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						                   2014 Semi-annual Report of Tsann Kuen (China) Enterprise Co., Ltd.



               August 2014

                                                 2014 Semi-annual Report of Tsann Kuen (China) Enterprise Co., Ltd.

         Section I. Important Reminders, Contents & Explanation

The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee as well as all directors, supervisors and senior
management staff of Tsann Kuen (China) Enterprise Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the
Company”) warrant that this report is factual, accurate and complete without any false record,
misleading statement or material omission. And they shall be jointly and severally liable for that.
All directors attended the board session for reviewing this report.
The Company plans not to distribute cash dividends or bonus shares or turn capital reserve into
share capital.
Mr. Pan Zhirong, company principal, and Mr. Chen Zongyi, head of the accounting work & the
accounting division (head of accounting) jointly declare that the financial statements carried in this
report are factual, accurate and complete.
English Translation for Reference Only. Should there be any discrepancy between the two versions,
the Chinese version shall prevail.

                                                         2014 Semi-annual Report of Tsann Kuen (China) Enterprise Co., Ltd.


Section I. Important Reminders, Contents & Explanation .............................................. 2
Section II. Company Profile ........................................................................................... 5
Section III. Highlights of Accounting Data & Financial Indicators ................................ 6
Section IV. Report of the Board of Directors ................................................................. 9
Section V. Significant Events ....................................................................................... 17
Section VI. Change in Shares & Shareholders.............................................................. 24
Section VII. Preferred Shares........................................................................................ 26
Section VIII. Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management Staff & Employees ............ 27
Section IX. Financial Report......................................................................................... 27
Section X. Documents Available for Reference............................................................ 27

                                                    2014 Semi-annual Report of Tsann Kuen (China) Enterprise Co., Ltd.


                    Term                                                          Contents

Xiamen Tsann Kuen, MCKB, Company, the
                                        Refers to   TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.
Company, TKC

Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou, TKL               Refers to   Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou Enterprise Co., Ltd.

Tsann Kuen Shanghai, TKS                Refers to   Tsann Kuen China (Shanghai) Enterprise Co., Ltd.

South Port Electronics, TKN             Refers to   Tsann Kuen (Zhangzhou) South Port Electronics Enterprise Co., Ltd.

Tsann Kuen Institute, LTC               Refers to   Tsann Kuen (Zhangzhou) Vocational Technical Institute

STD                                     Refers to   Shanghai Star Commerce & Trade Co., Ltd.

SCCX                                    Refers to   Xiamen Star Comgistic Capital Co., Ltd

East Sino                               Refers to   East Sino Development Limited

SCI                                     Refers to   Pt.Star Comgistic Indonesia

Yuan                                    Refers to   RMB Yuan

                                                               2014 Semi-annual Report of Tsann Kuen (China) Enterprise Co., Ltd.

                                        Section II. Company Profile

I. Basic information of the Company

Stock abbreviation                             MCKB                                  Stock code               200512

Stock exchange listed with                     Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Chinese name of the Company                    厦门灿坤实业股份有限公司

Abbr. of the Chinese name of the Company       闽灿坤

English name of the Company                    TSANNKUEN(CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO. LTD

Abbr. of the English name of the Company       TKC

Legal representative of the Company            Pan Zhirong

II. Contact information

                                             Company Secretary                            Securities Affairs Representative

Name                            Sun Meimei                                      Xiong Jianlin

                                TSANN KUEN Industrial Park, Taiwanese TSANN                KUEN      Industrial     Park,   Taiwanese
Contact address
                                Investment Zone, Zhangzhou, Fujian Province     Investment Zone, Zhangzhou, Fujian Province

Tel.                            0596-6268161                                    0596-6268103

Fax                             0596-6268104                                    0596-6268104

E-mail                          mm_sun@tkl.tsannkuen.com                        jl_xiong@tkl.tsannkuen.com

III. Other information

1. Ways to contact the Company

Did any change occur to the registered address, office address and their postal codes, website address and email address of the
Company during the reporting period?
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

2. About information disclosure and where this report is placed

Did any change occur to information disclosure media and where this report is placed during the reporting period?
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

3. Change of the registered information

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                               2014 Semi-annual Report of Tsann Kuen (China) Enterprise Co., Ltd.

     Section III. Highlights of Accounting Data & Financial Indicators

I. Major accounting data and financial indicators

Does the Company adjust retrospectively or restate accounting data of previous years due to change of any accounting policy or
correction of any accounting error?
□ Yes √ No
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                     Same period of last
                Major accounting data                      Reporting period                                     YoY +/-(%)

Operating revenues                                              890,216,299.51             877,844,207.80                         1.41

Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company           14,857,989.76              10,425,680.85                        42.51

Net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company
                                                                 17,047,602.69                 707,622.89                  2,309.14
after deducting non-recurring gains and losses

Net cash flow from operating activities                         -33,079,939.03             -63,381,893.64                        47.81
Basic EPS                                                                  0.08                       0.06                       33.33
Diluted EPS                                                                0.08                       0.06                       33.33
Weighted average ROE (%)                                                   2.82                       2.12                        0.70
                                                          As at the end of the      As at the end of last
                Major accounting data                                                                                +/- (%)
                                                            reporting period                year

Total assets                                                  2,099,877,010.31           1,690,801,284.83                        24.19

Owners’ equity attributable to shareholders of the
                                                                509,872,496.29             520,693,211.26                        -2.08

II. Differences between accounting data under domestic and overseas accounting standards

1. Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under international and Chinese
accounting standards

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

2. Differences of net profit and net assets disclosed in financial reports prepared under overseas and Chinese
accounting standards

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

3. Reasons for accounting data differences under the domestic and overseas accounting standards

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                                     2014 Semi-annual Report of Tsann Kuen (China) Enterprise Co., Ltd.

  III. Items and amounts of extraordinary gains and losses

                                                                                 Accumulative amount
                                     Item                                                                            Explanation
                                                                                  in the current period
Gains/losses on the disposal of non-current assets (including the offset part
of asset impairment provisions)

Tax rebates, reductions or exemptions due to approval beyond authority or
the lack of official approval documents

Government grants recognized in the current period, except for those
acquired in the ordinary course of business or granted at certain quotas or                1,913,721.00
amounts according to the country’s unified standards

Capital occupation charges on non-financial enterprises that recorded into
current gains and losses

Gains due to that the investment costs for the Company to obtain
subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures are lower than the enjoyable fair
value of the identifiable net assets of the investees when making the

Gain/loss on non-monetary asset swap

Gain/loss on entrusting others with investments or asset management

Asset impairment provisions due to acts of God such as natural disasters

Gain/loss on debt restructuring

Expenses for business reorganization, such as expenses for staffing,
reorganization etc.

Gain/loss on the part over the fair value due to transactions with distinctly
unfair prices

Current gains and losses of subsidies acquired from business combination
under the same control as from period-begin to combination date

Gain/loss on contingent events irrelevant to the Company’s normal

Gains and losses on change in fair value from tradable financial assets and                               Gains    on    sale     of    forward
tradable financial liabilities, as well as investment income from disposal of                             exchange contracts, fair value
tradable financial assets and tradable financial liabilities and financial               -12,768,052.50   changes, wealth management
assets available for sales except for effective hedging related with normal                               products      and     other   current
businesses of the Company                                                                                 assets

Reversal of provision for impairment that made impairment test

Gain/loss on loans obtained by entrusting others

Gain/loss on change of the fair value of investing real estate of which the
subsequent measurement is carried out adopting the fair value method

                                                                   2014 Semi-annual Report of Tsann Kuen (China) Enterprise Co., Ltd.

                                                                               Accumulative amount
                                         Item                                                                     Explanation
                                                                                in the current period

Effect on current gains/losses when a one-off adjustment is made to current
gains/losses according to requirements of taxation, accounting and other
relevant laws and regulations

Custody fee income when entrusted with operation

Other non-operation income and expenses other than the above                             5,180,367.26

                                                                                                           Payments from customers
Other gain/loss items that meet the definition of an extraordinary gain/loss             1,285,415.02   that had been written off were
Less: Income tax effects                                                                -1,190,531.80

Minority interests effects (after tax)                                                     -23,417.41

Total                                                                                   -2,189,612.93

                                                              2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

                                Section IV. Report of the Board of Directors
        I. Business review for the reporting period

        For the reporting period, the Company achieved operating revenues of RMB 890 million, up 1.41% over the same
        period of last year, with net profit being RMB 15 million. The Company enhanced internal operation and
        management, reduced procurement costs, optimized the production and sale processes and strictly controlled the
        administrative and selling expenses, yielding a YoY growth of 42.51% on net profit.

        According to the strategic goals set—focusing on main business, improving operational management and
        expanding emerging market, with “cash and profit growth” as the highest guiding principal, customers’ needs as
        the orientation and technological innovation and design integration as the core, the Company built a high-end
        service mode featuring “high speed, low cost and effective solution”, created leading advantages in areas from
        R&D to marketing and enhanced the supporting supply chain management, so as to satisfy customers’ needs and
        attract international orders.

        The Company continuously input for small household appliance R&D and increased competitiveness of our
        products through technical innovation. Meanwhile, the Company promoted development of the Tsann Kuen brand
        and proactively planned for domestic sale of products such as comprehensive helpers, with the purpose of
        enhancing expansion of the domestic market.

        II. YoY changes of major financial data

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                           Accumulative amount
                                 Accumulative amount
              Item                                         in the same period of    +/-%                 Main reasons for change
                                 in the reporting period
                                                                  last year
Operating revenues                      890,216,299.51         877,844,207.80          1.41%
Operating costs                         761,974,414.46         762,662,771.63         -0.09%
Selling expenses                        34,383,454.76           34,293,872.54          0.26%
Administrative expenses                 72,912,587.41           74,849,826.36         -2.59%
                                                                                               Exchange and interest incomes increased as
Financial expenses                      -11,216,974.35            3,869,546.71      -389.88%
                                                                                               RMB depreciated.
Income tax expenses                       2,957,439.90            1,139,442.82       159.55%   Deferred income tax assets were reversed.
R&D input                               30,469,780.95           30,687,843.84         -0.71%
Net cash flows from operating
                                        -33,079,939.03         -63,381,893.64         47.81%   Payments to suppliers decreased.
                                                                                               More wealth management products were
Net cash flows from investing
                                  -1,181,899,628.49            -87,554,293.09      -1249.90%   acquired and there was more limitation on
                                                                                               term deposits.
Net cash flows from financing
                                        539,659,463.51         322,007,671.55         67.59%   Financings for export increased.
Net increase in cash and cash
                                    -670,308,694.60            160,843,030.86       -516.75%

                                                         2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

Major changes to the profit structure or sources of the Company during the reporting period:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable
Reporting period progress of the future development planning in the disclosed documents of the Company such as share-soliciting
prospectuses, offering prospectuses, asset reorganization reports, etc.:
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

III. Breakdown of main business

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                          Increase/decrease   Increase/decrease   Increase/decrease
                                                                             of operating        of operating       of gross profit
                    Operating                              Gross profit
    Item                               Operating costs                      revenues over       costs over the       rate over the
                    revenues                                rate (%)
                                                                           the same period     same period of      same period of
                                                                           of last year (%)     last year (%)        last year (%)
Classified by industry:
                   853,536,487.98       750,410,484.64         12.08%               0.92%              -0.27%               1.05%
by industry:
                   853,536,487.98       750,410,484.64         12.08%               0.92%              -0.27%               1.05%
by industry:
Classified by industry:
                   515,128,658.12       445,237,910.10         13.57%               5.36%               3.61%               1.47%
                   248,061,429.17       228,197,976.09          8.01%              -5.44%              -5.65%               0.21%
Tea/coffee          68,460,128.01        61,248,739.87         10.53%             -13.04%             -12.55%               -0.50%

Others              21,886,272.68        15,725,858.58         28.15%              38.50%              41.61%               -3.51%

Total              853,536,487.98       750,410,484.64         12.08%               0.92%              -0.27%               1.05%

Classified by region:

America            329,835,160.09       288,124,504.03         12.65%               7.62%               5.86%               1.45%

Asia               272,772,273.18       244,584,531.76         10.33%              -1.23%              -2.16%               0.85%

Europe             190,830,464.63       165,219,858.39         13.42%              -2.12%              -2.56%               0.39%

Australia           53,949,820.33        47,545,356.17         11.87%              -5.85%              -7.59%               1.66%

Africa                  6,148,769.75      4,936,234.29         19.72%             -43.29%             -46.77%               5.25%

Total              853,536,487.98       750,410,484.64         12.08%               0.92%              -0.27%               1.05%

IV. Core competitiveness analysis

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

V. Investment analysis

1. Investments in equities of external parties

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                                                                                 2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.
    2. Wealth management entrustment, derivative investments and entrustment loans

    (1) Wealth management entrustment

    √Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB Ten thousand Yuan
                                  Related-party                                                                                                 Impairment
                                                                     Amount                                        Payment Principal actually                   Predicted    Actual gain/loss in
 Name of trustee      Relation    transaction or   Product variety                Beginning date   Ending date                                  provision (if
                                                                     entrusted                                   determination recovered                          gain        reporting period
                                       not                                                                                                          any)
   Huli CCB             N/A            No          floating income        5,000    2013/12/20      2014/3/20        6.65%               5,000       N/A              81.99                 70.91
                        N/A            No          floating income       11,000     2014/1/15      2014/4/15        6.8%               11,000       N/A             187.00               187.00
Shenzhen Ping’an       N/A            No          floating income          500     2014/1/16      2014/12/3        8.0%                    0       N/A              35.67                 17.33
Shenzhen Ping’an       N/A            No          floating income        1,500     2014/1/16      2014/12/5        8.0%                    0       N/A             107.67                 52.00
Shenzhen Ping’an       N/A            No          floating income        1,500     2014/1/16      2014/12/9        8.0%                    0       N/A             109.00                 52.00
Shenzhen Ping’an       N/A            No          floating income        1,500     2014/1/16      2014/12/11       8.0%                    0       N/A             109.67                 52.00
Shenzhen Ping’an       N/A            No          floating income        1,500     2014/1/16      2014/12/15       8.0%                    0       N/A             110.00                 52.00
Shenzhen Ping’an       N/A            No          floating income        1,500     2014/1/16      2014/12/17       8.0%                    0       N/A             111.67                 52.00
                        N/A            No          floating income        6,000     2014/2/17      2014/9/27        5.5%                    0       N/A             203.50                    0
                        N/A            No          floating income        5,000     2014/3/21      2014/12/29       5.6%                    0       N/A             220.11                    0

                                                                                                                                 2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.
                                         Related-party                                                                                                               Impairment
                                                                                Amount                                             Payment Principal actually                         Predicted    Actual gain/loss in
Name of trustee         Relation         transaction or    Product variety                    Beginning date      Ending date                                        provision (if
                                                                                entrusted                                        determination recovered                                gain        reporting period
                                              not                                                                                                                        any)
                          N/A                   No         floating income          11,000      2014/4/16         2014/10/7          5.7%                        0       N/A              303.05                        0
                          N/A                   No         floating income           3,000      2014/6/23         2014/12/29         5.2%                        0       N/A               81.90                        0
                                     Total                                          49,000                                                               16,000                         1,661.23                535.24
                    Source of the entrusted funds                                                                                        Self-owned funds
             Cumulative overdue principals and gains                                                                                               0
                                 Lawsuit                                                                                                       N/A
 Disclosure date of the board announcement approving the wealth
                     management entrustment
Disclosure date of the general meeting announcement approving the
                  wealth management entrustment

   (2) Derivative investments

   √Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Ten thousand Yuan
                                               Type of        Initial                                           Opening                       Closing          Proportion of the closing
                  Relati     rty                                             Beginning                                      Impairment                                                            Actual gain/loss in
  Operator                                    derivative   investment                        Ending date       investment                   investment         investment amount in the
                   on transaction                                              date                                          provision                                                             reporting period
                                             investment      amount                                              amount                       amount        Company’s closing net assets (%)
                           or not
    Bank           No           No                         121,125.89    1 Jan. 2014        30 Jun. 2014       95,896.14                    77,417.25                    151.84                       -1,812.04
    Capital source for derivative investment                                                                                    Self-owned funds
                     Lawsuit                                                                                                          N/A
   Disclosure date of the board announcement
 approving the wealth management entrustment
     Disclosure date of the general meeting
announcement approving the wealth management                                                                                       2013/5/18

                                                                                                                             2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.
                                                        1. Analysis on risks from holding of derivative products: gains or losses from difference between contracted exchange rate and market exchange rate on
                                                        value date.
                                                        2. Control measures:
                                                        (1) Principle: The purpose of the financial derivative operation is to avoid risks. The Company shall not conduct transactional operation for other
                                                        purposes than risk avoidance. The Company shall not conduct complex derivative trading above the actual operation needs and shall not speculate in
                                                        derivative trading with hedging as an excuse. The overall contractual amount for risk avoidance of the Company shall not exceed the summation of the
                                                        net risk exposure of the existing assets and liabilities and the net risk exposure of assets and liabilities arising from the operation of the Company in the
Analysis on risks and control measures of               coming year.
derivative products held in the reporting period        (2) Staff requirements: Personnel taking part in the investment shall all fully understand the risks of derivative investment and strictly execute the
(including but not limited to market risk, liquidity    business operation and risk management mechanisms for derivative investment.
risk, credit risk, operation risk, law risk, etc.)      (3) Operation standardization: Before making a derivative investment, the Company shall rationally equip itself with professional personnel for
                                                        investment decision-making, business operation, risk control, etc. It shall also inquire and compare among various markets and products. Besides, it
                                                        shall strictly control the variety and size of derivative investment and try to choose derivative trading on exchange as much as possible.
                                                        (4) Periodic evaluation: Derivative investments shall be evaluated at least twice for a month and the evaluation report shall be sent to a high-ranking
                                                        executive authorized by the Board of Directors. And a derivative investment report shall be sent to the Board of Directors annually. Each subsidiary
                                                        should only summit to the Board of Directors of the subsidiary.
                                                        (5) Loss limit: The investment loss on a single derivative and all the investment loss shall not exceed 20% of the total investment amount.
                                                        (6) Audit system: The audit department audits derivative product trading periodically and submits audit reports to relevant units.
                                                        (1) Gains and losses affected by completed transaction amount of derivative products was RMB 8.6478 million, and gain from undelivered transaction
Changes of market prices or fair values in the          was RMB 26.7682 million in the reporting period, of which the rotation profits of the undelivered forward estimates of the investment derivatives was
reporting period of the invested derivatives. And the   of RMB 21.1201 million;
analysis on the fair value of the derivatives should    (2) The former contracted bank provided monthly sheets of estimated exchange rates for the undue contracted forward exchanges on the last trading day
include the specific use methods and the relevant       of the month.
assumptions and parameters.                             (3) The profit and loss from fair value changes of the derivative was confirmed according to the difference between the contracted amount undue by the
                                                        month*the estimated exchange rate and the currency amount when bought in.
Whether significant changes occurred to the
Company’s accounting policy and specific There were no significant changes between the Company’s accounting policy and specific accounting principles of derivatives in th e reporting period
accounting principles of derivatives in the reporting and those in the last reporting period.
period compared to the previous reporting period

Special opinion from independent directors, sponsor The Company has carried out a strict internal assessment for th e financial derivative business and has established a corresponding supervision
or financial consultant on the Company’s mechanism. We are of the opinion that the financial derivative business conducted by the Company is fairly necessary in its routine operation and is in
derivatives investment and risk control             compliance with relevant laws and regulations, with the risks controllable.

     (3) Entrustment loans

     □ Applicable √ Inapplicable

     3. Use of raised funds

     □ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                                                                                   2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.
          4. Analysis to main subsidiaries and stock-participating companies

                                                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                                                                    Operating       Operating
Company name      Company variety    Industry          Main products/services          Registered capital     Total assets       Net assets                                         Net profit
                                                                                                                                                    revenues         profit

Tsann Kuen
                                    Small home    For details, see Note VI. Business
(Zhangzhou)       Controlled
                                    appliance      combination and consolidated fin    USD 160 million      2,457,102,378.28   1,266,962,415.84   862,438,262.13   14,677,484.39   17,496,448.18
Enterprise Co.,   subsidiary
                                    manufacture   ancial statements

Tsann Kuen
                                    Small home    For details, see Note VI. Business
(Shanghai)        Controlled
                                    appliance      combination and consolidated fin     USD 40 million        99,239,396.60      93,839,029.74      3,679,952.94     164,923.89     4,446,435.14
Enterprise Co.,   subsidiary
                                    manufacture   ancial statements
Pt. Star          Subsidiary of a   Home          For details, see Note VI. Business
Comgistic         controlled        appliance      combination and consolidated fin    USD 17.5 million      102,454,363.22      61,563,120.62     24,079,496.50   -6,353,859.73   -6,739,559.45
Indonesia         subsidiary        manufacture   ancial statements

                                                          2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

5. Significant projects of investments with non-raised funds

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

VI. Predict the operating results of Jan.-Sept. 2014

Warning of possible loss or considerable YoY change of the accumulated net profit made during the period-begin to the end of the
next reporting period according to prediction, as well as explanations on the reasons
□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

VII. Explanation by the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee about the
“non-standard audit report” issued by the CPAs firm for the reporting period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

VIII. Explanation by the Board of Directors about the “non-standard audit report” of last

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

IX. Implementation of profit allocation during the reporting period

Profit allocation plan implemented during the reporting period, especially execution and adjustment of the cash dividend plan and the
plan for turning capital reserve into share capital:
√ Applicable □ Inapplicable
For the details of Y2013 profits distribution, please refer to the see the “Announcement on Implementation of the Equity Distribution
for 2013” disclosed on Securities Times, Ta Kung Pao (HK) and http://www.cninfo.com.cn on 19 Jun. 2014, which had completed
the execution according to the prescription.
                                           Special explanation of the cash dividend policy
Whether conformed with the regulations of the Articles of
association or the requirements of the resolutions of the Yes
shareholders’ meeting:
Whether the dividend standard and the proportion were definite
and clear:
Whether the relevant decision-making process and the system
were complete:
Whether the independent director acted dutifully and exerted the
proper function:
Whether the medium and small shareholders had the chances to
fully express their suggestions and appeals, of which their legal   Yes
interest had gained fully protection:
Whether the conditions and the process met the regulations and
was transparent of the adjustment or altered of the cash dividend Yes

X. Pre-plan for profit allocation and turning capital reserve into share capital for the
reporting period

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                      2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

XI. Particulars about researches, visits and interviews received in this reporting period

                                                                                              Main discussion and
 Time of reception   Place of reception   Way of reception    Visitor type       Visitor     materials provided by the
                                                                                            Operation of the Company,
                                                                                            B-share policies, with no
28 Feb. 2014              Office             By phone         Individual        Mr. Yu
                                                                                            written materials provided
                                                                                            by the Company

                                                         2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

                                          Section V. Significant Events

   I. Corporate governance

   Company governance practice has no difference with requirements of relevant law and rules of Company Law and CSRC.

   II. Significant litigations and arbitrations

   √ Applicable □ Inapplicable
                          Amount (RMB Whether form
                                                                              Results and   Sentence     Disclosure     Disclosure
 Lawsuit (arbitration)    Ten Thousand into estimated        Progress
                                                                               influence    execution       date          index
                             Yuan)        liabilities
Events of the appeal
progress of the lawsuit
between the controlled
subsidiary    of    the                                 Held the hearing on                                            www.cninfo.c
                                 430.49      No                                No result      N/A       22 Feb. 2014
Company      Zhangzhou                                  26 Mar. 2014                                                   om.cn
Tsann Kuen and Xinda
Electromechanics Co.,
Events the controlled
subsidiary of the
Company Zhangzhou
                                                        People’s Court had                                            www.cninfo.c
Tsann Kuen sued Xinda            370.30      No                                No result      N/A       27 Dec. 2013
                                                        put on record and                                              om.cn
Electromechanics Co.,
                                                        waited    for   the
Ltd. by another

   III. Media’s questions

   □Applicable √Inapplicable

   IV. Bankruptcy or reorganization events

   □Applicable √Inapplicable

   V. Assets transaction events

   1. Purchase of assets

   □Applicable √Inapplicable

                                                                                                                    2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

         2. Sales of assets

                                                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB Ten Thousand Yuan
                                                              Net profit                                                                                              Whether or
                                                                                     Ratio of the                              Relationship       Whether or
                                                             contributed                                                                                                 not the
                                                                                     net profits                                between the          not the
                                                          to the Company   Impact                       Prici   Related-p                                              creditor’s
                                                                                     contributed by                          transaction party   ownership of                      Disclo Disclo
Transaction                       Disposal    Transact        from the      to the                      ng         arty                                                right and
                   Assets sold                                                       the asset to the                        and the Company        the asset                       sure   sure
party                               date      ion price     period-begin   compan                       prin    transactio                                             liabilities
                                                                                     Company to                               (applicable for    involved has                       date  index
                                                                to the        y                         ciple    n or not                                           involved have
                                                                                     the total                                 related-party       been fully
                                                               disposal                                                                                                been fully
                                                                                     profits (%)                               transactions)      transferred
                                                                 date                                                                                                 transferred
Tsann Kuen                                                                                              Base                 Under control of
                     Other                                                                              d on     Related
Enterprise                       2014.01.24      10.01              1.17      1.17            0.08%                          the same actual         Yes             Yes
                   equipments                                                                           the     enterprise
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                    controller
HAVELLS              Mould       2014.02.28      42.75             35.28     35.28            2.37%             Non-relate     Inapplicable
                     Hard                                                                               pric
Pinrui                           2014.02.28       8.70              7.28      7.28            0.49%             enterprise
                  equipments                                                                            e,
                     Other                                                                              and
Duobite                          2014.02.28       0.64              0.55      0.55            0.04%
                  equipments                                                                            settl
                     Other                                                                              ed
Hailong                          2014.02.28       1.20              1.03      1.03            0.07%     acco                                                                               www.
                                                                                                        rdin                                                                     2014.    cninfo
Sungwon                          2014.02.28       2.40              2.05      2.05            0.14%     g                                                                        04.25    .com.c
                                                                                                        cont                                                                                 n
Yuejia              Molding
                                 2014.03.31       6.50              1.34      1.34            0.09%     ract
Electron          equipments
                     Other                                                                              sign
Yixin                            2014.03.31       0.15              0.13      0.13            0.01%     ed
                     Hard                                                                               by
Yixin                            2014.03.31       0.80              0.78      0.78            0.05%     both
                     Hard                                                                               parti
Fushun                           2014.03.31      11.00              9.61      9.61            0.65%     es
Huaruixing                       2014.03.31       1.79              1.71      1.71            0.12%
                 Bakelite                                                                                                                                                        Inappl    Inappl
Tu Yibin                         2014.04.30      10.00              3.12      3.12            0.21%
                 equipments                                                                                                                                                      icable    icable
Yuejia           Other
                                 2014.04.30       6.50              1.44      1.44            0.10%
Electron         equipments
Yixin                            2014.04.30       1.17              1.12      1.12            0.08%
Tu Yibin                         2014.04.30       2.50              2.45      2.45            0.16%

                                                                                                                2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.
                                                          Net profit                                                                                          Whether or
                                                                                 Ratio of the                              Relationship       Whether or
                                                         contributed                                                                                             not the
                                                                                 net profits                                between the          not the
                                                      to the Company   Impact                       Prici   Related-p                                          creditor’s
                                                                                 contributed by                          transaction party   ownership of                    Disclo   Disclo
Transaction                   Disposal    Transact        from the      to the                      ng         arty                                            right and
               Assets sold                                                       the asset to the                        and the Company        the asset                     sure     sure
party                           date      ion price     period-begin   compan                       prin    transactio                                         liabilities
                                                                                 Company to                               (applicable for    involved has                     date    index
                                                            to the        y                         ciple    n or not                                       involved have
                                                                                 the total                                 related-party       been fully
                                                           disposal                                                                                            been fully
                                                                                 profits (%)                               transactions)      transferred
                                                             date                                                                                             transferred
Pan Xibao                    2014.04.30       0.50              0.48      0.48            0.03%
DARMON        Electronic
                             2014.05.10       6.33             -0.21     -0.21           -0.01%
O             equipments
Hewang                       2014.05.31       6.45              0.73      0.73            0.05%
Huasheng                     2014.05.31       1.00              0.98      0.98            0.07%
Haikun        Mould          2014.05.31       1.00              0.98      0.98            0.07%
Hongyuan      Mould          2014.05.31       5.37              4.98      4.98            0.34%
Xindongbao                   2014.05.31       0.20              0.17      0.17            0.01%
Li Qinghua                   2014.05.31      50.00              1.47      1.47            0.10%
Qiankun                      2014.05.31      25.00              8.23      8.23            0.55%
Wankun                       2014.05.31       4.00              0.96      0.96            0.06%
Wang          Molding
                             2014.05.31       1.00              0.98      0.98            0.07%
Zhibiao       equipments
Baifeng                      2014.05.31       3.50              2.79      2.79            0.19%
DARMON        Electronic
                             2014.06.23       2.74             -0.05     -0.05            0.00%
O             equipments
Hongyuan      Mould          2014.06.30       7.86              7.67      7.67            0.52%
Golden        Hard
                             2014.06.30       2.50              2.44      2.44       0.16%
Lance         equipments
              Die casting
Yixin                        2014.06.30       3.42              3.33      3.33       0.22%
              Die casting
Kailianxing                  2014.06.30       5.27              5.02      5.02       0.34%
              Building       2014.06.30      46.70             43.11     43.11       2.90%
Total                                      278.95             153.12    153.12      10.31%

                                                                                                                              2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.
        3. Business combination

        □Applicable √Inapplicable

        VI. Implementation situation and influence of equity incentive plan of the Company

        □Applicable √Inapplicable

        VII. Significant related-party transactions

        1. Related-party transaction relevant to routine operation

        √Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                            Pricing       Transaction   Transaction     Proportion
                                                              Type of the          Content of the         principle of    price(RMB       amount          in same                                Disclo   Disclo
                                                                                                                                                                      method of the    Marke
     Related party                 Relationship              related-party         related-party              the             Ten       (RMB Ten          kind of                                 sure    sure
                                                                                                                                                                      related-party    t price
                                                              transaction           transaction          related-party     Thousand      Thousand      transactions                               date    index
                                                                                                          transaction        Yuan)         Yuan)            (%)
                            Company directly
                            controlled by key                                   Purchase of raw
Thermaster Electronic                                     Purchase of
                            management personnel                                parts and                                                  1,699.11            3.06
(Xiamen) Ltd.                                             commodities
                            and their close family                              mechanical parts
                                                                                Purchase of raw
STAR COMGISTIC              Ultimate controlling          Purchase of                                    Based on the
                                                                                parts and                                                    199.33            0.36
CAPITAL CO.,LTD.            company                       commodities                                    market price                                                                                      www.
                                                                                mechanical parts                                                                      According to
                                                                                                           and both                                                                               18      cninfo
                            Under the control of the                                                                                                                   the contract
TSANN KUEN JAPAN                                          Sales of              Sales of parts and       parties abide       N/A                                                        N/A      Mar.     .com.c
                            same ultimate controlling                                                                                        583.29            0.68   signed by the
CO., LTD                                                  commodities           finished products       by the fair and                                                                          2014        n
                            company                                                                                                                                    both parties
STAR COMGISTIC              Ultimate controlling          Sales of              Sales of parts and
                                                                                                           principle                       1,969.81            2.31
CAPITAL CO.,LTD.            company                       commodities           finished products
STAR COMGISTIC              Ultimate controlling          Revenue from          Procurement agency
                                                                                                                                                9.78        100.00
CAPITAL CO.,LTD.            company                       service               fee
                            Under the control of the
Xiamen Tsann Kuen
                            same ultimate controlling     Provide service          Workshop rent                                              75.00            2.80
Trading Co., Ltd.
                                               Total                                                                                     4,536.32
Details of large amount of sales returns                                                                Naught
                                                                                                        The amount for the above related-party transactions were not exceed the predicted amount in the
As for the prediction on the total amount of routine related-party transactions to be occurred in the
                                                                                                        Announcement on Prediction of the 2014 Annual Routine Related-party Transactions disclosed on Securities
reporting period by relevant types, the actual performance in the reporting period
                                                                                                        Times, Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao and http://www.cninfo.com.cn dated 18 Mar. 2014.

                                                                                                                           2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.
                                                                                                     The pricing principle of the related-party transaction of the Company was in accordance with the Pricing
Reason for significant difference between the transaction price and the market price                 Arrangement on Transactions between Related Enterprises signed with national taxation bureau, which was
                                                                                                     made by referring to the horizontal fair trading principle.

        2. Related-party transactions regarding purchase and sales of assets

        √Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Ten Thousand Yuan
                                                                                               Book value     Assessed
                                   Type of the    Content of the                                                                                     Settlement method
  Related                                                           Pricing principle of the      of the       value of      Market      Transfer                           Transaction      Disclosu   Disclosure
                 Relationship     related-party   related-party                                                                                      of the related-party
   party                                                           related-party transaction   transferred   transferred    fair value    price                             profit or loss    re date     index
                                   transaction     transaction                                                                                            transaction
                                                                                                  assets        assets
               Under the                                             Based on the market
Tsann Kun                                                                                                                                            Settled according to
               same control      Sales of the    Sales of the       price and both parties                                                                                                   2014.04.   www.cninf
Enterprise                                                                                                                                           the contract signed
               of the actual     fixed assets    fixed assets       abide by the fair and         8.84          N/A           10.01       10.01                                 1.17           25        o.com.cn
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                             by the both parties
               controlled                                            reasonable principle
The reasons of the differences between transfer price and book
Impacts on the company’s operating results and financial

        3. Significant related-party transactions with joint investments

        □Applicable √Inapplicable

        4. Significant credits and liabilities with related parties

        Was there any non-operating credit or liability with any related party?
        □ Yes √No

        5. Other significant related-party transactions

        □Applicable √Inapplicable

        VIII. Occupation of the Company’s funds for non-operating purposes by the controlling shareholder and its related parties

        □ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                         2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

IX. Significant contracts and execution

1. Particulars about trusteeship, contract and lease

(1) Trust

□Applicable √Inapplicable

(2) Contract

□Applicable √Inapplicable

(3) Lease

Notes of the leasing
Explanation of lease
The Proposal on Lease of Property & Related-party Transactions was reviewed and approved at the Fourth Session of the Board of
Directors for 2011 dated 13 Aug. 2011 and the First Special Shareholders ’ General Meeting for 2011 dated 16 Sept. 2011, for details,
please refer to the Announcement on Lease of Property & Related-party Transactions, Announcement on Resolutions Made at the
Fourth Session of the Board of Directors for 2011 and Announcement on Resolutions Made at the First Special Shareholders ’
General Meeting for 2011 disclosed on Securities Times, Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao and http://www.cninfo.com.cn.
The Proposal on Change of Property Leasing Agreement & Related-party Transaction was reviewed and approved at the Second
Special Session of the Board of Directors for 2012 dated 30 Jun. 2012 and the Second Special Shareholders’ General Meeting for
2012 dated 24 Jul. 2012, for details, please refer to the Announcement on Change of Property Leasing Agreement & Related-party
Transaction, Announcement on Resolutions Made at the Second Special Session of the Board of Directors for 2012 and
Announcement on Resolutions Made at the Second Special Shareholders’ General Meeting for 2012 disclosed on Securities Times,
Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao and http://www.cninfo.com.cn.;
The proposal on Lease of Property was received and approved at the First Session of the Board of Directors for 2013 dated 26 Jun.
2013 and for details, please refer to the Announcement on Lease of Property, Announcement on Resolutions Made at the First
Session of the Board of Directors for 2013 disclosed on Securities Times, Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao and http://www.cninfo.com.cn.

The lease whose profits reaching more than 10% of the total profits of the Company in the reporting period
√Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                      Unit: RMB Ten thousand Yuan
                                    Involv                                                        Influence
                            Status     ed                                            Recogniti       s of     Related-p
   Name of                                      Initial      Ending
                Name of       of    amoun                                   Rental    on basis      rental       arty     Relations
  contract-o                                   date of       date of
                 leaser     leased t of the                                income     of rental    income     transactio     hip
   ut party                                    leasing       leasing
                            assets   leased                                           income        on the     n or not
                                     assets                                                       Company
                n)                                                                   Accordin
                Assets      Buildi                          2018-9-3                  g to the
  (China)                             977     2013-7-1                      577.60                  38.87%        No       Naught
                Manage        ng                                0                     contract
                ment                                                                    price
  e Co.,

2. Guarantees provided by the Company

□Applicable √Inapplicable

3. Other significant contracts

□Applicable √Inapplicable

                                                             2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

       4. Other significant transaction

       □Applicable √Inapplicable

       X. Commitments made by the Company or shareholders holding over 5% of the Company’s shares in the
       report period, or such commitments carried down into the report period

       √Applicable □Inapplicable
                                                                                                Time of   Period of
       Commitment                                               Contents                        making   commitme             Fulfillment
                                                                                              commitment     nt
Commitment      on    share
Commitment         in    the
acquisition report or the
report on equity changes
Commitments made upon
the assets replacement
Commitments made upon
first issuance or refinance
                                     Based on the confidence on the continuous and
                                     stable development of the Company, it committed                                   The Company’s stocks
                                     to increase the shareholding if the Company’s stock                              resumed trading on 31
                                     price lower than HKD2.40 per share after the                                      Dec. 2012, but the
                                     implementation of the shares contraction and                                      Company’s stock price
                                                                                                           Within one
                                     trading resumption, and it would increase no more                                 hasn’t met the condition
                                                                                                           year since
                          FILLMAN    than 2% shares (i.e. 370,780,000 shares) of the total                             for         shareholding
Other commitments made to                                                                   28        Dec. the date of
                          INVESTMEN shares issued by the Company within one year since                                 increase since the date
minority shareholders                                                                       2012           initial
                          TS LIMITED the date of initial shareholding increase. If the plan                            of trading resumption,
                                     on increasing holding 2% shares of the total shares                               Fillman      Investments
                                                                                                           ng increase
                                     is completed, if the stock price hasn’t reached the                              Limited            hasn’t
                                     target price, it will perform relevant approval                                   implemented           the
                                     procedures, and propose to CSRC on continuous                                     shareholding increase
                                     implementation of shareholding increase by                                        plan.
                                     exemption of offering.
Executed timely or not?        Yes
Detailed reason for failing The Company’s stocks resumed trading on 31 Dec. 2012, but the Company’s stock price hasn’t met the condition for
to execute and the next plan shareholding increase since the date of trading resumption, Fillman Investments Limited hasn’t implemented the
(if any)                     shareholding increase plan.

       XI. Particulars about engagement and disengagement of CPAs firm

       Has this semi-annual report been audited?
       □ Yes √ No

       XII. Particulars about punishment and rectification

       □Applicable √Inapplicable

       XIII. Delisting risk due to violation of any law or regulation

       □Applicable √Inapplicable

                                                             2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

   XIV. Other significant events

   Coordinated with the adjustment of the Company’s operation strategy and stopped the operation business of the travel subsidiary.
   Except for the Travel Controlling Company Xiamen Star Comgistic Capital Co., Ltd is handling the liquidation events the rest of the
   travel entities had completed the liquidation.

                             Section VI. Change in Shares & Shareholders

   I. Changes in shares

                                                                                                                                  Unit: share

                                Before the change                    Increase/decrease in the change (+,-)                  After the change

                                                          Issuance                Capitalization
                              Number         Proportion   of new                    of public      Other     Subtotal    Number       Proportion
                                                           shares                  reserve fund

I. Restricted shares                     0       0.00%                                                                            0        0.00%

II. Non-restricted shares    185,391,680       100.00%                                                                  185,391,680      100.00%

1. Domestically listed
                             185,391,680       100.00%                                                                  185,391,680      100.00%
foreign shares

III. Total shares            185,391,680       100.00%                                                                  185,391,680      100.00%

   Reasons for change in share capital
   □Applicable √Inapplicable
   Particulars about the approval of the change in share capital
   □Applicable √Inapplicable
   The transfer of change in share capital
   □Applicable √Inapplicable
   Change in share capital’s impacts on basic EPS and diluted EPS in recent year and recent issue, and net assets per share attributed to
   equity shareholder and financial index etc.
   □Applicable √Inapplicable
   Other contents was necessary to the company or the securities regulators required to be disclosed
   □Applicable √Inapplicable
   Changes of the Company’s share number and structure, as well as the corresponding changes in its asset-liability structure
   □Applicable √Inapplicable
   Changes of the Company’s share number and structure, as well as the corresponding changes in its asset-liability structure
   □Applicable √Inapplicable

                                                             2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

   II. Total number of shareholders and their shareholding

                                                                                                                                Unit: share
Total number of common                                              Total number of preferred share holders who
shareholders at the end of the                               24,749 had resumed their voting right at the end of                              0
reporting period                                                    the reporting period
    Particulars about shares held by shareholders with a shareholding percentage over 5% or by the top ten shareholders holding shares
                                                                           Increase/d                           Pledged or frozen shares
                                                              Total shares ecrease Number of      Number of
                             Nature of       Shareholding
Name of shareholder                                            held at the during the restricted non-restricted   Status of Number of
                            shareholder       percentage
                                                              period-end reporting shares held shares held         shares       shares
DEVELOPMENT            Foreign corporation          29.10%      53,940,530                               53,940,530            N/A         N/A
CORPORATION            Foreign corporation          13.83%      25,633,718                               25,633,718            N/A         N/A
INVESTMENTS            Foreign corporation           2.49%       4,621,596                                4,621,596            N/A         N/A
Chen Yongquan          Domestic individual           0.90%       1,668,747                                1,668,747            N/A         N/A
Xia Qianru             Foreign individual            0.70%       1,299,545                                1,299,545            N/A         N/A
Chen Lijuan            Foreign individual            0.55%       1,012,791                                1,012,791            N/A         N/A
Chen Yongqing          Foreign individual            0.53%         981,598                                  981,598            N/A         N/A
Ding Xiaolun           Domestic individual           0.52%         956,818                                  956,818            N/A         N/A
Zou Shilin             Domestic individual           0.47%         863,003                                  863,003            N/A         N/A
                       Foreign corporation           0.43%         789,212                                  789,212            N/A         N/A
Strategic investor or general corporation
becoming a top ten shareholder due to N/A
placing of new shares
                                           The top three shareholders are the Company’s corporate controlling shareholders. It is unknown
Explanation on associated relationship
                                           whether the other shareholders of tradable shares are related parties or acting-in- concert parties
or/and persons acting in concert among the
                                           as prescribed in the Administrative Methods for Disclosure of the Shareholding Changes of the
above-mentioned shareholders
                                           Listed Company’s Shareholders.
                  Particulars about shares held by the top ten shareholders holding shares not subject to trading moratorium

                                                  Number of non-restricted shares held at the                     Type of shares
             Name of shareholder
                                                                period-end                                 Type                Number
FORDCHEE DEVELOPMENT LIMITED                                                           53,940,530                                    53,940,530
                                                                                       25,633,718                                    25,633,718
FILLMAN INVESTMENTS LIMITED                                                              4,621,596                                    4,621,596
Chen Yongquan                                                                            1,668,747                                    1,668,747
                                                                                                   Domestically listed
Xia Qianru                                                                               1,299,545 foreign shares                     1,299,545
Chen Lijuan                                                                              1,012,791                                    1,012,791
Chen Yongqing                                                                              981,598                                     981,598
Ding Xiaolun                                                                              956,818                                      956,818
Zou Shilin                                                                                 863,003                                     863,003
CSC SECURITIES (HK) LTD.                                                                  789,212                                      789,212

                                                             2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

Explanation on associated relationship
                                             The top three shareholders are the Company’s corporate controlling shareholders. It is unknown
or/and persons acting in concert among the
                                             whether the other shareholders of tradable shares are related parties or acting-in- concert parties
top ten tradable shareholders and between
                                             as prescribed in the Administrative Methods for Disclosure of the Shareholding Changes of the
the top ten tradable shareholders and the
                                             Listed Company’s Shareholders.
top ten shareholders
Explanation on the top 10 shareholders
participating in the margin trading business
   Whether the shareholders of a company conducted the transaction of repurchase under the agreement during the reporting period
   □ Yea √ No

   III. Change of the controlling shareholder or the actual controller

   Change in controlling shareholder in reporting period
   □Applicable √ Inapplicable
   Change of the actual controller during the reporting period
   □ Applicable √ Inapplicable

   IV. Particulars on shareholding increase scheme during the reporting period proposed or
   implemented by the shareholders and act-in-concert persons

   □ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                          Section VII. Preferred Shares

   I. Issue and listing of preferred shares during the reporting period

   □ Applicable √ Inapplicable

   II. Amount of preferred shares and the holding situation of the Company

   □ Applicable √ Inapplicable

   III. Repurchase or transfer of preferred shares

   1. Purchase of preferred shares

   □ Applicable √ Inapplicable

   2. Transfer of preferred shares

   □ Applicable √ Inapplicable

   IV. Resume and execution of the voting rights of preferred shares

   □ Applicable √ Inapplicable

   V. Accounting policy and reasons adopted of preferred shares

   □ Applicable √ Inapplicable

                                                        2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

   Section VIII. Directors, Supervisors, Senior Management Staff & Employees

I. Changes in shareholding of directors, supervisors and senior management staff

□ Applicable √ Inapplicable

II. Change of directors, supervisors and senior management staff

√Applicable □Inapplicable
      Name                      Position                   Type                   Date                        Reason
Pan Zhirong        Chairman                      Elected
Tan Zichang        Managing Director             Elected
Tang Jinmu         Independent Director          Elected                                         Qualitative and quantitative of the
                                                                              20 May 2014
Bai Shaoxiang      Independent Director          Elected                                                Board of Directors

Lu Jianxin         Independent Director          Left as expired
Ge Xiaoping        Independent Director          Left as expired

                                           Section IX. Financial Report

I. Auditor’s Report

The auditor’s report had not audited.

II. Financial report (attached)

1. Balance sheet

2. Income statement

3. Cash flow statement

4. Statement of Change in Owners’ Equity

5. Notes to the Financial Statements

                         Section X. Documents Available for Reference

1. Text of Semi-annual Report 2014 signed and sealed by the Board of Directors of the Company.

2. Financial statements signed and sealed by legal representative, principal of accounting work, and manager of finance department.

3. In the reporting period, all texts and originals of the Company’s documents and public notices have been publicly disclosed in

China Securities Journal, Hong Kong Ta Kung Pao and www.cninfo.com.cn designated by CSRC.

                                                                              Chairman of the Board of Directors: Pan Zhirong
                                                                                                                       8 Aug. 2014

                                                        2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

1. Consolidated balance sheet

Prepared by Tsann Kuen (China) Enterprise Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan
                                Item                                Closing balance               Opening balance
Current Assets:
     Monetary funds                                                           1,060,646,603.55               834,088,959.68

     Settlement reserves
     Intra-group lendings
     Transactional financial assets                                                                           21,120,100.00
     Notes receivable                                                             2,792,866.00                 2,467,447.00

     Accounts receivable                                                       193,796,744.82                253,823,475.86
     Accounts paid in advance                                                     5,811,179.20                 4,290,802.70
     Premiums receivable
     Reinsurance premiums receivable
     Receivable reinsurance contract reserves
     Interest receivable                                                          8,020,524.99                   110,833.33
     Dividend receivable
     Other accounts receivable                                                  25,430,868.74                 32,339,652.22

     Financial assets purchased under agreements to resell
     Inventories                                                               211,016,266.78                209,824,098.90
     Non-current assets due within 1 year
     Other current assets                                                      330,000,000.00                 50,000,000.00

Total current assets                                                          1,837,515,054.08              1,408,065,369.69
Non-current assets:
     Loans by mandate and advances granted
     Available-for-sale financial assets
     Held-to-maturity investments
     Long-term accounts receivable
     Long-term equity investment                                                      40,000.00                     40,000.00

     Investing property                                                         54,476,840.34                 58,732,511.36

     Fixed assets                                                              165,830,240.13                173,152,964.50
     Construction in progress                                                     4,622,309.63                10,889,671.98
     Engineering materials
     Disposal of fixed assets
     Production biological assets
     Oil-gas assets
     Intangible assets                                                          11,378,202.99                 11,803,252.87
     R&D expense
     Long-term deferred expenses                                                  4,909,381.44                 4,355,866.63
     Deferred income tax assets                                                 19,036,570.79                 23,761,647.80

     Other non-current assets                                                     2,068,410.91
Total of non-current assets                                                    262,361,956.23                282,735,915.14
Total assets                                                                  2,099,877,010.31              1,690,801,284.83
Current liabilities:
     Short-term borrowings                                                     481,764,240.00                 30,484,500.00

                                                                2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

                                    Item                                          Closing balance                          Opening balance
     Borrowings from Central Bank
     Customer bank deposits and due to banks and other
financial institutions
     Intra-group borrowings
  Transactional financial liabilities                                                               5,648,071.00
     Notes payable                                                                                  7,745,858.91                           30,577,887.89
     Accounts payable                                                                             500,255,259.06                          648,629,156.16
     Accounts received in advance                                                                  18,637,100.79                           10,431,654.59

     Financial assets sold for repurchase
     Handling charges and commissions payable
     Employee’s compensation payable                                                              36,626,638.25                           40,748,328.96
        Tax payable                                                                                  -809,567.82                          -17,127,309.97
     Interest payable                                                                               3,270,214.70                              108,661.00
     Dividend payable
     Other accounts payable                                                                       191,525,702.08                           69,376,770.31
        Reinsurance premiums payable
     Insurance contract reserves
     Payables for acting trading of securities
     Payables for acting underwriting of securities
     Non-current liabilities due within 1 year
  Other current liabilities
Total current liabilities                                                                     1,244,663,516.97                            813,229,648.94
Non-current liabilities:
     Long-term borrowings
     Bonds payable
     Long-term payables
     Specific payables
     Projected liabilities
     Deferred income tax liabilities                                                                 217,345.05                             3,258,742.65
     Other non-current liabilities                                                                   222,600.00                               222,600.00
Total non-current liabilities                                                                        439,945.05                             3,481,342.65
Total liabilities                                                                             1,245,103,462.02                            816,710,991.59
Owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity)
     Share capital                                                                                185,391,680.00                          185,391,680.00
  Capital reserves                                                                                278,454,447.07                          278,454,447.07
     Less: Treasury stock
     Specific reserves
     Surplus reserves                                                                              11,495,983.58                           11,495,983.58
     Provisions for general risks
     Retained profits                                                                              35,636,457.99                           46,733,303.43

     Foreign exchange difference                                                                   -1,106,072.35                           -1,382,202.82
Total equity attributable to owners of the Company                                                509,872,496.29                          520,693,211.26
     Minority interests                                                                           344,901,052.00                          353,397,081.98
Total owners’ (or shareholders’) equity                                                         854,773,548.29                          874,090,293.24

Total liabilities and owners’ (or shareholders’) equity                                     2,099,877,010.31                          1,690,801,284.83

Legal representative: Pan Zhirong          Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Chen Zongyi            Chief of the accounting division: Chen Zongyi

                                                      2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

2. Balance sheet of the Company

Prepared by Tsann Kuen (China) Enterprise Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Yuan
                                Item                               Closing balance            Opening balance
Current Assets:
  Monetary funds                                                              9,684,609.95             11,811,615.43
     Transactional financial assets
     Notes receivable                                                         2,792,866.00                822,974.00
     Accounts receivable                                                     11,473,376.99             39,868,837.59
     Accounts paid in advance                                                   199,702.71                418,695.09
     Interest receivable
     Dividend receivable
     Other accounts receivable                                                2,105,008.19              1,195,292.22
     Inventories                                                              5,423,835.43              4,346,896.79
     Non-current assets due within 1 year
     Other current assets
Total current assets                                                         31,679,399.27             58,464,311.12
Non-current assets:
     Available-for-sale financial assets
     Held-to-maturity investments
     Long-term accounts receivable
     Long-term equity investment                                            985,854,030.83            985,854,030.83
     Investing property                                                      46,121,763.22             48,731,726.97
     Fixed assets                                                               685,736.19                646,980.59
     Construction in progress                                                                              92,700.00
     Engineering materials
     Disposal of fixed assets
     Production biological assets
     Oil-gas assets
        Intangible assets                                                       103,249.63                313,667.95
     R&D expense
     Long-term deferred expenses                                                942,163.55              1,126,312.61
     Deferred income tax assets                                               2,831,864.96              4,228,126.98
     Other non-current assets                                                   165,900.00
Total of non-current assets                                               1,036,704,708.38           1,040,993,545.93
Total assets                                                              1,068,384,107.65           1,099,457,857.05
Current liabilities:
     Short-term borrowings
     Transactional financial liabilities
     Notes payable
     Accounts payable                                                        42,204,065.00             87,479,703.39
     Accounts received in advance                                             8,891,461.90                988,253.99
     Employee’s compensation payable                                         1,830,506.23              1,175,146.87
     Tax payable                                                              3,153,625.14                956,841.14
     Interest payable

                                                                2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

                                    Item                                           Closing balance                        Opening balance
     Dividend payable
        Other accounts payable                                                                478,981,572.41                         491,868,854.25
     Non-current liabilities due within 1 year
     Other current liabilities
Total current liabilities                                                                     535,061,230.68                         582,468,799.64
Non-current liabilities:
     Long-term borrowings
  Bonds payable
     Long-term payables
     Specific payables
     Projected liabilities
        Deferred income tax liabilities
     Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities                                                                              0.00                                   0.00
Total liabilities                                                                             535,061,230.68                         582,468,799.64
Owners’ equity (or shareholders’ equity)
  Paid-up capital (or share capital)                                                          185,391,680.00                         185,391,680.00
        Capital reserves                                                                      271,485,181.40                         271,485,181.40
     Less: Treasury stock
     Specific reserves
     Surplus reserves                                                                             11,495,983.58                        11,495,983.58
     Provision for general risks
     Retained profits                                                                             64,950,031.99                        48,616,212.43
     Foreign exchange difference
Total owners’ (or shareholders’) equity                                                     533,322,876.97                         516,989,057.41
Total liabilities and owners’ (or shareholders’) equity                                   1,068,384,107.65                       1,099,457,857.05

Legal representative: Pan Zhirong          Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Chen Zongyi           Chief of the accounting division: Chen Zongyi

                                                                      2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

3. Consolidated income statement

Prepared by Tsann Kuen (China) Enterprise Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB Yuan
                                          Item                                                  Jan.-Jun. 2014                         Jan.-Jun. 2013
I. Total operating revenues                                                                                  890,216,299.51                       877,844,207.80
     Including: Sales income                                                                                 890,216,299.51                       877,844,207.80

             Interest income
             Premium income
             Handling charge and commission income
II. Total operating cost                                                                                     863,422,750.23                       880,134,519.38

     Including: Cost of sales                                                                                761,974,414.46                       762,662,771.63
                 Interest expenses
             Handling charge and commission expenses
             Net claims paid
             Net amount withdrawn for the insurance contract reserve
             Expenditure on policy dividends
             Reinsurance premium
             Taxes and associate charges                                                                       4,930,309.19                         1,678,165.65
             Selling and distribution expenses                                                                34,383,454.76                        34,293,872.54
             Administrative expenses                                                                          72,912,587.41                        74,849,826.36
          Financial expenses                                                                                 -11,216,974.35                         3,869,546.71

             Asset impairment loss                                                                               438,958.76                         2,780,336.49
     Add: Gain/(loss) from change in fair value (“-” means loss)                                           -26,768,171.00                         7,349,219.30
          Gain/(loss) from investment (“-” means loss)                                                      14,000,118.50                         3,576,345.30
     Including: share of profits in associates and joint ventures
          Foreign exchange gains (“-” means loss)
III. Business profit (“-” means loss)                                                                       14,025,496.78                         8,635,253.02
     Add: non-operating income                                                                                 8,820,848.29                         4,709,673.01

     Less: non-operating expense                                                                                 741,772.95                             826,435.12

             Including: loss from non-current asset disposal                                                       2,627.18                             157,115.25
IV. Total profit (“-” means loss)                                                                           22,104,572.12                        12,518,490.91
     Less: Income tax expense                                                                                  2,957,439.90                         1,139,442.82
V. Net profit (“-” means loss)                                                                              19,147,132.22                        11,379,048.09
     Including: Net profit achieved by combined parties before the combinations
     Attributable to owners of the Company                                                                    14,857,989.76                        10,425,680.85
     Minority shareholders’ income                                                                            4,289,142.46                             953,367.24
VI. Earnings per share                                                                                  --                                   --
     (I) Basic earnings per share                                                                                      0.08                                   0.06
     (II) Diluted earnings per share                                                                                   0.08                                   0.06
VII. Other comprehensive incomes                                                                                 276,130.47                         2,635,820.49

VIII. Total comprehensive incomes                                                                             19,423,262.69                        14,014,868.58
          Attributable to owners of the Company                                                               15,134,120.23                        13,061,501.34
     Attributable to minority shareholders                                                                     4,289,142.46                             953,367.24

Legal representative: Pan Zhirong                Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Chen Zongyi              Chief of the accounting division: Chen Zongyi

                                                                2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

4. Income statement of the Company

Prepared by Tsann Kuen (China) Enterprise Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB Yuan
                                    Item                                             Jan.-Jun. 2014                        Jan.-Jun. 2013
I. Total sales                                                                                    42,607,992.64                         35,446,112.19
  Less: cost of sales                                                                             29,080,243.87                         25,180,051.16
           Business taxes and surcharges                                                            666,158.20                            449,925.76
           Distribution expenses                                                                   2,999,669.89                          2,296,965.36
           Administrative expenses                                                                 5,578,182.60                          1,867,215.18
        Financial costs                                                                             272,108.26                            -228,194.02
           Impairment loss                                                                        -1,498,177.31                           109,836.18
     Add: gain/(loss) from change in fair value (“-” means loss)
     Gain/(loss) from investment (“-” means loss)                                               38,189,978.21                              7,533.00
Including: income form investment on associates and joint
II. Business profit (“-” means loss)                                                            43,699,785.34                          5,777,845.57
     Add: non-business income                                                                        20,923.16                            821,707.94
     Less: non-business expense                                                                      35,791.72                                 267.92
        Including: loss from non-current asset disposal
III. Total profit (“-” means loss)                                                              43,684,916.78                          6,599,285.59
     Less: income tax expense                                                                      1,396,262.02
IV. Net profit    (“-” means loss)                                                              42,288,654.76                          6,599,285.59
V. Earnings per share                                                                       --                                     --
     (I) Basic earnings per share
     (II) Diluted earnings per share
VI. Other comprehensive income
VII. Total comprehensive income                                                                   42,288,654.76                          6,599,285.59

Legal representative: Pan Zhirong          Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Chen Zongyi           Chief of the accounting division: Chen Zongyi

                                                                2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

5. Consolidated cash flow statement

Prepared by Tsann Kuen (China) Enterprise Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB Yuan
                                     Item                                         Jan.-Jun. 2014           Jan.-Jun. 2013
I. Cash flows from operating activities:
        Cash received from sale of commodities and rendering of service                 933,113,991.58           915,918,056.59
        Net increase of deposits from customers and dues from banks
        Net increase of loans from the central bank
        Net increase of funds borrowed from other financial institutions
        Cash received from premium of original insurance contracts
        Net cash received from reinsurance business
        Net increase of deposits of policy holders and investment fund
        Net increase of disposal of tradable financial assets
        Cash received from interest, handling charges and commissions
        Net increase of intra-group borrowings
        Net increase of funds in repurchase business
        Tax refunds received                                                            112,084,917.29           117,641,803.60
        Other cash received relating to operating activities                              50,222,647.25           51,151,986.27
Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities                                     1,095,421,556.12        1,084,711,846.46
        Cash paid for goods and services                                                863,645,276.78           917,266,347.87
          Net increase of customer lendings and advances
     Net increase of funds deposited in the central bank and amount
due from banks
        Cash for paying claims of the original insurance contracts
        Cash for paying interest, handling charges and commissions
        Cash for paying policy dividends
        Cash paid to and for employees                                                  122,896,952.98           119,101,972.34
        Various taxes paid                                                                14,180,644.90           17,925,388.23
        Other cash payment relating to operating activities                             127,778,620.49            93,800,031.66
Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities                                    1,128,501,495.15        1,148,093,740.10
Net cash flows from operating activities                                                 -33,079,939.03          -63,381,893.64
II. Cash flows from investing activities:
        Cash received from withdrawal of investments                                    168,647,755.48             3,466,924.99
        Cash received from return on investments                                           5,463,196.35                 7,533.00
  Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets
                                                                                           1,218,609.75            5,558,991.86
and other long-term assets
        Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other business
Other cash received relating to investing activities
  Subtotal of cash inflows from investing activities                                    175,329,561.58             9,132,449.85
        Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                                                                                          20,362,851.60           26,686,742.94
long-term assets
        Cash paid for investment                                                        440,000,000.00            70,000,000.00
        Net increase of pledged loans
        Net cash received from subsidiaries and other business units
        Other cash payments relating to investing activities                            896,866,338.47

                                                            2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

                                    Item                                              Jan.-Jun. 2014                      Jan.-Jun. 2013
Subtotal of cash outflows from investing activities                                           1,357,229,190.07                     96,686,742.94
Net cash flows from investing activities                                                      -1,181,899,628.49                   -87,554,293.09
III. Cash Flows from Financing Activities:
     Cash received from capital contributions
     Including: Cash received from minority shareholder investments
by subsidiaries
     Cash received from borrowings                                                              592,439,628.00                   309,898,896.00
     Cash received from issuance of bonds
     Other cash received relating to financing activities                                       143,957,350.00                   158,789,800.00
Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities                                              736,396,978.00                   468,688,696.00
     Repayment of borrowings                                                                    143,526,470.00                   130,435,800.00
     Cash paid for interest expenses and distribution of dividends or
                                                                                                 40,906,844.49                     16,245,224.45
     Including: dividends or profit paid by subsidiaries to minority
     Other cash payments relating to financing activities                                        12,304,200.00
Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities                                            196,737,514.49                   146,681,024.45
Net cash flows from financing activities                                                        539,659,463.51                   322,007,671.55
IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash
                                                                                                  5,011,409.41                    -10,228,453.96
V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                                   -670,308,694.60                   160,843,030.86
     Add: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents                                          834,088,959.68                   759,361,575.52
VI. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                                                163,780,265.08                   920,204,606.38

Legal representative: Pan Zhirong      Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Chen Zongyi           Chief of the accounting division: Chen Zongyi

                                                                     2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

6. Cash flow statement of the Company

Prepared by Tsann Kuen (China) Enterprise Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                            Item                                                 Jan.-Jun. 2014                     Jan.-Jun. 2013
I. Cash flows from operating activities:
     Cash received from sale of commodities and rendering of service                                       73,432,284.15                      27,480,016.97

     Tax refunds received                                                                                                                      1,109,625.87
     Other cash received relating to operating activities                                                  27,100,050.69                      24,807,414.50
Subtotal of cash inflows from operating activities                                                        100,532,334.84                      53,397,057.34
     Cash paid for goods and services                                                                      77,681,958.10                       4,837,151.98

  Cash paid to and for employees                                                                             3,793,394.55                      2,773,131.19
     Various taxes paid                                                                                      2,247,632.14                      1,435,032.29
     Other cash payment relating to operating activities                                                   30,839,863.59                      39,034,499.31

Subtotal of cash outflows from operating activities                                                       114,562,848.38                      48,079,814.77
Net cash flows from operating activities                                                                   -14,030,513.54                      5,317,242.57
II. Cash flows from investing activities:
     Cash received from retraction of investments
     Cash received from return on investments                                                              38,189,978.21                              7,533.00

     Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other
                                                                                                                   5,000.00                      797,450.00
long-term assets
     Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries or other business units
     Other cash received relating to investing activities
Subtotal of cash inflows from investing activities                                                         38,194,978.21                         804,983.00
     Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets                          321,135.90                             43,000.00
     Cash paid for investment
  Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries and other business units
     Other cash payments relating to investing activities
Subtotal of cash outflows from investing activities                                                           321,135.90                             43,000.00
Net cash flows from investing activities                                                                   37,873,842.31                         761,983.00
III. Cash Flows from Financing Activities:
     Cash received from capital contributions
     Cash received from borrowings
       Cash received from issuance of bonds
     Other cash received relating to financing activities
Subtotal of cash inflows from financing activities                                                                     0.00                               0.00
     Repayment of borrowings
     Cash paid for interest expenses and distribution of dividends or profit                               25,954,835.20                      15,758,292.80
       Other cash payments relating to financing activities
Sub-total of cash outflows from financing activities                                                       25,954,835.20                      15,758,292.80
Net cash flows from financing activities                                                                   -25,954,835.20                    -15,758,292.80
IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents                                          -15,499.05                     -30,792.31
V. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                                                -2,127,005.48                     -9,709,859.54

  Add: Opening balance of cash and cash equivalents                                                        11,811,615.43                      17,652,594.45
VI. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                                                             9,684,609.95                      7,942,734.91

Legal representative: Pan Zhirong              Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Chen Zongyi           Chief of the accounting division: Chen Zongyi

                                                                                                                                                                       2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

        7. Consolidated statement of changes in owners’ equity

        Prepared by Tsann Kuen (China) Enterprise Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                                                                                          Reporting period

                                    Item                                                                                              Equity attributable to owners of the Company
                                                                             Paid-up capital (or share                     Less: treasury     Specific                                                                                  Minority interests   Total owners’ equity
                                                                                                         Capital reserve                                    Surplus reserve   General risk reserve   Retained profit    Others
                                                                                     capital)                                  stock          reserve
I. Balance at the end of the previous year                                            185,391,680.00     278,454,447.07                                       11,495,983.58                             46,733,303.43   -1,382,202.82      353,397,081.98          874,090,293.24
     Add: change of accounting policy
            Correction of errors in previous periods
II. Balance at the beginning of the year                                              185,391,680.00     278,454,447.07                                       11,495,983.58                             46,733,303.43   -1,382,202.82      353,397,081.98          874,090,293.24
III. Increase/ decrease of amount in the year (“-” means decrease)                                                                                                                                   -11,096,845.44     276,130.47         -8,496,029.98         -19,316,744.95
(I) Net profit                                                                                                                                                                                          14,857,989.76                         4,289,142.46          19,147,132.22
(II) Other comprehensive incomes                                                                                                                                                                                          276,130.47                                    276,130.47
Subtotal of (I) and (II)                                                                                                                                                                                14,857,989.76     276,130.47          4,289,142.46          19,423,262.69
(III) Capital paid in and reduced by owners
1. Capital paid in by owners
2. Amounts of share-based payments recognized in owners’ equity
3. Others
(IV) Profit distribution                                                                                                                                                                               -25,954,835.20                       -12,877,215.93         -38,832,051.13
  1. Appropriations to surplus reserves
  2. Appropriations to general risk provisions
3. Appropriations to owners (or shareholders)                                                                                                                                                          -25,954,835.20                       -12,877,215.93         -38,832,051.13
    4. Other
(V) Internal carry-forward of owners’ equity
1. New increase of capital (or share capital) from capital public reserves
    2. New increase of capital (or share capital) from surplus reserves
3. Surplus reserves for making up losses
4. Other
(VI) Specific reserve
1. Withdrawn for the period
  2. Used in the period
(VII) Other                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      92,043.49               92,043.49
IV. Closing balance                                                                   185,391,680.00     278,454,447.07                                       11,495,983.58                             35,636,457.99   -1,106,072.35      344,901,052.00          854,773,548.29

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB Yuan

                                                                                                                                                                       2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.
                                                                                                                                                                              Last year
                                                                                                                                     Equity attributable to owners of the Company
                                                                              Paid-up capital                       Less: treasury                                                                                                       Minority interests   Total owners’ equity
                                                                                                  Capital reserve                    Specific reserve    Surplus reserve     General risk reserve   Retained profit      Others
                                                                             (or share capital)                         stock
I. Balance at the end of the previous year                                     185,391,680.00      278,454,447.07                                             6,120,201.82                             20,797,991.70     -2,715,037.68      358,837,214.25           846,886,497.16
     Add: retrospective adjustments due to business combinations under
the same control
     Add: change of accounting policy
            Correction of errors in previous periods
II. Balance at the beginning of the year                                       185,391,680.00      278,454,447.07                                             6,120,201.82                             20,797,991.70     -2,715,037.68      358,837,214.25           846,886,497.16
III. Increase/ decrease of amount in the year (“-” means decrease)                                                                                          5,375,781.76                             25,935,311.73     1,332,834.86         -5,440,132.27            27,203,796.08
(I) Net profit                                                                                                                                                                                         47,069,386.29                           7,257,218.73            54,326,605.02
(II) Other comprehensive incomes
Subtotal of (I) and (II)                                                                                                                                                                               47,069,386.29                           7,257,218.73            54,326,605.02
(III) Capital paid in and reduced by owners
  1. Capital paid in by owners
  2. Amounts of share-based payments recognized in owners’ equity
3. Others
(IV) Profit distribution                                                                                                                                      5,375,781.76                            -21,134,074.56                         -13,307,306.29           -29,065,599.09
  1. Appropriations to surplus reserves                                                                                                                       5,375,781.76                             -5,375,781.76
2. Appropriations to general risk provisions
     3. Appropriations to owners (or shareholders)                                                                                                                                                    -15,758,292.80                         -13,307,306.29           -29,065,599.09
4. Other
(V) Internal carry-forward of owners’ equity
1. New increase of capital (or share capital) from capital public reserves
2. New increase of capital (or share capital) from surplus reserves
  3. Surplus reserves for making up losses
4. Other
(VI) Specific reserve
    1. Withdrawn for the period
2. Used in the period
(VII) Other                                                                                                                                                                                                              1,332,834.86            609,955.29             1,942,790.15
IV. Closing balance                                                            185,391,680.00      278,454,447.07                                            11,495,983.58                             46,733,303.43     -1,382,202.82      353,397,081.98           874,090,293.24

        Legal representative: Pan Zhirong                                                         Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Chen Zongyi                                                         Chief of the accounting division: Chen Zongyi

                                                                                                                                               2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.
             8. Statement of changes in owners’ equity of the Company

             Prepared by Tsann Kuen (China) Enterprise Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                                                               Reporting period
                                  Item                                  Paid-up capital (or share                       Less: treasury
                                                                                                    Capital reserve                      Specific reserve    Surplus reserve      General risk reserve   Retained profit   Total owners’ equity
                                                                                capital)                                    stock
I. Balance at the end of the previous year                                        185,391,680.00       271,485,181.40                                             11,495,983.58                            48,616,212.43         516,989,057.41
     Add: change of accounting policy
            Correction of errors in previous periods
II. Balance at the beginning of the year                                          185,391,680.00       271,485,181.40                                             11,495,983.58                            48,616,212.43         516,989,057.41
III. Increase/ decrease of amount in the year (“-” means decrease)                                                                                                                                       16,333,819.56          16,333,819.56
(I) Net profit                                                                                                                                                                                             42,288,654.76          42,288,654.76
  (II) Other comprehensive incomes
Subtotal of (I) and (II)                                                                                                                                                                                   42,288,654.76          42,288,654.76
(III) Capital paid in and reduced by owners
1. Capital paid in by owners
2. Amounts of share-based payments recognized in owners’ equity
3. Others
(IV) Profit distribution                                                                                                                                                                                  -25,954,835.20         -25,954,835.20
1. Appropriations to surplus reserves
  2. Appropriations to general risk provisions
     3. Appropriations to owners (or shareholders)                                                                                                                                                        -25,954,835.20         -25,954,835.20
4. Other
(V) Internal carry-forward of owners’ equity
    1. New increase of capital (or share capital) from capital public
  2. New increase of capital (or share capital) from surplus reserves
3. Surplus reserves for making up losses
  4. Other
(VI) Specific reserve
1. Withdrawn for the period
2. Used in the period
(VII) Other
IV. Closing balance                                                               185,391,680.00       271,485,181.40                                             11,495,983.58                            64,950,031.99         533,322,876.97
                                                                                                                                                               2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                                                                                   Last year
                                        Item                                   Paid-up capital (or share
                                                                                                            Capital reserve      Less: treasury stock   Specific reserve       Surplus reserve      General risk reserve   Retained profit      Total owners’ equity
I. Balance at the end of the previous year                                                 185,391,680.00       271,485,181.40                                                       6,120,201.82                              15,992,469.42          478,989,532.64
     Add: change of accounting policy
            Correction of errors in previous periods
II. Balance at the beginning of the year                                                   185,391,680.00       271,485,181.40                                                       6,120,201.82                              15,992,469.42          478,989,532.64
III. Increase/ decrease of amount in the year (“-” means decrease)                                                                                                                 5,375,781.76                              32,623,743.01           37,999,524.77
(I) Net profit                                                                                                                                                                                                                 53,757,817.57           53,757,817.57
(II) Other comprehensive incomes
Subtotal of (I) and (II)                                                                                                                                                                                                       53,757,817.57           53,757,817.57
(III) Capital paid in and reduced by owners
  1. Capital paid in by owners
  2. Amounts of share-based payments recognized in owners’ equity
3. Others
(IV) Profit distribution                                                                                                                                                             5,375,781.76                             -21,134,074.56          -15,758,292.80

1. Appropriations to surplus reserves                                                                                                                                                5,375,781.76                               -5,375,781.76
2. Appropriations to general risk provisions
3. Appropriations to owners (or shareholders)                                                                                                                                                                                 -15,758,292.80          -15,758,292.80
4. Other
(V) Internal carry-forward of owners’ equity
  1. New increase of capital (or share capital) from capital public reserves
  2. New increase of capital (or share capital) from surplus reserves
3. Surplus reserves for making up losses
4. Other
(VI) Specific reserve
1. Withdrawn for the period
2. Used in the period
(VII) Other
IV. Closing balance                                                                        185,391,680.00       271,485,181.40                                                     11,495,983.58                               48,616,212.43          516,989,057.41

                 Legal representative: Pan Zhirong                                           Person-in-charge of the accounting work: Chen Zongyi                                                    Chief of the accounting division: Chen Zongyi

                                                 2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

                              Tsann Kuen (China) Enterprise Co., Ltd.
                                       Annotation of 30 Jun. 2014
     (All amounts are expressed, unless otherwise stated, in Renminbi (CNY).)

I. Company Profile
TsannKuen (China) Enterprise Co., Ltd. (hereafter “the Company or TKC”) was established in the People’s
Republic of China (“the PRC”) in 1988 as a wholly owned foreign investment enterprise, the Company named in
TsannKuen China (Xiamen) Ltd., firstly, invested by the Fordchee Co., Ltd., EUPA Industry Corporation Limited
and Fillman investment Co.,Ltd. . On 16 February 1993, with the approval of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and
Economic Co-operation, the Company was reorganized into a incorporated company and was renamed as
TsannKuen (China) Enterprise Co., Ltd. In June 1993, the Company issued 40,000,000 new shares pursuant to an
international placing and public offer and these new shares (“B shares”) were then listed on the Shenzhen Stock
Exchange on 30 June 1993. According to the “Intended Implementation of Share Reducing Proposal” of the 5th
extraordinary board of director of 2012 and the 3rd extraordinary shareholders’ general meeting of 2012, obtained
the consent from the Investment Promotion Bureau of Xiamen which is authorized by the Ministry of Commerce
and the approval documents ”The Approval by Investment Promotion Bureau of Xiamen to Consent the Capital
Reduction of TsannKuen (China) Enterprise Co., Ltd”(IPB audit [2012] NO. 698), as the base 1,112,350,077
shares of the total original share capital, for implementation of share reducing model that all registered
shareholders who was recorded on December 28th 2012 with the proportion 6:1 to reduce the shares. After the
implementation of share reducing model, total share capital was reduced from 1,112,350,077 shares to
185,391,680 shares of the company. Until 31 December 2013, the Company’s share capital is CNY 185,391,680.
Follow The Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China approved (The No. [2005]3107 “Agreed in
Principle to the Ministry of Commerce on TsannKuen (China) Enterprise Co., Ltd. Shares Traded Sponsor of the
Approval”), On 6 December 2006, the Company received the [2006] No.266 file “The notice of TsannKuen
(China) Enterprise Co., Ltd concerningthe Approval of non-listed Foreign Shares Traded” from China Securities
Regulatory Commission. The China Securities Regulatory Commission agreed 700,476,830 unlisted shares
(account for 62.97% of the share capital) hold by the Company’s shareholders, EUPA Industry Corporation
Limited, Fordchee Development Limited and Fillman Investments Limited to transfer into B shares. On 29
November 2007 these B shares could be listed and exercised on Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Up to 30 June 2014,
total B shares hold by the three legal shareholders (EUPA Industry Corporation Limited, Fordchee Development
Limited and Fillman Investments Limited) are 84,195,844 shares after the implementation of share reducing
model.( account for 45.42% of the share capital).
Legal representative: Pan Zhirong
Place of registration: No.88 Xinglong Road, Huli Industrial District, Xiamen, Fujian Province
The ultimate parent company of the Company is Star Comgistic Capital Co. Ltd. which found in Taiwan.
The Company operates within the electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing industry.
The approved business scope: the main business is to develop, manufacture and sell household appliances,
electronics, light industrial products, modern office supplies; design and manufacture moulds relevant to the
above products, sell the products of the Company at home and abroad, and provide after-sell services; engage in
wholesale, retail, import and outport of household appliances, electronics, electromechanical devices, office
supplies, kitchenware and prepackage food, and provide after-sell services. For the main business of the
subsidiaries see Note XI.
The Financial Report approved by the Board of the Directors of the Company and disclosed on 8 Aug. 2014.
II. Basis for preparation of the financial statements
The financial statements of company have been prepared on basis of going concern in conformity with Chinese
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and the Accounting Systems for Business Enterprises issued by
the Ministry of Finance of People’s Republic of China in February 2006, and Accounting Standards (order No.38
of the Ministry of Finance) and Compilation Rules for Information Disclosure by Companies Offering Securities
to the Public No.15 – General Provisions on Financial Reports (2010 Revision) issued by the China Securities
Regulatory Commission (CSRC).
According to the relevant accounting regulations in Chinese Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, the
company has adopted the accrual basis of accounting. Except for certain financial instruments which are measured
by at fair value, the Company adopts the historical cost as the principle of measurement in the financial statements.

                                                  2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

Where assets are impaired, provisions for asset impairment are made in accordance with relevant requirements.
III. Statement of Compliance with Enterprise Accounting Standards
The financial statements of the company are recognized and measured in accordance with the regulations in the
Chinese Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises and they give a true and fair view of the financial position,
business result and cash flow of the Company as of 30 Jun. 2014. In addition, the financial statements of the
company comply, in all material respects, with the revised disclosing requirements for financial statements and
the Compilation Rules for Information Disclosure by Companies Offering Securities to the Public
No.15—General Provisions on Financial Reports (2010 Revision) issued by China Securities Regulatory
Commission (CSRC) in 2010.

IV. Important Accounting Principles and Accounting Estimates
1. Accounting period
The accounting period of the Company is classified as interim period and annual period. Interim period refers to
the reporting period shorter than a complete annual period. The accounting period of the Company is the calendar
year from January 1 to December 31.
2. Monetary Unit
Yuan (CNY) is the currency of the primary economic environment in which the Company and its domestic
subsidiaries operate. Therefore, the Company and its domestic subsidiaries choose CNY as their functional
currency, the overseas subsidiaries decide the HKD or USD as their functional currency in accordance with the
business in which currency of the primary economic environment. The Company adopts CNY to prepare its
functional statements.
3. Business combination
A business combination is a transaction or event that brings together two or more separate entities into one
reporting entity. Business combinations are classified into business combinations involving enterprises under
common control and business combinations not involving enterprises under common control.
(1) Business combination involving entities under common control
A business combination involving enterprises under common control is a business combination in which all of the
combining enterprises are ultimately controlled by the same party or parties both before and after the combination,
and that control is not transitory.
For a business combination involving enterprises under common control, the party that, on the combination date,
obtains control of another enterprise participating in the combination is the absorbing party, while that other
enterprise participating in the combination is a party being absorbed. Combination date is the date on which the
absorbing party effectively obtains control of the party being absorbed.
The assets and liabilities obtained are measured at the carrying amounts as recorded by the enterprise being
combined at the combination date. The difference between the carrying amount of the net assets obtained and the
carrying amount of consideration paid for the combination (or the total face value of shares issued) is adjusted to
the capital premium (or share premium) in the capital reserve. If the balance of the capital premium (or share
premium) is insufficient, any excess is adjusted to retained earnings.
The cost of a combination incurred by the absorbing party includes any costs directly attributable to the
combination shall be recognized as an expense through profit or loss for the current period when incurred.
(2) Business combination involving entities not under common control
A business combination involving enterprises not under common control is a business combination in which all of
the combining enterprises are not ultimately controlled by the same party or parties both before and after the
business combination.
For a business combination not involving enterprises under common control, the party that, on the acquisition date,
obtains control of another enterprise participating in the combination is the acquirer, while that other enterprise
participating in the combination is the acquiree. Acquisition date is the date on which the acquirer effectively
obtains control of the acquiree.
For a business combination not involving enterprise under common control, the combination cost including the
sum of fair value, at the acquisition date, of the assets given, liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity securities

                                                   2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

issued by the acquirer. The intermediary expenses incurred by the acquirer in respect of auditing, legal services,
valuation and consultancy services etc and other associated administrative expenses attributable to the business
combination are recognized in profit or loss when they are incurred.
The transaction cost arose from issuing of equity securities or liability securities shall be initially recognized as
equity securities or liability securities.
The contingent consideration related to the combination shall be booked as combination cost at the fair value at
the acquisition date. If, within the 12 months after acquisition, additional information can prove the existence of
related information at acquisition date and the contingent consideration need to be adjusted, goodwill can be
Combination cost of the acquirer’s interest and identifiable net assets of the acquirer acquired through the business
combination shall be measured by the fair value at the acquisition date. Where the cost of combination exceeds
the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the difference shall be recognized
as goodwill. Where the cost of combination is less than the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s
identifiable net assets, the difference shall be accounted for according to the following requirements: (i) the
acquirer shall reassess the measurement of the fair values of the acquiree’s identifiable assets, liabilities and
contingent liabilities and measurement of the cost of combination; (ii) if after that reassessment, the cost of
combination is still less than the acquirer’s interest in the fair values of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the
acquirer shall recognize the remaining difference immediately in profit or loss for the current period.
Where the temporary difference obtained by the acquirer was not recognized due to inconformity with the
conditions applied for recognition of deferred income tax, if, within the 12 months after acquisition, additional
information can prove the existence of related information at acquisition date and the expected economic benefits
on the acquisition date arose from deductible temporary difference by the acquiree can be achieved, relevant
income tax assets can be recognized, and goodwill offset. If the goodwill is not sufficient, the difference shall be
recognized as profit of the current period.
Apart from above, the differences shall be taken into profit or loss of the current period if the recognition of
deferred income tax assets is related to the combination.
For a business combination not involving enterprise under common control, which achieved in stages that
involves multiple exchange transactions, according to “The notice of the Ministry of Finance on the issuance of
Accounting Standards Interpretation No. 5” (CaiKuai [2012] No. 19) on the “package deal” criterion (see Note
4.4.2) , to judge the multiple exchange transactions whether they are the "package deal". If it belong to the
“package deal” in reference to the preceding paragraphs of this section and the Notes described in 4.10 “long-term
investment” accounting treatment, if it does not belong to the “package deal” to distinguish the individual
financial statements and the consolidated financial statements related to the accounting treatment:
In the individual financial statements, the total value of the book value of the acquiree's equity investment before
the acquisition date and the cost of new investment at the acquisition date, as the initial cost of the investment, the
acquiree's equity investment before the acquisition date involved in other comprehensive income, in the disposal
of the investment and other associated comprehensive income transferred to investment income.
In the combination financial statements, the equity interest in the acquiree previously held before the acquisition
date re-assessed at the fair value at the acquisition date, with any difference between its fair value and its carrying
amount is recorded as investment income. The other comprehensive income of the acquiree before the acquisition
date relating to the previously held interest in the acquiree is transferred to investment income.
4. Preparation of the consolidated financial statements

(1)The scope of consolidation
The scope of consolidation for the consolidated financial statements is determined on the basis of control. Control
is the power to govern the financial and operating policies of an enterprise so as to obtain benefits from its
operating activities. The scope of consolidation includes the Company and all of the subsidiaries. Subsidiary is an
enterprise or entity under the control of the Company.
(2) Preparation of the consolidated financial statements
The subsidiary of the Company is included in the consolidated financial statements from the date when the control
over the net assets and business decisions of the subsidiary is effectively obtained, and excluded from the date
when the control ceases.
For a subsidiary disposed of by the Company, the operating results and cash flows before the date of disposal (the
date when control is lost) are included in the consolidated income statement and consolidated statement of cash
flows, as appropriate. For a subsidiary disposed during the period, no adjustment is made to the opening balance
of the consolidated financial statements.

                                                  2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

For a subsidiary acquired through a business combination not under common control, the operating results and
cash flows from the acquisition (the date when the control is obtained) are included in the consolidated income
statement and consolidated statement of cash flows, as appropriated; no adjustment is made to the opening
balance and comparative figures in the consolidated financial statements.
Where a subsidiary was acquired during the reporting period, through a business combination involving
enterprises under common control, the financial statements of the subsidiary are included in the consolidated
financial statements. The results of operations and cash flow are included in the consolidated balance sheet and
the consolidated income statement, respectively, based on their carrying amounts, from the date that common
control was established, and the opening balances and the comparative figures of the consolidated financial
statements are restated.
When the accounting period or accounting policies of a subsidiary are different from those of the Company, the
Company makes necessary adjustments to the financial statements of the subsidiary based on the Company’s own
accounting period or accounting policies. Where a subsidiary was acquired during the reporting period through a
business combination not under common control, the financial statements was reconciliated on the basis of the fair
value of identifiable net assets at the date of acquisition. Intra-Group balances and transactions, and any
unrealized profit or loss arising from intra-Group transactions, are eliminated in preparing the consolidated
financial statements.
Minority interest and the portion in the net profit or loss not attributable to the Company are presented separately
in the consolidated balance sheet within shareholders’/ owners’ equity and net profit. Net profit or loss attributable
to minority shareholders in the subsidiaries is presented separately as minority interest in the consolidated income
statement below the net profit line item.
When the amount of loss for the current period attributable to the minority shareholders of a subsidiary exceeds
the minority shareholders’ portion of the opening balance of shareholders’/equity of the subsidiary, the excess is
allocated against the minority interests.
When the Company loses control of a subsidiary due to the disposal of a portion of an equity investment or other
reasons, the remaining equity investment is re-measured at its fair value at the date when control is lost. The
difference between 1) the total amount of consideration received from the transaction that resulted in the loss of
control and the fair value of the remaining equity investment and 2) the carrying amounts of the interest in the
former subsidiary’s net assets immediately before the loss of the control is recognized as investment income for
the current period when control is lost. The amount recognized in other comprehensive income in relation to the
former subsidiary’s equity investment is reclassified as investment income for the current period when control is
lost. The retained interest is subsequently measured according to the rules stipulated in the - “Chinese Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises No.2 - Long-term equity investment” or “Chinese Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises No.22 - Determination and measurement of financial instruments”. See Note 4.10 Long-term
equity investments and Note 4.7 Financial instruments for details.
The company through multiple transactions step deals with disposal of the subsidiary's equity investment until the
loss of control, need to distinguish between equity until the disposal of a subsidiary's loss of control over whether
the transaction is package deal. Terms of the transaction disposition of equity investment in a subsidiary, subject
to the following conditions and the economic impact of one or more of cases, usually indicates that several
transactions should be accounted for as a package deal:①these transactions are considered simultaneously, or in
the case of mutual influence made, ②these transactions as a whole in order to achieve a complete business results;
③the occurrence of a transaction depends on occurs at least one other transaction ; ④a transaction look alone is
not economical, but when considered together with other transaction is economical. If they does not belong to the
package deal, each of them separately, as the case of a transaction in accordance with “without losing control over
the disposal of a subsidiary part of a long-term equity investments“ (see Note 4.10.2, 4)) and “due to the disposal
of certain equity investments or other reasons lost control of a subsidiary of the original” (see previous paragraph)
principles applicable accounting treatment. Until the disposal of the equity investment loss of control of a
subsidiary of the transactions belonging to the package deal, the transaction will be used as a disposal of a
subsidiary and the loss of control of the transaction. However, before losing control of the price of each disposal
entitled to share in the net assets of the subsidiary's investment corresponding to the difference between the
disposals, recognized in the consolidated financial statements as other comprehensive income, loss of control over
the transferred together with the loss of control or loss in the period.
5. Cash equivalent
Cash and cash equivalents of the Company include cash on hand, ready usable deposits and investments having
short holding term (normally will be due within three months from the day of purchase), with strong liquidity and
easy to be exchanged into certain amount of cash that can be measured reliably and have low risks of change.

                                                  2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

6. Foreign exchange

(1) Translation in foreign exchange transactions
The foreign currency transactions are recorded, on initial recognition in the functional currency, by applying [the
spot exchange rate on the date of the transaction / an exchange rate that approximates the actual spot exchange
rate on the date of transaction]. The exchange of foreign currency and transactions related to the foreign exchange
are translated at the spot exchange rate.
(2) Translation of monetary foreign currency and non-monetary foreign currency
At the balance sheet date, foreign currency monetary items are translated using the spot exchange rate at the
balance sheet date. All the exchange differences thus resulted are taken to profit or loss, except for ①those
relating to foreign currency borrowings specifically for construction and acquisition of qualifying assets, which
are capitalized in accordance with the principle of capitalization of borrowing costs, ②hedging accounting, the
exchange difference related to hedging instruments for the purpose of net oversea operating investment is
recorded in the comprehensive income till the date of disposal and recognized in profit or loss of the period;
exchange difference from changes of other account balance of foreign currency monetary items, ③
available-for-trade is recorded into profit or loss except for amortized cost.
Non-monetary foreign currency items measured at historical cost shall still be translated at the spot exchange rate
prevailing on the transaction date, and the amount denominated in the functional currency is not changed.
Non-monetary foreign currency items measured at fair value are translated at the spot exchange rate prevailing at
the date when the fair values are determined. The exchange difference thus resulted are recognized in profit or
loss for the current period or as capital reserve.
(3) The translation of financial statement in foreign currency
When the consolidated financial statements include foreign operation(s), if there is a foreign currency monetary
item constituting a net investment in a foreign operation, exchange difference arising from changes in exchange
rates are recognized as “exchange differences arising on translation of financial statements denominated in foreign
currencies” in owner’s equity, and in profit or loss for the period upon disposal of the foreign operation.
The Group translates the financial statements of its foreign operations into CNY by following rules. Assets and
liabilities in the balance sheet are translated at the spot exchange rate prevailing at the balance sheet date; all
equity items except for retained earnings are translated at the spot exchange rates at the dates on which such items
occur; income and expenses in income statement are translated at the spot exchange rates at the date of transaction;
the opening retained earnings is the closing retained earnings of the last period after translation; the closing
balance of retained earnings is calculates and presented in the basis of each translated income statements and
profit distribution item; the difference arising between the assets and liabilities and shareholders’ equity shall be
booked as translation difference of foreign currency statements, and shall be presented as a separate component of
equity in the balance sheet. On a loss of control over Group’s oversea operation due to disposal, the Company
transfers the accumulated or proportionate share of the accumulated exchange difference arising on translation of
financial statements of this oversea operation attributable to the owners’ equity of the Company and presented
under shareholders’ equity, to profit or loss in the period in which the disposal occurs.
Foreign currency cash flows and cash flow of oversea subsidiaries are translated at the spot exchange rates on the
date of cash flows. The effect of exchange rate changes on cash is separately presented as an adjustment item in
the cash flow statement.
The opening and actual amount of last year are presented in the financial statement after translation.
7. Financial instruments

(1) Determination of financial assets and liabilities’ fair value
Fair value is the amount for which an asset could be exchanged, or a liability settled, between knowledgeable,
willing parties in an arm’s length transaction. For a financial instrument which has an active market, the Company
uses quoted price in the active market to establish its fair value. The quoted price in the active market refers to the
price that can be regularly obtained from exchange market, agencies, industry associations, pricing authorities; it
represents the fair market trading price in the actual transaction.
For a financial instrument which does not have an active market, the Company establishes fair value by using a
valuation technique. Valuation techniques include using recent arm’s length market transactions between
knowledgeable, willing parties, reference to the current fair value of another instrument that is substantially the

                                                  2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

same, discounted cash flow analysis and option pricing models.
The Company measures initially and subsequently the fair value of an interest rate swap at the value of a
competitor’s interest rate swap quoted by a recognized financial institution as at the Company’s balance sheet date
in accordance with the principle of consistency.
(2) Classification, recognition and measurement of financial assets
All regular way purchases or sales of financial assets are recognized and derecognized on a trade date basis. On
initial recognition, the Company’s financial assets are classified into one of the four categories, including financial
assets at fair value though profit or loss, held-to maturity investments, loans and receivables and
available-for-trade financial assets. A financial asset is recognized initially at fair value. In the case of financial
assets at fair value through profit or loss, relevant transaction costs are immediately charged to the profit and loss
of the current period; transaction costs relating to financial assets of other categories are included in the amount
initially recognized.
1) Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss:
Including financial assets held-for-trade and financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss.
Financial asset held-for-trade is the financial asset that meets one of the following conditions:
A. the financial asset is acquired for the purpose of selling it in a short term;
B. the financial asset is a part of a portfolio of identifiable financial instruments that are collectively managed, and
there is objective evidence indicating that the enterprise recently manages this portfolio for the purpose of
short-term profits;
C. the financial asset is a derivative, except for a derivative that is designated and effective hedging instrument, or
a financial guarantee contract, or a derivative that is linked to and must be settled by delivery of an unquoted
equity instrument (without a quoted price from an active market) whose fair value cannot be reliably measured.
For such kind of financial assets, fair values are adopted for subsequent measurement.
Financial asset is designated on initial recognition as at fair value through profit or loss only when it meets one of
the following conditions:
A. the designation eliminates or significantly reduces the inconsistency in the measurement or recognition of
relevant gains or losses that would otherwise arise from measuring the financial instruments on different bases.
B. a Group of financial instruments is managed and its performance is evaluated on a fair value basis, and is
reported to the enterprise’s key management personnel. Formal documentation regarding risk management or
investment strategy has prepared.
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are subsequently measured at the fair value. Any gains or losses
arising from changes in the fair value and any dividends or interest income earned on the financial assets are
recognized in the profit or loss.
2) Investment held-to maturity
Held-to-maturity investments are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments and fixed
maturity that an entity has the positive intention and ability to hold to maturity. Such kind of financial assets are
subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. Gains or losses arising from
derecognizing, impairment or amortization are recognized in profit or loss for the current period.
Effective interest rate is the rate that exactly discounted estimated future cash flows through the expected life of
the financial asset or financial liability or, where appropriate, a shorter period to the net carrying amount of the
financial asset or financial liability.
When calculating the effective interest rate, the Company shall estimate future cash flow considering all
contractual terms of the financial asset or financial liability without considering future credit losses, and also
consider all fees paid or received between the parties to the contract giving rise to the financial asset and financial
liability that are an integral part of the effective interest rate, transaction costs, and premiums or discounts, etc.
3) Loans and receivables
Loans and receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed determinable payment that are not quoted in
an active market. Financial assets classified as loans and receivables by the Company include note receivables,
account receivables, interest receivable dividends receivable and other receivables.
Loans and receivables are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. Gain or
loss arising from derecognizing, impairment or amortization is recognized in profit or loss.
4) Financial assets available-for-trade
Financial assets available-for-trade include non-derivative financial assets that are designated on initial
recognition as available for trade, and financial assets that are not classified as financial assets at fair value
through profit or loss, loans and receivables or investment held-to-maturity.
Financial assets available-for-trade are subsequently measured at fair value, and gains or losses arising from

                                                   2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

changes in the fair value are recognized as other comprehensive income and included in the capital reserve, except
that impairment losses and exchange differences related to amortized cost of monetary financial assets
denominated in foreign currencies are recognized in profit or loss, until the financial assets are derecognized, at
which time the gains or losses are released and recognized in profit or loss.
Interests obtained and dividends declared by the investee during the period in which the financial assets
available-for-trade are held, are recognized in investment gains.
(3) Impairment of financial assets
The Group assesses at the balance sheet date the carrying amount of every financial asset except for the financial
assets that measured by the fair value. If there is objective evidence indicating a financial asset may be impaired, a
provision is provided for the impairment.
1) Impairment on held-to maturity investment, loans and receivables
The financial assets measured by cost or amortized cost write down their carrying value by the estimated present
value of future cash flow. The difference is recorded as impairment loss. If there is objective evidence to indicate
the recovery of value of financial assets after impairment, and it is related with subsequent event after recognition
of loss, the impairment loss recorded originally can be reversed. The carrying value of financial assets after
impairment loss reversed shall not exceed the amortized cost of the financial assets without provisions of
impairment loss on the reserving date.
2) Impairment loss on available-for-trade financial assets
Where the fair value of the equity instrument investment drops significantly or not contemporarily according to
the integrated relevant factors, an available-for-trade financial asset is impaired.
When an available-for-trade financial asset is impaired, the cumulative loss arising from declining in fair value
that had been recognized in capital reserve shall be removed and recognized in profit or loss. The amount of the
cumulative loss that is removed shall be difference between the acquisition cost with deduction of recoverable
amount less amortized cost, current fair value and any impairment loss on that financial asset previously
recognized in profit or loss.
If, after an impairment loss has been recognized, there is objective evidence that the value of the financial asset is
recovered, and it is objectively related to an event occurring after the impairment loss was recognized, the initial
impairment loss can be reversed and the reserved impairment loss on available-for-trade equity instrument is
recorded in the profit or loss, the reserved impairment loss on available-for-trade debt instrument is recorded in
the current profit or loss.
The equity instrument where there is no quoted price in an active market, and whose fair value cannot be reliably
measured, or impairment loss on a derivative asset that is linked to and must be settled by delivery of such an
unquoted equity instrument shall not be reversed.
(4) Recognition and measurement of financial assets transfer
The Group derecognizes a financial asset when one of the following conditions is met:
1) the rights to receive cash flows from the asset have expired;
2) the enterprise has transferred its rights to receive cash flows from the asset to a third party under a pass-through
arrangement; or
3) the enterprise has transferred its rights to receive cash flows from the asset and either (a) has transferred
substantially all the risks and rewards of the asset, or (b) has neither transferred nor retained substantially all the
risks and rewards of the asset, but has transferred control of the asset.
If the enterprise has neither retained all the risks and rewards from the financial asset nor control over the asset,
the asset is recognized according to the extent it exists as financial asset, and correspondent liability is recognized.
The extent of existence refers the level of risk by the financial asset changes the enterprise is facing.
For a transfer of a financial asset in its entirety that satisfies the derecognizing criteria, (a) the carrying amount of
the financial asset transferred; and (b) the sum of the consideration received from the transfer and any cumulative
gain or loss that had been recognized in other comprehensive income, is recognized in profit or loss.
If a part of the transferred financial asset qualifies for derecognizing, the carrying amount of the transferred
financial asset is allocated between the part that continues to be recognized and the part that is derecognized,
based on the relative fair value of those parts. The difference between (a) the carrying amount allocated to the part
derecognized; and (b) the sum of the consideration received for the part derecognized and any cumulative gain or
loss allocated to the part derecognized which has been previously recognized in other comprehensive income, is
recognized in profit or loss.
(5) Classification and measurement of financial liabilities

                                                    2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

The Group’s financial liabilities are, on initial recognition, classified into financial liabilities at fair value through
profit or loss and other financial liabilities. For financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, relevant
transaction costs are immediately recognized in profit or loss for the current period, and transaction costs relating
to other financial liabilities are included in the initial recognition amounts.
1) Financial liabilities measured by the fair value and the changes recorded in profit or loss
The classification by which financial liabilities held-for-trade and financial liabilities designed at the initial
recognition to be measured by the fair value follows the same criteria as the classification by which financial
assets held-for-trade and financial assets designed at the initial recognition to be measured by the fair value and
their changes are recorded in the current profit or loss.
For the financial liabilities measured by the fair value and changes recorded in the profit or loss, fair values are
adopted for subsequent measurement. All the gains or losses on the change of fair value and the expenses on
dividends or interests related to these financial liabilities are recognized in profit or loss for the current period.
2) Other financial liabilities
Derivative financial liabilities that linked with equity instruments, which do not have a quoted price in an active
market and their fair value cannot be measured reliably, is subsequently measured by cost Other financial
liabilities are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. Gains or losses arising
from derecognizing or amortization are recognized in profit or loss for the current period.
(6) Derecognizing of financial liabilities
The Group derecognizes a financial liability (or part of it) when the underlying present obligation (or part of it) is
discharged or cancelled or has expired. An agreement between the Company (an existing borrower) and existing
lender to replace original financial liability with a new financial liability with substantially different terms is
accounted for as an extinguishment of the original financial liability and the recognition of a new liability.
When the Company derecognizes a financial liability or a part of it, it recognizes the difference between the
carrying amount of the financial liability (or part of the financial liability) derecognized the consideration paid
(including any non-cash assets transferred or new financial liabilities assumed) in profit or loss.
(7) Derivatives and embedded derivatives
Derivative financial instruments include derivatives are initially measured at fair value at the date when the
derivative contracts are entered into and are substantially re-measured at fair value. The resulting gain and loss is
recognized in profit or loss.
An embedded derivative is separated from the hybrid instrument, where the hybrid instrument is not designated as
a financial asset or financial liability at fair value though profit or loss, and the treated as a standalone derivative if
(a) the economic characteristics and risks of the embedded derivative are not closely related to the economic
characteristics and risks of the host contract; and (b) a separate instrument with the same terms as the embedded
derivative would meet the definition of a derivative. If the Company is unable to measure the embedded derivative
separately either at acquisition or at a subsequent balance sheet date, it designates the entire hybrid instrument as a
financial asset or financial liability at fair value through profit or loss.
(8) Offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities
When the Company has a legal right that is currently enforceable to set off the recognized financial assets and
financial liabilities, and intends either to settle on a net basis, or to realize the financial asset and settle the
financial liability simultaneously, a financial asset and a financial liability shall be offset and the net amount is
presented in the balance sheet. Except for the above circumstances, financial assets and financial liabilities shall
be presented separately in the balance sheet and shall not be offset.
(9) Equity instruments
An equity instrument is any contract that evidences a residual interest in the assets of the Company after deducting
all of its liabilities. The consideration received from issuing equity instruments, net of transaction costs, are added
to shareholders’ equity. All types of distribution (excluding stock dividends) made by the Company to holders of
equity instruments are deducted from shareholders’ equity. The Group does not recognize any changes in the fair
value of equity instruments.
8. Receivables
The receivables by the Company include account receivables, and other receivables.
(1) Criteria for recognition of bad debts:

                                                  2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

The Company carries out an inspection on the balance sheet date. Where there is any objective evidence proving
that the receivables have been impaired, an impairment provision shall be made:
1) A serious financial difficulty occurs to the issuer or debtor;
2) The debtor breaches any of the contractual stipulations, for example, fails to pay or delays the payment of
interests or the principal, etc.;
3) The debtor will probably become bankrupt or carry out other financial reorganizations;
4) Other objective evidences showing the impairment of the receivables.
(2) Method for bad debts provision
① Provisions of bad debts in account receivables that is individually significant.
Individual receivables equal to or higher than 10% of total receivables are classified as receivables of individual
For an account receivable that is individually significant, the asset is individually assessed for impairment, the
impairment loss is recognized at the difference between the present value of future cash flow less the carrying
amount, and provision is made accordingly.
② Provisions of bad debts in account receivables that individually insignificant item with similar credit risk
characteristics that have significant risk:
A. Evidence of credit risk characteristics
Whether the financial asset is individually significant or not individually significant, it is included in a group of
financial assets with similar credit risk characteristics and collectively assessed for impairment. Such credit risk
reflects the repayment of all due amount under the contract, and is related to the estimation of future cash flow
expected to be derived from the assets.
Evidence of portfolios:

                  Item                                                    Basis

 Age portfolios                                                           Age

 Related party portfolios                      The companies which are in the scope of the consolidation.
B. Provision by credit risk characteristics
During the Company impairment test, the amount of bad debts provisions is determined by the assessed result
from the experience of historical loss and current economic status and the existing loss in the estimated account
receivables according to the set of account receivables and credit risk characteristic.
Provision for different portfolios:

                  Item                                                 Provision

 Age portfolios                                                   Age analysis method

 Related party portfolios                    No allowance for bad debt, Unless the related party is insolvent

a. Portfolio by age analysis

                  Category                Proportion for accounts receivable (%)         Proportion for other receivable (%)

1 to 90 days                                                                    0.00                                           0.00

91 to 180 days                                                                10.00                                        10.00

181 to 270 days                                                               30.00                                        30.00

271 to 365 days                                                               50.00                                        50.00

Over 365 days                                                                100.00                                       100.00

b. Adopt other methods for recognition of impairment allowances:

                                                  2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

                Group name                 Proportion for accounts receivable (%)     Proportion for other receivable (%)

Related party group                                                            0.00                                     0.00
③ Provisions of bad debts that is individually insignificant.
For the account receivables not individually significant, the Company assesses the account receivables
individually for impairment when are of following characteristics: if there is objective evidence indicating the
impairment, the impairment loss is recognized at the difference between the present value of future cash flow less
the carrying amount, and provision is made accordingly. For examples: receivables of individual insignificance
bears differing credit risk characteristics to other receivables of individual insignificance account receivables with
related parties; account receivables under litigations or arbitrations, or account receivables with obvious indication
that debtor cannot fulfill the obligation of repayment.
(3) The reversal of bad debts provision
If there is objective evidence of recovery in value of account receivables, and the recovery can be related to an
event occurring after the impairment was recognized, the previously recognized impairment loss is reversed and
recognized in profit or loss. However, the reversal shall not result in a carrying amount that exceeds what the
amortized cost would have been had the impairment loss not been recognized at the date the impairment is
9. Inventories

(1) Classification of inventory
Inventories include finished goods and merchandises held for sale, work-in-progress and materials and supplies to
be consumed in the course of production of goods or rendering of services. Inventories are classified into
materials in transit, raw materials, work-in-progress, finished goods, materials and goods of consignment and
revolving materials etc.
(2) Valuation method of inventories
Inventories are initially carried at the planed cost, to record the difference between planned cost and actual cost
through the cost variances account, and carryover the cost variances of issued inventory on schedule, to adjust the
planned cost to actual cost. Cost of issue is measured using the weighted average method.
(3) Basis for determining net realizable value of inventories and provision methods for decline in value of
Net realizable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less the estimated costs of
completion, the estimated costs necessary to make the sale and relevant taxes. Net realizable value is determined
on the basis of clear evidence obtained, and takes into consideration the purpose of holding inventories and effect
of post balance sheet events.
At the balance sheet date, inventories are measured at the lower of the cost and net realizable value. If the net
realizable value is below the cost of inventories, a provision for decline in value of inventories is made. The
provision for inventories decline in value is determined normally by the difference of the cost of individual item
less its realizable value. For large quantity and low value items of inventories,
provision for decline in value is made based on categories of inventories. For items of inventories relating to a
product line that are produced and marketed in the same geographical area, have the same or similar end users or
purposes, and cannot be practicably evaluated separately from other items in that product line provision for
decline in value is determined on an aggregate basis.
After the provision for decline in value of inventories is made, if the circumstances that previously caused
inventories to be written down below cost no longer exist so that the net realizable value of inventories is higher
than their cost, the original provision for decline in value is reversed and the reversal is included in profit or loss
for the period.
(4) The perpetual inventory system is maintained for stock system.

(5) Amortization method for low cost and short-lived consumable items and packaging materials.
Low cost and short-lived consumable items are amortized using immediate write-off method, packaging materials
are amortized using immediate write-off method.

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10. Long-term equity investments

(1) Determination of Investment cost
For a business combination involving enterprises under common control, the initial investment cost of the
long-term equity investment shall be carrying value of the absorbing party’s share of the shareholder’s equity of
the party being absorbed at the date of combination.
For a business combination not involving enterprise under common control, the combination cost including the
sum of fair value, at the acquisition date, of the assets given, liabilities incurred or assumed, and equity securities
issued by the acquirer. The intermediary expenses incurred by the acquirer in respect of auditing, legal services,
valuation and consultancy services etc and other associated administrative expenses attributable to the business
combination are recognized in profit or loss when they are incurred.
The transaction cost for the equity securities or liability securities issued by the acquirer in the business
combination shall be recognized as initial amount of equity security or liability.
The equity investments other than the long-term equity through combination shall be initially measured by cost.
The cost shall be recognized to the difference in the way of acquisition of long-term equity investment. Theses
ways include the cash purchase price the Company actually paid, the fair value of equity security issued by the
Company, value specified in the investment contract or agreement, the fair value or carrying value of the asset out
in the transaction of non-monetary asset exchanges, and the fair value of the long-term equity investment.
Expenses, taxes and other necessary expenditures directly attributable to the acquisition of long-term equity
investment are taken into investment cost.
(2) Subsequent Measurement
Cost method shall be adopted in a long-term equity investment where the investing enterprise does not have
common control or significant influence over the investee, the investment is not quoted in an active market and its
fair value cannot be measured reliably.
Where an investing enterprise can exercise common control or significant influence over the investee, a long-term
investment shall be accounted for using the equity method.
When an investing enterprise can no longer exercise joint control or common control nor significant influence
over the investee, and its fair value cannot be measured reliably, a long-term investment shall be counted as
financial asset ready-for trade.
A long-term equity investment where cost method is adopted in the Company’s financial statements can exercise
controls over the investee.
1) Cost method of accounting for long-term equity investments
Under the cost method, a long-term equity investment is measured at initial investment cost. Except for cash
dividends or profits declared but not yet paid that are included in the price or consideration actually paid upon
acquisition of the long-term equity investment, investment income is recognized in the period in accordance with
the attributable share of cash dividends or profit distributions declared by the investee.
2) Equity method of accounting for long-term equity investments
Where the initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment exceeds the investing enterprise’s interest in
the fair values of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the time of acquisition, no adjustment shall be made to
the initial investment cost.
Where the initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment is less than the investing enterprise’s interest in
the fair values of investee’s identifiable net assets at the time of acquisition, the difference shall be charged to
profit or loss for the current period, and the cost of the long-term equity investment shall adjusted accordingly.
Under the equity method, the Company recognizes its share of the net profit or loss of the investee for the period
as investment income or loss for the period. The Group recognizes it share of the investee’s net profit or loss
based on the fair value of the investee’s individual separately identifiable assets, etc at the acquisition date after
making appropriate adjustments to confirm with the Company’s accounting policies and accounting period.
Unrealized profits or losses resulting from the Company’s transactions with its associates and joint ventures are
recognized as investment income or loss to the extent that those attributable to the Company’s equity interest are
eliminated. However, unrealized losses resulting from the Company’s transactions with its investees on the
transferred assets, in accordance with "Accounting Standards for Enterprises No. 8 - Impairment of Assets", are
not eliminated. Changes in owners’ equity of the investee other than net profit or loss are correspondingly
adjusted to the carrying amount of the long-term equity investment, and recognized as other compressive income
which is included in the capital reserve.
When the investee is recognized net losses, reduce the carrying value of long-term equity investments and
long-term equity of net investment (in substance) in investee to zero. In addition, the Company has the obligations

                                                  2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

on additional losses, then the expected obligation as estimated liabilities and included in the current investment
losses. Where the net profit from investee units, restoration confirm the amount of revenue sharing after offset the
amount of unrecognized loss sharing.
For long-term equity investments in associates and joint ventures which had been held by the Company before its
first time adoption of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, where the initial investment cost of a
long-term equity investment exceeds the Company’s interest in the investee’s net assets at the time of acquisition,
the excess is amortized and is recognized in profit or loss on a straight line basis over the original remaining life.
3) Acquisition of minority interest
The difference between newly increased equity investment due to acquisition of minority interests and portion of
net asset cumulatively calculated from the acquisition date is adjusted as capital reserve. If the capital reserve is
not sufficient to absorb the difference, the excess are adjusted against returned earnings.
4) Disposal of long-term equity investment
Where the parent company disposes long-term investment in a subsidiary without a change in control, the
difference in the net asset between the amount of disposed long-term investment and the amount of the
consideration paid or received is adjusted to the owner’s equity. If the disposal of long-term investment in a
subsidiary involves loss of control over the subsidiary, the related accounting policies in Note 4.4.2 applies.
On disposal of a long-term equity investment, the difference between the proceeds actually received and
receivable and the carrying amount is recognized in profit or loss for the period. For along-term equity investment
accounted for using the equity method, the amount included in the owners’ equity attributable to the percentage
interest disposed is transferred to profit or loss for the period.
For any retained interest, it shall be subsequently measured according to the related accounting policies in regard
of long-term equity investments or financial assets as described above if its carrying amount is recognized as
long-term equity investments or other related financial assets. Retroactive adjustment is made on the basis of
relevant policies if the retained interests are settled from cost method to equity method.
(3) Recognition of investee under common control or significant influence
Control is the power to govern the financial and operating policies of an enterprise so as to obtain benefits from its
operating activities.
Common control is the contractually agreed sharing of control over an economic activity, and exists only when
the strategic financial and operating decisions relating to the activity require the unanimous consent of the parties
sharing control.
Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee but
is not control or joint control over those policies.
When determining whether an investing enterprise is able to exercise control or significant influence over an
investee, the effect of potential voting rights of the investee held the investing enterprise or other parties that are
currently exercisable or convertible shall be considered.
(4) Impairment testing methods and recognition of impairment provision
The company assesses the long-term equity investment at the balance sheet date whether there is any indication of
impairment. If any indication exists that an asset may be impaired, the enterprise shall estimate its recoverable
value of the asset. If the recoverable value of the asset is less than its carrying amount, a provision for impairment
loss of the asset is recognized accordingly.
Once an impairment loss is recognized, it shall not be reversed in a subsequent period.
11. Investment property
Investment property is held to earn rentals or for capital appreciation or for both. Investment property includes
leased or ready to transfer after capital appreciation land use rights and leased buildings. Investment property is
initially measured at cost. Subsequent expenditures related to an investment real estate are likely to flow about the
economic benefits of the asset and its cost can be measured reliably, is included in the cost of investment real
estate. Other subsequent expenditures of gains or losses when occurred.
The Group uses the cost model for subsequent measurement of investment property, and in accordance with the
depreciation or amortization of buildings or land use rights policy.
Investment property impairment test method and impairment accrual method described in Note 4.17 “Non-current
and non-financial assets impairment ".
Occupied real estate for investment property or investment property is transferred to owner-occupied real estate or
stock conversion as the recorded value after the conversion, according to the book value before the conversion.
12. Fixed assets

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(1) The conditions of recognition
Fixed assets refers to the tangible assets that are held for the sake of producing commodities, rendering labor
service, renting or business management and their useful life is in excess of one fiscal year.
(2) The method for depreciation
Fixed assets are stated at cost and consider the impact of expected costs of abandoning the initial measurement.
From the following month of state of intended use, depreciation method of the straight-line method is used for
different categories of fixed assets to take depreciation. The recognition of the classification, useful life and
estimated residual rate are as follows:

                  Category                     Estimated residual value (%)   Expected useful life         Depreciation (%)

  Houses and building                                                 10.00                          20                     4.50

  Machineries                                                          0.00                     11-18                  5.56-9.09

  Electronic device、furniture and modules                             0.00                          5-6            16.67-20.00

  Vehicles                                                             0.00                           6                    16.67

  Improvement expense of leased fixed assets                           0.00        the shorter of lease term and beneficial lives
Expected net residual value of fixed assets is the balance of the Company currently obtained from the disposal of
the asset less the estimated costs of disposal amount, assuming the asset is out of useful life and state the expected
service life in the end.
(3) Measurement and recognition of fixed assets impairment
Impairment and provisions of fixed assets are disclosed on Note 4.17 Impairment of non-current and non-financial
(4) Fixed Assets under finance leases
A finance lease is a lease that transfers in substance all the risks and rewards incident to ownership of an asset.
Title may or may not eventually be transferred.
Fixed assets that are held under finance leases shall be depreciated by applying the same policy as that for the
fixed assets owned by the Company. If it can be reasonably determined that the ownership of the leased assets can
be obtained at the end of the lease period, the leased assets are depreciated over their useful lives; otherwise, the
leased assets are depreciated over the shorter of the lease terms and the useful lives of the leased assets.
(5) Others
A fixed asset is recognized only when the economic benefits associated with the asset will probably flow to the
Company and the cost of the asset can be measured reliably. Subsequent expenditure incurred for a fixed asset
that meet the recognition criteria shall be included in the cost of the fixed asset, and the carrying amount of the
component of the fixed asset that is replaced shall be derecognized. Otherwise, such expenditure shall be
recognized in profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred.
The revenue from selling or transferring, or disposing a fixed asset is booked into profit and loss after deduction
of carrying value and related tax.
The Company conducts a review of useful life, expected net realizable value and depreciation methods of the
fixed asset at least on an annual base. Any change is regarded as change in accounting estimates.
13. Construction in progress
Construction in progress is measured at its actual cost. The actual costs include various construction expenditures
during the construction period, borrowing costs capitalized before it is ready for intended use and other relevant
costs. Construction in progress is transferred to a fixed asset when it is ready for intended use.
Testing method for provision impairment of construction in progress and accrued method for provision
impairment please refer to Note 4.17.
14. Borrowing costs

                                                  2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

Borrowing costs include interest, amortization of discounts or premiums related to borrowings, ancillary costs
incurred in connection with the arrangement of borrowings, and exchange differences arising from foreign
currency borrowings.
The borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying
asset are capitalized. The amounts of other borrowing costs incurred are recognized as an expense in the period in
which they are incurred. Qualifying assets are asset (fixed assets, investment property and inventories, etc.) that
necessarily take a substantial period of time for acquisition, construction or production to get ready for their
intended use or sale.
Where funds are borrowed for a specific-purpose, the amount of interest to be capitalized is the actual interest
expense incurred on that borrowing for the period less any bank interest earned from depositing the borrowed
funds before being used on the asset or any investment income on the temporary investment of those funds.
Where funds are borrowed for a general-purpose, the amount of interest to be capitalized on such borrowings is
determined by applying a weighted average interest rate to the weighted average of the excess amounts of
accumulated expenditure on the asset over and above the amounts of specific-purpose borrowings.
During the capitalization period, exchange differences related to a specific-purpose borrowing denominating in
foreign currency are all capitalized. Exchange differences in connection with general-purpose borrowings are
recognized in profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred.
Assets qualified for capitalization are the fixed assets, investment properties or inventories which need a long time
of construction or production activities before ready for intended used or sale.
Capitalization of borrowing costs is suspended during periods in which the acquisition, construction or production
of a qualifying asset is interrupted by activities other than those necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use
or sale, when the interruption is for a continuous period of more than 3 months. Borrowing costs incurred during
these periods recognized as an expense for the current period until the acquisition, construction or production is
15. Intangible assets

(1) Intangible asset
The term “intangible asset” refers to the identifiable non-monetary assets without physical shape, possessed or
controlled by enterprises.
The intangible assets are initially measured by its cost. Expenses related to intangible assets, if the economic
benefits related to intangible assets are likely to flow into the enterprise and the cost of intangible assets can be
measured reliably, shall be recorded as cost of intangible assets. The expenses other than this shall be booked in
the profit or loss when they occur.
Land use rights that are purchased by the Company are accounted for as intangible assets. Buildings, such as
plants that are developed and constructed by the Company, and relevant land use rights and buildings, are
accounted for as intangible assets and fixed assets, respectively. Payments for the land and buildings purchased
are allocated between the land use rights and the buildings; if they cannot be reasonably allocated all of the land
use rights and buildings should accounted for as fixed assets.
When an intangible asset with a definite useful life is available for use, its original cost less net residual value and
any accumulate impairment losses is amortized over its estimated useful life using the straight-line method. An
intangible asset with an indefinite useful life is not amortized.
For an intangible asset with a definite useful life, the Company reviews the useful life and amortization method at
the end of the period, and makes adjustment when necessary.. An additional review is also carried out for useful
life of the intangible assets with indefinite useful life. If there is evidence showing the foreseeable limit period of
economic benefits generated to the enterprise by the intangible assets, then estimate its useful life and amortize
according to the policy of intangible assets with definite useful life.
(2) Research and development cost
Cost of research and development is distinguished into the research phase and the development phases.
Cost of the research phase is recognized in the profit or loss in the period in which it is incurred.
Unless the following conditions are satisfied, cost of the development phase is recognized in the profit or loss in
the period in which it is incurred:
1) it is technically feasible to complete the intangible asset so as to use it or sell it;
2) it is clearly invented to complete the intangible asset in order to use it or sell it;
3) it is probable that the intangible asset is capable of generating future economic benefit, such as the market for
the product produced by the intangible asset or the intangible asset itself, it is objectively evidential that the
intangible asset is economically usable if it is going to be used internally;

                                                  2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

4) there are sufficient technical, financial and other resources to complete the intangible asset and to use it or sell
5) the cost of the development of the intangible can be measured reliably.
If the cost cannot be distinguished into the search phase and the development phase, it is recognized in the profit
or loss for the period in which it is incurred.
(3) Impairment of intangible assets
Impairment and provisions of intangible assets are disclosed on Note 4.17.
16. Long-term deferred expenditure
An item long-term deferred expenses is an expense which has been incurred and which has a beneficial period (a
period during which an expense is expected to bring economic benefits to an entity) which is longer than one year
and which includes at least part of the reporting period during which the expense was incurred and subsequent
reporting periods. An item of long-term deferred expenses is recognized at the actual amount of the expense
incurred and allocated in each month of the beneficial period using the straight line method.
17. Impairment of non-current and non-financial assets
Non-financial assets with non-current nature include fixed assets, construction in progress, intangible assets with
definite useful lives, investment properties measured by cost methods and long-term equity investment on
subsidiaries, jointly operations. The Company assesses whether there are any indicators of impairment for all
non-financial assets at the balance sheet date, and impairment test is carried out and recoverable value is estimated
if such an indicator exits. Goodwill and intangible assets with indefinite useful lives, as well as intangible assets
not ready for use, are tested for impairment annually regardless of indicators of impairment.
Impairment of loss is calculated and provisions taken by the difference if the recoverable value of the assets is
lower than the book value. The recoverable value is the higher of estimated present value of the future expected
cash flows from the asset and net fair value of the asset less disposed cost. The fair value of asset is determined by
the sales agreement price within an arm’s length transaction. In case there is no sales agreement, but there is
active market of assets, the fair value can be determined by the selling price. If there is neither sales agreement nor
active market, the fair value of the asset can be estimated based on the best information obtained.
Disposal expenses include expenses related to the legislation, taxes, transportations and the direct expense for the
asset to be ready for sale. When calculating the present value of expected future cash flows from an asset or asset
Group, the management shall estimate the expected future cash flows from the asset or asset Group and choose a
suitable discount rate in order to calculate the present value of those cash flows.
Provision for asset impairment is calculated and determined on the individual basis. If the recoverable of
individual asset is hard to estimate, the recoverable amount can be determined by the asset Group where subject
asset belongs. Asset Group is the smallest set of assets that can have cash flow in independently.
The Company determines whether goodwill is impaired at least on an annual basis. This requires an estimation of
the present value of the future expected cash flows from the asset Groups or sets of asset Groups to which the
goodwill is allocated. Estimating the present value requires the Company to make an estimate of the expected
future cash flows from the asset Groups or sets of asset Groups and also choose a suitable discount rate in order to
calculate the present value of those cash flows. Once the loss from above asset impairment is recognized, the
recoverable part cannot be reserved in the subsequent periods.
18. The buyback conditions attached to the transferred assets
The sales and buy back is one of sales mode of the Company, that is means when sale the product, simultaneously
agreed to buy back the same or similar product in the future. Under this sales mode, the Company according to the
clause of contract or agreement to decide whether the revenue recognition criteria are satisfactory. If the Company
has not transferred to the buyer the significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods, the Company should
not recognize the revenue; If the buy back price higher than the original sales price, during the buy back period,
the Company shall recognize the interest expenses to income statement (financial expenses).
19. Accrued liabilities
Recognition of accrued liabilities:
Obligation with contingency factor such as external hypothecate, lawsuit or arbitrage in dispute, guarantee on
quality of product, cut-down plan, loss of contract, recombine obligation, obligation on abandon fixed asset, and
meet the follow condition simultaneously would determined as liabilities:
①This obligation is current obligation of the Company; and,

                                                  2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

②The performance of this obligation will probably cause economic benefits outflow of the Company; and,
③The amount of this obligation can be reliably measured.
On balance sheet date the Company performed relate obligation that consider risk, incertitude, time value of
currency of contingency factor. According to the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the present
obligation for estimated liabilities measured.
If the expenditure required to settle the liability is expected to be fully or partly compensated by a third party, to
determine the amount of compensation will be received at the basic, separately recognized as an asset, and is
recognized in the amount of compensation does not exceed the carrying value of estimated liabilities.
20. Shares-based payment

(1) Categories of share-based payment
The types of shares-based payment of the Company are: cash-settle and equity-settle.
② Cash-settled share-based payment
The measurement of cash-settle is according with the fair value of liability undertake by the Company, which is
calculated base on the Company’s share or other equity instrument.
The value of cash-settle share-based payment that could exercise immediately after award would be reckoned to
relate cost or expense, and increase liability corresponds to it.
On each balance sheet date, a best estimated of situation of exercise cash-settled right that with waiting-period
should be undertaken, and reckon cost or expense and increase liability which is on the base of service award by
the Company, according to the fair value of company’s liability.
① Equity-settled share-based payment
Equity settled share-based payments for employee services are measured by the fair value of the instruments
granted to employees on the date of grant. For instruments exercisable upon satisfaction of performance of expiry
of vesting period for services, the fair value is amortized by the straight-line method and recognized in profit or
loss for the relevant periods; for those with immediate exercisability, the fair value is recognized immediately in
profit or loss and added to capital reserves.
Equity settled share-based payments for services rendered by third parties are measured by the fair value of
services on the receipt date if the relevant fair value can be reliably estimated and by the fair value of the
instruments on the service receipt date if the fair value of services received cannot be reliably estimated and the
fair value of the instruments is reliably estimated. The measured fair value is recognized in the profit or loss and
added equity.
(2) Determining the fair value of equity instruments granted
① For those shares granted to employees shall measure the fair value of equity instruments granted at the
measurement date, based on market prices if available, simultaneously, taking into account the terms and
conditions ( exclude the vesting conditions of external market) upon which those equity instruments were
② For those share options granted to employees, the market prices are not available in most circumstance. If there
is no clause and requirement of other similar trading options, the Company shall estimate the fair value of the
share option granted using a valuation technique.
(3) Base of the best estimate of vesting equity instrument’s reorganization
On each balance sheet date of waiting-period, the Company shall recognize an amount for the equity instrument
during the vesting period based on the best available estimate of the number of equity instruments expected to vest
and shall revise that estimate, if necessary, if subsequent information indicates that the number of equity
instruments expected to vest differs from previous estimates.
(4) Implementation, modification, termination of share-based payment plan with the relevant accounting
The Company to modify the plans of shares payments, if the modification increases the fair value of the equity
instruments granted; in accordance with the increase in the fair value of equity instruments are recognized
accordingly get increased services. Increase in the fair value of the equity instruments is the difference of fair
value between before and after of the modified date. If the modification reduces the total fair value of the shares
paid or used other workers is not conducive to the way the service will continue to be made in the accounting
treatment, as if the change had not occurred, unless the company to cancel some or all of the granted equity tool.
If canceled equity instruments granted during the waiting period, the Company canceled equity instruments

                                                 2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

granted as an acceleration of vesting treatment, the amount of the remaining waiting period should be recognized
immediately in profit or loss, while recognizing the capital reserve. Employees or other parties can choose to meet
non-vesting conditions are not met in the waiting period; the Company will be treated as canceled equity
instruments granted.
(5) The accounting treatment related to the Company and the shareholders of the Company or actual
control of share-based payment transactions
Shares in respect of the Company and the shareholders of the Company or actual control of payment transactions,
one of the settlement enterprise and receiving services enterprise is in the Company and the other is outside of the
Company, the Company's consolidated financial statements are accounted for the following provisions treatment:
① Settlement companies settled in its own equity instruments to pay the share transaction as an equity-settled
share-based payment processing; in addition, as a cash-settled share-based payment processing.
Settlement companies are receiving services business investors, the fair value of the equity instruments at the
grant date fair value of liabilities assumed or to be recognized as the acceptance of long-term equity investment
service companies, while recognizing capital reserve (other capital surplus) or liability.
② Receive services companies do not settle the obligation or the employees of the enterprise is granted its own
equity instruments, the share-based payment transaction as equity-settled share-based payment processing; accept
the obligations and settlement services companies with enterprise workers are not granted its own equity
instruments of the share-based payment transaction as cash-settled share-based payment processing.
Shares occurred between the companies trading in the Company's payment, acceptance and settlement service
business enterprise is not the same enterprise, the recognition and measurement of share-based payment
transactions in accepting the settlement enterprise and service enterprises in the each individual financial
statement, as above principles treatment.
21. Revenue
(1) Revenue from sales of goods
Revenue from sales of goods is recognized when significant risks and rewards attached to the ownership of the
goods sold are passed to the buyer, when neither continual involvement in the rights normally associated with the
ownership of the goods sold nor effective control over the goods controls are retained, when revenue arising from
the goods sold is reliably measurable, when inflow of future economic benefits is probable, and when cost
incurred or to be incurred associated with the goods sold is reliably measurable.
For the export sales of the products of the Company, no matter what the sales pattern adopt, recognition of
revenue according to the sales contract or conventions listed in the orders, for those product sales employ the FOB
domestic ports settlement, revenue recognition upon the bill of lading acquired from the shipping company and
conducted the export declaration; for those product sales employ the FOB oversea ports settlement, revenue
recognition upon the export declaration finished and shipment at the buyer’s receiving dock, as well as acquired
the bill of lading from the shipping company.
Accounting treatment for sales return: in accordance with the international trade prevailing rules, the FOB
settlement employed, indicate to the buyer has inspected and accepted those purchased commodities at the
shipment dock, after acceptance and shipping the relevant risks has been transferred to buyer, therefore the
Company has no individually recognized for the events, but the amount shall be recognized when incurred and
accounted through in profit and loss in current period.
Accounting treatment for product claims: calculate the claim indemnity rate, according to the proportion of
actually payment for those product claims during recently two years account for the corresponding period sales
revenue, at the end of period, on the basis of current period sales revenue and the claim indemnity rate to
recognize the claim indemnity expense.
(2) Revenue from rendering of service
Revenue arising from rendering of services is recognized on the balance date using the percentage of completion
method when the outcome of the services rendered can be reliably estimated. The percentage of completion of the
services rendered is calculated by dividing the cost to date by the budgeted total cost.
The outcome of the services rendered can be reliably estimated when revenue from the services render can be
reliably measured, when the inflow of associated future economic benefits is probable, when the percentage of
completion can be reliably measure, and when the cost incurred or to be incurred associated with the services can
be reliably measured.

                                                  2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

When the outcome of the services rendered cannot be reliably estimate, revenue is recognized as cost
reimbursement received or to be received, if any, and cost incurred is recognized in profit or loss for the period in
which the cost is incurred. No revenue is recognized if cost reimbursement is not probable.
When a contract between the group and another entity involves both sales of goods and rendering for services, the
sales of goods and rendering of services are accounted for separately if they are distinguishable and separately
measurable; the contract is accounted for as if it is a contract involves only sales of goods if the sales of goods and
rendering of services are either indistinguishable or distinguishable but not separately measurable.
(3) Revenue from construction contracts
When the outcome of a construction contract can be estimated reliably, contract revenue and contract costs
associated with the construction contract should be recognized as revenue and expenses respectively by reference
to the stage of completion of the contract activity at the balance sheet date.
In the case of a fixed price contract, the outcome of a construction contract can be estimated reliably when all the
following conditions are satisfied: ①total contract revenue can be measured reliably; ② it is probable that the
economic benefits associated with the contract will flow to the enterprise; ③the contract costs attributable to the
contract can be clearly identified and measured reliably so that actual contract costs incurred can be compared
with prior estimates; and, ④both the contract costs to complete the contract and the stage of contract completion
at the balance sheet date can be measured reliably.
When the outcome of a construction contract cannot be estimated reliably, but revenue should be recognized only
to the extent of contract costs incurred that it is probable will be recoverable; and If the cost can not be recovered,
contract costs should be recognized as an expense in the period in which they are incurred. So that the results of a
construction contract can not be reliably estimated uncertainties exist, to determine the percentage of completion
method and construction contracts related income and expense.
An expected loss on the construction contract should be recognized as an expense immediately.
(4) Royalty Revenue
According to the contract or agreement, the revenue is recognized on an accrual basis.
(5) Interest Income
The amount of interest revenue should be measured and confirmed in accordance with the length of time for
which the enterprise's cash is used by others and the actual interest rate.
22. Government Grants
Government grants are transfer of monetary assets and non-monetary assets from the government to the Company
at no consideration, excluding the capital invested by the government as equity owner. Government grant can be
classified as grant related to the assets and grants related to the income.
The government grants which were acquired by the Company will be used to purchase or otherwise form become
long-term assets will be defined as grant related to the assets; the others will be defined as grants related to the
income. If the files have not clearly defined government grants objects, it will be divided in the following manner
compartmentalize the grants into rant related to the assets and grants related to the income: (1) government
documents defined specific projects targets, according to the relative proportion of the budgets of specific items
included the expenditure of to form assets and the expenditure will be charged into expense to be divided, the
division ratio required at each balance sheet date for review and make changes if necessary; (2) government
documents to make a general presentation purposes only, does not specify a particular project, as grants related to
the income.
If a government grant is in the form of a transfer of a monetary asset, it is measured at the amount received or
receivable. If a government grant is in the form of a non-monetary asset, it is measured at fair value. If the fair
value cannot be reliably determined, it is measured at a nominal amount. A government grant measured at a
nominal amount is recognized immediately in profit or loss for the period.
When received the government grants actually, recognized and measured them by the actual amount received.
However, there is strong evidence that the end of fiscal support policies able to meet the conditions specified in
the relevant funds are expected to be able to receive financial support, measured at the amount receivable.
Government grants are measured according to the amount receivable shall also comply with the following
conditions: (1) grants receivable of government departments issued a document entitled have been confirmed, or
could reasonably estimated in accordance with the relevant provisions of its own official release of financial
resources management approach, and the expected amount of a material uncertainty which does not exist; (2) it is

                                                  2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

based on the local financial sector to be officially released and financial support for the project and its financial
fund management approach voluntarily disclosed in accordance with the provisions of “Regulations on Disclosure
Government Information”, and the management approach should be (inclusive of any compliance business
conditions may apply), and not specifically formulated for specific businesses;(3) related grants approval has been
clearly committed the deadline, and is financed by the proceeds of a corresponding budget as a guarantee, so that
will be received within the prescribed period with the a reasonable assurance; (4) according to the specific
circumstances of the Company and the subsidy matter, should satisfy the other conditions (if any).
A government grant related to an asset is recognized as deferred income, and evenly amortized to profit or loss
over the useful life of the related asset. For a government grant related to income, if the grant is a compensation
for related expenses or losses to be incurred in subsequent period, the grant is recognized as deferred income, and
recognized in profit or loss over the periods in which the related costs are recognized. If the grant is a
compensation for related expenses or losses already incurred, the grant is recognized immediately in profit or loss
for the period.
For repayment of a government grant already recognized, if there is a related deferred income, the repayment is
offset against the carrying amount of the deferred income, and any excess is recognized in profit or loss for the
period. If there is no related deferred income, the repayment is recognized immediately in profit or loss for the
23. Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities
(1) Income tax for the current period
At the balance sheet date, deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply
to the period when the asset is realized or the liability is settled, according to the requirements of tax laws. The
measurement of deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities reflects the tax consequences that would follow
from the manner in which the Company expects at the balance sheet date, to recover the assets or settle the
At the balance sheet date, current income tax liabilities or assets for the current and prior periods are measured at
the amount expected to be paid (or recovered) according to the requirements of tax laws. The calculation for
income tax expenses in the current period is based on the taxable income according to the related tax laws after
adjustment to the accounting profit of the reporting period.
(2) Deferred income tax assets and liabilities
For temporary differences between the carrying amount of certain assets or liabilities and their tax base, or
between the nil carrying amount of those items that are not recognized as assets or liabilities and their tax base
that can be determined according to tax laws, deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized using the balance
sheet liability method.
For temporary differences associated with the initial recognition of goodwill and the initial recognition of an asset
or liability arising from a transaction (not a business combination) that affects neither the accounting profit nor
taxable profits (or deductible losses) at the time of transaction, no deferred tax asset or liability is recognized.
For taxable temporary differences associated with investments in subsidiaries and associates, and interests in joint
ventures, no deferred income tax liability related is recognized except where the Company is able to control the
timing of reversal of the temporary difference and it is probable that the temporary difference will not reverse in
the foreseeable future.
All deferred income tax liabilities arising from taxable temporary differences except the ones mentioned above are
For temporary deductible differences associated with the initial recognition of an asset or liability arising from a
transaction (not a business combination) that affects neither the accounting profit nor taxable profits (or deductible
losses) at the time of transaction, no deferred tax asset is recognized.
For taxable temporary deductible differences associated with investments in subsidiaries and associates, and
interests in joint ventures, no deferred income tax asset related is recognized if it is impossible to reversal the
temporary difference in the foreseeable future, or it is not probable to obtain taxable income which can be used for
the deduction of the temporary difference in the future.
Except mentioned above, the Company recognizes other deferred income tax assets that can deduct temporary
differences to the extent that it is probable that taxable profits will be available against which the deductible
temporary differences can be utilized.
For the deductible losses and tax credit that can be carried forward, deferred tax assets for deductible temporary

                                                  2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

differences are recognized to the extent that it is probable that taxable profits will be available against which the
deductible temporary differences can be utilized.
At the balance sheet date, deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rates according to tax laws,
which are expected to apply in the period in which the asset is realized or the liability is settled.
At the balance sheet date, the Company reviews the carrying amount of deferred tax assets. If it is no longer
probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available in future periods to allow the benefits of the deferred tax
assets to be used, the Company reduces the carrying amount of deferred tax assets. The amount of such reduction
is reversed when it becomes probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available.
(3) Income tax expenses
Income tax expenses consist of current income tax and deferred income tax.
The expenses from income tax and deferred income tax, as well as the revenue, shall be recorded into profit or
loss in current accounting period, except expense for income tax of the current period and deferred income tax
that booked into other income or equity and adjusted carrying value of deferred income tax goodwill arose from
business combination.
(4) Income tax offset
When we have the legal right, and have intended to, to make settlement with net amount, or through the asset
acquisition and liability fulfillment simultaneously, the Company shall present the net value from the offset
between current income tax asset and current income tax liability in the financial statement.
When the Company has the legal right to make a settlement with the current income tax asset and current income
tax liability, and the deferred income tax asset and deferred income tax liability are related to the same taxable
subject under the same tax payer, or related to different taxable subject, but the intension of net value settlement in
regard of the current income tax asset and current income tax liability, the Company shall present net value after
the offset of deferred income tax asset and deferred income tax liability.
24. Leases
A finance lease is a lease that transfers in substance all the risks and rewards incident to ownership of an asset.
Title may or may not eventually be transferred. An operating lease is a lease other than a finance lease.
(1) The Company as Lessee under operating Lease
Lease payments under an operating lease are recognized by a lessee on a straight-line basis over the lease term,
and either included in the cost of the related asset or charged to profit or loss for the current period. The
contingent rents shall be recorded in the profit or loss of the period in which they actually arise.
(2) The Company as Leaser under operating Lease
Lease income from operating leases shall be recognized by the leaser in profit or loss on a straight-line basis over
the lease term. Initial direct cost of significance in amount shall be capitalized when incurred. If another basis is
more systematic and rational, that basis may be used. Contingent rents are credited to profit or loss in the period in
which they actually arise.
(3) The Company as Lessee under financing Lease
For an asset that is held under a finance lease, at the lease commencement, the leased asset is recorded at the
lower of its fair value at the lease commencement and the present value of the minimum lease payments, and the
minimum lease payment is recorded as the carrying amount of the
long-term payables; the difference between the recorded amount of the leased asset and the recorded amount of
the payable is accounted for as unrecognized finance charge, Initial direct costs incurred by the lessee during the
process of negotiating and securing the lease agreement shall be added to the amount recognized for the leased
The net amount of minimum lease payment deducted by the unrecognized finance shall be separated into
long-term liabilities and long-term liability within one year for presentation.
Unrecognized finance charge shall be computed by the effective interest method during the lease term. Contingent
rent shall be booked into profit or loss when actually incurred.
(4) In the case of the lessor of a financing lease
For an asset that is leased out under a finance lease, the aggregate of the minimum lease receipts at the inception

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of the lease and the initial direct costs is recorded as a finance lease receivable, and unguaranteed residual value is
recorded at the same time; the difference between the aggregate of the minimum lease receipt, initial direct costs,
and unguaranteed residual value, and the aggregate of their present values, is recognized as unearned finance
income, which is amortized using the effective interest rate method over each period during the lease term.
Finance lease receivable less unearned finance income shall be separated into long-term liabilities and long-term
liability within one year for presentation.
Unearned finance income shall be computed by the effective interest method during the lease term. Contingent
rent shall be credited into profit or loss in which actually incurred.
25. Assets held-for-sale
The Company has made decision on disposal of some non-current assets, and signed irrecoverable transferring
agreements with buyers. The transaction is probably to be completed with one year. If so, the non-current asset
shall be counted as an asset ready-for-sale, not depreciated or amortized, and shall be measured by the lower of
carrying amount and faire value less net value of disposal expenses. Non-current assets ready-for-sale includes
individual asset and disposal Group. If disposal Group is an asset Group, and has allocated goodwill acquired
during the combination according to the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 8 - Impairment, or. the
disposal Group is an operation in the asset Group, the disposal Group includes goodwill in the business
Where an asset or a disposal Group is classified as held-for-trade, but cannot satisfy the condition of non-current
asset ready-for-trade, the Company shall derecognize it as held-for-trade, and measure it by the lower of the
(1) the carrying amount of the asset or disposal Group before it is classified as held-for-trade, the value after the
adjustment of depreciation, amortization or impairment recognized under the assumption that it is not classified as
(2) the recoverable value on the date when decided not to trade any more.
26. Employee Benefits
During the accounting period of an employee’ providing services to the Company, the Company recognizes the
compensation payable as liabilities.
The Company participates in the employees social security system set up by government agencies, including
pensions, medical insurance, housing fund and other social security system, and the corresponding expenditures
are included in the cost of related assets or the profit or loss.
When an enterprise terminates the employment relationship with employees before the end of the employment
contracts or provides compensation as an offer to encourage employees to accept voluntary redundancy, a
provision shall be recognized for the compensation arising from termination of employment relationship with
employees, with a corresponding charge to the profit or loss for the current period. The enterprise cannot
unilaterally withdraw from the termination plan or the redundancy offer.
The early retirement plan adopts the same principles of termination benefits. Salaries and social insurance (from
the date of ceasing services to the date of normal retirement) are paid by the Company, subject to the conditions to
be recognized in profit or loss (termination benefits).
27. Changes in major accounting policies and accounting estimates
(1) Changes of accounting policies
There was no significant change of accounting policies for the Company during the reporting period.

(2) Changes of accounting estimates
There was no any change of accounting estimates during the reporting period.

28. Correction of prior period errors
There is no significant change of previous accounting errors for the Company during the reporting period.

29. Significant account judgment and estimates
The Company is required to make judgments, estimates and assumptions about the carrying amounts of items in
the financial statements that cannot be measured accurately, due to the internal uncertainties of operation activities.
These judgments, estimates and assumptions are based on historical experiences of the Company’s management

                                                  2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

as well as other factors that are considered to be relevant. These judgments, estimates and assumptions may affect
value of the financial statements in revenue, expenses, assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingency at
the balance sheet date. However, the result derived from those uncertainties in estimates may lead significant
adjustments to the carrying amounts of the assets or liabilities affected in the future.
The Company has reviews the judgments, estimates and assumptions regularly on the basis of going concern.
Where the changes in accounting estimates only affect the period when changes occurred, and they are recognized
within the same period. Where the changes in accounting estimates affect both current period and future period,
the changes are recognized within the period of change and future period.
At balance sheet date, the followings are the significant areas where the Company needs to make judgment,
estimates and assumptions over the value of items in the financial statements:
(1) Revenue Recognition – Construction Contracts
When the result in the construction contract can be estimated reliably, contract revenue is recognized by the
Company at the balance sheet date using the percentage of completion method. The percentage of completion of
the contract is confirmed in accordance with this Note 4, 4.22 “Revenue recognition”, and a cumulative basis in
each accounting year of the implementation of the construction contract.
In determining the percentage of completion of the contract costs incurred, the estimated total contract revenue
and total costs, as well as the recoverability of the contract requires significant judgment. Project management is
primarily relying on past experience and work judgment. The estimated total contract revenue and total cost, and
the estimated contract changes the results are likely to change the current or future period revenues, operating
costs, and gains and losses during the impact, and may have a significant impact.
(2) Classification of lease
The Company classifies leases as operating lease and financing lease according to the rule stipulated in the
Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 21—Leasing. The management shall make analysis and
judgment on whether the risks and rewards related to the title of leased assets has been transferred to the leaser, or
whether the Company has substantially held the risks and rewards related to the ownership of leased assets.
(3) Allowance for bad debt
According to the relevant accounting policies of the Company in receivables, allowance method is used for bad
debt’s calculation. The impairment of receivables is calculated based on the assessment of recoverable of
receivables. Assurance of receivable impairment needs judgments and estimations from the management. The
difference between actual results and original estimates shall have impact on the carrying amount of receivables
and receivable bad debt provisions or the reverse during the change of estimation.
(4) Impairment of inventories
The Company measures inventories by the lower of cost and realizable net value according to the accounting
policies in regard of inventories and provisions for decline in value of inventories are made if the cost is higher
than their net realizable value and obsolete and slow-movement inventories. Inventories decline in value to net
realizable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business. Net realizable value is determined
on the basis of clear evidence obtained, and takes into consideration the purposes of holding inventories and effect
of post balance sheet events. The difference between the actual result and the original estimates shall have impact
on reverse of the carrying amount of the inventories and their decline in value or provisions during the period of
(5) The fair value of financial instruments
For a financial instrument which has no active market, the Company establishes fair value by using various
valuation methods, including of discounted cash flow analysis model. The Company needs to estimate future cash
flow, credit risk, volatility and relationship during the valuation and choose appropriate discount rate. Such
assumptions have uncertainties and their changes shall have impact on the fair value of financial instruments.
(6) Held-to-maturity investments
The Company will comply with the conditions of a fixed or determinable payments and fixed maturities that the
Company has the positive intention and ability to hold to maturity are non-derivative financial assets are classified
as held-to-maturity investments. This classification requires significant judgment. In the process of this judgment,
the Company should make the assessment of its maturity willingness and ability to hold such investments. Except
in specified circumstances (for example, towards the maturity date of the sale amount is not significant

                                                  2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

investment), if the Company is unable These investments held-to-maturity, shall be all the class investments
classified as available-for-sale financial assets and in the current fiscal year and the next two fiscal year shall not
classify any financial assets as held-to-maturity investments. in this theoretical situation, there have a significant
impact on the financial statements listed on the reported value of financial assets, and affect the Company's
financial instruments risk management strategy.
(7) Held-to-maturity investments impairment
The Company to determine the held-to- maturity investments are impaired in dependent on management's
judgment. Occurred objective evidence of impairment including the disappearance of severe financial difficulties
that financial asset cannot continue to be traded in an active market, unable to fulfill the terms of the contract (for
example, interest or principal payments as a default ) . In processing of judgment, the Company is required to
assess the occurred objective evidence of impairment of the investment in expected future cash flows.
(8) Impairment of financial assets available-for-sale
The Company determine the available-for-sale financial asset is impaired relies on judgments and assumptions of
management, to determine whether impairment loss is recognized in the income statement. The process of making
the judgments and assumptions, the Company is required to assess the extent and duration of the fair value of the
investment below cost, as well as investment financial position and short-term business outlook, including
industry conditions, technological change, the credit rating, default rates and counterparty risk.
(9) Impairment of non-financial, non-current assets
The Company assesses whether there are any indicators of impairment for all non-current assets other than
financial assets at the balance sheet date. For an intangible asset that has indefinite useful life, impairment test is
made in addition to the annual impairment test if there is any indication of impairment. For non-current assets
other than financial assets, impairment test is made when there is any indication that its account balance cannot
be recovered.
Impairment exists when the recoverable amount of an asset is the higher of its fair value less cost of disposal and
present value of the future cash flows expected to be derived from the asset.
Net value between the difference of fair value and disposal cost is determined by reference of the price of similar
product in a sale agreement in an arm’s length transaction or an observable market price less the additional cost
directly attributable to the disposal of the asset.
When estimating the present value of future cash flow, significant judgments are made over the asset’s production,
selling price and relevant operating expenses, and discount rate used to calculate present value. All available
materials that are considered to be relevant shall be used in the estimation of recoverable value. These materials
include estimations of production, selling price and operating expenses based on reasonable and supportable
The Company makes an impairment test for goodwill at least at each year end. This requires an estimation of
present value of future cash flow of the assets or assets group where goodwill has been allocated. The Company
shall makes estimation on the future cash flow derived from assets or assets group and determine an appropriate
discount rate for the present value of future cash flow when the estimation of present value of future cash flow is
(10) Depreciation and amortization
Investment property, fixed assets and intangible assets are depreciated and amortized using the straight-line
method over their useful lives after taking into account residual value. The useful lives are regularly reviewed to
determine the depreciation and amortization costs charged in each reporting period. The useful lives are
determined based on historical experience of similar assets and the estimated technical changes. If there is an
indication that there has been a change in the factor used to determine the depreciation or amortization, the rate of
depreciation or amortization is revised.
(11) The development expenditure
In determining the amount of capitalization, the Company's management needs to make the relevant asset the
estimated future cash flows, applicable discount rate assumptions of the estimated benefit period.
(12) Deferred tax assets
The group shall recognize all unused tax losses as deferred tax assets to the extent that it is probable that future
taxable profit will be available against which the unused tax losses and unused tax credits can be utilized. This

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requires the management of the Company make a lot of judgments over the estimation of time period, value and
tax planning strategies when future taxable profit incurs so that the value of deferred tax assets can be determined.
(13) Income tax
There are some transactions where ultimate tax treatments and calculations have uncertainties in the Company’s
everyday operation. If it is possible for any item to make expenditure before tax that needs to be approved from
competent tax authorities. If there is any difference between finalized determination value and their initial
estimations value, the difference shall have the impact on the income tax and deferred income tax of the current
period during the final determination.
(14) Early retirement benefits and supplemental retirement benefits
The Company's internal early retirement benefits and supplemental retirement benefit expenses and liabilities
amount determined based on various assumptions. These assumptions include the discount rate, the average
growth rate of health care costs, retired officers and retired officer’s subsidy rate and other factors. Differences
between actual results and assumptions will be immediately recognized in the cost of the year. Although
management considers reasonable assumptions have been used, but the actual experience or changes in
assumptions will affect the Company's internal early retirement benefits and supplemental retirement benefit costs
and liabilities balance.
(15) Accrued liabilities
According with the terms of the contract, the existing knowledge and historical experience, product quality
assurance and expected contract losses, delay in delivery of liquidated damages are estimated and recognized as
accrued liabilities. In these matters has been the formation of a current obligation, and fulfilling the duty is likely
to lead to the outflow of economic benefits of the Company, the Company or the best estimate of the current
obligation expenditure required recognized as a accrued liabilities. Recognition and measurement of accrued
liabilities is dependent on the judgment of management. In the processing of judgment the company needed to
appraise the related risks, uncertainties and time value of money and other factors.
The Company will sell, repair and renovation of goods sold to provide customers with quality after-sales service
commitment is accrued liabilities. Accrued liabilities have considered the recent experience in the maintenance
data, but recent maintenance experience may not reflect future maintenance. Any increase or decrease in the
accrued liabilities may affect the profit or loss in future.
V. Taxation
1. Taxes and surcharges applicable to the Company

         Taxes and surcharges                            Tax base                               Tax rate%

                                         Revenues from sales of products and raw
Value added tax                                                                                                   0, 17

Business tax                                   Business tax taxable revenue                                          5

                                      Sum of VAT payable, consumption duty payable
Urban maintenance
                                         and business tax payable for the reporting                                  7
and construction surcharge
                                          period, and exempt and deductible tax

                                      Sum of VAT payable, consumption duty payable

Education surcharge                      and business tax payable for the reporting                                  3

                                          period, and exempt and deductible tax

                                                 2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

                                    Sum of VAT payable, consumption duty payable

Local education surcharge              and business tax payable for the reporting                                2

                                         period, and exempt and deductible tax

Corporate income tax                                Taxable profits                                             25

Products, raw materials export sales applied the policy of exemption, reduction and refund of VAT, the rate is 0%.
2. Taxes and surcharges applicable to the primary subsidiaries
(1) TsannKuen (Zhangzhou) Enterprise Co., Ltd. (hereafter, TKL)

         Taxes and surcharges                          Tax base                             Tax rate%

                                       Revenues from sales of products and raw
Value added tax                                                                                              0, 17

Business tax                                 Business tax taxable revenue                                        5

                                    Sum of VAT payable, consumption duty payable
Urban maintenance
                                       and business tax payable for the reporting                                5
and construction surcharge
                                         period, and exempt and deductible tax

                                    Sum of VAT payable, consumption duty payable

Education surcharge                    and business tax payable for the reporting                                3

                                         period, and exempt and deductible tax

                                    Sum of VAT payable, consumption duty payable

Local education surcharge              and business tax payable for the reporting                                2

                                         period, and exempt and deductible tax

Corporate income tax                                Taxable profits                                            15

Products, raw materials export sales applied the policy of exemption, reduction and refund of VAT, the rate is 0%.
In accordance with the “The Notice Regarding to Fujian Province 2011 First and Second Group of High
Technology Enterprise Review” (No. Mingkegao [2012]1), TKL was identified as Fujian Province 2011 first
group of reviewed High Technology Enterprise (The certification No. GF201135000115), the validity is from the
year 2011 to 2013. The company carried out application for high-tech enterprises.
(2) TsannKuen (Zhangzhou) South Port Electronics Enterprise Co., Ltd. (hereafter, TKN)

         Taxes and surcharges                        Tax base                             Tax rate%

                                      Revenues from sales of products and raw
Value added tax                                                                                              0, 17

Business tax                               Business tax taxable revenue                                          5

Urban maintenance                     Sum of VAT payable, consumption duty                                       5

                                                 2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

         Taxes and surcharges                        Tax base                             Tax rate%

and construction surcharge            payable and business tax payable for the

                                    reporting period, and exempt and deductible


                                      Sum of VAT payable, consumption duty

                                      payable and business tax payable for the
Education surcharge                                                                                              3
                                    reporting period, and exempt and deductible


                                      Sum of VAT payable, consumption duty

                                      payable and business tax payable for the
Local education surcharge                                                                                        2
                                    reporting period, and exempt and deductible


Corporate income tax                              Taxable profits                                              25

Products, raw materials export sales applied the policy of exemption, reduction and refund of VAT, the rate is 0%.
(3) TsannKuen China (Shanghai) Enterprise Co., Ltd. (hereafter, TKS)

         Taxes and surcharges                        Tax base                             Tax rate%

                                      Revenues from sales of products and raw
Value added tax                                                                                                17

Business tax                               Business tax taxable revenue                                          5

                                      Sum of VAT payable, consumption duty

Urban maintenance                     payable and business tax payable for the
and construction surcharge          reporting period, and exempt and deductible


                                      Sum of VAT payable, consumption duty

                                      payable and business tax payable for the
Education surcharge                                                                                              3
                                    reporting period, and exempt and deductible


                                      Sum of VAT payable, consumption duty

                                      payable and business tax payable for the
Local education surcharge                                                                                        2
                                    reporting period, and exempt and deductible


Corporate income tax                              Taxable profits                                              25

(4) Shanghai Canxing Trading Co., Ltd. (hereafter, STD)

                                                2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

         Taxes and surcharges                       Tax base                                        Tax rate%

                                    Revenues from sales of products and raw
Value added tax                                                                                            17

Business tax                              Business tax taxable revenue                                         5

                                    Sum of VAT payable, consumption duty

Urban maintenance                   payable and business tax payable for the
and construction surcharge         reporting period, and exempt and deductible


                                    Sum of VAT payable, consumption duty

                                    payable and business tax payable for the
Education surcharge                                                                                            3
                                   reporting period, and exempt and deductible


                                    Sum of VAT payable, consumption duty

                                    payable and business tax payable for the
Local education surcharge                                                                                      2
                                   reporting period, and exempt and deductible


Corporate income tax                             Taxable profits                                           25

(5) Xiamen Star Comgistic Trading Co., Ltd.

          Taxes and surcharges                      Tax base                                       Tax rate%

                                    Revenues from sales of products and raw
Value added tax                                                                                           17

Business tax                              Business tax taxable revenue                                     5

                                     Sum of VAT payable, consumption duty

Urban maintenance                    payable and business tax payable for the
and construction surcharge         reporting period, and exempt and deductible


                                     Sum of VAT payable, consumption duty

                                     payable and business tax payable for the
Education surcharge                                                                                        3
                                   reporting period, and exempt and deductible


                                                      2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

          Taxes and surcharges                            Tax base                                                          Tax rate%

                                          Sum of VAT payable, consumption duty

                                          payable and business tax payable for the
Local education surcharge                                                                                                           2
                                         reporting period, and exempt and deductible


Corporate income tax                                   Taxable profits                                                             25

Category of taxes                                          Tax basis                                                   Tax (fare) rate%
VAT                                        Revenues from sales of product and raw
                                           material                                                                            10(note)
Enterprise income tax                     Taxable income                                                                            25
P.S.: The legal tax rate of VAT is 10%, however, in according to the approval document with number as
ST-718/WBC.08/KPP.MP.02/2011 issued by Bureau of Customs of Indonesia on 5 Oct. 2011, the approval
document with number as 291KMK.05/1997 issued by Ministry of Finance of Indonesia on 26 Jul. 1997 and the
approval document with number as KEP-63/BC /1997 issued by General Administration of Customs of Indonesia,
PT. STAR COMGISTIC INDONESIA is confirmed as a bonded factory, thus the actual applicable VAT tax rate
for the export products by acquiring raw materials is zero.
VI. Business combination and consolidated financial statement
1. Subsidiaries
(1) Subsidiaries obtained by establishment and investment
                                          Register    Business       Registered
Subsidiaries name                Type                                                            Business scope
                                          ed place     nature         capital

                                                                                     Development, production and sales of

                                                                                     small home electronic appliance, new

                                                                                     style of electronic device,

                                                                                     light-industrial product, and modern

                                                                                     furniture and relative modules,

                                                      Manufact                       communication equipment, all kinds of
Tsann Kuen (Zhangzhou)                                               160,000,000
                             Holding      Zhangzh     ure home
Enterprise Co.,                                                                      lamps and lighting devices such as
                            subsidiary      ou        electronic
Ltd.(TKL)                                                                USD
                                                                                     mechanical and electrical product.

                                                                                     Processing and manufacturing

                                                                                     non-ferrous metal composite materials

                                                                                     and new alloy material; Sales of the

                                                                                     company     products and semi-finished

                                                                                     products; providing after-sales service

                                                    2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

                                       Register     Business      Registered
Subsidiaries name          Type                                                                  Business scope
                                       ed place      nature        capital

                                                                                     and technical services; contracting the

                                                                                     company business scope of processing

                                                                                     according to the buyer’s materials and

                                                                                     samples and assembling parts supplied

                                                                                     by buyers and compensation trade

                                                                                     business. The wholesale of all kinds of

                                                                                     home appliances, electronic products,

                                                                                     water purification equipment, air

                                                                                     purification equipment,

                                                                                     communications equipment, security

                                                                                     products and prepackaged foods

      Subsidiaries obtained by establishment and investment (continued)
                                                                                       The proportion
                          Actual amount of                                             of
Subsidiaries name        investments at the       Other essential investment           holding
                                                                                                           of voting
                           period-end                                                  shares
TKL                      120,000,000.00 USD                                   0.00                75.00               75.00
Subsidiaries obtained by establishment and investment (continued)
                                Included in
Subsidiaries name              consolidated               Minority interest                    Deductible minority interests

TKL                                 Yes                         307,129,227.83                                                 0.00

    (2) Subsidiaries obtained by business combination under same control

                                                                2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

                                                    Registered        Business          Registered
   Subsidiaries name               Type                                                                             Business scope
                                                      place            nature            capital

                                                                                                        Production and sales of household

                                                                                                        appliances, electronics, light industrial

                                                                                                        products and modern office supplies

                                                                   Manufacture                          and relevant modules. All kinds of
   Tsann Kuen China
                             Sino-foreign                          of small            40,000,000.00
   (Shanghai) Enterprise                           Shanghai                                             computers and peripheral equipment
                             joint venture                         household               USD
   Co., Ltd. (TKS)
                                                                                                        and components, the development of

                                                                                                        computer software, IC packaging and

                                                                                                        testing and sales of self-produced


   Subsidiaries obtained by business combination under same control (continued)
                            Actual amount of                                               The proportion of   The proportion of
   Subsidiaries name        investments at the            Other essential investment
                                                                                          holding shares(%) voting rights(%)
                             25,000,000.00 USD                                   0.00                    62.50                   62.50

   Subsidiaries obtained by business combination under same control (continued)
                                Included in
   Subsidiaries name                                         Minority interest                       Deductible minority interests
                           consolidated statement

                                   Yes                              35,189,636.17                                                            0.00
   2. Sub-subsidiaries
   (1)Sub-subsidiaries obtained by establishment and investment
Sub-subsidiaries name           Type              ered       Business nature                                        Business scope

                                                                                                     Development and production of small home

                                                                                                     electronic appliance, new style of electronic

                                                                                                     device, light-industrial product, and modern

                                                                                                     furniture; design and manufacture related

                                                                                                     model to the above products. Processing

Tsann Kuen (Zhangzhou)                                     Manufacture                               and manufacturing non-ferrous metal
                            Subsidiary of
South Port Electronics                           Zhang     home electronic          5,000,000.00
                              holding                                                                composite materials, new type of alloy
Enterprise  Co.,  Ltd.                            zhou     appliance                    CNY
                                                                                                     material. Sale of self-produced products

                                                                                                     and semi-finished product. The wholesale

                                                                                                     of electronic, chemical products, metal

                                                                                                     plates, metal materials, electrical home

                                                                                                     appliances products Commission agency


                                                                2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

Sub-subsidiaries name               Type          ered        Business nature                                        Business scope
Tsann Kuen (Zhangzhou)
                             Non-enterprise                     Secondary
Profession          and                          Zhang                              3,000,000.00
                             unit of holding                    vocational                           Secondary vocational education
Technology     Institute                          zhou                                  CNY
                               subsidiary                       education
                                                                                                     Engaged in import and export of goods and
                                                                                                     technology import and export business, the
                                                                                                     sale of household electrical appliances,
                              Subsidiary of
Shanghai Canxing                                 Shang        Sales of home         4,950,000.00     calculators and accessories, communication
Trading Co.,Ltd. (STD)                            hai           electronic              CNY          equipment, daily provisions, lighting
                                                                                                     equipment, electrical equipment, office
                                                                                                     supplies. Roasted coffee, wholesale;
                                                                                                     Pre-packaged food
                                                                                                     Wholesale, retail, general merchandise,
                                                                                                     home electronic appliance, computer and its
                                                                                                     fitting equipment, communication
                              Subsidiary of                                                          equipments, mechanical and electronic
Xiamen Star Comgistic                            Xiame        Sales of home        28,000,000.00
                                holding                                                              equipments, office equipments, kitchen
Trading Co.,Ltd. (SCCX)                            n            electronic              CNY
                               subsidiary                                                            appliance and related complete product;
                                                                                                     Import or export products or technology,
                                                                                                     but those products prohibit by the Country
                                                                                                     are exempt.

          Sub-subsidiaries obtained by establishment and investment (continued)
                                    Actual amount of                                              The proportion       The proportion
                                    investments at the         Other essential investment        of holding shares     of voting rights
  name                                 period-end                                                       (%)                  (%)
          TKN                        3,750,000.00 CNY                                   0.00                56.25                  75.00

          LTC                        3,000,000.00 CNY                                   0.00                75.00                 100.00

          STD                        4,950,000.00 CNY                                   0.00                56.25                 100.00

        SCCX                        28,000,000.00 CNY                                   0.00                75.00                 100.00

          Sub-subsidiaries obtained by establishment and investment (continued)
                                          Included in
    Sub-subsidiaries name            consolidated statement
                                                                    Minority interest                  Deductible minority interests

           TKN                                 Yes                           1,452,178.02                                                  0.00

           LTC                                 Yes                                   0.00                                                  0.00

           STD                                 Yes                                   0.00                                                  0.00

          SCCX                                 Yes                                   0.00                                                  0.00
    (2) Sub-subsidiaries obtained by business combination under same control
    □ Applicable √ Inapplicable

    (3) Sub-subsidiaries obtained by business combination under same control
    Sub-subsidiaries                           Registered       Business        Registered
                                    Type                                                                         Business scope
    name                                         place           nature          capital
    East Sino Development                                      Investment       135,993,000
                               of holding      Hong Kong                                                             Investment
    Limited                                                    company             HKD
    PT. STAR                   Subsidiary                      Manufacture
                                                                                17,500,000     Produce and sale of display/LCD
    COMGISTIC                  of holding       Indonesia        of home
    INDONESIA (SCI)            subsidiary                       electronic                     TV/chandelier/table lamps/LED

                                                      2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

Sub-subsidiaries                       Registered      Business       Registered
                           Type                                                                              Business scope
name                                     place          nature         capital



                                                                                        killer/coffee pot / hair

                                                                                        dryer/fan/humidifier/electric oven, microwave

                                                                                        oven, toaster/rice cooker/iron/deep fryer
    Sub-subsidiaries obtained by business combination under same control (continued)
                                                                                                  The proportion of        The proportion
Sub-subsidiaries     Actual amount of investments
                                                             Other essential investment            holding shares          of voting rights
name                       at the period-end
                                                                                                        (%)                      (%)
     East Sino       16,300,00 USD                                                        0.00                     75.00            100.00

     SCI             17,425,000 USD                                                       0.00                     74.68             99.57
    Sub-subsidiaries obtained by business combination under same control (continued)
                                  Included in consolidated
Sub-subsidiaries name                    statement
                                                                    Minority interest                Deductible minority interests

     East Sino                              Yes                                         0.00                                          0.00

     SCI                                    Yes                               264,799.62                                              0.00
3. Special purpose entities or operating entities with control right formed by entrusted operation or lease:
4. Explanation on changes in consolidated scope

      There was no change in consolidated scope in the reporting period.

5. Exchange rates of major items in financial statements for foreign entities
                   Item                                                       Assets and liabilities

                                                             30 Jun. 2014                                      31 Dec. 2013

COMGISTIC                                               $1 = RMB 6.1528                                      $1= RMB 6.0969

East Sino                                            HK $1 = RMB 0.79375                               HK $1 = RMB 0.78623

                   Item                                                Cash flow of income and expenses

                                                             30 Jun. 2014                                      31 Dec. 2013

COMGISTIC                                               $1 = RMB 6.14313                                     $1 = RMB 6.1896

East Sino                                            HK $1 = RMB =0.79198                              HK $1 = RMB =0.79791

                                                          2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

VII. Notes on major items in consolidated financial statements of the Company
1. Monetary funds

                                           2014.06.30                                                  2013.12.31
                   Original currency      Exchange rate    Standard money     Original currency       Exchange rate    Standard money
Cash stock
RMB                                                             274,070.66                                                    300,733.40
HKD                            8,352.60         0.7938            6,629.88             18,027.60            0.7862             14,173.84
USD                            7,365.80         6.1528           45,320.31             19,819.38            6.0969            120,836.78
JPY                      1,454,791.80           0.0608           88,473.16            779,359.80           0.05777             45,024.40
IDR                     33,172,614.24           0.0005           17,876.84        72,349,200.00             0.0005             36,174.04
CHF                                7.00         6.9674               48.77                   7.00           6.8029                 47.62
EUR                           25,358.32         8.3946          212,872.95             32,389.57            8.4189            272,684.55
HUF                            1,313.50        10.4978           13,788.86             12,019.00           10.0556            120,858.26
Subtotal                      81,016.00         0.0273            2,211.74             81,016.00            0.0281              2,276.55
RMB                                                             661,293.17                                                    912,809.44
Deposit in bank
RMB                                                         259,200,480.41                                             524,280,964.87
HKD                      2,413,125.94           0.7938        1,915,418.71            543,427.39            0.7862            427,258.92
USD                    128,169,763.57           6.1528      788,602,947.55        48,461,432.03             6.0969     295,464,504.93
JPY                    105,156,610.00           0.0608        6,395,099.23      119,508,051.00             0.05777       6,904,099.62
EUR                       108,499.73            8.3946          910,811.84            580,582.62            8.4189       4,887,867.01
IDR                 3,084,974,069.76            0.0005        1,685,132.17     2,422,949,991.95             0.0005       1,211,454.89
CHF                       183,055.44            6.9674         1,275,420.47
Subtotal                                                   1,059,985,310.38                                            833,176,150.24
Total                                                      1,060,646,603.55                                            834,088,959.68
Note: in the reporting period, withdrawing deposit interest income thus RMB 896,886,338.47 of restricted monetary funds was
deducted from cash flow statement.

2. Trading financial assets
(1) Trading financial assets
Item                                                                    2014.06.30                                            2013.12.31
Derivative financial assets                                                    0.00                                     21,120,100.00
Total                                                                          0.00                                     21,120,100.00
3. Notes receivable
(1) Category of notes receivable
Item                                                                            2014.06.30                                     2013.12.31
Bank acceptance bill                                                          2,792,866.00                                   2,467,447.00
Total                                                                         2,792,866.00                                   2,467,447.00
(2) There was not receivable pledged at period-end
(3) There was not transferred to accounts receivable because drawer of the notes fails to execute the contract
or agreement, and undue notes endorsed to other parties at the end of the period.
4. Accounts receivable
(1) Accounts receivable listed by categories
                               Item                                                    Proportion      Bad debt                 Proportion
                                                                                          (%)          provision                   (%)
 Accounts receivable with significant single amount and
                                                                               0.00            0.00                   0.00             0.00
 individually withdrawn bad debt provision
 Accounts receivable for which bad debt provisions are
 made on the group basis
 Aging group                                                        186,039,121.30            94.89         2,263,145.43               1.22

                                                           2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

   Related party group                                                   10,020,768.95          5.11                  0.00           0.00
   Subtotal of group                                                  196,059,890.25         100.00           2,263,145.43           1.15
   Accounts receivable with insignificant single amount and
                                                                                  0.00          0.00                  0.00           0.00
   individually withdrawn bad debt provision
   Total                                                              196,059,890.25         100.00           2,263,145.43           1.15

                             Item                                                        Proportion      Bad debt            Proportion
                                                                                            (%)          provision              (%)
   Accounts receivable with significant single amount and
                                                                                  0.00         0.00                  0.00           0.00
   individually withdrawn bad debt provision
   Accounts receivable for which bad debt provisions are
   made on the group basis
   Aging group                                                       247,231,980.91           94.59           7,559,178.67          3.06
   Related party group                                                   14,150,673.62         5.41                  0.00           0.00
   Subtotal of group                                                 261,382,654.53          100.00           7,559,178.67          2.89
   Accounts receivable with insignificant single amount and
                                                                                  0.00         0.00                  0.00           0.00
   individually withdrawn bad debt provision
   Total                                                             261,382,654.53          100.00           7,559,178.67          2.89

  (2) Accounts receivable aging list

                                       2014.06.30                                                2013.12.31
                                Amount                     Proportion (%)                 Amount                      Proportion (%)
  Within 1 year                    194,788,572.30                      99.35                 256,513,081.90                       98.14
  1 to 2 year                          215,570.56                       0.11                     272,154.68                        0.10
  2 to 3 year                           30,427.20                       0.02                   3,604,829.01                        1.38
  Over 3 year                        1,025,320.19                       0.52                     992,588.94                        0.38
        Total                      196,059,890.25                    100.00                  261,382,654.53                     100.00
  (3)In the groups, accounts receivable adopting aging analysis method to withdraw bad debt provision:
                                     2014.06.30                                   2013.12.31
        Aging                        Proportion     Bad debt                      Proportion    Bad debt
                        Amount                                       Amount
                                        (%)         provision                        (%)        provision
  Within one year    184,767,803.35       99.31        991,827.48  242,362,408.28      98.03     2,689,606.05
  Including 1-90
                      176,412,006.79      94.82               0.00 216,860,202.08      87.72              0.00
  91-180 days           7,656,986.71       4.12        765,698.68   24,801,834.53      10.03     2,479,494.54
  181-270 days            616,380.62       0.33        184,914.18      700,371.67        0.28      210,111.51
  271-365 days             82,429.23       0.04         41,214.62            0.00        0.00             0.00
  1-2 years               215,570.56       0.12        215,570.56      272,154.68        0.11      272,154.67
  2-3 years                30,427.20       0.02         30,427.20    3,604,829.01        1.46    3,604,829.01
  Over 3 years          1,025,320.19       0.55      1,025,320.19      992,588.94        0.40      992,588.94
  Total               186,039,121.30     100.00      2,263,145.43  247,231,980.91     100.00     7,559,178.67
  (4)In the groups, accounts receivable adopting related party portfolio method to withdraw bad debt

Name of the borrowers        Book balance          Bad-debt provision               Withdrawing proportion      Reason

                                                                                                                Withdraw in line with bad-debt
Tsann Kuen Japan Co., Ltd.          1,096,262.38                  0.00                                 0.00
                                                                                                                       provision policy
                                                                                                                Withdraw in line with bad-debt
Canxing Comgistic Co.,Ltd.          8,924,506.57                  0.00                                 0.00
                                                                                                                       provision policy
Total                            10,020,768.95                    0.00                                 0.00

                                                            2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

(5) Accounts receivable reversed or collected in the reporting period:

                                                                                                Amount of
                                                                                             accumulative bad                Amount
 Name of entity                   Reason                            Judgment                   debt provision              reversed or
                                                                                             before reversed or             collected
Spring AG
                           The customer clearing               Can not recovered due
Matallwarenfabrik                                                                              1,285,415.02               1,285,415.02
                         remaining assets allocation        to the Customer bankruptcy

(6) The actual write-off accounts receivable:

                                                                                                       Whether occurred because of
Name of entity                  Nature                  Time            Amount            Reason
                                                                                                           related party transactions
Interactive Group        payment for goods        9 May 2014        3,364,606.64      irrecoverable                               No
Total                                                               3,364,606.64
(7)Particulars about accounts receivable due to shareholders holding 5% (including 5%) voting rights of
the Company
                                                     2014.06.30                                        2013.12.31
        Name of entity                                                                                                 Amount of
                                                              Amount of provision
                                         Amount                                              Amount                 provision for bad
                                                                for bad debts
Canxing Comgistic Co.,Ltd.                   8,924,506.57                      0.00             9,066,228.33                      0.00
            Total                            8,924,506.57                      0.00             9,066,228.33                      0.00

(8) Accounts receivable amount in the top five units

                                                                                                                 The percentage amount
Name of entity       Relationship with the Company                        Amount             Aging
                                                                                                               of receivable accounts %
First                        Non-related relationship               21,200,490.68     Within 1 year                               10.81
Second                       Non-related relationship               19,769,825.29     Within 1 year                               10.08
Third                        Non-related relationship               19,708,435.97     Within 1 year                               10.05
Fourth                       Non-related relationship               14,451,692.89     Within 1 year                                7.37
Fifth                        Non-related relationship               10,644,728.61     Within 1 year                                5.43
Total                                                               85,775,173.44                                                 43.74

(9) Accounts receivable affiliated parties

                                                                                                              The percentage amount
Name of entity                                    Relationships with the Company                 Amount        of receivable accounts
TSANN KUEN JAPAN CO., LTD                          The ultimate holding company             1,096,262.38                         0.56
STAR COMGISTIC CAPITAL CO., LTD.                    Ultimate holding company                8,924,506.57                         4.55
Total                                                                                     10,020,768.95                          5.11

VI. Prepayment

 (1) Prepayments according to aging listed below

                                                 2014.06.30                                            2013.12.31
                                                 Amount              Proportion                       Amount                 Proportion
Within 1 year                                5,811,179.20                100.00                 4,290,802.70                     100.00
Total                                        5,811,179.20                100.00                 4,290,802.70                     100.00

                                                          2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

 (2) The top five final prepayments amounts listed below

Name of entity         Relationship with the Company                            Amount               Aging          unbalanced reason
First                         Non-related relationship                      2,173,881.15              2014      Goods afloat
Second                        Non-related relationship                      1,000,000.00              2014      Goods afloat
Third                          Non-related relationship                      697,497.23               2014      Goods afloat
Fourth                         Non-related relationship                       636,798.82              2014      Goods afloat
Fifth                          Non-related relationship                       174,026.68              2014      Goods afloat
Total                                                                       4,682,203.88

(3) Information about amount due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting
shares of the Company in prepayment

6.Interest receivable

Item                                   2013.12.31                      Increase                    Decrease                     2014.06.30
Deposit interest                       110,833.33                   8,020,524.99                   110,833.33                  8,020,524.99
Total                                  110,833.33                   8,020,524.99                   110,833.33                  8,020,524.99

 7. Other accounts receivable

(1) Other receivables listed by type

                                                                       Amount        Proportion Provision for bad debts         Proportion
Other accounts receivable that is individually
                                                                          0.00              0.00                      0.00            0.00
significant and provisions for bad debts individually
Other accounts receivable that provisions for bad
debts by group
Aging group                                                      25,152,569.94             97.00                500,151.20            1.99
Related party group                                                       0.00              0.00                      0.00            0.00
Subtotal of group                                                25,152,569.94             97.00                500,151.20            1.99
Other accounts receivable with insignificant single
amount and individually withdrawn bad debt                          778,450.00              3.00                      0.00            0.00
Total                                                            25,931,019.94            100.00                500,151.20            1.93
                                                                      Amount       Proportion Provision for bad debts          Proportion
Other accounts receivable that is individually
significant and provisions for bad debts                                  0.00             0.00                      0.00           0.00
Other accounts receivable that provisions for bad
debts by group
Aging group                                                      32,151,975.05            97.72               561,872.83            1.75
Related party group                                                                        0.00                                     0.00
Subtotal of group                                                32,151,975.05            97.72               561,872.83            1.75
Other accounts receivable with insignificant
                                                                   749,550.00              2.28                      0.00           0.00
amount and individually withdrawn bad debt
Total                                                            32,901,525.05           100.00               561,872.83            1.71
 (2) Other accounts receivable aging lists
                                                    2014.06.30                                               2013.12.31
                                                    Amount                Proportion                         Amount              Proportion

Within 1 year                               24,924,213.52                        96.12                31,763,515.35                   96.54

                                                             2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

1-2 years                                           14,045.61                      0.05                      48,810.76                 0.15

2-3 years                                       983,260.81                         3.79                    1,038,587.58                3.16

Over 3 years                                         9,500.00                      0.04                      50,611.36                 0.15

Total                                         25,931,019.94                      100.00                   32,901,525.05              100.00

(3)In the group, other accounts receivable that provision for bad debts by aging analysis

                                           2014.06.30                                                      2013.12.31
Category                                                         Provision for                                                Provision for
                                   Amount     Proportion                                         Amount       Proportion
                                                                doubtful debts                                               doubtful debts
Within 1 year                24,794,213.52           98.58         141,794.78               31,662,415.35          98.48         72,314.26
                             23,624,083.03           93.92               0.00               31,292,573.43          97.33               0.00
91-180 days                   1,050,003.47            4.17         105,000.35                  203,262.55           0.63         20,327.33

181-270 days                    116,345.41            0.46          34,903.62                  156,513.76           0.49         46,954.13

271-365 days                       3,781.61           0.02           1,890.81                   10,065.61           0.03           5,032.81
1-2 years                        14,045.61            0.06          14,045.61                   48,810.76           0.15         48,809.68
2-3 years                       334,810.81            1.33         334,810.81                  390,137.58           1.21        390,137.53
Over 3 years                       9,500.00           0.04           9,500.00                   50,611.36           0.16         50,611.36
Total                        25,152,569.94          100.00         500,151.20               32,151,975.05         100.00        561,872.83

(4) There was no other accounts receivable that provision for bad debts by related party group in the
reporting period

(5) There was no accounts receivable reversed or recovered in the reporting period

 (6) Other receivables provision for bad debt provision that is not individually significant but has paid
     separately for testing in the reporting period

Other receivables                          Book balance      bad-debt provision      Provision ratio (%)                   Reason for provision
China Export and Credit Insurance
                                              648,450.00                    0.00                    0.00                           Cash deposit
Corporation Fujian Branch
Zhejiang Tomall Techenology Co., ltd          130,000.00                    0.00                    0.00                           Cash deposit

                 Total                        778,450.00                    0.00                    0.00

(7) No write-off of other receivables in the reporting period

(8) Information about amount due from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting
shares of the Company in other receivables

(9) Information of top five other accounts receivable in the reporting period

Name of entity                                                         Amount                    Aging            Proportion of the total %
                               with the Company
First                    Non-related relationship                12,400,000.00            Within 1 year                              47.82

                                                         2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

Second                 Non-related relationship                  1,895,129.15                Within 1 year                                7.31
Third                  Non-related relationship                    845,394.72                Within 1 year                                3.26
Fourth                 Non-related relationship                    844,556.58                Within 1 year                                3.26
Fifth                  Non-related relationship                    648,450.00                    1-3 years                                2.50
Total                                                           16,633,530.45                                                            64.15

8. Inventory

 (1) Category

                                              2014.06.30                                                       2013.12.31
Item                                         Impairment of                                                    Impairment of
                             Book balance                               Book value        Book balance                              Book value
                                               inventories                                                      inventories
Raw materials              102,649,926.72    21,687,041.11         80,962,885.61         95,467,381.56        29,402,004.84       66,065,376.72
Unfinished products         11,989,079.09                0.00      11,989,079.09         15,586,857.54                  0.00      15,586,857.54
Self-made semi-
                            19,372,503.90      5,410,120.22        13,962,383.68         24,375,372.80         5,410,120.22       18,965,252.58
manufactured goods
Finished product           100,604,018.95      9,369,424.79        91,234,594.16        111,089,450.63         9,373,855.07      101,715,595.56
Low-value consumption
                             5,582,105.05                0.00          5,582,105.05       2,295,848.52                  0.00       2,295,848.52
Materials in transit         7,285,219.19                0.00          7,285,219.19       5,195,167.98                  0.00       5,195,167.98
Total                      247,482,852.90    36,466,586.12        211,016,266.78        254,010,079.03        44,185,980.13      209,824,098.90

 (2) Impairment of inventories

                                                                                      Decrease in the
                                                  Withdrawing in                        reporting period
         Item              2013.12.31              the reporting                                                                 2014.06.30
                                                                         Reversal in the            Written off in the
                                                                         reporting period             reporting period

Raw materials                29,402,004.84             509,853.27                     0.00                   8,224,817.00         21,687,041.11
Self-made semi-
                              5,410,120.22                      0.00                  0.00                          0.00           5,410,120.22
manufactured goods
Finished product              9,373,855.07             373,940.21                     0.00                    378,370.49           9,369,424.79
Total                        44,185,980.13             883,793.48                     0.00                   8,603,187.49         36,466,586.12

(3) Particulars about impairment of inventories

                                                                                                     Reason of reversal in the
         Item                                         Basis                                                                           on of the
                                                                                                        reporting period
                                                                                                                                       total %

                          The decline of market prices led to the net realizable value
Raw materials                                                                                                  Naught                   0.00
                                lower than the inventory cost of raw materials
                          The decline of market prices led to the net realizable value
Self-made semi-
                              lower than the inventory cost of Self-made semi-                                 Naught                   0.00
manufactured goods
                                             manufactured goods
                          The decline of market prices led to the net realizable value
Finished product                                                                                               Naught                   0.00
                              lower than the inventory cost of Finished product

                                                          2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

9. Other current assets

Item                               Nature                                                 2014.06.30                            2013.12.31
                                   Short-term financial
Financial products                                                                   330,000,000.00                           50,000,000.00
                                    products of bank
Total                                                                                330,000,000.00                           50,000,000.00

10. Long-term equity investment

 (1) Category of long-term equity investment

Item                                         2013.12.31                   Increase                Decrease                       2014.06.30
Other equity investments                      40,000.00                       0.00                    0.00                        40,000.00
Less: impairment provision of
                                                     0.00                     0.00                       0.00                          0.00
long term equity investment
Total                                           40,000.00                     0.00                       0.00                     40,000.00

 (2) List of long-term equity investment

Investee                                             Investment Cost         2013.12.31       Increase/Decrease               2014.06.30
Xiamen Institute of Foreign
                                    Cost method             40,000.00            40,000.00                      0.00              40,000.00
      Investment Enterprise
Total                                                       40,000.00            40,000.00                      0.00              40,000.00
                                                                       Explanation for                     Impairment
                                                                       indifferences                         provision
                                 Share holding     Voting              between the share      Impairm
                                                                                                            withdrawn              Cash
Investee                          percentage in    percentage in       holding percentage     ent prov
                                  investee %       investee %          and voting
                                                                                                                 in the           bonus
                                                                       percentage in                         reporting
                                                                       investee                                 period
Xiamen Institute of Foreign
                                          1.48                1.48                                0.00                  0.00          0.00
      Investment Enterprise
Total                                                                                             0.00                  0.00          0.00

11. Investment property

 (1) Investment property calculated by cost

Item                                                                   2013.12.31             Increase       Decrease               2014.06.30
I. Total original book value                                       158,724,486.45                 0.00     336,900.00           158,387,586.45
1. Houses and buildings                                            129,463,908.94                 0.00     336,900.00           129,127,008.94
2. Land use right                                                    29,260,577.51                0.00                 0.00      29,260,577.51
                                                                                       Withdrawal in
                                                                                     Reporting period
II. Accumulated depreciation and amortization                        99,991,975.09        4,086,800.56     168,029.54           103,910,746.11
1. Houses and buildings                                              88,808,698.11        3,775,744.66     168,029.54            92,416,413.23
2. Land use right                                                    11,183,276.98          311,055.90                 0.00      11,494,332.88

III. Book value of investment property                               58,732,511.36                                               54,476,840.34
1. Houses and buildings                                              40,655,210.83                                               36,710,595.71
2. Land use right                                                    18,077,300.53                                               17,766,244.63

IV. Accumulated impairment provision of investment property                   0.00                0.00                 0.00                 0.00

                                                                     2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

        1. Houses and buildings                                                                0.00                0.00          0.00                  0.00
        2. Land use right                                                                      0.00                0.00          0.00                  0.00
        V. Book value of investment property                                   58,732,511.36                                                  54,476,840.34
        1. Houses and buildings                                                40,655,210.83                                                  36,710,595.71
        2. Land use right                                                      18,077,300.53                                                  17,766,244.63
        Note: ①The Depreciation and amortization amount was RMB 4,086.800.56 (Recorded into the current profits and losses)
                ②the decrease of investment property was transferred into self -use.

        (2) Particulars about the investment real estate property certificate not completed

        Item                                                Reason                              Estimate completed time                 Book value

        Three Village Green Garden
                                                The procedure is not completed                         Not sure                              2,430,894.41

        Total                                                                                                                                2,430,894.41

        12. Fixed assets

        (1) Fixed assets details

                                                                                                        Increase in the    Decrease in the
Item                                                      2013.12.31                                                                                 2014.06.30
                                                                                                      reporting period    reporting period
I. Total original book value                        1,687,008,020.96                                    20,542,198.54       58,349,664.83      1,649,200,554.67
Including: Houses and buildings                        79,818,099.14                                     6,992,658.13         114,149.88          86,696,607.39
Machineries                                           218,158,090.97                                     1,404,896.90      26,396,715.58         193,166,272.29
Vehicles                                            1,302,463,791.38                                   10,423,304.36       31,172,354.04       1,281,714,741.70
Electronics, module and others                         21,322,088.94                                       420,780.67         494,445.33          21,248,424.28
Improvement expense of fixed assets                    65,245,950.53                                     1,300,558.48         172,000.00          66,374,509.01
                                                                          Increase in the
                                                                                                 Charge for the period
                                                                         reporting period
II. Accumulated depreciation                        1,457,146,998.87          168,029.54               21,674,681.51       45,664,273.08       1,433,325,436.84
Including: Houses and buildings                        33,431,646.39          168,029.54                 1,284,396.74           97,169.62         34,786,903.05
Machineries                                           153,212,641.17                                     3,055,348.78      16,128,702.29         140,139,287.66
Vehicles                                            1,205,389,561.30                                   13,976,775.14       28,846,011.66       1,190,520,324.78
Electronics, module and others                         20,299,827.10                                       123,544.71         483,080.94          19,940,290.87
Improvement expense of fixed assets                    44,813,322.91                                     3,234,616.14         109,308.57          47,938,630.48

III. The net book value of fixed assets               229,861,022.09                                                                             215,875,117.83
Including: Houses and buildings                        46,386,452.75                                                                              51,909,704.34
Machineries                                            64,945,449.80                                                                              53,026,984.63
Vehicles                                               97,074,230.08                                                                              91,194,416.92
Electronics, module and others                           1,022,261.84                                                                              1,308,133.41
Improvement expense of fixed assets                    20,432,627.62                                                                              18,435,878.53

IV. Total impairment provision                         56,708,057.59                    0.00             2,920,419.99       9,583,599.88          50,044,877.70
Including: Houses and buildings
Machineries                                            30,700,385.29                                     2,895,714.97       8,229,415.73          25,366,684.53
Vehicles                                               25,008,561.96                                              0.00      1,345,177.67          23,663,384.29
Electronics, module and others                               9,363.36                                             0.00           9,006.48                   356.88

                                                                    2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

 Improvement expense of fixed assets                      989,746.98                                   24,705.02                   0.00         1,014,452.00

 V. Total book value of fixed assets                  173,152,964.50         -168,029.54            -4,052,902.96          3,101,791.87       165,830,240.13
 Including: Houses and buildings                       46,386,452.75         -168,029.54            5,708,261.39             16,980.26         51,909,704.34
 Machineries                                           34,245,064.51                                -4,546,166.85          2,038,597.56        27,660,300.10
 Vehicles                                              72,065,668.12                                -3,553,470.78           981,164.71         67,531,032.63
 Electronics, module and others                         1,012,898.48                                  297,235.96               2,357.91         1,307,776.53
 Improvement expense of fixed assets                   19,442,880.64                                -1,958,762.68            62,691.43         17,421,426.53
         Note: Amount of depreciation was RMB 21,674,681.5; original price of construction project to fixed asset was RMB6, 015,356.99.

         (2) Particulars about fixed assets ownership restricted
         There was no fixed assets ownership restricted

         (3) Fixed assets hired through the financing lease

         There was no fixed assets hired through the financing lease

         (4) Fixed assets hired through operating lease
                                                                                    Accrued                  Impairment
         Item                                    Original book value                                                                      Book value
                                                                                 depreciation                  provision
         Electronics, module and others                 3,357,115.05            2,308,335.19                        0.00                  1,048,779.86
         Total                                          3,357,115.05            2,308,335.19                        0.00                  1,048,779.86

            (5) Hold-for-sale fixed assets in the reporting period.

         There was no hold-for-sale fixed asset

         (6)Particulars about property right certificate of fixed assets not completed

         Item                                             Reason                          Estimate completed time                Book value
         Three Village Green Garden
                                             The procedure is not completed                      Not sure                           1,286,944.10
         Elite garden                        The procedure is not completed                        2015                               533,523.06
         Total                                                                                                                      1,820,467.16

         13. Projects under construction

            (1) Information of construction in progress

                                                     2014.06.30                                                   2013.12.31
         Item                                         Impairment                                                   Impairment
                               Book balance                                Book value        Book balance                                  Book value
                                                        provision                                                    provision
         Industrial plant         4,622,309.63               0.00      4,622,309.63           9,693,098.24         113,498.10         9,579,600.14
         Other                            0.00              0.00               0.00           1,310,071.84                0.00        1,310,071.84
         Total                    4,622,309.63              0.00       4,622,309.63          11,003,170.08          113,498.10       10,889,671.98

                                                       Increase in          Transferred                                                            Engineering
Item             Budget Number          2013.12.31                                           Other decrease       2014.06.30     Capital source
                                                        reporting period    to                                                                      investment

                                                                      2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

                                                                                fixed assets                                                                  proportion
                                                                                                                                                                   of the
                                                                                                                                                             budget (%)
Industrial plant    12,660,600.00      9,693,098.24           1,522,314.28      6,015,356.99             577,745.90      4,622,309.63       Owned fund           88.59%
Other                1,310,071.84      1,310,071.84                   0.00              0.00           1,310,071.84              0.00       Owned fund         100.00%
Total               13,970,671.84     11,003,170.08           1,522,314.28      6,015,356.99           1,887,817.74      4,622,309.63                            89.66%

           (2) Changes in significant construction in progress

           (3) Provision for impairment of construction in progress

            Item                 2013.12.31                    Increase              Decrease                  2014.06.30              Reason
            Industrial                                                                                                                 Have been
                                 113,498.10                 -113,498.10                        0.00                     0.00
            plant                                                                                                                       scrapped
            Total                113,498.10                 -113,498.10                        0.00                     0.00

           14. Intangible assets

                     Item                           2013.12.31            Increase in reporting period                 Decrease in reporting period         2014.06.30
  I. Total original book value                   25,955,044.35                                 110,626.63                                       0.00    26,065,670.98
  Land use rights                                12,358,778.66                                 110,626.63                                       0.00    12,469,405.29
  Software                                       13,596,265.69                                       0.00                                       0.00    13,596,265.69

  II. Accumulative amortization                  14,151,791.48                                 535,676.51                                       0.00    14,687,467.99
  Land use rights                                 1,220,701.89                                 212,654.39                                       0.00     1,433,356.28
  Software                                       12,931,089.59                                 323,022.12                                       0.00    13,254,111.71

  III.Total impairment provision                            0.00                                        0.00                                    0.00              0.00
  Land use rights                                           0.00                                        0.00                                    0.00              0.00
  Software                                                  0.00                                        0.00                                    0.00              0.00

  IV. Total book value of intangible assets      11,803,252.87                                                                                          11,378,202.99
  Land use rights                                11,138,076.77                                                                                          11,036,049.01
  Software                                          665,176.10                                                                                             342,153.98

           Note: Amortization amount in the reporting period was RMB 535,676.51

                    Item                      2013.12.31       Increase        Amortization           Other decrease      2014.06.30       Reason of other decrease
   Telecommunications Engineering         1,077,866.57               0.00        168,000.06                     0.00       909,866.51                  No
   Housing renovation costs               3,229,554.02       1,561,595.00        823,931.13                     0.00     3,967,217.89                  No
   Landscape greening projects                  48,446.04            0.00         16,149.00                     0.00           32,297.04               No
   Total                                  4,355,866.63       1,561,595.00      1,008,080.19                     0.00     4,909,381.44

            15. Long-term unamortized expenses

                                                           2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

16. Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities

(1) Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities was confirmed

(1) Deferred income tax assets was confirmed

                                                      2014.06.30                                      2013.12.31
Item                                                        Deductible temporary                            Deductible temporary
                                       Deferred income                                 Deferred income
                                                            differences deductible                          differences deductible
                                          tax assets                                      tax assets
                                                                    losses                                          losses
Provision for assets impairment            11,355,850.97             75,705,673.12         14,197,675.96             94,504,286.63
accrued expenses                              848,194.08             5,654,627.20           1,184,156.65               7,894,377.69

trading financial liabilities                 847,210.65             5,648,071.00                     0.00                     0.00
Accrued wages                               3,153,450.13            21,023,000.88           4,151,688.21              27,677,921.40
undistributed deficit                       2,831,864.96            11,327,459.85           4,228,126.98              16,912,508.10
Total                                      19,036,570.79           119,358,832.05          23,761,647.80             146,989,093.82

(2) Deferred income tax liabilities was confirmed

                                            2014.06.30                                              2013.12.31
                                                   Deductible temporary                                    Deductible temporary
Item                      Deferred income                                         Deferred income
                                                   differences deductible                                 differences deductible
                             tax assets                                              tax assets
                                                           losses                                                 losses
Tradable financial
                                                                                       3,168,015.00                  21,120,100.00
Depreciation of
                                  217,345.05                    869,380.20                90,727.65                     362,910.60
fixed assets
Total                             217,345.05                    869,380.20             3,258,742.65                  21,483,010.60

 (2) List of unrecognized deferred income tax assets

Item                                                                    2014.06.30                                       2013.12.31
Impairment of fixed assets                                           8,938,601.12                                      9,054,369.59
Impairment of construction        in
Dad-debt provision                                                     929,591.24                                      2,560,961.02
Accrued expenses                                                    16,353,219.54                                     23,608,464.27
Provision for inventories                                            3,700,894.97                                      2,895,471.98
Accrued payroll                                                      2,249,276.58                                      2,340,109.32
undistributed deficit                                               75,196,858.61                                     61,589,129.07
Total                                                              107,368,442.06                                    102,162,003.35

 (3) Unrecognized deferred income tax assets will be deductible losses expire the following year

Year                                                                2014.06.30                                           2013.12.31
2014                                                               5,782,257.42                                        5,782,257.42
2015                                                               3,301,119.36                                        3,636,039.42
2016                                                             10,716,556.41                                        12,638,980.26
2017                                                             14,220,503.87                                        17,618,598.88
2018                                                             34,426,305.63                                        21,913,253.09
2019                                                               6,750,115.92                                                0.00
Total                                                            75,196,858.61                                        61,589,129.07

                                                       2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

17. List of provision for assets impairment

                                                                                        Decrease in
                                                                Increase in             reporting period
Item                                     2013.12.31                                                                  2014.06.30
                                                           reporting period
                                                                                   Reversal         Written-off
Provision for bad debts                   8,121,051.50       -3,278,563.25       -1,285,415.02      3,364,606.64     2,763,296.63
Provision for inventories                44,185,980.13          883,793.48                0.00      8,603,187.49    36,466,586.12
Impairment of fixed assets               56,708,057.59        2,920,419.99                0.00      9,583,599.88    50,044,877.70
Impairment of construction in process       113,498.10         -113,498.10                0.00              0.00             0.00
                 Total                  109,128,587.32          412,152.12       -1,285,415.02     21,551,394.01    89,274,760.45

18. Other non-current assets

Item                                                                              2014.06.30                            2013.12.31
Other non-current assets                                                        2,068,410.91                                  0.00
Total                                                                           2,068,410.91                                  0.00

19. Short-term borrowing

Item                                                                     2014.06.30                                    2013.12.31

Borrow money on credit                                           481,764,240.00                                     30,484,500.00

Total                                                             481,764,240.00                                    30,484,500.00

20. Trading financial liabilities

Item                                                                            2014.06.30                             2013.12.31
Derivative financial liabilities                                              5,648,071.00                                   0.00
Total                                                                         5,648,071.00                                   0.00

21. Notes payable

Item                                                                        2014.06.30                                 2013.12.31
Bank    acceptance                                                        2,205,771.75                                       0.00
Trade acceptance                                                          5,540,087.16                              30,577,887.89
Total                                                                    7,745,858.91                               30,577,887.89
Note: Bank and commercial acceptance bill expires in Dec. 2014

22. Accounts payable

 (1) Information

Aging                                                                     2014.06.30                                  2013.12.31
Within 1 year                                                      497,581,934.06                                  639,812,846.15
Over 1 years                                                         2,673,325.00                                    8,816,310.01
Total                                                              500,255,259.06                                  648,629,156.16

 (2) The accounts payable to shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares of the

Name of entity                                        Proceeds content                   2014.06.30                   2013.12.31
STAR COMGISTIC CAPITAL CO., LTD.                         For materials                   737,323.25                   753,382.59
Total                                                                                    737,323.25                   753,382.59

                                                  2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

 (3) Notes of the accounts payable aging over one year:
                                                                                   Reason for         Paid back after Balance
Name of entity                                      Amount
                                                                                   unsettlement            Sheet Day amount
CO., LTD                                         3,050,108.51         Quality dispute                                   No
Ningbo Jethro electric
                                                                      Guarantee Money
appliance co., LTD                                 979,964.67                                                              No
Ningbo Chaochao Electrical
Appliance Co., Ltd.                                500,237.01         Guarantee Money                                      No
Total                                            4,530,310.19

23. Advance from customers

 (1) Information

Aging                                                               2014.06.30                                    2013.12.31
Within 1 year                                                    15,912,414.16                                  7,788,806.71
Over 1 year                                                       2,724,686.63                                  2,642,847.88
Total                                                            18,637,100.79                                 10,431,654.59

 (2) There was no advance from customers of shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the
voting shares of the Company

 (3) Notes of advance from customers aging over one year:

Name of creditors                                                Amount in advance                 Reason not carry forward
SEB Asia Ltd.                                                             564,715.71              Settlement was uncompleted
zojirushi corporation                                                     251,132.83              Settlement was uncompleted
HWI International Led                                                     192,038.59              Settlement was uncompleted
Arzum Asia Pacific Limited                                                190,143.00              Settlement was uncompleted
BIALETTI INDUSTRIE SPA                                                    165,626.09              Settlement was uncompleted

Total                                                                   1,363,656.22

24. Payroll payable

                                                                     Increase in
Item                                          2013.12.31                           Paid during the period     2014.06.30
                                                                reporting period
Salary, bonus, allowance, subsidy             30,018,030.72      101,828,039.58          107,662,931.48        24,183,138.82
Employee welfare                                       0.00        3,837,923.11              967,222.05         2,870,701.06
ISocial insurance                              1,936,390.75        8,070,103.96             9,831,333.58          175,161.13
 Including Medical insurance                     21,081.58         2,273,657.84             2,277,903.59           16,835.83
Basic endowment insurance                      1,714,773.77        3,650,479.25             5,226,504.02          138,749.00
Annuity payment                                        0.00                0.00                     0.00                0.00
Unemployment insurance expense                  194,573.70          419,759.52               602,418.87            11,914.35
Employment injury insurance                        2,976.53        1,102,511.69             1,101,601.22            3,887.00
Maternity insurance                                2,985.16         623,695.67               622,905.88             3,774.95
Housing fund                                   8,767,473.49        2,820,123.01             2,206,854.26        9,380,742.24
Labour union fee and employee education fee            0.00                0.00                     0.00                0.00
Non-monetary welfare                                  0.00                 0.00                     0.00                0.00

                                                       2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

Redundancy compensation                                     0.00        2,200,346.61            2,200,346.61                   0.00
Other                                                  26,434.00           18,726.00                 28,265.00           16,895.00
Total                                              40,748,328.96      118,775,262.27          122,896,952.98        36,626,638.25
No any amount in arrears in the payroll payable.

25. Taxes payable

Taxes kind                                                                   2014.06.30                                2013.12.31
Business tax                                                                 687,949.01                              1,020,157.31
Corporate income tax                                                         726,975.56                              4,003,589.82
VAT                                                                       -5,696,272.29                            -24,357,591.75
Personal income tax                                                            7,643.47                                524,425.59
Education surtax                                                             554,162.17                                637,756.19
Urban maintenance and construction tax                                       528,697.98                                319,172.35
building taxes                                                             2,381,276.28                                725,180.52
Others                                                                      -809,567.82                            -17,127,309.97

26. Interest payable

Item                                                                        2014.06.30                                 2013.12.31

Interest payable on short-term borrowings                                  3,270,214.70                                108,661.00

Total                                                                      3,270,214.70                                108,661.00

27. Other accounts payable

(1) Other accounts payable

Aging                                                                     2014.06.30                                    2013.12.31
Within 1 year                                                         177,395,371.36                                 57,226,287.65
Over 1 year                                                            14,130,330.72                                 12,150,482.66
Total                                                                 191,525,702.08                                 69,376,770.31

(2) Other accounts payable from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares of
the Company

Name of entity                                             Content                      2014.06.30                     2013.12.31
STAR COMGISTIC CAPITAL CO., LTD                        Agency fees                       35,788.56                      36,068.65
Sion Global Development Ltd.                         Money lending                  123,056,000.00                           0.00
Fillman Investments Limited                          Money lending                   21,666,164.62                  12,300,998.74
Total                                                                               144,757,953.18                  12,337,067.39

 (3) Notes of the other large amount accounts payable aging over 1 year

                                                                                                                 whether to return
Name of entity                                                           Amount        Reason of outstanding     in the future after
                                                                                                                     the report date
Shanghai Taopu Management Service Co., Ltd.                          1,000,000.00                Cash pledge                    No
Fujian Zhangzhou Xinge non-ferrous Metal Co., Ltd.                     800,000.00                Cash pledge                    No
Xiamen Tsann Kuen Trading Co., Ltd.                                    365,539.26                Cash pledge                    No
Shanghai Tanghai Investment Co., Ltd.                                  360,000.00                Cash pledge                    No
Zhangzhou Jia Fengruichang Electronics Co., Ltd.                       330,000.00                Cash pledge                    No
Total                                                                2,855,539.26

                                                        2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

28. Other non current liabilities

Item                                                                                             2014.6.30                 2013.12.31
Vocational education subsidies                                                                  222,600.00                 222,600.00
Total                                                                                           222,600.00                 222,600.00

29. Capital stock

                                         2013.12.31                         Changes in this year (+-)                     2014.06.30
                                                                New                transfer
              Item                                                        Share
                                      Amount            %       share                 into     Other     Subtotal      Amount             %

I. Limited sale share
1. National holdings                            0           0      0               0       0       0           0                0             0
2. Domestic legal person shares                 0           0      0               0       0       0           0                0             0
3.Other domestic                                0           0      0               0       0       0           0                0             0
Domestic individual shares                      0           0      0               0       0       0           0                0             0
4. Foreign shares                               0           0      0               0       0       0           0                0             0
Including: Foreign legal person                 0           0      0               0       0       0           0                0             0
Foreign individual shares                      0            0      0               0       0       0           0                0             0
Total of limited stock sale                     0           0      0               0       0       0           0                0             0
II. Unlimited shares sale                       0           0      0               0       0       0           0                0             0
1.RMB Common share                              0           0      0               0       0       0           0                0             0
2.Domestically listed foreign                                      0               0       0       0           0
                                   185,391,680.00     100.00                                                        185,391,680.00     100.00
3.Overseas listed foreign shares                0           0      0               0       0       0           0                0             0
4.Other                                         0           0      0               0       0       0           0                0             0
Total of      Unlimited     sale                                   0               0       0       0           0
                                   185,391,680.00     100.00                                                        185,391,680.00     100.00
III. Total amount of shares        185,391,680.00     100.00       0               0       0       0           0    185,391,680.00     100.00

30. Capital reserves

Item                                     2013.12.31                     Increase               Decrease                     2014.6.30
Share premium                        210,045,659.80                        0.00                    0.00                210,045,659.80
Other capital reserve                 68,408,787.27                        0.00                    0.00                 68,408,787.27
Total                                278,454,447.07                        0.00                    0.00                278,454,447.07

31. Surplus reserves

Category                                2013.12.31                      Increase                  Decrease                 2014.6.30
Statutory surplus reserve            11,495,983.58                          0.00                        0.00            11,495,983.58
Total                                11,495,983.58                          0.00                        0.00            11,495,983.58

                                                        2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

32. Retained profits

                                                                                                                     Extracting or
Item                                                                     2014.6.30                   2013.12.31       allocation
Opening balance of retained profits before
                                                                     46,733,303.43                20,797,991.70
Adjustments of opening balance of retained
                                                                                 0.00                       0.00
profits( increase +, decrease-)
Opening balance of retained profits after adjustments                46,733,303.43                20,797,991.70
Add: Net profit attributable to owners of the
                                                                     14,857,989.76                47,069,386.29
Less: Withdrawal of statutory surplus reserves                                   0.00              5,375,781.76                 10%
Withdrawal of discretional surplus reserves                                      0.00                       0.00
Withdrawal of provision for general risk                                         0.00                       0.00
Dividend of common stock payable                                     25,954,835.20                15,758,292.80
Dividend of common stock converted into share
                                                                                 0.00                       0.00
Closing retained profits                                             35,636,457.99                46,733,303.43

33. Revenue and Cost of Sales

 (1) Revenue and Cost of Sales

Item                                                           Current overall tally                           Accumulated last year
Sales of main business                                              853,536,487.98                                   845,775,086.33
Other operating income                                               36,679,811.53                                    32,069,121.47
Total                                                               890,216,299.51                                   877,844,207.80
Cost of main business                                               750,410,484.64                                   752,449,378.64
Cost of other operating income                                       11,563,929.82                                    10,213,392.99
Total                                                               761,974,414.46                                   762,662,771.63

 (2) Main business (Classified by industry)

                                                         Current overall tally                                 Accumulated last year
                                 Operating income             Operating costs            Operating income            Operating costs
Small home appliance
                                   853,536,487.98             750,410,484.64               845,775,086.33            752,449,378.64
Home helper                        853,536,487.98             750,410,484.64               845,775,086.33            752,449,378.64

 (3) Main business (Classified by area)

                                                        Current overall tally                                Accumulated last year
                              Operating income              Operating costs             Operating income           Operating costs
 Catering and
                                 515,128,658.12             445,237,910.10                488,925,179.51           429,741,895.84
 Home helper                     248,061,429.17             228,197,976.09                262,321,852.47           241,867,813.52
 Tea/Coffee                       68,460,128.01              61,248,739.87                 78,725,449.38            70,039,397.60
 Others                           21,886,272.68              15,725,858.58                 15,802,604.97            10,800,271.68
 Total                           853,536,487.98             750,410,484.64                845,775,086.33           752,449,378.64

                                                      2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

(4) Main business (Classified by area)

                                          Current overall tally                                Accumulated last year
                            Operating income         Operating costs             Operating income         Operating costs
 America                      329,835,160.09            288,124,504.03             306,490,146.35            272,173,119.01
  Asia                        272,772,273.18            244,584,531.76             276,171,581.27            249,992,209.25
 Europe                       190,830,464.63            165,219,858.39             194,967,224.92            169,559,595.38
 Australia                     53,949,820.33             47,545,356.17              57,303,433.44             51,450,875.04
 Africa                         6,148,769.75               4,936,234.29             10,842,700.35               9,273,579.96
   Total                      853,536,487.98            750,410,484.64             845,775,086.33            752,449,378.64

(5) The revenue of sales from the top five customers

Customer                                                Operating income                         Operating income Proportion (%)

First                                                     145,659,705.05                                                       16.36
Second                                                    133,189,287.77                                                       14.96
Third                                                       63,686,467.94                                                       7.15
Fourth                                                      49,640,863.53                                                       5.58
Fifth                                                       48,787,515.42                                                       5.48
Total                                                     440,963,839.71                                                       49.53

34. Business tax and surtax

Item                                                         The cumulative amount                          Accumulated last year
Business tax                                                              1,941,628.44                               1,475,556.78
Education surtax                                                          1,478,879.69                                  93,937.37
Urban maintenance and construction tax                                    1,489,554.01                                 108,671.50
Others                                                                       20,247.05                                       0.00
Total                                                                     4,930,309.19                               1,678,165.65

35. Selling expenses

Item                                                             The cumulative amount                      Accumulated last year
Export charges                                                          16,377,256.67                             17,122,067.99
Employee compensation                                                   10,238,256.77                             10,001,217.63
Contributory value                                                       -1,225,317.76                            -1,109,288.29
Sales commission and after-sales service charges                          1,369,690.46                             1,338,558.81
Property lease fee                                                        1,485,206.71                             1,484,282.26
Travel expense                                                               2,302,320.71                            1,760,774.08
Advertising sales promotion cost                                             2,749,456.16                            2,616,571.38
Office allowance                                                               359,560.00                             383,859.79
Traffic expense                                                                375,274.89                             416,778.45
Other expenses                                                                 351,750.15                             279,050.44
Total                                                                       34,383,454.76                          34,293,872.54
36 Administrative cost
Item                                                        The cumulative amount                           Accumulated last year
R&D expenditure                                                      30,469,780.95                                 30,687,843.84
Employee compensation                                                13,510,399.40                                 15,254,431.20
Amortization charges                                                  5,172,379.73                                  6,536,462.17
Rental expense                                                        8,260,918.04                                   8,516,499.93

                                                          2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

Insurance expenses                                                           905,634.04                                  593,301.54
Office allowance                                                           3,063,340.05                                2,812,130.24
Travel expense                                                               823,312.06                                1,076,864.78
Advisory fee                                                               1,025,718.06                                1,072,324.52

Repairs expense                                                            3,502,443.67                                2,836,636.89
Taxation expense                                                           2,120,135.29                                  858,299.23
Other expenses                                                             4,058,526.12                                4,605,032.02
Total                                                                     72,912,587.41                               74,849,826.36

37. Financial expense

Item                                                              The cumulative amount                        Accumulated last year

Interest expense                                                             5,286,440.55                               1,563,100.22

Less: Interest income                                                       15,453,140.23                               8,581,346.66
Less: Implemented financing income                                               551,374.62                              972,346.12
Exchange gain or loss                                                       -1,817,398.65                             10,699,858.51
Bank charges                                                                 1,318,498.60                               1,160,280.76
Total                                                                      -11,216,974.35                               3,869,546.71
38.Assets impairment loss
Item                                                                     The cumulative amount                 Accumulated last year

Bad debt loss                                                                       -3,225,929.92                       1,394,731.69
Loss on inventory valuation                                                            858,827.82                       1,385,604.80
Fixed assets impairment losses                                                       2,920,419.99                               0.00
construction in process impairment losses                                             -114,359.13                               0.00
Total                                                                                  438,958.76                       2,780,336.49

39. Gains and losses from changes in fair value

Source                                                                              The cumulative amount      Accumulated last year
Trading financial assets                                                                                0.00            7,349,219.30
Including: gains from the changes in fair value of derivative financial assets                          0.00            7,349,219.30
Trading financial liabilities                                                                 -26,768,171.00                    0.00
Including: Derivative financial liabilities                                                   -26,768,171.00                    0.00
Total                                                                                         -26,768,171.00            7,349,219.30

40. Investment income

 (1) List of investment income

Source                                                                           The cumulative amount         Accumulated last year
Trading financial assets                                                                  8,647,755.48                3,466,924.99
Investment income of disposal of subsidiary                                                       0.00                   42,720.64
Dividend distribution                                                                             0.00                    7,533.00
Financing income                                                                          5,352,363.02                   59,166.67
Total                                                                                   14,000,118.50                 3,576,345.30

(2) List of investment income by equity method

Name of investee                                                          The cumulative amount                Accumulated last year
Xiamen Institute of Foreign Investment Enterprise                                          0.00                            7,533.00
Total                                                                                      0.00                            7,533.00

                                                          2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

41. Non-operating gains

 (1) Notes of non-operating gains

                                                                                                              Amount recorded into
Item                                                 The cumulative amount        Accumulated last year      non-recurring profit and
Total gains from disposal of non-current assets                1,533,850.20                  1,765,239.78                1,533,850.20
Including: Gains from disposal of fixed assets                 1,533,850.20                  1,765,239.78                1,533,850.20
Governmental subsidy                                           1,913,721.00                  2,430,845.00                1,913,721.00
Other                                                          5,373,277.09                    513,588.23                5,373,277.09
Total                                                          8,820,848.29                  4,709,673.01                8,820,848.29

 (2) List of government grants recorded into recurring profit and loss

                                                                                                                 Whether belong to
                                     Reporting         Accumulated last       Related to assets/Related to
Item                                                                                                            non-recurring profits
                                      period                year                        income
                                                                                                                      and loss
The corporation export
                                       313,221.00            884,368.00           Related to income                     Yes
The providence innovative
                                              0.00           100,000.00           Related to income                     Yes
enterprise innovation subsidies
Subsidies for application for a
                                       160,500.00            124,530.00           Related to income                     Yes
The exhibition subsidies                40,000.00                    0.00         Related to income                     Yes
Developmental project
subsidies for commodities              500,000.00            150,000.00           Related to income                     Yes
export base
Subsidies for Electricity
                                              0.00           171,947.00           Related to income                     Yes
consumption growth
The key export product
                                       400,000.00                    0.00         Related to income                     Yes
structure optimization
Industrial design subsidies
                                       500,000.00          1,000,000.00           Related to income                     Yes
Total                                1,913,721.00          2,430,845.00

42. Non-operating expenses

                                                                                                   Amount recorded into non-recurring
Item                                              Reporting period      Accumulated last year
                                                                                                                       profit and loss
Loss on disposal of non-current assets                     2,627.18               157,115.25                                 2,627.18
Including: Loss on disposal of fixed assets                2,627.18               157,115.25                                 2,627.18
Losses on scrap of fixed assets                          546,235.94                29,032.16                              546,235.94
fixed assets inventory loss                                7,982.12                     0.00                                 7,982.12
Penalty expense                                          102,177.57                17,053.57                              102,177.57
Spending on public welfare donations                      14,464.05               482,944.00                               14,464.05
Others                                                    68,286.09               140,290.14                               68,286.09
Total                                                    741,772.95               826,435.12                              741,772.95

43. Income tax expense

                    Item                                      Reporting period                          Accumulated last year
Current income tax expenses                                                   1,273,760.49                                 -21,221.76
Deferred income tax expenses                                                  1,683,679.41                               1,160,664.58
Total                                                                         2,957,439.90                               1,139,442.82

                                                           2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

44. Calculation procedure of basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share

     Basic EPS==P0÷S
Of which: P0 refers to net profit attributable to shareholders holding ordinary shares or net profit attributable to
shareholders holding ordinary shares after deducting non-recurring gains and losses; S refers to weighted average
number of ordinary shares issued out; S0 refers to total number of shares at the period-begin; S 1 refers to the
number of shares increased due to transferring capital reserve into share capital or dividend distribution of shares
during the reporting period; Si refers to the number of shares increased due to issuance of new shares or debt for
equity swap during the reporting period; S j refers to the number of shares decreased due to stock repurchase
during the reporting period; Sk refers to the number of split-share during the reporting period; M0 refers to the
number of months during the reporting period; Mi refers to the number of months from the next month to the end
of the reporting period for increase of shares; Mj refers to the number of months from the next month to the end of
the reporting period for decrease of shares.
Diluted EPS =P1/(S0+S1+Si×Mi÷M0–Sj×Mj÷M0–Sk+ weighted average amount of ordinary shares increased due
to warrant, share options, convertible bonds, etc.)
Of which, P1 refers to net profit attributable to shareholders holding ordinary shares or net profit attributable to
shareholders holding ordinary shares after deducting non-recurring gains and losses. The Company shall consider
all influence on potential diluted interests of ordinary shares when the Company calculated diluted earnings per
share, till to minimum diluted EPS.
       (1)Lists of amount of basic EPS and diluted EPS
                                                                Reporting period                           Same period of last year
       Profits during the reporting period
                                                      Basic EPS             Diluted EPS                    Basic EPS          Diluted EPS
Net profits attributable to ordinary
                                                         0.08                      0.08                   0.06                    0.06
Net profits attributable to ordinary
shareholders (excl. extraordinary gains or               0.09                      0.09                   0.00                    0.00

       (2)Calculation procedure of basic earnings per share and diluted earnings per share

       ①When calculating the basic earnings per share, net profits attributable to ordinary shareholders:
Item                                                                      Reporting period                       Same period of last year
Net profits attributable to ordinary shareholders                                         14,857,989.76                        10,425,680.85
Of which: net profits attributable to continuing operation                                14,857,989.76                        10,425,680.85
Net profits attributable to discontinuing operation                                                0.00                                 0.00
Net profits attributable to ordinary shareholders after
                                                                                          17,047,602.69                           707,622.89
deducting non-recurring profit and loss
Of which: net profits attributable to continuing operation                                17,047,602.69                           707,622.89
Net profits attributable to discontinuing operation                                                0.00                                 0.00

       ②When calculating the basic earnings per share, the denominator is the weighted average outstanding common share, and the

  process was as followed:
Item                                                                      Reporting period                       Same period of last year
Weighted number of ordinary share initially issued
                                                                                      185,391,680.00                           185,391,680.00
Add: weighted number of ordinary share issued
                                                                                                   0.00                                     0.00
outstanding this year
Less: weighted number of ordinary share repurchase this
                                                                                                   0.00                                     0.00
weighted number of ordinary share issued outstanding at
                                                                                      185,391,680.00                           185,391,680.00
the end of year

During the reporting period, the company does not exist dilutive potential common shares, thus basis EPS was equal to diluted EPS.

                                                       2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

45. Other comprehensive income

Item                                                            Reporting period                      Same period of last year
Foreign currency financial statements convert the
                                                                                276,130.47                             2,635,820.49
Total                                                                           276,130.47                             2,635,820.49

46. Notes of Cash Flow Statement

 (1) Other cash received relevant to operating activities

Item                                                 Reporting period                             Same period of last year
Deposit                                                                490,180.00                                      4,653,300.00
Income from rental                                                  16,628,012.01                                     21,208,425.02
Interest income                                                      7,432,615.24                                      8,564,975.98
Government grants                                                    1,873,721.00                                      2,430,845.00
Others                                                              23,798,119.00                                     14,294,440.27
Total                                                               50,222,647.25                                     51,151,986.27

 (2) Other cash paid relevant to operating activities

Item                                                                    Reporting period                Same period of last year

Workshop rent                                                                      18,634,101.57                               0.00
Bank charges                                                                        1,017,121.51                       1,160,280.76
Purchase and sales commission                                                       2,600,097.44                       2,360,610.76
Operation expenses and other items in administration expenses                      73,203,627.45                      59,673,937.68
Gardenelectricity charge                                                           32,207,030.90                      30,105,204.89
Donations and penalty expense                                                         116,641.62                         499,997.57
Total                                                                            127,778,620.49                       93,800,031.66

 (3) Other cash received relevant to investment activities

Item                                                     Reporting period                          Same period of last year
Restricted monetary funds                                             896,866,338.47                                             0.00
Total                                                                 896,866,338.47                                             0.00

 (4) Other cash received relevant to financing activities

Item                                                                    Reporting period                Same period of last year
Money lending of related party                                                   143,957,350.00                     158,789,800.00
Total                                                                            143,957,350.00                     158,789,800.00

 (5) Other cash payments relating to financing activities

Item                                                                    Reporting period                Same period of last year
Money lending of related party                                                    12,304,200.00                                0.00
Total                                                                             12,304,200.00                                0.00

                                                           2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

47. Appendix of Cash Flow Statement

 (1) Appendix of Cash Flow Statement

Supplemental information                                                                 Reporting period     Same period of last year
Reconciliation of net profit to net cash
 flows generated from operating activities
Net profit                                                                                   19,147,132.22             11,379,048.09

Add: Provision for impairment of assets                                                         438,958.76               2,780,336.49

Depreciation of fixed assets, of oil-gas assets, of productive biological assets             25,761,482.07             31,358,473.72

Amortization of intangible assets                                                               535,676.51                794,379.54

Amortization of long-term deferred expense                                                    1,008,080.19                951,819.48
Losses on disposal of property, plant and equipment,
                                                                                              -1,659,864.90             -1,608,124.53
intangible assets and other long-term assets (gains: negative)
Loss on retirement of fixed assets (gains: negative)                                            554,218.06                  29,032.16

Loss on fair value change (gains: negative)                                                  26,768,171.00              -7,349,219.30

Financial cost (gains: negative)                                                              -6,101,935.05            12,852,007.01

Investment loss (gains: negative)                                                           -14,000,118.50              -3,533,624.66

Decrease in deferred income tax assets (gains: negative)                                      4,725,077.01                  76,003.14

Increase in deferred income tax liabilities (decrease: negative)                             -3,041,397.60               1,084,661.44

Decrease in inventory (gains: negative)                                                       6,527,226.13             28,225,419.19

Decrease in accounts receivable from operating activities (gains: negative)                  70,447,473.89             67,706,472.81

Increase in payables from operating activities (decrease: negative)                        -164,190,118.82           -208,128,578.22

Net cash flows generated from operating activities                                          -33,079,939.03            -63,381,893.64
Investing and financing activities that do not involving
cash receipts and payment:
Conversion of debt into capital

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents

Closing balance of cash                                                                     163,780,265.08            920,204,606.38

Less: Opening balance of cash                                                               834,088,959.68            759,361,575.52

Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                                                  -670,308,694.60            160,843,030.86

(2) Composition of cash and cash equivalents

Item                                                                  Reporting period                  Same period of last year
1. Cash                                                                           163,780,265.08                     920,204,606.38
Including: cash in hand                                                                661,293.17                         714,518.54
Bank deposit can be used for payment at any time                                  163,118,971.91                     919,490,087.84
Other monetary funds can be used for payment at
any time
2.Cash equivalents                                                                          0.00                                 0.00

                                                                   2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

    3. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                                          163,780,265.08                              920,204,606.38

    VIII. Accounting treatment of asset securitization business:

    There was no accounting treatment of asset securitization business in the Company

    IX. Relationship and Related Party Transactions

    1. Particulars about the parent company:

                                                                Type of
       Parents                       Relationship                                Place of registration Legal representative    Nature of business
       STAR COMGISTIC                                                                                                         Manufacture and sales
                               Ultimate holding company            INC                 Taiwan             Yang Wenfang
       CAPITAL CO.,LTD.                                                                                                        electrical equipment

                                                             Shareholding             Voting right
              Parents            Registered capital                                                           controller       Organisation code
                                                          in the Company %        in the Company %
                                                                                                          of the Company

       STAR       COMGISTIC      TWD 2,686,000.00
                                                                         43.64                    45.42       Wu Cankun                     28986660
       CAPITAL CO.,LTD.                thousand

    Name of        parent                             Enterprise    Registration                Legal
                                  Relationship                                                              Business nature          Registered capital
    company                                               nature           place        representative
      STAR COMGISTIC                 Joint stock                    Yang Wenf         selling               TWD2,686,000                Ultimate holding
      CAPITAL CO.,LTD.                 company                            ang         electrical            thousand                           company
                                                          Proportions of           Proportions of            Ultimate
                                                        parent company’s         parent company’s          controller
      Name of parent company                                                                                                    Organization code
                                                         shareholding to          voting right to the          of the
                                                        the company (%)             company (%)              company

      STAR COMGISTIC CAPITAL CO.,                            43.64%                     45.42%              Wu Cankun               28986660

    2. Subsidiaries of the Company

                                                         Legal                                                                 Proportion
                                          Register                       Business           Registered           n of                           Organization
Name of company               Type                      represen                                                                of voting
                                          ed place                        nature             capital            shares                             code
                                                          tative                                                                right (%)
                                                                                                               held (%)
TsannKuen                   Sino-forei                                Small home
                                          Zhangzh         Pan                               16,000 ten
(Zhangzhou)                  gn joint                                  appliance                                   75              75           73954770-9
                                            ou          Zhirong                           thousand dollar
Enterprise Co., Ltd.         venture                                 manufacturing
                            Sino-forei                   Luo          Small home
(Zhangzhou) South                         Zhangzh                                            500 ten
                             gn joint                   Qingxin        appliance                                 56.25             75           77067325-2
Port Electronics                            ou                                            thousand yuan
                             venture                       g         manufacturing
Enterprise Co., Ltd.
TsannKuen China                                                       Small home
                             Limited      Shangha        Jian                                4,000 ten
(Shanghai) Enterprise                                                  appliance                                  62.5            62.5          60729103-5
                            company          i          Derong                            thousand dollar
Co., Ltd.                                                            manufacturing

                                                                2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

                           Private                     Luo          Secondary
(Zhangzhou)                            Zhangzh                                           300 ten
                         non-enterp                   Qingxin       vocational                                75          100         79176918-1
Profession and                           ou                                           thousand yuan
                         rise entity                     g          education
Technology Institute
Shanghai Canxing           Limited     Shangha                    Sale of home           495 ten
                                                      Qingxin                                             56.25           100         67455210-0
Trading Co.,Ltd           company         i                        appliance          thousand yuan
Xiamen Canxing             Limited                     Jian       Sale of home           2800 ten
                                        Xiamen                                                                75          100         55623112-X
Trading Co.,Ltd.          company                     Derong       appliance          thousand yuan
                                                                                       13,599.30 ten
East Sino                  Limited      Hongko          Pan        Investment                                                        52406771-000
                                                                                       thousand HK            75          100
Development Limited       company         ng          Zhirong       and trade                                                          -04-14-1
PT.STAR                                                            Small home
                           Limited     Indonesi         Pan                             1,750 ten
COMGISTIC                                                           appliance                             74.68          99.57
                          company         a           Zhirong                        thousand dollar
INDONESIA                                                         manufacturing

    3. Joint venture and associated enterprises of the Company

    There was no Joint venture and associated enterprises of the Company

    4. Other related party of the enterprise

    Name of other related party of the enterprise                                Relationship with the company           Organization code
    EUPA Industry Corporation Limited                                                    Shareholder                      12959659-000-13-1

    Fordchee Development Limited                                                         Shareholder                   14676920-000-01-14-0

    Fillman Investments Limited                                                          Shareholder                   16269694-000-07-13-5

    Tsann Kuen Japan Co., Ltd.                                              The same ultimate holding company                0105-01-021064
                                                                           The company directly controlled by the
    Thermaster Electronic (Xiamen) Ltd.                                     key management and closed family                      61201968-5
    Star International Travel Service Co., Ltd.                             The same ultimate holding company                       80355209
                                                                                  Controlled by same actual
    Tsann Kuen Enterprise Co., Ltd.                                                                                                 69568009
    Xiamen Tsann Kuen Trading Co., Ltd                                      Controlled by same actual controller                  58126129-1

    Sion Global Development Ltd.                                            Controlled by same actual controller                         ――

    PT.TSANNKUENPROPERTYDEVELOPMENTINDONESIA                                Controlled by same actual controller                         ――

    PT.TSANNKUENINDONESIA                                                   Controlled by same actual controller                         ――
                                                                           The company directly controlled by the
    PT.ShenMinSukabumi                                                      key management and closed family                             ――

    5. Related party transactions

     (1) Purchase of goods, services received among the related-party

                                                                                   Reporting period                Same period of last year
                                                                                               Proportion                          Proportion
                           Content of related       Pricing principle of                            in                                  in
     Name of company
                              transaction              related parties           Amount       transactions         Amount         transactions
                                                                                              of the same                          of the same
                                                                                                  kind                                 kind
         STAR                                          According to
       COMGISTIC                 Purchase              contract price         1,993,309.61             0.36        2,627,119.41          0.49
      CAPITAL CO.,                                    signed by both

                                                                   2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

             LTD.                                            parties
                                                          According to
                                                          contract price
          Electronic             Purchase                                          16,991,120.15               3.06       17,066,825.03              3.21
                                                         signed by both
        (Xiamen) Ltd.
             Total                                                                 18,984,429.76               3.42       19,693,944.44              3.70
       (2) Statement of sales of goods and rendering of services
                                                                                            Reporting period                  Same period of last year
                                                                                                        Proportion                            Proportion
                                    Content of related     Pricing principle                                 in                                    in
          Name of company
                                       transaction         of related parties             Amount       transactions           Amount         transactions
                                                                                                       of the same                           of the same
                                                                                                           kind                                   kind
                                                           According to
       Tsann Kuen Japan Co.,                               contract price
                                 Sales of goods                                           5,832,857.86            0.68      36,873,729.50              4.36
       Ltd.                                                signed by both
                                                           According to
       STAR COMGISTIC                                      contract price
                                 Sales of goods                                       19,698,104.28               2.31      13,453,679.07              1.59
       CAPITAL CO., LTD.                                   signed by both
                  Total                                                               25,530,962.14               2.99      50,327,408.57              5.95

       (3) Information of related-party lease

           ①the Company was as the lessor

                                                                                                                                         Rental income
                                                                                                                  Pricing basis for
                                               Category of the                                                                           recognized in
       Name of lessor     Name of lessee                                   Initial date         Ending date          the rental
                                                leased assets                                                                            the reporting
       Xiamen Tsann                                                                                                According to
                          Xiamen Tsann
       Kuen (China)                                                                                                contract price
                          Kuen Trading          Fixed assets          13 Aug. 2011              24 Jul. 2015                                   750,000.00
       Enterprise Co.,                                                                                            signed by both
                             Co., Ltd
            Ltd.                                                                                                      parities

       (4) Money lending of related-party

      Name of related party                                        Amount                   Initial date          Ending date                       Notes
      Fillman Investments Limited                  3,500,000.00 dollars                     2014.03.17                2014.09.16               dollar loan
      Sion Global Development Ltd.                10,000,000.00 dollars                     2014.02.20                2014.12.31               dollar loan
      Sion Global Development Ltd.                10,000,000.00 dollars                     2014.02.26                2015.02.25               dollar loan

      (5) Related party assets transfer and debt restructuring

                                                                                                         Reporting period          Same period of last year
                                                                           Price principle of                                                      Proportion
                                                                                                                        on in
Name of related party               Type                 Content           other related-party                                                          in
                                                                               transaction            Amount                          Amount       transaction
                                                                                                                       ons of
                                                                                                                                                     s of the
                                                                                                                      the same
                                                                                                                                                    same kind
Tsann Kuen Enterprise                              Sale of fixed           According to the
                                    Sale                                                             100,099.39           0.22            0.00               0.00
Co., Ltd.                                             assets                contract price

                                                                2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

                                                    Sale of fixed         According to the
ERTYDEVELOPMENTI                    Sale                                                                 0.00          0.00       50,808.92               0.01
                                                       assets              contract price

                                                   The purchase of
PT.TSANNKUENINDO                                                          According to the
                                 Purchase            mould and                                           0.00          0.00      139,478.16               0.01
NESIA                                                                      contract price

     (6) Other related-party transaction

                                                                                  Accumulative in reporting
                                                Transaction Contents                                                            Accumulated last year
    Name of related party                                                                      Proportion in                                   Proportion in
                                                                                  Amount      transactions of                 Amount          transactions of
                                                                                               the same kind                                   the same kind
                                           Purchasing agent fee(notes:1)           97,839.44                100.00            111,505.63                  100.00
    CO., LTD
    Tsann Kuen Japan Co., Ltd.             Three packs of cost(notes:2)                 0.00                    0.00          122,165.26                    0.11
                                           Accept service(notes:3)                      0.00                    0.00          318,072.06                    0.19
                Total                                                              97,839.44                                  551,742.95

           Notes 1: The Company and its subsidiaries authorize related company to purchase raw materials, molds and equipments. The
    relevant agency fees would be paid of 110% of the actual happened operating fees.
           Notes 2: The three packs of costs is the relevant fees that the Company’s subsidiaries paid for the issues of quality to the related
    company about purchasing parts and finished goods.
           Notes 3: Both of the Company and the related company offer non-exclusive agency service, to transact the TCAP of travel
    business, and to agent service fees according to the actual quoted prices of orders requirements of each batch.

    6. Amounts due from/to related parties

    (1) Amounts due from related party of listed company
                                                                     2014.06.30                                          2013.12.31
    Item                                                  Book balance              Bad debt               Book balance                Bad debt
                                                                                    provision                                          provision
    Accounts receivable:
    Tsann Kuen Japan Co., Ltd.                                1,096,262.38                     0.00               5,084,445.29                     0.00
    STAR COMGISTIC CAPITAL CO., LTD                           8,924,506.57                     0.00               9,066,228.33                     0.00
    Total                                                    10,020,768.95                     0.00             14,150,673.62                      0.00
    (2) Amounts to related party of listed company

    Item                                                                                          2014.06.30                                2013.12.31
    Account payable
     Thermaster Electronic (Xiamen) Ltd.                                                         9,655,687.66                              9,238,457.73
    STAR COMGISTIC CAPITAL CO., LTD                                                               737,323.25                                753,382.59
    Total                                                                                       10,393,010.91                              9,991,840.32
    Other accounts payable:
    Tsann Kuen Japan Co., Ltd.                                                                    104,810.21                                185,167.61
    STAR COMGISTIC CAPITAL CO., LTD                                                                   35,788.56                              36,068.65
    Xiamen Tsann Kuen Trading Co., Ltd                                                            740,539.26                               1,099,436.46
    Fillman Investments Limited                                                                 21,666,164.62                          12,300,998.74
    Sion Global Development Ltd.                                                               123,056,000.00                                     0.00

                                                       2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

Total                                                                       145,603,302.65              13,621,671.46

X. Share-based payment

There was no share-based payment in the reporting period

XI. Contingency

Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou, one of the Company’s subsidiaries, and Xinda Motor Co., Ltd. (hereinafter refer to as
“Xinda Motor”) signed a product supply contract on 20 Jul. 2009, with thee valid period for the contract being
from 1 Jul. 2009 to 30 Jun. 2012. Both parties also signed the 2011 ED Procurement Contract of Tsann Kuen
Zhangzhou Enterprises Co., Ltd., the Special Agreement and other agreements, according to which Tsann Kuen
Zhangzhou would purchase products from Xinda Motor. Later, Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou refused to pay for the
products and chose to terminate the contract due to quality problems found in Xinda Motor’s products. On 2 Nov.
2011, Xinda Motor filed a civil action against Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou to Zhangzhou Intermediate People’s Court,
asking the court to order Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou to pay US$479,089.06 to it for the part of the contract that had
been executed but not yet paid for, to bear the damages for overdue payment, and to continue to execute the
unexecuted contractual obligation (equivalent to a payment of US$189,423.25 for goods).

Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou filed a cross action on 8 Jan. 2012. Xinda Motor had caused serious economic loss and
reputation damage on Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou for the products it provided for Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou did not go
with the contract, due to which Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou produced products of ill quality, goods were returned and
orders were canceled. On that basis, Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou asked Zhangzhou Intermediate People’s Court to
terminate the contract between both parties and order Xinda Motor to pay to Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou a damage of
RMB100 million, and a compensation of RMB7, 621,600.00.

Zhangzhou Intermediate People’s Court had made the first-instance judgment on 15Aug. 2013, the judgment was
as followed: (1) The accuse Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou should pay $479089.06 which was RMB 3,071,535.78of
payment for goods to Xinda Motor within 15 days from the day of the enforcement of this judgment. (2) The
accuser Xinda Motor and third party Boluo county Lian Yuan Industry Technology Co., Ltd. should pay RMB
1,233,399.70 of liquidated damages to Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou within 15 days from the day of the enforcement of
this judgment. (3) Released 10 batch orders that unredeemed between Xinda Motor, Boluo county Lian Yuan
Industry Technology Co., Ltd. and Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou. (4) Reject other claims of Xinda Motor. (5) Reject
other claims of Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou. After the first-instance judgment, neither party refused to accept the
first-instance judgment and lodged an appeal. As of the date of the report, Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou should pay the
book balance of goods $ 479,089.06 to Xinda Motor, due to the case is pending; Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou did not
recognize the contingent assets RMB 1,233,399.70 to Xinda Motor.

Besides, the defective motor products provided by Xinda Motor was in total of 104,691 sets, however, the case

                                                            2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

processing 23,035 sets only, there were 81,656 sets remained untreated. Thus, on 21 Dec. 2013, Tsann Kuen
Zhangzhou filed a suit to Zhangzhou Intermediate People’s Court, and the claims amount was in total of RMB
3,702,957.93. Zhangzhou Intermediate People’s Court has accepted the case.

XII. Commitments

1. Rental contract entered into and under execution as well as its financial effect

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB ten thousand yuan
Item                                                                                          2014.06.30                    2013.12.31
The lowest rental payment of irreversible operating lease
House rental
The first year after the Balance Sheet Date                                                        3,727                         3,727
The second year after the Balance Sheet Date                                                       3,727                         3,727
The third year after the Balance Sheet Date                                                        3,727                         3,727
The follwowing years                                                                             130,438                       134,165
Total                                                                                            141,619                       145,346
2. Fulfillment of previous commitments
Up to the reporting date, the above mentioned commitments were continued to execute and there was no
circumstance about violations of the above commitments.

XIII. Events after the balance sheet date

No events after the balance sheet date

XIV. Notes of other significant events

    1. Assets and liabilities calculated by fair value
                                                                                       the cumulative
                                                                      Changes in                            Provision
                                                                                       changes in the
                                                Amount at              fair value                               for        Amount at
Item                                                                                      fair value
                                            the year beginning         gains and                           impairment     the year-end
                                                                                         included in
                                                                    losses this year                        of the year
Financial assets
Financial assets recognized into current
gains and losses by calculated in fair
                                                             0.00              0.00               0.00            0.00            0.00
value (excluded derivative financial
Derivative financial assets                      21,120,100.00      -21,120,100.00                0.00            0.00            0.00
Available-for-sale financial assets                       0.00                0.00                0.00            0.00            0.00
Subtotal of financial assets                     21,120,100.00      -21,120,100.00                0.00            0.00            0.00
Investment property                                       0.00                0.00                0.00            0.00            0.00
Productive biological assets                              0.00                0.00                0.00            0.00            0.00
Others                                                    0.00                0.00                0.00            0.00            0.00
Total                                            21,120,100.00      -21,120,100.00                0.00            0.00            0.00
Financial liabilities
Derivative financial liabilities                             0.00     5,648,071.00                0.00            0.00    5,648,071.00

                                                             2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

XV. Notes of main items in the financial statements of the Company

1. Accounts receivable

 (1) Accounts receivable

                                                                   Amount       Proportion (%)   Provision for bad debts      Proportion (%)
Accounts receivable with significant single amount
                                                                      0.00                0.00                         0.00            0.00
and individually withdrawn bad debt provision
Accounts receivable for which bad debt provisions
are made on the group basis
Aging group                                                  11,464,791.67              97.80                 249,531.68               2.18
Related group                                                  258,117.00                 2.20                         0.00            0.00
Subtotal of the groups                                       11,722,908.67             100.00                 249,531.68               2.13
Accounts receivable with insignificant single
amount but individually withdrawn bad debt                            0.00                0.00                         0.00            0.00
Total                                                        11,722,908.67             100.00                 249,531.68               2.13
                                                                   Amount       Proportion (%)   Provision for bad debts      Proportion (%)
Accounts receivable with significant single amount
                                                                      0.00               0.00                          0.00            0.00
and individually withdrawn bad debt provision
Accounts receivable for which bad debt provisions
are made on the group basis
Aging group                                                  41,561,170.60              99.65               1,839,715.01               4.43
Related group                                                  147,382.00                0.35                          0.00            0.00
Subtotal of the groups                                       41,708,552.60             100.00               1,839,715.01               4.41
Accounts receivable with insignificant single
amount but individually withdrawn bad debt                            0.00               0.00                          0.00            0.00
Total                                                        41,708,552.60             100.00               1,839,715.01               4.41

(2) Accounts receivable aging lists

                                         2014.06.30                                                       2013.12.31
                                            Amount             Proportion (%)                              Amount             Proportion (%)
Within 1 year                       11,722,908.67                100.00                            41,708,552.60              100.00
Total                               11,722,908.67                100.00                            41,708,552.60              100.00

(3) In groups, the account receivable of provision for bad debts by aging analysis

                                                2014.06.30                                                 2013.12.31
        Aging                                                      Provision for                                               Provision for
                                  Amount        Proportion (%)                               Amount       Proportion (%)
                                                                    bad debts                                                    bad debts
Within 1 year               11,464,791.67              100.00        249,531.68         41,561,170.60            100.00         1,839,715.01
Including: 1 to 90
                             9,842,800.58               85.85                0.00       23,157,131.35               55.72               0.00
91 to 180 days               1,188,164.71               10.36        118,816.48         18,404,039.25               44.28       1,839,715.01
181 to 270 days                430,989.94                3.76        129,296.98                  0.00                0.00               0.00
271 to 365 days                  2,836.44                0.02          1,418.22                  0.00                0.00               0.00
        Total               11,464,791.67              100.00        249,531.68         41,561,170.60            100.00         1,839,715.01

                                                         2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

(4) Information of shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares of the Company in
accounts receivable in report period

(5) Top five accounts receivable

Name of entity                            Relationship                    Amount            Aging                      Proportion (%)
First                               Non-related party              8,292,165.89      Within 1 year                             70.73
Second                               Non-related party             1,439,763.00      Within 1 year                             12.28
Third                                Non-related party               904,625.00      Within 1 year                              7.72
Fourth                               Non-related party               343,346.50      Within 1 year                              2.93
Fifth                                Non-related party               322,209.54      Within 1 year                              2.75
Total                                                             11,302,109.93                                                96.41

(6) Accounts receivable of related parties

                                                         Relationship with
Name of entity                                                                                   Amount               Proportion (%)
                                                              the Company
Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou                                             Subsidiary                   258,117.00                        2.20
Total                                                                                         258,117.00                        2.20

2. Other account receivable

(1) Other account receivable listed by category

                                                               Amount     Proportion (%) Provision for bad debts      Proportion (%)
Other accounts receivable with significant
single amount and individually withdrawn bad                       0.00              0.00                     0.00              0.00
debt provision
Other accounts receivable for which bad debt
provisions are made on the group basis
Aging group                                               1,989,285.26              93.87              14,277.07                0.72
Related group                                                     0.00               0.00                   0.00                0.00
Subtotal of the groups                                    1,989,285.26              93.87              14,277.07                0.72
Other accounts receivable with insignificant
single amount but individually withdrawn bad                130,000.00               6.13                     0.00              0.00
debt provision
Total                                                     2,119,285.26             100.00              14,277.07                0.67

                                                               Amount     Proportion (%) Provision for bad debts      Proportion (%)
Other accounts receivable with significant single
amount and individually withdrawn bad debt                         0.00              0.00                     0.00              0.00
Other accounts receivable for which bad debt
provisions are made on the group basis
Aging group                                               1,198,121.33             100.00                  2,829.11             0.24
Related group                                                     0.00               0.00                      0.00             0.00
Subtotal of the groups                                    1,198,121.33             100.00                  2,829.11             0.24
Other accounts receivable with insignificant
single amount but individually withdrawn bad                       0.00              0.00                     0.00              0.00
debt provision
Total                                                     1,198,121.33             100.00                  2,829.11             0.24

                                                          2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

 (2) Other accounts receivable aging lists

                                                 2014.06.30                                                 2013.12.31
                                                Amount             Proportion (%)                          Amount             Proportion (%)
Within 1 year                              2,119,285.26                       100.00                   1,198,121.33                     100.00
Total                                      2,119,285.26                       100.00                   1,198,121.33                     100.00

 (3) In groups, the other account receivable of provision for bad debts by aging analysis

                                          2014.06.30                                                     2013.12.31
Item                                                          Provision for                                                     Provision for
                            Amount    Proportion (%)                                          Amount       Proportion (%)
                                                               bad debts                                                         bad debts
Within 1 year          1,989,285.26              100.00           14,277.07               1,198,121.33            100.00            2,829.11
Including: 1 to 90
                       1,906,687.40               95.85                0.00               1,169,830.19                97.64               0.00
91 to 180 days            52,533.06                2.64           5,253.31                   28,291.14              2.36            2,829.11
181 to 270 days           30,043.20                1.51           9,012.96                        0.00              0.00                0.00
271 to 365 days               21.60                0.00              10.80                        0.00              0.00                0.00
       Total           1,989,285.26              100.00          14,277.07                1,198,121.33            100.00            2,829.11

 (4) Information of shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares of the Company
in other accounts receivable in report period

(5) Top five other accounts receivable

Name of entity                   Relationship                          Amount                 Aging                           Proportion (%)
First                       Non-related party                      1,895,129.15        Within 1 year                                     89.42
Second                       Non-related party                      130,000.00         Within 1 year                                      6.13
Third                        Non-related party                       53,613.00         Within 1 year                                      2.53
Fourth                       Non-related party                       30,000.00         Within 1 year                                      1.42
Fifth                        Non-related party                         6,392.78        Within 1 year                                      0.30
Total                                                              2,115,134.93                                                          99.80

3. Long-term equity investments

                                                Accounting                                                       Increase/
The investee                                                       Investment cost           2013.12.31                                     2014.06.30
                                                    method                                                       decrease
ShanghaiTsann Kuen Enterprise Co., Ltd.        Cost method          194,545,872.18          194,545,872.18              0.00            194,545,872.18
Zhangzhou Tsann Kuen Enterprises Co., Ltd.       Cost method        921,914,701.56          921,914,701.56               0.00           921,914,701.56
Xiamen Institute of Foreign Investment
                                                 Cost method             40,000.00               40,000.00               0.00                40,000.00
Total                                                             1,116,500,573.74    1,116,500,573.74                   0.00        1,116,500,573.74
                                                                                           on                           Withdrawal
                                                                                 differences                             amount of
                                                                      Voting        between      Provision for          impairment
The investee                                                             right shareholding       impairment              provision         Cash bonus
                                                                   Proportion     proportion              loss                in the
                                                                                  and voting                              reporting
                                                                                        right                                period
ShanghaiTsann Kuen Enterprise Co., Ltd.                62.50            62.50                 130,646,542.91                     0.00             0.00
Zhangzhou Tsann Kuen Enterprises Co., Ltd.             75.00            75.00                            0.00                    0.00    38,189,978.21
Xiamen Institute of Foreign Investment
                                                          1.48           1.48                                  0.00              0.00             0.00

                                                  2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

Total                                                                                  130,646,542.91           0.00   38,189,978.21

4. Operating income and costs

 (1) Operating income

                                                       Accumulative amount
Item                                                                                               Same period of last year
                                                          in reporting period
Main business revenue                                          31,655,528.61                                  27,869,917.21
Other business revenue                                         10,952,464.03                                   7,576,194.98
Total                                                          42,607,992.64                                  35,446,112.19
Main business cost                                             26,639,150.58                                  22,768,892.12
Other business cost                                             2,441,093.29                                   2,411,159.04
Total                                                          29,080,243.87                                  25,180,051.16

 (2) Main business (Classified by industrial)

                                                      Accumulative amount
                                                                                                   Same period of last year
Item                                                     in reporting period
                                   Operating income          Operating costs      Operating income           Operating costs
Small Household Appliance            31,655,528.61            26,639,150.58         27,869,917.21             22,768,892.12
Total                                31,655,528.61            26,639,150.58         27,869,917.21             22,768,892.12

 (3) Main business (Classified by product)

                                                 Accumulative amount
Item                                                                                               Same period of last year
                                                    in reporting period
                             Operating income           Operating costs         Operating income             Operating costs
Catering and Cooking             9,487,969.10             7,887,152.22              6,182,380.83               4,936,382.81
Home helper                      2,686,131.41             2,269,269.11            14,108,680.29               11,836,580.41
Tea/Coffee                       5,925,694.54             4,641,420.79              7,054,358.34               5,627,339.05
Others                         13,555,733.56             11,841,308.46                524,497.75                 368,589.85
Total                          31,655,528.61             26,639,150.58            27,869,917.21               22,768,892.12

(4) Main business (Classified by area)

                                                Accumulative amount
                                                                                                   Same period of last year
Item                                               in reporting period
                            Operating income           Operating costs          Operating income             Operating costs
Asia                          31,655,528.61             26,639,150.58             27,869,917.21               22,768,892.12
Total                         31,655,528.61             26,639,150.58             27,869,917.21               22,768,892.12

 (5) Revenue of sales from the top five customers

Customers                                             Operating income                                        Proportion (%)
First                                                     7,853,630.00                                                 18.43
Second                                                    7,530,601.44                                                 17.67
Third                                                     4,775,349.68                                                 11.21
Fourth                                                    2,216,404.42                                                  5.20
Fifth                                                     1,404,180.57                                                  3.30
Total                                                    23,780,166.11                                                 55.81

                                                            2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

5. Investment income

   (1) List of investment income

                                                                                    Accumulative amount
Source                                                                                                         Same period of last year
                                                                                       in reporting period
Long-term equity investment income accounted by cost method                                 38,189,978.21                       7,533.00
Long-term equity investment income accounted by cost method                                           0.00                         0.00
Investment income arising from disposal of long-term equity investments                               0.00                         0.00
Total                                                                                       38,189,978.21                       7,533.00

                                                                    amount                                   Reason of increase/decreas
Investee                                                                      Same period of last year
                                                               in reporting                                                           e
                                                                                                             Distributed in Aug. 2013
Tsann Kuen Zhangzhou                                        38,189,978.21                         0.00
                                                                                                                              last year
Xiamen Institute of Foreign Investment Enterprise                    0.00                     7,533.00          Undistributed this year
Total                                                       38,189,978.21                     7,533.00

6. Supplemental information of Cash Flow Statement

Supplemental information                                                                                             amount     Same period of last year
                                                                                                         in reporting period
1. Reconciliation of net profit to net cash flows generated from operations:
Net profit                                                                                                      42,288,654.76               6,599,285.59
Add: Provision for assets impairments                                                                           -1,498,177.31                109,836.18
Depreciation of fixed assets, oil and gas assets and productive biological assets                                2,835,310.71               2,841,827.86
Amortization of intangible assets                                                                                 210,418.32                 218,254.92
Amortization of long-term deferred expense                                                                        184,149.06                 170,149.02
Losses/gains on disposal of property, intangible asset and other long-term assets (gains: negative)                 -4,746.26                -702,653.94
Losses/gains on scrapped of fixed assets     (gains: negative)                                                           0.00                       0.00
Losses/gains from variation of fair value (gains: negative)                                                              0.00                       0.00
Financial cost (income: negative)                                                                                 326,965.71                 -176,981.36
Investment loss (gains: negative)                                                                              -38,189,978.21                  -7,533.00
Decrease in deferred tax assets (increase: negative)                                                             1,396,262.02                       0.00
Increase in deferred tax liabilities (decrease: negative)                                                                0.00                       0.00
Decrease in inventory (increase: negative)                                                                      -1,157,496.70               2,416,142.22
Decrease in accounts receivable from operating activities (increase: negative)                                  27,313,580.38              -7,287,880.12
Increase in accounts payable from operating activities (decrease: negative)                                    -47,735,456.02               1,136,795.20
Net cash flows generated from operating activities                                                             -14,030,513.54               5,317,242.57
2. Significant investing and financing activities without involvement of cash receipts and payments
Debt converted into capital
Change of cash and cash equivalent:
Closing balance of cash and cash equivalent                                                                      9,684,609.95               7,942,734.91
Less: opening balance of cash equivalents                                                                      11,811,615.43               17,652,594.45
Net increase of cash and cash equivalent                                                                        -2,127,005.48              -9,709,859.54

                                                                  2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

    XVI. Supplemental information

        1. Notes of non-recurrent profit and loss in reporting period
                                       Item                                                Amount                       Notes
Loss and gains on disposal of non-current assets (Including write-off part of the
provision for asset impairment)
Tax rebates and cuts of ultra vires approval or without formal approval

Governmental subsidy included in the current profits and losses(is closely related
with the business event, except for the governmental subsidy that according to the          1,913,721.00
national unity standard quota or the quantitative regal assets)

Tax for the possession of funds from the non-financial business Included in the
current losses and gains

The quota of the Company receives from the subsidiaries, joint ventures and
cooperative enterprises of the costs of investment is less than that of the gains
produced from the investment which enjoys net assets of fair value that recognized
by the investee.
Exchange gains and losses of non-monetary assets
Gains and losses of agenting others of investment or managing assets

Withdrawing impairment of assets owning of force majeure factors, including
suffer from natural disasters
Gains and losses of debt restructuring
Enterprise restructuring charges, for example, staffing costs of integration
Gains and losses produced when exchanging prices unconscionable at the fair that
exceed the fair value
The current net profits and losses produced when the subsidiaries combine u
nder the same control from the beginning to the combining date

Gains and losses produced from the contingency which have nothing to do
with the Company’s normal business operations
                                                                                                           Mainly is the investment returns
In addition to the valid hedging activity associated with the normal operation of the
                                                                                                           of the Selling of forward
Company, the changes in fair value through gains or losses which arising from the
                                                                                                           foreign exchange contracts,
holding trading financial assets and the trading financial liabilities as well as the     -12,768,052.50
                                                                                                           changes in fair value gains,
investment income that earning from the disposal of trading financial assets,
                                                                                                           other liquid assets income of
trading financial liabilities and available-for-sale financial assets
                                                                                                           financial products
The reversal of impairment of receivables of the individual impairment test
Gains and losses from the external entrusted loans
Gains and losses for changes in fair value of investment property resulting from the
subsequent measure through the fair value model
The impact of a one-time adjustment of current gains and losses according to the
laws and regulations of tax, accounting and others on current gains and losses
Trustee fee income earning from the entrusted management
Income and expenses of the other operation except the mentioned above                       5,180,367.26
The other items of gains and losses conforming the definition of non-recurring                               The receive of cancel after
gains and losses                                                                                           verification of payment
Less:the effect of income tax                                                             -1,190,531.80
the effect of minority interest (after tax)                                                  -23,417.41
Total                                                                                      -2,189,612.93

    2. Net assets income rate and earnings per share
                    Profits in reporting period                       ROEWA(%)                      Earnings per share

                                                           2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

                                                                                      Basic EPS             Diluted EPS

Net margins of the Company’s common stock holders                       2.82                     0.08                     0.08
Net margins of the Company’s common stock holders which
                                                                         3.23                     0.09                     0.09
has reduced non-recurring gains and losses

                                                          2014 Annual Report of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD.

      3. Particulars on the abnormal conditions of main items in the financial statements of the
      Company and relevant reasons

                                                    Opening        Increase/De
            item               Closing amount                                                         Reasons of change
                                                    amount         crease ratio
                                                                                  Mainly was the loss estimation of undelivery of forward
Tradable financial assets                 0.00     21,120,100.00     -100.00%
                                                                                  foreign exchange contracts
Customer in advance               5,811,179.20      4,290,802.70       35.43%     Mainly was the increase of the purchase of raw material
Interest receivable               8,020,524.99       110,833.33      7136.56%     Mainly was the increase of fixed term deposit
                                                                                  Mainly was the increase of the purchase of finance
other current assets            330,000,000.00     50,000,000.00      560.00%
construction in process           4,622,309.63     10,889,671.98      -57.55%     Mainly due to the industry plant transfer into fixed assets
short-term borrowing            481,764,240.00     30,484,500.00     1480.36%     Mainly was the increase of short term borrowing
transaction financial                                                             Mainly was the loss of undelivery of forward foreign
                                  5,648,071.00              0.00      100.00%
liabilities                                                                       exchange contracts
                                                                                  Mainly was the note payable due to pay was paid by
Notes receivable                  7,745,858.91     30,577,887.89      -74.67%
                                                                                  Letter of Credit
Receivable in advance            18,637,100.79     10,431,654.59       78.66%     Mainly was the increase of customer in advance
Tax payable                        -809,567.82    -17,127,309.97       95.27%     Mainly due to recover export tax refunds of last year
Interest payable                  3,270,214.70       108,661.00      2909.56%     Mainly was the increase of short term loan
Other payables                  191,525,702.08     69,376,770.31      176.07%     Mainly duo to borrow from related party
Deferred income tax                                                               Mainly due to the unrealized benefit of initial forward
                                    217,345.05      3,258,742.65      -93.33%
liabilities                                                                       foreign exchange

                                                    Opening        Increase/De
            Item               Closing amount                                                         Reasons of change
                                                    amount         crease ratio
                                                                                  Mainly due to business tax and surcharges occurred by
Business tax and surcharges       4,930,309.19      1,678,165.65      193.79%
                                                                                  export tax avoid touch drawback
                                                                                  Mainly due to depreciation caused exchange interests and
Financial expense               -11,216,974.35      3,869,546.71     -389.88%
                                                                                  the interest income increase
                                                                                  Mainly due to the recovery of the customer
Assets impairment loss              438,958.76      2,780,336.49      -84.21%     payment and provision for fixed asset impairment
Gains on the changes in the                                                       Mainly was the profits of undelivery of forward foreign
                                -26,768,171.00      7,349,219.30     -464.23%
fair value                                                                        exchange contracts
                                                                                  Mainly was decrease of the income of delivery of
Investment income                14,000,118.50      3,576,345.30      291.46%
                                                                                  forward foreign exchange
                                                                                  Mainly due to subsidiary increased than that in last
Non-operating income              8,820,848.29      4,709,673.01       87.29%
Income tax expense                2,957,439.90      1,139,442.82      159.55%     Mainly due to deferred income tax assets reverse

Net cash flow from                                                                Mainly due to the payment for goods was less than
                                -33,079,939.03    -63,381,893.64       47.81%
 operating activities                                                               that in last year
Net cash flow from                                                                Mainly due to the increase of the purchase of
                              -1,181,899,628.49   -87,554,293.09    -1249.90%
investment activities                                                             financing products and the limited deposit account
Net cash flow from
                                539,659,463.51    322,007,671.55       67.59%     Mainly due to the increase of export financing loan
financing activities
