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						English Translation for Reference Only

      Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
             Semi-Annual Report 2011
                               (Date of disclosure: 17 Aug. 2011)

Important Notice: The Board of Directors, the Supervisory Committee as well as
directors, supervisors and senior executives of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co.,
Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Company) guarantee that there are no significant
omissions, fictitious or misleading statements carried in the Report and will take
individual and joint responsibilities for the truthfulness, accuracy and completeness of
the Report.
Director Mr.Joerg Thaele entrusted Director Francis Michael Piscitelli to attend
the board session for reviewing this report and vote on behalf of him when he
was on a business trip at the moment.
The Abstract of the Semi-Annual Report is extracted from the Semi-Annual Report
2011, which is simultaneously published in www.cninfo.com.cn. For details, investors
are suggested to read the Semi-Annual Report 2011 carefully.
No director, supervisor or senior management staff of the Company is unable to
guarantee or has demur at the factuality, exactness or completeness of the contents in
this Report.
The semi-annual financial report 2011 has not been audited by the accounting firm.
This report is prepared both in Chinese and English. Should there be any difference in
interpretation of the two versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.
Mr. Zhong Xincai, Chairman of the Board as well as the General Manager and person
in charge of accounting work, and Wang Shuqiong, Manager of Financial Department,
hereby confirm that the financial report enclosed in this Semi-Annual Report is true
and complete.


I.       Company Profile………………………………………………………………2
II.      Changes in Shares Capital and Particulars about Shares Held by Principal
III.     Particulars about Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives……………8
IV.      Report of the Board of Directors……………………………………………11
V.       Significant Events……………………………………………………………14
VI.      Financial Report……………………………………………………………22
VII.     Notes to Financial Report ……………………………………………………37
VIII.    Documents Available for Reference………………………….……………101

       English Translation for Reference Only

                                                I. Company Profile
       (I) General information
       1. Legal name of the Company in Chinese: 佛山电器照明股份有限公司
                                         Abbr.: Foshan Zhaoming
           Legal Name of the Company in English: FOSHAN ELECTRICAL AND
                                                                     LIGHTING CO., LTD.
                                               Abbr.: FSL
       2.   Stock exchange listed with: Shenzhen Stock Exchange
            Short form of the stock: Foshan Zhaoming (A share)
                                    Yue Zhaoming B (B share)
            Stock code: 000541 (A share)
                         200541 (B share)
       3.   Registered and office address: No. 64, Fenjiang Road North, Chancheng District,
                                            Foshan City, Guangdong Province
            Post Code: 528000
            International Website: www.chinafsl.com
            E-mail: fsl@chinafsl.com
       4.   Legal representative: Zhong Xincai
       5.   Secretary of the Board of Directors: Zhou Xiangfeng
            Address: No. 64, Fenjiang Road North, Chancheng District, Foshan City,
                        Guangdong Province
            Tel: (0757) 82966062、82810239
            Fax: (0757) 82816276
            E-mail: fsldsh@126.com
       6.   Newspapers designated for information disclosing: China Securities Journal,
            Securities Times, Hongkong Ta Kung Pao
            Website designated by CSRC: http://www.cninfo.com.cn
            Place where the interim report is prepared and placed: Secretariat Office of Board
            of Directors, Office Building of the Company

       (II) Main financial data and indices
       1. Main financial data and indices
                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                       Increase/decrease at the end of
                                                 At the end of this At the end of last
                                                                                       this reporting period compared
                                                 reporting period         year
                                                                                        with the end of last year (%)
            Total assets (Yuan)                  3,102,265,236.42 3,128,547,460.46                             -0.84%
Owners’ equity attributable to shareholders
                                                 2,627,603,894.11 2,766,913,027.29                             -5.03%
     of the listed company (Yuan)
            Share capital (share)                  978,563,745.00     978,563,745.00                           0.00%
    Net assets per share attributable to
    shareholders of the listed company                        2.69               2.83                          -4.95%

        English Translation for Reference Only

                                                  Reporting period
                                                                      Same period of    Increase/decrease year-on-year
                                                 (From Jan. to Jun.
                                                                        last year                    (%)
       Total operating income (Yuan)             1,095,319,303.24      824,360,344.65                         32.87%
          Operating profit (Yuan)                  151,632,304.43      100,391,784.74                         51.04%
             Total profit (Yuan)                   147,367,757.98       99,393,710.09                         48.27%
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the
                                                   117,867,457.28       80,817,767.96                         45.84%
           listed company (Yuan)
Net profit attributable to shareholders of the
      listed company after deducting               121,278,591.24       77,499,017.69                         56.49%
  non-recurring gains and losses (Yuan)
   Basic earnings per share (Yuan/share)                       0.12              0.08                         50.00%
  Diluted earnings per share (Yuan/share)                      0.12              0.08                         50.00%
         Weighted average ROE (%)                             4.39%            3.12%                            1.27%
   Weighted average ROE after deducting
                                                              4.52%            2.99%                            1.53%
    non-recurring gains and losses (%)
  Net cash flows from operating activities
                                                     74,468,557.85      75,605,698.73                          -1.50%
  Net cash flows per share from operating
                                                               0.08              0.08                           0.00%
          activities (Yuan/share)
        2. Items of non-recurring gains and losses
                                                                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                      Note (if
            Items of non-recurring gains and losses                          Amount
 Gains and Losses on disposal of non-current assets                               -5,125,258.92
 Government subsidies accounted into current income
 account, except for those government subsidies closely
 related to the Company’s normal operation business,                                  710,499.98
 according with state policies, and sustainably received by
 quota or ration
 Gain/loss from change of fair value of transactional asset
 and liabilities, and investment gains from disposal of
 transactional financial assets and liabilities and sellable                            14,033.17
 financial assets, other than valid period value instruments
 related to the Company’s common businesses
 Capital occupied from non-financial enterprise recorded into
 current gains and losses
 Other non-operating income and expense except the
 aforesaid items
 Impact on income tax                                                                  686,488.26
 Other gains and losses accorded with definition of
 non-current gains and losses
                                Total                                             -3,411,133.96           -

        English Translation for Reference Only

        3. Difference between PRC GAAP and IFRS
                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                          Net profit attributable to shareholders of the       Owners’ equity attributable to shareholders
                                          listed company                                  of the listed company
                             Amount in the          Amount in the same
                                                                                 Closing amount         Opening amount
                            reporting period         period of last year
According to IFRS                117,867,457.28            80,817,767.96           2,627,603,894.11       2,766,913,027.29
According to PRC
                                 117,867,457.28            80,817,767.96           2,627,603,894.11       2,766,913,027.29
Sub-items adjusted according to IFRS and total:
Total difference
between PRC GAAP                             0.00                       0.00                    0.00                   0.00
and IFRS
Explanation on
difference between No difference
        4. Net return on equity and earnings per share of the reporting period were accounted
        in accordance with requirement in Compilation Rules for Information Disclosures by
        Companies That Offer Securities to the Public (No. 9)-Calculation and Disclosure of
        Net Return on Equity and Earnings per Share issued by CSRC (Revised in 2010)
                                                 Net return on equity
                                                                               Earnings per share (RMB Yuan)
                                                                          Basic earnings per    Diluted earnings
                                                  Weighted average
                                                                                share              per share
                  Net profit attributable to
                  shareholders      holding
                  ordinary shares of the                4.39                      0.12                 0.12
        The first
                  Net profit attributable to
        half year
                  shareholders      holding
        of 2011
                  ordinary shares of the
                                                        4.52                      0.12                 0.12
                  Company              after
                  deducting non-recurring
                  profit and loss

            English Translation for Reference Only

              II. Changes in Shares Capital and Particulars about Shares Held by

                                                      Principal Shareholders
(I) In the reporting period, the stock structure changed due to the reason that some
restricted shares were released. However, the total shares remained unchanged.
                                                                            Unit: share
                              Before the change                         Increase/decrease (+, - )                      After the change

                                          Proportio                Bonus                                                           Proportio
                             Amount                   New shares                reserves      Others     Sub-total    Amount
                                           n (%)                   shares                                                           n (%)
                                                                               into share
I. Shares subject to 145,690,41                                                                                      137,286,28
                                            14.89%                                          -8,404,132 -8,404,132                    14.03%
trading moratorium                    7                                                                                        5
1. Shares held by the
2. Shares held by
state-owned legal
3. Shares held by
other domestic               4,286,189       0.44%                                                                    4,286,189       0.44%
Including: shares
held by domestic
                             3,942,813       0.40%                                                                    3,942,813       0.40%
legal entities
        Shares held by
domestic natural              343,376        0.04%                                                                     343,376        0.04%
4. Shares held by           140,219,81                                                                               131,815,68
                                            14.33%                                          -8,404,132 -8,404,132                    13.47%
foreign investors                     7                                                                                        5
Including: shares
                            131,815,68                                                                               131,815,68
held by foreign legal                       13.47%                                                                                   13.47%
                                      5                                                                                        5
Shares held by
foreign natural              8,404,132       0.86%                                          -8,404,132 -8,404,132              0      0.00%
5. Shares held by
                             1,184,411       0.12%                                                                    1,184,411       0.12%
senior executives
II. Shares not subject
                            832,873,32                                                                               841,277,46
to                trading                   85.11%                                           8,404,132   8,404,132                   85.97%
                                      8                                                                                        0

            English Translation for Reference Only

1.     RMB     ordinary 616,056,42                                                                                  616,056,42
                                          62.96%                                                                                    62.96%
shares                            3                                                                                         3
2. Domestically listed 216,816,90                                                                                   225,221,03
                                          22.16%                                          8,404,132    8,404,132                    23.02%
foreign shares                    5                                                                                         7
3. Overseas listed
foreign shares

4. Others

                        978,563,74                                                                                  978,563,74
III. Total shares                      100.00%                                                    0             0                100.00%
                                  5                                                                                         5

(II) Statement on the top ten shareholders and the top ten shareholders holding shares
not subject to trading moratorium
                                                                            Unit: Share
     Total number of      As at the end of the reporting period, shareholders totaled to 165,696, of which A-share holders amounted to
       shareholders                                    145,294 and B-share holders amounted to 20,402.

 Particulars about shares held by the top ten shareholders

                                                      Shareholding     Total number of      Shares subject to         Shares pledged or
 Name of shareholder       Nature of shareholder
                                                       ratio (%)         shares held     trading moratorium held           frozen
OSRAM Holding Co.,
                        Foreign corporation (04)             13.47%       131,815,685                 131,815,685                         0
Prosperity Lamps and
                        Foreign corporation (04)             10.50%       102,751,648                           0                         0
Components Ltd.
(HONG KONG) LTD Foreign corporation (04)                     1.37%          13,405,145                          0                         0
Taifook Securities
                        Foreign corporation (04)             1.12%          10,916,212                          0                         0
                        Foreign corporation (04)             0.97%           9,527,080                          0                         0
                        Foreign natural person
Zhuang Jianyi                                                0.86%           8,404,132                          0                         0
Bank of China-E Fund
Shenzhen Stock 100      Funds,              wealth
Transaction             management         products          0.71%           6,938,693                          0                         0
Open-ended Index        and others (06)
Bank of                 Funds,              wealth
China-First-Trust       management         products          0.61%           5,925,152                          0                         0
Goodquality Life        and others (06)

            English Translation for Reference Only

Stock Fund
Industrial and
Commercial Bank of
                         Funds,               wealth
China- Rongtong
                         management         products            0.56%          5,524,155                        0                   0
Shenzhen Stock
                         and others (06)
Exchange 100 Index
Stock Fund
Guangzhou Prosperity
Lamps and                General            domestic
                                                                0.50%          4,911,140                        0                   0
Components Trading       cooperation (02)
Co., Ltd.

 Particulars about shares held by the top ten shareholders not subject to trading moratorium

                                                       Shares not subject to trading moratorium
                 Name of shareholders                                                                        Type of shares

Prosperity Lamps and Components Ltd.                                               102,751,648 RMB ordinary share

                                                                                    13,405,145 Domestically listed foreign share
Taifook Securities Company Limited-Account
                                                                                    10,916,212 Domestically listed foreign share
                                                                                      9,527,080 Domestically listed foreign share

Zhuang Jianyi                                                                         8,404,132 Domestically listed foreign share

Bank of China-E Fund Shenzhen Stock 100
                                                                                      6,938,693 RMB ordinary share
Transaction Open-ended Index Fund
Bank of China-First-Trust Goodquality Life
                                                                                      5,925,152 RMB ordinary share
Stock Fund
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China-
Rongtong Shenzhen Stock Exchange 100 Index                                            5,524,155 RMB ordinary share
Stock Fund
Guangzhou Prosperity Lamps and Components
                                                                                      4,911,140 RMB ordinary share
Trading Co., Ltd.
Bank of China-Da Cheng Blue Chip Sustaining
                                                                                      4,553,267 RMB ordinary share
Stock Fund
   Explanation on        Among the top ten shareholders of the Company, there exists association relationship between Prosperity
associated relationship Lamps and Components Limited and Zhuang Jianyi, and they belong to acting-in-concert. Except that, it is
      among the          unknown whether there is any associated relationship among the any other shareholders among the top ten
  above-mentioned        shareholders and among the top ten shareholders not subject to moratorium, or whether there is any
   shareholders or       action-in-concert among them as described by the Administrative Rules on Information Disclosure about
  acting-in-concert      Changing of Shareholding Status.

            English Translation for Reference Only

              III. Particulars about Directors, Supervisors and Senior Executives
(I) Change in shares held by directors, supervisors and senior executives
                                                            Shares         Shares                                     Share
                                           Shares held                                 Shares held   Of which:
                                                          increased in decreased in                                options held Reason for
     Name               Office term             at                                         at        restricted
                                                          the current    the current                                   at         change
                                           period-begin                                period-end    shares held
                                                            period         period                                  period-end
                  Chairman of Board of
Zhong Xincai                                   876,206                                    876,206       657,153               0
                  Directors & GM
                  Vice Chairman of Board
Liu Xingming                                   351,280                                    351,280       263,460               0
                  of Directors & Vice GM
Thaele (Mr.       Director                                                                                                    0
Tai Le)
                  Director                                                                                                    0
Piscitelli (Mr.
Pan Dali)

Ye Zaiyou         Director                                                                                                    0

Liu Zhenping Independent director                                                                                             0

Dou Linping Independent director                                                                                              0

Zhang Haixia Independent Director                                                                                             0

Jiao Zhigang Supervisor                         22,880                                      22,880        17,160              0

                  Supervisor                    20,560                                      20,560        15,420              0

Yang Xudong Supervisor                           3,900                                       3,900         2,925              0

Zhuang Rujia Supervisor                                                                                                       0

Zhang yingqi Supervisor                                                                                                       0

Xie Qing          Vice GM                       12,950                                      12,950         9,150              0

Wei Bin           Vice GM                       15,684                                      15,684        11,763              0

Zhao Yong         Vice GM                        8,700                                       8,700         6,525              0

Zou Jianping Vice GM                                                                                                          0

                  CFO                          140,013                                    140,013       105,010               0
                  Company Secretary                                                                                           0

            (II) Engagement or dismissal of directors, supervisors and senior executives
            during the report period.

English Translation for Reference Only

1. On 6 Jan. 2011, the Board of Directors of the Company approved on Mr. Zou
Jianping’s resignation from the post of secretary to the Board of Directors, as
well as Mr. Huang Guanxiong’s resignation from the post of vice GM.
2. The 7th Session of the 6 th Board of Directors of the Company passed the
resolution on engaging Mr. Zhou Xiangfeng as secretary to the Board of
Zhou Xiangfeng, male, was born in Dec. 1961. He belongs to Chinese nationality
and has no right of permanent residence abroad. He graduated from Zhongnan
University of Economics with a master degree majoring in economics and
obtained the qualification certification for secretary to board of directors. He
once worked as a lecturer in the School of Ecomics and Management of Hainan
University, the fully-authorized securities representive of Guangdong Macro Co.,
Ltd., the office director in Guangzhou Branch and the general manager of
Huangpu Business Office of China Securities Co., Ltd.,and the secretary to the
board of directors, the office director, as well as the head of strategety
development department of Guangdong Nanfang Soda Ash Industrial Co., Ltd.
Zhou Xiangfeng does’t hold any share of Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co.,
Ltd., and has never been punished by CSRC, Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and
other related departments.
3. On 26 Apr. 2011, the 9th Session of the 6th Board of Directors of the Company
passed the resolution on engaging Mr. Zhaoyong as director of the 6th Board of
Directors to fill the gap.
Zhao Yong, male, was born in Li County of Hunan Province in Oct. 1966. He is a
member of CPC and an engineer with a bachelor degree. At present, he works as the
vice GM of the Company. He graduated from the major of casting in the 2nd
Department of Mechanics of South China University of Technology in Jun. 1989, and
received the training concerning light source and lighting engineering in Fudan
University from Sep. to Dec. 2001. From Jun. 1989 to Jun. 1990, he worked in
Foshan Craft and Art Casting Factory. From Jul. 1990 to Feb. 1992, he acted as the
maintenance worker in machine repair workshop of Foshan Electrical and Lighting
Co., Ltd.. From Feb. 1992 to Mar. 1994, he worked as the technican in auto lamp
workshop of the Company. From Mar. 1994 to Mar. 1995, he worked at the
research institute of the Company. From Apr. 1995 to Dec. 1997, he worked as
the technican in single-end workshop. From Jan. 1998 to May 2001, he wored as
the director assistant in auto lamp workshop. From May 2001 to Dec. 2005, he
worked as the head of department of technology. From Jan. 2006 to Oct. 2008, he
worked as the head of OEM department. From Oct. 2008 to Jan. 2011, he worked
as the manager of purchase department. From May 2009, he started to
concurrently to act as the manager of Foshan Taimei Times Lamps and Lanterns
Co., Ltd. From Sep. 2009, he worked as the vice GM of the Company. From Feb.
2011, he concurrently acted as the manager of the Lamps and Lanterns Co., Ltd.
There’s no related relationship between Mr. Zhao Yong and shareholders holding
over 5% equity of the Company; as at the end of the reporting period, Mr. Zhao
Yong held 8700 shares of the Company, and has never been punished by CSRC

English Translation for Reference Only

and Shenzhen Stock Exchange.
4. On 26 Apr. 2011, the 3 rd Session of the 6 th Supervisory Committee of the
Company passed the resolution on engaging Mr. Zhang Yingqi as supervisor of
the 6th Supervisory Committee to fill the gap
Zhang Yingqi, male, born in Feb. 1951, Han nationality, a party member of CPC
and a postgraduate, comes from Shanghai. From Nov. 1968 to Feb. 1969, he
worked as a worker at the No.7 Loading Area of Shanghai Port Bureau; from Feb.
1969 to Aug. 1986, he served as a cadre in the air force of Guangzhou military
region; from Aug. 1986 to Dec. 1993, he acted as secretary and manager of
Guangzhou Pearl River Enterprises Group; from Dec. 1993 to Sep. 2003, he
worked in Guangzhou Pearl River Investment Fund Management Co., Ltd. as the
managing director; from May 2001 to Aug. 2010, he worked as the General
Manager in Guangzhou Pearl River Asset Management Co., Ltd. and has been
holding the post of Chairman of the Board of Directors since Aug. 2010, and;
since Dec. 2002, he has been serving as a supervisor in Guangzhou Pearl River
Beer Co., Ltd.
There’s no associated relationship between Mr. Zhang Yingqi and shareholders
holding more than 5% equity of the Company. Mr. Zhang Yingqi neither holds
any stock of the Company, nor has ever been punished by CSRC and Shenzhen
Stock Exchange.
5. On 26 May 2011, Mr. Zhao Yong and Mr. Zhang Yingqi were elected at the
Company’s Shareholders’ General Meeting respectively as a director for the Sixth
Board of Directors and a supervisor for the Sixth Supervisory Committee.

           English Translation for Reference Only

                                         IV. Report of the Board of Directors
           (I) Discussion and analysis by the management
           1. Business overview for the reporting period
           For the first half of 2011, with fierce competition in the domestic electric light source
           sector, rising prices of main raw materials, increasing labor cost and growing RMB,
           the Company pooled the wisdom and efforts of everyone, overcoming lots of
           difficulties. It followed the guideline of ―to closely follow market needs, develop
           strategic products, enhance marketing channels and increase sales‖, which had been
           set at the beginning of the year. As a result, the Company achieved a better business
           performance for the reporting period.
           For the reporting period, the Company achieved operating revenues of RMB
           1095.3193 million, up 32.87% from a year earlier; total profit of RMB 147.3678
           million, up 48.27% from a year earlier; and net profit attributable to owners of the
           Company of RMB 117.8675 million, up 45.84% from a year earlier. The gross profit
           rate for the reporting period basically leveled with that for the same period of last

           2. Main businesses classified according to industries and products
                                                                        Unit: RMB Ten thousand
                                                Main businesses classified according to industries
                                                                                                 Year-on-year        Year-on-year         Year-on-year
                                Operating                               Gross profit rate increase/decreas increase/decreas increase/decrease
  Industries or products                            Operating cost
                                  income                                          (%)           e of operating       e of operating      of gross profit
                                                                                                  income (%)            cost (%)             rate (%)
Lighting appliances and
                                 107,389.86              80,829.78                 24.73%               32.83%              31.34%                 0.85%
                                                Main businesses classified according to products
Lighting appliances and
                                 107,389.86              80,829.78                 24.73%               32.83%              31.34%                 0.85%

           3. Main businesses classified according to regions
                                                                                                     Unit: RMB Ten thousand
                           Region                                                Operating income                 Year-on-year increase/decrease (%)
Domestic                                                                                           68,002.82                                     39.93%
Overseas                                                                                           39,387.04                                     22.13%

           4. Major movements of financial indicators for the reporting period
                                                                     Unit: RMB Ten thousand
                       For the first half of                                Movement
        Items                                  For the first half of 2010                                    Reasons for the movement
                              2011                                               (%)
                                                                                          Increase of both domestic and overseas sales of electric light
Operating revenues            109,531.93                    82,436.03            32.87%
                                                                                          source products in the reporting period

           English Translation for Reference Only

Operating cost                    82,111.62                   62,547.03         31.28% Increase of operating revenues

                                                                                          Increase of expenses on advertising and distribution, as well as
Selling expenses                    5,211.01                    3,923.16        32.83%
                                                                                          other operating costs

Financial expenses                   -105.37                     -345.73        69.52% Less interest income due to less bank deposits

                                      586.49                      252.97 131.84% More fixed assets were disposed in the reporting period.
Net profit attributable
to owners of the                  11,786.75                     8,081.78        45.84% Increase of sales

          Items              30 Jun. 2011              31 Dec. 2010                                          Reasons for the movement
                                                                                          Considering rising prices of raw materials, the Company
Prepayments                       10,227.24                     2,936.79 248.25%
                                                                                          increased prepayments for materials.
                                                                                          Unit prices of raw materials increased and the Company
Accounts payable                  27,151.42                    19,261.59        40.96%
                                                                                          increased its stock of raw materials.
Taxes and fares                                                                           Withholding individual income tax and enterprise income tax
                                    3,988.82                      -501.30 895.69%
payable                                                                                   due to dividend distribution
                          For the first half of                                Movement
          Items                                   For the first half of 2010                                 Reasons for the movement
                                 2011                                            (%)
Cash inflows from                                                                         Increase of cash received from selling goods and rendering
                                 121,705.38                    93,230.22        30.54%
operating activities                                                                      services
Cash outflows from
                                 114,258.53                    85,669.65        33.37% Increase of cash paid to purchase goods and accept services
operating activities

           (II) Problems and difficulties encountered
           1. Due to rising inflation, prices of raw materials such as fluorescent powder, tin wire,
           lamp holders, oil-gas, etc. kept rising, which led to more costs and a narrower space
           for profit.
           2. Caused by changes of the macro-environment and policies, as well as the structural
           adjustment and relocation of industries, substantial change took place in labor supply
           and demand for traditional labor-intensive enterprises. It became harder to recruit and
           workers had been asking for higher salaries. For the first half of 2011, salary levels of
           the Company’s workers rose around 00% from a year earlier.
           3. Competition over product prices and marketing channels became increasingly
           fierce in the sector.
           Major countermeasures taken by the Company to solve the aforesaid problems and
           1. Through reducing work quotas and piece prices, the Company tried to promote
           thrift in material and energy consumption by workshops.
           2. Non-production employees were reduced. Managerial personnel were assigned to
           work at factories on a regular basis. And the working environment was improved to

English Translation for Reference Only

ease shortage of front-line workers.
3. The Company responsively adjusted its production plans, as well as its product
structure and specifications, so that its conventional products could meet market needs
in a better way and production and sales could be maximized.
4. Development, production and sale of new products such as EC030 and LED were
beefed up.
5. Without affecting normal sales, the Company tried to minimize its stock of finished
and half-finished products.
6. OEM on some products was expanded.
7. The Company continued to expand marketing networks in the second and third-tier
8. The Company strictly controlled financial risk in purchase and sale.

(III) Investments made during the reporting period
1. During the reporting period, the Company did not raise any funds and there was no
such a case where the application of the funds previously raised continued to the
reporting period.
2. Significant investment projects with non-raised proceeds during the reporting
(1) As reviewed and approved at the Eighth Session of the Sixth Board of Directors,
the Company jointly incorporated Guangdong Fozhao Guoxuan Power Energy Co.,
Ltd. with Hefei Guoxuan High-Tech Power Energy Co., Ltd.. The joint venture has a
registered capital of RMB 50 million, with both parties contributing RMB 25 million
and accounting for 50% of the joint venture’s share capital respectively. The joint
venture was registered with the administrative bureau for industry and commerce on
27 Jun. 2011. Currently, the joint venture is buying equipments, decorating factories
and handling other relevant work.
(2) As reviewed and approved at the Ninth Session of the Sixth Board of Directors,
the Company incorporated a wholly-owned subsidiary—Guangdong Fozhao Financial
Leasing Co., Ltd., which has a registered capital of RMB 200 million. The subsidiary
was registered with the administrative bureau for industry and commerce on 7 Jun.
2011. Currently, the subsidiary is recruiting employees, carrying out business
trainings, soliciting business, etc..
(3) As reviewed and approved at the Ninth Session of the Sixth Board of Directors,
the Company jointly incorporated Guangdong Fozhao New Light Sources
Technology Co., Ltd. with Bright Technology & Venture Limited (registered in Hong
Kong). The joint venture has a registered capital of RMB 222 million, of which the
Company contributed RMB 122 in cash, accounting for 55% of the joint venture, and
Bright Technology & Venture Limited contributed its technologies (consideration of
RMB 100 million), accounting for 45% of the joint venture. The joint venture was
registered with the administrative bureau for industry and commerce on 30 May 2011.
Currently, the joint venture is recruiting employees, decorating factories and buying

   English Translation for Reference Only

                                            V. Significant Events
   (I) Corporate governance
   During the reporting period, pursuant to applicable laws and regulations, as well as
   regulatory documents issued by the CSRC and the Shenzhen Stock Exchange on
   corporate governance of listed companies, the Company continued to improve its
   corporate governance and regulated its operation. The Company will further improve
   its corporate governance, strengthen its ability of corporate governance, enhance
   execution and supervision, and give full play to the supervising function of its audit
   committee, so as to make sure that all rules are effectively executed. The Board of
   Directors of the Company believes the actual conditions of the Company’s corporate
   governance basically comply with the Code of Corporate Governance for Listed

   (II) During the reporting period, the Company executed the dividend
   distribution plan approved at the 2010 Annual Shareholders’ General Meeting,
   i.e. to distribute a cash dividend of RMB 2.5 for every 10 shares.
   The Company will not distribute profit or transfer capital reserve into share capital for
   the reporting period.

   (III) During the reporting period, the Company was not involved in any
   significant lawsuit or arbitration.

   (IV) Related-party transactions during the reporting period
   Related-party transactions related to daily operation
                                                            Unit: RMB Ten thousand
                                                                                              Purchasing products and
                                                       Selling products and providing
                                                                                            receiving service from related
                                                            service to related parties
                    Related parties                                     Proportion in the                  Proportion in the
                                                           Trading         total trading     Trading         total trading
                                                           amount         amount of the      amount          amount of the
                                                                            same kind                          same kind
Prosperity Lamps and Components Limited                     3,488.52               3.10%       847.66                1.28%
Prosperity Electrical (China) Co., Ltd.                        80.72               0.07%       768.60                1.16%
OSRAM (China) Lighting Ltd.                                   736.40               0.65%          0.00               0.00%
Prosperity (Xinxiang) Lighting Machinery Co., Ltd.              0.00               0.00%        65.75                0.10%
Prosperity (Hangzhou) Lighting Electrical Co., Ltd.            57.30               0.05%          0.00               0.00%
                         Total                              4,362.95               3.87%     1,682.01                2.54%
   The aforesaid transactions were all priced based on market prices, which were fair and
   The related-party transactions were necessary for the normal operation of the
   Company, which was helpful to the long-term development of the Company.
   The related-party transactions above would not adversely affect the independence of

          English Translation for Reference Only

          the Company.

          (V) Securities investments
                                                                                                         Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                                         Proportion in
                                                                                Number of                                    the total
Serial    Variety of      Code of          Abbr. of      Initial investment shares held Closing carrying                      closing           Gain/loss in the
 No.      securities     securities        securities         amount               at the                amount              securities         reporting period
                                                                                period-end                                  investment
                                                                                                                            amount (%)

Other securities investments held at the period-end           5,000,000.00             -                 4,824,336.08             100.00%                        0.00

  Gain/loss on selling securities in the reporting
                                                                   -                   -                    -                      -                  13,971.96

                       Total                                  5,000,000.00             -                 4,824,336.08                  100%           13,971.96

          Explanation on securities investments:
          Other securities investments were wealth management products bought from
          securities traders, which was reviewed and approved at the board session held on 25
          Nov. 2010. The purchase of the said products was in strict compliance with the
          Management Rules for Securities Investment of the Company.

          (VI) Equity of other listed companies held by the Company
                                                                                                                  Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                                                                                 Change of
                                                         Proportion in                         Gain/loss in
                                                                              Closing                             owners’
                                    Initial investment       the                                   the                             Accounting           Stock
 Stock code        Stock abbr.                                                carrying                          equity during
                                         amount           company’s                            reporting                               title          source
                                                                              amount                            the reporting
                                                         total equity                            period
                                                                            80,992,172.8                        -12,535,654.                         Additional
   601818      Everbright Bank         30,828,816.00           0.06%                                     0.00                     sale financial
                                                                                           0                                 21                      issue
                                                                            80,992,172.8                        -12,535,654.
              Total                    30,828,816.00           -                                         0.00                              -                 -
                                                                                           0                                 21

          (VII) Execution of commitments made by the Company, its shareholders and
          actual controller
          Commitments made by the Company, its directors, supervisors, senior executives,
          shareholders with an over 5% shareholding, actual controller and other stakeholders
          during the reporting period, or such commitments carried down into the reporting
         Commitments                                                   Contents of the commitments                                             Execution
   Commitments made in OSRAM                     Commitments made by OSRAM Holding Company Limited: 1. Being executed as
   share reforms            Holding              No listing or transfer may be taken within 60 months since the promised

       English Translation for Reference Only

                         Company         date when the shares of the Company held by this company obtain
                         Limited         the trading right [i] or before Dec. 31, 2011 [ii] (taking the earlier
                                         date between [i] and [ii]). Osram would submit Shenzhen Stock
                                         Exchange to lock up the said shares in the course of the
                                         moratorium of trading right of the aforesaid shares after transfer
                                         of the shares. 2. Germany OSRAM Company would purchase the
                                         lamp products from FSL in accordance with the clauses of the
                                         Purchase Contract on Lamp Products signed between Germany
                                         OSRAM Company and FSL on Aug. 31, 2004. 3. As required by
                                         FSL, OSRAM should urge Germany OSRAM Company to
                                         provide the relevant technology abidance and skill to FSL in
                                         accordance with the clauses and conditions negotiated between
                                         FSL and Germany OSRAM Company.
                                         Commitments made by OSRAM Holding Company Limited and
                                         Prosperity Lamps and Components Limited: 1. Within four years
                                         after completion of the share reform and transfer procedure, a
                                         profit distribution plan would be proposed in the Annual
                                         Shareholders’ General Meeting of FSL, and the said two
                                         companies would vote the affirmative votes on the plan, in which
                                         the proportion of profit distribution would not be less than 65% of
                                         profit available for distribution realized by FSL in that year. 2. In
                                         order to maintain stability of FSL’s Management Team, OSRAM
                                         and Hong Kong Prosperity undertook: they would exercise the
                                         voting right in the Board session and the Shareholders’ General
                                         Meeting of FSL after the completion of share transfer to support
                                         continually Mr. Zhong Xincai to take the post of Chairman of the
                                         Board, so as to ensure that the existing management team
                                         remained unchanged basically within three years, but under the
                                         conditions that the existing management team should not give a
                                         poorer performance to produce adverse impact on FSL’s business
Commitments made in
acquisition reports or
reports on equity
Commitments made in
significant asset
Commitments made in
share issuance
Other commitments
supplementary ones)

           English Translation for Reference Only

           (VIII) Other comprehensive incomes
                                                                                       Unit: RMB Yuan
                             Item                                   Reporting period            Same period of last year
1. Profits/(losses) from available-for-sale financial assets                -14,747,828.48
Less: Effects on income tax from available-for-sale
financial assets
Net amount transferred into profit and loss in the current
period that was recognized into other comprehensive
income in prior periods
Subtotal                                                                    -12,535,654.21
2. Interests in the investee entities’ other comprehensive
income as per equity method
Less: Effects on income tax from the interests in the
investee entities’ other comprehensive income as per equity
Net amount transferred into profit and loss in the current
period that was recognized into other comprehensive
income in prior periods
3. Profits/(losses) from cash flow hedging instrument
Less: Effects on income tax from cash flow hedging
Net amount transferred into profit and loss in the current
period that was recognized into other comprehensive
income in prior period
The adjustment value that is the converted initial
recognition amount of arbitrage project
4. Translation difference of foreign currency financial
Less: Net value of disposal of oversea operations that were
recognized into current profit and loss
5. Other
Less: Effects on income tax from the others that were
included into other comprehensive income
Net amount transferred into profit and loss in the current
period that was recognized into other comprehensive
income in prior periods
                            Total                                           -12,535,654.21                                 0.00

           (IX) Researches, interviews and visits received during the reporting period

         English Translation for Reference Only

                                                                                            Main discussion and materials provided
         Time                 Place         Way of reception                 Visitor
                                                                                                       by the Company

                                                                                            Production and operation of the
18 Apr. 2011           The Company         Filed research        Hwabao Securities

                                                                                            Production and operation of the
28 Apr. 2011           The Company         Filed research        Sealand Securities

                                                                                            Production and operation of the
28 Apr. 2011           The Company         Filed research        SWS Research

                                                                 Shenzhen Hengxun
                                                                                            Production and operation of the
28 Apr. 2011           The Company         Filed research        Investment Consulting
                                                                 Co., Ltd.

                                                                                            Production and operation of the
28 Apr. 2011           The Company         Filed research        Hongyuan Securities

                                                                 Shenzhen Changrun Asset Production and operation of the
28 Apr. 2011           The Company         Filed research
                                                                 Management Co., Ltd.       Company

                                                                 Minsheng Royal Fund        Production and operation of the
28 Apr. 2011           The Company         Filed research
                                                                 Management Co., Ltd.       Company
                                                                 Guangdong New Value        Production and operation of the
28 Apr. 2011           The Company         Filed research
                                                                 Investment Co., Ltd.       Company
                                                                                            Production and operation of the
28 Apr. 2011           The Company         Filed research        GTJA Allianz Funds
                                                                                            Production and operation of the
28 Apr. 2011           The Company         Filed research        Beijing Fuhua Securities
                                                                                            Production and operation of the
28 Apr. 2011           The Company         Filed research        GF Securities

                                                                 Jiangsu Ruihua
                                                                                            Production and operation of the
28 Apr. 2011           The Company         Filed research        Investment &
                                                                 Development Co., Ltd.

                                                                                            Production and operation of the
28 Apr. 2011           The Company         Filed research        Essence Securities
                                                                 China Nature Asset         Production and operation of the
28 Apr. 2011           The Company         Filed research
                                                                 Management Co., Ltd.       Company

                                                                 Shenzhen Shangcheng        Production and operation of the
28 Apr. 2011           The Company         Filed research
                                                                 Asset Management Ltd.      Company

                                                                 Shenzhen Goldstone Asset Production and operation of the
28 Apr. 2011           The Company         Filed research
                                                                 Management Ltd.            Company

                                                                                            Production and operation of the
28 Apr. 2011           The Company         Filed research        Gao Hua Securities

28 Apr. 2011           The Company         Filed research        Founder Securities         Production and operation of the

          English Translation for Reference Only

                                                                                                   Production and operation of the
28 Apr. 2011              The Company          Filed research         Hwabao Securities

                                                                      Tian Hong Asset              Production and operation of the
20 May 2011               The Company          Filed research
                                                                      Management Co., Ltd.         Company

                                                                                                   Production and operation of the
8 Jun. 2011               The Company          Filed research         China Securities Co., Ltd.

          (X) Index for information disclosed
 Serial                                                                                     Newspaper and website for           Time of
                                     Announcement name
  No.                                                                                                disclosure                disclosure

   1      Announcement on Resignation of the Company Secretary
                                                                                        China Securities Journal, Securities
          Announcement Resolutions of the Seventh Session of the Sixth Board of
   2                                                                                        Times, Ta Kung Pao (HK),           2011-1-6
   3      Announcement on Resignation of Senior Executive

                                                                                        China Securities Journal, Securities
          Announcement of Outward Investment Progress of Qinghai Fozhao
   4                                                                                        Times, Ta Kung Pao (HK),           2011-1-24
          Lithium Energy Exploitation Co., Ltd.

          Announcement on Resolutions of the Eighth Session of the Sixth Board of
          Directors                                                                     China Securities Journal, Securities

   6      Announcement on Financial Support among Subsidiaries                              Times, Ta Kung Pao (HK),           2011-4-11
          Announcement on Incorporating Guangdong Fozhao Guoxuan Power
          Energy Co., Ltd.

   8      Announcement on Preliminary Earnings Estimate for 2010                        China Securities Journal, Securities
                                                                                            Times, Ta Kung Pao (HK),           2011-4-14
   9      Announcement on Estimated Business Growth for the First Quarter of 2011            http://www.cninfo.com.cn

   10     Abstract of the 2010 Annual Report

          Announcement on Resolutions of the Ninth Session of the Sixth Board of

   12     Notice on Convening the 2010 Annual Shareholders’ General Meeting

   13     Abstract of the Report for the First Quarter of 2011                          China Securities Journal, Securities
                                                                                            Times, Ta Kung Pao (HK),           2011-4-28
          Announcement on Resolutions of the Third Session of the Sixth
   14                                                                                        http://www.cninfo.com.cn
          Supervisory Committee

   15     Announcement on Routine Related-party Transactions for 2011

   16     Announcement on Incorporating a Financial Leasing Subsidiary

          Announcement on Incorporating Guangdong Fozhao New Light Sources
          Technology Co., Ltd.
          Announcement on Resolutions of the 2010 Annual Shareholders’ General China Securities Journal, Securities
   18                                                                                                                          2011-5-26
          Meeting                                                                           Times, Ta Kung Pao (HK),

     English Translation for Reference Only


                                                                       China Securities Journal, Securities
19   Clarification Announcement                                            Times, Ta Kung Pao (HK),           2011-5-27
                                                                       China Securities Journal, Securities
     Announcement on Progress of the Guangdong Fozhao New Light
20                                                                         Times, Ta Kung Pao (HK),           2011-6-13
     Sources Technology Co., Ltd. Project

21   Announcement on Executing the Profit Distribution Plan for 2010   China Securities Journal, Securities

     Announcement on Winning the Bid for the National Project for          Times, Ta Kung Pao (HK),           2011-6-15
22                                                                         http://www.cninfo.com.cn
     Promoting High-Efficient Lighting Products

     (XI) Significant contracts
     1. During the reporting period, the Company did not hold in trust, contract or lease
     substantial assets of other companies, nor vise versa. And there were no such case that
     occurred in previous periods and were carried down into the reporting period.
     2. During the reporting period, the Company was not involved in any significant
     guarantee. And there were no such case that occurred in previous periods and were
     carried down into the reporting period.
     3. During the reporting period, the Company did not entrust others with substantial
     cash asset management. And there were no such case that occurred in previous
     periods and were carried down into the reporting period.

     (XII) During the reporting period, the Company, or shareholders with an over
     5% shareholding (inclusive), did not make any commitment that might produce
     substantial influence on the Company’s operating results and financial position.
     And there were no such case that occurred in previous periods and were carried
     down into the reporting period.

     (XIII) Special statement and independent opinion by independent directors on
     capital occupation by related parties and external guarantees: Upon serious
     checks upon the Company’s provision of external guarantees and capital
     occupation by its controlling shareholder and other related parties, independent
     directors believes that: For the first half of 2011, the Company did not provide
     any guarantee (against applicable regulations or not) to external parties. And
     there were no borrowings, lendings or capital occupation between the Company
     and its controlling shareholder and related parties with a shareholding below
     50%; and there were no such cases that occurred in previous periods and were
     carried down to 30 Jun. 2011.

     (XIV) The financial report for the reporting period has not been audited.

     (XV) During the reporting period, the Company, its Board of Directors and
     directors did not receive any investigation, administrative punishment or

English Translation for Reference Only

criticism by circular from the CSRC, any punishment from any other
administrative departments, or any public censure from the stock exchange.

(XVI) As reviewed and approved at the Eighth Session of the Sixth Board of
Directors, the Company jointly incorporated Guangdong Fozhao Guoxuan
Power Energy Co., Ltd. with Hefei Guoxuan High-Tech Power Energy Co., Ltd..
The joint venture has a registered capital of RMB 50 million, with both parties
contributing RMB 25 million and accounting for 50% of the joint venture’s
share capital respectively. The joint venture was registered with the
administrative bureau for industry and commerce on 27 Jun. 2011.

(XVII) As reviewed and approved at the Eighth Session of the Sixth Board of
Directors, Qinghai Fozhao Lithium Ion Battery Cathode Materials Co., Ltd., of
which the Company controlled a 51% stake, was agreed to provide financial
support for Qinghai Fozhao Lithium Energy Exploitation Co., Ltd., of which the
Company held a 38% stake. The financial support (a borrowing of RMB 25
million)—both principal and interest—was taken back on 2 Apr. 2011.

(XVIII) As reviewed and approved at the Ninth Session of the Sixth Board of
Directors, the Company incorporated a wholly-owned subsidiary—Guangdong
Fozhao Financial Leasing Co., Ltd., which has a registered capital of RMB 200
million. The subsidiary was registered with the administrative bureau for
industry and commerce on 7 Jun. 2011.

(XIX) As reviewed and approved at the Ninth Session of the Sixth Board of
Directors, the Company jointly incorporated Guangdong Fozhao New Light
Sources Technology Co., Ltd. with Bright Technology & Venture Limited
(registered in Hong Kong). The joint venture has a registered capital of RMB
222 million, of which the Company contributed RMB 122 in cash, accounting for
55% of the joint venture, and Bright Technology & Venture Limited contributed
its technologies (consideration of RMB 100 million), accounting for 45% of the
joint venture. The joint venture was registered with the administrative bureau
for industry and commerce on 30 May 2011.

           English Translation for Reference Only

                                         VI. Financial Report(Unaudited)

           (I) Balance sheet

           Prepared by Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.               30 Jun. 2011         Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                    Closing balance                              Opening balance
                                          Consolidation         The Company            Consolidation         The Company
Current Assets:
  Monetary funds                           547,799,984.61           290,544,862.94      711,853,632.95        681,198,634.58
  Settlement reserves
  Intra-group lendings
  Transactional financial assets             4,824,336.08              4,824,336.08      38,287,211.70             5,097,211.70
  Notes receivable                          95,701,617.96             91,132,017.96      79,964,518.10         74,911,048.10
  Accounts receivable                      340,328,640.68           349,636,837.08      317,185,505.67        332,564,283.12
  Accounts paid in advance                 102,272,435.13             87,150,608.45      29,367,891.60         18,230,151.84
  Premiums receivable
  Reinsurance               premiums
  Receivable reinsurance contract
  Interest receivable
   Dividend receivable                                                14,968,946.03                                7,228,228.30
  Other accounts receivable                 15,780,890.52             59,511,046.61      20,254,086.70         62,118,207.87
  Financial        assets   purchased
under agreements to resell
  Inventories                              464,795,681.63           415,736,031.02      365,413,882.78        339,343,349.75
  Non-current assets due within 1
  Other current assets
Total current assets                     1,571,503,586.61      1,313,504,686.17       1,562,326,729.50      1,520,691,115.26
Non-current assets:
  Loans       by      mandate     and
advances granted
  Available-for-sale         financial
                                            80,992,172.80             80,992,172.80      95,740,001.28         95,740,001.28
  Held-to-maturity investments
  Long-term accounts receivable
  Long-term equity investment              454,723,766.01           820,200,766.01      443,373,689.60        598,850,689.60
  Investing property
  Fixed assets                             632,893,846.71           542,958,281.19      683,122,864.12        591,335,800.42
  Construction in progress                 123,045,179.20             84,943,988.19     100,914,324.93         72,198,935.48
  Engineering materials

              English Translation for Reference Only

  Disposal of fixed assets
  Production biological assets
  Oil-gas assets
  Intangible assets                           216,775,899.37         199,289,355.18    220,607,352.76     202,020,835.92
  R&D expense
  Long-term deferred expenses
  Deferred income tax assets                   22,330,785.72          22,394,175.90     22,462,498.27      22,323,210.28
  Other non-current assets
Total of non-current assets                  1,530,761,649.81   1,750,778,739.27      1,566,220,730.96   1,582,469,472.98
Total assets                                 3,102,265,236.42   3,064,283,425.44      3,128,547,460.46   3,103,160,588.24
Current liabilities:
  Short-term borrowings
  Borrowings from Central Bank
  Customer bank deposits and
due to banks and other financial
  Intra-group borrowings
  Transactional                financial
  Notes payable
  Accounts payable                            271,514,170.73         280,249,143.95    192,615,874.39     214,720,055.92
  Accounts received in advance                 16,820,927.52          42,775,364.41     22,598,645.79      37,156,710.99
  Financial       assets     sold      for
  Handling           charges          and
commissions payable
  Employee’s            compensation
                                               42,141,871.53          42,141,871.53     54,092,566.23      53,759,277.53
  Tax payable                                  39,888,211.52          38,914,576.10      -5,013,034.54      -3,412,797.35
  Interest payable
  Dividend payable                               3,415,262.58
  Other accounts payable                       35,333,182.19          34,351,162.96     30,383,813.76      28,785,087.45
  Reinsurance premiums payable
  Insurance contract reserves
  Payables for acting trading of
  Payables             for          acting
underwriting of securities
  Non-current        liabilities      due
within 1 year
  Other current liabilities
Total current liabilities                     409,113,626.07         438,432,118.95    294,677,865.63     331,008,334.54

             English Translation for Reference Only

Non-current liabilities:
  Long-term borrowings
  Bonds payable
  Long-term payables
  Specific payables
  Estimated liabilities
  Deferred income tax liabilities                 7,524,503.52             7,524,503.52       9,736,677.79               9,736,677.79
  Other non-current liabilities                 11,815,274.99            10,471,941.67       11,951,441.65              10,556,441.65
Total non-current liabilities                   19,339,778.51            17,996,445.19       21,688,119.44              20,293,119.44
Total liabilities                              428,453,404.58           456,428,564.14      316,365,985.07            351,301,453.98
Owners’ equity (or shareholders’
  Paid-up        capital     (or     share
                                               978,563,745.00           978,563,745.00      978,563,745.00            978,563,745.00
  Capital reserves                             632,711,120.32           629,610,293.38      645,246,774.53            642,145,947.59
  Less: Treasury stock
  Specific reserves
  Surplus reserves                             555,433,925.97           555,433,925.97      555,433,925.97            555,433,925.97
  Provisions for general risks
  Retained profits                             460,895,102.82           444,246,896.95      587,668,581.79            575,715,515.70
  Foreign exchange difference
Total equity attributable to owners
                                              2,627,603,894.11      2,607,854,861.30      2,766,913,027.29          2,751,859,134.26
of the Company
Minority interests                              46,207,937.73                                45,268,448.10
Total owners’ equity                         2,673,811,831.84      2,607,854,861.30      2,812,181,475.39          2,751,859,134.26
Total      liabilities     and     owners’
                                              3,102,265,236.42      3,064,283,425.44      3,128,547,460.46          3,103,160,588.24
             Person in charge of the Company: Zhong Xincai

             Person in charge of accounting affairs: Zhong Xincai

             Person in charge of accounting firm: Wang Shuqiong

             (II) Income statement
             Prepared by Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                  Jan.-Jun. 2011         Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                        Reporting period                            Same period of last year
                                              Consolidation          The Company           Consolidation             The Company
I. Total operating revenues                   1,095,319,303.24      1,082,909,469.69        824,360,344.65            753,152,624.27
Including: Sales income                       1,095,319,303.24      1,082,909,469.69        824,360,344.65            753,152,624.27
           Interest income
           Premium income
           Handling        charge      and

             English Translation for Reference Only

commission income
II. Total operating cost                       944,575,593.83        952,892,092.24   724,146,678.01   655,742,434.86
Including: Cost of sales                       821,116,200.01        840,361,496.35   625,470,314.21   571,479,580.10
          Interest expenses
          Handling         charge     and
commission expenses
          Net claims paid
          Net amount withdrawn for
the insurance contract reserve
          Expenditure       on      policy
          Reinsurance premium
          Taxes      and         associate
                                                11,860,578.51         10,164,480.35     7,228,353.99     6,408,030.82
          Selling    and     distribution
                                                52,110,105.61         49,745,840.51    39,231,617.50    34,157,925.91
          Administrative expenses               59,191,173.51         52,403,223.14    55,859,131.20    42,439,164.15
          Financial expenses                    -1,053,651.60           -584,697.22    -3,457,326.40    -3,009,297.89
          Asset impairment loss                  1,351,187.79           801,749.11       -185,412.49     4,267,031.77
Add: Gain/(loss) from change in
                                                  -162,575.62           -162,575.62
fair value (―-‖ means loss)
        Gain/(loss) from investment
                                                 1,051,170.64          9,020,116.66      178,118.10      4,876,871.01
(―-‖ means loss)
Including: share of profits in
associates and joint ventures
Foreign      exchange       gains     (―-‖
means loss)
III. Business profit (―-‖ means
                                               151,632,304.43        138,874,918.49   100,391,784.74   102,287,060.42
        Add: non-operating income                1,600,358.50          1,479,708.43     1,531,640.51     1,231,323.31
        Less: non-operating expense              5,864,904.95          5,080,111.93     2,529,715.16     2,524,715.16
Including: loss from non-current
asset disposal
IV. Total profit (―-‖ means loss)            147,367,757.98        135,274,514.99    99,393,710.09   100,993,668.57
        Less: Income tax expense                25,145,548.48         22,102,197.49    18,058,926.42    15,642,954.93
V. Net profit (―-‖ means loss)               122,222,209.50        113,172,317.50    81,334,783.67    85,350,713.64
        Attributable to owners of the
                                               117,867,457.28        113,172,317.50    80,817,767.96    85,350,713.64
        Minority           shareholders’
                                                 4,354,752.22                            517,015.71              0.00
VI. Earnings per share
        (I) basic earnings per share                     0.12                                   0.08

              English Translation for Reference Only

       (II)    diluted       earnings    per
                                                               0.12                                          0.08
Ⅶ. Other comprehensive incomes                  -12,535,654.21                                              0.00
Ⅷ. Total comprehensive incomes                 109,686,555.29             113,172,317.50      81,334,783.67              85,350,713.64
       Attributable to owners of the
                                                105,331,803.07             113,172,317.50      80,817,767.96              85,350,713.64
       Attributable          to   minority
                                                   4,354,752.22                                   517,015.71
              For any business combination under the same control that occurred in the reporting
              period, the combined party realized zero net profit before the combination.

              Person in charge of the Company: Zhong Xincai

              Person in charge of accounting affairs: Zhong Xincai

              Person in charge of accounting firm: Wang Shuqiong

              (III) Cash flow statement
              Prepared by Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                   Jan.-Jun. 2011         Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                         Reporting period                             Same period of last year
                                               Consolidation           The Company           Consolidation             The Company
I. Cash flows from operating
  Cash received from sale of
commodities and rendering of                   1,167,237,804.52       1,123,579,807.51        913,436,533.36            780,869,364.36
  Net increase of deposits from
customers and dues from banks
  Net increase of loans from the
central bank
  Net increase of funds borrowed
from other financial institutions
  Cash received from premium of
original insurance contracts
  Net         cash     received         from
reinsurance business
  Net increase of deposits of
policy holders and investment
  Net increase of disposal of
tradable financial assets
  Cash received from interest,
handling              charges            and

              English Translation for Reference Only

  Net increase of intra-group
  Net      increase      of       funds    in
repurchase business
  Tax refunds received                            42,005,225.14          41,757,239.95     9,373,907.90     9,103,907.90
  Other cash received relating to
                                                    7,810,787.51          8,668,462.54     9,491,739.21     9,424,471.25
operating activities
Subtotal of cash inflows from
                                                1,217,053,817.17   1,174,005,510.00      932,302,180.47   799,397,743.51
operating activities
  Cash        paid    for        goods    and
                                                 856,308,150.90         852,185,589.05   633,133,201.91   527,210,282.87
  Net        increase       of     customer
lendings and advances
  Net increase of funds deposited
in the central bank and amount
due from banks
  Cash for paying claims of the
original insurance contracts
  Cash        for    paying         interest,
handling             charges              and
  Cash         for      paying       policy
  Cash paid to and for employees                 142,691,769.52         123,908,432.96   128,171,951.00   113,847,318.65
  Various taxes paid                              81,501,927.12          64,089,642.55    61,532,232.54    50,056,203.44
  Other cash payment relating to
                                                  62,083,411.78          66,260,891.21    33,859,096.29    33,281,845.21
operating activities
Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                                1,142,585,259.32   1,106,444,555.77      856,696,481.74   724,395,650.17
operating activities
Net cash flows from operating
                                                  74,468,557.85          67,560,954.23    75,605,698.73    75,002,093.34
II. Cash flows from investing
  Cash received from withdrawal
                                                  33,396,800.00            206,800.00      1,193,874.04     1,193,874.04
of investments
  Cash received from return on
                                                    2,411,455.42          2,411,455.42      178,118.10      4,840,571.97
  Net cash received from disposal
of fixed assets, intangible assets                   100,000.00
and other long-term assets
  Net cash received from disposal
of subsidiaries or other business

             English Translation for Reference Only

        Other cash received relating
to investing activities
          Subtotal of cash inflows
                                              35,908,255.42          2,618,255.42     1,371,992.14     6,034,446.01
from investing activities
  Cash paid to acquire fixed
assets, intangible assets and other           39,458,297.28         16,092,517.78    29,406,644.35    22,726,409.89
long-term assets
  Cash paid for investment                    12,806,800.00        222,806,800.00     1,036,005.00     1,036,005.00
  Net increase of pledged loans
  Net      cash     paid     to   acquire
subsidiaries and other business
  Other cash payments relating to
investing activities
Subtotal of cash outflows from
                                              52,265,097.28        238,899,317.78    30,442,649.35    23,762,414.89
investing activities
Net cash flows from investing
                                             -16,356,841.86    -236,281,062.36      -29,070,657.21   -17,727,968.88
III. Cash Flows from Financing
    Cash received from capital
    Including: Cash received from
minority shareholder investments
by subsidiaries
    Cash          received           from
    Cash received from issuance
of bonds
    Other cash received relating to
financing activities
Subtotal of cash inflows from
financing activities
    Repayment of borrowings
    Cash       paid        for    interest
expenses      and     distribution     of    221,508,538.40        221,508,538.40   202,806,459.02   201,781,832.57
dividends or profit
        Including: dividends or profit
paid by subsidiaries to minority
        Other cash payments relating
to financing activities
Sub-total of cash outflows from
                                             221,508,538.40        221,508,538.40   202,806,459.02   201,781,832.57
financing activities

             English Translation for Reference Only

Net cash flows from financing
                                          -221,508,538.40     -221,508,538.40      -202,806,459.02    -201,781,832.57
IV. Effect of foreign exchange
rate changes on cash and cash                  -428,597.63           -425,125.11       -712,700.32       -712,700.32
V. Net increase in cash and cash
                                          -163,825,420.04     -390,653,771.64       -156,984,117.82   -145,220,408.43
     Add: Opening balance of
                                           711,625,404.65         681,198,634.58   1,036,582,265.88   927,931,735.27
cash and cash equivalents
VI. Closing balance of cash and
                                           547,799,984.61         290,544,862.94    879,598,148.06    782,711,326.84
cash equivalents
             Person in charge of the Company: Zhong Xincai

             Person in charge of accounting affairs: Zhong Xincai

             Person in charge of accounting firm: Wang Shuqiong

   English Translation for Reference Only

   (IV) Consolidated Statement of Changes in Owners’ Equity
   Prepared by Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                  For the first half year of 2011                            Unit: RMB Yuan
                                               Amount for the reporting period                                                    Amount for the previous year
                                 Equity attributable to owners of the Company                                     Equity attributable to owners of the Company
                       Paid-u                                                                            Paid-u
                                                                                       Minorit                                                                         Minorit
       Items              p                                                                        Total    p                                                                      Total
                                        Less: Specifi          Genera                     y                             Less: Specifi          Genera                     y
                       capital Capital                 Surplus         Retaine                  owners capital Capital                 Surplus         Retaine                  owners
                                       treasur    c             l risk          Others interest                        treasur    c             l risk          Others interest
                         (or reserve                   reserve         d profit                 ’ equity (or reserve                  reserve         d profit                 ’ equity
                                       y stock reserve         reserve                     s                           y stock reserve         reserve                     s
                        share                                                                             share
                       capital)                                                                          capital)
I. Balance at the       978,56 645,24                   555,43          587,66                  2,812,1 978,56 586,92                     528,47          566,13                 2,705,9
                                                                                        45,268,                                                                          45,896,
end        of    the   3,745.0 6,774.5                 3,925.9         8,581.7                  81,475. 3,745.0 5,954.5                  4,746.9         5,541.7                 96,974.
                                                                                         448.10                                                                           986.77
previous year                0       3                       7               9                      39        0       3                        2               6                     98
   Add: change of
accounting policy

   Correction    of
errors in previous


II. Balance at the      978,56 645,24                   555,43          587,66                  2,812,1 978,56 586,92                     528,47          566,13                 2,705,9
                                                                                        45,268,                                                                          45,896,
beginning of the       3,745.0 6,774.5                 3,925.9         8,581.7                  81,475. 3,745.0 5,954.5                  4,746.9         5,541.7                 96,974.
                                                                                         448.10                                                                           986.77
year                         0       3                       7               9                      39        0       3                        2               6                     98
III.       Increase/                                                   -126,77                 -138,36                                                                            106,18
                               -12,535                                                  939,48                  58,320,                  26,959,         21,533,         -628,53
decrease         of                                                    3,478.9                 9,643.5                                                                           4,500.4
                               ,654.21                                                    9.63                   820.00                   179.05          040.03            8.67
amount      in   the                                                         7                       5                                                                                 1

   English Translation for Reference Only

year (―-‖ means

                                             117,86             122,22                            263,77             271,09
                                                       4,354,7                                              7,321,2
  (I) Net profit                            7,457.2            2,209.5                           6,242.9            7,445.9
                                                         52.22                                                02.98
                                                  8                  0                                 8                  6
  (II)            Other
                           -12,535                               -12,535    55,185,                                 55,185,
                           ,654.21                               ,654.21     225.24                                  225.24

                                             117,86             109,68                            263,77             326,28
  Subtotal of (I)          -12,535                     4,354,7              55,185,                         7,321,2
                                            7,457.2            6,555.2                           6,242.9            2,671.2
and (II)                   ,654.21                       52.22               225.24                           02.98
                                                  8                  9                                 8                  0
  (III)          Capital
paid        in      and                                                     3,135,5                         4,296,4 7,432,0
reduced              by                                                       94.76                           61.84 56.60
       1.        Capital                                                                                    16,510, 16,510,
paid in by owners                                                                                            297.45 297.45
       2. Amounts of



recognized            in

owners’ equity

                                                                            3,135,5                         -12,213 -9,078,
       3. Others
                                                                              94.76                         ,835.61 240.85
  (IV)            Profit                    -244,640   -3,415,2 -248,056              26,959,1   -242,243   -12,246, -227,530
distribution                                 ,936.25        62.59 ,198.84               79.05     ,202.95    203.49 ,227.39

  English Translation for Reference Only

                                                                       26,959,   -26,959
Appropriations to
                                                                        179.05   ,179.05
surplus reserves
Appropriations to
general           risk
                                           -244,64           -248,05             -215,28           -227,53
Appropriations to                                    -3,415,                               -12,246
                                           0,936.2           6,198.8             4,023.9           0,227.3
owners             (or                               262.59                                ,203.49
                                                 5                 4                   0                 9

       4. Other

  (V)        Internal
carry-forward of
owners’ equity
       1.         New
increase of capital
(or share capital)
from          capital
public reserves
       2.         New
increase of capital
(or share capital)
from         surplus

  English Translation for Reference Only

      3.     Surplus
reserves          for
making up losses

      4. Other

( Ⅵ )       Specific

Withdrawn         for
the period
      2. Used in
the period

(Ⅶ) Other

                         978,56 632,71      555,43        460,89           2,673,8 978,56 645,24      555,43    587,66           2,812,1
IV.          Closing                                               46,207,                                               45,268,
                        3,745.0 1,120.3    3,925.9       5,102.8           11,831. 3,745.0 6,774.5   3,925.9   8,581.7           81,475.
balance                                                             937.73                                                448.10
                              0       2          7             2               84        0       3         7         9               39
  Person in charge of the Company: Zhong Xincai

  Person in charge of accounting affairs: Zhong Xincai

  Person in charge of accounting firm: Wang Shuqiong

              English Translation for Reference Only

              (V) Statement of Change in Owners’ Equity of the Company
              Prepared by Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.                                           For the first half year of 2011                                           Unit: RMB Yuan
                                                           Amount for the reporting period                                                          Amount for the previous year
                                 Paid-up                                                                                 Paid-up
                                                        Less:                          General                   Total                          Less:                          General               Total
              Items              capital    Capital               Specific   Surplus             Retained                 capital    Capital              Specific   Surplus             Retained
                                                       treasury                         risk                 owners’                          treasury                         risk                owners’
                                (or share   reserve               reserve    reserve              profit                 (or share   reserve              reserve    reserve              profit
                                                        stock                          reserve               equity                             stock                          reserve              equity
                                 capital)                                                                                capital)
                                                                                                         2,751,8                                                                                 2,642,3
I. Balance at the end of the 978,563 642,145                                 555,433             575,715         978,563 586,971                                     528,474             548,366
                                                                                                         59,134.                                                                                 76,860.
previous year                    ,745.00 ,947.59                             ,925.97             ,515.70         ,745.00 ,440.10                                     ,746.92             ,928.12
                                                                                                             26                                                                                      14
  Add: change of accounting
  Correction of errors in
previous periods
                                                                                                         2,751,8                                                                                 2,642,3
II. Balance at the beginning 978,563 642,145                                 555,433             575,715         978,563 586,971                                     528,474             548,366
                                                                                                         59,134.                                                                                 76,860.
of the year                      ,745.00 ,947.59                             ,925.97             ,515.70         ,745.00 ,440.10                                     ,746.92             ,928.12
                                                                                                             26                                                                                      14
III. Increase/ decrease of                                                                       -131,46 -144,00
                                            -12,535,                                                                                 55,174,                         26,959,              27,348, 109,482
amount in the year (―-‖                                                                        8,618.7 4,272.9
                                              654.21                                                                                  507.49                          179.05               587.58 ,274.12
means decrease)                                                                                        5       6
                                                                                                 113,172 113,172                                                                         269,591 269,591
  (I) Net profit
                                                                                                 ,317.50 ,317.50                                                                         ,790.53 ,790.53
  (II) Other comprehensive                  -12,535,                                                        -12,535,                 55,174,                                                        55,174,
incomes                                       654.21                                                          654.21                  507.49                                                         507.49
  Subtotal of (I) and (II)                  -12,535,                                             113,172 100,636                     55,174,                                             269,591 324,766

              English Translation for Reference Only

                                            654.21     ,317.50 ,663.29           507.49              ,790.53 ,298.02
  (III) Capital paid in and
reduced by owners
     1. Capital paid in by
     2.       Amounts         of
share-based           payments
recognized in owners’ equity
     3. Others
                                                       -244,640 -244,640                  26,959,1   -242,243 -215,284
  (IV) Profit distribution
                                                        ,936.25        ,936.25              79.05     ,202.95   ,023.90
     1.   Appropriations      to                                                          26,959,    -26,959,
surplus reserves                                                                           179.05      179.05
     2.   Appropriations      to
general risk provisions
     3.   Appropriations      to                       -244,640 -244,640                             -215,284 -215,284
owners (or shareholders)                                ,936.25        ,936.25                        ,023.90   ,023.90
     4. Other
  (V) Internal carry-forward
of owners’ equity
     1.   New      increase   of
capital (or share capital) from
capital public reserves
     2.   New      increase   of
capital (or share capital) from
surplus reserves

             English Translation for Reference Only

     3. Surplus reserves for
making up losses
     4. Other
(Ⅵ) Specific reserve
     1. Withdrawn for the
     2. Used in the period
(Ⅶ) Other
                                                                             2,607,8                                     2,751,8
                               978,563 629,610             555,433   444,246         978,563 642,145   555,433   575,715
IV. Closing balance                                                          54,861.                                     59,134.
                               ,745.00 ,293.38             ,925.97   ,896.95         ,745.00 ,947.59   ,925.97   ,515.70
                                                                                 30                                          26
             Person in charge of the Company: Zhong Xincai

             Person in charge of accounting affairs: Zhong Xincai

             Person in charge of accounting firm: Wang Shuqiong

English Translation for Reference Only

                            VII. Notes to the Financial Statements
              (Unless otherwise stated, all amounts are expressed in RMB Yuan.)

( I ) C o m p a n y P ro f i l e
Company History
Foshan Electrical & Lighting Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as ―the Company‖), a joint-stock
limited company jointly founded by Foshan Electrical and Lighting Company, Nanhai Wuzhuang
Color Glazed Brick Field, and Foshan Poyang Printing Industrial Co. on Oct. 20, 1992 by raising
funds under the approval of YGS (1992) No. 63 Document issued by the Joint Examination Group
for Experimental Enterprises in Stock System of Guangdong Province and the Economic System
Reform Commission of Guangdong Province, is an enterprise with its shares held by both the
corporate and the natural persons. As approved by China Securities Regulatory Commission with
Document (1993) No. 33, the Company publicly issued 19.3 million shares of social public shares
(A shares) to the public in Oct., 1993, and was listed in Shenzhen Stock Exchange for trade on
Nov. 23, 1993. The Company was approved to issue 50,000,000 B shares on Jul. 23, 1995. And, as
approved to change into a foreign-invested stock limited company on Aug. 26, 1996 by (1996)
WJMZEHZ No. 466 Document issued by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic
Cooperation of the People’s Republic of China. On Dec. 11, 2000, as approved by China
Securities Regulatory Commission with ZJGS Zi [2000] No. 175 Document, the Company
additionally issued 55,000,000 A shares. At approved by the Shareholders’ General Meeting 2006,
2007 and 2008, the Company implemented the plan of capitalization of capital reserve, after the
transfer, the registered capital of the Company has increased to RMB 978,563,745.00 Yuan. And
the registration code for corporate business license is QGYZZ No. 002889.

Legal representative: Mr. Zhong Xincai

Address: No. 64, Fenjiang North Road, Foshan, Guangdong Province

Business Scope of the Company

R&D and production of electro-optical source products, electro-optical source equipment and
electro-optical accessories, and sales of such products made by it on both the domestic and
overseas markets, and the relevant engineering consultation service. The main products of the
Company include all kinds of electro-optical source products.

Basic Structure of the Organ of the Company

Shareholders’ General Meeting is the highest authority organ of the Company, Board of Directors
is an executive organ to carry out the provisions formulated by the Shareholders’ General Meeting,
Board of supervisors is an internal supervision organ of the Company, and the General Manager is
responsible for routine operation and management. Up to the end of the reporting period, the
Company owns 10 subsidiaries, namely, Foshan Chanchang Electric Appliance (Gaoming) Co.,
Ltd., Foshan Chansheng Electronic Ballast Co., Ltd., Foshan Taimei Times Lamps and Lanterns

English Translation for Reference Only

Co., Ltd., Foshan Gaoming Fuwan Landscape Resort Co., Ltd., Nanjing Fozhao Lighting
Components Co., Ltd., FSL (Xinxiang) Lighting Co., Ltd., Foshan Lighting Lamps and Lanterns
Co., Ltd., Qinghai Fozhao Lithium Ion Battery Cathode Materials Co., Ltd., Guangdong Fozhao
New Light Sources Technology Co., Ltd. and Guangdong Fozhao Financial Leasing Co., Ltd..
The cross-off of Foshan Chanchang Lighting Components Co., Ltd., a subsidiary with the
Company as its actual controller, has not been finished yet.

Financial Report Approval and Submission

The Financial Report had been approved and authorized for issue by the Board of Directors on 15
Aug. 2011.

Statement of Compliance with Corporate Accounting Standards
The financial statements prepared by the Company is in compliance with the requirements of
Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises, which gives a true and fair view of the state of
affairs of the Company as for the financial status and operating results & cash flows.

(II). Basis for preparation of financial statements
With going-concern assumption as the basis, the Company prepares its financial statement in light
of the actual transactions and matters, as well as the accounting standard for business
enterprise-basic standard promulgated by the Ministry of Finance of PRC in 15 Feb. 2006, other
specific accounting standards, and the relevant provisions of application guide and interpretation,
as well as the following primary accounting policies and accounting estimates.

(III). Main accounting policies, accounting estimates and preparation methods of the
Company’s consolidated financial statements
Fiscal Year

A fiscal year starts on 1 Jan. and ends on 31 Dec. according to the Gregorian calendar.

Recording Currency

Renminbi is the recording currency for the Company.

Accounting Basis and Principle

The accounting basis of the Company is the accrual system; generally by adopting of historical
cost as the accounting principle. And the Company adopts measurement replacement costs, net
realizable values, present values and fair values when the confirmed accounting elements accord
with the requirements of the accounting standard for business enterprise and can be reliably

English Translation for Reference Only

Accounting Method for Foreign Currency
Foreign currency shall be recognized by employing systematic and reasonable methods, and shall
be translated into the amount in the functional currency at the exchange rate which is approximate
to the spot exchange rate of the transaction date. On the balance sheet date, the foreign currency
monetary items shall be translated at the spot exchange rate. The balance of exchange arising from
the difference between the spot exchange rate on the balance sheet date and the spot exchange rate
at the time of initial recognition or prior tot the balance sheet date shall be recorded into the profits
and losses at the current period except that the balance of exchange arising from foreign currency
borrowings for the purchase and construction or production of qualified assets shall be capitalized.
The foreign currency non-monetary items measured at the historical cost shall still be translated at
the spot exchange rate on the transaction date.

Recognition Standards for Cash Equivalents
The term ―cash equivalents‖ refers to short-term ( within 3 months from the purchase date) and
highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are
subject to an insignificant risk of change in value.

Financial Instruments
Financial Assets Classification, Recognition and Measurement
—Financial assets shall be classified into the following four categories when they are initially
recognized: financial assets measured at fair value and of which variations are recorded in the
profits and losses for the current period, loans and the account receivables, financial assets
available for sale and the investments which will be held to their maturity. Financial assets, at their
initial recognition, shall be measured at fair value. As for financial assets measured at fair value
and of which variations are recorded in the profits and losses for the current period, the relevant
trading expenses shall be directly recorded into the profits and losses of the current period; for
other categories of financial assets, the transaction expenses thereof shall be included into the
initially recognized amount.
——Financial assets measured at fair value and of which variations are recorded in the profits and
losses for the current period refer to financial assets held by the Company for the purpose of
selling in the near future, including transactional financial assets, or financial assets designated by
the management in the initial recognition to be measured at fair value with variations recorded in
the gains and losses for the current period. Financial assets measured at fair value and of which
variations are recorded in the profits and losses for the current period are subsequently measured
at their fair values. Interest or cash dividends arising from such assets during the holing period are
recognized as investment gains. Gains or losses arising from fair value changes are recorded in the
gains and losses for the current period at the end of the reporting period. When such assets are
disposed, the difference between their fair values and initially recognized amounts is recognized
as investment gains and the gains and losses arising from fair value changes are adjusted
—— Loan and accounts receivable: the non-derivative financial assets for which there is no
quoted price in the active market and of which the recoverable amount is fixed or determinable
shall be classified as loan and accounts receivable. The Company shall make subsequent
measurement on its loan and accounts receivable on the basis of the post-amortization costs by

English Translation for Reference Only

adopting the actual interest rate, from which gains and losses, when loan and accounts receivable
are terminated from recognizing, or are impaired or amortized, shall be recorded into the profits
and losses of the current period.
—— Available-for-sale Financial Assets: the non-derivative financial assets which are designated
as available-for-sale financial assets when they are initially recognized as well as the
non-derivative financial assets other than loans and accounts receivables, investments held until
their maturity and transactional financial assets. The Company shall make subsequent
measurement on available-for-sale financial assets at fair value, and the profits and losses arising
from the change in the fair value shall be directly recorded into the owner’s equity, until the said
financial assets shall be transferred out when they are terminated from recognizing or are impaired,
which shall be recorded into the profits and losses of current period. Where the intention of
holding or the ability to hold changes, or the fair value can not be reliably measured any more, or
the term of holding has exceeded "two complete accounting years", which makes it no longer
suitable to measure the available-for-sale financial assets at its fair value, the Company concerned
may measure the said financial assets on the basis of post-amortization cost. And such
post-amortization cost at the re-classification day shall be the carrying amount of the financial
assets. The gains or losses that are related to the said financial assets and that are directly included
in the owner’s equity shall be dealt with according to the following provisions: (1) Where such
financial asset has a fixed date of maturity, it shall be amortized within the remaining period of the
said financial asset by adopting the actual interest rate method and be recorded into the profits and
losses of the current period. The gap between the post-amortization cost of the financial asset and
the amount on the maturity date shall also be amortized within the remaining period of the said
financial asset by adopting the actual interest rate method and be recorded into the profits and
losses of the current period. If, during the subsequent accounting period, the financial asset is
impaired, the relevant profits and losses that were included in the owner’s equity shall be
transferred out and be recorded into the current profits and losses. (2) Where such financial asset
does not have a fixed date of maturity, it shall remain in the owner’s equity. Where such financial
asset is transferred out when it is impaired or determined from recognizing during the remaining
period of accounting that follows, and shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current
—— Held-to-maturity Investments: non-derivative financial asset with a fixed date of maturity, a
fixed or determinable recoverable amount and which the Company’s management holds for a
definite purpose or the Company’s management is able to hold until its maturity. The Company
shall make subsequent measurement on its Held-to-maturity Investments on the basis of the
post-amortization costs by adopting the actual interest rate, from which gains and losses, when
loan and accounts receivable are terminated from recognizing, or are impaired or amortized, shall
be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period. Where part of the held-to-maturity
investment is sold or the re-classified amount thereof is considerably large, so that the remainder
of the said investment is no longer suitable to be classified as a held-to-maturity investment, the
Company shall re-classify the remainder of the said investment as an available-for-sale financial
asset, and shall make subsequent measurement on it according to its fair value on the
re-classification day, and no longer re-classify the said financial asset as held-to-maturity
investment in the current fiscal year and the subsequent two complete accounting years. The gap
between the carrying amount of the said remnant part of the investment at the re-classification day

English Translation for Reference Only

and the fair value shall be computed into the owner’s equity. And when the said available-for-sale
financial asset is impaired or transferred out when it is terminated from recognition, it shall be
recorded into the profits and losses of the current period.

Classification, Recognition and Measurement of Financial Liabilities
—— Financial liabilities shall be classified into the following two categories when they are
initially recognized: (1) the transactional financial liabilities; and (2) other financial liabilities. The
financial liabilities initially recognized by the Company shall be measured at their fair values. For
the transactional financial liabilities, the transaction expenses thereof shall be directly recorded
into the profits and losses of the current period; for other categories of financial liabilities, the
transaction expenses thereof shall be included into the initially recognized amount.
—— Transactional financial liabilities: such financial liabilities held by the Company for the
purpose for repurchasing at the fair value in the near future, and financial liabilities formed a part
of combination of financial instruments which are managed by way of short-term profit making in
the near future, and derivative financial liabilities (the designated derivative instruments which are
effective hedging instruments, or derivative instruments to financial guarantee contracts, and the
derivative instruments which are connected with the equity instrument investment for which there
is no quoted price in the active market, whose fair value cannot be reliably measured, and which
shall be settled by delivering the said equity instruments) shall be classified as transactional
financial liabilities. Subsequent measurement of transaction financial liabilities shall be measured
at fair value, and the profits and losses arising from the change in the fair value shall be recorded
into the profits and losses of the current period.
—— Other financial liabilities: The Company shall make subsequent measurement on its other
financial liabilities on the basis of the post-amortization costs by adopting the actual interest rate,
from which gains and losses, when other financial liabilities are terminated from recognizing or
amortized, shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period.

Determination of the Fair Value of Financial Instruments
—As for the financial instruments for which there is an active market, the quoted prices in the
active market shall be used to determine the fair values thereof. Where there is no active market
for a financial instrument, the Company concerned shall adopt value appraisal techniques to
determine its fair value. The value appraisal techniques mainly include the prices adopted by the
parties, who are familiar with the condition, in the latest market transaction upon their own free
will, the current fair value obtained by referring to other financial instruments of the same
essential nature, the cash flow capitalization method and the option pricing model, etc.

Impairment test of financial assets and withdrawal method of impairment provision
—The Company shall carry out an inspection, on the balance sheet day, on the carrying amount of
the financial assets other than those transactional financial assets. Where there is any objective
evidence proving that such financial asset has been impaired, an impairment provision shall be
—— Measurement for impairment of financial assets measured on the basis of the
post-amortization costs

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Where there is any objective evidence proving that a financial asset measured on the basis of
post-amortization costs is impaired, the carrying amount of the said financial asset shall be written
down to the current value of the predicted future cash flow (excluding the loss of future credits not
yet occurred), and the amount as written down shall be recognized as loss of the impairment of the
asset and shall be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period. An impairment test
shall be made on the financial assets with significant single amounts. With regard to the financial
assets with insignificant single amounts, an impairment test may be carried out by independent or
combination. Where, upon independent test, the financial asset has not been impaired, it shall be
included in a combination of financial assets with similar risk features so as to conduct another
impairment test. The financial assets which have suffered from an impairment loss in any single
amount shall not be included in any combination of financial assets with similar risk features for
any impairment test. During the follow-up period, if there is any objective evidence proving that
the value of the said financial asset has been restored, and it is objectively related to the events that
occur after such loss is recognized, the impairment-related losses as originally recognized shall be
reversed and be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period. However, the reversed
carrying amount shall not be any more than the post-amortization costs of the said financial asset
on the day of reverse under the assumption that no provision is made for the impairment. Where
any financial asset measured on the basis of post-amortization costs is recognized as having loss,
the relevant impairment provision withdrawn shall be written off.
—— Available-for-sale financial assets
Where an available-for-sale financial asset is impaired, even if the recognition of the financial
asset has not been terminated, the accumulative losses arising from the decrease of the fair value
of the owner’s equity which was directly included shall be transferred out and recorded into the
profits and losses of the current period. The accumulative losses that are transferred out shall be
the net amount obtained from the initially obtained costs of the sold financial asset after deducting
the principals as taken back, the current fair value and the impairment-related losses as was
recorded into the profits and losses of the current period.

Calculation of bad-debt provisions for accounts receivables
—For accounts receivables with a significant single amount and for which bad-debt provisions are
made separately:
Definition   or   amount
                             Accounts receivable with a significant single amount refer to the top five accounts
criteria for an account
                             receivable with the largest balances or accounts accounting for over 10% of the total
receivable    with      a
                             balance of receivables.
significant single amount
                             Where there is objective evidence proving that the Company is not able to recover the
                             full amount of an account receivable according to the original terms in relation to the
Making            separate
                             account, an independent impairment test is carried out on the account receivable and the
bad-debt provisions for
                             bad-debt provision is made according to the difference between the present value of the
accounts receivable with
                             account’s future cash flows and the account’s carrying amount. If the independent
a   significant     single
                             impairment test shows that the account receivable has not been impaired, the balance of
                             the account is put into the corresponding group and the bad-debt provision is made using
                             the balance percentage method.
—Accounts receivable for which bad-debt provisions are made on the group basis

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Grouping criteria:
                     Group name                                                   Criteria
                                                       Accounts    receivable    arising     from   other   common
Common transaction group                               transactions than internal transactions are classified
                                                       according to credit risk features.
                                                       Accounts receivable arising from internal transactions
Internal transaction group                             within the scope of the consolidation statements are
                                                       classified according to credit risk features.
Making bad-debt provisions for accounts receivable on the group basis:
                     Group name                                       Method for making provisions
Common transaction group                                                 Balance percentage method
                                                       The bad-debt provision is made according to the
Internal transaction group                             difference between the present value of the group’s future
                                                       cash flows and the group’s carrying amount.
—For receivable groups for which bad-debt provisions are made using the balance percentage
           Group name                    Provision ratio for account               Provision ratio for other
                                               receivables (%)                          receivables (%)
  Common transaction groups                           6%                                        6%
—Accounts receivable with an insignificant single amount but for which the bad-debt provision is
made independently
——When can the bad-debt provision be made independently for an account receivable with an
insignificant amount
When there is conclusive evidence proving that obvious difference exists in the recoverability.
——Method for making bad-debt provisions for the said accounts receivables
The bad-debt provision is made according to the difference between the present value of the
account’s future cash flows and the account’s carrying amount.
As for other receivables (including notes receivable, prepayments, interest receivable, long-term
receivables, etc.), bad-debt provisions are made according to the differences between the present
values of their future cash flows and their carrying amounts.

Accounting Method of Inventory
Inventory category: raw materials, products in processing, materials for consigned processing,
finished products, semi-manufactured semi-finished products, and low-value consumption goods.
Accounting of inventory: raw materials and finished products shall be measured at actual cost,
while weighted average method shall be adopted when receiving or outgoing.
Inventory system: a perpetual inventory system
Recognition of provision for falling price of inventory and withdrawal: The Company shall make
provision for falling price of inventory on the basis of each item of inventory at the balance that
net realizable value is lower than carrying cost. For finished goods, merchandise inventories, and
available for sale materials which are applied directly for sales of stock inventory, the amount
after deducting the estimated sale expense and relevant taxes from the estimated sell price of the
inventory shall be recognized as the net realizable value. For material inventories which need to be

English Translation for Reference Only

processed, the amount after deducting the estimated cost of completion, estimated sale expense
and relevant taxes from the estimated sale price of produced finished goods shall be recognized as
the net realizable value.

Measurement of Long-term Equity Investment
Measurement of long-term equity investment
— Long-term equity investment for the merger of enterprises
—— For the merger of enterprises under the same control, it shall, on the date of merger, regard
the share of the book value of the owner's equity of the merged enterprise as the initial cost of the
long-term equity investment, and the direct relevant expenses occurred for the merger of
enterprises shall be included into the profits and losses of the current period.
—— For the merger of enterprises not under the same control, The combination costs shall be the
fair values, on the acquisition date, of the assets paid, the liabilities incurred or assumed and the
equity securities issued by the Company in exchange for the control on the acquiree, and all
relevant direct costs incurred to the acquirer for the business combination. Where any future event
that is likely to affect the combination costs is stipulated in the combination contract or agreement,
if it is likely to occur and its effects on the combination costs can be measured reliably, the
Company shall record the said amount into the combination costs.
—— The cost of a long-term equity investment obtained by making payment in cash shall be the
purchase cost which is actually paid. The cost consists of the expenses directly relevant to the
obtainment of the long-term equity investment, taxes and other necessary expenses.
—— The cost of a long-term equity investment obtained on the basis of issuing equity securities
shall be the fair value of the equity securities issued.
—— The cost of a long-term equity investment of an investor shall be the value stipulated in the
investment contract or agreement except the unfair value stipulated in the contract or agreement.
—— The cost of a long-term investment obtained by the exchange of non-monetary assets (having
commercial nature) shall be recognized basing on taking the fair value and relevant payable taxes
as the cost of the assets received.
—— The cost of a long-term equity investment obtained by recombination of liabilities shall be
recognized at the fair value.

Subsequent measurement of long-term equity investment and recognized method of investment
—The long-term equity investment of the Company that is able to control the invested enterprise
and which of the Company that does not do joint control or does not have significant influences on
the invested entity, and has no offer in the active market and its fair value cannot be reliably
measured, it shall be measured by employing the cost method. Except for the declared but not
distributed cash dividends or profits included in the price or consideration actually paid when an
investment is obtained, the dividends or profits declared to distribute by the invested entity shall
be recognized as the current investment income.
—A long-term equity investment of the Company that does joint control or significant influences
over the invested entity shall be measured by employing the equity method. If the cost of a
long-term equity investment is more than the Company's attributable share of the fair value of the
invested entity's identifiable net assets for the investment, the cost of the long-term equity

English Translation for Reference Only

investment may not be adjusted. If the cost of a long-term equity investment is less than the
Company's attributable share of the fair value of the invested entity's identifiable net assets for the
investment, the difference shall be included in the current profits and losses and the cost of the
long-term equity investment shall be adjusted simultaneously. The Company shall recognize the
net losses of the invested enterprise until the book value of the long-term equity investment and
other long-term rights and interests which substantially form the net investment made to the
invested entity are reduced to zero, unless the investing enterprise has the obligation to undertake
extra losses. The Company shall, on the ground of the fair value of all identifiable assets of the
invested entity when it obtains the investment, recognize the attributable share of the net profits
and losses of the invested entity after it adjusts the net profits of the invested entity.

Provision for impairment of long-term investment
—The Company shall conduct inspection to long-term investment item by item at the end of
reporting period. If the market price of long-term investment falls into sustained decline or the
invested enterprise’s operation status grow worse, which will cause that the recoverable amount is
lower than carrying value, moreover, such reduced value will not be restored in predicted future
period, then the negative balance between the recoverable amount and carrying value of long-term
investment shall be measured as provision for impairment of long-term investment. The
recoverable amount shall be determined in light of the higher one of the net amount of the fair
value of the long-term equity investment minus the disposal expenses and the current value of the
expected future cash flow of the long-term equity investment. Once any loss of impairment of the
long-term investment is recognized, it shall not be switched back in the future accounting periods.

Measurement and depreciation methods of fixed Assets
Recognition of fixed assets: Fixed assets of the Company refers to the tangible assets that
simultaneously possess the features as follows: they are held for the sake of producing
commodities, rendering labor service, renting or business management; and their useful life is in
excess of one fiscal year and unit price is higher.
Category of fixed assets: housing and building, machinery equipment, transportation vehicle and
Measurement and depreciation methods of fixed assets: fixed assets shall be measured at actual
cost. Depreciation rate shall be recognized by employing the straight-line method and in
accordance with appraisal economical useful life and predicated net residuals. The appraisal
economical useful life and depreciation rate are listed as below:
         Categories                Useful life    Annual depreciation rate      Residuals rate
 Housing and Building                     3—25             31.67%-4.75%                     5%
 Machinery equipments                      2—8            47.50%-11.88%                     5%
 Transportation vehicle                   5—10                19%-9.50%                     5%
 Other                                     2—8            47.50%-11.88%                     5%
Provision for impairment of fixed assets: The Company shall carry out inspection to fixed assets
item by item every year. If the recoverable amount is lower than carrying value due to sustained
decline of market price of fixed assets or technological obsolescence, damage or long-term idle,
then the provision for impairment of fixed assets shall be withdrawn on the basis of the balance

English Translation for Reference Only

hereof. Once any loss of impairment of the fixed assets is recognized, it shall not be switched back
in the future accounting periods. The recoverable amount shall be determined in light of the higher
one of the net amount of the fair value of the fixed assets minus the disposal expenses and the
current value of the expected future cash flow of the fixed assets. The current value of future cash
flow of assets shall be recognized based on the amount after the predicated future cash flow
occurred in the process of continuous services and when the final disposal is discounted by
adopting proper discount rate.

Accounting Measurement of Construction in Progress
Construction in progress shall be measured at actual cost. Constructions in progress shall be
carried down to fixed assets by adopting provisional estimate when bringing to the expected
conditions for use. After completion and settlement procedures, the Company shall adjust the
carrying value of fixed assets at the actual cost. As for interests on borrowings incurred to
special-borrowing loans or general borrowing for the acquisition and construction or production of
assets eligible for capitalization and the ancillary expense incurred to special-borrowing loans,
those incurred before a qualified asset under acquisition, construction or production is ready for
the intended use or sale shall be capitalized into capitalized cost, while those incurred after a
qualified asset under acquisition and construction or production is ready for the intended use or
sale shall be included into the profits and losses of the current period.
Provision for impairment of construction in progress: the Company shall carry out overall
inspection to the construction in progress at the end of the reporting period. If the construction in
progress has been stopped for a long time and cannot be continued restarting in the coming three
years, and such construction in progress has already fallen behind, whatever in performance or in
technology, resulting in an uncertainty to economic benefit of the Company, and there is an
obvious evidence shows that the construction in progress has been impaired, then provision for
impairment of the construction in progress shall be withdrawn based on the negative balance
between the recoverable amount of single construction in progress and carrying value. Once any
loss of impairment of the construction in progress is recognized, it shall not be reversed in the
future accounting periods.

Measurement of Intangible Assets and Amortization Method
Measurement of intangible assets
—— The cost of outsourcing intangible assets shall be measured at actual expenditures occurred
for reaching the expected use purpose.
—— The research expenditures for its internal research and development projects of the
Company shall be recorded into the profit or loss for the current period. The development
expenditures for its internal research and development projects of the Company may be confirmed
as cost of intangible assets when they satisfy capitalization conditions.
—— The cost invested into intangible assets by investors shall be determined according to the
conventional value in the investment contract or agreement, except for those of unfair value in the
contract or agreement.
—— The intangible assets received by the Company through accepting debtor’s non-cash assets
for compensation for debts, or by receivables, shall be measured at the fair value of the intangible
assets received.

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—— The cost invested into intangible assets by non-monetary transaction shall be determined
according to the fair value of non-monetary assets and relevant payable taxes.
Amortization of intangible assets: Intangible assets with limited service life shall be amortized by
the straight-line method within its estimated service life. If it is unable to forecast the period when
the intangible asset can bring economic benefits to the Company, it shall be regarded as an
intangible asset with uncertain service life. Intangible assets with uncertain service life may not be
amortized. The Company’s intangible assets is mainly land use right, which is amortized
averagely by the service life (50 years).
Provision for impairment of intangible assets: the Company shall made overall inspection to the
intangible asset at the end of reporting period. If the intangible assets have already been replaced
by other new technologies, resulting in the Company’s ability to create economic benefits
suffering materials adverse influence, or a sustained decline of market price of intangible assets
and impossible to be recover within the residual amortization years, or certain intangible asset has
exceeded the term protected by law but still part of useful value is remained, or there is an obvious
evidence shows that the intangible assets has been impaired, then provision for impairment of the
intangible assets shall be withdrawn based on the balance between the recoverable amount of
single intangible assets and carrying value. Once any loss of impairment of the intangible assets is
recognized, it shall not be reversed in the future accounting periods.

Measurement of Long-term Deferred Expenses
Long-term deferred expenses refer to general expenses with the apportioned period over one year
(one year excluded) that have occurred but attributable to the current and future periods.
Long-term deferred expense shall be recoded into book in the light of the actual expenditure, and
amortized averagely within benefit period. In case of no benefit in the future accounting period,
the amortized value of such project that fails to be amortized shall be transferred into the profits
and losses of the current period.

Measurement of Capitalization of Borrowing Costs
The borrowing costs shall not be capitalized unless they simultaneously meet the following
requirements: (1) The asset disbursements have already incurred, which shall include the cash,
transferred non-cash assets or interest bearing debts paid for the acquisition and construction or
production activities for preparing assets eligible for capitalization; (2) The borrowing costs has
already incurred; and (3) The acquisition and construction or production activities which are
necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use or sale have already started.
To-be-capitalized amount of interests of borrowing: As for interests of borrowing occurred
special-borrowing loans or general borrowing for the acquisition and construction or production of
assets eligible for capitalization, those incurred before a qualified asset under acquisition,
construction or production is ready for the intended use or sale shall be capitalized based on the
following methods:
—— As for special-borrowing loans for the acquisition and construction or production of assets
eligible for capitalization, the to-be-capitalized amount of interests shall be determined in light of
the actual cost incurred of the specially borrowed loan at the present period minus the income of
interests earned on the unused borrowing loans as a deposit in the bank or as a temporary

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—— Where a general borrowing is used for the acquisition and construction or production of
assets eligible for capitalization, the Company shall calculate and determine the to-be-capitalized
amount of interests on the general borrowing by multiplying the weighted average asset
disbursement of the part of the accumulative asset disbursements minus the general borrowing by
the capitalization rate of the general borrowing used. The capitalization rate shall be calculated
and determined in light of the weighted average interest rate of the general borrowing.
Suspension of capitalization: Where the acquisition and construction or production of a qualified
asset is interrupted abnormally and the interruption period lasts for more than 3 months, the
capitalization of the borrowing costs shall be suspended. The borrowing costs incurred during
such period shall be recognized as expenses, and shall be recorded into the profits and losses of
the current period, till the acquisition and construction or production of the asset restarts. If the
interruption is a necessary step for making the qualified asset under acquisition and construction
or production ready for the intended use or sale, the capitalization of the borrowing costs shall

Recognition and Measurement of Estimated liabilities
Recognition of estimated debts: The obligation such as external guaranty, pending litigation or
arbitration, product quality assurance, layoff plan, loss contract, restructuring and disposal of fixed
assets, pertinent to a contingencies shall be recognized as an estimated debts when the following
conditions are satisfied simultaneously: ① That obligation is a current obligation of the enterprise;
② It is likely to cause any economic benefit to flow out of the enterprise as a result of
performance of the obligation; and ③ The amount of the obligation can be measured in a reliable
The estimated debts shall be initially measured in accordance with the best estimate of the
necessary expenses for the performance of the current obligation. To determine the best estimate,
the Company shall take into full consideration of the risks, uncertainty, time value of money, and
other factors pertinent to the Contingencies. If the time value of money is of great significance, the
best estimate shall be determined after discounting the relevant future outflow of cash. If there is a
sequent range for the necessary expenses and if all the outcomes within this range are equally
likely to occur, the best estimate shall be determined in accordance with the middle estimate
within the range. In other cases, the best estimate shall be conducted in accordance with the
following situations, respectively: ① If the Contingencies concern a single item, it shall be
determined in the light of the most likely outcome. ② If the Contingencies concern two or more
items, the best estimate should be calculated and determined in accordance with all possible
outcomes and the relevant probabilities. ③ When all or some of the expenses necessary for the
liquidation of an estimated debts of an enterprise is expected to be compensated by a third party,
the compensation should be separately recognized as an asset only when it is virtually certain that
the reimbursement will be obtained. The Company shall check the book value of the estimated
debts on the balance sheet date. The Company shall, subject to change, make adjustment to
carrying value to reflect the current best estimate.

Employee Compensation
The employee compensation refers to all kinds of payments and other relevant expenditures given
by the Company during the accounting period of an employee' providing services to the Company,

English Translation for Reference Only

including: wages, bonuses, allowances and subsidies for the employees; welfare expenses for the
employees; social insurances such as medical insurance, endowment insurance, unemployment
insurance, work injury insurance, maternity insurance and other, which are paid by the Company
to the employee, and housing accumulation fund. If the Company cancels the labor relationship
with any employee prior to the expiration of the relevant labor contract or brings forward any
compensation proposal for the purpose of encouraging the employee to accept a layoff (the
cancellation of labor relationship or proposal on voluntary layoff will execute it soon, and The
Company is unable to unilaterally withdraw the plan on the cancellation of labor relationship or
the layoff), the Company shall recognize the estimated liabilities incurred hereof, and shall
simultaneously record them into the profit or loss for the current period.

Recognition of revenue
No revenue shall be realized unless the following conditions are met simultaneously: a. The
significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods or products have been transferred to the
buyer by the enterprise; b. The Company retains neither management right nor effective control
over the sold goods or products; c. The relevant revenue has been received or valid evidence has
been obtained, d. relevant cost related to sales of goods and products can be measured in a reliable
Revenue from providing services shall be recognized by adopting the percentage-of-completion
method when following conditions shall be met simultaneously: The amount of revenue can be
measured in a reliable way; The relevant economic benefits are likely to flow into the enterprise;
The schedule of completion under the transaction can be confirmed in a reliable way; and the costs
incurred or to be incurred in the transaction can be measured in a reliable way. If the Company can
not measure the result of a transaction concerning the providing of labor services in a reliable way,
and the cost of labor services incurred is expected to be compensated, the revenue from the
providing of labor services shall be recognized in accordance with the amount of the cost of labor
services incurred. If the cost of labor services incurred is not expected to compensate in full, the
revenue shall be recognized in accordance with the amount of the cost of labor service can be
compensated; if all cost of labor services incurred is not expected to compensate and no revenue
from the providing of labor services may be recognized.
The revenue from abalienating of right to use the Company’s assets may be recognized when the
following conditions are met simultaneously: a. the relevant economic benefits are likely to flow
to the Company; and b. the amount of revenues can be measured in a reliable way. The user
charge receivable should be measured and confirmed as operating revenue in accordance with the
period and method of charging as stipulated in the relevant contract or agreement.

Government Subsidies
No government subsidy may be recognized unless the following conditions are met
simultaneously: (1) The Company can meet the conditions for the government subsidies; and (2)
The Company can obtain the government subsidies.
If a government subsidy is a monetary asset, it shall be measured in the light of the received or
receivable amount. If a government subsidy is a non-monetary asset, it shall be measured at its fair
value. If its fair value cannot be obtained in a reliable way, it shall be measured at its nominal

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The government subsidies pertinent to assets shall be recognized as deferred income, equally
distributed within the useful lives of the relevant assets, and included in the current profits and
losses. But the government subsidies measured at their nominal amounts shall be directly included
in the current profits and losses. The government subsidies pertinent to incomes shall be treated
respectively in accordance with the circumstances as follows: (1) Those subsidies used for
compensating the related future expenses or losses of the enterprise shall be recognized as
deferred income and shall included in the current profits and losses during the period when the
relevant expenses are recognized; or (2) Those subsidies used for compensating the related
expenses or losses incurred to the enterprise shall be directly included in the current profits and

Accounting Treatment of Income Tax
Income tax shall be measured by adopting balance sheet approach. On the balance sheet day,
deferred income tax assets and relevant deferred income tax income shall be recognized based on
the deductible temporary difference and result calculated at the applicable income tax rate;
deferred income tax liabilities and relevant deferred income tax expense shall be recognized based
on taxable temporary difference and result calculated at the applicable income tax rate.

Method for Profit Distribution
In accordance with the Articles of Association, the Company’s profit shall be distributed in order
as follows:
—— Making up losses in the previous year;
—— Appropriating 10% net profit as statutory public reserve, if accumulative appropriated
amount reaches over 50% of registered capital, the Company may no longer appropriate;
—— Appropriating discretionary public reserve after approval by the Shareholders’ General
—— Retained profit shall be distributed according to the resolution of the Shareholders’
General Meeting.

Business Combinations
The term "business combinations" refers to a transaction or event bringing together two or more
separate enterprises into one reporting entity. The Company shall recognize assets and liabilities
obtained for business combinations on the combining date and acquisition date. The "combining
date" or ―acquisition date‖ refers to the date on which the combining party actually obtains control
on the combined party.
In a business combination under the same control, the assets and liabilities that the combining
party obtains in a business combination shall be measured on the basis of their carrying amount in
the combined party on the combining date. As for the balance between the carrying amount of the
net assets obtained by the combining party and the carrying amount of the consideration paid by it,
the additional paid-in capital shall be adjusted. If the additional paid-in capital is not sufficient to
be offset, the retained earnings shall be adjusted.
In a business combination not under the same control, the combination costs shall be the fair
values, on the acquisition date, of the assets paid, the liabilities incurred or assumed and the equity

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securities issued by the acquirer in exchange for the control on the acquiree. The positive balance
between the combination costs and the fair value of the identifiable net assets it obtains from the
acquiree shall be recognized as business reputation. The negative balance between the
combination costs and the fair value of the identifiable net assets it obtains from the acquiree shall
be recorded into the profits and losses of the current period after the reexamination.

Preparation methods for consolidated financial statements
The scope of consolidation of consolidated financial statements shall include the Company and all
its subsidiaries. The operating outcomes and financial status of the subsidiaries shall be included
in the consolidated financial statements from start date of the control to end date of the control.
The subsidiaries that the Company obtains due to business combination under the same control
shall be included into the scope of consolidation when preparing the consolidated financial
statements of the current period, and the beginning balance in the consolidated financial statement
and prior comparison sheet shall be adjusted accordingly.
As for the subsidiaries that the Company obtains due to business combination not under the same
control, their financial statements shall be adjusted based on the fair value of each identifiable
asset and liability determined on the combining date when preparing the consolidated financial
statements of the current period. Such combined subsidiaries shall be included into the scope of
consolidation from the combining date.
If the accounting period and accounting policies adopted by a subsidiary are different from those
adopted by the Company, when preparing the consolidated financial statement, necessary
adjustments shall be made to the financial statements of the subsidiary under the accounting
period and accounting policies adopted by the Company. Within the scope of consolidation, all
significant transactions between the enterprises, balance and unrealized profits and losses shall be
offset when preparing the consolidated financial statement. As for the unrealized losses occurred
in the internal transaction, if there is a evidence shows that such loss is impairment loss on
relevant assets, it shall not be offset. The equity and profits & losses attributable to minority
shareholders of the subsidiary shall be particularly presented in the item of ―shareholder’s equity‖
in the consolidated balance sheets and in the item of ―net profit‖ in the consolidated income
statement respectively.

Change in accounting policies and accounting estimates and corrections of prior accounting
During the reporting period, there is no change in accounting policies or accounting estimates and
no correction of prior accounting errors.

(IV). Major Taxes
VAT on sales is calculated based on 17% of sales revenue. VAT is calculated and paid based on the
difference of VAT on sales deducting deductable input VAT. Tax on exports managed by the
Company, as approved by the taxation departments, is paid by adopting the policy of ―tax
exemption, tax deduction and tax rebate‖ since 1 Jan. 2002.

         English Translation for Reference Only

         Corporate Income Tax
         The Company was identified as a high-tech enterprise in Dec. 2008, and won the ―Certificate of
         High-tech Enterprise‖ with serial number GR200844000085 after approval by Department of
         Science and Technology of Guangdong Province, Department of Finance of Guangdong Province,
         Guangdong Provincial Bureau of State Taxation and Guangdong Provincial Bureau of Local
         Taxation on 16 Dec. 2008. In accordance with relevant provisions in Corporate Income Tax Law
         of the People's Republic of China and the Administration Measures for Identification of High-tech
         Enterprises promulgated in 2007, the Company paid the corporate income tax based on a tax rate
         of 15% within three years since 1 Jan. 2008.

         In 2011, in accordance with the Administration Measures for Identification of High-tech
         Enterprises, Management Guidelines on Identification of High-tech Enterprises and circulars on
         relevant rechecks from Department of Science and Technology of Guangdong Province, the
         Company has submitted the relevant materials for recheck to relevant authorities, and now it is on
         the recheck process. Besides, in accordance with [2011] No. 4 document from State
         Administration of Taxation, the Company paid the corporate income tax based on a tax rate of
         15% temporarily in 2011.

         The subsidiaries of the Company, including Foshan Taimei Times Lamps and Lanterns Co., Ltd.,
         and Foshan Chanchang Electric Appliance (Gaoming) Co., Ltd., are all productive foreign funded
         enterprises, so that the said three companies enjoy a preferential CIT policy of ―Two plus three‖
         (Exemption of enterprise income tax for the first two years of making profit, and 50% tax
         reduction for following three years). Of which, year 2007 is the first profit-making year that
         Foshan Taimei Times Lamps and Lanterns Co., Ltd. enjoys the said preferential policy of ―Two
         plus three‖, therefore, it should be allowed a 50% reduction of income tax in 2011. Foshan
         Chanchang Electric Appliance (Gaoming) Co., Ltd. enjoys a preferential CIT policy of ―Two plus
         three‖ since 2008, therefore the said company should be allowed a 50% reduction of the enterprise
         income tax in 2011, as at the rate of 12.5%..

         The subsidiaries of the Company, including Foshan Chansheng Electronic Ballast Co., Ltd.,
         Foshan Gaoming Fuwan Landscape Resort Co., Ltd., Nanjing Fozhao Lighting Components
         Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Foshan Electrical & Lighting (Xinxiang) Co., Ltd., Foshan Lighting
         Lamps and Lanterns Co., Ltd., Qinghai Fozhao Lithium Ion Battery Cathode Materials Co., Ltd.
         Guangdong Fozhao New Light Sources Technology Co., Ltd., and Guangdong Fozhao Financial
         Leasing Co., Ltd., whose enterprise income tax rate is 25%.

         (V). Subsidiaries controlled by the Company
         The subsidiaries received by the Company through establishment or investment
 Name of                                    Registered   invested by
                Date of     Registration                               Equity       Legal                        Consolidated
 invested                                     capital        the                                 Main business
              foundation       place                                   owned    representative                    statement
 company                                   (RMB’0000)    Company

Foshan                                                                                           Manufacturing
                 1989         Foshan         USD180        USD72       40%      Zhong Xincai                         Yes
Chanchang                                                                                        bromine

            English Translation for Reference Only

Lighting                                                                                 tungsten lamp,
Components                                                                               special
Co., Ltd.                                                                                lighting
                                                                                         products       and
Foshan                                                                                   Manufacturing
Chansheng                                                                                electronic
Electronic                                                                               ballasts,
Ballast Co.,        2003         Foshan        RMB100    RMB75     75%    Zhong Xincai   electronic           Yes

Ltd.                                                                                     transformers
                                                                                         and electronic
Foshan                                                                                   Production
Chanchang                                                                                and operation
Electric                                                                                 of          lamps,
Appliance                                                                                electric     light
(Gaoming)                                                                                source
Co., Ltd.                                                                                products       and
                    2005         Foshan        RMB6000   RMB4200   70%    Zhong Xincai                        Yes
                                                                                         and        related
                                                                                         and consulting
Foshan                                                                                   Research,
Taimei                                                                                   development,
Times                                                                                    production
Lamps and                                                                                and sales of
Lanterns                                                                                 lighting,
Co., Ltd.           2005         Foshan         RMB50    RMB35     70%     Zhao Yong     household            Yes

                                                                                         appliances and
                                                                                         and          other
Foshan                                                                                   Making
Gaoming                                                                                  arrangement
Fuwan                                                                                    (tourist
Landscape           2006         Foshan        RMB480    RMB480    100%   Zhong Xincai   industry,            Yes

Resort Co.,                                                                              catering
Ltd.                                                                                     service, sauna,

            English Translation for Reference Only

                                                                                         games,       retail
                                                                                         of beverages,
                                                                                         sports on the
                                                                                         water, chess)
Foshan                                                                                   R&D            and
Lighting                                                                                 production of
Lamps and                                                                                electric      light
Lanterns                                                                                 source       lamp
Co., Ltd.                                                                                products       and
                    2009         Foshan        RMB500    RMB507    100%   Zhong Xincai                         Yes
                                                                                         metal material
                                                                                         and non-metal
Foshan                                                                                   Production
Electrical &                                                                             and sales of
Lighting                                                                                 electric      light
(Xinxiang)                                                                               source
Co., Ltd.                                                                                equipment and
                                                                                         electric      light
                                                                                         products, sales
                                                                                         of accessories
                                                                                         of         electric
                                                                                         light      source,
                    2009        Xinxiang       RMB1000   RMB500    100%   Zhong Xincai                         Yes
                                                                                         electric      light
                                                                                         accessories for
                                                                                         lamps          and
Fozhao                                                                                   and sales of
Lithium Ion                                                                              lithium     ion
                 2010          Qinghai       RMB5000     RMB2550   51%    Zhong Xincai   battery               Yes
Battery                                                                                  cathode
Cathode                                                                                  materials

            English Translation for Reference Only

Co., Ltd.

                                                                                             and sales of
Guangdong                                                                                    LED lighting
Fozhao                                                                                       products, LED
New Light                                                                                    lighting
                    2011         Foushan      RMB22200   RMB1000       55%    Zhong Xincai                         Yes
Sources                                                                                      appliances
Technology                                                                                   products     and
Co., Ltd.                                                                                    installment of

                                                                                             lease business,
                                                                                             and guarantee
                                                                                             for       leasing
                                                                                  Zhou       lease        and
Financial           2011         Foushan      RMB20000   RMB20000     100%                                         Yes
                                                                                 Jianping    service       for
                                                                                             new        energy
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                             and         main
                                                                                             products     and

            —Foshan Chanchang Lighting Components Co., Ltd. was founded in 1989, and the Company
            holds 40% equities of the said company. Under relevant provisions in the agreement signed
            between the Company and foreign shareholder of Foshan Chanchang Lighting Components Co.,
            Ltd., the Company owns the real control right. Therefore, the said company is included into the
            scope of the consolidated financial statements. Owing to expiration of the duration of joint venture
            ended 30 Nov. 2008, the Board of the said subsidiary company decided to terminate its operation.
            Up until 30 Jun. 2011, the termination was not completed.

            — Foshan Chanchang Electric Appliance (Gaoming) Co., Ltd., who is the Sino-foreign joint
            ventures invested and established by the Company and Prosperity Lamps and Components Ltd,
            had obtained license for business corporation on 23 Aug. 2005 through approval by Foreign Trade
            and Economic Cooperation Bureau of Gaoming District, Foshan with document ―MWJMY Zi
            [2005] No. 79‖. The Company holds 70% equities of the said company, therefore the said

English Translation for Reference Only

subsidiary was included into the scope of the consolidated financial statements since date of the

—Foshan Taimei Times Lamps and Lanterns Co., Ltd., who is the Sino-foreign joint ventures
invested and established by the Company and Reback North America Investment Limited, had
obtained license for Business Corporation on 5 Dec. 2005 through approval by Foreign Trade and
Economic Cooperation Bureau of Gaoming District, Foshan with document ―MWJMY Zi [2005]
No. 97‖. The Company holds 70% equities of the said company, therefore the said subsidiary was
included into the scope of the consolidated financial statements since date of foundation.

—Foshan Gaoming Fuwan Landscape Resort Co., Ltd. is limited liability company, which is
invested and established by the Company, obtaining its license for Business Corporation on 23
Nov. 2006. And the company holds 100% equities of this company. Therefore the said subsidiary
was included into the scope of the consolidated financial statements since date of foundation.

— Foshan Lighting Lamps and Lanterns Co., Ltd. is limited liability company, which is invested
and established by the Company together with Foshan Haozhiyuan Trading Co., Ltd., Shanghai
Liangqi Electric Co., Ltd, Changzhou Sanfeng Electrical & Lighting Co., Ltd., Henan Xingchen
Electrical & Lighting Co., Ltd., Foshan Hongbao Electrical & Lighting Co., Ltd., Hebei Jinfen
Trading Co., Ltd., obtaining its license for Business Corporation on 27 Mar. 2009. The Company
holds 60% equities of this company. Therefore the said subsidiary was included into the scope of
the consolidated financial statements since date of the foundation. The said company had put into
production in May 2009. On 25 Sep. 2009, the equity transfer agreement was signed between the
Company and Foshan Haozhiyuan Trading Co., Ltd., in which Foshan Haozhiyuan Trading Co.,
Ltd. transferred 10% equities of Foshan Lighting Lamps and Lanterns Co., Ltd. to the Company.
After transfer, the Company holds 70% equities of Foshan Lighting Lamps and Lanterns Co., Ltd..

On 19 Nov. 2010, the Company signed Equity Transfer Contract with Shanghai Liangqi Electric
Co., Ltd, Changzhou Sanfeng Electrical & Lighting Co., Ltd., Henan Xingchen Electrical &
Lighting Co., Ltd., Foshan Hongbao Electrical & Lighting Co., Ltd., and Taizhou Luqiao Hengyu
Lighting Equipment Trading Company. Since then, the above said minority shareholder
respectively transferred 6% of their holding equities of Foshan Lighting Lamps and Lanterns Co.,
Ltd. to the Company, the Company held 100% equities of Foshan Lighting Lamps and Lanterns
Co., Ltd. after the transfer.

—Foshan Electrical & Lighting (Xinxiang) Co., Ltd. is limited liability company with the
registered capital of RMB 10 million, which is invested and established by the Company,
obtaining its license for Business Corporation on 17 Apr. 2009. As at 31 Dec. 2010, the Company
had invested RMB 5 million in this company, holding 100% equities of this company. Therefore
the said subsidiary was included into the scope of the consolidated financial statements since date
of foundation.

—Qinghai Fozhao Lithium Ion Battery Cathode Materials Co., Ltd. is limited liability company,
which is invested and established by the Company together with Hefei Lixin Energy Material Co.,
Ltd., Qinghai Power New Energy Material Co., Ltd., Lithium Energy Holdings, Ltd. and Jianagsu
Guogang Communication Engineering Co., Ltd.. On 25 Oct. 2010, Qinghai Fozhao Lithium
Energy Exploitation Co., Ltd. received Business License for Enterprise as a Legal Person, of
which the Company holds 51% equities of the company, and it was included into the scope of the

            English Translation for Reference Only

            consolidated financial statements since date of foundation.

            —Guangdong Fozhao New Light Sources Technology Co., Ltd. is limited liability company,
            which is invested and established by the Company together with Bright Technology & Venture
            Limited, obtaining its license for Business Corporation on 7 Jun. 2011, of which the Company
            holds 55% equities of the company, and it was included into the scope of the consolidated
            financial statements since date of foundation.

            —Guangdong Fozhao Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. is limited liability company with a registered
            capital of RMB 200 million, which is invested and established by the Company, obtaining its
            licence for Business Corporation on 30 May 2011, of which the Company holds 100% equities of
            the company, and it was included into the scope of the consolidated financial statements since date
            of foundation.

            The subsidiary for business combination not under the same control

   Name of                                     Registered   invested by
                    Date of    Registration                               Equity       Legal                             Consolidated
   invested                                      capital        the                                 Main business
                  foundation       place                                  owned    representative                         statement
  company                                     (RMB’0000)    Company

                                                                                                    Production of
                                                                                                    lamps        and
                                                                                                    lanterns, light
                     2002        Nanjing      RMB4168.32     RMB7200      100%     Zhong Xincai     engineering;             Yes
Co., Ltd.
                                                                                                    and production
                                                                                                    of       relevant
                                                                                                    sales           of

            — In accordance with the equity transfer agreement signed between the Company and Prosperity
            Lamps and Components Ltd on 27 Aug. 2008, Prosperity Lamps and Components Ltd. transferred
            100% equities of Nanjing Fozhao Lighting Components Manufacturing Co., Ltd.(used to known
            as ―Prosperity (Nanjing) Lighting Components Co., Ltd.‖, and changed name to ―Nanjing Fozhao

English Translation for Reference Only

Lighting Components Manufacturing Co., Ltd.‖ on 15 Nov. 2010.) to the Company. Therefore,
Prosperity (Nanjing) Lighting Components Co., Ltd. became the wholly-owned subsidiary of the
Company. The said subsidiary was included into the scope of the consolidated financial statements
since merger date.

Change of consolidation scope and reason

—As above mentioned, the Company newly established and invested Qinghai Fozhao Lithium Ion
Battery Cathode Materials Co., Ltd. in 2011 and the said company was included into the scope of
the consolidated financial statements since date of foundation.

Subsidiaries that newly combined into consolidation scope in current period

                      Name                                       Closing net assets                     Net profit in current period

Guangdong Fozhao New Light                      9,901,642.00                  -98,358.00
Sources Technology Co., Ltd. Leasing
Guangdong Fozhao Financial                     199,922,775.50                 -77,224.50
Co.,MLtd.ority interests and profits and losses of minority shareholders of controlling
— in

                                                          As at 30 Jun. 2011                    As at 30 Jun. 2010

                                                                    Profits and losses                    Profits and losses
               Name of company                       Minority           of minority         Minority         of minority
                                                     interests      shareholders as of      interests      shareholders as
                                                                        this period                         of this period
Foshan Chanchang Lighting Components Co.,
Ltd.                                                                                        101,572.25       16,119,953.03
Foshan Chansheng Electronic Ballast Co., Ltd.
                                                     586,622.46            -163,687.01      -284,907.31         765,485.42
Foshan      Chanchang      Electric    Appliance
(Gaoming) Co., Ltd.                                25,518,519.13          2,362,222.02 -2,391,819.82         20,921,313.71
Foshan Taimei Times Lamps and Lanterns
Co., Ltd.                                           4,021,865.84           2,489,538.9 1,442,362.71           2,974,689.65

Foshan Lighting Lamps and Lanterns Co., Ltd                                                1,649,807.88       3,767,709.71
Qinghai Fozhao Lithium Ion Battery Cathode
Materials Co., Ltd.
                                                   16,125,191.40           -289,060.59
Guangdong Fozhao New Light
                                                      -44,261.10              -44,261.1

Total                                              46,207,937.73          4,354,752.22      517,015.71       44,549,151.52

(VI). Notes to Main Items of Consolidated Financial Statements
1. Monetary Funds
                                  Closing amount                                          Opening amount

        Item          Amount in
                                      Exchange       Amount in             Amount in         Exchange         Amount in
                                        rate            RMB             foreign currency        rate             RMB

English Translation for Reference Only

                                                      73,199.54                                       114,480.22
      deposits                                   547,721,103.99                                   701,830,065.08
     Of which:
         RMB                                     485,993,471.84                                   694,505,957.79

      HKD                    93.05      0.8316            77.38              93.05      0.8509            79.18

      USD             4,842,446.46      6.4726    31,343,426.96       994,429.22        6.6227      6,585,806.34

   Euro                    83,854.4     9.3612       784,977.81        83,826.92        8.8065       738,221.77
                                                       5,681.08                                     9,909,087.65

Of      which:
RMB                                                    5,681.08                                     9,909,087.65

                                                 547,799,984.61                                   711,853,632.95
—Closing monetary capital decreases RMB164,053,648.34 compared to period-begin with a
decrease of 23.05%, mainly due to the increase on external equity investment of the Company in
current period.
—All bank deposits are in the name of the Company or the subsidiaries which are within the scope
of consolidated financial statements.
—Other monetary capital are refundable deposit the Company deposited in exchange company
under the company name.

2. Tradable Financial Assets

                                                  Closing balance                    Opening balance
Tradable financial assets
                                            4,824,336.08                             38,287,211.70
—Tradable financial assets are detailed as follows:

           Item              Investment ratio    Closing investment    Closing market      Impairment reserve
                                                      amount                 value
     Fund investment                                 5,000,000.00        4,824,336.08                         -
           Total                            5,000,000.00        4,824,336.08                  -
—Tradable financial assets above were all shares acquired by the Company by subscription at the
primary market.
3. Notes Receivable

                    Item                          Closing balance                    Opening balance

Bank acceptance bill                                         95,701,617.96                       79,964,518.10

Total                                                        95,701,617.96                       79,964,518.10

English Translation for Reference Only

— As at 30 Jun. 2011, there is no undue trade acceptance draft receivable discounted or pledged.

—Closing balance of notes receivable increases by RMB15,737,099.86 as compared with the
opening balance, an increase of 19.68% due to most customers adopt notes to make payments in
current period.

—There is no amount due from shareholders who hold 5% or more of voting shares of the
Company in the closing balance of notes receivable.

4. Accounts Receivable

Net amount of account receivable as at 30 Jun. 2011 stood at RMB340,328,640.68 which is
classified by categories as follows:
                                               Closing balance                                        Opening balance
                                    Book balance             Bad debt provision            Book balance              Bad debt provision
             Item                                  Propo                      Propo                       Prop                         Propo
                                 Amount            rtion       Amount         rtion       Amount          ortion       Amount          rtion
                                                   (%)                        (%)                          (%)                         (%)
Significant single amounts
and make independent
                                               -         -                -           -               -          -                 -         -
provision for impairment
Accounts receivable that make provision for impairment loss according to ages combination

Normal business
combination                     362,051,745.40 99.66         21,723,104.72     6.00 337,431,389.01 99.68 20,245,883.34                   6.00

Subtotal of combination
                                362,051,745.40 99.66         21,723,104.72     6.00 337,431,389.01 99.68 20,245,883.34                   6.00
Not significant single
amounts but make
independent provision for
impairment losses                   1,245,185.87    0.34      1,245,185.87 100.00         1,085,613.12      0.32      1,085,613.12 100.00

             Total              363,296,931.27 100.00        22,968,290.59     6.32 338,517,002.13 100.00 21,331,496.46                  6.30

—Within the combination, analysis of accounts receivable that make provision for losses by
balance percentage method
                                Closing balance                                                Opening balance

                     Book balance            Bad debt provision                  Book balance                    Bad debt provision
   age                                                       Withdrawal                                                         Withdrawal
                              Proportion                                                    Proportion
               Amount                       Amount           proportion       Amount                          Amount            proportion
                                 (%)                                                            (%)
                                                                (%)                                                                (%)
Within 1
year         341,630,470.68         94.36 20,497,828.24               6 326,532,449.48            96.77 19,591,946.97                      6

1-2 years     14,342,672.82          3.96    860,560.36               6 10,296,197.99              3.05       617,771.88                   6

2-3 years      4,206,815.64          1.16    252,408.94               6        437,722.27          0.13          26,263.34                 6

Over     3
years          1,871,786.26          0.52    112,307.18               6        165,019.27          0.05              9,901.15              6

English Translation for Reference Only

Total          362,051,745.40      100.00 21,723,104.72           6 337,431,389.01       100.00 20,245,883.34            6

—Not significant single amounts but make independent provision for impairment losses

   Content of accounts
                                     Book balance          Bad debt provision        proportion           Reason
Guangzhou Yaotong
Lighting Appliances                                                                                    uncollectible
Trading Co., Ltd.                         729,453.94              729,453.94           100.00%
Jilin Changchun Meijia
Shopping Mall                                                                                          Estimatedly
Yongchun Wholesale                                                                                     uncollectible

Haitian Lamps                             184,263.00              184,263.00          100.00%
 Dongda Economic Trade                                                                                 Estimatedly
              Co., Ltd.                   142,107.94              142,107.94          100.00%          uncollectible
Shanghai Xianyi
Lighting Electric                                                                                      uncollectible
Appliance Co., Ltd.                          185,237                185,237           100.00%
Jilin Changchun Haitian
Dongda                                                                                                 Estimatedly
Commerce&Trade Co.,                                                                                    uncollectible

Ltd.                                        4,123.99                4,123.99          100.00%

               Total                   1,245,185.87            1,245,185.87           100.00%
—Particulars about arrears of the top fives units

                                                     Closing balance                       Opening balance
                                                  Amount           Proportion           Amount           Proportion

Total amount and percentage of
arrears of the top five                      67,925,264.60          18.70%        119,661,219.69          35.35%

—Main units

                          Relationship with the                                                    Proportion in total
   Customer                                                Amount               Account age
                                Company                                                               prepayments

        No.1              Non-related supplier            37,918,081.90         Within 1 year

        No.2              Non-related supplier             8,576,922.94         Within 1 year

        No.3              Non-related supplier             8,441,256.38         Within 1 year


        No.4              Non-related supplier             7,211,779.83         Within 1 year


English Translation for Reference Only

     No.5              Non-related supplier            5,777,223.55        Within 1 year

     Total                                            67,925,264.60                                      18.70%
—Please see Note Ⅷ for amount due from shareholders who hold 5% or more of voting shares of
the Company in the balance of prepayments.

5. Prepayments

Balance of prepayment as at 30 Jun. 2011 stood at RMB102,272,435.13, which is classified
according to aging as follows:

                                    Closing balance                              Opening balance
                            Amount              Proportion (%)            Amount             Proportion (%)

Within 1 year
                          91,429,888.40                   89.40        28,823,861.60                      98.15
           1-2 years
                          10,298,516.73                   10.07                       -                        -
           2-3 years
                               50,000.00                      0.05          50,000.00                       0.17
     Over 3 years
                             494,030.00                       0.48         494,030.00                       1.68
                        102,272,435.13                  100.00         29,367,891.60                     100.00
—Arrears of the top five units in the closing balance of prepayments total RMB46,470,000.00,
accounting for 45.44% of the prepayment balance. Details are as follows:

Customer        Relationship with the          Amount            Account age          Proportion in total
                     Company                                                               prepayments
  Unit 1         Non-related supplier                            Within 1 year
                                              19,820,000.00                                          19.38%
  Unit 2         Non-related supplier                            Within 1 year
                                               9,300,000.00                                              9.09%
  Unit 3         Non-related supplier                            Within 1 year
                                               9,000,000.00                                              8.80%
  Unit 4         Non-related supplier                            Within 1 year
                                               4,350,000.00                                              4.25%
  Unit 5         Non-related supplier                            Within 1 year
                                               4,000,000.00                                              3.91%
   Total                                                         Within 1 year
                                              46,470,000.00                                          45.44%
—The balance of prepayments has increased by RMB72,904,543.53 compared with the
period-begin, a decrease of 248.25%, which was mainly because the Company increased
prepayments for materials considering the supply and demand condition of raw materials and the
continuous rising price of raw materials.

—There is no amount due from shareholders who hold 5% or more of voting shares of the
Company in the balance of prepayments.

—Please see Note Ⅷ for details about amount due from shareholders who hold 5% or more of
voting shares of the Company in the balance of prepayments.

English Translation for Reference Only

6. Other Receivables

Net amount of other receivables as at 30 Jun. 2011 stands at RMB15,780,890.52, which is detailed
as follows according to categories:

                                         Closing balance                                           Opening balance

        Item                Book balance               Bad debt provision             Book balance                 Bad debt provision
                                       Proportion                   Proportion                   Proportion                    Proportion
                         Amount                        Amount                       Amount                        Amount
                                          (%)                           (%)                         (%)                            (%)
single amounts
and make
provision for

Accounts receivable that make provision for impairment loss according to ages combination

combination            16,788,181.40           99.37 1,007,290.88         6.00 21,546,983.92             99.51 1,292,897.22             6.00

Subtotal          of
                       16,788,181.40           99.37 1,007,290.88         6.00 21,546,983.92             99.51 1,292,897.22             6.00
Not significant
single amounts
but            make      106,552.50             0.63   106,552.50             100   106,552.50            0.49    106,552.50        100.00
                16,894,733.90                 100.00 1,113,843.38         6.59 21,653,536.42            100.00 1,399,449.72             6.46
provision   for
—Within the combination, analysis of other receivables that make provision for losses by balance
percentage method
                                  Closing balance                                                Opening balance

                   Book balance                  Bad debts provision                Book balance                 Bade debts provision
  age                                                        Withdrawal                                                      Withdrawal
                              Proportion                                                      Proportion
                Amount                           Amount      proportion         Amount                           Amount        proportion
                                  (%)                                                             (%)
                                                                (%)                                                               (%)
1 year     13,600,158.60           81.01        816,009.51          6         19,307,484.75       89.61% 1,158,527.27              6

years          2,106,292.80        12.55        126,377.57          6            741,965.77        3.44%         44,517.94         6

years           200,000.00             1.19      12,000.00          6            447,478.66        2.08%         26,848.72         6

Over 3
years           881,730.00             5.25      52,903.80          6          1,050,054.74        4.87%         63,003.29         6

Total      16,788,181.40          100.00 1,007,290.88               6         21,546,983.92      100.00% 1,292,897.22              6
—Particulars of other accounts receivable on top five units in debt

English Translation for Reference Only

                                                         Closing balance                        Opening balance
                                                  Amount              Proportion          Amount            proportion

 Total of the top five units in debt and
                                              13,039,245.74                77.18%      15,742,698.16            72.70%

—Main units of other accounts receivable
                                                                                                          Proportion to
  Ranking of           Relationship with
                                                       Amount in arrear                  Ages               accounts
     units               the Company

     No. 1
                         relationship                  9,670,292.20                With in 1 year           57.24%

     No. 2          Related relationship               2,106,292.80                With in 1 year           12.47%
                         Non-related                   1,031,929.60                With in 1 year           6.11%
     No. 3               relationship
                         relationship                   120,000.00                  Over 1 year             0.71%
     No. 4
                         relationship                   110,731.14                    Over 1year            0.66%
     No. 5

     Total                                             13,039,245.74                                        77.18%

—Bad debt provisions for closing other receivables with significant single amounts or
insignificant but being conducted an independent impairment test on:
                                              Book           Ages          Bad debt       Withdrawal         Reasons
                                             balance                                         ratio

Fangcheng County Yuli Glass Tube                             Over 3                                         Estimatedly
Co., Ltd.                                  106,552.50                     106,552.50         100.00
                                                              years                                        uncollectible

               Total                       106,552.50                     106,552.50
—The balance of other receivables has increased by RMB4,758,802.52 compared with the
period-begin, an increase of 21.98%, which was mainly because increase in export tax refund
amount of accounts receivable.

—There is no amount due from shareholders who hold 5% or more of voting shares of the
Company in the balance of other receivables.

7. Inventory

Net inventory as at 30 Jun. 2011 stands at RMB464,795,681.63, which is detailed as follows
according to types:

     Items                      Closing balance                                         Opening balance

English Translation for Reference Only

                                     Falling price                                                Falling price
                      Book balance                      Book value             Book balance                         Book value
                                       reserve                                                       reserve
                  156,772,802.3                       156,772,802.3 75,949,966.31                              - 75,949,966.31
   Goods in             3                                         3
    process 16,082,089.71                             16,082,089.71            4,144,854.25                    -    4,144,854.25

     goods 188,100,835.2 143,155.2 187,957,680.0 192,492,121.8 143,155.2 192,348,966.6
  Self-made               9                      5                4             8                              5             3
 half-finishe 103,225,646.0                           103,225,646.0 92,304,692.71                              - 92,304,692.71
     d goods
  Low-value               4                                        4
     fugitive   757,463.51                                757,463.51              665,402.88                   -     665,402.88
      Total       464,938,836.8 143,155.2 464,795,681.6 365,557,038.0 143,155.2 365,413,882.7

—Provisions for inventory price falling                                   3                  3                5                 8

                                                                           Decrease in this period
                        Opening book      Provision for this                                                 Closing book balance
                          balance              period                   Transferring       Writing off

                            143,155.25                         -                       -                 -           143,155.25

              Total                                            -                       -                 -
                            143,155.25                                                                               143,155.25
—The balance of inventories increased RMB99,381,798.85 compared with the year-begin, an
increase of 27.20%, mainly due to a general increase in price of raw material and the Company
increased storage in the reporting period in response to the general rising price of raw materials.

8. Financial assets available for sales

Particulars on financial assets available for sale

                        Item                         Fair value at period-end                      Fair value at year-begin

       Tradable shares with trading
                                                                        80,992,172.80                              95,740,001.28

                        Total                                           80,992,172.80                              95,740,001.28

—On 18 Aug. 2010, China Everbright Bank listed on Shanghai Stock Exchange with shares of
24,176,768.00 owned by the Company turned into tradable shares with trading moratorium. Up to 30 Jun.
2011, the fair value of China Everbright Bank was RMB80,992,172.80, and the change in fair value was
RMB14,747,828.48. In accordance with relevant regulations, the Company made provision for deferred
income tax liabilities of RMB2,212,174.27, of which the difference of RMB12,535,654.21 recorded into
capital reserve.

9. Long-term equity investment

English Translation for Reference Only

Net amount of long-term equity investment as at 30 Jun. 2011 stands at RMB454,723,766.01, which is
detailed as follows according to types:

                      Opening balance                                                               Closing balance
                                                      Increase in this     Decrease in
                                 Provision for            period           this period                              Provision for
                    Amount                                                                       Amount
                                 impairment                                                                          impairment

                                 5,850,000.0                                                                        5,850,000.0
               11,850,000.00                                                                 11,850,000.00
                                              0                                                                                   0
to affiliated                                         12,600,000.0 1,249,923.5
 enterprises 36,703,867.37                       -                                           48,053,943.78
                                                                     0                   9
investment 403,968,727.0 3,298,904.8                                                         403,968,727.0 3,298,904.8
                          4           1                                      4           1
        Total 452,522,594.4 9,148,904.8 12,600,000.0 1,249,923.5 463,872,670.8 9,148,904.8

                         1             1             0               9                                          2                 1
Particulars on category of long-term equity investment are listed as follows:

—Stock investment

    Name of            Stock      Number         Proportion in       Invested                  Closing              Impairment
    invested          nature      of stock            registered     amount                  market value            reserve
   company                                            capital of
Shenzhen             Corporate                       Less than
                                   650,000            invested           5,850,000.00                       -       5,850,000.00
Zhonghao              shares                            5%
(Group) Ltd.
Chengdu              Corporate
                                 5,000,000             6.94%             6,000,000.00                       -                    -
Hongbo                shares
Industrial   Co.,
Ltd.                                                                 11,850,000.00                          -       5,850,000.00

—A full-amount impairment reserve has been withdrawn for the investment to Shenzhen
Zhonghao (Group) Ltd. for its inability to offset debts with assets.

English Translation for Reference Only

—Investment to affiliated entities

                                                                                                             Total closing                                   Total operating
                                         Equity-holding     Voting rights ratio in      Total closing                               Closing net assets                                  Net profit in current
            Invested entity                                                                                    liabilities                                 revenue in current
                                            ratio (%)        invested entity (%)       assets amount                                     amount                                                period
                                                                                                                amount                                             period
Qinghai Fozhao Lithium Ion Battery
                                              38%                   38%                100,700,244.04         7,400,000.00              93,300,244.04                                           -3,289,272.61
Cathode Materials Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Fozhao Guoxuan Power
                                             50.00%               50.00%                12,600,000.00                        -          12,600,000.00                                                           -
Energy Co., Ltd.
—In Mar 2011, the Company and Gefei Guoxuan Power Energy Co., Ltd. signed Contract on Investing and Establishing Guangdong Fozhao Guoxuan Power Energy
Co., Ltd. Together. In accordance with relevant regulations, registered capital of it is RMB 50 million, with the Company holds 50% equities of it. The Company has
paid a first phase investment of RMB 12.6 million on Jun. 2011 that Guangdong Fozhao Guoxuan Power Energy Co., Ltd. was established on 27 Jun. 2011.

—Other equity investment

                                                                                                                      Equity-holdi         Voting        ng ratio and                        Impairmen
                              Accou                                                                                                                                                                             Cash
                                       Initial investment       Opening         Increase/de         Closing            ng ratio in       rights ratio      voting           Impairment        t reserve
     Invested entity           nting                                                                                                                                                                          bonus for
                                             cost               balance              crease         balance              invested        in invested     rights ratio         reserve          for this
                              method                                                                                                                                                                          this period
                                                                                                                        entity (%)        entity (%)     in invested                           period
                                                                                                                                                          entity are
                                                                                                                                                            not in
Guangzhou Zhujiang            Cost
Asset Management              method      10,000,000.00       10,000,000.00                   -   10,000,000.00              15.38%          15.38%       In accord         3,298,904.81                  -               -
Company Limited
Guangdong                     Cost
                                             500,000.00          500,000.00                   -         500,000.00    Less than5% Less than5%             In accord                      -                -               -
Development Bank              method

English Translation for Reference Only

Foshan Branch

Foshan Fochen Road         Cost
Development Company        method         20,757,600.00    11,175,627.38        11,175,627.38   7.66%    7.66%    In accord              -   -   -
Shenzhen Liangke           Cost
Venture Capital            method         13,718,882.66    13,718,882.66   -    13,718,882.66   18.50%   18.50%   In accord              -   -   -
Company Limited
Xiamen Commercial          Cost
                                         208,574,217.00   208,574,217.00       208,574,217.00   9.99%    9.99%    In accord              -   -   -
Bank                       method
Hefei Guoxuan              Cost
High-tech Power Energy     method        160,000,000.00   160,000,000.00       160,000,000.00   18.00%   18.00%   In accord              -   -   -
Co., Ltd.

            Total                        413,550,699.66   403,968,727.04       403,968,727.04                                 3,298,904.81   -

English Translation for Reference Only

10. Fixed Assets and Accumulated Depreciation

Net fixed assets as at 30 Jun. 2011 stands at RMB632,893,846.71, which is detailed as follows:

                                                                             Decrease in this
               Items        Opening amount       Increase in this period                         Closing amount
Original value of fixed

Housing and building           552,309,340.86           1,002,069.14                 23,926.17    553,287,483.83

Machinery equipments        1,133,488,467.77                6,323,870          22,647,743.00     1,117,164,594.77
equipments                      15,246,419.14             294,532.42               203,247.86       15,337,703.70

Other equipment                 22,197,702.01             693,745.57                 63,127.18      22,828,320.40

Total                       1,723,241,929.78            8,314,217.13           22,938,044.21     1,708,618,102.70

Housing and building           255,770,716.96         14,146,784.58                  37,367.22    269,880,134.32

Machinery equipments           761,870,584.67         39,168,043.50            17,578,877.87      783,459,750.30
equipments                      10,217,194.62             585,278.34                 33,813.31      10,768,659.65

Other equipment                 10,216,920.63           1,067,673.08                 35,632.31      11,248,961.40

Total                       1,038,075,416.88          54,967,779.50            17,685,690.71     1,075,357,505.67
Impairment reserve for
fixed assets

Machinery equipments             2,043,648.78                                    1,676,898.46          366,750.32

Net value                      683,122,864.12                                                     632,893,846.71
—Construction in progress with original value of RMB1,804,805.62 was transferred into fixed assets in the
reporting period.

—Depreciation amount recorded into operating cost, operating expenses and administrative expenses totaled
RMB54,967,779.50 in current period.

—Up until 30 Jun. 2011, there had existed no fixed assets temporarily idle, rent in by financial leasing or
held for sale.

—Impairment reserves for fixed assets:
          Item of fixed                                                    Written off in this
                            Opening amount      Increase in this period                          Closing amount
            asset                                                                period

Machinery equipment
                                2,043,648.78                          -         1,676,898.46          366,750.32

English Translation for Reference Only

—The Company had withdrawn in previous years provisions for impairment of fixed assets on some
machinery equipments which failed to meet requirements of production processes and might result in losses.
Written off in this period is due to measurement to fixed assets that has made provisions for impairment loss
on the previous period.

English Translation for Reference Only

11. Construction in Process

Balance of construction in process as at 30 Jun. 2011 stands at RMB123,045,179.20, which is detailed as follows:

                                                           Closing balance                                                                  Opening balance
                                     Book balance         Impairment reserve           Net book value               Book balance            Impairment reserve          Net book value

 Construction in process               123,045,179.20                                     123,045,179.20                 100,914,324.93                            -         100,914,324.93
           Total                       123,045,179.20                                     123,045,179.20                 100,914,324.93                            -         100,914,324.93

—Changes in construction in process:
                                                                                                Amount transferred into
 Name of construction project                   Opening amount       Increase in this period   fixed assets in this period     Other decrease         Closing amount          Funds source
 Fuwan Lighting Industrial Park                     43,793,376.74              2,269,706.58                   19,441.17                                  46,043,642.15           funds
 Furnace                                            20,063,324.21               149,041.21                     8,200.00                                  20,204,165.42           funds
 4#, 5# factories in Xinxiang, Henan                 7,901,630.50                                                                                         7,901,630.50           funds
 Production        lines   of   T8     and                                                                                                                                     Self-owned
 metal-halide lamps                                  6,602,750.94              8,757,668.38                   77,153.00                                  15,283,266.32           funds
 Rebuilding of liya line                             4,975,561.95              1,144,444.78                 462,866.75                                    5,657,139.98           funds
 Fuwan Hotel and supporting facilities               1,111,239.00                                                                   296,300.00                814,939.00         funds
 Production line of T5 fluorescent lamp                 90,000.00                                                                                                90,000.00       funds
 T8 Workshop                                            24,547.94               765,856.92                                                                    790,404.86         funds

English Translation for Reference Only

                                                                                             Amount transferred into
 Name of construction project                Opening amount     Increase in this period      fixed assets in this period        Other decrease         Closing amount      Funds source
 Other                                          16,351,893.65         11,145,242.02                     1,237,144.70                                      26,259,990.97       funds

 Total                                        100,914,324.93          24,231,959.89                     1,804,805.62                 296,300.00         123,045,179.20
—None of the items of projects under construction has any interest to be capitalized and exchange gain or loss.

—As at 30 Jun. 2011, the Company did not need to withdraw provision for impairment of projects under construction.

12. Intangible assets

                                                                Increase in current       Transfer out in     Amortization in         Accumulated                            Acquisition
         Type             Initial amount      Opening balance                                                                                            Closing balance
                                                                      period              current period       current period         amortization                             mode
                                                                                                                                                                           Assignment and
Land use right           253,215,544.34        220,544,019.70                     -                            3,821,453.37           36,492,978.01      216,722,566.33       purchase
                                                                                                                                                                              Input by
Patent right                                        63,333.06                                                                             146,666.96           53,333.04
                                200,000.00                                        -                               10,000.02                                                   investors

                         253,415,544.34        220,607,352.76                     -                            3,831,453.39           36,639,644.97      216,775,899.37
—As at 30 Jun. 2011, the Company has no provision for impairment of intangible assets that need to be withdrawn.

English Translation for Reference Only

13. Deferred income tax assets/deferred income liabilities

—Recognized deferred income tax assets/deferred income tax liabilities

                               Items                             Closing amount       Opening amount

Deferred income tax assets:

Provision for assets impairment                                        5,061,141.65         5,146,336.49

Depreciation of fixed assets                                          12,150,494.52        12,219,435.34

Payroll payable                                                        5,094,763.20         5,094,763.20

Fair value change gains and losses                                        24,386.35             1,963.24

Total                                                                 22,330,785.72        22,462,498.27

Deferred income liabilities:

Fair value changes on financial assets available for sale              7,524,503.52         9,736,677.79

Total                                                                  7,524,503.52         9,736,677.79

—Items of assets/liabilities leading to temporary difference and relevant amount:

Items                                                            Closing balance      Opening balance

Deferred income tax assets

Provision for assets impairment
                                                                     33,740,944.35         34,066,655.02

Depreciation of fixed assets
                                                                     81,003,296.83         81,462,902.24

Payroll payable
                                                                     33,965,088.00         33,965,088.00

Fair value changes on tradable financial assets
                                                                         162,575.62            13,088.30

                                                                    148,871,904.80       149,507,733.56
Deferred income liabilities:

Fair value changes on financial assets available for sale
                                                                     50,163,356.80         64,911,185.28

                                                                     50,163,356.80         64,911,185.28

English Translation for Reference Only

14. Provision for Assets Impairment
                                    Opening        Increase in current period        Decrease in current period        Closing
                                     balance           Other         Withdrawn       Written back     Write-off        balance

Provision for bad debts of                         increase

accounts receivable                21,331,496.46                -    1,636,794.13                                 22,968,290.59

Provision for bad debts of
other receivables
                                    1,399,449.72                -                     285,606.34                      1,113,843.38
Provision for falling price
of inventory                         143,155.25                 -                                                      143,155.25

Provision for impairment
of long-term investment             9,148,904.81                -                                                     9,148,904.81

Provision for impairment            2,043,648.78                -                    1,676,898.46                      366,750.32
of fixed assets

                                   34,066,655.02                -    1,636,794.13    1,962,504.80                 33,740,944.35
15. Accounts Payable
                      Items                                 Closing balance                          Opening balance

             Accounts payable                           271,514,170.73                              192,615,874.39
—Among the closing balance of accounts payable, and increase amount of RMB78,898,296.34 compared to
period-begin, an increase of 40.96% which is mainly for rising price of raw material this reporting period
and increase in inventories.

—There was no significant accounts payable aged more than 3 years.

16. Advance from customers

                      Items                             Closing balance                             Opening balance

          Advance from customers                        16,820,927.52                               22,598,645.79
—The closing balance of the advance from the customers is all advances on sales. There was no advance
from customers aged more than 3 years.

— Among the closing balance of the advance from the customers, there was no advance from customers due
from shareholders with more than 5% (including 5%) of the voting shares of the Company.

17. Payroll payable

                                                               Increase in current   Payment in current
             Items                   Opening balance                                                         Closing balance
                                                                     period                period
Salary,    bonus,    allowance
and subsidy                                 387,288.70           131,133,074.96       131,481,963.66               38,400.00

Share incentive fund                    53,705,277.53                430,060.00         12,031,866.00         42,103,471.53

Employee welfare                                        -            872,269.29            872,269.29

English Translation for Reference Only

                                                           Increase in current   Payment in current
             Items                Opening balance                                                       Closing balance
                                                                   period              period

Labor union fee                                     -              483,913.90          483,913.90

Social insurance                                    -            14,251,617.47       14,251,617.47
Including:             Medical
                                                    -             4,508,836.50        4,508,836.50
       Basic         endowment
                                                    -             7,352,541.94        7,352,541.94
                                                    -              720,077.89          720,077.89
       Injury         insurance
                                                    -             1,384,405.05        1,384,405.05
        Pregnancy insurance
                                                    -              285,756.09          285,756.09

Housing fund                                        -              254,662.40          254,662.40

             Total                   54,092,566.23           161,677,215.49         173,627,910.19       42,141,871.53
—There was no payroll payable in arrears in the Company. The balance of ―Salary, bonus, allowance and
subsidy‖ presented in the payroll payable has been paid in Jul. 2011.

18. Taxes payable

As at 30 Jun. 2011, the Company’s balance of taxes payable is RMB39,888,211.52, the details as below:

                     Taxes                              Closing balance                         Opening balance

Corporate income tax
                                                                    13,428,529.84                         18,417,980.75
                                                                    -3,021,188.18                        -28,473,420.69
                                                                    29,480,869.86                          5,042,405.40
                                                       39,888,211.52                        -5,013,034.54
—Among the closing balance of taxes payable, an increase amount of RMB44,901,246.07 compared to
period-begin, an increase of 895.69% which is mainly for the need of prepaying individual income tax and
corporate income tax for bonus.

19. Other Payables

                       Items                            Closing balance                         Opening balance

                Other payables                      35,333,182.19                               30,383,813.76
—Among the closing balance of other payables, the amount of RMB10,826,555.36 is a payment aged more
than 3 years, which is mainly for margin money paid by material suppliers.

—Among the closing balance, there were no other payables due from shareholders with more than 5%
(including 5%) of the voting shares of the Company.

20. Dividends Payable

                     Items                              Closing balance                         Opening balance

English Translation for Reference Only

            Dividends payable                              3,415,262.58
—Closing balance of dividends payable is bonus money payable of subsidy Foshan Taimei Times Lamps
and Lanterns Co., Ltd. to other shareholders pay in advance.

21. Deferred income

                          Items                          Closing balance                                             Notes

Government grants
                                                                                                    No 3174 document of Fa-Gai-Tou-Zi
                                                                                                    (2008) ―National Development and
                                                                                                    Reform Commission on 2009 Ten
                                                                                                    Major Energy Conservation Projects,
                                                          9,852,274.95          9,852,274.95        Circular     Economy     and       Industrial
                                                                                                    Pollution Treatment Projects in Key
Including: The project of electronic energy-saving                                                  Watersheds and Investment Plan of
lamp transformed from incandescence lamp                                                            New Add Central Budget 2008‖
                                                                                                    Government grant for pointed industry
Production line of 50 million energy-saving                                                         investment     besides       ―4   plus        8‖
fluorescent lamp                                          1,395,000.00          1,395,000.00        industries in 2010 issued by Nanjing
                                                                                                    Financial Bureau
The project of furnace desulphurization and dust                                                    No. 689 document of NanFuFu[2009]
removal system                                               619,666.72              704,166.70     of government of Nanhai District

Total                                                    11,815,274.99        11,951,441.65
22. Share Capital
                              Opening amount                       Increase/decrease in current period                    Closing amount
                                                                        subject to
        Items                                 Propor      on of                                                        Proportion        Numbe
                              Number                                      trading        Subtotal        Number
                                              tion %     capital                                                             %                 r

 I. Shares subject to
 trading moratorium

 1. Shares held by
 domestic         legal           3,942,813     0.57                -                -                                   3,942,813             0.40
 2. Shares held by
 foreign          legal     131,815,685        13.47                -                -                                 131,815,685            13.47
 3. Shares held by
 domestic       natural           1,527,787        -                -                -                                   1,527,787             0.16

English Translation for Reference Only

 4. Shares held by
 foreign            legal       8,404,132                           -                     -8,404,132     -8,404,132
 Total             shares
 subject to trading           145,690,417      14.04                -                -                                  137,286,285       14.03
 II.      Shares     not
 subject to trading                    0
 1. RMB ordinary
                              616,056,423      62.94                -                -                                  616,056,423       62.96
 2.       Domestically
 listed        foreign        216,816,905      23.02                -                -    8,404,132       8,404,132     225,221,037       23.02
 Total shares        not
 subject to trading           832,873,328      85.96                -                -                                  832,873,328       85.97

 III. Total shares            978,563,745     100.00                -                -                                  978,563,745    100.00

23. Capital Reserve
                                                                                         Decrease in current
           Items                 Opening amount        Increase in current period                                     Closing amount

Share premium
                                  582,653,147.29                                                                       582,653,147.29
  Provision for equity
           investment                       4,514.43                                                                           4,514.43
  Other capital reserve
                                   62,589,112.81                                            12,535,654.21               50,053,458.60
                                  645,246,774.53                                            12,535,654.21              632,711,120.32
—Decrease of share reserves this period is due to a difference of RMB12,535,654.21 of the change in fair
value of the holding shares of China Everbright Bank deducting deferred income tax.

24. Surplus reserve

                                                       Increase in current pe       Decrease in current pe
             Items              Opening amount                                                                   Closing amount
                                                                riod                         riod
Statutory           surplus
                                  418,547,357.61                                                                      418,547,357.61
  Discretionary surplus
                reserve           136,886,568.36                                                                      136,886,568.36
                                  555,433,925.97                                                                      555,433,925.97
25. Retained profit

                               Items                                       Current period                        Last period

Retained profit as at the end of last year before adjustment
                                                                                587,668,581.79                        566,135,541.76
Total opening retained profit adjusted

English Translation for Reference Only

Opening retained profit after adjustment
                                                                            587,668,581.79                  566,135,541.76
Plus: Net profit attributable to parent company for current
                                                                            117,867,457.28                     80,817,767.97
Less: Appropriation of statutory surplus reserves

       Dividends distributed for ordinary shares
                                                                            244,640,936.25                  215,284,023.90
Closing retained profit
                                                                            460,895,102.82                  431,669,285.83
Of which: Cash dividends to be distributed

26. Operating Income and Operating Cost
—Category of operating income and operating cost is listed as follows:
                                           Amount of current period                         Amount of last period
                                      Revenue                     Cost                 Revenue                    Cost

Main operation                   1,084,190,077.75          814,325,046.72             817,689,117.18           620,284,762.95
Others                               11,129,225.49            6,791,153.29              6,671,227.47             5,185,551.26
Total                            1,095,319,303.24           821,116,200.01            824,360,344.65           625,470,314.21
—Breakdown of main operation income according to industries:
                                           Amount of current period                         Amount of last period
                                      Revenue                     Cost                 Revenue                    Cost
Lighting equipments and
lamps                            1,073,898,556.06          808,297,835.81             808,490,507.69           615,400,972.89

Income from hotel                   10,291,521.69             6,027,210.91              9,198,609.49             4,883,790.06
Total                            1,084,190,077.75          814,325,046.72             817,689,117.18           620,284,762.95
—Breakdown of main operation income from products sales according to regions:
Item                                       Amount of current period                         Amount of last period
                                      Revenue                     Cost                 Revenue                    Cost

Domestic sales                     680,028,197.19          512,563,506.22             485,990,174.25           371,009,678.35
Export sales                       393,870,358.87          295,734,329.59             322,500,333.44           244,391,294.54
Total                            1,073,898,556.06          808,297,835.81             808,490,507.69           615,400,972.89
—Top five customers in sales income:
                                                                                         Proportion in total operating revenue
                 Customer                               Operating revenue

                Customer 1                                            70,330,195.13                                       6.42

                Customer 2                                            40,814,976.58                                       3.73

                Customer 3                                            32,103,181.94                                       2.93

                Customer 4                                            22,296,270.92                                       2.04

                Customer 5                                            21,647,391.04                                       1.98

English Translation for Reference Only

                    Total                                          187,192,015.61                                           17.09
27. Taxes and Associate Charges
                Items                        Amount of current period       Amount of last period         Measurement basis

City maintenance and construction
tax                                                     6,588,334.69                4,658,284.63           7% of turnover tax

Educational surtax                                      4,704,861.13                1,996,407.69           3% of turnover tax

Business tax                                              527,586.90                   564,174.87        5% of taxable income

Others                                                     39,795.79                     9,486.80                               -
Total                                                 11,860,578.51                 7,228,353.99
28. Operating expenses
                  Category                            Amount of current period                      Amount of last period

Transportation expenses                                             18,907,862.14                               16,687,284.00
Service   charges     on    promotion   of
energy-saving products                                                   9,248,087.2                              7,988,370.22

Payroll                                                                 6,893,770.73                              5,400,899.25
Advertising       expenses,      business
propagandize fee                                                        7,472,394.24                              2,045,834.38

Commission                                                              1,313,771.07                              1,160,190.58

Travel charge                                                           1,605,138.54                              1,001,197.32

Other                                                                   6,669,081.69                              4,947,841.75

Total                                                               52,110,105.61                                 39,231,617.5
29. Management expense
                  Category                            Amount of current period                      Amount of last period

Employee payroll                                                    11,589,221.90                                 8,870,677.65

Depreciation charges                                                    7,282,621.67                              6,874,395.06

Tax expense                                                             5,318,621.99                              6,282,259.81

Office expenses                                                         2,589,276.85                              1,849,445.60
Expenses on amortization of intangible
assets                                                                  3,831,453.39                              1,919,010.30

Research and development expenses                                        838,765.65                                 424,380.86

Text and examination charge                                             1,235,640.88                              1,750,400.18

Other                                                               26,505,571.18                               27,888,561.74

Total                                                               59,191,173.51                               55,859,131.20
30. Financial expense

English Translation for Reference Only

                   Category                           Amount of current period                     Amount of last period
Interest expense

                     Less: Interest revenue                              3,522,919.74                              5,205,520.58
                              Exchange loss                              1,422,100.41                                598,716.80
                       Less: Exchange gain

                                                                         1,047,167.73                              1,149,477.38
                                                                        -1,053,651.60                             -3,457,326.40
—Financial expense increase RMB2,403,674.80 compared with last period, an increase of 69.52%, mainly
due to bank deposit of the Company decreases that leads to interest expense decreases.

31. Assets Impairment Losses

                   Items                               Amount of current period                       Amount of last period

Bad debts losses                                                        1,351,187.79                                -185,412.49

Total                                                                   1,351,187.79                                -185,412.49
32. Gains and Loss on the Changes in Fair Value

                              Items                                     Amount of current period           Amount of last period

Income from changes in fair value of tradable financial
                                                                                    -162,575.62                                     -
33. Investment Income

                              Items                                     Amount of current period          Amount of last period

Income from long-term equity investments calculated by
cost method
   Long-term equity investment calculated by equity method
Investment income obtained through holding tradable financial
Investment income obtained through holding available-for-sale
financial assets, etc.                                                            2,287,122.25
Investment income obtained through disposing tradable financial
assets                                                                               13,971.96

Total                                                                                                                178,118.10
34. Non-operating income

                                                                                                          Amount recorded into
                                              Occurred amount of this       Occurred amount of last
                   Items                                                                                  non-recurring gains and
                                                      period                        period
                                                                                                           losses of this period
Total    gains     from    disposal   of
                                                           63,947.00                    186,413.73                     63,947.00
non-current assets

English Translation for Reference Only

Including: Gains from disposal of
                                                               63,947.00                   186,413.73                     63,947.00
fixed assets
          Gains         from   disposal     of
intangible assets

Government subsidy                                           903,288.66                1,298,249.58                     903,288.66
Accounts payable that irrecoverable
                                                               34,505.15                                                  34,505.15
due to the creditor

Other                                                        598,617.69                     46,977.20                   598,617.69
                                                           1,600,358.50                1,531,640.51                   1,600,358.50
35. Non-operating expense
                                                                                                             Amount recorded into
                       Items                        Amount of this period       Amount of last period       non-recurring gains and
                                                                                                              losses of this period
Losses on disposal of fixed assets
                                                            5,189,155.92                   230,673.71                 5,189,155.92
                                                                 4,620.00               1,000,000.00                       4,620.00
                                                              671,129.03                1,299,041.45                    671,129.03
                                                            5,864,904.95                2,529,715.16                  5,864,904.95
36. Income tax expense

                                                            Amount of this period                       Amount of last period

Current income tax expense                                                 25,610,018.60                            17,240,377.60

Deferred income tax expense                                                  -464,470.12                                818,548.82

Total                                                                      25,145,548.48                            18,058,926.42
37. Earnings per share

               Items                               Amount of this period                          Amount of last period

Basic earnings per share                                                      0.120                                             0.083

Diluted earnings per share                                                    0.120                                             0.083
—The above earnings per share are calculated in accordance with the Rules for the Compilation of
Information Disclosures by the Companies that Offer Securities to the Public No. 9- Calculation and
Disclosure of Net Return of Equity and Earnings per Share (revised in 2010). Please refer to NoteⅩⅠ for
details of the calculation process.

38. Other comprehensive income

                                                                                        Amount of this
                                           Items                                                              Amount of last period

English Translation for Reference Only

1. Gain/(loss) arising from available-for-sale financial assets                   -14,747,828.48

Less: Effects of income tax generating from available-for-sale financial
Net amount transferred into profit and loss in the current period that recorded
into other comprehensive income in previous period

                                     Subtotal                                     -12,535,654.21

2. Other

Less: Effects of income tax generating from other recorded into other
comprehensive income
Net amount transferred into profit and loss in the current period that recorded
into other comprehensive income in previous period

39. Other Cash Received Relating to Operating Activities

Other cash received relating to operating activities is RMB7,810,787.51 in the 1st half year of 2011, main
items are as below:

                             Items                                                      Amount

Deposit interest

Income from subsidy                                                                                    726,000.00

Income from property and rental of equipment                                                           283,068.87

Others                                                                                               3,278,798.90

40. Other Cash Paid Relating to Operating Activities

Other cash paid relating to operating activities is RMB62,083,411.78 in 2011, main items are as below:

                             Items                                                      Amount

Transport charges
Advertising and general publicity expense
Expense for product promotion
Office expense                                                                                      8,855,791.26
Land lease and administration expense                                                                900,000.00

English Translation for Reference Only

41. Supplemental information of cash flow statement

                        Supplemental information                   Amount of this period   Amount of last period

1. Reconciliation of net profit to net cash flows generated from
 operating activities
Net profit                                                             122,809,485.51           81,334,783.67

Add: Provision for impairment of assets                                   1,351,187.79             -185,412.49

     Depreciation of fixed assets                                       54,967,779.50           57,148,508.53

     Amortization of intangible assets                                    3,831,453.39            1,919,010.30

     Amortization of long-term deferred expense

     Losses on disposal of property, plant and equipment,
                                                                          5,125,208.92               44,259.98
intangible assets and other long-term assets (gains: negative)
     Losses on retirement of fixed assets

     Losses from variation of fair value                                    175,663.92

     Financial cost                                                         428,597.63              712,700.32

     Investment loss (gains: negative)                                   -1,051,170.64             -178,118.10
    Decrease in deferred income tax assets
                                                                           -464,470.12              818,548.82
(―+‖ means increase)
       Increase in deferred income tax liabilities
(―-‖ means decrease)
     Decrease in inventory (increase: negative)                        -99,381,798.85         -102,629,165.04
     Decrease in accounts receivable from operating activities
                                                                       -43,656,532.46            -2,427,440.30
(increase: negative)
     Increase in payables from operating activities
                                                                        30,333,153.26           39,048,023.04
(decrease: negative)
Net cash flows generated from operating activities                                              75,605,698.73
2. Net increase in cash and cash equivalents

  Closing balance of cash                                              547,799,984.61          879,598,148.06

  Less: opening balance of cash                                        711,625,404.65        1,036,582,265.88

  Closing balance of cash equivalents

  Less: Opening balance of cash equivalents

  Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                           -163,825,420.04         -156,984,117.82

— Cash and cash equivalents

                                 Items                              Closing balance        Opening balance

English Translation for Reference Only

I. Cash                                                                          547,799,984.61               711,853,632.95

Including: Cash on hand                                                                 73,199.54                    114,480.22

     Bank deposit on demand                                                      547,721,103.99               701,830,065.08

     Other monetary funds on demand                                                      5,681.08                9,909,087.65

II. Cash equivalent                                                                                                             -

Including: Bond investment due in three months                                                                                  -

III. Closing balance of cash and cash equivalents                                547,799,984.61               711,853,632.95

(VII). Notes to the Financial Statements of Parent Company

1. Accounts Receivable

Net account receivable as at 30 Jun. 2011 stands at RMB 349,636,837.08, which is detailed as follows
according to varieties:

                                                    Closing balance                                       Opening balance

                                     Book balance              Bad debt provision            Book balance               Bad debt provision
                                              Proportion                   Proportion                   Proportion                      Proportio
                                 Amount                       Amount                      Amount                       Amount
                                                 (%)                          (%)                          (%)                           n (%)

Accounts receivable with
                                          -               -            -            -               -            -                  -            -
significant single amount
allotted individually for bad
Accounts receivable allotted in combination for bad debt provisions
debt provisions

Combinations of ordinary        350,427,921.78       94.22    21,025,675.31      6.00 328,964,325.70         93.09 19,737,859.53             6.00

Combinations of internal         20,234,590.61        5.44                              23,337,816.95         6.60                  -            -

Subtotal of combinations        370,662,512.39       99.67    21,025,675.31      5.67 352,302,142.65         99.69 19,737,859.53             5.60

Accounts receivable with          1,245,185.87        0.33     1,245,185.87    100.00    1,085,613.12         0.31    1,085,613.12        100.00
insignificant single amount
allotted individually for bad
             Total              371,907,698.26      100.00    22,270,861.18      5.99 353,387,755.77        100.00 20,823,472.65             5.89
debt provisions

—Aging analysis of balances of accounts receivable allotted for bad debt provisions by balance-percentage
method in combinations:

    English Translation for Reference Only

                                   Closing balance                                              Opening balance

                      Book balance               Bad debt provision                 Book balance                   Bad debt provision
                                                              Withdrawal                                                        Withdrawal
                  Amount                        Amount        proportion       Amount       Proportion (%)        Amount        proportion
                                                                 (%)                                                               (%)

Within       1 330,370,748.27        94.28 19,822,244.90                6 318,282,858.45              96.75 19,096,971.50                 6
1-2 years       14,168,319.01         4.04       850,099.14             6 10,210,913.85                3.10       612,654.83              6

2-3 years        4,017,068.24         1.15       241,024.09             6      351,846.84              0.11         21,110.81             6

Over 3 years     1,871,786.26         0.53       112,307.18             6      118,706.56              0.04          7,122.39             6

   Total       350,427,921.78       100.00 21,025,675.31                6 328,964,325.70             100.00 19,737,859.53                 6

    —Accounts receivable with insignificant single amount allotted individually for bad debt provisions

               Content                   Book balance          Bad debt provision                                     Reason

    Guangzhou            Yaotong
    Lighting         Appliances
                                                                                                              Estimatedly uncollectible
    Trading Co., Ltd.                         729,453.94                729,453.94          100.00%

       Jilin Changchun Meijia
     Shopping Mall Yongchun                                                                                   Estimatedly uncollectible
     Wholesale Haitian Lamps                  184,263.00                184,263.00       100.00%

            Dongda Economic &                                                                                 Estimatedly uncollectible
                Trade Co., Ltd.               142,107.94                142,107.94       100.00%

    Shanghai Xianyi Lighting
    Electrical Appliances Co.,                                                                                Estimatedly uncollectible
    Ltd.                                         185,237                    185,237      100.00%

    Jilin Changchun Haitian
    Commerce&Trade          Co.,                                                                              Estimatedly uncollectible
    Ltd.                                        4,123.99                    4,123.99     100.00%

                   Total                   1,245,185.87               1,245,185.87       100.00%

    —The top five entities owing accounts receivable

                                                                 Closing amount                                Opening amount
                                                              Amount              Proportion              Amount                Proportion

            Total amount and proportion of the
                                                        67,925,264.60               18.26%            119,661,219.69             33.86%
            top five entities owing arrears

English Translation for Reference Only

—Main entities owing accounts receivable

                                         Relation with                                                                Proportion in
                   Rank                                       Arrear amount                      Age
                                         the Company                                                               accounts receivable

              No.1                        Unrelated               37,918,081.90             With 1 year                          10.20%

              No.2                        Unrelated                  8,576,922.94           With 1 year                            2.31%

              No.3                                                 8,441,256.38             With 1 year
                                          Unrelated                                                                                2.27%

              No.4                                                 7,211,779.83             With 1 year
                                          Unrelated                                                                                1.94%

              No.5                                                 5,777,223.55             With 1 year
                                          Unrelated                                                                                1.55%

              Total                                               67,925,264.60                                                  18.26%

—For details of arrears in the closing balance of accounts receivable owed by shareholders holding more
than 5% (including 5%) equity of the Company, please refer to Note.VIII.

2. Other receivables

Net amount of other receivables as at 30 Jun. 2011 stands at RMB59,511,046.61, which is detailed as
follows according to types:

                                                Closing balance                                         Opening balance

                                    Book balance            Bad debt provision             Book balance            Bad debt provision
                                               Proportion                Proportion                   Proportion                Proportion
                                 Amount                     Amount                      Amount                     Amount
                                                  (%)                       (%)                          (%)                       (%)

Other receivables with
significant single
amount allotted
individually for bad
debt provisions

Other receivables allotted in combination for bad debt provisions

Combinations of
                               10,201,752.82       16.94 612,105.17            6.00 20,962,409.88         99.51 1,257,744.59          6.00
 ordinary businesses

Combinations of
                               49,921,398.96       82.89                              42,413,542.58            -            -            -
 internal businesses

Subtotal                  of
                               60,123,151.78       99.82 612,105.17            1.02 63,375,952.46         99.51 1,257,744.59          1.98

    English Translation for Reference Only

    Other receivables with
    insignificant single
    amount allotted                106,552.50          0.18 106,552.50       100.00 106,552.50            0.49 106,552.50        100.00
    individually for bad
    debt provisions

               Total            60,229,704.28    100.00 718,657.67             1.19 63,482,504.96          100 1,364,297.09           2.15

    —Aging analysis of balances of other receivables allotted for bad debt provisions by balance-percentage
    method in combinations:

                                     Closing balance                                          Opening balance

                         Book balance            Bad debt provision               Book balance              Bad debt provision
                                                             Withdrawal                                                Withdrawal
                                   Proportion                                               Proportion
                       Amount                   Amount        proportion       Amount                      Amount      proportion
                                        (%)                                                      (%)
                                                                  (%)                                                     (%)

Within 1 year    9,614,052.82           94,24 576,843.17                 6 18,764,295.83         89.51 1,125,857.75               6

1-2 years                                                                     711,800.77          3.40     42,708.04              6

2-3 years          200,000.00            1.96 12,000.00                  6    445,613.66          2.13     26,736.82              6

Over 3 years       387,700.00            3.80 23,262.00                  6 1,040,699.62           4.96     62,441.98              6

    Total       10,201,752.82         100.00 612,105.17                  6 20,962,409.88        100.00 1,257,744.59               6

    —The top five entities owing other receivables

                                                               Closing amount                              Opening amount
                                                         Amount               Proportion               Amount           Proportion

    Total amount and proportion of the top         56,001,189.08                   92.98%         53,949,252.30                  84.98%
    five entities owing arrears

    —Main entities owing other receivables

     Rank         Relation with the Company                Arrear amount              Age              Proportion in other accounts

     No.1                Internal cash flow                 31,501,489.36         With 1 year                                    52.30%

     No.2                    Unrelated                        9,670,292.20        With 1 year                                    16.06%

     No.3                Internal cash flow                   9,196,537.91        With 1 year                                    15.27%

     No.4                Internal cash flow                   5,276,454.67       Over 1 year                                     8.76%
                                                               356,414.94                                                        0.59%
     No.5                Internal cash flow                                       With 1 year

     Total                                                  56,001,189.08                                                        92.98%

    —Withdrawal of bad debt provisions of other receivables with significant single amount or with insignificant

English Translation for Reference Only

amount but separately conducted for impairment test

                                               Book                                Bad debt      Withdrawal
                   Client                                         Aging                                               Reason
                                              balance                               amount       proportion

Fangcheng Yuli Glass Tube Co., Ltd.         106,552.50            Over 3 years    106,552.50        100.00          uncollectible

                   Total                    106,552.50                            106,552.50

—There’s no arrear in the closing balance of other receivables owed by shareholders holding more than 5%
(including 5%) equity of the Company.

3. Long-term equity investment

Balance of long-term equity investment of the Company amounted to RMB 820,200,766.01 as at 30 Jun.
2011, of which the breakdown is listed as the following:

Item                                                     Closing amount                             Opening amount

Stock investment                                                       6,000,000.00                                 6,000,000.00

               Investment on subsidiaries                           365,477,000.00                              155,477,000.00

           Investment on joint ventures                               48,053,943.78                              36,703,867.37

Other investment                                                    400,669,822.23                              400,669,822.23

Total                                                               820,200,766.01                              598,850,689.60

—Stock investment

                                                                  Proportion in
                                 Stock         Number of     registered capital       Invested                         Impairment
 Name of invested entity                                                                              market
                                 nature          stock             of invested        amount                             reserve

Shenzhen           Zhonghao    Corporate                       Lower than
                                                  650,000                            5,850,000.00               -      5,850,000.00
(Group) Ltd.                     shares                              5%

Chengdu              Hongbo    Corporate
                                                 5,000,000           6.94%           6,000,000.00               -                   -
Industrial Co., Ltd.             shares

           Total                                                                    11,850,000.00               -      5,850,000.00

             English Translation for Reference Only

             —Investment on subsidiaries

                                                                                                                                                         Explanation on
                                                                                                                                                          inconformity                    Impairm
                                                                                                               Equity-holding      Voting rights ratio      between         Impairm         ent
                           Initial investment                                                                                                                                                            bonus for
   Invested entity                              Opening balance       Increase / decrease   Closing balance    ratio in invested   in invested entity    equity-holding       ent         reserve
                                 cost                                                                                                                                                                      this
                                                                                                                  entity (%)              (%)            ratio and voting   reserve       for this
                                                                                                                                                         rights ration in                 period
                                                                                                                                                         invested entity

Foshan       Chansheng
Electronic      Ballast           750,000.00            750,000.00                      -        750,000.00              75.00%               75.00%       Accordant                  -              -
Co., Ltd.

Foshan       Chanchang
Electric     Appliances       42,000,000.00           42,000,000.00                     -     42,000,000.00              70.00%               70.00%       Accordant                  -              -
(Gaoming) Co., Ltd.

Foshan Taimei Times
Lamps and Lanterns                350,000.00            350,000.00                      -        350,000.00              70.00%               70.00%       Accordant                  -              -
Co., Ltd.

Foshan        Gaoming
Fuwan        Landscape          4,800,000.00           4,800,000.00                     -       4,800,000.00            100.00%              100.00%       Accordant                  -              -
Resort Co., Ltd.

Nanjing         Fozhao
Lighting Components
                              72,000,000.00           72,000,000.00                     -     72,000,000.00             100.00%              100.00%       Accordant                  -              -
Manufacturing      Co.,

FSL          (Xinxiang)         5,000,000.00           5,000,000.00                     -       5,000,000.00            100.00%              100.00%       Accordant                  -              -

             English Translation for Reference Only

Lighting Co., Ltd.

Qinghai            Fozhao
Lithium Ion Battery
                                  25,500,000.00         25,500,000.00                           25,500,000.00              51.00%                   51.00%        Accordant                    -                 -
Cathode        Materials
Co., Ltd

Foshan         Lighting
Lamps and Lanterns                    5,077,000.00       5,077,000.00                              5,077,000.00            100.00%              100.00%           Accordant                    -                 -
Co., Ltd.

Guangdong          Fozhao
New Light Sources                 10,000,000.00                             10,000,000.00       10,000,000.00              55.00%                   55.00%        Accordant
Technology Co., Ltd.

Guangdong          Fozhao
Financial          Leasing      200,000,000.00                             200,000,000.00      200,000,000.00              100.00%              100.00%           Accordant
Co., Ltd.

           Total                365,477,000.00        155,477,000.00       210,000,000.00      365,477,000.00

             —Investment on joint ventures

                                                                                                                                                        Explanation on
                                                                                                                            Equity-ho     Voting         inconformity
                                            Accoun                                                                         lding ratio     rights            between                           Impairment            Cash bonus
                                                          Initial         Opening       Increase/decrea        Closing                                                        Impairment
                    Invested entity           ting                                                                              in        ratio in      equity-holding                             reserve for        for this
                                                      investment cost      balance            se               balance                                                         reserve
                                            method                                                                          invested     invested       ratio and voting                           this period         period
                                                                                                                            entity (%)   entity (%)     rights ration in
                                                                                                                                                        invested entity

             Qinghai FSL Lithium             Equity
                                                      36,703,867.37     36,703,867.37   -1,249,923.59      35,453,943.78      38.00%       38.00%            Accordant                     -                 -                   -
             Energy Exploitation            method

English Translation for Reference Only

Co., Ltd.

Guangdong Fozhao
Guoxuan Power Energy                     12,600,000.00                        12,600,000.00     12,600,000.00      50.00%        50.00%       Accordant
Co., Ltd.

            Total                        49,303,867.37        36,703,867.37   11,350,076.41     48,053,943.78                                                                -                    -                   -

—Other investment

                                                                                                                 Equity-ho      Voting
                                                                                                                                              between                            Impairmen
                               Account                                              Increase                     lding ratio     rights                                                                 Cash
                                         Initial investment                                         Closing                                 equity-holdin   Impairment            t reserve
       Invested entity           ing                             Opening balance    /decreas                         in         ratio in                                                              bonus for
                                               cost                                                 balance                                  g ratio and      reserve             for this
                               method                                                  e                          invested     invested                                                           this period
                                                                                                                                            voting rights                          period
                                                                                                                 entity (%)    entity (%)
                                                                                                                                              ration in

Guangzhou           Zhujiang
Asset Management Co.,                        10,000,000.00          10,000,000.00               10,000,000.00      15.38%        15.38%      Accordant      3,298,904.81                      -                   -

                                  Cost                                                                              Lower        Lower
Development           Bank,                     500,000.00             500,000.00                   500,000.00                               Accordant                   -                    -                   -
                               method                                                                            than 5%       than 5%
Foshan Branch

Foshan               Fochen
Highway Development                          20,757,600.00          11,175,627.38               11,175,627.38        7.66%        7.66%      Accordant                   -                    -                   -
Co., Ltd.

English Translation for Reference Only

Shenzhen         Liangke
Venture Capital Co.,                      13,718,882.66    13,718,882.66    13,718,882.66   18.50%   18.50%   Accordant              -   -   -

Xiamen Bank                              154,969,875.00   208,574,217.00   208,574,217.00   9.99%    9.99%    Accordant              -   -   -

Hefei            Guoxuan
High-tech          Power                 160,000,000.00   160,000,000.00   160,000,000.00   18.00%   18.00%                          -   -   -
Energy Co., Ltd.

         Total                           390,775,173.66   403,968,727.04   403,968,727.04                                 3,298,904.81   -

English Translation for Reference Only

4. Investment income

                                  Item                                              Amount of this period          Amount of last period

Income from long-term equity investments calculated by cost
method                                                                                         7,968,946.01                 4,698,753.00

      Income from long-term equity investments calculated by
                                             equity method                                     -1,249,923.57
Investment income obtained through holding tradable financial

Investment income obtained through holding available-for-sale
financial assets, etc.                                                                         2,287,122.25
Investment income obtained through disposing tradable financial
assets                                                                                            13,971.97                     178,118.10

                                    Total                                                      9,020,116.66                 4,876,871.10

—Investment income of this period has increased by RMB 4,143,245.56 than last year, up by 84.96%, which
was because there’s a large amount of bonuses of subsidiaries as accounted by cost method.

—Long-term equity investment income accounted by cost method:

                            Invested entity                                         Amount of this period          Amount of last period

Foshan Lighting Lamps and Lanterns Co., Ltd.                                                                                1,750,000.00

             Foshan Taimei Times Lamps and Lanterns Co., Ltd.                                  7,968,946.01                 1,820,000.00

Foshan Chansheng Electronic Ballast Co., Ltd.                                                                               1,128,752.91

                                 Total                                                         7,968,946.01                 4,698,752.91

—Long-term equity investment income accounted by equity method:

                            Invested entity                                         Amount of this period          Amount of last period

Qinghai FSL Lithium Energy Exploitation Co., Ltd.                                              -1,249,923.57                               -

( V I I I ) . R e l a t e d P a r t i e s a n d R e l a t e d P a r t y Tr a n s a c t i o n
Relationship between related parties
—Related parties with controlling relationship with the Company
—— Related parties with controlling relationship with the Company are as follows:

                             Registration                                                                        Organization          Legal
Name of company                                                Main business                        with the
                                place                                                                               code           representative

English Translation for Reference Only

                        Registration                                                                Organization       Legal
Name of company                                      Main business                     with the
                           place                                                                       code        representative

Foshan Chansheng      No.64 Fenjiang       Manufacturing electronic ballasts,
Electronic Ballast     North Raod,       electronic transformers and electronic      Subsidiary       75207544-3   Zhong Xincai
Co., Ltd.                Foshan                         triggers.

Foshan Chanchang        Cangjiang         Production and operation of lamps,
Electric Appliance    Industrial Park,     electric light source products and
                                                                                     Subsidiary       77920377-5   Zhong Xincai
(Gaoming)     Co.,       Gaoming          accessories, installation and related
Ltd.                  District, Foshan   engineering and consulting business.

                        Cangjiang         Research, development, production
Foshan      Taimei
                      Industrial Park,     and sales of lighting, household
Times Lamps and                                                                      Subsidiary       78203558-1    Zhao Yong
                         Gaoming         appliances and accessories and other
Lanterns Co., Ltd.
                      District, Foshan            lighting products.

                        Side of the
                                         Making arrangement (tourist industry,
Foshan Gaoming        Reservoir, Hefu
                                         catering service, sauna, foot-bathing,
Fuwan Landscape       Road, Hecheng                                                  Subsidiary       79623406-3   Zhong Xincai
                                         games, retail of beverages, sports on
Resort Co., Ltd.           Street,
                                                   the water, chess)
                      District, Foshan
                                              Production of energy-saving
                                          photoelectric source products, lamps
Nanjing    Fozhao
                                         and lanterns, light source equipments,
Lighting              Honglan Town,
                                               illumination engineering;
Components            Lishui County,                                                 Subsidiary      74539880-X    Zhong Xincai
                                             technological development of
Manufacturing Co.,       Nanjing
                                            energy-saving and production of
                                             relevant components; sales of
                                                self-production products
                       Hefu Road E.,
                                         R&D and production of electric light
Foshan    Lighting      Cangjiang
                                          source lamp products and relevant
Lamps           and   Industrial Park,                                               Subsidiary       68638090-8   Zhong Xincai
                                         electric engineering materials, metal
Lanterns Co., Ltd.       Gaoming
                                           material and non-metal material
                      District, Foshan
                                         Production and sales of electric light
                      No.428, Office
                                          source equipment and electric light
Foshan Electrical &     Building,
                                         source products, sales of accessories
Lighting               Management
                                          of electric light source, electric light   Subsidiary       68818685-0   Zhong Xincai
(Xinxiang)     Co.,    Board, Henan
                                         source materials, electric engineering
Ltd.                     Xinxiang
                                            materials, accessories for motor
                      Industrial Park
                                            vehicles, lamps and components

Foshan Chanchang
                      No.64 Fenjiang       Manufacturing bromine tungsten
                       North Road,       lamp, special lighting source products      Subsidiary      61762135-X    Zhong Xincai
Components Co.,
                         Foshan                  and ancillary devices

                       4th Floor, No.
Qinghai     Fozhao     26 Chuangye
Lithium Ion Battery        Road,         Manufacturing and selling lithium ion
                                                                                     Subsidiary       69854199-1   Zhong Xincai
Cathode Materials        Nanchuan             battery cathode materials
Co., Ltd              Industrial Park
                      District, Xining

English Translation for Reference Only

                        Registration                                                                       Organization           Legal
Name of company                                          Main business                    with the
                           place                                                                              code            representative

                      Foshan lighting
Guangdong Fozhao       land, (Fuwan)                  Producing and selling
New Light Sources     Industrial Park,          LED-light-source products, LED
                                                                                         Subsidiary         57643390-9       Zhong Xincai
Technology   Co.,     Hecheng Street,        lighting applied products, and lighting
Ltd.                     Gaoming                       installation project
                      District, Foshan
                                             Finance lease, lease, consultation and
                      No.64 Fenjiang
                                               guarantee for lease transactions, as
Guangdong Fozhao       North Raod,
                                                well as finance lease and service
Financial Leasing      Chancheng                                                         Subsidiary         57641298-0       Zou Jianping
                                              concerning new energy automobiles
Co., Ltd.                District,
                                             and main components, energy-saving
                                                 lighting products and projects

——Registered capital of related parties existing controlling relationship with the Company and its change
                                                                                                       Decrease in
           Name of company                        Opening amount           Increase in this period                        Closing amount
                                                                                                       this period
Foshan Chansheng Electronic Ballast
                                                    RMB1,000,000.00                                                        RMB1,000,000.00
Co., Ltd.
Foshan Chanchang Electric Appliance
                                                   RMB72,782,944.06                                                       RMB72,782,944.06
(Gaoming) Co., Ltd.
Foshan Taimei Times          Lamps     and
                                                      RMB500,000.00                                                          RMB500,000.00
Lanterns Co., Ltd.
Foshan Gaoming       Fuwan    Landscape
                                                    RMB4,800,000.00                                                        RMB4,800,000.00
Resort Co., Ltd.
Nanjing Fozhao Lighting Components
                                                   RMB41,683,200.00                                                       RMB41,683,200.00
Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Foshan Lighting Lamps and Lanterns
                                                   RMB 5,000,000.00                                                       RMB 5,000,000.00
Co., Ltd.
Foshan Electrical & Lighting (Xinxiang)
                                                   RMB10,000,000.00                                                       RMB10,000,000.00
Co., Ltd.
Qinghai Fozhao Lithium Ion Battery
                                                   RMB42,000,000.00                                                       RMB42,000,000.00
Cathode Materials Co., Ltd
Guangdong Fozhao New Light Sources
                                                                            RMB10,000,000.00                            RMB10,000,000.00
Technology Co., Ltd.
Guangdong Fozhao Financial Leasing
                                                                            RMB200,000,000.00                           RMB200,000,000.00
Co., Ltd.

——Shares or equity held by related parties existing controlling relationship with the Company and its change
    Name of                                                     Increase in this
                      Opening amount           Proportion                               in this        Closing amount       Proportion
    company                                                         period
Chansheng              RMB750,000.00              75%                                                   RMB750,000.00          75%
Electronic Ballast
Co., Ltd.
         Electric    RMB50,948,060.84             70%                                                 RMB50,948,060.84         70%
  (Gaoming) Co.,

    English Translation for Reference Only

    Foshan Taimei
    Times Lamps and           RMB350,000.00         70%                                                  RMB350,000.00           70%
    Lanterns Co., Ltd.
    Foshan Gaoming
    Fuwan Landscape         RMB4,800,000.00        100%                                                RMB4,800,000.00           100%
    Resort Co., Ltd.
    Nanjing Fozhao
    Components              RMB41,683,200.00       100%                                              RMB41,683,200.00            100%
    Co., Ltd.

    Foshan Lighting
    Lamps         and       RMB5,000,000.00        100%                                                RMB5,000,000.00           100%
    Lanterns Co., Ltd.

    Foshan Electrical
    &        Lighting       RMB5,000,000.00        100%                                                RMB5,000,000.00           100%
    (Xinxiang) Co.,
    Qinghai Fozhao
    Lithium        Ion      RMB25,500,00.00         51%                                                RMB25,500,00.00           51%
    Battery Cathode
    Materials Co., Ltd
    Fozhao     New
    Light    Sources                                              RMB10,00,000.00                      RMB10,00,000.00           55%
    Technology Co.,

    Fozhao Financial                                           RMB200,000,000.00                    RMB200,000,000.00            100%
    Leasing Co., Ltd.

    —Joint ventures
 Name of                                      Corporate                                   Shareho       rights
              Enterprise       Registered                     Business       Registered                                            Organiza
 invested                                    representati                                  lding      ration in     Relation
                type             place                         nature         capital                                              tion code
  entity                                          ve                                       ratio      invested
               Company                                            and
Lithium                                        Zhong                         RMB 100       38%          38%        Joint-stock     6991880
               of limited       Qinghai                     utilization of
Energy                                         Xincai                         million                               company          0-2
                liability                                      salt lake
n Co., Ltd.
Guangdong                                                   production,
Fozhao                                                      and sales of
Guoxuan                                                     lithium ion      RMB 50        50%          50%        Joint-stock     5778782
               of limited      Gaoming         Li Zhen
Power                                                       batteries and    million                                company        7-2
Energy                                                      their
Co., Ltd.                                                   controlling

    — Related parties without controlling relationship with the Company
                         Name of related parties                                              Relationship with the Company
    Prosperity (Hangzhou) Lighting and Electrical Co., Ltd.                       Company controlled by related natural person
    Hangzhou Times Lighting and Electrical Co., Ltd.                              Company controlled by related natural person

 English Translation for Reference Only

 Prosperity Electrical (China) Co., Ltd.                                              Company controlled by related natural person
 Prosperity Lamps and Components Ltd.                                         Shareholder holding more than 5% equity of the Company
 Prosperity (Xinxiang) Electro-Optical Machinery Co., Ltd                             Company controlled by related natural person
 Prosperity (Xinxiang) Lighting Machinery Co., Ltd.                                   Company controlled by related natural person
 OSRAM (China) Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                     Company influenced by related natural person
 Qinghai Salt Lake Fozhao Lanke Lithium Industry Co., Ltd.                          Company significantly influenced by the Company

 Related transaction
 —Purchase of raw materials
                                              Pricing method               Amount of this period                  Amount of last period
                            Content of         and decision                                  Proportion                           Proportion
 Name of enterprise            related         procedure of                                 in purchase                          in purchase
                            transaction            related                 Amount                                 Amount
                                                                                               of this                              of last
                                                transaction                                    period                               period
Prosperity  Lamps           Purchase of                                7,713,839.73              1.26%
and Components Ltd.          materials
                                                  Market price                                                  6,263,509.08         1.43%

Prosperity Electrical       Purchase of                                7,686,012.78              1.27%
(China) Co., Ltd.            materials
                                                  Market price                                                  4,354,400.26         1.00%

                            Purchase of
(Xinxiang) Lighting                               Market price                                                   118,235.80          0.03%
Machinery Co., Ltd.
Hangzhou        Times
                            Purchase of
Lighting           and
                                                  Market price                                                      2,880.80         0.00%
Electrical Co., Ltd.

        Total                                                         15,399,852.51             2.53%          10,739,025.94         2.46%
 — Sale of products
                                                  Pricing method            Amount of this period                 Amount of last period
                              Content of           and decision
  Name of enterprise             related           procedure of                             Proportion                           Proportion
                              transaction              related             Amount            in sale of           Amount          in sale of
                                                    transaction                             this period                          last period

 Prosperity Lamps and              Sale of
 Components Ltd.                  products
                                                   Market price       34,885,225.09             3.10%          41,373,390.88         5.06%

 Prosperity (Hangzhou)
                                   Sale of
 Lighting             and
                                                   Market price            573,026.39           0.05%           6,276,461.45         0.77%
 Electrical Co., Ltd.
 Prosperity Electrical             Sale of
 (China) Co., Ltd.                products
                                                   Market price            807,242.79           0.07%           1,831,239.51         0.22%

 OSRAM          (China)            Sale of
                                                   Market price        7,363,966.70             0.65%          12,129,639.12         1.48%
 Lighting Co., Ltd.               products

          Total                                                       43,629,460.97             3.87%          61,610,730.96         7.53%

 —Sale of materials
                                                          Pricing            Amount of this period                 Amount of last period
                                                       method and
                                     Content of
                                                          decision                           Proportion                        Proportion in
     Name of enterprise                related
                                                       procedure of         Amount            in sale of         Amount         sale of last
                                                           related                           this period                          period
 Prosperity Lamps           and        Sale of
 Components Ltd.                      materials
                                                       Market price
                                                                                        -                  -     41,743.49           1.25%

English Translation for Reference Only

Prosperity  (Hangzhou)
                                    Sale of
Lighting and Electrical
                                                  Market price                                      -                          4.08%
Co., Ltd.                                                                         -                       136,008.34
Prosperity        Electrical        Sale of
(China) Co., Ltd.                  materials
                                                  Market price
                                                                                  -                 -         5,326.5          0.16%

Hangzhou Times Lighting             Sale of
and Electrical Co., Ltd.           materials
                                                  Market price
                                                                                  -                 -        8,496.00          0.25%

             Total                                                                -                 -     191,574.33           5.74%
—Purchase of fixed assets
                                               Pricing method          Amount of this period                Amount of last period
                               Content of       and decision                       Proportion in                         Proportion in
  Name of enterprise              related       procedure of                        purchase of                           purchase of
                               transaction          related           Amount                              Amount
                                                                                  fixed assets of                       fixed assets of
                                                 transaction                        this period                           last period
Prosperity (Xinxiang)
                            Purchase of
Electro-Optical                                 Market price     657,450.00              1.30%           435,200.00            1.28%
Machinery Co., Ltd
Prosperity    (Xinxiang)
                            Purchase of
Lighting      Machinery                         Market price                                             818,180.00            2.41%
Co., Ltd.

         Total                                                   657,450.00              1.30%          1,253,380.00           3.69%
— Payment of selling commission
The Agreement on Products Sales Commission and Supplementary Agreement were signed between the
Company and Prosperity Lamps and Components Ltd., in which the Company should pay product sales
commission to Prosperity Lamps and Components Ltd. according to a certain percentage (between 3% and 5%)
of the actual amount of goods purchased from the Company. In the 1st half year of 2011, the Company paid
selling commission RMB 762,758.88.

— Balance of accounts receivable of related parties
                                                                 Closing amount                             Opening amount
                 Related parties                                                Bad debt                                  Bad debt
                                                        Book balance                                Book balance
                                                                                provision                                 provision
Accounts receivable
Prosperity (Hangzhou) Lighting and Electrical
Co., Ltd.                                                2,486,689.81           149,201.39              3,919,316.55      235,158.99

Prosperity Electrical (China) Co., Ltd.                    381,693.37            22,901.60               426,974.16        25,618.45

OSRAM (China) Lighting Co., Ltd.                         2,726,375.17           163,582.51              4,108,677.86      246,520.67

Prosperity Lamps and Components Ltd.                    19,421,410.65          1,165,284.64         11,162,476.52         669,748.59
Prosperity (Xinxiang) Lighting Machinery Co.,
Ltd.                                                                                                      54,330.00          3,259.80

Other receivables

Qinghai Salt Lake Fozhao Lanke Lithium
Industry Co., Ltd.                                                                                      1,787,079.84      107,224.79
Qinghai FSL Lithium Energy Exploitation Co.,
Ltd.                                                                                                       4,960.00            297.60

English Translation for Reference Only

— Balance of accounts payable of related parties
                            Related parties                                  Closing amount          Opening amount
Accounts payable

Prosperity Lamps and Components Ltd.                                                                       2,817,150.42

Prosperity Electrical (China) Co., Ltd.                                                                    2,060,376.00

OSRAM (China) Lighting Co., Ltd.                                                                             79,858.62


Prosperity (Xinxiang) Electro-Optical Machinery Co., Ltd                                                    422,749.24

Prosperity (Xinxiang) Lighting Machinery Co., Ltd.                                1,281,611.22              520,000.00

(IX). C ontingent Events
As at 30 Jun. 2011, the Company has no contingent events that need to be disclosed.

(X). Commitments
In accordance with the Equipment Purchase and Construction Contract signed by the Company, the Company
shall pay about RMB15,775,200 for relevant projects in 2011.

(XI). Supplementary Inf ormation
1. Extraordinary gains and losses
Item of extraordinary gains and losses are calculated according to related provisions of China Securities
Regulatory Commission, ―Interpretation Notice for Information Disclosures by Companies that Offer Securities
to the Public No. 1: Extraordinary Gains and Losses (revised in 2008)‖
                              Items                                   Amount of this period      Amount of last period
Gains on disposal of non-current assets, including reversal of the
impairment loss                                                                -5,125,258.92                 -44,259.98
Government grant recognized in profits and losses of the current
year, except for those government subsidies closely related to the
Company’s business, and received at national statutory standard
and amount                                                                       710,499.98                1,298,249.58
Gain/loss from change of fair value of transactional assets and
liabilities, and investment gains from disposal of transactional
financial assets and liabilities and available-for-sale financial
assets, other than valid hedging related to the Company’s
common businesses                                                                  14,033.17                 178,118.10
Included in current profit and loss against the non-financial
enterprises occupation fee funds collected                                       165,423.00                   29,902.50
The investment cost of subsidiaries obtained by the enterprise,
joint ventures and partnership enterprise is less than the revenues
generated from the fair value of identifiable net assets of the
unvested units                                                                                             4,698,752.91
Other non-business income and expenditures other than the
above                                                                            150,212.49               -2,252,064.25

Subtotal                                                                       -4,085,090.28               3,908,698.86

Less: Influenced amount of income tax (―-‖ shows decrease)                     -686,488.26                 583,446.58

      English Translation for Reference Only

      Influenced amount of minor shareholders’ gains and losses                          12,531.94                   6,502.01

      Net extraordinary gains and losses attributable to common                                                   3,318,750.27
      shareholders of the Company                                                      -3,411,133.96

      2. Return on Equity and Earnings per Share in the Consolidated Financial Statement
      According to the requirements of China Securities Regulatory Commission, ―Compilation Rules for
      Information Disclosures by the Companies that Offer Securities to the Public No. 9: Calculation and Disclosure
      of Net Return of Equity and Earnings per Share (revised in 2010)‖, net return on equity and earnings per share
      presented in the consolidated financial statement are calculated in the reporting period:

                                                              Return on equity(%)            Earnings per share(RMB Yuan)
                                                                   Weighted average             Basic EPS            Diluted EPS

                        Net profit attributable to the
                                                                         4.39                     0.12                  0.12
                        Company’s common shareholders

The 1st half year of 2011 Net profit attributable to the
                          Company’s common shareholders                 4.52                     0.12                  0.12
                          after deducting extraordinary
                          gains and losses

                        Net profit attributable to the                   3.20                     0.08                  0.08
                        Company’s common shareholders

The 1st half year of 2010 Net profit attributable to the
                          Company’s common shareholders                 3.07                     0.08                  0.08
                          after deducting extraordinary
                          gains and losses

      Formulas for computing various indexes are as follows:
      (1) Weighted average ROE =P0/(E0+NP÷2+Ei×Mi÷M0– Ej×Mj÷M0±Ek×Mk÷M0)
      Of which: P0 refers to Net profit attributable to common shareholders of the Company or net profit attributable
      to common shareholders of the Company after deducting non-recurring gains and losses; NP refers net profit
      attributable to common shareholders of the Company; E0 refers to opening net assets attributable to common
      shareholders of the Company; Ei refers to additional net assets attributable to common shareholders of the
      Company due to new share issuance or turning debts into shares in the report period; Ej refers to reduced net
      assets attributable to common shareholders of the Company due to buy-back business or cash dividends in the
      report period; M0 refers to the number of months during the report period; Mi refers to the number of months
      from the next month when net assets increased to the end of the report period; Mj refers to the number of
      months from the next month when net assets decreased to the end of the report period; Ek refers to change of
      increase/decrease of net assets due to other transaction events; Mk refers to the number of months from the next
      month when other net assets changed the end of the report period.
      (2) Basic EPS =P0÷S
      S= S0+S1+Si×Mi÷M0– Sj×Mj÷M0-Sk(= total number of shares at the period-begin + the number of shares
      increased due to transferring capital reserve into share capital + number of shares increased due to issuance of
      new shares * the next month for increase of shares/the number of months during the report period)
      Of which: P0 refers to net profit attributable to shareholders holding ordinary shares or net profit attributable to
      shareholders holding ordinary shares after deducting non-recurring gains and losses; S weighted average
      number of ordinary shares issued out; S0 refers to total number of shares at the period-begin; S1 refers to the
      number of shares increased due to transferring capital reserve into share capital or dividend distribution of
      shares during the report period; Si refers to the number of shares increased due to issuance of new shares or
      debt for equity swap during the report period; Sj refers to the number of shares decreased due to stock
      repurchase during the report period; Sk refers to the number of split-share during the report period; M0 refers to

English Translation for Reference Only

the number of months during the report period; Mi refers to the number of months from the next month to the
end of the report period for increase of shares; Mj refers to the number of months from the next month to the
end of the report period for decrease of shares
Denominator of EPS for 2009 and 2010 being:
S= 978,563,745shares
(3) Diluted EPS =P1/(S0+S1+Si×Mi÷M0–Sj×Mj÷M0–Sk+ weighted average amount of ordinary shares
increased due to subscription warrant, stock options, convertible bonds, etc.)
Of which, P1 refers to net profit attributable to shareholders holding ordinary shares or net profit attributable to
shareholders holding ordinary shares after deducting non-recurring gains and losses. The Company considered
all influence of dilutive potential ordinary share against net profit and made adjustment according to the
provisions of Accounting Standard for Business Enterprise. When the Company calculated diluted EPS, it shall
consider all influence of dilutive potential ordinary share against net profit attributable to shareholders holding
ordinary shares or net profit attributable to shareholders holding ordinary shares after deducting non-recurring
gains and losses, till to minimum diluted EPS.

                                    VIII. Documents Available for Reference
(I). Original document of Semi-annual Report 2011 signed by legal representative;
(II) Financial statements signed and sealed by legal representative, principal of accounting work, and manager
of finance department;
(III) In the reporting period, all originals of the Company’s documents and public notices have been publicly
disclosed in China Securities Journal, Securities Times, and Ta Kung Pao.
The above documents are placed in the secretary office of the Board of Directors, No.64 Fenjiang North Road,

                                                                     Board of Directors
                                                            Foshan Electrical and Lighting Co., Ltd.
                                                                          15 Aug. 2011
