Report for the First Quarter of 2013 of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. REPORT FOR THE FIRST QUARTER OF 2013 April 2013 1 Report for the First Quarter of 2013 of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. Section I. Important Reminders The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee, directors, supervisors and senior management staff of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) warrant that the information carried in this report is factual, accurate and complete, without any false record, misleading statement or material omission. And they shall be jointly and severally liable for that. Jian Derong, company principal, and Chen Zongyi, chief of the accounting work and chief of the accounting organ (chief of accounting), hereby confirm that the financial statements enclosed in this report are factual, accurate and complete. All directors have attended the board session for reviewing this report. This report is prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there be any discrepancy between the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail. 2 Report for the First Quarter of 2013 of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. Section II. Financial Highlights & Change of Shareholders I. Financial highlights Does the Company adjust retrospectively or restate any accounting data of previous years? √ Yes □ No Unit: RMB Yuan Jan.-Mar. 2012 +/- (%) Jan.-Mar. 2013 After Before adjustment After adjustment adjustme nt Operating revenues 424,878,316.41 468,654,073.31 468,227,788.52 -9.26% Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company 7,578,667.87 -10,773,006.24 -11,645,169.27 165.08 Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company 4,128,159.49 -15,064,665.37 -15,912,345.85 125.94 after extraordinary gains and losses Net cash flows from operating activities -28,409,039.92 -58,560,008.93 -55,657,731.92 48.96 Basic EPS (RMB Yuan/share) 0.0409 -0.05811 -0.0628 165.13 Diluted EPS (RMB Yuan/share) 0.0409 -0.0581 -0.0628 165.13 Weighted average ROE (%) 1.54% -2.31% -2.53% 4.07 31 Dec. 2012 +/- (%) After 31 Mar. 2013 Before adjustment After adjustment adjustme nt Total assets (RMB Yuan) 1,737,167,581.06 1,679,847,838.18 1,679,847,838.18 3.41 Owners’ equity attributable to shareholders of the 498,771,651.40 488,049,282.91 488,049,282.91 2.20 Company (RMB Yuan) Note1: The basic EPS and diluted EPS for 2012 are measured based on 185,391,680 shares. On 10 Mar. 2012, Tsann Kuen (Zhangzhou) Enterprise Co., Ltd. and Sino Global Development Limited signed the Equity Transfer Agreement, with the latter transferring 100% equity interests of East Sino Development Limited (its wholly-funded subsidiary) to the former at the price of US$ 6.30 million. On 11 Jun. 2012, Tsann Kuen (Zhangzhou) Enterprise Co., Ltd. completed the equity registration alteration formalities regarding its acquisition of equity interests of East Sino Development. This transaction made a business combination under the same control. Items and amounts of extraordinary gains and losses √ Applicable □ Inapplicable Unit: RMB Yuan 3 Report for the First Quarter of 2013 of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. 1 Jan. 2013-31 Mar. Item Explanation 2013 Gain/loss on the disposal of non-current assets (including the offset part of the 830,629.10 asset impairment provisions) Government grants recognized in the current period, except for those acquired in the ordinary course of business or granted at certain quotas or amounts according 1,222,685.00 to the government’s unified standards Gains and losses on change in fair value from tradable financial assets and tradable financial liabilities, as well as investment income from disposal of tradable financial assets and tradable financial liabilities and financial assets 1,993,908.17 available for sales except for effective hedging related with normal businesses of the Company Non-operating income and expense other than the above 897,058.39 Other gain and loss items that meet the definition of an extraordinary gain/loss 42,720.64 Income tax effects 626,926.07 Minority interests effects (after tax) 909,566.85 Total 3,450,508.38 II. Total number of shareholders at the period-end and shareholdings of top 10 shareholders Unit: share Total number of shareholders at the 27,242 period-end Shareholdings of top 10 shareholders Total shares held Number of Pledged or frozen shares Nature of Shareholding Name of shareholder at the restricted Number of shareholder percentage (%) Status of shares period-end shares held shares FORDCHEE DEVELOPMENT Foreign 29.1% 53,940,530 0 N/A N/A LIMITED corporation EUPA INDUSTRY Foreign 13.83% 25,633,718 0 N/A N/A CORPORATION LIMITED corporation FILLMAN INVESTMENTS Foreign 2.49% 4,621,596 0 N/A N/A LIMITED corporation Domestic CHEN YONGQUAN 0.9% 1,668,747 0 N/A N/A natural person Foreign natural XIA QIANRU 0.7% 1,299,545 0 N/A N/A person ZOU SHILIN Domestic 0.55% 1,020,000 0 N/A N/A 4 Report for the First Quarter of 2013 of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. natural person Foreign natural CHEN LIJUAN 0.55% 1,012,791 0 N/A N/A person Foreign natural CHEN YONGQING 0.53% 981,598 0 N/A N/A person Foreign natural CAI SHUHUI 0.39% 715,739 0 N/A N/A person Foreign CSC SECURITIES (HK) LTD. 0.38% 696,349 0 N/A N/A corporation Shareholdings of top 10 non-restricted shareholders Variety of shares Name of shareholder Number of non-restricted shares held Variety Number Domestically listed FORDCHEE DEVELOPMENT LIMITED 53,940,530 53,940,530 foreign shares Domestically listed EUPA INDUSTRY CORPORATION LIMITED 25,633,718 25,633,718 foreign shares Domestically listed FILLMAN INVESTMENTS LIMITED 4,621,596 4,621,596 foreign shares Domestically listed CHEN YONGQUAN 1,668,747 1,668,747 foreign shares Domestically listed XIA QIANRU 1,299,545 1,299,545 foreign shares Domestically listed ZOU SHILIN 1,020,000 1,020,000 foreign shares Domestically listed CHEN LIJUAN 1,012,791 1,012,791 foreign shares Domestically listed CHEN YONGQING 981,598 981,598 foreign shares Domestically listed CAI SHUHUI 715,739 715,739 foreign shares Domestically listed CSC SECURITIES (HK) LTD. 696,349 696,349 foreign shares The top three shareholders are the Company’s corporate controlling shareholders. Shareholder Cai Shuhui is the wife of Wu Tsann Kuen, the Company’s actual Explanation on associated relationship or persons controller. It is unknown to the Company whether there exists associated relationship acting in concert among the above-mentioned among the shareholders above or they are acting-in-concert entities as stipulated in the shareholders Administrative Measures on Information Disclosure of Changes in Shareholding of Listed Companies. 5 Report for the First Quarter of 2013 of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. Section III. Significant Events I. Significant changes of the major accounting statement items and financial indicators for the reporting period, as well as the reasons for these changes √ Applicable □ Inapplicable Unit: RMB Yuan Serial Item Closing amount Opening amount +/-% Main reason for the change No. Gain on undelivered forward foreign exchange 1 Transactional financial assets 160,274.39 0.00 100.00% contracts 2 Notes receivable 4,435,667.60 3,356,956.00 32.13% Increase of undue banker’s acceptance bills 3 Accounts receivable 208,205,839.84 302,133,025.05 -31.09% Settled accounts receivable increased. Non-current assets due within The long-term payable for equipment due within 4 1,440,016.77 2,434,759.94 -40.86% one year one year was settled. 5 Long-term payables 1,767,615.93 3,370,946.33 -47.56% The mature payable for equipment was settled. 6 Investing real estate 56,441,250.08 39,319,457.87 43.55% Some housing properties were leased out and thus adjusted from fixed assets and intangible assets to 7 Intangible assets 16,227,709.00 25,461,786.16 -36.27% investing real estate. 8 Short-term borrowings 156,722,500.00 31,427,500.00 398.68% Increase of short-term borrowings Transactional financial Gain on undelivered forward foreign exchange 9 0.00 363,255.25 -100.00% liabilities contracts 10 Taxes and fares payable (33,364,608.33) (23,837,739.85) 39.97% The enterprise income tax was prepaid. Increase of intra-Group borrowings from related 11 Other payables 176,035,623.22 53,435,685.41 229.43% parties Serial Item Jan.-Mar. 2013 Jan.-Mar. 2012 +/-% Main reason for the change No. The operating revenues decreased and cost 1 Sales expenses 16,237,180.87 24,364,183.57 -33.36% control was carried out. RMB appreciation created an unfavorable 2 Financial expenses 276,017.39 (5,164,665.49) 105.34% condition for exchange. Gain on the undelivered forward foreign 3 Gain on fair value changes 523,529.64 1,045,679.08 -49.93% exchange contracts decreased. Gain on the delivered forward foreign exchange 4 Investment gain 1,520,632.17 3,651,625.13 -58.36% contracts decreased. 5 Non-operating income 2,986,661.35 949,752.28 214.47% The subsidy income increased. Net cash flows due to operating In the same period of last year, the Company paid 6 (28,409,039.92) (55,657,731.92) -48.96% activities the plant rent for the previous year. Net cash flows due to financing 7 (7,906,884.84) (14,907,951.03) -46.96% The procured fixed assets decreased. activities 6 Report for the First Quarter of 2013 of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. II. Progress of significant events and analysis & explanations on their influence and solutions (I) Contingent events Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou, one of the Company’s subsidiaries, and Xinda Motor Co., Ltd. (hereinafter refer to as “Xinda Motor”) signed a product supply contract on 20 Jul. 2009, with the valid period for the contract being from 1 Jul. 2009 to 30 Jun. 2012. Both parties also signed the 2011 ED Procurement Contract of Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou Enterprises Co., Ltd., the Special Agreement and other agreements, according to which Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou would purchase products from Xinda Motor. Later, Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou refused to pay for the products and chose to terminate the contract due to quality problems found in Xinda Motor’s products. On 2 Nov. 2011, Xinda Motor filed a civil action against Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou to Zhangzhou Intermediate People’s Court, asking the court to order Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou to pay US$479,089.06 to it for the part of the contract that had been executed but not yet paid for, to bear the damages for overdue payment, and to continue to execute the unexecuted contractual obligation (equivalent to a payment of US$189,423.25 for goods). Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou filed a cross action on 8 Jan. 2012. Xinda Motor had caused serious economic loss and reputation damage on Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou for the products it provided for Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou did not go with the contract, due to which Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou produced products of ill quality, goods were returned and orders were canceled. On that basis, Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou asked Zhangzhou Intermediate People’s Court to terminate the contract between both parties and order Xinda Motor to pay to Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou a damage of RMB1 million, and a compensation of RMB7,621,600. Up to the reporting day, the outstanding amount due from Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou to Xinda Motor was USD479,089.06. The case is currently on the docket. (II) Explain in detail the change of the consolidation scope from the last reporting period √ Applicable □ Inapplicable Unit: RMB Yuan Net profit from Time of Net assets on the Reason for change of Deconsolidated subsidiary year-begin to deconsolidation disposal day the consolidation scope disposal day Shanghai Fanxin Airlines Service Co., Ltd. 18 Mar. 2013 254,402.41 -25,738.47 Written off Star (Dalian) International Travel Service 21 Mar. 2013 0.00 120,759.65 Equity transfer Co., Ltd. According to the adjustments of the operating strategies, the travel service business of subsidiaries was stopped. And progress concerning the travel service subsidiaries at the end of the reporting period is as follows: About Shanghai Fanxin Airlines Service Co., Ltd., a wholly-funded subsidiary of the Company’s controlled subsidiary Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou with a registered capital of RMB 5.50 million, the liquidation formalities were completed on 18 Mar. 2013. The Company’s controlled subsidiary Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou held a 99% stake in Star (Dalian) International 7 Report for the First Quarter of 2013 of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. Travel Service Co., Ltd., whose registered capital was RMB 5.30 million. On 13 Mar. 2013, the 99% stake was all transferred to a non-related party and on 21 Mar. 2013, the registered information in the administration for industry and commerce was altered. Other travel service subsidiaries are currently going through subsequent liquidation matters. 8 Report for the First Quarter of 2013 of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. (III) Sale of assets: Due to operating needs, the following assets were sold in the reporting period: Unit: RMB Yuan Net profit contributed Relate by the sold d-part asset to the VAT and Gain/loss on y Pricing relatio Transaction party Asset sold Selling price Original value Net value Company fares the sale transac principle n from tion or year-begin not to date of sale Injection molding Zhangzhou Chuangyi 4,000.00 124,440.00 0.00 76.92 3,923.08 3,923.08 equipment Die casting Zhangzhou Yufeng 5,000.00 104,487.87 0.00 348.29 4,651.71 4,651.71 equipment Die casting Zhangzhou Ruicheng 2,500.00 0.00 0.00 363.25 2,136.75 2,136.75 The equipment transaction Zhangzhou Canming Hardware 3,000.00 43,983.00 29.02 57.69 2,913.29 2,913.29 prices Zhangzhou were Other equipment 8,122.14 221,196.08 0.00 1,180.14 6,942.00 6,942.00 Hongyuan decided Zhangzhou Injection molding based on 12,700.00 471,353.30 0.00 244.23 12,455.77 12,455.77 Lianfuxin equipment the principle Xiamen Weiyao Other equipment 22,000.00 6,093.18 0.00 738.25 21,261.75 21,261.75 Non-re Non-re of being lated lated Die casting above the Zhangzhou Yingfa 26,000.00 101,554.09 0.00 500.00 25,500.00 25,500.00 party party equipment net book value, as Zhangzhou Kunyi Other equipment 2,300.00 8,825.19 0.00 107.26 2,192.74 2,192.74 well as on Injection molding Zhangzhou LBN 900.00 10,244.56 0.00 17.31 882.69 882.69 the equipment assessmen Die casting t and Zhangzhou Boer 38,000.00 299,022.99 0.00 730.77 37,269.23 37,269.23 equipment market Xiamen Die casting prices. 35,000.00 324,231.94 0.00 673.08 34,326.92 34,326.92 Jinshengrong equipment Die casting Zhangzhou Huatai 21,000.00 806,043.37 0.00 403.85 20,596.15 20,596.15 equipment Houses and Chen Qingling 802,450.00 542,096.50 131,458.78 15,414.20 655,577.02 655,577.02 buildings Total 982,972.14 3,063,572.07 131,487.80 20,855.24 830,629.10 830,629.10 9 Report for the First Quarter of 2013 of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. III. Commitments made by the Company or any shareholder with a shareholding over 5% in the reporting period or such commitments carried down into the reporting period Date of Period of Commitment Commitment maker Contents of commitment Execution commitment commitment Share reform commitment Commitment made in an acquisition report or a report on equity changes Commitment made in asset reorganization Commitment made in IPO or re-financing Based on the confidence on the continuous and stable development of the Company, it committed to increase the shareholding if the The Company’s Company’s stock price lower than stocks resumed HKD2.40 per share after the trading on 31 Dec. implementation of the shares 2012, but the contraction and trading resumption, Company’s stock and it would increase no more than price hasn’t met the Within one 2% shares (i.e. 370,780,000 shares) condition for Commitment made to FILLMAN year since the of the total shares issued by the shareholding minority shareholders of the INVESTMENTS 28 Nov. 2012 date of initial Company within one year since the increase since the Company LIMITED shareholding date of initial shareholding increase. date of trading increase If the plan on increasing holding 2% resumption, shares of the total shares is FILLMAN completed, if the stock price hasn’t Investment Limited reached the target price, it will hasn’t implemented perform relevant approval the shareholding procedures, and propose to CSRC increase plan. on continuous implementation of shareholding increase by exemption of offering. Executed in time or not Yes Specific reason for failing to execute the commitment No and the plan for the next step 10 Report for the First Quarter of 2013 of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. Is a commitment made concerning any resulted No horizontal competition and related-party transaction? Promised time needed to Within one year since the date of initial shareholding increase solve the problems Fillman Investments Limited committed to increase the shareholding if the Company’s stock price lower than HKD2.40 per share after the implementation of the shares contraction and trading resumption, and it would Way of solving the increase no more than 2% shares (i.e. 370,780,000 shares) of the total shares issued by the Company within one problems year since the date of initial shareholding increase. If the plan on increasing holding 2% shares of the total shares is completed, if the stock price hasn’t reached the target price, it will perform relevant approval procedures, and propose to CSRC on continuous implementation of shareholding increase by exemption of offering. The Company’s stocks resumed trading on 31 Dec. 2012, but the Company’s stock price hasn’t met the condition Execution for shareholding increase since the date of trading resumption, FILLMAN Investment Limited hasn’t implemented the shareholding increase plan. IV. Predict the operating results of Jan.-Jun. 2013 Warning of possible loss or considerable YoY change of the accumulated net profit made during the period-begin to the end of the next reporting period according to prediction, as well as explanations on the reasons: √ Applicable □ Inapplicable Prediction: turning deficit to profit Type of the predicted data: interval data Item Jan.-Jun. 2013 Jan.-Jun. 2012 +/- (%) Predicted accumulative net profit (RMB Ten 1000-1500 -1,938 152%-177% thousand) Basic EPS (RMB Yuan/share) 0.05-0.08 -0.10 150%-180% The Company strictly controlled the procurement costs, enhanced the internal operation and management and optimized the production and sales processes. As a Explanation about the predictions result, the overall gross profit and the management and sales expenses improved over last year. V. Securities investments □ Applicable √ Inapplicable VI. Derivative investments In order to avoid the risk of exchange rate fluctuations, the Company’s controlled subsidiary Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou conducts financial derivative investment for the hedging purpose, including forward foreign exchange and structural forward with foreign exchange swap and foreign exchange option. 11 Report for the First Quarter of 2013 of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. The Company’s controlled subsidiary Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou has formulated the “Internal Control Rules for Financial Derivative Investment”. On 9 Mar. 2013, the “Proposal on the Controlled Subsidiary Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou Conducting Financial Derivative Investment” was reviewed and approved unanimously at the 2nd board session for 2013. 1. Potential risks of holding financial derivatives (1) Market risk: In a financial derivative investment, the actual gain/loss comes from the difference between the agreed trading exchange rate and the actual exchange rate on the maturity day. When holding the financial derivative, a revaluation gain/loss will rise for every accounting period and the accumulative revaluation gain/loss till the maturity day equals the actual gain/loss. (2) Liquidity risk: The financial derivative investment is carried out according to a certain proportion of the foreign exchange income/expense budget. Since the financial derivative investment is in line with the actual foreign exchange income/expense, it is assured that there will be sufficient funds for clearing when delivery comes, which thus has little influence on the current assets of the Company. (3) Performance risk: The Company chooses large commercial banks with a high credit rating to trade with in financial derivative investment. These banks operate steadily with good credit standing. The performance risk basically doesn’t exist. 2. Control measures: (1) Before carrying out a derivative investment, the financial department assesses the investment risk and analyze the feasibility and necessity of the investment. In addition, the relevant committee of the Analysis on risks and control board will examine the necessity and risk control of the derivative investment. measures of derivative products held (2) Before making a derivative investment, the Company will equip itself with professional personnel in the reporting period (including but for investment decision-making, business operation, risk control, etc.. Personnel taking part in the not limited to market risk, liquidity investment all fully understand the risks of derivative investment and strictly execute the business risk, credit risk, operation risk, law operation and risk management mechanisms for derivative investment. risk, etc.) (3) The Company should strictly control the variety and scale of derivative investment and try to use derivative transaction on exchange when possible. The Company chooses large commercial banks with a high credit rating to trade with in financial derivative investment. These banks operate steadily with good credit standing. The performance risk basically doesn’t exist. (4) Principle: The purpose of the financial derivative operation is to avoid risks. The Company shall not conduct transactional operation for other purposes than risk avoidance. The overall contractual amount for risk avoidance of the Company shall not exceed the summation of the net risk exposure of the existing assets and liabilities and the net risk exposure of assets and liabilities arising from the operation of the Company in the coming year. (5) Periodic evaluation: The Company kept an eye on the profit and loss from the fair value changes of the derivative by checking daily/(monthly) the difference between the estimated exchange rate (provided by the bank)*the undue contracted amount and the currency amount when bought in. (6) Loss limit: The investment loss on a single derivative and all the investment loss shall not exceed 20% of the total investment amount. (7) Audit system: The audit department audits derivative audit trade of derivative financial products periodically and submit audit report. Changes of market prices or fair (1) Gains and losses effected by completed transaction amount of derivative products was RMB 1.4704 values in the reporting period of the million, and gain from undelivered transaction was RMB 523,500 in the reporting period. invested derivatives. And the analysis (2) The former contracted bank provided monthly sheets of estimated exchange rates for the undue on the fair value of the derivatives contracted forward exchanges on the last trading day of the month. should include the specific use (3) The profit and loss from fair value changes of the derivative was confirmed according to the 12 Report for the First Quarter of 2013 of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. methods and the relevant assumptions difference between the contracted amount undue by the month*the estimated exchange rate and the and parameters. currency amount when bought in. Whether significant changes occurred to the Company’s accounting policy and specific accounting principles of There were no significant changes between the Company’s accounting policy and specific accounting derivatives in the reporting period principles of derivatives in the reporting period and those in the last reporting period. compared to the previous reporting period To lock up the exchange cost through rational financial derivative instruments to reduce the exchange Special opinion from independent rate fluctuation risk can help increase the financial stability of Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou and improve its directors, sponsor or financial competitiveness. The Company has carried out a strict internal assessment for the foreign exchange consultant on the Company’s derivative business and has established a corresponding supervision mechanism. We are of the opinion derivatives investment and risk that the foreign exchange derivative business conducted by Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou is fairly necessary control in its routine operation and is in compliance with relevant laws and regulations, with the risks controllable. Derivative investments held at period-end: √ Applicable □ Inapplicable Unit: RMB Yuan Proportion of the closing Opening contract Closing contract amount Gain or loss in the contract amount in the Type of contract amount (RMB Yuan) (RMB Yuan) reporting period closing net assets of the Company (%) Forward exchange deals 3,633,236.98 10,216,630.25 226,174.39 2.05% Forward exchange trading 354,622,300.00 524,060,100.00 (65,900.00) 105.07% against RMB Total 358,255,536.98 534,276,730.25 160,274.39 107.12% VII. Researches, visits and interviews received in the reporting period Place of Way of Main discussion and materials provided by the Time of reception Visitor type Visitor reception reception Company Operation of the Company, B-share policies, with 19 Jan. 2013 Office By phone Individual Mr. Yu no written materials provided by the Company Operation of the Company, B-share policies, with 7 Feb. 2013 Office By phone Individual Mr. Yang no written materials provided by the Company Information about the annual report of the 13 Mar. 2013 Office By phone Individual Mr. Yu Company, with no written materials provided by the Company 13 Report for the First Quarter of 2013 of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. Section IV. Financial Statements 1. Consolidated balance sheet Prepared by TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. Unit: RMB Yuan Item Closing balance Opening balance Current Assets: Monetary funds 953,326,136.21 759,361,575.52 Settlement reserves Intra-group lendings Transactional financial assets 160,274.39 Notes receivable 4,435,667.60 3,356,956.00 Accounts receivable 208,205,839.84 302,133,025.05 Accounts paid in advance 2,723,777.66 3,348,515.58 Premiums receivable Reinsurance premiums receivable Receivable reinsurance contract reserves Interest receivable 4,192,043.80 5,231,397.36 Dividend receivable Other accounts receivable 32,882,768.44 41,516,107.15 Financial assets purchased under agreements to resell Inventories 217,424,027.57 242,578,891.54 Non-current assets due within 1 year 1,440,016.77 2,434,759.94 Other current assets Total current assets 1,424,790,552.28 1,359,961,228.14 Non-current assets: Loans by mandate and advances granted Available-for-sale financial assets Held-to-maturity investments Long-term accounts receivable 1,767,615.93 3,370,946.33 Long-term equity investment 40,000.00 40,000.00 Investing property 56,441,250.08 39,319,457.87 14 Report for the First Quarter of 2013 of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. Fixed assets 205,643,558.99 219,374,057.54 Construction in progress 8,168,578.34 7,094,433.42 Engineering materials Disposal of fixed assets Production biological assets Oil-gas assets Intangible assets 16,227,709.00 25,461,786.16 R&D expense Goodwill Long-term deferred expenses 5,823,371.67 6,152,543.07 Deferred income tax assets 18,264,944.77 19,073,385.65 Other non-current assets Total of non-current assets 312,377,028.78 319,886,610.04 Total assets 1,737,167,581.06 1,679,847,838.18 Current liabilities: Short-term borrowings 156,722,500.00 31,427,500.00 Borrowings from Central Bank Customer bank deposits and due to banks and other financial institutions Intra-group borrowings Transactional financial liabilities 363,255.25 Notes payable 51,924,984.18 70,851,519.07 Accounts payable 479,070,976.08 647,831,038.73 Accounts received in advance 13,572,630.32 12,488,450.33 Financial assets sold for repurchase Handling charges and commissions payable Employee’s compensation payable 32,186,442.43 40,116,618.69 Tax payable -33,364,608.33 -23,837,739.85 Interest payable 6,324.78 Dividend payable Other accounts payable 176,035,623.22 53,435,685.41 Reinsurance premiums payable Insurance contract reserves Payables for acting trading of securities 15 Report for the First Quarter of 2013 of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. Payables for acting underwriting of securities Non-current liabilities due within 1 year Other current liabilities Total current liabilities 876,148,547.90 832,682,652.41 Non-current liabilities: Long-term borrowings Bonds payable Long-term payables Specific payables Estimated liabilities 11,401.92 11,401.92 Deferred income tax liabilities 71,318.60 44,686.69 Other non-current liabilities 222,600.00 222,600.00 Total non-current liabilities 305,320.52 278,688.61 Total liabilities 876,453,868.42 832,961,341.02 Owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity) Paid-up capital (or share capital) 185,391,680.00 185,391,680.00 Capital reserves 278,454,447.07 278,454,447.07 Less: Treasury stock Specific reserves Surplus reserves 6,120,201.82 6,120,201.82 Provisions for general risks Retained profits 28,376,659.57 20,797,991.70 Foreign exchange difference 428,662.94 -2,715,037.68 Total equity attributable to owners of the Company 498,771,651.40 488,049,282.91 Minority interests 361,942,061.24 358,837,214.25 Total owners’ (or shareholders’) equity 860,713,712.64 846,886,497.16 Total liabilities and owners’ (or shareholders’) equity 1,737,167,581.06 1,679,847,838.18 Legal representative: Jian Derong Chief of the accounting work: Chen Zongyi Chief of the accounting organ: Chen Zongyi 16 Report for the First Quarter of 2013 of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. 2. Balance sheet of the Company Prepared by TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. Unit: RMB Yuan Item Closing balance Opening balance Current Assets: Monetary funds 10,926,826.95 17,652,594.45 Transactional financial assets Notes receivable 1,590,000.00 1,257,500.00 Accounts receivable 3,280,814.85 4,172,243.78 Accounts paid in advance 184,703.97 96,047.65 Interest receivable Dividend receivable Other accounts receivable 1,569,413.16 236,719.46 Inventories 4,799,051.32 7,392,344.32 Non-current assets due within 1 year Other current assets Total current assets 22,350,810.25 30,807,449.66 Non-current assets: Available-for-sale financial assets Held-to-maturity investments Long-term accounts receivable Long-term equity investment 990,854,030.83 990,854,030.83 Investing property 47,839,469.53 31,212,851.79 Fixed assets 1,785,183.72 11,211,651.90 Construction in progress 58,500.00 Engineering materials Disposal of fixed assets Production biological assets Oil-gas assets Intangible assets 4,863,382.04 13,758,144.40 R&D expense Goodwill Long-term deferred expenses 1,306,669.49 1,216,744.00 Deferred income tax assets Other non-current assets Total of non-current assets 1,046,648,735.61 1,048,311,922.92 Total assets 1,068,999,545.86 1,079,119,372.58 Current liabilities: Short-term borrowings Transactional financial liabilities Notes payable Accounts payable 21,123,001.87 17,907,562.95 17 Report for the First Quarter of 2013 of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. Accounts received in advance 132,304.01 115,424.99 Employee’s compensation payable 257,886.05 522,592.57 Tax payable 2,089,088.84 1,124,273.49 Interest payable Dividend payable Other accounts payable 563,714,722.37 580,459,985.94 Non-current liabilities due within 1 year Other current liabilities Total current liabilities 587,317,003.14 600,129,839.94 Non-current liabilities: Long-term borrowings Bonds payable Long-term payables Specific payables Estimated liabilities Deferred income tax liabilities Other non-current liabilities Total non-current liabilities 0.00 0.00 Total liabilities 587,317,003.14 600,129,839.94 Owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity) Paid-up capital (or share capital) 185,391,680.00 185,391,680.00 Capital reserves 271,485,181.40 271,485,181.40 Less: Treasury stock Specific reserves Surplus reserves 6,120,201.82 6,120,201.82 Provisions for general risks Retained profits 18,685,479.50 15,992,469.42 Foreign exchange difference Total owners’ (or shareholders’) equity 481,682,542.72 478,989,532.64 Total liabilities and owners’ (or shareholders’) equity 1,068,999,545.86 1,079,119,372.58 Legal representative: Jian Derong Chief of the accounting work: Chen Zongyi Chief of the accounting organ: Chen Zongyi 18 Report for the First Quarter of 2013 of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. 3. Consolidated income statement Prepared by TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. Unit: RMB Yuan Item Jan.-Mar. 2013 Jan.-Mar. 2012 I. Total operating revenues 424,878,316.41 468,227,788.52 Including: Sales income 424,878,316.41 468,227,788.52 Interest income Premium income Handling charge and commission income II. Total operating cost 419,000,253.40 489,630,767.77 Including: Cost of sales 362,729,320.18 419,177,051.49 Interest expenses Handling charge and commission expenses Surrenders Net claims paid Net amount withdrawn for the insurance contract reserve Expenditure on policy dividends Reinsurance premium Taxes and associate charges 746,142.20 914,290.30 Selling and distribution expenses 16,237,180.87 24,364,183.57 Administrative expenses 37,164,993.01 47,759,954.80 Financial expenses 276,017.39 -5,164,665.49 Asset impairment loss 1,846,599.75 2,579,953.10 Add: Gain/(loss) from change in fair value (“-” means loss) 523,529.64 1,045,679.08 Gain/(loss) from investment (“-” means loss) 1,520,632.17 3,651,625.13 Including: share of profits in associates and joint ventures Foreign exchange gains (“-” means loss) III. Business profit (“-” means loss) 7,922,224.82 -16,705,675.04 Add: non-operating income 2,986,661.35 949,752.28 Less: non-operating expense 36,288.86 3,028.27 Including: loss from non-current asset disposal 21,954.21 2,489.51 IV. Total profit (“-” means loss) 10,872,597.31 -15,758,951.03 Less: Income tax expense 1,293,262.02 V. Net profit (“-” means loss) 9,579,335.29 -15,758,951.03 Including: Net profit achieved by combined parties before the combinations Attributable to owners of the Company 7,578,667.87 -11,645,169.27 Minority shareholders’ income 2,000,667.42 -4,113,781.76 VI. Earnings per share (I) Basic earnings per share 0.0409 -0.0628 (II) Diluted earnings per share 0.0409 -0.0628 Ⅶ. Other comprehensive incomes 3,143,700.62 -2,093,479.83 Ⅷ. Total comprehensive incomes 12,723,035.91 -17,852,430.86 Attributable to owners of the Company 10,722,368.49 -13,738,649.10 Attributable to minority shareholders 2,000,667.42 -4,113,781.76 Legal representative: Jian Derong Chief of the accounting work: Chen Zongyi Chief of the accounting organ: Chen Zongyi 19 Report for the First Quarter of 2013 of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. 4. Income statement of the Company Prepared by TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. Unit: RMB Yuan Item Jan.-Mar. 2013 Jan.-Mar. 2012 I. Total sales 14,033,533.23 2,838,132.20 Less: cost of sales 9,440,705.71 1,286,729.58 Business taxes and surcharges 243,736.32 158,935.42 Distribution expenses 1,129,123.84 Administrative expenses 1,340,721.67 1,191,497.70 Financial costs -30,339.32 -9,270.58 Impairment loss -1,265.05 -3,507.12 Add: gain/(loss) from change in fair value (“-” means loss) Gain/(loss) from investment (“-” means loss) 7,533.00 Including: income form investment on associates and joint ventures II. Business profit (“-” means loss) 1,918,383.06 213,747.20 Add: non-business income 774,627.02 136,550.19 Less: non-business expense Including: loss from non-current asset disposal III. Total profit (“-” means loss) 2,693,010.08 350,297.39 Less: income tax expense IV. Net profit (“-” means loss) 2,693,010.08 350,297.39 V. Earnings per share (I) Basic earnings per share 0.0145 0.0019 (II) Diluted earnings per share 0.0145 0.0019 VI. Other comprehensive income VII. Total comprehensive income 2,693,010.08 350,297.39 Legal representative: Jian Derong Chief of the accounting work: Chen Zongyi Chief of the accounting organ: Chen Zongyi 20 Report for the First Quarter of 2013 of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. 5. Consolidated cash flow statement Prepared by TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. Unit: RMB Yuan Item Jan.-Mar. 2013 Jan.-Mar. 2012 I. Cash flows from operating activities: Cash received from sale of commodities and rendering of service 501,946,380.82 646,645,508.06 Net increase of deposits from customers and dues from banks Net increase of loans from the central bank Net increase of funds borrowed from other financial institutions Cash received from premium of original insurance contracts Net cash received from reinsurance business Net increase of deposits of policy holders and investment fund Net increase of disposal of tradable financial assets Cash received from interest, handling charges and commissions Net increase of intra-group borrowings Net increase of funds in repurchase business Tax refunds received 60,384,540.74 79,805,697.22 Other cash received relating to operating activities 27,491,106.59 17,940,844.80 Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities 589,822,028.15 744,392,050.08 Cash paid for goods and services 503,436,795.67 626,327,480.69 Net increase of customer lendings and advances Net increase of funds deposited in the central bank and amount due from banks Cash for paying claims of the original insurance contracts Cash for paying interest, handling charges and commissions Cash for paying policy dividends Cash paid to and for employees 63,454,007.41 71,823,254.85 Various taxes paid 10,366,404.15 8,061,052.63 Other cash payment relating to operating activities 40,973,860.84 93,837,993.83 Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities 618,231,068.07 800,049,782.00 Net cash flows from operating activities -28,409,039.92 -55,657,731.92 II. Cash flows from investing activities: Cash received from withdrawal of investments Cash received from return on investments 1,470,378.53 3,651,625.13 21 Report for the First Quarter of 2013 of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other 3,947,653.12 1,488,946.88 long-term assets Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other business units 99,000.00 Other cash received relating to investing activities Subtotal of cash inflows from investing activities 5,517,031.65 5,140,572.01 Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term 13,423,916.49 20,048,523.04 assets Cash paid for investment Net increase of pledged loans Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries and other business units Other cash payments relating to investing activities Subtotal of cash outflows from investing activities 13,423,916.49 20,048,523.04 Net cash flows from investing activities -7,906,884.84 -14,907,951.03 III. Cash Flows from Financing Activities: Cash received from capital contributions Including: Cash received from minority shareholder investments by subsidiaries Cash received from borrowings 125,387,600.00 113,479,580.00 Cash received from issuance of bonds Other cash received relating to financing activities 106,608,300.00 126,384,500.00 Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities 231,995,900.00 239,864,080.00 Repayment of borrowings Cash paid for interest expenses and distribution of dividends or profit 163,955.50 Including: dividends or profit paid by subsidiaries to minority shareholders Other cash payments relating to financing activities 4,092.88 Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities 163,955.50 4,092.88 Net cash flows from financing activities 231,831,944.50 239,859,987.12 IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents -1,551,459.05 -582,049.11 V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 193,964,560.69 168,712,255.06 Add: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents 759,361,575.52 706,132,025.56 VI. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents 953,326,136.21 874,844,280.62 Legal representative: Jian Derong Chief of the accounting work: Chen Zongyi Chief of the accounting organ: Chen Zongyi 22 Report for the First Quarter of 2013 of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. 6. Cash flow statement of the Company Prepared by TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. Unit: RMB Yuan Item Jan.-Mar. 2013 Jan.-Mar. 2012 I. Cash flows from operating activities: Cash received from sale of commodities and rendering of service 9,750,164.61 Tax refunds received Other cash received relating to operating activities 13,777,633.02 10,485,241.81 Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities 23,527,797.63 10,485,241.81 Cash paid for goods and services 3,509,553.52 0.00 Cash paid to and for employees 10,134,529.22 9,377,910.60 Various taxes paid 416,609.55 506,777.89 Other cash payment relating to operating activities 16,986,336.66 1,016,168.00 Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities 31,047,028.95 10,900,856.49 Net cash flows from operating activities -7,519,231.32 -415,614.68 II. Cash flows from investing activities: Cash received from retraction of investments Cash received from return on investments Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and 797,450.00 180,000.00 other long-term assets Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other business units Other cash received relating to investing activities Subtotal of cash inflows from investing activities 797,450.00 180,000.00 Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term 99,400.00 assets Cash paid for investment Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries and other business units Other cash payments relating to investing activities Subtotal of cash outflows from investing activities 0.00 99,400.00 Net cash flows from investing activities 797,450.00 80,600.00 III. Cash Flows from Financing Activities: Cash received from capital contributions Cash received from borrowings Cash received from issuance of bonds Other cash received relating to financing activities Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities 0.00 0.00 Repayment of borrowings Cash paid for interest expenses and distribution of dividends or profit Other cash payments relating to financing activities 2,000,000.00 Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities 0.00 2,000,000.00 Net cash flows from financing activities 0.00 -2,000,000.00 IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents -3,986.18 -5,228.94 V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents -6,725,767.50 -2,340,243.62 Add: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents 17,652,594.45 13,757,429.84 VI. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents 10,926,826.95 11,417,186.22 Legal representative: Jian Derong Chief of the accounting work: Chen Zongyi Chief of the accounting organ: Chen Zongyi 23 Report for the First Quarter of 2013 of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. 7. Audit report This report has not been audited. Board of Directors of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD The chairman of the Board: Jian Derong 20 April 2013 24