Stock code:000488 Stock abbreviation:Chenming Paper Stock code:200488 Stock abbreviation:Chenming B Announcement No.:2014-025 SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED 2014 First Quarter Report 1 I Important Notice The board of directors (the “Board”), the supervisory committee (the “Supervisory Committee”) and the directors (the “Directors”), supervisors (the “Supervisors”) and senior management (the “Senior Management”) of the Company hereby warrant that the contents of the quarter report (“Quarter Report”) are true, accurate and complete and there are no false representations, misleading statements or material omissions, and jointly and severally accept liability. All Directors were present at the Board meeting to consider and approve this quarterly report. Chen Hongguo, head of the Company, Li Dong, head in charge of accounting and Liu J un , head of the accounting department (Accounting Officer), declare that they warrant the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the financial statements in the Quarter Report. 2 II Major financial data and change of shareholders 1. Major accounting data and financial indicators Retrospective adjustment to or restatement of the accounting data for prior years by the Company due to change of accounting policies and correction of accounting errors □ Yes √No Increase/decrease compared to the corresponding This reporting Corresponding period of the period period of prior year prior year Revenue (RMB) 4,078,069,314.47 4,923,810,623.61 -17.18% Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company (RMB) 81,273,928.14 71,411,642.71 13.81% Net profit after extraordinary gains or losses attributable to shareholders of the Company (RMB) -48,792,027.97 14,781,161.08 -430.10% Net cash flows from operating activities (RMB) 631,844,125.85 280,787,686.38 125.03% Basic earnings per share (RMB per share) 0.04 0.03 33.33% Diluted earnings per share (RMB per share) 0.04 0.03 33.33% Rate of return on net assets on weighted average basis (%) 0.58% 0.52% 0.06% Increase/decrease compared to the corresponding As at the end of the As at the end period of the reporting period of prior year prior year Total assets (RMB) 48,284,558,080.95 47,521,883,569.18 1.60% Net assets attributable to shareholders of the Company (RMB) 14,067,211,811.15 14,039,888,226.11 0.19% 3 Items and amounts of extraordinary gains or losses √ Applicable □Not applicable Unit: RMB Am ounts for the period from the beginning of the year to the end of the reporting Item period Note Gain or loss from disposal of non-current assets (including write-off of provision for assets impairment) 63,617,955.54 Government grants (except for the government grants closely related to the normal operation of the company and granted constantly at a fixed amount or quantity in accordance with a certain standard based on state policies) accounted for in profit or loss for the current period 64,362,305.48 Non-operating gains and losses other than the above items 40,121,304.22 Less: Effect of income tax 31,426,178.16 Effect of minority interests (after tax) 6,609,430.97 Total 130,065,956.11 — Notes for the Companys extraordinary gain or loss items as defined in the Explanatory Announcement on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public No.1 - Extraordinary Gains or Losses and the extraordinary gain or loss items as illustrated in the Explanatory Announcement on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public No.1 - Extraordinary Gains or Losses defined as its recurring gain or loss items □ Applicable √Not applicable 4 2. Total number of shareholders and the shareholding of the top ten shareholders as at the end of the reporting period Unit: share Total number of shareholders as at the end of 134,276, of which 104,964 were holders of A shares, the reporting period 28,757 holders of B shares and 555 holders of H shares Shareholding of the top ten shareholders Share pledged Percentage Number of or locked-up of Number restricted Status Nature of shareholding of shares shares of Name of shareholders shareholders held held shares Number HKSCC NOMINEES Overseas legal 19.73% 389,814,500 0 0 LIMITED person SHOUGUANG CHENMING State-owned 14.83% 293,003,657 0 0 HOLDINGS COMPANY legal person LIMITED ZHONGRONG Others 1.85% 36,620,302 0 0 INTERNATIONAL TRUST CO., LTD. —HAITONG UMBRELLA BAO NO. 1 SECURITIES INVESTMENT ASSEMBLED FUNDS TRUST PLATINUM ASIA FUND Overseas legal 1.64% 32,341,052 0 0 person CAITONG FUND - Others 1.47% 29,056,556 0 0 EVERBRIGHT BANK — CAITONG FUND —YUAN MEINO. 2 ASSETS MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME CAITONG FUND Others 1.47% 28,948,049 0 0 —EVERBRIGHT BANK — YUAN MEI NO. 1 ASSETS MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME YUNNAN INTERNATIONAL Others 0.73% 14,377,397 0 0 TRUST CO., LTD. — YUNNAN TRUST GROWTH 2013 —NO. 2 ASSEMBLED FUNDS TRUST PROGRAMME BBH A/C VANGUARD Overseas legal 0.61% 12,036,985 0 0 EMERGING MARKETS person STOCK INDEX FUND BILL & MELINDA GATES Overseas legal 0.51% 10,033,077 0 0 FOUNDATION TRUST person Jin Xing Domestic natural 0.41% 8,078,300 0 0 person 5 Shareholding of the top ten shareholders of non-restricted shares Number of non-restricted Class of shares Name of shareholders shares held Class of shares Number HKSCC NOMINEES LIMITED 389,814,500 Overseas listed 389,814,500 foreign shares SHOUGUANG CHENMING 293,003,657 RMB ordinary 293,003,657 HOLDINGS COMPANY LIMITED shares ZHONGRONG INTERNATIONAL 36,620,302 RMB ordinary 36,620,302 TRUST CO., LTD. —HAITONG shares UMBRELLA BAO NO. 1 SECURITIES INVESTMENT ASSEMBLED FUNDS TRUST PLATINUM ASIA FUND 32,341,052 Domestic listed 32,341,052 foreign shares CAITONG FUND - EVERBRIGHT 29,056,556 RMB ordinary 29,056,556 BANK — CAITONG FUND —YUAN shares MEINO. 2 ASSETS MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME CAITONG FUND —EVERBRIGHT 28,948,049 RMB ordinary 28,948,049 BANK — YUAN MEI NO. 1 ASSETS shares MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME YUNNAN INTERNATIONAL TRUST 14,377,397 RMB ordinary 14,377,397 CO., LTD. — YUNNAN TRUST shares GROWTH 2013 —NO. 2 ASSEMBLED FUNDS TRUST PROGRAMME BBH A/C VANGUARD EMERGING 12,036,985 Domestic listed 12,036,985 MARKETS STOCK INDEX FUND foreign shares BILL & MELINDA GATES 10,033,077 RMB ordinary 10,033,077 FOUNDATION TRUST shares Jin Xing 8,078,300 RMB ordinary 2,096,600 shares Domestic listed 5,981,700 foreign shares Connected relationship or concert-party Shouguang Chenming Holdings Company Limited, a state- relationship among the above owned legal person shareholder, is not connected with any of shareholders the shareholders in the above. It is not a person acting in concert under Administration of Disclosure of Information on the Change of Shareholdings in Listed Companies Procedures. Both Caitong Fund - Everbright Bank - Caitong Fund - Yuan Mei No. 2 Assets Management Programme and Caitong Fund - Everbright Bank - Yuan Mei No. 1 Assets Management Programme are funds managed by Caitong Fund Management Co., Ltd. Save for the above, it is not aware of any other shareholders of tradable shares are persons acting in concert and is also not aware of any other shareholders of tradable shares are connected with each others. 6 Whether an agreed repurchase transaction was entered during the reporting period by the shareholders of the Company √ Yes □No On 20 January 2014, Shouguang Chenming Holdings Limited, a shareholder holding more than 5% interest of the Company, disposed of 86,600,000 shares through agreed repurchase type securities trading, the number of shares held by the Company before and after the transaction are set out below: Unit: Share Before transaction After transaction Percentage of Percentage of the total the total Number of share capital Number of share capital shares held of the shares held of the Name of by the Company by the Company shareholders Company Company Shouguang Chenming 206,403,657 10.45% 293,003,657 14.83% Holdings Company Limited 7 III Material matters I. Details and reasons for significant changes of major accounting statement items and financial indicators during the reporting period (I) Analysis of the assets and liabilities of the Company Unit: RMB Reasons Item 31 March 2014 31 December 2013 Change for change Construction in progress 2,962,938,369.71 5,266,031,817.60 -43.73% (1) Disposal of fixed assets 333,378,731.42 588,181,647.53 -43.32% (2) Bills payable 198,840,000.00 290,403,790.59 -31.53% (3) Advance receipts 218,750,535.23 442,432,261.58 -50.56% (4) Interest payable 268,757,445.94 153,189,860.42 75.44% (5) Long-term payables 128,000,000.00 60,000,000.00 113.33% (6) Treasury shares 92,333,379.10 30,954,891.40 198.28% (7) Explanation of the reasons leading to the major changes: (1) Construction in progress decreased by 43.73% mainly due to the reclassification of the construction in progress into fixed assets upon the completion of Jilin Chenmings environment protection relocation project Meiluns paper additives project and Wuhans household paper project. (2) Disposal of fixed assets decreased by 43.32% mainly due to the completion of Jilin Chenmings environment protection relocation project and disposal of old plants. (3) Bills payable decreased by 31.53% mainly due to the decrease in acceptance bills issued by the Company for payment of goods. (4) Advance receipts decreased by 50.56% mainly due to the increase in letter of credit issued by the Company for payment of goods and a shorter time for goods delivery. 8 (5) Interest payable increased by 75.44% mainly due to the interest payment on corporate bonds and medium-term notes by the Company. (6) Long-term payables increased by 113.33% mainly due to the increase in borrowings from the Management Committee of Nanchang Economic and Technological Development Zone to Jiangxi Chenming for promotion of the smooth commencement of its phase II project. (7) Treasury shares increased by 198.28% mainly due to the repurchase of H shares by the Company during the first quarter. (II) Reasons for significant year on year changes of income statement items during the reporting period Unit: RMB Reasons Item January - March 2014 January - March 2013 Change for change Loss on impairment of assets -9,028,147.99 -5,070,294.78 -78.06% (1) Investment income -3,377,138.33 -61,544.44 -5,387.32% (2) Operating profit -73,970,004.17 9,797,160.75 -855.01% (3) Non-operating income 176,033,614.08 75,195,949.69 134.10% (4) Income tax expenses 21,288,605.27 12,445,693.81 71.05% (5) Other comprehensive income -3,614,222.32 388,992.69 -1,029.12% (6) Explanation of the reasons leading to the major changes: (1) Loss on impairment of assets by 78.06% mainly due to fewer bad debts provisions as compared to the corresponding period of the prior year as a result of an increase in the accounts receivable managed by the Company. (2) Investment loss increased by 5,387.32% mainly due to the increase in loss on disposal of subsidiaries and investment loss from associates. (3) Operating profit decreased by 855.01% mainly due to the decrease in sales of the Company during Chinese New Year and suspension of production of certain subsidiaries due to annual inspection. (4) Non-operating income increased by 134.10% mainly due to the increase in net income from disposal of assets. 9 (5) Income tax expenses increased by 71.05% mainly due to the increase in total profit of the Company for the current period. (6) Other comprehensive income decreased by 1,029.12% mainly due to the decrease in foreign currency translation differences arising from RMB depreciation. (III) Analysis of cash flows during the reporting period Unit: RMB Am ounts for the corresponding Am ounts for the period of Item period the prior year Change Net cash flows from operating activities 631,844,125.85 280,787,686.38 125.03% Net cash flows from investment activities -722,180,627.88 -235,926,556.72 -206.10% Net cash flows generated from financial activities 225,246,123.67 -1,277,205,415.73 117.64% Explanation of the reasons leading to the major changes: (1) Net cash flows from operating activities increased by 125.03% mainly due the increase in proportion of payment for goods by bills and letter of credit and the decrease in cash payment through fully utilize the overseas market to expand financing channels. (2) Net cash flows from investment activities decreased by 206.10% mainly due the increase in external entrusted loans during the year. (3) Net cash flows from financial activities increased by 117.64% mainly due to the settlement of medium-term notes due for repayment during the corresponding period of the prior year. 10 II. Progress in respect to material matters and analysis of the related effects and solutions 1. Repurchase of H shares On 27 June 2013, the First Extraordinary Meeting of the Seventh Session of the Board approved the proposal concerning the granting of a general mandate to the Board for repurchase of part of H shares of the Company. On 21 August 2013, the Company convened the 2013 First extraordinary general meeting, Class Meeting for Holders of Domestic Listed Shares (A shares and B shares) and Class Meeting for Holders of Overseas Listed Shares (H shares), at which proposals concerning the repurchase of H shares of the Company were approved. On the next day, the Company disclosed an announcement in respect of H shares repurchase and capital reduction. On 10 October 2013, Shandong Province Commerce Department issued a Preliminary Reply to Capital Reduction by Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited (Lu Shang Wu Wai Zi Zi [2013] No. 705), which intended to agree that the Company repurchased not more than 39.127 million issued overseas listed foreign shares (H shares). The number of repurchased shares will be determined by the actual amount of shares repurchased and the registered capital should be reduced accordingly. The Company commenced the repurchase of H shares since 11 December 2013. As at 31 March 2014, the accumulated number of H shares repurchased by the Company in Hong Kong Stock Exchange was 34,097,500 shares, representing 1.7260% of the total share capital of the Company. The highest and lowest repurchase prices were HK$3.53 per share and HK$3.17 per share, respectively. The total amount paid was HK$116,044,580. The repurchased shares have not been cancelled yet. 11 2. Disposal of 51% equity interest in Xinli Power by our controlling subsidiary, Chenming Power On 15 November 2013, the Company convened the third extraordinary meeting of the seventh session of the Board and approved “the resolution on disposal of equity interest in Xinli Power”, which agreed to dispose of 51% equity interest in Shandong Chenming Xinli Power Co., Ltd by Shandong Chenming Power Supply Holdings Co., Ltd .On 4 March 2014, Chenming Power Supply entered into an equity transfer contract with Guangdong Dejun Investment Co., Ltd., at a consideration of RMB76.1940 million, to transfer its 51% equity interest in Xinli Power to Guangdong Dejun Investment Co., Ltd.. Upon the completion of the above equity transfer, the Company will no longer hold any equity interest in Xinli Power. Due to the prolonged use of Xinli Power equipment as well as higher operational costs arising from greater investments in environmental protection equipment relating to desulfurisation and denitration, the Company disposed of its equity interest in Xinli Power to increase its cash flow, which allowed the Company to centralise its resources for developing high-end niche products to further improve its results. For more details, please refer to the related announcements disclosed by the Company on on 16 November 2013 and 5 March 2014, respectively. III. Undertakings made by the Company and shareholders interested in 5% or m ore of the shares of the Company made in the reporting period or subsisting to the reporting period Party Particulars on involved in Undertaking the Undertaking undertaking Details of undertaking date Term performance Undertaking on shareholding structure reformation Undertaking made in offering documents or shareholding alternation documents Undertaking made during asset reconstruction 12 Party Particulars on involved in Undertaking the Undertaking undertaking Details of undertaking date Term performance Undertaking made on Shouguang (1) According to the plan on 16 January 2008 During the Strictly initial public offering Chenming defective properties of the period when implemented or refinancing Holdings Company, Shouguang Chenming Company Chenming Holdings Holdings was Limited, the Company Limited has the substantial controlling guaranteed and undertaken shareholder of shareholder that: according to the the Company of the application of the Company, Company for defective property(ies) owned by the Company and its holding company which situated in the administrative area of Shouguang city, Shouguang Chenming Holdings will purchase it (them) and have it (them) being transferred to itself pursuant to the law in accordance with the result of the related asset valuation if the Company decides to transfer and dispose of it (them) and there is no other transferee; (2) before the Company transfers and disposes of the defective properties pursuant to the law, if the defects cause the Company to incur any economic losses (including but not limited to damages, penalties and relocation costs), Shouguang Chenming Holdings will bear such economic losses; (3) during the corrective activities taken to the defective properties of buildings and land of subsidiaries of the Company situated outside the local areas (including the administrative area of Shouguang city), the economic losses such as penalties or relocation costs implemented by competent administrative authorities and borne by the subsidiaries arising from defects of insufficient title documents shall be paid pursuant to the law by Shouguang Chenming Holdings after verification. 13 Party Particulars on involved in Undertaking the Undertaking undertaking Details of undertaking date Term performance Shouguang (1) Shouguang Chenming 22 May 2008 During the Strictly Chenming Holdings shall not engage, period when implemented Holdings whether solely, jointly, or by Chenming Company representing itself or any Holdings was Limited, the other persons or companies, the substantial controlling and shall not procure its shareholder of shareholder associates (as defined in The the Company of the Listing Rules of Hong Kong Company Stock Exchange) to engage, in any business which competes with the business of the Company and its subsidiaries (“Chenming Group” or “we”) directly or indirectly, in any country and region which our business exists (or any part of the world if in any form of electronics business), or in any business that directly or indirectly competes with Chenming Groups business which we operate from time to time (including but not limited to any business in the form of sole proprietorship, joint ventures or acquisitions, or holding interests directly or indirectly in such enterprises, or by any other means); (2) in the event that Shouguang Chenming Holdings is required by its business to, whether solely, jointly, or by representing itself or any other persons or companies, engage in business which directly or indirectly competes against 14 Party Particulars on involved in Undertaking the Undertaking undertaking Details of undertaking date Term performance Chenming Groups business, or obtain any business opportunity which directly or indirectly competes against Chenming Groups business, it shall endeavour to procure that Chenming Group shall have priority to obtain the right to operate such business or to obtain such business opportunity; (3) if Shouguang Chenming Holdings is in breach of the abovementioned undertakings, it shall indemnify us for any loss caused by such breach and the Company shall have the right to acquire all businesses of Shouguang Chenming Holdings, which directly or indirectly compete with the businesses of our Group, at market price or cost price (whichever price is lower); (4) Shouguang Chenming Holdings shall not make use of its position as the controlling shareholder (as defined in The Listing Rules of Hong Kong Stock Exchange) of our Group (or jointly or representing other persons or companies) jeopardise the legal interests of Chenming Group and its shareholders. Other undertakings made to minority shareholders of the Company Does the undertaking Yes performed timely? 15 IV. Estimate of the operating results for January - June 2014 Warning of cumulative net profit for the period from the beginning of the year to the end of the next reporting period being projected to be at a loss or expected to have material changes as compared year on year and its explanation □ Applicable √Not applicable V. Registration report on reception of research investigations, communications and interviews during the reporting period Main topics of Class of discussion and Date of Place of Manner of Parties Parties information reception reception reception accommodated accommodated provided 11 February The Companys On-site Institution E Fund Recent 2014 conference research Management production and room investigation Co., Ltd. operation of the Company and development of the industry 27 March 2014 The Companys Conference call Institution First Beijing Recent conference Investment production and room Limited operation of the Company and development of the industry 28 March 2014 The Companys On-site Institution Taikang Asset Recent conference research Management production and room investigation Company operation of Limited the Company and development of the industry SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED 29 April 2014 16