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                        Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                         Annual Report 2023


                                    ANNUAL REPORT 2023

                                           April 2024

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                Annual Report 2023

                                    ANNUAL REPORT 2023

           Part I Important Notes, Table of Contents and Definitions

The Board of Directors (or the “Board”), the Supervisory Committee as well as the directors,
supervisors and senior management of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. (hereinafter
referred to as the “Company”) hereby guarantee the factuality, accuracy and completeness of
the contents of this Report and its summary, and shall be jointly and severally liable for any
misrepresentations, misleading statements or material omissions therein.
Wan Shan, the Company’s legal representative, Tang Qionglan, the Company’s Chief
Financial Officer (CFO), and Liang Yuefei, the person-in-charge of the Company’s accounting
organ (equivalent to accounting manager) hereby guarantee that the Financial Statements
carried in this Report are factual, accurate and complete.
All the Company’s directors have attended the Board meeting for the review of this Report
and its summary.
The future plans and other forward-looking statements, as well as the cautionary statements
mentioned in this Report shall NOT be considered as virtual promises of the Company to
investors. And investors are kindly reminded to be well aware of possible risks.
The Company has described in detail in this Report the risk of macro-economic fluctuations
and intensified market competition, the risk of rising raw material prices, the risk of exchange
rate fluctuations, the risk of the recoverability of accounts receivable. Please refer to the
section headed “Potential Risks” in Item XI of Part III of this Report.
The Board has approved a final dividend plan as follows: based on the share capital of
1,535,778,230 shares (the total share capital of 1,548,778,230 shares minus the remaining
13,000,000 A-shares repurchased in the share repurchase account at the disclosure date of the
2023 Annual Report, a cash dividend of RMB1.2 (tax inclusive) per 10 shares is to be
distributed to the shareholders, with no bonus issue from either profit or capital reserves.
Where any change occurs to the total shares entitled to the final dividend due to any new issue,
grant of equity incentives, etc. when the final dividend plan is implemented, the dividend per
share shall remain the same while the total payout amount shall be adjusted accordingly.
This Report has been prepared in both Chinese and English. Should there be any
discrepancies or misunderstandings between the two versions, the Chinese version shall

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                     Annual Report 2023

                                                  Table of Contents

Part I Important Notes, Table of Contents and Definitions ........................................................... 2

Part II Corporate Information and Key Financial Information ................................................... 6

Part III Management Discussion and Analysis ............................................................................. 13

Part IV Corporate Governance ...................................................................................................... 60

Part V Environmental and Social Responsibility ......................................................................... 91

Part VI Significant Events ............................................................................................................. 104

Part VII Share Changes and Shareholder Information ............................................................. 149

Part VIII Preferred Shares ........................................................................................................... 165

Part IX Corporate Bonds .............................................................................................................. 166

Part X Financial Statements ......................................................................................................... 167

                                                                     Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                         Annual Report 2023

                        Documents Available for Reference

Investors and interested parties can get access to the following materials in the Board Secretary’s

Office in the Company’s office building:

1. The financial statements signed and stamped by the Company’s legal representative, Chief

Financial Officer, and the person-in-charge of the Company’s accounting organ.

2. The original copy of the Independent Auditor’s Report signed and stamped by the certified public

accountants and stamped by the CPA firm.

3. The originals of all the Company’s announcements and documents disclosed to the public during

the Reporting Period on the media designated by the CSRC for information disclosure.

                                                                                                 Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                     Annual Report 2023


                        Term                                                                Definition
                                                         Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. and its consolidated subsidiaries,
The “Company”, “listed company”, “FSL” or “we”
                                                         except where the context otherwise requires
Rising Holdings Group                                    Guangdong Rising Holdings Group Co., Ltd.
Electronics Group                                        Guangdong Electronics Information Industry Group Ltd.
Hong Kong Rising Investment                              Rising Investment Development Limited
Hongkong Wah Shing                                       Hongkong Wah Shing Holding Company Limited
                                                         Guangdong Rising Capital Investment Co., Ltd. (formerly known as
Rising Capital
                                                         “Guangdong Rising Finance Holding Co., Ltd.”)
Shenzhen Rising Investment                               Shenzhen Rising Investment Development Co., Ltd.
NationStar Optoelectronics                               Foshan NationStar Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.
NationStar Semiconductor                                 Foshan NationStar Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd.
Sigma                                                    Foshan Sigma Venture Capital Co., Ltd.
Nanning Liaowang                                         Nanning Liaowang Auto Lamp Co., Ltd.
                                                         Guangdong Fenghua Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd. (formerly known as
Fenghua Semiconductor
                                                         “Guangdong Yuejing High-tech Co., Ltd.”)
CSRC                                                     China Securities Regulatory Commission
SZSE                                                     Shenzhen Stock Exchange
General meeting                                          General meeting of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
Board of Directors                                       The board of directors of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
Supervisory Committee                                    The supervisory committee of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                         Expressed in the Chinese currency of Renminbi, expressed in tens of thousands
RMB, RMB’0,000, RMB’00,000,000
                                                         of Renminbi, expressed in hundreds of millions of Renminbi

                                                                                            Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                Annual Report 2023

        Part II Corporate Information and Key Financial Information

I Corporate Information

Stock name                     FSL, FSL-B                               Stock code                    000541/200541

Stock exchange for listing     Shenzhen Stock Exchange

Company name in Chinese        佛山电器照明股份有限公司

Abbr.                          佛山照明

Company name in English (if
                               FOSHAN ELECTRICAL AND LIGHTING CO.,LTD

Abbr. (if any)                 FSL

Legal representative           Wan Shan

Registered address             No. 64, Fenjiang North Road, Chancheng District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, P.R.China

Zip code                       528000

Changes of registered address N/A

Office address                 No. 8, Zhihui Road, Chancheng District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, P.R.China

Zip code                       528051

Company website                www.chinafsl.com

Email address                  gzfsligh@pub.foshan.gd.cn

II Contact Information

                                                          Board Secretary                       Securities Representative

Name                                        Huang Zhenhuan                              Huang Yufen

                                            No. 8, Zhihui Road, Chancheng District,     No. 8, Zhihui Road, Chancheng District,
Address                                     Foshan City, Guangdong Province,            Foshan City, Guangdong Province,
                                            P.R.China                                   P.R.China

Tel.                                        (0757)82810239                            (0757)82966028

Fax                                         (0757)82816276                            (0757)82816276

Email address                               fsldsh@chinafsl.com                         fslhyf@163.com

III Media for Information Disclosure and Place where this Report Is Lodged

Stock exchange website where this Report is disclosed http://www.cninfo.com.cn

Media and website where this Report is disclosed        China Securities Journal, and http://www.cninfo.com.cn

Place where this Report is lodged                       Board Office, FSL Office Building, No. 8, Zhihui Road, Chancheng

                                                                                          Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                              Annual Report 2023

                                                     District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, P.R.China

IV Change to Company Registered Information

Unified social credit code                91440000190352575W

Change to principal activity of the
Company since going public (if any)

                                          In April 2006, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission
                                          (SASAC) of Foshan Municipal People's Government, the former controlling
                                          shareholder of the Company, transferred 13.47% of shares it held in the Company to
                                          OSRAM Prosperity Holding Company Limited (later renamed as "OSRAM Holding
                                          Company Limited"), and at the same time, SASAC of Foshan Municipal People's
                                          Government transferred 10.50% of shares it held in the Company to Prosperity Lamps
                                          & Components Limited. Upon completion of such transfer, the biggest shareholder of
                                          the Company was OSRAM Prosperity Holding Company Limited, and the Company
                                          had no any controlling shareholder or actual controller. In December 2015, OSRAM of
                                          Germany transferred 100% equity it held in OSRAM Holding Company Limited
                                          (OSRAM Holding Company Limited held 13.47% of shares of the Company, being the
                                          biggest shareholder of the Company and later renamed as "Hongkong Wah Shing
                                          Holding Company Limited") to Electronics Group. In addition, Electronics Group and
Every change of controlling shareholder   its parties acting in concert (Rising Capital, Shenzhen Rising Investment and Hong
since incorporation (if any)              Kong Rising Investment), held 23.144% of the shares of the Company through
                                          increasing their shareholding of the Company. Electronics Group and its parties acting
                                          in concert became the controlling shareholder of the Company and Electronics Group
                                          is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Rising Holdings Group. In December 2021, wholly-
                                          owned subsidiaries of Rising Holdings Group, Rising Capital and Shenzhen Rising
                                          Investment transferred 5.94% of shares they held in the Company to Rising Holdings
                                          Group through transfer by agreement for no compensation. Therefore, Rising Holdings
                                          Group and its parties acting in concert held 30% of shares in the Company. In February
                                          2022, the Company repurchased and retired certain shares, and Rising Holdings Group
                                          and its parties acting in concert held 30.82% of shares in the Company. In November
                                          2023, the Company carried out a private placement of 186,783,583 shares of A-stock to
                                          specific parties, of which Rising Holdings Group subscribed for 46,695,895 shares. As
                                          of the date of this Report, Rising Holdings Group and its parties acting in concert hold
                                          30.12% of shares in the Company.

V Other Information

The independent audit firm hired by the Company:
Name                                                            WUYIGE Certified Public Accountants LLP
Office address                                                  Room 2206, 22/F, 1 Zhichun Road, Haidian District, Beijing
Accountants writing signatures                                  He Xiaojuan, and Wang Jingkun

The independent sponsor hired by the Company to exercise constant supervision over the Company in the

                                                                                                Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                    Annual Report 2023

Reporting Period:

 Applicable □ Not applicable
         Name of sponsor                 Office address                  Name of representative            Period of supervision
                                  No. 618, Shangcheng Road,
Guotai Junan Securities Co.,                                       Xu Zhenyu, and Yang                 From 4 December 2023 to 31
                                  China (Shanghai) Pilot Free
Ltd.                                                               Haoyue                              December 2024
                                  Trade Zone

The independent financial advisor hired by the Company to exercise constant supervision over the Company in

the Reporting Period:

 Applicable □ Not applicable
  Name of financial advisor              Office address                  Name of representative            Period of supervision
                                  52/F, T2 Office Building,
                                  Shenye Shangcheng (South
China Industrial Securities                                        Qiu Kaijuan, and Guo                From 23 February 2022 to 31
                                  Zone), 5001 Huanggang
Co., Ltd.                                                          Xiaomin                             December 2023
                                  Road, Futian District,

VI Key Financial Information

Indicate by tick mark whether there is any retrospectively restated datum in the table below.

 Yes □ No

Reason for retrospective restatement:

Change to accounting policies

                                                     2022                                                        2021
                           2023                                                 change (%)
                                           Before             Restated            Restated            Before              Restated
Operating           9,057,292,00       8,759,965,27         8,759,965,27                           8,726,241,05         8,726,241,05
revenue (RMB)               3.90               5.96                 5.96                                   3.50                 3.50
Net profit
attributable to
the listed          290,357,652.       230,394,235.         230,320,570.                           299,614,354.         299,633,273.
company’s                    22                 91                   67                                     88                   10
Net profit
attributable to
the listed
                    274,838,768.       221,545,061.         222,164,265.                           149,573,177.         149,612,843.
company’s                                                                            23.71%
                              63                 10                   49                                     56                   61

                                                                                     Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                         Annual Report 2023

gains and losses
Net cash
from/used in       1,174,389,97   1,064,888,32     1,064,888,32                         433,473,948.       433,473,948.
operating                  8.98           0.69             0.69                                   34                 34
Basic earnings
per share               0.2128          0.1708              0.1707          24.66%             0.2221             0.2161
earnings per
                        0.2108          0.1692              0.1691          24.66%             0.2200             0.2141
average return           5.51%            4.13%             4.13%            1.38%               4.20%             4.20%
on equity (%)
                                                                     Change of 31
                                                                     December 2023
                   31 December          31 December 2022                over 31                31 December 2021
                      2023                                           December 2022
                                     Before          Restated          Restated            Before            Restated
Total assets       16,934,439,9   15,287,061,1     15,288,917,9                         16,599,918,6       16,601,816,7
(RMB)                     15.02          19.70            18.86                                28.35              77.69
attributable to
the listed         6,285,442,80   5,173,066,09     5,173,011,34                         7,036,108,77       7,036,127,69
company’s                 8.19           5.76             8.74                                 2.54               0.76

Reason for changes in accounting policies and correction of accounting error:

The Ministry of Finance issued in November 2022 Interpretation No. 16 for the Accounting Standards for

Business Enterprises (hereinafter referred to as “Interpretation No. 16”), which stipulates the accounting

treatments for deferred income taxes associated with assets and liabilities arising from a single transaction to

which the initial recognition exemption does not apply. For further information, see “43. (1) Changes to

significant accounting policies” under Item V of Part X.

The Company has adopted the Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies

                                                                                 Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                     Annual Report 2023

Offering Their Securities to the Public—Exceptional Gain/Loss Items (Revised in 2023), and carried out the

relevant retrospective restatements.

Indicate by tick mark whether the lower of the net profit attributable to the listed company’s shareholders before

and after exceptional gains and losses was negative for the last three accounting years, and the latest

independent auditor’s report indicated that there was uncertainty about the Company’s ability to continue as a

going concern.

□ Yes  No

Indicate by tick mark whether the lower of the net profit attributable to the listed company’s shareholders before

and after exceptional gains and losses was negative.

□ Yes  No

VII Accounting Data Differences under China’s Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises (CAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Foreign
Accounting Standards

1. Net Profit and Equity under CAS and IFRS

□ Applicable  Not applicable

No difference for the Reporting Period.

2. Net Profit and Equity under CAS and Foreign Accounting Standards

□ Applicable  Not applicable

No difference for the Reporting Period.

VIII Key Financial Information by Quarter

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                                Q1                     Q2                      Q3                       Q4
Operating revenue          2,193,613,606.54       2,372,449,122.48       2,230,945,274.66         2,260,284,000.22
Net profit attributable
to the listed company’s      66,221,546.43         102,713,686.11          69,756,568.65             51,665,851.03
Net profit attributable
to the listed company’s
shareholders before           59,526,020.95         120,863,190.58          49,838,998.43             44,610,558.67
exceptional gains and

                                                                               Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                   Annual Report 2023

Net cash generated
from/used in operating       74,718,240.10         313,150,817.10        365,697,164.52           420,823,757.26

Indicate by tick mark whether any of the quarterly financial data in the table above or their summations differs

materially from what have been disclosed in the Company’s quarterly or interim reports.

□ Yes  No

IX Exceptional Gains and Losses
 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

             Item             2023                   2022                   2021                     Note
Gain or loss on
disposal of non-current
assets (inclusive of         11,286,004.48          -8,216,871.49         82,233,742.26
impairment allowance
Government grants
recognised in current
profit or loss (exclusive
of those that are closely
related to the
Company's normal
business operations and
given in accordance          52,146,676.20          67,165,060.76         15,936,448.78
with defined criteria
and in compliance with
government policies,
and have a continuing
impact on the
Company's profit or
Gain or loss on fair-
value changes in
financial assets and
liabilities held by a
enterprise, as well as
on disposal of financial    -10,070,899.66         -19,057,137.27         10,663,119.44
assets and liabilities
(exclusive of the
effective portion of
hedges that arise in the
Company’s ordinary
course of business)
Capital occupation
charges on a non-
financial enterprise that       224,271.91             339,583.00             881,704.19
are charged to current
profit or loss
Reversed portions of            573,448.92           1,203,963.23

                                                                                 Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                     Annual Report 2023

impairment allowances
for receivables which
are tested individually
for impairment
Current profit or loss
on subsidiaries
obtained in business
combinations involving
                                                      22,504,245.08         233,275,576.92
enterprises under
common control from
the period-beginning to
combination dates, net
Non-operating income
and expense other than         4,424,223.10           10,557,819.17         10,640,975.11
the above
Less: Income tax
                               5,440,558.97            4,192,386.71         17,217,193.63
interests effects (net of     37,624,282.39           62,147,970.59         186,393,943.58
Total                         15,518,883.59            8,156,305.18         150,020,429.49               --

Details of other items that meet the definition of exceptional gain/loss:

□ Applicable  Not applicable

No such cases for the Reporting Period.

Explanation of why the Company reclassifies as recurrent an exceptional gain/loss item listed in the

Explanatory Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the

Public—Exceptional Gain/Loss Items:

□ Applicable  Not applicable

No such cases for the Reporting Period.

                                                                                Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                    Annual Report 2023

                   Part III Management Discussion and Analysis

I Industry Overview for the Reporting Period

In 2023, the lighting industry experienced a period of recovery under pressure. On one hand, the continued
slump in the domestic real estate market and weak downstream demand have had a certain impact on the
recovery of the domestic lighting market. On the other hand, the international market is complex and volatile,
combined with weakened external demand and the relocation of industrial chains, making market expansion
more challenging. The industry reshuffle is accelerating. Enterprises with advantages in technology, fund and
brand were gradually expanding their market shares, and high-quality resources were being channeled to
leading players. With the national policy of "Carbon Emission Peak and Carbon Neutrality", major lighting
enterprises accelerated the development of high energy-saving and intelligent products with better light quality.
To this end, they carried out integration and extension by focusing on healthy and intelligent lighting.
Concurrently, with the continuously iterated technologies and policy encouragement, the lighting application
scenarios got increasingly diversified. Moreover, segmentations such as intelligent lighting, healthy lighting,
animal and plant lighting would usher in more development opportunities, injecting new impetus into the
industry development.

As automotive lights are core parts of an automobile, the automotive light industry development is closely
linked to the development of the automotive industry. In 2023, due to the policy incentives for car purchases
and the growing market for new energy vehicles, the automobile output and sales in China for 2023 reached
30.161 million and 30.094 million, up by 11.62% and 12.02% year on year, respectively. The new energy
vehicle industry achieved ongoing rapid growth. Statistically, the output and sales of new energy vehicles for
2023 reached 9.587 million and 9.495 million, up by 35.8% and 37.9% year on year, respectively. Additionally,
the market share of new energy vehicles rose to 31.6%. The growth in automobile output and sales boosted the
demand in the automotive light market. In recent years, with the significant growth in sales of new energy
vehicles, the rise of domestic automotive brands, and the improvement of research and development capabilities
and cost advantages of enterprises along the entire industry chain, Chinese auto parts enterprises have gradually
been incorporated by vehicle companies into their supply chain systems. This has contributed to the
continuously accelerated replacement with domestic products and given more opportunities to Chinese
automotive light enterprises. At the same time, with the development of automotive industry technologies, the
increasingly electronic, intelligent and diversified automotive light-related technologies have brought new
development opportunities to the industry, while also placing higher demands on the innovative capabilities of
automotive lighting companies.

Affected by the slow global economic recovery and consumer downgrading, the recovery of end-market
demand fell short of expectations in 2023, bringing a certain impact on the development of the LED packaging
industry. Many small and medium-sized enterprises were forced to exit, suggesting a potential increase in
industry concentration. Still, with the upgraded technologies, some application fields, such as new Mini/Micro
LED displays and automotive LED lighting are experiencing a counter-trend growth. The application domains
of these products continue to expand, accelerating the industry's transformation towards high value-added
businesses. Enterprises with strong technological innovation capabilities, brand influence, and capital strength
will continue to benefit from the industry's development.

                                                                                  Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                      Annual Report 2023

II Principal Operations of the Company in the Reporting Period

(I) Principal operations

The Company has been committed to the R&D, production and sale of high-quality and energy-efficient
lighting products in order to provide integrated lighting solutions for customers. It is the controlling shareholder
of Nanning Liaowang Auto Lamp Co., Ltd. ("Nanning Liaowang") and Foshan NationStar Optoelectronics Co.,
Ltd. ("NationStar Optoelectronics") through acquisition programs starting from 2021. At present, the principal
business of the Company mainly includes the R&D, production and sale of general lighting products, electrical
products, automotive lighting products, and LED packaging products.

The general lighting business of the Company mainly covers LED light sources, LED luminaries, traditional
lighting products and comprehensive lighting solutions for home lighting, commercial lighting, industrial
lighting, municipal road lighting and landscape lighting. Over recent years, the Company has been exploring
new fields, including smart lighting, healthy lighting, marine lighting, airport lighting, and animal and plant

Electrical products mainly include switches, sockets, smart control panels, and smart door locks.

Based on its own automotive light sources and modules, the Company, relying on its majority-owned subsidiary
Nanning Liaowang, has expanded the automotive lighting business into the automotive light assembly sector,
involving basically all the lights that an automobile requires, such as headlights, rear light combos, fog lights,
backup lights, interior lights, and license plate lights. The main clients of Nanning Liaowang include SAIC-
GM-Wuling Automobile, Chongqing Changan Automobile, SERES, IM, Bestune, SAIC Maxus Automotive,
and other whole-automobile manufacturers. And medium- and high-end products take up an increasing
percentage of its total sales of automotive lights.

The Company conducts LED packaging business mainly by relying on its majority-owned subsidiary
NationStar Optoelectronics (stock code: 002449). The primary products include LED epitaxial wafers and chips,
LED packaging and component products, integrated circuit packaging products, and third generation compound
semiconductor packaging products, which are widely used for consumer electronics, home appliances,
computers, communications, display and lighting products, general lighting, automotive lighting, sterilization
and purification, plant lighting, and other fields.

(II) Business models

1. Procurement model

The Company's procurement department should ensure that the procured materials and products meet the
prescribed requirements and that procurement activities are under control. Besides, it should consider the needs
of each department and the reasonable stock quantity before carrying out any procurement, and determine
suppliers by means of bidding, price negotiation, and price comparison. There should be several backup
suppliers of each principal raw material to ensure fair procurement price, timely material supply, and reliable

                                                                               Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                   Annual Report 2023

2. Production model

For routine products, the production plan for the next month is prepared based on the analysis of the sales of
each month and changes in the future market demand and the safe stock benchmark. Each production
department produces products as planned so as to control the stock and meet the sales demand. For customized
products, the make-to-order strategy is implemented to effectively control the stock quantity of raw materials,
reduce the funds that are tied up, and improve the Company's operational efficiency.

3. Sales model

In the general lighting business, for domestic sales, the Company adopts the model of agency distribution and
direct supply to engineering projects. The Company primarily sells in hardware distribution, home, engineering,
and e-commerce & retail sale channels. For foreign sales, the Company adopts the models of OEM and
independent brands. The sale of products of independent brands abroad is carried out mainly via agencies.

In the automotive lighting business, in the factory-installed market, the model of supplying automotive light
products directly to OEMs is mainly adopted; in the aftermarket, products are mainly sold by agencies.

In the LED packaging business, the direct sale model is mainly adopted, in which products are sold through
direct communication with clients.

(III) Main driving forces for growth

The Company upholds the overall idea of "stabilizing the fundamentals and strengthening new businesses", and
continuously strengthens the innovation driver and refines the business portfolio. Additionally, it promotes the
change of the marketing model, intensifies management improvement, and vigorously explores market
segments. Since 2021, the Company has acquired Nanning Liaowang and NationStar Optoelectronics, which
has provided strong support for the Company to rapidly enter the OEM market and make the automobile vehicle
lamp business of the Company stronger and bigger, as well as to strengthen integration upstream and
downstream of the industrial chain of LED. Meanwhile, with the evolution of the industrial competition model,
consumers are getting increasingly concerned with product quality and brand. As a result, lighting companies
with weak competitiveness will be gradually elbowed out of the market while large enterprises or enterprises
with core competitiveness will have more market opportunities. By virtue of its advantages in technology, brand,
channel and scale, the Company has continued to promote the technical upgrading of its primary products,
improve product quality, beef up market expansion and optimize the business portfolio through sustained
spending on R&D and technical innovation. Meanwhile, it has gained an advantageous position in the process
of enhancing market concentration by increasing the level of production automation, effectively controlling
purchase costs and ramping up production efficiency.

III Core Competitiveness Analysis

The Company has been dedicated to the R&D, manufacturing and sale of lighting products since its
establishment. Through continuous channel development, branding, investment in R&D and innovation as well
as vertical integration of the industrial chain, the core competitiveness of the Company has been further
strengthened, which is mainly reflected in the following aspects:

                                                                                 Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                     Annual Report 2023

Channel advantage

The Company has been sticking to the market strategy of deeply cultivating and refining channels. Over years
of development and experience, the Company has been equipped with four major sales channels in domestic
market (hardware distribution, home, engineering, and e-commerce & retail sales channels), forming a
marketing network covering the whole country; in foreign market, the Company has made active steps to
develop international market business, sold products to more than 120 countries and regions in North America,
Europe, Southeast Asia, Africa and Oceania, and kept improving overseas sales channel. By virtue of its
powerful and comprehensive sales channels, the Company has enabled its products to enter market rapidly,
substantially enhancing its market development abilities and competitiveness. Nanning Liaowang is a major
manufacturer in the Chinese automotive light industry. It has accumulated stable whole-automobile
manufacturing clients and has been developing customers of medium- and high-end and new energy vehicle
makers. Its client entities are increasingly diverse. NationStar Optoelectronics has an excellent client structure.
It has established a long-term cooperative relationship with industry-leading display manufacturers and
internationally famous home appliance enterprises, has successfully showcased its products in many large
events and high-end venues at home and abroad, and is widely recognized by end clients and the market.

Brand advantage

As a national brand that has 66 years of experience in the lighting industry, the presence and value of “FSL” has
continued to increase. For 18 consecutive years, the Company has been included in the list of "China's 500 Most
Valuable Brands". In 2023, the value of FSL brand reached RMB31.219 billion. In 2014, “FSL” was recognized
by China’s Ministry of Commerce as a “China Time-honored Brand”. In recent years, with the enhancement of
its development positioning, product design and user experience, the Company has initiated the strategy of
brand upgrading and carried out promotion by centering around the new "Professional, Healthy, Fashionable
and Intelligent". In addition, it has accelerated brand building through high-end mainstream media platform,
Internet emerging media and offline terminal advertising respectively, maximized the brand and product
communication effect, formed a comprehensive and diversified publicity position, and driven the transition of
“FSL” from an industrial brand to a popular brand to maintain the brand vitality and competitiveness. The brand
"FSL" has become one of the most influential and popular industrial brands in China, and the powerful brand
influence has played a key role in driving the sustained growth of the Company’s sales. Nanning Liaowang
strictly abides by the national industry standards when producing automotive lights of the "Liaowang" brand. It
has been hailed as a high-quality supplier of car manufacturers for quite a few times. NationStar
Optoelectronics has been awarded honors such as "National High-tech Enterprise Certification", "Brand Power",
"Top 10 LED Packaging Brands", GREE’s “Excellent Display Device Suppler”, and Midea’s “Partner of
Excellent Quality”, which constantly enhances its image of professionalism and brand advantages.

R&D technical advantage

The Company values the R&D of new products and the development of innovation and R&D teams, and has
established a scientific and independent science and technology innovation system, and a team of well-
structured, collaborative and efficient talents. It has further increased spending on technology and introduced
first-class R&D equipment and facilities from home and abroad to provide favourable conditions for scientific
and technological innovation. The Company is a national high-tech company, and its testing center has the
CNAS-approved qualification. In addition, the Company has built innovative platforms such as "Guangdong

                                                                                  Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                      Annual Report 2023

Engineering Technology Development Center", "Guangdong Industrial Design Center", "Guangdong Enterprise
Technology Center", and "Lighting Research Institute". Besides, the Company has won the title of "National IP
Demonstration Enterprise" and established a "Postdoctoral Research Station (Substation)" and a "Guangdong
Science and Technology Expert Workstation" to explore and intensify efforts in the cutting-edge technology of
LEDs, and address key issues and common technology issues in the industry. It has formed technical barriers
with proprietary intellectual property rights in lighting, spectroscopic, electrical, IoT, AI and many other fields.
Cumulatively, the company and its holding subsidiaries have been granted more than 2,200 valid patents. Also,
they have led or participated in the formulation or revision of 238 standards at all levels, which have been
issued. The Company actively integrates internal and external resources and collaborates with Tsinghua
University, Fudan University, Sun Yat-sen University, South China University of Technology, Dalian Ocean
University, Institute of Deep-Sea Science and Engineering of CAS, Ji Hua Laboratory, and other scientific
research institutes to establish in-depth industrial and research cooperation, so as to promote key technological
breakthroughs and transformation of scientific and technological achievements. Meanwhile, the Company has
formed a smooth R&D talent cultivation channel to provide a strong guarantee for the Company to maintain
technological leadership and continuous product innovation. Nanning Liaowang boasts a provincial enterprise
technology center, a provincial R&D center, and a Guangxi automotive lighting parts engineering technology
research center; and established the Automotive Lighting Research Institute and multiple R&D centres. In
recent years, Nanning Liaowang has increased investment in R&D, accelerated investment in various lens
modules and interactive signal lamp technologies, and continuously enhanced its R&D strength. NationStar
Optoelectronics has created 14 R&D platforms, including the Postdoctoral Research Station, and the National-
and local-joint Engineering Laboratory for Semiconductor Lighting Materials and Components. It has
undertaken near 30 national research projects such as the national "863" program and the key national R&D
program, in addition to more than 100 provincial and ministerial research projects. Besides, it has won honors
such as "National Intellectual Property Demonstration Enterprise", “China Patent Gold Award”, "National
Science and Technology Progress Award (first/second prize)", as well as “GG Golden Globe Award”.
Moreover, it has constantly made breakthroughs and surmounted technological challenges in emerging areas
such as Mini/Micro LED, third-generation semiconductor SiC power devices and GaN devices, smart health
sensors, automotive components, and new optoelectronic components.

Scale advantage

As one of the enterprises to first step into the industry of producing and selling lighting products, the Company
forms a capability of mass manufacturing by years of experience accumulation. After years of continuous
investment, the Company has greatly improved its production automation level. The large-scale and centralized
production brings obvious economic benefits to the Company, which not only shows in manufacture cost of
products, but also shows in aspects such as raw material procurement and price negotiation. With
manufacturing bases in Nanning, Liuzhou, Chongqing, Qingdao, and Indonesia, Nanning Liaowang has an
annual production capacity of more than five million sets of automotive lights. NationStar Optoelectronics
began engaging in LED packaging in 1976. It is included in the first batch of enterprises that have produced
LED products and the first Chinese enterprise to go public with LED packaging as its principal business.
Besides, it is one of the largest LED manufacturers in China.

Advantage of a vertical and integrated LED industrial chain

                                                                                 Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                     Annual Report 2023

By controlling NationStar Optoelectronics, whose business covers the entire LED industry chain, including
upstream LED chip manufacturing, midstream LED packaging, and downstream LED application products, the
Company has optimized the industry chain and further enhanced its competitiveness and visibility in the

IV Analysis of Principal Operations

1. Overview

In 2023, in response to unfavourable factors such as weak global economic recovery and reduced demand in the
lighting industry, the Company adhered to the principal business of manufacturing, putting “Stable Growth and
Increased Earnings” top on its agenda. By implementing the four-driver development measures of “internal
management, market expansion, innovation-driven growth, and capital support”, the Company has taken
targeted and down-to-earth actions, thus improving its quality and efficiency and maintaining its overall stable
production and operations. During the Reporting Period, the Company recorded operating revenue of
RMB9.057 billion, up by 3.39% year-on-year (YoY); and a net profit attributable to its shareholders of
RMB290 million , up by 26.07% YoY.

During the Reporting Period, the Company mainly focused on the following tasks:

1. "Striving" for market expansion, the Company achieved stable and progressive business performance.

The Company strengthened its situation judgment and analysis and operational management, continuously
implementing the "four major actions" and adopting multiple approaches to expand markets. First, channels
have been optimized. The Company have promoted channel extension, enhanced services to end-users, and
developed more hardware retail outlets. Additionally, a batch of exclusive stores were newly opened. Through
initiatives such as supporting weaker partners and promoting benchmarking, the Company improved the
operational capabilities of service providers, effectively driving sales growth. Second, actions were made to
enhance engineering business. The Company introduced a group of capable engineering distributors and
implemented high-level marketing and targeted sales strategies. As a result, it successfully won bids for a
number of centralized procurement projects and engineering projects. Additionally, the Company was selected
as a qualified supplier by several large corporate brand portfolios. Third, initiatives were launched to expand
overseas market. The Company conducted in-depth exploration of the potential of major customers, actively
engaged with their specific needs, and enhanced its service capabilities. Furthermore, it increased the promotion
and sales of its proprietary brands in the Middle East and South America, actively developing untapped markets
and developing new customers. Fourth, make new energy vehicle (NEV) lamp market. Newly developed 7
automobile OEMs, 62 new project orders, and project exchanges with a number of potential customers, and
make every effort to strive for more new products and new project orders.

2. Adhering to "Strict" management, the Company continued to improve the operation quality

The Company implementing special actions to improve fine management, focusing on key points and
difficulties, and taking multiple measures to reduce costs and improve quality and efficiency. First, a variety of
measures were adopted to minimize costs The Company strengthened the analysis of price trends for bulk
commodities and implemented measures such as supplier optimization, price comparison inquiries, negotiation

                                                                                Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                    Annual Report 2023

and bargaining, material substitution with new materials, reduction of material specifications, production line
acceleration, and process optimization to reduce procurement and manufacturing costs. Furthermore, it
enhanced comprehensive budget management and controlled expenditure to control costs. Second, strengthen
its control over inventory and accounts receivable. The Company strengthened sales forecasting and the
docking of production and marketing to improve production scheduling accuracy. It implemented real-time
monitoring and monthly inspections of product inventory, adhering to the principles of "Three Determinations
and Three Lines" to control inventory levels effectively. Furthermore, it enhanced credit evaluation for account
receivables, employing measures such as production suspension recovery, bill factoring, legal action, and risk
agency to recover outstanding receivables. Third, continue to promote manufacturing upgrades and digital
transformation. The Company carried out automation and intelligent upgrades, successfully completing the
construction of the second phase of the intelligent warehouse project. This initiative further enhanced logistics
efficiency and reduced storage costs, earning recognition as a "Digital and Intelligent Transformation
Benchmark Demonstration Project" in Foshan City. The Company also launched systems for research and
development lifecycle management, digital archives management, and initiated the construction of a financial
shared services centre and digitalized human resources systems. These efforts laid a solid foundation for the
comprehensive digital transformation of the Company.

3. Focus on speed, the Company prioritized innovation, effectively enhancing its technological support.

The Company has identified intelligent, healthy, and low-carbon lighting as its main focus for innovation. It has
consistently increased its investment in this area, accelerating technological upgrades and product iterations. In
doing so, the Company is committed to building a "hardcore support" for high-quality development.
Throughout the year, the Company invested a total of RMB535 million in research and development (R&D)
funds, representing a year-on-year growth of 16.18%. The intensity of R&D investment reached 5.9%. The
Company targeted market demands and conducted technological research to develop innovative products. It
introduced functional products such as interactive technology-based smart headlights and full-spectrum
intelligent eye-care desk lamps. The Company also built a competitive product portfolio with high-quality
offerings in areas such as constant lighting, photocatalysis, and outdoor lighting. Furthermore, it optimized and
upgraded eight major smart systems including smart home. The Company strengthened its efforts in applying
for independent intellectual property rights. Throughout the year, it was granted 334 authorized patents,
including 52 invention patents. It participated in the formulation of 28 industry standards and was awarded the
title of "Advanced Collective in the National Light Industry Standardization Work". It made the list of "Leading
Enterprises" in the national corporate standards for two consecutive years. The Company's UV core technology,
developed in collaboration, received the second prize of Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology
Progress Award. Additionally, three LED headlight technologies received the Guangxi Automotive Industry
Technology Innovation Achievement Award. The "High-Density and High-Reliability LED Display Device
Packaging and Testing Technology for 4K/8K" was selected for the "Leading Technologies" list in "Science
and Technology Innovation China". The MIP0404 device won the "Most Influential Product Award" in the
Expert Aurora Awards.

4. Prioritizing practical actions, the Company contributed to industrial transformation and upgrading.

During the Reporting Period, the Company successfully completed the project of issuing shares to specific
objects, and the funds raised were used for automation transformation and digital transformation, Hainan
Industrial Park I, intelligent street lamps, automotive lamp module production and construction of R&D centres,

                                                                                         Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                             Annual Report 2023

which provided a strong financial guarantee for the Company's new business cultivation, scientific and
technological innovation, and automation and digital upgrading.

2. Revenue and Cost Analysis

(1) Breakdown of Operating Revenue

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                        2023                                      2022
                                               As % of total                             As % of total
                                                                                                              Change (%)
                        Operating revenue   operating revenue     Operating revenue   operating revenue
                                                   (%)                                       (%)
                        9,057,292,003.9                           8,759,965,275.9
Total                                                     100%                                      100%               3.39%
                                      0                                         6
By operating division
Lighting products       5,372,636,104.7                           5,037,643,901.4
                                                         59.32%                                    57.51%              6.65%
and luminaries                        3                                         8
                        2,720,580,207.9                           2,821,927,649.9
component                                                30.04%                                    32.21%             -3.59%
                                      1                                         7
Export trade and
                         964,075,691.26                  10.64%    900,393,724.51                  10.28%              7.07%
By product category
General lighting        3,329,722,911.7                           3,136,174,210.7
                                                         36.76%                                    35.80%              6.17%
products                              8                                         2
LED packaging           2,497,194,527.3                           2,562,831,923.0
                                                         27.57%                                    29.26%             -2.56%
and components                        2                                         6
                        1,830,397,791.0                           1,729,839,032.1
Auto lamps                                               20.21%                                    19.75%              5.81%
                                      1                                         1
                        1,399,976,773.7                           1,331,120,110.0
Trade and other                                          15.46%                                    15.20%              5.17%
                                      9                                         7
By operating segment
                        7,028,294,952.4                           6,625,258,201.5
Domestic                                                 77.60%                                    75.63%              6.08%
                                      8                                         7
                        2,028,997,051.4                           2,134,707,074.3
Overseas                                                 22.40%                                    24.37%             -4.95%
                                      2                                         9
By sales model
Direct sales              82,407,639.56                  0.91%      51,977,666.74                  0.59%              58.54%
                        8,701,184,844.6                           8,442,797,638.6
Distribution                                             96.07%                                    96.38%              3.06%
                                      6                                         0
Other                    273,699,519.68                  3.02%     265,189,970.62                  3.03%               3.21%

(2) Operating Division, Product Category, Operating Segment and Distribution Model Contributing over
10% of Operating Revenue or Operating Profit

 Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                                                                                                Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                    Annual Report 2023

                                                                            YoY change in         YoY change in      YoY change in
                        Operating                          Gross profit
                                        Cost of sales                            operating          cost of sales      gross profit
                        revenue                              margin
                                                                              revenue (%)                 (%)          margin (%)
By operating division
                     5,372,636,10       4,148,715,57
products and                                                     22.78%                 6.65%               3.32%             2.49%
                             4.73               1.83
                     2,720,580,20       2,314,709,76
component                                                        14.92%               -3.59%               -3.31%            -0.25%
                             7.91               5.35
Export trade         964,075,691.       891,388,914.
                                                                  7.54%                 7.07%               9.43%            -1.99%
and other                      26                 83
By product category
                     3,329,722,91       2,496,127,61
lighting                                                         25.03%                 6.17%               2.25%             2.87%
                             1.78               4.48
LED packaging
                     2,497,194,52       2,043,780,17
and                                                              18.16%               -2.56%               -4.27%             1.46%
                             7.32               0.44
                     1,830,397,79       1,498,785,09
Auto lamps                                                       18.12%                 5.81%               3.98%             1.45%
                             1.01               5.87
                     1,399,976,77       1,316,121,37
Trade and other                                                   5.99%                 5.17%               9.08%            -3.37%
                             3.79               1.22
By operating segment
                     7,028,294,95       5,590,598,87
Domestic                                                         20.46%                 6.08%               4.35%             1.32%
                             2.48               9.20
                     2,028,997,05       1,764,215,37
Overseas                                                         13.05%               -4.95%               -5.48%             0.49%
                             1.42               2.81
By sales model
                     82,407,639.5       55,027,394.1
Direct sales                                                     33.23%               58.54%               66.13%            -3.05%
                                6                  9
                     8,701,184,84       7,093,981,59
Distribution                                                     18.47%                 3.06%               1.24%             1.46%
                             4.66               9.15
                     273,699,519.       205,805,258.
Other                                                            24.81%                 3.21%              11.99%            -5.89%
                               68                 67

Core business data of the prior year restated according to the changed statistical caliber for the Reporting Period:

□ Applicable  Not applicable

(3) Whether Revenue from Physical Sales Is Higher than Service Revenue

 Yes □ No
Operating division               Item               Unit                  2023                     2022              Change (%)
                        Unit sales          Piece                         714,617,415             744,109,776                -3.96%
Lighting products
                        Output              Piece                         721,393,924             740,109,114                -2.53%
and luminaries
                        Inventory           Piece                         115,735,970             108,959,461                 6.22%
Electronic              Unit sales          0,000 pieces                   18,219,061              21,582,719               -15.58%
component               Output              0,000 pieces                   18,815,038              20,960,964               -10.24%

                                                                                          Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                              Annual Report 2023

manufacturing      Inventory         0,000 pieces                       3,504,777                2,908,800             20.49%

Any over 30% YoY movements in the data above and why:

□ Applicable  Not applicable

(4) Execution Progress of Major Signed Sales and Purchase Contracts in the Reporting Period

□ Applicable  Not applicable

(5) Breakdown of Cost of Sales

By operating division and product category
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                                 2023                                    2022
  Operating                                             As % of total                           As % of total
                        Item                                                                                     Change (%)
   division                      Cost of sales          cost of sales    Cost of sales          cost of sales
                                                            (%)                                     (%)
                                 3,316,446,13                            3,223,139,89
products and    Raw materials                                  45.09%                                  44.62%           2.89%
                                         2.22                                    4.67
                                 468,703,890.                            440,097,973.
products and    Labor cost                                      6.37%                                   6.09%           6.50%
                                           32                                      97
                Depreciation     363,565,549.                            348,261,748.
products and                                                    4.94%                                   4.82%           4.39%
                and other                  29                                      35
                                 1,600,633,60                            1,746,279,78
component       Raw materials                                  21.76%                                  24.17%          -8.34%
                                         6.20                                    5.14
                                 147,593,047.                            163,881,020.
component       Labor cost                                      2.01%                                   2.27%          -9.94%
                                           13                                      62
                Manufacturing    566,483,112.                            487,707,388.
component                                                       7.70%                                   6.75%          16.15%
                costs                      02                                      50
                                 685,583,656.                            630,838,199.
Trade           Other                                           9.32%                                   8.73%           8.68%
                                           16                                      11
                                 205,805,258.                            183,765,491.
Other           Other                                           2.80%                                   2.54%          11.99%
                                           67                                      17
                                 7,354,814,25                            7,223,971,50
Total                                                        100.00%                                 100.00%            1.81%
                                         2.01                                    1.53

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB

                                                 2023                                    2022
   Product                                              As % of total                           As % of total
                        Item                                                                                     Change (%)
   category                      Cost of sales          cost of sales    Cost of sales          cost of sales
                                                            (%)                                     (%)

                                                                            Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                Annual Report 2023

                                  1,990,393,13               1,935,461,26
lighting          Raw materials                    27.06%                             26.79%              2.84%
                                          2.24                       0.59
                                  288,182,082.               300,220,823.
lighting          Labor cost                        3.92%                               4.16%            -4.01%
                                            50                         12
                  Depreciation    217,552,399.               205,416,457.
lighting                                            2.96%                               2.84%             5.91%
                  and other                 74                         12
                                  2,496,127,61               2,441,098,54
lighting          Subtotal                         33.94%                             33.79%              2.25%
                                          4.48                       0.83
                                  1,189,156,56               1,171,866,39
Auto lamps        Raw materials                    16.17%                             16.22%              1.48%
                                          4.20                       6.73
                                  172,159,579.               133,268,897.
Auto lamps        Labor cost                        2.34%                               1.84%            29.18%
                                            91                         37
                  Depreciation    137,468,951.               136,335,174.
Auto lamps                                          1.87%                               1.89%             0.83%
                  and other                 76                         11
                                  1,498,785,09               1,441,470,46
Auto lamps        Subtotal                         20.38%                             19.95%              3.98%
                                          5.87                       8.21
LED packaging
                                  1,460,582,34               1,576,705,59
and               Raw materials                    19.86%                             21.83%             -7.36%
                                          1.01                       2.88
LED packaging
                                  122,206,881.               142,881,340.
and               Labor cost                        1.66%                               1.98%           -14.47%
                                            33                         98
LED packaging
                  Depreciation    460,990,948.               415,288,632.
and                                                 6.27%                               5.75%            11.00%
                  and other                 10                         51
LED packaging
                                  2,043,780,17               2,134,875,56
and               Subtotal                         27.79%                             29.55%             -4.27%
                                          0.44                       6.37
                                  962,531,357.               896,164,035.
Trade and other   Raw materials                    13.09%                             12.41%              7.41%
                                            13                         04
                                  33,748,393.7               32,061,365.7
Trade and other   Labor cost                        0.46%                               0.44%             5.26%
                                             1                          0
                  Depreciation    114,036,361.               94,536,034.2
Trade and other                                     1.55%                               1.31%            20.63%
                  and other                 71                          1
                                  1,110,316,11               1,022,761,43
Trade and other   Subtotal                         15.10%                             14.16%              8.56%
                                          2.55                       4.95
                                  205,805,258.               183,765,491.
Other             Other                             2.80%                               2.54%            11.99%
                                            67                         17

(6) Changes in the Scope of Consolidated Financial Statements for the Reporting Period

 Yes □ No

                                                                                           Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                               Annual Report 2023

For details, see “5. Other changes to the consolidation scope” under “IX Changes to the Consolidation Scope” in

“Part X Financial Statements” of this Report.

(7) Major Changes to the Business Scope or Product or Service Range in the Reporting Period

□ Applicable  Not applicable

(8) Major Customers and Suppliers

Major customers:
Total sales to top five customers (RMB)                                                                     1,873,925,420.73
Total sales to top five customers as % of total sales of the
Reporting Period (%)
Total sales to related parties among top five customers as % of
total sales of the Reporting Period (%)

Information about top five customers:
                                                                  Sales revenue contributed for    As % of total sales revenue
             No.                           Customer
                                                                  the Reporting Period (RMB)                   (%)
              1                           Customer A                          640,670,416.95                             7.07%
              2                           Customer B                          424,932,709.95                             4.69%
              3                           Customer C                          415,427,120.64                             4.59%
              4                           Customer D                          203,981,711.60                             2.25%
              5                           Customer E                          188,913,461.59                             2.09%
            Total                               --                         1,873,925,420.73                             20.69%

Other information about major customers:

 Applicable □ Not applicable

None of the top five customers is a related party of the Company.
Major suppliers:
Total purchases from top five suppliers (RMB)                                                                 712,586,626.83
Total purchases from top five suppliers as % of total purchases
of the Reporting Period (%)
Total purchases from related parties among top five suppliers
as % of total purchases of the Reporting Period (%)
Information about top five suppliers:
                                                                   Purchase in the Reporting
             No.                           Supplier                                                As % of total purchases (%)
                                                                         Period (RMB)
              1                           Supplier A                          242,848,987.19                             4.07%
              2                           Supplier B                          131,979,877.92                             2.21%
              3                           Supplier C                          125,457,729.03                             2.10%
              4                           Supplier D                          111,621,371.72                             1.87%
              5                           Supplier E                          100,678,660.97                             1.69%

                                                                                           Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                               Annual Report 2023

             Total                              --                             712,586,626.83                             11.94%

Other information about major suppliers:

 Applicable □ Not applicable

None of the top five suppliers is a related party of the Company.

3. Expense

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                                                          Main reason for any
                                    2023                       2022                 Change (%)
                                                                                                           significant change
                                                                                                         Business promotion
                                                                                                         and advertising
                                                                                                         expenses, travel
                                                                                                         expenses, employee
                                                                                                         remunerations and the
Selling expense                    331,039,604.55            256,820,593.82                   28.90%
                                                                                                         like associated with
                                                                                                         product sales that were
                                                                                                         paid for market
                                                                                                         expansion purposes in
                                                                                                         the current period
Administrative expense             430,544,371.96            408,119,409.22                     5.49%
Finance costs                      -32,498,749.52             -31,478,088.43                   -3.24%
R&D expense                        483,579,093.81            440,787,934.06                     9.71%

4. R&D Investments

 Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                         Expected impact on the
 Names of main R&D                                         Project
                                Project objectives                       Objectives to be achieved       future development of
        projects                                           progress
                                                                                                              the Company
                           In various specific fields,
                           there is an increasing
                           demand for high-power
                           and high-efficiency LED
                           luminaries. To meet the                    Solve the problem of thermal
                                                                                                         The Company will
                           market's new certification                 management of high power and
                                                                                                         strategically focus on
Research on the Key        standards regarding                        high power density LED
                                                                                                         core technology patents
Technology of High-        luminous efficacy levels,                  luminaries, break through the
                                                          In                                             in optical design and
power LED Lighting         the Company will develop                   bottleneck of high temperature
                                                          progress                                       thermal management to
Lamps with High            lighting products with high                and long life of power supply,
                                                                                                         expand its portfolio of
Luminous Efficiency        power and high luminous                    and improve the luminous
                                                                                                         high-power and high-
                           efficiency, and also                       efficacy and reliability of the
                                                                                                         efficiency products.
                           conduct relevant research                  lamp system.
                           in areas such as fluorescent
                           powder materials, heat
                           dissipation materials, and
                           optical design.
Research on the            Find out the relationship                  To investigate the relationship    The Company will
application of specific    between specific spectra                   between specific spectra and the   further involve itself in
spectra in visual health   and the refractive                         development of refractive errors   the field of vision

                                                                                        Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                            Annual Report 2023

                       development of the eye and                 in the eyes, and to determine the    protection and health
                       determine its influence                    underlying mechanisms, the           lighting, in order to
                       mechanism; study the                       study will involve setting up        solve the key
                       relationship between                       experimental and control groups      technology of vision
                       environmental                              to examine the impact of             protection and carry
                       improvement and                            different lighting environments      out medical device
                       subjective visual                          on the occurrence and                certification, thus
                       perception, visual fatigue,                progression of myopia. Various       cultivating an excellent
                       visual acuity changes and                  measurements will be                 team for medical
                       the development of                         conducted, including small and       device product
                       myopia; establish a model                  dilated pupil refraction tests, as   development and the
                       of the influence of light                  well as eye biometric                construction of a
                       sources and light                          parameters such as axial length,     healthcare system.
                       distribution on visual                     corneal curvature, and anterior
                       protection; obtain the safe                chamber depth.
                       use range and conditions of
                       semiconductor lighting;
                       research and develop
                       lighting sources and
                       products that can reduce
                       the incidence of myopia.
                                                                  The project focuses on three
                                                                  dimensions: visual efficacy,
                                                                  circadian regulation, and
                                                                  emotional intervention, to
                       The potential harm of                      conduct a series of exploration
                       artificial lighting to human               and studies concerning
                       eyes, the disruption of the                experiments, designs, and            Switch the spectrum
                       human circadian rhythm,                    applications. It aims to actively    through intelligent
                       and the increased risk of                  promote the concept of "healthy      regulation, iteratively
                       various health issues have                 light" and the integrated            upgrade the
                       garnered significant                       innovative application of LED        commercial colour
                       attention in the field of                  lighting. The project also aims      rendering lighting
Research on the
                       light and vision, both                     to explore an experimental           products, effectively
intelligent dynamic
                       domestically and                In         research method that is suitable     transfer the new
light environment
                       internationally. These          progress   for light and health. Based on       technology of
technology and its
                       concerns have become hot                   the characteristics and needs of     intelligent dynamic
                       topics of interest in                      different groups of people, the      light environment for
                       academia and industry                      project conducts a                   industrialization, and
                       alike,                                     comprehensive application            promote the high-
                       emerging as an urgent                      study in educational, office,        quality development of
                       issue for the design of                    home, and medical & elderly          the Company's
                       lighting solutions for                     care scenarios, thereby              intelligent products.
                       healthy living                             achieving healthy and dynamic
                       environments.                              lighting through the integration
                                                                  of intelligent lighting
                                                                  technologies and developing
                                                                  Fozhao's "secret lighting"
                       The Company is building                    Through the intelligent lighting     By adding intelligent
                       its core smart lighting                    system solutions, it can realize     control modules in the
                       strategy, focusing on                      "people-oriented", provide more      luminaries, it realizes
Research on Key
                       SaaS+PaaS platform                         comfortable, safer and more          intelligent control and
Technologies of                                        In
                       technologies for smart                     energy-saving light environment      meets rich light-using
Intelligent Building                                   progress
                       buildings. It adopts a series              for human beings, realize the        scenarios, realizes the
Lighting System
                       of related technologies                    interconnection of different         application of artificial
                       such as dynamic                            protocols of intelligent lighting    intelligence technology
                       transformation of multi-                   and security products, and           in the field of

                                                                                           Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                               Annual Report 2023

                          attribute data and time-                  realize the application of            intelligent family, and
                          series databases. The                     artificial intelligence technology    promotes the
                          platform provides multiple                in the field of intelligent family.   development of
                          interfaces including HTTP                                                       intelligent lighting
                          and MQTT. Through a                                                             products to the high-
                          unified cloud ecosystem                                                         end.
                          and strategy service
                          system, it offers
                          customized smart building
                          solutions for different
                          building users.
                          Traditional monitoring
                          methods rely on sensors
                          such as cameras, however,
                          cameras involve privacy
                                                                                                          Intelligence and
                          and are not suitable for                  A complex network of WiFi
                                                                                                          sustainability are the
                          monitoring in many home                   links is constructed in the area
                                                                                                          trends of the future,
                          scenarios. Compared to                    to isolate the concurrent
                                                                                                          and mastering the core
                          other devices, millimetre-                activities of different people in
                                                                                                          technology of
                          wave radar, as a wireless                 different spaces and to perform
                                                                                                          millimetre-wave radar
                          sensing device, has several               the functions of activity sensing,
Research on Human                                                                                         sensors is essential.
                          distinct advantages                       tracking and localization
Behaviour Recognition                                    In                                               Researching human
                          including non-contact                     functions with accurate
and Feedback                                             progress                                         behaviour recognition
                          operation, privacy                        discrimination of postures
Technology                                                                                                and feedback using
                          protection, immunity to                   (standing, sitting, lying down,
                                                                                                          these sensors provides
                          lighting conditions, long-                falling) respectively. And
                                                                                                          excellent support for
                          range capabilities, and                   through advanced learning
                                                                                                          upgrading the
                          higher accuracy and                       techniques, behaviour
                                                                                                          Company's human-
                          resolution. These                         recognition methods are adapted
                                                                                                          centric lighting
                          characteristics make                      to different environments.
                          millimetre-wave radar
                          sensors highly valuable and
                          applicable in a wide range
                          of scenarios.
                          To allow users to use the                                                       Development of power
                          lighting products in a more                                                     carrier communication
                                                                    Establish ZigBee, Z-Wave
                          convenient comfortable                                                          application technology,
                                                                    wireless communication
                          and safer manner, the                                                           so that the network
                                                                    application technology,
                          Company is trying to                                                            with the Dentsu in the
                                                                    Zigbee/Bluetooth dual-mode
                          upgrade its products in a                                                       same power supply
                                                                    wireless communication
                          short term. Short-range                                                         environment to realize
                                                                    technology, Wi-Fi/Bluetooth
Research on Wireless      wireless communication is                                                       the communication
                                                                    dual-mode wireless
Communication             widely considered as one       In                                               between the
                                                                    communication application
Application               of the most suitable           progress                                         equipment,
                                                                    technology library, including
Technologies              communication                                                                   telecommunication and
                                                                    hardware, RF, firmware, system
                          technologies, and the                                                           other functions, to
                                                                    integration and other application
                          application of various                                                          solve the industry's key
                                                                    development technology, to
                          short-range wireless                                                            technologies, and
                                                                    realize the base object
                          communication protocols                                                         promote the
                                                                    communication and networking
                          has a significant impact on                                                     Company's intelligent
                          lighting systems and                                                            lighting technology
                          architectures.                                                                  continues to progress.
                          In order to study the impact              Utilizing the characteristics of      By developing
Research on Intelligent
                          of lighting on modern                     diversified and controllable          specialized LED
LED Technology and
                          agriculture and develop        In         artificial LED light sources, we      luminaries and
System for Efficient
                          various green, ecological,     progress   select traditional Chinese herbs      intelligent control
Planting Demand in
                          safe, and intelligent                     in bulk with different light          systems for high-value
Modern Agriculture
                          lighting systems for                      quality needs in China through        plants, the Company

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                                                                                                               Annual Report 2023

                          regulating biological                     combined artificial light source     aims to break the
                          growth and development, it                management such as matching          technical and market
                          is important to focus on                  the ratio of red and blue and        monopoly held by
                          key technological                         other light qualities to carry out   international giants in
                          innovations and research                  systematic research.                 the field of plant
                          the patterns of influence.                                                     lighting LEDs. This
                                                                                                         will help the Company
                                                                                                         overcome the
                                                                                                         constraints imposed by
                                                                                                         patents held by foreign
                                                                                                         giants and promote
                                                                                                         core technological
                                                                                                         advancements in LED
                                                                                                         plant lighting.
                                                                                                         Developed aquaculture
                                                                                                         ecological lighting
                                                                                                         technology can fine-
                          Develop specialized                                                            tune the growth
                                                                    Through special optical design
                          luminaries for specific high                                                   environment of aquatic
                                                                    and material upgrading, LED
                          economic value breeding                                                        organisms, promote the
                                                                    aquaculture lighting products
                          species and apply them in                                                      normal growth and
                                                                    will further match the artificial
                          the marine aquaculture                                                         development of fish,
                                                                    light source with the visual
                          industry, clarify the                                                          increase the quality and
                                                                    sensitivity of fish, effectively
Aquaculture ecological    photobiological                                                                yield of fish and other
                                                         In         enhance the growth rate of fish
lighting technology and   characteristics of intensive                                                   fish, and at the same
                                                         progress   with the help of appropriate
industrialization         aquaculture of aquaculture                                                     time to enable the
                                                                    artificial light supplementation,
                          species, and obtain the                                                        aquaculture user to
                                                                    reduce the cost of bait feeding,
                          parameters of marine                                                           reduce production costs
                                                                    enhance the survival rate in the
                          aquaculture light factors to                                                   and improve economic
                                                                    aquaculture cycle, and ensure
                          build a database of                                                            efficiency. It plays an
                                                                    that the fish are in a healthy
                          photobiological effects of                                                     important role in
                                                                    growth state.
                          major aquaculture species.                                                     developing the market
                                                                                                         for the Company's
                                                                                                         newly developed
                                                                                                         marine lighting circuit.
                          Develop an intelligent high
                                                                                                         Improve the technical
                          beam module, which can
                                                                                                         ability of the Company
                          effectively use the high                  Improve the intelligent
                                                                                                         to equip intelligent
                          beam mode by switching                    development ability of the
                                                                                                         ADB high beam in the
Intelligent ADB high      the high beam mode under       In         Company through the design
                                                                                                         middle and high-end
beam module               different driving modes,       progress   and development regarding
                                                                                                         models, and enable the
                          and improve the driving                   electronic software, system and
                                                                                                         Company to better
                          safety of automobiles.                    optics.
                                                                                                         occupy the middle and
                          Make driving more
                                                                                                         high-end market.
                                                                                                         The project will
                                                                                                         develop module
                          The project is designed to                The project is intended to form
                                                                                                         products that can meet
                          strengthen the                            a module series, thereby
                                                         In                                              the market and
Headlight Module          competitiveness of the                    satisfying the need of
                                                         progress                                        customer demands and
                          module product series in                  mainstream customers in the
                                                                                                         enhance the product
                          the market.                               market.
                                                                                                         competitiveness of the
                          The project is designed to                The project is intended to           The project will boost
Electronic Controllers                                   In
                          develop special electronic                achieve platform-based modules       the Company's
for Automotive Lights                                    progress
                          controllers to control each               through the standardisation of       competitiveness in the

                                                                                            Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                Annual Report 2023

                         feature of high-                             software modules.                   electronic field.
                         performance modules.
                         The quantum dot materials
                         in the quantum dot
                         backlight technology in the
                         industry are mainly in line
                         with the CdSe system, and
                         the cadmium content in the
                         CdSe quantum dot
                         backlight display products                   Through the project and based
                         is above the RoHS                            on the requirement for quantum
                         standards of the European                    dot light emission with low
                         Union. Additionally, China                   environmental disruption, the
The R&D and
                         has introduced a similar                     business's advantages in the
Industrialization of
                         standard for low cadmium.                    LED industry will be fully          The project will
Quantum Dot Light-
                         The project is designed to      Trial        leveraged to research the           improve product
emitting Materials and
                         lower the content of            production   backlight technology applicable     quality and market
Components with Low
                         cadmium in the quantum                       to quantum dots with low            share.
                         dot backlight diaphragm to                   environmental pollution and
                         within the RoHS standard                     build a pilot scale assembly line
                         through the research of the                  for backlight modules for the
                         low-cadmium quantum dot                      quantum dot technology with
                         backlight technology and                     low environmental pollution.
                         integrate the industrial
                         chain from the quantum
                         dot materials to quantum
                         dot backlight machine to
                         boost the development of
                         the quantum dot backlight
                         and display industry.
                         Intelligent micro/nano
                         optoelectronic technology,
                         which integrates photonics,
                         nanotechnology, and
                         artificial intelligence, is a
                         key scientific technology in
                         the field of national
                         advanced manufacturing
                         and artificial intelligence.
                         This laboratory is oriented
                         towards major national
                         needs and economic
                                                                      With the geographical and           Through the innovative
                         innovation and
                                                                      resource advantages of the          cooperation
                         development in the Greater
                                                                      Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao           mechanism and the
                         Bay Area of Guangdong,
                                                                      Greater Bay Area, the lab           complementation of the
                         Hong Kong, and Macao. It
                                                                      focuses on the "photoelectric       advantages of
The Guangdong-Hong       gathers the advantages of
                                                                      materials-micro-nano devices-       Guangdong Province
Kong-Macao Joint Lab     four parties to carry out
                                                         Trial        micro-nano manufacturing-           and Macao, the
of Intelligent Micro-    research on new
                                                         production   micro-nano display" chain and       common technical
nano Photoelectric       photoelectric materials and
                                                                      researches the technology           issues in the industry
Technology               micro/nano device
                                                                      roadmap of the Micro-LED            can be resolved,
                         technology, semiconductor
                                                                      micro-nano display, thereby         thereby advancing the
                         photoelectric chip
                                                                      addressing forward-looking          high-quality
                         micro/nano intelligent
                                                                      scientific issues and common        development of the
                         manufacturing, and
                                                                      technical issues in the industry.   Company.
                         semiconductor micro/nano
                         intelligent display,
                         addressing forward-looking
                         international scientific
                         issues and industry
                         common technical issues.
                         The establishment of the
                         laboratory will promote the
                         construction of the
                         International Science and
                         Technology Innovation
                         Center in the Greater Bay

                                                                                        Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                            Annual Report 2023

                      Area, and is of great
                      significance for achieving
                      high-quality development
                      of the photoelectric
                      industry in the Greater Bay
                      Area of Guangdong, Hong
                      Kong, and Macao.
                      With the advantages of
                      high efficiency, energy
                      conservation, active
                      luminescence and ultra-
                      high resolution, Micro-                     This project aims to satisfy the
                      LED stands out from an                      major demand for large-screen
                      array of novel display                      4K/8K UHD display from
                      technologies and has                        national policies and social
                      become a focus in novel                     development. In combination
                      technology competitions.                    with the main development
                      This project aims to satisfy                trend of full-color Micro-LED
                      the major demand for                        display at home and abroad, we
                      large-screen 4K/8K UHD                      will overcome the core
The Research on Key   display from national                       technology bottleneck of the        The project is of vital
Technology of Full-   policies and social                         industry such as full-color         importance in terms of
color Micro-LED       development. In                Trial        packaging technology, and           promoting the
Display with High     combination with the main      production   develop high-brightness and         localization of China’s
Brightness and        development trend of full-                  high-contrast Micro-LED             LED display industry
Contrast              color Micro-LED display                     display devices and modules         chain.
                      at home and abroad, we                      that meet the market demand for
                      will overcome the core                      better interactivity and display
                      technology bottleneck of                    performance. By doing so, the
                      the industry such as full-                  development of upstream and
                      color packaging                             downstream industries of the
                      technology, and develop                     industry chain will be boosted,
                      high-brightness and high-                   and China’s dominant position
                      contrast Micro-LED                          in display applications will be
                      display devices and                         further consolidated.
                      modules that meet the
                      market demand for better
                      interactivity and display
                      The core technology of                      In this project, we will develop
                      UHD display represented                     high performance Mini/Micro-
                      by Micro/Mini-LED                           LED display devices and
                      devices is still                            display modules by researching
                      monopolized by Samsung                      technical problems such as high
                      of South Korea, Apple of                    density IMD Mini/Micro-LED
                      the US, Sony of Japan and                   integrated packaging
The Research on the
                      other international giants.                 technology, high compatibility
Key Technology of                                                                                     The Company’s
                      Manufacturers in the                        pixel cutout manufacturing
4K/8K Full-color                                     Trial                                            dominant position in
                      province need to pay high                   technology of Mini/Micro-LED
Micro-LED Displays                                   production                                       display applications
                      royalties to engage in the                  display devices, and mass
with Ultra High                                                                                       will be consolidated.
                      business, which seriously                   transfer technology of Micro-
Definition (UHD)
                      constrains the strategic                    LED chips. Related technology
                      transformation of the LED                   will be developed to remove the
                      industry in Guangdong                       blockade of international giants,
                      Province. Therefore, to                     fill the gap of local high-end
                      vigorously develop the                      applications, and achieve the
                      UHD video display                           efficient and rapid 4K/8K
                      industry, the key solutions                 development for the HD

                                                                                           Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                               Annual Report 2023

                           are to break through the                  display.
                           bottleneck of Micro/Mini-
                           LED device technology
                           and motivate the
                           transformation and
                           upgrading of UHD display
                           in the LED industry, so as
                           to secure the
                           internationally advanced
                           technology status of the
                           province’s LED display.
                           Agriculture is the core of
                           the farming industry and
                           the cornerstone of national
                           food security. The
                           cultivation of high-value
                           crops serves as an
                           important industrial
                           foundation for rural
                           revitalization. LED plant
                           lighting is a new
                           technology that has
                           emerged with the
                           development of modern                     This project aims to develop an
                           agricultural production                   LED technology system for
                           methods and                               efficient cultivation in modern
                           semiconductor lighting                    agriculture through research on
                           technology. It has been                   efficient LED epitaxial
                           recognized domestically                   regulation for modern
                                                                                                          Plant lighting: Promote
                           and internationally as an                 agricultural cultivation, design
                                                                                                          the demonstration of
                           important direction for the               and fabrication processes of
                                                                                                          the Company’s plant
                           emerging high-tech             At the     high light efficiency LED chips,
LED Technology for                                                                                        lighting products in
                           industry in agriculture.       stage of   as well as design and packaging
Efficient Cultivation in                                                                                  high-value crops
                           However, the development       research   processes of high light
Modern Agriculture                                                                                        Ultraviolet (UV)
                           of LED plant lighting          and        efficiency LED devices. The
and Its Demonstrative                                                                                     products: Promote the
                           technology in our country      developm   goal is to provide chip and
Application                                                                                               demonstration of the
                           started relatively late, and   ent        device support for the
                                                                                                          Company’s deep UV
                           there exists a gap in                     manufacturing of specialized
                                                                                                          products in the field of
                           technological level                       LED luminary systems
                                                                                                          public sanitation
                           compared to leading                       dedicated to efficient cultivation
                           international companies.                  in modern agriculture,
                           To meet the industrial                    promoting the advancement of
                           demand to improve light                   LED plant lighting technology
                           efficiency and reduce                     in our country to reach an
                           energy consumption in                     international leading level.
                           LED plant lighting, as well
                           as the physiological
                           requirements of high light
                           efficiency during crop
                           breeding processes, an
                           LED technology system for
                           efficient cultivation in
                           modern agriculture will be
                           developed to promote the
                           industrial application of
                           LED technology in crop
                           breeding and the efficient

                                                                                          Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                              Annual Report 2023

                        production of high-value
                        crops, thereby driving the
                        high-quality development
                        of smart agriculture.
                        Deep ultraviolet LED is a
                        preferred alternative to
                        traditional mercury lamps
                        for disinfection and
                        sterilization due to its
                        efficient virus and bacteria-
                        killing abilities, as well as
                                                                   This project aims to develop a
                        its safety, environmental
                                                                   low thermal resistance and
                        friendliness, and free of
                                                                   highly reliable universal deep
                        secondary pollution. With
                                                                   ultraviolet (UV) LED light
                        the improvement of deep
                                                                   source for pathogen
                        ultraviolet LED
                                                                   disinfection, addressing the
                        performance, there is great
                                                                   technological and market
                        potential for implementing
                                                                   demands of deep UV LED virus
                        deep ultraviolet LED
                                                                   inactivation. It integrates
The Development and     applications in pathogen
                                                                   intelligent identification and        This project will drive
Application             inactivation in public          At the
                                                                   driving control technologies          the upgrading and
Demonstration of Deep   health and logistics sectors.   stage of
                                                                   tailored to specific application      development of
Ultraviolet LED         This project aims to            research
                                                                   scenarios. The project also           industries related to
Modules and             promote the integration         and
                                                                   involves the application of           public disinfection
Equipment for Public    between the public health       developm
                                                                   pathogen disinfection                 using deep ultraviolet
Health and Other        safety sector and the deep      ent
                                                                   equipment in the field of public      technology.
Fields                  ultraviolet LED industry by
                                                                   health, driving the upgrading
                        conducting research on
                                                                   and development of industries
                        high-security and
                                                                   related to public disinfection. Its
                        intelligent deep ultraviolet
                                                                   goal is to effectively prevent,
                        LED disinfection
                                                                   control, and eliminate the
                        equipment and system
                                                                   hazards of sudden public health
                        solutions for the public
                                                                   emergencies, ensuring the
                        health domain. It strives to
                                                                   physical well-being and safety
                        drive the large-scale
                                                                   of the public.
                        application of purification
                        and disinfection in the
                        public health and logistics
                        sectors in China,
                        contributing to the
                        safeguarding of national
                        public health security.
                        This project aims to
                        promote the development
                                                                   This project develops epitaxial
                        of the LED industry in the
                                                                   growth and chip preparation
                        Pearl River Delta region by
                                                                   technologies for high-
                        collaborating with
                                                                   performance deep-ultraviolet
                        countries along the Belt        At the
Epitaxial Growth and                                               LEDs with flip-flop structures,
                        and Road. Through the           stage of                                         The project will
Chip Fabrication                                                   and optimizes key processes to
                        introduction of advanced        research                                         improve product
Techniques for High-                                               obtain high-quality and high
                        international technologies,     and                                              quality and market
Performance Deep                                                   A1-component A1GaN
                        the project aims to provide     developm                                         share.
Ultraviolet LED                                                    materials, high-performance
                        Guangdong Province with         ent
                                                                   deep-ultraviolet LED epitaxial
                        independent intellectual
                                                                   structures, and realize the
                        property rights and high-
                                                                   development of deep-ultraviolet
                        performance deep
                                                                   LED chips.
                        ultraviolet LED fabrication
                        technologies. By doing so,

                                                                                           Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                               Annual Report 2023

                        we will catch up with the
                        international counterparts,
                        or even lead them in this
                        Gallium oxide crystals are
                        a new type of ultra-
                        wideband semiconductor
                        with important applications
                        in military, energy, medical
                        and environmental fields.
                        At present, the high price
                        of gallium oxide single
                                                                    This project focuses on gallium
                        crystal substrate and the
                                                                    oxide single crystals and
                        immaturity of epitaxial and
                                                                    devices, adopting a complete
                        device technology have
                                                                    chain design from single crystal
                        greatly affected the process
                                                                    substrates to epitaxial thin films,
                        of gallium oxide industry.
                                                                    devices, and packaging. The
Wide Bandwidth          This project aims to           At the                                             The project will
                                                                    goal is to overcome the
Gallium Oxide Single    establish a complete           stage of                                           improve product
                                                                    bottlenecks in the
Crystal Materials and   industrial chain from single   trial                                              quality and market
                                                                    industrialization of gallium
Devices                 crystal substrates to          production                                         share.
                                                                    oxide and develop gallium
                        practical devices,
                                                                    oxide Schottky diodes for power
                        facilitating the
                                                                    electronic devices and gallium
                        industrialization of the
                                                                    oxide MOSFETs for power
                        LED industry in
                                                                    electronic devices, ultimately
                        Guangdong Province. It
                                                                    achieving industrialization.
                        will strengthen
                        Guangdong's efforts in the
                        field of third-generation
                        semiconductors and
                        promote the province as a
                        hub for wide-bandgap
                        semiconductor research in
                        As LED technology
                        continues to advance and
                        the miniaturization of LED
                                                                    This project leverages its
                        sizes further develops, it
                                                                    technological advantages in
                        brings new vitality to the
                                                                    display packaging to further
                        display industry, with
                                                                    break through the performance
                        emerging display
                                                                    limitations of LED display
                        technologies such as small-
                                                                    devices and optimize the
                        pitch LED displays, Mini
Research and                                                        packaging processes of display
                        LED displays, and Micro        At the
Application of Key                                                  modules to improve their
                        LED displays taking the        stage of                                           Increase product
Technologies for                                                    utilization. It aims to promote
                        stage one after another.       research                                           market share and
Indoor Fine-Pitch LED                                               the application and adoption of
                        Based on the new               and                                                consolidate core
Display Devices for                                                 fine-pitch display devices in
                        opportunities created by       developm                                           competitiveness
Next-Generation                                                     high-definition display terminal
                        5G+4K/8K ultra-high-           ent
Displays                                                            products, seize the technological
                        definition display platform
                                                                    high ground in the field of new
                        for indoor small-pitch
                                                                    display technologies, establish
                        display application
                                                                    strong technical barriers within
                        scenarios, this project
                                                                    the industry, and consolidate the
                        carries out the research on
                                                                    core competitiveness of the
                        key technologies of indoor
                        fine-pitch LED display
                        devices, seizes the
                        technological heights in the

                                                                                           Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                               Annual Report 2023

                         field of new displays,
                         forms a demonstration of
                         new displays, establishes a
                         strong technological
                         barrier, and consolidates
                         the core competitiveness of
                         Display module is one of
                         the most widely used areas
                         of LED applications, air                    This project focuses on
                         conditioners, refrigerators,                leveraging the advantages of
                         water heaters, washing                      LED display modules in home
                         machines, a variety of                      appliances, medical devices,
                         household appliances on                     toys, gaming consoles, and
                         the use of LED display                      other applications. Through
                         modules to further expand.                  research on intelligent display
                         By venturing into the smart                 modules, including Bluetooth
                         home and home appliance        At the       communication, voice
Research and
                         market, this project aims to   stage of     broadcasting, touch control, and    The project will
Application of
                         provide customers with         research     high-definition colour display,     improve product
Intelligent Display
                         comprehensive, efficient,      and          the aim is to further expand user   quality and market
Module for Home
                         and customized smart           developm     scenarios, improve the              share.
                         design solutions. This not     ent          functionality of display
                         only injects new vitality                   modules, and make the
                         into the smart home                         interaction between display
                         appliance market but also                   modules and external modules
                         helps drive the healthy and                 more intelligent and integrated.
                         high-quality development                    These efforts will promote the
                         of the smart home                           healthy and high-quality
                         appliance industry.                         development of the smart home
                         Furthermore, it creates                     appliance industry.
                         stable economic benefits
                         for the enterprise.
                         The improving
                         consumption level of
                         residents, the robust                       This project aims to promote the
                         consumer electronics                        development of high-
                         market, and the increasing                  performance consumer
                         demand from consumers                       electronic component
                         for enhanced performance                    manufacturing towards higher
                         in their products have                      precision and sophistication by
                         strongly driven the                         tackling the industry's forefront
                         upgrading of high-                          technologies, including
Development and          performance consumer                        improving the spatial colour
                                                        At the                                           The project will
Application of Key       electronics. However, the                   uniformity of LED devices
                                                        stage of                                         improve product
Technologies for High-   packaging technology for                    through packaging processes,
                                                        trial                                            quality and market
Performance Consumer     high-performance                            developing new chip-level
                                                        production                                       share.
Optoelectronic Devices   consumer electronic                         packaging structures for high-
                         components has long been                    performance consumer
                         dominated by developed                      electronics LED devices, and
                         countries such as the                       reducing the voiding rate.
                         United States, Japan, and                   Furthermore, it seeks to further
                         Germany. Therefore, it is                   facilitate the domestic
                         urgent to achieve                           substitution of high-
                         breakthroughs in major                      performance consumer
                         technologies for high-                      electronic components.
                         performance consumer
                         electronics LED devices,

                                                                                               Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                   Annual Report 2023

                           break the foreign
                           companies' monopoly on
                           consumer electronics,
                           promote the domestic
                           substitution of high-
                           performance consumer
                           electronic components, and
                           drive innovation and
                           upgrading throughout the
                           LED technology industry
                           With the development of
                           LED lighting technology,
                           the development trend in
                           the field of general lighting
                           is to continuously improve
                           the quality of light, health                  Based on the market demand of
                           and high luminous efficacy                    general lighting and automotive
                           is the main direction,                        lighting, this project focuses on
                           improve LED lighting                          the field of white LED
                           technology is not enough                      encapsulation, improves the
Research and               to enhance the luminous                       light quality, luminous efficacy,
Application of Key         efficacy is the key to enter                  display effect as well as heat
                                                            At the                                           The project will
Packaging                  the high-end lighting                         dissipation and heat-resistant
                                                            stage of                                         improve product
Technologies for           market. In the automotive                     performance of LEDs, and
                                                            trial                                            quality and market
General and                lighting field, as the                        forms new products with
                                                            production                                       share.
Automotive LED             intelligence level of                         independent intellectual
Illumination               vehicles continues to                         property rights, so as to enhance
                           improve, intelligent                          the influence of the Company's
                           interactive LED lighting                      white LEDs in the market of
                           has gradually emerged as a                    general lighting and automotive
                           new track for automotive                      lighting, and to broaden the
                           lighting. Therefore, it is of                 lighting market.
                           great significance to carry
                           out research on key
                           technologies of LED for
                           general lighting and
                           automotive lighting.

Details about R&D personnel:
                                               2023                              2022                          Change (%)
Number of R&D personnel                                     1,735                             1920                           -9.64%
R&D personnel as % of total
                                                           14.17%                          14.89%                            -0.72%
Educational background
Bachelor’s degree                                            962                              999                           -3.70%
Master’s degree                                              104                              105                           -0.90%
Doctoral degree and above                                      15                               18                          -16.67%
Junior college and below                                      654                              798                          -18.05%
Age structure
Below 30                                                      621                              793                          -21.69%

                                                                               Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                   Annual Report 2023

30~40                                              747                         777                          -3.24%
Over 40                                            367                         355                           3.38%

Details about R&D investments:
                                       2023                        2022                        Change (%)
R&D investments (RMB)                    534,561,947.29              503,728,194.02                          6.12%
R&D investments as % of
                                                 5.90%                       5.75%                           0.15%
operating revenue
Capitalized R&D investments
                                                   0.00               43,625,369.92                       -100.00%
Capitalized R&D investments
as % of total R&D                                0.00%                       8.66%                          -8.66%

Reason for any significant change to the composition of R&D personnel and impact:

□ Applicable  Not applicable

Reasons for any significant YoY change in the percentage of R&D investments in operating revenue:

□ Applicable  Not applicable

Reason for any sharp variation in the percentage of capitalized R&D investments and rationale:

 Applicable □ Not applicable

Presented in 2023 in accordance with the relevant requirements of "Rule No. 15 of the Rules Governing the

Preparation of Information Disclosure by Publicly Offered Companies - General Provisions on Financial

Reporting (Revised in 2023)", R&D investments in 2022 included expenditures on the construction, acquisition,

alteration and expansion, and overhaul of fixed assets due to R&D activities, including expenditures on land and

constructions, and expenditures on instruments and equipment.

Other notes: The R&D investment calculated according to the Administration Measures for Identification of
High-tech Enterprises and other relevant regulations includes the R&D input included in operating costs and
R&D expenditures expensed in accordance with accounting standards. In 2023, the R&D investment of the
Company was RMB534,561,900, accounting for 5.90% of the operating revenues, among which, the sales
revenue of products from bench-scale and pilot-scale production was included in core business revenue and the
relevant costs were included in cost of sales of core business of RMB50,982,900.

5. Cash Flows

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
              Item                     2023                        2022                        Change (%)
Subtotal of cash generated
                                     8,513,648,453.74             8,658,886,730.27                          -1.68%
from operating activities

                                                                                Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                    Annual Report 2023

Subtotal of cash used in
                                      7,339,258,474.76              7,593,998,409.58                         -3.35%
operating activities
Net cash generated from/used
                                      1,174,389,978.98              1,064,888,320.69                         10.28%
in operating activities
Subtotal of cash generated
                                         423,342,286.04               378,208,504.00                         11.93%
from investing activities
Subtotal of cash used in
                                      1,130,862,869.12                724,926,218.64                         56.00%
investing activities
Net cash generated from/used
                                       -707,520,583.08               -346,717,714.64                       -104.06%
in investing activities
Subtotal of cash generated
                                      1,404,603,429.35              1,156,078,320.59                         21.50%
from financing activities
Subtotal of cash used in
                                         721,157,492.22             1,901,637,286.67                        -62.08%
financing activities
Net cash generated from/used
                                         683,445,937.13              -745,558,966.08                        191.67%
in financing activities
Net increase in cash and cash
                                      1,155,281,636.62                  5,762,254.34                    19,949.13%

Explanation of why any of the data above varies significantly:

 Applicable □ Not applicable

(1) Net cash generated from operating activities increased by 10.28% year on year, mainly due to the Company

as the parent strengthening inventory control.

(2) Net cash generated from investing activities decreased by 104.06% year on year, mainly due to the increased

purchases of large-denomination certificates, etc. in the current period.

(3) Net cash generated from financing activities increased by 191.67% year on year, mainly because the same

period of last year saw a higher payment for the acquisition of equity interests in subsidiary NationStar

Optoelectronics under common control, and raised funds were received in a capital increase and share

expansion in the current period.

(4) Net increase in cash and cash equivalents increased by 19,949.13% year on year, mainly because raised

funds were received in a capital increase and share expansion in the current period.

Explanation of why net cash generated from/used in operating activities varies significantly from net profit for

the Reporting Period:

 Applicable □ Not applicable

There is a gap of RMB789,717,377.00 between net cash generated from operating activities of

RMB1,174,389,978.98 and net profit of RMB384,672,601.98 in the year, mainly because cash received from

                                                                                     Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                         Annual Report 2023

sale of goods was higher than cash paid for raw materials, in addition to high non-cash costs, in the current


V Analysis of Non-Core Businesses

 Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                             As % of profit before
                            Amount                                      Main source/reason            Recurrent or not
                                                                      Dividend income from
                                                                      other equity
                                                                      investments held
Return on investment        14,598,948.35                    3.60%                                Yes
                                                                      during the period, and
                                                                      interest income from
                                                                      other debt investments
                                                                      Gain/loss on changes
Gain/loss on changes
                             1,129,444.26                    0.28%    in fair value of            Yes
in fair value
                                                                      financial instruments
                                                                      Inventory valuation
Asset impairments          -81,268,657.36                   -20.03%                               Yes
                                                                      Sale of retired
                                                                      equipment, and
Non-operating income         9,540,666.39                    2.35%    carryforwards of            Not
                                                                      payables that require
                                                                      no payment
                                                                      Loss on retirement of
Non-operating expense        6,538,763.70                    1.61%    non-current assets and      Not
                                                                      transfer of prepayments
                                                                      Receipt of continuing
Other income                90,204,646.62                    22.23%                               Not
                                                                      government grants
                                                                      Allowances for
                                                                      doubtful accounts
Credit impairment loss     -52,131,054.21                   -12.85%                               Yes
                                                                      receivable and other
                                                                      Gains or losses on the
Asset disposal income       12,719,324.89                    3.13%    disposal of non-current     Not

VI Analysis of Assets and Liabilities

1. Significant Changes in Asset Composition

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB

                                                                                        Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                            Annual Report 2023

                          31 December 2023                    1 January 2023                                 Reason for any
                                                                                             Change in
                                     As % of total                     As % of total                           significant
                       Amount                            Amount                           percentage (%)
                                        assets                             assets                                change
                                                                                                             Raised funds
                                                                                                             were received
Monetary                                                                                                     in a capital
                    3,596,049,654.                    2,484,508,907.
                                             21.24%                            16.25%              4.99%     increase and
assets                         55                                43
                                                                                                             share expansion
                                                                                                             in the current
Accounts            2,093,499,280.                    1,920,770,941.
                                             12.36%                            12.56%              -0.20%
receivable                     40                                76
Contract assets       4,252,013.94           0.03%      5,466,875.07           0.04%               -0.01%
                    1,971,171,641.                    2,031,637,401.
Inventory                                    11.64%                            13.29%              -1.65%
                               14                                87
                    163,636,347.41           0.97%     44,611,882.44           0.29%               0.68%
equity              179,188,555.15           1.06%    181,931,792.66           1.19%               -0.13%
                    3,453,214,586.                    3,508,094,282.
Fixed assets                                 20.39%                            22.95%              -2.56%
                               47                                41
Construction in     1,174,533,505.                    1,282,780,335.
                                             6.94%                             8.39%               -1.45%
progress                       11                                14
                      8,812,320.64           0.05%     13,047,727.73           0.09%               -0.04%
                    220,019,877.73           1.30%    157,715,359.35           1.03%               0.27%
                    235,335,693.28           1.39%    125,143,161.61           0.82%               0.57%
                                                                                                             of the
                                                                                                             principals and
                                                                                                             interest of some
                                                                                                             with an initial
                                                                                                             maturity within
                                                                                                             one year
                    253,093,421.29           1.49%    747,931,023.71           4.89%               -3.40%    (inclusive)
                                                                                                             from the time
                                                                                                             of borrowing to
                                                                                                             the time of
                                                                                                             repayment to
                                                                                                             the current
                                                                                                             portion of non-
Lease liabilities     4,310,967.92           0.03%      7,055,542.18           0.05%               -0.02%
Notes               1,057,352,267.
                                             6.24%    821,537,774.07           5.37%               0.87%
receivable                     60

                                                                                                 Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                     Annual Report 2023

                     443,201,960.02           2.62%      569,868,831.79                  3.73%              -1.11%
                                                                                                                       Purchase of
                                                                                                                       bank’s large-
Other debt                                                                                                             denomination
                     454,822,905.25           2.69%                   0.00               0.00%              2.69%
investments                                                                                                            certificates in
                                                                                                                       the current
                     434,549,913.99           2.57%      340,166,852.37                  2.22%              0.35%
                      2,271,174,787.                     1,975,743,568.
Notes payable                                13.41%                                     12.92%              0.49%
                                 69                                 71
Accounts              2,875,980,206.                     2,513,177,458.
                                             16.98%                                     16.44%              0.54%
payable                          64                                 14
                                                                                                                       of the
                                                                                                                       principals and
                                                                                                                       interest of some
Current portion                                                                                                        with an initial
of non-current       343,914,214.45           2.03%       65,540,510.67                  0.43%              1.60%      maturity within
liabilities                                                                                                            one year
                                                                                                                       from the time
                                                                                                                       of borrowing to
                                                                                                                       the time of

Indicate by tick mark whether overseas assets account for a high proportion of total assets.
□ Applicable  Not applicable

2. Assets and Liabilities at Fair Value

 Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                on fair-    Cumulative    Impairment
                                 value      fair-value     allowance                       Sold in the
                  Beginning                                                    in the                         Other           Ending
   Item                        changes in    changes        for the                         Reporting
                   amount                                                    Reporting                       changes          amount
                                  the       charged to     Reporting                         Period
                               Reporting      equity        Period
Financial assets
1.     Held-
assets          261,541,89    1,129,444.2                                    90,423,448.   200,565,01                       152,529,77
(exclusive            6.45              6                                            92          4.22                             5.41

                                                                                     Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                         Annual Report 2023

3. Other
debt                                                                 450,000,00                 4,822,905.2    454,822,90
investment                                                                 0.00                           5          5.25
Investment                             -
                 864,191,34                423,212,08                                                          699,762,74
s in other                    163,447,30                                          981,292.12
                       6.40                      5.59                                                                6.35
equity                              7.93

                 569,868,83                                                       126,666,87                   443,201,96
                       1.79                                                             1.77                         0.02
s financing
Subtotal of                            -
                1,695,602,0                423,212,08                540,423,44   328,213,17    4,822,905.2   1,750,317,3
financial                     162,317,86
                      74.64                      5.59                      8.92         8.11              5         87.03
assets                              3.67

Total of the                           -
                1,695,602,0                423,212,08                540,423,44   328,213,17    4,822,905.2   1,750,317,3
above                 74.64                      5.59                      8.92         8.11              5         87.03
Financial       4,679,000.0                                                       4,679,000.0
liabilities               0                                                                 0

Details about other changes:

(1) The purchased amount in the Reporting Period of other debt investments referred to the cash management

(large-denomination certificates) by the Company with its own temporarily idle funds, which was classified as

financial assets at fair value through other comprehensive income. RMB450,000,000.00 of large-denomination

certificates was purchased in the Reporting Period, with the cumulative fair value changes being RMB0.00 and

other changes being RMB4,822,905.25 of cumulative recognized interest.
Significant changes to the measurement attributes of the major assets in the Reporting Period:

□ Yes  No

3. Restricted Asset Rights as at the Period-End

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

               Item                Ending carrying value                            Reason for restriction
                                                               Security deposits for notes, performance bonds, payments by
Monetary assets                               486,328,752.85
                                                               buyers for pre-sale of properties
                                                               In pledge for notes pool, undue notes receivable that have
Notes receivable                              873,275,556.80
                                                               been endorsed or discounted
Receivables financing                         120,221,199.92 In pledge for notes pool
Fixed assets                                  219,746,331.38 As mortgage and guarantee for related party, see XIV (III)
Intangible assets                              10,652,715.04 “Guarantees” in Part X

                                                                                             Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                 Annual Report 2023

Total                                         1,710,224,555.99                                         --

VII Investments Made

1. Total Investment Amount

 Applicable □ Not applicable
  Investment amount in the Reporting        Investment amount in the same period of
                                                                                                       Change (%)
            Period (RMB)                                last year (RMB)
                         173,881,228.98                               1,656,670,405.07                                     -89.50%

2. Major Equity Investments Made in the Reporting Period

□ Applicable  Not applicable

3. Major Non-Equity Investments Ongoing in the Reporting Period

 Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                                                                                                        n for
                                                   Cumul                                     Cumul        to      Date      Disclo
                   Fixed               Input        ative                                     ative     reach
           Way                 y of                                                                                of        sure
Name                asset              in the       input    Fundin      Project   Predict   return      the
            of                  the
  of               invest              Report       as of      g         progre      ed       as of    planne    disclos    index
          invest              invest
project             ment                ing          the     source        ss      return      the        d      ure (if      (if
           ment                ment
                   or not              Period      period-                                   period-   progre
                             project                                                                              any)       any)
                                                     end                                       end     ss and
                                                                                                                            nt on
                                                                                                                            in the
                             LED                   870,11    Self-                                               10         Ramp-
new-                                      1,739,                          97.91
          Other    Yes       packag                1,976.    pooled                                    N/A       Januar     up
genera                                    348.62                             %
                             ing                       30    funds                                               y 2019     Project
s and

                                                                     Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                         Annual Report 2023

                                                                                                  s and
                                                                                                  nt of
                                                                                                  nt on
                                                                                                  in the
The                                                                                               Star
Jili                                                                                              Optoel
Industr                                                                                           ectroni
ial                                                                                               cs’ Jili
Park                                                                                              Industr
                         LED      81,479   536,87   Self-                               7
project                                                      31.31                                ial
          Other   Yes    packag   ,441.2   0,816.   pooled                    N/A       August
(not                                                            %                                 Park
                         ing           1       20   funds                               2020
includi                                                                                           Project
ng                                                                                                on
land                                                                                              www.c
purcha                                                                                            ninfo.c
se)                                                                                               om.cn
                                                                                                  nt of
                                  83,218   1,406,
Total       --      --     --     ,789.8   982,79     --      --                 --        --        --
                                       3     2.50

                                                                                           Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                               Annual Report 2023

4. Financial Investments

(1) Securities Investments

 Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                                       Gain/    Accu
                                                        Loss    mulat
                                                         on       ed     Purch
                                      Meas    Begin                                Sold      Gain/l    Endin
                            Initial                     fair-    fair-    ased
Securi    Securi   Securi             ureme    ning                                 in       oss in       g     Accou    Fundi
                            invest                     value    value      in
  ty        ty       ty                 nt    carryi                              Repor      Repor     carryi   nting      ng
                             ment                      chang    chang    Repor
 type      code    name               metho     ng                                 ting       ting       ng      title   source
                             cost                       es in     es      ting
                                        d     value                               Period     Period    value
                                                       Repor    charg    Period
                                                        ting     ed to
                                                       Period   equity
Dome               Gotio
sticall            n                  Fair                 -
                             83,01            493,9             285,3                                  368,3    in       Self-
y/Ove     00207    High-              value            125,5
                            4,485.            67,19             62,02                                  76,50    other    funde
rseas     4        tech               metho            90,68
                                13             4.53              1.37                                   6.50    equity   d
listed             Co.,               d                 8.03
stock              Ltd.
                   Xiam                                                                                         ments
sticall                               Fair                  -
                   en       152,9             328,6             137,8                         16,63    290,8    in       Self-
y/Ove     60118                       value             37,85
                   Bank     57,60             64,29             50,06                        3,969.    07,67    other    funde
rseas     7                           metho            6,619.
                   Co.,Lt    6.83              0.95              4.22                            35     1.05    equity   d
listed                                d                    90
                   d.                                                                                           instru
                   h of               Fair
                                                                                                                in       Self-
                   Guan     500,0     value   500,0                                                    500,0
Other     无                                                                                                    other    funde
                   gdong    00.00     metho   00.00                                                    00.00
                                                                                                                equity   d
                   Devel              d
sticall                               Fair
                   Lifan    1,176,                         -                                                    tradin
y/Ove     60177                       value   972,0                                                    901,5
                   Techn     008.7                     70,51                                                    g        Other
rseas     7                           metho   32.92                                                    22.76
                   ology         4                      0.16                                                    financ
listed                                d
Dome                                                                                                                     (passi
                   ZOT                                                                                          for-
sticall                               Fair                                                                               vely
                   YE                                      -                                                    tradin
y/Ove     00098             423,4     value                              423,4                         77,77             held
                   Auto                                345,6                                                    g
rseas     0                 48.92     metho                              48.92                          5.02             due to
                   mobil                               73.90                                                    financ
listed                                d                                                                                  a
                   e                                                                                            ial
stock                                                                                                                    debt-

                                                                                               Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                   Annual Report 2023

                          238,0               824,1               423,2                           16,63    660,6
                                                          163,8             423,4
Total                     71,54       --      03,51               12,08                 0.00     3,969.    63,47        --          --
                                                          63,49             48.92
                           9.62                8.40                5.59                              35     5.33
Note: The shares in Zotye Automobile (000980) held in this period were passively held by Nanning Liaowang
in a debt-to-equity conversion during the Reporting Period. Changsha Branch of Zotye New Energy
Automobile Co., Ltd, a debtor of the Company, was applied for reorganisation by one of its creditors.
According to the Civil Ruling made by the court, it was ruled to accept the creditor's reorganisation application
against Zotye Automobile. According to the reorganisation plan, Nanning Liaowang would receive
RMB100,000 cash settlement and 26,099 shares in Zotye Automobile.

(2) Investments in Derivative Financial Instruments

 Applicable □ Not applicable

1) Derivative Investments for Hedging Purposes in the Reporting Period

 Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                    Unit: USD’0,000

                                           Gain/Loss                                                                           Ending
                                            on fair-                                                                         investment
                                                             ed fair-     Purchased
                Initial                      value                                       Sold in the                           amount
 Type of                  Beginning                           value         in the                         Ending
             investment                    changes in                                    Reporting                           as % of the
derivative                 amount                            changes      Reporting                        amount
               amount                         the                                          Period                            Company’s
                                                           recorded in     Period
                                           Reporting                                                                           ending
                                             Period                                                                             equity
                  1,000           1,000               0              0              0            1,000              0             0.00%
                  1,000           1,000               0              0              0            1,000              0             0.00%
                  1,000           1,000               0              0              0            1,000              0             0.00%
                   500               0                0              0          500                500              0             0.00%
                   500               0                0              0          500                500              0             0.00%
                   600               0                0              0          600                600              0             0.00%
                   750               0                0              0          750                750              0             0.00%
                   750               0                0              0          750                750              0             0.00%
                   750               0                0              0          750                750              0             0.00%
                   750               0                0              0          750                750              0             0.00%
                   600               0                0              0          600                600              0             0.00%

                                                                                              Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                  Annual Report 2023

                       750               0               0               0             750        750              0        0.00%
                       750               0               0               0             750        750              0        0.00%
                       750               0               0               0             750        750              0        0.00%
                       750               0               0               0             750        750              0        0.00%
Total               11,200           3,000               0               0            8,200   11,200               0        0.00%
changes in
adopted for    No
hedges in
to the last
gain/loss in
the            The actual loss stood at USD-2.5929 million in the Reporting Period.
Effectivene    The Company carries out foreign exchange hedging business appropriately according to specific situations, which
ss of          can effectively reduce the foreign exchange market risk, lock in industrial profit of export business and avoid
hedging        exchange rate risk.
Analysis of    Risk analysis of the forward foreign exchange settlement: 1. Market risk: Given the unpredictability of economic
risks and      changes at home and abroad, the foreign exchange hedging business faces market risk, to some extent. 2. Foreign
measures       currency risk: When the foreign currency trend greatly deviates from the Company's judgment of such trend, the
associated     expenses after locking the exchange rate might exceed that before doing so, resulting in losses to the Company. 3.
with           Internal control risk: Imperfect internal control policies probably triggers risks to the foreign exchange hedging
               business, as it is highly professional and complex. 4. Trading default risk: If the counterparty of foreign exchange
s held in      hedging defaults by failing to pay hedging earnings to the Company as agreed, the actual exchange loss of the
Reporting      Company will not be offset. 5. Collection forecast risk: Marketing departments forecast collection based on the
               actual and expected orders of customers. In practice, customers may adjust such orders. As a result, the Company's
but not        collection forecast will not be accurate, leading to delivery risks.
limited to     Adopted risk control measures: 1. The Company will strengthen the research and analysis of the exchange rate.
market         When the exchange rate fluctuates greatly, it will adjust the business strategy in a timely manner to stabilize the
risk,          export business and avoid exchange losses to the utmost. 2. The Company has established the Management System
liquidity      for Foreign Exchange Hedging and majority-owned subsidiary NationStar Optoelectronics has also formulated the
risk, credit   Management System for Forward Forex Settlement and Sale and Forex Option Transactions, clearly defining the
risk,          operating principles, approval authority, responsible department and responsible person, internal operation
operational    procedures, information isolation measures, internal risk reporting system, risk management procedures, and

                                                                                            Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                Annual Report 2023

risk, legal    information disclosure related to the foreign exchange hedging business. 3. In order to prevent any delay in the
risk, etc.)    foreign exchange hedging, the Company will strengthen the management of accounts receivable, actively collect
               receivables, and avoid any overdue receivables. In the meantime, the Company plans to increase the export
               purchases and purchase corresponding credit insurance so as to reduce the risk of default and customer default. 4.
               The Company’s foreign exchange hedges must be strictly based on the Company’s foreign exchange earnings
               prediction. Besides, the Company shall strictly control the scale of its foreign exchange hedges, and manage all
               risks that the Company may face within a controllable range. 5. The internal audit department of the Company shall
               check the actual signing and execution situation of all trading contracts on a regular or irregular basis.
Changes in
prices or
fair value
               The Company carries out recognition and measurement in accordance with the Accounting Standard for Business
s in
               Enterprises No. 22—Recognition and Measurement of Financial Instruments, the Accounting Standard for
               Business Enterprises No. 24—Hedges, the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 37—Presentation of
Period (fair
               Financial Instrument and other applicable regulations. Fair value is arrived at based on the price provided by
               pricing service providers such as banks or the price obtained. Fair value measurement and recognition are carried
               out on a monthly basis. Changes in the fair value of forward exchange settlement contracts entered into by the
               Company are mainly attributable to difference arising from exchange rate fluctuations.
nt method
and related
s and
involved (if
date of
ent on
board’s       13 August 2022 and 1 August 2023
(if any)
Opinion of     The independent directors are of the opinion that: The foreign exchange hedging transactions conducted by the
independen     Company are based on normal production and operation, are supported by specific businesses, aim to avoid and
t directors    prevent foreign exchange risks associated with export businesses, do not involve speculative operations and are
on             consistent with the needs of the Company's operation and development. The Company has established relevant
derivative     business management policies and risk control and prevention measures. The risk is controllable. The proposal was
investment     passed following a lawful, valid decision-making procedure, has no negative impact on the Company's normal
s and risk     operation and business development and does not undermine the interest of the Company and its shareholders.
control        Therefore, the Company's conducting foreign exchange hedging transactions is approved.

2) Derivative Investments for Speculative Purposes in the Reporting Period

□ Applicable  Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

                                                                                                   Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                       Annual Report 2023

5. Use of Raised Funds

 Applicable □ Not applicable

(1) General Information about Use of Raised Funds

 Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB’0,000
                                                                                               tive re-                 Purpose     Amoun
                                                                                  Cumula       purpose                    and       t being
                                               used in                    d
                          Total        Net                 Cumula                 tive re-         d                    wherea      idle for
Year of     Way of                               the                   amount                                Unused
                         amount      proceed                tively                purpose      amount                   bouts of     more
raising     raising                            current                  in the                               amount
                          raised        s                    used                    d         as % of                    the         than
                                               period                  Reporti
                                                                                  amount         total                  unused        two
                                                                                               amount                   amount       years
            e of
            shares       109,455     108,841                                                                 109,163
2023                                                   /           /          /            /           /                /                   /
            to               .18         .55                                                                     .23
                         109,455     108,841                                                                 109,163
 Total         --                                      /           /          /            /           /                    --              /
                             .18         .55                                                                     .23
                                                  Description of the use of raised funds
Note: In the year, RMB0.00 in the raised funds account was directly used in raised funds investment projects, a
total self-pooled amount of RMB87,975,313.46 was input in advance to the raised funds investment projects
and awaited swap, and another amount of RMB2,603,975.16 also awaited swap, which was the total of the self-
pooled amount that had been paid in advance for issuance costs and stamp duty and the issuance costs to be paid.
These amounts that awaited swap have been verified by WUYIGE Certified Public Accountants LLP, which
issued the Verification Report D.X.Z.S.Z. [2023] No. 22-00052. And these amounts still awaited swap by 31
December 2023. As of December 31, 2023, the balance was RMB1,091,632,250.94. For details, please refer to
the announcement of the company's "Special Report on the Storage and Actual usage of funds raised and actual
usage" disclosed by the company on the “www.cninfo.com.cn”.

 (2) Promised Use of Raised Funds

 Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB’0,000

 Promise                    Total                                Cumulat
               Re-                                                          Investme          Time                                 Significa
d project                  promise     Adjusted                     ive
             purposed                                                           nt         when the        Returns     Meeting         nt
 funded                        d         total      Investme     investme
                or                                                          progress         project       derived        the       change
   with                   investme     investme      nt in the       nt
             partially                                                       as at the      is ready        in the     expected        to
  raised                      nt           nt       Reportin      amount
                re-                                                          period-         for its       Reportin     returns     project
  funds                    amount       amount      g Period       at the
             purposed                                                        end (3)       intended        g Period      or not    feasibilit
   and                       with         (1)                     period-
              or not                                                        =(2)/(1)          use                                  y or not
investme                    raised                                end (2)

                                                                                        Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                            Annual Report 2023

 nt with                    funds
Promised projects
on and                     36,464.2   35,850.6                                  Novemb
            No                                    293.66     293.66    0.82%                   -       N/A         No
digitaliz                         7          4                                  er 2026
l park                     25,252.9   25,252.9                                  May
            No                                   7,364.57   7,364.57   29.16%                  -       N/A         No
Phase I                           1          1                                  2025
street      No             9,179.52   9,179.52     66.14      66.14    0.72%                   -       N/A         No
module      No             24,008.8   24,008.8    150.53     150.53    0.63%                   -       N/A         No
centre                     14,549.6   14,549.6                                  May
            No                                    922.62     922.62    6.34%                   -       N/A         No
construct                         8          8                                  2024
                           109,455.   108,841.
promise          --                              8,797.52   8,797.52    --         --          -           --           --
                                 18         55
Use of over-raised funds
g bank
                 --                                                                --          --          --           --
loan (if
working          --                                                                --          --          --           --
(if any)
                 --                                                     --         --                      --           --
of use of

                                                                                                Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                    Annual Report 2023

                         109,455.     108,841.
Total           --                                8,797.52     8,797.52        --          --               0      --          --
                               18           55
failing to
returns      Projects have not reached their intended status of use
by item
g the
” for
ng the
rs about
change       No significant change occurred to the feasibility of these projects in the Reporting Period.
and use
progress     N/A
of over-
of raised

                                                                                             Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                 Annual Report 2023

ents to
the way
ntation     N/A
of raised
            On 16 January 2024, the Company held the 51st meeting of the 9th Board of Directors and the 25th meeting of the 9th
            Supervisory Committee, reviewing and passing the Proposal on Using Raised Funds to Replace Self-raised Funds for
nts in
            Pre-invested Capital Projects and Paid Issuance Expenses and agreed to use a total of RMB90.5793 million from the
            raised funds to replace self-raised funds used for pre-invested capital projects and paid issuance expenses.
            Specifically, RMB87.9753 million would be used to replace self-raised funds for pre-invested capital projects, and
            RMB2.604 million would be used to replace self-raised funds for paid issuance expenses. WUYIGE Certified Public
            Accountants LLP has conducted a special verification on the Company’s use of self-pooled funds in its raised funds
            investment projects and issued the Verification Report on the Swap of Self-pooled Funds Input to Raised Funds
            Investment Projects with Raised Funds by Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. (D.X.Z.S.Z. [2023] No. 22-
            00052). Guotai Junan Securities, the sponsoring institution, has provided a verification opinion on this matter and has
            no objections to the Company's use of raised funds to replace self-raised funds for pre-invested capital projects. By
            January 2024, the Company had completed the swap of all the self-pooled funds that had been input in advance to the
nt swaps
            raised funds investment projects and used to pay for the issuance expenses.
Use of
funds for
ily         N/A
of raised
and the
whereab     On 5 February 2024, the Company utilized RMB599 million of temporarily idle raised funds for cash management,
outs of     and the remaining amount was deposited in the special account for raised funds.

                                                                                        Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                            Annual Report 2023

s or
in the        No
use and
e of

(3) Re-purposed Raised Funds

□ Applicable  Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

VIII Sale of Major Assets and Equity Investments

1. Sale of Major Assets

□ Applicable  Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

2. Sale of Major Equity Investments

□ Applicable  Not applicable

IX Major Subsidiaries

 Applicable □ Not applicable
Major fully/majority-owned subsidiaries and those minority-owned subsidiaries with an over 10% effect on the

Company’s net profit:

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                              Principal   Registered                                 Operating     Operating
  Name         p with the                               Total assets   Net assets                                 Net profit
                               activity    capital                                    revenue       profit
                             Manufactur   618,477,16    6,526,413,1    3,803,439,9   3,541,637,2   79,839,482.   85,535,534.
Optoelectro    Subsidiary
                             ing          9.00                04.58          79.36         27.92           04            98
nics Co.,
Liaowang                     Manufactur   35,055,700.   2,487,842,8    920,084,54    1,585,442,7   43,135,821.   47,194,316.
Auto Lamp                    ing          00                  91.97          8.62          17.59           08            22
Co., Ltd.
FSL Zhida      Subsidiary    Manufactur   38,150,000.   192,086,60     84,324,956.   240,858,64    17,144,595.   14,718,134.

                                                                                              Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                  Annual Report 2023

Electric                      ing          00                      3.96               46          9.44            82              66
y Co., Ltd.
                              Manufactur   72,782,944.      786,385,31    311,088,09       1,248,871,0   96,964,430.   81,808,402.
Optoelectro      Subsidiary
                              ing          00                     1.38          4.29             31.53           10            99
nics Co.,

Subsidiaries obtained or disposed in the Reporting Period:
Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                How the subsidiary was obtained or             Impact on overall operations and
                                                disposed of in the Reporting Period                     performance
                                                                                           No significant impact on the Company’s
FSL LIGHTING GMBH                          De-registered
                                                                                           production and performance

Information about major majority- and minority-owned subsidiaries:

—In a major asset restructuring in February 2022, the Company acquired a 21.32% interest in Foshan NationStar

Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. (NationStar) from Rising Holdings and its acting-in-concert party. Upon the conclusion

of the transaction, the Company eventually holds a 21.48% interest in NationStar, and NationStar has become a

majority-owned subsidiary of the Company. The Company has included NationStar in its consolidated financial

statements since Q1 2022.

—Nanning Liaowang Auto Lamp Co., Ltd. signed an equity agreement with its existing shareholders in July 2021,

and acquired Nanning Liaowang through equity acquisition and capital increase and share expansion. Upon the

conclusion of the transaction, the Company eventually holds a 53.79% interest in Nanning Liaowang, and

Nanning Liaowang has become a majority-owned subsidiary of the Company. The Company has included

Nanning Liaowang in its consolidated financial statements from the date when the Company obtained actual

control of it.

 —FSL Zhida Electric Technology Co., Ltd. (FSL Zhida) was incorporated by the Company, Foshan Zhibida

Enterprise Management Co., Ltd. and Dongguan Baida Semiconductor Material Co., Ltd. on a joint investment

basis. FSL Zhida obtained its business license on 21 October 2016. FSL Zhida changed its registered capital on

the basis of paid-in-capital on 16 January 2023. Upon the completion of the change, the Company holds a stake of

66.84% in it. The Company has included FSL Zhida in its consolidated financial statements since the date of FSL

Zhida’s incorporation.

—FSL Chanchang Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. (renamed on 19 June 2018 from “Foshan Chanchang Electric

Appliances (Gaoming) Co., Ltd.”), which is a Sino-foreign joint venture invested and established by the Company

and Prosperity Lamps and Components Ltd, had obtained license for business corporation on 23 August 2005

                                                                                Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                    Annual Report 2023

through approval by Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau of Gaoming District, Foshan with

document “MWJMY Zi [2005] No. 79”. The Company holds 70% equities of the said company; therefore the said

subsidiary was included into the scope of the consolidated financial statements since the date of foundation. On 23

August 2016, the Company and Prosperity Lamps and Components Ltd signed the equity transfer agreement. The

Company purchased 30% equity of Foshan Chanchang Electric Appliances (Gaoming) Co., Ltd. held by

Prosperity Lamps and Components Ltd. After the purchasing, the Company held 100% equity of FSL Chanchang

Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.

X Structured Bodies Controlled by the Company

□ Applicable  Not applicable

XI Prospects

(I) The Company's development strategies

The Company will continue to take technology and services as two top-priority fronts, focus on brand and value

and center its efforts on upgrading to medium- to high-end smart manufacturing, transitioning to a provider of

products and integrated solutions and transcending to "smart, healthy, green and human-oriented lighting”. In the

meantime, the Company will step up efforts on the application end, further exploit the Internet-of-Things (IoT)

ecosphere and niche markets, develop more new application scenarios and products, continuously improve our

core competitiveness and accelerate the new round of development.

(II) Operational plan for 2024

1. Focus on incremental expansion to further consolidate the good situation

The Company will persist in maintaining profitability and steady growth by employing a combination of market

expansion strategies. First, vigorously promote the marketing model change. The Company will focus on effective

distributor management, nurturing and developing a group of capable and sizable distributors. It will continuously

expand its network of hardware retail outlets and specialty stores, accelerating market expansion and coverage in

untapped areas. The Company will maintain a balance between B2B and B2C approaches, leveraging avenues

such as expanding into e-commerce and home improvement markets to rapidly grow its B2C business and self-

operated sales volume. Furthermore, it will vigorously expand its overseas independent brand business, aiming to

increase market share consistently. Second, focus on attacking large customers and large projects. The Company

                                                                                Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                    Annual Report 2023

will focus on large projects for large customers as the top management priority, strengthen cooperation with

design institutes, import projects from the source, and seize the development opportunities of the "1310" specific

deployment in Guangdong Province. Third, accelerate the volume and scale of new business. The Company will

make every effort to expand its new energy vehicle lighting business in the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl

River Delta, continuously increasing the sales proportion of mid-to-high-end products. It will seize opportunities

in the construction of domestic marine ranches and make a concentrated effort to develop businesses related to

aquaculture, fish collection, and vessel lighting. In the fields of smart lighting and health lighting, the Company

will leverage its product and channel advantages, identify key areas for growth, and continuously expand its sales.

2. Focus on innovation drive to further enhance core competitiveness

By striving to achieve excellence in three aspects, the Company aims to accumulate innovative momentum and

enhance its core competitiveness. To establish a first-class research and development institution, the Company

will continue to collaborate with renowned universities and research institutes. It will integrate innovation

resources and create collaborative innovation platforms to provide strong impetus for technological innovation. In

the introduction of first-class R & D talent, the relevant person in charge of the Institute and the R & D team

personnel, to provide talent support for the development of new products. In the pursuit of launching first-class

products, the Company will accelerate research and development efforts to introduce high-quality and

differentiated products with Company's characteristics, thus embarking on a "lighting+" path of integrated


3. Improve internal management to further enhance operational quality and efficiency

The Company will continue to strengthen internal management and tap into its potential to improve efficiency and

effectiveness. First, continuously improve the level of refined management. The Company will focus on key

financial indicators and continuously benchmark its performance. It will implement targeted actions such as

improving collection efforts, reducing inventory, lowering costs, and controlling expenses. These initiatives aim

to address management deficiencies and strengthen the foundation of the Company's overall management

practices. Second, strengthen the quality improvement. The Company will construct a comprehensive quality

control system that covers the entire supply chain, from design, procurement, production, to inspection, with an

aim to enhancing the overall quality level comprehensively. Third, continue to strengthen risk prevention and

control. The Company will establish a sound compliance management system, strengthen compliance reviews of

major matters, and effectively handle significant risks and issues. It will persistently prioritize and implement

                                                                                 Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                     Annual Report 2023

safety and environmental protection measures to ensure stable and sustainable development of the enterprise.

Fourth, cultivate the brand and foster a strong corporate culture. The Company will refine and upgrade its brand

by integrating the recognition of being a "Chinese time-honoured brand." It will reinterpret the brand's essence

and carry out promotional activities to continuously enhance its brand value and influence. Additionally, the

Company will explore its mission, vision, core values, and other aspects, and design a cultural system to

disseminate them. The goal is to make "Buddha Lighting Culture" a soft power that supports the high-quality

development of the enterprise.

 (III) Potential risks facing the Company and countermeasures

1. Risks of macro economic fluctuations and fiercer market competition

At present, economic uncertainties remain at home and abroad. If economic growth continues to slow down, it

may have an adverse impact on the development of the industry. Meanwhile, the lighting industry is a fully

competitive industry. And as market demand slows down in growth, the Company could be facing fiercer


Countermeasures: The Company will adhere to the set strategies, spend greater effort in developing new products,

constantly refine the business portfolio, and actively explore segment markets such as intelligent lighting, healthy

lighting, ocean lighting, animal and plant lighting. It will also accelerate the introduction of new manufacturing

processes, technologies and products to the market for new competitive edges. At the same time, by optimizing

marketing network and strengthening the business focus and expansion on domestic and foreign major customers,

the Company will improve service quality, strengthen internal management, and increase core competitive

capacity constantly.

2. Risk of raw material price fluctuations

The main raw materials of the Company and its subsidiaries include chips, lamp beads, electronic components,

aluminum substrates, plastic parts, metal materials, etc., and the price fluctuations of main raw materials will have

an impact on the Company's production costs. If the price of raw materials continues to rise in the future, it may

adversely affect the Company's production and operation.

Countermeasures: The Company will pay attention to market dynamics, collect information, analyze and pre-

judge supply of main raw materials and price trends, so as to make excellent sourcing plans. By enhancing

negotiation, refining suppliers, perfecting supply chain management, and promoting alternative materials, the

Company is able to decrease procurement costs.

                                                                                      Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                          Annual Report 2023

3. Risk of exchange rate fluctuations

Overseas sales, which are mainly settled in USD, account for over 20% of the Company’s total sales. If RMB

experiences significant appreciation, the price competitiveness of overseas sales could be undermined and

exchange losses may increase, which will produce adverse impacts on the Company’s net profit.

Countermeasures: By keeping abreast of and analyzing exchange rate policies and fluctuation trend of settlement

currencies in time, intensifying settlement currency management, ,and carrying out foreign exchange hedging

business when the timing is right, the Company can relatively lock in exchange rates and minimize the risks

brought by exchange rate fluctuations.

4. Risk associated with the recoverability of accounts receivable

Receivables grow along with the Company's business. Customers who fail to repay loans timely or become

insolvent, due to changes in macroeconomic trends, market environments, and their business, will place the

Company at the risk of non-performing receivables.

Countermeasures: In order to reduce the receivable collection risk, the Company can constantly optimize the

receivable risk management system, categorise customers for better management, regularly assess customers'

credit profiles, and enhance customer risk assessment. Meanwhile, it can reinforce contract approval and

management, double its effort to collect receivables, and incorporate the collection of receivables into the

performance assessment system for business departments.

XII Communications with the Investment Community such as Researches, Inquiries and

 Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                               Index to
                                    Way of                                              discussions and
     Date            Place                         Type of visitor       Visitor                           communication
                                 communication                                             materials
                                                                     Securities,        See Investor
                                                                     Zheshang           Relations
6 February                       One-on-one                                                                www.cninfo.co
                The Company                        Institution       Securities, TF     Activities Log
2023                             meeting                                                                   m.cn
                                                                     Securities,        Sheet No.
                                                                     Evergrande         2023-01
                                                                                        See Investor
                                 Through an                          Essence                               www.cninfo.co
15 March 2023   The Company                        Institution                          Activities Log
                                 online platform                     Securities,                           m.cn
                                                                                        Sheet No.

                                                                                  Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                      Annual Report 2023

                                                               Securities and
                                                               17 other
                                                                                    See Investor
                                                               Hanhe Capital
                               Through an                      and Bosera                              www.cninfo.co
12 June 2023     The Company                     Institution                        Activities Log
                               online platform                 Fund and 39                             m.cn
                                                                                    Sheet No.
                                                               Securities,          See Investor
                                                               Kaiyuan              Relations
                               Through an                                                              www.cninfo.co
28 June 2023     www.p5w.net                     Other         Securities and       Activities Log
                               online platform                                                         m.cn
                                                               four other           Sheet No.
                                                               institutional        2023-04
                                                               investors and
                                                               online network
                                                                Guotai Junan
                                                               Shunyin              See Investor
                                                               Industrial           Relations
                               One-on-one                                                              www.cninfo.co
30 August 2023   The Company                     Institution   Finance, First       Activities Log
                               meeting                                                                 m.cn
                                                               Capital and six      Sheet No.
                                                               other                2023-05
                                                               A wide range         See Investor
                                                               of investors         Relations
19 September                   Through an                                                              www.cninfo.co
                 www.p5w.net                     Other         who participate      Activities Log
2023                           online platform                                                         m.cn
                                                               remotely over        Sheet No.
                                                               the Internet.        2023-06
                                                               Guotai Junan
                                                               Securities, Ping
                                                                                    See Investor
                                                               An Securities,
20 October                     One-on-one                      China                                   www.cninfo.co
                 The Company                     Institution                        Activities Log
2023                           meeting                         Securities and                          m.cn
                                                                                    Sheet No.
                                                               17 other
                                                               Shen Zhen
                                                                                    See Investor
                                                               CMS Zhiyuan
27 October                     One-on-one                      Capital, Huati                          www.cninfo.co
                 The Company                     Institution                        Activities Log
2023                           meeting                         Private Equity                          m.cn
                                                                                    Sheet No.
                                                               Fund and 17
15 November      The Company   One-on-one        Institution   GF Securities,       See Investor       www.cninfo.co

                                                                                 Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                     Annual Report 2023

2023                           meeting                         Zhujiang Life       Relations          m.cn
                                                               Insurance,          Activities Log
                                                               Hongchou            Sheet No.
                                                               Investment and      2023-09
                                                               two other
                                                               Yixiang Private
                                                               Equity Fund,        See Investor
                                                               Abama Asset,        Relations
21 November                    One-on-one                                                             www.cninfo.co
               The Company                     Institution     and Guosen          Activities Log
2023                           meeting                                                                m.cn
                                                               Securities and      Sheet No.
                                                               three other         2023-10

XIII Implementation of the “Quality and Earnings Dual Improvement” Action Plan

Indicate whether the Company has disclosed the “Quality and Earnings Dual Improvement” Action Plan.
□ Yes  No

                                                                                Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                    Annual Report 2023

                               Part IV Corporate Governance

I General Information of Corporate Governance

During the Reporting Period, in strict accordance with relevant requirements of Company Law, Securities Law,

Code of Corporate Governance of Listed Companies and Rules of Stock Listing of Shenzhen Stock Exchange as

well as other relevant laws, rules and regulations, the Company continuously perfected the corporate governance

structure and set up an effective corporate governance system. At present, the Company has set up governance

structure of responsible Shareholders’ General Meeting, the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee and

managers, who performed right of decision-making, execution and supervision respectively according to their

duties; besides, the Company set up special committees of the Board of Directors and system for independent

directors. The Company strengthened information disclosure of principal shareholders and persons acting-in-

concert, forbidden shareholders of the Company to misapply their rights. The Company separated from the

principal shareholder in personnel, assets, business, financial affairs and organizational, and was absolutely

impendent. The Company timely revised and perfected various systems in accordance with the latest issued laws

& rules and relevant regulations of CSRC and Shenzhen Stock Exchange. And the corporate governance is

basically in line with the requirements of relevant laws, regulations and regulatory documents.

Indicate by tick market whether there is any material incompliance with the applicable laws, regulations, or rules

issued by the CSRC governing the governance of listed companies.

□ Yes  No

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

II The Company’s Independence from Its Controlling Shareholder and Actual Controller in
Asset, Personnel, Financial Affairs, Organization and Business

The Company is completely separated from its controlling shareholder and actual controller in aspects such as

business, personnel, assets, institutions and finance and possesses independent and complete business and self-

dependent operating ability.

1. As for the business, the Company is independent of its controlling shareholder and actual controller and their

subordinate enterprises and owns the independent business departments and management system as well as

                                                                                  Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                      Annual Report 2023

possesses of impendent and entire business and self-dependent operating ability.

2. As for the personnel, the Company formulates the independent management system such as the labor, personnel

and the salary, possesses the independent personnel department and the operating management team. The Senior

Executives of the Company are serving at the Company in full time and receiving the salary from the Company.

3. As for the assets, the assets of the Company are independent and entire with clear ownership, and possesses the

independent production system, BOP system and the supporting facilities, as well as possesses the legal

ownership of the land, factories, equipments related to the production and operating and the assets such as the

trademark, patent and the non-patent technology, and possesses the entire control and govern power of all the

assets of the Company without any behavior such as the controlling shareholder or the actual controller occupies

the assets of the Company.

4. As for the institutions, the Company set up the independent and entire organizations and institutions, and the

construction as well as the operating of the corporate governance institutions is executed strictly executed

according to the Articles of Association, and the production and operating as well as the offices are entirely

independent from the controlling shareholder and the actual controller with any situation of working under one

roof with the controlling shareholder or the actual controller.

5. As for the finance, the Company set up the independent finance department and builds up the independent and

normative accounting and financial control system according to the requirements of the ASBE, set up the

independent bank account and pays the taxes legally and independently and the Company could make the

financial decisions independently without any situation of the controlling shareholder or the actual controller

intervenes the capital usage of the Company.

III Horizontal Competition

□ Applicable  Not applicable

IV Annual and Special General Meetings Convened during the Reporting Period

1. General Meeting Convened during the Reporting Period

                                             Investor                                               Resolutions of the
       Meeting            Type                                 Convened date    Disclosure date
                                        participation ratio                                              meeting
The   1st          Extraordinary                   43.60%     31 March 2023    1 April 2023         Resolutions of the

                                                                                                  Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                      Annual Report 2023

Extraordinary       General Meeting                                                                                       1st Extraordinary
General Meeting                                                                                                           General Meeting
of 2023                                                                                                                   of 2023
                                                                                                                          Resolutions of the
The 2022 Annual     Annual General
                                                             43.16%   10 May 2023             11 May 2023                 2022 Annual
General Meeting     Meeting
                                                                                                                          General Meeting
The   2nd                                                                                                                 Resolutions of the
Extraordinary       Extraordinary                                                                                         2nd Extraordinary
                                                             41.47%   22 December 2023        23 December 2023
General Meeting     General Meeting                                                                                       General Meeting
of 2023                                                                                                                   of 2023

2. Special General Meetings Convened at the Request of Preferred Shareholders with Resumed Voting

□ Applicable  Not applicable

V Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

1. General Information

                                                                                      Increas     Decrea
                                                                          Beginn       e in        se in       Other                    Reaso
                                          Incum     Start                   ing         the        the         increas                  n for
            Gende             Office                             End of                                                     shareh
Name                Age                   bent/F        of                shareh      Report      Report       e/decre                  share
              r                   title                          tenure                                                     olding
                                          ormer    tenure                 olding       ing         ing          ase                     change
                                                                          (share)     Period      Period       (share)                    s
                                                                                      (share)     (share)
                              Chair                26
Wan                           man of      Incum    Februa
            Male      54                                                          0           0            0          0             0
Shan                          the         bent     ry
                              Board                2024
Zhuan                         Chair
                                          Incum    Decem                  11,903                                            11,903
g           Male      72      man of                                                          0            0          0
                                          bent     ber                      ,509                                              ,509
Jianyi                        the
                              Direct      Incum    Februa
                              or          bent     ry
Zhang                                              2024
Xuequ       Male      46                                                  73,052              0            0          0     73,052
                              Genera               21
                              l           Incum    Decem
                              Manag       bent     ber
                              er                   2023

                                                            Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                Annual Report 2023

Chen                 Direct           Februa
Mingji   Male   40                                 0    0        0         0         0
                     or       bent    ry

Hu                                    30
                     Direct   Incum
Fengca   Male   58                    June         0    0        0         0         0
                     or       bent
i                                     2022
                     Indepe           13
                     ndent    Incum   Septe
Xiyua    Male   62                                 0    0        0         0         0
                     Direct   bent    mber
                     or               2021
                     Indepe           13
                     ndent    Incum   Septe
Rensh    Male   58                                 0    0        0         0         0
                     Direct   bent    mber
                     or               2021
Dou                                   24
                     ndent    Incum
Linpin   Male   64                    August       0    0        0         0         0
                     Direct   bent
g                                     2020
                     man of
Li                   the              18
Jingwe   Male   47   Superv           Januar       0    0        0         0         0
i                    isory            y 2022
                     Superv   Incum   Decem
g        Male   38                                 0    0        0         0         0
                     isor     bent    ber
Li                   Superv   Incum
         Male   36                    August       0    0        0         0         0
Yizhi                isor     bent
Ye                                    27
                     Superv   Incum
Zheng    Male   50                    May      77,561   0        0         0    77,561
                     isor     bent
hong                                  2010
Lin                  Superv   Incum   Septe
         Male   54                             22,583   0        0         0    22,583
Qing                 isor     bent    mber
                     ive              5
Zhang                Deput    Incum   Februa
         Male   49                             77,596   0        0         0    77,596
Yong                 y        bent    ry
                     Genera           2024

                                                                              Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                  Annual Report 2023

                           y                 13
Chen                       Genera    Incum
         Male         51                     May                 66,066   0        0         0    66,066
Yu                         l         bent
                           Manag             2014
Tang                                         26
         Femal                       Incum
Qiongl                53   CFO               Januar              75,940   0        0         0    75,940
         e                           bent
an                                           y 2016
Huang                      Board             19
Zhenh    Male         36   Secret            May                     0    0        0         0         0
uan                        ary               2021
                           Chair                       23
Wu                         man of            7 May     Februa
Sheng    Male         53                                             0    0        0         0         0
                           the       r       2020      ry
                           Board                       2024
                           Direct    Forme   7 May     Septe
                           or        r       2020      mber
Lei                                                    2023
         Male         56                                             0    0        0         0         0
Zihe                       Genera                      11
                           l         Forme   7 May     Septe
                           Manag     r       2020      mber
                           er                          2023
Zhang                                        24
                           Direct    Forme             Septe
Xianfe   Male         53                     August                  0    0        0         0         0
                           or        r                 mber
ng                                           2020
                                             25        5
                           Direct    Forme   Decem     Februa
Zhiyon   Male         54                                             0    0        0         0         0
                           or        r       ber       ry
                                             2015      2024
                                             17        29
Jiao                                         Septe     Decem
                           Genera    Forme
Zhigan   Male         51                                         90,399   0        0         0    90,399
                           l         r       mber      ber
                                             2013      2023
                           y                           19
Wei                        Genera    Forme   Septe               105,22                           105,22
         Male         54                               Januar             0        0         0
Bin                        l         r       mber                     6                                6
                           Manag                       y 2024
                                                                 12,491                           12,491
Total      --    --             --     --         --        --            0        0         0                --
                                                                   ,932                             ,932

                                                                            Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                Annual Report 2023

Indicate by tick mark whether any director, supervisor or senior management resigned during the Reporting


 Yes □ No

In September 2023, Mr. Lei Zihe resigned as Director and General Manager and from the relevant special
committees of the Company due to reassignment.
In September 2023, Mr. Zhang Xianfeng resigned as Director and from the relevant special committees of the
Company due to reassignment.
In December 2023, Mr. Jiao Zhigang resigned as Deputy General Manager of the Company due to reassignment.
In January 2024, Mr. Wei Bin resigned as Deputy General Manager of the Company due to reassignment.
In February 2024, Mr. Huang Zhiyong resigned as Director and from the relevant special committees of the
Company due to reassignment.
In February 2024, Mr. Wu Shenghui resigned as Chairman of the Board and Director and from the relevant
special committees of the Company due to reassignment.

Change of directors, supervisors and senior management:

 Applicable □ Not applicable
           Name            Office title         Type of change      Date of change          Reason for change
                                                                                         Resignation due to
Wu Shenghui          Chairman of the Board   Resignation         23 February 2024
                     Director                                                            Resignation due to
Lei Zihe                                     Resignation         11 September 2023
                     General Manager                                                     reassignment
                                                                                         Resignation due to
Zhang Xianfeng       Director                Resignation         11 September 2023
                     Deputy General                                                      Resignation due to
Jiao Zhigang                                 Resignation         29 December 2023
                     Manager                                                             reassignment
                     Deputy General                                                      Resignation due to
Wei Bin                                      Resignation         19 January 2024
                     Manager                                                             reassignment
                                                                                         Resignation due to
Huang Zhiyong        Director                Resignation         5 February 2024
                     Director and Chairman
Wan Shan                                     Elected             26 February 2024        Elected
                     of the Board
                     Director                Elected             26 February 2024        Elected
Zhang Xuequan                                                                            Appointed as the
                     General Manager         Appointed           21 December 2023
                                                                                         General Manager
Chen Mingjie         Director                Elected             26 February 2024        Elected
                                                                                         Appointed as an
                     Executive Deputy
Zhang Yong                                   Appointed           5 February 2024         Executive Deputy
                     General Manager
                                                                                         General Manager

2. Biographical Information

Professional backgrounds, major work experience and current duties in the Company of the incumbent directors,
supervisors and senior management:

(I) Work Experience of the Directors

                                                                              Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                  Annual Report 2023

Mr. Wan Shan: Born in October 1969, a member of the Communist Party of China, MBA of College of Public

Management of Sun Yat-Sen University. He was the Deputy Director Clerk of the Lecturers' Brigade in the

Propaganda Department of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee. He also worked as a team member in the

"Ten Hundred Thousand Million" Work Team stationed in Yongdong Village, Rongcheng District, Jieyang City.

Additionally, Wan Shan held the position of Deputy Director in the Research and Teaching Office of the

Lecturers' Brigade in the Publicity Department of CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee. He further served as

the Deputy Director of the Office in the Publicity Department of CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee, the

Director of the Office of the Publicity Department of CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee, Deputy Director in

the State-owned Cultural Assets Supervision and Administration Office of the People’s Government. Furthermore,

he has worked as the Assistant to the General Manager and Board Secretary, as well as the Office Director at

Guangdong Rising Assets Management Co., Ltd. (now renamed as Guangdong Rising Holdings Group Co., Ltd.).

He was also the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Director, and Chairman of the Labor Union in Foshan

Nationstar Optoelectronics Co., Ltd, as well as the Director of Party-Masses Department of Guangdong Rising

Holdings Group Co., Ltd. He has served as Secretary of Party Committee in the Company since January 2024;

and as the Chairman of the Board of the Company since February 2024.

Mr. Zhuang Jianyi: Born in 1951, with a bachelor’s degree and MBA. He now acts as the Chairman of the Board

of Hong Kong Youchang Lighting Equipment, and has been engaged in the electric light source equipment

production as well as the trading business for about 40 years. From 1995 to 2010, he acted as the Directors, the

Vice Chairman of the Board and the Chairman of the Board of the Company. And he has been serving as the Vice

Chairman of the Board of the Company since December 2015.

Mr. Zhang Xuequan: Born in December 1977, a member of the Communist Party of China, MBA of Lingnan

College of Sun Yat-Sen University. He joined the Company in 1996. He worked in the former Iodine-tungsten

Lamp Workshop from October to December 1996; worked in the Technology Department and then the Quality

Control Department from January 1997 to August 2002; acted as the Workshop Manager of Lamp Workshop from

September 2002 to May 2008; acted as the Department Director of the Business Management Department of the

Company from June 2008 to August 2016. He concurrently acted as the Office Director and the Head of the

Investment Department from February 2016 to December 2018. He was the Party Branch Secretary for the

Administrative Office of the Company from July 2010 to June 2017, and a member of the party committee of the

Company since July 2015. He was a supervisor of the Company from May 2013 to August 2016, a Deputy

                                                                              Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                  Annual Report 2023

General Manager of the Company from August 2016 to March 2020, an Executive Deputy General Manager of

the Company from March 2020 to December 2023. He has been serving as the Deputy Secretary of the CPC

Committee and General Manager of the Company since December 2023 and a Director of the Company since

February 2024. In addition, he serves as a Director of FSL Zhida Electric Technology Co., Ltd., the Chairman of

the Board and General Manager of Foshan Taimei Times Lamp Co., Ltd., an Executive Director of Foshan Kelian

New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., and a Director of Nanning Liaowang Auto Lamp Co., Ltd. Currently, he is

also a Director of the Company’s majority-owned subsidiary NationStar Optoelectronics.

Mr. Chen Mingjie: Born in September 1983, member of the Communist Party of China and has no right of

permanent residence in a foreign country. He graduated from the Business School of Renmin University of China,

majoring in business management. He served as the Deputy Supervisor of the Political and Cultural Department at

Guangdong People's Broadcasting Station; the Secretary of the Party Committee Office, Senior Supervisor,

Deputy Director, then the Director, and Youth League Committee Secretary of the Party and Mass Personnel

Department at Guangdong Provincial Guangsheng Asset Management Co., Ltd. (now renamed as Guangdong

Provincial Guangsheng Holdings Group Co., Ltd.). He has been the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and

Chairman of the Labor Union in the Company since August 2023; as the Director of the Company since February


Mr. Hu Fengcai: Born in September 1965, member of the Communist Party of China, graduated from the Party

School of the Guangdong Provincial Committee of CPC, majoring in Modern Economic Management. He is a

senior accountant. He worked as Deputy Manager of the Finance Department and Deputy Manager and Manager

of the Financial Audit Department of Guangdong Metallurgical Industry Corporation, member of the Party

Committee and Deputy General Manager of Guangdong Guangye Metallurgical Limited Corporation,

Independent Director of SGIS Songshan Co., Ltd., director, member of the Party Committee, and Deputy General

Manager of Guangdong Rising Metallurgical Co., Ltd., Chairman of the Supervisory Committee of the Third

Working Group of the Supervisory Committee, and deputy head of the Operation Management Department of

Guangdong Rising Assets Management Co., Ltd. (GRAM), and deputy head of the Operation Management

Department of Guangdong Rising Holdings Group Co., Ltd. (Rising Group). Now he serves as a full-time director

assigned to the listed company of Rising Group. He has been a Director of the Company since June 2022.

Currently, he is also a Director of Shenzhen Zhongjin Lingnan Nonfemet Co. Ltd., Guangdong Fenghua

Advanced Technology Holding Co., Ltd., and Foshan NationStar Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.

                                                                               Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                   Annual Report 2023

Mr. Li Xiyuan: Born in March 1961, member of the Communist Party of China, no permanent residence abroad,

doctoral degree, professor-level senior engineer. He has served as deputy director of the Construction

Management Office of the Northern Section of Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway in Guangdong Province, Deputy

Director of Infrastructure Management Department of Guangdong Provincial Communication Group Co., Ltd.,

General Manager of Guangdong Gaintop Highway Engineering Construction Group Co., Ltd., General Manager

and Chairman of Guangdong Provincial Expressway Development Co., Ltd., Chairman of Guangdong Road and

Bridge Construction Development Co., Ltd., Director of Guangdong Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd.,

Guangdong Province Navigation Group Co., Ltd., Guangdong Namyue Group Co., Ltd. and Guangdong

Provincial Railway Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd. He is currently an external director of Guangzhou

Port Group Co., Ltd. and an independent director of Dongguan Development (Holdings) Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen

Tagen Group Co., Ltd. He has been an Independent Director of the Company since September 2021.

Mr. Zhang Renshou: Born in May 1965, Ph.D., professor, postdoctoral co-supervisor, doctoral supervisor, no

permanent residence abroad, doctoral degree. He used to serve as a teaching assistant, lecturer and associate

professor of Guangzhou Foreign Language Training Center of Ministry of Petroleum Industry, as well as an

Editor of Development Research Center of People's Government of Guangdong Province. Now, he is a Professor

of Accounting Department of School of Management of Guangzhou University, as well as an Independent

Director of Jiangmen Rural Commercial Bank Company Limited (non-listed company) and Guangdong Provincial

Expressway Development Co., Ltd. He also serves as: Member of the Expert Group of the Budget Committee of

Guangzhou Municipal People's Congress, Member of the Expert Group of the Economic Committee of

Guangzhou Municipal People's Congress, Member of the 8th Committee of Guangdong Social Sciences

Association, Member of the Academic Committee of Research Center for Guangdong Local Public Finance,

Professional Advisory Committee Member of Guangdong Statistics Bureau, Member of the Academic Committee

of Guangdong Coastal Economic Belt Development Research Center, President of Guangdong South China

Economic Development Research Association, Major Administrative Decision Demonstration Expert and

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Expert of Shaoguan Municipal People's Government of

Guangdong Province, and Special Researcher of Guangzhou Taxation Bureau of State Taxation Administration of

the People's Republic of China. He has been an Independent Director of the Company since September 2021.

Mr. Dou Linping: Han nationality, was born in August 1959. He is of Chinese nationality and has no right of

permanent residence in a foreign country. He received a bachelor's degree and bears a professional title of Senior

                                                                              Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                  Annual Report 2023

Engineer. Previously, he has served as Deputy Chief of the Design Section of Beijing Luminaries Factory,

Director of the Office of Design Standards and then Vice Director of Beijing Luminaries Research Institution,

Deputy Secretary-General and Managing Director of China Association of Lighting Industry, and Managing

Director and Secretary-General of China Illuminating Engineering Society. At present, he serves as Vice Director-

General of China Solid State Lighting Alliance, Director of the Urban, Cultural and Tourism Lighting Professional

Committee of CSA, and Independent Director of Hengdian Group TOSPO Lighting Co., Ltd. and Beijing New

Space Technology Co., Ltd.. He has been an Independent Director of the Company since August 2020.

2. Work Experience of the Supervisors

Mr. Li Jingwei: Born in November 1976, member of the Communist Party of China, holds a master's degree and

is an economist and Senior Labour Relations Coordinator. He worked as head, direct, Deputy Secretary of the

Party Committee, Secretary of the Committee for Discipline Inspection, and Chairman of the Labour Union of the

Comprehensive Management Department of Guangdong Changsheng Enterprise Group Co., Ltd., director,

Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Secretary of the Committee for Discipline Inspection, Chairman of the

Labour Union of Guangdong Rising Real Estate Group Co., Ltd., member of the Party Committee, Secretary of

the Committee for Discipline Inspection, and Chairman of the Supervisory Committee of Foshan NationStar

Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. (NationStar), and Deputy Director of Office of Discipline Inspection and Supervision of

Guangdong Rising Assets Management Co., Ltd. (GRAM). He was elected member of the Party Committee and

Secretary of the Committee for Discipline Inspection of the Company in December 2021 and became the

Chairman of the Supervisory Committee of the Company in January 2022.

Mr. Li Yizhi: Han nationality, was born in March 1987. He is a member of the CPC. He received a bachelor's

degree ,intermediate accountant and is an Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) certified

accountant. Previously, he has worked at the Guangzhou Office of WUYIGE Certified Public Accountants LLP

(special general partnership) as an Audit Assistant, at the Guandong Office of Pan-China Certified Public

Accountants LLP (special general partnership) as a Project Manager, at the Shenzhen Office of

PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLP (special general partnership) as an auditor, and at the Guangdong

Office of China Central Public Accounting Firm (special general partnership) as a Project Manager. At present, he

serves as the Senior Director of the Finance Department (Settlement Centre) of Guangdong Rising Holdings

Group Co., Ltd.. He has been a Supervisor of the Company since August 2020.

                                                                              Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                  Annual Report 2023

Mr. Zhuang Junjie: Born in September 1985, a Hong Kong permanent resident. He graduated with a bachelor’s

degree and once acted as the Consultant Manager of Accenture Software and now acts as the Director of Hong

Kong Prosperity Lighting Equipment Co., Ltd. And he has been a Supervisor of the Company since December


Mr. Ye Zhenghong: Born in June 1973, a member of the Communist Party of China with a college degree. He

joined the Company from July 1995; worked in the Machine Repair Shop from July 1995 to June 1997; worked in

the Mechanical Power Department from July 1997 to January 2001; acted as Equipment Management Director in

T8 Fluorescent Lamp Factory from February 2001 to January 2005; acted as Director of Machine Repair

Workshop from May 2005 to January 2007; acted as Chief Officer of Machinery Dynamic Department from May

2006 to December 2007; and acted as factory director of T8 Fluorescent Lamp Factory from January 2008 to

February 2016; and acted as Chief Officer of Production Department from March 2016 to March 2019; and acted

as the director of E-Commerce Business Department from April 2019 to June 2020; and acted as the vice GM of

FSL Zhida Electric Technology Co., Ltd. from November 2016 to February 2020, and acted as the GM of FSL

Zhida Electric Technology Co., Ltd. from March 2020 to March 2021; and has acted as the Chairman of the Board

of FSL Zhida Electric Technology Co., Ltd. since April 2021; the Chairman of the 5th Supervisory Committee and

the Employee Supervisor of the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th Supervisory Committee.

Mr. Lin Qing: Born in September 1969, member of the Communist Party of China, undergraduate degree, Senior

Engineer in Electrical Engineering; has been working in the company since August 1991; worked as mercury

lamp workshop technician and workshop director from June 1996 to February 2002; as the workshop director and

factory director of the fluorescent lamp factory from March 2002 to September 2009; as the director of

Technology Department from October 2009 to September 2020; as the Technical Director of the R&D

Department from October 2020 to January 2022; as the Safety Director of the Company since February 2022; in

July 2015, elected as a discipline committee member of the company’s CPC committee. And he has been an

Employee Supervisor of the Company since September 2016.

3. Work experience of the Senior Management Staff

Mr. Zhang Xuequan: Born in December 1977, a member of the Communist Party of China, MBA of Lingnan

College of Sun Yat-Sen University. He joined the Company in 1996. He worked in the former Iodine-tungsten

Lamp Workshop from October to December 1996; worked in the Technology Department and then the Quality

                                                                              Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                  Annual Report 2023

Control Department from January 1997 to August 2002; acted as the Workshop Manager of Lamp Workshop from

September 2002 to May 2008; acted as the Department Director of the Business Management Department of the

Company from June 2008 to August 2016. He concurrently acted as the Office Director and the Head of the

Investment Department from February 2016 to December 2018. He was the Party Branch Secretary for the

Administrative Office of the Company from July 2010 to June 2017, and a member of the party committee of the

Company since July 2015. He was a supervisor of the Company from May 2013 to August 2016, a Deputy

General Manager of the Company from August 2016 to March 2020, an Executive Deputy General Manager of

the Company from March 2020 to December 2023. He has been serving as the Deputy Secretary of the CPC

Committee and General Manager of the Company since December 2023 and a Director of the Company since

February 2024. In addition, he serves as a Director of FSL Zhida Electric Technology Co., Ltd., the Chairman of

the Board and General Manager of Foshan Taimei Times Lamp Co., Ltd., an Executive Director of Foshan Kelian

New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., and a Director of Nanning Liaowang Auto Lamp Co., Ltd. Currently, he is

also a Director of the Company’s majority-owned subsidiary NationStar Optoelectronics.

Mr. Zhang Yong: Born in June 1974, a member of the Communist Party of China and a senior engineer with a

bachelor degree. He joined in the Company in July 1997. and successively acted as Deputy Director and Director

of Lamp Filament Appliance Workshop from October 1999 to June 2008; acted as Factory Director of Gaoming

Fluorescent Lamp Factory and Factory Director of Gaoming Branch Factory from July 2008 to December 2008;

respectively acted as Department Director of Product Department, OEM Department, Mechanical Dynamics

Department and Infrastructure Department from January 2009 to December 2012; acted as General Manager

Assistant from March 2013 to August 2016. He was a supervisor and the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of

the Company from September 2013 to August 2016; served as the chairman of the Labor Union of the Company

from September 2013 to May 2019; acted as the Deputy Party Secretary from July 2015 to 27 December 2021;

and was a Deputy General Manager of the Company from August 2016 to January 2024. And he has been an

Executive Deputy General Manager of the Company since February 2024.

Mr. Chen Yu: Born in December 1972, a member of the Communist Party of China and an engineer with a

bachelor’s degree. He entered the Company in 1994. And acted as workshop manager of parabolic reflector,

coating film, energy saving lamp, factory director of the branch factory of Gaoming and workshop manager of

general bulbs from January 1997 to December 2012, acted as Director of Production Department, OEM

Department and Mechanical Dynamics Department from January to August 2013, acted as Director of Production

                                                                               Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                   Annual Report 2023

Department and OEM Department from September 2013 to May 2014 as well as acted as Vice GM of the

Company from May 2014. He has also served as Chairman of the Board of Nanning Liaowang since August 2021.

Ms. Tang Qionglan: Born in March 1970, member of the Communist Party of China, bachelor degree, China

Certified Public Accountant, served as audit manager of BDO China Shu Lun Pan Certified Public Accountants

LLP Foshan Branch; as Deputy Manager of the Finance Department, Manager, Chief Financial Officer, Deputy

General Manager and Chief Financial Officer of Foshan NationStar Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.. and serves as the

Chief Financial Officer of the Company since January 2016.

Mr. Huang Zhenhuan: Born in December 1987, he holds a master's degree in finance, is a financial economist,

and has obtained the qualification certificate of Secretary of the Board of Directors issued by Shenzhen Stock

Exchange. He used to be the sponsor of Assets Department, Assistant General Manager of Investment Department

and General Manager of Finance Department of Guangzhou Guangyong State-owned Asset Sales Co., Ltd.,

General Manager of Guangzhou Guangyong Equity Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd., General Manager of

Corporate Finance Department III (Industry Center) of Minsheng Bank Guangzhou Branch, Investment Director

of Guangdong Rising Financial Holding Co., Ltd., and Senior Director of Capital Operation Department of

Guangdong Rising Holdings Group Co., Ltd. He has served as the Board Secretary of the Company since May


Offices held concurrently in shareholding entities:

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                  Remuneration or
                      Shareholding     Office held in the
        Name                                                Start of tenure   End of tenure      allowance from the
                          entity      shareholding entity
                                                                                                 shareholding entity
                                      Full-time director
                   Guangdong Rising   accredited to the
Hu Fengcai         Holdings Group     listed company by                                          Yes
                   Co., Ltd.          capital operation
                                      Executive Deputy
Huang Zhiyong      Information                                                                   Yes
                                      General Manager
                   Industry Group
                   Guangdong Rising   Senior Director of
Li Yizhi           Holdings Group     the Financial                                              Yes
                   Co., Ltd.          Department

                                                                                Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                    Annual Report 2023

                   Prosperity Lamps
                                       Chairman of the
Zhuang Jianyi      & Components                                                                   Yes
                   Prosperity Lamps
Zhuang Junjie      & Components        Director                                                   Yes

Offices held concurrently in other entities:
 Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                   Remuneration or
                                        Office held in the
      Name             Other entity                          Start of tenure   End of tenure      allowance from the
Zhuang Jianyi      Semiconductor       Director                                                   No
                   Jinzhou Corp.
Hu Fengcai         Zhongjin Lingnan    Director                                                   No
                   Nonfemet Co. Ltd.
Hu Fengcai         Advanced            Director                                                   No
                   Holding Co., Ltd.
                   Foshan NationStar
Hu Fengcai         Optoelectronics     Director                                                   No
                   Co., Ltd.
                   Guangzhou Port
Li Xiyuan                              Director                                                   Yes
                   Group Co., Ltd.
                   Development         Independent
Li Xiyuan                                                                                         Yes
                   (Holdings) Co.,     Director
                   Shenzhen Tagen      Independent
Li Xiyuan                                                                                         Yes
                   Group Co., Ltd.     Director
                   Guangzhou           Accounting
Zhang Renshou                                                                                     Yes
                   University          Professor
                   Jiangmen Rural
Zhang Renshou      Commercial Bank                                                                Yes
                   Company Limited
                   Provincial          Independent
Zhang Renshou      Expressway                                                                     Yes
                   Development Co.,
                   China Solid State
Dou Linping                            Vice Chairman                                              No
                   Lighting Alliance

                                                                                         Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                             Annual Report 2023

                   Hengdian Group
Dou Linping        Tospo Lighting                                                                           Yes
                   Co., Ltd.
                   Beijing New Space
Dou Linping        Technology Co.,                                                                          Yes

Punishments imposed in the recent three years by the securities regulator on the incumbent directors,

supervisors and senior management as well as those who left in the Reporting Period:

□ Applicable  Not applicable

3. Remuneration of Directors, Supervisors and Senior Management

Decision-making procedure, determination basis and actual payments of remuneration for directors, supervisors

and senior management:

The Remuneration & Appraisal Committee under the Board of Directors decided the 2022 remunerations for the

leadership team members in accordance with the Measures for Managing the Remuneration of the Leadership

Team Members, the particulars on completing current main financial indexes & operating goals, as well as the

fulfillment of job responsibilities by them, before submitting the remuneration plan to the Board of Directors for


Remuneration of directors, supervisors and senior management for the Reporting Period

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB'0,000

                                                                                            Total before-
                                                                         Incumbent/For                            remuneration
    Name            Gender             Age             Office title                         remuneration
                                                                              mer                                 from related
                                                                                               from the
                                                     Vice Chairman
Zhuang Jianyi   Male                         72                          Incumbent                             Yes
                                                     of the Board
                                                     Director      and
Zhang Xuequan   Male                         46                          Incumbent                  144.13     NO
Hu Fengcai      Male                         58      Director            Incumbent                             Yes
Li Xiyuan       Male                         62                          Incumbent                        18   No
Zhang Renshou   Male                         58                          Incumbent                        18   No
Dou Linping     Male                         64      Independent         Incumbent                        18   No

                                                                                                  Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                      Annual Report 2023

                                                           Chairman        of
Li Jingwei            Male                          47     the Supervisory        Incumbent                  131.69    No
Li Yizhi              Male                          36     Supervisor             Incumbent                            Yes
Zhuang Junjie         Male                          38     Supervisor             Incumbent                            Yes
Ye Zhenghong          Male                          49     Supervisor             Incumbent                   59.53    No
Lin Qing              Male                          54     Supervisor             Incumbent                   50.85    No
Zhang Yong            Male                          49     Deputy General         Incumbent                  143.07    No
                                                           Deputy General
Chen Yu               Male                          51                            Incumbent                  143.55    No
Tang Qionglan         Female                        53     CFO                    Incumbent                  141.96    No
Huang                                                      Board
                      Male                          36                            Incumbent                   53.52    No
Zhenhuan                                                   Secretary
                                                           Chairman of
Wu Shenghui           Male                          53                            Former                     170.56    No
                                                           the Board
                                                           Director       and
Lei Zihe              Male                          56                            Former                     146.95    No
                      Male                          53     Director               Former                     127.36    Yes
Huang Zhiyong         Male                          54     Director               Former                               Yes
                                                           Deputy General
Wei Bin               Male                          54                            Former                     143.81    No
                                                           Deputy General
Jiao Zhigang          Male                          51                            Former                     144.66    No
Total                           --             --                  --                    --                1,655.64            --

Other information:

 Applicable □ Not applicable

As the leadership team failed to meet the requirements for the performance bonuses for the year 2023 during the

Reporting Period, the pre-tax remuneration received by the directors, supervisors and senior management from

the Company for the year 2023 included the performance bonuses for the year 2022 and excluded those for the

year 2023.

VI Performance of Duty by Directors in the Reporting Period

1. Board Meetings Convened during the Reporting Period

               Meeting                     Convened date                        Disclosure date                   Resolution
The   38th   Meeting of the   9th                                                                        Announcement on
                                     1 March 2023                       2 March 2023
Board of Directors                                                                                       Resolutions of the 38th

                                                                        Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                            Annual Report 2023

                                                                               Meeting of the 9th Board of
                                                                               Announcement on
The   39th   Meeting of the   9th                                              Resolutions of the 39th
                                    14 March 2023     16 March 2023
Board of Directors                                                             Meeting of the 9th Board of
                                                                               Announcement on
The   40th   Meeting of the   9th                                              Resolutions of the 40th
                                    6 April 2023      10 April 2023
Board of Directors                                                             Meeting of the 9th Board of
                                                                               Announcement on
The 41st Meeting of the 9th                                                    Resolutions of the 41st
                                    11 April 2023     12 April 2023
Board of Directors                                                             Meeting of the 9th Board of
                                                                               Announcement on
The   42nd   Meeting of the   9th                                              Resolutions of the 42nd
                                    18 April 2023
Board of Directors                                                             Meeting of the 9th Board of
                                                                               Announcement on
The   43rd   Meeting of the   9th                                              Resolutions of the 43rd
                                    28 April 2023
Board of Directors                                                             Meeting of the 9th Board of
                                                                               Announcement on
The 44th Meeting of the 9th                                                    Resolutions of the 44th
                                    12 June 2023      13 June 2023
Board of Directors                                                             Meeting of the 9th Board of
                                                                               Announcement on
The   45th   Meeting of the   9th                                              Resolutions of the 45th
                                    31 July 2023      1 August 2023
Board of Directors                                                             Meeting of the 9th Board of
                                                                               Announcement on
The   46th   Meeting of the   9th                                              Resolutions of the 46th
                                    29 August 2023    30 August 2023
Board of Directors                                                             Meeting of the 9th Board of
                                                                               Announcement on
The 47th Meeting of the 9th                                                    Resolutions of the 47th
                                    26 October 2023   27 October 2023
Board of Directors                                                             Meeting of the 9th Board of
                                                                               Announcement on
The   48th   Meeting of the   9th                                              Resolutions of the 48th
                                    1 November 2023   3 November 2023
Board of Directors                                                             Meeting of the 9th Board of
The   49th   Meeting of the   9th                                              Announcement on
                                    6 December 2023   7 December 2023
Board of Directors                                                             Resolutions of the 49th

                                                                                                     Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                         Annual Report 2023

                                                                                                              Meeting of the 9th Board of
                                                                                                              Announcement on
The   50th   Meeting of the   9th                                                                             Resolutions of the 50th
                                         21 December 2023                  22 December 2023
Board of Directors                                                                                            Meeting of the 9th Board of

2. Attendance of Directors at Board Meetings and General Meetings

                                         Attendance of directors at board meetings and general meetings
                                                                                                              The director
                    Total number                             Board
                                                                              Board            Board            failed to
                      of board              Board           meetings
                                                                            meetings        meetings the       attend two        General
                    meetings the           meetings       attended by
  Director                                                                   attended         director        consecutive        meetings
                     director was        attended on        way of
                                                                            through a         failed to            board         attended
                      eligible to            site         telecommuni
                                                                              proxy            attend           meetings
                        attend                               cation
Wu Shenghui                         13                4                9                0                 0   No                            2
                                    13                2               11                0                 0   No                            3
Lei Zihe                            9                 3                6                0                 0   No                            2
                                    9                 3                6                0                 0   No                            1
Hu Fengcai                          13                3               10                0                 0   No                            3
                                    13                1               12                0                 0   No                            2
Li Xiyuan                           13                4                9                0                 0   No                            3
                                    13                4                9                0                 0   No                            3
Dou Linping                         13                2               11                0                 0   No                            3

Explanation on any director failing to attend two consecutive board meetings:

Not applicable.

3. Objections Raised by Directors on Matters of the Company

Indicate by tick mark whether any directors raised any objections on any matter of the Company.

□ Yes  No

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

                                                                                  Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                      Annual Report 2023

4. Other Information about the Performance of Duty by Directors

Indicate by tick mark whether any suggestions from directors were adopted by the Company.

 Yes □ No

Suggestions from directors adopted or not adopted by the Company:

During the Reporting Period, the directors of the Company worked to fulfill their functions and duties, actively

attended Board of Directors meetings and Shareholders’ General Meetings, offered advices and suggestions and

performed their rights, functions, duties, and obligations as defined in the Company Law, the Securities Law

and the Articles of Association. They fulfilled their role as a director, upheld the legitimate rights and interests

of the Company and its shareholders, promoted further improvement in corporate governance and effectively

facilitated regulatory compliance of the Company's operation. During the Reporting Period, the directors of the

Company actively performed their functions and duties, made full use of their professional knowledge, worked

diligently to fulfill their duties and offered many invaluable advices and suggestions on the Company's

management decision-making and major matters based on their in-depth understanding of the Company's

operations. They played their due role in improving the Company's supervision mechanism, promoting

improvement in the Company's risk control capacity and upholding the legitimate rights and interests of the

Company and its shareholders.

VII Performance of Duty by Specialized Committees under the Board in the Reporting

                               Meetings        Convened       Contents    Opinion and       Other        Objection (if
 Committee       Members
                               convened          date         reviewed       advice        activities         any)
Nomination     Li Xiyuan,                                   Proposal on
Committee      Zhang                                        the
                                              19 December
                                          1                 Nomination    Approved
of the Ninth   Renshou, and                   2023
                                                            of General
Board of       Dou Linping                                  Manager

                                                                    Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                        Annual Report 2023

                                              Audit and
                                              Report; 2023
                                              Proposal on
                                              of Financial
               Renshou, Hu                    Data due to
               Fengcai,                       Business
                                  31 March    Combination
               Huang                                         Approved
                                  2023        under
               Zhiyong, Li                    Common
               Xiyuan, and                    Control;
               Dou Linping,                   Proposal on
The Audit                                     Allowances;
                                              2022 Annual
and Risk
                                              Work Report
Management                                    and 2023
Committee                     5               Work Plan of
of the Ninth                                  the Audit
Board of                                      and Risk and
Directors                                     Compliance
                                              Report 2022
               Renshou, Hu                    First
               Fengcai,                       Quarterly
                                  26 April    Report 2023;
               Huang                                         Approved
                                  2023        and Audit
               Zhiyong, Li                    Summary for
               Xiyuan, and                    Q1 2023
               Dou Linping,
                                              Report 2023
                                              and Its
               Renshou, Hu                    Summary;
               Fengcai,                       Proposal on
                                  24 August   Change to
               Huang                                         Approved
                                  2023        Accounting
               Zhiyong, Li                    Policy; and
               Xiyuan, and                    Work Report
               Dou Linping,                   of the Audit
                                              for H1 2023

                                                                        Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                            Annual Report 2023

                                                 Report 2023;
                                                 Proposal on
                                                 for Q1-Q3
                                                 2023; Work
                                                 Report of the
                                                 for Q1-Q3
               Renshou, Hu                       2023;
               Fengcai,                          Proposal on
                                  24 October     the Rules for
               Huang                                             Approved
                                  2023           the
               Zhiyong, Li                       Appointment
               Xiyuan, and                       of CPA
               Dou Linping,                      Firm; and
                                                 Proposal on
                                                 for the
                                                 of CPA Firm
                                                 for the 2023-
                                                 2025 Annual
                                                 and Internal
                                                 Audits of the
               Renshou, Hu
               Fengcai,                          Proposal on
                                  27 November    Reappointme
               Huang                                             Approved
                                  2023           nt of CPA
               Zhiyong, Li                       Firm
               Xiyuan, and
               Dou Linping,
                                                 Proposal on
               Zhang                             Adjustments
               Xianfeng, Hu                      to Members
The                                              of the
               Fengcai, Li                       Remuneratio
Remuneratio                       14 March
               Xiyuan,                           n and           Approved
n and                             2023
               Zhang                             Appraisal
Appraisal                                        Committee
               Renshou, and   4
Committee                                        of the 9th
               Dou Linping,                      Board of
of the Ninth
Board of       Zhang                             Proposal on
Directors      Renshou, Hu                       Amendments
               Fengcai,           3 April 2023   to the          Approved
               Huang                             Remuneratio
               Zhiyong, Li                       n

                                                                              Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                  Annual Report 2023

              Xiyuan, and                              Management
              Dou Linping                              Methods for
                                                       Proposal on
                                                       the 2023
                                                       Plan (Draft)
                                                       and Its
                                                       Proposal on
                                                       the Appraisal
              Renshou, Hu
                                                       Methods for
                                                       the 2023
              Huang                      7 June 2023                   Approved
              Zhiyong, Li
              Xiyuan, and
              Dou Linping
                                                       Plan; and
                                                       Proposal on
                                                       Methods for
                                                       the 2023
                                                       Proposal on

              Zhang                                    Appraisal
              Renshou, Hu                              Plan for 2022
              Fengcai,                                 Remuneratio
                                         15 December
              Huang                                                    Approved
                                         2023          ns for
              Zhiyong, Li
              Xiyuan, and                              Leadership
              Dou Linping                              Team

VIII Performance of Duty by the Supervisory Committee

Indicate by tick mark whether the Supervisory Committee found any risk to the Company during its supervision

in the Reporting Period.

□ Yes  No

The Supervisory Committee raised no objections in the Reporting Period.

                                                                                 Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                     Annual Report 2023

IX Employees

1. Number, Functions and Educational Backgrounds of Employees

Number of in-service employees of the Company at the period-
Number of in-service employees of main subsidiaries at the
Total number of in-service employees at the period-end                                                         12,242
Total number of employees with remuneration in this
Reporting Period
Number of retirees to whom the Company or its main
subsidiaries need to pay retirement pension
                            Function                                         Number of employees
Production                                                                                                      8,787
Sales                                                                                                             726
Technical                                                                                                       1,762
Financial                                                                                                         135
Administrative                                                                                                    832
Total                                                                                                          12,242
                                                   Educational backgrounds
                     Educational background                                  Number of employees
Junior college and below                                                                                        9,946
Bachelor’s degree                                                                                              2,094
Master’s degree                                                                                                  180
Doctoral degree and above                                                                                          22
Total                                                                                                          12,242

Note: “Number of retirees to whom the Company or its main subsidiaries need to pay retirement pension” in the

table above refer to retirees of subsidiary Nanning Liaowang, and the payments to them mainly comprise living

allowances, festival allowances, etc. The amount paid by Nanning Liaowang stands at RMB645,900 per year.

This is a historical issue coming from before the Company’s acquisition of Nanning Liaowang. Starting from 1

January 2021, the number of the retirees and the annually paid amount have ceased to increase.

2. Employee Remuneration Policy

Adhering to the principle of "giving priority to efficiency, giving consideration to fairness, creating and sharing

together", the Company takes value creation as the guide, constructs four sets of salary systems of management,

R&D, sales and production, determines salary grades according to different positions and their characteristics, and

inclines salary distribution to core talents and key positions, so as to maximize the enthusiasm of employees.

                                                                                          Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                              Annual Report 2023

3. Employee Training Plans

The Company pays attention to personnel training and employee career development and has established the

Starlight Lecture Hall. In light of the Company's development needs and post nature, the Company has built up a

complete training plan, and carried out a series of trainings such as R&D, marketing, production and management

by combining offline and offline learning platforms. Also, it organized training camps for internal lecturers, and

established a training system with multiple dimensions and levels to promote employees' skills upgrading, ability

advancement and quality improvement.

4. Labor Outsourcing

 Applicable □ Not applicable
Total hours of labor outsourced                                                                                      1,654,724
Total payment for labor outsourcing (RMB)                                                                       38,989,858.00

X Profit Distributions to Shareholders (in the Form of Cash and/or Stock)

How the profit distribution policy, especially the cash dividend policy, for ordinary shareholders was formulated,

executed or revised in the Reporting Period:

 Applicable □ Not applicable

According to the CSRC Notice on Further Implementing Matters Related to Cash Dividend Distribution of Listed

Companies (Zheng-Jian-Fa [2012] No. 37) and the Guangdong CSRC Notice on Further Implementing

Regulations Related to Dividend Distribution of Listed Companies (Guang-Dong-Zheng-Jian [2012] No. 91), in

order to further standardize the dividend mechanism, promote a scientific, sustained and stable dividend

mechanism and protect legal rights and interests of investors, in 2012, the Company convened a general meeting

to revise the dividend-related contents in its Articles of Association and specify the dividend conditions, the

lowest dividend ratio, the decision-making procedure, etc.. Meanwhile, it formulated the Management Rules for

Profit Distribution and the Return for Shareholder Plan for the Coming Three Years (2021-2023), specifying the

arrangements and forms of dividends, the cash dividend planning and the distribution intervals, which further

improved the decision-making and supervision procedures for dividend distribution. According to the Company’s

Articles of Association, the profit distributed in cash shall not be less than 30% of the distributable profit achieved

in the year.
                                       Special statement about the cash dividend policy

                                                                                                 Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                     Annual Report 2023

In compliance with the Company’s Articles of Association and
resolution of general meeting

Specific and clear dividend standard and ratio                        Yes

Complete decision-making procedure and mechanism                      Yes

Independent directors faithfully performed their duties and
played their due role

If the Company has no dividend plan, it should disclose the
specific reasons and the next steps it intends to take to enhance N/A
investor returns

Non-controlling interests are able to fully express their opinion
and desire and their legal rights and interests are fully protected

In case of adjusting or changing the cash dividend policy, the
conditions and procedures involved are in compliance with N/A
applicable regulations and transparent

Indicate by tick mark whether the Company fails to put forward a cash dividend proposal for shareholders

despite the facts that the Company has made profits in the Reporting Period and the profits of the Company as

the parent distributable to shareholders are positive.

□ Applicable  Not applicable

Final dividend plan for the Reporting Period:
Applicable □ Not applicable
Bonus shares for every 10 shares (share)                              0
Dividend for every 10 shares (RMB) (tax inclusive)                    1.2
Total shares as the basis for the profit distribution proposal
Cash dividends (RMB) (tax inclusive)                                  184,293,387.60
Cash dividends in other forms (such as share repurchase)
Total cash dividends (including those in other forms) (RMB)           184,293,387.60
Distributable profit (RMB)                                            2,824,687,635.90
Total cash dividends (including those in other forms) as % of
total profit distribution
                                                          Cash dividend policy
Where it is difficult to determine the development stage of the Company but it has plans for considerable spending, in profit
distribution, cash dividends shall reach at least 20% in the total profit to be distributed.
                   Details about the proposal for profit distribution and converting capital reserve into share capital

                                                                                            Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                Annual Report 2023

As audited by WUYIGE Certified Public Accountants LLP, the after-tax net profits of RMB165,856,519.10 of the Company as
the parent for 2023, plus the beginning retained profits of RMB2,810,316,233.41, minus the distributed profits of
RMB134,899,464.70 for 2022, and minus RMB16,585,651.91 set aside as surplus reserve, equal the ending profits distributable to
shareholders of RMB2,824,687,635.90 for 2023. The Board of Directors has proposed a final dividend plan for 2023 as follows:
based on the share capital of 1,535,778,230 shares (the total share capital of 1,548,778,230 shares minus the remaining 13,000,000
A-shares repurchased in the share repurchase account at the disclosure date of the 2023 Annual Report, a cash dividend of
RMB1.2 (tax inclusive) per 10 shares is to be distributed to the shareholders, with no bonus issue from either profit or capital
reserves. Where any change occurs to the total shares entitled to the final dividend due to any new issue, grant of equity
incentives, etc. when the final dividend plan is implemented, the dividend per share shall remain the same while the total payout
amount shall be adjusted accordingly.

XI Equity Incentive Plans, Employee Stock Ownership Plans or Other Incentive Measures
for Employees

 Applicable □ Not applicable

1. Equity incentives

On 12 June 2023, the 2023 Restricted Share Incentive Plan (Draft), together with other relevant proposals, were

approved at the 44th Meeting of the Ninth Board of Directors and the 22nd Meeting of the Ninth Supervisory

Committee. As such, the Company intended to grant no more than 13,000,000 restricted shares to 262 awardees.

To be specific, there were 11.7 million shares for the first grant, accounting for 90.00% of the total grant under

the incentive plan; and there were 1.3 million reserved shares, accounting for 10.00% of the total grant under

the incentive plan. The restricted shares were A-stock ordinary shares repurchased by the Company. And the

grant price for the first grant was RMB3.81/share. This equity incentive plan is subject to approval by the State-

owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Guangdong Province and a general meeting of

shareholders of the Company. For further information, see the 2023 Restricted Share Incentive Plan (Draft) and

Its Summary and other relevant proposals that have been disclosed on http://www.cninfo.com.cn/ dated 13 June


Equity incentives received by directors and senior management:

□ Applicable  Not applicable

Appraisal mechanism and incentives for senior management:


2. Implementation of Employee Stock Ownership Plans

□ Applicable  Not applicable

                                                                                   Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                       Annual Report 2023

3. Other Incentive Measures for Employees

□ Applicable  Not applicable

XII Formulation and Implementation of Internal Control System during the Reporting

1. Internal control formulation and implementation

During the Reporting Period, the Company, in accordance with the Basic Standards for Internal Control and its

supporting guidelines, as well as the actual situation, further revised and improved the relevant internal control

systems, and established a relatively effective internal control system, so as to effectively prevent and discover

risks in the process of operation and management in time, and provide guarantee for the legal compliance and

asset safety of operation and management.

The Board of Directors of the Company has an Audit and Risk Management Committee, which is responsible for

reviewing the internal control of the Company, supervising the effective implementation of internal control and

self-evaluation of internal control, and cooperating with internal control audit and other related matters. The

internal audit department of the Company is responsible for the internal audit supervision of the Company,

including supervising and inspecting the implementation of the internal control system of the Company, regularly

or irregularly conducting routine audits or special audits on finance, internal control, major projects and their

businesses, and putting forward suggestions for improving internal control to control and prevent risks. If the

Audit Department finds major defects in internal control in the process of supervision and inspection, it has the

right to report directly to the Audit and Risk Management Committee of the Board of Directors and the Board of


According to the identification of major defects in the Company's internal control, there were no major defects in

the internal control of financial reports and non-financial reports in 2023.

2. Material Internal Control Weaknesses Identified for the Reporting Period

□ Yes  No

XIII Management and Control of Subsidiaries by the Company during the Reporting

   Name of        Integration plan     Integration        Problems         Solutions       Settlement       Follow-up

                                                                                                  Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                      Annual Report 2023

   company                                        progress          encountered in        taken               progress        settlement
                                                                         integration                                            plan
                   In accordance
                   with the relevant
                   regulations of the
                   China Securities
                   (CSRC) and the
                   Shenzhen Stock
                   Exchange (SZSE)
                   and the Articles of
                   Association, as
                   well as the              Close cooperation
                   Company’s               between the
                   planning,                Company and
                   NationStar               NationStar
                   Optoelectronics '        Optoelectronics        None                None                 None          None
                   technological            was continuously
                   advantages in the        promoted in R&D
                   LED packaging            and market
                   industry and the         expansion
                   Company's sales
                   advantages in the
                   terminal market
                   were given full
                   play to so as to
                   stimulate both
                   parties to expedite
                   the launch of
                   innovative and

XIV Evaluation Report or Independent Auditor’s Report on Internal Control

1. Internal Control Evaluation Report

Disclosure date of the internal
                                        19 April 2024
control evaluation report

Index to the disclosed internal
                                        See www.cninfo.com.cn for the Internal Control Evaluation Report 2023
control evaluation report

Evaluated    entities’     combined
assets as % of consolidated total                                                                                                 100.00%
Evaluated    entities’     combined
operating   revenue       as   %   of                                                                                             100.00%
consolidated operating revenue

                                          Identification standards for internal control weaknesses

                                         Weaknesses in internal control over financial    Weaknesses in internal control not related to
                                                             reporting                                  financial reporting

                                        Defect with one of the following characteristics Defect      with     one   of   the     following
Nature standard                         should be recognized as a serious defect: 1. the characteristics should be recognized as a
                                        defect involved with the malpractices of the serious defect: 1. being punished for seriously

                                                                                       Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                           Annual Report 2023

                        Directors, the Supervisors and the Senior violating the national laws, the administrative
                        Executives; 2. the controlled environment is laws and regulations and the normative
                        invalid; 3. the CPA discovered any significant documents; 2. the Company suffers a serious
                        misstatement from the current financial report economic loss due to any serious errors made
                        while the internal control could not discover the in decision-making caused by serious lack of
                        mistake during the operating process; 4. the decision-making procedures on significant
                        supervision      from     the     Corporate    Audit events or unfair decision-making; 3. the
                        Committee and the internal audit institution on Company’s reputation has been unrepairably
                        the internal control. If there met with one of the damaged by any conduct in violation of laws
                        situation of the following, should be recognized and regulations which produces a far-reaching
                        as an important defect: 1. the recognized negative impact and draws the public’s
                        important defect is not solved during the attention widely; 4. the major business
                        reasonable period; 2. corrects the published involved with the production and operating of
                        financial report; 3. the function of the internal the Company lack of the system control or the
                        audit of the Company is invalid; 4. the control system control is invalid; 5. the results of the
                        of whether execute the selection and the internal control assessment turn out to include
                        application of the accounting policies according any serious defects and such defects fail to be
                        to   the      Generally     Accepted    Accounting rectified effectively within 12 months. Defects
                        Principles is invalid.                                 with the following characteristics should be
                                                                               recognized as important defects: 1. owing to
                                                                               partly lack of the decision-making process on
                                                                               significant   events   and     the   undemocratic
                                                                               decision-making process which caused the
                                                                               decision-making mistake that led the Company
                                                                               face with certain economic losses; 2. the
                                                                               negative influences owning to the unlawful
                                                                               acts and the irregularities h involve with wide
                                                                               range and cause public concern among the
                                                                               partial regions which bring certain harms to the
                                                                               reputation of the Company; 3. the system of
                                                                               the   major    business      involved   with   the
                                                                               production and operating of the Company is
                                                                               incomplete or partially invalid; 4. the results of
                                                                               the internal control assessment turn out to
                                                                               include any serious defects and such defects
                                                                               fail to be rectified effectively within 6 months.
                        Based on the data of the 2022 consolidated According to the quantitative criterion of the
                        statements,     the     quantitative   criterion    of internal control defects of the financial report,
                        confirming      the   important    degree     of   the the quantitative criterion of the internal control
                        misstatement (including the false negatives) defects assessment of the non-financial report
Quantitative standard
                        from of the consolidated statements of the listed confirmed by the Company is as follows:
                        companies is as follows: serious defect: serious defect: misstatement ≥1.0% of the total
                        misstatement ≥1.0% of the total assets amount; assets amount; important defects: 0.5% of the
                        important defects: 0.5% of the total assets total assets amount ≤misstatement<1.0% of

                                                                                                  Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                      Annual Report 2023

                                       amount ≤misstatement<1.0% of the total assets the total assets amount; common defects:
                                       amount; common defects: misstatement<0.5% misstatement < 0.5% of the total assets
                                       of the total assets amount.                      amount.

Number of material weaknesses in
internal control over financial                                                                                                        0
Number of material weaknesses in
internal control not related to                                                                                                        0
financial reporting
Number of serious weaknesses in
internal control over financial                                                                                                        0
Number of serious weaknesses in
internal control not related to                                                                                                        0
financial reporting

2. Independent Auditor’s Report on Internal Control

 Applicable □ Not applicable
                                 Opinion paragraph in the independent auditor’s report on internal control

WUYIGE Certified Public Accountants LLP considered that: Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. maintained effective internal
control of the financial report in all significant aspects according to the Basic Standards for Internal Control and relevant

Independent auditor’s report on
internal control disclosed or not

Disclosure date                         19 April 2024

Index to such report disclosed          See www.cninfo.com.cn for the Auditor’s Report on Internal Control

Type of the auditor’s opinion          Unmodified unqualified opinion
Material weaknesses in internal
control not related to financial None

Indicate by tick mark whether any modified opinion is expressed in the independent auditor’s report on the

Company’s internal control.

□ Yes  No

Indicate by tick mark whether the independent auditor’s report on the Company’s internal control is consistent

with the internal control self-evaluation report issued by the Company’s Board.

 Yes □ No

                                                                 Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                     Annual Report 2023

XV Rectifications of Problems Identified by Self-inspection in the Special Action for Listed
Company Governance


                                                                                    Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                        Annual Report 2023

                     Part V Environmental and Social Responsibility

I Major Environmental Issues

Indicate by tick mark whether the Company or any of its subsidiaries is identified as a major polluter by the
environmental protection authorities.

 Yes □ No

Environmental policies and standards:

During production and operations, the Company conscientiously implemented guidelines and policies for

environmental protection at all levels and strictly observed relevant laws and regulations for environmental

protection, such as Law of the People's Republic of China on Environmental Protection, Law of the People's

Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Air Pollution, Law of the People's Republic of China on

Prevention and Control of Water Pollution, Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of

Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste, and Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control

of Noise Pollution. Meanwhile, it has put in place facilities for pollution prevention and control, and ensures the

stable operation of facilities. Additionally, the Company regularly commissions third parties to carry out

monitoring work in accordance with the requirements of the Environmental Monitoring Management Measures

to ensure that all pollutants are discharged in accordance with the standards.

Environment-related administrative permits:

   Name of the
  Company or its                                   Permit No.                    Date of grant         Effective period
                        permit granted
                      Pollutant Discharge
 Foshan Electrical
                        Registration for
 and Lighting Co.,                           91440000190352575W001W              17 March 2020              5 years
                      Stationary Source of
 Foshan Electrical
 and Lighting Co.,    Pollutant Discharge
                                             91440600784850061B001U               1 June 2023               5 years
  Ltd. Gaoming              Permit
  Foshan Taimei
                      Pollutant Discharge
 Times Lamp Co.,                             91440600782035581D001Q         17 November 2022                5 years
 FSL Chanchang        Pollutant Discharge
                                               91440600779203775W                18 March 2020              5 years
Lighting Co., Ltd.      Registration for

                                                                           Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                               Annual Report 2023

                     Stationary Source of
                     Pollutant Discharge
FSL Zhida Electric
                       Registration for
 Technology Co.,                            91440605MA4UWNPY98001W    1 September 2021             5 years
                     Stationary Source of
                     Pollutant Discharge
 Foshan Haolaite       Registration for
                                            91440604MA552Q66XM001W     14 January 2021             5 years
Lighting Co., Ltd.   Stationary Source of
 Foshan Electrical   Pollutant Discharge
 and Lighting Co.,     Registration for
                                             914406005666224665001Y    20 August 2021              5 years
  Ltd. Gaoming       Stationary Source of
  Lamp Branch             Pollutant
                     Pollutant Discharge
Nanning Liaowang
                       Registration for
 Auto Lamp Co.,                              914501001983431121001Y    17 March 2020               5 years
                     Stationary Source of
  Liuzhou Guige
     Lighting        Pollutant Discharge
                                             914502000836092085001V     18 July 2023               5 years
 Technology Co.,           Permit
Chongqing Guinuo
     Lighting        Pollutant Discharge
                                             9150000035128048Y001Q    25 September 2022            5 years
 Technology Co.,           Permit
  Qingdao Guige      Pollutant Discharge
     Lighting          Registration for
                                             913702820530892807001W   26 November 2021             5 years
 Technology Co.,     Stationary Source of
       Ltd.               Pollutant
                     Pollutant Discharge
Foshan NationStar
                       Registration for
 Optoelectronics                             914406001935264036001X    19 January 2020             5 years
                     Stationary Source of
     Co., Ltd.
Foshan NationStar
                     Pollutant Discharge
Semiconductor Co.,                           91440600570160743B001Q   21 November 2022             5 years
Foshan NationStar
                     Pollutant Discharge
Semiconductor Co.,                           91440600570160743B001Q    12 January 2024             5 years
   Guangdong         Pollutant Discharge
     Fenghua           Registration for      91440000725451562J001Y   27 February 2020             5 years
  Semiconductor      Stationary Source of

                                                                                                                          Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                              Annual Report 2023

  Technology Co.,                       Pollutant

Discharge standards and pollutants discharged in production and operation activities:
 Name of            Type of         Name of
      the          Major and    Major and                                       Outlet                          Pollutant         Total         Total
                                               Discharge          Outlet                    Concentrat                                                     Excessive
Company            Characteri   Characteri                                 Distributio                         Discharge          Actual   Discharge
                                                   Method     Quantity                             ion                                                     Discharge
   or its                stic         stic                                        n                            Standards      Discharge    Approved
subsidiary         Pollutants   Pollutants

                                               Discharge                                                       for      Air
                   Exhaust                     d    in   an                In         the   SO2:         280   Pollutants                        SO2:
Lighting                        SO2                                 1                                                         2.611                          None
                   gas                         organized                   plant            mg/m3              in    Glass                 40.597 t/y
Co.,    Ltd.
                                               manner                                                          Industry

                                               Discharge                                                       for      Air
and                                                                                         Oxynitride                                     Oxynitride
                   Exhaust                     d    in   an                In         the                      Pollutants
Lighting                        Oxynitride                          1                       :                                 30.177           : 149.839     None
                   gas                         organized                   plant                               in    Glass
Co.,    Ltd.                                                                                550mg/m3                                              t/y
                                               manner                                                          Industry



                                nitrogen                                                                       Integrated

Liuzhou                         oxide,                                                      Discharge          Emission
Guige                           benzene,                                                    d        upon      Standards
                   Exhaust                     d    in   an                In         the
Lighting                        toluene,                            1                       reaching           of       Air   /            /                 None
                   gas                         organized                   plant
Technolog                       particulate                                                 applicable         Pollutants
y Co., Ltd.                     matter,                                                     standards          (GB16297

                                volatile                                                                       -1996)




Liuzhou                                                                                     Discharge          Emission
                                Volatile       Discharge
Guige                                                                                       d        upon      Standards
                   Exhaust      organic        d in an un-                 In         the
Lighting                                                            2                       reaching           of       Air   /            /                 None
                   gas          compound       organized                   plant
Technolog                                                                                   applicable         Pollutants
                                s              manner
y Co., Ltd.                                                                                 standards          (GB16297

Foshan             Wastewate    COD, and       Discharge      1            Wastewate        COD:21m            GB39731-       COD:1.43     /               No

                                                                                               Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                   Annual Report 2023

NationStar    r           ammonia       d by            r treatment   g/L           2020           t/a
Optoelectr                nitrogen      standards       station       Ammonia:                     Ammonia:
onics Co.,                              after                         0.035mg/                     0.00238t/a
Ltd.                                    treatment                     L
                          Total                                       VOCs:0.2                     Total
Foshan                    VOCs,         Discharge                     2mg/m                        VOCs:0.1
                                                        Rooftop of                  DB44/814
NationStar                non-          d by                          Non-                         9t/a Non-
              Exhaust                                   East and                    -2010DB
Optoelectr                methane       standards   2                 methane                      methane       /            No
              gas                                       West                        44/2367-
onics Co.,                total         after                         total                        Hydrocarb
                                                        Buildings                   2022
Ltd.                      hydrocarb     treatment                     hydrocarb                    ons:6.37
                          ons                                         ons:7.395                    t/a
Foshan                                                                Daytime
NationStar                              Discharge                     57
Optoelectr    Noise       Noise         d by        /   /             Nighttime                    /             /            No
onics Co.,                              standards                     49 Unit:
Ltd.                                                                  dB(A)
                                        Discharge                     COD:
NationStar                                                                                         COD:          COD:
                          COD, and      d by            Wastewate     20mg/L
Semicond      Wastewate                                                             DB44/26-       1.7425t/a     3.129t/a
                          ammonia       standards   1   r treatment   Ammonia:                                                No
uctor         r                                                                     2001           Ammonia:      Ammonia:
                          nitrogen      after           station       0.025mg/
Technolog                                                                                          0.00051t/a    0.201t/a
                                        treatment                     L
y Co., Ltd.
                                                                      dioxide:                     Sulfur        Sulfur
Foshan                    Sulfur
                                        Discharge                     0mg/m         DB44/247       dioxide:0t/   dioxide:0.
NationStar                dioxide,
                                        d by                          NOx:          -2001          a             25t/a
Semicond      Exhaust     nitrogen                      Roof of a
                                        standards   6                 31.5mg/m                     NOx:5.37      NOx:11.9     No
uctor         gas         oxides,                       building
                                        after                         Total         DB44/814       61t/a Total   6t/a Total
Technolog                 total
                                        treatment                     VOCs:         -2010          VOCs:0.7      VOCs:2.4
y Co., Ltd.               VOCs
                                                                      0.635mg/                     642t/a        5t/a
                                        Discharge                     57
Semicond                                                                            GB12348-
              Noise       Noise         d by        /   /             Nighttime                    /             /            No
uctor                                                                               2008
                                        standards                     48 Unit:
y Co., Ltd.
Guangdon                                                The main
g Fenghua                                               drain is
                                        d by
Semicond      Wastewate                                 located       COD:         DB44/26        COD:
                          COD           standards   1                                                            /            No
uctor         r                                         next to the   9.84mg/L      —2001         0.164 t/a
Technolog                                               north duty
y Co., Ltd.                                             room
Guangdon                                                              Particulate
                                        Discharge                                                  Particulate
g Fenghua                 Particulate                                 Matter:6.9
                                        d by                                                       matter:0.0
Semicond      Exhaust     matter,                       Roof of       mg/m          DB44/27-
                                        standards   7                                              13t/a Total   /            No
uctor         gas         total                         the plant I   Total         2001
                                        after                                                      VOCs:0.1
Technolog                 VOCs                                        VOCs:3.3
                                        treatment                                                  09t/a
y Co., Ltd.                                                           4mg/m
g Fenghua
                                        Discharge                     55
Semicond                                                                            GB12348-
              Noise       Noise         d by        /   /             Nighttime                    /             /            No
uctor                                                                               2008
                                        standards                     45 Unit:
y Co., Ltd.

                                                                                 Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                     Annual Report 2023

Pollutant treatment:

Emission and treatment of the Company's main pollutants:

(1) Exhaust gas:

FSL: The flue gas of glass kilns and the high-temperature melting of glass raw materials generated air

pollutants, such as sulphur dioxide, nitric oxide, and smoke, during the manufacturing of semi-products, such as

glass bulb shells and lamp tubes. Such flue gas was treated with semi-dry desulfurization, electric precipitation,

and SCR denitration. Upon treatment, the standard limits for glass kilns in the Emission Standards for Air

Pollutants in Glass Industry (DB44/2159-2019): Table 1 Emission Limits of Air Pollutants were met.

Nanning Liaowang: Exhaust gases like volatile organic compounds (VOCs), were mainly generated during the

manufacturing of auto luminary, which were treated through Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO) catalytic

combustion and UV activated carbon adsorption. Upon treatment, the discharge limits and requirements

stipulated in Comprehensive Discharge Standards for Air Pollution (GB16297-1996) were met.

NationStar Optoelectronics: The manufacturing of LED mainly caused pollutants such as VOCs, NMHC, and

particulate matters, which was treated through three grades of dry filtration and secondary activated carbon

adsorption. Upon treatment, the Emission Limits of Air Pollutants (DB 44/27-2001), the Emission Standard of

Volatile Organic Compounds for Furniture Manufacturing (DB44/814-2010), and the Integrated Emission

Standard of Volatile Organic Compounds for Stationary Pollution Source (DB44/ 2367—2022) were met.

NationStar Semiconductor: a) Pollutants, such as ammonia gas, was mainly generated during the

manufacturing of LED epitaxial wafers. Upon treatment through Edwards combustion, the Emission Limits of

Air Pollutants (DB44/27-2001): Standard Class II for Time Period II and Emission Standards for Odour

Pollutants (GB14554-93): Table 2 30-meter High Exhaust Pipes for Ammonia were met. b) The manufacturing

of LED chips mainly caused pollutants such as sulfuric acid mist, hydrochloric acid mist, chlorine, hydrogen

chloride, fluorides, and particulate matters. Upon treatment through Scrubber combustion-based washing and

spraying equipment and scrubbing towers for acid and alkali exhaust gas, the Emission Limits of Air Pollutants

(DB44/27-2001) of Guangdong Province: Standard Class II for Time Period II were met. c) Wastes, such as

acetone, isopropyl alcohol, esters, ethers, and amines, were mainly caused during the manufacturing of LED

chips. Upon treated through UV photolysis and activated carbon adsorption, the discharge limits and

requirements stipulated in the Emission Standard of Volatile Organic Compounds for Furniture Manufacturing

(DB44/814-2010) of Guangdong Province: Discharge limits for VOCs through exhaust funnels for Time Period

II were met.

                                                                                Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                    Annual Report 2023

Fenghua Semiconductor: The sealing test of electronic components mainly generated pollutants, such as dust

and particulate matters, organic exhaust gas, sulfuric acid mist, and hydrogen chloride mist. Through filter vats

and activated carbon adsorption, and spraying alkali liquor for neutralization, the Emission Limits of Air

Pollutants (DB44/27-2001) of Guangdong Province: Standard Class II for Time Period II were met.

(2) Wastewater:

FSL: The Company's wastewater mainly came from offices and living. Domestic wastewater was treated with a

tertiary septic tank. Oily sewage from the canteen was pre-treated with an oil and residue separation system, and

then transferred to wastewater treatment stations for centralized treatment. Upon treatment, the discharge limits

and requirements stipulated in the Discharge Limits of Water Pollutants (DB44/26-2001) of Guangdong

Province: Standard Class III for Time Period II were met.

Nanning Liaowang: The manufacturing of auto luminary did not generate industrial wastewater and mainly

caused wastes, such as domestic wastewater. Upon treatment through physicochemical and biochemical, the

discharge limits and requirements stipulated in the Level 1 standards of the Integrated Wastewater Discharge

Standard (GB 8978-1996) were met.

NationStar Optoelectronics: wastes, such as COD and ammonia nitrogen, was mainly generated during the

manufacturing of LED components. Upon treatment through coagulation, sedimentation, and frame filtering,

the discharge limits and requirements stipulated in the Discharge Standard of Water Pollutants for Electronic

Industry (GB 39731-2020) were met.

NationStar Semiconductor: The manufacturing of LED chips mainly generated wastes, such as COD,

ammonia nitrogen, SS, and fluorides. Upon treatment through physicochemical and biochemical, the discharge

limits and requirements stipulated in the Discharge Limits of Water Pollutants (DB44/26-2001) of Guangdong

Province: Standard Class III for Time Period II were met.

Fenghua Semiconductor: Pollutants, such as COD, ammonia nitrogen, and heavy metals, were mainly

generated during the sealing test of electronic components. Through physicochemical and biochemical

treatment, MBR films, and reverse osmosis (RO) membranes, the discharge limits and requirements stipulated

in the Discharge Limits of Water Pollutants (DB44/26-2001) of Guangdong Province: Standard Class III for

Time Period II.

(3) Noises:

                                                                                           Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                               Annual Report 2023

FSL: Noises mainly came from the operation of production machinery. Specifically, water pumps and fans that

would cause loud noises were placed in a soundproof room or covered with a noise enclosure. Hush pipes were

attached to exhaust gas exhaust pipes that would cause loud noises.

Nanning Liaowang: Noises mainly came from the operation of production machinery. Specifically, basic

damping, soundproof rooms, and soundproof cottons were applied to injection moulding and friction welding

that would cause loud noises. The Emission Standard for Noise of Industrial Enterprises at Boundary

(GB12348-2008): Standard Class III were met.

NationStar Optoelectronics: Noises mainly included mechanical and aerodynamic noises. Specifically,

production and process equipment were placed in a closed workshop. Soundproof rooms, vibration dampers,

and noise enclosures were adopted for Equipment, such as air compressors, water pumps, and fans, that would

cause loud noises.

NationStar Semiconductor: Noises mainly included mechanical and aerodynamic noises. Production and

process equipment was placed in a closed workshop. Soundproof rooms, vibration dampers, and noise

enclosures were adopted for equipment, such as air compressors, water pumps, and fans, that would cause loud


Fenghua Semiconductor: Noises mainly came from the operation of production machinery. Specifically, water

pumps and fans that would cause loud noises were placed in a soundproof room or covered with a noise


Construction and operation of pollution prevention and control facilities:

                       Total        Date of       Date of
No                   Investment   Construction   Operation                                                       Actual     Operatin
          Facility                                           Operator        Processes             processing
.                    (RMB10,00    (MM/YYY        (MM/YYY                                                        capacity    g hours
                         0)           Y)            Y)

                                                                          Semi-dry flue gas

     Exhaust gas                                                          desulphurization
                                   November        2015      Gaoming                                            60000m3/
1     treatment         500                                              (SDFGD) + electric        60000m3/h                 24h/d
                                     2015        December    Branch                                                h
      facilities                                                         precipitation + SCR


     Exhaust gas                                                        Cyclone plate tower +
                                   September                 Taimei                                12000 m3/    12000 m3/
2     treatment         30                       May 2020                 activated carbon                                   12h/d
                                     2019                    Company                                   h           h
      facilities                                                             adsorption

     Wastewater                    September                 Taimei        Conditioning +
3                       130                      May 2020                                           120m/d      120m/d       12h/d
      treatment                      2019                    Company        coagulation +

                                                                                        Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                            Annual Report 2023

       facilities                                                     sedimentation + air

                                                                      flotation + filtration

     Exhaust gas
                                                      Chanchang        activated carbon
4     treatment       20      Aug-14       Apr-15                                                8000m3/h    8000m3/h     12h/d
                                                      Company              adsorption

     Exhaust gas                                                      UV photocatalytic
                             September    October       Zhida                                                35000m3/
5     treatment       48                                             oxidation + activated      35000m3/h                 12h/d
                               2020         2021      Company                                                    h
       facilities                                                      carbon adsorption


                                                                       Activated carbon
      Activated              December       2022       Nanning                                   70000 ㎡    70000 ㎡
6                     28                                            adsorption + UV photo-                                24h/d
     Carbon All-               2021       October     Liaowang                                      /h           /h
                                                                      oxidation catalysis




      waste gas                                                                                   10,000       9500

         RTO                 December       2017       Liuzhou         Activated carbon           cubic        cubic
7                    500                                                                                                  24h/d
     (regenerative             2016        March       Lighting    adsorption + incineration    meters per   meters per

       thermal                                                                                     hour        hour




                                          February     Qingdao         activated carbon          32000 ㎡    32000 ㎡
8     waste gas      28.11   June 2018                                                                                    8h/d
                                            2019       Lighting            adsorption               /h           /h


     (Regenerativ                                     Chongqing                                  75000 ㎡    75000 ㎡
9                    500      Oct-17      May 2018                 adsorption+desorption+R                                24h/d
      e Thermal                                        Guinuo                                       /h           /h
                                                                   TO catalytic combustion

         UV                                                          Zeolite Adsorption +
                                                      Chongqing                                  70000 ㎡    70000 ㎡
10   photocatalys    200      Oct-17      May 2018                     Dedusting + UV                                     24h/d
                                                       Guinuo                                       /h           /h
           is                                                            Photocatalysis

                                                                       Coagulation and
11    treatment      39.5    April 2017   May 2017    NationStar                                  600t/d      227.1t/d    24h/d

     Method for                                                    Dry filtration + secondary

     treating the                                                      activated carbon
12     exhaust       259     May 2023     June 2023   NationStar           adsorption           80000m/h                  24h/d
     gases of the

     plant in the

                                                                                          Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                              Annual Report 2023


     Method for                                                       Dry filtration + secondary

     treating the                                                         activated carbon

       exhaust                                                               adsorption            110000m     65411m
13                            May 2023     June 2023     NationStar                                                        24h/d
     gases of the                                                                                     h           h

     plant in the


                                                            R           Physiochemical and
14    treatment      356.7      Sep-12      Dec-12                                                  1080t/d    287.83t/d   24h/d
                                                       Semiconducto    biochemical processing

     Method for                                        NATIONSTA

       treating                                             R           Edwards combustion                     12156m
15                   209.64     Sep-12      Nov-12                                                 22000m/h                24h/d
      MOCVD                                            Semiconducto           treatment                           h

     exhaust gas                                             r

     Method for                                        NATIONSTA

       treating                                             R           Edwards combustion                     14894m
16                   209.64     Sep-12      Nov-12                                                 22000m/h                24h/d
      MOCVD                                            Semiconducto           treatment                           h

     exhaust gas                                             r

     Method for                                                         Scrubber combustion
     treating acid                                                       water washing and
                                                            R                                                  16607m
17    and alkali     348.41     Sep-12      Nov-12                     spraying device + acid      45000m/h                24h/d
                                                       Semiconducto                                               h
       exhaust                                                         and alkali exhaust gas
        gases                                                          scrubber tower device

     Method for                                                         Scrubber combustion
     treating acid                                                       water washing and
                                                            R                                                  13166m
18    and alkali     348.41     Sep-12      Nov-12                     spraying device + acid      40000m/h                24h/d
                                                       Semiconducto                                               h
       exhaust                                                         and alkali exhaust gas
        gases                                                          scrubber tower device

     Method for                                        NATIONSTA
                                                                         UV photolysis and
       treating                                             R                                                  19391m
19                   348.41     Sep-12      Nov-12                        activated carbon         40000m/h                24h/d
       organic                                         Semiconducto                                               h
     exhaust gas                                             r

     Method for                                        NATIONSTA
                                                                         UV photolysis and
       treating                                             R                                                  11637m
20                   348.41     Sep-12      Nov-12                        activated carbon         20000m/h                24h/d
       organic                                         Semiconducto                                               h
     exhaust gas                                             r

21   Wastewater       251     March 2016   October       Fenghua          Physicochemical,          140t/d       70t/d     24h/d

                                                                                         Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                             Annual Report 2023

      treatment                              2016       Semiconducto    biochemical, reverse

       station                                               r         osmosis RO membrane

                                                                        treatment processes

     Exhaust gas                                          Fenghua       Filter cartridge dust
22     control      20      August 2005                 Semiconducto    removal + activated      15000m/h     7728m/h     24h/d
      facilities                                             r           carbon adsorption

     Exhaust gas                                          Fenghua       Filter cartridge dust
23     control      20      August 2005                 Semiconducto    removal + activated      15000m/h     7728m/h     24h/d
      facilities                                             r           carbon adsorption

     Exhaust gas                                          Fenghua       Filter cartridge dust
24     control      20      August 2005                 Semiconducto    removal + activated      15000m/h     7728m/h     24h/d
      facilities                                             r           carbon adsorption

     Exhaust gas                                          Fenghua       Filter cartridge dust
25     control      20      August 2005                 Semiconducto    removal + activated      15000m/h     7728m/h     24h/d
      facilities                                             r           carbon adsorption

     Exhaust gas                                          Fenghua
26     control      19                    August 2006   Semiconducto         lye spray           11000m/h     9000m/h     24h/d
      facilities                                             r

     Exhaust gas                                          Fenghua
27     control      19                    August 2006   Semiconducto         lye spray           11000m/h     9000m/h     24h/d
      facilities                                             r

     Exhaust gas                                          Fenghua
28     control      19                    August 2006   Semiconducto         lye spray           11000m/h     9000m/h     24h/d
      facilities                                             r

Environmental self-monitoring plan:

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. Gaoming Branch developed an environmental self-monitoring plan. It

entrusted a third-party environmental testing agency to perform the annual inspection of the exhaust outlet. All

the inspection results were lower than the standard limits. Meanwhile, it accepted the annual supervision and

monitoring by local environmental protection departments. All the monitoring results were lower than the

standard limits.

Liuzhou Guige Lighting Technology Co., Ltd. has put in place the Self-monitoring Plan of Liuzhou Guige

Lighting Technology Co., Ltd. It entrusted a third-party environmental testing agency to perform the annual

inspection of the exhaust outlet. All the inspection results were lower than the standard limits. Meanwhile, it

                                                                               Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                   Annual Report 2023

accepted the annual supervision and monitoring by local environmental protection departments. All the

monitoring results were lower than the standard limits.

NationStar Optoelectronics, following the self-monitoring plan, entrusted a qualified third-party environmental

testing agency to perform inspection of various pollutants every half a year. All the inspection results were

lower than the standard limits. Meanwhile, it accepted the quarterly supervision and monitoring by local

environmental protection departments. All the monitoring results were lower than the standard limits.

Foshan NationStar Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd. abided by its self-monitoring plan. It entrusted a

qualified third-party environmental testing agency to perform the inspection of the pollutants on a half-year

basis. All the inspection results were lower than the standard limits. Meanwhile, it accepted the quarterly

supervision and monitoring by local environmental protection departments. All the monitoring results were

lower than the standard limits.

According to its self-monitoring plan, Guangdong Fenghua Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd. entrusted a

qualified third-party environmental testing agency to perform the inspection of the pollutants on a half-year

basis. All the inspection results were lower than the standard limits. Meanwhile, it accepted the quarterly

inspection by local environmental protection departments. All the monitoring results were lower than the

standard limits.

Contingency plan for environmental emergencies:

The Company formulated the Contingency Plan for Environmental Emergencies of Foshan Electrical and

Lighting Co., Ltd. Gaoming Branch (Including Risk Assessment Report and Material Survey of Environmental

Emergencies in August 2017, had it reviewed by experts on 13 September 2017, and had it filed with the Foshan

Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau Gaoming Sub-bureau (Filing No.: 440608-2017-094-L) on 24

October 2017. This document was revised in August 2020, reviewed by experts again on 7 September 2020, and

filed with the Foshan Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau Gaoming Sub-bureau (Filing No.: 440608-

2020-056-M) on 25 September 2020.

In June 2018, Liuzhou Guige Lighting Technology Co., Ltd. completed the preparation of the Emergency Plan for

Environmental Emergencies of Liuzhou Guige Lighting Technology Co., Ltd. (including the Risk Assessment

Report for Environmental Emergencies and the Investigation Report for Emergency Resources for Environmental

Emergencies), which was reviewed by experts and released, and filed with Liudong Branch of Liuzhou

Environmental Protection Bureau on 29 August 2018 (No. 450203-2018-022-1). In August 2021, the Emergency

                                                                             Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                 Annual Report 2023

Plan for Environmental Emergencies of Liuzhou Guige Lighting Technology Co., Ltd. (including the Risk

Assessment Report for Environmental Emergencies and the Investigation Report for Emergency Resources for

Environmental Emergencies) was updated and compiled, passed the expert review and released, and on 27

December 2021, the Emergency Plan was filed with the Ecological Environment Bureau of Liudong New Area,

Liuzhou City (No. 450203-2021-0019-L).

NationStar Optoelectronics revised in 2023 the Contingency Plan for Environmental Emergencies of NationStar

Optoelectronics (Including Risk Assessment Report and Material Survey of Environmental Emergencies)

according to the requirements of the Management Methods for Environmental Emergencies, and had it filed with

the Foshan Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau (Filing No.: 440604-2023-0040-L).

NationStar Semiconductor formulated the Contingency Plan for Environmental Emergencies of NationStar

Semiconductor (Including Risk Assessment Report and Material Survey of Environmental Emergencies)

according to the requirements of the Management Methods for Environmental Emergencies, and had it filed with

the Foshan Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau (Filing No.: 440605-2023-0124-M) in 2023.

Fenghua Semiconductor formulated the Contingency Plan for Environmental Emergencies of Guangdong

Fenghua Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd. (including Risk Assessment Report and Material Survey of

Environmental Emergencies) according to the requirements of the Management Methods for Environmental

Emergencies, and had it filed with the Guangzhou Municipal Ecology and Environment Bureau (Filing No.:

440112-2022-032-L) in 2022.

Input in environmental governance and protection and the payment of environmental protection-related taxes:

During the Reporting Period, the input of the Company and its subsidiaries in the construction of environmental

protection facilities, the development of environmental protection standards, the treatment of exhaust gas,

wastewater, and waste residue, and routine detection totaled RMB11.7953 million, and their environmental

protection-related taxes paid amounted to RMB90.1 thousand.

Measures taken during the Reporting Period to reduce carbon emissions and the impact:

 Applicable □ Not applicable

During the Reporting Period, the Company reduced electricity consumption under the same output value by

selecting high-efficiency and energy-saving equipment. The Company insists on constantly publicizing

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                                                                                                      Annual Report 2023

environmental protection knowledge to employees, improving their awareness of environmental protection, and

realizing the sustainable development goal of harmonious coexistence between enterprises and the environment

through the joint efforts of all employees.

Administrative punishments received with respect to environmental issues in the Reporting Period:
                                                                                  Impact on the
        The                Reason for
                                              Incompliance         Punishment         Company’s       Rectification
Company/subsidiary         punishment

N/A                  N/A                N/A                  N/A                N/A                N/A

Other environment-related information that should be disclosed:


Other relevant information:


II Social Responsibility

For details about the Company’s fulfillment of social responsibilities in 2023, please refer to the Environmental,

Social, and Governance (ESG) Report 2023 disclosed by the Company on www.cninfo.com.cn on 19 April


III Efforts in Poverty Alleviation and Rural Revitalization

During the Reporting Period, the Company actively responded to the call for "thousands of enterprises helping

thousands of towns, and ten thousand enterprises revitalizing ten thousand villages." We diligently implemented

the arrangements for supporting rural revitalization work. We have carried out consumer assistance programs in

Qiandongnan, Guizhou, and Wuhua County, Meizhou, Guangdong, with a total expenditure of RMB1.0458

million. Additionally, we donated goods worth RMB71,800, contributing to "the high-quality development

project of 100 counties, 1,000 towns and 10,000 villages".

                                                                                                 Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                     Annual Report 2023

                                  Part VI Significant Events

I Fulfillment of Commitments

1. Commitments of the Company’s Actual Controller, Shareholders, Related Parties and Acquirers, as
well as the Company Itself and other Entities Fulfilled in the Reporting Period or Ongoing at the Period-

 Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                         Date of    Term
                                   Type of                                                               commit       of       Fulfill
 Commitment       Promisor                                Details of commitment
                                 commitment                                                               ment      commi      ment
                                                                                                         making     tment
                                                 Electronics Group and Hong Kong
                                                 Rising        Investment           have         made
                                                 commitments as follows to avoid
                                                 horizontal      competition             with     the
                                                 Company:        1.    They shall          conduct
                                                 supervision      and        restraint     on     the
                                                 production and operation activities of
                                                 themselves           and      their       relevant
                                                 enterprises      so        that    besides       the
                                                 enterprise above that is in horizontal
                                                 competition with the Company for
                                                 now, if the products or business of

Commitments                                      them or their relevant enterprises
made in        Electronics                       become the same with or similar to
                                About                                                                      4
acquisition    Group and                         those    of     the        Company         or     its
                                avoidance   of                                                                     Long-      Ongoin
documents or   Hong Kong                                                                                 Decemb
                                horizontal       subsidiaries in the future, they shall                            term       g
shareholding   Rising                                                                                    er 2015
alteration     Investment                        take the following measures: (1) If the
documents                                        Company thinks necessary, they and
                                                 their relevant enterprises shall reduce
                                                 and wholly transfer their relevant assets
                                                 and business; and (2) If the Company
                                                 thinks necessary, it is given the priority
                                                 to acquire first, by proper means, the
                                                 relevant assets and business of them
                                                 and their relevant enterprises. 2. All the
                                                 commitments           made        by    them      to
                                                 eliminate       or         avoid        horizontal
                                                 competition with the Company are also
                                                 applicable to their directly or indirectly
                                                 controlled      subsidiaries.          They      are

                                                                                         Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                             Annual Report 2023

                                     obliged to urge and make sure that
                                     other      subsidiaries           execute         what’s
                                     prescribed in the relevant document
                                     and faithfully honor all the relevant
                                     commitments. 3. If they or their
                                     directly       or        indirectly         controlled
                                     subsidiaries         break          the     aforesaid
                                     commitments and thus cause a loss for
                                     the Company, they shall compensate
                                     the Company on a rational basis.
                                     1. Rising Group will take active
                                     measures to avoid any business or
                                     activity that competes or may compete
                                     with the principal business of the
                                     Company and its auxiliary enterprises,
                                     and urge the Promisor to control
                                     enterprises to avoid any business or
                                     activity that competes or may compete
                                     with the principal business of the
                                     Company and its auxiliary enterprises.
                                     2. If Rising Group and its controlled
                  About                                                                            4
Rising Rising                        enterprises are given the opportunity to
                  avoidance of                                                                             Long-      Ongoin
Holdings                                                                                         Novemb
                  horizontal         engage in new business that constitutes                               term       g
Group                                                                                            er 2021
                                     or       may         constitute             horizontal
                                     competition           with         the       principal
                                     businesses of the Company and its
                                     auxiliary enterprises, Rising Group will
                                     make every effort to make the business
                                     opportunity         first    available        to     the
                                     Company or its auxiliary enterprises on
                                     reasonable          and      fair         terms      and
                                     conditions          on      the     premise          that
                                     conditions permit and in the interest of
                                     the listed company.
                                     Electronics Group and Hong Kong
                                     Rising      Investment            have      made       a
                                     commitment that during their direct or
Electronics       About              indirect holding of the Company’s
Group       and   reduction and                                                                    4
                                     shares, they shall 1. strictly abide by                               Long-      Ongoin
Hong      Kong    regulation    of                                                               Decemb
                                     the regulatory documents of the CSRC                                  term       g
Rising            related-party                                                                  er 2015
Investment        transactions       and the SZSE, the Company’s Articles
                                     of Association, etc. and not harm the
                                     interests of the Company or other
                                     shareholders of the Company in their

                                                                        Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                            Annual Report 2023

                           production and operation activities by
                           taking advantage of their position as the
                           controlling      shareholder      and    actual
                           controller; 2. make sure that they or
                           their    other     controlled     subsidiaries,
                           branch offices, jointly-run or associated
                           companies (the "Relevant Enterprises"
                           for short) will try their best to avoid or
                           reduce related-party transactions with
                           the     Company       or    the    Company’s
                           subsidiaries; 3. strictly follow the
                           market principle of justness, fairness
                           and equal value exchange for necessary
                           and        unavoidable            related-party
                           transactions between them and their
                           Relevant Enterprises and the Company,
                           and withdraw from voting when a
                           related-party transaction with them or
                           their Relevant Enterprises is being
                           voted on at a general meeting or a
                           board meeting, and execute the relevant
                           approval procedure and information
                           disclosure       duties    pursuant     to    the
                           applicable       laws,     regulations       and
                           regulatory       documents.       Where       the
                           aforesaid commitments are broken and
                           a loss is thus caused for the Company,
                           its subsidiaries or the Company’s other
                           shareholders, they shall be obliged to
                           1. strictly abide by the regulatory
                           documents of the CSRC and the SZSE,
                           the Company’s Articles of Association,
                           etc. and not harm the interests of the
                           Company or other shareholders of the
           About           Company in their production and
Rising     reduction and                                                          4
                           operation activities by taking advantage                       Long-      Ongoin
Holdings   regulation of                                                       Novemb
                           of their position as the controlling                           term       g
Group      related-party                                                       er 2021
           transactions    shareholder and actual controller; 2.
                           make sure that they or their other
                           controlled subsidiaries, branch offices,
                           jointly-run or associated companies
                           (the "Relevant Enterprises" for short)
                           will try their best to avoid or reduce

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                                                                                                      Annual Report 2023

                             related-party        transactions         with        the
                             Company           or         the      Company’s
                             subsidiaries; 3. strictly follow the
                             market principle of justness, fairness
                             and equal value exchange for necessary
                             and        unavoidable               related-party
                             transactions between them and their
                             Relevant Enterprises and the Company,
                             and withdraw from voting when a
                             related-party transaction with them or
                             their Relevant Enterprises is being
                             voted on at a general meeting or a
                             board meeting, and execute the relevant
                             approval procedure and information
                             disclosure       duties      pursuant           to    the
                             applicable       laws,        regulations             and
                             regulatory documents.
                             In order to ensure the independence of
                             the Company in business, personnel,
                             asset,    organization              and     finance,
                             Electronics Group and Hong Kong
                             Rising Investment have made the
                             following commitments: 1. They will
                             ensure     the       independence           of        the
                             Company         in     business:          (1)        They
                             promise that the Company will have the
                             assets, personnel, qualifications and
                             capabilities         for      it     to         operate
                             independently as well as the ability of
Group and                    independent, sustainable operation in                          4
              About                                                                                 Long-      Ongoin
Hong Kong                    the market. (2) They promise not to                         Decemb
              independence                                                                          term       g
Rising                       intervene in the Company’s business                        er 2015
                             activities other than the execution of
                             their    rights        as     the     Company’s
                             shareholders. (3) They promise that
                             they and their related parties will not be
                             engaged in business that is substantially
                             in competition with the Company’s
                             business. And (4) They promise that
                             they and their related parties will try
                             their    best     to       reduce    related-party
                             transactions between them and the
                             Company;             for      necessary               and
                             unavoidable related-party transactions,

                                            Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                Annual Report 2023

they promise to operate fairly following
the market-oriented principle and at fair
prices, and execute the transaction
procedure and the duty of information
disclosure pursuant to the applicable
laws,   regulations       and         regulatory
documents. 2. They will ensure the
independence of the Company in
personnel: (1) They promise that the
Company’s GM, deputy GMs, CFO,
Company Secretary and other senior
management personnel will work only
for and receive remuneration from the
Company, not holding any positions in
them    or     their     other        controlled
subsidiaries other than director and
supervisor. (2) They promise the
Company’s      absolute       independence
from their related parties in labor,
human         resource         and         salary
management. And (3) They promise to
follow the legal procedure in their
recommendation            of           directors,
supervisors and senior management
personnel to the Company and not to
hire or dismiss employees beyond the
Company’s Board of Directors and
General Meeting. 3. They will ensure
the independence and completeness of
the Company in asset: (1) They
promise that the Company will have a
production      system,        an      auxiliary
production     system     and        supporting
facilities for its operation; legally have
the ownership or use rights of the land,
plants, machines, trademarks, patents
and non-patented technology in relation
to its production and operation; and
have independent systems for the
procurement of raw materials and the
sale of its products. (2) They promise
that    the     Company             will    have
independent and complete assets all
under the Company’s control and

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                                                                                  Annual Report 2023

                          independently owned and operated by
                          the Company. And (3) They promise
                          that they and their other controlled
                          subsidiaries will not illegally occupy
                          the Company’s funds and assets in any
                          way, or use the Company’s assets to
                          provide guarantees for the debts of
                          themselves or their other controlled
                          subsidiaries with. 4. They will ensure
                          the independence of the Company in
                          organization: (1) They promise that the
                          Company     has   a   sound    corporate
                          governance structure as a joint-stock
                          company with an independent and
                          complete organization structure. And
                          (2) They promise that the operational
                          and management organs within the
                          Company will independently execute
                          their functions according to laws,
                          regulations and the Company’s Articles
                          of Association. And 5. They will ensure
                          the independence of the Company in
                          finance: (1) They promise that the
                          Company will have an independent
                          financial   department   and    financial
                          accounting system with normative,
                          independent financial accounting rules.
                          (2) They promise that the Company
                          will have independent bank accounts
                          and not share bank accounts with its
                          related parties. (3) They promise that
                          the Company’s financial personnel do
                          not hold concurrent positions in its
                          related parties. (4) They promise that
                          the Company will independently pay its
                          tax according to law. And (5) They
                          promise that the Company can make
                          financial decisions independently and
                          that they will not illegally intervene in
                          the Company’s use of its funds.
                          To maintain the independence of the
Rising                                                                  4
           About          Company, Rising Group has made the                    Long-      Ongoin
Holdings                                                              Novemb
           independence   following commitments: 1. It will                     term       g
Group                                                                 er 2021
                          ensure the personnel independence of

                                             Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                 Annual Report 2023

the Company. It promises to ensure
personnel         independence      with      the
Company, and GM, deputy GMs, CFO,
Company Secretary and other senior
management personnel of the Company
will not hold positions other than
directors     and     supervisors     in      the
enterprises wholly owned, controlled or
actually controlled by it and its
subsidiaries (hereinafter referred to as
"subsidiaries"), and will not receive
salaries from it or its subsidiaries. The
Company’s financial personnel do not
hold concurrent positions in it or its
subsidiaries. 2. It will ensure the asset
independence and integrity of the
Company: (1) It promises that the
Company will have independent and
complete assets. And (2) It promises
that it and its subsidiaries will not
illegally occupy the Company’s funds
and assets in any way. 3. It will ensure
the financial independence of the
Company: (1) It promises that the
Company will have an independent
financial    department     and      financial
accounting system. (2) It promises that
the Company will have a standardized
and independent financial accounting
system. (3) It promises that the
Company will have independent bank
accounts and not share bank accounts
with it. (4) It promises that the
Company’s financial personnel do not
hold concurrent positions in it or its
subsidiaries. And (5) It promises that
the Company can make financial
decisions independently and that they
will not illegally intervene in the
Company’s use of its funds. 4. It will
ensure      the     independence      of      the
Company       in     organization:     (1)     It
promises that the Company can operate
independently with an independent and

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                                                                                                     Annual Report 2023

                       complete organization structure. (2) It
                       promises that the office and production
                       and business premises of the Company
                       are separated from those of Rising
                       Group. And (3) It promises that the
                       Board of Directors, the Board of
                       Supervisors and various functional
                       departments of the Company operate
                       independently,            and         there         is     no
                       subordinate           relationship             with        the
                       functional         departments             of       Rising
                       Group. And 5 It will ensure the
                       independence of the Company in
                       business: (1) It promises that the
                       Company will have independence in
                       business. And (2) It promises that the
                       Company           will         have       the       assets,
                       personnel,               qualifications                   and
                       capabilities            for     it        to        operate
                       independently as well as the ability of
                       independent, sustainable operation in
                       the market.
                       1. They shall conduct supervision and
                       restraint        on      the     production               and
                       operation activities of themselves and
                       their relevant enterprises so that besides
                       the    enterprise             above       that       is     in
                       horizontal               competition                      with
                       OPTOELECTRONICS for now, if the
                       products or business of them or their
                       relevant enterprises become the same
      About                                                                                7
      avoidance   of   with       or      similar           to        those        of              Long-      Ongoin
FSL                                                                                     October
      horizontal       NATIONSTAR                                                                  term       g
      competition                                                                        2021
                       OPTOELECTRONICS                                or          its
                       subsidiaries in the future, they shall
                       take the following measures: (1) If
                       OPTOELECTRONICS                                      thinks
                       necessary, they and their relevant
                       enterprises shall reduce and wholly
                       transfer        their     relevant         assets         and
                       business; and (2) If NATIONSTAR
                       OPTOELECTRONICS                                      thinks

                                                                              Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                  Annual Report 2023

                           necessary, it is given the priority to
                           acquire first, by proper means, the
                           relevant assets and business of them
                           and their relevant enterprises. 2. All the
                           commitments             made        by     them      to
                           eliminate          or      avoid           horizontal
                           competition         with       FSL         are     also
                           applicable to their directly or indirectly
                           controlled         subsidiaries.          They      are
                           obliged to urge and make sure that
                           other      subsidiaries        execute           what’s
                           prescribed in the relevant document
                           and faithfully honor all the relevant
                           commitments. 3. If they or their
                           directly      or        indirectly         controlled
                           subsidiaries         break      the         aforesaid
                           commitments and thus cause a loss for
                           OPTOELECTRONICS,                         they      shall
                           compensate                      NATIONSTAR
                           OPTOELECTRONICS on a rational

                           1. FSL and enterprises under its control
                           (except                NATIONSTAR
                           OPTOELECTRONICS             and       its
                           subsidiaries)   will     reduce     and
                           standardize related transactions with
                           OPTOELECTRONICS             and       its

                           2. In case of any inevitable or
                           reasonably         justified        related       party
                           transactions, FSL and enterprises under
                           its control (except NATIONSTAR
      reduction      and                                                                7
                           OPTOELECTRONICS                           and        its             Long-      Ongoin
FSL   regulation      of                                                              October
                           subsidiaries) will strictly abide by the                             term       g
      related-party                                                                    2021
                           market principles, conduct related party
                           transactions            with    NATIONSTAR
                           OPTOELECTRONICS                       fairly        and
                           reasonably         based       on    the        general
                           principles of equality, mutual benefit,
                           equal value and compensation, and
                           perform legal procedures in accordance
                           with     laws,       regulations,          normative
                           documents and relevant regulations of

                                                              Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                  Annual Report 2023


                          In order to promote the standardized
                          management       of     NATIONSTAR
                          OPTOELECTRONICS, legally and
                          compliantly exercise shareholders'
                          rights and fulfill corresponding
                          obligations, and take practical and
                          effective measures to ensure the
                          independence      of    NATIONSTAR
                          OPTOELECTRONICS in personnel,
                          assets, finance, institutions and
                          business, the Promisor promises:

                          (I) It will ensure the independence of
                          OPTOELECTRONICS in personnel

                          1. FSL promises that GM, deputy GMs,
                          CFO, Company Secretary and other
                          senior management personnel of
                          OPTOELECTRONICS will not hold
                          any positions in FSL and other
                          enterprises under its control (except
                          OPTOELECTRONICS               and    its
                          controlled enterprises, the same below)
                          other than director and supervisor, and
                          not receive salaries from in FSL and
                          other enterprises under its control;
                          2. It will ensure NATIONSTAR
      maintaining         OPTOELECTRONICS’s           absolute         7
                          independence from FSL and enterprises                 Long-      Ongoin
FSL   independence                                                    October
                          under its control in labor, human                     term       g
      of   the   listed   resource and salary management.              2021
                          (II) It will ensure the independence of
                          OPTOELECTRONICS in asset

                          1. FSL promises that NATIONSTAR
                          OPTOELECTRONICS              will have
                          independent and complete operating
                          assets related to operation;

                          2. FSL promises that the funds, assets
                          and other resources of NATIONSTAR
                          OPTOELECTRONICS will not be
                          illegally occupied.

                          (III) It will ensure the independence of
                          OPTOELECTRONICS in finance

                          1. It promises that NATIONSTAR
                          OPTOELECTRONICS will have an
                          independent financial department, and
                          independent     financial   accounting
                          system and financial accounting rules.

                          2. It promises that NATIONSTAR
                          OPTOELECTRONICS              will    have
                          independent bank accounts and not
                          share bank accounts with FSL and
                          other enterprises under its control;

                          3. It promises that the financial

                                                                                        Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                            Annual Report 2023

                                            personnel       of      NATIONSTAR
                                            OPTOELECTRONICS do not work
                                            part-time and receive salaries in FSL
                                            and other enterprises under its control;

                                            4. It promises that NATIONSTAR
                                            OPTOELECTRONICS                   will
                                            independently pay its tax according to

                                            And      (5)    It    promises      that
                                            OPTOELECTRONICS            can    make
                                            financial decisions independently and
                                            that it will not illegally intervene in
                                            OPTOELECTRONICS’s use of its

                                            (IV) It will ensure the independence of
                                            OPTOELECTRONICS in organization

                                            It promises that the listed company has
                                            a sound corporate governance structure
                                            as a joint-stock company with an
                                            independent and complete organization

                                            (V) It will ensure the independence of
                                            OPTOELECTRONICS in business

                                            It promise that NATIONSTAR
                                            OPTOELECTRONICS                remains
                                            independent       in     procurement,
                                            production, sales and intellectual
                                            property     rights,     and       that
                                            OPTOELECTRONICS will have the
                                            assets, personnel, qualifications and
                                            capabilities  for    it   to    operate
                                            independently as well as the ability of
                                            independent, sustainable operation in
                                            the market.

                                            1.    FSL      has      provided      relevant
                                            information and documents (including
                                            but not limited to original written
                      About           the   materials, duplicate materials or oral
                      truthfulness,         testimony, etc.) related to this trading to
                      accuracy        and   the         intermediaries           providing
Commitments           completeness          professional       services     of    auditing,       27
made during                                                                                               Long-      Ongoin
                FSL   of              the   valuation,      legal         and     financial    October
asset                                                                                                     term       g
restructuring         information           consultancy for this trading. FSL                   2021
                      provided during       promises that the copies or photocopies
                      this major asset      of    the    documents        and    materials
                      restructuring         provided     are     consistent      with    the
                                            originals, and that the signatures and
                                            seals of the documents and materials
                                            are authentic, and the signatories of the

                                                                                      Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                          Annual Report 2023

                                     documents        have             been        legally
                                     authorized and effectively signed the
                                     documents;           that         the        provided
                                     information      and             documents        are
                                     authentic, accurate and complete and
                                     that   there    are         no    false      records,
                                     misleading      statements              or   material
                                     omissions. FSL also promises to bear
                                     individual     and      joint          and    several
                                     liability. 2. The commitment maker
                                     promises that the information provided
                                     is true, accurate and complete. Where
                                     any investor suffers a loss as a result of
                                     any    misrepresentation,                misleading
                                     statement or material omission in the
                                     information provided, the commitment
                                     maker shall be liable for compensation
                                     according to law.
                                     1. They promise not to transfer benefits
                                     to other units or individuals free of
                                     charge or under unfair conditions, and
                                     not to harm the interests of the
                                     Company in any other ways; 2. They
                                     promise to restrain position-related
                                     consumption behavior; 3. They promise
                                     not to use the Company's assets to
                                     engage in investment and consumption
                                     activities unrelated to the performance
                  measures to fill
                                     of duties; 4. They promise that the
                  up returns for
Director    and                      future remuneration system formulated
                  risks    arising                                                              27
senior                               by the Board of Directors or the                                   Long-      Ongoin
                  from    diluting                                                           October
management                           Remuneration            and              Assessment                term       g
                  immediate                                                                   2021
office of FSL                        Committee will be linked to the
                  return in major
                                     implementation         of        the     Company's
                                     measures to fill up returns; 5. If the
                                     Company         formulates              an     equity
                                     incentive plan in the future, they will
                                     actively       promote            the        exercise
                                     conditions      of     the        future       equity
                                     incentive plan to be linked with the
                                     implementation         of        the     Company's
                                     measures to fill up returns; 6. From the
                                     date of issuance of these commitments
                                     to the completion of this major asset

                                                                                                  Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                      Annual Report 2023

                                        restructuring of the Company, if the
                                        CSRC makes other new regulatory
                                        provisions on measures to fill up
                                        returns and the relevant commitments,
                                        and these commitments cannot meet
                                        these provisions of the CSRC, they
                                        promise            to      issue         supplementary
                                        commitments in accordance with the
                                        latest regulations of the CSRC at that
                                        time. 7. They promise to earnestly
                                        fulfill      the        compensation               measures
                                        formulated by the Company and any
                                        commitments it made. If they violate
                                        any of these commitments and cause
                                        losses to the Company or investors,
                                        they are willing to bear corresponding
                                        legal responsibilities to the Company or
                                        investors according to law.
                                        1.     They         have         provided           relevant
                                        information and documents (including
                                        but not limited to original written
                                        materials, duplicate materials or oral
                                        testimony, etc.) related to this trading to
                                        the           intermediaries                       providing
                                        professional             services         of        auditing,
                                        assessment,              legal          and         financial
                                        consultancy for this trading. They
                  About           the
                                        promise that the copies or photocopies
                                        of     the     documents                and        materials
                  accuracy        and
Directors   and                         provided           are        consistent           with    the
                  completeness                                                                              27
senior                                  originals, and that the signatures and                                      Long-      Ongoin
                  of              the                                                                    October
management of                           seals of the documents and materials                                        term       g
                  information                                                                             2021
FSL                                     are authentic, and the signatories of the
                  provided during
                                        documents                have           been          legally
                  this major asset
                                        authorized and effectively signed the
                                        documents;               that           the         provided
                                        information              and         documents             are
                                        authentic, accurate and complete and
                                        that      there         are     no      false       records,
                                        misleading              statements            or    material
                                        omissions. They also promise to bear
                                        individual          and         joint     and        several
                                        liability. 2. They promise that the
                                        information provided is true, accurate

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                                                                                                      Annual Report 2023

                                       and complete. In case of any losses
                                       caused to investors due to any false
                                       presentations, misleading statements or
                                       material omissions in the information
                                       provided, they will be liable for
                                       compensation according to law. 3.
                                       Where the information provided or
                                       disclosed by them in this trading is
                                       suspected of false records, misleading
                                       statements or material omissions, and
                                       they are filed for investigation by the
                                       judicial organ or by the CSRC, the
                                       shares with interests in the listed
                                       company will not be transferred until
                                       the investigation conclusion is formed.
                                       1. They promise not to interfere in the
                                       operation and management activities of
                                       the   listed        company      beyond    their
                                       authority and not to encroach on the
                                       interests of the listed company. 2. From
                                       the   date      of        issuance   of    these
                                       commitments to the completion of this
                                       trading of the listed company, if the
Rising                                 CSRC         makes          new      regulatory
Holdings                               requirements on measures to fill up
Group,     Rising                      returns and commitments of relevant
Capital,                               personnel, and the above commitments
Electronics                            cannot meet these new regulatory
                    About effective
Group,                                 requirements         of    the    CSRC,    they      27
                    performance of                                                                  Long-      Ongoin
Hongkong Wah                           promise        to     issue      supplementary     October
                    measures to fill                                                                term       g
Shing,     Hong                        commitments according to the latest                 2021
                    up returns
Kong       Rising                      regulations of the CSRC at that time. 3.
Investment and                         They promise to earnestly fulfill the
Shenzhen                               measures to fill up returns formulated
Rising                                 by the       listed       company    and    any
Investment                             commitments made by them. If they
                                       violate these commitments and causes
                                       losses to the listed company or
                                       investors, they are willing to bear the
                                       compensation responsibility for the
                                       listed company or investors according
                                       to law. As one of the subjects
                                       responsible for the measures to fill up
                                       returns, if they violate the above

                                                                                          Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                              Annual Report 2023

                                       commitments or refuse to fulfill the
                                       above commitments, they agree that the
                                       securities regulatory agencies such as
                                       the CSRC and the SZSE will punish
                                       them     or    take        relevant     regulatory
                                       measures      in      accordance         with       the
                                       relevant regulations and rules they
                                       formulated or issued.
                                       1. They shall conduct supervision and
                                       restraint     on      the     production            and
                                       operation activities of themselves and
                                       their relevant enterprises so that besides
                                       the     enterprise      above         that    is     in
                                       horizontal competition with FSL for
                                       now, if the products or business of
                                       them or their relevant enterprises
                                       become the same with or similar to
                                       those of FSL or its subsidiaries in the
                                       future, they shall take the following
                                       measures: (1) If FSL thinks necessary,
                                       they and their relevant enterprises shall
                                       reduce      and      wholly      transfer          their
Rising                                 relevant assets and business; and (2) If
Holdings            About              FSL thinks necessary, it is given the
Group,     Rising   avoidance     of   priority to acquire first, by proper                                 Long-      Ongoin
Capital,     and    horizontal         means, the relevant assets and business                              term       g
Hongkong Wah        competition        of them and their relevant enterprises.
Shing                                  2. All the commitments made by them
                                       to    eliminate       or     avoid      horizontal
                                       competition         with      FSL       are        also
                                       applicable to their directly or indirectly
                                       controlled         subsidiaries.       They         are
                                       obliged to urge and make sure that
                                       other      subsidiaries       execute         what’s
                                       prescribed in the relevant document
                                       and faithfully honor all the relevant
                                       commitments. 3. If they or their
                                       directly      or      indirectly        controlled
                                       subsidiaries         break      the      aforesaid
                                       commitments and thus cause a loss for
                                       FSL, they shall compensate FSL on a
                                       rational basis.
Rising              About              They have made a commitment that                             27      Long-      Ongoin
Holdings            regulation and     during their direct or indirect holding of                 October   term       g

                                                                                       Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                           Annual Report 2023

Group,     Rising   reduction       of   FSL’s shares, they shall 1. strictly abide            2021
Capital,      and   related-party        by the regulatory documents of the
Hongkong Wah        transactions         CSRC and the SZSE, FSL’s Articles of
Shing                                    Association, etc. and not harm the
                                         interests of the Company or other
                                         shareholders of FSL in their production
                                         and operation activities by taking
                                         advantage of their position as the
                                         controlling       shareholder     and      actual
                                         controller; 2. make sure that they or
                                         their     other     controlled    subsidiaries,
                                         branch offices, jointly-run or associated
                                         companies (the "Relevant Enterprises"
                                         for short) will try their best to avoid or
                                         reduce related-party transactions with
                                         FSL or FSL’s subsidiaries; 3. strictly
                                         follow the market principle of justness,
                                         fairness and equal value exchange for
                                         necessary and unavoidable related-
                                         party transactions between them and
                                         their Relevant Enterprises and FSL, and
                                         withdraw from voting when a related-
                                         party transaction with them or their
                                         Relevant Enterprises is being voted on
                                         at a general meeting or a board
                                         meeting, and execute the relevant
                                         approval procedure and information
                                         disclosure        duties    pursuant     to     the
                                         applicable        laws,     regulations        and
                                         regulatory        documents.      Where         the
                                         aforesaid commitments are broken and
                                         a loss is thus caused for FSL, its
                                         subsidiaries          or      FSL’s          other
                                         shareholders, they shall be obliged to
                    About                If                            NATIONSTAR
                    compensation         OPTOELECTRONICS is subject to
                    for     possible     administrative        penalties        such     as
                    violations      of   accountability and fines by relevant                    27
Group,                                                                                                   Long-      Ongoin
                    laws           and   competent         departments      after        the   October
Electronics                                                                                              term       g
                    regulations by       completion of this trading due to the                  2021
Group,        and
                    NATIONSTAR           illegal      acts      of     NATIONSTAR
Rising Capital
                    OPTOELECTR           OPTOELECTRONICS                   before        the
                    ONICS                completion of this acquisition, they

                                                                                             Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                 Annual Report 2023

                                          promise to fully bear the losses of
                                          OPTOELECTRONICS or FSL, as well
                                          as    the   expenses         and      fees        under
                                          punishment or recourse, to ensure that
                                          OPTOELECTRONICS or FSL will not
                                          suffer any economic losses.
                                          1. They promise that the information
                                          provided is true, accurate and complete,
                                          and    there     are       no      false     records,
                                          misleading       statements          or      material
                                          omissions. 2. They have provided
                                          relevant information and documents
                                          (including but not limited to original
                                          written materials, duplicate materials or
                                          oral testimony, etc.) related to this
                                          trading to the intermediaries. They
                                          promise that the copies or photocopies
                                          of    the   documents           and        materials
                                          provided       are     consistent          with     the
                                          originals, and that the signatures and
                    About           the
                                          seals of the documents and materials
Rising                                    are authentic, and the signatories of the
                    accuracy        and
Holdings                                  documents            have       been          legally
                    completeness                                                                       27
Group,                                    authorized and effectively signed the                                Long-      Ongoin
                    of              the                                                             October
Electronics                               documents; that there are no false                                   term       g
                    information                                                                      2021
Group,        and                         records,    misleading          statements           or
                    provided during
Rising Capital                            material omissions. 3. They promise
                    this major asset
                                          that the explanations and confirmations
                                          issued by them are true, accurate and
                                          complete, and there are no false
                                          records,    misleading          statements           or
                                          material omissions. 4. During this
                                          trading,     they       will        disclose        the
                                          information about this trading in a
                                          timely manner in accordance with
                                          relevant laws and regulations, the
                                          CSRC and the SZSE, and ensure the
                                          authenticity,               accuracy               and
                                          completeness of such information. 5.
                                          They shall bear legal responsibility for
                                          the     authenticity,           accuracy           and
                                          completeness          of     the      information,

                                                                               Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                   Annual Report 2023

                                        documents, materials, explanations and
                                        confirmations provided. In case of any
                                        violation or losses caused to the listed
                                        company, investors, parties to the
                                        trading and intermediaries participating
                                        in this trading, they will be liable for
                                        compensation according to law. 6.
                                        Where the information provided or
                                        disclosed by them in this trading is
                                        suspected of false records, misleading
                                        statements or material omissions, and
                                        they are filed for investigation by the
                                        judicial organ or by the CSRC, the
                                        shares with interests in the listed
                                        company will not be transferred until
                                        the investigation conclusion is formed.
                                        Electronics Group promises that the
                                        100% equity of Sigma it held is clear in
                                        ownership and is not subject to any
                                        dispute or potential dispute, and there is
                                        no    situation    affecting     its   legal
                                        existence; the above shares are not
                                        subject to any other pledges, guarantees
                  About           the   or third-party interests or restrictions
                  clarity of the        and there is no pending or potential
Electronics       underlying            litigation, arbitration and any other                    Long-      Ongoin
Group             assets of this        administrative or judicial procedure                     term       g
                  major        asset    that may lead to the seizure, freezing,
                  restructuring         expropriation or restriction of transfer
                                        of the above-mentioned equity by the
                                        relevant   judicial    or    administrative
                                        organs.    There      is    no    entrusted
                                        shareholding or trust shareholding,
                                        restriction or prohibition of transfer of
                                        the above-mentioned equity controlled
                                        by Electronics Group.
                                        Rising Group promises that the shares
                                        of                          NATIONSTAR
                  About         the
                                        OPTOELECTRONICS it held is clear
Rising            clarity of the                                                         27
Holdings          underlying            in ownership and is not subject to any                   Long-      Ongoin
Group       and   assets of this        dispute or potential dispute, and there is               term       g
Rising Capital    major       asset                                                     2021
                                        no    situation    affecting     its   legal
                                        existence; the above shares are not
                                        subject to any other pledges, guarantees

                                                                               Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                   Annual Report 2023

                                   or third-party interests or restrictions
                                   and there is no pending or potential
                                   litigation, arbitration and any other
                                   administrative or judicial procedure
                                   that may lead to the seizure, freezing,
                                   expropriation or restriction of transfer
                                   of the above-mentioned equity by the
                                   relevant     judicial    or        administrative
                                   organs       There      is     no       entrusted
                                   shareholding or trust shareholding,
                                   restriction or prohibition of transfer of
                                   the above-mentioned equity controlled
                                   by Rising Group.
                                   OPTOELECTRONICS has provided
                                   the necessary, true, accurate, complete
                                   and effective documents, materials or
                                   oral statements and explanations for
                                   this trading at this stage, and there is no
                                   concealment, falsehood or material
                                   omission. The copies or photocopies of
                                   the documents provided are consistent
                                   with the original materials or originals.
                                   The signatures and seals on the
                                   documents and materials provided are
                                   authentic,       and          NATIONSTAR
             statement       and
                                   OPTOELECTRONICS has fulfilled the
             commitment of
NATIONSTAR                         legal procedures required for such                    27
             truthfulness,                                                                       Long-      Ongoin
OPTOELECTR                         signatures and seals and obtained legal             October
             accuracy        and                                                                 term       g
ONICS                              authorization. All the facts stated and              2021
                                   explained are consistent with the facts
             of information
                                   that happened. As this transaction
                                   proceeds, the Company shall provide
                                   needed information and documents as
                                   required       by       applicable         laws,
                                   regulations, rules and requirements of
                                   CSRC and the stock exchange, and
                                   continue to guarantee the truthfulness,
                                   accuracy, completeness and validity of
                                   the    information           and      documents
                                   provided. The Company promises and
                                   guarantees the truthfulness, accuracy
                                   and completeness of the information
                                   provided or disclosed with respect to

                                                                      Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                          Annual Report 2023

                              this transaction. It guarantees that there
                              are no misrepresentations, misleading
                              statements or material omissions. And
                              it shall be individually and jointly liable
                              for that.
                              Among 79,753,050 shares of tradable
                              shares with unlimited selling conditions
                              of                       NATIONSTAR
                              OPTOELECTRONICS held by Sigma,
                              39,876, 500 shares were pledged for
                              Guangdong       Electronics    Information
                              Industry Group Ltd. As of the date of
                              issuance of this commitment, the
                              pledge of the above shares has been
                              released.     However,   the    Maximum
                              Pledge Contract for Stocks of Listed
                              Companies (No.: XXYZZ (BY) No.
                              201906280001-2) signed by Sigma and
        About           the   Guangzhou Branch of Industrial Bank
        clarity of the        Co., Ltd. has not been dissolved.
        ownership       of    Guangdong       Electronics    Information        27
                                                                                        Long-      Ongoin
Sigma   the underlying        Industry Group Ltd. has promised that          October
                                                                                        term       g
        assets of this        it will not add any new loans to                2021
        major       asset     Guangzhou Branch of Industrial Bank
        restructuring         Co., Ltd. as a borrower during the
                              validity period of the guarantee, and
                              that it will not substantially assume any
                              guarantee responsibility due to the
                              Maximum Pledge Contract for Stocks
                              of   Listed    Companies.      Except     as
                              aforesaid, the asset ownership of Sigma
                              is clear, there is no dispute or potential
                              dispute, and there is no situation
                              affecting the legal existence. There is
                              no entrusted shareholding or trust
                              shareholding, restriction or prohibition
                              of transfer of the above-mentioned
                              equity controlled by Rising Group.
                              1. Sigma promises that all its registered
        About           no    capital has been paid in. 2. Sigma
        ownership             promises that all existing shareholders                   Long-      Ongoin
Sigma                                                                        October
        dispute          in   contribute their own funds to hold                        term       g
        equity                shares, there is no situation such as
                              holding shares on behalf of them, and

                                                                                                 Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                     Annual Report 2023

                                                           there is no dispute or potential dispute
                                                           between shareholders over their shares.
                                                           1. Sigma has provided relevant
                                                           information and documents (including
                                                           but not limited to original written
                                                           materials, duplicate materials or oral
                                                           testimony, etc.) related to this trading to
                                                           the         intermediaries       providing
                                                           professional services of auditing,
                                                           valuation,       legal    and     financial
                                                           consultancy for this trading. Sigma
                                                           promises that the copies or photocopies
                                                           of the documents and materials
                                     About                 provided are consistent with the
                                     statement       and   originals, and that the signatures and
                                                           seals of the documents and materials
                                     commitment of
                                                           are authentic, and the signatories of the       27
                                     truthfulness,         documents         have     been     legally             Long-      Ongoin
                  Sigma                                                                                  October
                                     accuracy        and   authorized and effectively signed the                   term       g
                                                           documents;         that    the    provided     2021
                                                           information and documents are
                                     of information        authentic, accurate and complete and
                                     provided              that there are no false records,
                                                           misleading statements or material
                                                           omissions. Sigma also promises to bear
                                                           individual and joint and several
                                                           liability. 2. Sigma promises that the
                                                           information provided is true, accurate
                                                           and complete. In case of any losses
                                                           caused to investors due to any false
                                                           presentations, misleading statements or
                                                           material omissions in the information
                                                           provided, Sigma will be liable for
                                                           compensation according to law.
                                                           According to the laws and regulations
                                                           issued by the State Council, such as the
                                                           Notice of the State Council on
                                                           Resolutely Curbing the Soaring of
                                                           Housing Prices in Some Cities (GF
                                                           [2010] No. 10), the Notice of the
                                                           General Office of the State Council on
                  Director, senior                         Further Improving Regulation of the
                  management                               Real Estate Market (GBF [2013] No.
                  office of FSL,                           17) and the Adjustment of Regulatory
                  Rising                                   Policies on Listed Companies' Re-
Commitments       Holdings           About matters         financing, Merger and Acquisition and
                                     on special self-      Reorganization Involving Real Estate           14
made in time of   Group,                                                                                           Long-      Ongoin
                                     inspection   of       Business issued by the CSRC on the            March
IPO or            Electronics        the real estate       relevant requirements for refinancing of                term       g
refinancing       Group,             business              listed companies involved in real estate
                  Hongkong Wah                             business, the controlling shareholders
                  Shing,     Hong                          and      all    directors    and Senior
                  Kong      Rising                         Management of Foshan Electrical and
                                                           Lighting Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred
                                                           to as the "Company") have made the
                                                           following commitments:
                                                           The Self-inspection Report on the
                                                           Company's Involvement in Real Estate
                                                           Business has truthfully disclosed the
                                                           self-inspection of the real estate
                                                           development projects of the Company

                                                                          Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                              Annual Report 2023

                                     and its subsidiaries between 1 January
                                     2020 and 31 December 2022. If the
                                     Company is identified with illegalities
                                     or violations not disclosed as required
                                     by the self-inspection, such as idle land,
                                     land speculation, holding real estate
                                     projects from selling, and house price
                                     rigging, thus causing losses to itself and
                                     the investors, we will be liable for
                                     compensation in line with relevant
                                     laws, regulations, and requirements of
                                     securities regulatory authorities.
                                     According to the Opinions of the
                                     General Office of the State Council on
                                     Further Strengthening the Protection of
                                     the Lawful Rights and Interests of
                                     Small and Medium-sized Investors in
                                     the Capital Market (GBF [2013] No.
                                     110), Opinions of the State Council on
                                     Further      Promoting      the     Sound
                                     Development of Capital Markets (GF
                                     [2014] No. 17), Guiding Opinions on
                                     Matters concerning the Dilution of
                                     Immediate Return in Initial Public
                                     Offering, Refinancing and Material
                                     Asset Restructuring (ZJHGG [2015]
                                     No. 31) and other relevant regulations,
                                     in order to protect the interests of small
                                     and medium-sized investors, the
                                     Directors and Senior Management of
                                     the Company have made the following
                                     commitments that the measures to fill
                                     up immediate returns diluted by the
                                     issuance of A-shares to specific objects
                                     can be effectively fulfilled:
                                     “1. We promise not to transfer benefits
                  About        the
                                     to other units or individuals for free or
                  measures to fill
Director    and                      under unfair conditions and not to
                  up immediate                                                     14
                                     compromise the interests of the
senior            returns diluted                                                           Long-      Ongoin
                                     Company in other ways.                       March
management        by the issuance                                                           term       g
                                     2. We promise to restrain position-          2023
office of FSL     of A-shares to
                                     related consumption behaviour.
                  specific objects
                                     3. We promise not to use the
                  in 2023
                                     Company's assets to engage in
                                     investment and consumption activities
                                     unrelated to the performance of duties.
                                     4. We promise that the remuneration
                                     system formulated by the Board of
                                     Directors or the Remuneration and
                                     Assessment Committee is linked to the
                                     implementation of the Company's
                                     measures to fill up returns.
                                     5. If the Company implements an
                                     equity incentive plan in the future, the
                                     exercise conditions of the future equity
                                     incentive plan will be linked with the
                                     implementation of the Company's
                                     measures to fill up returns.
                                     6. From the date of issuance of these
                                     commitments to the completion of the
                                     issuance of shares to specific objects, if
                                     the CSRC makes other new regulatory
                                     provisions on measures to fill up
                                     returns and the relevant commitments,
                                     and these commitments cannot meet
                                     these provisions of the CSRC, we
                                     promise to issue supplementary

                                                                                             Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                 Annual Report 2023

                                                        commitments in accordance with the
                                                        latest regulations of the CSRC at that
                                                        As one of the subjects responsible for
                                                        the measures to fill up returns, if we
                                                        violate the above commitments or
                                                        refuse to fulfil the above commitments,
                                                        we agree that the securities regulatory
                                                        agencies such as the CSRC and the
                                                        Shenzhen Stock Exchange will punish
                                                        us or take relevant regulatory measures
                                                        in accordance with the relevant
                                                        regulations and rules they formulated
                                                        or issued.
                                                        According to the relevant provisions of
                                                        the CSRC, in order to ensure that the
                                                        measures to fill up immediate returns
                                                        diluted by the issuance of A-shares to
                                                        specific objects can be practically
                                                        fulfilled, the Company's controlling
                                                        shareholders, Rising Holdings Group,
                                                        Electronics Group, Hong Kong Rising
                                                        Investment, Hongkong Wah Shing, and
                                                        the de facto controller, Rising Group,
                                                        respectively, made the following
                                                        "1. We promise not to interfere in the
                                                        operation and management activities of
                                                        the listed company beyond our
                                                        authority and not to encroach on the
                                                        interests of the listed company.
                                                        2. From the date of issuance of these
                                                        commitments to the completion of the
                 Rising                                 issuance of shares to specific objects, if
                                   About         the
                                                        the CSRC makes new regulatory
                 Holdings          effective
                                                        requirements on measures to fill up
                 Group,            fulfilment     of
                                                        returns and commitments of relevant
                 Electronics       measures taken                                                     14
                                                        personnel, and the above commitments
                                   by controlling                                                              Long-      Ongoin
                 Group,                                 cannot meet these new regulatory             March
                                   shareholders                                                                term       g
                 Hongkong Wah                           requirements of the CSRC, we promise         2023
                                   and de facto
                 Shing,    Hong                         to issue supplementary commitments
                                   controller to fill
                                                        according to the latest regulations of
                 Kong     Rising   up immediate
                                                        the CSRC at that time.
                 Investment        returns
                                                        3. We promise to earnestly fulfil the
                                                        measures to fill up returns formulated
                                                        by the listed company and any
                                                        commitments made by us. If we violate
                                                        these commitments and cause losses to
                                                        the listed company or investors, we are
                                                        willing to bear the compensation
                                                        responsibility for the listed company or
                                                        investors according to law.
                                                        As one of the subjects responsible for
                                                        the measures to fill up returns, if we
                                                        violate the above commitments or
                                                        refuse to fulfil the above commitments,
                                                        we agree that the securities regulatory
                                                        agencies such as the CSRC and the
                                                        Shenzhen Stock Exchange will punish
                                                        us or take relevant regulatory measures
                                                        in accordance with the relevant
                                                        regulations and rules they formulated
                                                        or issued.
Other                              About        cash    FSL’s profit distributed in cash shall      27 May    Long-      Ongoin
commitments      FSL                                    not be less than 30% of the
                                   dividends                                                          2009     term       g
made        to                                          distributable profit realized in the year.

                                                                         Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                             Annual Report 2023

shareholders of
the Company
Whether        the
were       timely
reasons for
failing to fulfill
commitments          N/A
on time and
plans for next

2. Where there had been an earnings forecast for an asset or project and the Reporting Period was still
within the forecast period, explain why the forecast has been reached for the Reporting Period.

□ Applicable  Not applicable

II Occupation of the Company’s Capital by the Controlling Shareholder or Its Related
Parties for Non-Operating Purposes

□ Applicable  Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

III Irregularities in the Provision of Guarantees

□ Applicable  Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

IV Explanations Given by the Board of Directors Regarding the Independent Auditor's
“Modified Opinion” on the Financial Statements of the Latest Period

□ Applicable  Not applicable

V Explanations Given by the Board of Directors, the Supervisory Board and the
Independent Directors (if any) Regarding the Independent Auditor's “Modified Opinion” on
the Financial Statements of the Reporting Period

□ Applicable  Not applicable

                                                                                         Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                             Annual Report 2023

VI YoY Changes to Accounting Policies, Estimates and Correction of Material Accounting

 Applicable □ Not applicable

Refer to Part X Financial Statements-V Important Accounting Policies and Estimations-43. Changes in Main
Accounting Policies and Estimates for details.

VII YoY Changes to the Scope of the Consolidated Financial Statements

 Applicable □ Not applicable

Compared with the previous period, the consolidated scope of financial statements in this period decreases one
company that is FSL LIGHTING GMBH. For details, see Part X Financial Statements-IX Change of
Consolidation Scope - 6. Other.

VIII Engagement and Disengagement of Independent Auditor

Current independent auditor:

Name of the domestic independent auditor                          WUYIGE Certified Public Accountants LLP
The Company’s payment to the domestic independent auditor
How many consecutive years the domestic independent auditor
has provided audit service for the Company
Names of the certified public accountants from the domestic
                                                                  He Xiaojuan, Wang Jingkun
independent auditor writing signatures on the auditor’s report
How many consecutive years the certified public accountants
from the domestic independent auditor have provided audit         2
service for the Company

Indicate by tick mark whether the independent auditor was changed for the Reporting Period.
□Yes  No
Independent auditor, financial advisor or sponsor engaged for the audit of internal controls:
 Applicable □ Not applicable
In the Reporting Period, the Company engaged WUYIGE Certified Public Accountants LLP as its internal
control auditor with the total audit fees of RMB250,000.

IX Possibility of Delisting after Disclosure of this Report

□ Applicable  Not applicable

X Insolvency and Reorganization

□ Applicable  Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

                                                                                                                Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                    Annual Report 2023

XI Major Legal Matters

 Applicable □ Not applicable

      Basic                                    Whether                              Lawsuit          Execution of
                         Amount                                     Lawsuit
information                                    there are                          (arbitration)        lawsuit               Date of        Disclosure
                         involved                               (arbitration)
 on lawsuit                                    accrued                             results and       (arbitration)          disclosure           index
                       (RMB’0,000)                                 progress
(arbitration)                                  liabilities                         influences         judgment
124 other
                                                               78      cases
litigation                                                                        No
                                                               have     been
matters that                                                                      significant
                                  9716        No               closed;    46                         N/A                N/A                N/A
did not meet                                                                      influence on
                                                               cases are not
litigation                                                                        the Company

XII Punishments and Rectifications

□ Applicable  Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

XIII Credit Quality of the Company as well as Its Controlling Shareholder and Actual

 Applicable □ Not applicable
In the Reporting Period, the Company and its controlling shareholder and actual controller were not involved in
any unsatisfied court judgments, large-amount overdue liabilities or the like.

XIV Major Related-Party Transactions

1. Continuing Related-Party Transactions

 Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                  As %
                                                                                           Appro                               marke
                                                                                    of                                                              Index
              Relati                                         Trans                            ved      Over                    t price
                                                                        Total     total                                                               to
              onshi      Type       Specif         Pricin    action                        transa       the       Metho         for
Relate                                                                  value     value                                                  Disclo     disclo
              p with       of            ic          g       price                          ction      appro         d of      same-
  d                                                                     (RMB      of all                                                  sure       sed
               the       transa     transa         princi    (RMB                             line      ved       settle        type
party                                                                   ’0,000   same-                                                   date      infor
              Comp       ction       ction          ple      ’0,000                       (RMB       line or      ment        transa
                                                                           )       type                                                             matio
               any                                              )                          ’0,000      not                    ctions
                                                                                  transa                                                                 n
                                                                                                 )                             (RMB
Guan      Under          Purch      Purch          Marke                                                          Bank                   2         www.
                                                             298.6       298.6                                                298.6
gdong     same           asing                                                    0.05%     4,500     Not         transf                 March     cninfo
                                    ase of         t price   0               0                                                0
Fengh     actual         produ                                                                                    ers or                 2023      .com.

                                                                                    Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                        Annual Report 2023

ua       contro   cts      materi                                                     bank                        cn
Adva     ller     and                                                                 accept
nced              receiv                                                              ance
Techn             ing                                                                 notes
ology             labor
Holdi             servic
ng                e
Co.,              from
Ltd.              relate
         Share    produ
Prosp    holder   cts
erity    that     and
                           Purch                                                      transf
Lamp     holds    receiv                                                                                          www.
                           ase of   Marke                                             ers or             2
s&       over     ing                                                                                             cninfo
                                              5.60     5.60   0.00%    700    Not     bank     5.60      March
Comp     5%       labor    materi   t price                                                                       .com.
                                                                                      accept             2023
onents   shares   servic                                                                                          cn
                           als                                                        ance
Limit    of the   e
ed       Comp     from
         any      relate
Shenz             cts
                           Recei                                                      Bank
hen               and
         Under                                                                        transf
Yuepe             receiv   ving
         same                       Marke                                             ers or
ng                ing                         168.1   168.1                                    168.1
         actual            labor                              0.31%                   bank
Const             labor             t price   7           7                                    7
         contro            servic                                                     accept
ructio            servic
         ller                                                                         ance
n Co.,            e        e
Ltd.              from
                  asing                                                                                  2
Guan              produ                                               3,800   Not                        March
gzhou             cts                                                                                    2023
                           Recei                                                      Bank                        cn
Haixi             and
         Under                                                                        transf
nsha              receiv   ving
         same                       Marke                                             ers or
Indust            ing                         198.2   198.2                                    198.2
         actual            labor                              1.67%                   bank
ry                labor             t price   8           8                                    8
         contro            servic                                                     accept
Gener             servic
         ller                                                                         ance
al                e        e
Comp              from
any               relate
Fosha    Under    Purch                                                               Bank
n        same     asing    Recei                                                      transf
Fulon    actual   produ    ving               34.62   34.62   0.08%                   ers or   34.62
                                    t price
g        contro   cts      labor                                                      bank
Envir    ller     and                                                                 accept

                                                                      Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                          Annual Report 2023

onme              receiv   servic                                       ance
ntal              ing                                                   notes
Techn             labor
ology             servic
Co.,              e
Ltd.              from
ang                        Recei                                        Bank
Dongj    Under                                                          transf
                  receiv   ving
iang     same                       Marke                               ers or
Indust   actual            labor              15.60   15.60   0.04%     bank     15.60
                  labor             t price
rial     contro            servic                                       accept
Waste    ller                                                           ance
                  e        e
Treat                                                                   notes
Dongj                      Recei                                        Bank
iang     Under                                                          transf
                  receiv   ving
Envir    same                       Marke                               ers or
onme     actual            labor              8.22     8.22   0.02%     bank     8.22
                  labor             t price
ntal     contro            servic                                       accept
Techn    ller                                                           ance
                  e        e
ology                                                                   notes
ian                        Recei                                        Bank
Envir    Under                                                          transf
                  receiv   ving
onme     same                       Marke                               ers or
ntal     actual            labor              7.69     7.69   0.02%     bank     7.69
                  labor             t price
Protec   contro            servic                                       accept
tion     ller                                                           ance
                  e        e
Techn                                                                   notes
Zhuha             Purch    Recei                                        Bank
i        Under    asing                                                 transf
Doum     same     produ    ving                                         ers or
en       actual   cts      labor              4.35     4.35   0.01%     bank     4.35
                                    t price
Distri   contro   and      servic                                       accept
ct       ller     receiv                                                ance
Yong              ing                                                   notes

                                                                      Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                          Annual Report 2023

xings             labor
heng              servic
Envir             e
onme              from
ntal              relate
Indust            d
ry                party
Dongj                      Recei                                        Bank
iang     Under                                                          transf
                  receiv   ving
Envir    same                       Marke                               ers or
onme     actual            labor              21.40   21.40   0.05%     bank     21.40
                  labor             t price
ntal     contro            servic                                       accept
Techn    ller                                                           ance
                  e        e
ology                                                                   notes
Guan              produ
gdong             cts
                           Recei                                        Bank
Tianxi            and
         Under                                                          transf
n                 receiv   ving
         same                       Marke                               ers or
Com               ing
         actual            labor              27.58   27.58   0.06%     bank     27.58              N/A
merci             labor             t price
         contro            servic                                       accept
al                servic
         ller                                                           ance
Servic            e        e
e Co.,            from
Ltd.              relate
                           Recei                                        Bank
Rama              cts
         Under                                                          transf
da                and      ving
         same                       Marke                               ers or
Pearl             receiv
         actual            labor              10.70   10.70   0.02%     bank     10.70              N/A
Hotel             ing               t price
         contro            servic                                       accept
Guan              labor
         ller                                                           ance
gzhou             servic   e

                                                                    Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                        Annual Report 2023

gdong                      Recei                                      Bank
The      Under                                                        transf
                  receiv   ving
Great    same                       Marke                             ers or
Wall     actual            labor              8.70   8.70   0.02%     bank     8.70               N/A
                  labor             t price
Buildi   contro            servic                                     accept
ng       ller                                                         ance
                  e        e
Co.,                                                                  notes
Guan                       Recei                                      Bank
gdong    Under                                                        transf
                  receiv   ving
Dabao    same                       Marke                             ers or
shan     actual            labor              2.55   2.55   0.01%     bank     2.55               N/A
                  labor             t price
Minin    contro            servic                                     accept
g Co.,   ller                                                         ance
                  e        e
Ltd.                                                                  notes
Guan                       Recei                                      Bank
gdong    Under                                                        transf
                  receiv   ving
Great    same                       Marke                             ers or
Wall     actual            labor              2.34   2.34   0.01%     bank     2.34               N/A
                  labor             t price
Hotel    contro            servic                                     accept
Co.,     ller                                                         ance
                  e        e
Ltd.                                                                  notes
Prima                      Recei                                      Bank
tronix   Under                                                        transf
                  receiv   ving
Nanh     same                       Marke                             ers or
o        actual            labor              0.52   0.52   0.00%     bank     0.52               N/A
                  labor             t price
Techn    contro            servic                                     accept
ology    ller                                                         ance
                  e        e
Ltd.                                                                  notes

                                                                                      Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                          Annual Report 2023

Guan              asing
gdong             produ
Fengh             cts
                           Recei                                                        Bank
ua                and
         Under                                                                          transf
Adva              receiv   ving
         same                       Marke                                               ers or
nced              ing
         actual            labor              0.36      0.36    0.00%                   bank     0.36               N/A
Techn             labor             t price
         contro            servic                                                       accept
ology             servic
         ller                                                                           ance
Holdi             e        e
ng                from
Co.,              relate
Ltd.              d
Prosp    holder
                  cts                                                                   Bank
erity    that
                  and      Sellin                                                       transf
Lamp     holds                                                                                                      www.
                  provid   g        Marke                                               ers or             2
s&       over                                 2,642.   2,642.                                    2,642.             cninfo
                  ing                                           0.29%   4,000   Not     bank               March
Comp     5%                produ    t price   94           94                                    94                 .com.
                  labor                                                                 accept             2023
onents   shares                                                                                                     cn
                  servic   cts                                                          ance
Limit    of the
                  e to                                                                  notes
ed       Comp
                  cts                                                                   Bank
         Under    and      Sellin                                                       transf
Adva                                                                                                                www.
         same     provid   g        Marke                                               ers or             2
nced                                          1,269.   1,269.                                    1,269.             cninfo
         actual   ing                                           0.14%   1,500   Not     bank               March
Techn                      produ    t price   54           54                                    54                 .com.
         contro   labor                                                                 accept             2023
ology                                                                                                               cn
         ller     servic   cts                                                          ance
                  e to                                                                  notes
                  cts                                                                   Bank
         Under    and      Sellin                                                       transf
Zhong                                                                                                               www.
         same     provid   g        Marke                                               ers or             2
nan                                           283.6    283.6            13,00                    283.6              cninfo
         actual   ing                                           0.03%           Not     bank               March
Const                      produ    t price   7            7                0                    7                  .com.
         contro   labor                                                                 accept             2023
ructio                                                                                                              cn
         ller     servic   cts                                                          ance
n Co.,
                  e to                                                                  notes
Shenz    Under    Sellin                                                                Bank
                           Sellin                                                                                   www.
hen      same     g                 Marke                                               transf             2
Zhong    actual   produ    g                  98.53    98.53    0.01%   1,550   Not     ers or   98.53     March
                                    t price                                                                         .com.
jin      contro   cts      produ                                                        bank               2023
Lingn    ller     and                                                                   accept

                                                                                    Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                        Annual Report 2023

an                provid   cts                                                        ance
Nonfe             ing                                                                 notes
met               labor
Co.               servic
Ltd.              e to
Shand             produ
ong               cts                                                                 Bank
Zhong    Under    and      Sellin                                                     transf
jin      same     provid   g        Marke                                             ers or
Lingn    actual   ing                         63.54   63.54   0.01%                   bank     63.54
                           produ    t price
an       contro   labor                                                               accept
Coppe    ller     servic   cts                                                        ance
r Co.,            e to                                                                notes
Ltd.              relate
Guan              g
gdong             produ
Zhuyu             cts                                                                 Bank
an       Under    and      Sellin                                                     transf
Const    same     provid   g        Marke                                             ers or
ructio   actual   ing                         46.39   46.39   0.01%                   bank     46.39
                           produ    t price
n and    contro   labor                                                               accept
Engin    ller     servic   cts                                                        ance
eering            e to                                                                notes
Co.,              relate
Ltd.              d                                                                                               www.
                  party                                                                                           cninfo
                                                                      1,800   Not                        March
                  Sellin                                                                                          .com.
                  g                                                                                               cn
Guan              produ
gdong             cts                                                                 Bank
Zhong    Under    and      Sellin                                                     transf
ren      same     provid   g        Marke                                             ers or
Group    actual   ing                         25.68   25.68   0.00%                   bank     25.68
                           produ    t price
Const    contro   labor                                                               accept
ructio   ller     servic   cts                                                        ance
n Co.,            e to                                                                notes
Ltd.              relate
Guan              g
gdong             produ                                                               Bank
Yixin    Under    cts      Sellin                                                     transf
Chang    same     and      g        Marke                                             ers or             2
cheng    actual   provid                      56.34   56.34   0.01%   3,000   Not     bank     56.34     March
                           produ    t price                                                                       .com.
Const    contro   ing                                                                 accept             2023
ructio   ller     labor    cts                                                        ance
n                 servic                                                              notes
Group             e to

                                                                       Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                           Annual Report 2023

                   cts                                                   Bank
          Under    and      Sellin                                       transf
          same     provid   g        Marke                               ers or
          actual   ing                         34.95   34.95   0.00%     bank     34.95              N/A
ferrou                      produ    t price
          contro   labor                                                 accept
          ller     servic   cts                                          ance
                   e to                                                  notes
                   cts                                                   Bank
                   and      Sellin                                       transf
Rising    Actua
                   provid   g        Marke                               ers or
Holdi     l
                   ing                         25.81   25.81   0.00%     bank     25.81              N/A
ngs       contro            produ    t price
                   labor                                                 accept
Group     ller
                   servic   cts                                          ance
                   e to                                                  notes
                   cts      Provi                                        Bank
          Under    and                                                   transf
erly                        ding
          same     provid            Marke                               ers or
know                                           136.4   136.4                      136.4
          actual   ing      labor                              0.02%     bank                        N/A
n as                                 t price   7           7                      7
          contro   labor    servic                                       accept
          ller     servic                                                ance
ua                          e
                   e to                                                  notes
Guan               Sellin                                                Bank
          Under             Provi
gdong              g                                                     transf
          same              ding     Marke
Heshu              produ                                                 ers or
          actual                               60.38   60.38   0.01%              60.38              N/A
n                  cts      labor    t price                             bank
Prope              and                                                   accept
          ller              servic
rty                provid                                                ance

                                                                                              Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                  Annual Report 2023

Mana                ing       e                                                                 notes
geme                labor
nt                  servic
Co.,                e to
Ltd.                relate
The                 d
Pinna               party
Guan                Sellin
gdong               g
Rising              produ
Resea               cts       Provi                                                             Bank
rch       Under     and                                                                         transf
and       same      provid    ding                                                              ers or
Devel     actual    ing       labor               0.66       0.66   0.00%                       bank      0.66               N/A
                                        t price
opme      contro    labor     servic                                                            accept
nt        ller      servic                                                                      ance
Institu             e to                                                                        notes
te                  relate
Co.,                d
Ltd.                party
                                                           5,560.             33,85
Total                                     --        --                --                 --        --       --        --       --
                                                               18                 0
Large-amount sales return in detail     N/A
                                        In December 2023, the Company forecasted the aggregate amount of its routine connected
                                        transactions with related parties including Prosperity Lamps & Components Limited and its
                                        majority-owned subsidiaries, Guangdong Rising Holdings Group Co., Ltd., Guangdong
                                        Fenghua Advanced Technology (Holding) Co., Ltd., Guangdong Electronics Information
                                        Industry Group Ltd. and its majority-owned subsidiaries, Guangdong Rising Investment
Give the actual situation in the        Group and its majority-owned subsidiaries, Guangdong Huajian Enterprise Group Co., Ltd.
Reporting Period (if any) where an      and its majority-owned subsidiaries, Shenzhen Zhongjin Lingnan Nonfemet Co. Ltd. and its
estimate had been made for the          majority-owned subsidiaries, Guangdong Rising Property Group Co., Ltd. and its majority-
                                        owned subsidiaries, Guangdong Rising Research and Development Institute Co. Ltd. and its
total value of continuing related-
                                        majority-owned subsidiaries, Guangdong Rising Real Estate Group Co., Ltd. and its
party transactions by type to occur     majority-owned subsidiaries, Dongjiang Environmental Company Limited and its majority-
in the Reporting Period                 owned subsidiaries, Guangdong Dabaoshan Mining Co., Ltd. and its majority-owned
                                        subsidiaries, Guangzhou Rising Non-ferrous Metal Group Co., Ltd. and its majority-owned
                                        subsidiaries. In terms of related party procurements, the actual transaction amount for 2023
                                        was RMB8,152,800, representing 8.58% of the forecasted amount for the entire year of
                                        2023; in terms of related party sales, the actual transaction amount for 2023 was
                                        RMB47,449,000, accounting for 18.79% of the estimated total for the year 2023.
Reason     for     any    significant
difference between the transaction
price and the market reference
price (if applicable)

2. Related-Party Transactions Regarding Purchase or Sales of Assets or Equity Interests

□ Applicable  Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

                                                                                                 Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                     Annual Report 2023

3. Related Transactions Regarding Joint Investments in Third Parties

□ Applicable  Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

4. Amounts Due to and from Related Parties

 Applicable □ Not applicable

Non-operating amounts due to and from related parties or not

□ Yes  No

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

5. Transactions with Related Finance Companies

 Applicable □ Not applicable

Deposit business:
                                       Daily                                                Actual amount
                                                                      Beginning                                             Ending
                                      maximum        Interest rate                       Total               Total
Related party     Relationship                                           balance                                            balance
                                       limits           range                         deposited in       withdrawn
                                                                     (RMB’0,000)                                        (RMB’0,000)
                                  (RMB’0,000)                                        (RMB’0,000)      (RMB’0,000)
Guangdong         Controlled
Rising            by the same
                                        120,000   0.25%-2.8%             119,172.28     583,953.81        585,210.67        117,915.42
Finance Co.,      controlling
Ltd.              shareholder

Loan business:
Credit or other financial business:

                                                                                       Total amount                  Actual amount
       Related party             Relationship              Type of business
                                                                                       (RMB’0,000)                  (RMB’0,000)
Guangdong        Rising     Controlled by the same
                                                       Credit granting                             200,000                            0
Finance Co., Ltd.           actual controller

6. Transactions with Related Parties by Finance Company Controlled by the Company

□ Applicable  Not applicable

No finance company controlled by the Company was involved in making deposits, borrowing, credit granting or

any other financial business with any related party.

                                                                                                    Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                        Annual Report 2023

7. Other Major Related-Party Transactions

 Applicable □ Not applicable
                    Relationship with                                           Pricing    amount       Method of Disclosure Disclosure
 Related party                           Type of transaction transactio
                      the Company                                             principle (RMB’0,00 settlement             date       website
                                                                                                                         9 July
Guangdong                               Purchasing products                                                            2021, 17
                                                                  Receiving                             transfers or
Zhongnan           Under same actual and receiving labor                      Market                                    August      www.cninfo
                                                                  labor                    12,664.00       bank
Construction       controller           service from related                  price                                    2021, and     .com.cn
                                                                  service                               acceptance
Co., Ltd.                               party                                                                          12 March
Guangdong                                                                                                  Bank
                                        Purchasing products                                                              6 May
Yixin                                                             Receiving                             transfers or
                   Under same actual and receiving labor                      Market                                   2021 and www.cninfo
Changcheng                                                        labor                    14,248.48       bank
                   controller           service from related                  price                                    28 January    .com.cn
Construction                                                      service                               acceptance
                                        party                                                                            2022
Group                                                                                                      notes
Guangdong                               Purchasing products                                                                         (announcem
                                                                  Receiving                             transfers or       1
Zhongren Group Under same actual and receiving labor                          Market                                                  ent of
                                                                  labor                     4,626.00       bank        December
Construction       controller           service from related                  price                                                 subsidiary
                                                                  service                               acceptance       2020
Co., Ltd.                               party                                                                                       NationStar

Index to the current announcement about the said related-party transaction disclosed:
            Title of announcement                             Disclosure date                               Disclosure website
Announcement on a Related-Party                                                                www.cninfo.com.cn (announcement of
                                                1 December 2020
Transaction Due to a Call for Public Bids                                                      subsidiary NationStar Optoelectronics)
Announcement on a Related-Party
                                                6 May 2021                                     www.cninfo.com.cn
Transaction Due to a Call for Public Bids
Announcement on a Related-Party
                                                9 July 2021                                    www.cninfo.com.cn
Transaction Due to a Call for Public Bids
Announcement on a Related-Party
                                                17 August 2021                                 www.cninfo.com.cn
Transaction Due to a Call for Public Bids
Announcement on a Related-Party
                                                28 January 2022                                www.cninfo.com.cn
Transaction Due to a Call for Public Bids
Announcement on a Related-Party
                                                12 March 2022                                  www.cninfo.com.cn
Transaction Due to a Call for Public Bids

                                                                                                Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                    Annual Report 2023

XV Major Contracts and Execution thereof

1. Entrustment, Contracting and Leases

(1) Entrustment

□ Applicable  Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

(2) Contracting

□ Applicable  Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

(3) Leases

 Applicable □ Not applicable
Notes to leases
No such cases in the Reporting Period.
Lease items with a greater-than-10% impact on the Company’s gross profit during the Reporting Period:
□ Applicable  Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

2. Major guarantees

 Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB'0,000
          Guarantees provided by the Company and its subsidiaries for external parties (exclusive of those for subsidiaries)
              re date                                                                                                       Guarante
               of the     Line of       Actual                 Type of                  Counter      Term of    Having         e for a
                                                   guarante                Collatera
Obligor      guarante    guarante      occurren                guarante                 guarante     guarante   expired        related
                                                      e                    l (if any)
               e line        e          ce date                   e                     e (if any)       e       or not        party or
             announc                                                                                                             not
Total approved line                                Total actual balance
for such guarantees                                of such guarantees at
at the end of the                                  the end of the                                                                        0
Reporting    Period                                Reporting     Period
(A3)                                               (A4)
                                 Guarantees provided by the Company as the parent for its subsidiaries
             Disclosu                                                                                                       Guarante
              re date     Line of       Actual                 Type of                  Counter      Term of    Having         e for a
                                                   guarante                Collatera
Obligor        of the    guarante      occurren                guarante                 guarante     guarante   expired        related
                                                      e                    l (if any)
             guarante        e          ce date                   e                     e (if any)       e       or not        party or
               e line                                                                                                            not

                                                                                           Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                               Annual Report 2023

Total approved line                          Total actual balance
for such guarantees                          of such guarantees at
at the end of the                            the end of the                                                                       0
Reporting    Period                          Reporting     Period
(B3)                                         (B4)
                                         Guarantees provided between subsidiaries
           re date                                                                                                     Guarante
            of the    Line of     Actual                 Type of                  Counter      Term of     Having       e for a
                                             guarante                Collatera
Obligor    guarante   guarante   occurren                guarante                 guarante     guarante    expired      related
                                                e                    l (if any)
            e line       e       ce date                    e                     e (if any)      e         or not     party or
           announc                                                                                                       not
g Auto
                                                                                               25 April
Foreshin   2 March               21 June                                                       2022-31
e                        4,500                 336.98    Secured       Yes          None                      No          No
           2023                  2023                                                          Decemb
                                                                                               er 2025
ogy Co.,
ogy Co.,
g Auto
                                                                                               15 June
                                 10                                                            June
Ltd.,      2 March                                                                             2023, 25
Chongqi                  9,900   February    9,790.44    Secured       Yes          None                      No          No
           2023                                                                                May
ng                               2023                                                          2023-24
ogy Co.,
                                 24                                                            24 April
g Auto     2 March                                                                             2022-31
Lamp                     9,600   March       8,367.27    Secured       Yes          None                      No          No
           2023                                                                                Decemb
Co.,                             2023                                                          er 2025

                                                                                          Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                              Annual Report 2023

ogy Co.,
ogy Co.,
Total approved line                          Total actual amount
for such guarantees                          of such guarantees in
                                   24,000                                                                            18,494.69
in     the   Reporting                       the Reporting Period
Period (C1)                                  (C2)
Total approved line                          Total actual balance
for such guarantees                          of such guarantees at
at the end of the                  24,000    the     end   of     the                                                18,494.69
Reporting          Period                    Reporting      Period
(C3)                                         (C4)
                            Total guarantee amount (total of the three kinds of guarantees above)
Total guarantee line                         Total              actual
approved      in      the                    guarantee amount in
                                   24,000                                                                            18,494.69
Reporting          Period                    the Reporting Period
(A1+B1+C1)                                   (A2+B2+C2)
                                             Total              actual
Total         approved
                                             guarantee balance at
guarantee line at the
                                   24,000    the     end   of     the                                                18,494.69
end of the Reporting
                                             Reporting      Period
Period (A3+B3+C3)
Total actual guarantee amount (A4+B4+C4)
as % of the Company’s net assets
Of which:

Compound guarantees:


Chongqing Guinuo Lighting Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as “Chongqing Guinuo”), Liuzhou Guige
Foreshine Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as “Liuzhou Foreshine”), and Liuzhou Guige Lighting Technology
Co., Ltd. (referred to as “Liuzhou Lighting”) are all wholly-owned subsidiaries of Nanning Liaowang Auto
Lamp Co., Ltd. (referred to as “Nanning Liaowang”). As of 31 December 2023, guarantees between Nanning
Liaowang and its subsidiaries and collaterals are set out in “3. Other” under “XVI Commitments and
Contingencies” in Part X of this Report.

                                                                                                  Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                      Annual Report 2023

3. Cash Entrusted to Other Entities for Management

(1) Cash Entrusted for Wealth Management

 Applicable □ Not applicable
Overview of cash entrusted for wealth management during the Reporting Period
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB’0,000
                                                                                                                             Provision for
                                                                                                  Unrecovered               impairment on
         Type            Funding source               Amount            Undue amount
                                                                                                overdue amount               unrecovered
                                                                                                                        overdue amount
Bank        financial
                        Self-owned funds                   77,000                15,000                           0                              0
Others                  Self-owned funds                   45,000                45,000
Total                                                     122,000                60,000                           0                              0

High-risk wealth management transactions with a significant single amount, or with low security and low
 Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB’0,000
                                                                                                                                        x to
                 Typ                                                                      Actu                        Pres              actio
                                                                         Ann                               Allo
                 e of                                                                      al       Rec               crib      Plan         n
                                                                         ualiz                             wan
                 weal                                            Dete            Exp      gain     eipt/              ed         for    sum
                                 Sour                                     ed                                ce
         Typ      th                     Begi            Use     rmin            ecte     /loss     pay               proc      mor     mar
                                  ce             Endi                    yiel                              for
Trus      e of   man     Prin            nnin             of     atio             d        in      men                edur        e          y
                                  of             ng                       d                                imp
tee      trust    age    cipal               g           prin    n of            yiel     Rep       t of               e        trans   and
                                 prin            date                    rate                              airm
           ee    men                      date           cipal   yiel            d (if    ortin    such               exec      actio   othe
                                 cipal                                    for                              ent
                   t                                                d            any)      g       gain               uted      n or         r
                                                                         refer                              (if
                 prod                                                                     Peri     /loss               or        not    infor
                                                                         ence                              any)
                  uct                                                                      od                         not               mati
                                                                 Subj                                                           In      Ann
                                         8                       ect                                                            com     ounc
an                                               6               to                                                             plia    eme
Bran             Stru            Self-   Sept                                                      To
                                                 Mar             actu                                                           nce     nt
ch               ctur            own     emb                                                       be
         Ban             4,00                            Othe    al      2.79    51.2                                           with    No.
of               ed              ed              ch                                       7.75     reco               Yes
         k                  0            er              r       inve      %        9                                           pres    202
Ban              depo            fund            202                                               vere
                                                                 stme                                                           crib    3-
k of             sit             s       202                                                       d
                                                 4               nt                                                             ed      007
Chin                                     3                       peri                                                           appr    on
                                                                 od                                                             oval    Entr

                                                                                      Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                          Annual Report 2023

                                                                                                              proc    ustm
                                                                                                              edur    ent
                                                                                                              e       of
Fosh                                                                                                                  Som
an                                                                                                                    e
Sub-                                                      Subj                                                        Idle
bran                                                      ect                                                         Fun
                                            16                                                                nce
ch                                                        to                                                          ds
              Stru           Self-   17                                                To                     with
of                                          Janu          actu                                                        for
              ctur           own     July                                              be                     pres
LUS     Ban           4,00                         Othe   al     3.35   67.1   57.8                                   Wea
              ed             ed             ary                                        reco           Yes     crib
O       k                0           202           r      inve     %       8      4                                   lth
              depo           fund           202                                        vere                   ed
Inter                                                     stme                                                        Man
              sit            s       3                                                 d                      appr
nati                                        4             nt                                                          age
onal                                                      peri                                                        men
Ban                                                       od                                                          t on
king                                                                                                                  http:
Ltd.                                                                                                                  //w
Fosh                                                                                                                  ww.
an                                                                                                                    cnin
Sub-                                                      Subj                                                        fo.c
bran                                                      ect                                                         om.
                                     7      29                                                                nce
ch                                                        to                                                          cn/
              Stru           Self-                                                     To                     with
of                                   Aug    Janu          actu
              ctur           own                                                       be                     pres
LUS     Ban           3,00                         Othe   al     3.30   47.4   37.3
              ed             ed      ust    ary                                        reco           Yes     crib
O       k                0                         r      inve     %       7      6
              depo           fund    202    202                                        vere                   ed
Inter                                                     stme
              sit            s                                                         d                      appr
nati                                 3      4             nt
onal                                                      peri
Ban                                                       od
Sub-                                                      Subj
bran                                 8                    ect
ch                                                        to
              Stru           Self-   Nov    13                                         To                     with
of                                                        actu
              ctur           own     emb    May                                        be                     pres
LUS     Ban           4,00                         Othe   al     3.10   63.5   16.9
              ed             ed                                                        reco           Yes     crib
O       k                0           er     202    r      inve     %       3      9
              depo           fund                                                      vere                   ed
Inter                                                     stme
              sit            s       202    4                                          d                      appr
nati                                                      nt
                                     3                                                                        oval
onal                                                      peri
Ban                                                       od
Gua                                                                                                           In
ngzh                                                                                                          com
ou                                                                                                            plia
Bran          Larg                   6      6                                                                 nce
ch            e              Self-                                                     To                     with
                                     Janu   Janu          actu
of            certi          own                                                       be                     pres
        Ban           10,0                         Othe   al     3.30
Chin          ficat          ed      ary    ary                         990            reco           Yes     crib
        k              00                          r      inve     %
a             e of           fund    202    202                                        vere                   ed
Ever          depo           s                                                         d                      appr
                                     3      6             nt
brig          sit                                                                                             oval
ht                                                                                                            proc
Ban                                                                                                           edur
k                                                                                                             e

                                                                                          Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                              Annual Report 2023

Fosh                                                                                                              com
an                                                                                                                plia
Bran          Larg                   31       31                                                                  nce
ch            e              Self-                                                         To                     with
                                     Aug      Aug             actu
of            certi          own                                                           be                     pres
        Ban           5,00                             Othe   al     2.90
Ban           ficat          ed      ust      ust                           435            reco           Yes     crib
        k                0                             r      inve     %
k of          e of           fund    202      202                                          vere                   ed
Com           depo           s                                                             d                      appr
                                     3        6               nt
mun           sit                                                                                                 oval
icati                                                                                                             proc
ons                                                                                                               edur
Gua                                                                                                               In
ngzh                                                                                                              com
ou                                                                                                                plia
                                     3        3               ect
Bran          Larg                                                                                                nce
ch            e              Self-   Nov      Nov                                          To                     with
of            certi          own     emb      emb                                          be                     pres
        Ban           15,0                             Othe   al     2.90   1,30
Chin          ficat          ed                                                            reco           Yes     crib
        k              00            er       er       r      inve     %       5
a             e of           fund                                                          vere                   ed
Ever          depo           s       202      202                                          d                      appr
brig          sit                    3        6                                                                   oval
ht                                                                                                                proc
Ban                                                                                                               edur
k                                                                                                                 e
Fosh                                                                                                              In
an                                                                                                                com
Huji                                                                                                              plia
                                     1        1               ect
ng            Larg                                                                                                nce
Sub-          e              Self-   Dec      Dec                                          To                     with
bran          certi          own     emb      emb                                          be                     pres
        Ban           15,0                             Othe   al     2.95   1,32
ch            ficat          ed                                                            reco           Yes     crib
        k              00            er       er       r      inve     %     7.5
of            e of           fund                                                          vere                   ed
Ban           depo           s       202      202                                          d                      appr
k of          sit                    3        6                                                                   oval
Gua                                                                                                               proc
ngZ                                                                                                               edur
hou                                                                                                               e
                      60,0                                                  4,28   119.
Total                         --         --       --    --     --     --                    --              --      --     --
                       00                                                   6.97    94

Situation where the principal is expectedly irrecoverable or an impairment may be incurred:
□ Applicable  Not applicable

(2) Entrusted Loans

□ Applicable  Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

4. Other Significant Contracts

□ Applicable  Not applicable

                                                                                Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                    Annual Report 2023

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

XVI Other Significant Events

 Applicable □ Not applicable

1. On 14 March 2023 and 31 March 2023, the Company held the 39th Meeting of the Ninth Board of Directors

and the First Extraordinary General Meeting of 2023 to deliberate on and approve the proposals relating to the

issuance of shares to specific objects in 2023, and agreed that the Company should apply to the Shenzhen Stock

Exchange for the issuance of shares to specific objects. On 12 July 2023, the Company received a notice of

approval from the Listing Review Center of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. On 31 August 2023, the Company

received the Reply on the Approval of the Registration of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. for the Issue of

Shares to Specific Objects (ZJXK [2023] No. 1974) issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission

("CSRC") on 25 August 2023, which agreed to the application for registration of the Issue. In November 2023, the

Company issued 186,783,583 A shares to 13 specific objects and on 4 December 2023, the Company was listed on

the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. Upon completion of the issue, the total share capital of the Company increased

from 1,361,994,647 shares to 1,548,778,230 shares. For details, please refer to the Report on Alteration in New A-

Shares Issued by Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. to Specific Objects and Listing Announcement

disclosed by the Company on 1 December 2023 on http://www.cninfo.com.cn.

2. On 30 October 2023, Fozhao (Hainan) Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Hainan Technology"), a

wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, entered into a Letter of Intent to Acquire Equity with Jiang Ailiang and

Jiang Shidi, the shareholders of Shanghai Liangzhou Marine Light Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred

to as the "Subject Company"). Hainan Technology intended to acquire 51% equity interest in the Subject

Company held by the transferor by cash payment. After the completion of the acquisition, Hainan Technology

would become the controlling shareholder of the Subject Company, and the Subject Company would be included

in the scope of the Company's consolidated statements. The Letter of Intent signed belongs to the intentional

agreement of the basic will of the two parties to the cooperation, and is the basis for further negotiation between

the two parties. The equity acquisition is subject to the completion of comprehensive due diligence, audit and

asset evaluation and further negotiation based on the relevant results. The final terms of this transaction are

subject to the signing of the formal equity acquisition agreement, and there is uncertainty as to whether it can be

reached in the end. For details, please refer to the Announcement on the Signing of the Letter of Intent for Equity

Acquisition by Wholly-owned Subsidiary disclosed by the Company on 31 October 2023 on

                                                                              Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                  Annual Report 2023


3. On 6 December 2023 and 22 December 2023, the Company respectively held the 49th meeting of the Ninth

Board of Directors and the Second Extraordinary General Meeting of 2023, which approved the Proposal on the

Disposal of Assets of the Company and Signing of Reserve Agreement, and the Board of Directors agreed that the

Company would sign the Letter of Intent on Land Reserve with Foshan City Chancheng District Zumiao Street

Office, and sign the Agreement on the Use Right of State-owned Land with Foshan City Chancheng District Land

Reserve Center and Foshan City Chancheng District Zumiao Street Office. After completing the preliminary land

preparation work such as demolition of buildings on the ground in accordance with relevant laws, regulations and

policies, the Fenjiang North Road land parcel would be handed over in three years batch by batch for pending

expropriation. On 1 February 2024, the Company formally signed the State-owned Land Use Right Reserve

Agreement with Foshan Chancheng District Land Reserve Center and Foshan Chancheng District Zumiao Street

Office. The Company would conduct pending expropriation of Lot No. 64, Fenjiang North Road in accordance

with the relevant contents of the agreement. For details, please refer to the Announcement on the Disposal of

Assets of the Company and Signing of the Reserve Agreement and the Announcement on the Progress of the

Disposal of Assets of the Company and Signing of the Reserve Agreement respectively on 7 December 2023 and 3

February 2024 on http://www.cninfo.com.cn.

XVII Significant Events of Subsidiaries

 Applicable □ Not applicable

1. Expropriation of land and above-ground housing of Nanjing Fozhao

The Company held the 24th Meeting of the Ninth Board of Directors on 15 December 2021, where the Proposal

on Expropriation of Land and Above-ground Housing of the Wholly-owned Subsidiary Nanjing Fozhao Lighting

Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd., was deliberated and adopted. The Board of Directors agreed that Nanjing

Lishui District People's Government expropriates the land use rights and above-land housing of Nanjing Fozhao

Lighting Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Nanjing Fozhao"), a wholly-owned

subsidiary of the Company, at a compensation amount of RMB183,855,895.00, and Nanjing Fozhao signed an

expropriation and compensation agreement with Lishui County House Dismantling, Moving & Resettling

Development Co., Ltd., the implementing unit of the housing expropriation. As of 31 December 2023, Nanjing

Fozhao has received 30% of the compensation, that is, RMB55,160,000.00, and the land use right certificate and

house ownership certificate of the assets involved have been cancelled. As of the date of this report, the site

                                                                            Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                Annual Report 2023

handover is still in progress.

2. Cancellation of FSL LIGHTING GmbH

On 22 October 2021, FSL held an office meeting of the general manager, where the proposal for cancellation of

its wholly-owned subsidiary FSL LIGHTING GMBH was deliberated and adopted. As of the end of 2023, the

Company has been liquidated and cancelled.

                                                                                               Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                   Annual Report 2023

               Part VII Share Changes and Shareholder Information

I Share Changes

1. Share Changes

                                                                                                                          Unit: share
                      Before                       Increase/decrease in the Reporting Period (+/-)                     After
                                                                     Shares as
                                                        Shares as
                             Percentag     New                       converted                                             Percentag
                Shares                                  converted                    Other       Subtotal     Shares
                               e (%)      issues                        from                                                   e (%)
               10,753,65                 186,783,5                                              186,783,5    197,537,2
Restricted                      0.79%                                                                                          12.75%
                       8                       83                                                     83           41
held      by
held      by
                                         69,136,16                                              69,136,16    69,136,16
state-                   1      0.00%                                                                                           4.46%
                                                 6                                                      6            7
held      by
               1,826,025        0.13%              0                                                    0    1,826,025          0.12%
held      by   1,338,434        0.10%              0                                                    0    1,338,434          0.09%
                487,591         0.04%              0                                                    0     487,591           0.03%
hares held

                                                Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                    Annual Report 2023

                                    15,553,56   15,553,56     24,481,19
held      by   8,927,632   0.66%                                              1.58%
                                            4           4             6
                                    11,604,09   11,604,09     11,604,09
held      by          0    0.00%                                              0.75%
                                            4           4             4

held      by                                                  12,877,10
               8,927,632   0.66%    3,949,470   3,949,470                     0.83%
foreign                                                               2
and other                           102,093,8   102,093,8     102,093,8
                      0    0.00%                                              6.59%
financial                                 53          53            53
               1,351,240                                      1,351,240
Unrestrict                 99.21%          0             0                   87.25%
                    ,989                                           ,989
ed shares
2.1 RMB-
               1,056,501                                      1,056,501
ted                        77.57%          0             0                   68.22%
                    ,050                                           ,050
               294,739,9                                      294,739,9
ally listed                21.64%          0             0                   19.03%
                     39                                             39

                                                                                 Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                     Annual Report 2023

2.4 Other
3.   Total   1,361,994             186,783,5                                      186,783,5    1,548,778
                         100.00%                                                                             100.00%
shares            ,647                   83                                             83          ,230
Reasons for share changes:
 Applicable □ Not applicable
During the Reporting Period, in accordance with the Reply on the Approval of the Registration of Foshan
Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. for the Issue of Shares to Specific Objects (ZJXK [2023] No. 1974) issued by the
CSRC, the Company issued 186,783,583 A shares to 13 specific objects and was listed on the Shenzhen Stock
Exchange on 4 December 2023. The shares issued were all restricted shares, among which the shares subscribed
by Rising Group in this issue were not transferable within 18 months from the listing date, and the shares
subscribed by other investors in this issue were not transferable within six months from the listing date. Upon
completion of the issue, the total share capital of the Company increased from 1,361,994,647 shares to

Approval of share changes:
 Applicable □ Not applicable
On 14 March 2023 and 31 March 2023, the Company held the 39th Meeting of the Ninth Board of Directors and
the First Extraordinary General Meeting of 2023 to deliberate on and approve the proposals relating to the
issuance of shares to specific objects in 2023. On 12 July 2023, the Company received a notice of approval from
the Listing Review Center of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange. On 31 August 2023, the Company received the Reply
on the Approval of the Registration of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. for the Issue of Shares to Specific
Objects (ZJXK [2023] No. 1974) issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission ("CSRC") on 25 August
2023, which agreed to the application for registration of the Issue.

Transfer of share ownership:
 Applicable □ Not applicable
During the Reporting Period, the Company completed the registration of the additional shares involved in the
issue of A shares to specific objects, and such additional shares were listed on 4 December 2023 on the Shenzhen
Stock Exchange.

Effects of share changes on the basic and diluted earnings per share, equity per share attributable to the
Company’s ordinary shareholders and other financial indicators of the prior year and the prior accounting period,
 Applicable □ Not applicable
During the Reporting Period, the Company increased its share capital by 186,783,583 shares as a result of the
issuance of shares to specific objects, and the impact on the basic and diluted earnings per share and net assets per
share attributable to the ordinary shareholders of the Company for the latest one year and the latest period are as

                                                              2022                                    2023
                  Item                      Based on original    Based on new share           Based on new share
                                              share capital            capital                       capital
Basic earnings per share (RMB/share)       0.1707              0.1688                         0.2128
Diluted     earnings      per      share
                                           0.1691               0.1672                        0.2108
Equity per share attributable to the
                                           3.8347               4.0770                        4.0927
Company’s shareholders

Other information that the Company considers necessary or is required by the securities regulator to be disclosed:
□Applicable  Not applicable

                                                                                             Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                 Annual Report 2023

2. Changes in Restricted Shares

 Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                      Unit: share
                   Restricted                                                Restricted
                                          Restricted                                                                 Restricted
 Name of the      shares amount                             Restricted      shares amount         Restricted
                                                          shares relieved                                          shares relieved
 shareholders     at the period-       increased of the                     at the period-         reasons
                                                           of the period                                                date
                      begin                                                      end
                                                                                               shares after the
                                                                                               initial offering;
Guangdong                                                                                      subscription for
                                   0       46,695,895                   0      46,695,895      the Company’s      4 June 2025
Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                A-share
                                                                                               issuance to
                                                                                               specific objects
                                                                                               in 2023
Caitong Fund-
Huatai                                                                                         shares after the
Securities Co.,                                                                                initial offering;
Ltd.-Caitong                                                                                   subscription for
Fund Junxinag                      0       15,392,492                   0      15,392,492      the Company’s      4 June 2024
Yongxi Single                                                                                  A-share
Asset                                                                                          issuance to
                                                                                               specific objects
                                                                                               in 2023
Nuode Asset                                                                                    Restricted
Management-                                                                                    shares after the
Huatai                                                                                         initial offering;
Securities Co.,                                                                                subscription for
                                   0       14,846,416                   0      14,846,416      the Company’s      4 June 2024
Fund Pujiang
No. 120 Single                                                                                 A-share
Asset                                                                                          issuance to
Management                                                                                     specific objects
Plan                                                                                           in 2023
                                                                                               shares after the
                                                                                               initial offering;
                                                                                               subscription for
CSC Financial
                                   0         8,788,395                  0       8,788,395      the Company’s      4 June 2024
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                               issuance to
                                                                                               specific objects
                                                                                               in 2023
Horizon Asset-                                                                                 Restricted
Yunnan Trust-
Yufeng No. 6                                                                                   shares after the
Assembled                                                                                      initial offering;
fund trust                                                                                     subscription for
program-                           0         8,703,071                  0       8,703,071      the Company’s      4 June 2024
Horizon Asset                                                                                  A-share
Ruicheng No. 1                                                                                 issuance to
Order -asset
                                                                                               specific objects
plans                                                                                          in 2023
Changsha Lugu
                                   0         8,532,423                  0       8,532,423      Restricted          4 June 2024

                                                       Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                           Annual Report 2023

Management                                               shares after the
Co., Ltd.                                                initial offering;
                                                         subscription for
                                                         the Company’s
                                                         issuance to
                                                         specific objects
                                                         in 2023
                                                         shares after the
                                                         initial offering;
                                                         subscription for
UBS AG             0     6,484,641   0     6,484,641     the Company’s      4 June 2024
                                                         issuance to
                                                         specific objects
                                                         in 2023
                                                         shares after the
MORGAN                                                   initial offering;
STANLEY &                                                subscription for
CO.                0     5,119,453   0     5,119,453     the Company’s      4 June 2024
INTERNATIO                                               A-share
NAL PLC.                                                 issuance to
                                                         specific objects
                                                         in 2023
                                                         shares after the
                                                         initial offering;
Sichuan Pu Xin                                           subscription for
Chan Rong
                   0     5,119,453   0     5,119,453     the Company’s      4 June 2024
Investment Co.,
Ltd.                                                     A-share
                                                         issuance to
                                                         specific objects
                                                         in 2023
Huatai Youyi                                             shares after the
Stock                                                    initial offering;
Specialized                                              subscription for
                   0     5,119,453   0     5,119,453     the Company’s      4 June 2024
Agricultural                                             A-share
Bank of China                                            issuance to
Limited                                                  specific objects
                                                         in 2023
Other                                                    shares after the
shareholders                                             initial offering;
participating in                                         subscription for
the subscription   0    61,981,891   0    61,981,891     the Company’s      4 June 2024
of shares issued                                         A-share
to specific                                              issuance to
                                                         specific objects
                                                         in 2023
Total              0   186,783,583   0   186,783,583            --                 --

                                                                                      Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                          Annual Report 2023

II. Issuance and Listing of Securities

1. Securities (Exclusive of Preferred Shares) Issued in the Reporting Period

 Applicable □ Not applicable

 Name of
Stock and                                                             Approved     Terminatio
                            issue price     Issue                                                Disclosure    Disclosure
derivative    Issue date                               Listing date   amount for   n date for
                            (interest)     amount                                                  index           date
 securities                                                             listing     trading
                                                                                                Refer to the
                                                                                                Report on
                                                                                                of Shares
                                                                                                and Report
                                                                                                on Listing
                                                                                                of Shares
Issuance of   3                                        4                                                       1
                           RMB5.86        186,783,58                  186,783,58                FSL’s
A-shares to   November                                 December                                                December
                           per share               3                           3                Issuance of
Specific      2023                                     2023                                                    2023
                                                                                                A-shares to


In accordance with the Reply on the Approval of the Registration of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.

for the Issue of Shares to Specific Objects (ZJXK [2023] No. 1974) issued by the CSRC, the Company issued

186,783,583 A shares to 13 specific objects (hereinafter referred to as “this issue”).The registration of the

additional shares involved in this issue has been completed at Shenzhen Branch of CSDC, and such additional

shares were listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on 4 December 2023. The shares issued were all restricted

shares, among which the shares subscribed by Rising Group in this issue were not transferable within 18 months

from the listing date, and the shares subscribed by other investors in this issue were not transferable within six

months from the listing date. Upon completion of the issue, the total share capital of the Company increased

from 1,361,994,647 shares to 1,548,778,230 shares, of which, the A-shares increased from 1,058,321,409 shares

(before this issue) to 1,245,104,992 shares.

                                                                                               Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                   Annual Report 2023

2. Changes to Total Shares, Shareholder Structure and Asset and Liability Structures

 Applicable □ Not applicable

During the Reporting Period, in accordance with the Reply on the Approval of the Registration of Foshan

Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. for the Issue of Shares to Specific Objects (ZJXK [2023] No. 1974) issued by

the CSRC, the Company issued 186,783,583 A shares to 13 specific objects. The total share capital of the

Company was 1,361,994,647 shares prior to this issue and after completion of this issue, the total share capital

of the Company increased to 1,548,778,230 shares. After the completion of the issuance to specific objects, the

total assets and net asset size of the Company will increase at the same time, the total liabilities will remain

unchanged, and the debt-to-asset ratio will decrease, which is conducive to optimizing the asset structure of the

Company, alleviating the pressure on funds and enhancing profitability.

3. Existing Staff-Held Shares

□Applicable  Not applicable

III Shareholders and Actual Controller

1. Shareholders and Their Shareholdings at the Period-End

                                                                                                                           Unit: share

                               Number of                     Number of
                               ordinary                      preferred
                                                                                           Number of preferred
                               shareholder                   shareholder
Number of                                                                                  shareholders with
                               s at the                      s with
ordinary                                                                                   resumed voting rights at
                      75,375   month-end           75,427    resumed                   0                                             0
shareholder                                                                                the month-end prior to the
                               prior to the                  voting
s                                                                                          disclosure of this Report
                               disclosure                    rights (if
                                                                                           (if any) (see note 8)
                               of this                       any) (see
                               Report                        note 8)
                      5% or greater shareholders or top 10 shareholders (exclusive of shares lent in refinancing)
                                                             Increase/de                                   Shares in pledge, marked
                               Shareholdi                        crease in                 Unrestricte              or frozen
 Name of       Nature of                      shares held                    Restricted
                                    ng                             the                       d shares
shareholder   shareholder                        at the                      shares held
                               percentage                     Reporting                        held          Status         Shares
Hongkong      Foreign
                                               188,496,43                                   188,496,43
Wah Shing     legal                12.17%                    0                         0                  N/A
                                                        0                                            0
Holding       person

                                                                             Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                 Annual Report 2023

Lamps        &                     146,934,85                             146,934,85
                 legal     9.49%                0                    0                 N/A
Component                                   7                                      7
s Limited
                 owned             129,826,79
Holdings                   8.38%                46,695,895   46,695,895   83,130,898   N/A
                 legal                      3
Group Co.,
                 owned             122,694,24                             122,694,24
Informatio                 7.92%                0                    0                 N/A
                 legal                      6                                      6
n Industry
Group Ltd.
al               Foreign
Securities       legal     2.47%   38,226,524   2,088,065            0    38,226,524   N/A
(Hong            person
Kong) Co.,
Asset                      2.14%   33,161,800   0                    0    33,161,800   N/A
nt Co., Ltd.
Hong Kong
Securities       Foreign
Clearing         legal     1.96%   30,367,806   30,347,612           0    30,367,806   N/A
Company          person
                 legal     1.65%   25,482,252   0                    0    25,482,252   N/A
nt Limited
Co., Ltd.-
Fund             Other     0.99%   15,392,492   15,392,492   15,392,492            0   N/A
nt Plan

                                                                                                   Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                       Annual Report 2023

Co., Ltd.-
                  Other                0.96%     14,846,416     14,846,416      14,846,416                0   N/A
No. 120
nt Plan
                                  1. Shareholder Caitong Fund-Huatai Securities Co., Ltd.-Caitong Fund Junxinag Yongxi Single
                                  Asset Management Plan became one of the top ten shareholders of the Company by participating in
Strategic     investors      or   the subscription of 15,392,492 A shares issued by the Company to specific objects in 2023. (The
                                  shares were listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on 4 December 2023 and shall not be transferred
general           corporations
                                  within 6 months from the date of listing, i.e., they are restricted circulating shares during the period
becoming               top-ten    from 4 December 2023 to 4 June 2024)
shareholders        due      to   2. Shareholder Nuode Asset Management-Huatai Securities Co., Ltd.-Caitong Fund Pujiang No. 120
                                  Single Asset Management Plan became one of the top ten shareholders of the Company by
placing of new shares (if
                                  participating in the subscription of 14,846,416 A shares issued by the Company to specific objects in
any) (see note 3)                 2023. (The shares were listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on 4 December 2023 and shall not
                                  be transferred within six months from the date of listing, i.e., they are restricted circulating shares
                                  during the period from 4 December 2023 to 4 June 2024)
                                  Among the top 10 shareholders, Hong Kong Wah Shing Holding Company Limited, Guangdong
Related      or     acting-in-    Rising Holdings Group Co., Ltd., Guangdong Electronics Information Industry Group Ltd., and
concert parties among the         Rising Investment Development Limited are acting-in-concert parties; Apart from that, it is
shareholders above                unknown whether there is among the top 10 shareholders any other related parties or acting-in-
                                  concert parties as defined in the Administrative Measures for the Acquisition of Listed Companies.
Above             shareholders
involved                     in
entrusting/being entrusted        Naught
with voting rights and
giving up voting rights
                                                     Top 10 unrestricted shareholders
                                                                                                                      Type of shares
  Name of shareholder                              Unrestricted shares at the Period-end
                                                                                                                 Type           Shares
Hongkong       Wah        Shing
                                                                                                              denominate       188,496,43
Holding             Company                                                                   188,496,430
                                                                                                              d ordinary                0
Prosperity        Lamps      &                                                                                denominate       146,934,85
Components Limited                                                                                            d ordinary                7
Guangdong          Electronics
                                                                                                              denominate       122,694,24
Information           Industry                                                                122,694,246
                                                                                                              d ordinary                6
Group Ltd.
Guangdong              Rising                                                                                 RMB-
                                                                                               83,130,898                      83,130,898
Holdings Group Co., Ltd.                                                                                      denominate

                                                                                                Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                    Annual Report 2023

                                                                                                           d ordinary
Essence             International
                                                                                                           ly      listed
Securities (Hong Kong)                                                                       38,226,524                     38,226,524
Co., Ltd.
Central        Huijin      Asset                                                                           denominate
                                                                                             33,161,800                     33,161,800
Management Co., Ltd.                                                                                       d ordinary
Hong Kong              Securities                                                                          denominate
Clearing               Company                                                               30,367,806                     30,367,806
                                                                                                           d ordinary
Rising               Investment                                                                            ly      listed
                                                                                             25,482,252                     25,482,252
Development Limited                                                                                        foreign
Zhang Shaowu                                                                                 11,700,000                     11,700,000
                                                                                                           d ordinary
China         Merchants                                                                                    ly      listed
Securities (Hong Kong)                                                                        9,048,244                      9,048,244
Co., Ltd
Related        or      acting-in-
concert parties among the
                                    Among the top 10 unrestricted ordinary shareholders, Hong Kong Wah Shing Holding Company
top       10         unrestricted
                                    Limited, Guangdong Rising Holdings Group Co., Ltd., Guangdong Electronics Information Industry
ordinary shareholders, as           Group Ltd., and Rising Investment Development Limited are acting-in-concert parties; Apart from
well as between the top 10          that, it is unknown whether there is among the top 10 shareholders any other related parties or
                                    acting-in-concert parties as defined in the Administrative Measures for the Acquisition of Listed
unrestricted            ordinary
shareholders and the top
10 ordinary shareholders
Top         10          ordinary
shareholders involved in
securities margin trading
(if any) (see note 4)

Top 10 shareholders involved in refinancing shares lending:

□Applicable  Not applicable

Changes in top 10 shareholders compared with the prior period

                                                                                            Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                Annual Report 2023

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                        Unit: share

                            Changes in top 10 shareholders compared with the end of the prior period

                       Newly added to or                                                Shares in the common account and credit
                                              Shares lent in refinancing and not yet
                        exiting from top                                                 account plus shares lent in refinancing
   Full name of                                    returned at the period-end
                       10 shareholders in                                                and not yet returned at the period-end
                         the Reporting                            As % of total share                          As % of total share
                             Period            Total shares                                 Total shares
                                                                       capital                                      capital
Hong Kong
Securities Clearing    Newly added                            0                0.00%            30,367,806                   1.96%
Company Limited
Caitong Fund-
Huatai Securities
Co., Ltd.-Caitong
Fund Junxinag          Newly added                            0                0.00%            15,392,492                   0.99%
Yongxi Single
Asset Management
Nuode Asset
Huatai Securities
Co., Ltd.-Caitong      Newly added                            0                0.00%            14,846,416                   0.96%
Fund Pujiang No.
120 Single Asset
Management Plan
Zhuang Jianyi          Exiting                                0                0.00%            11,903,509                   0.77%
Zhang Shaowu           Exiting                                0                0.00%            11,700,000                   0.76%
China Merchants
Securities (Hong       Exiting                                0                0.00%              9,048,244                  0.58%
Kong) Co., Ltd

Indicate by tick mark whether any of the top 10 ordinary shareholders or the top 10 unrestricted ordinary

shareholders of the Company conducted any promissory repo during the Reporting Period.

□Yes  No

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

2. Controlling Shareholder

Nature of the controlling shareholder: Controlled by a local state-owned legal person

Type of the controlling shareholder: legal person
 Name of controlling                                                             Unified social credit
                            representative/person    Date of establishment                                    Principal activity
       shareholder                                                                       code
                                  in charge
Guangdong         Rising                                                                                   Asset management and
Holdings Group Co.,        Lyu Yongzhong            23 December 1992            91440000719283849E         operation,        equity
Ltd.                                                                                                       management          and

                                                                Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                    Annual Report 2023

                                                                             operation,     investment
                                                                             operation,               and
                                                                             management and re-
                                                                             investment                of
                                                                             investment       earnings;
                                                                             other             business
                                                                             authorized by the state-
                                                                             owned                  assets
                                                                             administration of the
                                                                             Guangdong        Province;
                                                                             contractor service for
                                                                             overseas projects and
                                                                             domestic           projects
                                                                             calling for international
                                                                             bids, contractor service
                                                                             for survey, consulting,
                                                                             design and supervision
                                                                             of       the     aforesaid
                                                                             overseas          projects,
                                                                             export of equipment
                                                                             and materials for the
                                                                             aforesaid         overseas
                                                                             projects, and dispatch
                                                                             of contract workers for
                                                                             the aforesaid overseas
                                                                             projects;         property
                                                                             rental      service;     and
                                                                             exploitation, sale and
                                                                             deep processing of rare
                                                                             earth (operated by the
                                                                             branches       with      the
                                                                             relevant licenses).
                                                                             production and sale of
                                                                             electronics, IT products
                                                                             and              electrical
                                                                             appliances,      operation
Guangdong Electronics
                                                                             of               electronic
Information   Industry   Wang Jia   19 October 2000   91440000725458764N
                                                                             information      networks
Group Ltd.
                                                                             and            computers,
                                                                             electronic       computer
                                                                             technology service, and
                                                                             equipment and venue
                                                                             rental service; sale of

                                                                                             Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                 Annual Report 2023

                                                                                                           electronic       computers
                                                                                                           and fittings, electronic
                                                                                                           components,         electron
                                                                                                           devices, and electrical
                                                                                                           machinery                and
                                                                                                           equipment;        wholesale
                                                                                                           of       coal;       energy
                                                                                                           contracting          service,
                                                                                                           development              and
                                                                                                           consulting service of
                                                                                                           technology,              and
                                                                                                           manufacture              and
                                                                                                           installation of energy-
                                                                                                           saving           equipment;
                                                                                                           parking lot operation
                                                                                                           (188     Yueken       Road,
                                                                                                           Tianhe              District,
                                                                                                           Guangdong          Province,
                                                                                                           P.R.China); import and
                                                                                                           export of goods; and
                                                                                                           training of professional
                                                                                                           and technical personnel
                                                                                                           (Limited      to     branch
                                                                                                           operation);        .technical
                          At the end of the Reporting Period, Guangdong Rising Holdings Group Co., Ltd. and its parties acting
Shareholdings of          in concert. directly or indirectly held the following stakes in other listed companies at home or abroad:
controlling shareholder   1. a 40.52% stake of 136,318,684 shares in Rising Nonferrous (stock code: 600259);
in other listed           2. a 35.72% stake of 1,335,060,698 shares in Zhongjin Lingnan Nonfemet (stock code: 000060);
companies at home or      3. a 23.19% stake of 268,311,117 shares in Fenghua Advanced (stock code: 000636);
abroad in reporting       4. a 26.37% stake of 291,458,228 A shares and H shares in Dongjiang Environment (stock code:
period                    002672);
                          5. a 6.26% stake of 5,724,384,653 shares in China Telecom (stock code: 601728).
Change of the controlling shareholder in the Reporting Period:
□Applicable  Not applicable
No such cases in the Reporting Period.

3. Actual Controller and Its Acting-in-Concert Parties

Nature of the actual controller: Local institution for state-owned assets management
Type of the actual controller: legal person
    Name of actual                 Legal                                         Unified social credit
                                                      Date of establishment                                     Principal activity
      controller           representative/person                                         code

                                                                                              Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                  Annual Report 2023

                                in charge
                                                                                                            Asset management and
                                                                                                            operation,          equity
                                                                                                            management            and
                                                                                                            operation, investment
                                                                                                            operation,            and
                                                                                                            management and re-
                                                                                                            investment              of
                                                                                                            investment earnings;
                                                                                                            other            business
                                                                                                            authorized by the state-
                                                                                                            owned               assets
                                                                                                            administration of the
                                                                                                            Guangdong Province;
                                                                                                            contractor service for
                                                                                                            overseas projects and
                                                                                                            domestic          projects
Guangdong Rising                                                                                            calling for international
Holdings Group Co.,      Lyu Yongzhong                23 December 1999            91440000719283849E        bids, contractor service
Ltd.                                                                                                        for survey, consulting,
                                                                                                            design and supervision
                                                                                                            of      the     aforesaid
                                                                                                            overseas         projects,
                                                                                                            export of equipment
                                                                                                            and materials for the
                                                                                                            aforesaid        overseas
                                                                                                            projects, and dispatch
                                                                                                            of contract workers for
                                                                                                            the aforesaid overseas
                                                                                                            projects;        property
                                                                                                            rental service; and
                                                                                                            exploitation, sale and
                                                                                                            deep processing of rare
                                                                                                            earth (operated by the
                                                                                                            branches with the
                                                                                                            relevant licenses).
                         At the end of the Reporting Period, Guangdong Rising Holdings Group Co., Ltd. and its parties acting
                         in concert. directly or indirectly held the following stakes in other listed companies at home or abroad:
Shareholdings of the
                         1. a 40.52% stake of 136,318,684 shares in Rising Nonferrous (stock code: 600259);
actual controller in
                         2. a 35.72% stake of 1,335,060,698 shares in Zhongjin Lingnan Nonfemet (stock code: 000060);
other listed companies
                         3. a 23.19% stake of 268,311,117 shares in Fenghua Advanced (stock code: 000636);
at home or abroad in
                         4. a 26.37% stake of 291,458,228 A shares and H shares in Dongjiang Environment (stock code:
this Reporting Period
                         5. a 6.26% stake of 5,724,384,653 shares in China Telecom (stock code: 601728).
Change of the actual controller during the Reporting Period:
□Applicable  Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.
Ownership and control relations between the actual controller and the Company:

                                                                          Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                              Annual Report 2023

Indicate by tick mark whether the actual controller controls the Company via trust or other ways of asset
□Applicable  Not applicable

4. Number of Accumulative Pledged Shares held by the Company’s Controlling Shareholder or the
Largest Shareholder as well as Its Acting-in-Concert Parties Accounts for 80% of all shares of the
Company held by Them

□Applicable  Not applicable

5. Other 10% or Greater Corporate Shareholders

□Applicable  Not applicable

6. Limitations on Shareholding Decrease by the Company’s Controlling Shareholder, Actual Controller,
Reorganizer and Other Commitment Makers

 Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                               Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                   Annual Report 2023

During the Reporting Period, in accordance with the Reply on the Approval of the Registration of Foshan
Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. for the Issue of Shares to Specific Objects (ZJXK [2023] No. 1974) issued by
the CSRC, the Company issued 186,783,583 A shares to 13 specific objects, of which Rising Holdings Group,
the Company's de facto controller, subscribed for 46,695,895 A shares by way of cash. The shares subscribed
by Rising Holdings Group shall not be transferred within 18 months from the date of closing of the issue, and
the shares subscribed by other investors shall not be transferred within six months from the date of listing.

IV Specific Implementation of Share Repurchases in the Reporting Period

Progress on any share repurchases

□Applicable  Not applicable

Progress on reducing the repurchased shares by means of centralized bidding:

□Applicable  Not applicable

                                                              Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                  Annual Report 2023

                                Part VIII Preference Shares

□Applicable  Not applicable
No preference shares in the Reporting Period.

                                               Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                   Annual Report 2023

                               Part IX Bonds

□Applicable  Not applicable

                                                                                    Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                        Annual Report 2023

                                        Part X Financial Statements

I Auditor’s Report

Type of the independent auditor’s opinion                  Unmodified unqualified opinion
Date of signing this report                                 17 April 2024
Name of the independent auditor                             WUYIGE Certified Public Accountants LLP
No. of independent auditor’s report                        WUYIGE Auditor’s Report [2024] No. 22-00012
Names of certified public accountants                       He Xiaojuan, Wang Jingkun

                                             Independent Auditor’s Report

To the Shareholders of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
I Opinion

We have audited the financial statements of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. (the “Company”), which
comprise the consolidated balance sheets and balance sheet of the Company as the parent as of 31 December 2023,
the consolidated income statement and income statement of the Company as the parent, consolidated cash flow
statement and cash flow statement of the Company as the parent and consolidated statement of changes in owners’
equity and statement of changes in owners’ equity of the Company as the parent for the year then ended, as well as
the notes to the financial statements.

In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated
and parent company financial position of the Company at 31 December 2023, and the consolidated and the
company as the parent operating results and cash flows for the year then ended, in conformity with the Chinese
Accounting Standards (CAS).

II Basis for Opinion

We conducted our audits in accordance with the Audit Standards for Chinese Registered Accountants. Our
responsibilities under those standards are further described in the Auditor’s Responsibilities for Audit of Financial
Statements section of our report. We are independent of the Company in accordance with the China Code of
Ethics for Certified Public Accountants, and we have fulfilled our other ethical responsibilities in accordance with
the said Code of Ethics. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to
provide a basis for our opinion.

III Key Audit Matters

(I) Revenue recognition

Key audit matters are those matters that, in our professional judgment, were of most significance in our audit of
the financial statements of the current period. These matters were addressed in the context of our audit of the
financial statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion thereon, and we do not provide a separate opinion on
these matters.

1. Description

As stated in “V-37. Income” and “VII-61. Operating Revenue and Cost of Sales” in the notes to the financial

                                                                                Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                    Annual Report 2023

statements, the Company’s operating revenue was RMB9,057,292,003.90 during 2023, with the main business
revenue being RMB8,783,592,484.22, accounting for 96.98% of the total operating revenue. The amount of main
business revenue is significant and is a key performance indicator, so there is inherent risk that management will
manipulate the timing of revenue recognition in order to meet specific targets or expectations. Therefore, we
determined that revenue is recognized as a key audit item.

2. Response to auditing

(1) Understanding and evaluating the design of internal control related to revenue recognition, and testing the
effectiveness of relevant internal control;

(2) Checking whether the revenue recognition policy is in line with the requirements of the Accounting Standards
for Business Enterprises and is consistently applied;

(3) Selecting the revenue transactions recorded of this year to check invoices, sales contracts, outbound orders,
customer receipt records and export documents, and assess whether the relevant revenue recognition conforms to
the accounting policies of the Company for revenue recognition;

(4) Selecting the revenue transactions recorded of this year to carry out independent confirmation procedures and
confirm the authenticity of revenue;

(5) Inquiring about the industrial and commercial registration information of major customers through public
channels, so as to ensure that major customers operate normally and their business scope conforms to the nature of
the Company's downstream customers;

(6) Implementing analysis procedures for operating revenue, including analysing the annual and monthly revenue
of major products, changes in major customers, changes in sales prices and gross profit margins of major products,
and judging the rationality of changes in annual revenue and gross profit margins of this year;

(7) Selecting the revenue transactions recorded around the balance sheet date, checking the outbound order,
customer receipt records and other supporting documents to assess whether the revenue is recorded in the
appropriate accounting period.

(II) Provision for bad debt of accounts receivable

1. Description

As stated in Notes "V-13. Accounts Receivable" and "VII-5. Accounts Receivable" to the financial statements, as
of 31 December 2023, the book balance of accounts receivable in the consolidated financial statements of the
Company was RMB2,235,966,456.78, including RMB142,467,176.38 in the balance of bad debt provision. The
determination of the recoverability of accounts receivable requires the Management to identify the impaired items
and objective evidence, assess the expected future cash flows to be obtained, and determine their present value.
This involves significant accounting estimates and judgements by the Management, and the provision for
impairment of expected credit losses on accounts receivable is significant to the financial statements. Therefore,
the impairment of accounts receivable is considered a key audit matter.

2. Audit Response

(1) Evaluated and tested the design and operating effectiveness of internal controls related to credit policies and
receivables management;

(2) An analysis of the reasonableness of the accounting estimates for the provision for bad debts in respect of
accounts receivable, including the basis for determining the group of accounts receivable, the judgment of

                                                                                 Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                     Annual Report 2023

materiality of amounts, the separate provision for bad debts, and the judgment of expected credit loss rates;

(3) Analysed and calculated the ratio between the amount of provision for bad debts and the balance of accounts
receivable at the balance sheet date, compared the provision for bad debts with the actual amount incurred in prior
periods, and analysed the adequacy of the provision for bad debts for accounts receivable;

(4) Obtained the table of the provisions for bad debts and checked whether the provision making method is
implemented in accordance with the bad debts policy and whether the recalculation of the amount of provision for
bad debts is accurate;

(5) Evaluated the reasonableness of the provision for bad debts for accounts receivable by analysing the aging of
the accounts receivable and the creditworthiness of the customers, and by performing correspondence procedures
for accounts receivable and checking the post-period recovery.

 (III) Goodwill impairment tests

1. Description

On 28 February 2022, the Company acquired a 21.48% equity interest in Foshan NationStar Optoelectronics Co.,
Ltd. (hereinafter "NationStar Optoelectronics"), resulting in goodwill of RMB405,620,123.64. The goodwill of
NationStar Optoelectronics has a significant impact on its financial statements. Additionally, in the goodwill
impairment test, the Company's Management reasonably judged and identified signs of goodwill impairment
based on internal and external information. Furthermore, impairment signs and the annual year-end impairment
test heavily rely on the estimates and assumptions made by the Management, particularly in significant judgments
regarding the forecast of future revenue, long-term revenue growth rates, gross profit margins, operating expenses,
and discount rates of relevant asset groups. These estimates involve uncertainties and may be significantly
influenced by the Management's judgments about future markets and economic environments. Different estimates
and assumptions adopted significantly influence the recoverable value of the goodwill appraised. As goodwill
impairment testing involves significant judgments and estimates made by the Management, it is considered a key
audit matter.

2. Audit Response

(1) Understanding, evaluating and testing the Company's key internal controls related to goodwill impairment

(2) For goodwill arising from a business combination, understanding the achievement of performance forecasts
for the acquired company.

(3) Discussing with the management the methodology of goodwill impairment testing, including the asset group
or combination of asset groups related to goodwill, the reasonableness of assumptions such as future earnings
projections and discounted cash flow rates for each asset group or combination of asset groups and the judgment
and assessment of the profitability of each asset group or combination of asset groups.

(4) Evaluating the competency, professional quality and objectivity of the external valuation experts engaged by

(5) Discussing with the external valuation experts engaged by the management to understand the reasonableness
of key assumptions used in the impairment test.

(6) Where necessary, with the assistance of internal valuation experts, evaluate the reasonableness of the type of
value, valuation methodology and valuation parameters, such as the discount rate, of the asset valuation reports

                                                                                  Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                      Annual Report 2023

issued by external valuation experts.

 IV Other Information

The Company’s management is responsible for the other information. The other information comprises all of the
information included in the Company’s 2023 Annual Report other than the financial statements and our auditor’s
report thereon.
Our opinion on the financial statements does not cover the other information and we do not express any form of
assurance conclusion thereon.
In connection with our audit of the financial statements, our responsibility is to read the other information and, in
doing so, consider whether the other information is materially inconsistent with the financial statements or our
knowledge obtained in the audit or otherwise appears to be materially misstated. If, based on the work we have
performed, we conclude that there is a material misstatement of this other information, we are required to report
that fact. We have nothing to report in this regard.

V Responsibilities of Management and Those Charged with Governance for Financial Statements

The Company’s management is responsible for the preparation of the financial statements that give a fair view in
accordance with CAS, and for designing, implementing and maintaining such internal control as the management
determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement,
whether due to fraud or error.
In preparing the financial statements, the management is responsible for assessing the Company’s ability to
continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related to going concern and using the going
concern basis of accounting unless the management either intends to liquidate the Company or to cease operations,
or have no realistic alternative but to do so.
Those charged with governance are responsible for overseeing the Company’s financial reporting process.

VI Auditor’s Responsibilities for Audit of Financial Statements

Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from
material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor’s report that includes our opinion.
Reasonable assurance is a high level of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance
with CAS will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error
and are considered material if, individually or in the aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the
economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financial statements.
As part of an audit in accordance with CAS, we exercise professional judgment and maintain professional
skepticism throughout the audit. We also:
(1) Identify and assess the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error,
design and perform audit procedures responsive to those risks, and obtain audit evidence that is sufficient and
appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. The risk of not detecting a material misstatement resulting from
fraud is higher than for one resulting from error, as fraud may involve collusion, forgery, intentional omissions,
misrepresentations, or the override of internal control.
(2) Understand the internal controls relevant to the audit in order to design appropriate audit procedures.
(3) Evaluate the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates and
related disclosures made by the management.
(4) Conclude on the appropriateness of the management’s use of the going concern basis of accounting and, based
on the audit evidence obtained, whether a material uncertainty exists related to events or conditions that may cast
significant doubt on the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern. If we conclude that a material

                                                                                Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                    Annual Report 2023

uncertainty exists, we are required by CAS to draw users’ attention in our auditor’s report to the related
disclosures in the financial statements or, if such disclosures are inadequate, we should express modified opinion.
Our conclusions are based on the audit evidence obtained up to the date of our auditor’s report. However, future
events or conditions may cause the Company to cease to continue as a going concern.
(5) Evaluate the overall presentation, structure and content of the financial statements, including the disclosures,
and whether the financial statements represent the underlying transactions and events in a manner that achieves
fair presentation.
(6) Obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence regarding the financial information of the entities or business
activities within the Company to express an opinion on the financial statements. We are responsible for the
direction, supervision and performance of the Company audit. We remain solely responsible for our audit opinion.
We also provide those charged with governance with a statement that we have complied with relevant ethical
requirements regarding independence, and communicate with them all relationships and other matters that may
reasonably be thought to bear on our independence, and where applicable, related safeguards.
From the matters communicated with those charged with governance, we determine those matters that were of
most significance in the audit of the financial statements of the current period and are therefore the key audit
matters. We describe these matters in our auditor’s report unless law or regulation precludes public disclosure
about the matter or when, in extremely rare circumstances, we determine that a matter should not be
communicated in our report because the adverse consequences of doing so would reasonably be expected to
outweigh the public interest benefits of such communication.

     WUYIGE Certified Public Accountants LLP           Chinese CPA: He Xiaojuan (Engagement Partner)

               Beijing China                                               Chinese CPA: Wang Jingkun

                                                           17 April 2024

                                                                                  Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                      Annual Report 2023

II Financial Statements

Currency unit for the financial statements and the notes thereto: RMB

1. Consolidated Balance Sheet

Prepared by Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                       31 December 2023
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                    Item                               31 December 2023                    1 January 2023
Current assets:
  Monetary assets                                              3,596,049,654.55                    2,484,508,907.43
  Settlement reserve
  Interbank loans granted
  Held-for-trading financial assets                              152,529,775.41                      261,541,896.45
  Derivative financial assets
  Notes receivable                                             1,057,352,267.60                      821,537,774.07
  Accounts receivable                                          2,093,499,280.40                    1,920,770,941.76
  Accounts receivable financing                                  443,201,960.02                      569,868,831.79
  Prepayments                                                     34,508,638.92                        45,526,548.93
  Premiums receivable
  Reinsurance receivables
  Receivable        reinsurance      contract
  Other receivables                                               49,108,300.85                        32,902,865.98
    Including: Interest receivable
                  Dividends receivable
  Financial assets purchased under resale
  Inventories                                                  1,971,171,641.14                    2,031,637,401.87
  Contract assets                                                  4,252,013.94                         5,466,875.07
  Assets held for sale                                            17,147,339.84                        17,147,339.84
  Current portion of non-current assets
  Other current assets                                           109,292,399.14                        79,438,576.89
Total current assets                                           9,528,113,271.81                    8,270,347,960.08
Non-current assets:
  Loans and advances to customers
  Investments in debt obligations
  Investments in other debt obligations                          454,822,905.25
  Long-term receivables
  Long-term equity investments                                   179,188,555.15                      181,931,792.66
     Investments       in   other     equity
                                                                 699,762,746.35                      864,191,346.40

                                                                     Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                         Annual Report 2023

  Other non-current financial assets
  Investment property                               163,636,347.41                        44,611,882.44
  Fixed assets                                    3,453,214,586.47                    3,508,094,282.41
  Construction in progress                        1,174,533,505.11                    1,282,780,335.14
  Productive living assets
  Oil and gas assets
  Right-of-use assets                                 8,812,320.64                        13,047,727.73
  Intangible assets                                 434,549,913.99                      340,166,852.37
  Development costs
  Goodwill                                          421,831,593.46                      421,831,593.46
  Long-term prepaid expense                         190,362,699.25                      190,126,627.91
  Deferred income tax assets                        106,283,766.95                        90,244,005.41
  Other non-current assets                          119,327,703.18                        81,543,512.85
Total non-current assets                          7,406,326,643.21                    7,018,569,958.78
Total assets                                     16,934,439,915.02                   15,288,917,918.86
Current liabilities:
  Short-term borrowings                             220,019,877.73                      157,715,359.35
  Borrowings from the central bank
  Interbank loans obtained
  Held-for-trading financial liabilities                                                   4,679,000.00
  Derivative financial liabilities
  Notes payable                                   2,271,174,787.69                    1,975,743,568.71
  Accounts payable                                2,875,980,206.64                    2,513,177,458.14
  Advances from customers                               466,872.69                         2,532,442.44
  Contract liabilities                              235,335,693.28                      125,143,161.61
  Financial assets sold under repurchase
  Customer       deposits    and     interbank
  Payables     for     acting    trading    of
  Payables for underwriting of securities
  Employee benefits payable                         193,830,812.66                      173,034,152.18
  Taxes payable                                     42,940,157.30                         64,295,552.10
  Other payables                                    362,491,923.01                      440,230,081.05
    Including: Interest payable
                  Dividends payable                                                           15,646.07
  Handling charges and commissions
  Reinsurance payables
  Liabilities directly associated with
assets held for sale
  Current      portion      of     non-current
                                                    343,914,214.45                        65,540,510.67

                                                                                          Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                              Annual Report 2023

  Other current liabilities                                         95,008,427.01                            100,192,681.00
Total current liabilities                                      6,641,162,972.46                            5,622,283,967.25
Non-current liabilities:
  Insurance contract reserve
  Long-term borrowings                                              253,093,421.29                           747,931,023.71
  Bonds payable
    Including: Preferred shares
                    Perpetual bonds
  Lease liabilities                                                  4,310,967.92                               7,055,542.18
  Long-term payables
  Long-term employee benefits payable
  Provisions                                                        14,277,087.30                               9,587,043.31
  Deferred income                                                   75,185,461.27                              97,078,233.43
  Deferred income tax liabilities                                   174,806,746.25                           204,428,275.95
  Other non-current liabilities                                        205,769.48                                   308,780.61
Total non-current liabilities                                       521,879,453.51                         1,066,388,899.19
Total liabilities                                              7,163,042,425.97                            6,688,672,866.44
Owners’ equity:
  Share capital                                                1,548,778,230.00                            1,361,994,647.00
  Other equity instruments
    Including: Preferred shares
                    Perpetual bonds
  Capital reserves                                                  914,336,325.66                              7,245,971.54
  Less: Treasury stock                                              82,165,144.15                              82,165,144.15
  Other comprehensive income                                        360,027,027.59                           498,141,018.70
  Specific reserve                                                   1,213,325.92
  Surplus reserves                                                  107,944,679.06                             91,359,027.15
  General reserve
  Retained earnings                                            3,435,308,364.11                            3,296,435,828.50
Total equity attributable to owners of the
                                                               6,285,442,808.19                            5,173,011,348.74
Company as the parent
Non-controlling interests                                      3,485,954,680.86                            3,427,233,703.68
Total owners’ equity                                          9,771,397,489.05                            8,600,245,052.42
Total liabilities and owners’ equity                         16,934,439,915.02                           15,288,917,918.86

Legal representative:WanShan                                                         Chief Financial Officer: Tang Qionglan
Person-in-charge of the Company’s accounting organ: Liang Yuefei

2. Balance Sheet of the Company as the Parent

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                      Item                           31 December 2023                              1 January 2023
Current assets:
  Monetary assets                                              1,756,256,289.35                              616,301,656.56

                                                                  Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                      Annual Report 2023

  Held-for-trading financial assets                                                  200,565,014.22
  Derivative financial assets
  Notes receivable                               90,413,382.59                       130,473,889.36
  Accounts receivable                           840,003,427.41                       914,875,676.00
  Accounts receivable financing                 105,327,382.82                         14,127,710.41
  Prepayments                                     7,334,575.29                         13,129,004.94
  Other receivables                             558,342,534.44                       511,036,345.72
    Including: Interest receivable
                 Dividends receivable
  Inventories                                   462,793,053.42                       475,047,674.61
  Contract assets                                 4,252,013.94                          5,466,875.07
  Assets held for sale
  Current portion of non-current assets
  Other current assets                            8,244,786.97                          9,844,377.83
Total current assets                           3,832,967,446.23                    2,890,868,224.72
Non-current assets:
  Investments in debt obligations
  Investments in other debt obligations         454,822,905.25
  Long-term receivables
  Long-term equity investments                 2,502,623,981.06                    2,505,563,031.07
     Investments       in    other    equity
                                                659,684,177.55                       823,131,485.48
  Other non-current financial assets
  Investment property                            47,163,026.83                         40,982,686.40
  Fixed assets                                  651,197,430.25                       548,743,031.51
  Construction in progress                      205,106,029.03                       187,318,584.50
  Productive living assets
  Oil and gas assets
  Right-of-use assets                             5,082,521.44                          6,963,639.23
  Intangible assets                              93,932,977.96                         94,698,330.35
  Development costs
  Long-term prepaid expense                      29,727,301.65                         37,118,287.24
  Deferred income tax assets                     36,285,162.26                         31,202,848.92
  Other non-current assets                       48,331,060.62                         48,873,160.34
Total non-current assets                       4,733,956,573.90                    4,324,595,085.04
Total assets                                   8,566,924,020.13                    7,215,463,309.76
Current liabilities:
  Short-term borrowings
  Held-for-trading financial liabilities                                                4,679,000.00
  Derivative financial liabilities
  Notes payable                                 982,735,414.37                       826,037,810.34
  Accounts payable                              977,444,406.30                       788,288,700.08
  Advances from customers                                                               2,285,714.30

                                                                                         Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                             Annual Report 2023

  Contract liabilities                                              145,086,858.16                            47,498,783.11
  Employee benefits payable                                         64,958,645.43                             49,182,531.44
  Taxes payable                                                     20,946,142.07                              9,700,312.91
  Other payables                                                    324,137,191.03                          202,509,326.09
    Including: Interest payable
                    Dividends payable
  Liabilities directly associated with
assets held for sale
  Current      portion      of    non-current
                                                                     1,377,403.64                              1,881,117.79
  Other current liabilities                                         82,802,283.98                             88,215,663.53
Total current liabilities                                      2,599,488,344.98                           2,020,278,959.59
Non-current liabilities:
  Long-term borrowings                                                                                      182,912,120.75
  Bonds payable
    Including: Preferred shares
                    Perpetual bonds
  Lease liabilities                                                  3,705,117.80                              5,082,521.44
  Long-term payables
  Long-term employee benefits payable
  Deferred income
  Deferred income tax liabilities                                   63,366,691.06                             88,165,954.92
  Other non-current liabilities
Total non-current liabilities                                       67,071,808.86                           276,160,597.11
Total liabilities                                              2,666,560,153.84                           2,296,439,556.70
Owners’ equity:
  Share capital                                                1,548,778,230.00                           1,361,994,647.00
  Other equity instruments
    Including: Preferred shares
                    Perpetual bonds
  Capital reserves                                                  909,058,541.44                             7,426,635.62
  Less: Treasury stock                                              82,165,144.15                             82,165,144.15
  Other comprehensive income                                        359,858,073.06                          498,788,284.79
  Specific reserve                                                     897,781.74
  Surplus reserves                                                  339,248,748.30                          322,663,096.39
  Retained earnings                                            2,824,687,635.90                           2,810,316,233.41
Total owners’ equity                                          5,900,363,866.29                           4,919,023,753.06
Total liabilities and owners’ equity                          8,566,924,020.13                           7,215,463,309.76

Legal representative:WanShan                                                         Chief Financial Officer: Tang Qionglan
Person-in-charge of the Company’s accounting organ: Liang Yuefei

                                                                              Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                  Annual Report 2023

3. Consolidated Income Statement

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                       Item                           2023                                  2022
1. Revenue                                              9,057,292,003.90                       8,759,965,275.96
  Including: Operating revenue                          9,057,292,003.90                       8,759,965,275.96
                 Interest revenue
                 Insurance premium income
                 Handling         charge       and
commission income
2. Costs and expenses                                   8,639,746,992.68                       8,360,248,566.32
  Including: Cost of sales                              7,354,814,252.01                       7,223,971,501.53
                 Interest costs
                 Handling         charge       and
commission expense
                 Net insurance claims paid
                 Net amount provided as
insurance contract reserve
                 Expenditure       on       policy
                 Reinsurance            premium
                 Taxes and surcharges                        72,268,419.87                         62,027,216.12
                 Selling expense                             331,039,604.55                        256,820,593.82
                 Administrative expense                      430,544,371.96                        408,119,409.22
                R&D expense                                  483,579,093.81                        440,787,934.06
                 Finance costs                               -32,498,749.52                        -31,478,088.43
                   Including:              Interest
                                                             24,128,844.17                         22,311,206.70
                                                             47,710,201.22                         29,169,641.75
Add: Other income                                            90,204,646.62                         84,894,793.92
      Return on investment (“-” for loss)                  14,598,948.35                         10,633,954.02
            Including: Share of profit or loss
                                                              1,833,621.59                          2,467,060.07
of joint ventures and associates
              Income          from             the
derecognition of financial assets at
amortized cost (“-” for loss)
      Exchange gain (“-” for loss)
      Net gain on exposure hedges (“-”
for loss)
      Gain on changes in fair value (“-”
                                                              1,129,444.26                         -9,518,428.58
for loss)

                                                                       Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                           Annual Report 2023

         Credit impairment loss (“-” for
                                                      -52,131,054.21                      -15,404,763.61
         Asset impairment loss (“-” for
                                                      -81,268,657.36                      -91,517,378.38
         Asset disposal income (“-” for
                                                      12,719,324.89                            968,273.19
3. Operating profit (“-” for loss)                  402,797,663.77                      379,773,160.20
Add: Non-operating income                               9,540,666.39                        18,757,057.63
Less: Non-operating expense                             6,538,763.70                        16,812,534.08
4. Profit before tax (“-” for loss)                 405,799,566.46                      381,717,683.75
Less: Income tax expense                              21,126,964.48                         31,011,277.73
5. Net profit (“-” for net loss)                    384,672,601.98                      350,706,406.02
  5.1 By operating continuity
      5.1.1 Net profit from continuing
                                                      384,672,601.98                      350,706,406.02
operations (“-” for net loss)
      5.1.2 Net profit from discontinued
operations (“-” for net loss)
  5.2 By ownership
        5.2.1 Net profit attributable to
                                                      290,357,652.22                      230,320,570.67
owners of the Company as the parent
        5.2.1 Net profit attributable to non-
                                                      94,314,949.76                       120,385,835.35
controlling interests
6. Other comprehensive income, net of
                                                     -137,433,230.11                     -383,701,554.10
  Attributable        to      owners     of    the
                                                     -138,113,991.11                     -383,929,211.19
Company as the parent
        6.1   Items     that    will     not   be
                                                     -138,930,211.73                     -383,579,545.85
reclassified to profit or loss
          6.1.1    Changes        caused       by
remeasurements          on     defined    benefit
          6.1.2       Other      comprehensive
income that will not be reclassified to
profit or loss under the equity method
          6.1.3 Changes in the fair value of
                                                     -138,930,211.73                     -383,579,545.85
investments in other equity instruments
          6.1.4 Changes in the fair value
arising from changes in own credit risk
          6.1.5 Other
        6.2 Items that will be reclassified to
                                                          816,220.62                          -349,665.34
profit or loss
          6.2.1       Other      comprehensive
income that will be reclassified to profit
or loss under the equity method

                                                                                           Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                               Annual Report 2023

         6.2.2 Changes in the fair value of
investments in other debt obligations
         6.2.3    Other         comprehensive
income arising from the reclassification
of financial assets
         6.2.4        Credit          impairment
allowance for investments in other debt
         6.2.5 Reserve for cash flow
         6.2.6 Differences arising from the
translation      of        foreign     currency-                       816,220.62                                 -349,665.34
denominated financial statements
         6.2.7 Other
  Attributable         to       non-controlling
                                                                       680,761.00                                  227,657.09
7. Total comprehensive income                                       247,239,371.87                              -32,995,148.08
  Attributable        to     owners     of   the
                                                                    152,243,661.11                           -153,608,640.52
Company as the parent
  Attributable         to       non-controlling
                                                                    94,995,710.76                               120,613,492.44
8. Earnings per share
  8.1 Basic earnings per share                                              0.2128                                      0.1707
  8.2 Diluted earnings per share                                            0.2108                                      0.1691

Where business combinations under common control occurred in the current period, the net profit achieved by the acquirees before
the combinations was RMB0.00, with the amount for last year being RMB0.00.

Legal representative:WanShan                                                         Chief Financial Officer: Tang Qionglan
Person-in-charge of the Company’s accounting organ: Liang Yuefei

4. Income Statement of the Company as the Parent

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                      Item                                   2023                                        2022
1. Operating revenue                                            3,370,500,210.73                            3,314,037,139.28
Less: Cost of sales                                             2,669,830,010.84                            2,684,105,565.79
     Taxes and surcharges                                           28,696,224.90                               22,878,262.76
     Selling expense                                                201,942,644.31                              148,184,632.71
     Administrative expense                                         170,906,350.75                              156,902,439.16
     R&D expense                                                    126,839,317.28                              148,634,853.78
     Finance costs                                                  -15,149,738.19                              -4,648,251.30
         Including: Interest costs                                   3,768,074.03                               11,637,904.69
                      Interest revenue                              12,619,606.34                                6,836,685.73

                                                                       Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                           Annual Report 2023

Add: Other income                                     14,162,829.17                         10,475,710.63
        Return on investment (“-” for loss)         24,345,065.94                         19,058,287.08
            Including: Share of profit or loss
                                                        1,833,621.59                         2,467,060.07
of joint ventures and associates
                Income          from          the
derecognition of financial assets at
amortized cost (“-” for loss)
         Net gain on exposure hedges (“-”
for loss)
        Gain on changes in fair value (“-”
for loss)
         Credit impairment loss (“-” for
                                                      -32,773,855.07                      -16,035,761.65
         Asset impairment loss (“-” for
                                                      -28,910,470.10                      -25,904,176.29
         Asset disposal income (“-” for
                                                      12,469,694.01                            -84,087.53
2. Operating profit (“-” for loss)                  176,728,664.79                      136,543,708.62
Add: Non-operating income                                 365,819.08                         7,433,114.60
Less: Non-operating expense                             1,144,051.24                        12,232,901.96
3. Profit before tax (“-” for loss)                 175,950,432.63                      131,743,921.26
Less: Income tax expense                              10,093,913.53                         13,888,953.87
4. Net profit (“-” for net loss)                    165,856,519.10                      117,854,967.39
  4.1      Net     profit     from     continuing
                                                      165,856,519.10                      117,854,967.39
operations (“-” for net loss)
  4.2 Net profit from discontinued
operations (“-” for net loss)
5. Other comprehensive income, net of
                                                     -138,930,211.73                     -384,990,256.85
  5.1 Items that will not be reclassified
                                                     -138,930,211.73                     -384,990,256.85
to profit or loss
        5.1.1      Changes        caused       by
remeasurements           on    defined     benefit
        5.1.2 Other comprehensive income
that will not be reclassified to profit or
loss under the equity method
        5.1.3 Changes in the fair value of
                                                     -138,930,211.73                     -384,990,256.85
investments in other equity instruments
        5.1.4 Changes in the fair value
arising from changes in own credit risk
        5.1.5 Other
  5.2 Items that will be reclassified to
profit or loss

                                                                                        Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                            Annual Report 2023

     5.2.1 Other comprehensive income
that will be reclassified to profit or loss
under the equity method
     5.2.2 Changes in the fair value of
investments in other debt obligations
     5.2.3 Other comprehensive income
arising from the reclassification of
financial assets
     5.2.4 Credit impairment allowance
for investments in other debt obligations
     5.2.5 Reserve for cash flow hedges
     5.2.6 Differences arising from the
translation    of        foreign      currency-
denominated financial statements
     5.2.7 Other
6. Total comprehensive income                                       26,926,307.37                          -267,135,289.46
7. Earnings per share
   7.1 Basic earnings per share
   7.2 Diluted earnings per share

Legal representative:WanShan                                                        Chief Financial Officer: Tang Qionglan
Person-in-charge of the Company’s accounting organ: Liang Yuefei

5. Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                     Item                                   2023                                      2022
1. Cash flows from operating activities:
  Proceeds from sale of commodities
                                                               8,065,012,419.58                          8,205,869,081.25
and rendering of services
  Net increase in customer deposits and
interbank deposits
  Net increase in borrowings from the
central bank
  Net increase in loans from other
financial institutions
  Premiums         received      on       original
insurance contracts
  Net proceeds from reinsurance
  Net    increase        in     deposits      and
investments of policy holders
  Interest,    handling         charges       and
commissions received
  Net    increase     in      interbank     loans

                                                                          Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                              Annual Report 2023

  Net      increase        in   proceeds        from
repurchase transactions
  Net proceeds from acting trading of
  Tax rebates                                           229,414,220.39                       228,641,448.24
  Cash generated from other operating
                                                        219,221,813.77                       224,376,200.78
Subtotal       of     cash      generated       from
                                                       8,513,648,453.74                    8,658,886,730.27
operating activities
  Payments           for     commodities         and
                                                       5,219,988,965.35                    5,492,158,956.70
  Net increase in loans and advances to
  Net increase in deposits in the central
bank and in interbank loans granted
  Payments          for    claims     on    original
insurance contracts
  Net increase in interbank loans granted
  Interest,         handling        charges      and
commissions paid
  Policy dividends paid
  Cash paid to and for employees                       1,391,392,105.83                    1,398,058,450.95
  Taxes paid                                            395,513,858.13                       337,132,030.63
  Cash used in other operating activities               332,363,545.45                       366,648,971.30
Subtotal of cash used in operating
                                                       7,339,258,474.76                    7,593,998,409.58
Net     cash        generated       from/used     in
                                                       1,174,389,978.98                    1,064,888,320.69
operating activities
2. Cash flows from investing activities:
  Proceeds from disinvestment                           380,981,292.12                       364,902,240.66
  Return on investment                                   27,200,412.45                         10,965,289.74
  Net proceeds from the disposal of fixed
assets, intangible assets and other long-                15,079,869.64                          2,340,973.60
lived assets
  Net proceeds from the disposal of
subsidiaries and other business units
  Cash generated from other investing
Subtotal       of     cash      generated       from
                                                        423,342,286.04                       378,208,504.00
investing activities
  Payments for the acquisition of fixed
assets, intangible assets and other long-               376,549,919.12                       593,230,455.33
lived assets

                                                                                         Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                             Annual Report 2023

  Payments for investments                                          720,700,000.00                            131,695,763.31
  Net increase in pledged loans granted
  Net payments for the acquisition of
subsidiaries and other business units
  Cash used in other investing activities                           33,612,950.00
Subtotal of cash used in investing
                                                               1,130,862,869.12                               724,926,218.64
Net      cash        generated     from/used     in
                                                                -707,520,583.08                            -346,717,714.64
investing activities
3. Cash flows from financing activities:
  Capital contributions received                               1,091,377,596.17
       Including: Capital contributions by
non-controlling interests to subsidiaries
  Borrowings raised                                                 297,756,038.67                        1,136,936,000.00
  Cash generated from other financing
                                                                    15,469,794.51                             19,142,320.59
Subtotal        of     cash      generated     from
                                                               1,404,603,429.35                           1,156,078,320.59
financing activities
  Repayment of borrowings                                           391,955,216.77                            526,743,238.15
  Interest and dividends paid                                       191,158,501.03                            174,723,549.79
       Including:        Dividends      paid    by
                                                                    32,130,255.23                             26,131,133.89
subsidiaries to non-controlling interests
  Cash used in other financing activities                           138,043,774.42                        1,200,170,498.73
Subtotal of cash used in financing
                                                                    721,157,492.22                        1,901,637,286.67
Net      cash        generated     from/used     in
                                                                    683,445,937.13                         -745,558,966.08
financing activities
4. Effect of foreign exchange rates
                                                                     4,966,303.59                             33,150,614.37
changes on cash and cash equivalents
5. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                               1,155,281,636.62                                5,762,254.34
Add:      Cash        and     cash    equivalents,
                                                               1,945,971,307.26                           1,940,209,052.92
beginning of the period
6. Cash and cash equivalents, end of the
                                                               3,101,252,943.88                           1,945,971,307.26

Legal representative:WanShan                                                         Chief Financial Officer: Tang Qionglan
Person-in-charge of the Company’s accounting organ: Liang Yuefei

6. Cash Flow Statement of the Company as the Parent

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                         Item                               2023                                       2022
1. Cash flows from operating activities:

                                                                       Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                           Annual Report 2023

  Proceeds from sale of commodities
                                                    3,172,331,505.84                    3,237,208,695.89
and rendering of services
  Tax rebates                                        113,727,709.96                       120,903,979.22
  Cash generated from other operating
                                                      71,968,034.73                         86,562,699.07
Subtotal      of     cash      generated     from
                                                    3,358,027,250.53                    3,444,675,374.18
operating activities
  Payments          for     commodities       and
                                                    2,003,568,260.17                    1,933,543,212.27
  Cash paid to and for employees                     465,614,131.12                       517,926,952.08
  Taxes paid                                          88,243,833.94                       157,918,324.75
  Cash used in other operating activities            135,741,826.48                       139,013,449.48
Subtotal of cash used in operating
                                                    2,693,168,051.71                    2,748,401,938.58
Net    cash        generated     from/used     in
                                                     664,859,198.82                       696,273,435.60
operating activities
2. Cash flows from investing activities:
  Proceeds from disinvestment                                                             292,992,240.66
  Return on investment                                36,858,062.04                         18,264,046.87
  Net proceeds from the disposal of fixed
assets, intangible assets and other long-             10,799,817.00                             42,771.45
lived assets
  Net proceeds from the disposal of
subsidiaries and other business units
  Cash generated from other investing
Subtotal      of     cash      generated     from
                                                      47,657,879.04                       311,299,058.98
investing activities
  Payments for the acquisition of fixed
assets, intangible assets and other long-             51,703,074.73                       106,842,452.24
lived assets
  Payments for investments                           250,000,000.00                     1,193,664,444.95
  Net payments for the acquisition of
subsidiaries and other business units
  Cash used in other investing activities             33,612,950.00
Subtotal of cash used in investing
                                                     335,316,024.73                     1,300,506,897.19
Net    cash        generated     from/used     in
                                                    -287,658,145.69                      -989,207,838.21
investing activities
3. Cash flows from financing activities:
  Capital contributions received                    1,091,377,596.17
  Borrowings raised                                                                       382,336,000.00
  Cash generated from other financing

                                                                                                             Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                 Annual Report 2023

Subtotal        of     cash      generated          from
                                                                                   1,091,377,596.17                                 382,336,000.00
financing activities
     Repayment of borrowings                                                        178,893,000.00                                  367,956,000.00
     Interest and dividends paid                                                    140,340,441.08                                  141,558,638.42
     Cash used in other financing activities                                             1,261,522.66                                2,716,690.66
Subtotal of cash used in financing
                                                                                    320,494,963.74                                  512,231,329.08
Net      cash        generated     from/used          in
                                                                                    770,882,632.43                             -129,895,329.08
financing activities
4. Effect of foreign exchange rates
                                                                                           936,838.90                               22,065,861.60
changes on cash and cash equivalents
5. Net increase in cash and cash
                                                                                   1,149,020,524.46                            -400,763,870.09
Add:      Cash        and      cash       equivalents,
                                                                                    461,062,144.20                                  861,826,014.29
beginning of the period
6. Cash and cash equivalents, end of the
                                                                                   1,610,082,668.66                                 461,062,144.20

Legal representative:WanShan                                                                            Chief Financial Officer: Tang Qionglan
Person-in-charge of the Company’s accounting organ: Liang Yuefei

7. Consolidated Statements of Changes in Owners’ Equity


                                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB

                                            Equity attributable to owners of the Company as the parent
                               Other equity                                Othe
                               instruments                                   r                                                                 Total
           Shar                                            Capi    Less:   com     Spec     Surp    Gene    Retai                              own
Item                                                                                                                                   ollin
             e         Prefe      Perp                      tal    Trea    preh     ific     lus     ral     ned    Othe     Subt              ers’
           capit        rred      etual       Othe         reser   sury    ensiv   reser    reser   reser   earni     r      otal              equit
             al        share      bond          r          ves     stock    e       ve       ves     ve      ngs                                 y
                         s            s                                    inco
as at      1,36                                                    82,1    498,             91,3             3,29            5,17      3,42    8,60
           1,99                                                    65,1    141,             59,0             6,43            3,01      7,23    0,24
the                                                        5,97
           4,64                                                    44.1    018.             27.1             5,82            1,34      3,70    5,05
end                                                        1.54
           7.00                                                       5      70                5             8.50            8.74      3.68    2.42

                                                  Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                      Annual Report 2023

ge in


as at
        1,36          82,1   498,          91,3   3,29           5,17    3,42     8,60
the            7,24
        1,99          65,1   141,          59,0   6,43           3,01    7,23     0,24
begi    4,64          44.1   018.          27.1   5,82           1,34    3,70     5,05
        7.00             5     70             5   8.50           8.74    3.68     2.42
g of
ase/    186,   907,                        16,5   138,           1,11    58,7     1,17
                             138,   1,21
        783,   090,                        85,6   872,           2,43    20,9     1,15
decr                         113,   3,32
        583.   354.                        51.9   535.           1,45    77.1     2,43
ease                         991.   5.92
          00     12                           1     61           9.45       8     6.63

                                Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                    Annual Report 2023

d (“-
” for
com                         -
                                290,           152,    94,9     247,
preh                     138,
                                357,           243,    95,7     239,
ensiv                           652.           661.    10.7     371.
                                  22             11       6       87
e                          11
ased       186,   907,                         1,09       -     1,08
           783,   090,                         3,87    5,45     8,41
           583.   354.                         3,93    8,44     5,48
redu         00     12                         7.12    8.30     8.82
share      186,   901,                         1,08             1,08
           783,   631,                         8,41             8,41
           583.   905.                         5,48             5,48
incre        00     82                         8.82             8.82

                            Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                Annual Report 2023

.2.4          5,45                         5,45
              8,44                         8,44
Othe                                               8,44
              8.30                         8.30
Profi                          -              -       -        -
t                           151,           134,    31,9     166,
                            485,           899,    69,7     869,
distri               51.9
                            116.           464.    54.9     219.
butio                         61             70       9       69

opria                          -
tion                        16,5
to                   51.9
surpl                          1

           Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                               Annual Report 2023


tion          -              -       -        -
to         134,           134,    31,9     166,
           899,           899,    69,7     869,
           464.           464.    54.9     219.
ers          70             70       9       69


al (or

         Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                             Annual Report 2023


al (or

t by

d to

                 Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                     Annual Report 2023


d to

Spec      1,21                  1,21    1,15     2,36
          3,32                  3,32    3,46     6,79
          5.92                  5.92    9.71     5.63

          17,4                  17,4    11,2     28,7
ase       69,6                  69,6    83,2     52,9
in        64.0                  64.0    52.7     16.8
             5                     5       9        4

          16,2                  16,2    10,1     26,3
Used      56,3                  56,3    29,7     86,1
in        38.1                  38.1    83.0     21.2
             3                     3       8        1

                                                                                                  Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                      Annual Report 2023

as at
          1,54                                914,    82,1    360,             107,              3,43            6,28    3,48     9,77
the                                                                   1,21
          8,77                                336,    65,1    027,             944,              5,30            5,44    5,95     1,39
end       8,23                                325.    44.1    027.             679.              8,36            2,80    4,68     7,48
          0.00                                  66       5      59               06              4.11            8.19    0.86     9.05

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB

                                    Equity attributable to owners of the Company as the parent
                         Other equity                         Othe
                         instruments                            r                                                                Total
          Shar                                Capi    Less:   com     Spec     Surp    Gene      Retai                            own
Item                                                                                                                     ollin
           e      Prefe     Perp               tal    Trea    preh     ific     lus     ral      ned     Othe    Subt             ers’
          capit   rred      etual      Othe   reser   sury    ensiv   reser    reser   reser     earni     r      otal           equit
           al     share     bond        r     ves     stock     e       ve     ves      ve       ngs                               y
                    s         s                               inco
as at                                                                                                                             10,5
          1,39                                1,05    250,    982,             741,              3,11            7,03    3,54
the                                                                                                                               79,8
          9,34                                1,15    600,    987,             353,              1,86            6,10    3,74
end       6,15                                8,61    874.    454.             347.              4,07            8,77    1,17
          4.00                                4.18      54      08               96              6.86            2.54    5.21
of                                                                                                                                   5
stme                                                                                             18,9            18,9    16,2     35,1
nt                                                                                               18.2            18.2    52.2     70.5
for                                                                                                 2               2       9        1

ge in

                                              Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                  Annual Report 2023



as at                                                                         10,5
           1,39   1,05   250,   982,   741,   3,11           7,03    3,54
the                                                                           79,8
           9,34   1,15   600,   987,   353,   1,88           6,12    3,75
begi       6,15   8,61   874.   454.   347.   2,99           7,69    7,42
           4.00   4.18     54     08     96   5.08           0.76    7.50
nnin                                                                             6
g of
ease          -      -      -      -      -                     -       -        -
in         37,3   1,04   168,   484,   649,                  1,86    116,     1,97
           51,5   3,91   435,   846,   994,                  3,11    523,     9,64
the                                           833.
           07.0   2,64   730.   435.   320.                  6,34    723.     0,06
perio         0   2.64     39     38     81                  2.02      82     5.84
d (“-
” for
     3.1                           -          230,              -    120,        -
                                383,          320,           153,    613,     32,9
                                929,          570.           608,    492.     95,1
com                             211.            67           640.      44     48.0

                                             Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                 Annual Report 2023

preh                             19                            52               8
               -      -      -           -                     -       -        -
ased        37,3   1,04   168,        661,                  1,57    211,     1,78
and         51,5   3,91   435,        779,                  4,60    006,     5,61
redu        07.0   2,64   730.        817.                  8,23    082.     4,31
               0   2.64     39          55                  6.80      37     9.17
               -             -           -
share                 -
            37,3          168,        126,
s           51,5          435,        258,
incre       07.0          730.        274.
               0            39          79

                            Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                Annual Report 2023

          3      -      -                     -       -        -
.2.4          1,03   535,                  1,57    211,     1,78
              9,08   521,                  4,60    006,     5,61
              6,69   542.                  8,23    082.     4,31
r             4.04     76                  6.80      37     9.17
Profi                          -              -       -        -
t                           146,           134,    26,1     161,
                            684,           899,    31,1     030,
distri               96.7
                            961.           464.    33.8     598.
butio                         44             70       9       59

opria                          -
tion                        11,7
to                   96.7
surpl                          4


                  Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                      Annual Report 2023


tion                 -              -       -        -
to                134,           134,    26,1     161,
                  899,           899,    31,1     030,
                  464.           464.    33.8     598.
ers                 70             70       9       59

withi             100,
n          917,
own        224.

al (or


                Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                    Annual Report 2023

al (or

t by

d to

3.4.5           100,
Othe     917,
r        224.

                                             Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                 Annual Report 2023

d to



4.        1,36          82,1   498,   91,3   3,29           5,17    3,42     8,60
          1,99          65,1   141,   59,0   6,43           3,01    7,23     0,24
Bala             5,97
          4,64          44.1   018.   27.1   5,82           1,34    3,70     5,05
nce              1.54
          7.00             5     70      5   8.50           8.74    3.68     2.42

                                                                                          Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                              Annual Report 2023

as at

Legal representative:WanShan                                                          Chief Financial Officer: Tang Qionglan
Person-in-charge of the Company’s accounting organ: Liang Yuefei

8. Statements of Changes in Owners’ Equity of the Company as the Parent


                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB

                      Other equity instruments                         Other
                                                           Less:       compr              Surplu    Retain               Total
                                                 Capital                        Specifi
    Item   Share     Preferr   Perpet                      Treasu      ehensi                s       ed                 owners
                                                 reserve                          c                           Other
           capital     ed       ual      Other               ry            ve             reserve   earnin                 ’
                                                    s                           reserve
                     shares    bonds                       stock       incom                 s       gs                  equity
e as at    1,361                                                                                    2,810                4,919
                                                  7,426    82,16       498,7              322,6
           ,994,                                                                                    ,316,                ,023,
the end                                           ,635.    5,144       88,28              63,09
           647.0                                                                                    233.4                753.0
of the                                               62      .15        4.79               6.39
               0                                                                                        1                    6

ion of

                                                        Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                            Annual Report 2023


e as at
                1,361                                             2,810               4,919
the                     7,426   82,16   498,7           322,6
                ,994,                                             ,316,               ,023,
                        ,635.   5,144   88,28           63,09
beginn          647.0                                             233.4               753.0
                           62     .15    4.79            6.39
                    0                                                 1                   6
ing of
se         in                               -
                186,7   901,6                           16,58     14,37               981,3
                                        138,9   897,7
the             83,58   31,90                           5,651     1,402               40,11
                                        30,21   81.74
period           3.00    5.82                             .91       .49                3.23
compr                                       -
                                                                  165,8               26,92
ehensi                                                            56,51               6,307
ve                                                                 9.10                 .37
increas                                                                               1,088
                186,7   901,6
ed and          83,58   31,90
reduce           3.00    5.82
d        by
2.1             186,7   901,6
                83,58   31,90
Ordina                                                                                488.8
                 3.00    5.82

                Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                    Annual Report 2023

ed by
ed by
s          of
ed         in
                              -                   -
Profit          16,58
                          151,4               134,8
distrib                   85,11               99,46
                           6.61                4.70

priatio         16,58
n          to             5,651
                              -                   -
                          134,8               134,8
                          99,46               99,46
Appro                      4.70                4.70

                Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                    Annual Report 2023

n          to


e          in
) from

e          in
) from


                     Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                         Annual Report 2023


es      in
rred to

rred to

Specifi      897,7                                 897,7
c            81.74                                 81.74

3.5.1        8,010                                 8,010
             ,891.                                 ,891.
                57                                    57
e       in

                                                                                         Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                             Annual Report 2023


3.5.2                                                                          7,113                                   7,113
Used                                                                           ,109.                                   ,109.
in the                                                                            83                                      83

           1,548                                                                                   2,824               5,900
e as at                                          909,0     82,16      359,8              339,2
           ,778,                                                               897,7               ,687,               ,363,
                                                 58,54     5,144      58,07              48,74
the end    230.0                                                               81.74               635.9               866.2
                                                  1.44       .15       3.06               8.30
               0                                                                                       0                   9
of the


                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                      Other equity instruments                        Other
                                                           Less:      compr              Surplu    Retain              Total
                                                 Capital                       Specifi
 Item      Share     Preferr   Perpet                      Treasu     ehensi                s       ed                owners
                                                 reserve                         c                           Other
           capital     ed       ual      Other               ry           ve             reserve   earnin                 ’
                                                    s                          reserve
                     shares    bonds                       stock      incom                 s       gs                 equity
e as at    1,399                                                                                   2,738               5,635
                                                 22,56     250,6      984,6              741,3
           ,346,                                                                                   ,229,               ,592,
the end                                          8,665     00,87      95,76              53,34
           154.0                                                                                   003.2               062.4
of the                                             .93      4.54       5.83               7.96
               0                                                                                       7                   5


                                                Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                    Annual Report 2023

ion of

e as at
                1,399                                     2,738               5,635
the                     22,56   250,6   984,6   741,3
                ,346,                                     ,229,               ,592,
                        8,665   00,87   95,76   53,34
beginn          154.0                                     003.2               062.4
                          .93    4.54    5.83    7.96
                    0                                         7                   5
ing of
se         in       -       -       -       -       -                             -
                37,35   15,14   168,4   485,9   418,6                         716,5
the                                                       7,230
                1,507   2,030   35,73   07,48   90,25                         68,30
period                                                      .14
                  .00     .31    0.39    1.04    1.57                          9.39
compr                                       -                                     -
                                        384,9                                 267,1
ehensi                                                    54,96
                                        90,25                                 35,28
ve                                                         7.39
                                         6.85                                  9.46
increas             -       -       -               -                             -
                37,35   15,14   168,4           430,4                         314,5
ed and
                1,507   2,030   35,73           75,74                         33,55
reduce            .00     .31    0.39            8.31                          5.23
d        by
                    -       -       -               -
                37,35   4,825   168,4           126,2

                                        Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                            Annual Report 2023

2.1             1,507   ,948.   35,73   58,27
                  .00      60    0.39    4.79
ed by
ed by
s          of
ed         in
       3.                   -               -                             -
                        10,31           304,2                         314,5
                        6,081           17,47                         33,55
Other                     .71            3.52                          5.23
                                                      -                   -
Profit                                  11,78
                                                  146,6               134,8
distrib                                           84,96               99,46
                                                   1.44                4.70

priatio                                 11,78
n          to                                     5,496

                        Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                            Annual Report 2023

priatio                               -                   -
                                  134,8               134,8
n          to
                                  99,46               99,46
owners                             4.70                4.70

ers                 -
within                            17,22
owners                             4.19

e          in
) from

e          in
) from

                     Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                         Annual Report 2023


es      in
rred to

incom                          100,9
e            17,22
rred to


                                                                                 Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                     Annual Report 2023

e       in

in the
             1,361                                                                         2,810               4,919
e as at                                           7,426    82,16    498,7        322,6
             ,994,                                                                         ,316,               ,023,
                                                  ,635.    5,144    88,28        63,09
the end      647.0                                                                         233.4               753.0
                                                     62      .15     4.79         6.39
                 0                                                                             1                   6
of the

Legal representative:WanShan                                                Chief Financial Officer: Tang Qionglan
Person-in-charge of the Company’s accounting organ: Liang Yuefei

                                                                              Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                  Annual Report 2023

III Company profile

(I) Basic information

Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”), a joint-stock limited

company jointly founded by Foshan Electrical and Lighting Company, Nanhai Wuzhuang Color Glazed Brick

Field, and Foshan Poyang Printing Industrial Co. on 20 October 1992 by raising funds under the approval of

YGS (1992) No. 63 Document issued by the Joint Examination Group for Experimental Enterprises in Stock

System of Guangdong Province and the Economic System Reform Commission of Guangdong Province, is an

enterprise with its shares held by both the corporate and the natural persons. As approved by China Securities

Regulatory Commission with Document (1993) No. 33, the Company publicly issued 19.3 million shares of

social public shares (A shares) to the public in October 1993, and was listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange for

trade on 23 November 1993. The Company was approved to issue 50,000,000 B shares on 23 July 1995. And,

as approved to change into a foreign-invested stock limited company on 26 August 1996 by (1996) WJMZEHZ

No. 466 Document issued by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation of the People’s

Republic of China. On 11 December 2000, as approved by China Securities Regulatory Commission with ZJGS

Zi [2000] No. 175 Document, the Company additionally issued 55,000,000 A shares. At approved by the

Shareholders’ General Meeting 2006, 2007, 2008, 2014 and 2017 the Company implemented the plan of

capitalization of capital reserve, after the transfer, the registered capital of the Company has increased to

RMB1,399,346,154.00. The Company held the 26th Meeting of the 9th Board of Directors on 14 January 2022,

where the Proposal on Cancelling Some Shares of the Company's Repurchase Special Securities Account was

deliberated and adopted. The repurchased 13 million A shares were used for the equity incentive plan. The

remaining 18,952,995 A shares and the repurchased 18,398,512 B shares, totaling 37,351,507 shares, were all

deregistered. On 8 February 2022, it was confirmed by Shenzhen Branch of CSDC that the number of

repurchased public shares canceled this time was 37,351,507, accounting for 2.67% of the total share capital of

the Company before the cancellation, including 18,952,995 A shares and 18,398,512 B shares. Upon the

cancellation of the shares, the total share capital of the Company was changed from 1,399,346,154 shares to

1,361,994,647 shares. The Company's registered capital was changed to RMB1,361,994,647.00. On 14 March

2023, the Company held the 39th Meeting of the Ninth Session of the Board of Directors and considered and

passed the Proposal on the Company's Compliance with the Conditions for the Issuance of A Shares to Specific

Objects, and the Board of Directors agreed that the Company should apply for the issuance of shares to specific

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                                                                                                     Annual Report 2023

objects to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (''SZSE''). According to the resolutions passed at the 39th Meeting of

the Ninth Board of Directors and the First Extraordinary General Meeting of 2023, the Company applied for the

issuance of ordinary shares (A shares) not exceeding 30% of the total share capital, i.e., not exceeding

408,598,394 shares to specific investors, and 186,783,583 shares were actually issued. After the issuance of

shares, the total share capital of the Company changed from 1,361,994,647 shares to 1,548,778,230 shares, and

the registered capital of the Company changed to RMB One Billion, Five Hundred and Forty-eight Million,

Seven Hundred and Seventy-eight Thousand, Two Hundred and Thirty (RMB1,548,778,230.00).

Credibility code of the Company: 91440000190352575W.

Legal representative: Mr. Wan Shan

Corporate domicile: No. 64, Fenjiang North Road, Chancheng District, Foshan, Guangdong Province

Office address: No. 8, Zhihui Road, Chancheng District, Foshan, Guangdong Province

Main business of the company and its subsidiaries (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”): lighting products,

electro technical products, vehicle lamp products, epitaxy and chip products, LED packaging and component

products, trade and other products.

The business term of the Company is long-term, which was calculated from the date of issuance of License of

Business Corporation.

(II) Authorized issuer and date of approval of the financial report

The Financial Report was approved and authorized for issue by the Board of Directors on 17 April 2024.

(III) Consolidation scope of financial statements

The consolidation scope of the financial statement during the Reporting Period including the Company and FSL

Chanchang Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. ( referred to as “Chanchang Company”), Foshan Taimei Times Lamp Co.,

Ltd. ( referred to as “Taimei Company”), Nanjing Fozhao Lighting Components Co., Ltd. ( referred to as

“Nanjing Fozhao”), FSL (Xinxiang) Lighting Co., Ltd. ( referred to as “Xinxiang Company”), Foshan Fozhao

Zhicheng Technology Co., Ltd. ( referred to as “Zhicheng Company”), FSL Zhida Electric Technology Co., Ltd

( referred to as “Zhida Company”), Foshan Hortilite Optoelectronics Co.,Ltd. (referred to as “Hortilite

Company”), Fozhao (Hainan) Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as “Hainan Technology”), Foshan Kelian New

Energy Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as “Foshan Kelian”), Nanning Liaowang Auto Lamp Co., Ltd.

(referred to as “Nanning Liaowang”), Foshan NationStar Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. (referred to as “NationStar

Optoelectronics”) and Foshan Sigma Venture Capital Co., Ltd. (referred to as “Sigma”) in total 12 subsidiaries

and Liuzhou Guige Lighting Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as “Liuzhou Lighting”), Liuzhou Guige

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                                                                                                   Annual Report 2023

Foreshine Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as “Liuzhou Foreshine”), Chongqing Guinuo Lighting Technology

Co., Ltd. (referred to as “Chongqing Guinuo”), Qingdao Guige Lighting Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as

“Qingdao Lighting”), Indonesia Liaowang Auto Lamp Co., Ltd. (referred to as “Indonesia Liaowang”), Foshan

NationStar Electronic Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (referred to as “Guoxing Electronic”), Foshan NationStar

Semiconductor Co., Ltd. (referred to as “NationStar Semiconductor”), Nanyang Baoli Vanadium Industry Co.,

Ltd. (referred to as “Baoli Vanadium Industry”), Guangdong New Electronic Information Ltd. (referred to as

“New Electronic”), NationStar Optoelectronics (Germany) Co., Ltd. (referred to as “Germany NationStar”) and

Guangdong Fenghua Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as “Fenghua Semiconductor”) in total 11


Given that Nanyang Baoli Vanadium Industry Co., Ltd. (Baoli Vanadium) is in a state of non-continuing

operations, the Financial Statements 2023 of Baoli Vanadium were formulated at fair value or costs whichever

was lower.

The scope of consolidation of the financial statements for this period decreased by one subsidiary, FSL

LIGHTING GMBH, compared with the previous period. See Note IX "Changes in the scope of consolidation"

and Note X "Interests in other entities" for details.

IV Basis for Preparation of Financial Statements

1. Preparation Basis

The Company's financial statements are prepared on a going concern basis, based on transactions and events
that actually occur, in accordance with the provisions of the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises -
Basic Guidelines and specific accounting standards issued by the Ministry of Finance (hereinafter referred to as
"ASBEs"), as well as the relevant provisions of "No. 15 of the Rules Governing the Preparation of Information
Disclosures by Companies Offering Securities to the Public - General Provisions on Financial Reporting" of the
China Securities Regulatory Commission and on the basis of the significant accounting policies and accounting
estimates formulated.

2. Going Concern

The Company has the ability to continue as a going concern for at least 12 months from the end of the
Reporting Period and there are no material matters affecting its ability to continue as a going concern.

V Important Accounting Policies and Estimations

Reminders of the specific accounting policies and accounting estimations:

The following significant accounting policies and accounting estimates of the Company have been formulated

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                                                                                                               Annual Report 2023

in accordance with ASBEs. Operations not mentioned are treated in accordance with the relevant accounting
policies in the ASBE.

1. Statement of Compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises

The financial statements prepared by the Company are in compliance with the Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises, which factually and completely present the Company’s and the consolidated financial
positions on 31 December 2023, business results and cash flows, as well as other relevant information for 2023.

2. Fiscal Year

A fiscal year starts on January 1st and ends on December 31st according to the Gregorian calendar.

3. Operating Cycle

An operating cycle for the Company is 12 months, which is also the classification criterion for the liquidity of
its assets and liabilities.

4. Recording Currency

Renminbi is the recording currency for the statements of the Company.

5. Methods for Determining materiality standards and selection criteria

Applicable □ Not applicable
1. Materiality of Financial Statement Items
The Company determines the materiality of financial statement items based on the principle of whether such items
affect the users of financial statements making economic decisions in terms of both the nature and amount. The
materiality of financial statement items in terms of the amount is determined based on a certain percentage of
relevant items in total assets, total liabilities, net assets, operating income, and net profit. The materiality of
financial statement items in terms of nature is based on factors with a significant impact on the Company's
financial position and operating results, such as whether they are part of routine operating activities, whether they
result in changes in profit or loss, and whether they affect regulatory indicators.
2. Materiality of Detailed Items in the Notes to Financial Statement Items
The Company determines the materiality of detailed items in the notes to financial statement items based on the
materiality of the financial statement items. This determination is made by considering a certain percentage of the
specific item, or a combination of the amount of the item, taking into account the nature of the specific item.
Certain items that are not material to the financial statements may be material to the notes and still require
separate disclosure in the notes. The materiality criteria related to the notes to the financial statement items are:

                              Item                                                     Materiality criteria
                                                                  The individual amount accounts for more than 10% of the
Significant accounts receivable with bad debt provision
                                                                  account receivable or bad debt provision, and the amount
separately accrued
                                                                  exceeds RMB10 million.
                                                                  Individual amount accounts for more than 10% of the current
Bad debt provision of accounts receivable collected or reversed
                                                                  reversal of bad debt provision, and the amount exceeds RMB10
with significant amount in this year
Significant verification of accounts receivable in this year      The individual amount accounts for more than 10% of the

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                                                              account receivable or bad debt provision, and the amount
                                                              exceeds RMB10 million.
                                                              The ending balance of an individual construction in progress
Significant construction in progress                          accounts for more than 10%, and the amount exceeds RMB50
                                                              The individual amount accounts for more than 10% of accounts
Significant accounts payable/other payables over one year     payable over 1 year/other payables, and the amount exceeds
                                                              RMB10 million.
                                                              Cash flows of an individual investment accounts for more than
Significant cash flows generated from investment activities   3% of the net assets at the period-end, and the amount exceeds
                                                              RMB100 million.
                                                              Minority shareholders hold more than 5% interest and any of
                                                              the items of total assets, net assets, operating revenues and net
Significant non-wholly-owned subsidiary
                                                              profits of the subsidiary accounts for more than 10% of the
                                                              corresponding items in the consolidated financial statements.
                                                              The investment income generated from joint ventures or
                                                              associated enterprises (The loss is calculated in absolute terms)
Significant joint ventures or associated enterprises
                                                              accounts for more than 10% of the net profit of consolidated
                                                              financial statements.
Significant debt reorganization                               The influence of individual amount on net profit exceeds 10%.
                                                              The amount of an individual commitment exceeds RMB10
Significant commitments
                                                              The amount of money involved in cases exceeds RMB10
Significant contingency

6. Accounting Methods for Business Combination Involving Enterprises under and not under the Same

1. Business combination under the same control
In case of a long-term equity investment resulting from a business combination under the same control, if the
acquirer pays cash, transfers non-cash assets, assumes debts as merger consideration, the share of the Company's
equity of the acquiree obtained on combination date in the carrying value of the financial statements of the
ultimate controlling party is deemed as an initial investment cost of long-term equity investments. If the acquirer
issues equity instruments as consideration for a combination, the total par value of the shares issued is treated as
equity. The difference between the initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment and the carrying
amount of the consideration for consolidation (or the total nominal value of shares issued) shall be adjusted to
capital surplus; if capital surplus is not sufficient to offset the difference, retained earnings shall be adjusted.
2. Business combination not involving entities under the same control
In case of business combination involving enterprises not under the same control, the combination costs shall be
the total fair values of the assets paid, liabilities incurred or assumed and the equity securities issued on the date of
acquisition by the acquirer in exchange for control on the acquiree. Identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent
liabilities of the acquiree acquired in a business combination not under the same control that qualify for
recognition are measured at fair value on the date of acquisition. The acquirer recognizes as goodwill the
difference between the combination costs and the fair value share of the identifiable net assets of the acquiree
obtained in the combination. If the combination costs are less than the fair value share of the acquiree's
identifiable net assets obtained in the combination, the difference between the combination costs still less than the
fair value share of the acquiree's identifiable net assets obtained in the combination after review shall be included
in the non-operating revenue for the current period.

7. Criteria for Judging Control and Methods for Preparing Consolidated Financial Statements

1. Judgment criteria for control

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The scope of consolidation of the consolidated financial statements is determined on the basis of control. An
investee is considered to be controlled if the following three elements are present: the possession of power over
the investee, the enjoyment of variable returns as a result of participating in the relevant activities of the
investee, and the ability to use the power over the investee to affect the amount of returns.
2. Preparation methods for consolidation financial statements

(1) Unification of accounting policies, balance sheet dates and accounting periods of parent and subsidiary
If the accounting policies and accounting period adopted by the subsidiaries are inconsistent with those of the
Company, necessary adjustments are made in accordance with the accounting policies and accounting period of
the Company when preparing the consolidated financial statements.
(2) Offsetting items in the consolidated financial statements
The consolidated financial statements are based on the financial statements of the Company and its subsidiaries
and have been offset by internal transactions that occurred between the Company and its subsidiaries and between
subsidiaries. The share of owners' equity of subsidiaries that do not belong to the Company is presented as
minority interests in the consolidated balance sheet under the item of shareholders' equity as "minority interests".
Long-term equity investments held by subsidiaries are deemed as the Company's treasury stock and presented as a
deduction from shareholders' equity in the consolidated balance sheet under the item "Less: treasury stock".
(3) Accounting treatment of the acquisition of subsidiaries through consolidation
For subsidiaries acquired through a business combination under common control, the assets, liabilities, operating
results, and cash flows are included in the consolidated financial statements from the beginning of the period of
consolidation as if the business combination had occurred at the time the ultimate controlling party began to
exercise control; for subsidiaries acquired through a business combination, not under the same control, the fair
value of the identifiable net assets on the acquisition date is used as the basis for preparing the consolidated
financial statements. The financial statements are adjusted based on the fair value of the identifiable net assets on
the acquisition date.
(4) Accounting treatment of disposal of subsidiaries
If a long-term equity investment in a subsidiary is partially disposed of without loss of control, the difference
between the disposal price and the share of the net assets of the subsidiary corresponding to the disposal of the
long-term equity investment calculated on an ongoing basis from the acquisition date or the consolidation date is
adjusted to capital surplus in the consolidated financial statements, and retained earnings is adjusted if the capital
surplus is not sufficient to cover the reduction. If the control over the investee is lost due to the disposal of part of
equity investments, the residual equity are re-measured at fair value on the date of loss of control. The aggregate
of the consideration obtained by disposing of the equity and the fair value of the remaining equity less the portion
of the net assets of the subsidiary that has been measured, as calculated at the original shareholding proportion,
from the acquisition date or combination date is recognized in profit and loss of the current period on investments
in which the control is lost, and goodwill shall be offset. Other comprehensive income related to the equity
investments in the former subsidiary shall be included in the return on investment for the current period when the
Company lost the control.

8. Classification of Joint Operation Arrangements and Accounting Methods for Joint Operations

1. Classification of joint arrangements
Joint arrangements are divided into joint operations and joint ventures. The joint arrangements not reached
through separate entities are classified as joint operations. Separate entities refer to entities with separate
identifiable financial structures, including separate legal entities and entities that do not have legal entity status but
are recognized by law. The joint arrangements reaching through separate entities are usually classified as joint
ventures. Where changes in relevant facts and circumstances result in changes in the rights and obligations of the
joint venture parties in the joint venture arrangement, the joint venture parties shall reassess the classification of
the joint venture arrangement.

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                                                                                                      Annual Report 2023

2. Accounting treatment of joint operations
As a participant in a joint operation, the Company recognizes the following items related to its share of interest in
the joint operations. It accounts for them following the relevant Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises:
Recognition of assets or liabilities held separately, and recognition of assets or liabilities held jointly on a share
basis; recognition of revenue from the sale of the share of output from the joint operation to which it is entitled;
recognition of revenue from the joint operation arising from the sale of output on a share basis; and recognition of
expenses incurred separately, and recognition of expenses incurred in the joint operation on a share basis.
If the Company is a participant in a joint operation that does not enjoy joint control, and it owns the underlying
assets of the joint operation and assumes the liabilities related to the joint operation, the accounting treatment of
the joint operation partner shall be referred to; otherwise, the accounting treatment shall be carried out in
accordance with the relevant enterprise accounting standards.
3. Accounting treatment of joint ventures
If the Company is a joint venture partner, it shall account for its investment in joint ventures following the
provisions of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 2-Long-term Equity Investments; if the
Company is a non-joint venture partner, it shall account for its investment in such joint ventures based on the
extent of its influence on such joint ventures.

9. Recognition Criteria of Cash and Cash Equivalents

Cash, as determined by the Company in preparing the statement of cash flows, represents the Company's cash on
hand and deposits that are readily available for disbursement. Cash equivalents identified in the preparation of the
statement of cash flows are investments that are held for a short period of time, are highly liquid, are readily
convertible to known amounts of cash and are subject to an insignificant risk of change in value.

10. Translation of Transactions and Financial Statements Denominated in Foreign Currencies

1. Conversion of foreign currency business
Foreign currency shall be recognized by employing systematic and reasonable methods, and shall be translated
into the amount in the functional currency at the exchange rate which is approximate to the spot exchange rate of
the transaction date. Exchange differences arising from the difference between the spot rate on that date and the
spot rate at initial recognition or on the previous balance sheet date are recognized in profit or loss, except for
exchange differences on special borrowings in foreign currencies that qualify for capitalization, which are
capitalized in the period in which they are capitalized and charged to the cost of the related assets. Non-monetary
items measured at historical costs in foreign currencies are still translated at the spot exchange rate on the
transaction date with the amount of standard currency for accounting unchanged. Non-monetary items measured
at fair value in foreign currencies are translated at the spot exchange rate on the date when the fair value is
determined. The difference between the amount of standard currency for accounting after translation and the
original amount shall be treated as a change in fair value (including exchange rate changes) and recognized in
current profit or loss or in other comprehensive income.
2. Conversion of foreign currency financial statements
If the Company's subsidiaries, joint ventures, and affiliated business use a different bookkeeping base currency
from the Company's, they need to convert their foreign currency financial statements before conducting
accounting and preparing consolidated financial statements. The assets and liabilities in the balance sheet shall be
translated at the spot rate on the balance sheet date. All items of owners' equity, except for "undistributed profit",
shall be translated at the spot exchange rate at the time of occurrence. Items under revenue and expenses in the
income statement are translated at the spot exchange rate on the transaction date. The exchange difference in
translating foreign operations arising from the translation are shown under other comprehensive income in the
owner's equity line in the balance sheet. Cash flows in foreign currencies shall be translated at the spot exchange
rate on the date of occurrence of the cash flows. The impact of exchange rate changes on cash is presented
separately in the cash flow statement. When an overseas operation is disposed of, the foreign currency statement

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translation difference related to the overseas operation is transferred to the current profit and loss of the disposal in
full or in proportion to the disposal of the overseas operation.

11. Financial Instruments

1. Classification, recognition and measurement of financial instruments
(1) Financial assets
Based on the business model for managing financial assets and the contractual cash flow characteristics of
financial assets, the Company classifies its financial assets into the following three categories:
a) Financial assets are measured at the amortized cost. The business model of the Company for managing such
financial assets aims at obtaining contractual cash flow, and the characteristics of contractual cash flow of such
financial assets are basically the same as basic borrowing arrangement, namely the cash flow arising on a specific
date, which are solely payments of principal and interest on the principal amount outstanding. Interest income is
subsequently recognized on such financial assets on the basis of the effective interest method.
b) Financial assets at fair value and changes included in other comprehensive income The business model of the
Company for managing such financial assets aims at receiving contractual cash flow as well as selling, and the
characteristics of contractual cash flow of such financial assets are basically the same as basic borrowing
arrangement. Such financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value with changes recognized in other
comprehensive income, except for interest income, impairment losses or gains calculated in accordance with the
effective interest method and foreign exchange gains or losses recognized in the current profit or loss.
c) Financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss for the current period Financial assets held that are
not classified as at amortized cost and at fair value through other comprehensive income are measured at fair
value, with gains or losses (including interest and dividend income) recognized in profit or loss for the current
period. On initial recognition, a financial asset may be irrevocably designated as financial asset at fair value
through profit or loss if the accounting mismatch can be eliminated or reduced. The designation shall not be
revoked once made.
For instruments in non-business equity instruments, the Company may irrevocably assign such investments as
financial assets (equity instruments) measured at fair value through other comprehensive income at initial
recognition. The assignment is made based on investments by item, and the relevant investments meet the
definition of an equity instrument from the issuer's perspective. Such financial assets are subsequently measured at
fair value, and except for dividends received (except for the portion which forms part of investment cost
recovered), which are recognized in profit or loss, all other related gains and losses are recognized in other
comprehensive income and are not subsequently transferred to current profit or loss.
(2) Financial liabilities
On initial recognition, financial liabilities are classified into the following categories:
a) Financial liabilities measured at fair value through profit and loss for the current period. Such financial
liabilities are subsequently measured at fair value, and the resulting gains or losses are recognized in profit or loss
for the current period.
b) Financial liabilities that arise when a transfer of a financial asset does not qualify for derecognition or when the
continuing involvement approach applies.
c) Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost. Such financial liabilities are measured at amortized cost using
the effective interest method.
 2. Method for recognizing the fair value of financial instruments
For a financial instrument with an active market, its fair value is determined by its quoted price in the active
market; for a financial instrument without an active market, its fair value is determined by valuation techniques.
Under limited circumstances, if the information used to determine fair value is insufficient, or if the range of
possible estimates of fair value is wide and the cost represents the best estimate of fair value within that range, the
cost may represent its appropriate estimate of fair value within that range of distribution. The Company uses all

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                                                                                                      Annual Report 2023

information available after the initial recognition date about the investee's performance and operations to
determine whether the cost represents fair value.
3. Derecognition of financial instruments
A financial asset is derecognized when one of the following conditions is met: (1) the contractual right to receive
cash flows from the financial asset is terminated; (2) the financial asset is transferred and the conditions for
derecognition are met.
If the present obligation of a financial liability is discharged in whole or in part, the discharged portion is
derecognized. If an existing liability is replaced by another financial liability from the same creditor on
substantially different terms, or the terms of an existing liability are substantially modified, the existing financial
liability is derecognized and a new financial liability is recognized simultaneously. All regular acquisitions or
sales of financial assets are recognized and derecognized on a transaction date basis.

12. Notes Receivable

The determination methods and accounting methods of notes receivable are detailed in Note V-13. Accounts

13. Accounts Receivable

1. Measurement of expected credit loss
The Company uses expected credit losses as the basis for impairment accounting and recognizes an allowance for
bad debts for financial assets measured at amortized cost (including accounts receivable, including notes
receivable and accounts receivable), financing receivables, lease receivables, and other receivables.
2. Recognition method for expected credit losses
The general approach to expected credit losses is that: the Company assesses whether the credit risk of the
relevant financial instruments has increased significantly since the initial recognition on each balance sheet date,
divides the process of credit impairment of financial instruments into three stages, and applies different
accounting treatments to the impairment of financial instruments at different stages: (1) in the first stage, if the
credit risk of a financial instrument has not increased significantly since the initial recognition, the Company will
measure the loss reserves according to the amount equivalent to the expected credit losses in the next 12 months,
and calculate the interest revenue according to the book balance (i.e., before deducting the provision for
impairment) and the actual interest rate; (2) In the second stage, if the credit risk of a financial instrument has
increased significantly since the initial recognition but no credit impairment has occurred, the Company will
measure the loss reserves based on the expected credit loss over the entire life of the financial instrument and
calculates interest revenue based on the carrying amount of the financial instrument and the effective interest rate;
(3) In the third stage, if credit impairment occurs after the initial recognition, the Company will measure the loss
reserves based on the expected credit loss over the life of the financial instrument and calculates interest revenue
based on the amortized cost (carrying amount less provision for impairment) and the effective interest rate.
The simplified approach for expected credit losses is to always measure the allowance for losses at an amount
equal to the expected credit losses throughout their lives.
3. Accounting methods of the expected credit losses
To reflect the changes in credit risk of financial instruments since initial recognition, the Company remeasures
expected credit losses at each balance sheet date. The resulting increase or reversal amount of the loss provision
should be recognized as an impairment loss or gain in profit or loss and offset against the carrying amount of the
financial asset as stated in the balance sheet or included in projected liabilities, depending on the type of financial
instrument (loan commitments or financial guarantee contracts).
4. Method of the provision for losses on the measurement of receivables, lease receivables

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(1) Receivables with no significant financing component. For receivables arising from transactions governed by
Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises No. 14 - Revenue that do not have a significant financing
component, the Company uses a simplified approach whereby the allowance for losses is always measured on the
basis of expected credit losses throughout their lives.

①Accounts receivable of expected credit losses withdrawn individually
 Rationale for a single provision for expected
                                                                                        Objective evidence of impairment
                 credit losses
                                                        The impairment tests are conducted separately for accounts receivable individually
                                                        accrued. An impairment loss is recognized based on the difference between the
Individual accruals for expected credit losses
                                                        present value of future cash flows and their carrying amount, and an expected credit
                                                        loss is recorded

②Accounts Receivable with Expected Credit Losses Provision Based on Credit Risk Portfolio
        Portfolio name                      Basis for portfolio recognition                   Determination method of expected credit losses

                                   General lighting, auto lamps and other
                                                                                        Prepare the comparative list between aging of accounts
                                   relevant business with the Company as the
Business      portfolio       of                                                        receivable and expected credit loss rate over the entire life
                                   parent     and      the    subsidiary   Nanning
general lighting and auto                                                               and calculate the expected credit loss by consulting
                                   Liaowang      as     the    representative,   this
lamps                                                                                   historical experience in credit losses, combining current
                                   portfolio takes the aging of accounts
                                                                                        situation and prediction for future economic situation.
                                   receivable as the credit risk characteristics
                                   LED packaging, components and other
                                                                                        Prepare the comparative list between aging of accounts
                                   relevant    business       with   the subsidiary
                                                                                        receivable and expected credit loss rate over the entire life
Business portfolio of LED NationStar                  Optoelectronics      as    the
                                                                                        and calculate the expected credit loss by consulting
packaging and components representative, this portfolio takes the aging
                                                                                        historical experience in credit losses, combining current
                                   of accounts receivable as the credit risk
                                                                                        situation and prediction for future economic situation.

Internal business portfolio        Related parties and internal transactions            Other methods

Notes Receivable for which the Expected Credit Loss is Withdrawn by Credit Risk Characteristics
        Portfolio name                      Basis for portfolio recognition                   Determination method of expected credit losses

Portfolio 1                        Bank acceptance bill                                 Low credit risk with no provision for bad debts

                                                                                        Prepare the comparative list between aging of accounts
                                                                                        receivable and expected credit loss rate over the entire life
Portfolio 2                        Trade acceptance                                     and calculate the expected credit loss by consulting
                                                                                        historical experience in credit losses, combining current
                                                                                        situation and prediction for future economic situation.

The aging analyses are based on their date of entry into the accounts.
Among portfolios, expected credit losses accrued by aging analysis:

                                                                                         Expected credit loss rate
                                                    Business portfolio of general lighting and          Business portfolio of LED packaging and

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                                                   auto lamps                                  components

Within 1 year (including 1 year)                      3%                                            2%

1 to 2 years                                         10%                                           10%

2 to 3 years                                         30%                                           30%

3 to 4 years                                         50%                                           50%

4 to 5 years                                         80%                                           80%

Over 5 years                                         100%                                         100%

(2) Receivables and lease receivables containing significant financing components.
  For receivables with significant financing components and lease receivables, the Company measures the
provision for losses in accordance with the general method, i.e., the "three-stage" model. The credit risk
characteristics grouping, the aging calculation method based on the credit risk characteristics grouping, and the
criteria for determining individual provisioning are consistent with the recognition standards for those without
financing components.
5. Method of measuring loss provision for other financial assets
For financial assets other than those mentioned above, such as debt investments, other debt investments, other
receivables and long-term receivables other than lease receivables, the Company measures the allowance for
losses in accordance with the general method, i.e. the "three-stage" model.
(1) Categories of bad debt provision according to credit risk characteristics and basis of determination
The Company divides other receivables into certain credit risk combinations based on the nature of the amounts. It
calculates expected credit losses based on the combinations, and the basis for determining the combinations is as

                     Portfolio name                                     Basis for portfolio recognition

Porfolio 1: Deposit, security deposit              Based on nature of accounts

Porfolio 2: Amounts from related parties           Based on nature of accounts

Porfolio 3: Advances on behalf of others           Based on nature of accounts

(2) Aging calculation method for recognizing credit risk combinations based on aging
Refer to the description of receivables with no significant financing components.
(3) Criteria for determining the bad debt provision based on individual items
Refer to the description of receivables with no significant financing components.

14. Accounts Receivable Financing

The determination methods and accounting methods of receivables financing are detailed in Note V-13.
Accounts Receivable.

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                                                                                                           Annual Report 2023

15. Other Receivables

The determination methods and accounting methods of expected credit losses of other receivables is the same as
that of accounts receivable, as detailed in Note V-13. Accounts Receivable.

16. Contract Assets

The Company presents the right to receive consideration for goods or services that have been transferred to the
customer (and which is dependent on factors other than time-lapse) as a contract asset. The provision for
impairment of contract assets is made with reference to the method of determining expected credit losses in this
Contract assets are categorized into the following portfolios according to credit risk characteristics:

                        Portfolio                                               Determination basis
                                                     General lighting, automotive lamps and related businesses represented by
Portfolio 1: General lighting and lamps business
                                                     the parent company and its subsidiary Nanning Liaowang. This portfolio
                                                     uses the aging of accounts receivable as the credit risk characteristic.
                                                     LED packaging, components and other related businesses represented by
Portfolio 2: LED packaging and components business
                                                     subsidiary NationStar Optoelectronics. This portfolio uses the aging of
                                                     accounts receivable as the credit risk characteristic
Portfolio 3: Internal business portfolio             This portfolio involves related-party transactions and internal transactions

17. Inventory

1. Classification of inventories
Inventories refer to the Company's finished goods or commodities for sale held in daily activities, unfinished
goods in manufacturing process, and materials and supplies consumed in process of manufacturing products or
providing services, etc. Inventories mainly include raw materials, goods in process, materials in transit, finished
goods, commodities, turnover materials, materials commissioned for processing, etc. Turnover materials include
low-value consumables and packaging materials.
2. Pricing method of issuing inventories
Inventories are valuated at the actual cost of the acquisition, and the inventory costs include procurement costs
and processing costs. Inventories are valuated using the weighted average method when being issued.
3. Inventory system of inventories
The perpetual inventory system is adopted for the inventories of the Company.
4. Amortization of low-value consumables and packing materials
The one-off charge-off method is used for low-value consumables and packaging materials.
5. Criteria for Recognizing and Accrual method of provision for decline in value of inventories
Net realizable value refers to the amount after deducting the cost estimated until completion, estimated selling
expenses, and relevant taxes from the estimated selling price of the inventory. The Company determines the net
realizable value of inventories based on solid evidence obtained and after taking into consideration the purpose for
which the inventory is held, and the impact of post-balance sheet events.
The net realizable value of finished goods, materials for sale, and other merchandise inventories used directly for
sale is determined in the normal course of production and operation as the estimated selling price of such
inventories, less estimated selling expenses, and related taxes.
The net realizable value of material inventories subject to processing is determined in the normal course of
production operations as the estimated selling price of the finished goods produced, less the estimated costs to be

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incurred to completion, estimated selling expenses, and related taxes. The Company determines the net realizable
value of inventories based on solid evidence obtained and after taking into consideration the purpose for which the
inventory is held, and the impact of post-balance sheet events.

18. Assets Held for Sale

1. Recognition criteria and accounting treatment for non-current assets classified as held for sale or disposal
A non-current asset or disposal group whose carrying value will be recovered principally through sale rather than
through continuing use is classified as held for sale and meets the following conditions: first, it is immediately
available for sale under current conditions based on the customary practice for sales of such assets or disposal
groups in similar transactions; and second, it is highly probable that the sale will occur, i.e., the enterprise has
already resolved on a plan for the sale and has obtained a firm commitment to purchase, and it is expected that the
sale is expected to be completed within one year. The relevant regulations require the approval of the relevant or
regulatory authority of the enterprise before the sale shall have been approved.
When the Company initially measures or remeasures non-current assets or disposal groups held for sale on the
balance sheet date, if the carrying value is higher than the fair value minus the net amount of the sale costs, the
carrying value will be written down to the net amount of fair value minus the sale costs. The amount written down
will be recognized as asset impairment loss and included in current profit and loss, and provision for impairment
of assets held for sale will be made.
The amount of asset impairment loss recognized for disposal groups held for sale shall be offset against the
carrying value of goodwill in the disposal group first, and then against the carrying value of each non-current asset
proportionately according to the proportion of the carrying value of each non-current asset in the disposal group as
defined in the applicable measurement of the "Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises - Non-current
Assets Held for Sale, Disposal Groups and Discontinued Operations".
2. Recognition criteria and presentation of discontinued operations
Discontinued operations is a separately distinguishable component that meets one of the following conditions and
that has been disposed of by the Company or classified by the Company as held for sale: the component
represents a separate principal business or a separate principal operating area; the component is part of a related
program of proposed dispositions of a separate principal business or a separate principal operating area; The
component is a subsidiary acquired specifically for resale.
The Company presents gains and losses from continuing operations and gains and losses from discontinued
operations separately in the statement of income. Operating gains and losses, such as impairment losses and
reversal amounts for discontinued operations, and gains and losses on disposals are presented as gains and losses
from discontinued operations. The revenues, expenses, gross profit, income tax expense (benefit) and net profit
from discontinued operations, impairment losses recognized on assets or disposal groups of discontinued
operations and the amount of their reversal, total gain or loss on disposal of discontinued operations, income tax
expense (benefit) and net gain or loss on disposal, net cash flows from operating activities, investing activities and
financing activities of discontinued operations, and gains and losses from continuing operations and gains and
losses from discontinued operations attributable to owners of the parent company are disclosed in the notes.

19. Investment in Debt Obligations

Not applicable

20. Other Investment in Debt Obligations

The determination methods and accounting methods of other investment in debt obligations are detailed in Note
V-11. Financial Instruments.

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                                                                                                      Annual Report 2023

21. Long-term Receivables

Not applicable

22. Long-term Equity Investments

1. Judgment criteria for joint control and significant influence
Joint control means that activities that have a significant impact on the return of an arrangement must be decided
upon with the unanimous consent of the participants sharing control, including sales and purchases of goods or
services, management of financial assets, purchases and disposals of assets, research and development activities,
and financing activities. Significant influence refers to the condition where an investor holds between 20% to 50%
of the voting capital in an investee, generally indicating a significant influence. Or, although less than 20%,
having a significant influence when one of the following conditions is met: Representation on the board of
directors or similar authority of the investee; participation in the policy-making process of the investee;
assignment of management personnel to the investee; reliance of the investee on the technology or technical
information of the investee; and major transactions with the investee.
2. Determination of initial investment cost
For long-term equity investments acquired through a business combination, in the case of a business combination
under the same control, the initial investment cost of the long-term equity investment shall be the share of the
owners' equity of the party being combined in the consolidated financial statements of the ultimate controlling
party on the combination date; in the case of a business combination not under the same control, the initial
investment cost of the long-term equity investment shall be the cost of combination determined on the acquisition
date; for long-term equity investments acquired by paying cash, the initial investment cost is the actual purchase
price paid; for long-term equity investments acquired by issuing equity securities, the initial investment cost is the
fair value of the equity securities issued; for long-term equity investments acquired through debt restructuring, the
initial investment cost is determined in accordance with the relevant provisions of Accounting Standards for
Business Enterprises No. 12-Debt Restructuring; for long-term equity investments acquired through exchange of
non-monetary assets, the initial investment cost is determined in accordance with the relevant provisions of
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 7-Exchange of Non-monetary Assets.
3. Method of subsequent measurement and recognition of profit or loss
Long-term equity investments in which the Company can exercise control over the investees are accounted for by
the cost method, and long-term equity investments in associates and joint ventures are accounted for by the equity
method. If a portion of the Company's equity investments in affiliates is held indirectly through venture capital
institutions, mutual funds, trust companies, or similar entities, including investment-linked funds, regardless of
whether the above entities have significant influence over this portion of the investment, the Company treats it in
accordance with the relevant provisions of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 22-Recognition
and Measurement of Financial Instruments and accounts for the remaining portion with the equity method.

23. Investment Properties

Measurement model of investment property
Measurement of cost method
Depreciation or amortization method
The Company's investment property include leased land use rights, leased buildings, and land use rights held and
ready to be transferred after appreciation. Investment property is initially measured according to cost, and then
measured by cost model.
The Company uses the composite life depreciation method for buildings leased out of investment properties, and
the specific accounting policies are the same as those for fixed assets. Land use rights leased out of investment
properties and land use rights held and intended to be transferred after appreciation are amortized through the
straight-line method with the same accounting policies as those for the intangible assets segment.

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                                                                                                       Annual Report 2023

24. Fixed Assets

(1) Recognition conditions

The fixed assets refer to tangible assets held for production of goods, provision of labour services, lease or
business with a service life of over a fiscal year. Recognition is made when the following conditions are met: The
economic benefits associated with the fixed-asset will probably flow to the enterprise; the cost of the fixed-asset
can be measured reliably.

(2) Depreciation method

                                                                                                  Annual depreciation
      Category          Depreciation method       Depreciable life       Residual value rate

Houses and buildings                           3-36 years             1%-10%                    31.67%-3.17%
                       depreciation method

Machinery equipment                            2-11 years             1%-10%                    47.50%-8.18%
                       depreciation method

Transportation         Straight-line
                                               5-10 years             1%-10%                    19.00%-9.50%
equipment              depreciation method

Electronic equipment                           2-8 years              1%-10%                    47.50%-11.88%
                       depreciation method

Other equipment                                5 years                5%-10%                    19%-18%
                       depreciation method
The Company's fixed assets are mainly classified into: buildings and structures, machinery and equipment,
electronic equipment, transportation equipment, etc. The depreciation method is the average annual limit
method. The service lives and estimated residual values of fixed assets are determined according to the nature
and utilization of each category of fixed assets. At the end of the year, the service lives, estimated residual
values and depreciation methods of fixed assets are reviewed, and adjustments are made accordingly if there are
differences from the original estimates. All fixed assets are depreciated, except for fully depreciated fixed assets
that continue to be used and land that is separately accounted for.

25. Construction in Progress

The Company's construction in progress is divided into two types: Construction on a self-operation basis and a
contracted basis. The criteria and time point for carrying forward construction in progress to fixed assets are
based on the construction in progress reaching its intended state of use. The standard for determining the
intended usable condition shall be one of the following: The physical construction (including installation) of the
fixed assets has been fully completed or substantially completed; production or trial operation has been
conducted, and the results show that the assets can operate normally or can steadily produce qualified products,
or the results of the trial operation show that they can function normally or operate; the amount of expenditure
on the fixed assets constructed is little or almost no longer incurred; the fixed assets acquired have met the
design or contract requirements, or are substantially consistent with the design or contract requirements.

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                                                                                                        Annual Report 2023

26. Borrowing Costs

1. Recognition principles for the capitalization of borrowing costs
If the borrowing costs incurred by the Company can be directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or
production of assets that meet the capitalization conditions, they shall be capitalized and included in the costs of
the underlying assets; other borrowing costs recognized as costs according to the amount incurred shall be
included in the profit and loss for the current period. Assets eligible for capitalization refer to assets, such as fixed
assets, investment properties, and inventories that require a long period for their acquisition or production
activities to reach the expected usable or saleable status.
2. Calculation of capitalization amount
The capitalization period refers to the period from when the capitalization of borrowing costs starts to when the
capitalization stops. The period during which capitalization of borrowing costs is suspended is not included.
Capitalization of borrowing costs shall be suspended if there is an abnormal interruption in the course of
acquisition or production and the interruption lasts for more than three consecutive months.
Borrowing of special borrowings is determined by the interest expense incurred in the period of the special
borrowings, less the interest revenue expenditure earned by depositing the unused borrowed funds in banks or the
investment income earned by making temporary investments; the appropriation of general borrowings is
determined by multiplying the weighted average amount of asset expenses over the portion of special borrowings
by the capitalization rate of the general borrowings appropriated, which is the weighted average interest rate of
general borrowings; if there is a discount or premium on borrowings, the amount of discount or premium to be
amortized in each accounting period is determined by the effective interest rate method. The amount of interest is
adjusted for each period.
The effective interest rate method is a method of calculating the amortized discount or premium or interest
expense on a borrowing based on its effective interest rate. The effective interest rate method calculates the
amortized discount or premium or interest expense on a borrowing based on its effective interest rate.

27. Living Assets

Not applicable

28. Oil and Gas Assets

Not applicable

29. Intangible Assets

1. Pricing method of intangible assets
The Company initially measures the intangible assets at cost. For the acquired intangible assets, the actual prices
paid and related expenses shall be regarded as the actual costs. The actual cost of intangible assets invested by
investors shall be recognized according to the value agreed upon in the investment contract or agreement. In case
of unfair contract or agreement, the actual cost shall be recognized according to the fair value. The cost of self-
developed intangible assets shall be the total expenditure incurred before they reach the intended use.
2. Service life and its determination basis, estimation, amortization method, or review procedure
Intangible assets with finite service lives are amortized on a straight-line basis over their service lives, and the
service lives and amortization methods of intangible assets are reviewed at the end of the year and adjusted
accordingly if there are differences from the original estimates. Intangible assets with indefinite service lives are
not amortized, but are reviewed at the end of the year for service lives and estimated when there is conclusive
evidence that the service life is finite.
The useful life and its determination basis and amortization method of intangible assets with restricted useful life:

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                                                                                                         Annual Report 2023

         Category                 Useful life         Determination basis of useful life        Amortization method
Land use right            20-50                       Duration of land use rights          Method of line
                                                      Expected number of years of
Patent use right          5-20                                                             Method of line
                                                      Expected number of years of
Software use right        3-10                                                             Method of line

The intangible assets are regarded as intangible assets with uncertain service life if the term during which they can
bring economic benefits to the Company is unforeseeable or if their usage period is uncertain. The bases for
determining of uncertain service life are: The intangible assets come from contractual or other legal rights, but the
contract or laws have no certain stipulations of the service life; the term during which the intangible assets bring
economic benefits to the Company is still unforeseeable even with consideration of peer status or demonstrations
of related professionals.
At the end of each year, the review of service life of intangible assets with uncertain service life mainly adopts the
method of reviewing from lower department to upper department, where departments related to the use of
intangible assets shall conduct the basic review and make assessment of whether the determining basis of
uncertain service life changes.
3. The scope of R&D expenditure collection and the related accounting treatment
The scope of the Company's R&D expenditures is mainly formulated based on the Company's research and
development projects, which mainly includes: including R&D personnel's employee remuneration, direct input
expenses, depreciation expenses and long-term amortization expenses, design expenses, equipment
commissioning expenses, amortization expenses of intangible assets, commissioned external research and
development expenses, and other expenses, etc.
Expenditures incurred during the research phase of an internal research and development project are recognized in
profit or loss when incurred; expenditures incurred during the development phase that meet the conditions for
recognition as an intangible asset are transferred to intangible asset accounting.
Specific criteria for dividing the research phase and development phase of internal research and development
projects: The expenditures in internal research and development projects of the Company are classified into
expenditures in research stage and expenditures in development stage. The expenditures in research stage are
included in the current profits and losses when incurred. The expenditures in development stage are recognized as
intangible assets when meeting the following conditions:
(1) The completion of the intangible assets makes it technically feasible for using or selling;
(2) Having the intention to complete and use or sell the intangible assets;
(3) The way in which an intangible asset generates economic benefits, including the proof that the products
produced with the intangible assets can be sold in a market or the proof of its usefulness if the intangible assets
can be sold in a market and will be used internally;
(4) Having sufficient technical, financial resources and other resources to support the development of the
intangible assets and the ability to use or sell the intangible assets;
(5) Expenditure attributable to the development stage of intangible assets can be measured reliably.
The cost of self-developed intangible assets includes the total expenditure incurred after meeting intangible assets
recognition criterion and before reaching intended use. Expenditures that have been expensed in previous periods
are no longer adjusted.

30. Impairment of Long-term Assets

For long-term assets having the indication of impairment on balance sheet date such as long-term equity
investments, investment property measured in cost mode, fixed assets, construction in progress, productive living
assets measured in cost mode, oil and gas assets, and intangible assets, the Company shall test the impairment. If

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the impairment test results indicate that the recoverable amount of the asset is lower than its book value, the
impairment provision shall be made at the difference and included in the impairment loss.
The recoverable amount is the higher of the fair value of the asset minus the disposal cost and the present value of
the expected future cash flow of the asset. The provision for impairment of assets is calculated and recognized on
the basis of individual assets. If it is difficult to estimate the recoverable amount of individual assets, the
recoverable amount of the asset group shall be recognized by the asset group to which the asset belongs. The asset
group is the smallest portfolio of assets that can generate cash inflows independently.
Goodwill presented separately in the financial statements shall be tested for impairment every year, whether or not
there is any indication of impairment. The book value of the goodwill shall be apportioned to the asset group or
portfolio of asset groups that is expected to benefit from the synergies of the business combination when the
impairment test is conducted. The corresponding impairment loss is recognized if the test results indicate that the
recoverable amount of the asset group or portfolio of asset groups containing the apportioned goodwill is lower
than its book value. The amount of the impairment loss shall offset the book value of the goodwill apportioned to
the asset group or portfolio of asset groups, and offset the book value of other assets in proportion according to the
proportion of the book value of other assets except the goodwill in the asset group or portfolio of asset groups.
Once the impairment loss of the above asset is recognized, the portion that the value is restored will not be written
back in subsequent periods.

31. Long-term Prepaid Expense

Long-term prepaid expense refers to general expenses with the apportioned period over one year (excluding one
year) that have occurred but are attributable to the current and future periods. Long-term prepaid expense shall be
amortized averagely within benefit period. In case of no benefit in the future accounting period, the amortized
value of such item that fails to be amortized shall be transferred into the current profits and losses.

32. Contract Liabilities

The Company presents the obligation of transferring goods to or providing services for customers for
consideration received or receivable as a contract liability. The Company presents contract asset and contract
liability under the same contract on a net basis.

33. Payroll

Employee benefits refer to all forms of remuneration or compensation given by the Company for services
rendered by employees or for the termination of employment relationships. Employee benefits mainly include
short-term benefits, post-employment benefits, termination benefits and other long-term employee benefits.
(1) Accounting treatments for short-term benefits
The short-term compensation actually happened during the accounting period when the active staff offering the
service for the Company should be recognized as liabilities and is included in the current profits and losses except
for those required or allowed to be included in the assets cost by the Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises. The employee services benefits actually happened in the Company shall be included in the current
profits and losses or relevant assets cost according to the actual amount. Of which the non-monetary benefits
should be measured according to the fair value. During the accounting term in which employees provide service,
the Company calculates and determines the corresponding payroll amount in accordance with the withdrawal
basis and withdrawal proportion specified in regulations with the social insurance premiums such as medical
insurance premiums, industrial injury insurance premium and birth insurance premium, housing fund, and the
labour union budget and employee education budget withdrawn in regulations, and then recognizes it as liabilities
that are included in the current profits and losses or relevant assets cost.
(2) Accounting treatment of the welfare after demission
The payable and deposit amount calculated according to the defined contribution plan during the accounting
period when the active staff offering the service for the Company is recognized as liabilities and is included in the

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current profits and losses or relevant assets cost. The benefit obligations arising from the defined benefit plan shall
be attributable to the period in which the employees provide services based on the formula determined by
expected cumulative welfare unit method and included in current profits and losses or cost of relevant asset.
(3) Accounting treatment of the demission welfare
When offering the demission welfare, the Company shall recognize the payroll liabilities incurred from the
demission welfare on the earlier of the date when the Company could not unilaterally withdraw the demission
welfare offered by the plan or layoff proposal owing to termination of the labour relationship or the date when the
Company recognizes the cost related to the reorganization of the payment of the demission welfare, and include
the payroll liabilities into the current profits and losses:
(4) Accounting treatment of the welfare of other long-term staffs
The other long-term welfare that the Company offers to the staff, if met with the setting drawing plan, shall be
disposed of according to the relevant setting drawing plan; except for that, net liabilities or net assets of the
welfare of other long-term staff shall be recognized and measured according to the setting drawing plan.

34. Accrued liabilities

The obligation pertinent to contingencies shall be recognized as provisions when that obligation is a current
obligation of the Company, and it is likely to cause any economic benefit to flow out of the enterprise as a result
of performance of the obligation, while the amount of the obligation can be measured in a reliable way. The
Company conducts the initial measurement in accordance with the best estimate of the necessary expenses for the
performance of the current obligation. If there is a sequent range for the necessary expenses and if all the
outcomes within this range are equally likely to occur, the best estimate shall be determined in accordance with
the midpoint estimate within the range; if the contingencies concern two or more items, the best estimate shall be
calculated and determined in accordance with all possible outcomes and the relevant probabilities.
Review of the book value of provisions shall be conducted on the balance sheet date. The book value shall be
adjusted in accordance with the current best estimate when there is definite evidence indicating that the book
value cannot reflect the current best estimate in faithfulness.

35. Share-based Payment

Not applicable

36. Other Financial Instruments such as Preferred Shares and Perpetual Bonds

Not applicable

37. Revenue

Disclosure of accounting policies adopted for revenue recognition and measurement by type of business
The Company recognizes revenue based on the transaction price apportioned to the performance obligation in a
contract when the customer obtains control of the underlying good or service. Obtaining control of related goods
refers to that customers can control the use of the goods and obtain almost all the economic benefits from the
goods. A performance obligation is a contractual commitment by the Company to transfer a clearly distinguishable
commodity to a customer. The transaction price is the amount of consideration that the Company expects to be
entitled to receive as a result of the transfer of the commodity to the customer, excluding amounts collected on
behalf of third parties and amounts that the Company expects to return to the customer.
Whether the performance obligation is to be fulfilled within a certain period of time or at a certain point in time
depends on the terms of the contract and the relevant legal provisions. If the performance obligation is fulfilled
within a certain period of time, the Company recognizes revenue in accordance with the progress of performance.
Otherwise, the Company recognizes revenue at a point in time when the customer obtains control of the

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underlying asset.
The Company determines whether the Company's status is that of a principal or agent when engaging in a
transaction based on whether it has control over the goods or services prior to transferring them to the customer. If
the Company is able to control the goods or services before transferring them to the customer, the Company is the
principal responsible party and recognizes revenue based on the total consideration received or receivable.
Otherwise, the Company shall recognize revenue as an agent based on the amount of commissions or fees to
which it is expected to be entitled, which shall be determined at the net amount of the total consideration received
or receivable less the price payable to other related parties, or at the established commission amount or percentage,
Specific principles and measurement methods for revenue recognition by business type: The Company recognizes
revenue from general lighting products, LED packaging and component products, automotive lamp products,
trading and other products as follows:
(1) Recognition of domestic sales revenue: Under the conventional settlement mode, the Company has delivered
goods that have passed inspection to the purchaser as required by the purchaser; the amount of revenue has been
determined, a sales invoice has been issued and the payment has been received or is expected to be recovered;
under the consignment sales settlement mode, the Company recognizes sales revenue when the product is issued
and the settlement notice is issued after the customer inspection is qualified.
(2) Recognition of export sales revenue: The Company has produced goods according to the requirements
stipulated in the sales contract, and completed the export declaration procedures after the goods have passed
inspection; products have been loaded on board; the amount of revenue has been determined, an export sales
invoice has been issued, and the payment has been received or is expected to be recovered.
Different business models for the same type of business involving different revenue recognition and measurement

38. Contract Costs

Contract costs are either the incremental costs of obtaining a contract with a customer or the costs to fulfil a
contract with a customer. Incremental costs of obtaining a contract ("contract acquisition costs") are costs that
won't have been incurred if the contract is not acquired. The Company recognizes as an asset the incremental costs
of obtaining a contract with a customer if it expects to recover those costs.
Costs incurred for the performance of a contract that do not fall within the scope of other enterprise accounting
standards, such as inventory, are recognized as an asset as contract performance costs when the following
conditions are simultaneously met: The cost is directly related to a current or anticipated acquisition of a contract
and includes direct labour, direct materials, manufacturing overhead (or similar costs), costs explicitly attributable
to the user, and other costs incurred solely as a result of that contract; the cost increases the resources available to
meet future performance obligations; and the cost is expected to be recovered.
Contract performance costs recognized as assets are included in "Inventory" on the balance sheet if the
amortization period at the initial recognition doesn't exceed one year or one normal operating cycle; if the
amortization period at the initial recognition is more than one year or one normal operating cycle, they are
included in "Other non-current assets" on the balance sheet.
Contract acquisition cost recognized as assets are included in "Other current assets" on the balance sheet if the
amortization period at the initial recognition doesn't exceed one year or one normal operating cycle; if the
amortization period at the initial recognition is more than one year or one normal operating cycle, they are
included in "Other non-current assets" on the balance sheet.
The Company amortizes the assets recognized for contract acquisition costs and contract performance costs on the
same basis as the revenue recognition of the merchandise to which the assets relate, and recognizes them in profit
or loss for the current period. Assets formed from the incremental cost of acquiring a contract with an
amortization period of not more than one year are recognized in profit or loss for the current period when it occurs.

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If the carrying amount of an asset related to the cost of a contract exceeds the difference between the following
two items, the Company makes an allowance for impairment and recognizes an asset impairment loss for the
excess: the remaining consideration expected to be received for the transfer of the merchandise to which the asset
relates; and the estimated costs to be incurred for the transfer of the related merchandise.
If the two differences above are higher than the book value of the assets due to the subsequent changes in the
impairment factors in previous periods, the asset impairment provisions set aside should be reversed and
recognized as profit and loss of the current period. However, upon the reversal, the book value of the assets shall
not exceed the book value of the assets on the reversal date, supposing that impairment provisions are not set aside.

39. Government Subsidies

1. Category of and accounting treatment for government subsidies
Government subsidies refer to the monetary assets or non-monetary assets obtained by the Company from the
government (excluding the capital invested by the government as an equity holder). If a government subsidy is a
monetary asset, it shall be measured according to the amount received or receivable. If a government subsidy is a
non-monetary asset, it shall be measured at its fair value, and shall be measured at a nominal amount when the fair
value cannot be obtained reliably.
Government subsidies related to the daily activities are included in other income in accordance with the nature of
economic business. Government subsidies unrelated to the daily activities are included in non-operating revenue.
Government subsidies are recognized as asset-related subsidies when stipulated by government documents to be
used for acquisition, construction or otherwise formation long-term assets. Government subsidies without subsidy
object specified by the government document shall be recognized as asset-related subsidies.
Government subsidies other than asset-related government subsidies are recognized as government subsidies
related to income. Government subsidies related to income used to compensate the relevant costs, expenses or
losses of the Company in the subsequent period shall be recognized as deferred income, and shall be included in
the current profit and loss during the period of confirming the relevant cost, expenses or losses; subsidies used to
compensate the relevant costs, expenses or losses incurred by the Company shall be directly included in the
current profits and losses.
2. Recognition time of government subsidies
Government subsidies shall be recognized when the Company satisfies the conditions attached to the government
subsidies and is able to receive them. Government subsidies measured according to the receivable amount shall be
recognized when there is positive evidence at the end of the period that they can meet the relevant conditions
stipulated by the financial support policies and are expected to receive financial support funds. Other government
subsidies other than government subsidies measured by amount receivable are recognized when the Company
actually receives the subsidies.

40. Deferred Income Tax Assets/Deferred Income Tax Liabilities

1. Recognition of deferred income tax
The Company recognizes the deferred income tax assets or deferred income tax liabilities in accordance with the
applicable tax rate during the estimated period of recapturing the assets or paying the liabilities for the different
amount between the book value of assets or liabilities and its tax base (for items not recognized as assets and
liabilities, if its tax basis can be determined according to the tax law, the tax basis is recognized as the different
2. Measurement of deferred income tax
The recognition of deferred income tax assets is subject to the amount of taxable income obtained to offset the
deductible temporary differences. On the balance sheet date, deferred income tax assets without recognition
during the former accounting period shall be recognized if there are definite indications representing that it is
probable to have sufficient taxable income to offset the deductible temporary differences during the future period.

                                                                                     Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                         Annual Report 2023

If it is likely that sufficient taxable income will not be available to offset the benefit of the deferred income tax
assets in the future period, the book value of the deferred income tax assets will be written down.
For taxable temporary differences related to the investment in subsidiaries and associated enterprises, the deferred
income tax liabilities are recognized unless the time of temporary differences reversal can be controlled by the
Company and are probably not to be reversed in foreseeable future. For deductible temporary differences related
to the investment in subsidiaries and associated enterprises, the deferred income tax assets are recognized if the
temporary differences are probably to be reversed in foreseeable future and it is likely to have taxable income to
offset the deductible temporary differences.
3. Basis for netting off deferred income taxes
Deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities are presented in net amount after offsetting when
the following conditions are simultaneously met: there is a legal right to settle current income tax assets and
current income tax liabilities on a net basis; the deferred income tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities are
related to income taxes levied by the same tax authority on the same taxable entity or are related to different
taxable entities, but are not expected to reverse in the future in each of the periods in which the deferred income
tax assets and deferred income tax liabilities are material; and the taxable entities involved intend to settle current
income tax assets and current income tax liabilities on a net basis. However, in each future period in which the
deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are reversed, the taxable entity involved intends to either settle the
current income tax assets and current income tax liabilities on a net basis or to acquire the assets and settle the
liabilities at the same time.

41. Lease

The Company assesses whether a contract is a lease or contains a lease at the inception date of the contract. A
contract is a lease or contains a lease if one of the parties to the contract has given up the right to control the use of
one or more identified assets for a specified period of time in exchange for consideration.
(1) Accounting treatment for leases as the lessee
1.On the start date of the lease term, the Company deems the right-of-use assets and lease liabilities of all the
operating leases except for the short-term leases and low-value leases, and recognizes the depreciation expense
and interest expense respectively within the lease term.
(1) Right-of-use assets
After the commencement date of the lease term, the Group uses the cost for initial measurement of right-of-use
assets. This cost includes the initial measurement amount of the lease liability, lease payments made on or before
the commencement date of the lease term net of lease incentives, and initial direct cost.
If it is reasonably certain that the ownership of the leasehold property will be obtained at the end of the lease term,
the Company will depreciate the leasehold property over its estimated remaining service life. If it is not
reasonably certain that the ownership of the leasehold property will be obtained at the end of the lease term, the
Company will depreciate the leased assets over the lease term or the remaining service life, whichever is shorter.
When the recoverable amount is less than the carrying amount of the right-of-use asset, the carrying amount is
written down to the recoverable amount.
(2) Lease liabilities
The Company initially measures the lease liabilities at the current value of the lease payments outstanding at the
start date of the lease term. Lease payments include fixed payments and payments that are reasonably certain to be
made when the option to purchase or terminate the lease is exercised. Variable lease payments that are not
covered in the measurement of the lease liabilities are included in current profit or loss when actually incurred.
The Company uses the interest rate implicit in lease as the rate of discount. If the interest rate implicit in lease
cannot be reasonably determined, the Company's incremental borrowing rate is used as the rate of discount.
Interest expense on the lease liability for each period during the lease term is calculated on the basis of a fixed
periodic rate, i.e., the discount rate used by the Company or a revised discount rate, and is included in finance

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                                                                                                            Annual Report 2023

2. Judgment criteria and accounting treatment for short-term leases and leases of low-value assets as a lessee for
simplified treatment
For short-term leases with a lease term of no exceeding 12 months and leases where the brand-new value of a
single asset is less than RMB40,000, the Company has elected not to recognize right-of-use assets and lease
liabilities, and to charge the related rental expenses to current profit or loss or the cost of the related assets on a
straight-line basis for each period during the lease term.
(2) Accounting treatment of leases as the lessor
The Company recognizes leases that transfer substantially all the risks and rewards associated with ownership of
the leased asset as finance leases at the inception of the lease, and leases other than these are classified as
operating leases.
(1) Accounting treatment of operating leases
Rental income from operating leases is recognized on a straight-line basis over the lease term. Initial direct
expenses are capitalized and recognized as current income in instalments over the lease term on the same
recognition basis as rental income, and variable rentals not included in lease receipts are recognized as rental
income when they are actually incurred.
(2) Accounting treatment of financial lease
On the inception of a lease, the difference between the sum of finance lease receivable and unguaranteed residual
value and its present value is recognized as unrealised lease income by the Company, which is recognized as lease
income in each period when the rent is received in the future and the finance lease asset is derecognized. Initial
direct costs are included in the initial recorded value of the finance lease receivable.

42. Other Significant Accounting Policies and Estimates

(1) Safety production expenses
Operating in the electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing industry, the Company has accrued safety
production expenses in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Management Measures for the Provision
and Use of Enterprise Production Safety Costs (C.Z. [2022] No. 136) jointly issued by the Ministry of Finance
and the Ministry of Emergency Management on 21 November 2022. Safety production expenses, when accrued,
are included in costs or current profit or loss of relevant products and in the "Special Reserve" account. When
safety production expenses are used within the prescribed scope and are operating expenses, they are directly used
to offset the special reserves. If they form fixed assets, the expenses incurred are first aggregated under the
"Construction in Progress" account, and when the safety projects are completed and reach the predetermined
usable state, they are recognised as fixed assets. Meanwhile, the special reserves are offset as per the cost of
forming fixed assets, and an equivalent amount of accumulated depreciation is recognised. The aforesaid fixed
assets will not be depreciated as accrued in the future period.

43. Changes in Main Accounting Policies and Estimates

(1) Change in accounting policies

 Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
 Changes to the accounting policies and       Name of statement item materially
                                                                                                Amount affected
                  why                                      affected
Interpretation No. 16 of the Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises         Deferred income tax assets, deferred
issued by the Ministry of Finance in       income tax liabilities, retained earnings,
2022 stipulates that for single            minority interest, income tax expense,
transactions that are not business         net profit
combinations, that affect        neither

                                                                                Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                    Annual Report 2023

accounting profit nor taxable income (or
deductible losses) at the time the
transaction occurs, and where the initial
recognition of assets and liabilities
results in taxable temporary differences
and deductible temporary differences of
equal      amounts      (including     lease
transactions in which the lessee
recognises the initial lease liability and
includes it in the right-of-use asset on the
commencement date of the lease term, as
well as transactions in which estimated
liabilities are recognised and included in
the costs of related assets due to fixed
assets' retirement obligations), exemption
from initial recognition of deferred
income tax liabilities and deferred
income tax assets shall not apply.
Enterprises       shall    recognise     the
corresponding deferred income tax
liabilities and deferred income tax assets,
respectively, in accordance with No. 18
of the Accounting Standards for Business
Enterprises -- Income Taxes when the
transaction is affected. The Company
implemented this provision on 1 January
2023, and retrospectively adjusted the
comparative statements and cumulative
effect numbers for taxable temporary
differences and deductible temporary
differences arising from lease liabilities
and right-of-use assets at the date of
initial implementation. For these
individual transactions occurring prior to
1 January 2022, if the temporary
differences that result in the related
assets and liabilities still exist as of 1
January 2022, the Company recognized
deferred tax assets and deferred tax
liabilities as of 1 January 2022 and
adjusted retained earnings as of 1
January 2022 for the difference.

(2) Changes in accounting estimates

□Applicable Not applicable

(3) Adjustments to Financial Statement Items at the Beginning of the Year of the First Implementation of
the New Accounting Standards Implemented since 2023

 Applicable □Not applicable

The effect of this matter on the 31 December 2022 and financial statements for 2022 is described as follows:
                                               31 December 2022     31 December 2022
    Item of consolidated balance sheet                                                                Affected
                                                   (before)               (after)

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Deferred income tax assets                                88,387,206.25              90,244,005.41                 1,856,799.16


Deferred income tax liabilities                          202,469,697.60             204,428,275.95                 1,958,578.35

Shareholders’ equity:

Retained earnings                                      3,296,490,575.52           3,296,435,828.50                    -54,747.02
Total equity attributable to owners of the
                                                       5,173,066,095.76           5,173,011,348.74                    -54,747.02
Company as the parent
Non-controlling interests                              3,427,280,735.85           3,427,233,703.68                    -47,032.17

Total owners’ equity                                  8,600,346,831.61           8,600,245,052.42                  -101,779.19

  Item of consolidated income statement              2022 (before)           2022 (after)                       Affected

Income tax expense                                        30,874,328.03              31,011,277.73                   136,949.70
Net profit                                               350,843,355.72             350,706,406.02                  -136,949.70
Net profit attributable to shareholders of
                                                         230,394,235.91             230,320,570.67                    -73,665.24
the Company as the parent
Net profit attributable to non-controlling
                                                         120,449,119.81             120,385,835.35                    -63,284.46

 Item of consolidated balance sheet of the        31 December 2022         31 December 2022
             Company as the parent                      (before)                  (after)

Deferred income tax assets                                30,158,303.04              31,202,848.92                 1,044,545.88


Deferred income tax liabilities                           87,121,409.04              88,165,954.92                 1,044,545.88

44. Other


VI. Taxes

1. Main Taxes and Tax Rates

               Category of taxes                               Tax basis                             Tax rate

                                             Sales volume from goods selling or
VAT                                                                                 3%, 6%, 9%, 13%
                                             taxable service

                                                                                                Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                    Annual Report 2023

Urban maintenance and construction tax       Turnover tax payable                          7%, 5%

Enterprise income tax                        Taxable income                                11%, 15%, 25%

Education surcharge                          Turnover tax payable                          3%

Local educational surtax                     Turnover tax payable                          2%

Notes of the disclosure situation of the taxpaying bodies with different enterprises income tax rate

                             Name                                                            Income tax rate
The Company, Zhida Company, Chanchang Company,
Haolaite Company, Nanning Liaowang, Chongqing Guinuo,
Liuzhou Lighting, Liuzhou Foreshine, Qingdao Lighting,              15%
NationStar Optoelectronics, NationStar Semiconductor,
Germany NationStar, Fenghua Semiconductor
Indonesia Liaowang                                                  11%

Other subsidiaries                                                  25%

2. Tax Preference

1. The Company passed the review of high-tech enterprises in 2023 and obtained the certificate of high-tech
enterprise (Certificate No. GR202344003659) approved by the Guangdong Provincial Department of Science and
Technology, the Department of Finance of Guangdong Province, and the Guangdong Provincial Tax Service of
State Taxation Administration. According to relevant regulations, the Company is entitled to a reduced enterprise
income tax rate of 15% for three years starting from 2023.
2. Subsidiary Zhida Company passed the review of high-tech enterprises in December 2022 and obtained the
certificate of high-tech enterprise (Certificate No.: GR202244009711) approved by the Guangdong Provincial
Department of Science and Technology, the Department of Finance of Guangdong Province, and the Guangdong
Provincial Tax Service of State Taxation Administration. According to the relevant regulations, Zhida Company is
entitled to a reduced enterprise income tax rate of 15% for three years starting from 2022.
3. Subsidiary Chanchang Company passed the audit of high-tech enterprises in December 2021 and obtained the
certificate of high-tech enterprise (Certificate No.: GR202144000342) approved by the Guangdong Provincial
Department of Science and Technology, the Department of Finance of Guangdong Province, and the Guangdong
Provincial Tax Service of State Taxation Administration. According to the relevant regulations, Chanchang
Company is entitled to a reduced enterprise income tax rate of 15% for three years starting from 2021.
4. Subsidiary Haolaite Company passed the review of high-tech enterprises in 2022 and obtained the certificate of
high-tech enterprise (Certificate No. GR202244003711) approved by the Guangdong Provincial Department of
Science and Technology, the Department of Finance of Guangdong Province, and the Guangdong Provincial Tax
Service of State Taxation Administration. According to relevant regulations, Haolaite Company is entitled to a
reduced enterprise income tax rate of 15% for three years starting from 2022.
5. Subsidiary Nanning Liaowang passed the review of high-tech enterprises in 2023 and obtained the certificate of
high-tech enterprise (Certificate No. GR202345001098) approved by the Science and Technology Department of
the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, the Department of Finance of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,
and the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Tax Service of State Taxation Administration. According to
relevant regulations, Nanning Liaowang is entitled to a reduced enterprise income tax rate of 15% for three years
starting from 2023.
6. Chongqing Guinuo, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nanning Liaowang, enjoys the tax incentives of reducing

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                                                                                                   Annual Report 2023

and exempting enterprise income tax for the development of western China since 1 January 2019, and is entitled
to a reduced enterprise income tax rate of 15% after examination by and filing with the tax authorities.
7. Liuzhou Lighting, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nanning Liaowang, passed the review of high-tech enterprise
in 2022 and obtained the certificate of high-tech enterprise (Certificate No.: GR202245001221). According to
relevant regulations, Liuzhou Lighting will pay enterprise income tax at a reduced rate of 15% for three years
starting from 2022.
8. Liuzhou Fuxuan, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nanning Liaowang, passed the review of high-tech enterprise
on 30 November 2021 and obtained the certificate of high-tech enterprise (Certificate No.: GR202145001045)
approved by the Science and Technology Department of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, the
Department of Finance of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, and the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region
Tax Service of State Taxation Administration. According to relevant regulations, Liuzhou Fuxuan will pay
enterprise income tax at a reduced rate of 15% for three years starting from 2021.
9. Qingdao Lighting, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nanning Liaowang, passed the review of high-tech enterprise
on 14 December 2022 and obtained the certificate of high-tech enterprise (Certificate No.: GR202237100785)
approved by the Qingdao Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, the Qingdao Municipal Finance Bureau,
and the Qingdao Municipal Tax Service of State Taxation Administration. According to relevant regulations,
Qingdao Optoelectronics will pay enterprise income tax at a reduced rate of 15% for three years starting from
10. Subsidiary NationStar Optoelectronics was recognized as a high-tech enterprise on 16 December 2008, and its
certificate number was GR200844000097. It was re-recognized as a high-tech enterprise in 2023, and its new
certificate number is GR202344017343. According to relevant regulations, NationStar Optoelectronics will pay
enterprise income tax at a reduced rate of 15% for three years starting from 2023.
11. NationStar Semiconductor, a wholly-owned subsidiary of NationStar Optoelectronics, was recognized as a
high-tech enterprise on 10 October 2015, and its certificate number was GR201544001238. It was re-recognized
as a high-tech enterprise in 2021, and its new certificate number is GR202144008779. According to relevant
regulations, NationStar Semiconductor will pay enterprise income tax at a reduced rate of 15% for three years
starting from 2021.
12. Fenghua Semiconductor, a majority-owned subsidiary of NationStar Optoelectronics, was recognized as a
high-tech enterprise on 16 December 2008, and its certificate number was GR200844000295. It was re-recognized
as a high-tech enterprise in 2021, and its new certificate number is GR202144008851. According to relevant
regulations, Fenghua Semiconductor will pay enterprise income tax at a reduced rate of 15% for three years
starting from 2021.
13. Indonesia Liaowang, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Nanning Liaowang, is located in the country where
Indonesia's statutory corporate income tax rate is 22%, and there are local incentives for medium, small and micro
enterprises to reduce or waive income tax by 50%, therefore, Indonesia Liaowang is subject to a preferential tax
rate of 11% for the payment of enterprise income tax.
14. The subsidiary, Zhicheng Company, is a small and micro enterprise. From 1 January 2022 to 31 December
2024, the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central
Government shall determine, in accordance with the actual situation in the region and the needs of
macroeconomic regulation and control, that resource tax, urban maintenance and construction tax, property tax,
urban land use tax, stamp duty (excluding stamp duty on securities transactions), arable land occupation tax and
education surcharge and local education surcharge may be reduced within a tax range of 50% for small and micro

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                                                                                                     Annual Report 2023

3. Other

Pay in accordance with the relevant provisions of the tax law.

VII. Notes to Main Items of Consolidated Financial Statements

1. Monetary Assets

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                  Item                           Ending balance                         Beginning balance
Cash on hand                                                        42,466.76                                52,093.54
Bank deposits                                              1,942,320,219.96                           766,180,952.79
Other monetary assets (note 1)                              466,064,741.94                            522,361,684.92
Money deposited in finance company
                                                           1,179,154,268.07                         1,191,722,805.36
(note 2)
To-be-received interest (note 3)                                  8,467,957.82                           4,191,370.82
Total                                                      3,596,049,654.55                         2,484,508,907.43
   Of which: Total amount deposited
                                                                 31,405,378.56                         34,169,227.46
Other notes
Note 1: Other monetary assets were security deposits for notes and performance bonds, as well as investments
placed with security firm and the balance with e-commerce platforms, of which the security deposits for notes
and performance bonds were restricted assets (see “31. Assets with Restricted Ownership or Right of Use” in
Note “VII Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements”).

Note 2: Money deposited in finance company was those deposited in Guangdong Rising Finance Co., Ltd.

Note 3: To-be-received interest was interest receivable on undue bank deposits and term deposits as of the end
of the Reporting Period, which is not recognized as cash and cash equivalents.

2. Trading Financial Assets

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                  Item                           Ending balance                         Beginning balance
Financial assets at fair value through
                                                            152,529,775.41                            261,541,896.45
profit or loss
Wealth management products                                  151,550,477.63                            260,569,863.53
Equity instrument investments                                      979,297.78                               972,032.92
Total                                                       152,529,775.41                            261,541,896.45

3. Derivative Financial Assets


                                                                                                  Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                      Annual Report 2023

4. Notes Receivable

(1) Notes Receivable Listed by Category

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                   Item                                       Ending balance                               Beginning balance
Bank acceptance bill                                                        984,928,441.40                               786,244,513.66
Commercial acceptance bill                                                   72,423,826.20                                35,293,260.41
Total                                                                  1,057,352,267.60                                  821,537,774.07

(2) Disclosure by Withdrawal Methods for Bad Debts

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                     Ending balance                                               Beginning balance
                Carrying amount         Bad debt provision                      Carrying amount        Bad debt provision
Categor                                            Withdra                                                          Withdra
   y                                                            Carrying                                                        Carrying
                          Proporti                   wal                                   Proporti                   wal
            Amount                      Amount                   value         Amount                    Amount                  value
                             on                    proporti                                   on                    proporti
                                                      on                                                               on
            1,058,83                    1,478,03                 1,057,35      822,258,                  720,270.               821,537,
wn bad                    100.00%                    0.14%                                 100.00%                    0.09%
            0,304.87                        7.27                 2,267.60        044.69                        62                 774.07
n      by
            984,928,                                             984,928,      786,244,                                         786,244,
acceptan                  93.02%            0.00     0.00%                                   95.62%          0.00     0.00%
              441.40                                               441.40        513.66                                           513.66
ce bill
cial        73,901,8                    1,478,03                 72,423,8      36,013,5                  720,270.               35,293,2
                            6.98%                    2.00%                                   4.38%                    2.00%
acceptan       63.47                        7.27                    26.20         31.03                        62                  60.41
ce bill
           1,058,83                1,478,03             1,057,35               822,258,                  720,270.               821,537,
Total                  100.00%                 0.14%                                       100.00%                    0.09%
           0,304.87                    7.27             2,267.60                 044.69                        62                 774.07
Withdrawal of bad debt provision by group: RMB1,478,037.27
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                               Ending balance
                                           Carrying amount                   Bad debt provision               Withdrawal proportion
Within 1 year                                      73,901,863.47                          1,478,037.27                            2.00%
Total                                              73,901,863.47                          1,478,037.27

A description of the basis for determining the portfolio:
See Note V-13. Accounts Receivable.

                                                                                          Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                              Annual Report 2023

If adopting the general mode of expected credit loss to withdraw bad debt provision of notes receivable:
□Applicable Not applicable

(3) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawal, Reversed or Recovered in the Current Period

Withdrawal of bad debt provision:
                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                                                         Changes in the current period
   Category                                              Reversed or                                           Ending balance
                        balance        Withdrawal                          Verification          Others
                          720,270.62     757,766.65                                                               1,478,037.27
acceptance bill
Total                     720,270.62     757,766.65                                                               1,478,037.27

Of which, bad debt provision collected or reversed with significant amount:
□Applicable  Not applicable

(4) Notes Receivable Pledged by the Company at the Period-end

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                               Item                                                  Ending pledged amount
Bank acceptance bill                                                                                           734,739,569.87
Total                                                                                                          734,739,569.87

(5) Notes Receivable Which Had Endorsed by the Company or had Discounted and had not Due on the
Balance Sheet Date at the Period-end

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                                          Amount of recognition termination at the     Amount of not terminated recognition at
                                                       period-end                                 the period-end
Bank acceptance bill                                               159,317,903.43                              138,535,986.93
Total                                                              159,317,903.43                              138,535,986.93

(6) Notes Receivable Written-off in Current Period


5. Accounts Receivable

(1) Disclosure by Aging

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                  Aging                             Ending carrying amount                   Beginning carrying amount
Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                  1,944,758,964.52                           1,799,959,881.31
1 to 2 years                                                       151,569,005.90                              161,368,649.46
2 to 3 years                                                        99,249,444.34                               25,396,115.75
Over 3 years                                                        40,389,042.02                               57,529,219.10
3 to 4 years                                                          9,919,239.39                                9,539,173.73

                                                                                           Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                               Annual Report 2023

4 to 5 years                                                           7,074,054.82                              30,412,705.43
Over 5 years                                                          23,395,747.81                              17,577,339.94
Total                                                            2,235,966,456.78                             2,044,253,865.62

(2) Disclosure by Withdrawal Methods for Bad Debts

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                Ending balance                                          Beginning balance
                Carrying amount    Bad debt provision                   Carrying amount      Bad debt provision
Categor                                         Withdra                                                    Withdra
   y                                                       Carrying                                                    Carrying
                          Proporti                wal                             Proporti                   wal
               Amount                Amount                 value      Amount                  Amount                   value
                             on                 proporti                             on                    proporti
                                                   on                                                         on
               25,780,3              21,977,9              3,802,44    25,123,2                25,123,2
wn      bad                 1.15%               85.25%                                1.23%                100.00%         0.00
                  44.44                 00.85                  3.59       63.57                   63.57
withdra        2,210,18              120,489,              2,089,69    2,019,13                98,359,6                1,920,77
                          98.85%                  5.45%                               98.77%                 4.87%
wn      bad    6,112.34                275.53              6,836.81    0,602.05                   60.29                0,941.76
n       by
               1,698,42              109,583,              1,588,84    1,499,78                87,156,6                1,412,62
of                        75.96%                  6.45%                               73.37%                 5.81%
               8,474.56                622.27              4,852.29    3,089.81                   75.78                6,414.03
and auto

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                                                                                                                           Annual Report 2023

of LED           511,757,                  10,905,6                   500,851,   519,347,                   11,202,9               508,144,
                                 22.89%                   2.13%                                25.40%                    2.16%
packagin           637.78                     53.26                     984.52     512.24                      84.51                 527.73
g       and
                 2,235,96                  142,467,                   2,093,49   2,044,25                   123,482,               1,920,77
Total                       100.00%                       6.37%                               100.00%                    6.04%
                 6,456.78                    176.38                   9,280.40   3,865.62                     923.86               0,941.76
Individual withdrawal of bad debt provision: RMB21,977,900.85
There were no significant accounts receivable with bad debt provision separately accrued in the current period.
Withdrawal of bad debt provision by group: RMB120,489,275.53
                                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                                                                  Ending balance
                                              Carrying amount                    Bad debt provision              Withdrawal proportion
(1)     Business     portfolio     of
general lighting and auto                             1,698,428,474.56                   109,583,622.27                              6.45%
(2) Business portfolio of LED
                                                        511,757,637.78                      10,905,653.26                            2.13%
packaging and components
Total                                                 2,210,186,112.34                   120,489,275.53

Notes to the determination basis for the group:

See Note V-13. Accounts Receivable.

If adopting the general mode of expected credit loss to withdraw bad debt provision of accounts receivable:
□Applicable Not applicable

(3) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawal, Reversed or Recovered in the Current Period

Withdrawal of bad debt provision:
                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                                  Changes in the current period
                                                           in prior
                        Beginning                          periods      Reversed or
      Category                                                                                                                Ending balance
                         balance          Withdrawn          and                            Verified            Other
                                                         in current
Bad           debt
provision              25,123,263.        17,127,281
                                                                         573,448.92     19,699,195.19                            21,977,900.85
separately                     57                 .39

                                                                                              Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                  Annual Report 2023

Bad         debt
                     98,359,660.     32,550,591    144,531.0
withdrawn                                                                           6,180,396.87    4,385,110.00       120,489,275.53
                             29              .11           0
according     to
                     123,482,923     49,677,872    144,531.0
Total                                                              573,448.92      25,879,592.06    4,385,110.00       142,467,176.38
                             .86             .50           0
Of which, bad debt provision collected or reversed with significant amount: Naught.
The amount of expected credit losses accrued in the current period was RMB49,677,872.50, the amount of prior
period write-offs reversed in the current period was RMB144,531.00, the amount of expected credit losses
recovered or reversed in the current period was RMB573,448.92, the amount of expected credit losses written
off in the current period was RMB25,879,592.06, and the amount of other reductions in the current period was
RMB4,385,110.00, which is RMB15,632.09 different from the amount of credit impairment loss accrued in the
current period of RMB49,088,791.49, which is due to the difference in translation of foreign currency
statements at the end of the period.

(4) Accounts Receivable Written-off in Current Period

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                              Item                                                        Written-off amount
Accounts receivable actually written off                                                                              25,968,850.45

Of which, verification of significant accounts receivable:
                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                Whether occurred
Name of the entity           Nature                Amount                 Reason              Procedure         because of related-
                                                                                                                party transactions
                                                                                          Perform the
                                                                                          procedures in
                                                                    Final court
                                                                                          accordance with
Customer 1             Payment for goods           11,170,827.14    judgment, no                                Not
                                                                                          the Company’s
                                                                    recovery expected
                                                                                          bad debt
Total                                              11,170,827.14

Notes to verification of accounts receivable:

RMB25,968,850.45 of accounts receivable has been verified with the bad debt provision of RMB25,879,592.06,
and the approval procedures have been performed in accordance with the Company’s bad debt management

(5) Top 5 of the Ending Balance of the Accounts Receivable and the Contract Assets Collected according
to Arrears Party

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                                     Ending balance of    Proportion to total   Ending balance of
                        Ending balance of
                                              Ending balance of          accounts         ending balance of     bad debt provision
Name of the entity          accounts
                                               contract assets        receivable and           accounts             of accounts
                                                                      contract assets       receivable and        receivable and

                                                                                                     Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                         Annual Report 2023

                                                                                                 contract assets           impairment
                                                                                                                          provision for
                                                                                                                         contract assets
No. 1                        152,154,428.66                                   152,154,428.66                 6.79%            4,564,632.86
No. 2                        131,038,483.49                                   131,038,483.49                 5.84%            3,931,154.50
No. 3                        117,177,579.94                                   117,177,579.94                 5.23%            3,517,821.49
No. 4                        108,311,768.39                                   108,311,768.39                 4.83%            3,249,353.05
No. 5                        103,803,612.42                                   103,803,612.42                 4.63%            3,114,108.37
Total                        612,485,872.90                                   612,485,872.90                27.32%         18,377,070.27

6. Contract Assets

(1) List of Contract Assets

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                           Ending balance                                          Beginning balance
        Item               Carrying          Bad debt                                  Carrying        Bad debt
                                                                Carrying value                                       Carrying value
                           amount            provision                                 amount          provision
Contract assets           6,074,305.63       1,822,291.69         4,252,013.94        6,074,305.63      607,430.56     5,466,875.07
Total                     6,074,305.63        1,822,291.69        4,252,013.94        6,074,305.63          607,430.56        5,466,875.07

(2) Significant changes in the amount of carrying value and the reason in the Reporting Period

There was no significant change in carrying value in the Reporting Period.

 (3) Disclosure by Withdrawal Methods for Bad Debts

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                       Ending balance                                               Beginning balance
                Carrying amount           Bad debt provision                      Carrying amount        Bad debt provision
Categor                                              Withdra                                                         Withdra
   y                                                              Carrying                                                       Carrying
                            Proporti                   wal         value                    Proporti                   wal        value
               Amount                     Amount                                 Amount                  Amount
                               on                    proporti                                  on                    proporti
                                                        on                                                              on
Bad debt
withdra        6,074,30                   1,822,29                 4,252,01      6,074,30                607,430.                5,466,87
                            100.00%                   30.00%                                100.00%                   10.00%
wn                 5.63                       1.69                     3.94          5.63                      56                    5.07
g to
               6,074,30                   1,822,29                 4,252,01      6,074,30                607,430.                5,466,87
of                          100.00%                   30.00%                                100.00%                   10.00%
                   5.63                       1.69                     3.94          5.63                      56                    5.07

                                                                                                Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                    Annual Report 2023

and auto
             6,074,30                 1,822,29                 4,252,01     6,074,30                  607,430.                5,466,87
Total                    100.00%                    30.00%                              100.00%                   10.00%
                 5.63                     1.69                     3.94         5.63                        56                    5.07
Withdrawal of bad debt provision by group: RMB1,822,291.69
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                             Ending balance
                                         Carrying amount                   Bad debt provision               Withdrawal proportion
Business portfolio of general
                                                      6,074,305.63                     1,822,291.69                            30.00%
lighting and auto lamps
Total                                                 6,074,305.63                     1,822,291.69

Notes to the determination basis for the group:
See Note V-16. Contract Assets.
Withdrawal of bad debt provision by adopting the general mode of expected credit loss
□Applicable Not applicable

(4) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawal, Reversed or Recovered in the Current Period

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                Withdrawal of the       Reversal or recovery in    Write-off/verified for
           Item                                                                                                       Reason
                                 current period          the Reporting Period       the current period
Provision for
impairment of contract                 1,214,861.13
Total                                  1,214,861.13                                                                    ——

Of which significant amount of recovered or transferred-back bad debt provision for the current period: Naught.

(5) Contract Assets Written-off in Current Period


7. Accounts Receivable Financing

(1) Accounts Receivable Financing Listed by Category

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                 Item                                       Ending balance                              Beginning balance
Bank acceptance bills                                                   443,201,960.02                               569,868,831.79
Total                                                                     443,201,960.02                              569,868,831.79

(2) Disclosure by Withdrawal Methods for Bad Debts

The basis for the division of each stage and the withdrawal proportion of bad debt provision

See Note V-13. Accounts Receivable.

                                                                                     Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                         Annual Report 2023

Notes to significant changes in the carrying amount of accounts receivable financing with amount changed of
loss provision in the current period:Naught

(3) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawal, Reversed or Recovered in the Current Period


(4) Accounts Receivable Financing Pledged by the Company at the Period-end

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                           Item                                                 Ending pledged amount
Bank acceptance bills                                                                                     120,221,199.92
Total                                                                                                     120,221,199.92

(5) Accounts Receivable Financing Which Had Endorsed by the Company or had Discounted and had
not Due on the Balance Sheet Date at the Period-end

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                     Amount of recognition termination at the     Amount of not terminated recognition at
                                                  period-end                                 the period-end
Bank acceptance bills                                         382,666,660.54
Total                                                        382,666,660.54

(6) Accounts Receivable Financing with Actual Verification for the Current Period


(7) The changes of accounts receivable financing in the Current Period and the changes in fair value


(8) Other Notes


8. Other Receivables

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                    Item                         Ending balance                             Beginning balance
Other receivables                                             49,108,300.85                               32,902,865.98
Total                                                         49,108,300.85                               32,902,865.98

(1) Interest Receivable

1) Category of Interest Receivable


                                                                           Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                               Annual Report 2023

2) Significant Overdue Interest


3) Disclosure by Withdrawal Methods for Bad Debts

□Applicable Not applicable

4) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawal, Reversed or Recovered in the Current Period


5) Interest Receivable Written-off in Current Period


(2) Dividend Receivable

1) Category of Dividend Receivable


2) Significant Dividends Receivable Aging over 1 Year


3) Disclosure by Withdrawal Methods for Bad Debts

□Applicable Not applicable

4) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawal, Reversed or Recovered in the Current Period: None.

5) Dividends Receivable Written-off in Current Period


(3) Other Receivables

1) Category of Other Receivables by Account Nature

                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                  Nature                  Ending carrying amount             Beginning carrying amount
Other current accounts                                     65,389,794.88                        45,041,494.42
Performance bonds                                          17,686,774.68                        14,472,948.78
Export VAT rebates                                          4,708,061.84                        10,011,271.72
Staff loans and petty cash                                  1,589,234.30                         1,164,918.15
Rents and utilities                                           817,043.94                         1,220,591.91
Total                                                     90,190,909.64                          71,911,224.98

                                                                                            Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                Annual Report 2023

2) Disclosure by Aging

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                   Aging                             Ending carrying amount                     Beginning carrying amount
Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                       46,054,067.53                              30,536,942.63
1 to 2 years                                                            7,676,026.75                                2,955,796.80
2 to 3 years                                                            2,219,050.74                                8,142,805.16
Over 3 years                                                           34,241,764.62                              30,275,680.39
3 to 4 years                                                            5,990,920.12                                4,691,584.24
4 to 5 years                                                            4,583,526.14                                1,234,886.46
Over 5 years                                                           23,667,318.36                              24,349,209.69
Total                                                                  90,190,909.64                              71,911,224.98

3) Disclosure by Withdrawal Methods for Bad Debts

Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                Ending balance                                           Beginning balance
                Carrying amount    Bad debt provision                    Carrying amount      Bad debt provision
Categor                                          Withdra                                                    Withdra
   y                                                        Carrying                                                    Carrying
                           Proporti                wal       value                 Proporti                   wal        value
               Amount                 Amount                            Amount                   Amount
                              on                 proporti                             on                    proporti
                                                    on                                                         on
Bad debt
n              31,541,2               31,541,2                          30,105,8                 30,105,8
                           34.97%                100.00%        0.00                   41.87%               100.00%         0.00
separatel         39.47                  39.47                             99.47                    99.47
wal of
bad debt       58,649,6               9,541,36              49,108,3    41,805,3                 8,902,45               32,902,8
                           65.03%                16.27%                                58.13%                21.30%
provisio          70.17                   9.32                 00.85       25.51                     9.53                  65.98
n       by
les with
bad debt
n based
               58,649,6               9,541,36              49,108,3    41,805,3                 8,902,45               32,902,8
on a                       65.03%                16.27%                                58.13%                21.30%
                  70.17                   9.32                 00.85       25.51                     9.53                  65.98
tion of
               90,190,9               41,082,6              49,108,3    71,911,2                 39,008,3               32,902,8
Total                      100.00%               45.55%                            100.00%                   54.25%
                  09.64                  08.79                 00.85       24.98                    59.00                  65.98
Bad debt provision separately accrued: RMB31,541,239.47

                                                                                                  Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                      Annual Report 2023

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                           Beginning balance                                             Ending balance
     Name              Carrying         Bad debt              Carrying             Bad debt        Withdrawal              Reason for
                       amount           provision             amount               provision        proportion             withdraw
                                                                                                                       It is not
                                                                                                                       expected that
Customer A            20,000,000.00      20,000,000.00      20,000,000.00         20,000,000.00            100.00%
                                                                                                                       the money will
                                                                                                                       be recovered
Total                 20,000,000.00      20,000,000.00      20,000,000.00         20,000,000.00
Withdrawal of bad debt provision by group: RMB9,541,369.32
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                           Ending balance
                                          Carrying amount                 Bad debt provision                 Withdrawal proportion
Other receivables with bad
debt provision based on a
                                                   58,649,670.17                       9,541,369.32                             16.27%
combination of credit risk
Total                                              58,649,670.17                       9,541,369.32

Notes to the determination basis for the group:

See Note V-13. Accounts Receivable.

Withdrawal of bad debt provision by adopting the general mode of expected credit loss:
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                   First stage              Second stage                 Third stage
                                                         Expected loss in the
  Bad debt provision                                                                 Expected loss in the               Total
                             Expected credit loss in       duration (credit
                                                                                       duration (credit
                              the next 12 months           impairment not
                                                                                    impairment occurred)
Balance of 1 January
                                         584,406.20                4,785,285.13             33,638,667.67               39,008,359.00
Balance of 1 January
2023 in the current
Withdrawal of the
                                         758,317.72                3,418,394.08              -1,881,025.74                2,295,686.06
current period
Verification of the
                                                                    221,436.27                                             221,436.27
current period
Balance of 31
                                       1,342,723.92                7,982,242.94             31,757,641.93               41,082,608.79
December 2023

The basis for the division of each stage and the withdrawal proportion of bad debt provision

See Note V-13. Accounts Receivable.

Changes of carrying amount with significant amount changed of loss provision in the current period
□Applicable Not applicable

4) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawn, Reversed or Recovered in the Current Period

Withdrawal of bad debt provision:
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
   Category            Beginning                             Changes in the current period                             Ending balance

                                                                                           Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                               Annual Report 2023

                       balance                       Reversed or            Charged-
                                     Withdrawal                                                  Others
                                                      recovered          off/Written-off
                     39,008,359.00    2,295,686.06                           221,436.27                          41,082,608.79
Total                39,008,359.00    2,295,686.06                           221,436.27                          41,082,608.79

The amount of expected credit losses accrued during the current period was RMB2,295,686.06, the amount of
expected credit losses recovered or reversed during the current period was RMB0.00, and the amount of
expected credit losses verified during the current period was RMB221,436.27, which was RMB11,189.99
different from the amount of credit impairment loss on other receivables accrued during the current period of
RMB2,284,496.07, which was due to the difference in translation of foreign currency statements at the end of
the current period.

Of which the bad debt provision recovered or transferred-back with significant amount during the current period:

5) Particulars of the Actual Verification of Other Receivables during the Current Period

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                            Item                                                     Written-off amount
Customer A                                                                                                          221,436.27
Of which the verification of significant other receivables: None.

6) Top 5 of the Ending Balance of Other Receivables Collected according to the Arrears Party

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                                                                     Proportion to total
                                                                                     ending balance of       Ending balance of
Name of the entity         Nature         Ending balance           Aging
                                                                                           other             bad debt provision
                                                                                       receivables %
                      Other intercourse
No. 1                                        20,000,000.00   Within 5 years                       22.18%         20,000,000.00
                      Other intercourse
No. 2                                        15,883,375.00   Within 1 year                        17.61%            476,501.25
                      Other intercourse
No. 3                                         5,000,000.00   1-2 years                             5.54%           5,000,000.00
                      VAT export tax
No. 4                                         4,708,061.84   Within 1 years                        5.22%            141,241.86
                      Other intercourse
No. 5                                         4,289,457.98   3-4 years                             4.76%           4,289,457.98
Total                                        49,880,894.82                                        55.31%         29,907,201.09

7) Presentation in Other Receivables due to the Centralized Management of Funds


9. Prepayment

(1) Prepayment Listed by Aging Analysis

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                                                                                                   Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                       Annual Report 2023

                                                Ending balance                                    Beginning balance
                                       Amount                  Proportion                  Amount                 Proportion
Within 1 year                           27,750,424.91                   80.42%              36,419,452.21                  80.00%
One to two years                         3,496,897.72                   10.13%               3,345,048.70                    7.35%
Two to three years                         665,594.01                     1.93%              3,313,296.20                    7.28%
More than three years                    2,595,722.28                     7.52%              2,448,751.82                    5.37%
Total                                   34,508,638.92                                          45,526,548.93

Notes of the reasons of the prepayment aging over 1 year with significant amount but failed settled in time:


(2) Top 5 Prepayment in Ending Balance Collected according to the Prepayment Target

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                                 Relationship with the                                                             Proportion to total
          Name of units                                       Ending balance                   Aging
                                       Company                                                                     prepayments (%)

No. 1                                Non-Related Party         7,000,000.00          Within 1 year                                  20.28%

No. 2                                Non-Related Party         2,637,285.53          Within 1 year                                       7.64%

No. 3                                Non-Related Party         2,502,468.00          Within 1 year                                       7.25%

No. 4                                Non-Related Party         1,813,361.52          Within 1 year                                       5.25%

No. 5                                Non-Related Party         1,479,646.01          Within 1 year                                       4.29%

Total                                                         15,432,761.06                                                         44.71%

10. Inventories

Whether the Company needs to comply with the disclosure requirements for the real estate industry

(1) Category of Inventory

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                          Ending balance                                            Beginning balance
                                            Depreciation                                               Depreciation
                                             reserves of                                                reserves of
                                           inventories or                                             inventories or
        Item              Carrying           impairment                             Carrying            impairment
                                                            Carrying value                                            Carrying value
                          amount            provision for                           amount             provision for
                                               contract                                                   contract
                                            performance                                                performance
                                                costs                                                      costs
Raw materials        305,927,108.28         13,862,774.27   292,064,334.01     414,134,452.55            6,893,242.38   407,241,210.17
Goods           in
                     247,880,117.38                         247,880,117.38     239,412,167.33                           239,412,167.33
Inventory            1,051,891,889.                                               1,019,990,159.
                                           146,951,222.27   904,940,667.20                             139,368,445.90   880,621,713.26
goods                           47                                                           16
Goods in transit     425,003,429.61          9,197,980.38   415,805,449.23     391,149,213.49            9,805,170.06   381,344,043.43
Semi-finished         96,957,960.11          4,480,118.25     92,477,841.86    113,621,240.54             914,242.37    112,706,998.17

                                                                                           Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                               Annual Report 2023

                       1,322,185.78                       1,322,185.78      2,742,435.82                           2,742,435.82
Others                16,681,045.68                       16,681,045.68     7,568,833.69                           7,568,833.69
                     2,145,663,736.                      1,971,171,641.   2,188,618,502.                         2,031,637,401.
Total                                 174,492,095.17                                         156,981,100.71
                                 31                                  14               58                                     87

(2) Falling Price Reserves of Inventory and Impairment Reserves for Contract Performance Costs

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                                       Increased amount of the current    Decreased amount for the current
                                                   period                               period
        Item                                                               Transferred-                         Ending balance
                                       Withdrawal           Others           back or           Others
Raw materials          6,893,242.38    10,828,363.66                        3,858,831.77                         13,862,774.27
                     139,368,445.90    57,603,756.77                       50,020,980.40                        146,951,222.27
Goods in transit       9,805,170.06     3,329,081.69                        3,936,271.37                           9,197,980.38
                        914,242.37      3,673,839.38                         107,963.50                            4,480,118.25
Total                156,981,100.71    75,435,041.50                       57,924,047.04                        174,492,095.17

Provision for decline in value of inventories by portfolio
Criteria for making provision for decline in value of inventories by portfolio

See Note V-17. Inventory.

(3) Notes to the Ending Balance of Inventories Including Capitalized Borrowing Expense


(4) Amortization Amount of Contract Performance Cost during the Reporting Period


11. Held-for-sale Assets

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                        Ending                             Ending                               Estimated
                                       Impairment                                                                  Estimated
        Item            carrying                           carrying         Fair value           disposal
                                        provision                                                                disposal time
                        amount                             amount                                expense
buildings      and                                                                                              31 December
                      17,147,339.84                      17,147,339.84    183,855,895.00       55,718,333.95
land     involved                                                                                               2024
in expropriation
Total                 17,147,339.84                      17,147,339.84    183,855,895.00       55,718,333.95

Other notes:

                                                                                      Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                          Annual Report 2023

Note: For details, see Part X-XVIII.Other Major Events-8.Other: "Demolition Matters of Nanjing Fozhao" of
this Report. The estimated disposal costs include employee resettlement fees, compensation for the termination
of the original tenant's contract, and taxes related to the proceeds of demolition.

12. Current Portion of Non-current Assets


13. Other Current Assets

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                 Item                               Ending balance                           Beginning balance
Input tax of VAT to be certified and
                                                                  94,451,130.80                             72,851,826.53
Advance payment of enterprise income
                                                                  11,454,058.94                                 3,676,607.32
Others                                                             3,387,209.40                                 2,910,143.04
Total                                                           109,292,399.14                              79,438,576.89

14. Investments in debt obligations


15. Other Investments in Debt Obligations

(1) List of Other Investments in Debt Obligations

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                 Change in                             Accumula
                                      Interest   fair value                                ted
             Beginnin    Accrued                              Ending                               provision
   Item                              adjustmen     in the                   Cost        changes                     Notes
             g balance   interest                             balance                              recognize
                                          t      reporting                               in fair
                                                                                                   d in other
                                                   period                                value
Large                                                                                                             Large
Bank                                                                                                              Bank
                         4,822,905                            454,822,9   450,000,0
Certificat                                                                                                        Certificat
                               .25                                05.25       00.00
es of                                                                                                             es of
Deposit                                                                                                           Deposit
                         4,822,905                            454,822,9   450,000,0
                               .25                                05.25       00.00
Changes in the impairment provision for other investments in debt obligations during the current period: Naught.

 (2) Significant Other Investments in Debt Obligations at the Period-end

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
  Item                        Ending balance                                          Beginning balance

                                                                                Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                    Annual Report 2023

                                  Actual                                             Actual
               Par      Coupon              Maturity   Overdue      Par    Coupon               Maturity    Overdue
                                 interest                                           interest
              value      rate                date      principal   value    rate                 date       principal
                                   rate                                               rate
certificat                                  6
es of        100,000,
                         3.30%    3.30%     January
deposit        000.00
in China                                    2026
ht Bank
es of                                       31
deposit                  2.90%    2.90%     August
in Bank                                     2026
certificat                                  3
es of        150,000,
                         2.90%    2.90%     Novemb
deposit        000.00
in China                                    er 2026
ht Bank
es of                                       1
deposit                  2.95%    2.95%     Decemb
in Bank                                     er 2026

(3) Status of Accrued Depreciation Reserves


The basis for the division of each stage and the withdrawal proportion of bad debt provision

See Note V-17. Other Investments in Debt Obligations.

(4) Status of Other Investments in Debt Obligations Written-off in Current Period


16. Other Equity Instrument Investment

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB

                                                                                             Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                 Annual Report 2023

                                                                                                                       Reason for
                                                                         Accumulati    Accumulati
                                               Gains          Losses                                                   to measure
                                                                           ve gains      ve losses
                                            recorded in    recorded in                                                    in fair
                                                                         recorded in   recorded in       Dividend
                                               other           other                                                     value of
                                                                            other          other          income
  Project        Ending       Beginning     comprehen      comprehen                                                      which
                                                                         comprehen     comprehen        recognized
   name          balance       balance          sive           sive                                                      changes
                                                                             sive          sive          in current
                                             income in      income in                                                   included
                                                                          income in     income in           year
                                            the current    the current                                                     other
                                                                         the current   the current
                                               period         period                                                   comprehen
                                                                            period        period
                368,376,50    493,967,19                   125,590,68    285,362,02                                   trading
                      6.50          4.53                         8.03          1.37                                   equity
Co., Ltd.
                290,807,67    328,664,29                  37,856,619.    137,850,06                    16,633,969.    trading
                      1.05          0.95                          90           4.22                            35     equity
Guangdong                                                                                                             Non-
Rising          30,000,000.   30,000,000.                                                                             trading
Finance                 00            00                                                                              equity
Co., Ltd.                                                                                                             instruments
Semicondu                                                                                                             Non-
ctor            7,078,568.8   8,059,860.9                                                                             trading
lighting                  0             2                                                                             equity
Industry                                                                                                              instruments
United                                                                                                                Non-
Guangdong       3,000,000.0   3,000,000.0                                                                             trading
New Light                 0             0                                                                             equity
Source                                                                                                                instruments
China                                                                                                                 Non-
Guangfa                                                                                                               trading
                500,000.00    500,000.00
Bank                                                                                                                  equity
Co.,Ltd.                                                                                                              instruments
                699,762,74    864,191,34                   163,447,30    423,212,08                    17,173,298.
                      6.35          6.40                         7.93          5.59                            27
Non-trading equity instrument investment in the Current Period disclosed by items
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                              Amount of          Reason for          Reason for
                                                                                 other          assigning to            other
                       Dividend                                            comprehensive       measure in fair    comprehensive
                                      Accumulative        Accumulative
 Project name           income                                                  income         value of which          income
                                         gains               losses
                      recognized                                            transferred to        changes          transferred to
                                                                               retained        included other         retained
                                                                               earnings        comprehensive          earnings

                                                                                           Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                               Annual Report 2023

                                                                                             Not       satisfied
                                                                                             with             the
Gotion High-
                                        285,362,021.37                                       condition        of     N/A
tech Co., Ltd.
                                                                                             trading     equity
                                                                                             Not       satisfied
                                                                                             with             the
Xiamen Bank
                     16,633,969.35      137,850,064.22                                       condition        of     N/A
                                                                                             trading     equity
                                                                                             Not       satisfied

Guangdong                                                                                    with             the
Rising Finance          144,753.13         148,834.09                                        condition        of     N/A
Co., Ltd.                                                                                    trading     equity
Guangrong                                                                                    Not       satisfied
Lianmeng                                                                                     with             the
                        394,575.79         995,839.20                                        condition        of     N/A
Industry                                                                                     trading     equity
Investment                                                                                   instrument
Total                17,173,298.27      424,356,758.88

17. Long-term Receivables


18. Long-term Equity Investment

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                   Increase/decrease for the current period
          Beginn     Beginn                                   Adjust
                                                      and                                                           Ending    Ending
            ing         ing                                    ment                 Cash    Withdr
                                                     losses                                                         balanc    balanc
          balanc     balanc                                     of                  bonus    awal
Investe                        Additi     Reduc     recogn               Chang                                          e       e of
              e        e of                                    other                  or      of
   e                            onal        ed        ized                es of                                     (Carryi   deprec
          (carryi    deprec                                   compr                profits impair      Others
                               invest     invest     under                other                                        ng      iation
             ng       iation                                  ehensi               annou    ment
                                ment       ment        the               equity                                      value)   reserve
          value)     reserve                                    ve                 nced to provisi
                                                              incom                 issue     on
I. Joint ventures
II. Associated enterprises
hen        181,93                                                                                                   179,18
                                                    1,833,                       4,576,
           1,792.                                                                                                   8,555.
Primat                                              621.59                       859.10
               66                                                                                                       15

                                                                                    Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                        Annual Report 2023


Subtot       181,93                                                                                     179,18
                                                     1,833,                4,576,
             1,792.                                                                                     8,555.
al                                                   621.59                859.10
                 66                                                                                         15
             181,93                                                                                     179,18
                                                     1,833,                4,576,
Total        1,792.                                                                                     8,555.
                                                     621.59                859.10
                 66                                                                                         15
The recoverable amount is determined based on the net amount of the fair value minus disposal costs
□Applicable  Not applicable
The recoverable amount is determined by the present value of the forecasted future cash flow.
□Applicable  Not applicable
The reason for the discrepancy between the foregoing information and the information used in the impairment
tests in prior years or external information


The reason for the discrepancy between the information used in the Company's impairment tests in prior years
and the actual situation of those years


Other notes:


19. Other Non-current Financial Assets


20. Investment Property

(1) Investment Property Adopting the Cost Measurement Mode

Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                                                            Construction in
            Item              Houses and buildings        Land use right                                  Total
I.     Original    carrying
1. Beginning balance                 54,404,787.78                                                        54,404,787.78
2. Increased amount of
                                    150,591,407.72                                                       150,591,407.72
the period
(1) Transfer from                   150,591,407.72                                                       150,591,407.72

                                                                              Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                  Annual Report 2023

assets/construction in
3. Decreased amount of
                                   36,927.82                                                             36,927.82
the period
(1) Disposal
(2) Other transfer                 36,927.82                                                             36,927.82
4. Ending balance             204,959,267.68                                                       204,959,267.68
II.        Accumulative
depreciation         and
1. Beginning balance            9,792,905.34                                                          9,792,905.34
2. Increased amount of
                               31,537,532.38                                                        31,537,532.38
the period
(1)     Withdrawal       or
                                2,646,740.40                                                          2,646,740.40
(2) Transfer from
                               28,890,791.98                                                        28,890,791.98
assets/construction in
3. Decreased amount of
                                    7,517.45                                                              7,517.45
the period
(1) Disposal
(2) Other transfer                  7,517.45                                                              7,517.45
4. Ending balance              41,322,920.27                                                        41,322,920.27
III.         Depreciation
1. Beginning balance
2. Increased amount of
the period
(1) Withdrawal
3. Decreased amount of
the period
(1) Disposal
(2) Other transfer
4. Ending balance
IV. Carrying value
1.     Ending    carrying
                              163,636,347.41                                                       163,636,347.41
2. Beginning carrying
                               44,611,882.44                                                        44,611,882.44

The recoverable amount is determined based on the net amount of the fair value minus disposal costs
□Applicable Not applicable

                                                                                           Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                               Annual Report 2023

The recoverable amount is determined by the present value of the forecasted future cash flow.
□Applicable Not applicable
The reason for the discrepancy between the foregoing information and the information used in the impairment
tests in prior years or external information


The reason for the discrepancy between the information used in the Company's impairment tests in prior years
and the actual situation of those years


Other notes:


(2) Investment Property Adopting the Fair Value Measurement Mode

□Applicable Not applicable

(3) Projects Converted to Investment Properties and Measured at Fair Value


(4) Investment Property Failed to Accomplish Certification of Property

As of 31 December 2023, the relevant property certificates for the LED workshop and R&D Workshop 18 are
still in progress. The Management believes that obtaining such property certificates is not subject to any
substantive legal obstacles and has no significant adverse impact on the Company's normal operations.

21. Fixed Assets

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                  Item                                Ending balance                              Beginning balance
Fixed assets                                                    3,451,760,127.91                               3,505,729,627.80
Disposal of fixed assets                                               1,454,458.56                                2,364,654.61
Total                                                           3,453,214,586.47                               3,508,094,282.41

(1) List of Fixed Assets

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                     Houses and       Machinery       Transportation        Electronic
        Item                                                                                 Other (Note:1)           Total
                      buildings       equipment         equipment           equipment
  I. Original
carrying value
 1. Beginning       1,945,505,958.   5,026,525,744.                                                              7,173,744,661.
                                                       42,934,087.94       71,546,378.97       87,232,491.32
    balance                    75               08                                                                          06

                                                                                     Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                         Annual Report 2023

 2. Increased
 amount of the     369,265,899.26   209,783,265.81    2,896,830.79   10,768,640.75        7,350,983.81    600,065,620.42
 (1) Purchase        2,788,391.14    57,421,879.45    2,859,707.97    9,386,540.89        1,418,317.86     73,874,837.31
  (2) Transfer
                   366,354,362.53   152,003,021.78      31,269.93     1,381,883.85        5,893,496.89    525,664,034.98
construction in
(3) Others (note
                      123,145.59       358,364.58         5,852.89         216.01            39,169.06        526,748.13
 3. Decreased
 amount of the     154,893,207.72   105,816,523.05    7,316,862.64    9,434,277.87        2,817,763.13    280,278,634.41
(1) Disposal or
                     4,301,800.00   105,617,797.74    7,316,862.64    9,399,568.30        2,483,792.00    129,119,820.68
(2) Equipment
                                       198,725.31                                            48,132.14        246,857.45
(3) Others (note
                   150,591,407.72                                       34,709.57           285,838.99    150,911,956.28
    4. Ending      2,159,878,650.   5,130,492,486.                                                         7,493,531,647.
                                                     38,514,056.09   72,880,741.85       91,765,712.00
    balance                   29               84                                                                     07
 1. Beginning                       2,779,752,635.                                                         3,656,540,089.
                   721,782,611.67                    33,394,916.40   52,921,576.93       68,688,348.72
    balance                                    53                                                                     25
 2. Increased
 amount of the      83,404,382.14   422,084,858.45    2,519,961.62    7,429,107.41        8,041,875.45    523,480,185.07
(1) Withdrawal      83,373,391.93   419,658,581.83    2,514,167.25    7,255,898.57        8,016,526.36    520,818,565.94
  (2) Transfer
                                      2,156,252.87                     172,995.00                            2,329,247.87
construction in
(3) Others (note
                        30,990.21      270,023.75         5,794.37         213.84            25,349.09        332,371.26
 3. Decreased
 amount of the      32,977,501.98    94,570,266.86    6,965,526.01    8,946,389.33        2,593,787.64    146,053,471.82
(1) Disposal or
                     4,086,710.00    94,420,760.30    6,965,526.01    8,925,455.21        2,314,279.72    116,712,731.24
  Equipment                            149,506.56                                            47,553.86        197,060.42

                                                                                    Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                        Annual Report 2023

    (3) Others
                   28,890,791.98                                       20,934.12           231,954.06     29,143,680.16
  4. Ending                        3,107,267,227.                                                         4,033,966,802.
                  772,209,491.83                    28,949,352.01   51,404,295.01       74,136,436.53
   balance                                    12                                                                     50
 1. Beginning
                                   11,129,431.94           69.83      343,855.06             1,587.18     11,474,944.01
 2. Increased
amount of the                       3,051,223.55       17,954.04       21,683.33                            3,090,860.92
(1) Withdrawal                      3,051,223.55       17,954.04       21,683.33                            3,090,860.92
 3. Decreased
amount of the                       6,379,770.41       18,023.87      362,500.40               793.59       6,761,088.27
(1) Disposal or
                                    6,379,770.41       18,023.87      362,500.40               793.59       6,761,088.27
  4. Ending
                                    7,800,885.08                         3,037.99              793.59       7,804,716.66
 IV. Carrying
  1. Ending       1,387,669,158.   2,015,424,374.                                                         3,451,760,127.
                                                     9,564,704.08   21,473,408.85       17,628,481.88
carrying value               46               64                                                                     91
 2. Beginning     1,223,723,347.   2,235,643,676.                                                         3,505,729,627.
                                                     9,539,101.71   18,280,946.98       18,542,555.42
carrying value               08               61                                                                     80

Note 1: Fixed assets-Other refers to the cooling system and sewage treatment station of NationStar
Optoelectronics and tools of Nanning Liaowang, etc.

Note 2: Other increases or decreases in gross amount and accumulated depreciation are due to the addition of
building accessories and classification of houses and buildings leased out to investment properties during the
current period.

(2) List of Temporarily Idle Fixed Assets


(3) Fixed Assets Leased out by Operation Lease


(4) Fixed Assets Failed to Accomplish Certification of Property

Other notes:

                                                                                Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                    Annual Report 2023

The Company's Fuwan Standard Workshop J3, Fuwan Standard Workshop K1, Building 8 of Gaoming Family
Dormitory, Fuwan Staff Dormitory Building 7, Family Dormitory Building 3 to 6, Staff Village Dormitory
Building A, Staff Village Dormitory Building 2, 3, 5, 6, 10 to 13, Staff Dormitory Building 1 to 4, Fuwan
Energy Saving Lamp Workshop 2, Glass Workshop 8, Glass Workshop 9, Fluorescent Lamp Workshop,
Standard Workshop A, R&D Workshop 11 to 14, and Kelian Building have been completed and put into use
and carried forward fixed assets. As of 31 December 2023, the relevant real estate licenses are being processed.
The management believed that there are no substantive legal barriers to the handling of these title certificates,
and it will not have a significant adverse impact on the normal operation of the Company.
In addition, the T5 warehouse in the North Zone, the equipment warehouse, the materials warehouse (east end
of the single-end workshop), the storage tank pond of the gas station in the North Zone, the LPG station in the
North Zone, the subsidiary warehouse of the new finished goods warehouse, the 3662M2 new finished goods
warehouse and the assembly plant of Gaoming LED lamps have no property ownership certificates due to
historical matters, and these buildings and constructions are involved in the "pending expropriation" project,
which is planned to be implemented by the relevant government departments, as detailed in Note VII (30) Other
non-current assets.

(5) Impairment Test of Fixed Assets

Applicable □Not applicable
The recoverable amount is determined based on the net amount of the fair value minus disposal costs
Applicable □Not applicable
The recoverable amount is determined by the present value of the forecasted future cash flow
Applicable □Not applicable
In 2023, the Company accrued a total impairment provision for fixed assets of RMB3,090,860.92. Specifically,
impairment tests were conducted on fixed assets that were severely worn due to prolonged use or became
obsolete due to product upgrades. Relevant assets were impaired, and their recoverable amount was estimated
based on the fair value and disposal costs determined by reference to the recent disposal and recovery rate of
similar assets. The Company accrued an impairment provision of RMB3,090,860.92 based on the higher
between the net amount of fair value less disposal costs and the present value of expected future cash flows for
the relevant asset groups.
The reason for the discrepancy between the foregoing information and the information used in the impairment
tests in prior years or external information


The reason for the discrepancy between the information used in the Company’s impairment tests in prior years
and the actual situation of those years


Other notes:


(6) Proceeds from Disposal of Fixed Assets

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                                                                                                                Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                    Annual Report 2023

                        Item                                            Ending balance                                    Beginning balance
Applying for scrapping up disposed
                                                                                         1,454,458.56                                      2,364,654.61
Total                                                                                    1,454,458.56                                      2,364,654.61

22. Construction in progress

                                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                        Item                                            Ending balance                                    Beginning balance
Construction in progress                                                          1,174,533,505.11                                     1,282,780,335.14
Total                                                                             1,174,533,505.11                                     1,282,780,335.14

(1) List of Construction in Progress

                                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                  Ending balance                                                 Beginning balance
        Item               Carrying                Depreciation                                   Carrying             Depreciation
                                                                        Carrying value                                                  Carrying value
                               amount                reserves                                     amount                 reserves
Construction in          1,176,061,060.                                  1,174,533,505.        1,284,307,890.                            1,282,780,335.
                                                    1,527,554.99                                                        1,527,554.99
progress                            10                                              11                    13                                        14
                         1,176,061,060.                                  1,174,533,505.        1,284,307,890.                            1,282,780,335.
Total                                               1,527,554.99                                                        1,527,554.99
                                    10                                              11                    13                                        14

(2) Changes in Significant Construction in Progress during the Reporting Period

                                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                     tion of                                           Capital
                                                                                                                Accum       amoun
                                                                                      accum                                            ization
                                                                                                                ulative       t of
                                                    Transf      Other                ulative                                           rate of
                         Beginn         Increas                                                                 amoun       capital
                                                     erred      decrea      Ending    invest         Job                               interes   Capital
                           ing            ed                                                                     t of        ized
 Item      Budget                                     in          sed       balanc       ment       schedu                             ts for    resour
                          balanc        amoun                                                                   interes     interes
                                                     fixed      amoun         e           in          le                                 the       ces
                               e           t                                                                       t         ts for
                                                     assets        t                  constr                                           Report
                                                                                                                capital       the
                                                                                     uctions                                            ing
                                                                                                                ization     Report
                                                                                          to                                           Period
Project                                                                                                                                          Self-
of the         1,714,     421,30        67,490      20,843                  467,95                                                               financi
                                                                                          31.31     31.31       562,36      524,52
Geely          546,70     8,508.        ,008.0      ,008.9                  5,507.                                                     2.74%     ng and
                                                                                             %      %             3.10        7.28
Industr          0.00         55             7           4                      68                                                               Borro
ial                                                                                                                                              wing
Kelian         726,73     566,25        11,377      311,81                  265,81                              36,640                           Self-
                                                                                          89.82     93.00
Buildi         8,900.     4,746.        ,600.1      3,594.                  8,751.                              ,953.0                           financi
                                                                                             %      %
ng                 00         61             7          94                      84                                   2                           ng and

                                                                             Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                 Annual Report 2023

FSLHa                                                                                                     funds
inan      310,40   37,522   127,61                 165,13                                                 and
                                                             57.99   61.00
Industr   0,000.   ,769.1   5,662.                 8,431.                                                 self-
                                                                %    %
ial           00        0       62                     72                                                 financi
Park I                                                                                                    ng
ng        212,13   73,222   91,554                 164,77                                                 Self-
                                                             84.67   90.00
office    5,300.   ,239.6   ,905.7                 7,145.                                                 financi
                                                                %    %
buildin       00        9        9                     48                                                 ng
          2,963,   1,098,   298,03   332,65        1,063,                    37,203
Total     820,90   308,26   8,176.   6,603.        689,83                    ,316.1              2.74%
            0.00     3.95       65       88          6.72                    2

Note: The Company pre-invested FSLHainan Industrial Park I Project with self-raised funds and replaced it
with raised funds in accordance with relevant regulations. For details, please refer to the Announcement on
Replacing the Pre-invested Fund-raising Project with Raised Funds and the Self-raised Funds Paid for Issuance
disclosed by the Company on the website of Cninfo.

(3) List of the Withdrawal of the Depreciation Reserves for Construction in Progress


(4) Impairment Test of Construction in Progress

□Applicable Not applicable

(5) Engineering Materials


23. Productive Living Assets

(1) Productive Living Assets Adopting Cost Measurement Mode

□Applicable  Not applicable

(2) Impairment Test of Productive Living Assets Adopting Cost Measurement Mode

□Applicable  Not applicable

(3) Productive Living Assets Adopting Fair Value Measurement Mode

□Applicable  Not applicable

                                                                             Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                 Annual Report 2023

24. Oil and Gas Assets

□Applicable  Not applicable

25. Right-of-use Assets

(1) List of Right-of-use Assets

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
             Item                 Houses and buildings      Land use right                      Total
I. Original carrying value
  1. Beginning balance                      21,717,402.95          19,090,760.38                   40,808,163.33
  2. Increased amount of the
                                             3,188,849.13                                            3,188,849.13
     (1) Leased in                           3,188,849.13                                            3,188,849.13
  3. Decreased amount of the
                                             8,094,667.99          19,090,760.38                   27,185,428.37
     (1) Disposal                            8,094,667.99          19,090,760.38                   27,185,428.37
  4. Ending balance                         16,811,584.09                                          16,811,584.09
II. Accumulated amortization
  1. Beginning balance                       9,106,242.62          18,654,192.98                   27,760,435.60
  2. Increased amount of the
                                             6,972,330.58             436,567.40                     7,408,897.98
     (1) Withdrawal                          6,972,330.58             436,567.40                     7,408,897.98
  3. Decreased amount of the
                                             8,079,309.75          19,090,760.38                   27,170,070.13
     (1) Disposal                            8,079,309.75          19,090,760.38                   27,170,070.13
  4. Ending balance                          7,999,263.45                                            7,999,263.45
III. Depreciation reserves
  1. Beginning balance
  2. Increased amount of the
     (1) Withdrawal
  3. Decreased amount of the
   (1) Disposal
  4. Ending balance
IV. Carrying value
  1. Ending carrying value                   8,812,320.64                                            8,812,320.64
  2. Beginning carrying value               12,611,160.33             436,567.40                   13,047,727.73

(2) Impairment Test of Right-of-use Assets

□Applicable Not applicable

                                                                                        Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                            Annual Report 2023

26. Intangible Assets

(1) List of Intangible Assets

                                                                                                                Unit: RMB
                                                           Non-patent   Software use
           Item           Land use right     Patent                                       Others (note 1)         Total
                                                           technology      right
      I. Original
 carrying value
  1. Beginning
                          408,013,759.69   24,198,472.74                35,318,404.44           49,109.90    467,579,746.77
  2. Increased
 amount of the             83,156,556.10      29,504.95                 39,936,144.08                        123,122,205.13
  (1) Purchase               350,661.10       29,504.95                 39,936,144.08                         40,316,310.13
   (2) Transfer
                           82,805,895.00                                                                      82,805,895.00
construction in
      3. Decreased
amount of the                                                              388,613.87           49,109.90        437,723.77
                                                                           388,613.87           49,109.90        437,723.77
      4.         Ending
                          491,170,315.79   24,227,977.69                74,865,934.65                        590,264,228.13
      1. Beginning
                           86,226,483.33   24,002,566.64                16,746,120.66           49,109.90    127,024,280.53
      2. Increased
amount of the              23,400,548.88     182,585.29                  5,156,009.34                         28,739,143.51
                            8,800,845.96     182,585.29                  5,156,009.34                         14,139,440.59
Transfer from
                           14,599,702.92                                                                      14,599,702.92
construction in
                                                                                                49,109.90          49,109.90
amount of the
                                                                                                49,109.90          49,109.90
      4.         Ending   109,627,032.21   24,185,151.93                21,902,130.00                        155,714,314.14

                                                                                 Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                     Annual Report 2023

   1. Beginning
                                                                    388,613.87                            388,613.87
   2. Increased
amount of the
                                                                    388,613.87                            388,613.87
amount of the
                                                                    388,613.87                            388,613.87
   4.         Ending
IV.       Carrying
   1.         Ending
                       381,543,283.58    42,825.76               52,963,804.65                        434,549,913.99
carrying value
   2. Beginning
                       321,787,276.36   195,906.10               18,183,669.91                        340,166,852.37
carrying value
The proportion of intangible assets formed from the internal R&D of the Company at the period-end to the
ending balance of intangible assets was 0.00%.

(2) Land Use Right with Certificate of Title Uncompleted


Othere notes:

Note 1: The intangible assets-other: mianly refer to the emission permit of Nanning Liaowang confirmed in

Note 2: The amortization of intangible assets in the current period amounted to RMB14,139,440.59, of which
RMB237,526.66 was included in the construction in progress.

(3) Impairment Test of Intangible Assets

□Applicable Not applicable

                                                                                 Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                     Annual Report 2023

27. Goodwill

(1) Original Carrying Value of Goodwill

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
 Name of the                                   Increase                       Decrease
 invested units
                    Beginning      Formed by
   or events                                                                                          Ending balance
                     balance        business                       Disposal
Liaowang Auto      16,211,469.82                                                                       16,211,469.82
Lamp Co., Ltd.
                  405,620,123.64                                                                      405,620,123.64
Co., Ltd.
Total             421,831,593.46                                                                      421,831,593.46

Note: As for the M&A of NationStar Optoelectronics in 2014 by Guangdong Electronics Information Industry
Group Ltd., the wholly-owned subsidiary of Guangdong Rising Holdings Group Co., Ltd., the difference
between the fair value and the net assets attributable to the shareholders of the listed company on the date of
acquisition of NationStar Optoelectronics formed goodwill of RMB405,620,123.64.

(2) Goodwill Impairment Provisions


(3) Information on the Assets Groups or Combination of Assets Groups which Goodwill Belongs to

The Company's Management determines the asset group or combination of asset groups based on the minimum
combination of assets that can independently generate cash inflows under the management or monitoring of
production and operating activities. The criteria for determining asset groups or combinations of asset groups
are consistent with those of previous years.
Other notes


(4) Specific Method of Determining the Recoverable Amount

The recoverable amount is determined based on the net amount of the fair value minus disposal costs
□Applicable Not applicable
The recoverable amount is determined by the present value of the forecasted future cash flow
Applicable □Not applicable
1. Process and Key Parameters of Goodwill Impairment Test:
When conducting an impairment test on goodwill, the Company compares the book value of the relevant asset
group (including goodwill) with its recoverable amount to determine whether goodwill impairment should be
accrued. The recoverable amount of the asset group is determined based on the present value of expected future
cash flows. The present value of the cash flow is estimated by the Company's Management based on the future

                                                                                               Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                   Annual Report 2023

cash flows over a five-year detailed forecast period and subsequent stable periods. The estimated future cash
flows during the detailed forecast period are determined based on the business plan developed by the
Management. The estimated future cash flows during the subsequent stable period are determined based on the
level of the last year of the detailed forecast period. The key assumptions used by the Company in estimating
the present value of future cash flows include business volume growth rate and discount rate. The pre-tax
discount rate used in 2023 was 9.83% and 11.07%, ,and the growth rate during the detailed forecast period was
between 5%-20.54%. When determining parameters related to each key assumption, the Company's
Management referred to the Company's historical experience or external information sources.
2. Impact of the Goodwill Impairment Test
The goodwill impairment test conducted by the Company in this period has no impact on the financial
The reason for the discrepancy between the foregoing information and the information used in the impairment
tests in prior years or external information


The reason for the discrepancy between the information used in the Company’s impairment tests in prior years
and the actual situation of those years


(5) Completion of Commitments to Results and Corresponding Goodwill Impairment

When goodwill is formed, there is a commitment to the results and the reporting period or the period preceding
the reporting period is within the commitment period
□Applicable Not applicable

28. Long-term Prepaid Expense

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                             Increased amount          Amortization
                                                                                            Other decreased
        Item           Beginning balance       of the current          amount of the                                Ending balance
                                                   period              current period
Mould                     123,701,355.84         81,670,138.20           43,208,573.05          31,833,330.25         130,329,590.74
Expense          on
maintenance      and       53,937,007.68         17,253,561.64           22,044,249.28                                 49,146,320.04
Boarding box                  371,728.64            604,711.36              308,501.04                                    667,938.96
Other                      12,116,535.75          6,318,284.90            8,215,971.14                                 10,218,849.51
Total                     190,126,627.91        105,846,696.10           73,777,294.51          31,833,330.25         190,362,699.25

29. Deferred Income Tax Assets/Deferred Income Tax Liabilities

(1) Deferred Income Tax Assets that Had not Been Off-set

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                             Ending balance                                       Beginning balance
          Item             Deductible temporary       Deferred income tax         Deductible temporary          Deferred income tax
                                difference                    assets                     difference                   assets

                                                                                                   Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                       Annual Report 2023

Provision               for
                                      390,622,029.71                59,298,411.33             355,634,218.16                53,741,627.33
impairment of assets
Unrealized    profit    of
                                       37,737,392.89                  5,660,608.94             52,989,043.64                 7,948,356.52
internal transactions
Deductible loss                       124,708,331.49                22,015,171.66              72,901,011.65                12,503,679.82
Depreciation of fixed
                                       54,793,929.61                  8,219,089.44             57,459,943.55                 8,618,991.55
Estimated cost                         46,135,701.47                  6,920,355.22             14,405,700.07                 2,160,855.01
Accrued liabilities                    14,277,087.30                  2,141,563.09              9,579,783.06                 1,436,967.46
Change in fair value of
                                           751,107.32                   112,666.10               5,013,923.26                  752,088.49
trading financial assets
Long-term deferred
                                                                                                 3,888,860.58                  583,329.09
Lease liabilities and
                                       12,750,617.72                  1,915,901.17             16,534,532.14                 2,498,110.14
Total                                 681,776,197.51               106,283,766.95             588,407,016.11                90,244,005.41

(2) Deferred Income Tax Liabilities Had not Been Off-set

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                 Ending balance                                        Beginning balance
          Item                 Taxable temporary          Deferred income tax          Taxable temporary          Deferred income tax
                                    difference                    liabilities               difference                   liabilities
Assets       assessment
appreciation       from
business consolidation                 83,667,098.60                12,550,064.79              88,576,232.73                13,286,434.92
not under the same
Changes in fair value
of other investments in               417,362,085.59                62,604,312.84             580,809,393.51                87,121,409.03
equity instruments
One-off depreciation of
                                      649,066,960.98                97,598,859.53             680,398,140.98               102,059,721.15
fixed assets
Changes in the fair
value      of    trading                 1,559,845.00                   233,976.75                  14,216.68                     2,132.50
financial assets
Right-of-use assets and
                                       12,108,349.60                  1,819,532.34             12,943,263.71                 1,958,578.35
Total                               1,163,764,339.77               174,806,746.25           1,362,741,247.61               204,428,275.95

(3) Deferred Income Tax Assets or Liabilities Listed by Net Amount after Off-set

                                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                              Mutual set-off amount        Amount of deferred         Mutual set-off amount        Amount of deferred
                              of deferred income tax      income tax assets or        of deferred income tax      income tax assets or
                              assets and liabilities at   liabilities after off-set   assets and liabilities at   liabilities after off-set
                                  the period-end            at the period-end            the period-begin          at the period-begin
Deferred income tax
                                                                   106,283,766.95                                           90,244,005.41

                                                                                         Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                             Annual Report 2023

Deferred income tax
                                                        174,806,746.25                                        204,428,275.95

(4) List of Unrecognized Deferred Income Tax Assets


(5) Deductible Losses of Unrecognized Deferred Income Tax Assets will Due in the Following Years


30. Other Non-current Assets

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                    Ending balance                                        Beginning balance
        Item         Carrying        Impairment                           Carrying           Impairment
                                                     Carrying value                                         Carrying value
                     amount           provision                           amount              provision
assets to be
                    41,955,426.17                     41,955,426.17      36,553,212.64                         36,553,212.64
disposed (note
payment for
                    40,991,898.73                     40,991,898.73      44,132,869.26                         44,132,869.26
equipment and
payment for
long-term           36,085,714.00                     36,085,714.00
for equity          10,000,000.00    10,000,000.00                       10,000,000.00       10,000,000.00
Assets        of
subsidiaries to
                                                                           613,072.43                             613,072.43
be cleared and
Other                 294,664.28                         294,664.28        244,358.52                             244,358.52
Total              129,327,703.18    10,000,000.00   119,327,703.18      91,543,512.85       10,000,000.00     81,543,512.85

Other notes:

Note 1: The Company intends to hand over the plots of land located on the south and north sides of the Gongye
Road to the government for revitalisation in the form of "pending expropriation". When the government
successfully sells the plots through a public auction, the Company will be given the compensation for the land
transfer according to the policy. The buildings and constructions to be revitalized include the plant of LED
Workshop 3, the added plant of LED Workshop 3, South Plant (single-end workshop), North Plant (4 buildings),
spark plug workshop of energy-saving lamps warehouse, T8 Workshop 1 (Building 2), LED Workshop 2,
Iodine Lamp Workshop 3155m (building 14), the Company's new finished goods warehouse 3662M2, materials
warehouse (east end of single-end workshop), North Zone LPG station , T5 warehouse in the North Zone, etc.

31. Assets with Restricted Ownership or Right of Use

                                                                                            Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                Annual Report 2023

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                    Period-end                                               Period-beginning
   Item          Carrying     Carrying      Type of         Status of       Carrying      Carrying      Type of           Status of
                 amount        value       restriction     restriction      amount         value       restriction       restriction
                                                          Note                                                          Note
                                                          deposits,                                                     deposits,
                                                          bond                                                          bond
Monetary       486,328,75    486,328,75    Restricted                      534,826,52    534,826,52    Restricted
                                                          deposits,                                                     deposits,
assets               2.85          2.85    use                                   8.99          8.99    use
                                                          pre-sale of                                                   pre-sale of
                                                          properties,                                                   properties,
                                                          etc.                                                          etc.
                                                          Pledge of                                                     Pledge of
                                                          note pool,                                                    note pool,
                                           Pledged,                                                    Pledged,
                                                          notes                                                         notes
                                           endorsed or                                                 endorsed or
Notes          873,275,55    873,275,55                   receivable       751,280,63    751,280,63                     receivable
                                           discounted                                                  discounted
receivable           6.80          6.80                   endorsed or            9.50          9.50                     endorsed or
                                           but not                                                     but not
                                                          discounted                                                    discounted
                                           matured                                                     matured
                                                          but not                                                       but not
                                                          matured                                                       matured
                                                                                                                        Pledged for
Fixed          326,522,71    219,746,33                   party            213,180,56    149,146,77
                                           Mortgaged                                                   Mortgaged        mortgaged
assets               5.93          1.38                   mortgage               8.23          3.04
                                                          Related                                                       mortgaged
Intangible     15,551,408.   10,652,715.                  party            15,551,408.   10,963,743.                    for short-
                                           Mortgaged                                                   Mortgaged
assets                 00            04                   mortgage                 00            21                     term
                                                          guarantees                                                    borrowings
                                                                                                                        from banks
               120,221,19    120,221,19                   Pledge of
receivable                                 Pledged
                     9.92          9.92                   note pool
               1,821,899,6   1,710,224,5                                   1,514,839,1   1,446,217,6
                     33.50         55.99                                         44.72         84.74

32. Short-term Borrowings

(1) Category of Short-term Borrowings

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                  Item                                   Ending balance                            Beginning balance
Mortgage loans                                                           83,330,000.00                               100,000,000.00
Credit loans                                                             70,000,000.00                                37,596,526.02
Acceptance bill discount                                                 66,689,877.73                                20,000,000.00
Interest from short-term borrowings                                                                                     118,833.33
Total                                                                  220,019,877.73                                157,715,359.35

Notes of the category for short-term loans: Notes receivable discounted but not yet due at the end of the period are all bank
acceptances with recourse rights and do not meet the conditions for derecognition. Therefore, they are recognised as short-term

                                                                                           Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                               Annual Report 2023


(2) List of the Short-term Borrowings Overdue but not Returned


33. Trading Financial Liabilities

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                     Item                               Ending balance                            Beginning balance
Trading financial liabilities                                                                                        4,679,000.00
Other                                                                                                                4,679,000.00
Total                                                                                                                4,679,000.00

34. Derivative Financial Liabilities


35. Notes Payable

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                   Category                             Ending balance                            Beginning balance
Bank acceptance bill                                               2,256,122,566.65                               1,923,641,752.28
letter of credit                                                      15,052,221.04                                 52,101,816.43
Total                                                              2,271,174,787.69                               1,975,743,568.71

The total amount of notes payable that are due but unpaid amounted to RMB0.00 at the end of the current period.

36. Accounts Payable

(1) List of Accounts Payable

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                     Item                               Ending balance                            Beginning balance
Accounts payable                                                   2,875,980,206.64                               2,513,177,458.14
Total                                                              2,875,980,206.64                               2,513,177,458.14

(2) Significant Accounts Payable Aging over One Year or Overdue

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                     Item                               Ending balance                        Unpaid/Un-carry-over reason
No. 1                                                                50,215,590.07     It has not reached the settlement period
No. 2                                                                11,091,750.64     It has not reached the settlement period
Total                                                                 61,307,340.71

                                                                                    Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                        Annual Report 2023

37. Other Payables

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                 Item                             Ending balance                           Beginning balance
Dividends payable                                                                                              15,646.07
Other payables                                                362,491,923.01                              440,214,434.98
Total                                                         362,491,923.01                              440,230,081.05

(1) Interest Payable


(2) Dividends Payable

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                  Item                            Ending balance                           Beginning balance
Ordinary stock dividends                                                                                        15,646.07
Total                                                                                                           15,646.07

(3) Other Payables

1) Other Payables Listed by Nature of Account

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                  Item                            Ending balance                           Beginning balance
Account current                                               122,073,392.43                            133,618,069.56
Relevant expense of sales                                      88,852,388.08                             29,232,738.55
Performance bond                                               76,508,284.65                             67,039,416.12
Payments for demolition                                        36,592,784.44                             36,734,144.44
Payment for equity transfer                                     5,000,000.00                            134,409,650.00
Other                                                          33,465,073.41                               39,180,416.31
Total                                                         362,491,923.01                              440,214,434.98

2) Significant Other Accounts Payable Aging over One Year or Overdue

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                  Item                            Ending balance                       Unpaid/Un-carry-over reason
Unit A                                                        103,639,661.12    It has not reached the settlement period
Total                                                         103,639,661.12

38. Advances from Customer

(1) List of Advances from Customers

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                  Item                            Ending balance                           Beginning balance
Advances from customers                                            466,872.69                                2,532,442.44
Total                                                              466,872.69                                2,532,442.44

                                                                                        Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                            Annual Report 2023

(2) Significant Advances from Customers Aging over One Year or Overdue


39. Contract Liabilities

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                     Item                          Ending balance                              Beginning balance
Advances on sales                                                235,335,693.28                              125,143,161.61
Total                                                            235,335,693.28                              125,143,161.61

40. Employee Benefits Payable

(1) List of Employee Benefits Payable

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
           Item              Beginning balance        Increase                    Decrease               Ending balance
I. Short-term salary              168,935,119.49    1,310,666,848.80              1,287,023,442.59           192,578,525.70
benefit-defined                     3,890,071.51      115,393,947.25               118,031,731.80               1,252,286.96
contribution plans
                                      208,961.18          696,565.24                   905,526.42
Total                             173,034,152.18    1,426,757,361.29              1,405,960,700.81           193,830,812.66

(2) List of Short-term Salary

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
           Item              Beginning balance        Increase                    Decrease               Ending balance
1.      Salary,     bonus,
                                  164,655,970.83    1,147,620,557.78              1,123,073,150.44           189,203,378.17
allowance, subsidy
2. Employee welfare                   666,925.03       62,255,523.25                62,882,705.18                   39,743.10
3. Social insurance                 1,367,698.57       51,961,382.31                52,815,165.43                  513,915.45
Of    which: Medical
                                    1,200,640.78       48,758,883.93                49,526,594.40                  432,930.31
insurance premiums
                                      167,057.79        3,202,498.38                 3,288,571.03                   80,985.14
injury insurance
4. Housing fund                       458,956.38       37,734,019.99                37,694,656.87                  498,319.50
5. Labor union budget
and               employee          1,785,568.68       11,095,365.47                10,557,764.67               2,323,169.48
education budget
Total                             168,935,119.49    1,310,666,848.80              1,287,023,442.59           192,578,525.70

(3) List of Defined Contribution Plans

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

                                                                                         Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                             Annual Report 2023

            Item               Beginning balance         Increase                    Decrease             Ending balance
1.      Basic      pension
                                       3,658,022.92      105,663,970.62              108,380,886.15                 941,107.39
2.         Unemployment
                                        131,643.99         3,411,637.44                3,513,509.75                  29,771.68
3. Annuity                              100,404.60         6,318,339.19                6,137,335.90                 281,407.89
Total                                  3,890,071.51      115,393,947.25              118,031,731.80              1,252,286.96

Other notes:
The Company participates in the scheme of pension insurance and unemployment insurance established by
government agencies as required. According to the scheme, fees are paid to it on a monthly basis and at the rate
of stipulated by government agencies. In addition to the above monthly deposit fees, the Company no longer
assumes further payment obligations. Corresponding expenses are recorded into the current profits or losses or
the cost of related assets when incurred.

41. Taxes Payable

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                     Item                             Ending balance                            Beginning balance
VAT                                                                  15,318,825.56                             35,832,025.02
Corporate income tax                                                 17,336,516.13                               9,503,893.79
Personal income tax                                                   3,796,001.53                               2,569,142.68
Urban maintenance and construction tax                                1,905,489.83                               2,934,691.53
Property tax                                                          1,260,207.36                               8,147,187.30
Education surcharge                                                   1,423,582.17                               2,015,767.71
Land use tax                                                           247,268.25                                1,817,585.50
Other                                                                 1,652,266.47                               1,475,258.57
Total                                                                42,940,157.30                             64,295,552.10

42. Liabilities Held for sale


43. Current Portion of Non-current Liabilities

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                     Item                             Ending balance                            Beginning balance
Current portion of long-term borrowings                             339,846,622.13                             60,322,923.28
Current portion of lease liabilities                                  4,067,592.32                               5,217,587.39
Total                                                               343,914,214.45                             65,540,510.67

44. Other Current Liabilities

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                     Item                             Ending balance                            Beginning balance
Pending changerover output VAT and
                                                                     23,162,317.81                               8,370,764.15

                                                                                Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                    Annual Report 2023

Reversed notes that are endorsed and
                                                            71,846,109.20                             91,821,916.85
Total                                                       95,008,427.01                            100,192,681.00

45. Long-term Borrowings

(1) Category of Long-term Borrowings

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                    Item                        Ending balance                         Beginning balance
Mortgage loans                                              27,754,169.97
Credit borrowings                                          565,185,873.45                            808,253,946.99
Less: Current portion of long-term
                                                           339,846,622.13                             60,322,923.28
Total                                                      253,093,421.29                            747,931,023.71

46. Bonds Payable


47. Lease Liabilities

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                    Item                        Ending balance                         Beginning balance
Lease liabilities                                             8,378,560.24                           12,273,129.57
Less: current portion of lease liabilities                    4,067,592.32                             5,217,587.39
                   Total                                      4,310,967.92                              7,055,542.18

Other notes:

Analysis of the maturity of lease liabilities

                           Item                       Ending balance                   Beginning balance

1-2 years                                                        1,637,899.09                        2,743,459.17

2-5 years                                                        2,673,068.83                        4,312,083.01

                           Total                                 4,310,967.92                        7,055,542.18

48. Long-term Payables


49. Long-term Employee Benefits Payable


                                                                                                           Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                               Annual Report 2023

        50. Provisions

                                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                       Item                       Ending balance                  Beginning balance                   Reason for formation
                                                                                                                  Withdrawal of product quality
        Product quality assurance                           14,277,087.30                     9,587,043.31
                                                                                                                  assurance expenses
        Total                                               14,277,087.30                     9,587,043.31

        51. Deferred Income

                                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                        Increase for the      Decrease for the                                   Reason for
                Item             Beginning balance                                                      Ending balance
                                                         current period        current period                                     formation
        Government grants            97,078,233.43          12,655,368.65        34,548,140.81             75,185,461.27
        Total                        97,078,233.43          12,655,368.65        34,548,140.81             75,185,461.27             --

        Other notes:

                                                                 recorded                        Amount
                                                                 into non- Amount recorded       offset
                                                                                                                                             Related to
                                              Amount of newly operating into other income        cost in     Other
         Item           Beginning balance                                                                             Ending balance      assets/related to
                                                  subsidy        income in in the Reporting       the       changes
                                                                    the         Period        Reporting
                                                                 Reporting                       Period
Government grants
                              87,291,648.80       6,085,400.00                29,426,184.02                              63,950,864.78
related to assets
The Projects of the
Production Expansion
and Technological
                                                                                                                                             Related to
Transformation of             18,133,049.12                                    4,064,551.68                              14,068,497.44
Components of Small-
spacing and Outdoor
LED Displays
The Subsidy for
Metal-organic                                                                                                                                Related to
                              22,090,261.99                                   15,005,565.15                                7,084,696.84
Chemical Vapor                                                                                                                                 assets
Deposition (MOCVD)
The Project of the
Innovation in
                                                                                                                                             Related to
Technology and                 9,422,687.81                                    1,799,394.64                                7,623,293.17
Transformation of
Key Packaging

                                                                     Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                         Annual Report 2023

Equipment of LEDs
with High Color
Rendering Index for
Government Subsidy
for Annual Fixed
Asset Investment in
                                                                                                     Related to
Advanced                               4,137,000.00                                 4,137,000.00
Manufacturing and
Oil & Gas Extraction
The Project of the
Innovation in
Technology and
Technological                                                                                        Related to
                        5,278,832.46    587,645.00    1,033,523.36                  4,832,954.10
Transformation of                                                                                      assets
Key Packaging
Equipment of LEDs
with Small Spacing
for Display
The Project of
                                                                                                     Related to
Conservation and        4,249,848.44                  1,809,367.44                  2,440,481.00
The First Batch of
2022 Special Funds
for Industrial
                                                                                                     Related to
Technological           2,304,000.01                   256,000.02                   2,047,999.99
Transformation by the
Finance Bureau of
Liang Jiang New Area
The Second Batch of
Support Funds for the
Transformation of
                                                                                                     Related to
Thousands of            1,766,666.62                   200,000.04                   1,566,666.58
Enterprises" in the
Guangxi Zhuang
Autonomous Region
for 2021
The 2019 Second                                                                                      Related to
                        1,800,000.00                   300,000.00                   1,500,000.00
Batch of Special                                                                                       assets

                                                                  Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                      Annual Report 2023

Funds of RMB3
Million for the
Industrial and
Development of the
The First Batch of
Special Funds for the
Industrial and
Development for the
                                                                                                  Related to
Guangxi Zhuang           1,766,666.89                399,999.96                  1,366,666.93
Autonomous Region
for 2017
Transformation) for
Liuzhou Guige
The Project of the
First Batch of Support
Funds for Enterprises                                                                             Related to
                         1,500,000.00                300,000.00                  1,200,000.00
in Liuzhou City for                                                                                 assets
2017 for Liuzhou
Research and
Development and
Project of Potassium
                                                                                                  Related to
Nitride-based Rf          970,982.10                 113,597.52                    857,384.58
Devices in the Field
of Next Generation
The 2019 14th Batch
of Industrial Support                                                                             Related to
                          900,000.00                 150,000.00                    750,000.00
Funds of RMB1.5                                                                                     assets
Technology Reform
Project of LED                                                                                    Related to
                                        620,755.00                                 620,755.00
Packaging Workshop                                                                                  assets
in Geely Industrial
Park (Phase I)
LED Technology for                                                                                Related to
                                        740,000.00   132,827.40                    607,172.60
Efficient Cultivation                                                                               assets

                                                    Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                        Annual Report 2023

in Modern Agriculture
and Its Demonstrative
The Innovation Fund
for Enterprises in
                                                                                    Related to
Liudong New Area          750,000.00   150,000.00                    600,000.00
for 2017 for Liuzhou
The First Batch of
2022 Special Funds                                                                  Related to
                          630,000.00    69,999.99                    560,000.01
for Micro, Small, and                                                                 assets
Medium Enterprises
The Project of the
Third Batch of
Special Funds of
                                                                                    Related to
Development for the       616,000.00    96,000.00                    520,000.00
Guangxi Zhuang
Autonomous Region
for 2018 for Liuzhou
The Project of
Support Funds for
                                                                                    Related to
Enterprises in            716,666.61   200,000.04                    516,666.57
Liuzhou City for 2020
for Liuzhou Guige
The Key Labs of
Semiconductor Micro
                                                                                    Related to
Display Enterprises in    510,000.00    75,437.40                    434,562.60
Guangdong Province
(for 2020)
The Project of
Financial Support for
Developing Liuzhou
City into an Industrial                                                             Related to
                          579,333.28   158,000.04                    421,333.24
Internet of Things                                                                    assets
(IIOT) Demonstration
City for 2021 for
Liuzhou Guige
The Demonstration of
Industrial Internet of
                                                                                    Related to
Things (IIOT)             515,334.44   134,665.56                    380,668.88
Applications for LED
Production Control

                                                                      Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                          Annual Report 2023

The Project of Key
Technologies and
Industrialization of                                                                                  Related to
                          441,240.00                     60,990.00                     380,250.00
Silica-based Gallium                                                                                    assets
Nitride Power
The Project of
Research and
Development and
Industrialization of
NB-IoT-based Multi-                                                                                   Related to
                          399,557.60                     37,831.80                     361,725.80
Mode Low-Power                                                                                          assets
Wide-Area Internet of
Things Node Chips
and Packaging
                                                                                                      Related to
Others                  11,950,521.43                  2,878,431.98                  9,072,089.45
Government grants
                         9,786,584.63   6,569,968.65   5,121,956.79                 11,234,596.49
related to income
The Research on the
Key Technology of
4K/8K Full-colour                                                                                     Related to
                         3,407,456.55   3,900,000.00   2,344,940.27                  4,962,516.28
Micro-LED Displays                                                                                     income
with Ultra-High
Definition (UHD)
The Research on Full-
colour and Integrated
Packaging of Micro-                                                                                   Related to
                         2,234,709.86    529,968.65     994,276.21                   1,770,402.30
LED Display with                                                                                       income
High Brightness and
Research Project on
Key Technologies of
the Third Generation
of High Efficiency                                                                                    Related to
                         1,771,946.26                    66,471.72                   1,705,474.54
and Frequency                                                                                          income
Electronic Power
2023 Automotive
Lamp Production                                                                                       Related to
                                         850,000.00      85,000.00                     765,000.00
Digitalization                                                                                         income

                                                                                                 Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                     Annual Report 2023

Improvement Project
The Fund for the
Transformation and                                                                                                                 Related to
                              555,333.26                                           68,000.04                      487,333.22
Upgrading Projects of                                                                                                              income
Enterprises for 2021
The Fund for the
Project of the
                                                                                                                                   Related to
Committee of the              512,000.08                                           63,999.96                      448,000.12
Liuzhou High-tech
Development Zone
Epitaxial Growth and
Chip Fabrication
                                                                                                                                   Related to
Techniques for High-                                 400,000.00                                                   400,000.00
Performance Deep
Ultraviolet LED
The Guangdong-Hong
Kong-Macao Joint
Lab of Intelligent                                                                                                                 Related to
                              351,622.41                                            1,622.41                      350,000.00
Micro-nano                                                                                                                         income
The Special Fund of
the Science and
Department of the                                                                                                                  Related to
                              400,000.00                                           60,000.00                      340,000.00
Guangxi Zhuang                                                                                                                     income
Autonomous Region
for Innovation-driven
Development for 2020
                                                                                                                                   Related to
Others                        553,516.21             890,000.00              1,437,646.18                           5,870.03
         Total             97,078,233.43       12,655,368.65                34,548,140.81                      75,185,461.27

         52. Other Non-current Liabilities

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                           Item                                   Ending balance                        Beginning balance
         Pending changerover output VAT                                             205,769.48                              307,696.87
         Liabilities of subsidiaries to be cleared
         and cancelled

                                                                                                   Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                       Annual Report 2023

Total                                                                         205,769.48                                     308,780.61

53. Share Capital

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                                                  Increase/decrease (+/-)
                    Beginning                                                                                                 Ending
                                     New shares                        Bonus issue
                      balance                         Bonus shares                          Other           Subtotal          balance
                                        issued                          from profit
The sum of          1,361,994,64     186,783,583.                                                         186,783,583.      1,548,778,23
shares                      7.00               00                                                                  00               0.00

Other notes:

                                    Beginning balance                                                          Ending balance
 Category/investor                                                     Increased       decreased
                            Amount invested         Percentage                                         Amount invested       Percentage
Restricted shares             10,753,658.00               0.79%      186,783,583.00                      197,537,241.00         12.75%
Unrestricted shares         1,351,240,989.00             99.21%                                        1,351,240,989.00         87.25%
          Total             1,361,994,647.00            100.00%      186,783,583.00                    1,548,778,230.00         100.00%

The increase in share capital was for the issuance of new shares. On 14 March 2023, the Company held the 39th Meeting of the
Ninth Session of the Board of Directors and considered and passed the Proposal on the Company's Compliance with the
Conditions for the Issuance of A Shares to Specific Objects, and the Board of Directors agreed that the Company should apply for
the issuance of shares to specific objects to the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (''SZSE''). According to the resolutions passed at the
39th Meeting of the Ninth Board of Directors and the First Extraordinary General Meeting of 2023, the Company applied for the
issuance of ordinary shares (A shares) not exceeding 30% of the total share capital, i.e., not exceeding 408,598,394 shares to
specific investors, and 186,783,583 shares were actually issued, with a nominal value of RMB1 per share, at an issuance price of
RMB5.86 per share. The total amount raised was RMB1,094,551,796.38, the base date of the share issue was 9 November 2023,
and the registered capital after the change was RMB1,548,778,230.00. As of 31 December 2023, the Company has raised net
proceeds of RMB1,088,415,488.82, of which RMB186,783,583.00 was increased by the issuance of new shares and
RMB901,631,905.82 was transferred to capital surplus.

54. Other Equity Instruments


55. Capital Reserves

                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
           Item                 Beginning balance                Increase                   Decrease                Ending balance
Capital           premium
                                                                 907,090,354.12                                           907,090,354.12
(premium on stock)
Other capital reserves                  7,245,971.54                                                                        7,245,971.54
Total                                   7,245,971.54             907,090,354.12                                           914,336,325.66

Other notes, including changes and reason of change:
The increase during the period was RMB901,631,905.82 for the increase in capital surplus from the issuance of new shares; and
RMB5,458,448.30 of capital surplus was increased due to the increase in holding proportion of Zhida Company.

                                                                                                 Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                     Annual Report 2023

56. Treasury Shares

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
              Item                Beginning balance             Increase                    Decrease              Ending balance
Treasury shares (A-
                                        82,165,144.15                                                                     82,165,144.15
Total                                   82,165,144.15                                                                     82,165,144.15

57. Other Comprehensive Income

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                                   Reporting Period
                                                   Less:          Less:
                                                 Recorded       Recorded
                                                  in other       in other
                                                comprehen      comprehen                     Attributabl
                                    Income            sive        sive                       e to owners    Attributabl
                     Beginning      before      income in      income in         Less:          of the       e to non-        Ending
                      balance     taxation in   prior period   prior period   Income tax      Company       controlling       balance
                                  the Current         and          and         expense          as the       interests
                                    Period      transferred    transferred                   parent after    after tax
                                                to profit or   to retained                       tax
                                                loss in the    earnings in
                                                  Current      the Current
                                                  Period         Period
I.       Other
income that
may           not                          -                                            -             -
                     498,660,48                                                                                             359,730,27
                                  163,447,30                                  24,517,096.    138,930,21
subsequentl                4.47                                                                                                   2.74
                                        7.93                                          20           1.73
y             be
to profit or

Changes in
fair     value                             -                                            -             -
                     498,660,48                                                                                             359,730,27
of       other                    163,447,30                                  24,517,096.    138,930,21
                           4.47                                                                                                   2.74
equity                                  7.93                                          20           1.73

II.      Other
                              -   1,496,981.6
comprehen                                                                                    816,220.62     680,761.00      296,754.85
                     519,465.77             2

                                                                                               Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                   Annual Report 2023

income that
y           be
to profit or

translation                 -   1,496,981.6
                                                                                           816,220.62      680,761.00       296,754.85
of     foreign     519,465.77             2
d financial
Total       of
other                                    -                                            -             -
                   498,141,01                                                                                               360,027,02
comprehen                       161,950,32                                  24,517,096.    138,113,99      680,761.00
                         8.70                                                                                                     7.59
sive                                  6.31                                          20           1.11


58. Specific Reserve

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                       Increase for the current      Decrease for the
            Item                Beginning balance                                                                Ending balance
                                                               period                 current period
Safety production costs                                         17,469,664.05              16,256,338.13                   1,213,325.92
Total                                                           17,469,664.05              16,256,338.13                   1,213,325.92

Other notes, including a description of the increase or decrease for the current period and the reasons for the change:

The increase in the current year represents the safety production expenses accrued in accordance with the proportion stipulated in
the Notice on Issuing the Management Measures for the Provision and Use of Enterprise Production Safety Costs (C.Z. [2022] No.
136), and the decrease in the current year represents the actual safety production expenses incurred.

59. Surplus Reserves

                                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
            Item                Beginning balance             Increase                    Decrease               Ending balance
Statutory          surplus
                                      49,678,756.19             16,585,651.91                                             66,264,408.10
Discretionary      surplus
                                      41,680,270.96                                                                       41,680,270.96
Total                                 91,359,027.15             16,585,651.91                                        107,944,679.06

Notes including changes and reasons thereof:

                                                                                                Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                    Annual Report 2023

The increase for the Reporting Period refers to the accrued surplus reserves of RMB16,585,651.91.

60. Retained Earnings

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                   Item                                  Reporting Period                           Same period of last year
Beginning balance of retained earnings
                                                                  3,296,490,575.52                               3,111,864,076.86
before adjustments
Beginning balance of total retained
earnings of adjustments (“+” for                                         -54,747.02                                      18,918.22
increase, “-“ for decrease)
Beginning balance of retained earnings
                                                                  3,296,435,828.50                               3,111,882,995.08
after adjustments
Add: Net profit attributable to owners of
                                                                     290,357,652.22                                230,320,570.67
the Company as the parent
Less: Withdrawal of statutory surplus
                                                                      16,585,651.91                                  11,785,496.74
           Dividend of ordinary shares
                                                                     134,899,464.70                                134,899,464.70
Add: Others (note)                                                                                                 100,917,224.19
Ending retained earnings                                          3,435,308,364.11                               3,296,435,828.50

List of adjustment of beginning retained earnings:
(1) RMB0.00 beginning retained earnings was affected by retrospective adjustment conducted according to the Accounting
Standards for Business Enterprises and relevant new regulations.
(2) RMB54,747.02 beginning retained earnings and RMB18,918.22 of retained earnings at the beginning of last year were affected
by changes in accounting policies.
(3) RMB0.00 beginning retained earnings was affected by correction of significant accounting errors.
(4) RMB0.00 beginning retained earnings was affected by changes in combination scope arising from same control.
(5) RMB0.00 beginning retained earnings was affected totally by other adjustments.
Note: The accumulated change in fair value previously recorded into other comprehensive income was transferred to re tained
earnings when selling stocks.

61. Operating Revenue and Cost of Sales

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                            Reporting Period                                    Same period of last year
                              Operating revenue            Cost of sales           Operating revenue               Cost of sales
Main operations                8,783,592,484.22          7,149,008,993.34            8,494,775,305.34            7,040,206,010.36
Other operations                    273,699,519.68          205,805,258.67              265,189,970.62             183,765,491.17
Total                          9,057,292,003.90          7,354,814,252.01            8,759,965,275.96            7,223,971,501.53

Whether the lower of the net profit before and after deduction of non-recurring gains and losses through audit is negative
□Yes No
Breakdown information of operating income and operating cost:
                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
            Category of contracts
                                                         Operating Revenue                                 Operating cost

                                                                                               Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                   Annual Report 2023

            Category of contracts
                                                          Operating Revenue                                Operating cost
Business Type                                                       9,057,292,003.90                               7,354,814,252.01
Of which:
General lighting products                                            3,329,722,911.78                              2,496,127,614.48
LED packaging and component products                                 2,497,194,527.32                              2,043,780,170.44
Vehicle lamp products                                                1,830,397,791.01                              1,498,785,095.87
Trade and other products                                             1,399,976,773.79                              1,316,121,371.22
Classification by operating region                                   9,057,292,003.90                              7,354,814,252.01
  Of which:
Domestic                                                             7,028,294,952.48                              5,590,598,879.20
Overseas                                                             2,028,997,051.42                              1,764,215,372.81
Total                                                                9,057,292,003.90                              7,354,814,252.01

Information in relation to the transaction price apportioned to the residual contract performance obligation:
The amount of revenue corresponding to performance obligations of contracts signed but not performed or not fully performed yet
was RMB419,729,549.08 at the period-end.

62. Taxes and Surtaxes

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                   Item                                  Reporting Period                          Same period of last year
Property tax                                                             22,491,644.46                               21,704,695.10
Urban maintenance and construction tax                                   20,485,713.05                               16,433,160.03
Education surcharge                                                      10,734,704.27                                 8,648,196.05
Stamp duty                                                                7,026,462.85                                 7,098,838.10
Land use tax                                                              6,043,496.59                                 6,829,390.37
Local education surcharge                                                 3,973,983.11                                 2,959,947.15
VAT of land                                                               1,237,746.77                                -2,047,738.45
Environmental protection tax                                                 66,202.00                                  129,730.62
Vehicle and vessel use tax                                                   44,856.33                                    45,539.98
Others                                                                      163,610.44                                  225,457.17
Total                                                                    72,268,419.87                               62,027,216.12

63. Administrative Expense

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                   Item                                  Reporting Period                          Same period of last year
Employee benefits                                                       269,186,658.26                              253,446,528.98
Depreciation charge                                                      57,457,595.30                               48,169,909.92
Office expenses                                                          26,186,734.81                               23,802,294.29
Engineering decoration cost                                              10,100,054.08                                6,308,994.29
Amortization of intangible assets                                         8,230,781.28                                7,406,254.55
Utilities                                                                 8,078,631.82                                8,318,833.90
Intermediary agency fee                                                   8,161,257.09                               10,681,650.48
Labor cost                                                                3,353,120.74                                3,790,883.26
Security fund for the disabled                                            2,712,902.14                                2,773,339.56
Rent of land and management charge                                        1,505,144.05                                1,636,038.99
Others                                                                   35,571,492.39                               41,784,681.00

                                                                              Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                  Annual Report 2023

Total                                                     430,544,371.96                           408,119,409.22

64. Selling Expense

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                   Item                       Reporting Period                    Same period of last year
Employee benefits                                         135,070,057.05                           124,898,336.26
Business    propagandize     fees    and
                                                            88,766,075.69                           54,868,902.89
advertizing fees
Office expenses                                             18,179,213.99                           10,546,333.93
Sales promotion fees                                        16,271,950.39                           12,365,392.75
After-sales expenses                                        15,883,524.45                           15,001,278.36
Business travel charges                                     15,200,339.00                            8,486,981.36
Commercial insurance premium                                 6,996,600.98                            5,802,490.36
Other                                                       34,671,843.00                           24,850,877.91
Total                                                     331,039,604.55                           256,820,593.82

65. Development Costs

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                   Item                       Reporting Period                    Same period of last year
Personnel labour costs                                    231,096,377.82                           196,235,469.02
Direct input costs                                        166,919,907.20                           172,041,432.37
Depreciation and long-term prepaid
                                                            41,981,744.02                           50,587,532.09
Commissioned external research and
                                                             9,684,695.96                                47,325.67
development costs
Design fee                                                       971,319.82
Amortization expense of intangible
                                                                 254,711.01                            378,155.95
Others                                                      32,670,337.98                           21,498,018.96
Total                                                     483,579,093.81                           440,787,934.06

Other notes:
In respect of R&D expense incurred by the Company, expense other than that on bench-scale and pilot-scale
production is included in R&D expense; and sales revenue of products from bench-scale and pilot-scale
production is included in core business revenue and the relevant costs are included in cost of sales of core

66. Finance Costs

                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                   Item                       Reporting Period                    Same period of last year
Interest expense                                            24,128,844.17                           22,311,206.70
Less: Interest income                                       47,710,201.22                           29,169,641.75
Foreign exchange gains or losses                           -11,208,631.12                           -26,718,075.66
Handling charge and others                                   2,291,238.65                             2,098,422.28
Total                                                      -32,498,749.52                           -31,478,088.43

                                                                           Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                               Annual Report 2023

67. Other Income

                                                                                                     Unit: RMB
                 Sources                   Reporting Period                    Same period of last year
The Deductible Input Tax for Advanced
Manufacturing Enterprises
The Subsidy for Metal-organic Chemical
                                                         15,005,565.15                           19,999,999.20
Vapor Deposition (MOCVD)
The Projects of the Production
Expansion and Technological
                                                          5,113,075.04                             4,064,551.68
Transformation of Components of Small-
spacing and Outdoor LED Displays
The Tax Incentives for the Poor                           4,766,450.00                              369,850.00
The Research on the Key Technology of
4K/8K Full-colour Micro-LED Displays                      2,344,940.27                              492,543.45
with Ultra-High Definition (UHD)
Incentive Subsidy for Digital and
Intelligent Demonstration Workshop of                     2,000,000.00
Foshan City in 2022
The Special Fund for Promoting High-
                                                          2,578,895.87                             2,865,247.03
quality Economic Development
The Project of Resource Conservation
                                                          1,809,367.44                             1,809,367.44
and Environmental Protection
The Project of the Innovation in
Packaging Technology and
Technological Transformation of Key
                                                          1,799,394.64                             1,990,360.99
Packaging Equipment of LEDs with
High Color Rendering Index for
Support Fund for the Digital Intelligent
Transformation of the Manufacturing                       1,524,300.00
The subsidy for stabilizing employment                    1,059,015.09                             1,440,668.72
Enjoying the National Tax Preferential
Policies Related to Supporting the
Promotion of Entrepreneurship and
Employment of Key Groups
The 24th China Patent Award                               1,000,000.00
The Research on Full-colour and
Integrated Packaging of Micro-LED
Display with High Brightness and
Return of handling charges for
                                                              856,016.80                           1,146,553.80
withholding and remittance
Industrial Logistics Subsidy Award
Funds for the Second Quarter of 2022
Employment subsidy                                            737,945.88                            153,100.00
Enterprise R&D Reward and Subsidy                             696,100.00
The Light-converting Films and
Components of Highly Efficient White-                         588,076.92                            588,076.92
light LEDs
The Project of Support Funds for
                                                              556,000.08                            556,000.08
Enterprises in Liuzhou City
The 2021 "100 Enterprises Strive for the
First Place" bonus

                                                        Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                            Annual Report 2023

The Visible Light Communication and
Positioning System for the Industrial      473,516.21                            426,483.79
Internet of Things (IIOT)
Foshan City Vocational Skill Upgrading
Action Municipal Scholarship Program       400,000.00
Incentive for standard products of
Foshan City
Reward for Foshan Model Advantageous
The First Batch of Special Funds for the
Industrial and Information Development
for the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous          399,999.96                            399,999.96
Region for 2017 (Technological
Transformation) for Liuzhou Guige
The Development and Application
Demonstration of Deep Ultraviolet LED
Modules and Equipment for Public
Health and Other Fields
The Structural Design of Epitaxial
Wafers and Chips of Highly Efficient
                                           323,330.14                            328,348.32
LEDs and the R&D of Key Technology
in Industrialization
The 2019 Second Batch of Special Funds
for the Industrial and Information         300,000.00                            300,000.00
Development of the City
The Construction Project for the Center
for Cultivating and Arranging High-        300,000.00
Value Patents of NationStar
One-time Stay Allowance                                                         5,257,845.00
The Subsidy for Employees' On-the-job
Grants for High-tech Enterprises                                                2,870,936.00
Science and Technology Fund Allocated
by the Government
The Research on the Key Technology of
High-lumen Compound Reflex LED
Chips for Automobiles and High-density
Matrix Packaging
The 2021 Support Fund of the Foshan
Municipal Financial Bureau for
Promoting the Digital Intelligent                                               2,000,000.00
Transformation of the Manufacturing
Industry in Foshan City
Research and Development and
Industrialization of Potassium Nitride-
based Rf Devices in the Field of Next
Generation Mobile Communication
Research and Development and
Industrialization of IGBT, the Key
Power Electronic Device of Electric
Research on Key Technologies of the
Third Generation of High Frequency
Semiconductor Electronic Power Module
in Colleges and Universities

                                                                         Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                             Annual Report 2023

The Research and Industrialization of
New and High-performance Display                                                                 1,387,498.09
Research and Development and
Industrialization of TD-LTE Terminal Rf                                                          1,329,277.68
The Special Support Fund for the
Industrial Internet of Things (IIOT)                                                             1,320,000.00
The Research and Development of Chip-
on-Board (COB) Integrated Packaging
and Systems of LED Displays with High
Density and Small Spacing
The Demonstration of Industrial Internet
of Things (IIOT) Applications for LED                                                             441,702.63
Production Control
The Research and Application of
Epitaxial Wafers, Chips, and Packaging
of Near Ultraviolet Silica-based AlGaN
Vertical LEDs with High Power
Other                                                     6,136,297.33                         17,079,043.70
Total                                                    90,204,646.62                         84,894,793.92

68. Net Gain on Exposure Hedges


69. Gain on Changes in Fair Value

                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                 Sources                   Reporting Period                  Same period of last year
Trading financial assets                                  1,129,444.26                          -4,839,428.58
Trading financial liabilities                                                                   -4,679,000.00
Total                                                     1,129,444.26                          -9,518,428.58

70. Investment Income

                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                   Item                    Reporting Period                  Same period of last year
Long-term equity investment income
                                                        1,833,621.59                           2,467,060.07
accounted by equity method
Investment income from disposal of
long-term equity investment
Investment income from disposal of
                                                      -11,739,672.84                          -9,026,682.82
trading financial assets
Dividend income from holding of other
                                                       17,173,298.27                          16,059,353.89
equity instrument investment
Interest income from holding of other
investments in debt obligations
Income received from financial products                 1,767,053.51                           1,134,222.88

                                                                                           Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                               Annual Report 2023

and structural deposits
Total                                                               14,598,948.35                                10,633,954.02

71. Credit Impairment Loss

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                     Item                               Reporting Period                         Same period of last year
Bad debt loss on notes receivable                                          -757,766.65                                  -91,630.03
Bad debt loss on accounts receivable                                 -49,088,791.49                               -13,492,101.98
Bad debt loss on other receivables                                    -2,284,496.07                                -1,839,930.20
Others                                                                                                                  18,898.60
Total                                                                -52,131,054.21                               -15,404,763.61

72. Asset Impairment Loss

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                     Item                               Reporting Period                         Same period of last year
I. Loss on inventory valuation and
                                                                     -75,435,041.50                               -79,344,281.60
contract performance cost
IV. Loss on impairment of fixed assets                                -3,090,860.92                                -3,995,735.51
VI. Loss on impairment of construction
in progress
XI. Loss on impairment of contract
                                                                      -1,214,861.13                                    -342,647.99
XII. Others                                                           -1,527,893.81                                -7,625,958.29
Total                                                                -81,268,657.36                               -91,517,378.38

73. Assets Disposal Income

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                 Sources                                Reporting Period                         Same period of last year
Disposal income of non-current assets                                 12,719,324.89                                    968,273.19
Total                                                                 12,719,324.89                                    968,273.19

74. Non-operating Income

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                                                      Amount recorded in the
              Item                       Reporting Period           Same period of last year       current non-recurring profit or
Government grants                                   11,000.00                       976,090.45                         11,000.00
Total income from scrap of
                                                   443,941.78                     1,324,933.00                         443,941.78
non-current assets
Of which: income from scrap
                                                   443,941.78                     1,324,933.00                         443,941.78
of fixed assets
Income from default money                          216,259.82                     5,810,061.05                         216,259.82
Confiscated income                                  38,764.54                        65,728.35                         38,764.54

                                                                                               Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                   Annual Report 2023

Others                                            8,830,700.25                    10,580,244.78                      8,830,700.25
Total                                             9,540,666.39                    18,757,057.63                      9,540,666.39

75. Non-operating Expense

                                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                                         Amount recorded in the
             Item                        Reporting Period               Same period of last year      current non-recurring profit or
Losses on scrap of non-
                                                  1,877,262.19                    10,610,248.46                      1,877,262.19
current assets
Of which: losses on disposal
                                                  1,877,262.19                    10,398,691.57                      1,877,262.19
of fixed assets
                    Losses on
disposal of intangible assets
Penalty and delaying payment                         174,342.12                       701,242.02                          174,342.12
Others                                            4,487,159.39                      5,501,043.60                     3,849,099.86
Total                                             6,538,763.70                    16,812,534.08                      6,538,763.70

76. Income Tax Expense

(1) List of Income Tax Expense

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                    Item                                    Reporting Period                       Same period of last year
Current income tax expense                                                42,271,159.52                               28,931,905.70
Deferred income tax expense                                              -21,144,195.04                                   2,079,372.03
Total                                                                     21,126,964.48                               31,011,277.73

(2) Adjustment Process of Accounting Profit and Income Tax Expense

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                              Item                                                          Reporting Period
Profit before taxation                                                                                             405,799,566.46
Current income tax expense accounted at statutory/applicable
tax rate
Influence of applying different tax rates by subsidiaries                                                              -388,952.92
Influence of income tax before adjustment                                                                              -112,949.18
Influence of non-taxable income                                                                                     -3,366,303.13
Influence of non-deductable costs, expenses and losses                                                               4,784,997.89
The effect of using deductible losses of deferred income tax
assets that have not been recognized in the previous period
Influence of unrecognized deductible temporary differences
and deductible losses
Influence of deduction                                                                                             -41,718,828.89
Regarded as sales                                                                                                         233,382.48
Income tax expense                                                                                                  21,126,964.48

                                                                                           Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                               Annual Report 2023

77. Other Comprehensive Income

Refer to Note VII Notes to Main Items of Consolidated Financial Statements-57 for details.

78. Cash Flow Statement

(1) Cash Related to Operating Activities

Cash Generated from Other Operating Activities
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                   Item                                     Reporting Period                   Same period of last year
Margin                                                                    70,968,759.75                          35,275,803.41
Deposit interest                                                          42,458,410.80                          27,525,377.17
Income from subsidy                                                       31,099,876.60                          62,131,715.65
Income from waste                                                         26,066,867.58                          33,443,489.15
Rental income from property and
                                                                           7,000,259.85                            7,071,449.02
equipment, utility
Income from insurance compensation                                           174,793.99
Others                                                                    41,452,845.20                          58,928,366.38
Total                                                                   219,221,813.77                          224,376,200.78



Cash Used in Other Operating Activities
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                   Item                                     Reporting Period                   Same period of last year
Administrative expense paid in cash                                     128,058,647.93                          130,797,239.14
Selling expense paid in cash                                             74,111,308.85                           89,476,822.32
Finance costs paid in cash                                                2,295,193.65                            1,887,258.78
Returned cash deposit                                                    27,751,789.33                           27,259,278.23
Others                                                                  100,146,605.69                          117,228,372.83
Total                                                                   332,363,545.45                          366,648,971.30



(2) Cash Related to Investing Activities

Cash Generated from Other Investing Activities
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
                   Item                                     Reporting Period                   Same period of last year
Forward Settlement Margin                                                      80,711.83
Total                                                                          80,711.83

Significant cash received related to investing activities


                                                                                              Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                  Annual Report 2023

Cash Used in Other Investing Activities
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                  Item                                  Reporting Period                          Same period of last year
Payments related to foreign exchange
Total                                                                    33,612,950.00

Significant cash paid related to investing activities


(3) Cash Related to Financing Activities

Cash Generated from Other Financing Activities
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                  Item                                  Reporting Period                          Same period of last year
Cash deposit collected                                                   15,469,794.51                               6,916,618.99
Receipt of financing notes                                                                                          12,225,701.60
Total                                                                    15,469,794.51                              19,142,320.59



Cash Used in Other Financing Activities
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                  Item                                  Reporting Period                          Same period of last year
Cash paid for acquisition of NationStar
Optoelectronics under the same control
Cash paid for acquisition of Fenghua
                                                                        129,409,650.00                             134,409,650.00
Semiconductor under the same control
Cash paid as security deposit for bank
acceptance bills
Others                                                                    4,985,695.37                                3,792,167.09
Total                                                                   138,043,774.42                           1,200,170,498.73



Changes in liabilities arising from financing activities
Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                  Increase                               Decrease
        Item                                                 Non-cash                               Non-cash       Ending balance
                         balance       Cash changes                           Cash changes
                                                             changes                                changes
Short-term                                                                    102,596,526.       55,118,833.3
                   157,715,359.35      220,019,877.73                                                              220,019,877.73
borrowings                                                                              02                  3
                   747,931,023.71       78,110,652.86     60,605,200.71      293,325,557.75     340,227,898.24     253,093,421.29
Other payables-    134,409,650.00                                            129,409,650.00                           5,000,000.00

                                                                                          Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                              Annual Report 2023

payment for
equity transfer
Current portion
                       65,540,510.6                      343,042,273.                        61,478,660.6       3343,914,214
of non-current                                                             3,189,908.84
                                  7                                24                                   2                .45
Lease liabilities       7,055,542.18       181,156.77       236,440.87       285,605.88      2,876,566.02        4,310,967.92
                       1,112,652,08      298,311,687.    403,883,914.      528,807,248.      459,701,958.       826,338,481.
                               5.91                36               82               49                21                  39

(4) Description of Cash Flows Presented on a Net Basis


5) Significant Activities and Financial Impact that Do Not Involve Current Cash Receipts and
Disbursements but Affect the Company's Financial Position or May Affect the Company's Cash Flows in
the Future


79. Supplemental Information for Cash Flow Statement

(1) Supplemental Information for Cash Flow Statement

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
        Supplemental information                        Reporting Period                      Same period of last year
1. Reconciliation of net profit to net cash
flows generated from operating
Net profit                                                         384,672,601.98                            350,706,406.02
Add: Provision for impairment of assets                            133,399,711.57                            106,922,141.99
Depreciation of fixed assets, oil-gas
                                                                   523,465,306.34                            509,693,013.98
assets, and productive living assets
Depreciation of right-of-use assets                                  7,408,897.98                               7,125,482.81
Amortization of intangible assets                                   13,901,913.93                              12,154,705.29
Amortization of long-term prepaid
                                                                    73,777,294.51                              79,115,565.08
Loss from disposal of fixed assets,
intangible assets and other long-term                              -12,719,324.89                                -968,273.19
assets (gains: negative)
Losses from scrapping of fixed assets
                                                                     1,433,320.41                               9,285,315.46
(gains: negative)
Losses from changes in fair value (gains:
                                                                    -1,129,444.26                               9,518,428.58
Finance costs (gains: negative)                                     12,920,213.05                              22,311,206.70
Investment loss (gains: negative)                                  -14,598,948.35                            -10,633,954.02
Decrease in deferred income tax assets
                                                                   -16,039,761.54                              -6,084,067.49
(increase: negative)

                                                                                      Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                          Annual Report 2023

Increase in deferred income tax liabilities
                                                                     -5,104,433.51                       -77,607,492.47
(“-” for decrease)
Decrease in inventory (“-” for increase)                         -14,969,280.77                        -62,666,433.29
Decrease in operating receivables (“-”
                                                                  -294,512,387.33                        434,804,727.86
for increase)
Increase in operating payables (“-” for
                                                                   380,117,504.23                       -318,788,452.62
Others                                                                2,366,795.63                                    0.00
Net cash generated from/used in
                                                                 1,174,389,978.98                      1,064,888,320.69
operating activities
2. Significant investing and financing
activities without involvement of cash
receipts and payments
Transfer of debts into capital
Current portion of convertible corporate
Fixed assets leased in for financing
3.Net increase/decrease of cash and cash
Ending balance of cash                                           3,101,252,943.88                      1,945,971,307.26
Less: Beginning balance of cash                                  1,945,971,307.26                      1,940,209,052.92
Add: Ending balance of cash equivalents
Less: Beginning balance of cash
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                        1,155,281,636.62                           5,762,254.34

(2) Net Cash Paid For Acquisition of Subsidiaries

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
Cash or cash equivalents paid in the current period for the
business combination occurring in the previous period
Of which::
Guangdong Fenghua Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd.                                                       129,409,650.00
Net cash paid for acquisition of subsidiaries                                                              129,409,650.00

(3) Net Cash Received from Disposal of the Subsidiaries


(4) Cash and Cash Equivalents

                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                       Item                               Ending balance                     Beginning balance
I. Cash                                                            3,101,252,943.88                      1,945,971,307.26

                                                                                             Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                 Annual Report 2023

Including: Cash on hand                                                     42,466.76                                    52,093.54
           Bank deposit on demand                                  3,097,947,293.67                              1,944,303,946.03
              Other monetary assets on
                                                                       3,263,183.45                                    1,615,267.69
III. Ending balance of cash and cash
                                                                   3,101,252,943.88                              1,945,971,307.26

(5) Presentation of Cash and Cash Equivalents that Are Subject to Certain Restrictions on Their Usage


(6) Monetary Assets Not Classified as Cash and Cash Equivalents

                                                                                                                       Unit: RMB
                                                                                                    Reason for not classifying the
                                  Amount during the current
             Item                                                          Previous period             item as cash and cash
Note deposits, bond deposits,
                                               486,328,752.85                     534,826,528.99    Specific purpose
pre-sale of properties, etc.
                                                                                                    Interest receivable accrued on
                                                                                                    bank deposits and time
Interest not received                            8,467,957.82                       4,191,370.82    deposits not yet matured as at
                                                                                                    the end of the Reporting
Total                                          494,796,710.67                     539,017,899.81

(7) Notes on Other Significant Activities


80. Notes to Items of the Statements of Changes in Owners' Equity

Notes to the name of “Other” of closing balance at the end of the previous year adjusted and the amount


81. Foreign Currency Monetary Items

(1) Foreign Currency Monetary Items

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                    Ending foreign currency                                         Ending balance converted to
             Item                                                          Exchange rate
                                           balance                                                              RMB
Monetary assets                                                                                                   257,974,088.33
Of which: USD                                   32,854,185.50     7.0827                                          232,696,339.64
           EUR                                       189,933.38   7.8592                                               1,492,724.42
           HKD                                        51,807.81   0.90622                                                46,949.27
          IDR                               51,492,570,507.49     0.000461                                          23,738,075.00

                                                                                Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                    Annual Report 2023

Accounts receivable                                                                                  299,916,421.24
Of which: USD                                     41,606,474.09    7.0827                            294,686,174.04
            EUR                                      414,614.09    7.8592                               3,258,535.06
            HKD                                       59,537.39    0.90622                                 53,953.97
          IDR                                  4,159,996,035.36    0.000461                             1,917,758.17
Long-term borrowings
Of which: USD
Other receivables                                                                                        125,435.42
Of which: IDR                                   272,094,187.00     0.000461                              125,435.42
Accounts payable                                                                                      15,323,777.58
Of which: USD                                      1,508,955.08    7.0827                             10,687,476.15
          EUR                                        274,995.85    7.8592                               2,161,247.38
          IDR                                  5,368,880,796.77    0.000461                             2,475,054.05
Other current assets                                                                                     360,311.68
Of which: IDR                                   781,587,156.47     0.000461                              360,311.68

(2) Notes to Overseas Entities Including: for Significant Oversea Entities, Main Operating Place,
Recording Currency and Selection Basis Shall Be Disclosed; if there Are Changes in Recording Currency,
Relevant Reasons Shall Be Disclosed.

□Applicable  Not applicable

82. Lease

(1) The Company Was Lessee:

Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                      Item                                             Amount
Simplified short-term lease charges recognized in the cost of the related
assets or in current profit or loss

Total cash outflows related to leases                                                                     4,948,656.16

Variable lease payments that are not covered in the measurement of the lease liabilities
□Applicable Not applicable
Simplified short-term lease or lease expense for low-value assets
□Applicable Not applicable
Involved in sale and leaseback transactions: Naught

(2) The Company Was Lessor:

Operating leases with the Company as lessor
Applicable □Not applicable

                                                                                   Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                       Annual Report 2023

                                                                                                           Unit: RMB
                                                                                  Of which: income related to variable
                  Item                             Rental income                  lease payments not included in lease
Housing rental and others                                      11,092,095.90                                        0.00
Total                                                          11,092,095.90                                       0.00

Finance leases with the Company as lessor
□Applicable Not applicable
Undiscounted lease receipts for each of the next five years
□Applicable Not applicable
Reconciliation of undiscounted lease receipts to net investment in leases

(3) Recognition of Gain or Loss on Sales under Finance Leases with the Company as a Manufacturer or

□Applicable Not applicable

83. Others


VIII. Research and Development Expenditure

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                   Item                     Amount for the current period           Amount for the previous period
Personnel labour costs                                         231,096,377.82                           196,235,469.02
Direct input costs                                             166,919,907.20                           172,041,432.37
Depreciation and long-term prepaid
                                                               41,981,744.02                              50,587,532.09
Commissioned external research and
                                                                   9,684,695.96                               47,325.67
development costs
Design fee                                                          971,319.82
Amortization expense of intangible
                                                                    254,711.01                               378,155.95
Others                                                         32,670,337.98                              21,498,018.96
Total                                                         483,579,093.81                            440,787,934.06
Of which: Expensed research and
                                                              483,579,093.81                            440,787,934.06
development expenditure

Note: In respect of R&D expense incurred by the Company, expense other than that on bench-scale and pilot-
scale production is included in R&D expense; and sales revenue of products from bench-scale and pilot-scale
production is included in core business revenue and the relevant costs are included in cost of sales of core

1. R&D Projects Eligible for Capitalization


                                                                                      Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                          Annual Report 2023

2. Significant Outsourced Research and Development Projects in Progress


IX. Change of Consolidation Scope

1. Business Combination Not under the Same Control

(1) Business Combination Not under the Same Control during the Current Period


(2) Combination Cost and Goodwill


(3) The Identifiable Assets and Liabilities of Acquiree on Purchase Date


(4) Gains or Losses from Re-measurement of Equity Held before the Purchase Date at Fair Value

Whether there is a transaction that through multiple transaction step by step to realize business combination and
gaining the control during the Reporting Period
□Yes No

(5) Notes to Reasonable Consideration or Fair Value of Identifiable Assets and Liabilities of the Acquiree that Cannot Be
Determined on the Acquisition Date or during the Period-end of the Merger


(6) Other Notes


2. Business Combination under the Same Control

(1) Business Combination under the Same Control during the Current Period


(2) Combination Cost


                                                                                    Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                        Annual Report 2023

(3) The Carrying Value of Assets and Liabilities of the Combined Party on the Combination Date


3. Counter Purchase

Basic information of trading, the basis of transactions constitute counter purchase, the retain assets , liabilities
of the listed companies whether constituted a business and its basis, the determination of the combination costs,
the amount and calculation of adjusted rights and interests in accordance with the equity transaction process:


4. Disposal of Subsidiary

Whether there were any transactions or events during the period in which control of the subsidiary was lost
□Yes  No
Whether there was a step-by-step disposal of investment in a subsidiary through multiple transactions and loss
of control during the current period
□Yes  No

5. Changes in Combination Scope for Other Reasons

Note to changes in combination scope for other reasons (such as newly establishment or liquidation of
subsidiaries, etc.) and relevant information:
FSL LIGHTING GMBH (FSL Europe GmbH) completed the write-off procedures with European District Court
in September of the current period and is no longer included in the scope of consolidation from the date of

6. Other


X. Equity in Other Entities

1. Equity in Subsidiary

(1) Subsidiaries

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                     Main      Registration     Nature of   Shareholding percentage (%)
 Name of           Registered                                                                                 Way of
subsidiaries        capital                       place         business      Directly       Indirectly       gaining
                   50,000,000.0                               Production                                   Newly
Zhicheng                          Foshan       Foshan                           100.00%
                              0                               and sales                                    established
Co., Ltd.
FSL                72,782,944.0   Foshan       Foshan         Production        100.00%                    Newly

                                                                          Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                              Annual Report 2023

Chanchang                    0                          and sales                                established
ics Co., Ltd.
Taimei                                                  Production                               Newly
                    500,000.00    Foshan     Foshan                    70.00%
Times Lamp                                              and sales                                established
Co., Ltd.
Electrical &
                   35,418,439.7                         Production                               Newly
Lighting                          Xinxiang   Xinxiang                  100.00%
                              6                         and sales                                established
Co., Ltd.
Lighting           41,683,200.0                         Production
                                  Nanjing    Nanjing                   100.00%                   Acquired
Components                    0                         and sales
g Co., Ltd.
FSL        Zhida
Electric           38,150,000.0                         Production                               Newly
                                  Foshan     Foshan                    66.84%
Technology                    0                         and sales                                established
Co., Ltd.
Haolaite           17,158,000.0                         Production                               Newly
                                  Foshan     Foshan                    51.00%         10.53%
Lighting Co.,                 0                         and sales                                established
ics                1,436,419.00   Germany    Germany    Trade                         61.53%
                                                                                                 under      the
                                                                                                 same control
Co., Ltd.
Kelian New
                   170,000,000.                         Property                                 combination
Energy                            Foshan     Foshan                    100.00%
                            00                          development                              under      the
                                                                                                 same control
Co., Ltd.
Fozhao                            Haikou     Haikou     Production
(Hainan)           200,000,000.                         and sales                                Newly
Technology                  00                                                                   established
Co., Ltd.
Liaowang           35,055,700.0
                                  Nanning    Nanning    g of vehicle   53.79%                    Acquired
Auto       Lamp               0
Co., Ltd.

                                                                            Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                Annual Report 2023

Guige                                                  Manufacturin
Lighting                       Liuzhou     Liuzhou     g of vehicle                     53.79%     Acquired
Technology                                             lamps
Co., Ltd.
Liuzhou                                                Manufacturin
Guige                                                  g            of
Foreshine                      Liuzhou     Liuzhou     automotive                       53.79%     Acquired
Technology                                             electronic
Co., Ltd.                                              products
Guinuo                                                 Manufacturin
Lighting                       Chongqing   Chongqing   g of vehicle                     53.79%     Acquired
Technology                                             lamps
Co., Ltd.
Guige                                                  Manufacturin
Lighting                       Qingdao     Qingdao     g of vehicle                     53.79%     Acquired
Technology                                             lamps
Co., Ltd.
Liaowang        40,873,066.4
                               Indonesia   Indonesia   g of vehicle                     53.79%     Acquired
Auto     Lamp              2
Co., Ltd.
                50,000,000.0                           Business                                    combination
Venture                        Foshan      Foshan                        100.00%
                           0                           services                                    under     the
Capital Co.,
                                                                                                   same control
Foshan                                                                                             Business
NationStar      618,477,169.                                                                       combination
                               Foshan      Foshan      manufacturin      21.48%
Optoelectron             00                                                                        under     the
ics Co., Ltd.                                                                                      same control
NationStar                                                                                         Business
Semiconduct     820,000,000.                                                                       combination
                               Foshan      Foshan      manufacturin                     21.48%
or                       00                                                                        under     the
Technology                                                                                         same control
Co., Ltd.
NationStar                                             Electronic
                10,000,000.0                                                                       combination
Electronic                     Foshan      Foshan      manufacturin                     21.48%
                           0                                                                       under     the
Manufacturin                                           g
                                                                                                   same control
g Co., Ltd.
                100,000,000.                                                                       combination
Vanadium                       Henan       Nanyang     Mining                           12.89%
                         00                                                                        under     the
Industry Co.,
                                                                                                   same control
Guangdong       5,000,000.00   Guangzhou   Guangzhou   Trade                            21.48%     Business

                                                                                             Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                 Annual Report 2023

New                                                                                                                  combination
Electronic                                                                                                           under     the
Information                                                                                                          same control
Fenghua                                                                                                              Business
Semiconduct      200,000,000.                                                                                        combination
                                 Guangzhou         Guangzhou       manufacturin                           21.45%
or                        00                                                                                         under     the
Technology                                                                                                           same control
Co., Ltd.

Notes to holding proportion in subsidiary different from voting proportion:


Basis of holding half or less voting rights but still controlling the investee and holding more than half of the
voting rights but not controlling the investee:


Significant structural entities and controlling basis in the scope of combination:


Basis of determining whether the Company is the agent or the principal:


Other notes:
Note: Foshan Guoxing Electronic Manufacture Co., Ltd., Foshan NationStar Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Nanyang
Baoli Vanadium Industry Co., Ltd., Guangdong New Electronics Information Ltd. and Guangdong Fenghua
Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd. are subsidiaries of Foshan NationStar Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.

(2) Significant Non-wholly-owned Subsidiary

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                Shareholding            The profit or loss        Declaring dividends         Balance of non-
          Name              proportion of non-       attributable to the non-     distributed to non-      controlling interests at
                           controlling interests       controlling interests      controlling interests        the period-end
Nanning       Liaowang
                                          46.21%            19,880,259.29                1,835,518.55           458,041,236.34
Auto Lamp Co., Ltd.
Foshan      NationStar
Optoelectronics   Co.,                    78.52%            67,060,845.02              29,139,436.44          2,971,057,522.70
Holding proportion of non-controlling interests in subsidiary different from voting proportion:


Other notes:

                                                                                                             Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                                 Annual Report 2023


(3) The Main Financial Information of Significant Not Wholly-owned Subsidiary

                                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                  Ending balance                                                           Beginning balance
                                              Curren         Non-                                                      Curren          Non-
                       Non-                                               Total                 Non-                                                  Total
Name        Curren                Total           t         current                  Curren                  Total         t           current
                       current                                           liabiliti              current                                              liabiliti
            t assets              assets      liabiliti      liabilit                t assets                assets    liabiliti       liabilit
                       assets                                               es                  assets                                                  es
                                                 es              y                                                        es              y
             1,590                2,487        1,512                      1,567       1,587                  2,453      1,547                         1,577
ang                    896,9                                 54,92                              865,6                                  30,08
             ,859,                ,842,        ,829,                      ,758,       ,631,                  ,233,      ,730,                         ,819,
                       82,94                                 8,920                              01,81                                  8,072
Auto         943.2                891.9        422.9                      343.3       841.2                  651.6      991.0                         063.5
                        8.71                                   .36                               0.33                                    .52
                 6                    7            9                          5           8                      1          4                             6
             3,967     2,559      6,526        2,340                      2,722       3,793     2,786        6,579      2,079                         2,826
Star                                                         382,3                                                                     746,6
             ,291,     ,121,      ,413,        ,584,                      ,973,       ,005,     ,866,        ,871,      ,712,                         ,327,
Optoel                                                       88,85                                                                     14,87
             374.5     730.0      104.5        273.6                      125.2       331.6     486.7        818.4      881.2                         757.7
ectroni                                                       1.56                                                                      6.50
                 2         6          8            6                          2           7         3            0          7                             7
cs Co.,
                                                                                                                                              Unit: RMB
                                     Reporting Period                                                     Same period of last year
                                                        Total           Cash flows                                             Total          Cash flows
     Name         Operating                       comprehen               from          Operating                       comprehen                   from
                                 Net profit                                                               Net profit
                   revenue                                sive          operating        revenue                               sive               operating
                                                       income           activities                                         income                 activities
Liaowang         1,585,442       47,194,31            48,657,06         24,124,72       1,559,021         44,035,99      43,630,46            24,278,30
Auto Lamp          ,717.59            6.22                 4.30              5.63         ,639.99              5.00           9.76                 2.67
Co., Ltd.
                 3,541,637       85,535,53            85,535,53         389,640,8       3,579,885         121,273,7      121,801,2            391,449,1
                   ,227.92            4.98                 4.98             59.65         ,727.44             11.19          28.10                55.58
nics Co.,

(4) Significant Restrictions on Using the Assets and Liquidating the Liabilities of the Company


                                                                                 Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                     Annual Report 2023

(5) Financial Support or Other Supports Provided to Structural Entities Incorporated into the Scope of Consolidated
Financial Statements


2. The Transaction of the Company with Its Owner’s Equity Share Changed but Still Controlling the

(1) Note to the Owner’s Equity Share Changed in Subsidiary

During the period, the share of ownership interest in the subsidiary FSL Zhida Electric Technology Co., Ltd.
(FSL Zhida) increased from 51% to 66.84%. The reason for the change in the share of ownership interest during
the period was that the minority shareholders of the subsidiary did not pay the capital contribution according to
the amount of contribution agreed in the investment agreement, and the registered capital of the subsidiary was
reduced by agreement with the minority shareholders, while the share held by the minority shareholders in the
subsidiary was reduced according to the proportion of the actual capital contribution.

(2) The Transaction’s Influence on the Equity of Non-controlling Interests and the Owner's Equity
Attributable to the Company as the Parent

                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                               Zhida Company
Purchase cost/disposal consideration                                                                             0.00
-Cash                                                                                                            0.00
-Fair value of non-cash assets                                                                                   0.00
Total purchase cost/disposal consideration                                                                       0.00
Less: Share of net assets of subsidiaries based on percentage of
equity acquired/disposed of
Difference                                                                                              -5,458,448.30
Of which: Adjusting capital reserve                                                                     -5,458,448.30
          Adjusting surplus reserve                                                                              0.00
          Adjusting retained profits                                                                             0.00

3. Equity in Joint Ventures or Associated Enterprises

(1) Significant Joint Ventures or Associated Enterprises


(2) Main Financial Information of Significant Joint Ventures


(3) Main Financial Information of Significant Associated Enterprises


                                                                                       Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                           Annual Report 2023

(4) Summary Financial Information of Insignificant Joint Ventures or Associated Enterprises

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                            Closing balance/amount of the current   Opening balance/amount of the previous
                                                           period                                  period
Joint ventures:
The total of following items according to
the shareholding proportions
Associated enterprises:
Total carrying value of investment                                 179,188,555.15                           181,931,792.66
The total of following items according to
the shareholding proportions
--Net profit                                                         1,833,621.59                              2,467,060.07
--Total comprehensive income                                         1,833,621.59                              2,467,060.07

(5) Note to the Significant Restrictions on the Ability of Joint Ventures or Associated Enterprises to
Transfer Funds to the Company


(6) The Excess Loss of Joint Ventures or Associated Enterprises


(7) The Unrecognized Commitment Related to Investment to Joint Ventures


(8) Contingent Liabilities Related to Investment to Joint Ventures or Associated Enterprises


4. Significant Common Operation


5. Equity in the Structured Entity Excluded in the Scope of Consolidated Financial Statements

Notes to the structured entity excluded in the scope of consolidated financial statements:


6. Other


                                                                                       Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                           Annual Report 2023

XI. Government Grants

1. Government Grants Recognized at the End of the Reporting Period at the Amount Receivable

□Applicable Not applicable
Reasons for failing to receive government grants in the estimated amount at the estimated point in time
□Applicable Not applicable

2. Liability Items Involving Government Grants

Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
                                             recorded into
                                                             transferred to
                              Amount of          non-                                                            Related to
                Beginning                                    other income          Other           Ending
    Item                        newly          operating                                                        assets/related
                 balance                                         in the           changes          balance
                                subsidy      income in the                                                        to income

Deferred       87,291,648.8                                  29,426,184.0                        63,950,864.7   Related to
income                    0                                             2                                   8   assets
Deferred                                                                                         11,234,596.4   Related to
               9,786,584.63   6,569,968.65                   5,121,956.79
income                                                                                                      9   income

3. Government Grants Recognized as Current Profit or Loss

Applicable □Not applicable
                                                                                                                 Unit: RMB
           Accounting items                  Amount for the current period                 Amount for the previous period
Other income                                                     90,204,646.62                                  84,894,793.92
Non-operating income                                                  11,000.00                                    976,090.45

XII. The Risk Related to Financial Instruments

1. Various Types of Risks Arising from Financial Instruments

The financial instruments of the Company included: equity investment, notes receivable, accounts receivable,
other receivables, accounts payable, notes payable, other payables, short-term borrowings, long-term borrowings
etc. The details of each financial instrument see relevant items of Note V.
The main risks of the Company due to financial instruments were credit risk, liquidity risk and market risk. The
operating management of the Company was responsible for the risk management target and the recognition of the
(I) Credit risk
Credit risk was one party of the contract failed to fulfill the obligations and causes loss of financial assets of the
other party. The credit risk the Company faced was selling on credit which leads to customer credit risk.
The Company will evaluate credit risk of new customer, and set credit limit, once the balance of account

                                                                                    Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                        Annual Report 2023

receivable over credit limit, require the customer to pay or producing and delivering goods shall be approved by
the management of the Company.
The Company through monthly aging analysis of account receivable and monitoring the collection situation of the
customer ensured the overall credit risk of the Company was in control scope. Once appear abnormal situation,
the Company should conduct necessary measures to requesting the payment timely.
(II) Liquidity Risk
Liquidity risk is referred to their risk of incurring capital shortage when performing settlement obligation in the
way of cash payment or other financial assets. The policies of the Company are to ensure that there was sufficient
cash to pay the due liabilities. The liquidity risk is centralized controlled by the Financial Department of the
Company. The financial department through supervising the balance of the cash and securities can be convert to
cash at any time and the rolling prediction of cash flow in future 12 months to ensure the Company have sufficient
cash to pay the liabilities under the case of all reasonable prediction.
(III) Market risk
Market risk was referred to risk of the fair value or future cash flow of financial instrument changed due to the
change of market price, including: exchange rate risk, interest rate risk and other price risk.
1. Exchange rate risk
Exchange rate risk refers to the risk of loss due to exchange rate changes. The Company's exposure to foreign
exchange risk is mainly related to the US dollar and the euro. As of 31 December 2023, the Company's assets and
liabilities were in RMB, except for the balances of usd, euro, Hong Kong dollar and rupiah as set out in this Note
VII-81, Foreign Currency Monetary Items. Foreign exchange risk arising from the assets and liabilities of such
foreign currency balances may have a certain impact on the Company's operating results. The Company made
efforts to avoid exchange rate risk through forward exchange settlement, improving operation management and
promoting the international competitiveness of the Company, etc.
2. Interest rate risk
Interest rate risk is refers to fluctuation risk of the fair value or future cash flow of financial instrument change due
to the change of market interest rates. The interest rate risk faced by the Company mainly comes from bank
borrowings. By establishing a good bank-enterprise relationship, the Company reasonably designed the credit line,
credit variety and credit period, ensured sufficient credit line of banks, and met various short-term financing needs
of the Company with preferential loan interest rates. As of 31 December 2023, the Company's fixed interest rate
loan balance was RMB746,270,043.42, accounting for 100% of the total loan balance, and the risks in this part
were controllable.
3. Other price risk

2. Hedge

(1) The Company Carries out Hedging Business for Risk Management

□Applicable Not applicable

(2) The Company Conducts Eligible Hedging Operations and Applies Hedge Accounting


                                                                                        Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                            Annual Report 2023

(3) The Company Conducts Hedging Operations for Risk Management, Expects to Achieve Its Risk
Management Objectives, but Does Not Apply Hedge Accounting

□Applicable Not applicable

3. Financial Assets

(1) Classification of Transfer Methods

Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

                         Nature of transferred    Amount of transferred
   Transfer method                                                            Derecognized or not       Basis for derecognition
                           financial assets         financial assets
                                                                                                        Since the credit risk
                                                                                                        and deferred payment
                                                                                                        risk of bank acceptance
                                                                                                        bills in accounts
                                                                                                        receivable financing
                                                                                                        are minimal, and the
                        Accounts receivable                                                             interest risk related to
Endorsement of notes                                     382,666,660.54      Yes
                        financing                                                                       the notes has been
                                                                                                        transferred to banks, it
                                                                                                        can be judged that
                                                                                                        almost all risks and
                                                                                                        rewards of ownership
                                                                                                        of the notes have been
                                                                                                        Almost all risks and
                                                                                                        rewards of ownership
Endorsement of notes    Notes receivable                     85,677,711.56   Yes
                                                                                                        of the notes have been
                                                                                                        Almost all risks and
                                                                                                        rewards of ownership
Discount of notes       Notes receivable                     73,640,191.87   Yes
                                                                                                        of the notes have been
                                                                                                        Almost all its risks and
                                                                                                        rewards have been
Endorsement of notes    Notes receivable                     71,846,109.20   Not                        retained including the
                                                                                                        risk of default
                                                                                                        associated with it
                                                                                                        Almost all its risks and
                                                                                                        rewards have been
Discount of notes       Notes receivable                     66,689,877.73   Not                        retained including the
                                                                                                        risk of default
                                                                                                        associated with it
        Total                                            680,520,550.90

(2) Financial Assets Derecognized due to Transfer

Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                     Unit: RMB

            Item                Method of financial assets         Amount of derecognized           Gains or losses related to

                                                                                                          Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                              Annual Report 2023

                                                 transfer                        financial assets                        derecognition
Accounts receivable financing         Endorsement of notes                              382,666,660.54
Notes receivable                      Endorsement of notes                               85,677,711.56
Notes receivable                      Discount of notes                                  73,640,191.87
                 Total                                                                  541,984,563.97

(3) Continued Involvement in the Transfer of Assets Financial Assets

Applicable □ Not applicable

                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB

                                                                            Amount of assets resulting           Amount of liabilities resulting
                 Item                   Method of assets transfer
                                                                           from continued involvement            from continued involvement
Notes receivable
Of which: Bank acceptance
                                      Endorsement of notes                                                                       71,846,109.20
          Bank acceptance
                                      Discount of notes                                                                          66,689,877.73
                 Total                                                                                                          138,535,986.93

XIII. The Disclosure of Fair Value

1. Ending Fair Value of Assets and Liabilities at Fair Value

                                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                          Closing fair value
            Item                      Fair value                 Fair value                Fair value
                                 measurement items at       measurement items at      measurement items at                       Total
                                       level 1                    level 2                    level 3
I. Consistent fair value
                                          --                          --                             --                            --
(I) Trading financial
                                           979,297.78               151,550,477.63                                              152,529,775.41
1. Financial assets at
fair     value      through                979,297.78               151,550,477.63                                              152,529,775.41
profit or loss
(1)                 Wealth
                                                                    151,550,477.63                                              151,550,477.63
management products
(2)      Investments        in
                                           979,297.78                                                                               979,297.78
equity instruments
(II) Other investments
                                                                    454,822,905.25                                              454,822,905.25
in debt obligations
(III)     Other         equity
                                       659,184,177.55                                               40,578,568.80               699,762,746.35
instrument investment
(IV)             Receivable
                                                                                               443,201,960.02                   443,201,960.02
Total assets measured
                                       660,163,475.33               606,373,382.88             483,780,528.82                 1,750,317,387.03
at fair value on a

                                                                                    Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                        Annual Report 2023

recurring basis
II. Inconsistent fair
                                --                      --                     --                           --
value measurement

2. Basis for determining the market value of continuing and discontinuing level 1 fair value measurement

Level 1 fair value measurements are determined based on the market price of equities at the balance sheet date
and the mid-price of the RMB exchange rate published by the State Administration of Foreign Exchange as
quoted prices in an active market.

3. Continuing and discontinuing Level 2 fair value measurement items, qualitative and quantitative
information on the valuation techniques used and significant parameters

The fair value of financial products subscribed by the Group and other investments in debt obligations that are
measured at fair value is determined by reference to the expected rate of return provided by the financial

4. Continuing and discontinuing Level 3 fair value measurement items, qualitative and quantitative
information on the valuation techniques used and significant parameters

(1) The Company measured the investment at cost as a reasonable estimate of fair value because there were no
significant changes in the business environment and operating and financial conditions of the investee, GF Bank.
(2) The Company measured the investee, Shenzhen Zhonghao (Group) Company Limited, at nil as a reasonable
estimate of fair value due to the deterioration of its business environment and operating and financial conditions.
(3) The Company measured the investment at cost as a reasonable estimate of fair value because there were no
significant changes in the business environment and operating and financial conditions of the investee
companies, Foshan Nanhai District United Guangdong New Light Source Industry Innovation Center, Beijing
Guang Rong Union Semiconductor Lighting Industry Investment Center and Guangdong Rising Finance Co.,
(4) The receivables financing represents bank acceptance notes held by the Company with a short remaining
maturity, the face value of which approximates the fair value and the face amount is used to recognize the fair
value at the statement date.

5. Sensitiveness Analysis on Unobservable Parameters and Adjustment Information between Beginning
and Ending Carrying Value of Consistent Fair Value Measurement Items at Level 3


6. Explain the Reason for Conversion and the Governing Policy when the Conversion Happens if
Conversion Happens among Consistent Fair Value Measurement Items at Different Levels


                                                                                      Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                          Annual Report 2023

7. Changes in the Valuation Technique in the Current Period and the Reason for Such Changes


8. Fair Value of Financial Assets and Liabilities Not Measured at Fair Value

Financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value include: monetary assets, accounts receivable and
accounts payable, etc. There is small difference between the carrying value of above financial assets and liabilities
and fair value.

9. Other


XIV. Related Party and Related-party Transactions

1. The parent company of the Company

                                                                                                           Proportion of
                                                                                   Proportion of share
                                                                                                           voting rights
                                                                                       held by the
                                                                                                           owned by the
        Name        Registration place   Nature of business   Registered capital     Company as the
                                                                                                          Company as the
                                                                                    parent against the
                                                                                                         parent against the
                                                                                      Company (%)
                                                                                                           Company (%)

Hongkong    Wah
Shing    Holding    Hong Kong            Investment           HKD110,000                      12.17%                12.17%
Company Limited

Guangdong Rising
Holdings  Group     Guangzhou            Investment           RMB10 billion                    8.38%                 8.38%
Co., Ltd.

                                         Production    and
Information         Guangzhou                                 RMB1.162 billion                 7.92%                 7.92%
Industry    Group

Rising Investment
                                                              RMB360 million
Development         Hong Kong            Investment                                            1.65%                 1.65%
Limited                                                       and HKD1 million

Total                                                                                         30.12%                30.12%
Notes: Information on parent company of the Company
Hongkong Wah Shing Holding Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as "Hongkong Wah Shing"), the
largest shareholder of the Company, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Guangdong Electronics Information
Industry Group Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Electronics Group"), and Electronics Group, Shenzhen Rising
Investment Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Shenzhen Rising"), Guangdong Rising Holdings
Group Co., Ltd. (renamed Guangdong Rising Capital Investment Co., Ltd. on 13 December 2021, hereinafter
referred to as “Rising Capital”) and Rising Investment Development Limited (hereinafter referred to as “Rising

                                                                                    Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                        Annual Report 2023

Investment”) are wholly-owned subsidiaries of Guangdong Rising Holdings Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter
referred to as “Rising Holdings Group”). According to the relevant provisions of the Company Law and the
Measures for the Administrative Measures on Acquisition of Listed Companies, Electronics Group, Shenzhen
Rising, Rising Capital and Rising Investment are concerted actors, and Rising Holdings Group becomes the
actual controller of the Company. In December 2021, Shenzhen Rising and Rising Capital transferred all their
shares of the Company to Rising Holdings Group. After the transfer, Rising Holdings Group, Electronics Group
and Rising Investment acted in concert with each other. In February 2022, the Company repurchased and
cancelled part of its shares, and the proportion of shares held by the above parties acting in concert was 30.82%
in aggregate; in November 2023, the Company made a non-public offering of 186,783,583.00 shares of A-
shares to a specific object, and Rising Holdings Group subscribed 46,695,895.00 shares, and as of 31 December
2023, the proportion of shares held by the above parties acting in concert was 30.12%.
The final controller of the Company is Guangdong Rising Holdings Group Co., Ltd.

2. Subsidiaries of the Company

Refer to Note X Equity in Other Entities -1. Equity in Subsidiaries for details.

3. Information on the Joint Ventures and Associated Enterprises of the Company

Refer to Note X Equity in Other Entities-3. Equity in Joint Ventures or Associated Enterprises for details of
significant joint ventures or associated enterprises of the Company.

4. Information on Other Related Parties

                          Name                                            Relationship with the Company
PROSPERITY LAMPS & COMPONENTS LTD                          Shareholder owning over 5% shares
Dongguan Hengjian Environmental Protection Technology
                                                           Under same actual controller
Co., Ltd.
Foshan Fulong Environmental Technology Co., Ltd.           Under same actual controller
Guangdong Fenghua Advanced Technology (Holding) Co.,
                                                           Under same actual controller
Guangdong Rising South Construction Co., Ltd.              Under same actual controller
Guangdong Rising Rare Metals and New Photoelectric
                                                           Under same actual controller
Materials Co., Ltd.
Guangdong Rising Research and Development Institute Co.,
                                                           Under same actual controller
Guangdong Heshun Property Management Co., Ltd. The
                                                           Under same actual controller
Pinnacle Branch
Guangdong Huajian Enterprise Group Co., Ltd.               Under same actual controller
Guangdong Electronics Information Industry Group Ltd.      Under same actual controller
Guangdong Rising Finance Co., Ltd.                         Under same actual controller
Guangdong Tianxin Commercial Service Co., Ltd.             Under same actual controller
Guangdong Yixin Changcheng Construction Group              Under same actual controller
Guangdong Zhongjin Lingnan Engineering Technology Co.,
                                                           Under same actual controller
Guangdong Zhongjin Lingnan Junpeng Intelligent Equipment
                                                           Under same actual controller
Co., Ltd.
Guangdong Zhongjin Lingnan Equipment Technology Co.,
                                                           Under same actual controller
Guangdong Zhongnan Construction Co., Ltd.                  Under same actual controller
Guangdong Zhongren Group Construction Co., Ltd             Under same actual controller

                                                                                            Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                Annual Report 2023

Guangdong Zhuyuan Construction Engineering Co., Ltd.              Under same actual controller
Guangzhou Haixinsha Industrial Co., Ltd.                          Under same actual controller
Guangzhou Shengdu Investment Development Co., Ltd.                Under same actual controller
Guangzhou Wanshun Investment Management Co., Ltd.                 Under same actual controller
Jiangmen Dongjiang Environmental Company Limited                  Under same actual controller
Shenzhen Longgang Dongjiang Industrial Waste Treatment
                                                                  Under same actual controller
Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Yuepeng Construction Co., Ltd.                           Under same actual controller
Shenzhen Zhongjin Lingnan Nonfemet Co., Ltd.                      Under same actual controller
Zhuhai Dongjiang Environmental Protection Technology Co.,
                                                                  Under same actual controller
Zhuhai Doumen District Yongxingsheng Environmental
Industry Waste Recovery and Comprehensive Treatment Co.,          Under same actual controller
Shandong Zhongjin Lingnan Copper Co., Ltd.                        Under same actual controller
Guangdong Great Wall Hotel Co., Ltd.                              Under same actual controller
Primatronix Nanho Technology Ltd.                                 Under same actual controller
Guangdong Dabaoshan Mining Co., Ltd.                              Under same actual controller
Guangdong Xintaochip Microelectronics Co., Ltd. (formerly
                                                                  Under same actual controller
known as Fenghua Research Institute (Guangzhou) Limited)
Guangdong Rising Non-ferrous Metal Group Co., Ltd.                Under same actual controller
Guangdong Huajian Engineering Construction Co., Ltd.
(formerly known as Guangzhou Huajian Engineering                  Under same actual controller
Construction Co., Ltd.)
Ramada Pearl Hotel Guangzhou                                      Under same actual controller
Prosperity (China) Electrical Company Limited                     Enterprise controlled by related natural person
Hangzhou Times Lighting Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.             Enterprise controlled by related natural person
Nanning Ruixiang Industrial Investment Co., Ltd.                  Enterprise significantly affected by related natural person
Guangdong The Great Wall Building Co., Ltd.                       Under same actual controller (cancelled in August 2023)
                                                                  Under same actual controller (removed from the consolidation
Guangdong Electronic Technology Research Institute
                                                                  scope of Rising Holdings Group since October 2023)

5. List of Related-party Transactions

(1) Information on Acquisition of Goods and Reception of Labor Service

Information on acquisition of goods and reception of labor service
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                  The approval trade      Whether exceed            Same period of
  Related party           Content          Reporting Period
                                                                        credit           trade credit or not           last year
Advanced                 Purchase of
                                                   2,986,035.20       45,000,000.00              Not                   5,695,752.29
Technology                materials
(Holding) Co.,
Prosperity Lamps
                         Purchase of
& Components                                         55,967.88          7,000,000.00             Not                     773,460.05
Hangzhou Times           Purchase of                       0.00                                                          222,265.48

                                                                          Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                              Annual Report 2023

Lighting Electric         materials
Appliances Co.,
Zhongren Group         Receiving labor
                                          46,260,034.42                                        289,930,912.14
Construction Co.,          service
Guangdong Yixin
Changcheng             Receiving labor
                                         142,484,829.61                                        111,475,305.10
Construction               service
Zhongnan               Receiving labor
                                         126,639,979.72                                        103,677,209.29
Construction Co.,          service
Yuepeng                Receiving labor
                                           1,681,659.50                                           3,386,152.77
Construction Co.,          service
Guangzhou              Receiving labor
Haixinsha                                  1,982,823.87
Industrial Co., Ltd.
Foshan Fulong
Environmental          Receiving labor
                                            346,191.32                                             584,364.15
Technology Co.,            service
Dongjiang              Receiving labor
                                            156,034.70                                             243,366.03
Industrial Waste           service
Treatment Co.,
Environmental          Receiving labor
                                              76,930.19                                            411,123.02
Protection                 service                        38,000,000.00      Not
Technology Co.,
Dongjiang              Receiving labor
                                              82,209.44                                            534,608.11
Environmental              service
Company Limited
Zhuhai Doumen
Environmental          Receiving labor
Industry Waste                                43,504.72                                            194,018.86
Recovery and
Treatment Co.,
Zhuhai Dongjiang
Environmental          Receiving labor
Protection                                  214,012.32
Technology Co.,

                                                                                     Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                         Annual Report 2023

Ramada Pearl            Providing labor
Hotel Guangzhou            services
Tianxin                 Receiving labor
Commercial                 service
Service Co., Ltd.
                        Providing labor
Dabaoshan Mining                                     25,471.68
Co., Ltd.
Guangdong Great
                        Providing labor
Wall Hotel Co.,                                      23,365.00
Guangdong The
                        Receiving labor
Great Wall                                           22,053.55                                                  68,616.45
Building Co., Ltd.
Primatronix Nanho       Providing labor
Technology Ltd.            services
Advanced                Providing labor
Technology                 services
(Holding) Co.,
Electronic              Receiving labor
Technology                 service
Research Institute
Total                                         323,253,081.23     90,000,000.00          Not               518,020,162.59
Information of sales of goods and provision of labor service
                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
        Related party                      Content                Reporting Period             Same period of last year
Prosperity      Lamps      &
                                Sale of products                           26,429,431.11                   21,966,484.49
Components Limited
Guangdong             Fenghua
Advanced          Technology    Sale of products                           12,695,399.38                   14,629,816.41
Holding Co., Ltd.
Guangdong Zhongnan
                                Sale of products                            2,836,654.66                        44,383.37
Construction Co., Ltd.
Shenzhen Zhongjin Lingnan
                                Sale of products                             985,342.48                      1,325,641.06
Nonfemet Co., Ltd.
Shandong Zhongjin Lingnan
                                Sale of products                             635,444.25
Copper Co., Ltd.
Guangdong Yixin
Changcheng Construction         Sale of products                             563,380.10                       441,210.93
Guangdong Zhuyuan
Construction Engineering        Sale of products                             463,890.89
Co., Ltd.
Guangdong Rising Non-
                                Sale of products                             349,463.13
ferrous Metal Group Co., Ltd.
Guangdong Rising Holdings
                                Sale of products                             258,120.00
Group Co., Ltd.
Guangdong Zhongren Group
                                Sale of products                             256,834.10
Construction Co., Ltd
Guangzhou Wanshun               Sale of products                                                              538,207.40

                                                                                         Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                             Annual Report 2023

Investment Management Co.,
Guangzhou Shengdu
Investment Development Co.,       Sale of products                                                                281,946.91
Guangdong Rising South
                                  Sale of products                                                                174,054.95
Construction Co., Ltd.
Guangdong Zhongjin Lingnan
Equipment Technology Co.,         Sale of products                                                                122,855.75
Guangdong Zhongjin Lingnan
Engineering Technology Co.,       Sale of products                                                                103,340.71
Prosperity (China) Electrical
                                  Sale of products                                                                  66,276.48
Company Limited
Guangdong Electronics
Information Industry Group        Sale of products                                                                  27,796.46
Guangdong Zhongjin Lingnan
Junpeng Intelligent               Sale of products                                                                  23,742.48
Equipment Co., Ltd.
Guangdong Electronic
Technology Research               Sale of products                                                                   8,792.92
Guangdong Heshun Property
Management Co., Ltd. The          Providing labor services                       603,820.91
Pinnacle Branch
Total                                                                          46,077,781.01                   39,754,550.32
1. The pricing policy for related-party transactions between the Company and its related parties is as follows:
The pricing of related-party transactions should be market-oriented and subject to the market prices when such a
transaction occurs. The relevant funds should be paid on time according to the actual transaction.
2. The related-party transactions between the Company and its subsidiaries and between subsidiaries have been
offset during report consolidation.

(2) Information on Related-party Trusteeship/Contract

Lists of trusteeship/contract:


Lists of entrust/contractee
                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB

 Name of the        Name of the
                                                                                                               recognized in
entruster/contra     entrustee/             Type              Start date    Due date        Pricing basis
                                                                                                               this Reporting
      ctee           contractor
Foshan              Guangdong
NationStar           Zhongren                                30 December   31 December
Optoelectronics       Group                                     2020          2022
Co., Ltd.          Construction

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                                                                                                     Annual Report 2023

                       Co., Ltd
Fozhao                Guangdong
(Hainan)              Zhongnan
                                                  30 March 2022    14 May 2023
Technology           Construction
Co., Ltd.              Co., Ltd.
Electrical and                                                     29 December
                     Changcheng                    28 May 2021
Lighting Co.,                                                          2022
Foshan Kelian         Guangdong
New Energy            Zhongnan                                     23 December
                                                   23 June 2021
Technology           Construction                                      2022
Co., Ltd.              Co., Ltd.
Foshan Kelian         Guangdong
New        Energy      Huajian                                    31 December
                                                  1 May 2023
Technology            Enterprise                                      2023
Co., Ltd.           Group Co., Ltd.

Notes to entrust/contractee:

1. The Company’s subsidiary Foshan NationStar Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. entered into the General Contracting
Contract of NationStar Optoelectronics for the Survey, Design, and Construction of the Geely Industrial Park
with Guangdong Zhongren Group Construction Co., Ltd., Guangdong Architectural Design & Research
Institute Co., Ltd., and CSIC International Engineering Co., Ltd. on 30 December 2020. The above parties take
charge of the survey, design, and construction of the Geely Industrial Park. The total price of the contract is
RMB509,292,500. As of the date of this report, the project has not been completed and accepted.

2. The Company’s subsidiary Fozhao (Hainan) Technology Co., Ltd. entered into the General Contracting
Contract for Design and Construction of FSL Hainan Industrial Park Phase I with Guangdong Zhongnan
Construction Co., Ltd. and Guangdong Architectural Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd. on 30 March 2022.
The above parties take charge of the design and construction of FSL Hainan Industrial Park. The total price of
the contract is RMB179,051,600, and the planned total construction period is 390 calendar days (50 days for
design and 340 days for construction). As of the date of this report, the project has not yet reached its intended
useable condition.

3. The Company entered into the General Contracting Contract of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. for
the Design and Construction of the Office Buildings of Gaoming Headquarters Production Base Phase II with
Guangdong Yixin Changcheng Construction Group Co., Ltd. and Guangdong Architectural Design & Research
Institute Co., Ltd. on 28 May 2021. The above parties take charge of the design and construction of Gaoming
office buildings. The total price of the contract is RMB175,025,600, and the planned total construction period is
560 calendar days (560 days for construction including 90 days for design). As of the date of this report, the
project has not yet reached its intended useable condition.

                                                                                             Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                 Annual Report 2023

4. The Company’s subsidiary Foshan Kelian New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. entered into the General
Contracting Contract for Design and Construction of the Foshan Kelian Building Decoration Engineering with
Guangdong Zhongnan Construction Co., Ltd. and Guangdong Architectural Design & Research Institute Co.,
Ltd. on 23 June 2021. The above parties take charge of the survey, design and construction of Kelian Building.
The total price of the contract is RMB189,070,200, and the planned total construction period is 240 calendar
days. Among them, except for the self-used layers, the construction period shall be counted from the date when
the construction actually begins. As of the date of this report, the office self-use floor portion of the project's
Building 2 has been completed and passed the completion acceptance, and the renovation of the public areas
and apartments on Floors 4-8 of the project's Building 2 is in progress.

5. On 21 April 2023, a subsidiary of the Company, Foshan Kelian New Energy Technology Co., Ltd.
(hereinafter referred to as "Foshan Kelian") entered into the Contract on the Operation and Investment
Attraction Services for Kelian Building with Guangdong Huajian Enterprise Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter
referred to as "Huajian Group"). Foshan Kelian entrusted part of the property of Kelian Building to Huajian
Group for operation. Huajian Group shall pay the minimum guaranteed rental income to Foshan Kelian within
the operation period. As of the date of this report, the properties entrusted for operation are under renovation.

(3) Information on Related-party Lease

The Company was lessor:
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                     The lease income confirmed      The lease income confirmed
          Name of lessee            Category of leased assets
                                                                       in the Reporting Period      in the same period of last year
Guangdong Rising Research
and Development Institute
                                  Operating lease                                    1,371,318.77                    1,194,370.76
Co., Ltd. and its majority-
owned subsidiaries
The Company served as the lessee:
                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                        Rental expenses of     Variable lease
                         short-term lease       payments not
                                                                                         Income expense of
                        simplified treated     included in the                                                 Increased right-of-
                                                                         Paid rent         lease liabilities
                          and low-value       measurement of                                                       use assets
Name         Type of                                                                         undertaken
                          asset lease (if    lease liabilities (if
  of          assets       applicable)           applicable)
 lessor       leased                 The                    The                  The                  The                    The
                        Reporti     same     Reporti       same      Reporti    same     Reporti     same      Reporti      same
                          ng       period      ng         period       ng      period      ng       period       ng        period
                        Period     of last   Period       of last    Period    of last   Period     of last    Period      of last
                                    year                   year                 year                 year                   year
             Operati                                                 64,954.   237,451    1,801.2   1,557.4                54,673.
             ng lease                                                    29        .34          9         6                    41
g Co.,
Guangd       Operati                                                 219,647              2,688.2               65,598.
ong          ng lease                                                    .41                    9                   04

                                                                                     Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                         Annual Report 2023


(4) Information on Related-party Guarantee


(5) Information on Inter-bank Lending of Capital of Related Parties


(6) Information on Assets Transfer and Debt Restructuring by Related Party


(7) Information on Remuneration for Key Management Personnel

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                  Item                             Reporting period                      Same period of last year
Chairman of the Board                                             1,705,572.73                               1,284,350.64
General Manager                                                   1,470,932.32                               1,215,545.40
Chairman of the Supervisory Committee                             1,316,856.34                                  778,048.20
Secretary of the Board                                                535,162.42                                483,110.98
Chief Financial Officer                                           1,419,623.28                                  982,355.46
Other                                                            10,108,242.96                               7,936,351.27
Total                                                            16,556,390.05                             12,679,761.95

(8) Other Related-party Transactions

In accordance with the Financial Service Agreement signed by the Company in 2023, the total maximum daily
deposit balance of the Company and its majority-owned subsidiaries deposited in Guangdong Rising Finance
Co., Ltd. shall not exceed RMB1.2 billion, and the general credit limit provided by Guangdong Rising Finance
Co., Ltd. for the Company and its majority-owned subsidiaries shall not exceed RMB2 billion. As of 31
December 2023, the deposit balance of the Company and its subsidiaries deposited in Guangdong Rising
Finance Co., Ltd. is RMB1,179,154,200. The undue interest receivable is RMB5,226,500.

6. Accounts Receivable and Payable of Related Party

(1) Accounts Receivable

                                                                                                             Unit: RMB
                                                    Ending balance                          Beginning balance
        Item              Related party
                                          Carrying amount   Bad debt provision     Carrying amount     Bad debt provision

                                                                      Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                          Annual Report 2023

Monetary capital-   Guangdong Rising
                                          5,226,458.64                  3,774,186.39
accrued interest    Finance Co., Ltd.
Accounts            LAMPS &
                                          7,510,483.08   225,314.49     2,754,557.10             82,636.71
receivable          COMPONENTS
Accounts            Zhongnan
                                          4,612,923.23   188,722.11      218,038.46              18,816.26
receivable          Construction Co.,
Accounts            Advanced
                                          2,992,978.95    59,859.58     2,805,991.79             56,119.84
receivable          Technology
                    (Holding) Co.,
                    Guangdong Yixin
Accounts            Changcheng
                                          2,332,537.86   206,392.47     2,049,187.54           266,394.38
receivable          Construction
Accounts            Zhongjin Lingnan
                                           566,449.00     16,993.47      546,626.00              16,398.78
receivable          Nonfemet Co.,
                    Construction           510,276.71     15,308.30
                    Engineering Co.,
Accounts            Zhongren Group
                                           289,918.22      8,697.55
receivable          Construction Co.,
Accounts            Co., Ltd. (formerly
                                           266,736.05      5,334.72      582,275.60              11,645.51
receivable          known as Fenghua
                    Research Institute
                    Heshun Property
                    Management Co.,        242,112.68      7,263.38      669,790.40              66,979.04
                    Ltd. The Pinnacle
                    Guangdong Rising
                    Holdings Group         146,462.96      2,929.26
                    Co., Ltd.
                    Zhongjin Lingnan
                    Engineering            138,827.00      4,164.81      116,775.00               3,503.25
                    Technology Co.,
                    Huajian                 44,297.00     22,148.50        44,297.00             13,289.10

                                                                     Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                         Annual Report 2023

                    Construction Co.,
                    Ltd. (formerly
                    known as
                    Construction Co.,
                    Guangdong Rising
Accounts            Research and
                                             3,850.00       77.00          3,080.00                 61.60
receivable          Development
                    Institute Co., Ltd.
                    Zhongjin Lingnan
                    Equipment                                           703,256.00            103,815.51
                    Technology Co.,
                    Guangdong Rising
Accounts            Rare Metals and
                                                                        457,703.96              45,770.40
receivable          New Photoelectric
                    Materials Co., Ltd.
                    Zhongjin Lingnan
                    Junpeng Intelligent                                   20,179.00                605.37
                    Equipment Co.,
                    Prosperity (China)
Prepayments         Electrical              39,428.00                     39,428.00
                    Company Limited
Prepayments                                    148.68                        148.68
                    (Holding) Co.,
                    Hangzhou Times
                    Lighting Electric
Prepayments                                  1,300.88
                    Appliances Co.,
Other receivables   Huajian Enterprise    1,791,739.20   53,752.18
                    Group Co., Ltd.
Other receivables                           67,165.92     1,343.32
                    Service Co., Ltd.
                    Nanning Ruixiang
Other receivables                            5,000.00      150.00
                    Investment Co.,
                    Zhongren Group
Other receivables                              304.31         9.13
                    Construction Co.,
                    Guangdong The
Other receivables   Great Wall                                            53,041.92              4,708.84
                    Building Co., Ltd.

                                                                                    Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                        Annual Report 2023

Other receivables                                                                      178,585.99               3,571.72
                    (Holding) Co.,
Total                                        26,789,398.37        818,460.27         15,017,148.83           694,316.31

(2) Accounts Payable

                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
            Item                      Related party           Ending carrying amount        Beginning carrying amount
                              Guangdong Zhongren Group
Notes payable                                                            15,052,221.04                    52,101,816.43
                              Construction Co., Ltd
                              Guangdong Fenghua
Notes payable                 Advanced Technology                           373,870.86                       449,283.50
                              (Holding) Co., Ltd.
                              Guangdong Zhongren Group
Accounts payable                                                        117,665,437.46                   129,250,643.46
                              Construction Co., Ltd
                              Guangdong Yixin
Accounts payable              Changcheng Construction                    65,992,673.05
                              Guangdong Zhongnan
Accounts payable                                                         43,398,748.24
                              Construction Co., Ltd.
                              Guangdong Fenghua
Accounts payable              Advanced Technology                         1,385,589.20                      3,038,287.38
                              (Holding) Co., Ltd.
                              Shenzhen Yuepeng
Accounts payable                                                          1,174,680.84                      1,885,437.50
                              Construction Co., Ltd.
                              Guangzhou Haixinsha
Accounts payable                                                            506,936.01
                              Industrial Co., Ltd.
                              PROSPERITY LAMPS &
Accounts payable                                                               58,230.70                    773,460.05
                              COMPONENTS LTD
                              Guangdong Electronic
Accounts payable              Technology Research                              46,500.00                     736,000.00
                              Primatronix Nanho
Accounts payable                                                               14,457.85
                              Technology Ltd.
                              Shenzhen Longgang
Accounts payable              Dongjiang Industrial Waste                        9,478.00                       14,010.00
                              Treatment Co., Ltd.
                              Zhuhai Dongjiang
Accounts payable              Environmental Protection                          1,325.10
                              Technology Co., Ltd.
                              Hangzhou Times Lighting
Accounts payable                                                                                               99,115.04
                              Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.
                              Foshan Fulong Environmental
Accounts payable                                                                                               64,375.00
                              Technology Co., Ltd.
                              Dongguan Hengjian
Accounts payable              Environmental Protection                                                         46,520.40
                              Technology Co., Ltd.
                              Nanning Ruixiang Industrial
Other payables                                                          103,639,661.12                   120,352,181.20
                              Investment Co., Ltd.
                              Guangdong Fenghua
Other payables                Advanced Technology                         5,030,015.07                   135,446,928.57
                              (Holding) Co., Ltd.

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                                                                                                     Annual Report 2023

                              Guangdong Huajian
Other payables                                                           3,593,345.15                    3,216,344.40
                              Enterprise Group Co., Ltd.
                              Shenzhen Yuepeng
Other payables                                                             474,900.64                     474,300.64
                              Construction Co., Ltd.
                              Guangdong Zhongnan
Other payables                                                             423,469.05                     846,938.10
                              Construction Co., Ltd.
                              Guangzhou Haixinsha
Other payables                                                             154,568.76
                              Industrial Co., Ltd.
                              Zhuhai Dongjiang
Other payables                Environmental Protection                      20,000.00                       50,000.00
                              Technology Co., Ltd.
                              Shenzhen Longgang
Other payables                Dongjiang Industrial Waste                    20,000.00                       50,000.00
                              Treatment Co., Ltd.
                              Guangdong Xintaochip
                              Microelectronics Co., Ltd.
Other payables                (formerly known as Fenghua                     8,028.00
                              Research Institute
                              (Guangzhou) Limited)
Contract liabilities, other   PROSPERITY LAMPS &
                                                                            59,428.00                       59,428.00
current liabilities           COMPONENTS LTD
                              Guangdong Zhongnan
Other current liabilities                                                6,700,000.00
                              Construction Co., Ltd.
                              Guangdong Fenghua
Other current liabilities     Advanced Technology                          339,669.91
                              (Holding) Co., Ltd.
                              Guangzhou Haixinsha
Other current liabilities                                                  339,220.26
                              Industrial Co., Ltd.
                              Guangdong Yixin
Other current liabilities     Changcheng Construction                       69,483.06
Total                                                                  366,551,937.37                 448,955,069.67

7. Commitments of Related Party

(1) Commitment on Avoidance of Horizontal Competition
①Commitment maker: Electronics Group and Hong Kong Rising Investment
Contents of Commitment: Electronics Group and its acting-in-concert parties Hong Kong Rising Investment have
made more commitments as follows to avoid horizontal competition with the Company: 1. They shall conduct
supervision and restraint on the production and operation activities of themselves and their relevant enterprises so
that besides the enterprise above that is in horizontal competition with the Company for now, if the products or
business of them or their relevant enterprises become the same with or similar to those of the Company or its
subsidiaries in the future, they shall take the following measures: (1) If the Company thinks necessary, they and
their relevant enterprises shall reduce and wholly transfer their relevant assets and business; and (2) If the
Company thinks necessary, it is given the priority to acquire first, by proper means, the relevant assets and
business of them and their relevant enterprises. 2. All the commitments made by them to eliminate or avoid
horizontal competition with the Company are also applicable to their directly or indirectly controlled subsidiaries.
They are obliged to urge and make sure that other subsidiaries execute what’s prescribed in the relevant document
and faithfully honor all the relevant commitments. 3. If they or their directly or indirectly controlled subsidiaries
break the aforesaid commitments and thus cause a loss for the Company, they shall compensate the Company on a
rational basis.
Date of commitment making: 4 December 2015

                                                                                 Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                     Annual Report 2023

Term of commitment: Long-standing
Fulfillment: In execution
②Commitment maker: Rising Holdings Group
Contents of Commitment: 1. The Promisor will take active measures to avoid any business or activity that
competes or may compete with the principal business of the Company and its auxiliary enterprises, and urge the
Promisor to control enterprises to avoid any business or activity that competes or may compete with the principal
business of the Company and its auxiliary enterprises. 2. If the Promisor and its controlled enterprises are given
the opportunity to engage in new business that constitutes or may constitute horizontal competition with the
principal businesses of the Company and its auxiliary enterprises, the Promisor will make every effort to make the
business opportunity first available to the Company or its auxiliary enterprises on reasonable and fair terms and
conditions on the premise that conditions permit and in the interest of the listed company.
Date of commitment making: 4 November 2021
Term of commitment: Long-standing
Fulfillment: In execution
③Commitment maker: Rising Holdings Group, Rising Capital, and Hongkong Wah Shing
Contents of Commitment: 1. They shall conduct supervision and restraint on the production and operation
activities of themselves and their relevant enterprises so that besides the enterprise above that is in horizontal
competition with FSL for now, if the products or business of them or their relevant enterprises become the same
with or similar to those of FSL or its subsidiaries in the future, they shall take the following measures: (1) If FSL
thinks necessary, they and their relevant enterprises shall reduce and wholly transfer their relevant assets and
business; and (2) If FSL thinks necessary, it is given the priority to acquire first, by proper means, the relevant
assets and business of them and their relevant enterprises. 2. All the commitments made by them to eliminate or
avoid horizontal competition with FSL are also applicable to their directly or indirectly controlled subsidiaries.
They are obliged to urge and make sure that other subsidiaries execute what’s prescribed in the relevant document
and faithfully honor all the relevant commitments. 3. If they or their directly or indirectly controlled subsidiaries
break the aforesaid commitments and thus cause a loss for FSL, they shall compensate FSL on a rational basis.
Date of commitment making: 27 October 2021.
Term of commitment: Long-standing.
Fulfillment: In execution.
(2) Commitment on Reduction and Regulation of Related-party Transactions
① Commitment maker: Electronics Group and Hong Kong Rising Investment
Contents of Commitment: Electronics Group and Hong Kong Rising Investment have made a commitment that
during their direct or indirect holding of the Company’s shares, they shall 1. Strictly abide by the regulatory
documents of the CSRC and the SZSE, the Company’s Articles of Association, etc. and not harm the interests of
the Company or other shareholders of the Company in their production and operation activities by taking
advantage of their position as the controlling shareholder and actual controller; 2. make sure that they or their
other controlled subsidiaries, branch offices, jointly-run or associated companies (the “Relevant Enterprises” for
short) will try their best to avoid or reduce related-party transactions with the Company or the Company’s
subsidiaries; 3. strictly follow the market principle of justness, fairness and equal value exchange for necessary
and unavoidable related-party transactions between them and their Relevant Enterprises and the Company, and
withdraw from voting when a related-party transaction with them or their Relevant Enterprises is being voted on
at a general meeting or a board meeting, and execute the relevant approval procedure and information disclosure
duties pursuant to the applicable laws, regulations and regulatory documents. Where the aforesaid commitments
are broken and a loss is thus caused for the Company, its subsidiaries or the Company’s other shareholders, they

                                                                                  Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                      Annual Report 2023

shall be obliged to compensate.
Date of commitment making: 4 December 2015
Term of commitment: Long-standing
Fulfillment: In execution
② Commitment maker: Rising Holdings Group
Contents of Commitment: 1. Strictly abide by the regulatory documents of the CSRC and the SZSE, the
Company’s Articles of Association, etc; and not harm the interests of the Company or other shareholders of the
Company in their production and operation activities by taking advantage of their position as the controlling
shareholder and actual controller; 2. make sure that they or their other controlled subsidiaries, branch offices,
jointly-run or associated companies (the "Relevant Enterprises" for short) will try their best to avoid or reduce
related-party transactions with the Company or the Company’s subsidiaries; 3. strictly follow the market principle
of justness, fairness and equal value exchange for necessary and unavoidable related-party transactions between
them and their Relevant Enterprises and the Company, and withdraw from voting when a related-party transaction
with them or their Relevant Enterprises is being voted on at a general meeting or a board meeting, and execute the
relevant approval procedure and information disclosure duties pursuant to the applicable laws, regulations and
regulatory documents.
Date of commitment making: 4 November 2021
Term of commitment: Long-standing
Fulfillment: In execution
③ Commitment maker: Rising Holdings Group, Rising Capital, and Hongkong Wah Shing
Contents of Commitment: They have made a commitment that during their direct or indirect holding of FSL 1.
activities of themselves strictly abide by the regulatory documents of the CSRC and the SZSE,FSL’s Articles of
Association, etc. and not harm the interests of the Company or other shareholders of FSL in their production and
operation activities by taking advantage of their position as the controlling shareholder and actual controller; 2.
make sure that they or their other controlled subsidiaries, branch offices, jointly-run or associated companies (the
"Relevant Enterprises" for short) will try their best to avoid or reduce related-party transactions with FSL or FSL’s
subsidiaries; 3. strictly follow the market principle of justness, fairness and equal value exchange for necessary
and unavoidable related-party transactions between them and their Relevant Enterprises and FSL, and withdraw
from voting when a related-party transaction with them or their Relevant Enterprises is being voted on at a general
meeting or a board meeting, and execute the relevant approval procedure and information disclosure duties
pursuant to the applicable laws, regulations and regulatory documents. Where the aforesaid commitments are
broken and a loss is thus caused for FSL, its subsidiaries or FSL’s other shareholders, they shall be obliged to
Date of commitment making: 27 October 2021.
Term of commitment: Long-standing.
Fulfillment: In execution.
(3) Commitment on Independence
① Commitment maker: Electronics Group and Hong Kong Rising Investment
Contents of Commitment: In order to ensure the independence of FSL in business, personnel, asset, organization
and finance, Electronics Group and Hong Kong Rising Investment have made the following commitments: 1.
They will ensure the independence of FSL in business: (1) They promise that FSL will have the assets, personnel,
qualifications and capabilities for it to operate independently as well as the ability of independent, sustainable
operation in the market. (2) They promise not to intervene in FSL’s business activities other than the execution of
their rights as FSL’s shareholders. (3) They promise that they and their related parties will not be engaged in

                                                                                  Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                      Annual Report 2023

business that is substantially in competition with FSL’s business. And (4) They promise that they and their related
parties will try their best to reduce related-party transactions between them and FSL; for necessary and
unavoidable related-party transactions, they promise to operate fairly following the market-oriented principle and
at fair prices, and execute the transaction procedure and the duty of information disclosure pursuant to the
applicable laws, regulations and regulatory documents. 2.They will ensure the independence of FSL in personnel:
(1) They promise that FSL’s GM, deputy GMs, CFO, Company Secretary and other senior management personnel
will work only for and receive remuneration from FSL, not holding any positions in them or their other controlled
subsidiaries other than director and supervisor. (2) They promise FSL’s absolute independence from their related
parties in labor, human resource and salary management. And (3) They promise to follow the legal procedure in
their recommendation of directors, supervisors and senior management personnel to FSL and not to hire or
dismiss employees beyond FSL’s Board of Directors and General Meeting. 3. They will ensure the independence
and completeness of FSL in asset: (1) They promise that FSL will have a production system, an auxiliary
production system and supporting facilities for its operation; legally have the ownership or use rights of the land,
plants, machines, trademarks, patents and non-patented technology in relation to its production and operation; and
have independent systems for the procurement of raw materials and the sale of its products. (2) They promise that
FSL will have independent and complete assets all under FSL’s control and independently owned and operated by
FSL. And (3) They promise that they and their other controlled subsidiaries will not illegally occupy FSL’s funds
and assets in any way, or use FSL’s assets to provide guarantees for the debts of themselves or their other
controlled subsidiaries with. 4. They will ensure the independence of FSL in organization: (1) They promise that
FSL has a sound corporate governance structure as a joint-stock company with an independent and complete
organization structure. (2) They promise that the operational and management organs within FSL will
independently execute their functions according to laws, regulations and FSL’s Articles of Association. 5. They
will ensure the independence of FSL in finance: (1) They promise that FSL will have an independent financial
department and financial accounting system with normative, independent financial accounting rules. (2) They
promise that FSL will have independent bank accounts and not share bank accounts with its related parties. (3)
They promise that FSL’s financial personnel do not hold concurrent positions in its related parties. (4) They
promise that FSL will independently pay its tax according to law. And (5) They promise that FSL can make
financial decisions independently and that they will not illegally intervene in FSL’s use of its funds.
Date of commitment making: 4 December 2015
Term of commitment: Long-standing
Fulfillment: In execution
② Commitment maker: Rising Holdings Group
Contents of Commitment: To maintain the independence of the Company, the Promisor has made the following
commitments: 1. It will ensure the personnel independence of the Company. It promises to ensure personnel
independence with the Company, and GM, deputy GMs, CFO, Secretary of the Board of Directors and other
senior management personnel of the Company will not hold positions other than directors and supervisors in the
enterprises wholly owned, controlled or actually controlled by it and its subsidiaries (hereinafter referred to as
"subsidiaries"), and will not receive salaries from it or its subsidiaries. 2. It will ensure the asset independence of
the Company. (1) It promises that the Company has independent and complete assets. (2) It promises that it and its
subsidiaries will not illegally occupy the Company’s funds and assets in any way. 3. It will ensure the financial
independence of the Company: (1) It promises that the Company will have an independent financial department
and financial accounting system. (2) It promises that the Company will have a standardized and independent
financial accounting system. (3) It promises that the Company will have independent bank accounts and not share
bank accounts with it. (4) It promises that the Company’s financial personnel do not hold concurrent positions in

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it or its subsidiaries. And (5) It promises that the Company can make financial decisions independently and that
they will not illegally intervene in the Company’s use of its funds. 4. It will ensure the independence of the
Company in organization: (1) It promises that the Company can operate independently with an independent and
complete organization structure. (2) It promises that the office and production and business premises of the
Company are separated from those of Rising Holdings Group. And (3) It promises that the Board of Directors, the
Supervisory Committee and various functional departments of the Company operate independently, and there is
no subordinate relationship with the functional departments of Rising Holdings Group. And 5, It will ensure the
independence of the Company in business: (1) It promises that the Company will have independence in business.
And (2) It promises that the Company will have the assets, personnel, qualifications and capabilities for it to
operate independently as well as the ability of independent, sustainable operation in the market.
Date of commitment making: 4 November 2021
Term of commitment: Long-standing
Fulfillment: In execution
(4) Commitment on effective performance of measures to fill up returns
Commitment maker: Rising Holdings Group, Rising Capital, Electronics Group, Hongkong Wah Shing, Hong
Kong Rising Investment and Shenzhen Rising Investment
Contents of Commitment: 1. They promise not to interfere in the operation and management activities of the listed
company beyond their authority and not to encroach on the interests of the listed company. 2. From the date of
issuance of these commitments to the completion of this trading of the listed company, if the CSRC makes new
regulatory requirements on measures to fill up returns and commitments of relevant personnel, and the above
commitments cannot meet these new regulatory requirements of the CSRC, they promise to issue supplementary
commitments according to the latest regulations of the CSRC at that time. 3. They promise to earnestly fulfill the
measures to fill up returns formulated by the listed company and any commitments made by them. If they violate
these commitments and causes losses to the listed company or investors, they are willing to bear the compensation
responsibility for the listed company or investors according to law. As one of the subjects responsible for the
measures to fill up returns, if they violate the above commitments or refuse to fulfill the above commitments, they
agree that the securities regulatory agencies such as the CSRC and the SZSE will punish them or take relevant
regulatory measures in accordance with the relevant regulations and rules they formulated or issued.
Date of commitment making: 27 October 2021.
Term of commitment: Long-standing.
Fulfillment: In execution.
(5) Commitment on compensation for possible violations of laws and regulations by NationStar
Commitment maker: Rising Holdings Group, Electronics Group, and Rising Capital
Contents of Commitment: If NationStar Optoelectronics is subject to administrative penalties such as
accountability and fines by relevant competent departments after the completion of this trading due to the illegal
acts of NationStar Optoelectronics before the completion of this acquisition, they promise to fully bear the losses
of NATIONSTAR or FSL, as well as the expenses and fees under punishment or recourse, to ensure that
NationStar Optoelectronics or FSL will not suffer any economic losses.
Date of commitment making: 27 October 2021.
Term of commitment: Long-standing.
Fulfillment: In execution.
(6) Commitment on the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of the information provided during this
major asset restructuring

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① Commitment maker: Rising Holdings Group, Electronics Group, and Rising Capital
Contents of Commitment: 1. They promise that the information provided is true, accurate and complete, and there
are no false records, misleading statements or material omissions. 2. They have provided relevant information and
documents (including but not limited to original written materials, duplicate materials or oral testimony, etc.)
related to this trading to the intermediaries. They promise that the copies or photocopies of the documents and
materials provided are consistent with the originals, and that the signatures and seals of the documents and
materials are authentic, and the signatories of the documents have been legally authorized and effectively signed
the documents; that there are no false records, misleading statements or material omissions. 3. They promise that
the explanations and confirmations issued by them are true, accurate and complete, and there are no false records,
misleading statements or material omissions. 4. During this trading, they will disclose the information about this
trading in a timely manner in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, the CSRC and the SZSE, and ensure
the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of such information. 5. They shall bear legal responsibility for the
authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the information, documents, materials, explanations and confirmations
provided. In case of any violation or losses caused to the listed company, investors, parties to the trading and
intermediaries participating in this trading, they will be liable for compensation according to law. 6. Where the
information provided or disclosed by them in this trading is suspected of false records, misleading statements or
material omissions, and they are filed for investigation by the judicial organ or by the CSRC, the shares with
interests in the listed company will not be transferred until the investigation conclusion is formed.
Date of commitment making: 27 October 2021.
Term of commitment: Long-standing.
Fulfillment: In execution.
② Commitment markers: Directors and senior management of FSL
Contents of Commitment: 1. We have provided relevant information and documents (including but not limited to
original written materials, duplicate materials or oral testimony, etc.) related to this trading to the intermediaries
providing professional services of auditing, assessment, legal and financial consultancy for this trading. We
promise that the copies or photocopies of the documents and materials provided are consistent with the originals,
and that the signatures and seals of the documents and materials are authentic, and the signatories of the
documents have been legally authorized and effectively signed the documents; that the provided information and
documents are authentic, accurate and complete and that there are no false records, misleading statements or
material omissions. We also promise to bear individual and joint and several liability. 2. We promise that the
information provided is true, accurate and complete. In case of any losses caused to investors due to any false
presentations, misleading statements or material omissions in the information provided, we will be liable for
compensation according to law. 3. Where the information provided or disclosed by us in this trading is suspected
of false records, misleading statements or material omissions, and we are filed for investigation by the judicial
organ or by the CSRC, the shares with interests in the listed company will not be transferred until the investigation
conclusion is formed.
Date of commitment making: 27 October 2021
Term of commitment: Long-standing.
Fulfillment: In execution
(7) Commitment on the clarity of the underlying assets of this major asset restructuring
① Commitment maker: Electronics Group
Contents of Commitment: Electronics Group promises that the 100% equity of Sigma it held is clear in ownership
and is not subject to any dispute or potential dispute, and there is no situation affecting its legal existence; and
there is no pending or potential litigation, arbitration and any other administrative or judicial procedure that may

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lead to the seizure, freezing, expropriation or restriction of transfer of the above-mentioned equity by the relevant
judicial or administrative organs. There is no entrusted shareholding or trust shareholding, restriction or
prohibition of transfer of the above-mentioned equity controlled by Electronics Group.
Date of commitment making: 27 October 2021.
Term of commitment: Long-standing.
Fulfillment: In execution.
② Commitment maker: Rising Holdings Group and Rising Capital
Contents of Commitment: Rising Holdings Group and Rising Capital promise that the shares of NationStar
Optoelectronics it held is clear in ownership and is not subject to any dispute or potential dispute, and there is no
situation affecting its legal existence; the above shares are not subject to any other pledges, guarantees or third-
party interests or restrictions and there is no pending or potential litigation, arbitration and any other
administrative or judicial procedure that may lead to the seizure, freezing, expropriation or restriction of transfer
of the above-mentioned equity by the relevant judicial or administrative organs. There is no entrusted
shareholding or trust shareholding, restriction or prohibition of transfer of the above-mentioned equity controlled
by Rising Group and Rising Capital.
Date of commitment making: 27 October 2021.
Term of commitment: Long-standing.
Fulfillment: In execution.
(8) Commitment on measures to fill up returns for risks arising from diluting immediate return in major
asset restructuring
Commitment markers: Directors and senior management of FSL
Contents of Commitment: 1. We promise not to transfer benefits to other units or individuals free of charge or
under unfair conditions, and not to harm the interests of the Company in any other ways. 2. We promise to
restrain position-related consumption behavior. 3. We promise not to use the Company's assets to engage in
investment and consumption activities unrelated to the performance of duties. 4. We promise that the future
remuneration system formulated by the Board of Directors or the Remuneration and Assessment Committee
will be linked to the implementation of the Company's measures to fill up returns. 5. If the Company formulates
an equity incentive plan in the future, we will actively promote the exercise conditions of the future equity
incentive plan to be linked with the implementation of the Company's measures to fill up returns. 6. From the
date of issuance of these commitments to the completion of this major asset restructuring of the Company, if the
CSRC makes other new regulatory provisions on measures to fill up returns and the relevant commitments, and
these commitments cannot meet these provisions of the CSRC, we promise to issue supplementary
commitments in accordance with the latest regulations of the CSRC at that time. 7. We promise to earnestly
fulfill the compensation measures formulated by the Company and any commitments we make. If we violate
any of these commitments and cause losses to the Company or investors, we are willing to bear corresponding
legal responsibilities to the Company or investors according to law.
Date of commitment making: 27 October 2021
Term of commitment: Long-standing.
Fulfillment: In execution
(9) Commitment on measures to fill up immediate returns diluted by the issuance of A-shares to specific
objects in 2023
Commitment markers: Directors and senior management of FSL
Contents of Commitment: According to the Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Further
Strengthening the Protection of the Lawful Rights and Interests of Small and Medium-sized Investors in the

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Capital Market (GBF [2013] No. 110), Opinions of the State Council on Further Promoting the Sound
Development of Capital Markets (GF [2014] No. 17), Guiding Opinions on Matters concerning the Dilution of
Immediate Return in Initial Public Offering, Refinancing and Material Asset Restructuring (ZJHGG [2015] No.
31) and other relevant regulations, in order to protect the interests of small and medium-sized investors, the
Directors and Senior Management of the Company have made the following commitments that the measures to
fill up immediate returns diluted by the issuance of A-shares to specific objects can be effectively fulfilled: “1.
We promise not to transfer benefits to other units or individuals for free or under unfair conditions and not to
compromise the interests of the Company in other ways. 2. We promise to restrain position-related consumption
behaviour. 3. We promise not to use the Company's assets to engage in investment and consumption activities
unrelated to the performance of duties. 4. We promise that the remuneration system formulated by the Board of
Directors or the Remuneration and Assessment Committee is linked to the implementation of the Company's
measures to fill up returns. 5. If the Company implements an equity incentive plan in the future, the exercise
conditions of the future equity incentive plan will be linked with the implementation of the Company's measures
to fill up returns. 6. From the date of issuance of these commitments to the completion of the issuance of shares
to specific objects, if the CSRC makes other new regulatory provisions on measures to fill up returns and the
relevant commitments, and these commitments cannot meet these provisions of the CSRC, we promise to issue
supplementary commitments in accordance with the latest regulations of the CSRC at that time. As one of the
subjects responsible for the measures to fill up returns, if we violate the above commitments or refuse to fulfil
the above commitments, we agree that the securities regulatory agencies such as the CSRC and the Shenzhen
Stock Exchange will punish us or take relevant regulatory measures in accordance with the relevant regulations
and rules they formulated or issued.
Date of commitment making: 14 March 2023
Term of commitment: Long-standing.
Fulfillment: In execution
(10) Commitment on matters on special self-inspection of the real estate business
Commitment maker: Directors and senior management of FSL, Rising Holdings Group, Electronics Group,
Hongkong Wah Shing, Hong Kong Rising Investment, and Shenzhen Rising Investment
Contents of Commitment: According to the laws and regulations issued by the State Council, such as the Notice
of the State Council on Resolutely Curbing the Soaring of Housing Prices in Some Cities (GF [2010] No. 10),
the Notice of the General Office of the State Council on Further Improving Regulation of the Real Estate
Market (GBF [2013] No. 17) and the Adjustment of Regulatory Policies on Listed Companies' Re-financing,
Merger and Acquisition and Reorganization Involving Real Estate Business issued by the CSRC on the relevant
requirements for refinancing of listed companies involved in real estate business, the controlling shareholders
and all directors and Senior Management of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as
the "Company") have made the following commitments: The Self-inspection Report on the Company's
Involvement in Real Estate Business has truthfully disclosed the self-inspection of the real estate development
projects of the Company and its subsidiaries between 1 January 2020 and 31 December 2022. If the Company is
identified with illegalities or violations not disclosed as required by the self-inspection, such as idle land, land
speculation, holding real estate projects from selling, and house price rigging, thus causing losses to itself and
the investors, we will be liable for compensation in line with relevant laws, regulations, and requirements of
securities regulatory authorities.
Date of commitment making: 14 March 2023
Term of commitment: Long-standing.
Fulfillment: In execution

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(11) Commitment on effective fulfillment of measures taken by controlling shareholders and de facto
controller to fill up immediate returns
Commitment maker: Rising Holdings Group, Electronics Group, Hongkong Wah Shing, Hong Kong Rising
Investment, and Shenzhen Rising Investment
Contents of Commitment: According to the relevant provisions of the CSRC, in order to ensure that the
measures to fill up immediate returns diluted by the issuance of A-shares to specific objects can be practically
fulfilled, the Company's controlling shareholders, Rising Holdings Group, Electronics Group, Hong Kong
Rising Investment, Hongkong Wah Shing, and the de facto controller, Rising Group, respectively, made the
following commitments: "1. We promise not to interfere in the operation and management activities of the listed
company beyond our authority and not to encroach on the interests of the listed company. 2. From the date of
issuance of these commitments to the completion of the issuance of shares to specific objects, if the CSRC
makes new regulatory requirements on measures to fill up returns and commitments of relevant personnel, and
the above commitments cannot meet these new regulatory requirements of the CSRC, we promise to issue
supplementary commitments according to the latest regulations of the CSRC at that time. 3. We promise to
earnestly fulfil the measures to fill up returns formulated by the listed company and any commitments made by
us. If we violate these commitments and cause losses to the listed company or investors, we are willing to bear
the compensation responsibility for the listed company or investors according to law. As one of the subjects
responsible for the measures to fill up returns, if we violate the above commitments or refuse to fulfil the above
commitments, we agree that the securities regulatory agencies such as the CSRC and the Shenzhen Stock
Exchange will punish us or take relevant regulatory measures in accordance with the relevant regulations and
rules they formulated or issued.
Date of commitment making: 14 March 2023
Term of commitment: Long-standing.
Fulfillment: In execution

8. Other


XV. Share-based Payment

1. The Overall Situation of Share-based Payments

□Applicable  Not applicable

2. Equity-settled Share-based Payments

□Applicable  Not applicable

3. Cash-settled Share-based Payments

□Applicable  Not applicable

4. Share-Based Payment Expenses for the Period

□Applicable  Not applicable

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5. Modification and Termination of Share-based Payment


6. Other


XVI. Commitments and Contingency

1. Significant Commitments

Significant commitments on the balance sheet date
1. Commitment to cash dividends
Commitment maker: the Company
Contents of Commitment: The Company’s profit distributed in cash shall not be less than 30% of the distributable
profit realized in the year.
Date of commitment making: 27 May 2009
Term of commitment: Till the completion of the issuance of A-shares to specific objects in 2023.
Fulfillment: In execution.

2. Commitment to the development of Haikou plot
In November 2021, Hainan Technology, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, acquired an industrial land
located in Mei’an Science and Technology New City, Haikou, with a land area of 34,931.13 square meters and a
land price of RMB26,596,784.43. In the same month, Hainan Technology signed the Agreement on Industrial
Project Development and Land Access with Haikou National High-tech Industrial Development Zone
Management Committee (hereinafter referred to as the “Haikou Development Zone Management Committee”).
The agreement stipulates that the above-mentioned plot is used for the development of marine lighting R&D and
manufacturing base projects, and the investment of fixed assets is approximately RMB314 million (including
plants, equipment, and land, equivalent to RMB6 million per mu (1 mu equals to 666.67 square meters). Hainan
Technology promises to complete the planning scheme design within two months from the date of signing the
Confirmation of Listing and Transferring the Right to Use State-owned Construction Land; complete the
construction drawing design within three months after completing the planning scheme design and obtain the
Building Construction Permits and start construction at the same time (subject to the foundation concrete pouring
of the main buildings). The project will be put into production within 18 months from the date of signing the
Confirmation of Listing and Transferring the Right to Use State-owned Construction Land. From the date of
signing the contract to the first year after the project is put into production, the accumulated tax payment is not
less than RMB10 million; the accumulated tax payment in the first two years is not less than RMB27.4 million;
the accumulated tax payment in the first three years is not less than RMB67.1 million; the accumulated tax
payment in the first four years is not less than RMB117 million; the accumulated tax payment in the five years is
not less than RMB203 million. The total industrial output value (or revenue) in the first year after the project is
put into production is not less than RMB218 million; the accumulated value in the first two years is not less than
RMB433 million; the accumulated value in the first three years is not less than RMB929 million; the accumulated
value in the first four years is not less than RMB1,578 million; the accumulated value in the five years is not less
than RMB2.62 billion. If the project fails to start construction within 12 months from the date of signing the
Confirmation of Listing and Transferring the Right to Use State-owned Construction Land due to Hainan
Technology reasons, the Haikou Development Zone Management Committee has the right to unilaterally
terminate the contract and the municipal government will recover the land use rights according to law; if the total
amount of tax paid in the year after the project is put into production does not reach the total annual tax payment
as agreed, Hainan Technology shall pay liquidated damages to the Haikou Development Zone Management
Committee according to the difference; if Hainan Technology has idle land not due to government reasons and
force majeure, the municipal government shall collect idle land fees or recover the right to use state-owned
construction land.

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2. Contingency

(1) Significant Contingency on Balance Sheet Date

①Litigation between the Company and Guiyang Zhengtianhe Trading Co., Ltd., Meng Qingning, Meng Qingan
and Lu Shufen
Guiyang Zhengtianhe Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Zhengtianhe"), as a distributor of the
Company for many years, filed a lawsuit with the Chancheng District People's Court [(2022) Y. 0604 M.ZH. No.
21387] because of the outstanding payment of RMB4,364,929.27 to the Company for goods. On 3 November
2022, it received a judgment of first instance from Chancheng District People's Court: 1. Zhengtianhe paid the
purchase price of RMB4,364,929.27 and interest to the Company; 2. Meng Qingning, Meng Qingan and Lu
Shufen assume joint and several liabilities for the settlement; 3. The Company shall be entitled to a priority right
of payment for one of Meng Qingning's properties; 4. The Company shall be entitled to a priority right of
payment for two of Meng Qingning's properties; and 5. The other litigation requests of the Company shall be
rejected. On 9 January 2023, the Company applied for court enforcement, and Foshan Chancheng District
People's Court accepted the case on 13 February 2023. As of the date of this report, pending the execution of the
judgment by Zhengtianhe, the Company owns Zhengtianhe's properties as collateral and has made a bad debt
provision of RMB1,216,688.36 based on expected credit losses.
②Litigation between the Company and Taiyuan Yunxiao Lighting Appliance Co., Ltd.
Taiyuan Yunxiao Lighting Appliance Co., Ltd. ("Yunxiao Lighting Appliance"), a distributor of the Company
for many years, owed the Company and its subsidiary, Chanchang, an aggregate amount of RMB4,539,898.74
and RMB1,725,987.71, respectively, for goods, and has been in default of payment as of December 2023. The
Company then filed a lawsuit with the Chancheng District People's Court. As of the date of this report, the
aforesaid case has not yet been settled, and the Company and its subsidiary, Chancheng, made bad debt
provision of RMB2,541,385.63 and RMB862,993.86, respectively, based on expected credit losses.
③Litigation between NationStar Optoelectronics and Guangzhou CM Punk Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.
Guangzhou CM Punk Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "CM Punk") and Foshan NationStar
Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. had dispuate over the sales contract. Both parties disputed the goods payment and
compensation for quality defects in products and thus filed a lawsuit with the court. CM Punk sued NationStar
Optoelectronics and requested the latter to pay for the goods and pay the interest, totalling approximately
RMB4.36 million (including approximately RMB3.77 million for the goods). NationStar Optoelectronics
defended itself by arguing that CM Punk's claim was not supported by factual and legal bases and lodged a
counterclaim for approximately RMB2.02 million from CM Punk as an indemnity for quality losses. The case
went through the first trial and the second trial. On 5 March 2024, they received the second instance judgment
from Intermediate People's Court of Foshan: NationStar Optoelectronics should pay CM Punk RMB150,962.45
of the purchase price and interest, and return the warranty deposit of RMB1,887,763 to CM Punk. As of the date
of this report, NationStar Optoelectronics has fulfilled the effective judgment.
④Litigation between Liuzhou Lighting, Nanning Liaowang and Laster Electronic Tech (Dongguan) Co., Ltd.
Laster Electronic Tech (Dongguan) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Laster Electronic") is the supplier of
Liuzhou Lighting and Nanning Liaowang. Laster Electronic requests that: 1. Liuzhou Lighting shall pay the
arrears of RMB77,932.00 and the corresponding interest loss, and compensate for the material loss
RMB405,461.00 caused by the production of the products in question and interest loss of RMB25,337.10, as
well as compensate for the loss of storage fee and labour storage fee of RMB26,000.00 caused by the material
stagnation, and pay the mold test unallocated costs of RMB309,793.00 and the unallocated costs of the interest
loss of RMB40,174.16; 2. Nanning Liaowang shall pay the arrears of RMB34,822.00 and the corresponding

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interest loss, and compensate for the material loss of RMB401,029.00 and interest loss of RMB23,385.81
caused by the production of the product in question, as well as compensate for the loss of storage fee and
manpower storage fee of RMB24,000.00 caused by the material stagnation and pay the mold test unallocated
costs of RMB1,595,680.00 and the unallocated costs of the interest loss of RMB240,498.87; 3. Nanning
Liaowang shall be jointly and severally liable for the debts of the above mentioned liabilities to Liuzhou
Lighting. On 19 December 2023, Nanning Liaowang received a civil ruling from Xixiangtang District People's
Court of Nanning City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, dismissing the plaintiff Liuzhou Lighting 's
lawsuit. On 28 December 2023, Laster Electronic filed another lawsuit with the Dongguan Municipal People's
Court based on the aforesaid matter, and as at the date of this report, the case is currently in the pre-litigation
mediation stage.
⑤Litigation of land use payment dispute in respect of Sub-subsidiary Baoli Vanadium
According to the Notice of Xichuan County on the Preferential Policies for Accelerating the Development of
Industrial Clusters (Provisional) issued by the People's Government of Xichuan Countyon 2 November 2009,
Baoli Vanadium, the Sub-subsidiary, paid a total amount of RMB10,994,400 to the People's Government of
Xichuan County in 2011 for the application of land use. The land selected for the project site has not yet
completed the requisition procedures and has not yet started the bidding and auctioning procedures, so the
People's Government of Xichuan County is unable to obtain the land use approval to complete the requisition of
the land and deliver the land. Baoli Vanadium has filed a lawsuit to Nanyang Intermediate People's Court,
requesting the return of the advance payment and compensation for losses, and at the same time applying for the
return of RMB100,000 of environmental management and restoration deposit to Baoli Vanadium, and received
a judgment of first instance on 22 September 2023, which ruled that the defendant, the People's Government of
Xichuan County, shall return the amount of RMB10,694,400 to the plaintiff, Nanyang Baoli Vanadium Industry
Co., Ltd. within 30 days from the date of the entry into force of the judgment. The People's Government of
Xichuan County appealed against the judgment, and as at the date of this report, the case is still in the second
instance proceedings.
⑥Litigation between the Company and Guangzhou Tianli Construction Co., Ltd.
Guangzhou Tianli Construction Engineering Company Limited (hereinafter referred to as "Guangzhou Tianli"),
as a customer of the Company, filed a lawsuit with the People's Court of Yuexiu District, Guangzhou ([(2023) Y.
0104 M.C. No. 9027]) for the payment of RMB5,953,278.71 owed to the Company. On 8 September 2023, it
received the judgment from the People's Court of Yuexiu District, Guangzhou: 1. Within ten days from the date
of the legal effect of this judgment, the Defendant Guangzhou Tianli shall pay the purchase price of
RMB5,953,278.71 to the Company; 2. Guangzhou Tianli shall pay interest on overdue payment to the Plaintiff,
FSL. On 27 October 2023, the Company applied to the People's Court of Yuexiu District, Guangzhou for
compulsory execution in accordance with the results of the judgment, and on 6 November 2023, the People's
Court of Yuexiu District, Guangzhou had accepted the filing of the case. As of 31 December 2023, the Company
made a provision for bad debts of RMB595,327.87 based on expected credit losses.
⑦Litigation between Nanjing Fozhao and Nanjing Runqiang Auto Parts Co., Ltd.
On 15 December 2020, Nanjing Fozhao entered into a Plant Lease Contract with Nanjing Runqiang Auto Parts
Co., Ltd. Due to the government's need to expropriate Nanjing Fozhao's plant, Nanjing Fozhao signed the Plant
Lease Contract Termination Agreement with Nanjing Runqiang on 17 December 2021, agreeing that due to the
expropriation of the plant, Nanjing Fozhao shall pay compensation of RMB2,023,235.00 and return the deposit
of RMB20,000 to Nanjing Runqiang, and due to the arrears of rent owed by Nanjing Runqiang to Nanjing
Fozhao, Nanjing Fozhao failed to make the payment of the aforementioned amount, which led to the lawsuit
filed by Nanjing Runqiang in May 2023, requesting for a compensation. In May 2023, Nanjing Runqiang filed a

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lawsuit demanding Nanjing Fozhao to pay the aforesaid amount to it as agreed, and Nanjing Fozhao filed a
counterclaim demanding Nanjing Runqiang to pay the outstanding rent of RMB132,078.04 and liquidated
damages of RMB6,603.90. On 28 February 2024, a judgment was received from Nanjing Lishui District
People's Court that the defendant, Nanjing Fozhao, shall pay the plaintiff, Nanjing Runqiang, a lump sum of
RMB1,623,808.61 as compensation within ten days from the date of entry into force of the judgment, Nanjing
Fozhao's request for counterclaim was rejected, and Nanjing Runqiang lodged an appeal; as at the date of this
report, the case has not yet been concluded.
On 6 December 2023, Nanjing Fozhao filed a lawsuit with the Nanjing Lishui District People's Court based on
the aforesaid Plant Lease Contract Termination Agreement, requesting Nanjing Runqiang to pay the occupancy
fee of RMB1,273,800 during the period of overdue use on the ground that Nanjing Runqiang failed to return the
leased premises to Nanjing Fozhao on schedule upon the expiry of the lease period; as at the date of this report,
this case is still under acceptance.
⑧Litigation between the Company and Yinghe (Shenzhen) Robotics and Automation Technology Co., Ltd.
Yinghe (Shenzhen) Robotics and Automation Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "Yinghe
Company") and the Company entered into the Bulb Lamp Intelligent Manufacturing Workshop Project
Construction Contract in 2021, and the project has been unable to meet the final acceptance standards with two
sides failing to reach an agreement after repeated negotiations, so Yinghe Company filed a lawsuit with the
Chancheng District People's Court of Foshan City in December 2023, requesting the Company to pay the
outstanding contract payment and interest on late payment of RMB79,045,675.50, refund the original
performance bond amount of RMB8,968,000.00 and interest during the period of capital occupation, and
compensate for the losses caused by the breach of contract in the total amount of RMB16,390,000.00, and the
total amount of the above three amounts is RMB104,403,675.50 (excluding the interest during the occupation of
the performance bond fund). In January 2024, the Company received the Notice of Response to the Complaint,
and on the 12th of the same month, Everbright Bank froze RMB100,000,000.00 of the Company's large
deposits in Everbright Bank in accordance with the Notice of Assistance in Execution from the Chancheng
District People's Court of Foshan City,and RMB4,403,675.50 of bank deposit in China Minsheng Bank.
On 12 January 2024, the Company filed a counterclaim on the grounds that Yinghe's failure to meet the final
acceptance standard for the project constructed by Yinghe after a delay of 2 years constituted a fundamental
breach of contract, and demanded Yinghe to return the contract sum of RMB26,904,000.00 and the liquidated
damages of RMB26,904,000.00 amounting to RMB53,808,000.00 in total. As of the date of this report, the
above case was heard on 3 April 2024 and is scheduled for a second hearing on 7 May 2024.

(2) In Despite of no Significant Contingency to Disclose, the Company Shall Also Make Relevant

There was no significant contingency in the Company.

3. Other

As of 31 December 2023, mutual guarantees among Nanning Liaowang and its subsidiaries were as follows

                                                                                  Type of     Guarantee      Guarantee
No.         Principal debtor          Principal debtee         Guarantor
                                                                                 guarantee      amount        balance

 1    Nanning   Liaowang       Auto   Nanning Branch     Nanning Liaowang Auto   Mortgage       4,500.00         336.98

                                                                                         Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                             Annual Report 2023

     Lamp       Co.,     Ltd.,    Liuzhou    of Industrial        Lamp Co., Ltd.
     Guige      Fuxuan         Technology       Bank
     Co.,    Ltd.,      Liuzhou    Guige
     Lighting Technology Co., Ltd.
     (note 1)

     Nanning         Liaowang       Auto
                                            Nanning Branch
     Lamp Co., Ltd., Chongqing                               Chongqing Guinuo Lighting
2                                            of Industrial                               Mortgage       9,900.00       9,790.44
     Guinuo Lighting Technology                                 Technology Co., Ltd.
     Co., Ltd. (note 2)

     Nanning         Liaowang       Auto
     Lamp       Co.,     Ltd.,    Liuzhou
                                            Nanning Branch
     Guige      Fuxuan         Technology                     Liuzhou Guige Lighting
3                                            of Industrial                               Mortgage       9,600.00       8,367.27
     Co.,    Ltd.,      Liuzhou    Guige                        Technology Co., Ltd.
     Lighting Technology Co., Ltd.
     (note 3)

                       Total                    ——                   ——                ——        24,000.00       18.494.69

Note 1: Nanning Liaowang and Nanning Branch of Industrial Bank entered into the Maximum Financing
Agreement (X.Y.G.CH.B.R.Z.Z. [2022] No. (01)) to conduct a bill transaction of RMB15,473,300. Nanning
Liaowang provides mortgage guarantee with the immovable property owned as collateral, and the balance of its
creditor's rights does not exceed the maximum mortgage principal of RMB69,139,100. The mortgage amount is
valid from 25 April 2022 to 31 December 2025 and the guarantee amount is RMB45 million. The mortgaged
real estate is a) Y.G. (2017) N.N.S.B.D.CH.Q.ZH. No. 0065501; b) E.G. (2017) N.N.S.B.D.CH.Q.ZH. No.
0065499; c) S.G. (2017) N.N.S.B.D.CH.Q.ZH. No. 0065498; d) S.G. (2017) N.N.S.B.D.CH.Q.ZH. No.
Note 2: Nanning Liaowang and Nanning Branch of Industrial Bank Co., Ltd. entered into the Working Capital
Loan Contracts, numbered WYZH2022021100314 and WYZH2022021100248, with the loan amounts of
RMB19.8 million (from 11 February 2022 to 11 February 2023) and RMB30.2 million (from 11 February 2022
to 11 February 2023), respectively. The foregoing transactions were closed out on 11 February 2023. Nanning
Liaowang and Nanning Branch of Industrial Bank Co., Ltd. entered into the Master Agreement on Local Letter
of Credit Financing, numbered LD2302073907, with the loan amount of RMB50 million (from 7 February
2023 to 8 February 2024). Chongqing Guinuo and Chongqing Branch of Industrial Bank entered into the Fixed
Asset Loan Contract numbered CQ2023-477, with the contract amount being RMB50 million (from 21 June
2023 to 20 June 2026). As at 31 December 2023, RMB28,110,700 had been used. Chongqing Guinuo and
Chongqing Branch of Industrial Bank entered into the Maximum Mortgage Contract numbered
X.Y.Y.L.J.G.N.D. No. 2023001. RMB19,793,700 of bill businesses incurred. Chongqing Guinuo Lighting
Technology Co., Ltd. (Chongqing Guinuo) provides mortgage guarantee with the immovable property owned as
collateral, and the balance of its creditor's rights does not exceed the maximum mortgage principal of
RM122,294,700. The guarantee amount is RMB99 million and the mortgage contract is valid respectively from
15 June 2020 to 15 June 2023 and 25 May 2023 to 24 May 2024. The mortgaged real estate is a) Y.Y. (2020)
L.J.X.Q.B.D.CH.Q. No. 000436821, b) E.Y. (2020) L.J.X.Q.B.D.CH.Q. No. 000437330, c) S.Y. (2020)
L.J.X.Q.B.D.CH.Q. No. 000437429 and d) S.Y. (2020) L.J.X.Q.B.D.CH.Q. No. 000437448.

                                                                                 Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                     Annual Report 2023

Note 3: Liuzhou Fuxuan and Nanning Branch of Industrial Bank Co., Ltd. entered into the Working Capital
Loan Contract, numbered WYZH2022050700423, with a loan of RMB15 million (from 7 May 2022 to 7 May
2023). Liuzhou Guige Photoelectric Technology Co., Ltd. (Liuzhou Guige) and Nanning Branch of Industrial
Bank Co., Ltd. entered into the Agreement on Banker's Acceptance Financing Business Cooperation
(X.Y.G.CH.B.SH.X. [2022] No. 1002) to conduct a bill transaction of RMB20 million (from 5 May 2022 to 7
May 2023). Liuzhou Fuxuan and Nanning Branch of Industrial Bank Co., Ltd. entered into the Working Capital
Loan Contract, numbered WYZH2022091600234, with a loan of RMB35 million (from 16 September 2022 to
16 September 2023). The above businesses involved have been settled. Liuzhou Guige Photoelectric entered
into the Maximum Financing Agreement numbered XYGCBRZ Zi (2022) No. (02) with CIB Nanning Branch,
incurring a note business of RMB83,672,700. In the guarantee contract, Liuzhou Guige provides mortgage
guarantee with the immovable property owned as collateral, and the balance of its creditor's rights does not
exceed the maximum mortgage principal of RMB139,943,700. The guarantee amount is RMB96 million
and valid from 24 April 2022 to 31 December 2025. The mortgaged real estate is: a) Y.G. (2019)
L.ZH.SH.B.D.CH.Q. No. 0191988, located at No. 1 Factory Building, No. 12 Hengsi Road, Cheyuan; b) E.G.
(2019) L.ZH.SH.B.D.CH.Q. No. 0191991, located in the mould Centre of No. 12 Hengsi Road, Cheyuan; c)
S.G. (2019) L.ZH.SH.B.D.CH.Q. No. 0191994, located in the logistics gate guard room at No. 12 Hengsi Road,
Cheyuan; d) S.G. (2019) L.ZH.SH.B.D.CH.Q. No. 0191995, located in the guard room of Gate 12, Hengsi Road,

XVII. Events after Balance Sheet Date

1. Significant Non-adjusted Events


2. Distribution of Profit

Dividend to be distributed per 10 shares (RMB)                                                                      1.2
                                                       Based on the share capital of 1,535,778,230 shares (the total
                                                       share capital of 1,548,778,230 shares minus the remaining
                                                       13,000,000 A-shares repurchased in the share repurchase
                                                       account at the disclosure date of the 2023 Annual Report, a
                                                       cash dividend of RMB1.2 (tax inclusive) per 10 shares is to be
                                                       distributed to the shareholders, with no bonus issue from either
                                                       profit or capital reserves. Where any change occurs to the total
Profit distribution plan
                                                       shares entitled to the final dividend due to any new issue, grant
                                                       of equity incentives, etc. when the final dividend plan is
                                                       implemented, the dividend per share shall remain the same
                                                       while the total payout amount shall be adjusted
                                                       accordingly.This profit distribution plan is subject to the
                                                       approval of the Company's general meeting of shareholders
                                                       before it can be implemented.

3. Sales Return


                                                                              Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                  Annual Report 2023

4. Notes to Other Events after Balance Sheet Date


XVIII. Other Significant Events

1. The Accounting Errors Correction in Previous Period


2. Debt Restructuring

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

3. Assets Replacement

(1) Non-monetary Assets Exchange


(2) Other Assets Replacement


4. Pension Plans

In accordance with provisions of Measures for Enterprise Annuity (RSBL No. 36), Measures for Managing
Enterprise Annuity Fund (RSBL No. 11) and other policies, the Company has formulated the Enterprise Annuity
Plan of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Plan”).
The Plan adopts the corporate trusteeship mode. The collected enterprise annuity fund will be managed by the
trustee entrusted by Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd. with the Enterprise Annuity Fund Trusteeship
Contract. And the trustee of the enterprise annuity fund will entrust eligible custodians, account managers and
investment managers to provide unified related services. The expenses required shall be jointly borne by the
Company and the employees. The payment channels of the Company shall be implemented according to
relevant regulations of the state, and the part that shall be paid by employees themselves will be withheld and
paid by the Company from their salaries.
The Plan has been filed at Chancheng District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Foshan City and
implemented since 1 June 2022. The management of the enterprise annuity fund is subject to the supervision
and inspection of relevant state departments.

5. Discontinued Operations


                                                                                     Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                         Annual Report 2023

6. Segment Information

(1) Determination Basis and Accounting Policies of Reportable Segment

With the deployment of the Company's strategic management and the expansion of business segments,
operating segments shall be determined based on the requirements of regulatory laws and regulations, company
management, etc., which are as follows:
 General Lighting, Automotive Lamps Products Segment: General Lighting, Automotive Lamps Products
Segment Research and Development, Manufacturing and Sales;
 LED Packaging and Components, Other Products Segment: Research and development, manufacturing and
sales of LED packaging and components, and other products.
Inter-segment transfer prices are determined with reference to the prices used for sales to third parties, while
assets, liabilities and expenses are determined based on the financial data of each segment.

(2) The Financial Information of Reportable Segment

                                                                                                               Unit: RMB
                                                     LED packaging and
                             General lighting and
          Item                                       component products   Offset among segments            Total
                             vehicle lamp products
                                                     and other products
I. Operating revenue           5,569,609,711.40       3,541,637,227.92         -53,954,935.42         9,057,292,003.90
II. Cost of sales              4,288,044,026.08       3,119,347,086.25         -52,576,860.32         7,354,814,252.01
III.    Income       from
investments to joint                1,833,621.59           2,497,323.08         -2,497,323.08              1,833,621.59
ventures and associates
IV. Credit impairment
                                  -51,179,677.71            -825,184.00           -126,192.50           -52,131,054.21
V. Asset impairment
                                  -42,182,937.97         -39,085,719.39                                 -81,268,657.36
VI. Depreciation and
                                  238,477,025.16         380,838,647.64           -762,260.04           618,553,412.76
amortization cost
VII. Total profits                334,488,657.69          82,123,629.55        -10,812,720.78           405,799,566.46
VIII.     Income       tax
                                   24,682,857.24          -3,411,905.43           -143,987.33             21,126,964.48
IX. Net profits                  309,805,800.45          85,535,534.98         -10,668,733.45           384,672,601.98
X. Total assets               11,289,980,117.73       6,526,413,104.58        -881,953,307.29        16,934,439,915.02
XI. Total liabilities          4,490,496,335.46       2,722,973,125.22         -50,427,034.71         7,163,042,425.97

(3) If there Was no Reportable Segment, or the Total Amount of Assets and Liabilities of Each
Reportable Segment Could not Be Reported, Relevant Reasons Shall Be Clearly Stated


(4) Other notes


7. Other Significant Transactions and Events with Influence on Investors’ Decision-making


                                                                                Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                    Annual Report 2023

8. Other

(1) Demolition Matters of Nanjing Fozhao
According to the Decision of Nanjing Lishui District People's Government on House Expropriation on State-
owned Land of Honglan Street Affordable Housing Project in Lishui District (NLFZ Zi [2020] No.18), The
house owned by Nanjing Fozhao, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, located at 688 Jinniu North Road,
Honglan Street, Lishui District, Nanjing (the total construction area of the house is 44,558.09 square meters,
which is an industrial house; The land use right covers an area of 135,882.4 square meters, which is industrial
land) belongs to the expropriation scope, and the compensation, relocation fee, loss fee of production and
business suspension and other rewards of the expropriated assets total RMB183,855,895.00. As of 31 December
2023, Nanjing Fozhao has received 30% of the compensation, that is, RMB55,160,000.00, and the land use
right certificate and house ownership certificate of the assets involved have been cancelled. As of the date of
this report, the site handover is still in progress. After the demolition work is completed, Nanjing Fozhao plans
to carry out liquidation and cancellation.
(2) Land acquisition and storage matters
On 6 December 2023 and 22 December 2023, the Company respectively held the 49th meeting of the Ninth
Board of Directors and the Second Extraordinary General Meeting of 2023, which approved the Proposal on the
Disposal of Assets of the Company and Signing of Reserve Agreement, and agreed that the Company would sign
the Letter of Intent on Land Reserve with Foshan City Chancheng District Zumiao Street Office, and sign the
Agreement on the Use Right of State-owned Land with Foshan City Chancheng District Land Reserve Center
and Foshan City Chancheng District Zumiao Street Office. After completing the preliminary land preparation
work such as demolition of buildings on the ground in accordance with relevant laws, regulations and policies,
the Fenjiang North Road land parcel in Chancheng District of Foshan would be handed over in three years batch
by batch for pending expropriation. On 1 February 2024, the Company formally signed the State-owned Land
Use Right Reserve Agreement with Foshan Chancheng District Land Reserve Center and Foshan Chancheng
District Zumiao Street Office. The Company would conduct pending expropriation of Lot No. 64, Fenjiang
North Road in accordance with the relevant contents of the agreement.
(3)Equity incentives
On 12 June 2023, the 2023 Restricted Share Incentive Plan (Draft), together with other relevant proposals, were
approved at the 44th Meeting of the Ninth Board of Directors and the 22nd Meeting of the Ninth Supervisory
Committee. As such, the Company intended to grant no more than 13,000,000 restricted shares to 262 awardees.
To be specific, there were 11.7 million shares for the first grant, accounting for 90.00% of the total grant under
the incentive plan; and there were 1.3 million reserved shares, accounting for 10.00% of the total grant under
the incentive plan. The restricted shares were A-stock ordinary shares repurchased by the Company. And the
grant price for the first grant was RMB3.81/share. This equity incentive plan is subject to approval by the State-
owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Guangdong Province and a general meeting of
shareholders of the Company. For further information, see the 2023 Restricted Share Incentive Plan (Draft) and
Its Summary and other relevant proposals that have been disclosed on http://www.cninfo.com.cn/ dated 13 June
(4) Application for Registration and Issuance of SCP by NationStar Optoelectronics
NationStar Optoelectronics reviewed and approved the Proposal on Application for Registration and Issuance of
SCP at the 22nd Meeting of the 5th Board of Directors and the 19th Meeting of the 5th Supervisory Committee
held on 29 August 2022 and submitted it to the 3rd Extraordinary General Meeting of 2022 of NationStar
Optoelectronics for consideration. On 11 November 2022, NationStar Optoelectronics convened the 3rd

                                                                                                Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                    Annual Report 2023

Extraordinary General Meeting of 2022 to vote on above-mentioned proposal and agreed the application for
registration and issuance of SCP by NationStar Optoelectronics with the scale not exceeding RMB1 billion
(inclusive). The final registration amount will be subject to the amount stated in the registration notice of China
Interbank Market Dealers Association. The registration is valid for two years and may be issued multiple times
within the registration period with each issuance period not exceeding 270 days (inclusive). On 29 August 2023,
NationStar Optoelectronics announced that it had received the Notice of Acceptance of Registration (ZSXZ
[2023] SCP No. 363) from National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors (NAFMII), in which
NAFMII decided to accept the registration of NationStar Optoelectronics’s SCP with the registered amount of
RMB1 billion and the registration quota being valid for 2 years from the date of the notice. NationStar
Optoelectronics may issue the SCP by installment within the validity of the registration. Currently, NationStar
Optoelectronics has not issued any SCP.

XIX. Notes of Main Items in the Financial Statements of the Company as the Parent

1. Accounts Receivable

(1) Disclosure by Aging

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                   Aging                                Ending carrying amount                     Beginning carrying amount
Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                          683,345,802.12                             792,004,489.20
1 to 2 years                                                              125,068,556.37                             139,049,799.35
2 to 3 years                                                               92,436,464.67                              17,633,235.95
Over 3 years                                                               28,150,275.79                              42,115,123.81
3 to 4 years                                                                6,324,306.99                                  6,563,656.53
4 to 5 years                                                                4,557,233.31                              20,564,402.16
Over 5 years                                                               17,268,735.49                              14,987,065.12
Total                                                                     929,001,098.95                             990,802,648.31

(2) Disclosure by Withdrawal Methods for Bad Debts

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                      Ending balance                                            Beginning balance
                Carrying amount          Bad debt provision                   Carrying amount        Bad debt provision
Categor                                             Withdra                                                     Withdra
   y                                                           Carrying                                                      Carrying
                           Proporti                   wal       value                  Proporti                   wal         value
               Amount                    Amount                             Amount                  Amount
                              on                    proporti                              on                    proporti
                                                       on                                                          on
le      for    16,206,2                  13,266,7              2,939,44     11,220,8                11,220,8
                             1.74%                   81.86%                                1.13%                100.00%
which             26.20                     76.46                  9.74        27.14                   27.14
bad debt

                                                                                              Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                  Annual Report 2023

le      for
which         912,794,                  75,730,8              837,063,   979,581,                   64,706,1               914,875,
                               98.26%                8.30%                             98.87%                     6.61%
bad debt        872.75                     95.08                977.67     821.17                      45.17                 676.00
by group
of            843,754,                  75,730,8              768,023,   921,740,                   64,706,1               857,034,
                               90.83%                8.98%                             93.03%                     7.02%
general         827.55                     95.08                932.47     497.75                      45.17                 352.58
and auto
Internal      69,040,0                                        69,040,0   57,841,3                                          57,841,3
                               7.43%                                                    5.84%
business         45.20                                           45.20      23.42                                             23.42
            929,001,                88,997,6            840,003,         990,802,                   75,926,9               914,875,
Total                   100.00%                 9.58%                                 100.00%                     7.66%
              098.95                   71.54              427.41           648.31                      72.31                 676.00
Bad debt provision separately accrued: RMB13,266,776.46
There were no significant accounts receivable with bad debt provision separately accrued in the current period.
Withdrawal of bad debt provision by group: RMB75,730,895.08
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                          Ending balance
                                          Carrying amount                Bad debt provision              Withdrawal proportion
(1)     Business   portfolio     of
general lighting and auto                          843,754,827.55                   75,730,895.08                            8.98%
(2) Business portfolio of LED
                                                    69,040,045.20                                                            0.00%
packaging and components
Total                                              912,794,872.75                   75,730,895.08

Notes to the determination basis for the group:

                                                                                                Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                    Annual Report 2023

See Note V-13. Accounts Receivable.

If adopting the general mode of expected credit loss to withdraw bad debt provision of accounts receivable:
□Applicable Not applicable

(3) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawal, Reversed or Recovered in the Current Period

Withdrawal of bad debt provision:
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                           Changes in the current period
   Category                                                Reversed or                                               Ending balance
                      balance              Withdrawn                              Verified             Other
withdrawn bad        11,220,827.14     16,205,360.82          50,000.00      14,109,411.50                              13,266,776.46
debt provision
withdrawn bad        64,706,145.17     16,824,620.06                          5,799,870.15                              75,730,895.08
debt provision
by group
Total                75,926,972.31     33,029,980.88          50,000.00      19,909,281.65                              88,997,671.54

Of which, bad debt provision collected or reversed with significant amount: None.

(4) Accounts Receivable Written-off in Current Period

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                             Item                                                            Written-off amount
Accounts receivable actually written off                                                                                19,998,540.04

Of which, verification of significant accounts receivable:
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                                                                                                                  Whether occurred
Name of the entity          Nature                Amount                 Reason                  Procedure        because of related-
                                                                                                                  party transactions
                                                                                             Perform the
                                                                                             procedures in
                                                                  Final court
                                                                                             accordance with
Customer 1            Payment for goods           11,170,827.14   judgment, no                                    Not
                                                                                             the Company’s
                                                                  recovery expected
                                                                                             bad debt
Total                                           11,170,827.14

Notes to verification of accounts receivable:

                                                                                          Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                              Annual Report 2023

RMB19,998,540.04 of accounts receivable has been verified with the bad debt provision of RMB19,909,281.65,
and the approval procedures have been performed in accordance with the Company’s bad debt management

(5) Top 5 of the Ending Balance of the Accounts Receivable and the Contract Assets Collected according
to Arrears Party

                                                                                                                      Unit: RMB
                                                                                                             Ending balance of
                                                                                       Proportion to total   bad debt provision
                                                                  Ending balance of
                       Ending balance of                                               ending balance of         of accounts
                                              Ending balance of       accounts
Name of the entity         accounts                                                         accounts           receivable and
                                               contract assets     receivable and
                          receivable                                                     receivable and          impairment
                                                                   contract assets
                                                                                         contract assets        provision for
                                                                                                               contract assets
No. 1                        152,154,428.66                          152,154,428.66               16.27%          4,564,632.86
No. 2                        103,803,612.42                          103,803,612.42               11.10%          3,114,108.37
No. 3                         39,936,427.37                           39,936,427.37                4.27%
No. 4                         28,231,705.33                           28,231,705.33                3.02%          1,477,999.22
No. 5                         24,804,411.54                           24,804,411.54                2.65%          6,728,950.01
Total                        348,930,585.32                          348,930,585.32               37.31%         15,885,690.46

2. Other Receivables

                                                                                                                    Unit: RMB
                    Item                                 Ending balance                           Beginning balance
Other receivables                                                    558,342,534.44                            511,036,345.72
Total                                                                558,342,534.44                            511,036,345.72

(1) Interest Receivable


(2) Dividend Receivable


(3) Other Receivables

1) Category of Other Receivables by Account Nature

                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB
                  Nature                             Ending carrying amount                  Beginning carrying amount
Other current accounts                                                550,330,445.91                           499,569,435.12
Performance bonds                                                       5,017,218.52                             2,535,349.17
Export VAT rebates                                                      4,708,061.84                             9,247,208.98
Staff loans and petty cash                                              1,267,076.22                             1,467,513.80
Rents and utilities                                                       808,434.42                             2,211,666.93
Total                                                                562,131,236.91                             515,031,174.00

                                                                                                Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                    Annual Report 2023

2) Disclosure by Aging

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                   Aging                                Ending carrying amount                     Beginning carrying amount
Within 1 year (including 1 year)                                          125,675,552.49                              107,707,632.83
1 to 2 years                                                               40,089,841.13                              402,271,482.67
2 to 3 years                                                              393,099,727.65                                  1,736,367.27
Over 3 years                                                                3,266,115.64                                  3,315,691.23
3 to 4 years                                                                1,588,177.54                                  1,049,621.10
4 to 5 years                                                                 981,563.00                                     763,885.44
Over 5 years                                                                 696,375.10                                   1,502,184.69
Total                                                                     562,131,236.91                              515,031,174.00

3) Disclosure by Withdrawal Methods for Bad Debts

                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                      Ending balance                                            Beginning balance
                Carrying amount          Bad debt provision                   Carrying amount        Bad debt provision
Categor                                             Withdra                                                      Withdra
   y                                                           Carrying                                                      Carrying
                           Proporti                   wal       value                   Proporti                   wal        value
               Amount                    Amount                             Amount                    Amount
                              on                    proporti                               on                    proporti
                                                       on                                                           on
wal of
bad debt       562,131,                  3,788,70              558,342,     515,031,                  3,994,82                511,036,
                           100.00%                    0.67%                             100.00%                    0.78%
provisio         236.91                      2.47                534.44       174.00                      8.28                  345.72
n       by
les with
bad debt
n based
               562,131,                  3,788,70              558,342,     515,031,                  3,994,82                511,036,
on a                       100.00%                    0.67%                             100.00%                    0.78%
                 236.91                      2.47                534.44       174.00                      8.28                  345.72
tion of
               562,131,                  3,788,70              558,342,     515,031,                  3,994,82                511,036,
Total                      100.00%                    0.67%                             100.00%                    0.78%
                 236.91                      2.47                534.44       174.00                      8.28                  345.72
Withdrawal of bad debt provision by group: RMB-206,125.81
                                                                                                                          Unit: RMB
                                                                            Ending balance
                                            Carrying amount                Bad debt provision              Withdrawal proportion
Other receivables with bad
debt provision based on a                           562,131,236.91                     3,788,702.47                             0.67%
combination of credit risk

                                                                                                Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                    Annual Report 2023

Total                                             562,131,236.91                       3,788,702.47

Notes to the determination basis for the group:
Detailed in Note V-13. Accounts Receivable.
Withdrawal of bad debt provision by adopting the general mode of expected credit loss:
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                   First stage               Second stage                Third stage
                                                          Expected loss in the
  Bad debt provision                                                                Expected loss in the              Total
                           Expected credit loss in          duration (credit
                                                                                      duration (credit
                            the next 12 months              impairment not
                                                                                   impairment occurred)
Balance of 1 January
                                         570,436.68                3,424,391.60                                         3,994,828.28
Balance of 1 January
2023 in the current
Withdrawal of the
                                         270,913.72                -477,039.53                                           -206,125.81
current period
Balance of 31
                                         841,350.40                2,947,352.07                                         3,788,702.47
December 2023

The basis for the division of each stage and the withdrawal proportion of bad debt provision
Changes of carrying amount with significant amount changed of loss provision in the current period
□Applicable Not applicable

4) Bad Debt Provision Withdrawn, Reversed or Recovered in the Current Period

Withdrawal of bad debt provision:
                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                              Changes in the current period
   Category                                                   Reversed or        Charged-                            Ending balance
                        balance           Withdrawal                                                   Others
                                                               recovered      off/Written-off
                       3,994,828.28         -206,125.81                                                                 3,788,702.47
Total                  3,994,828.28         -206,125.81                                                                 3,788,702.47

Of which the bad debt provision recovered or transferred-back with significant amount during the current period:

5) Particulars of the Actual Verification of Other Receivables during the Current Period


6) Top 5 of the Ending Balance of Other Receivables Collected according to the Arrears Party

                                                                                                                        Unit: RMB
                                                                                            Proportion to total
                                                                                            ending balance of     Ending balance of
Name of the entity           Nature              Ending balance            Aging
                                                                                                  other           bad debt provision
                                                                                              receivables %
No. 1                  Internal group             472,584,201.03      Within 3 years                   84.07%

                                                                                                 Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                     Annual Report 2023

No. 2                    Internal group            51,979,590.65     Within 2 years                      9.25%
                         Other intercourse
No. 3                                              15,883,375.00     Within 1 year                       2.83%               476,501.25
                         VAT export tax
No. 4                                                4,708,061.84    Within 1 year                       0.84%               141,241.86
                         Other intercourse
No. 5                                                2,827,035.52    Within 1 year                       0.50%                84,811.07
Total                                             547,982,264.04                                        97.49%               702,554.18

7) Presentation in Other Receivables due to the Centralized Management of Funds


3. Long-term Equity Investment

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                                          Ending balance                                          Beginning balance
        Item              Carrying         Impairment                              Carrying          Impairment
                                                            Carrying value                                          Carrying value
                          amount            provision                              amount             provision
Investment     to      2,323,435,425.                        2,323,435,425.     2,323,631,238.                            2,323,631,238.
subsidiaries                      91                                    91                 41                                        41
Investment     to
joint    ventures
                       179,188,555.15                       179,188,555.15      181,931,792.66                           181,931,792.66
and associated
                       2,502,623,981.                        2,502,623,981.     2,505,563,031.                            2,505,563,031.
                                  06                                    06                 07                                        07

(1) Investment to Subsidiaries

                                                                                                                            Unit: RMB
                Beginning                                  Ending balance (carrying value)                   Ending
                    balance     Increase/de                                   Depreciatio                   balance of
 Investee                                      Additional      Reduced                                                        Investee
                    (carrying        crease                                   n reserves      Other         depreciatio
                                               investment     investment
                     value)                                                   withdrawn                      n reserve
               1,212,090,2                                                                                 1,212,090,2
                     45.94                                                                                       45.94
nics Co.,
Liaowang        493,880,16                                                                                  493,880,16
Auto Lamp             3.76                                                                                        3.76
Co., Ltd.
(Hainan)        200,000,00                                                                                  200,000,00
Technolog             0.00                                                                                        0.00
y Co., Ltd.
                170,000,00                                                                                  170,000,00
                      0.00                                                                                        0.00

                                                                                       Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                           Annual Report 2023

y Co., Ltd.
                82,507,350.                                                                      82,507,350.
                        00                                                                               00
nics Co.,
Component       72,000,000.                                                                      72,000,000.
s                       00                                                                               00
ing Co.,
                35,418,439.                                                                      35,418,439.
& Lighting
                        76                                                                               76
Co., Ltd.
FSL Zhida
Electric        25,500,000.                                                                      25,500,000.
Technolog               00                                                                               00
y Co., Ltd.
Haolaite        16,685,000.                                                                      16,685,000.
Lighting                00                                                                               00
Co., Ltd.
                15,000,000.                                                                      15,000,000.
                        00                                                                               00
y Co., Ltd.
Times           350,000.00                                                                        350,000.00
Lamp Co.,
Venture             4,226.45                                                                        4,226.45
Co., Ltd.
Lighting        195,812.50                                                          195,812.50
                2,323,631,2                                                                      2,323,435,4
Total                                                                               195,812.50
                      38.41                                                                            25.91

(2) Investment to Joint Ventures and Associated Enterprises

                                                                                                                   Unit: RMB
          Beginn                                        Increase/decrease                                 Ending     Ending
Investe               Beginn
              ing      ing     Additi   Reduc   Gains   Adjust    Chang     Cash      Withdr               balanc     balanc
  e                                                                                              Other
          balanc      balanc   onal      ed     and      ment      es of    bonus      awal                    e       e of

                                                                                      Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                          Annual Report 2023

              e        e of    invest   invest   losses     of     other      or        of               (carryi    deprec
           (carryi             ment     ment     recogn   other    equity   profits   impair                ng      iation
             ng      reserve                      ized    compr             annou     ment                value)   reserve
           value)                                under    ehensi            nced to   provisi
                                                  the      ve                issue      on
                                                 equity   incom
                                                 metho      e
I. Joint ventures
II. Associated enterprises
ix         181,93                                                                                         179,18
                                                 1,833,                     4,576,
(Nanh      1,792.                                                                                         8,555.
                                                 621.59                     859.10
o)             66                                                                                             15


Subtot     181,93                                                                                         179,18
                                                 1,833,                     4,576,
           1,792.                                                                                         8,555.
al                                               621.59                     859.10
               66                                                                                             15
           181,93                                                                                         179,18
                                                 1,833,                     4,576,
Total      1,792.                                                                                         8,555.
                                                 621.59                     859.10
               66                                                                                             15
The recoverable amount is determined based on the net amount of the fair value minus disposal costs
□Applicable  Not applicable
The recoverable amount is determined by the present value of the forecasted future cash flow
□Applicable  Not applicable
The reason for the discrepancy between the foregoing information and the information used in the impairment
tests in prior years or external information


The reason for the discrepancy between the information used in the Company’s impairment tests in prior years
and the actual situation of those years


(3) Other Notes


4. Operating Revenue and Cost of Sales

                                                                                                              Unit: RMB

                                                                                              Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                                  Annual Report 2023

                                           Reporting Period                                   Same period of last year
                               Operating revenue         Cost of sales            Operating revenue                Cost of sales
Main operations                 3,256,292,066.96       2,590,527,472.07             3,140,930,568.54           2,545,166,965.71
Other operations                  114,208,143.77              79,302,538.77              173,106,570.74            138,938,600.08
Total                           3,370,500,210.73       2,669,830,010.84             3,314,037,139.28           2,684,105,565.79

5. Investment Income

                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                   Item                                Reporting Period                           Same period of last year
Long-term equity investment income
                                                                         12,959,503.50                                   8,704,927.43
accounted by cost method
Long-term equity investment income
                                                                          1,833,621.59                                   2,467,060.07
accounted by equity method
Investment income from disposal of
long-term equity investment
Investment income from disposal of
                                                                       -13,774,175.00                                  -9,764,664.95
trading financial assets
Dividend income from holding of other
                                                                         16,633,969.35                                 16,055,272.93
equity instrument investment
Interest income from holding of other
investments in debt obligations
Income received from financial products
                                                                          1,767,053.51                                   1,595,691.60
and structural deposits
Total                                                                    24,345,065.94                                 19,058,287.08

6. Other


XX. Supplementary Materials

1. Items and Amounts of Non-recurring Profit or Loss

 Applicable □ Not applicable
                                                                                                                         Unit: RMB
                   Item                                       Amount                                        Note
Gain or loss on disposal of non-current
Government grants recognised in profit
or loss (exclusive of those that are
closely related to the Company's normal
business operations and given in
accordance with defined criteria and in
compliance with government policies,
and have a continuing impact on the
Company's profit or loss)

                                                                                        Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                            Annual Report 2023

Gain or loss on fair-value changes in
financial assets and liabilities held by a
non-financial enterprise, as well as on
disposal of financial assets and liabilities                        -10,070,899.66
(exclusive of the effective portion of
hedges that is related to the Company's
normal business operations)
Capital occupation charges on non-
financial enterprises that are recorded                                224,271.91
into current profit or loss
Reverse of provision for impairment of
accounts     receivable    individually                                573,448.92
conducting impairment test
Other      non-operating        income     and
expenses other than the above
Less: Income tax effects                                             5,440,558.97
        Non-controlling interests effects
Total                                                               15,518,883.59                       --

Others that meets the definition of non-recurring gain/loss:

□Applicable  Not applicable

No such cases in the Reporting Period.

Explain the reasons if the Company classifies any extraordinary gain/loss item mentioned in the Explanatory

Announcement No. 1 on Information Disclosure for Companies Offering Their Securities to the Public—Non-

recurring Gains and Losses as a recurrent gain/loss item

□Applicable  Not applicable

2. Return on Equity and Earnings Per Share

                                                                                     EPS (Yuan/share)
Profit as of Reporting Period            Weighted average ROE (%)
                                                                         EPS-basic                      EPS-diluted
Net     profit   attributable    to
ordinary shareholders of the                                5.51%                    0.2128                           0.2108
Net     profit   attributable    to
ordinary shareholders of the
                                                            5.21%                    0.2014                           0.1995
Company after deduction of
non-recurring profit or loss

                                                                          Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                              Annual Report 2023

3. Differences between Accounting Data under Domestic and Overseas Accounting Standards

(1) Differences of Net Profit and Net Assets Disclosed in Financial Reports Prepared under International
and Chinese Accounting Standards

□Applicable  Not applicable

(2) Differences of Net profit and Net assets Disclosed in Financial Reports Prepared under Overseas and
Chinese Accounting Standards

□Applicable  Not applicable

(3) Explain Reasons for the Differences between Accounting Data under Domestic and Overseas
Accounting Standards; for any Adjustment Made to the Difference Existing in the Data Audited by the
Foreign Auditing Agent, Such Foreign Auditing Agent’s Name Shall Be Clearly Stated


4. Other


                                                                Wan Shan, legal representative

                                                                   Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                                 17 April 2024
