2020 Interim Report Summary of Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited Stock code: 000488, 200488 Stock abbreviation: Chenming Paper Chenming B Announcement No.:2020-076 2020 Interim Report Summary of SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED 1. IMPORTANT NOTICE This interim report summary is extracted from the text of the interim report. For the full understanding of the operating results, financial situation and plan for future development of the Company, investors should read the full version of the interim report carefully published on the media designated by the CSRC and the website of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited. Notice of non-standard auditor’s opinion □ Applicable √ Not applicable A proposed profit distribution plan on ordinary shares or a proposed plan on conversion of capital reserves into share capital for the reporting period was considered and passed by the Board □ Applicable √ Not applicable The Company plans not to distribute cash dividends or bonus shares or convert capital reserve into share capital. A proposed profit distribution plan on preference shares for the reporting period was considered and approved by the Board □ Applicable √ Not applicable II. BASIC IMFORMATION ON THE COMPANY 1. Company profile 晨鳴紙業 000488 晨鳴B 200488 Stock abbreviation 晨鳴優01 Stock code 140003 晨鳴優02 140004 晨鳴優03 140005 Stock exchanges on which the shares are listed Shenzhen Stock Exchange Stock abbreviation Chenming Paper Stock code 01812 Stock exchanges on which the shares are listed The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited Legal name in Chinese of the Company 山東晨鳴紙業集團股份有限公司 Legal short name in Chinese of the Company 晨鳴紙業 Legal name in English of the Company (if any) SHANDONG CHENMING PAPER HOLDINGS LIMITED Legal short name in English of the Company (if SCPH any) Legal representative of the Company Chen Hongguo 1 2020 Interim Report Summary of Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited 2. Major accounting data and financial indicators Retrospective adjustment to or restatement of the accounting data for prior years by the Company □ Yes √ No Increase/decrease for The the reporting period as The reporting corresponding compared to the period period of the prior corresponding period year of the prior year Revenue (RMB) 13,599,805,765.86 13,348,648,113.70 1.88% Net profit attributable to shareholders of the 516,326,703.48 509,795,572.29 1.28% Company (RMB) Net profit after extraordinary gains or losses attributable to shareholders of the Company 67,882,116.23 303,144,996.21 -77.61% (RMB) Net cash flows from operating activities (RMB) 2,327,033,784.68 2,699,770,891.69 -13.81% Basic earnings per share (RMB per share) 0.051 0.013 292.31% Diluted earnings per share (RMB per share) 0.051 0.013 292.31% Increase by 0.63 Rate of return on weighted average net assets 0.84% 0.21% percentage point Increase/decrease as at As at the end of the end of the reporting As at the end of the reporting period as compared to the prior year period the end of the prior year Total assets (RMB) 99,034,079,672.06 97,958,909,935.15 1.10% Net assets attributable to shareholders of the 24,907,632,671.76 25,169,743,863.75 -1.04% Company (RMB) Data description of basic earnings per share, diluted earnings per share, and rate of return on weighted average net assets: Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company does not exclude the effect of interest on perpetual bonds and the dividends on preference shares paid and declared to be paid. When calculating financial indicators such as earnings per share and the rate of return on weighted average net assets, the interest on perpetual bonds from 1 January 2020 to 30 June 2020 of RMB96,734,246.58 and the dividend on preference shares paid and declared to be paid in 2020 of RMB270,776,073.42 are deducted. 3. Total number of shareholders and shareholdings Unit: share 109,060, of which 88,863 were Total number of holders of Total number of ordinary holders of A shares, 19,834 were preference shares with restored shareholders as at the end 0 holders of B shares and 363 were voting right as at the end of the of the reporting period holders of H shares reporting period (if any) Shareholdings of ordinary shareholders interested in more than 5% of the shares of the Company or Top 10 ordinary shareholders Name of shareholder Nature of Percentage Number of Changes Number Number Share pledged or 2 2020 Interim Report Summary of Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited shareholder of shares held (increase of of locked-up shareholdi at the end of or restricted non-restr Statu ng the reporting decrease) shares ict shares s of period during the held held Number share reporting s period CHENMING State-owne Pledg 322,700,00 HOLDINGS COMPANY d legal 14.93% 445,396,128 e 0 LIMITED person Overseas HKSCC NOMINEES legal 12.51% 373,325,625 161,750 LIMITED person CHENMING Overseas HOLDINGS (HONG legal 12.20% 364,131,563 KONG) LIMITED person CENTRAL HUIJIN State-owne ASSET d legal 2.02% 60,206,850 MANAGEMENT LTD. person Domestic 20,000,00 28,310,0 2,770,01 Chen Hongguo natural 1.04% 31,080,044 0 33 1 person HONG KONG Overseas SECURITIES 10,195,64 legal 0.79% 23,434,111 CLEARING COMPANY 8 person LIMITED VANGUARD TOTAL Overseas INTERNATIONAL legal 0.49% 14,603,170 1,988,000 STOCK INDEX FUND person VANGUARD Overseas EMERGING MARKETS legal 0.44% 13,121,946 209,589 STOCK INDEX FUND person Domestic Chen Suiqiang natural 0.43% 12,800,000 1,789,800 person NATIONAL SOCIAL Others 0.42% 12,633,902 9,427,651 SECURITY FUND 418 A shareholder, Chenming Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited, which is an overseas legal person, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of a shareholder, Shouguang Chenming Holdings Company Limited, which is a state-owned Related party relationship or acting in legal person. A shareholder, Chen Hongguo, is the legal representative, concert among the above shareholders chairman and general manager of Chenming Holdings Company Limited. Save for the above, it is not aware that any other shareholders of tradable shares are persons acting in concert. It is also not aware that any other shareholders of tradable shares are related to each other. Zhitong Certified Public Accountants issued the capital verification report on June 28, 2020, examined the subscription and contribution of A-share Other explanation: restricted stock equity incentive plan of the company up to June 23, 2020, and determined that the total share capital of the company has changed to 2984208200 shares. 3 2020 Interim Report Summary of Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited On July 15, 2020, 79600000 restricted shares granted to the incentive personnel were issued and listed, and the number of shares held by Mr. Chen Hongguo became 31080044. Shareholdings of the top ten ordinary shareholders of non-restricted shares Number of Class of shares non-restricted Name of shareholder ordinary shares held Class of shares Number as at the end of the reporting period RMB ordinary CHENMING HOLDINGS COMPANY LIMITED 445,396,128 445,396,128 shares Domestic listed HKSCC NOMINEES LIMITED 373,325,625 373,325,625 foreign shares Domestic listed 210,717,563 foreign shares CHENMING HOLDINGS (HONG KONG) LIMITED 364,131,563 Overseas listed 153,414,000 foreign shares RMB ordinary CENTRAL HUIJIN ASSET MANAGEMENT LTD. 60,206,850 60,206,850 shares HONG KONG SECURITIES CLEARING COMPANY RMB ordinary 23,434,111 23,434,111 LIMITED shares VANGUARD TOTAL INTERNATIONAL STOCK Domestic listed 14,603,170 14,603,170 INDEX FUND foreign shares VANGUARD EMERGING MARKETS STOCK INDEX Domestic listed 13,121,946 13,121,946 FUND foreign shares RMB ordinary Chen Suiqiang 12,800,000 12,800,000 shares RMB ordinary NATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY FUND 418 12,633,902 12,633,902 shares CITIC Securities Co., Ltd.-Social Security Fund 1106 RMB ordinary 10,679,175 10,679,175 Portfolio shares Related party relationship or acting A shareholder, Chenming Holdings (Hong Kong) Limited, which is an in concert among the top ten overseas legal person, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of a shareholder, ordinary shareholders of non- Shouguang Chenming Holdings Company Limited, which is a state-owned restricted shares, and between the legal person. Save for the above, it is not aware that any other shareholders top ten ordinary shareholders of of tradable shares are persons acting in concert. It is also not aware that any non-restricted shares and the top ten other shareholders of tradable shares are related to each other. ordinary shareholders Chenming Holdings Company Limited held 445,396,128 RMB ordinary shares, of which 402,196,128 shares were held through ordinary account and Securities margin trading of top 10 43,200,000 shares were held through credit guarantee security account. ordinary shareholders, if any Chen Suiqiang held 12,800,000 RMB ordinary shares, of which 0 share was held through ordinary account and 12,800,000 shares were held through credit guarantee security account. 4. Change of controlling shareholders or beneficial controllers The change of controlling shareholders during the reporting period 4 2020 Interim Report Summary of Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited □ Applicable √ Not applicable There was no change of controlling shareholders of the Company during the reporting period. Change of beneficial controllers during the reporting period □ Applicable √ Not applicable There was no change of beneficial controllers of the Company during the reporting period. 5. Total number of holders of preference shares and the shareholdings of top ten holders of preference shares √ Applicable □ Not applicable Unit: share Total number of shareholders of preference 8 shares as at the end of the reporting period Holders holdings more than 5% of the preference shares or top ten holders of preference shares Number of Changes Share pledged or preference (increase locked-up Preference shares held or Nature of Name of shareholder shareholdi at the end decrease) shareholder Status of ng of the during the Number shares reporting reporting period period BEIJING YIBEN ZHONGXING Domestic INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT non-state-owned 27.78% 12,500,000 0 Pledged 12,500,000 CO., LTD. legal person BANK OF COMMUNICATIONS INTERNATIONAL TRUST CO., Others 22.44% 10,100,000 0 LTD. – HUILI NO.167 SINGLE CAPITAL TRUST BANK OF COMMUNICATIONS MINTERNATIONAL TRUST CO., Others 14.22% 6,400,000 0 LTD. – HUILI NO.136 SINGLE CAPITAL TRUST QILU BANK CO., LTD. – QILU BANK QUANXIN WEALTH Others 13.33% 6,000,000 0 MANAGEMENT PRODUCT SERIES Domestic HENGFENG BANK CO., LTD. non-state-owned 11.11% 5,000,000 0 legal person Domestic SHANGHAI STATE-OWNED non-state-owned 8.59% 3,867,000 2,867,000 ASSETS OPERATION CO., LTD. legal person LEAD CAPITAL MANAGEMENT CO., LTD.- LEAD CAPITAL - LI Others 1.51% 680,000 680,000 DE YING NO. 1 ASSET MANAGEMENT PLAN LEAD CAPITAL MANAGEMENT Others 1.01% 453,000 453,000 CO., LTD. - LEAD CAPITAL- LI 5 2020 Interim Report Summary of Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited DE YING NO. 2 ASSET MANAGEMENT PLAN Description of different requirements on other terms of preference shares held other than dividend distribution Nil and residual property distribution (Note 4) The aforesaid holders of preference shares, “BANK OF COMMUNICATIONS INTERNATIONAL TRUST CO., LTD. – HUILI NO.167 SINGLE CAPITAL TRUST” and “BANK OF COMMUNICATIONS INTERNATIONAL TRUST CO., LTD. – HUILI NO.136 SINGLE CAPITAL TRUST” are persons acting in concert, and “LEAD Related party relationship or acting in concert among CAPITAL MANAGEMENT CO., LTD.- LEAD the top ten holders of preference shares, and between CAPITAL - LI DE YING NO. 1 ASSET the top ten holders of preference shares and the top ten MANAGEMENT PLAN” and “LEAD CAPITAL ordinary shareholders MANAGEMENT CO., LTD. - LEAD CAPITAL- LI DE YING NO. 2 ASSET MANAGEMENT PLAN” are persons acting in concert. Save for the above, it is not aware that whether the remaining holders of preference shares are persons acting in concert. It is also not aware that the top ten holders of preference shares and the top ten ordinary shareholders are related to each other. 6. Information on corporate bonds Are there any corporate bonds offered to the public by the Company and listed on stock exchanges which do not become due as at the date of approval of the interim report or overdue but not fully settled? Yes (1) Basic information on corporate bonds Outstanding Bond amount of Interest Name of bond abbreviatio Bond code Issue date Maturity date Payment method the bonds rate n (RMB’0,000) The public issuance of the Interest is paid corporate bonds annually. The of Shandong 17 principal amount Chenming Paper 17 August 21 August Chenming 112570 9,000 7.28% and the last Holdings 2017 2022 Bond 01 interest payment Limited to will be paid on the qualified maturity date. investors in 2017 (tranche I) The public Interest is paid issuance of the 18 annually. The 29 March corporate bonds Chenming 112641 2 April 2023 35,000 7.60% principal amount 2018 of Shandong Bond 01 and the last Chenming Paper interest payment 6 2020 Interim Report Summary of Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited Holdings will be paid on the Limited to maturity date. qualified investors in 2018 (tranche I) Stock exchange on which corporate bonds are listed or Shenzhen Stock Exchange transferred Online subscription: Public investors with A share security account opened under Investor eligibility China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd. Offline subscription: arrangement Institutional investors with A share security account opened under China Securities Depository and Clearing Co., Ltd. The payment of principal and interest for the bond repurchase portion of 18 Chenming Bond 01 and the resale of the bonds was completed during the reporting Interest payment of corporate period. The number of the resale was 3,500,000, and the average resale price was bonds during the reporting RMB100 each. For details, please refer to the relevant announcements as disclosed period on 19 February, 11 February, 25 February, 28 February, 31 March, 30 April and 1 June 2020. Both 17 Chenming Bond 01 and 18 Chenming Bond 01 attach with options for the Performance of relevant issuer to adjust the coupon rate and for investors to resell. The issuer has the right to terms during the reporting determine the adjustment to the coupon rate for the following 3 years at the end of period, for special terms such the second year and the adjustment to the coupon rate for the following year as the as issuer or investor option end of the fourth year. After issuing the announcement on whether the coupon rate and interchangeable for of the relevant tranche of bonds will be adjusted and the range of adjustment, the corporate bonds (if any) investors have the right to register for reselling during the period as announced to resell all or part of the relevant tranche of bonds held to the issuer at par value. (2) Financial indicators as at the end of the reporting period Unit: RMB’0,000 Increase/decrease as at the end of the As at the end of the As at the end of the Item reporting period as compared to the end reporting period prior year of the prior year Gearing ratio 82.81% 85.30% -2.49% Current ratio 73.49% 73.11% 0.38% Quick ratio 72.80% 76.24% -3.44% The corresponding Increase/decrease of the reporting The reporting period period of the prior period as compared to corresponding year period of the prior year EBITDA interest coverage 2.75 2.20 25% ratio Loans payment ratio 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% Interest payment ratio 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% Major reason for more than 30% in year-on-year change for the above accounting data and financial indicators: √ Applicable □ Not applicable EBITDA interest coverage ratio recorded an increase of 25% mainly due to the year-on-year decrease of interest 7 2020 Interim Report Summary of Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited expenses during the reporting period. III. Discussion and Analysis of Operations 1. Overview of operations during the reporting period Whether the Company needs to comply with the disclosure requirements of specific industries No During the reporting period, the paper making industry was greatly affected by the epidemic, the paper industry was in short supply of raw materials, logistics was blocked, and the operation and production resumption rate was low within the industry. The overseas epidemic outbreak suppressed the overseas demand for paper products in the paper industry. In addition, the domestic demand for paper had been sluggish since the epidemic. The downward pressure on the prices of major paper types had increased. There was a significant decline in the economic benefit of the paper making industry as a whole. Wuhan Chenming and Huanggang Chenming, subsidiaries of the Company, were at the centre of the epidemic. Their suspension of production to fight against the epidemic affected the overall performance of the Company to a certain extent. However, other major production bases of the Company not only did their best to prevent and control the epidemic, but also achieved production at close to full capacity, gradually demonstrating the benefits of pulp and paper integration. Various operating indicators improved during the first half of the year as compared to the corresponding period of last year, including completing pulp production of 1.66 million tonnes and machine-made paper production of 2.75 million tonnes, representing a year-on-year increase of 59.70% and 27.90% respectively; achieving revenue of RMB13.6 billion, representing a year-on-year increase of 1.88%; and achieving net profit of RMB516 million, steadily increasing from the corresponding period of last year. In the second half of the year, with the epidemic further under control, the economy is expected to gradually regain its vitality, market demand will gradually rebound, and the prices of the Company’s major paper types will steadily rise. Coupled with the gradual recovery of wood pulp market prices, the core advantage of pulp and paper balance of the Company will be further brought into play. The performance of the Company will significantly improve with the recovery of the national economy and market conditions. The major financial data of the Company during the reporting period are as follows: During the Increase/ During the corresponding decrease Item Reason for the change reporting period period of the prior year on year year Revenue 13,599,805,765.86 13,348,648,113.70 1.88% Operating costs 10,185,300,033.31 9,754,097,799.82 4.42% Selling and Transportation expenses increased year distribution 652,742,420.35 590,584,957.47 10.52% on year during the reporting period. expenses Administrative Depreciation expenses decreased year 491,987,245.33 562,417,399.25 -12.52% expenses on year during the reporting period. Research and The Company increased efforts in development 548,557,146.89 431,483,716.06 27.13% research and development during the expense reporting period. Income expenses decreased year on Finance expenses 1,346,217,562.46 1,516,848,723.80 -11.25% year during the reporting period. Net cash flows Net recovery of the leasing company from operating 2,327,033,784.68 2,699,770,891.69 -13.81% decreased year on year during the activities reporting period. Net cash flows 94,823,534.32 -2,094,526,965.30 104.53% The payment for the equity interest in 8 2020 Interim Report Summary of Shandong Chenming Paper Holdings Limited from investing Nanyue Bank was made during the activities corresponding period of last year. Net cash flows The Company reduced its debts during from financing -3,094,384,197.10 -780,976,710.04 -296.22% the reporting period. activities 2. Events relating to financial reporting (1) Reason for changes in accounting policies, accounting estimates and accounting methods as compared to the financial report for the prior year □ Applicable √ Not applicable There was no change in accounting policies, accounting estimates and accounting methods of the Company during the reporting period. (2) Reason for retrospective restatement to correct major accounting errors during the reporting period □ Applicable √ Not applicable No retrospective restatement was made to correct major accounting errors during the reporting period. (3) Reason for changes in scope of the consolidated financial statements as compared to the financial report for the prior accounting period √ Applicable □ Not applicable During the reporting period, two companies were removed from the scope of consolidation, namely Qingdao Chenming International Logistics Co., Ltd. and Shouguang Chenming Art Paper Co., Ltd; and two companies were added into the scope of consolidation, namely Chenming (Overseas) Co., Ltd. and Chenming (Singapore) Co., Ltd. 9