TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO.,LTD THE FIRST QUARTERLY REPORT 2009 §1. Important Notice 1.1 The Board of Directors, Supervisory Committee, and Directors, Supervisors as well as Senior Management Staff of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) warrant that this report does not contain any false or misleading statements or omit any material facts and all information set forth herein are true, accurate and complete. 1.2 None of directors, supervisors or senior executives demonstrated uncertainty or disagreement about the truthfulness, accuracy, and integrity of the first quarterly report. 1.3 All directors attended the Board Meeting, at which reviewed and approved the first quarterly report. 1.4 Financial report of the first quarterly report period has not been audited. 1.5 Mr. Jian Derong, Chairman of the Board, and Mr. Chen Zongyi, Accounting Manager, jointly guaranteed that financial statements in this annual report are authentic and complete. §2 Company Profile Short form of stock Min Tsann Kuen B Stock code 200512 Secretary of the Board Securities Affairs Representative Name Luo Qing Xing Sun Mei Mei Contact address TSANN KUEN Industrial Park, Longchi Development Zone, Zhangzhou, Fujian TSANN KUEN Industrial Park, Longchi Development Zone, Zhangzhou, Fujian Telephone 0596-6268103 0596-6268161 Fax 0596-6268104 0596-6268104 E-mail allenlo@tkl.tsannkuen.com mm_sun@tkl.tsannkuen.com2 2.1 Main accounting data and financial indices Unit: RMB Yuan Items At the end of this period At the end of last period Increase/decrease (%) Total assets 1,860,365,881.18 2,236,370,415.83 -16.81% Owner’s equity attributable to parent company 352,930,361.00 343,776,758.97 2.66% Share capital 1,112,350,077.00 1,112,350,077.00 0.00% Net assets per share attributable to owners of parent company 0.3173 0.3091 2.65% Items Amount of current period Amount of the same period in last year Increase/decrease (%) Sales turnover 577,748,701.77 964,770,874.21 -40.12% Net profit attributable to owners of parent company 9,265,540.95 7,476,327.70 23.93% Net cash flow arising from operating activities -17,067,388.48 -70,673,690.48 75.85% Net cash flow per share arising from operating activities -0.0153 -0.0635 75.91% Basic earnings per share 0.0083 0.0067 23.93% Diluted earnings per share 0.0083 0.0067 23.93% Return on equity 2.63% 2.41% 0.22% Return on equity after deducting non-recurring gains and losses 1.83% 1.79% 0.04% Items of non-current gains and losses Unit: RMB Yuan Items Amount gains and losses from disposal of non-current assets, including the part that withdrawn reserve for impairment of assets were offset 1,141,636.56 Government subsidy measured into current gains and losses, while closely related with the business of the Company, excluding the fixed-amount or fixed-proportion government subsidy enjoyed according to the certain standard 1,848,592.89 Gains and losses from change in fair value of tradable financial assets and tradable financial liabilities and investment income from disposal of tradable financial assets, tradable financial liabilities and available-for-sale financial assets except for effective hedging business related to normal operation business of the Company 400,184.39 Other non-operating income and expense beside for the above-mentioned each items 671,249.55 influence on enterprise income tax -575,702.80 net profit attributable to minority shareholders after deducting non-recurring gains and losses -665,697.20 Total 2,820,263.39 Explanation Items of non-current gains and losses: none3 2.2 Total number of shareholders at the end of the report period and statement on shares held by the top ten shareholders holding tradable shares Unit: Share Total number of shareholders 27,984 Shares held by top ten tradable shareholders No. Name of shareholders Tradable shares held Type of Share 1 FORDCHEE DEVELOPMENT LIMITED 324,685,968 B-share 2 EUPA INDUSTRY CORPORATION LIMITED 181,855,147 B-share 3 FILLMAN INVESTMENTS LIMITED 162,342,984 B-share 4 TIMMERTON CO INC 14,505,644 B-share 5 CHEN YONG QUAN 7,596,456 B-share 6 CHEN YONG QING 5,855,089 B-share 7 CHEN LI JUAN 5,693,846 B-share 8 HE JIAN XIONG 4,439,551 B-share 9 TSAI SHU HUI 4,294,433 B-share 10 CAI LIN ZI 3,378,437 B-share Explanation on related relationship and action-in-concert among above mentioned shareholders The top three shareholders are the controlling shareholders. Tsai Shuhui is a director of TSANN KUEN (Taiwan) ENTERPRISE CO. LTD., the actual controller of the Company. The Company was not aware that whether there were any related relationships between other shareholders holding tradable shares and whether or not the other shareholders holding tradable shares belonged to the action-in-concert people specified in The Regulations for Information Disclosure on the Change of Shares Held by the Shareholders of the Listed Companies. §3 Significant Events I. The Company continued to strengthen the following three centers for strategy in current year: 1) Devoting mind to main operation: The Company focused on core professional advantage of self research & development, design and sales, continuously advanced cluster of fitting factory, brought in accessories factory to supply material, reduced cost and disposed non-core professional fittings factories and assets without cost-benefit. 2) Improvement of operation management The Company would strengthen management team and the integration with production, marketing and Research &Development, shorten development time to advance quality cost and delivery date of products; in aspect of marketing, the Company would establish relationship of strategic partner with customers and share international raw materials and risk of fluctuation of exchange rate. 3) Exploitation of new market In order to avoid influence of financial crisis on export sales in Europe and America, the Company actively exploited new market and customers in domestic and oversea, deeply understood catering and consumption culture, reduced cost by products and technical4 innovation, satisfied demand of customers, dispersed risk of centralized market and promote profit of the Company. In the report period, the international economic environment took a sudden turn and became worse rapidly, economic difficulties increased obviously with influence on international financial crisis. Faced to the complicated and changeful economic environment and influenced by various disadvantageous factors, the Company will continuously insist on the aforesaid strategic aim, lead innovation of technology and products, promote capability of global manufacture and marketing, insist on self management, strengthen integration of production & purchase, research & development, strength the inner control system and form leading advantage of research & development design and cost of marketing system. It forecasted that the goal of operation income was USD 480 million in 2009. 2.Sales of assets Tsann Kuen (Zhang Zhou) Enterprise Co., Ltd, holding subsidiary of the Company, advanced cluster factory system, successively brought accessories factory in Tsann Kuen Industrial Park, and respectively signed Agreement on Transfer of Operating Assets. Details for execution is as follows as of 31 Mar. 2009: Unit: RMB’0000 Yuan Transaction parties Assets to be sold Selling date Selling price Net profit contributed to the Company from the year-begin to selling date Gains and losses from sales Related transaction or no Explanatio n on pricing principle Propert y right of asset was transfer red or not Credit or creditor’s right was transferred or not Relationsh ip Zhangzhou Weidi Plastic injecting equipment 1 Feb. 2009 95.39 39.57 39.57 Zhangzhou Qiankun Plastic injecting equipment 1 Feb. 2009 122.42 11.54 11.54 Zhangzhou Yongxinghe Plastic injecting equipment 1 Mar. 2009 99.24 7.43 7.43 Zhangzhou Xingkun Plastic injecting equipment 1 Mar. 2009 103.66 13.29 13.29 Zhangzhou Wankun Plastic injecting equipment 1 Mar. 2009 963.28 -37.4 -37.4 Zhangzhou Tianfeng Stamping equipment 1 Mar. 2009 69.25 22.11 22.11 Zhangzhou Shengliang Foundry equipment 1 Mar. 2009 65.02 38.79 38.79 Zhangzhou Yifeng Plastic injecting equipment 1 Mar. 2009 425.36 37.99 37.99 Longhai Chaoda Electric subclass equipment 1 Mar. 2009 432.37 -34.57 -34.57 nan ning shen ju Stamping equipment 1 Jan. 2009 135 10.39 10.39 Longhai Hongxing Die casting equipment 1 Mar. 2009 55 8.2 8.2 No With principle of higher than net book value, determined trading price referring to appraisal and market Yes Yes Non-relate d enterprise Total 2,565.99 117.34 117.345 3.1 Particular about large-margin changes in item of main accounting statement and financial index and its reason √Applicable □Inapplicable Unit: RMB’0000 Yuan No. Items 31 Mar. 2009 31 Mar. 2008 Increase/decrease Explanation 1 Transaction financial assets 40.02 - Transaction financial arose from changes in rate of forward foreign exchange offered by bank at the end of month 2 Notes receivable 371.07 582.35 -36.28% 3 Accounts receivable 27,519.21 39,716.26 -30.71% Income form main business decreased year-on-year with influence on international financial crisis, which caused decrease of relevant subjects at the same period 4 Advanced accounts 218.72 891.08 -75.45% Advanced funds for materials are received and recorded 5 Financial assets availed for sales 16.30 10.98 48.48% Price of equity of other listed companies held by the Company rose compared with the year-begin 6 Projects in construction 538.24 342.43 57.18% Additional projects in construction 7 Short-term borrowings 2,294.13 - New borrowings from financing of credit insurance in current period 8 Accrued tax 6,144.09 4,427.86 38.76% Decrease of input tax 9 Other accounts receivable 24,398.59 39,625.40 -38.43% Decrease of capacity caused decrease of expenses on electricity and water, repayment 0000 to controlling shareholder No. Items Jan.-Mar. 2009 Jan.-Mar. 2008 Increase/de crease Explanation 1 Operating income 57,774.87 96,477.09 -40.12% 2 Operating cost 49,996.84 92,125.92 -45.73% Operating income decreased year-on-year due to international financial crisis, and operating cost decreased relatively 3 Gross profit 7,372.91 2,455.90 200.21% 1.The cost of raw material more low than last ye than last year1. 2.It’s quite obvious that cost down have efficiency 3.New product have more added value 4 Sales expense 1,684.40 2,655.72 -36.57% Relevant expense decreased year-on-year due to influence of turnover 5 Financial expense 192.96 2,228.25 -91.34% 1.Decrease of short-term borrowings caused decrease of interest expense 2. Foreign exchange fluctuated by a large-margin at the same period of last year, and foreign exchange was loss at the end of month 6 Loss from impairment of assets -57.46 -134.68 57.34% 1.Swtching back loss from withdrawal of inventories at the same period of last year after the price revived. 2.Switching back bad debts in current period 7 Income from change of fair value 40.02 4,291.27 -99.07% Gains and losses on changes in rate of forward foreign exchange offered by bank 8 Investment income 0.75 1,506.52 -99.95% Income from transaction of forward foreign exchange 9 Non-operating income 469.05 292.66 60.27% Income from disposal of assets in current period 10 Non-operating expense 102.91 70.85 45.25% Loss from disposal of assets in current period 11 Net cash flow from operating activities -1,706.74 -7,067.37 75.85% Prolong payment of clients caused cash expense increased in the same period of last year; owing to control of cost expense, cash expense reduced. 12 Net cash flow from investing activities -688.23 -997.31 30.99% Decrease of investment and disposal of fixed assets 13 Net cash flow from financing activities -9,478.05 -4,073.56 -132.67% Repayment of borrowings6 3.2 The progress of significant events and influence, as well as analysis and explanation on resolving proposal □Applicable √Inapplicable 3.3 Execution on commitments made by the Company, shareholders and actual controller √Applicable □Inapplicable EUPA INDUSTRY CORPORATION LIMITED (hereinafter referred to as “Hong Kong EUPA”), the shareholder of the Company, gradually decreased part of the held shares of the Company since Apr. 2007, and the gains from disposal of shares mentioned in Simple Equity Changes Report respectively disclosed on Oct. 10, 2007 and Dec. 6, 2007 would be used to support the operating capital of the Company. Owing to the business main body of the Company transferring to Zhangzhou Tsann Kuen Enterprise Co., Ltd, the subsidiary of the Company, part of the capital on disposal of shares of Hong Kong EUPA was used to support the working capital of Zhangzhou Tsann Kuen. According to the resolutions on increasing capital of Zhangzhou Tsann Kuen decided by the Company and three major corporate shareholders in mar. 2007, Hong Kong EUPA should increase capital of USD 12 million as the sum on disposal of shares for increase capital was settle off in Jun. 2007. Based on the business demand, Zhangzhou Tsann Kuen borrowed USD 25 million from Hong Kong EUPA as external debt. By the application of the Company, on Jan. 16, 2008, State Administration of Foreign Exchange authorized the Company could borrow the summation of the accumulated medium-term and long-term external debts and the short-term debts which did not exceed USD 60 million. On Feb. 23, 2008, the Company held the 1st Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of the Company 2008, in which approved the Company borrowed USD 60 million from Hong Kong EUPA and other two shareholders with credit line being no more than USD 60 million. By Apr. 2008, Hong Kong EUPA had lent USD 33 million to the Company, since then EUPA never lent. By 31 Dec. 2008, the Company returned USD 10 million to Hong Kong EUPA, and balance of external debt from Hong Kong EUPA was USD 23 million at present. Hong Kong EUPA had never sold stock of the Company from Mar. 2008 up to the present. 3.4 Warnings of possible loss or large-margin change of the accumulated net profit made during the period from the beginning of the year to the end of the next report period compared with the same period of the last year according to prediction, as well as explanations on the reasons □Applicable √Inapplicable 3.5 Other significant events need to be explained 3.5.1 Securities investment □Applicable √Inapplicable7 3.5.2 Equity of other listed companies the Company held √Applicable □Inapplicable Unit: RMB Yuan Stock code Short form of Stock Initial investment Ratio to equity of company (%) Book value at the period-end Profit and loss in the report period Change of owners’ equity Subject for accounting calculation Source of shares 600838 Shanghai Jiubai 30,700.00 0.01 162,993.60 42,577.92 Financial assets available for sales Corporation share Total 30,700.00 162,993.60 0.00 42,577.92 3.5.3 Reception of research, interviews and visits in the reporting period In the report period, according to Guidelines on Fair Information Disclosure of Listed Companies, the Company and persons in charge of information disclosure strictly followed principle of fair information disclosure, neither conducted different treatment policy, nor selectively and privately disclosed, revealed or betrayed non-public information to particular object. The details of reception were describes as follows: Reception date Reception site Reception way Reception object Topic discussed and information provided 9 Jan. 2009 Telephone Mr. Zhang Operation status of the Company 15 Jan. 2009 Telephone Mr. Zhou Operation status of the Company 13 Feb. 2009 Telephone Miss Lin Operation status of the Company 16 Feb. 2009 Telephone Miss Chen Operation status of the Company 18 Feb. 2009 Telephone Mr. Luo Date for disclosure of annual report 18 Feb. 2009 Telephone Mr. Liu Operation status of the Company 25 Feb. 2009 Telephone Mr. Wang Date for disclosure of annual report 2 Mar. 2009 Telephone Mr. Chen Operation status of the Company 11 Mar. 2009 Telephone Mr. Cai Operation status of the Company 11 Mar. 2009 Telephone Mr. Li Operation status of the Company 13 Mar. 2009 Telephone Mr. Huang Operation status of the Company 19 Mar. 2009 Telephone Miss Gao Operation status of the Company 27 Mar. 2009 Telephone Mr. Lin Operation status of the Company 3.5.4 Explanation on other significant events □Applicable √Inapplicable 3.5.5 Changes in scope of consolidation 1. Reduce of subsidiary companies in current period □Applicable √Inapplicable8 2. Additional subsidiary companies in current period √Applicable □Inapplicable Name of subsidiary company Proportion of shares held directly % Proportion of shares held indirectly % Foundation date Xiamen Canxing International Travel Service Co., Ltd 100% 17 Feb. 2009 Xiamen Canxing Commerce & Trade Co., Ltd 66.83% 13 Mar. 2009 Xiamen Canxing International Travel Service Co., Ltd (hereinafter refer to as “Xiamen Canxing”) was founded on 17 Feb. 2009 with monetary capital. Registered capital of Xiamen Canxing is RMB 5 million, and the Company hold 100% equity of Xiamen Canxing. Xiamen Canxing Commerce & Trade Co., Ltd (hereinafter refer to as “Xiamen Canxing Commerce & Trade”) was established jointly by Shanghai Canxing Commerce & Trade Co., Ltd, subsidiary company of Tsann Kuen (Zhangzhou) South Port Electronics Enterprise Co., Ltd, and individual shareholder with monetary capital on 13 Mar. 2009. Registered capital of Xiamen Canxing Commerce & Trade Co., Ltd was RMB 1 million, of which Shanghai Canxing Commer & Trade Co., Ltd hold 90% equity.9 §4 Attachment 4.1 Balance Sheet TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO. LTD Balance Sheet (Un-audited) 31 Mar. 2009 Unit: RMB Yuan Balance at the period-end Balance at the year-begin Assets Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company Current Assets: Monetary funds 293,027,343.63 1,050,181.92 416,506,274.82 4,939,594.77 Transaction financial asset 400,184.39 - - - Notes receivable 3,710,656.00 - 5,823,544.00 - Accounts receive bale 275,192,090.13 36,375.82 397,162,581.71 36,375.82 Account paid in advance 2,187,200.57 - 8,910,798.94 - Interest receivable - - - - Dividend receivable - - - - Other account receivable 20,955,507.14 14,683,128.50 28,986,324.35 12,104,980.52 Inventories 390,495,360.46 - 451,226,252.40 - Non-current assets due within 1 year - - - - Other current assets - - - - Total current assets 985,968,342.32 15,769,686.24 1,308,615,776.22 17,080,951.11 Non-current assets Financial assets available for sale 162,993.60 162,993.60 109,771.20 109,771.20 Held to maturity investments - - - - Long-term account receivable 85,057,928.28 - 68,487,888.93 - Long-term equity investment 40,000.00 1,005,105,478.85 40,000.00 1,000,105,478.85 Investing property 37,104,677.34 42,976,511.54 37,454,887.11 43,714,625.57 Fixed asset 695,072,586.94 25,589,802.82 764,092,618.51 26,967,210.64 Project in construction 5,382,413.79 - 3,424,340.41 - Engineering material - - - - Fixed asset disposal - - - - Bearer biological asset Oil assets Intangible assets 29,784,822.93 16,418,321.57 30,593,459.40 16,643,800.55 Development expense - - - - Goodwill - - - - Long-term expense to be apportioned 943,417.38 148,283.14 872,772.88 155,458.15 Deferred tax assets 20,848,698.60 - 22,678,901.17 - Other non-current assets - - - - Total of non-current assets 874,397,538.86 1,090,401,391.52 927,754,639.61 1,087,696,344.96 Total assets 1,860,365,881.18 1,106,171,077.76 2,236,370,415.83 1,104,777,296.0710 TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO. LTD Balance Sheet-Continued (Un-audited) 31 Mar. 2009 Unit: RMB Yuan Balance at the period-end Balance at the year-begin Liabilities and Shareholders’ Equity Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company Current liabilities: Short-term borrowings 22,941,280.40 - - - Transaction financial liabilities - - - - Notes payable 125,645,834.06 - 177,596,760.89 - Account payable 547,344,190.67 189,438.49 754,405,955.98 142,211.99 Account received in advance 15,847,694.59 - 21,452,230.01 - Employee’s compensation payable 35,574,898.40 113,766.55 48,805,639.01 111,791.55 Tax payable 61,440,931.11 69,247,585.48 44,278,598.83 69,208,975.75 Interest payable - - - - Dividend payable - - - - Other account payable 243,985,909.34 631,159,595.83 396,253,973.13 627,777,161.60 Non-current liabilities due within 1 year - - - - Other current liabilities - - - - Total current liabilities 1,052,780,738.57 700,710,386.35 1,442,793,157.85 697,240,140.89 Non-current liabilities: Long-term borrowings 68,359,000.00 - 68,346,000.00 - Bonds payable - - - - Long-term accounts receivable - - - - Deferred income 44,681,574.17 - 43,400,202.15 - Projected liabilities - - - - Deferred tax liabilities 708,682.20 26,458.72 636,428.64 14,232.82 Other non-current liabilities - - - - Total of non-current liabilities 113,749,256.37 26,458.72 112,382,630.79 14,232.82 Total liabilities 1,166,529,994.94 700,736,845.07 1,555,175,788.64 697,254,373.71 Shareholders’ equity Share capital 1,112,350,077.00 1,112,350,077.00 1,112,350,077.00 1,112,350,077.00 Capital surplus 125,114,740.00 123,591,016.28 125,073,743.50 123,550,019.78 Less: Treasury Stock - - - - Reserved fund - - - - General risk provision - - - - Retained earnings -883,841,617.65 -830,506,860.59 -893,107,158.60 -828,377,174.42 Foreign exchange difference -692,838.35 - -539,902.93 - Total shareholders' equity attributable to parent company 352,930,361.00 405,434,232.69 343,776,758.97 407,522,922.36 Minority interest 340,905,525.24 - 337,417,868.22 - Total owner’s equity 693,835,886.24 405,434,232.69 681,194,627.19 407,522,922.36 Total liabilities and Shareholders’ equity 1,860,365,881.18 1,106,171,077.76 2,236,370,415.83 1,104,777,296.07 Prepared by TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO. LTD Legal Representative: Jian Derong Chief Accountant: Chen Zongyi Person in charge of accounting firms: Chen Zongyi11 4.2Income statement TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO. LTD Income Statement (Un-audited) 1 Jan.-31 Mar. 2009 Unit: RMB Yuan Jan.-Mar. 2009 Jan.-Mar. 2008 Items Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company I. Total sales 577,748,701.77 1,467,310.50 964,770,874.21 5,229,699.56 Less: sales cost 499,968,355.39 1,436,833.51 921,259,210.57 4,581,161.50 Taxes and associate charges 1,122,723.93 73,732.59 989,480.94 60,164.18 Sales expenses 16,844,004.28 - 26,557,223.12 - Administrative expenses 47,871,493.75 1,998,357.36 45,421,408.47 3,199,933.73 Financial expense 1,929,636.45 385,828.92 22,282,498.91 -1,602,379.80 Impairment loss -574,573.60 239,718.53 -1,346,758.31 -184,376.00 Add: gain/(loss) from change in fair value (“-” means loss) 400,184.39 - 42,912,650.00 - Gain/(loss) from investment (“-” means loss) 7,500.00 7,500.00 15,065,200.00 Including: income form investment on affiliated enterprise and jointly enterprise - - - - II. Business profit (“-” means loss) 10,994,745.96 -2,659,660.41 7,585,660.51 -824,804.05 Add: non-business income 4,690,529.35 526,848.45 2,926,560.74 2,556,389.74 Less: non-business expense 1,029,050.35 -3,125.79 708,488.37 Including: loss from non-current asset disposal - - - III. Total profit (“-” means loss) 14,656,224.96 -2,129,686.17 9,803,732.88 1,731,585.69 Less: income tax expense 1,903,026.99 - 1,044,736.50 IV. Net profit (“-” means loss) 12,753,197.97 -2,129,686.17 8,758,996.38 1,731,585.69 Including: profit of merged party realized before consolidation - - Attributable to parent company 9,265,540.95 -2,129,686.17 7,476,327.70 1,731,585.69 Minority interest 3,487,657.02 - 1,282,668.68 - V. Earnings per share (I) basic earnings per share 0.01 0.01 (II) diluted earnings per share 0.01 0.01 Prepared by TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO. LTD Legal Representative: Jian Derong Chief Accountant: Chen Zongyi Person in charge of accounting firms: Chen Zongyi12 4.3 Cash flow statement TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO. LTD Cash Flow Statement (Un-audited) 1 Jan.-31 Mar. 2009 Unit: RMB Yuan Jan.-Mar. 2009 Jan.-Mar. 2008 Items Consolidation Parent company Consolidation Parent company I. Cash flows for operating activities: Cash received from sales of goods or rending of services 694,634,048.06 -55,654.53 881,650,654.94 584,140.14 Refund of tax and fare received 39,832,838.47 0.00 34,752,712.55 0.00 Other cash received relating to operating activities 20,812,493.27 9,626,761.89 56,332,039.11 9,192,527.91 Sub-total of cash inflows 755,279,379.80 9,571,107.36 972,735,406.60 9,776,668.05 Cash paid for goods and services 629,930,367.48 97,875.24 818,503,264.92 114,643.71 Cash paid to and on behalf of employees 82,053,671.94 8,049,475.30 113,810,307.42 8,929,687.85 Tax and fare paid 4,604,107.30 844,585.11 7,294,557.21 1,914,020.42 Other cash paid relating to operating activities 55,758,621.56 2,287,988.26 103,800,967.53 985,555.07 Sub-total of cash outflows 772,346,768.28 11,279,923.91 1,043,409,097.08 11,943,907.05 Net cash flow from operating activities -17,067,388.48 -1,708,816.55 -70,673,690.48 -2,167,239.00 II. Cash Flows from Investment Activities: 0.00 0.00 Cash received from return of investments 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Cash received from investment income 7,500.00 7,500.00 0.00 0.00 Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets 5,013,299.10 0.00 5,903,729.11 5,903,729.11 Net cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other operating units 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Other cash received relating to investment activities 0.00 0.00 1,258,944.29 46,103.65 Sub-total of cash inflows 5,020,799.10 7,500.00 7,162,673.40 5,949,832.76 Cash paid for acquiring fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets 11,903,131.66 0.00 17,135,743.35 95,150.00 Cash paid for acquiring investments 0.00 5,000,000.00 0.00 5,000,000.00 Net cash used in acquiring subsidiaries and other operating units 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Other cash paid relating to investment activities 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sub-total of cash outflows 11,903,131.66 5,000,000.00 17,135,743.35 5,095,150.00 Net cash flow from investing activities -6,882,332.56 -4,992,500.00 -9,973,069.95 854,682.76 III. Cash Flows from Financing Activities: 0.00 0.00 0.00 Cash received from absorbing investment 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Including: Cash received from increase in minority interest 0.00 0.00 0.00 Cash received from borrowings 198,581,782.40 157,261,700.00 265,786,801.92 178,281,000.00 Other cash relating to financing activities 0.00 120,000,000.00 0.00 0.00 Sub-total of cash inflows 198,581,782.40 277,261,700.00 265,786,801.92 178,281,000.00 Cash paid for settling debt 293,362,263.82 274,400,368.22 306,522,438.35 0.00 Cash paid for distribution of dividends or profit or reimbursing interest 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Including: dividends or profit paid to minority interest 0.00 0.00 0.00 Other cash payments relating to financing activities 0.00 0.00 0.00 176,932,300.00 Sub-total of cash outflows 293,362,263.82 274,400,368.22 306,522,438.35 176,932,300.00 Net cash flow from financing activities -94,780,481.42 2,861,331.78 -40,735,636.43 1,348,700.00 IV. Effect of foreign exchange rate changes -1,913,245.04 -49,428.08 -4,314,866.57 -640,724.61 V. Increase in cash and cash equivalents -120,643,447.50 -3,889,412.85 -125,697,263.43 -604,580.85 Add: Cash and cash equivalents at year-begin 399,276,546.68 4,939,594.77 534,372,308.53 3,722,741.66 VI. Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 278,633,099.18 1,050,181.92 408,675,045.10 3,118,160.81 Prepared by TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO. LTD Legal Representative: Jian Derong Chief Accountant: Chen Zongyi Person in charge of accounting firms: Chen Zongyi13 4.4 Auditor’s report Auditor’s opinion: un-audited Board of Directors of TSANN KUEN (CHINA) ENTERPRISE CO., LTD Chairman of the Board: Jian Derong 11 Apr. 2009