TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT 2011 §1. Important Notice 1.1 The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee and directors, supervisors and senior management of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) warrant that this report does not contain any false or misleading statements or omit any material facts and hereby accept, individually and collectively, responsibility for the truth, accuracy and completeness of the contents of this report. 1.2 None of the directors, supervisors, senior management demonstrated uncertainty or disagreement about the truthfulness, accuracy, and completeness of the third quarterly report. 1.3 All the directors attended the Board meeting. 1.4 The Financial Report of the quarterly report period has not been audited. 1.5 Mr. Jian Derong, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Mr. Chen Zongyi, Accounting Manager jointly guaranteed that the financial statements in this quarterly report are true and complete. §2 Company Profile Short form of the stock Tsann Kuen B Stock code 200512 Stock exchange listed with Shenzhen Stock Exchange Secretary of the Board Securities Affairs Representative Name Sun Meimei Tsann Kuen Industrial Park, Longchi Contact address Development Zone, Zhangzhou, Fujian Province Telephone 0596-6268161 Fax 0596-6268104 E-mail mm_sun@tkl.tsannkuen.com 1 2.1 Main accounting data and financial indices Unit: RMB Yuan At the period-end of this reporting At the period-end of Increase/decreas Items period last year e (%) Total assets (Yuan) 2,176,856,098.73 1,985,108,875.38 9.66 Owners’ equity attributable to shareholders of 491,439,067.32 461,411,506.21 6.51 listed company (Yuan) Share capital (Share) 1,112,350,077.00 1,112,350,077.00 0.00 Net assets per share attributable to shareholders of 0.44 0.41 7.32 listed company (Yuan / share) Increase/decreas From the year-begin Increase/decreas Items The reporting period e year-on-year to the end of e year-on-year (%) reporting period (%) Operating revenue (Yuan) 721,142,352.34 (15.52) 2,094,507,219.54 (16.84) Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed 8,037,812.45 (54.80) 30,586,282.30 (44.12) company (Yuan) Net cash flow arising from operating activities 93,325,914.94 (11.20) (31,461,111.88) (122.07) (Yuan) Net cash flow per share arising from operating 0.08 (15.34) (0.03) (123.40) activities (Yuan / share) Basic earnings per share (Yuan / share) 0.0072 (55.00) 0.0275 (44.11) Diluted earnings per share (Yuan / share) 0.0072 (55.00) 0.0275 (44.11) Weighted average return on equity (%) 1.65% (58.85) 6.42% (6.48) Weighted average return on equity after deducting 0.71% (82.26) 2.33% (8.74) non-recurring gains and losses (%) Items of non-recurring gains and losses Unit: RMB Yuan Amount from the year-begin to the Items period-end Gains and losses from disposal of non-current assets 5,547,344.81 Government subsidy measured into current gains and losses, while closely related with the business of the Company, excluding the fixed-amount or 3,499,073.49 fixed-proportion government subsidy enjoyed according to the certain standard Gains and losses from change in fair value of tradable financial assets and tradable financial liabilities and investment income from disposal of tradable financial assets, tradable financial liabilities and available-for-sale financial 20,385,418.61 assets except for effective hedging business related to normal operation business of the Company Other non-operating income and expense beside for the above-mentioned each 944,384.54 items Influence on enterprise income tax (4,496,722.24) Net profit attributable to minority shareholders after deducting non-recurring (6,384,760.05) gains and losses Total 19,494,739.16 2.2 Total number of shareholders at the end of the reporting period and statement on shares held by the top ten shareholders holding tradable shares 2 Unit: Share Total number of shareholders at the end of 33,011 reporting period Shares held by the top ten shareholders holding tradable shares Number of tradable shares No. Name of shareholder (full name) Type of share held 1 FORDCHEE DEVELOPMENT LIMITED 323,643,179 B-share 2 EUPA INDUSTRY CORPORATION LIMITED 153,802,306 B-share 3 FILLMAN INVESTMENTS LIMITED 27,729,575 B-share 4 TIMMERTON CO INC 14,505,644 B-share 5 CHEN YONG QUAN 10,004,383 B-share 6 CHEN LI JUAN 6,076,746 B-share 7 CHEN YONG QING 5,889,589 B-share 8 SHENYIN WANGUO SECURITIES (H.K.) LIMITED 4,810,002 B-share 9 CSC SECURITIES (HK) LTD 4,558,979 B-share 10 HE JIAN XIONG 4,439,551 B-share The top three shareholders are controlling corporate shareholders. The Company was not aware that whether there were any related relationships between other shareholders holding tradable shares and whether or not Explanation on related relationship and action-in-concert among above the other shareholders holding tradable shares belonged mentioned shareholder to the action-in-concert people specified in The Regulations for Information Disclosure on the Change of Shares Held by the Shareholders of the Listed Companies. §3 Significant Events 3.1 Particular about large-margin change of main accounting statement item and financial indices and its reason Unit: RMB’0000 Yuan Closing Opening Increase/decrease Item Main reasons for the movement amount amount (%) Transactional financial Increase of unsettled forward exchange 1,196.47 230.16 419.84 assets contracts in the current period Interest earnings from mature term Interest receivable 8.92 12.82 -30.42 deposits were recognized. It was a production peak in the current Inventory 41,227.50 27,658.95 49.06 period. Input for developing new types of Construction in process 386.58 284.25 36.00 machines Goodwill 99.70 249.70 -60.07 Transfer of subsidiary equities Increase of input VAT in the current Taxes and fares payable 1,193.57 4,836.23 -75.32 period Bank borrowings increased in the Short-term borrowings 2,553.60 0.00 100.00 current period. A borrowing of US$ 20 million from Other payables 22,081.57 9,069.72 143.46 the controlling shareholder Foreign exchange contracts unsettled Deferred income tax 179.47 34.52 419.90 by the period-end were evaluated to be liabilities increasingly profitable. Foreign-currency Difference from translating statement translation (55.86) 0.01 -558,700.00 foreign-currency statements of difference subsidiaries 3 Jan.-Sept. Increase/decrease Item Jan.-Sept. 2010 Main reasons for the movement 2011 (%) Business taxes and Increase of the city maintenance tax 1,170.76 329.55 255.26 surtaxes rate and the surtax rates Reversal of bad-debt provisions for Asset impairment loss (63.29) 115.64 -154.73 accounts receivable in the current period Foreign exchange contracts unsettled Income from fair value 966.31 (182.23) 630.27 by the period-end were evaluated to be changes (“-”for loss) increasingly profitable. Investment income Increase of gains from settled foreign 1,102.70 (242.57) 554.59 (“-”for loss) exchange contracts Decrease of disposal gains in the Non-business income 1,104.82 1,579.04 -30.03 current period Net cash flows from (3,146.11) 14,255.61 -122.07 Decrease of sales turnover operating activities Net cash flows from Gains on asset disposal decreased on a (1,500.12) (310.73) 382.77 investing activities year-on-year basis. The Company borrowed more loans Net cash flows from 13,365.91 (22,830.08) -158.55 from the controlling shareholder and financing activities banks in the current period. 3.2 Progress and influence of significant events and explanation on its solution 3.2.1 About non-standard opinion □Applicable √Inapplicable 3.2.2 The Company offers capital to the controlling shareholder or its related parties or provides external guarantees in violation of the prescribed procedures. □Applicable √Inapplicable 3.2.3 Signing and execution of contracts concerning routine operation Sales of assets: For details, please refer to the Public Notice on Selling Some Operating Assets of Spare Parts Plants by Holding Subsidiary Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou Enterprise Co., Ltd., the Public Notice on Progress of Holding Subsidiary’s Selling Some Operating Assets of Spare Parts Plants and Another Sale of Assets and the Public Notice on Progress of Holding Subsidiary’s Selling Some Operating Assets of Spare Parts Plants and A Third Sale of Assets, all published on Securities Times, Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao and http://www.cninfo.com.cn dated respectively on 29 Jul. 2008, 21 Jan. 2009, 28 Apr. 2009 and 28 Apr. 2010. Up to 30 Sept. 2011, the relevant execution status was as follows: 4 Unit: RMB’0000 Yuan Net profit Whether whether or contributed to or not the not the the Company Gains and Whether a ownership relevant Explanation Relationship Selling by the sold losses due related of the creditor’s Transaction party Asset sold Date of sale on pricing with the price asset from to selling transaction involved rights and principle Company year-begin to the asset or not asset had liabilities the date of been had been sale transferred transferred Zhangzhou Baokun Motor equipment 2011.01.31 12.00 5.47 5.47 Zhangzhou Shunkun Bakelite equipment 2011.01.31 0.35 0.31 0.31 Zhangzhou Haikun Die casting equipment 2011.02.28 36.20 34.33 34.33 Zhangzhou Bo’er Die casting equipment 2011.02.28 17.50 15.71 15.71 Zhangzhou Yufeng Die casting equipment 2011.02.28 6.30 6.18 6.18 Zhangzhou Hongyuan Die casting equipment 2011.02.28 3.60 3.53 3.53 Zhangzhou Ruicheng Die casting equipment 2011.02.28 6.00 5.88 5.88 Zhangzhou Shengyuan Hardware equipment 2011.03.30 5.20 4.46 4.46 Zhangzhou Xiangkun Hardware equipment 2011.03.30 2.67 2.42 2.42 Zhangzhou Hewang Bakelite equipment 2011.03.30 0.80 0.49 0.49 Zhangzhou Haikun Die casting equipment 2011.03.30 1.10 1.03 1.03 Xiamen Pinrui Hardware equipment 2011.04.30 1.90 0.50 0.50 Xiamen Jinyuan Hardware equipment 2011.04.30 40.37 2.84 2.84 Zhangzhou Hailong Hardware equipment 2011.04.30 2.15 1.68 1.68 The transaction Zhangzhou Die casting equipment 2011.04.30 1.20 1.08 1.08 prices were Shengliang decided Zhangzhou Shunkun Bakelite equipment 2011.04.30 3.71 0.70 0.70 based on the Zhangzhou Yufeng Die casting equipment 2011.04.30 2.08 2.04 2.04 principle of Non-related Non-related being Yes Yes company company Zhangzhou Hongyuan Die casting equipment 2011.04.30 3.20 2.27 2.27 above the book value, Zhangzhou Hongyuan Die casting equipment 2011.04.30 11.50 3.19 3.19 as well as the Xiamen Pinrui Hardware equipment 2011.05.31 3.57 1.23 1.23 assessment and market Zhangzhou Haikun Die casting equipment 2011.05.31 6.43 0.75 0.75 prices. Zhangzhou Haikun Die casting equipment 2011.05.31 3.48 3.24 3.24 Zhangzhou Die casting equipment 2011.05.31 1.20 1.13 1.13 Shengliang Zhangzhou Jiafeng Wiring equipment 2011.05.31 1.60 0.67 0.67 Xiamen Jingjing Die casting equipment 2011.05.31 3.00 2.56 2.56 Zhangzhou Ruicheng Die casting equipment 2011.05.31 1.75 1.72 1.72 Zhangzhou Hongyuan Die casting equipment 2011.05.31 11.54 3.25 3.25 Zhangzhou Hongyuan Die casting equipment 2011.05.31 24.79 4.83 4.83 Zhangzhou Jinkun Fitting equipment 2011.06.30 6.45 2.82 2.82 Zhangzhou Hongyuan Die casting equipment 2011.06.30 10.79 9.23 9.23 Zhangzhou Hewang Bakelite equipment 2011.06.30 0.36 0.33 0.33 Zhangzhou Haikun Die casting equipment 2011.06.30 8.10 1.98 1.98 Zhangzhou Yingfa Bakelite equipment 2011.06.30 0.25 0.23 0.23 Xiamen Jingjing Die casting equipment 2011.06.30 1.10 1.00 1.00 5 Net profit Whether or contributed not the whether or not to the Gains and Whether Explanatio ownership the relevant Company by Relationshi Selling losses due a related n on of the creditor’s rights Transaction party Asset sold Date of sale the sold p with the price to selling transacti pricing involved and liabilities asset from Company the asset on or not principle asset had had been year-begin been transferred to the date transferred of sale Zhangzhou Hongyuan Die casting equipment 2011.06.30 3.64 3.57 3.57 Xiamen Hechengfeng Hardware equipment 2011.07.31 5.00 4.27 4.27 Zhangzhou Shunkun Bakelite equipment 2011.07.31 0.29 0.29 0.29 Zhangzhou Hailong Hardware equipment 2011.07.31 10.00 8.55 8.55 Zhangzhou Hongyuan Die casting equipment 2011.07.31 3.40 2.99 2.99 Zhangzhou Shengyuan Hardware equipment 2011.07.31 2.60 1.15 1.15 Xiamen Jinyuan Hardware equipment 2011.07.31 63.88 3.99 3.99 Zhangzhou Bo’er Die casting equipment 2011.07.31 1.00 0.79 0.79 Xiamen Xinxionghui Hardware equipment 2011.07.31 5.00 4.90 4.90 Zhangzhou Bo’er Die casting equipment 2011.08.31 5.00 2.32 2.32 Zhangzhou Bo’er Die casting equipment 2011.08.31 9.10 8.93 8.93 Zhangzhou Bo’er Die casting equipment 2011.08.31 15.19 9.72 9.72 Zhangzhou Hongyuan Die casting equipment 2011.08.31 10.10 8.85 8.85 Zhangzhou Hongyuan Die casting equipment 2011.08.31 1.01 0.74 0.74 The Zhangzhou Hongyuan Die casting equipment 2011.08.31 78.26 49.04 49.04 transaction prices Zhangzhou Xinhui Hardware equipment 2011.08.31 3.64 1.03 1.03 were decided Zhangzhou Jingu Bakelite equipment 2011.08.31 3.00 1.07 1.07 based on the Xiamen Shangheyang Bakelite equipment 2011.09.30 0.89 0.66 0.66 Non-relat principle Non-related ed Yes Yes Xiamen Shangheyang Bakelite equipment 2011.09.30 0.10 0.10 0.10 company of being company above the Zhangzhou Hewang Bakelite equipment 2011.09.30 0.16 0.15 0.15 book value, as Xiamen Pinrui Hardware equipment 2011.09.30 4.71 4.35 4.35 well as the assessment Zhangzhou Haikun Die casting equipment 2011.09.30 8.30 8.10 8.10 and market prices. Zhangzhou Xiangkun Hardware equipment 2011.09.30 3.00 2.62 2.62 Zhangzhou Xiangkun Hardware equipment 2011.09.30 1.00 0.71 0.71 Zhangzhou Shunkun Bakelite equipment 2011.09.30 0.99 0.97 0.97 Zhangzhou Yufeng Die casting equipment 2011.09.30 4.90 0.94 0.94 Zhangzhou Yufeng Die casting equipment 2011.09.30 118.00 (16.82) (16.82) Xiamen Hardware equipment 2011.09.30 165.48 22.05 22.05 Rongxingsheng Zhangzhou Haikun Die casting equipment 2011.09.30 1.60 1.42 1.42 Zhangzhou Haoyunda Hardware equipment 2011.09.30 1.80 1.14 1.14 Zhangzhou Haoyunda Die casting equipment 2011.09.30 0.65 0.64 0.64 Zhangzhou Ruicheng Die casting equipment 2011.09.30 7.03 5.31 5.31 Zhangzhou Yingfa Bakelite equipment 2011.09.30 1.03 1.01 1.01 Zhangzhou Hongyuan Die casting equipment 2011.09.30 4.00 3.92 3.92 Xiamen Xinxionghui Hardware equipment 2011.09.30 3.80 3.73 3.73 Xiamen Xinxionghui Hardware equipment 2011.09.30 19.00 8.52 8.52 Total 808.79 290.81 290.81 6 3.2.4 Changes of scope of consolidation financial statements Suzhou Tai Lake International Travel Service Co., Ltd., of which 100% equity that had been held by Tang Yijun was purchased on 10 Sept. 2010 by Xiamen Star Commerce & Trade Co., Ltd. with monetary capital of RMB 486,867.80, has a registered capital of RMB 1.50 million. Due to business needs, the Company transferred the equity of Suzhou Tai Lake International Travel Service Co., Ltd. in this March, which was thus de-consolidated for the reporting period. But earnings, expenses and profits generated by the enterprise before the equity transfer were included in the consolidated income statement. The Company’s subsidiary Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou Enterprise Co. Ltd. intended to invest its own capital of USD 5,000,000 to establish 2 wholly-owned subsidiaries in Hong Kong, namely Brilliant Leader Co., Ltd. and Globe Strong Co., Ltd. (or Hong Kong Brilliant Leader and Hong Kong Globe Strong for short), of which the registered capital recorded at USD 4,950,000 and USD 50,000 respectively. Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou Enterprise Co. Ltd. had finished commercial registration procedures of Hong Kong Brilliant Leader and Hong Kong Globe Strong on 28 Sept. 2010 and paid investment of USD 2,660,000 and USD 50,000 to Hong Kong Brilliant Leader and Hong Kong Globe Strong respectively up to the date of this announcement. Brilliant Leader Co., Ltd. and Globe Strong Co., Ltd., both wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Company’s subsidiary Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou Enterprise Co. Ltd., made joint investments in Pt. Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou Indonesia with USD 4,950,000 and USD 50,000 respectively. Up to 30 Sept. 2011, Brilliant Leader Co., Ltd. and Globe Strong Co., Ltd. had respectively paid USD 1,250,000 and USD 12,627 with monetary funds. As such, Pt. Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou Indonesia was newly included in the consolidation scope for the reporting period. (1) Entities newly consolidated for the reporting period Unit: RMB Yuan Name of the newly Net profit for the Reason for Date of consolidation Closing net assets consolidated subsidiary reporting period consolidation Pt. Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou A newly incorporated 21 Apr. 2011 7,683,405.83 (192,962.41) Indonesia subsidiary (2) Entities newly de-consolidated for the reporting period Unit: RMB Yuan Net profit for the Net assets as at period Name of the newly Date of Reason for the date of from the year-begin de-consolidated subsidiary de-consolidation de-consolidation disposal to the date of disposal Suzhou Tai Lake International 1 Mar. 2011 (1,297,175.94) (119,956.55) Equity transfer Travel Service Co., Ltd. 3.3 Particulars about fulfillment of commitments made by the Company, its shareholders or actual controller □Applicable √Inapplicable 3.4 Warnings of estimated losses or major changes of the accumulative net profit achieved during the period from year-begin to the end of the next reporting period compared with the same period of last year, as well as explanation on reasons □Applicable √Inapplicable 3.5 Other significant events to be explained 3.5.1 Securities investment □Applicable √Inapplicable 7 3.5.2 Researches, interviews and visits received in the reporting period In the reporting period, when receiving researches and interviews, the Company and relevant information disclosure obligors abided by the Guide for Fair Information Disclosure of Listed Companies, not conducting differential treatments or selectively and privately leak undisclosed information to certain parties. And the researches and interviews received were listed as follows: Reception Reception time Reception way Visitor Main discussion and materials provided place 7 Jul. 2011 By telephone Mr. Yu Operation status of the Company 11 Jul. 2011 By telephone Mr. Zhang Operation status of the Company 12 Jul. 2011 Office of the By telephone Mr. Xie Operation status of the Company 13 Jul. 2011 Company By telephone Mr. Zhou Operation status of the Company 6 Sept. 2011 Field research Mr. Wu Operation status of the Company 6 Sept. 2011 Field research Mr. Li Operation status of the Company 8 3.6 Derivative investments √Applicable □Inapplicable As a listed company, the Company has not been engaged in derivatives investment. And this derivatives investment deal was conducted by the Company’s holding subsidiary—Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou Enterprise Co., Ltd.—in order to avoid foreign exchange risks, which involved buying and selling derivative financial products such as forward exchange and forward purchase/sale of foreign currency. Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou Enterprise Co., Ltd., the Company’s holding subsidiary, established the Management Procedures for Trading Derivative Financial Products after the Procedures was approved by the Board of Directors on 6 Mar. 2008. 1. Analysis on risks from holding of derivative products: gains or losses from difference between contracted exchange rate and market exchange rate on value date. 2. Control measures: (1) Principle: total amount of whole contracted derivative financial commodities will not exceed sum of net position (net position: total foreign currency assets- total foreign currency liabilities) of current assets liabilities plus net position arising from business of the Company in the next 6 months. (2) Separation of post: separation of post of trader, dealer and authorization. Analysis on risks and control (3) Normalization of procedure: trader should offer sufficient market information and measures of derivative products held risks to people who was authorized, clarify possible risks, consider feasibility of in the reporting period (including but transaction when sign the contract, and complete derivative financial commodities trade not limited to market risk, liquidity with authorization. Documents referring to contract trade need examination of legal risk, credit risk, operation risk, law affairs ministry, and the dealer will requested to be authorized when complete business risk, etc.) transaction. (4) Periodic evaluation: The Company kept an eye on the profit and loss from the fair value changes of the derivative by checking daily/(monthly) the difference between the estimated exchange rate (provided by the bank)*the undue contracted amount and the currency amount when bought in. (5) Loss limit: contracted losses mustn’t exceed 6% of total trading amount. (6) Audit system: Audit ministry audits derivative audit trade of derivative financial products periodically and submit audit report. (1) Losses effected by completed transaction amount of derivative products was Changes of market prices or fair RMB10,722,323.90, and loss from undelivered transaction was RMB 9,663,094.71 in the values in the reporting period of the reporting period; invested derivatives. And the analysis (2) The former contracted bank provided monthly sheets of estimated exchange rates for on the fair value of the derivatives the undue contracted forward exchanges on the last trading day of the month; should include the specific use (3) The profit and loss from fair value changes of the derivative was confirmed according methods and the relevant assumptions to the difference between the contracted amount undue by the month*the estimated and parameters. exchange rate and the currency amount when bought in. Whether significant changes occurred to the Company’s accounting policy There were no significant changes between the Company’s accounting policy and and specific accounting principles of specific accounting principles of derivatives in the reporting period and those in the last derivatives in the reporting period reporting period. compared to the previous reporting period Specific opinion from independent Derivative investment, which was operated by Zhangzhou Tsann Kuen, controlling directors, sponsors or financial subsidiary of the Company, was performance of signed contract. Then they will execute consultants on the Company’s the examination and review procedure of the Board Meeting or Shareholder’s Meeting in derivatives investment and risk accordance with regulations and execute obligation of information disclosure in time. control 9 3.6.1 Position-holding situation of derivative investments as at the end of the reporting period √Applicable □Inapplicable Unit: (RMB) Yuan Proportion of the closing contract amount in the Opening contract Closing contract Gains and losses for Type of contract Company’s net assets as amount amount reporting period at the end of the reporting period Buying and selling 44,380,034.94 80,773,460.84 (2,050,480.29) 16.44% forward exchange Forward purchase/sale of 265,523,000.00 787,829,500.00 11,713,575.00 160.31% foreign currency Total 309,903,034.94 868,602,960.84 9,663,094.71 176.75% 3.7 Other matters Zhangzhou Tsann Kuen, the controlling subsidiary of the Company, entered into Cooperation Framework Agreement, Purchase Agreement on Operation Assets and Agreement of Supply of Raw Materials for Production with Shanghai Sigma Metals Inc. (hereinafter referred to as Shanghai Sigma) on 31 Dec. 2006 and the main contents of agreements include: Expect for sale of the operation assets, Zhangzhou Tsann Kuen would transfer the business opportunities to Shanghai Sigma with the total transaction amount of RMB 100 million, which becomes the main supplier of raw materials of aluminum products purchased by the Company later, settlement price per ton would be determined according to decreasing amount and proportion stipulated by two parties. In accordance with Purchase Agreement on Operation Assets, Shanghai Sigma would pay the first installment amounting to RMB 38 million, the rest RMB 62 million would be deducted from the processing expense for molten aluminum by the month, which Zhangzhou Tsann Kuen entrusted Shanghai Sigma to do production. Zhangzhou Tsann Kuen committed that it shall, within three years following Agreement of Supply of Raw Materials for Production into force, purchase molten aluminum (aluminum pig) from Shanghai Sigma with purchase volume not less than 70% of total demands of Zhangzhou Tsann Kuen for molten aluminum (aluminum pig). In case of expiration of three year, because of a shortage of orders, Zhangzhou Tsann Kuen fails to deducted fully the balance from processing expense, it shall agree to give extension to Agreement of Supply of Raw Materials for Production, the balance owed shall continue to deduct through business cooperation till full deduction. If executive termination due to responsibility of Zhangzhou Tsann Kuen, the balance owed shall not be paid by Shanghai Sigma, if executive termination due to responsibility of Shanghai Sigma, the balance owed shall be paid by Shanghai Sigma one-off. The above contracts had been executed for over three years, up to the balance sheet date, RMB 39,746,220.40 has been left un-transferred, which can be used for deduction for the future to come. 10 §4 Attachment 4.1 Balance Sheet TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. Balance Sheet (Un-audited) 30 Sept. 2011 Unit: RMB Yuan Closing balance Opening balance Assets Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company Current Assets: Monetary funds 706,438,323.54 11,744,033.43 640,945,107.83 904,966.64 Transactional financial asset 11,964,674.66 2,301,579.95 Notes receivable 4,908,725.40 4,304,903.10 Accounts receivable 539,835,838.15 458,742,818.28 Account paid in advance 9,356,091.33 390,322.68 8,658,966.52 93,254.00 Interest receivable 89,249.79 128,237.14 Dividend receivable Other account receivable 43,534,702.97 3,728,530.12 60,422,920.42 126,090.00 Inventories 412,274,993.52 276,589,483.95 Non-current assets due within 1 year Other current assets Total current assets 1,728,402,599.36 15,862,886.23 1,452,094,017.19 1,124,310.64 Non-current assets: Financial assets available for sale Held to maturity investments Long-term account receivable 55,774,141.86 71,186,747.74 Long-term equity investment 40,000.00 990,854,030.83 40,000.00 990,854,030.83 Investing property 28,140,896.41 23,026,662.19 29,344,230.78 24,409,738.09 Fixed asset 306,482,310.99 23,944,328.29 367,750,001.33 27,071,431.70 Construction in process 3,865,805.53 573,099.00 2,842,516.56 Engineering materials Fixed asset disposal Production biological asset Oil-gas assets Intangible assets 23,351,670.91 18,553,931.07 25,021,404.35 19,315,381.38 Development expense Goodwill 996,979.09 2,496,979.09 Long-term deferred expenses 5,788,391.33 121,116.54 5,953,419.25 145,340.04 Deferred income tax assets 24,013,303.25 28,379,559.09 Other non-current assets Total of non-current assets 448,453,499.37 1,057,073,167.92 533,014,858.19 1,061,795,922.04 Total assets 2,176,856,098.73 1,072,936,054.15 1,985,108,875.38 1,062,920,232.68 Legal Representative: Jian Derong CFO: Chen Zongyi Person in charge of Accounting Office: Chen Zongyi 11 TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. Balance Sheet-Continued (Un-audited) 30 Sept. 2011 Unit: RMB Yuan Closing balance Opening balance Items Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company Current liabilities: Short-term borrowings 25,536,000.00 Transactional financial liabilities Notes payable 84,145,196.37 77,161,578.38 Account payable 875,658,166.14 59,916.45 836,505,277.66 274,567.76 Account received in advance 16,322,051.20 15,875,235.26 31,260.00 Payroll payable 42,562,424.70 163,194.45 37,912,505.82 208,568.85 Taxes and fares payable 11,935,654.09 68,875,373.36 48,362,325.48 68,937,341.03 Interest payable Dividend payable Other account payable 220,815,656.42 542,449,245.37 90,697,163.04 594,840,595.36 Long-term borrowings due within 1 year Other current liabilities Total current liabilities 1,276,975,148.92 611,547,729.63 1,106,514,085.64 664,292,333.00 Non-current liabilities: Long-term borrowings Bonds payable Long-term accounts payable Special accounts payable Deferred income Estimated liabilities Deferred income tax liabilities 1,794,701.20 345,236.99 Other non-current liabilities 39,923,170.80 39,746,220.40 Total of non-current liabilities 41,717,872.00 0.00 40,091,457.39 0.00 Total liabilities 1,318,693,020.92 611,547,729.63 1,146,605,543.03 664,292,333.00 Shareholders’ equity: Share capital 1,112,350,077.00 1,112,350,077.00 1,112,350,077.00 1,112,350,077.00 Capital reserve 125,035,204.92 123,485,181.40 125,035,204.92 123,485,181.40 Less: Treasury Stock Surplus reserves Retained earnings (745,387,572.92) (774,446,933.88) (775,973,855.22) (837,207,358.72) Foreign exchange difference (558,641.68) 79.51 Total shareholders' equity 491,439,067.32 461,388,324.52 461,411,506.21 398,627,899.68 attributable to parent company Minority interest 366,724,010.49 377,091,826.14 Total shareholder’s equity 858,163,077.81 461,388,324.52 838,503,332.35 398,627,899.68 Total liabilities and shareholders’ 2,176,856,098.73 1,072,936,054.15 1,985,108,875.38 1,062,920,232.68 equity Legal Representative: Jian Derong CFO: Chen Zongyi erson in charge of Accounting Office: Chen Zongyi 12 4.2 Income statement during the reporting period TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. Income Statement (Un-audited) 1 Jul.-30 Sept. 2011 Unit: RMB Yuan Jul.-Sept. 2011 Jul.-Sept. 2010 Items Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company I. Total revenue 721,142,352.34 580,367.20 853,595,297.04 1,319,236.20 II. Total sales 714,734,133.40 2,294,861.55 826,189,199.04 3,330,148.43 Less: sales cost 636,103,636.56 473,055.37 733,014,214.31 1,271,516.44 Taxes and associate charges 3,640,158.52 35,865.43 1,196,073.91 69,995.34 Sales expenses 29,016,610.94 34,290,108.06 Administrative expenses 54,578,303.06 1,989,967.89 58,850,194.13 1,957,188.40 Financial expense (7,894,054.23) (205,842.39) 1,069,630.77 30,322.06 Impairment loss (710,521.45) 1,815.25 (2,231,022.14) 1,126.19 Add: gain/(loss) from change in fair value (4,131,938.34) (9,256.59) (“-” means loss) Gain/(loss) from investment (“-” means 5,720,418.53 (4,521,157.79) loss) III. Business profit 7,996,699.13 (1,714,494.35) 22,875,683.62 (2,010,912.23) Add: non-business income 5,766,477.28 281,890.46 4,531,665.78 131,428.37 Less: non-business expense 343,915.51 24,392.70 Including: loss from disposal of non-current 168,240.69 16,938.86 asset IV. Total profit (“-” means loss) 13,419,260.90 (1,432,603.89) 27,382,956.70 (1,879,483.86) Less: income tax expense 2,234,556.06 2,693,598.03 V. Net profit (“-” means loss) 11,184,704.84 (1,432,603.89) 24,689,358.67 (1,879,483.86) Attributable to parent company 8,037,812.45 (1,432,603.89) 17,782,669.68 (1,879,483.86) Minority interest 3,146,892.39 6,906,688.99 VI. Earnings per share 1. Basic earnings per share 0.0072 0.0160 2. Diluted earnings per share 0.0072 0.0160 VII. Other comprehensive income (553,810.23) 36,560.16 VIII. Total comprehensive income 10,630,894.61 (1,432,603.89) 24,725,918.83 (1,879,483.86) Total comprehensive income attributable to 7,622,454.78 (1,432,603.89) 17,819,229.84 (1,879,483.86) owner of parent company Total comprehensive income attributable to 3,008,439.83 6,906,688.99 minority shareholders Legal Representative: Jian Derong CFO: Chen Zongyi Person in charge of Accounting Office: Chen Zongyi 13 4.3 Income statement from the year-begin to the end of the reporting period TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. Income Statement (Un-audited) 1 Jan.-30 Sept. 2011 Unit: RMB Yuan Jan.-Sept. 2011 Jan.-Sept. 2010 Items Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company I. Total revenue 2,094,507,219.54 1,756,432.40 2,518,604,859.66 4,340,328.62 II. Total sales 2,076,585,445.06 7,080,216.85 2,448,299,260.58 9,112,221.91 Less: sales cost 1,831,217,040.22 1,432,986.91 2,198,044,090.73 4,192,428.15 Taxes and associate charges 11,707,632.91 101,155.09 3,295,459.81 220,540.00 Sales expenses 80,987,930.45 87,543,256.12 Administrative expenses 158,716,714.64 5,932,951.08 163,619,886.37 5,292,973.14 Financial expense (5,410,961.40) (389,858.00) (5,359,845.71) 77,161.81 Impairment loss (632,911.76) 2,981.77 1,156,413.26 (670,881.19) Add: gain/(loss) from change in fair value 9,663,094.71 0.00 (1,822,269.60) (“-” means loss) Gain/(loss) from investment (“-” means 11,026,999.84 67,732,295.69 (2,425,692.45) 5,266,277.58 loss) III. Business profit 38,611,869.03 62,408,511.24 66,057,637.03 494,384.29 Add: non-business income 11,048,212.45 441,913.60 15,790,354.63 245,350.78 Less: non-business expense 1,057,409.61 90,000.00 832,872.43 Including: loss from disposal of non-current 205,237.06 57,570.89 asset IV. Total profit (“-” means loss) 48,602,671.87 62,760,424.84 81,015,119.23 739,735.07 Less: income tax expense 5,759,273.33 6,424,153.67 V. Net profit (“-” means loss) 42,843,398.54 62,760,424.84 74,590,965.56 739,735.07 Attributable to parent company 30,586,282.30 62,760,424.84 54,731,971.89 739,735.07 Minority interest 12,257,116.24 19,858,993.67 VI. Earnings per share 1. Basic earnings per share 0.0275 0.0492 2. Diluted earnings per share 0.0275 0.0492 VII. Other comprehensive income (558,721.19) 654,758.41 3,538.08 VIII. Total comprehensive income 42,284,677.35 62,760,424.84 75,245,723.97 743,273.15 Total comprehensive income attributable to 30,167,241.41 62,760,424.84 55,386,730.30 743,273.15 owner of parent company Total comprehensive income attributable to 12,117,435.94 19,858,993.67 minority shareholders Legal Representative: Jian Derong CFO: Chen Zongyi Person in charge of Accounting Office: Chen Zongyi 14 4.4 Cash flow statement from the year-begin to the end of the reporting period TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. Cash Flow Statement (Un-audited) 1 Jan.-30 Sept. 2011 Unit: RMB Yuan Accumulative amount as of reporting Accumulative amount at the same period Items period of last year Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company I. Cash flows for operating activities: Cash received from sales of goods or rendering 2,129,176,757.82 2,349,018,074.47 of services Refund of tax and fare received 194,086,294.07 35,329.81 197,497,897.91 Other cash received relating to operating 52,873,318.48 29,303,577.73 86,687,534.97 31,885,487.28 activities Sub-total of cash inflows 2,376,136,370.37 29,338,907.54 2,633,203,507.35 31,885,487.28 Cash paid for goods and services 1,959,009,446.32 1,959,390,817.91 Cash paid to and on behalf of employees 207,746,802.57 25,340,753.13 265,834,906.95 24,118,979.65 Tax and fare paid 17,417,188.35 1,413,505.11 16,934,214.63 2,372,762.40 Other cash paid relating to operating activities 223,424,045.01 4,762,716.10 248,487,512.21 20,070,510.17 Sub-total of cash outflows 2,407,597,482.25 31,516,974.34 2,490,647,451.70 46,562,252.22 Net cash flow from operating activities (31,461,111.88) (2,178,066.80) 142,556,055.65 (14,676,764.94) II. Cash Flows from Investment Activities: Cash received from return of investments Cash received from investment income 11,026,999.84 67,732,295.69 7,925,803.21 15,767,517.18 Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, 7,173,207.90 17,020,782.09 intangible assets and other long-term assets Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries 202,824.06 and other operating units Other cash received relating to investment activities Sub-total of cash inflows 18,403,031.80 67,732,295.69 24,946,585.30 15,767,517.18 Cash paid for acquiring fixed assets, intangible 33,112,118.14 214,500.00 27,399,317.27 1,919,183.89 assets and other long-term assets Cash paid for acquiring investments 292,120.68 654,557.82 Net cash used in acquiring subsidiaries and other operating units Other cash paid relating to investment activities Sub-total of cash outflows 33,404,238.82 214,500.00 28,053,875.09 1,919,183.89 Net cash flow from investing activities (15,001,207.02) 67,517,795.69 (3,107,289.79) 13,848,333.29 III. Cash Flows from Financing Activities: Cash received from absorbing investment Including: Cash received from increase in minority investment Cash received from borrowings 25,536,000.00 Cash received from issuance of bonds Other cash relating to financing activities 196,042,600.00 5,000,000.00 160,000,000.00 Sub-total of cash inflows 221,578,600.00 5,000,000.00 160,000,000.00 Cash paid for settling debt 225,948,239.46 157,577,962.02 Cash paid for distribution of dividends or profit 23,214,517.47 2,352,514.18 or reimbursing interest Including: dividends or profit paid to minority 23,214,517.47 2,352,514.18 dividends or interest Other cash payments relating to financing 64,705,000.00 59,500,000.00 activities Sub-total of cash outflows 87,919,517.47 59,500,000.00 228,300,753.64 157,577,962.02 Net cash flow from financing activities 133,659,082.53 (54,500,000.00) (228,300,753.64) 2,422,037.98 IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on (8,236,173.19) (662.10) (1,234,182.37) (57,060.12) cash and cash equivalents V. Increase in cash and cash equivalents 78,960,590.44 10,839,066.79 (90,086,170.15) 1,536,546.21 Add: Cash and cash equivalents at year-begin 627,477,733.10 904,966.64 540,739,906.30 494,441.23 VI. Cash and cash equivalents at the end of 706,438,323.54 11,744,033.43 450,653,736.15 2,030,987.44 the reporting period Legal Representative: Jian Derong CFO: Chen Zongyi Person in charge of Accounting Office: Chen Zongyi 15 4.5 Auditors’ Report Audit opinion: Un-audited Chairman of the Board: Jian Derong Tsann Kuen (China) Enterprise Co., Ltd. 22 October 2011 16