722.58

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
    12   Construction in progress
         (1) The general information of constructions in progress
                                                                 Closing balance                                     Opening balance
                                                              Book Impairment              Carrying              Book Impairment             Carrying
             Items                                          balance provision               amount             balance provision              amount

             The high-end coated paper project
              of annual production capacity
              of 800,000 tonnes (Meilun Paper)      2,726,053,918.22                2,726,053,918.22   2,277,312,260.67                2,277,312,260.67
             The household paper project
              of annual production capacity
              of 98,000 tonnes (Meilun Paper)         76,630,987.95                   76,630,987.95     407,103,435.25                  407,103,435.25
             Huanggang forestry pulp integration
              project (Huanggang)                     31,387,537.56                   31,387,537.56      30,383,565.19                   30,383,565.19
             4400 paper machine technological
              improvement (Qihe)                      70,603,563.75                   70,603,563.75      61,850,381.70                   61,850,381.70
             Pulping production plant oxygen
              delignification improvement (Qihe)      11,857,058.25                   11,857,058.25      11,613,569.78                   11,613,569.78
             Desulphurisation of 130 tonnes and
              75 tonnes boiler (Qianneng)             10,003,778.11                   10,003,778.11      10,513,384.07                   10,513,384.07
             Intermediate water advance
              treatment (Jilin)                       34,579,408.12                   34,579,408.12      34,341,668.12                   34,341,668.12
             Second plant paper machine
              improvement (Jilin)                     28,382,917.43                   28,382,917.43      45,216,980.09                   45,216,980.09
             Power plant phase III expansion and
              improvement (the Company)              174,529,800.00                  174,529,800.00     234,299,205.48                  234,299,205.48
             Data improvement of construction
              in progress (the Company)               93,492,271.05                   93,492,271.05      42,830,017.64                   42,830,017.64
             Reclamation of recyclable water
              (electricity and steam)                 23,763,672.41                   23,763,672.41      20,129,045.13                   20,129,045.13
             700,000 tonnes paper pulp and
              450,000 tonnes cultural paper         5,410,217,506.45                5,410,217,506.45   4,092,344,011.00                4,092,344,011.00
             Mihe River view wetland
              (Grand View Hotel)                      69,931,335.34                   69,931,335.34      33,615,119.48                   33,615,119.48
             600,000 tonnes white linerboard
              (Meilun Paper)                         582,119,206.02                  582,119,206.02     247,563,122.64                  247,563,122.64
             Other projects of
              construction in progress               917,879,927.34                  917,879,927.34     322,396,797.60                  322,396,797.60

             Total                                 10,261,432,888.00               10,261,432,888.00   7,871,512,563.84                7,871,512,563.84

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
    12   Construction in progress (Cont’d)
         (2)   Change in material constructions in progress projects

                                                                                          Additions for    Transfer to fixed
                                                         (RMB in            Opening        the current        assest for the         Other              Closing
               Project name                           100 million)           balance            period       current period      deductions             balance

               The high-end coated paper project
                of an annual production capacity
                of 800,000 tonnes (Meilun Paper)               52    2,277,312,260.67    448,741,657.55                                         2,726,053,918.22
               98,000-tonne household paper project
                (Meilun Paper)                                  5     407,103,435.25      43,777,050.22      374,249,497.52                       76,630,987.95
               Huanggang forestry pulp integration
                project (Huanggang)                            0.5     30,383,565.19       1,003,972.37                                           31,387,537.56
               4400 paper machine technological
                improvement (Qihe)                           0.32      61,850,381.70       8,753,182.05                                           70,603,563.75
               Pulping production plant oxygen
                delignification improvement (Qihe)                     11,613,569.78         243,488.47                                            11,857,058.25
               Desulphurisation of 130 tonnes and
                75 tonnes boilers (Qianneng)                 0.15      10,513,384.07                                             509,605.96       10,003,778.11
               Intermediate water advance
                treatment (Jilin)                                      34,341,668.12         237,740.00                                           34,579,408.12
               Second plant paper machine
                improvement (Jilin)                                    45,216,980.09                                           16,834,062.66      28,382,917.43
               Power plant phase III expansion and
                improvement (the Company)                      4.5    234,299,205.48      96,713,184.95                                          331,012,390.43
               Data improvement of construction
                in progress (the Company)                              42,830,017.64      52,968,589.54                         2,306,336.13      93,492,271.05
               Reclamation of recyclable water
                (electricity and steam)                     0.389      20,129,045.13        3,634,627.28                                          23,763,672.41
               700,000 tonnes paper pulp and
                450,000 tonnes cultural paper                  94    4,092,344,011.00   1,317,873,495.45                                        5,410,217,506.45
               Mihe River view wetland
                (Grand View Hotel)                            0.6      33,615,119.48      40,809,195.86        4,492,980.00                       69,931,335.34
               600,000 tonnes of white linerboard
                (Meilun Paper)                                 26     247,563,122.64     334,556,083.38                                          582,119,206.02
               Other projects of construction
                in progress                                           322,396,797.60     521,733,715.36       75,513,123.38     7,220,052.67     761,397,336.91

               Total                                                 7,871,512,563.84   2,871,045,982.48     454,255,600.90    26,870,057.42   10,261,432,888.00

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
    12   Construction in progress (Cont’d)
         (3)     Impairment provision of constructions in progress

                                                                                    Of which:
                                                          Accumulated              capitalised
                                                            capitalised               interest           Investment to
                                                               interest                          amount for the        budgeted                Construction
                 Project name                                  amount         current period                 costs (%)             progress        of Fund

                 Electric power project (Fuyu)             1,081,896.44            812,920.93                                         95%          Entrusted loan
                 Pulp dissolving project (Fuyu)              173,886.39            159,233.07                  86.51%             Completed        Entrusted loan
                 Oxidation pond wetland
                  project (Fuyu)                              25,355.95              25,355.95                                           90%       Entrusted loan
                 Meilun project                          181,596,108.63          94,566,627.10                                                     External
                                                                                                                                                   borrowings and
                                                                                                                                                   entrusted loan
                 Recycable water project (Xinli Power)      947,124.77             626,592.14                  61.09%                    99%       External
                                                                                                                                                   borrowings and
                                                                                                                                                   entrusted loan
                 1 million mu pulp raw materials          19,677,555.02           4,778,900.36                 62.78%                    63%       External
                  base construction project                                                                                                        borrowings and
                  (Huanggang)                                                                                                                      entrusted loan
                 Zhanjiang 700,000 tonnes paper           61,830,741.77          43,513,302.40                 57.56%                    55%       External
                  pulp and 450,000 tonnes                                                                                                          borrowings and
                  cultural paper                                                                                                                   entrusted loan

                 Total                                   265,332,668.97       144,482,931.95

                 For the six months ended 30 June 2011, no carrying amounts were higher than the recoverable amounts for constructions in
                 progress of the Company.

    13. Project materials
                                                                                            Additions for                Deduction for
                                                                          Opening            the current                   the current                    Closing
         Items                                                             balance                period                        period                    balance

         Special equipment                                        93,745,274.76           532,582,821.07              441,535,248.33             184,792,847.50
         Special materials                                        22,735,811.36            25,127,116.05               29,204,065.05              18,658,862.36

         Total                                                   116,481,086.12           557,709,937.12              470,739,313.38             203,451,709.86

    14. Consumable biological assets
         Measured at fair value

                                                                                            Additions for                Deduction for
                                                                          Opening            the current                   the current                    Closing
         Items                                                             balance                period                        period                    balance

         Timber                                                  726,742,568.44           258,882,113.15              130,997,221.05             854,627,460.54

         Total                                                   726,742,568.44           258,882,113.15              130,997,221.05             854,627,460.54

         Consumable biological assets are measured at fair value. The fair value of timber increased by RMB16,691,448.62 due to acquisition,
         increased by RMB220,211,509.78 due to breeding, increased by RMB6,243,559.94 due to amortisation of land use rights, increased by
         RMB8,341,286.19 due to capitalisation of external borrowing interests, increased by RMB3,678,879.00 due to capitalisation of internal
         borrowing interests, increased by RMB3,715,429.62 due to change of fair value, and decreased by RMB130,997,221.05 due to

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
    15. Intangible assets
        (1)     The details of intangible assets

                                                                                 Opening              Additions for            Deductions for                      Closing
                                                                                    book               the current                the current                        book
                Items                                                             balance                   period                     period                      balance

                I.       Total original                                1,599,493,963.68                   381,958.30            27,222,227.35             1,572,653,694.63
                         carrying amount:
                         Land use rights                               1,584,208,340.63                                         27,192,047.35             1,557,016,293.28
                         Software                                         15,285,623.05                   381,958.30                30,180.00                15,637,401.35

                II.      Total accumulated                               140,040,735.74               17,102,238.25                  2,646,774.26          154,496,199.73
                         Land use rights                                 131,276,521.30               16,303,168.37                  2,616,594.26          144,963,095.41
                         Software                                          8,764,214.44                  799,069.88                     30,180.00            9,533,104.32
                III.     Total impairment
                         Land use rights
                IV.      Total carrying amount                         1,459,453,227.94                                                                   1,418,157,494.90
                         Land use rights                               1,452,931,819.33                                                                   1,412,053,197.87
                         Software                                          6,521,408.61                                                                       6,104,297.03

                Notes:    ①   The amortisation amount was RMB17,102,238.25 during the current period.

                          ②   Intangible assets -for the pledge of land use rights, please see Note VII. 11. (2).

                          ③   As at 30 June 2011, the carrying amount of land use right of land use right certificates not yet obtained was RMB157,210,933.62.

    16. Goodwill
                                                                                                 Additions           Deductions                                 Impairment
        Name of investee                                                                           for the               for the                                   provision
        units or matters                                                    Opening               current               current               Closing             at the end
        generating goodwill                                                  balance               period                period               balance          of the period

        Jilin Chenming Paper Co., Ltd.                                14,314,160.60                       —                   —        14,314,160.60                    —
        Shandong Chenming decorating
         materials Panels Co., Ltd.                                     5,969,626.57                      —                   —         5,969,626.57                    —

        Total                                                         20,283,787.17                       —                   —       20,283,787.17                     —

    17. Long-term prepaid expenses
                                                                            Additions          Amortisation
                                                                              for the               for the                                                  Reasons
                                                       Opening               current               current                 Other               Closing       for other
        Items                                           balance               period                period             deductions              balance       deductions

        Transforming expense
         on leased assets                         20,634,556.14          2,324,200.00           1,902,443.37                              21,056,312.77
        Woodland expenses                        152,748,747.82         15,284,456.79           6,821,878.62                             161,211,325.99
        Others                                     3,053,646.46                                 3,053,646.46

        Total                                    176,436,950.42         17,608,656.79         11,777,968.45          72,369,454.82       182,267,638.76

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
    18. Deferred income tax assets / deferred income tax liabilities
        (1)   Recognised deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities

              (1)   Recoghised deferred income tax assets

                    Items                                             Closing balance                         Opening balance
                                                                                   Deductible                           Deductible
                                                                 Deferred          temporary           Deferred         temporary
                                                                  income      differences and           income     differences and
                                                                tax assets     deductible loss        tax assets    deductible loss

                    Provision for impairment
                     of assets                               71,424,560.02     316,272,181.02      74,965,397.98     338,243,809.22
                    Elimination of unrealised
                     profit arising from
                     intra-group                             26,143,279.51     104,573,118.04      15,789,316.34       63,157,265.36
                    Prepaid salaries of senior
                     management                               9,923,617.46       60,629,489.93     14,321,072.45       91,406,128.57
                    Unpaid payables                          11,347,991.41       59,421,960.97     11,347,991.44       59,934,063.55
                    Deferred income                          21,100,723.01       94,593,081.35     21,067,365.45       96,948,558.78
                    Preliminary expenses
                    Decrease in fair value of
                     consumable biological
                    Deductible losses                        18,455,628.79       75,305,188.56     10,019,335.57       40,077,342.27
                    Changes in fair value

                    Total                                   158,395,800.20     710,795,019.87     147,510,479.23     689,767,167.75

               (2) Recognised deferred income tax liabilities

                    Items                                               Closing balance                          Opening balance
                                                                 Deferred              Taxable         Deferred              Taxable
                                                                    income          temporary             income          temporary
                                                             tax liabilities        differences    tax liabilities        differences

                    Business combination
                     not under common control                                                       1,340,281.66        5,361,126.68
                    Change in fair value of
                     biological assets

                                                                                                    1,340,281.66        5,361,126.68

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
    19. Provision for impairment of assets
                                                                                Provision           Decrease for the
                                                               Opening             for the           current period                 Closing
         Items                                                 balance     current period        Reversals       Write-offs         balance

         I.      Provisions for bad debts                 340,175,404.36    38,083,680.89    55,638,636.63    14,488,717.91   308,131,730.71
         II.     Provisions for inventory impairment        7,822,412.16                      3,870,510.42     3,365,449.78       586,451.96
         III.    Impairment provisions for long-term
                 equity investments                         1,918,152.23                                                        1,918,152.23
         IV.     Impairment provisions for fixed assets    28,782,103.45                                      12,538,263.73    16,243,839.72

                 Total                                    378,698,072.20    38,083,680.89    59,509,147.05    30,392,431.42   326,880,174.62

    20   Assets with limited ownership or use rights
                                                                       Closing        Reasons
         Items                                                         balance        of limitations

         Sub-total of assets used for
          providing guarantees:                               1,062,729,143.82
         Machinery and equipment (Jiangxi)                      992,121,278.50        As collaterals for bank borrowings
         Land use rights (Jiangxi)                               70,607,865.32        As collaterals for bank borrowings
         Other monetary funds                                   327,506,485.67        Deposits

         Total                                                1,390,235,629.49

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
    21. Short-term borrowings
        Items                                                                                                     Closing balance              Opening balance

        Secured borrowings                                                                                         196,537,177.75                 20,561,496.69
        Guarantee loans                                                                                            569,785,000.00                187,493,632.08
        Credit loans                                                                                             3,164,236,048.35              1,802,176,636.90
        Discounted bills                                                                                         1,975,688,923.44              1,583,925,454.80

        Total                                                                                                    5,906,247,149.54              3,594,157,220.47

        Note:      (1)   For the category and amount of secured assets under secured borrowings, please see Note VII.1;

                   (2)   Guarantee loans are the loans obtained by the subsidiaries of the Company from financial institutions when the Company acts as their guarantee;

                   (3)   Discounted loans are the loans obtained from financial institutions with pledged bank acceptance.

    22. Bills payable
        Type                                                                                                      Closing balance              Opening balance

        Bank acceptance                                                                                          1,324,707,285.74                 213,607,186.75
        Commercial acceptance                                                                                                                       5,150,000.00

        Total                                                                                                    1,324,707,285.74                 218,757,186.75

    23. Accounts payable
        (1)     Breakdown of accounts payable:

                Items                                                                                             Closing balance              Opening balance

                Within 1 year                                                                                    2,798,179,591.22               2,516,618,611.43
                1-2 years                                                                                          102,431,702.37                  71,824,074.09
                2-3 years                                                                                           55,884,237.14                  64,607,259.87
                Over 3 years                                                                                        64,718,957.16                  55,014,731.05

                Total                                                                                            3,021,214,487.89              2,708,064,676.44

         (2) During the reporting period, the accounts payable was not due to any shareholders holding over 5% (5% inclusive) of the
             Company’s shares.

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
    23. Accounts payable (Cont’d)
        (3)   Explanation on the significant trade payables (above RMB1,000,000) aged over one year

                                                                                                                                Repay after
                                                                                       Reason of                                the reporting
              Name of creditors                                     Amount             outstanding loans                        period or not

              Customer I                                      64,753,658.89            Temporary outstanding                    No
              Customer II                                     42,190,421.30            Temporary outstanding                    No
              Customer III                                    37,387,286.09            Temporary outstanding                    No
              Customer IV                                     35,773,489.73            Temporary outstanding                    No
              Customer V                                      34,504,792.92            Temporary outstanding                    No

              Total                                         214,609,648.93

         (4) Accounts receivable at the end of the reporting period comprised the following balances in foreign currencies:

                                                       Closing balance                                          Opening balance
                                                                  Foreign                                                  Foreign
              Items                   Foreign currency     exchange rates             RMB      Foreign currency     exchange rates              RMB

              USD                       406,374,284.40             6.4716   2,629,891,818.91      99,658,689.98             6.6227      660,009,606.14
              EURO                        2,857,928.02             9.3612      26,753,635.78           7,753.51             8.8065           68,281.29
              GBP                            28,943.33            10.3986         300,970.11

              Total                     409,261,155.75                      2,656,946,424.80                                            660,077,887.43

    24. Advance receipts
        (1)   Breakdown of advance receipts

              Items                                                                                  Closing balance             Opening balance

              Within 1 year                                                                           240,832,302.29                 400,171,708.36
              1-2 years                                                                                10,101,682.37                  10,071,846.39

              Total                                                                                   250,933,984.66                 410,243,554.75

         (2) As at 30 June 2011, the advance receipts were not received from any shareholders holding over 5% (5% inclusive) of the
             Company’s shares.

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
    24. Advance receipts (Cont’d)
        (3)     Explanation on the significant advance receipts (above RMB1 million) aged over one year

                Name of creditors                                 Amount           Reasons of not being carried forward

                Customer I                                   2,582,510.00          No delivery requirement from the counterparty

                Total                                        2,582,510.00

    25. Staff remuneration payables
                                                                 Opening           Increase for                      Decrease for
        Items                                                     balance           the period              the period              balance

        I.   Salaries, bonuses, allowance and
             subsidies                                     106,164,937.66       314,909,013.27        352,509,330.60       68,564,620.33
        II. Staff welfare                                      692,139.40        27,440,074.15         27,839,338.37          292,875.18
        III. Social insurance premiums                      15,521,936.46        70,583,931.54         65,315,074.03       20,790,793.97
             Of which:
             1.    Medical insurance premium                10,127,697.04        11,557,472.21         11,014,035.66        10,671,133.59
             2.    Pension insurance premium                 3,409,664.85        52,907,336.11         47,570,494.01         8,746,506.95
             3.    Unemployment
                    insurance premium                          157,215.80         4,004,662.00            4,486,467.63        -324,589.83
             4.    Work-related injury
                     insurance premium                          48,528.38          1,472,433.7          1,422,408.91            98,553.17
             5.    Maternity insurance premium               1,778,830.39           642,027.52            821,667.82         1,599,190.09
        IV. Housing provident funds                          6,160,147.64        24,458,583.52         24,176,384.57         6,442,346.59
        V. Union operation costs and
             employee education costs                       22,024,200.53         5,602,558.03            6,566,371.12     21,060,387.44
        VI Non-monetary welfare                                                     143,197.20              143,197.20
        VII Lay off welfare
        VIII Cash-settled share-based payment
        IX Others                                           18,863,298.72           689,775.41             461,754.87      19,091,319.26

        Total                                              169,426,660.41       443,827,133.12        477,011,450.76      136,242,342.77

    26. Taxes payables
        Items                                                                                     Closing balance        Opening balance

        Enterprise income tax                                                                       60,097,990.60          63,216,459.39
        Value added tax                                                                             27,145,159.08          22,409,317.62
        Business tax                                                                                 4,341,025.94           4,809,383.74
        Land use tax                                                                                 9,445,567.81          13,840,227.24
        Property tax                                                                                 3,641,681.93           5,578,174.83
        Urban maintenance and construction tax                                                       4,472,701.30           5,088,049.71
        Educational surcharges and others                                                            4,778,809.17           6,402,114.55
        Individual income tax                                                                        5,879,901.81          10,532,914.69
        Stamp duty                                                                                   1,730,767.52           2,152,746.05

        Total                                                                                      121,533,605.16         134,029,387.82

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
    27. Dividend payable
        Name                                                                                    Closing balance       Opening balance

        Legel person shares                                                                      106,831,703.46

        Total                                                                                    106,831,703.46

    28. Other payables
        (1)     Breakdown of other payables

                Items                                                                           Closing balance       Opening balance

                Within 1 year                                                                    860,591,192.28          467,607,969.48
                1-2 years                                                                         33,674,750.64           38,962,690.39
                2-3 years                                                                         15,184,255.76           51,434,377.75
                Over 3 years                                                                      71,818,313.37           24,047,473.81

                Total                                                                            981,268,512.05          582,052,511.43

        (2)     The other payables during of the reporting period were not due to any shareholders who holding over 5% (5% inclusive) of the
                Company’s shares.

        (3)     Explanation on the significant other payables (above RMB1 million) aged over one year

                                                                                Reason of                     Repay after the
                Name of creditors                                    Amount     outstanding loans             reporting period or not

                Customer I                                     11,475,826.89    Temporary outstanding         No
                Customer II                                     8,800,000.00    Temporary outstanding         No
                Customer III                                    3,454,087.82    Temporary outstanding         No
                Customer IV                                     3,400,000.00    Temporary outstanding         No
                Customer V                                      2,760,000.00    Temporary outstanding         No

                Total                                          29,889,914.71

        (4)     Explanation on the significant other payables (the top five)

                Name of creditors                                                    Outstanding balance      Nature or details

                Customer I                                                                 315,719,000.00     Temporary outstanding
                Customer II                                                                200,000,000.00     Temporary outstanding
                Customer III                                                                17,325,900.00     Temporary outstanding
                Customer IV                                                                 10,000,000.00     Temporary outstanding
                Customer V                                                                  10,000,000.00     Temporary outstanding

                Total                                                                      553,044,900.00

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
    29. Non-current liabilities due within one year
        (1)   Breakdown of long-term liabilities due within one year

              Items                                                                           Closing balance           Opening balance

              Long-term liabilities due within one year (Note VII.31)                         1,270,588,281.77           1,432,841,463.15

              Total                                                                           1,270,588,281.77           1,432,841,463.15

              (1) Breakdown of long-term borrowings due within one year

                      Items                                                                   Closing balance           Opening balance

                      Secured borrowings                                                         48,600,447.57               71,890,463.15
                      Guarantee loans                                                            70,000,000.00
                      Credit loans                                                            1,151,987,834.20           1,360,951,000.00

                      Total                                                                   1,270,588,281.77           1,432,841,463.15

              (2) Top five long-term borrowings due within one year

                                                                                                                    Closing balance
                      Borrowing units      Starting date     Expiry date   Interest rate(%)    Currency   Foreign currency Functional currency

                      Bank I                  20081223         20111222                5.49       RMB                            400,000,000.00
                      Bank II                 20091020         20111019                1.42       USD        30,000,000.00       194,148,000.00
                      Bank III                20090617         20120615                4.86       RMB                            170,000,000.00
                      Bank IV                 20091109         20111108                1.46       USD        25,000,000.00       161,790,000.00
                      Bank V                  20081223         20111122                5.49       RMB                            100,000,000.00

                      Total                                                                                                    1,025,938,000.00

                                                                                                                    Opening balance
                      Borrowing units      Starting date     Expiry date   Interest rate(%)    Currency   Foreign currency Functional currency

                      Bank I                  20081223         20111222                4.86       RMB                            400,000,000.00
                      Bank II                 20091020         20111019             1.4178        USD        30,000,000.00       198,681,000.00
                      Bank III                20091228         20111228             1.6943        USD        30,000,000.00       198,681,000.00
                      Bank IV                 20090520         20110509             1.3291        USD        25,000,000.00       165,567,500.00
                      Bank V                  20091106         20111105             1.4629        USD        25,000,000.00       165,567,500.00

                      Total                                                                                                    1,128,497,000.00

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
    30. Other current liabilities/other non-current liabilities
         (1)   Other current liabilities

               Items                                                                          Closing balance        Opening balance

               Deferred income                                                                   8,532,613.51             7,609,415.89
               Medium-term debentures interests                                                 54,628,395.90            46,115,333.31
               Short-term debentures payable                                                 1,846,552,500.02         3,358,769,166.68

               Total                                                                         1,909,713,509.43         3,412,493,915.88

         (2)   Other non-current liabilities

               Items                                                                          Closing balance        Opening balance

               Deferred income                                                                 143,210,886.45           142,414,214.19
               Medium-term debentures                                                        2,288,921,945.70         2,285,483,331.48

               Total                                                                         2,432,132,832.15         2,427,897,545.67

               Of which,
               (1) the breakdown of deferred income is as follows:

               Items                                                                          Closing balance        Opening balance

               Funds for three projects in connection with technology
                allocated by the local financial authority                                                 —                       —
               Special subsidy funds for environmental protection                               50,685,186.10            49,868,423.92
               Project fund for National technological support scheme                            4,533,975.00             4,660,575.00
               Special subsidy fund for Songhuajiang
                environmental protection project                                                24,508,333.11            23,060,833.12
               Modification of alkaline recycling system                                         5,866,666.61             5,350,416.65
               Atmospheric pollution prevention
                and treatment subsidy fund                                                         500,001.00               993,785.71
               Sewage treatment and water
                conservation reconfiguration project                                            21,526,071.35            21,892,797.56
               Financial grants for technological modification project                           2,008,928.67             2,164,285.79
               Zhejiang pulp project and construction
                project of eucalyptus forest                                                    40,992,000.00            40,992,000.00
               Others                                                                            1,122,338.12             1,040,512.33

               Total                                                                           151,743,499.96           150,023,630.08

               Deferred income of RMB4,751,612.49 was received in the current period. Deferred income recognised through profit or loss was
               RMB3,031,742.61 for the current period.

               (2)     Principal payments of short-term debentures were RMB1,800,000,000.00. Accrued interest was RMB46,552,500.02.

               (3)     Principal payments of medium-term notes were RMB 2,300,000,000.00. Interest due within one year was
                       RMB51,478,916.63. Handling charges not fully amortised under the effective interest method were RMB11,078,054.30.

               (4)     Interest due within one year of bonds payable was RMB3,149,479.28.

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
    31. Long-term borrowings
        (1)   Types of long-term borrowings

              (1)   Types of long-term borrowings

                    Items                                                                                      Closing balance              Opening balance

                    Secured borrowings                                                                           151,760,812.74                199,066,146.26
                    Guarantee loans                                                                            5,126,156,800.00              3,746,230,300.00
                    Credit loans                                                                               2,459,805,470.14              2,213,173,735.94
                    Less: Long-term borrowings due
                     within one year (Note VII.31)                                                             1,270,588,281.77              1,432,841,463.15

                    Total                                                                                      6,467,134,801.11              4,725,628,719.05

                    Note:      For the category and amount of secured assets under secured borrowings, please see Note VII.11 and VII.15. Guarantee loans were granted
                               by financial institutions to subsidiaries of the Company and were guaranteed by the Company.

              (2)   Top five long-term borwings

                                                                                                                                       Closing balance
                    Borrowing units              Starting date        Expiry date     Interest rate(%)          Currency      Foreign currency Functional currency

                    Bank I                          20080325            20230324                  1.49              USD         378,000,000.00     2,446,264,800.00
                    Bank II                         20080325            20230324                  6.12              RMB                            1,073,300,000.00
                    Bank III                        20100910            20130910              Floating              USD          80,000,000.00       517,728,000.00
                    Bank IV                         20091210            20121210                  4.86              RMB         450,000,000.00       450,000,000.00
                    Bank V                          20090928            20120927                  4.29              RMB                              280,000,000.00

                    Total                                                                                                                          4,767,292,800.00

                                                                                                                                      Opening balance
                    Borrowing units              Starting date        Expiry date     Interest rate(%)          Currency      Foreign currency Functional currency

                    Bank I                          20080325            20230324                  2.96              USD         309,000,000.00     2,046,414,300.00
                    Bank II                         20090325            20230324                  4.86              RMB                              540,000,000.00
                    Bank III                        20090910            20130910                   3.6              USD          80,000,000.00       529,816,000.00
                    Bank IV                         20091210            20121210                  4.06              RMB                              450,000,000.00
                    Bank V                          20081213            20111222                  4.86              RMB                              400,000,000.00

                    Total                                                                                                                          3,966,230,300.00

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
    32. Bonds payable
        Items                                                                                                           Closing balance                         Opening balance

        RMB debentures                                                                                                    490,204,131.56

        Total                                                                                                             490,204,131.56

        Note: On 13 April 2011, Chenming (HK) Limited, a subsidiary of the Company, issued RMB debentures of RMB500,000,000.00, with an annual interest rate of
              2.95%. The debentures interests will be paid on a half-yearly basis.
    33. Share capital
                                                                     Opening balance                   Change for the period (Increase/decrease)                                balance
                                                                                                            Bonus             from
        Items                                                    Amounts     Percentage      New issue      shares         reserve         Others   Sub-total       Amounts      Percentage

        I.       Restricted shares
                 1.        State-owned legal person shares    293,003,657         14.21                                                                          293,003,657          14.21
                 2.        Other domestic shares               10,008,315          0. 48                                                 -591,215   -591,215       9,417,100           0.46

        Total number of restricted shares                     303,011,972         14.69                                                  -591,215   -591,215     302,420,757          14.67

        II.      Non-restricted shares
                 1.       RMB ordinary shares                 810,266,484          39.3                                                   591,215    591,215     810,857,699          39.32
                 2.       Domestic listed foreign shares      557,497,485         27.04                                                                          557,497,485          27.04
                 3.       Overseas listed foreign shares      391,270,000         18.97                                                                          391,270,000          18.97

        Total number of non-restricted shares                1,759,033,969        85.31                                                                         1,759,033,969         85.33

        III.     Total shares                                2,062,045,941             100                                                                      2,062,045,941             100

    34. Capital reserves
                                                                                                            Increase                       Decrease
                                                                                  Opening                     for the                         for the                           Closing
        Items                                                                      balance            current period                  current period                            balance

        Capital premium                                               5,391,471,967.47                                                                           5,391,471,967.47
        Of which: Capital contribution
               from investors                                         3,373,256,665.49                                                                           3,373,256,665.49
              Exercise of conversion
               rights in convertible bonds
               of the Company                                         2,018,215,301.98                                                                           2,018,215,301.98
        Acquisition of minority interests                                     9,202.79                                                                                   9,202.79
        Other capital reserves                                          702,011,834.45                                                                             702,011,834.45
        Of which: transfer from capital
               reserves under the
               original system                                           702,011,834.45                                                                            702,011,834.45

        Total                                                         6,093,493,004.71                                                                           6,093,493,004.71

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
    35. Surplus reserve
                                                                                        Increase              Decrease
                                                                     Opening              for the                for the           Closing
        Items                                                         balance     current period         current period            balance

        Statutory surplus reserves                            1,046,510,680.99                                             1,046,510,680.99

        Total                                                 1,046,510,680.99                                             1,046,510,680.99

    36. Retained profit
        (1)     Information on the change of retained profit

                                                                                                                             Proportion of
                                                                                  Amounts in the            Amounts in       appropriation
                Items                                                             current period           prior period       or allocation

                Retained profit of prior period before adjustment                4,333,731,947.96      3,928,586,297.55
                Adjustment of the aggregate retained profit
                 as at the beginning of the period
                 (increase after adjustment +,
                 decrease after adjustment -)
                Retained profit as at the beginning
                 of the period after adjustment                                  4,333,731,947.96      3,928,586,297.55
                Add : Net profit of the current period
                     attributable to equity holders
                     of the Company                                               483,549,691.40       1,163,341,066.21
                Less : Withdrawn statutory surplus reserves                                              139,581,633.50    10% of new profit
                                                                                                                             of the Company
                   Ordinary shares dividend payable                               618,613,782.30         618,613,782.30

                Retained profit as at the end of the period                      4,198,667,857.06      4,333,731,947.96

         (2) Information on the breakdown of profit distribution

                According to the profit distribution plan for 2010 approved by 2010 Annual General Meeting of the Company on 18 May 2011,
                the Company declared cash dividends of RMB0.3 per share to all shareholders, totalling RMB618,613,782.30, which was
                calculated based on the 2,062,045,941 shares in issue.

    37. Operating revenue and operating costs
        (1)     Operating revenue and operating costs
                                                                                                          Incurred                Incurred
                                                                                                         during the             during the
                Items                                                                                current period            prior period

                Operating revenue from principal operations                                         8,867,913,416.05       8,163,269,791.82
                Other operating revenue                                                                49,541,939.09          13,371,885.17

                Total operating revenue                                                             8,917,455,355.14       8,176,641,676.99

                Operating costs from principal operations                                           7,365,184,950.61       6,394,221,973.32
                Other operating costs                                                                  17,574,173.88           2,178,206.82

                Total operating costs                                                               7,382,759,124.49       6,396,400,180.14

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
    37. Operating revenue and operating costs (Cont’d)
        (2)     Principal operation (by products)

                                                              Incurred during the                        Incurred during the
                                                                 current period                              prior period
                                                             Operating           Operating              Operating           Operating
                Product name                                   revenue               costs                revenue               costs

                I.      Machine-made paper             8,186,161,306.83      6,784,659,561.49      7,752,518,632.68     6,074,850,432.89
                II.     Electricity and steam            414,633,495.26        389,718,244.42        175,867,123.49       143,026,054.52
                III.    Building materials               194,707,888.55        145,906,730.77        173,871,552.11       144,211,194.63
                IV.     Paper chemicals                   39,567,408.70         32,139,830.20         32,447,409.89        21,360,557.82
                V.      Hotel                             25,394,309.98          6,320,942.59         22,229,234.27         5,763,863.47
                VI.     Others                             7,449,006.73          6,439,641.14          6,335,839.38         5,009,869.99

                Total                                  8,867,913,416.05      7,365,184,950.61      8,163,269,791.82     6,394,221,973.32

        (3)     Principal operations - Machine-made paper (by geographical segment)

                                                                                                      Incurred                 Incurred
                                                                                                     during the
                                                                                                     during the
                Regions                                                                          current period             prior period

                PRC                                                                             6,784,399,992.93        6,713,574,816.48
                Hong Kong                                                                          58,239,166.05          102,064,685.86
                United States                                                                     153,370,094.99           43,637,929.18
                Japan                                                                             100,167,928.68          112,421,707.48
                South Africa                                                                       41,686,106.64           44,048,245.23
                Other overseas countries and regions                                            1,048,298,017.54          736,771,248.46

                Total                                                                           8,186,161,306.83        7,752,518,632.69

        (4)     The following table sets forth operating revenue from top 5 customers

                                                                                                      Incurred              Percentageof
                                                                                                     during the           total operating
                                                                                                                           revenue for the
        Name of entity                                                                           current period       current period (%)

        ROCKGOLD CO., LTD                                                                           122,335,874.23            1.37
        VITAL SOLUTIONS PTE CO,. LTD.                                                               115,098,896.41            1.29
        東五興化纖紡織(集團)有限公司                                                              94,772,507.69             1.06
        上海姚記撲克股份有限公司                                                                    92,233,611.90             1.03
        廣州兆峰紙業有限公司                                                                        73,120,762.18             0.82
        Total                                                                                        497,561,652.41           5.58

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
    38. Business taxes and surcharges
                                                                                                                   Incurred         Incurred
                                                                                                                  during the      during the
        Items                                                                                                 current period     prior period

        Business taxes                                                                                          4,331,266.10     4,517,393.04
        Urban maintenances and construction tax                                                                14,663,063.47     3,660,038.84
        Educational surcharges                                                                                 13,086,702.39     2,204,920.45
        Others                                                                                                     32,237.62        15,375.41

        Total                                                                                                  32,113,269.58    10,397,727.74

        Note:   For the calculation standard of business taxes and surcharges, please see Note V. Taxation.

    39. Selling expenses
                                                                                                                   Incurred         Incurred
                                                                                                                  during the       during the
        Items                                                                                                 current period     prior period

        Wages                                                                                                  46,963,579.38    44,336,931.80
        Depreciation expense                                                                                   10,995,357.54    12,258,477.61
        Material consumption expense                                                                            3,277,988.65     2,273,230.10
        Office expense                                                                                          2,769,186.04     2,145,929.14
        Sales commission and selling expense                                                                    2,924,595.53     2,630,621.20
        Transportation expense                                                                                290,211,082.20   328,348,610.17
        Cargo handling charges                                                                                 10,470,370.22     9,389,399.75
        Rental expense                                                                                          2,176,097.46     1,241,681.46
        Hospitality expense                                                                                    22,707,225.63    21,157,775.21
        Others                                                                                                 46,022,645.97    17,719,223.53

        Total                                                                                                 438,518,128.62   441,501,879.97

    40. General and administrative expenses
                                                                                                                   Incurred         Incurred
                                                                                                                  during the       during the
        Items                                                                                                 current period     prior period

        Wages and surcharges                                                                                  116,786,729.59   118,475,329.02
        Labour insurance expense                                                                               14,751,090.91    15,088,679.56
        Depreciation expense                                                                                   22,440,343.75    20,286,702.29
        Waste disposal expense                                                                                 18,171,053.44    16,627,402.05
        Hospitality expense                                                                                     8,825,749.41    11,565,898.54
        Amortisation of intangible assets                                                                      16,250,849.39    13,515,053.87
        Technological development expense                                                                      97,977,233.41    92,980,039.10
        Tax                                                                                                    44,155,146.13    36,085,014.19
        Production interruption loss                                                                           35,343,596.09    14,095,936.32
        Insurance premium                                                                                      11,384,767.70     9,032,909.68
        Others                                                                                                 85,152,004.48    69,382,296.24

        Total                                                                                                 471,238,564.30   417,135,260.86

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
    41. Finance expenses
                                                                     Incurred         Incurred
                                                                    during the       during the
        Items                                                   current period     prior period

        Interest expenses                                       194,556,465.57   139,639,767.05
        Less: interest income                                    12,589,181.23    16,988,867.25
        Foreign exchange gains and losses                       -50,005,047.99    -8,150,089.22
        Others                                                   21,629,942.15    11,238,845.28

        Total                                                   153,592,178.50   125,739,655.86

    42. Gain on changes in fair value
                                                                     Incurred         Incurred
                                                                    during the      during the
        Source of gain on changes in fair value                 current period     prior period

        Gain on changes in fair value generated from
         derivative financial Instruments                                   —    -3,130,000.00
        Biological assets measured at fair value                  3,715,429.62    11,488,094.03

        Total                                                     3,715,429.62     8,358,094.03

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
    43. Investment income
        (1)     Breakdown of investment income

                                                                                             Incurred                 Incurred
                                                                                            during the
                                                                                            during the
                Items                                                                   current period            prior period

                Gain from long-term equity investments accounted
                 for using the equity method                                             -3,755,501.39            4,324,494.78
                Investment gain on disposal of long-term equity investments              13,309,163.37                      —

                Total                                                                     9,553,661.98            4,324,494.78

         (2) Gain on long-term equity investments of the Company accounted for using equity method

                                                                        Incurred        Incurred
                Name of                                                during the     during the     Reason of addition
                investee entity                                    current period    prior period    or deduction

                Arjo Wiggins Chenming                               -2,960,733.52    5,016,072.32    Investment loss due to
                 Specialty Paper Co., Ltd                                                            the company’s loss
                Jiangxi Jiangbao Media                                 -51,825.23     -138,891.88    Investment loss due to
                 Colour Printing Co. Ltd.                                                            the company’s loss
                Shouguang Liben Paper                                 -742,942.64     -552,685.66    Investment loss due to
                 Making Co., Ltd.                                                                    the company’s loss

                Total                                               -3,755,501.39    4,324,494.78

    44. Loss on impairment of assets
                                                                                             Incurred                Incurred
                                                                                            during the              during the
        Items                                                                           current period            prior period

        Loss on bad debts                                                               -17,554,955.74           23,823,361.70
        Loss on allowance for inventories                                                -3,870,510.42           -3,026,874.44
        Loss on impairment of fixed assets                                                          —                      —

        Total                                                                           -21,425,466.16           20,796,487.26

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
    45. Non-operating income
                                                                                                        Amount of
                                                                    Incurred          Incurred    gains and losses
                                                                   during the       during the    recorded for the
        Items                                                  current period      prior period     current period

        Total income on disposal of non-current assets           1,811,245.53      1,699,483.26                —
        Of which: Income on disposal of fixed assets             1,811,245.53      1,699,483.26                —
        Income from debt reconstructing                             16,400.00                —                —
        Government grants (For details,
         please see the following table: breakdown
         of government grants)                                 136,607,867.13     58,914,598.71                —
        Others                                                   7,511,850.23      6,799,720.61                —

        Total                                                  145,947,362.89     67,413,802.58                —

        Of which, breakdown of government grants:
                                                                    Incurred          Incurred
                                                                   during the       during the
        Items                                                  current period      prior period      Explanation

        Expansion grants                                       125,301,439.93      9,564,967.88
        Value-added tax refund                                  11,306,427.20     49,349,630.83

        Total                                                  136,607,867.13     58,914,598.71

    46. Non-operating expenses
                                                                                                        Amount of
                                                                    Incurred          Incurred    gains and losses
                                                                   during the       during the    recorded for the
        Items                                                  current period      prior period     current period

        Total loss on disposal of non-current assets               923,387.79      3,130,585.22                —
        Of which: Loss on disposal of fixed assets                 923,387.79      3,130,585.22                —
        Donation expenses                                                  —        402,000.00                —
        Penalty Expenses                                           340,898.19                —                —
        Loss on debt restructuring                              19,886,372.60        545,247.24                —
        Others                                                   5,186,458.67      2,130,634.33                —

        Total                                                   26,337,117.25      6,208,466.79                —

    47. Income tax expenses
                                                                                     Incurred           Incurred
                                                                                    during the        during the
        Items                                                                   current period       prior period

        Current income tax calculated according to
         tax laws and relevant rules                                             87,178,859.01     139,896,713.79
        Adjustment on deferred income tax                                         9,545,039.31       2,582,608.51

        Total                                                                    96,723,898.32     142,479,322.30

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
    48. Basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share
        The basic earnings per share is computed by dividing the net profit for the period attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company
        by the number of weighted average ordinary shares in issue. The number of newly issued ordinary shares is confirmed starting from the
        day of consideration receivables (generally the offering date of stock) according to the specific terms in the offering agreement.

        The numerator of the diluted earnings per share is the net profit for the period attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company,
        which is confirmed after adjusting the following factors: (1) interests of diluted potential ordinary shares recognised as expenses for the
        period; (2) gains or expenses arising from the transfer of diluted potential ordinary shares; and (3) effect of income tax due to the above

        The denominator of diluted earnings per share is the sum of the followings: (1) weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue of
        the parent company in the basic earnings per share; and (2) average weighted number of the increased ordinary shares during the
        transfer of the estimated diluted potential ordinary shares to ordinary shares.

        For the purpose of calculating the average weighted number of the increased ordinary shares during the transfer of the estimated diluted
        potential ordinary shares to ordinary shares in issue, diluted potential ordinary shares issued during the prior period were assumed to be
        transferred as at the beginning of the current period while diluted potential ordinary shares issued in the current period were assumed to
        be transferred on offering date.

        (1)   Basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share over the periods

              Profit for the reporting period                            Current period                              Prior period
                                                                      Basic             Diluted                   Basic             Diluted
                                                                   earnings            earnings                earnings            earnings
                                                                  per share           per share               per share           per share

              Net profit attributable to
               ordinary shareholders                                    0.23                  N/A                   0.29                  N/A
              Net profit after deducting
               extraordinary gains and losses
               attributable to ordinary
               shareholders of the Company                              0.19                  N/A                   0.28                  N/A

        (2)   Calculation of earnings per share and diluted earnings per share

              During the reporting period, the Company did not have any potential diluted ordinary shares. Therefore, diluted earnings per
              share are equal to basic earnings per share.

              (1)   Net profit for the period attributable to ordinary shareholders for the purpose of calculating earnings per share are as


                                                                                                         Incurred                   Incurred
                                                                                                        during the                 during the
                    Items                                                                           current period               prior period

                    Net profit for the period attributable
                     to ordinary shareholders                                                       479,834,261.78             607,868,970.24
                    Of which: net profit attributable to continued operations                       479,834,261.78             607,868,970.24
                                 net profit attributable to discontinued operations                             —                         —
                    Net profit after deducting extraordinary
                     gains and losses attributable to
                     ordinary shareholders of the Company                                           382,038,739.41             577,372,863.48
                    Of which: net profit attributable to continued operations                       382,038,739.41             577,372,863.48
                                 net profit attributable to discontinued operations                             —                         —

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
    48. Basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share (Cont’d)
                (2)     For the purpose of calculating earnings per share, the denominator is the weighted average of outstanding ordinary shares.
                        The calculation is as follows:

                                                                                                          Incurred                  Incurred
                                                                                                         during the                during the
                        Items                                                                        current period              prior period

                        Number of outstanding ordinary
                         as at the beginning of the period                                         2,062,045,941.00          2,062,045,941.00
                        Add: number of weighted ordinary shares
                            issued during the period                                                              —                       —
                        Less: number of weighted ordinary shares
                            repurchased during the period                                                         —                       —
                        Number of outstanding ordinary
                         as at the end of the period                                               2,062,045,941.00          2,062,045,941.00

    49. Other comprehensive income
                                                                                                          Incurred                  Incurred
                                                                                                         during the                during the
        Items                                                                                        current period              prior period

        Translation difference of financial statements
         denominated in foreign currency                                                                 -277,876.30              -124,067.32

        Total                                                                                            -277,876.30              -124,067.32

    50. Notes to the cash flows statements items
        (1)     Cash received relating to other operating activities
                                                                                                          Incurred                  Incurred
                                                                                                         during the                during the
                Items                                                                                current period              prior period

                Finance support fund                                                                 196,851,782.17             49,349,630.83
                Interest income                                                                        8,517,649.67             14,026,021.32
                Income on default penalty and fine                                                    29,628,772.64                 81,528.20
                Bank balances and other income                                                       660,948,106.38             85,653,651.24

                Total                                                                                895,946,310.86           149,110,831.59

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
    50. Notes to the cash flows statements items (Cont’d)
        (2)   Cash paid relating to other operating activities

                                                                                Amounts           Amounts
                                                                               during the        during the
              Items                                                        current period      prior period

              Transportation expense                                       210,474,448.81    183,707,949.28
              Hospitality expense                                           17,454,701.58      8,210,460.56
              Rental expense                                                 3,571,210.44      9,408,605.94
              Travel expense                                                 9,386,730.84     11,831,101.89
              Office expense                                                 3,790,836.21      6,470,004.66
              Waste disposal expense                                        10,565,700.55     16,627,402.05
              Insurance premium                                             16,392,119.67      8,946,959.52
              Water and electricity expense                                  1,140,160.86      2,929,069.19
              Repair expense                                                 5,562,621.08      6,990,804.88
              Advertising expense                                            4,277,996.55         19,200.00
              Intermediary service expense                                   2,580,063.32      1,960,431.35
              Quality compensation                                                     —         81,670.90
              Financial institutions charge                                 10,870,212.86     11,055,221.89
              Others                                                       542,691,358.84     65,653,002.70

              Total                                                        838,758,161.61    333,891,884.81

        (3)   Cash received relating to other investing activities

                                                                                Incurred          Incurred
                                                                               during the        during the
              Items                                                        current period      prior period

              Special subsidy funds received                                 5,834,492.06                —

              Total                                                          5,834,492.06                —

         (4) Cash received relating to other financing activities

                                                                                Amounts           Amounts
                                                                               during the        during the
              Items                                                        current period      prior period

              Debentures deposits                                                      —     315,168,303.74
              Short-term debentures                                                    —   1,494,000,000.00
              Medium-term notes                                                        —   1,090,100,000.00
              RMB debentures                                               491,750,000.00                 —

              Total                                                        491,750,000.00   2,899,268,303.74

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
    50. Notes to the cash flows statements items (Cont’d)
        (5)   Cash paid relating to other financing activities

                                                                                                    Incurred            Incurred
                                                                                                   during the          during the
              Items                                                                            current period        prior period

              Increase in restricted bank deposits during the period                            230,887,524.75                 —
              Payments of bank balances                                                                     —                 —
              Cash paid in repaying bonds                                                     1,549,650,000.00                 —

              Total                                                                           1,780,537,524.75                 —

    51. Supplementary information on cash flows statements
        (1)   Information on reconciliation of net profit to cash flows from operating activities

                                                                                                    Amounts             Amounts
                                                                                                   during the         during the
              Items                                                                            current period        prior period

              1.      Reconciliation of net profit as cash flows from
                       operating activities:
                      Net profit                                                               479,834,261.78      696,079,087.46
                      Add: Provision for impairment of assets                                  -21,425,466.16       20,796,487.26
                            Depreciation of fixed assets, consumption of oil
                             and gas assets, depreciation of productive
                             biological assets                                                 582,233,501.25      580,110,471.43
                            Amortisation of intangible assets                                   17,102,238.25       26,799,157.06
                            Long-term prepaid expenses                                          11,777,968.45        5,976,761.70
                            Loss on disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets
                             and other long-term assets (“-” denotes gain)                        -887,857.74      1,431,101.96
                            Loss on retired fixed assets (“-” denotes gain)                                                  —
                            Loss on change in fair value (“-” denotes gain)                              —        3,130,000.00
                            Finance expenses (“-” denotes gain)                              194,556,465.57      136,676,921.12
                            Investment loss (“-” denotes gain)                                -9,553,661.98       -4,324,494.78
                            Decrease in deferred income tax assets
                             (“-” denotes increase)                                           -10,885,320.97        -274,009.46
                            Increase in deferred income tax
                             liabilities (“-” denotes decrease)                                -1,340,281.66       2,856,617.97
                            Decrease in inventory (“-” denotes increase)                     -611,684,865.07    -910,959,441.89
                            Decrease in Consumable biological assets
                             (“+” denotes increase)                                                       —      -84,916,715.22
                            Decrease in operating receivables
                             (“-” denotes increase)                                          -692,903,938.89     306,166,511.18
                            Increase in operating payables
                             (“-” denotes decrease)                                          800,820,862.21      410,174,620.61
                            Others                                                                         —                  —

                      Net cash flows from operating activities                                 737,643,905.04     1,189,723,076.40

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
    51. Supplementary information on cash flows statements (Cont’d)
        (1)   Information on reconciliation of net profit to cash flows from operating activities (Cont’d)

                                                                                                     Amounts              Amounts
                                                                                                    during the          during the
              Items                                                                             current period         prior period

              2.    Major investing and financing activities not
                     involving cash settlements:
                    Capital converted from debts                                                              —                —
                    Convertible bonds of the Company due within one year                                      —                —
                    Finance leases of fixed assets                                                            —                —

              3.    Net change in cash and cash equivalents:
                    Cash balance at the end of the period                                     1,764,865,743.95     1,872,556,028.36
                    Less: cash balance at the beginning of the period                         1,855,235,979.80     2,367,334,202.50
                    Add: balance of cash equivalents
                         at the end of the period                                                             —                —
                    Less: balance of cash equivalents
                         at the beginning of the period                                                       —                —

                    Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                    -90,370,235.85     -494,778,174.14

         (2) The compositions of cash and cash equivalents

              Items                                                                            Closing balance     Opening balance

              I.    Cash                                                                      1,764,865,743.95     1,855,235,979.80
                    Of which : Treasury cash                                                      1,519,568.30         1,232,651.18
                         Bank deposits repayble on demand                                     1,763,346,175.65     1,854,003,328.62
                         Other monetary funds repayable on demand                                           —                   —
              II.   Cash equivalents
                    Of which : bond investments due within 3 months                                           —                —

              III. Balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of period                  1,764,865,743.95     1,855,235,979.80

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
    52. Disposal of Subsidiaries
        (1)   Heze Chenming Panels Co., Ltd.

              Both Shandong Chenming Panels Co., Ltd. and Shandong Chenming Power Supply Holdings Co., Ltd., subsidiaries of the
              Company, signed equity transfer contracts with 济 宁 阳 光 木 业 有 限 公 司 (Jining Yangguang Wood Industry Co.,
              Ltd.)respectively to transfer 34% and 33% equity interest of Heze Chenming Panels Co., Ltd. to 济宁阳光木业有限公司
              (Jining Yangguang Wood Industry Co., Ltd.) at a respective transfer consideration of RMB1.

              The financial results as at the date of disposal and as at the end of 2010 of the disposed subsidiary:

                                                                                                      31 March 2011      31 December 2010

              Current assets                                                                            9,777,550.66        11,172,012.69
              Fixed assets                                                                             51,953,624.92        54,706,485.01
              Other assets                                                                             14,651,097.12        14,733,871.68
              Total assets                                                                             76,382,272.70        80,612,369.38
              Current liabilities                                                                     113,367,117.64       113,541,908.37
              Long-term liabilities
              Total liabilities                                                                       113,367,117.64       113,541,908.37
              Minority interests                                                                      -12,204,998.83       -10,866,747.87
              Group’s share of net assets                                                            -24,779,846.11       -22,062,791.12
              Gain on disposal of subsidiaries                                                         24,779,848.11
              Total                                                                                             2.00
              Consideration for disposal of subsidiaries
              Cash                                                                                                2.00
              Total                                                                                               2.00
              Net cash flow derived from disposal of subsidiaries
              Consideration settled in cash                                                                      2.00
              Less: Bank deposits and cash of disposed subsidiaries                                          5,338.30


              Shandong Chenming Panels Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the Company, signed an equity transfer contract with济宁阳光木业有限公
              司 (Jining Yangguang Wood Industry Co., Ltd.) to transfer 67% equity interest of Shandong Lin Dun Wood Industry Co., Ltd. to
              济宁阳光木业有限公司 (Jining Yangguang Wood Industry Co., Ltd.) at a transfer consideration of RMB4,500,000.

VII. Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements (Cont’d)
    52. Disposal of Subsidiaries (Cont’d)
        (1)   Heze Chenming Panels Co., Ltd. (Cont’d)

                 The financial results as at the date of disposal and as at the end of 2010 of the disposed subsidiary:

                                                                                                      31 March 2011       31 December 2010

              Current assets                                                                           22,915,179.26         28,752,909.38
              Fixed assets                                                                             15,880,381.92         16,801,494.97
              Other assets                                                                              5,722,556.52          1,780,000.21
              Total assets                                                                             44,518,117.70         47,334,404.56
              Current liabilities                                                                      20,681,274.80         27,697,586.94
              Long-term liabilities
              Total liabilities                                                                        20,681,274.80         27,697,586.94
              Minority interests                                                                        7,866,158.16          6,480,149.81
              Group’s share of net assets                                                             15,970,684.74         13,156,667.81
              Gain on disposal of subsidiaries                                                        -11,470,684.74
              Total                                                                                     4,500,000.00
              Consideration for disposal of subsidiaries
              Cash                                                                                      4,500,000.00
              Net cash flow derived from disposal of subsidiaries
              Consideration settled in cash                                                             4,500,000.00
              Less: Bank deposits and cash of disposed subsidiaries                                     1,027,511.39


VIII. Related party relations and transactions
    1.   The information on the parent company of the Company:

         Name of the                                                  Type of                      Place of     Legal          Type of
         parent company                        Relationship           corporation                  registration representative business

         Shouguang Chenming                    The largest            Limited                      Shouguang       Chen              Investments in
          Holdings Co., Ltd                    shareholder            liability                    City            Hongguo           papermaking,
                                                                      company                                                        power and steam,
                                                                                                                                     forestry projects

                                                                        The parent         rights of
                                                                        company’s       the largest
         Name of the                              Registered         shareholder in  shareholder in                      Ultimate controller Organisation
         parent company                              capital      the Company(%) the Company (%)                         of the Company             code

         Shouguang Chenming                    RMB168,542                         14.21                   14.21          State-owned Assets     78348518-9
          Holdings Co., Ltd                                                                                              Supervision and
                                                                                                                         of Shouguang City

    2.   The subsidiaries of the Company
         Refer to Note VI.1 for further information.

    3.   Information on the joint ventures and associates of the Company
         For the information on the joint ventures and associates of the Company, please refer to Note VII.9 (3). For the investments in other
         related parties of the Group, please refer to Note VII.9 (2).

    4.   Information on related party transactions
         (1)   Related party transactions involving sales of goods and provision of services

                                                       Pricing principle                                          As a                                     As a
                                                       of related party                                    percentage                              percentage
                                       Details of      transactions                  During the             of similar           During the          of similar
                                       related party   and decision               current period          transaction           prior period       transaction
               Related party           transactions    making process                   Amount           amounts (%)                Amount        amounts (%)

                 股份有限公司          Sales           Market price                    51,931.63
                 (Anhui Shidai
                 Resources Holdings
                 Co., Ltd.)
               Shouguang Liben Paper   Sales           Market price                 3,757,178.95               0.04%            4,178,835.08             0.05%
                 Making Co., Ltd.

VIII.    Related party relations and transactions (Cont’d)
    4.   Information on related party transactions (Cont’d)
         (2)   Guarantees provided for related parties

                                                                                            Starting      Expiry    Performance
                                         Party being                     Amounts under       date of      date of   of guarantee
               Guarantor                 guaranteed                          guarantee    guarantee    guarantee    is completed

               The Company               Jiangxi Chenming
                                         Paper Co., Ltd.                  50,000,000.00    2009.4.22    2012.4.21   No

               The Company               Jiangxi Chenming
                                         Paper Co., Ltd.                 450,000,000.00   2009.12.10   2012.12.10   No

               The Company               Huanggang Chenming
                                         Arboriculture Co., Ltd.          50,000,000.00     2009.6.3     2012.6.2   No

               The Company               Huanggang Chenming
                                         Arboriculture Co., Ltd.          20,000,000.00    2010.4.29    2013.4.28   No

               The Company               Huanggang Chenning
                                         Arboriculture Co., Ltd.          30,000,000.00     2010.7.8     2013.7.7   No

               The Company               Shouguang Meilun
                                         Paper Co. Ltd.                  100,000,000.00   2011.01.14    2014.1.13   No

               The Company               Shouguang Meilun
                                         Paper Co. Ltd.                  100,000,000.00    2011.4.29    2017.8.23   No

               The Company               Shouguang Meilun
                                         Paper Co. Ltd.                  103,545,600.00    2010.9.10    2012.9.10   No

               The Company               Shouguang Meilun
                                         Paper Co. Ltd.                  103,545,600.00    2010.9.10    2013.3.10   No

               The Company               Shouguang Meilun
                                         Paper Co. Ltd.                  310,636,800.00    2010.9.10    2013.9.10   No

               The Company               Shouguang Meilun
                                         Paper Co. Ltd.                   51,772,800.00    2011.4.19    2013.4.19   No

               The Company               Shouguang Meilun
                                         Paper Co. Ltd.                   51,772,800.00    2011.4.19   2013.10.19   No

               The Company               Shouguang Meilun
                                         Paper Co. Ltd.                  155,318,400.00    2011.4.19    2014.3.19   No

               The Company               Shouguang Meilun
                                         Paper Co. Ltd.                   64,716,000.00    2011.1.14    2014.1.13   No

VIII.    Related party relations and transactions (Cont’d)
    4.   Information on related party transactions (Cont’d)
         (2)   Guarantees provided for related parties (Cont’d)

                                                                                                                  Starting             Expiry    Performance
                                               Party being                           Amounts under                 date of             date of   of guarantee
               Guarantor                       guaranteed                                guarantee              guarantee           guarantee    is completed

               The Company                     Zhanjiang Chenming
                                               Paper Pulp Co., Ltd.                 3,519,564,800.00           2008.03.25           2023.03.24   No

               The Company                     Shandong Chenming
                                               Paper Sales
                                               Company Limited                        375,000,000.00                2011.3.3          2011.9.2   No

               The Company                     Shandong Chenming
                                               Paper Sales
                                               Company Limited                        130,069,000.00            2011.4.20            2011.7.19   No

               The Company                     Chenming (HK) Limited                  500,000,000.00            2011.4.13            2014.4.12   No

               Notes: The Company provided guarantee for the issuance of notes of RMB500 millon notes by Chenming (HK) Limited.

         (3)   Entrusted loan to subsidiaries of the Company

                                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB’0000

                                                                            Amount of
                                                                        entrusted loan
               Related party                                                 incurred              Starting date               Expiry date            Explanation

               Jiangxi Chenming Paper Co., Ltd.                              30,000.00                 2007.05.24               2017.05.25            Entrusted loan
               Shouguang Chenming Art Paper Co.,Ltd                          59,740.00                 2010.12.03               2011.12.02            Entrusted loan
               Shandong Chenming Qihe
                Paperboard Co., Ltd.                                          8,950.35                 2010.12.03               2011.12.02            Entrusted loan
               Huanggang Chenming
                Arboriculture Co., Ltd.                                       8,000.00                 2010.01.06               2012.01.05            Entrusted loan
               Fuyu Chenming Paper Co., Ltd.                                  9,911.76                 2009.12.16               2011.12.15            Entrusted loan
               Wuhan Chenming Hanyang
                Paper Holdings Co., Ltd.                                     37,987.02                 2009.12.03               2011.12.02            Entrusted loan
               Wuhan Chenming Hanyang
                Paper Holdings Co., Ltd.                                     12,679.97                 2009.12.14               2011.12.13            Entrusted loan
               Wuhan Chenming Hanyang
                Paper Holdings Co., Ltd.                                     10,000.00                 2010.08.03               2011.08.02            Entrusted loan
               Jiangxi Chenming Paper Co., Ltd.                              20,000.00                 2010.04.19               2013.04.18            Entrusted loan
               Shandong Chenming Panels Co., Ltd.                             2,570.00                 2010.12.03               2011.12.01            Entrusted loan
               Qihe Chenming Panels Co., Ltd.                                   580.00                 2010.12.03               2011.12.02            Entrusted loan

VIII.    Related party relations and transactions (Cont’d)
    5.   Receivables and payables of related parties
         (1)   Receivables and prepayments of related parties

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB’0000

                                                              Closing balance                           Opening balance
                                                            Book                  Bad debt               Book                 Bad debt
               Name of items                              balance                 provision            balance                provision

               Accounts receivable:
                 (Anhui Shidai Resources
                  Holdings Co., Ltd.)                      287.53                     14.38            1,079.13                   53.96
               Jiangxi Jiangbao Media
                 Colour Printing Co. Ltd.                                                                56.67                     2.83

               Total                                       287.53                     14.38            1,135.80                   56.79

               Other receivables:
               Arjo Wiggins Chenming
                Specialty Paper Co., Ltd.                  129.09                     16.65             129.09                    16.65
               Shouguang Liben
                 Paper Co., Ltd.                            80.39                       4.02

               Total                                       209.48                     20.67             129.09                    16.65

               Other payables:
               Shouguang Chenming
                Holdings Co., Ltd.                      31,571.90

               Total                                    31,571.90

               There were no prepayments of related parties during the reporting period.

         (2)   Payables and advances of related parties

               There were no payables and advances of related parties during the reporting period.

IX. Contingent items
    As at 30 June 2011, it was not necessary for the Group to disclose significant contingent items.

    1.      Significant Commitments
            (1)   Capital commitments


                  Items                                                                               Closing balance             Opening balance

                  Contracted but not yet recognised in the financial statements
                  – commitments in relation to acquisition
                      and construction of long-term assets                                            3,326,360,846.51            4,634,896,079.74

                  Total                                                                               3,326,360,846.51            4,634,896,079.74

            (2)   Operating lease commitments

                  As at the balance sheet date, the Group entered into irrevocable operating lease contracts with non-group companies as follows:


                  Name of items                                                                       Closing balance             Opening balance

                  Minimum lease payments under irrevocable operating leases:
                  The first year after balance sheet date                                                42,440,892.55              60,189,073.16
                  The second year after balance sheet date                                               24,343,208.27              28,385,986.80
                  The third year after balance sheet date                                                23,717,696.51              28,492,058.29
                  In the years thereafter                                                               849,157,737.05             938,172,599.89

                  Total                                                                                 939,659,534.38            1,055,239,718.14

    2.      Performance of commitments for the prior period
            As at 30 June 2011, significant commitments had been performed by the Group.

XI Events after the balance sheet date
    As at the date of approval of the issue of these financial statements, it was not necessary for the Group to disclose significant events after the
    balance sheet date.

XII. Other important explanations
    Biological assets measured at fair value
                                                                           Profit or loss        change of
                                                                           from change           fair value        Provision of
                                                            Opening         in fair value       accounted          impairment              Closing
    Items                                                   balance       for the period         for equity      for the period            balance

    biological assets                                 726,724,974.94                          89,954,847.97                          850,912,030.92

    Total                                             726,724,974.94                          89,954,847.97                          850,912,030.92

XIII. Notes of the major financial statements’ items of the company
    1.   Accounts receivable
         Unless specified otherwise, in the notes to the financial statements, the “opening balance” and “closing balance” refer to the balances
         as at 31 December 2010 and 30 June 2011 respectively and the “current period” and “prior period” refer to the period from January to
         June 2010 and the period from January to June 2011 respectively.

         (1)   Accounts receivable stated according to breakdown

                                                                                           Closing balance
                                                             Book balance                                       Bad debt provision
               Breakdown                                 Amount                   Ratio (%)                    Amount                  Ratio (%)

               Single item with significant
                accounts receivable and
                bad debt provision               1,298,999,760.36                     98.28              88,730,129.58                      6.83
               Accounts receivable with
                bad debt provision
                by group
               Accounts receivable aged
                within 2 years                       9,612,296.22                       0.73                 625,600.08                     6.51
               Accounts receivable aged
                more than 2 years                   12,697,371.38                       0.96              9,919,299.10                     78.12

               Group sub-total                      22,309,667.60                       1.69             10,544,899.18                     47.26

               Single item without
                significant accounts
                receivable but with
                bad debt provision                     388,197.36                       0.03

               Total                             1,321,697,625.32                       100              99,275,028.76                      7.51

                                                                                           Opening balance
                                                             Book balance                                       Bad debt provision
               Breakdown                                 Amount                   Ratio (%)                    Amount                  Ratio (%)

               Single item with significant
                accounts receivable and
                bad debt provision               1,652,798,337.63                     95.01             104,159,492.68                      6.30
               Accounts receivable with
                bad debt provision
                by group
               Accounts receivable aged
                within 2 years                      75,752,870.19                       4.35              4,256,709.90                      5.62
               Accounts receivable aged
                more than 2 years                   10,746,015.20                       0.62              9,299,662.52                     86.54

               Group sub-total                      86,498,885.39                       4.97             13,556,372.42                     15.67

               Single item without
                significant accounts
                receivable but with
                bad debt provision                     358,195.26                       0.02                        —                        —

               Total                             1,739,655,418.28                       100             117,715,865.10                      6.77

XIII. Notes of the major financial statements’ items of the company (Cont’d)
    1.   Accounts receivable (Cont’d)
         (2)   Accounts receivable stated according to aging

                                                          Closing balance                                    Opening balance
               Items                                    Amount                    Ratio (%)                 Amount                   Ratio (%)

               Within 1 year                   1,217,190,261.82                        92.09      1,644,505,095.40                         94.53
               1 to 2 years                       53,563,689.52                         4.05         21,571,510.58                          1.24
               2 to 3 years                        3,472,590.35                         0.26         57,067,573.19                          3.28
               Over 3 years                       47,471,083.63                          3.6         16,511,239.11                          0.95

               Total                           1,321,697,625.32                          100      1,739,655,418.28                          100

          (3) Information on the provision of bad debts

               Information on the provision of bad debts of single items with significant accounts receivable and bad debt provision

               Details of                              Carrying                    Bad debt          Percentage of
               accounts receivable                      amount                     provision         provision (%)        Reason

               Types of paper                  1,298,999,760.36                88,730,129.58                     6.83     aging analysis

               Total                           1,298,999,760.36                88,730,129.58

          (4) During the current reporting period, there were no accounts receivable from shareholder units holding 5% (including 5%) or more
              shares with voting power in the Company.

         (5)   Top 5 accounts receivable are set out as follows

                                                                                                                                As a percentage
                                                                                                                                           of the
                                                                                                                                   total balance
                                           Relationship                                                                              of accounts
               Entities                    with the Company                          Amount      Aging                           receivable (%)

               Shandong Chenming           Related party within                686,366,200.57    Within 1 year                             51.93
                Paper Sales                the scope of consolidation
                Company Limited

               Shouguang Chenming          Related party within                332,793,445.14    Within 1 year, 2 to 3 years               25.18
                Art Paper Co., Ltd.        the scope of consolidation

               Shouguang Meilun            Related party within                112,146,707.32    Within 1 year, years 1 to 2                8.48
                Paper Co., Ltd.            the scope of consolidation

               Shandong Chenming           Related party within                 15,802,299.88    Within 1 year, 2 to 3 years                1.20
                Paper Group Qihe           the scope of consolidation
                Paperboard Co., Ltd.

               Shandong Chenming           Related party within                   8,833,544.41   Within 1 year                              0.67
                Panels Co., Ltd.           the scope of consolidation

               Total                                                          1,155,942,197.32                                             87.46

XIII. Notes of the major financial statements’ items of the company (Cont’d)
    1.   Accounts receivable (Cont’d)
         (6)   Information on accounts receivable of the related parties

                                                                                                      Percentage of
                                             Relationship with                                    the total accounts
               Name of units                 the Company                              Amounts        receivable (%)

               Shandong Chenming             Subsidiary of the Company           686,366,200.57               51.93
                Paper Sales Company
               Shouguang Chenming            Subsidiary of the Company       332,793,445.14                   25.18
                Art Paper Co., Ltd.
               Shouguang Meilun Paper        Subsidiary of the Company       112,146,707.32                    8.49
                Co., Ltd.
               Shandong Chenming             Subsidiary of the Company            15,802,299.88                1.20
                Paper Group Qihe
                Paperboard Co., Ltd.
               Shandong Chenming             Subsidiary of the Company             8,833,544.41                0.67
                Panels Co., Ltd.
               Fuyu Chenming                 Subsidiary of the Company             3,106,093.83                0.24
                Paper Co., Ltd.
               Jilin Chenming                Subsidiary of the Company              653,983.20                 0.05
                Paper Co., Ltd.
               Wuhan Chenming                Subsidiary of the Company              468,000.00                 0.04
                Hanyang Paper
                Holdings Co., Ltd.
               Shandong Grand                Subsidiary of the Company              237,537.66                 0.02
                View Hotel Co., Ltd.
               Yanbian Chenming              Subsidiary of the Company                52,974.40
                Paper Co., Ltd.

               Total                                                        1,160,460,786.41                  87.80

XIII. Notes of the major financial statements’ items of the company (Cont’d)
    2.   Other receivables
         (1)   Other receivables stated according to breakdown

                                                                              Closing balance
                                                      Book balance                               Bad debt provision
               Breakdown                           Amount              Ratio (%)                Amount                Ratio (%)

               Single item with
                significant other
                receivables and bad
                debt provision              4,837,525,417.29               99.33         20,279,010.31                     0.42
               Other receivables with bad
                debt provision by group
               Other receivables aged
                within 2 years                  3,640,080.31                0.07          2,528,591.68                    69.47
               Other receivables aged
                more than 2 years             28,654,249.98                 0.59         28,649,864.38                    99.98

               Group sub-total                32,294,330.29                 0.66         31,178,456.06                    96.54

               Single item without
                significant other
                receivables but with
                bad debt provision               468,930.00                 0.01

               Total                        4,870,288,677.58                100          51,457,466.37                     1.06

                                                                              Opening balance
                                                      Book balance                               Bad debt provision
                                                   Amount              Ratio (%)                Amount                Ratio (%)

               Single item with
                significant other
                receivables and bad
                debt provision              4,803,742,856.08               99.16         39,885,247.29                     0.83
               Other receivables with bad
                debt provision by group
               Other receivables aged
                within 2 years                  2,758,118.53                0.06            172,244.01                     6.24
               Other receivables aged
                more than 2 years             15,143,251.74                 0.31          8,972,454.14                    59.25

               Group sub-total                17,901,370.27                 0.37          9,144,698.15                    51.08

               Single item without
                significant other
                receivables but with
                bad debt provision            22,867,418.63                 0.47         22,407,088.63                    97.99

               Total                        4,844,511,644.98                100          71,437,034.07                     1.47

XIII. Notes of the major financial statements’ items of the company (Cont’d)
    2.   Other receivables (Cont’d)
         (2)   Other receivables stated according to aging

                                                          Closing balance                                    Bad debt balance
               Items                                   Amounts                  Ratio (%)                  Amounts                   Ratio (%)

               Within 1 year                   4,468,740,271.44                      91.76            24,969,296.18                      48.52
               1 to 2 years                      266,583,103.52                       5.47               674,011.18                       1.31
               2 to 3 years                      122,913,483.50                       2.52            13,762,339.89                      26.75
               Over 3 years                       12,051,819.12                       0.25            12,051,819.12                      23.42

               Total                           4,870,288,677.58                    100.00             51,457,466.37                     100.00

                                                          Opening balance                                    Bad debt balance
               Items                                   Amounts            Ratio (%)                        Amounts                   Ratio (%)

               Within 1 year                   4,140,927,115.96                      85.48            61,887,118.78                      86.63
               1 to 2 years                      688,441,277.28                      14.21               577,461.14                       0.81
               2 to 3 years                        7,713,497.00                       0.16             1,542,699.40                       2.16
               Over 3 years                        7,429,754.74                       0.15             7,429,754.74                       10.4

               Total                           4,844,511,644.98                    100.00             71,437,034.06                     100.00

         (3)   Information on the provision of bad debts

               Information on the provision of bad debts of single items with significant other receivables and bad debt provision

               Details of                             Carrying                  Bad debt             As Percentage
               other receivables                       amount                   provision          of provision (%)      Reason

               Bank balances                   4,837,525,417.29             20,279,010.31                       0.42    No bad debt was
                                                                                                                        provided for the
                                                                                                                        receivable from
                                                                                                                        related parties
                                                                                                                        and other
                                                                                                                        receivable were
                                                                                                                        provided for under
                                                                                                                        aging analysis on
                                                                                                                        individual basis.

               Total                           4,837,525,417.29             20,279,010.31                       0.42

          (4) During the current reporting Period, there were no other receivables from shareholder units holding 5% (including 5%) or more
              shares with voting power in the Company.

XIII. Notes of the major financial statements’ items of the company (Cont’d)
    2.   Other receivables (Cont’d)
         (5)   Top 5 other receivables are set out as follows

                                                                                                                        As a percentage
                                                                                                                                   of the
                                                                                                                           total balance
                                          Relationship                                                                       of accounts
               Name                       with the Company                       Amount       Aging                      receivable (%)

               Shouguang Meilun          Related party within           1,769,493,677.98      Within 1 year                        36.33
                Paper Co., Ltd.          the scope of consolidation
               Zhanjiang Chenming        Related party within           1,000,889,258.36      Within 1 year, 1 to 2 years          20.55
                Paper Pulp Co., Ltd.     the scope of consolidation
               Jilin Chenming            Related party within              851,039,688.41     Within 1 year                        17.47
                Paper Co., Ltd.          the scope of consolidation
               Shandong Grand            Related party within              319,483,356.08     Within 1 year,                        6.56
                View Hotel Co., Ltd.     the scope of consolidation                           1-2 years, 2 to 3 years
               Wuhan Chenming Hanyang Related party within                 181,996,316.11     Within 1 year                         3.74
                Paper Holdings Co., Ltd. the scope of consolidation

               Total                                                    4,122,902,296.94                                           84.65

          (6) Information on other receivables of the related parties

                                                                                                                   As a percentage of
                                              Relationship                                                        the total balance of
               Name of units                  with the Company                                     Amounts      other receivables (%)

               Zhanjiang Chenming             Related party within
                Paper Pulp Co., Ltd.          the scope of consolidation                    1,000,889,258.36                       20.55

               Shouguang Meilun               Related party within
                Paper Co. Ltd.                the scope of consolidation                    1,769,493,677.98                       36.33

               Jilin Chenming                 Related party within
                Paper Co., Ltd.               the scope of consolidation                     851,039,688.41                        17.47

               Shandong Grand                 Related party within
                View Hotel Co., Ltd.          the scope of consolidation                     319,483,356.08                         6.56

               Juancheng Chenming             Related party within
                Panels Co., Ltd.              the scope of consolidation                      47,884,267.36                         0.98

               Wuhan Chenming                 Related party within
                Hanyang Paper                 the scope of consolidation
                Holdings Co., Ltd.                                                           181,996,316.11                         3.74

               Chibi Chenming                 Related party within
                Paper Co., Ltd.               the scope of consolidation                      31,247,768.14                         0.64

               Heze Chenming                  Related party within
                Panels Co., Ltd.              the scope of consolidation                      28,800,000.00                         0.59

XIII. Notes of the major financial statements’ items of the company (Cont’d)
    2.   Other receivables (Cont’d)
         (6)   Information on other receivables of the related parties (Cont’d)

                                                                                                       As a percentage of
                                              Relationship                                            the total balance of
               Name of units                  with the Company                          Amounts     other receivables (%)

               Xianning Chenming              Related party within
                Arboriculture Co., Ltd.       the scope of consolidation            42,594,530.00                    0.87

               Fuyu Chenming Paper            Related party within
                Co., Ltd.                     the scope of consolidation            36,075,791.42                    0.74

               Yanbian Chenming               Related party within
                Paper Co. Ltd.                the scope of consolidation           122,845,817.74                    2.52

               Shandong Chenming              Related party within
                Paper Sales Co., Ltd.         the scope of consolidation            34,814,634.35                    0.71

               Zhanjiang Chenming             Related party within
                Forestry Development          the scope of consolidation            49,965,630.00                    1.03
                Co., Ltd.

               Shouguang Chenming             Related party within
                Art Paper Co., Ltd.           the scope of consolidation            54,284,554.43                    1.11

               Wuhan Chenming                 Related party within
                Qianneng Electric             the scope of consolidation
                Power Co., Ltd.                                                     55,624,690.00                    1.14

               Huanggang Chenming             Related party within
                Paper Pulp Co., Ltd.          the scope of consolidation            17,824,200.00                    0.37

               Zhanjiang Chenming             Related party within
                Forestry Development          the scope of consolidation
                Co., Ltd.                                                            7,108,221.00                    0.15

               Yangjiang Chenming             Related party within
                Arboriculture Co., Ltd.       the scope of consolidation             3,000,000.00                    0.06

               Shouguang Chenming             Related party within
                Tianyuan Arboriculture        the scope of consolidation
                Co., Ltd.                                                            2,492,142.92                    0.05

               Huanggang Chenming             Related party within
                Arboriculture Co., Ltd.       the scope of consolidation              413,009.02                     0.01

               Shangdong Chenming             Related party within
                Paper Holdings Limited        the scope of consolidation
                Hong Kong branch                                                      383,049.79                     0.01

XIII. Notes of the major financial statements’ items of the company (Cont’d)
    2.   Other receivables (Cont’d)
         (6)   Information on other receivables of the related parties (Cont’d)

                                                                                                                   As a percentage of
                                              Relationship                                                        the total balance of
               Name of units                  with the Company                                      Amounts     other receivables (%)

               Hailaer Chenming               Related party within
                Paper Co., Ltd.               the scope of consolidation                           87,209.88
               Qihe Chenming                  Related party within
                Salels Co., Ltd.              the scope of consolidation                           14,624.00
               Chenming International         Related party within
                Co., Ltd.                     the scope of consolidation                           12,820.00
               Shandong Chenming              Related party within
                Paper Group Qihe              the scope of consolidation                       86,902,201.32                     1.78
                Paperboard Co., Ltd.

               Total                                                                        4,745,277,458.31                    97.43

    3.   Long-term equity investments
         (1)   Types of long term equity investments

                                                                       Increase during       Decrease during
               Items                         Opening balance         the current period    the current period        Closing balance

               Investment in
                subsidiaries                  5,890,685,807.88         1,719,861,955.00                              7,610,547,762.88
               Investment in
                associate enterprises            44,170,084.12             -3,755,501.39                                40,414,582.73
               Other equity investments          24,950,000.00                                                          24,950,000.00
               Less: impairment provision
                    for long term
                    equity investments            1,918,152.23                                                           1,918,152.23

               Total                          5,957,887,739.77         1,716,106,453.61                              7,673,994,193.38

XIII. Notes of the major financial statements’ items of the company (Cont’d)
    3.   Long-term equity investments (Cont’d)
         (2)   Breakdown of long-term equity investments

                                                  Accounting                    Initial          Opening           Additions            Closing
               Name of investee entity            method                   investment             balance         /Deduction            balance

               Wuhan Chenming Hanyang             Cost method          202,824,716.34      202,824,716.34                        202,824,716.34
                Paper Holdings Co., Ltd.
               Shandong Chenming                  Cost method          376,200,000.00      376,200,000.00                        376,200,000.00
                Paper Group Qihe
                Paperboard Co., Ltd.
               Shandong Chenming Power            Cost method          157,810,117.43      157,810,117.43                        157,810,117.43
                Supply Holdings Co., Ltd.
               Chibi Chenming Paper               Cost method           26,270,460.90       26,270,460.90                         26,270,460.90
                Co., Ltd.
               Yanbian Chenming                   Cost method           40,083,733.01       40,083,733.01                         40,083,733.01
                Paper Co., Ltd.
               Hailaer Chenming                   Cost method           12,000,000.00       12,000,000.00                         12,000,000.00
                Paper Co., Ltd.
               Jiangxi Chenming                   Cost method          697,548,406.40      697,548,406.40                        697,548,406.40
                Paper Co., Ltd.
               Shouguang Chenming                 Cost method            7,199,000.00        7,199,000.00                           7,199,000.00
                Arboriculture Co., Ltd.
               Jilin Chenming                     Cost method         1,501,350,000.00    1,501,350,000.00                      1,501,350,000.00
                Paper Co., Ltd.
               Juancheng Chenming                 Cost method           15,000,000.00       15,000,000.00                         15,000,000.00
                Panels Co., Ltd.
               Shandong Grand View                Cost method           80,500,000.00       80,500,000.00                         80,500,000.00
                Hotel Co., Ltd.
               Zhanjiang Chenming                 Cost method         2,500,000,000.00     800,000,000.00    1,700,000,000.00   2,500,000,000.00
                Paper Pulp Co., Ltd.
               Chenming (HK) Limited              Cost method              783,310.00          783,310.00                            783,310.00
               Shouguang Chenming                 Cost method           10,000,000.00       10,000,000.00                         10,000,000.00
                Modern Logistic Co., Ltd.
               Shouguang Chenming                 Cost method          113,616,063.80      113,616,063.80                        113,616,063.80
                Art Paper Co., Ltd.
               Fuyu Chenming                      Cost method          208,000,000.00      208,000,000.00                        208,000,000.00
                Paper Co., Ltd.
               Xianning Chenming                  Cost method           10,000,000.00       10,000,000.00                         10,000,000.00
                Co., Ltd.
               Huanggang Chenming                 Cost method           20,000,000.00       20,000,000.00                         20,000,000.00
                Paper Co., Ltd.
               Huanggang Chenming                 Cost method           10,000,000.00       10,000,000.00                         10,000,000.00
                Arboriculture Co., Ltd.

XIII.    Notes of the major financial statements’ items of the company (Cont’d)
    3.   Long-term equity investments (Cont’d)
         (2)   Breakdown of long-term equity investments (Cont’d)

                                                    Accounting                      Initial          Opening           Additions            Closing
               Name of investee entity              method                     investment             balance         /Deduction            balance

               Shouguang Meilun                     Cost method           1,500,000,000.00    1,500,000,000.00                      1,500,000,000.00
                 Paper Co. Ltd.
               Shouguang Shun Da                    Cost method              1,500,000.00         1,500,000.00                          1,500,000.00
                Declaration Co, Ltd.
               Shandong Chenming                    Cost method            100,000,000.00      100,000,000.00                        100,000,000.00
                 Paper Sales
                Company Limited
               Shouguang Liben Paper                Equity method           19,550,000.00       16,680,630.29        -742,942.64      15,937,687.65
                Making Co., Ltd.
               Arjo Wiggins Chenming                Equity method           80,100,000.00       21,651,499.85       -2,960,733.52     18,690,766,33
                 Specialty Paper Co., Ltd.
               Qingzhou Chenming                    Equity method              900,000.00          900,000.00                            900,000.00
                Denaturation Amylum
                Co., Ltd.
               Jiangxi Jiangbao                     Equity method             6,000,000.00        4,937,953.98         -51,825.23       4,886,128.75
                Media Colour
                 Printing Co. Ltd.
               美国晨鸣                             Cost method             19,861,955.00                          19,861,955.00      19,861,955.00
                (Chenming USA)
               Shandong Paper Making &              Cost method                200,000.00          200,000.00                            200,000.00
                 Printing Enterprises
               Zhejiang Province Guangyu            Cost method               2,000,000.00        2,000,000.00                          2,000,000.00
                Media Printing Company
               Jinan Shangyou Commercial            Cost method                350,000.00          350,000.00                            350,000.00
                Company Limited
               Shouguang Mihe Water                 Cost method             20,000,000.00       20,000,000.00                         20,000,000.00
                Company Limited
               Shanghai Forest & Paper              Cost method              1,400,000.00        1,400,000.00                           1,400,000.00
                E-Commerce Co., Ltd
               安徽时代物资股份有限公司             Cost method               1,000,000.00        1,000,000.00                          1,000,000.00
                (Anhui Shidai Resources
                Holdings Co., Ltd.)

               Total                                                                          5,959,805,892.00   1,716,106,453.61   7,675,912,345.61

XIII. Notes of the major financial statements’ items of the company (Cont’d)
    3.   Long-term equity investments (Cont’d)
         (2)   Breakdown of long-term equity investments (Cont’d)

                                                                                               of the
                                                                                     inconsistent of
                                                                      Percentage       shareholding
                                                     Percentage             of the       percentage                     Provision of
                                                of shareholding    voting right in        and voting                    impairment
                                                     in investee     the investee        right in the   Impairment            for the
               Name of investee entity                entity (%)       entity (%)    investee entity      provision   current period     Cash bonus

               Wuhan Chenming Hanyang                     50.93             50.93
                Paper Holdings Co., Ltd.
               Shandong Chenming                            100               100                                                       86,000,000.00
                Paper Group Qihe
                Paperboard Co., Ltd.
               Shandong Chenming Power                    86.71             86.71
                Supply Holdings Co., Ltd.
               Chibi Chenming Paper                          51                51
                Co., Ltd.
               Yanbian Chenming                           76.75             76.75
                Paper Co., Ltd.
               Hailaer Chenming                              75                75
                Paper Co., Ltd.
               Jiangxi Chenming                              51                51
                Paper Co., Ltd.
               Shouguang Chenming                            68                68
                Arboriculture Co., Ltd.
               Jilin Chenming                               100               100
                Paper Co., Ltd.
               Juancheng Chenming                           100               100
                Panels Co., Ltd.
               Shandong Grand View                           70                70
                Hotel Co., Ltd.
               Zhanjiang Chenming                           100               100
                Paper Pulp Co., Ltd.
               Chenming (HK) Limited                        100               100
               Shouguang Chenming                           100               100
                Modern Logistic Co., Ltd.
               Shouguang Chenming                            75                75
                Art Paper Co., Ltd.
               Fuyu Chenming                                100               100
                Paper Co., Ltd.
               Xianning Chenming                            100               100
                Co., Ltd.
               Huanggang Chenming                           100               100
                Paper Co., Ltd.
               Huanggang Chenming                           100               100
                Arboriculture Co., Ltd.

XIII.    Notes of the major financial statements’ items of the company (Cont’d)
    3.   Long-term equity investments (Cont’d)
         (2)   Breakdown of long-term equity investments (Cont’d)

                                                                                               of the
                                                                                     inconsistent of
                                                                      Percentage       shareholding
                                                     Percentage             of the       percentage                      Provision of
                                                of shareholding    voting right in        and voting                     impairment
                                                     in investee     the investee        right in the   Impairment             for the
               Name of investee entity                entity (%)       entity (%)    investee entity      provision    current period     Cash bonus

               Shouguang Meilun                             100               100
                 Paper Co. Ltd.
               Shouguang Shun Da                            100               100
                 Declaration Co, Ltd.
               Shandong Chenming                            100               100
                 Paper Sales
                 Company Limited
               Shouguang Liben Paper                      26.40             26.40
                 Making Co., Ltd.
               Arjo Wiggins Chenming                         30                30
                 Specialty Paper Co., Ltd.
               Qingzhou Chenming                             30                30                        900,000.00
                 Denaturation Amylum
                 Co., Ltd.
               Jiangxi Jiangbao                           21.16             21.16
                 Media Colour
                 Printing Co. Ltd.
               Shandong Paper Making &                     2.00              2.00                        200,000.00
                 Printing Enterprises
               Zhejiang Province Guangyu                   9.96              9.96
                 Media Printing Company
               Jinan Shangyou Commercial                   5.00              5.00                        350,000.00
                 Company Limited
               Shouguang Mihe Water                       19.46             19.46
                 Company Limited
               Shanghai Forest & Paper                    14.00             14.00                        468,152.23
                 E-Commerce Co., Ltd
               安徽时代物资股份有限公司                   10.00             10.00
                 (Anhui Shidai Resources
                 Holdings Co., Ltd.)

               Total                                                                                    1,918,152.23                     86,000,000.00

XIII.    Notes of the major financial statements’ items of the company (Cont’d)
    3.   Long-term equity investments (Cont’d)
         (3)   Breakdown of impairment provision of long term equity investments

                                                                       Increase during      Decrease during
               Items                           Opening balance       the current period   the current period        Closing balance

               Qingzhou Chenming                     900,000.00                                                          900,000.00
                Denaturation Amylum
                Co., Ltd.
               Shandong Paper Making &               200,000.00                                                          200,000.00
                Printing Enterprises
               Jinan Shangyou Commercial             350,000.00                                                          350,000.00
                Company Limited
               Shanghai Forest &                     468,152.23                                                          468,152.23
                Paper E-Commerce Co., Ltd

               Total                                1,918,152.23                                                       1,918,152.23

    4.   Operating Revenue and Operating Costs
         (1)   Operating revenue and operating costs

                                                                                            Incurred during         Incurred during
                                                                                          the current period        the prior period

               Operating revenue from principal operations                                  3,957,321,998.90       7,000,408,065.19
               Revenue from other operations                                                  153,537,713.25         103,033,978.86
               Total operating revenue                                                      4,110,859,712.15       7,103,442,044.55

               Operating costs from principal operations                                    3,197,454,766.59       5,922,822,786.51
               Costs of other operations                                                      128,220,330.87          94,323,348.46

               Total operating costs                                                        3,325,675,097.46       6,017,146,134.97

          (2) Principal operations (by industry)

                                                           Incurred during                            Incurred during
                                                          the current period                          the prior period
               Products                       Operating revenue         Operating costs   Operating revenue          Operating costs

               Machine-made paper               3,536,530,874.30       2,793,416,747.88     6,835,350,658.16       5,791,160,743.06
               Electricity and steam supply       420,791,124.60         404,038,018.71       165,057,407.03         131,662,043.45

               Total                            3,957,321,998.90       3,197,454,766.59     7,000,408,065.19       5,922,822,786.51

XIII.    Notes of the major financial statements’ items of the company (Cont’d)
    5.   Investment Income
         (1)   Breakdown of investment income

                                                                                                                  Incurred during          Incurred during
               Name of investee entity                                                                          the current period         the prior period

               Gain from long-term equity investments accounted
                for using the cost method                                                                            86,000,000.00           190,257,576.86
               Gain from long-term equity investments
                accounted for using the equity method                                                                -3,755,501.39              4,324,494.78
               Investment gain on disposal of long-term equity investments
               Interest income from entrusted loans                                                                  58,163,478.54            55,115,309.26

               Total                                                                                                140,407,977.15           249,697,380.90

               Note: There are no significant restrictions on remittance of investment gains back to the Company.

         (2)   Gains on long-term equity investment accounted for using cost method

                                                                                                                  Incurred during          Incurred during
               Name of investee entity                                                                          the current period         the prior period

               Shandong Chenming Power
                Supply Holdings Co., Ltd.                                                                            86,000,000.00
               Wuhan Chenming Hanyang Paper Holdings Co., Ltd                                                                                 81,488,000.00
               Yanbian Chenming Paper Co., Ltd                                                                                               108,769,576.86
               Jiangxi Chenming Paper Co., Ltd.
               Chenming (HK) Limited
               Weifang Venture Capital Co., Ltd.
               Chibi Chenming Paper Co., Ltd.

               Total                                                                                                 86,000,000.00           190,257,576.86

          (3) Gain from long-term equity investments accounted for using the cost method

                                                                      Incurred during the            Incurred during the
               Name of investee entity                                     current period                   prior period        Reasons for change

               Arjo Wiggins Chenming Specialty                                 -2,960,733.52                   5,016,072.32     Investee’s loss for the
                Paper Co., Ltd.                                                                                                  current period
               Jiangxi Jiangbao Media Colour                                       -51,825.23                   -138,891.88     Investee’s loss for the
                  Printing Co. Ltd.                                                                                              current period
               Shouguang Liben                                                   -742,942.64                    -552,685.66     Investee’s loss for the
                Paper Making Co., Ltd.                                                                                           current period

               Total                                                           -3,755,501.39                   4,324,494.78

XIII. Notes of the major financial statements’ items of the company (Cont’d)
    6.   Supplementary information on cash flow statements
                                                                                    Amounts             Amounts
                                                                                       for the             for the
         Supplementary Information                                             current period        prior period

         1. Reconciliation of net profits as cash
            flows from operating activities:
          Net profit                                                           497,339,265.69      683,194,413.21
          Add: Provision for impairment of assets                                                   34,949,608.74
               Depreciation of fixed assets, depreciation
                 of oil and gas assets, depreciation
                  of productive biological-assets                              291,792,105.16      295,079,159.66
              Amortisation of intangible assets                                  4,461,395.06        4,531,494.62
              Long-term prepaid expenses
              Loss from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets
                 and other long-term assets (gain is shown as “-”)
              Loss from retired fixed assets (gain is shown as “-”)                       —                 —
              Loss from change in fair
               value (gain is shown as “-”)                                                        1,806,497.52
              Financial expenses (gain is shown as “-”)                                           -3,870,000.00
              Investment losses (gain is shown as “-”)                       125,413,016.82      113,757,817.65
              Decrease in deferred income
               tax assets (increase is shown as “-”)                         -140,407,977.15     -249,697,380.90
              Increase in deferred income tax
               debt (decrease is shown as “-”)                                 -9,662,511.67      -3,347,759.23
              Decrease in stock (gain is shown as “-”)                       -261,634,804.79    -501,388,042.11
              Decrease in operating receivables
               (increase is shown as “-”)                                    389,129,283.28     -393,745,054.78
              Increase in operating payables
               (decrease is shown as “-”)                                    986,389,527.11       -16,727,044.32

         Net cash flows from operating activities                             1,882,819,299.51      -35,456,289.94

         2. Major investments and financing
            activities not involving cash settlements:
          Capital converted from debts
          Convertible bonds of the Company due within one year
          Finance leases of fixed assets

         3. Net change in cash and cash equivalents:
          Cash balance at the end of the period                                612,921,932.88     1,030,160,237.05
          Less: cash balance at the beginning of the period                    662,209,607.29     1,586,045,998.83
          Add: cash equivalents as at the end of the period
          Less: cash equivalents as at the beginning of the period

         Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                               -49,287,674.41   -555,885,761.78

  1.   Breakdown of extraordinary gains and losses
                                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                                                 Amounts in the
       Items                                                                                                                                     current period

       Profit or loss from disposal of non-current assets                                                                                            887,857.74
       Government grants accounted for in profit and loss account of the
        current period (except for government grants closely related to the
        corporate business that were given under at a fixed standard amount
        or quantity as stipulated by the State)                                                                                                  125,301,439.93
       Profit or loss arising from investment costs for acquisition of subsidiary,
        associated corporation and joint-venture by the corporation being less
        than its share of fair value of identifiable net assets of the invested
        entity on acquisition                                                                                                                    -19,869,972.60
       Net gains and losses from debt restructuring
       Except for effective hedging business conducted over the course of
        ordinary operation of the Company, profit or loss arising from fair
        value change in financial assets held for trading and financial liabilities
        held for trading, as well as investment gains from disposal of
        financial assets held for trading and financial liabilities held for
        trading and available-for-sale financial assets
       Gains or losses from disposal of subsidiaries                                                                                              13,309,163.37
       Gains or losses from changes in fair value of biological assets adopting
        fair value method for follow-up measurements                                                                                               3,715,429.62
       Non-operating gains and losses other than the above items                                                                                   1,984,493.37

       Sub-total                                                                                                                                 125,328,411.43

       Effect of income tax                                                                                                                       14,096,333.51
       Effect of minority interests (after tax)                                                                                                    9,721,125.93

       Total                                                                                                                                     101,510,951.99

       Note: In respect the figures of extraordinary gains and losses, “+” refer to gains or incomes, “-” refer to losses or expenditures.

       The Group’s recognition of non-recurring items is in accordance with the regulations of “No.1 Interpretation - Non-recurring profit or
       loss on Disclosure of Companies with Public Offering of Securities” (CSRC [2008] No. 43).

   2.   Return on net assets and earnings per share
                                                                                                                                     Earnings per share
        Profit during the                                                           Weighted average                       (RMB/share)
        reporting period                                                             return on assets                            Basic                Diluted

        Net profit attributable to holders of ordinary shares
         of the Company                                                                             3.51%                          0.23
        Net profit attributable to holders of ordinary shares of
         the Company, after deducting extraordinary
         gains and losses                                                                           2.78%                          0.19

        Note:    (1)    Weighted average return on assets = Net profit attributable to holders of ordinary shares in the current period/(Equity attributable to holders of
                        ordinary shares at the beginning of period + Net profit attributable to holders of ordinary shares in the current period/2 – Cash dividend in the
                        current period*(12- Dividend months)/12).

                 (2)    See Note VII. 47 for the calculation of basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share.

   4.   Explanation or irregular movements and the reasons in major items of the consolidated financial statements of
        the Group
        (1)     Balance sheet items:

                (1)    The closing balance of other current assets as at 30 June 2011 amounting to RMB1,342,459,344.12 increased by 103.84%
                       as compared with the opening balance mainly due to a significant increase in the input tax of non-credited value added tax
                       resulting from an increase in the Group’s construction in progress and a significant increase in the input tax of the
                       equipment procurement;

                (2)    The closing balance of construction in progress as at 30 June 2011 amounting to RMB10,261,432,888.00 increased by
                       30.36% as compared with the opening balance mainly due to the investments in the Group’s major investment projects: the
                       800,000-tonne copperplate paper project and the 700,000-tonne pulp production line project of Shouguang Meilun Paper
                       Co., Ltd. and Zhanjiang Chenming Paper Pulp Co., Ltd.;

                (3)    The closing balance of construction materials as at 30 June 2011 amounting to RMB203,451,709.86 increased by 74.67%
                       as compared with the opening balance mainly due to the increase in the investments in construction projects made by the

                (4)    The closing balance of short-term borrowings as at 30 June 2011 amounting to RMB5,906,247,149.54 increased by 64.33%
                       as compared with the opening balance mainly due to an increase in short-term borrowings upon expiry of short-term
                       debentures of RMB1.5 billion of the Company during the period;

                (5)    The closing balance of bills payable as at 30 June 2011 amounting to RMB1,324,707,285.74 increased by 505.56% as
                       compared with the opening balance mainly due to the increased bill payments for loans with reasonable use of financing
                       channels by the Company;

                (6)    The closing balance of advance receipts as at 30 June 2011 amounting to RMB250,933,984.66 decreased by 38.83% as
                       compared with the opening balance mainly due to an increase in goods delivery with less advances on sales during the

                (7)    The closing balance of other payables as at 30 June 2011 amounting to RMB981,268,512.05 increased by 68.59% as
                       compared with the opening balance mainly due to an increase in bank balances with the holding company resulting from
                       some project funds raised through the holding company by the Company;

                (8)    The closing balance of deferred income tax liabilities as at 30 June 2011 amounting to nil decreased by 100% as compared
                       with the opening balance mainly due to the disposal of subsidiaries during the year with deferred income tax liabilities
                       incurred on acquisition of subsidiaries during prior years reversed;

                (9)    The closing balance of long-term borrowings as at 30 June 2011 amounting to RMB6,467,134,801.11 increased by 36.85%
                       as compared with the opening balance mainly due to the increase in some long-term borrowings resulting from investments
                       in construction projects;

   4.   Explanation or irregular movements and the reasons in major items of the consolidated financial statements of
        the Group (Cont’d)
        (2)   Income statement items:

              (1)   Operating cost incurred during January to June 2011 amounting to RMB7,382,759,124.49 increased by 15.42% as
                    compared to the corresponding period of the prior year mainly due to an increase in raw material price and labour costs in
                    the year;

              (2)   Business taxes and surcharges incurred during January to June 2011 amounting to RMB32,113,269.58 increased by
                    208.85% as compared to the corresponding period of the prior year mainly due to the payment of the urban maintenance
                    and construction tax and education surcharges by foreign-invested enterprises since December 2010;

              (3)   General and administrative expenses incurred during January to June 2011 amounting to RMB471,238,563.30 increased by
                    12.97% as compared to the corresponding period of the prior year mainly due to the increased production interruption loss
                    resulting from the suspended production lines of certain subsidiaries for improvement;

              (4)   Finance expenses incurred during January to June 2011 amounting to RMB153,592,178.50 increased by 22.15% as
                    compared to the corresponding period of the prior year mainly due to an increase in interest expenses as compared to the
                    corresponding period of the prior year resulting from interest rate changes and an increase of loans;

              (5)   Loss on impairment of assets during January to June 2011 amounting to -RMB21,425,466.16 decreased by 203.02% as
                    compared to the corresponding period of the prior year mainly because the Company made greater efforts to clear open
                    account receivables outstanding for a long period and eliminated bad debt provisions during the period;

              (6)   Gain on change in fair value incurred during January to June 2011 amounting to RMB3,715,429.62 decreased by 55.55% as
                    compared to the corresponding period of the prior year mainly due to the change in fair value of timber assets;

              (7)   Investment income incurred during January to June 2011 amounting to RMB9,553,661.98 increased by 120.92% as
                    compared to the corresponding period of the prior year mainly due to the investment income on disposal of Heze Chenming
                    Panels Co., Ltd. and Shandong Lin Dun Wood Industry Co., Ltd. during the period;

              (8)   Non-operating income incurred during January to June 2011 amounting to RMB145,947,362.89 increased by 116.49% as
                    compared to the corresponding period of the prior year mainly due to an increase of government grants received during the

              (9)   Non-operating expense incurred during January to June 2011 amounting to RMB26,337,117.25 increased by 324.21% as
                    compared to the corresponding period of the prior year mainly due to an increase in the losses from debt restructuring
                    incurred by the Company during the period.

VIII. Documents Available for Inspection
I.     Accounting statements signed and stamped with seal by the legal representative, financial controller and responsible personnel of the finance

II.    copy of the Interim Report signed by the legal representative;

III.   originals of corporate documents publicly disclosed in newspapers designated by CSRC during the reporting period and original copies of the
       relevant announcements;

IV.    copy of the Interim Report filed with the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited; and

V.     other relevant information.
